#I'm not even taking these seriously anymore
brightstar2000 · 10 hours
"Your past doesn't define you"
I think some people need to take this to heart. This applies to, not just Moon, but Nexus too.
Yes, Moon did horrible things in the past, i will not try to sugarcoat or gloss over that, but he is and has been making a genuine effort to be better than he used to be, and he is better than he used to be. He even acknowledged how he dislikes being so short tempered when Goliath made that poke at Sun. He's aware of what he's done and wants to improve.
Nexus, on the other hand is the opposite. He started good, that is undeniable and he kept it up for a while until he began to deteriorate after Solar died. He's made it very clear now that he intends to harm Sun's family. If infecting Moon a little bit with the negative star power first didn't make that clear, him nearly killing him the other day made it abundantly clear. He refused Solar's help as well. He doesn't want to change back to how he used to be, but people continue to defend him and hate on Moon.
I'm not saying to ignore the abuse that Moon put Sun through, but at least look at him now, making an actual effort to change and be better. Look, if an ex abuser is making real genuine efforts to become better as a person, and even acknowledges their slip ups when they happen and takes the steps to prevent them from happening again, i see that as a redeemable person. Moon is redeemable in this sense and i am willing to give him a chance.
Nexus? I do not see any redeemable qualities about him anymore except the very vague hope that he may still come back. That New Moon is still possibly in there somewhere. Yet with each encounter so far, that small hope i have dies more and more and is genuinely almost entirely gone by this point. For me, as of right now, where the lore stands, Nexus is irredeemable. His past does not define him. Same with Moon. The differences between them are that they both are going in opposite directions from eachother. Moon getting better, Nexus getting worse.
Moon had a kill code that influenced his actions. It is clear that he did not want to do the things he did himself. He expresses extreme guilt and regret, going so far as to say he would trade his life so the victims he killed could live again.
Nexus did not have a kill code. He still doesn't. He chose to start doing all of the things he is doing himself. I know Dark Sun helped it along, but i seriously doubt Dark Sun pitched the idea for Nexus to start injecting himself with negative star power. And i said it so many times before, but grief did not give Nexus the right to do what he did to his ex family. Not even when he had his psychosis snap. His ex family still are not to blame for that. They also had their own grief to get through at the time. Nexus didn't let them try to help him. Nexus had no outside influence before Dark Sun got him to make him become like he was when he nearly killed Earth. It was all himself and that is why i have such a hard time believing he is still good inside.
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eats-a-berry · 5 months
ngl its wild seeing people say toshiro's reaction to chimera falin was because she was not longer "palatable" to him like yeah i would be freaking the fuck out if my former party members' attempt to save someone important to us turned her into a murderous chimera on a rampage who just killed all of our party members in front of us and only barely had any traces of herself left in her. i WOULD want to, y'know, let her rest instead of attempting to defy death by further mangling her beyond comprehension because these people have shown they have no idea what they're doing and have apparently caused a fate worse than death for her. it's pretty much just the flip side of the coin and "letting falin go" is, in fact, a lesson the crew has to learn by the end
i don't think faligon is falin's "true nature", i think it's an extreme end consequence of her issues: one where she has little free will, is on complete autopilot, and is controlled by another person.
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rocketbirdie · 3 months
thinking about how zack was such a fighty angry kid at first in crisis core, and how he learned to bottle it all up because nobody took his feelings seriously.
i bet zack died on that cliff resentful and enraged and covering it up with a thin layer of heroic cheer, just like he always has.
he was so close. he was so tired. he tried to be a hero and it turned him into a monster instead, slaughtering hundreds and hundreds of infantrymen, all to protect just one. and it didn't even matter because they still won. shinra still fucking won.
zack lost his entire sense of self and identity to SOLDIER and shinra, and now they're taking his life too, right when he was this close. not just to physical freedom, but mental freedom too. and he copes with the indignation the same way he always has: he's so Nice about it.
and so he dies as a friendly nobody, instead of what he really was deep down: a scared, angry, exhausted kid.
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hopalongfairywren · 5 months
Also I've said this a bunch of times but I'm just... c!puffy's reaction to her friends betraying her and slaughtering her son in front of her is immediately labeled as a villain arc by the fandom. Coupled with one of her next streams being titled 'from mother to monster' even though... she never really ends up doing anything worse than being a dick to c!Ponk a couple times later. I honestly think now that it was never meant to be a 'villain arc' or at least I hope not, but instead how Puffy percieved herself after the banquet, and after her hero complex got wounded. Her post banquet ranting is more of an angry, traumatized and grieving parent venting than some epic plotting revenge girlboss moment. Even if the fansong made about that was so fucking cool.
Seriously though... c!Puffy my girl. You have so many unfinished plotlines and shunted narrative potential and I love you please take a nap ma'am.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
I'm actually so sick and fucking tired of people who think covid is comparable to the flu. Just bc you or a family member got it and didn't die doesn't mean it's not super fucking serious and life threatening, ESPECIALLY for disabled people/people with health issues/autoimmune disorders. Every time my father sees me wearing a mask he rants about how covid is just like the flu and that everyone is over reacting and [insert shitty conspiracy theory here] and it makes me so upset every goddamn time. I got covid half a year ago, despite doing everything right, thanks to my parents' stupidity. I was sick for 13 days, entirely bedridden and feverish for 9 of those days. I physically couldn't get out of bed, not even to piss, the entire first day my mother had to half carry me everywhere. Same thing the second day, when she dragged me to the doctor where I tested positive. The first five days, I couldn't even look at an electronic device and had to keep the lights off all the time bc I'd actually vomit. I had a migraine that didn't go away no matter what medicine I took, for the entire the first week. My nose was constantly stuffy and my sinuses were so backed up I couldn't breathe through my nose, which made breathing in general so difficult and painful bc my asthma was also exacerbated. So my chest hurt too. All my normal chronic pain was magnified tenfold. I had a 103 fever for three days in a row, then it fluctuated between 98-100 the rest of the time. Thinking about it right now I still remember the pain and how it felt. I've had strep throat, a lot as a kid. I've had chicken pox, and the flu several times, because my parents never fucking vaccinated us. I have never been more sick in my goddamn life than I was with covid. And this is just me. Yes I'm disabled and yes I'm still being tested for possible autoimmune disorders (my mom and her whole side of the family have them) but even still I'm not nearly as at risk as a lot of people, and I was still more affected than anyone in my entire family, who have all also gotten covid because of their own stupidity. My taste and smell were never affected, but I'm still losing hair from it, which is apparently also a symptom I never knew about.
Wear. Your fucking. Masks. Covid is still around, it's still super fucking serious, it is NOT just like the flu, and you had fucking better take it seriously. Even if you don't care about getting it yourself, at least show some goddamn consideration for others whose health and lives are at risk.
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clouseplayssims · 5 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but get yourself a shower stool.
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milfbro · 5 months
gooooooooddddddd i hate water i can't take this anymooooooooooooooore
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noromantichero · 3 months
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LITERALLY SOBBING it’s such an honor
<3!!! you're welcome!!!!! i did my research (because im a huge nerd) & yes -- i found your account around late january this year & started drawing again in february -- starting mostly with oc art & developed into a lot more hk+other fanart stuff ^_^!
i stopped drawing regularly around february 2023 because that's around when i had my first college exams & since then i just Stopped because i got busy with studying & i applied to like uhhh very Good universities with hard acceptance rates so i lost it... (even though i had been regularly hobby drawing since 2017).
i'm just very grateful you inspired me again to get back into it. & i admit i've lost a lot of my talent & my art i'm often not Super Happy with but it's a start & i'm enjoying myself anyway xP!!!
you're literally so awesome. thank you so much for inadvertently doing this to me. & i'm so glad we can be mutuals/(friends? i'm very scared of acting too close & messaging people)!!!!!!!
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astrxealis · 5 months
i will return on tumblr soon bcs i'm graduating hs soon and acads r done so i have a Lot of time on my hands for now Anyway can i just say am very proud of myself. got into the Top 1 school in my country, top campus, and a vv competitive stem course. yay 😁💝💘❤️‍🔥✨
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#it's hilarious bcs i got waitlisted for compsci#which i'm actually rlly proud of bcs i didn't take the exams that seriously and most of jhs was online#compsci competitive af man#but i prove my worth both online & onsite ^_^ always straight As baby! even this gr 12 LOL <3#i got into my 3rd choice (2nd choice was psych i am So glad i didn't get in i ended up not wanting it anymore. also competitive asf so i'm#ok w that) WHICH IS the best possible outcome actually bcs it Is my dream course.#i will reveal more another time tho ... >:)) Anyway am just super proud hehe. also of my twin (we both passed & all that <3) ^___^#also my friends !! barely any passed actually and even then i know only like 10-15 of ppl in my whole school who Did pass#and less so for their first choice/dream course or their preferred campus#MWHAHAHAHAHA >:))) ok i'm not shitting on anyone tho i'm just so so so proud and happy#gbye i am busy tho relaxing LMFAO i've been getting 12 hours of sleep the last 3 days. god. school was tiring af#but i'm a weirdo so it's fun B) Amen. i like saying amen despite being this rlly agnostic/atheist person LMFAOOO#upcat i love u. ty for loving me LMFAOOAOAOAOAOAOAO#so proud idk ig. i knew i'd make it (i hope thsi doesn't come off as pretentious) but i didn't know exactly Where#but the universe did its thing and i got into my dream school dream campus dream course#unsure abt dream school really but it's upd or not up. and also def my dream course ^_^
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bloomfish · 6 months
Once more with feeling is really the pinnacle and best of all musical episodes. I'm basing that on nothing because I don't think I've ever seen any other musical episodes. But I'm also saying this as someone who generally dislikes musicals (OMWF and O Brother Where Art Thou being notable exceptions) and yet this is one of my favourite episodes of Buffy. Even as a cynical teen I was obsessed with it, it's probably the episode of... anything that I've seen the most times. And it's not just because the musical element is actually explained in the lore by a demon that curses everyone to sing and dance, but because of the way the musical numbers are used to further character development and the relationships between the characters.
Similarly to Hush (also a masterpiece), the entire point of the episode is that dialogue/conversation sometimes isn't enough to express what needs to be expressed; it's just a use of music as a narrative device in such a masterful and conscious way. Honestly it makes me think that I would actually like musicals if I didn't find the... Music itself generally off-putting and cringey (as well as Musical Theatre Voice. Like the way that they sing.)
and I am sure there are other examples of musicals like this that I simply havent given a chance yet. Things like sound of music/west side story I find unbearably twee and I could not get through Les mis it was Too Much Drama. But there is truly nothing wrong with musical numbers themselves as a concept and in fact they can do so much beyond simple dialogue– I think it just needs to be a balance between not taking itself too seriously but also having, I guess, an honest respect for the possibilities of the medium itself.
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autiezo · 8 months
Wondering if I have the spare energy to run an active 'Emotional Support Kim Kitsuragi' tumblr blog
I do have the writing skill. Do I have the will to keep it alive, to have it thrive?
I don't know.
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deva-arts · 6 months
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☆ Nathaniel Wilson ☆
I Really Like Nathaniel because the guy embodies Hope and Positivity without forcing it down the gullets of everyone around him.
He looks like he'd be a pleasant individual to actually be around at 7 am. Even before his coffee. [ Sera should be too, she doesn't seem like an unbearable person to be around in La Matinée ( the Morning ) . But still, she is alot grumpier than her other half. ]
With that said. Insert Happy music here. Nujabes or Smth.
Submitted by @mettamorphoses!
Love the way you drew Nate here! such a clean style and serious face :> He's my favorite little quadfocal guy... friendly, polite, and a good conversationalist! You're absolutely right, he's one of the easiest people to get along with. It's almost like he knows exactly what to say to people.
Sera isn't grumpy so much as she is disinterested and dismissive. She heads to work without bothering to make small talk besides a basic "Hello." if she passes you by. Not the worst outcome, really, if silence doesn't bother you.
#submission#yeah. i'm in Tags too. wassup witchu#Aight but seriously i wonder how literally anyone would be like at 7 am.#Deva's tags start here =>#If he's home for the day he will always be a good conversationalist and offer breakfast or coffee on a morning#This is literally so cool#queued post#As for people at 7 am...#Sera is up by 4 AM unless Nate doesn't have work. By 7 she has already had breakfast and gotten ready to work on her projects.#If you catch her it is likely after she returns from a morning flight. She'll be civil but it can easily come off the wrong way. aw.#Nate takes a lot of long shifts that stretch into the night. Due to this he and Sera have very contrasting schedules.#If you see him in the morning it is usually only because of the weekend or whatever other days he takes off. He is a very tired guy#Vincent has a very erratic schedule and he is always out and about doing things that fancy him#He is also a HEAVY sleeper. Nothing can really wake him except for a very specific noise#Said sound makes him wake up in a horrendous mood. Most mornings are thankfully safe from this sort of temper.#It is hard to say what new bizarre thing he will get himself into next. Like doomcrying while hidden on the roof of a religious congregatio#Sonia is not up by 7 AM without a good reason to be. She is down at the kitchen in a bathrobe by 9 to eat some breakfast.#Which made her the unknowing first victim of Vincent's newly founded pyramid scheme#Amon is a late riser since he is still used to his old schedule from his time at the Ricciardi mafia. Sleeps late? wakes late!#If it's a weekday he will always be up at 6 AM regardless of the amount he slept to take Adra to school.#Eric tends to wake up early but often gets caught up in personal projects. He loves music and editing his tracks but it really eats his tim#So Eric will be going to sleep at 4 and see Sera making herself coffee whilst Nate is also coming home from work and crashing on the couch.#Not even Amon heads in that late. Maybe Vincent does though. If he's “Traversing the night.” Like he says he does.#Vince can't see very well at night anymore. And the sun is almost blinding now. But it's nothing to an immortal like him! ha! bow before hi
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godtears · 1 month
I really hate that ever since I got the fucked up news about my eyes I've just been feeling like everyone in my life fucking hates me and doesn't want to be around me. So I'm starting to get a little quieter around other people. I guess they got what they wanted, I finally figured out how to shut the fuck up.
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ssaalexblake · 10 months
The fandom experience is watching Those spi/rk fans say the problem is that they paired spock with the Wrong woman and everybody was fine with Uhura and Spock in the aos movies like i do not remember very easily with no trouble at all the metric shitton of racist misogynistic biphobic sludge that came from fandom from that other thing actually happening in those movies.
Like, I was not even IN the fandom then and I saw all that from the outside, so that means it would have been worse behind the curtain. This is not the argument you think it is.
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sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
i wasnt planning on watching agatha all along but you made me want to see the trailer at least to see if i was interested and like 20 seconds in i turned it off bc i hate watching trailers for things im excited for thank you show looks so fun
my influence... <3
#yessss i love infectious excitement!!!#in all seriousness i am SO excited!! it's being led by the creator of wandavision so i know it will be good#man i don't really blog about it as much because it was a TOTALLY different experience for me than loki but wandavision was my fave tv#experience EVER. it was at the height of marvel hype so every week you'd have these wild theories swarming about.#everyone was constantly yelling about mephisto#i was still in high school and kids would set alarms to wake up when the episodes dropped and then we'd talk about it at school#it was SO communal in a way we don't really get anymore because people are burnt out when it comes to superheroes (which is valid bc same)#also. just the use of television history as a medium to explore grief.#HELLO??? jac schaeffer you are a genius??? oh my god???#progressing from the black and white romanticized 1950's to the jolly family 70's to the dry 2010's like oh my gosh.#and just when you think you understand the tone of the show something creepy will happen and it would always take my breath away#the suspense was killer. and you wanted to know so BADLY what was really going on. because it was all too good to be true. we saw him die.#AUGH! i have such fond memories. especially when agatha all along was dropped on itunes omg there were jokes!#anyway. this is a very long ramble but i loved wandavision but sort of in a way where i don't even want to blog about it#because honestly i have nothing to add to the conversation. it just was (to me) perfect.#so i have high hopes. and a devastating crush on aubrey plaza since i was 14. and deep reverence for patti lupone as a theatre kid.#and joe locke serves down. we know this to be true. and he'll be playing BILLY??? oh just strike me down NOW it's so good#also i have the utmost faith in kathryn hahn. she is so naturally funny and good at her job. i'm glad she's getting her flowers.#so yay! i'm happy you're excited too!#juni answers
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
I know it's meant to be funny but as someone who also has anxiety-related digestive issues I just feel sad that Izzy literally shat himself after being made responsible for an entire crew
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