#I'm not kidding please if anyone finds this educate me
nothorses · 1 year
"the public education system is intently evil and all teachers are abusive because it was the worst experience ever for me personally"
guys, look, I'm legitimately sorry that happened to you. that's fucked up. it shouldn't have happened, and it shouldn't be allowed to happen again to you or anyone else. I'm sorry.
public school was hard for me too, at times, and I'm still suffering the consequences for the harsh grading, the arbitrary deadlines, the hours of completely useless-to-me homework. I could name a few teachers who have been pretty fucking terrible. the fact that nobody considered getting me evaluated for ADHD has had an impact on my self image and academic success that I can't erase.
and also.
I grew up in an area where education, in particular, is incredibly progressive-leaning. educators are working really hard to create and try out education philosophies and practices that prioritize kids and their learning, rather than teachers and what they think kids should learn.
My sex ed was comprehensive, and came entirely from school. My gay sixth grade teacher taught me about HIV/AIDs in a useful, accurate way. In high school, I learned about the way orgasms work & I was prepared not to feel shame for normal stuff.
I learned that Communism was not what the USSR actually practiced, and what it really means. I learned about atrocities and, specifically, the genocide of indigenous people committed in/by the US. I learned about the military industrial complex, the school-to-prison pipeline, and I learned about manifestations of racism specific to my local area. I learned about Stonewall, and the intersection of the civil rights movement with gay rights and disability justice.
My creative writing teacher taught us about LSD, and the real reasons we shouldn't do it, after a hilariously ineffective assembly run by some local cops. He spoke gently, carefully, and emphatically about his friends and his own experiences. Later in the semester, he read us a story he wrote about two gay men finding each other in a deeply homophobic environment.
My sci-fi teacher made me feel safe & seen as a kid with "weird" interests. My US History teacher helped me research and put together a 10-page paper on the modern relevance and mission of Feminism. My government teacher made me feel appreciated for the work I put into the class, and the thought I put into what I said in it, even though he disagreed with a lot of it. My sixth grade teacher bought me books to read with his personal money, whichever ones I asked for. My third grade teacher made me feel safe. My science teacher in middle school made me excited for and passionate about science, and saw and nurtured the effort I put into her class.
A lot of stuff sucks, absolutely. But I am seeing new teaching methods being tried out all the time, and I am watching teachers get really excited when I teach their students about the roots of modern graffiti in US black history & to question property laws, and just...
There's hope. there are so many people doing so much work to make things better. so many people agree with you on what education should be, and are trying so fucking hard to put that into action, and so many public schools- not just teachers, but whole schools and even districts- are really doing that work. so much is getting better.
I had more to say, about necessary childcare and trusted adults and outside contacts and time away from abusive family. But like. Please just sit down and listen to more people on this, and please talk to educators and education professionals about what's really going on in this big huge world of philosophy, science, and practice.
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loukaiitis · 10 months
Notes and Journal Entries by Kip Kinkel
A compilation of writings by Kip Kinkel. This is for informational and educational purposes only. Post is below the cut.
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Disclaimer: the majority of his writing pieces (that have been released to the public) are only available in a typed transcript format, provided by PBS. Because of this, I am only able to include a few images of the original writing. This post will be updated if any new images come out!
Journal Entry by Kip:
"I sit here all alone. I am always alone. I don't know who I am. I want to be something I can never be. I try so hard every day. But in the end, I hate myself for what I've become.
Every single person I know means nothing to me. I hate every person on this earth. I wish they could all go away. You all make me sick. I wish I was dead.
The only reason I stay alive is because of hope. Even though I am repulsive and few people know who I am, I still feel that things might, maybe, just a little bit, get better.
I don't understand any fucking person on this earth. Some of you are so weak, mainly, that a four year old could push you down. I am strong, but my head just doesn't work right. I know I should be happy with what I have, but I hate living.
Every time I talk to her, I have a small amount of hope. But then she will tear it right down. It feels like my heart is breaking. But is that possible. I am so consumed with hate all of the time. Could I ever love anyone? I have feelings, but do I have a heart that's not black and full of animosity?
I know everyone thinks this way sometimes, but I am so full of rage that I feel I could snap at any moment. I think about it everyday. Blowing the school up or just taking the easy way out, and walk into a pep assembly with guns. In either case, people that are breathing will stop breathing. That is how I will repay all you mother fuckers for all you put me through.
I feel like everyone is against me, but no one ever makes fun of me, mainly because they think I am a psycho. There is one kid above all others that I want to kill. I want nothing more than to put a hole in his head. The one reason I don't: Hope. That tomorrow will be better. As soon as my hope is gone, people die.
I ask myself why I hate more than anyone else. I don't know. But my head and heart want him dead. He only knows who I am through reputation, and I know he is scared of me. He should be. One bad day, and there will be a sawed off shotgun in his face or five pounds of Semtex under his bed.
Oh fuck. I sound so pitiful. People would laugh at this if they read it. I hate being laughed at. But they won't laugh after they're scraping parts of their parents, sisters, brothers, and friends from the wall of my hate.
Please. Someone, help me. All I want is something small. Nothing big. I just want to be happy.
End. New day. Today of all days, I ask her to help me. I was shot down. I feel like my heart has been ripped open and ripped apart. Right now, I'm drunk, so I don't know what the hell is happening to me.
It is clear that no one will help me. Oh God, I am so close to killing people. So close.
I gave her all I have, and she just threw it away. Why? Why did God just want me to be in complete misery? I need to find more weapons. My parents are trying to take away some of my guns! My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back.
My eyes hurt. They hurt so bad. They feel like they are trying to crawl out of my head. Why aren't I normal? Help me. No one will. I will kill every last mother fucking one of you. The thought of you is still racing in my head. I am too drunk to make sense.
Every time I see your face, my heart is shot with an arrow. I think she will say yes, but she doesn't, does she? She says, "I don't know". The three most fucked up words in the English language.
I want you to feel this, be this, taste this, kill this. Kill me. Oh God, I don't want to live. Will I see it to the end? What kind of dad would I make? All humans are evil. I just want to end the world of evil.
I don't want to see, hear, speak or feel evil, but I can't help it. I am evil. I want to kill and give pain without a cost. And there is no such thing. We kill him - we killed him a long time ago. Anyone that believes in God is a fucking sheep.
If there was a God, he wouldn't let me feel the way I do. ....Love isn't real, only hate remains. Only hate."
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Essay about love, written by Kip
"Love Sucks
No, I don't believe in love at first sight because love is an evil plot to make people buy alcohol and firearms. When you love someone something it is always taken away from you. I also would like to add that I hate each and every one of you. Because everything I touch turns to shit. I think if you think you fall in love with someone at first sight it might just be lust. Love at first sight is only in movies. Where the people in the movies are better than you. That is why you go to a pone [pawn] shop and buy an AK-15 because you are going to execute every last mother fucking one of you. If I had a heart it would be gray.
It is easier to hate than love. Because there is much more hate and misery in the world than there is love and peace. Some people say that you should love everyone. But that is impossible. Look at our history it is full of death, depression, rape, wars and diseases. I also do not believe in love at first sight. But I do believe in hate at first sight. Therefore love is a much harder feeling to experience."
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Monologue written by Kip for a homework assignment. This monologue was written for the character Tybalt of Romeo and Juliet.
"But you know me, I loathe all of them. I am no longer blind in my hatred, I can see with my hate. Blood will flow until they are all dead. This was the first moment in my life where I had taken the life of another. I loved it. It dispelled all the anger and animosity I was feeling."
Note written by Kip, confessing to the murder of his parents. This was found on a coffee table in the living room of the Kinkel's home.
"I have just killed my parents! I don't know what is happening. I love my mom and dad so much. I just got two felonies on my record. My parents can't take that! It would destroy them. The embarrassment would be too much for them. They couldn't live with themselves. I'm so sorry. I am a horrible son. I wish I had been aborted. I destroy everything I touch. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I didn't deserve them. They were wonderful people. It's not their fault or the fault of any person, organization, or television show. My head just doesn't work right. God damn these VOICES inside my head. I want to die. I want to be gone. But I have to kill people. I don't know why. I am so sorry! Why did God do this to me. I have never been happy. I wish I was happy. I wish I made my mother proud. I am nothing! I tried so hard to find happiness. But you know me I hate everything. I have no other choice. What have I become? I am so sorry"
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A concerning note written by Kip on a Spanish worksheet
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Another concerning note by Kip
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"Respect Sheet" filled out by Kip
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
i find it so interesting to look at sam and dean's respective views of society and people vs monsters, especially in early seasons, and then how that shifts and evolves throughout the show. like when we first meet them dean is very anti establishment whereas sam is literally studying law at an ivy league college. dean is very vocally anti police, and you're like wow for someone who was raised by an authoritarian father and is trying his hardest to please him this guy sure hates authority. he is aware of and cares about issues like racism and classism. but then when it comes to anyone non human he pretty much has no grey area, he sees them all as monsters to be put down. they are Things and they all killed his mum. whereas sam is pretty neutral about people, he doesn't even seem to be aware of systemic inequalities, he has a more individualistic approach to society. but this means he also sees monsters as individuals, just as capable of being good or redeemed.
This has everything to do with the way they grew up and the challenges they faced that affected them the most. dean's biggest challenge was putting food on the table. dean grew up poor and hungry. he was arrested for stealing, he had to use his body to get by, and he had to starve to try and feed sammy. and sam also grew up poor, but he was somewhat shielded from the reality of it. he wasn't the one who had to get food and pay for the extra week in a motel john left them in. his issues were much more personal. because sam knew he was a freak by all standards, he felt impure, and he knew in his heart that the monsters they hunted weren't too different from him. so his hope was in believing that anyone could be saved. anyone could choose to be good. where dean saw a system, with people in power and people who suffered because of them, sam saw grey individuals, and he was drawn in particular to the ones that had something "wrong" with them (max, madison, the kid from bugs, etc)
dean grew up so isolated that he couldn't be individualistic. he could only look at people from afar and that's why he sees the systems. and the violence he faced wasn't targeted at him personally, it was targeted at people like him. poor people, drifters, queer (or queer-looking) people. sam grew up trying to make connections. he made friends, he wanted an education. he tried so hard to belong.
and it's interesting to me that dean ended up being the one who formed the most personal bonds with people who were different, or ostracised, or monsters. see crowley, benny, charlie, claire.
sam tried to build communities (see his s14 arc) but every time he tried to get close to someone it ended in disaster so he ended up keeping his distance. and building a system. throughout the show he takes on leadership roles, and as time progresses he keeps his relationships more and more goal-oriented. whereas dean ends up forming personal bonds with a lot of people, and focusing less on helping oppressed people in general, and more on saving the individuals he cares about. i'm not saying they switched roles, they both kept their original views of the world, but they shifted towards a more confused and confusing moral compass that pointed somewhere in the middle and made it harder for them to understand each other. and ain't that just what growing up is like. dean cared about the whole world as a teen and young adult, but then that became too much to bear, and he had to focus his energy on his circle of loved ones. still caring about the world, but he had individual connections now and had to prioritise them. and sam still saw the potential for redemption and goodness in everyone, but he grew weary of people too, afraid of them or afraid of losing them, and he built walls. tried to help by giving himself missions rather than getting personally and emotionally involved.
psychologically speaking this show is so rich, the characters don't feel one dimensional (despite some of the writers' best efforts), and following their journey for 15 years means we saw them change and evolve, they don't remain the same people they were in season 1, but they keep some of that, and they just grow organically. sometimes i just love spn
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cupidspup · 3 months
CG!Ticci-Toby x Little!Reader
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All art credit above goes to the original artist!!
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OKAY SO-- It's been a long while since I've done a fic (especially an agere one) SO PLEASE BE NICE (╥ᆺ╥;) I love writing but it takes a lot of courage and energy and when it comes to agere fics it's especially for littles who feel lonely and take comfort in reading a fic! I want my fics to be something that allows littles like me (who have a softer heart and need extra lovins) feel better and more little!! And I've decided to start writing again by being indulgent in what I write! Today's prompt is based off of what I remember from creepypasta when I was young and I'm not very well versed in any of their lore as much as I used to be skdksks if that's not your thing that's okay! I just hope you enjoy my writing! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ anywho! Back to the post!! Below are some trigger warnings if needed :3 I won't be including anything too graphic or anything but there *MAY* be a curse word or two or just more adult things since they're serial killers x) (I'm writing this all before I'm writing it lol)
- ꒰ა♡ Kewpie ♡໒꒱
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Trigger Warnings:⤵
Strong language, mentions of blood (past tense/present), implications of death/murder via the presence of blood (past tense and very minimal), mentions of weapons, masc caregiver nicknames (daddy, dada, baba, papa, ect), feminine and gender neutral nicknames (princess, kid/kiddo, tiny)
Toby comes back to Slendermansion after a long day on the job only to find you asleep in bed! Oh no that won't do! He wants to see his baby!
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Not a trigger warning but more so something to keep in mind: I know Toby is/was known for a stutter because of his tics BUT I will NOT write the way he speaks like people used to. I don't have Tourrettes myself but I also know that stuttering doesn't always happen when you have it. I also did do research on him a little and found that his tics are more physical rather than verbal! I would like to avoid doing it until im more knowledgeable about it just so i dont offend anyone on accident ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა If any of you guys feel that I need to change anything or would like to educate me please do in the comments or in private in a polite manner! ^^
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It's dark out and you're already snuggled into your bed. Going to sleep alone isn't very uncommon and you've gotten used to it. You and your daddy have put together quite the bedtime routine to make up for your lack of tucking ins! As you're cuddled nice and warm into bed, there's a slight creak in the door.
Not enough to wake you up, it's slow and quiet. You hear footsteps make their way throughout the room, closer to your bed. This is what makes you stir and start to wake up.
The footsteps stop. They know you're awake now.
You groan as you sit up, squinting and looking into the darkness. "Dada?" You wait for an answer. The footsteps resume this time faster.
Finally, the mystery person comes out from the shadows. The gentle light from your nightlight shining on them and it's your one and only caregiver, Toby!
He excitedly makes his way back to your side of your bed, sitting right by you. Before he does anything else he makes sure to put his (now clean) hatchets away before hugging you close. Toby always gives the best hugs, even though his tics are unpredictable it doesn't mean the firm yet gentle squeeze isn't nice to sink into.
"Yes, princess? Did I.. did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did. I was trying to be quiet, but I was just, just so excited to see you! You, you're just so cute when you're snoozin away like that!"
His mind goes a thousand miles a minute, and his mouth can't catch up, especially with his tics. So there's a stutter here and there. Not that it's a very big issue. It's just how your daddy talks! And you love it when he talks.♡
You yawn and lean into him, your eyes closed as you try to wake yourself up more. It's very late, if you were big enough to read the clock you'd probably know but now? Clocks are for big kids and you? You're very small, so the moon shining light through the window is enough for now.
"C'mon, cutie I know you can hug, hug me better than that! You missed your dada, didn't you?" He says in a playful tone, squishing you slightly in his arms. You reach your hands up to him and give him your best sleepy hug. To which he holds you even longer, resting his cheek on the top of your head. When he does you feel this weird wet substance and it makes you fuss a little.
"Mmmm babaaaaa m no like itttt" you whine at him.
He releases you from his hug and takes his goggles off, looking at you confused. "What do you mean, baby? What's going on?" When you look him in the eye you see it, he's got a small cut on his cheek and it's leaking blood. He probably doesn't feel it due to his disorder that prevents him from feeling pain in the first place. You yawn and point sleepily at his cheek. "You gots messy on you face, dada"
He feels around his face before touching his cheek right above his muzzle before looking at his gloved hands. Sure enough there's a spot of blood on the fabric where he touched.
"Oh no that's no good, thank, thank you for telling me kiddo! Daddy wouldn't have known if it wasn't for you! Wanna make it all better and put some...some cute bandaids on it?" He says to you with a smile, cleaning the blood off of his gloves for the most part. You nod with a smile and start doing grabby hands at him, the lack of cuddling and holding already making you feel lonely.
He smiles at you wider than he already is and ruffles your hair a little before going off to the bedside drawer. He always has bandaids handy for you. You two are the perfect pair! A clumsy little with an even clumsier caregiver! What a match!
He carefully opens the box, taking out a few bandaids for you to choose from. Of course these are patterned all cute with your favorite characters on them! You smile at the selection and before Toby can tell you to choose one, you're already opening the packages to each of them.
"Sure we can put all of them on my ouchies! Be super super careful though, sweetheart. I don't want any of your cute pj's getting messy because of me alright?" He says with a cautious but still laid back and nice tone. You nod happily in response before sticking on all of the bandaids. Two actually did the job for what he had, but you also know Toby is never gonna say no to you when you put them all over him. By the end of it, Toby has some on his muzzle, his nose, forehead, even some on his fingers! Everywhere that your daddy has owies on or you know he might have some in the future. Extra love for him can never hurt!
He takes out his phone and looks at himself in the screen. Most people can't tell but because you're not most people you can see the little squint and grin across his face. He seems really happy with your bandaid makeover! He looks over his fingers fondly, chuckling at you trying to think ahead for him.
"How lucky am I to have such a..such a thoughtful lil one?" He says happily before sitting closer to you, his phone still unlocked in his hand. "I wanna remember this moment so how, how about we take a selfie together, cutie? I want to have something to see for when I miss you and you're not with me!" You smile and nod your head quickly at the idea, coming closer to him and cuddling up to his arm, nuzzling your nose into his neck and cheek.
"C'mon tiny, say 'Cheese!'"
It takes a few tries to get a photo that isnt blurry from his tics but finally he takes the photo and looks it over. You look it over, too and you feel the swarm of butterflies flutter in your tummy. Being with your daddy always makes you so, so happy. Especially when he's so soft and sweet like this!
"Hey baby I found some, some filters! Let's take a few more!"
Once again you're snuggled up to your silly caregiver, posing for photos with him while he puts bunny ear filters and funny face filters. He saves each and every one and you can't help that fuzzy lil tingle in your chest when you see his gallery is basically only filled with you two. You smile and give him a lil peck on the side of his muzzle. To that he smiles from under it and puts his hand softly over the spot.
"Awe that was real sweet of you kid, what, what was that for?" He says with a happy tone.
Your face flushes a little as you twiddle your fingers, mumbling softly. Something about cute and loving your baba. He chuckles and pulls his goggles off, now seeing you much easier in the dim lit room.
Toby pulls his muzzle down just enough to lean in for a quick peck. He kisses your forehead softly and smiles at you before putting it back into place. ♡ His kisses always feel extra special when he does that. Toby doesn't like people seeing him without his muzzle, especially because of the gash on the side of his cheek. But with you, he knows that extra but of vulnerability goes a long way. You're his baby after all, if you trust him so much he should trust you just the same.
Once his muzzle is back on your stomach let's out a low growl. At first you're a little embarrassed but Toby isn't phased at all. As a matter of fact, Toby wastes no time picking you up and hoisting you to his hip. He rests you onto the side and carries you with one arm (because he's your daddy, of course he can carry his little one no problem!).
Carrying you is never an issue for Toby. It can only be a little difficult when he's has his tics or they come more than just once. But it never stops him! He just makes sure to hold onto you a little bit tighter and tries to move his head away when he does.
It's hard to predict when his tics will come but even when you're small you're understanding and patient. He's doing his best just like you are.
"Let's go get some midnight snacks for that lil tummy of yours huh? A midnight...midnight snack with my princess sounds delicious." He says as he tickles your tummy a little. He was about to start walking to the door before you started to fuss in his arms, squirming as you continue to whine.
"What is it baby what's wrong? Did Dada do something to make you upset? Are, are you sleepy? Hungry? Sad?" He questions as he bounces you gently. His questions come left and right as he continues trying to find the answer. You fussily point to your forgotten stuffie on the bed and turn back to whine at him. With that he finally gets the hint.
"Ooooh you, you just wanted your plushie! You silly billy you've gotta use your big kid words for stuff, stuff like that okay?" He goes back and retrieves your stuffie, snuggling it right into your arms before heading out the door.
This, of course, sends you even deeper into your little space. Even though he tells you to use big kid words, something about him babying you and talking to you that way just makes you melt. And he's fully aware of that too.
Finally, you're both out of the room and headed down the halls of the mansion to the kitchen. All the residents of Slendermansion are very aware of you and Toby and the different aspects of your guys' dynamics. They don't really care what you both do as long as you aren't making other uncomfortable and being civil they're all pretty on board! That or stick to themselves for the most part.
Once you and Toby are in the kitchen he finds a place to set you down by the counter. Before starting his snack preparations he turns to you. "Can you be a good baby for Daddy and sit, sit here for me? Be reaaally careful so you don't fall okay? I need both of my hands for this so that I can make you...make you the bestest snack ever!" You give him an affirmative nod and snuggle your plushie closer for comfort. You see his eyes squint as he smiles, he pets your hair gently before ruffling it.
"That's a good baby, so we'll behaved" He says affectionately, "I'll be...I'll be done in just a minute okay, tiny?" You nod affirmatively again and flush slightly at his praise and gentle touch.
Toby rummaged through the cabinet, taking out a cute bowl fit for a small child. With some more rummaging he finds some baby puffs along with an adult sized baby bottle. Of course, this one is decorated and themed to your liking. He fills the bowl with the puffs to an amount you both can share. He knows you enjoy sharing your snacks with him and honestly, baby puffs "smack" (according to him) and he'd eat them with you any day.
Once the bowl is filled he heats some milk with honey in the microwave (Toby isn't allowed to use the stove unless there's another person with him - regressed babies do not count). While the milk heats up he brings the bowl to you and offers a puff up to your mouth.
"Here sweetheart, say 'ahh' for me." He says happily.
You do as told and he pops in a puff. You chew on that and offer him one, to thar he quickly pulls down his muzzle and lets you feed him a few at a time. Not too many at once due to his gash. After a few more moments of you feeding each other, Ben walks into the room. He comes in without looking up, busy playing with his games on his phone.
" 'Sup." He says as he makes his way to the fridge.
"Hey dude, whatcha up to? Is, Is it snack time for you too? Whatcha gonna do after that?" Toby starts to bombard him with questions, always one to not only strike up conversation but carry that conversation too.
"Jesus Toby one at a time I can barely answer the first God damn question-" Ben says at first before looking at you. He stops in the middle of his sentence before lowering his voice.
"Didn't notice you had the baby with you." He takes a random snack from the fridge and closes it, leaning against the counter close to you while he eats it. Toby feeds you some more puffs, keeping you occupied as you wave at him politely.
Ben has seen you this way before so you don't mind being little with him that much. He's even babysat you before a couple of times, though most of those times were spent playing games (that he would let you win sometimes). Ben definitely acts like the big brother when he's around you. And because he's like your big brother he waves but sticks his tongue out at you right after. You stick your tongue out back at him before giggling a little.
"Hey you two be nice to each other," Toby says, piping up slightly, "I've still got to put them back to sleep Ben, don't rile them up too much either." Ben waves Toby off and rolls his red pupils.
"Yeah, yeah I know it's fine. We're just messing around." Ben responds, perfectly dismissing Toby's protective nature around you. Just when Toby is about to respond the microwave beeps, signaling that your bottle is ready! "Actually, I need a favor from you." Toby says as he takes it out, handing the bottle like it's nothing at all.
Ben looks at Toby with a curious look, waiting to hear what the favor is. Toby hands him the bottle. "Test that on your arm, I need to know if it's warm but not too hot for the baby."
(Of course Toby and Ben's repeated use of "the baby" makes you feel even more babyish and has you regressing even further. Big kid vocabulary is out the window and it's semi-nonverbal time for you.)
"What?? Why?? I don't wanna do that do it yourself." Ben protests quickly, going back to his phone.
"Dude I can't, I feel numb all of the time how, how would I even know?" Toby rebuttals to Ben just as quick.
Ben huffs and takes the bottle in his hand, turning it over his wrist and letting it drip onto him. "Ugh fine gimme that." He waits a second for it to process and see if it's hot or not. Luckily the bottle was just right so he hands it right back to Toby, licking the milk off of his wrist. "Its fine you can give it to the kid now."
Toby takes it with a smile and batting his eyelashes at Ben while he puts the bottle in his large pockets. "Thank you Bennie~" he says with a sickenly, sweet voice. Ben, of course, rolls his eyes at this and keeps at his game.
"C'mon cutie it's time to put you to sleep. Say 'bye-bye' to big brother Bennie!" He says as he hoists you back onto his hip, walking away. You smile and wave at Ben, "Bai Bai Bennie!!" You say happily to him. He looks up and waves back a little at you, a little smile across his face. "Bye gremlin, sleep well."
Toby makes his way back to the room and sits on your guys' bed. He lets out a long sigh as he sits, now situating you onto his lap as he gets ready to feed you. With you rested into his arms and the bottle at the ready, you both were absolutely ready for bedtime. He takes his muzzle off and smiles, kissing your forehead. "Drink up tiny, it's time that... that daddy puts you sleep! I'll head to bed once you're snoozin away don't worry kiddo."
He brings the bottle up to your lips and before he can even tell you to open wide you already do so, guzzling down the sweet drink he made you. Toby absolutely melts at how cute you are, squishing you a little closer just to relish in you. And of course, you cuddle into him just as much.
He always does such a good job at taking care of you and doing all the little things. Even though his tics can get in the way or startle you awake again, you never get angry with him or fuss. Maybe it was new to navigate at first but you know that it was out of his control and he always does his best to keep them under control when it's necessary.
Finally, you finish your bottle and bury your face into his chest. Curling up and fully starting to fall asleep again. Toby puts your finished bottle on the nightstand and rests his cheek on top of your head for a few seconds. Just to savor this moment. He loves these moments so much. He softly rocks you as you drift to sleep, rubbing your back gently as he does.
"I love you baby. I'll head to bed too." He says before laying down fully with you in his arms as he pulls the covers over you both. With a quick kiss on your cheek the night is once again peaceful and you're together again.
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A/N: Waaah! It's finally finished!! It took me so, so long to do everything but its finished and I'm so proud of myself for sticking it out QwQ I really hope you guys liked this story, it's truly just so nostalgic to me and honestly has such a nice place in my heart 🩷 This is my first agere fic with a character and I hope I did well!! I was so anxious about this but I think I did well with balancing everything out hehe ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა I'm going to head back to sleep now but I'll have another fic up soon! ૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა if you have any requests or suggestions please comment or submit them to my account I love it when people do those! :3 (also maybe a sorta part 2 with Big brother Ben drowned? ८,,◐⩊◐,,ა ) hehehe okay bye for realsies now, stay safe everyone!૮ ᴖﻌᴖა🩷
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lovetaroandtaemin · 27 days
Take Me to Church
Kim Dongyoung x Reader
Word count: 5,197
Content warnings: Smut (unprotected sex, some dirty talk, riding, a little bit of dry humping, car sex, a little bit of biting, mention of blowjobs), suggestive dialogue, religious themes, infidelity, excessive alcohol consumption, pregnancy, reader and Doyoung are both toxic as fuck. I am so sorry about the angst (no I'm not).
If I missed any warnings please let me know!
Fic is under the cut.
The only thing that made going to church bearable as a teenager was seeing your boyfriend, Dongyoung. The clothes that you wore to church were uncomfortable. The services themselves were way too long and almost made you fall asleep. Plus, everyone there really only cared about you because your parents were well-liked. Well, everyone there except Dongyoung, that is.
Your families had been close for generations, so the two of you grew up seeing each other frequently. He was always kind to you when you saw him, no matter what. His kindness is what made you love him almost immediately, even when you were a kid that didn’t really know what that meant. He was your best friend throughout your childhood, and it was only a matter of time before you two started dating as teenagers.
Everyone that knew you and Dongyoung thought that you were an odd match. You had completely different circles of friends and completely different hobbies. He was the student leader of your high school’s Bible club. You stole alcohol from your friends’ parents and got drunk at the lake every Friday night. He was a good Christian boy. You were a stereotypical rebellious teenager. Even your parents worried that you would be a bad influence on Dongyoung, but what other people thought didn’t matter to him. He loved you, and he was certain that he always would.
Leading your school’s Bible club is how Dongyoung realized that he wanted to be a pastor. It was obvious to anyone that saw him that he loved God dearly from an early age, so when he told you that he wanted to go into ministry it just made sense.
Since you didn’t want to hinder his chances at achieving his dream, you cleaned up your act. You dropped your friends that had encouraged your unruly behavior. You stopped drinking alcohol. You made a real effort to pay attention in church. Everyone around you noticed and was amazed by the change in your personality. While you still weren’t truly sure if you believed in God, you made damn sure that you were good at playing the part for your boyfriend’s sake.
When you started college, you were a bit concerned about your relationship. Dongyoung was going to a Bible college on the other side of the country, while you stayed in your hometown to pursue an education degree at your local community college. When you told him about your concerns, especially the distance, your boyfriend was quick to reassure you that everything would be ok. You both loved each other, and that was what mattered. When the conversation ended you were both sure that your relationship would last through college.
The distance between you was harder to adjust to than you were willing to admit. You were willing to try, of course, but it was jarring going from seeing someone nearly every day to once every few weeks. Dongyoung was struggling to adjust as well, but he was a bit more optimistic about it since he was excited to be following his dream.
What made maintaining your relationship through college difficult for Dongyoung was his parents. They had never approved of you, but they were “willing to let it slide because they thought it was just a silly high school relationship,” according to his mother. Now that he was seriously planning to become a pastor, they felt that he should find a good Christian woman, something that they did not believe you were.
Dongyoung tried to reason with his parents, he really did. He reminded them that you had changed a lot since the two of you first started seeing each other. They had to have noticed it, he reasoned. His parents confirmed that they saw how drastically you had changed over the years, but they still were suspicious of you and your behavior. Telling him that they only wanted what was best for him, they gave him an ultimatum. Dongyoung either had to break up with you, or they would stop helping him pay for college.
To say that it broke you when he ended your relationship was an understatement. You had just finished your second year of college, and Dongyoung was home for the summer. That was supposed to mean that you would get to spend more time with your boyfriend, but instead it just meant that the man you loved was now your ex. He didn’t tell you what his parents had said about you, instead he told you that long distance was too much for him when he was already stressed about school, and that he wanted to focus on school because of how important his degree was to him.
“Am I not important to you?” you asked.
“That’s not what I meant. You know that you are.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
“I have to.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Dongyoung refused to answer. He knew that he was hurting you by leaving, but he also knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay in school if his parents stopped helping him pay for it. What he had told you was partially true, as well. It killed him not being able to see you every day anymore. The part about focusing on school, however, was bullshit. School was stressful, sure, but knowing that you had his back made that stress easier to deal with. After he broke up with you he still had to deal with the stress from school, but he also had to deal with losing the woman he loved. He lost count of how many times he considered dropping out after you broke up.
It took you a long time to heal after Dongyoung left, but you still managed. You decided that if Dongyoung was going to focus on school, then so were you. You dedicated as much of your time as possible to your degree, and it paid off. You graduated with a Bachelor of Education, and you were excited to finally find work as a teacher.
After breaking up with you, Dongyoung started to regret every decision that he had ever made. He knew that losing you would be the greatest regret of his life, but he didn’t really have a choice. Now he wondered if ministry was really the right path for him, and if going to a college across the country that he struggled to afford had even been worth it.
Years went by, and you felt like your life was perfect. You had the job of your dreams, and you lived in a new city that was far from the heartbreak and tedium of your hometown. You even had better friends now, like your roommates Nayeon and Jisoo. You hadn’t really dated anyone since you broke up with Dongyoung, but you were ok with that. Sure, you had hooked up with people from time to time, but you didn’t really want anything serious. Your friends and your career were all you needed.
It was the end of another taxing school year when you got a call from your parents. They asked the typical questions, like how your day went and if you were relieved that the year was over. They also asked you if you would come back to your hometown and visit now that you had an extended break from work. They asked this every summer in the hopes that they could see you more than a few times a year. Usually you said no, but this time you figured that it couldn’t hurt. You had missed your family dearly, and you were dying to know what had been going on in your hometown since you moved away.
You arrived in your hometown just over a week later, and the first place you went after seeing your parents (and agreeing to go to church with them while you were in town) was the nearest bar to their house. In the years since college had ended you had started occasionally drinking again, and with the end of another school year you really wanted to celebrate.
When you walked into the bar the last person you expected to see was Dongyoung. You knew that you would probably run into him eventually, but you never thought it would be here. In a single moment, all of the feelings you had once harbored for him came rushing back. He had grown up a lot in the years since you had seen him, and he looked good. You wondered if he would be as happy to see you as you were to see him.
“Surprised” is not a strong enough word for what Dongyoung felt when he saw you walk into his favorite bar. It was something that he had wished for a thousand times since your relationship ended, but he never thought it would actually happen. He wondered for a moment if he should talk to you, but he didn’t have to wonder for long because you approached him first.
“Hi, Dongyoung.”
“Hi, (Y/N). How have you been?”
“I’m doing well. How are you?”
Dongyoung had a decision to make. He could either be truthful and admit that he had missed you dearly, or he could lie and say that he was ok. He chose the latter, desperately hoping that you wouldn’t catch on.
“I’m well, thanks. What are you doing here?” he asked, hoping you didn’t notice his hesitation.
“Oh, I just wanted a celebratory drink.”
“No, I mean I thought you moved away.”
“I did. I’m just back visiting since I have some time off.”
“I see.”
The two of you spent what felt like an eternity chatting about whatever came to mind as you drank. You noticed that Dongyoung was quiet whenever you asked him about what his life had been like since you split up, so you mostly chose to reminisce about old times. He had always been a private person, so you assumed he was just anxious because he hadn’t seen you in so long.
Dongyoung wasn’t sure if it was just the alcohol talking or if you had gotten even more beautiful since the last time he saw you, but either way he wanted you. He could only hope that you wanted him the same way when he asked, “Would you like to get out of here?” He was taken aback, to say the least, when you said yes. Dongyoung quickly paid for your drinks and got you two an Uber to a nearby motel. It was just outside of your hometown, and it was perfect. There would be no familiar faces.
When you both got into the car, you could barely keep your hands off of each other. Whether it was the alcohol or the desperation of missing each other, neither of you could say for sure. Either way, waiting for Dongyoung to check you two into a room for the night was torture.
Dongyoung practically dragged you to the room once you were checked in. As soon as the door was shut, you were pinned against it and he was kissing you. You hated to admit it, but you had missed the feeling of his lips on yours. If the way he held onto you like you were gonna disappear any second was any indication, he had missed it too.
He pulled away, and before anything else could happen he asked, “Are you sure that you want to do this?”
“I’m sure. I want you.”
That was all Dongyoung needed to hear before he pulled you over to the bed and sat you on his lap. You kissed him again as you started to slowly move your hips against his. He groaned at the feeling, and it only made you want him more. You had always loved his voice but hearing it as he moaned your name made you feel like you were in heaven. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“I need you inside me,” you begged.
His only response was, “Please?”
You quickly stood up and removed your clothes, and he did the same before you got back on his lap. As he guided you onto his cock, you let out a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding. After taking a moment to adjust to his size, you slowly started to move up and down. Dongyoung would never admit this aloud, but he had fantasized about this for a long time. You never slept together when you dated, both overly concerned about staying “pure” at the time. Clearly, neither of you cared about that anymore.
“Fuck, feels so good,” you moaned.
“I know, baby, you take me so well. Should have done this years ago.”
As you continued to ride him, you started to struggle to hold yourself up. He noticed and wrapped his arms around your waist, bouncing you on his cock himself. You leaned your head on his shoulder and let him fuck up into you as you lost yourself in pleasure.
After a while, you could feel his thrusts start to get more erratic and it made you desperate to cum. So, you started to rub your clit, moaning louder at the feeling. Your moans were like music to Dongyoung’s ears, and he mentally scolded himself for not letting himself hear them sooner.
You tried to warn him that you were close, you really did. But before the words could come out of your mouth, you were coming undone around him. Your orgasm triggered his own, and you loved the whimpers that left his mouth as he came inside you.
You sat together on the bed as you came down from your highs, struggling to catch your breath. You never expected your first time with Dongyoung to be a drunk one-night stand, but truthfully you didn’t regret it. Once you felt like you could move, you tried to get up to find your clothes. He didn’t let you, however, wanting to hold you just a little bit longer.
After you were both cleaned up and dressed again, you laid down together. There wasn’t really any conversation since both of you were more concerned with enjoying each other’s presence than filling the silence. Just before you fell asleep, however, he whispered something that you never expected to hear, “You know I never wanted to leave, right?” You tried to ask him what he meant, but he didn’t respond, too busy pretending to sleep to answer.
When you woke up the next morning, Dongyoung was gone. There was no trace of him in the hotel room except for his scent on the pillow next to you. You still wanted to ask him about what he said the night before, but you had no way to contact him. You decided that you would ask your parents if they had his number after church.
When you got to the church, you quickly found a seat next to your parents. You started to look around, taking in the scenery of the building that you once spent most of your time in. The last thing that you expected to see was Dongyoung enter with a woman on his arm. She was gorgeous, and she was smiling at him like nothing else in the world mattered as he greeted people. She was also pushing a sleeping baby in a stroller. As you watched the way he held onto her, you understood why he didn’t open up much about his life when you were at the bar.
You considered saying hi, but before you could he was approaching the pulpit to begin the service. That was the moment that you realized he had achieved the dream that he talked to you about so often. Your parents had told you that church leadership had changed, but they didn’t tell you that your ex was now the lead pastor.
Just like when you were a kid, service went by painstakingly slowly. Ironically, the sermon was about sexual morality. When Dongyoung started speaking about the importance of remaining loyal to your spouse, it took every ounce of willpower you had to avoid bursting into laughter. As you tried to stay calm, you wondered if anyone else had noticed the way Dongyoung’s hands shook or the tears in his eyes when he spoke about how rewarding it had been to stay faithful to his wife.
As service ended and everyone made their way out of the sanctuary, you decided to say hello to your former church’s new pastor. When he saw you approach him he looked terrified, and you had to admit you found joy in that.
You said hello, and he took the opportunity to introduce you to his wife, Joy. You learned that they had been married for 3 years, that she was the niece of the church’s former pastor, and that their son Jaehyun was 6 months old.
“Who is this, honey?” Joy asked, concerned by your familiarity with her husband.
“This is (Y/N), she’s just an old friend,” Dongyoung replied, hoping his voice didn’t give away how nervous he was.
“Right, friend,” you mumbled.
“What was that?” Joy asked.
“Oh, nothing. Would you like to get dinner tonight to catch up, Pastor Kim? It’s been so long since the last time we saw each other.” you said, your voice dripping with false sweetness.
“That sounds lovely,” Dongyoung replied with a smile. “Do you mind, honey?”
“Not at all, dear,” Joy said.
You and Dongyoung exchanged numbers to discuss your plans for dinner, and Joy watched as you two interacted. She could tell what your intentions with Dongyoung were immediately, but she stayed calm because she still trusted her husband. He hoped that she didn’t know how wrong she had been to do that.
Now that you knew that Dongyoung was married, your hopes of getting back together should have stopped, but they didn’t. After all, he had willingly left his wife at home to fuck you. The fact should have filled you with disgust, but it only gave you an ego boost as you drove home and thought about when you would be able to fuck him again.
When you got home, you texted Dongyoung to talk about where to go for dinner. He suggested a small restaurant out of town, and you agreed, understanding that he couldn’t risk his congregation seeing him out with a woman that wasn’t Joy. Just in case someone you knew did see you, however, you each brought a Bible and came up with an excuse that he was giving you spiritual guidance on a personal matter.
You knew that it was probably wrong, but you decided to dress up a little bit for dinner. You chose a bright red dress that you knew showed off your curves, some gold jewelry, and your favorite heels. Your outfit was so decidedly sexy that you could only hope that no one saw you out with your now-married ex.
Once you were at the restaurant, you waited patiently for Dongyoung. When he showed up a few minutes later in a dress shirt and black slacks, you almost wanted to take him right there. You decided to be patient, however. When he saw you he complimented your appearance, and you did the same. Before you could say much more, however, the restaurant’s host showed you to your table and you sat down.
After you ordered your drinks, the first question you asked was, “What did you say last night?”
“I never wanted to leave,” he mumbled in response.
“Then why did you?”
He was silent for a few minutes before he admitted, “My parents threatened to stop helping me pay for school if I stayed. Without their help I would have had to drop out, and I really didn’t want to do that.”
You were silent as you processed his words. A part of you was relieved that he hadn’t stopped loving you, but you were also hurt that he never told you the truth. If he had told you what was going on, you would have been there for him just like you had always been, and you could have helped him figure something else out. You knew that there was no point dwelling on what had happened, though, so you just said, “I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
“I didn’t want to tell you because of the things that they said about you.”
“What did they say?”
“Let’s not talk about that, I just want to enjoy the time I have with you now.”
You and Dongyoung talked about what your lives had been like since splitting up, this time with more honesty now that you knew about his family situation. You told him about your new friends, your teaching job, and how you were fairly sure your parents still wanted the two of you to get back together. He told you that his parents had introduced him to Joy because they thought she was the kind of “godly woman” that he should marry as a future pastor, that he had named his son after his best friend from college, and that he had only married Joy to keep up appearances.
“Do you love her?” you asked.
His only reply was, “I don’t know, it’s complicated.”
At the end of the meal, he explained that he couldn’t book another hotel room for the night, since he had told Joy he would be home at a certain time. You were disappointed until he quietly added that he still had about an hour until that time and invited you to sit in his car with him for a little while before he had to go home.
As soon as you were both in his car he kissed you. As you reveled in the feeling of his lips on yours again, you were grateful that the restaurant hadn’t been crowded and that he had parked in a secluded area. The kiss got more heated as small moans left your mouth, and before you knew it Dongyoung was instructing you to move to the backseat.
You did as you were told, and within seconds he was on top of you. He kissed you like he never would again, desperate to feel you for as long as he could. When he finally pulled away to breathe, you said, “Please?”
“Please what, baby?”
“Please fuck me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. God damn it, please!”
When Dongyoung heard you beg, something snapped. He needed to be inside of you, and he needed to be inside of you now. He moved just long enough to pull his slacks and boxers down as you moved your skirt and pulled your panties down. In an instant he was on top of you again, lining the tip of his cock up with your pussy. He slowly started to push his hips forward, groaning as he did. You threw your head back with a moan, loving how he felt.
The back seat of his car was cramped, but neither of you cared. The only thing that mattered in the moment was that you had each other. You knew that what you were doing was wrong, but you still never wanted it to end. As Dongyoung thrusted in and out, all you could think about was how good it felt and how badly you wanted him to be yours forever.
“Fuck, baby, you take me so well,” he said with a moan. You didn’t respond, too lost in pleasure to speak.
It didn’t take long before Dongyoung’s thrusts grew sloppier. He had tried to make this encounter last as long as he could, but he knew that there was only so much that he could take. He loved the way you clenched around him too much to last much longer.
“Shit, I’m close, where do you want it?” he asked.
“I want you to cum inside me. Please, please, please,” you begged, desperate to feel his release again.
That was all it took for a loud moan to fall from Dongyoung’s lips as he stilled inside you. As you felt his release, you started to rub your clit in a desperate attempt to reach your own. Dongyoung noticed what you were doing and moved your hand away, replacing it with his as he started to gently bite your neck. His mouth back on you was all you needed to reach your own high, moaning his name as you did.
Once Dongyoung made sure that you were ok, he slowly moved off of you and helped you to sit up. He held you while you caught your breath, whispering sweet nothings as the two of you calmed down. His words gave you a sense of peace that you hadn’t had in a long time.
That peace was short lived, however, because he had to leave. You knew Dongyoung would have to go home to his wife at some point, but you still dreaded it. Before you got out of his car he kissed you again, promising to see you soon. You slowly made your way back to your car and drove to your parents’ house, hoping they wouldn’t ask you any questions.
When you got home, you thought about whether you would be ok with staying in your hometown if it meant that you could be with Dongyoung again. Since you had come back, you had started to fall in love with him all over again. Of course, you were hesitant to leave your job and your friends, but the thought of losing him again killed you inside. So, you seriously considered asking him to leave Joy for you. You knew that this was a big thing to ask of someone, though, so decided to wait until you were more certain and see what happened next before you asked.
You continued to see Dongyoung a few times a week the entire time you were in your hometown. The week before you were supposed to go home was no different at first. You went out to the same restaurant as usual, except this time since Joy had taken Jaehyun to visit her parents for the weekend, Dongyoung had booked a hotel room for the two of you. You were ecstatic to be able to spend a full night with him again instead of the usual quickie in his car or the occasional blowjob in the church’s bathroom.
Dinner went like it always did. You talked about what you did through the week and how much you enjoyed seeing each other. Then, you went back to the hotel. Just like the previous times you went out with Dongyoung, he fucked you like he would never see you again. Afterwards, when you were cleaned up and in bed, you decided that now was the time. You gently asked if you could talk to him about something, and he said, “Of course, baby. What’s up?”
“What would you say if I told you I was thinking about staying here?”
Dongyoung was shocked to say the least, but he thought about it for a moment and asked, “Why?”
“I want to be with you again. And I mean seriously be with you, not just sneak around when you have free time.”
“You know we can’t do that, (Y/N).”
“Why not? You told me yourself that you don’t want to be married to her anyway.”
“And if it was just me and Joy I would consider it, but I have Jaehyun to think about now. I can’t just leave him without a father.”
“You wouldn’t be leaving him without a father, Dongyoung. You’d still be his father, just with me.”
“I can’t leave him, (Y/N), and I can’t risk my job by divorcing Joy.”
“Like you haven’t been risking your job anyway to go out a few times a week and fuck your ex while your wife is home caring for your son?”
Dongyoung was silent as what he had been doing really hit him. You decided that you were done, packing your bag to leave. Before you left, you said, “Listen, Dongyoung. I love you. I have loved you for most of my life, and a small part of me probably will always love you, but I cannot do this anymore. The entire time we’ve been doing this I have been holding out hope that we could actually be together again, and now that I know that isn’t going to happen I’m not going to keep sneaking around with you. I appreciate the extra time that we had, but it ends here.”
You walked out the door of the hotel room, leaving Dongyoung to think about the choices that he had made. He wondered about what could have been if he hadn’t given in to what his parents wanted for him. Would he be married to you instead of Joy? Would you two have kids? Would he still be a pastor even? He knew that he no longer deserved to be one, so he spent the rest of the night sobbing into the hotel pillows, begging God to forgive him for going astray.
You got out of going to church the next day by telling your parents you were sick, and you got ready to go back home. How you managed to avoid Dongyoung for the entire last week of your trip, you had no idea, but you were grateful for it. It was funny, really. You spent most of your time in your hometown desperate to see him, but now you were spending the remainder of it desperate to avoid him.
It had been 2 weeks since you got home, and you felt like a dumpster fire. On top of being upset that you lost Dongyoung again, you had been feeling sick for weeks. You told your roommates, and they asked you about your symptoms and how long you had been feeling sick.
“(Y/N), do you think you could be pregnant?” Nayeon asked.
You thought about it, and you realized that it was a strong possibility. Unable to speak, you just nodded. Nayeon offered to go buy you a test while Jisoo offered to stay with you and help you stay calm. You told her everything about what had happened while you were away, and she held you as you properly cried over Dongyoung for the first time since your arrangement ended.
When Nayeon got back, you took the test. While you waited for the results, you told Nayeon about what happened too. You knew that what you had done was wrong, but at the time you were only thinking about how badly you wanted Dongyoung back. Now that you didn’t want him back, he might be a part of your life forever.
When the test was ready, you couldn’t look at it yourself at first. Jisoo was the first to see the results of the test, but her initial silence told you everything that you needed to know. When she finally showed you the test, you broke down in sobs again. You were pregnant, and you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dongyoung was your baby’s father.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I think it's my favorite one shot I've ever written. If you did enjoy reading, please like and reblog! If you want to read more of my work, here's my masterlist. If you want to see anything specific, feel free to send a request via asks or dms! Once again, thank you for reading!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 months
id loveeee to hear your thoughts on lawlight dynamics regarding that top L bottom light anon….
oh hell yeah. so more generally, i view top/bottom dynamics as characterization shorthand, which is not how absolutely everyone thinks about it but it's true for me. i think people who really care about dynamics tend to sort themselves into two characterization camps for a given character, and usually i fuck with one camp more than the other. also when i think about the roles of giving vs receiving there are, in fact, Vibes-based decisions i make about that.
also complicating this is that we tend to conflate topping with domination and bottoming with submission. and in some ways the use of top/bottom dynamics for me overlaps with dom/sub but not always, though it's also that there's a vulnerability in bottoming that is distinct from the vulnerability of topping. i'm not nearly educated enough to give a real seminar on dynamics and bdsm roles and how those intersect in yaoi and fandom so my only credentials i can give here is that i have lots and lots of kinky sex lmao
anyway. lawlight!
if i'm being completely honest i can see them switching as part of their inherent power struggle. like to be completely true to how they're characterized in canon. i blame this entirely on the time speaks fic for selling me so good on lawlight switching, but i'm also sure that most lightlaw content won't really appeal to me just because light yagami....does not top....to Me.
searching for how to justify this that isn't just "pure vibes" but i genuinely think he would be a strict bottom if he ever took the stick out of his ass. like yeah okay he's a genocidal megalomaniac but do you ever think of how many choices he has to make? how in control he has to be at all times? decision fatigue is killer and i think being the one who has to receive, has to lie back and take it, would be hot, humiliating, and cathartic for him specifically. he'd get off on the asymmetry of it. also he can't fucking stand the people who submit to him (misa, mikami). like. he doesn't really get horny over subservience as much as the conquering so like. yanno.
also i think being on top is just. expected of him? light yagami the honor student is cisgender and heterosexual and he has a hot girlfriend he'll settle down with and pop out 2.5 kids with. i think he'd be sick of it. combine it with the social stigma of taking it up the ass and you have a perfect storm of internalized homophobia and sexual repression that would mean light finds bottoming preferable, and hates it.
also the only person he would ever let top him, much less dominate him (i think light's feelings on domination and submission are even more convoluted than on topping and bottoming. suffice it to say he's a power bottom until he gets his brains fucked out first) has to be L. just because L is his equal, his rival, the only guy who could stymie him. he wouldn't let L top as much as he would cede that victory to him if it came down to it. also he'd probably get off on making L go crazy via his hot clenching asshole. anyway.
i feel a lot less strongly about L when it comes to dynamics. L can go either way, for me. i don't think he'd really want light up his ass but he'd enjoy the experience of bottoming, and he doesn't mind being on top. even if he's lazy about it unless light's needled him first. and maybe seeing kira fall apart on his cock is ego stroking spank bank material for him too.
there's also the fact that the uke in any yaoi pairing is gonna get woobified and whumped and sexually tormented by fandom at large (which i know a lot of people have feelings about, lmao). between the two of them i much prefer watching light get that treatment than L so i avoid bottom!L content.
obviously everyone is entitled to their opinions and headcanons and thoughts and this just how i see lawlight/dynamics. if anyone comes at me with the word "fetishization" please know i have a block button and free speech. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
30, for buddie please?
hi anon ❤️ thank you for the prompt! exhaustion got to me so it took me a little while to write it, but I hope you like it!
from the soft prompts: ‘this is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner etc.’
Eddie never really figured out how to introduce Ana as his girlfriend without feeling awkward. It didn't surprise him at the time, because he'd felt the same about introducing Shannon as his wife, for a long time, at least.
So he'd always assumed that was kind of the norm. That he'd always feel awkward introducing his partner, or that maybe that's how most people feel doing that, even. 
In hindsight, that was a stupid thing to assume, probably.
The point is that when he and Buck start dating - and holy shit, they're actually dating - he expects it to be as awkward as it's always been. Perhaps even more awkward, considering that yes, this is Buck, but he's also never dated a guy before. He's never introduced anyone to his boyfriend before.
(Well, that's not entirely true, but those were all people that already knew Buck. It wasn't so much introducing Buck as it was telling those people that they were dating now.)
And then comes the PTA meeting.
Eddie doesn't particularly like PTA meetings, they are long and boring and half the shit that gets discussed is pretty much trivial. He goes anyway because he cares about his son's education, and it's polite to show his face and interact with the other parents. 
He doesn't expect Buck to see it on the calendar on the fridge, turn to him with a bright but somewhat hesitant smile, and ask: "Can I come with?"
"Yeah, of course," Eddie answers without even having to think about it for too long. It'll be much more fun with Buck by his side. 
The realization that he's going to have to introduce Buck to all these parents - at least the ones that haven't met him before - doesn't cross his mind until they're already getting out of the car in the school parking lot.
It's probably a good thing that it doesn't, or he would’ve been all up in his head about it. As it is, he freezes right there next to the car, watching couples and single parents alike make their way into the school.
"You alright?" Buck's voice sounds, suddenly right next to him. He must have walked around the car while Eddie was lost in thought. Buck's hand slips into his, tangling their fingers together.
"I'm fine, just thinking. C'mon, let's go."
He pulls Buck along to the school entrance, greeting some parents he vaguely recognizes along the way. Once inside, they follow the directions to the gym, and it's only when they're there that Eddie finally pauses. His hand is still wrapped tightly around Buck's, and he has no intention of letting go, but that also means that someone is going to notice.
"Eddie, hi!" someone says, and he turns around too quickly, pulling Buck along and making him stumble a bit. See, there's the awkwardness already. It's Katie's mom, Jennifer, who Eddie has talked to on multiple occasions. He's pretty sure she tried to flirt with him in the beginning, though he isn't sure why she stopped. "I see you've brought someone along this time?"
This is usually where it gets awkward, where Eddie stutters out an introduction and embarrasses himself and his partner in the process.
But this time he follows Jennifer's gaze to look at Buck, and he finds Buck smiling at him, soft and so damn happy, as if there's nowhere he'd rather be than here at this PTA meeting with Eddie, and it's not awkward at all.
"Yeah, this is my boyfriend, Buck," Eddie replies, only taking his eyes off Buck at the end of it, and he pulls Buck a little closer as he smiles at Jennifer. "Figured it wasn't fair that he's only been getting the fun parts of raising a kid now that we finally got our shit together."
He and Jennifer both laugh at the indignant squawk Buck lets out at that, and Eddie only grins wider when he stumbles because of the little shove Buck gives him with his shoulder. It's not as if he's in any danger of falling when they're still holding hands, and as soon as he's stabilized himself again, he's pressed right back along Buck's side.
Buck is grinning, too, when Eddie looks at him, and he allows himself a moment to get lost in his boyfriend's eyes. Turns out that didn't feel awkward at all, it simply felt right.
"Just kidding, we both know you've been helping with the less fun parts all this time, too." He pauses for a moment, then turns back to Jennifer. "Now, Jen, have you heard any good gossip lately?"
Next to him, Buck snorts, and Eddie is going to get teased later for caring about gossip in the first place, but he's pretty sure that his boyfriend listens just as attentively while Jennifer tells them of the rumor she heard about two of the teachers hooking up.
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vellichorom · 1 year
Hello! I’m new to the Stanley Parable fandom (as in 3 days ago oop) and I’ve heard about the Narratorverse? I’m confused as to what that is. (Also, if you have any advice of people to follow in this fandom, I’m all ears!)
WELL WELL WELL! allow me to welcome you to the fandom & introduce you to it's most recent development ( as the technical hand in it's creation & persistence(?) )! may you enjoy it AND your stay here, there's PLENTY to consume & a little something for everyone, i think!
now, into the narratorverse;
TDLR; the Narratorverse is this idea that every Narrator / alternative TSP design exist in a multiverse & frequently mingle with each other in Tumblr & Discord events.
however, below is where I've compiled EVERY detail & piece of history to this monster in the fandom, so feel free to dive below & educate yourself thoroughly.
otherwise! i'm not really good at just Offering people to follow, as everybody brings something to the table & I hate to risk forgetting / neglecting one user over another, so I HAPPILY encourage other TSP artists to reblog this & promote themselves! ALSO! just dig through the tag long enough & you'll find TONS of amazing artists & creators to follow ( avoid rh/ad/ko like the plague ), I promise it's worth the treck!
Narratorverse Expansive Lore You Can Slap On a Wiki Below;
for the best experience, please read this to yourself in a generic " youtuber introduces & reviews niche topic " voice,
" the Narratorverse, " ALSO known as " the Paraverse " is an "AU" / fandom-wide concept in which every & all personal iteration of The Stanley Parable ( with a heavy focus on the designs of the Narrator ) from the fandom co-exist & mingle in a big, expansive multiverse.
if I'm not mistaken, this OFFICIALLY got started when the tumblr poll function started getting incorporated onto the site & @tsp-narrator-ask would grab up a handful of individual Narrator designs to feature in a " Sexiest Narrator " competition, where - of course, the fandom & any tumblr user alike could vote for their respective favorite design or whichever they found "sexiest" ( loosely ).
this whole competition inspired some participants of the competition ( including yours truly ) to make in-character commentary art, featuring their Narrator reacting to their BEING in the competition or otherwise campaigning for themselves not to lose / the aftermath of their losing; a lot of which would include their Narrator being thrown into some cruel & unusual punishment by the host of the competition. for le giggles. ( the latter linked post is the reason why MY narrator is referred to as Salad Boy, )
with the door open for it, this would spark some MORE drawn, in-character commentary, featuring contestants of the Sexyman Competition-- & even just anyone with a Narrator design who wanted to participate in the shenanigans, all gathered together like this competition & everything involved with it was this big party/event they were all called from their creators to get in on.
a lot of this commentary was featured in MASS REBLOGS, with everyone adding a little response to one's post; the main ones being THIS one, & the Unfathomably Popular Salad Thread, the latter of which, not to pat myself on the back for starting it, but I think REALLY popularized the concept of the " Narrator Multiverse, " & would lead things to escalate FAR beyond the initial Sexyman Competition.
NOW, there's an official Narratorverse / Paraverse roleplay / hangout server that features many ( if not everyone ) featured in these threads, there's other TSP servers that carry the lore & relationships from these events, & there's been a trend instilled of other, similar mass reblog threads that keep with the continuity of the last ones, but also branch out to expand on multiversal shenanigans with everyone allowed to participate.
-such as @blackkatdraws's Gluetrap Thread, the aftermath of THAT, this smaller " thread " featuring my arrator finding @tsp-narrator-ask's kid, & I think there might have even been a few started with the recently held Narratorverse Hunger Games that I just can't account for / didn't get to keep up with.
ALL OF THESE OBVIOUSLY tying into & ONLY adding onto the idea of this multiverse of Narrators & Stanley Parable alternatives alike & popularizing it into this own little delectable square of the fandom in which the community can really come together for some utmost silliness OR actual worldbuilding, given everyone in-character & out of character gets to reflect on every alternative interpretation of the game we're ALL here for.
& that's just about the full " history " of what this whole Narratorverse / Paraverse is! feel free to hop the bandwagon yourself!
who knows, your alternative interpretations could be what the fandom follow next!
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blueywrites · 1 year
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As of now, all blogs that interacted with the illegal content discovered on Monday have been blocked by me and will never be unblocked. If you see someone you expect to be blocked interact with my blog content, it is an unintentional oversight on my part - please DM me and let me know. There were over 400 URLs in total across multiple posts (some repeated), and I may have missed someone.
I will now be beginning to vet my followers. If you are an adult follower of mine and you do not have your age or age range in your description or pinned post, you will be blocked. There will be no exceptions to this.
Please make sure to allow Mature Content to be shown under your Account settings before Friday 4/21, otherwise, my explicit 18+ content will be hidden and inaccessible to you.
I greatly admire all in this community who have spoken up and continue to take measures to protect adult spaces from minors and, by doing so, help to protect our vulnerable children.
Bluey 💙🌻
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As I'm sure many of you are aware, there have been some concerning situations brought to light in the fandom these past couple of days. Many writers like myself are concerned about how people - specifically minors - are interacting with our work that has been clearly labeled 18+.
If you are an adult follower of mine, I want to make you aware of some changes I will be implementing to my blog this week so you don't miss out on my content. If you are a minor, remove yourself immediately from my blog before I do it for you.
First, I want to be clear on my stance in terms of the vile, horrifying content that came to light yesterday. It does not matter to me whether someone interacted with that content purposely or, as some claim, mistakenly. Everyone who has liked or commented on those posts that were tagged with illegal content will be or has already been blocked by me, and I will not be reconsidering this. At the very least, this should be taken as a lesson in being conscientious about what content you attach yourself to without fully reading it. I will be taking this action based on factual, reliable information. It is not a witch hunt.
Second, since the moment I first created this blog, it has been labeled 18+ only because I do not want anyone under the age of eighteen to interact with any of my writing or blog content. As a former educator, I know that kids don't always make the best decisions and will ignore our wishes, so I will be implementing the following changes that may impact you as an adult interacting with my blog.
I will not be fulfilling anonymous requests for smut prompts submitted in response to my 1k fic prompts entries from last month. If you want to resubmit your request off anon, you are more than welcome to.
My writing with sexually explicit content will be community-marked as sexually explicit starting Friday, 4/21. If you do not have 'Mature Content' in the community labels set to 'Show' under your Account settings, you will no longer be able to see much of my writing. If you want to continue reading my stories that have sexually explicit material in them, you will need to adjust that setting.
I will be removing all blank blogs and all underage blogs from my followers starting today. If you are an adult and you do not have your age listed in your blog, you will be removed. Please add your age or age range if you do not want to be removed. This will take time, but if you are a minor and you are following me, I will find you and I will remove you. If you'd like to see yourself out, please be my guest.
I will no longer be compiling tag lists. If you want to read a story of mine, please follow me if you are an adult. I typically announce drop dates and reblog several times, so you are likely not to miss it. If you are concerned about missing a drop, DM me directly.
While I know that some of these changes are inconvenient, it is important to me to maintain a blog that is a safe, comfortable place for all adults.
Thank you for bearing with me on this. This is a fandom full of many special readers and creators who love a very wonderful and special character, and I want to keep it that way. 🌻💙
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elwynoftime · 1 year
Little rant but I always find it strange how the autistic community on tiktok specifically (no hate or anything towards autistic tiktok BTW just to clarify) seems to think that every low support needs person is high masking or they will always mask. I consider myself a relatively low support needs autistic person but I cannot mask. Even when was being bullied and dealing with other stuff as a kid and teenager and constantly being told to "act normal" and to stop being weird. I just couldn't it made things worse and my vocal stims or physical ones slipped through. But here I am I am very lucky that I am able to go to college and do other things with my life but the thing is I don't mask or only do it in certain situations like not vocal stimming in a quiet place. Anyways I just find it strange how people think that in order for me to live the life I'm currently well living I have to mask and never be me. But I can't mask yet I have friends, I'm getting an education, and I'm doing what I love. Yet so many people think I can't be myself if I want a future. Again this is not supposed to be mean or hateful towards the tiktok autistic community or anyone who thinks differently from me so no discourse please. But that's all anyone else feel similarly?
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beloved-daydreams · 1 year
Y'all we actually NEED to talk about how loving and caring Wren actually is. Like, from her flashbacks with Bex (Rebecca) we know that she was the emotional shy kid. That her sister would bring her to hang-out with her friends (maybe because Wren didn't have any or too little.) And how she would always play the role her sister would give her.
Flash forward to the present, Wren:
Breaks into the house of her family at night only to eat food from their garbage and maybe do the dishes sometimes. Like???? That's SO unnecessarily nice. Imagine thinking a monster is downstairs only to find out in the morning that the dishes are clean, the laundry has been folded, the place has been cleaned... like what??
She would practice by reading Bex's textbooks to try to educate herself on her own
Breaks the curses put on humans to spite the Faeries (but also I bet she wants to protect humans and be useful to them, like she wishes someone would've been to her) not to mention she's been doing that for YEARS without anyone's thanks. They just get scared and run away
Collects purely sentimental stuff, never does she steal many things that could make her life easier, never does she glamour humans for malicious reasons (and besides, like she said, she's not good at it because her education both in the human world and in the fae world has been lacking)
Again: always eats from garbage, never or rarely fresh stuff she could easily snatch from anyone she wants
Freed some prisoners because she felt like it wasn't right to keep them locked (and well, other more logical reasons BUT I believe 80% of the time Wren is purely acting on her feelings) like, "oh?? I kissed Oak but now he's dancing with other girls? Okay Hyacinthe must be right then, Oak is just a manipulative whore >:( how dare he play with my feeling??"
Felt happy for having Gwen care about her despite them never interacting much to begin with. Just getting those text messages was enough
Probably lots of other stuff I forgot
Anyway, the point is that: Wren is sweet and sentimental and emotional and she knows it. It makes so much sense that she's scared shitless of loving Oak because she KNOWS her feelings are strong. It's what she acts upon most of the time, it's what leads her decisions.
And now she just gave in to some of her "darker" feelings. That feeling of destruction she talked about.
Anyway. Sorry but I'm FERAL over the fact that Wren is just SO full of love yet she receives so little. We need to change that real quick cause now she got everything. Mellith's heart, Mab's bones and Greenbriar blood (Oak). Girlie could literally make anything happen so if we don't want Elfhame's doom, please give her lots of cuddles and appreciation and love. Thank you.
On a side note: I am actually SO scared for Wren's story to end badly. I suppose not but I've only read The Folk of The Air trilogy from Holly Black so I'm not sure how she usually writes her other stories. Please someone reassure me haha :')
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averyhotchner · 2 years
Avery's TopGun:Maverick recs pt.2
alrighty, almost 3 months later, here is my list of favourite TopGun: Maverick fics that no one asked for. like last time, it's mostly hangman, rooster and a bit of bobby boy. but i am slowly starting to fall for mickey and coyote.
please make sure to follow the age limit set by the writers!
jake "hangman" seresin
Fuck: The Universe (mini-series) by @roosterbruiser
okay maybe this is recency bias, because i did read this whole mini series yesterday and today, but still. it checks all the boxes, and of course i love the trope of jake is an ass to everyone but his girl, who also happens to be way better than him. also part 7 cracked me up.
real friends (series) by @starlightstories
i read real friends then found fuck: the universe, and i realized i really really really like the loverboy jake grumpy reader trope. i have no shame.
hey stupid, i love you (one shot) by @callsignseagull
okay this fic is very personal to me. i genuinely felt like the reader in this fic because i'm going through a very similar thing right now, and it tamed so many of my insecurities. i can't wait to reread soon!
loving you is... (series) by @demxters
guys frat hangman. that's all.
sleepy baby (series) by @discount-shades
the lengths at which this man goes just to find his princess, goals.
Where I'm From (one-shot) by @sometimes-i-write-good
sweet man jake, back at it again stealing hearts
Minimal Losses (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series and the rooster prequel NCIS ARE SO GOOD. im a sucker for this shit.
Sweet Nothings (series) by @sweetlittlegingy
yup! yup! yup! make sure you get your blood sugar checked before reading this because it's so damn sweeeeeet
Seeing Red (series) by @call-sign-jinx
picture this: its 2015, you're on wattpad and every single fic is a social media fic. but THIS? this is everything. the amount of work that goes into making a single text screenshot, not to mention the plot! its truly incredible and had be crying, laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat. i can't praise this series, and the other fics in this universe, enough.
yours (one-shot) by @theharddeck
this one... yeah its cute. but its down right sinful as well
bradley "rooster" bradshaw
I Will Always Love You (one-shot) by @amysteryspot
this one is short and sweet and honestly made me cry while eating my blt quarter pounder.
Pamper Night (on-shot) by @dagger-wren
okay this fic started as a cute little date night/self care night fic. BUT THEN, the ending had me falling in love with this dysfunctional squad. of course rooster and his girl are mom and dad, like who else.
Eat It, Twilight (one-shot) by @fandomxpreferences
okay i know this is a hangman fic, but i dont care. the rooster bff part was what i loved the most. also the plot is highlarious, and its probably because i was high when i read it, but still. chefs kiss.
Terms of Endearment (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series will be the death of me. each time a new chapter gets released im holding my breath on whether its gonna be all angst or all fluff. but either way i know its beautifully written.
And They Were Roommates (series) by @starryeyedstories
this. its hilarious and i cannot wait for more!
robert "bob" floyd
Christmas Gift (on-shot) by @call-sign-jinx
one of the most common bob fics i see is him with a teacher, and honestly i love it. who else would be as sweet and as patient as this man. i have the utmost respect for anyone who works in education, ESPECIALLY those who work with kids under 13. anyways, love this fic.
King of My Heart (one-shot) by @croimilis
dunk bob is the sweetest person ever!
Apple pie (mini-series) by @andorskenobi
the warning is very real, pls take it seriously <3
honorable mentions:
@sunlightmurdock @callsignvalley @toms-gf @make-me-imagine @callsignsaturn @madsnowstorm @jupitercomet @katsu28 @sehnsuchts-trunken @roosterforme (literally anything emily writes will be on a rec list i make)
i just wanna send my love to all the writers on this platform. whether you're just posting your first fic, or just finishing your 5th series, i appreciate you so much. i don't always have the time to comment and i'm dumb and don't understand how to reblog efficiently (working on it), but please know that all the effort and time you put in to making these works is truly admirable and i wish i was as talented as any of you.
okay thats all for now. i need to start making these more often cause theres so many i left out, i was just too lazy to scroll and find them.
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hyperfixingfr · 2 months
Just a short notice. I know you all are probably sick of seein me in the tags but it's better than reading the weird stuff yourself. Please keep away from the user ghosthyena74. They're defending kndbrainrot (draws kids in inappropriate situations, harasses artists, stalks people, and admitted to liking incest) and is blocking anyone who tries to educate them on why they should block them and stop feeding into them and their actions. I've been told so far that they blocked at least one other person who tried to explain aside from me. It's also possible this person is transphobic as they use words like "he/she" when "they" could be used which is a common transphobic move *BUT PLEASE DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT ONE. I CAN'T CHECK THEIR PROFILE ENOUGH TO FIND OUT MYSELF - LET ME KNOW IF THERE'S ACTUAL EVIDENCE THAT PROVES OR DENIES!*
I really didn't even wanna mention it honestly but the way they're going about this implies they support kndbrainrot's actions which, obviously means they're proship or in support of proship/profic. Completely immature way to deal with being told that someone is bad but these responses are the cherry on top lmfao. Check your following, I've heard they follow a lot of you guys with proship supporters DNI in bio. I'm so sick of these profics and profic defenders in this fandom and I'm sure you all are too so I'm glad to give an easy block so you don't gotta listen to their defenses. It's disgusting reading messages defending someone who drew children in inappropriate situations for me personally.
Considering how much more lengths you have to go to for defending someone who clearly did wrong vs just blocking them, this user is probably someone you wanna avoid. This entire fandom agreed it was just best to let kndbrainrot figure out how morally fucked up their actions are themselves if they didn't wanna learn via elaborate explanation, so someone actively encouraging this young child to keep making gross content and enjoying fucked up stuff is... Not ideal
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neonscandal · 9 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK and BNHA characters were in No Power world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer or Hero (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters from each...
Ooooh la la, another fun one. High key, I love this question. If you end up writing anything, I'd love for you to PM me so I can read it (you can also share anonymously, whatever's clever)! Thanks for the ask, let me know your thoughts below 👇🏾
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This is literally me perking up any time I get a new ask. 🥰
Quite literally, all of these characters would be alive and thriving anywhere else.
Nobara Kugisaki - IG Model, easy. After not getting scouted in Tokyo like she'd always imagined, she decides to do it her mf'ing self. Her results... are lackluster. At first. But as frustration wins, she inadvertently starts letting the real her shine through (complete with bouts of scathing badassery during a live complaining about her lack of fame). People begin to find her incredibly relatable and she becomes like the Jennifer Lawrence of influencers. Never once do her travels take her close to Shibuya station.
Why: That "I-Know-I'm-The-Shit-Even-If-You-Don't" attitude has nothing to do with jujutsu. Nobara has an unwavering confidence and is delulu enough to make it happen, whatever It is for her.
Yuji Itadori - As a card carrying member of the occult club in high school, Yuji starts considering his prospects for higher education (Sasaki and Iguchi will continue to need someone to hide behind as they investigate the "supernatural"). Subsequently, he finally gives into coach's insistence to join a sports team provided it doesn't take time away from his club commitments and, of course, goes All Star in whatever sport he decides to take on. Subsequently, he gets a full ride + stipends to attend university as a college baseball player after chasing his passing interest in going to the "Summer Koshien". He happens to follow Kugisaki on Insta.
Why: Yuji's need to be needed would, in part, guide his steps. I think he'd want to be something cinema related, like a reviewer! But he'd always want to coddle the cowering forms of his peers even if they weren't particularly close. Sports is a means to an end, maybe he'll study cinematography or film theory in uni! But ultimately, he's still a kid who wants to help people.
Megumi Fushiguro - Sweet baby Megs has always had a penchant with animals. They find their way to him at parties, otherwise well behaved dogs pull against their leash to flock to him... even wild animals tend to be way too comfortable getting close. This charm he has over animals amuses him though he'd never admit it aloud (he's still just as sullen as ever). Subsequently, while he doesn't need the money, he helps out as a veterinarian technician while in high school and volunteers to walk dogs at the local humane society. He doesn't have social media but he occasionally gets posted with the animals on their SM pages when they have adoption events (which tend to be really well attended afterwards). He's posted exactly one video to YouTube to an account with no profile picture that urges idiots to stop giving baseballs to dogs and leaving them unattended as aggressive chewers may end up ingesting the innards which cause obstructions in their intestines. Yuji was the idiot in question that prompted the post. He did see the video.
Why: Megumi is gentle but more specifically to life forms that deserve it. I still think he'd break the face of anyone who breaks the golden rule of "don't hurt me [or anyone I love] and I won't hurt you [or anyone you love]" but that soft spot for vulnerable beings is still there.
Nanami Kento - Nanami Kento is still a salaryman but, without the outlet that being a sorcerer allowed him when he felt dispirited, he's forced to white knuckle it like the rest of us. That is, until he finds a cause that he can dedicate some of his time to. It starts when Haibara joins a community outreach program wherein he encourages Nanami to be a volunteer mentor. It starts out rather stiffly but, eventually, things kind of click together for him. He realizes the kid he's mentoring isn't a total delinquent and the kid realizes he's not being infantilized when Nanami just cares for his wellbeing. With this understanding, Nanami really feels like his impact is meaningful and he commits to taking on more responsibilities within the program both in a leadership role and in taking on more mentees. Ino was his first mentee, Yuji was his second (mandatory after being caught underage in a pachinko casino). He couldn't get rid of either of them after the fact.
Why: Nanami isn't so bored with being an office worker that jujutsu is the only alternative. He just wants to feel like his incredibly valuable time makes a difference. He needs a cause and Papamin deserves someone to look after (quite to his dismay).
Satoru Gojo - Satoru Gojo wants for not in any universe. Subsequently, he is just an eccentric rich guy who, in a very intentionally Jay Gatsby manner, frequently throws extremely lavish parties that are the talk of the town. They are as garrish as he is outlandish but men and women flock to them for a chance at getting a peak at the Gojo clan heir. In his youth, he'd gone to a small, private religious high school and still sends individual invitations to each of his old schoolmates with the hope that one of them in particular will come. Shoko attends every party with Utahime begrudgingly at her side. Nanami curtly replies with a written "decline" to every single invitation though Haibara is sometimes able to drag him out. Geto attends occasionally but he is quite blissfully unaware that these opulent parties are solely meant to captivate his attention. He's under the impression that whatever they had in high school is long gone. Nobara has, on occasion, tried to crash these parties but security usually bounces her because she's underage.
Why: In every universe, in every life, Satoru Gojo is a simp. Especially for the lone person he considers to be his equal. For all his money, for all his power, he is always left wanting [Suguru Geto].
My Hero Academia AU
Honestly, this gave me more of a hard time. Like, the kids are the same age as JJK but, they just seem... like kids. I can't tell if it's the depth of JJK's character development or their semi-obvious cursed techniques as they relates to employment but here's what I came up with.
Katsuki Bakugo - Katsuki Bakugo is effortlessly good at a lot of things in and out of the MHA universe. While he has a keen intellect fit for many professions, I think his obsessive-bordering-on-psychopathic dedication to be the strongest, the best is reminiscent of a dude bro bullying you into buying whey protein and lifting more. He would for sure be a personal trainer who would, begrudgingly, have a social media presence where he commodifies his otherwise flippant attitude and "beats people into being a less shitty version of themselves". He would also have a private, no face cooking account on tik tok for his curated but delicious meal planning. Midoriya, unknowingly, follows both online personalities. This does not escape Bakugo’s attention.
Why: Don't get me wrong, kid is will one day be the CEO of whatever company he wants (a lot of CEO's are also psychopathic) but, considering his age and current hobbies, he was born to call his followers extras while condescending to them about a proper workout and nutrition plan.
Izuku Midoriya - Izuku and his penchant for hyper informed rants about his special interest would see surprising success as a tiktoker. Bullies would always find something to pick on him for whether that be his absent dad, his socioeconomic background, his pitiful disposition… but even they’d be clued into and following along for his long form verbal essays on pop culture (only thing I could think of in lieu of hero culture, maybe sports would be better?). He’d cultivate a community of adoring fans turned friends and collaborate with other similarly obsessed fanatics. Bakugo would be hyperaware of his channel but act really passive when any of their old middle school classmates bring it up to talk about it.
Why: I feel like tiktok is absolutely the perfect environment where people can connect over their interests and, as an aficionado in whatever seems apropos for the AU, Midoriya’s innate charm over others would shine through and garner a following. Especially because we know he knows what he’s talking about. I’d be tuned in.
Shoto Todoroki - if Enji is still in the mix, he’s likely still going to be waging war against his own weakness (in whatever capacity) and, subsequently will be both insanely successful by other peoples’ standards and still incredibly toxic toward his children in this mission. Shoto will still bear the brunt of it but will temper it with willful rebellion. Oh, you want Shoto to take over the family investment portfolio? It’ll cost you. He will be somewhat mindful of his actions so people aren’t losing their livelihoods but he will be sinking tons of Enji’s personal money into stocks or company’s with unfavorable odds. A family owned cement company that was about to go under, paying to keep a radio station operable 24/7 with semi-hourly disparaging blind items about Enji Todoroki.. these are just a few of his dalliances. Shoto is an undercover day trader using his fathers slush fund as capital. He was absolutely a big part of what saved GameStop’s stock inexplicably. Turned him a pretty profit but he refuses to give Enji the satisfaction of knowing that he may have been right in steering him to stocks in the first place. Midoriya absolutely talked at length about the phenomenon that rejuvenated his favorite game store from his youth he used to frequent with an unnamed childhood friend. Bakugo saw the segment and, while secretly giddy, did not reach out. Did thank whatever invisible hand drove the nerd to mention it though.
Why: His nepo baby status will get him in to places where he actually wants to be, career wise, but Enji is still stonewalling him into his idea of Shoto’s life. Further, he would never want his unique legacy to be tainted with whatever grace his father’s name gives him. He has time and the means to figure out what he wants to do though. And access to so much therapy.
Shouta Aizawa - I honestly cannot see Aizawa as anything not expressly kid related. The care he has when he gets on their eye level to talk to them is top tier. TBH he rounds out the trifecta of mentors who unilaterally put kids above themselves with Nanami and, arguably, Gojo. If not a teacher, I’d say a loose cannon social worker. Earnestly, this man is willing to be in the shit of it if only to spare children who lack guidance, resources, proper decision making skills, etc. as a UA teacher. He wouldn’t be of the “quick to expel and dash dreams” type of loose cannon that his teacher persona allows. He’d be more like a Benson from Law & Order SVU type loose cannon where he’s probably bending some protocols to be a bit more domineering than he needs to be so adults know that any vulnerable kids under his charge are cared for because he’s super invested in his work and their wellbeing. Plus, the man can be a little deranged so he’s not afraid to make his subtle point more clear ✨ for people who don’t appear to be getting the message when it comes to his young stewards.
Why: If there is a society that unjustly does not protect children, then Shouta Aizawa will. I think my hope is that Shirakumo Oboro isn't a lesson in every universe.
Toshinori Yagi - This man is a politician. He runs on idyllic principles which are infectious across every demographic. He appears earnest and forthright and truly got into it for all the right reasons but the reality of politics is very different from the idea of them. He still thrives but feels more and more like he's failing his constituents, losing out to other politicians who are more corrupt, who curry favor from less than savory organizations to sway policies in their favor. He's disheartened but still believes in a future with peace and looks to the youth, his biggest support base, to take steps toward progress together which includes bolstering social programs. Aizawa thinks he's a bit of a sham until money starts hitting the programs that matter. Midoriya talks about Yagi's bold commitment to partnering with the youth on his channel frequently.
Why: It was this or a Gilderoy Lockhart-esque facade for a self-help book author. I see both as equally plausible. Selling a dream while falling apart internally? Same.
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quinloki · 1 year
Hi!! First I just want to say as someone who is in the kink community your kink series is so good and I love it!!!! Can you please do Zoro,Law,and Shanks on collaring, after care, voyeurism .
\o/ THANK YOU ♥ That means a lot to me, I have a lot of connections to the kink community, but I'm not nearly as active as I'd like (some of it is residual pandemic stuff, yada yada, but still). I appreciate your appreciation. ^_^
Aahhhh and you're asking for After Care specifically <3 I love it \o/
I've made mention of fantasy vs reality in this series a few times, and I'll say it again - your fantasy can be rotten - revel in it if you want - but your reality has to be not-rotten. Consent is sexy, and after care is NOT optional.
Okay, personal/educational stuff aside lemme get into this because YES. Zoro, Law, Shanks, this could only be more perfect if it was Zoro, Law and Kid, but I will embrace this with my soul, don't worry ♥
(Also to be fair I've done Kid and collaring and I have talked about his aftercare game at length xD )
Roronoa Zoro:
Collaring - Sure/Yes - If it's important to you, then it's a yes. He'll learn the finer points, and do everything he can to make the entire process exactly what you could ever want. Without any input from you though, he's fairly neutral. He can certainly be possessive, but collaring in a consensual way is a little awkward to him. It's not something he's thought about on his own, and there wasn't any kind of similar ritual from his home island.
And, in his defense, he wasn't really paying attention to much that didn't have to do with swords until he came across you in the first place. If it is a ritual that's important to you though, Zoro the ever adept pupil will, eventually, if all things line up for it, eventually propose with a collar. White, maybe opal, with golden accents that will look suspiciously like his most treasured sword.
Aftercare - Yes - Zoro is functionally good at after care. He's not going to be over the top, but he is going to do it every time. How much he does will vary depending on your state - and if he has to give full service, he totally will. He's not usually big on talking, but you'll be surprised to find him carrying, and controlling, conversation afterward. Most of his reassurance will be in his actions, and most of his learning will be in his words.
Neither will go to waste.
Voyeurism - FUCK Yes - he doesn't want anyone watching you but him, and he didn't know how good watching you could be. It seemed almost absurd at first, to just look, but the two of you have worked out a few sessions and scenarios - times when he may or may not be watching you - and he can hide his presence well.
Just watching you do things was oddly invigorating for him, but watching you in the bath once, when you weren't aware he was there, and you started playing with yourself. He nearly came in his pants, and that first time ended up "breaking the spell" because he was so caught off guard by how it effected him that he made a noise. It led to some very hands on fun that time. >.>
Trafalgar Law:
Collaring - Yes - Law is more about control than possession. That said, if you are the de facto sub in the relationship he'll lean hard into his dom tendencies (he is, to me, 80-85% dom, 15%-ish brat). He'll get more possessive, though never outside of sessions. You'll talk about collaring long before it happens, and it's almost a ritual of him setting aside that 15% consciously.
In the end, he'll provide you with everything that will ever go around your neck again, whether it's his hand, a choker, a custom collar, or a heavy metal collar for more intense role-plays and sessions.
Aftercare - Oh god you don't even know - As I've said plenty of times before, Law is all about control. Aftercare provides an ultimate kind of control. He's not just controlling you or the session itself, he's controlling your recovery - mental, physical, it doesn't matter what kind. The conversation grounds both of you, and he'll never admit to you that he thrives of pampering you. He keeps insisting it's his job as the dom to care for you after a session, but he loves having a valid reason to just lavish you with care.
On dates and such he tends to get nervous, despite his best efforts, but in aftercare he shines. He may not always know the best gift to give, or the perfect words to say to you in the morning, but he knows how to make you feel valued and loved as he tends to the rope burns on your skin after a session.
Voyeurism - FUCK Yes - Law doesn't care much if someone else sees you, he just doesn't want anyone else to hear the sounds you make. He enjoys watching you, especially if you want to put on a show just for him. He'll purr into your ear about how other people could be watching - everything from teasing you in public places, to musing if there's any video camera/snails around watching you.
There's almost never anyone else around, but he'll have you convinced, and if you're absolutely against the public component he'll respect that. There's other ways to admire you, after all.
Collaring - I guess - He knows how to go about the process, all the little nuances and rituals and what have you, but it's not his vibe. He's not terribly possessive in the first place. Having kind of done it all, and also being open to doing it all, it's just not his vibe.
He won't be entirely against it, and he'll fill that void for you if you want it, but it's not really his thing. He is, to me, more dom than sub, but he's more in it for mutual pleasure, than any of the role dynamics of some kinks. (He'll role play like fiend, and tease you whenever he can, but that's as close as he gets.)
Aftercare - FUCK Yes - Shanks' Aftercare game is on point. He's had plenty of practice and a lot of it is almost second nature. He might not consciously fill the role of dom, but it doesn't stop him from taking care of his partner. I feel like he's almost always going to be the more experienced person in the relationship no matter what - he's just so much of a free spirit looking for a good time that I don't think anyone else could hope to keep up.
And he's not reckless or cruel, so he's good at the whole thing, from the chase, to the foreplay, to mutual pleasure, to the aftercare.
Voyeurism - Yes - watch him, let him watch you, let the crew watch, let them watch you, watch without knowing. I mean, if you're for it, he'll make it happen. Everyone will be a willing participant. He even has a version for you where you'll be blindfolded and unsure of who is or isn't watching. (And who is or isn't interacting with you if you've given consent for that).
Pleaser and teaser that he is, he has all sorts of ways he can make Voyeurism work. (He's also at least a little bit of an attention whore, and he won't argue it. If it makes you feel good, why fight it?)
Kinky one piece head canons
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wodkapudding · 16 days
thank you for the tag @pregnancykink <3
Do you make your bed? i usually just fold up the blanket.
What's your favorite number? 13 (my birthday) and 35.
What is your job? [redacted]
If you could go back to school, would you? not high school. one time, i had a nightmare about having to take a social sciences class in my high school again and my high school diploma and BA being withheld until i would have passed that test. i woke up and had a panic attack, lol.
Can you parallel park? no. i don't have a license, so the best i can do in a car is just sit next to the driver and look clueless!
A job you had that would surprise people? uh. no. i worked at a bookshop which was really cool, but i don't think, that's really surprising.
Do you think aliens are real? i believe that aliens are colonising earth and infiltrated the fbi and therefore indirectly caused the kennedy assassination!* just kidding, i'm an agnostic about things like god or aliens. i genuinely don't know and don't feel scientifically educated enough to give a proper guess. (*that's roughly what i remember from x files, please don't yell at me for misrepresenting the plot, i still have nightmares about the liver eater.)
Can you drive a manual car? no. again, no driving!
What's your guilty pleasure? i genuinely enjoy those sped up tiktok music snippets and i kind of have a thing for cobie smulders in american crime story, which is so wrong and pls don't get me wrong, i hate the person, she portrays. she just looks really hot with the blonde hair!
Tattoos? no.
Favorite color? berry colours, plum, burgundy, golden, black! also, taupe, in this season.
Favorite type of music? very much all over the place and it also depends on the season. in the summertime, i love italo disco and the zombies. early autumn is for joan baez and stevie nicks, early winter is for kate bush and bat for lashes. when i'm in a bad mood, i go either for in flames or "hit the road, jack". in middle school, i was very much into visual kei and death metal, in my late teens, i was into riot grrrls and shoegaze and indie pop. i feel about music genres as some kind of all you can eat buffet.
Do you like puzzles? yes! not necessarily good at them, but i like them.
Any phobias? [redacted]
Favorite childhood sport? i did karate for roughly a decade and i loved playing rugby in high school. (not on a team, just in our regular PE class.) i was also happy when our teacher would make us do cardio because mostly i suck at team sports or anything competetive.
Do you talk to yourself? all the time. if i ever look a little distracted, i likely have an angry discussion with myself in my head.
What movies do you adore? heathers! chungking express! bottle rocket. moonlight. rebecca!!!! rope. strangers on a train. very recently: monster & only the river flows.
Coffee or tea? coffee. i do drink tea every now and then. i'm not very fancy about either, tho. i usually end up buying the cheapest fairtrade stuff i can find.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? a painter.
Tagging: @firstaudrina, @esskuesli, @setsailslash, @mpregjohnwinchester & @lalalenii (and just anyone who feels like doing this!)
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