#I'm not very good with sprints but I couldn't resist
reiderwriter · 4 months
Hello there baby, are your parents bakers? Cause you're a cutie pie lol sorry couldn't resist the urge to flirt with my favorite writer💕How have you been? How was your day? I wish you a wonderful day and a lovely night💕
It's my first time here sending an ask but lately I've been thinking about shy!Spencer x flirty!reader, I just think is such a cute couple.
So if you're taking requests, I was thinking about early seasons Spencer completely falling for the reader and the way she's so flirty but sweet and kind, the way he'd be blushing hard at anything she says and how he'd like the way she's always touching him cause he felt cherised and desired.
It could be fluff or smut or both cause I can picture them going slow with the relationship but Spencer being eager to please her and show how much he loves everything about her.
You said about choosing a emoji, so can I be the 🐇anon?
A/N: Thanks for the request! Shy Spencer is the best because he's so dumb and silly and doesn't realize when people are attracted to him. I've said it before, but he's basically every nerdy main character in 00s romcoms that are "unattractive" because they wear glasses. I hope you enjoy the fic~♡
Warnings: mentions of case details, slight spoilers for upto s5
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With a degree in law and a deep-rooted hatred of businessmen, you'd certainly found your calling in one of the FBI White Collar divisions. Putting away the sleazy bastards was easily one of the biggest perks of the job, but every coin had a second side, and yours was you actually had to interact with the cretins before you could take them down. 
You'd dealt with bribes, dinner invites, and sexual propositions more than a time or two, and had to remind yourself that kicking anyone of them clean in the balls was most likely a firing offense, if not legally off the table. 
The man in the case you were currently working - possibly Bill Hodges, possibly Daniel Brady, possibly so many more men - had been a typical white collar freak until he'd moved on to murder. And when you'd been so close to nailing his ass for fraud, too. 
You'd had no choice but to call in whatever unit it was that actually got to put bullets in the bastards, sure that you were going to be strong-armed out of months of work for the glory of taking down a spree killer. 
Instead, you got Spencer Reid, delivered freshly to your desk like a lamb to slaughter. 
“Sorry, you're the agent from the BAU?” You asked, raking your eyes across his body, smiling at his obvious discomfort with the attention. 
“Yes, Doctor Reid. I'm here for more information on the Hodges files.” 
You dusted your skirt off as you stood, moving around the desk to grab the file. You held it out to him but pulled it back when he reached for it.
“I'm sorry, you're really in the BAU?” An embarrassed look fell across his face, and you instantly felt shitty. 
“Do you want to see my credentials?” 
“No, I'm sorry, it's just - I wasn't expecting someone so…pretty?” 
The embarrassed look deepened to a flush, and you brightened at the sight. You weren't lying. He really was pretty, and you hoped your comment hadn't come off as patronizing. 
“You're adorable. Here's the file, I’ll be at your team briefing in half an hour. Spencer, right?” 
He nodded, finally waking up and taking the files as you pushed it against his chest, using the movement to step slightly closer. 
“I'll see you later then,” you trailed your look down, getting a good look at all of him before meeting his eyes again. “Save me a seat?” 
“I should… I'll, uh, go now. Thanks for the-” he stammered, pointing to the file, backing out of your space slowly, like an animal trying not to show its back to a predator. 
Unlike the long line of scumbags filling the halls and case files of your floor, Spencer was without bravado or ego. His lack of both meant that you were interested. You were very interested. 
Half an hour later, you practically sprinted to the 6th floor, bouncing up the stairs to the office where you'd take your meeting like a giddy school girl. 
“Hello, sorry, I'm not late, am I?” You asked, quietly opening the door and letting yourself in. 
“Agent Y/N, no, perfect timing, Penelope was just about to brief us on your case,” Hotch said, rising and giving your hand a firm shake. He looked around to find a seat to usher you into, but you quickly dropped yourself into the seat right beside Spencer Reid, grin deepening as he flushed and offered you an awkward yet endearing smile. 
Unconsciously, you shifted closer, shooting him your own smile before the meeting officially began, and you were forced to keep a straight, serious face. 
The entire case progressed in much the same way, with you doing everything you could to fluster Spencer Reid and him doing everything in his power to convince himself you were being friendly. 
“Spencer, do you have a phone number?” You asked after slipping out of the meeting, trailing him back to his desk. 
“Yeah, we have to keep connected for cases, so I have a phone.” 
“Great. Your number - what is it?” 
He rattled off the digital as you scribbled them down on a notepad. 
“And Hotch's number is-” 
“Oh, I won't need that. Thanks, Spencer.” You said waving as you left to slink back to your desk. You could hear him calling out behind you, confused. 
“Y/N… Y/N, we split up on cases often, if there's an incident and you need to contact us it's better to have all of the team members numbers,” he panted, jogging to catch up with your focused pace. 
“If I need to contact you, I'll take myself to Agent Garcia’s office and use her direct line,” you said, finally stopping yourself at the elevator and pressing the button. 
He caught up, and stopped abruptly next to you. 
“Oh… oh, yeah that's… that's efficient.” 
You stepped onto the elevator when it arrived, leaving Spencer hesitating whether or not to climb in himself, desperately wondering why you'd ask for his number then. 
“Goodbye, Doctor Reid,” you said, pressing the door close button and blowing him a kiss just before the doors blocked you from sight. 
To tell the truth, you'd had a lot of fun flirting with Spencer on the phone from Penelope’s office during the case. The woman was an inspiration, even if her flirting had a completely different purpose and meaning than your own. Her friendship with Derek Morgan was admirable, but you didn't want to be friends with Spencer Reid. 
“Hello, handsome, what can I do for you today?” You asked, picking up the phone and basking in the stammers that answered you down the line. 
“D-Do you need me to get Morgan for you?” He said, his voice treading lightly. 
“Unless Derek Morgan has, overnight, managed to turn into a 6’1 Doctor with a penchant for cardigans and leather satchels and an IQ of 187, then I am absolutely not looking for him. I have case details.” 
He brushed past your comment, but he kept the slight stammer through the conversation, right until you signed off. 
“Until next time, sexy.”
“Um, yeah… thanks…beautiful?” he signed off, and you guffawed in laughter even as Penelope stared wide-eyed in your direction, not believing her ears. 
“Please forgive our little test tube genius. We forgot to add flirting skills to his childhood curriculum, and now, alas, the poor thing doesn't know a damn thing.” 
He'd called back a few hours later, and you'd purred more compliments down the line, but this time with the team surrounding him as they closed in on your unsub. 
“Hello, this is beautiful speaking. How may I help you?” You giggled down the line, picking up the call after only a single ring. 
“Y/N,” he breathed, catching his breath awkwardly as he struggled to remember why it was you were needed. 
“So… um, like… Hotch has a question about the files you sent earlier. He needs Penelope to… do something as well.” 
You could almost see the awkward nod through the phone. 
“Great. Pass me over to Hotch, then, hot stuff.” 
You heard the tell-tale sound of Derek Morgan’s cackle in the background, and you couldn't help but let another giggle slip out. You were a gonner, and, hopefully, so was he. 
The case wrapped quickly after that, spree killing being a quick game of cat and mouse out of necessity. You weren't happy with three bodies, but it sure as hell was preferable to more. 
You greeted the BAU team at the jet hanger as they returned, reclaiming your fraud files for paperwork and using that simple chore as a reason to get close to Spencer again. 
“Good work out there, Doctor Reid.” 
“What, he's not hot stuff anymore now he's in front of you?” Emily Prentiss laughed, throwing her go bag onto her shoulder and trailing behind where you'd started strolling alongside Spencer. 
“Oh, he's still hot stuff. He's just hot stuff with three PhDs that just stopped a spree killer,” you said, sighing dreamily. “How do you do it?” 
“We were all there too, you know,” the other woman chuckled as you made it inside the building and to the elevator. 
“Yeah, well,” you said, taking a second to reach out and straighten out Spencer's skewed tie, smoothing his jacket and generally just touching him in whatever way you could, respectfully. 
You didn't even bother to finish your sentence, just leaning closer to his ears and whispering directly into them. 
“You're very cute when you're flustered, Doctor Reid.” 
You stepped away for a second while the rest of his team teased him, stepping to the back of the elevator to ascend to your floor while the others departed on theirs. 
They filed out one by one and you sent them off with a smile and a wave, signing in defeat as you realized there was no longer a reason for you to interact with the good doctor ever again. 
If you weren't so stupidly aware of him, you'd almost have missed the fact that Spencer didn't leave the elevator when his teammates did. He instead turned to you and, with the brightest red you'd seen on his face to date, stammered out half a sentence. 
“I.. Y/N, I was just… curious, if you, by any chance…” 
Your eyes widened in joy as you anticipated his question, silently begging him just to spit it out. 
“I was wondering, i-if you had… a boyfriend?” By the end of his sentence, even he seemed unsure of whether that was a question he should really be asking. 
You'd been throwing heart eyes at him for says, and he was asking if you were in a committed relationship. 
“No,” you said slightly breathily, as if your body were trying to expel all the anticipation it had stupidly built up. “No, I don't have a boyfriend, Spencer.”
“Great okay,” he smiled, a boyish grin if you'd ever seen one, before backtracking quickly.
“Well not great for you, great for me. Not that you can't be happy alone, I don't know how you feel about…romantic entanglements and I-I-I’m not saying that your life isn't,” he searched for the words with his hands, as of he could grasp them as a life line while he was sinking fast. “-Great without a boyfriend or anything like that, I'm just - really - pleased that position is currently… vacant?” 
“Spencer?” You said, feeling like a cat who got the cream as a smile twitched at your lips, pulling the corners up as you listened to him ramble. 
“Do you want to be my boyfriend  or are you asking for a friend?” 
You'd meant the words as a joke  but he stood contemplating for a second. You pushed a hand against your mouth to suppress the childish squeal from popping out. 
“It would be a bit presumptuous to shoot straight for boyfriend, right? How about date ....partner?” 
You couldn't stop yourself from closing in on him then, practically cornering him in the elevator as the floors passed you by.
“Presumptuous would be thinking I could have a boyfriend when I've been begging you to stick your tongue down my throat with my eyes for the last half hour. I thought they taught you body language at the BAU?” 
“They teach us how to catch criminals, not how to see when someone is giving us…fuck me eyes, Y/N.” The curse left you a little dizzy - this was it, this was what you'd been trying to do all week, to get under his skin and get him to let his guard down so you could capture him. 
“Doctor Reid, I'm a little scandalized! I didn't know you swore. What a dirty mouth you have.” You reached up with both hands, letting your thumb on his lips before pretending to wipe something away at the corner of his mouth. You were in the perfect position to notice his throat bob as he swallowed.
The elevator pinged at your floor, and you left him behind you with one last swipe of your fingers at his chin. You weren't expecting him to follow, but he did.
“Y/N…please, Y/N…. Can we just…?” You relished the awkwardness in his voice as he trailed you again, a satisfied smile settling onto your face. 
You just kept walking. Or you did until you felt a large hand wrap around your wrist and pull you sideways into the nearest storage cupboard. 
You gasped as he pinned you to the wall, close not, but his eyes still hesitant on what to do next. 
“Spen-” He cut you off with his lips on yours, silencing you before you could get the final word. His lips were clumsy at first, but you felt hot under his touch  arching yourself up into him. His tongue pushed into your mouth as he found his stride, your hands tangling in his hair as you held on for dear life.
This was it. This was what you'd been waiting for. 
Reluctantly, he pulled away, both of you gasping for breath to fill your suddenly empty lungs. 
“Was that….what… you wanted?” He panted, resting his head on yours. 
There were no words. It was what you wanted but now you wanted more, needed more. You settled for a quick nod as your tongue flamed, unable to say anything helpful. 
“Good. Great…” he removed his hands from you and scratched at the back of his neck, putting a more respectful distance between the two of you as he cleared his throat. 
“I'll just-” he pointed to the door and started making his way out. You sighed again, watching him walk away down the hall, his hair a mess, his tie askew, and a whole lot of your lipstick staining his lips. 
Surely, he'd notice by the time anyone else did. If not, you'd just effectively staked your claim on Doctor Spencer Reid, and you couldn't be happier about it.  
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
The Crew Heads with Reader: Shopping
G/N. (Jake Kim, Eli Jang, Johan Seong, Samuel Seo).
Bro Code | Dinner | Shopping | Television | Gacha | Board Games | Suits
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The general public is split between taking a wide berth-
(Who can blame them? The four intimidating men in your company cast a menacing aura.)
-and ogling.
(Who can blame them? The four striking men in your company cut a very impressive figure.
Tall and muscular, pretty and lean, charming and swoonworthy, sexy and brooding... There's someone for everyone.)
Samuel walks a few steps ahead, as if he's too good to be seen with the likes of you lot. He's not an equal, he's the leader.
In his head, anyway.
Yet when you catch up to talk to him, he slows, pace matching yours. Arches down ever so slightly to make it easier for you.
Jake and Eli flank you. Both smiling; one just a small, sweet quirk of the lips, the other a full toothy grin. Enjoying your company, your quips and running commentary.
Johan trails a little behind. Like a petulant teen out with his family. Still, being with you, even here, is better than not. So he follows, pouting and bored.
Yet can't stop the brightness in his eyes, when you turn around and give him a smile. A soft look to just say hi.
"It's just a t-shirt."
"I'm not paying for that."
"Workers pay that poorly?" Jake pulls a faux look of concern. Or it could be sincere. Who knows with Jake and Samuel. "You really should come back to Big Deal, we'll treat you right."
Samuel takes one deep breath before yanking the item from Jake's grip, and proceeds to the register with the rest of the clothing you have been interested in.
Some jeans you have ooh-ed over. A couple of jackets you have aah-ed from afar. And now also a stupid t-shirt.
Which is tacky and tasteless, Samuel thinks, mean and a touch childish.
"This one too?" You add a small dress atop the pile as the shop assistant rings through the purchases.
(Samuel pays for everything.
Took it as a personal offence the first time you said no, many moons ago. Now it's just a habit, almost expected. You're grateful, nevertheless.)
"Doesn't seem like your size," Samuel comments and you look up at him. Puppy eyes on full display and bottom lip jutted out.
A little, not too much. Don't want to overdo it.
Samuel sighs. "Fine."
He's not an idiot. He knows what you're doing, yet he's always powerless to resist.
You beam at him, giving his bicep a squeeze, "Thanks Sammy. Yenna will look adorable in it."
Samuel doesn't say anything. Couldn't give a flying fuck if Yenna will look adorable or hideous. Irritated that he even knows who Yenna is. Gives one quick glance over to Eli, who is still looking at the toddler's section, a pair of shoes in each hand.
"It's fine," he mutters as you lean up to kiss him on the cheek.
Johan perks up when it is time for lunch. The only time he has been anything other than sullen.
"So hangry all the time," you tease, and receive a scathing look in return.
"You've just proved me right," you snicker, reaching out to ruffle his hair as he slurps on his ramen. The glare remains, but there's no heat to it.
"You know," you give your coffee a stir, watching the crema dissipate, "You don't have to come out with me if you don't enjoy it."
Johan doesn't respond. You look back at him and he can't meet your eyes.
He swallows, feels the noodles and broth burning his throat. The tiniest, "I do," leaves his lips.
A ‘blink and you would have missed it’ admission.
"Y/N. Let's go." Eli whispers urgently into your ear, interrupting you gawking at a bag that costs three months of rent.
"No time." Jake says, hoisting you up into a princess carry (effortlessly, you didn't fail to notice) and sprinting out the store.
"Put me down!" You squirm and wriggle to no avail.
"We'll explain later," Eli laughs, matching Jake step for step. Neither breaking into a sweat, neither even out of breath.
They round the corner, joining up with Samuel and Johan at full speed. All with matching gleeful expressions.
"We stole his clothes." Eli holds up a pair of trousers, Samuel a shirt, and Johan a jacket.
You're speechless. Almost. "How the fuck-"
"This genius," Jake nods at Eli, "saw Gun trying on a new suit. Admiring himself in the mirror. Probably seeing if the bucket of hair gel he usually uses is enough." A fake gag and roll of the eyes. "Johan and Sammy wanted to fight him."
"Samuel-" Sammy corrects, and is ignored. As per usual.
"I suggested the pacifist route," Jake grins. And you know he means he's not going to cause any trouble for you, even if you’ve noticed his eyes clouding over with anger.
It goes as quickly as it comes. He doesn't want you involved with Gun Park at all.
You snort, "Yeah but he can always just buy and walk away in a new outfit."
"Maybe," Eli shrugs, " Maybe not." And he fishes out the phone and wallet from each pocket.
Oh. Oh! 
You think of Gun Park standing bewildered in his undies. 
Left stranded. Clothes gone. Personal belongings gone. 
A victim of a crime committed by the bosses of the four crews and you laugh so hard you think you might never be the same again.
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silverskye13 · 1 month
Skye hold my hand I just read the newest chapter
First, I LOVE how Tanguish recognises the space where the unhealthy behaviours existed before (mostly: compromise bit I'm looking at you). It shows so much growth as a character and the progression of him as his own being.
Second, the descriptions in this chapter were astounding. I adored the one of the little nook Tanguish ran to. Felt very small and cosy. Also the description of the main hall.
Which leads me to number three, Welsknight (derogatory). WHY IS HE THERE. WHAT DID HE DO. TANGUISH MY SWEET CHILD EITHER RUN OR KILL HIM!!!!
(bonus: hmmm Impulse having trouble with favours and wanting things and hoarding....couldn't possibly have any relation to the Demon being so strong could it....it would never....not in a Silverskye13 story....)
(bonus bonus: if Impulse does not get his happy ending I will be so sad. And btw when I originally read it the way I read it was 'ah it's improving so the Demon might get weaker yay' and then I scrolled down to the comments and had to re-evaluate to 'oh no, the Demon is stronger. Fuck.')
[Holds your hand] :) we go on this journey together I see I see
Yes good! Picking up on the character changes! I really wanted to emphasize the fact that Tanguish is the one that's been changing, while Tango has been stuck in a bit of a stasis. Tanguish saw a problem and reshaped his entire character to fix it. Tango... Didn't. In fact, he's resisted change at every milestone.
Not gonna lie, the description of the main hall was my fun little sprint at the end. I wanted to focus on something new with the architecture that I hadn't done before? And decided sound would be the angle of choice. Channeling every time I've gone into an empty church and just Listened To The Acoustics.
Welsknight :) these chapters have been me poking you guys and going, "Hey, remember how this story has antagonists that aren't just the internal struggles of the main characters?"
Impulse is going through it as well! We'll get back to him. Eventually. There is a time and place.
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I really loved the werewolf! sanford you wrote! I was wondering if you could do a follow up where someone on the team accidentally turns the reader? (maybe Hank or Sanford himself)
It's another werewolf! All dressed up in sheep's wool, and changing when the moons full. Can you show me the way?
Werewolf!Sanford x Demigirl!Reader P2
CW: Reader gets hurt, whole team gets hurt, descriptions of gore, vomit and body horror.
[Part 1] - will link later lol
Deimos had the zoomies, sprinting back and forth from your bedroom to the front door, his toes tip tapping with impatience and excitement. It'd been a couple months since you started going on hunts with the boys, always on Sanford's broad back, the night air fresh in your lungs, hair blown by the wind.
The boys felt safe enough to transform inside the base with you around, seeing as you could open the door to let them out. "I'm coming, hold your horses Dei." You chuckled as he ran up again, whining softly with puppy eyes, ears drawn back.
Something softly headbutted your back, and you turned to see Doc, who strolled passed and sat by the door. Hurry up. He was patient, yes, but even he was starting to get bored of waiting.
There was a scuffling noise in the kitchen, and you wandered over to see Hank with their head inside the bin, rummaging around for some leftovers. He turned to look at you, a chicken leg bone in his mouth. Yesterday's scraps, tonight's lunch.
Sanford padded out of your room, yawning widely, chuffing softly as he nuzzled his cold nose into your hand. "You ready Fordie?" He licked your palm, and you headed to the door, both wolves trailing behind.
Dei yipped in excitement, his feet tapping away still. He was the quickest of the pack, always sprinting around while outside, a supercharged battery burning off its excess energy.
Opening the door, the four wolves exited first, Deimos running off ahead, Doc walking behind, clearly intent on waiting until the door was secure as usual. Hank was still gnawing away at their treat, enjoying the marrow seeping out at they cracked and splintered the old bone. Sanford took a few paces outside, before laying down so you could climb on his back.
You pet Doc's head, setting the lock on the door before hopping into Sanford's back. "Alright furry boys, let's ride!"
Hank took off after Deimos, being easily swallowed by the night as the full moon was obscured by heavy clouds. Doc and Sanford followed, keeping pace with each other. It was routine, Deimos and Hank would run off up front, San and Doc taking up the rear, though rarely did they stray too far from each other.
The strength of a wolf is his pack, and the strength of a pack is the wolf. You could feel Sanford's heart beating against your thigh, his chest heaving as he ran along, his heavy paws thudding along, coughing up earth with his claws.
Up ahead, Deimos and Hank were atop a cliff, the smaller wolf looking skyward, awaiting for the very brief window when the moon would be visible. The three of you caught up, and you got off Sanford's back, the wolves grouping together to call a hunt.
A slither of silver shone in the sky, and Doc threw back his head, letting out a mournful howl, which was joined in a chorus by the rest. Butterflies filled your stomach, and you couldn't resist, howling with them too. And the moon vanished, hiding herself away for this night.
Hank threw you a questioning look, before marching down the cliff side, uninterested in you. Doc approached, nudging you with his head before turning to follow Hank. Deimos was wagging his tail, giving a soft awoo and giving a playful bow. Like Doc, he rubbed against you before waiting at the cliff.
San came up last, rubbing his face affectionately against you, rubbing his scent all over you. He'd asked you to be his partner recently, and you agreed excitedly. He'd given you a whole new happier life, of course you'd want to share it with him.
He bowed again, letting you climb atop, getting a good grip of his neck fur as you leaned into him, the cliff was pretty steep, staying low was the best way to keep safe and on top of your ride.
Together Dei and San raced, kicking up rocks in their wake, excitement flooding your veins. You weren't super into the killing, but the pack activities really helped bond you with the boys, they offered you more physical affection. Deimos was always trying to snuggle with you and Sanford, Doc would touch your hair softly as he passed by, Hank would... sometimes offer you a thumbs up.
Despite not being a wolf, you fit perfectly into the pack, as a pack mate, and as Sanford's girlfriend. Once again you hopped off his back, ahead of you stood a band of vampires. Stepping back, you tightly gripped the silver crucifix Doc had given you, the bottom of it had been sharpened like a knife, a powerful weapon for banishing supernatural beasts of all shapes and sizes.
"Fuck 'em up boys." At your command, the wolves lunged forward, the turf war underway. The wolves, all being skilled fighters in normal life, had the upper hand, and with their blood being corrosive to vampire's innards, it was sure to be a massacre.
Coloured blood painted the streets, neon leaking on every surface. Even the werewolves' badass bitch managed to take down one or two, Doc's gift proving to be incredibly useful.
Blood splashed into Hank's eyes, they were temporaily blinded, and with no arms to wipe the blood away, they latched onto the nearest thing that wasn't a wolf and smelled of vampires.
You screamed as his teeth dug in, and instantly he let go, realising his mistake. Deimos ripped the intestines of the last vamp standing, while Doc spun on his paws, noticing you crumple to the ground, clinging to your mauled arm.
"Hank you bastard!" Sanford snarled, lunging at him, the two sending fur and blood flying as they fought, San in pure rage, and Hank in self defence.
Doc raced over, Deimos following behind, both scared. "What happened?" Dei looked to Doc, eyes stricken with terror. "Vampire?"
"It was Hank. Sanford and I saw it." Doc nuzzled his face against you, licking your wound, but the pain didn't subside as it had with Sanford all those months back, it felt like acid was pouring into your skin.
"IT BURNS!" You dropped your weapon, Doc smelled burnt flesh and he nudged your hand, the silver having left a scald. The pain was overwhelming, you'd even missed out on the fact you could understand the wolves words now.
"SANFORD! STOP! She's going to turn!" Doc barked out, and a bloodied up Sanford tossed Hank aside before laying next to you, Hank had gotten a good few bites and scratches into his already wounded body.
"You.. I'm sorry, I didn't protect you princess." His golden eyes filled with hurt and pain, pain of being unable to protect his partner, his woman.
Agony filled your body, bones creaking and starting to reshape, nails splitting into claws, blood and teeth flooded out your mouth, old human ones forced out as new wolf ones formed in, round, sharp, capable of splitting flesh from bone.
There were no words to describe the hell your fragile body was going through, spine cracking and extending, legs bending unnaturally to take on new form. Blood, snot and tears flooded from your face, and it tore Sanford up, because there was nothing any of them could do to ease the suffering.
"They're going to be okay, right?" Deimos sounded panicked.
"Of course they are. She's always had a wolf's strength. Only now they've got the body to go along with the spirit." Doc put his tail around Dei's back, and Dei leaned into his father figure, whining softly.
Your body felt like it was on fire, a mixture of blood and puke rolled out of your mouth, your claws scraping up the concrete road. Bright wolf eyes opened, scanning the rest of her pack, seeing them in a whole new perspective.
"I know it hurts." Sanford placed his muzzle over yours, body twitching and settling into its new self. "The first few always do. But your body will get used to it. And they will never be as painful as the first one, that's when the worst changes happen. We've all been through it princess."
You rested your face into San's thick neck fur, his once off putting dog smell now appealing. "D-does.. t-this me--mean I get to bite the n-next one who joins u-us?" The joke fell flat, but Sanford licked your muzzle.
Hank took a step forward, and Sanford snarled at him, ready to attack if he advanced again. "I.. I'm sorry. It was an accident. Blood in my eyes. Instinct to bite."
"You are banished from the pack tonight. You will spend the night alone, and as many moons as it takes for her to forgive you." Doc commanded, his teeth bared. "Is that clear?"
"No." You eyed Doc, who's ears went backwards.
"I'm sorry?"
"Hank will not be punished like that. While I don't forgive them for what they've done to me, I will not deprive them of one of the only comforts they know." Your grey fur bristled.
"Are you sure?" Sanford mumbled lowly, never taking his eyes off Hank.
"Yes. You taught me the way of the wolf, and depriving them of that is cruel. But make no mistake, you are not to touch me, in any shape or form, my body is not yours to lay a claw or fang on again. You will have to do a lot to earn forgiveness, but if you try, perhaps you will."
Taking the lead, you turned and began heading towards home, each step painful as bones and muscles had to adjust to their new positions and lengths, black tipped tail hanging limp. Sanford followed, Dei behind him, Doc next, and Hank bringing up the rear.
"You are lucky," Doc growled. "that they are so kind. Even now, she has pared you from isolation, after what you've done."
"I know." Hank's tail was slightly between their legs.
Doc stopped in his tracks, letting the three of you get a lead, just enough to be out of earshot. "Besides, you owe Sanford an apology too."
"How so?"
"He wanted to change them himself." Doc gave a wolfy chuckle before plodding onwards, leaving Hank to ponder a moment. They would let their packmates nurse each others wounds, allowing their own to scab over without help, a self inflected punishment.
They trudged along, a space next to Doc was calling his name in the den bed. A space that was furthest from Sanford and his mate.
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ughgoaway · 1 year
Head empty with zero thoughts other than imagining like having a little parents/careers day in the class, and matty comes in, guitar in hand and does a little sing song circle 🥹
oh this is so so good, I love it
Annie comes bounding out of the classroom one day with a flyer in her hand and immediately sprints towards matty shouting "DADDY!!!"
he was holding a can of coke but has to promptly drop it and catch his daughter hurtling towards him. luckily, he quickly catches her with a grunt.
you come running up behind her in an attempt to stop her jumping into mattys arms, clearly just a few seconds too late. Panting you say to matty, "Sorry! I knew she was excited, but I didn't anticipate that! as soon as I saw her running, I knew what was happening. and I knew you'd have your can of coke, so I tried to help. clearly speed isn't my strong suit, " you say sheepishly, bent over, trying to get your breath back.
soon you catch yourself and realise something; matty is currently looking very hot, and right now, you're red-faced and panting like a dog. you shoot up and smile, trying to play it off.
matty clearly catches onto your attempt to act casual. but mercifully, he leaves you alone and shoots you that dazzling smile that weakens your knees.
"You've noticed my Coca-Cola habit?" he couldn't resist a small bit of teasing.
you begin to stutter, but little Annie Healy saves the day and starts chatting, "daddy! there's a day where you come in and talk about your job!!! can uncle Adam, uncle George and uncle Ross come too??" she's talking animatedly with her hands, a habit you've noticed in matty too.
"woah munchkin that sounds like so much fun! when is it?" matty says tickling her stomach with one hand and grinning wildly at her raucous laughter.
"oh don't worry about coming Mr. Hea- sorry Matty" he'd corrected you about 40 times at this point but still you slipped up, "I know you're probably crazy busy with your band and tour and everything!" you say shaking your head.
obviously, you wanted him there, but also, you don't know if you could handle him looking hot and playing guitar in your classroom. the dreams you'd been having about him were already far beyond the scope of what's appropriate, and seeing that would not help.
"Oh, you know I'm going on tour?" matty says, smirking. You look like a dear in headlights - knowing you'd been caught doing some light Instagram stalking. but once again, annie the angel saved you.
"no daddy I told Miss y/n about it! I told her you're gonna get me presents in every country!!" Annie says, nodding assuredly.
"Oh, every country? is that right? I'm not sure I remember saying that?" matty teases Annie, who looks offended at his suggestion.
"Sorry to interrupt this very important conversation," you tease, "but just letting you know the parents' day is next Friday, please feel free to come if you can! I'm sure the kids would love a performance. "
matty nods and says, "I'll be there," obviously accompanied by a cheeky wink because it's matty.
as he's walking away you shout at him, "just... choose your songs carefully... I'm not sure the parents would love an impromptu performance of love it if we made it..." with a cheeky smile you spin on your heel and walk away.
matty is laughing at your words as you fight the urge to turn around and see his reaction.
cut to parents day, you were up late trying to find the perfect outfit. insisting it was for all the parents... not just matty.
he strolls in, guitar case in hand, looking amazingly causal and mind numbingly attractive.
you make eye contact from across the room and try not to swoon at his wave, scolding yourself for acting like a teenager over something so simple.
he sits in the back with the rest of the parents listening to you talk. He loved watching you in your element, keeping the kids entertained and making subtle jokes for the parents.
After a little bit, it's finally his turn. You introduce him and embarrass him a little by calling him a rockstar, loving the way his cheeks colour once you said it.
matty comes up, assures everyone he is not a rockstar and tella them he's here to play a few songs, "now if you know any of my bands music I'm just going to quickly assure you, I'm not signing any of those songs. I'm not too sure this is my ideal audience"
you stifle a laugh at the back of the room, and matty shoots you a look, tilted head with a sly smirk resting on his face.
he sings a few songs (i can't think of appropriate songs rn- you fill in the blank lol), and you stand there with a hand on your chest and heart eyes the whole time.
soon enough, everyone is clapping, and you quickly realised you had zoned out, and matty had finished signing. you shoot up and start clapping just a few beats too late.
Your behaviour was not missed by matty, who had to put his head down to hide his laughter. luckily, he could pass it off as being shy at the all the attention.
after everyone else had finsihed you send the kids and parents out to the playground to run around whilst you clean up your room a little bit.
"need a little help?" you scream at the voice before turning around and breathing a sigh of relief at matty.
he's giggling to himself and you slap him lightly, "don't laugh! I'm very easily scared okay!"
he holds his hands up in surrender, "Okay! okay! anyway, my offer still stands - you want some help? Annie is out there entertaining a crowd, so I figured I'd slip away"
"ah like father like daughter then I see" you tease, "I would love some help, thanks matty" you smile and begin fixing the chairs and tables.
After a bit of silent work matty chimes in, "you know that's the first time you've ever called me matty without almost saying Mr. Healy first"
"Oh... yeah, I'm just getting comfortable with you, I guess. " You smile over at him, and he looks up too, locking eyes with you.
and for a beat, you're both stood there- eyes locked, softly smiling at one another.
you think matty's eyes dart down to your lips at one point, but that can't be right.
before long, a kid comes bounding in distracting you, and then matty gets dragged back out onto the playground by Annie.
you don't get a proper goodbye. But through the window of the classroom, you catch each other's eyes and wave, both trying to act completely casually but beaming internally.
blurb masterlist here!!
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
can you do 1 and 18 with joseph quinn please? <3
Ugh yes I was hoping someone would request this thank you!!!
1.  Fuck a baby into me/I'm gonna fuck a baby into you.
18. I love you, fuck, I'm so close!
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Joseph Quinn x Reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it lads...unless youre trying to make a baby i guess), baby making, subtle mention of morning after pill, rpf (don't like, don't read)
Hoe-vember masterlist
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You and Joe had been together for 7 years now. You had bought a beautiful house together, got engaged and very recently married in a small private ceremony in London, so it was natural that the questions would start pouring in from friends, family and unfortunately the media too.
"So, when can we expect a mini Quinn then?"
"When are you going to make us grandparents, hmm?"
"Any plans for kids in the near future?"
It. Was. Infuriating.
At first, you'd been polite about it.
"Oh, we're just enjoying being married first."
"Not quite yet."
"Some plans, but nothing definite yet."
As the quizzing around babies became relentless, you and Joe started to bite back.
"We'll have a kid when we're ready."
And that was the end of it.
Or so you thought.
It was a quiet Friday night, and you were currently sat nursing a glass of wine and scrolling through Twitter. Joe had been away doing some press tours and general public appearances, such is life when you're married to a now world famous actor. You were used to it, but it didn't mean that you didn't miss him whilst he was gone. He was due to fly home from Newport Beach Film Festival overnight arriving early tomorrow morning, so your day had been filled with cleaning the house and getting a good food shop in. You'd also had a bath and made sure you were clean, shaved and moisturised ready for your usual 'welcome home' sex marathon you knew was inevitable tomorrow.
As you sipped your wine and scrolled on your phone, you couldn't resist searching your husband's name on Twitter. He didn't use social media, but you did and loved loved to torture him with articles and videos of himself. He did not love that.
You couldn't help the lovesick smile that creeped across your face as you found a video of him being interviewed at the film festival. God, he looked so fucking good. He had FaceTimed you as he was getting ready and as soon as he put on that white suit, it was game over and some seriously spicy video sex had ensued.
In the video you had found, he was doing an interview with a tiny microphone. The usual questions were asked regarding Stranger Things, the love for Eddie, and just general chit chat.
Then it happened.
"So, congratulations on your recent marriage! Any plans for kids soon or are you way too busy for that?"
Joe's face falters a little but ever the good actor, he regains his composure before answering.
"Thank you. We'll see, you know, we don't want to rush these things." He gives a smirk to the camera that you swear was meant just for you as if to say 'here we fucking go again', but to others it could be translated as 'maybe, maybe not, I'm saying nothing', much like he did when asked if Eddie was returning for season 5.
You roll your eyes and groan as you read through a few of the comments, not really paying any mind to what was being said. You copy the link and send it to Joe with the caption 'thinking you should just knock me up so we get some peace 🙃'
You weren't expecting a reply. He must have had WiFi on the plane.
"Too obvious?'
'Nah, you only looked like you wanted to throttle her just for a second x'
'Damn, need to hoan my craft. See you in about 10 hours. Keep the bed warm for me x'
Approximately 10 hours and 20 minutes later, you're woken up to the sound of the front door unlocking and shutting. You glance at the bedside table, seeing the alarm clock reading 8.15am. You grin, listening as Joe dumps his bags in the hall before practically sprinting up the stairs. He flings open the bedroom door and practically pounces on you, his mouth immediately finding yours.
He kissed you in a way that took you by suprise, usually he would at least get into bed with you and have a little bit of sleep before trying to dick you down, but he was kissing you in such a desperate, frantic manner, pawing at you and turning you on so damn fast that you didn't dare question it.
"Haven't...even...brushed...my teeth" you pant in between kisses, both of you working quickly to discard the other's clothes.
"Don't care," Joe kissed his way down your now naked body, licking a fat strip up your pussy and attaching his mouth to your clit.
"Fuck, Joe!" You hissed, grabbing a fistful of his curls as he expertly flicked his tongue against you. He slowly worked one and then two fingers inside you, almost instantly finding that spongy spot that practically made you scream out his name.
"Shh, we have neighbours you know," Joe grinned up at you and you nudged his head with your knee. He playfully bit your thigh before going back to work, alternating licks and sucks to your puffy bundle of nerves.
Within minutes he had you coming for him, his tongue and fingers working you through one of the strongest orgasms you'd had in a while, leaving you blissfully fucked out and ready to give him the best head of his life in return, until he folded your legs up practically by your ears and slid his cock inside you, the stretch and burn of not having him for a week making you moan loudly and dig your nails into his biceps.
"Joe," you whimper as he starts fucking you fast and deep, the angle making sure his cock hit your g-spot with every stroke. "So fucking big!"
"I'm gonna fuck a baby into you," he growls, his eyes practically black as his hips snap into yours. "Get you all nice and pregnant, yeah babe?"
"Yes, yeah, fuck, god-!" You weren't even making sense, the deep thrusts of his cock battering your cervix sending pleasure blooming through your belly and causing your brain to malfunction. 
If it wasn't so fucking hot, it would have been mortifying how wet you were. The lewd squelch of your cunt paired with your breathless moans and Joe's grunts of effort signifying just how close you both were to falling apart for each other.
"I love you," you whine, pulling him down as best you could for a sloppy kiss, all teeth and tongue and it's fucking perfect.
"I love you, fuck, I'm so close!" He gasps, cock twitching inside you. Your orgasm was teetering on the edge, just a little more-
"Cum with me, Joey," you beg, clenching down on him and making him shudder. He ruts his hips to yours one last time and buries his head in your neck, moaning your name along with various expletives. The feeling of him filling you with his load and the sounds he was making, plus the pressure of his pelvis against yours had you falling over the edge with him, nails digging into his back and you shook and writhed beneath him.
You both laid there a while, letting your breathing and heart rates return to normal. Joe placed some kisses up your neck, eventually pecking your lips gently, giving you a small smile.
"Hi," he practically whispered, rubbing the tip of his nose against yours.
"Hi," you gave him a blissful smile. "Not that I'm complaining but...What was that about?"
Joe groans, flopping down on the bed beside you and gestures for you to pop your head on his chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"I dunno, I just...I saw this woman in the airport, super pregnant and I just saw how in love her and her husband looked and I just-it made me think of you, and how much I love you and..." He sighs, kneading his free hand over his eyes and forehead. "I'm sorry, I should've said something. Want me to go out and get you...?"
You're silent for a moment.
"No," you look up at him. "No, I think...I think I'm ready."
And 6 weeks later, you're staring at 2 solid pink lines on several different pregnancy tests, grinning like a mad woman. You stroll out of the bathroom and present the tests to your husband, who spits out his coffee and stares up at you, his big brown eyes shining with tears and a glint of fear. You kiss him.
"You definitely fucked a baby into me."
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Kokichi has set himself a challenge, fuck all the girls in his class in a day! Will he be able to?
Warning: Lewd content below
“Bet you I can.”
“You can't.”
“Bet you I can!”
“You can't!”
“Bet you I can't?”
“You can! Wait- damn it!” Kaito rubbed his hair in confusion as Kokichi snickered.
“What's going on?” Shuichi said as he entered the cafeteria, only to see Kaito and Kokichi bickering.
“Bro! Kokichi's talking crazy, and I'm about to make 20 bucks!”
“Huh? How?”
“Shumai, Shumai, Shumai, you know I'm a very charming individual right?” Kokichi slinked his arm around Shuichi, who only judged him in return. “I'm so charming that no lady can resist me. Which is why I could definitely sleep with every woman in this whole academy.”
“Oh could fuckin’ not!”
“That's what this is about?” Shuichi grasped the bridge of his nose. “Okay, if we're going to be realistic about your bet, which, I don't even know why I am, let's change it to all the girls in our class. You have until breakfast tomorrow Kokichi to…sleep with all 8 of them. You need a picture or a video as proof of you doing so. If you can do it, you win the bet. If you can't, Kaito wins.”
‘“Deal!”’ Both purple haired rivals agreed on the spot, as the Kokichi sprinted out of the cafeteria. Shuichi sighed. What on earth did he do?
“Allow me to understand you properly, if I help you win this foolish bet, you promise to act respectful towards your classmates, including Kaito?”
“Of course mommy!”
Kirumi sighed before locking the janitor closet. She then placed her hands on the walls and adjusted her dress to give Kokichi easy access. “Fine then. This position should satisfy the conditions, correct?”
“Works for me!” Before giving Kirumi time to prepare herself, Kokichi recklessly jammed it inside of her. Her normally stoic face cracked at the sensation. Kokichi wasted no time at all thrusting in and out of her, going balls deep from the start. Kirumi clenched her teeth at the surprising high she felt from Kokichi inside of her.
The shutters of Kokichi's phone camera clicked as he filmed himself fucking Kirumi’s ass from behind. He pulled out and jerked himself off to her ass, before cumming all over it on tape. He smirked. One down, seven to go.
“Hey Tsumugi, I think this cosplay is broken?”
“No…it’s exactly how it should be~”
On his quest to fuck every bitch that he could, Kokichi’s next target was the geeky whore herself, Tsumugi Shirogane. Since her time spent with Junko-senpai, combined with her own filthy fetishes, she seemed like the next most obvious choice to bang. And to Kokichi’s credit, he was mostly correct. Tsumugi would practically throw herself onto his dick. But, under one condition…
“Are you sure this is a guy’s cosplay???”
“Oh most definitely.” Tsumugi drooled over Kokichi’s outfit. To say it was merely skimpy would be a royal understatement. The only things that were covered were small parts of his thighs and groin, about half of his ass cheeks, his upper chest and back, and for some reason his eyes. Tsumugi smirked. “Oh this will look so good in the cosplayers monthly.” She set the camera to auto before crawling towards Kokichi on all fours.
Tsumugi took Kokichi's cock into her mouth gently, rubbing her tongue over the tip while kissing the middle of his shaft. Despite not being able to force it all down her throats she still bobbed her head rhythmically, shaking her ass for the camera while sucking his huge cock. Kokichi would be sure to ask her for the footage as proof, if he could remember how to speak at the end of the shoot.
“Pfft, fucking virgin, of course you’d make a bet like that. Well soooorrrryyy princess, but these golden girls v card ain't getting swiped by a fuckin little gremlin like you.”
“Oh, so you admit you're a virgin after all, huh Miu? Well I always had a feeling anyways.”
“Nnngh, t-that's!” The blonde bimbo shrunk in her seat. She couldn't believe it. The prankster came into her lab and asked her for sex, and yet she's bottoming to him! That wasn't how it was supposed to go. Miu took a deep breath before attempting to regain her lost ground. “W-well I guess since you're really desperate. I suppose a goddess like me can't help but take pity on-”
“Sweet, thanks cum dumpster!”
“Eeeeee!” As Miu squeaked as she was lifted up into the air. Kokichi quickly pulled aside her panties, and took a picture of her face and he stole her virginity in one quickly yet lengthy thrust! The photo captured the perfect picture of her face: the exact moment she became a real honest to goodness cock slut!
“Smile for the camera!”
“K-kokichi!” Kaede called out annoyed. It was one thing to be giving him a titfuck on her bed, but for him to record it. She pouted as the evil genius giggled. He then continued to thrust into her chest, his pre-cum coating her cleavage, turning her on even more. The head of his cock throbbed as Kaede went up and down his shaft with her boobs, clearly eager to see some sort of action too. Kaede sighed. Despite how annoyed she was at him, her feelings of anger were overruled by how wet her panties were. She smiled and stuck her tongue out, allowing Kokichi to snap a picture of the exact moment Kaede received a faceful of his thick cum. She licked his dick hungrily. If he was going to give her a facial, she might as well have fun with it!
“Nyeehh. Kokichi, you're way too big. I should cast a shrinking spell on you with my magic.”
“Oh no Himiko! Don't bother wasting your mana on this degenerate male!”
“Tenko is right. Atua wants his cock as big as possible so it will feel the best!”
“T-that's not what I meant at all!”
Kokichi smirked at the three girls below him, all eagerly working to give him a triple blowjob. Licking his shaft was Angie. When he first approached the three girls about sex, she immediately jumped on the “fuck Kokichi train”. He barely had time to pull down his pants before she was making out with his cock. Her slutty bikini could barely hide her erect nipples and wet pussy, as everyone knew exactly how horny she was at Kokichi's cock.
The one currently sucking his balls was Himiko. She was roped into it with little resistance from Angie. Despite her normally lazy demeanor she seemed to be putting in loads of effort when it came to making Kokichi cum loads, and emptying his balls all over the third girl working on his tip, Tenko.
To say Tenko was against the idea would be an understatement. However her loyalty to Himiko was much greater than her hatred of Kokichi. So when it came time to help Himiko or avoid Kokichi, Tenko too got on her knees to suck off the supreme leader. However despite her whining and complaints, when it came down to fucking she was easily the sluttiest of the three.
“Just hurry up and cum on my fucking face you degenerate.” Tenko bullied him before deepthroating his cock, receiving a supportful head push from Angie. Kokichi merely laughed. 7 hoes down, 1 slut to go.
“Welp, with this last picture he sent he seemed to be short one girl.” Shuichi said while reading off his texts. He was surprised that Kokichi made it as far as he did in the first place, but in the end even he knew it was impossible. If not for the timing and charm needed, then definitely due to the last walk in his way: Maki Harukawa. Maki always despised Kokichi. So even for a bet, it would be impossible for Kokichi to convince her to fuck him. He was doomed before he even began his dumb bet with Kaito.
At least, that's what Shuichi thought.
“A-ah shit, Maki-roooll!”
“D-don't fucking call me, ngh, that!”
There were many things Shuichi was expecting to see when he walked into the cafeteria this morning. Maki riding Kokichi cowgirl style until he creampied her on the dining table, was definitely not one of them. Yet, right in front of him, was Kokichi thirsting up into Maki’s pussy, shooting his thick load so far inside Shuichi couldn't see any leaks out of the tsundere’s greedy pussy. When Kokichi was finished spazzing Maki got off of him, her phat ass jiggling as she struggled to stand on her shaky legs. She then fished into Kokichi's pants pocket (which were hung unceremoniously on the kitchen sink nozzle) to retrieve something small only an ultimate detective could notice, then simply walked out of the kitchen like she hadn't just gotten nailed only a few seconds ago.
“Kokichi, did you…give Maki the money you would've won from the bet in exchange for sex?”
“Nishishishishi, Shumai, sometimes you gotta spend money to make money!”
“...I really hate you both.”
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A Supergirl Story Idea...
...that I won't have time for, given that I still have to finish a lot of other stuff. But, I should at least write it down. Trigger Warning: Mention of blood.
This was inspired by @comickergirl's rendition of Kara Zor-El as a Jedi...somewhere.
Alex grunted as she helped the Jedi into an empty space of the junk heap. She knew that their pursuers weren't far behind, but she just couldn't leave Kara behind.
She eased Kara down as best as she could. The Jedi Knight looked pale, even in the dim light of the moons. The side of Kara's robes had a dark spot that Alex didn't like the looks of.
"Thanks," Jedi Knight Kara Zor-El croaked. She blinked hard and tried not to grimace. "Where are we?"
"A junkyard," Alex said tersely. She wished she had a medkit right now. "I thought you were supposed to be super strong!"
Kara coughed. "Under a yellow sun, yes," she rasped. "Whatever I got hit with, it drained me like it did my lightsaber. I could recharge--"
"--if this planet wasn't under a red sun," Alex finished. "In the meantime, we're surrounded by old and rusty weapons. Unless we can somehow make use of ancient torpedoes and a rusty fusion bomb, we don't have much of a chance."
Kara blinked. "Did you say `fusion?'"
Alex nodded. "We're leaning against it." She checked said explosive and her jaw dropped. "And...whoever dumped this here never bothered to disarm it. It's not a planet buster, but it'll definitely demolish a house or two. We should back away...very carefully."
Kara grimaced. "Perfect."
"Yeah, it's been a streak of bad luck, lately. I know you Jedi don't believe in luck, but--"
"No--" She grunted. "No, it's good luck. We need to blow this up."
Alex blinked, shocked at what she was hearing. "I'm sorry, but maybe the blood loss is getting to you. Are you out of your kriffing mind?! Do you want to blow yourself up?!"
"What do stars run on?" Kara sounded weaker.
Alex sighed. "Fusion." She examined the bomb. "I can't believe I'm going to do this."
"The Force is with me...and you," Kara said.
"If you say so."
It took a few moments, but Alex figured out the controls. She also estimated the blast radius--something that would become very important in the next few moments.
If she was right, the bomb would be limited to 20 meters. If she was wrong, neither of them would have to worry about anything ever again, especially not their pursuers.
She showed Kara how to detonate the bomb. Then, cursing herself with every step, she sprinted for a good ten minutes.
The initial shockwave from the explosion nearly knocked her off her feet, but she kept going. She heard secondary explosions going off, reducing the junkyard to little more than metallic splinters and ash.
Alex stopped and turned around. She didn't consider herself to be terribly spiritual, but she prayed that she hadn't just killed her friend--no, a sister of her heart.
A single plume of light emerged from the conflagration. She resisted the urge to whoop with joy as Kara soared through the night air, her body glowing. The Jedi gently landed next to her, a distinctly mischievous smirk on her face. She moved with easy grace, with no sign of pain.
"Told you the Force was with us," Kara said.
And...that's all I've got. Hope you liked this little fragment!
And Sarah? This was your fault.
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btscarnivalnet · 2 years
Headliner of the Month
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Hello, Carnival Goers and Performers alike. Please give a round of applause for our Headliner of the Month: Our Wonderful Performer: Kay @babiekaykes You are our Headliner of the Month! We want to showcase your incredible talent and skill this month and share it with the Carnival! For this month, we want you to pick three fics of yours that you’d like us to showcase, and we also wanted to ask you some questions so we can understand how you write, why and what you want to get across with your fics.
When did you start writing fics, and why? 
I started writing when I was in my early teens, around 12-14. Writing was a way for my fantasies to come to life, and it was a way to focus my young and wild imagination.
What was your first fic? (provide a link if you want?) 
My first fic was a werewolf Luke Hemmings fic on Wattpad. It was called "Immortal Protector." Luke was my biggest crush at the time, so I couldn't resist. I don't have Wattpad anymore, so any trace of it is now gone.
What is your latest fic? 
My latest one would be "Reasons Why I Hate You." I wrote it for the angsty Yoongi stans.
Fic Specific Questions
Why did you choose to write about the fics you have chosen? 
"Daydream" was a story for an event in a network. In my usual fashion, I waited until the very last week to finish writing it, since I was busy with school and battling my procrastination. Thankfully I had lots of positive feedback and help from the others who were in the network. They were the reason why I got it done so fast. Sprinted to the very end.
"Reasons Why I Hate You" was written impulsively. It was a spur-of-the-moment idea that occurred to me while I was at work. Immediately started working on it the next day. However, it took me a few months to complete because of, yet again, my procrastination. I finished the draft while sprinting with others, and the revision process was easy from them on.
"11:35 PM" was an accident! I was in horny jail because of Jeongguk, and it was a fantasy I needed to write down. I didn't know I was capable of writing such filth until I finished the draft for this one. It's my personal favorite fic. Not because it's of Jeongguk! I wrote it so well, and I'm proud of it.
What was the most memorable line for you in each of the fics?
Your eyes find Hoseok, and the instant you do, time slows or almost stops completely. It's just the two of you in this moment, gazing at each other. He's exactly like the Hoseok back in your universe, exuding his cheery and powerful aura, and your heart thunders in your chest. Your attention drops to his wrist, but you discover both of them are covered by the sleeves of his red jacket. Why you instinctively looked there, you don't know.
Because he's your soulmate, a voice says in the back of your head, but you deny it. There's no way. 
No way...Right? 
– Daydream
“I ruined your life?”
“Yes,” you whisper hoarsely. “In all the best and worst ways. I was a good girl, a good student. I showed up to classes on time and turned in all my schoolwork before it was due. I didn’t have tattoos, I didn’t drink, and I definitely didn’t have sex.”
You finally look at him. “Then I met you at that party, and now I drink. Now I have tattoos. Now I show up late and turn in my assignments past the due date. Now I have sex. Because of you.” You poke his chest. “I do all of these things now because of you, Yoongi. I used to be perfect. A perfect student, the perfect good girl, the perfect daughter. You ruined it all.” 
– Reasons Why I Hate You
You hadn’t noticed him approaching you until his hand found your waist, his lips against your ear, his breath fanning over it while he whispered what he wanted to do to you. He wished to bend you over and rail the shit out of you, your dress bunched at the waist; how he desired to devour you and taste you so badly on his tongue.
Jeon Jeongguk. Heartthrob, wrecker of hearts and pussies.
– 11:35 PM
What was your writing process like for each fic? 
A majority of "Daydream" was written via sprinting. "Reasons Why I Hate You" was written the same way. "11:35 PM" was a late-night piece, originally just a fantasy for myself, but I decided that others would enjoy it as much as me, so I turned it into a fic.
What do you hope readers will take away from the fics?
I hope readers will feel some type of connection through my fics. I want them to be relatable emotion-wise. I know what it's like to wonder if you even have a special person waiting for you, if love really is the key to the universe, if the man you think you know is truly worth it. I just want them to feel like they're heard. 
Why do you keep writing? What drives you?
I keep writing because I like it. I really like watching worlds come to life in stories and seeing everything that can possibly happen but only choosing one path. I really like the comfort that people will read these stories and appreciate them too.
Any writing goals you’ve recently hit? Any goals that you are planning to hit?
I've recently finished the hyung line travel guides to my upcoming series called "Crystallia"! Looking at things factually is exhausting. I hope to finish the maknae line soon, then start working on the plotlines and character building of the stories!
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Stealing hearts
I wrote this for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers LBSC Sprint challenge - Meet cute week event.  Vipermouse enemies to lovers, because, honestly, who doesn’t love those? 
Prompt: They meet while trying to steal the same thing
Rules: write in 3 sprints of 15 minutes each + 24 hours to edit. (I used 4 sprints, but whatever ^^;)
Thank you @livrever for checking it for me 💙
The night had fallen. The street lights illuminated the streets, the whole city under the soft moonlight. Hiding in the shadows of the night, Multimouse jumped to the roof she targeted and observed through the glass window.
There it was: the Ladybug miraculous- her target.
Stealthily, she snuck close enough to detect the security cameras and the museum guards. They were not going to make it easy for her to steal the jewels, were they? Multimouse smirked. That wasn’t something that could stop her, anyway. She called for her power: “Multitude” and a group of tiny multimice appeared in her place. All of them knew how to proceed. In just two minutes, they got down the half-opened trapdoor, avoided all the security systems, took the magical earrings, and returned to the roof.
Mission complete.
Once outside, and just before the alarm buzzed, she recovered her multimouse appearance and smiled satisfied at her achievement: the powerful jewel safe in her hands. The next part should be easy, she had thought, but she suddenly found herself trapped with a hand covering her mouth and an unknown arm immobilizing her. She immediately fought it, without success.
“Shhh…” A husky low voice said close to her ears. “Keep quiet if you don’t want to be found out again”
The voice gave her shivers. ‘ Who?'
“In 2 seconds a guard is going to come through the door, but he’ll run the other way. We’ll escape then”
Multimouse’s mask wrinkled at her frown, showing doubt. She worked alone. She should trust no one. Everyone else was an enemy.
“Now. Count to 3 and jump to that roof. Trust me” the stranger's voice continued.
Multimouse saw the guard run the other way, just like the mysterious voice’s owner foretold. She tried to escape that moment, but, as if he had seen through her, the stranger caught her in his big arms and carried her little body to the next roof and to an empty room under the stairs, locking the door behind him.
The moonlight that filtered in through the small upper window of the room let Multimouse see the stranger for the first time. His yellow eyes glowed in the dark, along with his green hair, the same color as his tight, snake themed suit.
“Viperion” she mumbled, and his yellow eyes smiled at her under his mask. “You’re Viperion, aren’t you? Why are you here?”
“For the same reason as you, Multimouse” He smiled at her, amused, showing how the earrings she had just stolen were now in his hands.
“Hey! Give them back! I stole them first!” Multimouse attempted to fight, but Viperion skillfully dodged her surprise attack and immobilized her using her suit's tail- a jumping rope. All her attempts to free herself were useless, but she didn’t stop trying. “Let me go! I need them," she protested.
"Shhh… You wouldn't want to be discovered, would you?"
He had a point, despite her disgust. Multimouse felt like prey under his amused glare. She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t deny something about all this was thrilling. She had to take the earrings back and escape. She needed a plan. She was good with plans. What were even Viperion’s powers? He was barely in the news: a complete mystery- just a rumour. How did he know about the guards? About her attacks? It almost seemed as if he had known what was going to happen beforehand...
Time. His power is related to time, she figured out.
A sudden fleeting flashback in her mind distracted her. By instinct, her hand stopped trying to free herself from his grip and held onto the snake bracelet on his wrist instead. She didn’t even know why she did it, but he froze at this act. His body stiffened and his smile disappeared. Didn’t he foresee this?
“Let go, Mouse” Viperion commanded in a serious tone.
“Not until you give back what’s mine”
“It’s not yours, you just stole it”
“Which makes it mine now! Don’t think I’ll allow you to reverse time again”
“You figured out my powers? Not bad, Mouse”
“I’m not stupid. You knew about the guards. You lead me to this room knowing it was empty, despite another one being closer. You knew exactly where I would call my power back. But despite stealing my earrings, you haven’t run away yet. Why? What are you trying to do?” “You said you wanted the jewels, but that’s not true. What do you want?”
“I want to become your ally. Would you believe that?”
“Of course not! Why would you want that? We don’t know each other!”
“You don’t. And I certainly didn’t a few loops ago. I know you now. You’re even more beautiful under the mask” he fondly stated.
Why was she even blushing? Sure, he was hot but- Why were her lips tingling? Could it be?
“You kissed me...”
He seemed surprised at her question. Was she supposed to forget about everything that happened in previous loops? Probably. Only he could know how many times the scene repeated.
“Technically,” he tilted his head to the side, “you kissed me. To distract me, you know? It worked quite well, to be honest” he winked.
Multimouse was surprised. Would she really do that in despair? Should she try it again, then...? She couldn’t deny his lips were… tempting. He was HOT. Too HOT she finally noticed, all flustered.
What was she even thinking? He was the enemy! Why would he want her to become his ally anyway?
She shoved her hormones away. “You haven’t answered me yet. You already have the Miraculous. What else do you want!? Why haven’t you escaped yet?”
“I do have the Miraculous, but now? I’m more greedy than that. There’s something else I want” he showed a knowing smile, that thrilled her.
“What is it...?” she finally asked, after hesitating for a few seconds.
Viperion took a step closer to Multimouse and made sure her eyes kept locked in his own. “Go to a date with me”
“A… date…?” she blinked twice in disbelief. “Are you making fun of me?”
“No, I’m not. I’m serious” She frowned her eyebrows, not trusting him, but he continued. “You can’t remember, but I do. During the first loops, you kicked my ass. Who would have thought you were so strong despite your tiny body? When I could finally immobilize you, you tricked me and distracted me with a kiss. Not that I can complain, though. It was a very effective move. You’re a good kisser, you should be proud of that”
Multimouse face flustered red and his smile widened in amusement. “I- What happened next?”
“The next few loops I finally immobilized and stole the jewel from you. I thought you were tricking me again when you started to cry, but you weren’t. You were honest and your heart cried out for help. I listened to your reasons and I understood why you steal and why this Miraculous was so important to you” he explained.
“Then you know why I need it and why I can’t give it to you!” she yelled, avoiding those eyes that were giving her butterflies in her insides.
“I do.” He nodded. “That’s why I gave you the jewel back the next loop. And you smiled gratefully- the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. And at that moment, your transformation dropped and I was doomed”
“What- do you mean...?” she asked, feeling even weaker under his hungry stare. She gulped, both in fear and excitement. Her heart rate intensified, making her cheeks even redder. It only worsened when he approached his face closer to hers even more.
“That now I can’t stop going back in loops until I find a way to convince you to meet me again. I want you to rely on me” he confessed. “I want to help you find another way to fix everything. Revenge is never the answer”
“Huh...?” Multimouse sensed honesty in his words. But she was a loner. She had a mission- She had to-
“Is that too much to ask?” He continued, distracting her from her thoughts. “I can’t let you go knowing you’re going to be hurt or even disappear once you use the ultimate power of the Miraculous. Besides: you stole my heart- isn’t it fair I get to keep the earrings?”
Multimouse short-circuited. Was he serious? He sounded serious. Was it even possible for someone so HOT to be interested in her? Why was her heart beating so fast? Was she… happy? Pleased? Excited?
“Mouse,” he called again, and her body reacted to his voice. “Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow? I’ll prove you I’m reliable”
“Are you serious…? Are you trying to trick me?” She asked. She was scared of betrayal, but couldn’t help it but be hopeful as well.
“I’m totally serious” He said, and her heart throbbed at his piercing eyes.
“How can I assure you’ll be there? And how will I recognize you under your mask?”
“Is that a yes?”
“Maybe…? If you answer me first”
“Here,” Viperion let go of the tail that kept her trapped, but she kept her hand on his bracelet. With his hand now free, he took her free hand on his and opened it, placing one of the earrings on it. Multimouse’s eyes opened wide in surprise, and only after closing her fist in a protective manner, she let go of his wrist. “You keep one, I keep the other. Is this enough assurance?”
Multimouse nodded. “How will I recognize you?”
The snake’s hero smiled widened at her question, his eyes glowing in the dark as he moved to unlock the door. “Don’t worry, Mouse- I will” He winked before he fled and her legs turned jelly, making her fall on her knees.
She had a date with Viperion!?
Marinette was nervous. More than nervous. She had agreed to go on a date with a stranger. Viperion. Was she going to be ok? Her heart beated in anticipation. What would he look like under the mask? What if he had tricked her? She had to stay in alert mode, she had ignore the image of that stupid tight suit of her mind- of those yellow eyes and sexy fangs- Did she just say sexy? No, Marinette! Stop! He’s HOT but still the enemy.
Deep in her inner thoughts, she didn’t notice how a hooded figure approached her until she noticed a pair of colorful sneakers and black denim jeans in front of her. She gulped, nervously, and raised her head to look at her date’s face. She was surprised when she didn't see green or yellow as she expected- but blue instead. Beautiful sky blue that made her heart flutter. And if she had any doubt of his identity, the Miraculous on his ear made it clear.
She had thought Viperion was hot in his suit but without it? Damn It. She was screwed.
"Hello, Mouse. I’m happy to see you” He greeted with a wide, loving smile. “How should I call you?”
“Ma-Ma-Marinette" Her face burned even more in embarrassment.
“Marinette” he repeated, with a smile on his face. “That’s a beautiful name. I’m Luka” He ducked to reach her eye level, and her gaze moved from the floor to his hypnotizing blue eyes. "Are you still wary of me? Where did your confidence from last night go, Ma-Ma-Marinette?" he teased.
“So unfair…” she mumbled, and it took him by surprise when she stepped on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. She kissed him roughly, and he soon led all his attention to her. Her hands moved to his hair, and his hands rested on her waist, pulling her closer. A long passionate kiss.
Marinette broke the kiss when she felt the need for air, and Luka had a cute lovestruck grin. They stood in front of each other for a minute, awkwardly, trying to come with something to say, until Marinette called his name.
“Luka. I guess we’re even now” she said, showing the two Ladybug earrings on her hand. Luka gasped.
“You, little thief! I shouldn’t have told you how to distract me. I’m so stupid!” he regretted, fearing a farewell. But she didn’t move. “Wait- Why are you not running away now that you have what you wanted?”
Marinette smiled and sticked her tongue out at him, playfully. “You said it before: you stole my heart, so isn’t it fair that I keep the earrings? Who's the thief now, huh?”
Luka laughed and she smiled fondly at him. “And now?” he asked, hopefully.
Marinette grinned, returning one of the earrings to his hand and holding the other one tightly. “Now we have a date and a lot of kisses to share"
“I like this plan” Luka answered, leaning in to kiss her once again.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
Do you think you could bless us with a Drabble of the night y/n left Loki in The Spy Who Loved Me? I’m dying to know exactly what happened and how Loki caught her and tried to convince her to stay😩
Your name echoed off of the walls as you ran through the house. Your bag was light. There was a million things you would've loved to take with you, but it would only slow you down. Loki's voice reached your ears again, and you only quickened your pace.
You were done.
You couldn't take his controlling behavior, his ever watchful eye, nor the diabolical entity that was just plain him. That was what you'd told him an hour ago. Somehow, you thought the conversation would be smoother. You thought it'd be a clean breakup.
Back and forth you two went. It was an hour's worth of a screaming match. You fought as he took out every article of clothing you threw in your bag. Countless retorts thrown at you with his finger in your face. Your temptation to bite it off.
You were pulled from your thoughts by a harsh grip on your arm, yanking you back. You cried out when your bag landed on the floor. His grip was harsh on your wrist as he forced you to face him, nose touching yours.
"Where will you go? What do you expect to gain by leaving me?"
You yanked your arm, but Loki wasn't budging.
"Let me go!"
You gasped when his hand grabbed your jaw, holding it so tightly you winced as he forced you back into the wall. Loki was a lot of things, a lot of awful things, but he'd never put his hands on you in this way. His green eyes seemed darker now, and you pushed against him.
"After everything I've done for you, after everything I've given you...this is how you repay me?" he sneered.
You pushed your legs against his.
"You wait until I get home to find you packing a bag, telling me that you're leaving me," he barked out a laugh. "...and you expect me to just let you."
"I'm a person, Loki!" you screamed, and he looked genuinely unimpressed with your outburst. "I am not one of your baubles or your fancy cars or even one of your precious pets."
You glared at him, breathing heavy.
"I was your girlfriend, and all you ever did was treat me like you owned me."
"I do own you."
Your face fell when he finally voiced what you knew he thought all along. There was a cruel smirk on his lips, and his hand slid to your throat.
"Where would you be without me? What would you have without me? Nothing," he hissed. "You'd have nothing, and you'd be nothing."
You struggled in between him and the wall, and he tightened his hold. His lips brushed yours.
"Stop this nonsense, darling. It's quite unbecoming-."
"Fuck you."
His lips twitched at that, and his eyes narrowed.
"Is that what you need? Hmm? Perhaps you're just a little upset and all you need is a good fucking to make yourself come back to your senses."
Your hand met his cheek the moment he was done, and the asshole actually smiled. You shoved against him but he only kissed you. His arms circled around you, and you screamed into his mouth. Every attempt to get you away from the wall was met with resistance, and Loki only slammed you against it.
"I'll fuck you in this very hallway if I must," he spat, teeth harshly biting at you.
You two fought like hell to get what you wanted. You to escape and him...you. Fed up, Loki's hand roughly grabbed your throat, making you let out a choked gasp. It was beyond painful, and you could see it in his eyes then. Loki had every intention of getting what he wanted from you whether you liked it or not.
With a cry, you brought your knee up. Two more times, and you stumbled away as he crumbled. His hand reached for your pants, but you shook him off before diving for your bag. You sprinted out of what was once your dream come true and never looked back.
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get-your-fics · 3 years
You are fabulous darling! Loving the Eternals fics, this fandom is still too quiet 😔
Dark!druig where she's got a bit more resistance against his powers but not enough to completely hold him off as it exhausts her....
Pleasepleaseplease xxx
warnings for non-con, mind control, fucking as punishment, mention of blood
word count: 637
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Your heart hammered in your chest as you sprinted through the trees. The branches seemed to reach out and catch on your dress, tearing strips of it away. You had lost feeling in your feet awhile ago, the brambles and thorns scratching at your bare soles until they were slick with blood. It was so dark, you could barely see more than a foot in front of you, but you allowed your intuition to lead the way.
You could feel him behind you, probing your mind. It wasn't enough to overtake you yet, but you could feel him at the periphery of your awareness, slowly creeping in like a predator stalking its prey. You had to get away from him before he took hold. Your legs ached, and you gasped for air, but you kept moving, too afraid of what would happen to you if you stopped.
Your foot caught on a root sticking out of the ground, and you fell forward. You tumbled, finally coming to a stop by a tree that stood in your path. You groaned and sat up, searching for him in the dark. You couldn't feel him in your thoughts anymore. You weren't sure if that meant you had gotten away or not. It was almost scarier not feeling him in your head, not having any idea where he could be.
Then, he called your name. It sounded like it was coming from all around you. You squeezed your eyes shut and clutched your head, gritting your teeth. Your brain throbbed from trying to push him out like an ice pick chipping away at your skull.
"Come back to me." His voice seemed to whisper in your ear. You knew what going back to him meant. You would be subjected to more experiments, testing the limits of your resistance to his control. You scrambled back until the bark of the tree trunk behind you dug into your skin, hugging your knees to your chest.
Then, you were tackled to the ground. The world spun, and when it finally came into focus, he was on top of you. "You've been very bad," he hissed, his eyes boring into yours.
"No!" you shrieked. You clawed and kicked at him, desperate. You had been so close to finally escaping him for good.
He grabbed hold of your hands and pinned your legs with his knees. "The harder you fight, the weaker you become." His eyes turned gold. "I can feel your grip starting to slip."
Your ears started to ring, and your thoughts turned to static. He smirked when you finally went limp underneath him, succumbing to his power. "Fascinating," he murmured. "You held out longer this time. I'm very impressed."
He reached for his belt, and it jingled as he pulled it loose from his pant loops. He secured your wrists above your head with it. You managed to get out a gurgle of protest. Was he really going to fuck you here, in the middle of the forest, covered in dirt and grime and sweat?
"You know what happens if you try to escape," he scolded you like a child. He pushed his trousers down, exposing his hard length. "I have to make sure you don't do it again."
He pushed into you to the hilt with one thrust. He set a rough pace, not showing any mercy. He groaned as your pussy clenched down around him, trying to force him out. But just like with your mind, you weren't successful. He fucked you open, your shoulder blades digging into the hard forest floor with each jolt.
You would bear it for now. The more he tried to control you, the stronger you became. You would build up your resistance to him until you were immune, and then you would make him pay.
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babytaes · 3 years
reaction to build-a-bear workshop date| en- ─ ot7 ˎˊ˗
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✧ heeseung ∘*
“You know, I think I could stuff you a lot better.” You quickly spun around and struck him on the shoulder, gasping.
“We're in public, heeseung” As you watched the worker giggle from the side, you averted her gaze. When she noticed the disturbance, she pulled the bear from your grip and went on with the rest of the task.
As you walked away from him, he became perplexed and swiftly returned to your side.
“What, did I say something wrong?”
You couldn't believe this kid; had he said something inappropriate? You were astounded by his idiocy, but you still adored him and his peculiarities.
“No love, don’t worry about it,” pushing him to the side you heard the lady call you as you went to grab your bear. As you thanked her, you proceeded to the clothing aisle and grabbed some clothes to put on her.
Hearing his breath as he whispered in your ears, you felt a pair of hands on your waist.
“I wasn’t joking what I stated before.”
“Keep it in your pants, Lee,” you said as you pushed him away and marched up to the cash register to pay.
“Y/N come backkk”
✧ jay ∘*
On most days, an unexpected date surprised you, but this one threw you for a loop. Build-A-Bear was the last place that came to mind.
As we walked into the store, you could feel his energy pouring from his body, as his eyes gleamed.
As you've seen your fair share of bears and already have one at home, the various sizes and hues do their best to get your attention.
“I didn't think you were the kind to like plush animals.”
From across the room, you could hear him chuckle as he touched all of the bears, making sure he got the right one.
“The more you know, the better.” As he plucked a tan bear from the shelf, he smirked. As his eyes lit, you could see his entire body take in a breath of life. It was like you were looking at a child in a candy store.
Unless he wanted to start having date nights at Victoria Secrets, you weren't going to ruin this moment for him.
You would have definitely seen a different person then, oh my.
✧ jake  ∘*
“You're lying, I have a lot more bears than you have, and if you have a lot more, I'll buy you one to prove that I lost.”
Extending your hand to his, you firmly shook it and chuckled as you thought about the new bear you were going to have.
You were both on your way to Build-A-Bear, and Jake was still surprised that you had 25 bears. Yes, he did count them.
“All right, let's call this a date. It seems to me that it would help you feel better.” Jake's ears perked up as he smiled broadly at you with that perked up puppy stare.
You grabbed a pre-stuffed bear from the shelf and held it in your palm. You hugged it warmly as you held it under your fingertips.
“This is the one!”. He took your hand in his and went to pay for the bear, and you smiled brightly at him as he did so.
“Quit smiling at me; I can't concentrate while you're staring at me like that.”
“Thank you, babe,”
As he walked out of the store, he grabbed the bag and thanked the lady, saying, "Anything to make your addiction bigger."
✧ sunghoon ∘*
You glanced at Sunghoon as he struggled to come up with a recording for your twin bears, “Is this your first time doing this?”
“I promise you, this is the last one. It has to be perfect. On the last one, my tone was off.” You laughed as you walked away from him and his recording.
As you walked throughout the store, you selected different clothing for sunghoon's bear, including a fashionable suit for his bear. In suits, he always looks good.
You heard his cries as he motioned you over to the cashier, and as you approached him, he snickered as you showed him your teddy.
“Wow, I look really good in a suit.”
“That's what I said as well,” taking your hand in his, you both paid for the different bears and exited the store, stopping immediately next to a chair area.
He took out the bear and motioned for you to gently squeeze her paw, fearful for the message, you softly squeeze it.
“I love you, my princess.”
You pulled him in for a hug as you kissed his lips, tearing up as soon as you heard it.
“I will treasure her for the rest of my life.”
✧ sunoo ∘*
“Hug it whenever you miss me and think of me.” The boys were about to embark on a tour, and not seeing him on a daily basis was going to break your heart.
So sunoo decided to take you on a date to Build-A-Bear Workshop to get you both a bear so you can have one made as a couple. Having one that was ours, even when you had one at home, was special.
“Pick whatever you want, my treat,” says sunoo. You squeal and jump about the store, looking for a bear, while smiling brilliantly.
Not just any bear, but one made with the love of both of you.
You whirled around and placed a strawberry spotted one in Sunoo's hands after picking it up. He adored it when he saw you doing something you enjoyed, and despite his sadness at having to leave you, he felt you were strong enough to overcome it.
“sunoo look at this outfit; let's choose two. Oh, and they've got caps, too!”
He stepped up and gave a kiss on your forehead as he continued to assist you in finding an outfit for our bear!
✧ jungwon ∘*
“Can we please get a cat? He looks exactly like me.” You came to a halt and took the cat-like one from the shelf, inspecting him for a moment.
“I mean”
As he swung around, he pouted in front of you and grabbed your arm. A trick he used where he got his way most of the time.
Who could possibly resist his pouty eyes, right? It worked for the members, and it worked particularly well for you.
“All right, but don't start meowing or anything else, or I'll put you up for adoption.” He leaped up and down like a child, grabbing the cat and sprinting to the stuffing department.
As he giggled, you swear you heard a meow come from his mouth.
“I'm not going to play with you, jungwon; I'm going to give you up.”
“Like you could get rid of me”
✧ niki ∘*
Even though he put on this act for enhypen, you could see the true youngster behind the mask as his eyes literally glowed as we approached the Build-A-Bear store.
You can't blame him; his adolescence was put on hold at such a young age, and in this field, you have to mature faster, therefore the thrill was definitely desired.
“Pick what you want, I want to treat you today, okay?”
“You sure?”
You pecked him on the cheek and pushed him towards the wide bear options, saying, "Go for it child."
Despite the fact that this day was intended for him to relive some childhood memories, he showered you with affection as you returned to the staff car.
“Thank you very much, y/n; I couldn't have asked for a nicer date.”
You put your head on his shoulder and grinned as he pulled you into another hug. “You better not love her more than me,” you said.
He smirked as he held onto the bear, “hmm?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Just Doin’ My Job, Darlin’
Summary: Your job as a Ravager gets you into trouble with the intergalactic hero known as Captain Marvel.
Pairing: Reader x Carol Danvers
Warnings: some blood, light violence
Words: 3,547
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"Uh... hey," you practically stuttered out, startled to find someone behind you.
You were a ravager, and you were damn good at your job. That meant knowing your surroundings, especially when you were on a job. Yet, somehow, she'd managed to sneak up on you. If you hadn't been quick enough to shove the ring deep into your pocket, you'd have been caught red-handed.
You were damn good at your job, and you composed yourself in seconds. The ring slipped out from where it was clutched between your fingers and you withdrew your hands from within your pockets. You plastered a confident smile on your face as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"Hey there," the blonde offered, an equally confident smile on her face. "What's up?"
"Nothin'," you shrugged, uncrossing your arms and looping your thumbs through the belt loops on your pants. "Taking a walk. Beautiful night, isn't it, Beautiful?"
The blonde's eyes sparkled in amusement. She took a few steps closer. Confidence still coursing through your veins, you let her. You didn't make any move to back down. She noticed that. When she stopped, she was only a few feet away from you. Another step and she could have reached out and touched you.
The blonde's lips crept into a cocky expression. "Beautiful night indeed."
You didn't dare make it obvious how you were checking out the area for the second time. When you'd entered, you'd made note of every entrance and exit to the area. The blonde was blocking the one that lay directly ahead, but not the one behind you. That was free for you to turn and run to. You just needed to wait. If you went now, she'd be right behind you and able to catch up to you in mere seconds.
"Headed somewhere? I could walk you?" She offered. "You know, Fennal isn't always safe at night."
"I'm just going up the street. I'm good thanks."
You could feel the ring pressed against your leg in your pocket. You knew she knew you were up to no good. You also knew that she knew you knew she knew. Neither of you would say that aloud, though. It was a bit of a game, at this point. She wanted that little piece of jewelry in your pocket. You wanted it too. No, you wanted the pay you were promised for stealing it.
"You sure? I'm probably headed in the same direction."
"I doubt it," you laughed.
The blonde smirked a little. You kept your eyes with hers, unable to ignore just how beautiful her light brown irises really were. But you wouldn't tell her that. You wouldn't tell her jack shit. You were waiting for her to get distracted for one brief moment so that you could turn and sprint down that alley. It seemed your wishes were heard.
"Hey, Carol!" A voice called.
The blonde, Carol, let her gaze flicker toward the voice for a mere millisecond and you took the opportunity to turn and dart as fast as you could down the alley behind you. Your ears strained to hear over the sound of your own shoes hitting the gravel beneath your feet. Unmistakably, though, you heard the set of footsteps chasing after you. You pushed even harder.
You ducked through a backyard, pushing out of your way a jacket that was hanging on a clothesline. At the other side of the yard, you hopped over the fence and landed smoothly on the ground on the other side. But now, you didn't hear Carol's steps. You didn't risk slowing down. You kept onward in the direction of your pod.
As you ran, you became aware of your shadow growing in front of you. It was surrounded by a glowing orange light. Even as your lungs struggled to get enough oxygen, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When your shadow began to spin around your body until it was behind you, you realized why. You could have huffed aloud at the complete unfairness of the situation.
Carol was fifteen feet off the ground, surrounded by a bright orange glow. She still had that same smirk on her face as she looked down on you. You were hesitating in your step, now, not sure you could outrun her. You knew one thing, though. Despite these powers the blonde had, you weren't about to give up. You turned on your heel.
You watched your own shadow to keep track of Carol. She was following you. Your shadow shrunk and indicated she was getting closer. When your shadow began to shrink faster, you made a sharp turn to the left. The shadow grew a little as she fell behind a few feet, not prepared for the sudden change in direction. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, but you weren't a stranger to chases. You'd had more than a few run-ins with guards from many planets throughout the galaxy.
You smirked at the sight in front of you. One of the planet's natives had just inserted the keys into a hover bike but hadn't yet gotten on. You struggled to go faster than you thought you could. You pushed him to the ground, hopped on, and immediately pushed the bike as fast as it would go. You had to grip the handles tight as your inertia tried to hold you back.
The bike seemed to rival Carol's speed. The size of your shadow in front of you stayed constant and you managed to take a quick glance behind you. Carol was high in the air, hands down by her hips, moving more quickly than a person should be able to in order to keep up with the bike you were on. Then your pod came into view and you let a small smirk come over your face. You turned to the bike made to move past the ship, then jumped off.
Pain raced through your body. You ignored it, rolling a couple times to take the impact, racing up the ramp as quick as you possibly could, and slamming your hand down on the red button to shut the hatch. Carol wasn't thirty feet away. You took the last of your energy to roll onto your back.
"Athena, max speed!" You shouted.
The AI heard. She ignored every protocol about seatbelts and closed doors as the captain's voice override her programming. The pod had a max speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour. It was nothing compared to the main ship, but it was sure faster than Carol. The ship's acceleration got the best of her, and soon enough you were barreling through space and leaving her far behind.
As it had sped up faster than physics should have allowed, though, your body had slammed into the wall behind you. You groaned as you rolled away from it, every bone, organ, and tissue in your body aching from the speed. Your organs seemed to have caught up to the ship, finally. You resisted the urge to puke as you pulled yourself to your feet, rubbing a sore shoulder and swiping your fingers over the blood dripping down your forehead.
"Thanks, Athena. Take us home."
"Roger that, Boss."
You let yourself drop into your chair. You took the black mask off from where it had rested over the top half of your face, rubbing the pad of your index finger over the spot where it had pushed into the bridge of your nose, grumbling in frustration. You could feel the indent in your skin.
"Twenty-seven minutes."
Those twenty-seven minutes seemed to take forever. The pod was small. There wasn't anywhere you could lay your head back. There wasn't a damn bathroom, a fact you couldn't seem to get your mind off. When the pod had secured itself to the mothership, you practically sprinted out and to the nearest toilet.
Your red jacket was undone as you stepped onto the bridge of The Athena. It was the middle of the night based on your home planet, the time that you and your crew followed to at least keep a semblance of a schedule. Because of the time, though, most of the crew had retreated to their quarters for the night and were fast asleep.  
"Hey, Cap."
The greeting caught your attention. You turned toward the voice, smiling when you met the gaze of your first mate. He wasn't much younger than you were. He was from a planet called Dervius, having retreated from the planet to live a life with the Ravagers after living a life of poverty there for ten years, having been cast out by his family at only eight. It was your third day as the leader of your clan when you picked him up and took him in, giving him a spot in your crew. That was already five years ago and the Dervion had worked his way all the way up to first mate.
"Vyn," you greeted.
"How'd it go?"
You pulled the sparkling ring from your pocket. Vyn grinned at the sight of it. He pulled a device out of his pocket, tapping on the screen a few times and then humming quietly as he scrolled. He let out a soft exclamation of victory as he found what he had been searching for.
"Three hundred thousand. Damn, Cap. That thing can't be worth 100k."
"Well, we charge for the stealing part too, Vyn."
Vyn shrugged. "Fair enough. Why don't you go catch some shuteye? We should be back to the buyer in a few hours. Who's doing the delivery?"
"I will," you said, sticking the ring back into your pocket.
Vyn chuckled. "You know, Cap, that most clan leaders aren't so hands on with the dirty work."
"I'm not most clan leaders, Vyn," you winked. "I'm heading down to my quarters. Call for me when we get there."
You straightened out your red jacket as you stepped out of your pod. You nodded at the landing strip attendant as you ventured onto the familiar planet. You whistled merrily on your way, flashing wide smiles at whoever you happened to make eye contact with. You glanced at your phone as it directed you where to go. You could have caught a ride, but you were up for a bit of a walk.
It was a half hour walk to the place you were looking for. You stepped in quietly. It was a bar, and not exactly a very nice looking one. You wouldn't be surprised if half the people in there were criminals. In fact, you wouldn't be surprised if you weren't the only Ravager in there. When you entered you pulled the mask over your face again, clipping the flames of the Ravagers over your chest.
You stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink. You took it when it came and slid into one of the booths. You'd arrived early, and knew it'd be a while before the client arrived. You scanned the area as you waited, sipping quietly as you watched the planet natives, finding entertainment in two particularly large guys fighting over who had made the illegal move in a game of darts.
"Captain Red?"
Of course, that wasn't your real name. You'd never give your real name to a client. You only nodded, gesturing to the seat across from you. He sat down and fumbled with his hands a little, clearly nervous. It wasn't an uncommon reaction. He was meeting with a thief for hire and paying a good sum of money for stolen goods.
"I have the money."
"Straight to business, I see," you hummed, sipping from your glass. "That's alright with me."
You reached into your pocket, pulling out the ring. His eyes immediately locked to it. He reached out and you pulled away, keeping the piece out of his reach. You raised a single eyebrow as his eyes moved back up to yours. You clicked your tongue as a small smile of amusement played over your lips.
"Units first."
He nodded. He pulled out a device from his pocket, pressing some buttons on it. Yours, which sat out on the table in front of you, beeped. You glanced at it to find the transfer complete. Then you nodded, placing the ring flat in your palm, and holding it out in front of you.
"Pleasure doing business with you, sir."
He grabbed the ring, nodded, and scampered out without another word. You chuckled lightly to yourself, draining what was left in your glass. You pulled the mask off again and took the pin off your chest. Everyone else in the room was too drunk to notice the change. You stepped up to the bar once more.
"I'll take another."
The bartender nodded. He filled your glass as you put a finger to the comm in your ear and let Vyn know you were going to stick around for a little fun, should anyone want to join. But the Ravagers had made their own fun the previous night and were far too hungover to think of joining you in the bar. You rolled her eyes as you lowered your hand.
"Prettiest girl in the bar, aren't ya?" A voice slurred to your left.
You turned just in time to see the man flashed you a wide grin. You nodded and tilted your head a little. "I'd expect."
"So why don't ya come sit a little closer?"
You laughed. "I'm alright just where I am."
He sneered. "Listen here-"
But a shadow appeared between you and he, cast upon the bar top. It distracted the both of you. You turned to see who had stepped up to the two of you, and your jaw could have hit the ground. But your face stayed blank as the blonde's gaze met you for just a brief second before turning back to the man who had been hitting on you. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Everything alright here?"
"I'd hope," she hummed. "Because I seem to remember you and I having a nice, long talk about good manners."
"We did," he coughed. He stood up, nodding at you and retreating back across the room to where his friends were all jesting and shouting, spilling their drinks on the tabletops, the floor, and themselves.
You turned your attention back to the woman who had stepped up next to you. She was taking the seat beside yours, ordering a drink for herself and another for you. You smirked a little when she turned to you. Despite your lack of a mask and the absence of the flames upon your chest, she recognized you immediately.
"Long time no see," she offered.
You chuckled. "Very. What's a Fenarian guard like you hangin' out in a place like this for, Carol?"
"Caught my name, I see," she said, accepting the drink that was slid toward her. "But the guard thing isn't quite accurate."
"Oh, no?"
That didn't get a reply. You sipped your drink, watching her the entire time. She only shrugged her shoulders, drinking from her own glass. It stayed like that for a long while. Your egos were both too big to dare be the one to break the silence that had fallen upon you. So, you drank in silence. In fact, you'd both drained your glasses before Carol finally took it upon herself to be the one to speak the first words.
"You know my name, and I don't know yours."
"That's intentional," you told her. "But if you must call me something, I usually just go by Captain. Cap works."
"That's a title, not a name."
"A fact I am well aware of, Carol."
When she didn't reply, you smirked a little. You weren't shy about the way you were eyeing her up and down. She was, to be frank, one of the most attractive women you'd ever met. She was smirking too, once your eyes had finally made their way back up to hers. You only offered a small tilt of your head in acknowledgement.
Carol stood. She placed a few coins down on the bar, enough to cover her own tab, yours, and a little more. She offered you a hand. You were confident, cocky even. You weren't one bit afraid of this woman. You put your hand into hers and let her pull you to your feet. She led you away from your stool, out the door, and into the bright sunlight of the planet. Then she kept going, moving away from the bar and leading you down the streets. At some point your fingers had intertwined with hers and now you were walking hand in hand down the streets.
"You know I didn't need anyone to save me from that guy, right?"
"A thanks might have sufficed," she replied.
"It might have," you agreed.
Finally, you both arrived back at the landing strips. She led you right back to your own pod. You hadn't yet paid the fee for having kept it parked there for the last hour and a half but, judging from the look on Carol's face, you weren't going anywhere just yet. This time it was you leading as you pulled her on board, closing the hatch behind you. Once it was closed you moved.
Your hands moved and took Carol's waist, pulling her close to you. Her body was flush against yours, her hands in your hair, as she kissed you back. She let out a soft noise as you pushed her against the wall behind her. You smirked against her lips. It was a long moment before Carol pushed you away breathlessly. But you weren't done.
Your lips moved down to her neck, bringing the skin between your lips as you sucked roughly at it. It was a full moan that tumbled from her lips this time. You wanted to laugh in victory, but instead you released the skin, running your tongue softly over the mark you'd left on her. You moved back up to her lips and pecked them once, pulling back to glance into those light brown irises.
"That all you got then, Y/N?"
"I thought you didn't know my name."
Carol rolled her eyes. "Sorry, love. I could call you Captain if you wanted."
You put a hand against her cheek. "That would be extraordinarily hot."
Carol laughed. She put her lips against yours again, kissing you once more. She spun the both of you so that you traded places. This time it was your back against the wall. You leaned into it without much fight, letting her take her turn controlling the pace of the kiss. When you finally separated, she rest her forehead against yours.
"I love you."
You laughed. "We just met."
"Oh, fuck off," she laughed too.
You brought her hand into yours, thumb gliding across the ring you'd put on her finger five years ago. Her eyes darted to the identical one on yours. Her smirk faded into a smile and she brought you hand up to her lips, kissing your knuckles softly. You leaned a little further into her touch, pecking her lips once more.
"I love you, too," you muttered against her.
She laughed. She put two fingers beneath your chin, tilting your gaze up to meet hers. You loved those eyes with that cunning sparkle in light brown irises that you'd fallen so hard for all those years ago. Just as she was about to kiss you once again, there was a banging on the outside of the pod. You huffed in frustration.
You didn't even bother going out. You quickly transferred the fee you owed electronically. The banging stopped, and so you assumed everything had gone through without a problem. You shoved the small device back into your pocket and then turned your attention back to Carol. She was watching you with amusement sparking in her eyes.
"You're cute when you're angry," she commented.
"Yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes. "We should get out of here before someone, you know, chases me off the planet."
Carol laughed, she put her arms around your waist. "I'm Captain Marvel. I can't let some thief get away with stealing valuables. Maybe they shouldn't have run."
"Just doin' my job, darlin'," you chuckled, arms resting on her shoulders and hands linking loosely behind her neck.
She hummed softly at that, kissing you again. It had been five years and her touch still made you melt. You were sure another five years could pass and that still wouldn't have changed. Your eyes fluttered shut and your lips moved with hers and the world could have disappeared around you and you wouldn't have noticed. But it didn't. There was banging on the door again.
"I need this spot!" The attendant shouted from the other side of the door.
You huffed. You forced yourself to peel away from Carol's body. You took a seat in front of the controls, and Carol took the one next to you. You started everything up, checking that they'd recharged the battery while you'd been there. Once you were sure of everything, you lay a hand on Carol's thigh and glanced out the front window.
"Take us away, Athena," you said.
"Roger that, Captain Danvers." 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝕴'𝖉 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖓 (𝕶𝖎𝖒 𝕳𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖏𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖌) 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐀𝐔, 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔.
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: "𝐈'𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞... 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧.."- 𝐈'𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧- 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.2K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦/𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧! 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧),
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @hanatiny @galaxteez @deja-vux @brie02 @a-soft-hornytiny @daniblogs164 @multidreams-and-desires @rvse-miingi @couchpotatoaniki
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
The crowd trailed behind the entourage that was passing through the streets, all of them dressed in black mourning clothes as the priest leading them recited solemn verses in the Latin language that hardly any of the villagers understood. The only other sound besides the collective steps of their feet was the heart wrenching wailing coming from the grief stricken mother who clutched tightly onto the casket that held her deceased daughter's body, the corpse pale as snow while the darkened black lips struck out in sharp contrast. The bystanders looked at the now childless parents with pity, some of the men taking off their caps and draping it across their chest to show respect, while some of the women clutched their own children closely to them, fearing that perhaps one of their own might become the next victim in the series of horrific and unnatural deaths that were suddenly spiking up out of nowhere. The skies had been a smokey gray for quite some time, sunshine hadn't hit them ever since these horrible misfortunes started happening. The town was swept by death, causing a somber and haunting atmosphere that sent chills down the spines of even the bravest of men.
Some distance away from the funeral mass, a gloomy looking nobleman watched from on top of his horse as they marched towards the cemetary, the loud ringing of the church bell behind him adding a more dark effect to the event. He took a deep breath at the scene, these types of things no longer affecting him, he had become quite numb to them after having seen and witnessed so many of them. Still, he felt bothered by the fact that they had yet to find a solution to the problem. Ever since he and other nobles from the area, and even some from neighboring towns, were tasked with the mission of finding the root of the evil sending doom upon the towns and villages, they had hardly gotten any rest from the endless crying demands for answers from the peasants, from the king and parliament putting pressure on them to get things fixed and their own minds starting to crumble from seeing death everywhere.
Hearing the rattling of chains being scraped across the stone pavement, he turned his head to see 4 armored knights dragging a poor young woman. The tiny and frail thing already had scrapes across her body, her tired and sore limbs could barely stand up as she was being led to her execution. Her pleading and cries stating her innocence fell upon deaf ears, just like her predecessors. No matter how much she begged to be spared or asked for help, she was only met with disdainful and hate filled stares from anyone that saw, some even going as far as cursing or spitting at her direction. That was another scene that had become weekly thing, but unlike the other which didn't faze him, this was the one that still affected him greatly:
The burnings at the stakes of the supposed witches.
The galloping of another horse signaled that someone else was approaching him. Tugging gently at his trusted steed, he shifted to the right so he could welcome the person coming up to him, their horse neighing loudly as it came to a stop.
"Any reports Hongjoong?" He recognized the male as one of the noblemen he was closer to, though he wouldn't necessarily call him a friend.
Shaking his head, the raven haired male drew out an exhausted sigh.
"Not since the last one I sent, Chan. There's nothing much to detail right now. We either have to wait until the next child dies or until the next person is captured and tried for witchcraft." He gulped as he feared that the latter would be the case.
"I take it you saw the one we just caught?" Chan asked.
Hongjoong merely nodded, his partner seeming satisfied.
"Hopefully that's the last of them bloody pagans. Causing nothing but trouble in the kingdom, I wish they all died."
He wasn't surprised to hear his comrades or otherwise talk so spitefully against so called witches. He was very well aware of their hatred for them, blaming them for all the bad things that occurred to them such as famines, bad weather, plagues and other misfortunes.
"Are we even certain that it truly is them to blame for all these things?"
Chan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oi mate, don't tell me you're actually softening up to them? Everyone knows witches are the devil's workers sent out to strike us with all sorts of evils. If we get rid of them, we'll finally have some peace around here."
Hongjoong resisted the urge to roll his eyes or say something else. He knew how dangerous it was to voice out anything that went against the population opinion, and his status as one of the elite ranked nobles wouldn't spare him either. So instead he just kept quiet, and tried to do his job as best he could without having to point fingers or arrest anyone in the process. He definitely didn't want anymore innocent people burned just to satisfy the sadistic and twisted desires of others.
"I best be going now. I'm going to take one last look around the outskirts of town and see if I find anything unusual."
Chan commended his partner and wished him good fortune, he himself turning the other direction to oversee the burning that was about to happen. Kicking his horse's abdomen gently, Hongjoong raced through the streets, passing all the houses and farmlands, carefully making his way into the dense and eerie forest that was a few miles away from the town. Not one pious person dared to enter there, for there were rumors that it was the dwelling place of evil spirits, the few people who had gone in swearing on their lives that supernatural events occurred there.
But Hongjoong believed no such things nor paid attention to any of the talk such simple minded folks spewed out. Though he could not outwardly say it, he was opposed to the witch trials, believing the so called pagans to be harmless people who simply had different religious views and beliefs from the holy catholic church that predominated across the country. He was thoroughly convinced that they used brute force and drastic measures to eradicate anyone who dared present a challenge to their authority and thus strike fear into people, forcing them to stay in their churches, ruling over them with a tight iron fist.
Of course there was a time where Hongjoong himself believed in them just as the others still did. He used to be a very religious and righteous person, making sure to follow through on the customs and traditions laid out by the church and which were taught to him since infancy. There was a time he too was fervent in his endeavor to rid the country of all the heretics and pagans and hated them with a burning passion......
That is until he met one, not only seeing them up close, but he actually was saved by them when he accidentally slipped by a riverbank and nearly drowned. But he was caught and rescued. When he regained consciousness, he found himself staring up into the most beautiful [insert color] eyes that he had ever seen in his life. The kind stranger had taken him back to what he assumed was her temporary home, given that witches hardly stayed at one place for a long time. She treated the gnashes on his body that were caused by the sharp rocks and fed him some strange but delicious soups that helped him regain energy and his strength. Seeing and receiving her kindness and generosity even when she knew very well who he was had him questioning everything he was ever taught. He found himself going back into the woods, his only goal was to see her again. He visited her every time he could, growing fond of the exotic woman and developing a deep affection for her, which was more than welcomed by her as she reciprocated his feelings.
Slowly guiding his horse through the vast trees, he let out a smile as he finally spotted a familiar head of [insert color] hair. She had her back turned to him, the woman busy as she played with raven that had perched itself on her arm after being offered berries and other nuts. She whistled at it softly, giggling when the bird finished up its last morsel of food before spreading its wings and soaring high up on the sky.
"Beautiful." She couldn't help but say as she admired the way it flew across the heavens.
"Yes you are."
She was startled by the voice that suddenly spoke up behind her, but when she saw who it belonged her, her face brightened up. Quickly getting off his horse, Hongjoong ran over towards his lover who was equally sprinting over to him, careful not to stumble on her long emerald green dress. They embraced each other tightly, having gone weeks without seeing or hearing from each other.
"Thank goodness you're ok." Hongjoong whispered, placing a strong kiss on her cheek.
"My lord, I missed you." She brushed a hand across his face as she often did to feel his aura and warmth, something he learned long ago not to question. He simply allowed her to finish before taking her hand and placing kisses all over each of her fingertips.
"And I you. I missed you terribly Y/N. I thought I was going to be driven mad if I didn't see you again."
Thumbs caressing her jaw, his eyes looked into hers, silently asking for permission like they always did whenever he wanted a certain thing. Nodding enthusiastically, she pulled his body against hers and allowed him to kiss her. His kiss was desperate and full of emotions, as expected from someone who had been kept away from his love for too long. Once he got his fill of stealing more than a few kisses from her, he pulled away but still kept her at an arm's length, refusing to be separated from her.
"Are you well my love? You seem pained and agitated." She pointed out.
Hongjoong never felt any qualms about sharing his problems or thoughts with her. She wasn't oblivious to what was going on back in the town, which is why she stayed hidden, far away from prying eyes.
"Another child died recently and with that.... another trial."
Y/N shuddered slightly at the mention of the trials, not because she feared for her own life. But because she knew very well most if not all of the people who had died were all innocent and did not participate let alone knew anything about the practices she indulged in.
"It's not stopping anytime soon is it?"
Hongjoong shook his head in a defeated stance.
"Unless we find a reason as to why there are countless mortalities in the infants, they won't stop until they eliminate half of the population."
Feeling frustrated, Hongjoong walked over to one of the trees and punched the trunk, not caring that his knuckles were now scraped and had blood on them. Wanting to comfort him, Y/N wrapped her arms behind him, pulling him tightly against her body as she began singing a soft and oriental style lullaby that she'd often sing to him. He did not understand the words nor got a hint as to what the language was and he didn't dare ask. But it was soothing and healing to hear. He closed his eyes and felt himself drift off into a lucid dream in which no one else but him and Y/N existed. He began to forget about reality and instead enjoyed that moment of being with the person he loved and cherished the most. He was so enchanted by her voice he didn't even realize she had turned him around and trapped him between the tree and her body until he felt his back hit against the trunk.
Awakening from his trance, he gazed down at his lovely enchantress, his eyes lowering down to take in her curves that stood out in that tight and fitted dress she was wearing. He began to have impure thoughts and imagined what would she look like without those garments, no doubt majestic and gorgeous. Her silhouette was very desirable and he'd often fantasise about having her nude body pressed against his own. As if reading his thoughts, Y/N pressed her chest against his, rubbing her breasts against his torso which had Hongjoong inhaling sharply as he stared down at her cleavage.
"I shouldn't feel like this.." He admitted rather embarrassed, having always prided himself in being able to restrain himself from such sinful and tempting desires.
Chuckling softly, the young witch pressed open mouth kisses across his jaw, making him fall deeper into her charms, unable to resist her touches. Another thing about Y/N: she awakened some very unwholesome and carnal feelings that had been buried deep down for years. He had never looked nor thought of a woman like he did with her. Never did he feel an intense want to own her, claim her body and fill her up with his seed so they could be connected as one. But he always shyed away from fully releasing his earthly desires, afraid of not being able to satisfy her given his lack of experience.
"Oh God-" Hongjoong muttered when her mouth nibbled across his neck, teeth raking against his soft skin.
"Do you really think it's wise to call out to him when we're doing something that's completely unholy?" She teased, lightly sucking on a particularly sensitive patch of skin.
Hongjoong tensed up when he felt her hand brush along his pants. Instinctively, he stopped her hand, effectively making her pull away from his neck to make sure she didn't cause him any harm or unpleasant feeling.
"Remember I'm- I'm a virgin..." He said that last part very quietly, cheeks turning a faint red tone.
Smiling kindly at him, she pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"I'm well aware my love and I promised I wouldn't force you to do anything you're not ready for. So trust me, I will wait until you're ready." She assured him.
Hongjoong felt blessed to have her, she was so caring and understanding with him, not to mention patient and reasonable. He felt safe when he was with her and he felt truly free to be who he really was and not someone society expected him to be.
"That being said..... I can't let my lord leave with a problem in his trousers. So just relax and trust me for a moment ok?"
Hongjoong watched carefully as she sank down on her knees, her eyes looking up at him with such lust and fiery passion. Although stiffening when she palmed at his tent, he relaxed and let himself enjoy the feeling. He didn't blink at all when he saw her take out his member from its confinement, her eyes graced at seeing his well endowed length for the very first time. Hongjoong couldn't do anything but gasp and moan when her wet and hot mouth was suddenly taking him in, his head hitting the very end of her mouth. He swallowed hard and threw his head against the tree behind him, getting addicted to this new and unholy sensation that was building up inside him. A seemingly wrong yet wondrous stirring began to form on the pit of his stomach, piling up and threatening to break loose very soon. Clasping the back of her head to steady his trembling legs, he shook harshly as he felt his release spurt out of him and run down her throat. Y/N hummed in approval and satisfaction as she tasted and gulped down the creamy and delectable flavor of her lover, making sure not to let one drip go to waste.
When she pulled back and dressed him back up, Hongjoong was still in shock, eyes wide as he tried to comprehend what had just taken place. Flashing him a mischievous smirk, Y/N kissed him one last time, slipping her tongue inside his mouth to let him get a taste of himself.
"It's getting late my lord. You best be getting back before the evil spirits come out and claim your soul."
They both bursted into laughter at her teasing words, embracing each other one last time as the sun set behind them.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Returning back from a week's journey from the capital, Hongjoong got off his horse and handed the reins over to one of the lackeys that tended and watched over the horses while the masters tended to serious matters inside the castle. The guards paid their respects, welcoming Hongjoong back and opening the doors up for him. Stepping into the foyer, he acknowledged all the other men that wandered through the halls, bidding them greetings and overall studying the atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be in confusion and full of anxiety, which made him wonder what on earth had happen while he was away.
He turned to find none other than Chan striding over to him, his face illuminated with a brilliant and triumphant smile. Although Hongjoong extended his hand so it could be shaken, Chan went the extra mile and actually draped one of his abnormally long arms across his comrade.
"I think we finally did it mate."
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at him, letting Chan guide him down one of the staircases that led to the torture chambers and cells they used for criminals.
"Did what?"
Chan seemed eager to share his findings.
"We might actually be on the brink of solving this long time problem that has been plaguing us with sorrow and grief."
"You mean to tell me the doctor's have finally found a cure for this disease?" Perhaps he was hoping for too much, after all, this was Chan he was speaking to.
"No! Even better mate! We captured someone-"
Hongjoong immediately tuned him out, it was too early for him to start hearing another sermon on why pagans and witches were evil and deserved to die. Besides, Chan always swore anyone he captured was the one who caused all the distressing situations they had thus encountered, but of course, there were still children dying. So Hongjoong refused to hear him gloat about finding the 'leader' of the cult. It seemed as though Chan could read Hongjoong's expression.
"I know you think I'm crazy Joong, but trust me. This time....it's for real."
Ushering the guards to let them pass through the iron barred doors, Chan and Hongjoong stepped inside the dimly lit dungeon, the crackling noise of the fire torches hung across the stone walls and the faint sound of water dripping being their only companions.
"She herself didn't even deny the fact that she's a witch. She proudly identified herself as one."
"But has she admitted to causing this plague throughout the land?" Hongjoong interrogates him.
"She adamantly denies that, but it doesn't matter. She's a professed witch and thus must receive a proper execution just like the rest of her kind. It's actually scheduled for tomorrow."
"If that's the case and her fate is sealed, why are you bringing me down here? I'll witness her death in the morning anyhow." Hongjoong had a mind to turn around and go back home, irked at the fact he had been summoned for this foolishness without even getting a chance to rest at his home.
"Well no need to get upset mate. I just thought you'd want to see her that's all. I'll tell you this, she's one of the prettiest pagans I've ever met. Her darling face could be mistaken for an angel's actually."
Crossing a corner and finally standing in front of the cell that held their captive, Hongjoong froze when the prisoner lifted her face and he saw who it was.
"No....it can't be.." His worst fear had come true as it was none other than Y/N who was being kept locked away in the prison.
"Told you she was very pretty? Took your breath away did she?" Chan let out a hearty laugh, but Hongjoong wasn't amused in the slightest bit. He peered with sorrowful and apologetic eyes at his secret lover, who throughout all this remained calm and collected, not letting a single facial muscle give away anything.
"Such a pity to know she'll die though."
Hongjoong clenched his hand into a fist, determined to punch Chan but when he met Y/N's eyes, she silently warned him not to think about doing something so foolish.
"Well now that you saw her, we best be going back now."
"No...... let me talk to her for a moment." Hongjoong stated.
Although confused, Chan didn't think too much about it.
"Suit yourself, but be careful. Don't want her putting a curse on you or something."
Waiting until the clanking of the doors signaled that they were bolted and making sure no one was within earshot of them, Hongjoong pressed himself against the bars that held him back from embracing his lovely maiden.
"Are you all right?"
Y/N looked around at her surroundings, humming softly before standing up from the wooden chair.
"Not exactly the most comfortable of places, but I've slept in much worse conditions than this. At least they're decent enough to bring me a meal every few hours." Her light chuckle and unworried demeanor was startling Hongjoong.
"Y/N, I don't know how but I'll get you out of here. Just let me run back to my place and-"
"Hongjoong." She interrupted him and stepped right in front of him, her fingers touching his hand as much as she could despite having an obstacle between them.
"You won't be successful. We'll be captured in no time and not only will I still be burned, you will suffer an even worst fate than mine. I can't...I absolutely forbid you to do anything about my situation."
Hongjoong began breathing heavily, cursing the heavens for being powerless in tearing the iron bars down and taking her away from him.
"I can't just let you die. I can't..... I love you." He sobbed, nails desperately clawing at the metallic wall as if he could tear through them.
"And I love you my lord. I always will...... but I need you to trust me now more than ever. You do trust me right?"
"With my entire soul, heart, mind and existence." He replied with no hesitation.
She smiled fondly at his answer.
"Then I need you to do one final thing for me."
Sliding up the sleeve of her dress, she pulled off a flower from the makeshift bracelet she often had on her.
"See this flower? This is called a valerian officinalis. I'm sure you've seen many of them grow near my cottage."
Recognizing the small yet sweet smelling flower, Hongjoong immediately nodded.
"I'm going to need you to go back to my place and gather about 6 of them. Boil them in a pot of water and drink its contents."
Hongjoong listened to each of her instructions, engraving them on his mind.
"And then?"
With lips curled into a wicked smile, Y/N responded:
"And then just wait for me to return to you."
Hongjoong was about to say something, ask about how it would be possible, but Y/N hushed him.
"I told you to trust me my lord, so please trust me when I say that we will see each other again. I will make sure of it. You have nothing to fear."
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
The young woman took careful and meticulous steps across the dirt road she was being left upon. Her bare feet were covered in dirt and grime, matching her hands which were outstretched in front of her, wrists bound with iron cuffs that had various chains attached to it, each being pulled by 4 different men who wore black robes with hoods covering their heads. She held her head up high, refusing to lose her dignity as she trailed through the marshland around her. Her eyes were fixed on the pole that stood near the end of the road, a crucifix nailed at the very top while a pile of hay and and wood was gathered at the base of it. Her guides themselves were bearing torches that were already blazing in flames, soon to be consuming her body.
Finally coming in front of the stake, she didn't hesitate to step up and press her back against the wooden pole, further confusing the men in charge of escorting her there. Still they just opted for finishing their task as they began to tie her body to the stake with ropes, the harsh material scratching against the exposed parts of her skin. She nearly rolled her eyes as one of them began reciting some holy repertoire that was probably said at every execution. One of the men stepped up in front of her, placing his torch near the base.
"Any last words?" He asked as they always did before lighting the victims on fire.
Closing her eyes, Y/N took a deep breath, gathering all her strength before uttering out her next words:
"Ex inferno, et incendent civitatem hanc oriri me cinere."
The 4 men looked at each other in confusion, wondering what she said, but ultimately failed to comprehend her words. Following as the man in charge was doing, they all lowered their torches onto the hay and wood, immediately setting it ablaze. Stepping back from the flames, they watched as the smoke began to cover the young woman's body, the last thing they saw through all the dense fumes was the young witch's haunting face, an evil grin staring back at them, sending shivers down their bodies as they wondered if they were hallucinating or did they in fact watched her eyes shift to a dark crimson color. Before they could even ask each other if they saw the same thing, they all began screaming in agony as their bodies suddenly began burning with great intensity, raging fires consuming their flesh and bones in mere minutes until nothing but a pile of ashes were scattered about.
At a distance, back in the quiet and unsuspecting town, the villagers went about their business, all of them happy at the news that the so called leader of the cult that had plagued and tortured them for so long was finally being put to death. They began to think that finally they would no longer live under the fear of having heathens roam around disrupting their lives. All of them had jolly and gleeful smiles on their faces, the town booming with laughter and celebration.....
Their laughter was soon replaced by their frantic and terrified shouting, smiles transforming into crying and fear stricken expressions as fire began to sprout out from the ground in all directions, starting with the holy church that was the center of their town. One by one, all of the houses, from the most humble to the most luxurious and extravagant ones of them burst into flames. The raging fire showed no mercy as it consumed man, woman, children and livestock with no discrimination. All of them soon fell victim to the excruciating fiery death that they had inflicted against countless innocent victims that deserved no such fate.....
Now they had to paid for their sins, pay them in full until their ashes laid scattered all around, leaving absolutely no soul spared.
All of them burned to the ground.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
Violently sitting up, Hongjoong gasped sharply as he woke up from a very deep and dark sleep. Looking around, he realized he was still inside Y/N's quaint and exotic cottage. Seeing a sliver of light pour in, he realized he must have been knocked out for hours.
Remembering that she was to be executed that morning, he dashed out of her home, running as fast as he could through the forest in the direction of the village. He hoped he wasn't too late. He knew she told him to trust her, but he was only human and he was desperate to go investigate what had happened. Through clenched teeth, he pushed past his tired state and made it past the last monumental trees that stood near the end of the forest. He halted when he caught a glimpse of the town from where he stood:
The air was all gray, a dense cloud of smoke covered almost the entirety of the town. Through the blackened ruins he could still spot a few orange and red flames that refused to die out until it had completed its mission of destroying every last stone and brick in the area. He was completely awestruck at the scene, unable to say anything as the sun started to set behind him.
Realizing how dangerous it was to stay there, he turned back and ran inside the forest once more. He ran around as if he were a madman, with no clear direction in mind. He just went wherever his legs seemed to carry him. He finally stopped right in front of the creek that ran through the forest. He leaned against one of the sycamores that grew throughout the woodland. His panted deeply, trying to catch his breath. He was on the verge of combusting into tears when he suddenly distinguished a familiar tune echoing through the forest. He knew that eerie and haunting melody anywhere, and even blind he'd be able to follow that sweet voice right to its owner without a guide. Looking around, he searched in hopes of finding where the singer was hiding. Hongjoong began to wonder if perhaps his mind was just being delusional, but the rustling of leaves behind him let him know it wasn't the case.
"You're an awfully difficult person to find my lord."
He let out a sigh of relief at finally hearing Y/N's voice again. Turning around, he was about to hold her in his arms but he stopped himself when he saw the state she was in: there his lover stood, hair completely down while her body was completely bare to him. He swallowed hard as he found it difficult to look away as his eyes took in her perfectly sculpted breasts, slowly trailing down her body and fixing their gaze in between her legs, admiring her lady mound. His mouth was agape, his whole body stunned as he saw Y/N in her most vulnerable state for the first time. He could faintly distinguish a few gnashes on her wrists and ankles, no doubt brought upon due to the scraping of bounds that was she was subjected to. And although she cleaned most of it off, there was still some leftover soot staining parts of her body, mostly on her shoulders, knees and elbows. And yet she still looked as ethereal as ever, perhaps even more so now.
She couldn't hide her smirk as she was not oblivious about him gawking at her figure. She simply and calmly walked closer to him, taking in each reaction he made. She could feel him get aroused the closer their distance got.
"I hope the sight doesn't fall short from what you had imagined." She teased him, her hands wrapping around his neck.
"Oh trust me..... you're even more beautiful than I imagined."
Hongjoong lifted up one hand so it could caress her arm, though his movements were rather awkward and hesitant. She knew he kept questioning whether it was all right for him to touch you. Wanting to assure him it was not a crime, she pecked his lips before taking one of his hands and placing it on her chest right where her heart was.
"Do not be afraid my lord. I'm all yours and you're free to touch me as you please." She was actually longing for him to touch her, feel his hands on her most intimate parts.
Looking back into her eyes, Hongjoong pulled her against him, one arm around her waist while the other kept her chin tilted up so he may devour her mouth, using all the tongue movements he remembered her doing on him. His hand that was innocently holding her waist moved to a less chaste position as it cupped one of her tender breasts. He squeezed and pressed against her soft flesh, playing around and familiarizing himself with the outline of her erect nipples. His other hand followed suit and dropped to apply the same treatment on her other breasts, not wanting it to feel neglected from his gentle groping. Y/N gasped softly when Hongjoong pulled his mouth away from hers so he could kiss along her jaw and the top of her neck, catching her breath.
Meanwhile Hongjoong continued his exploration of her body. Slowly he inched a hand in between her legs, hesitating when it was inches away from her most intimate place, but eventually curiosity got the better of him and his fingers delved deep into her slit. He found it wet and warm, and it was fascinating to him. Dragging his fingers along her folds, he found that he could part them and touch an even softer and silky lining. Whenever he brushed or touched a certain tiny nub, he could feel her body becoming more responsive. Indeed, as he began to rub and press against that tiny organ, her lewd sounds were becoming more frequent and higher in pitch. The more he touched and probed around the forbidden parts of her body, the more his desire grew to become one with her, lust starting to take over his senses, slowly crumbling the last shred of self control he had.
"Take me." He finally said.
Being so dazed from having him touch her, Y/N fluttered her eyes open in confusion.
"I'm ready my love. Just take all of me and make me yours. I want you to defile me." His eyes burned with determination, not one shred of doubt in them.
Grinning at him, Y/N reached over to unclasp the cape that he was wearing and laid it flat on the earth beneath them. Starting with his silk shirt, she began to strip him out of his noble attire, refusing to let him help her out. She wanted to undress him as she wanted. More than satisfied with his bare body in front of her, Y/N guided him to lay down on the makeshift blanket, making sure to be as gentle and caring as possible. Hongjoong gasped when she climbed on top of him, her wet heat ever so slightly grazing upon his erect member. Taking one hand into her own, she made sure he was looking at her.
"I love you." She confessed.
"And I you." He replied in complete earnest.
Hongjoong groaned and threw his head back as his breathtaking enchantress sunk herself down onto him, effectively connecting their bodies together. It was the most intoxicating and thrilling experience he had ever felt. He didn't care if it was a mortal sin that would condemn him to an eternity in hell. He happily and gratefully allowed himself to be plunged deeper and deeper into damnation. He closed his eyes as on overwhelming wave of pleasure began to take over his body, numbing all other senses, the only thing he felt was how wonderful and bewildering Y/N's body felt on him. She too was enjoying herself, the look of amazement and passion on Hongjoong's face making her feel a sense of pride as she slowly stripped his last shred of purity from him. She loved him so dearly, she had never wanted someone as much as she wanted him. And now....she finally had him. He was all hers and only hers. He willingly and wholeheartedly gave all of himself to her with no regrets.
Feeling a fiery sensation form on the pit of his stomach, Hongjoong gasped violently as his body began convulsing and out from his member a load of semen poured out until it thoroughly coated his lover's velvet walls which had also began to tighten and constrict around him as a pool of heat rushed down Y/N's body when she felt the handsome man underneath her fill her up to the brim. Unable to resist any longer, she arched down and latched her mouth on his neck, suckling and nibbling against his petal like skin before sinking her teeth down, penetrating deep in his flesh. Hongjoong cried out softly at the stinging pain that felt so delicious at the same time.
"There now my sweet and darling lord..." Y/N lightly purred against his neck, her hot breath sending more shudders down his body.
Hongjoong felt like he was in a daze and he didn't want to come out of it. He did not feel frightened even as his gorgeous enchantress sat up once again and stared down at him intensely, her previously [insert color] eyes now a bright crimson color that burned like the depths of hell.
"You belong to me."
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mightyavngrs · 4 years
don't do that again | poe dameron x reader
summary: a broken promise and a mission gone wrong
warnings: mentions of a panic attack (stay safe <3)
a/n: hope you guys had happy holidays! here's a belated christmas gift :)
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You laid silently in your bed, heavy eyes trained on the alarm clock that stood in your nightstand. 1:45, 2:36, 3:18... the time passed and you couldn't help the voice inside your head telling you that every hour gone by the probability of Poe coming back safe and sound lowered.
He was supposed to come back a week ago. Maker, you knew it. You knew this mission wasn't going to go well.
Your legs carried you through the resistance base as you furiously made your way to Poe's quarters. It was late and most people had already retired to their rooms but the few members in the hallways threw confused looks your way. As you got to Poe's room, closed fist ready to bang on his door, the thing opened before you revealing a very excited Poe Dameron whose smile disappeared the second his eyes met yours. You caught his wrist, pushing him back inside the room with you before closing the door.
"Y/n, what happened-"
"Tell me you didn't take that mission." you demanded, your raised voice unrecognizable to your own ears.
"Wait, what? This is the most important mission of my career i thought you'd be happy i-"
"Poe this is the most dangerous mission anyone in the resistance has been assigned in years."
"You think i can't do it? Is that what this is about?" he questioned in shock, failing to keep the disappointed look that formed in his face.
"No! Maker, Poe, you're one of the most skilled people this rebellion has seen but this mission could just be an ambush for all we know! I mean collecting intell in heavy-guarded enemy territory from someone the resistance hasn't even heard about? Do you realize how dangerous that is?"
"Yes, y/n, i do. You know i think you're forgetting i've been a part of this rebellion for far longer than you have." he snapped, voice dangerously low and your eyes couldn't help but widen at the hostility in his words.
"Why are you being so aggressive? I'm just worried about you." you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears already forming in your eyes. Your anger for his stubbornness now fully replaced by concern. "I know this is important to you and you know i wouldn't be saying this if i didn't actually mean it but i have a bad feeling about this mission, Poe. Please stay. Just this once." you practically begged, hand moving to cup his cheek before he harshly brushed it away.
"I think you need to go, y/n."
And with those words you were out the door and on your way back to your room. Although hurt, you weren't too worried about Poe's outburst. You guys had promised each other long ago never to leave for a mission without saying goodbye, even if you were mad at each other. He wouldn't break that promise. "Just needs to cool off." you thought to yourself before allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.
When you woke up the next day it took you a second to process what had happened the night before, but once you did panic filled your senses. You quickly got out of bed, clumsily getting ready before starting to make your way to the hangar, your eyes frantically searching for any sign of Poe or the falcon.
"Hey, y/n! What's wrong?" Rey's voice broke you from your thoughts as the jedi made her way towards you.
"Where's Poe?" the question left your mouth without hesitation and the look that formed on your friend's face told you all you needed to know.
"He left for his mission an hour ago."
"No. He wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye. We promised we wouldn't do that." you muttered feeling Rey's hand on your arm as she gave it a comforting squeeze.
"I'm sorry, y/n."
After hours of staring at the alarm clock you sighed. "No way i'm gonna get any more sleep tonight." you thought to yourself, swinging your legs over the side of your bed after deciding a walk through the hangar would be a much better waste of your time. The hallways were deserted and if all the equipment didn't look so modern you would've thought you were walking through an abandoned resistance base.
Finally arriving to the hangar you started your walk through the area before your eyes landed on a beaten up millennium falcon. You violently shook your head, figuring the sight was just another trick pulled by your tired mind to torture you a bit more, but when the image of the spaceship didn't disappear you felt your blood run cold.
And then you were running through the hangar and towards the beloved ship, quickly punching in the code to open its door and before you could call out for your best friend's name you were met by an obnoxiously loud BB-8. Between the mess that were the noises produced by the small droid you were only able to pick out three words. Ambush. Poe. Shot.
You only had time to scream for BB-8 to go and get help before you were sprinting through the ship. Once you finally arrived to the cockpit your eyes landed on your best friend lying on the ground. You fell to your knees by the pilot's side, releasing a shaky breath once you confirmed he was, in fact, still breathing. Tears were starting to cloud your vision by now, and you felt your chest getting heavier by the second. You tried your hardest not to let the panic settle in. This was most definitely not the time for a panic attack; Poe was injured. He needed you. He needed you applying pressure to whatever blaster wound those bastards had given him but your body was frozen, you couldn't move. You could only stare at your best friend's beaten up face as a pool of blood grew around his body. You don't know how many minutes had passed when you felt someone pull you away from Poe and against their chest startling you in the process.
"Y/n, it's ok. We got him, he's gonna be okay." hands you could now recognize as Finn's were rubbing your arms in an attempt to ground you and bring you back from your state of panic. This wasn't your first panic attack but you usually had Poe there to help. Stars, Poe. He always knew what to do; how to help you, and now you couldn't even help him. You closed your eyes, trying to avoid the sight of his bloodied body being carried away by the medics and finally, after a couple of minutes, you gained enough strength to get on your feet (with Finn's help), and start your walk to the medbay.
7 hours. The longest, most painful 7 hours of your life and you were finally let inside the room. A sweet doctor had come to get you letting you know that, although stable, Poe was still unconscious but she hoped hearing your voice could help him. After a quick nod of reassurance from Finn and a hand squeeze from Rey, who'd met you at the medbay only a few minutes after you'd gotten there yourself, you stepped inside the room.
Poe laid on his hospital bed, face still dirty from the mission he'd barely made it out alive from and a thick bandage on his torso. You closed the door behind you, moving to take a sit next to the pilot. With a sigh you brought your hand up to his hair, brushing the brown curls away from his bloodied face.
"If only you had listened to me just this one time." you mumbled with a sad smile, your hand now moving to hold his. "I'm sorry i couldn't help you. I tried to move but seeing you like that i just- i thought i was going to lose you and i couldn't focus and i-" and then you were choking on your words and there were tears running down your cheeks again and you couldn't believe you were this pathetic because if you couldn't even help your dying best friend then what the hell were you good for. Then you felt a squeeze in your hand.
"Please don't cry." Poe's tired voice filled the room and you couldn't help but do the exact opposite, lifting your teary eyes to meet his own.
"Poe." you were barely able to mutter out before you were engulfing him in a hug. The pilot ignored the pain in his abdomen, focusing instead on how warm your embrace felt and on how happy he was to be back in your arms. His favourite place in the galaxy. "I thought i'd lost you." you confessed just above a whisper, and he hated that he could hear how mortified you were in your voice. He hated that the tears now staining his shirt were a result of his stubbornness and most of all he hated himself for breaking your spirit like this.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." he muttered into your hair, trying his best to hold you as tightly as the pain would allow it. "You were worried and i snapped at you and then i left without saying goodbye and you were right about the whole thing. It was an ambush. Maker, y/n, i'm so sorry." he kept apologizing while rubbing your back, trying to bring you as much comfort as he possibly could. But you shook your head no before attempting to reassure him.
"You had no way of knowing. It wasn't your fault Poe just- don't do that again ok? Please don't ever leave without saying goodbye again..."
"I won't. I promise."
Poe had always found amusement in complaining about the resistance beds but now, as his bare back laid in fresh sheets for the first time in weeks, he couldn't help but sigh in content.
"Alright! You're all bandaged up." you exclaimed happily, putting away the gauze you'd been given before laying down next to the pilot. It'd been a few days since the incident and the doctors had released Poe from the medbay as long as he promised he'd change his bandage daily, job you'd gladly taken. "How're you feeling?"
"I'm happy i'm alive." he replied with a smile, staring at the ceiling above, but something about his tone of voice and the slight frown still visible in his features threw you off.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" you asked softly, bringing your hand up to caress his face when he flinched at your touch. "Look at me, Poe. Please." And then his eyes were on yours. You were used to hearing the fear in the pilot's voice, no matter how much he tried to hide it through his comlink you could always sense it but this... you'd never actually seen fear in his eyes like this. He was still terrified. Terrified that he wouldn't come back home one day. That he wouldn't come back to you.
"Hey, you'll always come back home." you assured him, and you sounded so confident in your statement, so faithful that, just for a moment, he allowed himself to believe your words. "You'll always come back home because you're the best pilot in the resistance, Poe Dameron. You'll always come back home because this rebellion needs you. I need you, ok?"
Poe swallowed the lump that'd formed in his throat. "Say that again." he pleaded and Stars you could never say no to him.
"I need you, Poe. I can't do this without you." Your fingers were tracing his skin in an attempt to get him out of his head. To get him to calm down so he would finally get some proper rest. But then he was scooting closer to you, resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you." the words left your mouth before you could stop them. You pulled away from the pilot, eyes widened in fear of the rejection you knew was to come but Poe's hands found your face and pulled it towards him closing the space between you. Your eyes fluttered shut and you ignored the tear you felt running down your face as they did so. It felt right. His lips on yours that is. And when you finally had to break the kiss for air he pulled you gently into his arms. "I love you. And i really can't do this without you either."
a/n: i'm so excited to finally post this! i've had this idea for a year now but my first attempt at writing it went so bad i gave up haha i think i've gotten a lot better ever since so hopefully you guys enjoyed! don't forget to leave feedback if you'd like and treat people with kindness <3
taglist: @buckysbeloved @justanotherblonde23 @lbuprofiend @etherealsanakin
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