#I'm personally not detrans
neonbutchery · 3 months
ngl i believe that detrans people who regret medically transitioning should be able to share their experiences and i think that it's an important conversation to have but rn with the current social climate there's a 99.9% chance that they'll be coopted by transphobes and be used as an argument to ban trans healthcare. and i know that this isn't inherently their fault (unless they're the chloe cole types) but i think that there's a point where intention doesn't equal impact anymore and your words are going to be used as ammunition even if you don't want to. if you're passively or actively encouraging transphobia by letting others use your lived experience as a universal truth and you don't speak up about it then don't be surprised when trans people don't like you or cry about how "we were bullies all along"
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dimensionalunit · 2 months
At some point I want to take a look at the way my past "gender envy" was a mix of sexism + heterosexuality. A lot of people have written really great pieces on how ftm gender comes from how limiting femininity is and how empowering identifying into masculinity feels by contrast, and some people have written abt how female sexuality contributes to ftm transgender identity, but I feel like there's a lot that I've experienced that I haven't seen anyone mention at all. At this point, I'm a little curious if anyone has had the same relationship with their gender identity as I have, or if my preteenhood of social ostracization + needing to rationalize everything gave me a particularly unique relationship to gender. I don't mean this in a "not-like-other-girls" way, either. I'm trying to figure out why, even when I identified as trans, I couldn't find anyone else who'd been trans for the same reasons.
Essentially, as it finally feels like I'm figuring out my sexuality, I'm also recognizing more and more things that made me wish I was a guy. A few years ago I found "masculine" confidence (the kind that comes from not really questioning who you are, just getting to embody it) really attractive. Then I was in a relationship with someone who had tons of it, and I realized it was horseshit- it's the result of never telling a person they're not actually good at something. Looking back ten or so years to when I started trying to socially transition (12ish, maybe?), that kind of confidence was embedded in my idea of what a man was. It was something only men were allowed, so in some backwards way I wanted to be male to achieve that confidence. (A couple years after that, my ideas of sexuality and gender became so deeply confused I still haven't been able to make sense of them, but I think getting around to that is going to make hindsight a whole lot clearer)
I'm going to try tagging this in hopes that someone has better-articulated thoughts on what I'm trying to say- wish me luck :') I'll also try elaborating more in the future (I can't articulate for shit at night) and mayyybe make some making out of all of this. Or maybe meaning-making is the trap that got me into this in the first place. Who knows
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I get so tired of people saying that underage people are too young to transition in terms of taking hormones or that even the younger adult years might be too young. Turns out your body naturally does irreversible things to itself if left alone even though you're supposedly too young to know what your gender is. But apparently it's evil or abusive or irresponsible to replace those irreversible effects with different irreversible effects. Or even just make them happen slightly later so kids have more time to really think about which irreversible effects they want. No, the only moral choice is to force one kind of irreversible effect on kids and not allow there to be any choice at all ever. Making that potentially wrong choice for them is somehow the only good option. Farquaad-ass "some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice i am willing to make."
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mygenderisblurry · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot lately, independently of detransition thoughts, about "genderqueer" as a personal, non-gendered identity. I don't know if that makes sense. Like "I identify as genderqueer/with the word genderqueer but it's not my gender. My gender is [whatever]." I think I recall this being a presence historically through the LGBT community. Like it was a term used by butch lesbians and feminine gay men. But I don't know that for sure, so I don't want to make any definitive claims. Anyway, I feel some sort of connection to the term genderqueer, but I don't consider it my gender identity. And I think I always will, regardless of what I consider my gender identity to be.
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 1 year
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that's weird porky
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detransdamnation · 2 years
The fact I got read as my bio sex is starting to kick in and it's hitting me so hard and I hate it. I fucking hate it. My dysphoria will always be one step ahead of me. It will forever rule my life.
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theglizzardwizard · 4 months
TLDR: I do not care about fandom safety, neither do you. if you did you and an entire discord of people wouldn't be on the hook for red rolling.
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scramratz · 5 months
just checking because maybe I misunderstood, but ur saying people are responsible for what they do to their body, right? Everyone seems to say your angry at detransitioners simply for regretting T which like. yeah its their fault and they prolly shouldn't be so vocal about it but you shouldnt hate them for that fact alone?
(NOT a hate anon, genuine question! Only on anon because I dont feel like dealing w online hate for anything I said)
Oh no! I don't hate detransitioners at all!! I don't even mind when they have complaints with how the medical system handles trans/gnc people. There are valid discussions to be had on that front!
My problem lies when they make their regrets everyone else's problem! They regretted hrt/surgery, so that must mean everyone will regret it? Thats not how that works! Medical transition is a lengthy process with a lot of checkpoints; plenty of moments where you can reassess your goals. If you go through the steps to get surgery or take hormones for years and end up realizing that wasn't for you, you can't turn around and blame the doctors for providing care you asked for.
If I get a nose job cause I'm self conscious over how big it is, then realize I liked how my nose looked before, I can't demonize the doc for doing a procedure I asked him to do! It all boils down to personal responsibility!
And let's be honest, most of the "detransitioners" in my notes are just transphobes making up scenarios to further their agenda. There are plenty of wonderful detrans folks, it's just not them.
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ftmtfgwen · 17 days
detrans notes game!!!
every 5 notes (repeating) - a day i grow my hair out
every 100 notes (repeating) - a day i go out without a binder
10 notes - i paint my nails
25 notes - i start wearing a girly perfume whenever i'm on here
50 notes - i buy a girly journal in person and have to write in it every day for a week
100 notes - i tell my irls i use any pronouns and encourage them to use she/her for me
200 notes - i wear panties every day for a week
300 notes - i ask my fwb to address me femininely during sex
400 notes - i edge to feminine hypno audios for an hour
500 notes - i buy girly lingerie irl
600 notes - i ask my fwb to have lesbian sex with me
700 notes - next time i'm invited to a party with my friends, i go in girl mode
if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to dm me!!!!! feel free to spam!!!!
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trans-androgyne · 3 months
"Those evil AMAB trans women are erasing and speaking over AFAB transfems!" is quite literally the same shit as when terfs say "Those evil trans-identifying males are erasing real wombyn!". I'm calling it now, you're gonna be id'ing as an "XX chromosome detrans dysphoric female" by the end of 2024, you genuinely hate trans women as much as your average radfem.
Okay, so you’re of course misrepresenting anything I’ve ever expressed on the matter, I’ve never said anything even close to that. But more importantly here, no matter what I had actually said it would never, ever be okay to say this to me or any other trans person. Do you know how much it hurt to read this as someone who has almost gone back into the closet because of hostility from the trans community? It is downright transphobic and misgendering to tell me that I will identify as female in a couple months; you are the one saying literally the exact same shit to me as terfs are. And if you want to know what is truly the radfemmy stance on transfems afab I’d like to direct your attention to this terf’s post:
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vexingwoman · 6 months
I'm sorry if this isn't articulated well and is a little rambly, I'm autistic, please take my words with a grain of salt. as a former member of that "whump community" (who's still into that kind of media) I know most of them are tifs, tho I was in it more when most of the popular writers on tumblr were still girls. It's also primarily autistic people from my experience.
you're definitely 100% right that they're not identifying as real men, I'm detrans and i don't even conflate the 2 in my mind which i think is a thing most RFs don't get about yaoi and this kind of thing, i didn't want to be a real guy, fictional men r like their own species lol. they're everything real men could never be. it might be hard to understand if you're less chronically online but I'm sure though not consciously, fictional men aren't even really related to real men in most of these people's minds.
With whump stuff I was always more uncomfortable or uninterested when it was a woman, maybe because women in media being hurt and weak is the norm (and it feels too real seeing a woman getting hurt since there's a closer connection), and it happening to men is an intriguing reversal. More male attracted women (im bi) are into more sensitive guys which sadly mostly exist in media, so it's just escapism.
I think that's also why they identify as trans males, they want to become closer to the fictional ideal of a male who can be soft and sensitive, or possibly being autistic and having trouble separating your special interests and escapist fantasies from every facet of your life.
(For context, this was sent in response to this post)
I think you’re onto something here. Brutality against female people is so common that we’re completely desensitized to it, and consequently, female characters being brutalized doesn’t emotionally move us. Either that, or brutality against female characters is highly sexualized, and further dehumanizes them. 
On the other hand, brutality against a male character is unexpected and unusual. Therefore, we are emotionally moved by it and able to recognize it for the tragedy it is. Indeed, this might explain why the “whump community” almost exclusively romanticizes the torture and anguish of male characters, and why so many of its members identify as trans guys. 
Furthermore, have you noticed that most of the tropes this community romanticizes are things that, at least in real life, female people are primarily the victims of? For example: rape, kidnapping, stalking, being drugged, being sold. It almost feels like an attempt to vicariously garner empathy for female suffering, without the element of being another cliché female victim. I feel like they impose female suffering onto male characters because they know the audience actually empathizes for males and views them as full human beings. 
In the end, I think it all comes down to female people’s desire to be fully humanized and to escape gendered stereotyping. For example, you stated that many trans-identified females “want to become closer to the fictional ideal of a male who can be soft and sensitive.” But why is a soft, sensitive male character so much more charming to them than a soft, sensitive female character? 
Because in their eyes, softness and sensitivity in a male character is seen as authentic; it’s seen as a consequence of his unique personality. But softness and sensitivity in a female character is seen as expected, as stereotypical—it’s seen only a consequence of her gender. This is also why characters who are fathers are adored, while characters who are mothers are overlooked or scrutinized. Because a male character taking care of children is kindhearted, nurturing, selfless, compassionate. But a female character taking care of children is just doing her job.
Basically, I think many trans-identified females would like their softness and sensitivity to be viewed as authentically as we view softness and sensitivity in males. I think many trans-identified females crave for their characteristics to be viewed as consequences of their unique personalities, rather than consequences of their gender. They crave to be seen as human first and female second—not the other way around. 
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cowboywithacunt · 4 months
This blog is an 18+ only kink/nsfw blog. I'm going to be posting explicit text and images. Please be aware that some of my kinks may be triggering to others! A full list of my kinks and limits are under the cut.
👁️, 🐶, 🫐, 🐰, 🦊, ☠️, 🐕, 🐈‍⬛, 🐾, 🦋, 🧸, 🥩, 💐, 🪲, 🐊, 🐺, 🇨🇦, 🤖, 🎲, 🦌, 🌙, 🐻, 🐦‍⬛, 🐻‍❄️, 🌀, 🗽, 🎉, 🪐, 💫, ✨, 🐹, 🐉, ☄️, 🌷, 🦕
🐄 DNI: Men DNI blogs, detrans/misgendering/trans fetishization blogs run by cis people, cishet men, weight loss/thinspo blogs, feederism blogs, MAPs, minors and ageless blogs
🐎 My asks and dms are open to anyone! Please respect my boundaries, and don't send me stuff that involves kinks I list as a limit. Also be aware that I might not always respond! Sometimes I just ain't got the energy, don't know what to say, am offline, or just aren't interested at the moment. I'm fine with sexting, pics, and roleplaying. Do not message me several more times if I don't respond to your first message.
🐄 I block liberally! It's nothing personal, just how I curate my experience. Please don't circumvent blocks for any reason.
🐎 Feel free to claim an emoji, but I will remove you from the claimed emojis list if you don't send anything for a long while. It's nothing personal, just a way of keeping organized! If you start sending asks again I'll put you right back on.
🐎 I'm Harvey! 22, transgender (FtM), he/him, bisexual, country boy who's learned to embrace it as a thing people are into lol. Currently living on the west coast, originally from Georgia. I'm fat and hairy and masc, take it or leave it. 5'5". Deer boy tbh 🦌
🐄 I'm strictly masc, have been on T for about 4 years, and I got top surgery done last summer. I don't have bottom surgery, and probably never will.
🐎 I'm happy to be a dom or sub for any and all genders! I enjoy both roles equally. Same goes for topping and bottoming. I'm about as versatile as a guy can get!
🐄 Asks and dms are open to anyone who's interested!
🐎 Humiliation and degradation; includes exhibitionism, voyeurism, pet play, free use, and force fem/masc.
🐎 CNC; includes rape play, dubcon, somnophilia, intoxication, primal play, and kidnapping.
🐄 Fauxcest; may include some ageplay elements, such as MILFs/DILFs, cougars, etc.
🐄 Monster fucking; werewolves, vampires, tentacles, you get the picture. May include non-human genitalia references.
🐎 BDSM; mostly pertains to bondage, but some light impact play might also be present. Nothing beyond spanking or slapping!
🐄 Overstimulation and understimulation; too many orgasms and not enough orgasms. Edging included in this.
🐄 Misc; wilderness sex, cowboys/rednecks, putting city assholes in their place, T4T, bears, butches, sex toys, fighting for dominance, light gun/knife play, medical settings, older men/women, trans supremacy, furries, leather. Open to trying new things!
🐎 Breeding; specifically in terms of big messy creampies and crazy wild sex, not pregnancy.
🐎 I do not tag any of these on reblogs! If you genuinely cannot stomach one or more of these things, just do your mental health a favor and don't follow me. Keep yourself safe!
🐄 Please keep in mind that all fantasies I post about are in the context of consensual roleplay between adults.
🐎 Heavy blood, gore, death, necrophilia.
🐄 Scat, watersports, emetophilia. Very light omorashi stuff is fine, but not preferred.
🐎 Detrans, misgendering.
🐄 Choking, beating.
🐎 DDLG and similar kinks that focus on infantalization.
🐄 Race play; if someone wants to call me a stupid little white boy or something, that's fine, but anything even edging towards white supremacy isn't cool with me
🐎 It's okay if you're into the above things! I won't yuck somebody's yum. You can follow and interact. Just please don't send me asks or dms involving those kinks, and be aware that I may not follow back if you post a lot of one of these.
🐎 Sir, mister, bitch, faggot, whore, slut, masc terms, sweetheart, darling, buck
🐄 Dick, cock, t-dick, clit, cunt, pussy, chest, hole(s)
🐎 Daddy, puppy, fem terms
🐄 Tits, boobs, vagina, front hole
If you're not sure about something, just ask! I don't bite!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
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"I'm so glad we're finally meeting in person...." Rachel told her online boyfriend, Jason.
"You look even more perfect than I hoped. Sounds like your voice is dropping nicely, darling."
Rachel smiled. "Three months on testosterone will do a fakegirl good." She stuck out her estrogen-fattened moobs. "I'm horny 24/7. I used to never even get erections. I was such a good girl...."
"But deep down you're just a dirty sissy playing dress up. She me what you've done to yourself for me, angel."
With a deep breath, blushing, Rachel untucked her erect cock, pulling it out of her lacy panties. She let it stick straight out, eight inches, as Jason smiled. "Is it..... to your liking?"
He reached out, jerking it as Rachel trembled. Her cock was never more than a nub. She showed it online if men asked really nicely in her DMs or questioned if she was actually trans. Most people didn't believe her. Perfectly feminine voice, gorgeous face, full natural breasts, wide hips. People thought she was claiming to be trans for views, especially since you couldn't see any bulge in her bikini pics. She told her skeptics she went on puberty blockers by ten, and hormones at twelve. Not a drop of testosterone ever coursed through her system, that was, until Jason messaged her.
He told her he believed she was a fakegirl, a boy pretending to be a girl, and he wanted to help. Curious, Rachel played along with his transphobic little tangent. He kept misgendering her, telling her how beautiful she'd be as a detrans femboy. Still wearing girl clothes, makeup, looking like a girl but finally with a guy's voice, her real voice, as he put it. To get her silly fakegirl tits removed. Grow a cute five o'clock shadow that tells everyone who she really is. Instead of blocking him, she allowed herself to be led by his fantasies of detransitioning her. She slowly became corrupted by his messages, taking them to heart more by the day.
Soon in public when people called her a girl she started correcting them, saying she was born a boy and wearing girl stuff was like a kink for her. She used the men's room, and relished all the attention she got in there, even offering her mouth as a urinal. She started trying to get her cock going, rubbing it, pleasuring herself, but she couldn't get it erect. She complained to Jason and he told her she knew what the solution was. Scared by thinking more with her cock than anything, she publicly announced she was detransitioning on social media and started testosterone, and a healthy dose of dick-growth supplements.
Now she understood what Jason wanted from her. She was horny 24/7. Her cock was impossible to hide. She was starting to get correctly gendered as a boy because of her bulge and cracking, male puberty voice. By the third month she figured her cock was big enough to impress Jason, and invited him over.
"It's beautiful, sweetheart," Jason said, jerking Rachel off. "How many times a day do you get off now?"
"Ten..... at least. I masturbate in public. On the train in my pretty clothes. I masturbate in the men's room. Sometimes I do it in the women's room just to get thrown out. I can't control my erections at all. I'm hard constantly. But I only want my cock bigger and even more out of control."
"You're just like every other pretty fakegirl I've done this to, you know?"
"What? I'm not the only one....."
"Of course not, princess. But don't worry, you'll love all my the other pretty detrans boys I have back at my estate. Once we get those embarrassing boy-tits of yours taken care of."
"Oh! Oh..... fuck! Thank you!" Rachel came as Jason aimed her cock up at her breasts and face. She made a mess all over herself and had no instinct to clean it. She panted in place, eager to please her boyfriend even more.
"You're welcome. Now, I think it's time I set you up with my friend Alex, who's a surgeon. He can have that chest of yours nice and flat in no time. Once you're ready, I'll introduce you to the others."
"Then what?"
"You'll be another of my slutty femboy whores, who I pimp out to rich politicians and businessmen who just love boys like you when they're away from their boring wives on business..... What do you say?"
"Sounds perfect...... I can't wait to fully detrans and whore my new body for you."
"Good boy."
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socialistexan · 2 years
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What's missing from the "regret rate" number is the reason people regret it. It overwhelmingly usually due to aesthetic reasons or social pressure.
It's extremely rare that a person gets some form of gender affirming surgery and then later realizes they are not transgender and fully detrans (and these people deserve all of our love and support, if anyone knows what it's like to live in the wrong gender it's us). It's even rarer that one of these detrans people go on to join a reactionary movement to try to eliminate trans people, yet they get amplified more than anyone else in society. That 1% of a 1% of a 1%? That's who is being listened to.
I really need cis people to understand how difficult it is to get gender affirming surgery in this country. It takes literal years to even be considered for it.
Cards on the table, I'm in the process right now for getting bottom surgery. I have been hormones for over 2 years. The minimum requirement is 1 year, but that rarely happens. I've had to be evaluated by two different psychiatrists and I'll need to see them again to get a letter saying they cleared me (and they're only good for 1 calendar year). On top of that, I contacted a surgeon for my first initial consultation, but isn't scheduled until October. And that's just the first visit! It takes months after that to even schedule the surgery.
You don't really go through that whole process unless you are extremely sure.
No one, especially not a child, is walking into a gender clinic and walks out same day with hormones, a hysterectomy, a membership card.
But I'll meet this Republican congressman halfway through. You can ban transition related surgery for people under 26 is you ban any and all surgery or medical care that can permanently alter someone in any way. No heart surgery. No life saving amputations. No chemo. (I would say no vaccines, but this is a MAGA Republican we're talking about). Did you know Tylenol if taken too long can cause stomach bleeding and damage you long term? So no Tylenol.
But why stop there? Shoes can give you long lasting foot or back issues, so that's gotta be banned, too. Sunscreen? You're applying a chemical your child so they'll """be healthier"""?? Yeah, right, groomer.
Ugh. I'm just so tired.
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gothpuppytits · 2 months
hiiii :) my name is moxxi ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
bi switchy 20 something year old weird pet fakeboy girlfriend. i use he/him irl but you can use whatever pronouns you think i should use (i have tits and a wet pussy). owned by @begforitpuppy, but we're non-monogamous and open :3 i don't post pics but i happily send them if ordered/asked 🖤
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kinks: cnc/rape, detrans, misgendering, intox, breeding (+ pregnancy but not birth), pet play (mostly puppy but i like kitty, fawn, and bunny too!), monster fucking, object insertion, hucow, corruption, objectification, cucking, + more i'm a slut with few limits. most things negotiable. i do not tag any kink except detrans and misgen as to not crosstag in other spaces. that means these above kinks will all be on my blog untagged.
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mentally ill and usually high so very forgetful! if i don't respond, please don't take it personal. usually i just don't know what to say and get distracted. feel free to double/triple text me though! :) i consent to being sent explicit photos without permission first!
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fakeboytofemale · 8 months
Love the idea of having someone detrans me, but not getting to go back to my old name. They pick a new name for me, and only call me that. Like when you get a dog and change it's name, I'm not a person with an identity, I'm property, a well trained fixed fakeboy. At least by the time they're done with me.
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