#I'm poor and tired and bad at being mean in video games so this likely will never happen anyway
arsenicxarcana · 15 days
my only lament about the astarion/Lucio thing is if I were to actually make Lucio in bg3
im p sure astarion would hate his guts
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I'm entirely unfamiliar with your OCs. If you could introduce them and the setting they're in, though, I'll for sure read it! Tomorrow, though. I stayed up way too late being ultimately unsuccessful in a video game because of the poor choices part of my brain (which is the entire darn brain)
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ough i am so so sorry for only getting to this now, i kept blanking whenever i tried to write but ive been having so much brainrot abt this oc all day that i need to talk abt her
This is Rose!!
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(There's two picrews bc picrew is inherently very limited but I tried my best. Her facial structure and hairstyle in the second pic is more accurate, while the first pic has the right skin tone and actually shows off her personality a little.)
She's 21, 4'10, and infected with a demonic parasite that gives her super speed. I haven't really decided on the details of her backstory, but she was basically just constructed by some sort of godly force to use as a host, and then plopped onto Earth. Which happens to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland lmao
Humanity has been reduced to just about 100 small gangs, all of which are constantly scavenging, surviving, and fighting for territory. Rose happens to be part of a group called Target Practice (bc they suck really fucking bad). There's a lot more to the world than that but that's all the context you need for Rose.
She's very loud, bubbly, excitable, cocky, and comically stupid. She either has no awareness or just doesn't care about how other people percieve her; all that matters is that she and her close friends are having fun. This means she takes any opportunity she can to crack a joke because of that, no matter how stupid or crude it is. It's the epitome of "pinhead dipshit"
As for likes/dislikes/hobbies, she's a huge fan of pop and rock music and loves to sing whenever she has free time. She also likes exercising a lot, especially since the parasite provides her with a shit ton of stamina so she doesn't really get tired from running around. To top it off, she's a huge gun nut and loves to collect/shoot/nerd out about guns. No I'm not projecting at all shut up
It can get super fucking hot in the wasteland sometimes and she never gets used to it, much to the chagrin of everyone else. Rose gets really whiny and annoying about it, and she's basically bound to her room until the heat wave passes, which she also hates because she's hyper and energetic and NEEDS to move. This also happens with rain, but it's much easier since she doesn't get sweaty and the sound of rain is relaxing to her. (There's no nuclear winter btw)
That's about it for now! I'm probably forgetting a shit ton and I'm intentionally leaving out the worldbuilding because this post is just supposed to be about her, but if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. please 🥺
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shiraishi-mai · 2 years
Things Heard by Team A's Manager
[inspired by the timeskip oneshot] [credit to incorrect quotes generator]
Hinata: You want some leftovers? Atsumu: What are those? Hinata: You've never had leftovers before? Atsumu: No, 'cause I'm not a quitter
Oikawa: Wait, you like me? For my personality? Hinata: I know, I was surprised too.
Sakusa, knocking on the door: Atsumu, open up! Atsumu: It all started when I was a kid Sakusa: That's not what I- Hinata: Let him finish!
Sakusa: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public. Suna: The whole "childhood wonder" stage just blew right past you, didn't it?
Suna: I wish I was a cat, not in a furry kinda way, more like a "I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences" kinda way
Romero: I do two things and two things only. I devastate sorry motherfuckers and get shit done as an awesome leader.
Suna: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
*Iwaizumi watching Atsumu and Oikawa interact* Iwaizumi: I'm feeling it! What am I feeling? Death, probably
Atsumu: I'm a bad person. I'm a very bad person, I'm a horrible person. Team A: Atsumu: No you're not, 'Tsumu! We still love you, 'Tsumu!
Sakusa: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany! Sakusa, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
*out grocery shopping* Suna: *takes a free sample twice* Suna: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Hinata: *running towards Sakusa with open arms* Sakusa: *moves out of the way* Hinata: Hey, why'd you move? Sakusa: I thought you were going to attack me. Hinata: I was going to hug you! Sakusa: Why would you hug me? Hinata: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Iwaizumi, looking at a self of Oikawa: I hate this photo. Oikawa: I'm cute as fuck in that photo! I'm smiling kindly. Iwaizumi: You're not smiling kindly; you look like you're up to something. Oikawa: Up to kindness.
Atsumu: Remember, Aran, don't do anything I wouldn't do ;) Aran: I think I crossed that line when I got a date.
Hinata, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed? Oikawa: *half asleep* Hinata, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it's for *gestures vaguely to himself* the Queen.
Iwaizumi: What is Atsumu crying on the floor? Romero: He took one of those 'what player are you?' quizzes. Iwaizumi: And? Romero: He got Oikawa.
Suna: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand. Hinata: I photosynthesize with this.
Oikawa, confused and exasperated: Suna, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?? Suna: Politely.
Atsumu: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Oikawa, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Romero: So, are you two friends? Oikawa: Yes. Iwaizumi: No.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
After reading your recent posts about wanting to distance yourself from homestuck eventually makes me feel bad too send asks because it means more homestuck is being streamlined to you
About a year ago i dropped homestuck after losing interest once again (this happens on and off) and only got into it recently because i currently can't really play video games at the moment so i ended up returning to homestuck. I think a big reason why i can get back into it so easily is because its FREE all you need is an internet connection and you get the massive amount of content from the comic and fandom, there's just soo much too engaged with even if it's not all good. Despite all my problems with Homestuck i still do like it but one thing i wish is What Pumpkin would just let it go, HS2 and Hiveswap are dumpster fires. It feels like they're milking a dead cow, this series would be better off if the poor decision making stopped at the comic itself. I just want it to be left untouched by a company and have it be supported by the love of the fanbase. I'm homestucked out but i like the character enough and shipping them as well will probably keep me hooked for awhile.
I guess I'll throw in what i was originally going too say anyway. I think homestuck took a massive drop in writing quality after murderstuck. Like why is everyone just standing on the meteor? You guys aren't going to get more serious after all that? Was there any reason as to why no one could've texted John or Jade while separated? I genuinely don't remember there being a reason. I thought Kanaya coming back to life was stupid, the Gamzee and Terezi thing gross, Rose being an alcoholic then drunk making out with Kanaya also being gross, Karkat and Dave being bystanding asshole during all this, Wayward Vagabond being practically a stuffed animal, like what is this? After murderstuck you could definitely feel the decline but there where some decent moments spread out afterwards with Caliborn being the main one stealing the show. I think Hussie really liked Caliborn, you can tell he had so much fun writing him. I like to believe Hussie went wild with Caliborn because he could get away with all the edgy stupid stuff with him because he's a villain, Hussie had obviously gave into the demands of the fans and i think even he got tired of it, Caliborn was the perfect blank slate for him to have some real freedom in writing again, Caliborns character is really in line with Hussies older sense of humor. Despite still giving into demands every other time, Caliborn got too be want Hussie actually wanted. Oooh Caliborn how you almost saved Homestuck, at least you get to be the best character in the end.
It's fine to still send asks about Homestuck here. Moving on doesn't happen overnight and I'm often sticking around more to speak out about the flaws. From the series itself, the fandom, or the current culture that surrounds it. It can be applied to other groups like those who like anime, comics, video games, etc. Homestuck is just one niche I focus on because I'm familiar with it. There are many other people online that talk about these similar topics that do it better than I ever could. But I agree that WhatPumpkin should just let the base webcomic end just there. No need to focus more on Epilogues, Homestuck^2, or Homestuck Beyond Canon. Let people interpret their own endings. Homestuck may not have been able to leave a mark in media history like what Undertale or FNAF did, but it's better to let it end there as it is. The story really felt going down after Murderstuck. Cascade was probably the only greatest thing left behind. Then Act 6 kicked in. There are many plot holes and questions to be raised about it. From things like why can't Dave/Rose or the other living trolls on the meteor use Trollian or any of their communication devices like they had before? There's nothing said about their travel to the Alpha Session will block communication between the two parties. I hate how Dave and Karkat stood on the sidelines as Rose/Kanaya and Gamzee/Terezi go through hell with their problems. Why wasn't Wayward Vagabond doing more to try and communicate with the others? Can Town and being a mayor is his dream, but we have seen him become a leader of his own to his own people. WV had communicate with John to act as his Exile, so why not the same with Dave, Rose, and the other living trolls? Where was he when the others went into the Dream Bubbles? Carapacians are not allowed there? Is still on the meteor to 'protect' the base? Was that the only time they left him alone like he was some housepet? Wouldn't it be better to have Wayward Vagabond that's now revived, stay on the Prospitian ship that John and Jade were on so that they could be with Dave and Rose? Wayward Vagabond would have a better time to try and get all the Carapacians to be ready when they arrived in the Alpha session. Where were the Carapacians by Post Retcon and Collide? By Post Retcon, the ones on the Prospitian ship and those with Roxy should be alive by then. Casey also was there to summon undead consorts during Jake vs The Felt fight. Wouldn't that mean the other consorts were still there Prospitian ship that John and Jade were on, could have joined the battle? There are too many plot holes and vague answers still around because of Act 6 and Post Retcon that it makes people question the quality and how the story was leading up to this. I do believe as well that Caliborn was the only way for Hussie to let himself use his old edgey humor. Dave and Dirk were there, but those two had their character development and he needed another being to stand in his place. Other characters that fit would have been dead and he had to come with some bullshit reason to bring them back. So it's better to make an original OC than to reuse another character. Caliborn really was the best as he really made lots of changeups and excitement to the series. If not only in narrative standpoint, but also in meta in the sense that he was able to change the website readers would be on. You had to be there with old flash to see him banging on the console that the link and panel you were trying to read, shook with every hit and everything gets scrambled and falling apart. Calliope hasn't done anything like that despite that we are suppose to root for her as the good guy that will join the heroes. Caliborn is just that amazing. Act 6 may have been carried by people like Dirk and Roxy, but Caliborn flexed it up high like Atlas did with the World.
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debaroohoo · 1 year
So I'm buying a house. Like. A whole dang house. As someone who's pretty terrible at being an adult, this process is terrifying. I keep going back and forth between being excited and wondering what the hell I think I'm doing. In an effort (probably in vain) to keep my brain focused on the latter, I'm making a list. All pros, no cons since I don't need that in my life right now.
Hopefully no more very brief power blips at the start of minor storms that like to happen when I'm in the middle of playing a video game. This actually happened earlier and what prompted me to start typing this up as I waited for my internet connection to come back.
No more sharing a wall with a guy who likes to crank up his music for a couple hours each night. Headphones are useless, my brain knows it's there, so it seeks out the annoyance against my wishes.
No more sharing a…floor? with people who like to yell at their barking dog and crying child to shut up.
I'll finally have a bathroom (2 bathrooms!) that hasn't been used by strangers. Removing the sliding shower door and cleaning the questionable crud on the bottom a few years ago nearly made me throw up three times (that is not an exaggeration) and I've never felt truly clean since then.
No more living right next to the county fairgrounds. Hearing cows and sheep and roosters once or twice a year is kinda fun. Concerts so loud that the noise makes my walls and windows shake, not so much.
More room for activities!! And storage. Really looking forward to the storage and having more shelving so I don't have to keep any of my favorite junk hidden away in boxes.
A better kitchen! There are some recipes I haven't tried in a while (or never tried at all) since I don't have enough storage space (see above) to keep various cooking gear on hand.
A GARAGE!!!!!! My poor car hasn't had a roof over it's head for most of its life and I'm tired of how filthy it gets. The headlights have so much built up gunk on them I haven't bothered trying to clean since being outdoors 24/7 means it'd probably get bad again eventually. I'm weirdly looking forward to cleaning those and wonder if there'll be a noticeable difference in the light quality.
No more lugging groceries up the stairs. The garage leads right into the kitchen plus I won't have to shut the back hatch between trips if I can't carry everything in one go since I'm paranoid someone might try something funny in the few seconds my car would be out of my sight. Plus, I won't have to worry about wasps trying to build a nest in the door cracks. ...Hopefully.
Garbage and recycling pick up! I'm mainly happy that I won't have to take my recycling to a drop off center anymore. I tend to let it pile up…
Closer to family! I currently live on the opposite side of town. It's not a long drive to see them, but it'll be nice to be only 2-5 minutes away.
Customizing!!! I know I can technically paint the walls in my apartment if I wanted to, but putting everything back to normal before moving out would be a headache. If I want to go ham and Jackson Pollock up a wall I can do as I damn well please.
I will have a patio! It's small but it's a place to put a chair outside!! I can sit outside and not have to worry about making eye contact with neighbors!!!
Complementary to #13 - I will have a YARD! I can GO TOUCH GRASS. I can get a DOG someday. I'll have to get a fence installed first which won't be cheap, but that's okay because DOG.
The front door is purple. PURPLE. That was actually a paint choice the builder had and I took it. When I give directions to my house I can tell people it's the one with the purple door. No one tell my dad. He would uh...totally approve and I want it to be a surprise. Yeah.
I can mount a TV. Again, I technically could do it in my apartment but I don't really trust the walls to hold up… Anyway, I have a plan to move my consoles and other things currently hooked up on the TV stand to a shelf where I can have better cable management. That means no more cable jungle! Seriously, I wonder if the space behind my TV can be considered a fire hazard.
I think that's all I've got for now? I'll probably think of more to add to the list, but that covers most of it. If you read all that…what the hell man, I appreciate it but I know you've got better things to do with your time.
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snake-shifter · 1 year
K I'm bored and have thoughts specifically about Welcome Home and the recent gtlive video on it and y'all... I'm tired.
BUT before I begin I will state my bias, yes I am a (adult, this will come up) fan of Mat and game theory, this isn't gonna be me white knighting this is more of a vent about other fans.
So ever since the gtlive I've seen plenty of posts about it in a 50/50 split. One side being worried or upset about the coverage because Mat is a big youtuber and the welcome home community (and especially the creator Clown) are in need of a break right now; and the other side is trying to descalate the reactions and explain how Mat covering the project is not the absolute end of Welcome Home (abit of an exaggeration I'll admit).
As you can tell, this falls into the latter; however the first thing I want to say is that some of the concerns are valid, again Clown and the fandom are in need of a major break (and frankly some of you also need an etiquette lesson) and the timing of the video is very poor, another concern is how Mat and his fans may accidentally cross the boundaries that Clown has set, again these are all completely valid concerns.
However some of y'all are blowing this way out of proportion and being really mean about it too. First of all Mat went into the video completely blind otherwise there wouldn't even be a gtlive about it; he had no idea about the issues in the community or Clowns boundaries at the time of the video, the only ones who would know are the fans who mentioned it in his comments and his team members who take those recommendations.
I'm not saying that the fans or even his team are completely at fault here, but to put the onus completely on Mat is unfairly shifting the blame.
Another thing that, honestly kind of pissed me off a little, were alot of posts with people saying that Mats "children fanbase" were going to overrun the community now.
First of all, Mats channel has been up for what? 10 years now? He has plenty of adult fans (told you it would come up) who know how to act appropriately, second of all just a glance over the comments and you'll see alot of people, who are likely also fans of Mat, talking about Clowns boundaries and how to be respectful.
But beside all of that y'all are saying "child fanbase" as if "children" (bc children is a VERY broad term) don't know about Clowns boundaries or can't respect them, which is honestly kind of insulting, yes kids and teens can be dumb, and I say that as someone who was incredibly stupid as a teen, but not all kids are as disrespectful or unknowledgable as you're making it out to be, plus Mat has 17.4 million subscribers do you really think that all of those people are A. Children and B. Gonna be horrible shits to the Welcome Home community?
K one more thing I've seen people upset that Mat kept using the term cult to describe what he thought was happening within the story, again a valid concern, cults are a very real very scary thing that people have to deal with.
Again, this isn't an excuse this is just an explanation. 1. Mat went in blind, he had no idea what the story was like, it could very well be that the letters that the people behind the (in story) Welcome Home project are getting are from some kind of organization we don't know.
2. Unfortunately cults are a very common "trope" (cliché?) In horror media, this isn't always bad but alot of the time it's less midsommar and more Halloween the curse of Michael Myers if that makes sense, it wouldn't be wrong for one of Mats first thoughts to be a cult, especially since he does videos on media with cults in them.
K I'm done, I'm typing this on my phone my fingers hurt goodbye.
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simstationdance · 1 year
C, T and U !
C: Favourite Pre-Made ophelia nigmos and lyla grunt my beloveds...!
U: Best Sims Experience in my personal hood "blueblossom valley" (aka bluewater village + riverblossom hills + desiderata valley + pleasantview), lilith ran away at the end of the pleasants' round so i made it so that she ran off to live with dirk.
after moving in with dirk she was quite literally Thriving and became an overachiever. the whole round was just so chill and very fun and i didnt wanna stop playing it..
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also my take on darren in this hood..... he was sooooo cute
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T: Worst Sims Experience okay so my worst sims experiences are mainly from when i was a tiny child who barely knew how to play the game, so all of my sims died A LOT. as i got older, i got better at the video game, so now i can, if i wanted to, play big families on fast mode without minding Too Much.
However, there was this one experience i had that really sticks out in my memory and it was fairly recent, and it really hearkened back to the childhood era of "ALL OF MY SIMS ARE DYING HELPPPP"
this got super long and rambly so i'm gonna put it under a cut
also, a link to the questions post: [ sims questions ]
so, there's a version of pv for download where, among other changes, the brokes have a dog. because everyone in the hood got a pet. this is important because the brokes are already struggling financially with 3-4 mouths to feed (that's counting brandi, dustin, beau, and sortakinda the unborn baby all together) so i'm sure you can imagine how adding a dog into the mix would complicate things. and that's not even getting into the fact that the dog hadn't been trained to not piss everywhere or chew the everloving shit out of the furniture.
i also had a mod installed at the time that allowed teens to run away with the press of a button, so i was like "haha what if i made dustin run away?" yknow just to see what would happen. and i firmly believed he'd come back after i called the police. so dustin ran away, i called the police, and i waited. no sign of dustin. for HOURS. I Quickly Realized That I Fucked Up. I FUCKED UP SO BAD.
things rapidly went downhill after that, because their only source of income was gone and brandi obviously couldn't get a job because that would mean Leaving The Poor Little Ones Alone and the game HATES that. so i'm basically fighting tooth and nail to keep social services at bay and keep poor brandi from dying asleep in her cereal.
so days go by, and dustin is still missing, and by the end of ONE WEEK the whole house is a mess, covered in dog piss and diapers and the wrecked remains of the furniture because brandi was too tired to scold the dog enough times to stop the little menace from ruining everything.
i was so very confident that dustin would come home soon, if not immediately, and my confidence was slowly destroyed over the course of a single in-game week. of course, the alternative to a runaway teen returning immediately or soon after running away, is the teen returning one day before their birthday, and considering how Badly things were going, I Obviously Could Not Wait That Long. because otherwise dustin was gonna come back to a house full of dead bodies.
it got so bad that i eventually had to pull random neighbors passing by on the street inside the house to do the chores that the sole adult was physically incapable of doing, due to being incapacitated by sleep deprivation and hunger.
one of the passersby was dina caliente and i had brandi come running out of the house practically BEGGING dina to take the dog. once i got rid of the dog, things became slightly easier but it was still a total mess without dustin around. i eventually quit without saving because after a certain point it stopped being darkly funny and became just actually Depressing.
TLDR: don't let dustin run away ever. Ever. also don't give the brokes a dog unless you're willing and able to Handle That Responsibility.
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alltimefail-sims · 7 months
Idk if I'm super late to this or if I missed a response, but I'd like to hear your thoughts about Roberto Crinkletop being Robert Crumplebottom. I'm not sure how I feel about it and would be happy hearing somebody else's opinion
You are not late on this nor did you miss a post from me about Roberto, but oh boy do I have thoughts! LOTS of them! I forgot about EA's atrocious little video until this ask remined me. Thank you!
I considered making a whole lore post on Agnes and I still might - but this whole thing with Roberto has re-contextualized her lore in the most inconsistent way, in my opinion. It has also discouraged me from wanting to talk about her. No surprise there though - they have fumbled the ball with lore in TS4 time and time again, and I think I am apart of a minority that just doesn't want them to address it any more. Even the slight mention of the Landgraabs in their most recent livestream made my skin crawl in the worst way. I just wish the Sims team would just stop pandering to a fanbase they do not care about in order to seem like they're putting thought into these families when they make them (spoiler: it's clear they don't put that much thought into them, if any at all. I truly believe they used to care, but that has been lost to time and that's why the games just aren't the same as they used to be. Trying to fuck with preexisting families, like the Goths for example, is only ruining what made them good in the first place... but I digress.)
Basically though, I'll sum it up now by saying that it seemed to be canon that the death and/or disappearance of Agnes' husband is what made her turn sour and callous (grief is what made her the person she is today, grief and loss made her hate romance). But then that wretched video drops and they decide to portray young Agnes as this mean, naggy wife that her poor husband (eye roll...) had to escape from? It even feels like they're insinuating that she was actually abusive because he says coming to Chestnut Ridge and becoming a nectar maker literally saved his life. Like holy shit! Just seems really fucking dumb to me if we're being honest!
It's just lazy writing, and it doesn't make sense with what we know of Agnes from TS2/TS3. In the original games it felt like she was a nuisance and a miserable old woman who we're supposed to feel bad for. In TS2 her actions aren't explained, but we know she is adverse to romance. In TS3 we see her in a whole new light, and it's pretty devastating how the loss clearly impacted her (that half unfinished nursery lives in my mind rent free). It was implied that they loved each other, in my opinion, but it seems like the Sims team will never miss an opportunity to villainize a female premade. I'm serious - it's actually getting concerning how the negative traits or actions of the male characters in this game are always twisted to be endearing, understandable, or momentarily misguided. But the women? Oh no, they're insufferable nags, abusers whose husbands need to leave them, women who never really loved their spouses at all, they're evil, they're mean, they're distant, they are bad wives and mothers, they are money-hungry, they are killers, and that's the whole of their marketing.
Poor uwu baby boys, save them from the mean ladies!! And if they cheat on the mean ladies, the ladies deserved it! If they are a serial cheater who will go as far as to leave their fiance at the aisle, that's okay because they're just a lovable himbo! If their wives go missing and they date a woman much younger than them, that's okay - she's actually the money hungry one! Yes he is lazy and does not have any ambition or drive, but his wife is so mean for being tired of their life being stagnant - she is the problem! She is a money hungry evil woman and he is just her husband who has no idea! He's rich and literally lives with her but uhhhh he's so nice that the estranged son (who looks just like him) isn't even his!
Ugh. Give me a break sims team. I'm tired!
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leaderintitleonly · 1 year
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musemelodies asked:
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Which muse(s) do you currently have most muse for?
Doc and Blue are the ones who fight for dominance. And do I mean they fight to be the favorite child. Doc usually wins because I've played him the longest so he's the easiest to default to even when I'm tired. Next? Surprising it's Lottie. She's really easy. Poor Ursula is neglected right now but not because I want to. She's loud and desires to be heard. Sometimes it's more of managing time for everyone and balancing my pain. Everyone's pretty easy to get ahold of. My pain can make it difficult so I'll go to the easy muses which are, right now: Doc, Blue, and Lottie.
Name a muse you have written in the past. What was your favourite thing about this muse?
I had a Thumbelina themed OC. I was kind of upset about how very few disabled characters we have and I thought Thumbelina could lend well to that. She was bitter and angry because she realized the prince didn't actually love her for herself, he was trying to change her (adding wings she didn't have) and she was a far cry from Don Bluth's Thumbelina. I really liked her. But because those themes I wrote eventually became real for me and I mean I am really living what I wrote, it got personal... Maybe I'll redo her one day. But I don't know. I do miss her sometimes and my boyfriend loved her. He tells me that she made him a little more in tune to writing more diverse characters. I just saw something that personally bothered me and wanted a change.
What is your favourite fandom to write in? Why?
Currently it's the Disney/animated fandom. I can be as serious or as off the wall as I want. I can have the days where my brain has completely exploded and I can't handle something serious. I can quote Vines (waaah Vine!) or Tiktoks with Vine-energy or I can have fourth wall breaking posts with Doc getting Taco Bell. It's great. And then I can do some real meaty, emotional stuff while flipping off Disney and screaming "and to think you couldn't handle Dopey being disabled" because... yeah. Yeah that's something that makes me wanna rip someone's jaw off. But I have white chocolate and hazelnut so I am appeased. So many of us seem to write out of spite. We know. We know where we come from sucks and we're just here to rescue these characters and plots and ride around on a segway going "LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU!" which feels nice. Also, live action stuff is very, very toxic in my experience. I had people who would force me to go along with triggering things even if I said in my rules I'm not okay with abusive situations because they wanted it and because in their opinion, their character was more popular so I had to do what they said. It's really bad. Like... I'm not going back. I really am not going back. Everyone has their drama, right? But... I'm not going back for the sake of my mental health. Having your life experiences invalidated cause the other rper is so hung up on a pretty face and playing virtual house is creepy. So yeah. Animated rp. Disney rp. Hell even certain video games are okay if you... ignore the weird fandoms. You know who I'm talking about.
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darkarfs · 1 year
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After 40 years on this planet, I'm 100% convinced that my entire family - mom and dad's side both - are desperate, needy people who are awful judges of character. Currently, my brother and his fiance are living out of a hotel because they got hosed on a house by the realtor. My sister is fighting a custody battle for her 10 year old son with her current husband being an abusive manic-depressive who tells his son nightly that he wants to kill himself.
Like, it is the friends I have made in my life that seems to destroy this idea, but my GOD. And it's a helpless feeling. I can't help my sister with lawyers, I can't help my brother and his future wife find a home. I think, eventually, they'll both be alright, but I didn't have access to any resources to help them, or money, or something they could actually use. We're resilient, tired, broken poor people, our family.
My mother and I only got into one political argument that lasted way too long (around 30 minutes), but only because she thinks she's some elevated political mind because she gives equal time to BOTH parties that have platforms. She thinks that watching both CNN and Tucker Carlson will make her an altogether more balanced person with a better perspective. It's farther along than she was in say, 2016 (she was a registered independent but voted for Hilary...not bad!) but I tried telling her that the Fox News crew is unsubstantiated lies, but she insisted on her idea of balance. I blame myself for not letting it drop.
The next day, she said: "You know what news I think is really setting it straight, doing a good job? That Newsmax!" Oh, MOM, you were so close.
We watched the Steelers game (a mom's running commentary on a football game is a lot of fun; picture Fry's mom from Futurama but with more swearing), and while she slept I learned she got Peacock for free, so I watched 5 Wrestlemanias (in order: 22, 17, 19, 24, 25) and by that I mean I fell in and out of sleep while just leaving the autoplay on because her couch is insanely old and uncomfortable, and I'm 40.
And I learned by dad passed and I don't know how I'm meant to feel about that. Like, I'm really just like, "was I ever even going to see him again? What would have happened if I did?" Guess we'll never know now. I dunno, this is for another post, I think.
I bought some fizzy water, and by the end of the week, I'll have my top albums and wrestling matches of 2022 up (I hope.) Be good to you and yours, whoever they are. (My mom also video chatted with my niece Briana during my visit. She's 23 now! She has a JOB! Whaaaaaaat!)
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batstorm93672 · 1 year
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I posted 152 times in 2022
That's 152 more posts than 2021!
138 posts created (91%)
14 posts reblogged (9%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 144 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#damian wayne - 131 posts
#damian wayne has feelings and he wont admit it - 89 posts
#jason todd - 75 posts
#dick grayson - 70 posts
#tim drake - 68 posts
#robin - 57 posts
#bruce wayne - 47 posts
#stephanie brown - 36 posts
#batman - 34 posts
#alfred pennyworth - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#dick is always happy to get gifts and see damians progress but anything about older brother to jason from damian would ensue teasing lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason: I tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile, can you top that?
Damian: Indeed, for unlike you, I did steal the Batmobile and drove off
Jason: Holy crap what did he say?
Damian: He said he has half a mind to report me for grand theft auto. So I said "I'd like to hear that call. Hello police? My son stole the Batmobile"
Jason: Literary at it's finest
Damian: *nods*
Bruce holding a cup of coffee: Why... why are you two like this?
Damian: It's how we get by father
Jason: Call it therapy for Dead Robins Club
Bruce: There's a club?
Jason: Yeah I'm the founder and leader, Steph is the co-leader and Damian is our newest addition
Damian: *nods*
Dick: *looks up from his phone* That just sounds like poor coping methods
Jason: Oh yeah? You got anything better?
Dick: *looks back down at his phone*
Jason: That's what I thought
704 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Dick: Alright! Siblings game night!
Stephanie: Wohoo!
Tim: What games?
Dick: I was thinking of something from the closet instead of video games for now
Jason: There's Monopoly
Tim: I am not playing that with you
Jason: Why not?
Tim: You landed on my square and then when I said you have to give me money, you pulled out a gun to my face and said "I'd rather face death then give any sort of money to you"
Jason: *shrugs* You were in jail, not giving money to some scum
Damian: ...I have a suggestion
Dick: Does it involve violence?
Damian: No
Dick: *genuinely surprised* Oh wow, okay go ahead
Damian: We should contort the human body in ways they can not imagine. Letting fate decide their punishment upon the ground they walk. Letting them suffer greatly and feel as their own body fails every so often, upon failure they shall be eliminated in a fashion that would make the dead weep
Jason: *barely containing laughter*
Cassandra: *thumbs up*
Duke: *goes to Stephanie* I... I don't think I'm willing to play anymore
Tim: Someone needs to translate that
Dick: *sighs* He means, Twister. He suggests that we should play Twister
760 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Tim: Hey Damian, if I knocked on your back would we be able to hear metal from your spine?
Damian: ...
Stephanie: Can I try?
Damian: You woke me up at 4 in the morning for this shit
Tim: You didn't deny it
Damian: Get the fuck out of my room
786 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Dick: *stretching* Damn I almost fell and now my back hurts
Tim: Alfred has some medicine for that
Dick: Nah I'm all good
Jason: To be fair you are old
Dick: What... I'm not old
Jason: Yes you are
Tim: I mean I hurt my back a few days ago
Damian: Tt, figures you would
Tim: Don't act tough, haven't you ever hurt your back in battle? It messes with your spine if hurt too much you know
Damian: I wouldn't know
Tim: *scoffs* Cause you're invincible? Or a supreme being in comparison to us lowlifes?
Damian: No, my spine is metal so I wouldn't know cause my original spine is no longer attached to my nervous system
Tim & Jason:
Damian: What?
Damian: I assumed everyone knew? I was shot by the Flamingo in the spine and was paralyzed until Grayson took me to mother and she replaced my spine with a metal one, but it was simply a ploy to control me and try to kill Grayson
Tim: ...
Jason: ...
Dick: *sweats*
1,423 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tim: Ugh! Some dude at work was so annoying! *sits down on the sofa next to Damian*
Damian: *places his book down* Terms and conditions
Tim: W... What?
Damian: Tt, Where do you want this to take place, how shall it be done and will you be able to provide me bags or a small cold storage place
Tim: ...Are you... are you offering to off someone for me?
Damian: This is business Drake, make it quick
Tim: God's sake no Damian!
Damian: You've wasted my time
Jason: *walks in* This asshole was being so annoying!
Damian: Terms and conditions?
Jason: Docks, quick and easy, yes I'll provide the bags
Damian: Very well
Tim: W- What the hell?
Jason: Dami and I are going on a trip
Damian: Good day Drake
Tim: What... did I just witness?
Jason from afar: A business transaction Timbo
6,868 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I love how my top 5 are all shitposts I made on random
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 7 months
The inimitable Noralities did an excellent video on being Tired of 1000-year-old Lolis.
I feel like a similar handwaving I'm getting sick of is Isekai Protags Who Buy Slaves.
There's a basic, and then a separate meta, level of handwaving there. And it gets really gross really fast.
A lot of them play it as, "well, he buys her and he releases her and she's grateful so she sticks around" and that's still got some notable problems and that is the least offensive of what I've seen.
Far more of them keep the girl as a slave and she buys into the social expectations around that so he doesn't have to maintain the aesthetics of her being enslaved - he doesn't have to keep her locked up at night so she won't slit his throat in his sleep. The slave girls in these stories never seek freedom. After all, they have one of the good masters! He's one of the good ones, ladies. And this is the thing. It's a callback to an imagined good ol' days when women submitted and this arrangement of kindly male masters and subservient wives clearly made everyone happier.
In some of these the guy even leaves on a magic mark that would act like a shock collar if she were disobedient. But she won't be, so it's no problem! Don't think about it. It's fine.
Some of them also dip into the Born Sexy Yesterday trope, with the girl having spent all her time in a filthy cage and therefore being socially inexperienced (oh but also having perfect skin. Didn't you know that being beaten and spending all your time sleeping on straw and stone gives you perfect skin?)
Anyway the meta bit is, of course, that part of why the protagonist is treating it as okay is because the world is often a close relative of some game he's played. Which means his real-in-the-narrative gross morals are being derived from his own poor reading of the moral situation around how to treat game systems if they become real?
Like, there's an argument to be made that if you could discern that you were in a simulation and the simulated entities were really not thinking or feeling, then acting out bad impulses wouldn't be harming any actual people. But a) these slaves are always treated as real people by the narrative and b) they're also treated as real people by the protags who buy them and then treat them as property. There is not an attempt made to judge whether they're false people, before the decision is made that it's fine to treat them as property. The protag just decides it's okay because everything else is running on game logic, so why not follow the local moral mores too?
My opinion is that the trope does well because of some pretty rampant sexism: a desire to treat a woman as property and have that be seen as morally acceptable - possibly even righteous - by the community. But this "righteous" vibe generally requires the slavekeeping system he decides to partake in to be more monstrous, and then most of these authors do a bad job of making the protag even show distaste toward the whole slave trade. Not even a "Wow, that's fucked up. Can't do anything about it as a level 2 fighter. Maybe I'll put a pin in that one and come back to burn this industry down when I'm more powerful."
To be entirely honest, I feel like fucking OVERLORD is on more stable moral ground on this front. He's got a bunch of obedient waifus, but that's because they see him as God, because he literally created them. Any sexism there is much more "man of the house" kind of stuff, and Overlord does a nice job of undercutting all the sex stuff attached to the trope by making the protagonist Magically Ace (seriously, when he encounters sexual situations a magical effect he has no control over snaps him out of being aroused automatically).
I dunno. I could probably keep going but I think I've penned enough of my thoughts for the moment.
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kkusuka · 3 years
HQ Middle blocker kinks <3
@xxxxtanaxxxx​ request  hq kinks but middle blocker version please 🥺
I'm gonna be honest i wasn't gonna do this buuut here it is 
i have a setter one in the works and here is the ace version!
here is the setter version <3
Characters:  Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Suna Rintaro, Satori Tendo, Taichi Kawanishi, Issei Matsukawa,  Takanobu Aone,, Shoyo Hinata, Lev Haiba Shugo Meian (MSBY captain), and Yutaro Kindaichi
Mentioned female anatomy, but mostly gn
content warning: consensual non-con, humiliation, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurisms, degradation, bondage, sex toys, cockwarming, edging, soft priamal/prey, mentions of house break-ins, pegging, size kink, overuse of the word Daddy, face fucking, hickeys
i think thats all? 
buckle up, this is gonna be looooong.
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Tsukishima Kei
This is a given, my mans has a mouth on him, AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE IT
He says the most vulgar things in your ears (and you love it)
His nickname for you is Cum-dump, and he calls you that so much that you’ve started to respond to it. “Hey, Cum-dump! Come here” “ok Tsukki”
And when he’s cumming? A slew of insults just come out
“You whore, oh, you fucking cum-slut, you’d let anyone do this to you won't you”
And it's not limited to this!
“You're just a hole”
“You only exist for me to fuck, Right? You're just a glorified fleshlight”
“You're only good for sucking my cock”
“I should just leave you chained to the wall so I can fuck you anytime I want, that's all you're good at so you should love it”
It won’t even be only during sex
You could literally be just studying with him and he’ll just lean over and say “ you want to be fucked right now don't you? In front of all these people, I bet you’d love it Cum-dump”
Goes with a dirty mouth
He’ll flip your skirt while walking in front of groups of other students
He purposely sucks hickeys where your uniform does not cover and then laughs at you because you're just such a slut.
One of his favorite things to do is have you wear a vibrator in school, only on days where you have to do something in front of the class
No worries he has the remote and turns it alllllll the way up during the middle of your presentation, you just look so cute all red!
He’ll make it better!!
You can cum in front of the class, let everyone know how much of a whore you are!
Purposeful neglect
He wants you so horny you can’t think
If that means not giving you attention for FIVE DAYS so be it.
No touching yourself and if he finds out you did he’ll ignore you for longer and you don’t want that do you?
You will wait for him to touch you.
He’ll also just ignore you.
No begging, he doesn't care, he doesn't want to hear it.
Don't touch him, stop being a brat or you won’t get off for a whole week.
It's all about control <3
Having you tied up and immobile is the best way to show how little you are.
He’ll tie you up and put you on the couch with a vibrator and just watch movies, unable to rock your hips
This seems cruel but he’ll tie your hands up and make you eat dinner with just your mouth <3
He’ll make you watch tv with a ball gag in
He’ll have a riding crop in his hands when you study and he’ll hit your little clit/silt with it every time you get a question wrong
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Pet names
Literally any kind o endearment, but mainly switches between Kitten and Baby Girl/Boy(i am swooning right now)
He WILL call you these in front of people and out loud in public
He’s called you them in front of your parents in front of Kenma in the middle of the grocery store.
So you're wondering, why does that matter? People do that all the time!
Well, he calls you them so you remember how he completely ruined your little body and how his cum is still dripping out of you <3
And its cannon that he has a sexy voice, and it drops and gets deeper when he calls you them.
Thigh highs
It doesn't matter in you have the biggest thighs ever or just a bone, if you wear any kind of thigh highs (bonus points for Cat ones) he will be ready to bust a nut
It's not only him that gets off on them, especially when he takes them off
He’ll climb over you and use his teeth to pull them down to your feet and he’ll kiss and bite his way back up to do the other one.
He also will sometimes leave them on to rail you into your bed, when this happens he puts your legs over your shoulders and squishes his head between them.
(kuroo loves thighs, and that's that)
He's taken care of Kenma all his life, and you bet your ass he’ll do it for you
This means he gives the best aftercare you could imagine, I’m talking bubble baths
He’ll cook for you in nothing but an apron, and he’ll tease you when you get all flushed and cute!
You had a bad day? He’ll eat you out for hours until you’re all cuddly and tired.
He’ll fuck you slow where you need it and he’ll kiss all the pain away <3
He just loves having you dependent on him makes him so happy and thankful to have you!
Mainly for Kenma, but he let bokuto have a turn and even convinced Tsikki to give it a try!
He really just wants to show off that you’re his what better way to show you off then let some of them get a taste of something they’d never have.
Favorite position for this? Split roasting/ Eiffel towering
He's the one who you're sucking on, and he’s so far down your throat making him suck you deeper and deeper until you’re drooling all over his balls like a good Kitten
Whoever he sharing you with would be in you following whatever Kuroo tells them to do
Rub your clit? Yes Sir.
Faster. Yup
Slowdown Kittens being bad so she doesn't get to get off <3
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Suna Rinatro
Purposeful neglect
Just like Tsukki, he wants you hot and bothered all the time
He will just sit around and scroll on his phone while you’re whining :(
Just let him watch this video and he’ll get you off!
Will never tell you but you just look so cute, all needy and horny for him.
Sometimes he’ll slip you a libido pill and just watch the world burn.
He will wait until you have ruined whatever shorts you’re wearing (and he’ll take them) and THEN he will help his poor needy baby
Almost every time he games, he puts you on his dick
you already know it’s happening when he takes the controller out
He says it's because he doesn't want to “leave you out”
No moving on him though, if you8 move it could distract him and you do not want him to lose, losing means being pounded into the floor until you can't think, then being ignored the rest of the day “horny sluts can sit on the floor until they need to be used”.
But if all goes well, he’ll go soft in between rounds and will suck on your neck and will let you cuddle into him during the rounds
But when Suna if feeling a bit more adventurous he will put his headset on you and fuck you with all of his friends listening
And if that's not bad enough they all clearly know what’s happening id Osamus soft coo’s and Gin’s little comments (but it's not like they want it to stop anyway)
Will literally just do this out of nowhere
You thought you were finally gonna cum, then nothing
HE WILL just do things for hours to see you cry and begging or him to just let you cum
He’ll stick four fingers in you and bring you to your climax and just leave you on the edge
He won't even have a reason, you were being good, you let him play his game and he does this?
Que pouty bby
We all saw this coming-
But he takes it a step further than just having a photo collection of you
He has a personal private story with just you in it where he put videos of you riding him or sucking his dick fo you to “see how slutty you are”
 that's not even it,  he sends you a picture of you naked in the middle of work, with no shame either
Thus one time you were showing a coworker a shirt you had bought and he texted you and the picture showed up. It was awkward for the next few days.
But these don't even compare to how he has an entire Instagram account (private of course) of your nodes and videos of the two of you fucking.
One extra little thing is that you both watch porn together for ideas.
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Satori Tendou
(i could make him a post of his own-so so many kinks for Satori)
Humiliation (mentions of pee)
This can range from calling you names to making you touch yourself in public
He’s called you a pillow princess in the middle of class, in front of your teacher
It had gotten so bad they Ushijima had to ask what a “cum-dumpster was” because Satori had called you that in front of the team.
He doesn't even introduce you as his S/O, hw=e would call you an escort or that you were just his personal fuck toy.
This kink goes so far that when you were on a double date with Semi, under the table Tendo had his hand literally in your pants.
**One of his favorite things is to make you hold your pee in until you are almost peeing yourself, isn't that embarrassing that you're a grown adult who’s about to wet yourself?
He wants to see you a complete mess all over him
The main goal of all of this is to make you squirt or begin to have dry orgasms
He will not stop until he’s happy or you say your safe word (which is rare)
One orgasm just isn't enough for him :/
And it's a big boost of confidence for him!
he‘s proud to know he can make you cum so much you cant even think!
This AND overstim?
Good luck
He can't even explain why it turns him on so much.
You just look so beautiful with tears streaming down your face all fucked out
It always hits him at the worst times too, you crying over a bad grade? A pretty tear falling over your soft cheeks. Hard.
Just watched a sad movie, he’s ready to pound you into the couch.
Oh ho ho
This can be one of two things, he does it because it feels good
He does it as punishment
That means no lube
No adjusting to his dick
And no extra pleasure to help you get off
He’s so mean </3
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Taichi Kawanishi
This man screams pornstar
Public sex
This man is unstable
You could just be walking in public and he just decides he wants to fuck.
Who are you to stop him?
Just let him get this out real quick you can shop later.
The thought of being in the open? This man loves it
And you don't really have a choice but to love it
Every time you go to the beach he just has his dick in you, in the ocean sitting in his lap while eating lunch
He doesn't even care who sees
Children? Who cares, look away or whatever
Getting caught
It doesn't even matter who it is
If someone walks in when you're doing it he’s cumming
It's just hot
He doesn't need to explain it to you
he also makes u take nudes and had them as his homescreen for a while
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Issei Matsukawa
I’d let this man kill me-
Leather/ latex
He wears them when he fingers you so he can make fun of how wet you made them.
He dresses you up in these pretty little pastel dresses (gender to heel, he doesn't care, you look hot weather your a boy, girl, or not) and he wears all black (goth daddy Mattsun) and his gloves to fuck you in his leather-covered fist.
That's not even it
He has an entire bin of different colored chokers and leashes just for his pretty baby
Along with that, he has a shelf of latex thigh highs for you to wear and even has an entire outfit for you to wear and show off to him.
This is why he has a lot of things that you wear!
He loves to take care of you all the time!
He loves to make his baby food and love to watch movies with you
And you love him so much too!
You would do anything for Daddy!
And he takes you shopping and to restaurants, and if you want literally anything big or small all you have to do is look up at him with puppy dog eyes and a “Daddy, please!!” and boom his credit card is already out.
Size kink
Big dick Mattsun-
This all comes back to the fact that you are so beautiful
And big dick little hole, who doesn't love that??
He sure does, don't worry though he always makes sure to prep you
Except if it's punishment- he doesn't like it he swears! He’d never want to hurt you!
And you’d believe it until your crying on his cock and it throbs ://
But if it still hurts, and it does, he’ll let you go your pace and sink all the way down onto his cock<3
Fun fact the first time he went into your ass he tried to with no lube and you couldn't sit for DAYS
Voyeurism (receiving)
Makki Makki Makki
I would say he was into Cuckolding but its always him doing the watching while Issei fucks you
And Makki loves it too if his constant praises and coo’s said anything about it.
And Mattsun just gets off on the fact his best friend is watching something he’ll (maybe if you're not into it) never fully have
Mattsun also likes having you tied up an watching him fuck a fleshlight of just jerking off
You look so pathetic :)
extra for big dick mattsun, he Shows all of his friends <3
I am a whore for the Seijoh 4
You bet Makki has an entire folder of pic of you, whether they are of you dripping cum or just with your legs open.
Even if he says he doesn't save them, you know Iwa has gotten off you a recording of you moaning and asking for Daddy’s cock
And Oikawa is always asking for more (the little manwhore), he says they are “references” for him, liar, he jerks off to them in his bathroom.
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Takanobu Aone
It's always the quiet ones-
I just gotta get these first two out-
Consensual non-con
I can just TELL he like to pretend to break into your house
Pretend you're so scared and you don't like it
Tying you up and listening to your little cries, awwwwweeee
You were just too pretty to ignore
Just let him have a taste, stop crying he knows you want it just as much as he does
He wants to feel like he earned his reward
A perfect little trophy for him to use as a toy
His dick in your tiny dripping hole is all the reward he needs
It's like you're a pretty innocent bunny and he’s a big fox just waiting for the right time to strike :)
Soft sex/ praise
I know what I said up there
But none of that means he doesn't love just setting you down on the bed with candles and rose petals and just making love
Soft music in the background and worshipping every inch of your skin
You need to be vocal though!
Tell him how pretty he is when he cums, and how perfectly his dick fits in your hole!
Tell him how soft he looks and how he is making your nipples feel like heaven.
Aftercare- bc I am also soft for aone and he is a good guy
Bubble baths and chocolate
Movies and cuddling
All of this makes him so glad that he found you
Especially when you cuddle into him all sleepily and tired.
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Shoyo Hinata
oh he is so pretty-
Mutual masturbation
It's the perfect way to experience pleasure
He can see you in all your glory
All of the faces he sometimes misses when he’s fucking you!
He also learns from it!
He sees the angle your fingers go to hit that sweet spot so the next time he’s in you he knows where to aim!
(he is so precious-)
You wanted to try it so he almost immediately agreed-
But it felt good!
The two of you reserved what one you wanted so the one he picked was almost made for him.
Plus, you look ridiculously good with the strap on-
And he voices that as much as he can!
And sometimes when he rides the strap he just watches it going in and out and in and out
(you also think this is SUPER hot but won't tell him :/)
It doesn't matter if it's you or him
Watching you fall apart on his cock without him doing a thing makes him cum harder than anything
Sometimes he gets so excited that he comes before you and makes you stay there until he’s hard again, which doesn't take long at all.
when it's him?
he’ll go for hours just to hear you tell him how good he is and how pretty he looks
Especially pastel babydolls
But nothing you wear could ever make you look bad in his eyes
Ok he likes it when you keep the lingerie on too like he’s fucking you and you till have a little nightgown/crop top on
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Lev Haiba
Size kink
Unintentionally too
He didn't even know it, but he did know that he liked that you were so much smaller than him.
He likes to put your hand to him and just look at the difference and before he knew it he was painfully hard
On the occasion, he makes fun of you saying his dick is just too big for you and you can't handle it, but then you get on your knees and he shuts up real quick
Praise kink
A given
He wants to know how good he makes you feel at all times
It doesn't have to be words either!
loud moans explanations of pleasure all drive him to move faster and faster!
Even yelling “oh god!” gets him off
He makes you feel that good huh?
Wall sex
Just playing on the size kink thing
He loves to just pick you up and fuck with reckless abandon
Gets a way better angle too- bet you didn't think he would realize that
He also likes to watch the combination of your juices drip to the floor-
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Shugo Meian (MSBY captain)
Sexiest team-
Daddy/ Captain kink
Just look at him, he screams Daddy louder than you do when he’s fucking you
He takes pride in being Captain meaning he’ll fuck you for hour if the word even falls from your lips
And yes you have said it (daddy) front of the team and he did get hard, and the both of you did fuck in the locker room of the gym for an hour before you got kicked out
Even in arguments you better call him daddy, he will stop and fuck you into the ground for it
Angry or not you WILL use his title
Will threaten you with this almost everyday
He just uses it as an excuse to touch your ass
He makes you count after each one and makes you thank him
It would look a bit like this
“Five! Thank you Daddy!” “Good Baby, five more”
But that doesn’t mean when you really deserve it that he won't unleash the wrath of god onto your poor ass
But after he’ll kiss it all better and Daddy will reward you for taking your punishment well
Controlled orgasms
By this i mean that you wont cum unless he says so
And you have to ask
Aka “Daddy please let me cum, I really want to”
And depending on what he’s feeling maybe you’ll get to cum then
And if not you’ll have to wait like a good Girl/Boy and cum when he does, which could late literally forever.
but its better than disobeying his orders, which could lead to him completely pulling out and just jerking off to cum on you :((
Deepthroating/ Face Fucking
Nothing is better to him than coming home to you on your knees and mouth open and ready
But when he’s all pent up from practice and he sees you?
Rip your throat, you aren't talking for a few days
He’ll literally fuck your face no question
He’ll put his dick so far down your throat you could feel it in your stomach
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Yutaro Kindaichi
Hate sex 
He just makes everyone angry
And he gets off on it
You look so fucking delectable all red faced and angry
Makes him want to just slam into right then and there
Clearly he wants to be in control
Controlling someone is just such a  turn-on for him
Looking all pretty doing exactly what he wanted you too <3
Wants to show off that you are his 
What better way than marking up your neck with pretty bruises
Plus he likes how you get all shy when people look at them 
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
alright since my brain is going weird again, can i request real world s/o with hops this time? baby boi needs some love. also it's hops that goes into the real world this time.
forgive my mess of an idea 💀💃 - nosey anon
Ah yes...smol child that has childhood trauma of living in his older brother's shadow.....LOVELY! Poor boy need some tlc.
Tossed Into Another World! (Hop x Reader)
- You knew that damn dating dlc was a bad idea....
- What you didn't expect was to be woken up in the middle of the night by Hop, the Galar region's Pokémon professor, and your "boyfriend" from the Pokémon dating dlc
- "Y/N?" "WHAT THE-" "Calm down it's just me." "I know it's you! Wtf are you doing here?!" "To be honest...I'm not sure where here is..." "Hop, we need to talk about a few things first. Sadly I'm too tired, seeing as you seemed to appear at 3 am in the morning. Just get into bed, and get some sleep. I'll tell you everything tomorrow."
- Let's just say, that talk did not go so well...he ended up crying
- "Everything I've done up this point wasn't even real...." "Hop please don't be upset, it also means that Leon's accomplishments weren't real either, so you don't have to stand in his shadow at all." "AH I FORGOT ABOUT MY BROTHER! He must be so worried about me right now...." "I'm sure he'll make it without you until we can get you back into the game." "Back into the game? I finally become real and you want to get rid of me already?!" "No no no! I just thought you'd want to go home!"
"But if I go back I can't be with you..." "True." "Unless you come back with me?" "Hop, I have a life here. As much as I would love to join the world of Pokémon, people here depend on me." "Then...let's just bring the world of Pokémon to the real world!" "Hop...you have no idea just how much chaos that would create." "Huh?" "I'm too afraid of the Pokémon being hunted for sport, and you and the others being locked up in some mental hospital somewhere." ".....Your world is harsh Y/N." "Tell me about it..."
- You had to teach Hop a crash course on all the things he'd need to know while waiting for some kind of solution to present itself
- "I had no idea you had so much work to do...How did you even find the time to talk to me and go on virtual dates?" "I'd stay up to 2am talking to you Hop. You gave me that kind of comfort I needed to get up the next day." "Y/N....Come here."
- This boy is a hugger, the type that doesn't want to let go, have fun carrying him around
- "I'm glad you don't weight that much Hop." "I'm glad you didn't pry me off of you yet." "Why would I? It's not like you're doing anything lewd, you just want hugs." "I wouldn't mind a kiss though." "In a bit." "Awe..."
- You have to constantly make up excuses to people who see him with you in public
- "Y/N, who's this?" "Ah this is Hop, he's my boyfriend." "Boyfriend? How come we're just hearing about this now?" "Well, we met online so..." "Oh, so you didn't know if it'd work out, so you didn't want to get all hyped up." "Yeah basically." "Is he wearing eye contacts?" "Yeah, they are like colored prescription lenses so he has to wear them all the time."
"Are you going to be dyeing your hair like he has Y/N?" "I might, maybe we could match then. You'd like that right babe?" "Mm I'd have to think about it for a little while before I could give you a good answer." "What's you're boyfriend do for a job?" "He streams gameplays of video games online." "Oh really? Huh..."
"Y/N, how long are you going to have to lie for me?" "I don't know. But I'll keep doing it until we can have some kind of happy life together. I don't want anyone questioning you." "......Alright dear. I still think you should reconsider, and leave this world with me." "I've been considering it more and more the longer you're here."
"So you actually want to go home with me?!" "I don't want to go back to living without you here Hop. If I have to be tossed into another world for us to stay together, then so be it."
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pogueit · 3 years
First Aid Kit
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Paring: Pope Heyward x Reader
Summary: You have an accident while attempting to do a new trick and Pope is the man for the job.
Warnings: blood ofc and general first aid stuff nothing too graphic tho!!
WC: 1,994
A/N: There's not enough Pope content!! SO I made some!! Pls enjoy some Pope and Y/N action!
Saturdays are not meant to be boring, but this scorching afternoon there was nothing to do. John B. went on his weekly date with Sarah, JJ scored a date with a kook he's been eyeing, and Kie was forced to go to a gala on the mainland, so it was just you and Pope alone in the chateau. He had been studying all day for an upcoming chemistry exam he has first thing Monday morning. You tried all day to get his head out of the books, but he was not having any of it. It wasn't until the late afternoon that you got him to go outside with you. Even though his nose was still deep in the piles of notes at least he was outside. You were skating on a horrifically uneven stretch of concrete that was oddly slathered in front of the chateau. Every time he could hear the wheels pop upwards he would snap his eyes to you, cheering you on when you stuck the landing. You were glad that he was far enough away to not be able to see how red your cheeks were. You've had a massive crush on the boy ever since Kie introduced you to the group. Your mom had just moved your ass down to the banks to get a fresh start far away from your poor excuse for a father. She managed to quickly score a job at The Wreck (where you were also forced to work part-time) as head chef. Your mom got on well with the Carrera's who only deemed it appropriate to force their daughter to hang out with you, being new in town and all. Kie wasn’t bothered at all and was glad to have another girl around. After hanging out with her for a single day, you wouldn’t hesitate to take a bullet for her. Kiara didn't introduce you to the knuckleheads right away, since she had taken a liking to you and didn't want to scare you away. The day that she did you remembered Pope had been the last one to say "hey" yet his was the warmest. After that day your stomach would erupt with butterflies whenever you'd even look at him and you would nearly die when your hands would brush against each other in passing. There was just something about him. Maybe it was how he didn't believe in stupid questions, except for JJ's of course, or how he would learn a new subject just to be able to help one of you ace an exam. It could be how the sun sparkled against his wet skin after a long day of swimming or surfing. How relaxed he looks sitting in the driver's seat of the HMS Pogue taking in all that the sun had to offer. You were glad the rest of the crew hadn't caught on yet, especially JB since he's already taken the role as your big brother, even though you're sure that you’re definitely older than him. He would never let you hear the end of it if he knew. The constant pestering, nudging, and side-eyeing would have driven you insane. Your mind slowly drifted back to the boy studying a few feet away from you. The thoughts of those hot summer nights in the cool water with him clouded your brain, so much so you nearly wiped out.
"You good!?" Pope's concerned voice made your head snap in his direction. You knew that the embarrassment on your face was very telling but you just shot him two thumbs up and got back on your board. You shake off any remaining thoughts from your head before attempting your new trick. You were sick and tired of random strangers, but mostly JJ and JB, yelling at you to do a kickflip whenever you were skating. After watching countless videos on kickflips you were basically an expert on them at this point and all you had to do now was actually stick the landing. You slid your right foot to the middle of the board so that your heel was just off the edge while your toes rested in the middle. You shifted your left foot to the tail of the deck and with all the strength you could muster you push down on the tail while your right foot flicked down on the edge of the board. It would have been a spectacular landing if it weren't for the random-ass pebble that your wheel landed on.
"Oh fuck, are you alright!?" Pope was by your side before you even realized you were on the ground. Falling came with the game and you were not fazed at all, since you've had grislier wipeouts than this, but that's before you saw the fountain of blood that poured out of your knee.
"Yeah, I'm fine dude-- I've had-- I need to--The bathroom--" you hobbled quickly into the bathroom at the chateau trying your darndest to not get any blood in the house. By the time you were able to sit down on the toilet, you were seeing stars. Your vision was slowly fading to black and you felt like you were going to vomit. You closed your eyes tightly as you pressed a clump of toilet paper to your knee, which pulled a hiss right from your lungs at the sensation. Promptly, you bit down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from letting out a scream. A light knock came from the door and it couldn't be anyone else but Pope.
"Are you alright in there y/n?" From all the pain you were in you could only hum out a yes as a response, but you knew that would not be a good enough answer for the boy.
"Yeah, just don't--" before you could even finish your sentence he barged in "--open the door, why don't ya". His eyes grew wide at the bloody mess you made in the bathroom, but then quickly softened at the sight of you. Your skin was flushed with developing perspiration clinging to your skin and your lips had gone pale as your lungs suddenly only knew how to hyperventilate.
"Uh, I don’t think it would be in your best interest to say that it looks like a slasher flick was filmed in here" his words made you squeeze your eyes tighter as bloody images flashed before you and it only got harder for you to breathe. Pope stepped inside the rather small bathroom and closed the door behind him. He picked up all the toilet paper you had used for your leg and tossed them into the trash bin before he crouched down next to you.
"Does it still hurt?" His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper, as if you would shatter if he spoke any louder. All you could muster was a tiny nod as the pain took up most of your energy. His hands then gently pried your hands off of your injured knee and inspected it. Since the cut had almost stopped bleeding completely, Pope, was able to see that the wound was deep but not enough for it to garner any stitches and it was free of any debris. Lucky for you because JB had fallen there a couple of weeks ago and Pope had to whip out the tweezers to get all the gravel out of the bloody gash.
"Hey, it's not that bad-- I mean it is bad but it could be worse-- I'm gonna clean it now" the boy got to his feet and helped you sit on the edge of the bathtub with your feet sitting inside the tub. He then washed his hands furiously to avoid infection and gathered all the supplies he needed which consisted of antibacterial soap, antibiotic cream, gauze pads, gauze rolls, and unconditional love and support. Pope helped you undo both your shoes and removed them along with your embarrassing Winnie the Pooh socks. He sat with his legs outside the tub to have easy access to the supplies. After he checked to make sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold Pope moved your leg so your knee was underneath the faucet. The wound's contact with the water wasn't as bad as you thought, but it could’ve been you were distracted by his soothing touches as he held you close to him. Pope was careful not to get any of the soap in the cut just on the surrounding area and when he was finished he made sure to clean the rest of your blood-caked leg up as well. Once you were all cleaned up, he padded your leg dry before he attempted to put ointment on the tender flesh.
"Is it going to hurt?" You squeaked as he retrieved the ointment from the countertop.
"It might sting, but it shouldn't, '' he reassured you, as he brought the ointment-covered q-tip to your knee, but you couldn't help that your knee-jerked away from his touch.
"Ow, fuck!"
"Y/n, I haven't even touched you yet"
"I know, I know, sorry"
"I promise it won't hurt, y/n, and if it does you can punch me or something" even if it did hurt that bad you couldn’t imagine hurting Pope in any way. He once again leaned back in with the q-tip and sure enough, it wasn't painful at all. The ointment soothed the burning sensation of the area which finally allowed you to relax. He then carefully put a gauze pad on the injury, before wrapping your knee securely with gauze. You slid off the edge of the grimy porcelain tub and onto the ground while Pope stood next to the sink and neatly tucked everything back into the first aid kit.
"Uh, thanks--" your words got lost in your throat when your eyes met his warm eyes "--um, dude?" You felt stupid when it came out as a dumbfounded question and the heat quickly rose to your cheeks. If it was any time for you to die you wish it would have happened right then.
"Yeah, any time, y/n" he shot an endearing smile in your direction and you've never wanted to kiss a man so much before in your life.
You both let the awkwardness settle over you. The two of you riddled with hesitancy, but quietly yearned to confess your feelings to one another. He needed to get out of there. Pope gave you a curt nod and a tight smile, but as he headed towards the door there was vacillation in his movements. Before you lost sight of him from the doorway, he turned back around determined.
"Y/N, I gotta--" you were soon on your feet as the last bit of courage you had for your lifetime allowed you to meet him halfway. He didn't bother finishing his sentence as he decided his actions would speak for him. Pope cupped your face in his soft hands and crashed your lips together. The kiss was sweet, sweeter than anything you've ever experienced before. His plump lips gilded confidently over your timid ones. As the fire inside of you diminished your shyness you shifted yourself forward onto your tippy toes to deepen the kiss. Your movements caused you to pin Pope against the bathroom wall and you could feel him smile against your lips. His velvet tongue dragged against your bottom lip for permission to explore you further and you were more than eager to let him.
"Fucking finally!" The familiar voice of the rowdy klepto caught you guys by surprise causing both of you to jump away from each other.
"I guess I'm forty bucks richer, I knew you had it in ya, Pope!" JJ beamed as he walked towards the two of you and you playfully rolled your eyes at the blonde-haired boy.
"Fuck off!" Pope giggled and slammed the door in JJ's face before he turned to face you.
"Now, where were we?"
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myrandom-fandomlife · 3 years
Hello! I'm the anon from the 4 part ask that you answered earlier! I saw your post about the different "eras" of DNF and I would like to share some of my opinions since I've been in the fandom since March of last year, so maybe I can write my own analysis and briefly explain what happened during these times (and hopefully someone will find enjoyment in reading this)!
So the first era was probably the most "baity" period where every interaction between Dream and George with slight romantic undertones was pure bait. From Dream placing romantic music in the background, to the small texts on screen that would read "arguing like a married couple" and even proclaiming his love to George any second he could, it was obvious that it was a means to garner a reaction and moments that could be used in compilations, edits, videos, etc. Dream addressed George just the same as he currently does Sapnap or Bad: Dude, Bro, etc, and when they weren't attempting to bait, for example on streams, things were chill, no tension, just two bros hanging out in minecraft.
LOVE OR HOST ERA. The catalyst in DNF's relationship, in my humble opinion. Now, where do I begin? So, LOH was definitely a time that I believe Dream became aware of his feelings towards George (platonic or romantic, I can't be sure) and his fear of losing him. Before/During George's LOH, we got Dream saying some interesting things, the most notable one "George is the only man I can see myself dating". Now, I'm pretty sure this was meant as bait, but how he reacted prior to LOH, was very telling. Dream would avoid George like the plague in every situation that didn't require them to interact. Twitter? Only one mention (and that was literally him tagging George in Andrea's post in spite). Stream? That I can remember he didn't join much during this time, nor did he stream that often. During MCC, the DT was separated in different teams, Sapnap & George together and Dream alone. Now Sapnap DID pop off. He was doing amazing. And Dream complimented him and his team quite a lot. But what about George? I believe he mentioned him ONCE. This was the first time we see Dream jealous in regards to George, and the lack of content and interactions between these two made many believe DNF was dead and abandon the ship all together.
QUACKITY AND KARL. Now there is a lot that happened in between LOH Arc and the friendship between the DT with Karl and Quackity. Dream and George seemed to have solved whatever occured between them, and things were tranquil. We got a few baity moments here and there, but we also started to get the start of the infamous "name-truthing", the soft voices and other subtle moments. Now, during this time George, Dream and Sapnap started developing their friendship with Quackity and Karl, George in particular started getting closer with them and spending LOTS of time with them, so much so that we got more G/K/Q content than we did DT content. And we get Jealous Dream 2.0., only difference from the other occurence of jealously? He addressed it publicly, admitted that he was frustrated and physically affected by the lack of attention from the british man. He confronted George while he was streaming, with an audience of 50k+ viewers. He was desperate.
Things were pretty calm after that, the more intimate and subtle moments between the two became more and more apparent and began to outweight the baity moments. Quackity/George/Karl continued to blossom their friendship, and DNF was slowly becoming a topic to tease George and Dream (I can only compare their teasing to that of middle schoolers when their friends had a crush). We can compare this teasing to that of Skephalo, the difference, while one is leaning on the more explicit side and used to make others laugh or get an over the top reaction, the other was used as an inside joke of sorts, only brought up to embarass or shut up Dream/George when they got over-confident (most times it would effectively leave them quiet, important to note, is that they never denied the claims nor attempted to).
TRAINS PODCAST. Oh boy, was this a night to remember. A historical mark for DNF. The point in history that George decided to become BOLD and actively flirt with Dream whenever he wanted to, rendering or poor Leo speechless most of the time. That podcast changed these men, it unlocked something within them and things have never been the same since. This is where we see the dynamic take a major switch, and baity moments had become almost non-existent, and instead we got probably some of the most tension filled convos between these himbos. Name-truthing had become something natural between them, the unavoidable excitement whenever they hear one another in call, suddenly ever call became a matter of how long until they were third-wheeling everyone. It's also during this time that we clearly see a difference in between Dream & Sapnap's relationship and Dream & George's relationship (not that one outweighed the other, but the nature of these relationships were very much opposing)
And finally we are in our current stance. Where the sweet, obnoxious moments continue to pile; More and more of their friends are calling them out (you can literally see Quackity and Karl becoming more direct and, quite honestly, aggressive with their call-outs. I bet they are just as tired as we are); The whole hoodie fiasco and the secretive pictures; Syncing sleep schedules once again; Tension continue to grow and you can see them testing the waters, in a game of tug of war until one of them caves in and starts the conversation.
As I said before, they have nothing to gain from the bait they are currently doing. They excuse it as being a joke, and hide behind this lie, as a means to test the development and seriousness of whatever they have going on. The whole Valentine's thing proves that they (unfortunately) do not understand when the other is being sincere or baity...
Also here is some food for thought. George has been very clingy with Dream ever since he and Sapnap moved in together. Not being able to see each other is certainly another factor that is affecting them.
I'm anxious to figure out what in the hell is happening next between our oblivious idiots with communication issues. It sometimes seems surreal the things that occur between them, and straight out of a fanfic.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant and if this wasn't very interesting to read! Just wanted to get some thoughts out of my head!! Stay safe and hope you have a good day/afternoon/night! ❤
Hi love! Glad to have you back <3
Firstly, don’t ever be sorry for ranting in my inbox, especially ab dnf. I love to see it!
Thank you for this, especially the early parts when I wasn’t in the fandom yet. Ahh this is super helpful.
I agree that George has gotten more clingy since Sapnap and Dream moved in together which is so funny because Dream and George have a more similar sleep schedule than Sapnap and Dream do LMAO
But yes all of this ugh I’m deeming you my genius anon
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