#I'm proving nothing to nobody rn +:
femmefaggot · 2 years
okay yeah now theyre getting restless which is crazy.
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loonarkives · 21 days
THE TAEIL SITUATION & THE NEW NTH ROOM - clearing some things up because i've seen a lot of misinformation online.
hi. i don't personally stan nct but i thought that making this post was very important to help people understand what's going on rn in SK and avoid all the bullshit that people are saying online due to misunderstanding and/or lack of better knowledge. before starting i'd like to say that this is not "taeil getting canceled". this is taeil being a fucking criminal and finally facing the consequences of his own actions.
let's get into it.
First thing first he wasn't really "kicked out", he agreed to leave the group, although apparently SM did not terminate the contract with the artist. Taeil was not being accused nor was he under investigation, he was CHARGED with a sexual offense related crime (SM did not specify what crime it was in their official statement), meaning that investigations were already carried out and enough evidence was gathered for the prosecution to file a case against him — "As we gathered the facts, we realized the seriousness of the case and decided that he could no longer continue to be a part of the team" is what SM stated in their official statement.
The victim can be found on Instagram as "anges_121430". On this account she tried to expose Taeil for about 6 months before his crimes came to light. She also used to handle a twitter account, created for the same purpose, but it was taken down due to (allegedly) Taeil's fans reports. People say that the victim recently turned 18 and Taeil has been molesting and harrassing her for 6 years, so since she was 12. There is no evidence to support this statement. No age was officially specified by the police. Some people on twitter said that it might be a mistranslation/misinterpretation of "18년" which appeared in the police report and means "year" (not "age"!!! please correct me if i'm wrong) suggesting that it started in 2018. Also beware because since SM's official statement there have been A LOT of fake screenshots going around. Of course i'm not sure that all of them are fake but make sure to carefully verify what you choose to believe, because spreading false info is very harmful to the victim and might result into a lack of credibility.
We can't be sure. As far as we're aware they were not, but this is a very delicate subject and we basically have no knowledge about it. While it might be suspicious that in a company with hundreds if not thousands of employees nobody knew for 6 years, i can tell you that it is possible for family members and close friends to hide their crimes and true identity from you for YEARS. I'm not gonna tell you to keep stanning nct and act like nothing happened, that is up to you and it's none of my business. I can however advice you to wait until the police comes forward with more evidence that proves the involvement of other members while continuing to treat them with some sort of sceptical attitude.
So, a few years back the south korean police discovered a telegram room with thousands of members who shared intimate photos, sensitive information and revenge p0rn videos of women they knew, and it was rumored to have about 200 (if i'm not mistaken) male celebrities and politicians. The room was closed as soon as it was discovered but a new one was created - and it is the one we're dealing with right now. This room has far more participants (about 220.000 men, which is absolutely fucking disgusting) and they are now also sharing p0rn photos or videos made with deepfakes and AI (of which +200 are of female celebrities). The most alarming thing is that they also found material of ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL CHILDREN. There is also a third room, with about 1.200 members that was specifically made to target female university students.
No, or at least not that we know of. Many people believe that he was because of how close on the timeline the discovery of the new Nth Room and the revelation of his crimes were, but the police said nothing about it. We don't know if any idols were actually involved in the new Nth Room and (if they are) which idols were supposedly involved. I saw a rumor of a list that will be released soon: IT'S FAKE!!!!! DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!!! Believe NOTHING about this until actual police statements come out, PLEASE. This is a very serious situation and we don't need misinformation to make things messier. THIS IS NOT A GAME.
(Koreaboo's article: https://www.koreaboo.com/news/female-kpop-idols-deep-fake-porn/ )
Is the list of the female idols whose material was found in the new Nth Room real? Unfortunately yes.
Is it true that Taeil hospitalized the victim's mother? NO. It is not true. He didn't hospitalize her, but it is true that he sent death threats to the victim and her mother while the latter was hospitalized.
Is it true that the victim's brother (or grandpa) broke Taeil's leg after finding out about what he did? This is just a rumor, and i also see a lot of confusion about it because some people say it was her brother, while other people say it was her grandpa. Despite this i personally believe that this might be true because i read somewhere that the day Taeil got injured there were no car accidents registered, but again: IT'S JUST A RUMOR!!!
Is it true that he assaulted and rap3d an 11 year old girl and paralyzed her for life? I have found no evidence that backs up this accusation so NO. But Taeil is still a fucking monster that deserves the worst. All the men involved in these two situations do. They don't deserve to be a part of the community of our planet. They deserve NOTHING. They should be treated like the fucking animals they are. Death upon these monsters and whoever supports and defends them. Pieces of shit.
Please excuse any typos and/or grammatical mistakes, unfortunately english isn't my first language!!! If i said anything wrong, if you have to clarify anything and if you have more evidence + news, please let me know by commenting, reblogging or messaging me. Remember to block and report IMMEDIATELY any account that shares deepfake p0rn content. Thank you.
more information about what's going on lately in SK: https://x.com/muixsuzuya/status/1828792968570122616?s=46
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akookminsupporter · 5 months
It's incredible frustrating to see the narrative shift from " mhj doing illegal shit with hybe having literal proof of it" to " apparently hybe is now in a cult and bts is at the center of it because reasons"?? Mhj dropping names left and right and getting their respective fandoms riled up against each other but more importantly against bts because we all know kpop fans don't care about anything else other than bashing on bts :) we have literal fans of disbanded groups crawling out of holes to try to insert themselves into this whole mess just so they can make a tweet about bts when their groups haven't been active for literal years. Saying bts paid their way to the top but then they kept saying bts will never succeed because they can't even afford to pay their producers.. so which is it :) I've met a lot of people in my life but nobody was as fucking stupid, dense, ignorant and sometimes borderline racist as kpop fans. And I know our fandom does the same and I'm not saying we don't have people like that. But holy fuck. Kpop fans are truly some of the stupidest people on earth.
BTS shouldn't even be in this mess in the first place if it wasn't for mhj name dropping them and admitting that shaman story. It took me a long time to realise that it was indeed a true story and not just some fabricated story because holy fuck who in their right mind does that. We literally had everything from accusing them of every single possible thing that is known to men to bighit going to court for them just because some people can't accept the PAST 10 YEARS. Like these hate campaigns are literally insane and if everyone could just take 5 seconds to think about them, we wouldn't be here: I mean imagine if Taylor swift or Beyonce or Coldplay had to go to court to prove that they didn't do illegal shit. But because it's BTS everyone just dismisses it with "oh they are very famous it's to be expected" and moves on. Meanwhile it's not to be expected and it's literally insane that some people are running these hate campaigns against 7 real life existing literal living breathing people and so many people don't even bat an eye.
Apparently the k-gp is siding with mhj rn because the overworked and tired office workers resonate with her sticking up to her boss - while she's also a literal CEO and reportedly has been horrible to her employees? Okay I guess.
I have my own problems with hybe and bighit and bang pd, I have A LOT of problems with them so I don't want to sound like someone who is siding with the company, but holy fuck can we just get back to the main point? Which is mhj doing illegal shit ?? And leave BTS and le sserafim and seventeen and txt and I don't fucking know who else out of this? I'm not even a fan of any of them and I have half of their fandoms blocked for stupid shit but they have nothing to do with this issue and still get dragged into this.
I sincerely hope bighit sues everyone.
Im so fucking tired of Kpoppies 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
Omg... He fell!
Todo Aoi x Black Reader!
This my first story y'all so be nice! well critic but keep it cute!
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' Omg...this nigga dumb as hell' I thought, seeing Yuji and Todo arm wrestlin but with..pinkies? Like I understand they both got loose screws in they head because of..I truly don't know but, they don't get it all up there! I was watching til my friend Liyah taps me and snickers " Girl you finna burn a hole in they head!" she giggled, and I just roll my eyes adjusting myself in my seat to look at her. " Hey na!, not too much I'm only watchin" I responded still somewhat looking at them but not Yuji; I mean he's cute and all buttt, I LOVE ME SOME TODO! I mean his muscles, and his smile that little smirk just gets me goin!, and lets not talk about his confidence! Usually, cocky guys just give off red flags but him, he's confident in himself! He don't need to prove himself to nobody because he knows he's the shit he like drake but not drake ( Fucking hate drake).
Me and Liyah continue talking about random shit like baddies and if Coi Leray a real rapper when Yuji and Todo waltzes, they big asses up to us.
" Hye ladies- I mean young pretties!" Yuji starts, to be honest he walked up like Chris Brown did that girl in the Fine China music video all smooth and stuff, me and Liyah side-eye him and we say our little " Hii!"s Yuji starts talking about how it's a new cafe opening up downtown and he and Todo wanted to invite us! I turned to Todo to speak to him but, he avoids my eyes! Like I'm Ms. Netta in the face and I'm like ' Don't make me cry rn why tf you are looking at me like my lace liftin!?' (But you don't have a- chile..) I looked and Todo, his tan a little darker around the cheeks and I ask what wrong.
" N-nothing! Just a little hot today! Afterall, I just whopped Yuji's ass in battle so i am a little sweaty" Yuji then cuts his eyes to Todo and gives him a stank face.
" Todo..I flipped you 12 time-"
" That don't matter brother" Todo cuts him off with a smirk.
Me and Liyah laughed at that and agreed, Yuji told us be ready by 5pm and we say our goodbyes and I headed to my dorm. I opened the door and let out the biggest giggle of my life! I'm going on a date with my man that's not my man, but ya know..we basically dating! I opened my closet to pick an outfit, not thotty but shows some skin, not too modest thought because it too hot to be a nun, and not too casual because we never gave basic; I just picked some blue and white dunks, light blue flare jeans, and a cute top and I touch up my hair and face ( Face card neva declined) and I called Liyah while doing my hair to see is she ready.
" Hey boo! You ready or almost ready?"
" Heyyyyy! About that.. I cant go"
... and I remember thinking.. I'm about to beat this bitch up.
" What you mean ' YoU CaN't Go' I mock, getting anxious and a bit pissed off.
" I'm Sorry! My job said for an extra $50 I can come in really quick for today! But don't worry Yuji told me Todo is still going an-"
" Wait YUJI NOT COMING!?" I almost yelled, I mean if the world wanna crash down on me it can! But GOD WHYYYY??
Liyah explained Yuji had a mission a bit far and he went but, Todo was going because it close to his gym. I just roll my eyes at the phone and just says ok and hangs ups, I finish up my hair and face and I grab my purse and keys when I open my door and Todo is mid pause of knocking on my door.
" Oh! Hi, why are yo-"
" Hello lovely reader!"
" Hi Todo, are you here to pic-"
" Ive come to pick up up for our outing this evening!" ...Well no shit I couldn't have guessed. I turned to lock my door and we are off to the cafe, as we're walking Todo seems quiet...for the first time he's not yelling or anythuing but he's calm almost nervous.
" Everything alright Todo?" I asked looking up at his stature.
" yes..eveything fine reader, just a bit off ease" Todo says stone faced or regular I don't know really but, I ask what wrong and he gets into how he feels like I don't like him like I like Yuji... this man must be dumber than a box of nails because I can't!
" That's not true Todo, I like you just as much as I like yu-"
" But its not what I want." He stops, I turn to look at him confused.
" I want you to LIKE me, not friend like, not family like but, LIKE me how I like Takada Chan, LIKE me how I like you"
I fucking knew it.
I get bitches and niggas, I'm that girl fr, I'm practically like Lori Harvey; Todo just confessed to me and all im doing is smiling like got $5 from my auntie randomly. I giggled though and Todo looks up at him and kind of frowns.
" I know you may not return my feelings but laughing i-"
" OMG SHUT UP BRO" I yelled and somewhat laughed, Todo confused just plainly stares at me.
" I've liked you since liem forever, when you told me how your favorite singer girl impacts you ti was soo cute! Like you really are kind, goofy, maybe a bit idoitic but it ok! Becasue it makes you well you!" I go on and on with my feelings and when im done odo is just crying
" Oh! Todo i dint mean to-"
" THATS THE KINDEST THING SOMEONE HAS EVER SAID TO ME!" Todo says well sobs, He hugs me tightly and goes on about his crush and I'm just patting his back awkwardly (I'll bite him tbh)
Todo lets go and wipes his face and smiles at me a bit, I return it and I grab his hand and I hold it tightly. The warmth of his hands cools down my cold hands, the world seems to slow just a bit, and everything seems more peaceful.
We interlock hands and Todo smiles, and we walk onwards happily...until Todo trips on a rock and busted his ass.
" OH- Omg..OMG! Are you ok!?"
Todo just lays there and says nothing...for a while, I look around and I just drag his body to a bench. He's big and hungry because aint no way your 17 and you weight 55,000 pounds you big and freaky man! I fan and him and clean him up with a spare napkin and he groans to consciences.
" You ok?"
" Yes...where is Takada Chan?"
...Don't tell me he thought I was Takada bro...he so dumb.
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Omg y'all this was like a spontaneous thing! And it soooo long like I'm really Shakespeare fr if you think about it. But yea this my first lil story or whatever tell me if like it or if it needs some work because I lowkey wanna expand on my headcanons about this FINE ASS MAN! 😍😍
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bluejayworldstuff · 2 months
Last November I was planning for my death, a big suici#e plan with a script, date and everything it was really really  really big you can't imagine it was like someone planing for his wedding
Nobody knew & I'm not ashamed to talk about it anymore
I'm confused rn that I'm still alive I don't know how I made it 8 months after & still breathing
But thinking about it rn I see wasn't wrong
Unfortunately you all didn't prove me that I was wrong
You don't have to.. it's not your job don't get me wrong I know I'm the only person that responsible for myself
I'm just saying that this life is so filthy and I had every right to leave it
But I'm still here, I don't know why
Maybe now I believe that God has a plan for me & I trust him & I'm trying to see God in everything around even if it's so fuckin painful to just exist even if you're not helping even if the days are scary & the nights are more worse, even if the demons in my head are fighting me back & I'm all alone with them every single day & nothing helps
Even if life is unbearable & I don't have the energy just to blink or to do anything for me
Even if there is no validation or someone can sense what I'm going through
I'm just confronting myself rn that as long as it hurts, that means I'm still alive!
And that's huge..
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tainted-liquor · 9 months
Im not doing ts again bru final statement. Yes, this is abt the miles smut drama 'ft. bree'.
its weird how someone can make snide comments and remarks abt a situation that's been long over, but when someone does the same thing suddenly you're obsessed n "don't wanna let it go". I have yet to step up and make a bigger statement even rn as I type this message, but I keep getting grouped in w something I haven't even posted abt. and because for some reason you can't read, this isn't me "throwing ash under the bus", this is me saying I have YET to make a "big statement", but you're still talking abt me like I have. Let's count how many times you've dissed us over one month, DESPITE the drama being long over!! Keep up now!
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2, which was also weird, because when you made this post, 3 hours earlier Honey said that she was from Florida! So did you google smth about Floridian officials just to prove how "oppressed" you were? jsyk babe this still isn't oppression, this is a threat. that has nothing to do w your country's population bg, he used the closest island near him to make an empty-handed example. Yk what's oppression? What's happening in the Middle East and the Congo rn! Your country isn't being bent over and fucked for its resources while being rendered mute by a source of power that OPPRESSES your freedom of speech. you being able to even make this long, detailed ass post proved that in itself.
Even when I had people dming me and tagging me on shit in my server that eluded to the situation, I stayed quiet to see how many times you'd attempt to poke and prod at it knowing it was over and done with...you still kept going. almost a month later.
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I have been chilling w my dick in my boxers for the longest, but suddenly when Ash makes a post about you potentially being a smut writer, (which I also EVEN TRIED TO GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, YES, DESPITE TS, I WAS WILLING TO SAY 'nah maybe its someone pretending to be her' before jumping to conclusions) you wanna say we're playing follow the leader. We gave you silence for a month or so, post after post came abt the situation. Weird bru.
And second, nobody made you post your ID or whatever. It didn't prove anything, and...nobody asked you for it😭 what I am confused on tho is how you managed to see everything in record time if you...have us all blocked? Smth isn't adding, the math isn't mathing, and the time isn't timing.
anyway, this isn't an 'accusatory' or 'hateful' post, I'm calling out hypocrisy that really bunches up my boxers. Thank you!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
Which of the wizards powers would you rather have? Which would be best vs worst do you think?
Gonna be very normal about this!! In order of worst to best accidentally:
I think I wouldn't want Ogron's for the simple reason that, assuming nobody else has powers for a sec, there would be nothing to copy. And where do you go from there. I mean, I know it's not all he does, but I do think other people's energies played a part in him getting as strong as he is. So if there aren't any energies around? What then?? Don't recommend it as of right now.
Second, I wouldn't want Anagan's either because I have hip problems!! I cannot run, my doctor has told me to never get into running as a sport/exercise. Or like advised, whatever- Milk lore. So recommended if you're like. Into exercise and stuff. But not me, no.
I wouldn't mind Gantlos' powers. I don't think. But I'm warning y'all, I clap several times throughout the day. I stretch? Clap. I'm watching something? Clap. Trying to fall asleep? Clap. Yeah, it probably takes more than just a clap to activate it, but still. Certainly not for everyone either, I don't know a single person I would trust with this tbh. Or a single person who would trust me. The ability would be fun to have, but for the sake of the general population? Maybe not.
I say like I'm not about to confirm the obvious.
I would like Duman's powers ty, this surprises nobody. Zero attachment to my current form, I already have issues with like smells and sounds, and you can sit there and go "They would probably be even worse" um be quiet. I could take it, I'm built different, I've been training for this. I wouldn't bother anyone or do any crimes <3 You couldn't prove it if I did, but I'm telling you rn I wouldn't <3 I simply think his powers would solve all the problems I currently have. Like generally speaking. Not everyone should have this, definitely not- But I should. As a treat.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
red and cato for 17? i just want them to suffer together >:-D
>:3c smiling like the grinch rn. can do!
from here
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…” Red is standing at the splintered window sill, rimmed in light seeping in through the shutters. A howl of wind batters at the shutters and sand filters down through a crack in the ceiling. "Sandstorm out there doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon," they say absently. They glance over their shoulder, smiling faintly. "Guess we've got time to kill." "Nobody followed us?" Cato asks. "Not in this weather." Pushing off the wall, Red strides over to him. There's not much furnishing this old shack - just a dusty table and a few chairs, and one cot on a rickety frame that Cato doesn't trust - but it's better than nothing. The shack has been abandoned for some time by the looks of it, but that doesn't mean the owner won't come back. Relaxing minutely, Cato sinks into one of the chairs. It squeaks under his weight, but holds. Dropping his head to one hand, he lets out a long breath. He takes a moment to compose himself, then looks up, watching Red shake sand from the brim of their hat and toss it onto the table.
"Supplies," he asks. "How much do you carry in those saddlebags?" Red glances at the bags resting by the door -- all they'd managed to snag before the storm had overtaken them. "Enough to last us through the night," they say, shrugging out of their duster. "Relax." "I'm thinking ahead." "You're getting agitated," Red corrects, leveling him with a look. "Relax. Nobody is here, and nobody can track us through the storm. We're safer here than we were before the storm hit."
Almost as if to prove their point, Red unbuckles the belt strapping their gun to their hip. They sling it onto the table, hands spread. "You're paranoid."
"I'm careful."
"Same difference," Red mutters, turning. Cato bites back a retort, brows furrowing. There's a small patch of red darkening the fabric of Red's shirt, just at the small of their back. The cotton is torn, a strip of bloodied skin flashing underneath. Cato shift. "Perhaps if you were as careful as I am, you wouldn't be injured," he says. Cato gestures. "You're bleeding," he notes.
Red makes a noise, twisting. Their fingers hook through the hole in their shirt, prodding at the wound beneath. From the look of the stain, it's been bleeding for some time. "Look at that. Bullet must've winged me," they say, all too casual. "It'll buff."
"You should take care of it," Cato says. "It's unwise to leave wounds unattended."
A wry smile twists the corners of Red's mouth, oh so familiar. "I've had worse," they say, tossing their duster to the side and pulling at the fingers of their gloves. The movements are easy, belying no pain or discomfort. Crossing their arms, Red settles back against the wall of the old shack, staring at Cato with one eyebrow lifted.
"I insist."
"You insist?" Red repeats, smile growing. "I might be a little offended if you think a scratch like that is going to put me down."
"I'm not worried about offending you," Cato says, mirroring Red as he crosses his arms. "I'm worried about the likelihood of infection."
The expression on Red's face sours a bit. Cato has seen it before. Different now that they're older, but still the same look of irritation whenever anyone dared to remind them that they're only human.
"Something tells me you aren't going to let this go," Red says.
Leaning back, Cato smiles. "As you say, we have nothing but time."
There's a beat of silence. Red's eyes narrow, a muscle in their jaw pulling taut. Cato can't help but grin. Huffing, Red rolls their eyes and pushes off the wall. "Fine," they mutter, unbuttoning their vest and tossing it to the side. "For a heartless Legionary, you sure are soft."
"Given the circumstances, I think I can let it slide," Cato says. The remark stings, but he doesn't let it show. He ignores the oppressive clench of guilt at his stomach and instead folds his hands in his lap. "I won't tell if you don't."
Red only rolls their eyes as they pull off their shirt. Cato almost laughs at the sight of the tan dipping low on their chest, but he bites the inside of his mouth and holds his tongue. Eyeing the bloody tear in the fabric, Red seems to mull something over in their head before shrugging and tossing it to the side.
"Now, I don't have much in the way of a first aid kit, so this entire debate may be moot," they say, turning to where their duster is lying draped over the back of a chair. Whatever amusement Cato had been feeling abruptly dies.
Red's back is a ragged, thorny mass of ancient scars. They streak across the skin in knotted ropes, tangled together in places and frighteningly stark in others. The oldest ones are silvery, but not yet faded enough as to blend in with the rest of Red's skin. Muscles shift beneath the scar tissue, rippling as Red crouches to rummage through their saddlebags. At the nape of their neck, almost hidden by the ends of their hair, the brand sits . Cato stares at it, caught in the accusing glare of Caesar's bull.
God, Cato fucking remembers.
He hadn't known Jack well, then. They wouldn't be well acquainted until after Jack had been branded, but Cato had known of them - that feral little boy, the defiant one who had always stood nearly head and shoulders above their peers with their jaw set and eyes hard.
He remembers watching Jack being whipped, once. Cato doesn't remember why, but he remembers the way Jack had taken each lash in utter silence. No gag to muffle the noise, just the determination not to falter. How old had Jack been - twelve? Thirteen? There were so many lashings it was hard to place them all, but Cato remembers watching the corded leather lay open Jack's skin and thinking that it was right. That if Jack only listened, this wouldn't happen. If they only fell in line.
The whippings had been to break them, but in hindsight, all they had done was sharpen Jack's teeth. Now Red bears the scars of a life they don't remember. Everyone carries the past with them in some way, but very few bear it like Red.
Cato blinks, taking a sharp breath as his eyes refocus on Red. Red is watching him, expression guarded. There's a roll of gauze in one hand. "Sorry," Cato says, breathless. He swallows hard, quelling the shaking in his hands as he lifts his chin.
"You all right?" Red asks warily. "Lost you there for a second."
"Sorry," Cato says, and he isn't stupid enough to think that Red doesn't notice the way he has to force his voice under control. "I was in my head, that's all. I'm fine."
It's an obvious lie and both of them know it. Red was always more discerning than most. After a beat, they only hitch a shoulder and relax. "I need a helping hand, and since you're the one on my case I figure you got no right to refuse," they say, tossing him the roll of gauze.
"Of course," Cato says.
"You're not going to get all queasy at the sight of blood, are you?"
A brief flash of irritation overrides the swell of panic and Cato huffs. "I'm more than capable of cleaning a wound," he says. "Sit."
Smiling faintly, Red drops to the chair beside Cato and slings their elbows across their knees. Cato presses two fingers to their spine between their shoulder blades, careful to avoid the knotted scar tissue striping the skin. "Lean forward."
"You're going to think I like doing what I'm told," Red says, but does as Cato asks.
"Trust me, you won't," Cato mutters. Red snorts a laugh, but otherwise, remains still.
For all their bluster, Red isn't a terrible patient. They barely move as he cleans the wound, except for a bare twitch of muscle in their back. Red's breathing remains even. It could be almost peaceful if the sight of the scarring didn't threaten to send Cato into a spiral.
Something must clue Red in to his wandering mind, because they stir, lifting their head. "Not very pretty, is it?" they murmur.
Cato flushes hot. His fingers still over the wound on their back - in truth, very minor. Certainly in comparison to the rest of it. "I..." he starts. "I wasn't going to say anything."
"S'alright," Red says. "I know how it looks."
Cato's touch is gentle, thumb running along the ridge of the scar that cuts across their low back. Red doesn't stir and Cato tilts his head. "Can you feel this?"
Humming, Red lifts a hand over their shoulder and tips it back and forth. "Not really. Pressure, if you push hard enough. Some places are fine, but I think most of the nerves back there just quit."
"It would appear to be so," Cato says softly.
Red turns to glance at him over their right shoulder. "I don't need your pity," they say, a warning note entering their voice. "It is what it is. No use crying over it."
"Not pity," Cato says, dropping his eyes to tape down the edges of the gauze. "But I am sorry, nonetheless."
"Don't be sorry," Red says, straightening. "Wasn't you who whipped me, was it?"
"No," Cato says -- truthfully, though in a different life, he may as well have.
"Then don't beg forgiveness for shit you had nothing to do with."
"Right," Cato says softly. "Of course."
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mchiti · 2 years
I just want to ramble a little to anyone who wants to listen/read... I didn't realize how desperate I was to positive Muslim/arab/north African representation until I watched the world cup and saw the Moroccan nt and how people all across MENA were connected and supportive and loving especially how the players treated their mothers and wives it felt like a safe space looking at our men being successful and happy in the western world was such a positive thing yet....when this happened....it brought me back to reality and how our men treat women and unfortunately I know the western media are gonna use this against us as usual be xenophobic,islamaphobic, racist and give off the stereotype that our men are violent and can't be trusted.
Also I've seen a lot of people say "he can't do that he's Muslim" or "he would never do such a thing" and even which god I wish it was true... But bad people exist in every religion and every community just bc he's Muslim doesn't mean he won't commit haram if that was true we would be live our best lives. And also "the french are trying to sabotage the Arabs and north Africans especially after what happened to Saad Al mejard" which I need people to shut up about this bc Saad was proven to actually r*** these girls and it's soooo hard to prove it and convict criminals so can you imagine how bad it is that he got convicted?
It just makes me mad af I rather support a potential liar rather than a potential r**** I feel frustrated, as a girl I always believe the victim even if victim girls come out and say they were lying I think how much they were payed to say that? Bc after all this is a nobody who's standing against a millionaire man who can get away with anything .
Looking at the world I realized people espresso men are always afraid of being falsely accused of SA and I just want to say .. I never saw a famous man who's an abuser or who committed assault career gets ruined at all , they disappear for a year or two and come back like nothing happened.
I just wish the girl is safe , his mom"oh ya Allah I can't imagine how she feels " and kids safe away from the media
It's just frustrating..... I hope all the girls safety and to never get close to encounter such a horrific experience.
I'm sorry I talked so much I don't have anyone to talk with about this..
tw rape/SA
hayati, anon, hi. I have to be honest it took me a while to manage to get through this bc I have such low energy but I also would never ignore you or not answer you because I hear you, it's so upsetting and I'm very sorry you feel like you have no one to talk to, I don't want this for anyone. I'll just put everything under the cut, I try to be as respectful as I can to other people who don't want to go through this stuff rn
darling I genuinely feel every single word. My thoughts and duas are with the victim first and foremost. If it's true, she deserves justice, but right now she deserves support nonetheless because you're right, at the end of the day if this turns out to be false you've just given support to someone who lied, but if this is true and you stand by him, you're supporting a potential r*pist, so. I hope she's safe, I'm keeping her in my duas, I'm very sad for her.
Secondly I also feel sorry for people in our community who looked up to him. When you are part of a minority and a diaspora kid, or even if you grow up in the country but it's a country that faces strong economic issues and had such a difficult history, you tend to find yourself within your people. I'm talking about Moroccans but also about Africans, Arabs, Muslims, diaspora kids anywhere who looked up to him. We're desperate for representation within our own kind and I feel very much for everyone - me included because I'm genuinely am struggling a lot today, and you anon - who are left down. I was very attached to him bc of everything he had to overcome and what he represented for me and for us so yeah, this is very, very disappointing beyond level. I know many people say "why are you surprised, they are rich men" sure, but we're still here aren't we. And I still can wish that someone I adored wouldn't have done such a terrible thing.
The Islamophobia is real right now, the amount of ridiculous stuff I'm reading. I'm trying to stay in a safe space today, but I'm just sad this kind of gets to me too you know? Like I feel weird about posting about morocco nt now because I don't want to upset people, but I also feel like I'm internalising certain agendas because people are still posting about other psg players, so. You know? I lost two mutuals too and I haven't even posted anything.
But also I'm so disappointed and heartbroken at some of the Muslim community right now. A lot of Moroccans (and not just them) complaining about how France is putting up a propaganda against Maghrebis, it's just unreal really. It's frustrating because it's going to invalidate our struggles and our battles against actual racism too you know. The fact that they are still defending Saad Lamjarred is beyond me with such the history he has and it took years for a bit of justice.
Anon, I also want to wish you to take care of yourself and be in a safe space and I send you an hug extra tight today.
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clonehub · 2 years
Onto episode 6 of the bad batch
This is like. Its a Show That Exists you know? During the normal run time this would have been week six I think of tbb airing. I remember definitely actively hating a lot of it but now while I'm still far from a fan it's like. Mediocre? Just average. I think the first two eps were a disservice to the overall series because again they turned up the caricature aspects.
But otherwise in terms of development for the characters, Wreckers the only one I think who's had a noticeable change. It's both good and bad! Because him being nothing but an aggressive brute from s7 to s1e1 just looked racist, esp when they kept setting him up against crosshair and tech. And now he's shown his softer more caring side wrt omega, but it's not like. Natural development, it's the natural conclusion/part of his particular trope writing for the 5 man band. Big Strong Aggressive Guy has a heart of gold. So it's good because now he's much less one dimensional, but it's still trite.
This mine craft textured logo 😭
Omegas episode arcs seem to be her mostly proving that she's meant to be part of the team? It's like Dilemma -> Keep Omega Away -> At least one Batcher is in trouble -> Omega helps save them.
And they're not wrong for trying to keep her away 😭 obv nobody wants their kid shot at. But I find myself hoping that she gets at least another moment to just be a Kid rather than be the happy helper for the batch or at times their moral compass.
I remember in one ep someone said Wrecker sounded smarter and I had to point out to them that it's because he literally just spoke less 😭 but I'm being reminded why out of all that batch (excluding echo) Wrecker is my fave: he's toned down from his tropeyness and now he's settled and appears normal. Hunter still is a bit empty as a character tho.
Is this ithorian in a leotard
Oh this is the EP w trace and rafa
Cid would be a great character if she didn't feel so wildly antisemitic
I like yellow droids tbh I think there should be more of them
Oh yeah the cliche of the big guy being scared of heights. which is so funny bc wreckers tall as hell as it is
See how Wreckers the one to bring up Crosshair? And how so far they've actually be doing fine without him. This is the first time we've gotten a situation where Crosshairs absence actually affects how they operate.
They should get Omega some new clothes so she blends in and has more protection
I love when they have super normal panicky sounding VAs
Ik if this was MA Rafa would be cursing everybody out rn
I forgot how hot Rafa is
Funny how two normies so far have IDd them as clones
Rafa does NOT give a shit about children BDKSBDKANSKSKAK
Again like their main theme doesn't blend
I like that Rafa's a good shot.
Please this echo joke 😭 dbksndlwjdla
Trace my girl trace ❤️
Like wreckers momentary absence is impacting them more than Crosshairs
Tuning out distractions is one thing but noodle arms is another
"we're different"
"I've heard that before" huh hm
Actually Rafa and traces ship is huge
Oh I like the way the engines look on Rafa and traces ship too
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countthereds · 2 months
reasons I smoke:
1) stress relief
2) I look cool, i like the way the smoke curls up and the way I look with a cigarette in hand
3) it's gender affirming, i smell like a man and I have a deeper voice
4) tobacco taste nice, shisha is preferable to cigarettes flavour wise but I still like tobacco (i should try that one coffee that promises to have hints of tobacco in it)
5) it's something I can do because I have decided to do. Nothing my parents envision for their "pretty little girl". It works entirely against that shitty image they have of me as a sanctimonious woman who has a stick up her arse. I'm not _flat_ like that. and while I can play that stereotype well, i'm so sick of always having to hide myself from my family.
even if I _do_ try to communicate, it doesn't work. they don't want to see me anything else, so I only have to prove it to myself. and mentally "proving" it to myself is not enough, verbally is nowhere near enough, I Need to be out doing things that break the stupid puritanical image they cast on me.
6) I'm comfortable doing it. Both mum and dad were chainsmokers. I know the different brands, i know what the average price of a pack is having to look anything up. I know what kinds I am likely to like.
7) it's socially inoffensive. Nobody looks twice at someone smoking
8) it's cheaper than other things
9) the fallout of it is not horrible. my parents find out I smoke, they get pissed, so what? even if a cousin does, who _cares?_ It's not sth to get disowned over or get religious sermons over
10) I can store it easily in my room. in my bag, i can get it from any grocery store, nbd. Life is easy
11) I smell Nice, i didn't think i would enjoy the smell tobacco leaves on my body but i do
12) i made my boyfriend cum just with my voice today, which was deeper and hoarser than usual bc i smoked last night
13) It doesn't make me silly like alcohol. I am a happy drunk, and while that is nice, I don't like how i end up more trusting
14) alcohol fucks with my meds. I can only have a tiny bit.
15) it fits the moody aura, it affirms an image in my head. I look more like myself with it.
16) cigs are cheaper than shisha, and they're easier to carry around, cheaper than vape, and look cooler lmao.
17) the withdrawals are not as bad as other stubstances
18) I can't keep popping anti-anxiety pill every time I need to calm the fuck down, nor can I go rub one out, and sometimes even physically managing anxiety and stress doesn't work
19) I can just step out to smoke a bit and not come back absolutely silly and hugging everyone. it fits
20) the sting of smoke balances out the relief of nicotine
21) it tempers my apetite. I always get more hungry when stressed. I need to get rid of that and I can't just go bust a move whenever I want to relax
reasons i should quit after this pack:
1) I'm healing from surgery, and it would suck to ruin all my progress for smokes
2) I'm training for a marathon for fuck's sake
3) I never told Lee
4) I promised to be healthy
5) i don't think using cigs as a bit of self control/self harm move is the best mentality to start Any habit with
6) it will definitely affect my medications and my hormones and the health of my teeth
7) it's expensive in the long run
8) I can't smoke at work
9) i want to be able to handle my anxiety without substances, because i want to be able to have that much control over myself
10) I want to live a long life with my darling
11) I don't want to ruin my lungs
12) I want to be better to the environment than that
13) I want to not be part of the problem
14) I don't want to be a hypocrite. I'm doing this to lash out against the current situation, but I most definitely do Not want to be a smoker forever
15) smokers actually stink, tobacco might smell nice, the rest of that crap getting metabolised through their bodies is Not
16) my farts stink sth fierce rn
17) it can make me more likely to get sick in winter
18) my tits hurts whenever I smoke, i did Not pay a ton of money for my to fuck it up for a short term thrill
19) I'm Better than that, I'm better than relying on a cig for relief, I just need to find a way to do that. I'm sick of suffering through anxiety, i want a way to make it go away
20) I want to be able to donate blood (this stops me from getting tattoos, too)
21) I want to be healthy, that mystical wonder of "healthy" where I can run around freely no problem and where I can swim laps at 80 years od age and not be worn into pieces
22) I want to be a role model to the kids, someone to look up to. I don't think I could look them in the face and lie about having never smoked a single cigarette in my life anymore.
23) nicotine IS mood altering, just bc it doesn't make me silly doesn't mean it doesn't change me. I do Not want to be more irritable
24) I CAN take ashwagandha, which is cheaper and better for me, AND longer lasting and has a better effect, even on my depression and doesn't fuck with my blood pressure
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nyxopenjournal · 1 year
I really wonder sometimes how long it would take people to forget me. And I find myself wanting to ask how I can be better so that maybe someone will find me worth being around one day. And I wonder what people do to be normal and make others feel like they're worth being around? I don't know how to get people to like me. In the past I've just been lucky I guess so now when I try and it goes nowhere I can't help but think that's why everyone does end up leaving. I know I'm not interesting or good at anything or have anything to offer so it's rare that I even try in the first place bc who wants to be around someone with nothing? And I know I have nothing. I see everyone around me and even online. Even if they don't have it all put together, they have ppl there to support them and help them through it and encourage them to keep going and just hang around in a non serious way to just be a friend. I just wonder why I'm not capable of having that? Why I'm not worthy enough to get it or keep it when I was able to have it. Why isn't anyone willing to bear my cross with me? I'm self loathing rn, I'm aware lol. It is what it is. And like I'm not unreasonable. I know it's no one's job to do or be anything for me. Logically I understand that and that's why I try to cope with it. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and I break. I can't lie about that. But that's no one's problem. I have to deal. I try to just acknowledge and understand my place in someone's life and move accordingly. I can't expect anyone to do anything they don't want to do. That's unfair. They just end up overwhelmed and I'm hurt. Nobody wins. So I just make myself scarce and leave it be. It's better. I try hard not to do too much or say too much or ask for anything. Bc I know I'm a lot to deal with, especially if I get scared. So I just try not to get to that point. But getting there with no one means I can't build any connections. And it's hard to cope with every fiber of Your being telling you that you desperately need companionship when you know that no one wants you around. There's a huge disconnect. Like that part of me refuses to believe it's not possible despite me running through the years of evidence I have proving no one wants me around. It's just like well fuck. I can't have a single friend? Not one? Just *one*? then why not? I want to sit everyone down & ask them "what's so wrong with me that you left?" Just so I can know what I need to change. I know I'm not perfect but I can't change if I don't know my issue. Why doesn't anyone see me and want to stay and be there and help? I just wonder. Everyday.
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weed-vodka-vomit · 2 years
I have theraphy tomorrow and I still haven't made a gyn and dentist appointment like I promised I would.
Everything feels boring and pointless atm. I would love to use drugs again or selfharm or pick a fight or do something destructive just to feel anything else than emptiness atm, but I can't because I promised my boyfriend & I have to keep my license so consuming stuff is off the table + if I relapse it means I am weak and disgusting so I can't do that. If I relapse I will prove my ex theraphist right that I am too weak to survive without her and fu bitch I am thriving and kicking it 90% of the time since I left that wg. I haven't selfharmed by cutting in ages and I learned coping skills and I am so so much better than I was back then but right now it's hard.
I want to be vulnerable and tell my partner how I feel but my brain says I can't because he will hate me and see me as weak and then abadon me. I know that's bs but my brain doesn't like???? I feel like I have to "lie" (telling him that I need space because I am overwhelmed but not talking to him about the bad thoughts and homicidal and violent urges I experience atm) and mask even more around him atm and it hurts so bad because I don't want to lie or mask too much. I love him and it hurts and my brain screams at me to leave him before he leaves me or sees even more of my vulnerability and dark side. I can't let anyone know how weak I feel most of the time. I'm disgusting and I am also the best human being on earth and I am also full of rage so he is better off without me. :)
Nobody can stand this void, everytime I unmasked more than I normally do people left me and started painting me as the bully and used my diagnoses or my symptoms against me.
Like bro just because I have bad trauma responses doesn't mean that I am actually a bad human being. Get your head out of your ass.
My Morals may be screwed up and I don't feel empathy or guilt but my built up persona is a nice helpful person and they care alot about their closest friends. They would kill for their little siblings and are very loyal to trustworthy people. They also have no time or energy to go after idiots.
I want you to feel good so you can make me feel good and thank me for being so helpful and cool and just the perfect human being™ why tf would I actively waste my time to put others who did not harm me down? If you fuck with me I will destroy you by dropping you amd performing dark magic but as long as you leave me alone I have no reason to actually go after you. You're not my stepfather or my past abusers... why tf should I waste my energy on you? Fuck off and die but don't waste my precious time with your shit. Everything sucks rn and I am so impulsive and agressive atm also nothing matters except my partners well being. I just hope this will pass soon because I can' t ignore the impulses to do reckless shit much longer.
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zv5x · 3 years
Hiya hope your doing okay rn
But are your requests open? If so↓
What would yandere pico, bf, senpai,(←those separate) soft pico and bf (←not separate) if their they found their bunny darling (what I mean by bunny is shy, small, little chubby, & bunny ears and tail) tried to kill themselves?
Let me explain. So they come home to see their darling covering part of their face, when they see the blood from the attempt how would they react? (The reason for blood is that they tried to do brain trama I think-) if that's too much then self harm is good as well
(it's fine if you don't wanna do this!)
I can do all that, definitely! Thank you for your request, Anon, and I really hope you enjoy these! Remember to take good care of yourself and remember you're loved! Feel free to come to me if you want anything else done! Requests are always open!
TW FOR THEMES SU1CIDE (ATTEMPTED) / SH - plz be safe you guys and my messages are always open if any of you need to vent!
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
In all honesty, this was the last thing he expected to see when he returned home. At first, he was incredibly suspicious. After all, nobody ever doubted how paranoid Pico could be, and he absolutely despised the very idea of not knowing exactly what was going on in a given situation at any time. So, seeing you sitting on the floor with a hand covering your face did nothing but peeve him off at first.
"(Y/N)." His voice was firm, the usual raspy tone of his voice breaking slightly as his hand began to quiver. "What the fuck happened." Expecting an immediate response, he stared down at you with an arch to his eyebrow. You did nothing but let out a small whimper, and all Pico could do was sigh in annoyance as he made his way close to you. Pico hated it when you proved yourself to be as difficult as difficult could be, especially considering all Pico asked for was you to love him equally as much as he loved you. He didn't consider being this stubborn as needed, and yet here he was.
He knelt down quickly, grabbing your wrist and pushing it to the side. He was about to say something, was about to reprimand you for being so noncompliant when all he wanted to do was love you, but as he saw the blood, he froze. Mouth hanging open, his eyes fixated on the wound on the top of your head. Flinching, with his heart twisting in his closing chest, he tried his very hardest to swallow.
The sight of blood always made him sick. It reminded him of that, and it reminded him of her, two things that were probably the core reason for his extreme instability, and two things that he could barely even internally mention without falling under a fit of hysteria.
His thoughts were interputed, and so was the silence, as you tried to speak through your trembling lips. "I-I'm sorry, Pico..." You stumbled on your words, and the ginger instantly placed his hands on your shoulders and made for you to look him in his eyes. He looked disturbed by the situation, more vulnerable than you think you've ever seen him.
"Don't you dare apologize, (Y/N)." He breathed out, tightening his grip on your shoulders a single time. "I-I'm gonna take care of all of this for you, okay? It's gonna get better. You're gonna get better. I'm gonna find out who did this to you, I promise. I swear to fucking God if she had anything to do with this..." His words were laced with determination and vice, and you didn't dare tell the gun-slinging madman the truth of the situation. You had no way of knowing how he could react to something like that. He was unpredictable. You could end up free from him completely in one universe, and end up dead in the other, especially considering that the injuries to your body were entirely self inflicted. Knowing Pico, he'd see it as a betrayal of his trust - an attempt to escape his courting attempts, and you couldn't have him thinking of you as a traitor. It would be detrimental, not only to you but to everyone you've ever come into close contact with.
He was dangerous, but you were damn lucky he was so delusionally oblivious.
"Beep!" Bf exclaimed energetically, worry lacing his tone, as he looked at you sitting in the corner of the basement. "Bee boop...?!"
Flinching, you turned to look at him, towel pressed firmly against the side of your skull. You gave him the brightest smile you could muster up as to not worry him, but you failed miserably, and soon Bf came rushing to your side. He barraged you with countless questions, all in his signature language of beep bopps that you somehow came to understand over the years. Though, you mostly went off of context and tone, rather than the beeps themselves. You could (quite literally) only imagine what Bf was thinking at the moment, and that terrified you.
"I'm-I'm fine, Bf, really, I just...I must have blacked out or something!" You scrambled to tell him whatever you could to calm him down and prevent him from doing anything drastic, and, to your joyous relief, the stress of the situation caused him to believe you almost instantly.
"Bee bee bep?!"
"N-no, I'm alright, this towel should do just fine. Thank you, though." You cooed at him as your ears twitched from the ringing they were being tortured with. You sucked in air though your teeth, failing to realize that Bf had cleverly placed cameras wherever he possibly could. Including the room you were in right now. Just realizing that himself, Bf quickly sat down at your level and gripped your knees happily as he told you this, your eyes widening further with every beep and boop that came from his lips.
"Ah, I-I see..." You looked down, placing your hands onto his. It was so he could make sure everything was alright, that nobody knew where the two of you were staying, since you couldn't tell him what happened considering you blacked out. He gave you a gentle, reassuring smile, cupping your cheeks in his hands and pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Beep, beep bo bop!" Everything would be alright, he told you. And, deep down, you felt comfort in those words. Deep down, a part of you believed him.
He was all you had, after all. How could you believe a third party when there was no third party to begin with?
"I'm home, bunny!~"
Your pained ears twitched and rose to quick attention, just as the sound of a bookbag hitting the floor became audible. You muttered out swear words fuled by fear, as you scrambled to your feet and so stupidly decided it would be a good idea to greet your captor at the door like he expected you to, as if nothing was wrong. You brushed imaginary dirt off of your pants, breathed in deeply and exhaled with just as must depth and length, and made your way to the living room.
Your movements were drunken, your eyes filling with white and the pain was driving you nearly insane. You could barely rationalize you were near him until you heard him speak once more.
Before he did so, he stared at you for a moment. The blood was impossible to not notice immediately, and as he watched it drip down the side of your face, his eyes squinted and his lips twitched.
His voice was slightly monotoned, but you knew him well enough to hear the slight shakiness of his tone, and your brain sent off alarm sounds of all kinds upon hearing him finish that one single word. His footsteps echoed off the walls as he made his way slowly towards you. Kneeling down to your level as you nearly collapsed onto the ground, he held up your head by placing two fingers under your chin, tilting his head at you slightly.
"What happened while I was away, dear? You're hurt." Taking the opportunity of seeing your wound more closely, his pretty blue eyes fixated on it, and he swallowed with a combination of nervousness and pity. "Really...really badly hurt." He cleared his throat, and you mustered up just enough energy to speak.
"Sen, it's nothing-"
"You know I don't like liars, don't you (Y/N)?" He cooed in a soft, smooth voice, caressing your bloodstained cheek with the tips of his fingers. "I just have to make sure everything is alright, that's all. I won't hurt you any further, I couldn't."
He looked at you as you tried to steady your breathing, taking in every possible situation that could have led to this. "Was it...was it one of the the girls? I wouldn't put it past one of those freaks to get my house key and harm you..." He scoffed in disgust just thinking about which on of them it could be.
"N-no, I-"
"Then what was it, (Y/N)? You can tell me. I want you to tell me."
Sniffling a single time, you decided it would be best to come clean with how things truly went down. It was for the best, and even if he got angry, it wouldn't be compatible to the rage he'd be feeling if you left him to figure it out on your own.
"I...I did it...."
"You did it...?"
Senpai stood up.
"You did it, huh?! You're just that desperate to get away from me, that you'd rather do this than just love me?!" His voice cracked, face turning blue from rage, just like it always did. The yelling hurt your already pounding head even further, and you decided you had to quickly muster up an apology before he snapped for real.
"N-no, it's not like that, Sen! I-I'm happy being with you!" You forced yourself to get up so you could embrace Senpai in a hug, only so you could collapse yourself into his arms for support. He didn't let you fall, of course, and seemed to calm down as you nuzzled your head into his neck.
Thank goodness his mood swings could come and go so quickly and drastically.
"I miss you so much during the day, Sen...I want to be able to spend more time with you, the world is so scary." You shivered, whist also patting yourself on the back for how good you've gotten at calming the blonde down. He let out a loving "aww", all the rage he once felt washing away in an instant as he embraced you right back.
"Oh bunny, I knew that wasn't the reason! I should have known better!" He kissed you over and over, pecking every inch of your bloodied face as if was nothing.
"How about I take off from school for a bit? I'm sure my precious little bun would need the extra help anyway~"
Soft!Bf & Soft!Pico
(Sorry this is so rushed and short looking, I'm half awake and sleepy hahaah!!!!!!!)
Your eyes slowly fluttered open, only to be met with Pico looking down harshly at you. Noticing you were finally awake once again, he snickered to himself. "Heh, almost got away from us for real that time..."
He patted you on the head, only causing you to wince in pain. "Softie, they're all good now." He yelled out, and you were soon able to hear Bf rushing over as quickly as he could.
"Oh goodness, thank you Pico!" He sighed in relief, smiling happily as he saw you awake and "well". "I'm so glad you're alright, (Y/N)! P-please, don't ever try anything like that again."
You were too weak in the head to think of a response, but you feel that if you could, you'd be cursing the two of them to hell for what they've done to you. They were the ones driving you to this point, and you wished you could just find it inside you to tell the two sick fucks just that. You didn't even know what random abandoned crack shack the duo dragged you to now.
"You-you're too small to handle that kind of damage to your body, especially your head! I don't want you hurting yourself too bad over something we could just talk about!"
Pico scoffed. "They haven't talked to us for days, blue. I don't think that's happening." Bf whimpered slightly, hearing the harsh reality being uncovered through Pico's words and looking at your wounds, he knew something had to be done.
He just wasn't showing the amount of love that he should be. He's unintentionally making you feel unwanted, and he felt that it was his duty to fix the damage that he had caused.
In that split second, he made a new promise to himself. He'd do better. For you, and for Pico.
In his eyes, the only option going forward was to just be better. And that's just what he's going to do.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Have some angst because I’m feeling angsty. But preferably ended with fluff I guess? Idk. 🐶
Volo reveals that he was using you all along and you nod and are like “okay.” He’s confused, why don’t you hate him? “Everyone does this to me, Volo. Everyone. Hell, I’m sure the galaxy team doesn’t even like me, I’m sure you’ve heard what Kammado said to me.” You laugh bitterly. “I don’t belong here. I don’t belong in any time. Not even my own. Nobody cared about me. Only my Pokémon. I’m just here to serve a purpose, everyone dumps me and I move on. I don’t have a home to go back to, why would I even try to catch Arceus!? It wouldn’t change anything. I think I’m just gonna go off the grid and live alone like Cogita. So yeah. Thanks for proving me right. And also thanks for nothing.” And then you turn to leave and he feels bad and tries making it up to you because you finally drop the line, “you remind me of myself. Maybe the world ending would be for the best.”
I’m sorry, I’m kinda having a depressive episode. That just helped me vent a little. If someone could counter what I wrote with fluff and Volo comforting reader that would be nice. But I don’t have the energy rn. 🐶
I'm sorry about your mental state pika :(
I'm focused more on work rn it's really hard think about juicy Aus, head cannon and scenarios.
At least Ai Volo Is in my drafts right now dhdgb
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especdreamy · 3 years
asking for lore opinions on cranboo
I'm literally gonna have a breakdown over him /pos
C!Sam was someone I expected to feel even a bit of remorse about his death, considering how he called him a good person despite his pleas to get put into the prison. I thought that once c!Sam noticed that he killed c!Ranboo for no reason he'd have a moment of self reflection and notice he just killed someone for nothing!! And he didn't!! And it's fucked up!! Why does nobody care about how he's DEAD except the other two prison wardens THAT BARELY EVEN KNEW HIM!! CRANBOO WAS WELL LIKED IN THE SERVER LIKE HOW!!
He was killed to prove a fucking point. A point that was useless to even have to begin with. He was HAPPY and then his whole life came crashing down JUST WITHIN A DAY! GODDAMNIT IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY!
And it's messed up and makign me depressed I NEED C!TUBBO LORE RN TO FIX THIS.
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