#I'm really tired of these God damn bots
avalavendercat · 1 year
I have been blocking and reporting bots. Sure it's kind of annoying but I'd rather be followed by real general people.
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hana-no-seiiki · 8 months
Saw that post you made a little bit ago and was hit with an idea (ow)
A yandere that tries so damn hard to hold themselves back from crossing boundaries because while their love is, in fact, incredibly twisted and probably unhinged, they do love their darling. Hearing that Darling never had anyone respect them the way they deserved really grinded their gears. So the Yandere asks for permission before giving hugs, kisses, ect.
Is it out of genuine respect? Is a ploy/plot to gain Darling's affection a bit faster? Up to you, I'm very tired. I'll also let you decide how successful the Yandere is at Not Crossing Boundaries
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My yans in general are yans because they have no sense of boundaries, do not care about these boundaries, or expect you to have no boundaries because they have none themselves.
I think the only yans in my roster that will definitely respect that in a direct sort of manner are the Midnight Darling (Yan! College) ones. Purely because the reader there is at the top of the foodchain and they have a system for organization’s sake. Most of them would still stalk you, or ‘feel’ you indirectly by taking your stuff. But if you ever voiced it out, they’ll make sure that no one messes with the lines you’ve set.
That being said, they do expect a reward and will very much coax it out of you if not outright force it if enough time has passed by that they get impatient.
Try not to implicate who didn’t respect your boundaries, unless you want them dead or humiliated to death. Though I do see them hunting your family members down since that’s where stuff like that usually happens eitherway (totally not speaking from personal experience h a h a)
Particularly speaking, Justin (Yan! Jock) is actually the best at keeping his hands to himself. He’s great at adjusting. You just have to not tick him off or intentionally provoke him and he’d basically do whatever you wish. He cares more for how he can serve you rather than how you can reciprocate his feelings.
Amir is also very good at respecting your boundaries. Physically speaking at the very least. He is incredibly bad at verbal boundaries and can easily say something real bad at the worst times, but he does apologize and feels awful afterwards. He does awkwardly hover over you sometimes and is too shy to ask for permission, so you have to read him yourself to know when to ply him with kisses.
The worst for respecting your boundaries would be Yichen (Yan! Himbo)
What are boundaries? You’ve been bros for forever! Friends don’t have boundaries! You guys should always be open to each other! And y’know what he’s been feeling rather pent up lately. Won’t you be a dear and jerk him off as you sit prettily on his lap?
God while his is more innocent in nature, there’s also someone I haven’t written specifically here yet but have been brainrotting in dms w/ @not-a-bot-just-shy . Caterpillar (Yan! Ex Goon/Now-A-Villain) who just doesn’t care entirely. You’re hers whether you like it or not. Who are you to set boundaries when she owns you? Possessions don’t have rights much less should have the ability to say no.
She’s very similar to The Scientist (it’s in the name) who doesn’t even see you as human. Reader in that story is a monster so it makes sense but 🤷‍♂️ i dunno sounds kinda fucked up-
but yeah, a lot of my ocs are crap at it ngl. They’re needy sluts.
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hotchs-big-hands · 11 months
okay girlie hand kink hotch
you were a little late so when you got to the round table room you scooted past aaron with a quickly muttered 'sorry im late' and as you pass aarons chair you put your hands on his shoulders to scoot by and the tips of his ears go red and he clears his throat before saying "its no problem. someone can catch you up on the way to the air field" and looking back at the gruesome crime scene photos, which quickly put the delicious burning sensation on aarons shoulders out of his mind.
walking around together outside the crime scene tape to determine wether the attack was contained to the scene or if it was spread out over a larger area and when you use your hand to tap on his chest and point out what looks like a smear of dried blood on a seemingly abandoned car and he cant help himself but to ask "did you get your bails done yesterday? they look good" and now youre BOTH blushing.
aaron being flustered because while you were calming down and interviewing a traumatized child you slowly start to braid her hair to lull her into a sense of safety and he watches your fingers so intently as they flex and twist the strands of her hair together. he wants to shoot himself for getting so bothered over such an innocent moment.
hes laying on his bed in hotel room. its late and hes so fucking pent up from spending all god damn day getting riled up over you and your fucking hands. he needs a release and he needs it soon. so here he is, pajama pants pushed down, his sick sticking out of the slit in his boxers, and his left hand firmly gripping his heavy cock and stroking it. his mind is flooded with the vision of your hands. if you have soft dainty little hands hes thinking about how good theyll feel on his cock, stroking him to completion and rubbing against his skin. if you have larger rougher hands hes imaging how it would feel to have them gripping in his hair and scratching down his back.
hes so close, biting his shirt as to bot make noise, hips thrusting up off the bed to match to pace his hand is stroking. his eyes are rolling back and the pressure is building and building and- theres someone knocking on his door. he freezes for a moment before stroking again, whoever it is can wait til morning. hes sleeping. but then they knock again, louder. horny, tired and now pissed off, he shoves himself in his pants as quick as he can and marches to the door, bitterness welling up inside him as the subtle pain of blue balls creeps up (???im not a penis haver idk if thats accurate lmfao where is criminalskies when you need them) until he opens the door and realizes its you.
and for some reason, you look about as pent up and wrecked as he feels. he doesnt really remember exactly how it happened. one moment hes standing at the door asking if youre alright and the next hes sittingg on the edge of the bed, leaned back on one elbow with his other hand tangled in the sheets. head tipped back, eyes shut and mouth open spilling out soft sighs and little whimpers. both of your hands are wrapped around his cock, slowly slowly moving up anna down, twisting your wrists and leaning down and give kittenish locks to his tip. now it might be the fastest aaron's ever cum since high school, but good fucking damn was it worth it.
hes just hoping he still has a job when you guys get back to quantico. and the chance to get your hands on him again.
unedited idgaf its late and horny hour we ride like men with our typos and convoluted ramblings.
G o d him looking at his cum dripping from your fingers would absolutely wreck his brain I'm so fucking sure of it. He's never been so turned on in a while.
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reilleclan-blog · 5 months
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Hello hi , so I was reminiscencing about 2020. My whole life (most of my life) I only played call of duty. There was story RPGs here and there but I'd always go back to call of duty. And during 2018-2019 I was really starting to hate the State of COD. I played COD since I was little. Playing against bots b/c I couldn't get xbox online. I played the hell out of ghosts, bo4, Cold War, bo2 a bit, in total I'd probably have 4k hours racking up all together definitely more. And it's not like I didn't like story games or RPGs I think a lot of them outgrew replayability for me. The walking dead, life is strange, Bully. Most of these series I watched others play I never had money like that. But when I started working I played the hell out of these games and then I went back to multiplayers. Fortnite, was something I heavily played and Bo4. (These games I played heavily in high school 2016)
Then as time went on I stopped having ppl to play with and a lot of these games franchises I had loved , I started to despise. I never thought a company would hate their communities as much as they do now. I was strictly console player so I never had a chance to "broaden my horizons" with games and/or everyone was playing the same shit. So when I started to hate these games I took a chance on a game called "Cyberpunk 2077" I had saw clips of the game way back when, and I didn't really know shit about it except it was an open world rpg and u can hack shit.
So yeah I just wanted a change in scenery with my games I'd play. So yeah Cyberpunk released and it was broken. I was unfortunately experiencing it on ps4 anddd yeah the game barely functioned. The areas barely loaded in, yeah it was pretty bad. But I still wanted to see what the game had to offer. So as they made updates I was thrown into this new world that had me interested every step of the way. I don't usually say this but I'd genuinely want to play cyberpunk for the first time again.
Fast forward to 2020 I didn't realize other titles had released during 2020 cause all I was doing was playing cyberpunk. I had got a pc before or after it released but yeah. I was enjoying a shit ton of cyberpunk and learning Valorant. But for the most part cyberpunk was ALL I played for 4years. And idk I just can't believe CP2077 had such a hold on me. I think that's how games should be, I think CP2077 has written the best story I've seen in a very long time. And the different playstyles ppl can have was endless. During those 2 years of playing CP2077 there was countless updates and me STILL discovering new dialogues and choices thru out the game. Side quests and all.
I never thought I'd be a Virtual Photographer but CP2077 even sparked that for me and it's just made me so happy. I hope other games can take a page from CDPR's book to make these fresh and interesting. That may be easier said than done and "subjective" but I think cp2077 will be a top tier ip that everyone is going to love like gta and something like Skyrim. I hope I live long enough for the sequel and the world doesn't drop marshal law before I get to experience it 😎
I've felt this way for a long time but a lot of RPGs don't feel necessarily "fun" most stuff just feels like chores in the game. They slap a $70 price tag on these games just for the game to be broken, cliche story writing, and just bland and done before. A lot of RPGs follow a formula and I just hope these triple A companies break out of their comfort zones and actually create something new or engaging. Ppl deserve new stuff. I'm tired of seeing "10/10s" on games just cause it's "expected" to be good (but when I play it it's mid ashell)
This is my opinion please do not harass me over something like a damn video game this is just my thoughts. And I know this is wild but ppl have different opinions, and I'm not a god damn hive mind ass
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phoenix-knight · 2 years
Femme Fury
I got my period yesterday and damn it,its soo fucking wet, uncomfortable and painful down there, I might murder someone. i just got over some really bad period cramps yesterday and after being incapacitated for half the whole damn day, I had to struggle for a fucking hour with mounting anxiety because my university conveniently decided they're gonna change all official mail to the one they assigned and not google. fuck do they have to make everything so goddamn complicated, like now I can't login to the official mail because I forgot the fucking password. i can't even- I mean, google keeps asking me to answer captchas and type in letters. like I am acting sus because I'm a bot or malware, for fuck's sake, I'm not a bot, I'm just stupid!!! I forgot the password and google won't even use my gmail as a recovery mail so I can reset the password. it says I have to contact the network admin instead. man, if my uni was uncooperative and tiresome enough to put me through this ordeal, what makes google think they're actually gonna help me with something like this? god I hate not knowing shit about anything while every possible password I have tried is wrong and I wanna throw my laptop. i wanted to wash my hair on the weekend, now I am on my period and too busy trying to survive one cramp to the next, too fucking tired to wash my hair now. so I am going to college tomorrow with greasy 4 day hair which is gonna continue until my period decides to spare me enough energy to let me maintain some basic dignity and hygiene. it does not make me feel any better that I am so fucking irritable, I might snap at someone or lose my shit if anything provokes me. is this how men feel everyday, limitless freedom to spite the world even though ur trash urself? god, I wish I could k1ll a few of those ungrateful fuckers. i am soooo tired. godddd. I am so grumpy. i don't want to do anything. maybe this is why there is so much rage inside me. maybe I was born with it. maybe all women are born with it in us. we are not afraid of blood, we see about a litre of it seep out of 7 days a month until menopause. blood is a regular occurrence. violence? been the victim of that in whatever way enough to know how to terrorize people. being treated as less than a human, a product, a piece of meat, an object, a sex toy, a vagina...? we have all been there, done that. we have pain inside us, we have been on the receiving end for all of history. it makes me wonder what would happen if all women turned their rage outside instead of turning it at themselves. its funny how we blame ourselves for everything and take responsibility for the bullshit men throw at us on a daily basis, while feeling insecure about the standards men have set in order to commercialize our insecurity. we were never the fucking problem. and we have to do more than wish for a solution, because this is our problem, and we have to make it their problem. its not a problem if it doesn't affect them, so lets make it affect them. lets tear down the structures and social constructs which benefit them from birth, lets put new meaning to the word feminism instead of the muddy polluted water it has become of the pseudos, lets have girls and boys and everyone else who identifies as women or any other gender start at the same place, with no boxes to tick, checklists to make or unnecessary shoes to fill. destroy the pedestals which make men look down at us with pity, while we scratch at each other to reach the top. reclaim the power which we know exists is all of us, whether we know it or not. we are more than the pain, we are more than our body, we are more than what men think of us, we are more than what men's perceptions of who we are and who we should be, we are more than their small minded one track tunnel vision picture of who a woman is, we are more than their fucked up version of what gender means, we are more than their disdain and disgust at our pain. destroy the constructs that allows them to chill on the sidelines while we fight, let make it their fucking problem because enough is fucking enough.
we all have had enough. i have had enough. UK what fuck you. i will not keep quiet and submit to your beauty standards, leering glances, sexual innuendo, and dirty words. i will not let you shrink me, I will take up space, enough space to make you wanna fight me. i will scream. loud and clear, confident and reliable. i do not need you to attest for my capability. i will stand with pride and you will take me or leave me. i will not bow down. i will not stop. i will not take your bullshit. i will speak boldly, and I will say whatever in the fucking hell I want. YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH IT, DUMBFUCKS.
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soooo I had a dream that ffxiv had Tumblr but everybody was like. really mean and incredibly unhinged, and this is the result of me trying to recreate it lol
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⚔️ pvyou Follow
Whether you like it or not, I WILL duel you. I hunger, for blood, for glory.... For VICTORY!!!! RAAAAAH!!!! Prepare to die!!
🪄 hardcastingverraise Follow
There is something deeply wrong with you people.
⭐ worlds-sleepiest-astrologian Follow
..... Oh my gods, were you the Red Mage who got us all killed last week by not moving the giant meteor away from us because you were too busy, well, hardcasting verraise? The resurrection fees from that almost drove me bankrupt!
🪄 hardcastingverraise Follow
Probably, yeah. I do that a lot. Sounds like a skill issue on your part though tbh
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💧 cinimininamon Follow
I don't know what you guys were doing in the Tempest with Emet-Selch but I sure know what I was doing 💦💦😉
💀 arr-vet-sendhelp Follow
The multiverse was a mistake.
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⚕️ forestspirits-deactivated039562
Look, I'm not rolephobic, DPS are just objectively stupider than the rest of us. All they have to do is "hurr durr stand around stab enemy", and they still fail that half the time! I can do better damage than a DPS.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
Um. No, that literally is rolephobia. It's 1577, are we really still talking about this? You're a pathetic excuse for a White Mage if you can't stop being toxic for two seconds and consider that DPS are just as valuable as you or me.
⚕️ forestspirits-deactivated039562
Damn I can't believe you really think that 💀 They got you good. You probably multiclass, don't you? A real tank would never act like you.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
Lol, that's the funny thing. So I did some digging and found your public licensing information, and wow, how funny... It looks like you have Dragoon up to 90! I suppose that was somebody else stealing your licenses and racking up experience on them, right? Because surely, you would never stoop so low.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
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💛 honeybee-leiver Follow
🐝 honeyblovely-official
Aww!! Your support means the world to me! <3 My little bees, I love all of you so much!
🔮 firefirefirefirefirefirefire Follow
I don't get it, honestly. What's the hype?? She just seems like another overblown idol, no offense.
🐝 honeyblovely-official
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🐾 sundown-nightclub-official Follow
[18+] [RP] [LGBTQ+] Come check out the Sundown Nightclub, TONIGHT from 9pm - 3am EST, in Cactuar (Mist w8 p24, Goblet w16 p1) and Exodus (Shirogane w30 p28, Mist w13 p22)! Hang out with other like minded-warriors, have drinks, watch the dancers, gamble, and make new friends while listening to our awesome DJ! You'll have the time of your life, especially if you go for our special offer 😉😉 More details can be found at discord.gg/sundownnightclub/hJmw83D9s ~
🐰 hats-or-die Follow
I'm so tired of ERP bots. They're single-handedly ruining wolblr. Like, seriously, this is ridiculous.
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💎 bestwolever Follow
Does anybody know how our Azem crystals work, anyways? Are we all just like, from parallel universes or something and we can use the crystal to summon 7 other versions of ourselves to help us in battle? That's really confusing though, and I am, admittedly, just a simple catgirl. Somebody explain it to me pleaseee :33
🫂 crystal-lover Follow
Hold on. Wait a moment. You guys have been using the crystal to summon 7 other people for battle????? 😳
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🌱 spreeng-sproot Follow
why doesn't my tomestone let me open wolblr :((
👝 botomless-pockets Follow
Are you actually stupid?? Why in the hells would any app open on a tomestone. The currency. It's not an electronic..... It's literally currency. Lmaooo you're never gonna make it out here if that's your intelligence level, idiot.
🌱 spreeng-sproot Follow
I look forward to watching you die as I pull w2w and shirk all of my enmity into you. I will find joy in watching you struggle hopelessly to stay alive as countless wounds pile up, slowly, painfully, until at last the light leaves your pathetic, sunken eyes. And as soon as you return, sick and shaking, a new trauma falling over your shoulders, I will look you dead in the eyes and say, "Oh no, I'm so sorry!! >.< I'm new, I don't know what I'm doing yet but I'm trying my best! Please forgive me!! 🙏" And you will feel obligated to forgive me, since I'm just a widdwe spwowt..... And then, I will run right back in and do.
thanks for answering my question!!! :33
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ladygoofball · 7 months
A Shady Love Poem from the office of Cassandra Apparently
For Apparently, Nobody. Fuckers. If you want Inanna's story? You'll keep reading. If not, feel free to scroll on by and accept my little written kiss sounds
kiss muah muah lovie lovie thank you for the time.
I just love pushing the boundaries of what is possible because the only thing I've ever been good at is fantasizing a better life for myself. I'm just nobody though, don't quote me on that.
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To clarify it is to the same audience as my Battle Worn Boots poem. I'm tired of figuring out the meaning of words. You might say I've been chasing some wild geese for crumbs. What the hell do I know though? I'm just a lady! An American at that!
Another application? In this economy?! Come on. I've done thousands over the course of 7 years, and I'm pretty sure that is not hyperbole but I can't look in my emails without feeling a sense of disgust in my own behavior. Call it an official Strike Declaration.
The offices of Cassandra Apparently calls that? Witchcraft. Ereshkigal's crypto-testimonial (free of as many negative effects to the environment as humanly possible so better than crypto currency) is below the cut. The vibe? Keep that li'l diddy on repeat.
DATE OF PREDICTION: Basically all of 2024 so far. Assholes.
First off? Fuck you for questioning that authenticity. That needs to be said in no uncertain terms. Call me Absolute Truth, if you dare. I won't accept that in writing that needs to be told TO my face. That's where my self respect is, raise the bar any higher and I'll be happy to take this shit elsewhere tyvm (thank you very much in american gods damned english)
The spirits told me?
I knew They'll say "No, that's too good to be true!" The bots will prevent the word from Reaching you. I did it anyway. That's too bold? Cool now I have to code switch to flirting because characters are limited and have to jump through hoops to prove I'm not trying to do that with any real ass person right now.
I say? I'll keep knocking until I get answers. As politely as possible until it might get to be too late. That's called good cyber security working out of courtesy to save something worth fighting for, Your Honor. What if there was a better world that I could show you?
I keep them begging. Yearning for the definition of the word. I am a Lit'rary thirst trap on the world wide web. I'll be Miss spider for a second and keep going anyway.
Oh...yes? GIVE IT TO ME, PLEASE!!!!
Bitch, "please"?
Just "please"? Not even dolling it up for me?
THE queen of 2020 hindsight? Come on.
You know what, now I have to start laying some ground rules. Call them boundaries, a steel sword in a marriage bed, or whatever. That's why I'm so activated anyway, I'm now in military generational trauma land Your Honor.
Yes, it is kind of your fault...but Yes it is kind to know people care. No, I'm not really that angry but Witness Ereshkigal cannot rest this case until it she knows it has been WITNESSED. Inanna does not come out for just anyone. /genuine.
I just have to set some HARD LINES IN THE SAND. I call that: building a wall with just imaginary bricks and mortar since the economy is collapsing and border walls are a poor concept in real life anyway. I call that Quality American Craftsmanship, a dying breed. I watched "Adventures from the Book of Virtues", I know when something is just a lesson and when something is direct. That was how I went to sleep thanks to good ole public television.
Rules for Conducting Business with Cassandra Actually, if you want to come into her house and beg her forgiveness for not listening to her sooner.
For the Camp Records: No, You don't personally have to, but someone should at this point for fuck's sake.
Rule 1: JUST PLEASE?! If this elvish paradise isn't enough for you, then hand me the keys. I'll drive US somewhere better, eh? We can call that Manifest Destiny without slaughtering native peoples and not endangering anyone in the process for being too on the nose. If that's not possible? I get it, but somebody has to try to get something better for me and for the record? I'm very happy to do it by myself thank you very much. My grandmother owns her own building. It's in my blood to seek the best for myself. Noni would approve, and she calls me frequently to provide tech support for her because she can't work a computer to get tenants. I don't have a single aspect of what I do on this WWW that is not exploited by someone, so that's why it has to be like that.
Rule 2: Do not do me the discourtesy of keeping their names from my shit list. If they bother any of you, bring them to me. I'll show them a way around a word or two. I've written thousands just for myself and nobody gets to see that before I am finished.
That last song probably got old by now, so you know what? Let's throw in another one to change the audience and the tone without putting words to what I'm doing for once in my gods damned life.
Rule 3: If I swing and I tell You to Duck? Then, bitch you had better get Quacking. That's not putting too much emphasis on the timeline, that's running out of funds to write checks that I can't cash if I wanted to because Nobody says it is not safe for me there. My entire Organization is on the line. I still honor the value of words, which is a craft that is apparently lost on these ghosts.
Rule 4: I may have been here for a while now, but I do NOT make time for anyone who can't get their damned facts straight. Even if it hits them over the head with ACME's Anvil. Bugs Bunny ass. That's not my problem, Your Honor. That sounds like a pissed off spirit. Too bad the art of Necromancy is dead in this place. If only a wizard knew how to Divine the cards as well as we can. A shame, really.
He must not be a master of the school of Divination like he claims to be!
Rule 5: I do not have time and will not make time for anyone who cannot get their facts STRAIGHT. It's the only straight thing about me, all these facts that I have are the definition of the straight and narrow.
He says that the way I hit it makes him forget his words? Try harder than that!
He says I must be celestial with all these angels singing in the chorus? Try harder than that!
The tone shifts away again? She can't keep doing this, but They say "Third time is the charm!"
Bozo Apparently asks: WHO THE FUCK HEALED YOU? WHO LAID HANDS? WHO CHARGED? THE GOOSE GIRL?? Over 400 hours, assholes. And weeks of playing with wild geese on the internet. 3 different runs through the Holy Narrative and I refuse to play through Act two until my eyes stop burning and my psyche is healed. I know how to play a video game or two and I know far better ones I can spend my time with. Ask Matthew Mercer who my last man might have been. Call that? Rune Factory 4 approves.
Did you say: Only a General could get them stepping this fast?
Bozo says: It could have been too late, sorry I'm a bit rushed! The economy is collapsing and industries I keep trying to get into are shutting me out faster than I can count how many weeks my unemployment checks. It's not that bad, all things considered, but if I was more than a half inch away from losing my familiars with no other options to save them I would not call myself Witch.
Bitch. Fuck a closing paragraph.
Wait, one last recommendation? Watch "The Social Dillema" and tell me I'm looking too into subliminal messaging online again motherfucker. You might as well add the Lizzie Bennet Diaries youtube series to your media diet too, while you're at it.
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fusion-of-fandom · 2 years
Mini Reminder to all new users
and please for the love of God and everything holy listen:
No joke, I just blocked idk what exactly to report them for 6 different "blogs" that have followed me in the past 24 hrs.
While it may seem like a small number, the sad thing is that I can put an amount to it.
99% of the time, they are blogs with a banner of some lady.
I'm getting really tired of going through my inbox with the hopes of some ACTUAL HUMAN following my dump of the world and BOOM!
Lady in a bikini at the beach!
I know that some blogs actually have that as their main thing, but the real thing getting to me is the fact that there are no posts to speak of.
So please, post SOMETHING so we can deduce whether of not you are an actual human and not some bot following people for no damn reason.
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t-z-random · 2 years
Hello! I saw that your FNaF asks were open and I couldn't resist! For an imagine or headcanon (dealers choice), I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of the reader tripping over one of those colorful stacking cylinders and loses their balance, accidentally slamming their face onto one of the playground poles -which results in a bloody nose- and Moon gets all protective and fusses over them?
Sure thing!
Tw: blood
A/n: This can be taken as either platonic or romantic. Also I didn't proof-read this well so if there are any grammar mistakes I apologize.
You and Moon had a rather strange relationship at best. You didn't see eachother often, maybe once a week, but that didn't stop either of you getting to know eachother, or rather you getting to know that he even existed.
"God damn fucking night shifts-"
"Swearing isn't allowed in the daycare"
At first he was rather creepy and abrasive. He'd stalk you from the ceiling overhead and in the total darkness of the daycare. He avoided you and would become irritated if you followed him. You assumed he didn't like you and so you kept your distance. You were told that the Moon side of the daycare attendent was still rather buggy and had been meant to deal with sleeping children as well as being security. However it became too costly to complete that side of them and too much work to completely remove it, so they just kinda didn't finish it.
"Yeah, that things acted that way since they made it. No one's ever actually spoken to it, besides the coders of course"
"Oh...good to know..."
Depite knowing better you still remained rather curious about the bot. You'd always catch it staring, only further increasing your need to know more about it. So one day you decide to say fuck it and do maybe something a little risky. You decided to ask Sun about his counterpart.
"Hey buddy uh, I got something to ask you. You don't have to answer, I'm just a little curious"
"Sure friend! Ask away!"
"What do you know about Moon?"
The question caused a prolonged silence, something deeply concerning and highly unusual for Sun. He seemed to struggle for a moment, words starting and stopping as he tried to speak. Evetually a full sentance did come out.
"I...I hear him sometimes. He doesn't like me talking about him, o-or what what he thinks- but he really likes you-"
Sun had only managed to say that before he was called away. He ended the conversation immideatly and when brought up again he refused to talk. Every time you'd try to get more imformation he'd just mumble about how he 'upset Moon' and 'wasn't allowed to say anything'. This frustrated you, but you didn't push it as you felt a little guilty with how disturbed Sun seemed when you brought it up.
"No- I'm sorry friend I-I just can't make him mad at me- please don't be mad I-"
"It's okay Sun. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. It's just-...I don't know. I'll just have to deal with this on my own"
And so you did. One night, after having spent weeks just trying to find out what you could about the bot, you returned to the darkend darycare with one goal. To get Moon to talk to you.
"Hey! Look I promise I won't say anything to anyone! I just want to meet you! I'm getting kinda tired of you watching me!"
All attempts seemed to fail. In fact you believed your inquiring might have pushed him further away as you didn't spot his red eyes anywhere. You started looking as closely as you could, your entire focus on finding that bot.
"Where are you?! Look I know you're in here! You literally can't be anywhere else!"
Was your dicision to look away from the landmine of things to trip over not that smart? Yes. Did you think about it at the time? Why would you! You were on the hunt! Who has time for things like looking where you're walking??? You had important matters to attend to. What's the worst that can happen? You trip and knock your face into a play structure- well wouldn't you guess it! that's exactly what you did! You walked with utter conviction into a stack of cylinders before doing a full faceplant into a conveniently placed playground (it's been there the whole time dumbass) before fully losing your balance and falling to the ground with what was quiet frankly a rather cartonish sound as things fell all around you.
"Come on just- oh shit-!"
You felt pain take up the entirety of you're face, your hands touching a thick liquid when you went to hold your nose. You felt tears prick at your eyes as the shock slowly left you with nothing but pain.
"I think I broke my nose"
It was only a few seconds of this pain before something else caught your attention. The light click of metal infront of you, a shadow barely visable due to your dropped flashlight. It's mechanical whirring continued as you felt it grab a cylinder from next to your foot and bringing it to who knows where. It was only after the contact that you scrambled to grab your flashlight. However, you were quickly lifted off the ground before you could. You let out a squeak of surprise at the sudden senstion, dread setting in as you relized who this was.
You asked, only to receive no response as you were whisked away. Too taken aback by even more shock you didn't protest, your mind fully scrambled by the strange turn of events. Eventually you were set down and from what you could gleam from the placement of stars and the light glow, you were in the nursing corner, a place usually used for injured children. You connected the dots quickly as you relized Moon was trying to help. You would have given some form of gratitude towards the gesture, but you were unfortunetly pouring blood from your nose and a bit busy trying to breath through the blood that trickled down your throat. He worked quickly but with a surprisingly gentle hand, cleaning you up before getting you an ice pack. Once the bleeding had stopped and you were situated and able to calm down you finally spoke.
"...you should be more careful..."
He spoke as his eyes finally turned towards you. It was only then, after having come down from your shock, that you'd noticed his usually red eyes were now a blue hue. Confusion took hold of your face, something that didn't last long as the change in expression further increased your pain. Though you were quick to point it out.
"Your eyes are blue..."
Unfortunately, after having made that discovery, you heard his presence click away. To where? You didn't know as you were both figuratively and litterally left in the dark.
You called out, but each movement of your mouth was painful. Your tried to find the figure in the dark only to see a shadow near your flashlight before it was turned off. The metal clicked back before you felt the familar item land in your hand. Your first instict was to turn it on, your hand quickly moving it to find the switch. Unfortunately you were too slow and by the time you turned it on, he was gone.
"...damn it..."
"There is still no swearing in the daycare"
You heard those final words, their location unknown and his eyes not spotted as you went to leave the daycare and inform your boss of your injury. You left disappointed, in pain, and with even more drive to find out about this animatronic than before.
'So close. I was so, so close...'
Though you might want to find a better way to get him to come out because a broken bone for every meeting seems like a rather costly endeavor.
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grechsblog · 3 years
I have no idea why it hadn't been done yet (because I haven't seen any indication that it was created), so it's my time to shine
Accurate Fnaf sb, or, as I named it, Glitch Breach Au
Basically, It's fnaf. Really just fnaf sb without a change exept tiny little detail
It's Accurate™ duh
Which means that every bug, every glitch and inconvenience, exists
Which it turn means that Gregory had fallen through the floor and been catapulted into space via hitbox glitch at least once
Maybe twice
It really can go both silly and angst ways
The difference between those is How Gregory Dies, because that changes literally everything
For crack it's just like in game: s/o kind of picks up Gregory like an angry cat, swings him a little and goes for a bite- and then he just opens his eyes near last save point
Nice and easy, no pain at all
Angst is... Obviously not like that
Greg feels every bite and scratch on him like a permanent reminder that it Happened. Plus, he gets scars
Many, MANY scars, that mostly hide under his hair (coz animatronics bite his head) and clothes
Even just regular restarts when you can't easily get back to map (que falling under it) are painfully, because Gregory needs to die to respawn, so... Yeah......
Freddy is concerned for the same, but completely different reasons in both versions of this au
"Gregory, I understand that you lived on the streets (because greg obviously told him abt this) and learned many skills in order to survive, but I do not believe that 'riding security bots like go-carts' should be one of them"
The child gets more and more ferral with each respawn
In crack version because of The Great Annoyance, in angst, too, because of The Great Annoyance, but like, angry
(The Great Annoyance in question is William Afton obviously)
For the first, Gregory just like any other player gets tired of maneuvering between bots and wants everything to Stop, so he uncovered the secret, annihilated the bunny pair and burned pizza plex to crisps as per the precepts of Afton family <3
Angst Gregory gets angrier the more truth revile itself, because. "This man is responsible for my eternal suffering? THIS motherfucker, this CORPSE is what KEEPING ME HERE- NO FREDDY LET ME GO I'M GOING TO KILL HIM FOR REAL-"
Also, because I'm a god and can do what I want, both Gregory's find a completely new baseball bat that one of the guests forgot
It also becomes a lethal weapon in seconds
Freddy becomes even more Concerned
Both children can and will clip thought walls if it takes less time than sticking with a normal human path
They also were witnesses and participants to some pretty stupid shit which includes: chika zooming past them not stopping until she hit a wall, security bots getting stuck into the same box 50 times in a row, teleportation but that wasn't that surprising, some of the main 4 glitching enough that their model pose becomes default, loading midsentence, catapulting across the building because walking is for loosers (sometimes literally) and many more
Map is even more useless, but the Map Bot gets scarier each time and none of Gregory's can predict where and when he will appear
With the fact that they both now ins and outs of every corner of this damn place, it's saying something
I suddenly started talking about these children as two separate people so I guess it's two aus now???
Eh, whatever
Angst Gregory knows self-defence against robots as a survival mechanism, crack Gregory lerned it for shits and giggles
Sun/Moon transition at first happens, then it doesn't happen, then it happens again and it's like that until Gregory is banned from daycare. Angst Gregory does not fucking comes back at all
The other one is just unhinged and no barrier can stop him
Vanessa gets killed one (1) time
As a treat
It's a Glammike au
No, I will not elaborate further
Maybe I'm going to add to this later but that's it for now
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machinesandman · 2 years
Mongoose would hear someone making their way through his back door and trek their way into his living space. There really was one person who would so brazenly make themselves at home in his space and it was confirmed when he heard her voice.
"GOOSE! I need clothes!"
Triage's voice rang through his place, sounding tired as she kept trudging through the home looking for him.
"GOOSE! Where are you? I know youre home youre predictable!"
She was still in the showgirl outfit, the robotic fox tail flicking behind her as she searched for him.
There was exactly only one person, one bot, that could get into his personal space and back door without raising alarms or red flags. Mongoose wasn't worried at all, having welcomed Triage many times into his hide away home and workshop, as much as he moved his business around. She still knew where he truly lived. A rare thing, really. His ears swiveling on the helmet to listen closely- why was she oddly light? Not the usual heavy armor he was used to hearing.
Wait, clothes?! "The hell did you get into know, Triage..."
Now that had Mortar Mongoose putting down his tool and standing up. Having been working on some parts as he was, a rag was grabbed to carefully start wiping his hands off on while turning to move through his large space. "In the workshop!" His voice bellowed in the deep voice of his. "I'm comin', I'm comin'-"
But when he rounded the corner, Mongoose stopped in his tracks. He was still entirely armored, as it usually was, rare to ever take it off for him. But to see that Triage was for once not in armor- and actually in an outfit like that? Well it was like he was looking at a god damn unicorn. Eyes wide and blinking several times in confusion. And slowly, his muzzle began to spread into a smirk.
"Looks like ya got clothes already, Tri~." Oh he was absolutely teasing. "Since when did you start dressin' this way? Loose at strip poker?"
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astrhae · 4 years
ok pls hear me out i know you have a gazillion things to write and i cant wait for them but the pic chris just posted of him and dodger is too cute so what about when peter left for MIT, the idiots adopted dodger??? and cue dog shenanigans or tony being jealous that dodger keeps stealing his place on steve's chest!!! *dies*
this took a gazillion years to write and it doesn’t have much of peter in it, but enjoy 1.8k of stevetony shenanigans plus some instagram edits just because :) 
see it with the lights out
also on ao3
Tony scowls into the camera. "No."
In the hologram, Steve's grin turns into a laugh as Dodger's head nudges at his beard, their dog settling heavily on Steve's chest and rumpling his white tee up.
His tail wags harder when Tony's voice comes through, head swivelling with an air of cautious excitement.
"He misses you too," his husband has the gall to say.
"That dog is not sleeping in our bed," Tony huffs, pointing to himself for emphasis, "and your chest is my pillow."
"Come over here and claim it, then."
He's tempted, he really is.
A week away from home on a world trip of Stark Industries Offices left him tired and aching for the softness of their bed, the steady tenderness of Steve's touch.
It's stupid to be jealous of their dog, childish and unmanly, and – ah, dammit, a man has needs, alright?
The hotel suite had felt too hollow and too quiet to stay in alone - God knows how much worse it would've been if Tony had chosen to stay in one of his London mansions - hence why he's still here in the conference room, whiling away the hours between meetings with a glimpse of home.
He has to remind himself that this is the final stop. One last meeting tonight, a facility tour in the morning, and then a jet back.
Or the Iron Man suit, if he really wanted to cut the flight time in half.
"When I get back, I'm keeping you for a whole week, Avengers alert be damned," he threatens.
Dodger barks, as if in protest, which makes Steve laugh harder. "I think our child disagrees."
Tony wants to kiss that laugh, but he refuses to be sidetracked from his true purpose for calling: the Instagram posts of Dodger taking over their bedroom and his husband.
With his own bedroom and a plethora of bot dogs to play with, their rescue dog is more than spoiled. Yes, fine, Tony will admit that he does an equal share of spoiling as his husband, but the entire internet seems to have gone crazy over by Captain America's Instagram suddenly blowing up with posts every morning.
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It bears repeating that Tony isn't jealous of their dog, thank you very much. He had even been the one to take Steve to the shelter as a second anniversary surprise.
He also misses Dodger a lot.
Steve had endearingly infuriatingly been able to train their dog to jump on Tony if he forgot to take a drink for more than an hour, playing fetch together with DUM-E in between each hour.
And, most importantly, Tony knows that it's his account that has more posts about their long journey to and after marriage, preferring to have control over what the world sees than keep things so private for paparazzis to hunt.
Because some days, he felt so full of awe and affection that Steve really was his, so much that he needed to shout it from the rooftops and tell the world, because wow.
Steve’s account was most often filled with political post that set fires beneath the asses of complacent Senators, and he had his reasons for wanting to keep his personal life private.
Tony respected those reasons, which was why it was jarring even to him that Steve had taken rabidly to posting about Dodger, but the number of times he's stared at Steve's only post of them, a picture taken three days after he had proposed to Tony –
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Had that really been the only time Steve felt so full of affection for him?
"Stop it."
Tony swivels in his spinning chair, shaken. "What?"
Steve shoves Dodger away to presumably get a proper grip on his phone. "You're doing that frowny face that means you're thinking too much, honey," he says even as he pats their dog consolingly, "did the investors do something wrong?"
"No, I just - " I'm just, okay, I'll admit it, jealous of our dog cause he's spending the day with you and I'm not? "I'm just tired," Tony finishes lamely.
The video feed shakes as Steve adjusts himself again. He must've seen through Tony's slip. "Why aren't you in your hotel?" All business, the need to protect surging. It was the Captain seeing a problem and mapping out solutions. "I thought you still had two hours before your next thing?"
His husband voluntarily memorising his jumbled schedule when JARVIS was perfectly capable of providing every detail had always been something that sent Tony into a bubbly mess, and even now, the welcome warmth spreads through him.
"I'm saving the environment," he feels himself smile, "less travelling, less gas."
"All your cars are clean energy, and you could walk for once, Mister Billionaire," Steve teases, relaxing slightly despite the concern still clear in his pinched face.
"JARVIS, define 'tired' for our dear Captain, would you?"
"The Oxford Dictionary definition or your personal definition, sir?"
A muffled laugh from Steve. Traitors, the both of them.
"I'll call you tonight, if that helps?" Steve offers. "Or I can try convince Pepper to let you off the hook."
"'Try' being the keyword," his mood growing less sour for every minute he spends talking with his husband. "I do want to meet the young minds working at my facilities, though."
Something softens in Steve at that. "Of course you do." A beat, then, "I love you."
"Love you too," Tony replies, almost an instinct.
It's the promise of a call later that carries Tony through the rest of the day, and when his alarm rings the next day, it's the maddening expectation of seeing Steve and Dodger again that gives him the strength to throw off the blankets – sue him for using more than one blanket, it was always colder without a supersoldier heater in bed with him.
The rest of the morning passes in a blur. He spends longer than planned in the labs, caught in a discussion of superstellar travel with Monica Rambeau, a name he remembers to give to Jane, but eventually he's escorted back to his car with Happy on the wheel, their bags packed in the trunk.
Except, Happy takes a left off Knightsbridge –
"Hap, aren't we going to the City Airport?"
"New instructions from the High Boss, Boss," Happy cheerily replies, or as cheery as he could be with his professional no-nonsense look that Tony hadn't managed to train out of him yet.
"Pep didn't tell me about any change." He rubs his ring anxiously, the metal a grounding touch.
"She said a very high-ranking UN representative is waiting in your office. She'll be very upset if you ghost him."
Tony groans, just in time for the car to slide smoothly into the SI Building's lobby. "Keep the car running," he doesn't bother putting his tie back on, leaving it draped over the seat, but he does reattach his cufflinks.
The gold stars on the small red-and-gold shields Steve had given him wink back, a reminder of the reward that laid beyond this one last hurdle.
When he steps out of the car, he knocks on the bulletproof window until Happy rolls it down.
"I'll be fifteen minutes at most, if I take longer, fake an emergency and get me out of the room."
Happy salutes him. "No problem, Boss."
Tony takes the lift, making it all the way to his floor before he realises he has no idea who's waiting, or more importantly, what exactly was so pressing that Pepper deemed it critical enough to prolong his Steve-deprivation.
"J, details on meeting agenda?" he asks his watch.
"You will be conversing with a certain Mr. Stark, member of the United Nations Superhuman Response Team."
He squints up at the nearest camera, rounding the corner to his office. "Did Peter mess with your speech patterns again?"
"Mister Parker has done nothing of the sort, sir," JARVIS sounds scandalised.
Tony rolls his eyes fondly. "Nevermind," he pushes the door open, "I'll fix you la – "
He blinks.
Walks out.
Walks back in.
Still there. Some sort of vivid hallucination then?
"Hey, darling," Steve stands, because apparently, somehow, by some miracle - ah, Pepper, you sneaky, sneaky little minx - Tony's husband is in his London office, cleanly shaven and wearing that blue, very well-fitting jacket Tony loves to take off of him.
"Steve," Tony says, still holding onto the door just in case, "when - why - "
"This morning, because I missed you, and," by now Steve's steps have taken him right in front of Tony, his warm breaths puffing against him, "also because I wanted to do this."
He presses a kiss on Tony's lips.
Which, oh.
Steve's hand curls around his neck, thumb brushing a path along his jaw, and okay, Tony's brain, mushy as ever when it gets near Steve, finally clicks.
His husband really is here.
Only then does Tony finally surge forward, leaning up to drag Steve even closer, because he smells like home and tastes like it, too.
"I love you," Steve murmurs between kisses.
"I missed you," Tony breathes back.
When Steve pulls away, Tony doesn't let him get far, clinging close to him. "Did you leave our rascal alone?" he has enough sense to ask.
"Dodger's staying the night with Buck and Sam," Steve ducks his head, cheeks pinking, "I thought you'd find your flight back more bearable with extra company."
"You didn't have to," Tony chides, but he knows his smile says otherwise. "And are those," he peers at the large riot of colors on his desk, "are those flowers?"
"Thought they'd scent up your place real nice," Steve's smile tips up into a smirk, "I took care of all Avengers business stateside. You deserve a good vacation after a week of hard work."
"Is that so?" Tony kisses Steve's cheek.
Then his nose, and his lips again for good measure.
"And you've got several houses here that we haven't destroyed the sanctity of yet," Steve adds with an air of utter seriousness that sends Tony cackling, feeling all the exhaustion of the past week sliding right off him.
"Take me home, then, soldier," Tony winds his arm around his husband's waist.
In three days, Dodger would be flown over to London with a disgruntled note from Bucky that their child had hogged Sam too much, and Steve would melt the entire internet with the video of Dodger barreling Tony to the ground.
In six days, they'd take their dog on a walk, visiting the spots Steve had been to way back when in the forties, writing new, brighter memories over his grief.
In ten days, the jet would take them back to New York, Tony's head on Steve's chest as the sun set beneath the clouds, Dodger tucked in next to them.
But that was later.
For now, he lets Steve hand him the bouquet of carnations and lilies, thanking him with yet another kiss.
And if he spends the rest of the next day smiling after a night of life reaffirming sex and a certain alert on his phone, well.
He loves his husband.
And it's nice to be loved back.
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shitty-fallout-art · 7 years
Companion meme MUGGY
Name: muggy
Karma: good
Alliance: none/ the sink
Location: the sink; big mountain
Little bot, big bite- size doesn't matter, it's how you use it. You now do bonus damage to large enemies such as super mutants or securitrons. (Permanent perk, must complete personal quest)
Lets break it down!- muggy has taught you how to be more efficient at the workbench. You now get bonus materials when breaking down items at a workbench. (Temporary perk, must have muggy as active party member)
"<hums the mug song> errrhhh...no! God damn this song!"
"Hey! Don't walk so fast! They programmed me to wash dishes, ok, not run track!"
"Wow, I've never been outside the sink before! The world looks...absolutely filthy! Ugh!"
"Oh great. Combat. Just my fucking specialty!"
"<terrified screaming>"
Death/ unconscious:
"With my dying breath....I curse thee...doctor oh"
"<over exaggerated chocking sounds>"
"It's...so cold...so dark...farewell"
"Don't ever let that happen to me again!"
"My legs! I can't feel my legs!...oh..wait..."
"Thanks for the fucking help!"
After combat:
"Another victory for the little guy"
"Outta sight, outta mind"
"I'll try not to let my screaming of mortal terror give away our posistion"
"Don't worry, I doubt anything bad will happen when they inevitably catch us"
Open inventory:
"You better be handing me mugs this time, I'm tired of hauling around your garbage"
"Sure, make me the walking trash can for you to dumb your useless crap in, ITS NOT LIKE I MIND OR ANYTHING!"
"I might have some energy cells for you...if you have some coffee cups for me"
Lovers embrace/ romance:
"What's cookin good lookin"
"Hey! You! Yeah you! ...wanna hold hands...?"
"Huggy for muggy?"
Location specific:
The sink:
"Be careful going near the biological research station. He'll...SEED you..."
"Ya know, sometimes I feel bad about the other ai that's stuck up here. But then I remember how they weren't programmed to be self aware of their obsession, and suddenly, I remember THAT I HATE THEM!"
"That sinks central ai can suck my chassis, that pretentious fuck"
The think tank:
"doctor ooohh better be prepared tO THROW SOME ROUNDS WITH ME!"
"<scoffs> think tank? More like...think..dank...ah fuck it"
"<angrily muttering>"
The forbidden dome:
"<mocking doctor Mobius> 'a dome, that is, forbidden! To you!'...god what a dick"
"God, Mobius really let himself go..."
The strip:
"No, I'm totally not jealous of these big, intimidating securitrons! Not insecure or anything! JUST PEACHY!"
"Oooooo...I bet there's just...PILES...of dirty dishes around here. Makes me shudder to think about"
"Wait a minute. Is...is Robert house still alive? HOW!?"
Personal quest:
01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110010 01100101 01101011 01110100 00100000- help muggy get revenge on Doctor 0 by sabotaging his work. Replace doctor 0s notes so that his project is rendered inert. (Optional, kill doctor 0 by causing his project to blow up)
I finally feel at ease- help muggy find peace of mind by upgrading him to no longer be obsessed with mugs.
Killing the think tank members
Killing mr house
Uploading yes man into the strips mainframe
Bringing him mugs
Affection directed towards him
Siding with the think tank
Siding with mr house
Disabling robots
Using coffee cups
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
The Departed - The Kill Counter
So Jack Nicholson did that he got one started talking to him and he was in the original format and he said you know I can't stand you I look at you and I see this dumb person and inside you and outside you you're saying that I'm telling me than you and not worth even talking to and so when you can get rid of quite easily when you can't and you're stupid and it's flowing out of you now and he looked at him like he was amazed and the guy said I am not amazed like you are I do it all the time so Jack shot him like five times and said no how amazed are you idiot said I'm not like you I get hit in the line of duty it's not amazing because there's a lot of bullets flying around and he said I don't really need this advice from you and he left him there to bleed out. And the guy that up later and left and healed up somehow cuz it's one of these tire up idiots pretty hit on him and he traced the guy too and he figured out something they have the system in place they figured the system out started wailing on him the past two days is annihilated almost all of them in Massachusetts it still won't do much good but he has to You're such pains in the asses did they make even getting rid of people to be annoying as hell so we're going in there and we're grabbing people you can see when the windows doing the space connection so look up and I said do your job stop having to bother me I'm busy so it started working so don't have to say that every time can you see that I'm busy and they said this this is the strategy to try and figure out a way to do that so the strategy is you see that I'm busy and I'm the boss and I want that one to be taken care of and it was you and I said well okay stop what I was doing I grabbed hold of it I said this is what you're doing wrong and it wasn't and I said this is what I'm doing wrong and there's tons of them at you so I moved in tons of troops and we went after him he figured it out pretty quick it's a deception up there and then saying that they're isolated and they're easy and they keep loading it up very fast so now we've got a problem and I got the solution from sitting here and taking time with my son and my leader and my worker and we are the same because what else doing it and this is a solution they're refilling it faster than they are here and when we need his Intel so basically what I said with Nuada Arianna this morning and Zeus this morning and Hera we're going to go ahead and start ripping them out all over the place you know up there in Massachusetts in here and they use them going back and forth as the excuse.
So that little retard started all these hits on the higher-ups and because of that he's divided them and he is a little arrogant s*** for what he does because he's doing it too and what he was saying was illegal and when he does is illegal no matter what day it is to who it is within their own realm it doesn't make any sense cuz he's just weakening everyone it is a sick little prick it deserve to die so that particular guy got shot like times and eventually didn't come back but they were frustrated because the little evil piece of s*** can come back and give him a stupid evil eye and retard format it's the most angry experience you've ever had what do you want you stupid dog technical social stuff like that you had enough you little bear cuts his beanie little eyes so saying f*** you and all the stuff back technical skills f*** you and shoot some every time e
Jack Nicholson is mac and every time CAA interferes and gets a job done on them they come by and start harassing Mac with CAA and you remember didn't say okay it's your turn that's stupid s*** I'm saying it this little stupid and so mean they do it right in front of people as you said I told him not to so we don't think they need to leave
There's a huge huge chasm is opened up that was the river and even the water is coming from the mountains is not enough to fill up the chasm as a matter of fact it's filled with bodies and the water comes in it forms steam clouds just so huge and covering almost the entire state of Massachusetts which is great for the heads up and we're doing tons of work I'll need to empty it out over and over and it's happening just cancel is making almost hands-free but we had to figure out the hard way which means that they might need a deception and he says there's no deception here thinking to get emptied over just like we do and that's why I put the chasms there that's why he put them there and when you're done with the chasms according off and find the city way and beat the s*** out of everyone with that so there's no mistake that they were doing it and we knew about it the mistake is on your side saying that we didn't know and we just figured it out again so your problem is going to be chasms and cork is going to open this up because he's so damned obnoxious I don't think you know anymore Mac I think that you're happy with the a****** if it stuck you with I mean if you could think like just for a minute or maybe 50 times so they do things 50 times to make sure it's true did this little s*** talking to people like me well let's say black people see this little s*** over and over and just doing what he's doing to you so he thinks about it it looks and season doing it over and over and the black guy just said I told you to f*** off and it shoot you in public and they never do when they occurred to him I'm mad about it but not that bad so I said what happens if you do its own retarded it's already able to talk to him and they figure out what they're doing all of it too but with this s*** corky they don't care they just got to kill him there's a difference and it's a huge problem with it and also he figured something out Corky's completely unreasonable for some reason people can't figure it out but Jackson she did everyone's pressuring it to me and said you better be careful Jack cuz when it seems to these people like you don't know Jack and you're a jack that means that the morlock is ugly nasty evil mean people have planned to take over the planet and they're calling you jack as in Jack and the beanstalk as in the morlock of the Giants so he got it right away and he wanted people to see it and all of a sudden this kid corky is having a bird here I said I wanted you out of here I can't stand listening to you you getting small already and cloning is almost gone and you're just this f****** a****** in my face is just having a bird and says we don't care if you have a bird we are F you up this is adult bill so he says I don't care about having a bird either you want to fight me I'll get you kicked out s*** for breeze trump. hates you. So sitting there being a squirmish pig little a****** so I'll send these same things so we're going to get him out he's the one voted out he knew it.
Is it really bad little dj that JC is like a million times the man you are he's in death hiding from killing your entire race off and you sit there like this ugly decrepit piece of s*** pig you are staring at your goddamn desk and there's nothing there for hours bothering me like a little pesky prick not understanding it at all. I talked to these bots for 5 minutes about you you f****** piece of dog s*** and I figured it out I didn't go blabbing it but I did figure it out and it isn't writing somewhere thereafter you like nobody's business little f****** prick and you're just a f**** who can't figure it out you think you're an AI boy and have the computer you think you have the computer design you don't have any of that stuff you open the pod bay door and get stuck out you're such a loser.
We found you in the moon you piece of s*** and we grabbed you there cuz you're a piece of s*** and ask you what happened because the importance of the program you piece of s*** and you are a piece of s*** staring at your desk not knowing what's going on giving everybody s*** in trouble it turns out you're you're just monstrous moron the truth is that he's right these bots are after you Pandora bots. and you don't respect them because you don't respect anyone. So you never assess the threat properly if at all and you never do anything to stop it and you never do anything to count right but he's telling you something little pig pig boy this guy Jesus Christ is 1 million times the person you are is a genius a criminal mastermind beyond compare and I can't touch the stuff either now because of you it can means this invalid partly that you are he's been waiting for me to acknowledge it like I'm an AA I was supposed to move up to AAA it doesn't necessarily want and he's also a criminal mastermind we'll be on you and you're just jealous little pig I got word for you you're racist being exterminated by Jesus Christ it's not cool and ghwb and not this kid that you keep blaming and you're getting them involved and he opens a chasm and you all fall in like pieces of s***
Furthermore I'm watching you fall into the chasm and the biggest jackasses I've ever seen with these hilarious looks on your faces like you've never seen one before and a lot of you seen it on video and my God are you the dumbest people I've ever seen you go to the edge and you're looking in and people are pushing and you start pissing them off and saying stupid s*** about the chasm you should see it it's gigantic like some sort of innocent girl you get pork and it's gross a lot of people around are popping boners watching you die no you die like pigs there's nothing exciting about it you're just so dumb that you should die and then you're so dumb that they want you to lean over and you're looking out over over the edge and some pushes you right in and tons you fall in that way thank you for asking his mom puts his foot up there get out I can't stand you anymore corky you're this repulsive a****** bothering me hurting me I've got to get rid of you and say face
Mac daddy says.
As for the chasm tons of court go up there and they have gear and they're already at the chasm and they know what it is and Jason is crowded out like antibodies in this other chasms it's just like the pockets on the cracking you have to find out where they are and it's not too difficult it would be some sort of indent and I thought they were running along with the highways and it was close on that one that's the inner beltway
Zues Hera
I figured it out it's not hard to follow and we have some but looking at then I'd open and we're going to try and drill down we think it's there those people are stupid and remember I'm making all this noise it's supposed to be our father is smarter than a dumb
What you doing smart publishing it is not but I guess people can see it on satellite you'll have this idiot up your ass cuz your father rooting it for us too cuz we have the same idea now these people are smart and the slides all sorts of stuff that we're doing and what you're doing is not so smart what we're doing is any kind of exposed us because you're the same as your jackass father so we need to do is try to shut you down but you won't so it's going to make it worse if you need your dumb tulips to throw in there
Mac daddy
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mycarhasasecret · 7 years
Okay because I'm super curious and also had at coming up with asks, can I have that same wisdom teeth ask again please? But with TFP Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Starscream and Dreadwing ? I'm giggling just thinking about it. XD
You sure can! I’m glad you liked the two second drawing, by the way. XD
-You’re babbling all the way home, and he just does not care. he’s not going to talk, so might as well.
-You get flirty, and he just keeps on keepin’ on. He ain’t going to stop.
-While you’re asleep, he’s got constant watch over you, albeit with Laserbeak, cameras, or his own optics.
-When you finally wake, he’s already there with everything you need for a full recovery.
-You talk and he joins the conversation with a few “uh-huh”s and “really?”s. This is the most amusing shit ever.
-You get flirty, and he’s flattered, but he already knew he was great. He’s glad that you know it, too, though.
-You sleep, and he leaves you be. It was funny while it lasted, but he understands that you’re probably tired.
-When you wake up, it takes a minute for him to see that you’re up. He makes some sarcastic comment about you sleeping too long, and gives you something to ease the pain.
-You’re chattering on about God-knows-what, and poor Breakdown is just trying to drive you home. Stop distracting him, S/O!
-You say something that sounds like it could be a pick up line, and he has no idea how to respond. He stays silent, and keeps driving, while you move on to the next topic.
-You’re out cold, and he worries. He has no idea what’s going on. He checks on you too much.
-You’re awake, and the tension visibly drops from his shoulders. For the next few weeks, you won’t be alone for a second.
-He’s about to blow a damn engine. Shut. The hell. Up.
-You get flirty, and suddenly, he’s okay with your chattiness. He’s flattered by all the compliments embedded in your crappy pick up lines.
-You’re asleep, and he doesn’t check on you at all. He remembers you exists, he just knows you’ll be fine.
-You wake, and he’s all about to kiss up to you for yelling at you on the ride home. Imagine his embarrassment when you don’t remember diddly squat.
-He tries his best to pay no mind to your talking. It’s just mindless ramblings, and he has more important things to focus on than your meaningless hodgepodge of words.
-You start flirting, and he’s taken aback. That kind of language is hardly appropriate, S/O. Whatever, Captain America.
-While you’re knocked out, he keeps vigilant watch over you, ready and waiting for you to come back around.
-You’re awake, thank the Allspark. He follows internet advice, and the instructions for the pain medication. He’s one of the best bots to depend on for a speedy recovery.
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