#I'm sad it got the vault
mkstrigidae · 1 year
Also, genuinely think that was the BEST floor routine we've seen from Simone since her comeback like holy shit way to pull it out when it counts
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Costumes 34, 35, 36, and 37
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june 2024 octa + 4koma manga updates
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As a reminder, no Episode of Savanaclaw manga chapter this month ^^ And without further ado, some of the highlights (in my opinion) of the latest manga updates:
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This month's cover page illustration features Yuuta and Grim marveling over a chess board (since at this point in the story they're camping out in Savanaclaw). If you look closely, each of the pieces on the chessboard represent the relevant TWST characters; there are two card soldiers (presumably one for Ace and one for Deuce), a wolf for Jack, a hyena for Ruggie, and a lion for Leona on the "white" side. On the opposing "black" side (fitting, since Azul will OB soon) are two eel pieces for the twins and one octopus piece for Azul.
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We continue the adorable overly flattering Ace from last month's chapter! Sad to say that I, too, would be completely fooled by this act-- asbfalebqejdqo The older merguard is also very cute and enthusiastic. I love that the manga can give faceless NPCs and mobs actual eyes. It grants them a lot more personality and soul! We continue the adorable overly flattering Ace from last month's chapter! Sad to say that I, too, would be completely fooled by this act-- asbfalebqejdqo The older merguard is also very cute and enthusiastic. I love that the manga can give faceless NPCs and mobs actual eyes. It grants them a lot more personality and soul!
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HECK YEAH, IT'S TWEELS tERRORISM TIME BBABY 🤡 Jade and Floyd got sooo many good shots this chapter????? Love that the second page above shows us just how long Floyd is + how the two genuinely delight in scaring our crew (RIP Ace, he looks so close to death's door when he seeks Jade and Floyd peeking at him).
These panels paint the picture of the chase and fight being very frantic for our crew, but really being a chill game to the Leech brothers. They definitely have the upper hand this whole time, and the art helps to convey that feeling!
(Side note: that face Deuce makes with the pinched mouth is also top tier 👌)
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So this chapter is the one where Leona swipes the keys to Azul's vault and robs him of all the golden contracts. This results in many, MANY distressed, panicked, and/or desperate expressions from Azul... all of which are soooo delicious <3 There's a ton more than what I've included here (I picked some of my faves), I just couldn't include them all because of Tumblr post image limits.
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Featuring: out-of-shape nerd (relatable) Azul fans fr feasting this update 🙏
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RUGGIIIIIIE 🥰 He makes a lot of :3 faces that are just great!!
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anyway Anyway ANYWAY!!!!!! Azul is so close to snapping now, boys :)))) Soon... SOON, OB AZUL AND CHILD!OCTAVINELLE IN HIS FLASHBACK...
Now for 4koma news! This month features a comic about Epel playing Magift/Spelldrive and another comic about Jamil cooking curry.
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My favorite segment from the Epel comic! Grim is peak cuteness here, love that he curls into himself to brace for impact, INCLUDING THE FRIGGIN TAIL.
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HLBQVUFOQVIYFA; This part made me think of my Gordon Ramsay in Twisted Wonderland series, specifically the fish-themed installment with Jamil and Deuce; in it, Jamil plots on making a seafood dish to serve to Azul as revenge for the events of book 4. In the Jamil 4koma this month, Jamil sees Octavinelle and then considers making a seafood/fish curry with that smug-ass face in the bottom-most panel 💀 That's all for now! See you next month for more~
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Nothing Has Changed - 14
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Author Note: So... I wrote the story outline until the ending. I didn't expect the story to turn dark. Prepare yourself.
Nothing Has Changed - Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 💖💖💖
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You knew that Steve and Bucky weren't as close as they used to be, but seeing it up close felt even more awkward. Bucky, on the other hand, didn't seem stressed despite his mother being sent to jail.
As you watched Bucky load your groceries into your car, you asked, “I don't feel any bromance between you and Steve anymore.”
Bucky shrugged, not missing a beat as he placed another bag in the trunk. “Well… I won’t deny it. Ever since we all went our separate ways, while Steve stayed, everything just became different.”
“I did offer him a job at the resorts, but he declined.” His voice held a note of regret. “It’s sad that we’re not close anymore.”
You watched him for a moment, feeling a pang of something you couldn't quite identify. You never had someone who used to be close to you turn into a stranger. The closest person you had was Ransom. He betrayed you once but still kept in contact. Then there was Harlan, the only older person who was like a grandfather figure to you. But he's gone now.
“You're a good friend,” you said softly.
Bucky’s eyes widened in surprise. “Did… Did you just give me a compliment?”
“No.” You quickly got into your car, hoping to hide the faint smile on your face.
He chuckled and hummed, “Yes, you did.”
As you closed the car door, he knocked on the window. You rolled it down a little. “What?”
“I know I'm asking a lot, but could you help out at the resort again?” Bucky’s voice was earnest, almost pleading.
You raised an eyebrow. The idea of going back to the place that kicked you out felt just as wrong as when you got fired from Drysdale. Memories of the humiliation and hurt still stung.
Bucky seemed to sense your hesitation. “I will make sure the environment is different this time.”
That got your attention. “How?”
“You'll see it tomorrow.” He smirked a hint of mischief in his eyes, and then turned to leave. You watched him walk away, a mix of curiosity and skepticism swirling in your mind.
The next morning, you woke up with uncertain feelings. Should you go back? But you decided to give it a try.
When you parked your car, you saw someone walking out the door carrying a box. It was Natasha.
You got out of the car and walked past her. Natasha glared at you, spitting out, “Bitch. Are you happy?”
You stopped and turned to face her, feeling a newfound confidence. “What did I do that made Bucky fire you? Tell me. All the evidence points to Lydia.”
Natasha flinched, taken aback by your directness. The old you would have been too afraid to talk back to her.
In truth, only Bucky knew the real reason she was fired. She had been receiving hush money from Lydia. The first time she caught Lydia red-handed, stealing money from the vault and stuffing it into her designer bag, she was paid off to keep quiet.
Her front desk salary couldn't buy her designer bags and shoes with cash. The money from Lydia was the reason she could afford them. But no matter what she had, it was nothing compared to what you possessed.
“Tsk.” She clicked her tongue and walked away.
You sighed. She hadn't changed. She always lashed out at you.
“Did she bother you?” Bucky's voice broke through your thoughts.
“No. She just blamed me,” you replied, shaking your head.
“I'm sorry,” he said, looking genuinely apologetic.
“I'm used to it. She hasn't changed at all,” then turned and walked into the building.
You started working again. You felt more relaxed, perhaps because Lydia and Natasha were no longer there to cast their shadows.
‘Knock, knock.’
You lifted your head and saw Jake standing at the door.
“You're back,” he said, stepping inside.
“Yeah,” you replied, continuing your work.
He took a seat in front of you. “Me and the other employees are grateful to you.”
“Why?” you asked, looking up.
“Because those women are gone,” Jake said.
Your pen stopped moving. “Was it that bad?”
Jake shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we kinda knew. But we couldn't do anything. Especially me. This place was the only one that gave me a job after what happened.”
You leaned forward, curious. “Can I ask what happened to you? Someone as smart as you making a mistake like that doesn’t seem right.”
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. “People won’t believe me when I tell them, but I guess you could understand it.”
“Me?” You raised an eyebrow.
He nodded. “Just like you, I was framed for something I didn’t do.”
Before Jake came back, he had a good job at an IT security company. But he was blinded by money when he got an offer to make a gambling website.
“Wait… what about the rumor you hacked the Department of Defense’s security?” you asked, intrigued.
Jake leaned in, lowering his voice. “That’s… well, off the record. I can’t tell you about that. But it wasn’t the reason I got arrested.”
The reason he got arrested was someone tipped off the authorities that he was the person who made the illegal gambling website. Jake did, but he was also accused of receiving $30 million from money laundering that was used on the site.
“Wow,” you said, shaking your head. “Do you know who asked you?”
He shrugged his shoulders, scratching his head. “It's my own fault too. I got the request from the dark web. It was difficult to prove to the judge, and I didn’t have the money to pay for a good lawyer.”
“How did you get released?” you asked, still in disbelief.
“I got a plea deal. I knew some secrets. Do you want to know?” Jake winked at you.
You scoffed, “No thank you,” and went back to work.
Jake chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “But seriously, thanks for what you did here. It means a lot to all of us.”
You nodded, acknowledging his gratitude, but focused on your work.
You went back home, only to see the last person you wanted to see walking out of your house—the mayor.
You stayed in your car until he left, then got out and headed inside.
When you entered the house, you saw Tom sitting on a chair with his head resting on his hand. He looked stressed and pale.
You rushed to him and touched his shoulder. “Father?”
Tom flinched, then looked up at your face. He patted your arm. “Y/N.”
“Yes?” you asked, your voice filled with concern.
“Could you stop whatever you're doing right now?” he said, his voice trembling.
Seeing how stressed and scared your father was, you knew it could only mean one thing—the mayor had given him a warning.
“Did he threaten you?” you asked, your eyes searching his face.
Tom shook his head. “No, he just gave me some advice. Lydia has all the connections. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Bullshit. It wasn’t advice. It was clear that Lydia and the mayor were partners in crime.
“I'll listen to you,” you said, patting his shoulder reassuringly.
Tom sighed in relief and nodded, glad you didn’t object. “I'm going to make some tea. Do you want some?”
Before you could answer, your phone vibrated. It was Steve. “I’m going to take this,” you said, stepping away.
You moved to another room. “Hey.”
Steve’s voice came through the line. “Are you busy right now?”
“No. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to tell you that I’ve arrived at the art gallery,” Steve said.
“That’s great!” you replied, a smile spreading across your face.
“Y/N?” he continued, sounding a bit uncertain.
“Hmm?” you prompted.
“I feel so small surrounded by these skyscrapers,” he admitted.
You remembered feeling the same way when you first arrived in the city.
“But it gives big opportunities,” Steve added, a note of hope in his voice.
You smiled, feeling a bit lighter. At least there was some good news. “Stay optimistic like that, and you’ll get it, Steve.”
In a big house, a woman lay on the couch, casually flipping through a magazine. An ankle bracelet adorned her right ankle—it was Lydia.
Bucky came home and walked into the living room, his footsteps echoing in the spacious room.
The moment she saw him, her expression twisted with anger. She hurled the magazine toward him, but he caught it effortlessly.
“You're just like him,” she spat, her voice dripping with bitterness.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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wrr000 · 5 months
"like a shadow"
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Summary: The ghoul you hired for protection liked you more than both of you would expect.
Warnings: english isn't my first language; really short; it's from my Cooper x oc fic, but idk if I should post chapters here; pure soft; inner thoughts; reader is similiar to Lucy
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You finally made it to town. Walking thru the wasteland felt like an endless journey while burning sun was always watching every step of foolish humans, who dared to cross these lands. And it wasn't the only threat waiting for your mistep. You earned that stop to rest and gather strength. He deserved it as well.
This place was pretty civilian. By the standards of the wasteland, of course. People were trying to live a "normal" life and some constantly pretended like The Great War never happened. You didn't mind it as long as they didn't act suspicious towards you. Besides, he was here and that made you feel... safe. Kinda. Weird nonetheless.
He was the one who announced parting ways in town and you kindly agreed (like you had a choice).
"I'm goin' to check what chems they got here, think you can handle things on your own, Vaultie" - usual smirk appeared on his fucked up face.
That ghoul was driving you insane. Even after paying him for escort and protection he was still threatening you and bitching around that he actually doesn't care about you and if something big is going to happened - his life goes first, not you. But the sad truth was - you couldn't really blame him.
Ironically, someone like him turned out to be the kindest thing you met since reaching the surface. He was terriyfing, cruel and nothing alike anyone from the Vault. But as time passed, you saw something more in him, under that hard shell and feeling of fear passed. His action were still shocking to you, but wasteland has it's own rules and you started to understand that.
It wasn't a suprise that Cooper didn't want to walk around the town. You felt like he couldn't stand you. But it was fine, you kinda enjoyed exploring and discovering the town alone. Just like the good old times as a child in the Vault.
Little you knew that you had a shadow. Unaware of a pair of penetrating eyes watching your every graceful move. Your smile was the brightest on the whole planet and every small gesture was full of passion. Analizing you very carefuly. You didn't saw him, but he saw you perfectly.
It was hard for the ghoul to admit it to himself that he grew fond of you during your journey together. Very hard. Worst, poor bounty hunter realized that he had a soft spot for a stupid naive Vaultie. Thankfully, you didn't notice anything and he could suffer in silence.
You reminded him of a long gone humanity. Always kind and polite, naive as hell, delusional and annoying. You even never judged him for being a ghoul! Ohhh, how he hated you, but loved at the same time. You were like his human half, a long lost part. He knew you wouldn't last long out there, people like you never lasted long.
Cooper took this job for money of course. You offered a good amount of caps and it was equal with massive stock of chems. But now, he thougth to himself, it would be a shame if something happened to you, right? That's why he was doing an "extra" job. Always watching, even if he didn't had to, always protecting you, even if you didn't noticed it.
In a long long long time the ghoul felt like a human again. It was pissing him off, but he missed that feeling. Well, he missed his whole previous life actually, more than he would like, but you kinda started to filling that void inside his ghoulish heart. Slowly.
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itsmarsss · 8 months
what the fuck? [Reggie Peters x fem!Reader] (Julie & The Phantoms)
(~from the vault~)
You and Reggie have been secretly dating for a while now, and Luke seems to have caught on to that. Who would have taken Luke Patterson for such an observant guy?
Word count: 2,244
Warnings: a few paragraphs of making out I think that’s it
"What a shame your parents don't use their cool-as-hell pool," you pointed out, looking at the sky through your shades.
"Their loss. But you know. There’s kinda no one around," he smirked, a mischievous look in his eyes to accompany whatever implications that came with his comment.
"Huh. That's true. Funny," you kept on, feighing obliviousness.
He flashed that smile that made all the Sunset Curve fangirls melt and swam to you, your faces now inches from each other.
"You’re so stupid," you let out a laugh before closing the space between you, entrailing your arms around his neck before kissing him.
You didn't get to keep on at that for any long before you could hear Reggie's name being called from outside, instinctively making you jerk away from each other. The voice you heard was undoubtedly Luke's.
You all really did have this habit of just randomly showing up at each other’s places.
"Luke?" Reggie yelled back.
"Dude we called you like three times!"
"We're in the pool!"
"Oh sweet!" Luke exclaimed, and you heard the back porch being unlocked. In a few seconds, Luke (and Alex, apparently) were standing above you by the edge of the pool.
"Y/n?" Alex asked, brows furrowed together.
"Uh why are you here?" Luke asked bluntly.
"Okay rude? I just came by and we decided to go for a swim."
Luke didn't seem to be buying it. "You just came by. For no reason."
"Did you not just do the same thing?"
"She has a point," Alex pointed out.
"Whatever. We’re going in!" With that, Luke took his shirt off in one swift motion, throwing it somewhere behind him on the floor, not caring about where it landed, and jumped into the pool. Alex went for a softer approach, taking his shirt off slowly and putting it on the floor with a safe distance from the pool, so it wouldn't get wet, before stepping in. The difference between them was so loud it was almost comical. 
You smiled to yourself as you watched them interact.
. . .
"Okay, you gotta tell me what’s going on." Luke had cornered you on your way to get changed after a few hours by the pool.
"What do you mean?"
"This was a date right?"
"Uh. This?" You motioned between you and him. "I'm sorry to break it to you, loverboy-"
He rolled his eyes at you. "Stop being funny. You and Reggie dumbass!"
You let out a nervous laugh. "What? No! I just came by! Don't be ridiculous."
"What so you just came by because you were bored or something?"
"And you didn't invite me and Alex because?"
"Oh is that what you're on about, Patterson? Are you sad we didn't invite you to hang out earlier? You and Alex get to hang out just the two of you all the time!"
"Yeah but that's a little different don't you think?"
"Okay well yes I am a little upset about that but I get it, you know, like I'm not hurt about it."
"So why are you being so annoying about it then?" You questioned, half-joking.
"Why are you wearing Reggie's shirt then?"
"Because I didn’t come here planning on swimming! That's all!"
"Uh-huh. I don’t buy it."
"Well okay." You pushed him aside and walked up to Reggie's guest room, where you'd left your clothes.
. . .
"Bye Reggie!" Alex exclaimed, the last one to bid him goodbye.
Reggie waved in return, smiling.
"Oh wait!" Luke stopped walking, turning back around. "We should do something tomorrow."
"Okay," you agreed.
"Like what?" Alex asked.
"I mean we could go to the movies maybe," Reggie suggested.
You let out a laugh. "Not when I am this broke."
"What? I'll pay."
"For all of us?" Luke inquired, confused.
Reggie went visibly flustered. "No, I don't think I got the money for that."
"We could just go to the beach," Alex offered.
Not a bad idea. "I mean yeah. It’s pretty hot outside."
Luke looked at you with a quirked brow, and you knew it was about you having your arms crossed against your chest because of the night breeze.
You rolled your eyes at him. "You're insufferable you know that? It's hot outside when the sun is out!"
"Fine by me," Reggie shrugged, agreeing.
"Okay. Eight?" Alex asked.
"What? I'm not waking up at eight on a saturday!” You exclaimed in response.
"Why not?"
"That's too early! It’s gotta be at least ten!"
"Oh but that's no fun! We don’t wanna catch the 12AM sun, I don't wanna go home looking like fucking shrimp or something," Luke intervened.
"Fine. But I hate you. You should know that."
He blew you a kiss. "Love you too." 
Alex turned back to you, signaling he wanted to get going. "Okay. Eight AM tomorrow then. Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
. . .
"You're really not gonna talk?"
"Ohmygod why are you so persistent about this? I already told you there’s nothing going on!"
"Okay did I miss something?" Right. Alex didn’t know what was going on.
"Well she is hiding something from us And I think it has something to do with Reggie."
"Oh," was all Alex said in return. He looked like he was thinking about something. You didn't ask.
"Well I know there's something and I'm gonna find out what it is."
"Well Sherlock Holmes, be my guest."
"Oh actually can I? Fought with my dad this morning."
"Can’t you go to Alex's?"
"Don’t think Alex wants any more trouble having to do with me."
You frowned in confusion. "They almost catch you together again? I mean if you still want me to pretend to be your-"
"No! I'm just trying to keep things cool. I think uh- I think I'm gonna tell them about it. Soon."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yeah. Just trying to make some money first in case they kick me out."
"They're not gonna kick you out," Luke got himself into the conversation again.
"Can’t really know."
"If they do kick you out, we'll find a way alright?"
Alex grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, nodding.
You went back to Luke. "Okay. Fine. But you gotta get in through the window cause my mom's at home tonight."
"Can we eat something? I'm starving."
"Yeah yeah okay, when she's asleep."
. . .
"Are you really not gonna tell me?" You and Luke were both sat on the kitchen counter now eating sandwiches, your mom long gone asleep.
This was getting annoying. Since when did Luke Patterson become so observant?
"Oh my fucking god! I forgot how annoying you can be when you want to."
"Please? I can see the way you look at each other!"
"And how do we look at each other?"
"Like you're in love or something!"
"Are you officially going crazy? Are you doing okay?" You put you hand over his forehand, pretending to take his temperature.
"Just tell me!"
"This isn't a slumber party, Patterson, we’re not braiding each other’s hair and talking about boys."
"We could!"
"Tell me about Alex then!"
"Well what do you wanna know?"
It was pretty obvious he'd thought talking about his own boyfriend would maybe get you to admit there was something going on between you and Reggie, or maybe even just that you had a mere crush on him.
Luke went to bed very annoyed at the fact that talking about his own stuff got him nowhere with you on that topic.
. . .
“You sleep in my room, you eat my food, you annoy the fuck out of me and now you want me to paint your nails?”
“I thought you were my best friend!”
“We’re going to the beach! No one at the beach is gonna care if your nails are painted or not!”
“Ugh, fine! But you’ll paint them when we get back?” Luke pleaded, and you rolled your eyes, making sure he saw it. 
“Fine. But you’re annoying.”
“Gotta have something in my favor.”
You were done packing for the beach day pretty soon, getting on your way to meet by Reggie’s place. Alex was already there when you arrived. 
“It’s almost 9!” Alex exclaimed, and Luke walked up to him, draping an arm around his neck, and you knew him enough to know he was trying to distract him from the fact that he'd been late. Poor Alex, someday the three of you would cause him a heart attack.
“Well Y/N here wouldn’t wake up.”
“Fucking liar? He literally bugged me for twenty minutes about painting his nails and ended up with non-painted nails anyway. Why would you willingly date him?”
Alex laughed. “Trust me that’s something I ask myself everyday.” Luke pinched his cheeks, knowing he was joking. 
“You love me.”
"Yeah, yeah," Alex smiled, blushing.
“Could you guys be cheesy somewhere else?” Reggie asked, only having heard the last part of the whole conversation as he was just now walking outside, eyes promptly squinting because of the sunlight. He went inside the house and came back quickly with shades on.
“You’re just mad you’re single.”
“I’m not s- mad. I’m not mad. Just uh- annoyed.”
Alex looked at Reggie weird. Luke looked at you weird. Neither said anything about any of it, nor about the fact that Reggie, with his already very pale skin, was read all around now, from his cheeks to his ears and all the way to his chest, visible underneath the white tank top he was wearing.
Now, Reggie lived right by the beach, so the way there was really just crossing the street.
You settled yourselves down and stayed there, in silence, as you took the view in for a bit. And then obviously enough time passed so that Luke couldn’t take staying still anymore, sunbathing clearly being too calm of an activity, and he dragged you all to the water.
The water, which was stupidly fucking cold, which got all three of you yelling at him for, to which he just laughed in response.
You all stayed in there for a while, not really doing anything but talking and occasionally starting water fights against each other (with an honorable mention to the one game of chicken that was held also), until it was about 11. By then, you were all really hungry, so you decided to just leave.
Reggie’s parent’s were on a trip, leaving the house to yourselves, and you comfortably got to making lunch. Everyone wanted something different, so you just ended up making everything at once, which got you weird combinations like ramen noodles and tomato soup. Who the fuck eats tomato soup for lunch on a summer day anyway?
When you were done, none of you really had the energy to change, just letting your clothes air-dry as you still wore them. It was a really hot day, to be fair, so it didn’t take long. 
The tiredness of the morning at the beach mixed with being full and the summer heat got all of you to act like you'd just ran a marathon, too lazy to do almost anything.
“You guys wanna write something?” Alex asked, and everyone groaned in protest.
“If we can stand,” Luke pointed out. 
“Come on we haven’t written in days!” Alex said, getting up right away. You didn’t feel like it, but he was right, so you reluctantly did so as well.
“Come on you babies.” You called, as if you weren't gathering every ounce of energy you could to even stand. "Where's the bass?" Reggie lazily pointed to the guest room, and you nodded before getting on your way to grab it.
“Dude.” Luke suddenly sat up as soon as you were gone.
“What?” Reggie asked in return.
“She seems pretty comfortable around here huh?"
“What? So do you.”
“Why are you guys making this so hard? Just say you’re into each other and go out!”
“You are into her, aren't you?”
“Here! Okay no drums but I do think you brought the drumsticks?” Alex confirmed with a nod. “That’s good enough.”
. . .
“Well what did you expect you baby?”
It was the day after you went to the beach, and Luke, who had insisted on staying in the water longer than everyone else, had a cold. Like it always happened.
“Not this?”
Alex rolled his eyes at the weak answer, but couldn’t contain a smile. You couldn’t contain one yourself.
“Whatever. Bobby should be back by now, we should go get him.”
“In this state?” Alex questioned, as if not believing him.
“I’m not that terrible!”
Reggie laughed, patting him on the shoulder as he walked past him on his way to sit by you on the couch. “Yeah man sure.”
“I’m offended!” He grabbed Alex by the wrist, forcing him to stand up from the chair by the dining table. “We’re going.”
“But-” You protested, about to suggest calling Bobby instead of going over.
“You can stay,” Luke said, a smirk forming on his face. 
“What do you mean?”
“We’ll be right back! And you two will talk it out!"
"Talk what out you psycho?"
"You know what!"
With that, they left in a second, leaving you and Reggie puzzled, with the house to yourselves for at least a little while.
Well, Luke had left a lot to interpretation, right?
. . .
“What?” You asked in the midst of your laughter. Whenever you made out with him, you felt was this weird feeling of being completely alone, which sometimes had led you to rather unfortunate events in which you forgot his parents would be coming back home, or that the boys were waiting on you for something and you'd had to make up excuses or find some way to hide in some situations, even, but it's not like you would trade it for anything else.
Right now he was staring at you as you tried to kiss him, and you weren’t getting it.
“You’re just pretty.” You were sitting on the couch, your back pressed to the side of it, your faces inches from each other, your bodies flushed against one another. He had both his hands on your jaw and you had yours around his neck, and this was perfect.
You could feel your cheeks burn. It wasn’t fair, you know? The way he knew just how to do that. And how aware he was of it, too! You could see it on his face, he was very clearly proud of himself for having that kind of effect on you. Who would’ve believed you if you told them, Reggie Peters, sweetest guy you knew, had a thing for getting you flustered. “Shut up.”
He smiled that dumb smile of his. “You know, I think we should tell them.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. They seem to be pretty supportive. And insistent," he added.
You laughed at the last part. “I guess. Fine. When?”
He shrugged. “Soon. Today? When they’re back? I don't know, I don't think it has to be a big deal, right?
You thought about it. “Sure.”
He nodded excitedly in approval before leaning in again.
Kissing Reggie was always sweet, no matter what. You could be making out at full speed, like the world was ending, and you would still feel appreciated. When everything had started you'd wondered if things would start to feel different with him- too different.
But after a while, you supposed it was still the same Reggie, after all.
And right now he was very obviously eager. It usually happened when he got excited about something, like a new riff he wrote and was proud of himself for, or some cool clothes he found, or, well, like right now, you supposed because you’d decided to finally tell your friends you were dating. 
You couldn’t keep yourself from commenting about it.
“You’re eager.”
“You’re hot.” You were always taken aback when he said things like that. Sure, Reggie wasn’t just that sweet innocent childish boy everyone insisted on seeing him as, but it was always odd seeing him get like that. In a good way, obviously. 
He resumed to kissing you, his hand descending to your waist, pulling you even closer. Suddenly, your back was pressed against the couch seat, and he was on top of you, but he was really careful as to not press his full weight on you, as he always was.
You were certain this boy would be the death of you.
You laced your hand to the hair on the back of his head, deepening the kiss even more, and he grabbed your other wrist with his own, pinning it right beside your face before intertwining your fingers with his. It was intimate in its own way with him, and it was hot and it was sweet at the same time and your head felt like it was buzzing, unable to think of anything else, really. Then you could feel his hand move down your waist to one of your thighs and he had the nerve to smirk against your lips when you involuntarily let out a sigh and-
“Okay what the fuck ?”
You were startled by Bobby’s voice, immediately jumping away from each other, ending up at opposite ends of the sofa, both panting, not having realized how out of breath you’d been until you pulled away. At the entrance of the living room stood Luke, Alex and Bobby, who, well- apparently had gotten back from his trip- all looking flustered at the scene they’d just witnessed.
Bobby and Alex were looking anywhere but at you, but Luke was wide-eyed, making direct eye contact with you specifically.
“So you were hiding something from me!”
“Huh. Surprise?” Shit, you were never gonna live this one down, were you?
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rynwritesreid · 10 months
Okay, okay, i have an idea. A angsty spencer one shot based on you’re losing me by Taylor swift. Feel free to do whatever you want with this, happy or sad ending 💋
A/N:As a fellow brit, who loves Spencer Reid and had Taylor Swift as her top artist, I am in love with this request. And as some who loves an unhappy ending, I’m beyond grateful you gave the option to make this heartbreaking. I hope you enjoy <3
Also a little side note, I’ve got a job interview for basically my dream job this Wednesday coming :)
Content: GN (i think) reader. Angst, and I mean heartbreaking angst.
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You and Spencer had been dating for around two years. The first year was amazing. You had both found comfort in one another, you would talk to each other about anything and everything.
However, as time passed, an unseen tension crept into the spaces between your words, a quiet disturbance that neither of you fully understood until it manifested into the palpable silence that now enveloped the apartment.
The apartment was filled with an oppressive silence, broken only by the distant hum of city life outside. It was the kind of quiet that echoed the growing distance between two hearts. You sat on the couch, hugging a throw pillow to your chest, your eyes fixed on the floor.
Spencer Reid, with his dishevelled hair and furrowed brows, stood across the room, both physically and emotionally distant.
The tension hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating any words that might have tried to bridge the gap. Your fingers absentmindedly traced the stitching on the pillowcase, a futile attempt to distract herself from the unravelling threads of their relationship.
Spencer finally spoke, his voice tight and strained. "Y/N, we can't keep doing this. It's like we're speaking different languages, and I can't seem to find the right words to make you understand."
You looked up, your eyes searching his for some sign of the love that had once anchored them. "Spencer, I'm not asking for much. Just a little more of you, of us. It feels like you're slipping away, and I don't know how to hold on."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I have my work, Y/N. You know how demanding it is. But it's not just that. I can't be the person you want me to be. I can't be everything for you, and I can't keep pretending that I can."
A tear slid down your cheek as you choked back a sob. "I'm not asking for everything, Spencer. I just need to know that I still matter to you. That we still matter."
He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. "I can't promise you that, not when I'm not sure myself. Maybe we're just not meant to be."
The words hung in the air, a painful admission that shattered what remained of your heart.
You stood, feeling the weight of their broken connection like a physical ache. "So, this is it? We just let go, and that's the end of us?"
Spencer closed his eyes, his shoulders slumping with the weight of their shared sorrow. "I don't know what else to do, Y/N. I can't keep hurting you, and I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not."
As you gathered your strength to leave, you whispered, "I guess we're just two fragments of a love that couldn't hold us together."
And with that, the door closed behind you, leaving behind the fragments of a love that once flourished but now lay shattered on the floor of what used to be their shared home.
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@nomajdetective @ms-ks-world  @evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalynvtgtgfhvgg  @krokietino  @julllliiia @xohoneybun  @purplepistachi0  @pleasantwitchgarden  @theillestvillian3 @piperb400 @iluvreid @queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @drspencieee @topguncultleader
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
How Long Could We Be A Sad Song?
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a/n: Well, it's here! The fic that I'm most anxious to write and post. Honestly, I wrote this and got inspiration when I was in my most upset and angsty mood. Which was a few months ago, and it's been sitting within the pages of Maddie (my writing notebook), and my drafts. And somehow through a very frustrating bout of Writer's Block, as well as, the fact that I was reminded and paired my own feelings to "Taylor Swift's You're Losing Me", put it into a moodboard and boom! This fic was born.
Normally, I'd dedicate this to a special friend. But this time, I'd like to deviate, and dedicate this to myself. Weird, I know. This time though, this fic will remind me that every emotion, and every feeling is valid and if vented properly, can and will flourish into something productive and beautiful.
Alright. That's enough talk from me. I hope you all enjoy the fic. And I also hope I didn't crush you, cause well... it's angst, what else can I say? 😆
Chris Evans x Secret Girlfriend!Reader
Requested: No
WARNINGS: Panic Attacks, Angst, Established Relationship, Relationship Drama, Sad Chris, Sad Dodger
Heartbreak Divider by @firefly-graphics
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*Y/C/F/M = Your Close Family Member
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Outside, the night was quiet, and peaceful. The crickets calling into the night air, frogs singing in unison, adding to the ambiance. Even the noisiest neighbor seemed to have taken some time off from being the thorn on everyone’s side. But while the world seemed almost frozen, Y/n sat in her living room, her heart pounding in her ears, and a knot forming in the pit of her stomach after she told the Love of her Life that she wanted to end their 6-year relationship. The sad part was, Chris seemed so lost as Y/n’s words hung in the air.
“I-I don’t understand...” He finally said, looking up at her from resting his head between his legs, across their living room. The space feeling more like chasm the longer this dragged on.
“I know you don’t, Chris.” Y/n sighed, getting up from her chair, and kneeling beside Chris, before taking his trembling hands in hers, hoping to give him some comfort, knowing that he could spiral into a Panic Attack in his fragile state. She knew because, if she didn’t do it for herself, she’d do the same.
They let the silence of their built home surround them, like a warm blanket. Both knew that they were only delaying the inevitable, but they selfishly wanted to hang on to what little time they had left together.
Time felt like it slowed, as Y/n’s gaze remained focused on their joined hands. Taking her back to a time years ago, on a bench, when Chris first saved Y/n...
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She had been touring New York with her family, unfortunately, the crowds were too overwhelming for her, and while they were forming their lines to enter the theater of some play, Y/n couldn’t focus her breathing long enough to look at the marquee, and her chest felt tighter and tighter, as she told *Y/C/F/M that she’d like to grab a bite from the stall she saw near a bench, a few ways back, and left before he/she/they could protest.
She took advantage of the open air, and tried to regulate her breathing, by taking slow deep breaths, before arriving and collapsing on the bench. Resting her head against the back of it and feeling and inhaling the passing fresh breeze. The tightness in her chest was still there, and she continued taking deep breaths in order to regulate her breathing, not even noticing the handsome stranger, standing next to her.
“Uh, hi! Excuse me? Miss? Ar-are you okay?” He greeted, his blue eyes gleaming, as Y/n took a big breath before answering.
“Huh. Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine, Sir. Just feeling a little overwhelmed. Is all.” She laughed, wiping her cheeks. Just noticing that there were tears running down them.
“I get that. No matter how many times you do this, or come here, it can still get overwhelming... May I?” The stranger asked, gesturing to the empty space next to her. To which she nodded and scooted over a little to give him some room.
He put his bag down between his legs, opened one of the pockets and pulled out a couple of tissues, before handing them to her. That Y/n gratefully accepted, dabbing at the corners of her eyes.
“The city is actually quite beautiful, but I’d prefer it if it didn’t have so many goings on, you know?” She said, breaking the comfortable silence that settled over them.
“Oh, I definitely know. It’s places like this right here, though, that helps.” He said, admiring the way the bench overlooked a cluster of buildings in the most picturesque way.
“Is that an invitation to meet here again?” Y/n laughed.
“Maybe... Are you going to take me up on it?” The stranger laughed, his face expressing hope.
“I might...” She smiled, holding her hand out, now being able to breathe easier.
“Chris.” He replied, taking it and shaking it.
It wasn’t until Y/n returned to the theater that she realized WHO she had just met. And it definitely took her a while to shake it off, and, even if it seemed like a fluke at the time, she was pretty sure that Chris winked at her from the stage that night.
She was thankful for how he helped her. And it just became a thing for them to do the other, even a couple years later, when Chris was presented a way to possibly earn money during the pandemic.
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Y/n focused her gaze on the mantel, her mind wandering to when she and Chris first made this place into their home. Moving things around, deciding which items gets put on display, what color the walls are gonna be... Back when everything was possible.
“How time flies...” She trailed off.
“Y/N/N. Baby...” Chris cried, his voice breaking at the end. Which caused Y/n to swallow a sob too.
“How can I make this better? I can fix this for us.” He said, hopping down from the seat onto Y/n’s level on the floor.
“That’s the thing, Chris. You can’t.” Y/n cried, pulling her hands away, and wrapping them around herself, in an attempt to give herself some comfort, as well as ground her.
“This is the most cliche thing that I’ve ever said, but it’s not you, it’s me. I can’t handle it... It’s getting too much for me, and the sad thing is, it’s not even your fault, because it’s my own feelings, and you’re just doing your job...” She ranted, her heart going a mile a minute, her chest feeling tighter.
“Hey. Hey.” Chris said, gently taking her hands, placing one on his cheek, and cupping her cheek, allowing her to follow his breathing, slowing hers down.
They let time pass, just holding the other close. Letting the other’s presence bring their calm. Like always.
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Chris has just realized how much of a colossal fuck up he just made. How the fuck did he not notice?! That Story went from wholesome to “What did I just do?!” in just a few hours.
His heart was racing a mile a minute, and he felt like he couldn’t catch his breath. Pacing back and forth on his balcony, the fresh air rendered useless in relieving him.
“Hey. Chris, everything’s going to be alright, okay?” Y/n said, putting one hand on his shoulder, getting his attention on her.
“Deep breaths. 2 seconds in, 3 seconds out. C’mon, Babe. Do it with me.” She smiled, helping him breathe through his attack.
Some time later, Y/n helped him onto their couch. Dodger hopping on next to Chris, allowing him to pet the little guy. She had left the room to grab him a glass of water. Which after handing it over to him, she sat down behind Dodger, hand on Chris’ knee, letting her presence and silent assurance say what words may fall short on.
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“We can do this, Baby. We can work through this, fight it.” Chris said, pulling back to look at Y/n’s eyes, determined.
“No, Chris. We can’t. I can’t.” She said, pulling away, and standing so that she was facing away from him, the view from their window her only comfort in this moment.
“I know that you want to make this work, because you’re you. But I can’t let you. Do you really want to stay, when I feel like a ghost in my own relationship? I literally could send you the biggest most obvious sign, and I don’t think you’d hear me.”
“But I’m here, Y/N/N. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.” Chris pleaded.
“Yeah. What happens when you need to go, Chris? When they need you to do something, again. And I have to see pics of you and her, knowing full well that that’s supposed to be me. On your arm, announcing our love and our relationship to the world. Taking on every comment, every hate, every piece of scrutiny, together. Instead, the world believes in that sham, because they don’t know I exist in your life.” Y/n cried, turning towards him, not even bothering to hold her tears back anymore.
Chris tried to reach out for her, but she took a step back. Not letting him hold her, knowing full well that if he did, everything will feel right, and she won’t be able to do what she needed to.
“This is just temporary, Baby. It’ll soon end, and at some point, we can walk out of those doors, and be able to show everyone.” Chris said, tears shining in his own eyes.
“You’ve been saying that for years. And honestly, you don’t even know when will it end exactly. And it’s destroying you. I know that you only did this to help your family, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your own happiness.” Y/n said with conviction, her gaze filled with so much intensity, Chris avoided it and made his way to their room.
“You know, I’m right, Chris.”
“Well, has it ever crossed your mind, that maybe, I’m doing this for us? That maybe, it isn’t just for myself and my family? But for our future together?” Chris yelled, exasperated.
“And you know, that I have never cared about any of that! I don’t care if you’re some world-famous actor, or some rich gazillionaire, or whatever. I care about you, Chris. I don’t know why you could never see that.” Y/n sighed in disbelief, turning away from Chris, heading out the door to grab her bags and leave, forever.
“Wait. Baby, please wait.” Chris said, grabbing her wrist, and holding it gently, not wanting to hurt her, but make one last stitch effort to make her stay.
“I love you, isn’t it enough? I’m all yours. No part of me is ever not going to be yours. We just need to hang in there a little longer.” Silence filled the air, Y/n remaining silent for what felt like hours, until she finally spoke.
“You know I will always love you, too, Chris. But I can’t stay and end up hating you as a result. I wouldn’t be able to survive that. I’m sorry.” She said, looking at his gorgeous eyes, committing them to memory, before pulling away, and continuing her short walk to the door.
She had one foot out the door, when she felt a small tug on her pant leg. Looking down at a sad Dodger, whining, begging her to stay.
“Hey, Bubba. Don’t be sad. I will never not love you. And I need you to make sure, your Daddy remembers that too. Can you do that for me?” She said, kneeling down and petting him while smiling through her tears, as Dodger barked in reply, licking her face.
“Alright. That’s my good boy.” Y/n said, giving him a final pet before nudging him away from the doorway, and closing it behind her.
The silence wasn’t as comforting without her there. Even as Dodger assumed his duties, nudging against Chris, as he petted him. He felt numb, like a huge chunk of himself was removed and no way to fill the hole.
“It’s just you and me now, Bud... Just you and me.”
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a/n: You guys still good? I hope it wasn't too bad. I may need to write something to balance out the angst, but that'll be a while... 😬
Special thanks to the best girls in the world for encouraging me, and getting me through my panic attacks to finish this. I couldn't have done it without you. Love y'all! 🥹❤️
And I'm also pretty sure that this'll be the only Chris Evans as himself fanfiction I'll ever write or post... We'll see.
But will this be my last Taylor Swift x CE/Character song fic? Definitely not 😉
Until the next one! Stay safe and sane, Everyone 🫶
❤ Booky
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Chris Evans Characters Masterlist
Taylor Swift x CE/Characters Songfic Masterlist 😉
Taglist: @nescavaneck @jiyascepter @royalwriteroftheuniverse @femefetalelevelingup
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Season 3x8 Episode Live Reaction
So, apparently there's a Content Warning for this episode?
Anyway - I will be watching so... thoughts below.
Holes are bad is a terrible name for the episode.
here we go....
OOOh flashback for Hetty. "Under 2 months"???
Legal Trouble??? OMG.
Of course Elias would cause Hetty problems. Even dead.
"None of you are alive so what emergency could there be."
"You could lie to me once"
"YOu listen?" "You don't?"
Nancy wants Thor.
LOL Steph is back.
"LOL - it's illegal" -MEH.
"That was rude."
SO, STEPH just went to sleep???
She ignores that Pete was like "GRAB YOUR SUCKOFF BUDDY".
"Just a basement ghost - my bad"
OMG THOR. OMG - you heard her!!!
LMAO !!! I cannot believe that Thor knew the entire time!
Chasing a butterfly???
The way everyone looks at Thor.
The concerned looks on the younger ghosts' faces. OMG.
"They're like what to do mean??? WHY???"
I love their excitement!
Another flashbook. "No one has called ever, i believe."
Of course climbing out doesn't work.
Aw Trevor and Alberta wanting to save Flower!!
I love their teamup.
Sass is like "LET ME TELL THE STORY." I'm literally the storyteller!
1895 - stuck in a hole.
WAIT TOO MUCH MOPHINE?? Hetty died of an overdose?
AW PATIENCE!!! I'm SAD. Purtain woman! Lost in the dirt???
"YOu know FACETIME???"
THE GHOSTS ARE NOT ON FACETIME. I can't believe Trevor thought he could do the drawer - big step up from Sam's MOM where he wouldn't even try a drawer.
"i will punch them."
Another flashback. THE TELEPHONE.
Aw Thor is cute here.
Hetty - Has a string around her neck? OMG... she hung herself?? It's the rope from her death.
Ass Sass and Trevor catching her!
How did you not know??? It didn't register has any thing weird.
"Oh hey Sam."
LOL Sam's Face at this explanation! If only Jay hadn't put away the iPad.
You got her a magnet???
Aw, Isaac and Sam are here for Hetty.
Trying to protect her son. And he could've become a murderer either way - it had nothing to do with your death.
I do really love the explanation of how they all missed Hetty's death and Elias' Vault. Finally it makes sense.
Awww Hetty & Flower moment.
LOL big secret. "I robbed a bank once." - "It's good to have you back."
LOL Checking the Owl Thing.
LOL Jay figuring out what's happening...
Final thoughts, It was a great episode. I am sad Steph was there just to tell them about Ralph/Flower - poor steph, but I totally called that. and I did like the episode.
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kalinihta · 5 months
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a/n: my first post on this account (and fiction writing in months)! i’m not that great of a writer so corrections are appreciated but please don’t be rude to me or anyone on my blog. i hope you enjoy this:)
plot: reader is a jazz singer in the wastelands and she sings about her husband of a lifetime.
trope: cooper howard x reader, the ghoul x reader
fandom: fallout
even after the bombs, the living still needed entertainment. good thing i was still alive. i owned a small little jazz club downtown of filly, many people came to see me — ghouls, raiders, you name it. i made my living off bottlecaps from the entry fee and tips. 20 bottle caps for entry and i usually got tips above 30. i used my caps to buy meds, meds for my husband.
my husband’s a ghoul, somehow im not. i was already examining a vault when the bombs had dropped. coop had a birthday party gig, i felt i shouldve begged him to come with me to the vault, but i hadn’t. i should’ve trusted my instincts that day. nonetheless i still love him, hes still a divine being in my eyes.
currently, im backstage getting ready for a performance. cooper was out hunting a bounty, said he might be back in a couple days. i sighed as i combed my hair, i held my gaze in the mirror. if something were to happen to him i dont know what i’d do.
standing up, i examined myself in the mirror.
i think im ready..
as i walked out of the room i gave dogmeat i quick pet before walking out on stage. my heels clicked on the medium sized stage, gazes locked on my body, and commotion erupted. cat calls and claps echoed through the small club. one i had reached the mic i turned to my piano player and nodded. he smiled and began to play.
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want…
i paused for a moment, a small blanket of whistles covered my ears. i took a breath and closed my eyes.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night
i heard the old doors of the club open, but i didnt pay any attention and kept singing. silent foot steps echoed the club as i kept my eyes closed. i heard them pause for a moment before sitting on one of the many squeaky chairs.
Hurt me and tell me you're mine
I don't know why but I like it
Scary? My God, you're divine
Gimme them, gimme them dope and diamonds
whispers and mumbling always came up during this song. they speculated my lover physically hurt me, when it was never physically. he always had a way with my heart, and no matter how much bad news he told me i always was there for him. it’s not like he abused me, oh no, never. it was just sad to see him go through so much that it even hurt me.
as i sang along, i slowly opened my eyes to gaze around the room. many men’s stares and some women smiling and talking. as my eyes roamed i spotted a familiar cowboy. my eyes widened slightly seeing him here, he said he wouldn’t be back for days… i pushed away that thought and lightly smiled at him, holding his gaze. the song ended, i thanked everyone for being there and went off the stage and left the band to play. claps and whistles erupted as i left the stage.
as i cleaned off my makeup, i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked up in the mirror and smiled.
“you know, that makeup made you awfully pretty, darlin’.”
i giggled. i looked up at him and held the hand that was on my shoulder.
“you did pick it out, remember? 200 years ago…”
i spoke softly. his hard gaze softened lightly, brushing my hair with his hand. he pressed a kiss to my head and held me for a moment.
“you said you wouldn’t be back for days, what happened?”
“well, sweetheart, the guy just so happened to be traveling on his way to filly. speaking of filly…”
he reached in his pocket, rummaging for a moment. he pulled out a beautiful ring that looked oh so familiar. our engagement ring.
he held it out between his two fingers, his gaze all over his face. i sighed deeply, tears building up. he softly smiled, wiping the tears that did fall.
“i just so happened to find our engagement rings. the rings that had been stolen from us, oh so, long ago, darlin’.”
“thank you…”
i breathed out. i was so surprised he found them, the same rings that matched our eyes. they were very dear to us, my ring matched his eyes, and his matched mine. i let him slide the ring on my finger, i gazed at it before jumping to give him a hug. he stood still for a moment, slowly moving to encase me in his grasp.
“do you find me scary, sweetheart?”
“scary? my god, you’re divine…”
i pulled back slightly to look at him. my hands held his face. we both leaned in and encased ourselves in a kiss, a soft embrace.
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ceruleanangel · 7 months
The Diamond of Zaun- Chapter Two
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Pairings: Vi x Reader kiiiiinda Silco x Reader could be more later...
Tags: f!reader, performer!reader
Content Warnings: angst, kiiiiiiinda age gap! relationship
a/n: Chapter two everyone! this one actually gets into the plot so im really excited to see what y'all think. Also I'm making it to where Vi and reader are both 17 pre time skip, so around 24/25 after the time skip.
Also Also I've been binging some playthroughs of Final Fantasy VII and I'm absolutely smitten with Cloud Strife so don't be surprised if some drabbles of him come through teehee.
Chapter One
“I finally got a letter back”
Vi’s head instantly turned to you from the couch she was lazing on, 
“What does it say?” 
You held up the sealed envelope so Vi could see it. She quickly vaulted over the back of the couch to meet you where you stood at the entrance of the gang’s little clubhouse. She waits for you to open it, glancing back and forth between the letter and you, biting your nails in anticipation. “Oooh I can’t open it, I’m too nervous.” You extend the envelope to Vi, flashing a smile, “Can you do the honors?” Vi raises an eyebrow at you and tuts, but regardless, she takes the envelope. She messily tears it open, although careful to not damage the contents of the letter inside. She clears her throat and reads in a pretentious accent,
“Dear Miss Y/n L/n, 
With great pleasure, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Piltover Institute of Dance and Performing Arts-”
Vi wasn’t able to finish reading the letter before you grabbed her hands, jumping up and down squealing with excitement. You hop up on the boxing machine platform that has doubled as your mock stage over the years for your ‘grand performances.’ Mostly only for Vi. “I can see it now!” You spin on the stage, holding an air microphone, “Everyone will know my name…I’ll even have it in lights!!” You turn and smile down at Vi. You can feel your cheeks heat up as she looks up, smiling warmly at you. You nervously put down your hands and breathe out a small sigh of relief as she looks back down at the letter. Your excitement swiftly fades to confusion as Vi’s eyebrows furrow, and she continues reading,
“...and we eagerly await your presence on campus in Piltover one week from now… “ she looks up at you, the corners of her lips becoming down-turned, “You’re leaving us in one week?” You step down from the stage to stand in front of Vi once again. You don’t meet her eyes, looking towards the floor, 
“Well, classes would begin in one week so…” A moment of silence passes, both of you contemplating the limited amount of time you’ll now have together. You finally gather up the courage to look up at Vi and slip both of your hands into hers. She gazes back into your eyes, despite her tough exterior, you can sense the sadness in her expression. “I promise I’ll come back to you every weekend!” you convince, trying to coax a smile out of her face despite the melancholy moment. You pull her towards the make-shift stage, backing up until you can step up onto the platform. Your thumbs rub circles on her hands as you muster up your award winning smile, 
“You know that you’ll always be my favorite person to perform for.”
Current Time
It’s almost as if time had stopped, the way you stood frozen in the hallway outside of your dressing room. Your hand would have shaken if not for its stabling hold on the door. You could hear the blood pumping in your ears as your vision became foggy, the image of Vi fading from the sight of her in front of you, to the way you saw her seven years ago, bloodied and…
“Hey Dia, everything alright?” the sound of one of the club’s bouncers jumpstart your brain back into motion. You look towards him then follow his eyes back to Vi and also another tall girl with blue hair that you don't quite recognize, standing behind her. “Is there a problem?” You’re about to open your mouth when Vi hoists herself up from the couch, and strides up to you, placing her hand on your shoulder as she passes.  You can only watch, mouth agape, as she turns to the bouncer, grinning at him “No, no problem here, we were just heading out.” She takes ahold of your hand and slips somthing in it, nodding to the bouncer and continuing down the hallway. The blue-haired girl follows close behind, skittishly looking between you and the bouncer before jogging to catch up with Vi. Who is that girl?
Once your brain catches up with the events that just transpired, you move to catch up with them, her name fighting to be freed from your throat, but the bouncer grabs your arm, “Yes?” you hurriedly ask him, you keep your eyes locked on Vi, desperate to catch up with the mystery that is currently walking away from you, carrying all your answers with it.
 “Boss left something for ya in your office.”
That catches your attention, and you turn to the bouncer, “the Boss did?” “Yep, came and dropped it off himself.” Thoughts fly through your brain once again but you quickly filter through them, the time-sensitive ones flying to the top.  You glance back toward the hallway and once you see it’s empty, you rush toward the door and glance out into the bar. Your eyes squeeze shut in frustration once you realize that Vi is already long gone. You turn, retreating to the back hallway, letting your head fall, but your gaze reminds you of a folded piece of paper in your hand. You quickly return back to your dressing room and open it up. You chuckle at the chicken scratch handwriting thats virtually unintelligible, that is, to almost anyone but you.
Meet me in an hour. You know the place.
Shivers ran down your spine. As time went by, ghosts from your past always seemed to go away, either fading into something else or being gone permanently. 
This was not a ghost you’d ever thought you’d see again
After boring holes through the folded, crumpled paper with your stare, you set the note down to get ready. But once you glance up, you're reminded of the ‘something’ that was left in your room. 
Not noticing the grand bouquet of fresh flowers sitting square in front of you on the dressing table goes to show the level of distraction that you are currently dealing with. You sit up in your chair, breathing in the scent of fresh tulips. You cup one of the buds in your hands as you glimpse the corner of a card peeking out from the center. You pull it out and have no trouble reading the excellent penmanship, 
My Diamond,
I’m so terribly sorry I had to miss your show, but I have no doubt you were as dazzling as usual, please do take these as an apology 
Compliments and other such flattery have long since grown weak on you, having heard everything in the book, but you pretend to not feel a slight heat on your cheeks as you place the note back into the bouquet. Instead, you pluck one flower out of the bundle and arrange it into your hair, pulling it up and back away from your face. You quickly change out of your performance outfit and into something you can wear through the streets of the underground. You slip out into the night, heading exactly where you know you’ll meet the pink-haired ghost of your past. 
You make sure to listen intently to your surroundings as you traverse your way to the old clubhouse. It being abandoned and such, you never know who could be slinking around, especially with Shimmer affecting the citizens the way it does, causing them to find solace in the shadows. You wish you could retreat in such shadows, but the light always seems to find you. 
You reach the broken glass window and navigate through, without marking yourself on the shards. Scars wouldn’t be good. No one likes a damaged product. The glass crunches under your boot as you wander through a place you once practically lived in. Your hand brushes against the boxing machine that holds so many memories. You looked up at the leaderboard. If the power was on it would show Vi holding the top places, and many more after that. Without your knowledge, a smile began to tug at your lips as wetness started to well up in your eyes. Your hands blindly start to grasp to find the switch. 
“Don’t bother, they won’t work.” You didn’t need to turn your head to know who was speaking from behind you. Nonetheless, you whirled around, once again glimpsing Vi and an unidentified blue-haired girl. You had questions about her, but those could wait. 
“Vi, I-” “Where's my sister?” you two spoke at the same time. “...your sister?” you spoke after a moment of silence. Vi began to stride towards you, her voice becoming more intense and frantic.
 “Yes, where's Powder, I need to find her now-” 
“Vi where have you been?” Vi stops in her tracks, only a few feet from you as you cut her off. You can feel your throat start to close up as tears start to well in your eyes. You will not let them fall. Your eyebrows furrow in anguish and frustration, why did she leave you?
“I thought you were dead and - and now you just reappear like nothing happened?” You glance down at the shards splintered on the cement floors down below, trying to blink away the wetness in your eyes. “...not even ask how I've been?” 
There's a moment of silence between you, but you refuse to look up into her eyes. You’re scared of anything you might see on her face, sadness, anger, but most of all, 
You could have never imagined the sinking in your stomach when what you were afraid to see is instead delivered to your ears,
“I don’t have time for this-I don't even know why I bothered…you’re too busy galavanting on stage, prancing around for everyone- for Silco.” She spat the words at you like it was poisen in her mouth. You finally look up at her in time to see her turning her back, “...You don’t care about us anymore.” She begins to take a step away but she stops at the sound of your voice,
“You have no idea what I care about!” Your chest tightens and the tears run freely down your cheeks. Images of the seven years you were apart, the seven years you had to do what you could to survive, images of the Garden. Your head buzzes with anger and anguish, and you release it all out onto Vi. You aren’t aware of what you’ll say next, the feelings that have been built up over the last seven years cause words to stream right from your heart to your tongue.
“You have no idea what I have done to protect those I care about...including you.”
You don’t even take a minute to catch your breath before taking long strides towards the broken glass in which you entered. But instead of moving out of the way of Vi you aggressively bump into her shoulder, leaving her stumbling as you continue to the exit. You kick in the glass at your feet, trampling smoothly through the gaping hole. The cool air from outside in the alley blows through your clothes as if they weren’t even there, swiftly calming your hot head and bringing you back to reality. You take a deep breath and turn your head, just enough to be perfectly silhouetted by the neon lights blazing on from outside the valley.
“And by the way, it’s not Powder. Your sister’s name is Jinx.”
Chapter Three
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chocmoon-latte · 1 year
Another reason why I think Hancock would have a crush on the Sole Survivor besides the obvious fact that you're out here helping the people of the Commonwealth, or how he thought you were an innocent vault dweller who needed protecting, is the fact that he's finally got someone he can be emotionally vulnerable with. Being the mayor of such a dangerous place like Goodneighbor means he needs to keep up a reputation to match it. There's no room for him to be soft or emotional in a place like this.
He's happy when strangers know who he is for having reputation that precedes him for being deadly because it eliminates any chances of someone out there possibly getting the idea that he might actually have a sweeter, more caring side. That's one of the main reasons why he even killed Finn in the first place. But he WANTS to be able to express softness. The problem is just that Goodneighbor isn't the place to do it, and a lot of the kinds of people you find in the Commonwealth in general aren't really the greatest types to be emotionally open towards anyways. In a world like this, it's something that could very easily be held against him.
He tells you that it's lonely being mayor and that he's running out on the good things and people he's got. He tells you that he's always been the one telling others to keep the emotion out of relationships in the past, but here he is being open and emotional with you. He says that everyone is entitled to some softness, himself included… but after he opens up to you about running out on the good things in his life, he asks you not to tell anyone else. Not necessarily because of the fact that it's personal, but because of the fact that he's afraid of word spreading around about this more emotionally vulnerable side of him and that people will think he's crazy for it (and as a side note, let's be honest, we've all seen how society on a larger scale views emotionally vulnerable men as weak).
A lot (not all) of his contradicting ideals when you first meet him make so much more sense when you look at him through the lens of a man desperately trying to conceal and repress the more sensitive side to him. The way he just lets you get away with so much during The Big Dig questline, even if you take your time to do every little thing against him. It's obvious that he doesn't really care all too much about punishing you - he just likes knowing he still has the power to make people frantically scramble to please him, because it helps uphold his reputation.
If there's one thing Hancock hates being more than anything, it's being powerless and weak. His biggest traumas come from how he was unable to protect the ghouls in Diamond City from being exiled or protect the drifters in Goodneighbor from being abused by Vic. If people in the Commonwealth knew there was a softer side to him, a large majority of the more dangerous organizations, especially the ones operating in his town, would consider him weak. If Hancock was considered a weak leader, then he wouldn't be considered fit to protect the innocent people that he so sworn to protect.
It's always baffled everyone how Hancock doesn't show any sadness when it comes to the death of Fahrenheit or finding out his brother was replaced by a synth and killed years prior, but I'm starting to wonder if we've been looking at it the wrong way this entire time. Maybe Hancock's lack of being visibly upset over them had nothing to do with Bethesda making poor writing decisions (they kind of do tbh), but had everything to do with him repressing his emotions.
So when he gets to travel with YOU the player, who has no prior knowledge of him, his reputation or past (and you aren't just another citizen he has to put on a show for) he feels like he can let his walls down around you. He's allowed to be emotionally vulnerable because he doesn't have to pretend to BE someone for you, and in turn, he feels like he doesn't have to run anymore.
(That was a lot sorry but I tend to get my thoughts out better in the form of long ramblings. Honestly there's so many ways he can be interpreted though, but I guess this is just somewhat of an analysis/me theorizing a little)
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thescarletnargacuga · 18 days
ehehhe- *COUGH* aha, okay-
A showtime one shot with good ol' DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! (I was wondering what Caine had meant by this in the pilot, and what if it wasn't just a cover up for the door?)
Pomni finds herself in an unknown part of the area/game, and- well, hallucinates! She re-experiences her worst memories, even seeing alternative scenarios that went bad.
Caine eventually finds her, but she can't tell if he's real or not.
Looks like you're stuck in the fog...
-Fowl Anon
A/N: poor Pomni...
WARNING: trauma, nightmare imagery, body horror, angst, hurt/comfort
Pomni wasn't looking for trouble. She was in her room tossing a ball against the wall when it collided weird with her bed and it violently catapulted her to places unknown. She fell hundreds of feet below the map, bracing for the all too familiar impact.
She laid face up, the wind knocked out of her. "....ow..." She wheezed. It took a minute for her to find her footing, but she eventually stood and looked around. She was out of bounds again. The blank, gridded walls went on for miles in every direction. She has no idea where she could go or even find game assets to use to get back up like last time, so she just started walking.
"Caine..? Hello? CAINE! ...for crying out loud. I wonder how long I'll be down here before he realizes I'm missing. Maybe I can find a void access point again. That seemed to get his attention in a hurry." She walked for what felt like hours, going deeper and deeper into the unseen bowels of the game. It was like a maze. At one point, she was convinced she was going in circles.
The longer she was down there alone, the more stressed she became. She started running to find something, anything that looked familiar. "Caine! Caine, please!" She called, but no one came.
She stopped in her tracks when something out of the corner of her eye moved around a corner. "HELLO!?" She panted and waited for a response.
Nothing. The out of bounds area was eerily quiet.
She ran after what she thought she saw. Rounding the corner, the gridded walls changed to brick. The vaulted ceiling became a night sky. A light post illuminated a rainy alley. Pmi spun around, the out of bounds was gone. "What the-!? Did I accidentally walk into a world Caine's made?"
Everything was so real. The rain, the damp alley smell, the sounds of cars beyond her line of sight. She stood in the flickering cone of the street light, unsure what to do, when a hooded figure with their hands in the large front pocket started aggressively walking right at her.
"Who are you? Hello? What's going on??" Pomni asked as she backed up, but the figure pulled a gun on her.
"Give me all your fucking money!!"
"I- What!? I don't-!?"
The mugger cocked the gun, pressing it to Pomni's head. "You think I'm playin'!? Give me the money, NOW!!"
Pomni backed up against the brick wall behind her, but it crumbled as she leaned her weight against it. She fell through. Suddenly, she was on the floor of a hospital room. No rain or brick walls or muggers. She got up quickly, seeing another unknown person in the bed in front of her.
"What is happening??" Pomni begging the person, but they seemed to be asleep. Pomni got a little closer. It was a middle aged woman, but she was sick beyond her years. Whatever she was in the hospital for, it was terminal. "Hello?"
The sick woman opened her eyes and smiled at Pomni. She opened her mouth to speak, but only coughed.
"Don't- don't stress yourself, uh...I can find help elsewhere." Pomni started to back up but the woman held her hand out pleadingly. "I'm sorry, I don't, uh.... Let me get someone for you."
The sick woman closed her sad eyes. The heart monitor she was connected to flatlined.
Pomni ran out of the room and down the hall. "This isn't real. None of this is real." She told herself over and over, and yet her heart hurt for a woman she didn't even recognize. It could've been an NPC for all she knew.
The hospital halls became a school hall. Dozens of eyes peered through the small windows on the classroom doors. Pomni kept running. The doors behind her opened one after another. A horse of children piled out and scampered across the floor and walls like hell-spawns, jeering and screaming at her.
Tears streaked down Pomni's face. Her conscious mind has no idea what was happening, but subconsciously she knew this place. The bullying, the loss, the fear, all of it was clawing at the back of her mind.
She got to the end of the hall and threw herself through the door. She slammed it behind her, and now she was in an area she recognized. An office. A very plain but uncanny liminal space. "CAAAAAINE! CAINE, HELP ME!!" She begged for him to hear her, but no one came.
After catching her breath, she kept going. Staying in one spot was never going to help. The offices repeated, feeling less and less real the further she went. Then she saw it. The computer. The headset.
Maybe that was the way back. She picked up the headset and looked into it. Blackness. She tried turning on the computer. Nothing. "Come on! What do I do!?"
"Useless girl."
Pomni just about jumpedout of her skin. She spun to see a man in business casual loom in the doorframe. He was so tall, he had to duck to step inside the office space. His limbs were unnaturally long. His hands were thin and gangly, with yellow unkept fingernails. The worst part, he has no face. Only a hole, lined with rows and rows of needle like teeth.
"YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!" The monster boomed and rushed Pomni.
Pomni did the only thing she could think of and jumped out the window. She fell and fell and fell down into darkness. Voices surrounded her. They screeched and screamed and called and laughed. She felt like she knew all of them, but could tell from where or when.
Circus music gradually drowned out the voices and she landed on top of a yellow and red striped tent. She rolled down the roof and landed hard on the ground. It was the digital circus tent but the grounds looked off. "CAINE! CAINE!!!" she screamed her voice hoarse, but no one came.
She was too scared to keep going. She didn't want to know how this nightmare could get worse, but it gave her no choice. The nightmare came to her. The entrance to the tent opened on its own and five familiar voices tried to call her inside. The distorted and echoing voices of Ragatha, Gangle, Zooble, Jax and Kinger became louder the more she ignored them. She had to cover her ears.
She could hear through her hands that the voices were getting closer to the entrance and she backed away. A massive glitching claw came out of the darkness and slammed into the ground in front of her. Then another. And another. The largest abstraction Pomni has ever seen emerged, carrying static features and voices of the entire circus cast.
"THIS YOUR FATE! THIS IS YOUR FATE! THIS IS YOUR FATE!" The abstraction repeated over and over as it got closer.
Pomni couldn't run no matter how hard she tried. It was like her feet were made of cement. She got only two steps in when the abstraction was upon her, it's digital body splitting open to consume her whole.
Pomni's broken voice couldn't scream as she felt something wrap around her middle. She kicked and flailed, but the hold was strong. Her digital body felt useless for fighting back.
"POMNI! POMNI, IT'S ME!! STOP- OW!" Caine held his eye that she just threw her elbow into.
Pomni hyperventilated against Caine. She death gripped his arms and blinked several times as she looked around in panic. She was still out of bounds, but everything was blank again. No monsters, no liminal spaces, no people with weapons.
"Pomni, you're okay. Everything is okay." Caine soothed. "What happened? How did you get back here?"
"Monsters." Pomni's voice was weak.
"Monsters? There are no monsters here. Well, none active, at least."
"I saw people. Real people. And places. And monsters. Everything wanted to hurt me."
"Real...? Oh no. Digital hallucinations-"
"I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!" Pomni screeched and coughed from the strain on her voice.
"I know, dear. You're not crazy. It's a real thing. This place has unforeseen effects on the human mind. It's why I don't let anyone back here. You go deep enough and you start...seeing things. People and places your mind knows, but you don't. I understand it's a very frightening experience." Caine gently pulled her close and ran a hand soothingly across her back. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Everything is okay. None of it was real. You aren't in any danger."
Pomni slowly calmed, loosening her grip and hugging Caine back. "I want to get out of here."
Caine teleported to Pomni's room. The bed is completely fine. The ball she'd been throwing was on her nightstand. Pomni was still trembling, refusing to let go of Caine.
He sat on the bed and cradled Pomni, her head resting on his shoulder. "You don't need to tell me what you saw. It must have been terrible to make you react like this."
Pomni could only give a pathetic whimper in response.
"You're safe now. I'll.... I'll figure out a way for you to contact my watch. I won't let this happen to you again. I promise."
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etinceelle · 8 months
I would have loved to see Penny survive not only for nuts and dolts to be canon but also for Penny and Jaune to have a siblings energy friendship
Yes please !! I'd love more of Penny just having connexions with other people, and Ruby being happy to see her bond with others ♥
She has a great dynamic with Jaune, even if he mostly was with her to help her in V8, I'd love them to become closer after what they all went through
I also loved Nora and Penny's bond, I'm so SAD it got developped during V8 a lot only to be cut short because Penny died, I remember Nora being like "I hope Penny's gonna be okay" when they went to the vault and my heart is,,, in pain
Nora also helped Penny a lot to fight the virus and remember who she is ! Ruby is the most important person in Penny's life with her dad, but everyone played some part (even if I admit I was a bit disappointed during V9 in WBY's not seeming to care that much about her, except that time when Weiss tried to talk about it to Ruby, or they only dealt with it in different ways, but still-)
But anyway, if Penny had to come back (delusional team yeey) I would love to see her other relationships developed. Same with Winter, and even Maria who tried to protect her and understand her struggles.
Penny's such a sweet bean she deserves the world *explodes*
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youngestsano · 10 months
𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾
( Inspired by “I can see you” (Taylor verified) (From the vault)
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Y/N Was at a convention with other troll bands, as she noticed that broZone, it was kind of a surprise to her since a popular band just like brozone would be in a convención like this. She noticed one of the there members Floyd glancing at her from time to time.
As Y/N decided to confront him as she turned to look at him, raising her brow "Are you staring?" She asked, a small grin on her face. She knew That it was the Sensitive one as she decided to teased him for a little. She did, however, notice him looking at her
She could see Floyd start to blush, he hid his face and looked away as he mumbled his response. "..n.. no" Just as his brothers where trying to talk him up to ask for her number.
She looked over at his brothers with a curious look. They seemed to be trying to encourage him to ask for her number. When Y/n looked back at him, she leaned over the table, As she looked at him "I'm pretty sure that's a yes~" She said, her voice calm yet teasing. Her E/C stared at him, waiting for a response
his face was bright red, all of his brothers face where like "ooooooh" he was about to protest but got caught off gaurd by Y/n's smooth and teasing way. He looked like a deer stuck in the Headlights
Y/n smirked as she saw how flustered he was. She did know him but he didn’t know her, but was attracted to his calm presence, his soft looking voice. But she could barely see his face now, hidden underneath the mass of redness. So what did y/n do? She gently grabbed his chin, and pulled him towards her, not letting him protest "Give me your phone" She said, her tone a mixture of command and plea. The smirk still on her face
he was still in utter shock and didnt know how to react or what to do but he finally calmed and managed a weak response. "..a..alright." he pulls out his phone from his hoodie pocket and hands it to her as he looked down at his lap blushing like an apple. "..can.. I get your number too?" he said looking up at her from his lap still in utter shock but still managed to look cute with that blush and hair covering his eye.
Y/n sighed, amused with how he was acting. She put that aside as she took his phone. She quickly typed in her number and handed his phone back to him with a wink "There, now it's your turn~" She said, her smirk still present as she looked down at him with her E/C."You're very cute when you're red, by the way" She said, her teasing tone present.
he looked up at her from his lap blushing even more. "..R..really I am?" he said like a confused puppy, he didnt catch on to the flirting and teasing and was genuinely asking Y/n that question with full curiosity and confusion.
Y/n nodded at his question* "I mean it, you look very cute" She said, her voice soft yet teasing. She smirked. She was curious and amused by how he acted, not like the guys that just hit on her immediately. But she had a question to ask him "So... when am I gonna hear from you?" She said, looking down at him with her eyes
he looked down at his lap again blushing alot and hiding his face. "..w..well.. I dont know.." he mumbled with a blush that made her want to hug him, his shy and cute personality only made matters worse as she wanted to go over there and hug him tightly.
Y/N giggled as his face was still a bright red. She didn't need him to know. "You don't know..? But that makes me sad~" She said, her tone teasing. She then raised an eyebrow "Do you know how to text, or do I need to teach you~?"
he looked up at her blushing like crazy, hearing her tone and how teasing her are only made him blush morez
"I know how to text. But- I'll think of what to text you later " he says as he looks down at his lap a bit sad. "..sorry if that was a bad response.. I'm just- a bit nervous right now.." *
Y/n smirked as he said he was nervous."That's cute" She said, her voice calm yet teasing. She noticed he was still facing his lap, and had an idea "I have an idea~" She said, still smirking "Look up at me!" She said in a commanding tone*
he didnt know what to say to that, he tried to protest but knew he had no chance. He just gave in and looked at her, blushing like crazy as he looked at her eyes. His mind was racing with embarrassment. "..why do you have to be so teasing~" he said trying to get a grip on himself as he had no chance to protest anymore.
Y/n smirked as he looked at her. Her eyes stared at his blushing face. He looked so cute!! She had another idea, and as she did, she gently reached her hand out to him "Come here" She said, her voice calm yet teasing. She was wondering if he would actually listen to her commands. Her smirk had now gotten bigger, since he didn't question her. She wanted to see what he would do
his face was still blushing as he was still a ball of anxiety but her eyes eyes where like magnets, he had no choice but to listen to her.. his brothers where just staring at her, their smiles where big and they where impressed with how Y/n had him around her fingers."..alright.." his voice was almost a whisper to himself, he moved his body to her and got closer so her hand was in front of her.
Y/n smirked as he walked closer to her. When he was close enough, she pulled him closer and wrapped her arm around him. He was a lot shorter than her, so she used her arm to guide him to be face to face with her. She was close enough that she had to tilt her head down to look at him. However, the closer he was, the more attracted she was to him. "I'll wait for that text" She said to him, her voice soft but teasing
he was absolutely panicking inside, he couldnt help but feel nervous. His face was still a bit red but less then before, he could barely even speak. "..o-okay... I guess.. I'll text you." he said as he tried to get out of her grip to calm himself while also being super close to her, his mind was racing.
Y/n was enjoying seeing him so nervous and anxious. Not because she wanted him to be that way, of course, but when he was like that, she was just so drawn to him. His eyes were beautiful to stare at. His voice was soothing. And his face, covered in a red blush, was so cute. She just wanted to be freinds with him so bad. She wanted to hug him tight and have him stay with her forever. But she had a feeling that was impossible. So, she just smiled at him"Good" She said, teasing him a bit
he tried to get out of her grip as he was feeling embarrassed for having her this close to him and in such a intimate position. But his brothers kept pushing him more and more towards ber to embrace the moment. "..stop it!.." he protested as his siblings laughed a bit as they didnt help him. "he's getting even more red!!" Clay one of his brothers said as they giggled.
She was aware of his brothers and their giggling. She didn't care. In fact, his brothers and their reactions made it more entertaining for her. She held him tighter as he tried to get away from her. She was enjoying this moment far too much to let go of him. She smirked as she saw him trying to get away and his face getting even more red. "You want to get free~?" She asked, teasing him
He looked at his brothers who where now just grinning at the scene infront of them. "..let me go..". he wanted to protest and struggle more as he was a big ball of embarrassment, his body just not listening to him.
his face was so red it was almost as if it would explode any second. "I.. I can't-I'm.. u-ughhhh.. " he said as his face got even more red, he was so nervous and embarrassed.
Y/n laughed as she could hear how embarrassed he was. She then let go of him as she ran away decided to meet up with her friends “Bye bye~ ! text me !! “ she waved as she giggled turning around with a smile.
Floyd was standing there frozen his cheeks were red as he watched Her run away. His brother’s hyping him in the background but he didn’t care, his mind was just fully of her.
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lucifersresources · 11 months
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taylor swift // 1989 vault tracks rp lyrics meme.
edit/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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what if all i need is you?
got love-struck.
got lovesick all over my bed.
love to think you'll never forget.
love thorns all over this rose.
i'll pay the price, you won't.
they might as well be looking at us.
if they call me a slut, you know, it might be worth it for once.
if i'm gonna be drunk i might as well be drunk in love.
everyone wants him.
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
you're not saying you're in love with me.
it might blow up in your pretty face.
say don't go.
we're a shot in the darkest dark.
the waiting is a sadness.
fading into madness.
it won't stop.
i'm standing on a tightrope, alone.
i'm holding out hope.
i'm holding out hope for you to say 'don't go'.
i would stay forever.
i would stay forever if you say 'don't go'.
why'd you have to lead me on?
why'd you have to twist the knife?
why'd you have to twist the knife, walk away and leave me bleeding?
why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
your silence has me screaming.
you kiss me and it stops time.
i'm yours, but you're not mine.
you're not there.
i was trying to see the cards that you won't show.
i'm about to fold.
why'd you have to make me want you?
why'd you have to give me nothing back?
why'd you have to make me love you?
i said 'i love you', you say nothing back.
i want you more.
now that we don't talk.
i guess i'll never, ever know now that we don't talk.
it looks like you're trying lives on.
i miss the old ways.
you didn't have to change.
i guess i don't have a say.
the more i gave, you'd want me less.
i can't pretend it's platonic.
it's just ended.
guess maybe i am better off.
the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery.
guess this is how it has to be.
suburban legends.
all was quickly forgiven.
you were so magnetic.
i didn't come here to make friends.
we were born to be suburban legends.
when you hold me, it holds me together.
you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries.
i can still see you now.
i know that you still remember.
we were born to be national treasures.
i broke my own heart.
i broke my own heart coz you were too polite to do it.
my whole life's ruined.
is it over now?
you still wouldn't go.
you dream of my mouth.
was it over?
is it over now?
your new girl is my clone.
did you think i didn't see you?
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
i think about jumping off of very tall somethings.
if she's got blue eyes i will surmise that you'll probably date her.
you search in every model's bed for something greater.
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