#I'm sitting here with my bestie and we waited 8 years for THIS??? NOT EVEN IDENTITY REVEAL???
dbphantom · 1 year
Oh no, that was terrible
Marinette why are you lying to Adrien about his shitty dad other than to benefit from his grief at losing another parent (and why is nobody questioning his mom being alive now? Was the universe rewritten to fix the peacock miraculous and that's it, so Adrien's mom was alive the whole time, but somehow nothing actually changed with Gabriel, msaning he would've gone down this path no matter what actually happened to his wife? Meaning he really is just a shit person?) YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS BEING FOUNDED ON LIES, MARINETTE! Let Adrien know what really happened!!!!
And why was Adrien written out of HIS family's entire arc finale??? And Kagami??? (I still don't even fully understand why her and Felix were introduced from a writing perspective in the first place other than to make things even more convoluted... I liked Felix's character don't get me wrong, but Kagami was always done really dirty, especially now). Marinette is taking away Adrien's agency by lying to his face about what his father was really like, and we are supposed to be cool with that?
And why didn't we get an identity reveal with Adrien and his dad???? The whole arc was building up to this point of conflict and then they just ignore it! Adrien could've been partially responsible for his father's death with the cataclysm and they just IGNORE IT!!!!!! His worst nightmare is hurting the people he loves AND THEY JUST IGNORE THAT HE DID THAT EXACT THING AND HIS DAD DECIDED TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF BECAUSE OF IT. Is that why they think Marinette lying to Adrien about all the suffering caused by father is worth it??? Because it's not!
Also why didn't the universe rewriting for the wish actually change anything?? I thought that was a huge thing they established before now- that making a wish rewrites the universe and destroys the current one. But nothing actually changed beyond the peacock not being broken!!! As far as we're shown the fight with Monarch still happened, which means Marinette DOES remember everything! So what the hell?? Why isn't she saying anything?! Why did she let Gabriel get away with causing all that suffering and letting him be remembered as a hero? WTF?! DEATH SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED REDEMPTION, THIS IS EXACTLY WHY!!
And if the universe DID rewrite, then this is not OUR Marinette or Adrien, because they have grown up with very different lives (no dead mom, for one) and the previous two were ERASED. Except Monarch was still a thing, and Lyla found the butterfly miraculous at the house, which means the fight DID happen, and if Gabriel 'sacrificed himself' during the fight then the same fight happened. Marinette even mentions looking for the butterfly in the water, so she clearly DOES remember the fight.
Or are we supposed to believe Adrien's mom was Monarch now or something and Gabriel really did sacrifice himself in this rewritten universe, and that's why Marinette isn't saying anything about how Gabriel was actually a bad guy? Then why tf is Emilie just chilling by the pool in the final scene?! Or is the Monarch in this new universe a total stranger now???
Why do I have to come up with these convoluted scenarios to explain why Marinette is going along with this random, bullshit redemption arc for no good reason??? Is she just supposed to be content that at the very end he decides to kill himself instead of Natalie, and everyone, including Natalie and Emilie, is just fine lying to Adrien about what his father was actually like???? Or did she try to tell him and physically couldn't because of the rewrite/the wish??? Is that why it wasn't actually spoken, so the writers can just "oh, it's the wish's fault" themselves out of every issue in the next 10 seasons?
But no instead of clarifying anything we just get 1000 scenes of side characters no one actually gave a shit about, all fighting the same copy-pasted enemy 30 times because we want our Avengers Endgame moment without having to work for it.
Also lmao they really shipped Chloe off and then Never Mentioned Her Again. That'd be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing.
Well... At least the animation was good. And the ladybug chat noir fusion looked cool as hell (besides the goofy eyes). And Gabriel was rocking those earrings. He should've worn earrings more. We were both like 'damn, he actually makes those look good'. It was such an upgrade from his silly little bald cap. I would've accepted Gabriel redemption if he wore earrings more often <- joke
Update: I'm seeing posts that the woman by the pool might not even be Emilie, but in fact her sister. That... Might be even worse. So Gabriel used his wish not to fix the peacock miraculous in the past, but instead just return Natalie to health. Shit that might be EVEN WORSE than just killing himself to bring Adrien's mom back by retroactively fixing the miraculous that killed her and almost killed Natalie. Dude just caused all that suffering for NOTHING and left Adrien an orphan. Wowza.
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lutawolf · 1 year
The 8th Sense ep 8
Okay, okay, I'm braced for the pain. Lies that I tell myself.
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We must find our other half
Yup... I'm okay. I'm totally fine.
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Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. I love you, but you need educating on this. They are fabulous, and that took a lot of work. I need a gif of them because hot damn. I need them to teach me how to do eye makeup.
Cyborg, "I still don't know what my usage is." "Why was I created?" Through the portrayal of a colorful psychiatric hospital, we can conclude that the message from the art director was: Psychiatric hospitals don't always have to be gloomy. It's okay to be colorful. Live the way you want.
It's like we are getting a message about both Jae Won and Ji Hyun mental state right now. Jae Won is questioning so much about himself right now, while Ji Hyun is hopeful. Who would have thought that Ji Hyun would turn into a sunshine character.
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Aww, bless him, he said, please. 👀👀👀 Okay, they turned into an ass, but they still look fabulous.
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Love these girls. "I thought she was throwing a one-person show." Oh, and look at sassy Ji Hyun!
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GIFs from the lovely maxescheibechlinichacheli
This scene. Fuck me. And the cunt rolling her eyes!
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No, he isn't going to forgive him because he is a jealous little boy. Yeah, and you'll be a victim the rest of your life. And so called gf is just keeping her mouth shut. Seriously, she slept with him.
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Yes... This is really how I am like watching shows. Just ask some of the people who have watched them with me. @suga4mycoffee
Bestie doesn't realize that Jae Won is in self-destruction mode.
See, he isn't even trying, but here comes baby boy to his rescue. And we see the first signs of a real smile out of Jae Won as his baby talks. Look at this baby giving such a speech. Bless him.
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Anybody else watched the two-year-old tantrum on repeat and clap? No, just me?
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I'm getting so little joy. Just emotional damage. Let me enjoy what I can.
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Baby boy all excited and happy for him. Jae Won just lets him walk away. Then baby boy sits there waiting on his call. Fuck!
Fucking sunshine baby, just texting away to no response. And don't get me wrong, I know that Jae Won is fucked in the head right now, but if you think that this won't have lasting effects on Ji Hyun. You haven't seen the effects of what ignoring can do. Generally, if this happens in a relationship, there will be serious clinging when rectified and a tendency towards stressing out.
"I knew you had a girl." Bestie was getting mad that he hadn't been told and took matters into his own hands. Don't let me down, bestie. Oh, fuck, but I love him!
"How can you keep this news from your best friend of 13 years!"
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GIF by troubledmindzzz
Dude, I wish so much happiness on bestie. So much!
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Ji Hyun, I'm gonna need you to take off those rose colored glasses. I adore that you know where Jae Won is coming from and will support. But ignoring your own feelings and emotional traumas from this is not good.
This is like saving someone who slid off a cliff, but your shoulder was pulled out of socket while doing so, and you just ignore the shoulder wound. It won't get better on its own! You can't ignore it!
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I really love the bestie, though. Like so much. Somebody GIF them tapping coffee cups. I need these besties immortalized please!!!
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Oh, there we go. When all is silent, and he is all alone, we see the peaks of his real emotions. Boiling just below the surface.
This cunt. He literally saved Jae Won from being expelled. If you really loved Jae Won, you'd be thanking Ji Hyun, but you don't give two shits about anyone but yourself. I love that Ji Hyun is giving it as good as he is getting it. YES!!!
I bet a bunch of people showed up at his work after her complaint. Nobody likes the bitch but boys who want her. Everyone else is like, if she doesn't go there, then that's where I want to be!
I love the boss.
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GIF by ahsung
Fuck me, this scene!
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romantichore · 7 months
a student of mine brought her best friend's sketchbook for me to see today. it was at the bestie's request, because she was my student almost five years ago. back in the day she was an 8-year-old drawing mostly poop and toilet paper rolls, but she enjoyed drawing and after the first time I showed interest on it she started showing me more of what she drew.
she's getting so good at it. she's been clearly studying anatomy though she still tends towards less realistic styles. she draws little comics about her and her best friend's ocs. she's been exploring other mediums too, like watercolors instead of just pencil.
now I'm sitting here and holding back my tears because I am so, so proud. I remember sitting with her after class a handful of times because she had a new drawing to show me. once or twice we stayed late because she missed her mom and she just needed to cry about it, and we chatted about what she'd been drawing while we waited for her grandma to pick her up.
I don't think she remembers any of it, and it's okay. I'm just so glad she didn't quit it. and I'm so thankful that she trusted me not to be a dickish adult about it. she's even been open, they both have, about the fact that they're on that teenage girl into gay ships phase. they had no way of knowing I'm queer, because talking about anything lgbt+ is a no-no, but they trusted me anyway.
I hope it all means I've been doing something right. and I hope I get to see other sketchbooks as she progresses.
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hanneagedaria · 10 months
Would you sacrifice your love for the sake of your friendship? Because if you're going to ask me my answer would be "Yes".
It's a new semester, i woke up when i heard someone knocking at my dorm, "hey, tristan we're going to be late" said someone outside the door "yes im coming" i shortly replied.
When i opened the door i saw my friend, her name is zelle, Zelle Emilia Galvez, we been friends for almost 4 yrs since i enter college, "let's go?" i asked then wrap my arm around her, She nodded and we start walking. When zelle finally found his classroom i started to look around the campus, i sat at the football field while i wait for my first class because my class will start at 11 am, and its only 8:00 thanks to my friend for walking me up too early.
"Can i sit here?" someone spoke at my back, "sure" i replied while scrolling through my phone. When i look on my left side)b feet n ththtthhhttyththhty my jaw almost drop when i saw the guy beside me, he has brown hair/hhngngnggnng kinda look sleepy also he smells good, "ahmm excuse me? is there something wrong?" the guy asked me "wha— no" i said "hi im tristan asher coleman, 4th year major in psychology" i added, he just looked at me "Zarrick" he replied "Zarrick, thats a good name huh?" i said then chuckled, "Zarrick Apxfel Monterro, 4th year, Pshc Student" he replied with a really deep voice
When i enter the classroom my eyes sparked as i saw Zarrick sitting at the corner of our room, my heart skip a beat when i saw him looking into my direction, i think i fell in love at first sight. "tristan, TRISTANNN!!" zelle shouted, "whatt!" i replied "i called you multiple times, who are you looking?" she asked "what? looking? who?" i replied in panicked.
Zarrick start walking into our direction "Zarrick this is my friend tristan" Zarrick just looked at me "you guys know each other?" i confusedly asked, Zelle smile then nodded, she place her hand around zarrick's shoulder "Zarrick is my childhood friend, the one i told you about" she whispered
"Hey zelle" i called her while we're walking "hmm??" she replied "i think i like zarrick" i added, zelle stop walking, "then why don't you tell him?" she asked "well, i–i can't" i responded "why?" she asked again, i wanted to tell her that the way zarrick looked at her means a lot, i want to tell her that zarrick is into her and not me. "nothing i just don't feel like it" i shortly replied, "ok whatever i'll let him know don't worry" she insisted then continue scrolling through her phone.
After that day i saw zelle and zarrick hanging out together like almost everyday, they started eating together, walking hime together and even going to school, i didn't mind it at first but one day i followed them, they sat at the foodball field where zarrick and i first met. a min later zarrick lean closer to zelle, i was shock when zarrick kissed zelle, My suspiciouns seems to be true, but it looked like they both like each other.
A week later i notice that zelle been avoiding me, after class i approach her "hey zelle" i called her, she didn't say a word "why are you avoiding me?" i asked "no im not" she shortly replied "what happened?" i asked again, "im sorry Tristan, zarrick and i are in a relationship" she said to me, "why didn't you tell me?" i asked again, she explained that before zarrick enrolled to that school, they already in a relationship.
After what she said i wanted to be mad at her but then i realized that i have the right to be hurt but i have no right to be angry at her because in the first place zarrick and i, never been in a relationship and will never be in a relationship.
10 years later, im already a psychologist, while I'm at my clinic someone texted me, when opened the message my tears fall down to my cheeks, not because im hurt but because im happy for my friend "Bestie, im getting married, you should go" "of course i'll come" i replied to the message. I stopped for a second, i remember the time when i was in love with this man and now his getting married to my friend.
At the wedding, my friend smiled at me while she walked in the aisle, i was super happy for her but at the same time, i was thinking what if i was in her position, what if i was the one getting married to this man in front of the altar, suddenly someone tap my back "can i sit here?" the guy said, "of course" i replied when i looked at him he look exactly like zarrick, with his brown hair, sleepy eyes, his moreno skin and he also smells good, i was interrupted when the priest stared saying "husband you can now kiss your bride" the crowd started clapping, so am i. After the wedding, she hugs me "thank ypu for coming" i hug her back "of course" i shortly replied, i my mind i was thinking that sometimes you have to let go the person you like for the sake of others.
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 2 years
ok so here are my ratings of all the adam sandler movies I've seen:
Going Overboard (1989): 0/10 somehow this movie has a budget of 800,000 dollars and still looks like it was shot on an ipod in someone's garage in 2009. not funny not sexy. zero stars.
Billy Madison (1995): solid 4/10, pretty stupid and has a lot of dumb jokes but that's why it's fun.
The Wedding Singer (1998): 9/10 actually a pretty cute and funny romcom. I watched this one with my parents.
The Waterboy (1998): 7/10 adam was really killing it in '98. waterboy is a classic, again with dumb jokes and again that's why it's fun. I haven't watched it in several years so my memory is shotty but I remember it being better than most of his movies
Big Daddy (1999): 7/10 it's cute. I bought a DVD copy of this film to give to my dad on father's day once
Little Nicky (2000): 10/10 this movie is so so so fucking funny because it is ATROCIOUS. but I'm sure it was written as a weird satirical take on christianity and that alone gives it an automatic five stars. there's a scene where little nicky dissolves into thousands of spiders with adam sandler's face on them.
50 First Dates (2004): 6/10 it's ok
Click (2006): 8/10 again with the weird satirical adam sandler movies. I absolutely refuse to believe the writers of this one weren't laughing their asses off while making it. it's funny because it's bad.
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007): 5/10 for some reason my lesbian friend really wanted me to watch this and I did and it was ok? some scenes were very hard to sit through but I guess the part where adam sandler says gay people deserve rights is good
Bedtime Stories (2008): 10/10 a classic. cute!
Funny People (2009): 10/10 not only is it genuinely pretty well written, not only is the acting believable, not only is it a weird introspective take on adam sandlers life, not only is the score so sexy, but jason schwartzman is sooo hot in it. you guys know how I get about douchey jason characters and mark taylor jackson was probably the second of his roles I felt really attracted to. if I keep thinking about him I'll start moaning like a cat in heat so I'll move on.
Grown Ups (2010): 5/10 alternative title: adam sandler gets paid to chill with his friends
Just Go With it (2011): 4/10 it was ok.
Hotel Transylvania (2012): 9/10 again cute
Blended (2014): 5/10 for some reason I thought this was the same movie as just go with it and now I'm remembering that this one is the one where adam sandler goes on safari and just go with it is the one where he faked his own death. bumping down both. wait no what the fuck no it isn't. are blended and just go with it the same movie. which one is the one where adam sandler fakes his own death?
Hotel Transylvania 2/3 (2015, 2018): like solid 6/10 I don't even care enough to rank them seperately
The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) (2017): 8/10 genuinely a good movie.
Murder Mystery (2019): 5/10 whatever
Hubie Halloween (2020): 5/10 I watched this with my then-roommate and about ten minutes in she got up and left and didn't come back.
thank you for your time
i love ur list bestie and i agree with the ones ive seen 4 sure. im watching hubie halloween as we speak and it sure is a movie. im pretty sure blended and just go with it r different movies, tbh i would have to bump down every movie that includes a refernce to adam sandlers odd earlobe kink
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dreamypjm · 2 years
ABOVE | Park Jimin
-> Chapter Index <-
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Chapter 1 - "A new Morning"
word count: 816
I turn around in bed, slowly opening my eyes and staring at the blank white wall.
"I should put something on there.."
Another day of waking up with a really bad headache, just like everyday the past 5 months.
Will this ever get better or even stop?
The truth is, I don't know and none of the plenty of doctors I've already seen could tell.
"It's probably caused by mental issues since we can't find any physical causes." - that's what they all said.
I went through a lot of medical checks but I gave up on getting any answers on my health and just accepted that I have to live with it until it gets better.
Some weeks ago I also stopped taking any medicine. It's been a few months, I can't just go on taking pain killers each day, that's what I thought.
And to be honest, I'm used to waking up in pain, most days it's just my head but sometimes it's my whole body that hurts.
I can deal with it, it's okay.
I'm staring at the wall a few more minutes until I get myself together to sit up on my bed.
Something feels different this morning.
I'm not sure what it is but it makes me feel kind of calm.
"I feel... great..?"
I still have a headache. But I feel good even with the pain.
I grab my phone to check the time.
"06:13 AM.. I should get ready"
Not a single notification. I'm used to it. My family stopped texting me everyday. They did that in the first few weeks after I moved here all by myself. But it's been almost a year now.
I have a few friends but not those
"good morning bestie, how are you?"
kind of friends.
I got up, took a quick shower, got myself ready and put on some basic black clothes.
I'll be wearing an apron over my clothes at work anyway, why would I dress up fancy then?
"How about this.. today?"
I took a white shirt with some cute flower prints out of my closet and put it on.
Yeah, this feels great!
Off to work!
As soon as I arrive at the small coffee shop that I work at, the first thing I do is get myself a coffee.
Our first customers never show up before 8 AM, that's why me and my co-workers start a day quite relaxed.
It's a bit after 7 AM, still got some time.
I sit down next to my co-worker. The coffee in one hand and my phone in the other.
She's looking at her phone and laughs, seems like she's texting someone.
I unlock my phone. No notifications.
I put my phone down on the table and look outside one of the windows. It's sunny today, not a single cloud. That could be one of the reasons I feel different today.
It hasn't been that sunny for a while, I really missed it.
*10:13 AM*
"There you go! Same as always!"
We don't have a lot of customers here but we have loyal customers. We know them all by their names or nicknames and they most likely order the same thing everyday.
One of my favorite customers must be here in a few minutes, it's an old man who always got something to gossip about with me. But today I wanna tell him that I feel great! He knows about my pain but he stopped asking about it. I guess he doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable cause I always used to tell him that nothing has changed.
While I'm waiting for him I start preparing his coffee. My back is turned to the door when I heard someone step in.
I put some sugar into the coffee and turn around in a rush with a bright smile on my face and my eyes closed.
"Good morning, here's your coffee!
And guess what!"
I put the cup on the counter and look up.
"I feel gr- "
Wait -
.. who's that?
I look straight into a young man's face.
Brown eyes, clear skin and..
plump, soft looking full lips.
Black hair. A mullet haircut.
He's wearing a brown coat with a white turtle-neck sweater and black pants.
I'm not sure for how long I've been staring at him but he seems to be confused.
"Oh, so-sorry! I expected someone else to pick up his coffee right now" - I say.
He keeps looking at me but his confused facial expression turns into a friendly one.
He's not smiling but he looks calm.
Me: "What can I get you?"
He looks up on the menu.
It's not unsual that once in a while a new face shows up here.
But for some reason this caught me off guard right now.
He caught me off guard.
Author's note:
I hope you liked the first chapter of this story! If you did, feel free to leave a like & maybe reblog it <3
Love, Ami Xx
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𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘑𝘦𝘳𝘬 || 𝘗𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘹𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘧𝘧, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳
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Soon on Wattpad~
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"Do you have one of the Parasites like your dad used to have?" asked Mrs. Chen the girl who paid for the snacks, eyes wide she shook her head in disagreement before stepping out of the store
"it's not my fault, dad used to call you that man just don't kill her she can give us a lot of free food you know and you can have extra brains when they always rob her poor store?" "Fine, we'll let it slide" "what do you wanna do?" "We can do whatever WE want" chuckling slightly she nodded making her way upstairs to the rooftop, sitting at the edge with venom beside her they both ate the Pack of chocolate in silence, sure, she was terrified finding out about a symbiote living inside her body just like her father after protecting herself from some scientist, but for these past years she got used to it and they were more like best friends and if something happened to Venom it's like happening to her.
Making her way toward the bathroom, attempting to hide from those Men but a voice inside her head made her scream in fear, hiding inside one of the stalls she stared into nothing but emptiness staying quiet as if a serial killer was following her, shaking in fear she tried not to sob out loud by putting her hand on her mouth a drop of a tear falling to the ground as the 10-year-old girl cried in silence with her hands still shaking, the sound of the bathroom stalls being slammed open made her heart stop beating as she started praying for her life, she was going to die that's for sure.
The next thing she knew was the lock breaking and her being pulled harshly by 2 men, screaming in fear she tried biting their hands off but the guns aimed in her head was worse, in a blink of an eye black tentacles came out of her arms and stabbed both of them in the heart, a pool of blood surrounded her as she watched in fear at what she has just done, she just killed two men trying to kidnap her, blood on her white shoes and arms as she tried to open the door and make her way out of this hell hole, but it was the same thing instead this time a group pointed their guns at her as she looked around in search of a place to run away, giving up she sat on the ground putting her hands in the air as told letting the 'police' handcuff her, she's just a 10-year-old girl what possibly could she do?
"mom! please I am begging you to tell them to let me go, we were supposed to be having a girls' night! I promise I didn't kill those men something came out of my arm and-" she couldn't finish her words, Tears welled from deep inside and coursed down her cheeks as she begged her mother for help with a high pitched voice, Anne on the other side stared at her with a guilty look before shaking her head, staring at her in disbelieve she was brutally pulled by the handcuffs away giving her mother one last look.
Did she stay in an Asylum for 8 years without seeing her 'mother' and outside? yes sadly she did, did she get out of the asylum once? no, she never did and that was driving her crazy she was the only one in here and everyone was afraid of her, this place wasn't like any other asylum they brought people with superpowers here, like Eleven from stranger things except Mery didn't have Telekinesis she had Venom.
Sitting in the chair defeatless with an emotionless look on her face, her hands tied to the table, as always, she stared at Anne straight in her eyes "Mery-" "hey doctor, can you please open these handcuffs and let me go back to my room before I do something?" she finally said looking straight into the camera about to transform into the big giant monster when a syringe was on her neck preventing her from doing so, 'how dare she says my nickname' she thought looking straight into her eyes after 8 years of not seeing each other how would you feel and how can she still manage to say her nickname, especially when your own mother is the reason you're looked in here "I Hate you and you don't deserve to be called a mother!" she yelled out struggling from their grip, black tentacles came out of her back as she grabbed every single scientist killing them with no mercy, "Venom, let's get the hell out of here" her voice deadly as she spoke "Copy, you're the boss" just as Anne described she looked just like her father, huge teeth, white eyes, and a long tongue.
𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠-
"Don't open that door"
"Bitch, Don't order me to do something because you will die waiting?" she said with the usual level of sarcasm before taking off her apron making her way toward the door, what was shitty about this house was it didn't have a peephole, rolling her eyes she opened the door staring at the group in front of her "May I help you?" asked the girl in confusion to why the Avengers are in front of her apartment with a raised eyebrow the Black haired girl was about to close the door when black widow finally said a word after 10 seconds of silence "we need to talk to you?" "Listen, I don't have time to deal with superhero shit I've had enough" "please?" sighing she pushed the door fully letting them in sitting on the couch in front of them with her legs crossed "what?" "Can you introduce us to who you were talking to?" asked Captain America looking at her, raising her eyebrows once again, it was a habit sometimes she bites her nails "were you listening to us the whole time?" "no-" "Jesus, y'all are so famous and busy with superhero shit to the point where you don't understand a joke, Venom can you come out please?" annoyed, a black face appeared beside hers, that was the Parasite living inside her body?
"don't touch it, everyone this is Venom my best buddy and a parasite living inside my body, Her favorite food is brains and chocolate and we both kill robbers every day" putting a fake smile on her face she could see the look on their eyes, Bruce wanting to touch it so badly but stopped when Meryam sent him a look of disagreement, "alright this it, you guys can go, it was lovely meeting you, y'all are awesome superheroes and bye-bye!" "would you like to come with us we need your help, please?" asked Thor holding his hammer, glancing at Venom they both nodded at the same time, they were partners in crime anyways.
"We will but I'm coming alone, see ya at the Tower!" smiling she slammed the door shut
"Can you imagine Thor the god of thunder asking me to come with them, that is awesome right?" "not as awesome as us" nodding with a grin she grabbed her pocket knife charging the gun just in case tying her hair into a bun, putting on the mask Meryam grabbed the bag making her way out of the room.
"Hey miss Chen came to have some supplies?" stated the girl making her way toward the snack session she was probably the only customer here, the threatening sound of another robber echoed around the store as he pointed his gun at the poor woman, "That guy?" "yes bestie, free food for you tonight?" she said making her way toward the man, grabbing his wrist she punched him straight in the jaw, "Mask!" in a blink of an eye the same monster Mrs. Chen saw a long time ago was in front of her expect it was a woman, and that woman was Eddie Brock's daughter, Biting his head off she paid for the snacks before making her way out "night, thanks for the free snack!"
(venom ate the man, duh)
"This walk is boring!" "I know but we're almost there don't worry" "I Miss the Loser" "yeah, same he was the best dad" "and best Host, you both are the best" "aw thanks Venom you're the best too" a soft smile rose on her lips, The world was a better place when she smiled to Venom and he promised to Eddie he would keep her safe, thank god, she had her earphones on so people wouldn't call her crazy for talking by herself, "Jesus how many floors in this Tower?" "93"
"Excuse me is Tony Stark here, he said I can meet him here?" politely asking the blonde woman who was holding a little girl in her hand she took off her mask not to scare her, they didn't seem to recognize her right? "She's probably his wife" the voice of the symbiote echoed around her head as she nodded, "oh yes you must be Meryam, you seem kinda Familiar?" the blonde woman asked her, her heart stopped beating as soon as she said the last words, "o-oh really, who?" "oh never mind, you're so pretty by the way, I should probably go take Morgan to sleep Tony is having a meeting with the rest and they're waiting for you" "Yeah thank you?" "Pepper call me Pepper dear" nodding she waved at the little girl who had a cute smile on her face before making her way to where Pepper pointed
"Hey Old man, you wanted to meet us?" the same sound they heard 30 minutes ago echoed around the room earning their attention, chuckling at how startled they looked Meryam tried to hold her laugh while Venom was grinning evilly on the other side, "Ahh miss Brock come in" "it's Meryam, Anthony" okay that surely got him annoyed she could see how he rolled his eyes, sitting down on one of the chairs she looked around greeting the rest with a straight look.
"Tell us more about yourself?" not wanting to tell them her whole story, she shook her head with an emotionless look on her face "there's nothing more to know about me, I lived 13 years alone that's it, my life is useless anyways I only have Venom and kill robbers nothing more interesting?" one thing they learned about her was how fast she changed her emotions, 5 seconds ago she was trying not to laugh and now a deadpan look on her face. Pietro didn't trust her, not even a single bit and that was why a glare was attached to his stupid face
"So Meryam we're going to be on a mission for these past days and since you have nothing to do, you're going to catch the robbers around the city and take Morgan to school" tearing her gaze away from Pietro who was still glaring she blinked slightly trying to process what he just said, "excuse me, am I getting paid for that?" "yes" "fine, I'll do it, and will you stop glaring at me like I am some target?" her Black eyes met his as she spoke with gritted teeth's, anger rushing through her body Wanda slapping his shoulder before apologizing to her "I am so sorry Meryam-" "it's alright Wanda don't apologize in his place, he just needs to stop and do it all by himself if he's a true man, good night everyone" with that she made her way out of the place trying to calm her nerves down
Anger Issues
"Ohh she got you good" Teased Sam the twin who was still fuming in anger, rage thrummed through his veins as he swallowed down his frustration sending him a harsh look, "shut up birdy" with that he was out of sight just before Clint could say something
"oh these two are not going to be friends or work together, it's probably something worse"
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@fangirl-and-stuff I told you I'd figure out a way to get this posted, feat. my best attempts at filling in the reaction memes.
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"BITCH ASS SNAKE OF A SPERM DONOR" IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. Also- who else did you think it was gonna be??
I did originally plan for a long torturous death for him via hyung line feat. jungkook, but as I was actually writing the scene I decided I actually wanted (and fit the characterization better imo) yoongi to just end him then and there. Yoongi's line there is one of my favorite in the whole chapter
"Were you really going to sit there and let him talk about her like that? Cause I sure as fuck wasn't."
Truly, we stan.
When Jackson was introduced, I was skeptical bc wtf are you here and why do you want to help MC hmmmm???
And then when it cut to 8 years later and then seeing him gaslight and manipulate tf outta the MC... oooo it had my blood boiling
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The overall consensus on Jackson is, no one likes him. And that was kinda the point. So I did my job. [Insert spoiler-y things here]
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I'm glad that last scene worked the way I wanted it to, I was really worried about it. I kept sending little screenshots to my friends asking "does this make sense?? When it's written like this??"
I mean I knew we were probably going to touch on that this chapter considering it covers the entire decade they were apart but like it was still a pleasant surprise
Namkook is so precious to me. Jungkook is too precious for this story.
Okay also that part where MC was hired to find JK had me giggling bc in the way that no one could find him bc he left Busan was basically the same way why the boys couldn't find MC bc she left Seoul to Busan. Did that make sense? I feel like it made more sense in my head but hopefully you understand hehe
I feel like I had more to say but I'm gonna reread the chapter again to remember but with that being said...
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Happy and safe and healthy and secure is the endgame. It's just. It's gonna take a while. A very long while.
My dear author, I am so happy that you were able to finish this chapter and I am so excited to see how this story goes! I'm really glad I stumbled upon your story and I can't wait to read the scene of the aftermath of MC saying "I watched you close the door" I have a feeling it's going to be angsty in the best way. You go and rest that wonderful brain of yours, bestie... you earned it 💜💜💜
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Oh my word darling, this is one of the best reviews I've ever gotten 🥰🥰 I am so glad that you're enjoying it so much, truly it makes my heart sing. I hope the next chapter meets your expectations and that you love it just as much 💜💜💜
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
@tu-sonrisaaa-te-amooo asked: Could you do the 8 and 17 fluff with Joel? tht would be cute (ik u hate him lol u could do zabdi if u want)
Lmao I don't hate him Bby..he can just be a bit dramatic sometimes...that's all 🙆‍♀️
Prompts: (I did a bit of alterations in it so excuse me)
“I want to dance through an army of fireflies with you.” (Prompt 8)
“My hand was made to fit into yours. That’s all there is to it.” (Prompt 17)
So Y/N is your name
~ ~ ~ means change of scenario.
✓ ✓ ✓ means the end.
So...ahem...this went a bit more than I intended it to go...I swore I would just write drabbles but I guess old habits die hard? So this is it? I hope you like it Dia! 💕😅 (oh new nickname alert)
This song is beautiful and sorta inspired me! 💕
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- - -
Y/N and Joel were friends ever since they were little kids...They had met when Joel had gotten lost wandering around in a series of pet shops staring at pets (especially various dog breeds and puppies). When his senses had hit him..he understood he had gotten lost..he began to feel nervous and uneasy and let out childish sobs as he began to run around looking for his mother.
He barely paid attention to anything around him as he only focused in searching for his mother that which eventually ends up with him bumping onto someone.
"Ouch! Why can't you watch where the hell they are going?!" A voice speaks
Joel falls down as he looks at the person speaking...a little girl who held a husky in her arms on the floor angrily glaring at him
"I'm so sorry...I didn't..." He begins as he stares at the husky...
"It's fine...Just watch where you're going at least the- -" She begins
"Is that the Siberian Husky?" Joel asks interrupting her as he stands up
"I'm kind of offended that you interrupted me...But yes...yes it is.." She replies as she possessively holds her husky
"Can...Can I pet it?" He asks as he looks at the husky eagerly
"Well sure I guess..." She says as Joel begins petting the husky.
A few minutes later, the duo had already begun talking about...dogs things in general..
"Y/N! There you are!!" I was looking all over for you!" A voice speaks, tone concerned
"Oh..Mumma..I was just on my way back but then this boy bumped into me and apparently loves Zachary a bit too much.." She says as she points at Joel
And that's when our oblivious little Joel realizes that he was lost and was supposedly supposed to find his mother..not stand here fanboying over a husky.
His eyes widen as he looks around, searching for his mother a.k.a his official/ main intention...Panic strikes his system as he realizes he was obviously potentially lost..
"Are you okay Joel?" Y/N asks
"I'm LOST!" Joel replies as he looks at her letting out childish sobs
"Oh god...Mumma...Help him!" Y/N says
"Listen lil boy...we'll find your mother...do you like know her number or anything.." Y/N mother asks
"Yes..." He replies as he tells her the number letting out soft sobs
The husky jumps onto Joel's arms as it began licking his face. Joel stopped crying slowly as he began smiling a bit.
"Oh my god...He is just so adorable..." Joel says as he pets the husky
"Yeah...he seemingly likes you..strange..he's not pretty comfortable with strangers.." Y/N comments
Soon Joel's mother comes in, her eyes scanning around, her eyes instantly gleaming with happiness as she finds Joel.
"Joel!!!" She says as she runs over and hugs him, Zachary jumping out of Joel's arms onto the ground.
"Mumma!!" Joel yells as he hugs her, sobbing quietly
Y/N stepped away a bit letting them have their moment.
"Thank you for finding him! He's always roaming around..pet stores...or just everywhere in general...I'm so sorry for his careless actions...and all the inconveniences he has caused you..." Joel's mother apologizes
"Oh not at all...He wasn't a bother at all.." Y/N's mother reassures
"Joel...at least next time don't go around without telling your mum! If you want a pet come over to my place...We can play with Zachary together..." Y/N says as she smiles at him, holding her mother's hand
"Okay..I will." Joel says smiling at her as he pets Zachary one last time...
"Bye Joel! See you...well...soon?" She says as she walks off..
That was how it all began...After that, one day he had turned up at her place surprisingly...They were next door neighbours...And eventually they spent a lot of time together..which lead to their everlasting friendship which began at the age of 6..
~ ~ ~
"Joel...when am I going to see you again?" Y/N asks as she lazily sat on his bed whilst she helped him with her luggage.
"Around 9 months...I'll be back soon.." Joel says as he puts in another shirt
"Oh come on...that's technically the entire year!" Y/N comments as she rolls her eyes
"I swear I would have taken you if it wasn't for your Fashion Designing Course..If that had been completed..then you could have joined.." Joel says as he stuffs in something else
"Yeah yeah..it's important right...I'm going to miss you Jo..." She says as she looks at him
"Me too..I wish there was something I could do.." Joel says as he walks over towards her.
"Just promise that you'll facetime me before all your performances..and just text me once at least every day...send me those lame audios of yours...I don't care.." Y/N says as she holds his hand...
He was still here...not gone..why did he have to leave?
"Hey...I'll text you and call you everyday.. You're my best friend...If I wouldn't call you.. who else would I?" He asks as he holds her hand and hugs her
~ ~ ~
"Wow! That was a spectacular show right boys?" Joel asks obviously excited as he walked behind the stage...
"Yes..exhausted but overwhelming..." Richard replies as they walk into the room backstage
Zabdiel immediately falls onto the couch, Erick cools off, Chris begins to fix his hair
"God..Why hasn't Y/N even seen my message! She didn't even facetime me today or even call me! Isn't that just mean?!?" Joel comments as he slumps onto the couch
"Yes...call her mean and every other negative word you could think of Ho-eL! She brought her arse from miles away, sat on a 13 hour flight just so she could surprise her best friend and yet you call her that?" A voice speaks from behind him
"Wait...a minute..." Joel trails as he instantly turns behind and sees Y/N
"Y/N- - !!!!" His tone surprised and shocked as he leaps off the couch and hugs her, a few years falling through his cheeks in the rush of excitement.
"Curls!!" She yells as she hugs him.
They hug on forever none of them every wanting to let go...Until an intentional cough from the guys pulls them away
"Ah...err...Guys! Meet my bestie Y/N!" Joel says as he grabs her hand heading towards the boys
"We talked Curls...I talked to everyone and they all helped me hide...You guys were amazing...The performance was just fantastic!" She comments as the boys yell out a chorus of thanks
"Okay so everyone except me knew that you were here?" Joel asks
"Duh curls...I couldn't sneak into backstage without their help..." Y/N says referring to the boys.
Joel grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty room and pulls her into a hug again
"I'm so glad to have you here...Thank you for the support.." Joel says
"Wow wow...I never knew I'd see a sweet side of you Joel..." Y/N remarks
"Shut up and just hug me..." Joel says rolling his eyes
She returns the gesture as they kept hugging, an odd source of comfort filling both their veins.
~ ~ ~
"Joel...this is beautiful..." Y/N comments as she looks around the woods.
It was a small forest sort of place filled with thick green trees and a small river which gleamed with reflections of the littered stars that laid scattered in the skies.
"I know right..." Joel says as he looks at the river and at her..
They spent a lot of time making jokes and just talking about life...he had just returned from tour a few days before and thought he ought to spend some quality time with his best....friend...
He almost sighed at his own thoughts..he had begun to have feelings for her...but he didn't want to let them interplay..he didn't want to lose her...he needed her as a friend at least in his life..his feelings didn't have any part in this...but he couldn't help but wonder everytime she smiled..was she thinking about him? Did she think of him..as something more than a friend?
"Joel..Joel...HOEL!" Y/N yells.
Joel's eyes widen in shock as he falls off the log he sat on because of how loud she yelled and how distracted he was..
"Oh god...you are so clumsy sometimes Curls! Wait..actually all the damn time!" She says as she holds out her hand, Joel gratefully accepting her extended hand as she pulls him up.
"Look at that Y/N..My hand was made to fit into yours..” Joel comments as he sits up
Y/N face floods with a tint of pink as she nervously laughs it off..but never lets go off his hand..
"Of course you dummy...We are besties so god made sure it would work that way.." She replies uneasily
"Y/N I want to tell you something.." He says interrupting her from speaking further
An awkward moment of painful silence fills the air...
"What is it Joel?" She asks nervously
"It's.. it's..." Joel begins but his anxiety kicks in.
"If you don't tell her now...you'll never tell her or know if she felt the same.. you'll probably live in regret but you have to! " His inner voice encourages as he takes a deep breath
"I...I like you..." He breathes out
"I like you too Joel! You are my best fr- -" Y/N begins
"No Y/N...I like you more than a best friend.. you make me feel warm and mushy on the inside..I don't feel anything else around anyone else...You make me feel safe, happy. You understand me...We fight..but that's only because you care..but I like you in a different manner...You make me want to the cringy -est stuffs like taking couple pictures, share smoothies together, go on dates...and make me wanna dance with you in between an army of fireflies under the moonlight and what nots.. and to think that you make these cliché activities look normal...that's weird and definitely not something I feel one fine day.. I knew I always had these feelings..But I realized them...only recently...I understand if you don't feel the same..but just so you know I'll keep loving you..on and on..." He finishes off
"Who said I never had feelings for you Joel?" She asks "Every night... I'm just waiting and wondering if you have found someone that'll make you feel like that..Because why not? There are millions out there..prettier, hotter and just beautiful girls out there waiting for you so why would you choose me over them? Yeah... nothing.."
"Y/N I don't care...for you were..are the only girl I've had my eyes on...from the start.. today and forever..." Joel says as he holds both her palms. (I'm low-key swooning 🤧)
Before she could answer, Joel extends his free hand and pulls her up.
They walk over towards a place where the moonlight reflected brightly and the clear water flowing gently, causing small ripples as if it was singing a song.
"Well...can I have a dance with you?" Joel asks as he extends his hand out in a sorta gentleman style
Y/N nods softly as she takes his hand, his hand instantly softly interlocking with hers as she rests her free hand on his shoulder, his free hand holding a space above her waist securely..
As they began to softly dance in sync, an army of fireflies had encapsulated around them causing her to smile wide.
"Look Joel...True to your 'cliché' wishes..the fireflies are here..." Y/N jokes about it as Joel's face floods with a bright pink colour.
They enjoyed the overall aura, the silence suddenly turning comfortable...as they merely enjoyed each others' presence without any words being exchanged.
"So..Y/N..." Joel begins
"Hmm?" She asks as they continue dancing
"Will..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously
Y/N stops dancing as she tries to catch Joel's gaze..but the boy would look at anyone or anything but her..
Y/N stood on her toes as she holds his face with both hands as she stares at his beautiful dark brown orbs, her eyes filled with nothing but love..that too only for him.
Joel looks at her nervously and before he could speak anything, she softly presses her lips against his. He instinctively bends down a bit to reach upto her height as his hands wrap around an area a bit above her waist.
She pulls away, Joel's arms still firmly fixated above her waist as he looks at her
"Did that answer your question Pimentel?" She asks, her tone filled with sassiness
"For real Y/N?" He asks in disbelief
"Yes Joel..For real...I promise you...I'll be there for you..." Y/N says as Joel smiles
"I love you Y/N.." He says
"I love you only..Joel Pimentel.." Y/N says as Joel pulls her in for another kiss.
✓ ✓ ✓
The Ending kinda sucked tbh...but anyways hehehe... I'll try to improve! 😅🙃
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🐖 A tiktok that really resonated with me this week and why 🐖
So, since I've been sharing a lot of traumatic memories lately, I'm posting a few funny memories. The first has to do with this TikTok.
I'm not a teacher, but I've been a nanny for like three and a half years and worked with kids from all walks of life of varying neurodivergence. And none of the kids I've ever cared for have been my nemesis. I really don't believe in difficult or bad kids. But WHEN I TELL YOU IVE HAD KIDS WHO TRIED TF OUT OF MY PATIENCE 😂😂😂
One time, it was like 9 am and I had been babysitting an 8 year old girl, P, and a 9 year old boy, G, since 7 am. There were still like six hours left to go. P was working on crafts (she was a big craft girly and at 11, she still is lmao), and G was playing video games.
G was on the spectrum, and honestly one of the most hilarious kids I've ever worked with. He also made me start wondering if IM on the spectrum, to be entirely honest. I really loved this kid despite how often he tried my patience 😂 it was hard to get mad at him because his actions were always just so freaking funny.
Anyways, I hated him sitting by himself playing video games all day. So I'd try to play the games with him (this is how I learned to play call of duty and Fortnite as well as Minecraft---I only do Minecraft well. The other two, I honestly think he just liked playing with me because I was so comically terrible at the entire premise of either game). At one point, I got up after an hour of being positioned in various places by him, only to be shot immediately afterward in Call of Duty to go check on P.
She's still crafting. G gets up too and he's like what craft do we have today. He hates crafting and no amount of adjusting it to his interests would make him like it. So I was pretty surprised he asked. I told him and he sat down to work on it.
NOT TWO SECONDS IN, he goes "what if I poured this entire glass of water on this like what would happen" 😭😭😭😭😭 I was like please don't
And he goes gah okay
And then he stands up and truly by accident spills it and he's like, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" And I facepalm and his sister is like Oh, come on! She said not to pour it!
So, logically I'm like, "G, here's a towel to wipe it up." And so instead of wiping the table down, he just goes, "Okay but what if I poured this out too like this one already spilled" and before I can even think to respond, he pours a glass of paint water onto the table.
And I can't even get mad because in the same instant that he pours it, I can see the thought process very quickly finally add up on his face as he connects the very clearly bad idea he engaged in and the consequences of said action, and he starts screaming, "WHY DID I DO THAT WHAT DID I THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN" And so he's like screaming and trying to scoot the water back into the cup with his hands but instead of it going into the cup, he just spreads it around 😂😂😂 and like half of it drenched the floor, while the towel literally sitting there, dry and waiting.
And honestly, all I could do was watch. I was just in tears from laughing so hard. I was like G don't worry about it. You're not in trouble just....that's what happens when you pour a cup of water onto a table. Please don't do it again. And I will say this: he never did that again.
But he also had a talent for just doing the most insane walking shitpost antics I've ever seen.
My personal favorite was when he said, "What would happen if I ran my head into the door" and I was like bestie for the love of god
And he just goes at it 😭😂😂😂 like full force and knocks himself off his feet. And im like Jesus! Are you okay?
And he's like yeah!! And DOES IT AGAIN.
I told his mom about it on the way back to my house and she was like, "This is going to sound really really sad, but I remember wondering the exact same thing at his age and doing it the exact same way" 😂😂😂
My first day babysitting them, G threw a fucking ROACH on me and he was like "THINK FAST" and I just flicked it off my arm and I was like "Is that supposed to scare me? Come on. You can do better than that."
I earned his respect that day 😂😂 I'm the queen of delayed reactions with everything from trauma to happy news to having bugs thrown at me. So I just reacted first and gagged later when he walked back inside, stewing over this reaction (apparently no other babysitter reacted like that LMAO).
Anyway, so yeah, that TikTok brought back memories 😂😂
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