#I'm so free it's glorious! XD
razzek · 1 year
Man. My dudes. I used to think I knew what sleep problems were, what with having two sleep disorders and all, but jeebus. I miss those days. I'm so sleep deprived even I can see the shadows under my eyes in the mirror. Fell asleep for maybe an hour earlier, after hours of nodding off but not quite sleeping, only to startle awake into a panic attack for no reason except that hot flashes fuck with your brain. Did you know you can have depression nightmares? I didn't, but oh my god I would like to switch back to the pants shitting terror ones please.
Anyway I'm really fucking tired. Think I'm going to see about meeting with the sleep specialist again to see if there's anything to be done about all this. I don't think I'll survive four or five years like this if the past month of increasingly bad sleep is an ongoing trend.
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bluespiritshonour · 7 months
First of all I’m such a big fan of your art and writing. If you would be down (and I know your super busy xD) I’d love to see your take on Maiko wedding art (pic for reference)!
Thank you so much😊
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Hi! I saw your ask and my brain went BRRRRRRR!
Because, well, FASHION!!! So, before we get to the real deal—I just fucked around and here's some self-indulgent Mai sketches! Hehe.
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She looks more like canon Mai without the makeup. (I coloured her eyes in the same layer, please ignore ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙)
So, Fire Nation wedding dresses are white. What Ta Min is wearing here and what Ursa wore in the comics. I imagine Mai would sooner slit her throat with her own dagger. LOL. So, red it was. FN has heavy emphasis on the colour red. It's considered an auspicious colour in Chinese culture and I've seen traditional Chinese wedding dresses are predominantly red. (Please free to correct me if I'm wrong!)
Also, Mai has worn red without any hesitation in canon.
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Sorry, I didn't do the Roku/Ta Min one that you asked for—for some reason I couldn't.
Pose inspiration for this one are Gomez and Morticia. I know Maiko is like the Addamses only aesthetically—but they were both traumatised kids; I don't see why they can't be like the Addamses when they're both grown up and adults and healed somewhat.
Plus, all that PDA? Definitely Addams family vibes.
And oh! I drew such glorious eyebrows for Mai but alas, her bangs came in the way 🥹
But I absolutely have to share it!
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Aren't those eyebrows glorious? [sigh]
Anyways! Thanks for enabling me.
P.S: my full-updo Zuko propaganda is raging full force. That man has to have long hair and he has to put it all up!!!!
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andro-beaurepaire · 1 month
I have been in the Temeraire fandom for a whole five minutes and now I am demanding fics from Temeraire's point of view as he's pampered and spoiled by Laurence.
This man had been gifted with a giant scaly cat and understood the assignment.
Oh dear, I wish I had so much more of those than I actually have to rec you ! ;-; My own venture into the fandom is relatively new as well, so if people have more other recs, please feel free to send them ♥
Most of those fics are super spoilery if you haven't finished the series though ! Also you will soon find out that dragons are actually the ones who are most interested in pampering their humans, so a lot of those are actually Laurence getting dotted on by Temeraire too, which I hope will appeal as well ♥
-Gifts for Dragons by trolldoll (set post-canon, Temeraire has questions about the little tokens humans exchange to remind themselves of each other when they're apart, and Laurence decides to give him one suited to his size ♥ Hilarious and adorable, with background Laurence/Tharkay)
-Care Package by canis_m (set after book 6, Temeraire's mom sends a package of gifts destined to both her son and his captain ♥ Fluffy and adorable !)
-Seasons by drifloon (one of my all time favorites ! Set between book 6 and book 7. Laurence tries his hardest to be the best caregiver/provider he can for his dragon, and Temeraire frets and worries over his captain's mental health and emotional wellbeing. This has a more romantic take on their relationship, though absolutely nothing sexual happens. Mostly fluff, with a dash of hurt/comfort ♥)
-Glorious Revenge by Phnx (Modern AU, Temeraire plans for a matching couple's costume with as much feathers and glitter and shiny stuff as possible, Laurence suffers the indignity out of love for his dragon, and Tharkay has a good laugh at their expense until he doesn't XD Pure comedic fluff!)
-Marks of Esteem by @verdet-cadet (another all time favorite of mine ! Set during book 1, the aviators have a long tradition of getting their dragons a very particular gift, and both them and Laurence realize that Laurence is more than ready to follow this tradition as well ! Or : Laurence gets a tattoo for Temeraire /0\ Fantastic aviator slice of life, hilarious and hot at the same time ♥)
-An Ever-Fixed Mark by Boochicken (if you liked the previous one, then I can only recommend this one as well, for it is a direct follow-up ! Temeraire wants the most perfect design, Laurence complies, the aviators help and get drunk :D ♥)
-Priorities by @roboticnebulawrites (Set during the whole series. If you like the dragon/cat parallel, you will most certainly love this one ♥ Humans are definitely the cats here tho !)
-The Ship's Cat by Ystradwel (Another fic that dives into the dragon/cat parallel, only this time there is an actual rivalry between Temeraire and the Reliant's ship's cat for Laurence's attention :D Laurence does his best to gives both creatures the amount of love they need ♥ Set very early during book 1)
- I hope I did not miss the mark too much ! I'm always down myself for some good Laurence & Temeraire stories in general, so all the recs are welcome ♥ Thank you for the lovely ask !
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by now you should about be able to tell what my take on this is going to be but here i come anyway in case you needed any bonus encouragement gigdhkj with nothing but ALL the love in the world. bestie. king. please please
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you can always make another blog for your own stuff if you like!! and not even tell anybody you did!!!! just let it!..... fly free!...!....
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*punts you with my fists of Love & Admiration*
hugs and butterfly kissies,
@tetsuooooooooooo this was so sweet and encouraging, thank you so much :')
Tbh there's a project I've wanted to start on for ... gosh, eight years now??? And I'm wondering if it's finally time XD
I'm not going anywhere, I promise, just doing a little resting and a lot of questioning ^.^
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leatafandom · 5 months
For the Fic recs ask game: 💞💯🤔 (Music)
For ships - I’m willing for any recs involving Lucifer as a main character regardless of ship. If he’s not your cuppa, feel free to just pick randomly.
Hiii thanks so much for the ask! So I don't have a ton of Lucifer as a main character especially if your not into dubcon, angelest, or Lucifer with a female vessel cause I think most of my history and bookmarks are filled with those when pertaining to Luci. I'm pretty sure the first two would wiggle or push straight past that angelest line so fore warning.
💞- A fic that led to you making friends with the author
So I feel like we're friends, mutuals, Tumblr buddies~ This fic isn't complete but it doesn't take away from the fact that it is glorious. Hollow's Gate by @maggot-monger is ugh it's so freaking good I wanna scream. I adore the characterization, the mystery, the movie that inspired it, and Lucille. This story just made me wanna get to know them more and consume more of their works and art. It's fabulous and I will reread it forever, last chapter uploaded or never. It's just good.
💯- A fic that makes you think #writergoals
Oh freaking Lemon eyes by @maggot-monger, hands down a Lucifer fic that inspired me to want to be a better writer and just marvel at the use of langue, emotion, thought process, and placement of words on a page. I just adore Gabriel's thought process and his thoughts on his relationship with Lucifer.
🤔- The first fic you think of when I say [insert word here] (music)
Luci isn't the main character but a Debriel story Your Soul Sang to Me by @heavenssexiestangel is fresh in my mind in terms of music. The story is wonderful and I really enjoyed the little bits of Lucifer. He just really stuck out to me in this fic even though he's not a main character by any means, but I just want more of him.
I do have more Lucifer ones bookmarked on my AO3, especially since I haven't been sleeping and you reminded me how much I love 'im xD
For Fic Recs Ask Game
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ambimakesarts · 2 years
I would love to hear you talk more about ortho 💙 your headcanons, opinions, everything!
Are you sure about that?
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Jokes aside, I really do enjoy Ortho's character so much and it does bother me a bit that some people just write him off as this "perfect uwu little brother who wouldn't hurt a fly" type of character cuz he would hurt a fly. He's like all the other NRC bois who choose violence first. He always had these little hints that he wasn't this perfect little brother type from the beginning, it's mostly in his card stories. Like even in the EN translations for his burst gear card Ortho himself says he habit of pulling pranks. Like if you set Ortho's burst gear card to the homescreen, he has a line that is straight up him admitting to pulling pranks when the classrooms are empty, and that's from a card released before the Ignihyde chapter.
Obligatory long post ahead cuz I really did go off, also mild spoilers for the Ignihyde chapter and some untranslated events cuz that's when I really fell in love with his character XD
Like yeah, Ortho really does care about Idia and Idia's well being but he wasn't able to truly express his his own wants and interests until he was rebuilt after the chaos that was chapter 6. Like before that, the Tweels had to threaten Idia to give Ortho athletic shoes so he can run around like everyone else, and then there's Ortho's burst gear card where Ortho ended up apologizing to Idia after wanting Idia to go to the opening ceremony in person with him and Idia ended up not going, and Ortho really felt bad about pushing Idia to do something he wasn't ready for, he usually puts Idia's interest first. Sometimes Idia would cave into doing anything Ortho wants, so long as it doesn't involve Idia having to be social and going outside, but that was before chapter 6, in some events and after chapter 6 Ortho gets his way more when it comes to encouraging Idia to be more social and going outside sometimes, like the sled race event where Ortho just pushes Idia into the mirror alone and he turns back to Epel and MC like 'please take care my brother, he needs friends'. Or like the Glorious Masquerade event where Ortho tells Idia to go on the exchange trip so that when he comes back they can visit Flower Town together so Idia can show him all cool places they never mention on travel blogs. I also love that near the end of the Ignihyde chapter when Ortho is technically free from Idia, he still chooses to be Idia's little brother cuz he genuinely cares about Idia even if he isn't the real Ortho.
Also Ortho's dorm SSR where he basically learns nothing and just ruins the high school lives of two random Diasomnia students for saying mean things about Idia. Like boi just projected some embarrassing videos of those students for the whole school to see and then PRETENDS HE HAD NOTHING TO WITH IT WHEN TRIEN IS WONDERING WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON, and the fact that Ortho's dorm SSR starts off with Ortho actually firing his magic beam indoors at those two Diasomnia students, like he was about to kill them with zero hesitation and Trien was more concerned about the school being damaged instead of the fact ORTHO NEARLY KILLED TWO PEOPLE! I want more of Ortho pulling stuff like this in events cuz before chapter 6 all we got was Idia mentioning it in his Halloween card lines. Like 'If you don't give Ortho candy on Halloween you'll regret it.' After his Dorm SSR was released we finally understand why you don't want to upset Ortho, boi can plot your downfall and pretend he didn't just ruin your life..
Like let this boi be more of menace in game please, he's already threatened to destroy NRC twice in the Ghost Marriage event cuz no one wanted to help Idia, and nearly killed those two Diasomnia students cuz he actually fired his magic beam indoors, and I'm still impressed with how many people pretend he's some innocent angel after the threats of violence he's made and committed to in that event and his personal dorm SSR.
As for personal headcanons I have about Ortho, I have one for post chapter 6 Ortho, cuz he's basically his own person now. So I like to think that as part of his Film Research Club activities, Vil has Ortho do acting exercises instead of just doing technical film work to help Ortho with his creative thinking, which was the only thing Ortho wasn't truly able to do before chapter 6, cuz like he can just do a quick internet search and solve like every problem ever, but he isn't use to interrupting things with his own thoughts and ideas, and I like to think he also has to make his own costumes for his little acting roles to also help with his creativity. Also, Fairy Gala IF is my fav event with Ortho cuz he really gets to express himself and learn what it's like to be a human, I just love seeing his character development in that event, which is where this headcanon comes from.
I also just like when cute characters are also deadly menaces that can destroy you with ease. XD I just love that trope, it's a personal thing for me, in general the whole "looks can be deceiving" thing is my favorite character trope in fiction and with everything I've seen in game for Ortho, he meets that specific interest of mine. -w-
That wraps up my Ortho thoughts, for now. I hope the Diasomnia chapter gives both Idia and Ortho more character development now that Ortho is his own student, and Idia doesn't have Ortho by side his as often as he did before.
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mikaharuka · 1 year
lmao funny stuff
So get this - some dumbass anon cried to me in the asks about the annoyance of having to scroll past 10 M/M fics to get to 185 het fics and didn't even get their logic about genderbend AU tags right lol
Demanded I remove accurate ship tags instead of curating their feed. Confidently incorrect, much?
And yet... I'm not even mad. I'm kind of amused, tbh.
Supposedly this rarepair anon doesn't know how to use filters (super odd... but sure), but they still found my Bellisle rarepair corner. Impressive, if you ask me.
Oh yeah, the idiot also found my Tumblr, even though the only ways to find this blog are through my fics (which they supposedly scroll past) or by knowing me personally (and I wouldn't associate with this level of dumbass). What a terrible liar lol
Ah, and seeing my gay fics polluting their het space bothered them... but they didn't even mute me. It's a wonder they've lasted this long on AO3 and it's not often I run into someone lazier than me~ XD
Also... this anon has some terrible grammar and abuses commas. Like... I know I use a lot of ellipses and em-dashes... but lol that was bad
...that said, I only rate this 4/10! I'm jealous! Salty (@tsunderewatermelon) got this glorious, cool Evil Anon, while I was left with a Dumbass Anon! I wanted to use my bazooka damn it! Lame, boo >.>
[...tagging because I know y'all like free entertainment and this is... passable quality lol: @udaberriwrites @sliebman10 @axolotlsupremacyowo @kayedium-writes @aislinnstanaka @danceswithdarkspawn @lena-hills @precambrian-sea-pancake @magma-saarebas19 @mrsmungus @oceangirl24 @hylianjo @justanotherpersonwhowrites @fattybattysblog @sergeantneko @bleepbloopbotz @0nelittlebirdtoldme]
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How To Betray A Dragon's Hero & How To Fight A Dragon's Fury Book Review
Part of #Reddie's liveblog from Dec 2021 - Oct 2023
Wow you guys I almost took 2 years I'm so sorry pfffft XD
As I said before, I think it makes the most sense to scream about Book 11 & 12 together because they only take place over a span of about 48 hours. Also I will not be talking about any quotes. Feel free to send me your favorite sayings in an ask though!!!!!
Let's get to it!!! Lean back and listen as I recall...
burning forests. The world being a wasteland of fire and ash. And Hiccup being at the center of it. Gosh.
They were incredibly stupid to let Snotlout into their secret hideout... at least blindfold him or something so he can't give the location away should he double-cross them???
I like those ambiguous characters who don't choose to identify themselves with any side of a war... it was a smart explanation of Snotlout to give about why he didn't take the Dragonmark. The more I think about it, the more suspicious it becomes to demand of anyone to take a literal tattoo on their body in support of whatever group. How quickly such a symbol's meaning can change depending on what people currently associate with it, the books have shown. To force people to distinguish themselves physically for or against a highly political opinion is...shady at best O_O but of course, this doesn't help to make Snotlout believable in the moment. As I've read the Return of the Thief recently, I side with the diplomatic strength of non-inked folk Eugenides cough cough, although it makes them dangerous, hated outsiders and able to play multiples angles as well.
The Wodensfang's "betrayal" was a deep stab into my chest. Hiccup had already gone through so much, and the Wodensfang was one of his most trusted advisors - a member of his own party. The Wodensfang literally carried the lives of three kids and so much more with his actions. It doesn't matter that the dragon didn't betray Hiccup in the end - the very fact that he went so low to even TALK about betrayal with Furious was heartbreaking. The Wodensfang, himself thoroughly scarred by the break of trust, should not have played with Hiccup's trust as if it were an asset to be sold or traded. At some point, when you've seen a person's heart, you have to believe them. And once you understand that most errors and most abandonment happens out of fear and not out of outright disloyalty, it gets easier to forgive.
It brings me a lot of joy to think about the cave scene again... that was awesome. What a victory!! I love returning to this scene. The setting of a city behind a waterfall was epic. It's always great to have explosions and mayhem. And Hiccup's little sailboat escapes! Annnd this is where Snotlout finally realizes the downside of being the traitor: Now he's hated and mistrusted by all sides.
The final confrontation with Snotlout was nothing short of awesome. His reasoning was sound - to be dethroned by the birth order and then additionally discovering that the guy doesn't even seem to be worth it... that does some damage. I'm glad they reconciled!
Snotlout taking Hiccup's clothes hnnnghhh... it was a noble deed, but tbh it was hard to believe he died. Because book!logic happens to be very random and plot-subservient... if Cressida had written any more Httyd books, Snotlout would have been 'resurrected' in one of them, I'm sure.
So Hiccup's plans are foiled by the weather, huh?? Convenient lol.
The glorious despair as Hiccup washes up on that shore. Fantastic.
That concludes Book 11.
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squishlordkiwi · 1 year
I keep noticing small language things and other parallels when it comes to AA & DGS XD I almost always listen to a combination of all my dubbed relaxing game OSTs while I'm writing. I think it's because both played relatively close to each other tonight, but Edgeworth's theme from JFA onward and Kazuma's grand reveal have similar naming schemes.
Edgeworth's is 「大なる復活~御剣怜侍」 (or the other way around; romaji for it is ounarufukkatsu - mitsurugireiji), its English title being "Triumphant Return - Miles Edgeworth." Kazuma's is 「大なる帰還」 (ounarukikan), and in English it's "His Glorious Return." I guess they're also pretty close in English, but the difference in endings (復活 vs. 帰還) is really the word that changes instead of the adjective (大なる, which roughly means "great" in both cases).
I'm relying a lot on google since I'm still a beginner when it comes to speaking Japanese b u t I only got curious about this because the actual verb for "to return" is 帰る (kaeru), which shares the same kanji with 帰還 and then it went downhill from there.
復活 (fukkatsu) is actually closer in English to resurrection or revival, which makes a lot of sense considering the first time the player actually hears Edgeworth's theme. If I remember right (it's been a hot second since I've played JFA), the first time you hear it is in the police department in 2-4 after Edgeworth butts into Franziska and Wright's conversation after being presumed dead for... I don't remember how long oops. There's the literal revival of him being not dead and coming back to Japanifornia, but also the metaphorical revival of him learning to be a better prosecutor.
帰還 (kikan) roughly translates to repatriation, which is a big word I didn't know until I googled it. Oxford says it means "the return of someone to their own country," which is of course super interesting with the context of when it plays in DGS2. It's during the scene where it's revealed who the Professor is and Kazuma gets his memories back. You can interpret it in the way of his memories returning to their rightful place, essentially "coming home," or in the way that home isn't necessarily a place and he's been "reunited" with his father and/or friends after so long. OR (I'm spitballing here as the ideas come to me) it's super weird in the sense that the meaning doesn't match since Kazuma wasn't born in England, but it could mean repatriation in the sense that he's "freeing" Genshin's spirit by destroying the waxwork and retuning it back home, Japan or Karuma or wherever it is.
Okay I'll shut up now byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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twstgameplay · 10 months
Real quick because I didnt realise I had anime NYC tokens, I could redeem a guaranteed Dorm card for 100 coins or I could redeem a 10 key...
Im not sure should I use it on trying to break a Dorm card or use it to help increase my pulls om glorious masq, Ive been slowly pulling everyday with 10 paid gems due to it equaling to 3 pulls a day for 30 gems and right now im on 173 pity, on the day that its finally gone I would have exactly 180 due to getting a key from the unified exam store, I currently have 150 free gems and about 1000 paid gems so I could just pull to get that last 20 but I feel using paid gems to pull is very wasted due to the value you get from bundles. I'm pulling to get more copies of Masq Idia (lvl 85 n trying to get meta cosmic basic team) and I already have 1 copy of Azul and Mall. BUT for Dorms most of them aren't that high level, the only one whos max is Floyd who got to 100 when I was pulling for Mall. The only Dorm I dont have is Ruggie but he's not that useful meta wise so I dont mind waiting a little longer for him to spook me but for meta SSRs I cant decide if I want to level them over Masq T-T I'll list them their levels so you can help me decide which key should I get
Lvl 80 : Cater, Deuce, Leona
Lvl 85: Jamil, Kalim, Vil, Rook, Idia, Ortho
Lvl 90: Ace, Riddle, Azul, Epel
Lvl 95: Trey, Jack, Jade
Lvl 100: Floyd
So Im not sure if I should choose Masq Idia over upgrading one of these Dorm cards :/
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy ask!
While I agree that it's better to boost event cards over dorm cards, I also agree that you're probably better off saving your paid gems for future bundles. For instance, New Years and anniversary are coming soon in EN, and they have some of the good bundles for paid gems (and with 1000 paid gems, you'll be able to afford the most expensive bundle for both events since they typically cost 490 paid gems). The New Year event with Ruggie and Sebek also had a paid SSR key that allowed you to get either Ruggie or Sebek at random, so if EN carries that over, and you want either of them, all the more you'd want to save your paid gems.
So I'd say go for LB-ing a Dorm card. If you really want to think about meta, my opinion would be:
Dorm Trey -> The one I'd recommend the most. He's at the 3rd limit break. He'd be really useful come MLB, especially when EN gets the MLB stat boost eventually.
Dorm Riddle, Rook, and Ortho -> Second most recommended because further LB means higher attack/power. Personally, I'd say Riddle since he's closer to MLB than Rook and Ortho, but that's up to you.
Dorm Leona -> Third recommended. I don't know how your Water Basic is like, but if you struggle in that, getting Leona to LB would be really useful.
Dorm Azul and Idia -> Fourth recommended. Always great to have Azul's attack/power and heal boosted or Idia's HP raised further, but unless you're struggling hard in defense tests, they're cards that can always be duped in banners eventually. Their levels are pretty good as they are.
Dorm Jade -> Fifth recommended. I only recommend just so both tweels are Lv.100. xD
~ 🐙
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arleniansdoodles · 6 months
Hey so I just started playing sifu and I love it so much, so naturally I stated searching for content about it and there is CRIMINALLY LITTLE. So I wanted to thank you for filling the empty space where more sifu content should be and also say that your art is gorgeous and your writing is glorious. I'm making my way through your fic right now (I have to stop every once in a while to avoid spoilers until I defeat the next boss lol) and it is just so so good I LOVE how you portrayed everyone. Expect more asks from me bc this is quickly becoming an obsession lmaoooo
Ahh thank you so much, anon!! Your comment really made my day T_T <333 I agree, there's not enough Sifu content out there (art and writing-wise, that is; though I do know some gamers are having fun making Sifu short vids and films with the replay editor, plus mods XD). Drawing Sifu fanart has been a blast, and I'm happy to share my work with y'all! :D
It also means a lot to know that you're enjoying my Sifu fic so far! Expanding the characters' dynamics/backstories was super fun XDD And feel free to send as many asks as you like! Sifu is my current hyperfixation, so I get the obsession with it hahaha
Thank you so much again, anon!! And good luck with defeating the rest of the bosses! :D
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Character ask game- Gyro with 1, 12, 20 and 26?
My first impression of them
DUDE. When 'The Great Dime Chase' first debuted, I remember feeling a little disappointed because I was like 'Ok, when are they going to actually go on more adventures?' BUT THEN. When Gyro randomly kicks open the door and interrupts the meeting to loudly declare "Shut up, everyone, I've done something brrrilliant!" (rolling the 'r', no less XD), all disappointment in the episode was instantly forgotten and he became my main focus. I. WAS. HOOKED.
And when he said his second line of the series: "Apology accepted. Now, try to keep up with my mind-numbing genius"- not only did Jim Rash's delivery make it hilarious, but so did the context because Bradford obviously wasn't apologizing when he started to say "I'm sorry-" at Gyro's bold entrance, and it's unknown if Gyro knew that and was just being a smartass or was just so arrogant he automatically assumed Bradford apologized for being unworthy to be in the presence of such genius- anyway, as I was saying, that second line had me just DEAD. And every single following line and scene with him in the episode further confirmed he was a keeper (that is, I knew he was officially my favorite character XD).
Sexuality hc!
Gay, naturally! Not only is he voiced by Jim ducking Rash (the Gayest Man Alive), but it comes forth in Jim's delivery, as well as Gyro's mannerisms, body language, and overall snarky, sassy attitude. And trans, ofc. ALSO, I definitely see him as aroace in canon; to me, he just gives off aroace vibes as much as he does gay vibes. (I see all versions of Gyro as aroace, but especially 2017 Gyro).
A weird headcanon
Not really weird, but I see him being extremely fastidious about his clothing, hair, and overall appearance. If his bowtie is even slightly crooked or a single strand of his perfectly immaculate bangs is out of place, he probably freaks. It's also my headcanon that he stopped getting his haircut by a hairdresser ages ago, and got Lil Bulb to do it ever since he created him (I mean, he did create him to be the perfect helper) likely very shortly after the Board turned him down.
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
Oh, definitely in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' when he just dropped all barriers and admitted "2-BO was the first machine I worked on that turned evil, and I have spent my whole life trying to live that down." The pain and frustration in his voice was amazing. It was the first time in the whole series we got a chance to see him being totally real, displaying his vulnerabilities (it was a VERY vulnerable moment for him) after keeping it inside him for so long.
Another moment is that glorious, emotional hug with Boyd. It was another rare moment of just letting his emotions free, which was just as significant as the other scene, but in in a different way because it was the start of healing (for both him and Boyd) and properly reuniting with his son- who he learned was just as much a victim of Akita's treachery as him, had his life ruined as much as Gyro's,(regarding Boyd, he was always alone, used and tossed aside by countless others, always having his life controlled and never being able to make his own choices, never knowing the love that Gyro once gave him and would give him once they were together again), and was always as wildly misunderstood as Gyro.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Ahhh I remember the days when the Sonic fandom was infamous for dark, edgy and fucked up headcanons and fiction. Angst, gore, Complete Monsters, deaths and even Fates Worse Than Death were abound in fanfic without anybody batting an eye. I miss those days. I feel old now
god me too, it was one of my first experiences with the Sonic fandom online back when I was just an observer. and since I was already most fascinated by the darker themes in the official media, I was delighted to see that others explored all of that further and more and was immediately hooked on all of it.
I enjoyed dark fics and looking at bloody gory art on DA, it's always been a fascination of mine. people just don't draw the characters in disturbing and brutal situations like they used to! XD I loved all the edgy fan made music video tributes that introduced me to tons of songs and artists. still love it all to this day.
I loved how unapologetically edgy and dark things were with no fear of judgment and no need to worry about it resulting in horrible accusations. great times. all of it was very inspiring to me on top of the official media like the dark stuff in the games and comics and the influence is heavy in my stuff today.
I'm still mentally stuck in that time so I genuinely commonly forget we have to do all this specific tagging and warning stuff outside of DA and fanfic sites now and how unforgiving people that run into it are now, instead of considering it's a mistake and it still has a right to exist despite their personal discomfort.
I wish we could go back because the golden era of it was back when I was merely a lurker and observer and I wouldn't contribute until far too late. my appreciation and faithfulness to disturbing evil fucked up Eggman doing disturbing evil fucked up things would've fit right in and I wouldn't have been put down.
I'm hoping to recreate the vibe of those times on my egg-breaker blog that I need to get to properly promoting here soon! it's where I hope to post as much as I can unfiltered. and I always love when y'all talk to me about it and always encourage it so we can all be passionate and free in it together 💜
in a time where all fandoms sanitize official media and characters and insist on only having wholesome happy fluff and positivity and act like that otherwise can't exist tagged or not despite it being in the official media itself too, I'm glad I'm still not alone in loving to explore glorious evil and dark stuff with Eggman! 💕
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lychniis · 2 years
Heres a whole grab bag for that tag game: every tenth question >:3c
you're really putting me up to this huh-
10 - do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
multiple. i will chose any route that will eventually fuck me up because my brain has many idea and wants to write n o w. i do have casual fics at the side that i don't feel half as pressured to update...they're more of 'writing practice' in a sense.
20 - do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
b o t h. you cannot make me chose, i shall chose both, they're both my babies, my babygirls. but i do like diverging from canon sometimes, even though it's mostly unintentional at first ( with genshin's lore being far from complete ).
30 - how much do you edit your fics?  do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
the sole reason why memory took as long as it did was because i edit as i write. i mostly finish the first draft, but if the length o the fic is longer, i tend to edit as i write it down. it saves time having to scour an entire document for errors since my attention span is non existent XD.
40 - what is your favorite world that you’ve created for a fic?
...for fanfics, i'd say it's what i have in store for memory ( there's one chapter with a hidden market run by scam artist apsaras and it is glorious XD ).
for original fics, it would have to be the 'small city with no name' from my original concept 'and here the city ends'. the place is set right on top of a seraphim graveyard with a creepy magic wood and one eldritch subdimension created from a collective hivemind and the souls of dead animals.
the wild hunt is also a thing in said fic. i always entertained the idea of tired dad gwyn ap nudd whose wild hunt is now posing as a motorcycle gang with the onset of urbanization. ( you know all about it, moth- )
50 - how would you describe your writing style?
inconsistent. a lot of people say it's poetic, but i say it's inconsistent. sometimes it's short and snappy. sometimes it's flowery. sometimes it's descriptive...there's a lot going on, chief. but i'd like to find one that i'm comfy with writing soon though.
60 - in [insert fic], what inspired the idea for the plot?
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i had to hunt you down in discord for this. hmmmm, okay so it's a funny story. i like listening to carl sagan's talks on the universe, even if i don't understand a few concepts. he always has something really cool and philosophical to say, y'know?
anyway, this was actually a favorite quote of his, and after some research, i did read up about how the base elements were created and scattered through supernovas, and how our atoms were made from old stars.
and my brain went "lol, imagine getting yote into genshin and spouting this out, your partner would be so confusion' and since it was a little past diluc's birthday, i mulled over the idea of a reader who misses their home world and it went nuts from there.
70 - are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
yes, quite a few. you're my first XD.
80 - free space - asker can come up with any writing or fic-related question they want!
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i will forever stay loyal to li.
but xiao is one, along with diluc ( i like my boys angsty sometimes too ). amongst the girls, shenhe is a definitely because of her very straight laced, deadpan attitude as well as ei XD ( i actually have a wip featuring ei in the works ).
i am interested in writing capitano and itto ( since simp for one and covet the other ). wanderer is also growing on me so him too XD.
in demon slayer, it's kyojuro. definitely kyojuro along with sanemi and inosuke.
ask game
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softguarnere · 2 years
welcome to freedom for term papers!! it's glorious, isn't it? So glad you survived bc I almost didn't xD
Thank you Anon! 😌💕 I still have to take a test and do a debate, but I'm not worried about those and they aren't stealing all my precious free time from me the way those papers were 😂
I'm glad that you survived as well - and I hope we both make good grades! ✨🕯️
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DS9 3x15 Destiny thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
Is this a prophets get involved episode?
"And how do you know their names? I was just informed an hour ago." "Odo, please." XD
"And as the thirty fourth Rule of Acquisition states, peace is good for business." "That's the thirty fifth Rule." "Oh, you're right. What's the thirty fourth?" "War is good for business. It's easy to get them confused." I knew this, but had forgotten how funny the delivery is
"But, of course, if some Cardassians happened to bring their voles along and they happened to get into a fight, I could hardly be held responsible for-" Odo and Sisko's instant glares and twin reponses XD - "Oh, yes you could." "And you will be."
Jadzia just sneaking in the corner with the kanar. *pop* XD
"Are you making some sort of threat, Vedek?" Sisko's more used to being the one making a threat-like proposal...
Ohhhh, I remember this one now. The prophecy's actually fine
Well there will be three vipers, you are right about that
"You did very well." "Please feel free to let Central command know that." I always feel like this about people giving me feedback XD
"I know what you mean." Sisko beginning to build solidairty with the Cardassians <3
"Major Kira, I want to thank you personally for allowing us to come here." "Me?" "You're the ranking Bajoran officer on this station. I'm sure we wouldn't be here if you had been opposed to working with us." I LOVE THESE CARDASSIANS THEY CAN STAY
Kira's stricken face at the mention of a third Cardassian arriving...
"He was defrocked" - interesting turn of phrase. Did that translate from Bajoran into an English idiom?
"I don't have an agenda, Odo. I want this project to succeed because I want the peace treaty to succeed." I mean that is, technically, an agenda, Sisko...
"he said he had a bad glass of Kanar at Quark's." "He should ask for a refund." "Apparently it was on the house." Love how Bashir's in this episode just for a few seconds to breach patient confidentiality... 😅
"And without your faith, Nerys, what do you have left?" Oooft. That sure is a way to get to Kira.
The Cardassians being so interested in Jadzia's knowing their poet is so lovely
The Cardassians' looks at each other over the food XD
"Some of us even think of ourselves as better than the average Cardassian." and "I was able to arrange special transportation." "I'm sure you were." - knowing she's a spy makes this is all so more cutting and obvious
"Fine. I'll just sit here quietly." "Ah. In that case, could you get me a cup of red leaf tea?" *incredulous head turn* I love knowing this is flirting, it's glorious
Kira's voicelessness. "The sword of stars." Don't worry my love, it will be okay <3 for once
Gilora sizing miles up as he takes over the laser.
Sisko's 'I'm so done' face at "It would seem that our scientific methodologies differ slightly."
It's so pointed and obvious Dejar's not a scientist. "The Science Ministry will undoubtedly wish to assemble a new team before proceeding further."
That was a definite stare at Miles' butt
"I assure you, I'm quite fertile." Yeah, that's surprising enough to cause a banged head, checks out XD
Miles just being like :O then "Of courrrrrse. That's how Cardassians do things." And just how do you know that, Miles? Because you have to listen to Julian talk about it all the time?
Pretty brave of the scientist to stand up against the Obsidian Order. Once again, I massively love Ulani and Gilora
"I'm here to help the emissary." Love Kira standing up for herself and her beliefs. <3
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