#I'm still hung up on this I am it's been weeks and I'm only half way through s6 but I just fucking LOVE amy pond
camellcat · 1 year
what happened. what happened. I could not get myself to get into martha OR donna but OHH lookie here folks AMY AMELIA POND comes on screen and it takes me 10 MINUTES to fall in love. WHAT! how. weird. sus. suspicious. how did u do that miss
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doctorbitchcrxft · 5 months
Hook Man | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, mentions of religious trauma/parental abuse
Word Count: 4869
A/N: Guys. We hit a bit of a milestone earlier in the week. Just wanted to say in celebration that I am so beyond grateful for all of your love and support. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Giving big big kisses to all of you!!! Taglist is open!!
Edit: Hey.... I suck I forgot to add the taglist when I published. So sorry!!! fixed now!!!!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You and Dean were sat at an outdoor cafe; coffee cups in hand. He was clacking away at his laptop while you wrote in your journal. You wrote your excerpt on the shapeshifter next to a drawing of Dean’s necklace. 
“Is that…?” Dean asked, pointing to your journal.
You nodded. 
“I didn’t know you could draw,” he said.
“No offense, lovebug, but you don’t know much of anything about me,” you retorted.
He scoffed. “Will you take the compliment and be quiet?”
“I didn’t hear a compliment,” you giggled. “Well, maybe in ‘Dean Winchester Land’ it was a compliment.”
“Oh, shut up,” he responded playfully. 
Sam hung up the payphone he was standing in and came back over to your table.
“Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis,” Dean jabbed at his brother.
“Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it,” you told him.
“So, anything?” Dean asked Sam.
Sam huffed. “I had ‘em check the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Does fitting Dad’s description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations.”
“Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad wants to be found.”
Sam looked disappointed.
“Check this out.” Dean turned his laptop around to you and Sam. “It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”
“Thank god, a short trip,��� you sighed. 
“ ‘The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road,’ “ Sam read from the article.
“Keep reading.” Dean nodded at his laptop.
“ ‘Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.’ “
That last line caught your attention. “Could be something interesting.”
“Or it could be nothing at all,” Sam protested. “One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.”
“But what if it is? Dad would check it out,” Dean responded.
The one hundred mile drive concluded with the boys dropping you off at a sorority house. 
“Remind me why I have to play barbies for the week again?” you asked.
“Because this is Lori Sorensen’s sorority house; the witness from the killing,” Sam replied.
“Great,” you mumbled.
“Have fun making s’mores and singing campfire songs,” Dean remarked.
“Bite me,” you snarked. “You’re going to a frat, though, Steve McQueen, so I wouldn’t be so cocky.” 
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” he grumbled. 
“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” you said and shouldered your duffel bag. You bid them goodbye and reluctantly marched up to the door of the sorority house.
A girl with long, dark curls opened the door. “Hi,” she said. “Can I… help you?”
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N),” you explained. “I’m your sorority sister from Ohio State. Do you guys have an extra bed I could sleep in? I just transferred here.”
“Sure,” she grinned. “I’m Taylor, by the way.” 
“Nice to meet you.” 
She led you inside and introduced you to Lori Sorensen. She was a sweet girl; very naive and a little stuck-up. Taylor seemed a little more like a party girl, but still relatively tame. You decided you could gel with these girls for the time being. 
They told you they were headed to Sunday service at Lori’s father’s church and invited you to go with them. You obliged.
In the middle of the introductory rites, you heard the heavy church door slam shut. Your head swiveled to find Sam and Dean frozen and looking guilty. You scoffed amusedly and rolled your eyes, turning your attention forward for the rest of the service. 
Taylor invited you and Lori out to a party after the service, but Lori said she couldn’t. Her father had dinner with her every Sunday since her mother passed away. She and Taylor hugged and Taylor bid you goodbye before heading off.
Sam and Dean came over to you and Lori.
“Guys!” you said excitedly. “Sam, Dean, this is Lori.” You introduced her to them. “They’re my friends from Ohio. They transferred with me.” 
“I saw you inside,” she told them.
“We don’t wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened and…”
Dean cut his brother off. “We wanted to say how sorry we were.”
You knew where this was going; he was cruising for another hookup.
“I kind of know what you’re going through,” Sam broke back in. “I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.”
Lori nodded slightly. Just then, her father came up to your group.
“Dad, um, this is Sam, Dean, and (Y/N). They’re new students.”
Dean shook the reverend’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.”
“Thank you very much,” he smiled. “It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.” 
“Yes, sir,” you replied and began leading him away from Sam and Lori. “Actually, we’re looking for a new church group…”
Later that day, you and the boys were sitting together in the local library. Sam relayed to you what Lori had told him about the passing of the guy she was with.
“So, you believe her?” Dean asked him.
“I do,” he nodded.
“Yeah, I think she’s hot, too.” Dean smirked at him. 
“You think almost everything with a vagina and legs is hot, Dean,” you remarked.
“Not you,” he jabbed back, still smirking.
You clutched a hand to your chest. “I’m hurt, you dick.”
He rolled his eyes at you.
“Can we focus, please?” Sam broke in. “There’s something in her eyes. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.”
“Wait, the body suspended? That sounds like the—”
 Sam cut you off. “Yeah, I know, the Hook Man legend.” 
“That’s one of the most famous urban legends ever,” Dean added. “You don’t think that we’re dealing with the Hook Man.”
“Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began,” said Sam.
“Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?”
“Well, maybe the Hook Man isn’t a man at all. What if it’s some kind of spirit?” 
You had the librarian bring over boxes of arrest records. The three of you poured through pages upon pages for hours. 
“Hey, check this out. 1862,” Sam said finally. “A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, ‘some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.’ “
“Get this, the murder weapon?” Dean was looking at another page. “Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook.” 
You pointed to a page in Sam’s book. “Look where all this happened. Nine Mile Road.”
“Same place where the frat boy was killed,” Sam chimed in. 
“Nice job, Dr. Venkamen and Annie Potts. Let’s check it out,” the older brother quipped.
The three of you headed to Nine Mile Road. Dean parked off the road in a clearing in the woods. He popped the trunk and handed Sam a shotgun. “Here you go.”
“If it is a spirit, buckshot won’t do much good,” Sam said.
“Yeah, rock salt. It won’t kill ‘em. But it’ll slow ‘em down.” Dean led the three of you through the clearing. 
“That’s pretty good. You and Dad think of this?” 
“I told you. You don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius.”
“Cool it, Winchester. You and your daddy aren’t the first people to think of rock salt bullets.” You loaded your own gun with shells of your own.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“They’re a bitch to roll,” you said.
“Oh, one hundred percent,” he remarked. 
You suddenly heard rustling in the bushes.
“Over there,” you whispered to Sam. The two of you aimed your guns and cocked it. 
The “ghost” came out from behind the trees. A sheriff. 
“Put the gun down now!” he yelled. “Now! Put your hands behind your head.”
“Wait, wait, okay!” Dean told him. 
You immediately dropped your gun and put your hands up.
“Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!”
You three obeyed.
“Now get down on your bellies,” he commanded. “Come on, do it!”
“Are you just on a power trip or something? ‘Cause— ah!” you were cut off by a sharp kick to the shin from Sam. 
The sheriff brought the three of you into the station. It was early the next morning by the time you were able to leave.
“Saved your asses!” Dean jeered. “Talked the sheriff down to a fine. I am Matlock.”
“How was it that you were left in charge of talking him down?” You raised a brow at him. “And how in the fuck did you do it?”
“Sweetheart, this may surprise you, but I’m good at my job. And I told him Sam was a dumbass pledge, you were his girlfriend we’d dragged along, and we were hazing you.”
You and Sam both recoiled at the idea of dating each other.
“First of all, ew,” you started, “No offense, Sam.”
“None taken.”
“But what about the shotguns?”
“I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank.”
“And he believed you?” you asked incredulously.
“Well, Sam looks like a dumbass pledge.”
“Can’t argue with that.” You stuck your tongue out at Sam.
Moments later, several officers ran out of the building to their cruisers. Barely needing to share a look with the boys, you hurried into the car and sped away to follow them.
You could see Lori wrapped in a disposable blanket in front of the sorority house you were staying in. You weren’t exactly sure what was going on, but you had no doubt that it was another murder. The stretcher carrying a body bag rolling out of the front door affirmed that thought seconds later.
Dean parked the Impala around the back of the house. 
“Why would the Hook Man come here?” Sam asked as the three of you crept around the building. “This is a long way from Nine Mile Road.”
“Maybe he’s not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it’s about something else,” Dean suggested. 
You pulled his arm back seconds later to avoid being seen by your “sorority sisters.” You used the fact that you had now pretty much pulled yourself in front of him to allow you to lead the way up to the second floor. 
While Dean made a stupid joke about a naked pillow fight, Sam was busy giving you a boost before climbing up himself. You looked back down at the ground to see Dean struggling to find his footing.
“Need help?” you smirked.
“No,” he grumbled.
“I think you do.”
“No, I don’t.”
You waited patiently, leaning your head in your hands on the railing of the balcony and smiling down at him. He struggled for a few more moments before he conceded. All he did was open and close his hand he was extending upwards, similar to a toddler asking to be picked up.
“What’s the magic word?” you sing-songed.
“Come on!” he hissed. “Please?”
“There we go,” you smiled. You dug your heels into the ground and pulled him up.
You then realized the window you were entering was the one in Lori and Taylor’s closet. You hoped to god in that moment that Taylor wasn’t the one dead.
Your fears were realized, however, when you entered Lori and Taylor’s room to find the words “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?” crudely etched into the wall above Taylor’s blood soaked bed. You didn’t exactly get attached to people on hunts, but seeing good people die was never easy for you. It didn’t get easier. Your dad would call you soft, but you always liked to look at your compassion as a strength.
“ ‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?’ That’s right out of the legend,” Sam whispered.
“Yeah, that’s classic Hook Man all right.” Dean tapped his nose as he spoke. “It’s definitely a spirit.”
“Yeah, I’ve never smelled ozone this strong before,” Sam muttered.
“(Y/N), you okay?” Dean asked you. 
You nodded, biting your lip. “Yeah. Fine. It’s just… look at this symbol.” You were referencing the one beneath the writing. “Does that look familiar to you?”
Your head jerked toward the sound of footsteps approaching. You quickly shooed Sam and Dean back into the closet and out of the house. Thankfully, you made it back to the car without being seen. You pulled the copy you’d made at the library of one of the pages on Jacob Karns out of the backseat. That was where you had seen the cross symbol; on Karns’s hook. 
You showed it to the boys. “Told ya.”
“Alright, let’s find the dude’s grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down,” Dean said.
Sam took the page from your hand. “ ‘After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave.’ “ He flicked the page with his finger, looking aggravated; as were you and Dean.
“Super,” the older brother muttered.
“Ok. So we know it’s Jacob Karns. But we still don’t know where he’ll manifest next. Or why,” Sam pointed out.
“I could just be spitballing here, but Lori definitely has something to do with it,” you said, looking up at the sorority house.
You managed to get into a party at the fraternity house Sam and Dean were staying in later that night. Dean had been busy mingling with thin college girls dressed in mini skirts while Sam stuck to the outside wall. You bounced around from talking to Sam and hustling some of the drunk frat guys in multiple rounds of pool.
The three of you reunited around the pool table you’d been dominating that night.
“Man, you’ve been holding out on me,” Dean told Sam. “This college thing is awesome!” He smiled and winked at a passing girl.
Sam looked intensely uncomfortable. “This wasn’t really my experience.”
“Let me guess. Libraries, studying, straight A’s?”
Sam nodded. You chortled.
“What a geek. Alright, you do your homework?” 
“Yeah. It was bugging me, right? So how is the Hook Man tied up with Lori? So I think I came up with something.” Sam unfolded a piece of paper. 
“1932. Clergyman arrested for murder. 1967. Seminarian held in hippie rampage,” Dean read.
Your eyebrows knitted together.
“There’s a pattern here,” Sam explained. “In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality. And then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out— get this— with a sharp instrument.”
“What’s the connection to Lori?” Dean asked.
“Her dad. Man of religion who openly preaches against immorality,” you pointed out. “Maybe this time, though, instead of saving the whole town, he’s just trying to save his kid.”
“Reverend Sorensen,” Dean tsked. “You think he’s summoning the spirit?”
“Maybe it’s like when a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place,” you suggested.
“Yeah, the spirit latches onto the reverend’s repressed emotions, feeds off them, yeah, okay.”
“Without the reverend ever even knowing it,” Sam chimed in.
“Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight,” Dean told his brother.
“What about you?” 
Dean looked over to the opposite side of the pool table where the blonde you’d been playing with smiled at him. He reluctantly said, “(Y/N) and I are gonna go see if we can find that unmarked grave.” 
“We are? I wanted to play more eight-ball,” you told him. 
He looked back over at the blonde, back at you, and shook his head in disappointment. “C’mon. I’m not happy about it either.”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go back?” you asked Dean as the two of you trudged through the Old North Cemetery. You were holding shovels and flashlights searching for the grave of Jacob Karns.
He shot you a look.
“I know, I know, I’m kidding,” you laughed. “But seriously. Now that we’re… acquaintances, we should go out to a bar sometime. Preferably one with a pool table.”
“That’d be cool, actually,” he said, smirking at you. “You’re pretty good.”
“What, at pool?”
He nodded. “I could probably still kick your ass, though.”
“You’re on, pretty boy.”
He stopped and turned to you. “Don’t objectify me.”
“What?” you asked, stopping next to him. “You know you’re gorgeous. You frequently use it to your advantage.” You marched on.
You smiled when you heard him mutter, “You are so confusing, woman.”
You walked for a few more minutes before your flashlight landed on a grave marked with that cross symbol from Taylor’s room. “Jackpot.”
You and Dean set to work exhuming Jacob’s corpse. Your back and shoulders ached more and more the deeper you dug. “How fucking far down is six feet?” you remarked breathlessly. 
“I don’t know, but next time, I get to watch the cute girl’s house,” he replied.
“Aw, you don’t wanna spend quality time with this cute girl?” you asked playfully. 
He eyed you strangely with a lopsided smile. 
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing. You’re just funny,” he told you.
You smiled back and got back to digging. Your shovel finally hit the wooden box lying below. You broke through it to reveal his corpse. Or at least, what remained of it. 
“Hello, preacher,” Dean said. He threw his shovel aside and helped you out of the hole you had dug. After he had climbed out, you poured salt and lighter fluid all over the bones. 
“Goodbye, preacher.” Dean threw a match down into the grave.
Your nose twisted up in disgust. “I will never get used to that smell.”
“What, burnt, hundred-year-old preacher? Me neither.”
You and Dean packed up and headed back to the car that was parked in the cemetery’s parking lot. Your body was exhausted. 
“Um, weird question,” you started. 
He turned to you and threw his shovel and duffel bag in the trunk. 
“You think we could sleep in your car for a bit? I’m running on two days of no sleep.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see why not. It should all be over now and Sam should be layin’ it down with Lori.”
And so, you did. You stretched out over the backseat, and Dean laid down on the front. A few moments of silence passed between the two of you, and strangely, you no longer felt tired. You supposed it was the strangeness of the situation. You were now sharing a somewhat intimate moment with a man you despised just weeks prior. You weren’t quite sure where your relationship with Dean was heading, and that bothered you a bit.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Four hours of shut-eye later, you felt recharged. You awoke to the sound of Dean’s phone vibrating over which Sam told you to meet him at a hospital.
“Hospital? Why? Is he okay?” you asked Dean, climbing over the front seat to sit shotgun. 
“I think so, but he said the reverend’s hurt.”
About fifteen minutes later, you were walking down a long corridor only to be stopped by two cops in wide-brimmed hats. 
The sheriffs put a hand to Dean’s chest to stop him.
“No, it’s alright, we’re with him. He’s my brother,” he explained. “Hey! Brother!” he called, waving dorkishly at Sam.  
“Let them through.”
You and Dean began walking toward Sam, who met you in the middle.
“You okay?” Dean asked. 
“Yeah,” sighed Sam.
“What the hell happened?” 
“Hook Man.”
You looked incredulous. “You saw him?”
“Damn right. Why didn’t you torch the bones?” Sam responded.
“We did,” you rebutted, confused. “You sure it’s the spirit of Jacob Karns?”
“It sure as hell looked like him,” Sam returned. “And that’s not all. I don’t think the spirit is latching on to the reverend.”
“Well, duh, he wouldn’t send Hook Man after himself,” you remarked.
“I think it’s latching onto Lori. Last night she found out her father is having an affair with a married woman.” He whispered that last part.
“Damn.” You gritted your teeth. “I could see how that could upset her.”
Sam nodded. “She told me she was raised to believe that if you do something wrong, you get punished.”
“Ok, so she’s conflicted,” Dean chimed in. “And the spirit of Preacher Karns is latching on to repress the emotions and maybe he’s doing the punishing for her, huh?”
“Right,” the younger brother nodded. “Rich comes on too strong, Taylor tries to make her into a party girl, Dad has an affair.”
“Remind me not to piss this girl off,” Dean muttered. “But we burned those bones, buried them in salt, why didn’t that stop him?”
“We must’ve missed something,” you said. 
“No, we burned everything in that coffin.”
“Did you get the hook?” Sam asked the two of you.
Realization struck you. “Fuck,” you grumbled. “No.”
“Why does that matter?” Dean asked.
“Well, it was the murder weapon, and in a way, it was part of him,” Sam told him.
“So, like the bones, the hook is a source of his power.”
“So if we find the hook—”
The three of you finished Sam’s sentence in unison, grinning. “We stop the Hook Man.”
“Well, back to the drawing board,” you said as the three of you began walking away from the reverend’s hospital room.
“What do you mean?” Dean asked.
“Do you know where the hook is?” you raised your eyebrows at him. 
He said nothing.
“Exactly,” you giggled.
Your next stop was the library for the second time this hunt. As much as you liked to read, obnoxious amounts of research was not your thing. Finally, you thought you’d found something. “Log book, Iowa State Penitentiary. ‘Karns, Jacob. Personal effects: disposition thereof.’ “
“Does it mention the hook?” Sam asked you.
“I don’t know. ‘Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner’s house of worship, St. Barnabas Church,’ “ you read aloud. “That’s where Lori’s dad preaches.”
“Where Lori lives, too?” Sam asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.
“Maybe that’s why the Hook Man has been haunting reverends and reverends’ daughters for the past two hundred years,” Dean added.
“Yeah, but I think someone would’ve noticed a blood-stained, silver-handled hook hangin’ around the church or Lori’s house.”
Dean pulled out another book and slapped it down in front of you. “Check the church records.”
Sam pulled the book to sit between the two of you. You and he flipped through pages upon pages of records before he found something. “ ‘St. Barnabas donations, 1862. Received silver-handled hook from state penitentiary. Reforged.’ “ He sighed. “They melted it down. Made it into something else.”
“Goddammit,” you grumbled. 
Later that night, you and the boys returned to St. Barnabas Church. Dean shouldered a duffel bag and began leading you to the church. Sam followed close behind.
“Alright, we can’t take any chances,” the older brother began. “Anything silver goes in the fire.”
“I agree. So, Lori’s still at the hospital. We’ll have to break in,” Sam added.
“Okay, take your pick,” you told him.
“I’ll take the house,” Sam responded.
“Dean and I will take the church, then.”
“We will?” the older brother asked.
You led Dean up to the church. He called back to his brother. “Hey. Stay out of her underwear drawer.”
You could hear the smirk in his voice and giggled.
You took the top floor of the church while Dean scoured the basement. The two of you, along with Sam, met up in the furnace room. 
“I got everything that even looked silver,” Sam told you.
“Better safe than sorry,” Dean said. 
Your head turned upward at the sound of footsteps. You could hear Dean taking his gun from his jacket as you grabbed yours.
“Move, move,” Dean told you quietly.
You crept up the stairs as quietly as possible. When you got back to the ground floor, you could see Lori hunched over, her shoulders shaking. You lowered your gun and lightly pushed Sam forward. He shot you a look, but headed over to Lori anyway. You and Dean went back downstairs to continue melting the silver. 
“I feel for her,” you said quietly. “I know how much religion can fuck you up.” Silver clanked against the coals in the furnace as you spoke.
Dean turned his head to you. “You do?”
You nodded. “I’ve watched so many people go through crisis after crisis when their loved ones end up dead.”
“Me too,” he said earnestly. “Probably why I don’t pray.”
“Well, it’s a little difficult to believe in a higher power when all day, everyday is blood, guts, and monsters,” you remarked.
He chuckled. “Yeah. I don’t know if I’ve met one religious hunter.”
“I have,” you said. “My mom.”
“Yeah. She was somehow still convinced of ‘God’s plan.’ “
“Oh, very.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied playfully.
“Yeah, me too,” you smiled. “My dad wasn’t, but, uh, he had his… other issues.”
Before he could ask further questions, you heard commotion upstairs. It sounded like running heading toward the opposite side of the basement.
“C’mon,” Dean urged, sprinting out of the furnace room with his gun in hand. You followed closely behind. You could hear the breaking of boards and slamming of what you assumed were bodies that practically shook the walls that got louder as you got closer. Sam was maneuvering himself behind the Hook Man’s clunkily-moving apparition. 
Dean gruffly called to his brother, “Sam, drop!”
His brother obeyed and Dean shot the Hook Man, who disappeared.
“I thought we got all the silver,” you said.
“So did I,” the older brother answered.
“Then why is he still here?” Sam’s voice was frantic.
“Well, maybe we missed something!”
You looked around and noticed Lori’s cross necklace. “Lori, where did you get that chain?”
“My father gave it to me,” she responded nervously.
“Where’d your dad get it?” Sam asked.
“He said it was a church heirloom,” she answered quickly. “He gave it to me when I started school.”
“Is it silver?!”
Sam ripped the chain off her and threw it to you. You caught it with ease and went to start running back down the hall when the invisible Hook Man started dragging his hook along the wall.  
You threw Sam your gun and started running down another corridor you hoped would bring you to the same destination. You could vaguely hear Dean say to his brother, “I’ll cover (Y/N), shoot anything that moves!” before you heard approaching quick footsteps behind you.
You sprinted down winding hallways and thankfully quickly made it to the furnace room. You threw the necklace into the fire and watched as it slowly began to melt. “C’mon, c’mon,” you muttered anxiously. It took longer than you would’ve liked, but the cross broke off the necklace and burned into ash. As soon as it did, you and Dean ran back to the latter’s brother to make sure the ghost was gone. Thankfully, he had, but Sam seemed injured. He was clutching his left shoulder and wincing. 
You called the police to the scene and urged them to send an ambulance. They arrived in no time, and Sam was able to get his injury patched up. 
“And you saw him, too?” A sheriff was asking you and writing in a notepad. “The man with the hook?”
“Yeah, we all saw him,” you responded. “We fought him off and then he ran.”
“And that’s all?” The sheriff was skeptical.
“Yes, sir.”
“Listen. You and those two boys—”
Dean came up behind you and answered for you. “Oh, don’t worry, we’re leaving town.”
You laughed at his response. Sam and Lori talking near the ambulance caught your eye. You continued watching them in the rearview mirror once you’d gotten in the backseat of the car. Sam soon left Lori, who looked after him sadly, and stooped down into the car. 
“We could stay,” Dean suggested. 
You could tell Sam wanted to, but he shook his head. A deflated air had settled over the car, but you knew the younger Winchester wasn’t ready for anything yet. He’d been dating Jessica for a year and a half and had just lost her less than four months ago. You knew he needed more time. The best way you knew to comfort him was to wrap your hands around his shoulders gently, minding his injury, from your place in the backseat. He tensed for a moment, but allowed you to hug him nonetheless. He responded by holding your arm with his good hand. And for a moment, if you closed your eyes, it was almost like hugging Steven again. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee
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uzuitengensfourthwife · 3 months
Home - Atsumu x reader (fem reader)
You dated in Highschool, but broke up after Atsumu lost against Karasuno. 6 years later, you meet again.
Warnings: bit angsty, otherwise none! Just fluff hihi.
Word-count: 2411
Author’s note: Well hi there! I’m back from the dead. So….. i haven’t written sth in a long time so I apologise in advance if it’s badly written or contains tons of mistakes! But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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Atsumu never made life easier for you. Back in Highschool, when you two dated, the girls always gave you dirty looks whenever Atsumu and you walked down the hall, hand in hand. But it only worsened over time. The longer you dated Atsumu, the worse his fangirls acted towards you. Insults were thrown at you, judging looks were shared whenever you walked past them and even shoving you out of the way whenever they felt like it.
What you regret most, was stopping with your hobby to become Inarizaki's manager, of course upon Atsumu's request. You were once a very talented ice skater, but due to your relationship with Atsumu, you had stopped.
But even though all of this had hurt you, you stayed for him. His love towards you was so pure, he made sure to let you know he loved you. He was never too busy to not see you, even if it meant he had to sneak out his house to meet you at your place late at night.
However, that changed as well after Inarizaki lost against Karasuno. The once long nights you spent together, were suddenly spent alone. The Atsumu that once made sure to squeeze you in whenever, was suddenly long gone. His ego was more than hurt after this match, you remember it so well. He pushed you away even weeks after that match, he barely saw you and during practice nothing more than a little kiss was placed on your cheek, followed by a half assed "Sorry, love".
And when summer came, you've had enough. You've spent months alone. So you've asked Atsumu to meet up with you in front of the Convenience store you've usually hung out in during late nights. Surprisingly, he agreed to meet you at 4 p.m.
You waited patiently, well aware of the fact that he'd be running late. 15 minutes later he then appeared, still in his gym clothes.
"Hey love, how ya doing?" he pulled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly. "I'm fine 'tsumu.., how bout you?" you hugged back, knowing well this would be your last hug. "Ya know, good als always." He smiled as he let go of you again. However, his smile faded upon seeing you nervously fiddling around with your hands. He raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong with ya? Yer nervous as hell."
You sigh loudly, trying to keep yourself from crying. "I.... I think we should break up." - "Yer not serious, right?" He's staring you down, his eyes clearly showing that he hoped for it to be just a silly joke. "I'm very serious Atsumu. I'm moving to Tokyo next week and you need to concentrate on your career anyway." He laughs out loud, he's not believing you one bit. "I've already talked about it with Kita and Suna. They're well aware of this." - " Tokyo or not, we'll still be able to date." You shake your head. God, you should've known this would happen. "No, Atsumu we can't." - " But we haven't even tried yet. How would ya know we wouldn't make it?" He said, his pleading eyes trying to read you. "We're done Atsumu Miya." And with that you turned away and just ran. You ran away from him and the fact you still loved him very dearly.
6 years. It had been 6 years since you've moved to Tokyo. You've only kept contact with Suna and Kita, both of them still texting you regularly. Suna himself even moved to Tokyo, after joining a Volleyball Club within Tokyo, which led to you both meeting up regularly.
Outside of meeting your friends in your free time, you were working. A well paid job within a law firm and a nice apartment, which was close to Shinjuku. You were leading quite the normal life.
Until Suna asked you to join him at a party on a random Friday.
"You free after work?"
"Yeah I am Rin, why?"
"There is a party in Shinjuku, wanna join?"
"Do I have to?"
"Yes :) I'll pick you up at 8 p.m."
And with that, you knew you had no choice but to join Suna Rintarou to this party. You yourself weren't really into parties, however Suna always dragged you to go with him, since he didn't want to go alone.
So when you came back from work at 7 p.m. you took a quick shower and made sure you got ready by 8 p.m. And on 8 p.m. your doorbell rang, so you quickly grabbed your purse and ran to the door to open it. "Ready to go?" - " Good Evening to you too Rin, and yes, let me just put my shoes on!" you chuckle, grabbing your pretty black high heels. "I'm warning you, I'm NOT going to switch shoes with you again." - " Yeah yeah, don't worry. I'm not planing on staying for long anyway." He raises an eyebrow und holds your purse so you can put on your heels. Once you're finally ready, you take back your purse and both of you make your way towards the subway.
On the way to the club, both of you exchanged about your day. You exchanged some laughter and without really realizing, you had already arrived at the subway station. Within 10 minutes you had already made it to the doors of the club.
As you wanted to get in line, Suna grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the VIP entrance. And wishing seconds you were inside the club, marked as VIP guests with a wristband. "I keep forgetting you're quite the star within the Volleyball scene." He grins at you as the loud music surrounds you both. Without even telling you, he starts dragging you towards a lounge, solely reserved for VIP's. As you were let in, he starts looking around frantically.
You nudge him, letting him now you want to say something. He bends down, putting his ear towards your lips. "Looking for someone?" - "Yeah." he answers immediately. You thought it was just the two of you, however it turns out that he was dragging you to meet some friends of his with you.
Suna then seemed to have spotted the people he was looking for, which led to him dragging you towards a table with a few seats. They all greeted him with big grins. But before you could say anything, he pushed you forward, so you were able to see who was really sitting there. You greet them all kindly with a little bow, before your eyes met with dark brown eyes that you knew too well. Your smile immediately vanished.
It was none other than Atsumu Miya.
You froze in place, not really sure what to say. It has been 6 years since you've last seen Atsumu. This must've been some bad joke, you thought. Yes of course, Suna was trying to pull a mean joke on you, nothing else.
"You okay?" One of Suna's friends asked, pulling you back into the harsh reality. "Uh.. yeah!" You put on a forced smile, trying to hide behind Suna, but before you could do so, he disappeared to get all of you some drinks. Without any other choice left, you sit down as far away from Atsumu as possible. "I'm Bokuto!" One of Suna’s friends says. He was quite big and had a very well built body. His big eyes looked at you, while he flashed you a grin. "I'm Y/N." you answered, smiling slightly. The others also introduced themselves. So Sunas friends were called, Bokuto, Hinata, Kageyama and Wakatoshi, and turns out they were all part of the Japanese national teams.
"I'm Atsumu. 'Tsumu for short." Atsumu said, shooting you a quick but forced smile. He was pretending to not know you.
Before any of this could get more awkward, Suna appeared with some drinks for everyone. Everyone grabbed a drink and that's when the conversations started to strike. Since it was your first time meeting them, besides Atsumu, you just sat there quietly listening here and there.
"What do you do for work?" Wakatoshi suddenly asked, looking at you quietly. "I'm a Lawyer!" you answered , smiling proudly of your profession. "Woahhh! No way!" Bokuto exclaimed excitedly while slapping Suna's back harshly. You chuckle lightly at Suna's slightly annoyed face. Atsumu looked at you, slightly amazed.
The conversations continued and you kept listening to them all. You definitely enjoyed your time there. Yet, after some time you just needed to get a drink by yourself at the bar, but to still be polite you asked everyone if they wanted a drink at the bar as well. They refused, so you made your way to the bar and sat down on a stool to order a drink.
However, you were disturbed by a male presence next to you. It was a man that seemed quite drunk. "Hey there cutie..." He smirked, watching you up and down. You just shook your head and ignored him. Giving him attention would only fuel his ego. Yet, ignoring him was not enough. He leaned closer towards you. "Oh come on... don't ignore me princess..." He groaned, totally frustrated. Glaring at him, you got up to see if there was another seat possible, but he grabbed you by your wrist. "Let go." you said. "Beg." He grinned disgustingly. You were aware, that he had no good intention with you.
Before anything could happen, someone appeared behind you. The presence strong and dangerous. "She said let go." Atsumu's voice rang in your ear. The man instantly let go, mumbling something incoherent. You looked up at Atsumu, who was watching the man disappear amidst the people. "Ya should be careful, ya know?" He said, sitting down where the man sat before. He watched you quietly, before nodding towards the seat, indicating for you to sit down next to him. And so you did.
Atsumu ordered you both a drink. You decided to stay quiet, not sure how to even talk to him after all that happened between the two of you. On top of that, you never talked again after the break up.
"How have ya been?" He asked you, breaking the silence. "Been well... what about you?" Nodding at your question he answers "Can't complain, 'm part of the national team after all." - " Congrats, by the way." you said, smiling sincerely this time. "Thanks." he replies, handing you your drink. You take a sip, making a face as you taste the strong alcohol within the drink.
He chuckles lightly, observing you from the side. "M glad Suna made me come today." He suddenly said, looking at his drink. " It feels good knowing yer doing well." His words took you by surprise. You were expecting everything but this.
Atsumu slightly smiled to himself, while taking a sip from his drink. "Atsumu..." - " I've thought of ya every day... just wishing ya would be doing well." He turns back to you with a big grin. " Ya should be thanking me!" This was all an act. You've known him long enough to know that something inside of him hurt.
"How 'bout we get some fresh air?"
And suddenly you both were sat outside, barely covered up in midst of the cold autumn night. You tried to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms, but it barely helped. "Here." He said, while wrapping his Jacket around you. "No, you'll be cold yourself." You say, taking off his jacket, but he immediately reacted wrapping it around you again. "Such a gentleman." you chuckle, wrapping his jacket around you tighter.
Like. every other night, Shinjuku was lively. Lots of people were walking past you, enjoying the night for the time being. You watched the people passing by, while holding on to Atsumu's jacket. "You've really become even prettier." You turn your head to him with flushed cheeks, you weren't sure whether it was because of the cold air or him.
"I.... I'm sorry for what happened 'Tsumu." You said quietly, looking at the ground. You were ashamed at how everything ended back then. "Don't apologize. It was my fault... I.. I was an asshole." He stuttered. "I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just.... broken I suppose." - " I know Atsumu..." You whispered, sliding closer to him. "I was an asshole too. I should've tried to talk to you before even making such a harsh decision."
He shakes his head. "No..it was best for ya. See how successful you've become without me?" - "I would've been happier if you were with me." You didn't even mutter. It was the truth after all. Yes, you were successful but you were more than sure that you would have been happier on this journey if he would have been part of your life. But you had cut him out of it, out of stupidity.
He looked at you surprised. You knew he didn't expect an answer like this from you. But it was the harsh truth, even to you. "I never stopped loving you Atsumu. I was just... scared. Scared you'd leave me if I had said anything. I was scared of conflict." His eyes widened in shock while you tried to stop yourself from crying. It didn't work. Suddenly tears streamed down your face.
Atsumu immediately pulled you into a hug. "God no.... I would've never left ya love...!" He whispered while pulling you closer. You've never felt better before, it felt like you were home again. You've found your home within Atsumu again.
"I... I still love ya... and never stopped loving ya while ya were gone.. Ask 'Samu, he's heard all about it.. " he joked, laughing slightly while rubbing your back in a calming manner. A chuckle escape your lips.
You felt inner peace, as if you've been lost for an eternity and then finally finding back home. Your home was Atsumu and nothing else mattered to you at the moment.
You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. His cheeks were red and before you could make a funny remark, he placed a sweet but quick kiss on your lips.
"I see you two lovebirds have made up, hmm?" Suna was leaning against a wall, watching them with a big smirk on his face. "Oh shut up Rintarou!"
You were more than thankful that Rintarou dragged you here, if he hadn't, you wouldn't have found your home again.
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reve-writes · 1 year
—all in; leon kennedy.
ʚ leon kennedy x reader | resident evil | 1,3k words. ʚ he reassures you when your insecurity comes up following your recent encounter with ada wong. ʚ misunderstanding trope; slight angst, but happy ending; kissing; profanity. ʚ a/n i love ada wong but i've just been reading too many angst about jealous!reader i needed something happier.
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It has become a routine at this point.
The two of you come home after a mission, battered and bruised and a little worse for wear. All sweat and dirt and grime from the past week. It's supposed to be all smiles. You're supposed to be slipping into the shower together, rubbing all the traces of the terror from each other's skin and settling into the softness of your comforter in your shared bedroom.
Supposed to.
Of fucking course, it isn't.
You've been quiet. Leon isn't stupid. He knows that you've withdrawn into yourself, lost in your own head and you're now ticking like a time bomb, ready to explode from whatever conclusion you've come up with. He's preparing for it, bracing for the impact.
It never comes.
You drop your bag near the couch of your living room and then you're slinking into the shower. Within seconds, he hears it running. You still haven't said a word.
He sighs, settling into one of the four chairs at your dinner table. He has already grabbed a drink, an expensive bottle with a shot glass. It's unbearable—the anticipation, knowing that there's an upcoming disaster, waiting for it, but it doesn't come.
You're trying not to think, but in the confines of your shower walls, the white-marbled tiles do little to distract you as your head pounds, running back the interactions you had with her.
Bobbed black hair. Red body-tight dress. Red smear of her lipstick on his cheek—he pulled away, yes, but the smudge is still there even when you landed. The smell of her perfume. Hell, you swear you can even still hear the click of her heels.
So many years into your relationship, you think you're over this. You think you won't be so hung up over a phantom of your past anymore, but whenever she shows up as she pleases, it's as if the domesticity you've built with Leon crumbles before your very eyes.
Maybe this would be easier if you know she's indifferent towards him. Maybe it makes you a bad person to hope for such a thing. It would be so much better if he's the only one who feels anything, but you know it's the furthest thing from the truth.
You leave the shower, the heat from the hot water is getting into your head.
“Are you done?” His voice startles you as you're towelling off your hair, trying to get into your shared bedroom. You need to think, but thinking is the only thing you've been doing since that fateful run-in. You need to talk, but you don't think you're ready for that conversation.
“Mhm. You can have the shower,” you reply, trying to sound as nonchalant as you can. It's probably the longest sentence you've said to him recently.
He throws back another shot. “I'm not talking about the shower.”
“So?” It's a curt reply. Short. Not at all close to the storm brewing inside of you.
“Baby.” The sound comes out as a half-whine. “Let's talk.”
“We don't — We have nothing to talk about.”
“Don't do that,” he presses again. “Talk to me. Come on.”
“I am talking to you, Leon.” You sigh out. You've never wanted to bolt into your bedroom faster, but you can't run from this forever. So, instead, you clench your fists, approaching the dinner table. As he's holding his glass, about to down another, you grab it from him. He lets you, watches you as you pour the liquid down your throat.
“What's on your mind?” He grabs the glass from you, pouring another for himself.
“Oh, I don't know, handsome. Maybe you can enlighten me.”
In any other situation, he wouldn't have been able to hold a grin blooming on his face at the nickname, but you're so obviously mocking him. Your tone and inflections shift to imitate hers.
Ada Wong.
“We've been over this before.”
“And yet every time she shows up, we're back where we started. Again.”
“We're not,” he protests. “You like to circle back to the same old argument. I'm over it.”
“Sure, you are. That's why you keep letting her take whatever she wants and leave.” You can practically taste the bitterness on the roof of your mouth. “If you don't look so — if you don't look like you're so ready to drop everything for her everytime she shows up, maybe we won't have to keep having this conversation.”
His eyebrows scrunch together and he puts his shot glass down on the table with a clang. “That's not true. What are you implying?”
“I'm saying that I'm not sure if I walk out right now, you'll chase after me. I'm not sure you won't end up looking for her instead.”
He frowns. A flash of hurt falls over his face. You've gone too far, but you want to. You want this to hurt. You're tired of constantly being the one he settles for.
“Is that what take me for?” He snarls. “You think I'd just go around, begging her to let me on her bed? Even after all these years of—” he swallows harshly. “—of us.”
“Won't you?”
His hand falls on the table with a harsh, cracking sound. It jolts you. Even as he's visibly seething, he doesn't yell. “You're so fucking cruel.”
“What am I supposed to think, then, Leon?”
“That I love you.”
“But do you love her, too?”
“No!” His reply comes quick, with conviction—the type of conviction that devout preachers have and you know then that you're being unfair. “I don't.”
You bite the inside of your cheeks. It feels silly. After all these years, it still doesn't take much to ruffle your feathers when it comes to her. He reaches for your hand, squeezing once, twice.
“I don't know about you,” he says, “but I'm all in on this, ___. On us. Don't ever doubt that.”
Leon pushes his chair backwards, making space for you to step in between his legs. He pulls you towards him, arms wrapping around your waist. You let him, even as you know he's getting all the dirt and grime you've washed away back onto you.
“She's someone from my past. We'll keep bumping into her on missions. I can't help that.” When he speaks, you feel his voice reverberating in your chest. “I need you to know that she's not you and she will never be you. She's not even an option. There's only you, okay?”
You nod, tangling your hand in his hair. The strands used to be lighter, sun-kissed, but with age it has taken on a darker shade. Almost black.
“Okay,” you say. You pull back slightly, brushing the hair out of his face and your eyes fall to the red smudge on his cheek. Another reminder of her. As you craddle his face, you run your thumb over the smudge, rubbing it—removing the traces of her.
He leans into your touch. “And I don't 'look so ready to drop everything for her' because I'm not. That version of me doesn't exist anymore.”
You nod again. “I know.”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
He frowns. “Say it back. We're not in a Star Wars movie.”
That draws a chuckle out of you. You tilt his chin up as you bend forward. The tip of your noses touching.
“I love you.”
You kiss him. His body reacts almost immediately, his hand finding its way up your arm to the back of your neck. The other squeezes the skin of your hips. He pulls on your thigh, coaxing you to sit on his lap. Your hands tangle through his hair. He humms into your mouth when you tug. He draws back slightly, you feel his racing breath on your face.
“I think you're going to have to shower again.” His nose nuzzles your ear, trailing down your jaw as his lips press brief kisses down the column of your neck. “With me, preferably.”
[ ]
not me writing kissing scenes as if im not touch-starved. this is a short one. i stayed up so late reading angst on ao3 and they're all along the lines of being the second choice to ada wong. i needed something to wash away the angst. very self-indulgent piece. i also slipped in the han solo/leia star wars reference. thank you for reading!
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gegewrites · 1 year
Dr.house- 2 am(smut)
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Time wise takes place in season 1, I don't think my timelines exactly right but I can't find exact dates since they're lot really specified.
I’m on a Fuckin role!
4.2k words!!! Not at all edited I just finished this and posted it
Your pov-
It's not every night you get a call from Greg House  to come to his apartment at 2 in the morning...but here I was standing in the entrance room of apartment 221 about to knock on the door to apartment B.
I've been to his house before, I've known the asshole for 11 years, I met him a year before his golfing incident.
I raised my hand and knocked on the door, loud enough for him to hear, quiet enough to not alert the neighbors. I waited for a few seconds of nothing and knocked again, a few seconds later it opened.
"Get in." He promptly spoke, turning around and immediately walking away.
I came in, shutting the door behind me. I kicked my slippers off as i gazed over at the piano, which was obviously being used a bit earlier by the open music and shuffled around music sheets on top. Last week it was tucked in the corner, now it's facing out into the room. One guitar was hung on the wall, the other on a floor stand.
On his coffee table was a half empty bottle of whiskey and a few scrambled folders.
"I was sleeping you know." I said as he came out of the kitchen with a mug. He was still in his work clothes, well the T-shirt and pants part of it, and Now I'm noticing the smell of coffee.
"Fully aware, sit." He plopped down onto the couch and leaned forward, resting his cane against the arm of the couch on his side.
I let out a sigh as I walked over, plopping down next to him. He handed me the red mug right away and I grabbed it.
"That's one hell of a tank top." He commented and I looked down at myself. It was white, and tight. I didn't get dressed alright, I threw on some plaid pj pants, grabbed a zip up hoodie, and threw on my slippers and left.
"Shut the fuck up Greg. I gotta be in the office at six." I took a sip from the mug,"this is fucking good."
"Good, so look at this." He handed me a whole file so I put the mug down on the table and leaned back with the folder.
"Anna Mae Johnson, 56, female..Hallucinating and loosing her vision." I looked up from the file and looked at him, leaned back in the corner of the couch holding a glass of whiskey. "Are you kidding me?"
"No. You were the only neurologist that picked up my call." He shrugged. I'm not just a neurologist, I'm also an ophthalmologist and general surgeon. I didn't let my scholarships at Stamford go to waste. "And, frankly I don't feel like spending another 3 hours with this women."
"Wilson didn't pick up?" I raised my brow.
"Oh no, he did. And he told me to fuck off." He half smiled for a second and i rolled my eyes.
"Could've called me down when I was at the office Greg." I shook my head at him,"Wheres the scans and tests?"
"Red folder." I put down the file and opened up the red folder.
I saw brain scans and negative labs, I was looking for an Amsler grid report or a OCT.
"Did you get an ophthalmologist to look at her eyes?" I looked over at him and he raised his brow at me,"her eyes. She's loosing her vision, did you get some sight tests?"
"Should be something in there." I rolled my eyes at him as I flipped through papers,"Why her eyes?"
"I thought diagnostic medicine was your specialty?" I shot at him and heard his scoff," because macular degeneration, loosing the vision." I opened up the patients file and flipped to the medical history, I felt him shift on the couch, he was sitting closer to me, leaning forward to look at the file...or maybe my chest.
"The gears are turning." He poked my temple.
"Alright, She started having problems with her vision 3 months ago, blurry and getting worse. She went to the eye doctor to change her prescription, it worked for 3 weeks and she never went back. Could be wet AMD."
"abnormal blood vessels growing under the retina. Which have been leaking blood or other fluids, which causes scarring of the macula."he nodded slowly as he looked towards the fireplace.
"So do Anti-VEGF treatment. But the hallucinations aren't a symptom of the AMD. Could be Charles Bonnet syndrome, that's a symptom of vision loss, lack of light entering the Retina so the brains creating images to fill the void." I explained and he hummed.
"can't treat the CBS, but we can treat the AMD, either with the anti-VEGF or laser surgery."
"VEGF first, then the laser." I closed the folders and grabbed the mug and leaned back in the leather couch. "what else?"
"That's really it."He looked back at me and I cocked my head in disbelief at him.
"You didn't know it was AMD or CBS?" I took a sip and he shrugged.
"Had a slight idea, needed a 4th opinion." He grabbed the whiskey bottle and opened it, pouring some into his glass. He closed it and leaned back, holding his glass on his right thigh.
"At two AM?"
"We'll considering you were teaching from three to five, i couldn't bother you. I knew I could get you at two AM, I've gotten you at four." I shook my head as I took snother drink from the mug,"why haven't I hired you?"
"Because I like having my own office." I answered,"my turn, why in the last eleven years haven't I slapped you yet?"
"We'll, for like 5 of those I was married."
"What does that have to do with it?"
"Might've wanted to jump my bones afterwards, I've heard some things." I let out a laugh at the smug look in his face.
"We were both single, horny, and drunk." I crossed my right ket over my left leg,"it doesn't count."
"Oh wilson counts it." He smirked snd wiggled his brows. I let out a sigh, and ran my tongue under my bottom k-9s with a smirk on my face.
"I'm not tell-"he cut me off promptly.
"I don't need you too, I've heard it already." He looked away from me and looked over at the fireplace again and then to the coffee table.
"Oh really? What was your favorite part?" I asked sarcastically, Wilson told me he didn't tell anyone we screwed, but I know Greg doesn't count.
"When you- and I quote- sucked his soul from his dick and then rid him like a fucking pornstar." He finally looked at me,"the scratches you left on his back were also very impressive."
"Wow alright." I felt my heart in my throat, not in a bad way.
I sat up and placed the mug on the table, uncrossing my legs and standing up.
"I'm going-"
"No you're not," he grabbed my wrist, not hard but strong enough to keep me,"you wanna see how far this will go. You're blushed, got a little shake in your hand." He let go it my wrist," And I gotta say, your tits look great. It'd be a crime to not give them attention."
"Is that the Vicodin or whiskey talking?" I sat down if the edge if the couches arm, he was placed in the middle of the couch now.
"What? Is a Hooker not available for a night call?" I love giving him a hard time.
"I thought she did arrive?" He gasped and looked at me with a shocked expression. I scoffed at him.
"So what? You call me to come here, have me look at your patients files and solve it for you, and now you think I'm gonna fuck you?"  I crossed my arms and he cocked his head before nodding.
"I don't think you are, I know you are. Wilson's bad at keeping secrets and you like to talk." He took a drink from his glass,"so either we can fuck, or you can just keep waiting, but you've been waiting awhile so I don't think you want to."  My jaw dropped slightly at his words. Damnit Wilson. 
I slid off the arm and sat down next to him, my toros turned to him, my arm resting on the head of the couch, my brows furrowed.
"So I'm actually here to fuck you?" I asked,"you couldn't wait. just had to have me huh?"
"I can blame you for my acute insomnia lately, that's why I'm awake."  He leaned forward and out his glass on the table.
"I've finally gotten under Dr.houses skin haven't I?" I raised my brow, a smirk on my face.
"You've been under my skin for awhile, it's not new." That was news to me. these last couple of months it seemed like he could care less. He kept me around, but it wasn’t the same. I knew how he was though, why I never brought it up.
“Really?” I got a surge of confidence, and I took it.
I used my leverage on the couch to move and straddle his thighs, making sure I was careful when coming around to his right leg. His hands immediately came and sat on my thighs
“Thought you were leaving?” He looked over his shoulder to the door,”or was I right?”
“You’re right, I wanna jump your bones.”
“What about your six AM shift?” His hands left my hips and came up to take hold of my hoodie by the collarbones,”suddenly not important because you know you’re gonna get fucked?”
“I suddenly don’t have to go in till nine.” He pushed my hoodie off, I let it fall off my arms and he watched it do so, he then tossed it down to the side of the coffee table. When he looked up at me, I let my lips come down on his, he responded quickly. My hands sat on his shoulders and His hands sat on my ass, he used the grip to pull me closer to him. My chest pushing into his.
I could taste the whiskey on his tongue and the coffee on mine. His beard tickled my chin and all I could think about was how it would feel in between my legs, the thought made my hips grind down on him. His finger tips pushed into my skin as he joined in on the motion. Rocking my hips steadily down on his hardening cock in his pants.
A hand slid from his shoulder to the back of his head, my fingers carding through his hair. I could feel my heartbeat in my pussy, snd I could myself getting wet.
He pulled away from me shortly after, but his lips came back to my skin. Placing a trail of kisses from my jaw to my neck, the feeling of his beard caused a small moan to escape as his hands slid up the back of my ass and took hold of the hem of my tanktop.
I felt him bundling it in his hands, though his lips didn’t leave my neck yet, he wasn’t bitting or sucking just leaving open mouth kisses as he traveled to my collarbones and placed a kiss in between them.
His eyes met mine again, his pupils more dilated then before. He didn’t say anything but took the moment to start lifting my tanktop off snd I let him, he tossed it behind me to my hoodie.
“I knew they were nice, but wow.” His eyes were glued on my chest like a teenage boy to his first playboy magazine. his hands rubbed up and down my waist,”sure they’re real? I’ll be able to tell.”
“They are.” I replied as his hands took hold of them, massaging them. I pressed them harder into his hands, I just wanted to feel him. If I was gonna screw Dr.House, I might as well make it good.
I kept my hips rocking on him, my hips rocking faster and I tried to keep my upper half as still as possible. his hard cock rubbing against my clothes pussy. What a night to wear lace to bed. He pressed kisses to my left breast before taking my nipple into my mouth, that hand slid down my ribs and pushed past the band of my pants and slipped right past my panties.
His tongue swirled around the bud as his finger ran right over my slit before diving to my clit.
“Aah yes.” I sighed out, finally reviving what I want, focusing on grinding into his finger. he wasn’t moving it, just keeping it there for me to use. I appreciate it. His mouth left my nipple and me pressed a kiss between both my breasts. Another moan left my mouth as my head lulled back, my lips stayed parted.
“Wet and needy, just as I was hoping.” His hand slipped away from my breast and onto my waist, he held it tightly,”the tough doctor turns into a little bitch when aroused.”
“Focus on me, not yourself.” I retorted and he scoffed.
Something I was expecting was getting flipped my off of him. He had me pinned under him, his good leg kneeled on the couch, keeping my right leg pinned to the back of the couch, also keeping him stable with the help of his new found grip on the couches arm. His finger didn’t leave the clit In the motion, so he started rubbing faster, even added a second finger.
My chest started rising a bit faster as more moans left my lips, and in true men-fashion, right as it was getting good…he pulled away. His hand exited my pants, but both hands came and met the band of my pants. His weight shifted to his good knee as he pulled both pieces of clothing down my legs, lifting them up when needed, then letting them fall. He tossed the clothing with the rest and I sat up and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, taking a moment to start a heated kiss, one that lasted long enough to slide my hands to the hem of his shirt and start pulling it up.
I pulled away from him to get it over his head and arms and threw it behind Me. Grabbing his face and pulling him back down with me resuming the kiss. Grabbed my previously pinned leg and held it over his hip and pulled away from me. His right hand came back down to my pussy. Wet and begging for anything; Which he gave. His middle finger came down to my core, circling it before diving in. A moan louder then the rest ripped out of me.
“If only I could get that sound copied on a record, could listen to it all day.” I looked at him through slotted eyes, meeting his blue ones which shifted from my gaze to my Pussy. His ring finger joined his middle finger, pumping out of me in a medium pace. My back was sticky against the leather as my back lifted up, my boobs lightly bouncing as my chest rose and fell.
“Feels fucking great.” I moaned out, my eyes falling closed. I felt the couch shift and then lips and a beard against my inner thigh. Trailing open mouth kisses to my core. I couldn’t stop the begging from leaving my lips,”please Greg, please.”
“Gettin’ there.” He quickly commented before his tongue latched to my clit.
My body shivered and my eyes rolled back under my closed lids. His fingers finally found my gspot and my hand shot to his hair, tugging on his crown. My hips rolled into his face as he switched between licking and sucking my clit.
I couldn’t help but moan, i was feeling great. My thighs pressed against his bare and warm shoulders, my calf being nudged by his elbow each time he pumped his fingers. My head felt dizzy, my body warm, and my abdominal muscles tight. I was gonna cum already, last bar hookup was 4 months ago and I’ve barely used my vibrator. There was no doubt I was gonna be the quick one tonight. My hips started bucking up, so his free arm pressed down on hips, holding me a bit more still and controlled. He changed his fingers angle snd pressure, curling them in a “come” motion.
“Just like that!” My voice was a higher pitch now, and within a few second, pathetically, k was seeing stars behind closed lids. My nail scratching against his scalp, trying to hold onto him for dear life, my other hand taking hold of the top edge of the couch.
He kept his pace and speed for bit after my orgasm, trying to push me to a cliff. Which he did Successfully, could probably tell my how I was I moaning his name, how wet his chin was, and how wet I was getting, and used it to know when the right time was to stop.
“Wow.” He breathed out as he sat up, adjusting to sit down properly,”now I understand why you eat pineapple everyday.”
I haven’t even opened my eyes yet, my legs were shaking, and I was catching my breath. I felt his weight leave the couch and heard the shaking metal of his belt, so I opened my eyes. I met his gaze which was staring at me and then they went down to where his hands were. Unzipping his pants, about to reveal the dick I’ve wanted to ride for a few years. I sat up, feeling how wet the bottom of my ass was against the leather. Now I understand why the couch is leather.
I pushed his hands away and hooked my fingers into the band in his boxers and started pulling them down, taking hold of his hard cock when it sprung out. He grabbed hold in his is pants from coming down any further then he wanted m, and he simply shook his head grabbing his cane. I respectfully brushed it off, my hand left his boxers band and traveled up his side sitting on his hip. He was bigger then I would’ve guessed, but it made sense.
I let go of his cock and spit onto my hand, taking hold of his and twisting my fist up and down, when I licked his tip. I looked up at him through my lashes. His head was rested back, obviously an expression of pleasure was plastered on his face, his breathing deep. so I let my eyes fall as I look him into my mouth, not wasting time to flatten my tongue, pumping the base of his cock. I felt his hand snake into my hair, grabbing some in his fist. He wasn’t using it to control me, though it wasn’t hard to tell by his tightening grip he wanted to. I would’ve let him, I kinda planned on letting him, but he only kept me down there for a few more moments before pulling me off.
“What are you on?” He asked the moment his cock left my mouth.
“IUD.” I answered catching the breath I needed. He didn’t respond,”it’s fine, as long as the last prostitute you fucked was clean.”
“Made sure.” He assured me as he sat down, letting his cane rest against the couch again. I stood up to get a better placement over his cock. His hands sat on my hips, his lips finding my breast again. I reach around and grabbed his cock, sliding it through my folds before holding it to my core.
I lowered down on it, moaning out at the initial stretch, and he groaned. His head falling back onto the head of the couch as he took a long inhale through his nose and sighed it out, a whispered “fuck” followed suit. Lowered down more, grabbing onto his shoulders, and biting down on my lower lip to stop a moan that would wake the neighbors from coming out. I lowered down completely onto him, taking a bit more then half of him in one go. I curled forward, moaning onto his neck as his finger tips pressed into my skin.
“When was-“
“Four months ago, shut up.” I mean pushed off of him and met his face, a disconcerted look on his face.
“I’m honored.” His tone was cocky and paired with a smirk. He raised hips and lowered me back down, that fuzzy brain feeling was coming back when he did it again, and again. Each time higher to where his tip was only left, snd lowering me down harder.
“Oh fuck Greg!” My nails pressed into his skin, I caught on with his movement, moving my hips with his guidance. He didn’t like slow I could tell, medium pace was where he liked to start at. Slowly getting faster, snd harder.
My brain drowned out into the sounds of our breathing, my moans, and the loudening groans that came from him. I could feel how wet the inside of my thighs were getting. My hips on auto pilot, riding him quickly. His tip bumping snd rubbing into my gspot.
My nails finally dug into his shoulder when his thumb met my clit and my walls tightened around him. Rubbing Harsh circles against the swollen, sensitive bundle of nerves.
“You look fucking perfect.” I couldn’t open my eyes, too overwhelmed with my nerves feeling like they’re on fire, my heart pulsing in my throat and clit,”and so-goddamn (y/n), squeeze me any tighter and I’m not gonna have a dick.”
“Dram-ah- queen.” I said through my shakey , near breathless voice. I didn’t wanna cum, not yet. It was all Too damn good to not savor it.
So I grabbed onto the back of the couch and started really riding him. Rocking and swiveling my hips into his when I came down, keeping my speed and pace constant, at least trying.
“Oh fuuck me (y/n).” His thumb started rubbing faster, ripping a broken moan from my throat. My chest pushed into his, his fingertips pressing further into my waist, no doubt leaving bruises for tomorrow.
“I’m gonna cum.” I speedily warned him.
“Not yet, just a few more minutes.”
“Just wait.” His tone was firm but tinted with a bit of fake annoyance at my greediness.
“Jus’ want you to fill me up, come on.” My breathing was deep as I spoke but sped up when I stopped. My hairline was damp snd so was the back of my knees.
He bucked his hips up into mine, sounds leaning his throat at their own will, so caught up in his own pleasure he couldn’t even care.
Those few minutes felt like torture, my orgasm on the brink of snapping while his thumb is still abusing my clit. The corners of my lips curled when I felt his cock start twitching inside of me, getting more obvious by the second.
“Now.” He spit out,”gonna full up this greedy pussy.”
It snapped, my orgasm ripped through me, my walls spasmed around him which triggered his orgasm. I pushed my body into his, feeling his warm skin radiating against mine. I could feel him shooting into me, mixing with my own orgasm and spilling down my thighs and onto him.
I rode him till I couldn’t anymore, I finally gave out. His cock buried inside me as I laid against him, his hands holding onto my ass as we caught our breath. Soon after he lifted my hips off of him, his cock sliding out of me and I moved to sit on the leather next to him. Holding one of my knees to my body, my head falling back.
“If I knew your dick was that big I woukd be jumped you years ago.” I let out a breathy chuckled snd he hummed.
“I regret not grabbing your Tits earlier, should’ve acted on my impulse.” He said standing up, putting his boxers and pants back on,”so anti-VEGF treatment tomorrow?” He asked grabbing his cane and leaning against it as he looked down at me.
“Let me check her out first and I’ll confirm.” I answered and looked back up at the ceiling. I heard him walk away so I lifted my head and watched him,”where are you going?”
“To clean up and go to sleep, you coming?” He asked stopping in his tracks.
“Not again tonight, no.” I replied and he blinked at me a few times, a smile keept to his lips.
“Ha-ha!” He sarcastically laughed before going back to his original expression and limping away. I can’t really be mad, I kinda solved his case and got fucked, but now it’s 3:40, and I have work at six still.
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lvrhughes · 9 months
I Wish You Would | N. Hischier
1989 tv masterlist
pairing: Nico Hischier x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: none?
summary: After you and Nico had an argument, you two are brought back together.
not my gif!
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“Nico please-” 
“Please what, schatz?” 
“I just wish you’d-” 
“What? What do you want?” 
“I can’t do this right now.” The call ended quickly, pressing the end call button within seconds before immediately regretting it. 
The call back you sent went straight to voicemail, the next five after that too. All of your messages left unanswered, all calls sent to voicemail, all your follows removed from his socials. 
“Come on, one night, you’re always with Nico anyways you can leave it for one night to have a few drinks with us!” Your best friend encouraged, holding your arm as she begged for you to join. 
“Fine.” You agree, grabbing your wallet from the nearby counter before following her out. 
Your group of friends meeting up at a random bar in the city, dancing the night away in the bar, sipping drinks all night. 2am was when it really hit you, it had been three days without Nico and it was torture. 
The ringing of the call in your ear, your head in your hand as your other held the phone to your ear. 
“Nico?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as he answered. 
“Schlatz?” His voice was groggy, clearly having just woken. 
“I’m sorry, it’s two am you don’t deserve this. I'm so sorry I miss you and I want to go home.” Your words slowly progressing to a sob.
“Where are you?” You could hear the shuffling on the other side of the line as you muffled a sob. 
“Blitz.” Your voice barely audible but Nico knew, he knew your friends, he knew where they’d take you. 
“I’ll be there in five.” He spoke quickly, moving to gather his keys and clothes as he ended the call. 
Your body sat, shaking, on the sidewalk, waiting for Nico. His car pulling forward quickly, his body jumping from his seat to you instantly. 
“God, Schlatz, what are you doing? Let’s go.” He urged, his arms pulling your body against his.
The car was quiet, the windows down while you drove past your street. The memories flooding your mind, glancing at Nico from the corner of your eye. 
“Nico, I’m sorry, for that night-” 
“It’s in the past.” His voice interrupting yours, continuing to drive straight. 
His hand on his back lead you inside, giving you his spare room until the moring. Until you’d leave not knowing how to handle it. Nico’s thoughts running wild with the assumption of your hatred towards him. 
Two am, your room filled with the light of the street, lying on your bed willing sleep to overcome. The passing of headlights grabbing your attention, returning your thoughts back to Nico. Two weeks had passed and he still flooded your mind. 
Wishing he’d come back, wishing you’d never hung up that call, wishing Nico knew that. Wishing he was right there. 
It was the only way the nights would go, wishing on every star that he’d come back, he’d hear you out. Wishing that you’d both remember what you were fighting for.  
I wish we could go back and remember what we were fighting for. Wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore. And I wish you were right here, right now. 
The message was never meant to send, typing it out as tears flooded your waterline at the dreaded two am. Yet, it sent, you couldn’t even remember hitting send until the morning when you saw the words delivered underneath. 
“Oh no, no.” The panic urging your voice to rise, staring at your phone in defeat. The message quickly turning to read in front of your eyes, throwing your phone off to the side when it hit. 
Your phone buzzing from its place on the floor, across the room now, while you sat with your knees to your chest. 
And you stayed like that for as long as you could, waiting half an hour before moving, your head in turmoil as you moved. Leaving your phone in favor of making food, making far too much to condone your stress. The choice was made early to stay in all day, it was a sweet off day that you had no plans on, so the plan to binge all your favorite movies was perfect. 
Your phone stayed discarded on your bedroom floor, ignoring all messages of the day, ignore Nico’s reply. 
The banging on your door waking you, groaning as you moved from your spot on the couch, the space you had fallen asleep while watching your movie earlier. Glancing at the clock on the stove as you passed, two am flashed your vision. 
“No way,” Your voice was quiet, growing louder to yell at the door as you approached. “Whoever is here at two am you better have a death with!” 
The sound of his laugh echoed through the door, stopping you in your tracks. Your next steps slow, opening the door quickly to see him. His body leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. 
His movements quick, standing up and uncrossing his arms, his body pushing into your house. Moving you from in the doorway, pushing you back into your house as he shut the door behind him. The only light coming from the soft light above the stove emitting from the kitchen, flooding through the doorway that lead to it. 
“Nico.” Your voice was a breathy whisper, getting caught in your throat. 
“Did you mean it?” His face in the dark, his hair falling in his face, he was something out of a fairytale. 
“Fuck Nico, I wish you’d come, wish I’d never hung up the phone like I did, wish you knew that I’d never forget you as long as I’d live. I wish you were right here, right now, it’s all good. I wish you would.” You paused, catching your breath before continuing, Nico’s hands holding your waist now. His grip tightening with each word. “You always knew how to push my buttons, you gave me everything and nothing, this mad,mad love makes you come running.” 
“Schlatz,” His voice was soft, barely above a whisper as his hands gripped your hips. “I’m here, I’m never leaving.” 
His lips found their place on yours, melting your body against his. Your hands running through his hair, his hands moving to lift you, carrying you to your room. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t answer me this morning, I could’ve had you all day.” He mumbled, breaking the kiss before peppering your face in more. 
“I was scared! That message wasn’t supposed to send!” You grinned, tugging at the end of his hair. 
“Well I’m glad it did.” He grinned, hovering over your body where you laid on the bed, where he’d thrown you. 
“I’m glad it did too.” 
His lips found their home against yours again, pressing his body against yours. His wordless promise to never leave again.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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The Red-Eyed Boy pt. iii
Pt. One | Two | Outtake
Alec x Swan!Fem!Reader
Summary: Alec returns and shows you how sorry he is. *wink, wink*
Smidge of angst
Smidge of bondage
Straight up smut
Word Count: 3,130
A/N: Today I learned that suck at writing smut, but please enjoy anyways. As with all my Alec fics, he is aged up. Also, I am fucking obsessed with this gif.
Tags: @rosedpetal, @lack-lust-3r, @badass-daisy-22
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Alice and Bella eyed me warily from their spot on the kitchen table as I padded around the kitchen. It was my turn for dinner tonight and I was working on a new recipe.  
"Please stop looking at me like that. I'm not about to keel over dead and I'm definitely not about to poison Bella right before she gets married." 
I grinned when Bella scrunched up her nose in annoyance. 
"You're not gonna die because you're tied to Edward through a piece of paper, Bells." 
"Says you." She grumbled. 
"Have you heard from him?" Alice asked softly. 
"No." I pursed my lips. 
It had been nearly two weeks, and I hadn't heard a damn thing from Alec. I had called and texted only to be ignored and left on read. I knew he'd be mad, but for the love of God, he was taking this too far. I just wanted to strangle him. I had spent the first week moping before trying to shake myself out of it. I refused to let myself fall into the state that Bella had after Edward left. 
Although it was really hard not to. I still had my moments, usually in the evenings when I was alone. 
I paused in the middle of chopping an onion, looking over my shoulder at Alice. Her visions were the only thing I could really count on right now, unless I had a vision of my own. Unfortunately, sleep had been avoiding me, and when I did sleep nothing came to me. 
She shook her head sadly, indicating that she hadn't seen anything. Yet. However, she also hadn't seen anything different from her previous visions, so nothing had really changed, and that gave me hope. 
"So, Y/N, we have your first dress fitting tomorrow." Alice, thankfully, changed the subject.  
"Ooh yay! Do I get to see Bella's dress?" 
Bella groaned before plonking her head onto the table. She was so easy to tease. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't want to marry me." Edward entered the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket. 
I smiled watching them all together, happy to watch the little scene from afar. Eventually I had to turn back around, doing my best to hum a tune in my head, both to distract myself from the situation with Alec and so Edward wouldn't pick up on my depressing thoughts. This should be a happy time. 
Somehow, I don't think I was fooling anyone. 
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It was official. I hated weddings and anything to do with them. I was almost positive that had I not been in a house full of vampires, Rosalie would have stuck a few pins in me on purpose.  
It was dark by the time I finally arrived home, and all I really wanted to do was shower and pass out on my bed. Keeping up a relatively happy façade almost 24/7 was exhausting. 
The house was dark, and I suddenly remembered that dad was out on one of his camping trips with a friend. Well, at least I would have the house to myself, and I could be as depressed as I wanted. 
I went straight to my room to gather some pajamas and a towel. I almost felt too tired to even shower, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to make sure I do some basic self-care. Throwing my bag onto the bed, I began to strip. 
"You should keep your window locked." 
I jumped and let out a scream, quickly covering myself, dress already hanging half off. 
It was Alec, propped up on my bed, another book in hand. How had I not seen him?? I even threw my bag in his direction. 
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I wheezed at him, trying my best to get my racing heart back under control. 
"Not particularly." His eyes roamed over me, from head to toe, his eyes lingering on my neck, where my pomegranate seed necklace hung. And then the dangling straps of my dress. "You look beautiful, tesoro." 
I blinked rapidly, trying my best to figure out what the hell was happening. I hadn't heard from Alec in nearly a month and here he was, just sitting here. In my room. On my bed. As if nothing had ever happened.  
"Where have you been? Why have you been ignoring me?"  
He simply eyed me before closing the book with a thump.  
"I was extremely… angry. There was a while where I did not really have control of myself. I even scared Jane." He admitted. "I didn't want to take it out on you. Or for you to see that side of me." 
I glared at him. 
"So, you just disappear without a word? Didn't bother telling me that you were okay and that you just needed space? You're aware that I've had visions of you since I was like, six years old, right? I've seen you angry." 
"Not like this, you haven't." He said quietly. 
"Do you know what I thought? I thought you had left me. Despite whatever Alice's visions tell her, I know that they can change at the drop of a hat. I was just sitting here waiting, praying that you wouldn't change your mind." 
Fuck, here come the tears. 
He was next to me in a heartbeat, hands cupping my face. I tried to back away, but he kept his grip firm. 
"I would never leave you, Y/N." He said softly, wiping the tears away. "Ever. I have never been good at relationships. I have always kept myself at arm's length, but you, you are different. And when I saw you on that field, after the battle, I had never been so scared and angry in my life." 
He paused for a minute, searching. "Had I lost you, I would have burned the world down." 
My breath hitched in surprise, and I could feel my heart skip a beat. He kissed me then, and I allowed it, wrapping my arms around his neck as he reached for my waist. His kiss was soft and controlled, while mine was bordering on desperation. 
"Don't you ever do that to me again." He whispered against my lips, a warning. 
Why did that turn me on and piss me off at the same time? 
"I'm sorry, what was that? Because it sure didn't sound like an apology, Alec." 
He pulled me flush against him, nipping at my collarbone in reproach. I hissed in pain, but he quickly soothed it over with his tongue. 
"Then let me show you how sorry I am." He whispered. 
He pulled me in for a heated kiss and I couldn't help but gasp. Alec took the opportunity to dip his tongue into my mouth again, and the moan that worked its way up my throat had him growling possessively. 
I could already feel my nipples tightening and the wet heat between my legs. 
I grabbed him by the collar to pull him closer. He gladly obliged and before long, he had me pressed into the bed, right underneath him, his lips giving slow languid kisses anywhere he could reach. 
"Alec." My voice was caught in my throat. 
Goddammit. He hadn't even gotten me out of my clothes before he had me begging. Hell, he had barely even touched me.  
And I was supposed to be mad at him, dammit! 
He paused, lips at the swell of my breast. Finally, he lifted himself up so he could look me in the eye, searching my face. 
"Do you trust me?" 
I nodded my head furiously. 
"I need to hear you say it, Y/N." 
"I trust you." 
I was practically panting. 
Alec produced a long strip of gauzy fabric and slowly tied my hands together, gauging my reaction, before putting them above my head. 
"Did you come prepared with that?" I gaped at him. 
"No. I took it from your bag." He smirked. 
My bag? Since when did he have the time to go through my bag? I looked at my tied wrists again, trying to wrack my brain as to why I had a long ass strip of- 
'Oh my god.' 
It was the sash to my bridesmaid's dress. I know I hadn't put it in there. The last time I had seen it- Alice. She fucking knew. She had to. She had a vision and didn't even tell me. Granted, if this was a part of her vision, I would be highly embarrassed to hear her explain exactly what she saw. 
"Now." Alec put my hands above my head again, and then trailed his own hands down my arms to my collarbone, thumbing over the mark he had placed on it earlier. "Your hands stay put above your head until I say otherwise. If they do not, I stop. No matter what I am in the middle of." He warned, pausing to make sure that I understood. "Are you okay with this? If not, we can stop." 
I shook my head back and forth frantically. 
"Y/N, I need you need to say it out loud." 
"Yes." I breathed. 
"Good. If you become uncomfortable at any point you are to tell me." 
"Yes sir." It was out of my mouth before I even realized it and I blushed furiously. 
"Are you sure you're a virgin?" He teased. 
"Why don't you find out for yourself?" I teased back, a little breathless. 
Alec's brows raised before he smirked, leaning in closer, mouth right next to my cheek. 
"I think I am going to enjoy this very much." His hands began to make their way past my collar bone to cup my breasts through the fabric of my dress, his thumbs flicking slowly back and forth over my nipples.  
My back arched in a gasp, and he let out a hum, pleased with my reaction. Soon I felt more and more skin being exposed to the cool night air, his cold lips and tongue following right behind it, licking and nipping his way until, aside from my bra, I was fully exposed from the waist up. I blushed as he sat back, admiring the view. 
"You are truly beautiful, mio cara." He breathed.  
His cold hands caressed every inch of exposed skin, purposely avoiding the spots that I wanted him to touch the most. I pouted up at him and he swiped a thumb across my lip. 
"I must admit Y/N, I like seeing you like this. And I think you like it too." 
Slowly, I gave his thumb a long lick before sucking it into mouth. His eyes darkened even further, and I could practically feel the rumble of possessiveness in his chest. 
"Careful, amore." His voice was now husky and strained. 
I released his thumb, edging my teeth along the sides and cocked an eyebrow at him. "I thought you were supposed to be apologizing." 
His eyes were now pitch black. 
"I think you forget who's in control here." 
I let out a squeak as he moved aside and ripped my dress the rest of the way down, leaving me in just my bra and panties. He settled himself between my legs, to nip and kiss his way along the inside of my thighs. 
I sucked in a sharp breath when he placed a kiss right over my covered mound, and then nuzzled into it. My hands jerked and he looked up at me, remaining still. 
"Hands, amore." He chided. 
I immediately put them back in place, wriggling my hips in anticipation. Finally, he slid my panties down, revealing my inner most self, glistening and wet just for him. 
It was the only thing I heard before his mouth was on me and my back arched off the bed yet again.  
Keeping perfect eye contact with me, he gave me long slow licks, delving into me with his tongue. And then he found my clit. I couldn't help it, I cried out, my hands immediately coming down to lace themselves through his hair. 
This wasn't an apology; this was fucking torture.  
He paused with a growl. 
"Hands, amore." 
"But- but-" 
He lifted himself up slightly, a warning look in his dark eyes. "Hands." 
"Alec." I whined, wriggling my hips again and trying push him back down. "Please." 
"You know the rules, principessa." 
"Did you just call me princess?" 
He just smirked. "You're learning. Now, hands. If I have to tell you again, I will tie you to the bed." 
'You just may have to do that.' I thought. 
He watched me for a moment more before slowly lowering himself back down, wrapping his arms around my thighs to keep my hips level. He began his slow assault on me yet again and I did my absolute best to keep my arms above my head. It was working so far... barely. 
Before long I could feel a warm heat beginning to build low in my stomach.  
"Oh god, please don't stop." I chanted. "Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop." 
I wasn't entirely sure what was happening, all I knew what that it felt good, and he absolutely had to keep going. Otherwise, I was sure I was going to die right then and there. 
And then the bastard stopped. 
"Alec." I let out a low whine. 
He crawled back up to me, placing a kiss on my lips and I groaned at the taste of my arousal on him.  
"No cumming just yet, amore." He swept his tongue along my lips. "The only cumming you will be doing is on my cock." 
I almost choked. "Have- have you always been this dirty?" 
"You have no idea." He bit my earlobe and I squirmed at his words. “And this is only just the beginning.” 
"Well, it looks like won't be doing much of anything, since you're still dressed." 
"That can easily be remedied." 
My eyes widened as he slipped off his shirt. I had always known he was muscular but there was a big difference between feeling it and seeing it. Next came his pants and underwear, and I’m pretty sure my brain stopped working. 
How was that going to fit?? 
"Like what you see?” 
I simply nodded my head, my mind still trying to process the situation I was in... and the fact that his cock was rather... large. 
He leaned over and began untying my hands. I raised a brow at him. 
"I want you clinging to me when you cum." 
Oh fuck. 
My hands immediately went to explore his naked chest when he caught my hand and kissed my fingertips. 
"Are you still okay?"  
"Alec, I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" 
He cut me off, crushing his lips to mine and I suddenly felt him nudging at my entrance. He sat back briefly, rubbing himself in my juices, preparing. 
"Eyes on me, amore." 
I swiftly looked back up at him. I don't think I could have taken my eyes off him in that moment. 
Finally, finally, I felt him enter me ever so slowly. I let out a hiss of pain, my hands clutching desperately at the sheets, and he stopped, letting me adjust for a minute, all the while never breaking eye contact. This, this was something else. I had never felt so full.  
"Fuck, you're tight." 
I let out a whimper. 
"It's okay, mio cara." He kissed away the tears from my face, I hadn't even realized that I was crying. "I'm going to move now." 
And boy did he move. It took a few thrusts before the pain subsided and then I felt as if I was flying. He kept his thrusts steady and deep, his hands roaming my sides before cupping my breasts and placing gently kisses along the edges. And then proceeded to close his mouth on one of my nipples through the lace.  
He didn't reply, deciding to suck harder and scrape against the sensitive buds with his teeth instead. If he kept this up, I wasn't going to last long, and I think he knew it. He sat up again, but this time he angled my hips up and I was suddenly seeing stars. He was hitting my sweet spot now and I couldn't contain my moans any longer. I could feel it building, and building, and building.  
"Don't you dare stop." I panted. 
"Eyes on me, darling." He ordered, grabbing my face, and making me look him in the eyes. "I want to see the look in your eyes when I make you come on my cock." 
Oh, God. He was speaking to me in Italian, and I didn't have the slightest clue as to what he was saying, but it was hot. 
"Alec, please. Make me cum. I want to come." 
"Fuck, so tight for me." He thrust harder and I could feel the walls of my pussy starting to tighten up. "I want to see you come undone around me." 
He forced me to look up at him again as I came hard, legs wrapping around his waist as he nearly collapsed on top of me. If I was seeing stars before, now I was suddenly seeing a whole fucking galaxy. 
"Fuck." He kissed me deeply as I felt him spasming inside me, cool liquid coating the walls of my pussy. 
He hovered like that for a long moment, his kisses turning into soft, languid ones, his hands roaming in even softer caresses. Finally, he pulled out of me, and let his eyes wonder over me. I'm sure I looked a mess, but he seemed to like what he saw, judging by the smirk on his face. 
"Come, amore. Let's get you cleaned up." 
"I don't think I can walk." I closed my eyes, doing my best to breathe and not die from great sex. 
"I can definitely help you there." 
I nearly yelped as he lifted me from the bed bridal style. 
"Is this your way of saying you want shower sex?" I wriggled my eyebrows at him. 
"I had not really thought of it, but if you insist." 
I laughed and snuggled into his chest. 
He paused a moment, really looking me over now. "I am truly sorry, Y/N. For everything." 
I placed a hand on his cheek. "Apology accepted." 
NEXT - (Outtake)
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Translation (Done via Google): Tesoro: Darling/Treasure  Mio Cara: My darling.  Principessa: Princess 
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
STWG Drabble 9/30/23
Prompt: Drunk talk
It was 2am, and Steve was sitting on the kitchen floor huddled around the phone, gripping the handset like it was a lifeline. It only rang twice before Robin picked up. She'd begged her parents to install an extra phone line in her room after Starcourt, and they gave in quickly once they realized it was either that, or getting woken up regularly by middle of the night panicked phone calls from the boy their daughter swore she wasn’t dating. Her parents didn’t know what had really happened to the two kids, just that whatever it was had left them with a lot of trauma and a little bit of codependency, but they loved their daughter, so they did what they could to make her happy.
“Steve?” Robin yawned his name into the phone, a hint of concern coloring her voice even though she was only half awake.
“Robbi-” Steve choked out through a sob that was punctuated with a hiccup. “I thhhink I fuccked up.”
“Are you drunk?” She asked, sounding a little more awake.
Steve snapped his fingers, pointing as if she was in the room with him. “Guessed it’n one.” He slurred a little, sniffling as he tried to speak. It was a wonder she understood him at all.
“Jesus, how much did you have? Wait, weren’t you and Eddie supposed to be hanging out tonight?”
“Oh Eddie” Steve sighed dramatically. “Eddie, he wasss here, he..oh god.. Robin I fuuucked up so bad - e’s never going to tttalk to me again.”
“What happened?” She asked.
Steve cleared his throat and took a few deep breaths. Trying hard to sober himself up.
“We were drinking.” He managed the three words with much less slurring than before, he thought Robin should be impressed.
She wasn’t.
“Don’ be mean, i’m upset!” Steve groaned.
“Sorry, go on.”
“And I knew I shouldn’t have let myself drink so much but I did and god, Robin, he looked so hot!” Steve rambled on. “He had his hair up and a crop top on and I couldn’t help myself…. I all but sat on his lap when we decided to watch a movie.”
“I’m failing to see the issue here. You were flirting with him, so what? You like him, he likes you.”
“We don’t know that!” Steve hissed.
“We do know that! And I've been telling you to ask him out for weeks!.”
Steve hesitated, a little of his old panic rising in his chest. “I…i wasn’t ready.”
Robin’s tone softend. “That’s okay, you’re allowed to not be ready.”
“I think I am now, but…” He trailed off.
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“Eddie kissed me.” Steve said simply, as if that explained everything. In fairness to his booze soaked mind, it did.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate, babe.”
“I freaked out, Robin! I freaked out and he thought I was freaking out because I didn't want him to kiss me, but really I was freaking out because I like him so much, and the kiss! Oh, the kiss was amazing. I had no idea that kissing could feel like that, but then I panicked because - what if I mess it up, Robin? What if I mess up with Eddie like I did with Nancy? I don’t know if I could survive that again.”
Robin was quiet for a long moment before she said anything.
“Shit, Steve. Do you…feel the same way about him as you did about Nance?”
“I think I do, Robs, I think I'm in love with him, but it doesn’t matter because I already ruined it.”
“Is that true?”
Steve’s heart sank as a deep voice sounded behind him.
He heard Robin suck in a breath on the other end of the line. He looked up, already knowing what he would find. Sure enough, Eddie was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, jacket on and keys still in hand. How long had he been standing there? Did he come back, or had he never left?
“Is that..?” Robin started to ask, but Steve cut her off. “Yeah, it is, um. I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow.” He hung up before she could respond, never taking his eyes off the boy in the doorway.
Steve gulped audibly. “How much of that did you hear?”
Eddie shuffled his feet, looking nervous. It wasn’t something Steve was used to seeing on the other boy, he usually exuded confidence.
“I guess that depends.” Eddie replied.
“How much of it did you mean?”
“All of it.” Steve answered quickly, eager to fix the mess he’d made of things.
Eddie pressed his lips together in a thin line, thinking. “Are you sure it’s not just because you’re drunk and sad?” He said, finally.
“If you stay, I'll say it again in the morning.”
Eddie smiled and shook his head. He walked over and sat down on the floor next to Steve, taking his hand and entwining their fingers. “What a line, Stevie.”
Steve ducked his head. “I’m sorry I freaked out.”
Eddie raised their clasped hands to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of Steve’s fingers.
“I’m sorry too. I left and didn’t give you the chance to explain. I got into my van and even started it, but I couldn't leave. I didn’t want to run anymore. I came back inside so we could talk about it. I hoped you would forgive me for kissing you and we could still be friends.”
“I don’t want to be just friends, Eddie. Can we try the kiss again?”
Eddie squeezed his hand and stood up, pulling Steve along with him.
“Let’s get you to bed, and if you feel the same way in the morning I would be happy to have a do-over.”
Steve pouted but allowed Eddie to lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.
“Don’t pout, baby. You’re really drunk, and it would feel too much like I was taking advantage of you. Let’s just go to sleep, I promise I'll still be here in the morning.”
“Will you sleep in here with me if I swear to keep my hands to myself?” Steve asked.
Eddie usually slept on the couch or the guest room when he stayed over. Steve had always hated it, but he had never been brave enough to ask Eddie to stay with him until now.
Eddie chuckled. “Yea, Stevie. I’ll stay with you.”
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wosoluver · 5 months
Andrea Medina x reader
kind of platonic, short
Andrea Medina Masterlist
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Andrea was a the sunshine in the life of everyone who lived around her. But not even her brightest rays could have saved you, from the depressive downhill state you felt since your recent breakup.
Your ex had left you on the one year dinner celebration you had planned so excitedly. You were fighting to stay afloat.
Your friends tried their best. But you only pushed everyone else away.
Which only made everything worse. The loneliness, the empty hours of your days that used to be filled by the people you loved, only brought a little more sorrow.
And you didn't know how to ask for help at this point.
You felt embarrassed and undeserving. And most people would have definitely turned their back on you.
But not her.
She waited patiently.
"Y/N can you please come to dinner with us today?"
"Uhm I don't know if I can, I had some plans and-"
"It's fine."
You were thankful for her to not push you into things.
"I know you're not in the mood. But your birthday is coming up, and I wanted us to celebrate it. Lola and Cris have been trying to come up with some good ideas for the party."
"I won't be able to get out of that one, huh?"
"You were so excited for your birthday last week. I know you're not feeling too well but distancing from us, from me, is not the answer."
"I know." you looked down, a bit shameful for your own actions.
"I'm ditching dinner. We can go watch the sunset on your favorite spot. We'll stop to get the snacks on the way."
"Today?" she swore your eyes twinkled for a second in excitement.
"After training. I'll pick you up."
'I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?'
You were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing on the side table. Before picking it up, you took a look at who was calling.
"Where are you? You're late."
"In bed. Today is our day off."
"We are having brunch today, with Wifi."
"Don't. We're waiting for you at the cafe."
"I love you guys but I don't want to deal with anything today."
"Fine." and she simply hung up. You thought she was pissed off, and decided on going back to sleep.
'I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"'
The knock on your door was loud enough to hear from the bedroom.
"Give me a minute!" you yelled going for the door.
"Good morning." and there she was again. "I dropped Wifi off, and came to see you, I brought your favorites." she said handing you the bag.
"You brought me brunch?" half surprised. "I thought you were angry, when you hung up the call."
"I was. But then I remembered it's not like you to cancel plans like this. You were doing a little better no? So, qué pasa?" she asked you softly.
"I was just on insta. And a friend my ex and I had in common, messaged me asking how I was doing, then proceeded to tell me they've moved on.
Like two weeks? Really? I'm getting over them but at the same time it made me feel sort of meaningless."
"You have to stop basing your value on other people's actions towards you. You can't let this pull you back into the dark. You have people who love you right here!"
'I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya'
You reaction was to simply cry. You knew she was right. She had tried everything to bring you up. All the girls did. And still you could only keep your mind in the bad things, blinding you from feeling better. From feeling the love, that was constantly poured on you.
She hugged your side, soothing your back, calmly.
"I don't deserve you. You're like the sun in my orbit, making sure I always have what I need. And I'm like the moon bringing the darkness along were ever I go."
"You know that's not true. You're just going through a phase. Like the moon always does. And the moon doesn't bring darkness. She reflects the light, to guide others through the dark in the night. You have guided me many times before. Even if you have no idea. You shine bright like a full moon."
"Only because I have your sunshine. Thank you for never leaving me alone."
"I've tried." she joked "But I can't."
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN’T ETERNAL. chapter 4 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist  
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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The weekend arrived without any nasty surprises, which was very much appreciated. Jobe was still a bit bitter towards Jude for all the lies he told the family, but you convinced him to not pick any fights with his brother. Jude didn't deserve it, but you still cared about his family dynamic staying the same regardless of how he managed the breakup and everything that came after it.
Now you were laying in bed, not having the energy to do much. It's not like you were allowing yourself to be consumed by the grief or sadness (which you still felt), but you were a bit apathetic. Luckily, Nikki and Mia were coming over to help you with that. 
“I want this to end.” You whispered after a while, wanting to say something to fill up the silence in your apartment.
Because you truly wanted to get over him. Why bother grieving him? He has been partying and probably sleeping with girls every night since his arrival to London. And what were you doing? Missing him? Wishing he’d call? Having insomnia?
“Fucking prick.” At least insulting him was good therapy.
Before you could enter the space of mind where all you did was hate him and his existence, your phone started to ring. The only connection to the outside world this past week and a half was that little device.
Nikki was calling.
“Check my chat, girl. This is fucking insane. Go! We're almost there!” And then she hung up.
“What's up with Nikk and hanging up after saying things like that?” You laughed, expecting something funny or a photo of them. But no, it was a Twitter thread. When you clicked it, you almost had a heart attack.
“The fuck is this?!” You screamed.
The author of the thread simply wrote: “Jobe's new girlfriend???? I'm so jealous, who is sheeee???” followed with four photos per tweet. They were from the park meeting just a few days ago. There were photos of you hugging, when you were sitting together and when you started to leave the park.
At least it wasn't going viral, but there still were lots of people interacting with it. They were trying to guess who you were and for how long you two have been “dating”. A nightmare.
This had never happened in the ten months you dated Jude, mostly because privacy was important to him... And now you were mistaken for his little brother’s girlfriend? You felt like having a panic attack, but your front door opened and closed loudly, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Did you see it?” Mia said, entering your bedroom after a few seconds.
“How did you find it?”
“Oh, you know I love gossip. I was digging for some information and I came across it. Did you see the date? Someone posted it three days ago.” Nikki sat next to you, biting her lip.       
“Yeah…” Your brain started to analyze how it happened… Who took the photos without you noticing? The park was almost empty the whole time. Unless… “Fuck… I know who took those photos.” 
“Who?” Mia asked with apprehension. “Someone we know?” 
“No, far from it” With a sigh, you sat. “We met at a park near here. I've always liked that place because most of the time is empty… But that day I spotted a group of girls near us; I didn’t even payed them attention, they were far enough to not eavesdrop.” You covered your eyes, feeling frustrated. “They were teenagers, so of course they took the opportunity when they recognized him.” 
“Yikes, girl… Someone’s going to cancel you for dating a minor.” Nikki joked, winning a very small smile from Mia and you. 
“That’s not funny, my god.They probably will if they ever find who I am and my age.” You sighed, absolutely sick with the path your life was taking. “Why can’t I have one day of peace, huh? Life sucks.”
“Of course it sucks, that’s the main thing about living,” Mia said, sitting in your bed. “Well, let’s pray for that threat to die soon enough. You know how people are, they’re probably hunting for the next big gossip of the week.” 
“Yeah…” You grabbed your phone again, thinking about your next move. “I probably should send this to Jobe as well, I don’t want him to be taken by surprise if people begin asking about this.” A tiny smile peaked between your lips. “And let’s hope the girl he likes doesn’t find it either.”
“Do you know what else you need to start doing?” Nikki said while you send the link to Jobe, who started to laugh about the ridiculous assumption those girls made about you. 
“What?” You asked without paying much attention, smiling a bit when Jobe started to call himself Mr. Steal Your Girl. 
“Being a soulless, heartless, and cold girl for once. What about some clubbing, some fun… Some boys?” 
“You’re like the devil on her shoulder, Nikk,” Mia said, nudging Nikki’s arm. “But I agree, you need some fun. We forbid you from staying at home, drowning in your sadness. That boy doesn’t deserve it.” 
“Not one bit,” Nikki replied, hugging you. “I promise it will be super fun, just go out with us tonight.” 
Instead of responding, you took a look at the ground. There it is. You knew them too well, there was no way for them to “casually” suggest a night out; they had a plan. Their bags were on the floor, but you noticed a small bag that Nikki only took out of her house if she was planning to party: her makeup bag, which was essential if she was going out clubbing.
“Are you trying to persuade me into partying tonight?” You smiled, not even mad at the idea. 
“Maybe?” Both of them said, trying to look as innocent as possible. 
The three of you looked at each other with big smiles before laughing. 
“We’re going out tonight!” Mia screamed, gaining more laughs from Nikki and you. 
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The fun part about going out with Mia and Nikki was the part previous to the actual clubbing. There just was something magical about getting ready with them: the makeup with the collaboration of everybody, constantly changing outfits, Nikki persuading both of you to drink a little bit for good luck and Mia insisting that all of you needed smoky eyes, so guys felt intimidated. Most of it was nonsense, but they were your best friends in the whole world and you always felt extremely thankful for their support.
“Promise me you’re going to at least try dancing with the hottest guy that approaches you tonight.” Mia said while doing your smoky eyes (yeah, you gave in).
“I’ll try.” And you will because it wasn’t fair for you to stay in your comfort zone. If this whole thing didn’t cheer you up or make you feel better, then you could always find other ways to keep your mind occupied.
“That’s more than enough for me. Try to have fun, this is a girl’s night.” 
“And talking about girls. Put this dress on, the girls look stunning in it.” Nikki dropped a black dress on your lap. 
“No way!” You lifted it with a smile. “I completely forgot about this dress. I haven’t worn it since…” You paused, feeling uncomfortable. “Uh, Jude’s birthday.” 
“Well, who cares about that? You still look amazing.” Nikki smiled, obviously not about to let you think much about Jude. 
“Done!” Mia said after a few seconds, biting her lip. “This is my best work so far.” Her eyes were sparkling, so you believed her. 
Facing yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize the face that was looking back at you. You looked amazing; the color of your eyes popped, the glitter was doing the right job of not making it look too dark and the red lipstick was the final touch. You loved it. 
“That’s the face of a heartbreaker, girl.” Nikki admired your face for an instant before smiling. “Ah, I can’t wait for the boys to fight over you.” 
“Very funny, Nikk.” 
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The club Nikki choose was wild, especially since a manager was waiting for you at the door, guiding you to the balcony section of the club- which was the freaking VIP one.
“Nikk?” You half-screamed through the music, dying to know how she managed to pull this off. Mia seemed as confused as you were. “Anything you want to tell us?”
“About what?” She kept walking with the biggest of smiles.
“Uh… Us getting into the VIP section wiht no even five minutes of being here?”
“Oh, that?” Her smile grew bigger, if that was physically possible. “I know someone.”
Clearly, that was all the information you were getting. Mia gave you a look and the both of you silently decided that it was better if you didn’t dig into it.
“Tonight it’s about having fun, girls. My treat, don’t worry.” Nikki said once you were at the table, which already had a champagne bottle resting comfortably on an ice bucket. Three champagne glasses were next to it, patiently waiting for you. 
“Oh, so this is luxury, luxury.” Mia whispered, laughing a bit. 
“The fun it’s all that matters, trust me, Mia.” A waiter appeared out of nowhere, silently grabbing the bottle before smiling at all of you. 
“Welcome, ladies. May I open it now?” You nodded, and with one quick movement of his wrist, he had the job done. Impressive. “Hope you have a good night. Don’t forget you can always call a waiter with the button that’s underneath the table.” And then he was gone. 
“You were right, Mia. This is luxury luxury.” You accepted the glass Nikki offered you, excited for the night ahead. 
“Let’s enjoy it without actually wondering how much all this is, babe.” Was all she said before chugging her glass in one sitting. “I’m ready, give me another one.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about!" Nikki cheered, happy to see Mia engaged with tonight’s mission.                                                                                                     
“Come on, you need to chug that thing too, there’s more in here.” Nikki told you, already serving Mia’s second glass. 
“Fuck it.” You said before doing as Nikki said, chugging your champagne as carefully as possible so you didn’t choke. “If I end up vomiting all over the floor at the end of the night, I want you to know, I’m blaming you.” 
“That’s fine to me!” And then Nikki chugged her glass as well. 
Yeah, this night was going to be hella interesting.
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Needless to say that within two hours of clubbing you were pretty drunk. Not to the point of falling when trying to walk because the world was spinning or to the verge of unconsciousness, but a good point between being able to not care if something ridiculous escaped your mouth and dancing with strangers without giving it a second thought. 
Nikki had found some friends along the night, and now three more people, which were the nicest ever, were sitting at your table, chatting and laughing along. You enjoyed the their company, but felt the need to give yourself space to drink a very much needed glass of water in peace. 
So there you were, leaning against one of the multiple spaces in the balcony where little chairs were dispersed. It felt almost peaceful if you ignored the music blasting through the speakers or the many waiters going around the place, dealing with drunks and orders. 
“No way! Is that you?” A voice startled you, taking your mind away from the blankness it was immersed in. “I knew I wasn’t mistaking that face!” 
You turned, slightly pissed at the person that was basically yelling at you, until you realized it was Gio. Gio Reyna himself. 
“Gio?!” You didn’t know why, but the excitement made you scream. Maybe it was because you were drunk, but seeing Gio was one of the highlights of the night. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
“I’m taking the few days off I have.” He hugged you tightly once you stood up, almost swiping you from the floor. “You look amazing! What are you doing here?” 
“Thanks! I’m with my friends, they’re right there!” You pointed to the table, where all kept chatting without noticing your encounter. “It’s a girl’s night!” 
“That’s cool! I thought you were with Jude, since he’s at London and all that.” 
Your smile never wandered from your face, not caring about Jude’s name being dropped from Gio’s lips. You shook your head, letting him know you weren’t with him today. Or ever, for that matter. 
“Nope, just my girls and I.” He kept looking at you like he was in front of a new person, not Jude’s “girlfriend”. You didn’t know if you liked it or felt bad about it. He was one of Jude’s good friends after all. “What about taking a picture? It’s been so long since we saw each other.” 
“Sure! Are you okay if I post it to IG?” 
“Of course, go for it.” 
Then the two of you moved to a more illuminated area, he took his phone and you knew this was one of a kind type of opportunity. Time to be the pettiest bitch I know. Taking advantage of him getting closer to you for the sake of the photo, you passed one arm over his shoulders, and after a couple of pics, you decided to give him a tiny peck on the cheek. 
“Let's see.” He said shyly. Aw.
A few of them were blurry, but most were decent and the peck one was fabulous, not only for the sake of your intentions, but also because of how good the two of you looked. Your makeup was still intact, and with the lighting, it shined in a very pretty way. Gio had a light blush due to the alcohol, his smile being evident, giving his already handsome face something else. 
“That one?” You said, picking the one you liked the most. 
“Yeah! We look amazing.” He started to set it but paused before publishing it. “Do you mind if I tag you?” 
“Go ahead, I have no problem.” And that was it. 
You said your goodbyes, and while returning to the table, you felt some type of triumph. Did this make you a bad person? 
“Where were you? We thought you got lost or something.” Mia said when you finally arrived, sitting beside Nikki. 
“So… I did a thing…”
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krirebr · 6 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Curtis + bound wrists + “Mmm such a jumpy little thing, you’re not used to being treated this way, are you?”
This took me forever, but between being sick at the beginning of the week and work kicking my ass at the end, it took a while to get to a point where I could string multiple sentences together. 😂😭 But we're finally here. I'm a little afraid this is only half a hoe thot, but it's already over 600 words and I kind of like ending it where I did. This is my contribution to the Curtis successfully takes the snowpiercer and deserves a reward trope. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for playing with me!!
Warnings: dark elements, bondage, forced public nudity, threats of and implied non-con, explicit language, 18+ - MINORS DNI
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Your wrists were bound with rope in front of you as you were led into the meatpacking car, wearing what you’d been sleeping in, a short nightgown. You shivered, partly out of fear and partly because it was freezing in this part of the train, nothing like the warmth you’d always had in your private compartment near the front. A group of tail-enders flanked you. They’d barged into your room in the middle of the night. They’d overpowered you, tied up your hands, and then dragged you out. You weren’t sure how long you’d walked or what was happening. The whole train seemed to be in chaos.
One of the tail-enders pushed you to the car's center towards a large man wearing a dark overcoat and a wool beanie on his head. Animal carcasses hung all around him, in the process of being butchered. He had sharp blue eyes and an intense stare that he fixed on you, like you were the most prime cut of meat in there. You tried to hold your ground but the man pushing you forward was stronger than you were. 
The blue-eyed man reached above himself and pulled down a large hook on a chain suspended from the ceiling. The men on either side of you grabbed your bound hands, raising them above your head. You tried to flail away, scream for help, but it was no use. The rope around your wrists was placed on the hook, which was then raised until you were balancing on your tip toes. 
The large man, who was clearly in charge, stood right in front of you. “Hello, sweetheart,” he said, his voice deep and gritty. “My name is Curtis. This train is mine now.”
That could not possibly be. That wasn’t how things worked here. “What?? Where’s Wilford?!” you shouted.
He chuckled. “I killed him,” he said, plainly. 
You tried to recoil or thrash or something but suspended how you were, all you could really do was sort of sway.
“Life is about to change drastically for all you front-enders, but for you most of all.”
 “What? What are you talking about? Why me? I didn’t do anything!” you protested.
He nodded calmly. “Yes,” he said, “I’m sure that’s true. I’m sure you did a whole lot of nothing while my people suffered in ways you can’t imagine for seventeen years.”
You felt your eyes start to tear up. You couldn’t help it. You felt like you were still asleep. Maybe you were. Maybe this was just a nightmare. 
“What are you going to do to me?” you whimpered.
“I saw you, you know,“ he said, instead of answering your question. “I had to pass through the club car to get to the front. And there you were, dancing away like you didn’t have a care in the world. And I thought to myself, ‘That’s what I’ll deserve if I make it through this.’”
All you could do was look at him, confused.
“Oh honey,” he said, reaching out with one finger to brush away a tear that you hadn’t realized had fallen. “What am I going to do to you? Whatever I want. You’re my reward.”
In the moment it took you even to start to process what he’d said, he tore your nightgown away. He took one of your now bare breasts in his large hand and squeezed it cruelly, tweaking your nipple. You jolted at his touch, whining despite yourself. 
“Mmm, such a jumpy little thing, you’re not used to being treated this way, are you? That’s ok,” he said, with a sharklike grin that both terrified you and went straight to your core, “I’ll make sure you get used to it real fast.”
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moonshoon · 2 years
Miss Me Much?
paring: sunoo x reader genre: smut, a little bit of fluff word count: 2.7k
summary: reader is in a relationship with music major!sunoo, but they live appart for the time being. their long distance relationship is going well, and sunoo comes to town around christmas break to surprise reader. things get a little heated in reader’s dorm room
warnings: dom!sunoo, smut, degrading, smoking, fingering, cunnilingus, penetration, harsh language, mention of test stress, long distance relationship, mentions of death (no main characters)
shortenings: y/n > your name f/n > friend’s name
!WARNING! contains +18, MDNI
„i miss you so much, sun...", i mumbled out against my pillow. my head was buried into the fluffy fabric, voice muffled as i was still on the call with sunoo. since he had to move away for his dream music college i was left alone in this town here, with no one to talk to. naturally, i am happy he is living his dream right now, but I still miss him so much right now. especially since we haven't seen each other in almost half a year.
"don't worry baby. only two more weeks and then the christmas break will start and i'll be back for some time." i heard his voice through the speakers of my phone. "i already can't wait to have you back in my arms and hold you forever." this made me smile. so many people told us that our relationship wouldn't work out because we would be long distance, but no. i feel like as soon as i will be united with sunoo again, i will be even happier than i have ever been in my life.
the more we talked, the more i got excited about his coming back, i couldn't wait to see my boyfriend again after such a log time apart. "i hope these two weeks pass quickly so i can see you again soon... i feel so lonely without you here next to me in my bed" i told him. "it's okay, love. as soon as I will be there, i will spend all my time with you in your bed so you don't feel so lonely anymore." i giggled in excitement, pressing my head further into the soft, fluffy pillow.
"i'm sorry, babe. i'll have to go now, jay called me because we have soccer practice in twenty minutes. i will call you again as soon as possible! i love you." he promised as we said our goodbyes and then he hung up. now i was kind of lonely again.
i put away my phone and went back to my studies. for one because i had a few tests next week, and because i had to distract myself from thinking about Sun or else i would end up just missing him even more than i already am.
next thing i knew was, i woke up with my head on my desk and by back hurting more than a 98 year old's. hm... i probably fell asleep while studying yesterday. the physics book opened on page 204 that was laying right next to me on the desk proved my suspicion.
when i took a look at my phone and saw the time, i quickly sprang up from my stool, trying to get myself ready as fast as possible, because class was about to start in a few minutes. i quickly rushed to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my face and applying a little bit of make-up before hurrying back to my closet to grab the first skirt and shirt i could find.
as i was running in the hallway, i saw some people from my class, which made me relax a bit, but i still didn't slow down because i didn't want to be late no matter if some others are.
when i quickly jogged up to my seat at the back of the class, i saw the seat next to me was empty. strange. f/n should have been here already, she's never late. and when the professor then walked in, and she still wasn't here, i worried she was sick. probably she was, but how dare she leave me alone?
The classes were honestly so boring without her, and i don't even know how i survived psychology class (i hate that fucking teacher). But I'm glad i did survive so i can make my way to my dorm room now. i put on my headphones, playing one of my favorite songs and walked on to the dorms.
when i arrived at the dorm building, i saw a man standing there, leaning right against the entrance. his hood was pulled up and a cigarette in his hands, rings adorning his fingers. reminds me of sun, but that can't be him. don’t tell me i’m starting to hallucinate because i miss him so much... i thought to myself while i walked closer, headphones still playing music.
when i made my way past person, they lifted their head to look at me. and when i saw the face, i almost freaked out and started screaming. my cheeks rose, as i smiled brightly at the person standing in front of me.
"miss me?", he said, voice smoother and deeper than i remembered, cigarette in between his lips. "why are you already here? didn't you say you'll be here when christmas break starts? that's like in two weeks..." i said, still shocked about my boyfriend standing in front of my dorm out of nowhere. "classes got cancelled for some time, because one of the staff members died unfortunately. but I'm happy i can see you again, babe." sunoo explained, wrapping his hands around me to pull me into a tight hug, almost squishing me to death. i gladly wrapped my arms around him too, responding with the same feelings as him as the smell of the smoke enveloped both of us.
"i missed you so, so much, sun..." And before i could stop it, sobs made their way out of my mouth, and some tears started streaming down my face. "don't cry. i'm here now, hm?" his hands were rubbing my back, calming me down a little bit. he swiftly pulled out my phone out of the back pocket of my pants before holding it onto the sensor at the entrance door, my access card being in the back of the phone case.
the little light on the sensor turned green and he opened the door before throwing his cigarette onto the ground, lifting me up and carrying me into the building.
"let's rest a bit and watch a movie, what do you think?" "But i have a lot of tests to study for..." "i don't care right now, you deserve some rest and i will stay here and make sure you will get your deserved hours of rest." i just nodded my head, not able to protest because I do really need some rest right now.
we chose to watch a movie none of us had seen, so i don't remember the name exactly, but it was a great movie. well, it was as long as i got to see it.
„you know what i really missed a lot when we were not together?" sun asked me, looking me straight in the eyes. i quickly shook my head to tell him I didn't know. „your pretty fucking lips..."
as soon as those words left his mouth, he smashed his lips onto mine, pulling me directly onto his lap with his beautiful hands. they were placed on my ass as i wrapped my arms sound his shoulders to glide my nails along his clothed back.
he didn't hesitate one second to swipe his tongue along my bottom lip, to ask for entrance. and as soon as he got it, he dominated my tongue with his. our saliva mixed together, his hands on my ass, my hands all over his back and hair. i must say, i really missed that feeling too.
„please, sun~" i whined out lightly grinding up against him, looking for some friction. „be my good girl and stay still for me now, ok?" he mumbled and continued kissing me slowly, also making his way down my neck, placing his soft lips on my sensitive spots. i let out little moans and whimpers at the feeling of him sucking on my skin to mark me as his. the thought of walking around with his marks really did turn me on a lot.
his kisses continued over to my collarbones, also leaving some hickeys there too, before they went lower. i could feel his lips at the top of my breasts, caressing my skin lightly. my hands settled themselves in his black locks, tugging at his hair and massaging his scalp from time to time. the v-neck shirt i wore - for which i also almost got dresscoded today - proves to be very practical right now.
“please, sun, do something~" i whined out, begging for him to do more. his lips slowly left my skin, a worried look on his face. „are you sure you're ready, babe? we’ve never done this before" so sweet of him to be concerned about me... his hands we're still holding me against him tightly, not letting lose for a second. „yes, i'm very sure, baby. you can continue..." my voice was shaky. this would be the first time we do more than just making out and leaving hickeys on each other.
„oh god, you're so sexy." he mumbled out before putting his hands onto the hem of my top, and looking at me again. i nodded my head to give him permission, and in no time my top was gone, thrown somewhere into my room. now i was sitting there on top of my boyfriend, just in my bra, his lips on my body again. i could feel his hands travelling up my back, brushing over the clip of my bra.
he hooked two of his fingers behind it and swiftly opened it. „are you sure?" He asked, voice still laced with concern. „if you're not going to hurry up you can completely forget it." i mumbled before pulling him up to capture his lips with mine passionately before puling my bra off completely.
and before i knew it, he already dove down to take one of my breasts and decorate it with more of the beautiful marks. he just hugged me closer and closer as he worked on my chest, switching from one to the other, so both have the same amount of attention.
as i let out a breathy moan, he turned us around and now i was under him. his gaze was focused on my expressions, checking if i was still comfortable. When i stretched my hands out and pulled up his shirt, he immediately tossed it off too, bare, lightly toned torso on display for me. i reached out with my hands and brushed over his skin, making him breathe out shakily.
“please sun, touch me more..." i said as i made circles with my fingertips all over his abdomen. slowly, his hesitation got less and less, and soon he was laying in between my legs, leaving kisses as he lifted up my skirt to get a good view of my panties. „so cute..." his fingers hooked under the fabric, slowly pulling it down to get a good view. „wet for me already i see, doll?" i just let out a little whine in embarrassment when he called me doll, i can't handle all the attention sometimes.
he didn't wait long before brushing his fingers over my folds, careful not to hurt me. over time, he got more confident and inserted two of his long, slender fingers. rings still on them. i could feel the cold metal against my throbbing core, pushing against the amazing sensation. he started curling his fingers inside of me, making me whine even higher. „oh- god please, sun"
his lips latched onto my bud, playing with the sensitive nerves there and making me squirm even harder than before. my stomach tightened as i felt my orgasm approaching slowly, my grip tightening on sun's hair. „don't stop, don't stop, oh-„ my voice got higher pitched, and my thighs started shaking. i tried to close my legs around his head but he held them open with a firm grip, biting on my clit lightly. with that, i couldn't hold back any longer and came right onto his tongue. he didn't stop licking until i was clean, drinking up my juces.
„that was delicious." he sighed, licking his lips. i slowly got up and pushed him down onto the bed, still trembling a little from the orgasm. my hands went to the top of his pants, tugging at the belt lightly. i fumbled around with the belt, trying to get it open. after a few second it opened and i pulled the zipper down, before trying to tug his pants down too. he lifted his hips a little to help me, and pulled off the pants to toss them off the bed.
my eyes wandered to his boxers, a wet patch at the front where you could see a big bulge. impressive. i also pulled down his boxers with a little help and started stroking him slowly. he let out low, breathy groans, bucking up his hips into my hand from time to time. „god, doll, i love you so much, but stop please. i don't want to cum into your hand right now." my face flushed red at his words, but i stopped, putting my hand on his thigh.
not even a second later he turned us around again and was hovering over me, gaze fixated on my body. "beautiful..." he mumbled, stretching his arm out to get a condom and lube from a drawer of my nightstand. he opened the condom package and rolled it on. the bottle cap popped open, he squeezed out some lube onto his hand, before rubbing himself with it. "i don't want to hurt you, y/n" he was worried, voice all serious now. “don't worry, sun, you won't. i'm sure." he slowly nodded before teasing me by sliding his tip against my folds. i whined lightly, pushing myself towards him to show him that i want it.
after a few seconds of just rubbing against me, he finally started pushing in. at first, it stung a little bit, but soon it turned into a pleasurable burn. "faster, please..." i breathed out, reaching with my hands to pull him down to me by his shoulders. my nails were scratching his back, his hands on my hips to hold me in place.
"so beautiful, doll. want to devour you right now." he groaned out as he sped up his thrusts. "oh- yes, please!" i shrieked as he hit my sweet spot, dragging my nails down his back harder, so there would be marks the next morning for sure. i had to guarantee that i had marked him good enough too...
"will you come for me, doll? cream all over my dick?" he whispered into my ear. i whimpered at his words. who knew I had a weak spot for dirty talk... i nodded my head quickly, trying to communicate to him that i liked it. "words, doll. i need words" he said and slapped my thigh harshly, his voice sounded like pure venom. "yes, yes." my voice was shaky, almost a whisper from all the stimulation i was receiving.
his hand made it's way down to my bud, rubbing over it in fast circles. i let out a loud moan at his action, never having felt this good in my entire life. "gonna, gonna-" i interrupted myself as i moaned out loudly against his shoulder, the knot in my stomach snapping. my eyes rolled back as i came on him, clenching down. his thrusts also started getting sloppier, he was close too.
"such a good girl for me, doll. i love your pussy so much" he breathed out as he thrusted into me harshly one last time, before he came into the condom. both of us were panting heavily, still trying to calm down from the intense session we just had.
when he slowly pulled out, i let out a whimper at the emptiness. sunoo stood up and discarded the used condom, before laying back down with me and pulling me close.
"how was it?" he asked sweetly. "amazing. i love you so much and i am so glad i could experience this with you, babe." "i love you more, and i would not mind if we would go for a second round right now, and i'll make you scream..." he whispered the last part into my ear while i could already hear his smirk forming.
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AITA for threatening to have my friend's boyfriend removed when he crashed our outing?
This happened a few years ago now but I still feel really mixed about it and want a general consensus. Important context is that my friend (Jen) and her boyfriend (Dan) are both from Mormon families, they're getting out of it together slowly but it does heavily influence how they acted + how the situation was treated. Also, Dan was homeschooled and doesn't have a lot of experience in social situations or with friendships in general because he's super sheltered. We were all 19 when this went down.
So two years ago Jen was very abruptly told she was being sent out of state to a Mormon college in two weeks. I decided to go hang out with her for the weekend with my partner who is also her friend. The first day we hung out with both Jen and Dan. Then the day after we (me, my partner and Jen) wanted to have dinner together alone to say goodbye.
She had been hanging out with Dan before coming to dinner and asked him for a ride to the restaurant. He drops her off, we hang out and have a great time for about half an hour until she gets a text and tells us that Dan showed up to crash our dinner. My partner and I were pretty unnerved by this as we had only met this guy twice before. Jen tries to go explain to Dan why he needs to leave but he insists on sitting at a table I guess to just watch us the rest of the night.
At this point I'm feeling extremely creeped out and protective of Jen so I pull Dan aside and state plainly that him showing up like this is rude and freaking everyone out, and I calmly told him to leave. He doesn't acknowledge anything I say and asks if I hate him. I tell him I don't but I want to say goodbye to Jen properly, alone. He says that he'll sit further away from us and goes back to the tables before I can argue with him.
We try to continue ignoring him for a little while but I hit my boiling point and go to where he's sitting and tell him he needs to leave or I'll ask the staff to remove him. He finally leaves but starts having a breakdown over text with Jen. Apparently he wandered off and she left to go find him. Long story short, he has a breakdown and we all end up leaving before even ordering entrées to go find him.
HIS PARENTS called Jen to shame her for not inviting him and told her that she should have known this would happen, all of this is her fault. I didn't know that would happen, I assumed any reasonable person would think Dan was in the wrong, but I think I should have realized that their mormon families are not reasonable. Jen ended up taking a lot of shit from both her parents and his. I think this also ended up straining our relationship because she loves Dan and I hurt his feelings. She had a hard time really believing this wasn't her fault and that she shouldn't take all the responsibility for his actions like their families told her.
When I spell it out I feel like the plain fact is I did nothing wrong, but because of the emotional context I am really doubting myself. I knew that Dan was hyper-sensitive and has invited himself to events before then felt neglected when he was rejected. I knew that he might react this way so it feels partially like my fault for ruining the dinner. I don't know what I could have done instead to keep everything from escalating like this but I probably should have thought of something else instead of acting rash.
AITA for threatening my friend's boyfriend without regard for the heat she might take for it afterwards?
What are these acronyms?
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thelittleliars · 1 year
P.S. I Want You | Chapter 2
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: mention of suicide
Words: 2.4K
AN: This is only a filler chapter, I'm sorry if you got excited. Chapter 3 is going to be full of fluff though. Depending on how creative my mind is going to be, I'll post 1-2 postcards every day for the the next 5 days! P.S. I Want You Masterlist
The postcard from Berlin was her last one. It was very short as if she was mad at something, more like at everything and everyone. You started to miss seeing the postcards in your mailbox, that she sent you every two-ish weeks. It had been three and a half weeks since the last one came from Berlin and even though you knew there still was a chance that one could come any day, your hopes were low and decreased with each passing day. 
You came home late from an extremely exhausting day at work, people were annoying the fuck out of you by asking the most stupid questions and tried to reason you over prices. Working in retail was not an easy job at all. Most days were frustrating and irritating. Why you chose to work there is something you questioned every day, it didn't even pay well. But a job is a job and you had bills to pay. 
After putting in the gate code and going through it, you stopped by your mailbox and got everything out. As you briefly looked through them you spotted a colorful postcard but not wasn't just a postcard from around the world, no, it was a postcard from Budapest. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of Natasha being in the city or she were here and didn't have time to visit. You longed to see her again, your body and mind basically craves her, which was not something you expected to happen after just one day of knowing her. You flipped the card around and your lit up face fell immediately. 
It was the first words on the card. Natasha never wrote like this and the handwriting also wasn't hers. 
While you take your precious time to read this, I'm already waiting for you in your apartment. Hurry up.
Yelena was here, does that mean that Natasha might also be with her? They're sisters after all and the last time you saw them they both were together on the run. You skipped the elevator and ran straight up the stairs. Then hastily opening the door only to see one figure sitting in the dark. You saw Yelena as you turned on the lights, she grinned at you when she saw the disappointment written all over your face. "I see, you expected the other sister." She was everything but offended by your reaction. In fact she was glad you were disappointed since that showed her you had as much interest in her sister as Natasha had in you. The redhead actively hid her interest in you from her little sister, she didn't utter a word about you or the postcard she always sent but Yelena being Yelena, she knew all about it. 
"I don't know what you mean." You finally closed the door behind you and moved further in your apartment, you sat down on a chair and untied your shoes. "Sure. You got a nice collection there." Yelena pointed to your huge mirror that hung at the wall. You put all the new postcards there with a tiny bit of old ones since it would have look empty then. "Have you been traveling lately?" She teased you, knowing that most of them were from Natasha but Yelena didn't dare to turn them around to see if she was 100% correct since she didn't want to cross a line with your privacy. "I got you a card from Budapest. Picking one was hell though like why the fuck are there so many? And tons of different prices?"
"Yelena?" You tried to pronounce her name right, it had been months since Natasha first and last said her name. The women nodded. "I hope I pronounced it correct. I heard it from Natasha when you guys were here but my memory isn't the best. Back to the point.. why are you here?" 
"Well I was around and I thought of visiting you so here I am." Yelena's answer was short. She could tell you the real reason why she was here, the trace for two of the rest of girls from the red room lead back here. She freed one girl earlier, the other one were still laying low so she had to surveil her before taking actions. And what better way was to end the day with visiting her sisters crush. "Need a place to stay for the night?" You asked her. The exhaustion was suddenly hitting you. All you wanted to do was take a shower and fall into bed. "If you're offering then yes." Nodding your head you offered her your bed or the sofa before jumping into the shower. When you came out the bathroom in pajamas 20 minutes later, your bed was empty. You took a look at the sofa and there you saw Yelena comfortably lying. Before going to bed yourself, you quickly got an extra blanket for the other woman and put it over her. 
Sleep did not come for you, though you thought this time would have been different since you felt extremely tired and exhausted. You sighed in frustration while during around once again. The whole apartment is quite expect for the air condition which you forgot to turn off. That noise irritated you a lot but it also helped you not to fall into an extremely overthinking state. You did think about what it would be like if you saw Natasha again. Would it be awkward? Probably.. you didn't know how to act around her what you actually felt for her. You barely knew a thing about her but that one night of talking and her including things you talked about in the postcards had you in all kind of butterfly feelings. 
Would Yelena talk more about her sister if you asked her? Did she know where Natasha is right now? What if you try to get the redheads phone number from her? After a while the most important question came to your mind, is she still single?? You remembered her telling you she didn't have any time for romance but that could have changed and she might found someone already. The thought made you sad since you two kinda hit it off and it made you feel more alive. You wouldn't even mind waiting for her if you knew that she wanted more from you too. This overthinking is pathetic. You sat up and grabbed the book from your nightstand, you already were halfway through, you only started last night but what else could you do when you were not able to fall asleep? 
Yelena stayed four more days with you. She was gone early in the morning before you woke up but was back at your apartment when you came back home from work. You didn't talk much to each other but she teased you each time you came back home with the mail in your hand. It was cruel of her to do so, she knew what went down in Berlin and why her sister stopped writing the postcards since she was there when it all happened. 
After two months of sitting in a private facility and getting interrogated by General Ross, they made a deal with Natasha and the other Avengers who committed a crime when the Civil War happened. Natasha was allowed to help Yelena with finding the last girls from the red room and freeing them. One trace lead back to Berlin. German authorities weren't so keen on having one Avenger back in their country after the mess they had made with the Civil War. Yelena and her sister tried the best to follow the law, they did well considering a bunch of people recognized the redhead and wanted a photo with her. Unfortunately that drew a bit of attention and one of the red room girls fled before they could release the red dust. The chase took time, the girl knew exactly where to go at the right time, the second the sister duo came very close to catching her, she got hit by a train that nobody but her saw coming. Since there was footage as evidence, Yelena and Natasha were able to go back home quickly, the girl's cause of death was ruled as suicide. It was hard for both women, they didn't want anyone to get hurt, that's why Yelena's new strategy was to surveil the girls and then find the best moment to release the dust. And until she had time to go to the recommended therapist, she copes by creating different versions how the last mission could have ended. Then she found out it helps to tease the hell out of you, her mind goes to a different place, somewhere where everything is good and where she could be normal. She felt like she could be her normal self around you, you have a chaotic calming aura that she liked. 
On the last day, the blonde women was sneaking around to take a photo of you being busy in the kitchen. She sent it to her bigger sister with the caption "Get yourself a wife that cooks.". Natasha was brooding the second she saw where her younger sister was. She did appreciate the photo of you, she thought you looked incredible beautiful, even more so than all the months ago when you first met. The jealously of not being able to go back though was taking the upper hand of her. This new emotion added with the not healed trauma she got from Berlin was too overwhelming so she went back to the training room and worked out until Clint came and forced her to take a break.
"So are you actually a great cook?" She asked you while watching you work at the stove. You turned your face towards her, raising an eyebrow, then shaking your head. "No, I count myself as an awful cook but I still can do some decent dishes. I used to be a lot worse." It was the truth, you used to basically burn the kitchen down but at some point you got the hang of it and didn't burn anything anymore. You're far from being a good cook though. "Are you a good cook?" Yelena shrugged. "I can make a mean mac & cheese. I'm proud of that but I don't think I can cool anything else. I'm also too much on the move for that." Natasha was also too much on the move, you knew that since she told you she was too busy for romance so this was your chance to ask her sister more about her. "Are you and your sister always this much on the move or is there where you guys actually can take a break?" 
"We have breaks but they're short." She nodded with a smile appearing on her face. "You know if you wanna know about my sister all you have to do is ask me directly." You turned your head back to the stove, not wanting her to see you blush as you were caught by her, it was already embarrassing enough. Was it actually obvious that you wanted to know more about Natasha? "I don't know why you're saying that." Yelena smirked, you made it too easy for her to tease and annoy you. "Ohh okay. So I can tell my sister that you're not interest in her." That made you turn around fast, at first you wanted to stop her but then you started to think. If she'd tell her that then there was absolutely  no chance for you anymore. But is there even a chance to begin with? Natasha told you that she never had the time for romance, so even if she was interested in you and had a bit more time, she was still an agent and you guys lived thousands of miles apart. The realization pained you deeply. You tried to hide your feelings and expressions by turning back around. The noodles you made were done. You went into auto-mode, turning the stove off, pouring off the water and placing it on a cold space. "Maybe it's the best you do." Natasha was a spark, something exciting that got you out of your boring everyday life. And this fantasy you have of her coming back to you and continue whatever you two had was delusional thinking, maybe even turning into maladaptive daydreaming. Yelena was stunned by your answer, she was not expecting your mood to turn 180, if teasing you this way didn't work she has another way. "The best for you? Could be but not for my sister. She'd be crushed to know her crush isn't interested in her." 
The information got your heartbeat going fast, heat rose to your cheeks, you didn't know how to act since you had never many people be interested in you. A idea popped into your mind, even with your wishful delusional thinking, you hoped this would be something Natasha liked and appreciate no matter how this thing ended up between you two. You ran into your bedroom without a word to the blonde woman who looked confused at your sudden movement. One empty postcard from Budapest laid next to your bed, it was your bookmark once, you gripped it and ran back to the kitchen. You quickly wrote something and handed it to Yelena. "Please give this to your sister?" 
She nodded. "I will. Thanks for letting me stay here. I have to go now." The tiny ex-assassin would have stayed longer but your behavior confused her too much. "Any time! Hope I'll see you sometime again." The second Yelena was out of your apartment she turned the postcard and read what you wrote. She knew she swore she'd never do that but it was necessary to help you and Natasha to come together.
Dear Natasha or Nat (whichever you prefer),
I appreciate all your postcards very much. I feel flattered that you think about me and try to get postcards for me. I guess I found a way to answer you back now huh? And it's probably my only chance.. I haven't heard from you in a while, I hope you're alright and don't have any nightmares. 
If you have time and a phone hit me up: +36 30 456 7890 . 
~ Y/N 
Taglist: @dcrogoy , @arcturusseer , @comet-forgot-you , @arualdcg , @kksalexa , @imnatobsessed , @presser24 , @00alycia , @wannabe-fic-reader , @lonewalker17 , @mrsrushman , @ctrlamira , @red1culous
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trivialbob · 6 months
Not only did my last meeting of the week just end, it ended early. I hung up with no new tasks assigned to me. I still have to stay signed on for a while, but I'm going to take a nice, long lunch.
Yesterday afternoon my dad took Sheila and me out to dinner at one of his favorite Mexican restaurants. The servings were huge. We brought home leftovers. Late last night I finished mine. Today's lunch consists of Sheila's leftovers (she said I could have them).
Later in the evening Sheila and I went to the brewery. Several people we know were there. It is always fun when we hang out with them.
For the first time I can remember, a toddler started crying. It wasn't FU crying, like some kid who wasn't getting his way. I think this child was really tired. But he was loud. Between wails Sheila remarked, "Target is missing a crying kid tonight." The parents didn't ignore the boy. They walked while carrying him which helped some. Not much later they left.
We didn't bring any dogs with us. Sheila made a point to pet all the other dogs that were there (six or seven of them).
I am stupidly happy with this glue. A piece of trim on my microwave oven came loose. Double-sided tape and two other kinds of glue failed to make it stay in place. Seeing that loose trim made me cranky. I hate broken stuff.
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Walmart had a big display of and a low price on this Gorilla glue. It was an easy chance to take.
I followed the instructions carefully. Complete curing occurs in 24 hours. The piece of trim is next to the oven's door handle. After applying the glue I wedged kitchen tongs through the handle and up against the piece of trim. To add some additional pressure, I squeezed a silicon pot holder between the trim and the tongs. Then I told Sheila the microwave was off limits for one full day. She rolled her eyes.
It did look half-assed, with the tongs and potholder hanging from the door. But there was no other easy way to clamp the piece in place for 24 hours.
Now it's been a week. The piece of trim has remained in place. I'm very happy. There's a lot of Gorilla glue left. I need to find some more things to fasten together.
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halevren · 6 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 10
Happy mid season episode! I am saddened by the fact that I work on Wednesdays because I will be late to watch fhjy until the forseeable future. If anyone cares though I plan on buying the adya statuette next week if my finances allow for it :3 also I am so tired rn but I NEED to watch fhjy
Do you guys think ayda will appear in this episode after her statuette was released last week? (Praying)
tttaking over teenage rebellion!
Lucy Frostblade... You were just a girl. You didn't deserve everything that happened to you
"We're feeling bad. But we're feeling... Hopefully positive."
stress isn't always the bed guy
big old burned down house
Cottoncandy Bitchfuck
"I'm.... Bored. That's not true. I'm not bored at all. I'm just tired."
Hindesight is 50/50
"Oh I love this. Tell me all about it."
Siobhan is loving Aelwyn rn
"I do sometimes believe in you"
"So Sentimental"
Aelwyn and Adaine are so important to me their sibling relationship is everything
"Oh, my sweet little boy is sick!"
"just don't tell fab— don't tell anyone my apartment looks like this"
The Gukgak
I'm the Gukgak guy!
"Oh, Riz, you have to sleep, Kiddo." "I can't, mom, I don't have time." Oh Riz....
Riz is so exhausted
It's been an hour and a half and his mom has chips and a drink 😭😭
"Mom, you have to be so careful."
"Keep my name out of your mouth." FIG 😭😭
"it's all good, mom"
"Fig has like 3 majors now" "maybe 4, i might take a level of wizard."
"Kristen Applebees, believe it or not." "... huh." HWHHWKWNEB
"You both keep my name out of your mouth."
"It's been our month!"
Lola Embers recommended Gorgug's place??
"Mom I'm going to go to Loam farm."
*shrug* "mom." *shrug*
"We're having a rough one." "GOT 'EM."
"I'll do it." Fig cleric teacher?!?!
TAMAGOTCHI. MaryAnn my beloves
The puppet master!
"Ha Ha! Darling Girl!"
Gilear is king for the day
"My mom called you?"
"I don't need a ride to school anymore"
"I believe she's wanted here."
"Can I say hi??"
That's so devastating
Coffee all over the DM screen
Yeah they haven't addressed the fact that fig is cursed
Pussy out, tits away
Theres so much going on
ohhh they might be sacrificing the rats
"I'm wearing a sports bra and a G-string, and I want to be closer with all of you."
Fabian with Mazey is so painful. He's so flustered and awkward I love him
"I'm here, for you."
"Kristen was in a mood."
Fried rice
"Wait, they don't like us??"
"When you think about me, why do you always bring up the ball?"
oh Fabian...,...........
"The legend continues."
"I was going to get a tattoo, actually."
"Even if you weren't maximum legend, I would still wanna hang out with you." MAZEEYYYYY 😭😭😭😭
Absence of divinity???
The gift is only mentioned in old texts??
"Well I guess I'll go to work."
Basrar is dead
"Literally your circus, literally your monkeys."
Tips are bad
Check the soil kids
Lydia mention 🔥🔥🔥
Kristen holds so much hostility for Kalina 😭😭
Oh Lydia...
AV club mention
The powerhouse of the cell
Aggression and protectiveness
7 becomes a 21?!?!!
22 Arcana, 25 religion
Elemental alignment???
Fiendish things going on
Yellow gold
Kinda like the pride of armor and lemon yogurt
Ratgrinders sticker
"I don't get angry, I think I get sad sometimes" me too buddy, me too
Sometimes a spell comes out and obliterates people
Comedy of errors
Bobby Dawn and Pam Dawn
Bobby Dawn coming to Aguefort sounds like a bad thing
"I'll never let you do that."
"Yours only came back once." *middle finger* Kristen Applebees you will always be famous
A+ in paladin classes!
"Sorry! Get away from me"
Reasons he won't divulge???
A+ in all classes!!!
Zara is gorgeous
The days of Goldenhoard is over 😭😭
Oh my god I almost prophesied this when I said Kristen would become a cleric/warlock of Fig.... instead Fig is the warlock/paladin of Kristen 😭😭😭
I'm the closest thing to a prophet holy shit
New god, agreement, todo list
Complicated Women: Lucy Frostblade 😭😭
Oh my god
"Frick. I'm so sorry." "I'm not." Wanda Childa
"I'm off the grid that's why I only have an iPod"
God... Wanda Childa
"Do you want me to get you a phone?"
"I want to do relationships with Riz."
Medal of Wit
You absolutely sweetie
29 performance 🔥🔥
Naked Kristen. Again.
Oh god Fabian is at 4 at his second roll
"Breaker Breaker, this is Fabian Seacaster, looking for his papa, Bill Seacaster, somewhere out there in the nine hells............"
This is so heartbreaking... Fabian...
Oh Fabian...
His papa.....
He probably feels so lonely
Rage token.....
This rage token is making me take a stress token
Everyone single one has been bad
Constitution saving throw???
oh no
oh no
oh no
"I shit myself"
"I've only been eating leftovers"
oh my god
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