#I'm still mad at my mom to this day for being so horrible to them and giving them away. so it pissed me off to see her cuddling them
justme315 · 23 hours
New family 1/?
! Warning !
swearing, angst, fear, step-family, g/t family, abuse, mention of abusive giants, gigantophobia, mention of the character being religious, sickness
I was fucked.
I'm sorry for using that kinda language but I really was. You see, my whole life has been destroyed by thoese damn giants.
Sorry, I don't think I introduced myself yet, I'm Zack.
Me and my mom were always a team. After my dad has passed away when i was 6 she was the only person important to me. It was basically us two against the whole world.
Something that might also be important for you to understand my story is the fact that we live in a world full of humans (like my and my mom) and giants. Giants are.. humanoid 60-ish feet tall creatures. Easily to say - their dangerous. The government rightfully understood the danger and the fear of us humans and created 'human-only' zones, cities, countries even. There were also a few 'giant-only' zones, but I'm not really sure why. It's not like the giants would fear us. Most of the places thoese enourmous beasts live are simply 'mixed-zones', places where both humans and giants can live. Thank God that me and my mom always lived in a 'human-only' zone. I was always skeptical and yeah, terrified of giants.
My mom was different though. Maybe she was just dumb (sorry for saying that mama) but she just couldn't sense danger. She worked in a company that required her to sometimes travel to 'mixed-zones' or 'mixed-cities'. I was always opposed to that but she.. enjoyed it. She even said that she made some giant "friends". I never believed in their honesty though.
But what changed my life once and for all, had happened when I was just 16. Well, going on 17 already, but yeah, still 16.
I never ever once questioned my mom's romantic life after my dad has passed away. She just.. never acted like she wanted to start a new relationship. And I was very okay with that.
But one unfortunate day, just after she came home from one of her business trips she told me that she has got a boyfriend.
That was weried to know, I mean c'mon, picturing your mom having a crush, dating, falling in love etc. is just.. weried and kinda disgusting if you ask me.
Of course, I questioned her and soon I reaveled her secret.
"Zack, I have been dating him for a little over a year. I was just scared of how you might react. But now, I must tell you since.. he proposed."
That felt like I was stabbed straight into the heart. How could she have kept having a boyfriend a secret from me for so long? Why would she? Being lied to by her felt horrible. I thought we were a team - we always told echother everything. But I guess I was wrong.
Really soon I found out that my mom's boyfriends (and now fiances) name is Andrew, that he was just slightly older than her and had two sons about my age, he was also a widower, and according to my mom, we had much in common.
I really couldn't understand why my mom would keep her boyfriend a secret. Untill she revealed she wanted for us to move in with him and his sons. I mean, she had a lot of planing to do, as she was soon to get married again, so that was kinda understandable. I wasn't opposed to moving into a new home, but changed my mind really quickly when my mom reaveled that our new home would be in a mixed-city. I mean, I was never even in that kind of a city, never even seen a giant in real life and was hella terrified of them! She should've understood me. Before she 'fell in love' she always has.
I asked her a milion times if Andrew and his sons can't just move in with us but she always found some excuse. Once, our house was too small, then his older son didn't want to switch universities, another time Andrew was scared of loosing the job. It was always a stupid excuse. Untill she finally reaveled the truth.
You see, Andrew, my mom's husband-to-be was a giant. And so were his sons.
To say that I was mad and scared was an understatement. I felt lied to. I felt like I was being dragged into something I didn't want to be a part of. I, understandably, questioned the honesty of my moms relationship, which angered her the most. I was angry with my mom for over two weeks after finding out about the size of my soon to be step-family and barely spoke with her. I couldn't be away from her for long though and forgave her, but in my heart I still had plenty of doubts.
My friends didn't help ease my fear. I told my best buddies at school and the stories they have told me only made me more afraid and suspicious of the said Andrew and all giants at that point.
"Don't y'all remember Joseph from middle school? He moved to a mixed-city with his parents. He was stepped on by a giant and died!"
"That's nothing compered to what happened to Amy. A quick death is better than being tortured. She is my cousin. She moved to a mixed-zone because she wanted to go to a better collage. One of her giant male classmates kidnaped her and done horrifying things to her. Once she was found she had missing limbs, many scars.. She was mentally, physically and sexually abused by him for months, untill they found the giant. And he barely got any jail time for that! She's still in mental health hospital!"
"My dads best friend Thomas was freaking eaten alive!"
Yeah, I think 3 stories is enough to give you the idea of how freaking terrified I was of the said 'step-family'. Some might say I am a specist (a person that discriminates based on the species (giant and human)) but I wouldn't agree. I don't really think that a human can be a specist becouse we are in the more vaunurable position. Also, I don't hate giants becouse of their size. I hate and fear them because of how brutal and cruel they are towards humans. Maybe a giantophobe would be a more appropriate term for me.
That day was the worst day in my entire life. And it's really hard to beat the day my dad had passed away.
We sold the house. We were at the airport. All ready to go to a mixed-city, over the wall that the government made.
Mom was all smiley and happy, her nose never leaving her phone.
"Andrew texted me that he and his boys are at their side of the barrier already, waiting for us. They can't wait to meet you!"
Right, didn't I mention that they all knew echother, but me?
"I just can't wait to show you the city and our new home!"
I was standing there quiet. No matter how many times I told my mom that i don't agree with her choice of dating a giant or for the fact that I didn't want to move away into a mixed-city she would always say that I will change my mind once I overcome my fear. Hell, I would.
I held my bag closely, trying to hold onto whatever I have not to lose my composure. I was terrified and angry, sure, but showing thoese giants from the start that they have some power over me, even though it was obvious, wasn't something I would do. At last, if I could hide my emotions.
Just a few minutes before our flight, a flight in the opposite direction landed. I saw all those humans, coming back from the mixed-city, most of them seem, okay. That made me confused and curious. Would it really be all that bad?
Untill I saw a girl, probably my age, on a wheelchair. I mean, there is nothing wrong with disabled people, don't get me wrong, but she was crying so she easily got everyone's attention. A woman run up to her.
"Mom!" The girl sobbed, opening her arms to hug her mother. The woman tried calming the girl down but she just kept crying and screaming "It was just supposed to be a student exchange program!! This scary giant crushed my legs!"
The girls voice echoed in my head. It was different to hear stories of distant people, but to see someone hurt by thoese monsters in front of my own eyes was completely different.
Even my mom lowered her phone and looked at the girl with pity in her eyes. I prayed to the Lord to open her eyes and return home safely with me.
"Poor girl" she signed "That must have been a.. horrible accident".
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Accident?" I looked at my mom angrily, finally letting my emotions out "A giant crushed her legs".
"Honey, I'm sure they didn't mean to.." she looked at me, somewhat shocked at my defensiveness. I shouldn't have expected her to understand. She just simply couldn't sense danger. And that could get both of us killed.
"Her legs were crushed by a giant, mom!" I raised my voice, even so slightly as I couldn't believe how blinded she was by her feelings.
"Zack, calm yourself down" she looked at me more strictly now, as I was getting other peoples attention. I couldn't bare the thought of how stupid this all was. I just wanted to be home. Or anywhere at that point. Anywhere but in a spece where giants were allowed.
"You-" I began to speak.
"The flight 16-399Bhc** is preparing to take off. We ask all the passengers to board the plane within 5 minutes. Thank you and have a good flight" said a voice from the speaker.
"That's our flight!" My mom cheered up and grabbed my arm, pulling me as she ran to the plane.
She was so excited it made me feel like I was gonna puke.
Don't get me wrong, I always loved planes but this time I felt uneasy. My whole body was shaking ever so slightly, I felt like I was about to puke, I swear I heard my heart pumping blood, my head was spinning..
That can easily be called my worst ever flight.
After we landed I need a good 15 minutes in the bathroom to regain my composure.
"Honey, are you alright?" I heard my mom knocking "Are you sick?"
"I'm fine mama, I'll be okay" I mumbled, though I didn't feel like I was going to be okay for at last next few hours. I was also convinced my life was about to end so why bother worrying my mom. But before I cross the barrier of the airport, I didn't have to see or interact with any giants. Maybe me feeling sick was actually a gift from God to give me more time to get ready for what was about to come? As I was almost ready to go I hear my mom speaking:
"Honey, are you sure? I texted Andrew and he and Ethan are worried sick. They can drive us to a hospital"
And then I got sick again at the mention of the giants.
Oh, you might not know who is who. Andrew is my moms 45 year old husband-to-be, but I'm sure I have spoke about him already. Ethan is his older son, he was 21 back then. His younger son - Ryan - was 17.
After, what appeared to me as a minute and to my mom as an hour I finally could exit the bathroom.
My mom rushed me, saying that the boys have been waiting for us long enough. I was feeling less and less okay. I couldn't keep my emotionless demeanor. My eyes felt heavy, my heartbeat fasten as well as my breathing, my legs were shaky and I was not able to say even one word.
As I saw the enourmous glass wall behind which were a ton of giants, I felt like I was going to faint.
Or simply turn around and run.
My mom stopped in her trucks and looked at her phone. After maybe three seconds of reading what I supposed was a message form Andrew she looked into the direction of 3 giant men waiting and her eyes started to freaking sparkle and her smile grew.
She then looked at me and pointed in the direction of thoese giants, who weren't looking at us, thank God.
"That's Andrew! And Ethan and Ryan!" She said with an excited expression.
Andrew was surprisingly the shortest of the group. He had brown hair that were turning grey, a short beard, thick glasses, a blue sweater and more elegant pants. He was overall a handsome middle-aged dude, if it wasn't for the fact he was freaking enormous.
Ethan was talking with him. He had fluffy brown hair and was slightly taller than his dad. He had a few freckles and dimples on his cheeks, his smile was truthfully welcoming. His white hoodie also looked very comfy.
The tallest one was the youngest - Ryan. He had black, short hair, a pierced ear and stylist clothes. If he would have been a human, he looked like one of the popular kids that you always look up to. I really liked the belt he had, same with the rings on his fingers.
All three giants had the same eye color - hazel.
My mom grabbed me again and pulled me into the direction of the glass wall that was the last thing keeping me outside of the reach of giants. She looked so happy to see them that it was hard to recognize her. She only ever smiled at me like that before.
Soon enough, we were close to the exit of my comfort zone. My fear only grew as we were closer to the giants. It was still probably about 20 feet between us and the door when Andrews eyes rested on us. I felt the enourmous gaze and felt like I was stung. Soon both his sons eyes locked on me and my mom. She realized quickly and slowed down with the running. She then waved at them. Andrew and Ethan waved back. Ryan stood there, looking maybe a little conflicted but surely also kinda annoyed.
At that point I could feel the blood boiling in my veins. My heart ached. As well did my head. My legs were shaky. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath correctly.
If you think you're not socially awkward, three giants looking down at you with their enourmous eyes, almost scanning you as if you were an insect would change your mind right away. And if you are socially awkward like me? Well, you would feel as if you were just about to die.
My mom rushed me again, ready to exit the safe space, that only allowed humans. I walked behind her, but I wasn't as excited or as fast. Partly, becouse I wanted to be out of the giants reach for as long as I could and partly becouse I was feeling worse and worse.
To be honest, I don't know what was making me feel bad. Maybe it was all the emotion, fear, anger and all, maybe it was my mental health killing me and shouting at me that danger was close, maybe it was the horrible flight, maybe it was my body being sick. I don't know.
What I do know is, each step I took, the more powerless I felt. My legs felt to weak to hold my bodyweight.
My mom was already by the exit door when she turned around to rush me again. I was maybe 7 feet behind her, still surrounded by the enourmous gazes of those three giants, two of which were smiling. Their smiles made me sick in my stomache, but Ryan who was the only one not smiling made me feel ever worse somehow.
I totally expected my mom to yell at me to hurry up, based on how excited she seem but she just stared at me for a secound with wide worried eyes and then returned to me.
"Are you okay honey? You don't seem too good"
I wanted to answer her but it came out as a soft yelp. I thought I was going to puke again.
Faces of the giants became more serious and worried. I didn't like that expression either, to be honest.
I looked back at mom as she reached out to me and raised her hand to my shoulder for comfort probably.
"Are you scared Zack? Is that it? Because if it is, I assure you, they won't hurt us. Ever." She spoke in a soft, quiet voice. Her expression didn't show anger but she looked more understanding than any other moment of the past few weeks. She spoke with such confidence I could have believed her.
Well, I maybe even would have if I didn't faint.
Because just a moment after she spoke my vision went black and my body felt weak. The last think I remember before fainting were thoese scary gazes and my mom yelling:
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the 1st part!
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emometalhead · 4 months
#ran out of tags on last post but still want to rant without filling anyone's inbox or dash#sorry but here's the continuation#anyway so also we went to my grandma's house and I saw my dogs which breaks my heart every damn time#I miss them so much and it kills me. it causes me physical pain to not have them with me#I'm still mad at my mom to this day for being so horrible to them and giving them away. so it pissed me off to see her cuddling them#everyone disagrees with me but I don't think she has any right to act like she cares about them after she discarded them so easily#I will never stop being upset with her for it and even though everyone thinks I'm a b**** for it I refuse to release the grudge#anyway I'm tired and as nice as parts of my day were I feel like the lows were just really low#this morning we took some lovely graduation photos at my campus (which I visited for the last time) and I'm excited to post a few tomorrow#I'm truly proud of myself and grateful my college experience is over#I just foolishly allowed myself to have a vision of how today would go and parts of it really brought me down#I don't want to complain (which is probably a lie since this is the 3rd post I'm making to rant) but I wasn't expecting to breakdown today#I spent time with people I love and I got cool photos and a really soft sweater with my school's logo on it and I shouldn't be sad right now#plus we're having people over tomorrow for a party to celebrate me#I'm just really reliving the day and a lot of it was negative at my expense and I really hoped everyone would work to make it nice#some of it was obviously out of my family's hands but I feel like they handled that stuff in a way that guilted me and it sucked#I'm just a mess of emotions and I'm lowkey icing everyone out because I don't want to end my night crying again#welcome to real life I guess?#I really shouldn't complain#ashley rants#sorry if anyone read this
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takerfoxx · 4 months
Miorine: How DARE you ruin my escape plan! You owe me for this! Take responsibility!
Suletta: Wow, you're cute.
Miorine: Congrats. We're engaged.
Suletta: But I'm a girl!
Miorine: ...yes, and?
Miorine: Don't worry, this is just a mutually beneficial arrangement. I'll help you adjust to school life around here, and you keep the other suitors off my back until I dip, then the engagement will be broken and you can do whatever you want.
Suletta: Okay, gucci.
Miorine: ...kind of actually want to gay marry you, though.
Suletta: What?
Miorine: Nothing! Idiot!
Miorine: How DARE those cheating assholes arrest Suletta! I'm going to go down there and give my lousy father a piece of my mind!
Feng Jun: You know, we can still take you to Earth. Actually, we can leave right now. No need to bother with all that other stuff.
Miorine: ...
Feng Jun: So, is that a yes?
Miorine: I've decided that I actually want to gay marry that girl. Take me to her!
Suletta beats Guel for the second time.
Miorine: I would let her do terrible things to me and thank her for it.
Shaddiq: What?
Miorine: Nothing!
Miorine: I will protect that girl, because I am her bride!
Suletta: Oh shit, I actually want to get gay married.
Miorine: Our communication SUCKS, but I really do need you and want you to need me too. Do you want to get gay married for real?
Suletta: YES!
Suletta makes tomato sauce of that guy.
Suletta: Ms. Miorine, I came to save you!
Miorine: That was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen in my life! I have PTSD now! Kind of hot, though...
Suletta: What?
Miorine: Nothing! Murderer!
Miorine: Suletta, I'm breaking up with you, because you're a sap and I'm a bitch. Peace.
Suletta: ...what.
Miorine: I mean...see yah, loser!
Suletta: Ms. Miorine, could you please come out?
Miorine: I'm the lowest of the low. I did terrible things to you and other people. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was only being used, and ended up hurting those closest to me for no reason. I'm a fool.
Suletta: So...do you still wanna get gay married?
Miorine: Yes, please.
Miorine headbutts Suletta
Miorine: Don't you dare die on me, idiot! We still need to get gay married!
Suletta: I swear to God, if I had working limbs and we didn't need these suits to survive the vacuum of space, I'd tear them right off of us and ravish you so hard it'll send you past Permet 8 and your dead tomato mom will feel it.
Miorine: What?
Suletta: You heard me.
Miorine: I'm taking that as a promise, then!
Suletta: So. We got gay married.
Miorine: Yes, we did.
Eri: Please don't make out sloppy-style again.
Miorine: We're doing it.
Eri: I'm still right here!
Miorine: Cope.
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queensunshinee · 4 months
Time Of Our Lives || Part 9
Tumblr media
warnings: SMUT! 18+!, dirty talk, p in v sex, oral sex, fingering, praise.
Part 9
"What did I miss?" Liana asked as she sat down, seeing the boys exchange looks. Sometimes they spoke without words. She always envied that connection. She didn’t have anyone who could understand her with just a nod or a blink or, in this case, a stare.
"Hello, Earth to Art and Patrick?" she tried to join in, but something about the current situation didn’t feel right. "It's my turn to go inside. I need to drink some water. You two catch up, it's been a while since you’ve seen each other," Art said without looking at her, causing Liana to frown as he walked away. "That was weird, right?" she asked Patrick, who responded with a half-smile. "When is Art not weird?" he said. "How are you?" he asked, turning his gaze back to her and seeing her give the widest smile she could offer anyone. "Do you forgive me?" she asked, moving to sit next to him, placing her head on his shoulder. "What do I have to forgive you for, Amanda?" he chuckled, tracing shapes on her shoulder while taking another sip of champagne. "I was terrible. The exams made me crazy," she tried to justify her behavior over the past month. "Do you know if you're leaving yet?" he asked. "I’ll know when we get back from vacation. I’m terrified," she murmured. On one hand, Liana desperately wanted that year in Oxford. She wanted to see Europe. The architecture. The atmosphere. The culture. She wanted to see something other than the American suburb she had lived in her whole life, with the same people and the same opinions and the same tennis. On the other hand, she didn’t want to break her parents’ hearts. Her parents who had always talked about Stanford and how she’d join the family business after she finished school, and her parents who were the best people she knew but whose dreams for her flew past them as if they were never there. And now there was Art too. Art, who in the past two days had made her feel things she had never felt before. Art, who in the months at Stanford had become an inseparable part of her life. Art, who made her stomach ache at the thought of not seeing him for a year. Art, who still didn’t know she was considering leaving. "You’ll pass that test, we both know you will," Patrick said calmly. "And then you'll conquer Europe, building by building." He chuckled, but his voice faded with each word. "And we'll stay here, missing you," he said, and she straightened up, looking at him. "I’m not going to die, you know," Liana rolled her eyes, trying to lighten the conversation. "No, you're just going to meet people much better than us, and I'm enough of a bastard to be worried about that," he said honestly. "I don’t think there are many people in the world better than you, Patrick," she concluded. The next day Art left. He texted her that a spot opened up in some tennis group he could join, and he didn’t want to miss the opportunity. That he’d see her at Stanford. When Liana tried to call, he didn’t answer. So they kept missing each other throughout the vacation, she trying to call just as he was going into practice or the shower or falling asleep, and him sending messages that he was okay, just busy. On the last day of the vacation, she received a message that her exam results had come in. She had been accepted. Liana cried. Which wasn’t anything special because objectively Liana cried a lot, but this time she cried out of excitement. All the effort she put in had paid off, and now she could prepare for the student exchange. She could make her dream come true, start being a real person in the world. The conversation with her parents was horrible. There were shouts and accusations, and her mother said they wouldn’t pay for this, which Liana had suspected might happen. Her father seemed more conciliatory but didn’t say much. "Do you think Mom will be mad at me for long?" she asked him on the way to the airport. If there was one thing Liana hated, it was that it was always obvious she had been crying. Her pale face would turn red, and her eyes would swell, sometimes for days. This was one of those cases. It could be said with confidence that Liana looked like she had been run over by a bus yesterday.
"I know it doesn’t look like it, but we’re proud of you. Mom will come around, don’t worry," her father hugged her as they got out of the car. "I want this so much, Dad," she sighed.
"I know, honey," he said, kissing the top of her head. He hated seeing the emotional turmoil his daughter was in. His daughter, who above all feared disappointing people. "I’ll come back to Stanford after that," she mumbled, feeling the lump in her throat take over again. "I don’t want her to hate me," she looked at him with teary eyes.
"She doesn’t hate you. Li, look at me." Her father tried to wipe her tears. "Your mother is a stubborn woman, and you’ll see that a month after you’re there, she’ll come visit you." He smiled, and she nodded, not sure she believed what he said. "Besides, you have another semester at Stanford. Make the most of it, maybe you’ll love the place as much as we did." He shrugged, seeing her take a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I love you, Dad," she hugged him again and started to walk away, hoping everything would calm down and her mother would eventually look at her like she did before she told her she was planning to leave. Art opened the door after five knocks, looking at her with a puzzled expression. "Did we have plans?" he asked. "Hey Arthur, I missed you too," she rolled her eyes and gave him a small kiss on the lips, seeing him close his eyes and deepen the kiss within seconds as he closed the door. "Hey," he smiled at her and moved her hair out of her face. "Have you been crying?" he asked after examining her. Art couldn’t stop himself from asking. It was like an instinct; seeing what he could do to make her feel better. But he was so mad at her that he didn’t really want to talk to her or know how she felt right now; after all, she didn’t care how he felt. He did want to fuck her. He wanted to feel like she was his. He was afraid he was a little addicted to the feeling of looking at her and feeling like she was entirely his. He was afraid that if she left, he wouldn’t feel that way again. He was afraid of losing.
"Did you know?" his mother asked on the phone. Her voice worried. "What?" he returned the question, panting after practice. "That Liana is planning to leave for Oxford? Did you know that?" she demanded the truth. And the truth was that he knew she was leaving. But he didn’t know where or when and he didn’t know it was official. His heart pounded faster. "Yes, I knew," he mumbled, not wanting to reveal how far he felt from Liana in reality. Not wanting to reveal how stupid he felt that of all people, Patrick knew before him. "How could you not say anything, Art, she's our Liana. How will she manage in England alone? She barely manages to find her way in the supermarket without getting lost," his mother sighed. And she was right. He knew she was right. And she wasn’t even their Liana; she was his Liana. And she was his Liana for exactly two days. What an idiot he is. "She’s a big girl. She can navigate the supermarket in England without getting lost. I have to go," he mumbled, angry at himself for still feeling the need to protect her. "Just tired from the flight," she smiled at him a tired smile and felt his lips leaving small kisses on her neck, causing her to close her eyes. "Can I help?" his voice was teasing as he took off her shirt without much resistance. Examining her for a second, as if trying to remember how she looked. "You're already helping," she smiled a genuine smile, and his lips were on her again, hungrier than she had felt him so far. "I want you so much, Li," he groaned into her mouth. His tongue intertwining with hers as if he had wandered for years in the desert and she was his source of water. "Do you want this?" he asked, as they moved to his bed and she nodded. In complete haze, at this point, she decided that Art Donaldson could do whatever he wanted with her. And it was a liberating decision. Knowing she was safe in his hands and he decided how good she could feel now. "Words, Liana," he demanded as he started taking off her jeans. She didn’t even notice she was already half-naked in front of him. "You're wearing too many clothes," she mumbled incoherently as his hand brushed over her panties. "You're already wet, Li?" his voice was amused as he took off his shirt. "Already ready for me, and I haven’t even touched you yet," he whispered in her ear and heard her moan, which caused him to release a groan of his own. "Do you want this?" he asked again. This time his hand applied more pressure over her panties. "Art." Her voice was desperate. "Please," she whispered, and he bit his lip. Stopping himself from all the things he wanted to do with her. "Please, what?" he asked, his mouth close to hers, teasing, barely touching. He kissed her right cheek and then her left
"Touch me. Please," she almost cried out of frustration and desperation, exactly the way he wanted her. His. His again. And he felt desperate too, so her panties came off in a flash and he gave her exactly what she wanted. He heard her moan beneath him as his fingers moved inside her rhythmically. He felt how tight she was. He tried not to imagine his dick inside her, thinking he might not last. She was a virgin. He knew that. She had told him. He was going to be the first inside her. "So good for me, Li," he murmured and smiled, never taking his eyes off her. He didn't think anyone could look better than Liana did now, beneath him, eyes closed, desperate sounds escaping her, moaning his name. He was sure the student in the room next door was jerking off to the sound of her. He was sure no one in the world could resist Liana Levy when she looked like that beneath him. He was no different from anyone else. Almost captivated. Almost helpless. Just wanting to deliver. Just wanting her to always be like that for him. His lips roamed over her body until they reached her clit, while his hand sped up.
"You take me so well, Li," he said as the room filled with the sound of her fluids and moans.
"I'm going to-" she mumbled, her voice breaking, making him look up at her. He had to see her come. He had to remember this moment.
"Come for me, Li, come on. I want to see you," he demanded in the most authoritative voice he could muster, even though he felt himself melting under her influence.
"Art," she moaned again.
And he was right, her face in that moment was truly the most beautiful thing he'd seen in his 20 years of existence. Her half-open mouth, her eyes closed, slightly teary, her hand on her breast. It was a magnificent sight and he knew only he had seen her like this.
Her body shook and he gave one last kiss on her sensitive clit, then stood before her.
"Open your eyes, Li," he said, and she did exactly as he commanded. "Kiss me. Taste yourself." Another half-command with a smile and scheming eyes. Within seconds, her lips were on his, her tongue mingling with his intensely, just wanting more.
"I want to be inside you," he murmured, and she nodded. "Can I?" he asked. He had to ask. He knew she could say no and he would have to accept it, and if he were less greedy, he might even be satisfied with that anyway.
But he was so angry with her. He wanted her to know. He wanted her to know that just as he was hers, she was his. That she couldn't just ignore him like that. Dismiss him as if he didn't matter.
"Yes," she murmured into his mouth, feeling him smile against her.
"Yes, what?" he asked, teasing.
"Fuck me," she whispered, and it came out vulgar and blunt, uncharacteristic of the girl in front of him. She was even surprised by the words that left her mouth, her eyes widening for a moment before remembering it was Art and relaxing. She was safe with Art. He wouldn't use her words against her. It was okay for her to need him.
"I didn't hear you," he murmured, removing the rest of his clothes and moving to his desk to grab a condom. "I'm on this side of the room, Liana. You need to speak louder." He leaned against the wall as he put the condom on, taking a breath. He had to steady his breathing if he wanted to last inside her for more than three seconds.
"Please, Art. I want to feel you inside me," she said louder, more confidently, more desperately. He moved toward her. "Please fuck me," she looked him in the eyes and bit her lip, feeling almost small but also kind of powerful. He looked almost as desperate as she did as his hand traced her face and then her chest, stopping at her sensitive nipple, making her moan.
"That much, huh?" he asked, positioning the tip of his dick at her entrance and hearing her sigh in response. "Don't worry, I've got you. Are you going to be good for me, Li?" he asked, watching her nod in response. "Are you going to take me like you were made for me?" he asked again.
"Yes, please. Art." She was almost crying with frustration. Liana didn't know what to do to make him enter her already. To feel him. For him to fill her with himself. For him to be close to her. Part of her. She didn't know when she started feeling all these emotions for Art Donaldson, but now was not the time to figure it out. He began to slide into her.
"Oh, Art," she bit his shoulder, making him groan.
"Fuck, Liana. So tight. Fuck. Hang in there, baby, are you okay?" he asked, studying her.
"More," she mumbled. The pain didn't matter. She just wanted him. She wanted all of him. He did move more. A bit more each time. Another moan and another sigh each time until he was fully inside her. Their lips merged in their most sloppy kiss yet. They were one for a moment.
"You can move," she managed to say after a few seconds.
"Are you sure?" he asked, seeing her nod. "Fuck, Li. I won't last long like this," he murmured, his movements gentle. He was careful with her.
When he felt he was close and knew she wouldn't come from the first time someone inside her, he added a finger to play with her clit.
"Fuck, Art," she moaned his name for the umpteenth time.
"I know. You're doing such a good job, Li, taking care of me so well," he said, feeling her tighten around him, bringing him to the edge almost with her.
After a few seconds, he gently pulled out of her, seeing her panting and feeling just as spent. He took off the condom and walked it to the trash, finding his boxers on the way and putting them on. He saw the girl in front of him, completely naked. Completely his.
"When were you planning to tell me?" he asked, looking at her from a distance.
Liana was still in euphoria, her eyes half-closed, confused by the question. "What are you talking about?" she sounded amused, looking at him with a smile as he put on a shirt. For a moment, she felt fragile, not understanding how she was still completely naked while he was fully dressed in front of her.
"About leaving Stanford. About Oxford? I don't know. Maybe there are more things you'd like to tell me." His gaze was cold, making Liana freeze too. She felt her nakedness now. She understood why he was dressed and she wasn't. She was vulnerable right now.
"How long have you known?" she asked quietly, swallowing and searching for her clothes.
"My mom asked me about it yesterday," he said, never taking his eyes off her. "Do you know how stupid I felt when I lied and told her I knew?" he asked. His voice didn't rise, but the frustration was clear.
"Art, I found out two days ago," her eyes glistened and she breathed quickly, feeling everything slipping away from her. He was slipping away from her.
"You're lying," he stated with an eye roll, sitting down on the bed.
"Art," she knelt in front of him, studying his face. He showed no emotion, only coldness.
"It's okay, Liana. We both know what this is," he said, instinctively moving her hair out of her face.
"What is it?" she swallowed. She knew Art. She knew he was about to say something he'd regret, and yet she still pushed him to say it.
"It's me passing time until Tashi realizes she wants me," he said, seeing her expression change to one he'd never seen on her before. She moved his hand from her face quickly and scooted back on the floor as fast as he didn't know she was capable of, as if afraid of his touch.
"Wow." She swallowed, looking at him, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I hurt you," she tried to salvage the situation, and he chuckled.
"Come on, Liana." He rolled his eyes and lay down on the bed, no longer looking at her.
"You just fucked me, Art." She felt sick. It was the first time she had slept with someone. He knew that. She felt so humiliated.
"I know. I was there, and if I remember correctly, you asked for it. More precisely, you begged-"
"Shut up. Just shut up." She cut him off and stood up. She couldn't hide her tears anymore.
"Why did you do it? We could have just continued meeting at family dinners. Seeing each other in the hallway and occasionally saying hello. Why did you do it?" It came as a sob. She had never felt so humiliated. It was like a truck had run over her.
"I was bored, and you were cute, and let's be honest, a little desperate," her hand found its way to his cheek with a force neither of them knew she possessed. She wanted to apologize automatically because she wasn't violent, but it didn't come out.
"I hate you so much. I will never forgive you. You are the worst person I know." She mumbled and moved toward the door.
"At least I beat Patrick to it," he found himself saying. He had to have the last word in every argument.
"No, Art. You lost to Patrick. Even in twenty years, you won't have half the character and heart that Patrick has already. You're a complete loser compared to him, and I hope you never forget that." She said without stuttering while he didn't take his eyes off her, swallowing hard, finally hearing the door slam.
The moment Liana reached her room, after passing a considerable number of people who looked at her with worried expressions, some even trying to ask if she was okay, she collapsed on the floor and let out the loudest cry that had probably ever escaped her. She felt dirty. Almost used. She had trusted the wrong person.
She picked up the phone to call the only person she thought could understand her.
"Liana, are you okay?" Patrick sounded concerned and confused, probably because of the late hour.
"He really hurt me and I didn't know who else to call," she managed to say through her tears, hearing Patrick sigh, as if silently saying he knew. He knew this would happen.
Writing this part kinda broke me. I know Art was being cruel, but well, he was acting out without thinking about the consequences. Got your requests and maybe on the weekend we'll give Liana/Patrick/Art some more layers. Keep sending me questions and such. I LOVE it. Hope you're still enjoying and again, if you wanna join the taglist, say the word ❤️
taglist: @swetearss @ganana @yoitsme-04 @igotmajordaddyissues @jackierose902109 @imbabycowboy @do-it-for-kicks @izzywags478 @4deline08 @serenadingtigers
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lightnotyagami · 6 months
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"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
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"Yes, of course i will my dear."
Light x fem reader (soft) smut
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A/n:remeber when L put cameras into lights room? When i was like 14 or 15 i read a smut FF like this and OH MY GOD its still in my head. Coudnt find the ogs @ but if i ever do ilysm🙏 (it was on ao3 if anyone wants to help me find it😭)
Summary: L puts cameras into lights room.. great.. but what do normal people his age do? Hang out with friends, do homework.. and some other things.
Tw/cw: my horrible english, soft smut (duh) , being watched, tell me if i missed anything!!
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"Are we seriously going to do this?" You asked him still in a safe distance from his house. "Yeah, wanna back out?" He said as he looked at you like you were stupid. "No! I'm just saying, I don't know about the whole... thing." You voiced as he answered with a shrug like what you said wasn't a big deal to him. "Look," he said walking towards you with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'll take care of it, okay? you just relax and lay down." Your mind went crazy thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "So, are you in yes or no?" He stopped right in front of you and looked directly into your eyes. His face was close enough for you to smell the mint from his breath. 'It felt different being so close to someone, I mean I didn't feel threatened by his appearance, just like when we were fighting but this time I could see how beautiful he really is...' you thought to yourself "fine." "Good girl."
*later in his room*
'64 cameras.' you thought to yourself as you sat yourself on the bed and light on his chair. "hey light!" the door was shot open revealing his little sister, sayu was her name? "mom asked if you want anything from the supermarkt, oh and does Y/n want something too?" she asked now looking at you "oh no dear its fine! you two make yourselves a great day" you answered. "Okay, dont be mad then if we dont bring extra snacks" she winked at making your laugh slightly. 'i wish i had a younger sister' you thought to yourself "okay mom says bye." Sayu said closing the door behind her, leaving only you and light. oh and the 64 cameras from every angle of course. The lights were dimmed making everything look more mysterious. "you want anything?" Light asked turning around to look at you. "no... thanks its okay." you answered looking at the ground embarassed as he sat besides you ."it's alright babe, come sit over here." he patted on his lap. You slowly moved your legs closer to him sitting on his lap. he pulled you closer so that your head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. Everything was going after Plan but why did this still feel so..weird? you dont know if L is the only one watching this. you could only hope. you closed your eyes trying enjoying his touch and warmth as he kissed you softly. "let me show you something, babe." you hummed in response. His fingers which were playing with the ends of your hair slowly moved up to your body . "your heart is beating so fast" he whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver slightly. It sent an electrical jolt through your spine, it was almost painful but good. your heart started hammering in your chest as he pushed your t-shirt up exposing your bra and sofly pushing you down on the bed climbing on top of you. you moaned as he started kissing you softly on your neck, moving it from side to side, leaving small red marks "l-light~!" you whined not sure what to do as he started to unhook your bra , slowly peeling it off your body.
*at the headquarters*
"mister Soichiro Yagami, i belive you would like to leave the room?" L said as soichiro looked at the computers not sure if to ignore this ever happaned or to kill light when hes back home. "yes im sorry i just.." he said as he walked out of the room in complete shock that his son was capable of these things. "anyways. Im bluring the cameras now. Watari unblur them when this is done and a cheese cake would also be nice "
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speedycoffeedelight · 6 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:Where you reveal a bit of your past and go on a shopping trip with the girls (And Pentious).
CH-14 :Past memories and a shopping trip
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Tw: domestic abuse.
"When I was six, me and my mom went to live with mom's brother, my uncle and aunt. They had a daughter and a son, Melody and Skylar.
Melody was younger and more timid than me. I gradually realised that Melody was almost like a puppet to her parents. They gave all their focus on Skylar. Which would make sense since he was a kid then. But they took it too far.
They would never try to discipline Skylar. It was clear her parents had a soft spot for him. Skylar understood that very clearly and would abuse that."
You sighed, remembering what used to happen in that household.
"Skylar would scream and hit Melody whenever he wanted and if we as much as raised our voice on him, he would cry endlessly in front of his mom like we hit him brutally. Before you say anything, he would only do that whenever his parents were around to hear, so that little shit knew what he was doing.
And of course his mom would believe him every fucking time. So since I couldn't make him behave, the best course of action was to lock myself up in my room so he couldn't get in and cause trouble for me."
"That sounds horrible...." Charlie gasped.
"That's not the end of it." You sadly smiled. "I haven't even told you why I'm hated."
"I hated how they treated Melody from the bottom of my heart. I would speak up for her since she couldn't.
She would often seek refuge in me and stay in my room away from everyone. I read her my different storybooks, showed her my favourite shows and shared my experiences. Gradually she began to think for herself. She began to stand up for herself. Her parents hated that.
They blamed me for corrupting their sweet child with my venomous company. They were mad they couldn't control Melody like before.
Their scolding and hitting got worse from then. There were times we would stay locked in my room for hours while her mom kept shouting all shitty things she could say about me. She even told Melody, A child, to live with me instead of them if she liked me that much."
"Please tell me you guys did something about that later..." Vaggie almost pleaded.
"When things got worse and I couldn't take it anymore, I finally told my mom one day after she got home from work. I didn't want to tell her at first before cause I didn't want to make her worry. My mom and aunt had a huge argument then. Later finally, we rented a small house for ourselves."
'But what happened to Melody?' Angel quickly asked and Charlie translated it just as fast. Everyone had the same question in their mind.
"She...stayed back. I asked her to come with me but she smiled and shook her head. She said she wanted to stay and make that place better."
'Ya gotta hand it to the kid. She had some real guts to stay in a family like that'
You nodded at what Husk said after Vaggie translated it.
"She really had. We did get to see each other from time to time in our family gatherings and such and kept in contact through texting and calling sometimes. But I'm glad to say our bond ever wavered no matter how long we are away from each other "
You said with a small smile looking at everyone.
"Melody has learned to be her own person since I left despite still being in those harsh conditions. And even after all this time, I've never gotten close to her parents for this reason."
You finally finished talking and looked at them for their reactions. Charlie almost immediately tackled you into a hug.
"I knew you were great person! Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Thanks for what Charlie?"
"Nothing don't worry about it!"
Charlie was relieved that you were actually a good person. She doesn't have to feel guilty for defending you. She hugged you tighter in happiness almost choking you.
"C-charlie, can't breathe-"
"Oh sorry sorry"
She quickly let you go and smiled brightly at you. "You're a nice person (Y/n)." Vaggie gave you soft smile.
Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing. The earlier suspicion on you vanishing in an instant.
"Yeah well anyways" you scratched your neck while blushing from all this attention you're getting plus seeing all their eyes on you. "We should eat dinner and go to sleep. I plan on going shopping tomorrow. I want Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty accompanying me since they turned human."
"We get to hang around in the human world?" Niffty said excitedly. You chuckled noticing her enthusiasm.
"Yes you can plus we'll be doing job hunting for you guys. We don't know how long it'll take to find a job so we should start searching from tomorrow "
With that, you all slowly went around cooking while chatting, making jabs at one another. Angel was almost thrown into a cooking pot by accident but Charlie noticed it immediately. Other then that, everything was fine.
After sleeping again in previous positions, you woke up to Vaggie calling you this time. You smiled at her and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
After you finished,you went to the kitchen to see Charlie cooking this time with her tongue out a bit upwards as she was flipping pancakes very carefully. It was honestly quite adorable to watch. Vaggie was about to call you but you put a finger on your mouth, making Vaggie go quiet.
You slowly tiptoed behind Charlie making Vaggie look at you confused. Just as Charlie finished flipping a Pancake, you went 'Boo' in her ear playfully. But you didn't expect what happened.
Charlie let out a surprised yelp as she let go of the pan. A bright golden light engulfed her as something fell to the ground in a thud.
As the light disappeared, there was Charlie again, but in her sheep form.
'Oh no, oh no, oh nononono! I'm not getting stuck in this form again!'
She started to scream in panic with sheep sounds and ran around. Vaggie quickly tried running after her to try and calm her down. She picked up a very scared Charlie and held her close as you looked over with guilt.
"Hun calm down, breathe." Vaggie patted Charlie as she looked looked up at her girlfriend teary eyed. "Try to see if you can become human again okay?"
Charlie nodded and calmed her nerves as she tried to imagine herself as human again. After some time, a golden light engulfed her again as she again reappeared as human in Charlie's arms.
"Vaggie, I'm human again! I'm human!" She said shaking Vaggie. "Yes, I can see that...but what happened? Can we turn to our human and animal form at will?" Charlie shruged, not knowing. You came forward looking down.
"I'm really really sorry Charlie. I didn't mean for that to happen.." you said meekly.
"It's alright... It just gave me a little shock that's all" Charlie said nervously laughing. "But at least I turned back again."
'What happened? Why are you all looking so shaken?' Husk said stepping into the room alongside Angel and noticing the pair on the floor holding each other as well as you looking at them apologetically.
After Vaggie told him his eyes were wide open. 'Wait, no shit? That actually worked? Let me see if I can try.' Husk and Angel both tried to imagine themselves as humans but nothing happened. 'Guess it only works with those who already transformed..' Angel sighed.
"Make sure to let others know about this and oh-" Charlie's nose picked up a burning smell. "MY PANCAKES!" She quickly ran towards the pan to salvage the food before it's fully wasted.
You volunteered to eat the slightly burnt pancake as an apology and after that, it was time to go shopping. You, Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty all dressed up in your clothes. Vaggie gathered all the animals before going.
"I'm leaving my front door open in case you all need something. But for this reason, I'll need you all to stay close to the house as well to guard it." You said looking at all of them.
"Especially you Alastor, you're the only one that can do something if a burglar comes by." Since you saw how Alastor could fight even in this form in the woods, he was the best option.
'Yes, yes, I know you can't do anything without me. You girls can go ahead without worry. I'll keep watch." Alastor said in a bored tone but inside he was fuming with pride that you relied on him the most.
"Now then, we shouldn't take too much time. Be safe you guys. You're free to go." With that you went to get the car ready as your three companions waited patiently.
Sir Pentious was about to slither back to the cabin but stopped seeing Cherri head towards your car. Being confused he quickly followed her. Cherri jumped into the car's open trunk while you weren't looking and Pentious did the same.
'Misss Cherri what are you doing here? We're supposed to be back at the cabin!' Pentious whisper shouted.
'Wha- Hey what the fuck man. Don't creep up on me like that!' Cherri was a little spooked seeing Pentious behind her. She thought she was being discreet.
'And I'm going to the town with them! I can't wait till I've transformed see what the world is like now since I'm the last. So I'm hitching a ride!'
'But isn't thiss a bad idea? What if sssomeone sees uss?'
'Oh quit your yapping. You can leave if you want.'
But he could not even if wanted since the trunk closed on them followed by the car starting. Cherri had a grin on her face and Pentious had a look of worry.
Niffty decided to sit next to you on the car and Charlie and Vaggie sat behind. While driving, you started some songs for everyone to enjoy.
All three of them were enjoying the sight of human world as they were practically glued to their windows. Especially Charlie since she spent her entire life in hell. Even though they went outside in your cabin, it was nothing compared to driving through various places like this. The sight of them made the corners of your lips turn up.
"By the way Niffty, did you get any powers like us?" Vaggie asked suddenly remembering.
"Not really, no. Me and mr.Alastor tried really hard to see if I had any type of powers but nothing worked." Niffty answered while her eyes were still glued to the window. "But I can turn into a dog again at will now!"
"I see..oh and (Y/n). Can I request something..?" Vaggie asked sheepishly.
"Hm,yes? What is it?"
"Can I get some glasses? I think my eye sight has lessened.."
"Oh yes sure! We'll get your eyes checked then!"
Finally you reached your place. You parked the car and you three finally stepped outside. Suddenly Niffty started sniffing the air with her ears moving.
"Niffty? What's wrong?" Charlie asked concerned. Niffty didn't answer as she stepped behind the trunk and opened it.
"Uh-huh! Found you! I knew I heard some weird sounds coming from the back!"
"What? Who's there?" You went to stand beside Niffty and found Pentious and Cherri red handed.
You quickly pulled the hood down and looked around see if anyone was starting at you. Having a squirrel was fine but people might report you to the police if they saw you have a snake in your car, thinking you're a poacher. And the worst thing is they'll take him away to who knows where.
"What the fuck are you guys doing here? You guys should be at the cabin!" You hissed through your teeth at them.
'What? Taking a stroll couldn't hurt! Plus this dumbass followed me here himself.' Cherri said looking at Pentious. 'I wass only trying to ssee what you were doing!'
You sighed. You couldn't leave them both here. Who knows what they'll start doing if they're left alone. You don't want to have any more trouble in your hands. Rummaging through the car, you found a big shopping bag that you usually use for groceries.
"Jump in here and not a single peek from either of you got it?" You said holding the bag in front of them.
'Got it!' Cherri grinned as she jumped inside and Pentious followed. You gave the bag to Niffty.
"Niffty can I ask you to take care of this bag? Make sure none of them peeks their head out of try to come out okay?" You requested her with worry. "Can you do that for me?"
"Mam,Yes Mam! I'll make sure of that!" She copied military style and gave you a salute making you chuckle a bit.
"I'll hold onto that then"
After that was over, you guys went to buy foods and two extra mattresses for now. Then you guys went to buy clothes. They didn't buy much since they could just wear your clothes for the most part as you suggested and bought personal items. You'll have to spend more money on the boys clothes when they turn human. And finally on Vaggie's glasses.
After a successful trip, you four bought some ice creams as you headed towards your car. Cherri did try to sneak out a couple of times but Niffty made sure she couldn't. Some people on the street thought the three of them were cosplaying and wanted to take selfies  but you quickly declined.
You also collected some informations on the places looking to hire right now. You decided to sort through them later. You led them through a shortcut to reach the parking lot faster. You spent more time than you planned on getting sucked in the fun hanging out with them.
All in all it was a successful shopping trip. That was until you turned a corner while walking and bumped into someone making you spill your ice cream over them.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" You quickly yelled out looking at the shirt that now had a stain and some bits of ice cream falling to the ground from the shirt.
"Oi look where you're going bitch!" The guy yelled out pushing you away from him. You would fall to the floor if Vaggie didn't catch you in time. "Careful!" She yelled out.
As the guy started to come closer Charlie moved in front of you defensively. "She said sorry already! So please stop this!" She pleaded as you stood up again.
"Fuck no. That bitch ruined my shirt and now she'll have to pay for it!" The guy shoved Charlie aside and grabbed your collar making you look at his face.
Niffty was standing behind Vaggie still holding onto the bag as the scene transpired in from of her. She started growling unknowningly as she took a step ahead.
Sir Pentious and Cherri were listening to everything that was transpiring outside.
'Shit, something very bad is happening outside!' Cherri said looking a bit nervous.
'It sounds like (Y/n) is in trouble..' Pentious said as they both peeked out of the bag just as you were grabbed by your collar.
'(Y/n) no..I can't let anything happen to her!' Pentious said as he jumped out of the bag. Niffty finally noticed him. "Pentious you're not supposed to be out!"
'She helped us all these time, fed us, took care of us. The least I can do is protect in danger!'
His body began to grow bright yellow. Vaggie who was about to jump onto the guy, stopped and looked behind her.
The man's disgusting breath hit your nose like a tornado. He raised one hand to hit you as you quickly prepared yourself to defend. But a hand came from behind you, catching the attackers raised one.
"I don't think it's in proper manner to hit a lady."
A.N: So I've realised that I should probably make the chapters longer otherwise there's gonna be a huge number of chapters by the time I'm finished.
So yeah, heads up for that! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Also I didn't tell here before, but I'm planning on a QnA if I reach 1k votes and kudos in ao3 and wattpad. I already reached 1k on wattpad and now for the ao3 (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
You guys can ask the cast or me any questions during that. But of course, no telling spoilers.
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150
@darifes @aria-tempest
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
...So, Chaos is like my comfort character rn, and him getting mad at us... again... genuinely makes me want to cry, I can't handle getting yelled at... Like at all, and right now I'm literally shaking, if like anyone yells at me in anyway, my brain immediately says that it's my fault and I mad them mad, and to get away from them... Ha ha ha..... I think I have a problem.... But, when I get like this, I hide from the person that yelled at me, for like hours, sometimes I disassociate from the person to the point I stop responding... Completely... And then I avoid them, fearing I'll get yelled at again, and make them mad again. I won't even ask for help, I'll stay quiet and do as I'm told, without a single thought running through my head, like completely empty.
I was wondering if you could write um, some headcanons on Mare, Chaos, and the trio getting angry and yelling at us and then we just start disassociating and then when they stop yelling, we just disappear for hours only to reappear and not say a single word, but avoid them because we feel like we upset them and fear that if we get close to them they'll get angry again. And we won't even ask for things, we just hide and won't come out until our mind feels it's safe. And if they try to talk to us, at all, our mind immediately feels its no longer safe, and then we disassociate again.
You're so real for this.. I literally can't handle arguments- I don't like conflicts at all.
Of course he snapped. How could he not? You keep on making excuses upon excuses, just so you can get out of doing certain chores. Nightmare just can't keep it together anymore... he's seriously too tired for this.
He was surprised when you ran up to your room, and didn't show up the whole day.
He honestly started to get a lil concerned. But his pride didn't let him check up on you
It was a shock to him when you finally came out of your room.
But even through all this... he's still the king of negativity. Of course he's gonna enjoy your negative feelings.
Honestly- won't end well. He doesn't know how to comfort someone, and he'd probably make it worse than it is actually- so.... Not the best choice 😭
He didn't want to yell... He didn't mean to yell and let his emotions out... But you just suddenly started mentioning his mom...again. He truly doesn't want to think about it- he doesn't want to hear about it. Then something in him just- snapped.
You wouldn't even make it up to your room, before he grabs your hand, and looks at you with tears in his eye.
The only thing that he didn't want to happen- happened. He yelled at you.
You two immediately resolved it!
Everything went back to normal- and now you know not to mention that topic again..
Honestly, one of the best choices here lmao.
He tries to stay away from creating conflicts...he can't stand them. He doesn't search for them- and he sure as hell doesn't want them. But hearing you spitting "facts" about his favorite tv show just made him angry..
He feels horrible after he sees you run up the stairs, a total mess.
He also- much like Chaos- won't let it sit. He'll try to immediately solve your argument!
He'd apologize really passionately! Just snuggling up to you, telling you how much he appreciates you..
Blade couldn't keep his cool when you fiddled with his collection of knives. He just COULDN'T. And being the idiot he is, he raised his voice....which he quickly realized was a mistake.
He was confused when you started avoiding him-
This dumbass is such a dum dum that he lets this go on for a whole week 💀
He just doesn't know what to say/do😭🙏🏻
He'd crack though, after he starts missing you.
Yeah...you got yourself a begging mess of Blade lmao
He doesn't yell at you
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hongtiddiez · 2 months
my stand in final thoughts, feelings, etc.
what an absolute ride of a show. what a series of ups and downs and downs and downs and up.
i think what i find so charming about this show is that it really exemplifies what it means to be human. each character was flawed in their own way and each made mistakes that at the end of the day were just human mistakes. no one felt like a mustache twirling villain but rather a flawed human being that got caught up in something bigger than themselves, or caught up in their own ego, hubris, etc.
in a show that was clearly framed to be about second chances i really did not expect the wide array of examples of different second chances in life - the obvious being joe and ming, but then there was joe and new!joe's mother, ming and his mother, tong and may, joe and sol, etc. almost everyone experienced a second chance of some kind with one another. almost all second chances worked out towards a positive outcome but i respect that some were neutral outcomes at best; a total reset. a second chance doesn't always mean total forgiveness and absolution but rather a new slate to try again and i really appreciate that MSI made it a point to showcase that.
i am also once again grateful that the show did not fall into the evil mother trope. i was gritting my teeth waiting to see what became of ming's mom and in the end both she and joe's mom were parents doing their best, wanting the best for their children, and stumbling along the way - another perfect example of humanity.
i couldn't even come to fully hate tong by the end. the industry inflated his ego, he felt indestructible, he was able to get anything he wanted with his connections, and he allowed that confidence to turn to hubris and got involved in something far bigger than himself. a scared, cornered beast will almost always lash out and at the end of the day tong was lashing out for any chance of survival. he needed a wake up call of catastrophic proportions to get his head on straight but throughout the show they did show us reminders of how much he loved may, little glimmers of who he was behind all of that, and by the end when he was able to find peace those traits shone through again.
and with ming i appreciated that he still felt like the same person. he was still an asshole, still rough around the edges, still who he was at the beginning of the show but his efforts were channeled elsewhere, his priorities changed, and he learned what he truly values out of life. joe didn't magically change ming, but he did alter his perspective and give him so much to consider.
i still cannot fathom the pain joe has to go through every day looking in the mirror and knowing he will never see his face looking back at him. the show teased little peeks of the affect this would have on his mental health and i wish it had maybe delved into that more but mental health is always a slippery slope.
for the grit and darkness of the show the ending felt a little too fairy tale for me but i was also kind of hoping joe didn't come back. i know, horrible of me, but if i was him? i don't think i would've come back. he had to be so, so tired and he'd been through so much, that part of me wanted to see that happen as a final nail in the coffin, a message that sometimes death comes for us no matter how hard we try to run from it, and sometimes death is a kindness at the end of a long and painful journey.
idk i'm also a slut for angst so ignore me.
i wasn't mad at the ending by any means, i enjoyed the little nods to potential side couples, i loved seeing things come full circle, loved joe's realization that while HE always saw himself as a stand in or someone overlooked everyone else remembers his past self fondly and he made an impression on them. in the end, so much of joe's self worth issues were his own insecurities exacerbated by ming's emotional abuse.
that being said, don't forget to tell people in your life how much they mean to you. it can mean a lot more to them than you can imagine.
definitely think MSI is my fav bl of 2024 so far, it was something unique and a little darker, more mature, all things i've been craving for a while.
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autistichalsin · 20 days
I love my mom but the lying and guilt tripping gets to be so much sometimes.
IE she overheard me talking about getting my brother a ticket to fly to comic con with us. She got pissed about money (fair enough I guess since he still lives with her and my dad) but then I brought up we were helping, and she got mad at me saying she missed my college graduation because of money so why didn't we help?
I just about lost it. I BEGGED her to come. I offered to pay for all the hotels or plane tickets. She's scared of flying so wouldn't do that, and won't let my dad go anywhere without her, so that was a no. And she said the drive was way too long, she'd be really uncomfortable, and my dad couldn't take that long off work.
She didn't come because she didn't think it was important. Bottom line.
In fact, I even mentioned at one point before the graduation I was grateful, as much as the pandemic sucked, that the graduation would be getting livestreamed because it meant she and my dad would see it no matter what. And she (granted, drinking at the time, but still) said it was horrible for me to celebrate people dying just so I could have a graduation.
EVERY TIME I brought up my graduation, she never showed the slightest interest, nor the slightest bit of sympathy that she was missing it. She went out of her way to blame me, act like I was the one being unreasonable. She continued showing absolutely no interest for my Masters graduation, so that I ended up not even bothering to travel (online program) because I knew no one would be there for me anyway, so why bother.
I didn't even get to go to my high school graduation, because it was an online program on the other side of the state. I had to be held back a year when depression hampered my academic performance, and my older siblings had already dropped out; in desperation, trying to motivate me not to do the same, my dad promised me that if I made it, they would too. So I worked through, got the credits I needed... and nope. My mom screamed that my dad spent too much on getting the car up to pass inspection standards (how does that even make sense) and that we therefore couldn't afford to go. So I didn't get to attend that either.
And you know what? Honestly, I made my peace with it- with the fact that my mom will never care about me the way she cares about my sister, that she just doesn't think my successes are worth celebrating (unless she can brag to someone online to seem like a good parent, I guess) and lacks the empathy to understand why me having my parents with me at major life events is a big deal. I worked through that and made my peace with it and have quietly decided I am not even going to bother inviting them to any future events I have, unless maybe I get married one day, I guess, though I feel she'd still try to find excuses not to go to that if it was more than a four hour drive from her.
I could deal with all that. But she fucking LIED about it to guilt trip me. She lied that she WANTED to come and it was money preventing her. That I never tried to help her get to me. And that's the part that hurts the most. That she wasn't there to celebrate when it mattered, but now has the nerve to lie about it and play victim, as though I'm the reason she wasn't there.
She always does this shit! When I was a senior in undergrad, there was an undergraduate research symposium everyone in my major was required to present at. It was ALSO on Zoom, so no excuse not to make it. I asked her and my dad multiple times if they'd like to see my present my research paper on a Japanese death cult and the effects it had on Japanese culture. They BOTH declined. So I invited my grandma, who was happy to be invited, and my best friend even walked her through setting up Zoom for the first time. AFTER the event, when I was telling my mom and dad on the phone about my grandma loving my presentation, THEN my mom got livid and said she had NEVER been invited, and of COURSE she would have come if she had the chance, why did I invite my grandma and not her?
She doesn't want to share in important things with me but then she gets pissed if I then share them with others instead. I guess she wants to feel so important that her declining would make me refuse entirely instead (as with my Masters degree ceremony?) I don't know.
I'm just tired of this man.
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mins-fins · 7 months
june 20th.
&&. on june 20th, the world ended. the sky turned orange and the ground beneath your feet cracked.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x m!reader
genre: fluff?? angst??
warnings: mentions of death
word count: 1k
notes: this is one of the strangest things i think ive written in a long time 😭 i have no idea how this idea came to be in the first place i kinda just wrote out what came to my mind?? i also spent so long trying to figure out which nct member to write this for and i literally just picked hc because he's my sisters favorite member (#THANKSTI) so yeah idk why this exists but it does 🤷‍♂️
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on june 20th, your alarm rang two minutes early.
on june 20th, you gave your mother a kiss on the cheek before leaving for school.
on june 20th, you missed the bus and were forced to walk the whole way to school.
on june 20th, you had walked into class late for the first time since september.
on june 20th, the sky was full of dark clouds, you assumed it was going to rain later that day.
on june 20th, you skipped one of your classes for the first time ever, biology, one you always hated.
on june 20th, you noticed seven different cracks in the sidewalk.
on june 20th, the air seemed different..
on june 20th, all that you could think about was your upcoming birthday, excitement surging through your veins.
you did what you always did. kicked small rocks, hopped over fences, hummed the lyrics to your favorite song, danced to the lyrics of your favorite song in public with no shame, skipped over the cracks on the sidewalk, did cartwheels, you were having fun.
for some reason, the day of june 20th made you feel free.
nobody could stop you, not your friends, not asshole teachers, not screaming neighbors, nobody could stop you.
well, maybe the world ending could stop you.
with a smile on your face and an energetic pep in your step, you make your way through the now noisy neighborhood.
people are screaming, the sky is an unnatural color, the air feels as if it's slowly poisoning your lungs, the cracks beneath your feet have now doubled in number.
but for some reason, you feel easy?
the prospect of the world ending is a funny one, one you never thought you'd be living ever. in movies, it's branded as such a horrible thing, but you don't think you've ever felt happier.
the music blaring through your headphones distracts you, the people panicking around you seem more like blurs then actual people. they all have lives, some of them have children, some of them have grandchildren, some of them have family out of the country, some of them are going to be celebrating their last birthdays today, who knows what was going on in their lives earlier today that will now mean nothing in a good two hours.
your complex emotions surprise you, but the smile on your face doesn't falter, and you like that it doesn't.
because if you could spend the last moments of your life being happy, why would you be mad about that?
"everything alright? your not hurt are you?" you wrap your arms around your mother, resting your head on hers.
"i'm alright" you whisper, arms clinging around her.
your hair is disheveled, probably due to the absolute maddening things you'd been doing on the sidewalk.
"oh honey! donghyuck called, he was asking for you".
the name gets an eyebrow raise out of you.
donghyuck as in lee donghyuck? he called? why would he call? why would he be asking for you? why would he—
oh, oh my goodness.
"what did he ask for?" you immediately separate from the hug, and your mother gives you a puzzled look. "did he ask for something from me specifically?"
"he just asked for you because he said he wanted to tell you something but you weren't here—"
holy shit.
"oh i have to go.."
your mother blinks once again, but then she realizes what your talking about, and she sighs. "honey, you still haven't told him?"
you don't even try to battle the allegations, just press a kiss to her cheek and make your way towards the door. "today's the day mom! the world is ending!"
your optimism shocks you, and you race out of the door, nothing else on your mind but him.
on june 20th, your life seemed to take a strange turn.
on june 20th, your mundane routine suddenly became extraordinary.
on june 20th, you realized it was your last chance to tell donghyuck how you feel.
the world is ending, the sky has turned orange, the sidewalk has began cracking beneath your feet, people are screaming, crying, clutching onto their family members, it's your last day, it's everyones last day, tomorrow, you'll all be nothing but empty corpses.
all of you have dreams, all of you had desires, things you'll never be able to pursue now because your demise is coming much sooner than you expected.
there's only one thing at your mind at the moment, and that's the most annoying person ever.
today is a day like no other, a day which will all be in memory by the time the week passes, your feet push you through the pain you feel, because you've never been able to get such words out.
where is he.. where is he.. where is he..
when you spot lee donghyuck, you shout, and he doesn't even have to look at you to know what it is.
you tackle him to ground, his back colliding with the soft grass in his front yard as you fall right on top of him. a smile comes to your face as you look down at him, with his pretty eyes and pretty smile.
"you're so stupid!" you yell, he just chuckles, letting you remain on top of him, because the world is ending, and this is it. "you called!?"
"you're literally stupider!" he rebuts. "you came!"
you scoff, oh this could've all been yours before if you weren't such a coward, but there is always a time for everything, even if this is the last time.
"i am so in love with you" you whisper, leaning down to press a kiss onto his lips. "you're such an idiot, a pretty idiot".
donghyuck just smiles, wrapping his arms around your neck. "you love me".
"of course i do".
"the world is ending, baby".
but for some reason you aren't crying.
you aren't sad, you aren't crying or anything, you're just living in the moment.
"i know, but i love you".
on june 20th, the world ended.
on june 20th, the sky turned orange and the ground beneath your feet cracked.
on june 20th, you told lee donghyuck you loved him.
on june 20th, you spent your final moments with the boy you loved the most.
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strawberryya · 9 months
too pure for hell, but fallen nonetheless
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pairing: kang taehyun x reader
synopsis: Do you ever find yourself wishing you could escape your problems? Still, allowing the mind to conjure such a scene may unfurl a worse struggle than the present. As you journey through life, be mindful of the choices you make, for they hold the power to summon the winds of fate.
word count: 7.1k
genre/cw: angst, smut, supernatural au, selkie!taehyun, fem!reader, drowning depicted, death mentioned, killing and murder mentioned, suicidal thoughts, being held captive against your will, chasing/hunting depicted (not animals), unprotected sex, enemies to lovers… or well…, general hatred towards the human race, betrayal and lots of mixed feelings, cold exterior Taehyun.
rating: 18+
a/n: I DID IT! I'm not sure what I did, but I certainly did it.
this is my second fic for the wonderful collaboration thrill of the hunt, hosted by @cultofdionysusnet - check out the other exciting and thrilling stories on the official master list here!
network tagging: @svthub @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @kvanity-main
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How does one move on? 
It’s an impossible question. Especially when you have just uncovered the biggest betrayal in your life. He had cheated on you. A month before the wedding. 
Your boyfriend since forever, your high school sweetheart, your everything - and your best friend. 
Your soon-to-be husband and your maid of honor had decided it would be a good time to reveal the years of cheating they had hidden from you today. Because your failed project at work hadn't been enough to ruin your entire week, but now your entire future was in shambles at your feet. 
The new park had been planned out to the last detail, your entire team had done their absolute best for half a year and now it was all to be thrown out the window for a new twenty-story building and a parking lot. “Which makes sense, because the world doesn’t have enough of those,” you complained, holding back your tears on the phone as you drove home. Your mom listened halfheartedly.
“Well, sweetie, I know it’s hard, but I think that you should just say ‘okay’ about all this for now. And just focus on the wedding instead! I got these new place cards, and I think they’re absolutely perfect.” 
“Mom. I really don’t care about that right now…” you were going to explain, but you let your words stay inside, afraid you might say something you would regret if you didn’t shut your mouth. 
“No, no… I can understand that…” she conceded, sounding just a bit hurt that you didn’t want to gush about your upcoming wedding. 
“I’ll talk to you later Mom… Tom said he wanted to talk about something tonight, so I’ll just call you tonight or tomorrow.”
Before hanging up she told you to just relax at home with your fiancé, to try and be happy about what life has given you instead of what it takes away… she wanted you to try and look on the bright side of life. 
You weren’t sure you would be able to see anything past the clouds that stormed your mind after the horrible meetings you had been suffering through the entire day. But you wanted to think about something else too and promised her to try. 
That’s not a promise you were able to keep, however. Walking through the door to find Tom waiting anxiously in the kitchen with your best friend right beside him. Holding his hand, gently, supportively. Your heart stopped when you saw the look on their faces, and you felt your once picture-perfect life cracking at the edges. 
When they confessed their love for each other you didn’t cry, you didn’t even ask how, when, or why. You felt so empty as you watched your best friend for ten years wail for you to forgive them and not be mad at her. 
“I never wanted to hurt you. But I fell in love! Can’t you be happy for me?”
Her voice was strained from the tears. You thought the tears looked just as forced. 
Tom didn’t say anything. He had apologized and told you he wanted to call off the wedding. The wedding was supposed to happen in less than a month. The wedding you had planned together since you were only children.
Your head hurts. You needed them to shut up. To get out of your sight.
Couldn’t they just leave you alone?!
Standing up suddenly, your best friend’s pleas stopped, making your body sigh in relief before you stormed right back out of the house. 
You didn’t know where you were going at first. Head and body pounding with anger, confusion, and fear. If you could just find somewhere to think, everything would get better. The car speeding through the streets wasn’t helping you think right now. You needed something that would let you cry the tears that had been held back all day, without a word of comfort in return. Somewhere the salty streams dripping from your face wouldn’t make a difference. Something bigger than all of your problems. 
The sea.
You had always been fond of the sea. As a kid, you used to swim fiercely in even the highest of waves. Your parents standing by the shore with worry in their eyes and hands waving you back towards land. There’s no beach like the one in your childhood close to where you live. But not far from the city is a small port, the sea visible for a good stretch before the land overtook it and hid it away from the population walking by. 
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When you curl up next to the edge of the concrete docks, the salty water ripples calmly in front of you. There weren’t many waves this far into the docks, but further out you could see the white lines appearing and dissolving over and over again. It was hypnotic. 
Silently the tears you had held back began running down your cheeks. You held yourself tighter. The slight breeze scented by the sea mist blew gently in your hair, drying the tears as they came. 
“Why…” you mourned. 
There was nobody around, no one to disturb or comfort you, so your sobs grew louder the more you thought about the reality of what had happened. So many things had gone wrong. Everything was just- so wrong.
You looked over the edge of the concrete land under your body, down at the bottomless waters. What would it feel like to dive in and let your body be engulfed by the dark water? You shook your head at your distorted reflection at the fleeting thought. 
It would hurt just as much to leave everything behind as it did to stay. 
Nevertheless, the pain of holding on even on a day like this was overwhelming. It made your every muscle shake with frustration. Your sobs mirrored your desperation, your tears dripping down your cheeks, pooling at your jaw, and one by one, joining the sea. 
When your blurred gaze met a pair of huge black eyes in the water, you froze up. They were staring at you, watching you cry with their big black eyes that showed no emotion that you could register. 
It was a seal, the shadow in the water revealing its large size. It was bigger than the small ones usually seen around these shores, but it was undeniably a seal. 
The large seal blinked at you slowly, before turning around to swim away. But instead of simply leaving you to your suffering, it began looking back at you at every other meter it swam as if to check if you were coming along. You thought you might be dreaming because there was no way a seal was trying to get you to come with it into the sea. When you didn’t come with, it stopped, seemingly waiting for you again. 
Without really knowing why, you kicked off your shoes and stepped into the water. The freezing waves drenched your clothes, but the cold against your skin didn’t make you go back. You begin to swim, following the seal into the deeper parts of the ocean. Your heart pounded in your chest, the thrill of doing something dangerous filling your entire body with adrenaline. It felt just like it had when you were little, except now no one waited for you at the shoreline. 
You wanted to escape everything, and following a seal into the depths of the sea might be a temporary way, but it was all you had right now. The seal dove under the surface, and you held your breath and followed. 
It was impossible to see anything in the dark, murky waters, and the current quickly overpowered you. You weren’t even able to fight the large body of water when you felt your body being sucked down and away from everything you had ever known. When the cold and the dark enveloped you, you let go of your breath, the light from above disappearing from your vision as you closed your eyes in resignation. 
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You couldn’t remember what happened after that. Your mind was a blur, everything in your memory hazy and seen through the murky waters you had believed you had drowned in. 
Later, you realized that you must’ve washed up on the long rocky beach before they took you. When the fae had taken you captive. 
When you came to, you weren’t cold or wet anymore, but your hair still smelt like the salty water that had enveloped you as you swam after the seal. You weren’t anywhere near the sea anymore, you couldn’t even hear it, but you knew it hadn’t been a dream. 
For days, you only saw the four walls of your new prison. The large window showed nothing but the drop of the mountains surrounding the entire castle. In other words, you couldn’t even dream of escaping. Unless you wished to crash through the colorful glass pains and into a sure death. There had been one other girl in the room, but you had barely spoken. Cuddling together during the cold nights to reserve some of your combined heat, you stayed quiet, knowing that your capturers were most likely listening to you at all times. The only words you had exchanged were simple words of comfort. 
“I want to go home,” she had whispered one night. You had squeezed her tighter, answering with a hushed, “Me too.” 
Even after days in captivity, you had a hard time understanding just what had happened on that day. The guards barely spoke to the two of you but made sure you were well-fed and clean the entire time. It was confusing, being a prisoner, but being taken care of by mystical creatures you had never even believed to be real. 
You had been informed that you were the property of the fae realm inhabitants, of something called the Latha court. Everywhere you went in the short trips guards led you through in the castle you could only see what you would describe as impossible sights. Human-looking people with horns, tails, and skin that ranged in all the colors of the rainbow. You had heard stories of mystical beings, but they had only ever been just that - stories. Fairytales…
Humans existed in the castle, but they never even looked at you or your companion. Always too focused on their assignments. Clad in rags with hands cracked and bleeding from the cold. 
It did seem as though they were being respected as servants, however. None of them were beaten, and none of them were ever heard complaining. You weren’t sure they were able to, but you chose not to think about that too much. Hoping with everything you had, that your captors were nicer than they had shown until now. 
The days all felt the same in that dark room, the stone walls clad in rundown tapestries and flickering candles to fight the long nights didn’t help you or your companion when the horrible truth faced you both: you were either stuck in here forever, soon to be used as servants like the other humans you had seen around, or you would be killed. 
It didn’t take long until the answer was clear to both of you. You sometimes overheard the people who passed by your room, but usually, it was nothing more than gossip or friendly chatter. This time, however, their words would haunt you both. 
"Do you feel the thrill in the air? The Hunt is upon us!" A raspy voice had declared with joy as two sets of feet seemed to be passing by your door.
"The humans have been preparing for our ceremonial chase, let's hope it's more exciting than last year. I mean, come on, not a single scratch? Boring!"
"Well, we did stick to tradition and spiced things up in the Oidhche region. Those humans got a run for their money!" They both chuckle in unison as they continue down the corridor.
Their words sent chills down your back. Would you soon lose your life in the most gruesome of ways? You tried to not imagine what they had meant by “the Hunt”, but the way they had spoken of you and your cellmate as if you were nothing but prey had frightened you. You would need to escape, soon. 
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You had made up an escape plan, a plan you had told no one. But you knew your cellmate had her own plans, she had looked way too scared the day you had heard those two fae pass by your room speaking of the expected slaughter. 
On the day you were both allowed out of your room to walk the short walk to the washrooms to shower, you knew time was of the essence. It had to happen today. 
“Take the chance if it comes,” you whispered to your companion. Her hand closed around yours in response, as they led the both of you out and down the long spiral hallways that seemed to be everything the castle consisted of. You were cold, and your ears pulsed as the two guards showed you the way. They were stronger, and faster. You knew it from the way they weren’t the least bit scared that either of you would make a run for it. That’s why you stood a chance. They had underestimated you, and you would need to use that to your advantage. You were almost at the washrooms you had seen many times before when one of the guards stopped to chat with another fae, giving you just the opportunity the both of you had been looking for. Without a look, you both fled in different directions. the one guard who had been left alone with you was forced to choose who to chase after. Luckily for you, he didn’t seem to choose you this time. 
You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, through the corridors that all looked the same, meeting close to nobody in the endless hallways to your luck. In some twisted fate of luck, you managed to rip open a large wooden door, the wind slapping you in the face as you stared out into the open mountain landscape. You needed to continue running if you wanted to live, but looking at where you must go next, you realized that you might die anyway. 
It wasn’t much of a choice in the end, your life being taken by the elements at least seemed like the better option compared to the hunt that was going to be in your future no matter what you did if you stayed. You ran down the steep hill, not looking back at the large building a single time, praying to whoever would listen that nobody was following you just yet. 
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“Taehyun! Did you hear?” Seungkwan said as he sprinted to catch up with his friend. Or well, acquaintance. Taehyun didn’t see any of the people in his court as friends. Allies, perhaps, but not friends. 
Taehyun had not heard, but judging by the exhilarated expression on Seungkwan’s face, the news he brought were big. 
“Some of the humans ran away, with only three days left until the hunt starts too! And guess what, I heard that one of them was yours!” Seungkwan gossiped, looking intently at Taehyun’s expression to watch for any type of reaction to his words. To his disappointment, Taehyun proved hard to get a reaction from, as usual. Although allied, Taehyun wasn’t much of a fun person to play around with, at least not for his fae friends who loved rousing others for their entertainment. He had learned to keep up his cold facade in front of everyone. No weakness could ever be shown, or he would be exploited. He knew this. It had happened before. 
“So? It’s not like there are too few humans in the world, what’s one less?” 
The disdain in Taehyun’s words showed a bit more than he had intended to, a nice surprise for Seungkwan. “Well, even if they are rather worthless creatures, they sure are fun to play with…” Seungkwan said and winked at him. “Just remember to behave. We’re not like those savages from Oidhche, you know.”
“Behave? Why would I have to…” 
Taehyun’s question was promptly interrupted by a servant hesitantly calling out his name. “Kang Taehyun?”
The servant drew his attention, and Seungkwan left him with more questions than answers, only the sinking feeling that he would have to deal with humans a lot more than he had hoped for this year. 
He was correct, it didn’t take long before he had been informed by the servant that he was to leave immediately. His mission: catch the human he had brought in only a few weeks ago. 
He was seething. 
“Do I have to be the one? Can’t someone who takes pleasure in the damn hunt take her back into custody?”
“She was tricked by you, she's your responsibility. Leave soon, she can’t have gotten far.” Was all the servant responded, his monotone voice sounding more like a machine than a person. 
Taehyun had always loathed the way the courts deprived humans of their free will. However, he despised the humans themselves even more. The servant left him as soon as his orders had been fulfilled. 
Once she’s caught, I will just have to hunt her again once the ceremony begins. Taehyun thought as he wandered after the escaped human into the wilderness he had been informed that his prey had last been seen. He was tired of it all. The annual hunt, the three courts’ fake politeness, the humans that were brought back beaten and killed, or bitten and kept as nothing but pets. 
It all disgusted him. 
But in the end, he partook in it, year after year. Having little choice since he had sworn his oath to the Latha court in his youth. It was for protection, which he and his remaining family got. And honestly, it had been a good way to let off some steam. Having an outlet for all that anger was needed, but now… 
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It hadn’t taken Taehyun long to pick up on your track, seeing as you had no real survival skills and ended up leaving every kind of clue after you as you trudged through the wilderness. 
It had only been a couple of hours since you had begun your run, and the sun was starting to set already. You had arrived at the edge of vegetation that wasn't just rocks and low bushes. The new area was filled with tall trees, high cliffs, and the sweet fragrance of pine.
If you weren’t running for your life, this would’ve been a nice hike. 
As the daylight faded and the cold air grew stronger, you began to feel uneasy. You weren't adequately prepared for this journey and the thought of making it through the night was worrisome. The possibility of encountering wild animals added to your concerns. To make matters worse, it occurred to you that one of your captors, a fae, might also be stalking you in the darkness.
You continued to wander deeper into the patch of trees, hoping for some shelter from the wind, or some water that could drench the thirst that had begun becoming unbearable. 
The warmth from the sun was gone quicker than you had hoped. You were already hungry and thirsty, and you had begun slightly regretting your decision to run. At least they had kept you warmer than you were right now, and you hadn’t had to go hungry or thirsty even once. Maybe you had gotten the wrong idea. 
No. They had held you prisoner, and you had heard them speak of humans as if they were nothing but silly playthings one could kill or capture as one pleased. 
They weren’t human, they meant you harm, and you needed to remember that. 
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It was almost dark now, and you were sobbing on a patch of moss. It was dry and scratched your fingers as you held onto it. You were ready to give up. You hadn’t been able to find anything, no water, to shelter, and in the end, you had even twisted your ankle. 
You weren’t a “survivor”, you had lived a way too privileged life for this to be normal for you. All those movies and books had strong women who knew how to handle themselves even in situations such as these. Now, you realize that that was an ideal you fell short of right now. 
The desperation and regret over how you had ended up in this situation made your body shake violently as you cursed your ex-fiance and best friend. You blamed them. And you couldn’t stop yourself from shouting into the forest at the thought of their betrayal. “IF I EVER GET BACK HOME YOU’RE BOTH DEAD FOR THIS!” 
You almost missed the chuckle coming from behind you. But the echo of your voice didn’t hide the sound of another person in the wilderness completely. You froze. 
“Who’s there?” You asked weakly, “Are you… here to kill me? To take me back to that castle?”
Not receiving any response added to your frustration. It was a matter of life and death and yet, the person on the other side chose not to respond, but instead, laugh at your misery.
The voice scoffed, “Does that even matter at this point?” 
As a man's voice pierced through the air, you were taken aback by how alluring it sounded. This unsettling realization left you feeling uneasy- you might consider going to therapy if you make it out alive. It's not ideal for one's first reaction to be finding their possible killer's voice attractive.
“I- Uhm, it matters.” You answered, a bit awkwardly. 
Taehyun was a bit stunned by your shifting emotions. You were truly human, your aggressiveness and stupidity were both visible in how you spoke to him. He should kill you and have it be over with. 
You squint at the shadows beneath the trees. Hoping you will get to see the man who belonged to the voice before your demise. Suddenly, the dim light hanging onto the branches in the woods reveals the man who caught up to you in just a few hours. Your jaw drops in amazement.
He was wearing only a robe, brownish gray and smooth, with specks of dark gray scattered throughout it. Seal skin, you realized and reeled back as you watched the man with eyes as dark as the deepest ocean approached you. The fur flowed with his movements, the part around his décolletage glistening from small pearls of salt and water that seemed to surround him. It was beautiful, the few rays of sun catching on the small drops all around him, making him appear as if he was nothing more than an illusion. 
The scowl on his face dragged you back to your reality. He was coming for you, he had to be one of them. 
“Wait!” you shouted, which miraculously made him stop in his tracks. 
The fur wrapped around him had reminded you of just how you had ended up here, about your last moments in the human realm. “You’re… you’re that same seal, aren’t you?”
“Again, does it matter?” The man answered.
You frowned and swiped the back of your hand against your cheek, wiping away some of the tears that ran cold on your skin. “I told you. It matters.”
Were you irrational and stupid for not running, or were you one of those humans who used their fragility as a weapon? Taehyun couldn’t make up his mind about you just yet. He scanned you up and down, your scratched-up body still on your knees in the dry moss. 
“Even if I am, don’t you think you should be running by now? You have been running all day, and yet, now that you see the one who got you here, you don’t even attempt to escape?”
Without thinking, you responded earnestly, “I don’t stand a chance anyhow. Why run?” 
He considered this. He knew you were right. You were already a wreck, and it had been less than a full day since you had gone off on your own. "Then why should I bother? You speak true, your fate is sealed. The forces of nature shall ensure that humanity receives their due retribution in due time."
He turned to leave, and you panicked. You didn’t want to be left alone again. Left to die. 
“Please, don’t leave me…” you said before you could stop yourself. Tears make your voice thick, sounding more like a plea than anything else. 
Taehyun stopped, but he didn’t turn around. Seeing your sorry figure beg him to save your life was something he had seen enough times for an entire lifetime. The ships of people he had willed into the depths of the sea had all begged to live, and not once had he cared enough to save a single person on board. “I don’t care if you die out here.”
You knew that, but you were desperate for comfort and safety. “Hold me.” 
Your voice was faint, but he heard you loud and clear. 
"What?" he exclaimed, his surprise sounding genuine. He had expected begging, but certainly not a proposition that would require him to spend an entire night next to a human. He spun around to look you in the eyes.
You didn’t hold anything back anymore. You refused to die out here. Any way to survive was a good way, even if you had to agree to things you never wanted to agree to. “Hold me. Don’t go. Hold me close tonight. Let me survive the night, and I’ll go back with you without any fuss and you can hunt me again without having to put in any effort!” 
“Without any fuss?”
“I’ll be super obedient.”
“Humans lie,” he said, pain now visible in his stormy eyes. 
“I won’t survive if I lie.”
“No. You won’t.” 
With that he sat down against the large rock beside you, his big doe eyes catching the last of the sun’s rays as he watched you come closer and crawl over to him and huddle close against his warm body. The fur that wrapped around him kept him warm in even the harshest of conditions. 
You didn’t question anything, already trying your best to live up to the promise you had made. No fuss. Just survival. 
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Taehyun had never expected that he would wake up next to a human clinging to him like this. Let alone one that was supposed to be captured or killed by him. Instead, he watches you as you sleep, the morning sun lighting up your features. 
Your body is soft, your limbs all wrapped around him as if he was someone you loved, instead of someone you should be afraid of. It made his heart beat faster, heat creeping up his face as he caught himself pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. He hated you, he hated you as much as all other humans. Just because you were one of the prettiest humans he had seen up close, he couldn’t just abandon that hatred. He quickly pulled his hand away from you and pushed you off of him. You have gotten enough sleep. He needed you both to get back to the court before the hunt. 
“Let’s go,” he ordered the moment your eyes opened, a hand quickly shielding your eyes from the sharp sun that shone down through the foliage. 
“What?” you asked with a hoarse voice. “Is it time for work already, baby?” 
Taehyun knew you hadn’t meant him. But he couldn’t help the way his heart ached when you called him by the endearment. 
Humans, always playing tricks on each other. They don’t care about anyone but themselves, and they have the guts to pretend that they feel affection towards one another through names like those. 
He hated them. 
And you…?
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You were in a lot of pain, but you didn’t whine as much as you would have liked to as you tried to keep your promise. And your captor didn’t complain about your slow hike back through the forest more than a couple of times. Neither of you were saying much at all if you were being honest. It wasn’t until after a few hours that you had to speak up about how thirsty and hungry you were, that Taehyun did anything but look back at you to make sure you were following him closely enough. He came close to you, stormy eyes looking down at you with disdain. 
“Once you humans get something, you always want more. I spared your life, so why can't you just come with me quietly?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll make it back without your help." You protested. 
He watched you as he considered if he should simply leave you to die, it was always an option. But with so little time until the hunt, he would have to put even more energy into finding a new human that could participate in the games. You just needed some water, he could use some too if he was honest. And he was always honest if nothing else. 
“Come on,” Taehyun said and turned around. Kneeling on the ground with his back towards you. You stood in shock, watching the back of his body as he waited for you. 
“You don’t mean…” you hesitated to finish your question, what if he would kill you for even suggesting something as absurd as him carrying you, his prey, on his back? 
“I don’t have all day. If you would rather walk yourself, that’s fine by me, but you better keep up.”
You carefully let your body rest against him as he rose from the ground. His body was much stronger than it might’ve looked under the thick fur that hung over his toned limbs. You felt the cold of a blade at his side, your skirt having slipped up just enough for your leg to be bare against the soft fur. It made you remember once again that he could change his mind and kill you at any moment. But he hadn’t, and you couldn’t help but be thankful for that. 
He carried you for miles, over the rocky mountain ranges, and through patches of higher vegetation. The entire time your core was being pressed against his hard back. You held back your thoughts the best you could, but having your hands wrapped around his strong shoulders made it hard not to think about how long it had been since you had last felt the relief of an orgasm. 
Taehyun himself had tried his very best to ignore the tiny sounds you made whenever he adjusted your position on his back. It wasn’t often he had been in a position where he heard that kind of sound coming from a woman, much less a human woman. The way it made blood rush to parts of his body he didn’t want it to, made him irrationally angry. 
Before you could make up your mind on how to handle the sensation you heard the faint sound of water. Salt filled the air, but you couldn’t see the ocean anywhere. 
“Are we there soon?” you asked hopefully. 
“Yes,” Taehyun answered without further explanation. 
Soon you could see what you had only heard, a large ocean, but no shore in sight. You two now stood on a cliff that dropped straight down to the angry sea below. 
“You don’t intend to throw me off into the ocean, right?” you said as a joke, but when you got no answer, you began to get a bit worried. 
He wasn't throwing you to your death this time though. “The stream over there has fresh water. You can do what you need to do there,” he said while dropping you down on your hurt foot, making you wince in pain. Reminding him yet again of how you had huffed right beside his ear for hours. 
You made your way over to the wide stream, watching as it flowed from the high mountains down the barren landscape only to disappear off the side of the cliff you stood on. The freshwater from the mountaintops joined the vast sea with a rumble of thunder that echoed up the rocky walls. 
In the cold but clear water, you drank until you had quenched your thirst, and began washing up. You had gotten both sweaty and dirty from running yesterday and sleeping on the ground last night. As you pulled off piece by piece of your clothing to wash every inch of your skin in the chilly water, you felt his gaze on you. 
He had tried not to look, but it was hard to look away from your sensual body. The way your back curved, your legs that you oh so carefully washed clean, and when you turned a bit he could see the curve of your chest. Nipples hard from the cold, hands smoothing down the curves of your body as you got rid of any signs of your struggles from the previous day and night. 
Taehyun couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his prey, basking in the sunlight, stripped down to almost nothing. If this was another trick of yours, you had succeeded, he thought bitterly. He pressed on his hardness, but it only grew as you threw on only your shirt and began walking back towards where your hunter sat. You had quickly tried to wash everything else you owned and thought that if the sun couldn’t keep you warm enough, maybe your captor could help you yet again. 
Your intentions might have been less than pure, but you never actually thought the man who had seemed so indifferent to you would ever give you the pleasure you craved by now. However, you immediately spot what he’s trying to hide when you come close enough to see his tense stance. It was big. Hard, and hard to hide. 
It honestly turns you on even more. You have been high on adrenaline for hours, then cuddled to sleep by one of the most ripped men you have ever seen in real life. Edged by his back, and then aroused by his gaze on your naked body. His erection was just proof that he felt the same way you did. 
It might be a bad idea to sleep with your enemy, but- 
Why not release some steam before you have to figure out a new way of getting out of this situation?
Taehyun seemed oblivious to your plans, too focused on the way you stood, half-naked, watching him carefully from only a couple of meters away. He couldn’t meet your eyes, but he could feel them seeing through his fur coat, noticing every involuntary twitch of his body. 
When you had made up your mind you didn’t give yourself a chance to change your mind. 
You went straight up to the man where he stood, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your soft body against his hardness. “Tell me if you don’t want me,” you stated before kissing his lips softly. 
He returned it with fierceness. The passion of his tongue pressing into your mouth made your core ache for his touch. It didn’t matter who either of you were. It didn’t matter how you had gotten here. When he laid you down on the sun-warm grass and kissed down your body all you could think about was the pleasure he would give you. 
When his tongue flicked over your hard nipples your back arched into his touch. You were a needy mess when his fingers pushed their way inside of you. Your first orgasm washed over you as you moaned into the open sky above and his hand pressed against all the parts you needed him to touch. This only seemed to spur on the fire in your hunter’s actions even more. 
Caressing, more gentle than you had thought any fae capable of, and kisses, laden with the attraction you both held for one another made your mind fog up. 
When you begged him to put it in, he obeyed. Giving you exactly what you asked for. You had never felt so full, and you wished that your ex could cry about how he would never be able to fill you up this good. You meet Taehyun’s thrusts with your hips each time, grinding up against him, chasing your high yet again. His moans echoed in your mind. They sounded like the most beautiful siren melody, and you were already a lost soul in the deep waters that belonged to the man who had you screaming for more even as you knew what awaited the two of you in your future. 
He came on your stomach, your legs quivering as your core clenched around nothing once his length left you empty. The last thing you thought before giving in to the tiredness was that you had finally found your ticket out of this place. 
Not even as he fucked you had he taken his fur off. It had to mean something.
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Your eyes open but your body stays completely still. The sun was setting once again, the sun shone down on your hunter's sharp features. He held you safely in his arms, and you couldn't ignore the fact that he was truly enchanting. Your hand smoothed over the fur that was loosely wrapped around his body. You had no idea what it could mean to him, but perhaps you had been right when you recognized the pattern of the fur. 
Maybe, this man was that same seal. And maybe, this fur was the only way he could shift between the two. 
You remembered what you had promised. But did he truly expect you to stick to your promise even as he was bringing you back to the people who had held you captive as a prisoner for weeks? He couldn’t be that naive. 
He was still asleep when you ripped the fur from his body. Leaving him bare, so gorgeous you almost regretted betraying his trust in this way as it meant you would certainly never see or feel his touch on you again. It was too late now though. You held his fur in your hand, grabbing the knife that had been attached to the garment. Taehyun woke from your movements and the knowledge that what he cared for most had been taken from him. 
“Give that back,” he warned, eyes watching the knife pressed to his fur with caution. You could hear thunder in the distance. 
“Send me home, and you can have it back.” You tried to steel yourself for what he would say or do in response to your actions. 
It was a threat, and he had messed up by even giving you the chance to make the situation disadvantageous for him. 
“I shouldn’t have expected you to be any different in the end. Always lying, always taking everything.” He thought about his own family, his parents, brothers, sisters, and cousins. All were killed by humans, hunters, and collectors. They always betrayed nature, and they were all liars who should never be trusted. 
You had just proven years of hatred and suspicion true with your betrayal. 
“Hand it over.”
“Not unless you promise to get me home!”
“I thought you knew that you wouldn’t survive if you chose to lie to me.”
He sounded hurt under the anger. Surprisingly, it pained you. Had you grown affectionate of the man you had been hunted, led astray, and were supposed to hate after a few gentle actions of affection from him?
You couldn’t think about it. Not now. You needed to get home. 
“Send me home! I don’t want to do it, but I can’t die here!” 
Taehyun’s gaze didn’t leave your grip on his fur. You didn’t know the power you held over him by holding that in your hands. If you truly destroyed it, he would be dead within a day. But telling you would only give you more power. How did you figure it out? Had his stern facade been broken down by a mere human woman?
He growled out his next words. Hating every second you were still in his sight. “Fine. give it to me, and you will go back.” 
You knew it was dumb to trust him, but if his previous actions and the myth about fae not being able to lie was his true self, he would keep his promise no matter what. You lowered the knife, holding out the coat. 
Your chest heaved with adrenaline. You didn’t know if you could bear meeting his dark eyes after what you had done. But it would all be worth it once you got home. Right?
Taehyun reached for his fur, snatching it out of your hand. His gaze was finally able to look at you once it was back in his possession. You looked apologetic, it disgusted him. You didn’t deserve to beg for his forgiveness, even through your eyes.  
When he took a step closer, your grip around the blade you still held tightened. Would he kill you instead? 
The clouds above your head draw nearer, thunder coming closer with every second that passes. You could barely hear him over the sounds of the waves below the cliff you stood on, breaking against the mountainside. You stepped back as he stepped towards you, his dark eyes keeping your attention locked on him. You didn’t even register how far he had pushed you until he put his hand on your chest, worried he might feel how hard your heartbeat was from his intimidating stare.
 “I never want to see you again.” his voice barely above a whisper. With a gentle push, his hand left your skin, and your feet were no longer on solid ground. You fell down the cliffside. 
Did he just push you to your death? You didn’t even scream. You simply accepted what had happened as you fell. At least, you had tried to get back home. Your body cracked through the surface of the water. But it didn’t hurt as much as you had imagined falling to your death would. 
When the darkness enveloped you once again, you were convinced this was the end of your depressing life. But, if he was anything, Taehyun was honest. He would keep his promise no matter what. You found yourself resurfacing from the water onto the same shoreline you had left just a little while ago. Struggling for breath, you managed to crawl back to the safety of the land, coughing up water and feeling your lungs ache more than the rest of your body.
You had made it back from the place no one was to return from. Thanks to him. 
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Reblogging and commenting is highly appreciated!! Hearing what you thought is what makes writing and being here overall so much fun! Ty and ily 💕
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hannahhook7744 · 21 days
Oscar Guzmán-Madrigal's Terrifying Power (Concept by me);
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Oscar has the power of sound nullification in my descendants-Encanto au, 'The Invisible Truth' (which I am currently revamping to fit all the new characters/to make the timeline better). Which basically means that if his mami wants silence, she's going to get silence.
....even if it means no one in the village can make any noise, talk, or hear the animal sounds.
Something no one knew he could do until Dolores has a sensory overload so bad that she was crying to Mariano in pain about how much she wished everything would just be quiet.
After Dolores was put to bed and Oscar and his sibs were left in the care of his dad's side of the family for the day little Oscar was pouting and concentrating. Wishing he could give his mom what she wanted.
And then BAM!
All the sound in the Encanto was gone.
No footsteps, no sneezes, no music.
No animal sounds.
No people sounds.
No way to get Julieta's attention or to warn people of a disaster.
No way for people to tell if Pepa is storming.
Luckily only one person got badly hurt but it took hours for someone to find Julieta.
This whole mess lasted for the ten hours it took for Dolores to wake up with no one knowing why they couldn't hear anything or why his sister, Elmira, couldn't use her sound based powers.
And you know the worst part?
Oscar, like all five year olds, is a stubborn that he did nothing wrong.
Because he got the result he wanted.
(Dolores was the one who figured out what happened when she woke up btw and it took them another three hours to get the whole town's sound back).
"Oscar, what you did was wrong -"
"What do you mean no? You took away sound from the entire town!"
"I mades mami better! Mami sleeped well!"
"While that may be true, you still owe the town an apology-"
"No! They mean to mami!"
Camilo cuts in. "Who's mean to Dolores? I'm not mad I just wanna talk—"
(He is very much mad and he does not just want to talk).
It very much doesn't help that both Mariano and Dolores think that he's adorable and the sweetest thing to exist (they're horrible romantics who see the positive in everything).
Or that Pepa and Felix, also horrible romantics, ALSO think its the sweetest thing they ever heard.
Meanwhile Julieta is trying to do damage control because at least one person got seriously hurt that day and wasn't able to be healed for hours until she was found because no one could HEAR and Bruno is mildly terrified himself but he isn't as freaked out as a lot of the family are because he knows all about good intentions being demonized and all that.
The town is obviously horrified.
The family is scared.
And Oscar?
Well, little five year old Oscar is just happy his mami is feeling better.
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phightingconfessions · 5 months
here you go lmao
GOD banhammer is so fucking perfect, i've been staring at a picture of him in some way shape or form for probably like fifteen hours out of the last three days. he is just so very mwah i wanna bite his armor it looks so fucking cool bro. and his teeth, good LIRD his fucking teeth those chompers are driving me insane. i wanna put my hand in his mouth and i don't think i'd even be upset if he bit me for that, hell i want him to bite me. he could step on me too and pick me up and throw me down the stairs and i wouldn't even be mad. did i mention how fucking tall he is? mans is like 6 foot 11 inches, thats bonkers, he could punt me into the sun and i'd let him. his hands are probably huge as fuck too. i want him to hold me but i'd settle for being manhandled into a jail cell. he probably patrols the cells on occasion since he's just built different and i'd stand in my 'pathetic homosexual loser' cage and give him a gay little wave as he walks past. blow him a kiss and all that. he might not even notice because he's blindfolded which would be saddening but hey maybe i'll get to feel his touch when he drags me off to be executed or whatever. does he even execute his prisoners at all? if he doesn't i guess i will just rot in that cell until he sees fit to release me. bummer. or perhaps i could seduce him into letting me work as an assistant/maid/etc for him instead. he seems like he'd get off on having someone to order around directly, and i wouldn't mind obeying his every command. anyways as much as i'd enjoy letting him order me around it would probably get boring eventually. he'd probably melt immediately if i gave off even a whiff of dominance. mans still listens to his mom for fucks sake, he'll fold like a wet napkin if i yank him down to his knees and grab his chin. that might be tough with the size difference though. i could back him into a corner and grab his horns and pull his face down to mine and then kiss him or whisper to him or whatever. fuck yeah. not to mention he's blindfolded too, so i could mess around with that. he'd probably be kinda mouthy about it, especially if we have a significant strength difference, but he'd like it. putting a hand in his mouth would probably shut him up. god the thought of running my hand along his teeth is just so fucking enthralling. they look kinda similar to shark teeth. built to maul people and yet here i am touching them like the most foolish creature upon god's green earth. cough this is getting a little too immersive whoops fuck uhhh right! his armor. the gems everywhere is attractive. shiny objects are so cool and banhammer has a gem on like every section of his armor. they probably make cuddling a tiny bit uncomfortable but that's par for the course with armor. i'd put up with it. his weapon looks sick as hell too but i am not a weapons connoisseur, i am a men connoisseur. and this one is delicious cough right his armor. his boots look pretty tough. they probably have treads that'd leave a good mark if he stepped on my back. that'd be cool. i'd let him dig his heel into me with great force. god at this point i dont even wanna fuck him i just want to either destroy or be destroyed by this man. good fucking god why did i write so much. *checks wiki* right he has four eyes. assuming they look like his mom's do it'd probably be pretty cute. two little extra ones beside his normal eyes. he probably winks by closing half his eyes. and now i'm thinking of various seductive faces he could make. i am down so bad i can't even. i wanna kiss him choke him slam him into a wall. or have him do that to me. i'm not picky. one of us is gonna be pathetic, obedient, and submissive and i frankly do not give a fuck which one it ends up being. i'd let him put a collar on me. the thought of banhammer wearing a collar is making my brain do terrible horrible things so i will leave it at that. i do draw the line at like 'daddy' shit tho that's not for me at all & he probably has daddy issues anyway
I've read this like 5 times and I have determined. I will post it.
behold: the banhammer manifesto. I don't think it gets crazier than this I think we've reached craziest post about ban on this blog. well done everyone! I'm going to go cry now bye forever /j
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 7
Finally it's Vin's turn! This one gets mildly nsfw towards the end :)
"Hydrate," Vince bossed, passing Leo the gatorade bottle and the other man rolled his eyes.
"You're not the boss of me," he scoffed, but took a large gulp regardless.
Vince's birthday had been yesterday and they had originally planned to sing him happy birthday with his whole giant family, the italian part too. However those plans had been delayed by a day since Leo had gotten so horribly sick no one felt in the mood to celebrate until he was back on his feet.
That meant the cakes, yes plural, Wendy had ordered and all the snacks were still in the fridge and by god was Vince salivating over them. He didn't mind the actual date getting changed, after all the whole week had been basically one big celebration of his birthday, but dammit did he mind not eating the cake.
Vince watched Leo finish drinking and then raise his eyebrows, all attitude as he said, "see? I'm fine. I've been fine since yesterday evening, chill out."
"I'm chill," Vin shrugged and indeed he felt that compared to Jonah and Luke, he was very very chill. Jonah was watching Leo like a hawk and Lucas had been distraught when him and Bella had come home the day before yesterday and found Leo bedridden with a fever and a bucket next to his head.
"You're all the opposite of chill," Leo sighed, rubbing his face, "so how should I dress for tonight? Should I break out the singular button up I brought?"
Vince couldn't help but chuckle. He nodded, "yeah and shave, sexy homeless man isn't exactly your look."
"Says you," Leo showed him his tongue like a kid, "Jonah says the stubble is hot."
"Jonah has horrible taste," Vince teased back, then let out a oof when Wendy sped in the room and threw herself on top of him, "jesus, Wen, don't do that!" he cried out, fixing her legs and rubbing the sore spot on his side where her elbows had hit him.
"Sorry, sorry," she said, distracted, sounding excited "you two have to look at this."
She was holding a magazine and she unrolled it. It was a 90s gossip magazine and Vince frowned, glancing at Leo, who looked equally confused.
"The fuck is that?" Leo asked and Wendy shushed him, pointing the cover.
It was a black model in her 30s, with extremely voluminous chocolate hair and striking green eyes, dressed in an emeralds dress that was clearly being blown back by a fashion fan. Vince squinted.
"Is that... Is that Jon's mom?"
Leo immediately perked up, scooting closer and studying her face, "Oh it totally is Jackie!"
Wendy nodded, opening the magazine, "wait for it," she said, flipping quickly through the pages and then opening in the article. There was another editorial picture of Jackie and Wendy flipped another page, then tapped it, grinning like a mad woman, "look at him!"
Little Jonah was sitting in his mom's lap, he couldn't be older than one. He had the cutest little afro and his eyes were more green than the current hazel they were. He was clad in a little shirt and social pants.
"OH MY GOD," Leo squealed, snatching the magazine, "he was the cutest fucking thing."
"Let me see," Vince grabbed the back of Leo's shirt, pulling him closer and opened a wide grin, "can we steal this magazine? Make copies?"
"It gets better," Wendy giggled, turning the pages again. She quickly passed by two different articles and one "what is your season?" quiz. Then reached the gossip column and slowed down, passing over familiar faces that Vince had seen before but couldn't name, until Wendy stopped in one and then pointed at it, "tell me this isn't the best thing ever!"
Leo leaned in to look and then started laughing, "oh my god, I need this to be my laptop's wallpaper."
Little Jonah, in a different outfit, was sitting in a little picnic tablecloth and next to him there was a different little boy. One Vince recognized far too quickly, because Lucas, unlike Jonah, still had a lot of his baby features.
Little Lucas had a mop of brown wavy hair and his eyes were lighter too and he was fighting Jon for his stuffed plushie. Around them Vince recognized Jackie, Luke's mom, two women he had never seen before and he assumed were nannies and a man an extremely sharp outfit and the tackiest blow out hairdo Vin had ever seen.
"Is that my dad?" Jon said, startling all three of them as he walked behind the couch, "what the fuck are you- Give me that."
"That's your dad?" Leo sat on his knees on the couch, trying to snatch the magazine back, but Jon slammed it shut. His cheeks turned darker with a blush.
"You three have no business digging through this old stuff."
"You and little Luke were so cute," Wendy teased him, "what happened with all that cuteness?"
Jonah looked like he wanted for the ground to open up and swallow him, "this is getting shredded" he said darkly and then glared at them, "where did you find this?"
Wendy blushed, "uh... I was just looking around the house...Found this in an office upstairs..."
"My dad's office?" Lucas said, jumping off the last step of the stairs, "the one with the albums on the wall?"
"Yeah, that one..." Wendy's face was red at being caught snooping, "I'm sorry, I was just bored-"
"No, it's fine," Lucas shrugged, while Vince frowned.
"Uhm... Are we not gonna talk about the fact there's a magazine on Jon's sexy mom in your dad's office or...?"
"Shut the fuck up about my mum!" Jonah exclaimed, holding the magazine protectively to his chest, while Wendy gasped and Lucas rolled his eyes,
"Shut up, Vince."
"I'm not saying anything!" He laughed, looking between the two of them, "just that your dad was a serial cheater and Jonah had green eyes as a baby, just like you."
"SHUT UP!" Jonah exclaimed, while Leo let out a wheeze, falling on his back while laughing and exclaiming.
It was the fact that Lucas looked absolutely unbothered by the joke that had Vince's laughter dying in his throat. He widened his eyes, ready to exclaim wait, really?! But Livia interrupted him, running in the room and throwing herself on Jon.
"Why aren't you dressed!" she exclaimed, hugging him by the middle "we're going to Vinny's party!"
"Yeah," Jonah smiled to her, then glared at the rest of them, "go get fucking dressed and stop saying Luke's stupid father boned my mum, thanks."
Livia gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up, still holding the magazine.
"Bad word!"
"Oh I'm so sorry, darling, but they're morons, they deserve it," Jonah's voice trailed off as he carried Livia down the hallway with him.
Leo let out a wheezing breath, "oh man, that was too funny," he sighed, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes and rubbing his side, "my stomach hurts from laughing."
Vince glared at Lucas, "please say that's not possible."
"I don't know and I don't wanna know," Luke shrugged, not looking even a little bit as amused as they were, "he's right, we should start getting dressed if we don't wanna be late to your grandma's house, Vin."
He got up too and Leo gladly took the hand Luke stretched out, both of them going back upstairs. Wendy let out a giggle, falling against Vince's side.
"So, you and I agree they're totally half brothers, right?" she whispered, causing Vince to snort.
"Absolutely," he agreed, grabbing her legs and throwing Wendy up in his arms, getting up too while she let out a squeal, wrapping her arms around his neck and continued to laugh.
Nonna Monacelli's place was fifty minutes away from Luke's summer house, in a tiny town. It wasn't big or fancy like the house they were staying at, but Vince immediately felt like crying the minute he crossed the threshold, his family and friends right behind him.
He remembered every corner of that place. He remembered sleeping over at his nonna so many times that he had his own room - that once used to be his father's. It was his father's side that was from Sicily, his mother's people were from Rome and they didn't talk much.
His nonna was well into her eighties, almost ninety, but she was still very active. She lit up as they entered the house and quickly ushered them to backyard.
Vince hadn't been to a real italian party in so long, but he immediately felt at ease. He watched, with a smile, as his grandmother made a face to the cakes they were carrying.
"I made cake!" she exclaimed in italian, offended, "you don't need store bought!"
Wendy frowned, "what is she saying...?" she asked and Vince grinned.
"I think she's declaring you her mortal nemesis, honey."
"Oh shut up," she scoffed.
It was funny to smack his friends right in the middle of his family that only spoke italian, but Vince needn't have worried. Lucas and Jon both knew enough not to die and his parents were engaged into translating.
Besides, certain things didn't need translation.
None of them needed translation to know the music was for dancing and none of them needed translation to know when to sing happy birthday, in the weirdest chorus Vince had ever heard, of english and italian mixing together.
His grandma, Ludovica, tugged on his earlobe 24 times and then pulled him into a hug, letting out a yell when he pulled her off her feet.
Vince grinned, planting her down and then pointing Wendy, "nonna, this is my grilfriend, Wendy" he said in italian, before quickly translating it in english.
"Tell her she's beautiful," nonna said, studying Wendy, "and to let her hair grow."
"I will-"
"And say thank you for bringing my grandson home."
"And that if she ever orders another cake in my house she'll be kicked out."
Vince laughed, translating the entire thing and Wendy blushed, touching her hair in a self conscious manner, "I'm sorry nonna!"
"She sounds very american," Nonna scoffed, "tell her she needs to learn italian."
"I'm not telling her that," Vince rolled his eyes, kissing his grandma's temple, then flashed Wendy a smile as he said, "I promise I'll eat your cake too, nonna."
"You better," his grandmother huffed, before moving away.
Wendy pouted, looking at him, "So? What did she say?"
"She just told me to eat her cake," Vince translated partially, pulling Wendy by her hand as the music slowed down. He twirled her around. She was wearing a peach drapey dress and it created a circle as she twirled.
Wendy smiled, her hand small and dainty in his and she threw her weight partially back so she could get a good look of his face, "oh no," she pouted in an amused way, "whatever will you do, big guy? You know you can't touc-"
"Well, obviously, I'm gonna eat it," Vince shrugged, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. Wendy rolled her eyes, still smiling.
"Amore mio," she dragged the words, "you can't even glance that cake's way. It's all milk. That's why I bought a second one."
"And risk breaking my nonna's heart? No chance," he twirled her again and this time Wendy's back pressed against his chest, so he leaned in to whisper in her ear as they swayed from side to side, "besides, my girlfriend is into tummy aches, so I don't think she'd mind."
Wendy's face turned beet red as if he had just whispered her the filthiest thing and she scoffed, looking ahead, "doesn't mean I want you to get one purposefully-"
"No?" Vince said in a quizzical manner, enjoying the fact no one was paying them much mind and nibbling on her earlobe, "what if I kinda enjoy it too?"
"But you don't," Wendy said, forcefully pulling back so she could glare at him, "you can't lie to-"
"I'm not lying," Vince shrugged, "just a little tummy ache is not the end of the world, I want my grandma's cake. It's my birthday goddammit... And belly rubs do sound like an added bonus."
Her pupils were blown in her eyes and he could tell she was struggling to string together a coherent thought. It made his chest ache with pride. That was the kind of distraught, lustful eye contact he only got in the bedroom, it made him terribly smug that he could get her this worked up over only a few words.
"Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?"
She scowled at him, cheek red and then glanced at the cake table, then back at him, "...You can't eat it now," Wendy decided, voice all breathy.
Vince nodded, pulling her closer again and she pressed against him. If he pressed a little closer, he could feel she had the start of a boner, trapped by the shapewear. He smiled, cheek meeting her temple.
"Alright, honey. When can I eat it?"
"When we're almost going home," she whispered, breath hot against his neck, "so you're all mine when it hits."
"Okay," he continued to sway them, "just one slice, I don't want to puke."
"Uhm..." she hummed and he wasn't sure if she wanted him to be sick or not, but Vince decided to call the shots in this one. He didn't want to spend his birthday night praying to the porcelain god.
He glanced over her head, letting out a sigh as Wendy rested her forehead to his shoulder, enjoying the music. He could see Luke and Bell and Leo and Jonah dancing too. Leo looked beyond surprised that Jonah could slow dance like a pro and Bella and Lucas were in their own little world, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. His father was trying to convince ma to join him in the dancefloor.
"Thank you," Vince whispered in Wendy's ear, "for all this. It's the best gift I ever got."
She let out a huff, turning her face in order to kiss his cheek, "you deserve this, my love."
The party went on for a while still, stretched into the night aided by all the wine.
Vince chuckled as he watched his dad drunkenly intermediate a conversation between Bella and his uncle, flipflopping between english and italian and failing miserably.
"Happy birthday, man," Lucas jumped on his back, squeezing him into a big hug and planting a kiss to his cheek. Vince let out a choked out noise at the sudden weight and they nearly fell, but he managed to hold the man after some stumbling, Lucas giggling the entire time.
"You're killing me!"
"Oh deal with it," Lucas squeezed him again, but let go, in time for Leo to tackle him in a hug.
Vince couldn't help but laugh, all air escaping him as the blonde squeezed him by the middle, Jonah getting dragged by Bella by his wrist as they piled him in a big group hug.
He wheezed for air, "okay okay, let me go!"
"No," Leo mumbled, voice muffled by his shirt and Vince laughed, losing his balance and causing all five of them to fall in the middle of the grass in a pile of limbs.
"You're crushing my arm!" Lucas cried out, giggling still and Vince tried to roll away, only for Leo to cry out at the movement and Bella scream "Jonah you're pulling my hair- Stop-"
"It got caught in my cufflink!"
"What are you doing?" Wendy laughed, walking over and crouching down in order to free Bella's hair from the tangle around Jonah's wrist, only for Lucas to grab her arm and pull her to them.
She fell on top of Leo and Vince with a yell and Jonah cackled, while Bella slapped Wendy's bum since it was right up her face and caused the other girl to let out a squeal and giggle.
Finally they managed to straighten up, still all shaking with wine fueled giggles. Sophia let out a scoff as she passed them by.
"Seems like you're turning four, not twenty four," she said, causing Vince to flip her off, his chest hurting with how happy he was.
"Okay guys, I think my nonna is gonna kick us out any minute now, we should go," Vince said, an hour later, as it was almost 2 AM. Bella nodded, getting up from her seat.
"I drive," she declared, which was wise, seeing as she was the most sober from all of them.
"We're staying," his mother said, waving him off when Vince circled the table to tell them they were leaving.
"Buona notte, mamma," He nodded in understanding, kissing the top of her head and smiling when his father hugged him again. Vince messed Sophia's hair as he passed her by, causing the teenager to hiss and slap his hand away.
"Where should I put her?" Jonah whispered and Vince let out a snort. Livia was completely passed out in his arms, drooling on his shoulder.
"I never pegged you for such a softie," Vince grinned, guiding him back inside the house, "put her in my old room, it's the last door in the hallway."
"You're not leaving without taking cake," nonna scoffed, "you're so skinny, you poor thing. Don't they have food in America?"
She filled a plastic tupperware with all sorts of snacks and another one with cake, out of pettiness not even touching the two beautiful cakes sitting on her table, that already had some slices missing.
They had come in two different cars, but since they had left one for his parents, now they were all squeezed in one. Leo was giggling, sitting up front on the passenger's seat, on Jon's lap, while Wendy was squeezed between Luke and Vince in the backseat, Bella driving.
"C'mere," Vince grabbed Wendy's waist, pulling her to sit across his lap, while Lucas reached in the space between the two front seats in order to grab some of the snacks in the tupperware that Leo was holding.
Wendy uncovered the tupperware with cake, breaking off a piece and holding it up to his mouth and Vince grinned, biting it off. It was what used to be his favorite: dulce de leche and chocolate, squished between two layers of a spongy vanilla batter.
He nibbled at her fingertips, letting out a moan when the flavor exploded in his mouth and eagerly finishing up the slice in four more bites. Wendy bit into the next one herself, nodding with a groan, "yeah, this is really good."
"Let me taste," Lucas said, grabbing his own slice and letting out a hum, licking off his fingers, "Bell did you try the cake?"
Vince was salivating for more, but he firmly dug his metaphorical heels. He didn't want to suffer too much, he just wanted the cuddles and tummy rubs and for Wendy to have that look in her eyes as if she was about to explode in flames.
"Wow," Leo grumbled as the car finally came to a stop and he jumped out, "I didn't realize I was so drunk until now."
Jonah laughed, wrapping an arm around his neck, "c'mere, baby. Let's get you to bed."
Bella was leaning heavily on the car as she undid the straps of her heels and Wendy winked at her, tugging on Vince's hand to pull him inside the house.
She was almost vibrating out of her skin as they entered the bedroom and Vince sat down with a groan, falling flat on his back against the pillows and chuckling, tipsy.
"My face is on fire," Wendy whispered, locking the door and walking to him, "I feel high."
"You kinky deviant," Vin chuckled, but his voice was less breathy. He grabbed her hand, planting it over his stomach, "it's bubbling here."
She could feel it. His stomach was packed full with two slices of the non-lactose cake and other foods, wine mixing everything together. Wendy danced her fingers over his skin, "hurts?"
"Not yet," he struggled with the buttons of his shirt, "I'm all yours."
Wendy let out a little huff as she patted his thigh, "lie against the pillows," she bossed, removing her own heels while he did so and then crawling on the bed. She sat on his lap, undoing his belt and pants and Vince let out a little relieved sigh.
She had seen him more stuffed before, straight up looking pregnant, but today he was looking good enough to eat. His belly was rounding out nicely, poking over his boxers and pushing gently against the buttons of his shirt. Wendy busied herself undoing the buttons one by one, leaning in to plant a kiss at every little inch of exposed skin.
He cupped the back of her head, fingers curling on the wavy hair and Vince combed his fingers through them, guiding her kisses to where his stomach was churning the most, "I can feel it right here."
"Here?" Wendy planted her lips over his skin, then Vince let out a surprised chuckle as she bit him. Teasing and light, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to send a jolt of desire down his body. Vince nodded, his mouth drying up.
As if wanting to join the party, he could feel his tummy finally making sense it had been fed its mortal enemy The Milk, because suddenly there was a loud whine from his midsection, loud enough that Wendy pulled back with a chuckle.
"Oh no, we upset it," she said, her voice deeper.
Vince let out a groan, one he wasn't playing up for her. Suddenly everything didn't feel as good in his belly and he shifted uncomfortably in the bed, "okay, I was promised tummy rubs, honey."
"I know, I know," Wendy nodded, planting both her hands on his stomach, fingers drumming his belly. The lightly bloat was getting worse, not enough that she could see anything, but enough they'd soon take notice of it.
Wendy rubbed her thumbs on each side of his stomach, in deep circular motions and then dragged them up, towards his navel. Vince let out a grunt, squirming and Wendy tried not to show just how much every little noise was turning her on.
"Here," Vin grabbed her hand, wincing and planting it over his belly button, "right there."
She pressed her palm flat in, in a half circle motion, in and out, and Vince pressed a fist to his mouth, letting out a sick belch, "ugh, I shouldn't have done this with my favorite cake," he scoffed at his own silliness and leaned his head back, "keep rubbing."
"It's so gurgly," Wendy whispered, leaning in so she could hear the noises better, licking her lips when there was yet another loud whine from his tummy, "it's amazing this is all from one slice."
"Uhm, amazing," Vin said sarcastically, pushing his own hand against his left side and letting out another airy, weak burp, "it hurts here."
"It's where you had those stitches," Wendy noted, gently rubbing her hand over the area and working up another delicate burp from him, "you're so dainty tonight, Vince."
"I know, right? A gentleman," he grimaced as she moved on his lap and caused the cake to splash in his throat, "ugh, wait, don't squirm so much, you're giving me reflux."
Wendy let out a sigh under her breath, heartbeat in her ears as she nodded and continued to stroke and rub his upset tummy, forcing up a gentle burp here and there.
"I can feel just how turned on you are by this," Vince mumbled a couple minutes later, relaxing a little bit. Wendy blushed.
"It's not like I can control it-" she started to defend herself, only for Vin to pull at the front of her dress and bring her mouth in for a kiss. She let out a little surprised noise, before kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smiled against the kiss, rolling them on the bed and Wendy let out another moan as she felt his stomach press against hers, "you're gonna make it worse," she whispered against his ear, locking her legs around his torso.
Vince let out a scoff, starting to kiss her neck, "as if you mind," he mumbled, pushing the straps of her dress and letting out a little groan as his belly immediately took his words as a challenge. He leaned in, pressing a little sick burp against her chest, while Wendy stroked his hair back.
"You said you don't wanna be sick," she scoffed, pushing his shoulders, "I'm not gonna make you sick. Lie back down."
"Uhm, changed my mind," Vince teased, but he allowed her to push him on his back again and sighed in relief when the movement reduced the nausea, "it was one little slice, this is ridiculous."
"It's fucking hot, that's what it is," Wendy teased, sliding down on the bed so she could press her cheek to his chest, hand resting on his belly, "close your eyes."
"I wanted to fuck," Vince whined and she let out a loud cackle, turning her face to muffle it against his skin.
"You absolute dweeb," she shook with giggles, "you can't even make out without feeling queasy. Hush."
"This is the most convoluted kink ever, honey," Vin sighed, closing his eyes as he felt his stomach churn in a queasy manner, Wendy pressing little kisses over it and still rubbing.
"We just need to get a hang at this, that's all," she whispered, voice thick with lust and then leaned in, kissing him again, "happy birthday, love."
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mageofseven · 1 year
MC Talking about Trauma they Experienced (Luce, Dia, Satan, Beel & Belphie)
Edit: this has been in my drafts for a while now. I started this one day when my depression was really bad and this was actually very therapeutic to write.
However, I got super emotionally exhausted from it and sort of abandoned it and since then, I've been debating whether to finish it, delete it, or post it as is.
After some thinking, I decided to add another character or so to the post and then post it.
Please, please check the trigger warnings below and do not read anything you can't handle.
Please protect yourself and always check for trigger warnings.
Now everything below this message is what I wrote originally that night.
Stay safe and if you do still read this, thank you for your time!~
I wanted to write this because it's been on my mind; I'm autistic so I tend to have zero filter and over share things, but often in a nonchalant way, like I'm telling you about a cat I saw outside and not about things I talk to my therapist about on a weekly basis.
Basically, this is a post where MC shares bad memories (whether in an upset or nonchalant way) and we see how the Boys react.
So like, angst ahead, but the kind that might hit too close to home for some people.
I'll keep it all below the cut so you don't have to read anything potentially triggering for you if don't want to.
TW: physical abuse, emotional manipulation, child abuse, alcoholism, parents with anger issues
"MC, we're not having that for dinner for the 4th night this week."
"But...what will I eat then?"
The man sighed.
"I don't know. I'll have to figure something out." He told them. "Honestly, meal planning would be a lot easier without your food sensitivities."
The human stared into space, mind seemingly far away.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow before stepping closer.
"MC? Is something wrong, Love?"
"I'm remembering the time my mom slapped me on the face at a community barbeque in front of everyone there because she wasted money on buying me a ticket for an event without any food I could eat; I ran away and hid so I could cry and hyperventilate without people judging me."
His eyes widened.
"When did this happen?"
The human shrugged.
"I dunno. A few years back." They guessed. "I didn't get to have any food at all that day because my mom was so mad at me."
Lucifer took their hand and squeezed it.
"Well, you aren't with your mother anymore." The man smiled bitterly before adding. "I suppose we could just order pizza for tomorrow's dinner."
"No peppers? No olives?" The human asked, surprised.
"No peppers, no olives." He nodded.
"No iguana eyes? No anglerfish lantern?"
"None." He promised, despite knowing Beel's disappointment at the last two toppings not being on the pizza.
MC smiled and squeeze their boyfriend's hand back.
"Thank ya, Luce~"
The man's smile became softer.
He made a mental note to ask for Barbatos' help with finding more foods his Love can eat, but for now, the demon just didn't want MC thinking back on such horrible memories.
Like always, Luce just wanted to treat his Love how they deserved and not how they've always been treated.
The two were discussing the prince's relationship with his currently deep-slumbering father.
It wasn't a topic Dia liked to speak about, but as his relationship with MC deepened, he found himself confiding in her with things he used to avoid discussing.
"...so in fairness, maybe we were never going to be close, considering the circumstances."
MC looked away, tears in their eyes.
"My Queen..." Diavolo brought his hand to their cheek. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to upset you with this."
MC shook their head.
"No, its not you." They told their boyfriend. "I just...I kinda relate in a a way..."
The prince brought the human into arms before kisskng their forehead.
"I can tell you have something in mind to share; you can share it with me."
MC was quiet for a moment before nodding.
"Once when I was a kid, we had a speaker come to class to teach us about child abuse. They handed out these pamphlets and explained to us that if our parents do any of the stuff that we talked about that day then we could call a number in the pamphlet..."
The demon tightened his embrace around them, not liking where this story was headed.
"I...I remember learning that a lot of stuff my parents did to me and my siblings was bad," They continued. "So I went home and told my parents that a speaker came to school and he told me that if they keep doing bad things and mistreat me that I could call the number on the paper..."
The human's tears fell down their cheeks, followed by Dia kissing them away.
"My Queen..."
"Ya know what they said to me?" They asked rhetorically. "They said 'Do it. I dare you'. Told me those people would take me and my siblings away, put us in foster care and split us up. That I would never see them or my brother or sister or my grandparents or anyone that I loved ever again...and told me they wouldn't even care, that they could just 'make another just like me' and that I would be responsible for my siblings' and my own suffering while my parents would just be happy to get rid of me."
The prince pulled MC into a tighter embrace as they cried.
"I wanted a good relationship with my parents so badly, but how do you become close with people who tell you at such a young age that you are replaceable and a burden they didn't even want?"
"You don't." He said softly in their ear as he stroked their hair. "Your parents were miserable people who never deserved having you as their child; they made sure of that."
The man leaned back to look them in the eyes.
"My Queen...I'm sorry you went through that. Please remember that you didn't deserve it though."
MC nodded.
"I...I know. Logically anyway...but it doesn't feel true, ya know?"
"Oh MC..."
Diavolo took the rest of the day off work, regardless of any urges or reminders from Barbatos.
This man wanted so desperately to comfort his beloved and heal the hole in her heart.
Still, the man knew there was not much he could do for the latter; this was just something his Queen had to work through on their own.
That wasn't going to stop this man from showering them love and reminding them just how perfect and sweet they are to him.
Satan had gotten into an argument with Lucifer, resulting in one of his fits of rage.
They were so rare now of days; this was essentially the oldest bringing up the wrong thing at the wrong time and pushed it too far
Causing Satan to destroy half of the living room and the two 'brothers' screaming at one another.
This went on for a while till the two men noticed the human in the corner hyperventilating.
That knocked the blonde out of his anger real quick as he raced to their side.
Lucifer allowed the argument to pause for now, considering the human's condition, and so left them be.
Eventually, MC calmed down enough and launched themself into their boyfriend's arms.
"I'm sorry..." He spoke softly into their ear. "I shouldn't have lost control like that...especially in front of you."
MC shook their head within his arms before sniffling.
"It's not you..." They mumbled. "When the crashing started...I-I just...I didn't see you...I didn't see House of Lamentation..."
"What do you mean, Kitten?" He stroked their hair before pulling back to meet their eyes.
"I...I was in my head." They explained. "It reminded me of a time when I was a kid...my dad was drunk and got angry at my little brother. I...didn't see what happened, but I heard curses and crashes and my brother begging him to stop...and I didn't save him. I didn't save him. I hid in the kitchen and sobbed with my arms over my head, begging for him to stop in my mind but not being able move or even speak..."
"Kitten..." Satan hugged them tightly to his chest again. "You're not there; you're here with me and you're safe."
"But my brother--"
"You would have just gotten hurt too." He told them. "You were a child just trying to to survive. It's not your fault."
"It's not your fault." He repeated.
This time, the human just closed their eyes and hung their head.
Satan picked them up and carried the human to their room; the...scare, I guess you could call it, had really tired his partner out.
He laid his Kitten on their bed and kissed their forehead.
Satan vowed to never himself lose control in front of them ever again.
Even if this time it had less to do with what he did and more about something they experienced long ago, the wrath demon needed to keep himself in check so he never brought such bad memories to his Kitten's head again.
Beel & Belphie:
The human went on a walk with the twins and, as per usual, Beel made a stop at Madam Screams to get a few dozen pastries.
Beel carried all of the bags of sweets himself and, no matter how often MC saw him carry so much food and never drop any of it, it still amazed the human.
"Dang, that's even more than yesterday..." Belphie commented. "Did you already spend all of your grimm this month?"
"Almost." The gluttony shrugged, still not dropping a single bag.
Suddenly, MC's steps slowed till they were frozen in place.
"-C? MC?" Belphie called to them.
The human slowly raised their gaze up at the men.
"You okay, Muffin?" Beel asked, concern evident on his face.
MC nodded.
"I was remembering one of the fights my parents had when I was a little kid." They explained calmly. "My dad spent over a $1,000 at the bar in a week 'cause he kept buying his friends drinks. Mama told him that he can't keep doing that because they were barely able to put food on the table as things were; Dad yelled at her for telling him what to do and Mom yelled back that she hopes he ends up dead in a ditch somewhere--what?"
The human was genuinely confused by the two demons, who stared at her with a mix of shock and pity.
Belphie shook his head.
"Let's just get home, butthead."
And with that, both twins wrapped an arm around them protectively
Causing Beel to drop two of his bags.
Still, the tallest demon never looked back as he and his brother took their human home, a place where hopefully better memories will come to their mind.
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My friend was telling me she is trans for a long time and now she came out to her parents. I'm 23 and I still live at home since I'm pursuing education and I work part time only.
My parents were always very strict, even about visits. There are no visits allowed after 7 pm (dinner time). I share my room with my younger sister so we never had any sleep overs. Honestly I never had problems with these rules since I'm a bit anti social.
My friend said her parents threaten her that they will kick her out if she will keep talking about wanting to transition. She asked if she can stay at my place. I told her she can't and apparently now I'm a horrible person.
It's a 2 bedroom apartment. 1 room for my parents, 1 room for me and my sister. Bathroom and a small kitchen and that's it. We have no couches, no extra space. Even if we had any extra space my parents would not allow anyone to stay here, especially not for a longer time like a week or a few months.
I offered my friend money if she wants to stay in a motel or something like that (I pay some bills, and buy food but I do have some savings). I offered that I can help her with moving out her things, I offered to borrow my dad's car if she needs a ride. I told her I could get her a job interview since she has no job, I work part time at a super market and they are a chain super market so even if they don't need people at my location I can ask if they need someone in another location.
She said she doesn't want to live in a motel, she says if I can't let her stay at our place then she doesn't need my help with moving out, and that she doesn't want to work in a super market... I also don't want to work in a super market but I still have to since I want to buy myself nice things and ofc I also give some money towards bills and food since I don't want to be a leech to my parents, even tho they never asked me to give them any money since I don't have a full time job.
I can't convince my parents to accept her as a guest in our home. Not because she is trans, no one is welcomed here unless it's a visit and at the end of the day you just have to go home. I did ask even if I knew they will say no. My mom even said ARE YOU CRAZY since we have such a small apartment.
I feel like I offered her a lot? And I'm always there whenever she wants to talk. But the only thing I can't offer is a place to stay because at the end of the day is not up to me. I don't own our apartment. She doesn't want to talk to me and I got a nasty text how my parents are transphobic... even though they wouldn't let anyone stay... not a str8 cis person, not a gay person... not anyone.
And her parents did not kick her out. They said they don't want to hear anything about "the trans stuff" she can still live there as of now. But she herself wants to move out asap. And I don't think it's fair all this is blamed on me because she can't move out???
Right now parents most likely have to process all of this and in the mean time she can look for a job, maybe she could look for roommates so she could split the rent or something. When I mentioned that she is not being kicked out right now she was also very mad at me. Like I understand, but if someone threatened me that they will kick me out, I would most likely not mention anything about my transition anymore, I would look for a job, a place to stay and then I would start this topic again.
I offered such advice and it wasn't good enough. I offered money, help, offered asking for a job so I could know which super market needs new employees... and nothing was good enough.
Do I really deserve being called a shit friend because I can't convince my parents so they would let her move in with us for who knows how long?
I think it sounds like you've offered everything you're realistically able to offer to help your friend out, and you're definitely not a bad person simply for being unable to provide everything she might need/desire. I get that she's upset that she has nowhere to move in, but it's really not okay to take it all out on you when you are obviously doing everything in your power to help.
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