#I'm still tryna figure out some things with them but as of now
peachysuffolk · 11 months
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There's nothing going on behind those googly eyes
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keeps-ache · 3 months
i need to walk into a field and just sit for for a while.. maybe forever hbfsh...
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corvidcrossbow · 4 months
Daryl's the kinda guy to have a small table in the living room that has the puzzle he's been slowly working on for practically months set out on it – he delicately moves it in front of the couch then sits and silently works on it some evenings, expect for little grunts of understanding when he finally figures out a certain section he was stumped on.
He gets so flustered when you come over to look, standing beside the couch and rubbing his shoulder for a little bit while admiring his work, and he so shyly says a thanks, sheepishly reaching for the next piece while you watch for a little.
He likes to go do it some nights where he can't sleep and feels like he's gonna disturb you by just lying awake next to you in bed, usually when he's having a harder time emotionally – this gives him something to do rather than sulk, even though the thoughts still do get to him while he's working on it sometimes.
Oh god and once he probably went to do that, but Dog came over and had a bit too much energy and knocked the table just enough for everything to slide off and crumble to the floor, ruined.
He just sat there for a moment, looking at the 3d triangular shape his nearly finished puzzle landed in. He didn't even sigh in defeat; he just got up and trekked his way back to your bedroom, gently waking you up by crawling into your arms.
And he buried his head into your neck, breathing you in uneasily and trying to steady himself. But as you rubbed his back and scratched his scalp, asking him what's wrong, he couldn't help but cry a little cause he already felt so negative and now felt sort of crushed, the time and effort he put into that for nothing. It makes him feel stupid; like why is he crying over a damn puzzle? He's a grown man, in a fucking apocalypse. He doesn't have time to cry over something so childish, let alone be doing a puzzle in the first place.
But your soothing helped to wash away his self loathing, tenderly reminding him it's okay to be upset about those kinda things: that it may be small in the perspective of the world, but it meant something to him. He put his time and his effort into it, and that's what made it something big.
That made him cry harder, your confirmation that it's okay to cry, getting that allowance to. His father surely banned crying, even over major things like his moms death, telling him there's no reason for a man to ever cry – and every time he'd beat him he would repeatedly demand he stop crying, until he eventually did: and the only times he ever cried were when he'd escape to be deep in the forest, sit alone and let his walls down for a little before having to put them all back up and face his homelife again, and shamed himself for doing such in the first place.
You're what finally let him express his love for the little things, and express how he felt when bad things happen with said little things.
He definitely didn't have many toys growing up, so he turned to things like puzzles – secretly doing them in his room late at night then shoving them under his bed when he wasn't working on it cause he knew Merle or his dad would make fun of him for it or destroy it – so doing puzzles now heals his inner child, and it getting knocked over hurt him even more cause it brought him back to those memories.
This was not meant to get sad but now I'm tearyeyed at 4:30 am while writing this. He's just tryna mend the kid his childhood broke :(
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tommybuckleykinard · 6 days
this fandom is getting ridiculous lmao
what you mean oliver didnt go into detail about bucktommy??? lmao of course he didn't that'd be giving us spoilers since he said the time skip wasn't that big
and some of these folks tryna use this as a gotcha are the same people praising certain journalists for not giving spoilers after they got screeners. and now they suddenly think oliver was gonna spoil shit and that he didn't is a bad sign. make it make sense pls
this is too funny
every day some of these folks remind me how young they are. cuz they react like oliver saying "the relationship with tommy is much more where it was left off, it's in early stages, they're still learning and figuring things about each other and what a relationship might or could look like" is somehow a bad thing.
these are two men over 30 tryna balance life, work and a relationship, and them having convos about their future together and what that'd look like is actually a very good thing. this a very good convo to have in the early stages of a relationship and it shows how seriously they're taking it. they're too old to play around and they both seem like they're ready to settle down.
both oliver and lou have implied that their characters want love and are ready for a serious long term relationship. oliver especially is tired of the hamster wheel buck has been on. also this show isnt gonna be around for another 12 seasons. tough convos have to happen quick. oliver saying "might or could look like" is not a red flag, it's actually really good because it shows they're treating this like a serious long term relationship and they're both tryna figure out what they want from it and each other. and saying any more than that would just be spoilers for the beginning of the season and of the early stages of bucktommy's relationship.
I'm glad that it seems like we'll maybe actually get to see this on screen.
I hope we see their first ILYs
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(not sure if I'm doing this right, sorry :'0) I'm somewhat new to tumblr so this is my first request (or whatever we call them XP), so totally understandable if you can't do it BUT!!!!!!!!!! It would honestly make my pride month if you could possibly perchance do a flirty villain (top) x wounded but tryna laugh it off and reciprocate the flirtation but failing to keep a brave face (bottom) hero!!! Sry that's a lot in one sentence but I always detail the thing I want the most for some reason (=w=;)
"Oh god-" The hero grabbed their side. Deep in their throat a groan took form. "I'm gonna pass out..."
"Lay down."
"I'm fine. I'm totally...fuck-" The villain couldn't tell if the hero was stupid or simply too stubborn but they figured both suspicions could confirm their overall assumption. They took another step towards the hero.
"Lay down," they repeated. They probably wouldn't even need much force to push the hero to the ground themselves but it was something they deemed to be unnecessarily violent.
They needed the hero alive. They needed all those nasty secrets to spill out of that chatty mouth.
Without another second of hesitation, they seized the hero's wrist and pulled them closer.
"If we don't act in the next minutes, you will bleed out like a slaughtered pig," the villain said. Their voice was low and they had taken the liberty to be as close as possible to the hero's ear. "So, if you would like to continue to follow me around like a good dog, you need to lay down."
The hero still had their fingers on their wound and by now, the blood covered not only their hand but also their clothes.
"Please, just..." With the hero's debatable consent, the villain decided to lead them towards the ground. At first, they sat down together but soon enough, the villain pushed them gently against the ground and climbed on top of them.
Before the hero could protest, they pressed their palm into the wound, making the hero curse and lift their hips.
"Fuck-" The hero tried to laugh but it was much more pathetic than that. There were even tears in their eyes. Without further ado, the villain pushed down their hips again. "You devil-"
Their enemy was probably seeing stars right now.
The villain knew this type of pain a little too well. A stab wound this deep was scary. It was terrifying. The hero was losing a lot of blood pretty quickly and although the villain was aware of their ability to heal from such a wound within hours, them losing blood was still a major problem.
Once, the villain had tried to stitch a wound themselves and they had ended up with a frequently reopening wound they had to deal with for weeks. It was torture. A wound like this was so disruptive to the entire body that the villain didn't even want their enemy to go through this.
So, they decided to do something irrational. Something so stupid only the hero could think of it.
"I like being on top of you."
"Huh?" The hero's breath was horribly quick. Their heart was probably raging itself to a quick death in their chest. Distracting them was the best way to keep them alive.
"It's a great view," the villain said. They put more pressure on the wound and the hero whimpered so pathetically, it did something to the villain. They were sweating, contorting their face because of the pain. However, the hero managed a tired smile.
"Christ...you're flirting. Now?!"
"I believe listing all the causes you could die of in the next minutes would be counterproductive. So. Do you always like it this rough?"
This time, the hero actually laughed and grabbed the villain's wrists. They took in a deep breath and groaned when another wave of pain hit them.
"Great way to die...with you flirting...I mean, you out of all people..." The hero dared to look down at the injury but the villain knew that it was certainly never a good idea to do so. They had passed out in the bathtub while caring for their own wounds one too many times.
"Eyes on me." The hero obeyed and tired eyes found focused ones. They kept staring at each other. The villain noticed some patterns in the hero's irises that were quite pleasant to look at. "What? Do you think I have no sex life?"
"I thought you were the quiet type," the hero said. Their nails dug into the villain's arm but it seemed cruel to order the hero to stop it.
After all, pain demanded violence, or did it not?
They hoped the hero's wounds could heal quicker this time. It seemed to be a utopian wish — since it usually took hours — but the villain couldn't imagine that the hero's body was going to give up on them.
First of all, they had to stop the bleeding and it didn't look too bad right now. The hero wasn't losing as much blood as before. Something was working.
"I'm the type to let you know what I enjoy. Which means that I can be quite loud."
"Fuck...you are awful."
"I don't know what you are referring to."
Again, the hero smiled.
The villain could feel the warmth of the blood on their hands. Most certainly, the hero's skin was going to regenerate soon. It had to. Stopping the bleeding seemed to be working and the villain was not ready to give up on the hero.
"All it took was a stab wound for you to finally flirt with me," the hero said. Finally?
Their voice was quiet and even though they were still struggling, they seemed to be a little too tired to put up a fight. What the villain didn't expect was for them to put their bloody hand on the villain's cheek.
Something happened and the villain felt like throwing up. It was inexplicable.
"I..." the villain began. But there was no time to dwell on any unnecessary feelings. "You have regenerative powers, right?"
The hero nodded.
"Is your body also able to produce some kind of sedative?"
"Sometimes," the hero said. "It's weird..."
Their hand was still on the villain's cheek. Their thumb was moving across the villain's skin. But the villain took their hand and moved it away. They could already feel the blush forming on their neck and for a moment, they looked away.
The hero didn't look happy about it, though.
"Focus." The villain didn't know if they had said this to themselves or the hero. Their chest hurt. "You need to stay awake, got it?"
"Eyes on me," the villain commanded again. "And they stay on me, got it?"
The villain was aware of the challenges their enemy was facing. Fighting the sedative and still holding on until their body was able to hold in the blood on its own were two tasks the villain was sure they would fail immediately. But the hero was strong. They were determined.
Their eyes were on the villain and they remained there for half an hour.
However, when a soft layer of skin had grown over the wound and seemingly everything was over, the villain couldn't tell why their own heart was pounding so hard.
Nor could they remember what kind of information they had wanted to squeeze out of the hero.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
this is so tropey and cliché yet I cannot help but adore it sooo a calm chill peace n love pacifist type of gal who only uses computer skills/detective skills/whatnot for the titans but never violence. that is until some asshat takes jason hostage and reader to the sheer shock of everyone goes deathstroke level violent, demolishes everything, sneaks out alone to single handedly rescue jason whilst the titans are still tryna figure out a plan, and jason wakes up back in titans tower to find out that it wasn't a team effort to get him back, that reader did it all alone and killed the people who took him, jason is maybe a lil shit and is all thanks but I had the situation under control, and then he asks why she cares so much and she's like I don't but if they killed you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself 😊 👉👈
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Note: I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING SO LONG TO GET THIS OUT, BABES!!! I'M IN MY FINAL YEAR OF SCHOOL, AND I HAVE EXAMS LIKE EVERY WEEK REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CRIES. ALSO, the first part of this fic is kinda based on Jason and Gar's little moment before they go down to the subways.
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"What are you doing now, nerd?" Jason walks into the computer room where yoh sat in front of the downgraded version of the Bat Computer. He leans against the edge, budging your leg with his to get your attention.
"That name is hypocritical, theatre nerd," you bite back.
"Holy shit, they're thespians, not theatre nerds."
"Same difference. Anyways, if you must know, Arkham Asylum's system broke down. Dick asked me to help them fix it. It's fine now, but a bunch of crims broke out. Some are back in, but a few handfuls are still out there. No one above Riddler level. We'll be fine," you say, leaning back on the chair, hands resting behind your head.
"Need any help, babe?" He asks.
You'd be a pathological liar if you said all the nicknames he gave you didn't make your face heat up. You always liked Jason. He has the smart potential that everybody else seems to refuse to see. But you appreciate it.
You shrug. "I dunno. You can if you want, I'm just trying to find where these criminals would be next. But it just looks like they're breaking in and stealing shit from wherever. They pick one building and then move on to a whole different area," you frown, unable to find a pattern.
Jason squints at the big screen. "Hey, zoom into that street over there," he points to the corner of the city's map. You furrow your brows, but oblige. "They're not targeting random buildings, sweet thing," he mutters.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Look. See those buildings there? They already have past records of breaking and entering, and robbery. These Arkham crims are targeting untouched places." Jason says, observing the area.
You then go on your own computer, searching the history of crime through Gotham. Sure, the majority of residents were witnesses or victims to these crimes, but there's still places that have been safe for a good while.
"Hey, all these buildings. I know them." He adds. "Bruce enforced higher security. They're aiming for Wayne Enterprise sponsored buildings!"
"How did I miss that?" You whisper to yourself. "Fuck, Jason, your a bloody genius." You missed the whiplash he got, looking at you in awe for such a simple compliment. "Alright, let me just go mark these locations and I'll go and let Dick know."
"Woah, woah," Jason holds your shoulder. "He doesn't need to know. He's already so busy. I'll handle them. You said it yourself, 'we'll be fine'." He says proudly.
You sighed. "Jay, I know you'd be fine. What's not fine is knowing for a fact that you'd show no mercy and probably make all of them bite the curb." You crossed your arms, folding one leg over your other.
"Ugh, c'mon, Y/n. I promise I won't, and I promise I'll be safe. Dick and the other guys need to know that I can do shit on my own!" He starts to beg. You always knew how important Robin is to him. You were actually impressed about how passionate he was to a mask.
You sighed again, staring at the floor while thinking. "Fine. But you need to be wired. At least be in contact with me. The moment you get into trouble, you call me, I'll get the others to help."
"Why don't you just come out with me? I know you git them badass combat skills?" Then, Jason gives you those eyes for when he asks you for something, and shamefully, you always give in. Not this time.
"Jay, you know why. Even just giving someone a oetty slap just doesn't do it for me."
"Yeah, yeah I know. But if you're ready to throw a punch, make sure I'm there to see," Jason winks as he's about to leave to suit up. But you call out to him.
"Jason." He turns. "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Not to me at least," you gave him a sympathetic look. Jason just gives a slight nod in return before turning again and leaving to get ready.
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"You sent Jason out there?!" Dick storms into your room without knocking.
You were sat on your bed, holding your hands up. "Woah, man, I could've been changing or something," you say nonchalantly. "Jason will be fine, Dick. He is capable enough of defending himself. Besides, I have him wired, so if he needs help, he can contact me." You say, eyes focused on the laptop placed on your legs.
"Okay, genius, then why did Hank inform me just now that Jason's unresponsive and that his tracker has been disconnected!" Dick yells at you. You stop typing.
"I'm sorry," you choke out a sarcastic laugh, getting off your bed, walking out of your room, Dick following suit. "What? It sounds like you're saying someone cut off all connections that Jason has to us," you said, hoping that you heard wrong or that it was some lame, insensitve prank. You walk into the debriefing room, where the other Titans were. And to prove what Dick said was true, the screens showed that there were no signs of Jason, his tracker, or his wire.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." Dick replies sternly. "Jason's gone missing, possibly kidnapped. Why didn't you tell me he was going out?! Why didn't you tell us?"
Hank chimes in. "Yeah, kid. You know how reckless Jason can be-"
You chucked your laptop to the wall, completely smashing it, the screen chipping everywhere, and the keys scattering across the floor. It instantly made the room dead silent.
You stayed silent, too. You said nothing, giving the others no explanation to your sudden, quiet outburst, and headed back to your room.
From behind you can hear Dick sigh, and preoare everyone to find Jason.
You had other plans.
You didn't know where Jason could be. But from the tracker, you can pinpoint his last known location. Not that you told Dick or even Bruce, but you managed to connect your smartwatch to Jason's tracker. No, you are not a stalker... is what you always repeated to yourself. You just wanted to be the first one to always be sure that your spontaneous friend is okay. And look at what good it's doing.
Opening your closet, deep in the back, situated your throwing knives and flame thrower.
"Come to mama," you whispered. Sure, the use of violence is more or less a disturbance to you. But these assholes have your friend hostage. And you know that if you stay with the others, they'd slow you down.
You packed a backpack with everything you think you'd need, and you climbed out your window and ran to where Jason was seen last. You didn't have a hero suit of your own, seeing as you refused to kick ass with the others. Oh, well, you thought. A face mask would do you good.
You ended up in the outskirts of the city. There was no noise, and no Jason. But there was blood. Possibly his.
Unfortunately, there were only splatters and no trails that could guide you.
"Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" A deeo, raspy voice said behind you.
You turn around and tilted your head. "Hello. I'm lookin' for a friend. About yay high, black domino mask, Christmas coloured superhero suit with an R on the left breast of the chest plate. Goes by the name Robin. You seen him anywhere?" You politely ask.
The gruffy man hummed. "Hmm. Show me what you're made of little lady, and I might spill a secret or two," he disgustingly smirks.
You shrug. "Since you asked so nicely." Swiftly, you threw a knife at him, slicing right through his shoulder as the man howls in agony.
"YOU BITCH," he screams.
You slowly walk up to him, and right as he tries to throw a punch, you dug, slicing his leg with another one of your knives, making him tumble to the concrete.
As he lays on his back, you tower over him, your foot resting on top of the knife that was impaled through his shoulder, making him cry out in pain.
"Now you listen to me, pretty little thing," you smile, mocming him. "After this, you're going to live. Because the sight of a dead body makes me gag. But the catch is," You reach for your flamethrower from your back, pointing it to the man's crotch as he whimpers in fear. "You're gonna be walkin' around with a fried dick. So what's it gonna be? Giving me a location? Or giving yourself a grilled sausage?"
You blink twice before he yells and reveals where Jason is. "Thank you so much, sweetie," you smiled, moving the flamethrower away and your foot lifting off the knife, turning to go find your friend.
He sighs out in relief, but you then turn back around. Saying nothing else, you point the flamethrower at his face, setting it off, letting the flames char his skin.
You hide behind crates in a dimly lit, abandoned warehouse, trying to search for Jason. You then go into a different room, and upon going in, you see a figure tied up in a chair, mouth covered in a dirty rag and a blindfold over his eyes.
My poor- shit. I mean. Poor Jason. You think.
The room was empty. It's an opportunity for you to help him. You cut the ropes, take the rag, and blindfold off.
"Jay?" You whispered. "Jason, wake up, c'mon we gotta go." It was no use.
"So you're the little gal burning up faces," another rough voice says.
You stand up straight, facing the significantly larger man in front of you. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm the average height," you complained, crossing your arms.
The man grunts, snapping his fingers. Then, what seemed to be a whole army of men dressed in black and white striped jumpsuits appeared from every corner, with crooked grins and nasal chuckles.
"Naw, but you'd be cut, chopped, and sliced into little pieces after we're done with you, little thing," he smiles.
"All of you against me?" You pouted. Well, that's just not fair, is it? How about a little disadvantage for you guys." You threw knives in all light sources, smashing the bulbs, now with the only source of ligbt being the moon shining out from a window or two.
You quickly whip out night vision goggles, activating them and your flamethrower ready in your hands.
You start blasting at all the men that attempt (and failed) to attack you, quickly burning their faces, hands, legs, all over their bodies.
All you could hear were the sounds of their writhing pain. You also made sure to stay close to Jason, making sure no one tried to hurt him.
Just as you were about to roast another guy, your flamethrower suddenly ran out of fuel.
"Well, shit," you muttered to yourself. "Old fashioned, it is."
You used the flamethrower itself as a combat weapon, hurling it through their guts and crotches, any of their most vulnerable areas.
The last guy to go down was the supposed leader. You smash the flamethrower into his head, probably leaving a dent, and he falls to the ground. You then take out any knives that remain, stabbing them through bith his shoulders and shins.
You took out your remaining anger and adrenaline out on him by using the flamethrower, striking it against his abdomen.
"Asshole! Perveted! Kidnapping! Ugly! Son! Of! A! Bitch!" You exclaim with every blow.
You pants, looking around the room full of unconscious men. Even the one in the cape.
You lift him up, throwing his arm over your shoulder, beginning to haul him out of the warehouse.
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By the time Jason woke uo, his head was spinning, his throat was dry, and his vision was blurry. He sits uo, trying to stay still to focus his vision. He then notices that his shirt is off and his torso is bandaged. There were also many patches all over his face.
He slowly gets uo from bed, wincing at the pain. On his nightstand, he sees a glass of water, pills and a sticky note.
"Take the pill and drink all the water, theatre nerd
- Other Nerd."
Jason couldn't help but smile at the little message and consideration. He did as was told, swallowing the pill and gulping down the water.
Wanting to get into bed, he heard voices coming out of his room. He leans against his dokr, trying to listen.
"Half of those guys are in death threatening condition! The other half have permanently damaged bones! You killed a guy, Y/n! When the fuck do you even kill!" It was Dick. Who seemed pissed. Wait.
Did he just put your name and the word kill in the same sentence?
"What was I meant to do, Dick? Lock them up and wait for them to escape again? You and I both know the justice system is bullshit!" You spit back.
"That doesn't make you the judge of death, Y/n!"
"What-Fucking-Ever! Here's an idea! Maybe if you had just a little faith in Jason, he wouldn't feel the need to go out there! He was just trying to help! You're his older brother. Act like it!" You bite, not wanting to hear another word coming out of Dick's mouth, and stormed into Jason's room.
Too bad you didn't know he was leaning on the other side of the door.
He grunts heavily, and you shove the door against him.
"Shit! Jay, what the hell are you doing out of bed!" You scold him, taking him by the arm and leading him back to bed.
"Hello to you too, nerd," he mumbles, lying back down.
"You just wake up? How you feelin'?" Your hand rests against his face.
"I'm fine. What happened?" He replies groggily.
You sighed, sitting on the floor, resting your chin on the edge of the bed. "You got kidnapped. Your tracker and wire went offline."
"So what were you and Dick arguing about?" His brows knit together.
Your head tilted so that you were leaning on your cheek.
"Just tell me, nerd," he scoffed.
"Went to save you on my own. Killed a guy," you shamefully admitted.
He smiled in disbelief. "I thought I was fuckin' hallucinating. Fuck, wished I was conscious to see you in action. You didn't even need to get me, nerd. I had everything under control." He scoffs at the end.
"Mm.. Okay, Mr. black eye and stabbed stomach," you reply tiredly, while poking his nose.
Jason sighs and stares at the ceiling. "Thanks." He mutters.You smile.
"Hm? What was that?" You tease.
"I'm not saying it again. You know what I said."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." You admire the side of his face.
"Why? Why go through all that, Y/n? You haven't even punched a person in who knows how long. And suddenly you put people in the hospital and kill someone? I don't understand," Jason suddenly says, turning to face you.
You look back at him. "They took you."
He shook his head, unsatisfied. "No. That's bullshit. Gar and Conner got kidnapped once. You didn't kill people then."
You looked away. "They aren't you." You mumble.
"So what? What the hell's so special about me, Y/n? Why do you care so much?" Jason was confused. He wanted answers as to why someone could care so much for him. He wanted to know why someone who doesn't believe in violence would kill for him when even his own family couldn't.
"I don't," you tried to excuse yourself. "But if they killed you, I would've killed everyone, and the Titans, and then myself," you casually say, still avoiding his gaze.
Jason couldn't help but snicker. "Sounds very caring to me, nerd," he lowly says.
You hum. "Mm, whatever."
He then dramatically sighs. "You know what, sweetheart. It's pretty cold up here. And I assume the floor isn't as comfortable as the bed," there's a look of both want and need in his eyes.
You smile. "What? Wamt a blankie?" You teased.
"Fuck, just come up here," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You said nothing else. Just quickly obliged, going around to the other side of the bed, lying beside him.
"You're too far," he complains.
"I'm gonna mess up your bandages," you pout.
"You're so stubborn," Jason says, using his gokd arm to pull you closer, making your head lay on his chest.
"You're one to talk," you snap, though nestling your head into his warmth.
He just hums in response, letting his lips linger on the crown of your head.
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I'M SORRY AGAIN, ANON. this is probably lame... and I didn't know how to end it
cries 🥲
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l3viat8an · 1 year
HEY RO!!!!! 🌹
I don't remember which game or lesson it came from but I remember a scene where MC and Beel were looking through the fridge for a snack and there was a pudding(?) With Mammon's name on it and Beel said "Oh, this one has Mammon's name on it. That means it's up for grabs!" (Or something along those lines, I can't remember exactly) And It got me thinking...
Mammon putting a collar on MC with his name on it to "claim them as his own" but the other brothers just completely disregard it. In all honesty it only makes them more attracted to you. And they always make you leave it on while they fuck you! Mc is just passed around the brothers "Mom said it's my turn on the Xbox" style. The brothers also "use" you to get back at Mammon for various things he's done to them.
Lucifer: (this bitch is just on a power trip honestly)
He calls you in the middle of movie night with Mammon and tells you to come to his office right away. After you've been gone for some time Mammon comes after you to find you. He busts into Lucifer's office to see you absolutely covered in Luci's cum and Lucifer has you in a mating press on his desk, just ruthlessly ramming into you. He looks Mammon straight in the eye and chuckles sadistically as you cum on his cock again. And he just keeps on bullying your hole as he scoffs at Mammon
"Look at how pathetic you are~ Not even being able to protect your most valuable possession from me~"
Leviathan: (This bitch wants his money/stuff back, but for now he'll use you as retribution)
Mammon had gone out shopping and you were just chillin in his room, sitting on his bed and playing on your phone. Then Levi bursts into the room panting, fuming and yelling about his limited edition Ruri-chan figure. His gaze immediately locks on you and he grabs you. He drags you back to his room, mumbling about paying Mammon back for what he's done. He ties you up and edges you for hours until eventually, Mammon comes looking for you. Mammon is obviously enraged by the whole situation and Levi is just grinning sadistically, still torturing you, while Mammon throws a tantrum
"You took my prized possession, so it's only fair that I take yours"
Beelzebub: (Mammon ate his food)
You and Mammon are chillin on the couch, watchin some tv, but mostly talking. Beel wanders into the kitchen for a snack. Soon you hear a loud growl from the kitchen and Beel storms into the living room absolutely livid. He doesn't say a word to Mammon and justs plucks you off the couch and tosses you over his shoulder. He marches to the dining room with Mammon in tow protesting loudly. Once he gets there, he plops you down on the table and pulls up a chair. He rips off your bottoms and just goes to town eating you. He holds you in place (because Mammon is probably tryna pull you away) and just eats you for as long as he feels like even through your pleas for him to slow down.
"You ate my food, so now I'm going to eat them instead"
(Obviously everything is consensual w safewords and such in place. They do love you after all)
Levi’s?????? Hsksheuwban-
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Lemme just add Satan cuz this idea is lovely~ 🍒~
Satan’s been roped into tutoring you and Mammon again, but Mammon skipped. Coming up with some lame excuse like he had a photo shoot or something-
And while Satan’s always happy to get some time alone with you, this means he’ll have to tutor Mammon separately……and ofc you’re still walking around with that damned collar with Mammon’s name on it!! unless you end up distracted-
And that’s how Mammon finds you a few hours later, he walked into the library already sayin’ how he’s sorry he late and how his shoot ran long, only to look over and see you bent over the table while Satan pounds you from behind.
Satan doesn’t even falter as he makes eye contact with Mammon, “You’re late.”
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britany1997 · 1 year
bestie it's the one who swept you off your feet. I'm holding you at gun point with a question.
I read your rules, buuut I dunno if this counts as too specific. can you write the boys (or paul since he's delicious, your pick) with a s/o who likes to take stuff that doesn't belong to them for shits and giggles?
I just thought it'd be hilarious and I love you, mwah 💪🏻❤
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Sticky Fingers
Of course I can write this for you!! I love you too bestie🫶🫶🫶 (you so right he is delicious🥵)
Paul x GN Reader
You slithered through the crowd of unwitting tourist lining the boardwalk. Plucking a 20 from an unsuspecting lady’s handbag, slipping a watch off of a disgruntled businessman, too busy yelling into his phone to notice you, unclasping an expensive looking necklace from someone’s neck and clipping it onto your own.
Every night the boardwalk was like your own personal pawn shop, except you never had to pay a dime. You chuckled to yourself as you slipped the 20 into your pocket and skipped off to Max’s video.
You were about to stroll in to lift some lollipops from the jar at the front, when the sight of a blond boy standing next to a motor bike caught your eye. What was the harm in snagging one more wallet?
You sauntered over inconspicuously and reached into the pocket of his pants, but came back empty handed.
He whirled around to face you, “woahhh sugar, that’s usually my move,” he joked.
Your face flushed bright red and your mouth open and shut wordlessly as you tried to think up any kind of excuse.
“I squeeze back you know,” he told you as he slid a hand around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You were flabbergasted. You should have just stolen the candy.
You grabbed his hand as it began to slide lower, “woah, wow, um…this is such a big misunderstanding,” you laughed awkwardly.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “so you weren’t just tryna cop a feel?” he seemed disappointed.
“No! No. Absolutely not,” you assured him.
“Can I still-”
He pouted.
“So what were you doing anyway,” he crossed his arms and looked at you expectantly.
In all the confusion, you hadn’t gotten a chance to really look at him, but now with his blue eyes boring into yours, his blond hair framing his face, and his full lips pressed together, you were struck by how handsome he was.
“I was…trying to steal your wallet?” you blurted out.
Damn. This guy was really catching you off guard.
“Oh!” he exclaimed, “I keep all my cash right here,” he slipped his shoe off and held it up to you. You peered in to see a bunch of crumpled, and slightly damp, dollar bills at the bottom.
“That’s disgusting,” you told him.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, “but you’re not gonna take ‘em are you?”
“Definitely not,” you said as your nose wrinkled in disgust.
He tapped his head with his finger, “not as dumb as I look huh?” he wiggled his eyebrows as he slipped his shoe back on.
“C’mon,” he said offering you his hand, “I’ll steal you an ice cream.”
You scoffed, taken aback, “after I just tried to rob you?”
He rolled his eyes, “the only thing you did was graze my ass,” he winked, “I’d still like to return the favor if you change your mind.”
You shook your head.
He chuckled, “I figured, I do still wanna get you ice cream though.”
“Why?” you asked dumbfounded.
“You’re fun and I like you,” he shrugged, “that seems like reason enough for me.”
“Name’s Paul by the way,” he said as he grasped your hand and pulled you along down the boardwalk.
The two of you stopped in front of an ice cream stand. Paul rested his head on your shoulder. “Can I have my rings back please?”
You blushed, fishing the rings out of your pockets and placing them in his hand.
He cleared his throat.
You gave him his bracelet too.
He slipped them back on like nothing had happened before fishing in his shoe for a fiver and handing it to the lady scooping icecream.
She grimaced before drying it off on her shirt and sticking it in the register.
“Thought you were gonna steal me some ice cream,” you raised an eyebrow.
He winked, “you’re worth the money,” he said handing you a cone.
You blushed, “thank you.”
He took your hand and led you to a bench.
As you sat down, he sat directly beside you, throwing an arm over the back of the bench as you were practically crushed into his side.
“Not enough bench for you,” you teased as you gestured to all the empty space.
He smiled, “I’m comfortable where I am,”
You laughed and licked your ice cream as Paul rambled on about his adventures on the boardwalk.
As he spoke you found yourself enjoying his company. He made you smile and laugh in a way no one else could, his carefree joy was contagious.
As the night continued, the crowd on the boardwalk dwindled till only the two of you were left.
Paul reached out to touch your cheek, “you have some ice cream on your lips,” he leaned in closer, “want me to get it for you?”
Your breath caught as you realized what he was asking, but you leaned in anyway, “yeah, go ahead”
He smiled and gently pressed his lips to yours. You felt your heart leap at how sweet he was as his mouth molded against yours.
Your hands tangled themselves in his blond locks as his tongue slid past your lips.
When you head began to feel fuzzy you pulled back for air.
“I may not let you take my jewelry,” Paul began, “but you can steal all the kisses you want sugar,” he winked.
“Was there ever really any ice cream on my lips,” you laughed.
He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m sure there was at one point…”
You smiled as you pressed your lips against his once more.
@vampirefilmlover @misslavenderlady @pixielostboy @flower-crowned-lady @6lostgirl6 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @its-freaking-bats @cherryfrostbites @dwaynesluscioushair @gothamslostboy @dwayxluvs @feardot-com @warrior-616 @riz-coolgirl @anna1306 @consuming-karma @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @bloodywickedvamp @solobagginses @lostboys1987girl
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anonymousbardd · 7 months
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✧.*┆Set Up
Jake Kim x FemReader
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┊: ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
"Jake! I want you to meet someone!" Sinu exclaimed with a smile on his face, the tall muscular man then turned to face Sinu, he raised a brow and crossed his arms, "Hmm? Who is it? Is it a new member?"
"Haha! Even better, meet my sister in law, (F/n)!" He exclaimed turning to the young girl behind him.
The '(H/l) - Hair Length' girl was fidgeting with her fingers and looking around, "I don't wanna be here..." She mumbled.
Jake looked at Sinu slightly frowning, "What is the meaning of this?" He asked, Sinu rolled his eyes and smiled, "Isn't it obvious? I found you a partner!"
Both Jake and (F/n) let out a "What?" In union, "I wasn't told of this!" (F/n) said, clearly panicked.
Jake sighed and shook his head, "You really shouldn't say such things without a warning," Jake said, he then turned to the young girl and bowed his head.
"Sorry miss... I also wasn't told about this, sorry for causing you trouble," he said, (F/n) looked away in embarrassment and nodded, "M-mn... Don't worry about it... It isn't your fault..." She muttered.
Jake lifted his head and took his phone, "I'm telling Yeonhui," he said.
Sinu's eyes widen and he extended his arms waving them around, "A-ah!! Don't! Come on, I'm giving you a chance!" He said.
"You took Yeonhui's sister to meet a man she's never known and expect the two of them to fall in love."
Sinu sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Why don't you just give it a try? One date, please~..," Sinu pleaded with puppy dog eyes, Jake looked at the young girl and groaned, "Fine!" He said.
Sinu's face shone brightly and pulled (F/n), "Here! Have fun you two!" He said and dragged the both of them out of the room.
Jake sighed and shook his head, "Sorry about this miss," he said ,(F/n) nodded avoiding eye contact, "M-mn... It's okay..." She muttered.
Jake raised a brow and slightly bent over to face the young woman, this startled (F/n) causing her to slightly cover her face.
"Relax, I'm just tryna get a good look at you," he said, he then stood straight and cleared his throat, "Do you want to go get some food?" He asked.
(F/n) nodded and the two of them began to walk the street of Big Deal.
It was a quiet and awkward walk, they eventually reached the place where Jake would often eat, a few of the women there were eyeing them, clearly invested.
"So... How did you get into this mess?" Jake asked, (F/n) sighed and looked at Jake, "W-well... All I was told was "We're going to meet a good friend", and now... I'm here."
Jake hummed and chuckled, "Well, something must've sparked something in Sinu to think that it's a good idea to set us up."
"M-mn... I guess it's also a bit of my fault..." (F/n) muttered, Jake slightly frowned and leaned forward, "Why do you say that?"
The young girl avoided Jake's gaze, her cheeks were slightly tinted with pink, "W-well... He was talking about Big Deal one time, a-and he showed me pictures."
Jake raised a brow and slightly tilted his head, invested in the young woman's story, "Sinu showed a picture of you and I commented that you were pretty attractive..."
Jake's eyes widened, he quietly chuckled and leaned back, "I'm flattered," he said, he then rubbed the back of his neck and hummed, "Still, it's pretty weird that he immediately thought about setting us a blind date."
(F/n) sighed and bit her lip, "I-I guess it's also a bit of my fault too..." She said, "I have been pretty whiny because Yeonhui and Sinu was being lovey dovey in front of me..."
She exhales and started to fidget with her fingers, "He may or may not have figured out that I too wanted to be in a sweer relationship like theirs..."
Jake let out a laugh and ahook his head, "So all it took for him to set you up with me is for you to call me attractive?" He said.
(F/n) blushed and kept her head down, Jake smiled and rested his head on his palm, "Don't be shy, it's alright," Jake said.
He then crossed his arms and smiled, "I would be lying if Sinu hasn't told me about you," just then, (F/n)'s eyes widened and she lifted her head to face Jake.
"Wh-what?" She asked, Jake sighed and looked out the window, "Sinu talked about you nonstop and kept on hinting the fact that you're single and stuff," he chucked.
He smiled and looked at the young woman's '(E/c) - Eye Colour' eyes, "He told me so much wonderful things that I kind of started crushing on you without even having met you."
(F/n) froze and her face was beat red, she couldn't say anything, her heart pounded in her chest, Jake laughed and smiled, "Let's get to know eachother, shall we?"
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buggybambi · 8 months
mae girl! i’ve been living for your carmy stuff. k know you’re just getting back but i’ve been thinking about this idea for a while and i believe the last writer i shared with had gotten deactivated. this might be two ideas instead of one so feel free to do whatever you desire. idk why but would you be down to write some fluff and angst with maybe like married!carmy? maybe something where nat and pete legit ambush carmy and his wife to start talking again? but it like a lighthearted fluffy kinda way at the same time ? utilizing the scene carmy yells at syd as a base- i hate to use that scene as an example but it’s one that comes to mind when writing this atm. anyway, like the reader doesn’t work at the bear but’ll come in on her days off and mornings before her shift to help them open. and carm is already on edge about something going on in the resto and he yells at his wife out of overwhelming frustration. evidently, he’s mad at himself for it after he does it he apologized but she’s all like “no.” and she’s literally giving him the silent treatment. ofc her and nat are besties and loves her sil, so i totally see nat roping pete into getting carmy to come over whilst the reader is already on her way since they haven’t spoken in a while. both nat and pete are literally doing whatever they can to keep these two in separate spaces of the house because neither carm or his wife have any clue they’re there. maybe like y/n is inside with nat and pete meets carmy outside on arrival? the reader is walking towards to the door to out and nat’s still stalling like “so are things with you and my brother?” and the reader scoffs and nat’s just like “still not talking to him huh?” and while the reader grabs the handle slowly opening the door open she’s all like “look, sugar- you know i love your brother, but carmy sometimes can be a piece of shit” and then all you hear is carmy being like “oh, i’m a piece of shit- even after i apologized to you?” and i can just see carmy and the reader being like wth is going on here. idk but nat and pete will sillily have to do the most to get these two the civilly sit down inside of their house to even have anything of a talk. and then nat team tagging with pete to get to the bottom of things and then she lets it slip that y/n had mentioned that they were trying to get pregnant and camry’s just like “wait. what? and carmy already up and ready to talk to her alone. this man would be so loving the first time all like “y/nn can i talk to you in the kitchen for a second?” and then she’s tryna explain and carm out here using her FULL name “in the kitchen now.” just hearing how he’d say it makes me squirm and squeak 😂😩. and she’s just speeding over because she knows he means it when he pulls out the first name. and think with that he’s all just hurt that she told his sister and he hadn’t really said anything- since it was their thing they they were still figuring out. seriously feel free to do whatever you desire. just sharing the same idea i’ll dream about in a few moments. tysm in advance 😭.
- 🥣.
i'm so sorry this took me so long to write, my love! this has nothing to do with you i just got a bit concerned and got lost so many times lmfao, im just dumb like that
naturally, carmen wants to try to keep his anger away from you. you’re his love, his angel, his everything. the idea that he blew up at you makes him wanna cry but you won’t talk to him, you refuse to in fact until you process what he said.
“why the fuck are you here?! i don’t need you messing shit up and crowding me!” he yelled at you. the memory fresh in your mind. it should be since it’s the only thing you’ve thought about for the past few days.
nat and pete, in their own ways, notice this and take charge. pete thinks you two can handle it but nat chimes in with the, “i know my brother. he can’t handle shit. If this is left up to him to resolve, nothing will happen. i love him but still.”
so they form their plan. pete invites carmy over to set up furniture, catch up, whatever and nat invites you over to talk about the baby and ask for your help with meal prepping. “so, have you and my brother talked about what happened at the restaraunt?” she asks.
you walk over to the couch, putting on your jacket and scarf. you let out a scoff as your answer. “taking that as a no.” nat answers. you put your hand on the doorknob, your back to the front lawn where carmen and pete, unknowing to you, stand.
"look, you know I love Carmen. and you know i want-" you sigh. "i want a family with him, Nat. i want a child, or children, with the guy. but your brother can be a real piece of shit sometimes." You open the door fully at that point, where carmen's now staring at you.
"i'm a piece of shit, after i apologized to you?" carmen asks. you stare at him before looking at pete, then at natalie whose got a guilty smile on her face. "okay. what the hell is this?" You question.
"oh! carmy, hi! i had no idea you were gonna be here. come on in, we'll all have some coffee and we can talk about what's happening." natalie says as she pulls you inside, motioning for carmen to come inside.
he reluctantly agrees, stepping inside as he sits at the dining room table. you stand in the kitchen, far enough away from them.
i think once nat reveals that you told her you want kids his reaction changes. maybe you two talked about it or maybe he doesnt know but either way, he wants to talk to you. that changes things in his mind. because you still want kids with him.
while you and carm work out your own issues, of course nat and pete take credit for it, even though you and carmy are both mad at her. also the idea of carmen using your full name as a way to call you stop oh my gosh
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icyharrington · 2 years
81. For Eddie and 82. For Steve
81- "is this okay?"
(im gonna do your other one separately :3 ily hehe) ok i kinda struggled with this one but i was able to write something! it kinda sucks idk but im just tryna get some practice lol. 
anywaysss contains: dirty talk, foreplay, insecure yet dom eddie?? 
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"Is this okay?"
Eddie's overthinking again, just like he always does; he asks you this as his hands move to cup and squeeze your breasts, lips ghosting your throat as the words pass his lips. It's probably the fifth time he's asked you this tonight, and you're unable to hold back an eye roll.
You're in the back of his van, laid out amidst scattered musical equipment and fast food wrappers, the front of your button-down undone to reveal the curves of your heaving chest. You've been playing this game with Eddie for a few weeks now, but he's still so damn insecure.
"Yes, Eddie, it's okay," you sigh, petting his head as he begins forming a hickey at the base of your neck. "You don't need to keep asking me."
"Okay. Sorry. I'm just, like, convinced that you're gonna look at me one day mid-fuck and realize that I'm repulsive," he mumbles, eagerly pulling down the cups of your lace bra, swirling over your peaked nipples with the tip of his tongue. He’s always like this when you have sex- a bona fide sex fiend who makes you cum so hard you forget your name, but also a shy, needy psuedo-virgin who desperately seeks your approval. 
“I’m starting to think you’re fishing for compliments,” you tease, moaning softly at the luxurious feeling of his hot mouth on your skin. “You’ve gotta know by now that I’m dick whipped.”
You feel his lips curl upwards against your chest, and he lifts his head to direct his massive eyes towards you. “I am pretty good at fucking, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You grab him loosely by his dark hair, guiding him up so you can kiss him, steamy and open-mouthed. He groans, and you can feel his erection pressing against you through the denim of his pants. 
He breaks apart from the embrace to pant, “so the only thing stopping you from being deterred by my freakish nature is the fact that I have a nice dick?”
“No, Eddie.” You can tell that he’s not being serious from the way he continues to feel his way around your body with little discretion, almost perverted in the way that he gropes and examines your figure. “It’s that mouth.”
He pauses to smirk, quirking a brow at you. “My mouth, huh?” 
“Mhm,” you nod, gripping the back of his neck as you gaze up with wide, sweet eyes. “Not so much when you’re talking, though.”
“Fuckin’ brat.” He shakes his head as his fingertips hook into the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down your thighs. “I guess that’s your way of telling me to shut up and eat your pussy, huh?” 
You shrug. “More or less.” 
“That is enough outta you, (y/n). Why don’t you just lie back and take your panties off for me then, hm?”
You bite your lip and oblige. 
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
Desperate (sex and zombies- chapter 14)
pairing- {Daryl x fem!reader}
summary- You find yourself needing a helping hand.
warning- 18+ content, immediate smut, no plot just absolute filth, humiliation, dirty talk, fingering, slight crybaby reader?
notes- If you are here for the overall plot, this scene would be placed back in the prison, before things actually pick up with Rick. During the week while they are ignoring each other because he lost it on her.
*For that sweet anon who wanted another Daryl chapter; I assumed you liked 'transient' because of his attitude and dirty talk, so I tried to keep that in. Let me know if this satisfied your needs <3
You laid there, shaking and whimpering like a little bitch. Overaware of your own sounds, covered in a light sheen of sweat, with the sheets kicked to the edge of the bed. Hand in your shorts, and fingers stuffed up your cunt as far as you could manage. It wasn't enough. You'd been at it for an hour at least. Breathing all heavy and fucking your own hand, trying to find some kind of relief in the heat of the non air conditioned prison. Sexually frustrated from... well everything really. Rick mostly. Him losing it on you. You were avoiding him like the plague, afraid to make him any more mad. Afraid that he'd hold a grudge, and that you'd never even have a shot with him. As silly as it sounded, it is what you'd wanted from the start, so you really didn't want to fuck up your chances now.
You picked up your pace, bucking your hips further onto the three digits you'd managed to fit in your sopping wet pussy. A pool of slick had already dampened the sheets below, proving just how desperate you were to finish. Fuck. Why can't you finish? It's not like you'd never touched yourself before. You knew your own body. Right?
You were just stressed. At least that's what you figured. Stressed from the farm, and being on the road, and then the prison. Everything that had happened since arriving. It was really dampening your mood. 
You let out a frustrated cry and bit your lip hard, trying to contain your emotions, still finger fucking yourself as fast as you were able to, but every time you thought you were close, it would just disappear. A salty tear slipped down the side of your face. Oh my god. How pathetic are you? You can't even make your own self c-
"Hey- Oh shit." 
You ripped your hand out of your shorts and immediately went for the sheets, pulling them up to cover your embarrassment.
"What the fuck Daryl, have you never heard of knocking?!"
"Sorry I didn't know you were- I thought you had a headache..." Daryl stood, rather awkwardly right at the entrance of your cell. The curtain swaying slightly from where he'd just interrupted your, not so peaceful, privacy.
"I did-" you took a deep breath. You actually did, a few hours ago. And then you woke up feeling much better and weirdly aroused from some dream you couldn't quite remember. So you thought, what better time then to rub one out while no-one would bother you. 
Your whole face was on fire, the humiliation of the situation setting in completely. "Just get out please." You covered your eyes with your hands and the sheet, attempting to shield your entire self from his gaze. No way were you coming now.
"Were you- uh, were you touchin' yourself?" His mouth was curled into a funny little smirk.
"Get. Out. " You said through your teeth, this time looking up at him, giving your absolute best death glare. 
He stepped closer, confusion forming on his brows.
"Were you crying? " He asked, taking a couple steps closer, making your whole body burn bright red. Ohmygod just leave already. 
"No." You quickly wiped away the wetness on you cheek.
"Well it looks like you were crying."
"I just- can you get the hell out please. Fuckin' seriously." 
"Hey," his face softened at your tone. "I'm not tryna be mean okay. I was just checking up on you. Thought I'd bring you some water." He waved the bottle in the air, the sound of the liquid splashing around inside the plastic.
You didn't answer, instead just trying to focus on your heart rate that wouldn't calm the hell down. 
"Why were you crying?" He asked, really sincere this time. 
"I can't-" you sighed again. Pulling your knees up and burying face as you admitted the reason. "I can't finish. It's- I don't know, it's like I'm broken or something."
"You're not broken," He sat on the edge of the bed, a hint of amusement in his voice. He was way too close for comfort, and the fact that your sleep shorts were soaked through with your own wetness didn't help. "You're propably just stressed. A lot's been happening."
You nodded into your knee, not caring to make eye contact with the man. You'd asked him to leave a million times already and he clearly wasn't listening.
"You want some help?" He offered, hand coming up to your calf, gently squeezing it. 
You scoffed an almost laugh. "Um no. I want you to leave."
"You uh... You sure?" His eyes travelled down to the wet spot on the bed, which you quickly moved to cover with your leg.
"Daryl I swear to fucking god-"
"Hey-" he moved forward, hands on your legs, pushing them apart and leaning in to you. "Relax. You've helped me out once or twice, c'mon. Let me. Last I checked, you can finish with me... Unless you've been fakin' it or somethin'..." 
"Ugh." You fell back in frustration, head hitting the cushiony pillow below. "You don't get it. I've been trying for an hour and it just like..." You tried to come up with how to describe it. "Like it's never enough, I get so close and then it just... it hurts." 
"So you gave yourself blue balls?"
What a freakin' boy. "Yeah, I guess if that's what you wanna call it." You rolled your eyes, propping yourself up on elbows, seeing him in between your legs. A patient look on his face. His bulging muscles extra apparent in his tight black long sleeve. Jesus Christ he was just making it worse.
"Try again." He suggested.
"I've been trying Daryl. It's not fuckin' working."
"Just," he grabbed your hand, and positioned at your core. "Let me see. Try again. Touch yourself."
The second the words left his mouth you felt a jolt in your pelvic muscles. His energy shifted from playful to possessive. 
"I don't really-"
"It's nothing I haven't seen before." He counter argued. True. Though it felt different. More... intimate. Being on display wasn't really your thing.
"C'mhere." He tugged at your legs, pulling you down the bed and settling himself on the other end, one leg crossed under himself as the other hung over the tiny mattress, foot planted on the ground. "Take your shorts off."
You still felt the pink on your cheeks but the thought of actually finishing did help tame some of the embarrassment. You shimmied out of the shorts, tossing them to the ground. 
"Shirt too."
"Daryl-" You warned. He was pushing boundaries for sure. 
"Take the shirt off." His eyes were dark and you couldn't help but stare at the very prominent outline pulling at the denim of his jeans. 
You swallowed hard and took the top off in one fluid motion, nipples immediately forming little peaks on your supple breasts. He licked his lips, hands twitching, ready to touch you, but holding back. Situating himself even further into the mattress. 
"Well go on, show me what you were doin' before I walked in here."
You shook your head at him. 
"Do it. Or I won't touch you at all. Is that what you want? Do you want me to leave you here all hot and bothered? Or do you wanna come?"
"I wanna come." You whispered. So quiet it was a shock he even heard.
"Then go on. Show me." 
You closed your eyes and let your head fall back. Trying to escape into the marshmallowy mattress. And despite your reluctance, your fingers trailed down your stomach and reached your clit. Rubbing it a few times and falling on a circular pattern. Breath steadily moving your chest up and down, as you went to grab at your nipple with your other hand. Pinching it a little, trying to emulate what Daryl often liked to do to you.
"That's sure hot n' all, but it definitely ain't what you were doin' when I walked in."
You let out an unintentional sound at the thought of him watching. The thought of him being turned on by you touching yourself. You moved your hand even lower, middle finger dragging through your wetness and back up, spreading it onto your clit. Then dipping down again and inserting one digit. You swore you could hear Daryls breath hitch. You continued pumping in and out and soon added another finger.
"Look so pretty like this, all wet and needy." He said, his own hand finally making its way to your leg. Pushing you open so he could see you even better. "How's it feel?"
"Uh- It- It's ok," You grunted out, curling your fingers towards yourself, trying to focus on the end goal and not the way he was staring right into you.
"Relax your shoulders." He demanded, shifting around on the bed. "And breath." You did as he said, not realizing how tense you were. You stayed there with your eyes closed and your mind started drifting to thoughts about his own fingers instead. 
"I don't think it's working Daryl." You huffed as you slipped your fingers out, rubbing them both on your clit from side to side.
"It's workin' for me." He quipped. A hand now on your thigh, squeezing down on the muscle of your quad. 
Another tear escaped your eye with a shaky breath. What the actual fuck was wrong with you. 
"Aw baby, don't cry." He leaned over you, an adorable smirk plastered on his face, as he wiped the frustrated tear from your face. "Why don't you keep rubbing and I'll try and help you out, okay? I ain't gonna leave you here like this alright?" 
You nodded pathetically up at him. His dark hair falling into his eyes as he dipped down and placed a sweet kiss on your belly.
"Don't you fuckin' tease me Dixon I swear-" 
"-to fucking god, yeah, I know." He kissed downwards once more, closer to where your hands had come to a stop, right above your clit. "I didn't tell you to stop, did I?"
You whimpered. Absolutely aching for his beautiful eight inches to be filling up your cunt, destroying your cervix and making you cream all over him and those jeans he always kept half way on.
You kept rubbing fast circles onto your puffy nub. His own hand moved to your slit, startling you a little, at first. But as soon as he had three fingers, knuckle deep and fucking right into your sweet spot, you could barely form a cohesive thought. Just Him. His pretty blue eyes, his biceps flexing as he worked you into a writhing mess. His deep southern voice whispering a plethora of dirty little comments. One in particular, telling you to shut the fuck up before Rick walked in and caught you being a desperate little slut. It was working. Whatever he was doing was clearly working, because you could feel the extremely overdue orgasm starting to build. The familiar feeling of a knot forming in your stomach. Ready to unravel. 
"How are you so good at that?" You asked him through laboured breaths, involuntarily fucking yourself onto his hand. Not that he minded. His eyes were glossed over and locked in on what he was trying, and very much succeeding at doing. 
"You gonna come for me baby?" He ignored your question.
"Yeah I'm - Yes. yes." You would. At that pace you definitely would. He moved your hand out of the way and dipped down, pressing a hot open mouthed kiss to your clit. He huffed out a laugh against you at your reaction. Tightening around his fingers and letting out the most pathetic sob he'd heard all day. The vibration of his laugh sending you into orbit. He sucked on your clit as he curled his fingers, physically pulling the orgasm right out of you. Your head shot up off the mattress and your hands went right to his hair, keeping him held down, "Don't stop, Don't stop-" You moaned, feeling your core shake as you finally climaxed. The orgasm itself lasting a record breaking amount of time, until the tongue on your pussy was just too much and he pulled his fingers out, glistening white with your cum. 
"Think you made a little mess sunshine." He said, licking clean each of his fingers. The sight making your stomach do a backflip. You could feel the rest of your cum on the sheets below, all wet and gooey. You could already go again. Actually you needed to. Even though you had finally finished, you wanted him. To feel every thick inch of him fucking you into another mind blowing orgasm.
"You got one more in there for me?" He asked, as if reading your mind. Leaning himself back up and starting at his belt.
"Yes daddy." You clamped both hands onto your mouth. Why the fuck would you say that? His eyes got all big as he grinned at your response. 
He chuckled, "Y'know I won't make fun of you for that today, with you cryin' and all, but I hope you know I won’t forget that." 
You groaned. Knowing it would come back to bite you in the ass. "Please can we just-"
"I got it." He pushed you back down, settling between your legs. His cock seeming a lot more intimidating than you previously remembered. Standing proud in his hand as he jerked himself a few times, aligning himself between your legs. He pushed himself in, throwing his head back as he grunted. The pressure making you both moan.
"So fuckin' wet for me aren't you?"
"Yes, all for you Daryl, so fuckin' wet..." you trailed off, eyes rolling back into your skull. He fucked you hard and slow, drawing it out nice and long. He was so used to quickies in a car or in the basement of an abandoned house, that he'd forgotten what it felt like to actually fuck someone. To really experience it. And was he ever experiencing it. His pupils completely blown, watching you squirm on his cock. His shirt pushed half up his abdomen, hands gripping your thighs and positioning them wherever he wanted. As soon as he had them up and over his shoulders, that tight, burning sensation hit the sides of your nose, forcing a few more tears out of your pretty doe eyes. Out of pure pleasure this time instead of pain.
Eventually he moved both your legs to the side, contorting you into a twisted mess of sobs. Grabbing your face and forcing you to watch his pelvis slam against your asscheeks over and over. That's it. With the grip on your jaw, and his cock buried deep, you let out a raspy moan, tugging on the comforter until your knuckles were white, signalling you reaching your climax. You didn't even have to let him know. You let the feeling wash through your core as he fucked you through it. He pulled out quickly and shot thick white ropes onto your skin and the sheets below. Too far gone to care that you'd need a shower, even though you'd already taken one that morning.
"Fuck." You whispered, as he collapsed down next to you, pulling his boxers back up.
"Yeah..." He was out of breath, Just laying next to you, hand moving to tickle a pattern onto your knee. You grabbed the sheets, pulling them up and wiping off.
"Hand me that sweater, will you?"
He grabbed the oversized sweater off the ground, handing it to you, you slipped it over your head and climbed halfway over him, reaching into your bag and grabbing some clean boy shorts, slipping them on as well. Then collapsing right back next to Daryl. To rest your shaky legs.
"I told you, you aren't broken." He tickled your thigh, biting back a laugh as you smacked his shoulder. 
"God you're such an asshole." You chuckled along with him. 
"What's that baby? You think daddy's actin' like an asshole?'
Your smile dropped and you could almost feel the tears forming again. "You promised..."  He'd already forced a few too many emotions out of you for the day. You just didn't have it in you to take the jokes at your expense anymore.
"I'm sorry!" He put his hands up in surrender. "Seriously!" He smiled sweetly at you. You let him take your hand, pulling you up off the bed. "C'mon, let's go get you washed up. They're probably making' supper right now."
The entire time you ate, he kept grazing the bare skin of your thighs, toying with the hem of your sweater and glancing at you through his peripheral. It was a miracle that no one asked why you were blushing so hard.
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keeps-ache · 30 days
ooo that's minty babyyy
#just me hi#almost wrote 'babuuu' up there loll#anywho i got gum yesterday cuz i'm tryna stop chewing on my. everything hkfsh#lips + cheeks + finger skin. i don't like cuts v-v#i got miiiiiiiiint because they didn't have waaaaaaatermelon hbfsh :)#it's not so burny but i do still wish i had watermelon... ou....#//i wanna do something rn but i don't. know. wghat#pi.e is always welcome but i wanna work on bl.s but i'm also having my siblings play through a story that i have Stuck in my brain so hkfsh#i didn't think i'd get so Brained abt this one. and because i had them play it before i had an actual plot ready(just had basic world stuff#i can't think of this going any other way hbfshv - lotta fun interesting and weird things have happened that simply cannot be reproduced#/hang on my oven food must be turned lol#okey :3#/like the spy they ran into - idk if i've ever talked abt it lol but m gonna do so now hbfsjv#so they - my brothers whose names are fry and leo in this story. fry is an 8 yo tabby-cat sparrow and leo is the cat-dog-rat thing Shock :)#- anywho they're with the character Teddy and the three of them were going to head to the Crow Fortress to. fight them i guess lol ?? there#wasn't a like. real plan jfhsjv#so they're on their way out from the shore village-turned-fortress called Shimmery Shore and they run into a cloaked figure like a couple#miles off going towards Shimmery Shore (where fry's mother runs the fortress as general) and they start debating each other#fry goes 'wait what if this is a spy??' leo 'i dunno. we're going somewhere. so.' 'but if it's a spy??' 'well what are you going to do abou#it???' so fry asks the stranger 'are you.. a Spy [eyebrow raise]?' the stranger obviously says 'no!! what are you talking about???'#'that's exactly what a spy would say!' 'i'm sure a spy would also be saying the same thing! YOU'RE spies aren't you? this is all greatly#suspicious !!'#and the argument quickly came to the stranger pulling a sword and saying 'i'm going to pass now and you're not going to stop me' and the#group p much just put up their hands and went 'okay yeah sure man' and let them pass lol#the Squad argued abt it for like a couple minutes and then forgot about it shortly#anyway Shimmery Shore later fell to the Crows and it was due to some sort of slow collapse of their internal structures. and when they hear#that the two of them slowly looked at each other. and then started laughing kjhfsjgjhsv#anyway yea i do a lot of thinkin for this one on the fly. lotta stuff going on hbghfs#i'm bad at remembering finer details but at least i can keep my world here together lol :3#//ouh i've run out of tags.. okay m gonna eat my food n then do something hfh :) tooooodles !!
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cannibal-walleye · 3 months
@a-plethora-of-peters’ So Much for Stardust au has had me in a chokehold the past few days, so... ART! Fic link below (READ IT I say) as well as me talking about things
Ft. aliens Zed, Tango, and Impulse (still tweaking Imp design) and a very traumatized human Skizz
Warnings! Blood, scars, but also hugs n comfort :')
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Fic Link:
So Much For Stardust - Chapter 1 - Cringe_Is_Dead (A_Plethora_Of_Peters) - Hermitcraft SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Quick summary for context, it follows human Skizz after he was abducted from earth by the "Defectors" and essentially tortured and treated like an animal before being rescued by space cops. Team ZIT is a group of scientists whose job is to determine how intelligent alien species are, and they're tasked with figuring it out for Skizz in order to know what crime the Defectors will be convicted of (were they poaching & murdering animals or people?). But they don't speak English, so good luck with that. And Skizz has trauma. :]
Now excuse me while I wax eloquent on random things about the art and the fic itself:
I don't think it's difficult to tell, but my favs are Impulse and Skizz lol. I don't usually like drawing them all so differently from their minecraft skins (especially Tango, in this case), but decided to just go all out making them look a lil alien and I think I went too far for Imp. Might redo, give him more skin instead of scales. Also, his clothes r just grey bc I couldn't figure out what colors to give that wouldn't clash horribly lmao.
Also in case you couldn't tell, I ADORE the hurt/comfort this fic has, the concept is so fascinating and just PERFECT for this kinda thing, the angst is delectable. It's the kind of fic where the longer you consider the scenario that Skizz is in, the more tragic and heartbreaking it gets, for everyone involved. I tried drawing a couple other hug/comfort scenes but scrapped them bc I didn't like how they turned out, might retry later.
As for the fic itself, I'm very excited to see where it goes, hanging on the edge of my seat. I only learned about it like 5 days ago and I think I've read it 3 times (AND ITS OVER 100k WORDS???), not to mention how I reread my favorite scenes over and over (chapter 10 ESPECIALLY, I tried to draw like 7 times but it was all hot garbage lol). I'm slightly worried but also itching to get to the climax they mentioned in the last update. I have a couple theories/ things I kinda want to happen.
First, they've mentioned a few times that ZIT doesn't have the data on what the Defectors actually did to Skizz, even though they should have had it from the start. This hints at 2 VERY juicy things, one, that they're being sabotaged. It seems the Defectors are trying to prevent ZIT from determining Skizz's sapience, and in the absolute worst-case scenario, I can see this going so far as them trying to hurt/kidnap/kill Skizz while he's under their protection, which would be just... evil >:))) and traumatizing. and scary. it would just be so juicy if they got separated after all this bonding and healing and growing love they got for each other. Idk if that's where it's going but we'll see. Second, they're already so devastated every day (especially Zed) by Skizz's obvious trauma and scars, breakdowns, triggers, etc, and they don't even know what happened. But if/when they do get their hands on that information, well... I imagine it'd absolutely break all three of them, to the point where they wouldn't even know what to do with Skizz, they'd feel incredibly guilty, angry, heartbroken, everything over him-- not to mention them becoming overwhelmingly protective over Skizz, wanting to just get retribution on the defectors, maybe break some bones, spill some blood, ya know. (PROTECTIVE IMPULSE PLEASEEEE). Meanwhile Skizz is just tryna eat gapples without hurling and narrowly avoiding panic attacks every time he sees Tango.
I could talk for hours about this, but I think that's enough for now lol. I shall continue to spin them around in my head for the next month, and you should too, I highly recommend.
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merakiui · 1 year
HOW DO U THINK THE TWST BOYS TYPE 😭😭 I know riddle uses punctuation to the max but honestly I'm tryna figure out if azul would as well. and I feel like ace, floyd, and kalim would use a bunch of emojis (ace and floyd use them ironically, kalim uses them unironically LMAOO) but im not sure about the others... maybe leona would be the type to just give curt replies and power off his phone. idia would leave u on read intentionally, and malleus would do it unintentionally. IMAGINE MALLEUS SENDING RANDOM PICTURES BY ACCUDENT WHILE TRYING TO TYPE A REAPONSE EHSJCJJS honestly I feel like epel might be a bit of a spam texter ngl... BUT WHAT DO U THINK. I AM HANDS-AND-KNEES-ON-THE-FLOOR DESPERATE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IMPORTANT MATTER
OOOOOO do I have many thoughts to share!!!! >:D
Riddle types stiffly and grammatically correct because he believes one's texting style reflects their maturity level. So you can expect full sentences with punctuation. He most likely didn't have emojis downloaded onto his messenger (it's Cater who shows them to him), and after he gets them he might use an emoji or two to get a point across. He often ends written threats (most often beheadings) with the smiling emojis, but he doesn't overuse emojis.
Trey is friendly and polite when he texts. I get the impression he doesn't text very often and instead prefers phone calls, but when he does text his tone is always warm even through the screen. Very sweet. He also uses emojis, but he doesn't use them nearly as often. He might overuse the dessert emojis because he likes those the most.
Cater is always typing (and even talking) in texting slang and abbreviations. He uses emojis and hashtags. I wouldn't be surprised if he uses pretty fonts for his Magicam captions. He strikes me as the type to send multiple messages if it's to someone he's close with. His tone is always friendly and casual.
Deuce texts stiffly with upperclassman or anyone he has a lot of respect for, but with friends (especially Ace) he's very, very casual. Probably bickers over text with Ace. Might curse once or twice in text and instigate fights if he's particularly riled up.
Ace is another casual texter. The type to send multiple messages just to annoy you if he knows you're busy. He's always texting you for homework answers. The group chat ghosts him when he begs for homework and essay answers lol. I like to think he might gossip through text every now and then, if only to keep things interesting in the group chat.
Leona either leaves you on read or has very terse responses. His texting style is so boring and dry. T_T most of the time he's sleeping. He probably has 500+ unread messages because he can't be bothered to check. If it's something important, just say it to his face or call him.
Ruggie texts fairly casually. He isn't as stiff as Riddle and he won't leave you on read (most of the time). He's busy a lot, so he doesn't text often and it takes a while for him to read his messages. He usually texts you if he wants something. <3 he uses emojis, but it's usually if he's being sarcastic or he needs to respond quickly and can only offer a thumbs-up emoji.
Jack is also another texter with curt, stiff replies. He texts like how he speaks, so there isn't much difference. He rarely uses emojis and he doesn't use any abbreviations or slang.
Azul texts politely and grammatically correct with everyone because he believes one's texting style represents the type of person they are. He wants to show everyone he is a refined gentleman. With Jade and Floyd, his texting style is far more casual because they're close friends. He might use an emoji or two if it's fitting, but outside of that he's polite and respectful.
Jade texts much like how he speaks as well. He's considerably casual with Floyd and Azul for the same reason mentioned above, but even then he's still polite. He might use emojis when texting with Floyd and Azul. Jade has a tendency to write some of the most disturbing things and finish it with a :) no cute smile emoji. It's literally the haunting :) and some might say he overuses it... ;;;
Floyd texts casually and immaturely with everyone. He uses emojis, abbreviations, all-caps. He sends multiple messages at a time and spams your phone whenever he's in the mood. He likes to send a lot of gifs and images, too. He's shameless with it. Sometimes he'll even send links or images of erotic toys in the group chat he has with Jade and Azul and ask what they think. Sends a photo of the most monstrous dildo he's found online and asks: "Ya think this would fit in Shrimpy?" and without fail Jade always replies, "No harm in trying. :)" Azul will beat the life out of them; they're always discussing the ways in which they can break his angelfish! >:(
Kalim texts very casually. Also a spam texter. He uses all-caps when he's excited. He overuses emojis. Also the type to send lots of images in group chats or even one-on-one chats.
Jamil texts politely with everyone because it's important to look and sound respectful, even through a screen. Even if some of his peers get on his nerves and he'd rather verbally destroy them through text. He tends to send curt messages that usually get his points across. He sees no need to continue conversations he'd rather not have, so he often texts only what's necessary.
Vil texts much like how he speaks. There is always an elegance to his words, but that's because every inch of him is beautiful and elegant. Naturally this would extend to his texting style. He never uses too much or too little of something, so he will use emojis when it's fitting. He doesn't use abbreviations often, but every now and then you might get a rare lol from him.
Rook texts very passionately. He may send multiple messages at a time because too much is never enough for him. Definitely uses all sorts of French words when texting, so it's quite reminiscent of how he speaks in his daily life. I don't think he would use abbreviations or slangs, but he does use the flower and sparkle emojis to further express himself.
Epel texts casually with his friends. He'll use slang with them. With upperclassmen, he knows to text a little more politely, especially if said upperclassmen are Rook and Vil.
Idia texts in all lowercase, uses gamer slang and abbreviations, and shortens words like "your" to "ur." His replies can range from either super curt to leaving you on read to sending blocks of text because he's rambling about something he's passionate about.
Ortho texts like how he speaks: very kind and friendly and energetic! Although it is funny to imagine he texts only in binary code lol.
Malleus uses speech-to-text after Lilia introduced it to him, claiming it was much quicker than typing out the letters, so now he uses that to conveniently message. But he has yet to grasp that text-to-speech makes note of everything he's saying, so sometimes you'll get messages like: Capital C child of capital M man comma would you accompany me on a walk tonight? question mark smiling face emoticon. He means well in his texts, though. He's trying his best. (it's cute to imagine the little ding of a notification startles him at first.)
Lilia texts in a weird mixture of casual and polite. Sometimes he's using punctuation and other times he's not. Sometimes he's using slang and emojis and other times he's not. Sometimes he'll send silly gifs. One time Silver texted him that the dorm was out of toilet paper and Lilia responded with: L :p
Sebek texts in all-caps. I wholeheartedly believe he forgets to turn off all-caps, so even if he texts something as simple as a greeting it seems like he's screaming through text. He doesn't use emojis or abbreviations and slang, but it is funny to picture him sending GREETINGS HUMAN‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ with so many red exclamation point emojis.
Silver can't text very long messages otherwise he might fall asleep halfway through typing or while waiting for a response, so he usually texts what needs to be said. He's still very polite and sweet through text, always so princely.
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
Hope you’re well and that I’m not bothering you, is it okay if I request a sort of headcanony thing about Zhao where his S/O is Majima’s (adoptive?) daughter? Like if Majima was kinda overprotective, how’d he react when he finds out? Idk if this is weird or not thank you <3
SKSKSK this is so funny to me??? I've never done anything like this before so hopefully it's up to snuff n all that. Headcanons below. Last one for today, big sick rn.
First of all, Zhao just didn't know. Had he known, he would've been like "Listen, I'm pretty sure I got into a fistfight with your dad". In his defense, she wouldn't be surprised hearing that. Majima kind of gets into fights with LOTS of people.
Zhao isn't exactly scared of Majima but once he finds out his girlfriend's dad is Majima, he's like "...Okay, what now?" I mean, of course he knows he'll meet the guy eventually but what the heck are they going to say to each other?
On the flip side, Majima always knew his daughter would at some point grow up and probably eventually find a partner and even get married one day. He doesn't have a fatherly instinct in the same way that Kiryu does with Haruka but he does have that same protectiveness.
Majima would never demand that his daughter do or not do something, but he's seen her get heartbroken a couple of times before and it was only at the behest of his daughter that those guys weren't walking around missing an eye themselves right now. Of course, his daughter hasn't told Zhao about that yet...
In the end, they decide to invite Majima over for dinner at Zhao's place. They figured since Zhao's such a great cook and Majima is easily pliable with food, it's the best scenario. Plus, it's a private setting so they don't have to worry about being in public with Majima because... well, he's HIM.
Majima jokingly complains the whole way there, saying things like "Whaddya mean this guy's gonna cook dinner? If he's tryna impress me, it ain't gonna work!" Secretly, he's thinking it must be pretty serious if he's about to meet his daughter's boyfriend at the guy's house. And he's going to cook food too? He must be serious about his daughter then too...
Zhao doesn't come out to greet them as he's busy holding a giant ass wok in the kitchen. From the smell, Majima seems temporarily pleased but he's a little snippy about the fact Zhao didn't even come out to say hi. His daughter also goes to the kitchen to help Zhao plate the food. Meanwhile, Majima sits down grumbling to himself about manners and how the dinner better be damn good.
Once Zhao finally steps out of the kitchen and the two make eye contact, Majima literally just lets out a loud "ACK" and recognizes him immediately. Zhao just kind of waves hello casually. Majima just kind of sits there shocked for a little bit while his daughter fills up a plate for him and Zhao pours them all some tea.
Majima finally snaps out of it and starts making all kinds of noise about how come no one told him when his daughter said she was dating a guy named Zhao that it just so happened to be the same Zhao that he got into a fight with before the Omi dissolved. His daughter hands him his plate and in his noisy panic, he quickly snatches the plate out of her hands and haphazardly shovels some food into his mouth, still talking and yammering away.
He instantly realizes it was a mistake to doubt Zhao's cooking because the food immediately makes him shut up. His frenzy is placated with each bite and eventually he just kind of looks at Zhao and nods. In hindsight, despite having gotten into a fight with Zhao at one point, the guy always seemed pretty chill. Plus, he did help with dissolving the Omi... also, his clothes are kind of cool?
All in all, the night ends up going pretty well. Majima enjoys the food but to his surprise, and kind of to his daughter's surprise too, he enjoys the conversations with Zhao more. Seeing how genuinely happy his daughter was all the proof he needed though: this guy might be the real deal. Provided he doesn't get into a fist fight with him ever again.
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