#I'm surprised I got this one finished in time--he is surprisingly hard to find fitting music for but I rather like what I've found. XD
theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
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won’t let anything go wrong - a playlist for skimbleshanks (for @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door)
01. when the booth goes bright - chris jared | 02. from western woods to beaversdam - harry gregson-williams | 03. faithfully – boyce avenue | 04. think of the time I save -eddie foy jr. | 05. locomotives - martin phipps | 06. 2/14 - the band camino | 07. a fhleasgaich oig is ceanalta (the young and gentle lad) - màiri macleod | 08. song on the sand - gene barry | 09. another hundred people - george blagden | 10. the mad hatter’s tea-party - joby talbot | 11. inchworm - danny kaye | 12. see the world – gomez | 13. copshawholme fair - steeleye span | 14. chances are - johnny mathis | 15. in my life - amir darzi | 16. don’t stop believin’ - postmodern jukebox | 17. train song - vashti bunyan | 18. mandatory evac / counting cars - the oh hellos | 19. lavender’s blue (dilly dilly) - burl ives | 20. don’t ask me why - laura marling | 21. father and daughter - paul simon | 22. begin the beguine - melora hardin | 23. étude op. 76 no. 2 arr. for cello and guitar - jean sibelius | 24. children will listen - melissa errico | 25. lucy's fling/s'iomadh rud a chunnaic mi/some say the devil Is dead - kevin burke and mícheál o'domhnaill [listen]
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afandommultiverse · 3 years
Enemies - Zora Ideale
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word count - 2.5k
request - Z3ll0us
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warnings - uhh none really, language probably, just some fluff
a/n - ya'll, my bad, I'm not dead just not creative, I somehow came up with this in the matter of like 5 months, and it's still shit I'm sorry guys, but I hope you all enjoy! Btw I'm going to be trying my best to come back!💕
It seemed no matter where he went, no matter what job it was if they were there, there was no chance for him. How many bounties had he lost? How many relics had they stolen right from under him for contracts? Zora was sick of it and made it a rule to himself that he would drop everything and turn the other way when he saw them, but what was even the point? Because no matter where he went, they were always there.
Even now, a member of the Black Bulls, he was having a hard time holding back from releasing magic spells. He wanted them gone, at least that is what he thought. Why else would he get this burning feeling looking at them to speak to Magna like they have been friends for years? But, of course, Zora could never tell them. However, he wanted them to talk to him like that, not like he was just some scum on the bottom of their shoes, but it is not like all he has done has exactly helped his relationship with them, which brought him to his current predicament.
"With who?" Zora could not believe his luck. Of course, he was going to be with them. What else would the fates do but trick and play with him? His suffering must be amusing. Yami puffed on his cigarette as he handed Zora a pack of mission information.
"You are with Y/n. Now go find them and get on; I forgot about that one under some stacks of papers, due dates in 3 days." Yami kicked Zora out of his office and left him there to stare at the door as he thought about how fucked the next four days would be for him.
It was a cave expedition. Some wild animals had been going in there and coming out with big mana. It was beginning to make it dangerous for the surrounding villages who hunted wild game to put dinner on the table. But, thank the gods, Yami had cleaned off his desk; if not, who knows what kind of trouble the guild would have been in the next few days.
Walking to their room, Zora had heavy feet, which seemed only to get more weighted and weighted as he got closer to their door. Then he heard their laugh vibrating through the walls and ringing out to the hall where he could listen, halting his step and his heartbeat. Zora swallowed a knot before bringing his hand up to the door and knocking heavily. He heard their steps before the door opened, and they stared at him, sitting into their hip and glaring.
"What?" They seethed, narrowing their eyes as if looking for a trick. He sighed and handed them the folder, not even bothering to mess with them right now; they will prove him wrong later anyways.
"Be ready in thirty minutes." And then he walked away.
Y/n P.O.V
I watched Zora skulk away, a different air around him, almost defeated. I frowned before closing the door and turning back to the guest.
"Who was that?" A friend of mine from hell, a tiny demoness who specialized in brews and potions. Aliza was her name, and she was a stout little thing with filled-out curves and gorgeous maroon skin that glowed. Her nails were sharp and black, seeming to glitter in the light as she lifted her cup, which was much more prominent in her little red hands. Red swirly horns curled around her ears before pointing up in effortless black points that seemed to drip back down her horns like minor oil spills. Most enticing were her pink eyes, slit-like a cat and equally as sharp.
"Zora, a team member." I settled back down in my seat in front of her and sipped my tea. Her tail swished around her curiously as she stared at me pointedly. Since she was so short, she had to stand on the table to see eye to eye; she looked adorable under the flowers in the vase sitting at the center of the table.
"Just a team member?" Her pink eyes seemed to glint in knowing, knowing what? I did not know. I eyed her suspiciously as I finished up my meal.
"Yeah. Just a team member who, by the way, gets on my nerves sometimes and is a huge asshole." I took the final sip from my tea and gathered the dishes before throwing them through a portal to hell. Aliza looked unimpressed as she watched me close the said portal. "What?"
"You cannot keep expecting Helltower to keep doing your dishes." I grinned, dusting off my hands and moving to change.
"Of course I can! He loves me! Plus, I always repay him with little trinkets from the middle world." I mused, throwing on my guild cape and walking out of the room, Aliza following me. Her heels clicked on the stone hall as she followed me, surprisingly keeping up for being so small.
"Where are you going?" She continued to drink her tea, which she had reheated with a small flame in her hand.
"Some mission, talk shit later, okay?" She laughed before slipping through a small red vortex in front of her effortlessly, and I continued to meet Zora.
It has been silent ever since we started walking, stale moods rising from both of us. Yami had mentioned that the mission would be within walking distance. What he had failed to mention was that he thought thirty-five miles was within walking distance, which brought us here, stumbling on the only trail that would lead us to the village in need. Wind around us blew softly, whistling through the trees and making the leaves above our heads shutter and shake. Orange and yellow leaves were falling overhead to frame our little journey. Now and then, deer or a rabbit would hop across a few feet ahead of us, some even stopping to stare at us with their beady eyes before walking off.
As silent as it was between us, the forest made up plenty of sounds, birds chirping tiny tunes to each other from the high treetops. We had even heard the roars of hogs fighting by a pond over a mate. We stopped to watch them for a second but continued a little after. Eventually, Zora let out an irritated sigh and walked over to a tall, thick tree, probably hundreds of old- and kicked it so hard, the roots ripped out from the ground, well, mostly. Before any dirt or rocks could hit us, Zora quickly set up a magic circle and reflected it all. I watched in astonishment and confusion. What the hell was he doing? Then, as dozens of birds flew away from the scene, scared of such commotion, he spoke.
"Cut this for me, dear?" I scoffed at the nickname, trying to ignore the sweet pound of my heart that followed after his raspy voice wrapped around that word in an unreasonable amount of attractiveness. Then I thought of a particular pair of pink cat eyes glinting at me. So I shuffled forward, opting instead of asking questions to pull an ax out of a small portal. "I always forget your weapons are double the size of Cap'n Yami." He muttered off to the side, watching as I walked up to the top of the tree and measured up the ax to swing. As I swung down on the trunk, cutting it just as it began to branch out, I heard a low whistle, and secondly, his footsteps walking along the tree trunk back to me.
"Clean shot, doll." He grinned down at me, then looked back at the severed trunks. "We'll take the long one for the rest of the ride, whaddya say?" He asked, reaching down to pull me up. What the hell is going on? As I gripped his hand, I was almost in a trance, confused and running through millions of thoughts. Setting my body on auto-pilot as I tried to figure out why the hell he was so lovely. Which, in the end, was a bad idea, or maybe a good one.
My foot slipped, and just when I thought I was going to eat shit, a specific pair of hands gripped me, pulling me up fast. We fell back, landing against the wood hard; well, Zora did at least.
"Fuck." He groaned, rubbing his head before looking up at me, his mischievous eyes and smile gone, there laid concern. "Are you okay?" He moved me off of him gently, surprisingly not making any inappropriate comments on our position.
"You saved me," I spoke, still flabbergasted with what happened and the events leading up to it.
"Yeah, it didn't look like it was gonna be a soft fall, sweetheart." He stood up, convinced that I was all right, and gave me a hand again, this time watching me intensely as if I would misstep again. After I was up, he walked away, going to the head of the tree to fill it with mana. Slowly, the trunk began to rise, higher and higher, until we were above the surrounding trees. Green leaves blocking the view of the forest floor we once stood on, and a soft sunset began in front of us. The trunk began to move forward, slowly speeding up before staying steady. The wind whipped my hair around, along with a few of my things, making me hold on to them tightly after tying up what I could of my hair. I walked up to Zora again, coming to sit beside him. The trunk was thick enough for us to sit side by side, but it was a tight fit nonetheless. So as I settled beside him, he moved slightly for me, but our legs stayed glued to each other.
"If you could just do this the entire time, why didn't you just leave me back there?" I laughed it off, so used to him being a pain in the ass, and it is not like it would not be the first time he screwed me over in some way. Our relationship was not one of the niceties or cordial words. So often, you would find us fighting or screaming to see the other because of something they did, which eventually leads to a fight. Zora did not look at me for a bit, but when he did, I wished he had never turned his head. His eyes were sullen, sad, and overthinking, foggy with millions of thoughts that looked to be running through his head. The evident frown that towed down his face bothered me, so used to the shit-eating grin he pranked me or others, or when after putting someone in their place.
"I guess I can be really mean sometimes, huh?" I did not know his voice could be so soft. Honestly, I was surprised I heard him at all, but I did and could not stop thinking about it. I did not feel it necessary to talk after that, instead finally shutting my trap and moving on to watch the sunset. Colors blurred and blended across the sky, framing the mountains and trees rising to kiss the sky. It was quite the sight with bright pinks, oranges, and even some purple painted across the blue sky. When we reached the village, the sun was long gone, replaced by the moon, just as bright and beautiful with specks of stars across the sky. At some point, I remember getting bored and searching for the different zodiacs and patterns defined by the stars. As soon as I had found my sign, the tree trunk began to descend.
The trees we once flew over surrounded us and shut us off from the sky once again as we settled on the forest floor. The tiny little path we had been following earlier continued beside us, looking as it had when we left it hours ago. Up ahead, I could see the village glowing lively. Its name is written proudly on a wooden sign almost overcome at the bottom in ivy. However, before we got there, I opened my big mouth again.
"I don't blame you for being so mean; I mean, I would be mean too if my guild partner beat me at everything." That is not how it was supposed to come out, I mean, I was genuinely trying to be nice, but I did not filter the words that left my mouth before. Zora's head turned to me, eyes gaunt and eerie, his brilliant smile no longer on display.
"You wanna run that by me again, Doll?" The venom that surrounded the once cheery nickname made my stomach drop. I felt backed against a corner with miles surrounding me to run off. Quickly I tried to explain what I meant.
"Wait, Zora, that's not what I meant- not how I-"
"No, I think I got it doll, you just think you're that much better than me, huh? So what, you got to some quests before me, stolen relics under my nose, and joined my guild, passing me up in less than four months. I don't care, Honey, 'cause ain't nobody better than me- 'cause ain't no one like me! I don't care how much mana you have, how many spells you cast, how skilled you are, or how fucking perfect you are! None of that is gonna change no matter how gorgeous you are!" Zora's eyes widen, and he clenched his mouth shut, turning away with a growl and turning to walk off toward the village ahead of us.
"You think I'm perfect?" I called out, watching him stop and turn back to look at me. Zora's face was blank as he spoke.
"Are you telling me that out of ALL that, that is the only thing that stuck?" He scoffed, and his eyes narrowed slightly, sharp jaws sent in a deep frown. I walked up to him and stopped a step ahead of him. I held out my hand slowly, making sure I held eye contact with him.
"Truce?" Zora looked at my hand, astonished, which slowly melted away and revealed mixed relief and annoyance. Then, finally, he moved to grip my hand and shake it firmly.
"Truce. Whoa-" I yanked Zora forward, pulling him close, catching his surprised blue eyes before closing my own and going in for a kiss. Fortunately, Zora fell into it almost too easily, slipping his arms around me tight and returning the kiss with a bottled fever. However, after a few seconds, he pushed back, letting me go.
"W-What was that for?" I stared at him, lips still buzzing slightly from the contact.
"I don't know; it felt like the right thing to do. I think you're perfect, handsome too."
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lumeha · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 23.
I had to wait until I was back home to answer this, but Anon....... please enjoy all these FE3H answers ! :D
1 - Favourite house ?
The Church
The Blue Lions ! Both from first house bias and them being, all around, the house I find the most coherent story-wise (helped by have 5 of them directly tied before they came to the academy), and general some of my faves
I'm biased but honestly, having my favourite house leader, the og ship I shipped and consider to be one of my favourite despite some Opinions TM on how it's done most of the time ('s fraldarddyd. I'm still low key a sucker for them.), Gilbert being part of their storyline (look I Love Him), and... well, yes. Them being the first house I picked. Thanks to Dimitri's eyepatch. Well. They win my heart.
4 - Favourite Golden Deer
Lorenz. Which. Still can't believe I went through the "I hate him" phase before hitting his support with Leonie and realise that, actually, he's a fantastic character. I love this guy. He's so good. Him and his roses. His glow up. His poetry. His medkit. Love that dude
5 - Favourite Black Eagle
Linhardt. Sleepy head............. I love this sleepy scholar. While I didn't S-Support him in my first playthrough (coughIdidGilbertfirstcough), he has a lot of fun supports, a design I really like, and some pretty fun monastery dialogue.
6 - Favourite Blue Lion
I'll have to give it to Felix, that little bastard man has got me good. Dimitri is just very, very hot on his heels, but Felix is the one that surprised me. I genuinely didn't expect to love him as much as I do when I first played. While I love assholes with bad social skills, I didn't quite expect it from Felix at first ? I expected a more ? traditional swordsman from FE ? ... But no. I think he'd fit in with the asshole snipers, which are often some of my faves.
7 - Favourite Ashen Wolf
Constance ! Gods, I love her. She's so fun. She also has a very neat design, I quite love the purple under hair colour ? it's so good ? and while I don't think she fits the arcana of her crest... I truly do appreciate that she is the Hierophant character. It's excellent. Not really a good pick to represent it, but fun nonetheless
8 - Favourite house leader
Already answered, but it's Dimitri
9 - Favourite faculty member
... well.. it is her... Dragon Archbishop....... Rhea. My beloved. I could write paragraphs on why I love her, despite hating her at first. She's a fantastic character.
(After her it's Gilbert, and after Gilbert it's Catherine, just to give an idea. I have a Faerghus bias even when I don't especially try to have one lmao T-T)
15 - Favourite support conversation
HHHH. That's a hard one. But I'll have to elect the whole Gilbert - Dimitri support line. It is an excellent exploration of both characters issues, it reveals a lot about both of their (pretty abysmal) mental state and health, and while it doesn't conclude neatly, and I didn't expect it to, it still explores everything it needs to from start to finish. Excellent work.
But shout out to Catherine and Ashe support line, because it's *also* a fantastic one
16 - What class would you be if you went to Garreg Mach ?
Fun fact, I once ran a twitter poll with this question. People surprisingly answered Holy Knight (... the answers were like. Holy Knight, Dark Bishop, Bishop, and I forgot the last class)
But I personally think I'd be a Bishop. Comfy clothes. And, lmao, more seriously, the faith oriented class, and healing / support oriented class fits me well.
17 - Character you relate to ?
Felix regarding some of his communication / anger / lashing out issues, his relationship with his father ; and a bit Gilbert, regarding his godawful coping mechanisms and the guilt spirals. Like, those were written in a way I just... kinda looked at the screen like "oh, okay, I know that" ahah t-t
I always felt like I should relate to Linhardt, but... hm. I think, in his way, he's too harsh / blunt, so while a lot of his actions are, well, a mood, I don't really end up relating to him. I always found that a little surprising, but, hey.
23 - Favourite class ?
Toss up between sniper (excellent design AND excellent class use, but mostly it's because of the design, I'm weak, it's such a good design !!) and gremory (again, excellent design, and I just enjoy the way the class plays as a sorta sage like class)
I also have a soft spot for holy knight lmao no matter how bad it is, I just think it's a neat class :((
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
still [sawamura daichi]
1,6k words
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part eight of i’m gone i’m gone i’m gone miniseries. you can only put these things off for so long.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, a little bit of angst, kinda suggestive at the end ?? // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
the summer passes like this: you and daichi laughing too loudly in busy restaurants and train cars; having arms around each other in the back of taxis on the way home from clubs; making instant udon at three a.m.; walking up and down the neighborhood a hundred times; laying silently side by side and not needing to say anything. it's a routine, it's familiar—it's home.
a couple weeks before you're set to head back to new york, daichi asks you a question as you lay next to him on a blanket in your driveway, staring up at the stars.
"have you decided what your plans are after college?"
"i'm gonna come back here."
"i thought you wanted to go to grad school? you can do way better in the states, especially with a degree from columbia."
you roll onto your side so you can look at him better. "i know. but i've been away too long already. i miss you."
he gives you a little smile. "but i'm right here."
"right here is pretty fucking far from america."
that's the end of the conversation.
— 2 AUGUST 2024. 23:09 JST.
everything happens the exact same way it has for the past three years: he takes you to the airport. you try hard not to cry; you say your goodbyes. check-in, security, buy some candy to eat at the gate. board the plane. sixteen hours later, you're in america.
one thing was different, though.
when he said goodbye, his lips touched yours.
you don't stop thinking about it for weeks.
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slightly relieving is the fact that amid thesis writing and too many classes and working an internship under one of your professors (that one's nice, it even earns you enough to get a small apartment a few blocks from campus), there proves to be little time to be spent missing daichi.
you finesse your schedule to fit weekly facetimes on friday evenings (new york time) and shoot random texts back and forth about your day between classes and during meals, and without much space for anything else, it's enough. good things are worth waiting for, anyway.
— DECEMBER 2024.
but then winter sem break rolls around and there's no school so it's back to having too much lonely alone time with your thoughts. you write daichi a christmas card and drop it off at the post office. it's early this year, but oh, well.
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a week before christmas you receive a call from an unknown number. the phone speaker crackles when you accept the call.
“hey.” the voice on the other end is bright, smiley, accented. it’s tōru.
“tōru? what’s up?”
“i’m outside,” he says, “come down and meet me?”
you’re a little confused, but you decide to humor him. “uh, okay, give me a minute… do i need anything?”
“bring a coat, it’s cold out. i’ll be waiting down here.” the call ends.
a few minutes later you push through the doors of the building to be met with a brisk wind and tōru standing by a payphone, grinning.
“do you have your subway pass?”
you feel inside your pocket for it and nod.
“good,” he says. “come on, we’re in a hurry.”
“where are we going?”
he laughs. “‘s not anything you won’t like, promise.”
you follow him into the nearest subway entrance, lost in thought as you push through the barrier and step onto the train. it's only when he nudges you and says, "this is our stop," that you realize you've been looking at the ground the whole time.
tōru notices how absent you seem to be and asks, "are you okay?"
"i would be if i knew what was going on," you respond.
"yeah," he says, leading you up the stairs and into the terminal, "yeah, i think you will be."
you're in grand central. tōru asks if he can borrow your phone for a second. when he hands it back to you, he doesn't say anything, just takes you by the arm smiling widely and leads you into the fray of commuters that fill the station.
"tōru!" you groan, "can't you just tell me where we're going?"
"magnolia," he replies simply.
"we came all the way here just for coffee?"
"tōru!" he stops walking and turns back to you, trying and failing miserably to stop grinning for a second. "what the fuck?"
"come on," he says, "you'll like it."
"we've been here before! what's so special about—"
"you'll see."
coffee in grand central is surprisingly good. it's also surprisingly expensive. ah, well, it's new york. new york has much more to offer than just overpriced cafés.
such as... this. such as a laughing man that leads a remarkably pissed-off looking girl by the arm, towards this stupidly good, stupidly overpriced café.
the pair are weaving through a stream of people, almost there, and then they're there, and the girl is looking much less agitated now. she looks somewhere between crying and wanting to run in the opposite direction. thank god, she chooses the former.
he loves you. so much.
"daichi?" you mean it to be a scream but your voice cracks a little and it comes out airy.
he has the exact same look on his face that tōru's had this whole time. "hi."
"oh my god, what the fuck?"
"you said it was lonely, tōru told me maybe it would be nice for you to have a date for new year's, i had some extra money saved up. so i came."
"you— what?" you look back at tōru. "you planned this? just? last minute?"
"nah," daichi laughs, "no, i meant to come visit you for christmas a while ago. i already had tickets and everything, i was gonna tell you but then i got your card and figured it might be more fun if it were a surprise."
"oh my god." that's all you can think to say.
you can't even explain how good it feels to wake up and walk into the living room to find daichi asleep on your couch on christmas morning, how good it feels for it to not just be you. the whole time he's been here, though, you've forced yourself not to think about the fact that he's going back home in a week and a half, forced yourself not to do anything just yet. soon, though. just a few more months.
when he wakes up, you're making coffee for the two of you.
"merry christmas," he says, wrapping one arm around your shoulders. he places a card on the counter in front of you. "open it."
its message is simple.
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you do as it says.
"i, uh, haven't gotten you anything yet, but—"
"daichi," you laugh, "it's okay. and um, i may have also not been able to get you anything. also because i didn't know you'd be here."
"wait, wait, i'm not finished."
"what do you want to do after you're done this year of school?"
"i already told you," you say, "i'll move back home."
"no, what do you want to do? you want to go to grad school, right? continue studying here?"
"no, i just want to stop waiting." you sigh, a little frustrated. "i don't wanna have to keep putting this off, it's been—"
he cuts you off. "i'll be here."
"i'll be here. or wherever."
"i don't get it?"
you've always loved the way daichi's nose scrunches up when he smiles. "you're the one planning on studying more, not me. not immediately, anyway. i'll go with you."
"you're fucking joking."
he laughs; you look so confused right now. "i'm not. promise."
"i don't even—"
"think you can handle long-distance for five months?"
"uh—" you inhale sharply. "yeah."
"good," he says, "then we don't have to keep putting this off."
it's been five months since you last let your lips touch his. it still feels just like the first time it happened.
— 31 DECEMBER, 2023. 19:36 EST.
he tries not to let you pay for dinner, but in the end, you slip the waiter your card while daichi's in the bathroom. it's his birthday; it's your treat.
and after dinner, there's that new year's eve party that tōru's been going on about. it feels good, so good, not to be there alone. it feels good to watch the broadcast from downtown and count the seconds to midnight as daichi's arms are wrapped around you from behind. the clock reaches zero; daichi kisses you hard. you're both drunk on champagne.
you watch him smile across the room at tōru, who's got his girl on his arm. the two of them look happy, too. everything is warm.
— DEPARTURE: 3 JANUARY 2025. 08:15 EST.
daichi's asleep next to you when the alarm on his phone goes off. you'll miss not waking up next to him for the next five months, but at least that's all it will be.
he makes faces at you in the mirror as you both brush your teeth; keeps trying to tug your sweater off when you get dressed. you spend these thirty minutes laughing with him until it hurts. the two of you take the subway back to grand central; make out in a corner of the terminal while he waits for his train to jfk international to arrive.
"see you in may."
— 21 JANUARY 2025.
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taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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12timetraveler · 4 years
Hi! I understand you have a bunch of WIP but I'm going to add to the pile 😅 I was wondering if you could write Hosea/Chubby!F!Reader? SFW or NSFW I don't really mind. I was thinking it could be like Insecure reader goes to Hosea for advice but then BAM feelings~ Thank you for considering this! Love your work!!
Here you go! And Just in time for another Hosea Fucks Friday! 
Chapter 41 of Campfire Stories
In The Cards
After an incident at the Blackwater Saloon, Hosea and Reader have a heart-to-heart.
Below is a quick teaser. Read the full story on ao3
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“Alright, Ladies,” Hosea said, “Blackwater’s just up ahead here. Work your magic.” you peered around Karen from where you were, sat on the back of her horse. The town of Blackwater appeared in the distance, glowing yellow in the late afternoon sun. Arthur and Hosea were taking you and some of the other ladies into town for an evening in the saloon, where you would all find leads, play some unsuspecting men, do what you all did best. Tilly rode with Arthur on his horse, and Mary Beth had borrowed one of the other camp horses.
You were relatively new to the gang, having been found by Hosea just outside of Tall Trees a little over a month ago, beaten within an inch of your life for trying to steal pelts from a group of poachers. The gang had nursed you back to health, and given you two options: Arthur could drop you off at the nearest town, and you never speak of the gang again. Or you could stay, run with the gang. You’d chosen the latter, not exactly having anywhere else to go. 
This was your first time out with the other girls. You knew the other girls would be using their charm to distract the patrons while weaseling information or cash from them. You weren’t sure your charms would quite have the right affect. You weren’t very good at flirting, and while you could pick a pocket easily enough, you couldn’t get people to drop their guard very well. But you knew exactly how you were going to earn your keep. 
You were a poker goddess. This week alone you’d won $5 from Lenny, $15 from Strauss, and $25 from Arthur, who was too stubborn to admit defeat. That was playing against people who knew you were good. You couldn’t wait to relieve some unsuspecting saloon patrons of their hard-earned cash. 
There was a hitching post around the back of the Saloon. Arthur and Hosea were already hitching up their horses, with Mary Beth and Karen following right behind. As Karen pulled Old Belle up to the hitching post, Hosea was at your side, holding out his hands to help you down. You smiled and accepted his assistance, his hands resting on your hips as he helped you safely to the ground.
Despite the age gap, you’d found yourself growing sweet on the old gunslinger. He was always so kind, so long as you earned his respect. You’d seen him scream at the Callendar boys more than once, and he even tossed Bill out of camp the other day when he stepped too far out of line. But he’d always been incredibly kind to you, from the moment he found you, discarded on the bank of the Lower Montana River. 
You didn’t remember much of what happened. You’d snuck into a camp of poachers to steal some of their pelts, and had been caught. You’d fought against your captors, fought so hard that your clothes tore where the men held onto you. But you were outnumbered 10 to 1, and with one hard blow to the head, you lost consciousness. 
The next thing you’d known, you woke up on the bank of the river in little more than your undergarments, clothes torn to rags. A kindly looking man stared down at you, gently tapping your cheek to try to bring you around. 
“That’s it, dear girl. You’re still with us.” He’d said pleasantly. “Can you move?” You’d carefully wiggled your fingers, wiggled your toes. You were bruised to hell, and everything hurt, but nothing seemed to be broken. “Come on.” He said, carefully scooping you up, surprisingly strong for a man his age. “I’ve got a camp near here. You can recoup there until you’re strong enough to go home.” you’d blacked out again before he even had you settled on his horse. 
“You ready?” Karen asked, drawing you out of your reminiscing. You grinned and nodded. 
“Of course. A night in the big city. Drinking, gambling, what more could a girl want?” You grinned. She laughed, and your little group began walking around the corner to the saloon entrance. 
“Now don’t you girls get into any trouble now,” Hosea said. “We’re here for a respectable evening.” He was being vague in his warning. Don’t take any risks that could get you hurt, or cause trouble for the gang. 
“Of course not, uncle,” Mary Beth said cheerfully, calling him Uncle as part of your cover. 
“What trouble could us sweet ladies get into?” Tilly joked, her face the picture of innocence. 
“Yeah, what indeed?” Arthur scoffed. Karen flashed him a grin as Arthur opened the door, holding it for the rest of you to pile in. The place was lively, the crowd having just gathered for a drink after work. It’s not so full that it’s uncomfortable, but busy enough that you and your friends won't stand out. Arthur and Hosea wandered up to the bar while the girls dispersed. They wouldn’t need to buy their own drinks; those would be bought for them. 
You followed Hosea and Arthur to the bar and ordered a beer, sliding the bartender a handful of coins. He passed you a beer, then turned down the bar to serve the other patrons. You looked over at the poker table. It was full, a game already in session. 
“How do you plan to spend your evening?” Hosea asked, giving you a smile. 
“I’m going to try my hand at a game of poker.” You said, nodding toward the table. Arthur scoffed. 
“Won’t know what hit ‘em,” He chuckled bitterly. 
“Oh don’t be such a sore loser, Mr. Morgan,” You teased. Arthur shook his head, unable to hide his amused smile. 
“You aren’t going to flirt your way into men’s pockets?’ Hosea asked, sounding surprised. You looked down at the bottle between your hands. 
“That ain’t really my area of expertise,” you said vaguely. Truth was, you’d never tried to charm anything off of a man. You didn’t think it would work. The other girls were so skinny, and pretty. Even Karen, who was bigger than the others, was still thinner than you were. You were certain no one would be tempted by you like they were the others. It was a bit of a sore spot for you.
You’d always been built bigger than others. No matter how tight your mother laced your corsets, how little you’d eaten, every miracle tonic that would magically bring your weight down, you never fit into what was considered pretty. Your mother and the other ladies of high society made sure you knew it too. Made sure you knew no man would ever want you with your body so round. You shook yourself from your self-deprecating thoughts. 
“I wouldn’t know where to start, doing what Karen and the others are doing.” you laughed. “The poker table is where I shine. Just gotta wait for a seat to open up.” you said, glancing over at the poker table once more. It looked like the current hand was just about to finish up. The players began setting down their hands, some looking frustrated, some looking pleased.
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The Parent Trap AU
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This absolutely WONDERFUL art is done by @sanderssidestrash27 Thank for making this I love it so much!!!!!
Summary: Almost twelve years later, separated at birth twins Roman and Remus both end up at the same Camp Sanders. What chaos will ensue those short eight weeks? And where will it lead the twins when their time together ends?
     "And, once again, we have a winner! Presenting Mr. Napa California, Remus Parker!" The crowd of boys watching the tournament let out an uproar of applause and shouting as Gavin held Remus's hand up above his head in victory. Remus grinned, whooping along with all of the boys and swooping his arm in a righteous bow. "Now, do we have any other competitors?" Gavin asked. 
     Remus walked over to the group of onlookers to them all high fives, grinning and laughing at their words of praise. Even he couldn't deny it (not that he ever would), he *was* pretty good at fencing. Great, even. 
     "Oh come on now, boys!" Gavin said as he surveyed the nearby campers. "Someone here has got to be able to beat this champion, let's give it a go!" 
     "I'll try!" Roman declared as we walked up to the scene. He had a soccer ball tucked under his arm and had two other boys trailing behind him. They all looked like they just walked off of the soccer field, still sweaty and hot of breath. 
     "Alright, epic, let's go!" Gavin scribbled down *Roman James* next to *Remus Parker* on his clipboard. Above that sat rows upon rows of *Remus Parker*s next to previous opponents, all of their names crossed out and a star besides his every time. 
     Roman walked over to the pile of equipment while Remus talked with his friends. 
     "You're gonna win this one again, man," one of them said. 
     "Yeah, you're gonna whoop his ass, dude!" Another boy exclaimed. Everyone gasped at the foul language before laughing. "Besides, look at him. He's whooped from his soccer game, he wouldn't be able to win even if he tried." Remus grinned before turning to look at his new challenger, who was already suited up. 
     "Good luck, Re!" Camden said as Remus grabbed his sabre. 
     "Thanks, Cammy. But, I don't need luck." He tossed his blade into the air, catching it in and landing in a fighting stance. He pointed the protected tip of the weapon only an inch from Camden's chest. Who immediately flinched back. Remus smirked, proud of the reaction he was given. "I'm Remus Parker. AKA the best fencer in the whole country, AKA the one who's about to beat this poor boy's ass." The boys burst into laughter and playful applause as Remus made yet another ceremonious bow. Janus *did* always tell Remus to be confident in himself and his abilities, though he always made a point to assure Remus that he got his confidence from his other father, whomever that may be. Janus usually left that part out. Well, whoever it was, Remus had to thank them one day. Without them, he wouldn't be able to wack other people with long swords. The thought made him giggle quietly to himself. 
     "Alright boys, are we ready?" Gavin asked. Remus turned back around sliding his protective mask over his face. 
     "Yup," he stated, getting into position.
     "You know it," Roman said. Remus didn't know who this boy was, but he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud at his clear British accent. What British dude would want to come to a camp like this when he could be enjoying a cup of tea with the Queen or something? Remus almost laughed out loud.
     "En garde." Gavin said, crouching down to get a better view. The two boys touched their blades together, tense and ready for battle. Most of the campers held their breaths, a few of them letting out words of praise for the player they were rooting for. Things like *let's go Roman* and *you got this Roman* rang out amongst the crowd. Anticipation hung in the air like a rope, swinging back and forth between the opposing teams. The noise dropped as silence filled the air for a few frightful seconds before Gavin declared the magic word:
     With that one, little word, Remus smirked under his gear. His attitude reeked of confidence as he swung his sabre back and forth towards Roman. Roman arched his back, avoiding every blow with surprising ease. Shocked, Remus almost lost his footwork, barely avoided the tip of Roman's blade. He regained his thoughts and ran by Roman to the nearest tree. He jumped with as much grace as he could muster, kicking his foot off the tree and propelling himself in Roman's direction. Roman, however, was able to jump back and duck, moving out of the way and missing all four of Remus's attacks. Roman, catching on to Remus's style quickly, decided that it was his turn to strike. So he jumped forward and launched his sabre at Remus. Remus was able to block Roman, causing them to run backwards into the grass. Remus, having to run backwards, lost his footing and rolled onto the ground on his back. The air was knocked out of him and he clutched the dark grass with his free hand, gasping for air. A chunk of the dewy plant was ripped from the Earth as his hand flew up to his chest. When he was finally able to regain his composure, he lifted the hand up to his eyes to block out the obnoxious rays of sun and view his determined opponent. He saw Roman lurking above him. He looked like he was trying to be dramatic, waiting until the very last second to strike. *What an idiot* Remus thought, rolling his eyes. *Two can play at that game.* Remus played there, pretending to be beat. The crowd of boys had quickly caught up with the two and were now shouting at each opponent. Some called for Remus to get up, while others cheered Roman on to finish his work. Roman, being the over-the-top and confident that he was, flexed his muscles in show. Remus almost chortled at his dumb this boy was, but instead kept up his act. Finally, done with his dramatics, Roman brought his blade up above his arms, lowering it to stab directly in the middle of his chest. That's when Remus rolled away, jumping to his feet and letting out a battle cry as he ran sword-first at Roman. The 6drown let out an uproar of yells while Roman shrieked out of pure terror. He ran away from Remus and up the stairs of the outdoor dining hall with Remus following only steps behind. Remus was able to run ahead of the other and hopped onto the seat if the bench. The boys continued to fence and he shimmied down the bench and Roman along the wooden deck. Until, that is, Remus got to the end of the bench and also the end of the deck, which if course, with Remus's luck, lacked a railing. And as he turned back around to find a route of escape, Roman decided to make his final strike. Where was his dramatics when Remus needed them? As the tip of his blade collided with Remus's chest above his rapidly beating heart, the force caused Remus to stumble and tip backwards, before eventually falling off of the deck…
     And into a trough of water. 
     Oh. *There* were his dramatics. Great timing. 
     As Remus hit the water back-first, the now large crowd of onlookers all gasped and fell still. Droplets of water splashed through the air and hit the warm grass, a few campers getting wet in the process. Still, they sat there, tense and unmoving. Finally, Remus was the first to move as he slowly turned his head towards Roman. He lifted his arms, watching as water pooled off of him and back into the trough. Turning back to Roman with his arms still extended, he growled. 
     "Really?" He snarled, his strained voice muffled by his mask but clearly seeping with rage. Roman had one of his hands up to his mask to cover his mouth in shock. He shook his head in an attempt to regain his thoughts before quickly dropping his sabre. 
     "Oh my God, I'm so so sorry! Here, let me help," he said as he extended his hand towards Remus. Remus peered up at Roman, smirking. He went to match onto to Roman's hand, but before Roman could even think of pulling him onto the dock, Remus yanked his arm as hard as he could. 
With a small, high-pitched shriek, Roman went falling butt-first into the container of water. Even as Remus was hit with the spray of water and even more soaked, he couldn't help but burst into a loud fit of laughter. As he continued to laugh hysterically, Roman looked down at himself. He let out a choked, offended scoff before shoving Remus back into the water, causing him to both stop his laughter and get even more wet. When he resurfaced, he saw Roman laughing just as he had been before and huffed, clocking Roman in the face. What could he say, his dad always did teach him to stand up for himself. And if that meant punching some random dude in the face (or even shoving someone down the steps, something that apparently his father found funny but told him to stop doing after the fourth time. Sorry, Billy, but that was MY Thomas the Train.) then so be it. 
     When Roman came down from the initial shock of being punched, he turned to Remus and decked him the same way he had, right square in the face. Now *that's* when things got bad. 
     The two boys went full out brawl mode, rolling around in the water, kicking, cursing, punching, and everything in between. Both boys found the other to be surprisingly around the same strength as himself, along with very similar fighting techniques. Punches right to the face and bites on the arm seemed to be both of their go-to's, apparently. Finally, after fighting for what felt like ages, they both felt Paris of strong arms wrap around their middles in an attempt to untangle them. They continued to go at each other's throats until the second they were dropped a feet apart in the grass, soaked and furious. 
     "Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick.
"Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick. 
     "Boys!" Leo said, snapping his fingers. "Up here!" Both of the boys shook their heads and left their thoughts behind to linger on their own in favor of listening to the counselor. "Now I want you two to apologize to each other. And take off your protective gear, it must be soaking wet by now." 
     The two boys huffed and turned to face each other. In unison, the two reached up for their masks, dipping their heads downwards and sliding them off. As their arms fell to their sides, they lifted their heads, and immediately locked eyes. They both gasped at what they were met with. 
     Light brown eyes met the same pair of light brown eyes in return. They scanned each other's face, taking in their similarities. Scattered freckles splayed like the night stars, fluffy light brown hair, only partially wet as the summer sun quickly worked to dry it. Unfortunately, they both had obvious scratches and bruises along their faces, most noticeably on their cheeks and noses. It was as if both boys had the same thought process as the other. So, not only did they *look* alike, but they *thought* alike. Strange. 
     "Well, boys?" Leo asked after a few silent seconds. The boys looked over to him, confused. 
     "Sorry?" They asked in unison, the man's speech only seconds ago now long forgotten. 
     Leo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll take it. Now please, get to your respective cabins and clean up before dinner in the mess. If you require any assistance, the medic cabin is that way. Now go, shoo. And please, no more trouble." Flapping his hands,bhe ushered the boys along. They stared at each other, not breaking eye contact as they walked towards their cabins. Once they hit a fork in the road between their two cabins, Gavin ran up to them. 
"Wow, it's like you two are twins or something! That's so weird!" He said before running off. 
     The boys looked back at each other, sparing one last glance before they glared and stomped off. 
     This was war. 
Taglist: @sanderssidestrash27 @dew-drop-of-honey @ab-artist @iinyxtello @safesandersides @yep-another-fander @savetheupholstery
I hope you guys liked it!!!!!
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
   Fair warning, this is a lot lol
Miles finished putting on mascara and walked over to his closet.
   The only person that ever stayed over was Franzy, and he wasn't too worried about her looking through his wardrobe. The silver-haired man moved to the back of his closet and found a skirt. The light red was the same shade as the suit he wore in court. Miles zipped up the back of the skirt and adjusted it at the waist. He moved over and put on a white blouse and threw his jacket over it. Next came the hair extensions, which were, of course, the same as his hair so that it seemed more natural.
   Surprisingly, the prosecutor was almost an expert at walking in heels, but he dressed up a lot, so it became easier after a while. The media was on his back all the time; Newspapers, journalists, even Ms. Hart. "Am I that much of an anomaly?" He thought when she had approached him.
   Miles didn't like all the attention of being "The Demon Prosecutor." He cringed at the thought of it and swore he'd find a way to have it revoked.
  The man walked out of his room, down the hall. He walked into the foyer and rubbed Pess behind the ears. The dog wagged her tail and barked. Edgeworth walked out the door, locking it behind him.
   "The car might attract too much attention." He said to himself. Miles walked. He walked for a while, turning down roads and sidewalks. Finally he made it to the park.
   Maya was on the prowl. She was scouting some very pretty ladies to go out for a burger with.
   "That Franziska lady didn't respond!" She wailed when Nick asked what she was doing.
   "Welcome to my world, Maya." He sighed.
   Maya laughed and said "Yeah, but at least Edgeworth makes up excuses." The young spirit medium grabbed Phoenix by the wrist and pulled him over to a food truck. "Nick I'm hungry. Can you get me a burger and I pay you back later?" She said, smiling coyly.
   "I'm 90% sure that you don't even make money." Phoenix grumbled.
   "Rude." Maya said, sticking out her tongue.
   Maya turned around, fully prepared to chain herself to the food truck to get the lawyer's attention. It wasn't her fault that she was hungry. She sat down on a bench, pouting.
   The spiked lawyer rolled his eyes and turned to order a two burgers. As Phoenix had his back to the park, Maya was still a woman on a mission. She scanned the park, up and down, when a familiar almost pink caught her eye. Maya stood up, squinting at the figure a couple yards away.
  "Nick! Nick I'm going. I saw someone pretty, don't wait for me!" She called over her shoulder before breaking into a sprint to the lady. "Hi! I'm Maya, I- hold on let me catch my breath." The figure in front of her stopped abruptly. The woman turned, her bangs falling into her eyes. The lady, despite wearing heels made chasing her quite difficult.
   "Almost lost her!" Miles thought as he ran. He stopped for a moment, hobbling out of the shoes and ran even faster. People were staring. The mascera was starting to run and his lipstick got smudged when Miles wiped his face. He rounded a corner and hid behind a wall. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the bricks.
   "You know, that's not a very good hiding place. Are we playing tag? Don't worry, I won't tell Nick." The girl said, suddenly appearing in front of him. "Oh boy. I have some wipes if you need them."
   "That won't be necessary, thank you though. I- um, I don't know who this Nick person is, or why you approached me, what's happening?"
   "How do you change your voice like that, Mr. Edgewo-" Maya was cut off by Miles, putting his hand over her mouth.
   He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Come with me, I'll buy you lunch and we can discuss this." Edgeworth's voice had returned to it's normal rich baritone.
   "Well, I can't turn down a free meal." Maya said, after removing the hand from her face.
   Miles walked off down the road, only stopping to put the heels back on and make sure Maya was following.  She was. Miles walked into a small diner. The waiter showed them to a booth in the back. "If you would wait right here, Ms. Fey, I'll be right back." Miles walked to the restroom. "Dear God, how did this happen?" He grumbled. After having fixed his makeup, The prosecutor came back out and sat down.
   "Order anything you'd like, Ms. Fey." Edgeworth said. "Now, I know you'd probably like an explanation."
   The waiter interrupted, setting two menus on the table. "Ah thank you." He walked off, smiling.
   "Now, back to the matter at hand." Miles said, turning to the girl across the table. "I want to say immediately that this," he looked down at the skirt "isn't a hobby or something of the likes."
   "Well, I'll say this, your makeup is wonderful and the skirt fits you very well. I won't judge. But why did you dress up?" She said, tilting her head.
   "The- I'll be straightforward with you, everyone is constantly chasing after me. Everyone wants to know if I forged evidence, if rumors about me are true, it's tiring. So, I dress like a woman to throw them off my trail. Only you and Ms. Von Karma know about this. Skirts are quite comfortable though."
   "Oh my god, I know right? I've been trying get Nick to wear one for forever. You know how he is, though. He's so bullheaded."
   Miles opened his mouth to speak, but was once again interrupted by the waiter. "Are you ready to order?"
   "I'll have the burger, extra ketchup, with a side of wings and some tea." Maya said eagerly.
   "I'll just have a water." Edgeworth said. "Ms. Fey, if you wouldn't mention this to Wright, I'd greatly appreciate it."
   "Nick? Oh I'd never. You can count on my lips being sealed." Maya laughed.
   The prosecutor in disguise sighed in relief. "So, what were you and Wright doing in the park?"
   "Well, Ms. Von Karma turned me down to go eat, so I was looking for another girl to ask out. Nick was just along for the ride." Maya giggled before adding "I was going to see if you were free, you look very pretty, but it was mostly the color that caught my eye. It looked familiar, so I went to catch up with you and.... Well here we are!"
   "Well that's certainly and interesting tale. I'll have to scold Franziska for not spending the day with you." He chuckled.
   Once Maya had finished eating, she stood up. "Thank you for the food, I should probably get back. Nick must be worried sick, I left in such a hurry. I guess I'll see you in court some time."
   "At least let me accompany you back to the park." He insisted.
   "Alright, come on!" Maya said, already walking out the door.
   Edgeworth caught up with the spirit medium and walked with her until they were almost a block away from the park.
   "MAYA! MAYA WHERE ARE YOU?" Phoenix's voice rang out.  Miles flinched at the voice, but Maya's head whipped around.
   "I'm over here, Nick. I'm fine." Maya called back. Phoenix ran over and hugged the girl tightly. He was almost sobbing into her shoulder.
   "Nick, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
   "I thought I'd lost you again. Don't run off like that, you had me scared. It- It reminded me of that case. I don't like thinking about that." He said, his voice barely a whisper. Maya rubbed his back in smal circles, attempting to calm Nick down.
   "I'm fine Phoenix, I'm okay." She said. Phoenix straightened up at the use of his name. He was so used to her nicknames, it caught him off guard.
   The lawyer wiped his eyes and pinched his nose. "Where did you even go?" He asked, bewildered.
   "I told you, I saw a lady that I thought was pretty and went to catch up with her." Maya said, pointing at Miles, who'd been silent the whole time.
   "Ah, I'm sorry you had to put up with her, she's a-" His voice trailed off as he looked at Edgeworth. "You... Hmm. You look familiar, but I can't-"
   "What's the matter, Nick?" Maya asked.
   "Where have I seen... No. I know who you look like now, gah I'm sorry, you looked like an old friend." Phoenix chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "It's almost scary how much she looks like him. That's, wow, that's like the exact same color, and your bangs-"
   Phoenix froze when he made eye contact with the steel gaze. "Miles?"
   "Surprising, isn't it?" Edgeworth said, gripping the crook of his elbow. He averted his gaze, looking over at a woman walking her dog.
   "Maya, can you pinch me?" Phoenix asked, his eyes glazing over.
   "Okay, it didn't have to be that hard. Can- Can you explain what's happening?" Nick asked, very obviously still confused.
   "Calm down, Nick. Don't be so narrow-minded. It's to throw off reporters." Maya said, exasperated.
   Phoenix's face was beggining to turn red. "Mi- Miles I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I'm going to stop talking."
   "It's fine, Wright." Edgeworth finally released the grip on his arm and looked at the blushing attorney. "I can imagine this is quite shocking. Anyways, I'll be off." He turned to go, but Phoenix grabbed his hand.
   "Wait! Um, well, I- You look nice, Miles. You can pull it off." Phoenix let go of the other man's hand and turned, grabbed Maya and left. He hadn't moved that quickly away from anyone in a while, and he was a mess.
Miles: Everyone is constantly chasing after me. Reporters. Franziska. Wright. You literally ten minutes ago.
Maya: *Chewing her burger* Huh wonder what that’s like.
Love it Aramanna!!!!!!!!
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Emotions (pt. 4)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy gets sick, and y/n goes to his house for a surprise visit.
Word Count: 1920
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 5
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Over the next few weeks, the two of you had done many things together and had gotten even closer. You two went to the movies, a carnival, and even drove over an hour to a beach, where he teased you about your sloppy sand castle making skills. Most of the time he was at your house, eating with your family or just hanging out. There were even times where Hopper found Billy while driving and invited him to his house for dinner.
Because of that late beach night though, Billy ended up getting sick. Although he told you over the phone that he'd be fine, you secretly made a plan to visit him at his home. He always dodged your request to go to his house, but you made a plan to make him soup after school and deliver it to him.
Going to school without Billy felt weird and different. It felt lonely again, which became a foreign feeling. People began to treat you the way they treated you before Billy. Especially in biology.
One girl sat in Billy's seat and leaned into your space. "So how's it been being Billy's little whore?"
You didn't like that. Usually you didn't care about what people said about you, but her putting down Billy's name made you mad, something you didn't really ever have to deal with.
"I'm his friend, but maybe you don't know the difference." You tried to keep your voice calm, though it was surprisingly hard. You didn't want to look at her face, you were afraid that it'd get you angrier.
"Excuse me? You really think you can speak to me like that?!" You kept your eyes focused on the window. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
You looked at her. Her hair was full of hairspray, and you could tell that her hair is naturally straight, but she curled it. She wore heavy make up, and her hair was tied up high in a scrunchie. "Okay, what am I supposed to be looking at?"
She scoffed. "Someone who's way hotter than you." She glanced at a group of girls speculating, who nodded for her to go on. "Maybe you should leave it to the pretty girls to be with the guys like Billy. You probably aren't ready to give them what they really want."
You watched her smile at the group of girls. Your anger began to disappear. You understood now. She was just a girl, trying to fit in with bad people that control other people by bullying.
You looked in her eyes. "That's the wrong mentality. If someone isn't giving you attention, then you shouldn't try to give them your attention. You should just find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated."
She had her mouth open with something to say, but nothing came out. The bell then rang, and everybody went back to their seats.
After school when Hopper picked you up he also picked up Max so she could tell you where they lived. You first went to your home to make him soup and warm tea. When you finished, you told Hopper that you and El were spending the night with Max. So he dropped the three of you off.
"Crap." Max said. "Billy's dad is home. I don't know how he'll react to you giving Billy the soup and tea."
"El might have physical powers, but I have emotional powers. It'll be fine." That caused Max to crack a small smile, with the thought of that asshole of a stepdad losing to someone for once.
The three of you stepped inside, immediately causing Neil Hargrove to stand up from the couch. He eyed you, since you seemed around Billy's age. He stuck out his hand, to which you shook. "Hello sir. It's nice to meet you." You offered him a smile.
"Hey. Mind telling me what your doing here?" You saw him glancing down your body once more, with the snug clothes that Billy had bought you on.
"Oh, my sister and I are spending the night with Max. We just wanted to make sure that she goes to school safely tomorrow in case her brother isn't well enough to take her."
"Billy's always been a lazy ass kid. He can take her to school tomorrow, and you–"
You put a hand on his shoulder, sending exhausted emotions into him. "Sir, you look beat. You should probably go to bed."
"I... No, I–" You sent stronger emotions through him. "Yeah, yeah I'll go to bed now."
As he left for his room, you unzipped your backpack to take out the dinner you made for Billy. Max knocked on the door, and you heard Billy croak out a what?! "I have a surprise for you." Max said. "I'm coming in, so you better have clothes on!"
"What the fuck is the point of knocking when you just invite yourself in?!" He sat up angrily, but then saw you. His facial expression went from annoyed to shocked.
"Hi Billy."
"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" You calmly walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "My dad–"
"Is in bed right now." You said. "He agreed to let me and El sleep over for Max before he went to bed." At this point Max showed El to her room, leaving the two of you alone.
"No, that can't be–" He cut himself off with a coughing fit.
"Billy." You said. "I have a way with people. Just trust me. Please?" You asked him, in a teasingly innocent way. He nodded, his face becoming more relaxed. You handed him the soup and tea. "I made these for you, so you can get better. I hope you like them."
He set them down on his dresser and scooted closer to you. He hooked his finger under your chin and raised your head. "You're too good for me doll."
You smiled gently and put your hand over the one that had your chin. As you put his hand down, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You should give yourself more credit."
He stared at you, his face beginning to feel hot. "What was that for?" He quietly asked.
You looked down in embarrassment. "Um, I saw somewhere that a kiss on the cheek was a term of endearment between someone important to you. Maybe I misinterpreted the meaning. Sorry."
He quickly put a hand on your cheek in a slight panic. "No no, sweetheart! That did mean something! I was just a little surprised, is all." You smiled and nodded, leaning into his hand. He gave you one of his charming, cheeky smiles. "Can I get another one on the lips?"
You chuckled. "No, that's different."
"It's to help me feeling better." He began to crawl closer to you.
"That's not what it means." You covered his mouth with your hand as he laid you down, trying to nuzzle his way into a kiss. "Billy!" You giggled. "Your going to get me sick!"
Max made a loud cough, stopping the two of you. "So, maybe you should put on your pajamas."
You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. "Right! I forgot to bring something to sleep in."
"Maybe you could use one of Billy's shirts."
You looked at Billy, who nodded his head. You then grabbed a Led Zeppelin shirt while Billy stared at Max's smug face. Max did always say that he was a horny ass who would get what he deserves. He guessed that this will be that time; the thought of you in only his shirt and your underwear just sounded so hot to him, and Max was just eating it up.
As Max left, you were about to follow her before you left Billy grab your wrist. "Wait," he said, his voice low. "Can I have another kiss? Please?"
You leaned down and brushed a piece of hair from his face before kissing his forehead. "Good night Billy." You then walked out, leaving Billy to push his face into the pillow, his face burning and smiling.
"Ugh, what do even see in him?" Max asked as you put on the shirt.
You chuckled. "He's a good friend to me Max. Besides you, he's one of the people I know who treat me like a normal person."
She let out a sigh. "Whatever."
"Good morning." You said as Billy watched you put up your hair in the open bathroom. Instead of leaving your hair completely down after taking your morning shower, you put up your bed head in a half bun. "How are you feeling?"
He leaned in the door frame. "Better, thanks to you."
You smiled at him before playing with his hair and getting an idea. "Can I do something with your hair? It'll be discreet, I promise."
He wanted to say the hell you can, but looking into your eager eyes caused him to be reluctant. The two of you went to the dining room for Billy to sit down. He felt your fingers play with the lower part of his hair, and he secretly liked it.
As you finished and tied it together, Max came up and let out a chuckle. "Looks good, which is weird since you always look like crap." She smiled at him, knowing that he wouldn't say anything in front of you.
He then got up to look in the bathroom mirror, and smiled. You made a small hidden braid. It looked good. "I like it." He said as he came back.
"Really?" You beamed as he nodded. You all then ate cereal together whilst talking to each other. Billy thought of you in adoration. You somehow managed to make his shithole house into a normal one by just being there. You truly are that amazing.
As you and the two younger girls got into the car, Billy grabbed his backpack and walked out of his room to see his father standing in the door frame and looking at you. "She's pretty fine looking, don't you think?"
Billy felt disgusted at Neil thinking of you in that way. He mumbled out a yeah to please him.
"She isn't like the usual sluts you have, so you probably don't have a shot with her. I think you should go for someone a little more easy." Billy said nothing as his father walked away after that.
As Billy sat into the car, you put your hand on his thigh as the two girls were talking amongst themselves. You gave him a look, silently asking if he's okay. He gave you a small smile and a little nod. You gently squeezed his thigh before bringing your hand back and contently looking out the window. You knew that just asking was enough to make him feel a bit better.
By next week you got sick, to which Billy was at your house every night after school; you had Hopper make sure he was at school instead of with you. He tried his best to take care of you, and it made you feel a different kind of happiness. You still don't know what it is, but it makes your face burn up from the things he says and does.
One day El opened the door while you and Mike were playing a card game, and Billy sat on the ground next to you, scooping you up and putting you on his lap. He handed you a piece of paper. A flyer for prom. "Guess where we're going."
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@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear
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Hello it's me again~ may I... Ask for a cute little one shot thing for Ashe and Hubert. I'm weak for them....
And also, Modern AU for this one!! and...a lot more (attempted) humor than I originally intended lol - as well as a switch from my usual format!! 
....aaand a lot...longer...than I thought...i know you said little but i kinda went off woops
Hubert was going to die. That’s it. He was going to perish in just a few moments and the one person he thought would have his back was currently trying not to laugh at him.
Correction. Was laughing at him.
“Edelgard please, this is a serious matter...” Hubert grumbled, though that only succeeded in making her laugh harder...for some reason. 
“I’m sorry Hubert,” Edelgard said as she wiped away the tears in her eyes - liar, she wasn’t actually sorry, Hubert could tell - and sighed. “But truly...how could you expect me to not laugh?”
“Maybe out of respect for a childhood friend?” Hubert buried his head under his arms, trying to figure a way out of this situation while his traitor of a friend simply laughed. 
“Hubert, honestly, how did you expect me to not laugh? What you’ve told me is, pardon my bluntness, absolutely hysterical,” chuckling as she spoke. Perhaps Hubert would have to reconsider helping her get those tickets Dorothea’s new play if this was how she was going to treat him.
What was the matter, exactly? According to Edelgard, something hysterical. That something being the fact that, after what might have been a year or two of stewing in his feelings for a young man named Ashe Ubert, and decided to take the plunge and attempt to confess.
By writing him a letter. With the intent to gift it in person, since he knew that he would not be able to say the words aloud, having not bothered to sign it. And then leaving said letter in front of his dorm room because he was an idiot and a fool who panicked as soon as he knocked on the door, dropping the letter and booking it.
Do you understand Hubert’s dilemma now?
And thus he had come to Edelgard, hoping for sympathy and maybe advice on how to get the letter back if not apologize, only to be met with laughter on her end. The absolute traitor.
“In any case...I don’t believe you have any reason to worry.” Edelgard took a sip from the coffee she had been nursing when Hubert initially asked if they could meet. Thankfully the shop had been quiet when he arrived, with very few patrons aside from himself and Edelgard...
...and yet, with how much she was laughing, Hubert almost would’ve preferred if there were more patrons - if only to have some distraction from his embarrassment.
“I believe I have every reason to worry. I made a fool out of myself,” Hubert lifted his head, only to hold it in his hands. Goddess, the amount of embarrassment he felt from this whole situation was immeasurable - and it was all his own fault! He really had no one to blame here but himself.
And yet...truthfully, he couldn’t find any true regret in this situation. Well, of course he regretted leaving behind the letter, and he defnitely regretted running away like a coward even more, but he couldn’t find himself regretting falling for Ashe. In fact, he found himself struggling just trying to picture a world where he did not fall for Ashe. After all, Ashe was practically a ball of sunshine incarnated as a person - if opposites really did attract, well, that would explain quite a bit. 
There were a million and one reasons as to why and how he realized he’d fallen (including but not limited to the time Hubert had quite literally tripped into Ashe’s arms)...and apparently, he had found it fit to include it all in the letter.
Perhaps if he asked nicely enough, Edelgard’s step-brother would be willing to put him out of his misery.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ashe hadn’t known what to expect when he first found the letter in front of his dorm room after hearing a knock on the door. He’d reached down to pick it up, but when he looked up to see who left it there, all he’d seen was a flash of black rounding the corner. Maybe he should have given chase, but at the time, he had been distracted by the letter that was now in his hands. 
So he had gone back into his dorm room, carefully opened the letter, and began to read.
And within the first few sentences, felt his entire face burn.
Whoever it was that wrote this letter - and actually wrote it, in very neat (and almost familiar) handwriting - was very, very much in love with him. And very detailed about said love. No, there wasn’t anything gross or creepy in the letter, but with how hot Ashe’s face felt, there might as well be. 
It’s just...he’s never felt so flattered in his entire life? It was almost uncomfortable, with how hot his dorm room seemed all of a sudden when they mentioned how much they adored his cooking, and the way he gushed about his favorite books, and how his eyes apparently lit up whenever getting particularly passionate, and...
Well, you get the gist. The point was, Ashe was definitely flustered. There were just a couple of problems.
First of all, whoever had written the letter had not signed their name. Sure, they had handwritten the entire letter, but Ashe didn’t think comparing the handwriting of every student on the campus would be feasible in any way (although, looking at it again, it did look rather familiar...). 
Second of all...Ashe already had someone he was in love with. So whoever had sent this letter, he was flattered, really, but his heart was already set on one person.
That person being Hubert von Vestra. Maybe it was surprising (Ashe could almost hear Sylvain’s shocked sputtering if he were to ever find out), but Ashe found himself falling head over heels with this man. Perhaps he was rather intimidating when you first meet him, and maybe he seemed far too dark and broody for someone like Ashe to fall for, but that was the thing.
Hubert was more than just some dark and broody forensic science major (though he wouldn’t blame people for thinking otherwise). At his core, Hubert was a truly kind person, despite it only being to people he deemed worthy of it. He was loyal to a fault, and just as protective - Ashe almost giggled remembering the time someone had tried to trip Ashe and ended up getting their own legs swept out from underneath them. There was also the fact that Hubert was fond of cats - Ashe had caught him, on multiple occasions, petting and even feeding the stray cats around their university.
It also didn’t hurt that Hubert was very attractive. Very, very attractive,
Look, point was, Ashe had to find whoever wrote this letter and tell them that he was awfully sorry, but his heart was already set on someone else, and he couldn’t find himself returning their feelings when he was already in love with another. That would just be cruel of him.
So he had headed out, letter in hand, hoping to maybe find Hubert and asked him if he could help him figure this out. No, this wasn’t just an ulterior motive to spend more time with Hubert - though that certainly didn’t hurt - he just knew that if anyone could figure out who wrote it, it would be Hubert. After all, Hubert was extremely smart, almost scarily so. 
Luckily, he didn’t have to look for too long. He spotted Hubert sitting with Edelgard at the university’s coffee shop - though for whatever reason, Edelgard seemed to be laughing as Hubert buried his head in his hands. Did something happen?
“Hey, Hubert!” Ashe called out as he walked over, holding the letter tight. Hubert’s head whipped around to look at him, with a strangely panicked look in his eyes as Edelgard’s simply twinkled with what Ashe guessed was amusement. 
“H-Hello Ashe,” Hubert said in a strained voice once Ashe had reached their table, with Ashe tilting his head at hearing the strained tone. 
“Are you feeling alright? If you aren’t, I can always come back later-” Ashe began saying, though he was cut off. Surprisingly enough, by Edelgard - somehow, she just didn’t seem like the type.
“No, it’s quite alright. I’m certain we would both love to hear what you had to say,” Edelgard said, giving Hubert an odd look.
“A-Alright, if you say so.” Ashe looked between them, a bit concerned, but he supposed Edelgard would know if Hubert was alright or not. “I got this letter earlier today, and I was wondering-”
Hubert suddenly seemed to choke on nothing, coughing hard. Was Edelgard sure that he was alright? Hubert was turning horribly red...although, Edelgard herself didn’t seem too concerned. In fact, she seemed almost amused.
“Well? Go on,” she prompted.
“...I was simply wondering if Hubert could maybe help me find out who wrote it,” Ashe finished almost weakly. 
Hubert’s face seemed to be warring between various shades of red and turning completely pale. He muttered something, so quietly that Ashe couldn’t hear it.
“Did you say something? I’m afraid I couldn’t quite hear you...” Ashe watched as Hubert gave an almost helpless look to Edelgard, as Edelgard simply gestured for him to go on.
Hubert coughed again, and without looking Ashe in the eyes, he spoke. “It...It was me.”
Ashe stared at him for a few moments, completely silent as his mind processed what Hubert had said.
(Edelgard, admittedly, was having far too much fun watching the both of them stumbling over their words as they both admitted to having at least a year’s worth of feelings for one another. She was glad that they finally managed to get together, even if it was in one of the more ridiculous ways Edelgard had thought of.
Well, she’s definitely seen worse. That worse being her professor’s first attempt at romancing the dean of the school...his fault for taking Sylvain’s advice to heart. At least it worked out between them.
She almost wished she had recorded this. Dorothea would be having a field day with this entire situation.)
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
(AT) To Bring Them Home
A more in depth version of Remembering The Departed (but with Harley and Cassie added so other fics fit).
"Hey Mama Bear. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear jerker." Tony sighs heavily and leans back against the wall of the ship. " It's not like you're ever going to see these anyway. I watched you fade to nothing in front of me after all. You and Peter. I guess I'm recording these for my own sanity. It helps to pretend you're getting these messages. Totally lame right?"
The engineer clears his parched throat. He was desperate for anything to moisten his mouth at this point.
"Today's day twenty-one? No. Twenty-two. You know if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, I'd say I'm feeling a little better today. The infection has run its course thanks to the blue meanie back there." He weakly motions to Nebula somewhere in the vicinity behind him. "Oh you'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic."
Stephen probably would like the cyborg. He may have been cautious of her at first, but if she treated the kids well, the sorcerer would have immediately warmed up  to Nebula. The poor woman just needed a friend.
"So the fuel cells were cracked during battle and we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge by ourselves and bought 48 hours of flight time. But it's now dead in the water a thousand light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning, and that'll be it." Tony rubs his eyes. "It looks like...well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean actually if you grovel for a couple weeks and then move on with enormous guilt..." He trails off as he fights off the impending lure of sleep.
"I should probably lie down for a minute. Rest my eyes. If by some miracle I make it back home, the first thing I'm going to do is look for Harley and Diana. God I hope they're still at home. If I go home and they're gone too...I don't know what I'm going to do." He would very likely off himself but he didn't need to say that. Tony was sure that if somehow, Stephen was able to see these messages, he would know. "Please know, when I drift off, it'll be like every night lately. I'm fine...totally fine. I dream about you. God it's always you." Tony says with a broken whisper.
He was hungry, dehydrated, and lost in space with a robotic woman and for once he looked forward to sleep. Dreams of Stephen and their family was his only salvation in this terrible situation he found himself in. He was already hallucinating blue butterflies, and he tried to touch one the first time he saw it, but it had disappeared as soon as his fingers went through the illusion. Tony just ignored them after that. He never asked Nebula if she saw them, because he knew the answer would be a 'no', and she would watch him like a hawk.
With a sigh, he shuts off the recording mechanism in his helmet and pulls on a jacket before laying down. This would quite possibly be the last time his eyes would be open, but at least when he went, it would be to pleasant dreams. Dreams, and the part of him that believed that the blue butterfly settling on the arm he was laying on, was Stephen watching over him.
Carol had miraculously come across them and took them back to Earth, and once an IV was shoved into him, the remaining Avengers held a meeting. Tony really just wanted to keep to his promise and looks for his other two kids, but he also needed to know who else they had lost. Picture after picture popped up on the multiple screens in the meeting room at the compound, and Tony had to hold himself together when Stephen and Peter's picture came up. He almost lost it when Harley's appeared as well, but then the pictures stopped and the screens vanished.
He never saw Diana and that made him jump to his feet and almost fall over from how weak he was. Pepper had to step forward and steady him as he points a shaky finger as the previous location of the screens.
"D-Diana?" He mentally curses when he stumbles over the single word. "Where...is she...is she alive?"
Steve steps over to his other side to help keep him steady, and offers him a small smile. "She's alive. Out of all of the kids, she and Cassie are still here."
Tony nearly sobs with relief. "Clint and Scott?"
Natasha frowns. "Neither of them are responding to any of our calls. We have to assume they were victims too."
"I want to see my daughter." The engineer whispers, and Pepper gently rubs his back.
"You will, but you need rest."
"I'll rest when I..." Tony blinks away the black spots forming in his vision and the room begins to spin. "When I--"
Then he collapsed. The little bit of effort he had put into talking and standing was too much for his body, and it forced him to rest. He slept for two days without waking, but he woke up on third day and Rhodey all but forced him to eat. In any or he scenario he would have fought, but Diana was alive and all he cared about was seeing her. Tony caved when his best friend promised he could see her as soon as he ate, and he did. He ate as much as he could stomach and Rhodey kept to his promise by having Natasha bring Diana to him. Big blue eyes brightened when his six-month-old daughter saw him and she squealed happily as she reached out for him.
That one simple word was what broke Tony when he finally got to hold his baby girl. She was all he had left if his family. His husband was gone, his two sons were gone, and half of his friends were gone too. He was broken and tired and wanted to get away from it all. All of the memories.
So as soon as he was able again, Tony took Diana and Cassie with him to a lake house he bought. Cassie's mother and stepfather were out of reach since they had been traveling over seas when the snap happened, so they didn't know if they were even alive. Scott was MIA as well, but Tony promised to take care of her. She was surprisingly happy that the engineer told her to get her things and she did without a fuss.
Tony watched Diana and Cassie grow up over the next five years. As Cassie got older, she helped with Diana and eventually took a liking to cooking and baking that she was starting to throw Tony out of his own kitchen. Like now.
"You're kicking me out of my own kitchen?! You have a lot of nerve Miss Sass." Tony moves away from the island counter and accidently knocks a glass cup off of it and watches it fall and shatter on the ground. "Shit."
Cassie giggles. "That is exactly why. How did you manage to feed us before I took over?"
Tony picks up the broken glass with a towel and dumps it all in the trash bin. "I'll have you know I made dinner plenty of times. I make a mean sauce. Even Peter drank--"
He immediately clams up at the mention of his youngest son. Tony locked those memories away tears ago, but every once in a while, one would slip through. What were once pleasant dreams when he was dying in space, now haunted him in the safety of his home. In his dreams and just looking at Diana. She reminded him of Stephen every day and it was hard to ignore. She even inherited the man's cheeky mouth.
Cassie learned how to read him over the five years they lived at the lake house, and she could tell that talk to him about his family wasn't a good idea right now. "Can you see if there are any raspberries left? They would be good in the salad."
Tony scoffs. "If there are any left."
"With the way your alpaca eats them I wouldn't be surprised if they were gone!"
"My alpaca? You and Dia were the ones that wanted a pet!"
"Yeah! Like a cat! But you had to be extra and come home with a freaking alpaca!" Cassie snarks as she points a knife in his direction and Tony holds his hands up.
"He has a name." The engineer says with a smirk.
"Gerald is a terrible name." Cassie throws a walnut at his head, and narrows her eyes when Tony catches it in his mouth. "Check for berries."
"I've adopted a slave-driver."
Cassie sniggers as he walks out the back door and he pats Gerald's head as he passes by the mammal and into the garden. It was Cassie's idea and he had to admit it was nice having fresh vegetables and berries a few feet away, even if he had to beat their pet alpaca to them. The girls wanted a cat, but it only would have reminded him of Tibbs, and even the poor cat had been a victim of the snap. He just wasn't ready for another one. Tibbs was a pretty awesome cat and Tony kind of missed him sometimes.
"Alright Gerald, I hope you left us some raspberries or we'll both be in the dog house." Two more steps and he found a plant full of the berries. "Small miracles." He glances over at the blanket fort a few feet away and smiles. "Princess Diana! Come help me pick berries!"
"I'm coloring Daddy!" Diana shouts from inside her fort and Tony chuckles quietly. She definitely had Stephen's snark, and she even said it in an exasperated tone.
"I guess you don't get Cassie's chocolate chip cookies for dessert!"
A loud groan follows and Tony grins as Diana comes out of her fort and joins her father. "It was important."
"Oh yeah? Well you'll have to finish after dinner."
Diana doesn't argue any further and the two of them pick enough berries to fill a small container that Tony gives the responsibility of holding to his daughter. A couple of raspberries disappear into her mouth and Tony gives her a fond look as he wipes away some of the juice at the corner of her mouth before it stains. Sass aside, he was lucky that Diana was so well behaved. She even stopped asking about her mother and brothers because she didn't like the forlorn look Tony always wore when they were brought up, but he was also pretty sure that Cassie was telling her instead. Tony always kicked himself over that. Diana should be able to ask him without worrying about him getting upset over it, but instead her pseudo-sister was telling her the stories. Sometimes Pepper, Happy, and the other Avengers whenever they had time to stop by.
"Don't fill up Little Miss. You think we have enough?"
Diana nods. "Uh-huh."
"Alright. Let's get these back in to the Alpha Female if we want to have dinner. I can smell it from here." He kisses her on the cheek before standing back up and lifting Diana into his arms, and he stops next to Gerald when the exit the garden. "Give one to our loyal guard alpaca."
The five year old grabs a raspberry from the container in her hands and gives it to Gerald who eats it out of her hand happily and thanks her with a nuzzle. With that done, Tony walks back toward the house until he hears the unmistakable sound of tires crunching over gravel. He and Diana look at each other before Tony makes his way around the house to the driveway, and his eyes widen when Scott all but falls out of the car in his haste to get out. Steve and Natasha followed after him as the ex-criminal approaches the billionaire and Diana pushes Tony's mouth closed.
"Scott?" Tony wonders with surprise.
"Cassie? Is she here? They said she was here." The man rambles, but before Tony could even reply, the front door opened and Cassie stepped out.
Scott's head whips around and the fifteen year old girl immediately runs over to him and hugs him tightly. Everyone else watches the small reunion as Scott hold his daughter close, and he eventually moves away to study his grown daughter.
"You're so big!" Scott looks Cassie over for a few more seconds and then sniffs the air. "Is that food? Oh my god, I'm starving."
Both Cassie and Tony laugh. "You have good timing Thumbelina. You guys can stay for dinner and tell us where the hell you've been."
"Good, because according to Nat and the Cap, I literally haven't eaten for five years."
Tony looks over at the other two adults. "Dinner?"
Natasha smiles. "Only if I get the baby."
"You heard her Little Miss. Go to Auntie Nat." The engineer says as he takes the container of berries and Diana happily goes to Natasha before they head inside.
Scott was quiet for the majority of dinner because he was too busy eating, but when he eventually slowed down so he could at least breath and taste his food, he told them where he had been. The Quantum Realm. What felt like an hour to him had been five years, so when he finally escaped, he was confused when he saw all the missing posters and the monuments with the names of the Snap victims. He explained that he went straight to the tower but when he found he empty, he went to the compound where he found Steve and Natasha. He told them the same thing he was telling Tony and they jumped right back into the car and came straight to the lake house when he asked about Cassie.
Steve clears his throat and Tony watches Natasha suspiciously when she mumbles in Russian and herds Diana away from the table after dinner. An adult conversation was coming up and he wasn't sure whether or not he was glad that the assassin took the initiative to distract his daughter. As soon as the two were out of ear shot, Scott opened his mouth again.
"Tony...we think we can reverse what happened. Bring everyone back."
His breath catches in his throat. "What?"
"Like I told you, it only felt like an hour in the Quantum Realm for me when realistically it's been five years. Time works differently there. Maybe if we can manipulate it--"
"You're talking about a time machine." Tony interrupts.
Steve grimaces. "For lack of a better word, yes."
"I can't take that chance." Scott opens his mouth again but Tony cuts him off and points toward the direction Natasha and Diana disappeared to. "She is all I have left. I can't risk that for a chance. Diana is the only reason I'm even still here!" He admits and the other two men wince and Cassie frowns. "I lost my wife, and my two sons. I can't lose her too."
The three stare at each other in silence until Diana and Natasha return, and Tony's heart clenches when he finds a familiar leather book in his daughter's hands.
Peter's photo album.
"Where..." The mechanic starts and Scott sighs.
"I told you I went to the tower. I grabbed that just in case." He says quietly as Diana sets the album on the table in front of Tony.
"Tony...at least look through it." Steve says quietly. "Even if you still don't want to help, you and Diana both deserve those memories."
Cassie places her hand on the album and pushes it closer to Tony. "I think it's a good idea."
Tony sighs. "Even Miss Sass is ganging up on me."
He reluctantly agrees though and they all eat their dessert of cookies before everyone sans Tony retires to bed. He offered for them to stay since it was a long drive back, and they accepted gratefully. Cassie was nice enough to take Diana to bed since she knew the little girl's schedule and Tony had gone into the makeshift lab to look through the photo album. Not until he had FRIDAY working on potential ways to be able to use the Quantum Realm as a time machine though. He highly doubted they would find anything, but he could at least say he tried. Looking through the album was hard but it was necessary if he was going to have to tell Diana the stories behind each picture. His daughter deserved that much if FRIDAY couldn't--
"Test run successful Boss."
Tony's head snaps up to the hologram and he drops the album so he can cover his mouth in disbelief. He did it. He found a way to time travel. Something he never thought possible if he were honest. A Time Stone was one thing, but a machine? Even he had been skeptical.
That one single word about summed everything up.
He could bring his family back.
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shyficwriter · 5 years
Hope I'm not too late for this, sorry if so. Could you do one where reader one way or another shrinks into a young kid so Yondu has to care for her all the while trying to find a cure? Sorry if this prompt is too weird or if it's late, as said, and thsnk you none the less. Keep up the great work btw your Yondu x readers really warm my heart and make my day it is soooo hard to find platonic relationship stories with Yondu.
What an interesting concept! I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before! [Edit: I just remembered there was an episode like this on Supernatural where a witch turns Dean into a kid, so apparently I have seen this before lol]
Hope you like it! (It came out way longer than expected for a drabble though! ha ha)Word Count: 6,274(Prompts are now closed!)“Watch out!”
Those were the last words you heard before turning to see a brilliant white beam of light burst forth and enveloped you.
That morning Yondu said you were coming along on a mission to steal a machine. None of you knew what it did, just that there was a client who had hired the Ravagers to steal it from a scientist on Calurnia. The most any of you could assume, based on how much the client had offered to pay, was that it was likely dangerous. And now you were staring directly in its crosshairs as it misfired.
The mission had actually been going pretty well up until this point. There didn’t seem to be anyone guarding the machine, so the heist was surprisingly relaxed. Gef was busy un-bolting the machine from the wall with Scrote, and you were waiting with the others to help carry all the other parts out once they were done.
In a way, you supposed you could blame Peter for your situation now, for if it weren’t for him calling you over to check something out you wouldn’t have walked in front of the machine at just the wrong moment when Gef slipped and fell on the controls. Now, you might have been considered one of the more bad-ass Ravagers on the team, but since none of you knew what the machine did, no one really would have faulted you in that split second for nearly peeing down your leg when the light hit you and your heart stopped in fear, assuming you were dead.
However, that’s not what happened. You didn’t die when the blinding light enveloped you. You didn’t burn to a crisp, or melt into a puddle, or develop oozing sores, or anything terrible like that.
It was over in a split second. The beam hit you, the bright light blinding the rest of the Ravager team, and then as soon as it happened, it was over.
Confused shouts picked up volume as everyone tried to figure out what happened. Of course, because the only seemingly visible trace of you was a pile of your clothing, they assumed you had been vaporized at first. Yondu was about to tear Gef a new asshole for his incompetence costing them a member of the team, until they heard a cooing noise over the commotion.
With raised eyebrows everyone looked in the direction of the noise, not sure what to make of it. Finally, Yondu cautiously walked over to inspect the sound emanating from your pile of discarded clothes, and was shocked at what he had found.
You had been turned into a baby.
You weren’t newborn, but you couldn’t have been much older than a year old. It took you a moment to realize what happened and why everything suddenly looked bigger. At first you thought you had be shrunken, but then you looked down at yourself to see that your hands weren’t your own. It was hard to see, as you were trying to fight your way out of your now much too big jacket, but you had the tiny arms of an infant, and you realized in horror that there was only reason that could be before you hear footsteps approaching you.
Yondu hesitantly pulled back the jacket to reveal a now much younger you. He picked you up and held you at arms length. He looked at you in confusion, “What the-?” is all he managed to get out, and that’s when your infant self actually did pee down your leg, though at this time you didn’t really notice as you were still panicking. All you could think was how you now embodied a baby, and how this wasn’t ideal.
Yondu wasn’t amused, having only narrowly avoided the mess splashing on him, though the crew would have found his expression funny had the whole situation not been so bizarre.
Yondu handed you off to Kraglin, who was less than happy having to cradle your squirming baby form; you didn’t exactly like being lifted and passed around. “What are we gonna do with her?” he asked.
“We gotta change her back, right?” asked Peter.
“We can’t figure it out now, boy. We stick around much longer we might get caught.” Yondu reasoned. He instructed Gef and Scrote to finish disconnecting the machine and load it onto the ship. Hopefully they could figure it once you all got back to the Eclector and had more time.
Scrote joked about just dropping you off at an orphanage on the way instead of worrying about it, but Yondu just glared at him and he got back to work.
To the dismay of Kraglin, you began to fuss. You didn’t want to wait, you wanted changed back now!
If only there was some way to let them know you were aware of everything, that you may look like a baby, but you still had your adult mind. Unfortunately for you, your reactions were quite limited due to your infant body. You couldn’t speak to tell them to piss off, so fussing would have to do.
It didn’t seem to be working. Kraglin just passed you off. “Here, entertain the baby, Peter.”
At first Peter started to refuse, but after a receiving a warning look from Yondu he relented, and begrudgingly took you in his arms. “What am I supposed to do?”
“I dunno, kid.” Kraglin said. “Just, play peek-a-boo or some crap until we can get this thing loaded up. Just keep her from fussing.” He then tossed Peter a shirt you had been wearing from your pile of clothes. “And here, might as well cover her with something.”
Peter rolled his eyes and groaned, he hated it when Kraglin called him a kid just because he still happened to be in his twenties. He sat on the ground with you, trying his best to make the adult size t-shirt fit around your infant body.
It wasn’t until now that it hit you that you had been stark naked this whole time. You were mortified, despite the fact that you supposed “baby butt” wasn’t really the same as being nude when you were an adult.
“How’d I get stuck with the baby?” Peter muttered when he was finished.
You stared at him in annoyance. You weren’t exactly fond of this situation either. You started to fuss out of spite.
“Keep her quiet, boy!” Yondu scolded.
You’d show him quiet. You fussed louder. Yeah, you felt childish, but you felt you could make an exception for these circumstances.
Peter tried playing peek-a-boo, but you ignored him. Unlike an actual baby, you actually had a concept of object permanence, and you didn’t exactly feel like playing along. Maybe if you fussed more they’d hurry up. The quicker you got back to the ship the quicker they could find a way to change you back.
Your fussing was cut short, however, when Peter got an idea. He started gently tickling your tummy, cooing out a “Cootchie Coo!” as he did so. Your fussing, to your chagrin, turned into happy giggles.
“Aw! Is the baby ticklish?” he cooed. “Is she? Is she?”
You wanted to curse at him to quit it, that you weren’t a child. But you couldn’t, because, well, at this moment you were a child and the only sounds you could make were happy giggles as he playfully wiggled his fingers over your chubby baby tummy.What you hated more, and you’d never admit, was that this was actually kinda fun. Within a few moments you no longer felt like fussing and found yourself actually enjoying the game. You decided to blame this on the fact that you were currently in the body of a baby. If you were full size you would have punched him, you were sure. Mostly.
Within a few moments more Yondu called for Peter. They were finished with the task and it was time to board the ship. This meant the game was over and you were surprised to find that you were actually kind of disappointed.
Once back on the ship a new problem had risen. Where would they put you? They couldn’t just strap you back into your seat like normal. The seats weren’t meant for babies. After some discussion it was finally agreed that Kraglin would pilot the ship with Scrote, while Yondu sat with you in his lap in the back. He didn’t really trust the other Ravagers or Peter to hold onto you properly, figuring they’d drop you or something, and so placed the task on himself.
You wanted to fuss at this. You didn’t want to sit in anyone’s lap like a child, much less your captain’s! However, once everything was settled you found you lacked the energy to start fussing. It actually was kind of comfortable sitting in Yondu’s lap, and he was humming a tune, just low enough for the crew not to hear over their conversations, which was slowly lulling you to sleep.
The next thing you knew you had woken up as you were being laid down on something cushy. You looked around and realized you were in the Captain’s Quarters and someone had laid you on the couch. Yondu and Kraglin were discussing the elephant in the room with the rest of the Ravagers from the mission.
“What the hell are we supposed to do with a baby?” Kraglin asked. “None of us know anything about babies!” He sounded anxious.
“I’m tryin’ to figure that out.” responded Yondu. “There’s gotta be a way to change her back. Gef, you get on that. Find Oblo and the two of ya work it out. Kraglin go with them, make sure they don’t mess it up.”
Gef nodded with a, “Yes, sir!” before leaving the room, and Kraglin begrudgingly followed, afraid he’d be stuck with ‘baby duty’ if he didn’t.
Scrote popped off again about being serious about tossing you in an orphanage and you glared at him the best you were able with your baby face. He wasn’t looking, of course.
You angrily, but carefully, tried to climb down off the couch. You’d show him. You didn’t know what’d you’d do, but you’d figure it out. When you successfully landed on the floor without hurting yourself you had a mind to check if you had any teeth to bite him with. A quick search of your gums with your tongue proved fruitless. No teeth. Damn. Could you walk at least? You attempted, and made a couple of wobbly steps before you fell to the floor. You rolled your eyes. You could work on it. You decided to resign to crawling on the floor for now and listening for a bit, looking around to see if maybe there was something you could throw at him.
While you were busy contemplating ways your infant form could cause Scrote bodily harm Yondu was busy scolding him. “We ain’t gonna just put her in an orphanage! She’s still a part of this crew, and that means we’ll figure it out! Get on out of here if ya don’t have anythin’ useful to contribute ‘fore I assign ya to diaper duty!”
‘Diaper duty? Shit!’ You had completely forgotten about that. How could this get any worse? While it would be funny to see Scrote have to change dirty diapers, you’d be damned if you were gonna get him change you. Geeze. You just knew you’d never live this down when you got changed back.
While you were lamenting Scrote hurriedly walked out of the room. After he was gone you heard Peter speak up again. “Uh, Yondu-?”
“What, boy?” Yondu snapped in frustration. He was just about done with this day. He didn’t want to hear anymore questions about what they were supposed to do with you.
“Where’s the baby?”
“What?” Yondu’s expression changed from annoyance to surprise. He looked around, noticing you were no longer on the couch. “Aw, what the hell!”
You sighed. You knew you couldn’t exactly expect to be given your space right now, but come on. You crawled out from behind the couch and into view before the guys could have a conniption.
“Oh, there she is!” Peter said in relief.
Yondu walked over and picked you up off the floor. “Why can’t ya just stay put?” he asked, not really expecting an answer, but getting a pout in response.
“Ugh, what’s that smell?” Peter asked, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Warn someone next time, geeze!”
You could smell it too. Ugh! What did Yondu eat today?!
Yondu looked at him. “Don’t blame that on me, boy! I thought it was you-” then it it them. Yondu’s eyes narrowed at you. “Why ya little-”
It was then you too realized, in mortification, what the smell was.
“Peter-” Yondu tried, but Peter was already halfway out the door.
“Sorry, Yondu! I got to go do that… thing… chores- you asked me to do, bye!” and with that he ran out the door.
Yondu yelled some swears at him as he left before turning his attention back to you. “Dammit,” he sighed, realizing he didn’t have any available crew left to do this dirty work for him. “Let’s just get this over with.”
The next day at breakfast Yondu noticed Peter had already finished eating and before he could get away stuck him with the task of feeding you. When asked with what and how Yondu grabbed a yarrow root from the bowl on the table and told Peter to mash it up and spoon it to you. Yondu then grabbed a fruit for himself and sat down next to Kraglin to eat.
“Looks like you slept better than expected.” noted Kraglin, surprised that Yondu didn’t have a “the baby cried the whole night” story to share that morning. After weighing the pro’s and cons the night before Yondu claimed he decided to bite the bullet and keep you in his quarters so the crew could sleep. A ‘selfless act’ from their captain. In truth he was worried about putting a baby in the trust of anyone else. What could he say? He knew his crew.
“I’m as surprised as you,” Yondu admitted, taking a bite, “but she slept clear through the night.”
“Can’t complain about that.” Kraglin said.
“Nope. How’s Gef coming on that machine?”
“Well, he’s not there yet. He got it running, and he turned an adult orloni into a pup, but he hasn’t quite figured out how to reverse it yet.”
“Well tell him to hurry up.” Yondu warned. “We don’t got forever with it, eventually we gotta hand it over to the client.”
Kraglin nodded and left, finished with his breakfast. Yondu turned his attention to you and Peter, finding you fussing and Peter an exasperated mess as he tried to feed you.
You didn’t want to be fed like a child, you were sure you could do it yourself! But it didn’t matter how many times you’d grab for the spoon or throw the food back at Peter, he wouldn’t get the hint. You might be in a baby’s body, but was it really that hard to realize that you were smarter than one??
“Dammit, boy! Hand her here.” Yondu said in annoyance after seeing the mess. “Ain’t ya never fed a baby before?”
“No!” Peter cried in irritation. “Have you?”
“Well, no,” Yondu admitted, “but it can’t be as hard as yer makin’ it out to be!”
Yondu plopped you on to table in front of him, took the bowl of mashed yarrow root from Peter, and tried feeding you himself.
You started to fuss again but Yondu just stared ya down. “There ain’t gonna be any of that, missy.” He scolded. “Now ya settle down and eat it, that’s an order!”
You pouted but obeyed your captain’s orders, allowing him to feed you the rest of the mashed root.
“How’d you do that?” asked Peter, clearly annoyed Yondu was having an easier time. He attempted to clean himself off with a napkin. He swore, if he didn’t know better, it was like you were actively listening to and obeying Yondu’s orders.
“Ya just gotta let ‘em know who’s boss, boy.” Yondu said smugly, clearly pleased with himself. You internally groaned. What you wouldn’t give to be able to talk right now.
Later that day Yondu found himself with some free time, but unable to pawn you off on anyone else to enjoy it. He didn’t trust more than half his crew with a baby, and the other half was either away on various missions or working out a way to change you back. Eventually he just resigned himself to staying in his quarters with you. Maybe if he’d turn on the TV it might keep you occupied as well.
It didn’t work.
You just weren’t interested in watching some boring wrestling match, so you kept trying to crawl away from the spot he had designated for you on the floor in front of the TV. After about the 5th time of having to retrieve you from wandering off Yondu opted instead to sit you in his lap so he could keep an eye on you.
You began to fuss again. You were bored! If he was going to keep you cooped up in here the least he could do was let you crawl around! Hell, you could even be practicing walking or something!
Yondu turned you to face him. “Enough of that. What do ya want?” He said crossly. Part of him felt silly. He knew you couldn’t understand him.
You pouted and attempted to talk, but you could only manage gibbering babbles as your vocal cords clearly weren’t as developed as you’d like them to be yet for holding an adult conversation. In your frustration you smacked at his arm with your tiny hand.
“Yer a mean lil’ shit, ya know that?” Yondu said, a grin threatening his grouchy facade. He had to admit, you were kind of adorable. “We gotta work on that.” With that he started tickling your belly and you squealed in happy giggles. “See, that’s better!” Yondu laughed. “Ya don’t need to be sitting around looking so mad all the time!” He started cooing and teasing you, saying things like “Gitchy-gitchy! I’m gonna getcha!” and “Now who’s a happy lil’ shit? I think it’s you!”
You giggled and wiggled under his attack. Had you been in your adult form you probably would have punched him and told him to fuck off out of embarrassment, worried that it would hurt your image as a hard-ass. However, since you weren’t, you just allowed yourself to enjoy the game, just as you had with Peter. You supposed it could be worse, you could still be bored, and actually you were kind of having fun if you were being honest. It wasn’t often you just got to laugh and be care-free, so you supposed you could enjoy it while it lasted, even if you would definitely deny anything of the sort once you got changed back. Again, you had your “bad-ass” image to protect, after all.
The same could be said for Yondu as well. The only ones who ever got to see anything close to his softer side were Peter, you, and Kraglin to an extent. What would his crew think if they saw their mean ol’ captain baby-talking and playing with a giggly baby? They might think he was going soft, and he couldn’t have that. But he didn’t have to worry about that right now. He could just be carefree for a bit and enjoy the fact that he got to see you laugh, even if it was the baby-version of you. You didn’t seem to do much of it anymore these days. Probably too concerned with needing to look tough around the guys was his guess.
The game continued for a bit more until Yondu was satisfied he had tired you out. You remained giggly even as your eyelids drooped and before long you fell asleep for a nap right in his lap. He figured you could sleep there for a bit while he watched the rest of the match on the TV. Looking down at you sleeping he chuckled quietly to himself.
“Cute lil’ shit.”
By around mid-day of the next day Gef still hadn’t figured out how to use the machine to turn you back, but he had turned 5 adult orlonies into pups trying. The only thing he had discovered was that if the beam hit something that was already a baby, it didn’t have any noticeable effect. This wasn’t exactly progress, but it was a slight relief to know that if they hit you with it again and got it wrong that you wouldn’t disappear or anything.
Yondu was growing increasingly agitated at the slow progress, not that he’d tell anyone he was actually worried though. Not only were you one of his best workers, but he did care for you and Peter like his own children. You were his little girl, just as Peter was his boy, though he’d never admit as much for either. He definitely wasn’t going to be happy if they couldn’t change you back.
After Oblo left to rejoin Gef after delivering the news Peter sat you on the ground to crawl around and turned to Yondu. “Yondu, what do we do if we can’t turn her back?” He sounded more worried now. Yeah, you were already like his younger sister, but this was ridiculous. “Like, do we… raise her? And just wait for her to grow up?”
You heard this and you stopped crawling. You sat on the floor in disbelief. That was one outcome you hadn’t considered. Could you really be stuck like this? Forced to live with a young adult mind inside of the body of an infant? You couldn’t handle that possibility. It wasn’t fair. You were already hating every moment of this, and now there’s a possibility you’d stay trapped like this? You broke down, and wailed like the infant you currently embodied.
“Oh hey! Hey! Shhh. You’re ok!” Peter tried to sooth as he picked you up from the floor.
“What happened?” asked Yondu, concerned. “She hurt herself?”
“I don’t know. She doesn’t look hurt?” Peter said, looking you over as you continue to wail. “She can’t be hungry, we just fed her, and it doesn’t look like she needs changed.” He found a small brightly colored cup and in desperation to stop your cries tried to present it to you like a toy.
“I think that’s the first time she’s actually cried this whole time.” Kraglin noted. “I guess it was just a matter of time. It was actually starting to get weird.”
Just then Scrote walked by, and noticing your cries, coughed out the word “Orphanage!” as he walked past.
Yondu growled and called for his arrow, driving it to point right between Scrote’s eyes. “I told ya to knock that shit off!”
Scrote stood frozen in fear. “Sorry, boss! It won’t happen again!”
“Ya bet yer ass it won’t!” growled Yondu, “Go clean out the grease traps in the kitchen. Now.” He called back his arrow and Scrote scampered off to the Mess Hall, knowing the punishment was better than death by yaka arrow.
By this time you had accepted the cup from Peter solely for the purpose of throwing it at Scrote. You missed, of course, with your tiny baby arms not being able to throw it that far, but Peter took notice.
“Um, guys?” he asked, starting to piece some events from the past couple days together. “Do- do you think she can understand us?”
“What?” Yondu turned back and looked at the two of you incredulously. Surely you couldn’t?
“I mean, call me crazy, but she kinda doesn’t act that much like any baby I’ve seen, and it’s like she reacts to what we say. She stops fussing when you order her to, she never cried at all until just now when I mentioned the possibility that we can’t change her back, and she threw the cup at Scrote for the orphanage jokes. I’m really starting to think she can understand us.
You looked at Peter as he spoke and stopped crying. You excitedly clapped your hands and squealed. Yes! Finally someone noticed! Thank god, Peter!
Yondu and Kraglin looked at your display in disbelief and then to each other. That definitely looked like you understood Peter’s claim, but could that really be true?
“Hey,” Yondu caught your attention, bringing himself to be eye-level with you. “Are ya really in there? Can ya really understand us?”
Again you clapped and let a little squeal of delight. Yes! You could understand! Thank God! Maybe now they could stop treating you like a dumb baby!
The three men looked at each other alarmed. Peter quickly sat you down on the table. “Uh.. Ok. Two claps for yes, one clap for no, understand?”
You clapped twice, a happy grin on your face.
“Holy shit.” said Kraglin. “She’s really in there!” He almost seemed to pale at the thought. “So she understands exactly what’s been going on!?”
You clapped twice again, startling him. This made you giggle.
“I guess that would explain why she always looks so mad when we change her diapers then…” Peter said.
You frowned, and sheepishly clapped twice. You gave him a look that even he could read as “Trust me, if I could avoid it, I would.”
“Holy crap.” Peter said, and Yondu’s face showed he shared the same sentiment. “Ok, um, maybe this means she can help!” He turned back to you. “Before you got turned into… this, did you notice anything that might help us turn you back?”
You sadly clapped once. ‘No, I was too busy thinking I was dead!’ you thought.
Yondu frowned. “Don’t worry. We’re gonna get you changed back. Gef and Oblo are workin’ on it right now.”
You nodded. You, of course, already knew this.
Peter tried to think of a better way for you to communicate. “Um, do you think you can write?”
You weren’t sure, so you clapped three times, hoping he’d get the message.
“I’m going to take that as an ‘I don’t know.’“ he said. You clapped twice in response as he pulled a small notepad and pen from his pocket. He handed them to you.
You took the objects and attempted to write. Obviously you knew what words you wanted to say, and could remember how to write in your mind, however, you lacked the motor skills to accomplish the task. All you were able to produce was illegible scribbles. You looked up at him sadly and slumped your little shoulders.
“It’s alright,” Peter said, “We’ll figure it out. Besides, I’m sure you’ll be back to normal in no time!”
You didn’t respond, you were sure he was only trying to comfort you and didn’t actually believe it.
“I gotta admit, this does make diaper changing more awkward knowing she’s actually in there.” said Kraglin.
“Well I bet it’s been awkward for her this whole time,” Peter replied.
You clapped twice.
“Well, I mean, do we do things differently? She’s still in a baby body? Do we still help feed her? Or the diapers? She can’t even walk really, I doubt she can use a toilet on her own.”
You covered your eyes with your little hands in embarrassment, and that told them all they needed to know about that.
Yondu decided to speak up again. “Well, we don’t like it anymore than ya do, but since we don’t really gotta choice we’re all just gonna have to suck it up until we can change ya back. An’ that means ya gotta stop fussin’ all the time. Now we know yer in there an’ got a way of communicating ya can quit fussin’. Understood, missy?”
Begrudgingly you clapped twice. You were more than ready to communicate like an adult, but getting them to listen and understand was another thing.
Peter began to chuckle, “Ya know, once you get changed back, the crew’s never gonna let you live this baby-thing down,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.
You threw his pen at him. You knew he was right. They would totally try to tease the hell out of you once this was over.
“Hey now, what’d I say about fussin’, girl!” Yondu scolded, a hint of play in his voice. He scooped you up. “If yer gonna keep acting like a baby I might as well treat ya like one!” he chuckled as he tickled your tummy, making your squirm and giggle in his hold.
The other two actually laughed, a little bit of the tension lifted. Knowing you were in there and knowing they could embarrass you to pieces by teasing you about being a baby somehow made the situation slightly better.
But one thing was certain. If you had any doubts before, you were sure you’d definitely never live this down now.
The next day went smoother. You were less frustrated now that the other’s stopped treating you as much like a baby wherever possible, unless they were just trying to embarrass you. Everything wasn’t perfect, but it was a start.
That morning Peter asked if you wanted to try feeding yourself, and you happily tried, wanting some independence back. Unfortunately the little matter of poor motor skills came into play and it became clear that you were better off letting Peter do it for you.
Despite this, a lot of the frustration was still lifted off you, so you decided to have some fun during some off-time on the ship.
Kraglin was off helping Gef and Oblo with the machine, but Yondu and Peter were hanging out in the captain’s quarters cleaning their blasters. Now that they knew you weren’t going to go off and choke on small objects, or whatever else babies could do to accidentally harm themselves if left unattended, you were free to crawl around as you pleased. You decided to entertain yourself by throwing small objects you found on the floor at the guys and quickly hiding behind furniture before they turned. Really you just wanted something to take your mind off the fact that the client was going to be expecting the machine soon, and you were running out of time if they couldn’t figure out how to change you back.
Peter got up after the third time of being hit with your projectiles and made to come after you, threatening to sit you on top of the dresser if you didn’t quit. You avoided capture from Peter by slipping under the sofa, but Youdu pulled you out from the other side.
He laughed as you let a surprised squeal and kicked in his grasp. He flipped you upside down and tickled your belly. “I already told ya, if ya wanna act like a kid, I’ll treat ya like a kid!” he chuckled, trying to sound stern but not succeeding.
“Wait, you know what I just realized?” Peter said, looking almost shocked, with a hint of mischief.
“What?” Yondu asked, stopping his actions and allowing you to escape to the sofa.
Before Peter could respond with his realization Kraglin came bounding into the room. “Boss, we got a problem! The client is here for the machine!”
“We were supposed to bring it to him!”
“He says he got tired of waiting!”
“Well, stall him!” Yondu ordered. He turned to Peter and told him to grab some clothes from your quarters. He was going to take you and try to speed Gef and Oblo along.
Peter got to the room where Gef was working with the machine soon after you and Yondu did, and Yondu ushered him to shut door behind him.
Yondu told Gef that the client was there now for the machine, he had to reverse it now.
“I think it’s close!” Gef said. “Just let me test it real quick, I think I got it!”
Everyone stood back as he fired the beam at the orloni pup.
Nothing happened.
Yondu scolded Gef, and he hurried to try another combination of buttons. Again nothing.
Yondu looked furious and Gef scrambled to explain that he had only one combination left to try. This one was bound to work, and if it didn’t… well, there was nothing more they could do.
“Ya better hope this works then.” Yondu said coldly.
Everyone held their breath as Gef set up again, pushing the buttons in the final combination. The bright light filled the room and when it faded everyone looked to where the pup had been.
It had worked. It actually worked! The orloni pup was now full grown again!
Cheers of excitement filled the room and Yondu ushered Peter to get you ready. He wasn’t sure how long Kraglin could stall the client.
Peter was fitting you into one of your t-shirts and a pair of pants the best he could, figuring you would just grow into them as you changed back, when Yondu’s communicator went off. It was Kraglin saying he couldn’t stall the client any longer and he was heading your way.
“Ya heard him!” Yondu called to Gef. “Get a move on! The client will be here any minute!”
Peter quickly moved out of the way and Gef hastily plugged in the same combination of buttons as before.
Angry knocking could be heard at the door.
“Jus’ a minute! I’m comin’!” Yondu yelled back, motioning for Gef to hurry up and finish.
Gef pushed the last few buttons as the knocking began to intensify. The doorknob began to rattle and Peter quickly went to push his weight against the door.
Like before the room was filled with a blinding bright light as the beam flooded over you, and just as before it was over nearly as soon as it started.
You let your eyes adjust and patted yourself down as soon as you saw you no longer had the limbs or body of an infant. “It worked!” you said excitedly, standing up. “It-”
Just then the door to the room burst open, pushing Peter to the side as a very irritated Krylorian businessman walked in with Kraglin following nervously behind. When Kraglin’s eyes landed on you and he saw you were changed back a visible relief washed over him.
“Geeze, ya couldn’t wait for me to answer the door?” Yondu said, acting as if nothing strange had just occurred and feigning annoyance. “Ya must have been more excited for this thing than I thought.”
The businessman eyed him suspiciously, but seeing as he couldn’t find any faults to complain about he instead opted to just talk business instead. He paid Yondu the rest of the bounty and Yondu instructed Gef and Oblo to help Kraglin load the machine onto the man’s ship.
When the men had gone and it was just the three of you left Peter turned to you with a shit eating grin. “So-”
“Not a word.” You said coldly, a blush already creeping up your neck.
“That’s fine, because I don’t need any words to know this works on you now.” he said, wiggling his fingers into your stomach. It was this that he had realized earlier; a ticklish baby-you would very likely mean a ticklish adult-you, and he was right.
You smacked at his hands and told him to quit, biting back your giggles.
“I could’ve sworn I said something to ya about quittin’ yer fussin,’ girl.” Yondu interjected, a grin almost as wide as Peter’s as he joined him in the mischief, tweaking your ribs and laughing as you tried to wiggle away, laughter now bubbling from your lips. Really, he was just happy they were able to change you back in time, and glad to see a smile on your face.
“Aw, is our little hard-ass ticklish?” Peter cooed, knowing this would embarrass the hell out of you, “Is she? Is she?” he laughed, noting how you still squealed happily when he tickled your belly, despite your efforts to act like you hated them for it. You had that “hard-ass” image you needed to protect, after all. Even if you definitely didn’t look very tough at the moment.
Eventually they stopped, leaving you a mess of residual giggles. “You both suck.” you whined, grin still plastered on your face. You supposed you didn’t actually hate them for it, but they were definitely the only ones who could get away with that without you gutting them.
“Consider that payback for having to change your diapers.” Yondu chuckled, turning to leave and motioning for the two of you to follow.
“And for the constant fussing. You really were cranky baby.” Peter joked, laughing as you punched him in the arm.
The teasing from them continued throughout the day until it was time for bed. And then it picked up the next day at lunch when Peter asked if you needed him to feed you. And the day after that on a mission when Kraglin spotted an empty diaper pack on the street and joked about how he was glad they were able to change you back, because changing your diaper for three days was more than enough.Then there was all the times when you’d be alone with Peter and Yondu and they’d decide you looked “too mean” and decided to team up and “cheer you up” with tummy tickles.
You were right. You were really never going to live it down.
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greyknm · 5 years
Let's Date | 데이트하자
Kim Namjoon/RM fic
☁summary: You and Namjoon go on a Korean Show called "Let's Date|데이트하자" where they get two idols to go on a fake date for a day. Feelings stay attached to one another after the end of filming.
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"I don't even know the first thing to do, say or wear on a date!" You've been complaining about the inventation to the show ever since your manager came with the news. You were going to decline the offer until Bang PD said that it would give you more exposure to the public. With you being the newest act in BigHit that's a girl, things would be harder for you. Trying to be better than the senior- now disbanded group GLAM, BigHit's first girl group, and trying to keep a clean slate. You've stated many reasons on why THIS show in particular is not the best for exposure but, with all your hard work trying to convince, it didn't work. Now you're on the set where you meet your stranger idol- soon to be fake boyfriend.
You're complaining to the stylist as you watch her try to figure out what you should wear. She takes a black dress with red cherries splattered over it. You immediately shake your head no. "No way that you think I'm going to wear a dress!" The stylist looks at you in annoyance and sighs. "It's just for one day. It won't kill you. And you're wearing these black heels with it." You do a little tantrum in your chair. "Unnie, please don't make me. You know I don't do that....girly stuff and showing legs. NO." Her eyes go wide. "Don't tell me you don't have them shaved!" You pout your lips. "I do..." Then a big smile spread on her face. "Then you're wearing it. No ands, ifs or buts." She hands you the clothing items and you get up reluctantly going to change.
You come out with the choosen outfit and everyone applauds and awws at you. Maybe to make you feel better about the fit or to make you more annoyed. You shake your head and head to a seat where they can finish your make up and hair.
You filmed your introduction- greeting, who you were and what company you came from. Then you had to go to this rotary thing on the floor. It would rotate to this wall that lifts up and reveals your partner for the day.
The filming starts and the wall rises. Your eyes grow big and you cover your mouth. Who you see was surprising and relieving. Kim Namjoon.
You bowed to Namjoon and he did the same.
The crew stranded you two in the middle of Gangnam. The objective of the show is for the couple to find things to do on their own.
"What should we do newly found girlfriend?" Namjoon asks putting his arm around your shoulder as you continue to walk. You give him a side glare. "Hhmmm...no clue."
"What? So we walk around Gangnam mindlessly for some hours?"
"If that's what you want...then we can." You respond to his sarcastic question. That's one thing about Namjoon that always ticked you. Whenever you guys got the chance to speak, if you do or say something that ticks him off he doesn't get mad. Oh no, he never gets mad he just lets his passive agressiveness show. And you're not slow to catch on. Everytime he does it, it annoys you. So him being sarcastic will not help.
A colorful sign on a building catches your attention. You squint your eyes to see what it says. It's an aquarium. You let out the biggest gasp. Namjoon quirks an eyebrow at you. You sqeal and hit Namjoon with excitement.
"What?! What?!" He asks confused as ever.
He looks at the sign contemplating. "And see sea animals confined in boxes and not free? No chance." You slump your shoulders in disappointment. Then you hop back up when a special animal came in mind. "crabs."
"The aquarium has crabs. You can go see the crabs, Joonie."
It seems like he paused for a moment when you called him Joonie.
"Did you call me...Joonie?" He asks with a small smile forming on his lips.
"...yes." You replay what you said and it hit you that you did in fact call Namjoon, Joonie. Mental face palm.
"Joon! Aquarium! Crabs! Pleasssse!"
"Ok! For the crabs." He sighs.
"Wow. For the crabs and not me." You pout in fake hurt.
He turns his head to the side and sighs. He bends down grabbing your face and kisses your forehead. "AND for you baby." He leans away from you with a smirk. You stand there shocked and trying not to smile. You shake your head and go back to thinking about the aquarium. You grab Namjoon's hand and rush to the aquarium. "Come on!"
You guys entered the aquarium and gawked at all the animals of the sea. You go around pointing to all the things you can point at. Your excitement made Namjoon laugh. You made it seem like it was the first time you've ever been to an aquarium. You took alot of pictures with Namjoon and, without him and took pictures for him.
You went to the snake exhibit, holding Namjoon's arm because you were scared that they could pounce out of the glass somehow and attack. "I've always wondered how a snake so small can take in something so big. Something so small taking in something so big."
"Ya know, you can always find out yourself." You look up at him confused. Does he want you to try and get eaten by a snake? He looks down at you and smirk. Then what he means hits you. You elbow his side hard making him grab his side and groan. Pervert. You walk away from him. "That hurt by the way!" He shouted towards you. You kept walking. "I'm going to the gift shop!" Is all you respond with.
You guys head to the strip of stores and go to what seems like every single store. One thing that's good about Namjoon is that he likes shopping so, no moaning about how he doesn't want to be there. Both of you try on different styles of clothes and laugh when one of you looked absolutely ridiculous. Namjoon ended up buying two matching jackets because it was getting late and it was going to get cold soon.
"Ahh. I'm hungry." You expressed your hunger, poking your stomach.
"Hmmm...we should get some food and sit out on the field and watch the boats pass by in the river." Joon suggested.
"Seems like you had that one planned out." You laugh. Joon wraps his arms around your shoulders, resting his head on top of yours. "Nah..just something...romantic." he laughs and walks away from you. You sigh and follow him.
Joon buys some food and a blanket to place on the grass when you go to sit down. You guys play with the food seeing who can catch it with their mouths and who's chopstick skills are the best. You take a break from the food to watch people. A little boy walks up to you guys and just stares. You hold up your hand for a high five and surprisingly he gives you one and runs away. You chuckle.
"Kids are cute and very weird." You say mindlessly.
"Would you like some, someday?" Joon asks you sounding genuinely curious.
"Mmm...yeah...someday..." You start to pick at your dress.
"Oh! Joonie I got us something while I was in the gift shop at the aquarium." You turn and crawled to your purse. You were on all fours your backside facing Namjoon. Your dress lifts just enough to see your underwear. Namjoon gets flustered and puts his hand on the top of your butt and pushes you down. You look back and realize why. "Oh sorry. But look!"
You showed him two necklaces with a cute crab charm on it. "I was going to give it to you earlier but I felt like it was trash after you got us jackets...very stylish jackets...." He doesn't say anything for a while until you look up at him.
"These are way better than the jackets. I get to have a crab with me at all times now. C'mere let me put it on you." You turn around and he moves your hair out the way to clasp the necklace and you do the same for him. He smiles letting his dimples show as he looks at the cute crab charm. You laugh.
You go to get the last stuffed tofu pouch but Namjoon also reaches for it. You gave him a challenging stare. "Let's play a game." He suggests and you agree. He grabs a piece of paper and puts it to his mouth. "Objective:don't drop it. Three rounds." Simple you thought. You got it from him and he got it from you last round you had to take it back. You looked at him and closed your eyes hoping you don't drop it. Namjoon had removed the paper as soon as you went to get it making you kiss him. You open your eyes and looked at him in shock and hit him. You fell on your back and covered your face in embarrassment.
"I can't believe you've done that." You said in a mumbled voice. You can hear Namjoon laugh. "Open your eyes." You shake your head. "Aw come on open them." His voice got closer. You're still stubborn to keep your eyes covered. You feel hands on your wrist and your hands are no longer covering your face. You open your eyes to see Namjoon's face hovering over yours. His eyes fall to your lips and back to your eyes. He takes his chances and kisses you. It's only a short kiss. He looks at you to see your reaction. You stare at him then smile. He rest his head on your shoulder then laughs. You start to laugh along too.
As you're laughing little drops of rain started to turn into big groups of rain. Namjoon picks you up and runs to the nearest shelter. "Joonie our stuff!" You sqeal as he runs. "The crew will get it!"
"Oppa! Put me down I can walk!" He finally gets you guys to a food tent still holding you.
"You called me oppa." He smiles at you.
"No I didn't." You're quick to deny but it won't stop him from teasing you.
"You never called me oppa. Even when I asked you to." You rest your head on his shoulder.
"Joon~~let it go please." You beg.
"Oh no. This is forever in my book of memories." You sigh in defeat.
Namjoon puts you down finally and you wobble once you hit the ground. You start to yawn. "I'm sleepy."
"You're sleepy. Cute." Namjoon chuckles.
You checked the time on your phone. "Filming will be done soon. I think my body knows."
The staff finally ended the filming for the day and you and Namjoon thanked everyone and changed into the clothes you came in.
"It was fun filming with you out of all people today. I'm glad you were my blind date." You thank Namjoon.
"I never wanted to go on this show but the group needs someone to get on variety shows and this was one of the offers. I'm glad it was you, since I know you and all...it wasn't weird. I liked it." Namjoon confessed. You smiled at his last sentence. I liked it.
"Right! See you for filming tomorrow!" You have to come back and express how you feel and what not after the date and watch the clips with the MCs the following day.
As you got home you layed in your bed thinking about the kisses that you and Namjoon had. Your brain replaying stuff in your mind just so you can overthink it. Throughout the time that you came back home to getting ready for bed you kept thinking why he kissed you. Was it his true feelings or just for the show. If anything you just wanted his lips on you again.
You hit your wrist scolding yourself of thinking of your colleague that way. It was just for the show and thats it. Though thats what you wish you could truly think.
You start thinking about how his lips would feel other places and what he said when you were thinking out loud. Ya know, you can always find out yourself.
How big is his-
There were knocks at the door. Who could be here at this time.
You get out of bed and walk to the door. You unlock it and leave the chain lock on. The door creaked when you opened it slowly. You cringed at the sound. Your eyes trail up to a face. A very familiar face.
"Hi." You close the door to unlock the chain and open it again to let Namjoon in.
"I know it's late but...I couldn't stop thinking about today...and you. Especially you." He rubs his neck and shifts from one foot to the other. "I kept thinking about how cute you were and then how much you had irked me throughout the day." You raised a brow at him.
"I-i irked you?" You asked in conplete confusion. You irking THE Kim Namjoon.
"Like when you crawled to get the necklaces and you flashed me. When you looked back you smirked at me then said sorry but there wasn't an ounce of you being sorry in your face." You bite your lip remembering that you did smirk at him.
"Or how that dress fitted you so well. Everytime you walked it twisted on you good enough to show your figure."
"Namjoon-" Namjoon had cornered you to the wall, grabbing your leg holding it to his side. He pushes up on you to make you feel his growing bulge. You breathed shakily. When you go to bed you don't wear underwear and he for a fact didn't know that... yet. He pushed up on you again making you squeeze ypur eyes shut. He had touched your clit.
"And I scolded myself for thinking of you that way. But my mind goes back to when I was on top of you in the field, and how if we were on our own you would've been undressed immediately. Or back to when you flashed me and I saw your ass and i was thinking on how it would be so good if I fucked you from behind. Just seeing how your ass bounces everytime I thrust into you while you moan out my name." Namjoon whispers in your ear. And you're mad at yourself on how turned on you're getting. You'd be surprised if you weren't wet right now but you are.
"I-I've wondered how your lips would feel on other places. And also h-how good you could fuck m-me. Iscoldedmyselftoobutfuckmeplease." With that Namjoon picked you up, letting you hit his bulge again making you moan. He kisses you on the lips as he guides your hips to grind on his bulge. He trails down to your neck. You let out small moans while you bend your neck for more access. "Namjoon please fuck me." He groans at that and takes you to the room.
He throws you down on the bed and spreads your legs. "No panties, naughty girl." He smirks. You watch as he looks down at your cunt like a man that hasn't eaten in days. He kisses your thigh in down and where you want him the most he misses. He goes to the next leg and kisses on down. You feel his breath on your cunt making your pussy squeeze on nothing. "Greedy." He kisses your clit and sucks on it for a second. You jolt up in response. He spreads your lips with his fingers and starts to to do soft licks.
You whine and moan at every lick. It's been a while since you've touched yourself. This would be the first for you to let anyone have sex with you. Namjoon starts to do long strides with his tongue and with every lick the tip of his tongue would brush your clit. He would go from long slow strides to quick soft licks. You grab his hair for something to hold on to as you start to grind into his face. He doesn't seem to mind only moaning into your cunt that has you arching your back. He pulls back having you whining in protest.
He takes his fingers and puts them in your mouth. You look him in the eyes as you take his fingers in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around them. He looks at you with hooded eyes. He gets his fingers back and slide them up and down between your lips. "Joonie please." You beg him. He slides his fingers in slowly, mesmerized by how your pussy takes his fingers in so well. He looks up at you. You had shut your eyes, whimpering.
"Look at me." He demands you. You open your eyes and look at him. He speeds up the pace still giving you eye contact. Everything's too much with the change of pace and the eye contact. Then just when you thought you could adjust he starts to slowly rub your clit. Your legs snap close. "Joonie I-I can't." He still does his movements and looks back at you.
"Open your legs baby." You shake your head.
"Baby. I'll only say it once. Do what I told you." You slowly open your legs again. You look down and see how his fingers glide so easily in and out of you as he abuses your clit with a slow circle movement. You curl your toes and grab the sheets. "You like that don't you. Seeing how dirty you are letting me do this to you." Namjoon moans to you. You nod your head yes. He pushes down in your clit making you cry out. "Joonie please!"
"No. Only on my cock." He pulls his fingers out of you leaving you pouting. He pulls down his joggers and underwear in one go. You finally get to see his cock. It's thick and long and you wonder if it would even fit in you. He signals you to come foward. You crawl to the edge of the bed. You know what he wants you to do but you don't know how. You've seen girls do it hundreds of time but you don't know how. You look up to him with wide eyes.
"You don't know how?" You shake your head no. He grabs your hand a wraps it around his dick. "Move your hand up and down" he guides your hand to slide up and down his shaft. He grunts in pleasure and lets go of your hand, letting you take over. "W-when- shit! When it starts to get a little hard to s-slide you gotta put it in your mouth."
You do as told, not caring what the directions were and put your lips to the tip of his dick, only sucking that part. You think you have the dick in your mouth part down, watching many porn videos, looking at the women suck the men's cock. You bobb your head and swirl your tongue around his dick. Taking his dick fully out your mouth to do open mouth kisses and licks down his shaft while still sliding your hand in the motion he told you. You remember of course to not forget his balls and suck them, soon heading back to his cock. You moan at the feeling of him in your mouth and how he has his head tilted back as he gives you praises. "Shit, baby. Just like that. You're doing so well. Daddy's gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours" You whimper at the name he gave himself your pussy reacting to it as well clenching to nothing.
Namjoon grabs your head making you still, pulling out his dick completely. He pulls your hair back to make you look up at him. "Daddy's gonna want you to do well, ok? You've done so good so far, tap me if it's too much, ok?"
You nod "o-ok."
"Ok who?"
You bite your lip and let out a small whimper. "Ok daddy." You'd never thought that, that would turn you on but it did in every way. You feel your arousal drip down your thighs.
"Good girl. Open your mouth for daddy." You open your mouth, feeling eager to have him back in your mouth again. He groans looking at how innocent you look waiting for him to destroy your mouth. He slides his cock in your mouth again making you moan. He keeps a steady pace but he gets eager and start to fasten the pace. You keep up, loving the feeling of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You look up at him through teary eyes watching how much he's enjoying fucking your mouth. Him being turned on only wants you to make him fuck your cunt. You start to rub your cunt on the sheets, moaning around his cock. He opens his eyes to the sight of you being turned on, cock in your mouth and grinding on the bed for friction. He smirks. "Dirty girl. You want daddy's cock, don't you?" You look up at him and nod.
He pulls out of your mouth letting you gasp for air. He lays you back down and kisses you sweetly. Bringing his hand down to your clit he starts to play with it. You jerk your hips up and start grinding into his hand. Your moans are more like whinpers and cries. "I could make you cum like this. Just playing with your cute little clit. Watching you beg me to fuck you with my cock. I might just do that."
"N-no no please Daddy. Fuck me please!" He hears your pleas but doesn't abide to them-not yet. He kisses your collarbone and abandons your clit to start playing with your breasts. Rolling your nipples in between his fingers he enjoyed the moans you made and how you rolled your hips on nothing. He enjoyed the way you closed your eyes tight and furrowed your eyebrows. He wonder how you'd act once he was inside of you. That thought made him throb and he let a moan himself. Like a mantra you chanted please over and over again almost making a little pout if it wasn't for you catching your bottom lip between your teeth. He chuckled. He kept one hand busy on your nipple while the other went to fish out a condom in his pants pocket. He rips open the pack and slides it on as he bends down to suck your tortured nipples letting go with a lewd pop! noise.
Spreading your legs he pulled you towards him positioning you where he could easily slide in. You look at him with pleading eyes, begging for him to fuck you.
"You sure baby?" He holds your thighs, his thumbs massaging deep into the insides of your thighs.
"Yes, daddy." You nod frantically really wanting this. "Please." You wiggle your hips to show him how eager you were. He chuckles at your small action.
As if you haven't been waiting long enough he comes down and kisses you deeply as he slowly enters you. You whimpered at the stretch he gave you. It felt new to you, you were breathing heavily. Namjoon grunts at the way your walls clench around him-just begging him to move. "You ok, baby?" You didn't realize but you've grabbed a hold of him with your head buried in the crook of his neck. You calmed down and nodded. "Let me see your face." You loosen your grip on him and look him in the eyes. He searches yours for a moment and finally moves.
His thrust were long and slow. Taking his time to feel you around him and let you adjust.
"Fuck baby you're doing so good." He praises. It made you moan louder and clench making him hiss. "You like that? You like when daddy praises you?" You nod. "Use your words baby."
"Yes! Yes! I love it when you praise me, daddy! G-go faster p-please?" You cried out. He wastes no time in fucking you faster and a little rougher than before but you didn't mind. You liked this much more than what you were doing at first and he could tell. Your moans were getting louder and slowly started to turn to screams of just his name mixed with small whines.
Each thrust had you bouncing on the bed and crying. He felt so good and you felt so full of him. He steadies himself, hands beside your head so he could look at you. You looked up at him with eyes filled with tears and adoration.
"Shit. Mmmm- baby you were made for me. You feel and sound so good. You hear how wet you are for me right now. I started that and no one is going to make you feel like how you are got that." You arched your back and moaned. Fuck. You love it when he talks to you. The way his dominanceoozes out and you enjoy every drip of it. He places his hand around your neck and you focus back on him. "I asked you a question, i want an answer."
You place your hand over his. "W-what i-if i don't want t-to?" You asked him. He tightens his grip on your neck that makes you moan. You didn't think you'd be into that but you liked it.
"D-daddy, N-no marks." You managed to choke out. If you had marks on your neck for tomorrow staff would become suspicious.
He stops his movements and you look up at him. He only smirks and tightens his grip. He fucks into you harder and lets go of your throat. He dips his head in the crook of your neck and sucks and nibbles your skin till it turns pink.
"You are mine. I'll mark you how I want and everyone's gonna see. Got it." You clench around him again. His voice was husky and demanding you didn't feel ashamed letting out a moan when he finished his statement.
"And you never answered me like you should've, don't think I forgot."
He pulls out of you and you whine of the absence.
"Hands and knees, ass up. Now." You looked at him bewildered but you obeyed.
He rubbed your ass and smacked it. You yelped and looked back at him. He only smirked at you and repeated the actions. You grunt again, curling your toes and grabbing the sheets.
"This is what you get for not answering. So start answering me when I speak to you. I'm going to fuck you now. And it won't be soft, ok."
"O-ok, d-daddy."
And he didn't lie that's for sure. He fucked you slow but hard each thrust earned a grunt from him and a cry of his name from you. He slapped your ass a couple of times with the thrust. He held still for some time making you look at him.
"Fuck into me baby." You hesitated at first but did what was asked. You grind your hips into him moaning everytime, enjoying yourself. He gripped your hips and guided you. You stifled when you hit your g-spot. Namjoon noticed and started thrusting into you, each thrust he hit the spot. It had you crying.
"N-namjoon p-please I-I can't hold anymore." He noticed your slip up but didn't say anything. He reached down and started to rub gentle circles on your clit each time he found your g-spot. At this point it was silent cries, grunts and moans. Only sound that was noticeable was your slick newd sounds and the slap of skin wich turned you on more. All this was so much to handle for your first. You couldn't go on for long and neither could Namjoon. You felt him twitch inside you. You clawed at the sheets and screamed out his name.
You tightened around him as you came down. He let you ride out your orgasm. Once you were done he slipped out of you and turned you on your back. Slipping off the condom he fucked himself in his hand looking at you and your worn out body. With one of his hands he wiped your cunt and it made you flinch since you were so sensitive. He got his hand that he wiped you with and put it in his mouth and moaned. Even though you were done the scene before you made you want to pounce on him again. His breathing got heavy and you knew he was close, stroking himself faster.
Since he was close you wanted to tease him.
"Mmmm...daddy?" He looks at you in question. "You know you look so sexy like that. Fucking into your hand in front of me. It makes me want to take you again." You moan at the thought of him in you again and maybe even letting himself soften inside you.
"Daddy, you wanna know what I'm thinking right now?" His breathing gets even heavier he's almost there. "You releasing inside my warm, wet pussy as I cry out your name and tell you how you feel." You rub your hands down your self, one playing with your breasts and the other spreading your lips so he can see inside you and imagine with you.
He watches your hands and follows your hand going to your pussy and watch as you spread yourself for him. He stutters out a shit and finally releases and cums on your torso. You take your finger and scoop his cum up and put it in your mouth and moan.
"Daddy, you taste so good." You moan. He chuckles and bends over you. He pulls your hand away from your mouth and kisses you sweetly. No lust in this one just love.
"You're very naughty in the bedroom, baby." You give him a soft push.
"Yeah? You too...daddy." He laughs at your statement.
"You got me. Now lets clean up and get some rest. Remember we have a show to do tomorrow." He climbs off of you and you get hit with reality. You have a show tomorrow and you're going to be in a good mood. Too good of a mood, they'd know something was up. How'd you act knowing what you did the night before.
"Oh yeah good luck to your make up stylist for trying to cover up those marks." You throw a pillow at him.
"Namjoon you bitch!"
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sovonight · 6 years
I came to offer help, and heap tons and tons of praise on you and your friends and I scrolled down your Tumblr and now... Well. Do you still have that carwash scene that got cut from the game? Because now I'm curious. 😂
i traveled back through (version) history and found it on the google doc, and it’s… man it’s worse than i thought. read on for drafted pain:
Stan “(something about how he loves his car, a 1965 El Diablo convertible)”
“He’s still looking at the El Diablo with intense pride, though it doesn’t look nearly as impressive as he’s been making it out to be. There’s mud caked on the tires, like it’s been off-road, and grime obscures the some of the car’s deep red surface in splashes that make you picture this car just coming out of a car chase– or a particularly carefree drive.”“Looking at stan, you don’t put either past him.” “Stan bends down to the bucket to pick up a sponge heavy with soapy water; as he straightens, the water runs down his forearm in rivulets. You didn’t notice this when he had his coat on, but Stan’s arms look surprisingly…strong.”“He presses the sponge in slow, confident strokes over the car’s exterior, starting small but then reaching further, his already form-fitting shirt stretching a little tighter, hinting at the musculature of his back.”“A few passes over the side clear the grime and you start to see the truer color underneath, a rich attractive red that you can feel more appreciation of, now. But your focus isn’t on the car.”“Your eyes are drawn to Stan, and his thick, strong arms, and when he dips the sponge back in the bucket for more you watch for the subtle shift of muscle as he wrings the sponge out, just a little. You’re glad he keeps it mostly sopping wet because some of it drips onto his shirt and makes the fabric cling to his skin. Too involved in washing his car, he doesn’t even seem to notice.”“He’s humming, actually, and half-sounds turn into words as he just starts singing a song about washing his car. He repeats the chorus a few too many times, and his words bunch up enough that the notes don’t make sense, but it’s kind of…”Menu: “Endearing”: “You can’t help it. You find it cute, even. You smile, and when Stan glances back to you as if only just remembering he’d asked you to stay there, an embarrassed-conflicted look crosses his face and his tune falters just a bit, turning back into a combination of mumbling and humming.” “Weird”: “Everyone has their own little quirks, you guess.”“He’s making good progress on his car. Good progress on his shirt, too, which has been getting incrementally wetter and more translucent throughout this whole process. You watch as he leans across the hood to get that particular spot, and as he eases back you feel like you won’t be parting from this encounter unchanged.”“Stan holds out the bucket to you.”Stan “Fill this up again, will you? Hose is right there.”“You take the bucket, setting it down on an appropriate patch of grass before picking up the hose, as well. Stan puts his hands on his hips, sponge strangely still in hand, which lets weak trickles of water drip down over his fingers and onto the grass below.”Stan “So what do you think? A real sight, isn’t it?”Menu: “Agree, he is a sight”: Player “Sure is.” “You try to eye him without being obvious. Thankfully, Stan only has eyes for his car right now.” “You might still be trying to eye him as you handle the hose, however. You were going to open the nozzle enough to get a calm stream of water from it, but just as you twist it Stan lifts his shirt up to wipe away some sweat from his forehead, as if a damp shirt was going to help him dry off. Next thing you know, you’ve filled the bucket partway with water, but the hose’s intended calm stream has become a spray that takes Stan’s shirt opacity as a casualty.” “Stan gives a surprised yelp and turns away from the spray, and as you get the hose back under control you find he’s been almost entirely drenched.” “Oops.” Jump stan_wet “Agree, the car is a sight”: Player “Sure is.” “You gaze openly at the car, which is cleaning up nicely. Stan gazes with you, and gives you a proud grin.” “Disagree”: Player “I..might put it that way, yeah.” “Stan gives you a shrug and a frown.” Stan “Some people aren’t gifted with my kinda taste.”
Label stan_wet:Stan “Watch it with that hose! Get– oh, it’s off.”“He still gives his state an unimpressed look, though, and turns the look to you.”Stan “Are you sure you know how to use that thing? I’m drenched.”Menu: “Apologize and complement”: Jump stan_wet_perfect Player “Sorry! At least the sun’s out?” “Stan squints up at the sky and yes, it’s a clear sunny day. He huffs.” “You’re glad he seems to hold little against you, but aren’t sure if your apology is entirely sincere. Maybe your subconscious had a hand in this. You wouldn’t put it past yourself.”
Player “Look, let me get you a towel or something? You can dry off.”“Stan tells you where the towels are kept and you rush in to get one, eager to escape the awkward atmosphere you’d created outside.”“When you come back out, after taking your time walking slowly back out to the car, Stan’s finishing the job up.”“Stan wraps himself in the towel, gives himself a few half-hearted scrubs, then shrugs.”Stan “Good enough.”“Stan makes his way back to the shack, and looks back when you don’t immediately follow.”
Label stan_wet_perfect:Player “Yeah, and you look pretty good like that, too.”“Stan looks surprised and taken aback for a mere second before he recovers, leaning back against the hood of his car with an eyebrow cocked.”“(His elbows kind of slip a bit against the still-slick surface of the car, but you pretend not to notice.)”Stan “Like this? Yeah, I’m what the ladies call a masterpiece.”“The sunlight highlights the water that’s still dripping from his hair, to his cheek, to down his jaw and along the line of his neck, only to disappear in the damp fabric of his shirt. You notice he’s kind of squinting behind his glasses, though, the lens of which are covered in droplets of water that must make it hard to see.”“Without thinking, you step up to him, remove his glasses, wipe them clean with your own shirt, and hand them back. He doesn’t take it immediately, though, pausing to slick back his hair to get the residual water out of his face.”Stan “…Thanks.”“Now that he can see again he doesn’t seem to be able to fully meet your eye.”Stan “–Hey, it’s hot out here, isn’t it? Uh, go get me a towel.”Player “What?”Stan “You drench a man in hose water and don’t even have the common decency to get him a towel? Go on!”“You head back towards the shack as Stan calls after you.”Stan “Actually, get two towels, I’m not tracking this mud into the shack!”“You take one last glance back to see Stan still leaning against his car, but looking a little blankly at a certain patch of grass about 3 feet in front of him, cheeks slightly pink.”
“Back inside, Stan directs you to sit at the kitchen table, and tugs at his wet shirt with mild disgust as he trudges up to his room to retrieve dry clothing. While he’s gone you try not to squirm too much in the kitchen chair as you think over what happened.”“You’ve managed to rationalize any attraction towards him when Stan comes back down the stairs in a fresh set of clothing.”“He heads to the fridge, pulls out two cans of Pitt soda, and nudges the fridge door shut with his foot. Stan sets a can down in front of you, its condensation starting a slow drop onto the table’s surface, which only serves to remind you about earlier.”“Stan sits in the chair across from you, and pulls a third chair over to put his feet up on, leaning back leisurely. You look to him in question, and he gives an explanation.”Stan “Best way to finish off a hard day’s work. You did alright today.”(expression depends on whether you did bad alright or good alright)“Stan doesn’t look to you, only turns his own can of soda over in his hands, like he’s really inspecting the nutrition information, or something. Guess he’s not even gonna mention the water thing further.”
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otherworldink · 4 years
Intro to "Woodworking"
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Where do you go when you live in a tiny medieval fantasy village and need some basic sex ed? The woodshop apparently. Results may vary. Includes frank, if humorous, discussions of sexuality.
Read it below the cut, or continue reading on: Wattpad or Otherworld.Ink
Bren had never liked sharing personal information. He believed in the twin virtues of privacy and minding your own damn business, and he acted accordingly. Unfortunately, he'd come up against a problem that required advice. Expert advice.
And there was only one place in his backwater village he could get it.
The carpenter's workshop was a pleasantly open building with large windows that let in the light and broad double doors that could allow the passage of a finished table or bed frame. The scent of fresh-cut pine and the subtler scents of hardwoods permeated the air. In every corner there stood half-completed projects, from the disassembled pieces of little boxes to uncut slabs with measurements drawn in charcoal. Bren could even see a small spoked wheel, half-sanded—a spare for the wheeled chair Kole's father used.
Mercifully, the only people inside were the shop's two owners. The most conspicuous of the pair was Dorin, whose height and breadth led some to suspect he had a touch of giant blood somewhere in his ancestry. He sat hunched over a pair of carved wooden fawns, adding the last fine details with a small chisel.
Hale looked slight compared to his husband, but this was just an optical illusion. A point that was reinforced as the man casually lifted a slab of wood that must have weighed as much as Bren did. It was impressive, but not why Bren was here.
"Hi, Bren!" Hale greeted, looking up from examining the marks on the wood slab. "Did your mother change her mind on the dimensions for that shelf? I was just about to make the first cut."
"No, no. It's not about that. I just... I need some advice."
"Oh? Thinking of taking up woodworking?" Hale asked, half joking.
In his nervousness, Bren replied with a poor joke of his own.
"Different kind of 'wood' to be working with."
There was a pause as Hale processed. Then he grinned like someone had handed him a new chisel.
"I knew it! It's Kole, isn't it? That nice half-elf boy?"
Bren's ears burned, and his eyes glued themselves to the floor.
"It is!" Hale dropped the wood slab in his eagerness, shaking the ground on impact. He didn't seem to notice. "Tell me everything! What do you need to know?"
The excitement was not mutual. Bren had resolved to ask for help with the same enthusiasm one used to ask the blacksmith to pull a bad tooth. Mercifully, Dorin only looked mildly interested, sparing just a glance before continuing his carving.
"Look, I'm not here to share details. I just need to know how some things work, and I figure you two..." Bren glanced back and forth between the pair then cleared his throat. "Yeah."
"Right, right." Hale nodded with exaggerated understanding. "No need to overshare. ...Unless you want to, of course."
Hale wasn't the worst gossip Bren knew—that title went to Mrs. Fields who owned the mill—but Bren still thought he took a bit too much pleasure in having his nose in everyone's business.
"I just need to know how some things work."
"Like what?" Hale tapped his chin. "Don't tell me you need to know what goes where? I should have some blank paper around here if you need me to draw diagrams. I can think of a few positions that would be good for beginners."
"No! No, I already know about that stuff." Kind of. A bit. In any case, Bren didn't think his dignity could survive diagrams. "I just need to know about... logistics. Like how you figure out who, you know... tops."
It was hard to get the words out, and he regretted it as soon as he had. It felt like such a stupid question, like it was something he should already know instinctively. People certainly had their own ideas about how these things worked, but Bren and Kole were about the same age, height, and build so it was hard to say that any of the usual "guidelines" applied.
To his surprise, Dorin answered first.
"I wouldn't worry too much about that," he said without looking up. "Just see what feels right when you get to that point. You can take turns trying or, hells, even flip a coin for it. There's more to sex than putting your dick in a hole. Focus on making each other feel good, and the rest will sort itself out."
That... actually sounded sensible. Reassuring, even. Maybe Bren had been making a big deal out of nothing.
"No, no, no! Hold on a minute, babe." Hale quickly covered Dorin's ears. "Listen to me, Bren: you are at a crossroads right now. This is where you set the tone for your entire relationship. You have a unique chance to secure the best position all for yourself. You have to be the bottom!"
Dorin snorted, but made no move to remove the hands from his head. Hale ignored him and continued.
"Topping is a fool's game! If you want to feel something around your dick, you can have your own hand any time. But when you want to get fucked, what are you supposed to do? Oh, you can try certain vegetables, and I've certainly carved a few things in the right shape, but then you've still got to do all the work yourself, and-"
Dorin cleared his throat, interrupting the deluge of far-too-personal information. A mercy, given that Bren was on the verge of bursting into awkward flames and disintegrating into the floor.
"Hush!" Hale scolded his husband. "I'm passing on my wisdom. And you can't hear right now!"
He returned his earnest attention to Bren. "What I'm saying is, no matter what anyone tells you, it is surprisingly hard to 'go fuck yourself'. If you ever get the opportunity to have someone else do it, do not pass it up!"
"He's only saying that because he's lazy in bed," Dorin said, apparently giving up on withholding personal information. Hale made an offended noise.
"You! You can't hear, remember!"
Bren wished he couldn't hear anything.
"Is there anything useful you can tell me, or should I just leave?"
"Always use oil," Dorin said, finally brushing Hale's hands away from his ears. "More than you think you need. It makes everything more pleasant."
"Except for oral!" Hale added.
"Yeah. Except that."
"Okay, that's... good to know," Bren said. "So, like, the oil you use on tools, or...?"
"NO!" The objection came from both of them simultaneously.
Dorin cleared his throat.
"Ah, no. Different oil."
Hale grimaced.
"Otherwise you're in for an awkward trip to the healer."
Bren could tell there was a story there. A story he absolutely never needed to hear.
"Then... what kind are you supposed to use?" And where could he get it? Ideally without anyone guessing what he intended to use it for.
"We'll send you off with something," Dorin said. "It's better than you getting desperate and using whatever's on hand."
"Trust us on that," Hale added.
On this matter, Bren would.
In short order, the two set him up with a small jar of oil and instructions on where to discretely buy more. He also found himself holding the two fawns.
"You can pay us back by delivering them," Dorin explained. "They're for Leda on the other side of town."
"They're actually for her daughter," Hale added. "Leda hopes that if the kid has some nice toy fawns, she'll stop trying to bring home the real ones she finds out in the fields."
The palm-sized fawns were impressively lifelike: one curled flat and low like it was hiding in the grass, the other half-sprawled, pushing itself up on delicate forelimbs with its ears pricked alertly. Bren wasn't sure they'd be enough to persuade a determined child to give up the real thing, but they might come close.
Dorin offered some parting words.
"I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just take it slow, listen to each other, and have fun."
"And for fuck's sake, let him top!" Hale added, unable to help himself.
Bren mumbled something approaching a polite goodbye and hurriedly retreated with the fawns, the oil, the advice, and what remained of his dignity.
His initial plan had been to make the delivery and retreat home to bury his face in his pillow until the embarrassment receded, but fate was not so accommodating. Less than halfway across town, he spotted Kole at the blacksmith's shop, saying his goodbyes. Bren paused on reflex, and when Kole turned away from the workshop, he spotted him.
Kole smiled—partly bashful, entirely charming—and Bren's stomach flipped.
Kole had moved into town a few months back with his parents: an elven mother and a human father who had recently survived an unpleasant encounter with a wyvern. Years ago, Hale had made a wheeled chair for his elderly aunt, and since then, anyone within a week's travel who needed one would order from him.
The family had made the journey to have the chair properly fitted and had ended up staying. Something about wanting to live "somewhere quiet" and enjoying the "lovely pastoral scenery". Which all sounded like nice euphemisms for "boring", but Bren supposed boring might be what you wanted after getting mauled by a wyvern.
"They're cute," Kole said, nodding at the carved fawns in Bren's hands.
"They're not mine!" Bren said hastily. "I'm just delivering them."
"Right." Kole's gaze lowered. "What's that?"
Bren realized, with some alarm, that he was looking at the bottle of oil sticking out of his trouser pocket. He hadn't thought it would be a problem since there was nothing suggestive about it's appearance, but he hadn't prepared for anyone to ask about it!
"Nothing!" His voice came out slightly more panicked than intended.
Amusement flickered on Kole's face, as if he could tell Bren was hiding something but was nice enough not to call him out on it.
"Who are you delivering them to?" Kole asked, mercifully turning the conversation back to the wooden fawns.
This was why Kole was the actual best. He had the decency to let things lie. (Or, at least, to let Bren lie to save some face.)
"Leda. They're for her daughter."
"Oh yeah. The little 'fawn-napper'." Kole chuckled. "Do you need help delivering those?"
"No, they're not heavy or anything." It was only after he'd said this that he realized Kole was making an excuse to join him. "Uh... I mean, you could..."
"I could carry one? In case you need a free hand."
"Yeah. That'd be good."
Kole accepted one of the fawns and fell in step next to Bren.
The two of them had been intimate before, but always alone. Bren was too much a private person to allow anything else. But when Kole casually laid a hand on Bren's lower back, Bren really couldn't bring himself to object. It felt... nice. And it's not like anyone was paying special attention to them.
Did he mention it felt nice?
Given where Bren had just come from, it was impossible not to reflect on the recent conversation. He tried to keep his thoughts decent, out of respect for the carved fawn in his hands. It was far too innocent for anyone to be having those kinds of thoughts around it.
Still, though...
Maybe Hale had a point.
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sarahjchang · 5 years
a cliche phrase that just got filled
right after i finished my last final exam of the semester, some girls in my class and i went sunrise hiking (because what else are you going to do in Blacksburg?). i went hiking during this time my freshman year, so i figured that going again would be kind of special. a different mountain, with different people, hiking up to a different, but grand view. plus, it was the perfect opportunity to reflect on this past semester (but that's saved for a future post, don't worry). i was really excited. i wanted this time with my sisters and to experience something as glorious as God's vast creations, together, is something i know i won’t be able to do often when i'm older. finishing the former half of college, i realized that the latter half would go by a lot faster. and i needed to make the most out of where i am at this moment.
i apologize in advance, because this post is going to go off the cliche saying of "life's a climb, but the view is great." and honestly, this phrase used to get me angry because it was just so optimistic and i guess i didn't like that, haha. but this hike made me realize that these aren't just empty words that are used to cheer someone up. life really is a climb, life is hard. life is so hard and full of so much ... so much of what it has to offer ... but there really is something at the top. let me explain to you, (whoever you may be).
again, i apologize, but this time for my messy thoughts. i have a hard time fumbling through them and putting them into something coherent. but friends, i realized so much throughout this hike.
haha truly, i have the endurance level of an earthworm. i think all the athletic genes went to my brothers (darn!). but i knew i was going in with a group of girls, so hopefully i wouldn't be slowing anyone down. and this hike was supposed to be easier than the one i accomplished last year - and i survived that. so i went in with high hopes of not getting too exhausted. actually, i went in thinking this would be an easy hike and that i would just breeze through. oh, Sarah.
throughout the majority of the trail, i walked alongside one sister specifically, and we got to catch up on everything that's happened since we last had a formal conversation (which was probably this same time last year.) life got so busy and we never got to see each other with our conflicting schedules. but lowkey, i loved it, because there was so much we could throw at each other. we shared what we were struggling with at the moment, what we were afraid of in the following year, and altogether realized how God was working throughout it all. and usually i hate talking when doing something that requires physical endurance, because i already run out of breath doing just that. but surprisingly, from talking with her, i gained energy and the hike felt so much quicker and easier as we were talking and walking. in fact, we were leading the group the majority of the time and it was ironic because we're probably the least physically fit, haha. everything felt good. i was digging the whole atmosphere of walking in the dark beside someone while only using an iPhone flashlight as the only source of light. everything was calm around us and i felt so relieved. accomplishing yet another year of college and just being able to breathe was so relieving. so, why am i telling you this? because, i realized that life is a climb, but - if you have sisters beside you walking with you throughout it, then it becomes so much easier. without a doubt, i would not have survived this hike by myself. being put in a situation where it was okay to be vulnerable felt good. being able to pour out everything i had on my mind kept me going. and the best part is, is the feedback you receive from sharing a piece of your heart. i learned a lot from this one talk. out of context, i learned that genuinely listening is actually really hard to do, much harder than talking. i learned that it's for the best that we're not all the same, and that we're stitched together uniquely. i learned that you can't go through this alone. it's so important to find a community and support system. sisterhood is so important and so filling. [you know who you are, thanks for walking with me.]
when i hike, i usually keep my mouth shut (ugh, i know some of you might find that hard to believe.) but there's so many thoughts spiraling through my mind the entire time. and they're just bouncing off the walls of my brain, with no outlet. thoughts that are about how i'm struggling on this hike. "oh gosh, i need a water break, but no one else seems to look thirsty." "my feet hurt and my hip feels like its sliding out of place." "my limbs feel like they're no longer my limbs." "why am i so physically unfit?" i don't bother to express these thoughts out loud because i place this assumption that no one is thinking the same thing. everyone else is probably breezing through this and i'm the only one struggling. who wants to hear these thoughts? i'd be burdening the rest of the group. i mean, i'm the most incapable one here, right? surprise, Sarah! life's a climb - and everyone else is struggling alongside with you, whether you realize it or not. i realized that every time (which was kind of often) someone said the exact thoughts i was having out loud, i felt so much reassurance and the pressure to keep up was lifted off. it felt so good to hear someone saying they were struggling. i'm not the only one. and so that's when i realized, life is a climb, but - if you are vulnerable enough to share what you're struggling with, there's a very good chance someone is going through something similar and might be able to share the burden with you. and together, you keep walking.
okay, i just explained the part where life is a climb. but, what about the view? my gosh, when i finally reached the top... what i saw was absolutely beautiful. it really didn’t feel like i just hiked for two hours. this is where i say "this was worth it." the pink, yellow, and blue. the tiny city lights that looked like leftover sparkles from the night. the patches of land that weren't covered with trees. the sparse houses that allowed a person to sleep in peace for yet another night. the people that passed us on the trail who were already waiting at the top. i took it all in. i really did. and i thought to myself, (and read this next part really slowly)
//"My God said, "Let there be..." and there was. There is no greater beauty. //
friends. our God isn't some begrudging judge, waiting for us to shape up on our own. He comes to rescue us, helping us turn back to Him. He is the loving Father, running unashamedly toward His prodigal son. He is the good Shepard who goes off in search of just one sheep. sometimes the climb is tedious and disheartening, and downright painful. and in those moments, it's so temping to give up and turn away. but what we might not be able to see is the most magnificent view up ahead. here's what's at the top of life's climb: our gracious Father, extending his arms and calling us home. and that’s where it’s really worth it. 
the One who was with you in the beginning, who has raised you up as his beloved child, will not forsake you now, or ever. 
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lucaslooksbrown · 5 years
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 13:39:09 -0500 From: gwen uni <[email protected]> Subject: Harvey Was A Bitch by Cutter09 gay adult/youth Please remember to donate to Nifty. The thousands of stories available for your reading pleasure is provided by Nifty, so give a little and get a lot. Cutter09 http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html You can find more of my stories listed on the prolific authors page under Cutter09 Harvey Was A Bitch  To say that we were surprised by the impact of Harvey would be an understatement. Being in Houston for years, and having worked on oil rigs in the gulf, I had survived many bad storms. But Harvey was a real bitch.  In my area of town there had been flooding a few years earlier that had come to within a couple of blocks of my highrise apartment. They had said at the time it was a once in five hundred years flood. So, with Harvey imminent, I stocked up on food, water, batteries, etc., and planned to hunker in and ride it out. I was even smart enough to get coolers filled with dry ice for perishables.  I expected power outages, and not being able to get out of the area for a few days, but Harvey decided that wasn't enough of an inconvenience.  I watched the storm from my window on the sixth floor. The wind and rain were incredible. The lights went out fairly early in the storm, and with the flashes of lightning I could see the trees swaying as much as a forty five degree angle.  Across from my building is a very nice subdivision with large houses set on large lots. Many nights I would sit on my balcony and watch the residents around their secluded pools, thinking they weren't being seen as they did all sorts of fun things. A lot of the women liked to sunbathe topless during the day too, and with my binoculars, I got some nice views.  As I watched the storm, I happened to look down at that subdivision. One house in particular, I had seen the lady of the house blowing her hubby poolside one night. I couldn't see the pool.  I thought the storm was just distorting things, so I got out my trusty binoculars. That's when I realized Harvey was a bitch. I couldn't see the pool because it was under water. The car in the driveway was only half visible too. The last flood hadn't even come close to these people's house.  I don't know what the difference was, but within five minutes, the half visible car was no longer visible at all. The water was rising rapidly.  I didn't have a lot of time to consider the situation because another situation knocked at my door just then.  "Oh thank God. I was afraid the whole building was empty," said the young teen boy at my door.  "What are you doing out in this storm?" I asked, opening the door to let him in.  He was a full foot shorter than me at about five feet two inches [1.55 m] tall, maybe a hundred ten pounds [50 kg], tousled light brown hair, big brown eyes.  "I live on the second floor. I didn't know how bad it was, until water started coming under the door. I tried to stop it by putting towels under it, but soon that was useless. It was up to my ankles when I decided to leave, I opened the door, and the water in the hall was already knee deep. I knew the first floor was flooded, so I decide to try and find someone else still in the building. I knocked on every door on the way up. Nobody's here. You're the first one to actually answer the door."  "Where are your parents? Do they need help?"  "No. My mom just married her boyfriend. They're in Paris on their honeymoon."  "They left you alone?"  "No. My grandmother was supposed to check up on me. When we heard the storm was going to be bad, she said she'd come pick me up.That was yesterday. I think something might have happened to her."  "Do you know your mom's cell number?"  "Yes."  Surprisingly I got a signal, and handed him my cell phone. "Call her and let her know you're okay."  "Mom?... Yeah, I'm fine... I don't know where she is, she was supposed to pick me up but I think something happened... I'm with some guy on the sixth floor... Just a second. She wants to speak to you."  "Hello."  "Hello. Uh... Who am I speaking with?"  "Brandon Duncan."  ""Mr. Duncan, how bad is it there?"  "Well, I'm afraid your apartment is completely flooded. The power is out, and the storm isn't letting up. I have food and water to last awhile, so I think we'll be alright."  "We've just heard about the storm, and were going to fly home, but nothing is landing in Houston."  "Don't bother. It's going to be awhile before the water recedes enough to get here even if you were able to land. Just enjoy your honeymoon as much as you can under the circumstances. I'll keep you informed if things worsen."  "Thank you Mr. Duncan."  I handed the phone back to the boy.  "Yes Mom... He does seem like a nice guy... yeah I'll behave... Ok, love you too. Bye."  "So, what's your name kid?"  "Blake."  "Well Blake, are you hungry?"  "A little."  "I doubt that Domino's pizza is delivering tonight, so how about some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"  He shivered as he nodded his head. I noticed his jeans were soaked halfway up his thighs.  "First, let's find you something to wear."  Leading him to my bedroom by flashlight, I pulled out an old basketball jersey from my bottom drawer.  "It might be a little big, but it will do," I said handing it to him.  Blake wasted little time in taking his jeans off. Then he removed his tee shirt too. I had the flashlight trained on him, and could see his tight white briefs in it's glow. The jersey fit him like a dress, hanging to his thighs. It was then I realized it was mesh, and I could see through it. He either didn't notice, or didn't care.  "Thanks. It feels good to get out of those wet jeans."  I made the sandwiches and poured the last of my milk into two glasses to go with it. At least it wouldn't spoil. I lit a candle and set it on the table. In its dim light, I could still see Blake's chest and and briefs through the mesh material.  After we ate, we stood at the patio door watching the storm ravage the city.  "May I use your toilet?"  "Sure. Down the hall on the left."  I started to lead him there with the flashlight, then had a thought.  "Wait. Uh... the plumbing is probably not going to work. We'll have to go down to water level and do our business in the water."  "Won't it go into people's apartments, including mine?"  "Afraid so. But they're already ruined, and that water is a sewer now too. You don't even want to know all that's in it."  He worked it through his head, and nodded."  I reached for some toilet paper. "Uh... I don't need that right now," he said.  I led him down the stairwell till we reached the water halfway up the second story.  "I never thought I would be doing this," Blake said as he tucked the jersey under his chin.  The beam of the flashlight was soon joined by a stream of urine from Blake. I slowly trailed the beam up the stream to its origin.  Blake had a thumb holding his underwear waistband down, as his other hand held his dick. It was soft, about three and a half inches [8½ cm], fairly thick, with a nice round knob. I could make out a few hairs at its base, and his balls were mashed against his cock by his underwear. I would imagine it being a really nice cock when hard.  When he finished, I turned to go back upstairs.  "Don't you need to go too?" he asked.  "I might as well, since we're already here."  I pulled the waistband of my sweatshorts down in front. It took me awhile to get my stream started since I wasn't in dire need. The whole time, Blake had the flashlight pointed at my cock.  We headed back upstairs after I finished. Blake broke the silence by saying, "I've never seen a dick that big."  "Your's is pretty big too for your age. How old are you anyway?"  "I'll be thirteen next week. You're not mad about me looking at your dick?"  "I can't complain, I looked at yours too. It's only natural. If someone is standing in front of you with their genitals on display, you're gonna look. Male or female, it's hard not to look."  "At school if you're caught looking at another guy's dick, they call you names," Blake noted.  "Yes, that does seem to be the case. It's the unspoken rule in any public restroom. But most guys are gonna look if they can get by with it."  The storm continued to rage outside as we watched from the balcony door. Blake seemed pensive, so I asked him if he was okay.  "Yeah, I guess. It just seems like this storm is never going to end. Do you think we'll be alright here?"  "We're about forty feet [12 m] above the water. If it get's this high, there really isn't anyplace safe to be. Most of Texas would be gone. If worse comes to worse, we'll move higher. This building has ten floors."  Later I showed him to the guest room and left him with a candle. I had barely settled in my bed before the door opened.  "Brandon, can I stay with you?"  "Uh... sure."  He approached the bed, and with the candlelight, I could see he had taken off the jersey. His briefs glowed in the flickering light as he sat the candle down on the bedside table.  He blew out the candle and crawled in beside me. He lay perched on the edge of the bed as if he didn't want to invade my space.  "It's okay to be scared, Blake. This is a really bad storm. A lot of people are scared right now, even grown men."  "Are you scared?"  "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared. But I know we're gonna be okay."  Blake moved closer and drew my arm around him, laying his head on my shoulder.  "Thanks, Brandon."  He lay his hand down between our bodies, and discovered I was naked.  "Brandon, are... uh..."  "What?"  "Uh... nothing, never mind. Good night."  "Good night, Blake," I replied placing a light kiss on his head. ***  It was still raining when I woke up, though some light was coming in the windows. Blake lay on his side, drooling on my chest. His morning erection poking at my hip, his hand on my own morning wood. I thought about removing it, but if he woke up at that moment, it might appear as if I was trying to place it there, not remove it.  I decided to just leave it and let him figure out what to do. I lay there about fifteen minutes until Blake began to wake. I feigned sleep as he looked up at my face. He then squeezed my cock, checking how hard it was I guessed. His hand slowly made its way down to the base squeezing it along the way. Then all the way to the head, still squeezing it, checking the length.  He stroked it a couple of times, causing me to moan slightly. This scared his hand away from me, and he rolled onto his back. So I rolled onto my side facing him. I still pretended to be asleep, as I lay my hand down on the front of his underwear.  He let out a moan as my fingers lightly gripped his cotton encased erection. I released it, then moved my hand up to his belly, to slip my fingers under the waistband. He made no move to stop me, so I proceeded down to grip his young cock.  "You have a nice dick, Blake."  "Um..Thanks. I thought you were asleep."  "I was until you played with my cock."  "I'm sorry. I woke up and it was in my hand. I just wanted to see how big it was when it was hard."  "Show me yours, and I'll show you mine," I said with a smile.  He understood the schoolyard humor, and reached for his underwear. Once free of confinement, I could see his dick was a little over five inches [13 cm] long and thick for his age. On his tiny body, it looked huge. He only had a few hairs, and a set of balls that I couldn't wait to run my tongue over.  He got impatient as I stared at his jewels. "Can I see yours now?"  I pulled the cover off us, and got on my knees in front of him.  Blake gazed at it for a moment, then his hand wrapped around it.  He looked up at me and asked, "Can I suck it?"  Thank you God for sending me this angel.  "Only if I get to suck yours too."  He leaned toward me and took it into his mouth. It had been twenty years since I had been with a boy. My best friend Aaron and I had messed around when we were about Blake's age. I have dreamed of being with a boy ever since. Now I had that chance, I was going to take full advantage of it.  I could tell he hadn't ever done this before, but he was very enthusiastic. He knew what he wanted. A cock in his mouth. He yearned to feel it, and taste it. He also wanted what was soon coming his way. A full load of man sperm.  He worked hard for what he knew was his reward. His lips and hand moved in sync, enticing the load from my cock.  "Do you want me to cum in your mouth?"  Blake nodded and picked up the pace.  "I'm cumming."  Blake's cheeks puffed out a bit as my first shot fired. He quickly swallowed, and coaxed the rest out with his hand. Swallowing twice more before slowing his motion. Then he just lovingly sucked on it.  The kid was a natural, and liked it. I had just given him his first taste of something he would crave the rest of his life. Even after taking his mouth away, he still stared at it, wondering when he would get to do it again.  That time would come soon enough, but first, it was my turn. I swooped down and swallowed his boy dick. My mind instantly flooded with the memory of sucking Aaron's dick. His silky hardness filled my mouth, reaching the entrance to my throat. Blake was so turned on by sucking me, he didn't last thirty seconds before I got a taste of his boy cream.  The worst of the storm had passed, but it was still raining. We didn't bother to dress as we went down the stairwell to stand side by side and piss into the water below.  We laughed all the way back to the apartment. Blake immediately reached for my cock. He already needed another serving of cream. Who was I to deny a budding cocksucker.  We were sitting on the sofa, when his face dropped into my lap. His lips wrapped around my cock, and he slowly sild up and down on it. He didn't seem to be trying to make me cum, it was more like he just wanted to enjoy having a cock in his mouth.  I leaned back and let him have his way. His head lay on my stomach as he nursed on my cock, almost like a baby with a pacifier. After a couple of minutes, he pulled it out of his mouth, and held it straight up admiring it. His hand slid up the shaft and swirled around the knob end before sliding back down. Then he put it back in his mouth to nurse on it some more.  "You really like my dick, don't you," I pointed out.  Blake nodded, then pulled away long enough to say "It's beautiful. And so big."  As he put his lips around it again, I slid my hand down to his butt. I squeezed his little butt cheeks before slipping my middle finger into his crack. He pressed back into my hand as I toyed with his pucker. This got him excited enough to start sucking my cock in earnest. His head bobbed up and down my shaft quickly and when he felt my balls tighten up, he took me into his throat for me to explode there.  I pushed my finger into him up to the second knuckle and worked it in and out. Blake grabbed his dick and stroked it twice before firing his load onto his stomach.  "Are you ready for some breakfast?" I asked after we had calmed.  I scrambled eggs on the side burner of my gas grill, and we sat down to eat. I had never sat and ate with a naked teenager, but hoped it wouldn't be the last time. Neither of us seemed bothered by it, in fact I think Blake enjoyed it as much as I. He had a constant smile on his face, and kept glancing down at my cock.  We were cuddling on the sofa when I heard something. A motor. I stepped to the balcony railing and looked down. There was a guy in a bass boat looking for people who needed rescuing.  I yelled down to him, "Hey! Is all of Houston under water?"  "Just about. You need help?"  "If it doesn't get any worse, we'll be alright. It would be hard to get down there anyway. We have food and water to last awhile."  "Ok. I'll swing by again in a day or two to check on you."  "Thanks. I'd appreciate it."  Blake had a smile on his face as I entered the patio door.  "What?" I asked.  "Nothing. At first I thought you were going to ask him to rescue us.  "Do you want to be rescued?"  "You already did," he said, and threw his arms around me.  Later I was teaching him to play the card game 'Spades', and he began looking a little pensive.  "What's wrong?"  "Nothing. I'm just worried."  "We're gonna be just fine. The rain will stop soon, then the water will go down, and you'll be back with your mom."  "That's just it. When they get back we're gonna move in with Lucas."  "He didn't live with you here?"  "No. He's rich, and has a really big house north of here."  "Oh? What's Lucas's last name?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't say Bishop.  "Bishop."  "Shit. He owns the company I work for. He's probably fifty years old. How old is your mom?"  "Thirty. I guess she's like a trophy wife or something. She's really pretty."  Now I was getting curious. "What happened to your dad?"  "Never had one. Mom's worked for Bishop since she was sixteen. He got divorced last year, and started dating my mom."  "Had you met him before they started dating?"  "Yeah, he's been to our place lots of times. I can't remember when he wasn't around."  Okay, things were getting clearer. There has always been rumors about Bishop and a young girl. So, putting the rumors with this information, I would guess that Bishop knocked up a sixteen year old girl, kept her and her son around, divorced his wife and now married the mother of his son, I also knew he only had two daughters by his first wife. Maybe he decided he wanted a male heir.  "Well, after this storm, I'm sure you would have to move anyway."  "You're right. I know. But now that I've met you, I don't think I want to move. I've never been so comfortable around anybody like I am with you."  He reached for my cock again. "I've never been able to sit around naked with anybody, or play with their dick, and let them play with mine, like I can with you."  "You know, I will probably have to move too. The lobby is gone, all resident services are gone, the elevator probably won't work for a long time. It will be at least a year before this building is habitable again. Maybe I'll check into a hotel near where you live, and we can still see each other."  This brought a smile to his face. "Will you really? You will still want to see me after all this is over?" He seemed surprised that I would want to.  "Of course I will. Why wouldn't I?" I asked.  "I sorta thought this was like a convenience for you. You know. Like, 'I'm stuck with this kid, I might as well get my dick sucked' kinda thing."  "I don't let just anyone suck my dick. You're a beautiful boy and I like you a lot. And you have a pretty suckable dick too," I laughed.  My cock had grown hard in his hand. He was staring at it while lost in thought for a moment.  "So... If I wanted to do more, would you?" he asked without looking away from my cock.  "More? Like what?"  He hesitated for a moment, then said, "I really liked the way your finger felt in me this morning..."  "So you want to try something a little bigger?"  Blake smiled and nodded at me.  "I'm pretty big. Are you sure you want to?"  "I trust you."  I used my fingers, then a couple of different sized candles, to stretch him a bit. With each progressively larger item, he moaned and groaned as his hole was widened, but he never said stop. In fact, he seemed to enjoy every step of the way. His dick receded at each step, then returned to rigid hardness as I worked the candle in and out.  Blake lay on his back, and I was poised at his opening when I gave him one last chance to back out.  "Are you sure?"  He smiled and pulled my cock to his hole. "Please fuck me."  I leaned down to kiss him as I applied pressure. All the prep work had helped, and I popped in fairly easily. Blake groaned into my kiss, and wrapped his arms around me. I moved slowly in and out, gaining ground with every third or fourth stroke. He moaned as I took possession of each additional inch of his chute.  At about six inches [15 cm], I tried just fucking him with that, but he wanted more. Bucking up at me, and wrapping his legs around me to pull me deeper, I gave in and slowly fed him the last three inches [7 cm] of thick cockmeat.  As my balls banged against his butt cheeks, Blake screamed out, "Oh God!"  I felt his dick throbbing between our bellies as he unloaded his cream there. When his orgasm passed, Blake's lips met mine again, and he humped his hips up at me wanting more fucking. I obliged, and started to pound him pretty hard.  This kid was born to be fucked. I've never had a woman who was as enthusiastic and responsive as Blake was. His moans of pleasure in my ear were just as exciting as his tight tunnel gripping my cock.  His second orgasm pushed me over the brink, and I unleashed my cum in his colon. I collapsed on top of him, and we both tried to recover.  "Are you okay?" I asked after a couple of minutes.  "Couldn't be better," he whispered.  I started to pull away. "Please don't take it out yet. I like the way you feel inside me."  Looking down at him I said, "Where have you been all my life?"  "The first fifteen years or so of it, I wasn't born yet," Blake laughed, causing his ass to squeeze my cock.  "Just for that..." I said, and jerked my cock from his butt.  "Ooh... That was mean," Blake complained.  "It's up to us old guys to teach you young whippersnappers a lesson."  He pulled me back for a kiss. "Lesson learned. Now put it back in me."  "Later. Let's get something to eat."  Blake made his way downstairs to our toilet, as I grilled steaks and roasted corn on the gas grill. The rain had slowed, but still coming.  "The water didn't get to the third floor, but almost. And I think it's gone down some."  He sat with a big grin and watched me going to and fro as I prepared our dinner. His gaze never far from my swinging cock. When I sat the plates on the table, he stood on his toes and leaned up for a kiss. I leaned down to kiss him, and his hand grabbed my cock.  "I feel like a girl on her honeymoon, and I can't wait till my husband fucks me again."  I didn't make him wait too long. As soon as it was too dark to see, we went to bed. Blake was so anxious, he practically raped me. He pushed me onto my back, straddled me, and impaled himself on my pole. In the flickering candlelight, I watched his face. There was nothing but pure bliss to be seen. His dick was hard and drooling as he rode me. He soon squirted out his first orgasm, and I flipped him over and fucked him hard. ***  The man in the bass boat returned, but we declined assistance. The water slowly receded, and we spent the time fucking and sucking as it did.  As suspected, there was nothing in his apartment worth saving. The lobby area was even worse, and I knew I was going to have to move.  When I heard the first cars moving down on the streets below, I told Blake he should get dressed.  An hour later there was a knock at the door. Blake's mom and her new husband were happy to see Blake.  "As soon as I heard your name, I knew Blake was in good hands," my boss said.  "How is that sir?" I asked, taking his offered handshake.  "I make it a point to know about my employees. I told Tammy to relax, that you would make sure Blake was safe."  I wasn't aware that Mr. Bishop even knew my name.  Blake's mom still had him in a strangling hug as Bishop said, "Pack a bag. There's no reason to stay here. You're coming with us."  Blake told of how scared he had been and that I took really good care of him. He loved telling how we used the staircase as a toilet.  "Just think Mom, you probably walked through my poop on your way to the apartment."  She turned to her husband and said, "I'm throwing these shoes away." Which brought a laugh to everyone.  Bishop's house is excessively huge and luxurious. I was assigned a bedroom next to Blake's. I was a bit apprehensive when Blake snuck into my room the first night. That didn't stop me from planting his face in the pillow and fucking the life out of him.  It was two weeks before I could get my stuff packed and moved. Bishop gave me a condo in the building across the street from our company headquarters. I got the impression it was where he had taken sixteen year old Tammy and put Blake in her belly. Probably spent many a lunch hour there with her since then too.  My new position as 'Head of Operations' pays double what I was making before, and Bishop never questions the amount of time I spend with Blake.  He has however mentioned how well Blake fills out a speedo, then adds "As I'm sure you know." I suspect he knows about our relationship.  He says Blake and I are like the two sons he never had. I know that I am the only one that isn't his son, and since Tammy is pregnant now, maybe he'll have another.  Yes, Harvey was a real son of a bitch to Houston, but it was great to me. The End © Cutter09 Please send comments: Cutter09 would love to hear what you think of the story! Do you enjoy having access to all the great fantasy material and also having a place to share your own stories without having to censer them for a general audience? Please donate to Nifty and help support and maintain this free service. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html
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