#I'm thinking take a look at me now directly to Sam when it's about missing someone after you've broken up with them
buildarocketboys · 2 years
One thing about Blaine Anderson is that he will sing an emotionally overwrought song that makes absolutely no sense for the situation/context
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
Chapter 24
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enchanced!reader
Word count: 5.7k
Warning: angst!!!!! Some fluff, scared kids, crying kids, mad Charlotte, implied/mentioned sexual assault
A/N: I’m sorry… 😬😬😬
Series Masterlist
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“Nothing but net! Look at you go, little man.” Sam smiled as he dribbled the basketball. “If you keep going like this you might end up playing in the NBA. Just make sure you get me courtside seats.”
Henry giggled as he caught the ball Sam had bounced his way. He shifts his weight from foot to foot as he bounced the ball. The court was empty except for Sam and Henry who started spending some time together in the afternoons.
“Alright little man, let’s see what you got.”
Henry fakes a move to the right before turning and going left, side stepping Sam. He runs closer to the basket before launching the ball and again there’s nothing but net.
“That’s how you do it!” Sam raises his hand for a high-five. “Now how about first to 10 points wins?”
“Ok. But when I win I get to brag that I beat you.”
Sam quirks an eyebrow. “Is that how it is? Don’t make me have to kick your butt in basketball.”
“Can’t kick it if you can’t catch it.” Henry quips back before moving around quickly and making another basket.
“You’re a trash talker just like your dad.”
Henry laughs before Sam manages to make a basket himself.
“Alright sugar, you have heightened senses now. I think the serum also gives you more strength when it comes to your ability. So we need to figure that out.” Bucky’s hands were on your hips and he squeezed lightly before turning both of you away from the target he’d prepared. “Now, I want you to close your eyes and focus. I’ve hidden a few pieces of metal around here. Try to find them and use them to hit the target. The challenge will come in you not hitting me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to stand somewhere in the room and you have to avoid me. But you can’t look and to make sure you don’t, I'm going to blindfold you.”
“Uuhhh, kinky.” Say over your shoulder.
“Yeah well if you do a good job maybe I’ll keep it for later.” He whispers in your ear before trying the piece of fabric over your eyes. “Take a deep breath and concentrate. Take your time.”
You hear him move away from you. His footsteps echo within the otherwise quiet room. You take a deep breath and concentrate. Bucky was right, with the serum your sense is heightened. It’s easier to attune your ability to detect metals better. You can pinpoint where he is based off of his metal arm. The screws holding together the glass panels that separate the room from the hallway and the small chunks of metal Bucky hid.
With another deep breath you will the pieces to hover and you pull them in your direction. The dance around you as you concentrate and shape them into pellets before sending them in the direction of the paper target. They swerve around Bucky, who’s standing directly in front of it, and hit the bullseye.
“Impressive but you missed a piece.” Bucky says after inspecting the paper.
“No I didn’t, the last piece is in your left hand.”
“Then why didn’t you take it?”
“Because I promised I wouldn’t use my ability on you without your consent.”
Bucky smiles as he holds up his hand and holds the last piece on his palm. It starts to hover before the shape starts shifting. It becomes a blob then a disc, a heart and finally a pellet. It flies from where Bucky is directly into the target before hitting the wall behind it and falling with a small thud.
“Show off.” He murmurs as he walks towards you.
Bucky takes off the blindfold and turns you. His lips find yours in a needy kiss.
“Are we still on for that date tonight?” You ask when you pull back from the kiss.
“Absolutely, I can’t wait to get you alone.”
“We’re alone now.” You murmur as you smile into another kiss.
“Hhmm. We should definitely take advantage of that.” He says as he pulls you into the small office that no one ever uses.
“If you’re going to be my assistant there are three very important things you need to know.” Tony stood with his arms behind his back, a serious expression on his face as he paced side to side. “In this lab we work hard, we create and we have a good time. Now,” he stops pacing and turns. “Your job as my assistant is simple. When I ask for a flathead you give me this.” He pulls out a flathead screwdriver from behind his back. “When I ask for a Phillips head you give me this one.” He pulls out a Phillips head screwdriver from his other hand. “And when I say rock on?”
“Wock on!” Lottie says from her place on his table. Both her little hands up in the air with her pointer finger and pinky up, her thumb holding down the two middle fingers.
“That’s right rock on. Now let’s get to work on this new suit, but first safety.”
He pulls on one of the drawers and pulls out Charlotte sized safety goggles and lab coat. She puts on the glasses and then Tony helps her with the lab coat.
“Fathead.” Lottie repeats as she hands over the screwdriver Tony asked for.
They work like this for a few minutes before Tony sits up straight, Lottie mirroring his actions.
“Is weady?”
“It’s ready. Let’s test it out.” Tony reaches for her and Lottie goes happily before he sets her down in the safety zone of his lab “Stay behind the safety glass.” He says and puts on noise canceling headphones.
Tony goes back to the table where the project he’s been working on was at and the new arm to his suit wraps around him. He moves around the lab and stands looking at the target across the room. Tony lifts his hand to test out his updated equipment.
“Hell yeah.” He says after the test is successful. “Rock on Lots.”
“Wock on!”
“Alright, let’s fix the other arm. Get over here, you’re the best assistant I’ve ever had.”
“Weally?” Lottie looks up at Tony, her eyes bright and full of joy.
“Absolutely. I might have to give you a job permanently, Lots.”
Tony chuckles as Charlotte gets up on the table and sits down in the same spot as before.
“Fathead.” Tony confirms as he grabs the screwdriver from Lottie’s hand.
Lottie watches him work for a while, every so often handing him a tool or holding something for him. Suddenly she sits up and blinks quickly.
“Yeah Lots?”
“Bad man is coming?” She says as she points to the glass doors of the lab.
Tony’s head snaps up and looks at the doors before picking her up.
“Intruder alert.” Friday announces. The lights in the lab dim and some of the suits that Tony has on display in his lab activate.
“Friday, lock down any main entry point to the compound and this lab. Alert the rest of the team and keep these suits in defense mode. Have any agents available gear up and be ready to defend.”
“Five armed teams have entered the building. Lockdown activated as of this moment.”
“Tony, want dada.” Charlotte whimpers as the suits move around and stand in front of both of them.
“I know Lots but we can’t go out there just yet. I’ll get you to your mom and dad soon ok. Just promise you’ll do as I say?”
Just as Henry jumps to shoot the ball Friday announces the alert. He tenses as he turns to look at Sam.
“Five armed teams have entered the building. Lockdown activated as of this moment.” Friday announces.
“Is it the bad men? Are they going to take me away?”
“No matter who it is, I’m not going to let that happen ok. I need you to trust me and do as I say.”
“Ok.” Henry blinks back the tears as Sam ushers him into a hidden room made for this exact purpose.
Sam pulls out some weapons and pushes Henry into the small space before kneeling to be at eye level with him.
“I need you to stay here ok? This room is bulletproof and they can’t get to you here. The only people that can open it are you and the team. Friday won’t let anyone other than us open this door.”
“Don’t leave me in here please.”
“I can keep you safe like this ok little man. I know it’s scary but I promise no one can hurt you in here. Then I’ll take you to your parents.”
“Ok.” Henry says between sniffles and Sam gives him a quick hug before reluctantly closing the door. He turns to find a team fully armed and dressed head to toe in black heading his way. Guns trained on him.
“Put your hands up where I can see them.” One of them instructs.
“Identify yourselves. Who do you work for?” Sam says back, a gun pointed at them.
“I will when you cooperate.”
“Might as well get comfortable because I won’t follow your orders.”
Bucky had just shut the door to the office and pushed you up against it when you were alerted to what was happening. You both pulled away from the door and walked back out. Bucky grabbed the knife he always kept hidden in his boot and you pulled the metal that had been discarded at the other end of the room.
“Who were the kids with?” You ask as you walk out of the training room and into the hallway.
“Lottie was with Tony in his lab and Henry was with Sam in the gym.”
“We have to split up. I’ll go to Tony and you go to Sam.”
“No, we stay together.” He says in a low voice. “First to Sam. Tony has his suits and he can protect Charlotte. Sam will need the back up, he’s out in the open.”
“And you say you don’t care about him.”
He shoots you a glare over his shoulder. You both stop when you hear the otherwise quiet footsteps and you meet face to face with the intruders. There’s a face you recognize amongst the others, it makes you stop your attack before it begins.
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“What the fuck is going on?” Steve had his hands on his hips and he was furious. “I want answers now.”
Wanda, Nat and Vision stood behind him ready for a fight. They had been confined to one of the shared living rooms when everything happened.
“It’s ok Steve.” You push past the group of agents that were blocking the door. “I mean it’s not ok but we’ll get answers soon enough.”
The whole compound was on high alert. Shield agents had already begun to fight back outside and some had even made it into the building to provide support to the avengers, it was a mess.
“Do you know what’s going on?”
“Not really.” Bucky didn’t have to push through, everyone stepped out of the way in pure fear. But it was the person that was behind him that got Steve’s attention.
“Sharon? What are you doing here?”
Sharon stepped into the room and gave everyone an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry for all of this but we received very disturbing reports. It was out of my hands. I was only added to this mission a few minutes before we were set to show up.”
“What reports? What are you talking about?”
“Where are Sam and Tony?” You ask as you look around and don’t see them. “Where are the kids?”
“That’s exactly why we’re here.”
Someone else says and everyone’s attention is on the shorter man with gray hair at the door.
“Agent Ross. What exactly is happening and if I don’t get an answer we are going to have a problem.” Steve says as he steps forward.
You can hear Charlotte’s piercing cry in the hallway and you breathe a sigh of relief. Tony walks in with her in his arms followed by Sam holding Henry’s hand. They both give you apologetic looks as they get closer to you.
“DADA!” Lottie wails as she reaches out for Bucky but agent Ross stands in the way.
“Move or I will move you.” Bucky says through gritted teeth.
Ross hesitates but takes a step back and Bucky grabs Lottie who holds on to him for dear life. He soothes her as best he can.
“Mama.” Henry says quietly and runs to you, his arms wrap tightly around your waist and you can feel him trembling.
“It’s ok sweet boy, you’re safe.”
“Care to explain why you think the CIA has the right to just waltz into my property and attack us, you hobbit?” Tony was fuming. Maybe it was because he didn’t like not knowing they were able to get past the gates without him being notified. Or because the kids were upset.
“We received a distressing report saying that the Avengers were experimenting on children. We had no choice but to come investigate. This was the only way to do it. Ambush you so that you couldn’t get rid of any evidence.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“I’m sorry I scared them.” Everett holds up his hands. “But we will need to search the compound and speak to these children.”
“Like hell you will. What you’re going to do is get the hell off of my property before we rip your heads off.” Tony says calmly as he serves himself a drink.
“We can’t just ignore the call. It’s a serious accusation. Believe me when I say, I’m on your side.”
“Who called?” Steve asks.
“We don’t know who. The call was anonymous and from an untraceable number.” Sharon answers.
“Friday, play the call recording.”
“I’d like to report a crime for child endangerment.” The person is putting up a great act. There are sniffles and whimpers and even whispering. “I have it on good authority that children are being experimented on and tortured.”
“Ma’am could you tell me who you think is responsible and where this is taking place?”
“Yes, it’s in upstate New York. It’s the Avengers. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
The call cuts off and everyone is fuming and confused. But not you, your chest tightened and so does your hold on Henry. You blink back tears but Nat catches you.
“Y/N, What’s wrong?”
“Friday, play the recording again.”
The A.I. does as you ask and plays it again. You close your eyes now that you’re sure.
“I’m so sorry.” Everyone perks up at that. Your eyes go to Bucky.
“Sugar, why are you sorry?”
“That was my mother.”
“Ok hang on, your mother called to report possible child endangerment, why?” Everett asked, his brows high and his eyes wide with surprise. He looked around the room waiting for an answer.
“Because she’s an evil person.”
Ross brings one hand to his hip the other to his forehead, two of his fingers rubbing lightly as he thinks things through.
“Ok, why was she targeting the kids and the avengers if she has something against you?”
“Because these are my kids. Mine and Bucky’s.”
“Since when do you have kids?” Sharon questions.
“Listen, we’ll answer any question you want but can you get your men out of here. They’re scared enough as it is. We’ll calm them down and then I can answer everything you want.” Bucky says.
“We’ll still need to speak with the kids.”
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Charlotte finally calmed down enough that her crying wasn’t bouncing off the walls. She still held on to Bucky though. It made both you and Bucky incredibly angry for the whole situation. Now the kids didn’t feel safe in their own home. All because of that vindictive woman that you were unfortunately related to.
“Henry baby, are you ok?” You ask softly as you move hair away from his face.
He nods but won’t look at you.
“It’s ok if you’re not ok. You don’t have to tell me but I’m here to listen if you want.”
“They’re not taking us away?” He finally looks up at you with pure fear in his eyes. It makes you want to go down to where the agents have gathered and kick their asses.
“Not at all. I’m so sorry baby. I never wanted this to happen to you.”
Henry doesn’t say anything, he just shifts in your lap and hides his face in your neck. He’s closing himself off like when he first arrived at the compound and you hate it.
“Is kay bubba.” Lottie says as she also finds a way into your lap and cuddles into his chest. “Dada an mama keep safe.”
You look up at Bucky unsure of what to do. He just sits next to you and wraps his arms around all three of you.
“I can’t believe Bucky has kids.” Sharon whispers. Her eyes go from the scene before her to Steve who was leaning against a wall next to her.
“Yeah, we were very surprised by it as well.”
“What do you mean? Isn’t agent Y/L/N their mom?”
“Yes she is.”
“So what is going on? The boy looks no older than eight and the girl looks around five. If I’m correct in their ages there is no way they were together back then.”
Steve looks at the four of you and then at Sharon. He studies every inch of her face unsure if he can trust her. He sighs because he knows he can.
“They were Hydra's experiment. They used Bucky’s DNA and some prisoner or volunteer. Hydra killed them seconds after they gave birth and the kids were started in the program to become the next generation of winter soldiers. She was found on an operating table when we raided a detention center hydra had. He was found chained in a dark room at a different hydra base weeks later.” He sighs as he thinks back at when the kids were first brought in and how different they are now. “We have everything documented. Wait until you see how they were treated, where they were kept, the things that were done to them.” Steve shakes his head. “It will make you sick to your stomach. Don't even get me started on the three that didn’t make it.”
Steve feels a pat on his legs. Both him and Sharon look down to find a tear filled Charlotte looking up at him.
“Can habe uppies?” She asks with her arms raised and a quiet voice.
“Of course you can sweetheart.”
Steve picks her up and she immediately hides her face in Steve’s shoulder. Her little hands gripped his shirt. Lottie turns her head slightly and finds Sharon looking at her.
“Hello little one. My name is Sharon and I’m friends with Steve. What’s your name?”
Lottie scowls at Sharon and turns her head in order to avoid the blond’s gaze.
“Oh sweetheart, Sharon is good, she can be your friend.” Steve says softly which prompts Lottie to pull back and look at Steve.
“Is no bitch?”
Sharon’s eyes widen in surprise and she covers her mouth so as to not laugh while Steve just scoffs.
“Charlotte what did I say about that word?” Bucky asks from across the room where he was still sitting with you and Henry.
“No say it?”
“That’s right you don’t say it. It’s a bad word.”
“Can you apologize to Sharon for saying it?”
“Apology accepted sweetie.” Sharon smiles at Lottie.
Lottie yawns and lays her head on Steve's shoulder again. The experience has worn her out. The same thing has happened with Henry who is currently asleep in your arms. He still has tear stains on his cheeks and it makes you so angry.
“Can you take him?” You whisper to Bucky who nods and maneuvers Henry into his hold.
You get up with the intention of going into the hallway but Sharon stops you from leaving the living room.
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you leave.”
“I’m only going to call my father. I need to know where that woman is, she can’t get away with doing this to us.”
“I’m under orders to keep everyone here.” She shoots you an apologetic look.
“Look, you can come with me and listen to the conversation. I don't care but please I need to make this call.”
“Ok, let’s go somewhere more private.” Sharon nods before turning to everyone in the room. “Please stay in this room, if not for you than for the kids.”
You lead Sharon into a small room down the hall and pull out your phone before dialing your dad’s number. It only rings twice.
“Hey Kitten, how’s it going?” He sounds rather happy.
“Hey dad.”
“What’s going on?” He knows something’s wrong just by the sound of your voice.
“Dad, I need to ask you something and I need to know the truth.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you, kitten you know that.”
You sigh, “Dad, have you heard from mom recently?”
“No. I told you on Sunday, when I got home after Lottie’s birthday she was already gone and so were her things. What’s wrong?”
Sharon shakes her head letting you know that you can’t give him any information. However you don’t care.
“She tried to get to me by hurting the kids. If she reaches out could you let me know?”
“Are they alright?”
“Yeah they’re fine, just shaken up.”
“Ok, I’ll let you know the minute I hear anything. Is there anything else I can do? I can be there in a couple of hours.” He offers.
“No It’s ok, I’ll keep you updated. Bye dad.”
“Bye kitten.”
You hang up and tuck the phone back into your back pocket. “How have you been Sharon?”
“Good. I can’t complain, you know. But how about you? When did you and Bucky finally happen?”
“A few months ago. Just after we found Charlotte.”
“And she calls you mama?”
You can’t help the smile that appears on your face as you nod. “It just kind of happened but we’re really happy.”
“That’s good. Buck deserves it, so do you. I wish I would have met the kids under better circumstances.”
“Yeah, this is fucked up and it’s Henry’s worst fear. That hydra will show up and take him away.”
“I’m sorry about that.” Sharon shakes her head. “I really didn’t know anything. I think they just brought me along because they think I have some sort of relationship with the team.”
“You do. You know that if you needed us we’d be there.”
There’s a knock on the door and it opens before either of you can say anything.
“What’s going on here?” Agent Ross asked.
“I was calling my father to see if he had heard from my mother. They’re in the middle of a divorce and my mother blames me for it hence the call to report us for child endangerment.”
His eyes dart over to Sharon who confirms your explanation and nods but holds the door open anyway. You walk out first and are met with Tony and his lawyer.
“Mr. Harris is going to represent us. He’s going to sit with each of us during the interview process.”
“You mean the interrogation process.” You give Ross a small glare.
“Oh you’ve poked mama bear. This is going to be so much fun. I can’t even wait to see what Barnes is going to be like. I hope you had a great life Ross.” Tony chuckles as he walks away toward the living room everyone else was at.
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The interview process took hours. It was you then Bruce followed by Steve and Nat. After that it was Tony, Wanda and Sam. Bucky was left to the end since they were his kids biologically. Everett Ross even though you knew he was only doing his job, every question that Bucky was asked made you want to go in there and punch him.
Did he willingly participate in having children? No.
Did he remember if he was forced to be with these women? No.
Did he willingly give his DNA sample so that these children could be created via IVF? No.
“Was your DNA sample taken against your will?”
Bucky’s jaw tightened at the last question. The answer was yes, he knew it was. But having to say it out loud made it feel more real to Bucky. Has what he been through not enough? Did he have to also admit out loud that hydra also took advantage of him in a sexual way?
“Yes.” He says quietly as he stares at the metal table in front of him.
Your heart broke as you watched him from behind the two way mirror. Bucky gets up from his chair and walks out of the interview room. You follow suit and meet him in the hallway. He won’t look you in the eye and you don’t want to get to close or touch him, especially if he’s reliving a memory.
“I’m going to go check on Henry.” He says as he walks by you.
You watch as he walks away from you and this interrogation. There’s a little tornado rounding the corner that gets your attention though. Made up of pink tulle and fury. Charlotte’s eyebrows are pinched and the corners of her lips turned downward. She stalks her way down the hall like a girl on a mission. You can’t imagine what she’ll be like when she’s a teenager.
Steve is hot on Lottie’s heels and just gives you this lost sort of look. Behind him the rest of the team scurries into the viewing room. Lottie doesn’t wait for any help. She opens the door to the interrogation room and if she wasn’t so little the people inside would be more scared as the door slams against the wall. Charlotte Barnes is not someone you want to piss off apparently.
“Hello, Charlotte.” Everett greets even though he’s a little startled. “How are you doing?”
“Woss.” Charlotte says as she pulls the chair out for herself and pulls herself up. She places her pink teddy bear on the table and she kneels on the chair to have a better look at the people across from her. “Am mad. Make bubba sad an no wike it an no wike you.” She says with the signature Barnes’ scowl on her face.
“I’m sorry but who is bubba?” Everett looks over at Sharon who is smiling at the little firecracker they’re interviewing.
“I believe she is referring to her brother Henry.” Mr. Harris informs Everett.
“Habe to say sowwy.”
“I really am sorry Charlotte.”
“No.” She puts a hand up to stop him. “Say sowwy to bubba.”
“Oh, I see. Well I will apologize to Henry, ok. Can I ask you a question?”
The team, who had been watching in the other room, chuckle at Charlotte’s attitude.
“Do you like living here?”
“Lobe it.”
“What do you love about living here?” Sharon asks.
“Habe dada, an mama, an bubba an a-pine.”
“What is an a pine?”
“She means Alpine, the cat.” Mr. Harris clarifies.
“Mhm. An Steebie. Am Steebie’s best girl.”
“What about everyone else?”
“Is good, is famiwe.” Charlotte nods.
“Do you feel safe with your family?”
“Mama an Dada keep safe. Make happy an habe fun.”
Everett smiled at the child across from him.
“Habe to say sowwy to bubba.” She reminds him as she gets down from the chair. Taking her bear with her and effectively ending the interview.
Charlotte opens the door for herself and finds you standing just outside waiting for her.
“Hi sweet Angel.”
“Hi mama. Lobe you mama.”
You scoop her up and pepper her face with kisses until she’s giggling.
“I love you too.” You say as you walk down the hallway.
“I think it’s time we end the interviews, don't you think Ross? We’ve put a dent into whatever safety they were feeling here. It’s obvious those kids are taken care of and loved. Especially when you look at their medical records. Everything checks out. I don’t think we need to make Henry feel more afraid by interviewing him either.” Sharon says.
“I agree. But first I must apologize to Henry.”
“Are you afraid of a four year old?”
“No.” Everett scoffs as he grabs his things and starts heading toward the door.
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You were in the shared living room with the kids as you waited for Ross to ask to speak with Henry. The former sat on the couch with Alpine in his lap and his sister by his side. Lottie had made it a point to stay as close as possible and cuddle when needed.
Ross walked in quietly. He shot you an apologetic look as he got closer to the three of you. He could see and you could feel the way Henry tensed at the sight of him.
“Henry, is it ok if I get closer?” Ross asked halfway into the room.
Henry’s fearful gaze moved from Ross to you.
“You can say no and he’ll stay right where he is or he’ll move back.”
Henry didn’t dare look at Ross but shook his head denying the older man’s request. Ross gave a quick nod and stayed where he was.
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry for scaring you. It wasn’t my intention. It’s obvious that the person that called was doing it to be mean.”
“Ok.” Henry whispers before looking down at Alpine, continuing to pet her.
“I’ll be right back, I’m just going to the hallway.”
“Kay.” Lottie answers for both her and her brother as she rests her head on his shoulder.
“So what now?” You ask as you cross your arms over your chest.
“Now there is nothing for you to do. We have enough evidence to know that the call was done with ill intentions. I’ll be in contact with Mr. Harris if we need anything else and we will be tracking your mother.”
“Sounds good to me. It was good to see you again Ross just not under these circumstances.”
“I know but trust me when I say that I did it with the best intentions. Secretary Ross wanted to come in here with as many soldiers as he could find.” He informs you. “You know he’s always looking for a way to get rid of the Avengers or at least control you. If he were here right now I don’t doubt he would have done something horrible to try and push Barnes and get a reaction out of him.”
You nod because you remember the whole ordeal when Bucky was brought in.
“I’m leaving now but if I hear anything else I’ll let you know.”
With that Everett Ross is walking down the hallway.
The others checked in on you once you’d brought the kids back to the apartment. The only thing you were really worried about was where Bucky had gone. Steve left to find him after you voiced your concern. That left you alone with a child that was scared and one that was still pissed off. Henry clung to you like a koala which made things a bit difficult but you managed. If he needed to be held to feel safe then you would hold him.
After getting them something to eat, giving them showers and dressed with pajamas the three of you finally plopped down in your bed. Alpine was curled up next to Lottie who was petting her softly. You sat against the headboard playing with Henry’s hair, he sitting in your lap and his face hidden against your chest. A movie played but you were too distracted to pay attention.
The day’s events wore all of you out because the three of you fell asleep just as you were in bed. But when you instinctively reached out for Bucky on his side of the bed you were met with fur. That made you more alert and you looked to his side to find Henry, Lottie and Alpine all cuddled up together which doesn’t make sense. Henry was on top of you and you had fallen asleep sitting down. Your first thought is that Bucky walked in and moved you around but why hadn’t you noticed?
You get up and check the bathroom first but he’s not there. Then you head out toward the living room where you can see the glow of the tv in the otherwise dark apartment.
“Dad?” You call out in disbelief.
“Hey kitten.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Bucky called me and asked me to come down.” He patted the empty spot beside him and pulled you into his side once you sat down.
The tears you’d been holding back all day spring up. Eddie comforts you and reassures you that everything is alright. The kids are safe and so are you.
“I thought we were going to lose them. I thought that hydra had been the ones to break in.” You say through tears.
“I know kitten, but they’re safe now. They aren’t going anywhere.”
You allow yourself a few minutes to cry before pulling back and looking at your father.
“Have you talked to Bucky?”
“Just when he called and asked me to come down and when he met me outside but he didn’t say much.”
“It was horrible. The interview.”
“Just give him some time. He needs to sort out his emotions.”
You nod and rest your head against his shoulder again.
“How about we watch that new episode of The Mandalorian?”
You chuckle but nod your head. Soon enough Henry comes out of your room followed by Lottie. Both of them settle either on your lap or next to you. You give them more cuddles and kisses as the episode plays.
You decide to do as your father said and give Bucky some space. Hopefully he comes back soon because you’re still worried about him. But for now you focus on the one thing you can do which is make sure your kids feel safe and protected.
Ch. 25
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beansmack2021 · 1 year
Scrambled Eggs [Winchester!Sis!]
TW: Mentions of death, child abandonment/neglect, basically Sam completely abandons the reader after Dean's death (ignoring canon quite a bit, mb)
Dean didn't know where he was. He'd walked half a mile in every direction to see if he could find anything that'd give him a clue about his location, but there was nothing. He didn't have his phone on him, probably directly related to the fact that he had to claw his way up from underground. Unless some sick bastard decided to bury him alive (unfortunately more likely in his field of work than you think), then he'd died. He'd died and his younger siblings were left to bury him.
He probably would've been burned, but Y/N/N and Sammy were probably holding onto the fact that he'd come back before, so maybe he would this time, too. Y/N... he had no clue how long he'd been gone. She was only 15 when he'd apparently gone belly-up, she could be in her early twenties by now. He had no way of knowing until he saw her for himself.
He'd been wandering around for probably an hour or two, and he'd finally decided to just start yelling. "Cas!" Nothing. He cupped his hands around his mouth as if that'd make him louder. "Cas!" Still, absolutely nothing. 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵, 𝘊𝘢𝘴. 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
As if that was all it took to summon the angel, a bright light appeared behind him and he turned to see Castiel, still clad in his brown trench-coat. "Dean." He seemed relieved, not hesitating to embrace him, even though Dean was covered in dirt and grime. Dean gave Cas a look that told him to give him nothing but the truth. "How long have I been gone?"
"Six months. It's October 14th, now." Dean nodded. He hadn't been gone too long. He briefly considered that he may or may not have missed his little sister's sixteenth birthday. "You wanna give me a lift home?" The angel grabbed his bicep and there was a flash of light before they were standing in the main entrance to the bunker.
"Y/N?" Cas called. "I'm in the kitchen! Dinner's almost done!" Dean quirked his brow, following the angel down the stairs. "Since when does she know how to cook?" Cas glanced at him, trying to steel his expression, but Dean could tell something was up when he'd said "a few months ago" and left it at that.
"Wait here," Cas said when they were just out of view from the stove, where Y/N was making... scrambled eggs? "Eggs again?" Though Cas was posing it as a question, it seemed like he knew the answer. There was an uncomfortable silence before he heard a soft "it's all we had."
All they had? Sam hadn't taken the kid grocery shopping? "Might need more milk soon. There isn't too much left in here." She shakes carton of milk, and Dean can hear that there isn't much sloshing around in it. She tried to smile, but he could see that it was just a facade. He knew her tells, he could read her dejection. He didn't understand. 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘚𝘢𝘮?
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a small thud and a whispered "Shit." He watched as Y/N grabbed some paper towels and dropped to her knees, sniffling as she started wiping up a puddle of milk. Before he knew what was happening, he was in front of her, taking the wad of wet paper towels from her hand. "Hey now, kiddo. No use crying over spilled milk." She stumbled back, startled, her eyes widening as she took in his face.
She stared at him, stunned, not saying anything for several heartbeats. She opened her mouth to say something, closed it, opened it again, and still said nothing. "It's me, baby. It's me. I'm here." Tears welled in her eyes as she dove at him, tightly wrapping her arms around his middle. They stayed like that for a minute, before Castiel said "Y/N, your eggs are done."
She sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Oh, right." She stood up slowly, grabbing the pan and turning off the stovetop. She scraped some eggs onto one of the two plates she'd set out, looked back at Dean, smiled to herself and scraped some eggs onto the other plate. Cas sat to her left, and Dean moved to sit at the chair on the other side of the plate she'd set before she stopped him. "What are you doing over there? This one is for you."
Dean looked at Cas for a second, then back at his little sister. "Isn't that one for Sammy?" She shook her head, shoveling some of the food into her mouth. She ate as if she were starving, the fork barely passing her lips before it was scooping up some more egg. "She, uh, set a place for you every night." Castiel was still awkward, more than he can tend to be usually.
"For a while, it was just me and Cas. It's nice to have someone else who actually eats to sit with me. No offense, Cas." Dean dropped the fork he'd just picked up. He snaps his head between Cas and Y/N. "Just you and Cas? Alright. What the hell is going on? Where is Sam?"
Y/N swallowed, wiped her mouth and shrugged. Dean's eyes bored into Cas's skull as he waited for an answer. "He's tried to stay off-the-grid. He doesn't want to be found. He said he needed to get-" Dean cut him off. "Where is he, Cas?"
Dean was pissed. He didn't have his car (Sam took it with him), so Cas had to transport the three of them to the dingy apartment complex his brother was supposedly staying in. He saw Baby, got even angrier, and stormed into the building to find Sam. He banged on the door and felt Y/N's hand slip onto his own. He glanced at her, and could see that she was unsure about meeting Sam. That made him even angrier.
The door was yanked open and they were met with Sam rubbing his eyes and squinting. He immediately dropped his hand. "Dean?" Dean snapped, letting go of Y/N's hand and grabbing Sam's collar.
"What the hell, Sam? You just up and leave her the minute I'm gone? You take the car, leave her with basically nothing, and you come to this piss-shack? Did you know that she was running out of food? Probably not, you didn't bother to check on her yourself. All she had left were some God damn eggs. Cas doesn't have actual money, and she didn't have a car to go out and try to hustle whenever she was alone."
"I kept the bunker clean." She mumbled from next to him. "What was that, sweetie?" Dean turned away from screaming in Sam's face to give Y/N his full attention. "I kept the bunker clean. I know he doesn't like messes. I thought maybe he'd come back so I'd didn't want it to be messy." Dean let go of Sam's collar, and Sam rubbed his neck. "Y/N, listen-"
"No, you don't talk to her. Right now, you're talking to me. What if something got into the bunker? Something she couldn't take on alone?" Sam was sinking into himself, looking truly guilty for the first time since they'd gotten there. "You fucking left her. She was alone other than when Cas visited once every, what? Three days? I died, you bastard. I didn't get a choice in whether or not I'd leave her. You did, and you chose wrong. Fucking apologize."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I just couldn't-" Dean grabbed his collar again. "Did I ask you to explain yourself to her? No. You'll be explaining to me, later. Let's try this again."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have left you. I'm sorry."
Y/N just stared forward for a minute. "I know."
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monstermoviedean · 1 month
Honestly for me Jared's acting starts to dip in quality around s4-s5 (it's still decent but his face becomes weirdly stiff) and then by s7 I genuinely can't take it seriously, whereas Jensen seems to get better at acting overtime. I wonder if some of that contributed to the writers sometimes focusing more on Dean's relationships than on Sam's and consequently made Sam feel less important? Also Jared's behaviour onset meaning that Sam is closer to women like Rowena and Eileen wouldn't surprise me, by the sounds of it they wouldn't get much done if there were any men other than Jensen there for him to terrorise.
yes, agree with all of this! and i do sympathize with the writers who were really backed into a corner here. why bother writing sam plots if they're going to look like that? (if it were me i'd try to do something to get sam involved and jared onboard, but i don't blame the writers if they didn't take that approach)
it's interesting that you mention women because charlie in s10 came to mind - someone who has always been perfectly fine with sam, but closer to dean. it makes sense that they would avoid dean since they're doing stuff that directly affects him and which he's asked them not to do, but it is still odd to think about sam and charlie spending a lot of time together. and still, there's so little emotional substance to their interactions (barring the conversation about why sam is doing this - in the episode where they pretend to burn the book of the damned). it's plot-driven and there really isn't much beyond that.
i'm saddened and frustrated by this. i think better plots for sam would have had a positive impact on the show. and it would have given jensen a break from doing all the heavy lifting. and i was thinking about it more - i miss when sam got mad. i miss when he had some passion. yknow? even though i was never a samgirl i did enjoy watching his character, and now in s12 it's just like. Oh. sam's here too ig. could be anyone in the world standing there like this 🫤
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vanfleeter · 6 months
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Matched: Chapter 3 - The Dreams
Characters: Jake Kiszka x Thea Warnings: 18+ as always. Language. Angst. Jealousy. Nervousness. Feelings of self doubt. Mentions of murder and death (historical). Fluff. Mentions of pregnancy and children. Smut. Unprotected sex (p in v). (please let me know if I missed anything so I can add it to the list because I'm sure that I did). Author's note: I am a very impatient woman, I just want to give you everything that I have written so far, but alas I must take my time. (also ignore any and all grammatical errors, I fixed ones that I could find)
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The waves crashed against the boat, nearly capsizing it as I struggled to walk across the deck. The wind whipped at my hair and water flooded the deck. I could hear her voice, she was calling out to me.
“Thea!” I called out. Looking over the sides of the boat, I couldn’t find her anywhere. But I could still hear her voice.
That’s when I saw her in the water. She was smiling at me and waving. Waving me into the waters to join her. Soon the waves relaxed to a gentle ripple as the clouds disappeared and the sun began to shine. She comes swimming to the boat and climbs a ladder to the deck. She walks up to me, outstretching a hand to caress my cheek.
“I love you,” She says before kissing my cheek. “But I still love him..”
“Who?” Thea pulls away from me, her hand slowly leaving my cheek as she steps around me. I follow her but pause with my hand outstretched to her as I watch her walking over to Sam. When did he get here? Why is he here? What is going on?
They both smile at each other before he draws her in for a kiss.
My hand drops to my side as I feel my heart breaking. The same pain I felt when she first chose Sam.
I’m waking up to the darkness of my room, the bed empty beside me. She had gone home the night before. “If we’re going to do this whole date thing, then I have to be at my own place.”  She would then giggle and kiss me softly before leaving out the front door.
Here I now stand in front of the mirror and compare two different shirts. “I don’t know why I have to be here,” Josh says as he lays out on my bed.
“I need help,” I say as I hold up one of the shirts in front of me. “Does this blue look good? Or should I go black?”
Josh sighs and climbs off the bed. He walks over and takes the shirts from my hands. “Where are you going?” He asks.
“I’m taking her to that restaurant that’s like a block from Sam’s..”
Josh cracks a smile and chuckles. “Forgot the name?” He says with a smirk. “You’re nervous.”
“Is it that obvious?”
Josh nods his head and sets the blue shirt on the bed. “Too casual..” He helps me into the black button down shirt. “And yes, it is obvious.. I haven’t had to help you before a date since freshman year.” He watches me button a few buttons at the bottom, leaving my chest exposed. His eyebrows rise and I huff before buttoning a few more. “You’re taking her out on a date to an expensive place, not bowling and pizza.” He buttons a couple more before disappearing into my closet. He comes back out with a matching black jacket and helps me into it. “Be honest with me though, is it just the date that’s bothering you?”
I look at him with a confused look. He shakes his head and places his hands on my shoulders, his eyes looking directly into mine.
“What’s bothering you?”
My shoulders drop, giving me away. Josh pulls me to the bed and sits me down before plopping down beside me.
“Come on, spill it.” He says. “You have,” He glimpses at his watch. “Ten minutes before you have to leave. I want to hear it.”
“You’re going think I’m stupid and then you’re going to tell me that I have nothing to worry about and–”
I blow a breath before recounting everything from my dream. The crashing of the waves, the feeling of terror, and then seeing Thea and her calling my name and how she appeared before going to Sam. After telling Josh of it all, he nods his head and rests a hand on my shoulder.
“It was just a dream..” He says. “She chose you, Jake. She loves you. I could see it when you brought her to Sam’s the other day..”
“How could you see it?”
“Jake.. Her attention never wavered from you.” He says. “Until she went outside but aside from that, she’s enamored by you. So you have nothing to worry about. Now..” Josh stands to his feet and pulls me with him before he straightens out my clothes. “Now go pick her up and have fun and be safe.” He shoots me a smirk before grabbing his things and leaving.
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Heaving a long breath, I raise my hand to knock on the door and wait for her to answer. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. Come on, Jake. Get it together. The lock clicks and I lift my head, gripping the flowers tighter in my fist. There she stands, elegantly dressed in a red, velvet dress with matching red pumps. She’s putting in her other earring as she invites me inside.
“I’m so sorry, I’m running a tad bit behind.” She says with a nervous giggle. I close the door behind me as I watch her scurry back down the hallway towards her bathroom.
When she reemerges from the bathroom, I hand her the bouquet of flowers, praying my sweat isn’t gleaming on the stems. “These are gorgeous,” She says as she smells them. “Let me find a vase real quick and then we can leave.” I watch her as she rummages through a bottom cabinet before producing a vase. She quickly fills it with some water before placing the flowers inside.
Plucking a flower from a stem, she comes over to me and safely tucks into the handkerchief pocket on the front of my jacket. “Pretty,” She smiles before reaching up on her tiptoes to press her lips to mine. “Thank you for the flowers, they really are gorgeous.”
Ushering her out to the car, I hold the door open for her and she giggles. “Being a gentleman, are we now?”
I chuckle as I shut the door and jog around to the other side. The ride to the restaurant was quiet, a comfortable quiet. I held her hand over the middle console, rubbing my thumb over her skin. I had to keep reminding myself that this is real and that the dream is not. She chose me. Josh’s words bounce around in my head. He’s right, I have to get that through my head. Forget the dream, it wasn’t real. They broke up and she chose you.
I hadn’t realized that I made it to the restaurant until I saw the parking lot. Probably not a wise idea to get lost in my thoughts while I’m driving. Parking the car, I get out and jog around to her side to open the door for her. Again I can feel the sweat perspiring on my palms as I release the door handle. Quickly I brush my hands over my pants and flash her an innocent smile when she turns around to face me. Taking hold of her hand we make our way into the restaurant.
“Do you have a reservation?” The hostess asks when we approach the podium.
“Yes,” I say. “Jacob Kiszka, for two.”
The hostess looks down at the tablet in search of my name while my eyes scan around the restaurant. I've only been here once. The date was a bust, and was not worth pursuing for multiple reasons. She talked away too much, never let me get a word in, and it was only ever about her. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting to know someone but it felt like she was never going to stop. Had I let her go on any longer, I would’ve known why her cousin three times removed was divorced. And the sex–god the sex was even worse.
“Jake?” My attention is pulled away and back to Thea. She looks up at me with a confused look on her face. “Got lost in your thoughts?”
I nervously chuckled. “Just thinking.” I squeeze her hand and we follow the hostess through the restaurant.
“Jake! Thea!” Sam bounds over and pulls us both into a hug. The small twinge of jealousy flairs in my chest as I watch them embrace each other. The gentle way he caresses her, his hand dangerously close to her ass. “Fancy seeing you two here!”
“Are you here with someone?” She asks when they pull apart.
“I was.. We just ended, she has to leave for work tomorrow.” He says. “I hope you two enjoy your night!” He gives her a soft smile, their eyes lingering longer on each other.
When she turns to face me, I give her a smile before leading her to our table where the hostess awaits us. She gives us our menus when we sit and informs us that our waiter will be around soon. Soon he came, introducing himself and taking our drinks orders. Sam was and is still on the forefront of my mind. His hands near her ass, the solemn look in his eyes as he watched her while he went away. I have no doubt in my mind that he still loves her.
“And for you, sir?” I snap my head over to the waiter, who waits patiently for my drink order.
“Oh uh, do you have whiskey?”
“We do, sir.”
“Then I will take some of that.”
“Very well, I will be back in a minute.”
When the waiter leaves, I catch Thea looking at me. I glance back at her before looking down at the table. “Are you alright?” She asks as she reaches her across the table and places it delicately atop of mine.
I nod my head, giving her a smile before wrapping my hand around hers and squeezing her hand again. “Are you sure?” She asks.
The rest of the dinner went well. Laughter remained between the two of us as I recounted meeting a few odd people along my journey. “She really thought you were possessed?” Thea giggles. “All because you were drunk?”
I chuckle and take the final drink of my whiskey. “She threw spices at me while chanting something in whatever language it was, I couldn’t tell you.”
The waiter comes back around and offers the check. I hand over my card and he goes away.
Suddenly, I feel Thea’s foot swiping up my leg. I glance up at her and she wears a smirk on her face. Her foot travels higher up my leg and nudges my knees apart. “You are playing a very dangerous game.” I say as I grasp her hand.
“Are you willing to participate?” She says. I glance around the area, hoping to spot the waiter but to avail. My knees begin to bounce and I hear her giggle, making my head turn back towards her. She smiles gleefully before finishing her wine, her foot moving ever so slightly upwards to the inner part of my thigh. Where is this damn waiter?
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The waiter had finally shown up again and we quickly left the restaurant. Her hands claw at my shirt, making quick work to undress me as I unzip her dress. We hadn’t been through the front door completely before I had her pressed up against my body and my lips attached to hers. Finally getting her dress fully unzipped, I push it down her body and let it fall around her feet. She pulls my shirt down my arms before undoing my pants.
My cock was already hard, throbbing beneath the fabric the whole drive home from the other side of the city. She releases it from the confines of my pants, pushing the fabric down my legs. I had come to realize that she decided against any undergarments when I saw her body standing bare in front of me. Her breasts are pressed against my chest, her nipples hardened and ready.
Despite my dream, I knew in a deep part of me that she loved me and that Josh was right. I had to believe him. I had to believe her. I had to believe myself. Picking her up in my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist, I carried her into the living room and laid her softly on the couch.
I loved her deeply that night. On the couch, on the coffee table, against the wall, wherever our bodies touched, we made love. We ended up on the floor, in front of the fireplace. The cold hearth sizzled out the flame as we reached our final ending.
I thrusted into her one last time before we both fell into our orgasm. I laid on the blankets on my back, breathing heavily as I worked myself down from my high. I feel her lay over my chest, her fingers tracing delicate shapes on my chest.
“This would be even more romantic if there was a fire going,” She comments as she lifts her head. “But I think we’ve sweat enough.”
I hum in a chuckle and pull her in for a kiss. “We should probably shower,” I say.
She shakes her head and rests her head back on my chest. “Not yet..”
We had fallen asleep there on the floor when a different dream came to me then.
I was seated on the porch of some house. I wasn’t sure where, but there was a lot of land spread out in all directions. It didn’t look like anywhere that I had traveled to. The wind blew by, pushing my hair over my shoulders and across my face. I could feel it, as if it were real. Her laughter filled my ears as her hand appeared in front of my face. She brushes the hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.
“It’s very windy today,” She says.
“Mama!” I hear a child call. Looking out into the vast land, I see a young boy trudging his way through the grass, completely soaked from head to toe. “Michael pushed me into the creek again!”
He looked a little like me. His brown eyes gleamed in the sunlight as his ear length locks wet and stuck the sides of his face. He had my nose but the big smile of my twin. I couldn’t help but to laugh as he made his way up the steps and stopped in front of me.
“What are you laughing at, Papa?” He whines. “It’s not funny! He always does this!”
I pull the boy into my arms and push back his wet hair away from his face. “He’s your younger brother, he’s only wanting to keep up with you.”
“Can he do that by not pushing me into the water?”
“Alright, Henry, let’s get you cleaned up.” Thea says as she holds out her hand.
When Henry follows her inside the house, I look back out into the yard to see another little boy walking through the grass, just as soaked but more covered in dirt than his brother. He trips over his sagging jeans, falling face first into the grass. The instinct in me pushed me forward off the porch and down the steps through the grass. I could hear him crying as I got closer. He pushed himself up on the ground, wiping his hand across his face and smearing more mud.
I stretch out my hands and hull him to his feet. “How is it that your brother is soaked but you're covered in mud?”
He giggles and sniffles. I brush his long hair from his face and pick him up. “I went to look for worms,” He says. “To add to my bug collection.”
“Was this before or after you pushed your brother into the water?” He couldn't help but to giggle again and I knew my answer. I threw him over my shoulder, his laughter ringing out as I carried him back through the yard and to the back of the house.
“Papa!” He cries in laughter. “Put me down!” He squirms in my arms.
I set him to his feet on the porch. “There were three of you, where is your sister?”
“Michael! You left me!” Comes a little girl’s voice. Glancing over my shoulder, I see a little girl angry as can be. She clings to my legs when she reaches the porch and looks up at me with the same brown eyes as her mother. “Papa, I’m hungry.”
“Well let’s get you both inside and cleaned up and then we can have lunch.”
I scoop up the little girl and rest her on my hip and usher the young boy into the house.
As soon as I step through the threshold, I’m awakening again in the living room, still by the fireplace. I can feel the stiff muscles as I try to gently move. Duly noted, move to the couch before you fall asleep. I gently remove Thea from my chest and carefully lay her on the floor before covering her with a blanket. Trudging off to the kitchen, I begin to brew coffee. Enough for the two of us.
Once I have it ready, I carry the two hot cups into the living room and set them on the coffee table. I sit back on the floor, on the blankets, and carefully wake her up. She stirs before her eyes open and she’s looking up at me.
“Good morning,” She says quietly as she pushes herself up into a sitting position and lets the blankets fall to her waist. “You made coffee.”
I nod my head. “I did.” I reach for the two cups and hand her one. “I hope you still drink it like you did before.”
“I may have cut my hair, but the way I drink my coffee still remains the same.” She says as she lifts the cup to her lips and takes a drink. “Did you sleep alright?” She asks afterwards. “Sleeping on a hardwood floor isn’t always comfortable.”
“No, no it isn’t,” I chuckle before drinking my own. “How did you sleep?”
“Very well.” She says. “I’ll admit that I was exhausted after our actions last night.”
I snort and lift my own coffee to take a drink. “Do you have any plans for today?” I ask.
She shakes her head and drinks some more of her coffee. “No, why do you ask?”
“Would you like to spend the day with me?” I ask as I set my coffee back down on the table. “We can do whatever it is you have in mind.”
“Whatever?” Thea sets her coffee down beside him and shifts her body over mine, swinging her legs over my lap. I rested my hands on her back and slid them down her skin until I came to rest them on her hips.
“Whatever..” I whisper against her lips as she softly brushes them against mine. “I know there’s a bookstore, couple blocks from here..” I can feel her hand wrap around my length. I release a breathy moan, my eyes fluttering shut. “I saw that they got more..” My eyes roll beneath my eyelids as I feel her sink around me, her walls allowing me to glide past like a key into a lock. “Fuck…”
“More books?” She inquires, slowly moving her hips. I weakly nod, gripping her hips in my hands.
“You read,” I say. “I read–”
“Oh I know you read.” She moves her hips again, lifting them ever so slightly to bring them back down. I find myself still sensitive from last night as I feel myself twitch from within her. I can feel her tighten around me as she continues her movements. Soon we’re both coming to our own ends.
“Shall we go find some books?” She asks, gingerly kissing the side of my mouth.
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The bookstore was quiet, save for the bells that jingled as we walked inside. We’re greeted by the cashier who stands behind the counter. The more time we spent in the store, we drifted further apart from each other into our own interests. I eventually found her browsing in the history section. A book of the Romanovs in her hand as she read the back of it.
“If I remember correctly,” I say, leaning over her shoulder. “They had it coming.”
“Oh,” She giggles and turns to face me. “Hush it..”
I chuckle. “Politics in that time period was very..wrong. You could see why they were murdered.”
“What about the children? Hmm?”
“Must’ve been a tactic to murder them too to keep a new line of succession from taking over the throne and doing even worse. But do I think it was right? Never..” I leaned against the bookshelf, holding my own books in my arms. “If my kids were in danger from the choices I had made, I would’ve done everything to protect them and get them to safety, which I believe the family tried to do but were unsuccessful.”
Thea lowers the book and looks at me. “Do you want kids?”
“I never thought about it.” I say, a half truth. I had thought about it–when I first met her. I could see my whole life with her, marrying her, having babies with her. Until she got with Sam and I went away on my boat trip. I didn’t want to have any of that anymore. I decided to only focus on myself and the band. Though being back here, with her, having her–and that dream. It took a foothold over the dream with Sam.
I wanted that with her. I wanted to see our own children running around the backyard, chasing after each other.
“Have you?” I ask. “Is that something you want?”
A hint of a smile plays on her face as she puts the book back onto the shelf. “Someday,” She says. Stepping up closer to her, I draw her in for a kiss. She giggles and kisses me back. “We are in public,” She whispers. “Do you think it’s–”
“Let them see me show my girlfriend that I love her.” I say before kissing her again. “I want everyone to know just how much I love you.”
She smiles against my lips before pulling away. “Did you find anything interesting to read?” 
“A few classics, first editions.” I say. “Are you ready to go?” She nods her head and we make our way to the front to check out.
The rest of the day, we spent reading, curled up on the living room couch and drinking more coffee. Sometimes kissing here and there. As the day grew on, and the sun began to set. She had started to fall asleep, her eyes drooping and the book in her hands falling into her lap. Chuckling to myself, I save my place in my own book before closing and setting it down on the coffee table. Moving across the couch, I carefully take the book off of her lap and save her spot before closing it.
She carefully stirs awake and I smile down at her. “I should probably get home..” She says with a yawn.
“I don’t think you should drive while you’re tired like this.” I say as she sits up on the couch. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
“But I don’t have clothes.” She whines as I help her to her feet.
“You can borrow some of mine,” I say. “I can take you home tomorrow.”
Lifting her up in my arms, I carry her up the stairs to my room. I lay her down on the bed and go over to my dresser to get clothes for her to sleep in.
“Can you help me?” She asks as I set the clothes on the bed.
“I can,” I say as I sit her up. I slide off her shirt and replace it with one of my own.
“Thank you,” She whispers.
I gently kiss her cheek before helping her out of her pants and into a pair of my own sweats. She falls back into the bed and curls up against the pillows. I drape the blankets over her body and kiss her one more time before heading for the shower. And when I came back out, she was already fast asleep, curled up beneath the covers.
Crawling into bed beside her, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in close to me. My mind flashed back to my dream with the children. That was the dream I wanted to focus on, the one that mattered.
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@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlove @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasmommy @objectsinspvce @gvfmarge @heckingfrick @bluemeadows77 @laneygvf @sacredmachine @gvfpal @killerqueengvf @jaketlover @jordinlkiszka @alwaysonthemend @hellowgoodbye @anythingforjtk @hi-hi-hello11 @anthemofgvf @gretasfallingsky @songbirds-sweet @wildbluesorbit @klarxtr @stardustsecret @sunandthemoontwinflames @everyglowinthetwilightknows @sinsofstardust @sparrowofthedawnsworld @josh-iamyour-mama @dannys-dream @peaceloveunitygvf @dayumclarizzel @thetroublegetssoloud71 @jakebrainrot @gretavanfleetmichelle
Want to be added to my general tag list? Please reach out and I'll be happy to add you! ♡
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
More Breakup au backstory
So this breakup au is getting away from me. So here's more backstory with the playlist of breakup songs that go with each character side of the breakup:
Kate : Mr Perfectly fine by Taylor Swift
Hello Mr. "Perfectly fine"
How's your heart after breakin' mine?
Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time, " baby
Hello Mr. "Casually cruel"
Mr. "Everything revolves around you"
I've been Miss "Misery" since your goodbye
And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine"
Anthony: Don't Speak by No Doubt
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
 Kate and Anthony broke up because Anthony told Kate, to her face, that he wanted to marry her, but he would never love her, knowing fully well that Kate was already inlove with him. Kate slapped him, and promptly dumped him. I can actually imagine Kate asking Violet directly, how is Anthony doing, after breaking her heart, because the last time she saw him, he looked perfectly fine. Meanwhile Anthony is not fine, he does NOT want to talk about it, so much he’s been avoiding his mother and family since forever, and holing himself up in the office, so nobody can see how much he’s dying on the inside. He is this close to collapsing from overwork. And the sad thing is that she still thinks he purposefully ignored her feelings for him, because he never cared.
Benedict: Let Her Go by Passenger
But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
Sophie: Flowers by Miley Cyrus
I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can
Talk about a major disaster. Benedict broke up with Sophie, because Sophie wanted stability in her relationship and demanded to know where Benedict saw their relationship in the future, but Benedict said he didn’t like labels, that they were just seeing where things would go, and that he didn’t believe in marriage, because he didn’t feel ready to settle down, when Sophie said she did, Benedict gave her the whole ‘I guess we want different things then, it’s not you it’s me’ ultimatum, Sophie called his bluff and accepted the breakup. Homegirl can and will build a stable life for herself without him, because he may not see a concrete future for their relationship, but she does believe she can build it for herself. Benedict is...well you heard how bad Benedict is doing
Colin: Nothing by the Script
And my mates are all there tryna calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
So I dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard was nothing
Penelope: Too good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith
 But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad, but it's true
I'm way too good at goodbyes
Agh, I’m getting angsty in this one, Penelope broke up with Colin, because he took off traveling whenever things got uncomfortable in their relationship, and she was tired of it. So when a big promotion came up and the lease in their apartment was over, Penelope took the promotion, called Colin, broke up with him over the phone, dropped off his things at Violet’s and moved somewhere he doesn’t know (She’s renting with Genevive). Was Penelope harsh? Yes, Was she cruel? Yes, Was she terribly mean? Yeah pretty much. But she put up with a lot for Colin in their relationship, and he was in Belgium when her promotion was announced. What could he have done to stop her from walking out on him? Teleport?. And sure, ever since that phone call, Colin has tried to talk to Penelope, but she took a page off his book, and is never to be found when he tries reaching her, so he is and continues to be a wreck of a man.  
Daphne and Simon actually share the same song because it's a duet: Easy by Rascal Flatts and Natasha Bedingfield
It's easy going out on a Friday night
Easy, every time I see (her/Him) out
I can smile, live it up
The way a single (guy/girl) does
But what she, what he don't know
Is how hard it is to make it look so….Eaaaaaaasy
These two broke up because Simon did not want to have kids and Daphne did. So they called off the engagement over what Daphne defined as ‘the major dealbreaker’. Supposedly it was mutual. (Secret backstory, is that Daphne had a pregnancy scare and Simon majorly freaked out because that’s how much he doesn’t want kids) Now they are both pretending their engagement was a PR stunt with no feelings involved and that they are both very happy to be back into singledom. With Simon going to all the newest movie premiers in Cannes and Daphne filling her Instagram with #Single picks. It’s a lie, Simon cries himself to sleep and Daphne hasn’t stopped partying to hide her hurt.
Eloise: Ps I'm still not over you by Rihanna
 Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin' to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
(Still not over you)
Phillip: You give Love a Bad Name by Von Jovi
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name (bad name)
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
Hey, you give love, a bad name
I don’t even know why they broke up. One day everything was fine, the next thing Phillip knows Eloise is packing up, saying things are going too fast and that she needs space. Lots of space. Phillip is heartbroken, and justified in cursing Eloise name even tho he still loves her. And Eloise is guilt ridden because she knows she hurt Phillip, but can’t explain how her fear of commitment got the best of her. Because he was perfect and rather than waiting for things to get ruined, she ruined them herself. She still loves him, she misses him, she misses his kids. Phillip doesn’t know what he did wrong, other than maybe coming on too strong. He thinks Eloise was just playing with his feelings And he doesn’t trust that she won’t run out on him again if she feels things are ‘moving too fast’ in the future..
And well folks that’s the tea. See why Violet is extremely frustrated with all her kids.
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jaket-fanatic-gvf · 1 year
You Belong With Me
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Summary: This is loosely based on the song "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift (I went to her concert in Minneapolis on Friday and couldn't get this idea out of my head.
Warnings: None as of right now! There will for sure be a part 2, but even that will be pretty fluffy I think.
A/N: So this is the first fan fic I've ever felt okay enough to post. If anyone reads this and has any tips or suggestions for me please let me know! I've also only had Tumblr for like a month or 2, and I'm not tech-savvy at all, so bear with me while I try to figure this all out :)
Word Count: 3.5k
“Samuel Francis Kiszka, open your door!”
Things are starting to fall out of your grasp. The walk to Sam’s house isn’t far, only directly across the street from yours, but you have all of the supplies for your weekly movie night, so your arms are full to the brim. You hear a couple bags of candy hit the ground and decide to yell again. 
“Sammy, I swear to god, I’m going to drop–”
The door swings open and you are greeted by your best friend’s other best friend and roommate. Danny’s curls are pulled bag into a low bun and he’s wearing sweatpants and a muscle tank. He frowns, and when you look at his face he seems a bit drowsy.
“Danny! Oh thank God. I’m sorry, did I wake you up? Sam normally is waiting for me at the door after I text him that I’m on my way. I have all of the stuff for movie night, so I couldn’t open the door. Sorry if I woke you, can you help me please? Where’s Sam? I could've swore he read my text–”
“Y/N,” Danny puts both of his hands on your shoulders and shakes you a bit, “One, take a breath, I don’t know how you can talk so much. Two, Madison called him I think, I can hear them arguing on the phone.”
Danny takes all of the snacks you’re holding and the ones you dropped allowing you to resituate your hold on the blankets and skincare products you’re holding Sam will let you test on him. He’s walked back into his home and its out of your sight before you even get the door closed.
Once you cross the threshold of the house, you can hear the arguing too. You have never really been a fan of Madison. She and Sam started going out last semester after he helped tutor her in whatever math class he had to take. Is your dislike for Maddie slightly due to the fact that you have a crush on your best friend… no, that’s neither here nor there. You just think she’s a mean person. She doesn’t deserve a sweetheart like Sam. 
Maddie also really doesn’t like you. She’s tried on multiple occasions to try and make Sam stop hanging out with you even though you’ve never been anything but perfectly platonic with him- you think you’d die from embarrassment if he ever found out about your crush. You and Sam have been friends ever since the beginning of college. You were in the same orientation group and even though you have very different majors and friend groups, he managed to weasel his way into being your favorite person. 
The first thing you remember learning about Sam is how chaotic he is. He never fails to make you laugh with his goofy moods and his iconic wit. He’s been your saving grace on multiple occasions during finals weeks and truthfully, you don’t think you could have done these last 2 ½ years without him by your side. Friday night movie night actually became a thing after you spent so much time locked away in your dorm room freshman year panicking about life that he decided to always have one night to force you to relax. The two of you have never missed a movie night together since they started.
Now, hearing one muffled half of an argument over the phone, you can’t help but think that the cause of the bickering is the movie night itself. Sam’s voice is raspy and it almost sounds like he’s begging Maddie for something? You try to not pay attention, but they have been on the phone for a few minutes now and it doesn’t seem to be letting up. You decide to text Sam to let him know that you’re in his living room whenever he’s ready.
Right after your message goes through, the ‘Read’ notification pops up and you hear Sam sigh. His voice becomes immediately less muffled when he opens his door and starts walking down the hallway towards you.
“Listen Maddie, I’m sorry, but I’m not going. You know I’m busy and you know I’d never cancel unless there’s an emergency. I’ll go to a different one with you some other time, I promise. But I have to go now; Y/N is here and we have a longtime standing commitment. I hope you have fun, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, babe.”
You can now hear the muffled voice of Madison through the phone, and although you can’t hear what she’s saying, you know it’s some sort of sarcastic remark. It makes you roll your eyes. When he walks fully into the room you glance his way and your breath catches right away because you notice that he’s shirtless. You’ve seem Sam without a shirt on before, but it still flusters you to this day because he’s just so beautiful. 
Sam is wearing gray joggers and you can see his boxers peaking out the top of the band, and before you stare too long, you force yourself to turn away. Chill Y/N, you think, stay platonic. He’s nodding into his phone and only giving short replies now. 
“Okay… okay… Yes, 11 o’clock is fine… okay… okay, bye.”
Sam plops down on the couch right next to you and leans his head back running his hands over his face. When he drops them, his eyes are still closed and his eyebrows are drawn together. 
“Maddie says hi,” he says flatly.
You raise an eyebrow at him, and although he can’t see it, it’s almost like he can sense it. 
He sighs again. “You’re right, she didn’t.” At this point he opens one eye and turns his head to face you. His face is so close to yours and when you make eye contact it sends shivers down your body. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you whisper.
Sam frowns and shakes his head slightly. “I don’t think that’ll help much… she’s not a fan– well, she thinks we spent too much time together. She thinks I’m– nevermind, I shouldn’t say.”
You pat his knee for comfort, and even though he didn’t say exactly what she said, he didn’t have to. It’s the same argument they’ve always had. Sam speaks to literally any girl- he’s cheating on her. Meanwhile, she flirts with all of the football players when she’s cheering (because of course she’s a cheerleader) and she says Sam is too overprotective of her when he’s upset about it.
“Okay…how about you pick the movie and I’ll make the popcorn?” you say as you stand.
“Ya, okay… can we get some alcohol in here too? I think I need it,” Sam sighs.
“Sure, I don’t know what you have, but I have some wine in my fridge, I can–”
“Let’s do shots!” Sam is getting to his feet now and he gives you a wicked grin as he passes you on the way to his kitchen. It’s crazy how fast his mood shifted.
Groaning, you reply, “Sammy, I hate shots.”
“I know you do, but I’m having a shit day and shots will make it better. Here, I even have a new bottle of tequila!” Sam reaches his fridge and pulls a bottle of tequila from the freezer. Even though you’re against the idea, you are already grabbing 2 shot glasses out of his cupboard as well as a bag of popcorn from the pantry.
“You know, Sam, I thought hanging out with me watching bad movies made your day better,” you pout as you put the popcorn in the microwave.
He smiles mischeviously at you again and states matter-of-factly, “Yes, but this has immediate benefits. Plus, it will make whatever shit movie we find more bearable.”
Sam pours you each a shot and you grimace when he hands it to you. You’re horrible at taking shots, even with all of the practice you’ve gotten with Sam over the years. He holds his glass up and you clink them together, and because practice makes perfect, you both slam the glasses on the counter before knocking back the shot at the exact same time. You make a sour face, but you don’t cough at all which you count as a win.
“Atta girl, Y/N!” Sam exclaims and gives you a little shove. You feel a blush setting in from the praise, but it immediately stops when Sam opens the bottle and pours you each another one.
“Sammy, no, this is horrible.”
“Oh, love, you’re going to need to beg harder than that if you want to stop. We’re taking at least 2 more,” Sam teases.
“I am not begging you for shit. It’ll go straight to your head and it’s already so big that you can barely fit it through the doorway. Pass it over.”
Sam huffs in indignation, but is already smiling again by the time your glasses clink. The same sequence follows, and one more round of shots is poured and swallowed within the minute. Before he can pour another, you grab the bottle of tequila from him and move to the microwave for the popcorn.
“Go pick the movie, Sammy, otherwise I’m going to pass out at your house and you will have to carry me across the street.”
Sam leaves the kitchen without a protest, but he calls back to you on his way out saying, “Like you don’t fall asleep every week anyways!”
He has the movie picked out and is rummaging through the facemasks and other skincare goodies you brought over when you walk back into the living room. 
“I took shots with you, so you have to do one of these with me,” you declare while getting settled next to Sam on the couch, a bit further away from each other than when he plopped down next to you earlier.
“I would’ve done one with you anyways, love. Help me pick one, I don’t know what any of them mean.”
You pick out a clay mask for each of you and Sam starts the movie, which is some random Netflix rom com. Sam asks for help putting it on, so you scootch over to him and sit on your knees. You turn his head to face you and tell him to close his eyes. Squeezing the paste out of the bag into your hand, you relish in the act of smoothing the product over his high cheekbones, across his forehead, and down the bridge of his nose. Since his eyes are closed, you take full opportunity to study every little detail of his face.
In your eyes, Sam Kiszka is perfect. Objectively, you always knew he was hot. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t one of the first things that drew you to him. But getting to know him was a whole different beast. He’s so funny, and smart, an insanely talented musician, and caring even though he does his best to hide that fact. The crush on Sam came shortly after the friendship began, but he never seemed to feel the same way about you and you didn’t dare make a move on him if you knew with 100% certainty that it wouldn’t be reciprocated. This friendship wasn’t worth the risk of that.
He gives a content sigh and whispers to you, “This is already very relaxing. I can’t tell if it’s the little face massage or the tequila.”
You giggle and reply, “Probably both, love,” which earns you a small smile from him. You finish up and sit back on your heels.
“Okay Sammy, you’re good. Can you help put on mine or should I go to your bathroom to put it on myself?”
“No, I can help you. How thick should it be?”
Sam sits up and turns towards you and with your faces so close together again your brain fogs for a second. Only a second though as you quickly pull yourself back to planet Earth. You give him instructions and close your eyes waiting for him to reciprocate.
“Sit back on against the couch, Y/N, I’m giving you the whole shabang.”
With that, you sink into the couch with your eyes still closed and you can feel Sam shifting his weight next to you. The packet of product gets ripped open and next thing you feel is the cold mask being rubbed onto your skin by his warm hands. You hold your breath because this feels very intimate and Sam chuckles once he notices.
“Ya, Y/N, I’m pretty sure you can keep breathing. I promise I’m not going to stick any of it up your nose.” To make a point of it, he taps one of his fingers on the point of your nose. You chuckle and swear at yourself in you’re head for being weird. Actually, you take that back. You blame the tequila and the fact that you can smell his cologne very well since youre sitting so close together.
Sam finishes rubbing the mask onto your face and by the time you open your eyes, he’s already resituating himself on the couch right up next to you, legs pressed together. He reaches for the bowl of popcorn and the bottle of tequila you set on his coffee table as you set a timer. This time, Sam forgoes the shot glasses and takes a swig right from the bottle. He hands the bottle to you and you do the same thing already knowing you’ll regret it.
The movie, of course, is really dumb, but you’re buzzed and content just to be present with Sam. Before you know it, the timer on your phone goes off and Sam is pulling you to your feet to go wash your faces. Sam’s bathroom is small, but you squeeze in behind him and sit on the edge of his tub while he rinses his face off first. He looks gorgeous and his skin is a little pink where he’s already rubbed the mask off. Droplets of water run down his arms and it leads you to staring right at his bare chest. 
“You’re so pretty,” you think and you don’t even realize you said it out loud until you see him stop moving suddenly and turn his gaze to stare at you. Suddenly, his cheeks are pink from more than just scrubbing his face. The flush in your cheeks comes back in full force as the two of you stare at each other and you're thankful that the mask you’re still wearing is at least partially covering it up.
Sam’s mind seems to be running a thousand miles a minute before he simply replies, “Thank you… I, um, I think you’re pretty too.”
Even the mask couldn’t cover the blush now. In fact, you think it’s melted off from the heat your cheeks are producing. You manage to squeak out a small thank you and he gestures for you to use the sink as he leans over to grab a towel. You awkwardly shuffle around each other and you feel some relief as you scrub the cool water over your face. When you’re done, your eyes catch Sam’s in the mirror and he’s still staring at you. Still blushing, maybe even more so now since he got caught looking at you, he thrusts a towel in your direction. Without another word, the two of you make your way back to his living room. This time when you both sit down on the couch, he leaves a bit of space between you.
This is it, you think. You fucked it up all because of like 4 shots of tequila and his stupid shirtles torso. For the rest of the movie you don’t talk to each other. Sometimes, you can feel him looking at you, but it’s like he can’t figure out what to say to you and you can’t fathom a way of not saying anything else that might embarrass you. When you movie ends, you clear your throat, and pull the blankets off.
“I think I’m going to go home, I’m pretty tired.”
Sam stands up as well and starts to fold up your blankets. 
“Okay, let me find my shoes quick, I’ll walk you over.”
“No, Sammy, it’s okay. It’s pretty early so I doubt there are many drunk people around yet.” Sam always walks you back across the road when movie night is at his house. You aren’t a big fan of the dark, and your guys’ houses are on a prime street for people walking to the frat and soroity houses from the dorms on campus.
“I insist, Y/N, just give me 2 seconds.”
Sam finds a pair of sandals as you pick up the rest of your blankets, but he quickly grabs them from you as you make your way to the door. What a gentleman. The walk across the street is quick and silent. Normally you are talking over one another and laughing so hard that tears form in your eyes. Tonight, however, you can actually hear the party music from the frats.
Once on your porch, you unlock the door, and Sam follows you inside to drop the blankets in your room. You wait for him in the entry way and fidget with your fingers. Things have never felt more out of place with the two of you than they do right now which one, is a testiment to your friendship, and two, makes you wonder how to say goodnight. You’re a hugger, but you think that might be a bit too awkward tonight.
Sam walks back from your room and before you even have the chance to mull it over he pulls you into a hug. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around him and he winces when you put your hands on his bare back which makes you start to pull away, but he hugs you even tighter.
“You’re fingers are freezing,” he mumbles into your hair.
You sigh out a breath in relief and put your hands back on him. His muscles flex under your touch, but you don’t move away. Instead, you flip your hands over so the back of them can feel the warmth of his skin as well.
“You are truly so evil, Y/N” Sam states without any venom which makes you giggle.
“I need to steal your warm before you go, I obviously need it.”
He chuckles and you love the way you can feel it with your head pressed to his chest. This has turned into a longer hug than normal, but neither of you seem to want to let go. You’ve never hugged a shirtless Sam before and you’re sure you won’t be forgetting the feeling anytime soon. The heat. The smoothness. The smell. Finally, you are the one that pulls back. When you lock eyes with him, his mind seems to be racing again.
“Thanks for having me over, Sammy.” you whisper.
He smiles softly and whispers back, “My pleasure, love. You can come over every night for all I care.”
“I don’t think Madison would enjoy that offer.”
He stiffens his posture immediately and furrows his brows. Why did you have to bring that up? Tonight was about forgetting about their fight.
“Sorry Sam, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, it’s okay, nothing you need to apologize for.”
It’s silent for a bit longer before you ask, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? I can tell something is bothering you.”
“No, I’m fine. It’s fine.”
He’s lying and you know it. And he knows you know it, but neither of you does a thing about it and the silence consumes you again. You decide it’s best if you just change the subject.
“Are you going to the football game tomorrow?” you ask. “I’m playing in the pep band and I know Maddie is cheering, so you won’t have anyone to sit with.”
His frown deepens. “No, I think I’ll sit this one out then, unless Daniel wants to go. I’m going to Maddie’s house before she has to go though, so maybe we can hang out after the game is done?”
“Won’t you want to go party?”
“Maybe, if you want to, but I won’t if you don’t want to.”
You want to say the Madison would not like that offer either, but this time you hold your tongue.
“Okay, I’ll let you know tomorrow how I’m feeling.”
His eyes soften a bit at your agreement and he pulls you back into another quick hug.
“Sounds great,” he murmurs. “Now get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He breaks away and walks out the door before either of you actually says goodnight.
A/N: Again, any feedback would be appreciated :)
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sparkagrace · 1 year
hi tej! i'm here with aus you might not write, though you'll have to let me know how close i get hahaha. i think you wouldn't write... an unhappy ending, infidelity, and time travel?
hope you have a good week! <3
Bri! thank you so much for sending this! This one was so tough because all of them would hurt me in various ways. But for you, I did time travel with a mild side of unhappy ending (I AM SORRY!). I hope you're having a good week so far! 💗💗💗
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steve x bucky | teen | 860 words tags: post-EG, time travel, not a fix-it but a break it further
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Bucky finds the old man behind the creek. Sam is back at the cabin, talking to the remaining Avengers — the Shield already tucked away safe — and Bucky doesn’t need any of that. He needs answers first. 
He takes a seat on the bench, hands buried in his black jacket and stares out across the water. The sun already set but there’s still light in the air before the night really sets in. Bucky is headed to the airport in the morning; after that, he doesn’t know yet. 
“Hey, punk,” Bucky begins. 
“Bucky.” The old man’s voice is raspy and slow, but with an aching familiarity. Bucky tuts. 
“So… where is he?”
The old man sighs softly, a small smile playing on his lips. Wistful. Fulfilled.
“No,” Bucky cuts him off. “Where is he really?”
The old man who has Steve’s face glances at him, and Bucky’s right hand tightens around the knife hidden in his jacket pocket. The left already a fist inside the other. 
Bucky has seen a lot of weird things in his extended lifetime. Seeing an older version of his best friend morph into a green alien barely fazes him. 
He’s heard bits and pieces as they recovered from the battle and put Natasha and Tony to rest, and as he was caught up on missing another five years. He’s heard about Skrulls from Fury, not directly but he was around when Steve found out. Last night he and Steve went for a walk around the cabin while everybody else slept, and Steve laid out his plan to go back and replace the stones and pass the shield onto Sam.
And return to Bucky.
They didn’t know how long it would take Steve to do it, but they both knew he’d come back a little older.
Not decades.
Not having lived an entire life without him.
This is not Steve.
“He broke the rules.” The voice that comes from the Skrull isn’t the poor impression of an older Steve, but he sounds experienced. “He was told not to change the timeline.”
“What did he do?” But Bucky already knows. He had already told Steve not to.
“He went back to save you. The Alps. He got to you before Hydra did, but just before they did. The TVA tried to come for him too. It was him against the TVA and Hydra and then…” The Skrull blows out a breath. 
“Is he alive?”
“He used his last Pym particle to send you somewhere. Nobody knows where in time the ‘45 version of you is. Wherever it was, he hid you good.”
“So, he’s in space jail?”
The Skull shakes his head.
“The timeline can’t change. Too many things need to happen for this to happen, for Thanos to be defeated. The timeline needs a Winter Soldier and you weren’t there.”
Panic floods Bucky’s gut. The hold on his knife tightens. 
“Hydra took him and turned him into the Winter Soldier. It took longer, but they still could carry out the major events they needed in order for this timeline to happen.”
“And you?”
“Me? I was sent to live out a life Steve Rogers could have lived. Nobody but Hydra knew he was the Winter Soldier, and no-one would believe it if they saw Captain America out in public for decades, enjoying the glory he should have had if he had survived the war. Nobody would be looking for him under the ice if they saw him on TV shaking hands with the President, would they?”
“So you’ve been around for seventy years pretending to be Steve?”
“No, I lived it better than he ever could. I made him a legacy,” Skrull Steve grins proudly, and Bucky hates him. “I gave him a wife and kids, medals, glory. Passed on the Shield once or twice, and now Sam has it as it should be. He had a good life.”
“You had a good life. Where is he now?”
The Skrull shrugs. “Went down with Project Insight.”
No, no. That can’t be right. There’s no way that Steve — his Steve — who he just saw a half hour ago vanish on that platform, is gone. They’ve always rescued each other. Bucky eyes the platform in the distance. If he could—
“He’s gone, Sergeant. He saved you, for whatever that’s worth. You might already be dead by now too.” In his pocket, the knife taunts Bucky. He hates how this imposter talks about a Steve that wasn’t the one that Bucky knew. Wasn’t the one the world deserved. 
A shot rings out, startling Bucky and killing the Skrull. Thankfully not with Steve’s face but still. Bucky’s eyes dart around the area until he hears soft shuffling a short distance away. Bucky takes the knife from his pocket and holds it ready. 
Then he watches as an older man emerges from a hidden spot, a pistol in his only hand and a haggard face that has lived decades.
His face.
Older. Experienced. Haunted.
This is him from the Alps. The one Steve risked everything to save.
“We don’t have much time, Sergeant. Come with me. I know how we can save our Steve.”
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ily sweet Bri! ✨I absolutely hate time travel because it is confusing but thanks to @cable-knit-sweater and @teenytabris for getting my thoughts in order 🥰️
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The Twin Flame - Chapter 16: "Anti-Hero"
"I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero..."
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"Here," Sharon offers, tossing some clothes on her bed for you. She juts her thumb to the shelf lined with shoes. "Take your pick. And try to keep them on this time."
"Ha," you chuckle, picking up the clothes off the bed. "You're so funny, Sharon. I missed that about you."
She raises her eyebrows, offering a tight smile. Without another word, you pad around to the other side of the partition and start to change. She waits a moment, taking a large gulp of air, "So.. you've just been with Sam since you've been back? You Blipped, right?"
"Sure did," you humorlessly snicker. You don't really know what it is, you considered Sharon a friend, not a particularly close friend, but a friend nonetheless. In spite of that, something in the very recesses of your mind was telling you to keep your answers vague and nondescript. You're about to dismiss that gut feeling when you faintly hear Nick Fury's reminder to always trust that gut feeling, it's never wrong. You quickly respond, "And yeah, mostly at Sam's sister's house."
"Oh," she hums. 
"But you've been in Madripoor? That sounds like fun!"
"Something like that."
Your eyebrows furrow at Sharon's strange response, but you shake it off as you finish pulling on the borrowed jacket. As you pull it on, you notice the fresh blood staining the white bandage on your arm. You quickly look away, ignoring the pain radiating throughout your entire upper arm.
After pulling on a pair of her shoes, you both make your way back to the living room where Sam, Bucky, and Zemo await. 
"Much better," Sharon quips at a shirtless Sam as you both enter the room to see Sam choosing his clothes for Sharon's party. 
"Gross," you mumble under your breath, taking a seat on the couch but leaving a sizeable amount of space between you and Bucky.
"What's going on, Sharon?" Sam asks, tugging on a dark turtleneck. "You don't ever wanna come back home?"
"They'll lock me up if I set foot back in the States. Madripoor doesn't allow extradition," she tells Sam, pouring herself a very generous drink.
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't call, but after the Blip and the chaos, I just..." Sam trails off.
"I mean, you know the whole hero thing is a joke, right?" Sharon bluntly interjects. "I mean the way you gave up that shield, deep down, you must know it's all hypocrisy."
"He knows," Zemo agrees, hiding his signature smirk behind his own drink. "And not so deep down."
"By the way, how is the new Cap?" Sharon asks.
Sharon's question is a reminder of yet another point for contention between you and Sam: he gave up the shield. You wanted to respect his choice, but the whole thing felt wrong. Steve was someone you cared about deeply, someone you would always care about, and watching someone tote around his legacy was shocking to say the least. 
"Don't get me started," Bucky quietly grumbles.
"Please," Sharon scoffs. "You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were Zemo's pet psychopath, you were Mr. America, Cap's best friend."
"Wow, she's kind of awful now," Bucky tells you, briefly noting that you've remained oddly silent this entire night. 
He hadn't really been able to talk to you one on one yet, but he sort of figured that you were going to be more than a little upset by the stunt Zemo pulled at the bar. It couldn't have been any easier than him pretending to be the Winter Soldier. 
He was just lucky that he got a front row seat to Sam chewing Zemo out for ambushing you like that.
Bucky saw it, how painful it was for you. You didn't think he saw it, but he did. The wince as the words left Zemo's mouth: asset. The way your eyes sunk to the floor. The way you curled into yourself like Zemo left you completely vulnerable in the middle of the bar with one word. 
More than anything, Bucky wanted to kill Zemo in that moment. And he would've if he it wouldn't have put you all in even more danger.
Even more danger. And since Sam had spat those words at him in Berlin, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. It was driving him crazy. None of it was adding up. And it felt even worse because he knew it was his fault that he felt like he didn't know anything about you anymore. 
"This Sunshine serum, it's dangerous. People shouldn't have that kind of power," Sam cautions.
Sharon nods at you. "Except for her?" 
"She didn't ask for it," Sam defends. 
"So because she didn't ask for it, she's 'worthy'," Sharon vaguely mocks. 
"Can we stop talking about me like I'm not right here?" you rhetorically ask the room. Then, you turn to Sharon to defend yourself, "And I don't think anyone should have it. But more than that, I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"Now, she," Sharon starts, pointing at you. "She still buys into the superhero bullshit."
"I'm not naive, Sharon," you retort, gently grazing your throbbing arm in an attempt to assuage the shooting pain radiating up and down your arm. "But this isn't right. And the Power Broker, they're trying to create this serum for a reason. And I don't think it's to make superheroes."
Sharon shrugs, raising her drink to take a drink, "All I'm saying is maybe you guys should steer clear of all this stuff, for your own safety."
"We know it's a risk," Sam tells her. "But we're not going to leave until we find the one who cracked the code."
"We got a name: Wilfred Nagel," Bucky adds.
"Nagel works for the Power Broker," Sharon informs the four of you. 
"We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared," Sam offers.
She tilts her glass at you, raising her eyebrow. "Like you got her name cleared?"
You freeze, her words washing over you like a bucket of cold water. You weren't even sure how she knew that, but in this moment it doesn't even matter. And maybe you're just going crazy, but you have to press your lips together to keep a chuckle from bubbling out of your mouth.
You almost laugh. You actually almost laugh. Not because anything is remotely funny, but because it seems like all your emotional wounds from your entire life on the outside are out and open for discussion and dissection, a complete open season on all your dirty laundry for one night only. Each poke and prod adding insult to injury. Salt in a wound that won't stop getting torn open. 
It's like you're stuck in a constant loop of getting older but never wiser. And now it's clear why you shouldn't be left to your own devices, it's because you were the problem. And everyone already knew it. 
"That's a different situation and you know it," Sam curtly retorts. "And this isn't about her, it's about you, and getting your name cleared."
"So you're haggling with my life?" Sharon counters.
"Not like that."
"I don't buy that. You pretending like you can clear my name."
"Okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. Maybe you're right. What happened to you, but I'm willing to try if you are." Sam offers once again. Sam's voice drops, speaking only to Sharon, "They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he's killed almost everyone he's ever met."
"I heard that," Bucky grunts, still carefully watching you in his peripheral.
"I don't trust charity," Sharon vaguely declines. 
"Alright, a deal then. You help us out, and I'll get your name cleared," Sam proposes, extending his hand to Sharon. 
She hesitates a moment before taking his hand. She drops his hand with a firm shake, taking another long drink before standing off the couch. "Well, I sell to some pretty connected people. Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay out of trouble. I'll see what I can find."
"Blend in," she repeats, eyeing you specifically.
Zemo playfully shrugs, his drink still in hand. "Trouble."
"Why'd she say it like that? Do I not blend in?" you ask, looking to Bucky and Sam for a response. You scoff, "I blend in just fine." 
"Anyway..." Bucky lilts, avoiding the question. "We should probably head down."
You nod, standing up off the couch. "Agreed."
"Hey," Sam's voice stops you before you can start for the elevators. His voice drops, looking to you with an expression filled with concern. "You good?"
You're not even sure which part of the night he's talking about. You're not sure which part of the night was more rattling. And though you're deeply unsettled by the events that occurred tonight and by old emotional wounds that won't stop being prodded, you don't want to tell Sam that.
Because here he is, once again, cleaning up a mess that he wouldn't even be involved in if you hadn't walked into his life. Another reminder that you're the problem, you're the monster on the hill looming over the unsuspecting town. You shrug your shoulders, "I'm fine."
Sam roughly sighs in defeat, clearly unhappy with your response. Through a clenched jaw, he coldly replies, "Great."
"Hey," Bucky interrupts, watching you watch Sam walk away, another cold, curt interaction that left him even more confused at what was going on - and why no one was speaking about it.
He knew in actuality he'd only known you a few months, but still he felt incredible close to you, like you understood him.
And maybe that was irrational of him, but he couldn't talk himself out of that feeling. It didn't matter how many times he tried, and he tried so very hard. No matter how he tried to deny it, to cut ties and run, you'd gotten to him, worked your way underneath his skin, just like Steve said you would.
He thought back to some of those conversations then and none of them were equating to the way you and Sam were getting along now.
You stop in your tracks again. You turn around again, and for the quickest of moments he sees an exhausted, somberly disheartened expression on your face like the fighting with Sam was taking more of a toll on you than you wanted to admit. And he watches the way you come to life again, the way you turn back on.
You shake your head, pulling a tight smile on your face. It's jarring, the way you so quickly and so brightly smile like there's not a problem in the world.
Right now, that's not his question. Right now, he can't stop thinking about Sharon's cryptic comment about your pardon. He just can't stand the thought of some imminent danger looming over you while he stood to the side doing nothing. "What was Sharon talking about? About your name not being cleared?"
You keep the same tight-lipped smile on your face when you respond, "It's nothing."
"It didn't seem like nothing."
"Bucky-" you start, his name just a sigh leaving your mouth.
"And will you quit calling me that!" he abruptly exclaims.
"What?" you question, your eyes wide at the sudden outburst.
"You have never called me that. Ever!"
He can't even bring himself to care that he probably sounds like a crazy person. He doesn't even want to discern why he cares about a name this much, but he does. He really does.
Before, you were the only person that he knew that called him by his first name. And now you called him the same name everyone else did. It was eating at him for reasons he'd never admit.
"By your name?" you scoff, though you know exactly what he's talking about.
"Yes!" he frustratedly groans, his fists clenching mid-air as a meager attempt at not pulling out his own hair. "You're- you're Sunshine! And now- now, you're keeping secrets, fighting with Sam, calling me Bucky, and I want to know why!"
An incredulous chuckle leaves your mouth as your expression changes to pure disbelief. "Why?"
"Yes, I want to know why!"
You take a long, deep breath. And though your words are gentle and soft, they cut Bucky deep, "Things change, Bucky. I think you of all people should know that." 
And with those words, you walk away.
It's him, he decides in that moment, he's the problem.
Because though he'd just faced bullets raining down on him, a bounty over his head, and was now stuck in a city where most people wanted him dead, he finds himself stunned for the first time all night. He finds that there's not enough bravery in him to go after you as he watches the elevator doors close behind you.
He just looks back to a night when things seemed so much simpler:
"You know, you're not that bad when you're not trying to kill me," you tease, your voice just above a whisper as both Sam and Steve snore from across the Quinjet. 
He rolls his eyes with a huff of amusement. "Thanks."
"And you know what else? I've decided on your nickname," you gleefully tell him. 
"Do I even want to know?"
"I'm going to call you James."
His eyebrows furrow as the smile he so desperately tried to keep at bay finally surfaces. "You know, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's my real name."
"But everyone calls you Bucky, so it'll be my nickname for you." You gently nudge his shoulder with yours. Bucky is more than a little shocked at the physical contact. It was even more surprising than when you plopped yourself down in the seat beside him when there were plenty of other open seat. You sat by him, of your own volition. You were joking with him, laughing with him, teasing him. And you'd given him nickname, even if it was his real name. "It'll be our own little secret."
And he's not really sure why, but the idea of having his own personal secret with you left a strange, warm fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach. The feeling wasn't familiar to him. And there was a big part of him that was terrified of it. An even bigger part that relished in it.
The rational side of him knew that a few conversations and laughs didn't mean anything. Steve had told him, you were here because Sam was here.
You were just being nice.
And he was seeing things that weren't there. 
By the time he regains enough composure to move from where he remained frozen, you were already long gone.
A blank, emotionless expression remains on his face as he drags himself down to the party. He can't even pretend he doesn't feel numb, like his heart didn't just sink to his stomach. 
"You've got to be-" Sam hisses, stopping as Bucky takes the space next to him in the club.
"What?" Bucky asks, his voice as numb as he felt. 
Sam juts his chin over to where you stand with Zemo. "Look."
Bucky swears in that moment that he's going to break his teeth from clenching his jaw so tightly. "What the f-"
Bucky decides that it doesn't matter how pissed you are with the two of them, he's not going to just stand there and watch as Zemo does what Zemo does best. He takes one singular, purposeful step forward when Sam clutches his shoulder. "I wouldn't do that. Blending in, remember?"
"You're joking, right?"
"Let's just be thankful we can keep an eye out from here," Sam grits.
You look back at Sam and Bucky standing there with matching anger-filled, tense expressions on their faces.
"Hm..." Zemo hums, twirling you once, his tempo as he sways you around not even matching the fast beat of dance music thumping throughout the club. "I'm honored you choose me to keep accompany you this fine evening."
"Well, someone's gotta keep an eye on you," you quip, focusing your attention back on Zemo. "You're the one that wanted to dance."
"It is a party after all."
"Or you want to antagonize Sam and Bucky some more?" you guess, allowing him to twirl you around again. 
"Two birds, one stone."
"Tread lightly, Zemo," you warn, planting your hands on his shoulders to stop him from further taunting Sam and Bucky.
"May I ask you a question?"
"Does it matter if I tell you no?"
"Your relationship to James?" he probes with a knowing smirk. 
You shake your head, giving him a tight, unconvincing smile. "Friends."
"Hm..." he hums, a pensive look on his face that you know never leads to anything good.
"What?" you sigh.
"Nothing, I just assumed you would be more honest than your counterparts. I suppose we all have our faults."
"That was the truth," you retort, the two of you swaying back and forth around a small corner of the dance floor. "I already told you before, you shouldn't believe everything you hear."
"What about what I see with my own two eyes? You say it's untrue, but from the way he's watching me, I don't think so."
You look over his shoulder to where Bucky and Sam stand, both looking incredibly unimpressed as they glare at you and Zemo. There's a particular look of intensity in Bucky's eyes like you'd personally scorned him. And maybe you had after your short conversation upstairs. "Friends look out for each other, that's all."
"Hey, guys," Sharon calls, breaking up Zemo's inquisition. "I found him."
"Here we go," Sam mutters. 
You sigh deeply, "Let's go." 
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Please let me know what you think! 💛
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braveclementine · 4 months
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Warnings: None.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. I do not condone any copying of this.
Tony checked the clock and noticed that it was exactly four in the afternoon. That was very weird, because Y/N should've checked in on him at least ten minutes ago, if not five at the very latest. She was never late. She was always home by three forty-five. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.  has Y/N come home yet?" Tony asked his mostly silent AI. 
"No sir. Would you like me to track her through the camera system?" The Irish accented robot asked. 
Tony hesitated. He didn't want to overreact, but he also didn't want to hesitate in case something actually had happened to his daughter. "Not Yet. Can you tell me when she left the school?" 
F.R.I.D.A.Y. was quiet for a moment, probably researching it, just as Sam and Steve came into the room. Tony held a finger up as Sam went to speak. 
"She left the school at the same time she always does Mr. Stark. Three twenty." 
Fear gripped Tony's heart and he stood up, striding past the two other men without acknowledging them and heading over to where he could put holograms up. "Show me the cameras she would use to get home along with a map with her normal walking route." 
A map appeared with a red line connecting from Y/N's school to the Avengers Compound. Then, smaller blue dots highlighted each camera on the route. 
The camera's popped up and they watched as Y/N skipped through the camera frames. Tony couldn't find anything that showed she was being followed by anyone or anything. There weren't even any suspicious cars. 
"What's going on Tony?" Sam asked urgently. "Is something wrong with Y/N?" 
"She's not home." Tony fretted. "She's always home before now." 
Tony watched Y/N skip out of the last frame. And then there were no more until after the Avengers Compound. Tony frowned. Why wasn't there a camera directly across from the Compound. Hadn't there been a camera when he had built the compound. 
F.R.I.D.A.Y. why isn't there a camera across from the compound?" 
"There is, sir." F.RI.D.A.Y. answered, But it seems that the camera was broken several months ago." 
"Fuck!" Tony snapped. "And this is the farthest you can track her?" He pointed to the camera where Y/N last passed out of frame. It was about seven or eight blocks from the tower where her favorite ice cream parlor was. Maybe she went inside? But no, she was skipping past it and never come back. 
"Let's go alert the rest of the team." Sam said, touching Tony's elbow. "And we can put out a search immediately. F.R.I.D.A.Y. let us know if she returns to the tower immediately." 
"Of course Mr. Wilson." F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded. 
The three of them almost ran upstairs to the living room. The shades had been drawn so that they couldn't see outside. It was to block the light for when they lit the candles on the cake. Bucky was kneeling down, playing with the dalmatian puppy they'd gotten for Y/N. They looked up when the three of them rushed into the room. 
"Tony? Sam? Steve? What's wrong?" Natasha asked. 
"Y/N's missing." Steve barked out. 
"What?" Bucky asked, leaping to his feet with the others. 
"We can go and search for her immediately." Loki almost snarled, knives appearing in his hands.
"First things first," Sam said, putting out a hand to stop Pietro from racing out of the tower to search the grounds, "Pietro, can you call your sister? Wanda, Clint, and Rhodey are going to want to know immediately. Buck, do you think it's possible HYDRA could've taken her?" 
Bucky hesitated and then answered, "I mean, it is, yes. I'm sure even if they didn't know the two of us were close, they'd still take her just because of Stark. Why didn't she have protection detail on her?" 
"Happy is supposed to tail her every day." Tony said, shaking his head. "I knew she wanted to walk back and forth to school and have a little freedom, but it always made me worried. So I put Happy to tailing her. But I made him run an errand today. Mr. Gates- the gardener- he needed fertilizer and couldn't put all of it in his car so I made Happy go and get it. Fuck this is all my fault!" 
"Hey, whoa." Nat said, stepping forward and touching his arm, "This isn't your fault. It was just an off chance that-" 
"They must've known someone." Tony said, gripping his hair and attempting to pull his hair out. Pietro was speaking rapid fire Sokovian into the phone. He got off the phone after a; moment and said, "They're coming home from the mission. I'm going to search the grounds." 
Steve nodded and said, "I'll head out, check her favorite spots." 
"I'll come with you." Bucky offered. 
Steve shook his head, "We should all look separately. We'll cover more ground that way. Keep in touch to clear places off. Sam, maybe you and Tony could take to the sky?" 
"Sure thing Cap." Sam said and he ran from the room to grab his wings. 
"I'll get Wong to help me." Dr. Strange said, opening up a portal and stepping through immediately. 
"We'll find her Tony." Nat said, putting the little puppy in his cage so that he couldn't get into any trouble while they were all out. The dog whined, putting his nose down on the blanket that was Y/N's. "I promise." 
"We have to." Tony said, trying to breathe. Nat helped him sit down on the couch, "I have to. She's all that I have left of her mother. She's all I have left of my family." 
Nat felt like crying, but didn't. they would find the little girl that they all loved. 
Or she was going to kill someone. 
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panzershrike-pretz · 7 months
Graves - pt 3
part 1 | part 2
No drawing today because I felt too tired to do it (art block is an ass). Buuuuut at least I'm very proud of how this part turned out! I'm happy with it >:3
Warnings for mentions of death and kidnapping.
My taglist: @onehelluvamarine @xxluckystrike @1waveshortofashipwreck @sweetxvanixlla @whollyjoly @executethyself35 (if you want in/out, just tell me)
Gossip spread fast around that Loop and news about Sam and Enoch's return would get to Miss Peacock at any moment - for that reason, the group needed to sneak their way through the slums to get to the Cutthroat Inn. It was where they'd find Jack: hopefully the answer to Seamus’ many questions.
Sam seemed lost in his own mind as they cut through streets and passages. The place smelled and the constant fumes coming from the industries tinted the air in a yellowish, sick tone. Everyone seemed ill under that light - it wasn't news, though. Flies were everywhere and the ground was littered with dirt, never-drying puddles and trash.
It was slowly getting dark and here and there some people could be seen gathering around trash piles lit on fire for warmth. It was a sad scene all around - and they knew they needed to be quick. Night time was the worst time to wander through the Devil's Acre: it was when assassins, cannibals and thieves made their moves on visitors from the wrong turf and killed the poor no-majs, eternally stuck living the same dreadful day only to be killed again and again whenever the loop was reset.
Peggy seemed happy to lead the way, nose down on the ground and tail wagging as much as always. It didn't take long for them to make it to the Inn. It was full with recognizable faces; addicts, alcoholics and weird people all around - safe, probably, for Kenji's brothers, sitting alone and enjoying some of the place's beer after a long day of Gods-know-what.
Peggy entered, followed closely by the three, attracting looks and whispered comments of “what are they doing here?” and “what do they want?”. They knew they weren’t welcomed there, but still they had to swallow whatever fear they seemed to have and walk through, up to the man behind the counter.
“Who do we have here?” He asked, looking up from the glass of whiskey he was pouring for someone. “Looks like I got visitors. Good to see ya again, Pangey.”
“Hey, Jack, you seem busy”, she gave him a friendly smile as she sat down on one of the highchairs of the counter. He had served Pangea too many wine glasses for them to be any less than good friends.
Jack smiled right back - with too many sharp, scary teeth for their confort. He then seemed to pay attention to Dean and Seamus; even if his eyes were exclusively a milky-white, they seemed to flicker between the two. Last time he had seen them, Seamus had punched the hell out of him. He was still somewhat bitter.
He turned his attention to Pangea, seemingly the only one of them who he trusted enough to talk directly to.
“I'm assuming you're not here for a fun night out…” he sounded nervous, maybe scared. He hid his hands under a towel, to not show them shivering. “They are not here for a fun night out.”
“Then you'd be correct, Jack.” She leaned forward, tilting her head to look at her friends. “We're here because we have some questions. That is all.”
Jack flattened his ears, grabbing a glass to clean and maybe distract his mind.
“Look, I'm at work. Can't be talking now. Come back at closing time and-”
“We don't have time, Jack.” Dean cut him. “You don't even know what we want.”
“How can I expect anything good from you?” He shot back, instantly regretting it. “Listen, whatever it is, I don't need to be involved. I'm simply a bartender and I know nothing.”
“We think you do know about Pansy, though…?” Sam tilted his head, paying attention to Jack's reaction. The man took a step back involuntarily, the fur on his tail puffing from the sudden mention of her name.
“I don't work for them anymore. Do you think I'm some kind of spy?” He snarled, then looked away. “I left that life behind me and don't want to think about it again.”
“Oh, you will!” Dean pushed himself over the counter, grabbing Jack by his shirt in a way that almost made the Wight fall. “You will answer everything we need you too, by force or not.”
“I don't know anything! Not anymore!” Jack slammed his hands on the counter, pulling back to free himself. “I certainly don't have to answer you! Pansy is in jail, where she deserves to rot and that's it! Now, out of my Inn before I have to use Clementine to get you all out!”
“Pansy is not in jail.” Pangea said, lifting her hand to make Dean sit down. The news made Jack stumble, infinitely less threatening now.
“She… what…?”
“Pang is right. She's on the loose again and whatever info about her you have, might help us capture her again.”
“But… but that's impossible. I saw it- I saw her being taken! With my own two eyes- it was her. It- she can't be free.” His eyes were wide in fear. “She's too dangerous to be free. She-”
Jack stopped, noticing how quiet the bar went. He looked around, the man sitting close to them seemed to pay way too much attention - then he shook his head, grabbing a boy who seemed no more than 16 by the arm and shoving his towel upon his hands.
“Jacques, you take care of the Inn until I'm back.” Then, he made a signal for the three to follow him to the back of the place.
Jacques seemed lost as his boss wandered away followed by the strangers, then turned around to face the people on the establishment. As a simple boy with too little experience, the scary men certainly made his blood run cold - thank Gods he was safe behind the counter.
“You… you can all resume your activities… now… maybe…”
Jack fiddled with some keys before finding the one who opened the big, heavy door of the back, having to push it with all his strength to manage to open it. He let the trio and Peggy in before grabbing a lantern and lighting a fire to guide them down the stairs.
It was dark, obviously, and they couldn't help but wonder why it was so - for a moment, the stairs leading to the basement seemed too claustrophobic for their taste, but eventually the room opened to a large deposit with barrels of beverage and boxes of Gods-know-what. Maybe food or weapons? It could be anything.
“Here we can talk.” Jack said, using the fire of his lantern to light the candles that filled up the place. “Up there is dangerous, Gods know who is one of their spies.” He then sat down against some boxes, arms crossed. “Ask whatever you need to know, but I'll not put my neck on the line for you. They know where I live and if a single word gets out that I helped you, they'll come for me.”
“This is not a war, Jack.” Dean said, leaning against the wall.
“For you it isn't. I deserted them. If this is not reason enough for them to dispose of me, treason is.”
Pangea shifted her weight between her feet, looking down. She seemed guilty enough without hearing those words, but now she felt even worse. She grabbed Sam's hand and gave it a light squeeze of 'be quick', before letting it go again.
Sam nodded, sitting face to face with Jack.
“Pansy somehow got out. We know because she sent a Hollow to kill Miss Pigeon, the monster itself told Enoch-”
“They are no monsters” Jack cut him off, seemingly angry. “You remember I was one of them once. They are as much Köbek as me and you.”
“Yeah, you were one of them once!” Dean spat. “Tell me again how you left that form…? Oh, right! You killed innocents to eat their souls!” He then stared at the other. “Not so much of a guilty conscience in sight, tho. A pity.”
“How my conscience was left is between me and the Gods. By all means, Dean, it doesn't involve you.”
“Tell that to those you killed…” he whispered, too low for Jack to listen, shifting his gaze to the exit to hide his anger.
“Dean.” Pangea called him off, nodding her head. If anyone was going to give Jack a lesson on clean concience, it couldn't exactly be Dean.
“Well, no matter how Pansy got out, it was pretty clear she'd go after the one who got her locked first. ” Jack proceeded. “How did she find Miss Pigeon is beyond my comprehension, if that's what you want to know.”
“We want to know what you know about Pansy. How does the hierarchy of Regulus’ followers work? How did she climb it so fast?” Sam went back to questioning.
“Not much of a hierarchy. Regulus has Drabek and Pansy as his main helpers, then there's the ones that spy, the ones that kill and the rest is rest. They do whatever he wants.”
“What… were you?” Pangey wanted to know, talking softly so it wouldn't seem too invasive of a question.
“I was no one, if that'll make you happy. Only one of those brainwashed freaks that fucked around and found out.” Jack's voice seemed sad as he recalled those times, as if he fought against some loose tears. “It cost me too much, anyway.”
“How many of his Wights are still around the Devil's Acre?” Seamus wanted to know, leaning forward.
“Huh, that's hard to know. I only know about Aleta, as of now, she runs the illegal underground fights. Maybe even kidnappings, like that of Mademoiselle Eleanor's neighbors, the Compton family.”
“They disappeared?” Pangea's eyes went wide. “When?”
“Just a couple nights ago. Maybe a week or more. Didn't you know?” Jack tilted his head. “They were sleeping and next thing you know there were screams and they were gone.”
“How do you know?!”
“She came by earlier the day after asking if I saw anything weird. She told me everything, then I offered her and her kid to stay here for some time, until your dear Birds handle the situation.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It seems they left you out of the loop, though. What worth our lives have anyway, right? We're just a burden for them. That family went to the grave, they didn't seem to care.”
“Don't you open that filthy mouth of yours to talk bullshit about the Birds!” Dean snapped back, threatening to attack before Pangea ran up to stop him.
“DEAN! STOP!” She pulled him back, making him break eye contact with Jack. “He's entitled to his opinions about the Ymbrynes! I am sure Miss Peacock is working tirelessly to know what happened.”
“He's right in defending the Birds, really. Why would they benefit from the deaths of the criminals they shoved here to suffer?” Jack let out a sarcastic laugh, facing away from them. “We don't matter. Never did.”
“Jack, where do you think Pansy would go after she dealt with Pigeon?” Seamus asked, trying to bring attention back to the questions bafore Dean made quick work of him.
“Her family's house…? To get revenge, obviously. Whoever freed her, was not one of them.”
“Do you have any idea of where they live? Or know anything about them?”
“They are disgraced. Suffered a heavy fall from grace once Pansy and her brothers deserted for Regulus’ cause. They probably still have the family's Estate. Pretty rich guys, now they're bankrupt and live off favors for the bigger families, like the Serpens.”
“That's Sirius and Hydra's family, right?” Pangea asked. “Aren't they, like… the big guys?”
“They run the whole world, obviously they are!” Jack once more let out a laugh. “But if you're smart, you'll not get in their way. And will keep out of the Graves family's lands. They might be scrapping the low barrels but they're still terrible people and they'll do anything to have their place up with the giants again.”
“What else should we know…?” Sam leaned back.
“The family that disappeared had a young daughter that worked with Peacock, with the Pandeloop. She was a researcher and was there for a chance of an internship with the Ministry. She had access to the Map of Days and other stuff. Wherever she is now, it might have been her that gave Pansy the information about Miss Pigeon's hiding spot.” Jack got up, leading the way back to the stairs. “I'm done with the questions, but just know that even if we're stuck here because of our crimes, some people would rip the skin off their own body to save who they love. The girl might've been forced to give off the information.”
Jack let them up the steps first, before blowing off the candles and following right up. He felt a sense of relief to be out of the basement and as soon as possible, went up to help Jacques - anything to get the trio off his tail.
They seemed to catch the message and promptly left the place, safe for Pangea who fell back to try and talk with him.
"Hey, Jack... I'm sorry for this. I really am."
"You have nothing to be sorry about, just stay out of trouble. All of you." He turned to face her, and now genuine worry seemed to float on his eyes. "It's not your battle to fight and you'll be entering a dangerous zone to mess with Pansy. She's a merciless bitch and the last thing you need is to pick a fight with her."
Pangea kept quiet, her eyes dropping to the ground with guilt. She knew as much as him that the information he gave them would be used somehow and things would end up messy.
"Please just tell what you know to the proper autorities. Pangea, I beg you."
"I can't... you knew this from the beginning."
Jack crossed his arms once more, then nodded.
"Alright. Ok. Well... at least stay safe. I won't cover for you guys and definetely won't put myself in danger, but... best of luck with whatever you'll do."
"You're a good man, Jack. Don't beat yourself up over the past. I saw your face back there." Pangea took a step back, tilting her head just a bit. "You can get out of this place and live a proper life, somewhere quiet... with Clementine."
"As much as I'd love to, I believe I have to pay for my sins here. I hurt too many. That's the least I can do..." then, he looked at the door, where Seamus and Dean stood, waiting for their friend. "See you soon, Pang. And please, bring that boyfriend of yours. He's more pleasant to be around than those two."
Pang saw a smile form on his lips as he spoke the last bit, and she found herself giggling. It was true, though, and she couldn't agree more.
"See you too. Stay safe."
The silence fell upon them as they made their way back. It was already too dark and the only illumination left was from the fires to warm the homeless. They still had to go to Eleanor's place to get Enoch and Horace, but the news about the kidnapped family kept rolling around in their minds. Why did no one tell them? Did Athena and Hydra even know about it? Kenji? Or Millard, for that matter? Someone would've told them if they knew.
As they dragged themselves along the winding streets, more questions seemed to pop up from everywhere and their necessity to go see Peacock was turning into anxiety - she didn't seem to be as much of a saint as she wanted to.
When they finally turned the corner of Eleanor's street and they saw the sign of her doll shop, their worries had to be put aside.
“Which of the houses do y'all think is the family's?” Asked Pangea, looking around. To have a house in the Devil's Acre was one hell of a privilege - most people had to inhabit the streets or whatever hole they could find.
Every house appeared abandoned and decrepit. It was hard to guess which one was now vacant. It felt wrong to even dare to find out.
Pangea pushed the door and a little bell rang, announcing their arrival. Steps, alongside wheels, were heard coming from the back.
“We're not open at this time, can't you see the sign-...” as the young boy appeared at the door, his voice dropped. Louis, Eleanor's adopted son smiled at the visitors, pushing the wheels of his chair forward to greet them. “Miss Coldwell! Mister Finnegan! And… Thomas! ‘Tis good to see ya! Momma's in the back caring for yer friend! Come in, now!”
They had no choice but to follow Louis as he guided them through the store and then the house to Eleanor's room, where she chatted away with Horace about whatever clothes were fashionable in Paris back when she lived there.
“Oh please, London had nothing in the face of my- “ she stopped abruptly, turning around to see their new company. “Oh my, what a busy day! Now, now, find some seats, you lot, you look like Hell!”
Eleanor had orange, glowing eyes - the most colorful thing about her, who dressed in dark robes of the finest cloth and real, high quality leather. Unlike most inhabitants of the Loop, she had come from a wealthy family back in Paris - a runaway and a thief, married to the king's personal physician back in the day, but persecuted for witchcraft and for consorting with the Devil. She seemed proud of letting everyone know how she escaped Paris and the charges, running away to live in a much worse place as a dollmaker and healer.
“Your friend here seems to be doing well. He told me about Miss Pigeon's solution, which sounds like one of Ruddy Shelduck's own inventions. Bless her, he could be dead by now if the potion didn’t have bone healing properties.”
“He told me how you guys fought a real Hollow!” Louis said, energetic, freeing himself from the wheels to flop back over the bed. “Momma said it's a miracle you got away without losing a piece!”
“Hey Sam, did ya know brave Louis here lost his arms to a Hollow?” Enoch tilted his head, indicating the energetic child.
“I'm… sorry… to hear that…?” Seamus whispered, kinda lost about how to react even if Louis seemed very proud of his situation - armless, but with a cool story to tell. He shook his head, looking back at Eleanor. “Jack told us about your neighbors. I'm sorry for what happened.”
“Oh, he did?” She asked, gently touching Enoch's nose to feel his temperature. “He'll grow a fever, it's a side effect of drinking the potion, you should look over him, Miss Coldwell, I heard you're a skilled doctor.”
Although it was clear as day Eleanor tried to change subjects, Pangea took a step in her direction and grabbed her hand. “No worries, Miss Dubois, I'll care for it. We're truly sorry for your loss, though, you seem unwell.”
“It's nothing, really…” She murmured, but it didn't sell the lie. “It's just… she was a good kid, this Compton girl. Her family was sent here over her father's murder charges, which were false but the court barely heard his testimony. They all had to suffer over the fake claims, and now they're all gone.”
Eleanor let herself sit down, looking at the window. The house across the street was theirs - now it was empty, with doors wide open because of thieves.
“Her name was Harriet. She had a bright future if she made it to the Ministry, no doubt. And there'll be no justice for her.”
“Well, we'll find out what happened,” Sam said, much to everyone else's surprise. “We already have a lead to Pansy, don't we?”
“You are insane!” Horace said, then he noticed their looks turned to him. “What?! You don't expect me to help, do you?!”
“What do you think…?” Dean asked, resting a hand over the other's shoulder. “You'll run back home and call our friends to a meeting. Things will start to get interesting.”
“For all the Gods sake! Where did I put myself?!” He stepped away from Dean, patting his shoulders before making his way to the exit.
“You better have a plan.” As Pangea helped Enoch out of the house, her eyes were glued at Seamus. It's true he was responsible enough to keep most of their company alive back during the war, but to promise such a thing as justice for Harriet was something they could hardly live up to. Especially with Pansy involved.
“Heyyy, did Captain Finnegan ever let us down back then?” Dean asked over his shoulder, a playful smile as he looked at Pang’s face. “It'll be fiiiiiiine.”
Pangea rolled her eyes, looking down at the ever so happy dog who followed along. “Oh, Gods, have mercy.”
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dw-squirrel · 1 year
Debriel Snippet, I'm not sure what to call this.
This would be a new experience for the two hunters, recently the archangel Gabriel showed up. No strings attached, he offered to help them on a few hunts. Such an odd thing to do, but they accepted the help. Keeping their guard up at most times because how are they to know if this is a trap or not?
Why would Gabriel want to help them? It was a simple answer, one Dean wouldn't pick up on right away. But Sam was starting to.
When Gabe would get into the Impala, he sat in the backseat. Not his first choice, but Sam took the front passenger and obviously Dean's driving. But Gabe chooses to sit behind Dean. The decision is something Dean didn't question at first, why would he?
Everything was fine for the first hour. Then randomly Gabe leaned forward and poked Dean just to see how he would react.
In the beginning Dean got a little upset. "what the hell, Gabriel?" And "damnit, Gabe! Keep your hands to yourself" would be the responses to come from the Winchester.
Of course Gabriel would back off for a bit, but he never stopped. This would be the new normal for any ride with him.
But then fast forward a few months later, another car ride. Gabriel in the back. But it's after a real difficult hunt. Gabriel doesn't do any of his usual distracting things. He leaves Dean alone.
He didn't sit directly behind Dean this time, he sat behind Sam. Dean would think it's because he did something wrong and Gabriel wants to be further away, which hurt. Because somewhere along the way he'd started catching feelings. Something he never would admit to..not now anyway.
But the last few hunts had been hard. Witches and powerful gods, they were lucky they had the archangels help. They'd been in some tricky situations before, not sure how to get out.
This time- this time Gabriel saw Dean almost die. Something that he had tried to convince himself didn't bother him. He'd killed Dean before hundreds of times. So why would this bother him? Well- Gabriel hated himself for killing Dean all those times.
He has been trying to teach a lesson to Sam, but in the process he hurt the one person he truly cared about. The one person he didn't want to lose. He said he'd never do something like that again and as long as he could help it, he would protect this man.
They'd started growing closer over the last few months. Bonding over love for the same sweet treats. Sharing greasy diner food. When Sam went to sleep at night, the archangel and the hunter would stay up talking.
Sometimes it was light conversation about a tv show or movie. Finding out they both had similar taste in all forms of media, Gabriel was a lot easier to talk to than anyone ever had been.
Dean never expected to care for the archangel. But he had never really gotten to know him until now.
Sometimes their conversation wasn't as light. They discussed family drama.. they discussed all the times in the past where Gabriel had tried to teach the Winchester's lessons and it rarely went well.
Dean started to understand Gabriel a little more and maybe that was terrifying. But really the archangel wasn't a bad person.
The hunter considered him a friend now. He thought they'd gotten close and Gabriel might like him too.
But this car ride was different.
Dean actually felt sad, when Gabriel sat in a different spot. Eventually he couldn't take the silence anymore. He pulled the car over, then turned around to look at Gabe.
Confused, Sam responded to this with "Dude what the hell?"
But Dean ignored him and only focused on Gabe. "Alright, talk to me. What's going on?"
Gabriel looked at him the Winchester, confusion written all over his face. 'he cares about me?' he thought, not speaking a word.
"Look, I'm not gonna say I'm a fan of all the poking and childish behavior when you're in the backseat. But-" Dean sighed, he totally missed all of that. He wasn't fooling anyone. "I miss you, man. You're not yourself, talk to me."
Once again he was met with silence only this time he could see the tears forming in Gabriel's eyes. Archangels weren't supposed to cry, right? Well- technically they and all angels weren't even supposed to feel anything or have much personality. Gabriel was different.
Dean quickly moved to the back seat to dry the archangels tears "hey, hey whoa- please don't cry."
"You care about me," Gabriel said, his voice quiet. "You- Dean, I almost lost you. I should have been able to stop-"
Dean shook his head. "You did stop it. You did save me. Don't talk like I died, I'm right here, man. I'm right here.."
Gabriel smiled, reaching his hand out and gently brushing his fingers along Dean's cheek, just to prove to himself this was real. Dean Winchester really was sitting beside him, drying his tears. He smiled now. "I love you." his voice was barely above a whisper.
And it was then that Sam's suspicions had been confirmed and Dean- well Dean got confirmation on something he didn't realize meant this much to him until right now.
"I love you too," he said, his voice matching the same volume as the archangels.
Sam would look away after this quiet confession though. Because after this, Dean and Gabe shared their first kiss...
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dannythedog · 2 years
THE FLUFF 35 my bad bro
Prompt list here
35. "You didn't think you'd be able to get rid of me just yet did you?"
*I apologize in advance for this being ass
The day had finally come. Sammy was being jetted off to another state to start his new tour. He'd been home for a few months and to say it was Heaven would be an understatement. You two spent the days wrapped up in each other, never separating until you absolutely had to, hiking through beautiful Tennessee trails, cute lunch dates, and plenty of lazy days spent in sweats and gorging on junk food. Your own personal oasis.
Your reminiscing was interrupted by Sam slapping his thighs and standing from the bed. "I guess it's time for me to head out. Are you sure you can't drop me off at the airport? I hate getting on a plane without one last kiss," he pouts.
"I'm sorry, Sammy," you frown and gaze into those big brown eyes that were so hard to say no to. "I really wish I could. You know I'm there every chance I can get, but I can't get out of this shift. My boss has been coming down on me hard since I've been taking so many days off."
Since Sam was home, you took off as many days as you could to spend time with him. Your boss was really understanding and you truly enjoyed your job, but she'd been getting strict with vacation time since numbers were down as of late.
Sam gives you a sad smile and picks up his bags. He'd been begging you to come with him on this tour, even suggesting that you quit your job and let him take care of you. That wasn't something you'd consider because it would feel too much like mooching.
"Well, give me one last kiss before I go. I'm gonna miss you so much." You arms wrap around his neck as you lean up to kiss him. You held him there as long as you could, tasting his coconut chapstick and threading your fingers through his silky tresses. It's too soon when he pulls away and sluggishly moves to the front door.
"Hey, the time will fly by and we'll see each other soon, okay?" you say, trying to remain optimistic for his sake. "You're gonna have the time of your life out there."
The way he's looking up at you through his lashes and his head tilts downward reminds you of when you leave for work and your puppy watches through the window, silently pleading to go with you. "I know. I'll just miss you so much. Call me every single day, okay? I love you, y/n."
"And I love you so so much," you coo and place a quick peck to his cheek. "I'll call when I can. Have fun!" With that he slips out the door and into the Uber that was surprisingly patient. You watch as the car pulls away, excitement building in your chest. The plan was in action.
You dash to your bedroom to throw items in your suitcase that you couldn't put away without Sam getting suspicious. You had been lying to him for weeks now. Work wasn't being strict at all, in fact your boss had given you three weeks paid leave to go travel with him for all your hard work and you couldn't be more excited.
It felt like your heart raced the entire car ride to the airport. Security was slow and your adrenaline made it feel even slower. The building was stuffy and hot, hoards of people were shoving and getting grumbly, but that didn't deter your mood. You were so close to seeing those beautiful eyes light up.
Luckily the gate wasn't too far away so you wouldn't be out of breath from practically running to him. He was sat in a corner with his brothers, headphones in and full lips pulled into a pout. The sight nearly made your heart burst. You knew he was upset about leaving you and your lack of response to his texts was upsetting him more, but it was about to be so worth it.
Calmly, you made your way to him and stood directly in front of him waiting for him to look up. After about thirty seconds of no reaction, Danny reaches over and tugs an earbud out of Sam's ear. "Dude, I think someone wants to see you."
Sam slowly looks up, surely expecting a fan, and nearly drops his phone at the sight of you. His mouth opens and closes a few times making him look like a fish out of water. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here? I thought work was going to be mad if you came?"
"You didn't think you'd be able to get rid of me just yet did you?" You grin, plopping in the empty seat next to him. "I'll be traveling with you for a while."
"Oh, you little shit!" He playfully growls and scoops you into his arms.
"But I'm your little shit!"
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charliedawn · 3 years
Marvel x Chubbyreader imagine
Imagine going shopping and one of the employees/customers bodyshaming you.
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You find a cute dress and try it on. You get out of the dressing room and Tony's awestruck expression is enough for you to beam with pride.
" What do you think ?"
For once, Tony remains silent and only takes out his credit card as an answer.
" I'm buying this dress, and there's nothing you can do about it."
You giggle, but then someone's nasty comment makes it's way in your ear.
" Look at all that fat, it even moves when she laughs. It's disgusting. Nobody wants to see that.."
Tony stops dead in his tracks and turns towards the man with a fake smile before simply stating.
" You're fired."
The employee only laughs mockingly before replying confidently.
" I don't even work for you."
But, Tony walks to him and stares right at him with a death stare.
" I don't care, a**h*le. I buy the shop, thereby I become your boss and fire you. Now, get out of my sight before I pulverize your a**."
The employee doesn't say anything else and just walks away, not before glancing one last time at you with hatred. Tony wraps his arm around you defensively until he is definitely gone. However, the damage has been done and you finally utter weakly.
" M..Maybe I should just put the dress back.."
But, Tony doesn't let go and whispers in your ear in an hungry tone.
" Don't you dare.."
He then pays for the dress and as soon as you're in the car, he kisses you with such passion that it takes your breath away.
" Home ?"
You ask and he nods before replying in agreement.
" Home."
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You already knew that Bucky was handsome..But, that didn't mean that it hurt less when people made comments about it. You spot a beautiful dress and the employee quickly takes out the dress with a huge smile.
" Here you go ! I'm sure you'll be perfect in it !"
You smile happily and nod before entering the dressing room. However, you don't even have to time to get out that you hear the same employee talking to one of the other customers.
" Oh my God ! Did you see that ?! It's a shame to let oneself go this far ! They look like a freaking mammoth in a dress. If she is like this..I can only imagine the man accompanying her !"
You don't dare get out as they start laughing together. You feel tears in your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. However, the door of your dressing room opens and Bucky gets in, worried since you seemed to be taking a long time. The moment his eyes land on you, he finds you gorgeous in the dress and promises himself to buy it. But then, he sees you face and crouches in front of you with a worried expression.
" What happened ?"
You don't have to answer as the employee outside makes her voice heard again.
" Are you finished, miss ? Or do you have some trouble putting it on ? Do you want a bigger size ?"
He automatically understands and clenches his jaw, glaring at the door before looking back at you with a small smile.
" Did you hear that doll ? Sounded like a death wish to me.."
He takes your hand and kicks the door open, shocking the woman that falls on her butt and looks up at the you with a glare, not noticing Bucky standing behind you.
" Watch where you're going, you big ugly..!"
She doesn't have the time to finish her sentence as Bucky steps out and crouches in front of her to take her by the jaw harshly.
" Next time you even look at her with anything else than admiration or respect, I will make sure that you can't look at all..Understood ?"
The woman only nods in agreement and Bucky stands up, satisfied. He takes you by the waist and leaves the shop after having paid for the dress. You arrive in the parking and Bucky opens the door of his car for you.
" Now, let's go dancing..Okay ?"
Bucky asks and, when you don't answer, he turns around to see you with a frown on your face.
" Are you sure we should still go on that date ? People will still look at us and I think it would maybe be better if..Mmmmppphhh !"
You don't have the time to finish your sentence that he pins you to a nearby wall and kisses you with his hand wrapped around your throat.
" Now, I will only accept two answers from you. Dancing or kissing ? Your choice."
You smile and kiss him hungrily again. Looks like the choice is made.
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" Yuck..Look at those stretch marks. They should go cover all of that up.."
Sam can't believe what he is hearing and looks at the man with anger radiating from him. You want to say that it's fine, but Sam doesn't give up and glares at the man while trying to remain calm.
" Man, shut the hell up. She is perfect in every way and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with having tiger stripes. It just means that if you were in the wild, they would be the one surving.."
You have tears in your eyes at his beautiful metaphor, but the man only laughs mockingly while eyeing you up and down.
" If the tiger is as slow and overfed as this one, won't be a problem outrunning it.."
Sam walks towards the employee and stands just in front of him before replying.
" That's where you're wrong..because this tiger is always accompanied by a falcon that will not hesitate before ripping the eyes of its prey.."
He doesn't understand until Sam punches him straight in the nose. The man whimpers in pain on the floor while Sam doesn't wait before grabbing your hand and stepping over the whimpering man.
" Come on, tiger..Let's go home.."
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Vision was clearly excited when you asked him if he wanted to go shopping with you. He was starting to worry about you as you hadn't come out of your room for a while. When you both arrive, your eyes immediately see a very interesting dress that you want to try automatically. It calls you and you drag Vision along as he looks at you with a wide smile, happy to see you so happy. You take the dress and try it on. However, when you get out, you didn't plan on another person being there.
" Oh my God ! You're going to damage the dress ! Take it off !"
The man nearly shrieks and Vision frowns up at the man.
" What do you mean ? You think the dress isn't a good fit ?"
The man sneers in disdain before lookin at you with clear disgust written all over his features.
" No..SHE's not a good fit for the dress.."
Vision's eyes widen perceptibly and you can see his fingers digging into the arms of the chair. However, he still succeeds in remaining calm and answers with cold smile.
" Oh, I see..Apologies my good sir, I thought you were just mistaking, but I can see now that you're just a moron."
The man is shocked and gapes at the insult like a fish out of water.
" What did you call me ?!"
He finally shouts in indignation, but Vision, far from being intimidated, only continues to smile falsely before repeating.
" A moron. Should I repeat it again, sir ? Are you perhaps deaf ?"
The man becomes as red as a tomato and wants to slap Vision that only takes a step to the side. In an instant, he restrains the man on the floor and, in his usual polite smile, says.
" Now, the lady here is doing her best to manage her insecurities. It took weeks for me to reassure her that she is perfectly fine, and you ? You just destroyed all of my efforts with one sentence."
He is about to break the man's arm when you gently run your hand on his back soothingly. He seems to remember where he is and gets up in an instant. He then takes you by the hand to pay for the dress and get out of the shop. You wait until you are in the parking lot before stopping and making him look at you. He seems as upset as you and you try to calm him down by gently kissing him on the lips.
" Sorry..He just was so mean to you and I.."
You kiss him again and he finally melts into the kiss.
" Never say sorry for acting heroically..You acted amazing out there.."
He smiles proudly before picking you up.
" Vision ! What are you doing ?!"
You exclaim before he answers with a small smile.
" I'm taking my wife home."
He then takes back his original form and flies up in the air.
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" Miss, I need you to step out of the dress. There is the scale on your right, we don't accept anything outside of size Medium in here."
You are about to reply when Scott suddenly stands up and glares at the salesman.
" No one. Tells. My. Wife. That. She. Looks. Fat."
Scott would normally go with the pacifist approach, but when it comes to directly insulting you about the thing that you're most insecure about ? Get prepared for full-on mad Scott. He will make a scene. He will physically attack the employee. It will take you to physically restrain him from scratching the man too much. He will ask to talk to his boss and will not go without a sincere apology. Don't mess with angry Scott.
" Get up ! Come on ! I'm not finished with you !"
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He wouldn't say anything because you told him that you didn't want him to kill anyone again. But give him the chance ? And he would take the man's tongue and cut it so he may never speak again.
" Come on, let's go, Loki..The dress is not that important anyway.."
You take his hand and try to gently guide him outside of the dressing lounge. But, the employee adds before you could avoid any more problems.
" Yeah..The dress would be wasted on you anyway.."
This is the last straw. He turns towards the man with a dagger in hand and threatens him by putting it against his throat.
" One more word, and I will skin you like the pitiful human scum that you are ! Now, address one more time to my future wife with this sort of disgusting behavior, and your may find a thousand snakes hidden in your bed."
You drag him outside, grabbing your clothes and paying quickly. Loki frowns, upset at the fact that you didn't let him finish. You run out and it's only when you're in the car that you turn towards Loki with tears in your eyes.
" Loki. One more complaint and they will throw you in a cell again. Is that really what you want ?! Don't make idiots the reason we are separated again.."
He understands your concern and gently strokes your cheek with his thumb before kissing your forehead.
" Never..I just don't like how people treat you around here. It's so unusual. In Asgard, we don't care about the size, we care about how a woman fights. Here, you are called weak by strangers, and when you try to defend yourself, you are blamed. It just doesn't make any sense.."
You laugh at his perplexity before answering him with a kiss on the cheek.
" Never change, Loki.."
Sometimes, when you're alone like this, Loki seems almost innocent. He hasn't been shaped to understand human flaws, he even has trouble understanding why. But, this is why you love him.
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" Hey, fata**! Move out of the way ! You are blocking my view !"
A customer yells at you as you just got out of the dressing room. She tries to get in, but Stephen only arks an eyebrow and uses his time stone on her.
" W..Where..?"
She stammers and Stephen quickly answers.
" You are in my realm. I was just checking if you are relevant in any dimension or time-line..Guess what ? You are not. I could send you to another planet and nobody would come looking for you. Now, do I make myself clear when I say to never speak so rudely to anyone again, and especially not her ?"
The woman nods her head vividly and Stephen smiles before making them both come back to reality. The customer looks shocked for a moment, but she only humphs and walks away. You look at him with an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
" Stephen..What did you do ?"
You ask, but he only smiles innocently at you.
" Nothing, dear. Just had to get some things done..By the way, this dress is lovely. I'll pay for it."
You quickly nod and get back in the dressing room. However, you can't seem to be able to open the back zip and finally ask for Stephen's help. He wants to act casual, but is still nervous when you ask for his help..He still enters and pulls the zip down, marveling on the exposed skin of your back in the process. He slowly runs his fingers up and down your back before kissing your neck shortly and getting out. You still smile. At least, you had your approval on the dress..
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The moment you enter, everybody stares at you, Thor had insisted on coming with you in his mighty armor and you just knew it would attract many eyes..and the comments didn't take long to arrive..
" Did you see that ?! How did she manage to pull him off ?! I mean..Why her ?! It's surprising."
You hide behind Thor in shame and he quickly notices why. He approaches the man and leans in front of him with a fake smile.
" Is it though ?"
The employee seems taken aback and takes a moment to answer.
" What ?"
" Surprising ? Is it normal for humans to act in such a way when they have flaws themselves ? I mean, your brain is the size of a poptart, and you don't see me complaining about it now, do I ? I don't think you're even worthy of gazing upon her. She's a queen. A woman who has been by my side from the beginning to the end and who never left my side, even when death was upon us. Would you have done the same ? What are you compared to her ?"
Both you and the employee are shocked by Thor's words and he then takes you by the waist to kiss you in front of everyone, even going as far as squeezing your hips. You blush vividly, but he then takes a step back and looks around before shouting for everyone to hear while pointing you with his index.
" This is my woman ! She is just the way I want her and if everyone has a problem with that, he can come and talk to me !"
That quickly shuts everyone up and he then takes your hand, having spotted a very gorgeous red dress that he just knows would look good on you..or off you. 😏😂
Thor can be very confused about many human things, but he knows when something is wrong with his human and will do everything to make you feel better.
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He wouldn't say anything, but as soon as your home..He would take his arrows and bow.
" Where are you going ?"
" Out."
He would simply reply and you already know that if you let him go, the employee will be psychologically scarred for the rest of his life..You post yourself in front of the door and refuse to let him pass.
" Come on, darling. Move. I just wanna talk to him..I just wanna talk to him.."
He would try to reassure you, but then, he would remember how ashamed you seemed when buying said dress. His mindset completely shifts to murderous mode as he tries to get past you.
" I just wanna kill him..I just wanna kill him.."
You wrap your arms around his waist and refuse to move.
" Come on ! You're stronger than this, my love ! Don't do it !"
He finally sighs in defeat before nodding in agreement. However, he takes you by the arms for you to get up and gently kisses you.
" I would do anything for you..Okay ?"
You smile and nod, knowing that he means it.
" I know.."
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" Hey there.."
You try to ignore the woman openly flirting with your boyfriend, but it's hard when she whispers something in his ear. Something that makes him cross his arms and frown.
" I'm sorry ?"
He says, apparently confused and the woman only giggles before wrapping her arms around his arm.
" You heard me cutie, come with me and leave the pig behind.."
You nearly choke on your own saliva as she repeats high enough for you to hear..You turn around and see an angry Steve that suddenly gets up and glares down at the woman.
" Oh no..You misunderstood. I was genuinely sorry for the fact that no amount of make-up will ever be able to cover your mean heart. Now, leave us Regina George, before I decide to make you leave."
The woman's eyes widen and she turns around with a loud dramatic humph. In an instant, Steve is by your side and covers your face with kisses.
" Don't listen to her. She isn't worth it..And her perfume was just horrible, I need to wash it off when we get home."
You smile with tears in your eyes, reassured and extremely grateful for having such a perfect man in your life..
" Wait..How do you know Mean Girls ?"
You suddenly inquire as you remember that the movie only got out a few years ago..He smiles before blushing almost embarrassingly. He then admits while massaging the back of his neck with his hand nervously.
" I decided to culture myself..And I also heard Hawkeye talk about how his girl has been going crazy over that movie..So, I decided to check it out.."
Your eyes widen at the information and you smile almost mischievously.
" This is actually very "unlike" you, Rogers..Listening on doors..Are you turning to the Dark Side of the Force ?"
He looks back at you with an arked eyebrow, visibly confused and you sigh loudly.
" Oh come on ! Star Wars ! Don't tell me you've watched Mean Girls but never heard about Star Wars ! "
He only shrugs and you suddenly take him by the arm to drag him towards the exit.
" B..But the dress ?!"
He exclaims and you only reply with a slight grin.
" The dress can wait. We've got other very important matters to intend to !"
He suddenly gets out of your grip to run to get the dress and pay for it before coming back to you. He then grabs your hand with a huge smile.
" Now, we can go."
720 notes · View notes
hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Empty Mugs and Unexpected Hugs (H.O) 🔥
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Word count: 3.3K
Enemies to lovers
Warnings: Smut (fingering, unprotected sex *Wrap it up*) cussing, that’s probably it..
With Tom came Harrison, you knew that. What you didn't know was when you had agreed to a roommate situation with Tom, you were also agreeing to one with Haz. “Tom, you said ‘would you like to live with me.’ not ‘me and Haz’” you told him as you stared at the blonde boy who was carrying box after box. He opted to do this shirtless, despite the cold London breeze. A sheen layer of sweat glistened on his overly defined chest, and you hated the way you longed to reach out and touch him.
“I figured you just knew?” Tom said coyly rubbing the back of his neck as he saw the way you stared down his best friend. He wasn't blind, he knew the hatred you supposedly had towards Haz was something with much deeper roots, but anytime he tried to figure it out, you would deflect and change the subject.
“I'm not doing either of your dishes,” you said loudly enough to catch Harrison's attention.
“Wouldn't expect you to, princess,” he winked at you. With a loud groan, and a dramatic flip of your hair, you proceed to your empty room to unpack your things.
Living with Tom and Harrison was way more entertaining than you had ever thought possible. Most nights were spent at the dining room table with one to many empty beer bottles laid out in front of you, while you laughed and joked about things that were probably not funny. Of course there were also the quiet days when Tom was away filming with Haz in tow, and on those days you would usually have the company of one or both of the twins.
“You should just admit you love him,” Sam said suddenly while you were taking a sip of your beer, causing you to spit your drink all over the table.
“Sammy!” You cried out the sting of beer in your nostrils. “I do not,”
“Y/N, It's written all over your face,” Harry argued. They were supposed to be on your side, you had been friends with the twins for years, the only reason you even knew Tom, was because of Sam and Harry..
“I do not love Harrison,” You told them, but even you were unconvinced by your own words.
It was late when you heard the front door to the flat open. The twins had left a few hours prior, Tom was in the states, and Harrison was with him, so who was coming into the apartment?
You were in just a shirt, an old one of Harrison's you had taken a while back, and a pair of cheeky underwear. Tip toeing to your bedroom door and grabbing a golf club from your bag, you proceeded to sneak down the hallway to the large living area where the front door was. Your heart was pounding with the thought of having to defend the place against an intruder, in just your underwear nonetheless. You saw a shadow, next to the couch, and raised the club ready to attack. As soon as you went for it, the lamp flicked on and Harrison saw you charging towards him with a golf club. Luckily he had fast reflexes, catching the club in one hand and your quickly moving body in the other. “Christ Y/N. What are you doing?” he asked, holding your body close to his. You felt your muscles relax into him, thankful he was in fact not an intruder, and you wouldn't have to explain why there was an intruder beaten and bloody by your hand to the authorities.
“I thought you were a robber,” You admitted coyly, stepping back a bit to look at him. His piercing blue eyes looked deep into yours, a small smile on his lips as his eyes trailed down your overly exposed body.
“So you would charge at an intruder with a bright pink putter, in just your underwear?” he asked you. “Also is that my shirt?” you could feel your cheeks heat up. You pushed away from his body with a scoff and turned to go back to your room, already done with him, but his hand caught your wrist, pulling your body back into his arms. His grip was tight as he held your body close to his. Something was off. Something was wrong. This was abnormal, Haz without Tom, and showing you any sort of affection.
“Hazzy, why are you home?” You asked, finally wrapping your arms around his waist, accepting the unexpected hug that you usually would not share with Him.
“Family stuff, I've been back for a few days. Just been with my mom,” He said, still holding you. You instinctively hug him tighter, getting the feeling that something bad had happened.
“You okay?” You asked him quietly. To which he just hummed into your head, still holding you.
“Better now,” He whispers. You're so confused, and exposed. You hear the twins' voices in the back of your head. ‘Just admit it, you love him.’ Was that what you had been feeling for months on end? Is that the feeling you were feeling now, making your stomach turn? “I missed you,” He whispers and you swear you could feel him press a kiss against the top of your head. It's too much, so suddenly.
“I need to..” you push your body away, scrambling to find any words to get you away, your mind is clouded by thoughts and feelings. “Pants,” You finally let out, leaving Harrison in the living room, stunned at how flustered you had become in the matter of a millisecond.
As soon as you're back in your room, you let out a groan, you're so confused. He missed you? You? y/n? Why would he miss you? All the two of you did was bicker, bicker and flirt. Flirt. Because you did in fact have feelings for Harrison. Feelings that were not not supposed to be had towards him..
“Y/N? Can I come in?” you haven't even put on pants yet when his voice calls to you through the closed door.
“Sure,” You call out to him, desperately searching your floor for the discarded sweats you had had on a few hours before. Nowhere, great. He cleared his throat from behind you, while you were bent over, ass on full display. Fully aware now, of how exposed you are you decide to just crawl under your blanket on your bed.
“Did I do something?” He asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“What? No, why would you think-”
“You just ran from me, like literally ran, after trying to attack me with a golf club,” He points out, making you cringe.
“I- Uh, yeah. I'm sorry about nearly attacking you,” You mumble, a little more embarrassed than you'd like to admit.
“So why'd you run away?” he pondered, watching you closely as you struggled to find your words. Unbeknownst to you Harrison was also having an internal crisis. You were Y/N. Someone Tom considered a little sister, Harry and Sam's best friend, but he couldn't help the way that you made him smile every time you couldn't open a jar, and would defeatedly ask him for help after way too long of attempting it yourself. Or the way you would curse at the line of dirt that you could never seem to sweep into the dustpan. The way you would always make a cup of tea before finishing the last, leaving so many mugs with a single drink all over the place, something that would drive any other person crazy, but he just found it endearing, and was sure if it ever stopped, he would miss it.
“You said you missed me,” You finally managed to say, making a smile spread over Harrison's lips. He took a chance, stepping into your room, towards where you were sitting on the bed, and when you didn't object, he crossed the empty space sitting right next to you.
“I did miss you,” He said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently.
“We fight, and argue,” You started, obviously ready to explain all the reasons he shouldn't have missed you.
“And we flirt, and share memories, and glances. You drive me nuts y/n. But the second I step out that door, I miss it all. The obnoxious quirks, the way you can't pronounce some things correctly, no matter how often I correct you. I miss hearing you call out goodnight to me in the nighttime, and how you always wish me to have sweet dreams. I don't know when, or why it happened, but yeah. When I'm gone I miss you,” you feel a tear escape your eye at his confession, not sure exactly what to say or think for that matter. His finger caresses your cheek wiping the tear from your face.
“Haz?” You whisper.
“Yes?” He asks, full attention turned to you.
“I miss you when you're gone too,” You finally admit, a weight lifting from your chest. He's thankful to know his feelings aren't completely one sided. Your admission of missing him is at least enough to confirm that you don't actually hate him. “Can I be honest?” You ask, catching even yourself off guard.
“Please,” He says, waiting for you to say whatever you had to say.
“I- '' You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for rejection and embarrassment, but if you wait much longer, you'll never say what you have to. “I get so irritated with you, because everything you do just draws me in. I can't not stare, or listen. It drives me nuts, to be so flustered by everything that you do, and it's the simple things Haz, the way you insist on sitting on the left side of the couch, or how you always make sure I've eaten after a long day. The way you constantly clean up my mugs that I leave everywhere, and you have never once said a thing about them, even if you have had every right to,” you don't even want to look at him, afraid he will be appalled, but you have to say it. “I’m pretty sure I've managed to fall in love with you, while trying desperately to hate you,” you whisper.
That's enough of a confirmation for Harrison, that you're on the same page. With his hand gently on your face, pulling your chin up towards him, he leans in, pressing his lips ever so gently against yours. And the electricity that you both feel from the slightest touch? Fucking magic.
“I tried so hard not to love you,” He whispers. You look up at him through your lashes, his eyes gazing directly into yours, and it's like you're looking at the sky on a clear summer day. “And dear God did I fail,” he whispers, making you melt. He leans back down, this time kissing you with something so much more. It's meaningful, it's beautiful, it's everything you have wanted without realizing it. Your hands are against his chest, feeling each thud of his heart, while his are cupping your face. He kisses you like his life depends on it, and in that moment it surely feels like it does. He deepens the kiss, his tongue making its appearance in your mouth. It's everything and more. You wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to extend this moment forever, and his slip down to your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls away, and a soft whine escapes your lips.
“Tell me to stop,” He whispers, as he caresses your cheek. Eyes searching your face, making sure he's not crossing a line. You lean into his hand, closing your eyes and letting a soft humm leave your lips. With no objection from you, he reconnects your lips for a third time tonight. This time it's hot, so so hot. You can feel the ache forming in your stomach as his lips move from yours to your neck. You need him, you have to have him, just a little taste and you realize you have been starving. With a swift motion you're straddling him now, leaning down into him instead of leaning up, giving him so much more access to your neck and jaw, and then he remembers an unanswered question from before.
“This is my shirt,” He says, this time it's not a question, just a statement.
“Yeah,” You giggle. His eyebrows raise a bit as he remembers all the shirts that have seemingly disappeared over the last few months.
“Do you have others?” He asks. You feel like you have been caught red handed, nowhere to go or hide.
“I- Yes,” You admit. “I like to sleep in them,”
“In just your underwear?” He asks, to which you shyly nod. He throws his head back and lets out a dramatic sigh. He's done for, “That is so fucking hot,” he mutters before leaning back in taking your bottom lip between his and sucking it slightly. He feels his pants tighten as your hips grind into him instinctively, and you're so wet and warm he can practically feel it through his jeans.
“Hazzy,” you moan as he pushes you down onto him, providing a friction you desperately need, even though it's not what you want.
“What is it?” He asks you, as he does it a second time. Your head falls down onto his shoulder, and you don't know if you can even express what it is you want.
“Can you..” You trail off.
“Can i?” he asks, needing to hear you say it out loud.
“Touch me?” The words are like music to his ears, flipping you onto your back as he slips his hand between your bodies, running his fingers along the damp fabric of your ruined panties. The fact that you're this wet from just kissing is driving him crazy. He slips his hand into your panties, finally sliding his long digits along your slit. One thing about Harrison that drove you absolutely crazy was his hands, because dear god were they perfect, his long fingers and veiny tops, you'd be lying if you said you had never gotten off imagining his fingers in the place of yours, and now, actually having the real thing, you felt like you were flying.
As he slid his finger inside you, you let out a gasp, his being so much bigger than your own, and it being way too long since you had been with anyone.
“Say the word and I'll stop,” He says, as he looks at your face twisted in pleasure, but he can't tell that it's not pain, he's never seen you like this before. This is a whole new territory.
“Please.. Please don't,” You nearly beg as your hips buck against his hand. The smirk that replaces the concern on his face is unbelievably hot, his pupils are blown with lust and you're sure yours are as well. He thrusts his one finger in and out grazing against your spot each and every time, his palm rubbing your clit as he does so. You're going to lose it, this is so much better than you could have ever imagined. He pulls his finger out, causing a whine from you, which quickly turns to a gasp as he replaces it with two. If you're falling apart to his fingers you're not sure how you'll be able to handle his cock.
“Hazzy,” You moan out, right on the brink of losing it.
“Come on my fingers princess,” He coos, and that is precisely what you do, your whole body shakes in pleasure, and your toes curl, and he keeps going, as your walls squeeze tightly around his fingers.
Once your legs finally stop shaking he pulls his hand away, and although that was probably the most powerful orgasm you had ever had, it is not nearly enough. “Haz.” You say quietly as he peppers kisses on your neck.
“Hmm?” He hums.
“Need more, need you,” you say, and his head peaks up, a smile on his face, a bit in excitement, a bit in surprise.
“You sure?” he asks, to which you respond by kissing him, you nibble at his bottom lip, and he lets out a moan. You reach down unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his zipper down, and he assists you in pulling them down. You can clearly see his length through his boxers, his cock, rock hard and leaking on to his boxers, it's flattering. You let your fingers trail his length and you can feel his eyes on your hand, and you're not sure if he's worried, nervous, or excited. You slide his boxers down and his cock springs free, and you can see the violent red hue of the tip, he's begging to be touched and he hasn't even said a thing. You wrap your hand around him and he lets out a gasp at the sudden contact, you stroke your hand up and down a few times before, he pushes you back onto the bed and climbs over you. He slides his fingers in the hem of your panties and slowly drags them down your legs, before dropping them to the floor, and then takes his time lifting his shirt over his head, exposing his chest, you follow suit, and throw the shirt you had on to the ground. You're both completely naked now, no turning back, you've made it this far already.
"Y/n, baby we don't have to," he whispers against your ear.
"Hazzy, stop worrying and fuck me please," you nearly beg as you pull his lips to yours in a desperately hungry kiss.
"Christ," he mutters as he lines himself at your entrance, pushing into you at a slow, agonizing speed. Of course he's only doing this to make sure you're ok, his fingers seemed like so much to your tight pussy he's worried he's going to hurt you. But the way you moan out his name gives him full confidence that you in fact are fine. Once he's fully sure you're fine to take him, he speeds up his thrusts, finding a place that is perfect for the both of you. Your legs wrap around his waist as he pounds into you. You're not sure you're going to last long.
"Not gonna last," you moan into his lips.
"S'okay, me either," he says back. He slips his hand down, rubbing your clit strategically. You let out another loud moan before his name leaves your lips, repeatedly as you convulse around his cock, and it's only one more thrust before he completely empties himself into you.
It's a few quiet moments of your bodies laying flush against each other, enjoying the afterglow of sex. "I'm gonna clean you up," he whispers in your ear before pushing himself up and off of you. He disappears from the room for what feels like an eternity, but is back within a minute with a warm rag and a glass of water, and he then cleans you up, being gentle with how sensitive you now are.
Your eyes get heavy after everything is said and done, and you're worried he's going to disappear from your room, but he lays next to you instead. Pulling you into his arms.
"Hazzy?" You whisper after a few minutes.
"Is everything ok with your family?" You ask, getting worried this may have been a lapse in judgement on his part because of heightened emotions.
"Yes. Char decided to give us a scare and disappear for a weekend, so I came back to try and keep my mom from murdering her," he admitted with a chuckle.
"Oh," you giggled.
"Y/n?" He whispers.
"I meant it. I missed you," he says, pressing a kiss atop of your head. You smile before falling asleep in his arms. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe it would be forever. All you knew was it felt right.
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the best from the curse
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Shitty loop around, writing for the first time in a year, and one small mention of sex.  
Please interact, I am a writer desperate for validation 
“It's just me you can get closer,” You spoke quietly to Dean over your shoulder; even in the dim light, you could sense he was tense and sticking to his side of the bed.
”That’s the reason I’m not getting any closer sweetheart.” He kept his voice low to avoid waking Sam, who was asleep in a bed barely 5 feet away.
”Dean, don't be ridiculous, tonight’s no different than any other night.” You shifted your weight to look at him. The only light in the room came from the bathroom, which was only kept on because of the paranoia that the three of you shared from the job. Dean's face was highlighted by the stale white light, but his broad shoulder shielded him from most of it.
Tonight, though, was different.
A week prior, Sam had mentioned that ten boys had gone missing over the course of two weeks and the houses of the boys all indicated that witches were at play. So the three of you all piled into Baby and drove to Utah. Fortunately it didn't take long to track down the witches, or rather, for them to track down the three of you; unfortunately for the boys, the witches weren't pleased with your presence. During the small conflict with the witches they placed the boys under a simple truth/talking spell, while it didn’t seem harmful in the beginning it was starting to get annoying for the guys and increasingly annoying for you to be stuck listening to them. 
“Dean, I don’t know what to do! There's nothing in this stupid old book that can help, and Cas says he can't help you.” You remarked, somewhat amusingly, as you watched him desperately try not to talk. Sam had hurriedly left the motel after learning of the curse, saying something about seeking Rowen and wondering if she could help. Dean thought of going to a bar but quickly rethought after realizing how easy it would be to reveal too much to a stranger, so he had nowhere else to go and was trapped with you in a filthy, moldy motel room.
“Are you even looking or just skimming the first few words on each page?” Dean accused from the small table in the corner of the room, that was directly across from the bed you were sitting on. His hands, which had previously been covering his eyes, were now clenched in an attempt to soothe his anger. 
“Excuse me? Do you want to do this?” You snapped, knowing he was irritated, but not appreciating the attitude. He shook his head no, and his hand shot up to cover his mouth, but the words continued to tumble out.
“Absolutely not! I hate research, research is the worst part of the job! But I do like watching you do research especially when you get really concentrated because you look really hot! Fuck Dean shut up!” His eyes widened because of the words, his face started to flush and he looked absolutely miserable. Trying not to think too much about what Dean had said and you ignored him and let the air become thick with awkwardness. Lucky as if the cosmos could hear your wishes for a distraction the phone rang. Dean answered quickly, placing it on speaker.
“Sam, you better have some good news. I could use some good news, couldn’t we all?!” He rushed out as he closed his eyes and shook his head.
“Sadly I don’t, Rowen says our best bet is to give it time, but seeing as this literally sucks ass this is going to feel like an eternity.” His words got muffled at the end and you could picture him covering his mouth with his hand to try and stop the words.
“Great so we just wait this out? How are we supposed to wait this out, we literally can't stop speaking! Ha look at me, my mouth is still moving even though I’m telling it to stop!” Dean chuckled with a sarcastic smile
“At least I'm not you right now Dean, I'm sure you're just dying to tell Y/N that-”
“Ok bye Sam, thanks for nothing!”
Hanging up and throwing the phone back on the table Dean turned around and walked towards the kitchen area of the motel room. 
“Tell me what?” You asked, watching him move things around out of nervousness.
“Huh?” Dean acted confused. 
“Sam said you were dying to tell me something,” Your voice raised an octave towards the end, hinting for Dean to tell you.
“Oh yeah, um I uh I ate the last bar of that granola stuff you like, you know the gross no bake ones. I ate it and didn’t buy anymore.” His tight smile and eyes begged you to believe him but something didn’t feel right, even if Dean was starving to death there’s no way he would ever eat granola. But not wanting to pry you just nodded. 
The air began to feel calm again as you both fell silent and returned to your own tasks, you researching and Dean distracting himself. However, as time passed you grew restless. Needing to release the tension in your tired stiff limbs you stood and walked over towards the door. “I’m gonna walk outside for a minute, get some fresh air.” All you got was a nod from Dean. 
Once outside you walked back and forth, enjoying the breezy air. Your mind soon started thinking of Dean and about what he said earlier. He thought you were hot, that didn’t mean anything did it? Dean found a lot of people hot, didn’t mean he felt anything other than lust towards them, were you a part of that group? Were you just attractive to him or did he see you as more? You saw him as more, you always have, but you also knew he deserved someone that wasn’t a hunter.
He deserved someone that could give him that apple pie life he secretly wanted. You wanted to call Sam and ask him what Dean felt, it would save you the embarrassment of asking Dean just for him to tell you he only found you hot and nothing else, but it felt wrong to go to Sam to ask a personal question like that. Before you could think of the situation any further you were interrupted by the roar of Baby’s engine getting closer to the motel. 
“Did you find anything yet?” Sam asked, his eyebrows knitted together.
“If you want to learn how to turn your skin green or turn a dog into a horse then yes, but other than that, no luck for the curse.” Sam laughed and turned to go into the motel room. 
“You ok, you seem like somethings bothering you?” His hazel eyes stared into yours looking for more clues. 
Not wanting to dump your problems onto Sam but instead you just gave him a small nod and asked how he was feeling with the curse. “Honestly, it’s nowhere near the worst curse I’ve had on me, so I’m feeling pretty good. A little annoyed but fine.” He smiled and opened the door to finally go in. 
After getting into the room and telling Dean that there was still no update both the Winchesters put on headphones to keep from speaking. An hour into the complete silence of the room and an hour into your mind still going berserk you decided you had to talk to Dean about your thoughts. Tapping the brunette on the shoulder causing him to take off the headphones you asked to go outside, nodding he stood and followed you out.
“Dean, can I ask you something?” 
“Sure Sweetheart, shoot” He half smiled with his hands in his jacket pockets and waited for you to speak.
“I’ve been thinking about you calling me hot earlier, and you’ve been acting weird this whole night. Which, understandable because of the curse and everything but you won't even look at me and when you do you look like you're in pain. Is there something you’re not telling me? Like something serious?” Your anxious filled eyes searched his face as he began to speak.
“Yes, I’ve been hiding something from you, I’ve loved you for a while but never said anything because well I’m me and I make everything harder on myself. I think it comes from the thought that I don’t deserve happiness, but you always say I deserve happiness so I’ve been telling myself that every day. But I love you, I do with everything in me, I can’t not love you. Everything you do makes me fall for you even more. The way you always rush in to save people, the way you fight, your kindness, how you help Sammy and me, and the way you treat me. Like I’m not just some dumb hunter with a G.E.D and a terrible past. I never said anything because of fear, you know? I also thought you deserved better and someone who could take you away from the hunting life and...and I can’t do that.” 
You realized that if you didn’t stop him, Dean was going to continue to word vomit and you wouldn’t be able to say anything. Walking closer and putting your hand over his mouth he stopped talking to stare at you with uneasy eyes. But before being able to speak  Sam opened the door, “Guys, I know how to fix this! Oh--sorry!” 
“OH COME ON!” Dean huffed in annoyance while Sam just offered a shrug and a small smile.
“So what we have to do is make a counter potion and kill the witches. I found the ones who did this and Rowen gave me the ingredients of a truth spell she found and all I had to do was find the opposite of the ingredients, which was surprisingly really easy, considering the fact that for ever herb there is another one that does the opposite of the first one. For example Lavender helps relax you while--”
“Okay, Plant boy, just get to the part where we’re normal again.” 
“The original spell has Valerian root, Bluebell flowers, and Oatstraw. So the opposite would be Passion flower, Pine, and Lemon Balm, which can all be found at a local apothecary!” 
“Great, let’s go grab some magical herbs and kill some witches!” Dean grabbed Baby’s keys and practically ran out the door.
The witches have been staked, salted, and burned, while the herbs had been bought, muddled, boiled in water and now placed in two cups for Sam and Dean to drink. This was by far the easiest case to solve and the least disgusting thing the boys have had to ingest. 
“Before we drink it we have to add DNA to it so it’ll properly work, so a piece of hair or nail.” Sam told Dean before plucking out a strand of hair, Dean did the same and then they downed the potion. Holding your breath you waited for something to signify change, maybe a gust of wind, or a bright light coming from their throats, or even a voice saying that they had broken the curse, but nothing happened. You were the first to speak. 
“So...are you guys normalish again?”
“Yeah, I don’t feel the need to tell you everything that’s normal about me.” Sam scoffed
“Yeah, and I don’t feel the need to say what I’m thinking about anymore.” Dean said looking relieved. 
“Thank God! I thought I was going to have to shoot you guys if this kept going on.” You joked, “Please Y/N, you wouldn’t shoot us even if you had to.” Sam said, walking towards the bathroom to shower. 
“Yeah, keep thinking that Sammy!” You yelled after him. 
Dean was silent thinking about the conversation from earlier and how you were interrupted by Sam, honestly this whole time that’s all he had been thinking about. What were you going to say? Did you not love him? Was it going to be weird now between you two? How much longer could he handle this tension between you two, especially seeing as you were about to have to share a bed. You both sat in silence while Sam showered, you both decompressing from the day. Once Sam was out you showered and then Dean. Unknown to each other, you were both freaking out on the inside thinking about what had been interrupted earlier.
“You really couldn’t have waited just a few more minutes?” You whined to Sam. 
“Sorry dude, didn’t mean to emotionally cockblock you guys, but now you’ve had more time to think about what you’re going to say to him.” Sam offered as an excuse. 
“I already knew what I was going to tell him! You just prolonged it and now it’s awkward!” You whispered yelled at him. 
“Whatever, I’m going to bed so talk all you want, just don’t like...have sex or whatever.” Sam made a disgusting face and then laughed when you hit him with a pillow.
“Shut up Samuel.”
Dean had to calm himself down before coming out of the bathroom. Once he could breath without repeating “1..2..3..” in his head he came out and laid on the furthest side of the bed. 
“It's just me you can get closer,” You spoke quietly to Dean over your shoulder; even in the dim light, you could sense he was tense. 
”That’s the reason I’m not getting any closer.” He kept his voice low to avoid waking Sam.
“don't be ridiculous, tonight’s no different than any other night.” You shifted your weight to look at him. “I never did finish what I was going to say earlier and-” Dean cut you off “It’s ok Y/N you don’t have to say anything, we can just move past it...act like nothing happened.” 
“Why would we do that? I don’t want to move past it, I want to tell you the truth; I don’t need a life outside of hunting, I don’t want that. What I do want is to kill monsters and save people and sleep in crappy motels and eat terrible food while Sam lectures us on the toxic chemicals we’re putting in our bodies. I want you Dean Winchester, troubled past and all, even if that means hunting till we’re the ghost.” Dean had flipped over while you confessed your love for him. 
“Really?” He looked worried, like this was a trick and you were going to say ‘sike’ at any moment. 
“Yes, really Dee.” After hearing that Dean cupped your face with his hand and brought your faces closer together. Hesitating for a slight second you both looked at each other to save everything about this moment in your memories. Finally, your lips met in a slow tender kiss that took your breath away. Dean tasted earthy because of the concoction he had earlier and he smelled like leather, his sandalwood body wash, and his own natural scent that drove you wild. His thumb gently stroked your jaw, while your hand rested on his shoulder. Finally departing after running out of air you two softly smiled at each other, with your hand cupping the other's face, Dean leaned in again and placed a small kiss on your forehead. 
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