#I'm tired i'll add tags later
toomanybrainrots · 9 months
hello everything is fine? Can I request headcanons for Transformers Prime? for predaking, shockwave, optimus and megatron meeting an original predacon female reader who survived thousands of years during war and isn't that a shockwave experience? (if you can, just predaking sees the femme reader as a romantic partner)
Now this is an interesting request. I haven't actually written tfp Predaking not much, if at all, so this is gonna be new for me.
Warning(s): Femme Predacon Reader, Reader is referred to as 'my queen' by Predaking
Predaking, Shockwave, Optimus and Megatron with a Femme Reader that's an original Predacon
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Predaking had no idea any original predacons were still here
And he didn't expect them to be more...big.
You absolutely towered over him, easily dwarfing him. You barely even fit into the Nemesis with how big you are
It was the first time Predaking ever felt...small. You easily picked him up and carried him wherever you went, despite his protests
Overtime, he started to not mind it, in fact he kinda liked it? Well, he liked you more specifically
"My queen-!" His protests fell on deaf audials as you picked him up again, craddling him in your arms as you walked down the hallways of the Nemesis.
"My queen, please put me down..." He said, trying to convince you to no avail. He should've known better than to try that, you didn't take orders from anyone, not even Megatron.
He thought he was going to be the one to court you.
He thought wrong cause you ended up being the one courting him. Using old predacon courting methods: bringing him prey you caught yourself, never leaving his side, snarling at anyone that dared to look at him wrong even for a moment
Of course, he did the same to you. Most of the prey he brought were tiny for you, but you loved the gesture nonetheless.
Safe to say, you trated and spoiled him like a King. In turn, he spoiled you like the queen you were.
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Shockwave was fascinated to see you, an actual original predacon living and breathing, hidden away in your cave from the war
He wanted to examine you up close, asking all sorts of questions. How did you survive and escaped the fate that had befallen your bretheren? How long have you been here on Earth?
You ignored him. It was annoying and you definitely did not have the patience to answer
You let out a huff annoyance as you tuned out Shockwave, rambling about how 'fascinating' and how 'scientifically illogical' it was for you to be here.
"How did you survive this long with him, my King?" You asked Predaking, leaning down to whisper to him. "I just tune out half of what he says. It is very useful." Predaking answered, glancing back at Shockwave. "Just half?" You repeated, having slight respect for your soon to be mate for dealing with the scientist.
The only reason you let him examine you was because of Predaking and because you knew he wouldn't stop bothering you otherwise
It was very long and tedious for you. Atleast Shockwave didn't bother you much after that
Still, you respected the scientist. He was good at what he did, despite his...strange mannerisms.
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You slammed Optimus into a wall the first time you met
To be fair, you thought he was an intruder when he and his team had ventured into your cave
He had never, in his life, had expected to meet an actual, breathing and living original predacon. He's met a predacon in the form of Predaking but this was very different
He was relieved when you decided to join their side, though he wouldn't admit it
It puts a smile on his face when he sees you act very familial to the kids of the team(Smokescreen and Bumblebee) and makes a chuckle escape his vocalizer when you pick them by the neck guard
"Come on, put me down!" Smokescreen protested, squirming as you held him by his neck guard, his protests falling on deaf audials
The team looked at you two in amusement as Smokescreen eventually fell limp, giving up and succumbing to his fate. You let out a pleased hum at his defeat.
A chuckle escaped Optimus' voice box as he watched the scene unfold before him. Sometimes, he wished these peaceful moments would last longer. Where no war could touch them.
You often exchanged stories with him, talking about ye olden days™ and how it was like back then
He told you stories of the modern age, telling what has happened since then and telling you stories that had popped up
You both talked to each other for hours on hours, until Ratchet had to remind the two of you to recharge(not like he was any better)
You respected him as leader and friend, and he respected you as teammate and friend
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Megatron had thought you were going to be a new subordinate for him, a new pawn for him to use
That immediately shattered after he saw you in actual form, and he had to crane his head up to actually look at you
You made it very clear you didn't want to submit, and that you did not heed to anyone
(I couldn't make or think of a scenario but basically, you kicked the shit out of him(im so sorry my brain juice is out at this point))
So yeah, not very good first impressions
It didn't grow any better, as you kept being passive aggressive with each other
Just a lot of passive aggressiveness
He did have a begrudging respect for you, due to your immense power and skills. He thought you respected him too
You didn't. You just thought of him as a bucket head that looked high 24/7
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deadtiredghost · 2 months
the cool colours; a meme post
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ravioliet · 4 months
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alicorn Olympia for funsies :3 i miiiight draw Otis later but i genuinely don't think i have the time or the energy rn sooo. maybe not. but just so you know he has a similar pattern on his primary wing feathers but the colors are reversed from Olympia's so they're orange on top and blue underneath because they're matching ^u^ also keeping my thing going with alicorn traits matching the pony's cutie mark because it's fun! i have more notes on that as well that i might put in a reblog or something if i want to idk. i love headcanons that affect absolutely nothing btw
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lothcatthree · 6 months
In The Afterglow
Authors: myself (lothcatthree) and @krispyswips
Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker and Cal Kestis/Bode Akuna
Current Word Count: 8.7k
Chapter Count: 1/?
Rating: Explicit (yes, already)
Cal flips through the scrapbook and smiles to himself, wondering where has the time gone?
A presence sneaks up behind him and peers over his shoulder, the interloper snorts and points, "So you've always been scrappy?"
Things haven't always been easy but they haven't always been terrible, either. Each page is carefully recorded between thick sheets of colorful paper, stickers, and glitter. Between Cal and Obi-Wan, life has reached a stasis: a beloved cat, a cozy home, a blooming garden, and a bright future ahead.
What more could either of them possibly ask for?
Except that it's time for them to turn a new page... and fall in love in the process.
It's funny how history repeats itself, how lessons have been learned, hearts broken, bonds created. In the end, everyone involved learns something new.
Things might get weird, awkward, and scary, yet all of four of them learn to manage each of their new relationships and life circumstances.
the main fic for the beautiful wonderful universe created by @bon-sides-sw, krisp, and myself is up!
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scoliosisgoblin · 6 months
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Eddie and Peter doodles feat. Benny from @bennydunbar
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
I disagree that bi mike wouldn’t make sense within the show’s canon. I strongly believe it would make MORE sense within the show’s canon for many different reasons, and that 99% of the evidence gay mike truthers try to twist to say explicitly confirms gay mike can coexist and be used to support bi mike without much adjusting. I think when you carefully analyze seasons 1 through 4 it’s pretty clear that mike had genuine romantic feelings for El at the beginning of the story. And there’s a lot of subtle things that support a bi mike reading. I think a significant portion of aggressive anti-bi mike theories are rooted in either biphobia, a misunderstanding of the nuances of what it means to be bi, or a desire to avoid having to accept mike’s early canon romantic feelings for El (enshrined into the scripts) cause that would mean accepting that it’s a love triangle. I think gay mike makes sense but it is in no way the only sound theory. And I’m not talking about headcanons, I’m talking about the text of the show
ok i know i said earlier i would respond to this in full but honestly there is WAY too much i could get into and this topic has been discussed to death at this point and i’m not interested in starting discourse again, so i’m really gonna try to be brief (spoiler alert, i failed). first of all, here’s my own gay mike analysis from months ago, back when i personally hadn’t seen any actual analysis about it yet and decided to just go through and analyze the show myself. many others have written much more thorough and articulate analyses, so i encourage anyone to seek those out if you’re really interested in developing an informed opinion about it. but if you’re already convinced one way or another, i’m probably not going to change any minds here, because this has all been said before.
the one thing i’m actually going to try to address here is the claim that mike was at some point genuinely romantically attracted to el, because as far as i can tell, that is the ONLY actual argument FOR bi mike. i haven’t seen anyone ever give evidence or try to argue that mike has shown attraction to any other specific woman or to women generally. if i’m wrong about that, please point me to that analysis (don’t tell me about bi flag colors around him though bc those three colors show up together everywhere in the show and are not specific to mike in any way, i don’t think that’s relevant “evidence”). also, i’m not looking at the scripts here, because i’m really only interested in ACTUAL CANON and the literal content of the show itself overrides any partial, text drafts of it, which is what scripts are. they are written for the specific purpose of filming the show and do not provide full and complete context (and what we are TOLD in this show does not always line up with what we are SHOWN).
just to be absolutely clear, i think that (disregarding the mountains of both textual and subtextual evidence of his LACK of attraction to women) mike having shown genuine romantic attraction to even one woman would be enough for him to be legitimately canonized as bisexual, but in all my understanding and analysis of the show, he has not.
from what i understand, bi mike truthers believe that mike had genuine romantic feelings for el in the earlier seasons that either faded over time or just never evolved past the initial childhood crush stage. i’ve addressed the latter idea before (in a post i can't find rn), but to sum up, crushes on people of a different gender, especially in youth, and during times when one is unsure of or figuring out one’s sexuality are COMMON among gay people. having a childhood crush is not the same thing as having genuine romantic feelings, and therefore is not valid evidence toward any particular sexuality. the insistence that it is concrete evidence of bisexuality is rooted in homophobia and a fundamental misunderstanding of the nuance of gay identity.
the first claim though, that he did have genuine romantic feelings in the beginning, but they faded over time, is what i’m going to focus on. i touched on this in my analysis linked above, but i’m going to try to explain again here. mike’s feelings for el have always been demonstrated with extreme consistency throughout the seasons. after their initial meeting and once mike learns to trust her, each time mike has been in a position to tell el how he feels about her, from season one all the way through to season four, he has behaved in the exact same way: he has struggled to put his feelings into words, refusing to outright claim romantic feeling or intent, and ultimately failed to communicate with el in a way she understands.
similarly, when faced with expressing romantic affection toward or about her, he has behaved with confusion, discomfort, and outright rejection of others’ assumptions of his romantic feelings. (read the analysis for more specifics on this)
each of these times is also rife with familial coding and parallels that subtextually explain WHY he is struggling to either voice or demonstrate romantic attraction. for just one specific example, in the first season, right before their first kiss, mike begins to excitedly describe the relationship that the two of them are about the have with each other (in not so many words) as one of a brother and sister. when el correctly infers this implication from his words, he grows confused, because he had been told previously by lucas, dustin, and even nancy, that his feelings for el were romantic. but he relents, and agrees that that is what his description meant. immediately after their first kiss, during which el is dressed in his sister's clothes, and which mike initiates when he can't find the words to express romantic attraction to her, his first word is.... "nancy." and later, when el is weak from killing the lab people who've been chasing them, mike repeats his earlier promise: that when all this is over, his family will become hers.
this is one thing that i genuinely can’t understand when it comes to the idea that mike ever truly liked el romantically. almost (if not) ALL of their interactions, especially in season one, have some sort of parallel to a familial relationship for one or both of them, on top of many of their interactions blatantly referencing the concept of the two of them being like family to one another. the absolute volume of these instances and the unyielding consistency of this pattern, again, beginning from the very first episode of season one and continuing all the way through season four, means that it is undoubtedly intentional. with that in mind, i cannot see any reading of their relationship that leaves room for genuine romantic feelings, when ALL of the subtext, FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, overwhelmingly presents them as family.
i’m not going to get way into the subject of compulsory heterosexuality because i could go on forever and i don’t want to, but the timeline of events in el and mike’s relationship arc makes it very clear that that's what’s happening. for el, her arc of independence is (not solely, but still) intrinsically tied to her relationship with mike. for mike, his struggle with his sexuality, specifically his lack of attraction to girls concurrent with his present attraction to boys (MOST presently Will), coincides directly with his relationship arc with el. i’m just going to link a couple of my screenshot posts where i've attempted to demonstrate this, bc i can't find it in me to explain all the nuances of comphet and the complex way these three characters' narratives have been intertwined (i'm bad at tagging so i can't find many, but here, here, here)
you might want to argue against my above points with scenes like the snowball dance, where he calls her beautiful and kisses her, or the make out scene in season three. but both the familial coding/parallels and the overarching themes of forced conformity (aka compulsory heterosexuality) associated with the snowball in my view completely changes the context behind the surface narrative of a “sweet romantic moment,” especially when you consider the coinciding narrative of mike’s relationship with will and the subtext of what that dance means for both of them. similarly, that make out scene, which can also be read as further evidence of mike’s discomfort with physical affection with el, as well as the overall arc of their entire season 3 relationship, is presented to be directly relevant to (specifically, in direct contrast with) mike’s evolving relationship with will, which IS genuinely romantic.
when i say that bi mike would be bad representation, this is what i mean. his “attraction” to el is consistently directly related to and contrasted with his relationship with will, coding his feelings for girls (most specifically the one girl for whom he has ever shown potential for romantic attraction) as lesser than his feelings for boys (specifically will, but ALSO OTHER MEN). bi rep that prioritizes and values attraction for one gender AT THE EXPENSE of attraction for another feels like an extremely problematic representation of bisexuality, if that's really what they are trying to portray. and this is not even getting into the countless subtextual clues that mike specifically DOES NOT LIKE GIRLS. (our son with a girl?, it’s not my fault you don’t like girls, el? sorry not interested, disgusted face next to “women in science,” blatant lack positive of response to “phoebe cates only hotter,” women’s room GET OUT, boys only, blatant and continued confusion over lucas and dustin’s attraction to max, "trying to solve the mystery of the female species" *LOUD BELCH* etc etc these are just off the dome and these are things that DO NOT WORK as queer coding if mike IS attracted to girls but VERY MUCH DO if he is gay. and there are SO MANY of them. more than that, if he is attracted to girls, then they are examples of the show consistently belittling that attraction, which again feels like a pretty shitty way to do bi representation)
god there’s so much more to this, but i can’t get into every little thing because it would take forever. literally there is SO MUCH evidence against it that i genuinely feel that the narrative would not make sense anymore if mike were revealed to be bi in season 5.
just to address a couple other things you said: i think the reason anti bi mike theory might sometimes come off as aggressive is because when one actually analyzes the entire content of the show, the evidence for specifically gay mike is OVERWHELMING and the claim that there is just as much evidence for bi mike remains unsupported, unsubstantiated, and at a certain point comes off as just willfully ignoring canon and even, at times, homophobic. i always see claims that some gay mike analysis is biphobic, and yet i have never seen any evidence of this. the claim that mike is not attracted to women, despite having been in a relationship with one, IS NOT biphobic. the claim that he is not bisexual, despite many people believing he is and wanting that representation, is NOT biphobic. the claim that his feelings for el have always been platonic and not romantic is NOT biphobic. it is an analytical conclusion based on the content of the show itself. i don’t doubt that some gay mike truthers have been biphobic, but i have not seen any actual gay mike ANALYSIS that is specifically biphobic (if you can provide concrete evidence, i will recant this, but i know that i and others have been careful not to resort to any sort of stereotyping or attempts at “analysis” that are rooted in biphobia). conversely, the claim that mike being in a romantic relationship with a woman and behaving romantically with her is PROOF that he is bisexual IS inherently rooted in homophobia and again, a misunderstanding of the nuance of what it means to be gay. i know (or assume, i guess) that most bi mike truthers aren’t outright thinking this way, and really believe mike’s romantic feelings to have been genuine, but as i and many others have tried to explain, when you do what the show is constantly telling you to do and look deeper than the surface level narrative, all of the canonical evidence from mike’s relationship with el actually explicitly and unambiguously points to the fact that his romantic interactions with her were NOT a result of genuine attraction, but rather a result of compulsory heterosexuality and a part of the natural process of figuring out his sexuality.
you also claim gay mike theorizing could come from "a desire to avoid having to accept mike’s early canon romantic feelings for El" but the fact is that it's not a desire for mike not to have had feelings for el (that assumption playing into the idea that gay mike truthers simply don't want him to be bi, hence the claims of biphobia) but what's actually happening is analysis that leads to the conclusion that he canonically did not have romantic feelings for el. the misconception is that gay mike truthers are simply projecting their own desires onto the text instead of what they're actually doing: critically analyzing it. i'd argue that bi mike truthers are the ones who want to avoid having to accept mike's lack of attraction to women, despite all of the evidence for it.
i've read a lot of analysis on here, from a lot of different perspectives, and i can truly say that every single comprehensive, good faith analysis of mike’s character i've ever seen has come to the same conclusion. he’s gay.
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demonicxrocker · 1 year
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★ | some aromantic mei icons that i made with my colorpicked flag.
★ | as usual, free to use with a reblog and credit somewhere on your account; no exceptions. (tags of the post DON’T count. and no, "credit to the maker" or whatever doesn't count either!!)
★ | reblogs > likes. spam like my posts and you're getting blocked. idfc about spam reblogs but just don't be annoying about it. any asks in the inbox about the subject will be deleted and/or blocked.
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froggie-bolt · 8 months
I'll Be With You Every Step Of The Way, (I promise) - Chapter 4 - Pxxilheadphones63 - Digimon - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 4 is UP AND DONE.
Joe chapter, thats all Im gonna say. It might sound a bit dry, but I really needed to get this fic updated.
Hopefully, chapter 5 won't take a month to get written like this one did.
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linawritesocs · 1 year
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"lina maid day was a month ago-" every day can be a maid day if you're brave enough
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excadrillmoving · 2 years
okay well !!!! until this gets sorted if anyone wants to message me my discord is siclops#2953 😭😭
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silverheart4063 · 7 months
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gourm monk and inv plus extra scug oc wip
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amarantoestrella · 10 months
amaranto!! <3 I hope ur shift went alright I know 13 hours is so rough so ur getting a hug & a nice cup of tea from me!!
also ur tags on that mammon fic made me giggle sm I gotta know ur thoughts on that one akshaksjka 👀
Sorry to answer this so late! I ended up picking up a few more hours, I think 17 in total? But thank you for the comfort! I read this last night before passing out for 3 hours because I had an ACLS class to go to in the morning and now I'm barely winding down but it was so appreciated I was kicking my feet hehe.
idk idk that Mammon piece did something to my brain okay? I have never thought of Obey Me baby daddy's and suddenly I was ready to risk it aaaaawwwllll when I read "Ya wanna be a mommy?"
The man materialized himself into 3D into my room that very second and his breeder balls made eye contact with me thats how real that moment was for me I don't think I could ever forget it
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monzaaasharl · 6 months
Could you do fic for Toto Wolff with wife reader? She's a musician. Saying ''i love you'' in-between kisses and playing with their partner's hair after a busy week. Then, their child, Jack joins them when they're dancing together. Add something else to it if it's not right. Just something fluff and sweet. Tag me later. Thanks!!!
Music to my ears
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A/n:: This is kinda cute tho wtf
Pairing:: Toto Wolff x Wife! Reader
Genre:: fluff
Driver x Reader Masterlist Monzaaasharl
Y/n was humming a melody softly to herself as she was trying to imagine how the song sounded when she heard someone coming through the front door.
"We're back!" Her husband announced as he'd just picked Jack up from school.
"I'm upstairs!" She shouted to let him know where you were.
She sighed in annoyance because these notes just weren't matching up, and she was too tired for this.
"What's wrong?" Toto asked out of concern.
"It's so difficult, it doesn't sound like how I want it too" She complained.
"Play it for me, I'll tell you if it sounds good"
Reluctantly, she decided to let him listen to what she'd done so far and she played the recording.
It was only instrumental at the moment, she hadn't figured out any lyrics yet, that was always the most tricky part for her.
Toto looks over at her and signalled to her to stand up and walk into his arms, she did so without second thought.
She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, and he wrapped his around her waist. Slowly swaying in each other's arms whilst listening to the song playing in the background.
He kissed the top of her head as they slow danced.
"I love you so much, my dear", he spoke in an almost whisper.
She felt her cheeks heat up from his comment despite having heard it everyday for many years.
"I love you too, my love", she replied giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
Meanwhile, Jack came running in and wrapped his arms around both of their legs. Toto bent down to pick him up, and placed him on his hip.
Jack leaned his lead into the crook of his father's neck, tired after a long day at school.
Y/n dropped her head onto her husband's shoulder and looked at her sleepy son with a smile on her face.
Toto looked back at her with an equally happy look and kissed her softly, however Jack didn't seem to like this.
"Daddy, ewwww!"
Thank you for reading! Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are all appreciated!
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captain-mj · 7 months
Okay- You asked for raunchy asks and I'm not sure how raunchy you wanna go but hear me out on this
Ghost fucking Soap until he's basically shaking and overstimulated and incoherent-
Got struck with a bit of inspiration with this one
Ghost knew Soap wanted him. It wasn't exactly a secret. He stared at him constantly and almost drooled over him.
Ghost knew he was no good. Yeah, he had made a ton of progress over the years, but he wasn't built for relationships.
None of that mattered right now. He had taken a few edibles and his hand wasn't doing it for him. His hard cock didn't care that he had used a ton of lube and had already stroked himself until his wrist hurt. All it did was make him more and more frustrated.
So he did something real stupid.
"You up?"
Johnny texted immediately. "Yeah. Mission?"
Ghost sent him a picture of his cock. "Yeah. In a way." Not his best pick up line. But Soap bit into it immediately.
"That an invitation?"
"I can see if someone else is interested if you're busy?"
"I'm on my way."
Ghost gave his tired cock a break as he waited for Soap. With every minute that ticked by, he got closer to calling Gaz instead.
Soap busted in, almost tripping over himself. Just as desperate as always. "Sir..."
"Johnny." Ghost purred at him, watching how hot and bothered Soap was clearly getting from it. "Here's how we're going to do this. I'm going to give you some lube, you're going to get yourself nice and slick, then you're going to ride me until I'm done. Any objections?"
Soap was already yanking his clothes off. "No sir. No objections." He was only half hard, but that wasn't going to last long by the looks of it. His cock was nice. A cute shade of pink. Maybe he'd taste it later. Johnny probably wouldn't tell him no. A quick flick of his tongue and Ghost would probably have him begging.
"Don't touch your cock either. If you're good, I'll blow you afterwards."
Soap almost whined. His cock drooled almost as much as his mouth did. "Yes, sir. I'll be good, I promise."
Ghost smiled and kept himself propped up. He watched Soap fumble with the lube, the normal confidence completely gone in favor of trying to rush through this part. Soap kept glancing at Ghost's cock, swallowing.
"This might take me a bit."
"Give me a show then."
Soap nodded feverishly and sat next to him. He started to finger himself, moaning and groaning. A show indeed. Ghost could tell it was exaggerated, but that was fine. Soap would have his brains fucked out in a minute anyway.
Johnny went to stop at two fingers and Ghost grunted. "Add another." He shivered but did as he was told, sliding a third one in. He groaned a bit, proving it was a good idea. "Fuck, you're hot."
"Thank you, Simon."
Ghost watched those fingers pump in and out, in and out, in and out. He lost track of time until Soap could easily take all three.
"Go ahead and get on top of me." Simon relaxed. Johnny straddled him and his cock rubbed at his thighs until Soap's skilled and still slick fingers grabbed him and lined him up. He watched his face as it twisted in pain. Despite all the prep, Ghost was big and Soap was oh so tight. It barely fit.
"Fuck..." Soap groaned, eyes shutting. He immediately started to bounce. Poor thing was trying real hard to get him off.
Simon smiled, slipping into the happy place he only reached when high. Where there was nothing but his body and what he felt right now.
Soap was warm. The lube made him feel wet. He also clenched every time he sank all the way down. Felt so good.
Ghost set his hands on his hips. "Good boy. Putting so much effort in. You're going to be here a while though. Hope you have good stamina. Real good stamina."
Soap grinned. "Come on, sir. You've seen me on the field. I can go as long as you need me to."
Ghost smirked. "If you think so." He enjoyed it. The pleasure sparking through him. That tight fucking hole. The hot body above him. Soap wasn't wearing his dog tags. Ghost wished he was so he'd have something to do with his hands.
Instead his hands stroked up his sides, up his back, down his thighs. Soap started speeding up, groaning as he got his sweet spot. "I'm getting close. Gonna finish with me?"
Ghost hummed. "No. You're going to keep going afterwards. When you finish, you're going to clench around me and it's going to feel reaaaaal nice."
Soap's hips stuttered and he looked confused. "Are you sober?"
"Probably should've asked before you got on top of me yeah? It was just an edible. I'm still perfectly able to consent." Ghost rolled his hips up into so Soap would shut up. "I should've had you blow me first." He thrust up again and Soap finally got the message to keep going.
Soap sped up and ended up coming all over Ghost's chest. His bounces didn't even stutter. He just kept going.
Johnny lasted longer than Ghost expected, but even he had his limits he supposed. His legs started to wobble as he tried to lift himself all the way up. His cock was leaking all over his chest.
Ghost grabbed him once he was barely even grinding on top of him. He flipped them over and started to fuck into him. He pulled his legs as wide open as they went and pounded into him.
Soap choked as he started to feel it. His precum ran down his chest as Ghost hit his prostate over and over.
"Fuck... Fuck... Simon..."
Soap writhed as he took it. Ghost leaned down and pressed his clothed mouth against Soap's. He sped up and let Johnny just take it. He ignored that he came again. Soap whined from pleasure, digging his nails deep into the flesh of his shoulders. "Feels so good. I can't take it. Can't..."
Ghost slammed into him, making Soap start to sob. "Don't care what you think you can take. You seem to be taking it just fine right now." He was finally getting close. Almost there.
Soap's eyes rolled back as he shook. He started to babble as Ghost finally came in him, burying himself deep inside him to pump him full.
Ghost swallowed as he tried to catch his breath. Soap twitched underneath him.
"Jesus, Simon. You a little pent up?"
Ghost looked down at him, disheveled and sweaty. He thrust into him again, feeling the way he clenched. "Another round?"
"Fuck. Can't you give me a minute?"
Ghost stared at him. "Please?"
Soap whimpered. "Fuck... Yeah." Ghost would worry that he wasn't willing if not for how his cock was desperately twitching.
Simon kissed him deeply and started to roll his hips. He closed his eyes and buried his face in Soap's neck.
Soap couldn't contain himself, crying and whimpering into him. Ghost fell into that blissful state again.
Pleasure. Pressure. Everything bubbling inside him into this warm fuzzy feeling.
All that was there was Johnny. Not Soap. Johnny.
For a moment, he thought he may be in love with him.
Soap tapped his shoulder desperately and Ghost faltered, realizing he came again. "Mhmmm ahhhh...."
Ghost pulled out of him. "Good boy. You did such a good job, you know that? Really. Truly."
Soap whimpered, legs shaking hard.
Ghost got him a drink and then sat next to him. Soap started cuddling him and Ghost ran his fingers through his hair. "Next time I plan to get high, I'm going to message you. We'll start with a blowjob this time. Maybe I won't be so hard on you next time."
Soap clenched around nothing as he nodded. "Yes, sir."
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james-is-here · 3 months
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My first two thoughts when I saw these photos were "Cute slut" and "Pretty Boy" so I did something with it. Also, I wrote this for @succubus-hansol 😁
It's been a while since I remembered to add tags. Sorry about that. 😔
Tags: @belladonna6-6-6 @heartbinn @leezanetheofficial @yongbokkk @michelle4eve @dontwannaexsist
Contains: BJ (both receiving), Y.J being called baby & slut, one use of whore, messy, lots of spit, fingering (Y.J), throat fuck, super subby Innie?, he's just needy for Mn, semi-public (Bathroom), used a lot of cussing in this one.
[LMK if I forgot anything or if you want to be added to the taglist. It's 4am and I'm tired]
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When you were fixing your shirt and pulling up your pants, he didn't fail to miss the band of your boxers and when you look up from your adjustment and caught his eye, you smirk at him and walk away.
It didn't help that you were wearing white ripped jeans, a white button up with the sleeves rolled up, untucked, and unbuttoned by three buttons with a loosened black tie. Your hair also looked messy like you rolled out of bed and you wore fake black brow-line glasses and a watch with a couple bracelets on your left wrist and your hands are decorated with a couple rings.
Were you trying to kill him???
He's instantly out of his seat and hurrying after you, grabbing your hand and pulling you the opposite direction and over to the bathrooms.
It was a single stall bathroom, Jeongin looks around before shoving you in and you laugh but it's cut short when he follows you, pushing you back as he shuts the door and you collide with the door as he locks it at the same time his hand reaches up, grabs your tie and pulls you down to press his lips to yours.
His free hand moved to your waist, fisting your shirt and trying to pull you closer as your hands fall to his hips. His hand on your tie slides up over your pec, your collar, and to the back of your neck. The other moves under your shirt, dragging his nails over your skin and attempting to pull you impossibly closer as you lick his bottom lip and he lets you slip your tongue past his lips to tangle it with his.
You push him back slightly and turn around to push him against the door this time. Bending your knees, you move your hands to his thighs and lift him up, tilting your head and stepping forward into him to hold him against the door as his legs wrap around your waist and his arms around your neck.
You pull back, moving to his neck. He lets out little gasps and sighs, your kisses wet as you resist marking him as you move past his necklace and move his shirt collar with your chin to kiss his collar bone and shoulder.
"M-Mn~" He finally spoke since dragging you to the bathroom and you hum against his neck under his chin as you move to the other side under his neck. "P-Please~ H-Hyung, I n-need you, please, ah~!" You push your hips further into his and bite his ear lobe. "Baby, I don't think we have time." Your hands push his shorts further up and squeeze his thighs as one of his hands moves to tangle in your hair. "Please, Hyung? Just let me suck you off, please? That's all I'm asking for right now, please. Please Hyung." He begs and you pull back, looking at his blown pupils and slightly flushed face.
"That's all? Then you'll be a good boy and wait until we go home?" "Yes! Yes, I'll be good and wait till later, please." "Okay, baby."
You set him down and he immediately switches spots again and pushes you against the door before dropping to his knees, you unbutton the rest of your shirt just to get it out of his way and his eyes scan over your torso before he goes back to removing your belt, unbuttoning your jeans then palms you over your boxers that started this whole thing.
"It's these boxers fault we're here." "You gonna do as they say?" "Yes." "Then get to it, baby. We do have a time limit." He moves one hand to the waistband and pulls it down as his other hand wraps around you, a small whine coming from the back of his throat as he waits no more and surges forward, his heavy amount of saliva pooling on his tongue as he drags it from your base to your tip before taking you past his lips and immediately sinking down to your base.
You exhale softly and place a hand on his head, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he looks up at you over the rim of his own glasses. "Fuck, you look so fucking slutty like this, baby. So fucking cute." He hums around you, his tongue sliding on the underside of your dick, tracing along a vein before he pulls back, parting his lips as he strokes you at a gentle pace, your tip resting heavily on his tongue before he sinks back down and starts bobbing his head.
When he pulls off you again with a pop, he gasps, catching his breath as he strokes you not too slow but not too fast. "Shit, feels so good, baby." Your chest moves rapidly as you withhold your noises, simply gasping and sighing with a few groans. "Take out your cock, baby, get yourself off." "R-Really?" "Go ahead."
He takes you back into his mouth, all the way to the base as your tip reaches the back of his throat and you reaches down to unzip his shorts and pull down his waist band while spreading his knees further apart. His left hand slowly jerks himself off as his right moves back up to your thigh before he moves up and down your length.
You raise your hand to glance at your watch and your right tightens in his hair. "Can I fuck your mouth, baby? We need to hurry." He nods gently and switches hands as he sits up on his knees from his kneeling position, his left hand instinctively moving behind his back as you push on the back of his head.
You immediately fuck into his mouth at a fast pace, his hand stroking himself at the same pace as he moans, the vibration bringing you closer to the edge, his tongue attempting to swipe the underside of your cock but he eventually just relaxes his jaw and lets you fuck down his throat, eyes shining up at you with unshed tears and a choked whimper.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby, shit~" A couple more thrusts and bringing him down to your base you cum down his throat before pulling back halfway and cumming on his tongue. "Ah~ So good, baby. So good for me."
You pull out, his tongue following your tip as you stroke yourself until your body jolts from sensitivity. "You look so dirty, Innie baby." His tongue moves back into his mouth and he swallows the rest of your load before opening his mouth again and licks your tip before kissing it and smiling up at you with a cock-drunk smile. He moves to the side of your cock, pressing his plush, pouty lips and leaving behind soft kisses before kissing you hip and pulling back completely.
"I'm gonna call you cock whore at this rate." He giggles softly and you realize he's let himself go and his hand is resting on his thigh, kneeling back on his heels. "Do you still need to cum baby?" He nods and you put yourself away before you pull him to stand up.
Kissing him, you take him into your hand. He gasps against your lips, hand grasping at your arms as he thrusts into your fist and moans into your mouth.
You pull back, slipping two fingers into his mouth as you turn to your left and pushing him into the wall. His tongue wets your fingers before you pull them out, reconnecting your lips to his in a sloppy kiss as you slip your hand into the back of his boxers.
You let him go for a moment to pull his leg up to your hip then holding him again as your other hand circles his rim before pushing in, your rings are still cold against his cock and your fingers are long enough that your able to thrust your fingers into his prostate. "Fuck! Fuck, Hyung, g-gonna...S-So close, Hyung."
He whines when you pull away but moans softly when you're getting on your knees, pulling his shorts and boxers down enough so you reach under him to reinsert your fingers and take his tip into your mouth.
His hands grasp your hair, whines and soft, choked moans leave him as you finger fuck his prostate and suck on his tip. "Shit, shit, shit- Hyung! HAh~!" His grip tightens as he pulls you closer and you sink to his base and he cums down your throat with a whine.
Your fingers and tongue slowly help him ride his high before he taps your head and you pull away, gently removing your fingers as well before standing up, bringing his bottoms up with you before you catch him as his legs buckle out from under him.
"Woah, you okay, Innie?" He lets out a weak sound of confirmation as he leans further into you. Smiling softly you move to sit on the toilet and turn him around so he leans back against you as you fix his boxers and shorts and button them back up.
"Innie? You with me?" "Yeah. Thank you, Hyung." "Of course, Innie baby." "Can you promise me something?" "Anything, baby." "You fuck me real hard later because I really want your dick in me." You laugh, thrown off by his bluntness but also amused cause his voice gave away the fact that he's still horny and needy. "Okay, baby, I'll fuck you into the sheets, yeah?" "Please. Now stop talking, we'll both end up hard again."
He stands up as you laugh before you catch him and stand up. "You go out first, I have to fix my shirt." "Okay." He leans up, hands on your chest as he puckers his lips for one last kiss but you roll your eyes, knowing he wants more then a quick peck as one hand pulls him closer by his hip and the other moves to his jaw, pressing your fingers into his cheeks so his mouth falls open and you swipe your tongue along his, licking his teeth and the roof of his mouth. Claiming him with your tongue before you pull back and he smiles breathlessly.
"That's not what I wanted but I'm not complaining." "Yeah, right, I know you better than you realize, baby, you didn't want some silly peck." "...Okay, you caught me." "uh huh, yeah. Now go." "I love you, Hyung." "I love you too, Innie."
You push him to the door and he giggles, stumbling out of the bathroom and you smile at him with a shake of your head as you move to button your shirt back up.
You're definitely gonna get another set of these boxers.
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synamartia · 5 months
GUYS I SWEAR I'M TRYING TO FINISH SMUTMUS. I just can't stop myself from adding new things each time I try to enter the final editing stage 😭 I keep telling myself to save some bits for future stories, but fuck! It's getting too good for me to stop~ 😉 and then I get on here and get inspired to add something else, which throws me back a couple steps cause I'm trying to make sure it flows properly. SOMEONE TAKE AWAY MY PHONE- *gets smacked down*
Btdubs I've used the word "tongue" WAY too many times so if anyone could help me with synonyms or alternative ways to describe the tongue that'd be great 🥲
Be prepared though, once it's done and posted, I'mma take some time to respond to messages/comments/reblogs, catch up on some reading *looks at Hazel, Mink, & Danny* and write ESSAYS on every little detail! Yall might wanna put me on mute when that happens 🤣
I'll come back and add proper CW tags to all the teasers I release later, but for now (and just as a general rule of thumb with anything I post): MDNI! And jsyk, it WILL BE WORTH IT. I've doubled my word count from the original nine parts, and it's still growing. So. Y'know.
Quickly, you turned your head and pushed yourself up. “No! No, I can…” you paused for a moment to stifle a yawn. The incident that led to all of this occurred near the end of your work day, so you were already fairly tired when this started. The unexpectedly hard orgasm wasn't helping any, but the promise of even more kept you going. Besides, you couldn't be the only one having fun here. That wouldn't be fair. “... I can keep going. I wanna keep going,” you insisted, lowering your leg as you pushed yourself up straight, turning to face him fully now. “For you.” You added, staring up at him with an amorous look that made his breath hitch in his throat for a moment. Cautiously, you raised your hands to gently cradle his face, standing on your tip toes so you could place a soft peck on his smiling lips.
Lowering yourself to stand proper now, you began to trace your hands down his neck and chest, not missing the way his muscles still tensed at your touch. It was going to take some time, you realized, to get him to a point where he welcomes your touch rather than shies away from it. You hoped that he would give you that time; outside of this incident that you so clumsily caused, of course. When your hands reached the waistband of his pants, you looked up at him and waited for his permission to continue - something small and near insignificant but nevertheless something he still appreciated. He would have to reward you for that later. Nodding his head, Alastor watched you as you slowly pushed both his trousers and briefs down past his hips, his aching cock springing from its prison and slapping lightly against his lower abdomen. He looked away for a moment, unable to hide his growing discomfort with being so bare in front of another person. Gently, you pressed on his jaw with your left hand to bring his narrowed eyes back to your face. “Hey,” you called. “You can trust me, Alastor,” you assured him, knowing full well that was only part of the problem. Mouth twitching, Alastor stared at you as you leaned in to place tender kisses to his chest, your eyes never once leaving his face as you lowered yourself to your knees before him. “I promise,” you spoke softly, hands tracing the defined muscles of his abs and gliding along the dips of his pelvic v. Bringing one hand down to rest on his thigh, your other gently wrapped around the base of his cock. Humming softly as you smiled up at him, you rubbed your cheek against his length, then grazed your lips over his leaking tip. “I just want to make you feel good,” you continued to assure him, not missing the shaky sigh he gave in response to your touches. Experimentally, you let the tip of your tongue dart past your lips and against his crying slit, his entire body tensing as one of his hands moved to tangle within your tresses while you continued to deliver kitten licks to his sensitive tip. You stared up at Alastor with such innocence in your big doe eyes; he had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from forcing his cock as far down your throat as it could go. “Is that okay?” You asked after a couple more licks to his slit. “Will you let me make you feel good, Alastor?” You asked him so sweetly, voice dripping with honey as his name rolled off your devilish tongue. You really knew how to push his buttons. With a drawn out moan vibrating through his chest, you barely had time to fully open your mouth as he pushed his hips forward and guided your head down until your nose brushed against the carmine strands at his base, his head tilting back at the long anticipated sensation finally washing over him as he breathed out a singular,  “Yes!”
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