#I've been living in my brain spinning them around for a while instead of doing anything productive
thereminzone · 4 months
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This work used a lot of textures! Wikimedia was my best friend, particularly for the macro shot of the wing scales used in the backdrop (H. Zell, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons) and the photo layered over the barcode (Michael Hanselmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons). I think it lends a really nice mixed media feel to this :D
These two are the other two members of THREAT DISPLAY!!!, the fake band for my dnd character Helvia. Rambling about them below the cut for context! Warning, it's long. And probably requires the context provided by the post I made about Helvia.
As is made probably blindingly obvious by this illustration, I continued the name of naming/loosely basing the design on a bug with a threat display, in this case being the peacock butterfly, Aglais Io! It's a really neat creature, being one of the only butterflies as far as I know to have a drastically different pattern when viewed dorsally versus ventrally
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Obviously I pulled this pattern as directly as possible for Aegis's (left) jacket, but it's also on the inner lining of Vanessa's (right) overskirt. It's better visible in the earlier basic ref for them:
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They look awfully similar.. and that's because they are twins! That's a lie, actually, but it's what the marketing of the band wants you to think. In reality, they are the same exact model of robot, meant to look human in comparison to Helvia, styled differently. They kind of have a complex about this, as would be expected if you were created and saw someone with your exact face who you are more or less put in competition with, and also told that neither of you really matter? It's a gimmick at best. They're not meant to be the real stars here, so it's easier if the public can just lump them together and let them fade into the background. I can't stress just how unimportant these two were considered in comparison to Helvia- they didn't appear in much marketing, and when they did, they were treated more like props. They weren't given unique identities, no fake memories unlike Helvia, just set into this situation with the expectation that they should know they are not important, they are not unique, and anything they do should be to further support Helvia.
Ultimately, though, they are very different people, especially in how they felt about this.
Aegis more or less resigned himself to this, he didn't see the point in trying to fight it or change the situation. He tried to not make anyone upset, stay neutral, do what was asked of him without thinking about it too hard. Sort of dissociating king? I think he internalized the fact that he's not "supposed to be a real person", and it influenced his behavior. He can acknowledge the horror of his situation, but doesn't find the point in fighting it.
Vanessa, meanwhile, finds none of it acceptable. She hates this. She hates the fact that she is a product and a tool and not even an important enough one to be given a basic sense of identity. Giving very "malicious compliance", she can't do much, but she took every opportunity to make it clear just how much she can't stand any of this. She felt that Aegis was a coward, especially because he would always be there to condescend to her, saying it's in her best interest to give up any time she got in serious trouble.
They, predictably, had a pretty rocky relationship because of this. Indirectly pitted against eachother for any amount of minimal spotlight that wasn't going to Helvia in hopes of being given any sort of grace, they also had no one else to rely on? Certainly not any staff, and CERTAINLY not Helvia, there's no one else that understood the unique horror of their situation quite so much as each other, even if they responded in wildly different ways. They had eachother's back, unspoken. Aegis telling Vanessa to 'just give up' is equally an attempt to prevent her from getting hurt further as Vanessa telling Aegis to 'stop letting this happen to you'– they just think that their respective poor coping mechanism is the way to go, when in reality it just means they each continue to be hurt. Dude these guys suck. As much as the twins marketing thing is a sore subject, in a sick way they end up actually having a sibling-adjacent relationship, I think.
As for their relationships with Helvia? Arguably more complicated.
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It's a mess. Nobody is having a good time, except maybe Helvia telling herself she's having a good time. The closer they were to her, the better shot they had at actually being treated like they were interesting or important by marketing, and it created obviously an environment that was Not Good! They each had tumultuous on-and-off relationships with her as was directly encouraged of them, regardless of how anyone actually felt. It doesn't help that Helvia herself treated them carelessly, obviously told that they were there for Her– and as someone who wholesale bought into the image she was created for, who was in denial about the fact that she was literally a product, she wasn't exactly receptive to any of their struggles. Aegis pitied her despite their similarities, while Vanessa pretty much wanted her dead. It's bad. It's sooo bad. It's messy.
As for what they're up to now? No clue yet <3 they've yet to appear and I kind of already have terminal brain illnesses about them, if the above paragraphs didn't make it already obvious. Honestly this was just me making half decent art of them to post as in introduction to them before I drop the uh. 12 page comic I made in a fugue state during finals week. So keep a look out for that, I guess!
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lorelune · 4 months
hey lore !!!!! I'm a big fan of your works <3 they honestly amaze me so much. i especially adore your world building it's just so ?? scrumptious ?! no seriously it's so good like i want to eat it up along with your characterization. i love how you enhance already existing world's as well as create new ones — not just world's but ways things work and intricacies within intricacies.. you provide such a clear idea that makes picturising it all so much easier and interesting
ive never written before other than some blurbs here and there on my notes app but recently hsr brainrot has been Hitting it lately and i've had way too many thoughts 💭 i was planning on maybe writing a fic.. but it requires insane amount of world building (and ik that's definitely not the right thing to start off on, as a new writer/for your first work but then again ig there is no right and wrong way to do it (?) it's more like my brain power might not support me and i’ll abandon it half way or something 🥲 haha) anyway i was wondering if you have any tips on how to worldbuild or build further on the existing ideas of certain organisations and all that sort.. there's just so many ideas haywiring and i would really love some advice if you don't mind. but no pressure !! sorry if this was too long,,
omg hello anon!! not too long at ALL hehe i'm gonna answer this below the cut hehe
first off THANK YOU 🥺!!! i appreciate your kind words so much <3 i really enjoy worldbuilding in my own writing and i'm very glad the ideas i bungle up translate well when actually in a story :'^) in my own little brainworld where i daydream, i tend to add details and layers to the original story that i do like... question if i can execute. so it is always nice to hear that they do in fact make it through 😭💓
as for advice!!
anon. so transparently. so REAL-y. if you have the brainworms for a story, even if its big and complicated and a lot to chew on it, just start!!! it is so intimidating truly but there is no better writing fuel than the muse of a story that has captured you. and!! if it does not end up finished, that is totally okay!! i have personally learned some of most valuable lessons writing while working on large pieces that ultimately ended up unfinished.
for more material advice:
when working on fic, i keep a lot of notes in a personal discord server. i have a wip channel and threads for certain fic ideas where i compile plot details, world details, fanart and inspo photos. it's super helpful!!!
one thing that helps me when i have big grand worlds in my head and i need to get them down and written is, instead of choosing to take a bite out of the whole world itself, i try to choose just a snippet or event and build around that. for example, in cicatrix, you get LOTS of lore abt calibrators and their relationship to the luofu, but plenty of what i had spinning around in my noggin didn't make it down. it wasn't relevant to the immediate story, event, or conflict, so it stayed unspoken. however, i think having really rich background going INTO writing these snippets of a larger universe helps fill things out and seem more like... lived in.
i will say. so indispensable. BETA READERS. the first few drafts of cicatrix where so ROUGH when it came to world building. i had the whole lore of calibrators and the luofu in my head, but getting it down clearly and in a way that made enough sense to an unknowing audience took a few read throughs and feedback by some lovely friends of mine. i highly recommend tracking down someone to read over your pieces and provide feedback on the things you're worried about!!!
and like... perhaps a little corny. but. believe in yourself. we are our own greatest critics, and the best attitude to cultivate toward the craft is that you can... do it. you just can. innately anon, regardless of experience, you can create the story and world you want to. bolstering a sense of confidence goes FAR esp if you end up writing a longer piece!!!
anon i got quite rambly asldkf. i hope this is in some way helpful!!! if you have any other questions, i am happy to answer!! i truly think writing immersive worlds is SO fun and engaging, and sometimes you just gotta. throw your hat in the ring. start the run and see where it takes you. i wish you such like and good tidings anon <3
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Star Wars asks #11 – What character do you relate to the most? In what ways?
Jacen Solo. Hands down. Seriously reading any scene with him in it feels like a personal attack.
"In what ways?" This is gonna get oddly personal (and long) but here goes...
(Legacy of the Force notwithstanding. I'm mostly referring to his character in Young Jedi Knights and New Jedi Order)
Exhibition one:
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Admittedly, Jacen does live in his own little world. Which, also admittedly, is something I've also been accused of lol for lack of a better term I think that what Jacen does is dissociate a lot. It's his way of communicating. In Young Jedi Knights, it was animals and plants, in New Jedi Order it was ✨ The Force ✨
He has a tendency of fixating on something, and channeling aaall of his feelings into it. Like a difference I've noticed in New Jedi Order between Jacen and his other two siblings is that Jacen barely ever actually talks about the reality of their situation, about his personal grief, about the war. Instead he's constantly fretting over the Force. All his angst is reserved for that. Again, for me, that's just his way of communicating. He doesn't openly talk about himself exactly.
Which... using a hyperfixation/special interest to cover up your more intimate turmoil?? Yeah. Yeah I can get behind that.
Other than that... Jacen for me is a person who has difficulty compromising his morals, even when not doing so is actively detrimental for himself. He tried to free the Yuuzhan Vong captives because he couldn't accept the reality of their situation and his objective inability to actually help them. He cut himself off the Force for a while because he couldn't fathom using it for attack. And it keeps blowing up on his face. Because realistically... they were in a war. Tough decisions need to be made sometimes.
That's something I also struggle with. Like him, I tend to be more emotional than rational and it doesn't always end up well.
But I guess... if I have to put a more positive spin to it, since this is getting too depressing... it does give me comfort to see the narrative rewarding Jacen for his choices. In Traitor, he does find a way to "keep his hands clean". He is able to work around killing the World Brain.
In the end, compassion is a tough path to follow, but there are moments where it pays off, and these moments are priceless. It's basically how I've chosen to lead my life, and my boy, Jacen gets it, I guess.
To conclude:
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 5
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches… Oh My!
From Godzilla to Dracula to The Mummy, the monster-verse is rich with lore. Today we focus on those monsters that never go out of style, after all they’re called classics for a reason. Is your oc Frankenstein or his monster?
R.I.P. to the creatures that did not come to life:
Vicky Brandt as a witch
Iris Winchester as a vampire
Raevyn Maumahara as a mermaid
But one of them did in fact awaken:
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Kit Kelley as a demon!
I've been thinking about 80s!Kit's faceclaim, but for now, both 80s!Kit and movie!Kit have the same faceclaim, so who of them this is is completely up to interpretation! I could honestly see it as being either BUT the following snippet was written with 80s!Kit in mind for one simple reason: 80s!Face is religious.
"Don't worry, Face, she'll be fine," Hannibal assured him and patted his shoulder.
"How do you know that?" Face threw back. "She was outnumbered ten to one and we left her there!"
"It was probably more like seven to one," Hannibal corrected before heading out of the living room.
"That's still six too many!"
"Look, Face, she's fine," B.A. called from the kitchen. "Sit down and quit whining."
"They had guns, B.A.!" Face insisted.
"C'mon, it's Kit we're talkin' about here," Murdock chimed in. "She always finds a way out."
But his words weren't really doing a lot to calm Face either. He was still pacing around, hands in his pockets, looking over at the radio sitting on the table every now and then as if that would conjure up a message or any sign of life from Kit.
"You want some hot chocolate to cheer you up?"
"Yeah," Face sighed. "Put some rum in it, maybe that'll help."
He usually wasn't the type for day-drinking, maybe a glass of wine if anything, but in this case... Murdock disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Face all by himself. His mind was echoing with silent prayers, hoping that at least one of them would put something into motion.
Suddenly, he felt himself unable to keep walking, instead getting stuck in one spot. When he looked down, his heart stopped beating and his breathing got stuck in his throat. A large snake was coiling around his legs - and quickly too! Where had that even come from, in the middle of an apartment, HIS apartment, on the fourth floor?! While he was still pondering that question, the snake had reached his hips. Quickly, before it could pin them to his sides, he pulled his arms away.
"HANNIBAL!" he cried out in terror, completely unable to move.
Meanwhile, the snake reached his chest, lifting it's head to the height of his ear, flicking its long tongue against it. Hannibal, B.A. and Murdock came storming into the room, also momentarily paralyzed. Suddenly, the snake changed its form, most of its coils disappearing, only its hold around his waist remaining.
"Boo," a voice that was unmistakenly Kit's said.
Really, there she was, in place of the snake, resting her head on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his waist. Immediately, he let out a gasp of relief, despite the fact that his brain was spinning. None of this made sense.
"There she is!" Murdock called out happily. "See? I told you she's fine! You want some hot chocolate, Kit? With rum, without rum, marshmallows, no marshmallows?"
"How about just rum?" Kit smirked. "And some hot chocolate for the Faceman before he faints?"
Really, Face did feel close to fainting. If Kit weren't standing behind him and holding him close, he would probably be falling over.
"Glad to have you back, kid," Hannibal said with a smirk. "Just next time try not to give Face a heart attack."
"I thought it was fun," Kit grinned. "Sorry for being late, by the way, I didn't wanna come here looking like a corpse."
Face finally got his voice back, but the only thing that came out was a jumble of confused sounds. Kit sighed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before picking him up by the waist and placing him in an armchair, running her fingers through his hair.
"What did you need again?"
"I- How are you still alive?" Face blurted out.
"Because I can't die," Kit replied matter-or-factly.
"You can't kill a demon, fool," B.A. remarked, arms crossed, a smirk on his face.
"Demon?" Face chuckled weakly. "You don't-" He turned to Kit, confused and scared. "You're not actually a demon, are you?"
Kit nodded with a smile.
"Of course, she is," Hannibal said. "Otherwise we wouldn't have been so calm. You didn't know?"
"No!" Face scoffed. "Am I the only one who didn't know?"
Both Hannibal and B.A. nodded and Murdock yelled a "Yup!" from the kitchen.
"I honestly thought you knew, that's why I never told you," Kit defended herself. "I mean, you're the religious one."
Hannibal and B.A. left the two of them on their own to have their potential lovers' quarrel in peace.
"Did you seduce me?" Face asked, somewhere between scared and angry.
"No, of course not," Kit scoffed. "That's a you thing. I'm not that type of demon. I'm more of a 'I'm here to drag you to Hell' kind of demon." She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I really thought you knew by now."
Face sighed. "It's okay."
"Is it really?"
"Yeah, I'll get used to it. But you'll have to promise to be a little more open with me from now on, alright?"
Immediately, Kit smirked. She popped open the top button of her shirt and pulled the opening down, prompting Face to pull her hand away with a smile of his own.
"Save it for later, yeah?"
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redd956 · 2 years
Awww I'm glad that you loved it! I basically merged two of my OCs together to create the idea for that Villain. Plus I just love characters with sunglasses.
Sure I'll continue it. I hope this suffices.
Continuation of Prompt 10 (2)
Hero boredly glares at the ticking digital clock. It's bright red numbers flicker to the next. Why is this taking so long? Villain hasn't even been within their base for a day. They aren't even properly conscious, and yet Hero can't get the hundreds of disastrous scenarios out of their head.
Character C/Leader claimed that they needed to keep Villain alive. "Precious intel" they said while lecturing Hero over their precise attacking skills. Hero finds Villain anything but precious. In an hour or so the vile thing could awake, slip out of their medical wing, and wreck havoc on their base.
Villain is locked in a prepared room in the medical wing, with Hero brooding outside of it. Not long passes before an annoyed looking Medic comes sauntering out of it. They slam the door behind them, pushing up their glasses, rolling their eyes over some matter. Hero has a bajillion guesses over what it could be.
Medic gives them a silent nod, motioning their head to the door. Villain steps inside the cold, and fairly small room. Disappointment immediately takes over their face at the sight before them.
Villain sits like a child on the edge of the bed. They kick their feet playfully back and forth. One hand fidgets with the hospital gown Hero did not need to see them in. The other hand pushes up their sunglasses that they somehow managed to coerce into getting back.
Medical equipment turns the small room in an cluttered mess. Normally Medic is much more organized, but who can pay attention with Villain talking their ear off. Despite their surroundings, Villain shares Hero a bright smile. Their fidgeting hand attempts to raise up. A clinking is made as it pulls against a pair of handcuffs. The second half of the cuffs remains latched to the bed.
"Why look so sad to see me alive? I'm starting to think you hate me." , Villain spouts.
"I do. Now who do you wor-"
"Y'know, you need to tell your Medic to lighten up some. They're super grouchy. I mean I would be too without coffee. I drank all of theirs while they weren't looking."
"I am not playing these games with you."
Hero angrily sits down in a spinning desk chair. They can feel a headache brewing, and stare piercing through their skin. Their palm starts to rub their forehead in anticipation.
Villain marvels, "I don't think I've ever seen you sit down."
"You have been on my nerves all day"
"You've been thinking of me? I didn't know you felt such a way Hero" Villain teased.
Their smirk spread into a grin, as Hero slowly turned in their chair, as to not face them. The exhausted sigh that Hero lets loose made them feel even better. Their free hand carefully reaches over their disorganized surroundings, picking a stray paperclip off of a metallic table.
"Who do you work for?", Hero demands, turning back around.
"I already said. I don't work for anyone."
Hero expects this excuse to pop up. They rummage through their back pocket, taking out their cellphone. After a few minutes of scrolling and swiping, they rotate their phone around, shoving it towards Villain.
The picture clear as day displays Villain hanging out with another Villain. It isn't a picture of scheming chaos lords. Instead its in the style of a selfie. Two people posing for the camera, still decked in their normal drab. The uncanny valley of both wearing sunglasses illuminates the satisfied smiles below. The unidentified one hoists Character C/Leader's prized weapon in the air. In the meantime Villain shows off a stolen jacket from another hero.
Villain seethes on the inside, but they push their anger into an eerily forced smile. Their brain first proposes smacking the phone out of Hero's hand. After that intrusive thought passes, the plan to just break the cuffs and remind Hero who's the better fighter occurs. Maybe then they can delete that photo. They'd never have to see that terrible reminder of the threat at hand again.
Hero points at the small emblem on Villain's shirt in the photo.
Hero mentions, "You both wear this sigil. What does it mean?"
"You're not gonna be happy to hear this, but I have had more friends than just you. In fact you're not even the only hero I bother."
Before Hero can argue, or begin shouting like they always do, Medic returns. They force a sheet of paper into Hero's hands. Hero exchanges Medic a confused expression, but Medic just hastily points at the page, and starts prepping an assortment of equipment in the background.
The results of several medical tests are printed out across the paper. Highlighted by neon pink marker is the findings of an unknown substance. Medic neatly wrote out the long list of assumed effects underneath it. Hero skims through them catching insomnia; fake sense of high energy, and eye sensitivity.
Medic adds, "I’ve talked to Character C/Leader about this. There is still some in their system, but I think I have something that can cancel it out. I'm sure it will be easier to get answers from someone who is running off of proper sleep."
Villain tenses, their eyes locking onto the syringe Medic finishes preparing. I can't. They keep their nervous smile going, hurrying up with their paperclip work. I can't sleep. Not now. I'll be out for days. Hero gets up. They are ready to help Medic at the instant. I've already slept enough today...
Hero places their still open phone on a nearby dinky metallic table. They stretch their muscles, debating over whether or not Villain will be the type to struggle. When they glance over to their constant nuisance, their met with a reassuring smile. At least what seems to be one. He stares at the two quietly mumbling to each other.
Medic breaks off from their hushed conversation. Medic attempts to explain to Villain, “I don’t know what you’re on, but we’re taking you off of it. Don’t worry. You need to the sleep in the first place.”
Villain allows the smirk to droop into a neutral pout. Supervillain wants me back tonight. Medic raises the syringe in the air, turning to analyze them. I’m already on strike two...
Hero and Medic make the slightest moves, before villain kicks the rolling chair in their direction. Free from the cuffs, they spring onto their feet, crawling over another table to get to the singular exit.
A sharp ignites from their side. One of Villain’s hands instinctively latches onto the area, barely feeling the patch of bandages underneath the thin gown. Yet they continue to climb over the metallic tables, the other hand taking the time to shove the them in Hero and Medic’s direction.
As soon as Villain lands on their feet again they charge at the door despite Hero’s disgruntled advised denial of the action. The pain in Villain’s side throbs. They refuse to acknowledge it, and admit that it isn’t diminishing back down. Villain swings the door open, and stumbles into the halls of the base.
They spin on their heels in time to see Hero reach the doorway. Hero gets a flash of a vibrantly white smile, before the heavy medical door slams in their face. Hero rapidly goes for the door handle. Alas they hears even more frantic clicking on the other end. With a loud tick the door locks.
Villain retains his smile as loud banging begins behind them. Faintly Hero’s enraged voice booms behind the locked door. It is at this moment Villain realizes they don’t know how to navigate the base. In fact they have no clue where the building that they are in is. However that doesn’t deter Villains from running around aimlessly.
A few members of Hero’s team instantly scatter or hide at the sight of Villain, hospital gown or not. They dash throughout various uniform samesy looking halls. Everything is too clean, too uniform, too bright. Villain sure is glad to be wearing their sunglasses.
Finally an even brighter array of hope meets Villain at the end of sharp turn. The front doors to the outside. Without hesitation they dart for it. Their eyebrows raise, and the smile almost falters as a figure slides in front of them, far more angrier than Hero ever is. Character C/Leader stands firmly. However they stand unarmed.
Villain laughs in their head. What could they do? That thought vanishes as quickly as it appears, when Character C/Leader starts running towards. Why are they running at me? Hero’s friends are supposed to be going the opposite direction. Y’know away from me. Villain starts to back up when they finally understand that Character C/Leader is going through with this. Villain loses the chance to notice how much faster Character C/Leader is sprinting.
Character C/Leader lunges onto Villain, shoving them onto their back. The air is knocked out of them as their back slams against the sleek tile flooring. A yelp almost escapes Villain, as Character C/Leader’s knee digs into their bandaged side immediately. They manage to purse their lips together, concealing the sound, but failing to hide their quickened breathing.
Villain hands push against Character C/Leader, at least trying to adjust the grown person off of their wound. Their eyes fixate against Character C/Leader’s face. Their expression is locked into a tight serious cold emotion. An emotion Villain has seen elsewhere. A feeling Villain will never exhibit.
Character C/Leader glances up aggressively, only relaxing slightly at the company of Hero and Medic. They demand too calmly, “Put them to sleep now”.
The picture from Hero’s phone strikes Villain once again. They begin to flail underneath Character C/Leader, catching glimpses of Hero and Medic jogging over. No. I can’t. Villain slips out from Character C/Leader’s restraint, but barely crawls a foot before doubling over on the spot.
The throbbing suddenly becomes so much more. The awkward feeling of warm liquid slowly spreads across Villain’s side, building up behind the bandages. Villain squirms, another attempt to move forward no matter what. Each movement pulses through Villain from the wound. Character C/Leader’s shadow looms over them, listening to Villain seethe between gritted teeth.
Villain hisses, “I can’t.”
Even with the sunglasses on Villain can see the world dimming quickly. A harsh hand grasps onto to the loose collar of the gown. It hurts too much to turn to see who it is. A differently feeling hand sides next to the other, gently brushing its knuckles across the little hairs of Villain’s neck.
Villain gasps both in shock and pain when a tiny sting forms where the second hand hovered. The hands let go of him, allowing him to pitifully slump to the ground. Their cheek meets the cool flooring. The two people posing in the picture take over their mind. They see themselves. They see the other person. They see that their jig is up. It is going to be strike three. They’re going to end up just like villain 2. Supervillain will be sure of it.
Villain can’t repress the tears the well under the shade of the sunglasses. All three of those standing over them, watch the droplets of water stream out from behind them. Villain sniffles, before uttering, “I do-don't...want...want to die...or...w-worse......"
Dear anon I am so sorry for taking a literal millennia from finishing this, I really hope this suffices. I couldn’t decide where I wanted to go with this... :( Sorry for the extra amount of characters, I’m used to writing about groups.
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
Midoriya x f!reader
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Summary: Y/n had just realized that she has a crush on her best friend, Izuku Midoriya. She confides in Mina while they were walking to class. However, someone just so happens to overhear their conversation.
Word count: 1.9k
Fluff with ⚠️language
This is my first time writing, enjoy!
“I still can’t believe it took you that long to realize it,” Mina joked.
Mina had once again brought up this embarrassing topic. God forbid you mention anything about crushes, it’s all she wants to talk about. But then again you are a bit of a gossip too, you just didn’t like when the topic of conversation was yourself.
“I've been single for the past 16 years, you really expect me to know how my feelings work,” you mumbled while the two of you walked to heroics.
It was exhausting talking about your new found feelings for one of your best friends, Izuku Midoriya. The two of you have known each other for over a year now and had just started second year; and only a few days ago did you realize that you had fallen head over heels for the guy.
“So when are you gonna tell him?” Mina smirked. “What? Mina I can’t tell him that I like him it will ruin our friendship” you replied as your cheeks turned pink.
“Why do you think it’s gonna ruin your friendship?”
You sighed, “Because it’s gonna make everything awkward. I won’t know how to act around him once he knows and it’s not like he likes me back.”
Your friendship with Midoriya was more important than some silly crush. He was always there for you, giving you tips on how to improve your quirk or fighting style, helping you study, and whenever you were in a shitty mood he always knew what to do to lift your spirits.
“Oh please that’s a load of bull shit”
“MINA!” You exclaimed.
“What? You really think he doesn’t like you? You guys are super cuddly and touchy and you two always have to be touching whether your holding hands or your arms are linked.” Mina explained.
You shook your head, “No Mina that doesn’t mean he likes me, he’s just a touchy person,”
She smirked, “oh really, well I’m friends with him and he isn’t cuddly with me. Or even some of his other best friends, like Iida or Ochako, has he ever cuddled with them during movie night?”
You opened your mouth to respond but no words came out. She was right. You thought that he was just a touchy person. You had never noticed that the only person he was physically affectionate with,was you. The constant hand holding, and arms linked or draped across the others shoulders, the cuddling on the couch during movie night. It was only you, no one else.
“And, it’s not just the physical affection, he also goes out of his way to help you, like all the time. More so then the rest of the class. And remember when you sprained your ankle during training a few weeks ago, he freaked out and offered to carry you to recovery girls office, and when you did get there he refused to leave until you were all patched up”
You were speechless. You thought all of that stuff was just his normal helpful personality. He’s always trying to help others. Did he really give you more attention?
“Holy shit,” you whispered. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. It felt like you were frozen in place even though we’re you still walking to heroics.
“Awww now you have to tell him! Come on it will be so cute. You’ll confess your feelings, you’ll start dating and then you’ll be in love, and then soon I’m gonna have to start calling you y/n Midoriya.” Mina giggled.
“Mina!” You hissed, and she replied giggling.
In the middle of your rage, you didn’t notice Shinsou pass by the both of you.
“Hey Shinsou!” Mina said cheered. You looked up and mumbled “hey.” He glanced over looking exhausted as always and replied “Hey guys.”
He walked passed the two of you and always out of your line of sight. However, right afterwards you heard him say “Hey Midoriya”
Wait what?
Did he just say? Nope he didn’t, he did not just say Midoriya. He did not just say the name of the boy you and Mina had an ENTIRE conversation about.
It felt like the world was spinning. Your hands became sweaty and you almost dropped the case with your hero outfit.
You glanced towards Mina and she had the same expression as you, eyes wide, jaw dropped and face pale. The two of you turned our heads and unfortunately there he was. Your best friend, green messy hair, worn out old red shoes, and an almost identical facial expression as you. Except instead of all the color draining from his face, it turned bright red.
He awkwardly smiled and waved his trembling hand. You reverted your head and stared at the floor; you couldn’t look anyone in the eyes.
How long was he behind you? How much did he hear? You didn’t want to ask, you were too mortified to find out.
In your grief you didn’t realize that you had reached the girls locker room. You and Mina quickly ran inside and you sighed the tiniest bit of relief now that Midoriya was gone.
Heroics class was starting and you had barely spoken to anyone since the incident. Your mind hadn’t stopped racing. You played over what happened on the way here over and over again, trying to figure out how much he might have heard.
The only way you were safe from dying of embarrassment was if he only heard that last bit of the conversation where Mina had replaced your last name for his. If anything you could just play that off as Mina joking around or something.
You couldn’t gain the courage to go over and ask him cause there was a pretty high chance he heard EVERYTHING. He however, did have the courage to go over to you. You noticed him walking towards you and your insides felt like they are about to explode.
“Hey y/n” he said as he played with one of the gloves of his costume. You were surprised he wasn’t the same shade as a tomato right now. You on the other hand, we’re the shade of a tomato.
“H-hi Midoriya” you studdered.
He continued to fidget with his glove, “So about what happened earlier”
NO! No no no no! You were not ready for this. You did not want to talk about this right now.
“About what you said to Ashido, I . . “
“How much did you hear?” You had to know, it was eating you alive.
“Um well, a lot of it”
SHIT! Red alert! He knows, I repeat, he knows you like him.
“Oh yea right” you awkwardly giggled. “That was um, just uh. . . “
“All right class, let’s get started” All might interrupted.
“Today we will be working on close combat. You will all be in groups of two and we will take turns one at a time, so your classmates can observe and critique your work.”
Thankfully Heroics went by smoothly after your little, but very awkward, conversation with Izuku.
You didn’t speak to him the next day at school either. You didn’t know what to say and you were terrified of what he would say about what he heard. Others had noticed too, it was odd that you two weren’t holding hands or had your arms linked let alone not looked at each other.
Once you headed back to the dorms you spent the entire afternoon in your room just like the day before. Midoriya even tried to talk to you. He knocked on the door and asked if he could come in but you said you were in the middle of an assignment. Which was a lie and he knew it because you had finished all your work during free period. You were just too scared to even look at him let alone talk to him.
You didn’t leave your room until Sero came and practically dragged you downstairs for movie night.
You heard a knock on your door and prayed it wasn’t Izuku. “Hey y/n, it’s Sero”
You sighed and got up from your bed to open the door, “Hey.” He saw your tired eyes, “are you ok?”
You realized he saw right through you and replied “yea I’m good just kinda freaked out about something,” His face fell and filled with worry, “do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really, its kinda personal and embarrassing, you replied.
Sero knew not to push you. You tended to have a hard time opening up and if he kept asking you would end up never telling him, or anyone at all. “Oh ok, but if you ever wanna talk I’m all ears,” he sympathized. “Wait, I almost forgot the whole reason I came up here. We’re gonna start the movie soon.”
Crap. You completely forgot it was Friday, and Friday was movie night. Where everyone sits in the common room and watches a movie. The movie night where you cuddled with your best friend on the couch every week. The best friend that you have a crush on. The same best friend that now knows that you like him, and might like you back but you're still not sure because there is no proof.
“Ummm ya know I don’t think I can make it to movie night I have a lot of work to do” you lied.
“But didn’t you finish all your work during your free period? Remember you put your feet on the desk when you were done and Iida scolded you for descracing school property.” He replied.
Damn, he was there for that?
“Oh Yea, so I guess I am free,” you said with a fake cheery attitude as you fumbled with your bracelets. You grabbed your phone, turned off the lights and followed Sero down to the common room.
Once you two reached the living room you noticed that everyone was seated ready to play the film. There were two empty spaces to sit. One of them was right between Midoryia and Jiro. You couldn’t sit next to him and cuddle for the next two hours without your brain exploding. You tried to go to the other vacant seat but sadly, Sero beat you to it.
You had no other choice. You slowly made your way to the couch and plopped down in the empty spot as the movie started. You crisscrossed your legs and played with your bracelets again. Midoryia took note of this, he knew you always played with your jewelry when you were scared or anxious. He leaned to your ear and whispered “Hey, are you ok?”
You didn’t look him in the eye. “Yea I’m good”
You hated lying to him but you couldn’t gain the courage to talk to him.
He leaned over to whisper in your ear again. “By the way, Mina was right. I do like you back.”
This was now the second time today that you felt your heart stop. You turned your head to face him. You were inches apart. “Promise?” You asked.
“I Promise.”
You both smiled as your cheeks turned pink. You leaned into him and wrapped your arms around his waist as he put his arm around you and pulled your closer.
He kissed the top of your head, “I missed this.” It may sound cheesy, but your insides felt like they were filled with butterflies.
“I missed this too”
Over on the other side of the couch a smug looking Mina whispered to Jiro, “I knew it.”
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
I am not a woman, I'm a God (17+)
If I can't have love I want power pt 2
If I can't have love masterlist
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Word Count: 1640
Genre: dark I guess?
Request: no
Warnings: none? (atm anyways)
A/N: I'm not too happy with this chapter so it's subject to change BUT the next couple chapters should pick things up a little :3 OH and the next chapter might contain smut (Idk yet - I'll try to edit this when I've written the next chapter)
1737 - The middle
The revenge was sweet and drawn out. The redhead and her long-time friend had made sure of that. They let you finish the duke off but not before they had their fun. The two women were gorgeous, both with red hair that would make any woman jealous. The green-eyed woman had hair like a wildfire and the blue-eyed woman had hair the colour of a deep red sunset. Liking women was wrong but you weren’t sure these two counted as women – they certainly weren’t human. Wanda, the one with sunset hair, tortured your husband mentally, angry whisps the same colour as Natasha’s hair crawled in through his ears and buried themselves deep within his brain. While this was happening, Natasha was peeling layer after layer of skin off him with her razor-sharp nails. You weren’t sure if you could even call them nails – not when they looked so much more like claws. While Wanda was exploiting your husband’s deepest darkest fears, Natasha was calmly explaining to you which tools to use where so you could cause the most pain. Apparently pain and torture was an aphrodisiac for them because the two demons decided to show you what you had been missing out on due to your husband’s lack of skill.
That was almost 200 years ago. Wanda and Natasha had given you great gifts, allowing you to have a much longer life, giving you cat-like reflexes and godlike powers. Perhaps your favourite was the enhancements they gave to your voice. People were suddenly compelled to do whatever you suggested they do and the rush it gave you was unexplainable. These gifts were not free however and yet the price was one you willingly paid repeatedly. Especially because it meant spending extra time with your two favourite demons. You were there to cause chaos and have fun which was ironic considering Wanda was a chaos demon and Natasha was a succubus but perhaps that’s why you did what you did. Perhaps it was because you were made by them and therefore must serve them in every way imaginable.
You had watched your siblings grow from afar and made sure every single villager who ever even looked at them wrong suffered. When you were with Wanda and Natasha, it felt as if everything just fit into place. It was strange and you felt as if you shouldn’t miss them – they killed and tortured your husband in front of you, gave you gifts that meant you couldn’t live a normal life and coerced you into sex that you weren’t sure you wanted; yet you still wanted them.
Your story was told countless times and the more times it was told, the deeper the truth was twisted into a legend, a tale mothers told their children to keep them away from the forests late at night. You were turned into a martyr, a victim of the horrible cruelties the evil creatures of the world could bestow onto innocent girls.
You were anything but.
If the storytellers could see you now, they would burn all mentions of your story. You were a problem child, a bad example and you had two of the most powerful demons wrapped around your little finger.
A few years ago, you had mentioned to Natasha and Wanda one evening that you were bored. That’s how you found yourself currently being shot at.
“Natty I’m bored.” You whined, throwing yourself dramatically over the bed. History was going through a dry spell; people weren’t doing anything interesting and there weren’t enough opportunities for you to wreak havoc.
“Natty” Wanda mocked “Our princess is bored.”
“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” Natasha moved to hover over you, Wanda placed your head in her lap. Natasha’s tail flicked with a cat-like manner before it slithered between your legs.
You grabbed her tail and she let out a moan “Not now Natasha. I’m serious. If I knew living forever was going to be this boring, then I wouldn’t have done it.” That wasn’t quite true, you enjoyed being theirs to use but you were getting restless.
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning up to kiss Wanda instead. You waited a few moments for the two demons to stop their make-out session, but it didn’t look to be ending any time soon. You rolled out from underneath Natasha and untangled Wanda’s fingers from where she was massaging your scalp.
“Awe come back baby.” Wanda broke the kiss and made grabby arms at you. For a supposed demon, she sure was soft. “I promise we’ll make things more fun.”
Natasha rolled her eyes again “You’ve gone soft Wands.” Although Natasha huffed and puffed about how ‘soft’ Wanda had gotten, she seemed to have a slightly less hardened heart when she looked at you.
You were no longer bored but you were being shot at and while it couldn’t kill you, it sure did sting. Perhaps going after Dick Turpin’s loot was a bad idea but what can you say? You wanted to live a little. All you had wanted was a pretty horse you had seen him steal but nooo – he had to keep them all for himself. You had managed to escape Mr Turpin himself but one of his lackeys just wouldn’t give up. Rather than continuing to run, you decided you may as well get a quick meal.
“Hello darling.” Your voice echoed from all around, you watched as the man trying to kill you frantically whipped his head around.
“Who are you? Come out now!”
You let out a low, predatory chuckle.
“I’m the poor little martyr in all your stories.”
“No. You can’t be- that’s impossible! You should be dead!” You watched as the man continued to spin around and around in circles, watching him trip before revealing yourself.
“I am ancient. I have seen empires rise and fall. I have seen kings and queens and holy men enter the world and I have seen them leave; and yet I am nowhere near as old or as powerful as the women who made me the person I am today. While I watched preestablished civilisations crumble, they were reminiscing the time they created them, all while burning them to the ground. Some call me the end but they are mistaken. They are the end. I am your warning. I am the only kindness they will show you. Trivial things such as death do not concern me.” As you finished your speech, Natasha and Wanda’s comforting aura surrounded you, the dark mist embracing you before forming the two women.
“Couldn’t let you have all the fun now could we dove?” Natasha’s voice rumbled out against your neck, biting it lightly.
“You have to share.” Wanda cooed, lifting your chin up to face her as she captured your lips with hers.
The idiot who you were about to kill and feed on decided now was a good time to make their escape. Luckily, Wanda had other plans as her red magic bought the squirming meal back to you.
“Go away. I want to eat. It’s been so long.” You pouted, making your way back to your meal. It was a little annoying that to continue living in your young body that you had to drain the soul from another person, but it was worth it.
“But if we leave then who’s going to do all the heavy lifting?”
“And who will dig the hole in your garden?”
“Or put the body in the hole?”
“Okay! I get it. Fine. But just hush, okay? I like to eat in peace.” You grabbed the man and kissed him hard, feeling his soul merge with yours before it was consumed by the darkness.
“I don’t know why you always have to kiss them to feed” Natasha bit out, moving away from you with Wanda, voicing her unhappiness at you kissing someone else when only she should be kissing you- her and maybe Wanda.
“Well, it wasn’t me who made her feed that way.” Wanda whispered back
“Are you suggesting this is my fault?” Natasha’s voice got low and dangerous, and you felt the forest drop about 10 degrees.
“Well that’s how you feed isn’t it?” Wanda’s eyes glowed and a wind picked up.
You pulled away from your meal, the faint glow of his soul swirling around your mouth and eyes. “Want to share?” The forest rose back to its original temperature and climate as Natasha kissed you, absorbing small remnants of the soul. Wanda wrapped one arm around your waist while the other snaked up to your neck, her teeth lightly biting and sucking along your shoulders.
“I think you forget dove” Natasha broke the kiss to growl at you
“We’re in charge here. If we wanted to share, then we would share.” Wanda finished off for her.
It dawned on you that perhaps this was about more than just the meal. They were jealous.
“Are you two jealous?” You laughed, not at the situation but at their reactions. Wanda bit you harder and Natasha just glared at you.
“Of course not. Why would we be jealous of some silly insignificant dum-”
“Baby…” You reached up and placed one hand lightly on Wanda’s horn and the other on Natasha’s cheek, effectively stopping Natasha’s rant about how unjealous they are. Wanda moved from where she was standing behind you to stand next to Natasha. “You both know that if I could live off Demon energy then I would, but I can’t.”
Natasha and Wanda shared a look, having a silent conversation in the space of seconds before turning their attention back to you. “That’s not necessarily true love.” Wanda said.
“It will be painful but…well demons aren’t born. They’re made.” Natasha explained.
“And if you wanted to…”
You didn’t even hesitate before giving your answer. “Yes.”
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lailyn · 2 years
This Magical Journey Called Multiple Chapter 11
“Hell of a night.”
Stephen could not agree more. “Hell of a night.”
“You sure Loki’s alright?”
It was the third time Tony had asked him the question but Stephen allowed it, on the grounds of it being a valid concern and Tony needing more assurances than the average person. Also, Stephen needed to hear it said enough times to believe it himself. 
“Yes, Tony, he’s alright.” 
Stephen deliberately omitted the ‘for now’; no good would come out of it, judging by the tension still oozing from his husband’s posture. 
He kneaded Tony’s stiff shoulders. “Hot chocolate sounds divine right now, don’t you think?”
Tony moaned, “God, yes. Don’t hold back on the bourbon, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Stephen said with a tired smile.
Instead of conjuring it by magic, he took it upon himself to make Tony's drink from scratch. There was something soothing about waiting for the milk to gently come to a boil, the marshmallow to partially melt into the thick, chocolatey goodness of the hot cocoa.
The smell that soon filled the kitchen was heavenly, as evident by the delight on Tony's face when he accepted the steaming mug. "You're a godsend." 
"Right back at you." Stephen eased himself onto the couch and gestured for Tony to come closer, who obliged without so much as a word. 
Stephen buried his face into the back of Tony's head, breathing in the residual scent of the ocean.
He remembered many a night just like this, spent in each other’s arms by the fire. While Tony would drink to forget, and he to remember, the sparse conversation hardly mattered when every breath they took was each other's, making all the hurts in the world suddenly seem so far away. 
"We dodged a bullet tonight," he murmured. 
Tony nodded into Stephen's chest. "All thanks to you."
"Hey, you deserve credit too. Like, some of it," Stephen chuckled. A kiss grazed the top of Tony's head. "Operation Amaterasu wouldn't have been a success without you."
Tony made a face. "I think we got off easy." 
Stephen was quiet for a while. "You do, huh?"
"Too easy means there's a catch somewhere," Tony said darkly. "I'm familiar with how the universe works by now."
Stephen rolled his eyes. "Have you been binge-watching apocalypse movies again?"
"No, being married to the Sorcerer Supreme and the God of Mischief is apocalyptic enough," Tony countered.
Stephen was not fooled by the playful inflection in his tone; it would not be the first time Tony hid behind a wall of dry humour. "Tony, are you alright?"
"I still think we should get Loki electronically tagged," Tony muttered. "It's not too late. I can still do it."
"I am not talking about Loki," Stephen said quietly. 
Tony extricated himself out of the embrace and placed the half-empty mug on the coffee table.
"It's a lot to take in, Strange," he admitted, clasping and unclasping his hands. "But I'll be okay."
"You sure?" 
It took Tony a while to answer. "Yeah."
"Coz if there's anything you need to get off your chest…"
"Nah." Tony shook his head, flashing his fretting husband a brave smile. "It's just…my catastrophist brain. I got all these what-ifs spinning around in my head, it's stupid. Just forget it."
Stephen could not contain his curiosity. "What if what?" 
"I am going to be a dad, Stephen. We are going to be dads," Tony enunciated the words, as though saying them slowly would somehow make them less true. "How crazy is that?"
"Crazy," Stephen agreed readily. "But we do crazy for a living."
Tony barked a laugh. "Only you can say something like that and make perfect sense."
"I've seen stranger things in my time," Stephen said, smiling at the slow but sure return of Tony's good spirit. 
"Guess I'm worrying myself ahead of time. If I turn out to be a shitty dad, there's nothing much I can do about it, is there?"
"That's simply not possible," Stephen said firmly. "You're gonna make a great dad." 
"You didn't hesitate at all there, Doctor," Tony said gratefully. "You must be telling the truth."
"Doesn't take a genius to figure that out," Stephen said. "Your fan club is overrun by minors. You're great with kids."
"Other people's kids."
"Peter worships the ground you walk on, and he's as good as ours," Stephen reminded him. 
Tony's eyes brightened at the mention of his ward's name. "He's going to freak when he hears the news."
Stephen groaned. "If you don't mind, please wait just a little longer before you tell him. I don't think I have the energy to counter his."
"You're great with kids too."
"It's okay, Stark. I wasn't fishing for a compliment."
"America adores you."
Stephen snorted fondly. "So we're great with teenagers. I don't see how that's going to help Loki much. At least, not for the next twelve years."
"Don't you worry your pretty little head over that. I'll get us the best nannies money can buy."
Stephen winced. "We'll have to see what Loki thinks about that. I have a feeling he's more a hands-on sort of parent."
"Yeah…" Tony had to agree. "Loki wouldn't let anyone touch our kids. Not without getting them to waive the rights to their own head and grant him leave to separate it from their body should anything happen to the babies."
Tony leaned back into the curve of Stephen's shoulder once more. "Guess it's just you and me."
"And you and me is more than enough."
Tony sighed a contented sigh and turned his head to drop a kiss on Stephen's chest. "You always know what to say to set my head straight, Doctor."
"That's what I'm here for, Tony."
Tony hummed. He spent the next few minutes picking at imaginary lint on Stephen's sweater. 
After a short eternity had passed,
"I wouldn't have left," Tony murmured.
"What you said back there." 
Tony raised his head off of Stephen's shoulder and their gazes met. "I wouldn't have left you."
Stephen's eyes watered. "We would have been miserable."
Tony shrugged. "Then we would have been miserable together."
Stephen still did not look convinced, so Tony wrapped his arms around his husband's waist. 
"You and me," he echoed Stephen's words from earlier, for no truer words had ever been said. "We're enough."
"We're enough."
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dewykth · 4 years
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pairing. jeon jungkook | female reader | [_]
genre & au's. smut, humor / camgirl!reader, camboy![_], rich boy!jjk, my neighbor is a cam girl au 
words. 710
warnings. (vague) mentions of masturbation & sex, dick & porn talk, not too much action since this is a teaser ;)  [nc-17]
notes. gosh i'm so excited for this fic!! i hope you guys will enjoy reading it as much as i've enjoyed writing it <33 feedback is much appreciated!!
[teaser #1] ♡ [teaser #2]
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teaser synopsis. the first time jungkook finds his neighbor’s cybersex account.
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It's late into the night when Jungkook stumbles across your video.
The moonlight shines through the open window of his bedroom as he mindlessly scrolls through the cybersex.com trending page, flipping through videos to see what piques his interest. This wasn’t something he did often, or ever, but in the past few months, he had been going through a bit of a... dry spell, one could say. Jungkook had made the mistake of getting drunk with his roommate Namjoon and had told him his tiny problem; he hadn’t been able to... cum in a while. Even porn videos didn’t turn him on like before.
Luckily, Namjoon didn’t make (too much) fun of him, and had told Jungkook about this cam website instead. Namjoon gave him his account, telling him he didn't need it anymore when he had his girlfriend (something that felt like subtle bragging but whatever). He had bought a year-long membership and still had 6 months left so Jungkook figured it was worth at least trying it out. But, he had been growing bored, not finding anything that would suit his preferences when he sees something that makes him sit up on his bed.
LIVE!: wish u were here rn <3
by SweetHeart666
#29 on trending
That’s… weird. Jungkook is almost completely sure he’s seen those same dainty pink shorts before. In fact, just a few weeks ago, when he had gone to throw out the trash at the same time you had come back from doing laundry. You had ‘accidentally’ dropped them right as he passed you in the hallway. Jungkook remembers it clearly because almost right after he had handed them back to you, he ran back to his apartment and came to the thought of pulling them off of you and shoving his face in between your legs.
It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. You were always flirting with Jungkook, teasing him, and driving him up a wall with your revealing clothes and sly touches. The tension in the morning elevator rides you two shared was suffocating, air so thick that you could probably slice through. It also didn’t help that he was practically putty in the palm of your hands (and boy did you know it). But, god, he really needed to get laid soon if he was even thinking of the possibility that the moans he hears almost every night through the thin walls of his bedroom might have to do with you being a Cybersex cam girl.
There’s a split second where Jungkook sees nothing but a black screen, before a bed with black silk sheets appears. Slow and sensual music is playing in the dimly lit room, filtering through the speakers of his computer. He waits with bated breath, hoping to anyone that is up there that he’s just seeing things, that he’ll laugh about his stupid, stupid brain and move on. But the reassurance never comes. Instead, his heart begins racing, and his palms start to get clammy. Did he accidentally leave the thermostat on? And why is the room suddenly spinning?
Your laugh sounds muffled, but Jungkook knows it’s you before you actually appear on his computer screen in all your seductive glory. Jungkook’s fingers hover over the pad of his laptop as he catches sight of the lace garter belt beneath those stupid fucking pink shorts. You’re running your hands over your body, a slight quirk on the corner of your lips as you look directly into the camera and into Jungkook’s eyes. His breath hitches, and he shuts his laptop before he can see anything else. Jungkook looks down, glaring at the semi he had gotten just from seeing your flushed face and that damned smirk of yours. He glances at his laptop again. 
Was he really about to get off to his next-door neighbor’s cam videos?
His hands wrap around the frame of his laptop before he can think any more of it. You appear on his screen again, this time stripped down to the baby pink lingerie and Jungkook feels his dick twitch in his pants.
nj_94 tipped 3,000 hearts!
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© dewykth. all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, translate or modify.
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ahh you're one of my fav writers and I'm so happy you've reached over 3k!!! for the follower celebration thing could I request Javier pena x Fem!reader and the prompt thingy number 15 ! maybe like they're partners and they go out for a drink after work and get super drunk? idk you're the mastermind here haha. I've been binge watching narcos and Pedro just looks so fine in it 🥰 I'm so not ready for it to end 😔 thank u so much!!! love u!!
Thank you so so much 🥺💕
Binge watching narcos is how it all starts. I’m telling you... 😂
And the prompt.... I don’t even know how this got so out of hand lol
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It’s been one long fucking week. A long week with nothing that was bringing you closer to getting Escobar. It seemed like days seemed to fade into weeks and into months in a blink of an eye and there was nothing you could about it.
So Javier like the saint he tried to make you believe (he hadn’t been able to keep a straight face) he was, took you out to get some drinks.
That’s how you found yourself on the early Saturday morning sitting at a dark table at some bar, people watching. It was way past your bedtime but you had nowhere to be the next day. Or more like later that day. You hated the taste of whiskey yet Javi had made you taste some of his, before he got you some fruity beverage that had made your head spin after the third.
“You know what I miss Javi?” you slurred, emptying your drink in one go. You looked at him, seeing him raise his left eyebrow in question.
“I miss having my head empty. I want to wake up in the morning and not having my first thought be that I’m miserable because there’s people fucking dying out here while I had my 3 hours of sleep.”
He only nodded.
“You have to search something that makes you forget,” he said and you snorted.
“You mean like fucking my way through the city?”
“If that’s what helps you,” he shrugged yet there was something in his eyes you couldn’t quite name.
“You forget that I can’t do that. I’m not a man. It’s hard to be taken seriously around here anyways. If I’d be labeled the DEA slut I could just pack my things and leave.”
“Fuck them,” he hissed and you actually had to laugh.
“You’re too good to me Javier Peña,” you smiled, leaning back in your seat. You saw him shook his head.
“I’m really not,” he brought his glass to his lips before he got up and walked over to the bar, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The sad truth was that you were head over heels with Javier. And the longer you spent time alone with him, without anyone around, the more you felt let lose and not like the world was suffocating you. 
“I got you some water and some crackers. Your head is gonna explode if you don’t hydrate.” Javi was so close as he leaned down setting the pitcher of water down in front of you.
“See? You are too good to me,” and before you could stop yourself you kissed his cheek before he could walk away from you. He stopped to look at you and your eyes grew wide as you noticed what you’d done. He only gulped before he turned and sat down on his seat.
You reached for a cracker, emptying a big glass of water, ignoring the way he looked at you.
“You know...”, he grabbed his newly filled glass of whiskey and pulled his chair closer to yours. “We could find something to clear your mind.”
“Yeah?” you laughed, he only nodded.
“Yeah. Like getting shitfaced every week. You’d have to practice though. You’re a light weight,” he teased.
“Pffft,” you huffed, elbowing him lightly in his side. He was so close. He smiled at you.
“No I’m serious. I need you here to get Escobar. And I’ll do whatever it takes to help you help me.”
“Anything?” you gasped. He only nodded and you could see how serious he was in his eyes.
“God Javi why are you so nice to me?” you groaned. “How am i supposed not to fall more in love with you when you look at me like that?” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop your drunk brain from closing your mouth. Your eyes widened and you were ready for the floor to open up to swallow you.
He was quiet and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. Maybe he didn’t hear you. And because you were drunk and it didn’t make any sense you got up from your seat.
“You wanna dance, Javi?” you asked, still not looking at him. You didn’t wait for him either as you walked to the dance floor.
Deciding to dance the awkwardness away you just let loose. Singing loudly until you felt hands in your hips. Turning around you looked into Javier’s eyes as he brought you closer.
“You’re drunk and that’s the only reason I’m telling you you this,” he whispered in your ear as he brought you closer to his chest, swinging the both of you slowly. “You are the best thing that could have happened to me even if I don’t show it. You’re the most important thing to me, honey.” You closed your eyes as these words registered in your brain.
The song stopped and you looked up at him just when he leaned down, softly kissing your forehead. Shivering you breathed out, his lips lingering on your skin.
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
Your felt like you had been run over by a train when you blinked your eyes open in the morning.
“Fuck me.” You whispered to yourself as you slowly pushed yourself up to sit on the bed. The curtains at the window were closed making you frown. You always forgot to do that. There was enough light to just make out the bottle of water on your bedside table and a package of aspirin.
You didn’t know if you suddenly had some kind of fucked up fairy godmother but you didn’t complain when you grabbed both.
You secretly hoped you would have forgotten everything that you’ve said last night but you didn’t. You didn’t forget one fucking thing. Groaning you let your head fall back when you heard something in your living room,
It took you more time than you would like to admit to yourself to get out of bed and walk to your closed bedroom door. Maybe it was some Narco. At this point you wouldn’t even fight him to make the pounding in your head stop. Instead you saw Javi sitting on your couch, his head hanging low in between his shoulders. Nervously sucking your lip in you slowly walked over. Even though you felt like dying, you needed answers.
If he had heard you walk over he didn’t acknowledge it.
“Did you mean what you said last night?” you whispered. Slowly he tilted his head up until he looked at you.
“You weren’t supposed to remember that “ he whispered back. You just looked at him, waiting.
“Did you mean what you said?” he asked you. Slowly you nodded. You felt his hand grab yours as he came to stand in front of you.
“If we do this, if you want this. Us...” he whispered and you looked up at him. “I’m bad at this stuff.”
You smiled a little.
“You’re already so much better than I am Javi.”
He leaned down, his arms coming around you to grab you as he picked you up, making you giggle as you crossed your legs around his waist.
“I fucking love you,” he smiled before he kissed you.
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somersetmummy · 3 years
(A/N) This chapter takes place right at the beginning of the story, prior to TNA Chapter 1. Some characters property of Pixelberry.
Original characters: Katie Hide (MC), Jenny Blake
New characters: Lucinda Hansen
Rating/Content Warning: Mild adult language
Word count: 2005
Summary: MC Katie Hide is an English rose, living in New York. She’s down on her luck and desperately needs a job before her visa expires and she’s sent back to London. A chance conversation with a friend leads to an unlikely opportunity. Little did she know that one little interview would change the course of her life forever.
- Bonus social edits at the end -
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Just like any other Thursday morning of recent weeks, Katie and Jenny were killing time together in their favourite coffee shop just down the street from their shared apartment. It had become Katie's haven and her go-to place when she wanted to lose herself for a few hours people watching, letting the stories of their lives unfold around her.
She'd always had a knack for paying attention to the details, noticing things which passed by most others. It was a skill she'd relied on heavily in her work, always giving her the edge, at least it had until the time it led to her downfall at Panacea Labs.
Katie had recently walked out of her job after piecing together a scheme under the radar to roll out a costly new drug for treating MS, despite there being multiple warning signs that it was ultimately ineffective but instead just masked the symptoms. Anyone else would've just glossed over the signs, not even noticing, but to Katie, the anomalies jumped off the page unmistakably. It was when she tried to escalate her concerns that she was shut down and her life in the lab made a misery by the VP, Declan Nash.
It hadn't taken long for her to realise that the company was more concerned about profits than actually helping people and she knew that the battle to fall in line and keep her job wasn't worth it. After calmly and quietly sending a company wide report on her findings, she gathered her things and walked out before she could be accosted by security. Little did she know that Nash had already been keeping tabs on her communications, in his eyes she was a trouble maker, and the report never saw the light of day.
Unfortunately for Katie, the current opportunities for young women in the biotech and pharmaceutical world just weren't what they should have been and she spent the next few weeks furiously searching for something else to avoid her work visa being revoked. 
Having moved from London to attend the New York Institute of Technology and graduating with a Masters in Chemistry & Bio Engineering three years ago, she'd fallen in love with the city and the life she'd built. She didn't know exactly what the future held and couldn't put her finger on why, but she had a very strong feeling that she needed to stay in New York.  
Today, Katie had planned to work through all the job adverts remotely relating to her experience and qualifications, with Jenny on hand to offer moral support. Tiring quickly of hitting one brick wall after another, they'd long forgotten the laptop and instead had spent the last 30 minutes idly chatting about Jenny’s upcoming gallery event when Lucinda arrived, phone to her ear, her body tense and voice sharp as she wrapped up a call with her boss.
"Of course I've got someone Angela, I wouldn't put my name in the mix if I didn't. My candidate is going to blow the others out of the water, I just know Mr Dalton will be impressed....no not just impressed, he'll be awestruck..."
While waiting for her to wrap up her call, Katie heads to the counter to order Lucinda a much needed coffee and returns to place it down in front of her just as she hangs up. She tosses her phone onto the table and slumps back in her chair, defeated.
Jenny stares her down waiting for an explanation which she and Katie both know Lucinda desperately wants to give but is holding off for dramatic effect.
After a long sip of coffee and a moment of holding her head in her hands she finally exhales.
"I am so SO SCREWED."
Katie and Jenny share a look before returning their attention to Lucinda.
"I've just promised my boss that I have the perfect candidate for some billionaire business man's nanny position....." She glares at them both as if they should understand why that's a problem. "I never touch these sorts of jobs, I only ever look for candidates in finance, nannying isn't worth my time."
Katie chooses her words carefully, knowing how Lucinda can bite back pretty quickly when she's stressed. Speaking softly, cautious not to poke the bear, she looks Lucinda in the eye and internally braces herself for whatever might come next.
"So what made this one so different?"
Fortunately Lucinda seems to finally be relaxing, she replies more quietly.
"Filling this position will put me on the map, nobody in the firm has been able to secure someone for this guy, they only seem to last a few weeks before they quit so the sign on bonus never kicks in. If I could find the perfect person I wouldn't only get a great bonus, I'd be next in line for promotion to Senior Head-hunter."
Her demanding demeanour melts away and she's left looking almost vulnerable. Something Katie knows Lucinda doesn't find at all comfortable.
"Anyway, I'll figure it out, I always do."
She gives Katie and Jenny a soft smile, allowing herself to momentarily forget about her woes so she can refocus the attention back to them.
"So what were you guys talking about before I came in?"
As Katie opens her mouth to speak Jenny cuts in on her behalf.
"Oh Katie's just been trying to work out how to get a job before her visa renewal date comes up in a couple of weeks."
Katie lets out a sigh of her own, suddenly remembering how dire her employment prospects are and feeling equally as defeated as Lucinda.
"I can't believe I've worked so hard for my degree, I found the perfect job in the perfect city but now it's all gone down the drain and I'm going to have to go back home and never see you all again."
Jenny wraps her arm around Katie's shoulders, pulling her close. "Oh come on, like you'd be able to shake us off. Even if you are in another country!"
As suddenly as Lucinda dramatically entered the coffee shop she slams her hand onto the table making the others jump.
"THAT'S IT!" She cries, her idea almost exploding out of her. "This is just too perfect...."
Katie and Jenny share a confused look before turning back to Lucinda who is practically foaming at the mouth, clearly onto something, though they're not quite sure what.
"You need a job, I need a candidate." She says in her signature matter of fact style.
Katie still has no idea where Lucinda's going with this.
"It's win win. I'll put you forward for the nanny position, you'll get a great job which means you get to stay in New York, I'll get my bonus. Not to mention I'll look like a damn superhero at work!"
The cogs start to turn in Katie's brain as she begins to digest what Lucinda is proposing.
"But I'm not a nanny....and what about my visa, it's only valid for work in relation to my degree."
Lucinda waves her hand at her, dismissing her concerns. "No problem there then. This guy's family owns one of the biggest Biotech companies in the country, surely that's related to your degree? He's so desperate for a successful match I'll make sure the visa thing is part of the contract."
She cuts back in quickly just as Katie opens her mouth to object.
"And as for you not being a nanny, what about all those times in the lab when you had to pull rank and sort out the shit that went down between your useless colleagues? You've done more nannying of adults in the last two years than most actual nanny's do in their whole career with children."
Jenny suddenly chimes in "OH MY GOD, this is genius!"
Defeated, Katie turns to look at Jenny in disbelief. She may have had a chance saying no to just Lucinda but with Jenny on board with this idea as well she may as well give up now.
"This will solve both your problems, I mean come on, who wouldn't want to work for this guy..."
Jenny turns her phone to Katie, clearly having been searching while she and Lucinda were talking. On the screen Katie sees the most devastatingly handsome man she's ever come across. He's nothing like the guys she'd known before, this person, was a real man and the sight of him caused her stomach to flip.
While undeniably handsome, it's not just the physical attraction that she's drawn to. Her eyes move to the company bio underneath his headshot and in true Katie style, she scans all of the accolades and achievements the company has to boast about. Her mind races at the possibilities. There's no mistaking that working for this man could open the door to so many opportunities and experiences in the future.
With a sigh she resigns herself to the fact that Lucinda might actually be on to something, this could be the break Katie had been waiting for and would certainly solve her imminent visa problems if she could get it taken care of as part of the contract negotiations.
With a silent nod and slight shrug of the shoulders, she begrudgingly agrees, much to the delight of her friends who squeal at each other in delight. Lucinda immediately pushes her shoulders back, standing to attention, furiously beginning to type on her phone.
"You TA'd for your old professor right?"
"Yes, I did a year as their assistant after graduating. Mainly doing research and going to conferences with her."
Lucinda's eyes never leave her phone as she works her magic, spinning Katie's words into an impressive resume. After a moment she raises her eyebrows and flits her eyes over to Katie, a small gesture which Katie realises is an invitation to elaborate.
"Oh, yeah so that's actually how I got into Panacea Labs, I met a rep at one of those conferences."
Jenny rolls her eyes at the mention of Katie's old company, now affectionately known by them both as Pariah Labs. Despite what she felt about Katie's previous employer, she was immensely proud of Katie's achievements and wanted to make sure they were included.
"Weren't you the youngest lab boss thingy they'd ever had?"
"Senior lab technician." Katie corrects, knowing full well that Jenny hasn't got a clue about the finer details of her work. "Well, yeah eventually, after two years of working my butt off. But I hardly think they'd rave about that in any reference they give me. If they even give one to begin with..."
Lucinda waves a dismissive hand at her.
"With this resume, you won't need any reference from those bastards. Trust me."
Katie had no idea what Lucinda had written or how she'd managed to spin her experience to be more favourable for a nanny position but it must've worked because half an hour later Lucinda slammed her hand down on the table once again, causing everyone around them to jump out of their skin.
"YES! It worked...he wants to see you, you've got an interview tomorrow at the Dalton Enterprises headquarters".
She turns her phone to Jenny to show off the email and they fall into an animated conversation, no doubt planning how they're all going to celebrate once Katie inevitably gets offered the job. As they fall into a blur in the background, Katie looks back over the picture of Sam Dalton on Jenny's phone, not quite sure how she can be so hypnotised by someone through a photograph.
There's something about him which feels familiar, something drawing her in. It's almost as if they're viewing each other through a looking glass and she wonders whether in this exact moment he is feeling the same magnetic pull towards her, a stranger whom he hasn't even met yet. Tearing her eyes away from the phone, Katie's tries to steady the stream of unanswered questions flooding her mind and focus on how she's going to win this man over.
"Here goes nothing."
TAG List: @shewillreadyou @chemist-ana @txemrn @silma-words @thefrenchiemama @secretaryunpaid @sfb123
- Bonus - pre-interview pep talk with the girls -
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
The Lost Boys Find Out their Fem!S/O is Pregnant [1/4]
Okay so these came out much longer than intended. What can I say, I took the idea and ran with it! So, for your reading pleasure each boy will get his own individual post! 🖤�� After this I may do a collective post of pregnancy fluff, you guys let me know. So, without further ado:
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The first moment you felt something off was when your favorite foods made your head spin. An offering of cheese fries from Marko was ungodly sickening, the warm delicacy reduced to steamy, plastic goo coated on greasy, salty wedges. You politely declining certainly threw him off, and from the corner of his eye David looked your way. It only got worse. Sunlight made you dizzy, you could barely hold down anything with grease, or bread, or… or anything for that matter. Paul would ask if you're okay, you wouldn't even go on the tilt-a-whirl with them yet you looked almost green, dark circles under your eyes. Were you not eating right? It got to the point you started staying home more often. Leave early. Skip a day. Skip a few days. 
And then, you just stopped showing up. The boardwalk felt empty without you, and David grew worried. You didn't just up and vanish. Even before you left, the last day you came you were so distant that you couldn't look him in the eyes, barely let him touch you. He'd had enough, if there was one thing he hated, it was being kept it the dark. Well, figuratively.
So there you were, hair tied up, in a massive t-shirt and shorts, staring half-lidded at the flickering TV in front of you, barely illuminating your dimly lit apartment living room. Your windows were open, a rusty old fan feebly attempting to push out the Santa Carla summer from your home while your food sat cold on your coffee table. Two bites in and you had run to the bathroom. At this point you were throwing up bile. Very few things would settle now. So instead it went to waste, sitting there for the flies to chew and be thrown away.
A soft breeze snuck in. It felt almost alive, swirling past your neck, down your back, across your face. But then grew stronger, and that tender touch quickly whipped your hair in your face, making your eyes water. And there he was, all clad in black sitting on your window sill with a solemn expression furrowing that stern brow.
"Where have you been, y/n?" His words rumbled slowly, your name slowly dripping off his tongue. The mere utterance sent chills rapidly down your spine. 
"S-Sick," you hesitated to answer, quickly shutting off your tv, grabbing the wasted leftovers to dump in the trash. "Its just a flu, I'll be fine."
David quickly intercepted your path, looking down at you with fierce blue eyes and you immediately took a step back. There wasn't something right about you. "You're lying. You've been gone for almost half a month."
 With steeled resolve you clutched the plate tightly, pushing past him into your kitchen "No, I told you I'm just sick-"
"Sick enough to avoid me? Sick enough to vanish for days without so much as a goodbye?" He followed you, always keeping close so you couldn't distance, couldn't resist him. Your avoidance was tiring on him, you could heat his words sharpen with each sentence. The more you tried to pretend there was nothing wrong, the easier it was for him to see there clearly was. "What are you not telling me?"
Your throat was so dry, even swallowing was a task. The urge to cry tempted fluttering eyelashes, and you did your best to rush towards your room. If you could just get to your room you could hide behind your door, not have to see the anger twisting his expression in knots. "I'm not feeling good David, you need to leave."
A gloved hand practically wretched your arm from its socket as it grasped at your wrist, David's shaking palms barely kept underneath. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're avoiding me!"
"Let go, David," you demanded, looking away as you tried to claw yourself away. The more you struggled the angrier he got. You've never shunned his presence before, never rejected him like this. A million possibilities cluttered his mind, each one worst than the last. 
"You can't even look at me! Your disgust is so clear, its plastered all over your face! Is it someone else?! Does my nature make your stomach turn?!"
"Then why?!"
"Because I'm pregnant!"
A cold wave doused any fire left in the room. David was still, his rage replaced by such an indecipherable expression. Frozen in place. The whole world was, there was nothing but the rattling hum of your fan still whittling away at the heat. His grip had loosened, but you didn't dare tear away. The floodgates released the pent up dam of emotions you had been holding back for the past week and a half. 
Finally he had released you, almost stumbling back until he leaned against your counter top. Slowly he ran his fingers through his bleached hair, the word rattling around in his brain so long it became foreign tongues. "Preg…," He hesitated to say the phrase aloud. He was dead, physically dead. His heart had stopped decades ago, he had to live off of blood to survive, the possibility of impregnating anyone seemed to be an impossible notion to even consider. Could it have been another…? He looked over at you, at those tearful e/c eyes with such sincerity, such delicate fear that it sent a sharp pain through him. No, this was his doing.
"I-" The first words you spoke came out cracked, it was hard to speak without it feeling like sand scratching your esophagus. "I-I took a test… I even.. went to the doctor to be sure." You rapidly attempted to wipe away the shame on your face, sitting on the edge of your couch before your legs gave way. "I've been so sick, nothing stays. The only thing that didn't make me puke was raw meat. Raw.. it was so disgusting but I just wanted more... I can't even go outside during the day without feeling like I'm gonna faint. I-I… I do-don't know what's happening to me!" Your fingers grasped the sides of you head, nearly hyperventilating while salty droplets spilled onto the floor. That was all it took for him to swoop before you, kneeling down until he had you looking into his eyes. He looked just as afraid as you, and in that moment you could only sob harder as he pulled you so tight against his chest you feared you may break. 
"...I'm sorry.." With one trembling hand on your back and the other holding your head on his shoulder. His words were so soft, strained. You never imagined your absence would hurt him this much. "Don't do this alone, princess..." 
Those words said everything that could be said. He wasn't leaving you. The thought of what was inside you was frightening, but the mere suggestion of losing you in the process was the worst thing he could picture. You sobbed in his arms, clutching onto aged leather whispering your promises. You'd never hide from him again, never run away. You loved him, and the words didn't even need to be spoken. You both knew. 
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managedmischiefs · 4 years
north//chapter three
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here’s the new chapter!! please enjoy and leave me your feedback! as always, let me know if you want to be on the taglist by sending me an ask :)
genre: fluff, angst if u squint
pairing: season nine spencer reid x female oc
warnings: none
word count: 11.3k
The elevator doors pop open on the sixth floor on a bright, sunny day, and the smile on my face is the biggest it’s ever been and I don’t think there’s any way I’ll be able to wipe it off. This morning, Amelia confessed that she had never seen Doctor Who before, and then she encouraged me to ramble on and on about my favorite parts and favorite characters and she asked questions and my smile never went away, even as we said our goodbyes and through the dirty train ride. But having seen Amelia will make my day better and the walk to my desk seems so much brighter and happier than normal.
"Good morning, Spencer," Alex smiles at me as she passes my desk, setting her bag down and sending me a wave. 
"Morning," I return her smile, taking the last sip of the coffee from my cup, the one from my meeting with Amelia, giving it one more longing look before tossing the cup in the trash.
Alex watches me closely as she sheds her jacket and scarf, draping it over her chair. "Weather's rough, right? It's getting really cold,"
I spin in my chair and my eyes trace up to where the wall and the ceiling meet, staring out the windows there. "Yeah, it's pretty rough out there,"
"Christmas is soon though," a smile comes to her face as she sits and takes a breath. "Do you have any plans yet? Do you think you'll go to see your mom?"
I shrug my shoulders and push away the sharp pain in my chest at the mention of my mom and at the mention of such a joyous holiday that’s supposed to be filled with friends and family. But instead, I’ll do the same things I’ve done the last few years- sit by myself at home and reread a book from my shelf. "Not sure yet. Haven't really thought about it,"
Alex hums, not pleased with that answer, and spins her chair around to face her desk. "Okay, well, don't wait too long or else you won't have any plans, and nobody should be left alone on Christmas," I choose not to respond. I just turn my chair back to face my desk and get to work.
"Good morning, wonderful crime fighters!" Garcia exclaims, bounding into the bullpen as Morgan holds the door open for her. Her bubbly attitude brings JJ and Rossi over to my desk area and even though I was trying to avoid any conversation, I spin in my chair to join the circle that forms. "I've brought cookies to lighten the mood that this horrible, horrible cold weather is reigning down on you BAU-tiful people," she grins happily at her recycled pun as she pops the top off the tin in her hand. Everyone, except for me because group food is not and has never been my jam, reaches their hands in and grabs some cookies, mumbling a few thank yous to our dear friend.
"So what's up with everyone?" Morgan asks, glancing around at the team. "We're always together but we don't always get to talk about our lives. So, come on, I know someone's got something,"
There's a moment of silence between the team where everyone wants someone else to speak up first, especially me. I wish I could duck my head down and hide under my desk because I know they will all want to ask me about what’s going on in my life and I'm not ready to tell them yet, and I’m not the best liar. I want to keep Amelia a secret. I want to keep her for myself. But if I try to make myself smaller in any way, then a team of profilers will notice immediately and I'll get called out. It's a lose-lose for me. And maybe it's irrational to want to keep her my secret. Last time I did that, it didn't end well and I’ve never forgiven myself for that. But even still, I want to keep Amelia for myself.
"Well," JJ laughs when nobody speaks up, "Will and I took Henry to the zoo for the first time over the weekend and he absolutely loved it,"
That brings everyone into a conversation and I'm glad I can let my mind wander off to Amelia. She always looks beautiful, but she looked especially stunning today. She wore plaid jeans with a black sweater tucked in, a black knit scarf, and her normal black boots. Of course, she had a black peacoat on to shield her from the weather, and the strap of her camera was slung over her shoulder instead of around her neck. Her hair was up in this messy braided updo that I don't even want to spend time wondering how long it took her to execute. Her nail color changed for the millionth time, now to a pale blue. Her necklace was almost completely hidden behind her scarf but I noticed that she wears the same one every day, a small butterfly. But today, there was just something about her smile and her laugh that made me feel extra warm inside. It made me feel like I wanted to scoop her up and bring her back to my apartment and never let her leave.
"Reid? Hey, Reid!" There's suddenly a hand snapping in front of my face, bringing me out of yet another one of my daydreams.
Everyone has vacated the area and Alex is crouched in front of me, brows furrowed in confusion. I lift my head, blinking a few times to bring myself back to reality. "Sorry, what did you say?"
Alex tilts her head, resting her arms on her legs. "Are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately. You've been a little bit distracted," she sighs and I can tell that she's wondering if she should say something. She ultimately makes a decision in her head to not say it and instead just waits for me to answer. But her holding back her thoughts frustrates me. I thought we were close so why would she hold anything back from me? When has she ever held anything back from me?
"Say what you were gonna say," I insist, sitting up more in my chair. "You were gonna say something. Say it,"
Alex chews on her lips and lets out a long breath, glancing around to make sure that nobody is too close. "Well," she hesitates one more time, "I know that you're still hurting about Maeve and-"
"No," I cut her off before she can even finish her sentence, "it's not about that. It's-" I push my hair out of my face as my breath gets caught in my throat. I take a replenishing breath and shake my head, turning back to the paperwork on my desk, "I'm fine, okay? I promise. Thanks for, uh, looking out for me,"
"Maybe you should consider going to therapy," Alex is clearly not ready to let this conversation go.
"I'm fine," I say yet again, giving her a tight-lipped smile, not even glancing her way again.
I hear Blake sigh and then walk around, seeing her sit down at her desk. There's part of me that feels bad for being so secretive to my closest friends. But I want to keep Amelia for myself. The team likes to know everything and they like to bring up significant others all the time. I don't want Amelia brought up like that. I don't want Morgan teasing me about her, or Garcia insisting on a double date, or JJ wanting to know how we met. But besides, Amelia isn't even my girlfriend. Right now, she's just a girl that I get coffee with before work. I wish she was more, but she's not.
Garcia comes back into the bullpen, holding a hoard of IPads in her arms and one case file for me. "It's case time, my loves!"
There’s a collective sigh that falls over the group as everyone pushes themselves out of their seats and towards the round table room, ready to endure another day of sadness. There’s no good day to get cases but really, there couldn’t be a worse time to get a case. Amelia and I ran out of time this morning and her story about the time her and her best friend got lost in California on a spring break vacation got cut short, and she promised to finish it tomorrow. She also swore that I could tell her all about my time at CalTech and about my favorite classes, all while she lets me fiddle around with whichever camera she happens to bring that day, even though I could possibly break it. I mean, she couldn’t get any more amazing. Technology is not my strong suit, whether it’s a computer or a phone or even a camera, but she’s still going to let me tinker with it. I didn’t think that she could get any better. 
After the catastrophe with Maeve, I never thought I'd ever have feelings for another person again. I thought that I'd die alone and loving Maeve. I thought she was my soulmate. I thought that the connection we had was one in a million and that I would never connect with someone on a romantic level again. Seeing her die right in front of me was like no other death I had ever witnessed and nobody, including and especially me, thought I would ever recover from that.
As much as I don't want to admit it and as adamantly as I will deny it, I've been through a lot. Childhood aside, my work at the FBI has been grueling. I've been taken hostage, I've mourned the death of my best friend who actually wound up to be alive and I’ve mourned the death of my unit chiefs wife, I've conquered drug addiction and two relapses alone, I’ve spent months mulling over the death of my girlfriend, and I've seen more death, destruction, and horror than anyone ever should.
It's unfair, really. All I wanted to do with my life and with my career was to help people and do something bigger than myself, but in turn, I've ruined myself. And after everything I've seen and how it has changed me, I’ve been expecting to work myself to death and die alone. I'm a loose cannon and it's obvious. I try to keep myself reined in, but I know that won't last for long. The years that I’ve spent at the FBI have imprinted on my brain and I thought that Maeve would be my refuge, but she was ripped away from me. Then and there, I knew that I would never love again. 
But then Amelia waltz's into my life. She comes bouncing in with her black heels, vintage cameras, tea bags, nose piercing, beautiful smile, and melodious laugh. She makes me feel like a normal person. She doesn't treat me like an FBI agent, or like someone who has endured the traumas that I have, and maybe that's because I haven't told her about any of my trauma, but I intend to keep it that way for as long as I can. Amelia comes laughing into my life with her denim skirts that aren't appropriate for the cold weather, curly blonde hair wrapped in patterned scarves or tied back in scrunchies, love for red wine, entrancing blue eyes, and her affinity for strawberries.
It's impossible to not fall in love with her and I hate myself for that. She makes it incredibly easy, so maybe it's not my fault that I can't get her out of my head. Maybe it's not my fault that I look at the empty spot on my desk and wonder what it would be like to have a picture of her there. Maybe it's not my fault that I hold her pinky in mine for far too long when we say our goodbyes. I wish I could blame my feelings all on her. I wish I could blame Amelia for how fast I'm falling for her.
I fall in love with the energy she radiates. I fall in love with the way she speaks of her creative process while painting a new piece or drawing a new picture. I fall in love with the way she claims she has a foolproof formula for finding hidden treasures in any given thrift store. I fall in love with the way she always has a new story to tell yet listens to every word I have to say. She speaks with such passion and fire in her eyes that it draws me in. Amelia has even taken to setting an alarm on her phone to make sure I leave on time for work and every few days, she makes sure to show up before I do so that she can order both of our drinks so that it's not always me ordering for her and "wasting my money on her hot, flavored water."
Amelia and I keep up our morning coffee meetings for two months. We meet as much as we can, only taking the time off when I'm not away on a case. It's actually normalizing my sleep schedule too and I'm getting more sleep than I have in two years- or since Maeve died. When these meetings started, I used to not be able to sleep out of pure excitement of knowing I'd be able to see Amelia again. But then she started to text me the night before, sometimes to remind me to set an alarm so I'm not late or to remind me to bring a magic trick to show her (magic tricks are now common occurrences in the mornings) or to just tell me that she's looking forward to seeing me tomorrow. It’s always an odd sensation to get that third text because most people aren’t usually excited to see me.
The word date never surfaced in any of our conversations. I'm not sure if any of these meetings would be considered a date. Typically, dates happen at night, but these coffee meetings are happening bright and early in the morning. And maybe I'm too scared to even bring up the word date because then that will solidify what we're doing, if we even are doing anything. I'm too scared to admit that I'm falling way too hard and way too fast for Amelia.
But as terrified as I am of the way that I feel about Amelia, I wish so desperately that I wasn’t. I wish I could climb to the roof of my apartment building and scream at the top of my lungs that I’m falling in love and that I want everyone to know. I want to be able to see her outside of the confines of a tiny cafe just a block away from my apartment. I want to be able to see her out on the town, laughing and bouncing on her toes in the adorable way that she does. I want to do anything else in the world with her besides just sitting and drinking tea or coffee. I want to know even more about her. I want to know absolutely everything. I need to know everything.
"So you got shot in the knee?"
"Yeah. The doctors told me that I might never walk without a cane again,"
"I'd like to see you with a cane," Amelia snorts, tucking her face behind her cup of tea as she succumbs to a fit of giggles. The sight makes me laugh too, trying to hide my joy behind my cup of coffee. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. It's just-" she takes a long breath to calm herself, and, with a giant smile, she continues, "an FBI agent with a cane? I can't picture it,"
"Well, I wouldn't be allowed in the field. As much as I thrive in the police departments, I love being in the field. It gives you a rush, you know?"
"Mm, no. I don't know," Amelia laughs, "but I can imagine what you're talking about. An adrenaline rush. I've never caught a bad guy in action like you do. I mean, the closest I've ever come to that is catching one of my siblings stealing cookies late at night,"
A fond memory comes to mind, one involving a dinosaur-shaped cookie jar and a little hand. "I've caught my godson doing the same,"
"So, Spencer," Amelia's voice is lighter as she moves away from the previous topic of me taking a bullet in the field. She shimmies her shoulders just a little bit, then gestures to the Christmas drawings on the window. "Do you have any plans for Christmas next week?"
Oh, the dreaded question. Each of my team members had asked me that during our case last week and I had to lie every single time. I don't want them to feel bad for me when I tell them I don’t have any plans and I’ll be spending Christmas alone. Alex might try to invite me to dinner with her family, and JJ would probably do the same and swear that Henry had been asking about his godfather, but it's just out of pure pity. I don't need any more pity from my team.
"Um," I have to keep my voice from cracking as I drown out myself in a sip of coffee, "no,"
"No?" Amelia repeats, but her face doesn't change at all, not like she’s sad or she’s pitying me. "Me either. I told you, my family's in Texas and I'd only be able to go out there for two days. So as much as I'd love to go, it doesn't really make sense, you know?"
"Yeah, that makes sense. My mom is in Las Vegas so I know what you mean,”
Amelia looks down at her cup of tea, fiddling with the teabag. "You know, if you don't have anything to do on Christmas, maybe we could spend the day together?" She suggests, glancing up at me with a nervous smile. "I was planning on spending the day alone but if you also don't have anything to do, maybe we could do something together," she goes quiet for a moment and I wait, wondering if she's finished with her request. Or maybe it’s just that I’m speechless and I have absolutely nothing to say in response to that request. Yeah, that’s more likely. She, again, looks down at her cup and I can see her fingers shaking slightly as she toys with the teabag. "And besides, I love our little coffee dates but it'd be nice to see you outside of here,"
And there it is. It all comes out with just those few sentences. Not only does Amelia see these meetings as dates, but she wants to see me outside of the cafe. She wants to spend Christmas with me, a day that you usually spend with your family or your closest friends. She was so nervous to ask me about this that her hands are shaking. When has this ever happened? Usually I'm the anxious one. I'm the one here who does the nervous laughing and fumbles over my words and taps my feet and fiddles with my hair. She's usually the one who takes charge of the conversation and laughs louder and initiates our pinky hold when we have to say goodbye. Being anxious is my thing and if Amelia is taking that over, then that must mean that this request took a lot to say.
"You don't have to if you don't want to," she adds quickly before hiding, again, behind a sip of her tea.
I’ve let myself hold back with Amelia for far too long- for two whole months. I’ve gone two months without growing some balls and asking her out and I can’t handle it anymore. I need to see her with a different background behind her other than a tan leather booth. So I don’t give myself a moment to think or stress before I speak. "I'd love to," 
Amelia's eyes dart up to me and her smile starts to grow. "Really?" I nod wordlessly, too scared that I'll say something dumb and ruin it if I open my mouth. "I would've thought you'd say no," The alarm on Amelia's phone goes off, telling us that it's time for me to leave for work. She gives me a sad smile and silences it, chewing on her lip. "Time for you to go. You've got people to save, Dr. Reid,"
The two of us stand and wrap ourselves in our coats and scarves before heading out the door, into the bitter, cold wind. Amelia turns on her heel and holds out her pinky to me. I switch my coffee to my left hand and wrap my right pinky around her, watching her nose start to go pink from the weather surrounding us. Amelia smiles, and the timer in my head starts to run, counting up the seconds we stand in front of each other and just smile. We’re already standing here longer than yesterday but not as long as Tuesday two weeks ago. And the longer we stand here, the pinker Amelia’s nose gets, and the more my heart melts.
"Get warm soon," I tell her softly, worried that if I speak too loud, I’ll ruin the moment.
"You too," she smiles, wrapping her finger even tighter around mine as a way to tell me not to leave just yet. "I know you'll let me know if you have a case. But if you do," she lets out a breath, dropping her smile until her dimples disappear, "get home before Christmas."
I inhale deeply and brush my fingers through my hair, trying to make it seem somewhat presentable as I turn the corner to Amelia's apartment, double-checking that I'm at the right one. I smooth down my sweater and check that my converse are tied twice before knocking on the door. I can hear music from inside her apartment but I can't tell exactly what the song is yet, but based on what today is, I can only assume it’s a Christmas song.
I wait patiently for a moment behind a closed door, still second-guessing my slightly more casual outfit of converse, jeans, and a Christmas sweater. And after only a minute I'm convinced that Amelia has backed out and doesn't want me around for this sacred holiday, and I’m almost convince o turn around and leave. Maybe I could walk home and find a bookstore and get some takeout. I'm about to do just that and I’m mentally mapping out the best route home when the door swings open and Amelia stands there with her stunning smile.
"Hi, Spencer!" She exclaims, popping the door all the way open and letting me feel the heat that radiates from the inside. "Come in, please," Relief washes over me as I step inside her warm apartment, my eyes darting around the walls and decor of her home. "You can just put your stuff anywhere. It doesn't really matter to me. Make yourself at home. Be comfortable," I recognize the song now as It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas, playing from her beloved record player that I’ve heard a surprising amount about. She bought it when she first moved to Virginia and it was the first thing she bought for her apartment, before she even bought a bed or food or utensils.
I pull my messenger bag off and set it beside the door, ridding myself of my peacoat and my scarf, hanging them up on the coatrack. Amelia is still standing beside me but before I take the time to admire her like I usually do, I really stop to look at her apartment. It's exactly how I pictured it to be. It reflects her personality perfectly.
The walls are comprised of dark brick and there are different pieces of artwork scattered along the walls of her entire apartment, like stray photographs and polaroids put up with wash tape, or a canvas painting in a frame, and a floral tapestry behind the television. To my left is a huge shelf of books and records followed by a wall full of picture frames with pictures I can only assume are of her family and friends. To the right of the door is a cozy looking living room with a tv and the active record player, and a fireplace with a log already lit. Beside the living room is the kitchen, and across from the kitchen is a set of floating stairs that leads up to what I presume is Amelia's bedroom. In front of the stairs is a door out to a small balcony overlooking the city.
"Hey," Amelia reaches over and pokes my shoulder, laughing, "stop profiling my apartment. I cleaned up for you, there can't be too much for you to judge,"
"Profiling isn't actually judging, per se," I blurt out facts before I can stop myself. "Profiling is actually just noticing behavior,"
Amelia crosses her arms over her chest, etching on a smile. "Sometimes I wonder how your head isn't physically bigger with all that information you've got stored up in there. Really, it keeps me up at night sometimes," she says quickly, and then rolls her eyes at herself. She gestures towards the kitchen, "Well, I've got- oh, Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas,” I echo, following her into her kitchen, trailing just a step behind her.
As she walks in front of me, I get the chance to admire her. Today, she's decided to wear a black and white plaid tweed skirt with a red knit turtleneck tucked into it. Her legs are bare otherwise but she's wearing dark wool socks with a pattern on them, almost identical to the ones I’m wearing. Her hair is down in curls and flowing down to her waistline, but there's a green clip on the left side of her head that's holding back some of her hair. Her face is glowing, like usual, and her nose and ear piercings are in, like usual. It takes me a moment to realize how much smaller she is now that she's not wearing the heels she always has on. I'd peg her at around 5'2" and that's a major difference with me at about 6'1”. But even though I’ve observed countless outfits of hers, she's just as beautiful today as she is every other day.
"So I thought that, since it's only noon, we could make some Christmas cookies," she suggests, showing me her kitchen island full of cookies and bags and ingredients. "I have ingredients for quite a lot of cookies because I meant to make them myself but never got around to it. I have ingredients for gingerbread cookies and sugar cookies and oatmeal cookies and probably way more,"
"Sounds good to me. I like all of those,” The thought of making all those cookies with Amelia sounds much better than sitting and doing nothing. I don’t have time to make cookies like this on my own and I didn’t get to have any of Penelope’s, so making cookies with Amelia sounds like the perfect way to spend Christmas.
Amelia sits down at a barstool and gestures for me to sit beside her, and it’s a weird sensation, for a split second, to be sitting beside her instead of across from her. She reaches for a bag of flour and a bowl, but her hand stops midair when she looks over at me and a smile breaks out on her face. "I like your sweater,"
I glance down at my sweater, just shrugging at my own appearance as if I wasn’t freaking out about it ten minutes ago. "It's just a sweater," It’s one that I’ve had for as long as I can remember and one that could probably pass as ugly, but it has a pattern with snowflakes and stripes and reindeer. I almost didn’t wear it because I thought that maybe Amelia would think it was ugly.
"But Spencer, I always see you in your work clothes. You're always wearing sweater vests and button-ups. You're still wearing jeans and converse but the sweater is a change. I like it, that's all,"
She turns her back to me to grab something else and her compliment makes me chew on the inside of my cheek. I wipe my hands on my pants before I take a deep breath. You can do it, Spencer. You grew enough balls to accept her Christmas invitation. You can do this. "I like your outfit," Oh thank god I managed to say that without sounding like a total idiot.
When Amelia turns back around to set the sugar on the counter, she's blushing. "Thanks,"
I read over the recipes she has printed out and then set them aside, standing up again so I can attempt to start helping her. We decide to start with the Pillsbury sugar cookies since all we have to do is put those in the oven, so we start arranging them on a tray.
"I should warn you," I mumble to Amelia as we bump hips, "I'm not the best baker,"
"It's not too hard," Amelia says nonchalantly. "I'll give you some tips. A smart man like you can pick it up, don't worry, love,"
The simple pet name makes me blush but we're both so preoccupied with putting the frozen cookies on the tray that Amelia doesn't notice. The simple pet name makes my heart beat faster and almost burst out of my chest. Once the cookies are on the tray, she puts them in the oven and then turns to me.
"Okay, which cookies do you wanna make first?" She grabs the recipes and holds them up for me to see as if I hadn’t looked at them before. 
"What do you think we should do?" She looks up at me with her big, beautiful eyes, and I almost get lost for a moment, but I pull myself back when she rustles the papers again. "I've never done this before and you seem to have a lot of experience so-"
"You've never made Christmas cookies before?" Amelia gasps, the papers falling onto the table as her jaw drops in disbelief, and I shake my head at her. "Okay, then we're gonna make gingerbread cookies first because they’re a classic. They're my favorite and they're the most fun to decorate so hopefully you’ll like them too. I can't believe you've never done this before!"
She whips around and starts to assemble a new set of ingredients, telling me now and then how much to measure out, even though I've memorized the entire recipe. But nonetheless, I let her take the lead and take the previous cookies out of the oven.
"Okay, come here," Amelia says when my back is turned to her. She has the gingerbread dough rolled out on the island and a few different sized molds laid out, flour caked on her hands. "Getting the dough onto the pan is an art itself," I let out a little laugh, but then she turns her head with a threatening look as if to say I’m serious, that isn't threatening at all. "I'm serious. First, you've gotta use the mold to cut. Then you've gotta wiggle the mold. Then you've gotta get the dough off the counter and that's the hardest part because if you didn't put down enough flour then you’re screwed. It's an art. You laugh, but it's true,"
"I believe you," I put my hands up in surrender, reaching for one of the molds. I stand beside her and it takes me a moment to process how close I actually am, and I only do when I feel her body heat on me. "So, like this?" I push the mold into the dough and then wiggle the plastic back and forth until it's completely separated from the mass of dough, just like she told me to. But then when I lift the mold, the snowflake-shaped piece of dough completely lifts and folds over, ruining the dough. I let out a defeated sigh, looking up at Amelia with a dramatic pout, silently begging for help. "It is an art,"
Amelia giggles, bopping my nose, and I can feel some flour residue getting left there, making me scrunch up my nose. "Yes, it is. I'm glad you've realized, let me help you,"
An hour passes and we've finished baking all the gingerbread men, we're baking chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, and we've eaten half of the sugar cookies. We're chatting aimlessly about anything and everything and I'm starting to really actually enjoy this. I’m happy to be seeing Amelia outside of the cafe and I’m happy to be so comfortable with her, and to see her literally and metaphorically let her hair down. I thought I would be riddled with anxiety and would have to make some excuse to go rushing out, but now I don’t think I ever want to go home. I would be content with never leave this artsy apartment and making cookies with Amelia for the rest of my life.
"I'm gonna try to make you but as a gingerbread man," Amelia says as she sits down with a piping bag full of icing and half of the gingerbread men. I've got the other bag of icing in my hand and the other half of the gingerbread men in front of me, waiting to be decorated with far less finesse than Amelia’s cookies.
"You're an artist. You've got an unfair advantage," I pout yet again, starting to make uneven lines and lopsided eyes on my cookies. I grimace at my creations and my pout only grows when I glance over and see that Amelia’s look perfect.
"It's not a competition," Amelia responds, not even looking up from her interpretation of me in gingerbread form. "And remember what I said, everyone sees art differently. There’s no right or wrong in art,” she lets out a small squeal and then throws her piping bag down, leaning closer to me to show me the cookie. “Look! It’s you!”
The gingerbread man has an attempt at curly hair along with a button-up shirt, a tie, slacks, and converse. Honestly, the cookie version of me is pretty cute, but maybe I’m biased because Amelia made it. Amelia is elated at my pleased reaction and goes on to decorating more cookies, so I prop up her creation and keep on going.
I settle into my barstool and keep my eyes down, swinging my feet back and forth. There's a question on the tip of my tongue that I'm too scared to ask. It's been there for weeks. But this question implies follow up questions about me and I don't want to risk that. But I’ve been pondering this question since I met Amelia and I think that I would be willing to risk the follow-up questions if it means I get some sort of answer.
"Amelia," I say quietly, earning a hum in response, "I have a question,"
"Yeah?" She's soft-spoken, clearly focused on her cookies.
"Why don't you talk about your family?"
I look up just in time to see her grip on the piping bag falter, and she has to readjust her hold. But before she can do that, her hand reaches for the butterfly necklace that's forever around her neck and she tugs on it gently. That tells me that the necklace has a connection to her family, I just don't know how. Nope. Stop it right there. She told me when I came in to stop profiling her, even though it was clearly a joke, I shouldn’t start doing it now. 
"I, um," she lets out a breath and lets her eyes wander behind me, presumably at the wall of picture frames, "I just don't really like to talk about my family," that's all she says before she goes quiet. She readjusts her grip on the piping bag and goes back to work, deciding the conversation is over. Heat rises to my cheeks and my anxiety increases when I realize that my curiosity has gotten the better of me and I’ve ruined the good thing we have going on here with that simple question. So I just decide to shut my mouth and keep decorating my cookies. "You don't talk about your family either,"
It’s the question I was dreading, but it’s the one I was expecting. So I just shrug my shoulders as nonchalantly as possible. "You're not the only one who doesn't like to talk about their family,"
Amelia doesn't respond to that. It's one of the first times in our two months of knowing each other that I've seen her act shut off. The only time she ever acted out of character was asking if I would come over today, and she was only a little bit nervous for a few minutes. She's always so bubbly and open to any question or topic I have, so to have her sitting as close as ever but feel so far away is frustrating and the need to fill the grave I just dug myself.
"Amelia, I didn't mean to offend you with-"
"No, it's okay," she shakes her head, once again, her fingers adjusting around the piping bag. "It's a common thing that people talk about and I've never brought it up and you're a profiler so naturally, you would bring it up. It's fine, Spencer. I promise,"
"It doesn't seem fine. You're not even looking at me,"
"You're profiling me again," Amelia responds, her voice wavering.
I put my piping bag down and move closer to her, gently taking hers out of her hand and placing it down on the table. "Amelia, I-I didn't mean anything by it. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to,"
She looks up at me and I can see that her eyes are glassy, and it stings to know that I’m the one who made her feel like that. "I’m sorry. I didn't mean to be doing this on Christmas," She sniffles, reaching her fingertips up to wipe at her under-eyes. I have an overwhelming need to comfort her back to happiness, especially since I made her so unhappy. So even though my hands shake in the slightest, I hold my arms out towards her. Amelia notices right away, her eyebrows raising. "Seriously?" I nod. "You won't shake or hold my hand but you'll hug me?"
"You need a hug so I'm here to give you a hug,"
Amelia’s face lights up and she steps forward, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. I circle my arms around her shoulders and tuck her head under my chin, smiling at the way she fits perfectly under me. This is comfortable and I feel warm and when she wiggles her body to get closer, it brings a smile to my face. I feel safe. I haven't felt like this is a long time. I might never want to let go, but I think Amelia might have the same idea.
"Does this mean I get to hug you more often now?" Amelia mumbles into the fabric of my sweater. "Don't get me wrong, I love our pinky promises but I also love hugs,"
My eyelids flutter closed and I nod against her head. "Yeah, we can hug more often," I flatten my hands on her back and pull her closer. "I really am sorry about asking about your family,"
"Well, I brought yours up afterward so it's fine," 
We're only pulled apart when the timer on the oven dings and lets us know that the oatmeal cookies are finished. I reluctantly pull myself off of her and grab the oven mitts, pulling the tray out while Amelia returns to frosting her gingerbread men.
"Hey, Spencer?" Amelia calls as I'm scooping cookies off the pan. "Do you have any information about gingerbread men in your big genius head?"
She asked, so I answered. I go off and tell her how gingerbread men date back to the 15th Century and how the first documented use of them was at the court of Elizabeth I. I go on for maybe ten minutes about the history of these edible men and maybe it's more than she was bargaining for, but she never interrupted and she listened to the whole thing. That's rare these days. Even my closest friends on my team cut me off constantly and sometimes tune out my facts.
"I didn't know any of that. School really doesn't teach students anything they wanna learn about," Amelia laughs, adding two more gingerbread men to the pile of cookies.
We finish creating our mountain of different types of cookies at around 4 so we decide that we should start making dinner, that way, we can relax the rest of the night and not have to be rushing around the kitchen. The sun starts to set and the snow starts to fall as we set out on a new adventure of cooking dinner. Amelia goes to turn up the heat and I notice her take a moment to pause in front of the balcony doors to stare out at the fresh blanket of snow. But the second she turns and comes back to the kitchen, I whip my head down to the lasagna recipe in my hands to memorize it. Yet again, I decide to let Amelia take charge of this recipe because I would rather not mess it up.
We pop our tray of lasagna in the oven and then set a timer for the proper amount of time. "Alright," Amelia says, clapping her hands together and bouncing on her toes, "that'll be done in about twenty-five minutes. So maybe we could watch a movie? We've been baking all day so it'd be a good idea to get off our feet,"
It’s a no brainer to agree to the suggestion and I follow Amelia into her living room like a lost puppy with his tail between his legs. She gestures for me to sit on the couch while she drops to the floor in front of the tv, sitting up on her knees to shut off the record player. Then she pulls out a wicker basket filled to the brim with movies. "What are we watching?" 
"I've got plenty of Christmas movies because they're my favorite. I've got ones like," she holds up the case to each movie as she names it, "Polar Express, The Grinch, Home Alone, Elf, Love Actually, A Christmas Story and way, way more. Plus I've got the claymation ones like Year Without a Santa Claus, Rudolph, Jack Frost, Frosty the Snowman, and Santa Claus is Coming to Town," she looks up at me. "So which one do you fancy, love?"
There's that damn pet name again.
"Um," I let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of my neck, "I've actually never seen any of those before so I guess just put on your favorite,"
Amelia's eyes widen. "You've never seen any of these before?" I shake my head with a coy smile, my cheeks turning pink. "Wow, I guess it's my turn to educate you, Spencer. I might never get the opportunity to do this again so I'm going to take advantage while I can,"
Amelia jumps to her feet and pops one of the movies in the DVD player. She doesn't tell me what it is but she grabs the remote and comes to sit next to me on the couch. She's not too close to me but she's close enough to make my hands sweaty. I lean down to unlace my shoes and set them aside before getting myself a bit more comfortable on the couch, but not too comfortable. I’ve overheard far too many arguments between Morgan, JJ, Emily, and Garcia about how sitting too close to girls in moments like these can make a guy seem like, in Garcia’s words, a douchebag. And the last thing I want is for Amelia to think I’m a douchebag. So even though I feel I’m a mile away from her with just a couch cushion between us, I don’t move to close the distance.
"I put on The Polar Express because this is one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time," Amelia explains as the main menu comes up and shows the opening titles. "It's a good intro to Christmas movies, I guess, I don't really know,"
"Sure," I nod enthusiastically. "I like learning, I'm ready to watch. Go ahead, play,"
Amelia presses play and then reaches behind her for the blanket draped over the couch. She folds it over her lap and then glances over at me, holding up the corner of the blanket. "Do you-" she trails off, asking me if I want to share. I nod, scooting just a bit closer so we can both comfortably fit under the blanket. Our thighs are touching and it takes everything in me not to cuddle up even closer to her. She invited me over here so she must not think I’m a douchebag, right? This is okay, right?
The movie starts and it's quite different from the movies I'm used to watching. But I can tell it's a movie that has sentimental value to her so I pay close attention to it. It’s not filled with history or framed with subtitles or spewing information at me to instantly memorize. It’s just a lighthearted children’s movie that celebrates Christmas and teaches kids to not let others judge you and to believe in what you want to believe. I would have never watched a movie like this without Amelia and the longer I sit through the movie, the more I wish it wouldn’t end.
But eventually, I lean down to whisper in her ear. "None of the kids have names. Only Billy does,"
Amelia giggles, her head tilting closer to mine but keeping her eyes locked on the tv. "Yeah, you're right. I'm not sure why, they just don't,"
I hum, looking back up at the tv, not completely satisfied with the answer but willing to accept it. I try to focus back on the movie and figure out why these kids are sliding down tiny conveyor belts but I feel Amelia's eyes on me, locked on the side of my face. My attempts to ignore her gaze go in vain because I'm looking back down at her within another minute. She's looking up at me with her bottom lip between her teeth and her blue eyes widened, eyelashes fluttering. She looks horribly stunning and I fear I let my eyes linger on her lips for too long.
"What?" I whisper, wondering why she's staring at me when she should be watching the movie, a movie she claims is one of her favorites.
"Nothing," she says, but makes no attempt to break eye contact with me. "Nothing, I just-" she trails off yet again.
My hands had been placed at my sides but I can't help it when one of them moves to Amelia's cheek, barely even touching her soft skin at first, too afraid that she would flinch. A part of me is almost surprised when she doesn't pull away, but why do I keep getting surprised by her? She's remarkable. She asked me to spend Christmas with her so I wouldn't be alone. She cares about me in some capacity. She's showing me her favorite movies and baking cookies with me and she cares about me. I care about her and she cares about me. Why am I holding back?
"Can-" I clear my throat nervously, "can I kiss you?"
Amelia's eyes flutter for a moment before she nods, tilting her chin upwards. For a moment I think she's going to initiate the kiss, but then she doesn't. She just waits there, leaving me to feel her warm breath on my face and her cold skin under my fingertips. But she respected my boundaries when it came to handshakes and hugs, so even though I've already asked and she's already accepted, it makes sense that she would respect my inevitable boundaries with something as germy and personal and bacteria-filled as a kiss. So that means I have to finally take charge and I don't even have time to figure out if that terrifies me or excites me.
With my hand on her cheek and my heart about to beat out of my chest, I draw her forward and press my lips to hers in the softest and sweetest, most wonderful kiss. She tastes sweet, like strawberry lip balm and gingerbread, and I find my senses being filled with the taste of her. My brain had intended for a simple kiss, but after said simple kiss, I had to have more of her. Amelia doesn't resist as I deepen the kiss, bringing my hand to her neck to bring her closer. Her hands start at my chest but eventually travel up to my jawline, fingertips resting there softly, just barely coaxing me forward. Our lips move perfectly in sync and I could swear, as cheesy as it sounds, I feel burning on my skin from the fallout of the fireworks that erupt above us. I feel Amelia smile as she shuffles a bit closer to me on her knees, her body making even more contact with mine than before when we were just sitting. 
My mind is screaming at me to pull away, to push her off of me and run home and curl up in bed, and to ignore Amelia forever. My head says to shield her from this horrible part of the world that I expose myself to and to protect her innocence. That's all I want to do. I want to protect her. As it often does, my head says no but my heart says yes. I can't deny what I'm feeling for Amelia. I can't deny that I haven't slept over my alarm for two months because I'm far too excited to see her every morning at the cafe. I can't help the way my heart speeds up when she walks in and waves at me, or the way I can't help but beam when she laughs, or how I don't want to leave when the alarm on her phone sounds. That's what leads me to wrap my free arm around her waist and bring her chest to mine, the fabric of her sweater clutched in my fist and my lips fervently sliding against hers.
The sharp cry of the oven alarm is the only thing that can get us to pull apart, far too quickly for either of our likings. Amelia pulls away with a sharp inhale, her eyes closed for just a moment longer than mine. "I'll-" she moves one of the hands from my jaw to wipe at her bottom lip, "um, I'll go get that,"
Amelia begrudgingly untangles herself from my arms and then from the blanket around her legs, feet silent on the floor as she hurries to pull the lasagna out of the oven. I'm left on the couch for a moment, completely stunned and actually quite pleased. I’ve never been kissed like that. I didn’t even know I could kiss like that. I didn’t even know I had it in me. But once the momentary shock wears off, the tension sets in and I know I need to follow Amelia. I reach up to pause the movie so we don’t miss anything before following Amelia into the kitchen, seeing her close the oven as she places the tray of lasagna on the stove. Her cheeks are flushed but I can't tell if that's from the kiss or the heat from the oven.
The apartment is tense now that it's silent and Amelia's back is turned to me. Despite the obvious verbal consent, I fear I've ruined everything. I asked to kiss her and even though she accepted, she's quiet. She's busying herself with dishing lasagna and I'm realizing that the only other time she acted this shut off was when I asked about her family. Does that mean I need to apologize again? Oh my gosh, I really don’t know how girls work. I’ve already upset her twice in one day and made her act in ways I’ve never seen before. Maybe I should have listened more when Morgan complained about his girl problems. You know what? Maybe I won’t apologize this time. I’ll try a different approach.
"That wasn't-" I mumble, lingering in the entryway to the kitchen, "weird, right? That didn't totally ruin things, right?"
Amelia's hands pause mid-air for a moment but then she continues dishing food. "No, it wasn't weird,"
Okay, Spencer. If you've ever needed to be bold, now's the time. She obviously likes you and you've accepted that you like her too and that you don't want to lose her, and right now, you're losing her to whatever her brain is telling her. Don't let that happen. Do something.
"So," I take a step closer to her and place my hand on her waist, spinning her around to face me, "so you wouldn't mind if I kissed you again?"
Amelia doesn't even respond, she just grabs my cheeks and kisses me again. I instinctively push her against the counter and hold her there, my hands clutching her waistline as her hands start to thread through my hair. This kiss is needier than the first one, almost as if it's solidifying to both of us that we're really doing this and that these feelings are actually mutual. That the first kiss didn’t scare either of us off and we’re not going anywhere.
I'm the first to pull away when I run out of breath, but I have not a single intention of moving away from her. I still feel Amelia's lips brushing mine and her warm breath fanning across my face, delicate fingers pushing my hair off my forehead. It's shaggy and falling over my forehead, but she arranges it perfectly so it's out of the way. She smiles nervously at me and then she shrinks, and I realize she had to go on her tiptoes to kiss me. "I, um," she laughs, letting her hands fall to my shoulders, "I've had a crush on you for a while. Like, since we first talked,"
I slide my hands down to her hips, feeling the rough tweed fabric under my fingertips. "Really?"
"Yeah," she smiles bashfully. "I thought you were really cute and I may have walked into you on purpose because I was too scared to approach you when you were reading,"
My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets at the realization that the camera fiddling was just a ruse. "What?" Amelia giggles, ducking her head into my shoulder to hide her blush from showing. "No! No hiding!"
"It's true!" She pulls her hands from my shoulders and covers her face. "You were reading and you were doing it so fast and I was confused at how you were actually retaining the information and you looked so cute with your hair up like that and I wanted to talk to you but I didn't know how to. When you got up, I just walked over and then grabbed my camera and-" I grab her wrists gently and pull her hands away from her face. Amelia's face is bright red in embarrassment but she smiles as I slide my hands into hers and lace our fingers together. "I thought you didn't hold hands,"
"You also thought I didn't hug or kiss until tonight," I remark, bringing our hands down to our sides. I lean in one more time and press our lips together, and this time the kiss doesn't need to be quick or passionate or wet. It's slow and sweet. It fills me with the familiar warmth that only Amelia has been able to provide me with.
"You're just full of surprises," Amelia giggles, twisting her head to kiss my cheek. "We should eat before it gets cold, right?"
"Yeah, probably," I don't want to let go of her but I reluctantly do, letting her continue her task of dishing lasagna for the two of us. We resume our positions on the couch, sitting even closer than before. Amelia rewinds the movie quite a bit, making sure I’ve seen every frame that we missed while we were engaged in other activities. She claims she doesn’t mind seeing it again, that she watched this movie last week anyway so rewinding it for me isn’t a big deal at all.
I do my best to pay attention throughout the rest of the movie like Amelia wants me to do, but it's proven to be a challenge. All I want to do is look down at the angel sitting beside me and kiss her and play with her hair and talk to her about any topic that might pop into my head. But she's fixated on the movie and I don't want to tear her away from something that she's so invested in. So I stay silent and sling my arm over the back of the couch in an attempt to get more comfortable. I do it unintentionally, but Amelia takes this as an invitation to cuddle up beside me. She brings her knees up to her chest and rests her head on my shoulder, effectively tucking herself into my side. I'm not complaining, because even though I wasn’t intending to do the ultimate douchebag move and basically silently invite her to cuddle with me, I’m not complaining. I grin for the rest of the movie.
"So did you like it?" Amelia asks eagerly, sitting up on her knees as the credits rolls, an expecting grin plastered on her face. "I know you're used to watching movies in different languages and-"
"It was pretty great, actually," 
"You're not just saying that because I told you it's one of my favorites?"
"Not at all. It bothered me that the children didn't have names, besides Billy, but other than that, it was a wonderful movie. I can see why you like it so much," I tell her. "And it's only seven. Are we gonna watch something else?"
"Well," Amelia chews on her lip, pulling away from my embrace slightly as she plays with the hem of her skirt, "the depends on you. If you wanna head home, I know you have work tomorrow and-"
"Actually," unintentionally, I cut her off yet again. But she looks up at me with bright eyes, hopeful that I'll want to stay, "I don't expect that you got me anything but I brought you a gift,"
I quickly leap up to avoid seeing her reaction, returning to my messenger bag in the doorway, reaching in for the perfectly wrapped gift. I spent hours on the floor of my bedroom wrapping the present, and then unwrapping it when the paper creased, then wrapping it again, then unwrapping it when the paper ripped, and then finally leaving the wrapping after what seemed like the millionth try. It was a process but it was worth it because it looks absolutely perfect.
When I return to the living room, Amelia is gone. I sit down with the gift in my lap, assuming she'll be back soon. And sure enough, she comes bounding down the floating stairs a second later. "I did actually get you a gift," she says, jumping back onto her spot on the couch. "Just something little," I pass my gift off to her and she does the same with me until we're holding each other's presents. It's odd actually, because I've given and received gifts with my team and with my mom, but never like this. Never with a girl I have a massive crush on. Never with someone who I care on another level for. Never with a girl who seems to put the sun in the sky.
I gesture for Amelia to go first, placing her gift in my lap, to be opened next. She gives me an excited smile and nods, obeying my quiet warning to hold it carefully as she searches for a spot to pull the paper back. "They're-" she pulls the paper clean off and beams, "45's,"
"Yeah," I nod anxiously as she reveals my present. "You told me you love records and this bookstore I love sells records too. I found these and I thought of-" I clear my throat, "well, they made me think of you,"
Amelia looks through the small stack of records in her hands, narrowing her eyes at me. "Most of them are classical, Spencer,"
"You need more classical music in your life, Amelia," I sass back at her, earning a small scoff in returning, bringing up a small quarrel we had a few weeks ago. "You can't spend your days listening to Christmas music, Frank Sinatra, and Taylor Swift,"
Amelia glances up at me with a small pout. "I could try,"
I laugh, pointing to the records in her hand. "Well, now you don't have to,"
"Thank you, love. This is wonderful, really. I'm gonna put one of these on right after you open your gift," she places them on her lap and then points at the present in my lap. "Go ahead. It's your turn."
I tear back the wrapping paper and first find a pack of coloring pencils, which seems like an odd gift, considering how many times I’ve established that I’m bad at art, but then I find a black leather journal behind it. Upon further inspection, I find that there are drawings on the front of the journal. My name is written in beautiful calligraphy on the top of the cover, and all around the front are small pictures. I find things like coffee cups, cameras, a deck of cards, an imperfect square with the pattern of one of Amelia's scarves, a record player, beakers, plenty of books, and much more.
"It's a sketchbook," Amelia explains softly. "You were saying how you wish you were better at art, so now you have the means to practice. And I was thinking about when you go on cases and you could bring it with you and I tried to put things on the front that would maybe, I don't know, comfort you." She pauses and I look up at her, waiting for her to continue with what she wants to say. Because just by the tight-lipped smile on her face, I know she wants to say something else. "Selfishly, I put references to me on there,"
I set my gift onto the coffee table and then move the records aside, pulling Amelia into my arms again. She happily accepts this embrace, arms circling my shoulders. "I love it," I tell her. "Thank you. I'll definitely bring it on cases with me. I can't ensure that anything I draw in it is good, but-"
"But you've got a pretty great teacher right here."
Amelia watches with an overly dramatic pout as I button up my jacket and put my scarf on, glancing out the window to check out bad the snow is. She crosses her arms over her chest as I put my messenger bag over my shoulder, making me laugh. "Don't make me feel even worse for leaving,"
"If I make you feel really bad, will you stay?" Amelia practically begs, even though she's already reaching for the doorknob. She knows I have work tomorrow and I have to be up early. She opens the door and then leans against the frame, still clearly not ready for me to depart.
"Hey, why don't you sleep in tomorrow? We don't need to meet up tomorrow morning. Get some extra sleep. It's almost midnight,"
Amelia's pout grows. "What? But what if you get a case? Then I won't see you for a few days, at least,"
"Then," I hadn't entirely thought this through because she totally has a point. WWDMD? I know exactly what Derek Morgan would do. Of all the times I’ve thought about Morgan today, I know exactly how he would respond in this situation. I reach out to grab her waist and pull her into a half hug, smiling, "then I'll make it up to you by taking you out on a proper date when I get back,"
Amelia's smile grows and she starts to nod. "That sounds like a plan," she goes up on her toes to kiss me but her lips only brush mine before pulling away again. "What if you don't get a case? Are you still gonna take me on a date?"
I put on a pensive face that makes her laugh. "I'll think about it," I press my lips to hers, unable to handle the short, torturous distance anymore. The kiss doesn’t last nearly as long as I want it to because we’re standing the hallway at midnight where anyone could catch us, letting the heat out, after a long day of making cookies and watching movies, and it’s absolutely freezing. So when we pull away, I have to will myself to not groan or grimace.
"Let me walk you out," Amelia hums, grabbing her keys before walking out with me. Our pinky's interlock as we walk down her apartment hallway, towards the door outside. "Will you text me when you get home? I just wanna make sure you get home safe," we stop in front of the door and she wraps her arms around my waist. "I know you're a fully capable FBI agent and all but it's late and I worry about that stuff,"
"Of course I will," I hug her tightly, pressing my lips to her cheek. "Thank you for inviting me over. I would've just been sitting alone and reading books all day without you,"
"Thanks for coming over," she echoes, pulling away from our ultra-warm hug and letting a chill run down her spine. "I would've watched movies alone all day. So thanks for being with me. I'll miss you tomorrow,"
"I will too, but I'll text you when I get home and I'll talk to you tomorrow to let you know if I get a case or not,"
"I'll be glued to my phone," Amelia winks at me, getting me to laugh one last time for the night. "Now go, before it gets even later."
“You go back to your apartment first. I know it’s right there but I, uh,” I glance behind her, down the dim hallway, “I worry about that stuff,”
Amelia smiles in the most smitten way I think I’ve ever seen, and for once, I think I’ve actually done something right. “Yeah, okay,” she nods, and she pushes herself up on her toes to kiss my cheek on more time. “Bye, Spencer. Merry Christmas,”
“Merry Christmas,” I echo, watching her scurry back to her apartment and unlock the door, stepping into the warmth. Her head pops out once more and she sends me a wave, blowing me a kiss before she disappears. The air I exhale reverberates off the wall and the smile on my face is undeniable, even as I dance on the cusp of frostbite during my walk home. A girl like that is mine? A girl like that who blows kisses and bakes cookies all day and cuddles during movies? She’s mine? Amelia is mine. She really is and as soon as that thought echoes in my head, a laugh escapes my lips. I must be the luckiest man alive.
  hello there! if you’re still reading here then please tell me your favorite snack!! plz im v hungry thank u sm okay here’s the taglist
@etheralgubler @babybobbybones @whollytaciturn @reidswords @thegingerfairchild @matthewreid @shrimpyblog @garcias-batcave @anamelessfacelessnerd @nastyhar @gublergirls @mandapanda8 
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm.
Your POV
The 57th expedition is two days from now and to make things worse, Hanji came over. She declared that as it is our only titan shifter's first expedition, we will be drinking tonight to celebrate. Although her motive was to experiment if Eren can get drunk, heichou strictly denied her requests since Eren is underage. I personally didn't want to drink because those men from when I was 5 were always drunk. "Drunk people are bad and dangerous" was a thought that was stuck into my head. Hence, I was planning to avoid their little party at all costs. It was morning at the moment and we were supposed to have breakfast. I made tea for everyone since I woke up before everyone else. I had already memorised how everyone had their tea, 2 spoons of sugar and milk in Oluo, Gunther and Petra's, 1 spoon sugar without any milk in Eld's, 3 spoons in mine and sugarless for Levi heichou. Eren didn't like tea. I had it all memorised because I tend to wake up before everyone else and thus, I always get the breakfast duty. I made pancakes for everyone and when I was done, I poured my tea in a cup and started reading the book. Every day, Levi would wake up early and sit with his own book and tea too. We would discuss the contents of the books when I go to clean his room. We would also share some of our personal issues to eachother and while I don't know how much it helps him, but it helped me ease up quite a but. Just as I was thinking these, he entered the dining hall as usual and took his cup which I had already filled with tea just the way he liked it. Eventually everyone else came around thus making it impossible to read because of the commotion. Hanji started blabbing about her experiments. Yes, she arrived yesterday and stayed the night in a spare room.
After breakfast, it was time for training. Levi heichou was giving me intensive 3DMG training recently since I already passed his strength trainings. We sparred more later, to test how much I had improved my strength and he won most of them due to his immense stamina which was impossible to match but I gave him a hard time though. In case of 3DMG, he decided that I wasn't making enough use of my agility and that I should be able to match his speed and accuracy. I was still learning his spinning move as I couldn't get a hang of that anyway. Today, we were supposed to have our last practice session as most of us will have hangovers the next day. Not me though. I'll just lock myself in mine and Petra's room. I've noticed by time that Petra tried to impress Levi heichou a lot. It kinda pissed me off because who even looks for emotional attachment when they might die anytime? And it's not like heichou was interested in her anyway. That's another thing I liked about him. He was serious about his career. I had always respected determination and I felt like there couldn't be a better mentor than him. However, something about it was bothering me. Levi heichou was making me feel things that I never felt before. It started with the way he looks during our training sessions, no, all the time honestly. I started having these urges to touch those muscles beneath his shirt, that showed slightly when he was sweaty after training, his clean shaven and extremely smooth looking cheeks and that extremely soft and silky looking hair. God knows how it would feel to run my fingers in there... Yes, that's exactly the problem. I shouldn't be thinking these. Things escalated when he convinced me to stop cutting myself, something even my parents couldn't do. It happened a week back.
One week ago
I was cleaning the floor in Levi's room while he was getting his paperwork done. "So, the protagonist is in a situation where he couldn't blame the antagonist as the antagonist had reasons to justify what they did too. It kinda resembles our world doesn’t it? I mean, titans don't have minds so, they can't really control what they are doing..." I was talking to heichou about the book I recently finished. "Hmm. However, one has to do what one needs right? The protagonist killed the antagonist at the end. It didn't matter if the antagonist had justification for what he did. It depends on who wins at the end. If the antagonist did, then the he would've been portrayed as the protagonist." heichou answered, not looking up from his paperworks. "Yeah. It's the weak who always loses." I muttered. "Not always. One can start off as weak but get stronger. That's what smart people who want to live do." Levi answered to that, before stopping for a moment and asking, "You mentioned that you want to live to make things right didn't you? What is the 'right' for you?". " I don't know, happiness? That's my goal." I answered. "Well, that's what we all want. Anyway, what's your plan to achieve that?" he asked. "I don't know, it started with getting strong enough to take care of myself but I don't really have an aim anymore." I answered, acknowledging it for the first time. "If you want happiness so much, why do you cut yourself? As much as I can recall, you told me, you did that to remind yourself that you're alive. If you don't have a plan, why remain alive at all?" he asked me, looking up from his paper works at me, raising an eyebrow. "Well, that's true... I don't know what I'm doing to be honest... Being alive honestly is pointless." I muttered as an answer. It was the truth. I had no reason to live.
"Oi brat, take my advice on this, you're an extremely skilled soldier. You think I am itching to be alive? I have a goal to be happy too and the fastest way towards it is a bullet in my fucking head. But, there's also another way, that is using my strength to do something for humanity, getting this war over for good and opening up a tea shop. My plan in this case is to stay alive and keep fighting. I suggest you to have the same plan. When this war is over if you are still alive, these people you saved will make a way for you. And trust me, cutting yourself won't help you at all because that only limits your agility as, trust me, I've got into enough fights to know how much every single cut hurts. It may not affect your performance by a lot but a mimimum percentage of performance issues can get you killed in expeditions. So I suggest you to stop with that shit and get your priorities straight." heichou advised me with a straight face. "So, you suggest me to try my best to survive? If I can get through this war, then the people will help me make a way?" I asked before pausing for a moment and stating, "I honestly didn't join the survey corps to make some dead people proud of me. I just wanted to die I guess..."."Well then, you're at an advantage both ways. If you die, you get to your goal. If you live, you get to your goal in long term too." he answered.
"Heichou, why did you join the survey corps?" I asked him out of curiosity. "Well, Erwin blackmailed me into it at the begining but later, I decided that my life was meaningless too and decided to do exactly what I advised you to do." he answered. He was right. If I survive, after the war with titans are over and the survey corps are disbanded, I'm sure they will give us all a way to live. However, will I always be alone? What's the point of living like that? No, wait, Uncle Erwin will be there... He's as good as family, so I'll be fine. Atleast as long as he lives. Maybe I'll even consider marriage... There are so many possibilities... Heichou was right. I had to survive or die in combat. Its good both ways. "(Y/N), if you really want to remember that you're alive at times, instead of cutting yourself, remember your interactions with your comrades. I'm sure you made an impact on a lot of them and you wouldn't be able to do that if you weren't alive." Levi ended his statement with that as I was leaving his room after cleaning. "Yes heichou. Thank you for the advice" I answered before leaving. An affect on my comrades, did he mean the way I intimidated them? But doesn't that mean that I'm an emotionless piece of shit? Or was he talking about my conversations with him? Did... Did I make him feel alive? Because, even if I hated to admit it, he made me feel alive. I felt like I didn’t have to hurt myself anymore.
Present day
Levi heichou beat me this time as well after we sparred for 30 minutes. No one lasts that long against him. During the 3DMG session, everything was going well until suddenly captain Levi attacked me. He came out of nowhere and tried to cut me but I instinctively dodged and tried to escape him. I was shocked as I didn't expect something like that. He was as fast as I am in 3DMG and with his special techniques, he was faster. He slashed his blade against me again and to block it I used my own blade but the blade broke. I was scared that he might kill me and that's when he told me that he was testing how well I'd do in unexpected situations and he definitely wasn't satisfied with my skills.
Levi POV
She was pretty good at running away but she used one blade at the wrong angle when I slashed my blade at her. Ofcourse she didnt learn about what angle to use because Shadis didn't know some of the tricks I learnt underground. However I expected her to use two blades. That's just common sense and the fact that she panicked in a situation like this is unacceptable for someone as skilled as her. She has a lot if potential but stupid decisions like that will get her killed. "Do you have a brain of the size of a pea brat? Anyone with common sense would use two blades. Are you trying to get killed in any unexpected circumstance? " I shouted at her. She kept a straight face but I could see the embarrassment in her eyes. Serves her right. "Sorry heichou. It won't happen again" she said with determination. I'm not usually too hard on her because she doesn't disappoint me often so I let it go. I taught her the angles she should use. It would make her blades last longer. She practiced with complete determination but failed to get the spinning move done. Honestly, no one I trained was able to do that, so, I didn’t judge her. However, she wasn't the one to give up. I respected that about her as a mentor. It was time for lunch and Petra already cooked stew. We had lunch and I saw her head upstairs and come down with her 3DMG and blades. "Oi where are you going?" I asked her. "To practice the blade angle and the movements you taught me. I want to be able to get the spinning move perfected." she answered, saluted and left. I didn't expect her to be able to do it.
I went to my office to complete some paperwork and after about 2 hours, I heard the sound of her falling down with a thump and occasionally, frustrated cursing. I went to the window and saw (Y/N) falling on her face every time she tried but getting up to do the same nonetheless. "Damn, this girl will kill herself at this rate." I thought and felt a bit proud about being her mentor. I looked at her graceful moves through the air, which turned into a complete disaster whenever she tried to use the spinning move on the titan dummy. "There must be some problem with her balancing" I thought. I found her beautiful the day I first saw her. "Just another pretty face that's gonna be titan food" I thought. After she sparred with me and sat on my face, I think I blushed for the first time ever in my entire life. I didn't let anyone see though because it's inappropriate. Now that I see her potential and determination, she seems to be more than just another pretty face. She is what I'd call beautiful. I knew she deserved a normal life and yet she chose this uncertain life where death my come and where its impossible to have a family. She is a very brave person. I know some stuff about her past. How she was rescued from a brothel before being sold off in the underground. How she killed a Garrison member but was let out because she was a minor. I was curious about her given that I was from the underground too. As these thoughts plagued my mind, I suddenly understood exactly what was causing the problems with the balancing.
"Oi brat. Get down here." I called (Y/N) out, who was sitting on a tree, about to do the spinning move again. When she got down, I noticed that she got some minor cuts on her face. Atleast her instincts were good enough to make her use her hands to prevent her face from getting hit. "Yes heichou?" she asked, confused. "I have a fair idea about why you can't get that move done. Your body proportions are what's causing this." I told her with a calm voice even if talking about it made me uncomfortable. "I don't understand..." she muttered, clearly confused. "Your breasts are what's causing the issues. My body structure allows me to distribute all my weight at the correct points but as your body structure is different, the distribution gets disoriented as your breasts are the weights that make you slouch forward easily." I explained as calmly as possible. This was awkward. I saw a blush slowly creep upon (Y/N)'s cheeks as she muttered, "But they aren't too big...". " Well, the simplest errors can make it impossible to master this move. I'm not sure if you can do it but try using bandages to bind you chest and make the surface as flat as possible." I answered with a stoic expression, which was very hard to bring given that I have never talked to cadets about their breasts, and the fact that this particular cadet made me want to rip her clothes off didn't help at all. "Hai!" (Y/N) answered before running off towards the castle.
She actually did it. It didn't take any effort at all. I was right about the problems with body proportions. You came back after a while with an almost flat chest. It didn't look comfortable at all because she looked like someone punched her on the face. I, however, was impressed by her determination. And, the fact that she was able to get the spinning move done at one try. Ofcourse, it wasn't perfect, it had many flaws, but, it was an amazing feat as no one else was able to get this done. However, I knew that this wouldn't work well with her because being uncomfortable on an expedition isn't an option. "Oi, get down" I commaded her as she got down from the tree, pleased with herself. "Yes heichou?" she asked. "You won't be using this move. You're not feeling comfortable in bandages and that's as obvious as it can get. Just make use of the speed training we went through." I advised her. "Yes heichou!" she answered and as she was going off towards the castle, I spoke up, "Oi (Y/N)! You did well.". "Thank you heichou" she answered, giving me a rare smile. She really should smile more often.
Your POV
I came back being pleased with myself after getting a rare compliment from Levi heichou. After some very intense and not to mention, painful training for 2 hours 30 minutes that compliment probably was the best gift anyone could possibly ask for. I went back to Petra and my room to find Petra sleeping. I took a shower and went to take a nap. I was asleep but I was woken by feeling someone drag me out of the bed. I woke up and saw Hanji dragging me out. I tried to get out of her grab but Petra and Eren also held me firmly. I could've gotten away from Hanji easily but I couldn't fight with three people grabbing onto me. They brought me downstairs and Levi heichou was there too with a glass of alcohol in his hand. I was shocked to find him here and looked at Hanji and she explained that she dragged heichou out here so that he won't drink alone in his room, in Hanji's words, like a sad excuse of a human. Apparently he drank alone before expeditions. No matter how hard I tried to avoid drinking, Hanji was relentless. I had to drink a few sips of alcohol. As the alcohol started kicking in, Hanji convinced heichou to have a drinking contest. I had to admit that the alcohol made me feel light headed and more confident. I liked the feeling despite the horrible taste which is why I drank a bit more than I planned to. Then I remembered that my body weight was not enough to take it all but my head started spinning by then and I was slipping on and off my consciousness.
Levi POV
Hanji thought that she would win because she was taller but she didn't know about my high alcohol tolerance. After an entire bottle, Hanji was done. It seemed that she had lower alcohol tolerance than I imagined. I had one more glass and I won naturally. I was pretty drunk and thought it's best to go to bed. Before I got up, (Y/N) puked. Everyone was a bit surprised as they didn't notice her taking on two glasses like an idiot. Since no one was sober enough to get her up to her room, I knew I had to do it "Tch! They had to get wasted now." Eren was already sleeping as he wasn't allowed to drink. "Ofcourse she puked. She didn't come down for dinner" I remembered. "Petra, get Eren to clean this mess up. I'm taking her upstairs and you're coming with me to clean her up" I stated with authority to a tipsy Petra. I took her to the bathroom in their room and made her sit on the floor. She was barely conscious. I waited outside for Petra to be done washing and dressing her so that I can pick her and put her to bed. Petra called me when she was done. I picked (Y/N) up and put her to bed while Petra was washing her clothes.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Your past will be explained now. It includes rape and underage sexual acts and, well, some seriously nasty stuff so don't read if it bothers you. Skip to the next chapter in that case.
"Heichou?" she called out weakly before I left. "What brat?" I asked keeping my usual bored face. "The first day we met, didn't you call me a privileged brat? How does it feel to know that the only thing your prostitute mother told you is that you're born to do exactly what she does? How does it feel when those men do things to your mother and all you can do is sit in the room and read a book to pretend nothing is happening? How does it feel when those drunk men touch you, do things that they did to your mother and hurt you like your body is splitting? How does it feel to know that your mother left you to these people and that you'll never see her again? How does it feel to be hit and cut by these men? How does it feel not being given water unless you drink the semen of those people? How does it feel when you gladly do it because you are so thirsty? You don't know anything about the life I had, heichou. When they told me I'm safe after taking me out of that horrible place, I believed them and I regret it because that man I killed wanted to do the same things I went through in that hell. He told me that I shouldn't mind because he assumed I enjoyed these back then. I enjoyed slitting his throat and gauging his eyes out. You knew nothing heichou " she said, her voice cracking as tears left her eyes. I looked at her, shocked by her sudden confession. I had no idea that she still remembered what I told her that day. I had no idea it hurted her feelings to that extent. Besides, as much as I knew, she never said anything about herself to the court or to anyone. As much as I knew, she didn't talk in her court case about murdering that man. She only did it for self defense. I looked at the weeping girl. She was a brave soldier and seeing her break down like that made me feel things I didn’t quite understand. It made me do something that I never did for anyone before. I sat on the edge of her bed, took her hand and said "Now you know how to fight. No one can hurt you now. You can trust yourself and if you want, you can trust me. I'm sorry about my behaviour that day. I shouldn't have judged you without taking a closer look." She gave me a shocked look after I said that. I gave her a small smile, and left the room. This was the first time I smiled after years.
To be continued
Taglist: @kingtamakimurder, @realityisoftendisapointing
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jamkookies · 5 years
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Description : A trip to Malta for the shooting of Bon Voyage seems peaceful enough until the moment things take an unexpected turn...
Word count : 3.3k
"Please, sir! I'm begging you! Open up, please!"
It was surprising how the both of you hadn't even moved an inch despite the cries that had begun to turn downright hopeless but as Jungkook's arm shields your body defensively, you decide that you just can't take it anymore.
"Jungkook, we should take a look." you say hesitantly, turning your head in his direction.
"No way. It's a trap." he claims. "I'm sure of it."
Your eyes keep boring holes into the door as if your vision could penetrate it.
It's quiet for a while.
Maybe he left.
Maybe he-
A thunderous boom to the door.
"We have to at least take a look, dammit!" you exclaim and push his arm away, now decisively heading towards it.
"Wait!" Jungkook yells after you but instead of stopping you, he joins your side. Before you can make any further attempts, he mushes his face onto the platform and looks into the tiny peephole. Curiosity can hardly keep you still.
At last, Jungkook retreats and motions for you to take a look as well but you don't know whether to expect a garnison of soldiers or a horde of wild bisons behind the door because the expression on his face is unreadable.
The cold surface of the platform touching your forehead only makes you grow even more uncomfortable. Then, your eyes are able to discern an obscure figure behind the magnifying glass. "You've got to be kidding me, " you whisper as your eyes naturally widen.
This could not be.
Him, out of all people....
Both you and Jungkook exchange a look of silent agreement and he pushes the open button with no words needed. The door swings open to reveal a slightly dishevelled-looking man with multiple cuts and bruises marking his face. Those eyes you'd seen gleaming with vigilance are now tired, drowsy yet still scarred with horrors you could only imagine. You'd never forget those eyes because they had been the ones that had given you a chance to escape, a chance to save yourselves.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook wonders, not bluntly but rather in a puzzled demeanor.
"Let me in, please. I'll explain everything, " the old bodyguard says and throws a look behind his back and down the stairs.
You and Jungkook exchange another look and then the latter opens the door wider, giving him space to enter. The bodyguard's face almost melts in relief upon the gesture. He crosses the doorstep in two huge strides, putting the farthest distance from it.
From the moment the lock clicks back in place, a deafening silence hangs into the air, adding even more to the suspense.
You decide to break the ice first. "What do you mean they're gonna kill your family?"
The bodyguard takes notice of where your eyes are fixed and he unconsciously touches a bruise on his chin. "Actually, I lied about that. I had to convince you to open the door."
Your anger flares like wild fire but before the flames can grow higher he quickly compensates for his mistake. "I'm really sorry. I had to.They...they did some things to me...I'll explain everything but I don't have much time."
"Why?" you demand. "Are they following yo-"
"What are you doing here in the first place?" Jungkook interrupts.
The man appears to be going through an internal conflict as his eyes shut tight, hands clench and unclench and the line of his eyebrows angles into a wide V. His distressed condition explained so much and yet so little. His eyes that up till now had been staring at the ground, lift to level up with yours and then flick to Jungkook's. "I went through hell itself to get here unnoticed. I'll have to go soon. But before I do, there's something you should know."
* * *
As much as Jungkook refused to drop the disgruntled attitude, he still made the man sit on the couch and then proceeded to offer him a much needed glass of water. The man drank and drank and drank like he'd forgotten its taste and freshness and after his thirst was sedated, he started chirping like a bird.
"First of all, I want to apologize about trying to take you by force back in Malta, even though in reality it was not my choice."
"We'd figured that out, " you confirm. "But why did you help us escape?"
You'd been racking your brains out for a long time now, trying to come up with a logical explanation but no answer fit in the frame. You just couldn't understand why he would put himself in danger so you could run away.
It didn't make any sense.
"I couldn't just let them take you like prisoners, " he says. "I had to at least give you a chance because I myself wasn't given one."
Jungkook's brows wrinkle in confusion. "What do you mean?"
A look of something like shame casts upon the man's face and he stares at his clasped hands. "When I first got this job, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Being a bodyguard, I had taken everything into account, including the fact that I would probably have to give up my life at some point but I never thought I'd be involved in criminal affairs."
Criminal affairs? What was he talking about?
"I thought it was normal at first. I thought this was how things normally went but when you decided to go to that trip in Malta I realized that I couldn't get out of this sucking hole no matter how much I tried. And the worst thing about it is that you've had to suffer along all this time without even knowing it."
Jungkook raises a hand to stop him. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there a second. Are you talking about Sejin making Y/N leave? And the the thing at the plane? I know he went a little too far but-"
"You think that's a coincidence?" the man shoots back. "He set everything up. From the tickets to the hotel to everything. Every single piece of it was planned out."
Your teeth grind against each other with a mixed state of anger and shock putting them into action. When you throw a glance at Jungkook's traumatised form, tears start to form at the corners of your eyes. The man's statement seemed to had jarred him to the bone and rendered him speechless, incapable of forming a coherent thought.
"I apologize for that, " the man continues. "I didn't want to say it straight away because I knew it would come as a shock to you but Mr.Sejin is not who you think he is. I've had to live with this knowledge for years now."
For a moment, Jungkook's eyes clear up and he blinks a number of times till his attention is completely aimed at the man's face. "Is this a joke or something? Did he send you here to play with us?"
The man's expression remains stoic, forever expressionless but even through his mask you could make out the scars of horrendous truths.
He wasn't lying.
You both knew that but you just couldn't accept it, even though deep down you had always sensed that the origin of your ordeals had been somehow designated.
The said bodyguard points a finger at his face. "You see these bruises, sir? They gave them to me as a punishment for not being able to bring you back. Beat me up till I fainted. When I woke up they made it clear that this time the job had to be done properly. That's why I'm here. To bring you back. But I won't be doing that. I'm here to make sure that you know who you're dealing with. I don't have the authority to talk with his superiors. Trust me, I've even tried to but he's always one step ahead of me." He smiles sadly. "I've gotten countless warnings because of that."
Jungkook puts his head in his hands and agressively ruffles his hair. "How long has this been going?"
The man doesn't hesitate. "6 years. Since the moment Ms.Y/N set foot on that company. He was obsessed with the idea of a boy-group only and didn't want any other intruders. I can witness the number of times he complained to his superiors about not letting her join. He kept pestering them, kept telling them all sorts of things but PD-nim was the one who insisted on taking her. After that he was absolutely furious. You should've seen the way he flung things around in his office. It made me scared for a moment."
He releases a long-kept sigh and shakes his head dreadfully.
"This went on for as much as I can remember. He never changed, always kept making attempts into kicking her out and covered it with a fake smile. But this time he had it all planned out to the smallest detail and couldn't afford to just brush it off as usual. That's probably his biggest mistake so far. He just couldn't stand hiding in a bush anymore so he went 'go hard or go home' I guess."
All this new information was making your head spin. Your mind wasn't helping either, continuously attaching images to the words, helping build up the portrayal of the man who had detested you for so many years, piece by piece. To say that you'd been dismayed was an understatement. You just couldn't believe your ears, couldn't wrap your head around the idea.
"What exactly had he planned?" asks Jungkook with a tint of hesitation in his voice. Understandable enough, taking into consideration the fact that he was fed up with the truths he'd heard. The bodyguard takes a sip from his glass and gulps audibly. He keeps throwing nervous looks at the door, as if waiting for someone to burst in.
"If you can remember....the accident with the saesang girl...."
Not that
Anything but that
"It was not an accident, " he confirms. "Your manager planned it."
No no no no no no-
"He hired that girl knowing she was a saesang and told her what she had to do. He promised her Jungkook would be hers if she managed to get the job done. That night, when you sneaked out into the forest, it's like you offered yourselves to her in a silver platter. And that's how it went. She took care of everything; the car, the tools, even her assistant."
He shakes his head and you see a melancholic smile cast upon his lips as he looks directly at you. "Stupid girl. She hated you so much to the point where she even ignored Sejin's orders for a moment. He'd never intended to kill you. Obviously, he wasn't that stupid. But she didn't care at all. Thought about getting rid if you since she had the chance and went all-psycho. Unfortunately for her, you managed to escape and that's when Mr.Sejin got angry. Really, really angry. His face got all red and puffy and when Namjoon-ssi tried to talk to him, worried about you gone missing, he yelled in his face."
You can almost feel the nostalgic taste of the word in your tongue. It was like smelling that familiar aroma of fresh flowers that grew in your back yard and being swept into a wave of old memories. Sick of you, to not think enough about him all this time, when all he'd ever did was worry about you.
You missed them. All of them. So much to the point where it hurt.
Were they okay?
Now that you were certain about your manager's intentions, you couldn't help feeling concerned about the rest of the boys.
Unaware of your thoughts, the man continues with his story. "And things got even worse when she shot you and you jumped into the stream. I guess she panicked. Her voice was literally shaking from the other side of the phone during the call with manager-nim. I don't know what she said exactly but it still didn't make him give up. After all, he had to prepare for the grand finale."
Jungkook's sharp intake of breath switches your attention to him. You examine his face carefully, looking for any signs of panic but nothing makes it to the surface.
At least not yet.
"-called the ambulance to make sure you wouldn't die."
The momentary distraction had made you zone out and you're only able to catch the last part of the phrase.
"Then what?" Jungkook asks softly.
It's like the man's physiognomy is put into action; eyelids blinking furiously, lips opening and closing, hands fumbling with each-other. He seems nervous to keep talking and that only puts Jungkook on edge even more.
"Then what? " the latter insists. Bolder this time.
The man chokes the words out. "Th-then you wrestled with that girl's assistant. And-"
"And I killed him." Jungkook finishes for him. You notice the way his eyes turn glassy and distant, as if they'd travelled back in time, recalling the events.
"No, sir. He's alive."
Both yours and Jungkook's head snap in his direction with lightning speed.
Had you just imagined him saying that?
"What?" you voice.
"He didn't kill him, " the man confirms and this time you can clearly see his lips matching the words. "It was all a trick."
Tiny little glass shards scatter across the floor, but you don't even have time to react as another loud noise joins it.
"No!" Jungkook yells again after taking out the anger on the second vase. " I don't believe you! You're lying!" He's fully risen to his feet, his chest puffed from breathing too hard. You've never seen him like this, so angry and panicked and scared.
"He's alive, sir. I'm not lying. They enacted the death-"
"Shut up!" Jungkook screams.
"-to make Y/N-ssi feel guilty and leave. Please, sir. You have to listen to me. You did not kill anyone."
A storm of emotions drowns you whole and it's impossible to pinpoint a particular feeling in the midst of all the chaos. Pain, sadness, relief, anger. They all come as a flooding mess, an absolute wreck.
But none of that matters now.
Not as you notice Jungkook from the corner of your eye, slowly sink to the floor and curl into a ball. It's just like that night at the hotel. He rocks back and forth with no awareness of his surroundings, completely lost in his despair.
The storyteller gives him a perplexed look. He must be wondering why Jungkook was reacting this way, why he didn't sigh in relief upon the news of his innocence.
That's because the man didn't know what the idea of killing someone had done to him and how hard it was to just rip that thought out of his mind. He'd convinced himself over and over that he was guilty, that he was a murderer. You'd witnessed it yourself during all those restless nights filled with nightmares driven by his own conscience. You'd both tried to speak as little as you could about it by trying to avoid that fact but now that he's given up and let himself fall apart, you're able to see how it had ruined him beyond repair.
You glare at the bodyguard to stop him from going further and rush to Jungkook's side on the floor.
And your heart shatters into a million pieces.
He's sobbing like a little child.
A grown-up man turned into a little kid just like that, with his arms wrapped around his knees, head buried low within.
You carefully approach him and crouch on the floor, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "Kook..."
He doesn't even acknowledge your presence and his sobs only seem to increase but that doesn't discourage you from throwing your arms around him in a wide hug.
"It's okay, Kook. You're okay."
Suddenly, his hands wrap around your waist and he hugs you so tightly, you almost fall back. You thread your fingers through his dark silky hair and pat his head.
Another choked sob escapes his throat.
Oh how you wished you were the one suffering, not him. If only you could take all his pain from him, you'd gladly do it. You'd do anything for him.
His fists scrunch the fabric on the back of your shirt as hit tears spill on your collarbones.
"You're okay, you're okay, shhhhhhh." you whisper in his ear.
All is forgotten by now. The only thing you can focus on is to let him know that you were here, that you understood, and that it was okay to feel like this.
It was okay not to be okay.
* * *
You'd lost all sense of time with Jungkook in your arms that you'd failed to even throw a look at the man in the corner, silently waiting for the situation to cool down.
"I'm sorry." you hear Jungkook's worn voice at the side of your neck.
"Don't be." you answer. "It's not your fault."
He finally unties his hands from your waist and takes a deep breath. A dark veil still hangs in his eyes but he tries to cover it up with a weak smile. However, the smile turns a tad bit more genuine when you cup his cheek with one hand and gently caress it.
"I'll get you some water," you say and make to get up but he grips your hand and looks up at you with pleading eyes.
"Don't go."
If you could choose to have an image branded at the back of your mind, this particular one would be it. Those big round eyes and the messy curls that fell over them carelessly, that scar on his cheekbone, the one you'd always loved, and the pouty lips under the frame of which a tiny mole showed.
You feel like crying and laughing at the same time.
Yet you still understand.
He needed the physical support as much as the he needed the emotional one in order to have something to hang onto. A safe harbor to keep him from straying off into the dark corners of his traumas.
"Okay." You sit back down and Jungkook clings onto your arm almost immediately.
"Sir, " the man finally decides to speak. "I'm really sorry about everything."
Jungkook nods in affirmation.
You're just about to add something when the man's inner pocket of his coat starts to vibrate.
He gulps.
Looks at the door.
With shaking hands, he reaches inside his coat and retrieves his phone.
"It's him." he says upon taking a look at the screen.
Your senses tingle with a mind of their own. What you'd been talking about all this time takes the form of a man. The source of all your fears and sufferings.
The floor suddenly grows uncomfortable.
It's like the vibrations are digging into your brain, each buzz more unbearable than the other.
The man can't seem to take it anymore. He taps on the phone and pushes it to his ear.
A gruff voice joins the line.
You're not able to catch any of the words but the man's face says it all.
Something happened.
"Don't hurt them, " he croaks.
More yelling on the other side of the phone call.
Then, silence.
At this point you don't know what to expect. You tightly squeeze Jungkook's leg in reassurance.
The man's begging eyes turn to plead with yours, desperate, hopeless. "I'm sorry, " he says and runs off to the door.
But instead of leaving, he pushes the open button.
And waits.
Your heart leaps in your throat when a dozen other bodyguards rush inside.
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mycatshuman · 5 years
The Emo Who Stole Christmas
Chapter 4 : You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch or Virgil and Roman Are Done With the Who's and Decide to Get Back at Them.
Word Count: 3,477
Warnings: stealing of Christmas, may be some cursing, grown adult blaming a child for their problems, let me know if I missed any
Pairings: Pre-established Prinxiety and Logicality and Demus
Masterlist | Previous | Next | More Chapters
Again, a big thank you to @icequeenoriginal for being the co-creator. This was a mother-daughter effort and I love it.
Virgil stood staring down at the Whoville in the ice-cold snow. 
Yes, the Grinch knew that tomorrow all the Whos would wake bright and early and rush for their toys. 
"And then, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise, noise, noise!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll bang on tong-tinglers. They'll blow their floo-flounders. They'll crash on Jang-jinglers and bounce on boing-bouncers!" He held his hands to his ears as if he could already hear the horrific noise. 
Then Whos young and old would sit down to feast. 
"And they'll ready and they'll feast. And they'll feast, feast, feast, feast!!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll eat their Who pudding! And rare Who roast beast! And that's something I can not stand in the least." Virgil paused in his ranting. "Oh no!" He exclaimed horrified. "I'm speaking in rhyme!" He cried out. "Blast you Whos!" He exclaimed as he fell to his knees. 
The more the Grinch thought of what Christmas would bring…the more the Grinch thought...
"I must stop this whole thing!" Virgil exclaimed as he stood up and paced. "For year after year, I've put up with it now! I must stop this Christmas from coming! But how?" Virgil blinked. "I mean, in what way?" He let out an annoyed growl and turned to walk inside. He opened the door and was hit with a blast of cheery Christmas music. 
"Christmas is going to the dogs!" Virgil blinked as he watches Remy lazily bath himself to the music. Virgil opened his mouth only to close it again confused. He quickly jumped at the sound of his door opening and turned to find Roman dressed in sweats.
"Roman?" Virgil asked concerned. "How are you feeling?" Roman shuffled forward and fell forward into his lover's arms. Virgil's arms came up to wrap around the other and envelope him in a hug. 
"Virgil…I want to live with you. I don't want to be down there anymore. Not with the way they keep treating me, like some ornament meant to be stared at or ignored! Please! I don't care if someone finds out, I can't live there anymore!”
Virgil blinked rapidly. "Love," he started. "Are you 100% sure about this?" Roman nodded. Virgil sighed and ran his hands through the other soft curls. 
"Virgil?" Roman asked softly after a while. 
"I want to make them pay. I want them to understand. I don't-I want them to-" Roman groaned and hurried his face in Virgil's chest, ironically too emotionally exhausted to deal with his emotions.  Virgil frowned and snuggled the other closer trying to provide as much comfort as he could. Then, his mind began to whirl. 
Then the Grinch got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful awful idea. 
Virgil pulled away from Roman and announced. ”I’m going to steal Christmas.” Roman blinked as Virgil smirked. "They want to hurt you so bad, they'll lose Christmas. And if they want a monster, then I'll show them a monster!" 
Roman hopped up, finally finding some energy. "Yes! I'll go make the costume. You work on the sleigh!" He turned to Remy only to stop. "And you just keep bathing yourself." Roman ran off and began working while Virgil started on the monstrous sleigh. 
”With this coat and this hat, he'll look just like Saint Nick!" Roman exclaimed. As they worked, Roman's voice sang a little song he had composed from all of the stupid rumors about the Grinch. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch,'"  Virgil chuckled as he heard the other sing. "'You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch! You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!" Roman walked over to Virgil with the hat and place it on his head as he sang and place a quick kiss to his cheeks before going back to work on the jacket. "'Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders. You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.'" Virgil snorted as Roman danced around with the jacket before sitting on a table out of his way so he could work on the pants. "You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville, No one's denyin”  Virgil spared a glance at Roman and smiled. Boy did he love him. 
"'You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch." Roman picked up the song again. "'You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile!" Virgil giggled as Roman tossed the pants over to the same table. He closed the front door behind him after having moved the sleigh outside and walked over to Roman. He wrapped him in a hug and kissed his temple. Roman hummed happily. Virgil hated to have to wipe the smile from his face. 
"Roman," Roman made a small noise of acknowledgment. "I'm going to need you to go home. Just for tonight."
Roman ripped himself away from Virgil. "What?! Why?!" 
"I can't have you helping me-" 
"No! You can't--no!" 
"Roman, please-"
"No! No! No!" 
"Roman, I can't have you getting in trouble. I want to make sure if you ever want to go back, you can! I can't bare to have you help and then regret it and then want to leave but you can't because you've been shunned. Please, Roman. This is all I ask. Just this one night. Please." 
Roman stared at Virgil for a while before reluctantly nodding. "Okay," he whispered. He wasn't happy about it, but he knew it would make Virgil feel better about everything. "Okay, just-" Roman moved forward and placed a hand on Virgil's cheek. "Be careful, okay?" Virgil nodded. "Thank you." Roman pushed up on his tiptoes and gave the other a light kiss. "I'll see you later." 
"See you later," Virgil promised
Virgil sat with Remy watching Santa through a telescope. "He should be finishing up anytime now. Wanna talk about a recluse? He only comes out once a year but does he catch any hate for it? No! He probably lives up there just to avoid the taxes." Virgil ranted. He paused as he watched as Santa flew away in his sleigh. "Whoops. I forgot about the reindeer…" 
Did that stop the old Grinch? No, the Grinch simply said: 
"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead." Virgil turned around and faced Remy. "Remy!" Remy rolled his eyes and prepared himself to wear a headband with antlers. Virgil quickly found a reindeer headband and placed it on his cat's head before placing a red nose on his nose. "Okay, you're a reindeer and your motivation is that you're a deer with a red nose and nobody likes you. One day, you save Christmas-" Virgil paused. "Ignore that. We'll just improvise. You hate Christmas! You're gonna steal it! Saving Christmas was such a lousy ending. Okay and action!" 
Remy glared at Virgil before knocking the red nose off. Virgil blinked and then he gasped. "Brilliant! You regret your own nose because it represents the glitter of commercialism! Why didn't I think of that?" Then Virgil walked off and climbed into the sleigh along with Remy. 
Virgil flipped the switch and the sleigh came life, vibrating with power. "That feels good." Virgil turned to Remy "Here goes nothing," and he pressed the bottom to start actually start moving. The sleigh rose up in the air and Virgil grinned. "Wow! It actually works! Okay! Let's go! On, Crasher! On Thrasher! On, Vomit and Blitzkrieg!!!" Virgil screamed as the sleigh shot off and began spinning violently, turning over and over. "We're gonna die!" Virgil shrieked. "We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up! And then we're gonna die! Mommy, tell it to stop!!" He cried, eventually he was able to wrangle control of the sleigh and they flew smoothly through the sky. Virgil stayed frozen for a moment before allowing himself to slightly relax. He let out a sigh of relief. "Almost lost my cool there." 
All their windows were dark. Quiet snow filled the air. All the Whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care when he came to the first little house on the square…
Virgil slowly brought down the sleigh on top of the roof of an overly decorated house. He noticed a traffic light among the variety of lights. "Weird." He turned back to Remy. "This will be our first stop."
The old Grinchy Claus hissed. And he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist. He'd slide down the chimney, a rather tight pinch, but if Santa could do it, so could the Grinch.
Virgil stood up and tied a rope around his waist. He stepped up onto the edge of the chimney and prepared to dive. "He's planning a double-twisted interrupted forward-flying 2-and-a-half with a combo tuck and like. A high degree of difficulty," Virgil muttered and jumped and dove headfirst down into the chimney. 
He got stuck only once, for a moment or two…
Virgil groaned quietly. "Stupid suit," muttered, referring to the furry suit of the Grinch. Something that helped him scare kids off and leave him alone now was slowing him down from his biggest scare of all. He huffed.
Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue. 
"A little more stealth, Thomas, please." 
Thomas lowered his voice. Where the little Who stockings all hung in a row. 
"These stockings," he grinned. "Are the first things to go." The Grinch opened a jar and turned it upside down, shaking out moths. "Alright, fellas, chow time." The moths quickly gobbled up the stockings. 
Then he slunk to the icebox. 
He eyed the Whos' feast. He took the Who pudding. He took the roast beast. 
"Hike!" Virgil called out as he launched the roast beast through his legs like a football player. 
He cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. Why that Grinch, even took their last can of Who-hash. Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. 
Virgil threw the bag up the chimney and spun around to face the tree. "And now," grinned the Grinch. "I'll stuff up the tree!" And the Grinch grabbed the tree and he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. 
Virgil turned to find Emile and grimaced. He felt really bad about this….
"Excuse me" Emile called softly. 
The Grinch had been caught by this tiny Who child, who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. 
"Mr. Santa, what are you doing with our tree?" 
But you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick, he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. 
"Why my sweet little tot!" Virgil exclaimed grandly. "There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. So, I'm taking it home to my workshop, sweet child. "I'll fix it up there, then I'll bring it back here."
Emile narrowed their eyes. "Santa, what's Christmas really about?" 
"Vengeance!" Virgil exclaimed before remembering he was supposed to be pretending he was the perfect Who Santa. "I mean...presents, I suppose." 
Emile frowned. "I was afraid of that." 
And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted their head and got them a drink, and he sent them to bed. 
Emile paused their journey up the stairs. "Santa?"
"What?" Virgil asked. 
"Don't forget the Grinch-" 
Virgil couldn't take it anymore and walk out from behind the tree. "I'm sorry." 
Emile blinked and furrowed their brows. "Why?" 
Virgil bit his lip. "To show you all what's more important ...and to get back at everyone for upsetting Roman." 
Emile nodded. "Okay. Well...good luck, Virgil." 
And when Emile Lou went up with their cup, the Grinch went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. Virgil quickly shot the tree up the chimney and grabbed everything else before climbing back up the chimney. And the last thing he took was the log for their fire. On their walls, he left nothing but some hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he'd left in the house, was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. Virgil reached down and picked the mouse up deciding to allow it to eat something so long as it wasn't in a Whos’ house. Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant, around each Who home and he took every present. 
Virgil took a saw and cut a circle above his head and the floor fell through along with the Christmas tree and its presents. He stepped up through the hole and smirked. "They're in sale. Everything must go." And he began to take it all. 
Virgil froze as he stepped into the bedroom of a magazine picture-perfect house. Oh. This was Roman's house. He glanced around at the decorations and found himself smiling fondly. He should have known. Everything just screamed Roman from the abundance of reds, whites, and golds. He carefully walked over to the bedside table and noticed the ring box the mayor had given Roman. He nearly growled as he went to take it before noticing something else. It was his gift. The one he had made for Roman all those years ago. Virgil's eyes watered and he forced himself to blink the tears away. He shook his head and quickly snatched the ring box off of the table. He went to move only to be stopped by a tan hand yanking him down and lips crashing into his. Virgil blinked in surprise before happily giving into Roman and allowing the other to wrap his arms around his neck. 
Roman pulled away after kissing Virgil senseless. "Virgil," he asked softly. "Please, let me help." Virgil bit his lip. "I suppose..." He started. "You can help...but...just promise that if we get caught, you say I forced you to do it, okay?" 
Roman's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait! No! I can't-" 
"Then I can't let you help." 
Roman blinked. "I-okay," he sighed in defeat. "I'll tell them you forced me." Virgil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." 
Roman froze as he finally dragged the attention away from Virgil's hiding place. He hadn't realized the Whos would put out guards to guard the path leading to Mount Crumpit after everyone went to bed to protect from the Grinch. From Virgil. But Virgil ran out of fuel for his rocket sleigh and he had to drag it up the mountain himself. But they were losing moonlight, and the long way around wouldn't work. So Roman offered to try and distract them. But now, he was very nervous. The Who guards had rounded on him. Accusing him of being in league with the Grinch. Of course, he was, but Virgil had made him promise and he wasn't about to break his promise. 
"You really think I'm in league with the Grinch?" Roman asked the guards. 
They nodded. "Yeah, why else wouldn't you have immediately said yes to Mayor Anton's proposal?” 
Roman grimaced. He really hated the mayor. 
"If I really hated the Grinch, would I do this?" Then Roman started his song. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel, You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch. You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel. Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole, Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville No one's denyin'. You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile.'" 
As Roman sang, he watched Virgil carefully carry the sleigh behind the two guards and try to rush up the path until he wouldn't be noticed. 
"I suppose not," one of the guards said once Roman's song was done. Then they both turned back to face the mountain. 
Roman blinked. Surely it can't be that easy! But it seemed it was. So he turned and quickly found the nearest garbage chute and took a ride to the top of Mount Crumpit. Prepared to meet his love at the top. 
3,000 feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit, he rode with his load to the tip top to dump it.
Virgil grunted as he set the sleigh down carefully in the snow and turned to face Roman who was standing before him. "We did it!" He exclaimed excitedly. Roman grinned, leaped into his arms and wrapped him in a tight hug. Virgil placed a kiss to Roman's lips before setting him back down on his own feet. Virgil turned to Remy. "That wasn't so bad, was it Remy?" 
Remy rolled his eyes as he remembered at least 30 different breakdowns Virgil had had along the way. 
Roman turned towards the horizon. "They'll be waking up now," he said. "I know just what they'll do. All of them down in Whoville will all cry!”
"What an embarrassment! I've been robbed!" The sheriff of Whoville exclaimed as she rushed out of her house to her car. She climbed in and turned the siren on blissfully unaware of the rope attached to her bumper. She quickly drove off. 
Mayor Anton awoke with a start and suddenly, his bed crashed through the big window in his room with him in it. As Whos came out of their homes they watched as the mayor slid past on his bed. As the sheriff made a turn around the Christmas tree in the middle of town, the Mayor's bed slid around and came to an abrupt stop.  
The sheriff stepped out of her car and stopped as she noticed the mayor. "Mayor May-Who?" 
The mayor quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on his robe that was luckily still attached to the bed. He looked around noticing the damage. He frowned. "I wonder who could have done this," he said as he noticed Emile and their family come into view. "I'll tell you one thing: Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas." He raised his hands and beat on his bed. "Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas!!" He paused to take a breath and Emile frowned. "But did anyone, anyone listen to me?" 
"I did!" The mayor's assistant piped in but the mayor ignored him. 
"No. You choose to listen to a little not-to-be-taken-seriously child. And they haven't even grown into their nose yet." Anton shook his head. "Emile, I hope you're very proud of what you have done." With that, the mayor turned around. 
Emile frowned and looked down as tears welled in their eyes. 
"If they aren't, then I am!” 
Mayor Anton turned around to see Patton, Emile's dad, and Logan, their father had stepped in front of them. "What?" He asked, not sure if he had heard correctly. 
"I said, if they aren't, then I am. I'm glad he took our presents."
Who's around all gasped as the Mayor gawked at them. "You're glad? He's glad!" The mayor shouted to the crowd. "You're glad that everything is gone.? You're glad the Grinch virtually wrecked…? No, no. Not wrecked, pulverized Christmas. Is that really what I'm hearing?" 
Patton sighed. "You can't hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor. It's not about the gifts, or contests or the fancy lights." He turned and gestured to Emile who's face showed hopefulness. 
"That's what Emile has been trying to tell everybody. "
The mayor blinked. "What is wrong with you!?! This is a child!" 
Patton pulled Emile close against his side. "They're my child. They happen to by right by the way." Patton turned towards his family. "I don't need anything more for Christmas than what's right here, my family."
The Who's all erupted into cheers and began telling each other Merry Christmas. Emile smiled brightly. They finally understood. Logan grabbed a hold of Patton's robe. "Merry Christmas honey!" He yanked Patton into a kiss. Missy and Pranks covered their mouths like they were going to be sick as they moved away from their parents. 
"Give me a break!" The mayor cried out as he turned away. 
Meanwhile, Emile was looking up at Mount Crumpit before they moved to find a garbage chute. "No one should be alone on Christmas," they whispered as the hit the side and started their ride to the top of the mountain. 
Everything Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws
The Emo Who Stole Christmas Taglist: @logical-princey @mostpeopleannoyne
May I suggest listening to this song as mom or you know @ icequeenoriginal showed it to me saying this is how extra Roman is singing the song and I quite agree.
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