#I've been more active on tiktok so if u want to see more of me ur gonna have to go onto that godforsaken app sorry
scarlettroubles · 7 months
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My queen
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monstress · 2 years
hii. if u dont mind, could u please share that "change of attitude" towards journaling? i feel like i really need that.. since i myself changed my attitude towards drawing and have been much more productive and happy doing it this last year. however Writing About Myself its another beast completely.. hope u r having a nice day! 🍃
hope you're having a lovely day as well! anyways as i was typing this up, what starts as a small tidbit has gone off the rails so i suppose this is my blanket advice as a newbie in journaling:
the materials!
choosing the titular journal aka notebook:
soft vs hard cover - i didn't realize this is SUCH a deciding factor until much later. most people prefer soft covers since journals can get massive with use but it's very subjective. be tactile - if it just don't feel right in ur hands, it's not gonna be something u reach out for when u have free time.
size - the most common sizes are A5, A6 or regular aka travelers notebook. you have to think abt who you are as a writer. do u have a large handwriting that takes up pages and pages? do you like space or are you overwhelmed by a blank page? do you travel a lot and do u want something unobtrusive in your bag? choose something that will reasonable work as a part of your daily life.
paper texture - paper that is smooth to write in are a great source of pleasure. notebooks with 100gsm paper is a good benchmark.
price - pleaseeee do not break the bank to purchase a fancy notebook. an expensive notebook can become an unloved one. you'd be too stressed to ensure every entry is perfect and pretty enough and the notebook eventually becomes too intimidating for you to fill in. check out your local hypermarket or online stores for quality notebooks. moleskins are overrated--in my country, they are v v expensive so don't feel pressure to buy a certain stationary just bc you see them often on ig/tiktok like my journal cost me approximately RM10 (USD2.34) and my new one w 100gsm paper cost me RM17 (USD4) like affordable options are out there!
build a connection with your notebook - listen...this sounds strange but having an attachment with your journal and making it inviting as possible is a great source of motivation. personalize it: add stickers, doodle or paint the cover. get a fabric/pvc cover to keep it clean if you'd like (you can add lil papers/stickers on ur actual notebook cover before putting on the pvc cover! very cute and easy)
and your pens:
again: less is more! use any relatively cheap pens you like - be it for the ink or smoothness. if you want to journal a lot, expect to lose a few pens during traveling or just around the house lmao
for fans of darker inks like me, i use Uni-ball Signo Broad, M&G R3 retractable gel pen and my favorite: Faber Castell RX Gel Pen 0.38mm - which cost like RM1.49 (i dont wanna convert - it's change money in america)
final note: i don't use fountain pens so i'm afraid i'm not well-versed enough to advise in that department but i deeply respect (and a little in awe) of journallers who use them 🫡
the tenet!
purpose: what do u plan to use the notebook for? daily journal? art journal? planner? all three? it's your life! live deliciously! since i have a 9-5 job, i know i can't keep up with more than one journal so i've been using mines as a diary and i dump my daily activities/thoughts/reviews of all kinds of media i'm currently obsessed with and it fills up quick!
don't be too hard on yourself: if you missed a day or two of journalling, it's fine - take it back up. write down anything memorable you'd like in the past few days. if you come across a certain blank page your brain is blanking to fill, perhaps after a previous dark entry, skip the page. skip two pages if needed. don't be scared of blank pages. if it needs to be blank, let it be.
it doesn't have to only be words! add stickers, dried flowers, receipts, ticket stubs, other ephemera you collected in the day. be artful! go crazy on page decoration!!
if there's anything you take away from this post, it's this: if you truly want a journal that is used up quickly, do not have plans to share it on social media. personally, i find once you are in the mindset of sharing your journal for an audience's consumption, you get worried whether it's "aesthetic" enough or is it too boring or too ugly or too dark or that you don't upload regularly enough. social media can be inhibiting your creativity or motivation to journal like let your animal brain ruminate in private! stay free from the shackles of responsibility!
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zarchomp · 3 months
saw a post on tiktok joking about riley from inside out discovering Wattpad in the first movie and AO3 in the second movie which like,,,,, relatable middle school experience.
a bunch of the comments were saying stuff like "and just WAIT until she discovers chai". i didn't know what chai was, but i DO know that ao3 isn't as popular in a lot of fandom spaces these days so i checked it out, wondering if it was something new, but turns out it's character ai?
which is SO interesting to me because like,,,, the whole thing that i've always LOVED about fandom spaces is the act of mutual creation.
i feel like the thing that is so amazing about fandom isn't just that it's a continuation of the canon stories, but that it's an entirely different way to create relationships with stories. exploring your relationship to a character, as a consumer, and using that to become a creator. taking what resonates to you from the canon and further exploring that tiny facet of it.
i remember that post on here from about ten years ago that argued that canon which tends to be dark has a lot of fanwork that's more lighthearted (college aus, post-war slice of life stuff) whereas lighter canon material gives way to darker fanwork. that sort of relationship with the text, a willingness to explore it on all fronts, is what makes fandom kinda amazing.
the way that popular fanfictions completely recontexualize fanon as a whole. how popular pieces of fanart can affect the way the fandom interprets characters and their relationships to each other. fandom has ALWAYS been interesting because it's constantly building on itself. it's like one giant mass that's influenced by thousands of people and each of the individual ways that they resonate with the text.
to me, fandom was never a passive experience. growing up with a lot of mental illness, relating to people in real life wasn't easy. but in an online space where the only thing i needed to enter a thriving community was opinions on different characters and relationships, i could find a space for myself. i know a lot of fanartists and fic writers and general fandom people feel the same way.
and i was kinda shocked at the amount of people who go to ai for fandom. i know back when chatGPT first got big, a lot of people were using it to write fanfiction. and i just think is totally misses the fundamental joy of fandom. because like, i want to read something written by someone who cried while learning about sasuke's backstory.
i want to see art by someone who's stayed up all night scrolling ship tags on tumblr. the whole point of fandom, to me, isn't just that my brain latches onto *thing* and so i want more *thing* (which it does). but i want that more *thing* to be created by someone who has thoughts on the text. someone who watched voltron and said "yeah this is kinda cool but i have ideas about keith's characterization in season three that i think was underexplored in the show and i want to try my hand at it".
anyways, i am so appreciative towards anyone who's ever drawn characters in their styles, had them wearing silly costumes, put them in an pokemon au, started conversation about which college major u think the dungeon meshi characters would choose.
everyone who writes and creates original stories about ur faves suffering, bleeding, owning a pet store, celebrating their birthdays, having sex for the first time.
the act of mutual creation which defines fandom is incredible. the fact that there's a whole community of people who have different takes on characters, who hotly debate whether it makes more sense if the character with the canonically horrific backstory would still have that backstory in the modern day. it's what makes these communities alive, active places that you can explore. it's incredible.
the ability to see a text, and to create such a personal relationship with it that it sparks more creation. that's what it's about.
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spaceyflowers · 9 months
hi!! im still alive!! + updates on this blog
first: i would like to apologize for disappearing without a word for like. nearly a year. im terribly sorry for any worry i've caused T_T;;
honestly i have no good excuse for disappearing like i did especially without reason (not that im obligated to let everyone know my business but i did have a "i wont randomly disappear!" sentiment and yet... here i am) but in a nutshell, its basically: fandom shifts, college, and guilt.
if you want to know about the future of this blog fandom wise;
still going to be a lookism/viral hit blog (havent caught up yet) but most likely wont be as active in the fandom anymore;;; thinking of sticking as a lookism blog until that series ends but who knows when it will so i might eventually just change fandoms 😭
please dont feel bad about unfollowing or anything!! curate what u wanna see with who u follow, i take no personal offense, even if we've been long time mutuals!! ><
fandom shifts will probably be more common; i have this weird thing where i cant focus on multiple interests or i get stressed;; so i get obsessed with one thing for months/years but then once i lose interest and move on, its likely i wont return to it unless something triggers it. thats why i dont think "multifandom" fits me, i'll always be fandom focused, its just the fandom focus changes 😭
p.s. sorry if im being dramatic about this (i feel like a youtuber who got canceled writing an apology 😭😭) i just feel like i owe yall an explanation </3
if you're curious about me, i've left that under the cut;
got into a new interest which made me stop looking at lookism/viral hit stuff -> knowing my blogs are lookism focused, i decided to take a "break"
couldnt get myself back into lookism after my "break" ended -> couldnt get myself back on tumblr
started to feel guilty because i havent been active in a long while
senior year ending, school takes my priorities -> summer break comes, i swear i'll apologize on tumblr but guilt eats away at me and then i have to do college stuff
become a little active on tiktok, start feeling more guilty because im active there but not on tumblr
college begins, get busy with college stuff -> during breaks, swear i'll apologize on tumblr pt 2 but the guilt has piled up so much it feels like the equivalent of when a person cant get themself to reopen their animal crossing new leaf game because they havent touched it in a long time
first college semester ends, winter break starts -> finally convince myself to get over it and start typing all this up
once again im really sorry T_T i was not made for the content creator life bc i cant stay active for shit + i feel so bad gaining followers for one thing but once i move on from that one thing, it feels like im disappointing a lot of ppl even tho i know i dont owe strangers on the internet anything- im just repeating myself now but yknow
oh and for anyone curious: my current fandom is dmc <3
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crimeronan · 10 months
re: your empathy posts. As someone who probably has higher than normal empathy (I used to ask people around me how they deal with sympathetic distress in common situations that occur in a job and only got blank stares) you're so valid!! The lionizing of this random subconscious process called empathy is so useless! It says nothing about the person and their values! As your other commenters suggested, people disparaging you may just be trying to boost their own shaky feelings about how their own emotional stability is deeply tied to their people-pleasing tendencies.
If anything, I think learning to function "normally" in society with "empathy" makes you more messed up. I understand this person's distress. I acknowledge it, and know how my actions will make it worse. I make them feel worse anyway, because that's the organizationally approved behavior, causing more pain for both them and myself. All the while I must behave as if I am cheerful and unbothered. Internalizing that hurting others and yourself to achieve your goals is Fine is necessary in order to stay sane. This is counter to everything people say they believe, so lying also has to become a virtue.
Buying kindness from the store seems like a really kind thing to do tbh. I am passing you on the street as I am schlupping over to pick up some callousness.
this last sentence made me giggle a lot. but YEAH!! a lot of this is spot-on to stuff i've been thinking about lately. like, "normal" empathy levels seem to be socially defined as "you care about people and want to help them, but you don't care so much that you'll harm yourself in pursuit of that" and it's all just..... i dunno. so much pathologizing of how we think and feel and whether we're Human (TM) about stuff. it's all so Weird
like..... i keep thinking that my lack of empathy gives me certain advantages in social situations. but in a similar vein to the ppl worried about sounding like tiktok empaths for being hyperempathetic, i worry that this makes me sound like an alpha male influencer writing youtube essays about why emotions make you weak, or whatever.
it's not that emotions make people weak or that having less empathy makes me like, a Cold Logical Calculating Math-Loving Strategist. i'm a writer who focuses solely on character-driven stuff, u probably wouldn't expect that from a stereotypically sociopathic person. part of why i LIKE writing character-driven stuff so much is BECAUSE i've had to actively teach myself how other people think, how they feel, how they struggle, etc
a lack of empathy means i can choose not to get invested in other people's feelings or lives, i don't feel guilty for emotionally disconnecting, i'm not afraid of being disliked. but i still know how to act like a decent human being. there's that one post about how stupid it is not to realize being nice gets people to be nice back, and fuckin. YEAH!! it's astonishing to me to read about cases of """clinical sociopaths""" (who are just people who didn't get the 'pretend you give a shit, moron' memo) manipulating and gaslighting people and whatnot. everyone in the comments will always be like "ooo so scary... they didn't feel bad at ALL... so terrifying that people who don't feel guilt exist..." and i'm like.
good LORD. at least having no empathy means i've had to grow my principles organically. oh my GOD.
anyway what brought these thoughts up today was that i was thinking about gansey and luz noceda, since theyre extremely similar characters & on my All Time Faves list. and i've said this before but the things i love about them (the kindness, self-sacrificing shit, anxiety, etc) are things i don't see in myself. but Wish I Did. like i wish i was kinder on the inside than i am.
but i know that i admire ppl with luz and gansey traits both in fiction and in real life. so i simply just..... emulate the luz and gansey actions. not always successfully, esp because i have a temper and very little patience, but like. i try to be kind where i can bc i wish i was someone who tries to be kind when they can. so i'm just going to be. u know??
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farfallasims · 5 months
hi☺️ when u we’re first starting up ur simblr how did u get ur posts more noticed?? I’m using tags and reposting my posts but nothings happening, I’m not sure whether to just wait a few days but like, this is harder than it seems bro
Before I give tips and tricks in what I noticed helped me, let me emphasize that I didn't go into this community trying to be really noticed, especially at the extent I have been. I just wanted to post my stuff and enjoy a community I've always loved watching from the sidelines. So, I guess that helped me not set up expectations of wanting to be noticed, I just posted stuff I loved and people liked it. But I will give you some ideas that I noticed helped me grow!
Be Interactive
If you are not engaging on other people's posts whether it is commenting, reblogging, or even liking stuff in general, you won't gain peers in the community. I'm not saying go comment on every post you see, but if you genuinely like something, let that creator know. No one likes someone who posts and ghosts, we love seeing the personality of the creator shine through.
2. Be Active
I joined the community back in February of 2023 and I have posted every. single. day. NOW, I am not saying do that, but I can 100% promise that being heavily active is a great way at building your own community. People love consistency and they love building a relationship with said creator. If you are posting once a week, the likelihood of anyone seeing your stuff is very slim.
3. Quality over Quantity
Yes, this does backtrack on the previous tip, but people love quality posts. They appreciate the time and effort that goes into it. I have all the programs I use listed in my FAQ to ensure better quality.
4. Drop Your Expectations
Like I said for myself, I didn't join the community wanting nor expecting to gain the following I did. Yes, I knew I'd get some attention, but I'm talking like 2 thousand people or so, and I would still be so happy if that were the case for me!
By going into this with that expectation, it set me up to never really feel that frustration of wondering why no one is seeing my posts or why I get so little likes. I was so grateful for the 45 notes I got on my first ever post and I didn't expect it either. I remember telling my boyfriend how geeked out I was over it!
Lower your expectations, it simply leads to less frustration.
5. Utilize Other Social Media Platforms
Twitter has been a huge growing platform for me, and I personally love it (if you stay out of drama), because you can get to learn so much about your favorite creators, and some can even become your friends.
I have made so many friends through joining the Sims Community on Twitter, and it has been such a great way to push my content and bring those people I meet there to my Tumblr. This also applies to other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok!
6. Have Fun
Post what you love, enjoy other peoples content, and just have a good time. We are all rooting for each other and we all want to see each other bloom on this platform, so please remember that.
I hope these tips & tricks help you and anyone else in the community x
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
hi! i have posted a few batcest fics but i was wondering if u had any tips on getting more involved with the community, mostly on twitter. i don't have a twitter acc dedicated to it yet but i follow some accs on my priv (yours included obviously) and the way people add onto threads and talk to eachoter abt it is really exciting. i'm nervous tho because i've never had an acc for something my irl friends aren't into and idk how to get mutuals or if it's okay to reply to tweets from people that don't follow you. i hope this made sense i'm just really scared abt reaching out to ppl
hi!!! first, i want to say it's so touching that you'd come to me for advice ❤️❤️❤️ 🥺🥺🥺. i'll do my best to give you the best advice possible!!!!
ive actually only been active on the batcest side of twitter for a few months (august was when i got more active and started following accounts)! before i got into batcest i didn't really go on twitter but so many talented people are on there and make such amazing tweets and au's i basically go on there once a day now haha 😄! that's probably because outside of places like discord there's really no concentrated communities or places to interact with people who like batcest in a way that feels more...active? on tumblr you can go weeks or days without every directly interacting with someone. tiktok is hostile to anyone with a brain plus it can show your videos to complete steangers outside of your intended audience which can be....yeah. instagram isnt bad but it would definitely be a weird way to interact. ive heard that facebook groups can be fun but how that pans out with 18+ content is...
from what i can tell most batcest accounts are pretty chill however i'm only speaking from the perspective of tim centric accounts. in terms of things such as "etiquette" there's only a few things most accounts do to sort of identify and differentiate each other.
- if you're following nsfw account or making nsfw tweets be sure to include that in your description whether that means having 'minors dni', 18+, 🔞, your age and an nsfw warning' it varies.
-you don't have to do this, in fact i don't even do it but it might make it easier to find mutuals, and that's to include your favorite ships in your bio as well! mentioning things like jaytim, jaydick, brutim, brudami, etc. a lot of batcest accounts have multiple ships that spread over different characters so them listing it makes it easier for people to see what they're about!
-inluding the link of your ao3/linking your twitter in your ao3 fics is a good way for people to follow your work! a lot of people might recognize your fics if they click on your ao3 fic and you can become mutuals like that!
in terms of how to interact with other accounts i get being nervous!! i definitely was when i first started posting my tim tweets!!! even now when i interact with mutuals i've been interacting with for a while I still get a little nervous sometimes!
but i do have some tips that I think have helped interact with others and keep it fun for everyone!❤️❤️❤️
- if a tweet talks about 2 specific characters or a specific ship and you really like the idea but don't care for the ship don't directly reply to the person saying something like "THIS but with x- instead would be so good!". i know wanting to give recognition for an idea is tempting but it's rude to try and change the intent of someone's tweet.
instead: you can make your own tweet and include something like "just saw someone on my tl talking about x-topic and now i can't stop thinking about y+z in that situation-" that way you're acknowledging the outside source but also not changing the tune of someone else's tweet
- if a lot of people on your timeline are all talking about the same idea and they're all coming out with their own spins and you have no idea who started it that's okay! twitter can be a bit of an echo chamber sometimes and no one's going to go through all their mutuals and find who tweeted what first. plus the very nature of art is that it often repeats itself.
if you want to join in: you can say something like "my tl is full of people about x and let me just say that-"
- emojis are your friend! i use them a lot because i have a hard time reading tone from text and think everyone else might too. when you're reading something it's hard to pick out whether someone is joking or saying something sarcastically without any indicators (ex. /joke /sarcasm at the end of a sentence, wrItInG LIkE tHiS tO MakE suRe someone knows they're being mocked/made fun of).
adding an emoji can really help change the tone of what you're saying making it sound less like you're stating a fact or making a demand or some other misinterpretation.
he deserves it.
he deserves it 😈
he doesn't deserve that!!!
he doesn't deserve that!!! 🥺🥺🥺
you just like torturing him don't you.
you just like torturing him don't you 😭😭😭
you can tell there's a few tonal differences between the statements which helps ease the slide of interaction (at least I think so!) by making it clear you're joking or being humorous.
- it's common to see people adding onto each other's threads and while you may be nervous about who is okay with it at first, the general rule of thumb is that on twitter anyone can add on to anyone's thread or respond whether you follow them or not (i don't think anyone will even notice who is following who) but if it does make you anxious you can click on their profile and look at their replies to see if they've replied to other people's threads or been replied to.
you can reply even if two people are already having a convo, you can just split off and start a new one! ive seen and had multiple split off convos with different people from the same original thread who all had different ideas or things to add on.
ultimately a lot of conversations on twitter are people prodding each other's brains for their shared interests and mutuals come about from people seeing that someone has similar interests and is talking about them and so follow because they also like that thing and would love to see more of people talking about that thing!!!
try following people who share a lot of your interests in terms of ships and characters.
mutuals may take a little while (in some cases ive done two scrolls of a person's account and immediatly followed them back without any interaction because we both clearly had the same interests) if you want exact steps of how that might happen you could start with
a. commenting on people's threads. telling them you loved it, reacting to it, sending emojis. etc.
b. send tweets about your thoughts, headcanons, aus, etc. don't feel discouraged if no one likes them yet you're just starting!
c. after you've gotten comfortable with commenting with an account you can start adding more to the interaction, adding on, proposing a direction for the tweet, etc.
these are just a few of the things ive learned and seen and nothing here is fully concrete either so if you feel more comfortable doing something else then feel free!!!
besides in the first conversation i ever had with one of my current mutuals i revealed to them that i'd secretly written an entire fic about one of their tweets even though we'd, until that point, never talked even once 😭
i guess what I'm trying to say is: go for it!! you never know, it might go a lot better than the worst case scenarios you may be thinking of!! ❤️❤️❤️
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skyonfilm · 1 year
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skystudiees here... it been a while (excluding the few recent posts).
initionally, i opened this blog to share my journey of my final year at university along with my progress with studying japanese. since graduating, i mostly focused on my japanese language progress. in recent times, i have metioned that i have struggled to stay motivated with studying and i still am. i have decided to officially take a break (excluding duolingo) for the time being.
for me, i didn't feel right to stay as a study blog. i was no longer a student and just metioned, i wasn't studying japanese. additionally, this blog reminded me too much of uni - i won't go into details but i didn't have the uni experience i wanted (posting study related stuff reminded me too much of uni).
because of this, i have decided to leave the studyblr community. thank you to all the lovely people i have discovered during this time - i wish you all the best!!
but i'm not going anywhere...
i've decided to change my username - i already stole @skyonfilm for my film/tv sideblow (u can follow if you would like) so i had to come up with something different. i came up with @skyonlinee hopefully you all like it!!
i was debating on starting fresh and as i do sort of document some parts of my life of here, i couldn't find many reason to not keep using this page. i will keep my posts up like they are old diary entries so anyone can look at anytime.
most of the blog is life stuff, youtube and other stuff i get round to (along with a study update here and there). and i'm gonna try to be more active on here. i am active elsewhere on youtube, twitter, instagram, pinterest and tiktok (i'm kinda everywhere lmao) if you would like to see more, your choice!
as a treat... i have decided to share all the skystudiees song recommendations here (i made this playlist so i wouldn't recommend the same song twice lmao). hopefully you will find some hidden gems in there!!
once again, thank you to everyone to has ever liked, relogged and followed skystudiees during this time - it was very very much appriciated. if you aren't intrested in the stuff i post now - you are very welcome to unfollow if you would like!!
hope you all have a lovely day!!
sky x
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dojae-huh · 3 days
Coming back w the link to the last ep of MIK (@jamgiz on X). The ending is kind of sweet haha.
Ep 6 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1qZB5p6QgQ7WkFOUgcp4aJKPGBDX2pAgX
Thank you for the review to the last 5 eps, I agree w you. Them feeling unwanted bcoz they don't get positive feedback reminds me of your comment on the last ep of Lastart. "You see, Riku realises he needs to fill in the shoes, that's why I like him, he is like Taeyong, he will improve relentlessly, some others don't feel the burden really...". The need to realize your role in the group & work on it, rather than focusing only on getting positive feedback as the goal.
Whether DA will last long: Aside from beating out the individualistic self, I also want to point out the motivation to join band like this. Idk much about the band culture in the West, I can only refer to what we know in Kpop; commonly being able to debut in ur group is the pride, the final dream (years being a trainee), long time commitment (TVXQ, Suju still active today), a name u want to protect (Haechan w NCT). Things might be different in non Kpop environment (contract as well)..
Hopefully they keep learning to be more as one group.
Thank you for reminding me people actually read what I write, haha.
I've watched the last episode yesterday. And even watched an English morning show for kids DA guested at for promotion (where slime was thrown at Blaize). The show left an impression... not of a good kind, lol. So they truly follow the k-pop route, variety shows including. (I kind of enjoy how one hobby (stanning one group) kind of expands in different directions and conbines different experiences. The way I related to Doyoung saying salak from the jungles was tastier than from the shop. Still couldn't find fruits as sweet as the ones from Waigeo island. At least Malaysia had the right round kind. The ones in Thailand are not really edible fresh.)
I liked how Reese told Hee Jun Yoon "I'm a good boy, not a bad boy", when she hinted that they should do alright as a group unless they get into scandals. It was funny. Either the UK producer (that old man) or SM team made sure to take the character of trainees into account. Evidently the guys weren't picked at random only based on how they danced and sang during the initial screening of candiadates.
The boys won a golden ticket, were given private lessons, were treated with care, and still needed multiple lessons to show that they are too over their heads. They wouldn't last a month in a real Korean idol-survival show, heh. I suppose "lashing out" was out of self-protection. "I'm working all day and doing my best, it's not my fault!". Reese wasn't scolded much because he corrected what he was told to correct, not just "put in effort".
Looks like most of them are in the group to perform (two did musicals, one has been singing from childhood, one is a tiktoker), i.e. to be liked and to have fun. Some have musical education though, Maybe song-writing or producing will appear in the future.
DA can last if they develop real friendships. 10 years is highly unlikely, but even 5-7 years will be a good result. With Blaize it was evident he wanted a found family. He looks very different (open, not closed off) in the interviews now in comparison to the show. It's a joint production with SM, the company will continue to participate. SM needs success with them to replicate this formula.
Speaking of Riku. He is on a quest of shipping himself with Jaehee. Considering fans like Riku/Yushi, it is also a consious decision to work for the whole group (three pairs: Shion&Yushi, Riku&Jaehee, Ryo&Sakuya, and the least popular quiet member brought to the spotlight). Of course, Jaehee being a good sport and an enabling friend helps.
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barbierpt · 7 months
you've been posting about performative activism and social media, so what do u mean exactly? isn't social media meant to be used to help spread the word on issues and important information? isn't making even a small change in the RPC by banning problematic FCs and plots?
pretty sure i said this before but i'll say it again: spreading awareness is NOT the same as activism. and i agree, social media is a great way to spread information quickly to the masses but it's also a double-edged sword in that it also allows for propaganda and misinformation to go viral that can harm important causes.
my commentary has been about what i've been seeing on my dash the last few days about i/p. i've seen some users auto-reblog #free palestine posts with sources from tiktok, twitter, instagram, and other random tumblr users that are just sharing personal feelings on the topic minute by minute by minute as if they're not really reading what they're sharing. those are the ones i'm commenting on because i frankly don't feel they're doing anything to further any change and it kind of distracts from the important information needing to be shared. for the record, my commentary is NOT referring to the ones who are only posting information about where and when strikes are happening, what companies and brands to boycott, and donation links. THOSE are all HELPFUL posts to share and i am all for it.
and on top of that, i've yet to see how banning anything in the tumblr rpc has changed anything socially. banning things for the comfort and safety of a group's mindset isn't activism in my opinion –– it's just basic human decency. don't get me wrong, i believe in writing what you want it's fiction and impossible to believe a public space can cater to everyone's perfect ideals, but i also believe in just... common sense?? idk (this is one very specific example i personally experienced) maybe let's not use a virus breaking out as a plot device in an rp when covid is still fresh and ongoing in the world. there are people who've lost loved ones or may still be suffering from longterm side effects. obviously i think we can apply that scenario to pretty much any major world event like war and genocide and school shootings and other things that are truly traumatizing and i'm sure none of us would like to encounter writing in fiction. sure, if banning a plot or fc makes even one person in a group environment more comfortable for whatever reason i'm all for it. but again, it's not really activism because it's not changing anything outside of tumblr.
also from what i've seen as an outsider observer, i've yet to see any positive reinforcement for those who listen to voices speaking up on groups who didn't know something they were doing was problematic to begin with. even after apologizing and amending it, public shaming on all their mistakes under the guise of "holding people accountable" continued. that's not activism, that's just bullying.
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sungbeam · 2 years
hi beam! college has been kicking my butt recently ☹️ idk how ppl do it but i'm dragging myself through the week right now LMAO
i don't see anything 😀 when i search up my asks 😀 so i unfortunately 😀 have a very vague 😀 idea of our last convo 😀
but i DO remember that you asked about dc!! i'm glad u asked b/c i'm actually trying to get into dc right now! i'm watching titans season 1 on hbo max, recently watched black adam, saw ww84, & saw the new batman movie a while ago! beast boy is kinda 😍💖💕💗💞 in titans HEHEHE- my favorite dc characters rn are him & starfire but i really wanna delve into the franchise more!! who are ur dc biases so far 🙏 (yes we'll be using kpop terminology for non-kpop fandoms from now on)
also i have NOT listened to 28 reasons by seulgi yet b/c of my schedule i feel like such a fake reveluv but i'm looking into that 😭 AND YES GIVE CRAVITY SOME LOVE ON PARTY ROCK <3 i'm taeyoung biased ever since i saw his tiktoks (all their tiktoks are iconic tbh they keep up w/ trends LOL)
HOW HAVE U BEEN BTW?? and are u excited for wakanda forever? i can't believe its coming so soon alreadyyyy 😟❗️
XNONIE !!! BFF !!! I'M SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY I'VE JUST LACKED SO MUCH ENERGY TO EVEN REPLY TO ASKS THIS WEEK (´Д⊂ヽ but i was so excited to see u active and alive akcnekfnek idk how people do it either tbh :') like i felt that so hard when u said ur practically dragging urself thru the week like me too dude, me too 😔 LMAO SOMETHING IS UP W TUMBLR TAGS 🗿🗿🗿 as there always is tbh, but i went thru and found my latest response so i'll link it here BAHHAHA
AHHHH DC YESYES !!! i actually haven't watched the live action titans series yet :0 but i follow ryan potter on instagram so i've def seen some stuff for it !! he's so hot tho so true 😩😩😩 i kinda wish he was casted as nightwing/dick grayson cuz he would've made a really good one, but the current one i think fits as well :') ahh yes i actually am not the greatest fan of dc movies lmao just cuz their animated tv shows r just top notch and so much better imo but i did enjoy the first wonder woman and robert pattinson's the batman !! ooh my dc biases? it's prob the bat boys AHAHAHHA i'm writing an au inspired by them actually rn hehe so basically nightwing/dick grayson, red hood/jason todd, and red robin/tim drake, but i am also particularly fond of roy harper/speedy and robin/damian wayne @_@ they all make my mind go brrrr (wbu tho 👀👀)
AHHHHH WAKANDA FOREVER I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET I FEEL SO SAD ☹️☹️☹️ it's cuz college has also been kicking my ass and watching marvel movies is a thing my family does together and it's just not the same going to see it in theaters w anyone else :( so i've been holding back skcnekfn have u seen it tho :0 i'm also so very excited for quantumania !!! (ノ´∀`*) IT LOOKS SO SO SO GOOD SKFNKENFKD I LOVE PAUL RUDD PLS GIVE THAT MAN AN OSCAR RN
okok i think i also was gonna bring up the fact that i wanted to write another mcu au for svt?? like ik we were talking abt the xmen au, but i was thinking abt making minghao scarlet witch and basically yn is like the one person who truly saw him and when he lost u, all hell broke loose (like in wandavision), and so it's like him recreating a life w u while his friends on the outside r trying to break him out of it before the stinky government folks do skcnwidn
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keigosbirdie · 2 years
Small update?
Hi guys ! Its prolly fairly obvious I'm hardly on tumblr anymore, despite my best efforts to update more often acckkk. Im still constantly active on instagram and twitter, if you want to see me more often. I occasionally update tiktok, but it's also rarely touched haha. But I wanted to address my future plans a little as well as how tumblr will be involved with them.
Mostly my fics. I still love and think about my fanfics often, especially Balmy, but I don't know when I'll write again. I've been making comics of Hawks and my ocs on my instagram and I've been enthralled with doing it. I get to tell stories AND I get to draw. And on top of that people have actually been enjoying them a lot more than I thought 😭
Writing self insert fics was my way of getting my Hawks fix, because I was too nervous to really delve into OC stuff. But I'm not nervous anymore and I've been having a great time! I guess all I'm saying is I'll keep sharing my art here, but it'll probably continue to be mostly HawksxKoharu. And I don't know when my fics will evwr be continued. I'm still worshipping Hawks and making content (more than i ever have before now !) Just in a different way.
Im sorry if doing almost only hawks/oc is annoying to anyone whose been following me for all these years now. But I've never drawn so much and I cant remember the last time I enjoyed making things as much as I am now. I hope you understand, and can continue to enjoy the things i make. Even if theyre a little different now ;u;
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I really wanna know if any long term ED sufferers feel the same way as me.
I developed my ED 7 years ago at just 12 years old and am now 19 and still here. I have barely any recollection of life before 12 so it really feels like my life is only my ED as it's all I've really known tbh... my whole puberty and all of time I can remember. Because of this, I cannot even imagine my life without an ED. I cannot imagine myself any other way than how I am at this moment.
I feel envy for those who've had EDs for shorter periods or from older ages and can recall a life without this disorder and imagine what a life without it in the future could be like even if they don't want to make the move towards it.
I don't fear my ED, I'm not scared of it nor is it something I dislike. It doesn't feel like hell because it's all my life has ever been. It's just normal... I feel weird when I have my small faux recovery periods of time and even uncomfortable, not in a 'cant let go of my ED' way but in a wtf is this way of living and why am I supposed to be this way?
Doesn't help that my faux recovery months are always because my depression hits new extremes and my suicidal, self loathing, world hating feelings become so overwhelming I become bed ridden, mindlessly scrolling tiktok AITA videos just to pass time because everything is tiresome and I hate everyone and everything. But I eat fine as food is the only positive thing cause it tastes good (don't cook though).
But ED periods I shower, brush my teeth, dress nicely, put an effort into myself and I actually do things, I can finally enjoy dancing again without it being exhausting to stand. It's like bringing life back into me so I love it...
Plus I love how I look physically when I'm thinner no matter my mindset over my current weight at the time. So it all combines to feeling good plus it's my usual, I've spent more days like this than that faux recovery crap and I feel like an actual human.
I'm always happier when I'm actively participating in my ED, it's better than the other state I feel. It's one or the other. I can't imagine a third.
And honestly... I don't want to. I'm comfortable here. I'm in therapy but I haven't even spoken to her for over a month because I don't feel the need. In my depression eras I NEED therapy just to vent and function, have a person I can say just how badly I wish I could punch s hole in my chest and rip my besting heart out until it stops beating and everything can be over...
But when I'm like I am now I don't feel that. I don't feel I wanna live long either, never have done, even as a kid. But I do feel like I have a goal in life.
My goal is to step on that scale and see that number that traumatised little 12 year old me until now. Finally reach 39.7kg and tell my inner child 'see, you made it, you didn't become fat and die from obesity at 30, you didn't become unattractive and unloveable. You made it just as you said you would. And now we can die, or live in peace, a chapter closed forever. You made it'
And before u say anything about that weight being 172cm, I have no plans to maintain it, I want to maintain between 43-48kgs, om the way down I'll see what I look like at all them weights and choose the range I prefer and go back up and stick there. I look way better at 50kgs than 55 anyways so like I know I'll look amazing then too.
Anyways I needed this rant and wanted to know if I'm the only one who feels like their ED is basically a part of them now especially after so long.
I'm mentally prepared to become that one older lady with an ED people look at with sad eyes on the street as their old and skeletal figures walk to the store. I've seen them, I know how people react and I'm not afraid to become her. Even if I'm not THAT skeletal. It doesn't scare me...
And if it kills me before then well whatever, I could die tomorrow anyways from a fatal accident anyways. I don't care for life nor death anymore, whatever happens, happens idgaf. Life's good but crap at the same time so staying is good and crap and leaving is good and equally crap so who gives a shit.
Anyways see u bye
take care
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lowlights · 2 years
FIRST OF ALL, hello ily. second of all, i am here for shippy things and i'll make this brief ok: i'm in my 30s, i have two cats who are basically my children, i write A LOT, i am easily distracted by almost anything, i play video games in my free time. i'm 5'5", long brown hair, green eyes, a chunky queen. my favorite thing to do is sit next to someone and scroll tiktok while they're ignoring me for their own activity while also maintaining physical contact. ok ily thank u BYE.
My darlingest Birdie.
Believe me when I say I could pair you with about six different Pedro boys and make the case for each. But in the end, there can only be one.
Tumblr media
It was always going to be Dinjamin D. Djarin.
Your wit would attract him first. Your snark would make him chuckle under his helmet, and he would be grateful that you couldn't see his smile or the way he can't take his eyes off of you. Because right after he notices your sharp mind, he's taking in your soft curves. He would watch you reach for something up high and mutter dank farrik as your shirt would ride up, before walking over and getting it for you himself.
He knows you could do it by yourself, but he wants to help you so badly- this is our acts of service boy. Of course he's going to reach that thing for you, he loves you. Of course he bought you a weapon, he loves you. Of course he is going to go without meals without telling you when the food runs low, he loves you.
Words are a funny thing for Din. He still isn't used to a lot of them coming out of his mouth in any great quantity, but for some reason he feels compelled to share more things with you than he ever has before. You would ask him questions and be truly interested in the answers, and he wouldn't have to wonder what your motives were. He also wouldn't have to worry about you taking offense to how blunt he is sometimes, you just get each other. Din doesn't need words to make you realize how much he loves you- he will worship your body given any chance.
I think Din would love how you care for and adore the creatures around you. No animal or person is lesser-than (unless it's a human being a real dbag- you don't stand for those), and Din appreciates that quality so much.
Din would love, love, love how you can spend time doing your own thing with him. I feel like he would be so smitten with how you're happy leaning against him while you play oh a holopad while he cleans his weapons or something like that. You also definitely sat back to back to eat food together before he took his helmet off for you, which he would confess later was when he fell in love with you.
Din is the person you need when there's a storm- or any sort of crisis, small or big. He wouldn't make fun of you for being afraid of something. He promised to protect you and take care of you- that means throwing himself in front of you when needed, but also holding your hand when you're scared or flying you across the galaxy to get you the baked good you're craving.
He's going to beg for you to read him your novel and ramble about your niche character HCs. He would be so proud of you. I'm sorry to ramble on about you and Din, but I've been thinking about this for days and I'm so excited. I hope you like. ILY.
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samsspambox · 2 years
´▽`hello sam! what advice can u give to those who want to start writing? (read ur latest fic & sorta cried, it kinda became an outlet 4 me since dis whole month was just so hard & stressful, so tysm 。゚(TヮT)゚。reading your goofy fics helped me cheer up despite the hardships im facing hehe, sorry for rambling, have a good day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
heyo!!!! WAAAAAAA thank you for reading my stuff i hope next month gets better for you!!! sending lots of good vibes your way!!! and don't worry about rambling we're all certified ramblers here :D
tbh the most solid advice i can give (as a writing novice myself) would be to just write to your hearts desire! write whatever you want whenever you want and listen to your brain and heart. you'll get better with time eventually, write at your own pace!
see, the way i write is trying not to overthink it and write when i can/am inspired, then later on posting it once i feel myself start to nitpick stuff. if an idea doesn't come, it doesn't and i just have to move on (looking at you stripped wires. im coming for your ass. eventually) but im also just very excited for what i write. that untitled svart fic (which has a name now, im just not gonna share it hehe) is my baby rn. have i been writing it? no bc i can't make myself write, but the parts that i do write, if i do write them, are filled to the brim with all my excitement for the fic. also the way i write has changed! instead of just sitting down and writing it in one go i've just been working whenever i can!
but obviously this might not work for you, so just write the way you want! you wanna write at a schedule? do it! you wanna write once in a blue moon? do it! listen to your mind when you have burn out and try other things. surround yourself with people who genuinely like the thing you like so you can bounce ideas off each other!
(sub point: the tears of themis community as a whole is really kind! this, uh, this is my first ever active community actually. i've always lurked and rb stuff from others but tot felt genuinely kind from the get go. very proud to say that i made my first internet friends here and i wouldn't mind more! i feel like i'm still shy but i will send you memes and tiktoks)
like with anything, it's gonna start off rocky. it'll take you a while to find your footing but practice makes perfect! and also please please don't compare yourself to others it'll just discourage you. you never know who might write for a living or be younger than you. do look at others work for pointers on what you can improve on without plagiarizing stuff from them! also, don't just limit yourself to writing! storytelling can look like lots of things. comics, visual novels, fics, they're all just a way to express a story. experiment with what you like!
and yeah! that's all i can give you! writing is a hobby of mine that i genuinely picked up out of stress (i tend to do that if im incredibly stressed or through finals season) and i just kept going bc i liked it so much! the first step is wanting to write! the next is all up to you (:
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How do u cope with people constantly throwing their opinions at you when you just made them on your own blog? Because I got two today and am worn out and one was nice
uh well i really enjoy discussion, and the nice thing is over the years we've cultivated a follower base that generally gets what we're trying to say on here. so when i say something controversial, it might breach containment, but at least there's a first line of defense of people who get it and want to add something interesting and meaningful to the conversation.
the other thing is, and i said this earlier, is i just am very sure of myself when talking about adaptation. i know what i think, and seeing everyone's opinions won't make me feel any differently. so i'll reply to people engaging in good faith, but if people are just being rude/hateful/weirdly defensive i'm going to ignore it or say something flippant and move on.
and it helps that this isn't my main! this is a sideblog that sarah and i are both admins on, so if i don't want to look at this blog, i just don't have to. i don't always keep track of our activity (i mean i have lately because it's been entertaining), and i can just kind of post when i have something to say and ignore the blog when i'm not in that mindset.
i also have been having a lot of health issues lately, so while this has been a good distraction i really haven't been expending too much energy editing and polishing my replies to people, and if an argument looks like it's just going to take a lot of my energy, i don't respond. mostly because i just don't have that much energy to go around. (it might look like i'm expending a lot of energy, but mostly i'm just really long-winded and i'm talking about stuff i think about a lot, so it doesn't take too much for me to pull my already-formed opinions into a bit of text.)
oh and the other thing is i also post on tiktok and honestly it's so much more exhausting to have a tiktok get big than it is to have a tumblr post get big. in both cases you have to deal with the absolute worst takes but it's much worse on tiktok. so i've also kind of gotten used to ignoring the stuff i don't feel like responding to. (and remember, you don't have to respond to every comment or bad take! it's better not to, especially when you're just saying the same thing over and over. at a certain point if people really want to engage they should read the notes first and see what they have to add from there.)
anyway this got to be a real ramble but i really respect you and anyone else who's been responding in the notes, it's definitely hard! it's been a weird couple days of just seeing, like, every kind of discourse in my notes. it's entertaining, though.
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