#I've gotten a bit faster at it too so that's nice
xenocorner · 1 year
Hello! I recently discovered you and your art and I'm BLOWN AWAY 😳 I cannot tell you how much I love and admire your art style!!?!?' It's so crisp and moody and vibrant. It's absolutely stunning; and I love how you draw the beloved Wizard and the Snarky Genius ❤️✨ I'm so glad I followed, and I can't wait to see more 🙏
THAT'S SO NICE OF YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :'''D I'm so happy to hear that, this kind of comments really do make my day :'''] Here's a small Stephen thing in one of the styles I haven't used in a while just for u <3
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Again thank you so much, hope you like my future work! :'D
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Eddie's Too Late ... ?
It's about pining Eddie!! And he wants so badly to ask out Steve. Robin even might have given him an encouraging little talk about it. And he finally works up the courage to do so, and comes to family video, and he brings fucking flowers with him cuz he's a goddamn sap.
But he walks in , already smiling at Steve like always, but he's talking to some guy at the counter. Some punk lookin dude. And Eddie freezes in the door, hears the guy flirting and hears Steve laugh, flustered. And then the guy literally asks him out, and writes his number on Steve's hand when he shrugs and nods, and goes bright red.
And Eddie just, god he wants to cry. So he turns, walks back out and leaves, his chest fucking aching. Cuz he was a fucking idiot who waited too goddamn long.
And Steve hears the door clink shut, sees Eddie's back as he's leaving, sees him toss something in the trash outside. And he waits for punk guy, Jake, to leave. He's a regular. He's nice. If a little pushy for Steve's liking.
He told Steve he'd pick him up on friday. Didn't ask. And Steve had been so flustered when the guy grabbed his hand he just sort of... agreed.... maybe hoping he would leave faster.
So he waits for him to leave and then runs outside, digs in the trash and finds the flowers. And they're all yellow flowers, sunflowers mixed with daisies, and Steve even sees a couple dandelions stuck in, his eyes crinkling in a smile cuz he and Eddie had gotten into a huge fight with Robin and Nancy about whether they were weeds or flowers,  Eddie and Steve on the side of flowers, of course.
And his heart flutters cuz Eddie had told him about a month ago, when he handed him this weird little yellow figurine, and Steve had asked why he was always giving him yellow stuff. Eddie had shrugged and said,
"it just reminds me of you I guess." Steve had immediately reconsidered his favorite color choice.
But Steve's heart drops because... Eddie had thrown this away... in the trash... right after he'd seen Steve with Jake. Steve feels like he's gonna puke, but he takes the flowers inside, sits them in the breakroom until its time for him to leave.
He calls Jake right before close. Wanted to wait til he was hopefully at home. Tells him he can't go out with him. Not friday. Or any other day. That he has someone.. hopefully. Jake sounds disappointed but doesn't push, thankfully. Steve grabs the flowers on his way out and drives to Eddie's.
He stops by Melvald's on the way, asks Joyce for help. They have some flowers, but nothing that says "Eddie." Joyce grabs a simple red rose and then a box of chocolate covered cherries. Steve's brow furrows and she just smiles at him and says,
"I've seen that boy buy six boxes of these at once. His sweet tooth is... a little bit alarming... actually. But it'll get the job done." She winks at him and Steve's never felt more greatful that Joyce pays attention to people, and works at the store, and is nosy like he is. He hugs her, grabs the rose and the chocolates, and runs to his car.
Eddie isn't home when he gets there. His van is there. But he's not at the trailer and Steve feels like he's gonna cry, his chest tight as Wayne tells him he left a few hours ago. Steve nods, his brow furrowing and he's about to leave when Wayne's hand on his shoulder stops him.
"Ya know the creek over off McAlpine street?" He asks, Steve nods, confused.
"He was headed that way. Likes to go there to be alone." Wayne gives him this soft encouraging smile, pats him on the back, and watches as Steve runs to his car.
He parks on the side of the road, as close to the creek as he can get. And then he runs.
He finds the creek but no Eddie at first, so he starts walking along the creekside, he rounds a bend and finally sees him.
He's crouched on the creek side, toes of his shoes just barley out of reach of the water. He's holding a stick, Steve squints and sees a small turtle walking across it, toward a big rock in the middle of the water. Eddie's crying. Silently. Tears slowly falling.
He wipes at his face every now and then with his free hand, eyes on the turtle. He smiles softly when the little thing reaches the rock. Steve smiles too. His heart thumping as he watches Eddie help this tiny creature. He takes a few more steps and then clears his throat when Eddie doesn't hear him. Eddie scrambles to his feet, startled, holding the stick out in front of him like a weapon, wiping at his face with the crook of his elbow.
"What are you doing here?" And it makes Steve shiver, so reminiscent of the boat house, when they'd found him terrified. Steve would have held his hands up in surrender, but they were a little full. Eddie’s yellow bundle of flowers on one, the rose and candy in the other.
"I found your flowers." He says, holding them up a bit and then letting them swing back by his side. Eddie doesn't say anything. Just looks away. Moves back to the edge of the creek, crouches back down, hugs his knees to his chest. Steve sighs, moves closer.
"I'm not going out with Jake." Steve says, because he needs Eddie to know. Needs him to stop hurting as soon as possible. Eddie sniffles, doesn't look at him.
"Jake." Is all he says. And Steve laughs at how he says it, he sounds so annoyed. Steve bumps his shoulder, Eddie scowls, bumps him back, harder.
"But you wanted too. You said yes." Eddie picks up another stick, pokes it into the mud.
"I only said yes cuz it took me by suprise, and he grabbed my hand and I got flustered. I didn't- he's not really my type." Steve says, leaning against Eddie as he sits, the ground is cold, and he can feel the damp soaking into his jeans a bit. Eddie glances at him. And s
Steve can see his guard coming down, just a bit.
"Oh yeah. Why not?" Eddie asks, and steve smiles. Crinkles his nose.
"Me? Dating a punk? Come on. Not a chance." Steve teases, bites his lip.
"Especially since there's this metal head that's kinda got me in a choke hold." Steve sighs, looks at Eddie. He finally turns to look at Steve, blinking slowly.
"Really?" Eddie asks, his fingers tugging at the hole in the knee of his jeans. Steve nods.
"Really. Can't seem to get him outta my head." Steve smiles, holds the rose and candy out to Eddie, Eddie just stares again. Steve wiggles the box of chocolates.
"C'mon. I know you like 'em. Joyce gave you up." Steve wiggles the box more aggressively and Eddie snatches it, then gently takes the rose, he sets the chocolates in his lap, whispering a quiet "traitor" that makes Steve smile.
"Thank you for the flowers. I love... them." Steve stumbles over that bit. Swallowing hard when Eddie’s eyes snap to him.
"You're welcome." Eddie shurgs.
"Just thought you might like some flowers. You seem like a flowers type of guy." Steve smiles, rests his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"The dandelions are my favorite." He whispers, moves and presses a kiss to Eddie's shoulder, and hears Eddie's breathing falter.
"I um... I love... my flower, too..... so thanks." He stumbles over the words the way Steve did, but on purpose, leaning away from Steve so he can look at him, a sly little smile on his face. But Steve's face is somber, his hands twitch in his lap.
"It's- I mean you don't have to sa-"
"I love you." Eddie cuts him off. Says it bluntly. And it makes Steve's chest hurt. He shakes his head, brow furrowed.
"I do though. I have for awhile. I'm just an idiot with terrible timing." Eddie bumps their shoulders, leans heavily into Steve. Steve takes a deep, shaky breath.
"I don't want you to say it just because you think I want to hear it." Steve says, his teeth worrying into his lip.
"That's not why I said it."
Steve looks at him.
"No? You didn't say it to me cuz I just like... really obviously almost said it to you?" He looks back into his lap, frowning.
"No. Although that was adorable." Eddie smiles, it makes Steve want to smile too.
"Hey." Eddie voice is soft, he reaches out, cups Steve's cheek and makes him look at him.
"Have you ever known me to say something just cuz it's something someone wants to hear?" He asks, Steve scoffs, shakes his head, looking shy.
"Okay then. I didn't say it because of that. I said it," he takes a deep breath, lets it out, drops his hands back into his lap.
"Because I saw you with that guy today-"
"Jake." Steve interrupts, smirk on his lips. Eddie pauses.
"Don't push it Harrington. I'm trying to be... serious... or something." His brow furrows, Steve reaches out, his face softening.
"Sorry. Go ahead."
Eddie huffs.
"I saw you with Jake, and it hurt. Like a lot. And I thought I lost you, ya know? Just cuz I was too fuckin scared to tell you how I feel. Cuz I love you. Cuz your GOOD. and I thought I lost it. And then you walked up looking all sad and apologetic and you didn't even DO anything." Eddie huffs again, his hands flailing.
"I hurt you." Steve mutters, Eddie makes a sound in his throat.
"Not on purpose! You didn't know! Cuz I didn't say! Jesus. All I do is talk, all of the fucking time, but I couldn't say the most important thing. And then Jake was writing his fucking number on your hand it was too late." Eddie shakes head, sighs deeply, and then turns to Steve with a smile that looks like it's half a grimace of pain. Steve nods.
"But here I am."
Eddie bites his lip, nods back.
"Here you are." Eddie says.
"Not with Jake." Steve says. Eddie rolls his eyes. Steve snorts.
"Can we never say that name again. I already hate it." Eddie grumbles.
"Fine with me. He is a regular though." Steve says, shrugs, pulls some grass out of the ground and drops it on Eddie's thigh. Eddie watches him move it around with his finger, pushing it into a pile on his leg.
"I'll burn his house down." Eddie whispers, still watching Steve. Steve barks a laugh and brushes the grass off Eddie's leg.
"Very dramatic." He says, fondly.
"Too strong? I could just steal his VCR. Don't need to rent movies if you don't have a VCR." Eddie says, his fingers moving to settling on Steve's wrist. Steve chuckles again, shakes his head, then stares at Eddie.
"I honestly can't tell if you're joking, so please don't steal anything from him." Steve moves his hand, turns it and slides it up into Eddie's, their fingers wrapping around each other, Eddie makes a weird little face, holds their hands up into Steve sightline, and then he's smiling.
"Looks like I already did." He shrugs, and Steve is about to laugh again, or roll his eyes, when Eddie presses a kiss to the back of his hand. It sort of takes Steve's breath away.
"I said I love you because that's how I feel. Okay? You believe me?" Eddie asks, his brow furrowed as he stares at Steve. And Steve remembers telling him about what happened with Nancy,  remembers how Eddie had hugged him. Wonders if he loved him them. Or before that? Or after.  But it doesn't really matter, because he loves him now. And Steve watches Eddie's thumb move soothingly over his hand, and knows Eddie means it. Feels that he does. So he nods, drags Eddie's own hand to his lips and kisses it, like Eddie had done.
"I love you too." Steve whispers into his skin. Eddie's free hand is at his chin then, tilting his head just so,
"I know." Breathed against his mouth, and then the softest press of lips before Eddie is leaning away just enough to breathe between them.
"Now look away, cuz I'm about to inhale this entire box of chocolate covered cherries." He whispers, his lips brushing Steve's again as he laughs into Eddie's mouth.
He does actually eat the whole box. Well, almost the whole box. He lets Steve have one, sinks his teeth into it as he holds it in his mouth and dares Steve to take it. And Steve's never been one to turn down a dare. Especially if it's sweet.
And Steve is quickly learning, there's nothing quite as sweet as candy covered Eddie kisses.
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thegainingdesk · 9 months
The Spider to the Fly
Statement of Oliver Barrett, dated 22/05/2023
The rent should have been the first red flag, I know that, but fuck me, have you seen the rents in Dublin these days? Worst than fucking London, if you can believe it. And there's this guy, right, four-story townhouse, twenty minute walk from my new job, says he just wants a tenant to make this place feel less empty, all for a grand a month, bills included. In this market! Too fucking right I didn't question it.
Well, I say a grand a month. One thousand euro and one cent, to be exact. The cent didn't bother me at the time, why the fuck would it? The man wants to add a cent to the rent, I'll give him a cent. Maybe it was to get over some threshold for something, or some tax dodge, or whatever, I didn't know and I didn't care. It was still €999.99 less than I'd be paying anywhere else in Dublin for some damn sight nicer digs. Now though, knowing what I know, after everything that… well, anyway, it bothers me more now. It feels significant. Like those old penny rents you hear about, or something. Something symbolic, and old.
But anyway, there was a cheap room going, in a good location, a good house, it was bloody better than anywhere else I've come across, and I was only in Dublin for a weekend before I properly moved to get everything sorted, so I didn't ask too many questions. So I go to this house, and it was gorgeous. We're talking Edwardian or Georgian or, I don't know, fancy. Some Upstairs Downstairs shit, like there were servants quarters and a coal cellar and whatever a scullery is. I didn't really think about it at the time - again, I'm not really in a position to ask questions - but you usually see houses like that in a row, right? Like terraced? This one was just there. On its own. On a nice street, don't get me wrong, but it was taller than any of the other houses, set back a little, and the style's all wrong. Maybe I thought the rest of the street had gotten destroyed in the Blitz or whatever they had in Dublin, it's not like I know anything about history outside of naming a couple of Henry the eighth's wives.
So I walked up to this great big, not quite right house, and I pulled this rope by the door and it fucking clanged. This wasn't some little ding dong electric doorbell, this was some fucking machinery. It felt like the house was vibrating from it. And while I'm reeling, this Victorian era sonic torture device still going off in my ears, the door swung open, too fast really, faster than you'd expect someone to get to the door, even if they were by it.
I don't know who I was expecting but this guy was hot. Like, something else. I'm talking movie star hot. Fuck, maybe he was a movie star, there's so many movies these days, right? He could have an Oscar for all I know, maybe that's how he could afford the house. I'm looking up at him, checking him out, and I don't have to look up at many people but this guy is real fucking tall, six-six maybe? And rail thin, but in a way that he makes work, he wasn't gaunt or anything just… angular. He had this jet black hair and his eyes were somehow even darker - at the time I probably would have said they were like ink or the night sky or something sappy, but looking back all I can think of is how shark's eyes look. I don't know, maybe that's just me projecting stuff after… well you know, after what happened. And he's just stood there, completely still, but, fuck, I really don't know if I can explain how fucking still this guy was. And that's not me looking back after the fact, at the time I was a bit creeped out. It was like looking at an optical illusion or something, like my eyes couldn't put together this guy that I'd just seen open a door in double-speed with how fucking still he was now. It was like someone had pasted a photo into the middle of my vision. And even though he was so fucking still, there was this, I don't know, this tension to him, like I could just see some energy there, ready to… fuck, I don't know, pounce. Like a tiger or… well, like a… but that's for later I guess.
Anyway, I'm checking this guy out, because he was sort of giving me the creeps, sure, but he was also fucking hot, and suddenly he wasn't so still anymore, and he’s looking me up and down and he's smiling and I'm starting to feel like this guy's checking me out right back. I don't know if you're gay, but there's this look, right, every gay guy knows it, this discrete little up and down, maybe with a little smirk and it just says, you know, "I'm gay, you're gay, let's fuck sometime". Now, I've had my share of guys in the past, I'm not about to be humble about it, I know that I'm hot myself, or, well I guess, you know, back then… but you know, I really was a great looking guy. Square fucking jaw, little dimple right in the middle of my chin, real broad shoulders, you know, I've always played rugby, and you could tell, because I had some decent fucking muscle on me, still do, probably, somewhere under all this fucking… whatever. The point is that I've had guys lining up for a chance to bounce on my dick, so I wasn't exactly shocked when guys checked me out but this guy, I mean, he was out of my league, you know? Out of everyone's league. It's insane to think guys that look like that would check anyone out.
So I was feeling sort of cocky, like maybe I could get more than a room out of this deal. And I know, don't shit where you eat, and definitely don't fuck your landlord, but fuck me this guy was hot, right? I couldn't pass up on this. And everyone in the fucking city's probably going for the room, it's not like I was likely to get it anyway, not with an advert that attractive. Sorry, what's that? Where did I see the advert? No, sorry, I can't quite… No, no, I don't think it was on a website, maybe a… Listen, I don't fucking remember, okay?
Anyway, so this guy smiled and he stepped back, and with his long legs he was all of a sudden right back in the shadows, and he let me in and the door closed behind me and all of a sudden it's just so dark. And I sort of stumbled around and I hear his voice, somewhere off down the corridor, and he said, and I remember this, because it's the first time I heard his voice, all soft and whispery, like I'm imagining it more than I'm hearing it, and there's this light, coming down the corridor from some door, but it's not like the hallway gets any brighter, it's just this beam of light for me to walk to. And he said, right, he says "Why don't you come into the parlour?" I remember that, exactly, because who the fuck says parlour, but it's in my head too, like it echoes in there. Anyway, so I walk towards this light, but it feels, I don't know, like I'm pushing through something, like- fuck, sorry, can we stop for a minute, I just need-
[Archivist's note: the recording was paused here at the subject's request. The subject was provided with a cup of tea and a member of the museum staff brought some food. After around five minutes, the subject was happy to continue the interview.]
Sorry, it's just, that's sort of where it feels like it all started. Walking through that hallway towards that voice and that light and that… that parlour. I'm not sure I really even remember what happened next. We spoke, for a while, the house rules and stuff I guess, when rent was due. I don't even remember agreeing to taking the room, it was just assumed. He certainly didn't give me a tour. He didn't even tell me his name, I don't think, not then anyway.
The next thing I knew I was back blinking in bright daylight, disorientated to be out of the dark and out of the warm, heady air of my new home. I flew back to London the next day, and spent the next few weeks preparing for my move. I received a contract in the post and found out my landlord's name - Damhán Alla. The contract was short, and was lacking a lot of the details I was expecting - nothing about a deposit, no bank details to transfer money to, none of the usual stuff. And what was there was odd - the contract was for one year and one day, no naked flames, the basement was out of bounds, I wasn't allowed to use certain spices or cleaning products, and I specifically wasn't allowed to do the hoovering myself. But like I said, if he wanted to run a tax dodge or whatever it was by renting me a cheap room, and if he was a little particular about his cleaning, or he's got some allergies, I was happy to help him out.
I turned up with all my worldly possessions in a few bulky bags - I'd either sold a lot of my stuff or sent it to my parents for storage, there was no realistic way I could haul much of anything to Ireland. My new landlord opened the door and was once again eye-achingly still for a moment or two, and then suddenly he's all charm, welcoming me in, taking my bags from me once I'm over the threshold, asking me how the journey was, if I wanted something to eat or drink.
I stuck my hand out. "It's Damhán, right?" I said. "I don't think we actually exchanged names last time." Thinking back, I don't even know how he knew my name and address to send me the contract.
His laugh was soft, but with a cruelty hiding somewhere deep in it. There was another sound there too, coming from his throat; a clicking maybe, or bubbling, and a hissing behind that. "Damhán," he corrected my pronunciation. "Not 'Damn-ham'."
"Down," I tried again. He shook his head and repeated it, slowly. "Dow-un," I said, doing my best to replicate him. He shrugged and gave a small nod - it would do, obviously.
I had the attic room - a whole floor really. In contrast to the rest of the house it was light and airy, with large windows and modern furniture. It had an en suite, a little kitchenette, even my own sitting area. I never needed to use the rest of the house if I didn't want to, but Damhán assured me from the shadows of the stairwell that I had the run of it, reminding me once again about the contract's stipulation not to go into the basement.
I got the full tour. The house was huge - I mean huge, you know. Bigger than it looked from the street, it must have just gone back and back. Loads of empty rooms, which makes sense, I guess; what are you supposed to fill that much space with? I remember at the time asking where his bedroom was, you know, just so I'm not stepping on his toes, and him avoiding the question. Thinking back I don't think I ever did figure that out. And the whole house was dark, curtains drawn in every room, hardly any lights. And cobwebs absolutely everywhere. And these cobwebs weren't dainty little strands, you know, they were thick. I'd occasionally walk through one and actually get stuck for a second or two. I remember thinking that if I had enough money to afford a house like that I'd hire a cleaner to come in a couple of times a week, but rich people are weird, right?
We made our way through the dark to the kitchen - me stumbling, my new landlord silent - where he started pulling out pots and pans to cook me lunch. I can't remember if I'd mentioned being hungry, but I suppose I must have been, anyway, after so long traveling.
Once he was set up, he led me through to the parlour where we spoke that first time, and told me to sit down. He left and I could hear him cooking in the kitchen.
He came back in after a while and placed a plate filled with bacon sandwiches in front of me. The bread was thickly sliced and freshly baked, the fat on the bacon was still sizzling slightly, and I could smell the butter before it was even close. There must have been three or four of them on the plate, each one piled with bacon and far too much for me to eat in one sitting usually. I remember salivating and licking my lips. Damhán licked his lips as well, and watched me tuck in.
Damhán wasn't much of a talker, I quickly learned, but he liked my company at meal times. Whenever I did try talking to him, he'd always end up laughing - with that hissing, bubbling, clicking sound beneath it. I learnt after a while to not make him laugh. He'd not eat with me, he'd just… watch me. Each breakfast and dinner time, and lunch on weekends, he'd call me into the parlour, place a pile of food in front of me and watch me eat it all. Always huge portions, always rich and fatty, always fucking incredible. Some of the best food I'd ever eaten, honestly. Every time I'd think, I'm never finishing that, y’know, always a proper pile of food, and then I'd take that first bite and… Look, it did taste amazing, it did, and I'm sure that was a part of it, but really… I don't know. I just ate. Like I entered a trance, or I was sleepwalking, or… I don't know, okay? All I know is he'd put food in front of me and watch me eat and then it was like, I don't know, like I knew I was eating but I didn't feel it. Like someone else was eating and I was watching them as well.
I started snacking at work as well. I've never been much of a snacker, got to watch my figure you know. Ha! And you can see for yourself how that turned out. But all of a sudden I'm just hungry all the time, I'm stashing chocolate and biscuits in my desk and in my coat, and all day I'm just mindlessly eating and- no, no, not like when he was watching, not that kind of mindless, just, you know, I didn’t ever think about it, it was just, I don't know, habit or instinct or automatic or whatever.
I didn't notice at first. The weight gain, I mean. God, I mean I must have noticed it, but I didn't notice it, you know? Like I could see it happening, I could see myself getting doughy and could see my gut puffing up and how my clothes weren't fitting right, but it's not like. I don't know. I thought with the move and the new job and living in a new country, it was just stress. Like, my weight goes up and down sometimes, this was just an up, there was nothing to notice.
But it kept on going up. And up. And at some point I'm bigger than I've ever been and my clothes aren't just fitting weird or too small, they're tight. Like, couple of sizes, bursting out, buttons not closing tight. I don't know what everyone at work thought. God, I must have been obscene. Actually, I think I, yeah, give me a moment, I've got a picture from around then, some work drinks thing… ah, yeah, here you go.
[Archivist’s note: the subject here showed a picture of himself in a small crowd, at a bar or similar. The subject looks to be around 250 lbs and wearing clothes several sizes too small, with skin showing where his shirt has ridden up, and shirt and trousers showing clear signs of the fabric straining. This picture, along with several others the subject has provided of themselves during their time in Ireland, can be found in the supplemental materials attached to this statement.]
I still didn't see it though. Like, you can see what I looked like, and, I mean, god those trousers! They must have killed, you know? And I can remember how painful they were to wear, remember noticing my body getting bigger, but my brain, I don’t know, just didn’t make the connection that I was actually getting fatter.
It was fast. Really fast. There was this woman in the office, Sarah, right, and she was maybe six months pregnant when I started. Well, obviously, couple of months later she's going on maternity and I looked over at her and I think its the first time I clocked how big I was getting because I realised my belly was bigger than hers. Even accounting for, you know, different heights and builds and stuff, my gut still looked bigger on my frame. One day just before she was due, she mentioned she's put on over two stone, and I remember people saying how much that is. I get home and I weighed myself for the first time since London. I was eighteen and a half stone. I'd put on about five stone since moving. I literally put on more than twice as much as a pregnant woman, and I did it in only a few months. That's mad, right? After that I tried to pay a bit more attention to my weight, step on some scales occasionally, but like I say, it was difficult. My brain just couldn't focus on the idea.
At some point in all of this, some point before I realised I put on more than Sarah I mean, Damhán one day just appeared in the parlour while I was eating some, I don't know, mound of potatoes and meat, and he just put this pile of clothes next to me. Didn't say a word, no mention of how it's because I'm bursting out of my own clothes or where they've come from, just puts them next to me then stands back to watch me eat.
I tried them on later and they fit perfectly. Well, I mean. They fit, anyway. I think I was so used to my clothes cutting in everywhere by that point that anything that was actually reasonably my size felt like it was tailor-made. They must have been expensive though. Real wool suits, tweed trousers. Not really my style, you know, bit old fashioned, but I couldn't deny they looked good, and by that point I was just happy I had something where I could get all the buttons to close.
I remember one time, not too long after, I think I was a bit over twenty stone at that point. I’d come back from the pub - I started drinking a lot, during it all. I think on some level I recognised how fucked up it all was and was just trying to… I dont know. Numb myself. Get out of the house. Whatever. I came back, took off my coat and shoes and whatever, get upstairs and collapsed. The next morning I had this hangover from hell, but at least I knew Damhán’s going to have sorted a slap up breakfast to help me through it. So I went downstairs and… god, sorry, it's just… right, no, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just need…
[Archivist's note: The recording was once again paused here, and the subject was given some cake and biscuits while he became settled.]
Sorry, where was I? Right. I went downstairs and he’s standing in the hallway with his palm outstretched. Completely still, like he's been there hours, just waiting for me to come down. He had a lighter in his hand - I must have nabbed it off someone in the smoking area, you know how it is on a night out, you just sort of pick these things up, don’t you? Anyway he’s stood there with this fucking lighter in his hand, just staring and staring at me as I come down the stairs, and he said “Your contract said no lighters”. That's it. No “good morning” or “how's the head” or whatever. “Your contract said no lighters.”
And I said, you know, sorry, won't happen again, few too many last night, as you do. And he doesn't move. Just stood there with his lighter and he just repeated himself, louder: “No lighters, no naked flames.” And I realise, this guy’s angry. Really, properly, fucking livid. He was almost shaking with it, you could hear it in his voice. His face wasn't really showing it, not really, a little bit around his mouth maybe, but his eyes were… fuck they were blank. This guy was furious about this lighter, probably waited for hours for me to wake up, and his eyes were just blank.
So I'm there realising just how badly I've fucked up, that he must have some phobia or something. I’d seen all the hobs and whatever were induction whatsits, but I'd not really thought about it until then, just thought, I don't know, fuck, that they were just induction hobs, didn't think to care. I started to apologise again, told him I understood. I don't know if he heard me. He just went on and on about lighters and fire, getting louder and louder all the time, until suddenly he just stops and turns around and walks away down the hall.
For a second he stopped outside the door to the basement and put his hand on the knob and turned to look at me. It was like he was sizing me up, looking me up and down. Clearly he decided against whatever he was planning because he carried on to the kitchen and just snapped at me to go sit in the parlour. I remember that moment really clearly. And to say it now, it's nothing, right? He went to open a door. Decided against it. But… fuck me, it felt important at the time. Like my whole life depended on whether or not he opened that door. Maybe it did.
Fifteen minutes later he walked in and just put two big frying pans down in front of me, one piled up with bacon, one filled with eggs and sausages. He walks away and comes back with a loaf of bread and a couple of packs of butter and throws those at me and says “eat”.
And there was a part of me that, you know, obviously wanted to ask about the deconstructed breakfast sandwich I've just been served, and a part of me that was just absolutely boggling at how much food there was, but then there was… I mean the biggest part of me, the bit that wins out, just says to eat.
So I ate. I reached out and I grabbed some bacon with my bare hands out of the frying pan and I just shoveled it in my mouth, and just carried on until it was all gone, all the while with Damhán stood watching. Then the eggs and sausages, just with my hands, you know, with the yolk just, fuck, just dribbling down my arms. When that was all gone I started taking bites out of the bread. Didn't slice it, didn't butter it, just ate until it was gone. Then Damhán just carried on watching me and I… I got that feeling. Like I was in a trance and the only thing I knew is that I had to eat. So I bit into the butter. Just took a great big bite out of it. And another, and another. Fuck me, I ate it like it was chocolate. And I was screaming at myself to stop, right? Obviously I didn't want to be eating butter by the block. But he didn't force me, or threaten me, or whatever, didn't even tell me to. I ate it. I did that. Me. And he just watched.
Once I was done he walked out and left me alone. I won't lie, I cried. Pretty fucking hard. My stomach hurt, I was covered in butter and grease and egg. I felt huge - I was huge. And I just felt so ashamed.
After that it all picked up pace. He never mentioned that day again, but meals got bigger. A lot bigger. Each one could have fed a rugby team. Occasionally he'd just put a block of butter on the side, like it was a fucking dessert or something. I always ate it. He never told me to. I just knew what I was supposed to do.
And I started swelling up. I was gaining fast beforehand, but this was, fuck me, I reckon it must have been over a pound a day, maybe two. Must have been, honestly, considering how fast it all was and how big I am now. Clothes just seemed constantly uncomfortable; even straight after he'd given me bigger ones, they'd not quite fit right. My back hurt all the time from hefting around this gut, my feet hurt, I got these stretch marks fucking everywhere. It was just a lot, all the time, and my body never got a chance to adjust.
It was around Christmas, I must have been, maybe twenty-six, twenty-seven stone - who knows honestly, it all went by so fast. I went to my work’s Christmas do. Fuck knows what they must have all thought of me - can you imagine? They hire me at thirteen, fourteen stone, and not even a year later I'm pushing double that and not showing any signs of stopping?
Anyway, the Christmas do. I'm wearing the biggest Christmas jumper that I could find in M&S, and even that's, you know, riding up on me, fits me like a sausage casing. People are being friendly, nicer than I'd be if I was watching someone inflate in front of me in real time, if I'm being honest. No jokes or anything; not to my face anyway. And someone asks if I'm going home for Christmas, and I say no, I'm staying in Dublin. They ask, you know, very reasonable questions; am I not seeing family, my friends back in London? And I couldn't answer them. I had no clue why I wasn't going back home.
Eventually someone asks will I be doing anything with my housemates. I said it's just me and the landlord, so they get to asking about him, you know, what's he like, is he alright, do I get on with him. And at some point I mention his name and a couple of people give me funny looks, one woman laughs at me. I assume I've just said it funny, you know how Irish names are. And someone tells me that Damhán Alla means spider in Irish. I sort of laugh and say I must be saying it wrong, I spell it out on a napkin and someone says, no, that’s definitely just ‘spider’. And they keep on asking questions; is it his first name, full name, do I know if it's a nickname, just finding it absolutely mad that the new fat English bloke at work is claiming his landlord’s full name is Spider.
It makes me feel weird. I think they eventually just accept it as a weird name, like celebrity parents calling their kids Apple or Moonbase, but it really stuck with me. And I didn't really talk the rest of the evening, I just sat thinking about the cobwebs, and how dark the house is, and how dark and empty his eyes were.
At some point I followed someone to the smoking area and made a point of nicking a lighter. I didn't know what it was supposed to do, what I'd use it for, but fuck it, if Damhán didn't want me to have a lighter then I'd make sure to have a lighter. I tucked it into my pocket, and from that point on I always had it hidden somewhere, slept with it under my pillow, even kept it in sight when I was having a shower.
Nothing changed for a while, not really. I had my lighter, and I was thinking about Damhán differently, but honestly, it's not like I'd trusted him for a good while anyway. I was still eating the insane piles of food he put in front of me, still getting fatter and fatter. This goes on for a few months, and remember, I reckon I'm putting on over a pound a day at this point - a few months is a good long time to be putting on that much weight. But, as I got bigger, I felt like Damhán started to act differently towards me. I could see him eyeing me up sometimes, like, I was some fruit he was waiting on to get ripe enough. He even asked me, a couple of times, how much I weighed. I'd always tell him, between my bites of butter. One time I said I wasn't sure and he followed me up to the bathroom and watched me weigh myself. I remember him laughing when I read off the weight - bubbling and clicking and hissing again, making my stomach turn - and telling me I was doing a good job.
One Sunday in March, breakfast was huge. I mean, I was pretty used to eating a lot of food by that point, but this was just a crazy amount of food. He just kept bringing out plates and plates of it, didn't even watch me like he usually did, just kept on going back into the kitchen to whip up more. Eventually the sausages and eggs turn into roast vegetables and chicken and gravy, and there's some steaks in there, a load of it was just ready meals still in the plastic, and it all just keeps coming and coming and I just keep eating and eating. Eventually it got dark and the food stopped coming. He never says what the fuck just happened or that it was over, he just stops coming in with trays of food. Anyway, at some point a bit after that I heard him go through the basement door, which, I mean, I should have realised then that something was about to happen. Because I've never been down there, obviously, but I also don't think I've ever seen him go down there either.
Anyway, I sit there burping and farting and digesting until I feel human enough to pull myself up, and fuck me I was used to putting on weight by that point, but I could literally feel all that sudden extra weight. And I stagger up the stairs, probably travelling about a foot a minute, really fucking sluggish, until I collapse into bed, in the same too small pyjamas I had on that morning, my gut fucking looming over me, not even enough strength to pull the covers over me, fuck knows if I’d even be able to reach over my gut to grab them in the first place, and I’m asleep within a few minutes.
At some point I woke up. I didn't think too much about it at first, because I'd started snoring pretty bad somewhere in the first hundred pounds or so, bad enough that I woke myself up with it sometimes. But eventually, I started to see a shape somewhere above me. Like, the room was pitch black, but there was a section above me that was even darker. And I felt something drop onto my face, like something wet and slimy. I reach over to turn my light on and there's Damhán leaning over me, with his mouth wide open, long lines of saliva falling down onto me.
And his teeth were, fuck, I don't know if I'd ever seen his teeth before. Like, maybe he never opened his mouth when he spoke? Or maybe it was the same as how I didn't think about how much I ate or how big I was getting and he just made me not notice them, but they were… fuck me. His mouth was full of these huge, sharp, black fangs.
And even though he had his mouth wide open, wider than I've ever seen any human ever open their mouth, it sort of felt like he was smiling. Like this sadistic, shit-eating smile.
I backed away, as best as I could, what with my being the size of a small hatchback and the fact that he was close enough that even a normal sized person wouldn't be able to really put that much space between him and them, never mind me with my gut almost touching him. I realised that I was covered in cobwebs, thick ones, so that I had to pull them off as I went. And he laughed. His mouth didn't move, but he laughed, and it was so much worse than any other time I'd heard. It was that same gurgling, hissing, clicking sound, but it was like he wasn't bothering to cover it up anymore. I felt like throwing up.
I reached under my pillow and I grabbed my lighter and held it up to him, lit. It seems mad really, how he reacted to it. A tiny little flame like that, and that fucking monster cowered from it like I was holding a gun up to his head. I’m not particularly maneuverable, these days, so it was a struggle, but I made sure as fuck to keep that little flame between him and me at all times as I heaved myself out of bed.
I backed towards the door, and I think he panicked that I was going to get away because he lunged at me and… fuck. He went up like he was covered in petrol. The flame barely touched him. And he started going around the room, bumping into things, and they went up as well.
I couldn't exactly run, but I turned around and I lumbered out of there as quickly as I could. At one point I turned round and the whole landing had gone up behind me. I couldn't believe how fast it was all burning. I think it was all the cobwebs.
I got downstairs, with my heart pounding, and I turned around one last time to see the basement door open. I heard this clicking and gurgling, like when Damhán laughed, and these legs came out round the door, like spiders’ legs but huge. Six, eight feet long maybe. I didn't wait to see whatever they were attached to. I barrelled the door down, and I think it came off its hinges - this much weight will do that.
A neighbour must have rung 999, because the emergency services got there pretty sharpish. The paramedics put one of those foil blanket things awkwardly over my shoulders, like it was supposed to cover me up, and I got given a cup of tea and sat in an ambulance for a bit, then got taken to the police station for some questioning. I lied, obviously. Just told them I woke up when I heard the fire alarm and that's all I knew. I mean, what was I supposed to tell them? I set fire to my surprisingly flammable landlord because he was fattening me up to feed to a spider god he kept in the basement? Is that… I mean, do you think that's what it was? No, no, I suppose you don't know any more than me.
Someone at the station must have picked something up about why I wasn't giving any details, or they had additional information about the house or something, because someone mentioned I should give you guys a call. That you've smoothed over cases before where some of the details have been, I don't know, weird.
And I guess I thought you might be able to give me some answers. If you've seen anything similar, I mean. Like why did he have to make me so fat? Okay, you've got a spider-thing in your basement and you want to make sure its meals are nice and big and nutritious, but then why take so long? Just feed it a normal-sized person a week, not, fuck, not the fattest person you’ve ever seen after a year.
No. No, I suppose you haven't. Sorry, I just. Yeah.
I've been to a doctor about the weight. They didn't even have any scales that could weigh me, they had to refer me to a specialist who had some bariatric scale things. Fucking four-hundred and eighty something pounds. Thirty-five stone, or near enough. Have you ever even seen someone that big? Ha, I suppose you have now, yeah. Anyway, yeah, they've got me on some special weight loss regime, you know, restricted calories, physical therapy which is basically just walking for ten minutes until I'm knackered. I need to lose a load of weight before they can even talk about surgery.
That's it, I guess. Will you- yeah, no sorry, you've got your own procedures and stuff. Yeah, I can see myself back to reception. I don't suppose you have any more of those biscuits, do you?
[Statement ends.
Final archivist's notes, dated 05/11/23: The details of Mr Barrett’s statement have been verified as far as possible. There is a record of his move to and employment in Dublin, and while there is not a record of his renting with Mr Alla, there is a record of the existence of a building matching Mr Barrett’s description at the address provided and of the fire Mr Barrett described [see supplemental materials].
There are 17 reports of missing persons logged in Dublin where the missing person had gained a significant amount of weight prior to their disappearance, going back to 1909.
The name Damhán Alla appears in four previous statements, dating back to 1907. We have added the name as a searchable tag to these statements, although none seem to deal directly with him.
In recent follow up interviews with Mr Barrett's family, friends and doctors, it would seem that his weight loss plan has been unsuccessful, and he has gained somewhat more weight since moving back to London. His family and friends have noted that he seems in good spirits, despite his rather unique trauma and ongoing circumstances. His father made a mention of a new hobby - a newfound interest in spiders.]
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angellurgy2 · 15 days
hii! this is the 1st and 2nd chapter of my new story, as a little show of whats to come when i make it a full-length book.
cw for bug rape but like, its also just an introduction to deeper non/sexual ways the bugs will destroy this girl's soul. you'll see!
i'd appreciate if people checked this out/gassed it up because i've worked reallyyy hard on this for a bit ^-^
A live wire sparks as loretta reaches a gloved claw inside the open electrical box, her digits blunted by her heavily plated and padded, alabaster white cosmonaut suit. she roots around the active electricity, scraping out chunks of the greenish-brown sludge growing in its crevices- the same mysterious viscous slime that’s been popping up in parts across her starship over and over the past few weeks. her theories ranged from an excremetal expulsion of an unidentified space object, to some disgraceful cosmonaut’s trash finding its way into her ship’s vents.
she clicks the button for the analyzing tool of her protective visor, closely examining the fluid. long thin wires splay across all sections of the large junction, leaving burning hot indents in the thick substances that feel like way too much of a fire risk. looking at the wires, spread out in patterned parallels like gigantic spider-webs, an anxious tinge of fear strikes her. don’t fall in, don’t get caught- robots don’t need any more prey. not that you’re prey. you aren’t.
she flicks her visor back off, worried her sweat might fog up the the visor, and continues swiping the rest of the gunk into a bin.
all clean, she fixes the fuses back into place before immediately making her way back over to the equipment corridor to hang up her suit. on the way she passes vibrant posters of mechanical cross-section diagrams, detailed anatomy drawings of every variety of species she could scavenge, and historical propaganda posters. it was a nice splash of existence inside a clinical minimalist coating. 
lounging in the cabin suite on her sofa, she flips her state-provided entertainment console to the galactic news. on-screen a suited, pristine looking woman takes the centre stage behind a stretched out desk. her voice is calm and analytical, with a hint of soft sympathy that can’t be hidden no matter how hard of a professional facade they must put on.
“News from the pandora planets have finally reached the internal core, revealing devastating effects of the latest assault campaign from the exoskeletal hives, multiple colonies’ messengers have reported complete razing of ground and sub-ground infrastructure, with several not appearing for the census at all. the URSS military and all commune bioships have retreated back to pantheon-V for rehabitation before a pandora counter-takeover can be attempted.”
Loretta shudders. the exoskeletals have been advancing deeper into URSS territory much faster than ever before, the fact that the state hasn’t been able to put a stop to it—and that the threat has only gotten more aggressive—makes sweat begin to pour down her head. if she was doing a term with the forces or part of a commune science crew she’d probably be worried for her life right now. thankfully, her ship was currently flying safely in one of the middle systems, relaxing in orbit of an abandoned desert world after recently coming back from a call of excursion to the outer worlds. she always enjoyed the quiet of minimal space travel and the utter lack of civilization when she gazed down upon a world, so this has been her favourite spot to reside for a long while. from the cabin module’s glass wall she can see such stark vistas of sandy mountain ranges, demarcating the most beautiful fields of gigantic outstretching spiny cactus.
with a loud buzz the tv automatically switches to the nightly Sallite news segment, where they broadcast the most important of state propaganda to every television set at 8pm local time. with an exasperated sigh she turns the volume all the way down to 1, takes off her grey tank, and throws herself into her cushioney bed. a switch on the wall next to the alloy headboard turns on the room’s surround sound to a soft pitter of forested rainfall, and she falls asleep in a matter of seconds.
Loretta awakes to the foreign sound of a sloppy wriggling near the floor by the end of her bed. jerking upright, she quickly slides into the suit boots she had laid at the side of her bed, strapping them tight, and moves to examine the intruder. 
a pulsating green slime slides itself across the floor, leaving a small trail of slightly transparent lime goo behind it. loretta kneels to look at it closer. she could swear it’s looking right back at her- though without any obvious eyes or features of its own. it excretes another loud squelching sound and fires off a copper-smelling mist around it, some of which sprays directly into loretta’s face causing her to wince and tear up at the dense cloud of smell. she reflexively slams her booted heel down into the creature, stomping through its gelatinous body.
she attempts to swiftly scrape the thing off her heel,, but the flattened slime spreads to encase her entire boot before she can even look down at it. when she does, she sees sticky lime green half-translucent goo coating the suit metal like adhesive, excreting a slight burning odour. loretta throws her leg around trying to eject the subject, but only manages to trip over herself, tumbling to the thick panelled floor with a resounding thud. 
on her back she watches with wide terrified eyes as the slime continues to slowly expand up her limb. it should be stretching itself out fully by now, but it seems to have an infinite amount of mass to express over her. some kind of anomalous entity from deep space? but how would it have gotten this deep into the middle systems? a new wormhole would’ve been reported immediately, and the nearest systems are all too well-inhabited. the gears turn in her head, clearly rusted over, struggling to think of a potential scientific hypothesis. by the time she breaks out of her clouded monologue and thinks to stop analyzing, the slime has already subsumed her entire left leg, grasping spreading tiny green tendrils grappling for the next part, which is fully uncovered by the comforting protection of the URSS engineer corps. she struggles to force herself away by clawing into the floor, but the slime seems to have extra weight to pin her leg down. such a little creature, overpowering her so easily- it must be alien. she doesn’t stop struggling even if it pins her utterly. if she could just get to the corner and grab her piece she could-
her scrabbling eyes find themselves staring at the cabin’s ceiling vent. a thick bile-like grey sludge seeps down from the cracks, forcing her to hurry. loretta shoves her hand into the green slime against her better judgement, trying to peel it off like one of her mother’s gelatin molds. her hands try to slide underneath it but they find themselves struggling to push against an unmovable solid, far away from the gravyesque consistency it had before. then she feels her legs, or rather, feels the lack of feeling of her legs. when she tries to move them, she cant even muster a shake, lower half pinned to the floor, not even pins or needles remaining. it doesn’t stop her relentless pushing and attempts to pull herself out by her arms, but she might as well be an amputee at this point. like one of those UOA prisoners of war from back in the day, laser neutered to be nothing but working hands for the Authority’s machines.
unable to get away from the oncoming deluge, lorreta realizes it must be relent or die. and so she does, shutting her eyes tight and curling her lips inward together like the anti-parasitites’ studies have taught her. though this wasn’t the typical annalidesque parasite commonly found in the outer cosmos, or a parasite at all for all she knows, it’s the best her dizzy mind can handle. and as she feels the sludge’s drip touch down on her estrogenated skin, it succeeds in helping stop it from flowing inside her eyes. she can feel it coat the skin tight, like a face mask but smelling of wood and suffocating and lively probing at her pores, blocking her vision black with its opaque body.
the sludge now dispensed, loretta senses a chance and attempts to pry the mask off of her. blindly groping for a free spot by her neck and sliding her unkempt nails under it and into the disgusting goo. it feels like a cadaver from anatomy class under her fingers, diving into the fat and peeling away the outer layer. but this corpse has undergone rigor mortis, and loretta’s attempts to peel it off go only slightly better than with the green thing, lifting an inch before it slaps itself back on even tighter. her second attempt goes even worse, her arms starting to feel numb and anaesthetized. she lifts her arms to fight but she cant feel the texture of what she touches anymore, and then the viral limpness travels to the rest of her motor function, and they flop uselessly at her sides. no part of her body responding to her brains frenzied orders to move, the most she can do is flail inside.
she pictures Andromeda-ZE in her mind’s eye, emotionally travelling to the place she spent most her childhood. she’s running through the market, the most well-known place in the capital, excitedly waving at family friends and commune teachers like she’s a kid again, so happy, so free, so ignorant. red and yellow and orange colours shine bright on the market stalls, sand and wood structures stand beautifully tall around her, everything is even more beautiful than it was when she was young. the wind on her cheeks as she runs makes her glow with a safety she doesn’t feel in the atmospheric void in space. not far ahead she spots her unit hut, and ramps up her speed. in a minute of invigorating sprint, she makes it to the large aspen door, knocking 5 times. she hears several light footsteps trot up and bounces with excitement. the door slowly creeps open… 
and a hulking nurse bug towers over her. its mandibles chitter, the egg sack on its back wiggles, and its claws rub together in front of its chest. she looks into the creature’s eyes and sees a thousand mirrors staring back at her. she screams muffled into the slime gag, jolting away from the colour behind her eyelids, and back into the void in front of them. instead of trying to push inside like loretta assumed, the sludge begins to creep into the part of her eye socket above her lids, pushing with prying hair-like digits. her heart cramps, and she can feel her heavy perspiration being immediately absorbed by the material the second it drips.  she doesn’t want to close her eyes, doesn’t want to see the bugs that close again- the spindling inner legs, the slimey chitin, vision of swarms of exoskeletals charging her squad flash through her, all she wants to do is scream but all it does is wear out the last muscles she can work. but she can’t stop, she wails banshily, reverberating in her own skulll. and then she can’t manage to hold her eyes open any longer.
the jointed arthropod returns, fully subsuming her soul. 
“it’s okay, sweet darling Lore, we are here now” it speaks in her mothers voice. sweet and soothing.
loretta wakes up in a stasis vat, her body floating in air like oil. green biofluid drenches her skin, manufactured nutrients flooding her organs, keeping her fed and stable. she smiles, thinking back to her first spacewalk, bounding into the open cosmos with footless steps. she kicks her foot up, sending herself into an airy backflip. her mouth opens on its own and takes in a load of the fluid. it tastes like the earth pineapples her mothers would trade for on her birthdays. she has to figure out what this is when she’s out of here. and by the looks of her motor functions, she’ll be out of this in no time. 
* * *
she awakes groggily inside of another vat. there’s no more fluid, but something similar sticks to every inch of her skin. the walls of steel have turned into a coffinesque cocoon, fleshy and aboreal brown and wriggling with her movements. yet as she attempts to push herself backwards, her hands still find themselves scraping cold metal. she sees how some light manages to seep through the cracks of the chitinous chamber, and prods at the squishy folds where the tiny glowing rays strike, poking through an inch or two of foreign flesh before her fingertips feel air. bio vat? or some sort of.. metamorphosis chamber? she can’t remember how she got here, or when she signed up for such a procedure. she needs to find someone before she gets stuck. she lifts her moist lips to one of the little holes and screams out a plea for help. she manages to fit another finger out, and begins trying to spread open the breach when she’s stopped by someone’s cold fingers pulling hers. one of the scientists, or guards? 
the person outside pulls on loretta’s hand hard and she feels her light body raise up to the roof of her confines. despite her reaching the walls, they keep going, tugging forcing painful friction between her bare limbs and the meaty hide. in a few short, supernatural pulls she is burst through the sac entirely, getting to see chunks of what appears to be sinew and slime splattering the surroundings as she flies through antigravital space and crashes hard into a familiar wall.
innumerous spindly brown limbs bringing fading memories of phasmid anatomy charts stretch out across the polished floor and walls now brutally scattered with keepsake and furniture debris, looking like abstract blobs in loretta’s slime coated vision. blobs which are constantly being absorbed upwards into the air by twitchy movements. loretta grasps at the wall behind her, pulling herself away from the enormous creature. 
slamming into the far wall, she attempts to reach for where her dresser should be, where her trusty sidearm should be awaiting its imminent retrieval. then she remembers the lack of gravity. 
it was a stupid idea to make a grav switch so accessible. she never even uses it, and humans are the only creature out in this abyss who are weak to its pull. stupid stupid stupid. she tries to look for it in the debris but can’t make it out through all the other white and grey blobs. 
in the room, a few brown splotches stand out, utterly foreign to the ship’s shade-based palette. she stares closer, and even more seem to appear. the black space where the open door leads to dark corriders begins spewing them  out en masse until at least two dozen of them scatter across the floors walls and ceiling of the cabin, staring right back into her with beady pinpricked eyes. 
a bug pounces, its thin limbs pinning loretta hard. the hair on its tarsi scrape across her bare arms jolting goosebumps up her entire body. its membranal underside presses up close, making her shake with unease as its squishy segmented body rubs against her and coats her with an inky discharge well familiar to her after multiple campaigns. 
click, click, click, click. clinking mandibles together, like a hungry and petulant child. antennae rub against her ears, just then noticing their dulling by a xenotic wax substance. yet the vile hissing of a group of specially angered freaks still deafens. 
searing pain transports into her flesh. she screams but a sludgey backup in her windpipe stops everything but the vibration. loretta looks down at the thick brown apical claw stuck inches deep in her side. a gaping void begins a slow seeping of crimson.  another of the blobs quickly dashes into her view, bursting into definition as it pops up at the wound’s side. the same black liquid that drapes over her skin begins to leak out of its open mouth-thing, mixing and diluting the blood until the cut is naught but a thick black wall subsuming a portion of her outer thigh. 
she looks forward again as a twinge of neck pain insults her for forgetting herself, and sees the first roach reaching its body upwards. a yonic hole in its abdomen begins to slowly invert, while a large black tendril reaches out of the now-extremity and fluidly twirls itself around loretta’s leg, dripping ichor all the way.
she’d never gotten this close to one of the breeders before, to the point she didn’t even recognize their exotype until now. as far as she knew, they stayed deep inside the tunneled grounds of the hive worlds, fucking like lagomorphs to appease their queens and ever-outbreed the URSS’s onslaughts. and yet, here they are.
the appendage flicks into loretta’s belly, proding at and pushing inside her navel cavity. it feels almost like she’s being licked by a pet dog, or it would if it wasn’t by a fucking bug. the creature tries to push forward past the inch-deep space and is swiftly yanked back in turn, reaching the end of its rope. loretta sighs. if they can’t even reach her then the worst they could probably do is-
the tentacle prods at a lower place before a concept can reach her nerves. a deserted, forgotten plateau, a space too human for her to accept. sliding over a smooth ravine, wet shocks drive up her legs. coiling atrocity digs into her malleable dirt like the hills in pandora. she screams like she imagines it must. though the terror speaks in soft, writhing texture, and not pain. pandora and i, sister bodies- desecrated in twain.
she turns her head to the room’s one window. beyond the hexagonal plasteel frame, one of the last things held up through the chaos, halcyon skies stretch out for infinity- vistas of beautiful achromatic calm broken only by dots of terrestrial colour. an anaerobic dead zone, where nothing except calm would subsume her. devour her. she yearns to feel that cold blanket take her now. she dreams of the window bursting open, space gaining pressure the glass wasn’t ready for, and ripping them all out with it. she dreams of mom bursting through the door gun in hand. she dreams of simply disappearing from all being. 
from above her head slithers another pair of mandible and trio of forceps, digging into her budding chest. a sparse pink miasma sprays across her vision, and she’s stumbled out of her wonder by a furious coughing fit rising in her trachea, and finally taking off some of the adhesive coating her throat alongside it. she tries to look back outside and the claws digging deeper just force her gaze right back. her eyes glaze over with water and, unable to wipe the sleeves away, it drowns her. it fills her mouth until her muscles strain, spread taught like an epithelial fingertrap. she cant help but cough more, painfully clenching on the foreign object sliding deeper inside using her windpipe as a transistor to her weak points.
beige meat squishes up against her face, phantom sensations of a man’s stomach thrusting. it should never have been able to get more evil than that. how did they put human’s cruelty into animals, was it taught? more inches of squishish meat force the thought from her shrouded head. her tears taste like ink. maybe they like it that way.
Lorettas’s hull stretches with fullness and terror. she cant see it, but she can feel it bulging her front extremitously. it feels like the two tendrils will soon meet in the middle. she shudders in fear and feels them swirl inside her as punishment. 
she feels a slight relent, and her thoughts finally losing their haze. the creatures in front of her thrust backwards through the air, and the twisting coiling tentacles whorl their way out like a pullcord. again she has to feel the thing climb her hole, leaving a painful space where there used to be nothing, unable to go back to nothing. it is ashamed and sobbing in it’s own. what a bipolar old lady you are, where is your rage?
his voice forces itself inside of her. look what you’ve done. ruined and irreparable. you must’ve loved it. you and your little bug fascination. maybe if you didn’t spend your time with abominations, you wouldn’t have become one. 
she screams back. it’s not too late, i don’t love them. he’ll never control me again, i’ve carved so much into the world, i won’t let myself be belittled. you’re smart, they’re miniscule- a surprise assault shows their utter lack of strength. i’ll kill them all if i have to. i’ll prove it, i will.
she tries to open her eyes again and sees, stained by pink clouds floating in her sclera, a huge mutated insectoid towering behind the others. a large dynastinaen horn displays ignorant ideas of its strength above its excitedly quivering mandibles. or perhaps the exoskeletals have no need for concepts of pride or egotism. perhaps hive mentality’s destroyal of the individual will always grant them an advantage. no thought of the victim- evil little creatures. no different than the evil of the Authority. no different than-
two blunt black mandibles thrust into her chest. the wind is crushed from her body before she can realize what’s happening. she is too dazed to look at the impact. her deflated cadaver is thrusted into the air, and carried,
her vision bobs up and down as swift twig limbs drag her forth without thought. station windows fly past her, blobs vaguely looking like her favourite posters lay scattered and sliced in pieces, slime staining them irreparable as it coats the floor. does their cruelty know no limits? was the destruction of her ship and her spirit not enough? the destruction of her people? will anything sway their pure evil? she wants to cry, but she’s already using all the tears her body can muster. 
black begins to gorge itself on the halls, the chunky whirring of automatic doors blares in her ears drowning out the chattering sounds of dozens of limbs. the hydraulics were a deeply familiar sound, one she had always cherished hearing. it felt like a reminder of the spacecraft’s life, always interacting to her existence, responding in kind noise whenever loretta’d root around fixing her insides. it was a comforting relationship, wonderful in its unconditionality.
now, her beautiful partner screamed red with anger. they destroyed her entrance too. the airlocks outer seal is burst open with what could fairly be assumed to be anti-ship cannons, if not for the claw marks and acid tainting it all. she looks through the inner seal, into the void where death surely awaits, her body has been so painfully torn and remade, that she can’t make herself put up a single limb to fight at the end. she imagines a blaster in her hand, and clenches its handle tight. then she opens her eyes, and her fingers havent moved an inch. 
then her face meets cold surface, jagged. then the green drapes grab onto her skin again. then her blood mixes with the green and turns the colour to the same rust she smelled in the air at the start. then she feels the perfectly held-at-average air of her beloved spaceship turn into cold freezing anguish of the outside. then she feels her body turn to nothing. then, she feels nothing at all.
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could write a rudy or drew x f! reader
either that they just making out on set, no smut just suggestive and they get caught by the rest of the cast
or like before going to bed like a lazy n soft make out just holding each other and no smut here either just enjoying themselves
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Summary: Drew and his girlfriend head back to his trailer for some alone time after he's been on set all day only to get a surprise interruption from his friends at the worst possible time
Warnings: This is fluffy smut. It's sweet and a little dirty. Kissing, dry humping (grinding but fully clothed), slight dirty talk and being walked in on
Author's Note: Thank you so much for your request! I may have gotten a tad carried away and made it a bit too suggestive and venturing more on the smutty side but I really love the way it turned out and I hope you do too 🩵
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"That's a wrap on Rafe for today," the director called out to your boyfriend Drew. It was nearing the end of filming the current season of Outer Banks and when he had asked you if you'd like to come out for the last few weeks, you jumped at the chance. It had been months of late night phone calls, text messages and face time sessions and while you loved the way he always managed to make the time and talk to you every day, at least for a minute, you missed him terribly. Occasionally he'd fly out and surprise you for a few days here and there but his schedule never seemed to allow him more than a day or two at a time so when he asked you to come to him for these few weeks, you were overjoyed.
"Come here baby," he called to you. "I have a few people I want you to meet."
After about 20 minutes of meeting some of the crew and the director, Drew made his exit and ushered you towards his trailer. "They all seem so nice," you say to him on the short walk to his home on set.
"Oh they are! They're the nicest people I think I've ever worked with y/n. It makes these long days go by so much faster when the company is so great. Helps keep me from missing you too much, too," he says nudging your shoulder a bit and grabbing your hand. He laces his fingers through yours and brings your hand up to his lips to give it a sweet kiss. You let out a content sigh and enjoy the leisurely stroll hand in hand with your boyfriend.
"Well...here we are...," Drew says once you arrive at his door. You see the familiar sight of his metal doorframe with his name sprawled across it. "After you," he says, letting you take the stairs first. When you open the door you immediately spot a single red rose, a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the table in front of the couch. Once you take a few steps closer you hear Drew shut the door behind you and can feel his arms gently wrap around you from behind. He sweetly rests his chin on your shoulder and you cling to his arms that are draped around you. "I'm really glad you're here y/n," he says hugging you tighter. "I've missed you so much," he says, whispering in your ear. He loosens his grip around you a little and spins you around so you're facing him. You giggle a little at his quick spin and smile up at him.
"Hi," you say.
"Hi," he says grinning back.
He leads you over to the couch and sits beside you, handing you the rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you?," he asks you again, making you blush.
"You might have mentioned it once or twice," you reply, smelling your rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you too?," you ask him back.
"Only every day since I left baby," he chuckles. You playfully swat at his chest and sigh. "So I guess that's a yes then, huh...," you shrug sheepishly.  He reaches for the bottle of champagne and quickly loosens and pops the cork.
"That's ok baby, I'm pretty sure I say it to you just as much, if not more. I'm just being a dick and messing with you," he says. You smile, roll your eyes and take the glass from his outreached hand. "I'm so glad you came," he says clinking classes with you.
"Me too," you assure him. "Nothing could have stopped me from seeing you." You both take a few sips from your glasses and set them back on the table. You suddenly realized that you two were finally alone and it's almost like Drew was reading your mind. You could feel his eyes burning a hole into your body and saw the was his eyes were raking over you. His large hands started to make their way past your knee and to your thighs when he suddenly and roughly hooked booth of this hands behind your knees and pulled you onto his lap. You were now straddling him, your eyes level with his and your breathing was getting heavier in anticipation of what you knew was coming next.
"Hi," he said again.
"Hi," you answered him.
In an instant, his lips were on your neck. Sucking and licking the delicate flesh and probably leaving marks. You didn't care though, let the whole world know how much your boyfriend loved you. You loved the way his lips felt pressed against your neck. You let out a low moan and could feel him smirk against your skin. "You like that, baby," he prompts you but not waiting for a reply. He moves up your neck and gives your ear a nibble as he makes his way to your mouth. You let out a breathy groan of pleasure, desperate for his kiss. "God I missed this," he says right before he attacks your mouth with his. It was rough and sloppy yet passionate and needy. You could feel exactly how much he missed you through his kiss and you loved the feeling of his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. Drew was the best kisser you had ever known and the way he expertly made your entire body feel weak and lightheaded from his kiss alone made you quiver all the way down to your toes. Your body was on fire and you could feel that familiar feeling starting to ignite inside you. You absentmindedly started rocking your hips back and forth on his lap and he abruptly moaned into your mouth. Pulling away for just a second, he swiftly takes his shirt off and reaches for yours. He looks you in the eyes, silently begging for permission and you nod at him and shyly smile. "You are so beautiful baby," he says taking in the scene front of him. "And your all mine," he says reaching for your chin and drawing you in for another round.
This time, his kisses were much slower and more sensual. There was still that desperate need behind them but they were far less feverish and much less rough. Your head was spinning, it all felt so good. His hands made their way down to your hips and he gently started rocking you back and forth again. You got the hint and began to move your body against his, feeling him start to strain against you. Trying to mimic the roughness of his kiss with the pressure of your hips, you both were a panting mess within minutes. You could feel his clothed cock beneath your fully clothed core and you knew if you kept this up a few minutes more, your boyfriend was going to cum in his pants. He didn't seem to mind though and showed no signs of letting up so you followed his lead and continued to grind on his lap. Less than a minute more, you could tell he was nearly there and when he opened his mouth to let out a very loud moan, you took the opportunity to move to his neck. You knew he loved those neck kisses just as much as you did and when you got to that special spot right behind his ear and lightly dragged your tongue across it, you knew you had him right where you wanted him. You could feel his hips buck up into you and his breathing become heavy and erratic. One more lick and a soft suck on his special spot and he was practically coming undone. His hips were wildly trying to find some friction and his eyes were screwed shut while his mouth was hanging open in pure pleasure.
"Come for me," you whispered in his ear. "Come on bab-," you were quickly cut off by a very loud series of rapid knocks followed by Rudy, JD, and Madelyn all storming into the trailer.
"Dude, good you guys are still here," Rudy says.
"Yeah we wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at the- OH MY GOSH," Madelyn says in shock and horror, immediately going out the door and down the steps!
"SHIT," JD quickly replies and spins around to follow her.
"Sorry man, we shouldn't have barged in like that," Rudy called from the bottom of the steps, following his friends. "Sorry y/n," Rudy yelled again. "Our Bad!"
You were completely mortified but incredibly thankful that you still had your bra and pants on. They probably just thought you were making out, which you basically were. It could have been a lot worse you thought to yourself, burring your head in Drew's chest. You could feel him start to laugh. "I can't believe that just happened," you say to him groaning.
"I can," he says matter-of-factly. They always just come in, I should have locked the door. I wasn't thinking.
"So this is really your fault," you say playfully, putting your head in your hands and groaning at what just happened.
"I suppose it is," he answers you with a hug and a sheepish grin.
All the sudden you hear talking outside the door and hear Madelyn shout towards you both. "So sorry for interrupting again but we are all meeting up at the pier in an hour and we would love for both of you to join us! We've missed y/n too!," she called.
"Yeah, please come," JD echoed.
With a shrug and an unspoken agreement between the two of you, Drew told them you'd be there and they left.
"Oh my god, how embarrassing," you say to your boyfriend. "This is going to be fun," you laugh, hiding your face in your hands.
"Oh, it'll be fine baby, a good story to tell," he says with a shrug.
"You better not," you laugh and shake your head at him. "I just wanna forget this ever happened."
"I think... I know a way... to get your mind off of it y/n...," Drew trailed off, brushing a strand of hair off your cheek and caressing your face. He looks deeply into your eyes and puts his forehead to yours, letting his lips hover over your mouth, close but not touching.
"Oh yeah?," you play along coyly. "How?"
And with a devilish smirk he leans back in and you both pick up right where you left off.
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age-of-play-i-say · 1 year
Wetted Girl Walking
"Come on, sweetie!" Momma beckons me brightly, waiting for me to catch up to her cart.
I wince and shuffle a bit faster, my step uneven and timid. I want Momma to praise my behavior at the store but it's getting harder and harder to focus.
My nipples press against my camisole and I shiver in the refrigerated section, keeping my thighs pressed together under my flouncy dress as I catch up to her. I race flat-footed to her side and she pulls me in for a squeeze.
"I'm sorry if the weekly shop is a bit long, Baby." Momma makes a pouty face at me, thinking my darkening disposition must be due to boredom or overstimulation. Either are equally likely, but unfortunately it's neither.
Momma's hand snakes down my back and discreetly pats against my pull-up. I redden and turn my face from her. With her other hand, she turns my cheek back to her and whispers,
"Well at least we know it's not that this time."
I can't speak.
Little does Momma know, it absolutely is that this time. When Momma told me our plans for the day, an outing to the park, then the grocery store and Starbucks, she showed me my new pull ups.
These will be perfect, sweetie. No one will know you have it on under your dresses, and that way little leaks won't ruin your nice afternoon!
That may have been true, but Momma laid me down to change right then and there. I didn't have a chance to go potty first. And I must have been pretty close to needing it, because I was already dribbling by the time we made it to the park.
After all, parks with Momma make me feel so loved and cared for. I felt too little to pay attention to potties. I keep feeling little gushes and spurts in my pull up while I giggle about it but not fully emptying my little bladder. Then Momma changes plans, and we swing by Starbucks first.
My little pink drink is gone by the time we get to the store, and when I get up out of my carseat to go in . . .I see a little wet spot on the seat.
I know my pull up can't hold anymore. But neither can I.
I'm close to tears as Momma releases me from her side, bladder squeezing and quivering at the reminder.
"Aw, sweetie, you've been such a good girl all day today. What's wrong?"
I cast my gaze down to my dancing feet and mutter,
"g-gotta potty."
Momma looks puzzled.
"Baby, you're protected, remember? You can do your potties right here!" she whispers.
I whine and my bladder spasms a little and I squirm to reach down and hold it. Momma grabs my hand.
"No need to be shy, sweetie, just start letting go when you're ready." She looks around. "Besides, we're just about ready to check out and then we'll head home and I'll get you all dry and changed. Just make your potties slowly, that's my good girl."
I whimper and nod, unable to speak, let alone tell Momma how naughty I've already been and how much I can't go right here. But she's right, we're heading up to the check out now. I can do this, I can be a big girl for Momma, right?
I'm shaking in the checkout, sweating under my mask, arms crossed and shifting side to side. My abdomen feels strained and it feels heavy, hot and horrible inside. I bite my lip to keep from whimpering.
I gasp silently when Momma finished at the pin pad and steer us towards the door. I feel my peehole twitch and surge and I don't wait.
I break for the door, running and starting to cry, beyond caring what other people think. I tear into the parking lot, making a beeline for our minivan. I feel wetness begin to seep through but I don't stop until the vehicle is blocking the view of the storefront.
Momma, clued into something being very wrong, hustles with the cart after me. She catches up quickly, not being on the verge of and accident and peers around the corner with our bagged cart.
"Sweetie, what on EARTH has gotten into y--" Seeing me, she braces the cart against the van, providing more cover, "ohh, my Baby," she coos gently, her tone softening to soothe, understanding completely.
I squat before her pitying gaze, piddling and sobbing full-force on the hot blacktop parking lot, soggy pull-up laying haphazardly near the hissing stream.
Momma knows the truth now, that I'm a baby who can't be trusted not to pee herself on a short afternoon out of the house. I whimper and my parts pulse confusingly. I feel my bladder twinge painfully and my body continues it flood. A shiver rips through me and my stream arcs forward while my clitty pulses.
Momma snaps into action, reaching over me to unlock and open the driver's side door and swinging it open to create a third side to my makeshift privacy screen. Then she reaches into her purse and slaps something crinkly on the seat.
Next think I know, she's hauling me by my armpits, still peeing, to sit on the driver's side, my legs dangling out the open side. I lift my hips to try to protest, but the padding underneath me crinkles. I set my hips down and shiver again as my clitty rubs the steadily soaking diaper underneath my bare butt. Momma is still moving, arranging my dress for modesty and throwing the soaked pullup into an emptied shopping bag and tying it off.
Once that's handled and we're not longer in indecent exposure territory, Momma gives me a hug, leaning into the open door and wrapping her arms around me while I'm still making potties. She takes a deep breath and squeezes me tightly, helping me empty out completely.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Momma murmurs while rubbing my back.
I can't answer, finally feeling the relief I've craved for hours. All I can do is shiver and moan. I buck my hips, aching but no longer heavy.
"You have been so good for me, baby." I let out a choked noise of disbelief, clit stiffening into my mess below. Momma doesn't let me interject.
"You have! You didn't have an accident in the store, even though you told me you needed potties! I'm so sorry that Momma didn't hear you baby, that must have been so scary for you!" I sob quietly for a few moments. It was scary for me.
It means the world to me that Momma apologizes, and always tries to do right by me. I sniffle and bury my head in her neck, yelping then reddening aas the wet diaper drags across my sticky parts.
"Oh, don't worry Baby, Momma feels the same," she takes one of my limp hands and presses it to the front of her skirt where she stands at attention underneath. I wiggle on the open diaper, tears banished. She chuckles lightly and pulls back.
"Let me load up the groceries and then we'll get going." I whine and turn to hop down and help.
"Oh no, no little one, you're too little to help. You stay here and make quiet, secret humpies in your mess. Momma is sooo going to make this up to you when we get home."
She chuckles to herself as she hustles around to the trunk, double checking to make sure their privacy has been maintained. She loads up while her little one churns their hips to produce breathy little moans she can barely hear over the engine.
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silverofthunder · 7 months
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☆ first visit ☆
Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader
summary: "I'm so lucky I have you."
content: 700+ words, fluff, romance, humor (i think?), tiny bit of hurt/comfort
So, this is loosely based on the dream I saw a while back. Just a silly little idea I had to write down.
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You were laying on your back on the bed, Copia beside you, and you were talking about everything and nothing. And it was only natural you had to exchance a few kisses here and there, those sweet ones that made your heart flutter with warmth.
It was your first time visit at the Ministry and you couldn't be wondering why Copia had been so hesitant of you coming there. The place looked nice and Copia’s room was cozy and kind of chaotic, too, but it fit Copia well. You knew Sister Imperator and Nihil were somewhere somewhere in the building, too, but so far you hadn't seen them.
Copia moved on top of you, stealing a few quick kisses from your lips, speaking something sweet nonsense between them and you chuckled at his sappiness. You had sworn years ago that if you ever found someone special you wouldn't be the couple that was all sweet and lovey-dovey. But it seemed that oath had now flew straight out the window as you looked at Copia who smiled at you softly.
You couldn't help but gently poke his nose and laughed as he furrowed his brows. Then his lips curved into a mischievous smile and he held himself up with one hand while his other hand settled on your side and he started tickling you.
"No!" you shrieked, trying to wiggle farther from Copia's fingers. It only encouraged him and he moved to straddle you, now both hands attacking your sides. Laughing you tried to swat his hands away and he was just grinning down at you.
"Please, stoHP!" you said high-pitched, grabbing his wrists and trying to push him away. He only tickled you faster and tears were forming in your eyes, your stomach aching from all the laughing.
"Not fair!"
Noise resembling a thud interrupted your moment and you both froze. Soon you started to hear some loud voices that came from the hallway. You looked at Copia, raising your brow, as if to ask what was going on. As the voices got louder, Copia's face fell and sighing he moved away from you, burying his face into the nearest pillow.
You turned to your side, worry creeping into you.
"What is it?"
Copia lifted his head up with a groan, looking towards the door.
"Sister and Nihil arguing - again. Nothing new here."
You weren't sure what to say, so you just stayed quietly and placed a hand on Copia's back, slowly caressing it. The voices were now so loud that you could make out some words and you didn't miss the way Copia flinched when there was another thud.
"Hey, it's alright," you tried to comfort Copia, and you got a little laugh from him.
"It's really not but..." Copia started, moving his gaze to you, the apology clear in his eyes. "This is why I didn't want to bring you here."
You brought your hand to his cheek, offering him a small smile.
"I've heard worse."
"You have?" Copia didn't look convinced.
"Yeah, my parents used to argue all the time before they finally got a divorce. It was so bad," you explained.
"Well, at least they got a divorce," Copia stated, nodding towards the door where the voices had now gotten quieter. "Those two wouldn't go separate ways no matter what."
"That's... a shame. I mean it might not solve everything but at least it would be calmer," you said, brushing a strand of Copia's hair away from his face.
"Yeah..." Copia sighed.
Smiling a little you leaned closer to peck his lips.
"Sorry about that," Copia said as the strife in the hallway got some new fire. You shook your head.
"It's alright," you said, capturing Copia's lips in a proper kiss. He hummed into it, finally relaxing a little.
As you eventually parted, you smiled at him sweetly and he wrapped his other arm around you, pulling you closer and burying his face into the crook of your neck.
"I'm so lucky I have you," he mouthed against your skin, your chest filling with warmth. You breathed in Copia's scent, closing your eyes, and focused on the warmth of his body.
"You're always welcome to my place," you whispered soflty after a moment of silence. Copia pulled slightly back so he could look into your eyes and you could see he was grateful.
"Thank you, tesoro."
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kamidukki · 4 months
[AKNK] Berrien’s Daily Life Memories [BOX vol. 3]
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Sadness into strength
Phew… Ha… !!
Hh, ha…
Everyone, are you watching? I, who couldn't even handle a weapon well in the past... can fight a little now.
All this... I do so that I won't lose any more of the people important to me.
The sadness of losing everyone, my fellow member of devil butlers... It made me stronger.
Even if I say this now... I don't think it will be any consolation to those of you who have passed away...
Please watch over me as I grow up.
I will continue to fight to protect those I care about.
I will not let any more people die like you...
The fun of an expedition
Even though it was a request from the nobles... it's not easy to go on an expedition deep into the forest. My legs have grown tired.
Well then...
Shall I have lunch around here then?
I'm really looking forward to it, because Lono-kun made me a lunch box ♪
There are two boxes. In the big box is a sandwich quiche... In the small box... Oh, is it an apple pie?
As expected of Lono-kun. He knows that I always make tea even when I'm on an expedition... This is perfect for tea cakes.
Well, I will quickly boil the water and prepare the tea leaves... After lunch... I’ll have an early tea time ♪
Next time I’ll invite the Master, we can have a picnic with everyone.
Piling-up memories
I've made it through the day without a hitch.
Let's write in the diary and get some rest. Let’s see, what happened today was... The Master came here... And then, we had this conversation...
Just remembering it makes me smile.
I can record the happy events of the day in my diary like this...
I am... feeling very happy now.
Even I think that I smile more than before myself...
It’s all thanks to the Master.
May you have a pleasant dream
Could it be that you have trouble sleeping?
Is that so... I see. There are days like that, aren't there?
Then I will hold your hand until you fall asleep. It is said that human warmth makes it easier to fall asleep. Now, if you'll excuse me...
How do you like it? When I hold your hand like this, my mind naturally calms down...
Calm down...
Oh, that's strange...
It's more like my heart is beating faster...
At this rate, Master won't be able to sleep... I'll calm down a bit.
(breathes in, breathes out)
... Good. I've managed to calm down.
Once again... good night, Master.
(smiles) I hope you have pleasant dreams tonight.
The people I must protect
[Child: (crying)]
Hmm? The little boy is crying... Um, what's wrong?
[Child: Ugh... ugh... guh... I can’t find Mummy...]
I see... It seems he has gotten separated from his mother…
I understand. Then let's look for your mother together. My name is Berrien. We'll find your mother soon.
[Child: Soon... really?]
Yes, I'm sure. So there's nothing to worry about. Oh, yes. I bought some madeleine in the shop over there, if you like. Eat them and cheer up.
[Child: Yes… thank you…]
-A little while after that-
[Child: And so, and so! Mummy baked me a very big cake!]
I see. It was a wonderful birthday.
[Child: And then... oh, there's Mum!]
[Woman: Ah...! I've finally found you... Where have you been all this time?]
[Child: Well... this big brother helped me look for you! He also gave me some delicious sweets! I’m full from eating a lot of them!]
[Woman: Oh, I see... I'm sorry, my child has caused you some troubles...]
No, no such thing. Thanks to that, I had a wonderful time too. /smiles
(It's always nice to hear about happy families.)
(What we are here to protect… This scene is a reaffirmation of its value.)
After-bath Berrien
Phew... That was nice bath. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight. But before that...
As a butler, I have to take good care of myself after the bath. First...
Wipe my wet hair gently and thoroughly... And take good care of the skin, just as Flure-kun told me.
Finally, clean the changing rooms for the next person.
Now I feel refreshed in body and mind.
I think I'll have a good dream tonight ♪
Post-send-off Berrien
Well, see you later, Master.
[I'm off, Berrien]
Phew... they're gone.
I'm sad, but there's no time to feel down.
I must record what happened with master today. Well...
(chuckles) Now I have a better understanding of the Master. In this way, I can improve the quality of my service, even if it's just a little bit each day.
Now... the next thing I need to do is...
I'll brew some new tea... and continue my research into angels.
Sunset promise
One day at dusk... I climbed up to the watchtower... Belian was there, watching the sunset.
Oh? Master, you've returned. My apologies. The beautiful sunset was beautiful so I ended up gazing...
(chuckles) It really is a beautiful world, isn't it? Hard to believe that it’s being destroyed by angels...
No matter what sacrifices we make... we must protect this beautiful world.
But... how much longer must we fight?
How many more sacrifices must we make?
Maybe... the day when the sacrifices we've made will be rewarded... may never come...
[I will fight with you to the end]
...! Master...
[I promise]
That's right... it's true, we have Master...
My deepest apologies. I ended up becoming weak-willed. Fu fu... I can't help but get sentimental when I see the sunset.
But, Master. Your words have given me courage.
Thank you.
And I promise you too.
I swear on this sunset that I will, without fail, always protect you.
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Friends Don't Kiss Like That
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A/N: Hello friends! Here it is, the long awaited fake dating fic I've teased since March. I'm so sorry for the wait, this fic took too long to truly develop in my head and while I had fun, I'm mad I didn't get it out sooner. Enjoy!
“-and then?”
“And the-what do you think I did, Mystery Girl?” He eyed her smugly, the bastard, and tapped the side of his head. “Hmm? Use that smart brain of yours.” 
“...Jamie.” There was warning in her voice. Her patience would not be tested today; Xander’s experiment in robotics club already did that. But Jameson’s eyes were alight with mischief and there were the beginnings of a smirk playing at his lips.
“Then… I told her off.” 
Avery frowned at him, giving a look. The look; Alisa taught her well. It did the job and the younger Hawthornes were secretly afraid at how frighteningly accurate it was. As though it was Alisa herself. “No, you didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t.” 
“Jameson! Seriously, tell me you didn’t.” She looked at him shocked, hand on his shoulder as he shook his head with an amused huff.  “Jamie, I’m being serious here!” She swatted at his chest. The boy was asking for it and trouble was the only call he always answered. Apart from hers, of course. And his brothers, too, but that was a given. 
He laughed. “Ok, ok, MG. I didn’t do it… or did I?” 
Avery stopped beside him, crossing her arms and sighing exasperatedly as she waited for his laughter to subside. A moment later, he stopped and looked at her, grinning cheekily. For some reason, her mouth went a bit dry. It was unfair how infuriatingly handsome he looked. Wait, where is this goi-
“Turvy, you okay? Aves?” Nicknames; his way of coaxing her out of her thoughts and in rarer cases, expressing his concern. She blinked out of her trance and smiled at him.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She watched as his semi-concerned expression morphed into a playful smirk again. Ever the chaotic chameleon.
“Hold on. Are you checking me out? After all this time, the moment has come. I finally meet the standards of Miss Not A Chance to get a look over. My day is made.” Rolling her eyes as he let out another lighthearted laugh, she put a hand on his arm and pulled. 
“Come on, let’s go. Let me walk you to your next class before you take another wrong turn to a stairwell that conveniently leads to the roof. Actually, you haven’t even gotten your textbook yet so let’s head to your locker first which just so happens to be on our way.”
But as she took a step, he tugged right back and twirled her into him. He leaned in close, whispering, “It’s okay, Heiress. I don’t mind. I know I’m good looking and that leaves some girls flustered.” It was in the silence that followed that she knew with certainty he had a shit-eating grin spreading slow and steady across his face, thinking himself so clever. Instead of rolling her eyes like she usually did, she shivered, feeling very affected for some reason. Her heart beat faster at the subconscious reaction. 
When he moved back, the sudden tension in the air broke and she could breathe again, taking a quick look around the hall. Thankfully, there weren’t that many students, just a few closing up their lockers and making their way to their next classes.  
She knew they were technically fake dating but their deal was still fairly recent and they hadn’t come out in public yet as a couple. Maybe she was used to his proximity since they were good friends but this was new. They displayed physical affection for each other, especially him as it was his love language, but this felt intimate and different. Avery wasn’t quite sure what to make of it and why the sudden effect he had on her. 
She shook her head and then looked at him, punching him playfully in the shoulder. “Nice try, Hawthorne, but that’s not happening.” 
He shrugged. “Worth a shot.” This time she did roll her eyes and pointed to his locker. “You, physics textbook, now.” He groaned dramatically before approaching his locker, looking back at her forlornly with a slight pout as he opened and slowly dragged out the wretched book. But his eyes caught her attention. Despite the funny expression, his eyes held that intensity when he was wholly focused on something, usually a puzzle and this time, her. Trying to shake off the feeling, she looked up in response to his theatrics as he proceeded to close the door. 
It was a bit overwhelming, this new focus he had on her, something she picked up on since he started spending more time with her than ever before. He seemed to have a constant need to distract himself from the anger and pain that Emily caused him but it didn’t feel purely based on that. There was a shift. She noted how intently he paid attention to her post break up and in the moments when he thought she wouldn’t see, she saw the little smiles or the way he would just watch her contently as they worked on homework. And she knew that something had changed but only a little while ago did she start feeling the effects of it herself. Although it scared her, she didn’t find herself shying away from it either.
Not wanting to dwell on it anymore, Avery took hold of his arm as soon as he secured the lock and tugged. “Come on, let’s go.”
Jameson frowned at her, “You’re no fun, you know that?” 
She turned to him and smiled mischievously. “I know, that’s why you keep me around. If you haven’t known by now, I’m your unofficial handler. I’m just not paid for it although Grayson and Nash probably thank me for doing so. You and Xander.” 
“Oof, now you’re just not being fair. That’s playing dirty, Aves.” She shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say? I learned from the best.”
“I think they taught you a little too well,” he grumbled but Avery simply patted his hand and pulled him along. As they walked he started to mess with her a bit by pretending to struggle against her, pleading with her to go hang with him on the roof for a match of rooftop golfing. “I’ll even let you take the first two turns.” She snorted. They both knew she didn’t need a head start to beat him. When Avery Grambs had her mind set on something, the world was at her feet. 
This was them; jokes, teasing, nicknames with interesting back stories, light hearted jabs with meaning, comforting light touches, secret signals, deep talks late at night when no one would hear, solving puzzles and riddles no one else knew how to do, being so in tune with each other’s expressions… Avery loved it. It’s part of what kept her grounded in the past year. She drank in the moment, Jameson’s beaming face, her hands around his arm, the sound of her laughter. Yet she didn’t have enough time to revel in it because there was a storm coming their way.
A red hurricane was making her way down the hall towards them and Avery knew then, peace was lost. Jameson froze beside her at the sight.
Emily Laughlin; golden girl of Heights Country Day, darling of seemingly every gala in Texas, “the Hawthorne keeper”, and now, Jameson’s ex. In Avery’s mind, she was the Strawberry Menace that somehow managed to damper her mood every time she appeared. It was the equivalent of dropping one of Libby’s superior chocolate swirl cupcakes or finding the scone plate void of blueberry ones with only lemon-flavored leftovers in Xander’s wake. 
Avery had a motto in school; stay quiet and out of trouble but remain observant. Like anyone else, she knew the hierarchy set in secondary but after moving to Texas and enrolling at a private school, the differences between her old life and new one couldn’t have been more like day and night. The power dynamics of rich kids in a private school system were blown to new proportions as so many intricate details about one’s wealth, connections, and history seemed to play a role in status. This certainly had affected her introduction and integration but somehow she was still able to slip under the radar, at first.
And it was nice, taking back at least a piece of her old reality, and she relaxed, ready to be the quiet one in the corner again. In New Castle, she mostly kept to herself and never really liked drama which was why she tried to keep out of it. It wasn’t that she was shy but there just never seemed like anyone could be there for her in the way Max did, even with her halfway across the country. However, that wouldn’t be the case anymore, especially with the Hawthornes as regular company. 
They were all charming, witty, funny, adventurous, some more than others but none without their quirks. Yet, despite the wealth, their way of living, and larger than life characters, they all managed to work their way into her and Libby’s lives. And little by little they also managed to worm their way into Avery’s heart and they wouldn’t leave. She wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Although, there were downsides even to being friends with Hawthornes. Avery got along best with Xander and Jameson but that also meant where those two were, there was Emily and her posse. Until recently.
With Emily having been found out to be dating Jameson and his older brother Grayson at the same time with them both blissfully unaware, all hell had broken loose. The boys were affected badly; Gray had taken it the worst but Jameson was in a full blown fury. Out right he told her that he was breaking up with her and that if she were smart she would leave Grayson alone too. Avery had been very proud of him for that, taking up the mantle to protect him and his brother’s honor even though it was equally difficult for him. 
Of course, Emily did not take that message well and for the last two months she’d been trying to do whatever she could to make them come around. The audacity the girl had was astonishing and despite a tarnished reputation, she would still stoop so low; Avery may have despised her but marveled her tenacity. Sometimes she wished she had more of that herself. But Jameson had put his foot down and was holding it firmly in place which unfortunately meant that with every new attempt Emily became more unbearable. Like now.
As the Menace neared, Jameson hooked an arm around her and she felt him tracing two adjacent lines on her wrist then squeezing it. Over and over again. He was trying to tell her something. They started that a few months ago, before the breakup, as code for when there was a clue one of them found during Saturday games and didn’t want to alert the others to it. His brothers hadn’t caught onto that yet. As for this code, she knew the squeeze was reassurance as in “Don’t worry.” but the first part confused her. Was that an L, a V, or a check mar- Check mark; as in “All good.” He was telling her that he’s good and can handle it. 
Right as she finished that thought, he spoke up. “Hi Emily. What can we do for you today?” His tone was controlled, conversational, and his composure steady but Avery sensed the underlying unease. What he was really trying to say was, No, I can’t help you, leave me alone. And can you despawn from the map while you’re at it? 
“Jameson.” The Laughlin girl stopped a few meters from them, sounding hesitant and giving her best withered look. Avery would give her props for the effort but after being witness to this act more than a dozen times in the past two weeks, it was cumbersome. “Can we… talk?”
“Sure! The weather’s great today. Might take my new bike out for a spin on the track. Actually, the weather’s been treating us pretty well for the last while, right Aves?” 
She side-eyed him but nodded in agreement. “Yup.”
Emily’s eyes narrowed slightly at her but she kept her demeanor in place. “Actually, I was hoping we could do so in private?”
Jameson grinned wickedly. “No, we may not. But if you do have something worthwhile to say, you can say it in front of me and Avery.”
“I see… You’ve already moved on.” Her tone started to sound sour. “Yes, and we’re very happy, thank you very much. Is that all?” He’s having fun with this.
“I always thought you two were a little too close for my taste even when we were together. Guess I should’ve known this would happen eventually.” Playing the victim card… Nice.
“Well, yeah. We never made our friendship a secret. It was pretty out in the open from the start that we got off pretty well since she moved here. You know, the way we used to when we were friends, Em. Hmm? Remember that? But oh, that was before a certain nasty betrayal occurred on your part, might I add.” Now he was just taking it too far. Avery wondered if she would have to tame the flames soon but Jameson paid no heed as she subtly elbowed his side. Instead, he simply grabbed her arm and wove his fingers around hers. She tried not to show her surprise as her heart sped up again.
Emily growled, “I never meant for it to happen that way Jamie-” “Jameson.” “Right, Jameson. I was new to this and had feelings for both of you. Believe me, I was very conflicted about the whole thing so I-”
“So you just decided to date both of us in secret without the other knowing for six months while we poured out the best of us into farces of relationships and you stabbed us with a knife in the back in return for our goodness. Gotcha. Nice talk,” he nodded along while winking mockingly and Emily glared back. The tension was just getting worse and Avery sensed her time was coming. 
“No, I’m sorry that happened. It shouldn’t have happened that way at all. But it did, I recognize that was very wrong of me but I really was trying to settle on one of you; it’s just you’re both so great and I was lucky to have even just one of you paying attention to me.” Cue the tears, roll the credits; Avery was rolling her eyes internally. 
“I’m gonna call cut. A word of critique; bull. Shit. You are one of the most attractive girls in school, you know this, so don’t pull that with me. Second of all, didn’t you hear, love triangles especially with brothers aren’t in style anymore. Not since Damon and Stefan on Vampire Diaries. And much less cheaters at that. But you just find yourself the exception as you always do, don’t you Emily?”
She scoffed. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you. You were basically emotionally cheating on me with her. Don’t try to deny it. I saw it; the talks, the inside jokes, the fact she was invited to elusive Saturday games much sooner than I ever was, how she was always on your team, and your weird handshakes. You were so touchy feely with her.”
Jameson quirked an eyebrow. “You know, for someone who claims that she’s all-seeing, clearly you’re blind. I kept a very respectful distance with Avery throughout our relationship and only did those handshakes when we were in public after accomplishing an assignment or a puzzle. We teamed up a lot because you almost always wanted to be with Gray despite my protests. Oftentimes we also didn’t share the same time slots for classes although I wanted to be with you and because sometimes Avery was, I wanted to help her integrate. It was something that my grandfather and Nash asked me and Xan to do. Our talks-” he sighed. “Look, I can go on but you would just turn that on me when you’re the one at fault here. End of story.”
“Oh, so you're her mouthpiece now? Miss Quiet As A Mouse can’t speak for herself; cat got your tongue?” That last remark was directed at her. Jameson wanted to protest but she put a hand on his chest. She could handle it.
While Avery avoided Emily like the plague and did her best to be polite when she had no choice but to interact with her, she did not tolerate mean girls. She had a voice and she wasn’t about to let a discounted rip off Regina George ruin her day by having her run her mouth. Plus, she’s being a disgrace to the real one. Yes, Max made her watch some cult classics back in seventh grade and it was one of the films she actually enjoyed but she would never tell her that. 
“What Jameson just said is all true. Plus, I was getting the signals from you. Don’t think for a second that I missed a single of your dirty looks when we hung out in a group. I knew you considered them yours. But last I checked, I often declined his company and was more so with your sister, Xander, and still I preferred my sister most to all of you. I’m not one to stray from my zone that often and it was because of Mr. Hawthorne that the boys got so involved with me. You were just an unfortunate addition that couldn’t find harmony because of your jealousy. Rest assured, I wasn’t ever after your crown but I did care about them as a concerned friend.” There. That was her piece in the matter. 
Emily laughed brokenly, letting her very fake tears stream down her fair cheeks as she swiped at them in a manner of attempting to regain composure. It was laughable. “If you think like that Av-ery, then you’re the biggest convincing liar I’ve ever seen. You-”
“Choose your next words carefully. Because next time there won’t be any talking or pleasantries of any sort; we’ll walk right on by. And if I hear you’re harassing Avery, consider yourself on the receiving end of a restraining order.” Jameson’s words resounded in the hall as everyone around them was intently listening to the argument. Emily was always one for a show and while Jameson wasn’t one to care, he was aware that Avery was. It felt debilitating as she felt eyes on her but she tried not to pay attention as she was sort of privy to this already at major events when she was photographed with Xander at comps or charities as a special guest of the Hawthorne family.  Yet school felt like a different story because of how life worked with teenagers where everything was under even more scrutiny. 
“Fine!” she spat. “Just know I loved you but she most certainly doesn’t. She will never appreciate you the way I did and trust me that this is gonna be a short-lived relationship so when she leaves you high and dry, don’t come crawling back to me. All she’s gonna prove to be is a giant fake that wants you for your money; a filthy gold digger from dirt poor New Castle. A nobody! She and her sister!”  
Avery didn’t bat an eye. Although she felt anger flaring inside her at the jab at Libby, the most she did was send Emily a concentrated stare that dared her to say it again. However, it was her best friend that took that most to heart in the moment.
He wasn’t having it. His facial features were strained; mouth pursed in a grim line and long gone was the cool façade he kept up for the sake of fake pleasantry. She saw the telltale signs of irritation; clenched jaw, left eyebrow twitching ever so slightly, eyes glazed over with a steely edge and he was biting at his lips. His hands were balled into fists and his body was as taut as a bowstring, ready to strike out. He’s pissed. Avery couldn’t tell if the situation would escalate to the point it ended in a fight, if he was going to blow a fuse or just walk away. 
She’d be surprised if he didn’t put up some more arguing, though, as of late, there were quite a few instances where he simply left the scene. Maturity maybe, but this is still Jameson we’re talking about. 
And yet, what he did instead was something she never saw coming. He turned her way but before she could ask what was wrong or register what was happening, his lips were firmly against hers. He simply dove down and kissed her. Just like that. No words, no signal, no nothing. All she got was a moment to see his determined gaze turning on her, no prior warning, and then he was kissing the breath out of  her. 
Avery froze; her brain was shutting down and she didn’t know how to move her limbs. Jameson, thankfully, wasn’t phased and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Her body was still on autopilot but she knew her feet were shuffling forward and while it took a moment longer, she finally managed to react. 
Her hands found their way to his chest, grasping at the lapels of his blazer. She felt fuzzy, he was warm and solid against her and his cologne smelled nice and he was so good at this and… For what felt like a small eternity, he kissed her and she was started to relax. But as Avery was about to reciprocate, he pulled away just as quickly. Opening her eyes right after was a mistake because she was blindsided by the disorientated feeling overwhelming her. Is this the infamous Cloud 9? 
She was still clutching at the blazer, her grip having gone lax, and her other arm fell slack by her side. The only reason she realized she was still holding onto him was because he’d wrapped his hand around hers, squeezing it to give her reassurance but even that was over fast.  
“Come on, Avery.” When he said her name, the world came rushing in and subsequently, she became aware of everyone else, including Emily herself, gawking at them. Suddenly, she wasn’t so disoriented. Although she was still trying to recover from that surprise kiss, her mind was catching up and the underlying sense of embarrassment and horror were coming back in full force. If her cheeks weren’t flushed before, they were now as she was unable to look away from everyone surrounding her. But Jameson decided they weren’t sticking around. 
He grabbed her hand and tugged lightly, pulling her after him. She allowed herself a second more to linger on their audience before turning forward, focusing her eyes on the back of Jamie’s head. In her semi-dazed state, it was probably the better decision in favor of her standing there frozen with her mouth open and eyes widened like a confused fish. 
As Jameson dragged her away from the scene, away from Emily, the onlookers and the uncomfortable intensity of their stares that seemed to follow them down the hall, only then did reality wake her to the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. They were just friends… weren’t they? 
She was just being a good friend helping him out by agreeing to fake date him to get his ex-girlfriend off his back because she had simultaneously dated him and his brother and kept both their relationships a secret, right?
If so, then why did he have to go and kiss her like that? They’d agree to kissing, yes, but friends didn’t kiss that way. It felt more passionate than necessary, like there was something deeper he was trying to convey than just his frustration and fury. Admittedly, she did like the kiss just a little more than she expec-Wait, she wasn’t getting a crush on her friend, was she? 
Oh no. This wasn’t in the rules.
A/N: Thanks for reading. I will be announcing my next fic(s) for release very soon. Reminder, all my fics are also on AO3 for you to read if you prefer that platform under the pseudonym ThePuzzledWriter. Bye!
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yccoffeesimp · 8 months
𝑊𝒉𝑦 𝐷𝑖𝑑 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑂𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑒? | ??? 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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Warnings: Disturbing Contents Blood/Gore/Obsessiveness/Manipulation/Mentions of suicide/Knives/Violence/mentions of mental illnesses (like depression)/Dan Heng & Blade being in the same atmosphere/Character Deaths/Gaslighting
Please if you are triggered by any of this. Consider not reading.
"Y/n! Wait up!" You heard a familiar voice from behind you. Turning your head, you saw your childhood, and only best friend, Gepard running towards you. For the past year , he's been sleeping in and making you wait for him every morning. At first you didn't have a problem with it until he started sleeping in way too much which nearly caused you to arrive to school late. You weren't dealing with angry teachers for your tardiness so you left without waiting for him.
The blondie finally caught up with you when you finally stopped at the cross walk. "You-You really gotten faster." He breathlessly said as you placed your hands on your hip.
→ "Maybe don't sleep in next time."
You say. The blonde stood up straight, nervously scratching the back of his head. "Apologies Y/n," he said,"I'll try not to keep you waiting."
→ "It's fine. I guess."
You said. Gepard smiled shortly at you before he looked to come to a sudden realization. "Oh Y/n! I almost forgot. Have you decided what club you want to be in for this year?" He asked.
You froze. It dawned on you that you promised Gepard to join a club this year, and you entirely forgot."Y/n? Don't tell me you're planning not to join one."
→ "Uhhhh- I was totally planning to join one. Just not now?"
You explained. You heard the blonde sighed, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "Y/n, you promised to join one this year. How can you get any friends when you constantly are playing on your phone ,and refusing to socialize?" He said, you rolled your eyes.
→ "Says you." You say. Gepard looked shocked and yet slightly red. "Well- I'm trying too and plus I've been able to make more friends ." He said.
→ "Uh huh, yeah sure. Say that when you have other people to sit with at lunch."
Gepard sighed. "Look, will you at least actually try to? Your happiness matters to me Y/n. I don't want to see you alone, and plus I want you to have others around you when I can't be." He said, causing you to sigh.
→ "Fine, I'll actually try. But I can't promise that I'll join one."
Gepard smiled. "I'm glad you're at least trying."
You felt a smile on your face. Seeing Gepard happy, made you feel happy too. He's been stressed with school and home so to put a smile on his face and his mind at ease was something you were proud and happy about.The nice moment was ruined of course when in the distance you both heard the school bell ring. Both of your eyes widened before immediately dashing towards the gate. Out of breath as you both managed to get to school before the gate closed. "I guess see you at lunch?" Gepard asked, wiping off a bit of sweat from his forehead. You nodded.You both waved bye before heading your separate ways.
-X -
The end of class bell rang as the day flew by. You were sitting at the back of the class of Bio when it rang. 'I should probably start looking at clubs now. *Ugh*I might as well start with the gaming club.' You were spacing out when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Instinctively you immediately went to hit whatever it was until you saw a familiar blonde with blue eyes male.
→ "Hey Gepard."
You said, relaxing a bit. "Hey Y/n, sorry to disturb you but I was gonna meet you outside but I saw you in here doing nothing alone." You looked around, seeing that you were the only one there, heck even the teacher was gone.
→" Oh-"
"So have you taken into consideration what club you wanted to join?" Gepard asked, helping you get your stuff.
→ "Not yet."
You lied, you were thinking about joining the gaming club. It was fun and would be less boring plus you don't think anyone would bother you anyways. It would more than likely be filled with introverts and nothing more but gaming challenges etc. "Then how about you join my club?" He smiled.
→ " Your club? What is your club even about?"
"Well it's the literature club-"
You said with no hesitation. "Come on, it isn't that bad plus..." Gepard seemed nervous.
→ "Plus what?"
"I kind of promised everyone that I'd bring a new member.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Right then and there you wanted to facepalm yourself.
→ " That's a personal problem."
Gepard rolled his eyes.
"Come on, please Y/n. You don't have to join- Just at least give it a chance." He said, looking at you desperately. "Dan Heng already made tea and a tray of desserts for this." He continued.You looked at him at the mention of food and tea.
→ "Fine, I'll go see your club."
Gepard's face lit up. "Wait- Really?" He asked. You nodded. He smiled brightly the entire way you both went up to the fourth floor of the school.It was primarily used for storage and club activities, plus the teacher's lounge was located here too. You both walked until you reached the end of the hallway to which Gepard stopped at the room to the left. He looked back at you, probably checking to see if you were ready, before opening the doors.
The classroom had three bookshelves filled with many genres and a back closet. It seems to have 20 desks, a teacher's podium in the front with a whiteboard on the wall with a reminder. 'Festival is happening soon!' You were too busy looking around the room to pay any attention to the three insanely attractive men in front of you before Gepard spoke.
"Hey guys, I brought the new member!" He announced. Your head snapped at him.
→ "Don't call me the new member."
You muttered.
"Welcome to the club." You heard a voice say, you turned to see a black haired male with cameo blue eyes and two translucent turquoise horns. "Mhm..." Another black haired male hummed, the ends of his hair faded to a tint of red and his eyes were an orange red.
"Everyone, I want you to meet my friend, Y/n." Gepard said. "It's lovely to see you again." A familiar voice said. Immediately you turned to see the one and only perfect student, Jing Yuan warmly smiling at you. "Y/n meet Dan Heng, Blade, and I assume you already know Jing Yuan?" Gepard said, introducing everyone. Jing Yuan nodded."We are fairly acquainted already." He chuckled.
→ " We both had Mr. Svarog for homeroom last year right?"
You asked. "Indeed. I'm glad to see you taking interest in the Literature club.""I am as well, I'm Dan Heng by the way." Dan Heng said. The one you assumed to be Blade didn't say anything but simply stared at you. Then there was a high pitch whistle as Dan Heng immediately went to go get the tea.
"Please take a seat at the table Y/n." Gepard smiled. At the near back there was a table with four chairs. Blade then moved an extra chair before Gepard could and motioned for you to sit.You sat down beside Gepard as Dan Heng set tea cups in front of you all, pouring the perfect amount of tea with Blade setting down a tray of sweets and pastries.
"So tell me Y/n, what made you want to join our club?" Blade asked, obviously glaring at you. You glanced at Gepard, you already knew that if you told the truth he'd be in trouble so you came up with the only excuse you had.
-> "Well I was looking for something to occupy my mind for a while and Gepard seemed to enjoy this club so I wanted to give it a shot."
You lied, putting on the fakest smile you could. "Well I'm glad you decided to join us." Jing Yuan smiles at you again. You felt your face slightly heat up. Having one of the most attractive and popular boys smile at you so warmly and genuinely made you feel some time of way.
"It's nice to see you join, we've been trying to get others to join as well but they won't give it a chance." Jing Yuan said as Blade nodded. "I made this club with the intention of having others show and have their love for literature grow, to be able to express ourselves if that's easier to put it."
"Our goal is to make the Literature club popular before we graduate next year. "Mhm." Dan Heng hummed, taking a sip of the tea. Gepard nodded alongside Blade.Dang these guys seem to be serious about this club. "So what books do you read anyways?" Blade asked, still glaring at you.
→"Well I don't read a lot but the few I have were fantasy or adventure fiction, but a lot was fanfiction."
Dan Heng's head perked a bit at the topic but he didn't say anything.
→ "What about you Blade?"
Blade kept quiet before Jing Yuan spoke."He reads horror novels and books a lot. Some vampire ones too from the books I've seen him read once or twice." Immediately Blade glared at Jing Yuan, obviously not liking how he spoke for him. It was obvious from the moment you met Blade, he was a loner and probably someone who causes fights easily, yet to see someone with that kind of attitude about them read was kind of cute in a way.
"Oh- Dan Heng, I forgot to mention earlier but at the last meeting you seemed to forget your notebook." Jing Yuan spoke, before sliding a notebook with maple leaves on it to Dan Heng.
"Thank you Jing Yuan.." he said. "Isn't that the notebook you were writing that novel of yours in?" Gepard asked, Dan Heng nodded. "It's still a working progress.."He explained. "Really? I thought by now after 6 months it would be at least done by now." Gepard said.
→ "You write your own novels?" You ask Dan Heng. He nodded.
→ "That's quite impressive, not gonna lie." Dan Heng slightly smiles. "Perhaps one day you can share it with the rest of us." Gepard said. "Speaking of writings, Blade, don't you write as well?" Jing Yuan asks him.
"No-" Blade was cut off by Gepard.
" But I saw you writing-"
"Shut up." Blade snapped at him. "Seems that we have to give you some confidence. Say this gives me an idea." Jing Yuan said.The three of you looked at him expectively. "Tonight we go home and write a short story and at the next meeting, we read them aloud. Plus since we have a new member now, it would give us a chance to learn more about each other." Jing Yuan said.
→ "Actually about that- I never said I was joining. I might've come to see it but I still have other clubs to- Uhh."
You froze, seeing the four boys slightly sad and rather disappointed faces. "I see, apologies for assuming you were joining." Dan Heng said. Blade was still glaring at you but more intensely. "Well- This is rather unfortunate but I do hope we can one day welcome you as a new member some day." Jing Yuan said, the disappointment in his voice was clear. "Y/n.." Gepard looked at you with a solemn expression, he was obviously hoping you'd actually join.
You felt a sting of guilt and shame as you sighed. Today is the day you sell your soul just to see some hot dudes who read and tea.
→ "I've decided... I'm joining."
Their faces immediately lit up as Gepard pulled you into a tight hug. "Thank you y/n." He whispered before pulling away. "Well then welcome to the Literature club, Y/n l/n. Alright everyone, I think today's meeting can end on a good note."
After that you walked home...Unaware of the new surprises you'll now face...⁠♡
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mistyffa · 1 month
Something I've been thinking about a lot recently is working with another feeder to blow up a feedee...
Especially if they're starting at the same size as us. Just having a cute NEET girl move in with us, her body all tight and toned. It starts small with my partner and I cooking her bigger meals than she's used to, always with a healthy slab of butter. There's always snacks lying around the house, specially curated to her tastes so she forgets she's even overeating. After a few months she's developed a nice, soft layer of pudge over her entire body, her hips are a little wider, a bit of a double chin is coming in, her belly pushes against her leggings and dresses, and she's started to slow down a little.
Then the weight starts to pile on faster. Depending on each of our moods, one of us feeds her more intently while the other comforts her and takes care of the house. Sometimes for fun we'll whisper about her progress just loud enough for her to hear us from the next room. We talk about how much thicker and softer her thighs are, how her tits have gotten fuller, how cute she looks when she's snacking on the couch. Then we act surprised when we walk into the den and see her double-fisting a soda and an ice cream sandwich with a sly grin on her face. By this point she's solidly chubby; her thighs and belly jiggle when she walks, and she hasn't quite realized the wardrobe she started out with is much too small for her now. She totally fills her athletic shorts, which nowadays she only uses to lounge around the house, and she always needs one of us to help clasp her bra.
Fast forward another year or so, and she's completely puffed up. She'd put on at least a hundred pounds and gone through two wardrobes. The first time she popped the buttons off a pair of pants, we went out for dinner to celebrate, but now it's become a regular occurrence. Her days all blend together for the most part. My partner and I would set up our work schedules so one of us will always be home with her, preparing her meals and feeding her so she doesn't have to waste any calories standing by the stove or moving the food from her plate to her mouth. Essentially every waking moment for her is spent completely stuffed. On weekends, when we're all home together, we like to have a little extra fun. My partner and I would cook her at least five full meals a day, each a couple thousand calories, with lots of snacks and sweets in between. When she's not eating she's splayed out on the couch, puffing on her wax pen. One of us cuddles her, rubbing her belly and squeezing her tits, whispering teasing words into her ear. The other kneels on the floor between her legs, holding her gut out of the way while she eats her out. Then the timer goes off, and it's back to pigging out.
At night, we'd stand her up in front of a mirror and point out every new stretch mark and curve. We'd talk to each other about how much we loved her huge hips and her hanging gut, how cute her plush arms are, how fun it is to cup her double chin when we kiss her. We never address her directly so she can squirm in her overwhelming horniness. Sometimes we like to pull out her old clothes and help her try them on. Lately it's taken both of us just to pull her old tshirts down over her belly and breasts, at least twice as wide as they used to be.
She loves it though. She loves the attention, the humiliation, the constant care, the approval she gets when she outgrows another outfit. She loves nothing more than lounging around all day, stuffing herself to her heart's content, smoking pot, and watching TV.
And we love it too, of course. Watching her grow and settle into her new body, then do it all again. Doing everything for her. Talking about our plans for her. Our next goal is to make her big enough that she needs help standing, which doesn't seem too far off, seeing as she's already huffing and puffing every time she needs to get up on her own. And we can't wait.
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silentmoths · 2 years
A cold cure for Insomnia
Hey look, it's not a genshin fic
wild huh?
I'll preface this with 2 things: 1: I am, for some reason, incredibly nervous abt posting a fic that is 100% outside my wheelhouse. I've never actually posted anything but genshin fic since I started uploading a couple years ago, only like, one friend has ever seen anything else from me so this is a bit of a step. 2: this is nothing put pure, indulgent lesbian bullshit and I'll also note that I have no idea how to write f/f smut, so be gentle with me.
If you're only here for my genshin stuff, have a nice day and we'll be back to regularly scheduled bullshittery shortly. Until then, please enjoy me, self indulging over my pokemon wife.
Elite 4 Rika x Fem!Reader 7.4k words, not proofread, we die like prof. sada
NSFW, honestly it's just a whole lot of fkn smut with some fluff sprinkled in there, praise kink, hair pulling, use of toys, oral, tribbing, koraidon being an unintentional wingman.
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What a day.
Sometimes you wonder how Nemona did it, rushing around doing champion things all the time. Honestly, ever since you’d beat Geeta all those years ago while you were still in school, it felt like every day was ‘go here, check this gym, go there, check that gym.’ And you were getting a little tired of it.
Especially recently, with Nemona currently travelling somewhere in the Kalos region doing Arceus knows what, and Geeta being stuck in paperwork hell with the Academy preparing for their annual treasure hunt, you’d been swamped, needing to go and check every. Single. Gym. to make sure they were all up to par.
(who knows maybe this year a new student would claim the champion title and you could retire? That’d be nice.)
Montenevera was the last stop on your trip, and while the vibe was always lovely in the snowy mountain town…you’d never been particularly fond of the cold… Only made worse by Rhyme and her gang of ghost pokemon sending a particular shiver down your spine that you just couldn’t shake.
Night had fallen by the time you finally walked out the sliding doors of the League building, only to be greeted by your one nemesis. 
Fucking snow.
Here, on the outskirts of Mesagoza.
You wanted to scream, but that wasn’t very becoming of a League champion now was it?
So with a sigh, you reach for a specific pokeball on your hip. The trek home wasn’t far, but in the sleet and cold, you knew it’d be faster if you rode.
Koraidon however, apparently had other ideas. 
The moment his feet touch the cold ground, he yelps and backs right up and into the League building once again.
“Koraidon…c’mon bud, we just need to get home.” you sigh “I know you’re tired too…I promise to make you the best dang sandwich when we get home…yeah?” 
The paradox pokemon simply looks at you with wide, sad eyes and a low chitter before he willingly returns to his ball. 
Great….just great. Not even your most reliable pokemon was willing to brave even more snow, not after today.
“Woah-ho, what’s gotten under his scales?” a familiar voice sounds from behind you, snapping you from your despondent staring at Koraidon’s pokeball. The familiar click of dress boots give her away before Rika steps into view.
How she always managed to look so very casual while pulling off suspenders was beyond you, but every time you were anywhere in the vicinity of the first member of the Elite four, you found your mouth running dry and your mind wandering very far away from here. She tilts her head at you and it takes her waving her hand in front of your eyes to realise you were absolutely staring at her.
Way to go.
“Woah, you alright? You look wiped.” She comments, her brow furrowing as she looks you up and down. 
“A-ah…yeah, sorry…s’been a long few days…” you eventually mumble, turning your gaze to the floor as you clip Koraidon’s ball back to your belt with the others. “Geeta’s had me checking and rechecking all the gyms to make sure they’re ready for the next treasure hunt…we just got back from Montenevera…cold…tired…and now it’s snowing a-and Koraidon is just…too tired to take me home..” 
A slender, comforting hand gently rests between your shoulder blades, rubbing small, soothing circles and it takes everything in you to not crumble apart there, man, how desperate did you have to be to nearly cry at friendly touch? “You live all the way on the other side of town, dontcha?” She asks, her free hand raising to push some of her green hair from her face as the look of worry on her features only seems to grow “Ain’t no way you’re making that walk in this state…”
“I’ll live…” you sigh, hanging your head and readjusting your bag as you lift your head to look at the snow flurry that was definitely only getting heavier.
“Nah, C’mon, you can crash at mine tonight, it’s closer.” Rika chimes, patting you on the back and passing you a wink before she heads out the door. 
You blink, watching her back in silence, there was no way she had just invited you to spend the night, absolutely no way. You needed to go see a doctor and maybe get your hearing checked-
“You comin? Or did Rhyme’s Toxtricity paralyse you up there in Montenevera?” She calls, stopping and looking over her shoulder. There's a…a look in her eyes that you can't quite make out, but it makes your heart jackhammer just that little bit, especially when she turns and offers her hand “C’mon, let's get you home, yeah?”
You swallow the lump in your throat as you blink at her outstretched, gloved hand and then up at her smile.
Arceus, you were weak…how you ever made champion when you can’t even look the first of the Elite four in the eye without feeling your cheeks heat, you’ll never know.
Finally, you reach out and take her hand, not expecting her to tug you into her side, arm draping over your shoulders as she starts walking again, all but pulling you along with her. Her hand gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she shares her body warmth with you on the trek down the mountainside towards the tunnel. For someone so slim, she was…much warmer than you expected, and you find yourself sleepily zoning out, simply focusing on one food in front of the other.
Thankfully, Rika was pretty alright with not needing to make small talk. This wasn’t the first time you had both just…existed in the same space in silence…to be fair the silence on your part before was because you had no idea how to talk to her without muddling your words like a lovestruck idiot, and perhaps that was still the case. Regardless, you play up the ‘tired’ aspect and simply bask in being close.
The unfortunate downside to the tunnel from Mesagoza up to the League headquarters, was the wind. Right now? Frigid and inhospitable, the icy chill stinging at your eyes, at least until your companion comes to your rescue, shifting you behind her taller frame and blocking the wind, hand moving from your shoulder to your hand, giving that same reassuring squeeze as she looks over her shoulder, small smile on her face.
You swear you can feel her thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles as she bends her arm behind her back to keep a secure hold on you.
Rika…she really was something else, something you didn’t deserve.
The moment the tunnel spits you both out into Mesagoza’s side streets, she takes an immediate right. Had you been walking home, you would have had to take a left and trudge all the way to the other side of the city, past the academy and almost to the pokemon centre by the west gate. 
The flurry of snow was only getting worse, you can feel your clothes growing heavy and damp, and the concrete was getting slippery. Thankfully it’s not all that long before she tugs you into an apartment building and into a blessedly warm elevator. Holding you steady as your world begins to spin and blur at the edges. Perhaps you really had pushed it a bit too much today, hitting Cascarrafa, Glaseado and Montenevera in a single day…
“Hey.” Rika murmurs as your head rests against her shoulder “Stay with me, nearly there, kay? We’ll get you inside n’warmed up, yeah?” 
“Mmh…kay..” you manage to mumble back, simply enjoying being held, even if it was light. Her arm wrapped around your torso as you just breath. She smells like Cedarwood…and maybe a hint of Ozone…might have something to do with her Camerupt… but it’s not an unwelcome scent at all. You only get a few moments to enjoy it before the elevator chimes, and you’re gently tugged out into, and down a hallway. Rika’s free hand fishing her keys from her pocket. She has to let you go to get the door open, muttering something about a stuck lock and needing to call maintenance, but with a bodily shove of her shoulder, the lock clicks and the door swings open.
Her apartment is blessedly warm, she must have left the heater on when she left for work this morning, because the warm air nearly takes you out before you even enter the door, needing to lean against the frame with a relieved sigh, knowing that even if you had made it home tonight, your heater had definitely not been on, and hadn't been for several days.
Rika only laughs softly, gently pulling you inside so she could close the door. 
“Here…lets get you to the bathroom and into the shower…you’re absolutely freezing.” She mutters. Half-carrying you down the hall. Her apartment is…honestly what you expected. Neat enough, but not overly tidied. Lived in, comfortable, Inviting. Shades of soft greens and earthy tones scattered everywhere, a few large pokemon beds scattered about for her pokemon to enjoy outside of their balls. The only things really alluding to the fact that Rika was far more well off than most had to be the massive TV mounted to the living room wall, and what looked like one of the newer game consoles…the ones that had been super hard to get because of a manufacturing supply issue…fancy.
You don't quite register that she’s slowly pulling your clothes away from you until she’s already got your beanie, scarf and jacket off, each item thrown into her laundry hamper, at some point she’d also already started the shower for you, the room already beginning to fill with steam. You snap back to reality when theres a gently tug at the hem of your shirt, silently asking for your permission to remove it. 
“O-oh, I uh…s-sorry…” you mumble, raising your arms above your head anyway, cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment as she pulls the item away, the tank top beneath still leaving you modest enough to not die on the spot. “I-I can handle it from here…” 
“You sure?” she murmurs softly “S’no big deal to me.” 
“Y-yeah…I’ll be fine…thanks.” 
You watch as the tiniest hint of…disappointment? Flickers across her features…no, surely you were imagining…but she doesn’t push it any further.
“Alrighty, I’ll go find something you can wear for the night and then throw your clothes in the laundry once you’re in the shower, yeah?”
“Mm…t-thank you Rika…you really…you didn’t have to-” you mumble, unable to meet her gaze, but she just smiles and shrugs, her fingers slowly pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. 
“And what if I wanted to? You look like you need a break.” She retorts, sliding past you and continuing down the hall before you can reply.
Soon enough, the rest of your clothes join the laundry hamper and you slip into the shower, beneath the scalding spray and you want to cry all over again, your fingers begin to prick with pins and needles as they slowly regain feeling, serves you right for leaving your gloves at home.
A few minutes into your shower, you hear the distinctive, soft thud of cloth hitting the counter. “Here’s some jammies, sorry if they’re a bit big.” Rika chuckles before vanishing back down the hall. You almost don’t want to get out of the hot spray, especially not once you start giving yourself a good scrub down with whatever fancy-branded body wash she kept in here.
At least now you know what to buy that would make you smell like cedarwood…
After you feel the last of the day’s grime finally wash from your body, you shut off the water and poke your head out of the shower. Thankfully Rika had already left a towel waiting atop the clothes she’d sacrificed to you. It’s as you’re drying off that you finally get a good look in the mirror and…wow…
Now you think you understand why she’d been so concerned…you look like you had two black eyes, that's how tired you were…
You find Rika relaxing in the living room watching TV when you finally emerge, changed into a fresh set of long pyjamas and- you can’t even stop the giggle when you notice the clodsire slippers.
“Where on earth did you get those?” you ask, pointing to said slippers, earning a grin and a snicker from their wearer.
“Larry actually.” She chuckles “secret santa a couple years back.” With that, she pats the spot on the couch next to her, and you, now warm and content, plop down beside her without a second thought, leaning against the arm of the couch with a content sigh. “How’re you feelin?” she asks, idly flipping through the channels.
“Mmh…much better…thank you again…I…I don’t think I would have made it home…not in this weather.”
“Oh I coulda told you that, Honey. In fact I’m pretty sure I did.” She snickers, her lips quirking at the side when she notes the way your cheeks flush pink at the pet name. “I’ve ordered some takeout, s’too cold to go out n’ grab food...and I’m usually too beat after work to bother cooking.” 
“Then how the hell do you stay so skinny?” You snicker at her, receiving a wink in response.
“Oh I take my cardio seriously.” is all the response she gives before she finally decides there is nothing decent on regular TV, and switches over to a streaming service, throwing on some random popular movie. 
Once again, you both settle into a comfortable silence, Rika rising from the couch half an hour in to fetch the dinner left at her door before returning, at some point with a blanket in tow. You sit up a little as she places the food on the coffee table and plops down right beside you this time, draping the blanket over both your laps. It’s not until you take the first mouthful of that delightful galarian curry, that you realise just how hungry you are, barely paying attention to the movie as you scarf down your meal, fighting back tears at Rika’s acts of kindness for the third time today, and only seemingly taking a breath once you’ve finished your meal, leaning back into the arm of the couch with a content sigh, only to squeak when Rika finishes her own a few minutes later and bodily leans into your side, head to your chest and arms slowly wrapping around your torso as she pulls her legs up and gets comfortable beside you with a content huff.
Arceus she was just so…so handsome, breathtaking… and she was just…cuddling you like you’d both been doing this kind of thing for years… it was sudden, but it didn’t feel wrong…and slowly, you bring your arm down from where it had been splayed along the back of the couch, to gently card through her hair, pulling some of her bangs from her face and tucking them behind her ear.
“Hmm…you should get some sleep, kiddo…arceus knows you need it.” She hums, glancing up at you from her spot on your chest. You know she’s right, and she doesn’t complain when you shift, even reaching behind her to hand you an extra cushion to tuck behind your head as you lay out along the couch, Rika coming to rest between your legs, head once again leaning onto your chest, her extra warmth and weight just adding another layer of comfort as you both go back to watching the movie.
Now usually, usually you were the kind of person who could drop off watching a movie quite easily. But on very rare occasions, you would find yourself struck with bouts of insomnia, and unfortunately for you, they always seemed to happen after periods of prolonged stress.
Like needing to go and personally make sure every gym was up to standards… 
Before you even knew it, the credits begin to roll, you’re exhausted, but offensively awake, to the point where even Rika is surprised, blinking those beautiful crimson eyes up at you. 
“Can’t sleep?” she asks with a tilt of her head. 
“Sometimes Insomnia is a bitch.” You concede, she makes a noise of understanding. 
“Ah, yeah…I know that feeling…” she admits, staring up at you, to the point you feel your cheeks heating again, and you avert your gaze “but, thankfully, I know the best solution for that.” She adds, shimmying to push herself up on her hands and knees, looming over you, some of her hair, having been free’d of its usual ponytail, cascading over her shoulders to tickle at your face.
“O-oh? And…what might that be?” that look in her eyes is back, the one you couldn’t quite read properly back at HQ, but here, with her inches from your face? It’s loud and clear.
“Do you trust me?” She asks, her lips quirking into a smirk as you shrink beneath her. 
“W-would I have followed you home if I hadn’t?” you manage to squeak back at her, nowhere near as confident and commanding as it had sounded in your head. It’s enough to make her chuckle, and you watch in a daze as she licks her lips, a single hand coming up to softly grip your chin, lifting your face. 
“Hm, touche…” and with that, her lips are on yours, she swallows the squeaking gasp that you let out, taking the opportunity of your mouth being open to send her tongue in to explore. To you it feels like electricity, like you’d just taken a thunderbolt to the senses; She’s soft, gentle, probing, gauging your reactions. Apparently she must have liked what she got, because she deepens the kiss, nipping at your lips as one hand tangles in your hair, rougher. You like this a bit better. 
You’re the one who needs to come up for air first, pulling your face away with a loud, breathless gasp as you try to catch your breath. 
The look you find waiting for you is…predatory, is the only word that comes to mind, and if it wasn’t for the fact she was already between your knees, you’d be squeezing your thighs together so tight, because it’s doing something…funny to your insides.
“Hmm…you ever done anything like…this before?” She asks, voice low and husky and you’re very ready to pass away, but you manage a shake of your head and the grin you get in response? 
It’s like a Mightyena who’s just found it’s lunch. She was going to eat you, and she was going to enjoy every second of it. 
“Well then, we’d best move…couch sex is great n’ all, but I’d rather your first time be somewhere a little more comfortable.” she remarks, pulling away. You whine at the loss of her extra warmth, but that whine quickly turns to a yelp when she takes your arm and drags you up with a strength she hadn’t shown you before. Always full of tricks, Rika was. 
The admittedly short trek down the hall to her room is…hindered. Every few steps you’d find yourself pressed against the wall, Rika towering over you as hands tangle in your hair and lips crash to yours as she steals what little breath you manage to catch before you’re separating, taking a couple more steps and repeating the process. 
Right outside the bedroom door, the slim trainer actually lifts you up the wall a ways, enough so that your legs instinctively wrap around her waist, nothing but her pyjama pants and the thin boxer’s you’d borrowed off her keeping you apart, but already entirely too much clothing in the way. You moan loudly when she rolls her hips into yours, the sensations all new and overwhelming, but you don't think you’ve ever felt this good before in your life.
Her hands find your ass as she pulls back from the wall, holding you to her firmly as you both finally stumble into her room, only given a second to brace before she’s throwing you down into the blankets, and even less time before she’s on you, grinning and hungry as hands fly up your top, pushing it up your chest so she can finally access some skin.
“A-ah! Rika-” her name was lost on her for the time being, far too engrossed in leaving open mouthed kisses along your chest and stomach, mouth latching over one of your nipples while her hand works at the other. Your own hands twisting and clenching at her blanket, your squirming only made worse when she shifts again, her knee pressing between your legs and right against your aching cunt. 
At some point, she manages to wrangle the top off you completely, throwing it to the void so her hands can explore the expanse of your chest properly, she leaves no patch of skin untouched, no freckle or blemish uncharted, and when your whining begins to pitch as the nipple she sucks on becomes too sensitive, she gets go, only to latch to your collar bone instead, hands roaming your body.
You let out an embarrassingly pitiful mewl when her fingers dip beneath the waistband of your borrowed boxers, and you immediately bring a hand up to cover your mouth. Rika, apparently, doesn’t like that. Her hand retreating from its place as she props herself on the other, pulling away entirely, even shifting her knee back, depriving you of that delicious friction. Your hand is tugged away from your mouth and pinned to your side, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
“Don’t.” She scolds quietly “I wanna hear you.”
“Don’t be a brat.” she interjects, eyes flashing dangerously “I know that aint’ you… you wanna be a good girl, yeah?”
Oh no.
That shouldn’t have such an effect on you. 
There’s no hiding it from Rika either. Her smirk widens as she stares smugly down at your trembling frame. 
“Oh? You like that huh? Well then, are you gonna be a good girl and do as I say?” she hums “I’ll make sure you feel real good, yeah?”
“M-mhm…” is all you manage to squeak out, earning a raised eyebrow.
“What was that? Didn’t quite hear you there, princess.” Rika snickers. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and the humiliation burns your ears and makes your insides squirm in a way you didn’t think would feel as good as it did.
“I-I’ll be good…” you whisper, your hands twisting into the sheets as Rika hums, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your burning cheek. 
“That’s a good girl.” she purrs “you just relax n’let me handle things, kay?”
You actually sigh into the kiss when she does finally return to what she was doing, your arms wrapping over her shoulders as she shifts back into place, hands lightly roaming your skin, teasing and testing sensitive spots, occasionally getting a little rougher, just enough to rile you a little more, before settling again. Before she can get back into your pants however, you tug at her shirt, whining into her mouth; thankfully, Rika is smart, she gets your hint and pulls away just long enough to tug her top off.
Her skin is soft, smooth, a few burn scars and claw marks here and there as she settles beside you, one of your thighs caught between her knees as she wraps an arm under your shoulders, pulling you close to her chest as the other hand grazes southward, she doesn't dally once her fingers breech the waistband of your boxers, quickly locating the sticky mess between your thighs with a pleased hum.
“Mmm, look at that…” she hums as a pair of fingers easily delve through your pussy, retracting from your boxers entirely so she can admire the glistening slick dripping from her fingers. “You’re so wet already, honey…” Rika makes sure you watch as she pops those two fingers into her mouth and you squeak, face burning in embarrassment. 
She doesn’t give you much time to react, the moment she pulls those slender fingers from her lips, she shifts, your boxers are wrenched off and you’re left bare before her as she parts your knees to settle on her belly between your thighs, eyes flashing devilishly in the low light, and hot breath ghosting over your most sensitive parts.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get you into my bed.” She rasps between open-mouthed kisses along your thighs, arms wrapping around to keep yout hips in place as she takes her sweet time. “When was it… mmh, yeah I think it was…two years ago? Koraidon suddenly came out of his ball all sorry lookin’ in the middle of a meeting…”
Oh Arceus, you remember that meeting… Perhaps you’d been a little soft with Koraidon…he’d learnt that if he looked sorry enough, you’d make him a sandwich… but it was getting awfully hard to focus when a warm tongue suddenly licks a flat stripe into your cunt, and lips seal around your clit, shocking you from your thoughts as her strong hands prevent you from accidentally crushing her head with your thighs.
“Without even stopping to think, you got up n’ you got him what he needed.” she whispers into your thigh once she finally pulls away “middle of a meetin… n’ heres our newest champion, making a sandwich for her pokemon.” she chuckles “I dunno…something about how casually you just…did that…I’ve wanted this ever since but Geeta’s always had you running all over the place, pinning you down has always been impossible…least until today.” 
“You’re always doing everything for everyone else… you deserve to relax.” For a brief moment, she flashes you a genuine smile, not a hint of that handsome smirk that you’re so used to; just genuine warmth before she tugs you down by your hips and returns her mouth to you, long strokes of her tongue between your folds that leave any words dead in your throat, and your hands tangling in her hair for any semblance of control. You didn’t want to hurt her, but when she sucks harshly on your clit, you cry out and yank on her hair a little harder than you’d meant to, any apology dying when she groans and shudders, her eyes rolling back for a moment. 
“You’re killin me, kid.” She sighs in the brief moment she brings herself to separate from you “keep doin that and you might end up in trouble.”
It sounds like a threat… but the way she suddenly looks so…debauched, has you tugging at her silky hair again when a pair of fingers slowly begin to prod at your core, spurring her on as you squirm and mewl.
Eventually, you feel something deep in your belly, different from before, something building that has your breath coming harshly as you try to squirm away, stopped by a firm hand pressing just below your navel.
“R-rika-! s-somethings…I-I feel-” you whimper as the pressure builds, you expect her to pull away in concern, but her eyes flash with realisation, and she only seems to double down, her long, slender fingers curling inside of you and brushes against…something. Something that has you nearly scream her name as that pressure snaps and your world turns white, fingers curling harshly into her hair.
Somewhere, through the haze, you feel a weight resting on you, and a hand resting on your cheek, but it takes a little longer for your ears to finally stop ringing and realise Rika was gently calling your name.
“There you are..” She chuckles softly as you finally remember how to uncross your eyes and look at her. “That looked intense…you ok?” 
“Uh…uh-huh…” you respond dumbly, resting your cheek against her hand “what…what was that..?”
Rika’s lips pull into a thin, concerned line as her brows furrow.
“They really didn’t teach sex-ed at the academy, did they?” She asks.
“I-I mean…they did…s’just…basic..” you mumble as you slowly come down from…whatever high that just was.
“Obviously.” she sighs with a shake of her head “Was that seriously your first orgasm?” 
“oh…I uh…yeah…I guess it was.” and the humiliation was back. You knew what an orgasm was in theory…you’d just..never bothered to try it yourself. 
“Well…I suppose I should count myself honoured then.” She snickers, leaning in to kiss at your undoubtedly sweaty forehead. “Couple more of those N’ I think you’ll be sleeping like a Komala.” 
“M-more…?” you whisper, she laughs, catching your wide-eyed expression.
“Oh yeah, that was just foreplay, sweet thing…you did so well.” 
And the praise was back, despite the way your joints feel molten hot, you still manage to squirm beneath her. 
“I- s-should I…um…h-help you now?” your question is barely a whisper, all nerves…you have no idea how she did what she did but it felt…wrong to take and not give. 
But Rika only shakes her head. 
“What’d I say before?” she chides, slowly sitting back on her knees “Your one job tonight is to relax…I’ve got you.” 
“But…what about you-”
“Don’t you worry about me. I’ll get off eventually.” She chuckles, smirking when you sigh and relent. “I want one more outta you before then though.” She mumbles as she shifts out from between your knees, sitting and reaching for her bedside table as you stare at the ceiling, basking in the shaky afterglow. 
“D-did you…mean what you said before?” you mumble more at the ceiling than anything “that you’ve been…waiting for this..?” 
“What reason do I have to lie to you?” She chuckles as she fiddles with…whatever she’s fiddling with. “You earned my respect the day you beat me when you first took on the Elite four, my admiration when you beat Geeta and became a champion…”
“God…those stupid glasses haunt me.” you snicker, remembering rather vividly being sat, alone in a room with Rika when you had first taken on the league, you’d read up plenty on other pokemon leagues in other regions, but never once had any of them had an interview-style exam right at the start.
“Hey, I like my glasses, thank you very much!” Rika snorts as she finally shifts back over, pulling you close with one arm as something…new slides between your legs, a quick glance and- oh.
You never really took Rika for the kind to own toys…but…at the same time, you never really gave it much thought. It’s nothing extreme, but to you, who’s never had anything other than a pair of slender fingers inside you very recently, the silicone toy is still rather intimidating. 
“This ok?” She asks, mouthing at your neck and shoulder “if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
“I…I do..just..nervous is all.” 
“Mmh, good girl, so trusting…” there she goes again with the pet name that makes you shiver, not helped by the cold press of lubricated silicone against your still-sensitive cunt, gently pressing just that little bit further as Rika mouths your neck, nibbling down on the juncture between throat and shoulder, an adequate distraction as she pulls your leg out of the way with her own and sinks the toy in, slowly, almost tender as she coos comforts, coaxing you to relax, praise falling from her easily. 
“Look at that, you took it so well.” She praises once the toy reaches the hilt “fuck, you’re making me regret not buying a harness… might just have to pick one up so I can fuck you proper, yeah?” 
You can't even bring yourself to respond to her dirty talk, blinking hazily downwards as you gently press a hand just below your belly-button, taking the hint, Rika pulls the toy almost all the way out and then thrusts it back in. The feeling of it inside you, plus being able to feel it beneath your hand makes you moan loud and long, head falling back against the pillows as Rika lets you go, using her now free arm to prop herself up to watch you as she begins rhythmically working the dildo in and out of you, a small shift of her thumb has it brushing against your clit every time she sinks the silicone back into you, only adding to the layers of pleasure as your toes curl and your legs twitch.
“Look at you taking it like you were made for this, good girl.” she purrs, licking at her lips “I really shoulda found another reason to get you alone waaay before now.”
“Ungh…please…p-please…more…” It takes more than you feel like it should to beg, good as it felt, you’re worried that Rika was perhaps treating you just a little too softly. “Rika please…please please pleas-”
“Woah there, settle down baby.” She whispers, kissing at your cheek “Lookit you, telling me what you want like a good girl…who am I to deny the champion?” 
Your attempt at telling her she didn’t need to use your title is quickly drowned out when she sits up, plunging the toy deeper inside of you with this new angle, brushing up against that one spot that had triggered your last orgasm. Her free hand pins your chest down as she smiles down at you, predatory and hungry for your reactions as she ups the pace, occasionally stopping to really grind the toy deep inside of you, right against that sensitive spot that has your voice pitch higher while you grip at Rika’s hand like your life depended on it.
As your next orgasm draws closer, you whimper, tugging at her hand, overstimulated ,overwhelmed, knowing you needed something, but not quite sure what that something was. At least until Rika pulls you to sit up, not even interrupting her pace as she braces you against her chest so you can hide your face away into the crook of her neck. All the while she mutters praise and pet names into your ear. She groans when that knot snaps for the second time tonight and you cry her name into her throat. You don’t pass out like you’re pretty sure you did last time at least, but as the shocks of pleasure begin to fade out, you really do begin to feel the pull of exhaustion behind your eyes as you slump against Rika’s shoulder, whimpering quietly when she slowly pulls the toy from your sensitive core, feeling the way your muscles involuntarily clench around it.
“How was that, baby? You doin alright?” She asks, gently tossing the toy back towards the bedside table as she turns her attention back to you. You were dizzy, dazed, and exhausted, yet through all that one thought still persisted.
She’d been doing all of this for you, and she still had her goddamn pants on.
Her breath hitches when your hand drops to her thighs, pressing beneath the waistband as you try to swallow down your nervousness to return the favour properly, biting your lip as you find the slick, wet mess already waiting for you; in a way, it was comforting to know that she was in fact, turned on by all of this. You’re clumsier than Rika at this, inexperienced and nervous, but you listen as she lets out a shuddering breath, her head leaning against yours for a moment as you slowly gain some confidence. That is until she grabs your wrist, ignoring your whine as she pulls your hand away and lays you back down, taking a moment to kiss any air out of your lungs, trying to calm your fraying nerves at being denied the chance to please her. 
“Hey… It’s ok sweetie.” She murmurs against your lips, uncaring of your wide-eyed pout “One more…”
“Nooo.” you whine, wiggling in her grip “I cant…s’too much Rika…” truly, you didn't think you could take another, no matter how good it felt, the first two had been so intense, but Rika only smiles. 
“I know you can give me one more, sweet girl.” she purrs, watching as you squirm and shake your head like you could actually deny her. “Will you stop being a brat if I told you this one will also get me off?” 
At that, your squirming stops as you blink tiredly up at her, earning a chuckle and a fond shake of her head. 
“Yeah, s’nice n easy on you too…you wanna try?” 
You seriously doubted she could get another out of you, hell, you seriously doubted you could stay awake for much longer, her initial plan definitely working…but if it brought her pleasure too…
“O-ok…I’ll try…”
“That’s my girl.” She whispers softly, pressing just as soft a kiss to your lips “Lay back for me, princess.”
You do just that, shifting a few pillows to get comfortable, if you thought your joints ached before, now you felt like you've made the trip to the three final gyms today on foot…perhaps you should make Koraidon his favourite sandwich as thanks for carrying you around all day.
You feel Rika take hold of one of your legs, lifting it so your knee bends over her shoulder as she settles into place, finally free of her own bottoms as she slots her pelvis against yours. You gasp at the feeling of your cores pressing together. It felt…soft, but almost way more intimate and intense than anything she’d done to you prior…whatever she was doing, definitely wasn’t covered in any sex-ed class you’d taken back in school.
You’re about to ask, when she rolls her hips and oh- 
Perhaps it was your already overstimulated state, or just the position itself, but as she slowly grinds herself against you, the friction leaves you breathless, even more so when you look at Rika’s face. Her brow is furrowed in deep concentration as she bites at her bottom lip, face contorting in pleasure as she groans into your knee, her nails digging into the soft flesh of your thigh as she rolls her hips just a little harder, the pain only adding to the sensation.
“S-shit…” she pants, “fuck you feel so good…good girl..” she moans, head tilting back as she stares up at the ceiling, shuddering when you whimper and lift your hips as she rolls down again, sending another jolt of pleasure through you both. “That’s it princess, j-just like that… you’re gettin real good at this…” 
Her words of pleasured praise do…something else to you, sparking that last bit of energy you had left to life as you continue to try and keep rhythm with her, grinding together slow and deep and watching in awe as the first member of the elite four comes apart in front of you for the first time, her sounds going from quite whispers to long moans and pleasured keens. 
“Rika- R-rika…” you pant “mmf-fuck… can’t believe it’s taken this long..” the words are out of your mouth before you have the forethought to think about them “I’ve had the stupidest crush on you since we first met back when I was taking the gym challenge… you were so- ah! H-handsome and intimidating…I…thought you were a-a man and nearly called you S-sir-”
“FUCK-” her shout actually makes you jolt, and you realise she’s cumming, cunt grinding deliciously into your own as she bites down on your leg, the sudden extra jolt of pleasure-pain sending you over the edge as well with an open-mouthed scream.
Somewhere in the haze before you pass out, you make a mental note to try calling Rika ‘sir’ next time…if there was a next time.
It’s light out when you wake the next morning, blinking sleep from your eyes as you look out the window.
Seems the snow had only picked up during the night, most of which you don't remember after…well, everything. Save for a straw in your mouth, Rika’s gentle voice coaxing a few sips of fluid into you, and a damp cloth wiping you down, hushing your overstimulated whimpers of protest. 
Somehow she’d even managed to get you dressed again without waking you…you must have crashed hard. Yet the thing that sticks out to you is that the bed is severely lacking in another body, Rika nowhere to be found.
At first, a pit of worry sows itself into your gut. Had she gone to sleep on the couch after all that? Had she had second thoughts-
A clatter from down the hall, and her warm laughter however, abate that somewhat.
“You’re such an ungainly thing.” you hear her snicker “Hold on a second it’s nearly done, needy lizard.” 
Koraidon’s telltale ‘i'm hungry and sad, feed me’ whine quickly turns to happy chirping at the promise of food, his head turning to the hallway as you shuffle out of bed, blanket and all to trudge down the hall. happily leaving Rika to her business as he trots over to greet you, shoving his massive snout right into your belly. 
“See? All your complainin’ woke her up!” Rika snorts, resting a hand on her hip. “N’here i was trying to make you breakfast before you woke up…”
Your cheeks heat a little at the sentiment.
“Keyword is try…good luck getting any cooking past Koraidon…” you mumble softly, petting said pokemon’s head feathers down as the other trainer leaves the kitchen, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Well, initially I’d enlisted him to help, but that turned out to be a bust..” She snickers. “G’mornin.”
Rika tilts her head at you with an amused grin “aw, actin all shy after everything that happened last night?” she muses, chuckling when all the response you give is a slightly redder face before you drop your head into Koraidon’s feathers. Her amusement soon melts away as a warm, now intimately familiar hand, comes to rest on your back. 
“Hey…” she sighs “I enjoyed myself last night… I hope you did too…” 
“I-I did… its just…I…” you nibble at your bottom lip, unable to come up with the words to describe how you’re feeling. Giddy and nervous, emotional and excited, all wrapped up into one package.
Thankfully, your companion seems to take it in stride, pressing another kiss to your temple before she returns to the kitchen.
“Oh by the way.” She pipes up after a moment. “Geeta called this morning…snow’s a little too heavy today so HQ’s shut…looks like we have a long weekend.” 
Oh, an extra day off? That's probably the best news you could have gotten today, considering your legs were still shaking like a newborn deerling…
“Nice..” you giggle, slowly shuffling towards the couch, pulling her blanket up over your shoulders as you flop down by the arm and get cozy. 
“Thats what I said.” She snickers, soon joining you with a hot plate of food. If you’d thought the galarian curry last night had been good, this trumped it, your body screaming for food after last night’s exertion. 
“Y’know, if you want…you’re more than welcome to crash here for the weekend…” Rika throws the offer casually as she eats, content smile upon her face as she watches you from the corner of her eye “Snow’s only gotten heavier since yesterday, n’I don't wantcha getting hurt tryina get home..” 
This time, you can hear the intent behind her words, the intent you couldn’t read yesterday as you turn your head towards the window, to the almost whiteout of Masagoza. You contemplate the offer as you polish off your breakfast, placing the plate on the coffee table before you, watching as Koraidon happily trots up to lick the plate clean with a happy chirp.
“Hmmm…well, if you’re happy to have me…who am I to say no…sir.” you know it’s cheeky, you know it’s going to end badly for you, but watching Rika’s face suddenly go from cool, calm and collected, to beet red is totally worth it before she shoves the last mouthful of her own food into her mouth, slamming the plate onto the table before she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and hauls you up. 
You cackle all the way down the hall as she all but drags you back to the bedroom.
You were in for a long weekend indeed.
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quinloki · 6 months
thinkin about how distrustful reader would be of Shanks when he confesses in the Marco/Shanks/Reader nightmare. When they find themselves in his room alone with him one night, sitting next to him on his bed, they can't help it, they immediately tear up. He laughs, pulling them closer. "Awww, hey, hey... nobody's in trouble this time, honey. No need for that..." They still keep quiet, all tensed up in preparation for whatever this is. He sighs. "Can you look at me, sweetheart?" They look up immediately and he smiles encouragingly at the display of obedience. "I mean it. You're okay. I've been... thinking over some things. Marco and I go way back, you know?" They immediately stiffen. He chuckles. "Relax. I said you're alright." They yelp when he pulls them onto his lap, wrapping his arm around them and pressing their back to his chest. His voice is low when he speaks again, sending a shiver down their spine.
"Marco has good taste. Always has." He nuzzles the crook of their neck. "I should've trusted him a little more... he can be so hard to please, after all." He gently raises his hand to their face, turning their head to the side and pressing a soft kiss to their cheek. "Mmm. I should've known you were something special. I'm sorry it took me so long to come around, honey... that's why I'm gonna make it up to you. I'll tell you the new rules, no games like the first time. And then we can... have a little chat, and I'll let you rest. Does that sound nice, sweetie?"
"I-I don't understand-" they stammer, voice cracking. This is new. He shushes them.
"Shhh, I know, I know. You've barely gotten used to the old rules. It's scary, hmm? But things are gonna be easier for you now, I promise." He gives you a squeeze, a gesture that's surely meant to be reassuring, but it just makes you think of a snake. "I just want to spend some one-on-one time with you. I love you. But I know I've been neglecting you, so you don't have to say it back just yet, okay?"
"I'd love nothing more than to hear you say it, but I understand. So you don't have to. But there are some conditions... I'm afraid you won't see Marco until you do. It's not completely selfish- I do need to prove myself, don't I? So from now until I can convince you, you're only seeing me."
That's good.
I like that. I like it- the way you wrote Shanks hits along the lines of his character too. The reassurance, the awareness, the understanding
the complete twisted ending too - isolation until you submit. Marco would be going half-mad too, knowing, cause Shanks wouldn't keep it from him. Torn between wanting you to give in faster so you'll come back to him and wanting you to resist because you're his, not Shanks' and if you're only his than he can be only yours and everything involving Shanks stays a little bit separated
I love it. Good stuff =3 thank you for the treat. <3
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Finding and Feeling (1.1): The Cold
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Pairing Type: M/M Rating: M/Violence, language Warnings: Cannon event, swearing, kidnapping, rough handling, threats of violence Summary: Kieran Duffy is captured by the Van der Linde gang, meeting Bill Williamson for the first time. Other Chapters
The wind hits against his face. Kieran spurs his horse forward in a hurry, not even completely sure who’s chasing him. Being chased is something he generally tries to avoid. He can hear the hoofbeats behind him, muffled by snow. His ears throb, his blood turning warm, and for a moment he thinks he’s gotten away.
Then a tight feeling fixes around his chest.
Kieran yells as he’s pulled back, his horse racing out from under him. He hits the ground, cold and wet seeping into his coat as he starts to panic.
Not good, not good, not good. 
He can hear the man approach, heavy footfalls stopping right next to him. “Don’t hurt me!” He cries, desperation taking over.
The man kneels down, pulling tight at the rope around Kieran and binding his limbs. “You’re comin’ with me.”
Kieran’s head races, trying to come up with some plea. “You got me mixed up with someone else.”
The man ignores him, hoisting him up on his shoulder. Kieran squirms a little, testing the binds, but he stills when he feels just how easily the man lifts him onto his horse. He’s too strong, Kieran’s heart falls. The horse beneath him is sturdy, not bothered much by the weight of two men. Movement jostles him, making his heart beat faster and tears start to sting against frozen air.
“What's your name, boy?” The man asks
Kieran panics, his name escaping him. “I don't know!”
The man nearly laughs. “You don't know your name?”
“It's Kieran.” He says, not wanting to get into more trouble than he already is.
“Kieran what?”
“Duffy. Kieran Duffy.”
Kieran pictures the man smirking. “Well, I ain't gonna lie to ya... this is a real bad day for you, Kieran Duffy.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere you ain't gonna like.”
Kieran panics slightly. “Why? What are you gonna do ta me?”
“Something you ain't gonna like.” The man says, his tone making Kieran’s stomach twist. “So I'd advise you to save your breath for screaming.”
“No, please!” Kieran begs, quiet tears taking over.
As the ride continues, making Kieran’s stomach twist and likely bruise, he grows desperate. He begs a few times, his voice shakes and his limbs tremble over the shivers.
“You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you.”
Kieran is quiet for a bit after that, his head burning with a need to plead for his life or reason. “I've only been running with them a couple of months. I don't know nothing real about them, honest!”
“Are you trying to test me, is that it?” The man turns hostile. “Because I will break every bone in your body.”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry... okay?” Kieran cries.
“Not one more goddamn word, am I clear?”
Kieran nods uselessly. “Okay, okay!”
“That's two bones, right there.” The man says harshly.
Kieran whimpers to himself, shrinking against the horse. He’s really done it now. Even if he got mercy from his captor, Colm wasn’t too happy with him when they left camp. His cheek still stings a little. Either way, captured or free, he’s doomed. Rock and a hard place.
“Here we are, you sack of shit. Let's introduce you to the boys.” The man says, his horse slowing pace.
Once again, Kieran is slung over the man’s shoulder as if he weighs nothing. “Don't hurt me, please.”
“Oh, don't worry, they're real nice.”
Kieran has a feeling that’s a bald faced lie. Noises fill his ears, replacing the sound of his beating heart. A door opens, footfalls in the snow.
“You found the little shit, did you?” A voice asks.
“Yep…” The man grunts, throwing Kieran on the ground. “I got him.”
“Very good.”
His bindings are roughly cut and Kieran is hauled to his feet. The man he faces is one he recognizes from stories and wanted posters. He’s in deeper shit than he thought.
“Welcome to your new home…” Dutch says sarcastically. “Hope you're real happy here.”
“Want me to make him talk?” His captor asks, holding his arms behind him tightly.
“Oh no, now all we'll get is lies.” Dutch narrows his eyes before glancing at two men in the distance. “Uncle. Mr. Williamson. Tie this maggot up someplace safe. We get him hungry first.”
Kieran feels new hands grabbing him, one pair much stronger than the other, but both holding him steady.
Dutch takes a step forward, making Kieran want to step back. “I got a saying, my friend…” He smiles. “We shoot fellers as need shooting, save fellers as need saving, and feed 'em as need feeding. We're gonna find out what you need.”
Kieran feels his body fill with shivers unrelated to the cold. He desperately hopes he’s in need of saving.
“I can't believe it.” Dutch chuckles. “An O'Driscoll in my camp.”
Kieran’s heart sinks as he’s dragged away. “No, I ain't an O'Driscoll, mister.” He pleads. “I hate that feller!”
The two men dragging him pull harshly, kicking open two large doors and yanking him inside. Kieran’s nose fills with the familiar scent of horses and he’s comforted for just a moment. There’s several of them in the stables. All kinds, all colors, each and every one of them is so beautiful and-
“Fetch us some rope, Uncle.” The bigger man mutters, taking both of Kieran’s arms.
The older man, Uncle, walks over to the wall, grabbing some rope. He loops it around a post as Kieran is walked over to it. The two men tie him as Kieran starts to regain his senses, no longer comforted by the presence of the horses.
He doesn’t get much of his plea out before a large hand tugs his hair and makes him yelp from the sting. A strong hand has a tight grip and the man in front of him stares down at him. Kieran shrinks down, only letting the man tower further.
“Keep yer mouth shut, boy.”
“Aw, leave the young feller alone, Bill.” Uncle chuckles as he mimics Kieran’s cowering. “He’s startin’ ta temble.”
The large man, Bill, releases Kieran’s hair. He stares for a moment, his face red from the chill wind, then he stumbles away. Uncle follows after him, starting to ask about having a drink before the stable doors close and leave Kieran alone in the dark.
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kafus · 2 months
hi! i really love blue moon falls, and it's been really helpful for me with getting a team together to take on stadium 1 and 2, as well as trying to complete everything i can in gen 2. i was curious if you had any advice for taking on all the cups in the stadium games? i have experience with vgc and i've been largely going based on smogon's guides for rby and gsc for team ideas, but actually preparing all the pokemon in game is daunting, to say the least, not to mention how many i need to raise and train due to the different cups level restrictions and whatnot. if nothing else, it's really nice seeing someone else as into gen 2 as i am who didn't grow up with it!
hey, i’m really glad BMF has been helpful for you! unfortunately it’s true that i haven’t gotten around to a lot of battle related articles (i want to in the future… i am working on an endless amount of projects all the time)
as for team ideas and building teams, i wouldn’t sweat it too-too much, especially for round 1, in which completing will give you a lot of hands-on experience to make team changes for the harder round 2 if you need. if you already have VGC experience and are navigating smogon, you definitely have enough background knowledge to build teams that are good enough to beat the stadium games. whatever ideas you have right now are probably already good enough, and it’s up to you how much you want to minmax those ideas/tilt the scales in your favor. if you don’t mind spoilers, it’s worth noting that stadium trainers aren’t random like the battle frontiers of gens 3/4 and teams are predetermined, so looking up some of the round 2 teams might also give you some ideas for your own teambuilding!
as for actually building those pokemon… yeah, it’s a lot! like anything johto, it’s good to take it at a bit of a slower pace, treat it like a bigger project that you can pick at over time instead of a rush to the finish, will make it more enjoyable.
for stat exp grinding, despite the E4 having bigger gains, i definitely personally prefer grinding on wilds which is why i made that stat exp tool (that i still need to update haha), it just feels faster even if it actually isn’t and it doubles as shiny hunting because of how many pokemon you see (it is also worth noting that in many cases you can get away without maxing stat exp!)
as for breeding, the easiest way to get started with that is spend an evening or two catching dittos in pokemon yellow if you have that game, in cerulean cave where they’re a high level and DVs are instantly recognizable. the chances of getting a ditto with a defense DV of 10 and a special DV of 7 or 15, which is the perfect breeding ditto for gen 2 standards, is a simple (1/16) * (1/8), or 1/128. not terrible, especially if you make party space to catch multiple at a time and clone glitch master balls or something. from there on out you can just pair that ditto with anything to start rolling for the best DVs possible, and you even get the boosted egg spawning odds from the different OT. you really don’t need all 15s across the board, just generally high is usually fine.
hopefully something in here was helpful and i hope you have fun! i feel like gen 2 enjoyers that weren’t there at the time are such a rare breed. nice to meet another!
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grief-worn · 2 months
munday: getting to know you ! ! !
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: addi, or sometimes i go by glacier.
MUSE NAME: on this blog; shadowheart.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: gay hand-holding and parallel play. alternatively; here on tumblr (asks/dms/etc) or on discord if we're friends/good mutuals!
EXPERIENCE: i think my very first roleplay was on gmail chat, pfft. but i also did stuff on deviantart, IRC chatrooms, forums, skype/discord, and this one roleplay site i will not name because it's genuinely awful. (no it's not f-list). i have pretty limited experience writing on tumblr. just recently got back into it here after having a kinda meh experience in the resident evil fandom.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: not sure if this means like ... 3rd person? or like ... paragraph length? or what, but i'm open to pretty much anything! i'm super open-minded. i don't even dislike the infamous 1st person writing style, as someone who hungrily consumes reader insert fanfics.
PET PEEVES AND DEAL-BREAKERS: kind of a hard one to answer, but here's what i can think of off the top of my head:
guilt by association: dealt with a bit of this in another fandom. just because i'm writing with someone doesn't mean i'm aware of their issues. curate who you follow and what you see on your dash for sure, i will always understand quietly blocking to maintain your own peace, but i've gotten mixed up in some weird stuff just because i ended up writing with the wrong person.
heavy formatting: this isn't like, that big of a deal-breaker, i just specifically have poor eyesight and difficulty reading/processing words if there's a bunch of different fonts, and font sizes, and colors, and whatnot. definitely might be something i ask people to tone down, but it doesn't really make me mad haha.
soft blocking instead of hard blocking: i'm pretty stupid. please make it obvious if you don't wanna interact anymore! otherwise i won't realize and i'll probably accidentally make it worse orz.
vagueposting/sub-tweeting: that stuff is kinda mean and weird. i don't like seeing it!
PLOTS OR MEMES: either one is awesome, but they both definitely have their contextual uses! sometimes a bit of talking beforehand is nice, sometimes i like just winging it. they're both fun!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: again, they're both fun. long replies are sort of harder to get to since they take so long to write but sometimes that's exactly what i want; to get lost in a reply for like 2 hours straight. not sure if i have a preference, it's just that short replies are faster and therefore fit better into my daily schedule, but that doesn't mean i don't love dumping my text walls <3
BEST TIME TO WRITE: unfortunately i've found that writing at 4am when everyone is asleep is a WONDERFUL time for my creativity hehe. i wish i could write as good in the daylight hours lol !!!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: yes and no. personality wise; not really. we're both kind of goofy deep, deep down. and i project a lot of myself onto her, but i think that's just because her story and trauma resonate with me very strongly! i try not to like, overwrite her character and inject too much of my own stuff. i honestly just have the biggest, fattest crush on her and i need more of her in whatever way i possibly can have. i guess we both love animals. but i'd never have such ugly bangs. ew, shadowheart.
tagged by: @astralrogue (thank you very much!)
tagging: whoever wants to do this :3 it's sharing a lot of ooc info so i don't wanna pressure peeps!!!
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