#I've honestly been in some kind of depressive episode for a few weeks now and it's rly hitting hard tonight lol
revvetha · 5 months
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lastweeksshirttonight · 7 months
What is this?? Lee actually following up on promises of posting longform writing??? I know, I'm scared too.
Last Lee Tonight (wherein Lee quotes noted political commentator Olivia Rodrigo) Season One, Episode Nine
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(Original air date: 6/29/2014) Topics covered: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, LGBT rights and discrimination in Uganda
Trigger warning: discussions of homophobia
"That is why I, personally, refuse to pay for Mennonite cabinets. Because Jason Bourne could, conceivably, beat someone to death with one of those things."
Because the last time I posted one of these reviews was (checks notes) August 2023, a brief recap of where we are in terms of the season developing is in order. Episode Eight was the first time the entire main story was put on LWT's YouTube page, after a very... scattershot approach to uploading segments onto social media. The show is also coming into its own - although the recap of the week segments are bouncing between being extremely surface-level, sometimes only one joke long, and closer to the current iteration of a small yet rigorous dive into a relevant topic for a few minutes before the main topic, the main stories are beginning to take longer form, even though they are still tied to the idea of the show being immediately relevant.
This episode is one of the few I think is, with a few exceptions, almost completely available on the LWT YouTube page worldwide. Both major segments are uploaded, as well as an extended interview segment. Looking forward, they do experiment with the idea of breaking up most of the episodes and loading them onto YouTube for the rest of season one. At least they're actually, um, loading the main parts of the episodes on YouTube from here on out. As I've said many times before, no one had any idea what kind of show LWT was supposed to be or what it would become.
Another fun fact - apparently you can no longer screenshot these episodes I bought on YouTube on my desktop with PrtSc. What the fuck. Is up. With that?! (aaaah~) Fuck you business daddy you complete sack of daddy-shaped shit. (Clearly I have my ways of getting around this, even if the screenshots seem a bit blurry to me, but... fucking hell, I'm just trying to take a screenshot OF SOMETHING I PAID FOR.)
ANYWAYS. There's an episode of LWT we're ostensibly discussing!
Our first topic is the 2014 World Cup. England has been knocked out, so the tournament is dead to John. Oh John. So innocent. So full of life. You have no clue about the shitstorm you're gonna drop on FIFA's doorstep next season.
At the World Cup, an Uruguayan player, Luis Suarez, bit an Italian player, something I totally forgot about. He also bit TWO OTHER PEOPLE. John calls the Italian player "a delicious piece of prime Italian steak" - I forgot that chaotic bisexuality has been baked into this show from day one but I love it.
(Based on the only hate comment I've ever received, I know someone will probably deign to tell me that John is not bisexual, which... I know. But the writing of this show has chaotic bisexual energy - in some seasons, like the one where John begs Adam Driver to chokeslam him into a table regularly, energy honestly isn't a strong enough word to describe whatever's going on - and I like acknowledging that element of the show.)
John mentions the week has been awash with depressing terrorism news but leads into a segment about Boko Haram being driven out of their hiding places by snakes and bees, an incredible victory for the scariest parts of nature. John is furious that scorpions have instead decided to hide in bananas in supermarkets instead of fighting terrorism. John's grin after delivering that joke is effervescent. He loves this kind of stupid, "now THAT'S a sentence"-style joke.
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He's so happy y'all
We take a hard left turn into discussing Syria, and that the US is looking to send money to "appropriately vetted" rebel soldiers. The obvious question is asked - how do you vet rebel soldiers? John suggests a trade-school-style commercial to recruit potential rebel soldiers. (The offer is open to bees and snakes!) One thing I like about the early episodes that does still come through from time to time on the show are these sorts of Daily Show-style fake commercials and PSAs. They can get repetitive after seeing the segments they're covering, but there's usually some fun twists and chances for some real absurdities and escalations you can't do in the show proper.
Our first real segment follows after this, on Burwell v Hobby Lobby. You may remember this as the court case that allowed for Hobby Lobby, a crappy JoAnn's knockoff run by evangelical Christians who also stole artifacts for a bible museum, to not pay for an employee's birth control through the Affordable Care Act because it went against their religion. As a corporation. Because corporations are people now. God this country sucks.
At the time of airing, this decision hadn't been made yet by the Supreme Court, so John is going over the details of the case, including the questions at the center of it - do corporations have freedom of religion, and are corporations people? John confidently says "no" before realizing he has to actually discuss this, and I really want to live in 2014 John World. This whole segment has a lovely capper extending two ideas to their logical, absurd extremes - government cannot be an a la carte system, something John demonstrates by showing a wild variety of things people don't want to spend their taxes on which starts fairly even-keel but spirals into Fox News talking heads saying that their tax dollars are being spent on Mexican prostitutes. And on the flip-side, if corporations are people, well, people die. Amongst other things.
Something that's been a bit lost about this case in the ten years since is that a Mennonite sect that owned a kitchen cabinet making company also sued the government over providing birth control. I totally forgot about that.
Our "And Now This" segment is on politicians misusing the word 'literally'. Chris Traeger literally adored this segment. (It's short and is exactly what you'd expect. Not much to say here.)
The next segment is on LGBTQIA+ rights in Uganda. Interestingly, John introduces this segment by saying "finally tonight..." despite being only 12 minutes into a 30 minute show. Definitely had me checking the clock in confusion.
I appreciate that John opens this segment not sugarcoating anything happening to LGBTQIA+ individuals in Uganda, even before he gets into the details of the anti-gay laws there. While there's been segments prior that have been obviously extremely serious, this is the first one that feels like John is coming from a place of seriousness first, jokes second. There are plenty of jokes, yes, lots of very funny ones. But when you compare how this segment opens, with no frills or equivocating, to even the Hobby Lobby segment earlier this episode, there's a pretty obvious difference.
People really didn't know how to react to the line "the moral arc of the universe is long, and it bends away from Uganda." There's like one scattered laugh at that. I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be a joke.
A lot of the details of this segment are deeply upsetting, especially post-Trump in a world where it feels like freedoms are rolling back everywhere and extremist hatemongers like Scott Lively are being treated more and more seriously. The fact that he was laughed at here in the past is refreshing, but knowing that he'd likely be a top senate candidate now is so distressing. There's a lot of things that can be seen in this show in hindsight, most of them so far more benign than this. Unfortunately, the exportation of homophobia now looks less like the death throes of a dying political position, as John posits here from 2014, and more like a big factor in sowing the seeds for this last decade's right-wing global surge.
That being said, Pepe Julian Onziema is a true portrait of grace under fire. The interview with Onziema in the show is extremely illuminating, the kind of interview that makes me wish John did more interviews. Onziema is a delight - I love his seriousness in speaking to the realities of living as an LGBT+ person in Uganda, and his bravery in fighting this fight despite the looming threat of severe prison time. Relatedly, "Sorry doesn't cut it" is such a great comeback to John apologizing for being part of two groups of people that brought this wave of homophobia to Uganda.
There is an extended interview with Onziema on YouTube that dives further into some of the specifics of certain social elements, like context into how Ugandan discourse took on elements of American homophobic talking points (like "gay people are recruiting children") and a timeline of Scott Lively's touring of Uganda. John manages to completely break him by singing part of an early hateful song about "the rainbow belonging to God" as well, which made me so happy. Turn those hateful things into ludicrously stupid ones to destroy them.
I do highly recommend watching this interview - it's one of the best things that LWT has ever done, still. This has stayed with me for 10 years.
Other notes:
Hey. Hey Lee. You gonna talk about the fit?: Yes of course I am, the meds didn't change my brain THAT much. We have a light blue shirt with a dark blue tie with lighter piping, and a gray suitjacket. This is a subdued look but I like the neutral slate color combination going on here. 8/10
I haven't mentioned the unique title cards for each episode of LWT yet, mainly because this is the first one I found really funny - it's a picture of Renaldo with the caption "Kickus Ballium". (New name for football ahoy!)
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Please enjoy this incredible "I'm so smooth" looking freeze frame that I took while pausing the episode to write. So smooth.
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"I've got to be honest, being British is sometimes a little like being an alcoholic. When someone says you did something awful, you find yourself going, 'Honestly, I don't even remember doing that, but yeah, probably, probably. I'm a dick, I'm a dick.'" He slipped so easily into that Ian Duncan mode for this line, I so hope he comes back for the Community movie.
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autumnbell32 · 8 months
1/14/24 at 2035: Message to Therapist
Hi.  I've been sad about our last appointment- it seemed, I don't know, disharmonious.  I know I keep repeating the same patterns (is that normal?), and I feel like I am not grasping/remembering things I am supposed to be learning very well.  And maybe that is frustrating for you?  I was definitely on the defense, maybe projecting.  Usually I come out of our appointments with at least a little hope, but I honestly just felt stupid and kind of scared- is this the point where literally EVERYONE stops having patience with my issues?  I know what you mean when you say that I reach outside of myself once I get to a certain point with bad depressive episodes.  You are right, I do.  This stuff is isolating, lonely, and mirrors when I used to get so overwhelmed with emotion as a child (and teenager) that I would cry to the nearest adult.  Things that helped in the past that may not help now or have any permanence: reaching outside of myself for inspiration/assistance/hand-holding from others, following plans and lists, being rigid, seeing in black and white.  But I'm not sure what else to do because it is like playing the lottery- one of these things MAY work (they've worked in the past), and it may provide relief (even for several months!).  Do I have to totally abandon my old operating system?  Although, these things are losing their efficacy over time and as I get older, honestly.  
I am on a medical leave.  I am not sure for how long, but I will get some pay while off.  I tried to go to work Thursday, was relieved a supportive manager was going to be there, was packing my lunch and spilled some oatmeal and just broke down.  And then that caused a cascading effect- everything after that made me break down.  One minute I was crying, the next I was filled with so much rage that I felt dizzy.  Not good.  My PCP referred me to a gynecologist that treats PMDD, I see her Tuesday.  I'm hopeful something outside of myself will still provide relief- PMDD is gnarly.  I need a stone, at least one stone, lifted off of me so that I can continue to try (good grief, SOMEONE give me a piece of paper with a plan on it that I can follow and check boxes and tell me they will see me in a week to check my progress because this plan will likely give some relief from the cycles).  The obstinance is just ridiculous- it's like the toddler in me has stomped her foot and said, "No more, someone do something to help or I'm not moving from this spot."  It feels both good and bad, and I don't know how much I am screwing myself in the process, or how many more chances I will get or how many times people (my family included) will continue to help.  
What have I done this past week (jesus, I haven't been at work since December 30th, got a small check last Friday)- watched PBS a lot, cried, cried while watching PBS, did some chores here and there (sometimes while crying), picked up books I long to read and then immediately put them back down because I can't concentrate or be motivated for more than a few minutes, binged, colored in an adult coloring book called "Cat Farts" (it's exactly what it sounds like), and imagined myself being better in the spring somehow (I have visualized this so many times over the last several days- actually progressing in the right direction consistently).  I fall asleep many nights talking on the phone to Josiah because I feel less alone that way.  I'm screwed.  Am I screwed?  
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Tw domestic abuse, sexual assault, suicide, self harm and eating disorder mentions (those last two not in detail, just mentioned)
Nickname: turquoise
Looking for advice, either on how to get out or just come to terms with this being the rest of my life, either way.
So I have a situation kind of similar to this ask posted just now.
I've been with my wife for seven years now. A lot of her issues come from childhood trauma, but it's just...been wearing me down lately. Nearly from the start there were emotional issues between us, and physical violence and one sexual assault within the first six months (she said I agreed to let her do stuff while I was asleep but I don't remember that, and either way she didn't stop when I asked her to). I'm honestly not sure why I stayed but that's neither here nor there. Maybe I kept thinking it would get better but it didn't and at a lot of points I was genuinely scared for my safety, especially since the one time I did try to leave she found me in under a day and the friend I'd run away to decided I should go back home with her since, in her words 'well, you are kind of a bitch'. Anyway, there would be times when things got better but they'd always get bad again. We're in one of the better periods, though recently there's still been a lot of emotional stuff, some minor physical stuff (only small bruises and no lingering pain) and two sexual assaults last week. Still, things have definitely tapered off from a couple years ago, and she has been putting in more effort to be nicer, so if nothing else it's been a while since I've been balled up on the floor trying to be a small target so that's something. Still, as much as I should be happy about that I just...honestly I feel like shit a lot of the time, and I can't seem to stop being on edge no matter what happens, even though she gets mad at me whenever she notices that.
Also over the past two years she's developed significant anxiety, to the point where even after being on meds and in therapy for over a year she says she can't work.. We have no income now and I have a lot of my own mental difficulties that have made jobs difficult for me for most of my life (not self dxing, but likely autism and ADHD and a PD that have never been treated, along with a lot of past trauma from her and people before her, that's she's sometimes triggered on purpose or been dismissive of, though she is trying to stop that), but more difficult since I met her, especially since I've spent the past year at least in one of the worst depressive episodes I've had in my life, with my self harm and eating disorder getting worse again (both of which she knows about and does not respond well to at all), to the point that I'm pretty much always passively suicidal and have attempted a few times. At the very least I'm out of the bout of drinking I dealt with for a few months. I'm not outlining this to make anyone feel bad for me, just to point out that a full time work week, especially in the kinds of fast paced, people centric jobs I could reasonably get, would be very difficult for me to handle at this point. I've asked her if we could both work part time, since I thought a few days a week for each of us would be easier to handle, and at first she said yes but now she's flat out refusing, saying that since she supported us for a while she deserves a long break too, completely glossing over how often she hit me during that time and how generally shit she made me feel every day, or the fact that the abuse didn't stop when I went back to work, or that the circumstances that led to it being best for only her to work in that time were out of our control.
Basically, I want to leave. Ideally I'd just leave her, but she says she can't survive without my support, and that she'll kill herself if I actually go. I don't know if that's true or not but I don't want to find out the hard way, but I also know I can't handle both working full time and taking care of her full time (she refuses to do anything at home or to manage and organize our lives either, sometimes to the point of yanking me out of bed after only a few hours of sleep to make her food even though she is able to cook, arguably better than me).
Im basically never happy, and I want to leave but I can't, not with the way she is mentally now, not with what she might do, especially since the only person I know she could go to is her mother, who wouldn't be accepting of her being trans which isn't something I want to put her through. I've been thinking of asking a friend or relative of mine (what few I have left after she isolated me for so long, since I can't drive and for years she's been in charge of if I leave the house or not, which she rarely lets me do), to let me stay with them during the work week, since it would be easier to find and keep a job that way. I'd have limited contact with my wife, only seeing her on the weekends and preferably not talking much during the week, but still with me supporting both of us.
I don't know if she'd go for this, or even how to ask, but I know I can't handle dealing with both work and her and my own issues at the same time. I've tried to say this a bit and she's said I'm just being whiny and lazy, so I just don't know what to do or how to fully broach the subject, but I'm just so scared for the future between us in general.
I'm sorry this was a long post my thoughts are just not organized sometimes. Thank you for everything you do.
Amendment from turquoise. Abuse mention.
I just really wanted to clarify that I don't want anything I said about my wife to be attributed to the fact that she's trans. I don't think any of the mods of this blog would do that, but I just worry that others would, or that it came across as me saying her abuse and her gender are somehow connected but I swear I don't think they are and if anything came across that way I never meant for it to. I know most trans people don't hurt others (not to mention I'm trans myself but that just didn't seem relevant, still not sure if it is here)
Basically I just hope I didn't paint an entire group in a bad light and I really didn't mean to if I did sorry I was just worried about that.
Hi turquoise,
I'm so sorry about what's been going on. Also, I wouldn't worry about potentially coming off as transphobic, I don't get that vibe at all and I see what you mean to say quite clearly.
Just because the abuse has been tapering off doesn't mean you should tolerate it. Being assaulted violates your boundaries, and it's important to respect and assert them. Just because it's tapering off doesn't mean you're supposed to be happy in this relationship. It makes absolute sense why you still feel like shit. You're on edge because you may have developed trauma responses and you're around someone who your brain has been conditioned to perceive as a threat.
Emotional availability is essential for the longevity of a relationship. For your partner to not be there for you or respond well to depressive episodes or even suicidal thoughts is definitely a problem. I feel like if she truly cared about you she would make a better effort to be there for you, especially when you're contemplating suicide.
It sounds like your partner is refusing to share the responsibility of any productive or reproductive labor, which puts unnecessary stress on you. Just because she's been working doesn't mean you have to do everything. Most people just continue working without breaks, you know? So how is it fair for her to refuse to work when that means no income? It would make more sense if she was overwhelmed with burdens, but she really has pushed virtually every responsibility of hers onto you and is expecting you to be absolutely fine with that.
It seems like you've tried communicating with her but she's given you a hard time. If it is safe to do so, it may be helpful to simply assert a boundary such as "I feel x when you do y. If you continue to treat me this way, this isn't going to work." Just letting her know where things stand may be helpful in terms of communication, but if this would be unsafe to do, then it may be best to simply leave without warning.
Like I said in the other ask, if she is going to choose to mistreat you then it is your right to leave if necessary. It's a hard decision though of course, because you don't want her to go back to her abusers, but really, that's not your problem. If you need to leave then you need to leave, where she goes is not really for you to worry about. It's important to assert your boundaries and put your foot down when you've had enough, even if it doesn't benefit everyone.
Abusers often block the exit in various ways, and that can include threatening suicide. Please know that it is manipulative for someone to blame suicide or self harm on someone else. It is your right to leave when you want or need to. Your partner's actions are her responsibility alone. Breaking up does not hold you liable to what your partner chooses to do as a result.
If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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sharingtheprocess · 16 days
I always think of gender as a performance but what else do I perform?
Random reflection: my internship had this disability justice training and we spoke about performance & the way performativity has grown to have a negative connotation. Shortly after we were encouraged to push back on the dismissal of performance- because what is performance but becoming? trying? The facilitator said "we must all perform or values, practices, and self until the performance becomes embodied..." and I loved that
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Hi everyone :) I'm back again to share about how things are going in Brasil. It's officially been a little over two months and naming that still feels weird to me. It does not feel like two months have passed but I also can't think of a better number?? I just know that I've been here. Even though it's winter & I've been dealing with the sun setting much earlier, it still feels like each day is longer than in the states. I'm starting to write this now on a Tuesday and I can't believe it's only Tuesday.
I'm happy to say I'm feeling a lot better. I'm still not conversational in Portuguese but some people are patient enough to struggle along with me in conversation. It's been kind of funny to see how quickly other people give up talking to me- those interactions remind me not internalize anyone's actions. People usually disengage if 1) I say I only know a bit of Portuguese 2) we are in a loud ass room so between the music & my limited vocabulary I keeping asking them to repeat themselves or 3) I start speaking in Portuguese but my accent is sooo off people be like "espanhol?" 🤣
I honestly cannot tell you what has really changed in the last few weeks, but I feel myself and this country opening up to each other more. I feel less like a visitor and a bit more like I live in this area and that daily comfort means a lot to me.
There have been other little changes around the home: Folake (Rayna's friend & initial roommate) is back in the states. She was supposed to leave at the beginning of July but couldn't leave the country (crazy story) and now Lupe is here visiting us! (S/O to Lupe for traveling to be with us). They'll be here til September 1st and I'm really excited to have someone to share new activities with and host.
I haven't seen Lupe since December, so it is really special to have them here, reconnect, and spend time together. Lupe if you're reading this I love you a lot and I'm so so thankful Rayna Jai brought us together <3
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I went on a bike ride, visited new cities, and in the midst of it all I've been trying to release control. One reoccurring theme I've noticed whenever I move somewhere new is my own surprise when I feel a depressive episode about to start. Subconsciously I tend to feel like being in a new environment means I'm further away from my triggers or childhood trauma so I shouldn't feel sad or grumpy. But it's like no babes that all lives within me. And some days it makes itself known in bigger emotions (I'm irritable, withdrawn, fragile) and having my girlfriend witness all of it makes me feel really exposed.
I don't want these entries to involve too much relationship reflection but I must say a big part of why I'm here/how Brazil even became a blimp on my radar is Rayna- so I do want to name some things:
I'm learning a lot about myself because this is my first time living with a partner. I'm grateful for how much Rayna and I check in with each other because while it can sometimes bring up anxieties, I'm learning to share, process, and receive. Sometimes I want to hide and isolate, but Rayna has a crazy attunement to my energy, so I always feel seen LMAO. And that's the part that is really hard for me. I recognize sometimes my emotions are huge tidal waves and the energy is palatable but other times a bitch is trying to mask and it's not working 😭
My disorganized attachment style and the pre-therapy default settings do get worked up because being witnessed in my struggle is uncomfortable. But I'm practicing real conflict resolution skills- and not the selective vulnerability where you share things that you're comfortable disclosing so people feel close to you, but they don't really know you. It's this real, raw, vulnerability that honestly makes me want to throw up (anyone else relate or am I really just that sick in the head? lmfaoo).
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I'm learning that people can feel hurt by me and still love me and that feels really huge, and I could cry if I think about it for too long. Overall, I'm a moody ass bitch and some places or days exacerbate traits about myself that I'm not always proud of, but I'm grateful for the grace and compassion others show me so I can show that to myself.
Things I'm looking forward to:
Finally fully unpacking my suitcase. I have basically been living out that hoe (haven't hung up any clothes, set up all my toiletries etc.) since I arrived. I think moving into my own room is gonna feel really good 😁
I'm gonna finally try some new hobbies! Shout out to my sweet friend Nii for putting me on a capoeira class that's specifically for trans and nonbinary people. I've really been searching/needing a trans community abroad so I'm going to check it out next week. Please send me sweet loving energy so everybody there wants to be my frienddd
If the weather isn't terrible tomorrow I'm also gonna try and go to a drumming class (I'm extra hyped about this because I haven't done any Brazilian style drumming since I left Philly so I'm excited to have my full circle moment)
I'm starting spiritual direction school and it'll be nice to have a monthly commitment to check in with myself spiritually bc I have been neglecting that dimension of my life since moving
Things I'm anxious(?) about:
Lupe leaving- I'm gonna miss them sooo much. It's crazy how fast our time together has gone by and I don't want it to end
Job applications/interviews blah blah blah- I just want to be employed so I can have some healthcare coverage
Trip to rio next month: a lot of things are unplanned and I'm a planner so this is feels a lil crazyyy but like I said I'm practicing releasing power and control
Starting spiritual direction school. I'm getting wayyy ahead of myself but I'm trying to do this so I can start playing entrepreneur (which is an energy I've been fighting for a long time) but I think it'll be really special to offer services to others
Thanks for reading & as always journeying with me 💞
Much love,
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greentrickster · 2 years
hello! i'm sure you've received many many comments/asks/rambles like this before, but -- i just finished devouring Saturation from the very beginning over the course of, like, maybe a week? which, considering it's taken me months to read books half the length of this fic, is a true testament to the amazing quality of your writing. your style is genuinely artful and i've really enjoyed reading it the whole way through!
your character writing and dialogue/banter is so much fun and has definitely made me laugh out loud, in public, more times than i want to admit. i'm not, like, an active participant in the AA fandom so i haven't read that much fic, but the way you write Edgeworth is so honest and understanding and fun (he feels like an actual adult, which is kind of relieving to read after being in so many fandoms revolving around younger characters more prone to angsty miscommunication. honestly, these two handle communication like champs for the most part), i think i'm officially spoiled on Edgeworth characterization and every other AA fic i read will just not be the same LMAO
anyways as a proudly mediocre writer it's really inspiring to see such a cool fic be kept up for so long, now that i've caught up i've just found myself in the irresistible mood to write because i guess it's really motivating to see! so thank you for being such an icon and inspiration, and for sharing your awesome writing skills with the internet! super excited to keep up with Saturation in real time, hope you're having an amazing day :]
You're most welcome! No matter how many comments/asks/rambles like this I have received, or how many I will receive in the future, each one I get is an incredibly precious gift to me and somehow always hits me right in the "Wow! 8O Really? :D Wow! <3" sort of reaction, a surprised, delighted sort of joy. There are so many amazing fics out there (I would know, I read them voraciously!), and it's always so warm to get reminded that someone feels that mine is among their number. <3
Also, your particular comment/ask/ramble arrived at just the right time. Not going to go into detail here, because I have a couple other posts doing that, but my job reached critical mass last Thursday, after an extraordinarily bad prior Saturday, and all on top of a depressive episode I'd been having (but which is thankfully now mostly over). And then this wonderful letter appeared in my inbox here, just when I really, really needed some outside support and encouragement. Which is why I'm responding to this so long after you sent it - I wanted to keep it easy to find and reread over the past few days. So seriously, thank-you as well - I hope your writing is going great, and that one day you're the one getting messages like the one you sent me; and please know that my day was much more amazing than it would have been without you. :)
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Cuppa Tea, Cuppa Tea
Request: The first request is that the reader kinda is yawning a bit, but "oh, it's fine, I'm just studying a bit harder" but they're either lying and doing a bunch of work deep into the night (maybe translating old books or something) or it's insomnia, or actually studying til 4:00am or something (lots of "ors" I'm so sorry) and of course spike finds out and is like "I'm supposed to be the nocturnal one??" And I had a brief thought of somehow the reader being tricked to drink sleepy time tea or something that will make them sleep as much as they need, but idk if that would be weird 🤔 but anyway, I hope that made sense ^^;
Pairing: Spike x gender neutral reader 
Warnings: swearing 
Word Count: 1.3k 
Summary: Y/N is at Spike’s studying for a chemistry exam when Spike starts to worry for them. 
A/N: sorry for the delay!!! This was so easy to write because honestly it’s relatable. Enjoy X
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The words on the page start to blend and nothing makes sense anymore. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to process the words I'm staring at here. I have to pass this chemistry exam. I'm not even a chem major, stupid general education classes. I hear Spike move about behind me while his Passions episode comes to an end. Being one of the token full-fledge humans in the Scooby Gang means I'm sometimes dropped off at Spike's for safekeeping. Lately, there's a water demon terrorizing Sunnydale, so I've been instructed to come straight here after classes. Yet, Spike insists on meeting me right after the lecture. He went about finding out my course schedule so he can be thereafter my last class. Since I finish when the sun is still out, he has to use the tunnels on campus. He's the definition of smothering.
"Y/N, you need to go to bed," he advises, appearing beside the crypt I'm set upon.
My notes and textbook are laid perfectly on the crypt to study.
"Five more minutes," I yawn.
The candlelight is starting to radiate enough heat to feel it. They've been going all afternoon and well into the evening. Its light is starting to burn my eyes.
"You said that twenty minutes ago," Spike sighs, kneeling next to me.
"Oh bet, I thought it was only ten," I check my watch for the time.
Spike huffs in annoyance and snatches my textbook away.
"Hey!" I reach for the pages, but he moves it away.
"I'm so supposed to be the nocturnal one! Not you!" He reminds me with a fuss.
"Ever heard of insomnia?" I sass.
"It's not healthy," he preaches, setting my textbook down.
"Nor is being undead. That's a little pot calling the kettle black," I shrug while I reopen my book to the proper page.
"The more tired you get the more annoying you are," he grumbles, tossing his head back dramatically with a sigh.
"Dope," I nod with narrowed eyes.
"I hate you," Spike growls.
"Love to hear it," I mutter subconsciously as I continue reading.
"Ugh, oh my g-"
Absentmindedly, I read the chapter on proper chemical mixing. I can't even read the periodic table, how am I supposed to remember all of this?  
I start to sing a familiar tune under my breath without much thought. "Oh say can you see by the dawn's-"
"Stop!" Suddenly, Spike's hand is covering my mouth. "Stop while you're ahead!"
"I was just getting started." My voice is muffled by his hand.
Spike slips his hand around and brings up the other to make me stare into his eyes.
"You're getting delusional!" He accuses.
"What's life without a little bad trip? Adds some spice," I dismiss carelessly.
"You're psychotic," he determines
"Says the serial killer," I shrug.
"You're! Losing! It!" He emphasizes.
"You! Eat! People!" I fire back mockingly.
"I need to so I can exist. You don't need to study to exist," he takes my textbook away again and strolls away.
"I need to so I can get a good job," I reason.
"Industrial America is overrated," he declares monotonously.
"You're also an old English man," I grumble.
"Yeah, so I know a few things," he smirks proudly.
"You never took school seriously?" I climb down from the crypt to fetch my book from him.
"Well... I went if that's what you mean. I had a rather expensive education," Spike describes vaguely.
I reach for my textbook and take it back civilly. "A White, upper-middle-class, during the Victorian Era, given a well-to-do private education? Well, color me shocked!"
"I can hardly stand you when you get in this mood. You need sleep," he rolls his eyes annoyedly.
"I hardly tolerate you every moment of every day. I need coffee," I correct.
"I will kill you," he threatens as per usual.
"Oh yes, bring me the sweet release," I grumble as I head back to my spot.
"You sicken me, you know that?" Spike questions sarcastically.
"Glad to hear it," I laugh humorlessly.
"Normally, people aren't so keen on being threatened," he reminds.
"Fair enough, granted I'm not 'normal,'" I form quotation marks with my fingers.
"Clearly," he mumbles.
"'Clearly,'" I mock his voice. "You even sound old!"
"I'm only one hundred and twenty-six!" He states, yet again, this week.
"Oh my goodness! You're right! My bad! You're practically a new spring chicken! Now get out there young one, and seize the day!" I tease.
"I'm going to make you a cup of tea," Spike declares, heading over to his make-shift kitchen. In reality, it's an electric kettle he plugs into an extension cord that's connected to somewhere outside.
"Coffee," I request, returning to my reading.
"Tea! You don't need any more coffee," he ridicules.
"You're depressing," I insult under my breath.
After a short time, Spike returns with a mug. I've managed to get through the last paragraph I've been struggling with.
"Here," he hands the white porcelain object to me.
The warmth of the mug contrasts the cold of my hands.
"What kind," I ask as I go to sip it.
"Green," he nods.
"Oo, so you are giving me caffeine," I wiggle my brows right as the liquid hits my lips.
"Only to shut you up," he sighs.
"Always the charmer," I wink.
After a moment of consideration and pondering, I can determine that this is good tea. Spike stands around waiting for my approval.
"This is nice, what brand is it?" I go in for another sip.
"An old one my mother used to use, been around for a while," he stammers.
"Lovely, thank you."
I compliment and he grumbles some response. ______________________ The sound of a distant lawnmower wakes me up in a jolt. I gasp for air, having been so deeply asleep that I hardly felt alive. I must've been more exhausted than I originally comprehended. My blurry vision adjusts to my surroundings and I'm tucked into a bed, but not my own. No, I know this bed. I've seen it before. The bright red sheets are hard to forget. Spike.
"What the-" I scream, "Spike!"
The bleach blonde vampy appears from behind a pillar across the room.
"Yes, Pet?" He says slyly, as though it's just any other morning.
"You asshole!" I curse at him as I hurry to get up.
"Feel refreshed?" He smirks.
"Did you drug me?" I come to the realization as I stand up that I don't remember falling asleep or getting into Spike's bed.
"Eh, somewhat," he explains vaguely. "I gave you camomile tea and maybe crushed up some melatonin in it."
My jaw drops, "you're insane!"
"Knocked you out like a bloody babe," he snickers, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
"What time is it?!" I shake my wrist to my watch.
"Noon," Spike answers before I have the chance to check.
My eyes go wide as the harsh reality that I'm late to my class sinks in.
"Shit! Shit!" I rush to gather my things. "Fuck me! I have my test in thirty minutes!"
Spike strolls about casually around me, not giving two shits.
"You'll be fine," he assures calmly. "The sleep will help."
"It better!" I growl at the vamp.
"I'll pick you up after your class. We'll get coffee," he suggests with a smug expression.
"You don't drink coffee," I glare as I pack up my backpack.
"Damn straight, but you do. My treat," he offers.
"Oh, so kind!" I remark sarcastically as I struggle to slip my arms through my backpack and get my shoes on at the same time.
"Have fun!" He waves as I head to the door. "Good luck!"
"Fuck you!" I bid farewell as I slam the tomb door behind me.
"Coffee!" He shouts from inside as I stroll away. "Four o'clock! I'll pick you up!"
"Okay! Fine! Fine!" I yell in agreement, despite everything that just happened.
God, I hate to love him. 
Tags: @mx-pibbles​
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back again. Heads up im going to be busy for the next week about so it may be a bit til I submit my next bit. I'll try to get something in though! Even if its just a bunch of incorrect quotes I have stored up or songs that inspired the story (or if you have questions you haven't been able to ask you can ask those, literally any question is fine).
1: Not particularly, but it does give him an advantage in everything basically. Cause he was taught how to survive in many different areas (like treating wounds and how to survive in a tundra when you have nothing), this teaching is what allowed him to live alone for 4 years, and is what gives him a strong advantage in the Pit because he's almost fully trained in fighting and has many different tactics for multiple scenarios. Ranbob was distraught and was sent into a depressive episode when he discovered that, almost his entire family was dead, and got even more distraught and sent into a state of hysteria when he found out he was the one who killed them. He acted much the same when he found out he killed his friends, Ran's friends, and every single mentor and leader that was there. Knowing full well he may of very well doomed Mizu, if anyone was still left alive of course. 
2: Grievous remained salty for the rest of the day, and showed distaste in Ranbob as well. But the day after Grievous was back to being friends with and gently pranking Ranbob, forgiving him for yesterday's accident.
3: Eh? It depends I'll say. For life threatening situations and stressful situations, yes definitely. He doesnt last long before breaking down and begging Benjamin for help. But if its something like getting everyone to work toghere, giving directions, stopping fights, or even making calls in a very important decision, he doesnt get overwhelmed too easily. Benjamin is basically the co-leader of the group, only really leading when Isaac is unable too. 
5: Yep! Just cause this is a mythical and fake world doesnt mean there can't be some real world attributes. Im trying to keep it mythical but also use real world functions and trying to show the change/mix in times (like how while some of the world is machinery and its slowly gaining popularity, it's still mostly midevil based)
7: If the person is in the arena he gets revenge. Though sadly he can't get it outside cause last time he did that he got banned from fighting for a month. But if he sees one of the people who made fun of Jackie in the arena he makes sure to go hard to them, pushing them to their limit, but not pushing hard enough to make them lose if that makes sense. He makes sure to fight in a way that's draining and causing pain for the person, but not draining enough to make the round end so he can drag it on until the person collapses. 
8: He does! He's kept all of his books from his adventures and sometimes re-reads them to make sure he doesnt forget anything. And sometimes if the others beg, he reads them outloud to the group as a sort of bedtime story. He goes wack, he wacks Jackie when he's being a little shit, he wacks Grievous after a prank, he wacks Genevieve when she brakes a training dummy, he wacks Levi especially hard when he gives Jackie alcohol after he specifically told him not too. He watched the dressmaker, baker, farmer, fletcher, cleric, cartographer, and butcher! He learned all tricks of the trade and learned how to properly make clothes, map maps, how to take care of animals and what certain animals need, how to cook anything basically, how to harvest and preserve food, and how to make arrows and the basic necessities for a bow. 
Ran does not necessarily make them often, he mostly only wrote them down so he wouldn't accidentally brew a potion of poison and drink it thinking it was a healing potion. Its considered no longer necessary to go into the nether, as the only thing really needed is netherwart and building supplies, but the building supplies are very rarely needed and every major city has a netherwart farm. Also cause I wanna add it, no one knows about netherite. Only a few adventures know about it but consider it a hoax, it's only Rans netherite sword that actually proves that it does exist. I actually wasnt planning on it at first but now definitely, I could do a lot of things with them in the SMP grounds. Weeks, it takes weeks for Ran to decide their ready. Because they need to pass whats basically tests about mobs of the nether and their habits, mine plenty of gold, learn about what to and what not to do around Piglins, learn about bastions and fortresses and areas to completely avoid, learn to be able to take multiple mobs on at once, and be able to withstand the heat there. Watson tries to get Ran to lighten up on the requirements but Ran is firmly sticking his ground and Watson ends up giving up and letting Ran do whatever. Though even with all of Rans training their not completely ready for the nether. The fishermen originally refuse to go through, but eventually go through, mostly to make sure Ranbob is safe, and because Cletus wouldn't stop whining about going. 
10: I am very tempted to add angst here because their fighting against Dream after all. But I've made a lot of angst so far so I'll only do it if you want me too. 
12: He does end up stepping in! He goes to Ranbob one night and says how he's noticed he's been stressed and always sad and asks how he can help. Ranbob brushes him off at first but is debating going to him again and asking for help one last time.
13: Yeah he's like a final boss. When you fight as a General your allowed to use your own personal weapons and whatever tricks or tactics you want, along with 3 potions of your choice. While when fighting as a typical gladiator, you have to use the weapons supplied (although unless specifically stated you can use any weapon given at any time), and have to use tatics and tricks specifically allowed in the rules. Though there are 2 more titles! Sergeant and Corporal. Ran and Watson are both Sergeants, they get to use personal weapons and mostly any tactic and tricks they want too. While Grievous is a Corporal and only gets to use his personal weapons. 
14: Yep! The whispers disappeared gradually the futher away they got from Mizu, and even while he was moving away from Mizu Dream was asking, almost begging him at the end, to come back to Mizu. Saying how the futher Ranbob gets the lonier and colder he feels, and how he's sorrh, trying to guilt trip him into coming back to Mizu, or at least coming closer again. 
15: It is!
1: Huh. What kind of things would people learn if they chose other idols, exactly? Also, ouch. Why do I keep asking questions I know will hurt me later on?
2: Gently pranking. I applaud his restraint. Is that how Grievous forgives people? Gently pranking them? Just joking with them in general. Also, who laughed at that little situation?
3: So Isaac’s good with everyday things, not so much high stress situations. Gotcha. Is there a reason Benjamin is able to remain calm where he can’t? Practice, experience, personality trait?
5: Very cool. Can’t wait to see what else you do with that, honestly.
7: Petty. I love it. 
8: Aww, adventure bedtime stories! Also, him wacking people is so funny to me, thank you for that. And Levi gave Jackie alcohol? How did that go down? Did Jackie get drunk, or did Watson manage to keep them from drinking it? Watson sounds like he could probably establish a small village if he so chose, and honestly, good for him.
Dang. Does this mean like, everything from the Smp has been lost? So many of them had netherite armor and stuff, what happened there for people to not even know it’s a thing anymore? What happened in general, for so much of the past to be lost to history? How does their little Nether trip go? Anyone get hurt? Are piglin tribes around to trade with? Do they find anything cool, like a fortress or bastion?
10: It’s your AU, do what you will. I’m going to read it regardless, because for some reason, I enjoy breaking my heart like that(and the AU in general). Just give us some bonus hurt/comfort if you do, please? Just a smidge?
12: One last time? What does that mean, exactly? Should I be concerned?
13: Huh. So how many people know that Jackie’s the General? What kind of status does it give him? And how many people have managed to beat him when he fights all out? Would you say he and Ran are on par? How about him and Watson? And do the Sergeants and Corporals fight before the General, as like, mini bosses?
14:Oh no. Did it ever cause Ranbob to try and go back to him toward the end, or did the Fishermen manage to distract him long enough to get away from the whispers just about completely?
15: Yay!
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silvermoon822 · 3 years
1/2 hello!!!! i'm a recent bowie fan (got into his stuff in 2020,,, holy heck), i just want to say i find your art and experience with david bowie as a whole absolutely amazing. i'm interested to know how long you've been drawing him for (i did see you mentioned deviantart pre-2016 on the cracked actor blog, which is just mindblowing in of itself to think it was so long ago now) [...]
2/2 that, and to see someone else thought up an idea of all of bowie's personas living together, and so long ago, is something i should've expected but didn't find until only just today! i wish i'd found the comic sooner! i almost feel like i'm ripping you off as i've messed personally with a similar idea before oops ;w; - but it's so incredible, really, to at least have that part of fandom history i've missed out on archived. you're honestly sort of an inspiration to me now - thank you. 💌
Omggg this is so sweet
I’ve been into David and his work since around 2010. That’s when I saw Labyrinth for the first time and fell head over heels for everything Bowie and Henson (though to be fair, I’ve been a lifelong Henson nerd). Wanting to explore new avenues in my music and art were absolutely a result of listening to David’s work more, and that’s what got me into teaching myself realism.
Cracked Actor is definitely a project I’m proud of, but I’m hardly the first or only person to come up with the concept of him hanging with his personas lol. I think we can credit David himself for that! He has that Vittel commercial, the Little Wonder video, and the Stars Are Out Tonight where he does just that! So no worries! You’re not ripping me off whatsoever. Just enjoying a fun idea that we’ve all delighted in over the years. I’d love to see your work in that area if you’d be willing to share! My Cracked Actor Comic blog takes submissions as well! The comic was originally my idea, but so many of my friends wanted to add their own pages that it became a community project of sorts, which is even more fun than I could’ve imagined when I drew the first few pages. The more serious chapter will be returned to as well. I’m coming out of a pretty rough depressive episode and that comic was heavy at the point it’s currently at. That being said, I return with more knowledge and comfort in working on my iPad’s art programs, so it’ll be much cleaner and better drawn this round. Might even redo a few pages to give it better flow, story-wise. I have some fun ideas for where to take the boys and can’t wait to share them with the Bowie fandom.
I super appreciate your kind messages. It’s been a rough couple of weeks IRL, and this cheered me up a LOT
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qqueenofhades · 8 years
Hi Hilary, first sorry for what I'm about to dump on you - but I have no one else, and you've shared before, so on some level perhaps, you may understand. For the last 12 years, I've suffered through depression. It got crippling for a few years, but I kept pushing past it, and after that I figured I had a pretty good handle of it, even if it was lurking in the background like some mountain. Well, that mountain's grown, and the shadow dark. Most of the time, I choose to ignore it. Some days, 1/3
Some days, the only way I push forward is telling myself tomorrow can’t suck quite as much. Every day, I lie to myself, pushing forward. As I get older, still unaccomplished, still alone, still invisible, I know that my perhaps my parents and sister may be upset about my death, may mourn it a bit - but give them a year, they’ll be okay. Human beings adapt and change. And while I believe I will never take my own life actively, I can’t say the same for that passive carelessness. 2/3     
All this to say - despite the fact that I seem invisible in the CS fandom, no matter who I talk to/how much I write, online, and IRL I’m constantly overlooked. I do my best to stand out but perhaps some people just are natural wallpapers. I digress - the point is I wanted to thank you and everyone else in the fandom. CS itself, while started as a a cute little OTP, became something I lived through - the idea that two people could love each other that much. 3/3+1            
 Even if I don’t know what thats like, to be someone’s priority, Emma and Killian, brought to life by A&E and given so much depth by all of you has been wonderful. Thank you all. P/S - Don't worry about how long it takes before you see this message, the point of it was to let it out and give gratitude. Cheers, and all the best. 3+1/3+1             
First of all, come here and let me hug you for a long time, okay?
If you ever want to come off anon and talk to me privately on messaging, I have done that for a lot of people before and I’d be happy to do it for you. In the face of what has been some pretty awful darkness for me too, and my own overwhelming anxiety and fear about the state of things, I’ve decided that the only way I am going to stay sane at all is to try to be kinder and more open-minded and trying to do whatever I can, so yes. Please, please do message me privately if you need someone to talk to ASAP -- I’m usually around or checking my phone, even if time difference is a thing (I’m not sure where you are, but yeah.)
I know exactly how you feel because I’m currently in that same place. I’ve struggled with depression for my entire adult life, and I keep thinking that as a so-called smart person, I should be able to make this stop happening. I should be able to fix it. I had a breakdown last night over that very thing, and how bad my anxiety has been, and how afraid I am of things never working out and everything else shitty and scary and awful that is happening in the world right now. I have also had that thought that if I just happened to go to sleep and not wake up, it wouldn’t be terrible, and nobody would miss me all that much.
I’ve had to deal with that kind of thinking by reminding myself that while it would be HUGELY tempting to just switch myself off for five years and go away, that isn’t how death works. You can’t switch back on when you want to; nobody has invented long-term hibernation or cryo-stasis yet. That is just science fiction. You still get only one chance at life, as dumb and terrible and fucked up as it is. And I see a picture of someplace I want to go, or think about someone I want to see or talk to, or yes, an episode of TV or a character or a ship that I want to see more of, and I realize I do still want to live and keep trying. I think CS and OUAT has been that special thing for many of us, and with the chatter about it maybe ending after this season, I can understand how stressful that is. I’ve drifted away from the show overall, but I will always, ALWAYS be grateful for the people it brought into my life, and the ways in which it’s changed me as a person. I honestly think many people would relate to your feeling of living through it, and being able to experience that kind of love vicariously.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how much human beings love stories, and always have. How in the course of reading a book, or watching a two-hour movie, or forty minutes of television a week, you can identify so completely with people who aren’t real. I think that empathy and that ability to do something like cry at the sad parts in a movie, to feel the pain of these people who haven’t existed and haven’t actually felt that pain, is one of the truest and deepest things that makes us human, and which gives me any hope at all for the future. Likewise, the way we can be so truly happy for these people who haven’t actually existed and who haven’t actually felt that happiness -- that ability to recognize, to connect, to again, do this for people who aren’t real is amazing.
If only, if only, we could be better as a species about extending that kind of empathy and understanding to the people around us who are real, who are feeling that pain, and who do really need our help. Fiction is an absolutely marvelous invention, but I wish humanity could be so much better when it comes to the non-fiction side of things. That we could understand what stories are doing to us, and what they’re trying to do for our own real life.
In the end, I have to remind myself that nobody would blame me if my head was physically smashed open, and I couldn’t THINK it back to being whole. I do my best to comfort and help and tell people it won’t last forever, and I likewise really struggle to believe it myself, that anything I do matters, that I will ever be off this awful roller coaster of a mental illness that has taken most of the last decade of my life (as I said, my entire adult life, and before that as well). But as I have said before, for better or worse, I’m still here, I see you, and you matter to me. I am so terribly sorry you don’t have anyone else to say this to, but I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. And your pain hurts me.
Come here, and we can sit together for a while.
It might not be much, but at least it’s something.
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
I'm gonna be that person and ask you ALL of them! ;P (Also I've been meaning to message you lately!!)
... Well, I walked right into this one. Oooookay then, let’s do it.
1. selfie
2. what would you name your future kids?
Good question. I’ll answer you when I have any and I’ve made up my mind.
Seriously though, I have no idea. It’d probably depend on how I feel at the time and how my possible future wife would feel. I’d like to name any kids I have after characters I’m fond of, maybe Peter for a boy after Peter Parker. Probably give him Clark as a middle name too after superman. On the off chance I ever marry a Japanese woman though I’d insist we name our son Goku, but that’s a very specific situation so I don’t see it happening.
I guess if I ever had a daughter I’d name her Prima after my mother.
3. do you miss anyone?
My mother, my paternal grandparents, and all of my old pets that have passed away.
4. what are you looking forward to?
Tonight’s Dragon Ball Super episode and the My Little Pony movie. Also, my dog’s having puppies in a week, so that’s exciting.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
My mum probably could have
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Are we talking in a romantic relationship ending sense or a friendship ending sense? If it’s the former I have no idea, no dating experience. It does take me a while to get over not talking to a friend anymore, but I cope pretty easily after a while. I like keeping to myself for the most part, I don’t have a lot of friends offline so it’s not too big a deal for me.
7. what was your life like last year?
Pretty meh, had a number of ups and downs, some really bad days, and some very good ones. And of course I discovered just how unbearably frustrating and depressing politics can really be and how much America and my own country make me want to bang my head against a wall. So, not a great year, but for me personally I coped alright. I just wish I’d done more to move forward with my life, like finding a full time job. i’m stuck in part time and I’m still looking.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
I don’t think I’ve cried for that kind of reason. I usually only cry if I’m very sad or depressed over something, extreme annoyance tends to manifest in anger, ranting and fidgeting for me.
9. who did you last see in person?
My dad. He’s downstairs from me. Same as my sister. I just got back from seeing my nan aswell.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Don’t think so.
11. are you listening to music right now?
12. what is something you want right now?
A cola lolly. I just finished the one I had.
13. how do you feel right now?
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
My nan about an hour and a half ago when I left her house.
15. personality description
Nice and well meaning, and also a big idiot with low self esteem and easily frustrated, but ready to do whatever I can to help.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yes. Can’t think of any specific cases right now
17. opinion on insecurities.
They sure are worrisome?
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
19. have you ever been to New York?
Nope. Only other countries besides Wales I’ve said foot in are England, Kenya, and Ibiza.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
None. I don’t really have favourite songs
21. age and birthday?
23 and February 7th
22. description of crush.
23. fear(s)
disappointing people
24. height
No idea. I never measure myself. Around six feet though, I would imagine
25. role model
Real life: Jesus Christ, Lewis “Linkara” Lovhaug, my mother, Stan Lee.
Fictional: Peter Parker, Clark Kent, Son Goku, Steve Rogers
26. idol(s)
Isn’t this the same thing as role models? If so, then the above examples basically qualify. If this is the music term, then none.
27. things i hate
Pretty much every selfish, cruel, hateful and all around bad trait that people can have. Also, Sports. I HAAAAAAATE sports.
28. i’ll love you if…
You give me money :P
Kidding. I’ll love anyone just so long as they’re kind hearted, thoughtful and nice to me.
29. favourite film(s)
It always varies depending on how I feel at any given time. Some examples would probably include Spider-man 2, DBZ: Battle of Gods, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Wolf Children, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tangled, The Avengers and Rugrats: The movie
30. favourite tv show(s)
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super, Spider-man: The Animated series, Rugrats, Ed Edd n Eddy, My Hero Academia, Power Rangers Wild Force, Justice League, Spectacular Spider-man, Digimon Tamers, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
31. 3 random facts
I named my first cat Socks.
I Didn’t realize there had ever been any cast changes on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers until Kimberly left because I missed the episode writing out Jason, Zack and Trini, so I somehow didn’t notice that the black and yellow rangers were being played by actors of completely different races in the later parts of season 2 and season 3 until years after the fact. No, seriously, I was just that stupid as a really little kid.
Once when I was a kid I drew on the walls of my parents bedroom to make the place look like a jungle, as well as drawing whiskers and animal markings on me and my sister’s faces. I don’t remember it honestly, but I can tell my parents were mad about it.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
In school most of them were boys, same for at work because there are only two women at the kennels compared to two male co-workers and my male employer. Online I’m friends with more girls than guys though.
33. something you want to learn
How to make YouTube reviews in the style of Brony Analysts like Silver Quill and Commander Firebrand. I’d like to make reviews of animation and comics, and comics related media into a hobby. but I have no idea where to start.
34. most embarrassing moment
I tend to repress those memories straight to heck, so I can’t tell you
35. favourite subject
Anything involving learning about animals.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Being rich.
have a pet tiger.
Bring about world peace.
Something tells me none of them are coming true any time soon though. But hey, most dreams are unrealistic.
37. favourite actor/actress
I sincerely have no idea. Very hard to pick, and I don’t follow any actors religiously
38. favourite comedian(s)
39. favourite sport(s)
40. favourite memory
My holidays to Africa
41. relationship status
42. favourite book(s)
The Harry Potter series, the Dragon Ball manga
43. favourite song ever
44. age you get mistaken for
Hasn’t really happened to me yet.
45. how you found out about your idol
No idea.
46. what my last text message says
“Can you pick up the prescription on your way home please?”
-My dad, in relation to his and my sister’s medication I picked up from the doctor’s. I actually couldn’t pick it up until the next day, but I forgot to tell him that sooner.
47. turn ons
If you mean this in the way I think you mean, then I’m not answering.
48. turn offs
See above.
49. where i want to be right now
Marathoning One Piece. I’m going to do that in a minute.
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
52. something i’m talented at
Walking dogs
53. 5 things that make me happy
Cute animals
Video games
comic books
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
I have to book an appointment with the dentist soon.
55. tumblr friends
hayley566, perladelsur2000, dbzebra, and supersexyghotmew95 are the most notable. I’m not sure who else really considers me a friend, it’s not like I talk with everyone else a lot.
56. favourite food(s)
Fried chicken, pizza, salt and vinegar or sour cream and onion pringles, chocolate
57. favourite animal(s)
58. description of my best friend
I can’t pick a best friend
59. why i joined tumblr
Just felt like it. Seemed like as good a website as any to start using, I followed a few youtubers I liked like Linkara and Joshscorcher on here anyway. Also, my friend Hayley566 was on here, so that was pretty convenient
60. ask me anything you want
Was there anything you wanted to ask?
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