#I've listened to their music far too much and can never stop I just love all aspects of it
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I post about Electroforez just so much it seem like I need a tag for that 😭😭
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mysteriouswolf · 7 months
I'm going to start this off with saying it hurts. It fucking hurts. It hurts so, so much, and there's parts of me that still desperately want to look for a way out, to make him not the bad guy, but there isn't one.
Wilbur Soot is a fucking asshole. A piece of absolute trash, and it hurts. Because I've looked up to him for so many years now. He's been such an inspiration and comfort in my life, from dealing with issues I have myself, and giving me all the more reason to stay here. And now he's turned out to be like this. To anyone who's been following what I reblog about him, it's conflicting, because my thoughts seem to change by the minute. But I'm hoping in saying this I can clear my head and make a definite decision.
I will never be supporting Wilbur ever again. No matter how much better he gets, I don't care. What he did was unexcusable, and if you think otherwise, you can fuck off of my blog. His "apology" wasn't an apology, and for the most part all he did was defend himself. The responses from other content creators have pushed me to agree that yes, fuck Wilbur. He's an ass. I think I've stated this a couple times.
What he did to them, especially Niki and Tommy was inexcusable as well from what we know, and since Tommy is going on tour in about a week (if he's still going/up to it) PLEASE no one harass him with questions, or how he feels. Please, just leave him alone. I'm sure it's a lot to process for him too- even more than us.
I've seen some posts saying how we should be angry at other content creators for not speaking out sooner, but some of them have hinted at it/tried. And others haven't known enough, or didn't want to start causing something against him. The same reason Shelby didn't want to say his name. Maybe they couldn't. Please leave them alone.
The last thing I would like to say, is maybe controversial. If you disagree with me, I don't care, this is purely my opinion.
You can still enjoy his character. Your stories, your artwork, all that you've done with it. Don't feel bad about keeping it up, because that's yours now. You've worked so hard on it, and cared for that character so much that it's become far more yours than his. In regards to his music, I know his songs have provided a lot of us with comfort, including me. It's going to be really hard for me to stop listening to something I loved, but I'm going to make the effort- especially with his solo albums. Also, please don't harass the other members of Lovejoy. From what we know, they're lovely people, and if you're going to stop listening to them, great, do that, but don't harass them. Please. And if you do choose to listen to them, there's ways you can listen to music without supporting him- in my opinion covers are the best way to do that, but that one is up to you.
To wrap this up, I'd just like to say...please don't send death threats, or threats in general to anyone involved in this situation- including Wilbur. Leave them alone. Please.
This is subject to change if we get more information, but for now and the foreseeable future, this is my stance. I wish everyone hugs and comfort. This sucks. I'm sorry.
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pagannatural · 5 months
2.13 Houses of the Holy
- Religious plot begins in earnest. Sam is Able and Eve and original sin and also Christ dying for those sins. He is Dean’s disciple. Dean is Cain and Adam and the Holy Spirit and God. Their conflict is destiny/blood/family vs free will/choice/love, the pure vs the tainted vs the merely human. The muddy non-dichotomous nature of love and of good and evil.
So far the question of the brothers saving each other and the world has been self-contained: only Dean can save or kill Sam, and in doing so, himself. In other words only Sam can succumb to evil and damn his brother or retain his humanity and his brother. Their struggle is religious by definition. Religion in supernatural is characterized by the trinity of good, evil, and human, and the brothers are twin souls who need each other to stay human. Sam needs to overcome his shame and belief that he isn’t chosen, that he doesn’t belong; Dean needs to overcome his guilt and belief that he can never be enough. The threat of them losing their humanity and free will is literal as they will learn they’re destined to become vessels, but they don’t know that yet.
- Dean is lying on the motel bed listening to “Hair of the Dog”. Right when Sam walks in these lyrics are playing in his ears:
Heartbreaker, soul shaker/I've been told about you/Steamroller, midnight stroller/What they've been saying must be true
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These lyrics pertain to Sam and his fate. This song was chosen very intentionally, it’s shown on Dean’s iPod screen. It’s foreshadowing. And Sam is Dean’s heartbreaker soul shaker.
Sam stands there next to a partition decorated with burlesque silhouettes of women, watching Dean’s body being shaken on the bed. It’s kind of a weird image. Dean looks like sleeping beauty the way the bed is lit. Or like a main course.
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“You’re enjoying that way too much, it’s kind of making me uncomfortable” Sam says while looking up at the wall behind Dean exactly like he did when he was trying to avoid staring at Dean’s ass in an earlier episode. Very heaven-help-me.
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His discomfort seems like attraction. I want to break down this scene because it’s played as a joke, like it’s funny that Dean is so hedonistic, but he’s essentially just using the massage function on the bed. He’s fully clothed and he’s listening to music, just chilling. He’s bored. So the joke is either that this isn’t really that intimate and yet Sam is so uncomfortable for Some Reason that he’s having a hard time looking straight at Dean, or that Sam really has walked in on an intimate moment and he responds by staring and going up to Dean all flustered and asking him to stop. Either way, Sam is watching Dean experience pleasure, and gulping because of it.
It highlights that Sam is uninterested in sex, and food, and pleasure in general, and it bothers him that Dean is. Sam later calls it Dean’s “sick habit” and tells him he’s like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.
I noticed recently that even in the pilot, Sam is shown kissing Jessica and acting loving with her, but the shot of them in bed has them apart and Sam facing away from her in his sleep. It’s Dean who ogles her in her underwear. Sam has been shown clinging to Dean, sleeping facing him, checking him out, and chastising him for his womanizing. The one woman he kissed was for Dean’s benefit. Sam’s relationship with his sexuality is consistently shown linked directly to Dean. Maybe exclusively to Dean at this point.
After this exchange, Sam goes into the bathroom and washes his hands for Some Reason. Because he’s feeling unclean?
-interesting how the killers’ houses shake like there’s an earthquake before what they think is an angel appears to them- the second guy is even lying on his bed when it starts shaking. Dean is on his shaking bed when Sam appears to him at the motel, like Sam is his angel.
-Dean says Sam has him on lockdown. So Sam insisted that Dean stay back for his safety. He’s looking out for him, always asking Dean to stay safe.
-Sam believes in angels and god because of the monsters they hunt, Dean doesn’t believe in angels or god because of the monsters they hunt. The difference in the way their beliefs developed is that Dean believed in angels as a small child until his mom burned to death and he learned monsters are real, whereas Sam was certainly never encouraged to believe in religion and had to find something to cling to in the chaos and uncertainty of how he was raised. Sam felt unclean or like something was wrong with him so he tried to separate himself from the monsters. Dean believed he wasn’t good enough so he chose not to believe in a god that was a disappointment and that he believed he would surely disappoint.
- Sam tells Dean he prays every day, which Dean didn’t know. He acts like this is some kind of betrayal. I think the betrayal is literally just that he didn’t know and he wants to know every single thing about Sam.
-Sam collapses after seeing what he thinks is an angel, and Dean gets on his knees to put both hands on him. He keeps touching him when they’re walking out. He hauls Sam to his feet bodily.
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This frame is so good because Dean is glaring at the angel statue and Sam is looking up at Dean.
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Sam wants to be chosen by an angel. He thinks that would mean he’s good. He felt left behind and second-best by his dad, and felt that Dean would choose hunting and John over him for much of his life. He realizes now that Dean chooses him.
-Dean makes sure the woman he saves is okay and has a cell phone and tells her to call 911 before he runs after her assailant. He cares more about the wellbeing of the victim than he does about catching the bad guy.
-when Sam says “you were right” Dean gives him this look that’s so full of love, it’s plain that Dean doesn’t care about being right. He just sees his little brother in pain and wants to make it better.
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-Sam sits down so that he’s looking up at Dean during their conversation. He has tears in his eyes talking about wanting to be saved. Dean tells Sam “I’m watching out for you”
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Sam doesn’t doubt Dean’s dedication to him and desire to protect him. But doesn’t think Dean can save him, and more importantly he’s afraid he can’t save himself. He sees Dean as fundamentally good and strong but he also harbors judgment toward Dean for needing him. It’s protective for Sam to not need anyone, which is why his arc deals with the isolation of shame. Religion can’t save him because it doesn’t make him believe he is good, and because ultimately it leaves him alone.
-Dean tells him that he witnessed “God’s will” the way that the perp was just killed in front of him. He’s letting himself hope and giving Sam hope. They’ve both seen so much chaos and evil, they need to believe there’s good and meaning in the world. Dean’s doubt challenges his beliefs about the world and himself, and it’s his words that give Sam the hope he needs.
-episode is about lost souls and purpose. A series of people who the show depicts as lost are given a sense of meaning and belonging to something bigger than themselves, but the problem is that they don’t question it—they simply obey, acting as if without free will. They’re wrong, but they’re happy and full of certainty. Sam and Dean are lost too, but they’re unable to have blind unquestioning faith. The result is that they do good: Dean protects and shows kindness to a woman who was attacked, Sam facilitates a way for a spirit to be put to rest. But they have doubt, which means they also have fear. And they’re left knowing that they have themselves and each other. It’s meant to be complicated and frightening and painful because that’s what it means to be human, and that’s where love and compassion live.
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lucy4-ever · 1 year
can u pls do 2007 tom and f!reader having an angry love confession that ends up with sex but it's the f!readers first time doing it? btw i love ur writing sooo much!! 🩷
2007 tom kaulitz x female reader
!NSFW + fluff!
Jealous boy
Tom came at your house, as usual to spend time together. He was your closest friend for the past 2 years. You went in your room to play some music CDs. But you ended up having an argument about a guy you've been seeing. He kept acting overprotective and you hated it. Only this time, he had a point.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Tom? Can you stop acting like youre my damn dad?" you shout to Tom.
"Y/N i'm telling you, this man is a mf abuser, you shouldn't date him. I know what i'm talking about okay?" he answered.
"Why do you care anyway, you fuck any bitch on the street. Stop acting so possesive. You've got your shit, i've got mine, stop trying to lecture me like i'm helpless innocent creature!" you screamed back.
"Fine, do your thing but don't you fucking come at me once he'll change. Seriously Y/N, he's a dick. What are you, a so fucking horny bitch you fuck with any nice looking guy?! You worth more than that." Tom said angrily.
"Everytime i get a boyfriend you persue me to break up with him. I'm 17, not 12, stop controlling my life!! I'm happy with him, stop spoiling everything because you're scared you'll feel alone without me around." you said firmly.
"At least i won't be getting assaulted because i didn't listen my friend and will end up slitting my wrist on my mom's kitchen floor." he said, trying to get a reaction of you.
The room went silent. You knew Tom was really harsh when he was upset. You furrowed your eyebrows, he actually hurt you saying this. You started tearing up. Tom changed his facial expression when he understood he had went too far.
"You're such an asshole, why the fuck would you say that??", you exclaimed, "what kind of fucking friend are you??" your voice broke.
"I- I'm sorry Y/N, i didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry really, im just trying to make you understand he's a very bad person." he said in a soft voice.
"Yeah well so are you, you fucking prick."
"Y/N seriously, im sorry, it's just i don't want you to get hurt. Physically and emotionaly."
"Fuck you Tom. Hope you find yourself a new bitch to fuck and a reason to kill yourself. Fucking bastard."
Even if he was quite a mean person when angry, you were friends for a reason. He had always liked that you stood for yourself and talked back. Though, sometimes you were harshly mean too.
"Okay, Y/N i said im sorry, stop being a bitch with me. I'm trying to protect you, h-"
You cut him off "Well, then, fucking don't!"
"You don't understand, he's dangerous! Please stop being so fucking stubborn and listen to me", he screamed, hoping you'll understand.
"I'll listen if you stop screaming like i'm fucking deaf." you said, having a straight face while tears fall down your cheeks.
"I never meant to make you cry Y/N. Look, i just want you to be safe. Don't laugh at me but ... you know ... i, i care about you." he chuckled. "Y/N you matter to me. A lot. I'm sorry again for what i said. I shouldn't have."
But eventually, he'll end up apologizing for his behavior.
You two had calm down but you were still mad at him for what he said. Tom is rather a honest person so he'll tell you directly what he thinks is better for you. Even if it has to make you cry, he wants you to understand when you need to. But why would he care so much, is what you're wondering.
"Tom, i know you care about me dumbass." you grined. "But i feel like you don't trust me, and because you're so much more experimented than me, i have to listen every single thing you say. And i really don't like to being told what to do."
"Y/N. The reason i don't want you to get involved is because.." his voice was hesitante, "nevermind forget it."
Tom also easily get embarrassed when it comes to talk about feelings.
"Come on Tom, tell me. What is it? You can open up to me you know."
"I said I don't wanna say."
"Tom, come on, i won't do anything." you grabbed his arm.
He broke the contact and said much louder :
"Stop it, i said it's nothing!!"
Quite suprised by his answer, you gasped. But you know him. So you kept asking until you'll be enough on his nerves to tell you.
"Tom, pleaseeee"
Tom crashed onto your lips and deeply kissed you. The room went quiet again. You eventually, broke the kiss.
"Are you fucking with me Tom?" you asked, shocked.
"I think i like you Y/N. You're just breathtaking, by your physical apparence and by your behavior. You're not scared. I think that's why you turn me on so much." he chuckled.
Obviously, he had to say a dirty joke to not make the situation unconfortable. You smiled at him. Tom had finally said it.
"You idiot. That's why you would never let me have a boyfriend ever since we were 15? Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I was scared, knowing you. So i tried to think of someone else. But you kept popping up in my mind. Espicially during sex. That's why i never had a girlfriend either, only whores to fullfill my horny desires. The only person i could think of was you."
"What do you mean during sex? Don't tell me you thought about me, even during sex?" you chuckled.
"Kind of."
"You're unbelievable. Though, i guess i've also tried to hide my crush by dating other dudes."
He laughed.
"So what now? Are we together? Or you'd rather fuck your actual boyfriend." he teased.
"Please Tom, with all the times you kept saying you were good in bed and had a massive dick, you now need to prove it." you smiled
"I like your attitude, love. And sure, i'll show you what you've been missing for the past 2 years." he smiled and chuckled.
"Though, i need to tell you something."
"Yes sweetheart."
Tom pinned you to your bed.
"I kind of am a virgin." you confessed.
"No way. You've been lying to me all this time. So you never had your first time with that James guy."
"I didn't want to be seen as a fragile innocent holy fucking Marie."
He kissed your neck and started sucking on it.
"Whatever, virgins turn me on." he said.
"And so do hot boys." you joked.
"Damn you really are something." he said playfully as he took his shirt off.
"I swear to god, being virgin horny is the horniest you'll ever be."
"Don't worry I'm gonna fuck you good honey."
Tom french kissed you and started roaming his hands on your body.
author's note : okay, im a bit uncertain of this cause it's kinda nonsense and confusing??? sorry i've written lots of dialogue and not much of description of the situation but yeah. but DONT WORRY I'M WRITING PART2!!! i'm tired and i dont want to fuck the smut part up 😨!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANONYME!!!!! no joke, your request gave me the motivation. and i'm reallllllly glad you like my writing!!
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jtl07 · 2 months
Oh wow, the ideas kept spinning! So much fun! Now I got a new idea 😅 What if Bea’s band need a new drummer, and Ava shows up (late of course) to the audition. The other band-mates, especially Mary, is ready to just say thank you, next. She is late, she is too bubly for their style and she wears a pink shirt with frogs on?!? Nope, next! But Beatrice can see (and feel) that there’s something there. Something they need! She fights for her. To give her a chance! Something Ava has never experienced before 😭
lolol anon you've started a whole thing what have you doneeeeee
first off, pink shirt with frogs is fantastic love it to bits and of course Mary's like, "no, hell no, fuck no," but they've been holding auditions all week and Beatrice hasn't been impressed with any of the drummers they've seen so far and she's hella stressed because they have an important gig coming up and the fact that this girl is smiling at Beatrice so hopefully is absolutely not a factor in why Beatrice quietly tells Mary to let her play. "it's only fair," is what she says and Mary grumbles but allows it.
and maybe Beatrice notices that she doesn't have any sheet music so she offers Ava a copy but Ava's like, "nope, no need, I've got it all memorized" - which makes both Beatrice and Mary pause because no. their stuff is complicated, proudly so, and for this kid to waltz in here late and wearing a toddler t-shirt - Beatrice lays a hand on Mary's forearm to quiet her muttering.
Ava takes her time adjusting her seat - "geez last guy must have been a giant" she jokes, while Mary grumbles "isn't everyone compared to you?" and Beatrice lets out a quiet sigh - but finally she settles in. "which one should I start with?" Ava asks and Mary scoffs at the assumption that they're gonna listen to her play more than a few measures, much less a whole song.
but Beatrice answers, "in this life." it makes Mary grin because it's one of their more technical songs, one that most of the auditioners have avoided -and those who'd attempted it had been stopped after only a few bars- and to Beatrice's surprise, it makes Ava grin as well.
"nice," Ava says, wiggling in her seat. "that one's my favorite," as if she knows their music - she knows their music? Beatrice wonders as Ava takes up her drumsticks.
and then Ava starts to play.
to call it playing is inaccurate - or rather, an incomplete description of what Ava does. it's playing in the sense that it's playful - there's a joy that Ava exudes, even here, now, with this most complicated of songs; but there's also something raw, something fierce in the way she throws her whole self into the music - like her life depends on it, like death is at her heels, taunting, haunting, and this is Ava fighting back - do not go gentle into that good light, Beatrice thinks, prays; something inside her rises and rages along with Ava, driving the drumbeat of her heart.
Ava finishes the song, looks over at them breathlessly, a wide grin on her face. it wasn't perfect. even in the haze that had consumed Beatrice, she had been aware of that - the momentary stutters, a flourish where one wasn't written - but it was the most enthralling performance Beatrice had seen that day, had seen in her life, if she was being honest.
"well, Ava, thank you for -" "you're in."
both Ava and Mary gape at Beatrice. Mary's eyes narrow, "Beatrice -"
"she's the best shot we have," Beatrice argues, voice low but still fierce, still riding off of the high that was Ava's performance.
Mary shakes her head. "there's still a couple people we can call, she made too many mistakes, Bea."
"let me practice with her. give me two days." the words are out of Beatrice's mouth before she can fully register what she's saying, but she continues anyway. "two days, and if she's not up to par, we'll do it your way. please, Mary."
Mary looks hard at Beatrice, glances at Ava, who's sitting nervously behind the kit, then back at Beatrice. sighs. "two days," she finally acquiesces, grumbling already about how she's going to regret everything. but Beatrice has already tuned Mary out and tuned herself to Ava's frequency.
two days. Beatrice smiles up at Ava; knows she'll get it in one.
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paladin--strait · 20 days
congrats on 100 followers!!!!!!!!
can i request prompt no. 1 with quinn hughes?
my bedroom is cold despite my sweating body. i'm covered in a blanket, which is exactly what my mom told me not to do if i had a fever when i would get sick as a child.
theres vicks vapo rub on my upper lip right beneath my nose and there's some on my chest too. i hope it'll open up my sinuses but i think i've used it so much these past few days that my nose is now immune to the strong smell of it.
i have a random tv show running on the television and soft ambient music playing in the background. thankfully, i can get my work done from home so i won't be losing any money. this packet of paperwork is taking hours and hours and it feels like it's never going to end.
i groan and throw my head back when i realize i have one more page left. but i gasp in shock when i hear my bedroom door creak open. i look behind me and i see quinn looking at me with a sad smile. "hey baby. i called your name a couple times but i guess you didn't hear me. how are you feeling?" he takes a couple steps forwards and sits beside me on the bed.
"quinn! i'm sick. you shouldn't get near me!" i say, the congestion making my voice sound all funny and nasally. "you have to play tomorrow. what are you doing here anyway?"
"baby, i don't care how sick you are. i'm gonna be here to check on you and take care of you." he tells me with soft and reassuring smile before he puts the back of his hand up to my forehead. "oh my god, you're burning up! you need to get out from under the covers." he grabs at my blanket, slowly pulling it away.
i grab at it quickly. "no! i'm cold!" i put the blanket back on and wrap myself in it. "please don't take my blanket..." i look at him with a soft look, my cheeks flushed red from my fever.
"fine. but please just promise me that you'll go without it later? i have to leave to go to practice later today. i wanna see it off of you when i come back home tonight." he says sternly. i know he means well, but i'm just so cold.
"okay...you sound like my mom right now. she used to tell me the same thing." i say, unwrapping just enough to reach over and shut off my computer after saving my work so far.
"so she's told you the same thing and you still didn't listen?" he says, looking at me with those eyes that make me agree that he's right every time he looks at me with them. "and you're working? i thought you called out? you need to stop and get some rest, my love." he stands, walking over the the other side of the bed and grabbing my laptop before he puts it on my dresser on the opposite side of the bedroom.
i groan out, my shoulders slumping. "but i can't just not do my work, i told them i would!"
"honey, you know i love you, but you look like death right now. i'm sure they'll understand if you don't get it all done." he says, putting his hands on his hips. "when you feel better, i try and help you finish it up. you tell me what to write and i'll type away. hold on, let me go get this medicine for you." he walks out of the bedroom and presumably to the kitchen.
i sit up in bed more when i see him walk in with one of those little measuring cups full of blue liquid and glass of water. "take this, it'll make you feel better."
i whimper and turn my head away from him. i know what that medicine tastes like and i think i'm gonna throw up if it even gets near me. "baby, i love you but don't make me shove this down your throat." i roll my eyes and look back at him. i know he would actually do it, so i hold out my hand to grab the little cup before i pour it into my mouth and swallow it quickly, trying to get rid of the disgusting taste as fast as possible with the cold water.
i cough when i pull the glass of water away from my lips. "there you go...see? that wasn't so bad!" quinn smiles at me as he speaks.
"you're not the one who had to drink it." i fire back, looking at him with slotted eyes.
he gives me a suprised look at my words, grabbing the cup from my hand and taking it into the kitchen to wash it out. i hear the beep of the microwave before he come back into the bedroom. he has a red and white bowl in his hands, the bottom covered with a blue potholder. "you need to eat. it'll help settle your stomach. you told me your stomach was hurting this morning when i called, so i figured you hadn't been eating properly. it's chicken noodle from chick-fil-a, the one you love so much? please eat it."
i smile at him and thank him for the food when he sets it on my lap. i grab the plastic spoon, filling it with soup and bringing it up to my mouth, eating it slowly. "thank you, quinny. can you get me some crackers?"
"babe, i don't think that's the best idea. it won't be good for your throat." he explains, sitting beside me.
"i want to put it in the soup and let the crackers get soggy. that's how i like it..." i say, looking at him softly. quinn hums in understanding and runs to the kitchen to get the crackers, coming back and breaking them up into my soup. "thank you!" i say happily, the congestion still evident in my voice.
quinn sits beside me while i eat, putting on our tv show that we started watching together. he turns off the ambient music and turns the fan on, putting it on the lowest setting. after i finish eating, i snuggle up to quinn, "i'm sorry if i get you sick..." he shakes his head and gives me a kiss on the forehead.
"it's alright honey, i don't care." he smiles and holds me closer to him. "just as long as my baby is okay."
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bbyquokka · 1 year
🤌🏻 you've seen the vid of binnie taking a donut from a STAY at the fan meet? Imagine that it wasn't just any STAY it also happened to be his s/o!
Just thoughts of binnie scanning which stay to take from and he spots you and takes yo donut and you sit there like.
... "bruh, I got this for us to eat at home why 😭" still had fun at the fan meet tho and you adore interacting with your boyfriend at fan meets loool.
powdered donuts paired with sugary sweet love
warnings: she/her pronouns used, idol au, food mentioned (donuts), established relationship. words: 0.6k ~ (689)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
the local bakery is just a few blocks away from where skz are currently holding their fan meeting. you can hear the sounds of the cheers and screams from the many stays as well as the music for s-class playing.
as you step inside the bakery, pick out four donuts for you to indulge later on tonight. you hear his voice bellowing in your ears as you pay. you smile to yourself as you listen to his cheerful laugh, a laugh that erupts from deep within his chest whilst making everyone else around him laugh too from how contagious it is.
you step outside, clutching the box. you decide on making a detour to see how the fan met is going plus, you want to see your lover after not seeing him for a few weeks.
you stand a few feet away from the crowd. enough to be seen by changbin but not enough to be shooed away from the event organisers plus security.
you chuckle to yourself as you watch skz interact with stays, taking photos and talking to them. you spot changbin, feeling your heart swell and butterflies flutter in your stomach from how beautiful and soft he looks. your body fills with pride, eyes filling with tears as you watch him. you couldn't be proud of changbin, proud of how far he has come.
you've watched him struggle with his own mind at times. the exhausting hours, the never ending sleepless nights and his body battered and bruised from the ruthless dance practises as well as him losing his voice a couple of times. you've been by his side, his shoulder to lean on and you're so proud of him for sticking at it and never giving up.
whilst reminiscing, you fail to notice changbin making a mad dash towards you only to be stopped by security. changbin frowns and pouts, protesting as you watch him become flustered and somewhat annoyed.
“she's my girlfriend! she won't hurt me, just let me past please.” you see him mouth, practically begging the guy, but security just won't budge–until stray kids manager comes over and explains the situation and who you are. luckily for you, you're on good terms with skz and the team behind them, which allows you just that little bit of leeway when it comes to stuff like this.
changbin hugs the manager before beaming as bright as the sun. he runs over to you, engulfing you in his arms. your eyes widen as you laugh, holding the box of donuts away so you don't drop them.
“i've missed you so fucking much.” changbin whispers, eyes closing as he inhales that scent of yours he has missing so dearly. you smile softly to yourself, melting into his body. the scratchy fabric of his outfit rubs against your cheek but you endure it just to be held by changbin that little bit longer.
“i've missed you too binnie. so so much.” you whisper.
“i only have a few minutes until i have to go back. i know i shouldn't stray away from stays but as soon as i saw you, my body went into autopilot.”
“i understand baby. you have a job to do so it's ok.” changbin pulls away slowly before cupping your cheeks and kissing you sweetly on the lips. you hum softly, reciprocating the kiss and melting into his touch and the heat from the palm of his hands.
“what you got there then?” he says, nodding at the box of donuts.
“oh!” you open the box to show him the powdery, sugar coated dough. “just a small snack for tonight. thought i'd treat myself for after dinner.”
“yum!” changbin smirks playfully as he grabs a donut. you pout and whine as you watch him take a bite out of the soft dough. “this is delicious! very sweet, but delicious!”
“binnie!” you whine. he giggles softly as you sigh and roll your eyes playfully at him. you reach out, swiping some powdered sugar away from the corner of his lips with your thumb.
“it's a good thing i love and adore you, seo changbin.”
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note: soft binnie eating donuts equals a yes from me. 🥺 he's so baby girl coded -sobs-
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @oshimee ; @fairylouist ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer
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lordofthetwistedflies · 3 months
Yuurivoice characters as Song Lyrics from my playlist
Seth: "Music is bad, and movies are too. Bugs are trapped inside of my room. So pick anyone other than me." -Bad Advice, Penelope Scott
Alphonse: "I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us... I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again." -No Children, The Mountain Goats
Charlie: "I've been watching you for sometime. Can't stop staring at those Ocean Eyes..." -Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish
Auron: "I think I'll take my whiskey neat, my coffee black, and my bed at 3. You're too sweet for me." -Too Sweet, Hozier
Faust: "I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas" -Judas, Lady Gaga
Finn: "When I'm dead I won't join their ranks, for they are both holy and free." -Saint Bernard, Lincoln
Lucien: "Just say 'fuck it' and move on." -Fuck it, Rio Romeo
Rook: "Don't do love, don't do friends, I'm only after success" -Oh No!, Marina
Sugarboo: "And I am not your protagonist, I'm not even my own!" -Sweet Hibiscus Tea, Penelope Scott
Casper: "I wasted like half of my summer tryna hold on your hand. You're the leech, I'm the man, I guess you don't understand. Holdin' hands, say I can't, you're telling me yes I can. Yes I can." -Wasted Summers, Juju
Angel: "I'm so tired, but I can't sleep. I'm standing on the edge of something much too deep." -I Will Remember You, Sarah McLachlan
Sunflower: "When you stood up, walked away, barefoot, and the grass where you laid left a bed in your shape, I looked over it an I ached." -Strawberry Blonde, Mitski
Star: "He is sensible and simple, bold and natural, so strange and agreeable. There is nothing formidable, his smile is most naïve... and he's as handsome upclose as at a distance." -Natasha and Anatole, Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Scout: "If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you?" -Sport, Beach Bunny
Derek Under the Cut
Derek: "The election cycle and the tide, Aztec circles and the deaths of all deaths, but the beast refuses to die." -Moonsickness, Penelope Scott
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miss-celestial-being · 11 months
Drift Away
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request | masterlist
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: eddie munson x fem/gn!reader
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: a stranger dms you about the love of your life
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: mentions of suicide, heavy mentions of death, mentions of cutting, depressed!eddie, reader thinks its their fault
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 919 (basically a blurb)
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: please please please read the warnings. based on this instagram reel.
Laughter rings throughout the house. Love fills your heart as you watch your little girls play with their dolls--likely plotting the end of the world together. You take a sip from your mug as your phone lights up.
Instagram Notification
You hold up your phone in front of your face to unlock it, frowning at the direct message request.
hello are you y/n y/l/n that lives in the town hawkins?
You quickly send back a message.
Hello Could I ask why?
They reply within seconds.
do you know someone called eddie munson?
The name nearly makes your breath hitch.
Yes. He was an old friend of mine. I'm talking ages ago.
Not technically a lie, you think to yourself.
i found a mixtape made by him and i would like to share it with you
You look up at the girls and smile sadly, imagining what could've been as you type out your response.
That would be great!Eddie was my High School lover. I haven't heard that name in years!
i will send the mixtape now
The three dots pop up again, then fall, and then, after another several minutes, they send an audio message. You look again at those girls, who look so much like Eddie you'd think he was their father. You look down at the dimmed screen in your hand and only now realize how long you were staring dazedly at your daughters. You tap the screen before it goes completely dark and stand up, walk to the comfort of your bedroom, and close the door.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself, putting in your earbuds before you press play. You listen to the calming melody, so far from what you remember Eddie's music to sound like that you almost think the person who messaged you was pulling your leg. However, as the lyrics start, and you hear that gravelly voice of the man you never stopped loving, you feel a sense of gratitude to the stranger for letting you hear this after all these years.
"I think of you all the time, now that you're gone." He sings, and a lump begins to form in your throat, your vision suddenly going blurry. You think back to all the memories you made with the love of your life, think of the happy and the sad, the bitter and the sweet, and everything in between. With Eddie, there was no bad. not even during arguments.
"I've been doin' all kinds of drugs to get you out of my mind." a silent tear falls and you cover your mouth to hide in your sobs. You remember this. You remember all the pain he was going through, all while playing it off so you wouldn't see just how much he was hurting. You remember the final fight you had, the one that ended it all. You remember the way he cut you off from his life after you got mad at him for keeping it all bottled up. You know you shouldn't have, that you should've been more understanding, you know it then too, but you were fed up. You were done seeing him hurt, not only from the pains life put him through but from his own pocket knife and the substances he put in his body.
“'Cause I noticed you don't like me no more and it breaks my heart." You want to go back in time; to tell him he's wrong, that you love him with all your heart and just want to see him get better. But you know that you can't, that it's too late, that you'll never be able to hold him again.
"So I'll just drift away and disappear for a while." At that you finally fall to the floor, your body shaking in time with your cries of pain and grief. You can hear the door open and three sets of feet walking into the room. You can feel the large arms that hold you every night wrap around your wilting frame, the smaller ones cuddling into your sides. But none of this does anything to mend the shattered, trapped heart; none of this brings Eddie back.
An hour passes before you notice the mixtape stopped playing that beautiful, sad voice; before you notice the last message the stranger sent.
do you know how i could contact him? i thought i would share it with him as well
Your fingers tremble, tears filling your eyes again.
I'm sorry but Eddie passed away over a decade ago now. He struggled with his mental health severely.
You close your eyes the moment you press send, letting your phone slip from your hands as you let your tears flow. Eddie's smile flashes through your mind; his laugh plays in your ears; you can almost feel the long, messy curls that draped over his face; you can nearly smell the cologne that he only bothered to put on when you came over; you can taste the salty kisses you shared after you caught him in the bathroom with his knife.
You hate yourself every day for letting him shut you out. You want to scream at the world for taking him from you. You're mad at yourself for not being happy with your current life; for not loving your husband completely; for letting your heart belong to the ghost of your past that still haunts you inside. But most of all, you hate that this was all your fault.
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verbenaa · 25 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you so much @preciouslittlebhaalbae for the tag! I loved reading yours, and this was so fun to do!
When did you start writing?
Well, I feel like I’ve always been writing something since I was able to! I always wrote little stories as a kid, and had notebooks full of ideas and such as a teen. I stopped writing in college and it's taken me over a decade to feel confident enough again to return to it. I had never actually written fanfiction though, despite reading it since I was a preteen until this past december. it's been a great experience so far!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love sci-fi! I mostly read fantasy, but I do indulge myself in that as well when my interest is sparked. I do, also, love a good historical romance when I am feeling indulgent 🤭
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
There's not really a particular writer or anything I'm emulating, if anything I try to not emulate anyone and simply write with my own voice. I've also never had my writing compared to anyone else before, either!
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write all over the place, haha 😅. On a perfect day, I get to start writing in the living room on my favorite spot on the sofa with my coffee, but it's rare I get the opportunity. I tend to write a lot instead at the built-in booth in my kitchen or at my desk…but truly I will write wherever I can. I have been known to pull over into a parking lot and jot down something really great into the notes on my phone lol. The one place I don’t usually write is in bed though, as I am a sleepy girl by nature and just being near my bed lulls me into the sleepiessss.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmmm, well I can't say I ever just 'muster up a muse', so to speak. I typically get ideas randomly and I can't ever force them to come. However, I do obviously love to listen to music to help set the mood, I am a chronic daydreamer, and I use pinterest a lot as a tool to help hone my focus. When I start feeling a little lost in my vision, I find it helpful to return to my playlist and the to eden pinterest board to sort of 'reset' my mind, so to speak, and get back into the proper mindset.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I like repetition, specifically in threes. I also really enjoy working with themes of sex and intimacy and how they intertwine. Trust, as well, has been a recurring one throughout my work. I also love a good musical reference here and there, too!
What is your reason for writing?
Because I have words and stories begging to be set free and can hold them back no longer. Because I want to prove to myself that I am capable of creating something, even if it's just a silly little fanfiction. Because I hope someone out there will enjoy it and maybe it will leave an imprint on them in some form or another!!!
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any and all comments!!!! I have recently been having a real bout of lack of confidence, so going back over my comments has really helped keep me going and remind myself that there at least a few people who are enjoying my work!
I have a deep love for comments though where people point out specific parts or lines that they loved and I find this to be beyond satisfying. It's so lovely to know specifically what resonated with someone or what part they really, really enjoyed. It's a very validating experience! Few things bring me more joy than getting to read comments. I neeeeed the comment serotonin! (please leave me comments)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I...don't know? Hopefully approachable, willing to chat? That I have somewhat of a nice grasp on what I'm writing about??? That I am at least a decent writer????
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've received a lot of comments about my ability to set place and my imagery, so I feel confident about that skill. Also not bad at writing smut 😏.
How do you feel about your own writing?
oof. this is...a tough one, haha. I tend to be very unsure about my own writing and am also prone to confidence issues and imposter syndrome, hence part of the reason why I've been writing so much slower the past few months 🥲. I oscillate between thinking I'm writing something good that will be enjoyable or thinking that it's awful lol. honestly I can't let myself think overmuch about it and instead I just try to write, write, write and then press publish when I'm done with it 😅. I can be quite self-critical. I need to chill lol.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for meeee! So far, all the stories I've told have been ones I have wanted to read myself. to eden is completely self-indulgent, as are the oneshots lol.
I could probably do a ted talk about why, exactly, I felt compelled to write to eden when there's a million other amazing Astarion/Tav fics out there and what specific aspects of the Astarion/Tav relationship I have been so eager to explore, so if ya want that LET ME KNOW ✨
Tagging @elinorbard @khywren @ladyduellist @inkymoonbunny @xxnashiraxx and anyone else who wants to join in, I would love to learn about all of you!!!
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billfarrah · 2 years
I've been off tumblr for a few days since season 2 premiered so idk if it's been mentioned before, but here I go anyway.
I love the fight scene between W & S in the changing room in episode 4. Simon not being able to hold back from talking about the Felice thing. Simon trying to come up (lol) with reasons why Marcus is a 'better' option and Wille making it clear he's always accepted and loved Simon for who he is.
But what I find particularly interesting and what I actually wanted to talk about is how Wille is the one to walk away and walk out from their conversation. I think it's the first (and only) time he's the one to leave during a conversation/fight with Simon (if I'm not mistaken). And then Simon's reaction when he leaves and what looks like to be some remorse? is very similar to Wille finding himself alone in the music room in both season 1 and season 2 episode 5.
I just really love this scene and I think it was brilliantly done (like most of this season tbh).
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You’re so right. So, so right. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve rewatched that scene lol everyone wilmon scene this season absolutely slapped but this was one of my favourites because this is when their dynamic really, really starts to shift.
Up until this point in the story, it’s been Simon walking away from their fights/interactions and Simon asking for Wille to give him space. At the end of episode 3, we see the beginning of Wille accepting that he has to let Simon go - him wistfully staring at the few pictures he has of them on his phone, his little emo walk to the lake, and his kiss with Felice to try and see if he can replicate his feelings for Simon with someone else, because he’s starting to lose hope.
When Simon finds out about Wille kissing Felice, Wille has already decided he’s going to let him go, and here comes Simon whipping a dodgeball at him and snidely belittling Wille in the locker room. Wille is clearly very tired in this scene; he’s tired of fighting for Simon only to be met with resistance and he’s definitely having none of Simon’s vitriol. Simon kissed Marcus in front of him and now he’s pissed that Wille kissed Felice? Simon’s motivations here are very clear to us as an audience (or at least they were for me) - he’s jealous that Wille kissed someone that wasn’t him and he’s angry because even though he asked Wille for space, deep down, he wants Wille to fight for them, to fight for him, and now it seems like Wille isn’t fighting anymore and that makes Simon angry. He’s purposely pushing Wille’s buttons here - giving reasons why Marcus is better for him when he knows those reasons are complete bullshit, you know he only said “he likes my singing” because that would piss Wille off, Simon absolutely knows how Wille feels about his singing - but his jabs don’t hit the way he wants them to. He goes too far and he ends up really hurting Wille in a deeply personal way - saying he can’t accept Wille for who he is is not a petty jab. That one cut deep, and this time, as you said, it’s Wille walking away. This action from Wille - the I’m done fighting with you and I’m done fighting for you - shapes Simon’s actions for the rest of the episode.
I think Simon’s reaction is a mix of remorse and utter frustration. He’s so conflicted and it’s resulting in him giving off very mixed signals to Wille, which ends up pushing Wille away from him, which is what he claimed he wanted but in reality it’s the opposite. Simon is in love with him, and he knows it - he desperately wants Wille to choose him. You can see this in the locker room scene in episode 2 when Wille says his parents support him and Simon sits down. He was listening! He was hoping in that scene Wille would tell him he didn’t have to be a secret anymore, but was of course disappointed. Simon never wanted Wille to stop fighting for them and that’s why we see him using Marcus to make Wille jealous at the party, and why he panics so much when Wille finally tells him he’s moving on for real. It shakes Simon deeply.
No matter how much he said he wanted space, Simon never truly wanted Wille to let him go.
Ultimately Simon’s arc this season is him trying to keep his integrity and not sacrifice anything for love, and it isn’t until he understands that what he’s asking of Wille will result in Wille needing to make a sacrifice, which he himself was not willing to do (for good reason of course, Simon was right to end things between them in season 1). That’s when his perspective shifted. And even more so following Sara’s betrayal, where Simon really just doesn’t know or understand anything anymore, that’s when he says fuck it, I don’t care, I’m in love with you, I want to be with you, fuck all the rest.
It’s such a beautiful arc and I’m so happy Simon got to experience such a wide array of emotions this season. Omar crushed it.
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tw0starz · 6 months
this is my 2nd fucking time typing this all out. i hate tumblr's mobile layout so much you have no idea.
OKAY SO, taking this from the top, I have a "hot take." ( @cxrpse-can , if u wanna weigh in on this topic :3 <3 )
hey babes that had a "2020 alt phase" and now make fun of alt people online,
you were never alt. you were a fucking poser.
I see. FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE ONLINE. who were ""ALT"" back in 2020, laugh at alt people and make fun of them.
Alt people spawned from music genres. Alt POSERS spawned from "tiktok trend" garbage and seriously bad FOMO.
If your "alt phase" was that short even, you never gave a fuck about the actual music. I've also seen people bring up industry plants in the music industry, where these people don't know a thing about alt music and the subculture as a whole. But they're professionally made to look like they're alternative artists.
Alt people themselves have an actual string of morals they all agree with. it is an INGRAINED PART of the community. you want my credentials to this? hi, i was raised by my parents, whom one was in a black metal band, and the other introduced me into most of what I listen to today. as a kid, i remember my mom taking me into a hot topic so she could buy herself stuff in the early 2010s. We're a household of satanists. I am well fucking qualified to give my 2 cents on this.
Alt people stick it to the man. Alt people are really about fighting for what they believe in, and spitting in the face of oppression and authority. The WORD "ALTERNATIVE" IS THAT IT IS ""ALTERNATIVE"" to what SOCIETY DEEMS "NORMAL," it's why over the years, it has become an ALL ENCOMPASSING UMBRELLA TERM. me personally, i dont enjoy being titled "alt," but I've always felt that way. ive felt that way since 2018-2019, when the term became widely used online. my cousin tried telling me, "you're not emo, you're alt. that's what it's called now." - I then looked at her and said "that's stupid, im emo." - But that's honestly just my personal preference.
to my alternative babes,
i love you.
ALL races, sexualities, genders, religions, disabilities, ethnicities, sizes, economic backgrounds... everyone. all of you. you are ALL welcome on my page. I will fight for, and with you, until the day i die. and then the bones of me will keep fighting; for, and with you. you are all wonderful people. truly. dont let posers cramp your style. be yourself, dont let any motherfucker stop you. <3
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
Best Kept Secret : What If...?
a series of alternate/unused bks story lines!!
contains spoilers for all of bks!!
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alternate torture @ the end
i grappled with this a lot. i very strongly believe that the worst thing you can do with your characters in a high stakes situation is coddle them. if i've learned anything from dnd it's that you cannot be afraid to hurt you characters.
yet for the first time in my life i've become so attached that i just couldn't do it.
the tongue in a box scene was something that caused me a lot of turmoil. in the original cut it was elaine's tongue, but i talked to my friend catie about it and we agreed that cutting off a lesbians tongue is fucked up. then i considered actually cutting off din's tongue, i thought that that would make for something really interesting with the big reveal if he couldn't talk to her but it just seemed too brutal? i couldn't really wrap my head around it so i eventually just made it someone elses tongue.
my replacement for that was din's leg, that was something that sort of came on at the last second, i gave him the limp as foreshadowing and then said fuck it, lets take the whole thing.
dress maker
the scene in chapter 4 where din walks in on her in the bath was originally a much longer sequence where a modiste visited the castle and there was a lot of stuff around making new dresses for her and din was going to walk in while she was getting changed.
eventually i scrapped the entire concept and gave elaine the seamstress trait instead.
multiple parties & balls (masquerade)
i briefly mentioned this in the q&a but in the original bks outline there were a lot more parties and big scenes like that. i realized pretty quickly that balls and parties are a visual medium. the reason why i like those scenes so much in other things is because they're so visually appealing which is harder to do when writing. there was going to be a readers birthday ball, a few other parties or wedding for kodos siblings etc but it always felt like filler.
the masquerade was my dream sequence that just never really fir naturally fit with the story so i eventually had to let it go.
no breakup/rules storyline
there was no break up in the original bks story board. instead, everything after chapter 7 was gonna be based around breaking each and every rule.
each chapter following would have been dedicated to breaking a few of the rules up until the last one that would have been; no falling in love, stop when i say to stop, and no kissing would have all been one big climax chapter. it would have been very little women in the 'we have got to have it out jo' sort of sense where she begs him to stop talking but he just keeps confessing.
eventually i realized that a rule or two break every chapter wasn't very sustainable. it was a fun idea and it might work in a different setting but bks at its core is supposed to be an overly dramatic period piece and there just wasn't enough conflict with that so instead i went with the breakup.
alternative ending
i had a similar ending for quite some time and one day i was listening to music and thinking about bks and realized that she loved naboo. originally they fled after kodo was killed. they built a cabin somewhere far away etc. etc.
but the character seemed to make more sense as someone who would want to do right by the people she had grown to love within the kingdom so i decided to make it a sort of thing where she disassembled the monarchy.
(there was also an ending where she faked her own death, framed kodo, and he was ripped apart by the citizens of naboo)
and of course i briefly considered genuinely killing din and having her raise the baby on her own. but the idea made me so truly upset that i just couldnt do it.
hoth story line
not much to say here other that there was going to be a thing where she went back to hoth to visit her family accompanied by the mandalorian. another thing that was fun as a concept but ended up feeling like filler so i dropped it.
elaine plot twist
another case of me really loving elaine and being conflicted about her character.
originally elaine was going to tell kodo about their relationship. it was going to be a situation where kodo suspected something and threatened lysa forcing elaine to take action but eventually i decided to use my backup which was leo since there had been foreshadowing for that anyway
neutral kodo
for quite a while i planned for kodo to be just a bad husband and not a villain. but i needed more conflict and i needed a driving force and he was easy to mold into that.
there was an alternate storyline where he fell in love with the reader and “killed” din out of jealousy
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kajibunny · 28 days
hii!! uh this is my first time here (also my first time to selfships community >///<), I don't have any wind breaker friends to talk about yet so when I saw that you have a selfship too, I couldn't resist my curiosity!!...can I just say that kaijimii is one of the most adorable pair I ever encountered?!! I love childhood friends to lovers trope so much and I couldn't help but ask about your selfship!! Hope this is okay for a newbie like me to ask...
What do you like each other?
How did you know what you were feeling back then was more than friends?
Who fall in love first between the two of you?
If you decide to answer this, thank you so much!! please never stop spreading the love, this ship is so sweet and I want more of them huhu
hi hi!!! a sweet new mootie spotted!! yue!!! ♡ you're always welcome to talk abt your selfship with me plsplsplspls do!!! i bet you and sakura are sooo cute!! i'd also love to be your wind breaker friend if you're alright with me!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) hihi
kyaaaaaa oh my!! adorable pair??? kajimii??? i'm ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒ so honored to hear you say that and ofc i'd love to answer your questions!!
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kajimii q&a time??? aaaa those are such great q's!!! asked kaji as well for his pov xD
ꕤ what do you like abt each other?
mii: everything!! but especially how he's so honest and secretly likes his peers and classmates alot! he's also a great leader and gives wonderful advice without realizing, he's a great listener too. his uhh...his kisses are also so sweet, must be all those lollipops! i also love snuggling him cuz his hoodie is so soft! not to mention his impeccable music taste...oh um, we'll be here all day if i keep talking about what i love about kaji ren ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა
kaji: i like listening to her talk for hours on end, i don't ever get tired of her endless rambling. sometimes i wish i could play her voice on loop through my headphones.
ꕤ how did you know what you were feeling back then was more than friends?
mii: i always find myself blushing around him (>///<)
kaji: i've just never felt that way about someone before. i can't explain it but mii just makes me feel lighter somehow. like even though she's so annoying sometimes, i can never get angry at her.
ꕤ who fell in love first?
mii: i fell first, but ren fell harder! ^^ (kaji walks over to her and takes away the mic)
kaji: (covers mii's ears with his headphones so she doesn't hear his answer) i never told her this but i've always loved her as far as i can remember, but mii was the one who confessed to me first. that brat beat me to it, i had a plan to tell her and everything.
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thank you so much for these!! this is so fun <333
love always,
✿ mii ✿
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I've been thinking about how I've never really like Bryce Pinkham. Not as like, a person or whatever. Not even as an actor, I think he's fine. But, I've never liked him as a singer?? I thought the sentiment and lyrics for Stolas Sings was fine, but it was just...something?? about his singing that I was just immediately icked by. I haven't listened to a lot of his work before, but from the bits I have heard, he's not a bad singer?? like, at all. And yet, he consistently sounds terrible in Helluva Boss. Even ignoring how they fucking BUTCHERED Look My Way from a lyrical standpoint, Paranoid also completely out does him in performance and emotionality. Bryce sounds...fake? He sounds like someone being told "hey!!! Sound really sad!!!! Sound like ur about to cry rn!!" And it comes across as forced and like just, bad acting.
I think actually there's a pretty bad case of terrible direction in Hazbin/Helluva in general.
Listening to the Gatsby musical, I realized that the manic, cutesy, deranged energy of Only Tea is 100% what they were going for with Lucifer. But in Hazbin, it just doesn't land right. Its definitely still that cutesy manic energy, but its not as thoroughly nailed like it is in Gatsby. A lot of that is lyricism and music, but at the same time Jeremy Jordan isn't new to voice acting. I KNOW he can do that shit, he's amazing as Varian. He's so talented and so fucking funny, the only reason I can come up as to why Lucifer isn't as charismatic as he is himself, is just bad direction. I don't think he was given the right guidance with his role, or maybe he did do things that were funny and he was told to stop and stick to the script. I feel so bad him lmao, he truly has every right to be annoyed that this show is what makes him "popular". I really hope Gatsby ends up giving him the recognition he absolutely deserves.
I found a similar problem with Christian Borle. That fucker can play a charismatic dickbag better then anyone. And while I'll stand by him being...not the best choice as Vox(he's too Broadway and unedgy), I think he's ultimately an okay person to have been pick. But there's this distinct CBorle Charm that's missing in Vox. And initially I thought it was because, as far as I'm aware, he's not a voice actor and he is very much a stage actor. He's automatically losing because he doesn't have a good 80% of the reason why he's so good at his job, which is his obnoxious asshole pretty boy face.
And then with Angel, we have the same problem with Stolas. I do think Blake is good as Angel. He's funny and can be heartbreaking. (the whore voice irritates me, but thats arguably a me thing) and he undoubtedly adores Angel, and wants nothing more then to tell this story in best, and most nuanced way possible. But Poison has the same problem with Stolas Sings, where it feels like the direction he was giving at the last chorus was "act sad!!!!!! ur sad, and gonna cry!!!" And again, it doesn't sound genuine. Especially when you compare him with Riccardo Suarez. The way he performs that last "Wish I had something to live for tomorrow-" line, is so much more real and grounded to me. It's a little less...cartoonishly emotive and just genuinely emotive. (and the fucking GROWLS????? ugh, angry angel my love I've missed u)
Riccardo Suarez is actually the reason I kinda think it might be a direction problem. Because he's in a dub, he had no connection to Viv or the Hazbin team and instead had his own crew. I really don't think its the cast's actual fault themselves.
There's a lot of behind the scenes things that I think are odd about Hazbin. The fact that Joel didn't know how bad Val was going to be, is honestly kinda fucked up. Considering how much Blake knew, and was participating when it came to the ValAngel stuff, its weird. Joel even said that he drove home kinda upset and feeling bad. Just because Val is the villain and not the victim, doesn't mean he didn't deserve a warning before being forced to play that kinda character.
As much as I love The Living Tombstone, they aren't musical writers. They write mlp fansongs and sick techno pop. The Hazbin soundtrack is extremely unconnected, and honestly a bit hollow. It sounds like individual quick pop songs, not a cohesive story, connected and told through music. Hazbin shines its best when it is just an easily stand alone song, such as Loser, Baby and Poison. I made a post before about this, but More Than Anything sounds like its supposed to have some dialogue in between the verses, and its just......not there, so it feels Wrong™. The soundtrack isn't really a musical, or it at least is a very poorly done and halfass'd one. This isn't the right genre and lyricism for this kind of project. I actually think the music parts are the best bits of the songs. I genuinely think Stayed Gone's music is a fucking bop, but the lyrics are kinda like a shitty attempt at hamilton-esque rap moment, but without any of the real talent that comes from good rap and wordplay. Its all simple rhymes and jokes, anyone could've written that song.
Anyway, I don't remember exactly where I was going with this. Hazbin Hotel is aggressively mediocre. Viv really needed to have been in the business, subsequently fuck up a lot, learn and get more experience AND then come back before trying to start a whole series like this on her own. Sucks that with amazon and copyright that means she'll never get a second shot at it. This was it, sadly. Walp.
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 5th, 1996
Dear diary,
So far so good. Everything is back on track.
Cheer practice has officially started back up and I'm having so much fun with it! The new routine is amazing - Sandy did an amazing job with the choreography. I can't wait until I know it all by heart. We practiced for hours but we're only ten eight-counts in because though it's fun it's really intricate.
We're meeting up on Saturday for extra practice so we can train up the new recruits. They're all very nice too. Seriously, when did Freshmen get so talented? I sure as hell wasn't.
I probably need the extra practice more than them. I stayed an extra hour to go over it by myself and I'm still struggling with it.
But I'll get there. I just have to work harder on it.
Classes so far are okay as well. I've managed to work ahead on all subjects except English. It takes me so much longer than usual to get through the reading. I'll just have to force myself through the rest of the book on Sunday. Maybe if I'll read for a long enough period of time I'll forget it's for Mike's class.
On a better note, art has actually become more fun than last year. Will has given us some really creative assignments and he plays music while we work and allows us to talk. The talking is distracting, but he still listens to that weird music Mike used to complain about, and it's actually really good. Better than I remember it being, at least.
We're currently working with charcoal which I've never got to do before. It's messy as hell, especially when you still have half a school day to walk around with stained fingers after, but it's such a cool medium. I'm still working on sketches and getting a hang of it, but even my first attempts look so cool just because of the contrast between the dark charcoal and the paper.
I'm trying to draw this weird dream I remember having when I was younger. I don't know why I've suddenly been reminded of it - maybe because it took place in Will's old bedroom for some reason - but it's perfect for this assignment because the shapes are easy to make even with the harsh strokes of charcoal.
Mike has stopped trying to talk to me, but I notice him watching me in the hallway sometimes.
I think he told Nancy on me because she called me yesterday even though she usually only calls over the weekend. She didn't ask about Mike, just called to check in on me, but I'm not naive. Either way it was nice to hear her voice.
I hope she visits soon.
Love, Holly
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