#I've made more fanart than this too but. yeah. lol
scarlettlawyer · 2 years
@sparkyblizz​ there’s also this silly fanart I made if you’re interested. LOL
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sincerealev · 1 month
idk if u draw evan w ben platt in mind but if you do you do a great job nd i love it !! i love his face (that sounds weird but im aure u get what i mean ahsjhsh)
I do, yeah!! :D (and thank you so much!! <3 /gen)
I've actually been drawing Evan based off of Ben ever since I started drawing DEH fanart in 2021. I was looking through my old art rn (march 2021-may 2022), and holy shit the evolution my art style and Evan design especially have had is actually insane 😭😭
I think I've also just always loved his face (like how you said LOL) so applying his features into Evan has always been fun 🕺🏻
I started off by drawing Ev resembling Ben a lot during his Bway run :0 My style was very stylized and cartoony but design-wise it kinda does look a lot like BP in 2017 lol
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(more old art below which I don't like at all anymore but 😞 I do really wanna show the evolution of my Evan design)
Then the movie trailer came out and I immediately changed his design to have brown curly hair LOL (you can say everything you want about the movie but one thing I did absolutely love was his hair)
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And then between late 2021 and early 2022 my style changed again, and I gave him more of a hooked nose, and made his hair blonde again 😌
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and here we are now 🕺🏻 (it's not letting me add more pictures so I can't show more old art, but you get the point. You can probably find it on my blog too). I think he looks more like Ben Platt now than before LMAO
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dragons-and-magic · 4 months
What made you ship all of them, lol?
Especially Sonny x Rebecca?💙💛
HOOOOOO BOY. This is gonna be a long one! Lol! Honestly, most of the reasons is just liked them. I saw some fan work of them and they just clicked with me. I don't know. I'm not very complicated when it comes to shipping.😅 But I'm super excited to talk about my ships, so I'll try to give some more thoughts on them than that. Let's get into it!
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Sonny x Rebecca: I will admit, I didn't ship these two at first. But, after I saw some fan content of them, I was hooked. I think they would have really good dynamic. We all know it's implied that Sonny has had a very rough and frankly traumatizing life. I feel like Rebecca could be good for him. Her joyful and sweet personality might just be what he needs to heal. Plus, they give me sun and moon vibes.🌚🌞 (P.S. I almost forgot. Watching Gordon take in the fact that his daughter figure/apprentice is now dating this "thieving rapscallion" would be absolutely hilarious.)
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Thomas x Ashima: I've been shipping these two for years! I mean, look at the the way they look at each other and talked about each other in a few scenes! And how Thomas really wanted her to stay with him longer? Saving each other in the competition?? Or that one BWBA episode where he fantasized saving her like action hero??? That's so frickin cute!
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Another thing! Thomas is used to having to prove he's worthy for all sorts of things. Ashima thinks he's already worthy. She literally looked at him and said, you don't need to change. You're perfect being yourself and I like it.😭💖 I personally feel like they're soulmates! And make a really good team! I really wish they had done more with them in show. I was hopeful when they announced they would be putting her in more episodes. But alas, nothing really happened.
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Frankie x Hurricane: I love me a good villain couple, m'kay? Also, the tragedy??? Think about it, since they're working on the mainland, they don't know about steamies and diesels finally getting along. (We do know that things are the mainland didn't change as quickly.) So picture this. Back then, when the mainland engines found out that steamie and diesel had fallen in love, all hell broke loose! So, the poor ostracized couple left to escape the hostility, and went where they could never find them. A big steelworks, in the middle of nowhere... Anyways, they would totally be an awesome Disney level villain couple. I know it.
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Emily x Connor: This one has what I call "I take a tiny moment and blow it up into a huge thing!" Lol. Basically, in one episode, Connor very subtly flirted with Emily and I found it interesting. It may or may not have been intentional, but either way I thought that it could be really cute. They give me knight and princess vibes. Also, I love Caitlin and Emily's relationship. (Healthy female friendships! My beloved!) Having her as a wingman (wingwoman???) for Emily and Connor sounds all too adorable. Although admittedly, this ship is definitely not my favorite on the list. I used to like it more when I was younger. Recently I got into Douglas x Emily, which has way more hints than this ship. And that one is slowly creeping up higher on the list. So we'll just have to see with one comes out on top.
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Edward x Boco: SUCH A CUTE COUPLE! I didn't ship these two at all, until start reading fic's for them and saw the fanart. Then I realized these two might as well be married! Just two nice old guys, raising three rambunctious children together.🥰 Also, it seems nice that Edward finally has someone tough enough to help him wrangle in the twins when he's feeling worn out. And their personalities fit really nicely together too. Somebody put it better then me, right here. But yeah, these two are adorable! Easily one of my top favorite ttte ships!
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Belle x Flynn: Honestly, I have no reason to ship these two, other than I just think it would be cute. No canon event inspired it. No fanart. Nothing. It just popped into my head one day and I decided to roll with it. Lol. I think it would be fun to see.
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Daisy x Ryan: I'm not to sure what to say about these two either. Other than they give me vintage movie vibes. (Maybe it's Daisy. She reminds me of a few female movie stars from the old days of Hollywood.) And as a vintage movie fan, I really like that! Also, it's worth mentioning she literally flirted with him in one episode. That was a surprise! It was convince him to do some jobs for her, but whatever. Lol. Also Ryan was almost completely oblivious to it. My poor Gold Retriever Boy. It didn't fully compute. 🤣🤣🤣 Still, I think it could possibly work. Especially in the later seasons.
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James x Nia: YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE RARE PAIR!🤩 I've talked about it so much now! But, here's a few more thoughts on them! They actually have a few traits in common. They're both playful, fiery, and outgoing characters. And they both seem to be very loyal as well. Oh, did I mention that their matching color scheme is perfect. And I feel like Nia would help James loosen up a bit and get even more adventurous. So while definitely a rare pair, I think they're neat and should be explored more!❤️🧡
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Toby x Henrietta: If Thomas and Ashima are soulmates, Toby and Henrietta are champion soulmates! They're such a husband and wife duo. I loved every episode they had together. The way they talked to other and how much they disliked being separated? Adorable!!!😍🧡🧡 Sometimes they remind me of my own parents.😂 Whoever came up with the idea to finally give Henrietta a voice and an actual face? I salute you. You were a true genius. Now I can hear their realistic husband/wife banter in it's full glory. Lol.
Well, that's my thoughts. I'm not very good at romance anything, so I hope this will suffice.😅 Thanks for the ask!
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tennessoui · 16 days
Hey Kit!! This past year when the Acolyte came out, my heart broke and I decided to step away from Star Wars. It’s fine that others liked it but personally I didn’t; actually to be frank, I REALLY didn’t like it. Star Wars and Anakin got me through a lot, so watching Disney take an actual shit on his origin and then his redemption ark by half-assing the lore, felt like a punch to the gut, and I had to step away. (This is my personal opinion, if you or others liked it that’s great! I just didn’t). However, when I saw that u published the body politics au, I decided to sit down and catch up on all your fics (btw I love the Hanahaki one!), and it got me back into the fandom. I’m glad one shitty (imo) show didn’t push me away permanently and I have you to thank for that. I’ve met so many great people thru Star Wars and made a lot friends so it had really been kind of hard to turn away from it. I just really wanted to say thank you. your writing is, as always, too beautiful and inspiring to ignore. Star Wars means so much, and I’m so thankful that your work was able to help me look past all the stuff that made me unhappy with it. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
this is very kind to send to me and a very nice morning read! i admit, i actually have not watched the acolyte, though not for any particular reason. i've definitely heard mixed reviews about the show and its take on the jedi order and the sith, which have been sorta sad to read cause i do like the jedi (though i guess i never label myself as pro-jedi cause like? they're the good guys? you're not like. pro-percy jackson or something right? pro-katniss everdeen? you just sorta read the book and you're like oh yeah these are the good guys. might find aspects of a character annoying but i'm definitely not supposed to be rooting for the Capitol or smething right)
but i've also heard from other people that as a pew-pew show, it delivers on that front! lightsaber fights are cool and everyone has a funky haircut that they pull off somehow which does feel quintessentially star wars
my general view of the disney plus star wars shows is that i'll watch the ones that strike my fancy, and if one of them doesn't then i won't. the star wars disney execs produce a lot of content (and i truly mean content, i.e. material to be consumed - not necessarily art) and a lot of it i'm probably never going to watch. it wasn't made for me, and i definitely get the lurch and disappointment you may feel if you look forward to something for ages and then it's not what you wanted in a thousand small ways or a handful of big ways. i think that's especially hard to guard against nowadays when trailers for tv shows rely more on aesthetic and punchy one-liners and brief second cameos than they do explaining the actual story of the show
but you can be a fan without loving the direction some shows go in or the choices directors make!! if that looks like only watching shows that have been peer-reviewed, or if that looks like ignoring everything but a small corner/subset of a massive fandom, or if that looks like turning from the media itself and diving further into fanart and fanfiction and interacting with people online then that's what it looks like! especially now that the world of canon star wars media isn't just 6-9 movies + 2(?) non trilogy movies, you should absolutely go about watching star wars content with a you-first mindset 100%
you know how many people were disappointed in the obi-wan kenobi series?? soooo many because he was a sad little pathetic and broken man with greasy hair. but that's exactly how i like my obi-wan kenobis, so i was thrilled every episode lol but i'm sure other people hated it and boycotted and whatever. but i found my corner of the fandom who also enjoyed that and it's been wonderful <3
so anyway thankyou so much for your very kind words i hope none of that sounded too preachy i was mostly trying to agree with you that it's really great that one (shitty) show did not keep you away from the fandom forever and that you're back!!
welcome back :)
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ultfreakme · 6 months
im a zutara multishipper though i often feel like a fake cause im not as hardcore as most of em.. i forgot all about that scarf scene its not as memorable as I'll save you from the pirates is that probalmatic imeaniguess but it was a fun scene in the cartoon ..
. so many zuts are celebrating over a silyl scarf scene but i can tell there's higher chances of hell freezing over than zutara and i dont look forward to them going again We were robbed when it doesn't happen. i love being a multishipper though cause i was very well fed with zukaang
im begging shippers not to bully gordon over shipping and it is interting to note how uncomfortable zutara makes the actors prob cause they recognize Kia is a teenager and Dallas is 22 year old.. theres hooplah over how the age gap is fine cause she' ll be 18 and theres a difference with 11/14 vs 15/ year old met guy when he was 20. of course kia is uncomforatble with zutara she met dallas aas a child. but here we got people treating her like she's an adult already.
the way kia is talked about creeps me out and i still think about the people telling me im a fake fan bec i think maybe we dont talk about kias age like shes not even real. i do enjoy the fanart comig from promo pics cause people are super talented but sometimes . it feels that people are shipping Kia/Dallas more than zuko/katara
Hi!! Honestly it's fine if you ship even if things for the ship are considered 'problematic'. I mean I ship Zukka and both of them have genuinely wanted each other dead or gone for a good chunk of the show lol.
I think, and I'm not going to generalize and say EVERY Zutara shipper, but one thing I've encountered as a pattern of difference between Zutara shippers and every other ATLA ship shipper, is canonicity. Zukaang, Zukka, Jetko, MaiLee, TyZula, Tokka, Taang, none of them are of the mindset that their ship will be canon so no one has any real problems with these ships. But a lot of Zutara shippers I've seen on twitter at least are convinced that Zutara was meant to be canon, and this inability keep fanon and canon separate is what's getting people's hopes up. And when it's made clear that these ARE separate, there's upset. I've seen the same thing happen with multiple other shippers and ships across fandoms.
Being a multishipper sounds fun anon, and I hope you're doing well <3
You're so right on the way people act about and treat Kia. Dallas has on interview said Kia is like a little sister to him, and yeah people keep forgetting that these two met when Kia was a child and he was an adult. It's why Dallas and Ian are fine when they talk about Zukka or can joke about "shipping" them.
I've noticed that people are doing the thing again(in 2024 dear GOD), where they keep waiting for young girls to be "legal" to be fucking creeps. People did it with Billie Eilish, the Olsen twins and a bunch of other female celebs and artists. I just feel terrible for her and Gordon, and I wish people would stop being weird about the actors and take a hint because Kia, Dallas, Gordon- none of them are being subtle about being uncomfortable about zutara. The only way they can be more obvious is plaster it on their foreheads. I didn't know about people talking about...ugh I can't even say it, Kia and Dallas like a ship GROSS. Leave Kia and Dallas out of it gosh. I got an ask a while back basically saying people will stop being mean to Gordon if Zutara becomes canon and I was flabbergasted. Like, you won't treat a child, with respect and dignity, because your 20 year old ship isn't real???
I've said this before, but people are just jumping to make Kia out to be more...older? People saying she looks like Gordon's mom(I will hunt these people on sight she looks like a child). And it's this, intermixing of sexism and racism and colourism (I've seen people be extremely disgusting about Dallas and Gordon too about their appearance. Pretty much everyone who doesn't fit into Western beauty standards are receiving awful hate- Thalia Tran playing Mai, Elizabeth Yu playing Azula).
People seriously need to get a grip and start learning to differentiate between fiction and real human beings or this is going to hurt EVERYONE involved, but especially Kia and Gordon. It doesn't matter if Kia is 18, she DOES NOT LIKE IT. DALLAS sees her as a sister, like i wish people would keep that in mind.
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bthump · 2 months
as much as i wanted to ship griffith and guts, its impossible that they'll ever be canon? right? the closest we can get is them as best friends. but damn, their chemistry in the manga tho. Miura-sensie made their interactions seems romantic (esp with Griffith) wat a waste :(
I wouldn't say it's impossible but the odds are not high lol.
Idk, this doesn't bother me. I've been in fandom since the late 90s, I'm more than used to shipping non canon gay ships. It still lowkey blows my mind that gay ships sometimes become canon now. If that's important to you for shipping them then yeah you'll probably be disappointed, but I don't think it should stop you from being into the griffguts fandom. The whole point of fandom is to explore things the canon doesn't.
Also I don't think it's a waste even if they're never confirmed as romantic. I'm not gonna say it's better if their relationship stays ~complex and ambiguous~ lol, I consider that a homophobic line of thinking, but I think homoerotic subtext is still worthwhile in and of itself and often a lot more fun to theorize about and analyse than textual romance. It's why even my favourite canon ships have a long slow build-up of subtext first. And even if the narrative doesn't admit it's gay, it doesn't change anything I love about their relationship right now.
Idk, I hope you can enjoy what we do have, both in canon and fandom (like griffguts fic, fanart, meta, etc), but if it's too much of a disappointment that we'll probably never get something like a love confession, then I hope you find a canon ship you enjoy just as much!
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rocinantescoffeestop · 9 months
[pjo series thoughts - spoilers ep. 1]
First note is a biggie: When Sally starts describing the story of Perseus in the museum, I had to pause. It starts with Perseus and his mother thrown into a box and cast out to sea, to be forgotten about, to die basically. It made me think about how Sally and Percy basically grew up alone, how that situation mirrors Perseus in the myths, and the fact that in the myths the mother-son pair were 'surrounded by sea' (the exact words Sally uses to tell the story, btw) just adds to the parallel.
In the books, Sally describes Poseidon essentially going to the sea and never coming back. In the show, we meet her properly at the apartment and she's standing in the rain, surrounded by water. In short, the 'surrounded by' part of that story is equivalent to 'being shaped by'. Their lives – both Sally-Percy and Perseus and his mom in the myths – had a large part of their lives determined by Poseidon, determined by the sea.
• Bobofit? just makes me think of Boba Fett and now I'm picturing Nancy fanart as a star wars clone XD
• Eddie the Super is a bro in this adaptation. I agree with what I've heard some other folks saying around these fandom parts, I like this change from Eddie being one of the poker buddies to being at odds with Gabe, too.
• Sally Jackson listening to 'logical' by Olivia Rodrigo. Sally Jackson being an Olivia fan!!!!
• Gabe and Sally's relationship here... it's not good sure, but in this adaptation, I can see sort of how they could have started, maybe at first it not being about 'protecting Percy', as they sort of have a banter here that doesn't just seem like a watered-down/kid-friendly version of a dysfunctional marriage but also like the remnants of some sort of clicking. Of course, I want to believe that Gabe is still an awful human being, and yeah, the show portrays that he's a slum, a verbal dick towards everyone in his life, has abusive habits like checking Sally's phone without permission, so I still don't like him here. But, there's a difference between series!Gabe and book!Gabe in which book!Gabe was just painted as cut and dry, black and white awful, like the worlds slimiest, grimiest old fool. Maybe it's the act of seeing it instead of reading about it since in the book we ARE the narrator – a twelve-year-old boy with a limited worldview and seeing things more as cut-dry/black-white – and here we're more on the outside looking in, so we can approach the world with a more objective viewpoint, and see details not as 'good' or 'bad' but as just details. Just something like 'life just be like that sometimes' kind of way.
• 'Like a puzzle with have the wrong pieces' hit home for me. Also, describing Percy's attention slips through the mist as 'daydreaming' is such a good way to relate ADHD to his demigodness. I like how the series described Percy's mind and disabilities better so far than the books.
• 'Something that felt real to you that no one else can see?' The way Sally delivers this line... UGH so good at being very subtle in suggesting that she can relate to Percy personally here, hinting at her ability to see through the mist as well despite being 100% mortal. Or maybe that's just me knowing things revealed later in the series and subplanting that onto the now.
• It's hard explaining greek gods being real to your son. LOL undercut perfectly with Walker's comedy ("like– like Jesus?"). Also, Walker's acting? 10/10
• putting Percy and Grover at odds in the series just like in the books but each do it differently – in the books, Percy ditches Grover bc he's acting weird and it's stressing Percy out. In the series, Grover is the one that does the dirty deed and makes sure Percy gets expelled from Yancy. Either case, they both put tension in the relationship (to be repaired later in the narrative). So, before you say anything bad about the differences between book and series, think about the emotional part of it. The series speaks to the HEART of the scene, of the story, even if it's not a word-for-word retelling with visuals.
• "He is brutal, he is relentless, he–" "He is still wearing underpants." Classic Percy comedy akdjfhgklsjdfg I'm in love
• Sally setting Grover up for his emotional journey on the quest by making him swear to protect Percy against all monsters/threats that come his way.
• Oh god, it's even more heartwrenching the second time watching Percy watch his mom "die" – the silence that encompasses the moment, all sounds drowning away, the rain so crystal clear on his face, and his eyes... god. so good.
• I love the last scene. The campers' voices coming out of the blackness, the blackness fading into a hazy purple sunset as Percy's vision come to. Annabeth's voice saying "he must be the one,' as she so wants him to be the one that will bring her along on a quest. just the way the framing lands at the end, with the subtle movement of camper silhouettes shifting away and Chiron front and centre, welcoming Percy (and thus the audience) into the world (into the series). Such a good introduction. So, so good.
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bluebunnysart · 2 months
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(Chimera Teto x Android Miku WIP, another one, yeah, another one lol)
I may not finish WIPs but I can definitely start new drawings!! 😂Hahahaha ! I always try to make them chibis (for simplicity) but I also want to draw details/the full body, so of course it turns into a double full-body drawing that takes forever.... This isn't even the final lineart obviously but it's almost 5 AM again and I know I'm gonna fuss with this some more, so I guess here's a WIP so I can show off what I did at least tonight xD In case I decide to do other things in the meantime...
Tell me why I literally spent like 2 hours (fr) trying to draw Miku 'cuz Miku is hard asf to draw and challenges me to draw better 😂😂😂😂 Anyway (a long-ish) explanation of stuff under the read more 'cuz I don't want to take up people's dashboards. When I finally finish this drawing or the other one, I won't have to yap as much in the post too. xD
A series of things happened today that led to me creating this drawing. (Miku's prefinal lineart is done too btw, I'm just not showing her to you 'cuz no point spoiling the whole drawing lol, plus I might make changes.)
I went to the store for a brief moment 'cuz all my pens kept running out of ink and I was annoyed I didn't have any reliable pens and I wanted a pen to write a continuation to this AU, right.
When I went to the store, there was a song playing and I thought it sounded nice, what little I heard of it before I had to return to work. So once I left the store and was able to look at my phone again, I looked up this song through the lyrics I heard and I found it. And the whole song was even better than I thought: the lyrics and music are INCREDIBLY sweet and now I really like it. xD
Besides liking it in general as a song (this genre of song), I was ALSO super into it because I thought, "This is super End of the World AU-coded (Android Miku x Chimera Teto)" and it made me so happy, excited, and giddy lol.
Like, listen to this...
"When the cloud's above your head / And the sun's not breaking through / You know I'll be there to sing this song for you. / And it goes: / La la la / la la la la la~..."
This is absolutely something the Miku in my AU would sing. This is absolutely a song she and Teto would listen to together-- like, I could draw them listening to it together and that's actually practically what my drawing is lol. I could draw an animatic or make an MV to this song about them... I could make a comic where Miku is singing this directly to Teto and persuades her to sing it with her, especially the chorus (la la la) parts. I smile because in the first fic, Miku also goes "lalala~" (idk the number of la's lol), and it's not like what she sings is this or anything, but it's a small connection that I like. xD I literally discovered this song only today but this is absolutely a song Teto would have in either one of the cassette players or in the MP3 player. This song matches them and the AU too so Miku would absolutely sing it and like it a lot too. This song made me think of my AU and I was already excited/trying to keep writing more so I could get to the good parts, so finding this song made me really excited, ok. xD
Also I'm not sure how you WOULDN'T adore Miku if she sang something like this, especially directly to Teto (her only audience).
All the sweet lines and stuff made me super soft, so I put this song on loop and literally played it for hours. The whole time I was drawing too. It's just so cute and fitting and it's what made me create art for this AU again instead of making Turing Love fanart or one of the other dozens of ideas I have and whatnot. xD
That was a lot of words to explain what prompted this drawing in the first place when it wasn't planned in the slightest, but now I'll talk more about the drawing itself.
I was inspired by all the fanart I've received so far! It'll show in the final drawing. c: But when drawing this, I was looking at Slyvasta's art since I wanted to draw Slyvasta's version of Teto too. Teto is easiest to draw imo, so we've got the scarf, horn, wings, and tail. The pupils were actually added at the very end 'cuz Slyvasta's has sharp pupils and I thought that was cool and a good idea lol: this Teto's eyes can have sharp pupils (dragon/reptile-like) while Miku's eyes are more round yet robotic.
I was thinking about the flavor of tsundere that Teto is (in my AU) and this drawing was partially inspired by me wanting to clarify stuff about that. xD I did call her "cool, gruff, indifferent, etc." which is all true and does apply, but she's still playful and can be lively, even if she's been beaten down by exhaustion and gloominess, as I've mentioned. In other words, she never was a complete downer or anything (I know I said that before), but I wanted to clarify that she's not, like, the cold type who's ONLY frowning or who's grumpy either.
If I think about it, the "trying to act cool/indifferent" thing is mostly an act I think, yeah. xD Like, of course she'll frown or have a neutral uninterested expression if she's bored or she's been through annoying experiences (like starving or encountering various issues), but she's still kicking, if that makes sense. Like, the enthusiasm and zest for life isn't exactly there, but she's doing what she can to get by. I guess she's more of the type to distract herself and focus on other stuff so she doesn't get too existential? So it's not like she isn't lowkey depressed-- she's just the type to make jokes about it. She's basically original mischievous Teto but with some baggage she's carrying.
This might seem like a weird post now based on the stuff I'm writing LOL but I really did think about it, ok. xD The way to characterize her. And she has really valid reasons to be sad and everything, but she's not as harsh and edgy as her appearance implies. That's something that I really like about her: the gap moe lol.
So what does this mean in relation to Miku? Well, Teto is a pretty normal girl who's cool and nonchalant. She's probably arrogant in a cute way too, judging from her catchphrase and how she likes acting like a know-it-all and being praised/appreciated. But basically, the tsundere mainly comes out whenever she gets embarrassed.
The Teto in my AU can smile and has a couple of times, and she's nice because she helps Miku out before she even knows Miku that well. So....
She's probably the type to send Miku soft smiles without even realizing it. Like, she relaxes a lot and is happy or something and then her expression will turn so warm or gentle, I'm pretty sure. 🥰 Her tail and body language already gives her away, so I love the idea of her expression changing into a really affectionate one before she even notices or realizes it. She realizes she's been smiling the whole time after 5 whole minutes pass or Miku points it out and then she's like, "I-I wasn't smiling or anything?! (unsure why she's immediately denying it)" lol.
Anyway, THAT'S when the tsundere comes out. She isn't tsundere towards Miku unprompted, and even though Teto doesn't know how to deal with Miku YET, that doesn't mean Teto walks on eggshells around her or is curt/cold to her. Teto acts very naturally and herself-- she only gets tsundere whenever she's NOT acting like herself, aka being really weak or soft for Miku at different moments.
Her tsundere is a weak kind of tsundere too (unlike Neru, who isn't in this AU anyway), so she'll just get embarrassed or lie or act kinda awkward or prickly to hide her embarrassment (maybe a sharp word or two, along the lines of "Shush" and "Shuddup"), but in the end, she's a very cute and kind girl. 🥰 They both are 🥰🥰🥰
It might take me one or two more iterations before I'm finally satisfied with the final lineart, but this time, I made the time lapse longer, so you'll be able to see how I struggled to draw Miku for like 2 whole hours. xD
This, too, I want to color. I actually wanted to color my first drawing first, but then I discovered the song I mentioned earlier and it made me so hyped up that I wanted to create a whole new piece about it. Along with the other two songs that I associate with this AU, I was really happy to find yet another one. This song is cute in general too, so it was immediately added to my Motivation playlist. xD
With how hard Miku is to draw and how long drawing takes in general, it makes me even more impressed with Miku artists lol. Like, Miku is so demanding but I love her so of course I'll push through until I do her justice... I'm slow because I care a lot and want to do these two right, ok... xD Lineart and the like is more in my comfort zone, but I'll definitely tackle coloring soon; tonight's session only proves that it'll take longer than I expected/5 hours lol.
I'm not only planning to create stuff for my AU only-- I want to make all kinds of Mktt stuff. But I was really inspired by other people's art and this time, I even drew with their art in mind lol.
I have no idea how long it'll take, but I'll continue to make more art! To me, it's the clearest way I show/understand my love lol. I've been inspired seeing other people's art too, so I definitely wanted to draw my own....
Anyway, time to go tf to sleep. (it's 6 AM 😅)
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libroseitm · 7 months
I'm feeling kinda down lately, I'm sure I'm not the only one.
SO. Battle jackets on! I'm going to drum up some positivity for myself and pop it on here in case it helps anybody else too.
First I'm going to look at the last week of ofmd daily recaps from the wonderful and sensational @gentlebeardsbarngrill. I'd recommend looking back at these too, Abby does such an amazing job and they're great for a moral boost!
From these, I've seen in the last week alone:
.The trending tags we've caught: Rhys x3, Stede, Ed and Stede, #MerStedeMonday, #OurflagBBC, OurFlagMeansDeath x2, BOYFRIENDS.
.OFMD was mentioned or written about in 17 articles.
That's utterly insane and ya'll should be PROUD that we're still being so loud, and that we're still still being talked about. Articles don't get written for the lols, they get written for views. So clearly people think OFMD is still news worthy and that's hyping me the fuck up right now.
Next I'm looking at the simple things that I've done, and that I've seen other people do. These are things that help boost our numbers and moral, so if you've done any of these this week, give yourself a big ol' horse pat on the back:
.Watched OFMD
.Used the hashtags
.Talked to a friend
.Been silly in the Tumblr tags
.Made something (meme, fanart, crochet, fanfiction, a joke etc)
.Commenting on or kudosing a fanfiction
I've mostly been on twitter for campaign reasons. Here's some of the wonderful fanart I've seen that has been made in the last week alone:
Roach if he had stayed on the revenge in Kraken era
Mer!Ed finding a message in a bottle from Stede
Ed wearing the bird robe, lovingly smoochin' Stede
Ed cradling Stede's face inspired by the BTS underwater scene
Captain Frenchie updating Seagull!Buttons on the latest gos
As a last lil' boost, here are the gentlebeard fanfics I've recently read that I can highly recommend:
let me wash your worries away by anathxmadevice (checkmate)
.1,985 words .Mature
Stede is very overstimulated after a long weekend and unusre about what he wants. Ed helps him through in an intimate shower scene. The fic focusses on self-care and not fucking, for once in Ed and Stede's life. I'm obssessed with it.
Tooth Hurty by nomandsland
.2,538 words .Mature
Ed goes to the dentist with a cracked tooth. He's uncomfortable at the dentist's but get's horny about it this time around because his dentist is hot. I laughed all the way through this one :'D
but if I'm all dressed up (they might as well be looking at us) by mediocrepirate
.5,159 words .Explicit
This fic is delicious- plain and simple. Ed and Stede are at an awards event for Ed's music (yeah, he's a rockstar keep up). They're more than a little riled up and shenangans ensue. Mediocrepirate's writing is just exquisite and you are missing out if you haven't read at least one of their fics.
When life gives you lemons by anathxmadevice (checkmate)
.6,627 words .Explicit
Ed is enjoying, or at least trying to enjoy, retired life in the quiet town of Revenge. Life gets way more interesting when he discovers a lemonade stand, or rather, dicovers that lemonade stand kid has a hot dad. It's delightful, endearing and funny!
sunflowers in the kitchen by daydreamcrash
.7,2777 words .Explicit
Ed and Stede have a marriage kink. No seriously. Very funny, very hot, and gloriously domestic.
and the songbirds are singing like they know the score by mediocrepirate
.3,789 words .Teen and up
Stede takes care of Ed, focussing on non sexual intimacy. Did I mention that Mediocrepirates writing is wonderful already? Well I'm saying it again. This fic is so beautiful it HURTS.
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not-poignant · 10 months
Stain is such a great story, Alex and Sebastian have made so much progress understanding each other, and I'm excited for their relationship to continue to develop (not just physically... but okay really excited for that too!!)
Wondering what gave you the inspiration and what you like most about the Alex/Sebastian pairing, or any other thoughts about Stardew Valley as a fandom you want to share!
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Honestly the thing that inspired me the most was just playing the game! :D
I have nearly 1800 hours in Stardew Valley, and that's like...what I would call a few hours to just daydream about all the characters. And me being the multi-shipping fiend that I am, I do also just like to imagine all the characters in relationships with each other.
I'm not someone who really cares about my farmer (or PC) in the central romance, which is why I don't write this in video games that have you as a player character! I didn't do that for Stuck on the Puzzle, or The Wind that Cuts the Night, or Palmarosa. I don't actually care as much about whoever I'm romancing, I care more about what relationships can happen between other characters.
And I think because I daydream about that, rather than my farmer character (or me) with the NPCs, that gives me like a lot of time to think of different things.
I started daydreaming about Sebastian as a top several years ago, he had that energy to me even like 2 years before I romanced him (the amount of times I've romanced Alex is criminal at this point). I sometimes imagined him with like Sam, but mostly Alex. I also imagined him being good goth literature friends with Elliott lol
Even in The Wind that Cuts the Night I have Sebastian as a top with the farmer :D
I don't actually get that involved with the fandom in general. I've tried a few times, and some of the fanart is incredible (and the MODS omg), but I've never really loved any of the SDV fic that I've read (or more accurately: skimmed). I don't like farmer/NPC pairings. The vast majority of people wrote Sebastian as a bottom (or a fluffy vanilla top which is somehow worse) in m/m like 4-5 years ago and I'm too tired to check how much that's changed.
Alex actually gets a lot of hate in the fandom - at least amongst most of the queer players - and seeing a character who is a victim of child abuse treated like that just kind of left me with a bad taste in my mouth (it seemed to be based around Alex's initial rudeness, which doesn't last nearly as long as Shane's, who was hero-worshipped long before he got his whole storyline, because he wasn't romanceable for years).
So I really avoid the fandom, and I couldn't tell you who's writing the most popular fics or the most popular pairings or anything like that. I don't look into the tags, and almost all the fanart I've ever shared here or at @capillata has been shared to me by someone else first.
So yeah the answer is mostly just that I daydream a lot and I've had many many hours to do it in! :D
I like Alex/Sebastian as a pairing mostly because I've always just liked troped opposites in enemies to lovers. The jock vs. the goth nerd has been a long-term media troped opposition romance pairing, and even outside of romances, is often shown as 'oppositional.' Many people even have memories of that in their school experience.
To me, the idea that Alex is always shown as completely alone (sans Haley or grandparents), and that Sebastian is nearly always shown with friends when he's not being like... deeply moody in a goth way, was really fascinating to me. ConcernedApe was already working hard to say 'this isn't what you think it is' even within the game. Alex is the one who apologises to you for being so desperate and also unrealistic about his sporting/goth abilities. Sebastian is the one who already has a job and is incredibly social - he's in a band that regularly practices and even performs outside of his hometown, he regularly plays TTRPGs with friends, and he regularly goes to the bar and plays pool and hangs out with friends. He's not a 'loner nerd.' He is hands down the most popular and social person in Stardew Valley who you can romance, outside of Sam, who is the same amount of popular. Like, Sebastian is literally a socialite social butterfly who is successful and charismatic and rides a motorbike. Subversion pretty fucking successful on that trope :D
To me, the game gives us the set up to a bullies-to-lovers scenario just by giving us the trope, and then subverting the trope. I always kind of liked that, but could never imagine writing it, until I aged them up and had Sebastian and Alex both mentally kind of growing up a little.
All right that's enough rambling from me! It's time to make lunch. But yeah, that's basically sadlfkjas er the sum of it (I say after rambling for ages)
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bunkernine · 4 months
hi pls ignore this if i have mistaken you for someone else and am making a fool out of myself but are you the person who wrote isosceles?? because that fic altered my brain on an abnormal and chemical level way back when and i just remembered it the other day and binged it all again and i feel like i remember there being a few other fics in that universe (one from travis’s pov iirc) and i wanted to know where they are. of course if you are not the person who wrote isosceles i am a fool and feel free to ignore this ❤️
I did, yeah.
I wrote it when i was 14 so at a certain point i didn't want to be associated with it because it didn't reflect me as much anymore. It was my big baby at the time!!! But i divorced from that a few years ago. As for the other universe fics, if i remember correctly: connor, drew, a vers where jason admits to liking him back (some point isos implied that jason DID like leo back but was too confused to do anything).... But i deleted those first because they just weren't as fun, and my own friend group was falling apart so it felt too close.
But yes, you have found me LOLOL. Isos is orphaned, but unfortunately the other fics are deleted fr. Sorry :( but thanks for enjoying it!!! 💖
(ramblings under the cut)
The reason why i didnt delete isos too was because so many people were saying what you are now. If i could, id rewrite it (both with style and plot differences) and do a whole new remastered version. Im not sure why i decided to write his senior year when i was a freshman/sophomore LOL so I always figured I would've came back to it when I was older.... Clearly I did not.
I WAS miserable in high school, at least socially. So Leo was a little TOO personal and it made me mad when i basically did what he did towards the end. I spent some time just doing some random apolleo fics. Capolleo series, so my name should've been capolleon by then? LOLOLOL i had been majorly influenced by some now-deleted fic which is why apollo is even there 💀 but now im apollos age in the fic and im like 'hmm. Yeah maybe not...'
Then there was a fic that was coming out towards the end of isos that i felt was copying me 😭😭😭 ← 14/15 yr old feelings. Who cares! But i would update and then they would update and i was so paranoid 😭😭😭 honestly, the vibe in general for valgrace in 2018 is much different than right now, and it was much more open and varied in topics. This is not to discredit the current valgrace leaders or whatever the fuck, but the vibe is just ... Pretty different.
But yeah. Im sort of using this ask as an excuse to talk about it, but isos was SO big and what i was known for within the small vg circle (outside of the text fic at the same time 💀) so i was constantly reminded of it. And dont get me wrong, i ADORED that fic when i was writing it. I was upset whenever my life was too messy for me to drop the chapter of the month. Double updates felt so ... Um. Mature and awesome, like i was a professional 💀 i wrote leo as bisexual but he had a pretty strong inclination to men because i was figuring I'm out that I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian, but I couldn't really articulate that, especially as I was dating a guy through that fic. That was some cute little endpoint i was gonna have but its reality frightened me so it was dropped... The complexities of piperleojason were insane to think about when i was like, crying at lunch in my bf's car 😭 When it was posting, i left some really crazy A/N's showing how volatile i was at the time, that i eventually deleted. But i was so proud of it and it was a comfort to write. I think the drafts were a lot more raw but people loved it anyway.
Anyway. It's been a while since I've been able to talk about this fic. People have left the most loving comments in the world and it connected with a lot of readers. Its also my only fic that had fanart and playlists and such made for it! I was so proud of that! I dont think people understand how incredible that is and it truly is the dream for fic writers!!! I have other fics that inspired ppl, but isos was the one ppl constantly flocked to or appreciated :)
I used to cry writing some parts of it and now it just feels like an old diary entry. I haven't read it in a while and thought about remaking it (probs... As college kids though) but haven't bothered. Technical-wise, theres so many things that are dropped or forgotten or are just clumsy but thats really just a maturity thing.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! Ppl dont ask me about my fics like they used to which was the whole reason why i made this account :(((( among other things, lack of interactions in fandom have decreased so much :((((
Love love love uuuuuuuuu
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mcfiddlestan · 5 months
Fandom Ask Game
4, 11 (Frostiron and Winteriron), 17 (Loki), 22 (Tony Stark), 25 (Bucky Barnes)
4. Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Not that I can think of. There are a lot I dislike and I won't invest any time in and go so far as to block the ship name and any variants so I don't have to see art or headcanons, etc, about it. So if it's not blocked and I see it and I think the art is cool I guess that means I don't dislike it? I often share it even if it's a ship I don't necessarily involve myself in. Like I don't write for SamBucky or SamTasha, or Stony (although I've apparently blocked Stony, tho I'm not sure when that happened lol), but if I see cool art I'll share it. But yeah....there's a lot I avoid by all means.
11. What's your favorite piece of fanart?
OMG HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE?! I literally have more than 600 pix of fanart for FrostIron -- some made specifically for me -- and 134 of WinterFrost. Anything by @batwynn and lightonlight I love. And you'll probably laugh but this is one of my favorites for FrostIron.
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As for WinterFrost...I seem to have made a lot more edits for this ship than any other LOL. But millennium-h always did the BEST edits for WF, including making those pix of Hiddles kissing someone on the rocks MUCH BETTER (sadly, they left the fandom not too long ago). And like with FI, I have a lot of faves, but this is one I really enjoyed.
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and one to go along with it
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17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [Loki] would like?
I think it's obvious that Loki would be all over Shakespeare and any adaptation of his works. And he'd probably critique it better than Shakespearean scholars themselves. But I think that mischievous and love of chaos side of him would probably also be really into trash reality TV. Like the Real Housewives franchise. He'd have watch parties and hours-long discussions afterwards and everyone would be shocked by how accurate his psychoanalysis is. Because if there's anything people who are used to being overlooked and ignored can do it's read other people's emotions.
22. Give us a headcanon for [Tony Stark].
Aw man. I'm terrible at headcanons! I don't even know, man. Maybe that despite all his bravado (or overconfidence to cover for his insecurity) and need to prove himself to Howard, there's still enough of Maria in him that emerges in his tendency to take "lost" souls under his wing, not even to mentor but to give them a hand? Happy (loss of his boxing career, so he gave him a job), Peter, obvs, and even Steve, who he reluctantly helped bc y'know resentment. I say that's Maria bc considering how difficult Howard as a person was, who the fuck else could see anything redeeming enough to marry and have a child with him? She had to see something under the surface, yeah?
Idk. Told you I don't do headcanons. LOL
25. What's your least favorite thing [Bucky Barnes] said or did?
Killed Tony's parents??? IDK, there isn't much I dislike about Bucky, except that they didn't let him kiss Steve! I'm honestly just glad they never included that relationship from the comic in the movies bc I despise that actress and it would've bothered me to watch her shitty flirt-acting and whatever with Sebastian. It was bad enough with Fluffalo. Ick.
Thanks for asking!!
Fandom Ask Game
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thedopedemon · 7 months
Not a question, but I just wanted to say that I love your fanart :]
They're very unique and I love how it kinda makes a story with mostly just the pictures and captions. It's fun to try to guess and put it together, or even just watch the dynamic between characters. Each of them on your blog is more or less nuanced and I love that ! They're not just evil or just good, or like the Ink Demon they're evil but fun to watch being a vilain in your artworks. Also I you're probably one of the only artist in this fandom I've seen portray Thomas Connor and and Allison Pendle just as shady as they are implied to be in the books and I love that, it's much more interesting than "Allison is good and can never do wrong" (Don't know if you put those fanarts on Tumblr, since I mostly saw your artworks on Twitter and I never comment or do anything there since I don't like the platform, and discovered your blog on Tumblr not long ago)
I also love the way you draw, it's very unique and creative, and I like discovering a new fanart you made each time
Again it isn't a question, but I thought it could be nice to send that since you wanted ask and don't seem to mind people rambling :] Have a good day and thank you for reading all this !
I'm so happy to hear that, thank you so much! Receiving wonderful feedback like this always bring me joy. I just put too much heart to thought into every piece i make, each one has a story of it's own (Yeah half of them is on twitter lol). I love to capture the dark essence of this game, Every character is fun to explore, Like for allison & tom i think they're more than what meets the eye, It's called the illusion of living for a reason haha.
Thank you once again! Have a wonderful day, friend! ♡
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woetoy · 1 year
Anon art human again, I mean finding views or just acknowledgement for you art, I'm broke and either way wouldn't feel right blazing the nsfw stuff I draw but it gets no traffic or notes. Idk leaving an ask was impulsive but I really respect your art and was curious how you got your followers, if it was more a waiting thing or you found the right areas to post.
I dunno, it probably takes patients to get attention but finding motivation to make good art and then getting nothing but emptiness and boredom at the end of the process isn't motivating lol. Anyways Im thankful for your response and apologetic cause I got this trigger instinct to just blurt my questions to the cool artist I found on tumblr, and I'm sorry for bothering you so
No worries, I just felt bad that I didn't understand ya!
Getting noticed depends on a lot of things. I've had several accounts through 12 years spent on this site, and this one is the first that kinda popped off!
Do you make art that has crowd appeal? As in, is it a little silly, cute or relatable? Does it have a story behind it besides looking pretty? Is it attached to a fandom? Are you making stuff for an underrepresented niche? I often see people make something that is technically impressive, or their personal best, but it doesn't get shared too much because it lacks that appeal. It sounds harsh, I know, but it happens to me too. Until recently, my most popular piece was a doodle I banged out in an hour - just how it is, but I'm happy it resonated with people! You can have a look around at what other people post and see which posts of theirs do better or worse as well.
I don't follow the rule of posting at specific peak times, or posting every day. But I do try to tag stuff appropriately. Tumblr only uses the first 5 tags from your post in the search function, the rest you use for categorizing for your blog. So if you're starting out, it really is a waiting game until someone notices and shares your stuff, unless you have a buddy that can boost you.
I come here to have fun, I make art for me and if other people like it - awesome! I don't really optimize that well for social media reach, I just have my characters and their little stories. I do my specific niche of porn/kinks that are fun for me to draw and talk about. It helps that I have a more solid art style now than I did when I started. Apparently I've been doing NSFW for the past 7 years, and early this year is when it took off on tumblr.
To counteract the emptiness, it helps to have friends to bounce ideas around with or to make characters together with. It's why I create, really. I do it with friends because that's what I find fulfilling. And then I feel driven to draw and post about it as well, and that's been true all this time for me.
I hope you can find fulfillment as well, I think it does come through sometimes if a piece was made for reach or from personal joy. I for sure see that in ancient fanart I've done, I hate those pieces. But the personal stuff that I did for fun is still cute to me, even if it did get at most 5 notes way back when.
Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled. But yeah, this is what I do and what worked for me. But it's always different person to person. Much luck in your endeavors!
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ghoulysaphomet · 2 months
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Meet the artist... Finally finished this lol.
First picture;
Meet the artist Saphomet.
"Holo there! I'm Saphomet, most call me Ghost. I'm mainly a writer/fanartist who enjoys creating dark, gothic or humoristic work. I've been sharing my writing since 2013, same-ish with my art."
Fun facts:
My favourite season is winter, I hate summer.
I don't really watch movies, I prefer books.
I love saving small trinkets in a chest I keep on a shelf, one of my fave things is a bday card I got on my 21st bday from my grandma that reads; "I don't know what's wrong with you. Love grandma".
I collect bones and teeth. I keep the teeth in a jar on a shelf.
Fave TV show?
Depends. Live action? Probably spn or hannibal. My fave anime is Shiki, and has been since 2013.
Fave Game?
LOZ breath of the wild and Pokemon legends arceus.
What kind of music do you like?
Yes. (lol jk)
My music taste is very broad. I really enjoy choir music and listen to OSTs a lot. I don't know if there's one specific genre I listen to more than others.
Other hobbies?
I like to read (Like, actual books) a lot. Most, okay all, of my books are non-fiction or text books. I'd like to read more fiction books, preferably horror books. I read carrie once and I really enjoyed that. My fave fiction book is se7en (yes, like the movie).
I also watch gaming videos a lot, mostly horror games. I occasionally play games myself too.
Second picture:
As a writer....
I started out on deviantart in 2012, moved to ffnet in 2013 and then to ao3 in 2014. I do have an ffnet acc still, but I don't use it.
Has your works changed since you started?
In some ways yes. Of course they have, it's been more than a decade.
In other ways? No. Many of my first works were.. Dark. Similar to what I write today honestly, just a lot more dramatic somehow.
I would consider transferring those first works to ao3 if I could delete my ffnet account, if only as a reminder of how far I've come in terms of quality.
First work?
My first still published one-shot is an Ao No Exorcist fic. My first multi-chaptered still published fic is a Homestuck fic. Both from 2013.
Fave thing to write?
Angst. I love grief, angst, tragedy and death. I love exposition. I love hurt. Dark works::)
Fave tropes?
Hmm... Platonic cuddling and intimacy. Forced cannibalism. Fuck or Die. Pain-sharing. Body-swapping. Secrets & Exposition. Codependency. Enemies to family/Enemies with benefits.
Fave works?
As of August 2024;
It's better when you're with me (but that's better left unsaid) &
Bacterial Contamination
Ever thought about rewriting a work?
Oh yeah. I'd like to rewrite my first Aoex fic one day to be more tragic. I would also like to rewrite my GF fic 'Boiling Blood' to be less... blegh.
Last pic:
And as an artist?
I've drawn fanart since I was a kid. I started doing digital art on mspaint in 2013, then got Ibispaint x on my phone in 2014.
On picture of Joker Miku: Trad fanart from 2012
On picture of Natsuno: Mspaint art 2013
On MLP anthros: Ibispaint art 2014
On Allen painting: Pictured is a painting i made in 2013. My grandma loved it so much she decided to hang it in her living room. She still has it, and has no idea who that is lol
First art handle?
GoddammitGabriel. My current handle is Saphomet/SpleenJuice
Fave colors?
Bright neon colors! Especially greens, blues and yellows. I love most colors tbh. Except for purple, I really don't like purple honestly
Fave thing to draw?
Monsters! Character design. Taurs. Symbolistic art.
Depends. Usually I just doodle on my phone. If it's a planned thing I will sketch it out on paper first in my sketchbook and take a pic. My go-to pen is the dip pen (bleed). I don't use a stylus.
Where do I post my art?
On Tumblr @GhoulySaphomet and on Furaffinity @SpleenJuice. I do not have other social media.
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
wanted to know what vocal synth hcs you have... for any of them :3 curious
MY headcanons for like anything morph around a lot depending on what i wanna daydream about in that moment so things get loosey-goosey - i joked about the myriad of AUs i made for the main character of an otome game I drew a lot of fanart for a few years back that I imagine it all like this one map for b3313 i saw years ago
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like this HVFGSKDJHFEksafds everythings connect but also not and some are parallel and some are unrelated and some are branching storylines for the same concept while others are like. what if they were in space. i have fun <3
BUT anyway what i was thinking about is like, most of my silly comics kind of have a weird mix of like. imagining a production company that specifies in voice and singing production and also like. old 2009 vocaloid fandom canon where synths know theyre a specifc install of software in a computer and know about the user and all LOL im more of an oldhead than i think i am.......... i missed out on the entire scene from 2018-2020 tho so even tho i love old songs and new songs theres like that two year gap thats always a surprise for me <3
SO like i often imagine all the different engines as like. separate offices or separate office buildings. all mostly in the same district tho. tin pan alley ass situation. THE UTAU building is huge and chaotic with a new addition under construction with openutau, the vocaloid building is like sleek and a bit old fashioned but slowly amping up its to its old glory, some of the smaller engines like voicevox and such i picture as like smaller offices within the same building - so someone like sora whos on both sv and vocaloid i always imagine going between the offices (engines) to do different voicework, someone like rikka runs between voicepeak, sv, and cevio talk all together. shes very busy....
a really old deprecated software like i dunno lalavoice. dectalk. etc also have an office but everyones too scared to visit. they never see people leave or go in but the lights are still on. haunted by perfect paul.
wait sorry thats not really what you meant by headcanon probably sorry for the setting overview i just like to picture them all in a place <3 with a big showbiz entertainment industry flavour because i love stories about that stuff kjdsrkfed
anyway sometimes i also move over into my less meta daydreams so something like the virvox guys who i've gotten kind of attached to, sometimes its fun to imagine them as just normal guys doing voicework in a real office building that just happens to have companies called voicevox synthv and a.i.voice on different floors HFJKDSJHksd i like picturing stories where theyre like underdog voice actors/singers trying to make it big.... its very fun hee hee
actually i like doing that a lot in general. my favourite scenario is a big first concert that almost goes wrong (maybe technical issues) but just barely manages to go through fine and connect the singer with the small audience.. a classic..... can you tell im a love live fan....
OH heres some specific headcanons i tend to lean into relationship wise:
asterian rikka and genbu i like to imagine hanging out a lot as buddies and close co-workers because they were the first three vocal synths i bought and the only three full sv banks i have currently DKJFSJdkfsdakfds like you know how some people talk about like "work-husbands"? genbu is rikka's work-big-brother and asterian is like her work-dad <3 i imagine asterian to be like early 30s ish at most so hes a bit young for work-dad status but i think itd be really funny if he got a worlds best dad mug from her. like. thanks kid. but damn.........
and yeah i have absolutely incorporated your frimomen as rikkas dad headcanon into my worldview its so good dude. i think hed be so wonderfully embarassing <3 and i think itd be funny if he got a mug from rikka that just says like "dad". no worlds best or anything. moon god work-dad is cooler.
genbu's getting a congratulations on turning 3 toddler birthday card from rikka and thats it. i like imagining them as a bit of a shenanigans duo.... like a big brother who tries to be responsible for a second but immediately gets swept up in some bullshit anyway. 20 something bro who enables ur teenage sillyness <3
relationships are a big thing for me I looooooove picturing all kinds of dynamics like friends family romantic etc its so fun. i keep calling the eclipsed sounds starry court the celestial polycule and part of that is because i didnt know what else to call them before i saw the official starry court name but also i do like those three together a lot, romantically, platonically, any which way. saros is very silly in particular. i imagine them like 6 feet tall and full of chaos and solaria and asterian as like a wonderful 5'9
sometimes i think its fun to imagine universes where the starry court dont know theyre synths nor celestial deities and like theyre normal people with secret powers they havent unlocked yet..... i had some daydream a year or two back about asterian in a slightly dystopic future unlocking moon powers by discovering ancient technology in a fallen moon. if that makes sense. i forgot why.... but i think its a fun AU
i tend to focus on a lot of relationships between synths that share software but i also think its fun to think about shared voice providers, like i always imagine sora having like this sisterly bond with the coco sisters despite no blood relation. they are sisters...... sisters forever....
i do wanna start considering unrelated synth relationships more often tho... most of the time obviously i treat miku like shes the biggest synth star because she is HJKFSDHJkdsrfjds so i often picture other synths viewing her as like a celebrity. altho some know her personally like teto or gumi LOL i think theyre BUDDIES they have known eachother for over a decade. OH and im also a mean teto truther. i love her being kind of mean and jaded HJKFDsjds i think shes ultimately softhearted but i like to picture she has a bit of a hard edge
but yeah i really like playing around with these guys!!! they are fun dolls for me <3
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