random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Henri-Gabriel Ibels - La Cosmopolita (1894)
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heyimcelery · 10 months
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guess who finally finished Ninjago?!?! never got past season 10 originally but was happy to see a focus on my favs in the later seasons. just had to draw them.
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tobiasibelings · 1 year
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Old archived 35mm shot, amsterdam
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boneswilds · 2 years
IBELS, Henri-Gabriel. Pantomime, c. 1898.
IBELS, Henri-Gabriel. Pantomime, c. 1898. par Halloween HJB
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brandbucketindia · 1 year
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thomlocke73 · 8 months
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not my work..
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garfieldsbong · 10 months
i think i’m a professional third wheel lmao
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0812-8888-6070 Mesin Laundry Sumbawa
0812-8888-6070 Mesin Laundry Langsa Timur, Mesin Laundry Telaga Jaya, Mesin Laundry Bantarujeg, Mesin Laundry Undaan, Mesin Laundry Wungu, Mesin Laundry Gambut, Mesin Laundry Bunguran Barat, Mesin Laundry Labu Api, Mesin Laundry Ibele, Mesin Laundry Seget, Mesin Laundry Donri Donri, Mesin Laundry Kotabunan, Mesin Laundry Penukal,
Laundry Yang Bisa Mesin Anda Pilih Di Mulya Jaya Abadi Laundry menjadi bisnis kecil yang berpeluang untuk menjadi solusi dalam kredit usaha anda. Keberadaan usaha ini memang pada mulanya menghasilkan keuntunga yang belum begitu besar karena masih membutuhkan pemasaran ataupun pengenalan tempat laundry pada konsumen. Namun, jika hal ini telah dikembangkan dengan usaha yang prima pada akhirnya akan memberikan peluang atau solusi kredit usaha yang besar untuk anda. Peminjaman modal ataupun dana awal yang digunakan untuk membuka jasa laundry akan segera terbayarkan jika anda pandai dalam menarik minat para konsumennya. Seperti halnya pepatah berkata “sedikit demi sedikit, lama – lama menjadi bukit”. Anda harus pandai dalam mengilhami pepatah diatas karena dibalik pepatah tersebut memberikan makna yang positif untuk semangat anda dalam usaha laundry.
Keuntungan yang anda dapatkan dalam bisnis laundry ini akan melimpah sepanjang anda pandai memanfaatkan peluang bisnis ini disekitar anda. Besarnya nominal yang anda peroleh nantinya menjadi solusi untuk kredit usaha awal anda. Inilah bisnis yang menjanjikan dan menguntungkan anda dikemudian harinya.
Semakin berkembang usaha anda tentunya tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk menjadi solusi kredit usaha anda namun juga bermanfaat untuk Menyerap tenaga kerja yang ada disekitar anda. Dengan hal ini tentunya sebuah wirausaha bisnis laundry dapat menurunkan jumlah pengangguranj yang semakin tahun semakin naik atau bertambah ini.
Ada berbagai jenis paket untuk usaha laundry yang biasa disediakan oleh pihak penyedia jasa paket usaha laundry. Salah satunya yakni paket mesin laundry, yang mana paket mesin untuk laundry ini merupakan unsur utama dalam memulai usaha. Ada berbagai jenis paket dengan fasilitas yang diberikan bermacam-macam. Mesin Laundry Coin Dewasa ini banyak perubahan dari segi gaya hidup semakin tak terbendung. Semakin banyak dan beragamnya kebutuhan masyarakat pedesaan hingga perkotaan. Tak terkecuali juga kebututan hospitality seperti laundry. Kini laundry bukan lagi gaya hidup, melainkan sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Banyak orang lebih memilih menghabiskan waktu untuk melakukan kegiatan produktif dibandingkan harus mencuci di rumah. Karena banyaknya orang yang menggunakan jasa laundry, hal ini membuat usaha laundry semakin berkembang. Banyak kini muncul sistem laundry yang lebih modern, dimana Anda bisa mencuci sendiri pakaiannya dengan perlengkapan modern. Seperti contohnya mesin laundry coin yang semakin hari semakin banyak yang menggunakannya. Mesin Laundry Card Pada jaman saat ini usaha laundry menjadi sangat popular. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya perubahan gaya hidup banyak orang. Banyak orang yang lebih suka dirinya sibuk hingga tidak ada waktu untuk mencuci pakaiannya. Dewasa ini bisnis laundry mengalami banyak kemajuan. Jika dulu jika Anda ingin melakukan laundry pasti harus menunggu berhari–hari karena pemilik laundry memiliki pekerjaan yang banyak. Namun saat ini Anda bisa melakukan laundry itu sendiri, tanpa harus menunggu terlalu lama. Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir pakaian Anda akan tertukar atau bahkan hilang karena Anda dapat melakukannya sendiri. Kelebihan inilah yang membuat bisnin mesin laundry card atau kartu banyak digemari. Mesin Laundry Konvensional Mesin laundry adalah salah satu barang elektronik yang selalu dibutuhkan oleh ibu rumah tangga saat ini. Meningkatnya kesibukan masyarakat modern menjadi sebab mengapa alat tersebut harus ada untuk membantu meringankan beban kerja sehari-hari. Terlebih jika anggota keluarga yang dimilikinya cukup banyak. Sehingga pekerjaan tidak terbengkalai dan dapat dikendalikan dengan baik. Namun, sebelum membeli mesin laundry konvensional yang baik sebaiknya Anda harus menyesuaikannya terlebih dahulu dengan beberapa pertimbangan. Hal ini penting untuk diperhatikan karena beberapa kejadian kesalahan justru menambah pusing para penggunanya. Penyebabnya tidak lain adalah salah pilih model mesin laundry yang tidak pas dengan kebutuhan. Selain itu juga disebabkan oleh kesalahan memilih agen penjualan yang belum memiliki sistem garansi yang baik. Oleh karena itu Anda harus jeli agar tidak mengakibatkan kerugian di kemudian hari.
Perlengkapan Laundry Dengan Anda mengetahui berbagai peralatan/barang laundry atau perlengkapan laundry, maka Anda bisa memperkirakan modal awal. Sehingga bisa menyesuaikan dengan budget yang Anda miliki. Di zaman serba teknologi seperti ini tidak perlu khawatir memikirkan perlengkapan laundry. Sebab sekarang sudah ada layanan yang menyediakan paket lengkap untuk mulai usaha laundry tanpa ribet. Salah satunya di situs http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com yang menyediakan jasa layanan penyediaan paket usaha laundry dengan bermacam-macam harga. Nah sebelum itu, yuk cari tahu apa saja sih peralatan/barang laundry atau perlengkapan laundry yang perlu disiapkan.
Mesin Cuci
Setrika Laundry Dan Meja Setrikaan
Sabun Cuci Dan Pewangi Pakaian
Hanger Jemuran
Pengering Pakaian
Alat Tagging
Plastik Kemasan
Bagi Anda yang berminat untuk membuka usaha laundry tanpa khawatir mikir set perlengkapan, bisa menghubungi website http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com. Kami sudah Memasang dan meyediakan Paket Usaha Laundry ini hampir ke seluruh Indonesia dan membantu konsumen kami dengan profesional.. Tunggu Apa lagi Pesan Sekarang dan Mulai Usaha Laundry anda.. Kami menyediakan kebutuhan baik Mesin, dan Perlengkapan yang lainnya HUBUNGI Ibu Mulya 0812-8888-6070 https://bit.ly/3wyAPt5 http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com
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0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Belu
0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Banda Sakti, Setrika Laundry Tibawa, Setrika Laundry Cigasong, Setrika Laundry Undaan, Setrika Laundry Wungu, Setrika Laundry Gambut, Setrika Laundry Bunguran Barat, Setrika Laundry Labu Api, Setrika Laundry Ibele, Setrika Laundry Seget, Setrika Laundry Donri Donri, Setrika Laundry Kotabunan, Setrika Laundry Penukal,
Setrika UAP Laundry (Boiler)Alat ini yang membantu para pengusaha LAUNDRY atau JASA SETRIKA KILOAN untuk mendapatkan hasil setrika dengan hasil yang LICIN dengan waktu yang CEPAT dan biaya yang HEMAT.Ada yang masih bingung apa itu setrika uap??Kalau yang anda bayangkan sekarang adalah setrika yang mengeluarkan uap yang ada di pasaran berarti jawaban anda sudah benar.Tetapi setrika uap laundry yang kami sediakan berbeda dengan setrika uap yang dijual pada toko elektronik, setrika uap ini memiliki kapasitas tabung yang lebih besar dan mengeluarkan uap bertekanan tinggi yang lebih banyak bisa menembus sampai kain 4 lapis , setrika uap ini menggunakan bahan bakar gas sehingga akan lebih hemat biaya.8 Keunggulan Setrika UapBiaya lebih HEMAT karena menggunakan bahan bakar GAS LPGAman dikenakan pada sablon jenis apapun, tidak lengket.Waktu pengerjaan setrika pasti lebih cepatLebih licin tembus sampai 4 lapisan kainlebih cepat menyetrika celana jeans dibandingkan mengunakan setrika listrikJika Setrika seragam kantor atau PNS (bahan polyster) tidak perlu alas dan hasil tanpa bekasSetrika uap aman karena tidak akan gosongPengerjaan 1 pakaian +- 25 detikPerbedaan Setrika Listrik VS Setrika UapBayangkan saja, jika anda menggunakan setrika listrik, untuk setrika 5kg pakaian yang kurang lebih terdapat 20- 25 pcs pakaian anda membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1 jam. sedangkan jika anda menggunakan setrika uap anda hanya memerlukan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit saja untuk menyelesaikan jumlah pakaian yang sama.Bukan hanya CEPAT dan RAPI. di faktor biaya pun lebih HEMAT setrika uap disini menggunakan bahan bakar atau daya GAS LPG. yang mungkin jika di bandingkan setrika Listrik dengan daya 350watt penggunakan untuk 5kg pakaian akan lebih irit menggunakan gasFasilitas Gratis untuk Pembelian Setrika Uap KamiBISA BAYAR DI TEMPATuntuk anda yang berada di wilayah jabodetabek, surabaya dan area jawa timur yang masih dekat dengan kantor penjualan kami, anda bisa memanfaatkan layanan bayar di lokasiTRAINING SAMPAI BISAPenjelasan mengenai cara mengunakan setrika uap boiler dengan benar secara lengkap dan praktek langsung dalam penggunaan nya.LIFETIME SUPPORTApabila mengalami kendala atau ada pertanyaan lainnya tentang Setrika uap (boiler) segera konsultasikan kepada Kami dan dengan senang hati akan kami bantu agar usaha laundry anda selalu lancar.GARANSI TABUNG DAN SPAREPARTKami memberikan garansi kebocoran tabung 1 tahun, service sparepart 1 bulan, GRATIS biaya service jika Anda membawa setrika uap anda ke kantor kami dan hanya dikenakan biaya sparepart jika memang ada yang harus diganti.
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foodiotdotin · 2 years
iBELL Heavy Duty Inverter ARC Welding Machine (IGBT) 250A with Hot Start, Anti-Stick Functions, Arc Force Control - 2 Year Warranty
iBELL Heavy Duty Inverter ARC Welding Machine (IGBT) 250A with Hot Start, Anti-Stick Functions, Arc Force Control – 2 Year Warranty
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description Do you want to rule the welding industry with improved productivity and arc control with ease? We at iBELL aim to provide a cost effective, efficient and power boosted inverter ARC welding machine. Welding power sources are evolving in their better versions with each passing day. Recent power sources are lighter and more powerful with digital screens…
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cybertheticproject · 2 years
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Our new Cyberthetic gear is now available in our shop! cyberthetic.com #NFTs #nfts #NFTGiveaway #NFTCommunity #nftcommunity #nftcollection #NFTproject #nftcollectors #opensea #openseanftart #openseanft #openseacollection #alienmood #alienfashion #alienaesthetic #alienlife #cosmicfashion #cosmic #ibeleive #cyberthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/Cil9-C2MWDC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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krishitoolindia · 2 years
Buy Portable Type Welding Machine ARC 250, Welds 4mm Continuously - Krishitool.in
Book Now: https://www.krishitool.in/product_details/Portable_Type_Welding_Machine_ARC_250,_Welds_4mm_Continuously
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edgargonzalez · 2 years
    El Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) convoca laundécima edición del Premio Europeo del Espacio Público Urbano. Estecertamen bienal y honorífico, que desde el año 2000 reconoce las mejoresintervenciones de creación, transformación y recuperación de los espacios públicosde las ciudades europeas, distinguirá obras realizadas entre el 2018 y el 2021. En un contexto…
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kokofromwattpad · 1 year
Hi Hi! This is my first time doing an ask but I just wanted to give someone an Idea I just got about the dorm leaders with their s/o who got bunny ears and a cute little tail (Ik bunnies have longer tails but the pom pom tails are so adorable) because of a fail potion in Chem class.
PS: I believe cats are overrated its bunny's turn!
-M. Ibelle
Featuring: The dorm leaders
Plot: A failed potion caused the prefect to grow bunny-like features. How does their dorm leader boyfriend react to this? Cw: established relationship, dorm leaders (separate)x reader, GN!reader, Floyd A/N:As I write this, I am listening to Malleus's humming bit from book 7 on a one hour loop. Here it is if you don't know what I am talking about.
Riddle was confused but excited when he heard that you would be coming to visit him at his dorm after school. He had prepared everything and made sure that everyone in his dorm had something to do before you had arrived. And thank the sevens he did. He was busy drinking some new tea in the dorm's longue when the door opened and slammed shut. He turned to lecture who ever did that, but stopped when he saw you with your school blazer over your head. "What ever may be the problem darling?" he soothingly questions. You grabbed his wrist and dragged all the way into his bedroom. Once you closed and locked the door, you pulled your school blazer off your head. Immediately, a pair of tall bunny ears sprung up. Riddle was astounded at what he was seeing. You noticed his face and you suddenly started to feel embarrassed. You quickly turned on your heel and tried to unlock the door, which only showed off your cotton tail. Riddle grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his comforting embrace. "Tell me. How did this happen?" he inquired as he gently rubbed circles into the palms of your hands. You explained to him how Ace had accidently bumped into a cauldron filled with today's potionology assignment and caused you to grow bunny like features. Riddle swore to collar Ace as a punishment and let you stay in his bedroom until the effects of the potion wore off.
Not did you just grow bunny ears and a tail, you also developed bunny survival instincts. And your instincts were always screaming at you to stay as far as possible from your lion beastman boyfriend, Leona. Your clingy lover took obvious note of this and to say the least he was quite pissed of from your sudden negligence. You were hiding out in your bedroom at Ramshackle, just waiting for the affects of the potion to wear off, when one of your long ears flopped upwards from a sudden sound downstairs. You hid under the duvet cover as a stomping sound got closer and closer. When the door slammed open, with Leona standing with his hands on his hips, he could tell that something was not right. He came to tall mountain that lied in the middle of the bed and ripped the duvet off your shaking body. Your ears threw themselves up in terror. Just as you were about to book it out of the room, Leona grabbed you by your waist and hoisted you back onto the bed, but this time in his arms. He started to rub soothing circles into your hips, trying to calm you down, and luckily, it worked. Your ears feel down, back to normal, and you cuddled your self into Leona's protective embrace.
Azul could tell that something was not right when he clocked into the Mostro lounge that day. Their was a loud, continuous scream coming from the V.I.P room, which Azul immediately went to investigate, as he recognized that it was yours. He pushed the wooden door open to see that Floyd was tugging on one of your bunny-turned ears, while Jade was chuckling to himself while drinking some unknown tea. Azul yelled in a surprised voice, "What the hell is going on here?!" Floyd flicked his head up to his friend's voice, letting go of your ear in the process. "Shrimpy turned into a sea bunny! Aren't they cute?" he screeched out. "I don't care! The both of you get out now!" Jade placed his teacup down with a sigh and Floyd begrudgingly let your floppy ear down. Once the twins left the room, Azul was speedy to come over to you and fix whatever Floyd had messed up while he was teasing you. Once he was down smoothing down your hair, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and told you that you could stay with him until the potion wears off.
Kalim only got the news about what happened to you after school hours had ended. But once he did hear, he barreled off without telling Jamil to Ramshackle so that he could comfort you in whatever way he could. Since he knew that you were going to be to spooked to make dinner for yourself, he quickly went to Sam's shop and brought instant ramen for him and you. Once he was on Ramshackle's creaky doorstep, he rang the bell and you slowly opened the door to see who was there. When you saw your boyfriends smiling face, your ears jumped up with glee as you opened the door for bright boyfriend. After you curiously peeked what was in the bag, you speedily went and turned the kettle on. While you were busy preparing the food, Kalim was asking any and all questions he had about how you transformed, how long it will take until you turn back and how it feels to have those new appendages.
Vil was busy walking to his next class when his phone buzzed to life from a notification. His eyebrow rose as he dug his phone out of his pocket while walking. He tapped on the notification which lead to your contact. He smiled a bit before looking at your message. It read:
Potato (Complimentary):
Vil's heart raced a bit by your desperate messages. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and ran to inform his subject professor of where he will be. After that, he took off to Ramshackle as quickly as he could. Once he made it to the door of your bedroom, he knocked twice before opening the door for himself. You sat up in your bed with a panicked look on your face. Your newly acquired ears were down flopped down sadly. Vil rushed to your side and sat on your bed with a concerned look on his face. You were quick as to explain how you obtained the bunny features. Your boyfriend gathered your hands in his and brought it to his lips and gave them soft but swift kiss. "I'll keep you company until the affects of this potion wears off, but in the mean time lets give you a nice bath" Vil suggests.
Idia was busy grinding on some game that you didn't know the name of, when you abruptly threw yourself in his room. The flamed haired boy jumped with a start in his gaming chair as he turned around to see who barged into his room only to see a blurred figure run and throw themselves on his bed. His eyes widened at the intruder, only for them to soften when he saw your hooded body lay haphazardly on his bed. He sighed loudly at you while swerving his chair back to face his screen. "You could have knocked ya know" Idia mumbles. "Shut the hell up and look at me and then tell me that I needed to knock!" you yell back while yanking the hood of your jacket back. Your long floppy ears sprung out and fell down the sides of your face. Idia turned to look at you but when he saw the new appendages attached to your head, he cupped his cheeks in happiness and squealed like a little girl and jumped from his chair onto his bed next to you. "Please please please let me tough your bunny ears!" he begged. Sweat dripped down your forehead from your boyfriend's sudden eagerness. Slowly, you nodded your head, which made your ears swing forehead, making Idia squeal even more. Gently, he rubbed his thumb and forefinger on your long ear. "Do you know if you can do this with cat ears?" Idia asks with a wide smile.
The dragon fae was standing outside of Ramshackle's gate in the middle of the night for his and yours nightly walk. He had an extremely worried expression painted on his face. You have been avoiding him the whole day for reasons that he did not know. He thought that you finally realized that he was not worth your time. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door of your dorm shut close. He snapped his head in your direction only to see a tall pair of rabbit ears enter in line of sight. "Sorry for making you wait. I hope you don't mind the ears." you apologize. Malleus smiles tiredly at your words. He was honestly just happy that you didn't want to leave him. Malleus gently held your hand in his as he dragged your lighter body onto your usual path for the two of yours path. "I think that your new characteristics are quite adorable." he teases. You sigh from his words as you keep up with your boyfriend's quick steps. "Would you be able to get rid of them?" you ask the tall fae. Malleus smiles down on you as he says, "Of course I can darling! But I think you look quite adorable with those floppy ears of yours, so maybe you should keep them for a while."
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thomlocke73 · 8 months
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not my work
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