leo-kinnie · 1 year
Anyways ptau (parent trap au) headcanons donnie edition
-neopronoun hoarder. pronoun list is at least 3 pages on google docs
-LED fiend
-has like. 5,000 lamps in his room and only uses 7 of them consistently
-extremely volatile music taste. Can be listening to rises the moon one second and then crazy = genius the next
-suppresses stims a lot because he's still in HEAVY denial of being tistic
-sleep schedule? Hardly know her
-made glowsticks all the time when he was younger because chemical reaction go brrr
-has a shitton of plants (mostly succulents)
-transgender, to which one you ask? Yes
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
sending u an ask bc its been idk how long since i read the bad ending and i cant get over it :< i cant get over ur beautiful writing ugh :< i rlly hope you continue to write (no pressure though) because the way you word things is just super super immersing i love it so much ehsvwshbwjsnwjesb i hope foec grows and grows so much in notes because u deserve all the love for that fic <3
hey moon! sorry it took a while to answer this, between this ask + the very long and sweet reblog you left you said so many kind and flattering things that i felt a bit overwhelmed (in a good way! like, overwhelmed with love) and i wasn't sure how to respond skdljfaksld
but thank you thank you so much, both for saying this and for the really long reblog. i've seen how you supported foec since the very first chapter and i can't tell you how much it means to me, especially since this blog started from nothing, and having a fellow writer with a following really did a lot to get people interested in my fic. i mean, i would still write without the following, but there's something very touching about having someone love my fic so much that they constantly compliment it and hype it up and recommend it to other people. i can't even properly express how touched i am, i feel like crying tears of joy just writing this ahahaha
i do want to continue writing for txt! (or at least for yeonjun, sorry i love all the boys but as an older fan i only really feel comfy writing for the oldest member) i think i will take a break for a bit because i want to write for one of my other fandoms rn, plus i'm also busy with grad school so that's obvs gonna be my first priority. but i have some other ideas in mind and i really want to write them when i have the time!!
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Izuku’s Emotional Neglect
Hi so I’m not okay because I keep thinking about Izuku
This kid has been emotionally neglected since he was little. Izuku has had NOBODY to rely on emotionally
He didn’t have Inko, or his classmates, or All Might. Actually, All Might is borderline the only one he’s confided in [since they talk briefly about their connection of being quirkless], but he still holds back
Inko is trying her best and no parent is perfect, I see that, but what she said to Izuku that fateful night damaged that boy and the way he saw himself.
He asks her if he can be a hero, and she cries and says she’s sorry. Not only does this imply that Izuku’s quirklessness is bad, it also implies that she was lying.
And by the way, I don’t mean that Inko ACTUALLY lied that Izuku could be a hero, nor do I think that she meant to mean his quirklessness was bad.
But I need, NEED, to stress that this is how Izuku sees it. This is how he would perceive it, subconciously.
If you’re a child and you think that you can be a hero, your parent encourages it because it makes you happy. But then suddenly you can’t be a hero, and you ask them one more time if it’s possible, hoping that those little wishes you made weren’t fruitless, that maybe somehow this is some kind of dream and she’ll wake you up from it with her smile and her warmth, promising that even with this newfound “disability” you can still be a hero, but instead she cries and apologises to you? That’s going to make you think. It’s going to make you think “Was she lying? if she truly believed in me, why would she cry and say she’s sorry? why isn’t she encouraging me, like she always does? what is happening?”
It’s not the truth, and Inko DIDN’T lie, but subconsciously I feel like it’s something that betrayed Izuku a great deal.
And with the quirklessness. He hates it, he hates feeling useless, and he saw himself as useless when he was quirkless, therefore -> quirkless is something weak and awful.
Time and time again, we see this evidence of the emotional neglect he was subjected to. It’s like actively ongoing and the effects of it are seen even now
We’ll start with the Inko one. I just mentioned it, but here are the panels. It’s really just the language that she uses
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“You mean there’s something wrong?”
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Apologizing over and over again, like not being normal was a bad thing. Moreso, I think this just meant that she knew how hard Izuku’s life was going to be as a quirkless person, but the way she says it makes it sound like what happened to Izuku was wrong and bad and incredibly awful
Then we have All Might disregarding his feelings and telling him straight up that he couldn’t be a hero
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Which then leads to this commentary
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“Don’t cry! Let it sink in!!” “Just block it out, just block it all out, just-”
*pats Izuku on head* You Can Fit So Much Denial And Repression Into This Kid!
Then further along, Izuku is seen, and he gets the quirk. He is then surrounded by people that love him, that want to help him, but it’s almost like even the narrative won’t let him have emotional closure.
In most emotional closure scenes (Tsuyu crying, Kirishima vs Rappa, Iieda in the hospital with Shouto and Izuku, Kacchan vs Deku 2), there is an end to it. The character is emotional, crying or upset, and thinking back on their regrets, spilling their guts as they scream, sob, or give solemn expressions. The other characters then cheer/hype them up, reaching some sort of conclusion to the character’s pain, and the situation is more or less resolved.
But that’s not the case with Izuku. He’s always left sorta hanging there, or his hurt and anger get sidetracked by something else. One example of this is the Running With All Might scene in the UA grounds
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Izuku is incredibly upset that All Might chose to withhold information on Sir Nighteye and Mirio, and he speaks about how he can’t make sense of it. He’s voicing all his worries to All Might as they run, because he can’t stand the thought of All Might keeping something like this a secret from him.
And then All Might tells him why he kept it a secret, that he didn’t feel it was necessary to let Izuku know about Nighteye’s bias, and then it divulges into him telling Izuku he’s gonna die, and Izuku focuses on that instead.
I am NOT saying that All Might did this purposefully. He didn’t try and steer Izuku’s anger away from him, it was just that it all got revealed so suddenly, so the subject changed.
The narrative tosses Izuku’s feelings of anger aside, and instead Izuku gets emotional over All Might’s potential death. Idk man, to go from angry and upset about withheld information and then immediately shoved into the knowledge that your mentor-father figure is gonna die? That’s the narrative playing with Izuku’s feelings.
Obviously, All Might’s communication skills are awful and he just kinda unloaded all this stuff on Izuku cuz he didn’t think to tell him in the first place, but I still think Izuku’s feelings got pushed around here. He had no time to process any of it
Another example is the cafeteria scene with Shouto and Iieda
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The scene goes that Izuku is visibly depressed by the Eri situation and Iieda and Shouto notice. They tell him that he can talk to them when everything gets too much [a parallel to the Stain fight], and Izuku cries. Izuku insists he shouldn’t cry, and Shouto tells him that, actually, Heroes cry too sometimes, and they offer him their food in an attempt to comfort him.
But the thing is, this scene doesn’t offer closure. Closure would be Izuku seeing that he could rely on his friends and telling them how he feels [he wouldn’t have to necessarily tell them about Eri - maybe just phrase it in another way that doesn’t reveal the mission]. Closure would be Izuku accepting that Heroes can cry too, and admitting he’s not okay. Instead, we have this
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The scene feels... incomplete? Like there’s no knot at the end of the rope. Izuku is being comforted, but he’s not acknowledging his own feelings of sadness.
In fact, he’s shoveling food into his mouth to stop himself from crying, to shut himself up, to try and move forward and get past his little outburst.
I would go as far as to say this is self hatred eating, trying to quell that vulnerable part inside
I wouldn’t say Izuku HATES himself now. Rather, he just makes connections to his past quirkless self in his mind. It’s the negative emotion connection
Feeling weak? Well, you’re still like your quirkless self before! You’re still not good enough and useless!
Not strong enough? Sounds like back when you were quirkless! All weak and helpless! You can’t help anyone, which is why you need to get stronger, so you can move on from your past self!
Crying? Just like when you were quirkless! You always cried back then, like a helpless kid! You can’t be like that anymore, since you are now All Might’s Successor and A Hero, so stop crying! You’re not allowed to cry anymore!
Do you see what I’m getting at here? Izuku continuously represses these emotions as he gets stronger because he connects them to when he was quirkless. If you associate certain behaviors and emotions with how you were during a vulnerable and traumatic time in your life, you’re going to want to shove those emotions down so you don’t repeat what happened back then [in this case, Izuku sees himself being vulnerable as weak, and he saw himself as weak when he was quirkless, so he’s trying not to be vulnerable anymore].
And the scary thing is, now, we can even see the hatred in real time. I’m sure there are other examples in the manga, but one scene is very prominent in my mind, and it’s this one
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Izuku is so incredibly strong now, he has saved many people, but he still can’t view himself as anything other than “useless” or “helpless” unless he powers through death itself just to break himself more. He almost feels like he HAS to do that in order to be seen as worthy, for himself and others. When he’s struggling, bleeding and heavily injured, he yells at himself as if it’s all his fault.
It’s not about whether he’s aware he’s actively dying or not. To him, being worthless and useless is infinitely worse than dying.
Actually, the way Izuku practically yells at himself in this panel reminds me of when he was walking home in chapter 1 after his chat with All Might [shown above when talking about All Might’s impact]
There are two translated versions of this actually that ring alarm bells in my head. There is the panel already pictured above, but I chose this panel too because I simply think it hits harder
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“Don’t cry! You knew already, right?! This is reality...”
In either translation, he’s chiding himself. For crying. For being emotional.
And once again, I totally think this stems from emotional neglect. Trying not to get too personal here, but I know what this feels like, and I know the effect it has had on me. I can’t be vulnerable or spill my feelings in front of people, it just feels illegal or smthg. Like it shouldn’t be done. And like... if you’re taught from an early age that, one way or another, your feelings don’t matter and that nobody is going to pay attention to you, why try, right?
Then you just begin to Not Feel Properly, and you become incapable of expressing your feelings in a healthy manner
Current examples of this?
Izuku literally not giving himself time to process anything, like worry, grief, sadness. If anything, the only emotion he gives time for is anger. And he specifically directs it at All For One, cause that’s his target. [we saw little bits of this in War Arc but it also applies to the current arc]
He can’t cry. He feels emotional, sure. But he never lets his tears shed.
And one last bit of evidence
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I’d say most if not all of these sound about right
In conclusion I wanna hug Izuku
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madfantasy · 3 years
Dearest Mani, you are always in my heart and prayers! You're incredibly talented as an artist and a writer (I think you could write a good autobiography, I find your writing both heartbreaking and fascinating), and so strong and persistent! I dreamed of becoming an artist as a kid, but wasn't allowed to study drawing, but when I became a teen nobody could prevent me from learning... but I was too hesitant... with too low self-esteem... so I never learned, alas. Be blessed, my darling!
Oh dear Bianca, thank you so much, bless your heart🫂💛
I always fear when I share about my life that I be a burden.. I have to apologise
I'm sorry you had that experience, I understand at times people think of art as not a rewarding path and maybe discourage people from it, but if its your dream, its yours and it is in you, and you're never late to start if the dream still dwells within the space of your pleased mild unconsciousness and the results shouldn't matter most of the time, the more you do it, the more it be obvious what you can and can't do, and what you want and don't want to do in the vast fields of art~
I honestly have never considered art as something I'd go with, I actually was a mathmatic wiz and enjoyed solving these equations like chewing on sour candy,  my mouth frothing at the thought of getting more... and wrestling, its still my second goal..
Art was something I did out of necessity; I wasn't allowed to express much, it was similar to the life style of military (the irony here is my last name means warrior, and alot of distant family were inrolled, including my guardians) it was a life line mechanism your body forcesyou to do, to breath.  I didn't think of it,  I didn't plan it, I didn't consider it Art, so I always feel because I didn't seek it as art or have sought to learn it properly or have in my possession a sealed certificate of learning it, i can't call myself an artist! (But that continuesly was proven wrong as I became more and more involved in it)
And the amount of resistance I got towards me drawing equalled me stubbornly drawing even more. It was as if I was involved in the dark arts, which it was to my family, my teachers, my peers— everyone. It was a reason for them to crush me, but it didn't crush the urge to draw non stop.
I remember as a kid they let me cuz its child's play, and was aware of all those adults saying to my guardians, oh Mani's art is amazing but you know what to do when they grow up. They beat the freak out of me every time they caught me doing it. So my choices became draw while they are asleep ( or my own sleep time under the covers) or at work. Second place is at school, I was taking every pause possibility to draw like I'm possessed to, while decently acing school. I mean I literally did my homework and everything at school so I don't have to do anything home but draw.
Inevitably I was found out at school, even tho I was and still a very quiet shy kid, and I try to hide my art anyway possible whilst drawing. Evey time the consequences were either of those two: utter humiliation, or a praise with guilt.
They praised me saying its amazing but I can't do that, and to please stop it. Or just being silently fascinated by it and taking it without telling me its good so they "won't encourage me"
The humiliation was me pointed out as what not to do to the whole class, and telling me I'm going to hell when I die and be forced to try and make those creations I made come to life, seeing that I could not, be tortured with alot of graphically disturbing description of fire and burns. First when I was 7 years old. I remember standing too in a line in front of the whole school at queue as the "shameful" students line, watching some of my peers cry and me just standing there just struggling not to laugh. Cuz idk
Other time peers snatching my art from me and running around with it and calling me names, and such, and it takes a bit more than rough housing by me to get it back. Often school calling home and getting my share of beating from there too.
I remember the biggest humiliation I got is by a freaking art teacher snatching my mouths stocked folder thanks to the stupidity of a peer I didn't even allow to share my art with leaving it wide open for the teacher to see. They took it, questioned my classmates as to how the frk nobody reported my art to the admin or whatever. And if they were okay with the horrors I make. They were heh.
But didn't stop the admin from basicly spreading that and assuming that i am crazy and need psychological help. Which made more hard beatings at home hearing that in the phone call they made.
I eventually fell out from school because of continuing decline financial situation and my mental stability. The cycle didn't end, guardians never stopped killing me over it, destroying my art, threatening, the whole work— till I got commissioned for the very first time. Like only few years ago. They let off seeing now it brings money..
Till this day they don't know what I draw thanks to switching digitally nd speaking English. Also they don't have the health to go around snooping in my stuff anymore right around the time too
The bottom line is, I don't know how everything just fell into place, into being an artist rather than it being a choice to make.. still carrying those shackles of always get those flashes of being hurt by it, regretting posting and drawing always and feeling its never good enough or not being something acceptable or sought-after. But on the flip side, it's the embodiment of freedom, it's the most accomplished, happy, fulfilled, humaaaaann I ever be while practising it.
What you love and will be will happen no matter what and how long...
I'm sorry for more sad dibble about my life..
I am happy today; I just wore like passes as a boy trouble maker here and my guardians were laughing and hyping me to go out on the streets and make some trouble. The exact intention hehe. And I wanted to share but can't do that publicly but posted on my ko-fi hehe
Leaving u with sev wip , and all my love 💛🌟
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aj28gaming · 3 years
Nagito's dementia and misuse of information
What I mean is, yes he has dementia or is at least diagnosed with it
And I believe that he probably does actually have dementia (not saying he could've lied tho but he could've still been misdiagnosed)
But that doesn't mean he has all of the symptoms
I don't think we can confirm if he does or doesn't have dementia because he might just not have all of the symptoms
But I do know that using the symptoms to explain his character isn't a good idea especially since it usually undermines who he actually is
So stop using his dementia as a way to explain EVERYTHING HE DOES AND IS
He doesn't even have all the symptoms and is close to having almost none of them
Using a mental illness to explain a character's entire character is a bad idea and makes it seem like it's who they are entirely
Yes Nagito is diagnosed with dementia however that isn't who he is entirely
He is a complicated character with a lot of layers
And his illnesses definitely don't make up ALL OF HIS LAYERS AND CHARACTER
Okay now, let me explain
(These are a combination of all of the symptoms of Frontotemporal dementia that I have gathered)
Now onto the symptoms:
Behavior and/or dramatic personality changes, such as swearing, stealing, increased interest in sex, or a deterioration in personal hygiene habits
- No, and no not even when the killing game started. Yeah sure he laughs now, but that's no different from how he is normally since laughing for him is what he does when he gets surprised or stressed. He doesn't change much in the killing game, he still believes in hope and everyone else, still respects boundaries, still have crazy high intellect and empathy, still pushes people away
Socially inappropriate, impulsive, or repetitive behaviors
- not really, again the guy is a freaking gentleman even during the killing game. He respects boundaries, reprimands Teruteru for sexual assault during chapter 1, pushes people away and distances himself from others, isn't at all impulsive (usually quite the opposite really), and is usually planning and tries to remain calm and composed throughout the killing game (struggling tho cuz yeah killing game)
Impaired judgment
- here, I kinda disagree. I wouldn't say that Nagito is entirely in the right with everything he does, but I understand his views. The guy knows that no one is truly a bad person in the killing game because everyone was forced into it. He knows that even the blackened escapes and everyone dies, it isn't fully a bad thing because that means someone escapes and goes back home to their loved ones while the killing game ends
If a blackened succeeds, the despair would be of course everyone else dying and the blackened going through a lot of trauma, but the hope would be the end of the killing game and the blackened going home or to their loved ones or to their goal in life or whatever
If the blackened dies, the despair would obviously be the blackened dying and the killing game still continuing, while the hope would be everyone else still alive
Nagito isn't exactly wrong in wanting to help the blackened as well, of course, Nagito would want him himself to be the victim so another person gets a chance at escape and no one else would be the victim
Sadly for Nagito, that time never comes
Nagito doesn't want others to be killed, he wants to sacrifice himself instead as the victim instead of everyone else
- .....big no. Nonononono. The dude is anything but apathetic.
"Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern about something."
Seriously, being a dude who is constantly supportive of everyone and their hopes in life and how passionate this dude gets about hope and despair, and the fact that he is the most stressed 24/7 about something bad happening due to his luck, this guy is seriously anything but apathetic
Lack of empathy
- No. If the guy truly lack empathy he wouldn't need to use Hope desperately as a coping mechanism, wouldn't care about the ultimates and their hopes and despairs, wouldn't constantly be thinking about helping the ultimates and overcoming despair, wouldn't be the most stressed out of everyone, and definitely wouldn't be in love with Hajime or even act the way he did in chapter 1
Decreased self-awareness
- You don't actually understand why you act the way you do. A good indicator that you lack self-awareness deals with how well you understand your emotions, actions, and behavior. People who lack self-awareness often feel constantly off-kilter, anxious, or angry.
This is not Nagito at all. The guy understands his emotions and behaviors which is why he is able to do the things he does and is able to conduct plans based on how much he understands his own self and capabilities. The guy is actually the most self-aware out of everyone, he knows about how people don't understand him and constantly misunderstand him and his intentions, he is aware constantly of his inability sometimes to properly explain his goals to people.
The guy has a lot of self-awareness and isn't afraid to take responsibility for his actions. Actually, it's because of how self-aware he is of his own self and his destructive luck cycle that he constantly blames himself for anything bad that happens.
The guy is seriously self-aware as hell and it's scary sometimes
Loss of interest in normal daily activities
- Nope, he hasn't shown any sign of apathy towards anything and is usually pretty hyped about doing daily activities. He is paranoid though on the daily because he fears for what his luck cycle might do
Emotional withdrawal from others
- Emotional withdrawal involves bottling up your emotions. It involves cutting out the people who could help us, because we're so used to rejection that we've learned to anticipate it. Because we've learned to disconnect from others, we develop other unhealthy coping mechanisms
Emotional withdrawal is defined as pulling back emotionally or physically by bottling up your feelings or disconnecting from others. Emotional withdrawal can be far more complex at times. It is comparable to a breakup, in every way but physical.
Kind of? Yes, he pushes people away, but he is still willing to spend time with people, especially Hajime, when they really insist. He politely pushes people away, but he isn't opposed to hanging out with people either though it is sometimes rare
Loss of energy and motivation
- .... I already said it before, the guy is full of motivation and energy and passion that it is scary sometimes
Inability to use or understand language; this may include difficulty naming objects, expressing words, or understanding the meanings of words
Hesitation when speaking
- Definite no, the guy isn't afraid to voice his own opinions and never hesitates and can get very vocal about the things he is passionate about
Less frequent speech
- Again, definite hell no. I wouldn't be surprised if his voice lines are longer than the voice lines of everyone else combined
- Nope. The guy is focused on his goals constantly. No matter what he does, you can always be sure that it is for a certain goal. He pisses of Fuyuhiko? It was to get a reaction from him to confirm his suspicions about the true culprit. He lied about the rope? It was to see how Mikan would react and how the trial would go to confirm his suspicions about Mikan being the culprit?
The guy is focused like a damn soldier
Trouble planning and organizing
-.....do I seriously need to explain? This is Nagito we are talking about
Frequent mood changes
- Not really. He usually acts or reacts a certain way because something happened like someone died or something. He is actually pretty normal with how he acts and reacts and doesn't really change his mood rapidly that much
- Yes and no? Sure the guy gets paranoid 24/7, but is still somewhat more chill than agitated to an extent. He is easy going and is just paranoid about what his luck would do, he is vigilant but not necessarily agitated
Increasing dependence
- No. The guy is independent to a fault and only relies on others when his plans call for it. He also usually does things of his own accord and rarely with a partner unless he really needs to or his goal is to help that person specifically, which knowing him is a usual thing
Unwillingness to talk
- Again, no. The guy talks a lot and while he pushes others away, he wouldn't turn down a conversation if the other person wanted one
Lack of inhibition or lack of social tact
- Again, no. The guy is a gentleman and respects boundaries and definitely gets stressed especially in the killing game. The guy is also paranoid 24/7 on a normal day due to his luck cycle
Obsessive or repetitive behavior, such as compulsively shaving or collecting items
- No? Sure he clings to hope but that is more of a coping mechanism. If he isn't in a stressful situation like a killing game he doesn't get that obsessive as much about hope since he doesn't need to desperately cling to it as a coping mechanism
Unusual verbal, physical or sexual behavior
- No? He isn't at all like this. It isn't unusual to panic or use a coping mechanism desperately when in a situation like a killing game, and he doesn't do anything unusual like this when it's a normal day. Sure the guy gets paranoid, but that's it
Weight gain due to dramatic overeating
- No? Actually, I don't really know how much weight he gains to be honest so idk
My main point here is, yes there is a chance Nagito does actually have dementia, but using the symptoms as a way to explain his character undermines who he actually is and can cause a lot of misunderstandings of his character
Especially since I remember being told that they only added in dementia to his character backstory a little late during his character development and creation
It isn't a good idea to use his symptoms because it usually gets his character wrong and sometimes makes them excuse a lot of the things he has done
The guy is self-aware, isn't socially inept, is a gentleman, and socially intelligent as hell
And again
Stop using his dementia as a way to explain EVERYTHING HE DOES AND IS
He doesn't even have all the symptoms and is close to having almost none of them
Using a mental illness to explain a character's entire character is a bad idea and makes it seem like it's who they are entirely
Yes Nagito is diagnosed with dementia however that isn't who he is entirely
He is a complicated character with a lot of layers
And his illnesses definitely don't make up ALL OF HIS LAYERS AND CHARACTER
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dl4draws · 3 years
hi there!
lil' preface so i don't come off as a weirdo: i'm somewhat new to tumblr shenanigans™ so idk if it's just normal that awesome writers and artists share a bit of their progress for creating something, but you're the only blog i've witnessed doing it so you're getting this ask.
i absolutely love it here. getting to listen to (or read about?) someone's projects in the works feels like such an awesome thing! you're sharing this passion of yours with us and letting us experience this joy with you?? you're letting us see little doodles and headcanons and even a playlisy?? OMG
again, idk if that's normal on here but to me (someone who does everything on their own because who would care about my silly little craft?) this is absolute pure generosity and kindness on your part and i will never not praise that. i can't really put into words what i'm trying to say here because as much as i love the english language, it's not my first language and i just don't know how to express this properly. i guess what i want to say is thank you? thank you for all the happiness you share, thank you for letting us come on this journey with you and thank you for talking about your passion. that's a scary thing to do but whenever i see someone doing that i will 100% always sit there and listen to them talk about something they care about a lot (even if i don't understand a single thing about the topic) and try to interact and let them know that someone always cares about their thoughts and projects, even if it's just a stranger on the internet, because i know what it's like to run against a wall of indifference and i don't want anyone to feel like that.
keep talking about things that bring you joy and keep sharing them, someone's always going to support you and cheer you on and get excited with you!
this got a lot longer than i wanted it to be but my point is you're amazing and keep doing what you do, no matter how much you want to share of it or how long it takes! there's always going to be support and someone who appreciates you and your work.
idk if this should be anon or not because i don't want to seem so incredibly weird and out of place with my long stupid ask here-- this feels so uncalled for
take this virtual hug
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hi hi hi good morning, I am throwing my reputation away and say I’m about to cry
Okay so I’m answering this bit by bit! I don’t think it’s that rare to see a content creator share stuff about their writing/art! At least with the people I’ve surrounded myself, there’s always sneaky posts here, reblogs with tags and stuff about their characters! It’s always so much fun to see those, see people share little details about their work is always fascinating to me! Personally I adore sharing the process because I am having Too Much fun and being extremely chaotic and I think it’s cool to share me having only half a braincell with you all lol
I’m so glad you like it here in my little corner of tumblr!!! I’m not an oversharer in any aspect of my life usually but with aus i go full beast mode and start talking and good luck shutting me up lmao as of right now I don’t really have time for full drawings (which is exactly why the hanahaki au isn’t already finished). Getting to doodle for this au has helped me with wanting to draw but not being exactly able to, and with getting stuff off my mind! I’m not very forgetful but with ideas I usually think about them, have a Good Laugh tm, proceed to think about it for half an hour and then forget about it, unless I scream about it to someone (or just make a post and announce it to you all).
One thing u might not know about me is that I make playlists for everything. If u go through my spotify playlist you’ll see many playlist, but I have so many secret ones bakshssk making a playlist for an au or for a fic (sometimes I make playlists for fics I read!)
I absolutely adore hearing about everyone’s ideas, like you said, listening to someone talk about something they’re passionate about is always so fascinating!! And it makes me so happy to see that someone trusts me enough to open their mind and share their ideas with me, even if (again like you said) I understand nothing of the topic! Honestly I am extremely thankful for you, and everyone who has ever interacted with me or my silly ideas. It hypes me up so much to see you all liking and sending me stuff about it (every time I get a random ask about something I said, or a headcanon or anything 25 years are added to my life ngl). I never thought people would enjoy my aus, be it the hanahaki one or the street racing one (or the beauty and the beast one!!!) You guys really are amazing!! And I totally get what you mean with running with a wall of indifference, I’ve been there and it’s not fun, but I’ve learned who to share with and who not to share with, and that’s okay (for me). I’m not a very good talker but I’ve been told I’m good listener, so if anyone ever has any problems, anything they’d like to talk about please never hesitate on sending me an ask or a message!! (zukka wingfic anon I’m still thinking about you)
Nooooo, please I didn’t find this weird at all!!!! I actually feel so flattered I haven’t been able to stop smiling :D it makes me so happy to see you enjoy my silly content, and that makes me want to create more of it!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day/night, and know that I’ll be thinking about this all month hakahaksb
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
The K-List: Day #37
Kaptain K's K-List Pride Event: #11
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Hey look! I'm actually talking about a b-side again <3 today I wanted to go back and pick something from Gatcha! since I ended up going with a ONEWE track back on the actual double comeback day, didn't wanna leave my other beloveds out!
I actually had the opposite problem that I usually have! A lot if the time I'm like 'ooooo! I like this song!' But I don't really know what exactly to say about it to like express in words what I like about it, this time there actually was at least something that I felt like I could say about all the songs on this release (as opposed to, 'I like all of the, but which one do I actually have something to say about'), so trying to pick one was a little hard for that reason, plus I had a lot of thots (tho still not very eloquent and coherent thots...) so this time it was a matter of trying to organize those thoughts and word them properly which was my challenge, as opposed to trying to wrack my brain for things to say
Anyway, here it is 😌:
I am a Strings Loving Bitch so ofc I fell in love with LUCY and ofc I always have to keep my ears open to pick up all the good good violin bits when I listen to their music. I always have to have a listen when I sit and Just Focus on the violin.
And this track of course does not disappoint 😌
(GOD am I bad at using words to describe the things that I mean, but damn I sure am gonna try huh? <3)
The part in the first chorus where Yechan is holding a note and then as it rings it gets really unnatural? Like an alien sound?? (Idfk what I'm talking about. just go with me agdhahs like. 0:22-0:28 (same thing happens at 1:46-1:48)) idk. It sounds cool 🤷 The violin part in the second prechorus when it picks up and helps drive it? <3 the part that supports the bridge(? I think the section I am thinking of is a bridge, but I am also An Idiot <3 so who knows?) <3<3 and the lil extra flavor helping to finish out the last chorus <3<3<3 (ahdkahdj okay. We get it Kjersten, there are multiple violin parts in this song by a band one quarter of which is a violinist)
The part at 0:33 where everything drops out and it's just very minimal drums and bass under Sangyeop's voice? <3<3<3 (as a side note: the bass and drums in general in this song?? Oooooo yummy yummy yummy, Wonsang, Gwangil, u really outdid yourselves kings 😌💗)
The completely unaccompanied "time to wake time to wake me drop(up)"
That, and the distortion on the "U N ME A N D I N U N US W E N I N U N U N ME" section
(Something something about electronic influences and also violin, a classical instrument, both being used in the same songs, something about modern technology and traditional classical sound coming together, new and old, combined on a track. I am not a coherent intellectual person but there is Something to be said here, even if idk how to say it... please chew on this with me..... 👀)
Gwangil's B-section(? Is that what it is?? It's not a bridge because it's Too Early (before the second chorus) and there is Something Else later that I'm pretty sure is the bridge.....is it just part of the second verse?? But it has a completely different melody from the first verse... 🤔 who knows?) It is very pretty! We love tasty bits of Gwangil vocals in this house <3
This song just gets me very hyped up, I love how it builds
In the words of Choi Sangyeop: Oh feel like vibing feel like vibing
!!!!! He's right!!!
The vibes of this song are immaculate <3
Please do yourselves a favor and go check it out, along with the rest of this 'single album' and LUCY's entire discography
As always, ily all 😘
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Hi, can I have a BNHA and Haikyuu haven matchup ? I describe myself as much as I can I am a 163 cm INTJ girl with curly and light brown hair, brown eyes , I’m a little fat and I wear glasses I like to listen to nightcore or slowed music. I usually do not care about what people say and I do what I think is right. I am very introverted and I prefer to be myself(ngl sometimes I get annoyed really fast). I can be funny or serious around people and be quiet outside but from the inside I'm very shy and like to read books / manga and watch romance, horror movies and animation, and I usually get emotional watching them. I am a direct person to the people. I prefer to stay home to read comics, sleep, play, rather then go out with people. I like to take care of my appearance and take the time to get ready (I NEVER wear pants so I usually wear shorts or dresses) and people tend to say My personality is really edgy(idk what that means I think they mean I’m a bruh girl?). I’m really tsundere so sometimes some of my friends say that they think I’m emotionless and I never cry but if u look closely i actually do care about people I just show it to them with my little actions bc I’m not really good with words oh and one of my bestfriends always says that “U do not know how to express your feelings properly and people say that you do not know your worth and you hide ur true feelings” oh alsoooo Ive been to a karate and boxing class before but I hate sports that includes running and ummm My fav subject at school is maths but I’m really good with languages too!(I can speak 3 fully language and I can understand Arabic too)and I really like to teach people the studies that they don’t understand
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Dream catcher loading...
ɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
-��Old habits die hard
- A girl like her
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Akaashi Keiji, Fukurodani's setter
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Sun drops
- My plan A was Tokoyami
- My plan B was Iwaizumi
- I paired you up with Akaashi!
- Akaashi is a very sweet and patient
- Since he deals with Bokuto, he is grateful taht he has an escape (I mean he lives Bokuto but this man needs a break-)
- He could definitely help with anything you need
- He would also often help you express your emotions
- Expect a whole lot of "Darling" here
- He doesn't mind your Tsundere tendencies
- This man treasures you
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard
- He ALWAYS plans a date once every week
- He also bought this reversable mood plushie
- He has notes on you. Don't question why, but he did
- He loves laying his head on your lap and just nap
- He treats you differently compared to others
- He smiles more around you vuae eyou said you loved his smile.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
A girl like her
“Akaashi~ I heard you got yourself a girl,” Bokuto said to his younger friend. “Yes, I do have a girlfriend now. Is that a big of a surprise?” Akaashi said as he looked at Bokuto. “No! No! Just surprised as all,” Bokuto said as he chuckled. “Can I meet her?” He added excitedly. “I’m sure you would get to meet her soon enough. However, be gentle when it does happen. She is quite shy,” The shorter said before they parted ways. And throughout the whole school day, Bokuto and the rest of the volleyball team has been trying to find out who this girl is. They’ve heard a lot about her through Akaashi but they never really met her. And they’ve never seen Akaashi with anyone else. As they continued to stalk Akaashi in their free time, the pretty setter was merely sitting alone at lunch. “Okay, so he declined eating with me to sit alone? Am I annoying him now?” Bokuto sulked. He was then shushed when the team saw a girl walk towards him.
The stone faced he had faltered and a soft smile appeared. “Hey there, Love,” He said as he stood up. “Hello, how are you?” The girl responded. And that was a start of a long conversation. As time passes by, the volleyball team observed the couple. Well, that was until, Bokuto because he is Bokuto. “Hey Hey Hey, Akaashi! There you are,” He said as he walked toward the couple. His other team mates tried to stop him but it had not worked. “Hello Bokuto,” Akaashi said. “Who is this?” Bokuto asked as he gazed at the female beside him. “Bokuto, this is my girlfriend. Babe, this is the man I’ve been talking about,” Akaashi introduced. After the pleasantries and introduction, the three seemed to clicked. Bokuto didn’t feel like a 3rd wheel at all, which was kinda nice.
“Well, I’ll be going! You two enjoy the rest of your break,” Bokuto said before he left. And so the duo were left in a comfortable silence. “Are you okay, darling? If you are uncomfortable I can ask him to lower down the volume?” Akaashi asked. The curly haired female chuckled and shook her head. “No! No it’s fine, I don’t mind his energy,” She responded as she smiled. “That’s good then. You’ll see him a lot more,” The taller male then said as he kissed her forehead. “What did I do to deserve a girl like you?” He asked as he placed his head on her shoulder. “It just seems so surreal,” He added as he smiled. “You deserve the world, I should be asking that instead of you,” The female responded. “Then we deserve each other, because you are my world and I am yours. I think that’s how it goes,” Akaashi said. He then kissed her flustered cheek and smiled. Oh how he loved this girl, and he wouldn’t give her away nor hurt her. He just fallen in love all over again.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
I'm so sorry for taking so long! School has been hectic--But I hope you like this matchup!!
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cirrus-lily · 4 years
my first listen of resonance pt. 1!
i wanted to start doing these since i’m very interested in music and stuff and i wanna learn how to properly express musical things etc. etc. so yea!! feel free to ignore and these are just my opinions, so pls don’t come @ me thanks :)
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track 1: make a wish (birthday song) - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, lucas, xiaojun, jaemin, shotaro)
i actually really liked this, if we’re talking purely about the music (the mv is another thing....i won’t talk about that). the music was interesting all the way through and was full of unexpected twists. all the members did so well!!! but the members that really stood out to me in the mv and also just listening to the song were jaemin and xiaojun! they did so well and they nailed their parts so well!!! there’s just something very satisfying about jaemin’s rap in this song, and all of xiaojun’s parts suited him really well and it was nice to see him sing in a style that was different to the typical wayv style. also rapper jaehyun!!! his parts suited him so well and i’m so happy we got to see him do a rap-esque part hehe :) the only part i probably didn’t like was the part where there was that time-warp effect before the final chorus like that felt so out of place ... why is it there?? also where’s shotaro tho?? like i didn’t even hear him,,, if you’re gonna add a new member at least use him sm :/ | okay so i just watched the line distribution and jaemin has so little lines :((( shotaro doesn’t have many solo parts but has a lot of adlibs and honestly? good for him!! it’s really good for a debut!! doyong and lucas should’ve had more lines too :/ anyways overall i really love this song and i’m so excited to see the stages!!!
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track 2: misfit - nct u (ft. johnny, taeyong, mark, hendery, jeno, yangyang, sungchan)
this is legit my favourite song so far it’s incredible!! when the song started i just started full-on vibing!! this song is so fun and has so much energy and i had no expectations at first but the track video blew me away, which made me so excited to hear the full song, and it did not disappoint :) everyone in this song SLAYED. i have nothing else to say except that because the raps were fire and each member pulled their verse off so well it continued to make me smile line after line after line. for sungchan’s debut, it was incredible to hear him spit fire like that and i am so excited to see how he grows as a rapper if he’s already this good at debut oh gosh. but my favourite part has to be mark’s second verse where the music cuts out and he keeps going and his rhythm actually speeds up once the music cuts. that blew my mind in the track video and still has the same effect on me listening to it again. the genius of cutting out the music is incredible and it adds so much not just to the rap but to the song overall. my only complaint for this song is that johnny got like...4 lines. cmon sm please give him lines he’s more than just a visual!! overall this song is something i really enjoyed and something that the members pulled off so well even though it’s so different and unexpected from nct :)
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track 3: volcano - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, winwin, jungwoo, lucas, mark) (aka nct 2018 boss unit)
what is going on in this song......at the beginning it gave me similar vibes to limitless but as i listened to more of the song, it kinda fell apart for me ;-; like the vocal parts were really good (jaehyun high note!!) and the rap parts were really good but they didn’t flow together as well as they should have, and it ended up feeling as if i was listening to the rap of one song and the vocals of another song :/ also where are sicheng’s parts?? i thought i just didn’t hear him but when i went to check all he has is like...2-3 adlibs?? why is he even in the song then it doesn’t even have choreo?? feels like boss all over again rip sicheng :’( 
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track 4: light bulb - nct u (ft. taeyong, kun, doyoung, and sungchan)
wow this song...i was very fascinated by the member lineup at first, and then i heard the song and it all makes sense :) everything melds so well together, with ty and sungchan’s rapping pairing perfectly with kun and dy’s vocals, and there are kinda ‘pairs’? like ty and dy and sungchan and kun,, and their voices compliment each other so well aaaaaaa. the only part i felt weird about was the start when ty was rapping over the piano...the rhythm clashed a little but as the song went on it resolved itself thankfully. the vibes reminded me of yestoday and it’s a very different mood from the first 3 songs on the album so i’m kinda confused as to why they’ve put it as track 4 but oh well. sungchan showcased a different side of his rapping here and he’s really beginning to show himself as a very well rounded rapper so i’m actually super impressed but as expected from nct :) my favourite thing about this song has to be kun’s vocals tho. the first time you hear him in the song is when he harmonises with doyong and i tell you the way i Lost It. and every time he sang as sungchan rapped it blew my mind. and doyong and kun’s harmonies,,,, chef’s kiss. can you tell i really love this song aaaaaa okay end of ramble. i think overall i just really appreciate the change in pace of the album since the first 3 were very hype lol.
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track 5: dancing in the rain - nct u (ft. taeil, johnny, yuta, kun, jaehyun, jungwoo, xiaojun, chenle)
ok this song blew my mind 🤯 firstly, can we talk about jaehyun and johnny rapping??????? i’m so happy that we got to hear them rap!! it was so beautiful :’) secondly, vocal kings!!! chenle high note!!  their voices sound so beautiful together and i’m so happy we got that in this song!! the vibes are also so pretty?? like a lofi jazzy vibe and honestly it feels like singin’ in the rain modern version and i am living :) the only minor issue i have is that because there are so many vocalists in the unit, some of them had really few lines :/ but i think they needed more people to create that effect in the chorus of a lot of people harmonising together, so we gain some we lose some i guess,, but wow i love this song so much can someone write a fic or make an mv based on this song pleaseeeeeeee i would love to see it :’) p.s. i listened to this song twice once on spotify and once on colour-coded lyrics (just to see who sang what) and the more i listen to it the more i love this song aaaaaaaaaa :)
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track 6: interlude: past to present
ok this was interesting...i was so confused about the first part cos i couldn’t make sense of what was being narrated, but the second part is another story,,, it’s chock full of references - like there’s that one sound (idk how to describe it) but it’s in both the awaken the world interlude and the neo zone interlude, and the part after that is reminiscent of the punch intro thing...which is why it’s so interesting,,, would the theorists like to have a go? but honestly it was very interesting musically and very nct lmao...i have nothing left to say lol that’s it.
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track 7: déjà vu - nct dream (OT7)
wow the vibes on this song are so fun!! this song really suits dream and i think it’s a fitting return for ot7 :) it’s got the playfulness of we go up with a bit more maturity which is very representative of dream’s current phase where they’re growing up but they’re still kids hehe :) i will complain about the line distribution again except everyone’s probably sick of hearing about it lol...but mark has a lot of lines and jeno and jaemin don’t sigh. the line distribution for the vocalists was really quite fair tho :) also renjun bridge!!!! it was so good!!! and haechan intro!!!! wow i love this song so much heh but my favourite part has to be the bgm,, like the dang dang sound that was in the bgm for the entire track really helps to push the song forward and adds a spring to the song that really makes it more playful and fun!! i’m super impressed by this as well since the track video didn’t make me that excited but now i really like it so i think this song was so fun :)
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track 8: nectar - wayv (OT7)
let’s formally welcome nectar to the list of nct’s hoe anthems 😌 okay but that aside, i quite liked the song!! the intro was weird but once you get into the song it’s pretty okay!! it’s also slightly different from the wayv sound we’re used to but the members pulled it off well!! i love the bgm too hehe :) ten and sicheng!! i can finally hear them!! and it was so nice to hear them both sing aaaa. also wayv’s vocal line continue to astonish me...that’s the highest i’ve heard kun and dejun sing and it sound so good!!! the rap was fire too and lucas, yangyang and hendery have done it again, they sound so swag which really fits the vibe of the song!! i also love how most of the song is pretty low and starts pretty low but the vocals are such a complete contrast cos they’re so high and that really adds to the song!! i’m so wayv biased but i genuinely really do like this song and ‘gimme that nectar’ will be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours :/
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track 9: music, dance - nct 127 (OT9)
this track is so hype 😳 and i enjoyed that so much!! what stood out to me more than anything else in this song was the bgm, and i love how they cut the music, yell “drop that beat!” and then the beat actually drops 🤯 also the bridge,,, a masterpiece...i thought we were gonna get a solid high note and the airy high note comes from nowhere and suddenly i’m so stunned 😳 also this album really is the return of rapper jaehyun huh :) it’s so nice to hear him rap again :) and this song is really satisfying in so many ways, like the rhythm is really good and the bass hits deep and the dance break music thing was so well timed and so well produced and oooooooh i like this track more than i expected :)) oh and ‘music, dance’ will be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours with ‘gimme that nectar’ :/
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track 10: faded in my last song - nct u (ft. taeil, johnny, yuta, ten, lucas, renjun, haechan, jisung)
the way i was trying not to SCREAM throughout this song :’) IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL AAAAAA i mean it in the best way possible when i say this could be an ost it’s so beautiful :’) the VOCALS i nearly lost it when ten sang the pre chorus then nearly lost it when renjun sang the second pre chorus and then almost completely lost it during the bridge (especially cos haechan and taeil) holy moly that was a journey :’) also johnny and yuta’s rap style and lucas’ lower tone really fit so well with the song, like it didn’t take away from the sad vibes of the song but it added to the mellowness of the overall song. and can we just take a moment to talk about park jisung’s rap??? it was so short but he nailed it!!!! this entire song was a masterpiece because all their voices fit perfectly together and complement each other so well it just makes this song shine in a different way??? i have so many things that i wanna say about this song but i’m internally screaming so i’m basically incoherent lol. one thing i will say though is the bgm is so pretty and the piano is so nice :’) (also p.s. idk why but this song lowkey gives me got7 vibes but in the best way possible)
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track 11: from home - nct u (ft. taeil, yuta, kun, doyoung, renjun, haechan, chenle)
i’m crying........i’m actually crying.....can they not come for me like this..........this song is so beautiful o m g :”) hearing them sing in their native languages about home is so moving?? like it hits a spot and suddenly my eyes are sweating :”) and the way that the transition from one language to another is so smooth and seamless?? like renjun and chenle are singing in chinese and suddenly yuta pops in with a line of japanese and i completely lost it lmaoooooo. and the way they all come together in the bridge is so beautiful, and taeil’s high note after!!!! and the bgm of this song suited it so well, it allowed you to focus on the vocals and still adds to the overall mood and atmosphere of the song, plus at the start it’s a bit muffled out as if it’s being played on an old record and then it becomes unmuffled and the sound is so bright :) and the way that this song sounds a little bittersweet?? i swear when the mv comes out and when i read the translations i will cry even more i’m not even ready and we still have a week to go. this was the song i was looking forward to most and honestly? it didn’t disappoint at all :)
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track 12: from home | korean version - nct u (ft. taeil, yuta, kun, doyoung, renjun, haechan, chenle)
it’s just as beautiful, but with less tears lol :) there isn’t really much to say, it still flows just as well in korean as it did in 3 languages, so i think sm just wanted there to be a version that was completely in korean since nct are a korean group lol.
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track 13: make a wish (birthday song) | english version - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, lucas, xiaojun, jaemin, shotaro)
well this is interesting....the english version of the song sounds a bit like a hoe anthem (only a bit!!!) so i’m curious about the lyrics to the korean version o_O also i find it a little strange how they say ‘i can do this all day’ in the korean version but say ‘i can do this all night’ in the english version,,, like what’s the difference?? i literally don’t know why they did that but oh well :) still a great song hehe :)
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overall, it’s a really interesting album!! it’s a little different from what i expected, but i still really love it!! i think the songs will grow onto me more as i listen to the album more, so yea :))
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kitsune-og · 4 years
5, 8, 25, 26, 34, 57, 58, 74, 89, 95, 111, 117, 141 - connor, maxy, preston (lol enjoy)
Ye Olde Muse asks
OC: Connor Walsh
5. Tell me about your first kiss? Back when I was in Junior High, some girl was trying to steal the last chocolate milk. I knew she had a crush on me, so I went up to her, grabbed and kissed her, then stole the milk and pushed her over.
8. Do you think you’re attractive? Bitch please, of course I am. Have you seen me?
25. What do you like most about yourself? Apart from my impressive metabolism, I like my drive. I work hard towards the things that I want and I always get them.
26. What do you like least about yourself? It’s a bit of a stretch, but I hate the way I was raised. I don’t want to go into details, but my parents are shit.
34. Do you love or hate being alone? I prefer being alone, but I still like company. Having a sibling in my house has actually turned out to be pleasant.
57. What’s your morning or nightly routine? Hmm, my morning routine is getting up at 6am, having coffee and breakfast, hitting the gym by 7 and then heading to university. I don’t really have a night routine.
58. What’s your favorite genre of music? If you were to make someone a playlist that just gets you, name of songs that would be on it. I don’t have a favourite genre, but upbeat songs over 130bpm are good. My playlist would be full of workout jams and some old school rock; How You Like That - Blackpink, Stupid Love - Lady Gaga, Helena - MCR, Cherry Pie - Warrant, Poison - Alice Cooper.
74. Any kinks? Plenty. You could say I’m well versed in the kink scene.
89. What does your room look like? Pretty standard, I guess? King sized bed, guitar in the corner, overflowing drawers, TV, bookshelves stuffed with random crap. Need to get a new rug though, and more pillows.
95. What’s your strangest hobby, if you have one? That’s for me and Lissa to know.
111. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself? The time I tried to jump of my friend’s roof is pretty hilarious. His bedroom was on the second floor and you could climb out the window and chill on the roof, right above the pool. One night, hyped up on sugar and Coke, we decided to jump off the roof into the pool. I went first, landed perfectly in the deep end, managed not to break anything. He pussied out and I got my revenge by shoving him off the roof. He broke his arm.
117. What is your favorite form of self expression? I love tattoos. I have several and plans for many more.
141. Describe yourself in 6 words? Chaotic, handsome, rich, ripped, sex god. 
OC: Maxy Sanchez
5. Tell me about your first kiss? Uh, my ex girlfriend Misa was my first kiss. It was really nice.
8. Do you think you’re attractive? Not really, but I’m not ugly. I’m like average.
25. What do you like most about yourself? I dunno, I guess I’m funny? My partners seem to think so.
26. What do you like least about yourself? My stupid, depressed brain. 
34. Do you love or hate being alone? I hate being alone, but I don’t really have to worry about that any more, due to living with Cora.
57. What’s your morning or nightly routine? I don’t really have a routine, I just roll out of bed, have breakfast, live my life and then flop into bed at night.
58. What’s your favorite genre of music? If you were to make someone a playlist that just gets you, name of songs that would be on it. I love chill music! My playlist would be full of like Radiohead, Muse, BTS, Conan Gray, Dodie and Niall Horan. 
74. Any kinks? Um, haha, yeah? I have some... Nate and Cora know them. I’m a bottom.
89. What does your room look like? It’s full of yellow and white furniture. Cora helped me add a chalkboard wall and we drew some sunflowers in one corner. Nate says my room is soft like me. I have some of his and Cora’s artwork on the walls and a bookshelf crammed full of books to read. My bed is really soft and I have piles of fluffy blankets and cushions and stuffed animals.
95. What’s your strangest hobby, if you have one? I dunno if it’s a hobby, but I kinda collect sunflower things. Anything cute with sunflowers I always wanna buy. I have a cushion, a bunch of fake sunflowers, artwork, some yellow makeup that Cora got for me that has sunflowers on it, tops, hoodies, all sorts.
111. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself? It was kind of funny when I found out that I was really badly allergic to bees. My mom took me to this flower park when I was ten and I was running around the flowers, and then all of a sudden I saw this bee hive. So I go up to it and this bee comes flying right at me, but I thought bees were cool so I just held out a flower and tried to get it to land on me. The bee comes over to my flower and then suddenly a bunch of bees are surrounding me and rubbing on me and I started getting really itchy. And then when I dropped the flower to itch my hand, I must have upset a bee because it stung me. And immediately, I just started having this really bad reaction and I was covered in hives and my face got really swollen and I couldn’t breathe properly. Luckily, my mom carries epipens because she’s allergic to almonds so I didn’t die. But since then, I’ve hated bees.
117. What is your favorite form of self expression? I love singing! I sing in the shower, when I’m tidying the house, when I’m working on uni work and I drag Cora and Nate to karaoke all the time. Cora likes to sing BTS with me and she showed me the DRR machines that have kpop.
141. Describe yourself in 6 words? Depressapuff! It’s the word I came up with for myself because I’m a depressed Hufflepuff. (I know it’s not 6 words but idk what else).
OC: Preston Haynes
5. Tell me about your first kiss? God, I hardly remember it. It was with some girl way back when, she was a terrible kisser and her lips were covered in sticky gloss.
8. Do you think you’re attractive? Yes, why wouldn’t I? I own a mirror.
25. What do you like most about yourself? I like the body I was given. It’s very well toned, attractive, slim without being too lanky. 
26. What do you like least about yourself? Hm. Nothing.
34. Do you love or hate being alone? I like being alone, but I also crave affection and sex. Honestly, I’m happy either way.
57. What’s your morning or nightly routine? I don’t really have any. In the morning, I get up and have coffee, go work out, shower, come home for breakfast, have more coffee and then continue with my day. At night, I wash my face, occasionally get in a second work out and shower, and go to bed.
58. What’s your favorite genre of music? If you were to make someone a playlist that just gets you, name of songs that would be on it. Classic rock and songs to have sex to. My playlist would have songs like Back In Black - AC/DC, Under the Graveyard - Ozzy Osbourne, Enter Sandman - Metallica, Walk This Way - Aerosmith, Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon, Side to Side - Ariana Grande, Freak - Doja Cat, S&M - Rihanna.
74. Any kinks? Almost all of them. I’m a very well rounded kinkster.
89. What does your room look like? It’s currently a bit of a mess as I’ve just moved. But it has some artwork on the walls, black matching furniture, 45″ TV, a display of my favourite whips and crops, and a floor length mirror. 
95. What’s your strangest hobby, if you have one? A lot of my hobbies are considered strange. But perhaps the strangest one is collecting sex toys to display.
111. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself? I don’t remember much of my childhood.
117. What is your favorite form of self expression? Tattoos and/or piercings. 
141. Describe yourself in 6 words?  Attractive, deathly and better than you.
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
when to shutcho bitchass up.
so i had this long ass reply as i was about to reblog a haikyuu writer’s response to a hate ask but i had to eat lunch, and my wifi’s acting up so it all got deleted. but anyway, after lurking in the shadows for god knows how long, i decided to speak up about this on-going issue of hate being poorly masked as “constructive criticism”. 
it doesn’t just happen on haikyuu blogs, like, every fandom has it. and it saddens me because i’ve seen the greatest blogs out here just vanish into thin air (or has gone on hiatus and never returned/archived the blog/deactivated) for getting hate that they absolutely do not deserve. nobody does. nobody needs that hate; not now not ever. most often than not, there are people who hide behind the anon feature in asks. but i guess some people lately have now learned how to own up to their own mistakes; and yes, everyone’s opinion is valid, is welcome to be entertained; however the way you word these things out also matters. it’s just like when someone writes something, you know? why do you get to complain, “your writing suckxz” when you can’t even write down why you think so? lol gtfo. people can interpret your words in however way they want, and that’s the one thing you cannot control. so at least, when you attempt to apologize for something you “didn’t mean to” or “was just a joke”, at least make it sound like you mean it. if you want your opinion to be taken seriously, learn how to say it with manners.
anyway, this post will be terribly long, probably longer than the shit i’ve ever written anywhere lmao. some of the things i’ll say here might come off as redundant but because the same thing happens over and over again, what else would you expect?
Exhibit A: “constructive criticism” does not mean, or shall never be equated to “hate”
if you go around tumblr, there are tons of posts which educate people how to properly write a critique, how to decently and reasonably critic someone’s work, whether it be in the form of writing, or digital art, etc. even if you type “constructive criticism” on that google search bar, tons of websites are going to tell you how to do it, so it really is unacceptable to use “it’s constructive criticism” as an excuse when all you’ve said is “your writing sucks”. literally, how can “constructive criticism” go from “you’re not even a good writer, why the hype?” to “you’re too positive, too fake, if you’re sad, show that you’re sad.” that ain’t it chief. constructive criticism is given to the works of a content creator, not directed at the content creator itself.
ever heard of the sandwich method? yeah, yummy and easy, right? basically it means, you start it off with the positive things about the content creator, then the negative ones in the middle, then reinforce them at the end. okay, i’ll repeat that here, let me break it down if that isn’t enough for cute little noggins to understand:
tell the content creator what made you hooked on their works in the first place. what made you indulge in all that deliciously free content, that has brought you to tears, to laughs, to orgasm. you don’t necessarily have to praise them, but acknowledge that you’re aware of what they’re doing and how it is, or how their progress is so far.
now here comes the critique part. this where the “however” and the “but” words come in, to transition from (for example) “your way with words is breathtaking” to “sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once”. get it? pinpoint to the content creator just exactly what aspects in their current state do you wish they could improve on, or areas do you think they are lacking or weak, so to speak. be concise, be comprehensive, be nice.
lastly, my favorite part, is you give them tips or advice or just a fucking hint how you think they can achieve the things you said from #2. even if you know or assume that they’d understand your point, or “it’s their job to find it out by themselves”... well, a little input or jumpstart wouldn’t hurt, would it? so from the example, “your way with words is breathtaking” to “(however) sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once” you end it with a, “i think or why don’t you try doing so, and this, and that,”
lemme go back to the “it’s their job to find it out by themselves” aha, news flash honey: this isn’t their job. it’s their way of enjoyment, their leisure, their free time that they use up just to bring out free content for lots of people like you to indulge in. most people come here, or on ao3, or basically anywhere where you can post your work, just for fun. you cannot be demanding, that’s why they have their rules and all, but i digress. content creators feed on feedback, and feedback alone. i hope you have an idea how something as simple as “asdflkjshdls” in the tags can bring a phat smile to a content creator’s face, what more, if it’s something coherent. just fucking keyboard smash is a boost to their confidence (trust me, it’s very fun knowing that how “asdfgjkl” i was when writing something, is the same as the “asdfgjkl” the readers had when reading)
this sandwich method thing doesn’t only apply to this certain situation. in fact, this is an effective means of communicating your point across to people in school, at work, and even in the comforts of your home. right? 
didn’t you feel bad when your teacher returned your paper to you and just said, “i gave you that grade just because” and nothing more? or when that classmate of yours said, “no, i don’t like this idea. think up of something else” for a project? didn’t you ever question them, “why, and on what basis?” 
how about, when your boss returned your report, only saying, “revise this” but what is “this”? sure, there are bosses who do this to try to teach their employees to find things out and find solutions on their own, but you cannot deny that some are just being disgustingly rude about it. 
how about at home you say? well... remember that time when your parents compared you to their friends’ children, or even compared you among your own siblings? or that time you were lashed out on? actually, you know, what, i’m sorry for bringing this up, as light as this was worded out, some people might get triggered simply from those two phrases i put out. however, i will address this issue next.
Exhibit B: you don’t know the people you are talking to, therefore you do not know what they are going through
you can’t say, “oh, you’re all just so sensitive” or “it’s just an opinion” when clearly, this (tw: depression, suicide, family issues, gender and sexuality, body positivity, etc) topics is/are sensitive to most content creators, to most people. some brush it off fine, and take a while to reach their boiling point, but not everyone’s like that. you can’t tell people how they should react to your random spewing of hate. each person has their own level of tolerance, so don’t go off and assume that everybody online is the same and grew from the same fucking tree. 
some or most people use writing/drawing/etc. as a means to cope with what shit life has thrown at them; and then you, being so stupidly ignorant, just waltz in and drop that bomb on what possibly, could be the only ray of sunlight they have in their life, especially now in this bleak year. 
receiving anon-hate or hate-asks should not be the norm. it is not and never will be okay. i thought you were here to critic their work, why even joke about something that could have been personal to someone? why even joke about these kinds of things in the first place? why even bring up something that might have been a personal issue when all you had to do was critic their work? 
my god, stop acting like a boomer already. tbh the audacity of some people here, idk. if you’re not going through anything at all, then may god/brahma/allah/whichever supreme being you believe in or whatever good karma it is, bless you. 
it’s not that one should sympathize, or, it isn’t also expected of people to full on empathize, but a little respect goes a long way. why don’t we try to put ourselves in the shoes of the person we’re about to send that hate-ask to. if not us, how about that close friend who’s easy to bring to tears, or mom, or cousin? wouldn’t it be aggravating? wouldn’t it be painful?
well... who am i to assume, i don’t even know you. get it?
just please, acknowledge that everyone here is human. they have emotions, they have their own thoughts, they have their own lives outside of the screen. how they choose to portray themselves here has nothing to do with you. how they choose to react to that hate ask doesn’t have to do with anything you should concern yourself with. 
i know this post won’t get too far, but i have had enough of seeing the nicest people, who just wanted to express their creativity and share the happiness and the fun, be put down just because of unnecessary hate. i hope those people who send those in never get to experience that, or if they have, i hope they understand that doing so to others isn’t going to change anything about themselves.
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lightsintheskye · 6 years
Are you ok?? You haven’t posted in almost a month and I’m just making sure. I love you and your art a lot and miss seeing your comics and personal posts on my dash. I hope everything’s ok and thanks for keeping anon on and always being an inspiration to me, even if I can’t muster it up to say it in person.
Anon this is very, very kind of you to say. I really appreciate this, and I hope you don’t mind me being honest as I can with an explanation since I’m trying really hard to get back into running this blog- I don’t plan to abandon this blog any time soon if that’s what worries you.
I’m fact, I have not only one- but six comic ideas waiting for zelda and the link and the links au alone, since I have a vested amount of people still sending me Asks on the daily about it- maybe even creating a zine specifically dedicated to the au. I also have some comics for Devil May Cry, MHA, and, Smash Ultimate, and Voltron sitting in my drafts just waiting to be inked and properly drawn out but my issue right now is TIME and motivation.
I know this response will probably be a little bit long, so I don’t blame anyone for ignoring it- or if people unfollow me because it’s not hur hur funnee picture. Follower count has never really mattered to me nor will it ever. I’m just here to express my passion for video games and the series that I love.
I’ll be real with you and everyone- I try to keep an upbeat and hyped as shit attitude 90% of the time because god knows this world needs positivity more than ever now. It’s almost a fake it to make it attitude, but I am truly excited for all the video games and shows I devote fan art and comics to.
Recently life has just been very, very hard for me. This month alone my car broke, my router and modem broke, my computer almost broke-our house was cramped, one of our cats had worms- and my vacation to finally see my family was cancelled. Ive shelled out all my savings, and it’s cost me over a grand to fix it all and that’s not even counting my monthly bills. If it weren’t for the absolute kindness of my commissioners, especially @pocketseizure and @lettersfromfallenlondon who are literally angels among angels, I don’t even know what I would do this month.
On top of that, my work load has gone from something like 30hrs between school prep, work, and commissions to about 70-90 and it’s very very hard to make time for comics.
And because life just wants to needle in the point that times are hard, every August without fail my depression skyrockets regardless of what meds I take. I don’t talk much about my major depression that I have, nor my anxiety because I don’t like adding onto others stress- it’s already a lot for me to talk about it as I am now. I pride myself for being able to deal with my own drops in stability quite well but there’s times I’m so thankful to @mxrainbownoodle for being there to hear my pain and, and I give them the same respect back. Unfortunately, beyond them it’s incredibly hard for me to be more open and personal about my life because I’ve been used and abused by a staggering number of people around me- especially as an emotional dumping ground. It’s a very major reason why I don’t open up to anyone, because I NEVER want to have someone go through the experiences of emotional abuse and forced negativity I have. With Shani it’s an equal exchange of give and take and support, but I can’t seem to bring myself to be open with others the same way without feeling as if I’m dumping on them- or they are dumping on me. Many, many people don’t realize how just dumping their emotions out of the blue on someone can in turn hurt their friends- I understand it’s a cry for help, and that at times there’s seemingly nothing you can do to help yourself, but not apologizing after the fact- or being a repeat offender of it, or even offhandedly mentioning incredibly triggering things to someone because you feel it’s justified to joke or meme about something you experienced can really, really fuck up the person your talking to. Especially if you haven’t warned them or asked them if it’s ok. This isn’t a personal jab to anyone around me, this isn’t singling out anyone either- but if for some reason you feel these words strike a cord with you, why not reach out to the person you’re worried might feel this way about you- and tell them how much you appreciate having them as a friend and offering to help them in any way you can handle- do not offer everything when you can’t, but giving that little bit of love goes a long way and it never hurts to remind your friends and loved ones they matter.
Aside from that, my work load is honestly making having a social life in any capacity impossible, and my internet being out for almost a week hasn’t helped either. I’ve been so busy I haven’t even been able to reply to emails, anons, tumblr messages or anything for weeks aside from short answers. My discord has messages piled up to an alarming degree, and my phone is a string of unanswered texts that I’m still trying to get through but it’s tough since AGAIN a lot of these messages are people either complaining or asking something of me. For my own personal health I can’t look at a lot of them- I literally eat, work, commission work, and sleep with little to show for it and barely any energy left to even relax. I know eventually things will go back to letting me have fun and my meds will work again but idk when that will be;;
TDLR; I love you too anon I’m just trapped with a front row seat on the struggle bus, and the driver keeps missing my stop. But if it doesn’t stop in the next few weeks I’m probably gonna just crash through one of the windows and do a really shitty barrel roll, dust myself off and find the stop on my own.
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voltron-queen-140 · 6 years
We'll. With season 7 finished, I'm going to give a review in as much detail as I can in case anyone wants to hear my opinion.
I'm going to try my hardest to be respectful when I talk about this season so please hear me out before you yell at me, and if you disagree please be respectful in explaining why. I am open to debate but not an argument or aggression.
First off, I would like to commend this season for actually making me tear up or scream into a pillow once again. Lance's reunion with his family? Sobbing. The "the Paladins are dead" fake-out? I genuinely fell for it. Thinking it was a way to bump off the old Paladins and replace them, perhaps with the MFEs. It would make sence, you have the smart one, the reckless one, the leader, and the other guy who's personality I just don't get. Combine that with Veronica and you suddenly have 5 capable pilots. Just something to think about.
Now. On to the rest of my opinion. There are a mix of good and bad points in this so please bare with me, I'm not full of hate for this season.
I'm am, however, angry about the "idk how it happened don't question it" excuse about the Atlas, but, it might be addressed in season 8, so we'll pop that to the side and hope for the best.
Secondly, everything seemed... rushed and unexplained. With the entire season. They had 13 episodes to play with but they still treated it like two half seasons (note the 2 part episode in the middle of the season and the resolute ending for the second of those two episodes) Of course this may have been because it was planned to be a half season but their scheduling was messed around. In which case, I get it, but they've had half seasons before and they executed them much better. I feel like this may have been down to the fact that they realised they were running out of episodes to complete everything they were hoping to get in. I'm hoping season 8 feels a little less rushed and a little more fleshed out.
Colleen Holt is a badass, let me just throw that out there. Can we all agree that the Holt family is a family of badass super geniuses? Because they are. As a side note, has Sam Holt's voice actor changed? Genuine question. He sounds like Bing Bong from Inside Out and the entire time I was struggling to take him seriously.
The Feud? Seemed forced. "We have to have a chill episode! Quick, throw out ideas!" "An all knowing being drags the Paladins into a game show!" "Great! Let's do it!" I thought it was going to be a "hey universe, we're not dead!" Publicity stunt, but no, they made it weird. And they called Lance "the dumb one" lol no thanks. But, we got to see Pidge be a badass, Keith be an artist, Family Drama from the Zarkon family, and there is enough shipping fuel for Keith x Allura, Lance x Keith and Pidge x Hunk to keep them all floating for a while.
Now, onto shipping stuff. I'm not an anti so please don't expect my opinions to be showing hate to any ship, I'm simply going to express my opinion in a polite a way as possible. If you're an anti or you're looking to stir up shit, go ahead and block me right now. I don't want to be seeing any of your content and you'd be doing me a favour.
Anyway; no hate directed at Allurance shippers, or the ship itself, you guys are great and the ship has potential to be to, but in my personal opinion the emotions from Allura are coming out of nowhere. Feel free to provide evidence on why that is not the case by the way, so long as you are respectful. But personally, it feels like her feelings sprouted pretty much from nothing since Lotor left. I'm also not the biggest fan of the "if you pester the person enough they'll come around" trope so perhaps I'm looking at it from that angle so not seeing it for what it is.
Introducing Adam and having the fandom hype over him before promptly killing him off? Dick move Voltron. Dick move. But, at least there is LGBTQ+ rep right? That's something guys!
Keith and Acxa (or however it's spelled)?? I'm??? I don't personally see it, maybe because they've only interacted a handful of times and most of them were during a fight? I'm not sure. But personally, I'm not a fan. I don't understand where her feelings came from, I always saw her actions as a "a life for a life" kind of thing, but hey, what do I know. The show writers probably have stuff planned that may change my mind of the ship.
Punk? Well, I'm not sure what Bex was talking about with all this:
Because the only shipping fule I'm seeing is from The Feud. Maybe season 8 will bring surprises!
Laith? Sorry guys, I'm a Laith shipper, but, it's dead in canon. The Feud gave us content and we had a couple of moments but it seems like Allurance and Keith x Acxa are the ships they're going with. But that's okay! Show respect to those ships and don't start wars over it! We still have fanfictions and fanart!
The same goes for Sheith shippers! If they do go for Keith and Acxa then you guys can still keep shipping Sheith! Go for gold! Keep your heads up and don't lose hope!
Hunay? Living for it! We had barely any interaction but we got a cute reunion so I'M LIVING! We better see more of Shay in season 8!
Ezor x Zethrid? YES PLEASE!!
Okay, it's safe to start reading again if you wanted to skip over the shippy part!
We got Matt! Well, 30 seconds or so of him, but we got him!
Which brings me to the thing that is really rubbing me the wrong way. The time skip. I'm sorry? What? Was that properly addressed? Like at all? We got a rushed explanation that frankly was more of a "this happened, get over it" kind of thing but other then that? We didn't really hear from it again? Other then Lance's family saying "you're the same" it wasn't really... fleshed out as well as it could have been. I'm still hazy on how it happened but hey ho, maybe if I rewatch the season I'll understand better.
Did anyone else call that Veronica was Lance's sister before it was announced?
James Griffin. James blooming Griffin. His character was not well introduced in my eyes. One second he's glaring at Keith and yelling that Voltron doesn't understand the chain of command or whatever, the next he's helping those very people disobey orders. The very thing he was telling them not to do! Was his reasoning behind that explained? Like? At all? Was it just because he didn’t want to see them get hurt?
Seriously, did anyone else get fooled by the “the paladins are dead” thing or was that just me? I wasn’t fooled at first but the more Shiro went on the more I was like “Uh... is this for real now?”
How in Alfor’s name did Shiro survive that crash on the galra ship?! HOW?! I NEED ACTUAL ANSWERS! He was outside the ship, he should have burned up! At the very least the impact would have killed him surely! HE WAS OUTSIDE OF THE SHIP!
We didn’t see a Hunk family reunion, which is actually upsetting, but at least we know more about his past.
“I was trying to save earth” -_- of course you were Admiral Sanda. But that was a super naive move. Like. Really. How on earth (insert drum and cymbal sounds here) did you think that would work? “Lets ignore all the info we got from the people who have been fighting this war on the front lines and go with a plan that I, the person who has only heard about this second hand, have come up with. That will work.”
I’m not hating Iverson anymore so THAT’S SOMETHING!
Romelle is such a relatable character.
Coran Coran the gorgeous man doesn’t get enough credit.
Was I the only one that forgot Allura wore a crown and wondered what the hell the thing that dropped to the floor was until I saw her put the gem in Shiro’s arm?
Shiro’s new arm? Awesome! I seriously love it! And the fight with Sendek? I live for it!
Kroila in season 5: I’ll never leave you again.
Kroila now: I’m sorry I have to go.
I’ll just leave that there. I get why she left, she wanted to find and fix the blade and all, but like? That probably hurt Keith a heck of a lot.
I felt like there were less edge-of-your-seat moments this season though, it felt a lot like “oh okay, so they got hit by a ray that kills planets and survived? Okay then, they can survive anything now.” and that sort of stopped me feeling worried about them for the rest of the season, right up until the memorial part.
I really feel like Hunk’s daydream about passing on the yellow lion is foreshadowing. Be it at the start of next season, be it at the end or be it a spin off series, I really feel like the lions are going to get passed to the MFEs. They have the personalities for it. The smart one (Leifsdottir) in green, the reckless girl (Rizavi) in red, the silent one (Kinkade) in yellow, the leader (James) in black and Veronica in blue. It would fit.
The animation quality was amazing though and I’m seriously loving where the plot is heading! I’m just hoping that this will come to a satisfying close in season 8 because I feel like there is a lot for them to do in just 13 more episodes.
All in all I personally didn’t find this season to be the best season, that’s still season 6 hands down, but it was a solid season plot line wise. I like where we ended up. I’m not 100% sure I like how we got there, with all the questions that this season raised and barely any answers, but it got there. I feel like it could have been more fleshed out but hey, they have time restraints and a limited number of episodes, and this is a show designed for kids.
Now, we wait for the last season.
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spiralledcupid · 6 years
Spoon Views: My Hero Academia Season 3
Episode 6: Roaring Upheaval
And here we are again after another great episode ! I have to admit, I had trouble with this one, just because I had to fit in my hour+ watching time into the 45 minutes I had before Eurovision started. I did it though !! But this isn’t a Eurovision recap, so let’s get started with what we’re actually here for.
Okay, first here’s something personal I noticed. Those of you who keep up with these review things will know I hate the intro they have going on with a passion, but today I realised I’ve been so busy hating it I don’t actually know what happens in it. So well done me for that.
Into the actually episode, is it just me who’s getting damn stressed about Midoriya’s injuries like ??
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Is there not like a first aid kit somewhere, or can someone not call an ambulance or ?? He’s just badly stressin me out, like I’ve read the manga so I know what happens but even that doesn’t make it less stressful.
Onto Dark Shadow,,, Like I said before, I’ve read the manga, but the small panels cannot get across how scary this is.
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Like, it’s the first time you properly realise just how powerful and scary Dark Shadow actually is. It makes me wonder whether Tokoyami was scared of his quirk when he was younger, because Dark Shadow really does look like the monsters children often see in the shadows. Juts some food for thought. Also, the soundtrack behind this scene really did emphasis the fear factor this part had, it was really well used imo.
This isn’t really analysis but-
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Can u get a truer hero than Shoji honestly he’s just too good.
Honestly though, I have to pity Todoroki and Bakugou when they try to work together.
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They are such bad allies. Honestly, this could be because they’re both used to being the most powerful one in the partnership, but whatever the reason, it was still a little bizarre to watch them try and work together- very badly.
Honestly though, neither of them are as bad as Moonfish
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He grosses me out so much, and the fact I have to save pictures of him on my laptop for these reviews makes it so much worse lmao, I hate him and everything he stands for.
The plan they came up with to trap him was good and all but seriously
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These kids need to stop taking risks! It’s just very very worrying even though I already know everything works out fine. But, y’know kudos where they’re warranted, it was a very clever plan, and did work very well.
Again, just an observation rather than analysis but-
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This was such a lit shot. I love the way these scenes are being shown in the anime, they do make them a lot more hype with the way it’s stylised and honestly it just increases my enjoyment of the episodes.
So my first thought for this one was that it’s such a classic Bakugou thing to say
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But on further thought, I was thinking, maybe in a roundabout way Bakugou’s trying to be kind. Like, he’s expressing it in his usual vain way, but at the same time he’s also reminding Tokoyami that his murderous quirk is still controllable. Idk, take it as you will, but to me, it seemed to be expressed in a different way than his gloats usually are.
This just made me giggle, especially after the intensity of that fight but
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Midoriya looks so confused here, my poor boy. Please can someone not just force him into safety or something?
Speaking of confusion, I love how confused Bakugou is when everyone sets out to protect him.
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Basically everyone and their mum has made a gif of this, and for good reason too because he just looks so silly. I would feel bad, but it’s for his own good. Even though that doesn’t make him any less moody.
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I love this moody little bitch so much.
Moving onwards, I’m so excited that we’ve finally seen Toga!!
At first, I really did not like Toga. She still sorta gets on my nerves, just because I think she’s a stereotypical female villain, but there is some complexity to her that I can appreciate. It doesn’t stop her being mad creepy though.
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But it did make me really happy to see Uraraka using the moves that she learnt at Gunhead’s agency to take her down.
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I do have this fear that when the final showdown actually happens, Uraraka and Toga will have a fight in the ‘love interest fights female villain’ trope, but I’m hoping that the ease with which Uraraka took down Toga in his episode will stop that happening.
Also, with Toga I’m really happy with the voice they gave her. I was fully expecting the usual five year old mixed with candyfloss voice, like very childish and sweet enough to give me toothache, so I was v surprised when Toga slipped into a more creepy voice. It was quite similar to Shigaraki in tone, and idk it was just pleasant to here, because female villains are usually fit into either seductress or cute and unexpected, so for me Toga kinda broke out of the box with her non-typical voice and stalkerish tendencies- even though she still very much leans towards the latter archetype.
Sticking with the villains-
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There he is !! aaaaaa I’m just so happy we’ve got Mr Compress this episode ! Although what he’s saying really is a horrific misconception of Bakugou’s personality.
Also, oh my god.
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This shot really hits you with Midoriya’s distress. He’s very hurt, he’s probably tired and stressed and, at this point, he believes he’s failed to save someone. It’s so upsetting to see and I can 100% feel his distress through that single line. Nice use of language.
But, in contrast to Midoriya-
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It’s very easy to look down on Aoyama for not moving Jirou and Tooru back to camp like he was told to. On one hand, it is pretty cowardly and he IS training to be a hero, but at the same time I have to think…What would I do? Aoyama’s quirk is still pretty hard for him to use, and it hurts him quite a bit, and against two villains while carrying two people he would almost definitely be defeated. Idk I can’t really disrespect him for this tbh because it would be hypocritical- I know I would be hiding too if I were in that situation so. I’m not gonna look down on him.
Okay, but moving back to personal preference.
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Dabi is hot n I’m not just talking about his quirk lmaoo.
Moving very very swiftly onwards, I love how they show Yaoyorozu’s development here.
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She’s very much starting to show faith in herself and it’s really nice to see that change, especially after her lack of self-confidence in the last arc. I have to feel bad for Awase though.
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I would very much like to write a fic about these two, just because I think they could get on well and work together really well. Maybe soon.
Okay, final little point:
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That looks like an absolute back breaker, honestly someone should get Mr Compress some ice or something.
So that concludes my episode talk through ! I cannot believe they’re still baiting THAT interaction (you all know what I mean), but they are somehow. It has to be next episode, and I cannot wait for it. Also, the full versions of the op and ed are out, so if anyone would like a lyric talkthrough- if I can find accurate translations- I am 100% down. Analysis counts as English Lit revision, right?
Anyway, as always thank you so much for reading !
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
January 8, 2021
I could’ve sworn that I’d written about this, but when I searched my tumblr I didn’t find anything relating specifically to what I’m about to say.  That said, I don’t think the search tool is particularly accurate (I searched for various forms of the term “wolf359″ and nothing came up, but when I searched “audiodrama” I got a single entry from March that included the words Wolf 359 so), so maybe I’m just re-stating something I’ve already talked about before.  But I’ve found that I feel most intelligent when I’m able to relate something from fiction to real life so here it goes.
Remember in Wolf359 when Hera (Hira?) found out that her glitch was programmed into her to keep her from becoming too ambitious?  The occasional glitch in her voice was literally Hera’s voice telling herself “I’m not good enough” or something along those lines every few words or so so that her creator could keep her spunk in check?  And this seeped into Hera so bad that she was barely able to keep the station running properly at times?  
Yeah.  That’s why I want to police my self-attacks.  I don’t want to be the one to suffocate my own ambition with some false humility that’s just a coverup for me not believing in myself.  And it’s cyclical, you know?  The more I attack my intelligence, one thing that I’ve been taught to value about myself (which is another problem to tackle at another time-- I need to value all of me always, not conditionally based on one trait), the less I believe in myself, and the more likely I am to start believing that what I say during those attacks are true.  Even if they’re nonchalant.  Even if they fly out of my mouth faster than I can comprehend what is actually being said.  Hera couldn’t hear her voice putting herself down, but it still affected her.  Hearing it every hour of every day.  A reminder of her lack of self-esteem.  A punch to her self-worth with every repetition.
So I want to stop that before it becomes too late for me.  Self-deprecation really isn’t cute.  It wasn’t cute in middle school and high school either, we were all just tricked somehow into believing that extreme humility (into the range of self-hatred) and apathy toward the self were cool.  They’re not.  And maybe pat of becoming an adult is realizing this.
There’s some truth at the bottom of every joke, you know.
I wrote this a few weeks ago, but I think it’s especially relevant now after what I wrote yesterday.  And hey, guess what!?  I’m gonna get a therapy!  I asked my dad whether mental health services were covered under our insurance and he said ~yeah~ so now my mom is helping me search for an appropriate therapist.  We win theeeeesssseeeeee.
Anyway I didn’t appreciate how smug my mom was when she talked to me about it all “I’ve been saying you’ve had self-esteem issues all along” well okay mom maybe I just needed to get to that conclusion myself.  And she had the audacity--the audacity--to tell me she was proud that I came to them.  Look, I wouldn’t’ve if I had my own health insurance, but I certainly can’t go pay for a therapist on my own, now can I?  She jus nosey.  Thas all.
And you know what I did to celebrate (or to self-medicate idk retail therapy can be tricky)?  BOUGHT THE SKIRT AND SOME PANTS.  Y’all.  I can’t even begin to express to you how excited I am for that skirt to COME (and I sure hope I’m not hyping it up for nothing).  It’s BROWN it’s BUTTON-DOWN and oh boy if it fits my waist with no alterations I might just squeal.  And the seller was so nice too; she’s definitely getting a good review.  The pants look super cool, and the inseam is a tad short but I really like the pattern on the pants so I’ll probably just try to cuff them?  If that doesn’t work I’ll just ~resell on a different app for a higher price~.  I’m still searching for my black (and brown) wool pleated pants with pockets at a price of less than or equal to roughly $20, but I’ll be content to search a while longer if I can know for a fact that one I ultimately find will be the best g*ddang pants I’ll ever wear.
Oh!  Oh!!  I also finalized the list of research opportunities I want to apply for this summer, and I’m super excited?  Like, originally, I was planning to apply for, like 16, but I felt that any number over 10 would be a bit overwhelming for my recommenders so I cut it to the top 9 that I was actually excited about.  gbsjkbnkfls and okay so I asked my bio prof and my anth prof both from this past semester to be my recs and my bio prof responded and was all like girl yes I’ll be yo rec and also check out these two other programs and also you wanna be my research assistant in the spring?? and I was like ...girl, what?  YES?!  Let’s chat?  And so we gon chat sometime next week to see if my schedule will line up with what she would like from me.  Granted, doing research on top of a 17-credit semester sounds like a lot lowkey, but I can do it, I’m sure.
Anyway, now I’m just waiting on my anth prof, and I need her to say yes bc I’m applying to some biological anthropology research thingies and her rec, even if it’s the most basic, generic thing, would be super super great.  If she doesn’t respond by tomorrow afternoon, I’ll send her an email through Canvas just in case.  My parents think 14 days should grant them enough time but I wanted to get as close to three weeks as possible.  I don’t think she’d have any reason to say no (especially since I really laid it on thiccc in the inquiry email about how much I enjoyed the class), and while I would love to consciously just make the choice to not worry about that, I’m not that self-disciplined yet, so I’m just going to try and watch the VODs from old livestreams (at some point I’ve gotta watch the destruction of L’Manburg) to distract myself.  Or maybe I’ll read...?
Today I am thankful for a lot of things!  I’m thankful for my mom and how she helped me format my inquiry email(s) (she recommended that I include a chart that detailed the opportunity, due date, and my interest at the bottom of the email and UGH that was such a good idea).  I’m thankful that I made the decision to narrow down my focus to only the top 9 programs I was actually interested in.  I think this will strengthen those applications because I can work on them without the noise of the projects that I was only somewhat interested in.  I’m thankful that I got one yes (and I’m hopeful that I’ll get another)!!  I’m thankful that no one swiped the skirt!  I’m thankful that I’m financially secure!  I’m thankful that I’m going to start seriously working on myself!  I’m thankful that I get to trash these dumb transition lens glasses soon!  I’m just so thankful today!!
Oh, note: So one of the programs I’m applying to will be a computational biology program at my old friend, choice 7(?).  Remember them?  The ones who gave me a full ride out of the blue?  Yeah..  At first I was like,, definitely not going to apply to them because I turned them down, and I couldn’t have them do the same thing to me out of revenge, you know?  Like, they offered me everything, and I broke the relationship off completely.  Originally, I wanted to have the last word.  But like, that’s obviously not a good reason to not apply to an opportunity, especially when computer skills are so important for biologists today and most biology grads really lose out by not taking any computer science courses.  So,,, I’m going to apply.  It’s not high on my priority list, but I figured I should anyway.  I mean, I really like the city it’s in, and I do think it’d be kinda cool to revisit it, you know?  
Another note: I also found a biology program offered by my good old friend, choice 1.  You know, the school I simped for, but I knew they were out of my league, so we had a good run, but eventually had to split?  Yeah.  Well, they were offering a cool project as well, but it wasn’t specifically within my research interests, so I decided to drop them from my condensed list.  Like, sure it’d be kinda cool to explore that city and live on that campus, but... eh.  One major thing I learned while at the fly-in was that the campus exists within a bubble, and the rest of the city is very different from the campus experience.  Different, like, rougher.  And I’m a gal who loves to explore cities.  I’d be all up in the city near my home campus if riding the train wasn’t so expensive and also if I knew how to defend myself.  So, yeah.  I even started filling out an app for them too lol.
Final notes: My choice 3 offers a few REUs but none align with my interests.  My top programs are through natural history museums!  My choice 2 doesn’t offer anything interesting, but honestly they’re not really located in a place I’d like to explore anyway.  I aim to apply to one in Boston!!!!  Man I’d love to live in Boston for a summer.  I desperately need to get that city out of my system, or find out that it’s the perfect place for me to live.  Ultimately, my goal with all of this is to be accepted into at least one program that will help me prepare for graduate school, give me research experience, and allow me to live somewhere new (assuming COVID permits).  Oh.  And to get paid.  I’m out to nab these stipends bruv.
0 notes
mmkay let it out what's your thoughts on the new doctor who
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- Okay so right off the bat??? It took me less than five minutes to fall in love with Bill holy SHIT
- Like I could tell from her original preview that I was gonna like her but!!! She’s fantastic!!!!
- 12 playing the electric guitar at any given time is a strong weakness of mine
- The Doctor…has pictures…of Susan and River on his desk…I am…beyond deceased
- Okay like literally every single incarnation of the Doctor fits the aesthetic of ‘eccentric professor who gives no fucks but also ends up teaching very memorable classes’ perfectly but like. I’m so glad Capaldi is the one that gets to FULLFILL that omg.
- “You shouldn’t be in my class you aren’t a student here”
- “I know but I’m like really gay and accidentally made my crush fat because I can’t function properly”
- “Valid points, I need to teach you everything I know.”
- What…is in…that Goddamn vault.
- “Doctor What?” you know that killed him just a little inside
- She got him a freaking carpet for Christmas??? amaze
- Also just the fact that she spent Christmas with him??? You’re not crying I am
- 12: “I’m a cold hearted lone wolf I’m here to do my job I don’t care about anyone no one can crack me-”
- Bill: “Yeah my mom died when I was a baby and I have no pictures of her it makes me very sad”
- 12: *internally screaming, eye twitching, frantically grabbing a camera and sprinting into the TARDIS, shouting* “I aM a CoLd HeArTeD lOnE wOlF i’M hErE tO dO mY jOb I dOnT cArE aBoUt ANYONE-”
- seriously that was so sweet I almost cried???
- LMAO when she said “You’ve apparently been teaching here for 70 years” and he was like “You’re thinking, ‘he doesn’t look old enough’ “ and she said no. HIS FACE 😂
- “One time you were supposed to give a lecture on physics but you started ranting about poetry” “They’re the same thing.”
- Like they did a weird job with the Heather girl??? I ultimately felt bad for her but she was like shady right from the start it was strange
- Like every time Bill was around her I was like “honey reel in your thirst just far enough to realize this situation has me nervous” omfg
- w h a t  i s  i n  t h e  v a u l t
- Am I like…the only person who doesn’t like Nardole? I never have tbh he just feels shoved in there
- Like his whole spiel about wanting to make sure the Doctor’s dealing with River’s death okay at the end of the Christmas special was sweet but like??? He feels out of place and hasn’t properly done anything yet???? Idk it feels like someone inserting an oc into their fanfic re-write of the show but not knowing how the oc can actually effect the plot
- The Doctor has been a college professor for at least 70 years like…is the TARDIS okay? I can’t imagine she enjoys being parked in his office or the ‘out of order’ sign omg
- Yes, yes I am worrying about a sentient machine’s feelings leave me alone
- “I see my face all the time- never liked it, it’s all over the place, having expressions when I’m trying to be enigmatic.” MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
- “Why are you running like a penguin with his ass on fire”
- When she asked the Doctor if he knew about sci-fi. A++
- He was so swept up in figuring it out before he snapped back and was like nEVER MIND SWEET CHILD PLEASE GO AWAY ITS PROBABLY JSUT WATER lmao
- Can we as a society please stop setting creepy moments in fiction in bathrooms??? Like I’m fucking over it
- And honestly??? I’m so PISSED about the thing in the shower drain holy shit after years of having issues with drains because of “it” and I finally start fucking getting over that only for Doctor Who to do this to me??? Why does this show always know my deepest paranoia shit and use it only briefly like WHY
- Anyway,
- Bill’s reaction to the TARDIS was HILARIOUS
- “What happened to the doors though did you run out of money?” LMAO
- I lost it when they ended up in Australia omfg that was good tegan screaming in the distance
- “You’re…the first person to mention that…?” I WAS SCREAMING
- yelling ‘shark attack’ in a restaurant and it actually works? okay
- Why does Capaldi’s Doctor have such a penchant for traveling to the literal end of the universe??? This is the third or fourth time he’s gone there omfg
- Like he’s always like “no one will find us here” but like at this point? End of the universe would be the first place I’d check for him? lol
- 12 looked so proud of himself when he was called ‘silly’!!!! I’m so happy for him it’s a relief he’s out of the emo ‘what kind of man am I’ phase
- on a mildly related note: Nardole running around trying to sonic things and quietly screaming was THE MOST ME THING I’VE EVER SEEN ON TV
- I do shit with that exact attitude all the fucking time you don’t even understand I was looking in a mirror it was hilarious
- So question: Since when is the Dalek’s laser “the hottest fire in the universe”? Is that an already established thing I forgot about or like…did they just want an excuse to show the Daleks? lol
- so Creepy Water Demon Girl was chasing them through time and space solely because she thinks Bill is hot?
- R E L A T A B L E
- When Bill asked the Doctor how he’d feel if someone erased his memories and a slightly warped version of Clara’s theme music started playing??? I stabbed myself that was UNCALLED for I was NOT READY
- When the Doctor was having Internal Struggles™ and he told the pictures of Susan and River to shut up and then the TARDIS started making noises at him and he was clearly getting emotionally ganged up on I was YELLING that was so funny lmao
- Why was he so against travelling??? Why the same school for 70 years??? WHAT’S IN THE VAULT??? Who did he promise????
- The whole ending scene when he was inviting Bill on the TARDIS- idk I just really liked it?
- The lighting behind him from the ship, the mini speech, the music playing in the background??? I really dug it omg
- But no yes I???? Really freaking enjoyed the episode. Like it’s obviously not the best of the series or anything but I think it was a great opener and now I’m even more pumped for the rest of the season I’m so hype I can’t handle it omfg!!!!
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