yjcorefourenjoyer · 4 months
Hc Robin Tim had a series of hole punch cards back at Drake manor that Bruce doesn’t know about and it just says things like ‘day without unnecessary violence’ or ‘reached out to Dick’ that Tim uses to keep track of Bruce’s progress in reintegrating back into vigilante society.
Every time he punches one of the cards out Bruce gets rewarded with fun & silly cases or is allowed to monologue without heavy judgement from Tim.
(Will one day get around to posting a fic including all these hc that I leave in ur inbox lmao)
Yesss! You tell me when you get around to it!
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leo-kinnie · 1 year
Anyways ptau (parent trap au) headcanons donnie edition
-neopronoun hoarder. pronoun list is at least 3 pages on google docs
-LED fiend
-has like. 5,000 lamps in his room and only uses 7 of them consistently
-extremely volatile music taste. Can be listening to rises the moon one second and then crazy = genius the next
-suppresses stims a lot because he's still in HEAVY denial of being tistic
-sleep schedule? Hardly know her
-made glowsticks all the time when he was younger because chemical reaction go brrr
-has a shitton of plants (mostly succulents)
-transgender, to which one you ask? Yes
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seirei-bh · 2 months
Jason Mendal headcanons
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I wrote these headcanons for fun, however, keep in mind that there is only a few episodes of MCL NG out by now, so I may be wrong about some ideas due to later revelations. (I've also added some NSFW headcanons under the cut!)
-He loves luxury restaurants, especially Italian food, and everything expensive and exotic that is the specialty of five-star chefs.
-He has a limousine and a driver, but he only uses them on special occasions, since he prefers to drive his own car.
-If he were an animal he'd identify with a panther, a wolf or a shark
-He likes to listen to jazz.
-He made an anonymous Twitter account that he uses to insult Devemenentiel members (later Thomas found it and hacked it to permanently ban it, lol)
-He usually wears cologne, his favorites are “Sauvage” by Dior, and “Eros” by Versace (obviously very expensive and brand name)
-He doesn't feel close to his family. Most of them are unbearable to him, with a few exceptions.
-He tends to think that stable romantic relationships are a waste of time. Most of his romantic relationships in the past didn't last very long, almost all of his former lovers complained that "he was married with his job" or that "he was a self-centered asshole". He never had enough time for them and he got bored of them because they were not intelligent or interesting enough to him (something that changes with newsucrette/Ysaline)
-He likes women with self-confidence, who know what they want and are capable of challenging him.
-His poliosis was a consecuence of his Waardenburg syndrome. That syndrome also causes on him to suffers from partial deafness and has vision problems. However, he hides all this by using a very discreet hearing aid and contact lenses. Almost no one knows this except a few people very close to him, Jason hides these problems from the people at his company and any competitors to avoid look weak.
-He's afraid of one day becoming completely deaf, so he learned to read lips and sign language.
-He doesn't want to have children, partly because he doesn't have time to raise them, but mostly because he fears they could inherit the physical problems he has, like a partial or complete deafness.
-Since he was little he was always very good at maths.
-Jason pretends he was always popular, but he was quite nerdy at school, something that he decided to change later in high school and college, he went from being the nerd boy who other made fun of to being the popular boy who insulted and bullied the others.
-During his childhood and teenage years he used to dye his hair so that other children would not mess with him, but as an adult he learned to leave his natural white streaks with self-confidence and to see them as an attractive and unique feature.
-He likes the beach, the pool and going on a yacht. He hates mountains and nature.
-He likes to go to the theater and museums. He knows a lot about the life and work of artists, but he doesn't know as much about art itself, although he pretends he does.
-He has the philosophy of “the end justifies the means” and also that money does give happiness, or at least it can help buy it.
-As a child he learned to play the piano, but as an adult he has thrown away most of his former hobbies from his little free time, because he no longer has time for any of that.
-He got that tattoo on his arm because he lost a big bet once, but since Jason never talks about his defeats, when someone asks him, he says that he got that tattoo just because he wanted to and without any reason or meaning beyond the aesthetic.
-Devon was one of the few true pals Jason really respected and appreciated in the past, before “something” happened between them and they became enemies. Each of them has a different version about what really happened in mind, so that hostility due to differences in povs became increasingly stronger as the years went by. (Probably in this case it is Jason who is not right, but he is too proud to admit that he was wrong.)
-He felt attracted to newsucrette/Ysaline from the first moment he saw her. At first it was just desire and he wanted to manipulate her, but over time that feeling grew stronger and turned into love. Something that he also tried to ignore and deceive himself, denying it until he realized about the truth. He knew that maybe she would hate him, that maybe he would hurt her, that everything could end very badly, but still he couldn't resist to try it.
NSFW headcanons
-He loves bondage, specially tying your hands with his tie.
-He enjoys giving you orders in bed and see you obeying them, but also he enjoys secretly even more when you're a "bad girl" and refuse to do what he orders.
-Praise kink (both give and receive)
-He absolutely adores when you claw your nails on his back, so he has more excuses to call you “kitten.”
-Also when you grab him by his tie to drag him to the bedroom and passionately tear off his clothes.
-His favorite place is in his house, although it can be in bed, against the wall or on a table.
-Too excited by the idea of f*king you in Goldreamz's office, on his desk table sometime.
-He almost always prefers to be the dominant one, but also loves when you fight for dominance and you get to be the queen in his bed who is able to doms him.
-He loves to tempt you beforehand, whispering sexy and dirty things in your ear, kissing you on the neck and caressing you softly and subtly, until you can't take yourself anymore.
-Hard. Savage. Passionate. Sometimes very fast for all the sexual tension you two can't handle, sometimes unbearably slow on purpose because he wants to hear you beg for more and praise him how good he is and how much you want him.
-You two always end on a bed after an argument. He's turned on by how beautiful you look when you're angry and how you fight back fierly. Sometimes he makes you angry on purpose because how much he enjoys the moment and what comes later.
-He loves when you tell him that you hate him. That turns him on too even more.
-Skilled with his fingers and proud of it *wink*
-Proud of his own body. Yeah, his size too.
-He loves to kiss your neck, caress your legs and grab your thighs and butt.
-He loves looking at you. His gaze is especially intense and challenging when you're riding him, and he likes to hear you gasp as he watches your beautiful face and body.
-Sometimes is a competition between the two to see who shows better skills in bed and how much you both can last (how many hours and poses). He'll give you his best sexy smirk and won't stop f*king you until you beg him, but you would never beg your enemy... right?
Extra! A few nsfw sweet headcanons too:
-If he notices that you feel too uncomfortable and nervous, he makes humorous comments to break the ice and make you laugh.
-Although he likes BDSM, he will always ask you if you feel comfortable or not with it and will stop if you ask him to do so.
-He's not very used to aftercare, but he knows that you need them, so he tries to give it to you. Plus, he likes it when you rest your head on his torso, close to his heart, and he thinks you look gorgeous while you sleep.
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starzwithapen · 6 months
VIVA / GN!READER / CLAY ☆ poly dating hcs !
Headcanons for being in a polyamorous relationship with these two !! Reader is gender neutral and this is ENTITRELY self indulgent lmao the target audience is ME
⭑˚₊‧° ♢ 𓆩♡𓆪 ♢ °‧₊˚⭑
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☆ if you're more bubbly and excitable like Viva- you and her team up to help Clay unwind after work, walking into the admin building every few minutes to help him take regular breaks
☆ if you're more serious like Clay, you and him help Viva stay grounded and not get too in over herself from excitement- making sure she calms down and thinks things through
☆ they're both very grateful for having you, and they show it in different ways!
☆ just know you'll always be sporting a little braid in your hair throughout the day- Viva loves to add little hair charms so you two can match [and tries to rope Clay into it, too]
☆ all three of you have matching bracelets, and you'd be surprised to know that it was actually Clay who made them! The thread is tied off a little sloppily, but he tried to join you and Viva in something you both loved, and it warmed your heart and had Viva squealing
☆ Clay tries to be smooth and subtle but Viva gets too impatient lol
- "Sooo.....I was thinking-" "We want to go out with you." "HEY- I was gonna, y'know, build up to it!" "You were taking too loonnggg!"
☆ I'd actually imagine you or Clay had to be the ones to confess! Viva's a very affectionate person in general, but with something as delicate and important to her as this, she's scared of changing your dynamic and what it could bring [and is afraid of either of you not feeling the same and leaving her behind]
☆ Once she gets over that initial fear the PDA is amped up by 100! She's holding your hands and dragging you across the golf course, constant hugging and kisses in public
☆ Clay's a little more quiet about it- he doesn't want the other trolls thinking he's gone soft, but....he'll link his pinkie with yours and lean down to kiss your forehead when no one's looking
☆ They're not the type to get jealous- Viva loves seeing you and Clay being all cute together, and Clay's glad you two have each other when he's busy with work
☆ Speaking of- if Clay's taking too long working on something and won't take a break? You and Viva are sitting behind him on the couch being as dramatic and ridiculous as possible
☆ "ohhh....I'm just so cold and miserable....if only our boyfriend would give us the time of day!" Viva slumps back on the cushions and puts a hand across her heart, trying to hold back her smile, "Viva, it's hopeless....he cares only for calculus and equations, the cheater." You both look at each other and burst out into a fit of giggles. Clay sighs and turns his chair around, opening his arms wide for a hug "fine, fine. Get over here."
☆ It gets a little hard to cuddle with 3 people [and a work table that Clay insists on, because these supplies won't order themselves] but you all make it work
- it's usually Clay in the middle, you sat in his lap with your arms wrapped around his waist, and Viva behind the both of you fiddling with Clay's hair and gossiping with you
☆ Clay really likes reading aloud to you both- he knows Viva can't sit still long enough to finish his favorite books, though she does try, and he doesn't really mind it. Reading out loud to you makes it more of a date activity, and your reactions make reading all the more fun
- [especially when Viva gasps at the plot twists and you fumble over Clay's shoulder to make sure he's not messing with you, and the book really did say that]
☆ Viva LOVES sleepovers, and you three usually have them at your place. While Viva's house is perfect for sleepovers, she tends to get too lazy to make her bed [and you'd rather not sleep on sticky candy], and Clay's bedroom is just.....well.
- "it's distinguished!" "No- no, Clay, it's just sad."
☆ Clay's surprisingly clingy in the mornings- while Viva's up and ready to go, rushing to bring you a mug of your favorite drink and kiss you, Clay's clinging onto you and shoving his head into your back to stay away from the sunlight
☆ Viva can really unwind with you, being open and vulnerable without the fear of being weak or being left behind- she knows you'll always be there, by her side
☆ Clay can be his true self around you, without forcing himself to have this serious image all the time- he knows you see him for all he is, and if he has fun around you it won't be all you define him as
☆ The putt putt trolls all know you're a close trio- to the point that seeing any of you without the other two feels wrong somehow, even before you all started dating
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seawing-vibes · 4 months
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OKAY SO I JUST DECIDED TO FILL THE WHOLE THING OUT! I headcanon Peril as Intersex and nonbinary!! AND SAME FOR ME, they fall fight between “I know them” and “their lore is literally impacted by their transsexualism”!! Peril is a very Nonbinary character to me, the way she was raised to view things as very “black & white” and hosting a sense of little self autonomy— makes them finding a comfortable identity in a very “”in the middle”” gender compelling! Especially within the understanding of how Peril was raised and brought up in someone else’s vision, being able to find self-identity in that nature of breaking down the “black & white” structure that was forced on them through the act of finding identity in neutrality. I find the development of self-love extended through gender expression in that nature something that works well in-unison with Peril’s pre-existing themes! Especially in regards to the layered metaphors of the Necklace. As a nonbinary person myself - I found that to be a pinnacle moment of forced suppression of identity into something more “palatable” to the public perception - in this analysis that being the forcing of femininity onto a gnc aligning identity - speaking to the way many nonbinary identity’s are expected to lean “one direction or the other”. So that moment being involved in Perils story - and her breaking free of it and having a self-realization/control moment - very reflective of nonbinary/gender non conforming experiences !!
With that though - thats just my own interpretation and connection to those aspects of Peril’s characterization! I find her lore and themes within her character to speak to many universal experiences of identity that can be interpreted in a fluid way. Like I personally read it as a very compelling arc about non-conformity and applied my own experiences with gender expression onto it, but other interpretations/analyses are just as strong! Thats why I put this headcanon in the middle, because I find it connects heavily to their lore, but is similarly just an extension of it and not necessarily interwoven in-full. Its a lot of personal interpretation which is why the personable “I know them” also 100% fits my perception of transgenderism onto Peril <33
Also the Intersex headcanon is purely a me thing, I always thought Peril was intersex just like. Factually lmao (one of those “I somehow convinced myself this was canon and was surprised to learn it was not” moments lmao). The reason I included it as well is because within my headcanon I think Peril would similarly absorb her being intersex to a further extension of gender identity! Again, breaking down those “black & white” views that were forced on them through themself - literally! Notably being intersex does not inherently mean gender identity is going to be impacted as well, just for this headcanon I feel Peril’s relationship to their gender identity would be strongly impacted by them being intersex <3 !!
OKAY SORRY THIS GOT LONG BUT THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE! TWICE ! LMAO! I have lots of thoughts on these guys so feel free to ask any questions about the other characters if ya want!!! I have many thoughts lmao…
Also I love analyzing these dragons so if anyone has a different interpretation of the characters & wanna share PLEASE DO!!!! I love hearing other perspectives, especially if they contrast my own interpretations, it’s all so cool!!!! <333
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nerflufser · 4 months
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He’s so EMOOOO🖤🖤
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casdeans-pie · 2 years
How Cas heals the brothers differently pre-confession:
Sam gets a paper cut while they're doing research and Cas just taps the back of his hand casually to seal it up instantly
VS Dean complains about the crick in his neck from bending over the books for so long and Cas leans into his space, reaches up gently, slides his hand up the back of Dean's neck, runs the tips of his fingers into his hair, and eases the ache with the warm glow from his palm
And Dean says, Thanks Cas, like that's totally normal and just what friends do. and what are you talking about?? that's just how he heals everyone ????
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findafight · 2 years
Star Trek is never mentioned in Stranger things so headcanon that Steve grew up watching it (he has a youngish great-aunt who took care of him when he was baby Steve), utterly convinced Kirk and Spock are married, also convinced it's old lady tv. She took him to Star Trek: The Motion Picture and like. Fifty percent of the audience was older ladies. She had zines and later gave them to him.
Dustin finds out Steve is what one could consider a Trekkie when Steve offers to take them to see Star Trek IV The Voyage Home in theatres, and he flips because, Steve, you like something nerdy!!
And Steve's like 'no?? I like an old lady tv show? Kirk takes his top off like every episode and it was on during the day for housewives. My auntie was really into it and I watched with her and she gave me her little star trek fanclub newsletters. Basically everyone working on those were women. Idk man, maybe you like something mundane.
He attempts to recruit help but everyone agrees it's very nerdy to have fanzines from the sixties and seventies of star trek and Steve is like whatever I like the romance!! To which everyone is also confused because romance is never really a big part of it?? Kirk is a ladies man, sure, but it's not super romantic? And now it's Steve's turn to be confused because 'Kirk and Spock are Vulcan married!! They got married when Spock had Pon Farr! They do the weird Vulcan hand kissing thing!! Obviously they are soulmates and obviously I would scour the galaxy for you, Robin, but I also very much do not want to make out with you which is what Kirk and Spock do when they touch hands!'
Everyone is like what the fuck are you talking about? Because Steve is a Spirk truther lmao.
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runraerun · 8 months
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happy halloween! here’s some spooky Jack Kline aesthetic things in honour of the ongoing devily headcanons that have been going around.
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 year
I like to imagine that Tim's weakness is his hair. Like- the only surefire way to get him to sleep is to finger-brush his hair (even better, hum). Do that and he is out like a light.
The only issue is that he hates people touching his hair, he refuses to let most touch his hair, Dick is the only one that could for so long until he let others.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
Happy anniversary to How to Train Your Dragon
Edit for the t4t & bi hiccstrid truthers ^_^ (they're autistic too btw)
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ghostwise · 1 year
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Zevran and Leliana holding out their hands: let's be gender nonconforming bisexuals together <3
Got to draw these two for my half of an art trade w @bigcheezey and I greatly enjoyed it! 💖💖💖 thank you sm Jay!!
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tamariixs · 3 months
these are kinda lazy bot GOOOD IM SO FUCKIJNGF TIREDD
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Y'all I- 💔💔❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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purpleshell-x · 4 months
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⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹
(𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐧)
⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ general headcanons, some relationship focus, and some not. I do refer to the term wife a handful of time since she canonically have a wife.
trigger warnings⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ none! just general thoughts abt kate cause i love her sm
part one kate laswell headcanons
how to help support Palestine 🇵🇸
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she has freckles all over her shoulders and back, like it’s in clusters. when she was younger she would always where tank tops so all of the exposure to the sun made them form. (her parents where worried at one point that she had skin cancer or smth)
her and her wife are the cool wine aunts of the family hands down.
her and her wife collected vinyls, kate had always loved music, it’s something her and her wife bond over. she’s a jazz/r&b fan, hates metal. may or may not give nik a harsh side eye anytime he places it too loud.
also this women has the most fierce side known man, it’s like enough to rival Ghosts. that shit is terrifying.
literally owns so many scarfs and vests it’s a problem.
is always chewing on gum since she is trying to quick smoking, and if she doesn’t have gum she is chewing on the inside of her cheek. it’s one of her habits that she can’t seem to break. literally has bleed from the amount she chews on the side of her cheek.
hates calling people, she hates the small talk of calling anyone. she can handle calling only a hand full of people, her wife being on of them, if she can would much rather just send a direct, quick text to someone and get it over with.
random but can we talk about how amazing her eyebrows are, she doesn’t put to much thought into her appearance—makes her self look neat and professional then moves on. but she but they effortlessly look great (i have thin ass eyebrows and i’m lowkey jealous)
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sacrus · 5 months
So I was going through some surname headcanons and I have one thing to say: yes Cellbit is technically surname-less (if not taking his merrige to Roier into account) however I have a better propsition:
Cellbit Paranormal
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