#IEC processing time
Here Are New Updated IRCC Processing Times As Of February 7
This article enlists new official IRCC processing times updated on February 7, 2023 as well as comparison with processing times of last week. In 2022, the IRCC processing tool was modified to deliver precise data on typical processing times. These processing timelines are given to provide applicants for visas or immigration to Canada an idea of how long their application may take for a decision…
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zhivaoverdrive · 10 months
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Used to be huge, pt8
So I let loose, just a little. Then a bit more. To imagine how giant I'd have to pump my tits to fix it... I can barely describe what it does to me. I started pushing myself, just a little bit more... - Hitomi ---
"It says it right here! It's on her chart!" said Ayu indignantly. The temptation to flip the folder open and wave it in the Boss' face was there, but losing her dream job wasn't really an option, in fact the punishment was probably along a slightly different path.
Ayu found her centre, never an easy task after being let loose on the pumps. "I'm sorry Boss, I followed it to the letter..." she said, carefully this time.
"And what precisely do my notes say, nurse?" the Boss said, taciturn as always.
A trap, obviously, but Ayu began to read.
"Hitomi, 24: Patient dissatisfied with volume of existing implants (note: not my work) after minor weight gain Unknown existing implants replaced with IEC Expander MK III. At Patient's request, performed initial fill to 5,000cc per side to balance breast size with her figure, apropos projection of breasts vs stomach. Will revisit volume/balance questions at follow up" she said.
Fixing her gaze now on Hitomi, the Boss warmed, be it only a drop in the Arctic Ocean. "Hitomi, firstly it is good to see you once again, and I'm glad to see you've found comfort with your new expanders" she said.
"Oh I love them Doc! I feel so free. It's just I gained a tiny bit more weight..." replied Hitomi.
She shifted the new weights on her chest slightly as she looked down, just barely seeing the still visible hemisphere of her bloated gut. Naturally, she'd given her belly the good stuff right before the appointment. She was currently HUGE. Like fucking huge.
It was the big day, had to fill the tank she thought, tracing the path of a fresh stretch mark, as it struggled its way over the horizon of her globular midsection and out of sight. Truth be told, she'd barely made the appointment, waddling in at the last moment. Barely on time, and barely on her feet.
"Which of course is not a problem, we did discuss this possibility. Typically I'd prefer to keep a first fill very limited, both for physical and psychological reasons But if you're happy, then I'm happy" said the Boss, inspecting Hitomi's newly inflated breasts and carefully testing their firmness.
"However we'd best keep you, at least overnight. Purely a precautionary measure, help you get used to your new dimensions" she continued.
Hitomi snuck a glance at Ayu, a part of her felt bad, she'd come in looking ridiculous and then asked for an even more ridiculous solution. She didn't want to get the poor nurse in trouble. But.
"Oh that would be great! My flights long off anyway and it's just..." Hitomi said.
"Please, anything Hitomi. We're here to help" said the Boss, still thawing.
Holding out her hand, Ayu quickly caught the signal and helped Hitomi to her feet. None of those assembled really knew how much new liquid was inside Hitomi at this exact moment, be it medical grade saline pumped into her now gigantic breasts, or the litres of cola bubbling away in her bloated belly. Though the strain on her face made it seem like a lot.
Hitomi steadied herself and stood up, though not quite straight. It was a herculean effort, but through the combination many tiny movements, a thrust of the hips, pulling back her shoulders... She pushed out her belly. It didn't have a square millimetre of space to spare, it weighed a ton, but it moved. She hoped desperately that the Doc couldn't see the process, though she was quite sure Ayu could. Her belly imperceptibly swelled out, protruding quite a way before coming to a halt. She'd been mistaken for pregnant earlier this week, but that was then and this is now. Now there was no ambiguity, her belly stuck out far beyond a standard pregnancy.
"Doc it's just.. well the food is really great here and.. I really would just prefer it if my tits were kind of..." Hitomi said, part working her master plan, part intimidated.
The Doc gazed in silence for a moment, her face a perfect mask of composure. "Yes, I see. The projection is still not what we'd discussed. Please, sit down" she said.
That had come not a moment too soon, but Hitomi hid it well.
"While we're here to accommodate you, but there are physical limitations" the Doc said.
Hitomi felt the urge to cry well-up again. This has been a confusing journey of self discovery, but it couldn't end like this.
"BUT. They can be overcome. Not today, perhaps not tomorrow. But if you're willing to stay here at the IEC with some .. flexibility, it's nothing we haven't done a hundred times before." said the Doc. "If you can move your flight, then move it. I'll just be a moment with Nurse Ayu here". —
Ice cold winds blew across the glaciers. She wasn't happy, most importantly for letting a patient witness that.
"5k for MINOR weight gain, Ayu" hissed the Boss, furious but quiet. "Did you ask what the hell happened to her since?"
"She.. said it was just a bit of a belly, but she's happy if we could..." replied a fearful Ayu.
"More than a bit, hm? We'll get back to that. So you pumped, what 10, 15 litres in the girl? Are you not aware of basic geometry? A sphere expands in all directions Ayu, do you have any idea how much volume will be required to push her out another foot? Of course you don't. You were going to just find out" the Boss said.
"Well. Not your finest work. This was a first fillof a new patient, not one of our whales out back. Check her in, find out how she's getting this fat, and more importantly, don't touch a pump without me in that room! Understand? Now smile and go do it" the Boss said.
As the Boss seethed her way out of the room, Ayu couldn't help but smile. Could be worse. Got away with it. And I get to keep her.
As she skipped back to the stationary Hitomi, Ayu didn't have to force the smile, if anything she toned it down. "Dear, you'll be the death of me. I'll find you a room and-"
"Flights been pushed and my luggage is on the way here" beamed Hitomi.
The two women locked eyes, each seeing the other's mischief.
"I pumped you. A lot. You begged and begged and you loved it, so did I. You're lucky I was rostered aren't you?" smiled Ayu, taking the first step of the dance.
"I'm ever so grateful, I hope you didn't get in too much trouble..." said Hitomi sweetly.
"Stop pushing that thing out, I'm not blind, we overshot it. For a first fill, you know, only I would be so-"
"Oh shoosh, come closer, I owe you and I'll tell you," said Hitomi.
"Why? I thought if gaining a little weight was inevitable, it might as well be now. Then the Doc would even me out. So I let loose, just a little. Then a bit more. To imagine how giant I'd have to pump my tits to fix it... I can barely describe what it does to me. I started pushing myself, just a little bit more..." said Hitomi, her hands absentmindedly massaging her gargantuan stomach.
Ayu knelt down and placed a hand on it too, marvelling at this new fetish she'd just unlocked.
"Pushed pretty hard girl. But put a whole lake of saline in you" giggled Ayu.
"It's addictive. It's all addictive. Orgasmic. Pushing myself as big as I can, which means they'll have to get pumped bigger, then I'll push harder..." purred Hitomi.
Ayu began to wheel Hitomi down the hall towards the long stay rooms. "How? Our foods OK but.." she whispered.
"Anything, everything. I had a gallon of soda in the cafe outside, then there's a little secret in my handbag" Hitomi replied.
Closing the door to her new room behind them, Ayu gently hoisted Hitomi's freshly inflated tit from its resting space on her gut. Hearing the soft moan, Ayu smiled wider and more wickedly than ever before.
"So, are we doing this? Push on?" said Ayu.
Hitomi gave a sultry nod, pure lust, no real consideration of what this meant for her future.
"I’ll keep you full, you won't need a trick pose. So a gallon huh... We can work on that".
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gideongrovel · 10 months
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In my "I don't wanna fully render a drawing" era 🏃🏾‍♂️ But moving on lol, I've liked OP since I was 9, and ive always been shipping within it and had a s/i for just as long,,,, so I thought it might be fun to do a progression thingy of my s/i ive had throughout the years! original designs from when i was ages 13, 20 and then current day 27
rambling below time lol
So the first design from when I was around 13, I was a lil creature child and didnt like wearing shoes, so unfortunately I added that in the design? lmao,,,, also added a kitty hat I use to wear all the time (I actually still have it in my closet) but this chibi drawing (x) was the only one i could find in my folders on my laptop, I do have a couple other drawings I kept from that age too, but theyre all in a storage tub that i dont feel like digging through atm,,,,
Unfortunately I don't have any of my s/i art from when I was 20, since its on a laptop i dont have access to anymore,,,, and when moving to my new laptop in the spring I was thinking I need to only save the essentials, and my thought processes was "i not gonna have a o//ne p//iece phase again since im never gonna catch up" as well as "I don't need to save these to my new laptop, since i dont even ship with anyone anymore" how foolish of me to think id ever be free from the series 😭 thankfully i have a good memory and know how they looked mostly, I distinctly remember them having a blueish grid pattern shirt and I just gave them the hair style I had irl at the time since that's what i use to always do for my inserts, and i always be drawing my s/i in shorts so i knew they had those, the only thing i had to guess on was the boots,,,, idr if they were long or shorts boots?
and my current s/i,,,, don't need to say much more, y'all know him 🫰🏾 Tho i will say- catgirl to dogboy pipeline
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mariacallous · 4 months
On March 9, Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla, daughter of former South African president Jacob Zuma, tweeted a video that purported to show former US president Donald Trump encouraging “all South Africans to vote for uMkhonto WeSizwe,” her father’s party, in the country’s May 29 elections. In another post, just days before the elections, Zuma-Sambudla, who has more than 300,000 followers, shared videos and photos of what appeared to be paper ballots. The accompanying text accused the African National Congress (ANC), the party currently leading the government, of stealing votes. That post has been viewed nearly 650,000 times.
Experts who spoke to WIRED say that X, formerly Twitter, was a major source of election-related mis- and disinformation in the lead-up to the vote, which dealt a major blow to the ANC. And Zuma-Sambudla was a super-spreader.
“We’ve seen clear campaigns to undermine the [election commission],” says William Bird, director of Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), a media and human rights watchdog. “It's been driven in no small part by [Jacob] Zuma's daughter.”
In the days following the elections, Zuma-Sambudla has continued to imply that the election was rigged in the ANC’s favor, even though the party lost its long-held parliamentary majority. Bird sees Zuma-Sambudla and her massive platform on X as symptomatic of a larger problem—there’s no one home at the company to curtail content that undermines trust in the elections or threatens election-related violence.
“When Elon took over, he just completely trashed the whole thing,” says Bird. As part of its work, MMA runs a platform called Real411 in collaboration with South Africa’s election commission, known as the IEC. The platform allows regular South Africans to report instances of mis- and disinformation around the election. MMA can then flag these pieces of content to Meta, TikTok, and Google, all of which work with the IEC to protect elections. X, according to Bird, “didn’t want to engage” in conversations to help shape digital and social media guidelines for elections on the continent during 2024 and 2025.
“That's not just one small country, South Africa,” says Bird. “That was the entire continent that they refused to engage with.”
Following the insurrection in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, the company then known as Twitter beefed up its trust and safety staff—the people keeping hate speech, disinformation, and illegal content off the platform—around elections, to ensure that its platform couldn’t be used to foment civil unrest. In the lead-up to the US midterm elections and the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, the company was particularly vigilant around mis- and disinformation that questioned the electoral process or the validity of an election’s outcome. (Brazil, like the US, also saw an insurrection in the months following then president Jair Bolsonaro’s loss). After Elon Musk took over the company, however, he laid off most of the people working on trust and safety. As part of this, the entire Twitter Africa staff was cut.
“A lot of times it's sort of blamed on, you know, ‘We're undergoing a lot of changes because of layoffs,’” says Bulanda Nkhowani, sub-Saharan Africa campaigns director at the tech accountability nonprofit Digital Action, which has tried to engage with X about its approach to elections on the continent. “It's as if they don't know who to point you to.”
X did not respond to a request for comment.
Though only about 55 percent of South Africa’s 26 million social media users use X, the platform appears to be vastly overrepresented when it comes to the spread of mis- and disinformation. In a report prepared for the IEC and shared with WIRED, MMA found that a vast majority—68 percent—of 200 pieces of content reported through the Real411 portal that were ultimately found to be disinformation came from X. And a great deal of that content was tied to Zuma-Sambudla.
“We've noticed that a lot of the complaints are being generated through her account or accounts of her supporters,” says Sherylle Dass, regional director at Legal Resources Center, a public interest law center and human rights organization, which helped monitor the tip line.
Dass believes that X’s lack of moderation has been a boon to Zuma-Sambudla and her supporters, potentially laying the groundwork for future election-related violence. “I think they've been using this and leveraging this to promote divisive content, to engage in disinformation and incitement to violence,” she says.
Fears of the latter are well founded. In 2021, Zuma—who was recently barred from running for Parliament—was imprisoned for contempt after refusing to testify before a commission investigating claims of corruption in his administration. This sparked riots in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Zuma-Sambudla “was very instrumental at that time,” Dass says. In the lead-up to last week’s elections, the country faced a spate of violence against local politicians and activists. Now, Dass and others worry that Zuma-Sambudla’s attacks on the country’s election integrity could lead to more unrest.
“We are very concerned that these calls for anarchy and calls for violence on Twitter might spill over to offline violence,” says Dass.
And Nkhowani says that even if the country avoids postelection unrest, “an attack on the electoral processes is part of an overall attack on democracy.”
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scbhagat · 13 days
Company Incorporation Consultants in Delhi by SC Bhagat & Co.
Starting a new business in Delhi can be a rewarding venture, but it also comes with its own set of legal and administrative challenges. One of the critical steps in building your business is the incorporation process, which requires careful attention to various regulations. This is where professional assistance from SC Bhagat & Co., a leading company incorporation consultant in Delhi, becomes invaluable.
Why Choose Professional Company Incorporation Consultants? Incorporating a company involves several legal procedures, such as:
Selecting the correct business structure Filing the necessary paperwork with regulatory authorities Complying with tax laws Obtaining approvals and licenses The process can be complex and time-consuming for new entrepreneurs. SC Bhagat & Co. helps streamline this procedure, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements while minimizing delays.
Services Offered by SC Bhagat & Co. As one of the top company incorporation consultants in Delhi, SC Bhagat & Co. offers a range of services that cater to startups, small businesses, and large corporations. These include:
Business Structure Advisory Choosing the right business structure is crucial for long-term success. The firm provides guidance on various business entities, including:
Private Limited Company Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) One Person Company (OPC) Public Limited Company SC Bhagat & Co. ensures that you opt for the structure best suited to your business goals and tax advantages.
Registration Services From company name reservation to filing of incorporation documents, SC Bhagat & Co. handles the entire registration process. They assist with:
Drafting Memorandum and Articles of Association (MOA/AOA) Digital signature certificates (DSC) Director Identification Number (DIN) Filing with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Their comprehensive approach makes the process seamless and efficient.
Compliance and Taxation Support Once incorporated, companies are required to meet various compliance standards, including:
GST registration and filing Annual financial statements Regulatory audits SC Bhagat & Co. offers ongoing support to ensure your business stays compliant with both state and central laws, thus avoiding penalties and legal hurdles.
Legal Advisory and Licensing Navigating the legal landscape in India can be tricky. SC Bhagat & Co. also provides assistance in obtaining the necessary business licenses and permissions, such as:
Trade license Import-export code (IEC) Professional tax registration Why SC Bhagat & Co. Stands Out With years of experience in the field, SC Bhagat & Co. has become synonymous with trust and expertise in company incorporation consulting in Delhi. Here’s why they stand out:
Expert Team: Their team consists of highly qualified professionals, including chartered accountants and legal experts. Personalized Service: They tailor their services according to the specific needs of your business. Quick Turnaround: Their efficient processes ensure timely incorporation and compliance. Post-Incorporation Support: Even after your company is set up, SC Bhagat & Co. provides continuous support for your legal and financial needs. Conclusion Incorporating a company is a significant step in the journey of entrepreneurship. With the expert guidance of SC Bhagat & Co., you can rest assured that all legal and regulatory requirements will be handled efficiently, allowing you to focus on growing your business. If you're looking for reliable company incorporation consultants in Delhi, SC Bhagat & Co. should be your first choice.
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lanternfiber · 4 months
OTDR Repair and Calibration Center: Ensuring Optimal Performance in Fiber Optic Testing
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In the realm of telecommunications and networking, fiber optics technology has emerged as a cornerstone for its unparalleled speed and efficiency. Central to the maintenance and troubleshooting of fiber optic networks is the Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). This sophisticated device plays a crucial role in analyzing the integrity of fiber optic cables by emitting pulses of light and measuring the reflections that bounce back. To guarantee accurate and reliable readings, regular calibration and, when necessary, repair of OTDR units are indispensable.
Importance of OTDR Repair and Calibration
An OTDR’s ability to precisely detect faults, measure signal loss, and assess overall network performance hinges on its calibration accuracy. Calibration ensures that the device consistently delivers dependable results, instilling confidence in network operators and technicians who rely on its data for critical decision-making.
Setting Up an OTDR Repair and Calibration Center
Establishing a dedicated OTDR repair and calibration center requires careful planning and adherence to industry best practices to uphold the highest standards of service and technical expertise:
Facility and Equipment Requirements:
Calibration Equipment: Acquire state-of-the-art calibration tools and standards that comply with industry regulations and standards.
Repair Tools: Equip the center with specialized tools and spare parts necessary for diagnosing and repairing OTDR units effectively.
2. Certification and Accreditation:
Compliance: Ensure compliance with international standards such as ISO/IEC 17025 for calibration laboratories to validate the center’s competence and reliability.
Accreditation: Seek accreditation from recognized bodies to demonstrate the center’s capability to perform accurate OTDR calibrations and repairs.
3. Technical Expertise:
Qualified Technicians: Employ skilled technicians with expertise in OTDR operation, calibration procedures, and repair techniques.
Continuous Training: Provide ongoing training to technicians to keep them abreast of technological advancements and industry standards.
4. Quality Assurance:
Standard Operating Procedures: Develop and implement standardized procedures for OTDR calibration, testing, and repair processes.
Quality Control Checks: Implement rigorous quality control measures to validate the accuracy and reliability of calibration and repair outcomes.
5. Customer Service Excellence:
Service Offerings: Define comprehensive service offerings including calibration schedules, expedited repairs, and technical support.
Customer Communication: Maintain transparent communication with clients regarding service timelines, procedures, and expectations.
Benefits of an OTDR Repair and Calibration Center
Establishing a specialized OTDR repair and calibration center offers numerous advantages to stakeholders involved in fiber optic network operations:
Reliability: Ensures accurate and dependable OTDR readings, thereby enhancing network performance and reliability.
Regulatory Compliance: Meets regulatory requirements and industry standards for fiber optic testing and calibration.
Cost Efficiency: Reduces operational costs by minimizing downtime and avoiding premature replacements through timely repairs and calibration.
Enhanced Service Delivery: Builds trust and loyalty among customers by delivering consistent, high-quality calibration and repair services.
Technological Advancements: Stays ahead of technological advancements in fiber optic testing through continuous training and equipment upgrades.
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In conclusion, the establishment of an OTDR repair and calibration center is pivotal in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of fiber optic networks. By prioritizing adherence to industry standards, investing in skilled personnel and cutting-edge equipment, and emphasizing quality assurance, organizations can ensure optimal OTDR performance. This proactive approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also strengthens customer satisfaction by delivering reliable and accurate fiber optic testing and repair solutions.
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apiscrapy · 7 months
Extract Valuable Data with Our Ecommerce Data Scraping Services and Stay Ahead of Competitors
Experience seamless data extraction with APISCRAPY's Ecommerce Scraper, a cutting-edge solution designed for businesses seeking efficient information gathering. Streamline your decision-making process with precision and efficiency by effortlessly analyzing critical data. Elevate your data extraction experience to new heights with the Ecommerce Scraper.
Explore more at https://apiscrapy.com/ecommerce-data-scraping/
About AIMLEAP – Apiscrapy Apiscrapy is a division of Aimleap. Aimleap is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified global technology consulting and service provider offering AI-augmented Data Solutions, Data Engineering, Automation, IT Services, and Digital Marketing Services. AIMLEAP has been recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®’. With a special focus on AI and automation, we built quite a few AI & ML solutions, AI-driven web scraping solutions, AI-data Labeling, AI-Data-Hub, and Self-serving BI solutions. We started in 2012 and successfully delivered IT & digital transformation projects, automation-driven data solutions, on-demand data, and digital marketing for more than 750 fast-growing companies in the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada; and more.  An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified  Served 750+ customers  11+ Years of industry experience  98% client retention  Great Place to Work® certified  Global delivery centers in the USA, Canada, India & Australia    Our Data Solutions APISCRAPY: AI-driven web scraping & workflow automation platform APYSCRAPY is an AI-driven web scraping and automation platform that converts any web data into ready-to-use data. The platform is capable to extract data from websites, processing data, automate workflows, classify data and integrate ready-to-consume data into database or deliver data in any desired format.  AI-Labeler: AI augmented annotation & labeling solution AI-Labeler is an AI augmented data annotation platform that combines the power of artificial intelligence with in-person involvement to label, annotate and classify data, and allowing faster development of robust and accurate models. AI-Data-Hub: On-demand data for building AI products & services On-demand AI data hub for curated data, pre-annotated data, pre-classified data, and allowing enterprises to obtain easily and efficiently, and exploit high-quality data for training and developing AI models. PRICESCRAPY: AI enabled real-time pricing solution An AI and automation driven price solution that provides real time price monitoring, pricing analytics, and dynamic pricing for companies across the world.  APIKART: AI driven data API solution hub  APIKART is a data API hub that allows businesses and developers to access and integrate large volume of data from various sources through APIs. It is a data solution hub for accessing data through APIs, allowing companies to leverage data, and integrate APIs into their systems and applications.  Locations: USA: 1-30235 14656  Canada: +1 4378 370 063  India: +91 810 527 1615  Australia: +61 402 576 615 Email: [email protected]
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outsourcebigdata · 7 months
Best data extraction services in USA
In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, the strategic selection of a web data extraction services provider becomes crucial. Outsource Bigdata stands out by offering access to high-quality data through a meticulously crafted automated, AI-augmented process designed to extract valuable insights from websites. Our team ensures data precision and reliability, facilitating decision-making processes.
For more details, visit: https://outsourcebigdata.com/data-automation/web-scraping-services/web-data-extraction-services/.
Outsource Bigdata is a division of Aimleap. AIMLEAP is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified global technology consulting and service provider offering AI-augmented Data Solutions, Data Engineering, Automation, IT Services, and Digital Marketing Services. AIMLEAP has been recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®’.
With a special focus on AI and automation, we built quite a few AI & ML solutions, AI-driven web scraping solutions, AI-data Labeling, AI-Data-Hub, and Self-serving BI solutions. We started in 2012 and successfully delivered IT & digital transformation projects, automation-driven data solutions, on-demand data, and digital marketing for more than 750 fast-growing companies in the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada; and more. 
-An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified  -Served 750+ customers  -11+ Years of industry experience  -98% client retention  -Great Place to Work® certified  -Global delivery centers in the USA, Canada, India & Australia 
Our Data Solutions
APISCRAPY: AI driven web scraping & workflow automation platform APISCRAPY is an AI driven web scraping and automation platform that converts any web data into ready-to-use data. The platform is capable to extract data from websites, process data, automate workflows, classify data and integrate ready to consume data into database or deliver data in any desired format. 
AI-Labeler: AI augmented annotation & labeling solution AI-Labeler is an AI augmented data annotation platform that combines the power of artificial intelligence with in-person involvement to label, annotate and classify data, and allowing faster development of robust and accurate models.
AI-Data-Hub: On-demand data for building AI products & services On-demand AI data hub for curated data, pre-annotated data, pre-classified data, and allowing enterprises to obtain easily and efficiently, and exploit high-quality data for training and developing AI models.
PRICESCRAPY: AI enabled real-time pricing solution An AI and automation driven price solution that provides real time price monitoring, pricing analytics, and dynamic pricing for companies across the world. 
APIKART: AI driven data API solution hub  APIKART is a data API hub that allows businesses and developers to access and integrate large volume of data from various sources through APIs. It is a data solution hub for accessing data through APIs, allowing companies to leverage data, and integrate APIs into their systems and applications. 
Locations: USA: 1-30235 14656  Canada: +1 4378 370 063  India: +91 810 527 1615  Australia: +61 402 576 615 Email: [email protected]
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55tfn9 · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide to Power Systems Protection for Engineers
Power systems protection is a critical aspect of electrical engineering that focuses on safeguarding electrical equipment, personnel, and the power grid from faults, failures, and abnormal operating conditions. This comprehensive guide aims to provide engineers with valuable insights into key principles, techniques, and best practices in power systems protection.
1. Understanding System Operation and Fault Types:
Before delving into protection strategies, it is essential to have a solid understanding of how power systems operates and the various types of faults that can occur. This includes studying system components, such as generators, transformers, transmission lines, circuit breakers, relays, and protective devices. Familiarity with fault types like short circuits, open circuits, ground faults, and transient overvoltages is crucial as a foundation.
2. Principles of Protection Coordination:
Effective power systems protection requires proper coordination among protective devices. Engineers must understand the concept of selectivity to ensure that only the device closest to a fault operates, minimizing disruption to the rest of the system. Proper coordination involves selecting appropriate current settings, time delays, and coordination curves for relays and circuit breakers.
3. Relay Device Fundamentals:
Relays are an integral part of power systems protection, serving as the first line of defense against electrical faults. Engineers should have a thorough knowledge of different relay types, including overcurrent relays, differential relays, distance relays, and directional relays. Understanding their operating principles, features, and limitations aids in choosing the most suitable relays for specific applications.
4. Protective Device Coordination:
Coordinating protective devices within a system is critical to maintaining stability and preventing cascading failures during faults. Engineers must carefully analyze and design protection schemes that consider factors such as fault impedance, fault currents, relay response characteristics, and coordination margins. Advanced techniques like time grading and impedance grading can be employed to achieve optimal coordination.
5. Fault Analysis and System Modeling:
Performing fault analysis and system modeling helps engineers gain insights into power flow, fault currents, voltage profiles, and system stability. Engineers must be proficient in using software tools like ETAP, PSCAD, and DSA Tools to accurately simulate fault scenarios and assess the performance of protection schemes. Detailed knowledge of system modeling techniques enables engineers to make informed decisions regarding relay settings and coordination.
6. Communication-Based Protection:
With the increasing complexity of modern power systems, communication-based protection plays a crucial role in maintaining reliability. Knowledge of communication protocols such as IEC 61850, GOOSE (Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event), and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems is essential for engineers to design and implement advanced protection solutions that utilize real-time data exchange between substations and control centers.
7. Integration of Automation and Control Systems:
Incorporating automation and control systems into power systems protection enhances operational efficiency and reduces response time during faults. Engineers need to understand concepts like remote terminal units (RTUs), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and human-machine interfaces (HMIs). Familiarity with protocols like Modbus, DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol), and OPC (OLE for Process Control) enables seamless integration of protection systems with wider control infrastructure.
8. Commissioning, Testing, and Maintenance:
Implementing effective protection strategies requires thorough commissioning, testing, and maintenance procedures. Engineers should be well-versed in practices like primary injection testing, secondary injection testing, relay calibration, fault simulation, and periodic inspections. Adhering to manufacturer guidelines, industry standards, and safety protocols ensures equipment reliability and optimal performance.
9. Access to Resources and Industry Awareness:
Staying connected with organizations like the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) is crucial for access to valuable resources. Engineers should actively seek research papers, technical articles, conferences, and networking opportunities. Staying informed about relay technology advancements from prominent manufacturers aids in adopting the latest protection techniques.
10. Software Applications for Enhanced Protection:
Utilizing software applications is vital in power systems protection. Advanced tools like ETAP, PSCAD, and DSA Tools aid in relay coordination analysis, fault simulation, and system modeling. Acquiring proficiency in these common industry software packages enables engineers to design and optimize protection schemes effectively.
11. Compliance with Local National Codes:
Adhering to local national codes and regulations is paramount in power systems protection. Understanding and implementing specific electrical codes and standards relevant to the country of operation is crucial. Compliance ensures safe and reliable system design, installation, and operation aligned with legal requirements and best practices.
By encompassing the principles, techniques, and best practices discussed in this guide, engineers pursuing careers in power systems protection can develop a strong foundation. Continuous learning, staying updated on industry advancements, and compliance with local national codes will ensure engineers can design, implement, and maintain robust and reliable protection schemes for the power grid and its critical assets.
The Author Biography: Qusi Alqarqaz
Qusi Alqarqaz is an experienced professional in power system protection, specializing in sharing knowledge and guiding young engineers. With a career spanning utility and oil and gas industries in Texas, New Mexico, and Qatar, he has amassed extensive industry experience.
Collaborating with leading manufacturers such as SEL, ABB, Siemens, Schneider, among others, Qusi has gained proficiency in a range of protective relays. He actively pursues continuing education, completing professional development courses with software providers including ETAP and Milsoft, enabling him to utilize advanced tools for power system analysis and protection design.
Qusi's dedication to staying up-to-date with industry advancements led him to pursue additional training. He completed professional development courses at Wisconsin University, equipping him with specialized knowledge crucial for working with high-voltage power systems. He also studied power generation extensively at Strathclyde University in the UK.
Qusi actively shares his knowledge through collaborating on large-scale projects and providing training sessions for professionals. Through his posts, he aims to offer guidance and mentorship for young engineers in power system protection. His practical advice and personal experiences will empower the next generation of experts in this field.
Contact the Author:
Qusi actively shares his knowledge through collaborating on large-scale projects and providing training sessions for professionals.
Qusi Alqarqaz
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midnightactual · 11 months
//I’ve seen your Neon Dark AU. Gotta say, I dunno how you did it, but you seamlessly blended Yoruichi into the Cyberpunk world. Did it a lot better than I could, that’s for sure. Just in case you needed a bit of positivity.
hey, thanks for the compliments, but don't put yourself down in the process of handing them out. I think that your presentation of a Cyberpunk 2077 AU centers the game world in a much more eminent and relatable way to anyone who actually played the game (which is gonna be most people besides maybe those coming in from Edgerunners), especially with the breakout of stats, gear, abilities, and so on, and the backstory you created really dwells on the personal, which I think is normally where bios should be focused. keeping Ash relatively light on chrome is also fair and fun for both the overhaul and dealing with the setting more generally
I personally just camped out on the Wiki (and some PDFs of rulebooks) for a while and focused on reading Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk RED lore until I found some largely free real estate that let me do what I wanted to do, then bent Mike Pondsmith's lore on cyberpsychosis some in a way I thought made sense to make it work without any real care for what that'd look like in the TTRPG rules or game. I felt that de facto giving Yoruichi an exceptional base humanity score and saying the Raiden also has minimal humanity cost was fair, with how powerful it is balanced by it having no upgrades and no ability to do Netrunner or Smart Weapon stuff, but I could easily see someone arguing it's min-maxed and metagamey... but then, the goal was to make her powerful but mysterious
(someone like lore-accurate Adam Smasher would beat her in a fair mano-e-mano physical fight because she's not built for raw power and only has so much mass and bulk, but she would never fight someone like him fair, and would absolutely do heavy assault stuff in some super-customized Assisted Combat Personnel Armor like one of these wacky fanons because she'd be expecting him to show up in an Arasaka DaiOni as he canonically did in 2023, not in his base body even if that is now supposedly an IEC Dragoon)
to be honest though, neither her verse page or rumors page (it's fun if you haven't seen it!) address who she actually is, what she was up to previously in her past life, who was behind the attack, and so on. I have some Deep Lore™ thoughts, but those aren't fully fleshed out...
Who she is: I have the feeling that although Sasai Arasaka only officially had one child (Saburo Arasaka) she is either the descendant of a bastard child of his (since he only married Yui at the age of 46, which was very old for that time in Japan), or is the descendant of a sibling of Sasai's, and that in any event her "branch" of the Arasaka family basically lived thereafter in exile/shame/poverty at the hands Saburo... thus engendering permanent generational resentment of Saburo and Arasaka Corporation. she herself is probably in her mid-to-late 30s or early 40s, but appears to be in her late 20s, and would be the great-great-grandchild to grandchild of that ancestor. ostensibly the original motivation of her family was, "Everything of Saburo's rightfully belongs to us, and if we can't have it neither can he," and although she's more sanguine about it, her opinion is still basically Fuck Arasaka
What she did: while she's specified to be Japanese Army, I think she would've specifically been whatever the Cyberpunk equivalent to Special Operations Group would be. kinda like Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, but foreign ops rather than domestic, thus the "Paradise" stories? I like it being called SOG. given their entanglement with FACS, FACS-SOG makes me think of MACV-SOG, despite being completely different things in different times. anyway, she was a spec ops ghost
Who attacked the Raiden Program: I think it was AIs beyond the Blackwall. the Raiden would be uniquely immune to the type of Blackwall shenanigans seen in Phantom Liberty, and that made it a threat to them if it proliferated, so they neutralized it, and Yoruichi's a loose end (that's escaped cleanup due to what the Raiden is like and the fact she doesn't seem to be presenting a threat to their agenda yet). the doppelganger recently seen was their own private reconstruction of the data acquired during that attack—however many copies the AIs have (not many), they all look like her since it was specifically her customized data that survived their attack and they saw no reason to change it. shit has not rolled downhill onto her for their actions because they never leave evidence or witnesses during their attacks—she's a fluke sole survivor because of the Raiden
part of the reason I haven't detailed this officially is, uh, muses would have no way of finding any of it out! and the parts she knows (1 and 2) she probably wouldn't reveal to anybody. but anyway, that's some more info on her. I don't think muses "need" to be tied to big lore in some way to be good, though, I just kind of like her that way because she's Yoruichi
I'm glad it feels plausible and cool rather than overwrought and overpowered, at any rate, so thanks for writing in! if you ever wanna do a thread, just feel free to throw over a starter or something
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How to Choose the Right REACH Testing Lab in UAE for Your Business Needs | +971 554747210
In today’s global economy, businesses that manufacture or import products containing chemicals must comply with strict regulations to ensure consumer safety and environmental protection. One of the most significant regulations for businesses exporting to Europe is the REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals). This regulation, enforced by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), requires businesses to ensure that the chemicals in their products meet safety standards.
For businesses in the UAE, choosing the right REACH testing lab is essential to ensure compliance with this stringent regulation. But how do you select the best lab for your business needs? This blog will guide you through the process of choosing the right REACH testing lab in the UAE.
Understanding the Importance of REACH Compliance
The REACH regulation covers a wide range of chemical products, from industrial chemicals to everyday items like cosmetics, electronics, and cleaning products. The goal of REACH is to minimize the risks posed by chemicals to human health and the environment. Companies that fail to comply with REACH regulations face serious consequences, including hefty fines, bans from the EU market, and reputational damage.
For businesses in the UAE looking to export to Europe, compliance with REACH is not optional. It is a legal requirement. Working with a REACH testing lab is the most efficient way to ensure your products meet the safety standards necessary for EU market entry.
Why Choosing the Right REACH Testing Lab Matters
The REACH compliance process can be complex, involving chemical analysis, risk assessments, registration, and ongoing monitoring. A reliable REACH testing lab will offer comprehensive services that not only meet regulatory requirements but also provide you with expert guidance through the entire process.
Selecting the right lab is crucial for several reasons:
Accurate Testing: A qualified REACH testing lab will ensure accurate identification and quantification of the chemicals in your products, helping you avoid potential non-compliance.
Expert Guidance: The right lab will provide expert advice on REACH regulations, guiding you through the registration process and ensuring you meet all legal requirements.
Long-Term Compliance: REACH is not a one-time process. It requires ongoing monitoring and reporting. The right lab will help you maintain compliance over the long term.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a REACH Testing Lab in UAE
There are several critical factors to consider when choosing the best REACH testing lab for your business needs. Below, we’ll cover the most important aspects to look for when making your decision.
1. Accreditation and Certifications
The first and most crucial factor to consider when choosing a REACH testing lab is accreditation. A lab’s accreditation serves as proof that it adheres to international testing standards and delivers reliable results. Look for labs that have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, which demonstrates that they meet global testing standards for competence and quality.
Certifications from international bodies such as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and other relevant industry organizations are also essential. A certified lab has demonstrated its expertise in conducting REACH tests and handling chemical safety compliance.
2. Experience in REACH Testing
Not all testing labs are experienced in handling REACH compliance. Make sure the lab you choose has a proven track record of working with REACH regulations. Experience with REACH testing indicates that the lab is familiar with the complex requirements of the regulation and knows how to navigate the registration process effectively.
Experienced labs are more likely to provide timely and accurate test results and offer valuable insights into how to improve product safety and compliance.
3. Range of Testing Services
Different businesses have different needs when it comes to REACH compliance. Some may need chemical identification and risk assessments, while others may require assistance with registration or ongoing compliance monitoring. It’s essential to choose a lab that offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your specific requirements.
The right REACH testing lab should offer services such as:
Chemical identification and substance quantification
Risk assessments and exposure scenarios
Registration support and preparation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Authorization and restriction services for specific chemicals
Ongoing compliance monitoring and reporting
By partnering with a lab that offers a wide range of services, you can ensure that all aspects of REACH compliance are covered, from initial testing to long-term monitoring.
4. Technology and Equipment
The quality of testing results largely depends on the technology and equipment used by the lab. Advanced testing methods, such as Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), are essential for accurately identifying and quantifying chemicals.
A REACH testing lab that uses state-of-the-art technology is more likely to provide precise, reliable results. Additionally, a well-equipped lab can detect hazardous chemicals at trace levels, helping you ensure that your products are fully compliant with REACH regulations.
5. Turnaround Time and Efficiency
Compliance with REACH regulations often involves strict deadlines, especially when it comes to registration. Delays in the testing process can lead to missed deadlines, non-compliance, and even market bans.
When selecting a REACH testing lab, inquire about their turnaround time. Choose a lab that can deliver accurate results quickly without compromising on quality. Efficiency is crucial to ensure that your products meet regulatory requirements within the required timeframe.
6. Customer Support and Regulatory Guidance
The REACH compliance process can be overwhelming, especially for businesses that are new to the regulation. The right REACH testing lab should offer not only testing services but also comprehensive regulatory guidance to help you navigate the complex requirements of REACH.
Look for labs that provide dedicated customer support and offer clear communication throughout the testing process. A lab that can assist with documentation, registration submissions, and compliance reporting will make the process much more manageable for your business.
7. Reputation and Client Feedback
Before making your final decision, it’s essential to research the lab’s reputation and gather feedback from previous clients. A reputable lab will have positive reviews from clients who have successfully achieved REACH compliance with their help.
You can also ask the lab for case studies or examples of their work with similar businesses. This will give you a better understanding of their expertise and ability to handle your specific testing and compliance needs.
Top REACH Testing Labs in the UAE
Now that you know what to look for in a REACH testing lab, let’s explore some of the top labs in the UAE that specialize in REACH compliance.
1. METS Lab
METS Lab is one of the leading REACH testing labs in the UAE, offering comprehensive testing services for chemical products. With state-of-the-art equipment and ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, METS Lab provides accurate chemical analysis and regulatory guidance to help businesses comply with REACH regulations.
Their range of services includes chemical identification, risk assessments, registration support, and ongoing compliance monitoring, making them a top choice for UAE businesses exporting to Europe.
2. SGS Gulf
SGS is a global leader in inspection, testing, and certification, with a strong presence in the UAE. Their REACH testing services include chemical analysis, risk assessments, and regulatory compliance support.
SGS Gulf has a reputation for delivering reliable, accurate results, and their expertise in REACH compliance makes them a trusted partner for businesses looking to enter the European market.
3. Intertek UAE
Intertek is known for its expertise in regulatory compliance, offering a full suite of REACH testing services. With advanced technology and a team of experienced professionals, Intertek provides chemical testing, risk assessments, and guidance on restricted and prohibited substances.
Intertek’s global network ensures that businesses receive consistent, high-quality testing services, making them an excellent choice for REACH compliance in the UAE.
4. TÜV SÜD Middle East
TÜV SÜD offers extensive REACH testing services in the UAE, providing chemical analysis, registration support, and risk assessments. Their team of experts helps businesses navigate the complex requirements of REACH and ensure that their products meet European safety standards.
With ISO accreditation and a strong focus on regulatory compliance, TÜV SÜD is a reliable partner for businesses in the UAE.
Selecting the right REACH testing lab is essential for ensuring that your products comply with European chemical regulations and can be safely exported to the EU. By considering factors such as accreditation, experience, range of services, technology, and customer support, you can choose a lab that meets your business’s specific needs.
Whether you choose METS Lab, SGS Gulf, Intertek, or TÜV SÜD, working with a reputable REACH testing lab will help you achieve long-term compliance, safeguard public health, and maintain your competitive edge in the global market.
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ISO Certification in Indore Online: Achieve Global Standards and Boost Business Credibility
Introduction to ISO Certification in Indore
ISO Certification in Indore is important for businesses that want to gain trust, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure business excellence. For companies based in Indore, having ISO certification is an important step toward gaining international recognition and compliance with global standards. Whether it’s a manufacturing unit, a software development firm, or a small-scale business, ISO certification is becoming a benchmark for quality and safety.
Why ISO Certification is Important for Businesses in Indore
ISO certification not only opens doors to new business opportunities but also provides a structured approach to improving operational performance.
Types of ISO Certification in Indore
ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems ISO 9001 is a globally recognized quality management standard that helps businesses streamline processes, increase efficiency, and ensure customer satisfaction. Many companies in Indore seek this certification to demonstrate their commitment to quality 
ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems This standard focuses on environmental management. For industries in Indore, especially manufacturing and processing, ISO 14001 is crucial in maintaining environmental regulations and reducing waste.
ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001 emphasizes occupational health and safety, helping businesses ensure safe working conditions. In a bustling industrial hub like Indore, this standard is essential to safeguarding employees.
ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management In a city where IT services are growing, ISO 27001, which focuses on information security, is a must for businesses handling sensitive data. This certification ensures that proper measures are in place to protect digital assets and data integrity.
Benefits of ISO Certification for Indore-based Businesses
Improved Operational Efficiency
ISO certification helps businesses in Indore optimize their processes, reduce errors, and ensure smoother operations. With defined procedures, organizations can cut down on inefficiencies and improve productivity.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction
By adhering to ISO standards, businesses can enhance the quality of their products and services leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Better Compliance with Regulations
In sectors like manufacturing and IT, strict compliance with regulations is necessary. ISO standards provide a framework that helps companies meet legal requirements and avoid penalties.
How to Choose the Right Certification Body in Indore
Choosing the right certification body is important for ensuring credibility. Look for certification bodies that are accredited, have experience in your industry, and offer good customer service.
Top Industries in Indore That Can Benefit from ISO Certification
Manufacturers in Indore can improve product quality, reduce waste, and enhance their reputation with ISO certification.
IT and Software Services
With the rise of the IT sector in Indore, certifications like ISO 27001 are essential to secure data and build trust with clients.
Food Processing and Agriculture
Indore’s growing food processing industry can benefit from ISO certifications to ensure quality and safety standards are maintained throughout the supply chain.
Cost of ISO Certification in Indore
Factors Influencing Cost
The cost of ISO certification depends on the size of the business, the complexity of operations, and the chosen ISO Standard. Larger organizations may require more resources, driving up the cost.
Challenges Businesses Face During ISO Certification
Lack of Awareness
Many businesses in Indore are not fully aware of the benefits of ISO certification or the steps involved in obtaining it.
Resource Allocation
Implementing ISO standards requires time, effort, and financial resources, which can be a challenge for smaller businesses.
Maintaining Standards Post-Certification
Achieving ISO certification is only the first step. Maintaining the standards through regular audits and improvements is crucial for long-term success.
Why Choose Online ISO Certification in Indore?
Convenience and Time-Saving
Online certification eliminates the need for on-site visits, making the process faster and more convenient for businesses.
Online ISO certification often costs less than traditional methods, making it more accessible to smaller businesses in Indore.
Faster Certification Process
With online processes, businesses can complete the certification in a shorter time frame, allowing them to reap the benefits sooner.
How Long Does it Take to Get ISO Certification Online?
The time to achieve ISO certification online varies based on the complexity of the business and the ISO standard. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
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Understand Lithium Battery Testing and Testing Standards
Understanding lithium battery testing and the associated standards is crucial in today's technology-driven world. With their high energy density and long lifespan, lithium batteries have become the preferred choice for a wide range of portable electronics. However, ensuring their safety and performance through rigorous testing is essential to prevent potential hazards. 
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The Importance of Lithium Battery Testing
Lithium battery testing encompasses various procedures aimed at evaluating the performance, safety, and reliability of these power sources. These processes are important for battery performance testing. The following key tests are commonly performed:
1. Capacity Testing
This test measures how much charge a lithium battery can hold and deliver. It is essential for determining the battery's actual usage time and lifespan. Methods like constant voltage charging and constant current discharging are typically employed.
2. Internal Resistance Testing
Internal resistance affects a battery's efficiency and performance stability. This test evaluates the energy conversion efficiency by measuring impedance at different frequencies, providing insights into the battery's power output capacity.
3. Cycle Life Testing
Cycle life tests simulate real-world usage to assess how many charge-discharge cycles a battery can endure while maintaining performance. This is vital for understanding the longevity of lithium batteries.
4. Temperature Testing
Temperature significantly impacts battery safety and performance. Tests such as thermal runaway assessments and constant temperature charge/discharge evaluations help determine how batteries behave under various thermal conditions.
5. Safety Testing
Safety is paramount in lithium battery testing. Lithium-ion battery safety testing includes evaluating the battery's response to overcharging, short circuits, and extreme temperatures to ensure it meets safety standards.
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International Lithium Battery Testing Standards
Testing standards for lithium batteries are established by various international organizations, ensuring that batteries are safe for consumer use. Some of the most recognized standards include:
IEC 62133: Focuses on safety requirements for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
UN 38.3: Covers transportation testing requirements for lithium batteries, ensuring they can be safely transported without risk.
UL 2580: Addresses safety standards specifically for batteries used in electric vehicles.
These standards guide manufacturers in conducting comprehensive lithium-ion battery safety testing, ensuring compliance with global safety regulations.
The Role of Quality Control in Battery Testing
Quality control is an integral part of lithium-ion battery manufacturing. Implementing rigorous battery testing procedures helps identify defects early in the production process, ultimately enhancing product reliability and consumer safety.
Key Aspects of Quality Control:
Battery Performance Testing: Evaluates how well a battery meets its specifications under various conditions.
Environmental Testing: Assesses how batteries respond to different environmental factors such as humidity and temperature extremes.
Abuse Testing: Simulates extreme conditions to ensure that batteries can withstand potential misuse without catastrophic failure.
In summary, understanding and implementing effective lithium battery testing standards is crucial for fostering innovation while ensuring consumer safety in an increasingly electrified world.
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apiscrapy · 2 days
Zillow API: Automate Property Data Collection with Ease
Maximize your real estate potential with APISCRAPY's Zillow API, an advanced solution designed to automate property data collection with ease and precision. Our Zillow API enables you to access comprehensive and real-time property information, including property values, market trends, neighborhood details, and more, all in a seamless and efficient manner. Whether you're a real estate professional, developer, or investor, APISCRAPY's Zillow API ensures you stay ahead of the competition by providing accurate, up-to-date data at your fingertips.
With automated data extraction, APISCRAPY’s Zillow API helps you save time, minimize manual efforts, and eliminate errors in collecting large volumes of property data. The API allows you to:
Effortlessly gather property data such as pricing, historical sales, and neighborhood statistics.
Access real-time market trends to make informed investment decisions.
Streamline your data collection process and reduce manual work through automated workflows.
Customize your data retrieval based on specific property attributes, locations, or market conditions.
Scale your data extraction for any size project, from small property searches to large-scale market analysis.
Find out more at https://apiscrapy.com/zillow-api/
AIMLEAP is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified global technology consulting and service provider offering AI-augmented Data Solutions, Data Engineering, Automation, IT Services, and Digital Marketing Services. AIMLEAP has been recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®’. With over 11 years of experience, AIMLEAP has successfully delivered IT and digital transformation projects, automation-driven data solutions, on-demand data, and digital marketing services for more than 750 fast-growing companies across the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.
AIMLEAP's key focus is on leveraging AI and automation to build innovative solutions such as AI & ML models, AI-driven web scraping tools, AI-Data Labeling, AI-Data-Hub, and self-serving BI solutions.
APISCRAPY: AI-Driven Web Scraping and Automation
APISCRAPY, a division of AIMLEAP, specializes in AI-powered web scraping and workflow automation solutions. Offering scalable and efficient data extraction services, APISCRAPY is designed to meet the growing demands of industries requiring fast, accurate, and automated data collection. APISCRAPY leverages advanced AI to gather structured and unstructured data from various online sources, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline data workflows and stay competitive in the market.
Key offerings include:
AI-driven web scraping
Workflow automation solutions
Customizable data extraction services for industries such as e-commerce, real estate, and finance
Real-time data collection and integration
With APISCRAPY, businesses can access high-quality, ready-to-use data that enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.
AIMLEAP Highlights:
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Served 750+ customers
11+ years of industry experience
98% client retention
Great Place to Work® certified
Global delivery centers in the USA, Canada, India & Australia
USA: 1-30235 14656
Canada: +1 4378 370 063
India: +91 810 527 1615
Australia: +61 402 576 615
Email: [email protected] Visit APISCRAPY: https://apiscrapy.com
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outsourcebigdata · 3 days
Boost Data Accuracy with Our Data Cleansing Services
Turn your disorganized, messy data into a valuable business asset with Outsource BigData’s AI-driven data cleansing services. Our advanced solutions are designed to improve data accuracy, eliminate inconsistencies, and reduce errors, ensuring your data is both reliable and actionable.
With our expertise, you can transform raw data into high-quality, structured information that drives smarter decision-making and boosts operational efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with outdated, duplicated, or incomplete records, we apply cutting-edge AI technology to cleanse, standardize, and validate your data, making it an asset you can trust.
By choosing Outsource BigData for your data cleansing needs, you ensure your business operates on accurate, up-to-date information. This leads to improved customer targeting, better financial reporting, and more effective strategic planning. Let our team help you unlock the full potential of your data and drive business growth.
Discover how our solutions can refine your data: https://outsourcebigdata.com/data-automation/data-management-services-companies/data-cleansing-services/
Outsource Bigdata is a division of AIMLEAP, an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified global technology consulting and service provider. AIMLEAP specializes in delivering AI-augmented Data Solutions, Data Engineering, Automation, IT Services, and Digital Marketing Services. Recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®,’ AIMLEAP is committed to innovation and quality in every aspect of its service offerings.
With a strong focus on AI and automation, AIMLEAP has developed cutting-edge solutions like AI & ML models, AI-driven web scraping, AI-powered data labeling, AI-Data-Hub, and self-serving BI tools. Since its inception in 2012, AIMLEAP has successfully delivered IT and digital transformation projects, automation-driven data solutions, and on-demand data services to over 750 companies across the globe, including the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.
Key Highlights:
ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified: Ensuring high standards in quality management and information security.
11+ Years of Experience: Delivering excellence in technology solutions since 2012.
750+ Customers Served: Supporting businesses worldwide in achieving digital transformation and automation.
98% Client Retention Rate: Building long-term partnerships through consistent, high-quality services.
Recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®’: A testament to our positive work environment and employee satisfaction.
Global Presence: With delivery centers in the USA, Canada, India, and Australia, we serve a global client base efficiently.
Service Offerings:
AI-Augmented Data Solutions: Leveraging AI to provide advanced data extraction, processing, and insights.
Data Engineering & Big Data Management: Developing scalable data pipelines and managing complex data ecosystems.
Automation Services: Implementing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and AI-driven automation for process efficiency.
AI-Driven Web Scraping: Extracting data at scale using intelligent AI models for accuracy and speed.
AI Data Labeling: Providing high-quality, AI-powered data annotation and labeling services.
Self-Serving BI Solutions: Empowering businesses to make informed decisions through AI-integrated business intelligence tools.
Digital Marketing Services: Offering performance-driven marketing strategies, including SEO, SEM, social media, and content marketing.
On-Demand Data for AI: Providing real-time, structured, and enriched data to support AI-driven initiatives.
Additional Services:
Cloud & IT Infrastructure Support: Managing cloud solutions, IT infrastructure, and DevOps.
Consulting & Digital Transformation: Driving end-to-end digital transformation and technology consulting.
Data Automation & Workflow Solutions: Automating workflows with AI and machine learning capabilities to enhance efficiency.
Global Delivery Centers:
USA: 1-30235 14656
Canada: +1 4378 370 063
India: +91 810 527 1615
Australia: +61 402 576 615
Contact Information:
Website: AIMLEAP
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cloudlims · 8 days
CloudLIMS Announces Metrc Integration with its Cannabis LIMS in Rhode Island
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Wilmington, Delaware – September 18, 2024 – CloudLIMS, a leading SOC 2 compliant and ISO 9001:2015 certified provider of a secure, configurable, and future-ready laboratory information management system (LIMS), is pleased to announce the seamless integration of its cannabis LIMS with Metrc, the state-mandated seed-to-sale tracking system in Rhode Island. This integration empowers cannabis testing laboratories to enhance regulatory compliance, automate result reporting, and streamline laboratory operations, ensuring adherence to the state’s regulatory requirements.
The Office of Cannabis Regulation (OCR) requires all cannabis licensees in Rhode Island to use Metrc for tracking cannabis products throughout their cultivation, manufacturing, transportation, testing, and sale. The integration ensures that cannabis testing labs can track and trace all samples from receipt to final disposition, minimizing compliance risks and ensuring a seamless flow of information between the lab and the state’s tracking system.
Advantages of CloudLIMS’ Integration with Metrc for Cannabis Testing Labs in Rhode Island:
Automated Data Management and Test Results Submission: This integration allows laboratories to automatically pull sample information from Metrc into CloudLIMS, including key details such as Metrc package tag IDs and strain data. Once testing is completed, laboratories can easily upload the results back to Metrc with minimal effort, simplifying the reporting process and ensuring timely and accurate regulatory compliance. This reduces the administrative burden and ensures Metrc records are kept precise and up-to-date, minimizing errors and saving valuable time.
Real-Time Sample Tracking: Laboratories can monitor the status of samples and test results in real-time, leading to improved visibility across processes. This transparency enhances communication with clients and regulatory authorities, ensuring smooth operations.
Efficient Reporting Process: The integration automates the generation of compliant Certificates of Analysis (CoAs), significantly cutting down the time needed to prepare and submit these reports. This efficiency ensures that CoAs are delivered promptly, enhancing laboratory productivity and performance.
Faster Turnaround Times (TAT): The integration streamlines the reporting process, helping cannabis testing labs expedite regulatory submissions, ensuring compliance, and preventing delays.
Simplified Auditing: The CloudLIMS-Metrc integration makes it easier to access and verify data during audits, providing a clear and transparent trail for regulators. This ease of data access contributes to smoother audits.
Scalable Solution: As the cannabis industry in Rhode Island continues to expand, the integrated solution is designed to scale effortlessly, accommodating increased data volumes and complexity while maintaining compliance and operational efficiency as labs grow.
“We are excited to offer CloudLIMS-Metrc integration to cannabis testing laboratories in Rhode Island,” said Arun Apte, CEO at CloudLIMS. “In an industry where compliance is critical, the integration helps cannabis testing labs meet the state reporting requirements. The integration increases digitization in the whole process, simplifying audits and compliance, and saving labs time and resources so they can focus on delivering accurate and timely test results,” he continued.
About CloudLIMS
CloudLIMS.com offers a SaaS LIMS Software with zero upfront cost. CloudLIMS is a purpose-built LIMS for cannabis and hemp testing and extraction labs. CloudLIMS offers complimentary services such as instrument integration, custom CoA templates, technical support and training, automatic product upgrades and hosting, integration with seed-to-sale software, and automatic data backups. CloudLIMS helps testing labs manage data, automate workflows, and follow regulatory compliance, including ISO/IEC 17025:2017, GMP, GLP, 21 CFR Part 11, audit trail, and local regulatory guidelines. CloudLIMS.com is a SOC 2-compliant and ISO 9001:2015-certified informatics company. For more information, please visit www.cloudlims.com.
Mrinal Kanti Chatterjee CloudLIMS.com 302-789-0447 [email protected] 
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