#super visa processing time
Here Are New Updated IRCC Processing Times As Of February 7
This article enlists new official IRCC processing times updated on February 7, 2023 as well as comparison with processing times of last week. In 2022, the IRCC processing tool was modified to deliver precise data on typical processing times. These processing timelines are given to provide applicants for visas or immigration to Canada an idea of how long their application may take for a decision…
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Enjoy Visiting Your Family in Canada with a Super Visa
Travellers can typically stay in Canada for up to 6 months after entering the nation, and they must apply to have their licenses extended if they want to stay longer. However, if you are in the country as part of a special arrangement for parents or grandparents, you are able to obtain a Super Visa and enjoy visiting your family in Canada for a period of two years without having to renew your residence visa.
Parents and grandparents who want to temporarily visit and stay with their relatives frequently apply for the permit, which has become a popular method of family reunion. However, you cannot apply for this visa with your dependant family members; your application is only eligible for spouses or common-law partners.
                           Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form
You must also provide evidence of financial support from their Canadian sponsors, i.e., their children or grandchildren, as part of the supplemental requirements. Along with providing proof of financial assistance, you must also show that you have health insurance in an amount sufficient for the duration of your stay in the nation, though it is required that the coverage last at least a year.
All Super Visa applicants must submit to medical testing in order to determine their health criteria, which must be in line with the established Canadian health benchmarks.
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Also read:
Sponsor your spouse or partner to Canada with Canada Spouse Visa
How to sponsor your child for Canadian immigration
The examining immigration official's decisions frequently determine the outcome under the general evaluation condition. To determine who is eligible for the Canadian Super Visa, the number of variables are carefully tracked and assessed. Entry will only be granted by immigration officials if they are completely satisfied with the following:
• Other pertinent elements that affect a person's choice to visit maple nation, such as• The veracity of the applicants' assertions• The applicant's financial status and family structure;• The applicant's family background and relationships in their place of origin;• The applicant's goals for visiting Canada• The migrant country's economic and political climate• Information about the nomination's sponsor, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
Your children or grandkids must meet a number of sponsorship requirements that are judged to be necessary for qualifying and nominator in order to sponsor you for a Canada Super Visa.
                     Talk to our 👩‍💻 immigration expert at #AptechVisa
                 ☎️ +91-7503832132, +91-8447281370, +91-9131059075
The most significant aspect of these requirements is the requirement that a child or grandchild must be a single person and be in a position to earn a minimum of CAN $22,637 in order to qualify as a nominee for parents or grandparents. The minimum income requirement is increased by the corresponding amount deemed suitable for the subsistence of a family unit of that specific size for each additional member of your children's or grandchildren's family, which means that if they are in a family of two, they must be able to earn a minimum of CAD $28,182.
Also read:
Canada will extend the Super Visa to 5 years per entrance
Canada to allow super visas for parents and grandparents of Canada PR and citizens
How can I demonstrate to the IRCC my relationship with my spouse or partner?
Source Url: https://aptechglobalimmigration.blogspot.com/2022/10/enjoy-visiting-your-family-in-canada.html
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travelanceca14 · 2 years
Why Do You Need Super Visa Medical Insurance
Having medical insurance is a must for all in recent times. Especially with the emergence of the pandemic, Covid-19 the need for medical protection during an emergency got its ultimate importance. The rising cost incurred during hospitalization and modern treatments can drain your entire savings and brings upon a severe mental pressure among the earning member of the family.
 Now, to avoid such a tense situation and tackle the condition in a hassle free manner, getting covered up with suitable medical insurance is a must.
The most important situation arises when you go to visit your family staying abroad and there you feel the need of such medical support. As it is not possible for every single person to carry such a huge amount during a vacation, for which getting done with medical insurance for a super visa would be extremely beneficial. The super visa covers up the medical insurance plan for the parents and the grandparents, which facilitates them with monetary need during a medical emergency.
Eligibility requirements for super visa medical insurance are, that the applicant must:
Be the member of a permanent resident
Have acknowledged invitation letter from the family
Have acknowledged financial support while the stay
Produce the reason of visit
Return back before the completion of the tenure of the visa
Meet minimum income requirements
Also, after gathering all the necessary documents, you need to get in touch with the most trusted insurance company who can provide you the best ever assistance during the whole procedure. By purchasing premiere insurance plans from trusted companies would require minimum processing time for about eight weeks for your super visa to get verified and approved.
Hence, there is no reason to delay any further. If you are actually thinking of visiting abroad, making an application from the most reliable company for a super visa is gradually becoming a mandate to get entrance to the country. Contact and schedule an appointment today!
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JM's Production diary Documentary
And Live 23 October 2023
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So, I don't know how to do this.
Write about JM's documentary separate from his live.
Write about the two without being all over the place.
Because not too much happened, and yet so much did.
So, where do I start? How do I get through this?
At this point I have so many ideas running through my head for posts, so much so that I'm not sure just yet how this post will work out, given that everything intertwines.
I still have JM's previous live to work on as well. Yeah, kind of overwhelmed at the moment.
I guess I will just get on with it, but I do think that more than likely there will be things I will either save for another post or two or three, or forget something (that I can guarantee) or just post on repeat, cause some things we just cannot get enough of.
Let's talk about the documentary a bit.
We got to see the process of JM creating his songs. How they would start with the idea, the narrative. Then the melody, instruments and the vocals and then the actual lyrics.
JM's musicality, his talent, his creativity all showcased.
We also got to see just how nice Pdogg is. How much he loves JM, how respectful he is to him, not to mention how talented he is himself. As a matter of fact, the whole team that worked with JM were super nice and talented and they just all seemed to be having a good time, even while working to the bone.
Oh, and how none of them actually knew English, lmao.
In the documentary we were shown how JM and Pdogg chose the quote from the movie to use in the song. Only that it wasn't the one they actually used in the song itself. And that is because, as JM revealed to us in the live, they picked it without knowing what the characters were talking about, picking a convo between the characters that sounded nice to them at the time, something that would suit the song. All while the two characters were actually talking about a visa, lol. And JM, well, he found that super funny (which truthfully, it really is), so he repeated it a couple of times.
We also saw RM in the documentary sitting down with them talking about writing lyrics. Only for JM to share with us that:
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Which JM found to be very funny. I guess now it is, but back then... not sure he shared that same sentiment, lol.
He kept on laughing about him being an idea bank, lol. It's ok to acknowledge your genius, man!!!
Hobi and then Jin show up in the comments while JM is watching the documentary. And I was surprised at that point, given that I really did think JM wouldn't be doing this live, that it would have been pre-recorded. But it wasn't, and thank god for that, cause we all know what happened later on. Less than 1.30 minutes out of an almost 2 hour live, but gosh, what a 1.30 minutes they were, lol.
Anyways, Hobi shows up and JM goes all shy and even stops playing the documentary telling him to leave, that he won't continue playing until he does.
Guess who won that fight, lol. Hobi, of course. JM gives in and continues, once in a while saying they will go away at 9 pm (Jin came in to say that there is some kind of something military related, lol).
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Yes, let's actually start with the name of the song.
Cause for some reason, although they all talk about the song using the word pyeonji (Letter), all while the translation is Dear.Army. Like what the actual fuck? Why would they do that?
Well, we kind of know, don't we?
Someone (cough Hybe cough) is working super hard to cement the song is for the fans.
Please tell me, if this was a song completely meant for the fans, why this incessant need of the company to sell this to us? Why change the name of it in the fucking documentary, while JM and the others are literally saying the word "letter" translating it to "Dear.Army"? There is only one answer I can think of here. And you know exactly what that answer is.
I'm not going to go back to all the reasoning as to why this is way more than a song for fans, I feel like we've discussed this ad nauseam. I will only say that NOTHING we saw in the documentary contradicts what we think about Letter.
You can see, throughout the process how emotionally tasking the song is for JM. And yes, a song for ARMY could be emotional, I mean both JM and JK have immense love for ARMY, and we've seen JK burst into tears talking to army or about army, JM getting very emotional himself. But this, this was more. There are moments there when you can see the anxiety just bursting out of JM.
This song was just MORE.
Especially when you take everything you see in the documentary, JM's state of mind, his words, his behaviour, and add it all up with the lyrics, even more so the missing lyrics. Would be hard to explain how "dongsaeng" fits into "this is a song for army"... Add it to the hidden track. But not only it being a hidden track, it's a hidden track only on the physical CD. Not the digital CD. So, no streaming. A track for Army, for his fans, that not all of his fans get to hear freely? A track for Army that, hmm... maybe wasn't supposed to even be in the album?
We got more than 2 seconds of JK. That's worth a mention too, no?
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When I saw this I was: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Cause, no way under the sun, yes, pun intended, that this was about ARMY.
You know who was?
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The level of emotion we see from the two of them throughout the process... this was so personal.
I rewatched it again today before writing these lines. It's JK's body language, it's JM's body language, it's JM going in to cup JK's face when telling him he wrote a fan song, and JK's reaction.
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Dare I remind you that "Still with you" was classified by JK as a "fan song". Dare I remind you what our sentiments about that song are? Yeah, a fans song.
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And I will remind you, not that you need the reminder, who happened to state for all of us to see that he was JM's fan. Happening to do so during JM's promotions of Face and before JM's Face Live, which I do not think was a coincidence AT ALL.
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They are just precious. What else can I say?
There is this as well.
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Also, I don't think I'm the only one seeing this. JK at the end going in for a hug, but JM, reaches out for a hand shake and a bow.
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He bows.
Now, the not going in for a hug could be one of two with JM. The first could be that it was too emotionally charged and that hug, in front of the cameras, will just be too hard. Too hard not to show the emotions. Too hard to break off.
Or, the second could be that by doing this, bowing the way he did do JK, he was showing us, the spectators, just how profoundly thankful he was for JK, and for his participating in the song.
Now that I think of it there could be a third reason. Which would be the combination of the two.
You know what I also noticed there?
That JK didn't bow back.
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So, that's more or less what happened with them in the documentary. Not too much talking, when there is it's subdued, understandably so, given this is all done in front of the cameras. But, there is an undertone of emotions there.
Oh, and did I mention we see JM wearing the very important, at the time, necklace throughout the documentary? On that day of recording as well.
And happy little coincidence them wearing the black and white bucket hats? Lol.
Ok then. By now we all know that JK joined the live. And he does it exactly when they started letter. Quelle surprise. Quelle coincidence. Or was it?
JK is too skinny. JM thought so too all while grabbing his tiddy.
JK is really tired. Said he was practicing. Eyes red. He needs to eat and sleep.
JM was genuinely surprised by JK's appearance. Th way he lights up, he was surprised and giddy and excited, his whole body movement, practically dancing in his seat with glee.
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JK walks in holding his right hand in place. At first I thought maybe it was injured or hurt or unable to move, a cramp maybe, like the ones JM suffers from at times. But later on it looked like there was nothing wrong with his arm. So was that his way of holding himself back? Restraining himself? Containing himself?
JM signals for JK to talk into his mic,
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Pulls the mic up forward away from his chest, and as JK comes closer he lets it go and leans back for JK to move in.
And JK, well why? The mic is right there. Why does he lean in lower? To say hello to Army? Talking to JM's what? Not the mic, that's for sure...
There did not seem to be a chair there next to JM when the live started, and when JK was leaving JM had him take a chair with him. So, as JK came into frame were the staff assuming he's going to be joining JM for the rest of the live? Also making sure to hand him a mic?
And then, JM asks JK "why did you lose so much weight?", all while reaching out his arm, and JK moves forward towards him, and you can see JK's eyes moving down to JM's arm all while JM just goes for JK's chest. Just going straight for the grab.
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And JK, he loses it for just a second.
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Sniff, gulp, giggle...
And we are back.
JK laughingly tells us he just practiced. But kind of still dumbfounded I guess.
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And then I think JM came to as well (you know, awakening from the aftershock of his own actions, lol) and tells JK "time to go", or more so "get the fuck out of here as fast as you can and take that chair with you while you're at it, cause if you don't leave now I'm going to jump your bones right here right now".
Ok, so maybe he didn't say those words exactly, but that was the sentiment, lol.
JM apologises. Thrice.
For sending JK on his way.
And we get the hug. One of those Jikook in front of the camera hugs.
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And again JM rushes JK to leave, smacking his butt while he's at it.
JK grabs the chair, tells JM to enjoy watching with Army and tells us he loves us on the way out. And JM sitting there watching JK, giggling, smile plastered on his face, waving by. But that isn't the end of it.
Because as JK leaves JM follows him with his gaze, until he waves him goodbye and only then gets back to the documentary.
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And this is when we lost JM for a few minutes there during that part of the documentary, and even more so when JK was on screen singing or during their interactions.
And we also got this reaction to their hug.
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What was going through your mind at that moment JM?
After JK leaves there is not too much left until the end of the documentary. And then we have a JM giggles attack. And the man is telling us he's laughing about balloon placements, but seriously, do we really think that's it?
And yes, JM was as always his own shy self while going it alone, and yes, he was finding it hard where to go with the live once the video was over, but this was just more than just plain embarrassment or shyness.
Could there have been someone there waiting for him? Someone that has that kind of effect on JM perhaps?
I don't think JK was there the whole time. He really did leave when JM was waving him goodbye (if he hadn't have left JM wouldn't have been able to get back to the documentary the way he did). But possibly, very possibly, lover boy went to shower and came back in time for JM's ending.
JM tells us during that giggle attack that he will post a pic of the funny balloons only to later post a pic of 19 balloons, the ones in the front shaped like an S. And why do I feel like that was JK's doing? The S shaped balloons...
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Clearly the balloons were not placed that way at first.
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Someone did this. Question is which one of them. The S, the 19, not a coincidence.
I guess that's it for this post.
Like I mentioned, I know I probably forgot stuff, and there will probably several posts to follow.
But I just needed to get this one out there for you guys. And I guess we'll add on as we go (especially seeing that I've reached my image limit here, as usual).
To sum this up.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Im so sorry for all the Chris’ nibling stuff but I absolutely love family type fics so could you please continue the thing into maybe World Tour?
Maybe Alejandro being like a big brother type thingy? You know since his big brother is kinda a bootyhole
NO DON’T APOLOGISE IT’S OKAY!! It’s a sign that you really enjoy this instalment and that makes me proud of my ability as a writer to engage yall so much. :’)
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It’s been a year, and Total Drama was coming back with its third season: a no-holds-barred race around the world in a jet! 
It wasn’t surprising that it took a lot more conversation out of Chris to convince your parents to let you on this one- the suspicious measure of his jet’s safety, what you’d be exposed to this time around, your passport, visa, if the whole process was even legal.
In the end, they allowed it, primarily because it was Chris’ burden to bear the responsibilities and they trusted him enough to keep you safe.
This time, you didn’t need to pack; everything you’d need was at Chris’ place already.
That’s right! You started staying with him a lot more without your parents being around.
You were one year older, and so was everyone else.
Chris decided to invite two new contestants on the show. Potential friends?
“Eee! OMG! It’s Chris Junior! Hi! Hi! Hi!” One of them, the super fan Sierra wildly shakes your hand,“I always daydreamed about the day I’d get to meet my step-cousin, and now I’m finally here!”
“Step-cousin...?” you didn’t get it.
“(Y/N) your majesty, why don’t you go sit at the front with Chef while uncle Chris explains a few rules to the passengers?” Chris interrupts sweetly.
“Aww. Okay.” After you whispered to him,“Will I need to sing too?”
The plane took off, and you were flying into the sky!
“I think I can see my house from here!” You exclaim, peering out one of the holes in the wall modified as windows in the “economy” section. The wind taps your face. Canada looked like little rectangles!
“It’s a long way down! Don’t lean out too much, you don’t wanna fall!” Leshawna advised, beaming at you.
“I won’t fall! This is the Chris plane!” You declared, jumping off the bench and spinning around in circles.
The Chris plane broke out free in aggressive blue.
“Huuu...” you whimpered, cutting your dancing short,“Is that normal?... Is...this meant to happen?”
“Are you frightened?” An answer in the form of a question slid into your ears by Alejandro, the other new contestant.
“Y-Yeah...” you nod, clutching onto the window,“I’ve never been on a plane before... If this is what it’s like, I don’t think I like planes very much...”
“You don’t need to feel frightened.” A tanned arm of his surrounds you, seeming sincere, like a scared half to death boy who didn’t get this shield long ago,“I may not have much history with you, but it’s not in my morals to ignore a child in distress.”
You could see why your uncle wanted him on the show. His face was perfect, alright. And the hair on his chin really got you curious,“Can I...?”
“By all means.” He directs your hand to his goatee.
You stroke it. Soft...like silk,“My uncle told me about you. Don’t worry, I don’t snitch, but are you fake being nice to me?”
He shakes his head, his long dark hair similar to Chris’ elands with it,“I haven’t any intention to deceive you, little one.”
“You can say that, but not mean it...” you mumble, not happy with his nature, but happy enough to accept it the way it was.
“This is separate. I swear.” His fingers weren’t crossed,“I wonder, (Y/N)...you don’t happen to have siblings, do you?”
“Mm mm. My parents are busy so there’s only me.” You quiet your voice, now stroking his necklace,“If I did, I probably wouldn’t be on the show, and I’d be jealous that I’d have to share...”
“I see... It sounds like a life of luxury.”
“Ale-jandro!” your uncle appears down the hall,“Strategising already, are you?”
“What? Of course not! To use a child like this? I could never!” The Hispanic man quickly jumped to defend himself.
“Yeah yeah, the turbulence is over in case you missed it.” His odium of the sight sharpened his face, which was very new.
“What’s the problem here?” You’d like to know too. What gives, uncle?,“Please forgive me if I act in ignorance, for I did not see anything about-“
“You done? I’m uh, kinda waiting on you to get up and go.” much to your baffled expression, Chris’ impatience squished Alejandro’s right to speak, leaving him no other choice, but to bid an end to your moment together.
Nobody could look smart challenging the host. Not at the start as a newbie at least.
Understandable, though. Chris loses control over his contestants sometimes and didn’t want you to get in the middle of it.
Shortly, you arrive to Egypt, the first country, and watched the contestants take their mark to race across a pyramid. While you were so excited to visit new cultures and be in different countries, Egypt itself was unbearably dry.
“Ughhh uncle! How are you not hot?” You groan, flapping your hand in front of your face. Too hot... So hot...!
“Look what I’m wearing.” he answered, ironic since the most he wore was a nemes and loincloth- not even a shirt.
Seeing how relaxed he was nagged you to groan further,“I’m melllting!”
“Intern!” He yelled at a poor unpaid worker to rush and raise-low a palm leaf to you,“Better?”
“Ahh..” you groan, falling into the sand on your knees,“I could use some icy lemonade right now...”
This was going to be a loooooong season.
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menalez · 3 months
This thought might not be super well developed but I feel like in white-majority wealthy western countries there is a distinction between what is considered “civilised” white male crime and “uncivilised” crime by men of color. You can have a white man commit the same crime as a migrant man of color but the migrant man’s crime is blamed on his race, country of origin, whether or not he is there legally/documented, if he’s a refugee, etc. Meanwhile, white male citizens/immigrants/tourists commit the same crime and it’s looked at as Default Male Behavior. Like white men do Civilised Default Misogyny and Crime and men of color do Horrible Racialized Uncivilised Misogyny and Crime. I’m not excusing misogyny or violence by any man, but it’s important to note how alt-right and racist movements portray white men and their crime as “default” while men of color are exceptionally bad.
Radblr has a similar problem where white radical feminists hide their racism behind feminism. They say they “distrust all men” but often times hold extreme opinions about men of color, especially migrants, that they don’t about white men. Or they act like western governments should be able to ban male migrants from the Global South “just because they are men.”
I personally don’t hold these views but it’s how some of your anons are sounding. I’m curious what you think as someone who has immigrated to Germany from another country
i mean you basically put my views into words very well here. my issue is the obvious double-standard.
as for ~banning male immigrants~, frankly i think for a side of tumblr constantly saying not dating men is a “pipe dream”, i find it strange that they think any government would ban all males from entering their countries but would allow female immigrants & refugees. as if. i remember when i was struggling to get my visa to come to germany (primarily bc of racist singling out by the visa officers, they apparently do this all the time to women from certain brown countries), i was told by some that germany doesn’t like unmarried women of colour coming to germany bc they think we’ll just find a german man to marry and stay in the country, or that we’ll turn to prostitution.
these governments barely even punish rape to begin with, and y’all think they’d keep men out but let women in in order to protect local women? be realistic. they already discriminate against us in the process. they already tend to prefer young men bc they view them as definite additional workforce, and feel the opposite about young women bc they view us as potential burdens to the system. and they do this even more frequently to women of certain non-european, non-western nationalities. they’ve discriminated against MENA ppl so much that it had to go to court in the past and their discrimination was eventually ruled unconstitutional in germany.
but even ignoring that.. the idea of ‘ban male migrants! ban male refugees’ assumes that no woman ever would be disadvantaged by this further. many women cannot escape if not with male relatives. it’s pretty dangerous to go on a boat and try to reach another country, countless refugees lost their lives like this. female refugees often arrive with family, or went with their family, for a reason. if not with her husband, then potentially with her son, or her brother, or her father. they would also be impacted if they have to choose between leaving alone or leaving with male loved ones. especially considering how protective eastern families can be of women, like some of us have parents that don’t let us go out after a certain time even if we’re obviously adults and can make that choice for ourselves. many eastern women aren’t even allowed to study abroad bc of how possessive and protective our families can be. often males will escape first and then pay money to help their female relatives & loved ones leave more safely after them, often because of how dangerous it is to go by boat to escape. many female refugees already die on the way and there are no efforts to actually safely evacuate female refugees specifically, nor do western governments WANT to do that. the ones that don’t want immigrants & refugees don’t want ANY, they’re not going to limit it to males.
anyways yes, although men of every race & religion commit vile acts of misogyny against women, it’s sensationalised and racialised when men of certain racial backgrounds do it. and apparent “radical” feminists can’t even see past that and question who it will benefit if we argue that certain men are better than others… because that argument certainly won’t protect women, but it does prop up certain men. i thought that’s part of why we all opposed the whole “men of colour didn’t even partake in misogyny until white colonisers came!” argument but i guess not.
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sappymix1 · 1 year
final day! and only that didn't hit 1k o7. i'd never written or read this trope but I hope you enjoy some catgirl george and doggirl dream fluff <333
Despite everything, George had always been a little bit afraid that there wouldn’t be a place for her in Florida. 
It wasn’t because she didn’t think Dream and Sapnap would try their hardest, because she was sure that they would. She just…her sister had a boyfriend, back just after she left uni, who was a dogboy. Her sister, just like their entire family, was a catgirl. Their relationship was perfect and loving and everything they wanted to be. They couldn’t live together. It ended two months after they moved in together. It wasn’t anyone’s fault; their lives were just too different. Too incompatible. 
When she finally voiced this concern to Dream — months into the visa process, when she’d already had too many sleepless nights over it — Dream just leaned her desk chair back with a creak and pointed out that Patches lived with them. And George knew that Patches was the happiest cat in the world. 
George, in return, had pointed out that living with a pet cat is a bit different than living with your catgirl best friend. Dream still hadn’t been receptive to her concerns, just saying that, well, it was George. They’d be able to make space for George. Dream had said it so genuinely, so sweetly, that she had believed her. She’s said okay, and they’d changed the topic. 
It stayed in the back of her mind though. What if Sapnap and Dream were high energy in a way that just wasn’t sustainable for her? What if it annoyed them that she slept a lot? What if they, like, really internalized the whole cats drinking milk thing and were super upset to find out that cats were actually lactose intolerant? 
She had cried her eyes out to Wilbur about this exact topic while extremely drunk at 2am in Ireland. Wilbur, horribly sweet but horribly awkward and missing the point entirely, had patted her shoulder and reassured her that surely Dream and Sapnap at least knew she was lactose intolerant and even if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be upset about it. She didn’t remember what exactly had come after that, but she thought that she had cried harder and sent Dream a borderline incoherent text about sleeping and dairy free ice cream. 
She was so miserable and scared in London. She wouldn’t have been able to even let herself conceptualise where she was now. 
It was four o’clock in the afternoon and George was exhausted. She and Sapnap had been playing ping pong for ages and George had shouted so excitedly that her throat hurt while Dream cheered them both on — more for the drama of it all than anything else, although George did pester her enough about how they were literally dating that Dream took her side in the end. As soon as they stopped, George felt ready to drop. Her muscles all ached and her head felt heavy and she wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep forever. She wanted to curl up with Dream. But old nerves lingered under newborn confidence and the worry that Dream would be annoyed that she got tired easier than the two doggirls held her tongue. 
But they’d been together for awhile now. Dream knew George in real life just as well as she knew her over the phone. “Hey,” she brushed her hand across George’s cheek, skin soft like the silky pillowcases upstairs. “You look sleepy. Nap time?” 
“You’re not tired,” George protested, even as she melted under Dream’s touch. “I don’t want to make you be lazy with me.” 
“You’re not lazy; you’re tired.” Dream ran her fingers under George’s heavy eyes. “C’mon.”
George thought Dream happily would have scooped her up and carried her upstairs, but George was still awake enough to protest and walk herself. When they got upstairs, George’s ears perked up a bit at the sun shining onto their bed. 
Dream laid back on their bed, head propped up with a pillow. “C’mon, lay down.” 
George did, laying flat on her stomach on top of Dream and resting her head on the softness of her chest. Dream immediately moved her legs to accommodate George’s and slid her hand up to rub slow circles over the thin t-shirt clinging to George’s shoulders. George sighed, sinking against her girlfriend as she let herself relax. The sun was warm on her back and felt like an embrace. 
George felt Dream move, probably getting out her phone, and then a big hand tucked itself behind her ears, gently scratching the soft surface and down into her hair. George’s eyes automatically closed at the touch, better than anything she had felt in her entire life.  Catgirls didn’t purr easily, and George was harder than most. She’d always been a little distant and guarded and the idea of letting herself be that vulnerable made her nervous. With Dream scratching her head as she napped in the sun, her chest began to buzz with a soft, so so happy purr.
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rockofeye · 9 months
At the End of the Year
Despite this being a very hot, very active part of the Vodou year, I have found myself feeling very contemplative and reflective as I head towards the change of the calendar. This is unsurprising; the older I get, the more I prefer to sit quietly and drink in my understanding of my own self.
And yet, the poto mitan is still on fire and the air is still filled with flames and the smoke and dust of pounded leaves. I feel like I am sitting in the middle of a fire tornado watch the lwa light the flames to burn away what does not serve us as we move into a new year.
It is not by chance or accident that Makaya season spans the last month of the old year and a piece of the New Year. It's the good kind of burning.
2023 was The Year for me. A lot of goals I had set quite awhile ago have come to fruition and all the groundwork I laid became the foundation for the rest of my life. I didn't do it on my own, of course...all the work (and accompanying blood, sweat, and tears) was done with the lwa, who held me up when I legitimately thought I was done.
After battling for my husband's visa for three years, I got it done. It took a federal court case that I filed (because who has lawyer money?) and lamp after lamp after iliminasyon. Every time something changed or didn't change and we found another speedbump, another lamp with the work doubled in Haiti. More prayers, more struggles...but I won the battle in the end and it is sealed. I have never felt the kind of satisfaction that I felt when we made it through the final hoop of customs to enter the US. The phone calls from the airport to family and friends back in Haiti and in the US were the best phone calls ever. The airport dinner was the best dinner ever.
And despite all the work that went into it...I know we were blessed in the process because it only took three years. While waiting for processing at the American embassy in Port-au-Prince, S met people who had been in process for years longer than us for the exact same visa. There were moments where we could have been turned back and yet with grace we were not. When you are in the fire, it is hard to see where the hands of the lwa might be, but when it was finished....I see how they both made the road, cleared the road, and accompanied me on the journey.
I did all that, and I am super proud of it.
There have also been many other wins and successes but that's the big one, and I am satisfied.
2024 doesn't look like it will be an easier year in this world bent on destruction, but I am hopeful. There is lots to look forward to; my husband is getting ready to launch his atelier that will showcase his talent in traditional drapo and boutey lwa making, as well as his painting and garment skills. There are a couple of book projects simmering away and maybe the formation of an artist collective based in Haiti, as well as other Haiti projects. I hope and plan for success as a foundation moving forward.
We are busy getting ready for this new year. The house has been cleaned and every bit of laundry done, the baths have been made, magic refreshed, and tomorrow's soup joumou will be a reward for all of the running around. May these preparations solidify my blueprints to success.
We not only witness the New Year arriving, but January 1 marks the 220th anniversary of Haitian independence from colonial rule and the liberation of all enslaved individuals in the territory of Haiti. It is a poignant new beginning within a new beginning, particularly at a time when worldwide we are faced with the spectre of colonialism, poisonous nationalism, and the reminder that the world has not yet quashed the reality of subjugation of those we deem lesser. Liberation is an ongoing active process, and the fire lit by our revolutionary spiritual ancestors still burns. The lessons of Dessalines, L'Ouverture, Ogè, Papillon, Pètion, Christophe, Capois, Makandal, Boukman, Fatiman, la Prophétesse, and all whose names were not written or were forgotten are still important.
I do not wish for peace, but for revolution that brings new life. In that revolution, may you find prosperity, health, a sense of purpose, the knowledge that that the world needs your presence and participation, and balance in deeply unbalanced times. May you be accompanied by your ancestors and spirits who love you, and may the hope for a new year burn bright!
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
ASSIS BRASIL, Brazil (AP) — Dozens of migrants sleep in a mosquito-infested six-bedroom wooden shelter in the Brazilian Amazon, their dreams of a better life in the U.S. on hold because of President Joe Biden’shalt on asylum.
Johany “Flaca” Rodríguez, 48, was ready to leave behind the struggles of life in Venezuela. She has been waiting in the shelter holding 45 people in Assis Brasil, a city of 7,000 residents bordering Peru, because others told her how difficult the journey to the U.S. has become.
Migrants, police, officials and analysts say Biden’s actions have caused a wait-and-see attitude among migrants who are staying in Latin America’s biggest economy, at least for now. Like anywhere along migrants’ routes toward hoped-for new lives, local communities are finding it hard to meet new populations’ needs.
After sleeping on dirty mattresses and in half-torn hammocks, and eating rice, beans and ground beef, Rodríguez decided this month that she and her dog Kiko would spend a few weeks with friends in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Wearing a headband, leggings and a small backpack, Rodríguez woke early to walk more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) for two days to a nearby city of 27,000 residents. There, she hopes to make some money and take a bus to Brazil’s south, then reach the U.S. one day.
“I have to stay here until it is safer to go,” Rodríguez said. “I am not super happy about staying (in Brazil), but that’s what I can do.”
Brazil saw waves of migrants passing through to North America in the first part of the year. There were Indians, Bengalis, Senegalese and Nigerians, among others, said Rêmullo Diniz, the coordinator of Gefron, Acre state’s police group for border operations,
When Biden said he was going to crack down, many people in those groups began staying in their countries instead of heading to Latin America, Brazilian government officials and independent analysts said. For citizens of South American countries, it’s easier. Brazil allows residents of its 10 neighboring nations to stay visa-free for up to two years.
The Biden administration said last week that arrests for illegal crossings from Mexico fell more than 40% since asylum processing was temporarily suspended at the U.S. border with Mexico on June 5. Arrests fell below 2,400 a day for the first time during Biden’s presidency.
Acre state offers a snapshot of the attitude among many migrants, and raises the possibility that Acre and other resting spots will become long-term hosts.
The city of Assis Brasil has little to offer to migrants but the wooden shelter where Rodríguez was staying and a school gymnasium where 15 men can sleep. There are two small hotels and a bus stop used by vans crossing into Peru. It has five restaurants scattered along its main road, two grocery shops and an ice cream parlor that has Amazon flavors like local fruits cupuacu and tapereba. Migrants frequently beg for money at the city’s only square.
There are three daily flights into state capital Rio Branco, where 21-year-old Jay came from India en route to the U.S. to study engineering. He declined to disclose his hometown and his last name.
Wearing a white cap reading “RIO DE JANEIRO,” he said that “it would take too long if I just sat and waited,” in India.
“It is a long trip, very risky. But it is my dream to study there and I will accomplish it,” he said.
Brazil’s westernmost state is a remote enclave in the middle of the rainforest, used by tourists as part of an alternative route to visit Cuzco, once the capital of the Inca empire in Peru.
One of Assis’ main attractions for locals is sitting on the benches of its main square Senador Guiomard to watch soccer on TV and eat barbecue. The small city’s founders came to the Amazon in 1908 to start a rubber plantation that 50 years later became a city. Not much has changed since, despite the BR-317 road that runs by it, the only land connection between Brazil and Peru. When residents of Assis Brasil are bored, and they often are, they go to neighboring Peruvian city of Iñapari to have a drink, generally a pisco sour.
Venezuelan migrant Alexander Guedes Martinez, 27, said he will stay as long as needed to get more cash and maybe in a year go to Houston, where he has family. He came with his 17-year-old partner and their 5-month-old baby.
At the Assis Brasil shelter where they were staying last month, he said that he hopes “to go (back) to Venezuela and get key documents to try to cross in a better fashion.”
“I want to be cautious because of my daughter,” he said. “Being here helps.”
Acre state’s patrol has about 40 agents to inspect 2,600 kilometers (1,615 miles) of border with Peru and Bolivia. A main road connects the three countries, but local police say that many migrants also move through the forest, some of them carrying drugs.
Cuban migrant Miguel Hidalgo, 52, tried to get to the U.S. years ago. He left the island to Suriname, then came to Brazil and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon.
“I like Brazil. I have been here for a short time, but people are not prejudiced against me, people are lovely,” he said. “I want to live like a human being. I am not asking for any riches. I want to live in tranquility, help my family in Cuba.”
Acre Gov. Gladson Camelli said in a statement to the AP that he is worried about a bigger influx of South American migrants coming soon.
“Our government has tried to do its part in the humanitarian support,” he said.
Assis Brasil’s Mayor Jerry Correia also is bracing for more demand. City hall is feeding about 60 migrants every day and voters are feeling upset in a year of mayoral elections.
“This is all on our back. This is a policy that has to be handled by the federal government,” Correia said. “People don’t know what happens on our border. We need to be seen.”
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9w1ft · 4 months
Sorry to bring this back up but I just remembered another🔥 🥐 thing: the Gaygenda! She coined that term to describe Taylor’s grand plan to come out and expose the industry. So many things were chalked up to “don’t worry about this thing that doesn’t make sense, it’s part of the Gaygenda” and if you didn’t fall in line with what she wanted, you weren’t “supporting the Gaygenda”, meaning one being invested in the kaylor ‘ship’ was not as important as what Taylor was about to do. About to do for 6 years and she still hasn’t done it.
She also accused multiple kaylor bloggers of being on Scooter’s payroll.
She also hated Taylor passionately but she kept that really awful stuff she said about Taylor in DMs rather than on her blog, so a lot of people don’t know some of the awful things she said. She was pretty sympathetic to Karlie, and when that stance became unpopular to everyone in 2020, she lost a lot of her influence, which, sometimes good things happen for bad reasons I guess.
The full evil insanity of that blogger is not known by that many people, but a lot of people do know enough that they should not have believed anything she said, and yet a few of her core messages are still taken as cannon among some former kaylors who can’t seem to make the connection that it was ALL bullshit.
oh man the wave of nostalgia that washed over me hearing the word gaygenda 😭 everything was all for the gaygenda, yes. that was definitely a recurring motif. the other points you bring up match my impression of that time and the way she would talk as well, and what i’ve heard from mutuals over the years.
slow burn trolling is rough. very tough too when you’re new on the scene and assume the best of people, or assume that when people state things as if they are facts that they must be and it’s just that you don’t know. sometimes blogs just appear and people assume they’ve been around for ages based on how they talk, or visa versa.
and over the years i have always found it super interesting that for a corner of the internet (various subsets of gaylor (the umbrella term)) where we all talk about media literacy and being critical of the media or how and why things are communicated, we often do not extend the same rigorous process or sense of caution when it comes to our own community. that’s because it’s hard, of course, especially with interpersonal dynamics and such. i dunno, what’s the phrase? the cobbler’s shoes? sometimes it’s worth it as an expert in or provider of or maker of shoes to look after your own shoes too.
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the-trans-advice-blog · 6 months
Hey, i wanted to ask how to decide whether to transition or not. I feel like something in my life is missing when im a woman, i want to be a man and go on t and getting top surgery, but im not sure its worth the visa process, moving countries, probably losing most of my friends and family over it, and going into tons of debt. Not to mention my dating pool shrinking a lot (im also ace and id be an immigrant on a new country too) and yeah idk id basically "lose" years of my life to this and have to completely rebuild my relationships, probably stunt my career and be out of a fuckload of money. So im not too sure how much its worth it and if i would even be happier.
Hello friend! I’m really sorry to hear you’re going through this right now. Right off the bat I just need to say that my experience has been very different than yours so I can’t really say for certain what I would do or what you should do. Transitioning doesn’t have to start with medical stuff, even something simple like using a different name and pronouns online is a small step that can help you experiment with who you are/want to be. For a lot of trans people transitioning is life or death. If they don’t get the treatment they need they very well may die, and I’d say I was/am in the same boat. You really need to look inside yourself and decide if transitioning would make you feel happy and comfortable in your body. If the answer is yes, I’d say it’s worth fighting for.
As for dating, I really don’t think you’d want to be with someone who dislikes trans people regardless of if you transition or not. As a person who has two trans partners, but is not strictly t4t, being with other trans people can be super comforting! But even outside of them you’d still have plenty of people who’d be interested in you.
I think finding yourself, finding a new community, possibly finding new happiness is worth it. But in the end that choice is up to you. Maybe you should make a pros and cons list and see how that makes you feel.
Take your time and think it over, there’s no deadline and no rush. Good luck!
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uk-visa-updates · 11 months
Bringing Hearts Together: All About the UK Spouse Visa
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Table of contents:
What is a UK Spouse visa?
Is it easy to bring your spouse to the UK?
UK Spouse Visa Requirements
UK Spouse Visa Fee / Cost
Processing time for a UK Spouse Visa
Ways to speed up your UK spouse visa application
The success rate of spouse visa UK
Why would a UK spouse visa be refused?
How do I appeal a spouse visa refusal in the UK?
Read the detailed updated Guide on UK Spouse Visa
What is a UK Spouse visa?
A UK Spouse Visa, also known as a UK Marriage Visa, allows non-UK nationals to join their partner in the UK.
Know More: What is a UK Spouse Visa explained by The SmartMove2UK
Is it easy to bring your spouse to the UK?
According to the Home Office, 1 in 4 UK Spouse Visa applications are refused. However, there are other ways to bring your spouse to the UK:
·        UK Dependent visa
If you have a valid UK visa, you can bring your spouse, civil partner, or unmarried partner to join you in the UK.
·        Fiancé Visa
Your partner can enter the UK for up to 6 months and marry or register a civil partnership.
Interested Reading: Why settle for long-distance when you can bring your partner to the UK?
UK Spouse visa requirements
To qualify for a UK Spouse visa, you must meet the following requirements:
·        Age: You and your spouse must be at least 18 years old.
·        Relationship: You must have met each other and be legally married.
·        Income: Your UK sponsor must earn over £18,600 a year. You can use savings of over £16,000 towards proving the minimum income requirement. If you have savings of £62,500, you don't need to show evidence of minimum income.
·        Housing: You must have adequate housing provisions.
·        Money: You must have enough money to support yourselves (and any dependents) without claiming public funds.
·        English language: You need a valid UKVI IELTS score or a certificate of equivalency (ENIC).
The Specifics Explained: Qualify for a UK Spouse visa
Other requirements include: 
Provide extensive documents which show your relationship is genuine and subsisting.
Intention to live together permanently.
UK Spouse Visa Fee / Cost
In 2023, the application fee for a UK spouse visa is £1,048 if the application is submitted within the country, and £1,538 if it is submitted outside of it. 
The annual Immigration Healthcare Surcharge of £624 and the £19.20 biometric fee are additional expenses. 
Should you wish to get a decision by the end of the following working day, the super-priority service charge is £1,000.
Trending & Useful Guide: UK Spouse Visa Cost 2023
The standard processing time for a UK spouse visa is: 
Inside the UK: 6-8 weeks
Outside the UK: 3 months
However, processing times can vary depending on: 
The country where the application is submitted from
The documents provided
How you can satisfy the requirements
Processing times have recently been affected by COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. For example, partner visa applications from outside the UK are currently taking up to 24 weeks to process. 
You can speed up the processing time by opting for the 'Priority Service'. The fee for priority processing service is £573 in addition to the visa application fee. 
UK Spouse visa processing time explained by The SmartMove2UK
Here are some ways to speed up your UK spouse visa application: 
·        Priority service
Pay £573 to get your visa processed within five working days. 
If you're applying from outside the UK, it can take up to 30 days. 
·        Super priority service
Pay £1,000 to get a decision within 24 hours. 
 There is a limit on how many people can use this service. 
·        Submit more supporting documentation
For example, you can submit proof of your partner's ILR or British Citizenship. 
·        Contact your MP
They can find out more about the delay and might be able to help speed up your application. 
·        Contact the Home Office
If there are compelling or compassionate circumstances, you can request that your application be treated as a priority. However, there are no guarantees that the Home Office will do so. 
What is the success rate of a spouse visa UK?
The UK spouse visa success rate for the year ending March 2021 was 86.88%. The refusal rate was 12.69%. 
The success rate for UK spouse visas in 2019 was 79.78%. The refusal rate was 19.66%. 
The Home Office doesn't publish UK spouse visa appeal success rates. 
However, general estimates indicate a success rate of around 35-50%. 
Why would a UK spouse visa be refused?
A UK spouse visa can be refused for several reasons, including: 
Financial requirements: Not meeting the minimum income requirements of £18,600 per year or savings of £62,500
Relationship evidence: Not providing enough evidence to prove the genuineness of your relationship
English language requirements: Not meeting the English language requirement
Application errors: Making a mistake on the application form or using the wrong form
Immigration status: Issues with the UK sponsor's immigration status
Convictions: Not disclosing past convictions
Appealing the decision: Appealing the decision
Home Office: 1 in 5 UK Spouse Visa Applications Refused Every Year
Other reasons for refusal include: 
Incorrect organization of documents
Applying for the wrong type of visa
Ineligibility for the visa
Not providing enough documents or evidence to prove you meet the requirements
Immigration officials believe your marriage is not genuine or subsisting
The notice of refusal will specify the reason for rejection. 
Top 3: UK Spouse Visa Refusal Reasons and how to avoid them
How do I appeal a spouse visa refusal in the UK?
To appeal a UK spouse visa refusal, you can: 
Complete an appeal form
Submit the appeal form within 14 or 28 days of receiving your decision letter
If your appeal is refused, you can challenge the decision by the way of Judicial Review (JR)
You can only appeal to the tribunal if you have the legal right to appeal. Your decision letter will usually tell you if you can apply for an administrative review and if you do not have the right to appeal. 
The appeal process may take between 6 and 12 months.
Guide: What to do next if your UK Spouse visa is refused?
Read the detailed updated Guide on UK Spouse Visa
If you would like to confirm your eligibility for a UK spouse Visa or have had a UK Spouse Visa refused, you can read detailed information here regarding the same or contact our UK Spouse visa Specialist.
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darkobssessions · 2 years
I'm getting really angry at how nothing about work or workplaces is geared for neurodivergents and especially autistics.
Absolutely nothing from the set up, the requirements, the social element, the hours, the expectations, the environment. Nothing.
Not the resumes and cover letters, nor the interviews, nor the vague conditions and agreements upon employment.
Am I a bit late to the party? Maybe. But it is because I only found out I was autistic in 2021 and have a patchy work history, leaving jobs, doing part-time gigs, and burning out in my education career.
I'm in severe burnout but also in a position where I have to get independent and fast away from my abusive family. I've basically dedicated my existence to job search, resume writing, and applications for the last 2 years (I lived with my partner for some of that time but had to leave the UK due to no full time job/visa and then with my parents the rest of the time working at the only career I've had that's paid me consistently: education).
The only problem is passion projects are impossible when you're burnt out, and careers often burn autistics out (because of set up of workplace cultures). I love teaching. I don't love demands, social elements and sensory overload.
My experience basically qualifies me most strongly for educational jobs.
But I am finding everyone is requiring so much all of the time, even in the process of hiring and giving you so so so little that it isn't even worth it.
'We'll hire you, but maybe only one day a week.'
'We don't know when you can start, HR has a huge backlog right now we will let you know when we know more.'
'You need to do these 5 trainings before you begin and go book fingerprinting and background checks.'
They want you to give everything and pay you a part-time wage.
Or they want you to give 40+ hours. Or super early in the morning (which is not possible with my burnout, mental health, moods and physical issues). Not to mention the 'benefits' of a minimal number of sick days they pat themselves on the back for 'awarding' you with, let alone miniscule holidays, and sickeningly low pay for cost of living.
It's all so hostile for NDs.
At first I looked and looked for something fulfilling, and since I have experience, education makes sense. I love teaching. But it's not great if I don't want to be burnt out and on the edge of meltdown daily.
Now I am looking for something part-time that leaves me alone and I can come home from not having been completely overloaded (maybe warehouse work, factories, bookstores, grocery stocking). I thought I wanted to be invested in what I was doing but coupled with what I'm experiencing and what I've read from others about their burnout and jobs, it looks like this may be the way to go.
To put this into perspective, even if something seems like a really good fit because of your experience/career/background or interests there will be a catch or a requirement that it is impossible to fulfill. There's a part-time youth instructing job at a recycling centre gearing them up for graduating and careers which sounded like a great fit until I got to the part where it said it needs you to have a driving license since you will 'ocassionally' need to transport students (ages 16-24!).
Why must I be an educator AND a social butterfly AND a driver and navigator?
It's cheaper and better for them if their workers do everything but it's prohibitive to those of us that have issues and disabilities.
I'm sorry but my abilities as a teacher have no bearing whatsoever on my ability to drive. Driving extracts so much energy from me, is terribly dangerous when I am overwhelmed or melting down, and causes me to panic regularly. I don't notice as much what is going on around me when I am overwhelmed and make mistakes if I am pressured. I have trouble recognising a route even if I frequent it. Places look different at different hours of the day. My ability to navigate is extremely low. My ability to teach is honestly why I was born.
Why must every single role expect you to be neurotypical?
Why to protect our mental health can we only do minimum wage jobs?
Why is this system stacked against us?
I'm so frustrated right now and if I could just make some money to be independent of abuse I could funnel it into creating BETTER for us because we sure as anything deserve it.
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amewinterswriting · 1 year
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For @ahordeofwasps (who also mentioned the RP story in tags) and @violets-in-her-arms-writes
Meeting my wife while roleplaying is simultaneously one of the craziest quirks of fate but also feels very oddly inevitable. We were on two different continents, we both happened to be RPing in the same fandom at the same time in the same vague social circles on the same website (this little ol'hellsite!) and I often think about what if that hadn't happened. But the thing is, we had so many things and fandoms in common that sooner or later, I know we would have met eventually, even if not at that specific time, despite originally being half a world away.
Since then, we navigated the difficulties of a long distance relationship for years, made a few long-haul flights in both directions and wrestled with the requirements of immigration and now we're physically in the same place and still just as nerdy and dorky as you could imagine from two people who met on the RP side of Tumblr! (As an aside, if anyone wants information on the immigration process for personal reasons or writing research or just curiosity, feel free to send a question! Our situation was USA to Britain, family visa, and the information directly from the government is only a very basic indication of what the requirements actually are. It's also an ongoing presence in our lives - we need to renew her visa next year and have actively made financial decisions based on the requirements needed rather than what would be in our best interests if we didn't have that coming up)
On audio samples: you might say superpower, or you might say the power of autism combined with a few years of audio editing. And I will point it out incessantly. There's currently an advert on TV that features two younger people playing videogames on their phones on a family holiday that are making a variety of 'annoying sounds' (the whole thrust is that the kids aren't appreciating the holiday enough so the parents leave them?? It's a garbage advert on many levels) but perplexingly, one of the annoying sounds is just the windows 'error' chime and another is four notes from Super Mario Bros (overworld theme) but played as an alert or reaction to something instead of the background music (which is almost certainly for copyright reasons - I think they're playing with fire with just those four notes). If you think I don't point that out every time it's on TV, you are sorely mistaken. (A little while back, there was a supermarket advert that used the Sonic 'ring collect' sound to represent money/making savings and I haven't seen that advert lately so I think someone might have gotten into trouble over that one)
Our cat is Blackadder, and he has grown into the name excellently. He is a wonderful blend of 'smart enough to know exactly how to get and direct our attention, even if it's through evil means like threatening to nibble on electronics' and 'silly enough to forget that he still has food left over from dinner in his bowl'.
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And thank you! Juggling writing and publishing research around my day job is a bit of a challenge, but I'm determined to make this the year that I get something original out there in the world. It's been years of 'this year I will finish something' that never panned out for various reasons and I'm going to break that cycle.
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calamitydaze · 2 years
New fan here! ("new" as in abt July-August of 2021 yet I still feel like a baby in the fandom lol)
I didn't know abt the special guest thing 😔 I knew abt George's pets back home but not Sapnap's and only found out abt it today.
Absolutely crazy how it works though. Like, there's stuff that I don't know that you and many others do (and this will always be the case no matter how much I learn abt the fandom before I joined). And there's stuff that I know that others won't. I mean, it's been abt 2 and a half months since the face reveal and around 3 months since the visa announcement—how many people have joined since then? Who never even experienced Florida truthing.
It's wild.
u totally hit the nail on the head with your last point, it’s a SUPER interesting aspect of this fandom! with most media like a tv show or book series, you can come into it as late as you want and still know everything you need to know by the end of it. but streaming fandoms (and real people in general, though i didn’t experience it nearly as much when i was into 1d) are kind of like… an ongoing learning process? there’s so much disorganized content, a large portion of which is just lost to time, that you’ll never be able to catch up on all of it. and the Lore is randomly sprinkled in different places and times so if you don’t happen to see something, you just won’t know unless someone else brings it up. and like you mentioned with florida truthing, you can never go back and have that experience if you missed it! it’s super super fascinating how the “in the moment” nature of livestreaming impacts how the fandom works and passes information
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skybeatimmigration · 2 years
Sky Beat Immigration agency in Amritsar. Is the one stop solution of all the immigration related queries and issues. We have been in this industry from quite a long time that we can resolve any immigration problem. We handle study visa, PR process, work permit, spouse visa, super visa and tourist visa of the countries- Canada, UK, USA and many more. Sky Beat immigration Consultants in Amritsar working to make your dreams come true. Now you can go abroad for study and excel in your career with few simple steps. Sky Beat has various offices; you can visit the place and share your point. Our expert consultant and immigration counsellor will guide you in documentation and will stay by your side throughout the process
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