alexa-fika · 3 months
My OP headcanons:
Katakuri and Zoro would get along great
Luffy and Ace used to beat the shit out of guys that got too handsy with Makino and say it was “training”
Ace used to talk about Makino and Dadan all the time to the Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard really wanted to meet them (especially Dadan)
Momonosuke remembers Buggy and would recognize him if they met again
Luffy still wishes Vivi had joined the crew
Law heard the echo of flip flop noises on his first night after the alliance ended and couldn’t sleep
Kid and Killer both have a small crush on Zoro, and Kid wishes that Zoro would have been on his crew, not that he would admit it
Not really a headcanon but I have to share this idea because it made me me cry: Marco’s theme song is ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’ from Les Miserables
Women always try to flirt with Zoro when the crew stops at an island and it drives Sanji insane
Mihawk knew full well that Zoro had Conquerer’s haki and just chose to not say anything
Mihawk and Jinbe were actually really chill with each other
How so? Do you mean in any specific manner or just that kinda meh attitude? Cause if so I can imagine them just in the sidelines bored as everyone is running back and forth freaked out about something
Omg now that you say it, it definitely makes sense, Listen Dadan lives up in the mountains with little interaction to people outside of the bandits plus she’s Dadan she don’t need no protection. And even then Ace still stood by her and beat those guys up so if it came to Makino? Girl works at a bar serving Pirates all day, pirates + alcohol, we’ve seen how rowdy some of the customers can get we forget that because we mostly only see the red haired pirates and they don’t mean no harm but even the guy that came after him, he was hostile to Shanks, a pirate Captain. So a barmaid is definetly at risk, I can just see it Ace with his pipe with that menacing stare
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I ‘ll give you some more thought, imagine if Sabo joined in? That would be lowkey terrifying I can see him being the brains behind some elaborate revenge plan on whoever hurt Makino
That would be so funny though Dadan and Whitebeard?, I can see them getting along really well well, they have the same grumpy but caring attitude
Personally i would find it hard since momonusoke was a baby when he was aboard the rogers but if by some reason it did happen? Imagine buggy’s face though? Just this grown ass man running towards him at full speed, crying
Wdym Vivi IS A strawhat
Again no one died, but if we assume someone died HOW DARE YOU NOT THE EMPTY CHAIRS 😭😭😭 THATS SUCH A MATCH BUT ITS SO SAD
We’ve seen Zoro outdoing Sanji on the woman department without even trying 😂, sometimes he makes it there to save them first even though he’s not trying or he sleeps with one, Sanji is quaking. Mihawk would with no problem detect Haki, his observation haki is unmatched so you expect me to think he din’t know? Nah he did, but he loves making it harder for Zoro. On that topic Mihawk and Jinbe? In the Warlord meeting they are simoly in the sidelines quite and obserbing with that monotone stare, they appreciate that they have one person there that is not absolutely crazy; maybe Kuma would join the silent monotone club
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graveyard-tales · 7 years
Inspired by @wordsdrippinginink contribution to the ‘Whitebeard Meme’ post. It was too funny to pass up!
"Pops!” Thatch called, sauntering up to his captain. “Can I have a word with you?” Whitebeard nodded, politely waving his nurse along. Thatch waited, smiling at the woman as she walked by. When she was gone Whitebeard gestured for him to start.
“So. You know know how Ace is kind of young?” Whitebeard hummed, acknowledging the fact. “Younger than we usually get.” The giant man raised his brow as his son went on. “The youngest on the ship now. Probably the youngest you’ve accepted actually.”
“Thatch.” The fourth commander stopped his rambles to stare up at his captain. “Is there a reason you are bring up Ace and his age?”
“Right.” Whitebeard was confused as his son shifted nervously. He was slightly concerned something was wrong, something surrounding their newest crew member. “Well. You see. It’s just that Ace acts a little naive sometimes.” Whitebeard looked on slightly disbelieving.  “And he just said in passing he’s never had a father before and his guardians, and I quote, were okay but kind of sucked at raising kids. So me and the other commanders were just concerned Ace has never had ‘the talk’ before.” Slightly winded, Thatch inhaled.
Whitebeard sat staring at his son. His eyebrows raised as realization set in. Had they really thought that Ace would be so uninformed at his age? Better question, was he? Whitebeard opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Thatch speaking up again.
“I’m glad you agree.” Whitebeard wasn’t so sure he did. “We figured since you are the captain and father figure, you should give him the talk.” He moved to cut Thatch off but the man was already continuing as he backed out of the room. “That’s why we already sent for Ace. He should be here any moment now. Good luck!” With that Thatch ducked out, leaving Whitebeard to sigh heavily in the empty room.
Just moments later there was a knock at his door and Ace popped his head through. “You wanted to see me?” He almost seemed timid, still warming up to the crew and himself, so to speak. Sighing again, Whitebeard nodded. He might as well get this over while. Better safe this sorry after all.
“Some of the commanders expressed their concerns over you, to me. They’re worried -” Whitebeard paused. Ace furrowed his brow, worried himself. However Whitebeard was at a loss, how did one even give this speech, let alone to a seventeen year old. “They’re worried you’ve never been given the talk.”
Ace’s expression morphed from concern to confusion. His head tilted ever so slightly, obviously having no clue what Whitebeard was getting out. Well, that’s just great. The older man couldn’t help but think. He really was banking on Ace having already been taught this.
“You see, Ace, there comes a time in a young individual's life when they might start to think about- about.” Whitebeard was one of the most feared men on the seas. It was frankly ridiculous he was finding it difficult to continue with this. But before he could even try to continued Ace scoffed and rolled his eyes in that dramatic teenage fashion.
“Is that what has them worried?” Ace rose his brow with clear annoyance written on his face. “I’m not a kid you know and my gramps gave me this talk a long time ago.” Without being told, Ace turned and made for the door. “It’s not like murder if the only thing I think about you know.”
“What? That wasn’t what I -” Flooder, the man found himself speechless. Murder? Whitebeard could the slight flush of embarrassment spread over Ace’s cheeks and the tips of his ears when he turned. He couldn’t help but just stare, a bit wide-eyed.
“You try to kill one guy” Ace muttered under his breath as he began to march out “and suddenly it’s all people think you care about.” And just as quickly and confusingly as this started, it ended when Ace disappeared. Thatch poked his head in a moment later, followed by Haruta and Fossa.
“Okay, I thought this was funny but now I’m concerned.” Fossa nodded in agreement.
“It’s a little funny.” Haruta chuckled. “What kind of grandpa gives their grandson a ‘murder talk’?
“A crazy person that’s who. Must be where Ace inherited his stubborn ambition.” Cracked Thatch.
Whitebeared sighed knowing that he couldn’t in good conscious let this be. Not when Ace was now walking around completely oblivious. He cleared his throat, grabbing his present children’s attention.
“Go fetch Ace again. The sooner we can inform our youngest, the better.” Curse Ace’s guardians, his grandfather. Whoever that man is.
What they don’t know is while Garp was in charge of giving his grandson’s the “murder talk” Dadan was responsible for the other “talk” and it didn’t go as most would think.
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aaluminiumas · 4 years
Shanks openly relished the pirate life: he could name one hundred reasons to become a buccaneer, and that oh-so-proverbial One Piece every rookie dreamt about wouldn’t be listed among the first thirty. This man loved listening to waves rustling; he could spend hours admiring the landscape while holding the ship’s wheel and staring into nowhere – but with the same zeal he threw himself into battle standing up for his friends and crewmates. And a good fight is sure to be celebrated by a downpour of sake, a loud burst of laughter and a couple of brazen jokes around the campfire somewhere far away. Isn’t it what happiness is all about?
He long forgot the place he called home. Was it a little windswept archipelago somewhere in the middle of the Grand Line? Or, perhaps, a bustling city that never sleeps? Or, probably, a tiny village on the outskirts of the Goa Kingdom where he tended to return in attempt to remember the good old times and to order a mug of sake while singing a song unanimously with other frequenters?..
Red-haired Shanks grunted under his breath and turned the ship to the left. Out of the corner of the eye the man caught the glimpse of a sea king coming to the surface. Oddly enough, this one didn’t pay the slightest attention to them: the creature had either managed to devour another crew chasing Gol D. Roger’s treasure, or simply took no notice of the vessel. Making sure the ruthless animal swam away, the pirate consulted his log pose – and in a couple of seconds he spotted the familiar sky-line of the Goa Kingdom: a city surrounded by a thick wall with a swarm of windmills in the distance. They moved in the same fashion, clockwise, peacefully and steadily, filling the air with quiet and mollifying creaking everybody was accustomed to. Even the fragrance of this wonderful place was unique: clear, slightly salty and dusty as if abundant in flour that never trickled out of the millstones completely.
Long time ago – a whole eternity ago! – he saved Luffy from a sea king and lost his arm in the process. A ridiculous price for a funny kid who managed to create problems whenever he went naively smiling all the way. Shanks couldn’t put his finger on his behavior: how dared this child roughly as tall as his leg challenge someone much stronger! But despite his obvious paternal affection for the brave boy, there was definitely something else that attracted him to the tavern not far from the biggest windmill.
Although Shanks didn’t have his own kids, he as well as his crew enjoyed talking to Luffy days on end telling unbelievable stories about their adventures. The lad whose eyes were beaming with anticipation caught every word evincing sheer awe and reverence. Listening to the pirates, he imagined himself to be one, and didn’t even doubt he would be lucky enough to get into a bit of a scrape to fight back any offender.
But Luffy wasn’t the only one who delighted pirate tales. The hostess of the tavern, calm and light-hearted Makino, dwelled on every word spoken as if she herself were a little girl. She knew she wouldn’t exchange her settled life for the fierce and unpredictable ocean but the exciting fables soon interwove into her daily routine turning into a significant part of the world she lived in. Every evening Shanks dropped in at the tavern, ordered a whole barrel of sake for his crew – and laughed, recalling the most mind-blowing events that took everybody’s breath away. These were miraculous days, weren’t they?
The red-haired man grinned to himself recollecting the night when Makino, who just started wiping off plates, ventured to ask an odd question – he needed a solid minute to ponder over it and give her a decent reply.
“Shanks-san,” she called him quietly and put the plates on a shelf feeling sheepish, “Aren’t you…” the woman raised her eyes to audaciously look at him, “Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you scared at all?”
He thought for a second, sipped on his drink and adjusted the straw hat that hadn’t yet made its way to Luffy. “Afraid,” he finally deduced and pushed his mug aside, “But not for myself.”
Shanks turned his head in the direction of his friends stuffing themselves with meat and arguing about mermaids. Someone began to sing – slightly out of tune, –and the rest cheerfully took up, though not unanimously at all. The woman got perplexed for a moment or two – and, amazed to a fault, kept staring at the visitor in the straw hat not fully comprehending what he meant by this.
The man laughed, “Just imagine what kind of mess Luffy can make when we sails away! He’s ready to challenge a sea king to prove his strength and audacity,” Shanks bestowed a broad smile on her folding his hands on the table, “But I believe one day he’ll become more cauti–”
At this very moment, ‘the cautious kid’ caused a huge knife to fall. Luffy was about to yell at the top of his lungs – but immediately noticed the heaven-sent hand of the red-haired man and closed his cry-contorted mouth. His orbs sparkled – the boy got charmed again.
However, it wasn’t the only time Makino asked bizarre questions: she was genuinely enthralled by his lifestyle even though she never wanted to be a pirate. He liked that disclosed interest, curiosity to the foreign world of his, and bit by bit such discussions created a tight bond of friendship between them which somewhat impelled the crewmates to shamelessly tease their captain – not unkindly, of course. His comrades didn’t mean anything bad – they simply relished the sight of the normally collected hostess who now smiled meekly and blushed slightly. Taking it as a certain sign, the captain cut the jokes short with a loud laugh and another mug of sake.
Thing ran their course.
It’s been quite some time since then… Ace died almost two years ago, Luffy is already up in arms, and the millstones are working just as steadily, turning wheat into flour. When did he visit the place last time?.. It was simply indecent on his part considering the amount of time he spent there. Is the mayor just as grumpy and meticulous as he used to be? And what about that bandit, Dadan, Luffy told so much about? Is she doing fine? And the tavern where he hung out so often with his crew, is it in the same place?..
For a moment the red-haired man yielded to a vague feeling of nostalgia: the reminiscences goaded him to squeeze out a lopsided grin, and the decision he’d recently made, got its shape: the yonko was absolutely sure of the actions he was about to perform.
“Welcome to the Goa Kingdom!” he declared in a stentorian voice turning to face his boatswain ready to comply with the ensuing command. “Time to have some fun, guys!”
This order was met by a loud explosion of shenanigans: they’d just savored a good fight, and now they were eager to live it up.
*** “Makino been at ‘ome fo’ a week already,” a sprightly old lady reported to Shanks while giving hearty slaps to presumptuous pirates. “’er boy got ill. But drop in at ‘er place anyway, she’ll be ‘appy to see ya. It isn’t too fa’ from ‘ere… Bah! Where ya goin’ bone’ead?!” the old crone quacked and hit someone with a beer mug she was holding. “So, just ‘ound the corne’… those gates. Damn you, Satan!”
The red-haired pirate grinned at the educational methods that old woman employed, gave her a golden coin and left the tavern. His feet brought him directly to the neat small house with huge flower beds in front. The man didn’t get what the bartender meant by ‘her boy got ill’ but the galvanic yearning for the past demanded new memories and Makino indeed was an integral part of the time he spent here and needed so desperately. Shanks automatically noticed that he became the center of attention: those who didn’t know he used to visit the village raked their brains as to why one of the yonkos decided to come while his friends, along with the mayor, were genuinely joyous to see him and greeted the man asking for how long he planned to stay. There were others, suspicious ones, who revealed their growing displeasure and apprehension – but they tended to avoid any eye-contact with the guest.
Makino’s cottage looked even smaller when he approached it: the house reminded him of the tiny huts he saw at the Pigmy Island but seemed solid enough to handle a powerful hurricane. Shanks couldn’t recollect whether he ever paid visits to his friends: there was no point doing it as they met at the tavern every evening to discuss recent local news And now… he felt almost embarrassed.
He knocked – and heard a clear voice.
“Wait a minute!” Makino was certainly busy, “I’m ̶ Shanks-san?!”
Opening the door, Makino froze at the sight of the man at the threshold: the young woman was holding a hefty bundle with a sniffing baby – with the free hand, she tried to do her hair.
“Are you here for long..?” she attempted to atone, her lips smiling irresolutely.
“No… I dunno.”
She adjusted her son to hold him comfortably, pushed the door open and stepped aside letting the guest in. Despite their common past where no one hid anything from the other, currently both of them felt perplexed and confused: Shanks realized he came amiss, and Makino simply didn’t expect to see the man she used to read about emerging in her tiny cottage. Since he became a yonko, she stopped waiting for his loud visits: a man of importance like him – even if a pirate, – probably had more significant affairs to deal with than singing songs somewhere in a godforsaken village.
Closing the door behind him, the young woman unswathed the parcel and made sure the baby felt better. In a moment, she placed him on the floor and gave him his favorite toy – a plush parrot which was immediately seized by a viselike grip of two chubby hands.
“How you doing?” the pirate asked nonchalantly perusing the modest, spick and span room and finally swiveling his eyes to look at the roly poly tyke crawling around. “What a swashbuckling lady replaced you,” he mentioned with a short laugh. “She’s a real smasher. Can kick anyone out of the pub!”
“Oh… Kagurumi-san… she has her own approach to problem clients,” Makino gave out a small but nonetheless genuine smile bit by bit getting accustomed to his company and his manners that didn’t change at all. “What about you? Have you seen Luffy? I’ve read something in a newspaper but… since he… since… that day I heard a number of things but I am not sure what exactly should be trusted.”
“Luffy’s fine. He’s coped with Ace’s death and is ready to make a scoop and win all front pages,” Shanks said firmly instantly getting the facts straight and calling it the way he saw it – he had to be the reasonable one even though Makino had a hard time speaking about the situation. “Don’t worry about him: he’s already striving to get in trouble.” The yonko broke into a smile, sat down on the sofa and pointed to the boy with a subtle nod of his head: the kid had been playing with the dark cloth of Shanks’ coat probably considering it a better toy. “What’s his name?” “Kenta. Kenta, don’t touch it.” Her delicate hand tenderly brushed across the plump fingers. “No.”
“Why not?” the man’s smile grew even broader, and he sat the boy in his lap. “How old ‘re ye, pal?”
“Not… too much.”
The conversation dragged. Makino clearly felt reluctant to discuss her personal life: she was either afraid of mocking and misunderstanding, or instinctively realized she had fallen in love with the man who kept her company during those long nights at the tavern filled with stories about other islands and seas. She loved his tales and his smile; she adored his laugh and sonorous voice – she even found herself enchanted by his manners sufficiently graceful for a pirate. But the woman never thought it could go further anytime soon. Don’t friends see each other as beautiful, kind people? Don’t they acknowledge the best in one another? Don’t they admire each other?..
The woman sat there, motionless and calm, but it was obvious she couldn’t ease the tension even though she tried to seem friendly.
“If I’m unwanted here, I’ll go,” Shanks spotted her nervousness and adjusted the collar of his coat, evidently about to stand up. “We happened to be around, so of course everyone was eager to remember the best moments of the past… to have a look at good ol’ Windmill. I’m sorry if I meddled in.” he said in the same light-hearted voice not holding any grudge against her.
She replied by a tender, smooth gesture – the woman put her hand onto his shoulder. Kenta, not paying attention to his mother’s agitation, examined the stranger awkwardly standing up and trying to reach the flaming red hair. The man looked so extraordinary – he never met anyone like this among his mom’s guests.
“We all were shocked when… this happened,” the smile faded away for a second, and the eyes got hazy. “I mean, Ace and Whitebeard's death. When Garp came, even Dadan wasn’t her usual self – you remember, that mountain bandit who raised Luffy and… the rest.” She didn’t dare call Ace by the name the second time. “But bit by bit everything’s falling into place, and… if Luffy did it, we will succeed too.” The woman stated in the voice laced with confidence, her bright eyes staring at Shanks. “The whole world is reconstructing, and we are not an exception, fortunately or unfortunately. We have to adapt as well. Thankfully, Goa isn’t the place every single pirate darts to conquer, so everything’s more or less quiet here.” Makino eventually managed to get rid of stiffness. “What about you? How are you, Shanks-san?..”
“Whitebeard’s death is definitely a tragedy for everyone,” he drawled pensively automatically playing with Makino’s son. “And it did multiply the number of problems to deal with. But we’re still trying to live the same way and to do whatever we did before the new era: to have fun, to fight and to drink.” He let out another laughter and brought Kenta up to his shoulder. “Look, what a rider you have here!”
The boy giggled and hugged the pirate by the neck.
Makino slightly blushed. “He… likes you. He doesn’t normally trust people so easily but you seem to make a good impression. I’m afraid he’s going to chase you just like Luffy!” she shook her head in a histrionic reproach.
“So Windmill is going to have a pirate dynasty? Our future Pirate King will be happy to know there’s someone to inherit the skills!”
All of a sudden the mood lightened by itself: Makino released herself and relaxed, cheerfully laughing at the crass jokes he always spilled. The balance restored into the universe: the woman no longer shied away from the guest and honestly replied to his simple questions; she even mentioned what she used to be doing before his visit to the village. He listened to her carefully catching every word, japed and reminisced on certain occasions that came to his mind. Sometimes, making Kenta participate in the confabulation, Shanks questioned him as well just to hear a short ‘yea’ or displeased sniff.
The day was declining, but even after lulling her son to sleep, Makino didn’t intend to part ways with the man who returned just to say hello and to check up on her.
“Have you… rented anything?” she requested quietly, taking off her bandanna protecting her head from the burning sun. “If not, you can stay over. Of course if you don’t mind.” She hurried to add wondering whether she’d gone too far.
Shanks quirked his eyebrows and scratched the tip of his nose. “Why not?.. If anything I should pay a little bit more attention to my closest friend. In fact, I was kinda scared I frightened you.” He noticed undoing the laces of his coat.
She emitted a soft laugh grabbing the outerwear off his hand and hanging it on a peg. “I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of the changes you’re bringing along,” she answered simply. “But now I understand that we are… protected. We have nothing to be scared of with a friend like you,” Makino said in whisper, in a barely audible tone. Not switching on the lights, she dared give the guest a bear hug – even though it was evanescent and ephemeral, she managed to express her emotions the best way she could – with innate modesty and chastity. “Thank you. If only had I known how to thank you properly…”
Shanks caught her fingers and pressed the narrow pale hand to his lips. “You have provided a shelter. A pirate wouldn’t even dream about a bigger thing.” He let go off her hand and pulled away from her, his smile friendly and cordial and yet exposing some unknown fatigue Makino had never come across before. 
“Good night, Makino. I am glad to know we are friends regardless our long separation. You know, it’s so disrespectful of us to keep each other in the dark. But we didn’t have a choice!” he made a helpless gesture with his hand and disappeared in the room she had prepared for him to immediately fall into deep slumber.
And the hostess after putting her son’s toys in the box, shook her head and covered Shanks with a blanket: the nights may grow cold, and he certainly had enough of chilling wind on board. He deserved the comfort of the settled life he willingly rejected – he would never get used to that anyway…
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inupibaldspot · 4 years
Saviour : Chapter 19
I'm going to be a marine.
After the shock had eventually dissolved and they had finally calmed down and properly digest the fact, Emilia's decision.
The statement triggered two different reaction from the two boys.
Luffy would always be stuck with Emilia. The boy would never leave her side saying that he was going to spend as much time as possible with Emilia. Look at Emilia you'll see Luffy. Kitchen? He was there. Bed? He was there. Toilet? He would be near the door like a overly attached dog waiting for his owner.
On occasions the boy would hug Emilia and give a pout asking, "You're really going to be a marine?" Which made Emilia's resolve flatter abit. The girl would then have to shake her head to vanish thoughts which went against the decision. Emilia would then smile and simply say, "I'm sorry."
However on the other hand, Ace would ignore her and avoid her as much as possible. Every time Emilia would catch Ace looking at her, there would always be a frowning face, seemingly fuming with anger and disappointment. The only time they would share the same room would probably be the bed room and living room; that also Ace would eat really fast and just go outside making a heavy feeling develop in Emilia.
But then Emilia could understand why Ace felt that say. It's seemed as if he was saying "You're going to be part of the organisation which killed Sabo?!".
Celestial Dragon.... Just the name made Emilia frown. The people who are said to be similar to God's, yet have no sympathy and looks down And discriminate humans. And honestly just the fact that she may be someone assigned to protect them when she turns into a marine gave her an headache.
A few weeks had passed but still Ace kept on avoiding Emilia. At first she thought that he might get sick of this avoiding game but she was proven otherwise. Even the bandits tried to resolve the matter between them since they said that the air when ever Emilia and Ace were together was suffocating. It was as if Ace had gone back to the time when they had first met if not worse.
Emilia sighed as she looked at Ace in front of her, who was carrying the deer for lunch. He did help in capturing it and the trio still had a perfect coordination in capturing their prey but still then he refused to talk to her.
"Ace!" Luffy who was beside her called out. "Your still not going to talk to Emilia?" Leave it to Luffy to always ask questions which people usually avoid. The small rubber boy did the same thing a few months ago, when he asked Ace if his father was really Roger, thoughtlessly. And ofcourse that triggered the wrath of Ace.
"Shut up Luffy!" Ace shouted still not facing their direction and walked quietly back to their place even though Luffy kept on asking the reason why.
Soon enough they did reach back home and Emilia went straight into the kitchen and went to make some lunch, followed by Luffy of course. After she was done some bandits came and set the table.
Everyone quietly ate their lunch with their eyes wandering between Ace and Emilia.
"I'm done." Ace broke the silence and picked up his dishes, placed them in the sink and went outside.
Dogra sighed at the scene. "You guys are still fighting?" He sighed looking at Emilia who was staring at the door which was now closed after Ace went away.
Emilia simply smiled. "We are not fighting." Her heart ached when Ace kept on ignoring her and to be honest even though they saw each other daily Emilia missed him. She missed his smile, she missed talking to him ,she missed his presence...
"Did he really take you being a marine that bad?" This time Dadan was the one who asked. When Emilia first told them her future plans evertime was shocked but after a while they eventually accepted it and moved on with their daily lives except for Ace.
"I guess."
Silence took over the room but it wasn't maintained as a rather loud sound of someone shouting was heard.
"This presence..." Emilia almost laughed. It's as if the person knew what was going on in her mind and had come to retrieve her.
"Who is it?" Luffy who was having his second or maybe third share asked, as he kept on eating. The bandits who were in the room and some in the kitchen ,which was attached to the living room, washing the plates also looked at Emilia curiously.
"GYAHAHAH!"  Just as Emilia said those words the man came through the doors making a rather loud entrance. "How are you, brats?!"
"Geh! Grandpa?!" Luffy exclaimed in surprise.
"Hmmm?" Garp made a confused sound. "Where are the other two?" He asked.
This made everyone go silent.
"Sabo..." Emilia was the one who started. "He passed away..." After that she started explaining everything to the old man.
"I see..." Garp let out a sigh. He didn't know the small blond brat for long but still knowing that the boy died made his heart break.
"Garp-san...I have something to tell you." Emilia said looking at the man in front of her. "I want to be a marine."
Garp felt his jaws drop. "A marine?" He questioned wondering if he heard it wrong. Wasnt she going to be a pirate just like Luffy Luffy and Ace? The girl nodded making Garp know that what he heard was indeed correct.
"You sure?"
"To think one of you brats are doing what I say." Garp sobbed as tears rolled down his cheeks. Emilia reached out her hand and passed him a tissue to which Garp took and blew his nose.
"But then" Garp started. "Today I came here because I had a work in East Blue so I have to leave tomorrow. If you're going to be a marine you'll have to go back with me tomorrow since I don't really know when I'll be able to get my next break and come get you."
"I don't mind leaving tomorrow."
"I'll be waiting near the docks of the village." Garp said as he walked away.
Emilia nodded and turned towards the group of bandits in front of her. Some of the bandits were sobbing while others were waving at her with a smile ,saying words of encouragement for her new journey. Where as their boss,Dadan just was looking elsewhere avoiding eye contact with the young girl.
"Thank you for always taking care of me." Emilia bowed showing her gratitude. " I'm sure I was alot trouble but then I really loved and enjoyed the time I spend here.I'll really miss you guys."
Hearing this Dadan turned back and walked into the house. "Boss,are you crying?" One of the bandits teased.
"Shut up! I'm not crying!" The woman objected but the tone she said it confirmed that she was indeed crying. Emilia laughed a bit at the scene. She then turned around and walked towards the forest.
"You're not going to the village,Emilia?" Magra questioned as he look at the girl who was walking in the opposite direction where Fuusha village was.
"I wanted to talk to Ace one last time." Emilia replied.
"I see...Patch things up properly before you go." The man said smiling.
Emilia walked forward following her haki searching for Ace. While walking she looked at the area surrounding her. The large tree which had sunlight passing through the branches, the small river which had a few stepping stones, a few flower which she passed by ; her eyes stayed on the group of cosmos for a few seconds more than others. Certainly each place of the forest held great meaning to her, she was certainly going to miss the place.
Emilia kept on walking and eventually the forest had cleared up. She had reached the edge of the forest where the view of the vast sea was magnificent. The wind here was gentle and sounds of the waves hitting the land was the only sound accompanying it.
Her blue eyes looked at the silhouette which was simply standing there looking forward. Emilia walked towards it and stopped, keeping a small distance.
"Ace." Emilia called out. The boy in front then turned and looked at her. This was the first time in weeks that the boy was properly looking at her. "I'll be going now." She continued smiling gently at the boy.
Ace's mouth opened slightly in surprise. He was so fixed in on avoiding her that she didn't even know she would be leaving so soon. But he didn't voice his thoughts and instead asked something which was always in the back of his mind. "Why...why are you going to be a marine?" He asked as he clenched his fist.
Emilia didn't answer right away, she simply looked at him making silence fall upon them. "I don't intend to be a dog of the marine, Ace." She avoided the question.
Ace wasn't satisfied with the answer but neither did he feel like she would give him the answer to his questions, however the way she phrased her reply made him a bit relieved. It was as if she was saying being a part of the marines doesn't mean she forgave what they did to Sabo. Also as if saying even if they were on different sides, she will still see him as a comrade. "I see..." Ace felt embarrassed now that he thought about his actions these past weeks. Being against Emilia's desire to be a marine was as if he was trying to chain Emilia and stop her from making her own decisions, stop her from being free.
"I guess this is good bye then." Ace smiled at her. How he wished he could turn back time and spend his time with Emilia rather than avoiding her.
"Uhn.." Emilia nodded and smiled back. She raised her hands and waved at Ace. "I'll see you next time in the sea."
"No way!" Ace shouted at the girl making her drop stop waving and drop her hands. "If we ever met in the sea, it'll mean we will be meeting as enemies!" Ace huffed and put both his hands on his hips. "I don't want that."
Emilia's eyes widened and then she giggled. Sometimes Ace was more difficult to understand than Luffy. She the nodded and said. "Bye bye." And turned around and started to walk away from him.
Ace watched the girl in front of him. The winds caused her slightly wavy hair to sway. He held up on of his hands and imagined him holding hers. He didn't want her to leave yet. "I like you..." Ace confessed. It wasn't loud not more than a whisper.
Ace looked at Emilia and saw that she had turned around, her face was slightly red. Shit! She somehow heard it!  Ace cursed himself. Of course! Its Emilia for god sake!
He looked at Emilia's still confused face and then let out a loud sigh, scratching the back of his head. "You didn't hear it wrong... I like you Emilia." Ace said loudly.
"I never had these feelings before so I'm not sure my self but yet I can't really imagine my self having these same feeling again in the future if it is not you. Even though your strong I can't help but think 'I want to protect her'. At first I questioned myself but then I realized that it is because you're someone very precious to me."
Ace walked towards the girl as he kept watching  the girl who still had a flushed face, shifting weight from one side to the other and played with her fingers.She is still bad at dealing with confessions but the way she looked right now.... She look so adorable. Ace smiled.
Emilia bit her lower lips mustering up every courage she had to tell how she felt about Ace. "I...I-"
"I'm not asking for an answer but i guess I really wanted to let you know how I  felt." Ace cut her off.Emilia's eyes widened as she felt Ace hold her wrist and pull her towards him. Her head rested on Ace's chest. Ace wrapped his arms around her as he rested his chin on her head.
"Just let me stay like this for a bit."  Ace whispered. He felt like this was the right thing to do. He felt as if he didn't do this right now he might never get this opportunity in the future.
Emilia nodded as she listened to Ace's heartbeat.
Ace smile turned into a grin as he felt arms wrap around him. He looked down to see Emilia hide her face into his chest however he did notice the way the girl's ears red.
Maybe I should have asked for an answer after all... Ace thought as he slightly tightened his hold around the girl.
"You sure you got everything you need?" Makino asked with a worried look on her face.
Garp, Emilia, Luffy and Ace were on the docks of Fuusha Village. The bandits didn't come saying that they would most probably scare the people in town.
"Yeah." Emilia smiled. She then looked at the doctor who had thought her medicine. The doctor reached out his hands and placed it on top of Emilia's head. "Take care, my lil prodigy." He said.
"I will." Emilia replied back. "I'll keep on studying medicine as well,doctor."
"I'm sure you'll do a great job at it."
"Oi!" Garp called out from the ship. "We're ready! Let's get going!"
"Do you really have to go,Emilia?" Luffy asked with his eyes filled with tears holding onto Emilia's shirt. He really wanted the girl  to stay and be a part of his crew.
"I'm sure we'll meet again, Luffy." Emilia smiled and then finally turned towards Ace. Her face turned a bit red as she waved at Ace, remembering what had happened between them. Ace also didn't say anything and simply grinned back with his hands on his hips.
"Take care."
"I will..."
Emilia then picked up her bag, which had nothing other than a few clothes, her medicine box and a book on navigation, and walked up the stairs leading to the ship. And as soon as she got in, the marines opened the sails, brought up their anchor, making the ship move.
"Bye Bye Emilia!!!" Luffy shouted loudly,both tears and snots rolling down his face.  Along with him others also waved their hands.
Emilia smiled waving back. She kept on looking at their direction till they were no longer in view.
She was going to miss them.
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hundredsunny · 7 years
Can I ask you to write a short AU involving ASL as parents and their kids being along while listening to theirs old men adventures?
Normally I’d do something like this on my imagines/scenarios/etcblog, but bc I appreciate you, dear anon, I’ll post something like this justonce on this blog. I apologize if I write too much sometimes I can’t stopmyself when it comes to the ASL brothers. Here we go
The years of adventuring added age to the trio’s faces, but itdidn’t dare take away their young-at-heart spirits. When their children askedwhat it was like to live in the days of pillaging and plundering and rebellionduring a family dinner, the three men did not hesitate to share. 
At first, the brothers’ excitement got the better of them, andthey found themselves talking over each other. The excited chattering went onuntil Sabo noticed the total confusion displayed on the children’s faces.Chuckling, he placed his hands on the shoulders of Ace and Luffy and told themto shut up in the kindest way possible. 
“How do we even begin to go about such a broad subject likethis?” Sabo asked. 
“We just go for it, I dunno. I’ll go first,” Luffy spoke up andclapped his hands together. “I’ll start this off by saying that Sabo andAce wanted me to die.”
The revelation was received with wide eyes. 
“No, no, no, we didn’t want him to die. That was only the firstweek or two after we first met him,” interjected Ace with a dismissive wave ofhis hand. 
Luffy snorted. “You still wanted me to die!”
“Okay, but the rest of the time, you set yourself up to die!”Sabo added. “You were always trailing behind, falling on your face,falling into pits of crocodiles, the list goes on and on.”
“Yeah, Luffy was a drag. He always needed our help,” Ace said ina singsong voice. 
“Okay, let’s move on from that part, jeez,” Luffy grumbled,earning laughs from both Ace and Sabo. The children found themselves laughingalong as well. 
“We sure did some wild stuff, didn’t we?” Ace asked. “Wealways did some solid dine-and-dashes, huh? We got away with it so often. Ithink that old bag Dadan was really confused as to how we stayed extremelyhealthy. Little did she know.”
“Don’t be daft, Dadan probably knew we were being criminals. Shewas just too exhausted to deal with us further,” Sabo chimed in, taking a sipof his drink.
“Let’s be realistic, though. Dadan liked me the best,” Luffystated. Sabo came close to spitting his drink all over the table. 
“Something tells me that’s not true, Uncle Luffy,” Ace’sfreckled daughter said and giggled as she glanced over at Sabo’s startledface. 
“Luffy, stop attempting to kill Sabo,” Ace warned, giving Sabo apat on the back. “Moving on, we were straight up battling actual piratesat your age. Little dweebs like us, takin’ on some big guys.”
The children’s jaws dropped. 
“You fought pirates when you were our age?” Sabo’s sonasked. 
“We sure did. However, it was Luffy’s fault that we got allcaught up with them in the first place,” Sabo responded. 
“When isn’t it Luffy’s fault?” Ace questioned. 
“Willyou guys stop?”Luffy whined. 
“Shut up and eat your food. Old men like you need morenutrition,” Sabo said, pointing to the plate in front of the youngerbrother. 
“I’m no old man, you old man,” Luffy retorted and swatted Sabo’shand away. 
As Luffy and Sabo began bickering, the children exchangedglances. They weren’t entirely sure if their fathers were actually ten yearsold or not. They acted just like the children themselves did. 
“Anyway, as they’re arguing, let me tell you how wild our fightwith Bluejam the pirate was,” Ace began, scooting his chair closer to thetable. He leaned forward, making sure that he had the kids’ attention. 
“Now, Bluejam was into strong guys. Naturally, he asked me tojoin his crew because I was just so strong at my age. I had to decline, though.I wanted to be my own captain. Anyway, he didn’t really like that idea. Ididn’t care. Then, at some point, Sabo and I stole stuff from him, right,Sab-oh, I’m not even gonna bother asking while he’s still at it with Luffy. Soout of nowhere, Bluejam wanted us dead. Some guys from his crew kidnapped Luffyand strung him up in an abandoned shack, and that was a bad move. Sabo and Icame for their lives,” Ace chuckled as he looked back on the fond time wheretheir lives were on the line. “We beat the heck outta them, butunfortunately, they came back.”
“Oh, are you telling the Bluejam story?” Sabo asked as he pushedLuffy’s face away from him. 
“Yeah, idiot. You missed out,” Ace responded. 
“How about that time the Gray Terminal was set on fire? That wassomething,” Luffy piped up as he shoved Sabo’s hand away from his face.
“That was scary, I thought you guys were dead,” Sabo shudderedas he looked back on the memory.
“What’s Gray Terminal?” Luffy’s son asked.
“It was a junkyard where the poor folk lived. Everyone hated thepoor souls who lived there,” Ace answered. “It was scary because fire justsurrounded us everywhere, but what was scarier was the last day we saw Sabofor, like, ten years.”
“Technically, he died,” Luffy added.
“You all had a thing for dying,” Ace’s daughter commented.
“So it seems,” Sabo said.
“Sabo got blown up. Big time. God, we actually thought you died,jerk,” Ace said and narrowed his eyes at the blond man next to him.
“Hey, listen, it’s not my fault I lost my memories for a bit,there!” Sabo held up his hands in defense.
“You lost your memory?” Luffy’s son asked. “That’s hardcore.”
“Yeah, and while he was frolicking around in the world of nomemories, Luffy and I were going all over the world, beating up bad guys andstuff. That’s more hardcore than losing your memory.”
Sabo scoffed. “I was not just frolicking around. I was fightingfor freedom.”
“That’s what everyone says when they get amnesia,” Ace retorted.
The three brothers attempted to keep their stories aschronological as possible, but in the end, it just resulted in a jumbledtimeline that kept the children puzzled. They didn’t mind, however. Thesestories were just too cool to worry about what order they came in. The kidsknew that it was gonna be a long dinner. The brothers had only scratched thesurface of their adventures, after all.
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inupibaldspot · 4 years
Saviour : Chapter 22
Emilia sat on her bed and looked at her sword, a silver sword with a few blue orbs on the handle.
It was still surprising that Zack gave her such an important item to her.
*Knock knock *
"Emilia~ I'm coming in." Zack said as he then pushed the door open. He looked at the girl, who was no longer the tiny brat he first saw. She was growing taller and often teased him about catching up to him, and between you and Zack he was scared that she will grow taller than him. She also lost most of her baby fats. But one thing which always remained same was...
"Your hair is still a chaos isn't it?" Zack laughed making Emilia pout.
The girl brought her hands on her hair and glared. "Its not my fault that my hair is super wavy at the ends."
"Hahahahha" Zack laughed, crossing his arms on his chest. "I'm sure if the Devil Fruit users touch your hair it'll make them weak since it reminds them of waves."
Emilia placed the sword on her bed and she stood up as she continued glaring, hands made into a fist. "Claire told me my hair is pretty." She fought back.
"That because Claire always had a bad taste." The older main continued to tease the young girl, who was slowly turning red in frustration.
Hearing that Emilia smirked. "I can see that." She huffed,placing her hands on her hips. "Especially since she choose you as her fianceé."
Even though Zack growled, inside he was quite happy. It still made his heart beat faster with joy knowing he would marry Claire. After much hesitation and pushes from Emilia, he finally proposed. You have no idea how much he cried when she said 'yes'.
"Anyways.." the girl said. "Did you come in my room to tease me?" She questioned,smiling softly.
"No..." Zack said as she walked towards her and sat on her bed. "Its finally tomorrow...your test."
"Yes." Emilia nodded. "I may end up with you guys or Vice Admiral Tsuru's team."
"Oh yeahhh.." Zack sweat dropped. Vice-Admiral Tsuru's team always consisted of women plus the older women showed interest in Emilia when she previously came on the ship to have a talk with Garp. "But I hope you will join us"
"Oya! Emilia exclaimed." Are you getting sentimental now?" Emilia teased. Before she smiled softly.
"But I guess.. I hope that too."
"You will under go only two tests"  The instructor said.
Emilia looked around. There were probably around 100 people on the field but undoubtedly she was the youngest.
People around her sneered and others smirked in confidence when she saw her. Why was this tiny girl who didnt even look like she was in her teens doing here. Emilia didnt like this at all. She clenched her fist keeping her emotions in check. I'll show them.
"The first test involves running. You will be running around this field 5 time which totals up to 15 kilometres." The instructor said as he pointed at the field behind him. "Within 45 minutes. Failure to do accomplish that will lead to direct elimination."
This made people gasp. This task was totally close to impossible! But that the same time who ones who do complete it show that they are not normal.
"Second round is simply to check your strength. Here people will fight against each other until only one person remains."  In other words,its just like a tournament. "There are two reasons for this. One is to simply eliminate people who are fast but have no strength even though usually people who are also fast are also strong. Other is to see where you will be placed. The First half of Grand Line or  The New World."
"Is there any questions?"  The instructor asked. "If not we will begin shortly."
"Excuse me!"  A voice started making all the examines including Emilia turn towards the voice. There stood a middle aged man,on hand in the air. "Are small kids even allowed to enter the test?"
Emilia's eyes twitched as the man turned towards her , lips pulled into a smirk.
The examiner understanding what the examinee was implying turned his head towards Emilia and nodded in assurances. "As long as the examinee is 13 or older, its fine. Personally I believe in the end age still doesn't matter much as long as you have the strength,skill or intelligence."
"But~ " The examinee continued,in a singing voice. "That girl doesn't even look like she is 10. I mean look at how small she is!" The comments made people around him laugh,some even adding remarks of their own.
Having enough Emilia turned towards the man with a glare. The examinee still smirking "Oh is the baby mad? Are you going to cry? Make sure you-"
"Enough!"  The examiner interrupted. "If you continue with this useless talk we may ask you to leave. If that is clear we will begin. You now may go towards there." He pointed towards the corner of the fields where a white line was drawn on the ground.
"Ready?" Another examine shouted in a loud voice. "GO!"
Emilia ran and she did not mess around. Covering her legs in haki she sprinted and leaving all other examinee to dust and with no surprise ended up completing the task first, will 30 minutes more to spare.
And as petty as it may sound she sat near the finish line, giving a smug smile at the examinee who made fun of her.
Soon the other examinee crossed the line one by one and completed trail. Of 100 examines now only 32 remained.
After that everyone was separated into a duo, each match examined by one examiner marine.
"Remember we won't intervene unless one of the participants say "give up" or unless we see injuries which might kill you. We are here to select only the strong, be it physically or mentally."
All of Emilia's match was short, all those training in Goa Kingdom plus the hard training of Garp's and Bogard's for the past 4 years made her strong than she already was.
"I give up!"
Emilia stood up, leaving the man below her on the ground and then looked towards the man who made fun of her earlier. The man was mercilessly kicking and stomping the guy who was given no chance to utter the  words 'give up'.
And this made Emilia frown.
"Okay! The last two remaining are Kusota" Emilia finally knew that bastard's name " and Emilia.Now...Start!"
Immediately Emilia jumped back making sure there was a distance between them. "Before we actually start fighting, I have a question." Emilia said carefully assessing the man's movements so that he would not be able to do any surprise attacks.
"What is it?" The man smirked,hands brought up placing on his hips. He was underestimating her!
"Your previous opponents." Emilia started. "Why were you making them suffer so much? You made sure they could not talk by breaking their jaws so they could not surrender. Then you proceeded to beat them up until you got bored."
Emilia then hardened her arms and legs using haki as the man walked towards her in a slow pace. "I can't imagine a guy like you being a marine."
And at once the man sped up, surprising Emilia and punched at her directing at her face. Fortunately the girl brought her hand up blocking with with her haki.
"Because if you are a marine you got power." The man whispered so that the conversation could only be heard by the two of them. "When power you are able to do anything. And with my strength I'm pretty confident I will be achieve a high rank."
Emilia felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable with how the man in front of her was. He seemed to ooze out evil and malice.
"And when that happens, I'll be rich and have any woman I want. Of course not because of my pay but rather other things...you know" The man smirked. "Through kidnapping, human trafficking and ra-"
Emilia threw a punch but then Kusota dodged it. Then man continued to speak. "And you know I'll never be arrested. Why? Because I'll have the power and can call off any search and silence any suspicions."
Emilia ran in front of him swiftly and before be could react she jumped and kicked his face.
The blow made the man fly making the people watching gasps.
"You little shit!" The man shouted as he propped himself up. His nose was bleeding, it probably broke. "You know what?! I'll start by beating you to pulp" he shouted, as wobbled standing up.
His ego was definitely hurt.
"And when this is all over. I'll go after the people you care about next." Kusota said,hand wiping the blood of his nose. "And do all those things to them and make sure you will never see or hear from them again." He hissed.
People I care about?  Emilia thought. He mind immediately went to Luffy ,Ace, Makino, Dadan, Claire and Zack.
To those people who have nothing but kind to her.
Her eyes narrowed. And seeing the girl react to his taunts, the man started laughing. "HAHAHA How you like that now?! You-"
But before he could even finish his sentence Emilia was literally in front of him.
Emilia then directly brought her hands up and punched him on his jaws making him fall down from the impact. "If I remember correctly that's how you dislocated the jaws right?" The girl spoke coldly.
"Strup oup!!!" The man tried speaking but words weren't coming out correct confirming that his jaws were indeed dislocated.
Emilia walked towards the fallen man and kicked him on his stomach making the man throw up blood. She tilted her head. "Huh? I thought you were going to beat me to pulp"
"I'll kirl you!!" The man continued dispute his injury. "I'll marke sure do kirll evryon asroticated wirth you tdo!!!"
Emilia mind went to Sabo. Her precious friend was killed. And now if she let go of this man here, he might do the same to others.... to Luffy and Ace. This man was strong, even Blue Jam didn't seem much of a threat compared to him.
This man had the power to kill Luffy and Ace.
And she might not be there by their saide to protect them due to her marine duties.
Emilia's eyes narrowed furthered and walked towards him.  This ...this man is  a threat,that means she should kill him right now !
" Candidate Emilia" The marine watching shouted. "The match is over. Candidate Kusota might die if you continue."
"Shut up..." Emilia said in a soft voice. And immediately after that other candidates and also some examinee immediately fell down. The girl used conquers haki!
Standing near the man, Emilia kick him making him now lie on his stomach. She won't let Sabo's incident repeat! She wont let any of the people precious to her get killed, even if it means killing other people.
Sitting near the guy, she held the man's hand and pulled it backwards immediately making a breaking sound.
"Ahhhh!" The man shouted in pain. "please..please.. please stop! I'll do anything-" The man stopped.
Emilia then held his other hand. "Huh? But that wasn't what you said to me earlier"
"Candidate Emilia. I repeat! Stop immediately. Forget passing the test you will be placed behind bars!" An examiner who was on the ground shouted,still a bit too weak to stand up.
Emilia did hear him but choose to ignore him. She grabbed his hands ,with intentions of breaking them , when suddenly a presence came near her immediately and held her hand.
Emilia stopped immediately. Not because she wanted to but because she could sense the level in between the person and her were far too wide.
"Admiral Akainu!"
"Medics!" The examiner called and a group of people in marine uniform came rushing in directly towards Kusota. Emilia simply stood up and gave space for the medic. In front for great power she had no choice but to be docile.
One of the examiner stood up and walked towards Akainu and saluted. "What brings the Admiral here?"
Akainu turned his head and looked at Emilia making her eyes widened in recognition. This man...this man is the one who will be killing Ace..!
" I came here to recruit her on the team." Akainu simply said. Emilia stood there in shock. She could attack him right her, right now!... but then it wont be of any use since she is far too weak.
"I apologize." The examiner said. "But seeing what had happened in front of us, we wont be able to pass candidate Emilia.She ignored all of our warnings and almost killed a candidate"
"She knocked out almost every one here and right now she is simply a child." Akainu said. "She has the potential to get stronger and will be a wonderful asset to the marine in the future. I say we should pass her."
The examiner clenched his fist. This girl is far too dangerous "But-"
"I said." Akainu's voice thundered as everything went silent. "We will pass her. Make sure she is assigned to my team."
With that the man turn and walked away.
Emilia walked back to Garp's ship ,head held down. Even though she didn't look , she could feel the people of the ship stare at her return. There was no doubt they were informed of Emilia's action.
"Emilia-" Garp said faking a smile, noticing the girls angered expression. He could lecture her later because right now the girl didn't look like she would want to deal with any of that.
"I'm sorry, Garp-san." The girl said in a low voice and bowed towards Garp in apology. "I want to be alone for a bit." With that she walked away towards her room.
No one spoke for a whole before Zack started walking towards Emilia's room. "I'll talk with her,Vice admiral."
Zack stood in front of her room and took in a deep inhale,knocked and walked inside. He looked at the girl who still had her head down and then closed the door behind him.
"The man you attacked-" Zack said. The girl in front noticeably stiffened uncomfortably. "He didn't die. But then on of his arms will no longer be functional. He might also not be able to talk properly ever again." Zack explained, looking at Emilia with a sad expression.
She must be feeling guilty. Zack's thoughts were immediately stopped when he saw the girls shoulder shake. She was crying  "Emilia calm down-"
"Hahahhaha" the girl laughed. "That's what he deserves.."
Zack took a step back. "What do you mean...The man almost died because of you."
Emilia finally raised her head. "That man was evil...He had no right to be a marine."
"But you were about to be the same thing... You would have killed someone if Admiral Akainu didn't intervene." Zack repeated his point again.
"Maybe he shouldn't have intervened."
When Emilia said those words,something within Zack finally snapped. " We are talking about a human life here, Emilia!"
Emilia's eyes widened. This was the first time she had seen Zack shout.
"You can't take life for granted. And if you do kill a person, even if that person is evil, or you belong in the marine, where we have to serve justice... Once you kill someone you are simply a murderer !  You're hands will forever be dyed red."
"Then what was I supposed to do?!" The young girl shouted back. "Was I simply going to accept that man. That man who was already telling his motives of human trafficking! Rape! And corruption?!"
"Should I have just let that happen...? " Emilia let out an shaky exhale. "He threatened to kill people...people who are precious to me..."
Zack watched as Emilia's eyes filled with tears. This girl...She..
"He threatened that he would kill Ace...Luffy and Grandpa ... Dadan and Makino..." Zack didn't know most of the names being said but he guessed those were the people she cared for.
"He threatened to kill Claire." Emilia noticed that she now started crying. "And you, Zack!!  I couldn't let that pass.. I don't want to lose anyone precious to me anymore..!"
Anymore... Zack registered those words , his head hanging low.
Zack walked slowly towards the girl. She was scared..  She was afraid and didn't know how to deal with the situation... She just didn't want to lose anyone..
Zack then kneeled down and pulled Emilia into a hug. "Its fine... No one will hurt anyone of us now..I'm fine...it's fine.."
Zack continued to hug Emilia, The girl slowly lifted her hands then on his shirt then slowly holding it tightly as sobs slowly started turning into wailing.
She was just scared...and confused.
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