nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Catching up with Elder Kevin Hamilton
A few days before my trip to Utah, I felt inspired to give Elder Hamilton the book which contains a chapter I wrote. I immediately had an anxiety attack, but went ahead and ordered the book, summoned up my courage, and offered the book to Elder Hamilton.
After explaining the aim of the book, he said he looks forward to it, he likes reading others' perspectives. <whew>
I mentioned Elder Hamilton's talk at BYU in January and the loud criticism it received. I asked how it felt to experience all that. He spoke about how no speech he's ever given has gotten so much attention, and that he also had people send him encouraging, supportive notes, so all in all it's fine.
We moved on and the topic of transgender people came up. Elder Hamilton quoted the Handbook that we approach trans people with "an abundance of Christlike love." That's where we start! Err on the side of love, which is the way the Savior was. From there we will sort out any issues.
He mentioned a child who is going through some gender issues, and I replied that if it's a phase, then just let them go through the phase, and if it turns out not to be a phase, then that's that.
The older he gets, the more he concludes that our job is to love everyone unconditionally, to keep the commandments to the best of our abilities, and let God reconcile all things. Everything will be made right through Christ's atonement, every hurt gets healed and every injustice corrected. We should trust that the Lord loves His children.
Elder Hamilton mentioned that he doesn't see me as an advocate, rather I'm a good listener and a good student of people. I study and observe and I'm not quick to judge. I take the longer view of things with a patience that all will work out.
Elder Hamilton brought up the test in Moroni chapter 7--that which inviteth to do good is of God. Then said that the Lord puts me in places, over and over, where I can make a difference, where I can be a force for good. He sees me try to lift others and to be a blessing to them.
We spoke of Affirmation and my new role being on the Board of Directors. He said this will open a bunch of doors for me as it will introduce me to a bunch of people and a chain of events will naturally occur. He's interested to see what happens.
Elder Hamilton says that he's heard people say that the Church pushes people out, but that's not what he sees from the Seventy, apostles or First Presidency. He's not wired in at the local level, so maybe there's some of that going on.
I responded that I have a lot of privilege in my stake, I've been in stake callings for 11 years and so I'm pretty well known. Yet I still have to deal with a few situations every year and I gave him a few examples. I know I'm treated well where I live, but these kinds of things still happen.
Elder Hamilton asked if I'm committed long term to living in Florida. I shared with him how I wound up at the university where I work at because 20 years ago it was one of the few places with partner benefits and I knew I'd be safe if they found out I'm gay. Many advances have taken place since then but it feels like we're going backwards and things are becoming less safe. Those who want to not be nice feel emboldened.
Elder Hamilton commented, "Well, Utah is an option!" and mentioned the Church's support for the Marriage Equality Act and that Salt Lake City is very gay friendly. Elder Hamilton has recently moved and his neighbors across the street are a gay couple and they've become best friends. He & his wife consider them the best neighbors in the world.
Elder Hamilton asked if I served a mission and I shared the story of praying to know if God could love someone like me, and feeling that I'm loved and "not broken."
He replied that one of the most destructive things people believe is that they are damaged goods, that I am not good enough. That's not true! All are alike unto God--black & white, bond & free, male & female, straight & gay.
One reason I share on my blog about my encounters with General Authorities is so people can see how I, a gay man, get treated. I also want to share how they talk about queer topics with someone like me.
Mostly we know these people from when they speak in General Conference. They talk about doctrine and policies, and can seem harsh. I'm treated well, even by some who have a reputation for being a hardliner. Only twice have I had a bad experience. One of them mailed me an apology, the other changed his behavior and we've become friends.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Once I get better at drawing faces, it's over for everyone !! 🤣 My clothes look decent... Ish. I'm just undecided on designs and it's very rough, but I didn't let myself erase too much because I wanted to complete something (because I need to stop being so afraid of creating bad things, since practice helps a ton)
It's literally just my mc but in their demon disguise for nightbringer, and parts of it look similar to Mammon's. Like the wings and there's like, a chain belt situation going on, with a diamond shape connecting everything. They also have a tail (was thinking of Levi with that one)
I just like the idea of my mc's demon form taking elements from the people she was closest to in the present. Anyway present Mammon would have a heart attack seeing this outfit because WHEW, i gotta admit the outfit is hot
I'm actually really happy I created something. I didn't think I would be, but it's a start
- ✨ anon
I'm proud of you, ✨ anon!
As creators, it's always hard to ignore that impulse to make everything perfect. But you're right that it's okay to make "bad" stuff! And most of the time, the stuff you think is bad really isn't as bad as you think it is lol.
When you're learning how to do something, it's usually best to focus on quantity over quality for a bit! The more you do something, the more you start to understand how to make it better. Your body just learns the ways, somehow it clicks in your mind.
And then you can slow down a bit, take your time, do a couple of pieces that take you much longer.
I'm glad you were able to create something you're happy about!
It sounds like your MC has a great demon design! I like the idea of the MC sorta taking pieces from the demons they were close to in the present, too. It's like you can't help but manifest that in your demon design because of your ties to those demons, you know?
I've thought about my MC's demon form, but of course I have no ability to draw it lol. But that's okay, it exists in my mind and that's enough for me!
Anyway, I like that your MC has both wings and a tail. I always thought of demons as having both, so I think it makes sense for that to be a thing at least some demons in the Devildom have. Even if we don't know of any lol.
Present Mammon would blush profusely and tell your MC to put something else on! Nobody else gets to see ya like that but him, got it?!
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caustic-caffeine · 3 months
caustic.caffeine’s art fight 2024 info
since the art prep thread is long and such. besides, there’s some things i’ll note that don’t fit there!
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my art fight profile: https://artfight.net/~caustic-caffeine
my hitlist: https://forms.gle/VAoyqmHSmNdE9UDp8
plans: my biggest priority is getting onto the top three longest revenge chains this year. this person and i are shooting to reach 800 levels, minimum, which means at least 400 attacks per person. whew! that’s a lotta drawing! i’m setting a 13 drawing daily minimum for myself with some days where i’ll draw more, and probably some days where i’ll draw less. assuming vivi and i hit the 800 level mark/end up on the top 3, this’ll probably be the only year i attempt this xD i’ll die happy if we manage to get on the top 3 for sure.
i’m also hoping to hit some instagram mutuals and do some scenes, as far as art outside of the 800 level chain goes. i won’t hit the majority of the people in my hitlist; it’s there for me to find fresh ocs if i feel uninspired or bored by the ocs that i’ll be very exposed to/focused on this year
all this to say: i’ll do my best to revenge, but don’t expect it! (you will be more likely to get revenged if you attack fran, though heheh)
i’ll update this blog to reflect my status as things change. suuuper excited for this season!
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rosykims · 1 year
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hiiiiiiiiiii sorry it took me literally 3 months to do this but here she is !!! my tav, vierynrae drisune — viera to her closest friends and vierie to her doomed-by-the-narrative boyfriends. disclaimer please immediately disregard her hair bc i still havent found a hairstyle OR fit i like for her, but since she would realistically change her look every 6 to 10 hours im happy just waving some selections of note @ u all <3
truly unfathomable lore dump under the cut (tw for physical assault and miscarriage)
209 years young <3
astarion romance with a generous sprinkle of dream visitor sexual tension for reasons i'll get into (tldr the emperor takes the form of her dead fiance bc they both know its the only form that could ever hope to get through to her 😍)
"seldarine" drow! formerly a lolth sworn menzoberranzan girly, now a well established and famed diabolist of neverwinter (we'll get into it lol).
nowadays shes lolth's no. 1 hater but — having regrettably served her pretty contentedly for 100+ years — she feels too alienated from the seldarine pantheon to truly consider herself a follower. she does toss a prayer eilistraees' way for good karma's sake every now and then, though !
fiend pact (of the chain) warlock ! outside of the power her patron offers her, she's relatively useless in a fight (ie no multiclassing for her lol). the majority of her skills are in leadership, social maneuvering and underhanded political subterfuge. forging her pact was a very deliberate and very necessary move from her perspective to like. add some bite to her bark going forward.
im saying that her level one feat (if the mod ever drops lol <3) is magic initiate: bard and while she isn't canonically a multiclass, she could very easily become one if her pact fell through.
she's canonically a noble background, though she could easily be mistaken for a sage. truthfully all of her interest in the arcane stem from political ambition, noble is the correct answer (and a background she tries to keep under wraps)
lawful evil alignment, bordering very close - and eventually transitioning - to lawful neutral. evil is a sort of unfortunate necessity from her pov right up until the start of bg3, but her character is more aligned to the Lawful part as opposed to the Evil part. she follows a strict code of professionalism, unscrupulous loyalty, and also sometimes "just business, sorry kid" :/ but outside of those circumstances she's as charming/kind/reasonable as they come lol
ok. whew. heres the full unabridged off the walls loredump. prioritizing her menzoberranzan history over her diabolist career bc otherwise i'd need a whole third month for this lol.
viera drisune (later taking the elven adult name vierynrae) was the 13th of 21 total children borne to mistress viciiva drisune, matriarch of the 17th house of menzoberranzan
only vierynrae herself and 2 other sisters actually survived to see viera's elven 'adulthood'. one sister was xaeszara drisune- the firstborn and heiress. xaeszara saw herself as an aspiring proxy of lolth, forsaking politics as she became utterly consumed with fanaticism and religious fervor. she perceived acts of heresy against her goddess in the everyday routines and familiar faces of her kin, and often took to culling her siblings and cousins in sporadic ritual offerings to the spider queen :)
arac'nene drisune, the 16th child and vierynrae's younger sister, also survived - specifically because she was just as deranged as the eldest. she didn't possess xaeszara's zealotry, but still relished in lolth's simpler tenets of chaos and slaughter. the two essentially allied together to pick off the other siblings and minor family members, arac'nene acting as xaeszara's attack dog against any she deemed undevoted to lolth. which was all of them, naturally.
vierynrae only survived because she clued in to the alliance early, and knew the only way to survive was to win the favor of their matriarch and mother, viciiva, by making herself an invaluable asset in all matters of house affairs. and she did! what she lacked in combat prowess she made up for in charisma and intelligence, and quickly earned the trust (and protection) of viciiva after overseeing several successful raids/assassinations of rival houses and improving their overall position in drow hierarchy. the other two siblings couldn't touch her without dooming their house's winning streak or worse, earning the mother matriarch's wrath.
for almost 70 years viera enjoyed the relative safety of her mother's protection, while being groomed by her into a natural leader. vierynrae's actions helped house drisune ascend the ranks of nobility until they were eventually named 10th of the great houses.
in all those years she dutifully followed the tenets of lolth, the only faith she'd ever known, until one day while skulking about in the caverns just outside of the city, she met kiryn'kel nathril , a handsome, bewilderingly sweet man whom she would soon come to learn was not only a seldarine surface drow, but also ironically a cleric of eilistraee, who would regularly venture deep into the underdark to save its denizens from the tyranny of lolth.
against all odds (and in spite of several dozen death threats and attempts viera would make against his life) they fell in love, and began an affair in secret that would last for over 15 years. during this time kiryn taught her about the surface; about sunlight and freckles and kindness and what an honest, earnest hug felt like. he was patient, and successfully de-radicalized her, soon even convincing her to begin aiding him in his efforts to undermine lolth and free any who might stand a better chance on the surface
try as he might, though, he was never quite able to convince her to leave menzoberranzan and marry him up in his home in neverwinter. she had too many ambitions in her own city and still held on to the drow superiority she'd been indoctrinated in to. what's more, she still held a stubborn, optimistic hope that she could miraculously change her home from the inside (while conveniently consolidating all her power and authority over the other houses, too, of course)
this didn't happen, obviously. vierynrae's family's suspicions were growing due to the subtle change in her attitude over the years, all culminating with her abruptly learning that she was pregnant with kiryn's child. she knew her child was a son, and that her house already held the two total male heirs allowed (ie: the two surviving men xaeszara hadn't murdered), and so she finally accepted kiryn's proposal and began to make bittersweet plans to flee the only home she'd ever known.
the plans were short lived, and the pair were inevitably caught by house drisune mere hours before they had agreed to leave. to avoid the shame - and consequences - of the truth getting out amongst the other houses, the matriarch viciiva allowed vierynrae to live, but only after cutting off her ring finger, confiscating its band, and forcing her to watch as kiryn'kel was publically and sadistically executed.
but this wasn't enough for xaeszara, who noticed during the execution that viera's hand hovered a little too long - a little too protectively - over her stomach. in her grief, vierynrae barely noticed her two siblings' whispers, nor when her mother was invited into its fray. the gravity of her situation only dawned on her when her mother bid her halt during the long walk back home, and asked her one grim question: "is it a male?"
her silence was the answer, and viciiva nodded, permitting xaeszara to push vierynrae down a flight of stairs carved into the stone. arac'nene was waiting at the bottom, laughing, to kick her nearly to death - more than enough to guarantee the child would never be born.
minutes blurred into hours, and vierynrae -grieving, raging, but mostly numb - knew her days in house drisune were numbered. she never went home, instead limping her way out of the city gates and on towards the secluded place she had first met kiryn all those years ago.
from there, she began bargaining, first to the gods - who would not answer a lolth-sworn - and then to the anyone in the nine hells who would listen. she screamed at the cavern walls that she was willing to bargain, and after three days, the fiend who would soon become her patron emerged from the dark. she offered up his soul to him right there in exchange for the power to raze the city of menzoberranzan and everyone in it, but the devil only laughed. "do you truly think your little soul is of equal value to that of the city of spiders?" he asked. "how many souls call menzoberranzan home, i wonder? thirty thousand - fifty? not to mention the wrath of lolth this tantrum of yours will inevitably bring about . . . why, that price alone is worth as many souls as you have hair on your head."
and with that, the terms of a pact began to form. a drop of infernal power for every act of service - and for every soul sent to the styx - tallied by the silver hair on her scalp. each deed's value would be measured in strands, turning black as the underdark itself to mark the progress of such an insurmountable price. once every hair had turned, she would know at last that the pact was complete, and she would be powerful enough to return to the underdark and attempt a final stand. until then, she would serve her patron in any and all things.
her first kill was her mother, matriarch viciiva. her patron was true to his word; as 17 strands of silver hair turn blacked, she felt an equivalent surge of power - just enough to make the weeks long trek out of the underdark and up into the sunlit lands, alone.
i hit the block text character limit oh god 🤪
and so her new life began. she navigated a hostile surface world with only her patron's whispers to guide her, eventually settling in neverwinter, in spite of a population vastly hostile to her kind. over the years, her uncanny ability to sniff out a desperate soul - and then cordially offer then aid - made her a recogniseable and accepted figure in the city, eventually putting her in the position to make a legitimate business out of it.
business flourished, and as her renown grew, so did her power, forever measured by her rapidly darkening hair. by the start of baldur's gate 3 she is formiddable — a diabolist and the right hand of her patron, feared and respected, secretly amassing every resource, ally and advantage she has at her disposal through low whispers and coded letters. all of it to pay the price of marching — one day, perhaps centuries from now — on menzoberranzan, and having the power to take it.
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leowifefang · 2 years
huagh isurd is really carrying me
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q-unsolved · 5 years
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so i get that they’re conspiracy theorists in swat, and i get shane’s outfit, but. why’d ryan have to dress like that
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purplecatthirst · 2 years
Would Mewtwo be interested in trying anything intimate while mega evolved? Would his sexual preferences change depending on whether he's in X or Y form? Mostly asking because I'd love to be split in half by Mega Mewtwo X's (probably) massive cock //owo//
Smut / headcanon below the cut. You know the drill, 18+ only. Or look and just don't say anything. I'm not your dad.
Content warning: smut, bondage, Dom/Sub dynamic
So, this is an interesting question. Mega Evolutions tend not to last very long in the games or show, and are often physically taxing on the Pokemon. However we can go with the Pokemon Go standard in terms of duration, so 4-8 hours. That's plenty of time for him to fuck you stupid, which he is always more then happy to oblige you on.
Of his two variants, Mega Mewtwo X has higher attack and defense. He is physically stronger, faster and tougher. He was no slouch before, but now he competes with high tier fighting types on physical performance. This also means a higher sex drive. Prepare to be roughly manhandled, he will split you open with his massive, inhuman cock. It has a gentle upward curve and widens considerably as it gets closer to the base.
While he's pounding into you, he will let out an animalistic growl in your ear, he will break off from telepathy, push you onto all fours and breed you like animal. The only sounds you hear are your moans and cries, his soft grunting and growling, and the hard slap of his skin against yours.
He will shove his tail and fingers in your mouth both you keep quiet, and so that he can see you drool on the floor as you go limp under him. Were you too weak? Did you pass out? He doesn't care. Your a hole for him to use. And he loves knowing that you want this.
Prepare for him to empty himself deep into you, over and over again. This is the closest you've seen him to a "heat". He will fill you up with everything he can. Bring out Mega Mewtwo X if you want to be bred like a wild mon.
Mega Mewtwo Y, on the other hand, is a completely different beast. his already unmatched psychic powers being boosted even further, with increases to his sp. attack and sp.defense. he will act far more... Regal.
He loves the playing the role of a dominant when he's like this. You will address him as "my Lord" or "my Grace". Expect punishment in the form of a psychic jolt if you displease him. Enough to make you flinch and whine, but no more. Like a small electric shock.
He will use his telekinesis to hold you, to bend you into any position he desires. There's no need for ropes or chains or straps here, not when his mind is a restraint stronger then anything man can make. But he might like seeing you physically bound...
In a similar way, he will use his powers to deny and edge you. To make you desperate, he wants to make you beg, and not just verbally. He will tease and tease and tease until the only thing he can see in your mind is a wordless, animalistic frenzy. Until you so desperate you cant even beg, only babble and try fruitlessly to buck into the simulation. He still expects you to properly address him.
Once you've reached this brainless state of need. That's when he will approach, oh so slowly, and gently push himself into you. The second his head enters you light explodes behind your eyes as you finally orgasm.
This is were the fun really begins. Just as he can put a hold on your mind to keep you from coming, so too can he grip your mind in just the right way to keep you in suspended in that mid orgasm state. And he will do just that, until your mind winds down, eroded by the unceasing waves of pleasure. He loves controlling your pleasure like this. He will keep you like this until he finishes inside of you. Your not sure how long this takes, ephemeral ideas like "time" mean little to you right now.
Whew. That kinda got out of hand. I have other ideas, but they might fall outside the realm of the question.
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jibarichan · 3 years
To Marcos loyalists/apologists
DISCLAIMER: Mahaba 'tong post, 10-15 mins. read more or less (kung di kasama yung mga articles and links sa baba). And this is politically charged (saka may mga corny jokes, sarcasm, at ilang pilit na pop-culture references). Kung di kayo nandito para sa ganon, then that's alright, naiintindihan ko nang lubos. May choice kayo para lampasan 'to. Feel free to scroll away po. O kaya, skip to the TLDR at the end, although you'll miss some of the points I stated, saka yung mga shared online articles. If you do intend to read, then thank you very much. I'll also accept criticisms. Di tayo ipokrito. And I know, and understand, na magkakaiba ang political views natin. Pero we can disagree na po when it comes to the ethics and morals attached to our political views.
Ako, ayoko rin magmukhang keyboard warrior kasi bihira lang ako magpost, pero eto na nga. Nakakapanlumo lang kasi na marami akong kakilala na bilib sa Marcos apologists and loyalists. This post won't sway hearts and minds, I know. Di ko pati to sinulat in an academic or formal manner (this is very informal, rambly, at puro rhetoric hahaha), but if the following arguments and counter-arguments will make you pause and think, pwede na rin yun.
So let's address some of the common arguments, posts, and comments being thrown around:
Sure ba kayo na di rin kayo nauuto o nagpapadala sa sabi-sabi ng Marcos loyalists and apologists? Aba, dapat eh napakasipag nyo din mag fact check at research. Aba, dapat reliable din sources nyo. Certified at official. Kung maduda kayo, then pakiusap, double check nyo rin mga sinasabi nila.  Saka nung nag research ka ba, yung mga articles na pabor lang kay Marcos binasa mo? Articles na pinapaganda pangalan nya? Eh baka naman yun lang gusto mong basahin, kasi gusto mo tama ka (confirmation bias po tawag don). Basahin mo rin yung mga masasamang nangyari nun, para patas. Kasi patas po ang totoong research. Both sides, tinitignan. May cross-referencing at pag double-triple check ng sources; at sources ng sources. Yes ganun kalalim dapat. At oo, because of such principles sa research, alam din namin mga magagandang projects nun. Alam namin yung potensyal ng Pilipinas to rise as an economic tiger sa Asya, at the time. But at what cost? Tambak na utang? Makapal na missing persons lists? Mga nakaw na salapi? Mga sipsip at balimbing na cronies? Pano na? Pride na lang labanan, kahit parang tanga na?
Really? Don't let that be your best reasoning hahahaha. Di ka rin naman buhay nung panahon ng mga Kastila, pero alam natin na binaril si Rizal sa Bagumbayan. Ano, ang pilosopo ko ba? Ikaw rin naman, pag ganyan arguments mo. And what's next? Fake news na rin ang Spanish occupation dati?
I'm sure na naging mapayapa buhay nila. Kasi yan din sabi ng mga mas matatanda sakin. Surprise! Hindi naman kasi nila binatikos dalawang dekadang pamumuno na hindi na demokratiko eh. Saka baka yung iba sa kanila, wala sa urban centers, wala sa sentro ng gulo. At kung hindi man sa kanila nangyari yung gulo, it doesn't mean it didn't happen somewhere else. Eh pano yung mga murang bilihin kamo? The gov't that time was well-funded, and the economy was booming on the surface. Dahil sa ano? Sa utang. Towards the end (ibig sabihin po DURING Marcos' term pa rin) nagsimula nang mag crash ang ekonomiya. Na-expose na rin mga kinuha nilang pera.
Okay, easy sa quotes Lt. General Shepherd (MW2 reference wink wink). Tama na pa-astig natin, okay? Half-truth lang yan. More aptly siguro, history is written DESPITE the victors. Marami pong unbiased saka objective na pagaaral sa usaping yan. Kaya nga alam natin na di rin naman malinis ang mga Aquino. Kaya alam natin na involved din pangalan nila sa massacres. Gusto mo ng sources no? Wow look at you, you fact-checking golden child. Keep it up, dapat ganyan lagi. Sana binasa o tinignan mo rin sources ng apologists. Sana dinobol check mo rin mga sinasabi ng may first hand at second hand accounts. And friends, never magiging victors yung mga biktima ng torture, rape, at extra-judicial killings. Oh, hindi sila biktima kasi nanggugulo sila?-- I hear you say. Dear, yung pagbatikos lang sa gobyerno kinoconsider na nilang panggugulo. Maraming inosenteng nabiktima. And if you think na walang inosenteng nabibiktima-- Are you serious? Naive ka ba?
Don't use these words lightly. Wala sa iisang playing field ang feelings mo saka feelings ng isang collective. Magkaibang pahina yan. Hindi po parehas ang history ng isang taong broken hearted o na friendship over ang history ng mga biktima ng human rights violations saka political injustice (at marami po sila ah). Wag basta basta magbitaw ng past is past kapag may mga taong di na natagpuan ng pamilya nila, mula noong past, hanggang present. Unfair. Unfair sobra. Para bang okay lang na maraming namatay saka natorture, o kaya naman missing, kasi mayaman naman Pilipinas, maraming infrastructure projects, saka mura bilihin. Bad yun.
Oh so ganyan tayo? No accountability for the head of state? Commander-in-chief of the military? Sino ba nag empower sa mga high ranking officials? Officials, who in turn, nag execute ng directives? Suddenly, nakalimutan ba natin ang chain of command? Or naniniwala ba tayo na covert lahat ng yun, at di alam ng presidente? If so, pano naging magaling yun at effective ang pamumuno? Ganon ba ang best president? Nganga tayo sa ganyan mga kapatid.
Totoo. Totoong totoo. Kaya dapat ina-acknowledge ng anak ang ginawa ng mga magulang nya to establish separation of beliefs, at di sana pinagtatanggol. Oh mga amigo amiga, double-triple check nyo yan ah. Mahusay naman kayo sa ganyan di ba? Smart kayo. Di kayo mahilig magpautot. *uto. Teka pati, running mate nya si Digong. Okay lang sayo yun? Ay baka okay lang sayo yun, kasi okay din si Digong para sayo. Figures. Paalala lang: Unfair sobra, para sa mga casualties ng current regime. At kung sasabihin mo na 'ganun talaga eh mga adik mga yun eh', aba. Okay din pala talaga sayo na may namamatay outside the boundaries of law. Tanggap mo rin talaga nangyari during Martial Law-- which is ironic, dahil hindi lawful kahit kailan ang rape, torture, at suppression. Wala kang pake eh (past is past). At pag wala kang pake, wag kang magpanggap na makatao. Lalong wag magpanggap na maka-Diyos.
Yes. Except hindi lang yung mga terorista ang naapektuhan. Kahit yung mga critics lang saka nagboses ng opinyon, nadali din. The collateral damage was too much FROM BOTH SIDES. Where to draw the line?-- I hear you ask again. It's one thing po na makita ang realidad ng law enforcement at war on terror/crime/drugs/beliefs etc. It's another to look away from too many casualties. Not fighting or voicing or even THINKING against collateral damage IS too much.
Dahil kaya po yang i-implement na hindi naaapakan ang human rights at judicial system. For example, despite the criticisms towards the current admin, yung implementation ng martial law during the attacks in Marawi, was arguably justified. Oh ayan ah patas tayo.
Luh eto na naman? Sabi nang dapat sure din kayo na di kayo napepeke ng mga binabasa saka pinapakinggan nyo eh. Dapat double check nyo rin 'real news' nyo.
Eh ano bang sabi ko kanina tungkol jan? Sige basahin mo ulit sa taas. Makinig ka pa rin sa ikukuwento nila, kasi we respect our elders. But we shouldn't be beholden to everything they say (luh English na naman). May sarili po tayong isip at kakayanang magaral.
Nakakakilabot ah. Ayoko rin sa kanila. Whew pareparehas lang silang may ginawang masama. I'm sure na gustong gusto mo rin na kastiguhin mga Dilawan. Tara sabay tayo. Kaya nga di umunlad bansa eh, lalo pang nalugmok. Involved nga din sila sa killings ng mga magsasaka saka protesters. And duh, as if wala ding namamatay o nawawala na union members and leaders sa current regime. Pero di yan excuse para pagbigyan mo na lang mga Marcos loyalists.
My school mates and friends at the time can attest na hindi ako nagparticipate. Naniniwala din marami samin sa diversity ng ETHICAL methods and ETHICAL political views. Still, I must admit that my stance only changed drastically by the time na umupo si Duterte. Nagsisisi ako na tinamad ako so many times, and I wasn't informed or mature enough to make a choice, to make a vote. Di ba nga, you can stay neutral until you're not.
Pagbanggain po ang mga nabasa o napanood na ebidensya at accounts from both sides (and 3rd party/international sources din), hanapin ang mga overlaps, then form an informed opinion. If somehow napaisip ka at nakaramdam ng konting hesitasyon sa pagboto kay BBM, wag ka munang magpanic at pagdudahan lahat ng bagay. Maghintay ka muna ng iba pang tatakbo. Wag yung bilib na bilib ka rin kaagad kay BBM. Maghihintay ako, at sana, maghintay ka rin. Wow romantic no hahahaha. De, sana may additional confirmed candidates pa.
Kasi evil is evil, lesser, greater, middling? Hindi ka si Geralt (wink wink sa mga nakakuha ng reference). Bumoto ka pa rin if you can, please, and if it's safe (taking into account this pandemic). It matters. Evidently, nag matter yung mga boto towards Digong. Nanalo sya nun eh. So by the same token, may halaga yung boto mo, even if it's counted against sa boto ng iba. It will be one less vote laban sa ayaw mong maupo. It may seem like there's only few against many, pero pag mas maraming taong informed, mas dumadami yung.. yung few.. so magiging many sila. And of course, mas maraming may informed votes saka educated na desisyon, more chances of winning.
True. Very true. Pero mas mahirap dayain pag mas maraming legit na boto. Pahirapan nyo man lang sila, kahit pano. At pag nahirapan sila, mas madali silang papalpak. Mas madali silang magiging subjects to scrutiny.
I'm sure na meron pang mga arguments na di kasama sa mga nabanggit, pero pwede nyong kunin yung sagot sa ibang points na na-raise ko. If you've ever used any of those arguments above before, and somehow, medyo napaisip kayo after reading the counter-arguments (which is the best I could hope for), then take some time to rethink your decision. 
Hindi kailangang maging matalino para magkaron ng informed opinion. Dapat masipag lang manaliksik. Otherwise, madali ka ring mapaniwala, which is the very thing that you accuse others of. At kung sa tingin mo, napagisipan mo na nang maigi, then sige. Buo na desisyon mo eh. Baka well-informed ka na. Pero kung medyo napatigil o napaisip ka sa mga counter-arguments kanina, then walang masamang magisip pa ng konti. 
-----Additional articles po, past this point-----
For infinitely less rambly, more reliable, data-driven works, eto po mga pwede nyong basahin. Remember, don't judge too hastily na fake yang mga yan. A lot of the articles have been around for years, for people to read. Also, remember that these are from people with experience, expertise, and credibility, more so than a lot of us, including our own lolos and lolas (bless them, still). 
Galing po itong mga to sa internet-- for goodness' sake. Mag search lang tayo with intent to look for proper journalism and academic studies. From Brittanica yung unang dalawa, no less-- which is highly accessible, very digestible, concise, and still manages to present the good and bad (non-biased representation po). Easy to read na po yang mga yan ah:
The Marcos and early post-Marcos era (scroll down po kung gusto nyo magsimula agad sa Marcos era)
Martial law
And hindi mawawala ang mga nagsasabi na golden age ang Marcos regime. They saw those times with rose-colored glasses (idiomatic expression yern). Pero you'll notice something. Very anecdotal. Very similar sa mga nagkukwento sating matatanda. Medyo tricky maghanap ng ganito, sa totoo lang, from an online article na galing sa news outlet.
30 Years After Revolution, Some Filipinos Yearn for ‘Golden Age’ of Marcos
But this. This is easy to find. An apologist fb page. Non-academic and very fanatical, no surprise there, pero isisingit ko so you can check.
WE Love Ferdinand Marcos
Whew there are some interesting videos and posts here, primarily dahil sa mga footage and photos na meron sila. Watch or check those footages and photos ah, then ibangga nyo po sa mga alam natin from history. See how eloquent and compelling Ferdinand Marcos was, and you'll see kung ano ang isa sa mga kinabibiliban ng loyalists and apologists. There's value there, para makita mo kung anong hook nya sa mga tagasunod nya. 
You want more? Okay sige. Search mo sa Google yung Department of National Defense's web page for Ferdinand Marcos' biography, for some more heroic representation. You'll notice na nalimitahan sa iilang sentences yung Martial Law saka change of legislation. 
But it gets more bloody and not so heroic, with the other pages and articles ahead. It's true, mahirap nang maging non-biased when confronted with cruelty and injustice, but KEEP IN MIND, the numbers and statements na mababasa nyo from these links came from the security forces na appointed dati. Official numbers and statements po ang raw data nila. So there. 
Let's start off with a view on the economy. Opposite to the fanatical page earlier, here's an academic fb page post, para po alam nating numbers ang tinitignan nila, at hindi nostalgia at conspiracy lang. You can check the primary source na meron din sila for the compilation.
Econcepts: The Economy under the Marcos Era
For a slightly more detailed breakdown of the declaration of Martial law, with links or hypertexts in each section of the article:
Declaration of Martial Law
For the more sinister side na hindi kailanman bibigyan ng transparency ng mga security forces at the time-- here are some more readings:
‘San Juanico Bridge,’ other tortures detailed
3,257: Fact checking the Marcos killings, 1975-1985
Pano kamo mga massacres during the Aquino admin? Di po makacancel out nyan nangyari nung Martial Law, pero sige, para makita na rin natin na hindi natigil ang gulo. And ohoho, they're just as bad.
The Mendiola Massacre: Decades on, Philippine Land Reform Movement Remains Mired in Blood
Hacienda Luisita Timeline
Ayan online na po yang mga yan ah. No need to download anything as well. Kulang na kulang pa yan though, dahil this post is waaaay too long na po para mag accommodate ng ibang in-depth articles, let alone studies and published PDFs, and books! Physical and digital books! Pero di ba, may internet na pipol. There are loads of historical fiction as well, if you want to look at it from a literary angle, and even music and movies! Meron at meron po pag naghanap. Conspiracy theories nga nahahanap eh. But for my friends or colleagues na marami pong additional articles, readings, downloadables, books and media suggestions-- please po, do share if you're inclined to comment. Malaking tulong po yun. Maraming salamat! 
TLDR; Ang bottomline po, wag basta basta susuporta sa political dynasties ah? Yung bagay lang na umuulit sila, nagpapasa-pasa ng posisyon sa angkan, dapat mapaisip na po tayo, oki? Di po dapat family business yan. If you have to make a decision to support someone from said families, make sure lang po na at least, nagresearch po tayo. Lesser evil and all that.
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jiminrings · 3 years
DA DILF TAEHYUNG AGENDA EXACTLY 👍 can be connected to this drabble!!!
“this feels like a trap.”
namjoon is the first one to say and his candid statement immediately gathers support from the other guys
he says it while he��s laying on the biggest beach towel he’s ever seen in his life, with an ice-cold four seasons-flavored drink in his hand with the little umbrella, rearranging the limited edition cap on his head even if he’s underneath the biggest and coziest beach canopy he’s seen in his lifetime
“this can’t not be a trap,” jimin huffs with a mouthful of watermelon before setting his spoon down on a new plate that he surprisingly didn’t bring home from an aircraft, wiping his mouth as he feels the cool metal of his designer silver cuban chain link bracelet on his chin
“for sure. taehyung pretends like he doesn’t have a single thought nor intention behind those eyes.”
seokjin snickers, reapplying his spray-on sunscreen that’s surprisingly not expired, adjusting his brand-new designer sunglasses on his nosebridge before sipping his margarita and not having to worry about mosquitoes because there’s a zapper in the table nearby
“just makes you wonder what’s going on with him.”
hoseok sighs, eating from a charcuterie board he swears up and down that he still finds overrated (there is truly no sense behind cheese and crackers and raw meat on a wooden board), fetching a towel from his newly gifted luxury duffel bag he decided to bring to the beach
all of this.,..
literally ALL of this,,, every single new piece that they all received from taehyung feels like a trap
like even the concept of taehyung just setting up a beach day for them and even giving gifts out of nOWHERE is very thought-provoking
“i have no ulterior motive!!! can’t i just take out my closest friends in the world?”
tae exclaims, shaking his head to himself
nabi repeats with the giddiest tone anyone could ever attach to a single world, instantly getting coos from his dad and uncles
crisis averted <3
oh yeah that reminds them ://
the guys need to put world peace on their list!! anything for this cute chunky monkey!!
“sounds disgusting and cheesy but i just want to treat you all since you’ve all been working very hard,” tae tries to explain and he shudders at his sweetness, “also because you’ve been very patient that i haven’t found a job yet!!!”
“we’re also patient with you being a former trustfund baby and therefore forgetting to close the fridges or you know, gagging when we tell you to wash the dishes,” jin nonchalantly adds
“and because you like randomly throwing nabi in the air and give us heart attacks in the process.”
“or falling asleep in the living room couch, even when you have the biggest room in the house, and that means we can’t watch tv because we unfortunately respect your sleep.”
“also because we let you decorate the house in three separate occasions with our money but they each barely lasted a day because you hated it.”
okay okay jEEZ
this is not comedy central omg why is he being roasted!!! in his own trip that he planned and executed quite perfectly!!!
“whew okay alright!! ganging up on me now, huh? thank you, you all just reminded me to teach nabi about the importance in avoiding cliques.”
they collectively reacted in offense to tae, speaking over each other, the general theme being “oHHHHH he’s really pulling that now huh???”
“go ahead, tell him that i ate his snacks! i’m sure nabi’s still on my side. right, monkey?” taehyung cockily shakes his head, hand reaching to rub his son’s fluffy hair
wait a second
taehyung shoots out from his chair and hurriedly walks out of the canopy, his four equally-as-panicked best friends darting out in search of the dumpling
he’s two now and he’s more adventurous, especially when it comes to using his quiet tiny little feet to walk by himself
taehyung’s heart is beating so fast but ir becomes even faster when he sees his curious dumpling near the water!!!
as in nEAR the water :O
alright :(( the waves aren’t cooperating :((
they’re pretty tame and as much as you enjoy paddling, you were looking forward this morning to actually surf because you were expecting big waves!! even waxed your surfboard all thoroughly
your wetsuit’s tightly clinging to you and your chest would want to breathe pls and thank you <3 which is why you unzip it in your chest area until you could audibly hear your boobs sigh out loud
you prefer taking off your leash when you’re still in water, as long as it’s shallow just to be sure, because walking in hot sand while chained to your surfboard that’s bigger than life is definitely not ideal
you sit on the part of the sand where the waves crash against and make quick work in removing the leash from your ankle, taking out your hairtie while at it because your hair drying up with saltwater wHILE it’s up </3 a nightmare actually
you’re catching a breather when you hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps beside you, an immediate coo leaving your lips
but at the same time it’s pANIC because the cutest child you just saw does not seem to stop walking into the water
“uh-uh! pretty sure you can’t swim yet, nemo.”
you immediately stand up and hold him still by his shoulders, his wide and curious eyes looking up at you
his tiny blue crochet bucket hat is what captures your attention, the character of nemo sewed right in the middle
.... is it bad that you want his bucket hat for yourself
“water!!! :-)”
the toddler points excitedly at what’s beneath his feet, giving you a feeling that he’s such a happy kid
“that’s correct!! it’s water!!!” you coo back at him, “but let’s go back, alright? you can’t swim alone.”
you pick him up because he gives no sign of budging when you try to coax him out of the water by gently pulling on his shoulder
you’re pleasantly surprised when he doesn’t resist you carrying him, in fact, he even holds on to your arms and tilts his head curiously yet with no fear
taehyung has never ran faster in his life actually
within a second, there’s a panting man in front of you, his hands on his knees and ever so often raising his finger to give him a second
alright lol you’re giving him a second
the guy in question finally straightens his posture and you’re positive that you’ve never seen a man that’s this handsome in real life
taehyung’s equally as shocked to see such gorgeousness in front of him????
also his eyes immediately wandered and he pretends to have never seen your cleavage nor your curves in your wetsuit
he did not mean to sTARE!!!! maybe this is just a side effect of his lasik surgery <4
“is he your kid?”
you ask him sincerely, puttting your hand over your eyes as shade to see him better
“yeah, i’m his dad. sorry for troubling you, he’s at that age where he likes walking in stealth and forgets that he’s in a new environment!!!”
he outstretches his hands to take nabi from your arms but he tilts his head when you slightly angle your body farther from him
“are you sure?”
you squint your eyes and there’s an evidently playful and teasing smile on your face
taehyung actually laughs but decides to humor you, his heartbeat finally calming down
“of course!! nabi, smile at the pretty lady for appa, will you?”
nabi, who you made the decision to call nemo on your mind officially starting thirty seconds ago, smiles
he grins so hard and it resembles the boxy smile that his dad is now sporting at the same time, their uncanny resemblance deepening even further
“okay,” you hum contently even if you already believed him from the start, “pretty lady believes that you’re little nemo’s dad.”
well aren’t you a cute one
“that would be marlin, although it sounds pretty ancient.”
the two of you (excluding nabi) are cLUELESS to the mini audience aka tae’s friends who all had mini heart attacks when they didn’t see nabi in their canopy awhile ago
they’re trying to OHHHHHHHH to themselves because wow that is smooth
jimin was about to pat tae’s back but he’s held back because they all forgot that they were not supposed to even be present at this situation
“i’m taehyung, nabi’s dad.”
he holds out his hand — his thick, veiny, muscular-looking hand for you to shake and he doesn’t miss the way you look at it a second longer
“i’m y/n, pretty lady.”
you shake his hand and you don’t miss the way taehyung presses his tongue to his cheek, eyes not-so-smoothly looking at you from top to bottom
his son particularly doesn’t like being excluded which is why he puts his hand on top of the both of yours :-)
“i’m nabi!!!!!!”
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Can you imagine sir though seeing you the other day? A hungover mess after your night out, throwing up and In general a loud mess. God he'd be so disgusted? To him this is just proof you can't make good decisions on your own?
So imagine while your regretting life and hugging the toilet he's just comes over, (the doors locked but that isn't an obstacle for him, of course it isn't) and he's not saying a word even though your blabbering out apologies and excuses dispite talking too loudly hurts your head hurt even more. Then he just crouches down and while he's got that disappointed frown on his face, he just brushes some of your hair out of your face and holy shit, his fingers a cool and feel amazing on your forehead.
And just for a second you sigh and close your eyes, and you don't even fully recognize the pinch in your neck for what it is at first; he's shoved a needle into the side of your neck and shit your barely able to make any sort of fuss before your passed out in the bathroom with him waiting patiently for you to fully loose consciousness.
And you wake up in a room that feels too new and sterile, and the drug takes a while to wear off so your not even aware of this being *wrong* it's just weird. Your not even fully aware of your situation until Sir comes in and he just. Starts talking. Telling you something about rules? You just grunt and try to bury your face in the pillows before he sighs and gives up, but the deadbolt clicking in place is kind of a shock.
You later come to find out he's just decided since you can't take care of yourself, or make good decisions like an adult, he's just taking away the entire option from you. Since it was so sudden (really, he should have at least had more preparation in place before he took you) there's no room to call your own yet, he's having one specifically outfitted for the ultimate prison and daycare at the dlsame time, so you've been chained to his bed.
And really if he's the only one around here making the decisions, he needs to be well rested; so what if your also chained there? At least he'll have some eye candy for his efforts (and you woke up more that once you those cool fingers groping your chest).
So now you get to be basement wifey for Sir, if he ever really lets you out of his bed....
Ajaksjs whew anon are you trying to give me a heart attack? Because that sure as hell worked, holy fuck 💕 Goodness I- I- aaaa you don't know how often I've thought about this and exactly about what you said: that it's proof you can't live on your own. Aaah, he'd be so disgusted 😫💕 Please please please baby me in the meanest way because I can't take care of myself 🥺👉👈 ajjsjs the biggest kith for you rn, i hope you can feel it!!
tw.alcohol, vomit, kidnapping
You can't be a responsible drinker and stick to just a few drinks, can you? You just have to poison yourself until you can't even walk straight, hm? Irresponsible and childish is what you are. He can't believe he picked someone like that to work for him.
And pray tell, how does he know all of this? Why is he in your apartment in the first place? Because you just had to text him nonsense at 4am and probably promptly forgot that you sent a message to your boss like the stupid little barfly you are. Oh, he knows what you're doing on your days off, how can he not? You practically boast about it in the agency, so proud of your own immaturity.
God, he's sick of it. And the message is the last straw. You've never texted him before in your drunken stupor, a mess of typos and emojis. It looks like you wanted to tell him something about how much you love working under him, coupled with a dozen hearts and smileys- which is benign but enough to finally come talk to you about it. To wipe that stupid, boozy smile off your face and discipline you (and maybe, just maybe he's done with you and your drunken escapades, especially when you tell Awata all about it in hushed whispers that suddenly stop whenever he enters the room. But he knows exactly what you're doing and who you're doing it with, there is no fooling him).
And when he sees the state you're in, he's appalled.
You're a crying, retching mess, already dry-heaving from all the puking you've done, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. And by god, you smell. Like alcohol and cigarettes and vomit- it's repulsive.
You're so woozy you don't even question how he got into your apartment in the first place, you just look at him with big, wet eyes, the picture of misery. He finally has enough.
It's sloppier than he'd like it to be, but you're out cold in no time. He gets you home, still kind of fuming about your state while also being relieved you're finally with him- that you finally won't be able to be so irresponsible with your own body anymore. And how can he deny himself touching you a little? He's waited for so long and you're sleeping so soundly- he has to clean you up anyway, doesn't he?
You may not like your new life at first but he knows how to break you in - especially after he's done punishing you for that night alone.
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day 2: Mystery
Day two has come for the celebration of one of the best furry OTP’s ever~. @gojira007 ‘s celebration blog @boundforfreedomsonsal of Sonic and Sally continues and here’s my second entry. Enjoy all~
Sonsally Week, Year Three!!
Day 02: Mystery
Foreword: This episode is still set in the Archie-Verse depicted in my fics of last year and day one’s story. This one is set some years after the fall of Eggman, when peaceful times finally settled on Mobius for the first time in ages. Of course, peace doesn’t always equate to ‘easy’, especially when babysitting two spirited scamps.
“Sonia, Manic- WHERE THE FREAKING BLEEP ARE YOU?!!” Shouted an irate, and clearly frustrated blue hedgehog as his right eye twitched something horribly. Standing in the town-square of the rebuilt Knothole Village, his gaze shifting back and forth from the trees, and the various huts of the quiet village. While mostly destroyed during one of Dr. Eggman’s devastating attacks; the entire village was rebuilt as it was during the war era of fighting the original Robotnik. With a few Eggman era buildings kept, and one or two new additions. Knothole was mainly a tribute to the village that sheltered the survivors of the fall of the original Mobotropolis, and became home of the resistance that would become the Freedom Fighters. Mostly a standing all-may-come museum to pay homage to the place that started as a Royal Retreat/shelter, but became so much more. A few of the huts were still livable, home away from home for certain members of the Freedom Fighters who occasionally would return to Knothole with their families to celebrate and remember those days.
Today, it was host to a game of hide and seek, giving the two instigators of the game a plethora of hiding places. One that was driving the elder brother of Sonia and Manic Hedgehog, one Sonic the Hedgehog, former hero of Mobius, crazy!
After tapping his foot rapidly for a scant few seconds, Sonic cupped his hands together again and shouted as loudly as he could manage. “MANIC! SONIA! FOR BLEEPING FRACK’S SAKE YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTTS OUT WHERE I CAN SEE EM’! AIN’T FUNNY NO MORE!” It really wasn’t, Sonic nor his lovely wife, had agreed to hide and seek, but his two younger siblings opted to begin a game without anyone’s consent.
A voice soon called to him, followed by familiar footsteps. “Is there a reason you’re using frack and bleep? Is that a new sibling code of some sort Sonic?”
Speaking of lovely wife’s, there she was. Turning to face his wife, Sonic shrugged with a sheepish expression. “It was censor myself or risk using words I don’t think Mom nor Dad would care for two nine-year-olds to repeat.”
“That is probably for the best.” Agreed Sally, with a tired sigh as a hand went to her rounded stomach. She wasn’t far enough along in her own pregnancy; her movements were not hampered; but the extra weight of the two passengers in her belly was sapping her energy. “Whew, I’ve just been walking but I feel ready to kick back.”
Concerned, Sonic walked over and touched her shoulder. “All the more reason I’m not too happy they started this ‘game’ when I made it clear you can’t be as play-happy as usual because you’re pregnant.”
Shaking her head, Sally reached over to place her hand over his, giving an assuring squeeze as she managed a smile. “They’re just kids, it’s alright Sonic. They probably just want to get some last playtime with us before I’m truly an invalid.”
Sonic had to admit she had a point but his ire was not fully dissolved. “Maybe, but this is still too much. Even Mom n’ Dad told em’ to not get carried away.”
Smirking, Sally lifted an eyebrow as she glanced at her husband. “Sonic, they’re ‘your’ siblings. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There seems to be an innate sass-o-meter in your family. Pushing buttons seems to be something of a religious doctrine.”
Opening his mouth to counter, Sonic slowly shut it, frowning deeply. “... Fair nuff, but I still say you’ve rubbed off on them if we’re going for sass influence.”
“ME?!” Sputtered Sally, an incredulous frown, forming over her face. Beautiful blue, eyes narrowing almost dangerously. “How pray tell, do I count as a bad influence toward Manic or Sonia?”
Smirking widely as he got her goat, Sonic yanked the chain more, counting off with his fingers. “Well again, you’re the Queen of Sass and not just the Kingdom. When you gotta be right, you will argue til’ the cows come home. Plus you’re good at being playful when you want something, Manny’s baby-of-the-family routine is killer thanks to watching you. N’ Sonia’s all about emulating her Sis-in-law’s fancy mannerisms, and silver tongue. Just the other day she was in trouble and convinced Mom to let her off the hook light with a buncha big words she got from you.”
Almost mirroring Sonic, Sally opened her mouth, then closed it as she thought better of it. “...Touche’, but that doesn’t excuse the bad habits you’ve given them love-of-my-life.”
Laughing, Sonic gave her a big, if careful hug. Letting her have that one as, one it was true, and two, he knew jerking her around too much with hormones a-flame was a bad idea. “Of course, of course, but they also picked up on my coolness factor.”
“Truly…” Replied Sally in a dull, drawl that spoke volumes of how little she believed that. “I just hope our own bundles give us something of a break compared to these two. I can see why your parents are all-too-eager for us to babysit when we can.”
“Knowing us, they’ll drive us insane cuz they’ll be just like us in ways, but we’ll love em’ anyway.” Sonic mused, placing a hand to her belly and leaning in to kiss her gently. Sighing in a content manner, Sally melted into the kiss and hug, feeling a bit of the weight of impending motherhood ease off her shoulders to a degree.
Almost as if on cue, a duo of childish voices are heard uttering, “Eeeew gross!”
Instantly, both Sally and Sonic broke the kiss, angled their heads upward, and pointed as they both cried out in triumphant unison. “AH-HA! THERE YOU TWO SCAMPS ARE!”
“Aw crude!” Muttered Manic, as he and his sister clung to one of the large tree branches, quite a ways up that was connected to one of the tree house type huts.
“Well we gave them the ghost for a good twenty-minutes I’d say we won.” Stated Sonia in a rather faux-haughty manner. The more purple-blue of the two, whipped back her-pink hair? Wait, Sonia was blonde! Plus some of her fur looked more magenta-purple now?
In fact, why was Manic’s fur and quills more of a green-ish tinge than the light-blue they should be? Not to mention that punk-esque quill style... Eyes narrowing, Sonic let go of Sally, zipped into the hollowed out large tree with a hut built around the base. With the same speed, he charged up the ladder within the hollowed out tree, allowing him to come out at the point where the tree-house hut was, and lean out where the landing gave way to a natural, thick tree branch. 
“Oh no, you two did not!”
Putting on the best coy, innocent face he could, Manic twiddled his fingers together in a playful manner. “What’re you talking about Big-Bro?”
“Seriously Sonic, you need to use clear, concise words.” Snickered Sonia.
“You both dyed your hair and fur!” Sonic pointed between each sibling. “Mom’s gonna have kittens!” Growled their elder brother as his mind swam with images of a none-too-pleased Bernadette Hedgehog glaring at her son and daughter-in-law.
Arms crossed, Sally tapped her foot, in a manner not unlike her husband. “You two sneaks lost us to go and do the dye-jobs yourself didn’t you?”
“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe.” Both twins chorused.
Sighing Sally frowned more. “Manic, Sonia, you do realize your Mother and Father are going to tan the crap out of your hides. They both told you, neither of you could have such radical dye jobs until you were fifteen, thirteen at the earliest if you both proved responsible enough! Plus, Manic, sweetie, why are you intent on making yourself look like Scourge?!”
“Hey!” Manic cried indignantly, a pout forming on his lips. “I just like the color, it’s not my fault Sonic’s scrub of a doppelganger had the same color-job! It screams ‘me’! Plus I don’t have sharp teeth or those evil eyes like he does, plus my quills are cooler lookin!”
“I’ll give you that li’ bro, on the being cooler looking thing, but dam-er dang it!” Sonic grabbed his own head-quills, mussing them up some in frustration. “Urgh Mom n’ Dad ain’t gonna let us watch you two ever again if you pull crap like this again!”
“He’s right.” Sighed Sally, rather dramatically. “We’ll be seen as so irresponsible they will forbid us from ever seeing you again!” She put a hand to her heart, and the other against her head. Truly, piling on the dramatic flair. “They may even question if we’re fit to be parents ourselves and have our babies taken from us.”
While Sonia rolled her eyes, Manic’s went wide as panic took over his earlier nonchalant attitude. “R-really?! We don’t want that!”
“Manny, bro she’s trying to guilt us!”
“Well it’s working! I didn’t wanna get them in that deep of trouble!”
“Manic she’s the QUEEN!! Mom and Dad can’t do jack to her!” His (slighty) older twin argued, seeing her partner-in-crime was about to fold.
“Wanna bet?” Sonic crossed his arms, smirking fully as he saw the sliver of doubt in the two’s eyes. “Mom can be scary when she wants and Dad, Dad is aaaaaaaaaall about the ‘subtle, quiet big stick’ kind of approach.”
Now even Sonia was doubting if they’d gone too far, especially as it pertained to how much trouble this might land her and Manic. Maybe she underestimated her ability to talk her way out of trouble. “M-Maaaybe we got a little carried away?”
“You sure did you two scamps, now if you come with me down the tree, we might ‘might’ convince Mom and Dad to let you both stay the night, and we can wash out the dyes and treat your fur so they never notice.”
Nodding as they both climbed fast, but still safely across the branch to Sonic. The two younger hedgehogs cling onto his legs. “We give, we give!!”
“Smart choice!” Laughed Sally from the ground, smiling at the won tag-team victory of talking the kids into doing their bidding. “If you two behave onward, there might be my special ice cream sundaes after supper.”
Maybe handling kids wouldn’t be so hard after all? Sally thought before speaking aloud to them. “Cross my heart!”
“N’ you know Sal’s promises are good as gold.” Quipped Sonic as he guided the two once they stood up towards the ladder down to ground level. “Also, expect to help do some chores as further punishment for this stunt.”
“What?! Oh come on big brother-!”
“Nope, nada, don’t even try to talk me down Sonia!” Sonic cut her off as he coaxed first Manic, then Sonia to climb down the ladder. “Sal’s gotta take it easy and I need help doing this and that.”
“But you guys got a staff at the castle to do stuff!” Pipped Manic, his voice echoing through the hollow tree.
“It keeps us honest to do our own chores.” Quipped Sonic, watching them both get halfway before he started down the ladder himself. “Plus if you want us to keep quiet about the dye-thing-.”
“Oh fine!” Both younger hedgehogs huffed, giving up arguing.
“Being a big brother has its perks.” Chuckled Sonic to himself as he made his way down. Maybe in a few years, Sally and he could return the favor and foist their own kids on Manic and Sonia to babysit. Oh the payback will be sweet!
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Can I get a fuckin uhhhhhh CommanderVideo moveset
(Dear Anon who requested this, I’m sorry I ignored this for so long, you really threw me a curveball and I struggled for so long on how I would even go about a fighter like this since I never really gave his games much thought before. However, upon doing research, I came to respect what these games have done for the Indie scene by being so bold with its aesthetic sense, and gaining so much attention with so much simple gameplay. I hope that my interpretation of what CV would be like in Smash does him justice. ...I swear to God, if CV is announced for real in Smash at E3 this year, I’m gonna shit an entire house. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this if you haven’t given up. -With love, Tsuki-Sennin.)
BIT.TRIP Presents... Gensou Dairantou Smash Bros.! Now Featuring CommanderVideo! (The Mysterious Voxel Hero Beyond Time)
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(His appearance in this game would likely be a combination of his looks in BIT.TRIP Runner and Super Meat Boy.) Overview: The mysterious, psychedelic hero known as CommanderVideo. His appearance is simple, reminiscent of a long past and especially primitive era of games played on wooded consoles with only one joystick and button per controller. His past, on the other hand, is quite complicated. Enduring a journey of hardship and growth stretching from his youth in the brilliantly inventive BIT.TRIP BEAT all the way to his passing on in BIT.TRIP FLUX, CV took the Indie world by storm with challenging Atari-inspired rhythm and high-speed running games recognized by the Big N themselves, to the point where he was immortalized as a trophy in Smash 4! His hobbies likely include racquetball, jogging, and music. Much like Mr. Game and Watch, he’s a wafer-thin sprite acting in a three-dimensional space, which makes for a fascinating opponent to watch in battle. Get all those unfunny Among Us memes out of you at the door, then strap in for a... challenging, to say the least, concept fighter. As the battle goes on, he can accumulate lightning speeds and incredible attacking power from his MODEs, but be careful. Even a small misstep can cost you dearly with a hitbox as big as he is. He is only a man, but he is not alone. He is ready. Don’t lose your beat!
Intro Animation: CV popping out of the ground and running forward like he does in Runner, before slowing down.
Gimmick: MODEs are the mark of how well you’re doing in any given BIT.TRIP title, and as such it’d be carried over here. Landing multiple special attacks without getting hit will cause CV to MODE-Up from HYPER to MEGA, represented by him getting a Pink Core just above his fighter icon at the bottom of the screen and him gaining his signature technicolor trail behind him as he runs. That means the power of his attacks, and his movement speed will increase with each mode increase. Getting hit too many times will cause you to MODE-Down, which’ll naturally bring you back to normal. Screwing up too many times, however, will cause you to fall to NETHER MODE, and your attacks will do pitiful damage and slow your movement and non-special attacks to a snail’s pace until you get yourself together. However, you do gain a slight boost to your knockback resistance and overall damage is reduced, so you won’t get so severely punished for relatively minor damage. Fans of the Pokémon Archeops such as myself are no doubt jealous. If you can chain together massive combos however, you will be delighted by the speed and intensity of your attacks... but don’t run off the stage now, will you? If you get hit once in EXTRA or above, you’ll MODE-Down.
To put it simply, if NETHER’s speed is equal to Robin, then EXTRA and above are among the highest speed in the game. Got all that? Good, here’s an easy chart. NETHER <- (HYPER) -> MEGA -> SUPER -> ULTRA -> EXTRA -> GIGA -> META
Whew... Now let’s talk Specials. I uh... can’t really think about what kind of standard attacks or tilts our good Commander would have aside from some fairly standard stuff like uh... kicks, maybe reflecting beats into the opponents. His aerials would likely just be more of the same too.
His Dash Attack lets him run into the opponent with the Paddle acting as a shield like it does in Runner. And he’s got a fairly standard but strong slide attack for his Down Tilt!
However, his Smash attacks allow him to fire high-powered lasers. Just like the kind he uses in FATE. And they come with cameos too!
Up Smash: Junior Melchkin Shot. Fires thin lasers into the air only slightly stronger than CV’s Beat anti-air Up Tilt. However, the signal from his antenna also doubles as an attack, so you have two hitboxes to work with! Probably the attack you’ll get the least use out of, but hey!
Side Smash: Mr. Robotube Shot. Fires two streams of bullets in a sine wavelike pattern. It’s super strong and easily pierces through walls and opponents with ease.
Down Smash: CommandgirlVideo Shot. A pair of conical triple spread shots, each facing away from each other. This is a sweeping move that can easily knock a lightweight opponent off their feet. You can tell she’s a girl because she’s pink-ish... and in some games, happens to have boobies. Refreshingly, she’s not a love interest, so I appreciate that at least.
Neutral B: The Red Core. Unlike the Paddle, which is purely for defensive counters, the Red Core allows CV to destroy projectiles and attack with lasers! The Red Core’s lasers can nullify lesser projectiles, and it also has a lot of extra power.
Side B: The Paddle. A nameless icon from the ancient 8-bit era of gaming, the Paddle was a stalwart object of protection for the developing CV in his debut to the world, even guiding him to the afterlife in FLUX. It’s mostly for reflecting Beats, but in Smash it can reflect damn near any projectile that comes its way. It can also be maneuvered up and down by distance equivalent to CV’s height. However, it can be slashed or punched right through, so be careful.
Up B: Spring. CV bounces up on a spring straight out of Runner, going for a pretty high distance. Unlike Sonic’s Spring Jump, CV’s Spring remains in place no matter where on the screen he uses, but causes almost double the damage.
Down B: The Void. The namesake of VOID, in which you absorb black Beats while knocking away white ones. Here in Smash, it functions identically to Ness and Lucas’s PSI Magnet, although the recovery rate only half and the range is somewhat wider. It also does rather small damage.
Bomb: Beat-Clearing Bomb. This is a feature in CORE that allows you to remove Beats from the screen.
Final Smash: BIT.TRIP. CV calls upon the Paddle to slam down on up to three opponents, doing large starting damage
The opponents are taken through a montage of CV’s life, amping up from HYPER in BEAT all the way to META in FLUX as they are pelted by an onslaught of Beats doing chip damage from the games’ various playable entities, and guest attacks from fan-favorite characters like Mr. Robotube and CommandgirlVideo, before finally being reflected by an enormous version of the Paddle in FLUX, doing major knockback.
Victory Screens:
-CV and CommandgirlVideo grilling up a pair of sausages.
-CV posing alongside his Trophy from Smash 4 before jumping over it and looping around the screen.
-CV suddenly transforms into his 3D incarnation from Runner3, then runs around on screen.
Naturally, CV comes with all of his series’ absolute BANGER of an OST, so no need to worry about that.
Uhh... some of my favorites are Descent from BEAT, Exploration from CORE, Super-Ego from VOID, and Triumph from RUNNER.
Enjoy these tracks in the meantime, because I gotta get ready for E3 and plan this silly project of mine accordingly. Thank you for your time!
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sagessoftwings · 3 years
Thank you for answering those questions hun! I appreciate it sm!
Can I request a matchup for haikyuu, demon slayer, bnha, and jjk? Male preference but women ARE SO GOOD TOO!
I am a 5 foot girl but I use any/all pronouns. I have short black hair with an undercut. I’m more on the chubby side, and like c h u b b y. I have some pretty visible tan lines as well Bc of swim team things. I’m Mexican-American as well if that helps anything. I’m lesbian/bi romantic and polyamorous! My zodiac is a Taurus and I’m an istp if that matters!
I’m a pretty laid back but very chaotic person according to my friends. I come off as very aggressive when you first meet me tho. I would lay down my fucking life for my friends and argue with anyone who has hurt them. But when it’s needed, I can be the group therapist and let everyone vent. I’m a burnt out gifted kid who was held to a high standard by my parents. If any of this matters, and you know what it is, let’s just say my heavy and hard kins are;; oikawa, Bakugo, inosuke, rengouku, twice, atsumu, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, and monoma. I have some pretty heavy and hard trust issues but with some time, I will NOT leave your side. I do have some attachment and abandonment issues too.
I like to write a lot! Music is also a really big thing with me, I listen to some heavy rap and rock, but if I like the song I’ll add it to my playlist anyways. I really like nature as well. I’m a practicing (?) witch who works with a deity. I’m a HUGE dog person and will literally cry if a dog sat next to me.
I am however afraid of the dark. And sometimes I tend to let my mind wander and create scary and sort of inhuman people. I also hate needles and vaccines and shit. (No I AINT no anti-vaxer)
I really hope that this isn’t too much! Or a lot of unnecessary information is there as well. Thank you so much!! <3
Hi my lovely!! I ship you with Toru Oikawa!!
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He doesn't know if it’s that you remind him of Iwa or if he just can’t get enough of you but he’s hooked
Hoe no mo
Literally rejects girls now like in front of you and then will pull you forward and be like “this is y/n and she takes care of me now!”
His nephew loves you so much and Oikawa hates it
Very jealous
He loves his thicc baby whew!
He literally will pull you onto him and he doesn’t want that “I’m too heavy!” bs
Won’t hesitate to pick you up when he wants cuddle time
Brings Hanamaki, Iwa and Matsukawa to your swim meets and will embarrass you
Has a t-shirt with your face on it and a fan for when swim meets are outside
He will scream “THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BOZOS” to the other team if he even hears an ill intent word
There have been instances where iwa and matsukawa had to take him outside
Vents to you all the time
Oikawa is joined at your hip all the time love, he ain’t goin nowhere anytime soon
Will come into the bathroom if your showering, peeing, pooping it does not matter
The bathroom meetups are your tea time about his team
Whenever you tell him about the weird creatures you come up with, he’ll give you the death stare and say “don’t say that shit babe-” and then pull you close because he’s Oikawa
For Demon Slayer I ship you with Kyojuro Rengoku!!
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Will do everything in his power to keep you safe
Introduces you to his brother and he just adores you
Rengoku always reassures you when you most need and will not fail to attack you with many loving kisses
Loves the days when he doesn’t have much to do so you two can just laiz around
He loves your body, kisses you everywhere to assure you that you are always enough and absolutely perfect in his eyes
Tengen also adores you, you make Rengoku so happy! Plus he likes how chaotic you can be
You and Tengen have friendship bracelets, change my mind
Rengoku always keeps a candle on when you two sleep as a little night light for you
Will ask you to make charms or little crystal chains for his sword
For Mha I ship you with Twice!
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He cannot control himself when near you but has nothing but nice things to say
Very loving with you and is totally your jam out buddy
He loves your hair as well, but have you ever thought of dying it? He soooo wants nothing more than to help
The biggest teddy bear oh my god
You two will own many puppy children don't you worry
Twice is very clingy though, if you need space you will have to tell him
He respects your wishes but craves your physical touch
For jjk I ship you with Satoru Gojo
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One again, hoe no mo
You are more than enough for him
Always looks forward to coming home to you
Will ask you to provide him and the kids with crystals because he thinks it’s so cool
The students love you and are constantly over but Yuji loves you the most
Gojo never fails to make you laugh, it’s what he loves most
It just makes his life so much easier
But you won’t be going anywhere once he finally has his alone time with you
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ask-anti-cosmo · 3 years
Anti-Cosmo X reader: Royalty isn't everything
You were the princess of a fine kingdom. It was just you and your father, but he got you everything you wanted. Almost at least. You had been reading fantasy stories and myths and wanted things not possibly made by man. So one day, you demanded a slave who could do magic to grant your wishes. A witch, wizard, whatever it would take.
Your father was startled by this request, but he sent men out in search for a being that could grant you your teenage desires.
About a week or two later, just when you were just about tired of waiting, two guards came into the throne room, carrying a chain. In-between them, wrapped up by the chain, they dragged a short-ish being, wearing a blue coat, and a bag on his head.
You frowned at them, wondering what they were doing and who the man was. You hopped off your throne and came closer.
“And what is this?” You asked them expectantly.
“Y-your majesty, we bring a magical creature, he claims to be able to grant wishes, b-but…”
“Why is his face covered?” You demanded.
“W-with all due respect m’lady, this being is tricky and…well there used to be three of us. He’s very very dangerous! Maybe we should-”
He paused when hearing a snickering voice as the bag on the being’s head shook slightly. The two guards recoiled from him but tightened their grip on him.
“How did you find him?” You asked.
“You’ll never believe it, but…he appeared as soon as a cursed black cat cross us. H-he said our misfortune…drew him to us…”
“And what makes you believe he can grant wishes?” You demanded. “What is his proof?”
“T-two things actually, m’lady…” One of the men pointed to the blue man’s back. You walked around him curiously before receiving a shock. This man had black bat wing pinned to his back by the chains, preventing him from flying.
“And…the second thing?” You asked, wondering what else this man could have.
The other guard swallowed before carefully taking off a bag from his belt before tossing it to your feet.
“What is that?” You asked, unimpressed.
“My wand, my dear.”
You flinched from the sudden unrecognized voice. The two guards whimpered in fear, making you wonder. You approached the short blue man and grabbed the bag off his head.
He had his head lowered, but you could see his short messy midnight blue hair perfectly. He had a round glass piece in front of his right eye, and to your great shock, his skin was a perfect blue.
You stared in wonder for a minute before jumping back in fright as his head lifted and his piercing green eyes opened. His mouth set to a wicked grin, showing long sharp top teeth, like in the stories of Vampires.
“Oh good heavens…” You whispered.
He snickered softly. “I hear a child has been wanting wishes. A royal child.” He did a slight mock bow to you, in which one of the guards kicked his back, making him fall to his knees.
“You will respect her!” He demanded.
“Oh I plan to…” He grunted from pain. “But I cannot grant wishes like this…”
“We’re not letting you go devil!”
“I do not plan to run or attack.” He said calmly. “I love to grant children their wishes, it makes me happy to see them happy.”
“Can you really grant my wishes?” You asked suspiciously.
His grin got wider. “Of course I can my dear, I am an Anti-Fae, the opposite of those little trouble makers that play pranks instead of helping mankind.”
“Hmm. What is your name, Anti-Fae?”
“Why, I am Anti-Cosmo I can also go by AC if my name annoys you.” He said pleasantly.
“If you can do what you say you can, then grant me a wish.” You demanded.
“I would love to but-” He coughed. “I don’t breathe well like this, and there is the simple fact that…well, my source of power is in my wand.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and picked up the bag from the floor, taking out the black star on a stick inside. The guards murmured in fear, but the Anti-Fae only grinned more.
“Release him.” You told the guards.
“B-but your majesty, he-”
“NOW.” You glared at them, so they both dropped the chains, backing up quickly.
Anti-Cosmo stood up and shook the chains off. His black wings spread in a stretch and his arms as well.
He then gracefully bowed to you. “My lady, My child, my master.” He said, making you blush slightly.
He held out his hand politely. “May I…?” He asked.
You looked at the black wand in hand and hesitated before handing it to him. With that done, the guards both made a run to the door.
He took the wand and bowed again. “Make a wish my dear, I can do nothing without your words.”
You thought a second before saying. “I wish those guards were chickens.”
“Yes, my princess.” He grinned and waved his wand, making the two who ran to the door shrink down and gain feathers, becoming chickens.
You laughed and ran to them to see if it was an illusion or real. “Could it be…?” You asked, giving one of the chickens a slight boot. “You really did it!”
“Of course m’lady, I can do almost anything you wish of me.” He nodded with a bow. “But…I hope you do realize, that with such things, a price is to be expected.”
“Yes yes of course, my father will pay you what you want.”
He gave a soft chuckle. “Oh, you see, I need it from you actually. I can only receive payment from the wishmaker.”
“Oh…okay then I’ll give you your payments myself.” You nodded.
“Wonderful.” He grinned. “With proper payment each time, you may have as many things as you wish. Now then, what else do you desire?”
“Come to my room, I have books full!” You grinned and took his hand, pulling him to your room.
You wished for many things, like mythical pets and strange sounding food from other countries. Then, you thought of the best wish.
“I wish to fly!” You told him eagerly.
“I don’t even need my wand to grant that one.” He laughed and picked you up. He ran to the window, your heart pounding as his wings unfurled.
He leaped, and for a minute or two you glided through the sky. You gasped in wonder and amazement at all the sights, smells and sounds. He looked at you with a pleased expression and you two flew until twilight.
He landed outside of the castle, in a lovely open field where some cattle grazed.
Your feet touched the ground and you placed your hands on your still fast-beating heart. “Oh Anti-Cosmo, that was simply wonderful! It’s better than I imagined!”
“I am glad you think so.” He smiled and sat down. “Now…about that payment…”
“Oh yes of course! If we go back to the castle I can get gold and-”
He laughed, interrupting you.
“What is so funny?” You asked, feeling irritated on being interrupted.
“Whatever would I do with gold?” He laughed and used magic to make gold appear briefly before making go away again. “What good does it do me if I can make it myself?”
“Oh…well then, what is it you need for payment…?” You asked, now feeling uncomfortable.
“Oh nothing you’ll miss, promise.” He said and held a hand out to you.
You swallowed quietly and sat down next to him. “Um…l-listen, if it’s marriage…”
“No no, nothing like that.” He assured.
“Oh whew…” You sighed. “Then, what do you want?”
He took your hand felt up your arm. “Your crimson flowing life force.” He grinned, making you flinch and try to pull away. “Oh but where are you going? I thought we had a deal? And I simply do not have the energy to grant you any more wishes unless I receive my payment now!”
“N-no! my royal blood is blessed, and you can’t just-”
“Do you mean to break our deal?” He glared, his whole demeanor changing to a menacing terror.
“N-no of course not, b-but, do you mean to kill me??” You asked worriedly.
“Now why would I kill my lovely food supply?” He asked, suddenly cheerful again. “That would be foolish. Now please my dear, relax. Of course if you struggle any longer, I’d have to take it by force, which is fine and even pleasurable for me, but certainly not for you.”
Your body quivered with fear, but you nodded at last. “A-all right, take it quickly.” You whimpered. You thought he would just take from your hand, but he yanked you closer and bit your neck, making you cry out in surprise.
“T-that hurts!” You told him, but he didn’t seem to listen. You heard him start to drink and could do nothing to stop him.
He finally pulled away, licking his bloody fangs. “Mmm, delicious~”
“How could you say something so abhorrently disgusting?” you cried softly.
“Oh give yourself some credit dear, your royal blood is wonderful! With your good diet and all~”
“I-I want you to go away and never return! I don’t want your wishes, I…”
“Oh, oh my dear…” He sighed with a grin. “Don’t you get it? Now that you’ve used me before your life will be plagued with misfortune. You can’t afford to rid of me. You need me now. I am your treatment, your drug, your addiction.”
“N…no I don’t need you! I won’t need you!” You insisted but he shushed you gently, before pointing to the castle. To your horror, there was fire everywhere. It being stone, it only burned the belongings, and the people.
“Oops, must have been that dragon you wished up.” Anti-Cosmo giggled. “Even little ones can be such trouble. Now, what was that about not needing me again?”
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delicrieux · 4 years
Hello! May I have a one-shot with Kylo being injured and reader, who is part of the resistance, finds him and takes care of him? Thanks!
idk how this turned out to be 5k words but WHEW i mean if ppl want me to continue it im down so send in sum request of wat u think should happen!! xoxo gossip girl
requests are open! | masterlist | part 2.
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Fear. The kind that makes it hard to breathe as if you are kept underwater; the kind that makes your muscles clench and freeze as all senses flow out one by one. Today had been almost too typical — you woke up, you trained, you talked to your comrades and learned battle strategy — and you were certain your evening walk would be just as uneventful. The breeze in your hair was playful; the setting sun provided warm light and set your surroundings in a pleasant, rosy glow. You like the fresh air; you like exploring; you like the freedom that comes with being alone in wilderness. And in turn, it serves as a reminder for why you are fighting in the first place. To preserve this peace, this freedom, that now has been tarnished when you stumble upon a body.
For a heartbeat you think he’s dead — his expression is lifeless and his face, pale as first snow, is bruised, covered in soot and dried blood. Willing your legs to move, you approach cautiously, not breathing, afraid to break the shrill, sudden silence — no birdsong, no wails of wind passing through trees… nothing. Life had, at that moment, stilled completely. But as you draw closer, grass crunching under your feet softly, you intake a breath of both relief and surprise. Dark locks of hair spray on his forehead and obscure the minuscule knit of his brows, his trembling lashes. He’s alive. The thought consumes you and you fall to your knees, skidding beside him, pushing his hair from his face and landing your palm on his forehead.
It’s awfully cold. Chilling. Almost biting at your sensitive flesh, urging you to pull away. It rolls in waves, this sudden cold, sudden sickness, as if it is a virus that spreads and you have caught it with this minimal contact. But you don’t pull away, despite the near overwhelming urge to do so, despite the fear returning with a new blow. Instead you glide your fingers down his jaw and press on his neck, breaking into a small, crooked smile once you feel a slow drum against them. He is alive, but barely. You glance about him, looking around the area. Nothing out the ordinary, no branches broken, no bushes disturbed and no trails left on the grass. How he got here is a mystery that will have to be solved a different time.
You hope he will tell you once he wakes up, if he even wakes up at all.
That, and, his name, too.
Your base is small and tugged away in a dense jungle, the tall trees and heat warding from unwanted visitors — the First Order. The compartments are small; there are barely above a few dozen people here; it serves more as a safe haven for lost wanderers looking for a cause or shelter, or a backup base in case others were destroyed and the rebels had nowhere to go. It is far away enough from war. Everyone here is, to some extent, safe.
You had never been on the front lines. You had never faced a Storm Trooper, had never seen the Force at work — if there even is such a thing, speculations speculations, nothing consistent, merely gossip — and you had never seen a dead body. Perhaps that is why you froze up so terribly at the sight of him. Perhaps that’s why you felt as if a void opened within you, swallowing up the last shred of light, of life, and leaving you hollow.
You should get used to the sight, though. There will be many dead in battle.
He’s the only one occupying a bed in the Medical Wing and he hasn’t woken up for two days now. His vitals are stable — no internal bleeding, no disease detected, nothing out of place as it seemed. But he is lost in deep sleep, constantly dreaming about something that made him tremble and muss and toss and turn, but never wake. It is entirely bizarre how his state is simply there, caused by no injury, no blow, nothing. And the more you take care of him… the more questions you get.
You eat in the cafeteria, a vast enough, pale walled space occupied by few people during lunch time. Next to you sits a blue eyed, blonde haired cherubic woman – she serves as the doctor, the only doctor here. She smiles lightly at you when you catch her gaze. You had always wondered why her name is Vendetta. 
The amount of denizens is small here, so small in fact that the only ones serving under this branch is a rag tag team of scavengers, travelers, nobodies that had abandoned their old lives to fight in this war. Rebels, quite literally, with a cause. Many have taken new names. Vendetta, too, had a name before this, a life, a different purpose. Though her odd choice leads you to believe that what ever had happened to drive her here was painful and severe, deserving justice. In front of you sits a tall, bony, brown haired, brow eyed mechanic with a scar running down half of their face – Q. And beside them, July – you had never seen him smiling, had never heard his voice hold a tender note in it. He is always displeased. Always with a frown.
“Seven.” Vendetta calls you, noting your blank stare, the untouched food in your plate. Seven. You chose this because you were the seventh child in your family, and, subsequently, the seventh person to join the Resistance when this base first opened.
“She’s probably thinking about the stranger.” Q mutters, taking a sip, “His origins are…” They glance about, leaning in slightly, “ A hot topic, after all.”
“We get injured wanderers all the time.” Vendetta waves them off, “As if he’s any different.”
“I don’t think we should be so quick to dismiss him, V.” July grumbles, his voice low, the sound of crunching gravel. He sits with his arms crossed over his chest, observing the three of you with something akin to hostility, “You never know who may be working for the Order.”
“You can’t just assume that.” You pipe up, “He might just be another gambler dropped by the Floating Casino because he couldn’t pay his debts.”
“Or he might be a spy.” July stresses, glaring.
“No one knows there is a base here.” You continue, unrelenting, “Half the Resistance doesn’t know it exists, how can someone from the Order?”
“Still, I advice we exercise caution.” Q says calmly, a pleasant smile on their face — if anyone can defuse an argument before it starts, it’s them, “You never know what people are hiding, Seven.”
“Okay,” Vendetta chimes, “I will certainly not disclose this vital information when the man awakes from his comatose state. I shall make sure to confuse and frighten him further by chaining him to his bed.”
“Good.” July says.
“That is not what I had in mind, and you know it.” Q mutters, a tad disappointed, “I was thinking more along the lines of… An interview.”
“Too civil.” July mumbles, “I say we go with Vendetta’s idea.”
“That was not an idea,” She hisses, “it was sarcasm.”
“Fine, interview.” You submit, “Either way, I doubt anyone from the Order would not say they are from there. They are feared. Probably would think he has the upper hand, or something. Plus, our disguise is impeccable. We look like a research facility. Better yet, a shelter if no one wanders up to the main rooms.”
“I also sincerely doubt anyone, Order or not, is so good at lying first thing when they wake up.” Vendetta agrees.
July narrows his eyes at her, “That is an awfully naive observation to make.”
“Really now? It is a known fact that people half-asleep always tell the truth.”
Another hour of this and you feel drained and sore and with a mild headache. As much as their company has helped you, they can be a bit too eager to prove one another wrong. On most occasions you’d enjoy the chatter. Today, however, you feel too distracted to focus on anything. Q makes some good points, July argues, Vendetta and her biting comments pick at your skin. Always the blazing look in her eyes, always a certain gleam of anger hiding within her mellow, sweet tone. You excuse yourself when you finish your meal and they do not keep you from leaving. Perhaps they noticed you being out of it. Perhaps they were too caught up in their new topic – Lo and Chester’s sudden break up. 
It does not take you long to come to the Medical Wing. The door shuts with a silent sweep and your heart drops – the bed is empty. Before you can do much else strong arms wrap around you from behind. With a yelp you feel a hand squeeze your throat and your breath leaves you with a helpless whine, sparks flying in your vision. Your reflexes kick in before you can control them. In a panic, you elbow your attacker in the chest and the grip loosens a bit, enough to allow you to escape and put some distance. Inhaling mouthfuls of air, you turn to the man that had been sleeping since you found him in the wilderness.
You never quite realized how tall he is, or how angry he could be. He’s confused and you see fire in his eyes, a sneer on his face, and he stands unmoving, waiting for you to try something, anything, so that he could grab you and try to kill you again.
You raise your hands, palms up —a fragile, harmless motion to indicate you mean no harm. His guard is still up. He’s heaving and his shoulders are tense, his gaze not once leaving your form, “…Hi,” You wheeze, almost voiceless, “I’m not here to hurt you.” You indicate softly. Cold, again, as if thrown into a bottomless ocean; body heavy, like a stone. You gulp. “Are you alright?” You question gently, afraid to provoke him again. “You must be tired. You’ve been out for a while.”
“Where am I?” His voice is deep and scratchy and it seems to set him off. He trembles from anger, you can almost feel the steady build up of rage in his chest, ”Who are you?”
“I’m Seven.” You introduce, “I found you outside our base. Do you know how you got here?”
He takes a threatening step forward and your arms shoot higher, “I’m not your enemy.” You insist, “You are not a prisoner here. You were dying and I wanted to help you.”
He regards you for a silent moment as if unsure whether to believe you or not. However, you sense that he will not try to hurt you, for now at least. You give him a shaky smile, trying to ease him — you cannot imagine how frightening it is to awake in some room among strangers and not knowing where you are or what had happened. “Do you…know your name?” You continue your questions, your arms slowly falling by your sides. After another pause, he nods curtly, “Good. That’s good.” you step away from his bed, “Please, lie down. You’re still recovering. No shady business, I promise.”
You are a bit surprised that he listens, but you don’t show it. He’s cautious, regarding you as if you were some dangerous animal cornering him, and his walk is sluggish. You can tell it’s hard for him to move, but don’t say anything. You doubt it would do any good. He finally sits down and just stares at you. You try to smile again, “Do you know how you got here? It’s okay if you don’t.”
“How long have I been here for?” He asks instead.
“Two full days in the base.” You say calmly, “But out there?” You vaguely motion with your head to the outside world, “I don’t know.”
Your answer unnerves him. For the first time his frown falls and he stares at you with big eyes and a trembling lip, as if a lost child not knowing what to do. That expression warps suddenly and he looks away, his hands gripping the side of the bed so tightly his knuckles turn white. 
“Well, if there is…anything you need…” You start mildly, “You can call upon me. Or Vendetta. She’s the doctor here, so if you feel any pain or sickness, you should tell her. She’s sweet.” You smile, “And she will help. But right now, just try to rest…I’ll…leave you to it.”
You bolt past him to the door but– “You don’t know who I am, do you?”
You turn back to him, shaking your head lightly, “No. But it doesn’t matter. A lot of adventures come through here, lost and injured. You aren’t the first one. Now rest, please.”
He’s volatile, is what you learn upon the first days of his resurrection. His mood can change in a flip of a coin and he goes from placid to enraged in a blink of an eye. Tantrums, yelling — all signatures of a spoiled child not knowing what he has but simply wanting to break it. He’s nobility, or so your peers gossip. You hear snippets of all sorts of things, each more outrageous than the one before. The one that he is a prince kicked out of home for adultery seems to be the most popular one.
And he’s egotistical. He had not been, besides the attempted murder, that hostile and untamed towards you — the choking you told no one about as you concluded he simply felt threatened and scared. Though his other tantrums you are not so quick to chalk up as self-defense. Vendetta, exasperated, one evening told you that she somehow offended him — ”All I said is stop pouting because you need my help!” — and he, with a bruised ego, so high and mighty promptly jumped out of bed. Whatever he was trying to do backfired — perhaps he was trying to leave, or trying to grab something and to hit her with — but he slipped and fell and hit his head into the sharp corner of table. “And I said to him, oh I said: look what you’ve done now! Off to bed, quickly!” Vendetta finished bitterly, stabbing her fork idly into her food, possibly imagining his face there. His nose, much to V’s displeasure, was not broken, but an ugly gash and a dark bruise split his skin in half and he laid in bed sulking for at least a day.
As the week passed, he seemed to favor your company the most. It is not that he smiled and joked and laughed in your presence, and you were not exchanging secrets or hugging or even calling each other friends. He simply seemed to be more mellow around you, possibly because you oddly knew what to say and what to keep silent. It is as if you sensed the subtle shift of his moods; could read his expressions in a way no one could, perhaps no one tried. And you would come and visit him as often as you could when relieved of your duties — you felt responsible for him in a way, and you wondered if you would still feel this weight on your shoulders when he eventually left this place. After all it was you that had found him lying in the grass; it was you that had insisted to help him; and now, it is you that brings him food and tries to provide some comfort in a form of conversation. You don’t pry into his past, don’t even ask for his name, because you know he does not want to give it, and you won’t risk questioning in fear of another explosion of his temper. You talk about inconsequential things: what’s happening around the base, what sort of plants grow around here, what bugs could kill him before he took two steps. He especially enjoys hearing the rumors about him, even if he is too prideful to admit that they amuse him greatly.
“And what if I am?” He questions one evening, something akin to a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. His eyes, a kind hazel color that could be beautiful if not for the persistent angry spark within them that is now, seemingly, vacant, watch you closely.
You frown softly, “Are what?” You question, “A prince?” He nods. You snort, “Well then, your majesty, I shall make sure to inform the others. What will be your first decree?” 
He pretends to think, “No more slacking around.” He says sternly, “This is supposed to be a military base, isn’t it?” He ends on a cheeky note. You gulp. Ah, yes, you might have let it slip that he’s in one of the Resistance’s safe houses, though you did not disclose the coordinates.
“On a mission to make fun illegal, are you?” You ask with a raised brow. 
He frowns, “Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too!”
Childish, really, though you suppose it is better than arguing with July.
You feel it before you hear it— rain and thunder. The merciless patter on the roof and on your window. In night the sound is almost deafening — a loud roar of an engine, followed by cracks of lightning and flashes in the dark sky. You would have slept through it if not for the pins and needles washing your skin behind the warm sheets thrown on your body. You stir. Thunder roars and a flash of bright white light illuminates your room and seeps through the cracks of your lashes. Cold, again, as if standing in the middle of a storm.
You finally sit up, rubbing your face and then looking around to see if your friends are playing some sort of joke on you. You were almost certain they had dragged you outside and left you to get drenched. But you are alone in your room and you frown and shiver from the biting cold. Groggily you throw the sheets away and leave your bed, not entirely certain where you are going but there is a pull in your gut and half-asleep you follow it. You think you might still be dreaming —the rain on your dry skin feels real, though all dreams feel real until you awake. You leave the dormitories and take the elevator to the first floor. The base is silent, save for the shrill of machinery. Finally, still in your pajamas and almost fully awake, you step past the main entrance and stop.
It’s pouring, a curtain of rain obscuring the confusing contours of trees and leaves and bushes. The darkness does not help. A bleak light pulses to life once you pass the sensor and your surroundings illuminate. Thunder, lighting, more rain. You stand safe and dry under the roof, and he stands at the very edge of it, half soaking, his face kissed and washed by the rain.
You are not sure what to think. He seems lonely standing there surrounded by darkness and water. It’s whispers, or something akin to that, that urge and beseech that he does not want to be alone. You hear them somewhere in the back of your mind. If he noticed you, and he should have with the light suddenly on, he does not show it. You approach him slowly, your footsteps concealed over the heavy drum of rain.
“Not used to it, are you?” You ask, your voice followed by a bolt of thunder. He stirs, head tilting in your direction. Your heart skips a beat when your eyes meet — there is no hostility in them, no anger, just a distant sadness. You give him a soft smile, “I can tell you don’t see it often. I didn’t, either, at first. I grew up surrounded by deserts and I had not seen a drop of rain for at least eighteen years. But, here… Well, there’s no shortage of it. We have storms at least once a week. You’ll grow sick of it before you leave, trust me.”
He says nothing, still looking at you. The light sniffs out. Both of you stand unmoving.
“Why are you here?” He asks, a note of genuine confusion slipping past his calm tone.
“I… don’t know.” You admit. A frown pulls on your brows and you bite your lower lip, staring into the heavy curtain of rain, “I…I really don’t know.” You turn to him, “Why are you here?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, savoring the silence. Then, “I got bored laying in bed.” Somehow you feel that anxiety has more to do with his sudden nightly venture, rather than actual boredom. Though, you suppose it is quite tedious doing nothing all day. You imagine he is active, judging by his built. He has a strong character and he knows what he wants (most of the time), or rather has a distinct sense of what he doesn’t want. You imagine he’d be a good commander, or leader, with his deep voice and unrelenting stare, if only he wasn’t so sensitive. He’s too unpredictable. Too uncontrollable. His emotions get the better of him too quickly for him to be unbiased. For that reason alone you deem him unfit to be a spy, or a soldier, or a figure of military power. He’d burn all he would build if that were the case. No, him being of noble birth and being stranded here as some sort of twisted punishment sounds believable enough.
“What are you thinking?” He questions, drawing you out of your thoughts. You hum, ponder whether you should be honest with him or not. “Don’t lie to me.” He says suddenly and you jolt, heart drumming painfully in your chest. For a frightening moment you figured he could read your mind. Then again, you have been spending a lot of time together. He must have noticed how gentle you are with him, how carefully you pick your words. His signature frown is back, you see it for a second when lightning strikes.
“I was thinking about your life.” You admit, “Your work. Whether you really are a royal as most of my crew mates seem to think.”
Flash. You see half a smile blooming on his lips.
“But I know you won’t tell me. Don’t worry, I get it. Ladies love a mystery.”
It’s your turn to grin, “Oh, please, it’s almost all I hear about. Seven brought a brooding stranger with a secret past into the base. Lo…Michel… Two of your rapid admirers. I already told you that your arrival has sparked many speculations.”
“I…I haven’t…” He sounds uncertain, flustered almost, as if embarrassed, but there is no way he is, you refuse to believe it. He stumbles upon his words and lastly says nothing. You snicker silently. Another flash of lightning and you see the same confused, puppy-like look on his face you have had the pleasure of seeing once or twice. He does not shield it this time, this moment of vulnerability. He probably doesn’t see the point because darkness obscures everything again.
You extend your hand to him as a silent offering. How many things have you offered him now? Life, health, your company. He regards it, ponders a bit, lastly gently clasps his hand over yours. You jerk. Electricity courses through you and your eyes go wide, tingles rushing all over your body. Lightning strikes. You see wonder on his face, a mimic of your own surprised expression.
“Come on,” You stutter, tugging him, “you’ll catch a cold.” He follows after you. The light blinks on. You don’t know what is happening. Couldn’t have been the thunder, the feeling is not as intense. It felt more like a build up of energy; like you accidentally touched a circuit and it zapped you.
Impossible, you hear something alike his voice but not quite — it’s quiet, distant, muddy.
Once inside, the door sweeps shut behind you, “What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything.” He sounds a bit ticked now, and you decide to drop it.
“Oh,” You mutter, “must’ve imagined it, then.”
His hand is cold in yours and you squeeze it just a bit, hoping he won’t notice and hoping that you will warm it. When you reach the Medical Wing, you tilt your head and say, “Wait here. I’ll get you dry clothes from the storage.”
But as you turn to leave he doesn’t let go, though doesn’t say anything either. He’s choked up — either he doesn’t know how to say it or doesn’t want to say it at all. He doesn’t want to be alone. Those whispers come again, ringing in your ears so quietly you aren’t sure they’re even there. You give him a soft smile, catching his gaze, “Okay, we can go together. You’ll probably stay here for at least another week, so, it’s best you know where the storage is anyway.” There’s no rush in your words, no annoyance, just simple acceptance. It eases him, relieves him of saying and admitting things he’s not willing to bring to light.
The walk is quiet and you still hold hands. His is much bigger than yours, rough, though not unpleasant. They are hands of a man that uses them often — for better, or for worse — and a twinge in your heart, a sudden thud of uncertainty, informs you that your previous speculations might have not been correct at all. His hand doesn’t feel like that of a prince (not that you would know what that would feel like), no, it feels like a hand of a soldier. But that inching of something amiss is swept away by warmth, silent happiness, a certain deliriousness that starts blooming within you and spreading all around. You feel him, somehow; feel a connection. You can’t put it into words exactly, you doubt you could ever explain it to anyone. It’s fragile. And beautiful. And maddening that such a devout emotion is sprung by something as innocent as holding hands
You wonder if he feels it. You somehow know he does.
The storage room is not big. Your hand slips from his as he chooses to stand by the doorway and you rummage to get his things. You feel braver. Perhaps it’s the tiredness that leaves you so open and bold, but searching you can’t help but ask, “So tell me…” You start, handing him some towels, “What were you actually doing? Besides being melodramatic.” You add, your lips quirking upwards.
He regards you with lively eyes and you see a grin lift his cheeks. He’s smiling, actually smiling, and you know this action is precious and rare and you can’t help but beam at him in return, “You think I was being melodramatic?” He questions.
You laugh a little, a breathless bell-like “Yes” falling from your lips as you fetch him dry clothes from the upper shelf, “All you needed was a cape to swing around.”
His expression abruptly falls and the temperature drops with it.
“Right, no cape.” You mumble, a tad disappointed, handing him his clothes.
As you make your way back, you can’t help but saying, “I just thought it would suit you, is all.”
“What else do you think would suit me?”
You raise a brow, trying to keep up with his drastic shift in moods: again, hes smiling, then he’s pensive, now he seems lighthearted, genuinely curious. “You like to ask a lot of questions.” You conclude.
He shrugs, “I’m just trying to figure out what you think of me.”
“And why are you curious?”
“Now you are the one asking a lot of questions.” He points out. You snort.
“You started it.”
“Did not.”
“Did too!”
This again, followed by quiet chuckles. You don’t turn to the Medical Wing now, instead stopping by the elevator and pressing the red button. The doors slide open. You glance at him.
“So…” You mumble, “This is not how I imagined my night going, but…” You aren’t quite sure how to finish, how to vocalize the strange swirl of emotions in your chest, “Well, goodnight.”
You step into the elevator, going to push the button—“Ben.” He says suddenly, making you flinch and turn to him. He’s not looking at you, instead staring at the floor, “My name. It’s Ben.”
Again, that same energy, that same shock you felt when you first touched his hand ignites your body with something closely akin to happiness. Trust. Bond. He trusts you. The connection you felt was not an exaggeration. He would not have given you his name otherwise.
“Goodnight, Ben.” You say softly, fighting a smile that’s trying to rise on your face, “Sweet dreams.”
“…Goodnight, Seven.”
As the elevator doors shut, you think you hear him say “Thank you”, but that might have just been your imagination.
hope you liked it! xxx
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cerealjam · 3 years
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Sapphire: Hey Lucifer what's the best thing ever
Lucifer: sexy robots?
Sapphire: sexy robots, and none can get more beautiful than mettaton the human eradication robot and entertainer
Lucifer: and hatsune miku the famous teenage vocaloid star
Sapphire: it's are job to analysis there weapons armor and skill to find out who would win a fiction beatdown
Lucifer: mettaton wasn't always a human eradication robot his orginal intention was to be an entertainment robot for the underground
Sapphire: and even then he wasn't originally that either he started off as nspstablooks cousin
Lucifer: they wanted to become corporeal meaning a ghost possesses something to get a body but was worried they'll never find the right one
Sapphire: until dr.alphys designed ther perfect body for them thus becoming the star mettaton
Lucifer: mettaton has three different robotic forms his first one his pretty basic but still has combat abilities in it
Sapphire: in his box fkrm mettaton fires unavoidable electric beams that seem to lock to the player and he can summon mini mettatins to attack the player along with moving boxes and even bombs
Lucifer: mettaton is also completely indestructible while in his box fkrm he can also fly by retracting his wheel and using the booster inside him and has a chainsaw like all robots should
Sapphire: box mettaton has a weakness the switch on his back if you can trick mettaton into turing around he'll turn into a stronger (but more vulnerable) version of himself mettaton EX
Lucifer: in this form mettaton takes on a more humanoid appearance he can now attack using his legs he can also expose his SOUL and attack by firing electric bolts from it
Sapphire: he also attacks using a disco ball using white orange and blue lasers each have different ways of avoiding them except the white ones they do damage either way
Lucifer: is true form mettaton NEO is-
Sapphire: completely useless and will not be used during this fight with miku
Lucifer: has powerful as mettaton is he's still a star and acts like so he likes drama action romance and cares deeply about his fans and ratings he also likes talking about himself and gets easily distracted at the mention of mirror claiming he needs to look his best
Sapphire: but his fans and ratings is also what makes him fight harder for more entertainment more ratings more anything he's a deadly robot now matter how good he looks
Mettaton: drama romance bloodshed!
Sapphire: from one sexy robot to the next hatsune miku is a popular vocaloid from Japan so popular that real fans go to her concerts to see her perform
Lucifer: spanning from vocaloid music videos and games miku as shown to have impressive feats in these videos like the ability to fly and has a pickaxe she used one time
Sapphire: and her voice is powerful enough to be heard throughout the galaxy and it even has dime magic to it to once restoring an intire planet back to normal
Lucifer: miku is also able to grow in size to face off agents godzilla sized monsters and even entire planet's
Sapphire: shes survived being erased and traveled from Pluto to earth in mere seconds this robot as crazy amounts of speed and durability
Lucifer: being a robot you'd think water would hurt her but your wring its been shown she can survive underwater for long periods of time this robot has no weakness
Lucifer: the closest thing she has to one is being spoiled and pampered due to how popular she is
Sapphire: alright the combatants are set it's time for a fiction beatdown!
Alphys: **playing a vocaloid game on her computer and accidentally spills her drink on it glitching the computer** oh no no no
**the computer glitch makes the computer explode bringing miku to life**
Mettaton: **rolls in** alphys are you alright I heard **sees miku** are you trying to replace me with a younger more beautiful robot
Alphys: n-no mettaton it's not-
Mettaton: the perfect idea for a show set all cameras in the underground toilet me and this new robot will fight for victory!
Miku: **looks at mettaton puzzling then getting zapped by mettaton becoming angry** ngg! Fine I'll fight you!
Miku: **charges at mettaton and starts patheticly punching and kicking him**
Mettaton: oh darling you can't hurt me when I'm like this and even if you could those pathetic hits wouldn't do much anyway! **grabs a hold of miku and flys her straight through the labs walls into the hot lands dragging her through the ground then flys her over lava**
Miku: **grunting in pain hitting mettaton but it's having no effect still the she does a loud high note**
Mettaton: **covers where his ears might be** GAH! but nice cords the darling but you sealed your own
Miku: **stops herself and flys up towards mettaton smirking**
Mettaton: oh my your just fall of surprises aren't you well so am I
**a bunch of smaller mettatons grab miku**
Mettaton: now to end this! **fires an electric blast**
Miku: **shouting in pain as the mini mettatons also explode around her** grrrr! **pulls out her pickaxe and starts hacking away at mettaton**
Mettaton: **laughs standing there taking it** oh you'll never learn **pulls out his chain saw and slices straight into her shoulder**
Miku: **wines and headbuts mettaton so hard it turns him around exposing his switch and she flips**
Mettaton: did you just.... **falls from the sky and crashes hard on the ground**
Miku: **stands over him and just kicks his motion less body**
mettaton: im not knocked out yet!!! **a light shoots from the ground mettaton doing the most glamorous of poses transformed into mettaton EX** now your death will be beautiful
Miku: **gets annoyed by this and rushes in for a attack**
Mettaton: **dodges and strikes a pose** no touchy~ **starts beating down miku with a flurry of kicks and poses** is that it who knew you couldn't fight
Miku: **getting pissed off she grows in size slightly bigger than mettaton** ENOUGH!! **punches mettaton so hard part of his face breaks apar surprised he's vulnerable now**
Mettaton: I have a heart you know do you! **brings his soul out and starts shooting out electric bolts from all directions**
Miku: **skilfully dodges all of them then grabs his soul**
Mettaton: w-wait what are you doing don't-!
Miku: **crushes the soul causing Mettaton to instantly shut down then miku clenches her fist and smashes his body to pieces** whew!..... **miku does a cute pose to the camera** I win!!!
Sapphire: i I have no words how did she that's impossible!
Lucifer: actually it's very possible miku may have little compat experience but she still has solor system level feats
Sapphire: **sigh** I guess that's true but couldn't mettaton just stay in his box fkrm and slowly take out miku
Lucifer: yes and no yes he could eventually take her but no with her crazy regenerate even surviving being deleted after what ever happened to hatsune miku she just tributes over him in many ways
Sapphire: thinking of it theres no instance in this match up to where mettaton comes out on top I mean the guy can lose to a kid
Lucifer: the winner is hatsune miku
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