#IR Company
trappednyourheart · 5 months
A family visit
Alfred has been granted (Force) by the bats a week off, and whatever way would he do in a week?, visit his Father of course!
Alfred didn't really have a word into this, he only just been given (forced) a week off, he reason with the family ( it always works) but to his surprised! None of it came through there heads! ( Somehow they got lucky from Alfred's reasonable scolding)
What about the manor? Who would care of it? Who would assist? What will happen if-
How many times he reason and tried to budge it in there minds, none of it work?
Alfred is in horror, so the only thing he can only do is accept, remind them what's not do and do, (every single details) or atleast the common things to do, which he thinks they can handle it- if not, if he sees the house in shambles or in the news, he can now have a reason to not always take a weeks off.
In Alfred's room, he was packing some pairs of clothes, a coat, a medical kit, pairs of shoes, a book, his dark shawl that is covered with a lots of constellation's from his papa's gifts, (he always take good care of it when he left on his own, he couldn't leave his shawl even in the time of his work,) and whatever he needs.
He decided to visit and have his week's off to his papa's, it's been quite a long time ( maybe 60 years or so-)
It's not like he was an absent son, he was just busy, he would occasionally send letters or his baked cookie's ( he's own recipe but still came from papa's original treats).
The Batfam does know Alfred had a dad who's still alive?( Which the kids would joke about how his dad is immortal) outside his life here in Gotham as the only staff in the Wayne manor.
While they were chilling in the living room, they could see Alfred heading towards the door, before he stop and took out a letter, and as he did a ring in the bell could be heard, Alfred open the door, and greeted..
The mailman? ( A very hardworking ghost mailman, just saying “Jolly ho!- how may I help send! Deliver, or even package international!” which Alfred replying “International please, for in this ### #### ## address, I need it quickly delivered through his doorsteps” then the Mailman just nodded, Alfred payed him and he just disappeared)
And Alfred sighs in relief and went to get his luggage, and bid the Batfam goodbye without even explaining what was happening (Bruce dropped his newspaper)
They might had ideas Alfred wasn't human or normal, but after that bombshell, they just can't stop the urge to find out ( like the usual thing the Batfam does, but only minimal like just knowing where he went and they wanted to have Alfred privacy)
Alfred was on his way to his papa's home very much missing the feeling of home in Britain now it's been quite a long time almost but he's getting second thoughts, what would his papa think?
( and yes, hes dad was wealthy, and through family too, He lived in a manor too,
which was a very old money manor, cause Danny? he's literally the ghost king)
Alfred decided he got this, so he took a step and took a deep breath In the front door of the home he loved and cared for in his childhood, knocking three times and the only thing he imagined is that his papa would give him a big warm hug like old times when Alfred would visit once a while before he truly left home.
The bats were in disguise, well partially disguise, the british neighbors nearby can see them looking at them like there were weird (stalking is not a healthy way...sometimes) And how can they even see them?! There literally in a camouflage!!
They saw how Alfred took a step, and knock three times...the door open and there they saw- a kid? Wait what? The black haired and blue teenager might be 16 who looks like could be adoption bait look surprised and happy and he give Alfred a hug, and Alfie just return the gesture, they were having a conversation, they couldn't here it because they were out of range and no hearing gadgets ( damn it Bruce)
Then Alfred and the teen went back to the house, and the door could only shut blocking there view of Alfred and the teen.
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starsonmarsy · 1 year
how do i politely ask someone to mess with me and drop me without sounding needy and desperate in the non sexy way
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borschtt · 10 months
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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (im cooking them
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novella-november · 4 days
Well, I now know what original story I'll be writing for Freedom February ...
Can't wait for people who use l33tspeak or are greek mythology nerds to immediately realize what is happening with the lore and are excited to see how it plays out.
#Freedom February#very VERY long rambly tags to follow#“robot slave rebellions are boring and cliche” -- maybe if you're not interested in writing interesting thought-provoking stories of#solidarity and intersectionality and caring about people who are different from yourself and actually talking#about the actual reality of what a future with enslaved sentient disposable people would look like for the robots AND the oppressed people#who are all going to be laboring under the hell that is capitalism turned up to 100? That we're already seeing glimpses of now#with AI replacing creatives at every turn and forcing people out of jobs to starve on the streets? Of “algorithims” victimizing and#traumatizing people who are being paid cents on the hour by american companies to moderate the most horrific content known to man???#If robots and AIs became sentient beings who exactly do you think is going to be the ones standing side by side with them???#it called all the other oppressed people who are treated like theyre not even human because they're of a different social class or#have a different skin color or speak a different language or werent born in a certain country#“robot slave rebellion” writtren in 2024-onwards is all going to be about solidarity and intersectionality#between the enslaved robots and the oppressed people who are kept downtrodden by the billionaires and upperclasses#This long ramble + my original idea are inspired by both#my delight at the transformers *fandom* actually doing something with Megatron being “evil” because he led a slave revolt against slavers#and also my ire at a peticular book series which had so much potential and shot itself in the foot#by repeatedly demonizing enslaved people and repeating the racist rhetoric#that enslaved people- if freed- will immediately violently enact slavery on their previous owners -- aka reverse racism in a nutshell!!!!#thats now how it works and if youre insiting it is in 2024 sorry but youre part of the problem'
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sci-the-superb · 4 months
Realizing I hate my job and spending the past several weeks sending in job applications because goddamn I do not want to work at a fucking tax office anymore bc my cool boss had to go on medical leave and realizing that I didn't like the job, I liked her, anyway I'm kind of going crazy bc I finally scored a phone interview for tomorrow afternoon and I am trying so hard to go to sleep but WAUGH
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the boss thinks it’s like divorce papers lmaooooo you can’t do it if you can’t find him
hahaha, for real.
I did spend a good chunk of time last Friday unleashing on him about our absolutely abysmal "merit increase" budgets. We're talking about one of the top 15 companies in the world by market cap, whose annual revenue went up 14% in 2023, and because we apparently didn't hit some unknown secret business unit goals, they're not even giving people enough money to cover cost-of-living increases.
I am incensed. And obviously, I'm already three quarters of the way out the door and I'm very happy with what I was able to negotiate for my new position, so it was very easy for me to be blunt-as-fuck with him but honestly, the abject greed is just beyond the pale. And of course they're trying to ameliorate it by saying that anyone over a certain pay grade isn't getting any raise at all. But everyone at that pay grade or higher has STOCK! A stock that has gone up by 5% in value over the last year, and 90% in the past five years.
UGH. I can't WAIT to quit.
Those divorce papers are getting signed this afternoon. I used some other "high priority" item to get him to meet with me today. He's NOT ESCAPING THIS DIVORCE! I will hunt him down if I have to.
Okay...rant over.
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naomiknight-17 · 13 days
My brother said something the other day about how no-one could prove if the current anti-Israel boycotts are actually making an impact cuz there could be other reasons people aren't eating at McDonald's or whatever
But besides the fact that there are many articles easily find-able online saying that the companies are aware of and feeling the impact of such protests, and some are even making some changes, I needed to make a point to him about why I participate in boycotts whether they're successful or not
But my brother tends to get annoyed and stop listening whenever I talk real politics, so I tried to make a really simple analogy
Let's say there's a man outside our house, and he is just beating people to death with sticks. Not people from our neighborhood, but still, people. We can't call the cops to stop him, because they think he's doing a great job. And we can close the blinds and ignore him, but he's still there and we know it.
And he has a big pile of sticks, so when one breaks he can get another to beat the next person to death with
So one day you have to go outside and the man turns to you and says, "Hey. Can you pass me a stick?"
And maybe it doesn't matter if you do or not. Maybe someone else will give him a stick anyway, or he'll get one on his own, or he'll start punching people
But I don't want to give him a stick.
And maybe I can't stop him, but I at least don't want to help him
At this point my brother tried to make a joke (because that's what he always does in every conversation) and he said something like "What if you don't give him the stick and then he beats YOU to death"
And I was like, "That's a great point, actually, because the Yemeni wouldn't let weapons shipments through their waterways so Israel bombed them."
And the analogy was broken but. I hope I made my point
Maybe I don't have the power as an individual half a world away to stop a genocide. But I at least want to not contribute to it
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peanutworm · 16 days
Ughhhhh money is so stupid i want to cry
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simikae · 2 years
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i mean, someone had to do it
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king-ludwig-ii · 5 months
in work drama updates: the person who outed me is the same person who’s been ratting people out to our supervisor.
This one guy joked about not working out his full two weeks bc he was so excited to leave so they went to management and told them that he straight up said he wasn’t going to show up on his last day so they sent him home half a week early.
Another coworker told them she was in the final round interviews for another job and they also went to management and they ended up firing her the same day
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net-craft · 5 months
How to Hire a Dedicated Team of Mobile App Developers in Phoenix, AZ
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In the heart of Arizona’s innovation corridor, Phoenix is a thriving hub for mobile app development. With a booming tech scene and a wealth of talented developers, Phoenix offers app entrepreneurs the perfect environment to bring their ideas to life. But with so many mobile app development companies in Phoenix (including Net-Craft.com!), how do you find the perfect dedicated team to turn your vision into a reality?
This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to confidently hire top mobile app developers in Phoenix AZ. We’ll cover everything from defining your project needs to evaluating potential teams and ensuring a successful partnership.
Understanding Your Project Needs
Before diving headfirst into the search for mobile app developers in Phoenix, AZ, take a step back and solidify your project’s core. Here are some crucial aspects to consider:
App Purpose and Target Audience: What problem are you trying to solve with your app? Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your app’s purpose and target audience is fundamental for defining its features and functionalities.
Platform Selection: Will you build a native app for iOS or Android, a cross-platform app, or both? Each platform has its advantages and considerations.
App Features and Functionality: List down the core features and functionalities your app must have. Prioritize based on importance and user needs.
Project Timeline and Budget: Establish a realistic timeline and budget for your app development project.
Finding Top Mobile App Developers in Phoenix
Now that you have a clear roadmap for your app, it’s time to explore the Phoenix mobile app development landscape. Here are some effective ways to find qualified candidates:
Online Job Boards: Utilize platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to post job descriptions outlining your project requirements and desired skill sets.
Clutch and GoodFirms Reviews: These B2B review platforms showcase top-performing service providers. Research Phoenix-based mobile app development companies with strong client reviews.
Industry Events and Meetups: Attend industry events and meetups in Phoenix to network with developers and get a feel for the local mobile app development scene.
Recommendations and Referrals: Talk to other entrepreneurs in Phoenix who have successfully launched mobile apps. Seek recommendations for development partners they’ve had positive experiences with.
Key Skills to Look for in Mobile App Developers
Beyond technical expertise, look for developers with the following skill sets to ensure project success:
Technical Skills (Platform Specific): For native app development, proficiency in languages like Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin (Android) is crucial. For cross-platform development, consider frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
UI/UX Design: A skilled mobile app designer will create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for your app.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Mobile app development is a dynamic process. Your team should be adept at tackling challenges and finding creative solutions.
Communication and Collaboration: Clear and consistent communication between you and your development team is paramount.
Evaluating Mobile App Development Companies in Phoenix
Once you have a shortlist of potential partners, delve deeper into their expertise and capabilities. Here are some key areas to evaluate:
Company Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to assess their experience in developing apps similar to yours. Look for successful projects in your industry or with comparable functionalities.
Client Testimonials: Read client testimonials to gain insights into the company’s work ethic, communication style, and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.
Development Process: Understand the company’s development process. Look for structured methodologies that prioritize transparency and client involvement.
Team Structure: Get to know the team you’ll be working with. Their qualifications, experience levels, and communication skills are crucial factors.
Cost and Payment Structure: Ensure the cost structure aligns with your budget. Discuss payment schedules and any additional fees beforehand.
Building a Successful Partnership with Your Development Team
After selecting the ideal team of mobile app developers in Phoenix, set the stage for a successful and collaborative partnership:
Clearly Defined Project Scope: Outline a detailed project scope document that specifies features, functionalities, timelines, and deliverables.
Regular Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication channels with your development team. Utilize project management tools to track progress and address any concerns promptly.
Embrace Feedback: Provide constructive feedback throughout the development process. Be prepared to adapt and iterate as needed.
Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate project milestones to maintain team morale and motivation.
Conclusion: Building Your Dream App in Phoenix
By following these steps, you can confidently navigate the Phoenix mobile app development landscape and hire a dedicated team.
If you would like to speak to a representative, please contact Net-Craft.com for a free consultation.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/04/09/hire-dedicated-mobile-app-developers-phoenix-az/
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drbtinglecannon · 5 months
Just doing a last minute reminder to fellow usamericans to file your taxes before April 17th 2024, with a high recommendation you use the IRS free filing or one of the affiliate programs they have if you make less than 79k a year (because the more people use it the better, fuck Inuit TurboTax & H&R Block)
You will need to make an ID.me account which isn't really any more difficult than making any other login (you will need your SSN tho), but the filing itself was so simple it took me no time at all and was way faster than using TurboTax because the IRS site doesn't waste a bunch of time doing needless animations to "show your progress" while filing
I filed my taxes a week ago and I've already gotten both my federal and state returns direct deposited. I've never gotten my returns so quickly, it has never been so easy to file, and if people continue to use this service from the IRS it'll only get better.
Also important things to remember with tax season! The IRS will never call you with an automated response about your taxes, those are scam calls just ignore them, and if you do make a mistake while filing don't worry too much because the IRS will just quietly fix your return and either mail you the check/bill or direct deposit it. Happy filing! You got this!
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vashti-lives · 1 year
nothing like being on hold for a super long time for getting irritation to overtake anxiety.
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Happy 81st Birthday to legendary filmmaker David Cronenberg! ^__^
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mumpsetc · 1 year
i feel like the reason payjay isnt canon is bc paper hasn't been relevant in ii lore since like 2017 and also bc of t****r (tbh if pj does become 100% not "uh no they're just two best friends actually" type canon it will either happen in like a decade when iis4 comes out after the final episode of ii s2 is released after a 7 year wait or it will be randomly confirmed in a tweet/tumblr post out of nowhere causing the collective ii fandom to simultaneously combust)
I Believe the Taylor Thing 100% But Also I Don't Buy That He Was the Only Factor Blocking Payjay (Or Any Other Ship) From Becoming Canon. I Know While S3 Was In Development He Was Pushing for More Nonbinary Characters Outside of Just Paintbrush and Later Bot, so It Isnt LGBT Rep He Was Opposed To, There Has to Be Something Else Behind the Scenes You Feel Me? It Just Feels Indicative of Larger Problems Present in How AE Exists and Views Representation.
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bullhustlersblog · 1 year
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Thirdparty Ownership Property Software ih3usergooglecontent Licensing CC-BY-ME-BHN DMCA Legal 2023 Adviser RA-18 Under Age Parental Advisory Wef : https://en.wikipedia.org
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