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incorrect ASOUE
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barghest-land · 7 months
wanted to write a long ass rant post but i'm just gonna say that i absolutely hate lonely evenings after work. idk, work doesn't really matter tbh. but one more second of me not speaking to people and i'll die this is a warning
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Jake, making coffee: This is going to fix everything.
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zombolouge · 8 months
ah it's that time of year again where I become briefly convinced that buying the right planner would fix me
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vesperlionheart · 1 year
Me, a fool of a writer: I must buy for myself a spiffy drink to enjoy before I write, as a treat. Me:*buys drink* Me, many hours later with nothing written: I'm so surprised this strategy didn't work for the 89th day in a row!
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dayeongi · 9 months
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The way I had to edit this family tree to try to avoid spoilers...... i like to think i'm clever
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notpaulsguitar · 2 months
tommy thayer, stiletto heels, can we get that in a drawing form, pretty please
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captain-crowfish · 6 months
They say to never trust how you feel about your life after 9PM but it's always before 9PM somewhere. Anyway I think I might be a therian
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capnmachete · 4 months
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nat-seal-well · 8 months
Fell asleep on the couch the last thing I remember was having horny thought about Nat and that hasn’t gone away
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annachum · 2 years
I believe that Cosette is one of the strongest characters in Les Mis
And when I say a strong character, I don't mean just physically. I meant emotionally and mentally as well.
Like Cosette been through A LOT. She was horribly abused as a child, grew up in turbulent times in French history, is born from the slums yet is lucky enough to be adopted into bourgeoisie by Valjean, and she got PTSD from the June Rebellion and all. A number of abuse survivors became more cynical, bitter, and/or even violent.
Even after all the shit she endured, even after all the horrors she has seen, she not only remains hopeful and compassionate, yet also offers the Light she has to a number of people around her. She literally is a reason why a number of characters found hope to keep going. Without her, ALL of her loved ones would have gone off to the deep end already.
Cosette does not allow herself to be submerged in misery and despair. Even in dark times, she TRIES to maintain as hopeful as possible and offers compassion and solace to a number of others. She is LITERALLY a reason why Valjean stopped being tempted back to criminal life, why Fantine still has hope despite her hardships and the fact she gave EVERYTHING for Cosette to have a better life, why Marius found hope again after he thought he lost EVERYTHING, and why the Thenardier sibs found hope to turn their lives around.
Cosette isn't just a representation of hope. She is also a representation of :
- A world beyond a barricade
- A light people fighting are climbing to
- A reminder of goodness in the world
- Victory of hope over despair
Cosette is actually tough as nails, yet she CHOSE to remain compassionate and hopeful despite all she experienced and has TREMENDOUS emotional and mental strength
And I think that's beautiful.
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worstlovesong · 9 months
It doesn’t feel like Christmas Eve
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I’ve licked a salt lamp once before
It doesn’t taste like salt I don’t recommend
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
Humanity outside in traffic: hehee its time to honk about things to prove a point :D HONKING SOLVES THE PROBLEM!!!!1
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nekofantasia · 2 years
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When you spend 3 days to fix one barrier task.
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arabela25 · 1 year
I think Azerbaijan is that mediocre to average song that very few people pay attention to until it's time for the contest because they have a decent to good staging and then everyone goes "ohhh?? this is actually kinda nice!! it might qualify" but it in the end, it doesn't (it never does)
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