#the spiffy drink is not magic
vesperlionheart · 1 year
Me, a fool of a writer: I must buy for myself a spiffy drink to enjoy before I write, as a treat. Me:*buys drink* Me, many hours later with nothing written: I'm so surprised this strategy didn't work for the 89th day in a row!
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Livia Union Birthday Personal Story
Livia grinned, excited for the interview. "Livia, your hair!"Lilia called. Livia perked up then reached up, fixing her hair, a small smile on her face. She took the scrunchie out, biting down out it and letting it hang from her jaw as she fixed her half up half down style. She took the scrunchie out from between her teeth, and tied her half up hair with it. Lilia came over, fussing over her, smoothing down her clothes, making her smile on amusement at the eight. "The interviewer will be coming soon, gotta look your best alright!"Lilia smiled looking up at her. "Alright Papi!"Livia chuckled. She turned away, then turned back and kissed her fathers cheek. "Thanks Papi!"Livia grinned. "No problem!"Lilia chuckled waving. She went down to the lounge area, waiting for her interviewer.
"The presenter chosen by the Magical Birthday Dice will bring good fortune..."Livia muttered. "I hope the fortune is good and fun!"Livia grinned. "Since Malleus's Overblot you've been more independent, and getting into trouble." Vil smiled at her, looking highly amused. "Malleus's Overblot opened my eyes and besides, Uncle Duke is now Peacebringer and being raised again by Grandma!"Livia laughed grinning at Vil. "I love your new hairstyle!"Vil smiled. "Thanks, cut my hair myself and Cater helped pierce my ears"Livia grinned. "Not very princess like but oh well, you're being yourself they can't judge you!"Vil chuckled nodding. "Oh yes, your gift!"Vil went on holding a gift box out to her. "Don't shake it!"Vil says quickly. Livia nodded and set the gift box down, carefully pulling the tied ribbon off and lifting the lid.
"Woah!"Livia gasped her eyes widening. She picked out a makeup kit, along with a book with styles for short hair and more scrunchies since she was prone to loosing them. "Isn't this above the budget!"Livia gasps. "Nope, the only thing I bought was the scrunchies and the book for short hair styles"Vil chuckled. "Where'd the makeup kit come from then..."Livia blinked. "It's mine"Vil responded. She stared at him shocked. "EHHHH?!" Vil chuckled in amusement, smiling at her. "Golden got me a new one, so I spiffied this one up, made it to your liking and brought it here"Vil smiled. "Vil...were you the one who sent those mountain is gifts the other day know their was gonna be a budget?"Livia smiled amused. "Hmmm....maybe~"Vil chuckled looking amused.
The two laughed, smiling at each other. "Now lets get started with the interview"Vil smiled looking at her. "If you could bring one person to a deserted island with you, who would you chose?"Vil asks. "A deserted island huh..."Livia muttered going into deep thought. "It's between him and him..."Livia muttered. "Who?"Vil blinked curious. "Hm....I'd bring Deuce with me"Livia responded. "Deuce?"Vil says surprised. "I can fly remember"Livia says spreading out her large wings, Vil flinching in alarm. "I wanted to bring Epel with me, but he'd protest to me carrying him like a damsel in distress"Livia says. "Deuce on the other hand is easier to work with and I could carry him on my back for most of the flight"Livia says. "But another thought I had was that I'd make a boat"Livia explains.
"Go on"Vil nodded intrigued. "I'd have Deuce collect food and jars or bottles of water, if we have none I'll find a way to keep him hydrated for the ride, I'd make a rope out of whatever I could find and I'd pull the boat, he'd stay safe in the boat and I'd be flying in the air able to spot land before he could"Livia adds on. "The flaw in that plan would be finding something to keep Deuce hydrated..."Livia muttered. "What about you?"Vil asks. "I can go three days without eating and drinking, I've done it before when I was thirteen, my dad challenged me to spend three days out in the wilderness alone, I couldn't find any food or water and I even got lost, I went those three days without eating nor drinking and even at that time I had a stuffy nose so I couldn't sniff anything out"Livia sighed.
"Why didn't you tell your father that?"Vil gasped alarmed. "I wanted to show him I could survive on my own even with a stuffy nose, so I kept quiet...when my dad came to get me he saw I was chilling and asleep on a branch, he was impressed with my resilience so I got good marks on that survival test"Livia grinned looking proud. Vil smiled in amusement, looking impressed. "What surprised me was not needing to eat or drink for three whole days, but I'm glad I found out about it, so Deuce would safely be able to keep himself full"Livia smiled. "You care about the health of your friends don't you"Vil smiled. "Yep!"Livia grinned. "Impressive, you really thought this through"Vil chuckled. "Yeah"Livia grinned rubbing the back of her head.
"Next question"Vil chuckled. "If you were to join any other dorm besides Diasomnia which would you choose?"Vil asked. "Hm...a different dorm huh?"Livia muttered. "Scarabia"Livia answers looking at him. "Scarabia? Why that dorm?"Vil says curiously. "I wanna learn about different dormitories! I was told about the history behind each Dormitory except Scarabia"Livia explains grinning again. "I asked Kalim but he gets distracted still and Jamil is always so busy..."Livia sighed shaking her head. "I see"Vil nodded understanding now. "Besides Kalims parties are pretty fun and I'd be able to practice my dance moves, the sand would prove upmost useful in me becoming a better dancer, it'd make my movements feel lighter and I'd be able to better myself"Livia smiled.
"That is a good reason"Vil nodded looking thoughtful about it. "Well that's the major reason for me going, but a minority reason is because I wanna keep an eye on Jamil since the whole incident"Livia nodded. "I don't trust Jamil, but at the same time I do, me and Azul are protective of Kalim, we can't be around him at all times but that doesn't mean we won't be there"Livia went on. Vil chuckled and nodded. The interview went on, Livia answering Vil's questions with ease, putting some insight into the reason behind her choices. "Alright that concludes the interview!"Vil smiled. "Time for the good fortune?"Livia grinned. "Yep!"Vil nodded. "Hit me with your best shot, Vil!"Livia grinned. "Very well! LIVIA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"Vil laughed. Livia laughed, getting hit with the whipped cream pie. She grabbed one, Vil locking her in an embrace, her arm in the air still holding the cream pie as the two laughed.
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mlplovelight · 1 year
Ch. 9 - Pushy and Overbearing
The Friendship Bracelet you and Twilight Sparkle worked on is lookin’ pretty dang spiffy, if you don’t say so yourself, APPLEJACK.
You’re not sure how long you and Twi spent workin’ on it, but the time flew by so fast! The shell is built from various bits of scrap you had lyin’ around, and with your mechanical expertise and Twilight’s magical knowledge, puttin’ it together was easy as heck, and super fun to boot!
You ended up talkin’ Twi’s ear off about the history of a lot of different pieces of scrap you have in your collection, and it was cool of her to really listen. Usually ponies get bored when you start rambling about your collection.
“It’s lookin’ pretty good!” you say, holding the bracelet up in your hoof.
“Yeah,” Twilight nods, lookin’ at the thing with a pensive expression. “Now it’s just a matter of whether or not it works.”
“You wanna try it out?” you offer, handing over the bracelet.
“You should be the one to do it,” Twilight says. “You said you have a hard time with your magic, right? Maybe this thing will help. If it works, that is. Which, I mean, don’t hold your breath.”
“Pfft, it’ll work for sure!” you declare, pumping your hooves. “We worked hard on this thing! And anyway, it’s mighty kind of ya to let me be the one to try it on.”
“Whatever,” Twilight shrugs, which makes you chuckle. She’s silly. “Just give it a try, but don’t get your hopes up.”
“My hopes are sky high!” you say excitedly, before brandishing the bracelet on one of your forelegs, holding it aloft and waiting with bated breath for something cool to happen.
Nothing happens.
“Welp,” Twilight croaks.
“Hm,” you take a look at the bracelet around your arm and ponder. “I guess it needs more friendship juice.”
“Unironically, that’s probably exactly the problem,” Twilight explains, and you listen eagerly; you love when she gets all up on her lecture box. “It’s nice of you to let me help you with this thing, but we’ve known each other for a single day. We don’t have the kind of friendship this thing is looking for.”
“Maybe someday,” you say hopefully.
“Heh, maybe someday,” Twilight chuckles.
You hear the jingle of your shop’s bell, and you take off to go greet whoever’s coming in. Frankly, you forgot you left the store open.
When you leave the scrap closet, you’re shocked to see that it’s nearly gotten dark! The golden rays of the setting sun peeking in through the windows and casting a comforting glow over the place.
“Applejack,” Sweetcream Scoops says as you walk behind the desk. Turns out it was her and Berryshine who came in.
“Howdy, ladies!” you say with a bright smile, always happy to see your friends. “What can I do for ya?”
“We wanted to know if you wanted to grab some cider tonight?” Berryshine asks with a big grin.
“I heard you had some business to discuss with Cherry Spices?” Sweetcream says, and you smack your forehead. You plum forgot about all that stuff in the excitement of building the Friendship Bracelet. “Figured you could use a drink to steady your nerves before having to deal with her.”
“Aw, she’s not so bad,” you chuckle, and Sweetcream just rolls her eyes.
“If you consider pushy and overbearing ‘not so bad’,” she says flatly.
“And I do!” you beam.
“Yeah, if Applejack had a problem with pushy and overbearing girls,” Berryshine chimes in, bumping her barrel against Sweetcream, “she wouldn’t be friends with you!”
“You think anyone who tries to enforce a modicum of order is pushy and overbearing, Berryshine,” Sweetcream grumbles. “If you were left to your own devices, you’d probably have Ponyville burnt to the ground within a day.”
“No way,” Berryshine affects a cute smirk. “Where would I get my cider from if Ponyville were burned down?”
“Anyway,” you interject and trot in between Sweetcream and Berryshine before they can push each other’s buttons any further, “Cherry Spices is a professional businesswoman, she’s gotta be a little domineering if she wants to get her hoof in the door, y’know?”
“I do,” Sweetcream sighs. “I just wish she wouldn’t treat you as nothing more than a business opportunity.”
“She respects my skills,” you say with a shrug, and then affect a confident smirk. “Can ya blame her?”
“Heh, no I can’t,” Sweetcream gives a slight smirk and a single chuckle, which is practically an uproarious laugh by her standards.
“Sweetcream is just jealous,” Berryshine hums, and she gives that smile she always does when she’s doing her best to be disruptive and obnoxious. “Though I’m not sure if she’s jealous of Applejack, getting that kind of attention from a serious businesswoman, or if she’s jealous of Cherry Spices for getting to dote on Applejack!”
“Shut up,” Sweetcream groans, and Berryshine erupts into a cackling fit.
“What’s going on, Applejack?” Twilight asks, walking hesitantly outta the scrap closet.
“Oh, hey Twilight!” Berryshine waves to Twi, who promptly ignores her, but Berryshine just shrugs it off.
“It got real late in a hurry, Twi,” you explain. “Do you wanna take off to the library? I’m thinkin’ of grabbin’ drinks with my pals.”
“You’re welcome to come along, if you’d like!” Berryshine adds.
“That’s true,” you nod at Berryshine, appreciating her lookin’ out for Twi, “but I figure the library’s more your speed, right?”
“It is,” Twilight says, her brow furrowing as she looks toward the window. “I also hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. I’ll head to the library now.”
Without another word to anypony, Twilight leaves the store.
“What’s her problem?” Sweetcream grumbles.
“I apologize for her,” you say. “She’s a real sweetheart, but she’s bad with strangers. Just give her some time to warm up to everypony.”
“Whatever,” Sweetcream sighs, and then her eyes widen and immediately narrow as she looks down at your legs. “What’s that you’ve got on?”
“Hm? Oh, this!” you exclaim, raising up your leg with the Friendship Bracelet on it. “I forgot I was wearin’ this thing. It’s somethin’ Twi helped me put together, apparently Old Equestrian wizards would use stuff like this to like, store ‘friendship power’, or somethin’ like that?”
“So like,” Berryshine says, “if you’re cool with somepony, the bracelet will get charged up? And then it gives you powers?”
“That’s the idea,” you say. “I dunno if it works, though.”
“I bet if it were me and Sweetcream’s friendship,” Berryshine puts her foreleg around
Sweetcream’s shoulders, “it’d work in a snap! Right, Sweetcream?”
“Don’t touch me,” Sweetcream grumbles, Berryshine taking her leg away and cackling to herself. “Why are you wearing it if it doesn’t work?”
“It’s nice,” you say honestly. “Reminds me of a good time I spent with a friend.”
“Sure,” Sweetcream sighs, and starts heading toward the door. “As for me, I’m about ready to have a good time with a bottle of cider.”
“Right behind ya!” Berryshine cheers, bouncing along behind Sweetcream.
“Yeah, me too,” you hum delightedly as you jingle-jangle the bracelet around on your wrist.
Today was a good day! Not every day you make a new friend.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Also, since I can’t help myself, let’s have my second favorite Charlie character: Raymond Smith with the emojis:
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Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! 💗
The Professor's Princess
(Sequel to Professor Smith)
Pairing: Raymond Smith x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, kitchen counter sex Word Count: ~800 Emoji Prompt: 👩‍🎓🧜‍♀️💃 (key words are in bold)
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Recommend reading Professor Smith first! (but this can also be read as a standalone of course)
A month has passed since graduation.
Since then you’ve been spending summer as the girlfriend of the most beautiful man in all creation. Every day feels like a fucking celebration—getting ravaged by Professor Raymond Smith at every hour of the day in every possible position, every surface of his office and his bedroom and his kitchen.
Since you’re no longer his student both of you can rest assured knowing your romance doesn’t violate propriety. Yet even so this still feels new and just a little bit taboo and you prefer to go about your business quietly.
Till tonight at least—decidedly, should you agree… Professor Smith intends to take you to a fancy formal dance and show you off. To let the world know you’re his ladylove. Finally.
Your man is waiting for you downstairs in a spiffy pinstriped button-up and fine silk tie and sharply tailored vest, sipping a stiff drink while you finish getting dressed. Needless to say he’s seen you naked and in all manner of outfits—but he’s never seen you formally attired and tonight you feel that you’re looking your best, so you are quite giddy about this.
The gorgeous gown you’re wearing for the evening was hand-picked by Ray: a present for your one-month anniversary just yesterday. He knew it’d flatter all your curves and that you’d sparkle in this chic shimmery fabric cut to frame your lovely figure in a mermaid silhouette. But he’s not seen it on you yet.
When you at last appear atop his stately staircase, you can hear him gasp and taste the adoration written all across his face. The way this stunning dress accentuates your assets… has his heart beating its fastest. Ray has never seen such elegance and grace, such class and beauty… trying not to stare too rudely, at his perfect little princess as he fidgets where he sits and nervously adjusts his glasses.
Time to head off to the dance—yet as you spin around to show off how spectacular your ass is… smile at him over your shoulder with a sultry backward glance… Professor Smith finds that he has a massive problem in his pants.
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He stands up from his seat and takes a few steps towards you, so consumed with how intensely he adores you. Finest thing to ever graduate from college. Fucking flawless. Can’t believe that you’re all his. He’s all yours too.
“You’re the most stunning thing I’ve ever fucking witnessed,” he pronounces as if hypnotized, blue stars bright in his crystal eyes. “Look like a magic fairy fucking princess.”
Hearing whimsical words like this off of Professor Smith’s pragmatic lips is more than just a little bit ridiculous. He’s typically not one for Disney business. But he’s dizzy in your presence and it’s clear how stiff his dick is.
Though you’re dizzy in his presence too, you have enough wits still about you just to tease him as you often love to do. “Why thank you darling. Though I daresay you’re too old to be this princess’s Prince Charming…”
He laughs it off given that it’s a running joke and you’re both perfectly comfortable with your age difference. “This princess doesn’t need a prince…” he counters as he sweeps you off your feet like you’re a mermaid on the beach or something. “She needs a motherfucking king.”
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And so Professor Smith reminds you what a king he fucking is. Spreading you facedown on the counter of his kitchen so that he can carefully remove your dress while marveling aloud that you’re all fucking his.
You would’ve loved it very much, if he’d just ripped the dress to shreds—laid bare your skin for him to touch—to fuck you dead. No doubt a part of him does want that but this dress had been a gift for your first milestone together, and he knows it’s something you intend to treasure, so he takes it slow instead.
His every move sends sugar plums dancing throughout your hazy head. Professor Smith has studied every last inch of your body like a poem to be read, a masterpiece, a fucking feast for the senses. To memorize, the way you make the whole world magic in his eyes, the way you mesmerize. To squeeze and please. To taste and tease and treat with kisses. And above all else to cherish like a precious fucking princess.
Don’t even care that you’ll be late, for your first formal public date. When you’re at home with your professor nothing matters past these walls. Nothing at all. The only thought in Raymond’s head this very instant as he towers over you so big and tall… is that he needs you now and cannot wait. Your pretty little cunt needs to be ate. Then railed and ravaged till you can’t fucking see straight.
That’s sure to solve the pressing problem in his pants. And then your king can wrap you in this magic mermaid fairy princess dress again and whisk you to the dance.
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod
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foreficfandom · 4 years
The Arcana - Taking Care Of Sick MC
(Minor trigger warnings for: mentions of the in-game plague, fear of sickness, medicinal bugs)
– Asra –
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Asra notices your cold the same time you do. Right when he wakes up next to you and sees your pallid complexion, he immediately knows you’ve got the bug.
He usually takes any chance he can get to sleep in, but not this time. First a gentle word of assurance, then quickly to the kitchen to heat up some water for a medicinal tea mix. As the water boils, he feels your neck and face - not too hot. Thankfully it’s not serious, just inconvenient. 
Expect a lot of home remedies. Healing magic is too ostentatious for a simple cold, and it’s not a field Asra’s familiar with, anyways. He insists you eat some porridge, and drink lots of honeyed water. There’s lots of mugs of various teas, some awfully bitter but Asra insists you bear with it. You get a very pungent astringent balm on your chest for congestion, and he can’t hold in his giggles when you complain about how much it burns.
A lot of these remedies are trusted green witchery. Asra isn’t super skilled at making tinctures, but it’s enough to help a cold. Some he learned while studying magic, some he actually did invent.
He’s gonna manage the shop while you sleep. He lights lavender incense and mint candles, and Faust also stays upstairs to keep you company. Every hour he does a quick check to make sure you’re doing alright, or not sneaking out of bed. If he catches you, he bodyblocks you with a smirk until you sheepishly crawl back under the covers.
When there’s a lull in the shop, Asra hangs out at your bedside with a book, or some small chores he can quietly do with his hands. If you’re awake, the two of you chat a bit, mostly he does to save the strain on your throat. 
His herb teas do make a difference, and by evening you feel better. Bit more porridge and a hot bath, and your fever’s waned a lot. Asra drags out the comfiest blankets to wrap you tightly. Unfortunately, you’re gonna have to sleep alone tonight while Asra takes the couch, just to be safe.
Once you feel better, you finally get kisses. The best reward for recovery.
– Julian –
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You’re in luck. Julian may have been described as a ‘hack doctor’ by certain bitter individuals, but in truth he’s a trusted physician well versed in internal medicine. All he’s gotta do is see your watery eyes and red nose, and he’s on the case. 
His clinic has some of the top-of-the-line medical technology, including a spiffy glass stick with a line of liquid mercury encased inside, which expands according to temperature. He has you sit on a patient bed and checks the inside of your throat, feels your face for lumps, uses a magnifying glass on your eyes and ears, lays his head on your chest to hear your lungs, all the things he does as a working doctor. 
It can even be a bit weird to see Julian switch into ‘professional’ mode while handling you. He’s got impeccable bedside manners, keeping you cheery and comforted as he pokes and prods, but you’re not just some patient, he’s your boyfriend and it’s kinda odd (or sexy???) to be sitting in his clinic like this. 
Nevertheless, he eventually diagnoses you with “a godly beauty and shining soul - oh, and also you have a cold”. He actually has you take up one of the beds in the clinic rather than go back upstairs to the apartment, and voila, an assistant registers you on the roster as an inpatient. There’s a reason for that, other than to make you blush - this way, he can prescribe medications. 
You get four servings of this awful tar-like tincture made out of lungwort, crab’s eye, snail venom, and other obscure ingredients. Assistants come by to wipe your face with a cold towel, and check your vitals. They don’t acknowledge your relationship with Julian, only treating you with the gentlest of respect. Jokes would be inappropriate, and Julian’s clinic values professionalism. They care about your health more than embarrassing you. 
The next morning, you wake to Dr. Julian announcing you nearing recovery already. But he doesn’t actually dismiss you until the fever’s completely gone, which means being stuck in the clinic for a couple of days and witnessing firsthand how strict Dr. Julian can be when it comes to his patients. At least it’s an excuse to see him more often. But you’re thankful to finally escape the role of the patient, and back to being Julian’s partner. Your bill? Several kisses!
– Nadia –
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It’s just a cold, but Nadia immediately calls in the court doctor to perform a full physical. A hidden part of her normally-rational brain balks at any indication that someone she cares about might be sick. Blame the plague. 
Luckily it’s just a minor fever, so you’re prescribed lots of liquids and bedrest, along with some immunity-boosting citrus lozenges. Within a few minutes the servants retrofit the bedroom to be warm and invitingly dim, place heated bedpans under your feet, light sheh smoke, and deliver a large tray to your bedside. A teapot of water is kept hot over a miniature coal burner.
Nadia takes as much of her free time to dote on you. Which, unfortunately, isn’t a whole lot of time, she can only help you drink some ginger tea and wipe your face before she’s due for Countess work. But she positions a guard at your door with instructions that they’re to wait on your every whim. 
She spends the whole day thinking about you in the back of her mind, hoping you’re at least comfortable and healing properly. She finally gets a break for lunch, and rushes to the bedroom to check on you; you’re sitting up and reading, and she’s happy you’re well enough to enjoy yourself but you should be sleeping! Did the servants bring up your broth yet, have you taken your lozenges and tea, is your bedpan too cold, is the fire stoked too high
You try to calm her down through your stuffy nose; rarely do you see her so flustered. Nadia and you have lunch, and she’s eating the same thing you are because she’s not gonna eat delicious roasts while you’re stuck with broth.  
Duties again call her away until evening (she had dinner with dignitaries), and she gets the servants to run you a bath with rosemary and mint to help open up your sinuses. The two of you spend the night in separate rooms which makes you whine and her tempted to abandon decades of royal dignity to join you.
But before too long, you’re all better and life resumes as normal. She promises to dote on you no matter the state of your health.
– Muriel –
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He hears you cough and says bluntly, “you have a cough”. You’ve known him well enough to know that in Muriel-speak, that translates to “I recognize that sound, and I’m going to help you take care of it”. Living in the forest can be hazardous to one’s health, and Muriel has a lot of experience with colds, fevers, and infections.
First step is to stoke the fire to blazing temperatures, then heating lots of clean water for tea and soup. He wraps you in multiple furs until you’re a pile seated near the hearth. He props the door open to let in fresh air, which offsets the uncomfortably sauna-like heat of the fire. A bundle of lemongrass is thrown into the hearth to smoke a citrusy scent throughout the hut, soothing your headache.
Whenever Muriel would get sick, he’d just plow through the day and hope he can sweat out his fever through chopping wood. But you deserve better than that, so you’re let off of chores until you’re better. Muriel balances his duties with nursing you, which is a little tough ‘cause he’s gotten so used to having an extra set of hands. But it’s definitely worth it, if you’d get better. 
He comes back from checking the rabbit traps to feed you a salty bone broth, and brews his green-magic tea brew (that he and Asra invented together) that has elderflower, willow bark, and ginseng. After lunch, he needs to leave again, so urges Inanna to cuddle you while he’s gone.
Finally, the chores are (largely) done, and he can finally afford his full attention to your pitiful, coughing self. He pulls out his rare ingredients - albatross feather, dried glowshroom - and charges them with magic before making it into a bitter powder he urges you to eat. Effectively a magical antibiotic, just in case of infection.
By night, you’re well enough to walk around and eat a bit more, and he’s feeling reassured. You spot one of his tiny smiles. But he pushes away your kisses until you’re for sure all cured. 
A couple more days of his tried-and-true forest witchery, and there’s no more coughing. Finally the two of you get to cuddle in the furs like you usually do! It’s felt like ages, you say, and Muriel can’t help but agree.
– Portia – 
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First step upon hearing your raspy voice? Portia rushes to the kitchen (with Pepi hot on her heels because running time!! Yay!) to cook one of Mazelinka’s fever soups. Portia unfortunately lacks the ingredients to make Mazelinka’s more magical dishes, but there’s enough here for a nutrient-rich, hydrating broth, perfect for a cold.
She sends a pigeon to the castle to call in a sick day, so Portia can take her time in feeling up your forehead, heating water, and hauling out the thick winter quilts to sweat out your fever. You don’t look too bad, but it’s a shame Julian’s on a cruise right now. Otherwise, she’d drag him over right quick to do a check-up.
She mixes up a pot of ginger honey tea and leaves you with Pepi while she visits Mazelinka to request a remedy. Before too long, Portia comes back with a large jug of this thick, grassy-smelling stew with rice and various herbs. She insists on feeding you while you’re laid up in bed, which isn’t necessary but it makes her giggle so you indulge her. It tastes delicious, and you finish a large bowlful while Portia chats brightly and cracks jokes, making sure your spirits are high - the most important when it comes to recovery! 
You’re not sure what was in Mazelinka’s soup (although you’re pretty sure the ‘rice’ was actually scuttlebug larvae) but your fever’s waned a lot by the time you wake up from your nap. Portia’s right there when you open your eyes, knitting and humming to herself. She sees you awake and can tell you’re feeling better, which makes her smile. 
Dinner is the second half of Mazelinka’s soup, and then Portia fills the wooden tub for a nice, hot bath. Even your voice is less raspy now, so she and you chat while you soak. You’re so much healthier now that you don’t have to be in separate beds come nighttime, which truly is a blessing.
The first thing you do when you’re fully recovered is beg Mazelinka for her soup recipe. She relinquishes it to you, on the promise you won’t monetize it for your shop or anything, and you swear you won’t. Portia’s puppy-dog eyes probably wasn’t a necessary tactic, but appreciated none the same. 
– Lucio –
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You wake up feverish and Lucio’s first step is to arrange the things he’d like to do on his sick days. Hot mulled wine, a giant bath of citrus oil and lavender, and the best doctors of Vesuvia to wait on him you hand and foot. You have to stop him before he goes too far, which is easier said than done with a sore throat versus an ex-Count on a mission.
You turn down the huge platters of petit-fours, but Lucio insists on the doctors, who come in and do a thorough check-up per Lucio’s strict orders. But it doesn’t take a full physical to ensure that you’ve just got a simple cold, and all you really need is water and rest. 
Lucio calls off all his plans so he can dedicate the entire day to keeping you company. He asks if you have a headache, if your sinuses are clogged, if your muscles are sore. You say yes to anything, he’ll try to call the doctors back and insist they give you some sort of medicinal relief. After lots of hemming and hawing, you get a walnut and cherry-based tincture to reduce inflammation, and also a peppermint lemon tea. 
He looks at your meager medicines and asks if you’re sure you don’t want anything more. He could call his pets up if you want some cuddles? Maybe we can take one of those baths? What about some dessert, just because? Or we can call up the troubadour to play some music - 
Lucio seems strangely contrite when you say that all you need is some rest. He’s very hesitant to leave you alone, so you kept feeling his gaze as you tried to nap. Finally, you asked what was his deal - you appreciate his attention, but something’s obviously wrong.
He’s not someone very in tune with his emotions, so it takes a while before you’re able to mine Lucio’s tremulous inner thoughts; when he was dying of the plague, Lucio hated being alone in his huge room, and ordered company whenever he could. There was no medicine that offered proper relief from his pains, and all he could do was wait and fear the inevitable. 
Seeing you sick, even with just a simple fever, brought back those memories. He’d do anything to make sure you never experienced that. Especially knowing what you’ve already been through.
You gently hold Lucio’s hand and assure him that things like fevers and sickness, they’re part of the living experience and they’re made much better with good company. Actual, good company that offers love and support. Which you have, with Lucio here.
He’s always struck dumbfounded whenever you describe him with noble attributes. He feels like he’s the one recovering from … something, rather than you. 
A few more nights, and you’re as fit as a fiddle. To celebrate, Lucio orders a large spread of your favorite foods to make up for all the bland mush you had to deal with. He’s back to being good ol’ Lucio, but you know that an inner part of him has changed for the better. 
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
3x01: The Magnificent Seven
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Dean’s going to Hell, but he’ll go down fighting
In Oak Park, Illinois, a man takes the trash out, sees his very dirty car and wonders what it’s all for. His trash starts rattling, the street lights start flickering, and a giant cloud of black smoke moves to town. Listen, buddy. Even if you haven’t seen Supernatural yet, you’ve watched Lost. Get the fork away from the Black Smoke. Alas, he doesn’t run fast enough, and is possessed --and so is the rest of Chicago. 
One Week Later
Sam’s reading lore on crossroads deals while Dean’s enjoying what little time he has left with the Cartwright* Twins (*Boris’s headcanon from Scoobynatural).
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Bobby calls to tell Sam that he’s found something. Sam decides to burn out his retinas and interrupts Dean. Anyway, Dean’s enjoying the finer things in life and nothing’s gonna bring him down. 
They head to Mulder’s House Cain’s House a house in Nebraska to check out locust swarms and crop failure. Bobby’s already there. No one answers the door, so they bust in. The stench that greets them is overwhelming. “That so can’t be a good sign,” Dean rightly points out. They find a family enjoying a nice binge. 
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They head outside to find Isaac and Tamara, two hunters. 
The couple is cute as fuck, and knowing what I know about Supernatural, soon to be dead as fuck. (I mean, I’ve also seen this episode but still…) Sam cuts right to the awkward part of the evening and asks how they got in the business (TRAGICALLY, SAM, ALWAYS TRAGICALLY.)
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Dean gets off the phone with the coroner’s tech and the family died of dehydration and starvation. They all wonder what’s going on. Isaac for one, isn’t going to stick around to find out. Thanks to the brothers Winchester, there are “a couple hundred more demons out there.” They brought war to the hunter community. Tamara drags her husband away before war breaks out in that little room. 
Enter mysterious blond woman through the fog. (Hint: IT’S RUBY.) 
Suburban Trash man enters a store and tells a woman that another woman is looking at some nice shoes. I would just like to point out that those two women are so different in height that NO WAY do they share the same shoe size. There’s really no point in the bloody violence that follows. 
The brothers check out the crime scene. Dean’s inside the store “comforting the bereaved.” And I just LOVE how Jensen reads that line. Idk why. It tickles me. 
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Bobby pops up all spiffy. He just talked to the suspect. She doesn’t seem possessed. Sam admits to finding nothing at the crime scene. Dean looks to the security camera and says, “I’m working.” That you are, bby. 
They start looking for the guy in the security video when Ruby starts tracking down Sam. 
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Later that night, Sam finds Dean and Bobby at a stakeout at a bar. He has a name and a location on where he’s from. They’re thinking he’s possessed. He then makes an appearance at the bar. Bobby wants to watch him, but Isaac and Tamara show up. 
Isaac is about to take out Trashman demon when another demon stops him. It turns out, they’re surrounded by demons. WHERPS. Dean and Co. try busting into the bar. The demons make lewd comments about Tamara and then one demon offers Isaac a drink of drain cleaner. He drinks the whole jug. 
Bobby’s Chevelle and the gang bust into the bar, grab Tamara and Trashman demon and skedaddle. 
Back at the house, they’ve got the demon under a devil’s trap and ready for interrogation. Tamara would rather be out there ripping every last demon to shreds, though. Just use that stockpile of angel blades! You can fight eight of them at a time with nothing but an old bar stool! It’ll be easy! Oh…wait… Wrong season. Bobby deduces that they’re up against the seven deadly sins, who are actually demons. (I mean, kinda sweet that these demons are still such a tight knit family unit after so many thousands of years.)
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Envy is the one they’ve pinned in their demon trap. He’s having a super fun time now that he’s out of Hell. He assigns the various sins to each of the hunters present: wrath, gluttony, lust… He tells them that humans are just violent animals, and they’ll be slaughtered soon. 
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Dean smiles at the demon, and Tamara begins the exorcism. While the demon screams in the background, Bobby notes that the other six demons are definitely going to be having themselves a nice hunter hunt. 
Sam and Bobby are ready to go down guns a-blazing, and they hunker down and prepare for battle. 
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Music plays as the radio flickers on, and outside Isaac begins shouting for Tamara. He begs for help and scatters real details from their past. She cries as (the demon possessing) Isaac accuses her of abandoning him. The demon brings up their dead daughter, and Tamara snaps and races outside to pin Isaac’s body with the blessed wood. With the salt line brushed away by the open door, the rest of the demons race inside. Everybody scatters, which is always the best plan in a demon emergency!
Bobby neatly traps Sloth in a devil’s trap, while Dean gets cornered by Lust. “I’m not gonna hurt you. Not unless you want me too.” Oh honey, he does.
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Pride confronts Sam and tries to dismantle the legend of Sam Fucking Winchester by ridiculing him. IMPOSSIBLE! 
Dean slams Lust into a bathtub full of holy water, and Sam gets his ass saved by the mysterious hot blond (who is currently unknown at the time). She kills Pride with her magic demon-killing knife. She bids Sam farewell BY NAME and then disappears from the house. 
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The next morning, they drop three of the demon’s host bodies into a shallow grave. Tamara gives Isaac a lonely hunter’s funeral. Two others survived. Remember when sometimes demon hosts survived? 
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Sam ponders who else they might have let out if the seven deadly sins were part of the demon release party. They bid Tamara farewell and wish her safety. The Winchesters head off, steeling themselves for the demon war, and Bobby does the same. 
Sam suggests that their next move is to visit a priestess who might be able to help with Dean’s deal. Dean refuses. If his deal falls through then Sam dies, and that’s not a price he’s willing to pay. “I got a year to live, Sam. I'd like to make the most of it. So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell, huh?”
The Seven Deadly Quotes:
I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll
I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol
You guys seem nice enough, but, this ain't "Scooby-Doo," and we don't play well with others
So he kills someone and we just sit here with our junk in our hands?
You try exorcising all night and see how you feel
What do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell?
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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mbavholidayexchange · 4 years
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To @wd-yamonsatree, from @spiffy-space-dragon 
Title: how the howl
Rating: Gen
Summary: Not provided. 
Ao3 Link: n/a
“Dude, I can’t believe you turned yourself into a werewolf!” Ethan huffed to his best friend. “We’ve already been through this!”
“I didn’t mean to!” Benny shrugged defensively. “I’m just too powerful a spellcaster for my own good.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, except you always manage to perform the wrong spells.”
“I just happen to think I would look great with a beard,” Benny said. “Werewolf and facial hair spells are very similar!”
“Sure.” Ethan paused Space Ninjas XI: Battle of the Blades that they’d been playing on playstation. “Do you know when the next full moon is?”
“About that,” Benny scratched his head. “It’s, erm, tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night?! How long have you waited to tell me about this?!”
“About a week?” Benny’s voice went small.
“What the hell, Benny?!”
“I thought I could sort it out on my own.”
Ethan groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’ve got to tell your grandma.”
“Please no! We can’t! She’s still mad about from when I accidentally turned you into a werewolf.”
“Alright,” Ethan crossed the room and picked a heavy tome from his bookshelf. “We can stay up tonight and research solutions. But if we can’t find any, tomorrow we’ve got to get you chained up and talk to your grandma.”
Benny nodded, and the two boys stayed up into the wee hours of the morning pouring over pages of magic and mystery.
By the time the boys got to school next day, they were no closer to any answers and significantly tired.
“Whazzup?!” Rory shouted behind their ears, startling Ethan.
Benny glared at him murderously.
“Get out of my face, Bloodsucker.”
Rory frowned. Ethan jumped between him.
“Don’t listen to him, Rory,” Ethan said. “He’s, uh, method acting for a play. It’s about a werewolf that hate vampires.”
“Hmmm.” Rory rested his fist on his chin. “What’s it called?”
“Um… ‘That Time I was A Teenage Werewolf’?” Ethan shrugged.
“Sounds awesome! Can I be in it?”
“No! Just- we’ll see you later, Rory,” Ethan said, steering Benny away from him. Benny growled.
“Filthy vampire,” Benny muttered.
“That’s it, I’m calling your grandma.” Ethan whipped out his phone.
Evelyn was predictably annoyed, frustrated and unsurprised of the boys’ situation.
“I can give you an antidote, but the specific spell Benny used requires he first transform before we can give it to him,” she said.
“What?! So I have to wolf out? Aw, man.” Benny scrunched his face up.
“You better find a way to secure him.” She was mainly talking directly to Ethan at this point.
“Will do, thanks.” They hung up, agreeing that the boys would swing around after school to grab the antidote. Ethan was to dip a dart into the mixture and then load it into a nerf gun to dose Benny once he was too wild to drink it.
“Are you sure about this E?” Benny stood, shirtless, shackled by chains in Ethan’s basement. The Morgans had gone out for date night and Sarah was playing upstairs with Jane, none the wiser.
“It’s so you don’t ruin your favourite striped polo,” Ethan said.
Benny tested his strength against the chains. There was no way he’d be able to break them.
“Do your parents ever wonder about keeping these in your basement?” He asked, giving the chains a jangle with his wrist.
Ethan shrugged.
“They try not to come down here after the raccoon infestation.”
“What raccoon infestation? Aw man, am I gonna wolf out and eat a raccoon?”
“Nah, the racoons were all taken care of,” Ethan reassured him. “I think.” He glanced at his watch and grabbed the loaded nerf gun. “10 minutes to wolf time.”
Benny’s hair had already multiplied and he was scratching himself erratically.
“I’m scared, E. Does this hurt?”
Ethan felt suddenly worried about his best friend.
“No, it doesn’t. It feels like after the dentist gives you a shot, gives you laughing gas and then gives you a root canal. It pinches for a split second, then you don’t remember anything and then you wake up sore, but everything’s fine.”
Benny whimpered. It was significantly doggish.
“I hated my root canal!”
“Bad analogy.” Ethan scratched his head. “Just don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”
Benny started howling. Ethan locked his nerf gun onto him. It was starting.
Fur enveloped Benny’s skin and bones began to mangle and crack. He fell to the ground as his eyes became replaced with those of a wolf.
He snarled and leap at Ethan, but the chains held him back.
“Good boy, Benny. Stay there.”
Ethan had the nerf gun trained on him, but his hand shook. This was his best friend. Plus he’d never realised just how terrifying he must have looked in wolf form.
Benny was menacing. He was covered in thick, bristly dark brown fur and gleaming yellow eyes. His set of teeth were sharper than kitchen knives and could take off an entire human forearm.
He howled and once again strained against the chains.
Pop. Ethan shot the dart into Benny’s back.
Benny snarled at him before whimpering and crumpling to the floor.
Slowly his eyes reflected back to a beautiful blue and the fur retracted back to human flesh.
He was naked and passed out, so Ethan quickly covered him with a blanket. That was not how he wanted to see Benny naked for the first time.
When Benny awoke an hour or so later, he still lay on the basement floor. Ethan was curled up beside him, resting.
“Ethan,” he said, his voice hoarse. “You did it. Thanks.”
Ethan opened his eyes and smiled. He took his hand. “We did it. We make a good team.”
The boys stayed like that for a while. Both hoped they’d never have to endure lycanthropy again. But hopes and wishes often go unheard.
Magic (feat. Rivers Cuomo) - B.o.B, Rivers Cuomo
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Girl Next Door - Hathaway Brown
Animal - Neon Trees
Curious - Hayley Kiyoko
Think I’m Sick - Icon for Hire
War of Change - Thousand Foot Krutch
Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
Killer in The Mirror - Set It Off
[Reboot] - Waterparks
Coming Clean - Green Day
I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotte
Werewolf, Baby! - Rob Zombie
Dancing With a Wolf - All Time Low
We’re Not Gay We’re Just Best Friends - Metal Biscuits
Crusader (Are We There Yet) - Black Gryph0n, Baasik
Damned if I Do Ya (Damned if I Don’t) - All Time Low
Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
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Canada bound tomorrow!
Tomorrow at 4:30 AM I get up to catch my 7:00 AM flight to Toronto (WOO!) to see @olivandersdaughter !!
I have quite the magical itinerary during my stay:
-The Lockhart, a Harry Potter inspired bar
-The Manor, a giant geek mansion turned restaurant with different themed rooms and an absolutely amazing menu of themed drinks and food!
-Curiosa, an amazing shop that sells official Mina Lima Harry Potter prints and merch of ALL KINDS amongst other beautiful things!!!
- Figure, yet another spiffy geek cocktail joint with a themed menu, moreso oriented towards American comics. I’m super excited for this as well because the drinks look SO KILLER and beautiful and so does the overall space!
So for all of this awesomeness as it happens, head to my insta (@Dontthinkonithermione) and meet me on there for some funnn! I’ll be vlogging this whole trip so if insta isn’t your thing, i’ll have a blog on it when I come back. But if it is, join mehhH!
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brujeria-histeria · 5 years
Father’s Day Blues
its a short fic. As you can tell I pretty much write whenever I fancy, I don’t do a lot of multi-chapters though. Happy Father’s day! This isn’t hacy centric(there’s light hacy in it) but more of the whole family feeling down on Father’s Day.(yes Harry is apart of the whole family)
To me Harry is kinda like Mel & Maggie’s adopted grandpa/uncle in some ways, even though he still looks young he’s old fashioned in a lot of ways. And his friendship/relationship with Maggie is so cute it makes me melt.
Maggie laid on her bed like a dead and depressed fish. Father’s day always kinda sucked for the youngest and bubbliest daughter in the family because she always had the utmost faith in Ray who she feels very weird towards now, since discovering her dad was actually Dexter Vaughn, her older full sister’s father, who’s also dead. Now she had about 0 dad’s, unless you semi squint counted Harry who in true old man grandfather fashion doted on the girls, scolded her when she got distracted and made them full breakfast every morning and gave her hugs when she cried and pep talks when she felt down before droning on about the old days and england(the parts he did remember after 1957), complete with dumb dad jokes. 
In her room Mel was sitting in her bed, she didn’t care for Father’s day or Ray, her father, really. Ray left her and Maggie, it broke her heart a long time ago but she didn’t keep hope for long and it broke poor Maggie’s heart year after year, if it wasn’t bad enough to learn Maggie’s actual dad was forced to leave and stay away from Marisol(except apparently when they would meet up for tryst). Mel did feel bad for their resident whitelighter though, he had been looking super down and out since the beginning of June and realizing Father’s Day was this month, spending more time in his condo probably crying into cups of tea. Poor Harry forced himself to move on for the girl’s sakes and convinced himself that his son was ok and didn’t need him despite after getting a hold of his powers he sobbed on top of her head while she hugged him. Still he missed out on even seeing his grandchildren grow up. Mel warmed up a lot to Harry and trusted him with her life, that’s why she managed to get something special for Father’s Day, it was mushy but it was the least she could do. 
Macy sat on her bed staring at a picture of her Father. He died several years ago and she remembered the pain she felt of not having a mother, who she thought didn’t want her, or a father now. It seemed like everyone was having a crappy Father’s Day. Maggie was heartbroken because she had 2 dads and neither of them were there, Mel already disliked Ray immensely, Harry was sad from missing the kids and grandkids he can’t contact unless he wanted his powers to go bonkers and he refused to lie and call himself a 3rd cousin or something. Macy glanced at the clock, it was 8:30, enough time to make it to brunch. 
Macy went to Maggie’s room and helped her little sister out of bed and led her down the hall to Mel’s room without a word until she had them both sitting. “I have an idea.” Macy presented. “I know Father’s day is really sucky for all of us, so why don’t we pick a place to go brunch to fill ourselves with food and mimosas to feel better, then we can come back home and make a special cake I’ve been wanting to attempt.” 
“Mimosas?” Maggie said straightening up abit. She did like mimosas... and she could go for a full breakfast. 
“We could see who’s doing a Father’s Day brunch and take Harry.” Mel added.
Both girls turned to Mel. “What? You guys didn’t see how much he cried after we saw his son, if anyone deserves to have a good Father’s Day its Harry, it wasn’t even his fault he was taken away from Carter... unlike others..” she mumbled the last part. “Also I... got him this.” Mel grabbed a box off her night stand, in it she held up a silver band bracelet with a small clock in the middle with names engraved on it. “It’s his son and grandkid’s names.” The two other girls awed and gave Mel a nudge for being a softie which she waved off.
“You’re right. Harry is like a estranged British Grandpa practically living in our house. I know he’s been acting weirdly since the beginning of the month.” Maggie agreed. 
Macy thought about how horrible Harry must have been feeling period from the past few months, two women he held affection for, one in a romantic way and one in a familial sense both betrayed him, he found out he had a son and can’t even be with him, and not to mention how Harry felt about her which he asked her to pretend she didn’t know anything(which technically she didn’t verbally agree to). His heart must be sore. 
“Well we have an hour or so until brunch starts. Mel let’s get Harry out of his condo today.” Mel nodded and texted Harry to just simply get dressed and meet them at the house at 9:45. It took him a few minutes, but he replied he would be there. 
“Hello ladies, what is going on today?” Hary showed up to the Vera-Vaughn household, dapper as usual but no smiles. 
“You’ll see.” Maggie scurried towards him with a bandana and proceeded to tie it around his eyes, which he fussed at. “Margarita Vera, what are you doing?” 
“Stop fighting it Harry, just relax it’s gonna be a surprise!” she squealed. 
“Oh dear.” 
Maggie led him by the blazer to Macy’s car and sat with him in the back while Mel played navigator by holding the phone up so Macy could hear the directions. Mel and Maggie picked the place having a Father’s Day brunch, the other places were more sports themed, which wasn’t really Harry’s cup of tea. The place they chose was more his speed, fancy and spiffy. 
When they arrived, Macy and Maggie led him up the stairs by the hand, which Maggie forgot to not touch his hand because she got some mixed signals from both Harry and Macy. “She smells so good. Where are they taking me. I hope he likes his surprise. Harry looks so cute all confused. He smells really good too.” 
Maggie let go of his hand and decided to file what she just heard away for later not wanting to make the mood awkward by asking those two what was going on with that. 
“Table for 4 please.” Harry heard Mel ask, there was a noise of people around, and the smell of food. The girls led him some more, Maggie’s tiny hand had disappeared from his and took his arm instead. Macy’s smooth soft hands still in his. 
“TA-DA!” Mel whipped the blindfold off of Harry. “It’s a Father’s Day brunch.” She explained. They were on a rooftop with a few other families up there. 
“Why Melanie, Maggie.. Macy,” he breathed “You didn’t have to..” he said. 
“Nonsense, you may not be our dad but you’re like a live in grandpa.” Maggie smiled. 
“Oh, girls, you’re all so sweet. I think I may have the best charges in all of the magical world.” the girls all cooed at this. 
Once seated Maggie explained the menu was all you can eat and they’ bring anything you would order and unlimited drinks, 2 at a time for entrees. They also refused for him paying for his own, Mel paid for herself and Harry while Macy paid for herself and Maggie who also held Harry’s wallet hostage.
After round 1 of their food, Mel presented Harry with his gift. Harry’s eyes began to water a bit at the silver clock bangle. “Thank you, my dear.” he sniffled out. 
“Aww Harry don’t cry.”Macy and Maggie rubbed his shoulder. 
“I’m not crying I have summer allergies.” He wiped at his eye laughing. They all gave him a hug and wished him a happy Father’s day. Macy suggested they go to the mall afterwards to get the supplies needed for the special cake she was going to make later, which Maggie agreed to because she couldn’t resist the Mall. “I’m making a special fruit topped cake and victoria sandwiches. I thought Harry might like a taste of home.” She looked at him with a sweet smile.
“Thank you girls. This is one of happiest moments in my life as a whitelighter.” Maggie hugged his torso as he hugged her back again. He did love his girls. 
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granddaughterogg · 5 years
Azrael is a kinkster, yo. Azrael/Reader. Lemons ahead! Part 1
Chapter 1
Some people just burst with sexual energy. Their stare strikes sparks, their body language is hypnotising. You have serious trouble listening to what they say, because your mind is occupied with... very nonverbal things. You’ve met quite a few of such people lately. Azrael is not one of them. If you had to describe Azrael in one word, it would probably be: decent. Of course, the Archangel of Death possesses a lot more traits than this. He’s wise. He’s also candid, tactful and immensely empathetic. Yeah, he overflows with empathy. You’ve yet to see him lose his temper. Which is no small feat, considering how easy it would be to crack the shits in the company of your beloved Darksiders. Hell, there are moments when even you get a bit overwhelmed. They are four very distinctive personalities who bicker a lot.
There are days when Death is being more difficult than usual, War is pouting somewhere in the corner, Fury lashes out at everyone and Strife decides it’s the perfect time to tell a poop joke.   You told him once what you think about poop jokes. Remains to be seen if the message has come through. On days like this you feel like pulling your hair out. Enter Azrael. Azrael the tactful, Azrael the charming. Azrael with this level, kind, yet irresistible voice of his. And magic happens. You suspect that the key to the angel’s success is that he respects everyone. He believes in equality. And his attitude comes through. He brings out the best in people. He and War are practically war buddies. Even though you find it impossible to imagine how their cooperation looked like. Death is actually fond of him; and people who Death’s fond of could be counted using fingers on a sawmiller’s hand. A very unlucky sawmiller’s hand. Fury loses her aggressive attitude when Azrael is around. Even Strife, who doesn’t like the guy that much – begrudgingly respects him. You feel that the angel should work in NATO. He could save humanity from many wars. That said, those are all not very sexy traits. You fail to imagine Azrael engaging in anything erotic. Of course, you’re a big girl now - and aware that it doesn’t take a testosterone-addled hunk to have an interesting sex life. Never the less, your angelic acquaintance always looks way too occupied with more important matters. Much more important. Speaking of looks. He isn’t classically attractive, but has a great profile. And beautiful hands. You always watch them eagerly whenever they emerge from all those fancy sleeves. Oops. Anyway, you two are now friends, right? It’s been a few months since War took you on a trip to Heaven. You’ve visited quite a few times since. Sometimes accompanied by one of the Horsemen, sometimes by all of them. The angel and the Darksiders had their own pressing matters to discuss, of course. But Azrael always made sure that you feel important and welcome. He would brew you great tea (seriously, you’ve never tasted better.) You two would talk at length; mostly about books. This guy is a crazy book magpie. He collects them all. Angel ones, human ones. he’s not too haughty to read the demonic ones either. If something has been written down, Azrael sooner or later will get his shapely, narrow hands on it. And then he’ll sniff it.   He probably sniffs books.
I require pleasant company for the weekend.   Would you care to come alone?
You got this mail on a Friday afternoon.   Really terse, considering who the sender was. If, say, Strife wrote it – you’d suspect that someone clobbered his head with a thesaurus. But emails from Azrael were usually at least one page long. And he wasted entire paragraphs asking you about the weather, about how you were doing and so on. This message was almost...sloppy. Hectic. You pondered a little. Reminisced his subtle smile and those pretty hands, caressing some large-ass tome. Azrael probably obtained a first edition of Balzac or some such and he couldn’t wait to show it to you. Well, you were down with that.
Sure, I’ll come around. Just give me about two Earth hours, okay? I’ll pack the essentials and also change into something spiffy.
Excellent. I’ll open a portal next to your house. And yes, please do dress nicely. Although you always do.
Oh Azrael, you smooth-tongued lad. „Guys, I’m going to Heaven for the weekend” you proclaimed, standing in the doorway of your shared living room. (Yes, you and the Horsemen live together. You’ve bought a house. But it’s a different story for another time.) There were no objections to that. All Four had a day off from their murderous duties. They spent whole Friday lazing around on sofas, watching youtube or just dozing off. You’ve already learned that the Horsemen are like predators in that department. They don’t spend energy unless they have to.   „So. You’re going now?” muttered War. He was lying on his back, one arm tucked under his head, the other – the iron one – hanging limply. It already carved a trace on the wooden floor. „Well, yeah. Azrael invited me” you answered absentmindedly.  „Now I need to do my hair...no, first I need a bath!” Death was resting on another sofa nearby. He raised his head a little and gave you an inquiring stare. It was short and piercing, like a tiny electric shock. „Loosen up, girl” chuckled Strife. He had both of his eyes closed. A PS4 pad and a half-eaten doughnut rested on his tight abdomen; remnants of impulsive decisions, defeated by idleness. Sometimes you wondered how is it even possible to eat so much junk and still look like Strife does. „Whatever you’ll do, he’s still gonna be the sharpest dresser.” „Yeah right, but I don’t mean just him, but all the other angels, too. I don’t want his colleagues from work to think that he’s friends with some uncivilised slob…” „Colleagues from work” said War slowly and pensively, as he often does. „That’s a flattering way to put it, when he rules them all with an iron fist. You know that, don’t you? No lesser angel will dare to offend you. And if one does… „...then we’ll come over and have a chat with them” finished Strife. „It’s been some time since I’ve plucked pigeons.” „Thanks, guys. I appreciate that” you said, genuinely grateful. „But I’ll feel so much better about myself if I doll up. You know how Azrael is...so posh and all.” „He’s hella boring though” said Strife. „What are even you gonna do with him for two days straight? Drink his wretched tea?” „That too, yes.” You smiled. „But I can feel it in my water that it’s about a book.” You’ve been already closing the bathroom door behind you, when Strife said in a hushed voice: „It’s always about some book. That guy’s a pervert.” „Stop it, Strife. ” That was War. ‘What? I call it like it is.” Fury said nothing, because she was fast asleep. She snored tiny cute snores. Death might be a big, intimidating mass of bone and sinew. But he can move like a soft pool of shadow if he chooses to. He did just that to get you at the very doorstep. Away from the others’ earshot. „So, when can we expect you to come back?” He was standing next to the coat stand. You had no idea how he managed to blend in with the wall. As usual.   His voice was relaxed, but you could feel the tightness lacing the words. „Azrael’s gonna send me back on Sunday evening” you said, looking into this closed off, seemingly impassive face. You knew it so well. „Death. Are you worried about me? I’m going to Heaven. Heaven. What could possibly go wrong in there?” ‘I’m not worried” he said, observing some wall crack right to your head. „Azrael is my friend. I’d entrust him with my life. I’m just...ascertaining things.” You let out a deep sigh. You felt so sorry for this man, unable to spit out a simple „I’m gonna miss you” even if his life depended on it.   But that’s what he was saying. With all his body language. His back bent slightly more, his hands hanging a little looser than usual. As if the sadness weighed on him. You embraced him - abruptly, before he had a chance to step back. You pressed your cheek to his hard, exposed torso, which (contrary to the folk stories that we humans sometimes tell each other) wasn’t cold at all. „I love you so much, you know?” you whispered into his left pectoral. That horrible scar has long disappeared without a trace. „I am going to be back home on Sunday evening. Even if Azrael conjures me a truck of books. I promise.” Death’s large hands embraced your shoulder blades. The Horseman closed his eyes and pulled you close. Very close. And then he let go. „I know. Have fun.”
Heaven! Are there even words in any human language that could describe its glory? I don’t think so. What if I tell you guys that everything is high-rise and steep and haughty in there? That everything is luxurious, but never vulgar – and constantly bathed in subtle golden light? Are you going to be satisfied then? Angels live above the clouds. Rainy day is just an expression for them. Wait. I’ve got it.Imagine an Apple store which has been designed by Michelangelo. That was Heaven. Azrael lived in a lavish apartment at the top of one of the White City’s spires. At least you guessed that there must be more rooms than just this huge one. In which you’ve spent so many evenings, chatting passionately about this and that. A spacious room with a decorative rib vault and a shit ton of books everywhere. Books upon books. Carved bookshelves crammed with tomes; some covered in wood, some in silk or even animal hide. A whole lot of regular cardboard covers, too. Azrael updated his collection on a regular basis. Many of those human books were gifts from you. There were also scrolls of parchment and papyrus stacked together and threatening to fall over. Heck, you’re sure that you’ve spotted a bunch of dusty clay tablets in a corner.   Next Christmas this guy is getting a Kindle. You sat in two soft, obscenely comfortable armchairs, covered with slightly worn out periwinkle velvet. Soft music poured from somewhere – relaxed, jazzy downtempo. You had no idea where do they get these earthy tunes from in Heaven. For all that you knew, Azrael wasn’t familiar with spotify. You drank the tea. This time it was green jasmine. With a drop of acacia honey added for good measure. It tasted like the first day of spring. Azrael put the cup aside, rested a cheek on his hand and gave you a gentle smile. „What are you thinking about?” You smiled back at him. „I think that you look ravishing today. That colour” - he pointed at your peach dress - „really showcases the tone of your skin.” „Wow. Thanks” you said. Internally you were squeeing in delight like an excited teenager. Azrael could be so chivalrous. OK, you thought, that’s enough with this line of thinking. Get your shit together, woman, before you tip something over and embarrass yourself. „All right”, you said, putting your cup away; the fine china clinked on the marble tabletop. „Nice little chat that we’re having. Don’t keep me waiting though. Bring out the book! The angel tilted his silver head ever so slightly. His eyes glinted with amusement. „The book? I beg your pardon?” „Well, it is about a book, isn’t it? Like usual. Some rare first edition long out of print, which you really wanted to share with me...Right? Azrael?” His eyes were as milky and opalescent as a cloud. And as serene. You started to blush under this constant stare. „What?" you asked, annoyed a little. His narrow lips curled up in a cryptic smile. „Come on, it’s not funny.” „Indeed” he said slowly. „I’m afraid that I owe you an apology. I lied.” „You...did what?!... When? Also, is lying even legal for you?” „Just right now. I wasn’t thinking about your dress, even though it is quite lovely. I was thinking...” he reached out with his long, slender arm. His fingers stopped mid-air, a mere inch away from your face. „...that I would like to kiss you.” There was a pause. During which your whole world twirled around, stood on its head and fell back to normal. Normal enriched with new, exciting possibilities, that is. "Oh. Right. Sure! I mean, go on. I can’t see why not…” What started as a nervous chirp ended in a mumble. Azrael put two fingers on your lips. You parted it; it was quite instinctive, really. You wanted him to touch you where you were soft and moist. He did just that. For a briefest of moments. Than he took his hand away. „Come here” he said in a low voice. „Okay. You mean...me, there? Right, that makes sense. God!” you whined. „ I’m so akward.” „Let’s keep God out of this” Azrael said with such a face that it was practically a wink. But then again, you had yet to see the Angel of Death winking. You stood up, not quite sure where your legs are – and came over to him as he asked. Azrael sat back in his armchair and pat his lap in an encouraging manner. It was the most un-Azrael thing that you’ve ever witnessed him do. Up until today. When the count of surprises was really going to pile up. You were in such a daze that for a moment there you forgot how to sit on another person’s lap. Especially when said lap is completely covered with sophisticated, flowy, floor-length angel robes. „I said: come here”  chuckled Azrael. „Do you mind if I?...” he gestured explanatorily. You nodded. Stupid redness burned your cheeks. Azrael put his hands around your waist, lifted you up and put on his knees as if you were a cat. The silk rustled. He smelled nice. Definitely non-angelic. Like...roses, maybe?   You knew that scent, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. „What now?” you whispered, stricken with this dumb, embarrassing shyness which you haven’t felt in such a long time. Which you hoped to never feel again. It wasn’t like that with the Darksiders. Not at all. Sometimes they would scare you. Or dumbfound you. But none of them has ever made you feel so small. Not like this highly restrained, immaculately dressed, back-combed man does.   A man with beautiful cheekbones. That much was evident now, when you sat so close. They really were top notch. „Can I?...” you breathed. He nodded smilingly. All this time he didn’t break eye contact.   You touched his cheek. It was pleasantly cool and softer than yours could ever be. Also, his face was covered with delicate fuzz, as bright as frost. „Do you even shave, Azrael?” „That is one peculiar question to ask” he said, still smiling. „That is one peculiar question to ask” you repeated, leaning in desperately and closing your eyes. „Kiss me then.” He weaved fingers into your hair and pulled your head in so sharply that you trembled. And then he kissed you. He was gentle - at first. Tested your boundaries. But you had no patience for such subtlety anymore. You immersed both of your hands in angelic locks and moaned urgently, while you pressed your lips to his. Well, you didn’t have to tell him twice.   He laughed breathlessly at such eagerness and went in with the tongue. And what a brilliant, flexible and knowing tongue he had. As expected of an angel. Time stretched like the most polite and accommodating of rubber bands, so a thousand years (or two minutes) later you were all taut as a bowstring. And rather wet. When it comes to the technique, his was definitely second to none. Azrael was the figure skating master of kissing. Those nimble lips of his were driving you crazy. He knew what he was doing to you. And he was savouring it. „Mmmm...mhm! Don’t stop!” you groaned when the angel finally broke contact. He let out a small chuckle - and suddenly bit your lip. „Azrael!” you cried out. He smirked so smugly you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it. You had no idea that this noble face is even capable of such a dirty expression. „Stop...laughing...at me!” You were in a daze. You lunged forward and bit him back. Azrael cried out a little and touched his lip. It was bleeding. You have drawn angelic blood. It was as bright red as your own. That chilled you the fuck down. „Oh, shit. I’m sorry!” you called, terrified. „I’m so sorry! I got carried away. Carried away...with you.” Azrael wiped his lip and shot you an inscrutable stare. Only now have you noticed how wildly dilated his pupils are. The vivid blush that coloured his pale cheeks. He wasn’t toying with you. He went along for the ride. „I wasn’t laughing at you” he said. „How could I? I was laughing TO you. Because you’re just so ardent. Impulsive. You feel a physical sensation and you follow it with reckless abandon. I happen to think that it’s amazing.” You felt like an utter moron. Something incredible has just happened. You had this little moment of magic, Azrael and you. And you had to destroy it. You let your worst instincts take the wheel. Just because this man made you feel inferior. „I apologise for at” you said, gently touching his bitten lip.   „I would never want to hurt you like that. I have no manners. Maybe I should just go.” „What?...” Those pearlescent eyes went wide with surprise. „What are you talking about, my dear? Please don’t. That…” - he touched his lip - ”is nothing. A trifle unworthy of my attention. At least when compared with what I intend to do to you.” „What?”   Despite your desperate suggestion, you stayed still in his arms. Your heart was pounding. Your body ached for more pleasure. You didn’t want to go anywhere. And Azrael was holding you quite firmly. „I planned to be prudent and unhurried” he stated, shaking his head with a little rueful smile, as if admonishing himself.   „But with you...such approach is pointless. You’re like a flame. You burn through my reason.” He put his fingers on your swollen, wanting lips again. You let him slide them in this time. Slide them deeper than neither prudence nor unhurriedness would suggest. You sucked on them and you looked him in the eye, feeling crazy fearless. Suddenly you didn’t care whether you come off as uncivilised anymore. „I am going to undress you and tie you up. And then maybe I will whip you” said Azrael, looking you in the face with a tender smile.   „I haven’t decided on that last one yet.” Oh. Oh. You felt like an ice cube melting on fire. Does that metaphor even make sense? An urgent, eager flame licked your innards. „The question being of course: what do you say to that?” „Yes!’ you cried out. „Oh, please, do it! I’m in. Yes to all of the above.” He kissed you again – deep and hard. Unabashed. You didn’t even try to stifle the moan that rose in your throat. „I can see that we are on the same page here” he breathed into your lips. Then he pressed his to the skin at the nape of your neck. You inhaled sharply. „I am so glad that that is the case.” ‘Wait” you huffed, putting both hands on the embroidered front of his shirt. „Did you just say: undress, tie up and whip then?” „I said exactly that.” It was amazing how quickly Azrael could put on that official, venerable face of his.   "And then I’m going to fuck you.” „Good! I was just about to ask that...” It was worth it. If only to see how this self-satisfied son of something holy loses his composure. And regains it in a split second. „And not even once” he added. „Not twice either. There is a probability that by Sunday morning you’ll start to cry and beg me to stop fucking you.” You threw him a breathless, shit eating grin. Your direct future looked positively – heavenly. “Wonderful. I can beg alright, if it turns you on.” „Very. You shall see for yourself.” There was something in his half-lidded stare that made your insides tingle.
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raevenlywrites · 6 years
Get to Know the Writer
Thanks for the tag @oceanwriter I’m tagging back @ratracechronicler @griffinwriting and @writingacepilot
1. What’s your favorite time of day to write?
When I first wake up, especially when no one else is awake.
2. Where is your favorite city on Earth?
I gotta say, I really love Lexington, KY. It’s just big enough you can find almost anything, it’s hella gay and super proud of its local talent, close enough to all the other bigger cities that it’s pretty easy to go to things like shows and museums, but also there’s like parks everywhere, nature preserves, and great camping if you just drive two hours away from all the bigger cities. It’s pretty fricken spiffy, IMO.
3. Favorite thing to eat/drink before/during writing?
Coffee. I am made of coffee.
4. What is your method of relaxation when writing?
When writing? I’m an amped up maniac. After writing, I usually mess around on tumblr, or do some tidying if I feel the need to move about.
5. Do you like animals? If yes what? If no what is wrong with you?
I like animals, but as an adult, I prefer not to have pets. I like the band of errant crows that like to steal fries in the parking lot, or the really cheeky squirrel who likes to taunt my cats from the balcony.
6. Do you have a favorite author? If yes who? If no why?
I ADORE Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. I’m sure you’ve heard me wax poetic about her before. As a kid, she inspired me to keep writing cause she was so young when her first books came out. Now, I’m learning a lot about how to balance multi-POV narratives, and how the beta/editing process really changes a story. (Also, it’s really hard not to have someone you beta for be your favorite :P)
7.  A weird source of inspiration for you?
I never seem to see the world as it is, I always see it slant. And I love that.
8.  What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
Not long ago, I was seriously considering transitioning FTM. I still think about it sometimes, but I think genderfluid is the better fit. Maybe someday it won’t be anymore, who knows? But its definitely something that surprises the hell outta people when I tell them.
9. If you had to choose one oc to bring to life as an actual person, which one would it be and why?
Rook. Because if anyone could help us figure out how to bring the rest over, it would be him.
10. Badly describe your WIP(s) in one sentence.
Asylum: Shapeshifters are gay and will either adopt you into their found family or beat you with the power of love.
Avian/serpent crackfics: Romeo and Juliet but with feathers and scales.
Micah and Yvie: You say disabled, I say excuse to go crazy with magic and heightened supernatural senses.
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I’ve Lived In This City For Well Over 2 Decades, At This Point. I’ve Experienced Various Changes And Life Events, Over The Years, Most of Them (Probably) Having Helped Shape The Awkward Weirdo That I Am, And Even Inspiring The Wandering Storyteller In Me. I’ve Experienced Homelessness. Survived A Couple Near-Death Experiences. Saw The End Of Friendships. Heartbreak. All In This City. In Those 20+ Years Though, I’ve Also Seen Just As Much Good Here, Magical Even. In Spite Of The Battles, Roadblocks And Inner Demons, Here Is Where I’ve Been Building Up Towards My Goals, My Hopes, And My Dreams, No Matter The Many Snide Remarks From Naysayers And Former Friends That Have Said I’m Not Worth Anything. I’ve Met And Have Made Some Wonderful Relationships With An Amazing Cast Of Characters From Plenty Walks Of Life Here. I’ve Even Found Some Really Spiffy Places To Drink Coffee At (Starbucks Addiction, Included 🤣). Every Corner That I’ve Wandered Through, There’s Never Been A Shortage Of Inspiration For The Stories That I Would Like To Share. It Felt Like Serendipity. For All The Stresses And Uncertainties I Am Still Facing In My Life, I Can’t Think Of A Better Place To Lay Out The Frame And Groundwork’s Of This Journey Of Mine ✨❤️‍🩹 #LifeOfAWanderingWanderer #LosAngeles #CityOfAngels #Storyteller #Inspiration #Rambling #Serendipity #Filmmaker #Dreamer #Hope #Life #Love #CanadianTransplant #NowhereButUp #Journey (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbg6M6huxLQfww7YEhD4TYaYZvSBaGxwSh__DQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
I think a while ago you talked about how Pidge would be a Beast Tamer in a fantasy setting and Keith seems to often get compared to a knight in the show (shield&sword for bayard, assigned the knight pieces in the comic, etc) and we all know Allura's a (fairy) princess. So, based on the common troupes/character traits with certain fantasy roles, what do you think Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Coran would be?
Honestly I’d argue that Keith’s not really what I’d put as a knight in a pure high fantasy setting, so, I’m just going to go with a lot of my sensibilities/rough abilities that I sorted them into in Hallowed AU:
Pidge: Rogue (Beast master)
Not much to say here. Pidge offsets her own relative lack of staying power, reach, etc. with stealth, maneuverability, and tricky properties. It’s very popular to make her a wizard, but I’ve always thought it’d be interesting, rather than giving Pidge a massive font of magical power, for her to have a few very limited little magics, things she hasn’t had enough time to study or the materials to perfect since she’s on the road and on a mission, but a lot of experimentation and little flash grenades and glamours and sharp daggers. And probably poisons, too, considering her canon affinity for plant life coupled with, in this continuity, a fondness for cute little guys that just might be a little bitey if you aren’t her friend.
But of course, her bag of tricks is limited by necessity- she herself is small, slight, and not really kitted out for direct engagements. In this sense, the kind of creatures she’s liable to befriend fit nicely- she usually goes for the small ones, with the exception of Green- and even she’s small, nimble, and stealthy compared to her brethren. Just imagine Pidge fitting her faithful companion and steed with a set of saddlebags to carry all kinds of equipment and reagents without fear of them falling out if they run into trouble suddenly and need to launch evasive maneuvers.
Keith: Spellsword (Dark sorcerer)
What’s the point of having a long lost bloodline if it doesn’t give you spooky magic, right? Also, in a high fantasy setting, Keith is just set out to be a wizard. Boy’s a glass cannon, through and through.
My personal favorite spin on this is the idea of Keith’s capabilities being overwhelmingly self-taught, framing him as both kind of a prodigy, and in an awkward position since his particular brand of magic is really not socially acceptable or in fact, usually practiced by good people. Which, again, as a self-taught vagrant in the middle of nowhere puts him in just a bit of a pickle to explain himself to well-meaning local law enforcement.
No, if anybody’s a knight in here, it’s....
Shiro: Paladin (Mounted warrior)
Give him a hand-and-a-half sword, a shield with a royal crest, and some spiffy armor and just watch this guy sit straighter and carry himself as befitting a Defender Of The Realm, Ally of Justice, basically a faux-medieval superhero. While I like to reimagine the Lions in a fantasy setting as steeds, I can imagine Shiro and Black having a unique bond where they’re the most likely to actively wield proper cavalry tactics and fight more together than apart. Not that the others don’t fight together, but Shiro having like... actual training and an education in battlefield tactics and why you don’t leap over your allies’ shield wall when your enemies all have spears and you don’t wear armor, Keith.
The thing about knights is more than just Some Guy With A Sword, there’s a pretty big deal in most high fantasy about honor. “Chivalry” literally comes from the same root as cavalry, and while all of the team arguably fights for a higher, more noble cause, Shiro’s the kind of guy who I can see pursuing a career that lets him really dedicate his life to that higher cause, because frankly, whether or not he had a liege to serve and a sword in his hand, he’d be making a stand against injustice anyway. That’s just the kind of guy he is, and when we have an obvious liege that would look favorably on that sort of thing, it’s pretty clear what the result is.
Lance: Bard (Longbow fighter)
Not only is Lance a quintessential support class- he very naturally and easily falls back to let other people shine and picks off enemies with rather fearsome precision from a cozy distance- he’s someone who loves people, and, frankly, has a rather effective way with them. No, he’s not the casanova he sort of pretends he is, but he’s an actor, a charmer, a showman, and specific to Hallowed AU, he might just have a pinch of supernatural assistance in that regard.
My first reflex as weapon of choice would be a crossbow, since it has a lovely silhouette very similar to canon Lance’s rifle, but the longbow spoke to me, because the thing about Lance, is he’s very not a prodigy. This is a major point of contrast between him and Keith- and yet on several occasions in canon, we’re shown that people who are hard to impress (Commander Iverson, and the Red Lion) find Lance worthy of standing where Keith, the actual prodigy, once stood. This tells us that Lance is a hard worker. 
The longbow is a very difficult weapon- they say to train a longbowman, you start with his grandfather. That saying, for me, makes me want to put one in Lance’s hands in a fantasy setting for what it implies- about him, about his family. That he started young, that he likely hails from a family of, perhaps even generations of, archers. And of course he’s not going to say that, acknowledge training until his fingers bleed, or anything like that- he’ll goof off and show off- but there’s a certain obvious respect just him having that weapon and using it effectively and when he notches an arrow, draws that fairly heavy bow back, and fires with deadly accuracy.
Hunk: Fighter (Alchemist)
Hunk seems commonly sorted as a cleric and while I can appreciate that, I think personally Hunk doesn’t have the kind of patience to pursue a skill set where he can’t barge up to the thing chewing on his friends, who he is trying to keep healthy, thank you very much, and crack ‘em solidly in the teeth. He certainly has the muscle of a frontline fighter, and I can see Hunk wielding a simple, but sturdy crooked staff.
The real danger comes in the fact that while Pidge has a foot in the magical and the alchemical, higher education likely pointing to a more aristocratic background- I can see Hunk being someone of humble roots who, out of a combination of necessity and curiosity, learned how to fix, stitch, patch, scratch, and brew, just about everything.
Hunk who smugly goes “Yeah, well, I’m no wizard, but if all you need to knock a wall down,” lights the fuse on a homemade tied-off little packet and lobs it to a satisfyingly sized explosion, or who heard you were picking a fight and brewed up a batch of greek fire for the occasion. He’d probably leave the poisons to Pidge, though- someone who takes as much pride in the culinary arts as he does isn’t going to sully his cooking with anything if he can help it.
Allura: Mage Knight (multiple weapons)
Allura’s handiness with the bladed whip makes a lot of sense as athletic royalty who has the time and leisure to acquire unusual weapons and train with them heavily, though supplementing her more eclectic decision with something as ubiquitous and versatile as a pikestaff means that even caught unarmed, she only needs to lay hands on the nearest broom, or whatever other straight, sturdy piece of wood is around to be seized.
Her being a sacred princess possessing a grand holy power able to work miracles with the right setup frankly needs absolutely no modification for a high fantasy setting except more practice and proficiency in it given it’s more common and ubiquitous in this sort of world. As a personal addition for fun in this setting, the mice are full-tilt shapeshifters able to reconfigure themselves into different forms for Allura’s needs- able to be anything from horses to handmaidens to small but aggressive dragons.
Coran: Spymaster (swordsman)
I sort of like the idea of largely nonmagical Coran, following in the wake of magic using Alfor and Allura, and yet in a context where Allura would be surrounded by a proper royal court and a lot more attendants and advisers, I’d make changes to make sure Coran properly stands out himself- because really, he’s the royal family’s steadfast blade in the dark. If there is anything they need, he’s the kind of person they can trust absolutely.
And absolutely nobody is going to suspect the older, foppish nobleman loudly recounting the time he got peas stuck up his nose to a vaguely disquieted audience is an obstacle to an assassination plot until he very politely rests a blade against their jugular and informs them that they’re going to have a friendly little talk, over there, in the room full of surly guards, about trying to drop unapproved things in the princess’s drink.
Because frankly having quick reflexes, a keen eye, and a couple of shortswords hidden up your sleeves is a very fast route to being plenty dangerous. 
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endlesspassport · 7 years
Tiger’s Eye
Cubans cheekily brag that you haven’t properly experienced their country until you’ve completed four tasks: Drank a mojito, smoked a cigar, salsa danced and, lastly, gotten with a local. As a feisty world traveling backpacker open to new experiences, all activities appealed to me, and I knew the opportunities would present themselves during my two weeks on the island.
My first mojito was refreshing; with freshly muddled aromatic mint and a generous overflowing double shot of rum. The cigar I smoked was rolled right before my eyes on a tobacco farm deep in the heart of picturesque Viñales Valley. I took salsa lessons in Havana, and had a blast clumsily executing my moves on dance floors all across the country. 'Getting with a local,' however, turned out far less ideally than the others.
I knew I needed to make my one and only weekend in Havana count. I had looked up gay clubs ahead of time, and Cabaret Las Vegas featured drag shows, a lively crowd and cheap drinks. As a U.S. citizen, when visiting Cuba, your credit and debit cards are useless. You must fully budget ahead of time, bringing all necessary cash to eventually convert into CUC, the Cuban currency. I arrived to the airport with the equivalent of $750 to last 13 days; a budget-friendly amount that also allowed for occasional splurging.
My chosen hostel casa was basic, but of the five places I ended up staying in Cuba, it was the only one with a safe. This worked out well as the skintight red vintage women's slacks I picked for my big night out didn't have pockets big enough to fit my wallet or passport. It took all my gymnastic efforts just to squeeze in my iPhone, hostel keys and 25 CUC (the equivalent of $25). Drinks are cheap in Cuba, so this was likely to get me through the night.
As I approached the long entry line to the gay club looking spiffy, feeling energized and ready to mingle, I struck up a conversation with a darling couple ahead of me. One was a shy Cuban boy with a dazzling smile, along with his equally handsome partner who was visiting from Madrid, Spain. Once inside, we found a table, and continued chatting over our first, second and, eventually, third drinks.
Waiting for the universally late drag queens to take the stage, I stepped away to the upstairs rooftop for a quick cigarette. My resolution to quit smoking six weeks prior had been going splendidly until, a couple nights prior, I drunkenly accepted a pack from a fellow traveler. 
In my horrible, broken Spanglish, I asked two locals if I could borrow a lighter. One asserted himself, stepping forward and immediately lighting my cigarette. With long eyelashes I will never forget, Jordan was friendly, funny and, thankfully, had a better grasp on English than I did Spanish. "I like, you bracelet," he attempted, pointing to my wrist. It was tiger's eye; a string of powerful yellow-golden stones meant to protect and guide their wearer. It is said to help make decisions with discernment and understanding, remaining unclouded by your emotions. I had bought it at a night market in Myanmar just two months prior.
As his wingman stepped away, Jordan and I continued our flirty chat. He was without a drink, so I bought a round, keeping in mind my now remaining 12 CUC. Could I balance being gentlemanly yet cheap?
The drag show was mediocre but I could have cared less; Jordan was fun, flirty and sensual. His natural scent intoxicated me deeper than all the night's collective cocktails as we danced and kissed. He was open and playful, which allowed me to let my guard down. This was the Friday night in Havana I had envisioned. How could I be so lucky to nab this hottie? I had just enough cash for one more round, leaving me with 4 CUC for my short cab ride back to my hostel 
Jordan and I nursed our beers, less into them and more into each other. He inquired about where I was staying. After I told him I was sleeping in a ten-bed hostel the size of a closet, we refocused on his living space. He said he could host, and I was certainly keen for a sleepover.
It came that time of the night to exit the club. We walked a few blocks to a more taxi friendly area of the city. As we waited to hail one, he ran across the street to buy us each a can of Bucanero, the strong local beer. How sweet! Earlier on, I had treated a couple rounds, and now he was repaying the favor. He opened the beers and held them for a bit, finally handing me mine with a wink as we stepped inside our cab. It was an intimate 15-minute ride to his place. We held hands, intertwining fingers in the backseat, sipping our Bucaneros and drunkenly exchanging newly learned flirtatious passes in each other's language. I paid the cabbie a couple CUC and we walked a few more blocks to his casa.
Finally arriving to his place, he said, "I think we should wait here a bit." No problem, I thought, as we settled into his cozy patio chairs. We watched YouTube videos of salsa performers on his phone for ten minutes.
In a haze, I am stumbling slow motion through an unknown nondescript living room. There is another male with Jordan.
I am in the same room. I feel a tug on my left ear as someone has just removed my diamond earring. I am far too sedated to even attempt stopping them.
Jordan is in possession of my iPhone, repeatedly incorrectly typing in the passcode.
I cannot tell you where I woke up - inside, outside, in a bed or on a sidewalk; to this day I will never know where they dragged me after they were finished with me. It was very early morning; breezy, bright and beautiful. The birds were chirping, classic cars whizzed by and young families strolled down the concrete sidewalks. The air was crisp.
Dusting myself off, I reached into my left pocket. My final 2 CUC was gone, but my hostel keys were still there. In my right pocket was my iPhone, which now said, "iPhone is disabled - connect to iTunes." I felt my left ear; the diamond earring was gone. Yet the matching one somehow remained. The tiger's eye bracelet that Jordan had complimented had been taken too.
Still heavily drugged, I stumbled over to four locals. In mentioning a couple landmarks, I asked them how to get back to my hostel. They must have sensed something was off, because five minutes later, two police officers pulled up in a squad car. In that moment, I thought it was my magical cab ride home so I hopped right in and slept soundly in the backseat as they drove me to the police station.
I sat in a nondescript waiting room with a dozen deadbeats for two hours. In between bouts of accidentally falling asleep in my hard lime green plastic chair, I pestered the officers, demanding they call me a cab. They politely ignored me, escorted me back to my uncomfortable spot and requested that I wait.
At one point they put me on the phone with an English speaking authority. "What is your name and passport number?" he asked. I told this stranger my credentials, also mentioning the drugging and robbery. The male voice seemed indifferent to these details and hung up.
Finally, around noon, the officers released me. No questioning, no investigation, no reprimand; that was it. I got into a cab, told the driver where my hostel was and, after passing out in the front seat, arrived to my hostel. The worried hostel owner, a young mother of twins, was so relieved to see me. She helped me pay the cabbie, and guided me to the couch where my body forced me to sleep my entire Saturday away - 12 uninterrupted hours.
Around midnight, a fellow hostel mate woke me. "Brian, we found an earring. Do you know whose this is?" She showed me my missing diamond. How was this possible? Confused, I put it back into my ear as she guided me toward my bunk bed, where, again, I passed out an additional eight hours.
I woke up the next day thirsty, hungry and groggy. It was a bright Sunday morning in Havana, Cuba. Time to get out there and do what I had done everyday for 21 months - put on my backpack and go explore.
It’s Alcohol 101 – don’t accept open drinks from strangers. Please learn from my naivety. Date rape is an underreported crime that can happen anywhere at anytime. All genders, sexualities, races and ages. Victims are often shamed into silence, but I refuse to subscribe to that.
You likely have as many questions as I do. I still have not fully processed the long-term effects of this event, but in the context of what happened, I am lucky to have my life, limbs and organs. In physically examining myself afterward, there was no bruising, soreness or fluids present, but I did follow up for STI/HIV testing once I arrived back to Chicago. All signs pointed to this being a (largely failed) robbery, and, thankfully, nothing more.
Despite this incident, Cuba remains among the best countries I visited during my 22-month adventure. Full of dazzling beauty, this is a country with so much to offer. During my two weeks, the dozens of other locals I met were kind, curious, fun, generous and passionate.
I choose not to give Jordan the power to shape how I remember and define an entire nation. Hopefully the tiger's eye bracelet he now wears provides him the strength, guidance and positive energy he needs.
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durinsgirl · 7 years
Avenues of Exploration (Barba fic, part 1??)
I have a strange head canon that won’t leave me. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the notion of getting Barba all to myself, however, I also get the sense that maybe a woman wouldn’t be enough for him and pegging only goes so far, sooo…
(The role of Matthew I imagine being played by a younger Michael Shannon.)
Rafi had enjoyed his lively excursion to the restaurant with you and your old friend from high school. Matthew was animated and adorable as always and it made you feel a warm pride whenever he’d crack a joke and get Rafi chuckling. The two of them were certainly hitting it off. You walked down the block to your apartment, your hand around your boyfriend’s arm and Mat on Rafi’s opposite gesturing wildly as he reveled in the retelling of pranks pulled in gym class.
When you got up to the flat the pair of them were in stitches as you poured drinks for everyone. They sat on the couch and you took up the chair across the coffee table. The hours passed until everyone was pretty spiffy.
2 a.m. rolled around and Matthew was insisting that he show Rafi some of the killer dance routine moves you and he had learned for a talent show forever ago. He had gotten him to his feet and they were each swaying a bit before tumbling in to one another, laughing in each other’s arms.
For a moment you couldn’t help but sit back in your chair and admire the scene. Rafael was on the shorter side, but distinguished and dignified, finely quaffed even in his state of inebriation. Matthew was tall, with a medium build and recklessly blue eyes. A mound of unruly brown tresses adorned his crown. They looked so happy, maybe more carefree than you’d ever seen them. It was like magic.
Then the air seemed to vanish from the room as Matthew put his hand on Rafael’s shoulder, their eyes meeting. Nobody spoke. His hand moved to cup Rafi’s cheek, thumb caressing the budding stubble. Without thinking he kissed him, softly, passionately, lingering for a short eternity. You couldn’t tear your eyes away, not that you would want to.
They broke apart, breathing heavy, hearts racing, staring into each other. Rafi dropped his gaze first, feeling the sting of impropriety. He looked at you, opening his mouth to apologize, but tripping over the words. Suddenly he hated being drunk.
You gave him a look of confidence, “Well don’t stop on my account.”
You giggled and got more comfortable in your chair.
Matthew gave you his famous lop-sided smirk, “I suppose you expect us to entertain you?”
“Hmmmmmm, yep!” you gleefully replied.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” Matthew retorted and picked you up out of your chair.
You laughed, giggling and commanding him to put you down. When he did you both looked to Rafael who seemed to still be spinning his wheels on you not being upset that he’d just kissed another man in front of you. You crossed the room and ran your fingers through his hair, leaning in and planting a kiss on Rafi’s cheek.
Forehead-to-forehead you spoke softly, “I’m truly, completely, wholly alright with whatever you’d like. You want to say goodnight to Matty here and now and we can just go to bed. You want to bring him with us. You want him all to yourself, I can sleep on the couch. Whatever you want Rafael.”
You made sure to let his name roll off your tongue with Spanish flare. It always had one of two effects: riling or soothing him. Either worked for the current situation.
He thought for a long moment, twisting one of the buttons of your blouse between thumb and forefinger, before tilting his head to the side, kissing your cheek.
“Would you like to watch, querida?” he whispered in a throaty tone.
You swallowed hard feeling goosebumps blossoming across your flesh, “Yes.”
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Knight in a Dirty Blue Coat (Newt Scamander x Reader)
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Request by Anonymous: Hey, I was wondering if you could write a Newtxreader where he gets all overprotective over the reader please? Lots of fluff if that's okay😊 I love your account btw❤️❤️
Word Count: 2,423
Warnings: Wounds, bleeding, intention of drugging
I think I made it angsty again…
A/N: I kind of went on a tangent away from the main point of the request, sorry.
You couldn’t focus on the book you were reading. You kept glancing at the clock, Newt should have been back an hour ago. Normally, you wouldn’t have payed it much mind, Newt was always getting caught up in his research but he was observing a werewolf today and you were worried, you were terrified and you were kind of pissed. You knew Newt had to collect information on many magical creatures but this was so dangerous. It was common knowledge that when a person turns into a werewolf they lose themselves entirely and are overtaken by a ravenous hunger. Newt was experienced in dangerous creatures but you couldn’t believe how reckless this was. You tried to convince him not to go but he went anyway, apparating before you could declare that you were coming with him. You were also angry with him because of this. You could make your own decisions, you didn’t need him to protect you, he needed you to protect him.
You two had been dating for two months and were already head-over-heels for each other, you had been friends beforehand so you already had a relationship to build on. You loved Newt but sometimes you couldn’t take how careless he could be, throwing himself into danger for the sake of the beasts and his own knowledge. You’ve had to mend many of his injuries, though none of them serious, but you couldn’t help but feel you were just waiting until his life was on the line.
You slammed the book shut and stood up swiftly from the couch, your mind a swarm of thoughts. You could feel your body buzzing, waiting, expecting. It’s not like you could go and look for him, he had refused to tell you where he was going for the very reason you needed to know. You were pacing in front of the clock, staring at it’s slow moving hands.
Suddenly you heard shuffling from outside your hotel door and your heart leapt in relief and joy. A moment later a very pale Newt stumbled in and your smile fell and stomach clenched as you saw he was clutching a bleeding gash over his abdomen. He gave you a small bashful smile as he started to fall. You leapt forwards and caught him.
“Merlin’s beard, Newt.” You gasped as you dragged him over to the couch. He groaned as you lay him down. You removed his hands from the gushing wound. You slapped a hand over your mouth as a sob escaped your lips. Two deep, wide gashes slashed across his stomach. Your gaze flicked up to his, he was trying to hide his pain, you could tell.
“I seem to be in a little bit of a predicament.” He said, trying to sound lighthearted. You didn’t say anything as you removed his coat and scrambled into the kitchen, pouring water into a bowl and grabbing a few rags. You ran back into the living room and placed them on the coffee table and then ran into Newt’s case, grabbing vials and bandages you thought you would need. You then returned to an even sicker looking Newt. He looked deathly pale and his breathing was shallow, eyes heavily lidded.
Your mind was screaming and tears pouring down your cheeks as you hurriedly cleaned the wounds, staining the water and rags red. You then poured the appropriate solutions onto his wound, rubbing them in with your hands. You could tell the medicine was hurting him because overtime you rubbed it in he would flinch lightly. He was so weak he couldn’t even hiss or groan. Your hands were surprisingly steady as you murmured healing spells, hovering your wand and hand over the gashes. Your mind kept screaming his life is on the line, save him, save him, SAVE HIM.
Colour soon returned to his face as you were finishing up and bandaging him up an hour later. He was half-conscious and gazing at you as you finished wrapping his abdomen. You finally sat back and looked at his face. He smiled at you weakly.
“Thank you.” He whispered, reaching out to you. You scooted out of his reach, shaking your head and covering your mouth as you released a sob. His smile fell as he looked at you worriedly. Why in the name of Merlin was he the one worried. You wrapped you arms around yourself as you sobbed in front of him. Your mind not yet calming down from his near death experience. “Y/N? Don’t cry. I’m okay.” He said, trying to reach out to you again but you were still out of reach. It was cruel, you knew he wanted to comfort you but he couldn’t actually move his body but you couldn’t go to him, not yet.
“Was it worth it?” You asked, not bitterly but sadly. The tears were cascading down your face as he flinched visibly.
“Y/N…” He started but you shook your head, silencing him. You stood up, realising you were now shaking violently. You let another sob escape as you ran out of the room, hearing Newt call your name behind you.
You still weren’t fine, but you felt better. Partly because of the alcohol but you weren’t sobbing or shaking anymore. Your heart wouldn’t unclench though and was in a constant state of stress. You were sitting at a bar, frowning at your drink. You weren’t drunk and you didn’t intend on getting drunk. That wasn’t what you needed, you just needed a drink and a place away from Newt. You were angry and upset and have been sitting here for a while now with a sour expression. You suddenly saw someone out of the corner of your eye slide into the stool next to you and order a drink.
“What’s eating you, doll?” The man asked you. You shrugged, not looking at him. He chuckled. “Alright, alright. I get it, you don’t want to talk. It’s just not everyday you see a spiffy dame sitting alone.” He said, looking at you. You glanced down at yourself, you were just wearing a simple everyday dress and you didn’t even want to know what kind of state your hair was in. You definitely didn’t think you looked ‘spiffy’.
“Look, I’m just looking to have a chat.” He said. You gave him a suspicious glance, finally looking at him. He wasn’t bad looking, he wasn’t as attractive as Newt but not horrible to look at. If just having a chat was all he was looking for, you could use something to distract you. You would go back to your hotel room once you had calmed down a little more and maybe some human interaction would help. Now you weren’t completely naive, you knew of men and how they drugged women but if you kept your drink in your hand and your eyes on it you would be safe and he wouldn’t do anything in a bar full of people, so you were safe. “Come on, don’t be such a wet blanket.” He said, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Fine, but just talking.” You said, looking at him pointedly. He raised his hands up to show he meant no harm.
“Hey, that’s all I’m looking for.” He said smiling.
Where on earth could she have gone? Newt wondered as he stumbled down the street, looking for you. His wounds had healed a little more since you left thanks to your healing abilities, enough so he could get up. He knew he technically shouldn’t be up and should be resting and letting his wounds fully heal but your tear stained face kept flashing through his mind. He felt so guilty for making you so sad and worried. He had just made a stupid mistake when he was observing the werewolf, alerting it of his presence and things had just escalated from there. He kept remembering your heart wrenching sobs and shaking hands, making his heart clench painfully.
His wounds still aching, he stumbled into a pub and looked around to see if you were there. His eyes finally landed on your familiar H/C hair. His face immediately brightened and he started to walk over to you, thinking of what he would say to you. Apologising profusely being on the top of his list. He then saw you talking to another man, laughing and gesturing animatedly. His face immediately fell and he took a step back.
He didn’t quite know what to feel. He know he shouldn’t feel jealous but he did, the last thing he made you do was cry and here was this stranger making you laugh. Newt always knew you were too good for him but he was sure that you loved him too. Well, he hoped. He stared at you sadly, deciding to go back to your hotel room and wait for you there. He didn’t want you to be sad and here you were laughing, he wasn’t going to interrupt that so he’d wait.
He was about to turn around and leave when he saw the man point to something behind you, making you look, in this moment the man slipped something into your drink. It was swift and sudden so there’d be no way you would notice. Newt’s eyes widened and he felt anger and disbelief bubble up within him. You then turned around and went to take a sip of your drink.
“Y/N” He exclaimed, dashing over to you, ignoring the flare of pain in his wounds.
“Newt?” You asked surprisedly, putting your drink drown. “What are you doing here?” You asked, confused, your eyes then flickered to his stomach and they filled with worry. “You should be resting and healing.”
“Don’t drink that.” He said urgently. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Yeah, mate, let the lady do what she wants.” The stranger said. Newt whirled on the man, fists clenching.
“Don’t you dare even look at her.” He said, deadly calm and moved in between you and the man. You were still confused.
“Newt, what are you saying?” You asked.
“He drugged your drink.” He said, keeping his eyes on the man.
“What?” You asked, disbelieving. “That’s impossible, I’ve had the drink in my hand the whole time.” You said, you were sure he would’ve had no chance to drug it.
“He did it when you looked away.” He told you. You released your drink and pushed it away, feeling sick at what had almost happened.
“Look, I don’t know what you’re insinuating -“ The man started.
“Oh I’m not insinuating anything.” Newt interrupted angrily. You placed your hand on Newt’s arm, fearing he was going to do something he’d regret.
“Newt, let’s just go.” You said. Newt turned to you, his expression softening and eyes filling with a mix of love and worry. He nodded and slipped his hand into yours and giving the man one last dirty look, started to walk away.
“Too much of a bearcat for me anyway.” The man mumbled, turning back to his drink. You felt Newt clench and his hand flew to his wand in his coat pocket.
“Newt.” You said, stopping him. He clenched his jaw and looked down. His hand fell away from his pocket and he kept walking. Once you had left the bar you crushed him in a hug, making him yelp. “Oh, Newt, I’m so sorry. I forgot about your wounds.” You said, jumping away from him fretfully. He just took a step forward and gave you a hug, a lighter hug than yours albeit. You noticed he was still tense, from the recent encounter or his wounds you didn’t know.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered into your hair. You knew he was talking about his werewolf incident. You had already forgiven him but was glad he apologised. You could never stay mad at him for too long.
“I’m sorry too.” You murmured. Newt leaned back a little to look at your face.
“For what?” He asked, confused.
“For running out like that.” You said. You hadn’t meant for him to worry so much that he would go looking for you especially in the state that he was in. But what did you expect from the caring mummy that was Newt Scamander.
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.” He said, bringing you back into the hug. You inhaled his scent, he always managed to smell like cinnamon. Even after having bled out for a good while. “I know what you went through was sudden and a lot and I’m so so sorry, I just didn’t know who else to go to.” He said softly.
“No, you always come to me, ok? It doesn’t matter if it’ll upset me, I’ll always be here.” You said against his chest. He gave a sigh and squeezed you a little tighter, ignoring the small prick of pain in his wounds. You both started to walk home, opting not to apparate due to Newt’s state. He had relaxed a little but you could tell that he was still angry by the set of his jaw and how he kept looking you up and down as if somehow the man had hurt you since you had left. “Newt, I’m fine.” You said, stepping closer to reassure him. He smiled sheepishly and ran his fingers through his dusty auburn hair. A new habit he had picked up, you realised.
“I know. It’s just I can’t stop thinking what would have happened if I hadn’t been there.” He said, pain lacing through his words even at the prospect of the stranger’s plan succeeding.
“But you were there and I’m fine.” You reminded him. “You were my knight in a dirty blue coat.” You joked, earning a smile from Newt.
“Maybe I should have rode in on a hippogriff.” He said, pretending to disappointed that he hadn’t thought of the idea earlier. You laughed and squeezed his hand.
“Where you really going to use your wand on him?” You asked, gazing at him tentatively. He nodded firmly.
“I had a very particular hex in mind that would have given him a nice pair of antlers.” He said. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Good thing I stopped you then. Though antlers may have suited him.” You said, keeping the mood light. He grinned at you and pulled you closer.
“Thank Merlin I have you.” He sighed happily, pulling you in closer as you gave him a joyful smile.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I know this scenario is a little bit over used but this is one cliché I kind of like…does that make me a bad person? AH SORRY!
Please tell me what you think of it. Constructive criticism is welcome. (◕‿◕✿)
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