#SO fucking much
lara-cairncross · 2 months
wake up people its missing pb&j duo hours
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emotoangel · 4 days
you know sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat remembering the phrase ‘more than just romantic’ and feeling like I’ve been knocked down a hill by the reminder that Dan and Phil are like ,, actually together. it’s not just a weird online shipping two twinks thing they’re actual soulmates, companions through life, 4000 year old tortoises, RANCH, like a piece of furniture, like a normal gay couple ,,, what the fuck
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mrboomtin · 6 months
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Ive been pretty occupied in my brain. Got all these silly creatures roaming around up there.
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wetsocksinbed · 15 days
Shepard: I died saving my crew. Then someone I considered one of my closest friends gave my corpse to a terrorist organisation, who brought me back to life against my will, and have been manipulating me for months. I am isolated from almost everyone I knew and I am trying to save everyone yet again while also making sure I am not losing my morality.
Kaidan/Ashley: you left me >:(
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bloodpen-to-paper · 9 months
Rip to the newcomers but I am in absolute glee over Cellbit's excited bloodlust and Baghera's chaotic giggles
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risingchaos · 10 months
All retired Robin outfits are kept in the Batcave. All retired outfits in general, but specifically the Robins are on display. The Robins are Batman’s pride and joy, they are his greatest failure. They are his children.
Sometimes, Dick will go down to the archive and sit, just stare at the outfits on display like some kind of parade. He’ll look at his old one, sometimes shocked that he fit into that at one point. He’ll groan at the dumb little shorts and the too bright color scheme. He’s truly shocked he didn’t get shot more as Robin. It reminds him of an old wound. Of a nerve damaged scar. It’s healed now, but if you press on it, it still hurts. The old outfit always makes him think of his life at that point. It makes him think of how it started, how if Bruce had just never taken him in, none of this would’ve happened. He can never tell if it’s a good thing or not.
He’ll walk and glance at Jason’s. It’s still bloody and torn from his very last time as Robin. Dick can’t look at it for too long, it makes him want to throw up and cry at the same time. It makes him think of the happy-go-lucky little kid, the one that genuinely broke his and Bruce’s relationship for good because he was a dumb teenager and didn’t think about the repercussions of his actions. He tried bonding with Jason when he was a kid, he really did. He always regrets not trying harder. The costume makes him think of a loss of innocence. Of what Robin does to people. To children. What Robin did to all of them. He always moves past it swiftly.
Tim’s makes him smile so sadly. At least the kid got pants. Tim wanted this, in a very different way than anyone else did. Tim asked for it, begged to be Robin. He begged Dick and Bruce for the chance to prove himself, and he did. He proved himself over and over and over and Dick still yells at Bruce for never giving Tim the one thing he needs. Acknowledgement. He tried harder with Tim. Harder than he tried with Jason. Tim deserves it, just like Jason did. But with Tim, he has time. Something that he didn’t realize was so precious with the former.
Dick isn’t sure how he feels about Steph’s. He’ll watch it for a while, unsure of why she took the title in the first place. She’s proven to be an amazing hero, a wonderful detective, but he often wonders if she’s too fractured for this job. Like Jason. He moves swiftly on.
There’s a space reserved for Damian when he finally finds his own way. Dick isn’t sure if he’s excited for it, or if he’ll cry harder with Damian’s addition to the grave of Robins. Damian will always be his Robin, just like how he’ll always be Damian’s Batman. He worries for Damian. He worries that Damian will realize he’ll never get what he wants from Bruce. He worries that he’ll lose Damian to anger, to revenge, to a desperate need to prove himself no matter the cost. It’s why Dick has always tried to make every single Robin feel acknowledged. Loved. Cared for. Like there’s someone in their corner no matter what. When they become their own hero, their own design, they can choose what they want. But while they’re Robin? While they’re carrying on a legacy he didn’t mean to start? Dick needs them to know he will protect them.
He will always, always, protect them. No more dead Robins.
He wishes he never put that getup on in the first place.
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pink-link-lemonade · 4 months
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|| Dead Man Walking ➢
In collaboration with @weirdozjunkary
Inspired (obviously) by the phenomenon known as a Dead Man Walking :)
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Guys I miss renfield so bad It hurts me WHERE IS HE please god universal I will eat 12 bugs to bring him back I'll do anything I need my boy. Dress nicholas hoult up In his outfit I have to see him I have to where Is he. Put him In his gay jumper or his gay suit I don't care just LET ME SEE HIM!!! GIVE US UNSEEN BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE HIM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYTHING!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! NICHOLAS HOULT I AM CALLING TO YOU PLEASE I AM CONTACTING YOU WITH MY MIND PUT ON THE RENFIELD JUMPER AGAIN I HAVE TO SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK
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wigglys-dikrats · 1 month
that was the cuntiest narrator i’ve ever seen
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teddybeartoji · 13 days
and the historians shall call us best friends.........................
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lupeloto · 3 months
i just really miss mickey milkovich and i hope he’s doing well. i hope he and ian have a little house by now and they all go over to lip’s for family dinners on sunday. i hope he is content and at peace for the remainder of his days and that he fully believes he deserves the simply life he and ian have created for themselves
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drulalovescas · 2 years
What happiness looks like? It looks like this
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reylogirlie · 1 year
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Snoke was never fucking with Rey to hurt her; it was to hurt Kylo/Ben.
Snoke isn’t an idiot; he’s been in the guy’s head since birth, he knows him. He knows Ben Solo remains deep down and knows he’s fallen in love with Rey (so does Hux, I have a fic on that but another story-) so he’s doing it to punish him. He’s disappointed in him for making a mockery of the First Order so he’s torturing him in the most hurtful way he knows how.
Rian confirmed Kylo/Ben was planning to kill Snoke after the hand hold scene, but here is what really fucking broke him;
He couldn’t bare to see Rey hurt the way he did all those years. His normal, his typical day was something so damn awfully horrible and disturbing that he could bare it happening to himself but couldn’t watch her take a minor sample for five minutes.
Worse part is Kylo/Ben can’t let Snoke know his plan and he can read his mind so he’s trying to think that he wants her dead and hates her when in reality he’s hurting immensely. I don’t know how I didn’t pick up on this in sixth grade-
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Sometimes I forget that a ship is actually canon. Like. No, the carnal longing you see in these characters is real, you’re not crazy, they are in fact hopelessly and stupidly in love with each other
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peacefxlmyko · 7 months
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Thomas doesn't deserve this
Toni doesn't deserve this
Manuel doesn't deserve this
I will miss all three of them 😭
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