ruporas · 7 months
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how to guide your mossball (ID in alt)
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eriochromatic · 5 months
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winter outing featuring cross guild and company 🌨️🌨️🌨️
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather
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firelise · 1 month
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Stop feeding that dog. It's just going to keep back, expecting more. It just gives her hope. // [News: Baba Shakti today held a public prayer for victims of the ongoing land disputes, advocating that violence is never the answer.]
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bucksboobs · 7 months
Idea for a fic: Zolu as told by gossip among the crew (usually through Nami, all gossip gets to Nami)
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cluedoenthusiast · 9 months
He looks as if he’s singing the song himself (in his head perhaps)
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furiouskettle · 2 years
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monkey absolutely HATES the cat that passes by our yard sometimes and he had the AUDACITY to run right past us?? UNACCEPTABLE
(the pic+comic are from a couple months ago sdkjhgshkd)
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theposhperyton · 2 months
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All evidence suggests yes
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#starting a new power scaling system for the warlords of the sea but im rating them based on whether i think theyre an ally or homophobic#kuma is an ally because photos dont lie and hes clearly wearing an ally pin#also you cant spend that much time around somebody with the title “Queen of the Queers” and somehow be homophobic afterwards#unless youre sanji but hes still on his internalized homophobia growth arc. i believe in you buddy you can beat this#crocodile is trans and baroque works is the alphabet mafia in a literal form#with that said. he has the energy of “im not homophobic yall are just annoying”#doffy has the energy of a homophobic homosexual#like hed kiss a guy and then call him a f*g and throw him out a nearby window#jimbei joins the strawhats so ofc HES an ally#blackbeard sucks but i dont think hes homophobic#hes one of those people you meet and theyre just the worst all around and youre like “man this guy has gotta be homophobic”#somebody mentions their partner and you go “oh boy here it is” but he just has no reaction whatsoever#hes such a problem but at least hes not homophobic on top of everything else#Gecko Moria is such a virgin that i dont think he knows being gay exists any more than he knows being straight does#Typa MFer who thinks “sex” is just a synonym for gender#also hed see your top scars and get excited because he thinks youre a zombie#gecko moria probably thinks LGBT is an acronym for some branch of the navy that he doesnt know (or care) about#Because Boa lives on Sapphic island i would jump the gun and immediately say she's an ally but i feel that its more complicated than that#not unlike moria. she also doesnt actually have a real strong grasp on being straight vs being queer#but thats just because shes used to everybody being whipped for her equally#somebody tries to explain it to her and shes just like “??? but theyre all obsessed with me?”#if she ever encounters a gay man it will be a reality shifting event for her#id say itd be the same if she met a sex/romance indifferent aroace but like#monkey d luffy#its already happened#mihawk is probably both an ally and queer himself but he just minds his own business so much that we may never know#one piece#seven warlords#warlords of the sea#bartholomew kuma
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fanficlerontheroof · 1 year
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rebellum · 1 year
I feel like... Perhaps... Arguing that transphobia is defined by murder and that anything other than murder doesn't even matter... May NOT be conducive to fighting for trans rights.
Like... people want the right to exist as they are. They want to have access to hrt and surgeries and prosthetics. People want access to clothes that fit them and reflect how they want to be seen. People want access to medical care (eg. Getting screened and treated for sex-based forms of cancer can be impossible if you have the "wrong" sex listed to receive those tests). People want to be respected and treated well. People want to not be sexually assaulted and beaten and abused. People want to have access to housing and jobs, and the protection to not lose those things for being trans. People want access to shelters for homeless people or survivors of domestic abuse. People want name changes.
Acting like all of those things don't matter because at least they weren't murderered by an individual (and instead die of suicide or state violence, or survive and suffer) isn't okay.
#'hey people are forcibly detransitioning you and raping and beating you and you lost your job and are going to be homeless and#probably die of infection from being stabbed for trying to go to the bathroom. but at least you arent part of a demographic that has a#higher murder victim rate! shhh just ignore that we dont actually have data on the murder rate of your group.'#do ppl like. forget state based violence exists. and that thats most violence minorities face.#idk man im just. mad about people on here acting like youre only oppressed if youre a perisex trans woman who was AMAB.#cause i exist at the intersection of multiple minorities and being told hey u experience violence but at least you wont be murdered by an#individual feels like a slap in the face.#like it doesnt matter if i have to mask my neurodivergent behaviour bc if people see they could assume im on drugs and call the police and#i could potentially be really hurt but not die but hey at least i wont die just be horrifically traumatized by police brutality!#there are millions of people with mental illnesses similar to my own around the world who are institutionalized and forcibly medicated or#living on the streets or dependant on horrifically abusive caregivers#but hey at least they arent being murdered!#like. the way the transphobia discussion on tumblr rn discusses (and doesnt discuss) race and ability and class and health makes me#feel very invisible.#like if people had to choose who to believe about my experiences between listening to me a black/mixed mentally ill maybe disabled (used to#be disabled) hella nd trans nonbinary person#or listen to a white middle class trans woman's take on my experiences that theyd choose her. its such a weird weird microcosm.#its like a monkeys paw like people are finally listening to trans fems and finally recognising the violence they experience and finally#actually caring about them but for some reason decide that in order to do that its necessary to throw every other minority under the bus#like fuck man have you seen how 'anti transandrophobia truthers' discuss race? its NOT okay#we all matter we all are so similar and are part of the same groups and same communities we need to stick together#stop using trans fems as a battering ram to hurt other minorities challenge#cause like. yes its some trans fems. but its mostly NOT?#like its non trans fems telling other non trans fems that they arent oppressed#and even when many trans fems are like what the fuck dude of course other trans ppl matter whats wrong with you#the group of like 80% non trans fems 20% trans fems are like 'hmm if you are defending other trans people you must not really be trans fem'#like. denying trans fems their identity bc they disagree with them?? dude someone doesnt stop being a trans fem cause they recognise#people other than trans fems matter and exist#its just all so WEIRD its a weird little tumblr microcosm#i wanna stress. for those of you who dont have access to other lgbtq+ communities. how much it seems to be primarily a tumblr thing. to
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civetcider · 8 months
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holy shit she cookin
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I love your soulmate AU~ 🥰😍 It's so cute and it heals my heart.
I hope you don't mind me popping into your ask box to spew a random thought. 😅
In one of your previous installments, I remember you mentioning you might write the KFC breakup... (genuinely intrigued if you would end up writing it or if you'd rather maintain a happy AU... i'm here for the ride either way 🤩).
But the KFC breakup situation had me wondering...
How would Suguru view Satoru's soulmate after that? Would she be just another monkey in his eyes? Because at that point in canon, he set his mind on eradicating all non-sorcerers and he killed his own parents because of his new principles. Would he make exceptions for Satoru's soulmate knowing how much she means to Satoru? Or would he just not care?
I find it very intriguing...
First of all I am so glad you are enjoying this series 🥰 As for your question I think Geto would still see her as a 'monkey'. She might be Gojo's soulmate, but at the end of the day, she is still a non-sorcerer who can only see curses through Gojo's eyes. Now, do I think he'd go out of his way to hurt her or kill her? No, and if she was in danger and he was in the vicinity he would not rush to her rescue, unless the curse was powerful to keep. Still, Geto would not be excorcising/consuming the curse to save her, it would for the power of the curse.
Geto would go as far to say to Gojo that she is a liability to him. What happens when Gojo is not there to keep her safe from a curse? Eventually, the jujutsu/curse world will know who she is and what she means to him. It's only a matter of time before curses or curse users start gunning for her - Gojo can't be with her all the time. Geto would go from "the universe trusts you keep her safe" to "the universe placed a burden on you - she is a weakness"
Geto would also use her insecurities against her if he talks to her before ghosting everyone. Not being a sorcerer does plague her mind, especially when her thoughts go back to the time Gojo died. Forget about Gojo not being able to protect her - she can't protect herself or him at all. So no, she would not be an exception for Geto, more like a nuisance that he thinks Gojo should get rid of.
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samarecharm · 6 months
I should add poledancing to the list of odd talents that Akira has but has no business having due to growing up in a small suburban town. I only had access to it bc i had a YMCA that had a MASSIVE gym (in a criminally underfunded part of the city); there were poles put up alongside some other structures to allow counselors to make up some shit for us to do lmao
Hes got a flair about him; speaking from experience, it is FUN to do gymnastic shit like that, and its really really REALLY good for ur core. Other things on the list are basic gymnastics (he hates that shit tho, the classes he took sucked ass), Parkour (loves this; less about running and more about utilizing ur core and bracing for falls), and Knife Flipping/Spinning. Theyre all odd things that coincidentally ended up being VERY good experience for the metaverse :) YEAH the metaverse makes it easier to pull off tricks, but he already knew how to do all those things; you cant get Ryuji or Yusuke to spin kick off a pole wo having them fall and bust their ass- Its ALL skill babey
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bunbox · 18 days
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new monkey gorl!
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askblueandviolet · 1 month
Sooo...Macaque and Mayor, how y'all doing, what y'all doing?
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afterthelambs · 4 months
"I crumble completely when you cry, it seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye" guys thats so shuake. thats so shuake third semester thats them its shuake
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