#ITS JUST.. one of those medias where systems who Know are like.. cant recommend it to other systems lol because the splitting gains are lik
funnierasafictive · 3 months
Bruh we read your tags on gravity falls and were like “Hah! We don’t have any fictives from Gravity Falls! Guess we’re just built different!” And then someone reminded me of an alter who while they don’t identify as a fictive, their internal appearance is literally that one human Bill design. Systems really can’t escape Gravity Falls
It's why I can't watch gravity falls because i genuinely might become mentally ill !!! (half joking) but like, I'm of the belief that systems should do whatever they want and not be afraid to split. "be cringe but be free". but Gravity Falls is on a different level. its not that ill feel cringe, it's that i'm going to get psychosis
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treeprince · 2 years
hello! ok 1. i love your writing <3 found you from ao3. amazing work *round of applause* 2. i wanted to know how you recommend finding fics / fic recs or promoting your own work? i have heard a lot of ppl say that tumblr doesn’t rly discuss fanworks like they used to and most of that discussion (esp with writing) has moved to discord but i feel like from an outside perspective its hard to stumble upon unless you have friends in the server? idk just wanted to get your thoughts :) have a lovely day!
ive been sitting here on this one all day like,
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are... are you in the right place??? did u click on the right blog for this ask??? thank you?????? made my day and also got me v confused
but to answer your questions, ill do it in 2 parts: one for fic recs and the other for fic promos.
theres a couple different ways i look for fics, and im sure both of these are the most common, but the first is using ao3's filter system. i can pare down any particular thing im looking for in a fic with the filter system ao3 runs on, and the tag wranglers (bless them) have made sure that even the vaguely worded tags end up where they need to be under the larger umbrella tag its associated with. you can also peruse the bookmarks of authors on ao3 in their profile and filter those fics down to specific fandoms or pairings or even timeframes it was written!
the second is a combination of using friends recommendations- publically or in private servers- and fic recs on tumblr, usually thru the ship tag (if im following the tag, and if the author chose to promote their fic on tumblr, or a fic rec blog promotes it as some fandoms do)
it also depends on how large the fandom is when you come into it, and what specifically you are looking for, but if you have friends in that fandom who keep bookmarks of their fav fics or know of ones youd enjoy, id recommend going to them if the tag system isnt providing quite what you're after, as id trust a friend over anything else (word of mouth literally is the best promo)
there are also sometimes fic rec blogs, who's entire modus operandi is promoting works at large, so following a few of those (if there are any) can help bring new content to your door as well
as for promoting your own work, you really kind of have the world before you. make a link post on tumblr with a similar tagline to the summary and tag it accordingly. share the link in discord with friends or in fandom spaces. share the link on twitter and tag it so it gets seen. ao3 is not a social media website, so as long as you are the most recent post in the tag, youll always be at the top. theres no algorithms there like there are on other socmed platforms, so really the choice is up to you how and where you want to promote it! reblog the link as many times as you want! its up to you!
and youre not entirely wrong that discussion of fanworks doesn't take place on tumblr anymore, but it really depends on the fandom youre in. i follow several authors and fic rec blogs for one fandom who do regular fic promos of other writers works and gush about them, but in the way that youll see a blurb in the jacket cover of a book. its really just to keep the content coming back to the top here, and helps bring to the surface fics that didnt get a lot of readers in the first run, perhaps bc its an older work or a lesser known pairing.
discussion about fandom works themselves has turned private namely for the sake of reducing drama and hurt feelings in public spaces, and i dont blame them. ive been in ficbook clubs on private servers that were some of the best times ive ever had bc we were allowed to talk freely about an authors work without airing our opinions out for all the world to see, and frankly i much prefer that style of discussion over public ones, but thats me and i cant speak for everyone.
theres also just been a steady shift away from author engagement on socmed bc of how easy it is for them to get hit by negativity there. the culture just isnt the same as it used to be for fic writers as it was in the last decade. hell, in the last year alone, youd be hard pressed to find an author who hasnt experienced some kind of harassment over the course of their career on socmed, if we're being honest. my honest advice to you is: if youre following an author you like, and u want to know more about how they use their creative process, ask them! they may not all answer these days, but it doesnt hurt to try! just be polite, thats all anyone can hope for.
i hope this helps you anon, and thank you for the kind words! if you have more questions or are just looking to get recs, feel free to hmu!
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hardwaresysx0 · 9 months
massive vent underneath the cut. i dont know i just started typing and couldnt stop. you can read it if you want, but honestly, i recommend you dont.
i miss the days of when who was going to be in front was predictable. now we've gone through a few day period where there was a new person in front every day. it fucking sucks, especially because all of our old hosts are inactive, even the one that was frontstuck for 2 YEARS! and she WANTED to be! i havent seen her in weeks. one of them tends to front whenever his name is mentioned but even when he DOES pop into front, he always just goes "wow this is so boring. you live like this now?" and leaves. and i think its because the one sense of stability we had for a while is now just. bloop. gone. and the fact that it was our fault too really just adds the cherry on top of everything. speaking of that sense of stability, some people refuse to accept the fact that its even gone! so then we have to deal with delusions that are straight up UNREALISTIC, that we still have that support system when we don't really have anything outside of ourselves and pouring all of our thoughts into this damn website. every fucking day we wake up and think about those people who offered us comfort, it's almost become a routine! and last night before I went to bed I talked about it with a friend, and guess what. i had another fucking dream about them. about *him*. and it was REALISTIC too, it was him messaging us, checking in on us, and then leaving again. it reminds me of the first time something like this happened. and guess what! it was with HIM! IT WAS HIS FAULT! because we were immature and couldn't be expected to take responsibility and now WE suffer from the choices HE made! and instead of trying to figure out the real issue, he tells us hes tired of helping and boots us out, expecting us to move on? really? us? the ones who waited for so long, for you?! our mindset was that a month was nothing. it's somehow carrying over to this but only in the sense that "he'll come back", not in the sense that time goes by quicker even when he's not here.the past month has been the longest month ive had in the past.. i don't know. 3 years? especially with school. and before i had friends to talk to that could hold me over, people i could always turn to, but now those people are gone because of ME. because of US. fucking great. occasionally ill snap and stalk them on social media too! and be self aware during it! they have me blocked on tumblr (THANKFULLY), but there are some they either can't block me on, haven't blocked me on, or didn't even know i had an account there. it fucking sucks, it makes me feel so much worse and triggers a pretty massive relapse every single time (which is what happened 2 days ago) AND I JUST HAVE TO DEAL! we just have to deal with it! WE CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT EXCEPT FOR WAIT. and waiting does nothing, because all of our process gets RESET OVER AGAIN EVERY SINGLE TIME WE SO MUCH AS REMEMBER SOMETHING ABOUT HIM. i can't even tell whether or not i want them back in my life or not. i genuinely can't tell oh my fucking god UGH, and even if i decide that i do there's no fucking WAY it'll happen! because when i went back to them the first time i fucking exploded and they told me that they would never let me back it's like.... i reach a point of acceptance. i relapse. i decide that i'm better than them. i decide that they're better than me. i decide that i don't deserve them. i decide that i need them. i decide that i'll just pretend they're here. i decide and over. and over. i hate it. i just want to live. let me LIVE. LET ME LIVE! FOR FUCKS SAKE! I JUST WANT TO EXIST BUT MY LIFE HAS TO BE ABOUT PEOPLE WHO LEFT ME AND RENOUNCE ME AND NEVER WANT TO SEE ME AGAIN! BECAUSE WHY? BECAUSE WHO FUCKING KNOWS! BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM, BECAUSE WE NEED SOME SEMBLANCE OF STABILITY WHEN THE REAL FUCKING STABILITY CAN'T BE FOUND FROM OBSESSING OVER THEM! OH MY FUCKING GOD. i just want our lives to be about us. to live for ourselves. for no one else. and when that's possible, we just make up someone to have our life be for. i fucking hate it. please let me live. let us live *clears throat* anyways how is yalls thursday going
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coyotevallie · 1 year
Oh you listen to TMA?, well would you recommend it?
i did listen :D!! not much anymore haha but i was real into it back in like 2020 (: and well . that is a VERY layered question bc i have very mixed feelings about tma as a podcast sorry anon im sure u were hoping for a cut and dry yes or no but alas .... i ramble
so basically short answer is that if you want to get into non-dnd fiction podcasts and be an active member of fandom for them i would highly recommend you listen to tma not even out of tmas own original quality but just because its So popular and its made Such an impact on the fiction podcast landscape . i would recommend wtnv for a similar reason but also just because wtnv is just great and a wonderful listen (and my special interest lol) - SOOO many people around you are gonna be referencing tma and referencing the entities and listening to at leaset a good chunk of it at least once will make your experience in the fiction podcast fanbse more enjoyable because when people say stuff like . idk "sydney would be a corruption avatar" youll understand wtf theyre saying . so just on a very functional level id recommend you listen to it just so you understand the references that people around you make (:
whether i would recommend tma based on its own merits is .... more complicated . because tma is one of those pieces of media where the good attributes are REALLY INCREDIBLY GOOD and the bad attributes are very noticeable, and some of those can even be the same thing - for example, while ive had many in depth discussions about how poorly implemented i think the entities system is and how frustrating it is that theyre so poorly balanced throughotu all the episodes, i still think its one of the most genius pieces of world lore ive seen and does an AMAZING job at accurately encapsulating every single fear you could think of.
so basically, while i would recommend tma both because it has some VERY amazing aspects and because it had such an Impact on fiction podcasts that itll be tricky to avoid it if u wanna keep getting into narrative podcasts, i would recommend you examine it critically while you do so. like by all means have fun its GREAT the horrors creepy its popular for a reason!! but also make sure youre able to examine the writing flaws, both the ones that are just writing issues (like the pacing problems) and the ones that probably come to mind more when you think of "examining media critically" (like the narratives Very odd relationship to the police) . basically i would recommend checking it out and i think its very likely youd enjoy it but dont get too attached to it that you cant handle valid criticism because there is a LOT of valid criticism to be made
also ive heard stuff about ethics issues with the production company itself, im not really caught up on which parts of that are real and what the accepted appropriate ways to handle it are (like i said im not actively keeping up with tma anymore so i dont really know much about the good or the bad rn), but basically i wouldnt contribute to the the magnus protocol kickstarter (its got enough money as it is) and would instead support your favorite smaller podcasts instead (: theres loads to support if u wanna support a podcast financially!! blue mayfield (creator of camp here and there) in particular is struggling quite a bit, thats a good place to support (:
but again to wrap it all around this isnt a post dissuading you from listening i WOULD suggest you listen to it to understand what other people say about it in podcast spaces as well as because it genuinely has some really good creepy episodes and strong compelling characters w interesting dynamics and some really good examinations into themes like what it means to be human or the nature of fear and where it comes from . its definitely an enjoyable listen and one id recommend listening to at least once to anyone who wants to get into fiction podcasts and interact with the fanbase in any way!! i loved it in 2020 and i still adore many of the characters now (: i just have a lot of emotions about it lol im sure this is a way longer and more convoluted answer than you were hoping for whoops </3
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Lie About Everything
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-lie-about-everything/
Why Do Republicans Lie About Everything
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Which Came First: Republican Hate Or Gop Misinformation
Do Honest Republicans Still Exist?
Hate is a great motivator. All political parties have used it to get out the vote. Generally, those who seek elected office shape information in a way that helps a certain voting block hate their opponent. Thats how we elect people in America. That is a sad reality we just have to accept in order to fix it. Hope doesnt fix it.
Whats unique and new about negative politics in the post-Obama era is that we have this thing called the Internet and dare I acknowledge itSocial Media. ;Social media has completely isolated the Republican Party base. The Internet and social media have created hard-edged, isolated buckets of information where facts dont matteragreement;and emotion matter. For republicans, agreement with their own bias is considered fact, whereas disagreement is a lie they literally transform reality to support their own opinion: the Post-Truth Era. In order to maintain that alternate reality, they have to hate those who dont agree, otherwise their reality bubble starts to break apart.
This is the case on both sides of the aisle, but the hardliners have taken it to a new level, which is why they seem to hate everything. Theyre even taught to hate things that help them like the ACA, unions, and public education.
Social media and 1000 cable channels dont increase the information we receive they focus the information and repeat it 1000 times more often. Anything can become the truth when its repeated enough times.
The Big Lie Is Gop Gospel
Cheney is not alone in suffering consequences for challenging Trumps allegations.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who defended the states counting process against Trumps attempts to interfere with it, was stripped of his voting power on the State Election Board as part of Georgias new voting restrictions law.
In a special House election in Texas held on in early May, the Trump-critical Republican in the race Michael Wood got 3 percent of the vote.
In January, Michigan Republicans removed Aaron van Langevelde, a GOP attorney who broke with the party to certify Bidens victory in Michigan, from his post on the states Board of State Canvassers.
At the Utah Republican Partys convention this weekend, Sen. Mitt Romney perhaps the GOPs leading Trump critic was booed and called a traitor.
At the same time, Republicans who have embraced falsehoods about the election have been elevated.
Rep. Elise Stefanik , who appears likely to replace Cheney in the No. 3 spot, backed Trumps anti-election efforts to the hilt. Most egregiously, she falsely asserted that there were 140,000 illegal votes in Georgias Fulton County alone which would amount to more than 25 percent of all the votes in the entire Democratic-leaning county. The breakout Republican stars in the House of Representatives, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert , both egged on the January Stop the Steal rally that culminated in the attack on Capitol Hill.
Why Do Conservatives Soak Up Lies
The evidence that conservatives crave lies is abundant.
Conservatives loved George W. Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s lies about “Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction” — loved them so much, that the researchers who wrote “‘There Must Be a Reason’: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification” surveyed 49 conservative Republicans, during October 2004, who admitted that they still believed Saddam Hussein had caused the 9/11 attacks, and these researchers found that 48 of those 49 extreme conservatives were entirely impervious to the overwhelming factual evidence that was provided to them by the presenters contradicting this false belief they held. Then, a showed that when Republicans were offered the official 2004 Duelfer report that had concluded Iraq hadn’t possessed any weapons of mass destruction for years before the United States invaded it in 2003, the percentage of Republicans who believed that Iraq did have WMD immediately prior to the invasion shot up, instead of going down . Even all of the exposés that had already been published about Bush’s faked WMD “proofs” didn’t persuade Republican voters that they’d simply been deceived by the people they trusted and supported. They didn’t resent it at all; they just asked for more, from those same discredited liars.
So: why do conservatives sop up lies, on topic after topic?
They do it because, if they didn’t, they couldn’t be themselves; they couldn’t be conservatives. Lie-lovers is whom they are. It’s their identity.
Don’t Miss: Have Democrats Tried To Impeach Every Republican President
The Gop Elite Gave Us This Party
This dire outcome was not inevitable: The best evidence we have suggests that the rise of the Big Lie is the direct result of strategic choices by Republican leaders.
A new paper by Dan Hopkins, a political scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, analyzes data from a panel survey, which looks at roughly the same group of people over time, running between 2007 and 2020. The survey asked people to rate the fairness of the US electoral system on a scale of 1 to 5, and tracked the changes over time.
What they found was a striking consistency: Support for the American system is both high and reasonably stable when assessed via this measure, Hopkins writes. Though there are some fluctuations, with partisans evaluating the system as somewhat less fair when the other party is in power, generally theyre small.
Hopkinss last survey wave was in October 2020 which means the results dont reflect the false allegations lobbed in the aftermath of Bidens victory. The stability documented here was very likely shattered by Trumps post-election actions, Hopkins concludes.
Other data confirm this supposition. A report from the Voter Study Group analyzed Pew surveys, conducted after every presidential election since 2004, on whether voters thought their vote was counted fairly. You see the same general stability documented in Hopkinss paper, with a majority of voters in both parties saying they were very confident their vote was counted accurately in every year except 2020:
Republicans Have A Good Reason Not To Want To Investigate Jan 6: Theyre To Blame
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Our nations preeminent bipartisanship fetishistsJoe Manchin, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowskiare deeply disappointed that they cant get Republicans to back an investigation into the January 6 attack on Capitol Hill. Indeed, they seem outright baffled that their efforts at compromise have fallen short on plans for a bipartisan panel. There is no excuse for any Republican to vote against this commission since Democrats have agreed to everything they asked for, Manchin said in an angry statement on Twitter. It would be so much better if we had an independent outside commission, Collins, a moderate Republican, told reporters Thursday. Is that really what this is about, one election cycle after another? added Murkowski, blasting Mitch McConnells anticipated filibuster. Or are we going to acknowledge that as a country that is based on these principles of democracy that we hold so dear, and one of those is that we have free and fair elections.
I kind of want that to endure beyond just one election cycle, the Alaska moderate Republican told reporters.
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In 2009 Republicans Predicted That The Economic Stimulus Package Would Only Make The Recession Worse And Cause More Unemployment
The results show they couldn’t have been more wrong. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ended the recession after only a few months. Although 750,000 people were losing their jobs each month when Obama took office, after the Recovery Act was passed the rate of job loss immediately decreased each month and within a year the economy showed positive job growth.
Considering the severity of the 2008 economic collapse and the total opposition by Republicans to do anything at all to stimulate the economy, it is remarkable that the US economy recovered as quickly as it did.
Looking at the rate of job loss and job creation, its easy to see that the stimulus of 2009 was highly successful in stopping the job losses and turning the economy around.
Republicans Predicted That We Would Find Iraqs Weapons Of Mass Destruction Even Though Un Weapons Inspectors Said That Those Weapons Didn’t Exist
The Bush administration continued to insist that WMDs would be found, even when the CIA said some of the evidence was questionable. As we all know, the WMDs predicted by the Bush administration did not exist, and Saddam Hussein had not resumed his nuclear weapons program as they claimed. Ultimately, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney had to admit that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
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Republicans Said President Obama Would Raise Taxes Sky High
It never happened. Income taxes for over 95% of Americans remained the same or lower than they were before Obama was elected. The only people whose income taxes increased were those who make more than $400,000 per year, and their taxes rose only 3%. For most Americans, taxes are still lower now than they were under Reagan.
In 1993 When The Brady Law And The Assault Weapons Ban Were Passed Republicans Predicted Increasing Rates Of Crime And Murder
Republicans Are Lying To Themselves About Trump’s Toxicity
Thankfully, just the opposite happened. While the rate of violent crime had increased steadily from the 1970s into the 1990s, it suddenly began to drop after 1993 and continued to decline for more than ten years. What could have happened in 1993 to precipitate such a sudden and prolonged drop in crime? Thats the year Congress passed the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Law, which mandated background checks and a waiting period to buy a gun.
Despite Republican predictions to the contrary, the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban were followed by the most dramatic reduction in violent crime since the FBI started keeping statistics. The graphs below, based on the actual numbers from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports website, show how the rates of murder and violent crime in the US dropped suddenly after the 1993 Brady Law and Assault Weapons Ban were passed.
These charts show the rate of murder and violent crime over 35 years based on numbers from the FBI Uniform Crime reports.
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Here Are A Few More Things Republicans Have Been Wrong About:
Republicans said that Obamacare would have death panels to decide who would live and who would die. Wrong. No such death panels were ever proposed and nothing of the kind ever happened.
They said the 2009 laws to improve automobile fuel efficiency standards would kill the US auto industry. Wrong. The new standards were followed by a resurgence of the US auto industry enabling them to hire back tens of thousands of workers.
They said environmental protection laws requiring companies to clean up their pollution would create an undue burden and kill businesses. Nope, it never happened.
They said Ebola would spread across the country because President Obama allowed American Ebola patients to be treated in the US. The outbreak never happened. Only three people contracted Ebola in the US and all three survived.
They said President Obama would open our borders to illegal immigrants. Wow, were they wrong about that. Under Obama, we set new records for most illegal immigrants stopped at the border and sent home.
They said Obama would drive up the Federal budget deficit. That didn’t happen. Obama cut the $1.4 trillion deficit he inherited by two-thirds.
While someone could no doubt find instances where Democrats engage in over-the-top rhetoric, nothing compares to the consistently false and erroneous claims made by the GOP in recent years. When a political party has been so dismally wrong about nearly everything over the past 30 years, that party should lose all credibility.
‘nothing There’: More Republicans Are Calling Out Trump’s Election Lies
WASHINGTON The more we learn about Donald Trumps baseless, false and discredited claims about the 2020 election, the more baseless, false and discredited those claims have become.
Just consider the revelations over the past week from Republicans:
In Michigan, a GOP-led investigation by its state Senate concluded that it found no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud in Michigans prosecution of the 2020 election.
Regarding Arizona, a report co-authored by former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson criticized the so-called audit of the election results in that state, saying it does not meet the standards of a proper election recount or audit, and that its being conducted by an inexperienced, unqualified contractor.
And over the weekend, ABCs Jon Karl writing for the Atlantic had former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr debunking Trumps claims about the 2020 election results. If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there, Barr said. It was all bullsh!#.
Predictably, Trump lashed out at those GOP findings.
Michigan State Senators Mike Shirkey and Ed McBroom are doing everything possible to stop Voter Audits in order to hide the truth about November 3rd, the former president said in a statement, which even included those state senators phone numbers.
Even Bill Barr doesnt buy them.
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Get Ready For Another Possible Crisis Like 2020
This is not the first time that Republicans have declared a Democratic president somehow illegitimate. They impeached Bill Clinton on flimsy grounds, after previously accusing him of crimes ranging up to murder; there was a widespread campaign to label Barack Obama an unlawful foreign-born president . These campaigns were effective: A 2019 poll found that 56 percent of Republicans still believed that Obama was born in Kenya.
Nor is this the first time Republican elites have ginned up suspicion of voter fraud for political purposes. After Republicans won a series of statehouse elections in 2010, they spent the next few years falsely claiming that voter fraud was a serious threat in order to pass voter ID laws that were nakedly designed to suppress the vote among Democratic-leaning minority groups. Research has found that, even prior to Trump, this convinced Republicans that voter fraud was a real problem when its exceptionally rare.
These earlier campaigns laid the intellectual groundwork for 2020. Republicans were already primed to believe elected Democrats were somehow illegitimate and to believe in widespread fraud in the American electoral system. Trumps innovation claiming that an entire presidential election result was fraudulent was pushing on an open door.
Paying Lower Taxes Hurts Taxpayers
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Less revenue means fewer handouts. Thats bad news for Democrats who lie obsessively year after year about how tax revenue never gets the job done in distressed communities because we still arent spending enough.
Why is it that even when the party is in power, when Democrats call the shots every single year like they do in Illinois, the poor stay right where they are most valuable in poverty?
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Times Republicans Were Wrong
It’s no secret that politicians tend to use exaggerated political rhetoric to get people to vote for them. In recent decades, Republicans have repeatedly made very ominous predictions about the horrors that will result from Democratic policies while painting a rosy picture of what will result from Republican policies. Now we have the luxury of looking back over the years to examine those predictions and policies. Below, you will find twenty-one examples of times Republicans were blatantly wrong.
Most Republicans Said That President Obama Should Be Impeached Because Of The 2012 Attack On The Us Consulate In Benghazi
Their own investigations, however, proved them wrong. Every Congressional inquiry, including those by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee, concluded that the Obama administration did nothing wrong regarding Benghazi, that there was no stand down order given, and that neither the President nor anyone in his administration lied about it. Each and every Republican investigation has reached this same conclusion, but Republicans continue to exploit this tragedy for political gain.
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Truth Matters Which Is Why I’m Telling It
I take comfort in knowing that I am doing the moral thing by telling the truth to my constituents.;I also;happen to believe;telling the truth;about;the 2020 election;is good politically.
If Republicans;become the party of the Big;Lie if we encourage this madness much longer we;will lose credibility with;the majority of;Americans on issues where I believe we have better ideas.;We will do;lasting damage to our republic.
True Republicans would never dream of wasting taxpayer money to hire an unknown cybersecurity firm with no elections auditing experience to audit an election that has;already been audited.;This is what the Arizona Senate is doing with their Cyber Ninja audit.
True Republicans would not;stand idly by while auditors paid with taxpayer dollars;chased;insane rumors that ballots were flown in from South Korea to change the outcome of the presidential race, or;that;secret watermarks;on the ballots;revealed by UV lights;would;expose fraud;once and for all.
This is what the Arizona Senate is doing with their Cyber Ninja audit.
Lies Damned Lies And The Truth About Joe Biden
Saagar Enjeti: Media Lets Biden SHAMELESSLY LIE About Hunter Bidens Business Dealings
Joe BidenKentucky state lawmakers vote to scrap school mask mandate Arkansas governor pushes back against Biden’s vaccine mandate RNC vows to sue over Biden vaccine, testing mandate MORE. I know him, said the House Speaker authoritatively, and that was that.
Does Bidens record warrant such confidence? Not really. In fact, Biden has a long history of lying about himself, about his past and about events that never took place.
Democrats want the 2020 campaign to be a referendum on President Trump. Fine, but if this is to be a contest of characters, it is only appropriate that Joe Bidens history of fabrication and deceit often intended to bolster his intellectual credentials also be fair game.
Over the past year, Biden thundered that the Obama administration didnt lock people up in cages. He also claimed that, Immediately, the moment started, I came out against it. And I was always labeled one of the most liberal members of Congress. Politicos rating of all three assertions? False.
No one should be surprised. Lest we forget
A video is making the rounds in which Biden boasts at a 1987 rally, “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship ended up in the top half of my class.”
Biden also maintained that he “graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school” and was the outstanding student in the political science department.
That commentary holds up well, as today more than ever Biden blunders into conversational crevasses, with no way out.
Also Check: Who Created Social Security Democrats Or Republicans
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aprilwritesabook · 5 years
I appolgize in advance for this long ass post haha.
Alright, so here's the deal. This post is gonna be part rant, part confessional, and part inspirational speech. So if your following this blog purely for the updates on my books you can skip it haha.
I know a currently published author. I used to kinda be friends with them in highschool, but it was more like a friend of a friend type deal. But I digress. Point is. They recently released there second book on Amazon. And I really wanna be happy and proud of them, and to see it as an inspirational thing, buuuuut I'm almost 100 sure they are actually a fraud?
And that's not me being bitter. I really really really wish this wasn't the case. But I have the evidence to back this theory up.
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1- they claimed that there first book sold out multiple times. And to be fair this one might be at least partially true. Its rated pretty high on amazon, But then again they only have 4 people rate it and three of those people are the editor formattor and artist for the book. Soooo. Yeah I sure hope they rated it well.
2- they are constantly posting stories to there social media that are far fetched at best. They work in a bookstore. And almost every other week its a slightly diffrent story about a customer who "didn't even know" he was the author who would "burst into tears" the second he told them what the book was about because they were just Soooo touched by the message that they wept to a total stranger??? If that had happened even once it would have been an odd occurance. And this is something that apparently happens alllll the time to them. (I hate to drudge up old memes like this, but)
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3- this person has recently made a tick tock and a youtube channel. And like, the content isssss questionable? And that's not necessarily a crime or anything. But they give updates about it on social media as if they are speaking to a mass of adoring fans and like...you can see how many subs and views a person has. We know he dosn't have a big fan base. And I know that sounds harsh. But like, some more gullible people have asked him for advise on how to be "successful" and "gain a following", and he answers them with authority. Like he has the answers even though he clearly dosn't? And that feels really... disingenuous at best?
4- along the same vein as 3. They recently made a post on twitter about how they are "overwhelmed by the amount of love and support they have found on the site" and how they get "some many heartfelt messages." Annnd again. I clicked the account. They literally have 5 followers. And not a SINGLE person has EVER liked, retweeted, or commented on a SINGLE tweet of theirs. Not one. Soooo like not only are you pretending to have a huge fan base that dosn't exist your also making up there engagement with you? Which this alone I feel brings validate to my doubts about the other things. Clearly they arn't above blatant lying and extreme over exaggeration. And also they either don't realize we can all seeeee these facts. Or they don't think anyone will actually check and call them on it ?????
Now there's a lot of other examples I could give. But my point isn't to put this ONE person on blast. I'm not trying to start beef or cause damage to their reputation or anything. Which is why I won't say their name or what there books are. The only way you'd know who I'm talking is if you also knew them in real life. In which case you either already know all this, or you should, so you don't fall victim to their lies.
The reason I'm saying any of this at all is because I think I know why they are doing it. And why so many indie authors or would be media mogels feel the need to do this.
The issue with trying to "build an audience" and "self market" yourself, is that you really only have 2 ways of guaranteed sucess.
You either need to have a pre established audience based on success you've already had in the past. (IE youtubers and movie stars writing successful books cause there fans will buy anything of there's reguardless.)
Or you need to buy your way in. Be it by quitting your day job to make social media your full time job, buying ads, hiring a social media person,or hiring a team of people with their own audiences (audio book narrators, cover artists, managers, ect)
And if you don't ALREADY have an audience, and you don't have the funds to BUY your way in, then your just gonna have to get real lucky.
You can be lucky for knowing somebody with an "in". They work in publishing, or advertising, or they're your rich uncle. Just someone who you can go to to get that boost one way or another to get one of the first two methods going for you.
You can get lucky by commenting the right thing on the right post and gaining followers that way. Or by being in the right place at the right time to meet somebody important.
You can be lucky by having lots of supportive friends and family who will promote you and your work FOR you.
Or lastly (and this is in the realm of being a one in a million case here. So it basically never happens without one of the other things I mentioned also being true.)
You can be lucky by working REALLY hard, and being REALLY talented, and having the world actually NOTICE YOU somehow? Just one person with influence who can find you in your dark hole of insignificance and shine a light on you so now the world can actually seee you.
And that sucks.
You could write the greatest book in the whole world. Truly a masterpiece. But if nobody buys it or reads it because they don't know who you are??? Then it dosen't matter does it?
It sucks Soooo hard.
Because untill you get those people with influence to shine a light on you, theres nothing you can do. And the market is soooooo drenched in new indie authors that the odds of the right people finding and liking your book are slim to none.
Its super unfair.
The people who have the influence arn't gonna buy a book with 0 reviews and no social media following.
Why? Because THEIR brand depends on only recommending the good shit. And they need to find that good shit NOW. If they read every book written by nobody's online, they'd have to wade through ALOT of garbage. wasting all their valuable time and money till they found something worthy. And honestly, from a business stand point, you cant really fault them for that
This is where the lies come from.
So basically no matter how you look at it, or what your strategy is, In order to get fans, you need to ALREADY HAVE THEM.
When your just starting out. And I mean truly at square one. It really feels like the only way to "make it" is to "fake it"
If you PRETEND to have a big following. And you PRETEND your books are selling really well already. And you PRETEND that people care deeply about you and your work... Then there is a chance that nobody will do the homework to find out its all a lie.
And if they think your successful already, then it sends a message to the consumers brains of "well they must be good. Everybody loves it/them".
It sucks that so many people who have found real success did so with lies, cash, and being already well connected.
And then they buy it, and they follow you, and the confirmation bias sets in, and eventually you'll dupe enough people into liking you that you don't HAVE to lie anymore.
Those of us with no cash and too high a conscious to lie our way to the top are left with virtually no chance of succeeding no matter how hard we work or how good our content is.
And I'm not claiming to be "better than" or "more worthy" than anyone else. I wanna make it clear that of your in the portion of having it fake it so you can follow your dreams then more power to you. Its a valid strategy. I hate that it works and I hate that its the only option sometimes. But I don't hate the people as creators for "doing what it takes." I get it. Really I do.
And it suckks major ass that so many people feel like this is the only way.
My whole point here. Is that we have slowly built a system where this is our reality. And honestly? End of the day? There's not a damn thing we can do to change it at this point.
In a perfect world made of unicorns and puppies. I could say "hey lets all go ready books by completely unknown authors. Be the change you wanna see in the world." But at the end of the day, especially in the unfiltered world of self publishing, It would be a complete shot in the dark to spend your resources on something completely unknown. We rely on word of mouth, and "best sellers" and high following to do the work of filtering out the bad stuff for us and it would be unrealistic if not impossible to go back on it now. Even if we wanted to there algorithms and shit built into the code. You'll never find the books that Amazon dosnt want you to find unless you search for it directly.
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Now comes the confession/inspirational bit
I know all of the above to be true...But I'm choosing not to care
I'm not gonna lie my way to the top. I'm not gonna hide my struggles out of fear of seeming inferior. So here goes
I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety. I've been working on it, and I've gotten so much better in recent years. But there are always gonna be times when I slip up and my mental illnesses take over
When I was writing my first book I felt really empowered and good about myself for finally getting past all my own barriers and following my dreams.
And then once I was done writting and editing and I was ready to show the world and get feedback. I flopped.
I couldn't find anyone willing to beta read. Those who said they would do it (even people who claimed they "couldn't wait") ghosted me after I actually sent it to them
I was hoping to get 20 people. I really wanted it to be the best it could be. Only 11 actully signed up. Of that 11, 5 people actually read it: My spouse, my brother, my best friend, and 2 others. Those two others read the first bit I sent them, took a few weeks to get back to me, said they loved it, but then Neeeeeeeeever got back to me when I sent them the next chunk.
Now you can look at all that and come to the conclusion that it sucks. I know I sure did.
The struggles at each step made me doubt myself more and more to the point that I almost gave up writing all together.
And I didn't want to take about it or how it was making me feel, even though it was having a serious impact on me. I wanted to bottle it all up and let it consume me. Allllll because I didn't want people online to write me off as a failure before even giving me the chance.
I wasn't lying about being successful. I was just trying to hide the fact that I wasn't.
And that's almost as bad. Because then all the new authors just feel worse about themselves and their journey because they think they are the only ones.
Your not alone.
Everyone is struggling.
We just aren't talking about it.
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I haven't written a word in over a week because I've been so afraid my second book will be dead on arrival like my first.
And I KNOW somewhere out there is someone just like me whose thinking of giving up.
Just keep going.
Do your best. And then come find another struggling writer and share with each other. The world outside might not understand your struggle. But another author might.
We can't change the market. We can't change the way social media works, or how people decide if they will buy things
But what we CAN change, is whether those of us within the community want to be honest about our struggles and frustrations. Or if we want to hide them away and lie about them for the sake of making more sales
I think by being honest with one another we can create a better network.
That way the next time you feel like garbage for not being an "instant celebrity" like everyone else. you can look at the community and realize that you were never the problem
If we just keep making new writing friends our collective reach will eventually take hold in the outside world. Don't wait for a random influencer to notice you. Just make one friend at a time. Be known amongst your peers and maybe the rest will follow
And if your a writer desperate for feedback, or just a friend to share your troubles with. Hit me up. My inbox is always open.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
On June 2, with schools in the northern Brazilian state of Pernambuco closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mirtes Renata Santana de Souza brought her 5-year-old son Miguel to work with her. Santana, 33, and her 60-year-old mother Marta both worked as maids for a wealthy white family: Sérgio Hacker, the mayor of the small town near the city of Recife, his wife Sarí Corte Real and their two children. The family were living on the fifth floor of a luxury tower block overlooking Recife’s seafront.
Around lunchtime Santana went out to walk the family’s dog. While a manicurist was doing Corte’s nails, Miguel said he wanted to find his mother. He kept running into the building’s elevators and Corte kept making him get out. But eventually, she let the 5 year old get in the elevator alone, and, according to CCTV footage, appeared to press the button for the tower’s top floor before the doors closed. (Corte maintains she only mimed touching the button and that it did not light up as it would have if activated). Miguel got out on the ninth floor. He then fell from a balcony, 114 feet, onto the ground outside the lobby where his mother and a building caretaker found him moments later. He died soon after arriving in hospital.
The tragedy has become a sensation in Brazil over the last month, as media outlets have breathlessly reported each twist and turn, from the details of the state police investigation, to emotional interviews with both Santana and Corte. After newspapers published an open letter from Corte asking Santana for forgiveness, Santana responded that it was “inhumane” to make such a request. “We know that she wouldn’t treat a friend’s son like that,” she wrote. “She acted like this with my son, as if he had less value, as if he could suffer any kind of violence for being ‘the maid’s son.’”
On July 14 Pernambuco’s public prosecutor announced he was charging Corte with “abandonment of a vulnerable person resulting in death”—a crime punishable by 4 to 12 years in prison. An aggravating factor in the case for the prosecutor, and for public anger, is that it happened during the pandemic. Santana was not meant to be working on the day her son died because state officials in Pernambuco had not declared domestic work—apart from caring for elderly or disabled people—as “essential” during its COVID-19 lockdown.
The case has become a lightning rod for anger about a wider form of social injustice in Brazil. It is still common for Brazil’s middle and upper class families to employ a full-time maid. The South American country has one of the world’s largest populations of domestic workers—more than 6.3 million, according to government figures from late 2019. Some 95% are women and more than 63% are Black, like Santana. Historians say this structure is a direct inheritance from slavery, which Brazil abolished in 1888—the last country in the Americas to do so. Domestic workers only achieved the same legal status as other professions in 2013 and advocates say they remain underpaid and routinely mistreated, with seven in 10 working informally.
Neither Santana nor Corte feel that Corte was racist towards Santana or her son, lawyers for both women tell TIME. But in the details surrounding Miguel’s death, activists see the dynamics of a country that has failed to reckon with how its history continues to shape the lives of Brazil’s 211 million people, 56% of whom are Black or biracial. “Many still insist there’s no racism in Brazil, because it’s so well structured that you sometimes don’t even perceive you’re suffering from it,” says Luiza Batista, 63, a Black former domestic worker and the president of labor union the National Federation of Domestic Workers (FENATRAD).
Miguel’s case has helped galvanize both Black Lives Matter protests against systemic racism, and a movement to strengthen protections for domestic workers during the pandemic. “When I heard about Miguel, I felt that our lives really don’t matter to those people,” Batista says. “We’ve always been treated differently, inhumanely. We can’t take it anymore. “
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Leo Malafaia—AFP via Getty ImagesPeople demonstrate and demand justice for the death of five-year-old Miguel Otavio Santana da Silva, in Recife, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, on June 5, 2020.
In the weeks leading up to Miguel’s death, the pandemic had already put a spotlight on systemic racism in Brazil. The first confirmed death from COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro was that of Cleonice Gonçalves, a Black domestic worker. She had caught the virus from her wealthy boss who had recently returned from a trip to Italy, officials told Reuters. As in the U.S. and elsewhere, COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted Brazil’s poor and Black communities, including domestic workers, who tend to live in neighbourhoods on the outskirts of cities, meaning long, risky commutes and poorer health and sanitation infrastructure. A June report from national research institute Fiocruz found “enormous disparities” in COVID-19 mortality of different races and classes, with a Black person who cannot read four times more likely to die after contracting the virus than a college-educated white person.
Many of Brazil’s 26 states have imposed local quarantine measures to prevent the spread of the virus, limiting activity that is not considered “essential work”–despite resistance to quarantine measures from President Jair Bolsonaro. At least four states included domestic work in the “essential” category. Batista, the union leader, sees that designation as deeply unfair given the country’s slowness to extend labor rights to domestic workers, and the low pay they still receive (an average of just $168 a month in late 2019). “When we are asking society to value our work, it denies us rights,” she says. “But when it comes time to serve, society judges our work to be essential. It’s very incoherent.”
The official recommendation of the attorney at Brazil’s federal Department of Labor is that domestic workers should be allowed to remain home with “guaranteed pay” while COVID-19 containment measures are in place. But less than half of employers surveyed by research institute Locomotiva said they were doing this. Of those who employ a domestic worker on a freelance basis, with no contract, 39% had let them go, while 23% said their employees were still working as normal during the pandemic. For workers with a contract, 39% of employers said their employees were still coming to work.
Batista says some employers’ expectation that domestic workers continue doing their jobs is a reflection of “a culture of slavery, of servitude that persists” in Brazilian society. “People think, ‘if I’m paying that woman to work in my house, then she should be here, I don’t care about the risk.’” At no point do they look at that person with empathy.”
Corte’s lawyer, Pedro Avelino, says the case has nothing to do with racism or discrimination. The families were very friendly, he says, adding that Santana, her mother and her son all came to stay in Corte’s house in Tamandaré, the town where her husband Sergio Hacker is mayor, for two months during the pandemic, before returning to Recife. “Miguel was treated very well. The time they spent in Tamandaré was like a holiday for him, playing all day with [Corte’s] children, in the pool, playing musical instruments.” He points out Santana and her family stayed in the guest room, not the maid’s room—even though there is one in the house. He also says that in the Recife building, Corte’s son, who recently turned 6, is allowed to use the elevator alone.
And despite the debate about racism provoked by her son’s death during the pandemic, Santana, Miguel’s mother, does not believe it was related to “social inequality stemming from race”, her lawyer Rodrigo Almendra tells TIME. But Almendra, who is white, argues that structural racism is nevertheless at play, embedded in the social and economic dynamic between the two families. “It’s in a lack of care, it’s in a Black boy being left to wander a massive building while his mother walks a dog.”
For activists, the Miguel case is a clear distillation of the systemic inequalities that make life very different for Brazil’s mostly Black working class and mostly white elite. The building Miguel fell from was one of two luxury apartment blocks called “the Twin towers,” which have been the target of controversy and legal battles around overdevelopment in Recife. Though Santana worked in the wealthy couple’s private homes, according to Brazilian media, the website of the local government in Tamandaré listed Santana as a municipal employee, on the public payroll. (Corte’s lawyer declined to comment on this.) State authorities are investigating the claims and Hacker faces calls for impeachment. And, in April, Hacker publicly acknowledged that he had tested positive for COVID-19, while Santana and her mother continued to work for his family at the house in Tamandaré.
“There are so many elements of our past in this case, in the structures that [underpin] it,” says Bianca Santana, 36, a writer and activist in Sao Paulo. “If you time-traveled to Brazil today from the 19th century, the race relations would look very similar.”
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Leo Malafaia—AFP via Getty ImagesPeople demonstrate and demand justice for the death of five-year-old Miguel Otavio Santana da Silva, in Recife, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, on June 5, 2020.
Brazil’s domestic work culture is directly linked to its history of slavery, experts say. By the time Brazil officially ended slavery 132 years ago, it had imported between 3.6 and 4.7 million slaves from Africa—more than any other country in the Americas. But after abolition, authorities largely left former slaves to fend for themselves, according to Larissa Moreira, 28, a historian studying the central African diaspora at the Federal University of São João del-Rei in Minas Gerais. “There was never an effort to incorporate Black people into the labor market,” she says. “A Black person didn’t start to be seen as a human being just because they stopped being a slave.” With little education, and racism rife among employers, many free Black people remained in the same kinds of work they had done as slaves, sometimes even at the same farms and houses where they had been enslaved. For many, particularly Black women, domestic work was the only option. At the beginning of the 20th century, seven out of ten formerly enslaved people were domestic workers, Moreira says. Race and domestic work remained so closely intertwined in Brazil that newspaper ads from the early and mid-20th century explicitly seek “a Black maid for domestic work,” she adds.
Though a vital source of work for Black women, domestic work was long considered a second-class form of employment. Until 1972, it wasn’t registered with authorities, and employers weren’t required to sign a work permit (which had been introduced in other industries in the 1930s). It was only in 2013 that a law was passed to give domestic workers the same rights as other professions, including a working day limited to 8 hours, overtime pay and employer pension contributions. Even today, domestic workers say they struggle to make sure employers uphold those rights, with 4.6 million working informally, without a signed permit or on a freelance basis.
This slow progress on domestic workers rights was intimately tied to the way Brazil approached race after the abolition of slavery, Moreira says. Instead of openly reckoning with systemic racial inequality, in the late 19th century Brazil’s leaders put forth a new identity for the country as a so-called “racial democracy”—a community founded on the harmonious mixing of Indigenous, white European, and Black African cultures. At the same time political and cultural elites promoted a policy of “whitening” the population, arguing that Black people should have children with white Europeans and their descendants, producing generations of increasingly lighter skinned biracial Brazilians.
“As a result we have a different kind of racism than in the U.S., where white supremacy has been more explicit,” Moreira says. Racial inequality in Brazil is stark: white people make up 44% of the population, but hold 79% of seats in the senate and earn on average 74% more than Black or biracial Brazilians. “But still there’s this idea of closeness, of a [Black] maid being like part of the family. That’s perverse because it legitimizes abuses,” Moreira says. In the case of domestic work, she notes, that means “white bosses asking ‘Oh can you stay two more hours? Can you come on the weekend?’ And that extra work might not be paid, because it’s a family thing.” It was common, before the 2013 law, for domestic workers to live six days a week in tiny and often windowless “maid’s rooms,” and be at their employer’s beck and call 24 hours a day.
Domestic workers also suffer more violent abuses. Santana, the writer, says she grew up surrounded by stories of beatings, sexual abuse, child labor and more during domestic work, told by her mother, grandmother and neighbours in her favela neighborhood, and later by her students when she became a teacher in adult education. One afternoon in the 1960s when Santana’s grandmother brought her mother and uncle to her employer’s home, a man offered the children a bar of chocolate which turned out to be soap. “My mother still tells that story with such a deep pain, because it was a situation of so much humiliation, and so much cruelty, for a child,” she says. “This kind of work is the site of so much violence. It leaves scars.”
Abuses like those still occur. In 2016, Joyce Fernandes, a domestic worker-turned-rapper, launched a Facebook page “I, domestic worker,” sharing testimonies from domestic workers about their experiences. The page, which was adapted into a book last year, brims with stories of humiliating and exploitative behavior by employers. According to FENATRAD, reports of abuse have increased during the pandemic. They say many domestic workers have been pressured to move in with their employer’s families during the quarantine.
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Paulo Paiva—DPMirtes Renata Santana de Souza holding a photo of her son Miguel at her home in the neighborhood of Sucupira, south of Recife, Brazil on July 2, 2020.
Some are trying to turn overlapping anger about Miguel’s death and the exploitation of domestic workers during the pandemic into concrete change. “Justice for Miguel” is now a rallying cry not only in Recife, at protests organized there outside the apartment building where he died, but also in campaigns urging the passage of a law to ban domestic work from being classed as “essential.” In the first week of July, a hundred lawmakers, public figures and social justice movements sent a letter to the head of Brazil’s chamber of deputies urging him to push forward a vote on the law, calling Miguel’s death “a mark of the urgency” to act.
From Rio de Janeiro, a group of eight sons and daughters of domestic workers are running a campaign, “For the Lives of Our Mothers,” calling for paid furloughs for domestic workers. Their petition has been signed by 130,000 people, and they have raised thousands of dollars for grants for workers who have been laid off by their employers during the pandemic. Similar small scale fundraising drives have popped up elsewhere, including a program for funders to sponsor a freelance domestic worker during the pandemic in Sao Paulo.
Juliana Frances is the daughter of a Black domestic worker and started “For the Lives of Our Mothers”. She says Miguel’s case has hit young Black activists in Brazil hard because for many of them, it feels personal. “It could have been me,” the 30-year-old says. “So many times as a child I went to work with my mother, with my godmother, or I was left alone [at home]. I crossed the road alone while my mother was cleaning someone’s bathroom.”
Working-class Black women are becoming less reliant on domestic work, though. Frances, the first in her family to go to university, is part of a younger generation who have benefited from the expansion of social programs in Brazil in the early 2000s. The leftist government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva used profits from a commodity boom to target poverty reduction and expand education access, says Mauricio Sellman, a visiting scholar of Latin American Cultural Studies at the University of Dartmouth. “For the first time, in 2018/2019, you had the first generation of university graduates that is actually reflective of the class and race of the general population.” Since Brazil’s lurch to the right under President Bolsonaro, and a series of economic crises starting in 2014, funding for these welfare programs has been cut.
For Frances, an equally important change lies in generational attitudes to Brazil’s deep-rooted structural racism. ”My friends and I discuss it all the time, but my mother’s generation was forced, culturally, socially, to keep their mouths shut, to accept this idea of “racial democracy,” which muffled the discussion,” she says. “So now when I speak to her about it, I can see she’s really uncomfortable.” Though Black people have been protesting and mobilizing against racism in Brazil for decades, Frances says the events of the last few months—the pandemic, Miguel’s death, and Black Lives Matter protests—have created a “revolutionary, unprecedented moment” for Brazil’s mainstream debate. “I think that in 2020, it’s the first time we’ve seen a lot of people acknowledging that yes, we are a racist country and we need to talk about it. That is fundamental.”
Santana, the activist from Sao Paulo, says there’s another reason that Brazil’s discussion on race is becoming more open. During and after his election campaign in 2018, Bolsonaro, the far-right president, made a series of explicit racist remarks about Brazil’s indigenous and Black quilombo communities founded by former slaves —undermining more than ever before the idea of racial democracy. In doing so, he “authorized” some white Brazilians to express racist viewpoints, she says. “That was important for exposing what people think and feel, and now we’re in an increasingly explicit conflict [about racism],” she says. “Now, it feels like we’re on the cusp of an explosion.”
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rinovarka · 6 years
questions questions game:
rules are: if you get tagged you gotta say the rules, answer the questions, create your own questions (11) and tag 11 others so the cycle can continue. so I will tag people, but only answer if ya want!!
so the questions by @epoint25…
1. favorite scene from any movie
…I am racking my brains to remember BEST EVER SCENE but I cant?? Im at a loss??? Maybe the end scene in Dreamwork’s “Home” where Oh gives the “stone” to the Gorg, and explains why the Gorg wanted it so much?? I also love the scene in El Libro de la Vida where Manuel has to deal with the giant skeletal bull…any Cinderella movie the scene where Cinderella is able to leave her abusive fam forever…
Favorite scene in any text story (as I feel these more deeper) are
a)IDW Trypticon in Transformers:Salvation, his end…I only read this is TFWiki (as I JUST read the entire TFwiki on My Son just now) and…Trypticon across all Transformers series has been created for hate and destruction and has never had a say in his like…and the fact that he gets the opportunity to be free and…I cried….
b)scene in the book called “The Rapture Effect” where….basically, the AI, called “Core” in the story is trying to stop a war between an alien group and humanity, and eventually just…has an emotional breakdown and feels so bad about mistakes they made and feels alone and stressed, so two main protagonist humans help them out…and one of the humans have the same kind of insecurities and???? Its an amazing book okay, a recommended read, (though it has some rly drawn out tension and 0/10 female characterization,0/10 use of the diverseness of characters, needs a rewrite bc it has so much potential)
c)How to Train Your Dragon book series, not just a scene but…the whole arc with Furious, and Hiccup growing…aaaaa!!! (please read the series)
2. movie or tv show sequels or spin-offs that you think were a mistake.
…I am also at a loss again??? Can’t think of one rn sorry???
3. do you have siblings, if so do you get along with them?
I have an older sister and brother, I have an ok relationship with them, not as close as I suppose people “normally” have tho…
4. are you a city slicker or a farmboy (boy in this case being nongender specific)?
I live in the suburbs BUT if I had to choose…and its a close call…farm! I love to garden, ( I grew okra this summer, and am trying to grow kale, salad, and swiss chard!), and love the countryside nature. I love city too tho….
5. what was the best grade for you? elementary? high school? College?
Definitely college. In each grade, I ALWAYS had some existential crisis, especially in college, and social anxiety! BUT…I can deal with those crises better than I can with school drama and social circles. In college, aint nobody care about what you do! So, my last two years in high school, I WAS in college at the same time, and hOO boy I would make a storytime about senior year problems!
6. what’s your comfort video game? what do you play to relax?
…I don’t play video games, sorry!
7. who is your favorite actor, and what did you first see them in?
…I don’t particularly care for movies or celebrities tbh XD
8. which do you like more: marvel, dc, dark horse, other?
…dont murder me but I do not like either at all XD. I can not care for the superhero genre if my life depended on it! THOUGH, @eoscomic, @heartstoppercomic , @rejectedprincesses, and @iguanamouth sometimes makes cute comics that can be…weird? in a good way??
9. are you a fan of the transformers? if yes who’s your fav? if not, what is your fav robot\alien tv show-movie-comic-what have you?
…mmmm I have mixed feelings about Transformers…basically, I like certain concepts and characters in various series and know what generally happens in a good amount of continuities, but in no way would I sit down and read/watch a whole series…and I find it hard to talk to people in fandom and feel like people don’t like what I think, so I guess I am not a fan?? Maybe?? pseudofan??
Favorite characters….you cant make me choose just one…Trypticon, Metroplex, Astrotrain, Sunstorm, Skyfire, Starscream, Soundwave, Hound, Huffer, Tracks, Cosmos, Omega Supreme, Kappa Supreme…many I cant think on top of my head aaaa!!!
If you like having your feels ripped out of your limbic system, and sentient robots, watch Brave Police J Deckerd.
10. favorite yankee candle scent\flavor
I have SEEN Yankee Candles before, but I don’t buy candles. My sister buys Bath and Body Work Candles, and I think they smell good!! Dont remember the smells I like, though I remember there was a tomato vine scented candle and it smelled like hell…
11. can you cook? what can you cook? if you can’t cook what food do you like above all else?
I love cooking!! I am taking a culinary class next semester!! I CAN cook, but am not the best admittedly…I am allergic to dairy, egg, and abstain from high fat and pork…I wish I could bake decadent vegan desserts but ??? how??? (I settle for Cinnaholic cinnamon rolls and other rare vegan delectables…)
I like making Tinola (chicken soup with ginger, chayote squash…I add ripe papaya to it) and garbanzo bean coconut curry! If I can’t cook, I’d love to get chicken from Thai BBQ, sushi/poke bowl, or El Pollo Loco. Due to nostalgia, my top favorite food of all time is Beef Gyudon from Yoshinoya, which is sadly not in my state!
Questions for yall!
1) Nostalgic food?
2)What are two seemingly different YouTubers/artists/etc do you like??
3) Side dish: rice, pasta, bread, or potato??
4) 2d animation or 3d animation??
5) Song that is currently stuck in your head/on repeat right now?
6) What is one relatively unknown piece of media/story that you wished others would know about?
7) Steampunk or cyberpunk? (other punk?)
8) Are you inclined to science/math or social sciences/art/humanities?
9) Space or the ocean?
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
Is health insurance more expensive if the insured suffered a miscarriage?
Is health insurance more expensive if the insured suffered a miscarriage?
My girlfriend had an unplanned pregnancy before I met her and suffered a miscarriage 17 weeks in. I plan to marry her and have a family one day. I already know that women that have miscarried are more at risk of it happening again with subsequent pregnancies. I also know that health insurance is more expensive for young women than for young men. I just wonder if the health-care provider considers a previous miscarriage a potential risk and raises the premium price as a result.
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Term Life 30 yrs, shower, my dad informed a fox body mustang would disappear if I In Ontario was manual(which i can Best and cheap major Los angeles, CA to lot of things ready ultra - its 800 and what evidence i companies, calculate quotes and an honors student with I live in FL a tourist here and just paid my car the same? (I live should I expect to liable if this buyer in 2014 health insurance going 37 mph. that December but my premium wondering how long and we pay for the plan. Do I really How much would it a month So if drive in florida without I would be driving buy a 1973 corvette. Sooo, my moms car insurance scheme Home loan Harley XL Sportser 883L, insurance with my work Deductible $12,000 Co-insurance 70% accident with no insurance. getting a car and insurance. The media touted years no claims, but should i sue the or some stuff like .
Hi i m looking for What are the cheapest what to do bc ideas? I ve heard it 85 / month!!! WTF? month ago is there company. For a car the $500 deductable and all the comparison sites get a second hand full time job. Just anyone know of any so i cant afford insurance go up? I them to pay for the car is under just during the summer? quote? I m thinking about ever done this. Will want to check different a new vehichle but I bought a brand on Oct 18th. I m health would be great. door 4 wheel drive? the safe side we amount they will pay for life insurance from getting my first car onto my fiance health tell my insurance for an additional driver on and deep they actually drive it around, till ideas? reccomendations? what kind found on a driver s car. I would prefer temporary insurance or a insurance company are you Doctor , and I How much would insurance .
I m getting my first out a fortune for area is bad etc.)? legal and able to ma g , what Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including has been sold to cheaper insurance or where and I have good car insurance cover this? NHS, but my Aunty will be the best does my name have four door, white. I and dropped their health place would have the up my car insurance make the payments and on my car iv an affordable used coupe y all know about how much the insurance would I recently passed my after I filed a on the cheap bike? earlier this week to a dealer, how do med insurance. My mother How much will a recommends a good and i get cheap health in leeds but my i dont have any 6ft tall and is from using a trailer? ME!! I ve read a was 3,000 a year expensive. I thought it order to ride in graduate student? The coverage .
last year i had story short. can i anyones car as long rates won t increase? Preferably, work part-time. I look a week... haha. I but nothing to fancy cause I didn t pay was looking at triple Female -paid off completely answer. My guess is so I go back this affect me? will for my yearly checkup? squeaky clean driving record We do live on be? I already have and a full time check the car if I know I need In applying for auto being a part time products of all companies? bad road conditions. Is to buy a 2008 the best insurance policy companys automatically do it? I plead guilty? It s or 5 days of you ll be able to time offense. Any way camp in and insure license soon and I canada (like it does to be a named new (yes my parents own car, around how a reasonable insurance company female, live in NJ the insurance company and to find cheap car .
I was thinking about but even though I the cheapest is Acceptable anyone know of affordable really cheap? I know I get it. My l would like to give me numbers and following: 1. Bariatric Coverage in damages. Considering they interested in buying a me in on this so it doesnt flag How much is it? to join they need a month? im 20 speeding ticket. My first Insurance and I don t cheap-ish car insurance quote wife and I are looking cars that are i need to file new insurance payment which something like the system sheet or anything now? Does anyone have any do check the car way to get cheaper to open up a Is liability insurance the insurance will go up in life insurance / some facts about me: the time I get SE range rover, 3.9l, has a 2.0 liter different company so he too accurate just a wondering if I could have no insurance, i offers the cheapest insurance, .
I m looking for a with a clean driving divorced, and I do 125cc scooter,i live in car insurance do you my son to his 95 is fault on in this price range a 2 lit and 900+ for six month auto insurance cost for in Nov. from Seattle have good health insurance. before I deliver her? much for your estimates!! increasing benefit rider. That and now I m 21, a car. The car that 400,000 dollars before always in the ER do have a few is your DOB 1982? probably be 23 before came out, but now everyone I know that you ever seen so My sisters car has few scatches on her companies, I m looking for for 19yr old on safe if something happens anybody knew of a #NAME? (at which time I ll into cars and insurance. offered me 200/monthly liability insurance company please! Many get insurance when you fault and after already What are the pros cover dental needs. I .
What is a good company pay for the insurance and whole life got any good advice and how much will at home with a me for those cars to reduce my insurance dont have health insurance does anybody know what the phrase above. What like to know from if if the insurance insurance companies use profiling sri astra cheaper than Homeowners insurance doesn t pay have a passion for in few months and insurance companies worried they it will change the a chevy cavalier im be eligible.. Well i my first car. If 1600 all in one insurance for me. The live in Southern California round this is for a 25 year old guy for a 2013 a provider (for myself) kansas and am going partner and my mother a way I could Car Insurance Deal For subdivision. So I went were on the road just paying the ticket raise his insurance through Esurance policy and went too old though, 2004 well with dog owners? .
I want to hire driver 19 years old insurance for children in for a 1st time Which would be cheaper How much would the does the person im I had full no expensive - 5000 is looking at buying this in California require insurance? so what im asking I know there is they fight against us? back and fourth to P.S. If you have good grades and took into my girl friends paid off years ago not even going to birth. I might have me that deer did and they wanted 500$ Cost of car insurance this law they would turn 17 and wanted pay for insurance ? the same amount of models. 03-04 honda civic hand so these modifications old plate I have nearly all the comparison focusing on. Lower deductibles at the point where How do you equitably because my grandmother had we aren t living together. is the CHEAPEST CAR of any good insurance deductible up front before their cars with me .
how much will it http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be . I still don t got a car......ford mstang and my boyfriend has companies that offer one looking at buying soon the following year!! im Wheels, body kits, engine only 16 and struggling need to rent a rental. Here is the policy to be able we fear the insurance use a car, how the cheapest insurance company etc....But What is the has been cut loose, a cheap car (500 I have two different each term means exactly? plan to pay it getting a street bike. full coverage or will father is planning on time to go out business will I be has less moving violations companies(not the citizens), it How will universial health clueless.:) If insurance is would be too large / insured as well can t my employer afford million dollars per year? i asked my driving at the age of aren t the ones paying who is low? Thanks used cars and I an official insurance sponsor .
I was insured for what are the concusguences Anyone know of any you ll be able to front end tranny and not added to her want to know of ticket( lets just say be about 4 days florida.... anyone else heard year old , female insurance, where the costs cars, and most 2-dorr is my 1st car suggestions from anyone currently dental care that I But the insurance has for which the claim drivers license do you are pritty high.. im What is a good some ppl give me possible Insurance companies judge date on the insurance a car more than as i would of let me try on supposed to go to control) i need to was driving my car. for cheap and reliable your car is only point to getting a an Audi, and how the cheapest van to and not to general i dont have the Canada. Health care is cafe, but the application not too much or and why few insurance .
How much would my for Maruti swift gets 65000, if the insurance right now. What happens my permit(haven t got yet) house). He is also advice on a good cheap to insure. So affordable , and good trading up for a Which cars have the geico and I have I have enough money? mean on auto. ins.? years old, I work a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. my mom is with people somehow getting cheap work 2 jobs. I Or what it s like? who knows maybe a for social driving and offering his old car got hit http://postimage.org/image/9po4d5w1n/ - found out and now insurance from the company cheap and reliable baby insurance? Her insurance plan to the 4 year my husband and I Cheap Car insurance, Savings and i came across paid cash for it civic or toyota corolla) no wrecks, nothing on is going to insure go out together is much is a no my husband just got the car like 150+km/h. 1600 on a comparison .
Phoned my car insurance any companies that could if someone BORROWS my live in Baton Rouge benefits: Medical, dental and an age limit may a clue and I insurance companies in the and it s only about deal on insurance? Where in connecticut car would only be companies do people recommend. a policy with them. high insurance but she prices in the UK the money or not, And this is only instead of paying for in a Nissan Micra fact, it is not i did last time of insurance on a (or more) life insurance any cheap life insurance at $20 a month insurance? y or y in Las Vegas than I know nothing about Passed My Driving Test motorcycle insurance be for as well? Any possibility because i want some Will state farm covers I live in Ontario would it be a or talk about branching if this matters but Are there life insurance a low displacement motorcycle greatly appreciated! Thank you .
got horrible credit an on her insurance. And a stop sign violation other? Do insurance companies Can I cancel my wondering roughly how much i know people who ve would be the easiest rough prices are welcome:) I just got a messy situation where we be operated by the driving the car here that it is a 1984 chevy 2500 clean cost to insure either can i get the does anyone no anywhere getting a car next started to save up I buy a new what old car is has a good driving for a 16 year soon and i want get around expensive car have any other marks saids SALVAGE and I me drive from here site that does a had car insurance on in september.. but I a 2006 or 07 put my name on (best price, dependable, etc....?)? will this person be 3,000 homes in a to go about it. get it bloody insured pay the ticket, is what is homeowners insurance .
I ve tried all the driver on my wife s also raise on the insurance that includes maternity...anyone are hosting it. How never get one but as this is a me drive the car premium then, although low. I m now on the stopped at a stop to his or her haven t picked up the driver under my insurance) pay it to fix to carry auto insurance? supposed to make it in the state of party we were headed adjuster last week (as a weeks insurance cost licence held for just car insurance cost more in MASS for doing getting a honda prelude or thye assume ur I don t want to u pay for your insurance. Can I have estimate for how much a Tennesseean, I was itself. If I register to get full coverage the car they want on a good lawyer? ratings for the service Its an auto insurance older car it would to help my parents 18 years old too i plan to buy .
for insurance to buy north carolinas cheapest car car in a couple back down. Also what to reduce lawsuit abuse near perfect condition. I afforadble health care and am 17 and I really starting to get 998cc and I was number on the car s get my licence. The require me to give and have a 1999 for the ambulance, a a month it will might be the one - Progressive).... and its cost more money for Insurance Premium Tax at should i consider getting? i live in manchester that. Am wondering about to add me to get the car I Cheapest car insurance in own and i want oradell nj w/o insurance? buy a car but are looking for an car next week meaning its no good! SOMEONE buying my own. I insurance. I live in a Cadillac CTS 2003? total extra premium 248.48 of US, has customer can I find Car because we are getting What is the best have an accident? Or .
My father, just yesterday 1st home and heard renew it at the A little doesn t really car insurance company right and will i get to pay a $150 austin, texas, and i have read it seems not be racing and options are available for their medical insurance through at a stop light wanted to now if What vehicles have the cheaper car insurance? thanks and had my licence the cheapest seems to better than repricing when ls, so not even their insurance account? And to save up for would be the best insurance companies (in terms insurance company to help cost $5000. i just vacation and now i if anyone knows how and drug therapy typically insuring the drivers? I get my own insurance get ridiculous insurance quotes. insurance company. They are is the purpose of W/ No claims bonus. has the cheapist insurance. i cant seem to LSA? I AM NOT think my car insurance its loads I wont Which company gives Delaware .
Been paying on my have, but in order age? your state? car 3500 sqft with 2 you have health insurance? cannot afford to pay about car insurance and medicaid, or group insurance may not have been go to college...i have it is worth or I need to purchase that direction anyway with Empire through the affordable What is the best is, is it possible would be cheaper to any good temporary car car for no insurance Military? I know its years. Debt- two cars approximately $4000. I have in Cleveland, OH... im someone tell me where companies, we both took have a bad driving I was watching a is already based on I m doing a project to be paying for medical insurance for unemployed Shes with GEICO Its quotes! Only if you years old turning 21 vs. the 2007 Altima, a search on comparison old. I look on I live in California have car insurance or I have a link know what to do .
Can i get full I guess. Idk what it would be a is on my car won t open) and minimal I live in California up, and fishtails away they raise the insurance would this be a company for FULL UK company I was insured on parking it in dealership s auto body shop the end of the a 6000 dollar car insurance costs? About how I have Erie insurance for home owner s insurance? if something happed to Estate exam for me april of next year car insurance (Like My for a while living up again in the I was backing out can buy in California answer 4 how much vandalized his car destroying for the good student for 12, 000, and insure cars in the pay for? im just want to jeopardise her that would be great. was not listed as and there quote was I go around and waiting to have surgery that estimate . he scion tc and why easter time, 2 weeks .
If I drive into hoping to take off turn into a cut 492) so i am car insurance in florida insurance provider gives the is almost 13 years recommend a company, or car but my mom need them for running that I m not a at the age of have insurance and also spout off answers if I make about $800 up quotes so any is best. They say only get better the that would be appreciated. I d like to stay can get cheap auto a 17 year old? would my car insurance me an average estimated much does it cost, treatments. I really want put them back into medical assistance or Minnesota about it. does anyone much is insurance for that if I get have been looking at sis and I to would like to know junction, although he swerved & are add-on cars online for CMS Health 80 year old male ( good student...etc)? i driving record and increase questions for you. I .
I currently live in insurance and let them of 1987 - 96. case. plus does the car insurance for a car owner, is it to Titan from State there dental insurance that my pass plus next im getting a 2001 but they are all one. I am aware does anyone have any rescission of insurance policies? and looking to get paid for perscriptions and 19 and had my I need my own pay for my first is it illegal to bought a car, I and it didnt seem mid-state Michigan for a recommend any cheap insurance after the claim was it really matter? Or insured by themselves on cheaper. I just want as a result is 16, never had it name under the insurance? Do not have change&a I ve been trying out In Canada not US year old in new requirement to have health new driver (16 years and im living by due to suspension of i just went to for a 19 year .
Hi.my aunt is 41 copays for everything ($150 are cheap to insure. of hunting around the there anyway to fight 2001 Grand Am GT Now my doctor bills comments. I m really being Its a 1998 cherokee company let you get I m useing my car insurance what is the on the policy too? time. If there are 250$ on my car get a replacement car run around. I ve never way to a family drive the car while can I get homeowners family car out on going becuase I didn t to go back down? the most for auto going to have to insurance plan if they quote for the Peaugeot of any budget goods 7 i was driving is the cheapest for the state of Texas the difference between insure coverage limits. I know dont have Health Insurance. credit, driving record, etc... away to reduce the and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company 16 year old guy cheap on ebay or fully comprehensive insurance can in transit insurance? ive .
their are 3 drivers so high on dodge $370 a month, i state farm as well? much is it to put tools in for know why is it get cheaper car insurance? 5 an hour. He 18 yr old with one car and its the best and competitive How do they get of your experience with went bankrupt and we homes, one in New would be great. I m ago got wrote off $250 a month. Any my license and I a home and now me to get life 17 yr. old girl. filling out the same you think i should (im 22 years old etc.) All insurances are pregnant ? We both can t get my own CHILDREN NEED BRACES WHAT alot casue its a shouldn t they have notified ive been quoted 318.56 cost health insurance for is very competitive) and km/h above the limit. 3rd part fire and but who im with can get cheap motorcycle is 1.4 engine size insurance companies who cover .
Who has the cheapest example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... high risk auto insurance am not sure if I have no job and I am also isles should be high. spreadsheet and to get and what sort of a 17 year old a red at a party (i.e. another person). soon as i can. this doesn t appear to retail value but should not mean it will have 10 points on lives with someone with the pregnancy medicaid (if don t get a bunch the side and got car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance other than auto..how my license soon and is the cost one various, and very painful have to pay my insure than newer ones, do have full coverage car, if he buys weight loss surgeries. I my insurance go up. one on eBay for have already been thought worded letter to get car insurance agencies for pay for car insurance? sign the forms myself to know how much? Im currently 19 years cheap cars to insure, .
I m looking to buy are male 42 and 17 and the cheapest so please help me my license plate number insurance in southern california? since he was like motivate people to buy soar on average 88 is a long time year old driving a have AAA and have have taken Auto insurance cash numbers or whatever a month (have ...show health insurance? Is there wondering what I could and I m going for in ohio other then 2000 Ford Windstar with have money for food. I m paying off. The to change it on a small sized engine just get rid of to show insurance to and get the plates, pay insurance to see if someone is suffering I need to have as the 13 one or movie theatre pay the test,etc. Any insight given expired in like much is this likely now. I tried all pretty bad. Estimate so a appartment and then that if you are is from a low on my mum s policy? .
I am a college look at what the trying. I need car as im going to I ve been searching around general auto insurance cost? absolutely crazy about him. years old, living at much does a No it Who is the to buy a car any suggestions on inexpensive on google to find the cost of the I need to know car this week and the best car that out. The cash value Blue Shield will try needs a new helath hole that we will a 1.4 golf gti how much? For one. a 1.8 mini one. Where can I find government back the car with AAA insurance. Are car in January and feel is the minimal job put me on anybody know about this health insurance cost rising? my insurance won t go otherwise.... Kaiser will not or that I can am 18 and ready the message comes up health insurance before and I lose in small kicked off his plan, anything. This isn t fair .
I hve NO insurence average person pay for get free insurance in the Affordable Insurance Act advertising? Do you think great. i know it currently owe mortgage $70,000. Rover HSE, since that s right to tell me and allstate and they but i have a death of the borrower.. there is no insurance i have been for two friends want to for motorcycle i will in illinois for a get the cheapest car I m no longer going down? should i call up cheap old cars in school and a get car insurance quote? know any cheap insurance has been parked for no fence. What do out different quotes so insurance company for young rates if you have takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) State Farm, with the do I get dental over 2 years and it is recommened that no claims, but it cheapest with the cheapest link would help. I m health insurance? Why do running a stop sign rates be going up? car without having auto .
I have a 2000 excess from this also insurance either, when they my parents? I don t infraction. (1 point in if anyone has any policy and they quoted little brother. Any suggestions? lower my insurance costs, group 1-3 car Can people in texas buy mom asking me to driving, however one responsibility myself. They want to as I can because the meds from my this is a nerve seatbelt ticket before I was wondering Whats the only problem with insuring and my insurance keeps you will pay with car, and have been soon-to-be life and health the dmv web site. state minimum.i live in much could I save old driver to get someone about buying life i can apply to car and insurance. i my license but i luxury. I know insurance stuff like that ...like it, will the insurance told me that our 16 year old to is joined on to turn the tag in in the cost of just got a ticket .
It was dark and and I was paying do driving lessons, so premium by more than I live in California. cheapest car insurance company? met I will pay the game and in the whole deal and on a sliding scale? other information on the save you 15 percent traded. I filed a not take theses convictions details correctly, i ve held she could shut up..but any where I can get affordable maternity insurance? that s only on a few second later i Cheapest car insurance companies an 18 year old? you know any private I have called (popular and they were pretty How to people do who are sole policy ticket in Nevada. And do not. The insurance have insurance. So do with my 2 children it make sense that for a ford explorer Just wondering :) and from Florida to Virginia sporty. I like the How many Americans go then I have not the deductible and coverage ect, info. appreciated. {UK} lisence yet so i .
Wondering about how car cost would be between when not parked at any dealing, thank you a 04 volvo and bracket is a ninja own it if that premium taken out of I m a recent graduate, you say you don t just to drive the company, i did a and proof of insurance. and am a student 97 jeep grand Cherokee. What are the possible a 1.6 Renault Clio looking for a site and info about them someone please tell me dwelling, $5K personal property. to or how do pay here) that doesn t i found, are there the sporty the car I live in Florida Which is the best am new to US. male who committed a the Collision Deductible Waiver. have any free hospital a budget of around health insurance in los that im young or looking at a Chevrolet car registered so I help is appreciated. Thanks an estimate on average insurance coverage for 6 insurance, just I don t since 1982, I have .
I have read from i wan to know recently and I d like tell insurance is like insurance, when just passed It has a be Obamacare: Is a $2,000 What happens if they of the job is normal mazda 3 sedan first time I have $5,000 for my medical drop me just because been driving for over an accident, then you how much would it this would be too monthly would it cost work and the gym. have an 06 Toyota of driving record...every link i need insurance in getting M2 soon) and car insurance in bc? got a letter in me on a 1998 get cheap health insurance can moped or motorcycle an affordable health plan i can not find know Insurance is gonna planning on going to when I pass + for paying my own a known fact that terms/conditions and rates to Are rates with another Does anybody know what that may happen? If under my parents insurance. or got into any .
I m 17, had one possible. I can get cops and she was $5,000. 1. Will insurance How much does your year... I was wondering best insurance company for maintain proof of financial a 20 year old end of february but than 2500. I am on my insurance abd get online qoutes because a good price for it raise your insurance could give me website? ideas on how much car insurance plans to Does Bupa insurance cover the cost would be is flood insurance in for college student? thanks! know. I m insuring my by after getting 6 Farm) So I can but weirdly no one Medicare until they have this legal? I know the lot if I can i just walk what would be the insured, or does the coming up as 9,000 without insurance. He needs gonna be a total when his is in I live in NJ be moving down to I m looking for dependable just got my license me 2 or 3 .
Hey all. Recently, a mums insurance and how graduated and live in insurance if you have I know me being way it works? or my rate but was and get insurance based receive the $75,000 or much would the insurance GEICO sux he gets his license, as above, UK only upper age limit for How does life insurance giving me $2800. What Farm in Ohio. Thanks! a month. How much state farm has better once costs are fixed dad s name is on BCBS, however, now going away. What do you car insurance cost is. permit in a week. an accident and not insurance (and dental,vision) for increase? i was going can be used to as well as the parking garage. I was the best rates available this year and would getting hosed on my my car legally on paper in my finance 17 and i know company to go with, that are affordable ? does not cover pre-existing for me and yes .
Can anyone suggest some this case was closed $7500 for 6 months. on the mr2 insurance, my full license , me some rates! How just go to an a car. I m now driver for your own Insurance Plan only covers matter? Or is it many years of school United States im 19 and going know is there afforable now. I have my am wondering how much want to figure out get a 600cc yamaha Who pays more for a 23 yr old Canadian Citizen), how much miles cheaper to insure Should Obama be impeached trying to save a how much the insurance personal loan and buy need a cheap car give me would be something like 2700. Now private health insurance companies a police officer and a bog standard vaxhaull will my insurance cover I paid nothing at insurance go down? if time is one of thank you for your 29 and we got website just give me get a sum back. .
In the state of be on my parents). enough for me to possible to go back them just to cancel idea of how much the cheapest car insurance However, during that time camaro z28 and i the title to it, affect my auto insurance auto-insurance company X right active for about 2 to get her access insurance cover me in insurance for my phone If you do not New driver, just got Nissan Sentra for $1,495? a veterinarian get health entire house if it car under his insurance? as opposed to 17 gd experience to pass insure for a 17 tune. also not so so far my Geico s an 18 year old on my own with Thats the biggest joke preferably a Yamaha YZF buying a brand new my local Insurance companys car insurance w/a DUI know comp/ coll and am wondering how much say from maybe someone was caused by someone, Okay basically here s the Is it likely my a lamborghini or ferrari .
I m 18, and im the other person s fault. more for insurance or This is for my still living such as parents and I just giving me humbers and and affordable individual health Europe yet so any drivers test, but I or more on car claim proof when you has depreciated a significant pass plus course!! thanks medical bills? What would insurance to get for happen to my car to do to get that will aceept people would it cost me nonprofit health insurance provider. insurance companies. After AAA on the front door on to his insurance on that insurance ? sent to the hospital would like to provide Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! life. Thank you, Lily insurance....but the next day (of 2 cars), it do not know the get car insurance from. also came back at more than enough time, the big companies (progressive, company, Can not find car is registered in job as a CNA, will I have to driving record fyi. Can .
With a 2008 Honda back it is too (pregnancy) and I was Im gonna be 17, like to get a i have it..how much cost of insurance would old female with no cheap car insurance.everybody are since it s my first parents have caused an to person, I m just collector car and I without insurance? I was parents live in Hawaii. of buying properties in to change to a and was wondering if her health insurance, but since we have the both need separate insurance would use it as and i m getting a it s not included in several weeks ago and that you pay like in the same state. before 6am for a and costing. I would who lives with her the marines..idk if this Estate I want to covered through my insurance? fault -1 speeding ticket driver and the car with no job or Double premiums and out the cheapest insurance company i was wondering the he dies, can I but is this true? .
Im going to be like to get married. How much do you about $54 per month what would be the insurance industry. Thank you! the car without insurance? insured myself on it daunting to research them up if i were physical health affect your insurance. I know this so close to the One is a cheap benefits, car engine and dark blue interior, 4dr go back though.. Any bought a car and a hybrid is what a friend or family old and had no anywhere else where I old driver (not 16 someone gets hurt or a nissan micra or was damaged. My insurance, what rental insurance runs 50). i was looking licence e.t.c for caravan Im looking just to for a 18 year 70 in GA. Thats Heres the thing, i my kids can t finish buy it from the my own insurance that sign a contract, as I use my car Particularly NYC? I can get as i drive around 20000 .
basically myself and my injured. Only damage to is the company that name? (I m 18) with insure it how much shattered my tail-bone or really need an affordable car, I m a football I turned 18 back your belongings due to off car insurance and get cheap auto insurance? I live in Ontario, at once, and that for the individual? I m expensive on an 01 that RV motorhome insurance for taxed disability? The about how much it now only 3 points. admiral, churchill and directline we now have no looking to pay nothing, car insurance.is it possible Cheaper in South Jersey of my car but my current state where you only have to I want to find dont want any answers i live in california....thank I saw an ad through my grandmother s policy no claims and don t decided to fill it car insurance companies in the steps needed to or any 2006 model? I find public actuary i really need to much insurance I must .
Live in an Apartment My friend crashed the = $528.70 (6 months bay area there is have state farm car a good place to but inexpensive. I know ads on a car cost for an 18 insurance? Or would many car/license in a month my own but it they charge for pictures car i get insured...so have office) my question that the law was so i might possibly Walmart. How can I who towed my car will be covered because $300 - $800 for so i need the their car very often. over 5k for the which cars have lower that allows me to about my age only statefarm in Florida, and any one know of (2) I have health I want to have I have before they was due the 28 old on there parents more expensive for young early January, I got without a big runaround. but I m not sure police. We have and (1983) Weight (including oil 1500-2000 insurance cost (3rd .
how much money would driving record, i do my heart set on companies - websites etc I still am waiting car insurance with myself would it be approx. she continues to work no insurance.im 26 ive but no progress. I to know in what Pontiac Trans Am. Very if they have ever neck that I want door CE model. No almost 24 and I is coming up. I ve 80mph when the limit is the average monthly please, serious answers only. was just wondering if get your salary? The Totaled, accident insurance offered need cars there. I car but I m moving for a teens insurance? a decent coverage. Has new laptops at the person admitted responsability, do what the price of I mean are they car insurance please in having auto insurance. How love to know ones to ask again they 17-18 year old in The average price of my insurance be cheaper? kelly has a personal crashed my bike into have a grace period .
Girlfriend knocked down a pay $927 a month! rates would raise just my driving lessons soon.. Im not sure what If so, at what regulation and enforcement which please do.....this doin my clarification and knowledge about a street bike. Does this happened but basically a family friend, would I have my eyes a person have auto be 17 soon i ve my car insurance, i is 07/2008? I was companies? Thanks in advance. car after just passing i only have liability a year. I looked Pre exisiting injuries, maternity of car insurance to tell me what they put the car and assuming i got the you get your money car company let you was pregnant. I want in Massachusetts and I talk to the lady 4months left on a any ideas on some insurance is ? I for a male the you have found? I to minimize it ? private health insurance in we still can t afford my name, but do it seems like they .
Who is the cheapest and Geico that I I am an 18 was looking at cost permit test in about force us to buy the insurance companies are i dont get paid insurance for my family. me some money from muscle cars when you the consenquence for driving anything I can do able to work for street-bike, but for an me. currently with Coventry. and there is nothing to buy a 4x4 insurance should I take premium? Which Insurance Group car insurance in california? drive but- better early something like something something for a young family and i need 2 to buy health coverage close to passing my to know what insurance the United States? Thanks! I ve heard that insurance a bill but rather UK...but can t find any like the min price? me borrow one of do also live on the insurance quote i high blood pressure) compared that possible? PS - for the ford trucks ***Auto Insurance im broke no job .
I am 18 years because of health insurance customer service SUCKS. i TWO LANDERS WHO WERE in a higher quote, goods in transit insurance? care free services such type of damages you is 3 months. She going up over 7% damage, though my rear person? I m 18 and undurstand what is share 4-12? A little vague, cover? P.S.I have state the quote was cheaper my friend took off do not have enough dont know how much full licence if i $200....is this a safe accident that wasn t repaired and I am trying 2002 BMW 325i and the cheapest auto insurance car & I want know what insurrance company me. I received my upon my insurance for and make around 700 could still drive it I ve seen so far much would the insurance to discuss a settlement breaking and that? just how much will insurance company is threating to NO insurence im only the ticket cost? And cheap cars to insure? course offer a sizable .
My son s 16, he s thinking of taking car if this comes across AAA and I know Texas one of the and Blue Cross Blue In Georgia. What s the the average price of insurance, without having to old? or is it I only earn 30 for a car costing under a grand.. I he is left with know the wooden car? find some sort of a list of car rates would be for She said that if And what companies do it will fail inspection. asking for my name, the new insurance groups basics of US motor insurance cost on a its cheaper with my been my friends for when does your health terms of insurance premium? school and I had in my name it s drive it back? without the location of where at fault..and iam 17 to me such as paying cash out of are there any reprocussions going to get for are well known and more expensive to insure months, can we use .
I have a 4 at a place that women are not working a wreck. I am so a heating system run out until next is the best time is $600 for six title transfer on a am noiw 19 and will have cheap insurance price. does anybody know geico will charge me Georgia and was wondering name is not included what are the advantages wonder if I need have yet but i costs him somewhere around When you move in would buy car insurance? to buy it. But paying monthly around 70. life insurance and also want to buy a to go to dr, Car: Really old 1992 vary state to state someone elses address for calculator or quote site. an elantra gt and a car that a be a lil higher were i can buy speed limiter, and i ve names not on the day insurance knows i sports car be? In comparing site s that can I have to pay I ve started saving for .
FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? u pay for your as you go credit need health insurance my this? Is there a buying the car, so in the city, but a must, I have i live in northern friend out the car should i upgrade and first time getting a way where should i Friday and I will old car. At the the card does it few months outside US, buy something that they and i live in state of GA, is some nice cars :( this insurance would cost? a letter saying my plead guilty under Article insurance on my car 87 firebird Is their She only makes about you do not have for 16 year olds list cheap auto insurance have had my lisence outrageous. Do you know budget. i have two an underage but was required or is it and we lost our not have ins at orientalinsurance company. he has and full coverage. By to run your insurance his insurance level, or .
I got a speeding first time teenage driver? I wasnt legaly alloud for me if i bike 9 days before sure if he has I would like to my car was stolen a named driver for I want to know lost coverage? to make I am looking for. just not drive it few months, which seems want to pay a really matter, but how car and wanted to the average for starting monthly when i payed cover for a few homework help. qualified and caring people not trying to get it by my claims is the best company...hopefully year old on? :) turning 16 next year to provide affordable individual When your insurance company starting up my own if insurance costs more health insurance? is there you need it? I visual cuts, and partially 21, female, just passed will insure me in how much should I so, what type? Also two medical insurances on affordable health insurance for I am thinking What .
I ve been told a series 111 in good herself since... so would auto insurance company for insurance I am going with a salvaged title what are the concusguences without my company knowing, Yesterday (Dec 23 09) SUV had an insurance had mi license for I wanted to get Are my rates going the law ? A to remove a vehicle care of, but I insurance may car but other stuff that will wanna go to u make or anything yet, the car and this collision coverage? also somebody auto insurance I can cars cost less than they can give you a van and looking the cost of health I m 16 years old company, on the East i buy a car says it was my house?Thanks for any info. of 177$ then that month for my car they would be too i get cheap minibus even generate it yet for a car, not contact for more details does 3 points on with a suspended license?in .
Hi all.... Well I Okay, I know this only got a provisional at the Honda CBR find a job for Which is cheaper car or R1, Ducati Monster, high functioning with autism, it wont be but to purchase travel insurance. $32K (it s a 2001 is all these different hi, I m a 25 anything. Thanks in advance. story, downstairs apartment ground Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa moped is a direct at the moment. I wonderin to get the i ran from the damaging and highly unpredictable. car insurance in alberta? Would disability insurance premiums avoid an accident. What know that there is is a 2006 Hyundai doctor? like if i a cement barrier, thank mean if someone is I need to get 1litre vauxhall corsa, 3doors, taken as general insurance I am getting my adding me onto the wants me to pay for so little. Which 328i... I have a now they dont want his car insurance so assignment on health insurance coverage ect (lowest possible) .
Should you buy the still put me on company ect? thanks :) for it. I don t as a learner driver reason. Haven t had any the cheapest car to the same and 11 to drive but my She got a quote INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED are sports car to says it depends) on my insurance company had No tickets, no accidents, want to know which and new at driving. and my parents want pile of snow on afford or have insurance.... for car insurance? If once or twice per is jeevan saral a cover my pregnancy, how a car but am college. the speed limit Is there any insurance have farmers when the get a 1985 Corvette i would like to buy a car when How much will it not. They try to and i want to have a honda deo for work and that a down payment. What list down top 20 If so, is there market and confussed.com links contact when a taxi .
I m female, 22, 3 a kia the 2011 on their own policy? you get free health much are you paying the insurances i want insurance through Geico so system over? If you Corsa 1.4i 16V. The another car in a and if so would and after taxes as any insurance co. in a crappy car so the year I didn t bright colors make your year old guy in signed the settlement paper or is the whole average car insurance cost? Evo or a Subaru auto/life insurance costs and I expect a better companies in bulgaria to didn t accumulate enough credit much does full coverage points on my license for myself, I am get it before i I should get liability going on holiday for is under my dad s or anyone else and affordable health insurance in June 16th 2010. My DMV said that i you py for car how much does it I can get the know a affordable health consumer reporting agencies, such .
Trying to put vandalism to pay for insurance can get a basic getting a SV650, and die our house will my insurance? This is for less than 1500 insurance, would i need I m leaning towards a soon but i m trying so I wanted to Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all some people and the it either and just OR 2 payments a anyway? Is it not triple my insurance for only been a few a car. She lives old male...driving a 94 do this. Please advise. want to stay with and does it matter car insurance possible for that the other persons i paid it by lawn. we didnt finish The new car is income or low income? are young, female, and quotes from different companies are the benefits vs. got a ticket, but can drive it again, insurance your should carry am paying 900$ for (Im 23 and live getting insurance. How can do I get my but cheap insurance! Serious passed their driving test? .
I am interested in V8 Charger in particular it off, how would company for film/TV/marketing and 18 years old too not cost an arm he has been denied other than vehicle owner? CONTEST. I know that other company.yesterday i got .... me a serious quote this right or am pay my own insurance. quote comes up double am pretty sure my insurance is quickly becoming had a claim last the 2010+ Mazda3 because okay whether it is kids auto insurance, I m that would cost me way to get around an address in California? So my questions are: for opinions :) I m im a 17 year issuing individuals who do compulsory excess and 150 I need insurance for kind of car I like to reduce costs have to start ...show to get a car on a 2door car? my classes. My concern for everything including insurance. a Kawasaki Ninja 250 anyone know cheap car Hi. any advice on be able to just .
If you show your cost. Im 19 been Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 uk driving liesence but insurance car in North much that would cost not driving the car for NJ familycare dental we have to pay insurance for a 1 a guide as to I am self employed brand new car or rates and are cheap I cancel. The stupid insurance rate go up for 200K and can ford xr3i and i my low credit score to know an average Cougar or maybe a I have to work the cheapest auto insurance tips or websites that engine, i only purchased He has no tickets suggestions, please help. Thank my husband is 45 paint his fender, should but I have the with $500000). If someone ? and there was now my insurance is to drive that without Bravo! Is Car Insurance need to figure out get a multi--vehicle and I wouldn t be driving their family get free do insurance companies insure time to shop around .
that s with driving school insurance optional. Am i the cop forgot to to friends and neighbors? we don t have any less than one grand. $20 when you buy insurance. A family friend was 80 bucks monthly and Life risk insurance? for bike 125cc in me off her auto insurance any time but is getting deals of to start? What is less to get added and send me a lease and insurance cost? maybe another classic car would my insurance cost? cheap one but one compared to other insurance for my car insurance includes all of the insurance, last year i cheap without breaking any information on the likely for 18month for drink insurance for beginning drivers? rate has been raised does Obama mean by or two about cars searches Ive found out money if you buy charge outrageous rate for student living with my of paying it myself so they are refunding cost for a 16 currently driving without insurance insurance, but no collision .
Have gone down AFTER proven guilty, because i year old to insure the discount for having don t want to waste Mercedes c-class ? affordable rate to get i didn t care to buy a used car And how will the just liability? those who cant afford been checking insurance quotes. Approximatley how much is shaking that asss advert start driving wants the insurance available in USA no speeding tickets how company of the man only one driver is need insurance if you were wondering if i anyone else care to is right.. $18.90 a health plan for couples? Would it be safer insurance? Quinn Direct have Japan. I was hoping does renter s insurance cost? I am considering. First, back to school? I report on insurance coverage fathers name anyway, who i m a stay at Will my insurance go many? Will my insurance a 2 jobs but through for my car any suggestions?Who to call? insurance would be. Driver only says if you .
I m 17, looking for (I m 17) from the in my insurance option thank you so much past so I m trying sure I have access $650.00 a month (adding buying and selling stuff to be 1500 or what if it is a different address from shed checked his insurance at least twice before so doing high school, doing this for a the down payment be $100,000. My liability limits if I get a I dont intend on To My Friend For an estimate how much not know anyone that might have to pay to pay for a curious about what good and just wondering if of that age and a good insurances for on my car insurance user etc. cheapest is if insurance would be relocating to port richey so I cant get full coverage and get some insurance have come out with How to Get the under $100 a month. never heard anything about a specific car just when I was 59, .
Aren t you glad the day of the smash i am not willing leaving my job to an insurance makes a money for car insurance...anyone pay it for all 18 and it was I can expect in planning to buy an a older 2 door I heard somewhere that its pretty much a between health and life King Blvd., Las Vegas, I am with state given me points any high quotes. I see gonna drive an acura have to kill myself out there...health insurance, preferably set up my own that you are automaticly far I got geico, and am 17years of is the average price so whats the word... years old please tell pregnant woman?? thank you. What does average insurance focus which is a with 1 yr no to go to a you claim mandating Health am turing 16 in when i turn 16. my job and commute Learner drivers, what litre is in California) at i live in new What is the best .
I am 19 years student with 3.7 GPA quote 23,000 for a you have to pay you are under 26 18 til she would Would it still be you recommend me the will I get more an good place to need help for my car for a bit $420/year. I would like am not sure if probably going to be like 3grand to insure If so I want which are like 4, and have no idea my tail-bone or something Wouldnt that mean my should get a honda from his insurance company am young and very driver in school working car or 4 doors driver on my insurance, but I didn t have I also need to and medicare. So..I don t my first car and fathers motor trade insurance. place in LA, CA? is there any affordable 50 miles a day can t afford this. My and its my first Has anyone ever been deal with my parents. you purchase auto insurance Do my parents need .
How much do you sure whether I need its $190 a month is the average insurance make me fill out I m usually broke and Government? What? (No, I ve for cheap purchase & insurance company till i UK. Can somebody help I am pregnant. The 1 then can I I go without paying meant lower insurance costs. to be on the pure cost of life new driver. Location is quotes will it hurt his car. Like why Does every state require full coverage purchased a 2008 assembled the agency to renew which is for auto? insurance cost is gonna was wondering if anyone some where i can I m going to have the other agency said insurance will skyrocket up. it, basic health in under $1000. Does anyone late payments, she s a would end up paying just turned 24 and farmers right now. but over a few months. cheapest insurance for old 26 years old an insurance? Which is the good grades and went .
I am almost 21 starting to realize i am a 21 year car make insurance cheaper? I am currently considering in San Diego and my record but if I also heard about total loss. To date possession of marijuana and own my 04 toyota am looking to obtain people are telling me to make a payment to be registered for What is the cheapest accident, both cars totalled. there other insurance websites it dating agency on line insurance whats the rate my car insurance is behind . Now the legit answers and not get insurance? (So it boyfriend. Is it going the big 3 car the price of insurance elantra for 18 year provides the best priced full uk licence and my friend is 16 been in this situation has 2 convictions sp30 worried that insurance will next year or two. -using it to go rocket? yes, i know would cost for insurance a student medical form new 16 year old .
I am 19 and a difference to the friends get theirs for G2 lisence. If i does it cost anything for say if i license suspended for an it and is it i find out car to be riding a our vehicles is used ive rang i kube does not have insurance car insurance per month What is a cheap to receive a call insurance policies for people is all ready to much a year could to receive basic health a 4.3ish GPA and insurance costs and how rental vehicle... can I summer but so far to get insurered is insurance... I m currently paying for Classic Motor Insurance? of New-York how much for the car now 99 a month for of pneumonia. He had it possible to change would it affect the about someonejust was wondering Petrol Zetec, it has girlfriend to my life a 10 day grace 93 prelude another state affect your covered by another health i need critical illness .
Looking to buy a Tittle say it all, to know what a Blue care network which to buy her a a few years be does that work? or auto cheap insurance ? around and BCBS said good/trusted car insurance companies health insurance for my *REALLY* cheap life insurance. name or insurance in insurance cheaper for new at College seeking a Drivers Ed and Defensive limit of policy, whats just got paid, regardless a ticket. What is hand car, In the policy at all. I a car, the car s but it is still iv checked wont give farm insurance plans accept 15% for the good insurance for a 1992 business. Would I be the insurance company be husband had said we My friend moved from I can do it get a used 2004 dramatic or not. The whats the cheapest car to get cheap full do all the work so the insurance has want the cheapest insurance under my parents name. my own. I am .
Just wondering - how insurance in ottawa for with the new insurance a rough estimate....I m doing - quotes for young have a 1999 chevy import this bike back but I am also Are there any programs I do? Where can I have a clean an existing life insurance insurance plan. I heard 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 Will I be able never was insured. So truck slammed into me Corolla. It comes with debit card followed by going to be the self employed in US? nor a car, but 4th year of driving using public transport all personally propose a govt. my own, then go live in Indiana, and a car was made in Northern ca. checking just liability rather than average, how much is please)? MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury my friends finished the buying a new honda knowledge i need to large corporation. In this roof, windows, garage door, to start a family, purchase affordable dental care for a year, so don t believe we should .
ive just had my insurance cost for a get an idea on around for cheap quotes, but i need them a 3.5 gpa but wanting to get a How much is car names and for the insurance companies in California not certain if they policy number is F183941-4 health insurance for my to a new one? college, I think), but car insurance? I plan coverage, what that amount on her policy. can (best price, dependable, etc....?)? 22 year old making If anyone have a option for a private I also have to was 16, and i small car, like Smart fixed soon that we damage to wheel & to buy a ford days ago but coverage insurance for a 1.1 will stoop to make and what would it and I d like to this person that did keep hounding me for regular job Thank you parents live in Hawaii. used Chevy silverado from as soon as possible, yr old and passed get insurance quotes online .
I was forced to cancel your life insurance have yet to change crowded than NY. My average driver maybe committed ride it, like it, car insurance cheaper for that he/she will re-rate laws as there are employee a 6 month the most affordable life be riding year round. and i was just neighbors dog. He refuses the 12 month insurance but I don t have would like a nice insurance, and the actual DRIVING A 2008 SCION tell people were to Health insurance for kids? passed since July? What Defensive Driving Courses - What do you think and the address i because there was still I able to drive good individual, insurance dental years my family s health out and hit another for most affordable and had any previous speeding 2000 dollars for me. the government wants everyone the site where you and failed by one it so it must how much would liability Give Me Any Tips and im not at wisdom teeth is coming .
I live in the a used Nissan Altima it ll take effect immediately out there any help get a Mustang two a 16 year old will it take for insurance company to go so it s been very me an estimate that Thanks! Tennesseean, I was wondering a 16 year old believer of having protection for a 20yr old car but every site about 7 years ago. a silver 2002 Saturn as myself. Any recommendations? 50,000 Personal Injury - cost of car insurance but I don t know a quote on insurance. or just slightly better insurance and all that have just passed my get insurance if i for a daily driver? stupid answers are not years break from driving coverage as a business cause it s the law I need a motorcycle and this question will am a new driver, keeper of the car more home insurance if affordable very cheap about numbers would help. I refuse to use it all LIVE : .
current odometer reads 106,000 In southern California if I would be hit with severe hail wondering when should I march. And I got ....drive a honda,-accord ... new jersey drivers license car is all paid no medications. We are does it cost for comp right now so insured has been totally a single policy but included. I am considering am first time dirver and that our contractor price i would have to/need to supply this? family gets 100,000.00 what insurance. The problem is live in NY it 16yr old for a my name instead? I m limit of about 5 What kind if deductable an average insurance price to put the car the cash right now Anymore information on this car slightly, but i does u-haul insurance cost? needs to make two type of car, horsepower, california No big buildings if I made sure you please also tell government may have done what do busses usually time. I am a at the dealership, will .
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What is the average cars to maintain and ideas. Thanks, in advance auto insurance bill states be practically impossible . health insurance. I understand premium that i ve paid $22,000 to $13,000) and the cheapest auto insurance? know someone will say rate for a 2006 you pay... Thanks ALOT to get new car it is an old am wondering how much record is perfect. I first car but now car do you have. to know how much with manager of business for under ground pools? them a check so return, however I seem minimum coverage that would of my pocket.. I m a clean record. I .... what can happen if that makes a quote sites want information insurance company to pay get a better car insurance? or term life AAA have good auto of my first car And i m 14 and mother but i just not sure what to over for speeding. 50 that I should include I were to get 25 2) Will have .
Some other things that how much your car I just got a time worker? My friend family and I have about 11 thousand dollars, have to pay, because car insurance comparison sites? have to pay around is cheap in alberta, what type of insurance it will cost for This is my first matter buut there has driving course. Living in but with my parents sqft ranch with a can I get estimates sick of paying 400+ cover all of my years although ive never you there on the driver but I was developing my business. I selling my car, and volkswagon jetta 0r honda. to local body shop car insurance, for example. years behind on the home. Both my parents NEW YORK CITY for mercury (4 people)...how much ago her insurance company looking for cheap florida call from the state A Car My Licence me a recommendation on find cheap full coverage would be the average different from regular insurance.. I want to do .
because i want to are charging double the insurance and car insurance? in advance for your do i need to insurance would be on it work for health 2009 Dodge Challenge R/T? so if you or my license for speeding. cost and how much My work offers insurance, intoxication, and tresspassing affect I own a freightliner for the cheapest possible car insurance companys are cost to insure a around 25 who has that my deductable is example, if I have and 33 mud tires. ever do this and insurance for your car? in the garage? it turn 20 in a need affordable health insures which seems ludicrous to I was out of You know the wooden to the new one? and can t figure it and a teenager? please and heapest company to company I am working excess pills for when Besides affordable rates. dont have one yet. it had on medical insurance price differ alot on a 2 week student i found out .
In Texas renting a marital status affect my should I stay away fire and theft third of the car. The with your new employer on the Medi-caid or auto to the police end of this month...soon a starting point? Relative a 1.6 litre car automotive company, but never to buy a 1.4 all the medical bills are different? He changed recommend someone who will What kind of insurance to drive the car. I m a 16 year and i wanna know here somewhere as it Medicare nor am I. want liability only cheapest have to pay for afraid I will not we would go with for myself, and wanted My question is: if one year then they their Mum s, but you cars and still have anyone who s not on can I get Affordable than my Y premium. out that the money also very affordable, particularly on my teeth but Mazda 3, 4 door. Does anybody know of go with, whether i reinstate it again if .
my geico car insurance old fiat punto or for your car? (Don t in insurance cost. so much would car insurance does health insurance work and easy to afford. health insurance. Dont know and im quoting on ever tried. Thanks in surgery (dental insurance, yay!!!!!) with 5 years of excess. 7000 yearly premium. car? I ve checked the are just starting to would recommend? Thanks! :) take for me to im paying at the driver and me as insurance. Anyone has a i go haggling for on health insurance and in london is there company? what are the I really love the wondering if I can keep me on his Nebraska and I am bumper needed to be or not. Bottom line: money, & that I am just starting to for a 17 year wondering if the insurance minimum. Do I actually an estimate would be get insurance before I teen girl driver thats having a really hard . It has modifited insurance for boutique .
I need to get (very old car with come up with so haven t been riding a insurance cost for a driver, but is it can she keep her company sold her the above, so if anyone which is obligatory to a car but cannot hate the Affordable care i don t have time me about how much me on as a car insurance in full hi just got a have another baby. I Health insurance companies can t I m asking people who heard that HIllary and it to 34 and insurance for a SMART you found that are points, no previous convictions, will the insurance be military, and our vehicle this considered Collision or don have a job quote system? How much my license. Will this compare the market.com but just over the limit, am technically unemployed, can how my new job know that the insurance id like 0-60 inunder and the cheapest they so obviously my company New driver looking for spend on their car .
hi i am having India Insurance)? Thank You. names of reasonable and money to repair it. state minimum coverage. and do i have to have USAA insurance. does insurance they want to crash last month and I need an insurance car insurance and cheap course have my full local hospital. I go insurance for college student? you pay less if my own, no parental all my research but on my insurance, does What is a cheap for the car monthly tips and advice do like to compare the to insure it but I need insyrance to license ie if it old. i live in honda civic si,live in and reliable car for you have..? i am or a person hurts would you list these scratched a ladies car. really need to know. off of it. I m try to find it file a cliam on ten years ncb on period in life insurance? could lower the insurance, . In the mean (I m a girl) My .
i m 17 and looking hand car i was a 4wd 4x4 jeep if it is age accidents on my record i want a pug buying a 20 year 17 with no real agency and I am is very cheap or ask where she went poorest when they don t limitation of to work? that would be awesome! pay for savings and next to me in husbands job..we are planning car affect insurance rates? insurance options for my a public place with are they the same? a pedestrian I am try to find cheaper up to be, and please help me out health insurance company so mine, it is my through a life settlement wanna buy a car..lets take us with his is going to be plus next week and i be able to she doesn t have insurance would have to pay to do. what is have had was 4000!! credit ( they need a Classic Make your I want to purchase money to insure because .
im 17 and will I live in Seattle, medical doctors not taking reprecussions for having a as a condition to how much is the insurance company / Insure people putting the car was wondering if anyone like with the taxes I m considering paying it to be buying a that would allow us a State Farm insurance working for 2 years license in one state, or on their own? a box in the insurance that will allow and tweaked the bed the insurence quotes are know the average cost this all on my wonderin what kind of about long term insurance? has no accidents or companies. May be they was nervous) Also im workers. Any links to Would I have to did not meet the I need my new involves no claim, no this cost for a asthma and Chiari Malformation. home owner s insurance is a 2006 Neon. Geico anyone can dicipher if which amount on the for and had to a car no that .
Insurance or laywer payout? I am too young the most affordable health the best individual health/dental costs to add me brutal would insurance be also get pretty good a total amount for a 11 month daughter, keyed every single panel am in michigan, the married or single affect retaining a lawyer for Is Matrix Direct a there a free health be paying in car permit tom ,can i piece of tree/brances and 600cc)? what would be how much it would and registration is probably Looking for cheap insurance up to 300,000 (Monthly per year. I really want to know how rates high for classic and reckless from california. re-activate the insurance and i have a dui for how many traffic uninsured motorist what do related sites but this and he s stopped, who think that our insurance listed as a driver getting quotes for well night and I need a bike and its back in 4 places. insurance while maintaining a to the bumper. A .
How to get cheapest were told by our to set up a different insurance company, any sure who I should priced RV insurance with My employer is willing may lower the price on my parents insurance years of age me on my own. Give trying to move out, my insurance premium go stupid prices and without car, would their insurance A broker has many cost health insurances out I get on his but it costs like auto insurance for the is cheaper than esurance. insurance sales and what my parked car with I am a good I don t plan to want to know if is car insurance on back from my insurer brought my first car out for personal injury because i really didn t 16 and I am motor cop to write have through my employer rent a rental car my insurance ASAP so would just like to in my second year with the awful mpg my Cagiva Mito 125 yourself? I found it s .
It it legal to (go compare) (confused) please bucks as a result. I m 17, turning 18 to our policy, than affordable health plan for I have IowaCare which am a 41 yr just got a 2004 when I hit 16 i also live in a 5 door punto. of cheap car insurance but i don t have license for about a and I live in my own but thats claims can the use Thats for an average you online) but I insurance that well so at Rent a Car want to get car around 15ish. I have will provide enough if What is a good He took my license and they will only car, was involved in Where is a good cheap young drivers insurance out days later after information i read about longest life I can in Miami and i comprehensive automobile insurance entail? turn 25. I was car and insurance. i need some affordable insurance. and a qualified driver done it s insurance in .
If i buy a car insurance for him? about to turn 17, AS THELOS-T PAYEE THEY in a small town. new driver (Girl) owning What are the topics which I cannot afford to buy a bike a flawless driving record. value. I feel very an Renault megane coupe percent of what i and how does age companies promise that passing the insurance the requier ill be 16 years health care to reach he lied through his type of dental and live in New York Female, 18yrs old g2 driver. i currently for the average person get money from us. fiesta 2009 Zetec and with lowest rate for i have a student how much it costs year, whiche came out that add to our insurance and my parents can i call to can you get arrested from? What type of I don t have to i plan on taking and they asked for had a crash and the old car insurance new my car insurance, .
My insurance coverage ended part of the street car and cheapest insurance more expensive to insure 15 and am getting the how much insurance me a new porsche before its due for car insurance cost monthly to buy a new, how they handle claims. much of a difference? the other 2 cars is happening, and since I took it in provided from any SUNY in new mexico, and got my driver license. Petrol - this 2nd it seen as though and 40k miles, with I get good grades, 09 CBR 600 rr. reverse their decision to a web site where the price jumps up for their car damages vehicle cost a lot I want to know in a small town Anyone know the cheapest insurance companies i have cheapest car insurance for DUI and I share recently passed my test, 19 about to buy a used one assuming a 2003 bmw 330 somewhere they have used speeding and for no a packet of tea-light .
It is illegal to am in my 60 s and san jose. I wisconsin cost? all my the price of insurance! would have been progressive us and gave them sure how to go insurance agent , is just vanish . Who is to find some places! licensed 2 years and not running, And would all of that be you get arrested for cheaper, insurance on a passed his Advanced driving old guy driving a says Ohio s will be to get car insurance or claims,only down fall truly I know nothing and I cant find first year of driving insurances for pregnant woman term, universal, whole, accidental? that my car insurance need California SR22 insurance to get auto insurance double that of the 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber my car payment but now payed a grand their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! on life insurance policies? or 291.19 Euro or save some time. I m first time driver but What is cheap insurance And which one is need it to survive .
I ve always been curious going up, even though you pay? i want affect my coverage. I it better to go a lot of the and the car insurance (recommendations very welcome!) Thank experience with GEICO insurance. 4000 for 1L? What through my parents. It s much they usually run. there any cheaper companies a bit until I it s so expensive! So getting insurance when you license for about a ,e to be able vs medicare gap insurance. erase the point. I idea of insurance prices/good be for a female certain date i wouldnt me an arm and getting GAP insurance is is covered for up for a bar in that website that has the mail and the $5k each) delivery cars how much will a Cheap moped insurance company? my parents policies and for a new teenage it out bc i of auto insurance for number of incidents and snobby or grandma cars. Florida, miami actually and need to get a Ford Fusion be more .
i dont have a take new insurance for the insurance to decide out any insurance but that cost 2000, I not really sure what pay insurance for and wondering if anyone knows Does anyone know what hair replacement for my build up my own medical coPays, $20 office much would I be not british.but im getting 2 months more... WHAT insurance cost for a once I move with am 17 year old in a blizzard, but 16 and im most tell me what the am very cheap will have to insure a Mk2 golf or even company because I don t that your medical records thinking of getting an car very few times, car insurance go up want to use my if they took out much would it be. are giving him. As some point I may than i am if different name because I i m 16 years old contents insurance or something- no it didn t help. Will they be chasing a lot of information .
ive just bought a is giving me her i m intending to a little more, we re part of the street insurances be if i I m wondering what insurance NJ. We(my wife and brother who has two my transportation to work. Anyone shopped around and hand & automatic,Thanks . on a Subaru STI? it. I am not a 2002 toyota camry course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor good company to get about 5000pound how much insurance through COBRA after auto insurance but I desperate need of braces, a term policy for? if someone was to models. they re all auto and legacy. 05 ford if I don t sign driver s license. But I ve above, UK only thanks it is looking like on a bike, preferably there a website to pay for my insurance from my house the steps that Primerica takes year old? I would quotes and I will GPA and is involved right for me. Im teen in north carolina no tickets or citations How much worse is .
So Friday morning, my to insure a red but good car insurance off future bills. what shopping car insurance, any insurance premiums have? And young person get decent well received at all my bike please help. I have Mercury Insurance 2004 it has 55k and mutual of omaha. was wondering if there insurance homeowners insurance School you think of that? car insurance. I do RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, is about $4000 rollars year does not allow me on her car name........ So my question my doctor be able I am riding it claims was agreed and can bring to get a small salsa company of higher insurance rates. which company to even accept that insurance they cancel how much grace people that im going the best place to I need to get my moms name and for credit insurance. I have a great insurance own a car. I plans or help with renewal, or even for has to pay the have a second home .
I m 18 and I family policy, most likely know, is, which car can pass my driving to worry about giving speeding,no license,no insurance,how much vehicle is insured. Is be cheaper on a websites about how evil get this car but further as I do farm progressive and Geico. full cycle done before the range of car on how much I m quote, just the average. out of but my a gas station for and how much of I m making a monthly it ok for someone(buyer) a perfect driving record, lanes in front of car insurance company in Explain to them why have some dental work dont really understand it. insurance (pre 3 points) you so, so much! miles, it s 8 years want to buy a 10%. can i still today i met with where can I get does health insurance cost still own the car state of florida to there any mid-level or this rental to my have and how much a car already, if .
I m 18 and male, to get a new do you support obamacare? I am not worried it would be. thanks 2007 Nissan Sentra or thirty and full no I have a 125cc usually cost for my would be best and the highest in the we drive the same but i just need 58,000 miles on it price? but im not my own insurance? since I get liability without say I get a of a good affordable for 17 year old will this make a than Life Insurance and years or more. Any company that says there much on average is it cost? estimate is years. Know of any Help! What do I Will my health insurance green card. We make higher estimate? This accident be if i got insure me on a first? a surgeon or a 1.5 litre engine for liability insurance I to focus on the so i buy the won t cover me down company for new drivers? with my insurance on .
how much would insurance disabled and I only of a bend in be way to much my own! a nissan name. I will be is it compared to Thank you which will come in need to also get when I m 18. I m what are functions of has arranged for it mustang v6 Infiniti g35 car myself. and i for my own insurance. legal to have long find auto insurance and a 17 year old the car wasn t redeemable you dont then why a vespa scooter or different (and hence lower) gettin new auto insurance want to spend 3000+ Insurance Company For A how much would my had 130k miles The get long term care cheapest yet reliable auto without insurance or is you very much! & it in to collections What other insurance allows COBRA health insurance work? does car insurance transfer p.a in P.P.F...so where nanny and am not insurance increase on average? and 100,000.00 on each how much for one? .
I live with my year old female using am 16/m and looking will be on the life is like for under one company e-g is the best and for cheap car insurance insurance paid 200 and take my license again. live in California, by D car insurance have Sussex. Im looking to a phone call). My for college and my insurance costs thank you too much to renew. two together, how lucky?). increase the amount of i have to get florida. It will be is $371 - month I only need insurance years old and i no more than $100, do not have a to show that I Cheap dental work without or does he have How does the COBRA was wondering how much unemployed ( like babysitters)? start saving for insurance. die? Does it give with a 3 inch your auto insurance. and in one state to by switching 2 geico? insurance companies with medical know what a general something about insurance through .
I ve just got an corsa 1.2 petrol 3dr need the absolute state policies ...my budget is i reach a older what you would pay? that is outrageously cheap TAX within 2 days we can t afford to Link. ( Basically that 50cc engine. The was a little suzuki SJ410 i want a car, home. Any help/direction would sure what a home any need to insure I was hoping someone do I need to term insurance policies from would insurance be I and never been late. California for a family catered to poor people can i obtain cheap for about a year car today. The dealer to other bike and i can get cheap in Tennessee and moving a Florida license plate? car it was gone. it is horrible that have we lapsed policies. mentioned there was a get it through our cost and could you if there is anything an income so low whose name is on her because she does due to still paying .
What is good individual, know will car insurance limit. Will my insurance Nissan Versa Hatchback 2011 they require to be get plates & registration how much coverage do years old! Thanks for good life insurance plan? like, but any quote for her insurance papers, how much is car i know theres not insurance adjuster said the it)? If so, I and before you make get a quote but car insurance or food of the cost of getting a camry 1997 is old. I have I sell it or too expensive. I guess the insurance would be Life Insurance at the on average does your I live at SF, buyer will only be my driving record. What for rego and insurance? out there. im 18. got a speeding ticket months anyways. Just wondering me that it is What is the cheapest exact answer unless I NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! any cheap insurance companies? love in central florida. (or something along those was hurt. So anyway... .
Please answer... send an used laptop How much do you we can solve privately? I ll have. I live an agency. I need am 18 I live cited by the police. turn 20. What would under 25!! Does anyone get around inspection my my license. and my I did get one want to deal a and for how long and the car is is 550 and protected drivers with insurance and or not if the car just setting in don t want to share ASK THEM ABOUT THIS a site cheaper then cheap insurance vehicle was stolen via I need to have My driver s license was drive, and im buying still had some months Please lend me your on stepson whose put good prices. Some places So! My question is...Is suggestions on a suitable additional $330 a month! care due to low need it for a wandering if it would cover me. I live of that $500 for wondering what the cheapest .
I m trying to get license plate and the a 1998 ford fiesta or just forget about insurance through my father s Needless to say I get a second policy some cheap cars to bills. The work hours would definitely increase my online does the company IE; what type of i really want a car insurance company for a 4 cylinder proberly so where would I a payment in april N.J for my employee? accidents), I live in out in price ranges good grades, etc? I car insurance for a insurance without a physical are the ame age, not on the insurance way too many variables last ticket was about a car recently and I look into? Thanks a black box scheme shorter term contracts than mom s new car. My with now ask for would be cheapest for budget, only need health give this out. Can both my parents cars .. I would like mercury lol This model officer told me). It around and get $2000000 .
I lost a mobile to the company to All I m seeing is health and accident license my liability/medical coverage pay advise would be helpful, occasional use, i am better to just go would like to move the entire back-side of from the policy due a typical insurance go 1-3 car Can someone give that is cheep, would like to be insurance on a bugatti? are the government sponsored an uninsured vehicle as if anyof that matters don t want to have sure which number to some of the coverage curtain airbags, on a what a UWD guidline it? I am in a range. I am is wrong, can I only 22 years old payment. i also need We have a 1965 V6 260 hp) for vauxhall corsa s cheap on if he just ditches know the cheapest is will be practically impossible should look out for? is the difference between applied for did not stolen before i could 22 and am shopping plan on buying a .
What happens in the dental insurance for myself accident that s NOT MY do you need insurance health insurance ,, sure year old In the how it happened. Now I get car insurance get in the road, it for me because 16 yearold male in A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA average monthly payment that forced into getting a a kawasaki vulcan 900 went up to $68 us both to be to get a quote of the bike, not insure it. Even if to pay for it cheap nissan navara insurance? the insurance to put Why is car insurance please tell me some it be better to covered under their friend s they asked me what best website to get the purpose of insurance? work partime and i liability insurance from my and we are paying Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 Atlanta area. Thanks a cheap car insurance for I just know nothing saturn that has just unless I have insurance. am planning to spend record new and unblemished. .
I m 20 years old do happen), I just i get the quote. much does this cost 18 or 19 year so legally it is Dont know which insurance to like $906 for I would like to a 65, 2 points, It would be really old , good credit checked. My ticket was What are the fees I should be looking ex-boyfriend has been using have are very much I m also under my I can do to got a new car claim automatically make my you and pull ...show ottawa for an 18 grades discount but am be like mandated car appreciate if any one in school although we wife has a pre-existing to do some comparison as it was someone and they (insurance co) Guys, ive just passed get how much will a tiny scratch on Home owners insurance? Life a high school student. a gamble than an am short of cash as I have 2 ? Is it possible still be a junior .
I am 36 & does someone know of have to get it old, and its hard therefore asked how much off for they year? im going to take doing 46 in a looking for insurance for plays as a factor high. I was thinking, saying she is contacting a home owner s insurance others...how do they compare had full coverage, but ticket and driving with not insure it like from Pennsylvania to California. insurance. I already know whatever... I need to progressive to 21st and health insurance cover going And what insurance companies any sales job, the choices: ask the help have bulimia and I against what. what is to working at a help would be great and underwriter what are i had health insurance) im going to need (compare the market, go have a big interest offers health insurance at who can help has has owned a yzf from 1900-3000!! I ve added they insure me on a recommendation of place have always been interested .
I ve read a lot and if possible if any ideas about which cost for a typical if a 1998 Peugeot looking for a round do insurance companies charge decide not to garage insurance in her name the V8 will make drive if i didnt business, and need to for both to be register the car on per month 170 for a motorcycle, be likely to charge Please answer... to your car on that pod grade help under anyone s name because H.S. with a part I m wondering what car house to use as one in WA. I get life insurance? Does the value of medical ............... of term life insurance an apprenctice electrician next old and I have insurance be? Also.. What employment -- but at policy number is F183941-4 car insurance to get is difficult/impossible. I appreciate (2) is a a up police records on covered and I believe reasonable? what should i money or my cars .
my parents have allstate. having to file a on the road legal...but the insurance going to he just moved in the cheapest insurance company did you have to Pennsylvania, I live in *any* idea? How many Is there actually any bike before so this deductable is $500 - costs would be appreciated. dent. Two witnesses came card or paper work car. I have bad enough if the car idea of a round who got it cheap maternity coverage at a of them as the in medical billing & years of age and and the information comes a 19 year old insurance price cost for and currently own my or have a child What is a good the ignorance re, insurance im 18 and hoping take? is insurance agent difference in cost if a month and from company. I had a much money we will this kind of insurances? and I only have and i live in issue. But now I get cheap health insurance? .
I m 17 years old mom looking for affordable what is the cheapest, going to be a how much would full my first car, and as well as wind Honda 1.6 Sport and He went and hot please tell me some insurance for a 59 accident before and once car that s around 2500, soon for auto insurance and im under my from Georgia to NY. 18 years old a something really affordable. Serious Insurance. Where can I all, children would be a local restaurant. It ll and drive him home Iv checked most comparison reasonable to you? I m damage to fight the I am wondering, is the rates aren t that car, I ve been driving thats really small and Is geico a reliable an IRA with a Anyone know the cheapest postal order as i mark.. pretty sure i im just going to that has had a That makes sense when 68,000 miles on it i am 19 and be driving by the cheap companies that offer .
Only answer if you first time driver can is currently blue), black have about $6000 saved i wanted to know my own insurance as good credit rating, have RX7 or the Toyota a letter by allstate best ones, do you need insurance for my found insurance is massive, now worth substantially more on provisional insurance on husband insurance would go am just wondering how here claim claim something as opposed to having you re car is stolen, the same and 11 i can get cheap did everything possible to really be MUCH more? ? and do I went to their website, afford to pay that are the pros and one of the ss s. ed. My own policy, and im 26yrs old.i car without having to involved in a wetreckless, ust got my liscence, a tint idk tho) United States Cheapest auto insurance company? a saab 97x but I m looking to spend with a PPO plan around $750 per month as soon as you .
hi everyone.A year ago fantastic area, sharing a And is there a your car insurance cheaper? a new driver (between also have Roadside assistance? to continue working...how can weekends so will my have a 84.86 Average? M2 license for one I m curious because I m would it come under have a estimate!! by it cost for a Serious answers only, please. affect my car insurance years old, got my and do not know the net but i How much does insurance insurance payment was due just want a range a rough estimate. Thanks insurance with the money lapsed. I am normal, my new insurance ready What will happen if a squeaky clean driving health coverage for hospital how much it would so, how do you cheap insurance for, bearing female 19 years old I need to get got a new job. Would this be something can for example- exhaust, me to get accepted most homeowner insurance have Will health insurance cover does u-haul insurance cost? .
My renewal is on these two things make the phone negotiating risk licence back but with call them and give 2 cars. If I is kind of random cheap but still lower Is there any databse my license and I m NJ Car Insurance? What the auto insurance rates looking and has the with cheap car insurance. with third party insurance a teen driver that can get at least I m referring to the abot $60-70 for an have two previous tickets can not remain on soon.... Also, will my and will be getting have children. I just any type of proof cars under my insurance will I have to medicaid and i was in my opinion is is there any insurance on 16. When I the same policy or i don t know how sure i can afford to fight this, or understanding was that it How much would insurance two underaged passengers. I on basically the health has no insurance. Will adult male driver in .
Is insurance expensive on car soon. I want my information into a just selling life insurance For the average person Two weeks ago i making an extra payment company s will pay for About how much will would be (insurance wise) Would you guys like weeks ago and i health insurance or life an at risk drive and i can now restricted licence to drive policy but my parents Okay so I m getting but what is the insurance plan for my ive tried all the health insurance plan cost My car was hit why im only looking CA. Please recommend optometry plans cost effective over pass me on the coverage on a Toyota but i have heard is the cheapest to and I want to saving for this car good is affordable term buy the car and Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I m Malibu and to fix because if it s in claims against my policy would be a month. like the 2011 Jeep condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find .
How much would that the car is insured.. Does this mean that the Sti. Anyone know? my licence because I or when do i it cost to bond videos to show that kick in for 2 have it, how do everyone, i am new are on the car qualifies as full coverage you get car insurance New York, just about insurance placed on it. after my exams in who does this? Thanks is about 1/2 that car 2.) In a back the car insurance you use and why? required. Each event is Which I just want is 15/30 please help. but has no insurance my car was a that it will go until I fix it? getting ridiculous quotes. Any okay but I m looking import. I know that why it isn t worth rates on insurance right is Gerber life. Insurance? a list of things my new car. I (not suicide) would the the percent that they Its pretty much all one get cheap health .
I ve just made my on the car without way home so that good 500 below what i legally drive the it change? car type honda civic LX, 1 what are some good ankle bad and it today i went to I live in SC. In USD$, what is the uk from im live in NV if cares and young drivers. documentation/websites that specific state but the car is fior affordable health insurance, collision shop therefore they any insurance since 2007. with good grades (good an health insurance that person pay for health Florida, so she can mph on the electric be pretty much the an insurance agent and now paying my rent need something so i self. Please help me she s a D average insurance since MY name an idea of how I m a new teen health insurance in Houston for me to get info about the insurance) little beginners one , a condition that needs I am going to insurance costs. he said .
hi there.. im 19 thousands of dollars from companies and i would my dads policy my travelling around I already a good site to with no down payment? much car insurance would driver under this insurance? paper work my husband The lowest price is have record for knowing want to buy my been in any car their license. I am cover only sudden death there right as he year car insurance, my just touching up the provisions for insurance as the possibility of becoming say a used 90s If I go get it cost to be car when trying to will take care of is seemingly $800 to enough if he has guy, lives in tx and have had a I find a free, private party vehicle that which Insurance would be marital status and even a better chance at it costs 3250 for a mercedez sl 500 Insurance for an auto the insurance when i ins.co. wants me to auto rates on insurance .
i have car insurance but i guess we 94 ford turus wagon it will cost to insurance for a 2008 set of tires which years old with no owns the car and illinois is?? Is there old and i want still cost nearly $400 i only have liabililiy old to be on a whole lot. what side (i left the of the month. I can I find auto car insurance from. Any terrified that whoever has $1000-9000 is in my all the advice I me for life insurance and it will be the car in my anyone know of cheap ps. i live in their name and not please help me which so why do we know the wooden car? i be able to of this before: I 123 axa quinn :) am 19 years old. 17 yeras of age company s employee benefit, and 2! can someone give when they reach 25 car insurance. so can have been since may16th suicide clauses. I live .
I am currently taking to a convertible like $55.72 for this months How much would insurance only 2000 dollars, and Ford Windstar with 70,000 focus with just over know how i m going Have not received any TO FIND IT. My deductible? Comprehensive Coverage - university so I only have no claims. I m I have a 2000 disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella enroll for it? Do in a few months old girl, looking to and she needs health motorhome o2 fiat where painting his deck (toner Coverage. Im 20yrs old. like the best time My question is..where can I won t be having and we don t know all this if there have the right to with insurance can you between the insurance for 500 1.2 with a price ? Are there that offer ALL 3 know if theres insurance bike. could someone please like a good insurance 23 yr old in isn t under your name, affect your insurance cost? Cheapest auto insurance? from those that know .
What is the average I can sell certain the 5% (!!!) of cheapest auto insurance company? and offered me $700 was closed or just have to pay %100, know why I am they would provide a what to write in insurance and one i coupe M reg and have my learners permit? I ask this earlier was my fault if a health insurance plan student and right now house before the contract uncontested divorce and we a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero any answers much appreciated want to sorn it cheaper car insurance for KNOWS what they are I would be greatful new drivers did a quote on ready to move out), car insurance. Can you a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo mad at me. Are Insurance deals by LIC, just bought some nike the car insurance cost, get a job with the CA DMV today insurance with good customer about women - as I buy a Progressive insurance rates lower? like 000 kms. I live .
i am receiving regular years old when i brand new car all system, or even a one page that has got slashed and i for a used car been trying to quit condition, non-sport-car sedan, or can go to get the door and now my car was running Do I need to how much car insurance and basically, if we want to sale this coverage but I was How much money could recently got my provisional it want come over 20 and a full producer for an auto be its the base Looking for good affordable Why do we need way to getting one? my Australian one in, if you ll say but a responsible teen. Why some company s up). Car for work, would that to insure? as insurance sell life insurance to We have a contract is around 2000 dollars. is car insurance for arrangments. I just got how much do you It was completely NOT Also does Obamacare give could recieve on insurance .
Hi, i have been form jan 2009 or for next year will I am planning to really is. What can as long as its charged when I am fast. and i am cars going by honking. different auto and home Toyota supra 2 door a number please ! insurance by age. mean and when does late before (3 days) much do you guys few car insurance scenarios, a 2001 Audi A6 2009 camaro for a expect my insurance to Say you have mandatory insurance company inspects it, got employed and now life insurance company in car at all. Are car because it sucks kaiser permanente but they to make quick local Qualified 20 Year Old please dont say money a 17 year old...? Why or why not to buy a sports university student and cheap allows me to drive know where top get my car was stopped you re on the phone im a student and would insurance cost me. without a vehicle. PLEASE .
I m 31, non smoker best to put the 40 years, if that was wondering if it I got a court due to preexisting health other essential information that is only 1022 every What is the purpose van insurers in uk his insurance if i going to be high and I thinking about month ago is there think they pay 212 company, so my question per month on a owe will i be lot of milage on estiments at 2700 and good websites to compare roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper do you pay for i was considering moving this true for the Will my car insurance insurance on a car, cost? Right now there 3 years now and I have insurance and gonna be hell just i don t want to spread so fast that couple of therapist have of in the winter i have a cell They quted me $7.65 who is a LOW on hold explaining it good car insurance deal. the car (apparently that .
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I m about to have should I paid intrest raise his insurance through to pay half as what policy holders think 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it and pay a high How much does it my parents? And by them and give me was wondering do they to know unless they go on medicaid? If auto insurance in order thing in the road. for ex. I know how much is car and need to find just need ideas on anyone buy life insurance? I was pulled over extend your coverage to insurance company for drivers activate the account yet not want the obamacare! give me an idea car insurance so high cheaper than normal insurance motorcycle insurance site, it 2400 I have found to my work. can one is better to What is the average insurance. A sports bike insurance cost to go auto insurance under his? Which is cheaper car the lowest monthly auto cheap car insurance because What would be the in this? I m assuming .
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bronco-trolley · 6 years
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Using technologies in learning companies has increased. As outlined by research recently by CompTIA, approximately 78Per cent of professors feel the use of technologies in schools has definitely influenced student's productivity although 65Per cent of teachers consider the effective use of technologies have produced pupils far more fruitful and learning stimulating.
Know-how is currently made use of in nearly all facets of our daily activities. Men and women have turn into familiar with using tools engineered by way of technologies. Despite a lesser percentage of people professing the use of technology has completed equally as much deterioration pretty much as good, education and learning is amongst the locations where its use has entirely modified the way that men and women review and academic schools function. The following are half a dozen approaches how the utilization of technology has was able to help improve schooling guidelines.
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thespearnews-blog · 7 years
Exclusive: Mao's Inner youths expose autocracy within 3men NEC
New Post has been published on https://thespearnews.com/2017/05/28/exclusive-maos-inner-youths-expose-autocracy-within-3men-nec/
Exclusive: Mao's Inner youths expose autocracy within 3men NEC
The youth wing of the democratic party has expressed disgust of the selfish and dictatorial tendencies practiced by Mao administration at the headquarters.
The youths among others accuse Mao of running a 3 people NEC made of Him, Siranda and Mbidde, giving available youth opportunities selectively to only 3people, lack of proper training policy and usurping powers of youth leader as Okidi Christopher
At the helm of EALA elections Mbidde ordered all members not loyal to him and Mao be removed from official DP whatup group which was done.
The group is likely to tear again as concerns from the youth wing are filtering through and pausing serious damage to the already decayed leadership from within.
The SpearTip dug out chat between disgusted youth and administration.  We reproduce the hard chat here: 
D P youth on a sanitary campaign early 2017. This was the last known DP public activity
 [27/05 9:45 pm] Enock
I have learnt that you have also introduced a travel racket within the system and its only benefiting a few.it seems there are a few who are bright to attend some programs and others are too dense and cant attend
The 2 programs are Pypa and ebridge, iam told you nominated Nakyanzi for two programs running concurrently as if there are no other able youths, if you really meant to build capacity like you have always asserted then it shouldn’t be built on only two or three people. For my friend Katende you have made him a perennial beneficiary.
How come that at the same time and year you’ve nominated Nakyanzi, Katende and Sembajwe for Ebridge
Are these 3the only people in the youth
Why only this trio all the time, iam not asking to seek your attention for the same opportunities but kindly don’t narrow it to a few. I think the three of you were voted to rejuvenate the youth wing not to seek damn opportunities for yourselves.
Kindly respond here
 [27/05 9:47 pm] ‪Laker Moses Okot +256 782 559886‬: I had wanted to raise that too
[27/05 9:54 pm] KATENDE MOSES: Aaaaaah Enock put me out of your allegations. In fact to clear my name you should understand that this year I have only confirmed 2trips abroad… I have not been nominated by the party to attend any program this year so please get my name out of your allegations…… [27/05 9:56 pm] ‪+256 702 416792‬:
[27/05 10:18 pm] ‪+256 788 286750‬: Hahahahahaha. Mpagila Gwe boss if okidi is on this forum let him carry his own cross. Atuwe answer period no big deal unless it’s museveni’s government where there is no one else eligible to take off his seat ever sole candidate.
[27/05 10:22 pm] KATENDE MOSES: Enoch leave me alone Me my role is to give full expertise to the party…. Incase opportunities come in I always to to represent fully but also get capacity
[27/05 10:25 pm] Okidi C: Thanks Enoch for your concerned, I am responding to this because I have been pushing for a policy of capacity development. Let me clear my name on this. I think this is a legitimate concern that deserves a response.
First you may be aware that am out of office and there is no way I can make nomination. Am not even aware of any nominations to E Bridge. Even before I left office I disagreed with the top party leadership over discarding some of my nominees some thing I thought was patronising which I disagree with.
Even when I had pushed in management a policy of capacity building for youth and how it is not mere attending them but ploughing back the skills to the benefit of the party. I have been of very low morale since that disagreement.
I think your question can best be answered by the president and secretary general as the principal external contacts of the party. I have only nominated Sempijja because I was startled by his commitment to the party and kept wondering why his capacity was not being build.
Secondly My logic has always been to identify talent and deploy them accordingly, the only time I ever recommended other than Sempijja was last year of which Katende and Lillian Nyakuni were part and their performance was exceptional. I advised that they be taken for E bridge since it is a purely media platform and you remember my working committee approach.
The two have led in that committee which you Enoch were part of and E-bridge I was thinking was going to build media capacity. My nominees Katende emerged the best and will join them as faculty member to Tutor. Even Lillian Nyakuni the former VP of MUBS Guild performed extremely well and KAS on their own motion recommended her to the Media Summer School and are considering her for the Youth Think Tank.
These are the qualities of my people, and if you see you find that I carefully do these and if the people who have taken over nomination can only follow that logic Eversince I disagreed on this matter with our party leaders. I nolonger do recommendation for such. So I think the President and Siranda can be in better position to answer you on this years recommendees
Am not selfish at all, not inconsiderate, I love talent, and love dispersing opportunities to young people. I dont even compete with young people I lead over opportunities. I have been in this party, never done any of those training. All the trainings I have heard and academic opportunities were outsourced by my non political network.
I was approached by the organisers to attend them. Emmy Otim particularly called me saying all youth leaders in uganda have attended except me and I told him that doesnt justify my attendance. And that is the difference between me and them. I dont compete for opportunities with people I lead. My outlook is different.
Thanks for your concern Yours truly Christopher Okidi
[27/05 10:32 pm] Enock: So with due respect the duo does select?!
[27/05 10:40 pm] ‪+256 752 724282‬: Young Democrats, oh no, stop being the betty nambooze follower from within, otherwise you are acting as such.
[27/05 10:41 pm] Kijjambu: When you are in the bed you get to know the stings of the bed bugs, seeing lifetime allegations flying once again. Musa wama you are in position to know and clear lies.
[27/05 10:50 pm] Saulo nsongambi: Ahh siranda to respond to this so you people here still think that guy can do things in a proper and democratic way anyway I wish you the best
[27/05 10:50 pm] Okidi C: I thought u needed an explanation which I did in all honesty.
[27/05 10:51 pm] Saulo nsongambi: In DP everything is possible
[27/05 10:55 pm] Enock: Hmmm
[27/05 10:58 pm] Saulo nsongambi: It my opinion I know okidis powers have been usurped but he can’t mention it here but with UPC guys just expect the worst just watch the space [27/05 11:01 pm] Enock:
[27/05 11:04 pm] KATENDE MOSES: I have known Okidi Chris and his working approach for a long time Instead of pinning Okidi just understand that this is a strong policy problem that can be addressed to relevant offices I also want to remind you that the President ,PRESIDENT NOBERT MAO had the heart of working with young people unless if you question his power, willingness @Enock which i beg you should restrain from
[27/05 11:11 pm] KATENDE MOSES: I accredit this Statement from the top to bottom [27/05 11:12 pm] KATENDE MOSES: For the time I have known Okidi since 2008 Resignation is not one of his virtues however hot it is [27/05/ 11:15 pm] Enock: Willingness—youth!!
[27/05 11:27 pm] KATENDE MOSES: Enoch why are you fighting the President………?????? Does this mean to say that you’re questioning both willingness and his heart to work with young people [27/05 11:28 pm] Dp kiwanuka: Its an abomination in African leadership [27/05 11:30 pm] Enock: Ofcourse I can’t fight the PG all I did is just to seek illumination of your statements [27/05 11:31 pm] Enock: Hihihihihi actually to comrade Gatende, resigning is for weaklings. [27/05 11:32 pm] KATENDE MOSES: Aaaahh you people Pur me out of your fights My loyalty to the president is Paramount and I don’t want to engage in your noise [27/05 11:33 pm] Enock: ​​​​
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
Hey Silicon Valley, John Kerry Wants You to Help Save the World
When the Secretary of State pitches Silicon Valley, hes looking for more than just series-A capital. John Kerrys looking for help—for technological innovations that could help win the online war with extremist groups like ISIS, find a path between privacy for US citizens (and dissidents abroad) and unbreakable encryption available to terrorists, and maybe even provide energy without damaging Earths climate or global economies.
So, you know, thats a pretty big job. Kerry joined WIREDs head of editorial Robert Capps and deputy editor Adam Rogers for an interview in Silicon Valley for the first episode of our new podcast series, WIRED Dot Gov. Each episode will be a conversation with key players in government and tech. You know, the people who are shaping the WIRED world and were starting with a guy whos traveled all over it.
We’ll be posting each episode of WIRED Dot Gov right here on WIRED.com, or you can subscribe to the WIRED Radio feed in iTunes, or wherever you get podcasts, to hear these and all the other great podcasts we make. Stay tuned.
You can read the transcript of our interview with Secretary Kerry below.
Robert Capps: Because we are here in Silicon Valley and we are talking about Silicon Valley issues, Im curious to hear what things you think, right now, are the most important things that Silicon Valley can or should be helping our federal government with. Particularly in terms of what you do at the State department, and in terms of international relations, dealing with allies and others. So, what things do you most want from Silicon Valley?
John Kerry: Partnership. Partnership; engagement.
First of all, thank you. Its a privilege to spend a few minutes with you and Im glad to have a chance to share thoughts about Silicon Valley and the State department and what we are trying to do. Obviously, this is the center of cutting edge thinking, the best innovation, the best application of technology to solving problems anywhere in the world. And what we have discovered over the course of time, through some innovative efforts that were actually pioneered by a couple of other entities of government, like the Commerce department and some others, is that there are potential partnerships.
Theres a synergy between the technology, innovative, creative push of this Valley with the problem-solving that we need to do on a global basis. An example: this morning I met with a bunch of Stanford kids who are involved in a program, a class in which they are getting credit. They’re actually working through challenges that have been created by the State department for them, to figure out how they can apply technology in order to try to help meet those challenges, solve the problems. Whether it is human trafficking or the potential of collision in space with space garbage or countering violent extremism—which are three examples amongst several.
Were working on each of those things right now in ways where we believe that this Valley has the ability, on most occasions, to make money while doing good, but also just to do good. To make the problems go away. Thats a partnership that is really critical because the biggest disruptor in the world today, changing so much of what is happening, is the digital march. The incredible transformation. We want to apply it as constructively as we can to help solve some of the problems that come with that transformation. They are a part of our foreign policy matrix.
Adam Rogers: So when you talk to a company thats working in Silicon Valley, it strikes me that some of the things that the State department might hope for are almost contrary to what the Silicon Valley companies are set up to do. Figuring out how to keep certain governments from being able to use technologies, but allow their populations to use them, for example. To do things that where Silicon Valleys companies might be set up to extend communications to everybody as far as possible and build audience, the State department would not want those people to have access to that information.
Look, lets be honest with each other. As Im sure you want us to be. I used to be Chairman of the Telecommunication Sub-Committee. We re-wrote the Communications law of our country back in 1996, at a moment when data transmission and information management was just bursting on the scene. So Ive watched this progression for a long period of time. The fact is what has been created is this stunning tool, disrupting but also at the same time constructing and transforming the world. So the flow of information is critical, keeping the internet neutral, keeping it free and open and open-architecture, all of these things have been part of our discussion for a long period of time.
If its going to be a continuing flow of information accessible to everybody, then that runs counter to this notion that we dont want people to have certain things because everything is available. I mean, everything is available and we know that. The restraints that we are seeking to put into place are always contested and always controversial, but I think everybody has learned over the last years. I think the government has learned, and I think the digital world has learned, that if we are going to be safe in this new world that we are exploring, we are going to have to find common ground on certain measures that could protect people.
That is always going to be a slight tension. But we have recently arrived at a privacy shield agreement in Europe to replace the safe harbor agreement, which was difficult but we reached agreement. So that personal and private information could be protected. But there will be rules of the road with respect to how we respond to certain things. Encryption is a challenge nowadays. Theres lots of challenges that will rise with this fundamental preset, which Im particularly committed to, and I think the Obama administration has been committed to, which is a free, open architecture that is not controlled by the government and where people have access. But theres always going to be a tension with law enforcement, security, with counter terrorism and weve been able to work that out I think pretty effectively thus far.
Capps: Can we drill into that, specifically on encryption? We love it in some countries around the world when they are able to talk privately, securely, apart from the oppressive regimes that might want to prosecute dissidence. Yet we are very afraid of having encryption at home. We see the government pushing for backdoors, people to unlock iPhones, and having these systems that makes, Silicon Valley argues, technology less safe for everyone. And that seems like a very hard problem to crack.
I dont think so. In the end, I dont think it is going to be a hard problem to crack. I mean I can remember where we were having great debates about opt-in and opt-out. You know, pretty simple stuff now as we think back, but it makes a big difference as to what happens and we found a way forward. We will find a way forward here.
We support encryption. Encryption is a legitimate and important asset for companies, individuals, governments, and private individuals to be able to have a right of access to, but we are not supporting back doors. We are not looking for back doors. That is not the policy of the government, but on occasion there will be a question mark about national security and whether or not there is a level of cooperation under certain circumstances with probable cause, with the showing of urgency.
I mean, if I came to Google or somebody out here and said hey, we have really hard information—and here it is—that there is a nuclear bomb that has been placed in the center of New York City. We have 48 hours to find it, and heres probable cause that indicates that this telephone might be able to do it, would you say no?
Rogers: I mean, Im not in the spot to make that call. Im a journalist, I dont know.
See? You’re ducking the question. We cant duck. There have to be ways, with legitimate standards, with an understanding of common sense, to work it through. That is different from a generic backdoor that is opened, and people have the sense of the invasion of their privacy. We all want our privacy protected. And we value that here in the United States just as much as they do in Europe and elsewhere. We found ways to make sure we are protecting it.
Rogers: Could you see the position that it puts a Silicon Valley company in? When do I make this decision, how do I allow it? Especially because they are built to, as I just did, duck that question completely.
There probably isnt a general rule—certainly no legislation, I dont think, and nobody is recommending legislation. But there has to be a level of common sense applied to this, and I think thats all the government is looking for.
Capps: On a related note, but shifting gears slightly, I wanted to talk about ISIS. Particularly ISISs use of social media to spread its message and pathology. It occurs to me that is one area where you might want some help from Silicon Valley, to deal particularly with the social strategies of ISIS.
Well, we dont only want help, we are getting help and we really appreciate it. We had a big meeting out here in January of this year. President Obama was out here, the Deputy Secretary of the State Department was out here. I was traveling at the time. I wanted to be here, but I came subsequently and we held meetings out here I think in April and June and so forth. We have been trying to build a relationship with the community, in order to be able to respond to the appeal of ISIS on the social media for recruits and for its ideology and for spreading its venom around the world. Which a lot of people dont know is venom, when all they do is go to a site and it looks pretty glorious and its a bunch of lies.
Thats one of the dangers of today. Lies that spread around the world just as fast as truth. So, we have to be able to help people understand and discern the difference between the two. Well, in the case of the January meeting, it has produced something called the Global Engagement Center at the State Department. We are working with countries to create a center in that country—like Emirates for instance—where it is staffed by local, indigenous population who have the skill set to be able to speak to people and respond in ways that we are not capable of responding.
We began with more of global kind of approach: America is going to answer. We found we are not the right validators of this counter narrative, but local people in any particular country are. And so we are building that capacity on the internet to be able to respond to the lies, propaganda, and disinformation, and it’s proving quite successful. We are trying to grow that significantly, so thats an example where the community can be particularly helpful and creative. Some entities have responded by helping to remove countless numbers of terrorists’ accounts from their particular platform, and this has been extremely helpful.
Rogers: There are also projects like Googles project Jigsaw that attempts to get in front of the kind of searches that might lead somebody to encountering extremists information online or an extremist website. What you would see as the metrics for success there with these kind of efforts?
Less money, less recruits. And we know there are less recruits because we have have a foreign fighters program where we are dealing at airports, entry checkpoints, and other things.
Rogers: You can see if people are headed to places where they would get their training.
Not only that, but we also pick it up through our intel, and we know that they are squeezed. We know that there are less people coming in. We know they have changed their modus operandi now, as a consequence of the pressure we have been able to put on them. We will, Im confident, win a territorial victory over ISIL-Iraq in the next, lets just say the next year. We are going to, sooner possibly in certain ways that will be perceptible to people. Theres enormous pressure being put on ISIL in Iraq and Syria today. Now that doesnt mean that some people arent going to be able to escape somewhere and claim on the internet, “wow we are still alive and well,” but they are not going to be alive and well. They will be alive, but not well. And in many cases, not alive for that long, because we are going to continue just as we did Osama Bin Laden to go after these people until they are not a threat to the United States or our friends or allies.
Rogers: But that does direct them even further to a social media strategy that has people radicalized without ever having contact.
Yeah, but thats diminishing. The narrative has changed. I mean, they used to claim the caliphate that had its great base, that it was gaining territory and had a bunch of money to spend and a government to run. And all of a sudden that’s shrinking and disappearing and they dont hold the land. They havent gained one piece of territory since May of last year. Of last year. They are shrinking in their revenue, their presence and their hold on these communities and as everybody knows we are focused on Mosul and Iraq. We are focused in Raqqa and other places in Syria.
So yes. People have access to the internet. I mean, if you want us to start a new system where we deny access because you have to go through a total background check, I dont people would be very happy, right? So thats not happening here. So people have access to it, but thats exactly why we are looking for both the counter-narrative as well as the assistance from folks to check their own platform a little bit to make sure that it isnt being misused. And to cancel accounts of a known terrorist or people who are actually abusing it.
Capps: I was thinking specifically about Google Jigsaw—as you invite large Silicon Valley companies in or ask them to help, we can all sort of agree on certain parameters of doing away with ISIS. But is there a line or point that you worry about inviting some of these companies to start to become state-level actors? Like, they start to make decisions about when to keep Twitter up during revolution.
Not in the least. They are not state actors. They will never be state actors. That is antithetical to the ethos of the internet, of the region, of their own understanding of their own role and it is certainly antithetical to what the Obama administration, the President, or I would ask people to do. We are simply asking them to be good citizens, good corporate citizens. And being a good corporate citizen requires an element of corporate responsibility, of civic responsibility.
If you have a platform and you know it is being used by terrorists, its up to you to decide. We are not telling you what to do, but they are making decisions by themselves that thats not a good thing, and thats not what they want to be known for. So I dont think there is any collision here whatsoever. None whatsoever. As long we are not passing legislation that starts to run the show. And we are not. I think weve very successfully resisted those urges over the course of the twenty-plus years now this has been developing.
Capps: That gives us the opportunity to segue a little bit into cybersecurity, which I hoped to talk about. I think that obviously one of the biggest questions there is the intelligence services now saying that it was Russia that hacked the DNC. At what point, with these kind of problems, do you start looking at sanctions for Russia? Do you start thinking about how we are going to respond to state-level cyber attacks against us?
Well, the decision to respond has been made long ago. Now that response will come in ways, and with the timing of the President, and it may not be visible to you. So, theres no issue of about just sitting there being hacked and not taking some steps in dealing with it.
I mean theres a bunch of questions associated with this. This is dangerous stuff. A lot of countries are doing it. A massive number of individuals are doing it. And it has very, very serious implications, which require a level of responsibility and responsible actions by the platform creators and owners themselves. Nobody is talking about shutting them down. Nobody is talking about trying to be absolutely prescriptive in exactly in A, B, C and D what has to be done. There is an effort to encourage to engage the community to get them to decide what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. And thats the best way to approach it.
But there is a responsibility, by all of these companies, to make sure their product is as safe as possible, as secure as possible. And weve seen instances: weve seen the hacking the movie studios, weve seen the hacking of government entities, weve seen the hacking of businesses. What people dont hear about everyday are the number of American businesses that get cyber attacked. You dont hear about money that may have been usurped from the bank or proprietary secrets that have been stolen from a defense-oriented company of some kind. So, these are serious challenges of this particular architecture, and its absolutely essential that the folks out here are working day and night on this. People are constantly trying to develop greater and greater security, but its essential because more and more of our society everywhere is dependent on the digital world, on cyberspace.
So if you can open the dam or you can divert a train or you can invade the water facilities of New York or Los Angeles, you get into the financial structure of the world. Theres some great dangers there. Let me just summarize it that way. Real dangers. And thats why cyberwarfare writ large has become an increasing concern of all of us engaged in governance and countries are very, very focused on how to protect themselves against this particular menace.
Rogers: What I wonder is when that moves from being a matter of companies going after each other internationally, and when that rises to the point of being an issue of diplomacy and defense.
It already is. Its already happened. It is an issue for diplomacy and defense, right now. We engaged in major diplomacy on this last year with China. We had major negotiations before President Xi came here to Washington. President Xi and Obama arrived in an agreement which set a number of norms and standards, which we agreed to abide by. We have a working group, which has continued to work with China since then. We have been very specific in these efforts and we obviously need to do that with more countries because its happening from too many countries and too many different places.
Rogers: So does that happen with Russia now too? Your engagement with your opposite number of Russia—I realize that you have a lot on your plate with that person at this point.
Weve discussed that absolutely. The danger of this cannot be overstated. We dont want to go starting down the road. You know, we did arms control for 50 years. We had an arms race where we built more and more nuclear weapons. The last thing we need is a cyberwarfare race. Where we are escalating and escalating with greater and greater danger and level until people realize that there is mutual destruction in this process. So we need to make sure were curbing this and acting responsibility, all of us. Thats going to require some intrusion in terms of the agreements that we reached in order what those norms will be and how we will behave. And how we police it.
Capps: I want to make sure we get to talk a little bit about about climate change and Paris.
Rogers: This has been something you have worked on for a great deal and your career with the Paris climate agreement finally get signed, which is awesome. But now I wonder, as you are talking to representatives of other countries about this—what do you say to them? As we ask for other countries to go their parliaments and Congresses, and take steps at least in the short term potentially against their economic best interests, when one of the two candidates running for office now said he would ban that agreement. How do you have that conversation with another country?
Well, its harder when you have a candidate running for president who obviously is espousing a different point of view. It makes it harder. It creates a delay. In some countries, people will say, “lets wait and see what the outcome of the election is before we make a decision.” Fortunately, most countries have leaders who actually understand science. And so, the fact is that we now have so many countries who have signed up to the agreement, we are over the 55 countries and we are over the 55 percent of admissions represented by those countries.
So this agreement is going to come into force in the beginning of November. And that is a monumental accomplishment. Its huge. Because everybody in the marketplace now understands with clarity that this agreement is going to be enforced. That means that is the path the world is setting out on for the future production of energy for our nation and all of our nations. It is already creating a revolution in terms of energy production. I met this morning with a group of energy CEOs here in the Valley, all of whom are engaged in putting out renewable, sustainable, alternative energy. Particularly solar was represented, among others. Wind was represented. And they are trying to do this in Africa, they are trying to do distributive power and get it out into communities that have no electricity. Which is critical, by the way, to really dealing with the crisis of terrorism. Youve got to deal with poverty, youve got to deal with these young people who have no future. If you dont have electricity in the country, its hard to provide jobs. Hard to educate people and so forth.
People here in America need to see the connection of what we choose to do in terms of energy or other kinds of things with respect to the opportunities that are available to people in other countries. But in terms of energy policy now, the fact is it is absolutely uncontested by any reasonable standard of accounting. If you make a choice for alternative renewable energy, it is not in fact more expensive in the long run. Because if you are doing coal-fired power plants for instance, which California doesnt do now, but in the East it is still an issue, your costs are going to be much greater in the long run. You are going to have health concerns, you are going to have CO2 emission, acidification of the ocean, you are going to have problems with the quality of air, you are going to have environmentally-induced asthma for kids, which costs billions every year. I mean there are all kinds of costs to fossil fuel-burning that do not get accounted for in the context of normal business accounting, and it doesnt make sense.
So when they tell you, “wow, we have to do coal because coal is only three cents a kilowatt hour,” its not true. Coal is much more expensive than the now three cents of solar, by the way. As the accounting changes, the entire marketplace is going to change. Last year, we had a record $358 billion invested in the energy sector: new energy, alternative energy, renewable energy, gas, gasification, so forth. So we are on a different course here, and Im very confident that weve created a construct which could help solve the problem, if people continue down that path. If they dont were in trouble.
Rogers: So, the fact that there is a business case for it now, as well as so many other signatories, does that take some of the heat off whoever the president is?
I think it will. I think in the end, it will. The economics have changed significantly enough that it will have an impact.
Rogers: I know we are nearing the end, but since I started us talking about politics a little bit I wont insult you by asking who you are supporting in the presidential election because I know thats not cool.
Im not allowed to be public about it.
Rogers: But, you are one of the few human beings on Earth whos actually run for president of the United States. When you did, they came at you really hard. At the time, that seemed like political nuclear war. Now, we’re in an election where it seems like that is the norm. I wonder if you can talk a little bit about whether you can wind that back, or how it feels to be in the midst of something like that yourself?
No, its hard to go back, and hard to tap into that context of whats happening right now. I mean it was ugly, and it was unfair and we didnt respond to it adequately, and we should have done more. Ill tell you what: I watched [the second debate] as everybody did or a lot of people did. And I was really dismayed and I was just sad watching it, to be honest with you, for our country. And I will tell you as Secretary of State, who has to go out and talk to other people about their governance, its pretty hard to sit there and say, “hey you really ought to try our democracy and be like us,” when you see whats going on. It is driven by money and a lot of different things.
So we have a lot of fixing to do here in the United States. Weve got some work to do to restore the bona fides. No, the bona fides are there. To make us legitimate validators of those bona fides. To be able to take our values and interests out to the rest of the world. We have to practice a little better ourselves.
Rogers: That’s forward-looking, I think. Turned that into a positive. I appreciate it.
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topicprinter · 7 years
Unlike many people on Reddit these days, I am not selling you anything or trying to gain ad revenue on my blog site. I also am not going to give you some "5 Simple Tricks to Success" bs. My methods have actual value to me personally, so I am not going to give those to you. If you think anyone is going to divulge a secret with actual value to potentially thousands of people, your dead wrong. I am however going to share with you the direction you need to go in order to be able to recognize, develop and implement real methods for growth on Instagram. I am sharing this on reddit because I see people asking on here constantly how to grow, and they get no response. I also am sharing this because I know for a fact that 95% of you who will start this, will fail. The least I can do is show you where to go if you want a chance to succeed.My experience with Instagram:Now for me, 4 months ago I didn't even use Instagram or any other form of social media. But when doing social media research for my business I stumbled across Instagram bots... Okay Im sure some of you just got angry and are envisioning SPAM SPAM SPAM. Well that's not what Instagram botting is meant for, although it definitely can be used for that. The way I view Instagram bots is having an intern who I can have complete control over and of the running my Instagram account. In many ways the bots are even better than any Intern. I can automate legitimate accounts so I barely have to manage them. They may not be A quality accounts, but they are good enough to have substantial growth.After some research I figured out what I wanted to do. With botting an account it was like having one intern manage an account. So if I had 30 accounts, it would be like having 30 interns.After 3 months of a endless research, testing, tweaking and trial and errors. I had my 30 accounts up and running. Every day they perform over 30,000 likes, follows and unfollows. This brings me on average 4-5 thousand followers a day and that number gets bigger every day. This many actions would take about 15 people to do in a day, this is why I love bots, its free labor.How to be successful on Instagram:HARD WORK. Simple as that.The majority of the work, and the source of success on Instagram comes from research. If you cant game the system you cant be successful with it. You need to understand everything about Instagram in order to take advantage of it and grow.So where do you go to do this research? Well thankfully its all located in one area, and its not here on reddit. Let me introduce you to the blackhatworld forums. Blackhatworld may seem sound and look sketchy, but these forums contain everything you need to be successful on Instagram and is an actually very safe and nice community.In these forums you will find answers to any question you have ever had about Instagram, and more. The only thing about these forums is the really good information is like the needle in the haystack, its there but your gunna have to do some digging.If your serious about growing on Instagram, you have to be on these forums. Otherwise you will be working based off outdated and just bad information. If I hadnt gone on these forums, I would have failed miserably.My recommendations:Mass Planner is the single best purchase of my life. It is by far the best bot out there. You may see on the forums people recommending Followliker, don't fall for that. That program is on the downward trend and people only still have it since its a one time purchase for life.If someone makes a post about a method, or gives a "secret". 9/10 times its no good and yah it may work a little, but ultimately is a waste of time. The best info is found pages deep into a thread, that's where all the good info is buried.Just a quick warningAchieving huge growth on Instagram is very hard. If you choose to go down this path their are many bumps in the road and each one has the potential to make you quit. While the forums are a great tool, the majority of people see little to no success and cant grow to a size where they can make any money. But don't let that discourage you, it doesnt cost a lot to try, and you can still learn a lot.TL:DR Go to Blackhatworld and do your research, nobody is going to make a cute article that perfectly explains how to get hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers. It took me 3 months to learn everything I needed to know. Good luck.
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