satorisoup · 5 months
gene on film, 2006 ᰔ
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HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to my beloved @omitea for this beautiful commission SOB !! we look absolutely adorable & i will be holding this art very dear to my heart !!! <333 ILY ILY ILY SINNIEEEE T^T
7 notes · View notes
honkytonk-hangman · 8 months
Take Care Of Business
40s!Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Mechanic!Reader
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gif belongs to babyrooster
Summary: The last time you met Lieutenant Jake Seresin, the war was still ongoing and you’d been in a floundering engagement. Back then you’d seen the possibility for more in his eyes, and now? Well, now you could explore it.
Warnings: mentions of period accurate sexism, mentions of a cheating fiancee. copious amounts of fluff, seriously you may overdose
Notes: OMG ITS HERE ITS ACTUALLY FINISHED!!! thank you so sosososososos much to @hangmanssunnies for your endless endless ENDLESS love and encouragement during the last year writing this, and also to @ussgallifrey, who was super supportive during the earliest versions of this fic <3 i can't believe its heeerrreeee
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You can’t help but let out a laugh as you’re guided through the busy dance hall, barely missing a waiter with a large tray of drinks as you go. You try to call back an apology, but the hand wrapped around your wrist is already dragging you away, weaving in and out of the crowds of dancers and party-goers.
You’d almost forgotten what the atmosphere in a place like this could be like, exuberant and daring, and now that the war was officially over, lacking in any sort of melancholy.
Bea, your well meaning, but a little over-excited friend, finally seems to be slowing down, though she has one last surprise in stall for you, using your momentum to swing you around to her side with a strength such a small woman certainly shouldn’t possess.
“There she is!” a male voice, deep and pleasant, greets from somewhere in front of you, and you give your head a quick shake, attempting to get your bearings now.
“Sorry we’re late, sugar! Had a lipstick emergency!” Bea says only half truthfully, stepping away from your side momentarily to allow a handsome moustachioed man to lean down and kiss her cheek.
You can’t help but smile at the sweet display. Bea had been telling you all about Bradley Bradshaw for weeks now, and if even half of what she’d told you was true, you already liked him immensely for treating your friend so well.
“And this must be the famous Ducky I’ve heard all about,” honey coloured eyes swivel away from Bea and land on you, making you remember yourself.
“It’s so good to meet you at last, Lieutenant Bradshaw!” you shake his offered hand warmly.
“Please just call me Bradley– or Rooster!” he gently corrects you, before he hums, and shoots Bea a suspicious look.
“Do you think she’s adding us birds to some sort of collection?” he asks conspiratorially, the question making you laugh genuinely at the absurdity.
Bea huffs, shakes her head, and smacks his arm, trying her best to fight off the grin on her lips.
“All I’ll say Rooster, is that you’d best treat her right, or she will hunt you for sport,” you lean in and reply, receiving your own smack for your trouble. Rooster’s face turns bright and he laughs, pulling Bea near with his arm around her.
“I can believe that, yes ma’am,” they look at each other with barely concealed adoration, and it makes your heart clench a little in your chest. You’re quickly distracted though, with the sudden and rowdy approach of six other people, all dressed to the nines like everyone else around you. Rooster seems unfazed by their appearance, though he tears his eyes away from Bea to glance around at the now much larger group you were in.
“Fellas, you all know Bea already, and this is Bea’s friend, Ducky,” he easily introduces you to the six newcomers, all men except for a tall, beautiful brunette woman who looked like she could eat every single one of them for breakfast. A flurry of handshakes and names are exchanged, and you’re surprised by just how quickly you feel totally absorbed by the group of Naval Aviators, like you’d known them all for years and were just catching up again.
“I’m spotting a free table, north west!” the man who held the youngest looking features of the group, Fanboy you believe he’d introduced himself as, pipes up, pointing over everyone's heads to the large round table that was currently being cleaned up. Before you can even process it, the entire group is migrating casually toward the table, Rooster catching the arm of the waiter before he leaves, putting a round in, you assume.
You find yourself next to Bob, who sends you an adorably awkward little grin as he pulls out your chair for you, and you thank him sincerely. Despite the gentlemanly gesture, the moment you’re comfortable, he’s taking his own seat, and once more totally absorbed by the woman you’d learn was named Phoenix, or Nat. You hadn’t noticed it earlier, too distracted by all the new faces, and their excitable personalities, but Bob was clearly, utterly enamoured by Phoenix, and it looked like the feeling was returned, if perhaps a little less obviously
“Hey, Javy, where’s your other half?” Bea is sat a few places down from you, her hand wrapped through Rooster’s arm. A man on the opposite side of the table waves his hand over his shoulder.
“He’s coming, probably caught his reflection in a glass,” Javy snorts.
“I wanted to introduce him to Ducky!” Bea pouts, and her words make you frown.
“Pardon?” you say pointedly, leaning around Bob and Phoenix to look at Bea with a frown. Rooster seems to be matching your expression, and he cocks his head at his partner.
“Ducky is far too nice for him,” Rooster says, but you get the feeling he doesn’t really mean it.
“Oh come off it, Ducks, you could do with meeting someone new!” Bea rolls her eyes, but her voice is imploring.
Your frown deepens just a little bit, but you aren’t too angry. It wasn’t as if she’d tricked you into a double date or anything. There were plenty of other seemingly solo people around that you’re sure any awkwardness could easily be avoided if you managed to stick by Bob and Phoenix.
“I’m afraid that I won’t be able to help you there, Honey Bea,” A smooth male voice purrs from behind you, and you almost jump at the hand that comes to rest warmly on your shoulder. You turn quickly in no small amount of surprise at the person apparently so close, but any further thought is cut off when your eyes properly take in the handsome face smirking coquettishly down at you.
You’re so surprised, you gasp daintily, fumbling to your feet so that you can greet him properly.
“Hangman!” you welcome him excitedly, happily accepting the hand he offers to help you up.
“Jake,” he corrects gently, and you feel foolish for laughing.
“Jake!” you repeat fondly, caught up in staring at him.
“You two already know each other?” Bea sounds put out, but intrigued, and you manage to tear your gaze away from Jake for a few moments to focus on her.
“Oh, Ducky and I go way back,” Jake tells her, at first offering no more explanation.
“We met during the war,” you explain to her, opening your mouth to continue on that he had been a friend of your fiance’s, but you stop yourself. Jake had been your friend long before you’d found out he knew your ex-fiance.
“Best damn aircraft mechanic I’ve ever had,” Jake adds, sounding proud as he brings your hand that he still holds up to his lips. Phoenix jerks then, blinking quickly around the other’s and then up at Jake with a growing smile.
“Wait, you’re the Ducky?! Jake’s Ducky?!” She questions in no small amount of disbelief. There’s a quiet chitter of understanding and awe that briefly overcomes the table, and you’re about to ask what it is she means by that, when Jake squeezes your hand and draws your attention, all the while shooting Phoenix a dirty look.
“Stop interrupting,” he scolds needlessly, and draws you closer.
Your chest flutters, but you’re distracted from the butterflies caused by being described as ‘Jake’s Ducky’, and instead distracted by an odd look on the blond’s face. It quickly turns a little darker, and you can’t help but notice the brief flicker of his eyes down to the hand he still holds.
“Where is the old man, then?” Jake tilts his head at you, and then quickly around at the crowded club, seemingly a little stiff now. You suck in a breath, realising now what he’d been confused by.
Clearing your throat, you take your left hand back from him with only a small amount of effort, before smoothing down your frock primly. Suddenly his closeness was nerve wracking as you feel him studying your features.
“Probably with his new wife. I haven’t exactly been keeping up,” you can’t help but scold yourself for the sass and bitterness in your tone. It just wasn’t classy. Jake seems to jolt as he processes your words, and for several more moments he stares down at you with an unreadable expression, before at last a tiny crease pulls between his brows, and his lips purse.
“I never liked him, anyway,” Jake says the words flippantly, and you know it’s supposed to be a joke, but his still taut expression and lack of humour in his voice tell you otherwise.
“Never good enough for you. To you,” he goes on quieter, so no one else can hear but you. You look down at your skirt, heart thumping away rapidly in your chest even as you shrug.
“Well, it’s probably for the best,” you do your best to shake off any residual foul mood and nerves, straightening up. Your lips curl back into a smile as you look back up at him once more. It felt nearly impossible to be melancholy when you knew Jake was around.
“It’s so good to see you again,” you tell him earnestly, and watch as Jake’s face softens. He takes your hand again, keeping eye contact as he lifts it to his lips and kisses it once more, this time, right where your old engagement ring would have been.
“I imagine,” he smirks, bouncing an eyebrow at you. You scoff, but grin even as you roll your eyes.
“You’re supposed to say ‘you too’!” you scold with no conviction as Jake rounds your seat, not even releasing your hand when, helping you back into your chair before he quickly folds himself into the empty space beside you. He simply shrugs at you, making a point of pulling his chair closer to yours, before his eyes flicker past you to land on Rooster and Bea.
“Sorry to ruin your little setup,” he doesn’t sound very sorry at all, though you doubt Bea was feeling too upset, not with the way she was looking between you and Jake with glee in her eyes.
“Hey, wasn’t my plan. I think she’s too good for you,” Rooster chortles, catching the fist Bea attempts to sock him with, and kissing it instead.
Jake ignores Rooster, and instead cuts his gaze down at you, leaning in so only you’ll hear him.
“How long have you been in San Diego? Are you staying?” he asks, sounding excited by the idea. When you turn to face him fully, his nearness is so much that if only for propriety’s sake, you’re forced to pull back from him as you talk.
“Six months now. I met Bea on the boat coming home from London, she convinced me not to go back to New York after… everything.” you tell him, realising suddenly what incredible luck you must have that you just so happened to run into one another when you’d resigned yourself to never seeing him again.
“I’m glad.” he says, pinning you in place when you feel his hand reach out and take yours from where it rests on your lap. Your heart thumps heavily at his brazenness, but it also sets you alight with a hopeful flame that in recent months you had come to realise you always had, but never allowed yourself to take notice of or indulge before.
The thoughts make your face boil, and you avert your gaze, your free hand shaking just a little as you reach for the glass of water that had been poured for you earlier.
“Oh, Ducky,” Jake sighs affectionately, leaning away from you at last, but tightening his grip around your fingers. You finally get the courage to glance up at him sheepishly, only to find him grinning down at you cheshire-like.
“My little sitting Ducky,” he continues, his smile only continuing to grow.
You know you should probably feel more trepidation about his sudden forwardness, but the only thing that you feel pumping through your veins is the exhilarating thrill at the thought of Jake calling you ‘his’ anything after so long of secretly wishing it to be true.
The way he looks at you feels positively predatory, and under his blistering hunter’s stare, you really are his sitting duck.
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The rain batters down against the airfield in what you knew would only prove to be ugly flying weather tonight, and you quickly send out a prayer of luck on behalf of the pilot you know by handwriting alone. Your time as an aircraft mechanic had officially come to an end, not for any good or decent reason, mind you, but for the sole fact that someone had suddenly decided that an active airfield was no place for a woman.
Nevermind that you were the best mechanic in the hangar, your colleagues had stroppily resented your presence from day one, and your true purpose as an additional engineer was forcibly concealed. Instead, you’d had to pretend you were a secretary around any actual personnel, especially the pilots, and once the hangar was clear for the day, you would be at last allowed to perform your actual job.
You’d gotten the impression fairly quickly that your coworkers shunted off the hardest to please, fussiest pilot, onto you, hoping you might fail at the first hurdle under the sheer amount of work this ‘Hangman’ seemed to demand. Unfortunately for them, you’d had no problem meeting the brief, and day after day that the planes were towed into the hangar for repairs, the stack of memos detailing Hangman’s complaints that always accompanied his aircraft grew smaller and smaller.
And then one day, instead of a plane to fix and a list of notes, you had a letter shoved into your hands, the contents of which was a written apology from one Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, informing you that he’d he’d been shot down, and all your hard work over the past weeks was now engulfed in flame somewhere in Italy. You’d immediately penned a reply, not caring at all about the state of his aircraft, and expressing your relief that he had made it out safely. You’d had to sign it off using a pseudonym, your own name would have gone against your boss’s wishes, and a fake name would be easily found out on an active military base.
You’d gone with ‘Ducky’, the callsign your father had used during the Great War, and from then on out, it had stuck.
Lieutenant Seresin had been sent back to the airfield eventually, and you’d both gone back to business as usual for several months. His battered bomber would be towed into the hangar for repairs, but gone were his blunt instructions, in their place he left short personal letters usually detailing his most recent flights, and only sometimes with requests about fixtures to be made. You would then leave your own reply for him to find when the plane was returned back to the runway, and so on, so forth. 
At least, that's how things had been carrying on until this morning, when you’d been abruptly dismissed by the airfield’s second in command, a snivelling man who had informed you they had ended your auxiliary work here, as it was apparently no place for a woman to be.
You’d wanted to shout and demand explanations, to demand your colleagues defend your worth, but they'd all remained silent, and you’d quickly been escorted off to pack your things with tears stinging your eyes.
You can’t help but wonder if your secret somehow got out, by the doing of jealous coworkers, and if perhaps Hangman hadn’t been so pleased with you upon finding out that you’re a woman.
The heavy rainfall makes it difficult for you and your bags to get across to the waiting transport plane, but the war stopped for nobody, so you’d wound up in the back of the empty aircraft, your clothes and things all but totally soaked. You’d been told the plane wouldn’t leave until the storm died down, so you’d huddled onto one of the benches miserably and tried to get warm, but you felt yourself filled with a deeper coldness than simply the biting european air.
You sit and stare out the back of the plane’s fuselage, simply taking in the distant ebb and flow of the airfield, a flurry of activity that wouldn't stop just because of some rain. It comforted you in a way, to know this place would carry on, but there was a deeper part of you that worried for them. You weren’t a braggart, but you knew you were the best mechanic here, taking not just pride in your work, but joy and passion too. It concerns you what may happen to the pilots in the future.
But, it was much too late for you to do anything else now. Perhaps if you’d been brave enough from the start to demand your recognition all along, this wouldn't be the case, but you think that perhaps they’d have just gotten rid of you sooner.
And then you notice something very odd.
All of a sudden out of the pouring sheets of rain, a covered military jeep comes tearing into sight, its driver in some kind of rush despite the slow lazy movement of everything else in this weather. You blink in surprise as the car skids right up to the plane you’re in, and jump up when it at last comes to a full stop only a few feet from the ramp. You can’t help but take a step back when the door flings open, and you watch as a tall, handsome man bounds out, clearly with urgent business to attend.
The man quickly moves up the plane ramp toward you, ducking out of the rain and taking a moment to fix his hair briefly before he straightens fully again. You stare at him with widened eyes, taking in the aviation uniform he wears, complete with gold wings that seem to glint blindingly despite the lack of sunlight on them. He pauses at the top of the ramp, and you almost jump back again at the intensity of his gaze when his bright green eyes narrow at you.
“Now, now, Ducky, don’t you know it’s rude to leave without saying goodbye?” the lazy southern drawl to the man’s voice surprises you so much that you almost don’t notice the familiarity with which he speaks to you.
“I’m sorry?!” you blurt dumbly. The blonde nods acceptingly, and steps forward, placing his hands on his hips.
“I should hope so! You think Kirk is gonna send me letters the next time I get shot down?” he asks scoldingly, but his casual mention of what would have been certain death for any other pilot is what finally snaps you from your shock.
“You'll get more than just a letter from me the next time you’re shot down!” you say crossly, finding yourself none-too-pleased by his nonchalant attitude toward the subject. Your threat makes a smirk form on the blonde’s lips, and at last he seems to stop his baseless tirade in favour of giving you a very blatant once over. You’re more subtle in your own assessment. A quick glance at the name pinned just below his gold wings confirms your suspicions about who it is you talk to, and when you snap your eyes back to his face, you find he’s already watching you closely.
“For what it’s worth, I’ve known you’re a woman for quite some time,” Hangman says, somehow both seriously and flippantly at the same time, waving his hand dismissively. Your brows furrow and you open your mouth to defend yourself, but shut it again quickly when you realise you’re unsure of what you’d say. “I first suspected when the repair hangar suddenly had a secretary who made terrible coffee. They aren’t sending anyone who makes shitty coffee this close to Italy. No offence.”
You feel like you should be insulted by his words, but truthfully, you’d made the joe that bad on purpose out of pure spite, until they stopped asking you to fetch it. The two of you continue to stare at one another for a few seconds, before you shift your eyes away from him, swallowing thickly as you begin to fidget with your still damp sleeve.
“The other’s thought it best that the pilot’s didn’t know a woman was working on their planes…” you try to explain. Hangman immediately scoffs at your words, and you eye him cautiously as he flings a hand out behind him, toward the entrance of the transport plane and in the vague direction of where the bombers are lined up on the tarmac, their bright colours obscured by the heavy rain.
“Ducky,” he begins dryly, “We paint our planes with women, we name our planes after our women,” he tells you, his smirk tipping up into pure amusement now, an eyebrow following. “Besides, I ain’t ever known a pilot who’s intimidated by a little skirt, especially around our machines,” he purrs, lowering his voice flirtatiously. Your face immediately heats up at his insinuation, and you can’t help but tut disapprovingly at him, even if you did appreciate his other sentiments. You fold your arms over your chest in disapproval while Hangman chortles at your clear bashfulness.
“I mean it, Ducky, please don’t go,” the pilot all but begs you then, his tone suddenly serious. He steps closer again, forcing you to look up at him  in the gloomy dark of the plane.
“I– I’m not leaving because I want to, Lieutenant,” you tell him somberly, dropping your gaze again when you find his stare too intense. “I was told to leave.” 
Hangman scoffs again, and adjusts his stance.
“Right, and I’ve just come from dangling my ass in front of a court martial, or seven, to make sure that order is belayed.” he informs you much too casually. You sputter at his mention of possible charges on your behalf, your arms falling unfolded again as you take a half-step forward in panic.
“W–what?! What did you do?!” you demand, half worried, half furious. 
Hangman grins widely at your clear exasperation, and tips his chin up cockily. You get the sudden feeling he enjoys ticking you off and making you nervous.
“Well, they can’t expect me to remain their best pilot if I don’t have my best girl working on my other best girl,” he tells you slowly, as if it should have been completely obvious already. Your face gets even hotter at his clear flirting, guilt strumming in your stomach at the way your chest flutters despite your relationship status. However, before you’re able to rebuke him by pointing out the ring you wear, the handsome blond makes a show of digging into his breast pocket, and pulling out a crumpled, coffee stained letter, holding it out towards you.
You hesitantly step closer to take it from him, feeling his bright, intense gaze return to yours, as you unfold and quickly look over the typed missive. It’s only a few lines long, and signed at the bottom, so you find yourself hurriedly meeting his eye again.
“You did this for me?” you ask, voice now watery. Hangman stares down at you, looking suddenly less cocky and sure of himself, taken aback by your clear emotional response.
“... Technically, I did this for me.” he corrects unconvincingly, voice lilting to sound dismissive, but you barely hear him, and certainly don’t care for his posturing.
“Thank you!” you gush, feeling a massive weight lift form your chest for the first time all morning. The pilot blinks down at you, stiffly taking in the tears that you try to wipe away with the back of your hand.
“How’re you supposed to drag me back by the ear the next time I get shot down, if you’re not here?” He changes the subject slightly, but only earns a small laugh in reply, not a further telling off, which he’d hoped might distract you from your tears.
“I think that will be the least I owe you after this.” you sniffle. The pilot shuffles uncomfortably, and raises a hand to scratch nervously at the back of his head, unable to sidestep the emotional centre of this interaction like he’d wanted to, but he chooses to wade through it, for you.
“You don’t owe me a damn thing, Ducky, really,” Hangman sighs, speaking tiredly, but firmly. “You’re the best aircraft mechanic I’ve ever had, probably that any of us have had. Shouldn’t matter if you’re a woman.” he hopes he sounds sincere. You hold the belayed order to your chest, and with a wobbling lip stare up at him like he was the sun itself.
You don’t realise this is the exact moment Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin falls completely in love with you, but as he eyes the shiny engagement ring you wear, he does.
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You try to ignore the way Bea stares at you and Jake for the next half hour as you catch up, and eventually, you are able to brush off her pointed looks and coquettish smiles. The other Daggers, Rooster and Phoenix particularly, show no such subtly in the way they seem to watch Jake interact with you. Phoenix had even grown a smug little smile in the last few minutes and had begun teasingly questioning Jake about the tender way in which he had taken up your hand and absolutely refused to let it go.
You get the feeling they know something you don’t, but you don’t feel that poorly over it, not when Hangman, Jake, has his hand in yours, his thumb caressing back and forth in little circles everytime you seem to go quiet.
Eventually, tiring of the clear teasing at his expense, Jake rolls his eyes and clears his throat. Fixing you in his gaze fully, he squeezes your hand and gets to his feet.
“I think we’ve both answered more than enough of your questions, Ducky, dance with me?” he doesn’t wait for your answer, but you would have said yes anyway, and, with a final glance back at the table as if to apologise for the sudden exit, you’re tugged gently away and almost immediately find yourself wrapped up on the dancefloor.
“I’m sorry if I’m rusty, it’s been a while since I danced properly,” you say nervously, feeling slightly lightheaded as Jake’s free hand moves to take hold of your waist firmly. His lips flick up, but he fakes a frown anyway, lowering his chin at you. You’re so close now you can feel yourself pressed right against the front of his pristine dress whites, feel the gold buttons through the tulle of your dress.
“I would have thought you’d be out dancing all the time now, fiancee or not,” Jake replies smoothly, making you shift your gaze away from him for a moment.
“It’s hardly wise to spend all my time dancing when I can barely find a job…” you say quietly, chewing on your lower lip, before you finally look back up at him. “If I’m honest, I hadn’t thought I’d still be working, once the war was over.”
Jake’s features lose any of their humour and he purses his lips.
“No, I’d have thought not… you should be being looked after by a good man, living a good life, taken dancing whenever you’d like and you’d never be rusty.” he tells you seriously. You can’t help but smile warmly at him and shrug a little in his hold.
“I think what I should do is adjust my expectations,” you say, inhaling sharply when his hold on your tightens, and he seems to pull you even nearer, if possible.
“I’m afraid that is absolutely unacceptable,” he tells you with a vehement shake of his head. “I think we’re going to have to do something about it, aren’t we?”
Butterflies errupt in your stomach, and unable to bear looking at him any more, you gently pull your hands from his, and wrap them around his neck. Your head rests softly on his chest, Jake quickly adjusting to meet your new stance in a way that suggested to you he’d imagined holding you like this for some time. You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a soft sigh.
“Thank you, Jake.” You say quietly, only knowing for sure that he’s heard you by the way he gently squeezes your waist in response.
“For what, darlin’?”
“For everything. For always coming back like I asked, despite your terrible habit of only ever  returning with about half as much plane as I sent you out with, for believing in me, and fighting for me, and always being there for me, even when Grey wasn’t.”
Jake stays quiet for a beat, his grip on you never wavering, and for a few moments the two of you just sway.
“It never felt right, knowing what I did about him, how he behaved, and keeping it from you… I… I felt so guilty all this time thinkin’ you’d been married to a man I knew didn’t deserve you, knowing I should have said something.”
It’s your turn to stay quiet, though eventually you shift your face up so that you can look at him. For the first time ever, Jake struggles to make eye contact with you, but when you begin gently smoothing over the hair at the back of his neck he meets your gaze. You smile sadly and shake your head.
“I knew,” you tell him, watching how his expression shifts from guilt-ridden to pained, and he opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “I didn’t want to believe it, and if you’d tried to tell me, I wouldn’t have believed you.” You continue stroking the back of his hair as if to comfort him. “And now I can still look fondly back on that time. In my mind, I will always think more of you looking out for me on his behalf, more than I think of him.” you admit.
Jake purses his lips and frowns.
“He never once asked me to do that for you, I couldn’t believe it, even when he knew we were stationed together. I woulda made sure you had someone you could trust, rely on, especially given how the other mechanics treated you.” He sounds so angry, and you can’t help but blink up at him in surprise.
“Grey never asked you to look out for me?” you ask, a fresh sting cutting your heart. You were long over your cheating, good for nothing ex-fiancee, but occasionally on nights like tonight, you felt the hurt once again. Jake takes in your surprise and hesitates for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. I won’t give him credit for that, I’m sorry sweetheart.”
You stop swaying, pausing for a moment to stare up at him, and then you can’t help yourself, you lean up and press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you, Jake.” you say once more. When you pull away, Jake studies you for a while, before he slides his hands up to take yours, suddenly spinning you out, and then back in, where he catches you seemingly with his entire body, hands quickly wrapping you up securely again as you gasp.
“Why so surprised, honey? I’ve never made a secret of how much I adore you?” He teases you, making you stutter.
“Y-yes well, you were usuaully far more subtle about it!” you attempt to defend. Jake’s face breaks out in a grin, but he eyes you sardonically anyway.
“I’m glad my restraint didn’t go unnoticed. I could easily have seduced you away back then,” he tells you wryly. You frown.
“I don’t think that’s true…” you argue, but Jake only smiles.
“Let me believe, honey,” he implores, making you laugh.
You fall into a comfortable quiet then, and happily let Jake twirl you around the dancefloor, shaking off any rust you may have obtained in the months since you’d last been out like this. After once more spinning you away and catching you again, you meet together with your faces much too close to be proper, but you hardly care with the way he looks down at you.
“The moment I saw you sitting in the back of that transport plane, I knew for sure you were my dream girl, you know that?” he tells you breathlessly. “I spent my entire recovery when I was shot down daydreaming about you, rereading every letter you wrote me.”
“You’re just trying to charm me now!” you accuse playfully. Jake chortles, and shakes his head.
“I told all my nurses about you, how I was going to marry you when the war was over,” he says, making your heart skip several beats.
“And all because I fixed your plane up real good?” you ask, unsure how else to respond. Jake raises an eyebrow and fixes you with an amused expression.
“Clearly you don’t grasp how attractive that is.”
“Clearly I don’t.”
“I hope my being unavailable didn’t hurt you, back then,” you say softly, surprised when Jake only shrugs minimally.
“Other than curbing my ability to seduce you, I knew one way or the other things would work out,” he tells you, sounding oddly serious. You blink at him, but cock your head slightly.
“I suppose they have, haven’t they?”
“I knew you liked me,” Jake says teasingly, leaning his face even closer to yours so that your noses almost touch. You roll your eyes, but don’t move back.
“How could I not? I’ve spent the last year feeling like a fool because I thought I’d never see you again!” you reply, lamenting the wasted time.
Jake hums, making you suck in a breath when he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I’ve been looking for you, but I didn’t even know your full name, or if you’d had it changed… But I’d never have left you, not when you never left me, no matter how many planes of yours I got shot out of.”
“Please don’t ruin this moment by reminding me,” you scold him, making the blond laugh. After a few beats of swaying together, you wrap your hands back around his neck and lean into him. You feel Jake’s head come to rest on yours, the both of you looking out at the dancefloor, where you spot Rooster and Bea dancing alongside Pheonix and Bob.
“Who do you think will have the wedding bells ringing first?” you ask wistuflly. Jake takes a moment to answer, humming briefly before he replies.
“Us.” He tells you matter of factly.
You can't help but giggle, and blindly smack his shoulder lightly.
“You’re hopeless!” you say, shaking your head where it lays against his chest. Jake only tightens his hold on you.
“Can’t let those nurses down, can I? They told me I had to marry you if you still hadn’t left me after the amount of times I was shot down.”
Against him you grumble, and poke his neck a little more forcefully.
“I wouldn’t recommend tyring that again,” you say darkly. You feel the man straighten ever so slightly, his head bobbing as he nods.
“Yes ma’am.” He affirms. You stay dancing closely, wrapped up in one another until he speaks again. “Will you come down to base tomorrow, look over my plane?” He asks quietly, and you can’t help but grin. Pulling back from him, you gaze into his green eyes, finding pure hope and adoration there.
“Only if you kiss me first.”
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spamtoon · 3 months
DCRC week 3 time! ...In week 4.
you see. every time i wanted to open this comic. i wanted to do something else actually sosososososo bad. however now's the time
my history with the comics is ZILCH. i've had my friend show me a few duck comics they had in their first language and i've read some of the darkwing stuff but i haven't dived head first into scrooge's origins the way that many other duckblr members have
please note i might be off because i am very tired as of writing this. i will pass out directly after i finish this and so my judgements might be a bit. Strange
First comment I'd like to make her is how professional the comic seems, though that may just be because i'm viewing this though the don rosa archive on the definitely legal website. i'm glad at the very least that all of these like. little comics that are hard to keep track of are in one place
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second off i just want to shoutout how tiny louie is here. ity bity. the 87 triplets are so small. sorry this is how it is with me i'm like wow... i appreciate these comics and all of the work people put into them and then im like oh louie little
Oh my aching eyebulbs! I did in fact misread that as lightbulbs
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great panel we've got going on here. og glomgold acting quite fruity while donald needs to catch the thing... Glomgold you do understand you are also claiming other people's fortunes given the work for you in the south african diamond mines... a detail that i've only ever heard in trivia until now.
donald is so just continuously done with their garbage and he deserves to be i think. for all he's been through
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sorry i just like the exaggerated poses here and the sillouettes and line effects. showcasing the them
Oh deliver us!
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sorry i just love the expressions (and posing in the third) here. i know i'm mainly admiring comic panels so far but dang it. they...
aaaaand this is where the stuff that. didnt quite age starts. i've heard from chatter on discord that Things Happen in this comic and that scrooge should be wanted in Peru because of it. they way that some of the descendants are just casually helping him gnngnsn. i understand it was the 80s...
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glomgold ate in this outfit and i'm sure you all agree. assuming this is glomgold i havent read that yet but look at him. that's glomgold. his goofy ahh smirk
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FOEIJFIOUSGJEIAFEAFOJIUEAAEJOFEADAEFJIEA well. i did forget that glomgold held scrooge at gunpoint. and he does! i'm so . the way he's just. being held at gunpoint and scrooge's reaction is like THIS IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE i'm so. not even a gun can stop scrooge mcduck. or the triplets for that mater they also are kinda unphased at this point
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another case where i just want to note these panels for the pose and expression contrast between the two of them... they
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FEAHUIAOEJFEA the cogging way that the sound effects STREEEEETCH across the winds. priceless i think
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i also want to note the action panels in the plane crash section i'm so. this one in particular but all of them really
Okay so i guess they were just. stuck with glomgold for multiple days. and scrooge is like where the barp is everyone ohhhh curse me cog darn kilts sorry
also omg calisota mention. calisota girls we're unforgesorry
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glomgold's little happy handstand... you deserve to dark.wing cartwheel actually i think. also caro thinking about quack.erjack
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parrot mention (context. im normal about that phone guy)
also please know before it registered that was a shine effect i thought the zebra's tail was a Bomb for a second and that the twist was going to be it all explodes in glomgold's face. but alas
HUIDAEJIOJFAEIJF THE WAY SCROOGE IS JUST. CASUAL ABOUT IT like dammmm you guys were slow. the fact scrooge has just had a little setup out here i'm so. yeah let's prank glomgold
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im so mad... its beautiful. ive heard comics scrooge vs dt.17 scrooge described as business scrooge vs family scrooge and if this isn't way to differentiate between the two of them. the adventure's over because Business glomgold.
sorry every serious comic person that may or may not be reading this because i am. not very serious especially right now but please know i have so much respect for these and cant wait to read more. except i have to do an assignment first. two assignments. four. school is kicking my behind right now thats part of why i'm late but i will catch up eventually. now time to go to sleep
OH WAIT THERES MORE COMIC hold on wait what if you see this while i'm editing no you don't. i can't believe i actually got juked by the fake ending. i will admit i have been coasting along for a bit now but Now i am invested
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the way he spends multiple panels gloating about the gems specifically... both of them are so petty here and its beautiful
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rooooolling giiiiirl sorry my legitimate first thoughts. i am having an era right now. yes glomgold chase your big gem frisbee
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the way that they're dragging both of them out and away from each other. like alright folks. time to break it up here. you're gonna destroy the temple. and they do!
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okay now its the end. this comic has made me a fan of comic glomgold and thats what i'm going to say here. good night everyone i hope this is a great start to my beautiful comic journey
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hi!!!!!!!!! i am loving the fandom ships sosososososo much!!!!!!!! your hcs are actually the best too and im just so happy ur sharing ur wonderful writing w us:D
no pressure at all too but i would love a fandom ship for the outsiders too:D!! boy or girl is good!
im about 5'4, light brown hair, dark blue eyes, my eyes r like bigg like OwO irl LOL
my hair goes down to the middle of my back, and its like 2a curls i think?
also im white lol so the things that go with that, and i have freckles! and my cheeks are always pink no matter what i do bro (i get accused of blushing at everything BUT ITS JUST MY FACE HFSLDKJKS)
my personality is very talkative, outgoing, blabbermouth esque, and the typical girly i think? like i like doing my makeup and dressing up and stuffs
i think im an optimist too, i dont get angry or upset at people very often
im always really interested in learning about people so i love listening to what they want to talk about!
my hobbies are all the artsy crafty stuff,(writing, reading, painting, drawing, yarn crafts, sewing, decor, music, instrumentsssz) but thats when im not studying:P i spend soooo much time on school and i take it really serious, and im always happy to help my friends w their work too so that may b what keeps me occupied a lot loll
but i also love being outside! that counts as a hobby i think- stuff like just walking, or biking or skating !
Because you’re one of my favorites and a loyal mutual I’m giving you a guy and a girl!!!!
Your outsiders ship: Cherry Valance and Sodapop Curtis!
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Explanation: you guys are so pretty together like you’re just such pretty queens. I just wanna say that like Dallas Winston can go cry himself a hole because you have cherry valance cherry valance has you and you guys look so freaking good together just aesthetically pleasing because you guys are both so beautiful. I love the way that you both contrast each other. You with your light brown hair her with her red hair you with your blue eyes and her with her brown eyes. I just think you guys would be beautiful in different ways that really come together for a very neat image you guys are literally the “it”lesbian couple. She thinks you’re natural blush, and freckles are really cute and she has a bit of a natural blush herself so she totally understands whenever people think that you’re blushing at things when you’re actually not you just have a little bit of a pink face. as for your personality I think you would get along really well together because she’s also pretty talkative and bubbly most of the time and I think that U2 would just be really nice popular girls at your school that people look up to and I think she would appreciate your optimism and a lot of situations and truth be told kind of wishes that she did have optimism because she loves your mindset and I honestly think that you would be such a healthy and cute relationship because you guys are so uplifting to each each other she build you up and you build her up. I feel like she’s not very much of an artsy person or a skater, but she absolutely supports all of your hobbies and I feel like she would watch you do art and just ask a ton of questions and if you drew a portrait of her and did anything like that just or made like a keychain for her or something like that I think she keep it forever and just be so proud of it and probably like put it on a bracelet or something and try and keep it with her at all times, I think you’re the type of person that would go to her cheerleading games like just go to the football games to watch her cheer and I think she’d be forever grateful for that and honestly, you guys are just so cute and supportive of each other I 100% ship!!💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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Explanation: he really loves your big eyes and you’re curly hair that almost give you kind of a doll like appearance and I also think that he loves how short you are because I don’t know everything about you’re just reminds him of a doll and I think that is what made you kind of stand out to him in the first place besides of course, being drop dead gorgeous honey because that’s what you are!!! But he also gets the natural blush thing a lot, and I think that because of his charming personality, he comes off as flirting when he really just means to be friendly quite a lot so I think the natural blush doesn’t really help that much with that, but I think as for talkativeness, you guys would be a great pair.  I see him as easily socializing and being more of an extrovert so if you’re more of a talkative person, I think you guys would go great together and could definitely have laughs  and good times together just enjoying each other‘s company. He’s also like you an optimist and a people pleaser as well so I think that you guys some time would have a hard time choosing who’s going to have to be the bad cop you know. He also appreciates deeply that you embrace your femininity, and I think out of all the greasers he’s the greaser that embraces his own femininity the most, and I think he just really appreciates anyone else who does that because it’s just aesthetically pleasing let’s be so for real. Since you like asking about other people and what they’re into I think he would absolutely love that because as the middle Curtis sibling, he’s often used to getting ignored or only seen for his looks and when you ask him about himself, it pretty much just melt him because he’s so happy that someone finally cares about him beyond just how he looks or You know being the hot middle Curtis sibling and nothing else. I don’t think he’s very artsy but he absolutely supports you and probably would be a little bit annoying if I’m going to be honest, but he really tries his best to understand it and I also think that he would love doing outdoorsy things with you. You guys would be cute together. 💚
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
Would you rank the skam wlw seasons? and could you justify the rankings? I am interested in your opinion. sorry my english :)
Your English is fine! And sorry for the late reply, I just finished s2 of skam españa so that I can answer this properly
1. Fatou (Druck s6)- now this is me being completely biased, but watching Fatous season live honestly was so life changing, I've never seen a black main character be so portrayed in a beautiful and caring way in Germany, and I honestly adore Fatou. I love that her season didn't deal with a coming out, but that she was already an out and proud lesbian, and I honestly LOVE how they portrayed her and Kieu Mys culture. For me, when it comes to black sapphics and sapphics of colour, I feel like they always make their culture a point of conflict, but with Fatou and Kieu My, their sexualities and culture could just coexist without any problem, and that is so special to me. And I absolutely love Kieu My, I love how well fleshed out she is, how we learn more and more about her throughout the season, and how she's more than what she portrays, how she just wants to be seen and not have to be perfect and please everyone all the time, how much pressure she puts upon herself just to make everyone happy, and so much more, I also love how they used her social media to document how and when exactly Kieu My stopped performing and started ro just be herself. Also back to the culture, I loved how they referenced Fatous, Kieu Mys and Avas cultures, it felt like it was made for bipoc watchers, and not to educate the white audience, and that is what made it so authentic imo, because as a black person, I don't need explanation for certain things, like for example when ava explained how mailin behaved at the protest, I immediately understood why she was bothered by it, and so did fatou, and that was realistic, its the small things, but that made me relate to the characters so much more, or when fatou face timed her relatives and relied on her dad to translate to her, these moments are so special to me. I also love the symbolism throughout the season, from Kieu My being the axolotl and Fatou the tortoise to the astrology references to Kieu My being the ice queen and Fatou the warmest person ever, how well they complemented etc etc. Also: " Kieu My, du bist so schön. Ich hab mir ne Liste gemacht an Dingen die so schön an dir sind. Wie du zum beispiel immer deine ohren hinter deinen haaren versteckst, wie du so eng mit deiner Familie bist, und dass du so krass gut mit Horrorfilmen bist. Aber am meisten lieb ich wenn du lachst. Weil dann seh ich dich. Und wie viel liebe in dir ist."Like hello???? Also, the entirety of Sonntag, 13:28, and how they related and bonded with each other through their experiences of being a child in an immigrant family. Generally, I love how much care was put into this season, and that's why Fatous s6 and kieutou will always be on top for me. Also, it's the remake where I don't need any translations for lol
2. Anaïs (Wtfock)- now I know the writing has been disappointing since ep7, but honestly, I am sosososososo grateful to have Anais as a main character in a skam remake. I honestly love her, I love how loyal, caring, and kind she is, and there's nothing that could make me hate her, like that's my nigerian sister, I honestly never thought that we'd get nigerian sapphic rep, and I'm so here for it. As for Anobbie, I love how their development was shown from ep1 to 6, especially ep3, that ep felt like it was straight out of a rom com, from anobbie fleeing together from that Fries place and getting closer to the subtle flirting of Bobbie, to Bobbie looking out for and helping out Anais at the party and with her friends drinking away her dads alcohol, to Bobbie opening up to Anais about her dad and showing her the place where her fathers ashes were sprayed, to Anais and Bobbie getting closer, to Anais arranging a date meeting with bobbie, to Anais playing "I'm gonna make you love me" and making Bobbie dance with her, to Bobbie finally kissing her, like it was so beautiful to watch. Also, I love how anobbie complements eachother and how theyre exactly what the other person needs, Bobbie makes Anais feel free and able to stand up for herself and feel like she's herself, and Anais makes Bobbie feel safe and provide a sense of stabilty, they really adore eachother and would go to great lengths to protect eachother, and I honestly love to see it. Also they reminded me a lot of kieutou, and alone for that they're high on the list. Also, just like Kieu My, I love how fleshed out Bobbie is as a love interest, she's such an interesting character that you want to know more of, and whether you love her or hate her, you pay attention to her, that's how interesting she is and im so here for it. And after druck, they're the remake where I need the least amount of translation for lol
3. Cris- (skam españa s2)- I just finished watching it, and omg, crisana literally invented gay staring, from their first meeting their eye contact was so insane, it got me giggling and kicking my feet lol. I really liked the season, I loved how reassuring and supportive Cris friend group is, how they were there for her every single time she had problems with Joana, and generally they seem like such a sweet friend group, and now i see why they're most peoples fave girl squad. As for crisana, they were so cute, I love how much they adored eachother, and I really love how reassuring cris was with joana at the end, telling her that she won't run away and that she'll be there for her. I also loved howbwe could see just how much cris cared for joana, like she cried in almost every single clip after joana disappears. honestly sometimes forgot that this was an evak remake lol, but I think it did the OG justice
4. Lola (skam france s6)- I don't remember much from lolas seasons except that it was veeeeryy dark, and that she could never catch a break, like why did they make her suffer so much? I feel like her and Maya could've had more development because their relationship felt rushed to me, but they were really cute, and I really love the scene where Maya draws on lola while she's laying there crying, it feels to intimate and special. Also, just like Bobbie, Lola is a polarising character, and I love those types of characters, especially female ones
5. Maya (skam france s9)- this never happened, mayla are still happily together while they work on their issues through proper communication, lola never broke up with Maya, and they still have their tattoo together
But honestly, this was so disappointing, the first time a LI got a season, and then we don't even learn anything about the LI at the end, it feels they just made the season to have an excuse to break up mayla, but we already knew that
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millyhelp · 9 months
you asked to see the things my friend got me and i am here to share
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i got a little guy! and a hardcover copy of ALL of the under the red hood run! its a thick boi thats for sure
im literally so feral over how pretty he is in there
sosososososo incredibly feral
Just love it
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sigsfigs · 4 months
helleoeooooo i just wanted to drop in and say i think your art is sosososososo cute
CLAY!!!! I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH!!!!!!!! when i saw ur art i was literally like over the moon its so beautiful boy i die........... the world is so small.....
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fukikoichinomiya · 10 months
everyday im so sad that im sosososososo scared of bugs because i would looooove to have a pet centipede i think theyre so beautiful but i literally have a panic response thinking of one escaping its enclosure
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revasserium · 11 months
Hi! just read death before decaf and it's sosososososo cute im 🥺 im SO in love with the way you wrote zoro and the dynamic u wrote between him and reader, I just SO love how simple yet loud with actions he is, how,,,,, I don't know how to describe it. it's like. he's so sure about it, but so like ??? quiet ???? about it ???? like small actions that are so bIG u know. but anyways it was so good! and so beautiful and sweet. it warmed my heart I love absolutely everything about it. one of my favest modern au I have read, and I wasn't so sure about it bc I'm nOt so into modern aus when it comes to one piece but this was incredibly written I just melted !!
also !!! im studying physical therapy and it was so heart fluttering to read something around the likes of my career cause like. it's literally the first time I have ever seen someone including it in aNYTHING. I felt so seen lmao.
but anyways !!! this was beautiful !! I just loved it so so much 🫶🏻 your writing is amazing !!!
hi darling! <3 thank u lsdkfjs i rly like... idk the lil moments ??? like i love writing about them, and just like.... literally marinating in them u__u and i think at the the end of the day, they're the most important things in a relationship so why NOT put the focus on them right? like it's one thing to make grand gestures but its another to just know someone's coffee order without having to be asked. and omfg!!!! that's so cool!!! i will admit i know NOTHING about pt and i hope i didn't totally butcher ur major lsdikfj T^T
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gothgamergfs · 3 years
HELLO! Have you seen the new art? The new akorinko art?
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new mobile theme!
(my poor navi photos have been through so so many color edits already omfg 😭🤣🤣)
i normally have blue light filter on so this layout looks even yellower to me half of the time 🤧 but anyway i love my desktop layout rn, so i highly doubt that'll be changing, dw!
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honeylovecult · 4 years
*plops down and sips tea slowly*
why hello there....
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woahajimes · 4 years
Fab 5 canon nicknames (and speaking habits)
actual canon things that the teen titans (from the 60s) have called each other. No I’m not kidding. There’s even five hours’ worth of proof below the cut.  
(I’ll edit this post as i continue reading the rest of the run, but here’s for #1-25, so if you see this as a rb, you might want to check the original post for updates)
keep in mind that the nicknames get tossed around, so really, there’s like one or two nicknames that are just between two people, whereas other nicknames are said by the whole team (in a very serious manner, too. They’ll be at the verge of death and it’s like “twinkletoes, catch!”)
• “Big Brain”, “Genius” (in a non-sarcastic way) || Wally to Dick (SPECIFICALLY he has said “i dig you, genius!” 
• “Robin-o!” “Robin-bobbin’” || Wally to Dick
• “Brainy” || Garth to Dick
• “Bug-eyes” || Wally to Dick
• “Boy Wonderful” || Wally to Dick 
This isn’t a nickname but once Donna was asking who’d like to dance with her (they were like 14 max) and then Wally was busy, and Garth was reading, and Roy wasn’t in that issue, so Donna turns to Dick and he’s like “no, wonder chick! I have ___ to do” and DOnna’s like “Robin, you’re such a downer! BUt i forgive you- because you’re so cute!” and i just slkfdjksjgsg same
And this goes unsaid, but Dick’s got this hole “Holy ____!” thing going on, and it’s hilarious
• “Boy Bullet” || Narrator to Wally
• “Twinkletoes” (sometimes spelled Twinkle Toes) || Dick started it, but then it stuck so now everyone calls him that
“Chuckle-brains” || Dick to Wally
• “Scarlet speedster” “Scarlet Jokester” || Dick to Wally
• “Kid flasheroo” (sometimes he just calls him ‘flasheroo’ || Dick (and occasionally garth) to Wally
Wally uses “old english” and he’s done it so much it just stuck to the other titans (wally also says ‘yo’ a lot)
• “Gnatskull” || Garth to Wally
• “Daring young man on the flying trampoline!” || Donna to Wally (in just this one issue)
•  “Flasher” || Roy to Wally (and as they grow up that’s more of a consistent nickname)
• “Lover boy” || Donna to Wally
• “WG” || I mean it stands for ‘wonder girl’ so i wasn’t going to add it but they DO say it a lot so-
• “Wonder gal” || Dick to Donna
• “Wonder Chick” || Literally all of them at some point to Donna. Yes really. the all call her things like that, but that’s the way their friendship rolls, you know? Beucause in other issues, other guys have tried to talk to donna like that, and donna beats the shit out of them if they push it too hard <3 They also call donna things like “Wonder Doll” and “baby”, “gorgeous” , “Doll” and things like that and honestly i think it’s cute (in return, she has called them things like “Handsome”, “Luv”, “Lover boy”. It’s not romantic, though (in the end of the run, Wally confessed his feelings for Donna, and she let him down gently, but this didn’t change their relationship in such an impactious way)
• “Doll-face” || Wally to Donna
• “Blue eyes” || Roy to Donna 
Donna also says things like “Merciful Minerva!” and “Shades of Pluto!” “Great Hera!” Things like that. 
Donna tends to say “Hola!” a lot and its so cute sfskjg
• “Wonder baby” || Wally to Donna
She also gets called things like ‘beautiful’ by the members, ALL the members of the titans, and I just think that’s really neat
• “My pretty miss” || Roy to Donna
• “Luv” || Wally to Donna (as you can see, there’s a crush going on here)
• “Sea flea” “ Webfoot” (sometimes spelled web-foot) || Dick to garth
• “Gill-head” || Roy to Garth
• “Smarty-gills” || Donna to Garth
I’ve also noticed how Garth (aqualad) uses a lot of alliteration in like,,,, everything??? Boy will say “Holy hagfish!” or “Jumping Jackfish!” and “barrelling Barnacles” and “Murmin’ moonfish!” “Holy hammerheads!” “Leapin’ Lumpfish!” “howling houndfish!” “Draggin’ Dogfish!” and its just skjdfhskjfsdgkjs
• “Boy Bowman” || Wally about Roy
• “shafty” || Dick to Roy
• “Handsome” || Donna to Roy 
ps. there’s this one time they were taking a summer job as a team (by this time, roy was part of the team), and they were in their superhero costumes, and then Dick just pulls out swimsuits for everyone (because the summer job is in civvies) and i just found that beautiful because current batman has plans on how to destroy his teammates (just in case), and then Robin goes and buys swimsuits for his and i just skfskjrshtajrs (teen titans 1960s #11)
I also would like to bring to attention this one issue (issue #12) in which Donna is listening to the radio and she’s dancing, and she’s the only one that likes that station, and the guys just “Okay, you have fun, we’ll be downstairs training!” and i just like it a lot because they’re not like “you MUST. train with us, because you need to get better and-” ... yeah. They’re just friends and I love that sosososososo much. 
They also say things like “Boys” (Donna to rest), and “Gang”, and Dick usually says “team” when refrerring to them whole as a group, and it’s just my favourite thing because you can see how (unlike the rebirth and new52 teen titans), they’re all friends and they show so and it’s just so endearing okay?
andddd as promised, there are like 2098534520 panels below, with the nicknames (and some panels that just made me really happy) (they’re not in order and the captions are keyboard smashes so read at your own risk)
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THIS (^) is the type of kids they are. 
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I just thought this (^) was super sdflkjhskjsfhkjgfskjl
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here’s the english i was talking about ^
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skfjskjg sorry to interrupt but like this is beautiful ^
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bubblelixie · 3 years
hi its the anon from a few days ago that forgot their request 🙈🙈 can i request shower sex w/ felix 😳
oh anon your mind has me MELTING
sosososososo i always write abt subby lix so for this one we’ll go with soft dom lix yeah <333
☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.
what stared off as an innocent shower with your boyfriend turned into something that you didn’t expect.
this wasn’t the first time you and felix showered together because honestly it was something the two of you did pretty often, but this was the first time it had led to something more than just kissing your boyfriend in the mist of the shower.
you had a long day and all you wanted was to be with your boyfriend, looking at him with watery eyes, he suggested the two of you take a nice shower together.
felix got in first making sure the water wasn’t too hot for when you came in, as you followed him he pulled you into a sweet hug letting the shower head above wet your hair, you looked so beautiful to each other.
felix began to pump shampoo into his hands rubbing them together gently as he began to wash your hair, massaging your scalp.
after your hair was fully rinsed and free of shampoo you and felix had began to wash each other’s bodys and when you reached his abs you traced little shapes onto his body making him shiver. he stared at you for a moment before kissing your lips, the kiss quickly became heated and his hands had began to roam your body.
“is this okay”
honestly felix just felt bad about the long day you had an he wanted to take care of you. he sat on the shower bench and lowered you onto his cock, he began to rub small circles on your clit causing you to whimper.
“shh baby i’m right here”
he slowly bucked his hips up into you as his free hand was roaming your beautiful body.
“l-lix i’m gonna cum ah”
“cum with me darling, just let everything go”
he attached his lips to your neck gently kissing and sucking your gorgeous skin to help you come down from your high. the two of you stood up and felix helped rinse the both of you down, he turned off the water kissing you once more before hoping out of the shower and wrapping his towel around his waist.
he grabbed your towel and held it open signaling for you to let him wrap you up in it. the two of you stared at your reflections in the mirror smiling.
“y/n i love you so much”
“i love you so much too lix”
“let’s dry off then we can cuddle in bed yeah”
☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.
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oscar-delancey · 2 years
Jack was EXTREMELY emotional during it! LIKE EXTREMELY!!! During Santa Fe he was genuinely wailing and screeching in a way I am only able to compare to a grieving mother
DAVEY DID THE CHOREO. Like not just the small stuff in KONY we see in livesies, i mean he DID THE CHOREO he was going HAM WHILE DRESSED IN ACTUAL DRESS CLOTHES. GUYS HE WAS LEAPING im in tears i loved it
Albert sang his funky little bit in KONY so well it made me 🥹 i loaf he
Race reminded me a LOT about obc Racer!!! HE WAS SO FUN!!!
MORRIS WAS HILARIOUS YALL DONT UNDERSTAND. This guy’s take was FANTASTIC??? He took this role of classic Disney side villain and ATE IT UP. He was so exaggerated and emoted SO much. BRO WAS WALKING W SO MUCH SWAGGER/SRS HE WAS WILD HE WAS MY FAVORITE COMING OUT OF THIS. MY FAVORITE TAKE
This version had Oscar and Morris be the ones to drag Snyder out and then away at the end! And ik it was prolly because the ppl who played the cops were on stage as newsies but bro… it made me so happy. A small acknowledgment of the fact the brothers were affected by the strike and canonically the refuge too 🙏 it made me rlly rlly rlly happy
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sclfcare · 3 years
rubs hands together ok , let's do the thing
@realforyou - my baby , my one n only 😩 chianti , u know ur one of my dearest friends ever , i’m not just referring to tumblr . we talk everyday , i look forward to our lil chats and u always make me laugh and feel so valued and loved . i could literally rant 10,000 words about how much u mean to be , but i’m gonna keep this short and just express i love u endlessly . 
@jennniferscheck - aLEXUHHHHHHHHH , i’ve known u for forever and i consider u one of my closest , most well trusted friends in my life . ur here for me always and i hope u know that i have ur back too . no one is gonna fuck with my bestie . ur such a positive light in my life and knowing that i can come to u and always be understood means more to me than i can put into words . 
@mentamoon - miss ttttttttt , we haven’t known each other long but i already cherish our ships and chatting with u . plus ur aesthetic and writing is just to die for and i can’t wait to dive into our babies a bit more and just . . . . fuck each other up !! u have such a beautiful personality and i look forward to our friendship blossoming more and more . 
@hcmevideos - the tanner squad !!!! UNITE !!!!!!! lmao i knew we were gonna be good friends the moment we both gave each other tanners like it was no big deal . i adore writing with you , ur so talented and i always get so excited whenever i get a notif that comes from u . i can’t wait to further develop our plots as well as our friendship ! 
@wcrdings - alyssa . ur my number one . honest to god , we’ve been through so much together and i just know that u’ll be in my life forever . one of these days , my ass is on a plane to philly and we’re going to walk chubs and eat chiptole and chicken and just live our best lives . i’ve known u longer than anyone on this hellsite and i consider u one of my real life , closest friends . i would do anything for u and i appreciate u more than i can even put into words . ur a real one . 
@ncwkings - titty sisters 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 honestly i just love u to bits and pieces . writing with u is a PLEASURE and our ships are just top tier and we don’t even have to try . i appreciate how much u have supported me through this surgery and i can see our friendship continuing to blossom into something really beautiful . i have ur back always and i get sosososososo giddy whenever i get a notif and see its from u bc i just love writing and interacting with u so much ! 
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user
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