scrunkalicious · 8 months
Ramble abt uhhh viktor for me, ACTUALLY how did those goobs meet ??????
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{{I actually have a small literature draft written out for whatever I explain below!! Lmk if y'all want me to share it 🫶}}
So basically Viktor and Marly met before the time of the Arcane show, when Vitkor first became involved with Piltover's Academy. One of the people who worked on the show posted this on Twitter (sorry for the bad quality I screenshotted it over YouTube Shortz 💀) 👇
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It reads: (From Amanda Overton, one of Arcane's show writerz!!) "We have a backstory for Viktor that wasn't made canon to explain how he got into the Academy. His parents saved up their money to buy him a uniform and he pretended to be a student until he gained Heimerdinger's attention. Instead of punishing him, Heimer made him his assistant!!"
I've been going off of that tweet for their story,, and treating it as their canon bc i make the rulez now‼️🗣️
So basically when Viktor was made Heimerdinger's assistant, Heimer was probably all like "You need a proper tour of the school" and whatnot,, and since he himself is supa busy (Head of The Council which is Piltover's government system, and also dean to the Academy), he chose someone else to do the official more in depth Academy introduction and tour instead!
AND WHO BETTER TO PICK THAN MARLY????!!!!!!?? Mostly basing this off of my own experience, the amount of times I've been put and placed to help out new students due to being "friendly", "able to work with many different people" and "responsible", (all said from my teacherz,, thank you teacherz,,) is quite frequently!! And I almost alwayz get along w these ppl so shout-out to all the new studentz I knew back in like elementary school!
So basically Heimerdinger calls upon Marly to help out with Viktor, such as touring him around the building, helping him set up his dorm, ECT,, the two also share a few classes!! Marly is down for the task as she is for most thingz,, but shez surprised, as shez never been directly called upon to help someone, itz usually she seez someone new in one of her classez and she startz talking to them. But nevertheless, she pullz up and is ready.
So BASICUHLLY she tourz him around for the day!! Marly is excused from her classez, and Viktor doesn't start his official classez until the next day. They hang out and have lunch in the school library (idk abt y'all but at my school you can do this itz so fun) and just chat n whatnot teehee,,,,,
The two got along really well initially! Marly (and me I've been told multiple timez) is a super easy person to talk to, very friendly!! And as Viktor eased into the conversation, the two practically bounce off one another'z wordz. They both got lil sparklez in their eyez when they talk about thingz they're passionate about. OUGH y'all shoulda seen Viktor'z face when Marly mentioned that, along with being an artist, she was interested in geneticz, and was quite skilled in that field.
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drvirgus · 4 months
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Idol! Haerin X Idol! Reader X Idol! Wonyoung
Description: What occurs when the biggest player has to do a variety show with her ex, who dislikes Y/n because she thinks that Reader Cheated, and the person who has taken an interest in Y/n? Will old feelings rekindle, or will new ones develop?
Warnings: Mention of Cheating; Strong Language; Kinda Toxisch Reader?; Insults; Mini-Smau
Status: Finished ✅
Taglist: closed
Profiles: Itz not Eatzy; Old Tee; The narcissists; Others
01. prolog
02. Announcment
03. the player
04. first meeting (half-written)
05. i dont do dates
06. 20 Questions
07. i´m wrong? (Fully-written)
08. oh….
09. switching up
10. speedy Gonzales
11. make it right
12. wony or Haerin?
13. spotted
14. confirmed
15. Damn. Shes Cool
Taglist: @isabbellle @jisooftme @Yruji @hyejin67 @multiliker @shozeu @rdfgfv @jeindall777 @olives-on-pizza @ayss22 @wonyoungssi @gayforall @1luvkarina @gtfoiydlyj @Reeseu
@linnnsworld @saysirhc @sixflame438
(the Red ones i couldnt add to the taglist)
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simjaexy · 2 months
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Todo De Ti
Pairing: Loser! Sim Jaeyun x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Wanting to get out of the house you decided to go with your friend to a roller skating rink that opened. Upon going there you meet someone that took a liking to you and doesn’t plan on leaving you alone.
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Cursing, One minor incident
Note: Not proofread. This song has been stuck in my head so why not make a one shot out of it! Jake is somewhat of a loser on here. Btw this is set in english cause I’m obsessed with Jake’s Australian accent.
“Y/n did you do the dishes?” You mom yelled. You groaned and rolled around.
“Yes!” You yelled back. You took your phone out and looked through your social media. Today was the weekend which meant for people to go out and have fun.
You on the other hand, aren’t doing anything. You were bored and had nothing to do which sucked. You cleaned all day with no text messages from your friends.
You breathed through your nose and put your phone down. You stretched your limbs and got out of bed to get a snack from the kitchen.
Upon going down there you saw your mom watching her TV drama. She smiled at you.
“Aren’t you gonna hang out with friends today?” She asked. You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed Cheez-Itz from your cabinet.
“I guess I’m just gonna stay home. Seems like everybody busy.” You replied. She hummed and looked back at the TV
You went back upstairs and heard a buzz from your phone. You picked it up and looked at the contact. It was your friend Shunua.
“Y/n! What are you doing today?”
“Nothing why?”
“The new roller skating rink opened. We should go together with the other girls!”
You thought about it for a moment. You remembered how much you loved to skate when you were little with your parents. You smiled thinking about the memory.
“Sure. What time?”
“How about at seven?”
You looked over at your clock. six thirty.
“That’s fine.”
“Perfect! I’ll pick you up! Bye!”
You chuckled and said bye back. You shake your head while smiling. Shuhua was always excited to do new things.
You went over to your closet and scanned your clothes. Since you’ll be inside you decided to wear a sweatshirt and shorts.
You brushed your hair and put on some light make up. You finished dabbing your blush and put on your shoes before going downstairs.
You saw your mom staring at you, “I’m going with Shuhua to the roller skating rink.” You said.
She furrowed her eyebrows, “The one that just opened?” She questioned. You nodded.
Your took your phone out of your back pocket when you heard a buzz to see that Shuhua’s here. You put your phone back.
“I gotta go. I’ll be back before midnight!” You said. She bid you goodbye as you shut the door and headed to Shuhua car.
“Ready to go?” Shuhua asked. She put her phone down and started the car.
“Yup.” You chimed. She drove out your driveway and started heading towards the roller rink while blasting pop music making you shout out the lyrics.
Once you made it there you noticed how there was multiple people here. Families, couples, teens. You and Shuhua made your way inside, pushing people around to get to the desk.
Shuhua did all the talking while you looked around. The lights were different colors like a disco party, a dj playing music and switching it up.
There was even a dance floor that people were dancing on. You smiled seeing them sing the songs out loud.
You and Shuhua got your shoes and headed to a table you reserved. You both took your shoes off and put on the roller skates.
“To be honest I forgot what it’s like to roller skate.” Shuhua admitted. You giggled.
“Me too.” You replied. You both slowly got up and went towards the rink. You went out first, holding on to the railing. Shuhua came out second while trying to grab you.
You reached out for her and lead her near the railing, “Is it okay if I take a lap real quick?” You asked. She nodded.
You smiled and let her go. You started to skate around people. You forgot how much you loved to skate. You felt a rush of adrenaline through your body feeling your hair come off your shoulders on how fast your going.
You were going so fast to the point you didn’t notice another person coming the wrong way towards you.
You felt your eyes close on the hard impact on your body and fell to the ground. You groaned in pain while the other person made a noise.
You looked up and made eye contact with him and your heart stopped. He was definitely not ugly, but that doesn’t changed the fact that he bumped into you.
“What the hell man? Don’t you know you were going the wrong way?” You snapped. The boy rubbed his head.
“Well why were you going so fast?” He asked. He had an Australian accent. You felt yourself blush at his voice.
“B-Because you can! It doesn’t say you can’t. Besides, you’re in the wrong either way!” You bellowed. He rolled his eyes and got up.
He took his hand out, “Well I apologize. I didn’t know I was going the wrong way. It’s my first time skating.” He admitted.
You grabbed his hand making him lift you up. You fixed your clothes and stared at him.
“Well I accept your apology, uh,”
“Jake. Sim Jake.” He replied. You nodded your head.
“I accept your apology, Jake.” You said. He smiled.
“Can I know your name?” He questioned.
“Y/n.” You spoke. You gave him a smile before skating to Shuhua.
“Girl where were you? A bunch of kids were making fun of me for holding this railing for dear life.” She whined. You laughed and held onto her.
“Kinda had an accident with someone.” You said. She wiggled her eyebrows.
“Were they cute?” She teased. You shrugged.
“He wasn’t so bad looking.” You admitted. She gasped and playfully slapped your arm.
“He? And you didn’t ask for his number?” She asked.
“Well what he did wasn’t a really ‘Can I have your number’ type incident. It was more like a ‘I’d punch you in the face if you weren’t so cute’.” You replied.
“Oh did he bump into you or something?” She said. You nodded. She laughed.
“That’s funny! I should’ve seen that, but you disappeared in a flash.” She joked. You giggled.
You both made it on the carpet and rested on the railing part, viewing the people. You were both joking around until Shuhua elbowed you.
“Is it just me or is that guy staring at you weird.” She said. You looked over and noticed it was the guy, Jake.
They were talking while staring at you before laughing and patting Jake’s shoulder. You saw a pout on his lips, one of his friends pointing it out before laughing again.
You cleared your throat and looked at Shuhua.
“Yeah well I don’t think he’s looking at me.” You muttered. She gave you a ‘really’ look before playfully pushing you.
“Wait, was that the guy your bumped into?” She interjected. You slowly nodded. She cackled.
“Girl now you gotta be confident in yourself, seriously. You gotta be ready and take that dick.” She said. You almost choked on your spit with the last sentence.
“I don’t wanna have sex with him yet!” You bellowed. She raised an eyebrow.
“Yet?” She smirked. Your eyes widened and glared at her.
“You know what I mean.” You interjected. She threw her head back laughing.
As you were about to say another thing you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and almost fainted.
There stood the boy you definitely did not want to see. He had a smile that made your legs feel wobbly. You looked over at Shuhua, but she was no where in sight.
You cursed and looked back at the boy, “Uh, hi?” You said. He chuckled.
“Hey.” He replied. His voice with an Australian accent. Yeah he’s definitely gonna bag you tonight. You cleared your throat.
“Do you need something?” You asked, titling your head, judging.
“Yeah, your number.” He spoke. It was quiet for a second. The only sound was the music in the background playing.
All of a sudden you burst out laughing. You couldn’t help but find the pickup line terrible and cute.
Jake rubbed the back of his neck, “Was it really that bad? My friends told me to say that.” He mumbled. You heard him let out a curse about his friends and wiped away your tears.
“No no, it’s cute, actually.” You said. His face lights up like a puppy. Cute.
“Really?” He beamed. He tilts his head making you giggle.
“I mean, at least you tried you know?” You reasoned. He hummed. The chatter of people made you remember you were still in public.
You stared off into the view of people roller skating and suddenly had an idea. You looked over at Jake.
“Wanna skate? You know, after bumping into me you at least owe me a skate together.” You asked. He chuckled.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” He said. He took his hand out for you, you accepted it. You both walked towards the rink and stepped onto it.
Slowly, you both rolled along the smooth glossy floor. You laughed as Jake tried to show off, but failing miserably by almost slipping.
You started going a bit faster making Jake yelp, “Wait I don’t know how to skate!” He yelled. You laughed and slowed down, but not without teasing him once in a while.
He soon got the hang of it and before you know it, you both were skating together while holding hands. Your hands molding together perfectly.
You won’t lie and say it didn’t make your heart race a little when he sent a smile your way. The song changed into a slow one as the light turned a bright red and white.
It was a slow romantic song for couples. You and Jake looked at each other. He sent you a wink while you bashfully looked away, smiling with your cheeks pink, and it definitely wasn’t the blush.
“Is this my time to be honest with you?” He suddenly said. You looked at him confused.
“Did you lie about your name being Jake?” You questioned.
“What no- well kinda? Well my korean name is Jaeyun but here it’s Jake.” He said. You laughed.
“That’s cool.” You replied. He shyly smiled.
“But that’s not what I wanted to say. What I wanted to say was that I knew I was going the wrong way, I just didn’t know how else to talk to you.” He admitted. Your eyes widened.
“You wanted to talk to me, so you bumped into me making me almost get a concussion?” You joked. He shook his head.
“No! I didn’t wanted to do that- but are you seriously okay? I didn’t know you were going so fast and I-“
“I’m fine, Jake.” You smiled. He nodded and looked ahead.
It was silent while the music was playing before you looked at him, “If you actually went up to me, I would’ve gave you my number.” You said.
“So that means I can’t get it now cause I bumped into you?” He asked. You let out a hum.
“Well since you’re so cute, I guess I could let it slide and give you it.” You mumbled. He almost didn’t hear you.
He gave you a big smile and bumped his fist up in victory. You laughed at his action.
The song finally ended and went to a more upbeat one. More people started going in the rink once they heard the music.
“Wanna go sit?” Jake requested. You nodded your head as you both left the rink. You took off your skates and put on your shoes.
“Oh shoot, I left my shoes over there. I’ll go get them!” He said before leaving. You looked around and spotted Shuhua talking to a guy. She was practically all over him, but he didn’t seem to mind it.
You chuckled as Jake came back just as the song ended. The music changed to one you were familiar with making you gasp. It was your favorite song, Todo De Ti.
“I love this song!” You said. Jake looked at you confused.
“You know Spanish?” He questioned. You laughed.
“Only to this song. Come on let’s dance!” You rejoiced. You grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the dance floor you saw earlier.
The wind rubs your hair
Those beautiful eyes kill me
I like your scent, of your skin the color
And how you make me feel
I like your mouth, that pink lipstick
And how you kiss me (Yeh)
There was already people there making you and Jake kinda mush together, but still enough space for you two to dance individually.
I want to wake up with you
Do it after smoking (Ayy)
I don't have anything to look for anymore
Something away from here
You combine with the sea
That bikini looks phenomenal
There’s no gravity that can lift me
You make me desperate (Yah!)
You swayed your hips to the beat while Jake dance with you. You were singing the lyrics like your life depended on it making Jake smile.
You accelerate my heartbeat
And like еverything about you
Of all your parts, which do I decide?
And likе everything about you
“Es que me gusta todo de ti!” You shouted. Jake furrowed his eyebrows.
“What does that mean?” He questioned.
“And like everything about you!” You replied. He let out a ‘oh’.
“What’s this song about anyways?”
“It’s about a guy that confesses he likes everything about this girl he spotted at a roller-skating rink!” You said. Jake stopped dancing and you did too.
You have a him a confused looked before realizing what you said.
“Well isn’t that a coincidence?” He teased. He pulled you closer by the waist making you gasp.
“Y-Yeah, it is.” You stuttered. He smirked. He cupped your face.
“Does he get the girl at the end?” He whispered. You felt a shiver down your spine.
“I-I don’t remember.” You whispered back. He brushed his lips against yours. His soft plush lips making you yearn for more.
“Well I know what my ending is.” He said before finally kissing you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist. The song slowly coming to an end as you and Jake broke the kiss, making you gasp for air.
“I like everything about you.” He said. You giggled and kissed his cheek.
“I like everything about you too.”
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kunimilktea · 19 days
This picture of kori in the last post is sending me
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She looks so silly dkkskskdkd.
Speaking of kori (also hey I had an mc called cori that's cool!) when do her and cove get together? Is it in the step 2 epilogue with the confession or during the charity confession?
Also unrelated to Kori but what do you mind going more into depth on your thoughts for both Derek and Baxter dlcs? I love discussions around their dlcs I wish people would genuinely talk more about itz going into depth into the themes of the dlcs and how they affect Derek and Baxter as characters, but then again I'm someone who loves analyzing the media they consume so djdkdkjd. General discussions about these things drive me crazy (I think is worth mentioning that I'm autistic so djdkdk)
Your art is also very lovely I loved watching your doodles, you're one of the artists I always look forward to to get a notification from 🫶
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Im kidding tho it's appreciated nonetheless ^_^
SO FIRST OF ALL THANKS FOR LIKING MY ART 🥹🥹🥹 i try my best to make time for drawing my silly our life doodles despite being busy in college and i appreciate anyone who rlly enjoys my dumb doodles of my ol mc shenanigans
Answering the confession question, they confess at the end of step 3 cause i thought the slowburn was fun 😇
I actually drew their first kiss right here
Now with the derek and baxter dlc question,,,
So fun fact! With how i played the the dlcs over all me and my friend Lo (@/oiulse) would choose which boy to play the dlc and stream it on call, so Lo picked Baxter and i took Derek, it was really funny cause casual constantly played in our heads during the Baxter dlc (bless lo btw for gifting me both dlcs labyu oomf 🫰)
With how i feel with BOTH dlcs
For my boy Derek Suarez
When i played the first moment from dereks dlc my voice started like acting up from how long THAT specific moment was, maybe its just me but the first moment in particular felt really long, I get it though its the first time ur meeting the suarez family and in no way did i NOT enjoy it, but there were indeed moments where im like DAMN ITS STILL NOT OVER cause of how tired my voice was getting LMFAO, all the other moments were rlly fun my favorite one from the dlc was where u hang out with liz on daddy day and there was an option to gift a card to cliff 🥹, his step 4 was also a bunch of fun i loved the family bonding get to do with the suarez brothers (u can just tell that i love family aus) and getting to hang out with derek made me love him more as a chr, HIS STEP 4 VOICE IS STILL A JUMPSCARE TO ME FROM HOW DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT IT IS (no hate to the va btw) STILL VERY FUNNY THOUGH HAHAHA, i made it so that Derek, kori and cove get to be neighbors before the both of them get married so now they hang out LOTS
With THE Baxter FUCKING Alexander Ward
I heard from another friend that the baxter's dlc was gonna be angsty and i was like oh hell fuckin yeah i love angst! AND THERE CERTAINLY WAS ANGST ILL TELL U THAT MUCH, since i was watching lo play through the Baxter dlc i will admit there were a few times where i spaced out cause ANOTHER fun fact, we played the dlcs like really late on my timezone so i was either drawing while Lo was playing or i was in the brink of conking the fuck out, i was able to know what was going on overall i think the ONLY moment i like fully spaced out on was when the mc and baxter were like out drinking or smth and there was this entire thing with the bartender and the singer, that specific scene in particular i was fully focusing on smth else and it wasnt till later that when i played the baxter dlc for myself that i knew what was finally going on, since me and lo have our castaways au to think abt while playing these dlcs we were building aus upon aus of what lo's mc would do when meeting with baxter again after 5 years its fun lo has never been the same since and neither have i, the angst was good soup and i can see why baxter's dlc was more expensive than derek's LMFAO
But ironically enough the dlc that made me cry was DEREKS DLC,,, that moment on the step 4 epilogue with the brothers having a heart to heart is going to be MY ROMAN EMPIRE, I FUCKING LOVE FAMILIES BRO GAUGHHHH
Anyways sorry that was unnecessarily long i could have organized my thoughts more but i dont have the patience for that so i hope u dont mind that all my thoughts and feelings were all over the place hahaha
In conclusion the dlcs was a nice content buffet 👍
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[Fic] So let’s try this again:
- See I wanted to make this a comic but then I felt it would lack a certain nuance and complexity of character povs that I wanted to to delve into. Cuz man there is just so much to say about these two and their dynamic, Soo Fic it is! Pls go easy on me, guys I’m not much of a writer and these guys are hard to write for me 🥲
“Wow, guess Donald was right.” Came a chuckle, “You are like a little shadow.”
And Casey freezes, hands barely hovering over Leo’s arms. Suddenly he’s eight years old again, caught red handed peeking through a little crack into meeting room.
A crooked grin, spreads itself across the slider’s face. “Hey shadow” His voice lilts playfully. So much younger and so much lighter yet still so achingly familiar, that if Casey hadn’t already spent 10 days into past? the present? being punched with that oh so wonderful cocktail of grief-nostalgia-fondness, he would have burst into tears already.
Instead, Casey smiles wryly. Awkwardly shuffling away from the bedside. “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to check on your injuries”. He raises a brow “I can go if you want..?”
“Nah it’s cool. I’ve been sleeping lots anyways.”
“You were in a coma” The human deadpans.
“Eh.. same thing.” Sensei-no just Leo now,shrugs.
“It’s really not.” Casey snorts. A beat. A pause. And then because he’s been holding onto this for too long and his mom didn’t raise no coward. And Uncle Mi didn’t teach him to be the kind of person who doesn’t apologise. Because Leo’s been awake for two days now, cmon Casey you can’t hold onto this forever-
“I’m sorry.”
“Whaat? I’m sorry? Sorry for what?” The slider laughs, tilting his head to the side. “Did you ruin my very rare first edition Jupiter Jim saves a cat comic?”
“Then you got nothing to be sorry for” Leo smiles, a clear attempt at lightening the mood.
But Casey won’t let him. This needs to be said. Nervous, the teen wrings his hands together. “I meant what I said in the tunnels.”
“Ah. That.” The blue toned slider falters ever so slightly. “It’s fine!” He grins brightly, casually waving Casey away. Too casual. Because of course he is. They are different. But Sensei and Leo shared a past together once. And it shows.
“You were right,” Leo continues, “I was being arrogant and I wasn’t listening to my team itz all good.”
“Well yeh, I wasn’t wrong there.” Frustrated, Casey yanks a hand through his hair. “But I was being too harsh. I was expecting you to be like Sensei when I shouldn’t have. It’s not fair.”
“Yeh… You shouldn’t have.” Leo agrees, looking away. Uncharacteristically quiet from what Casey has seen of him over his two day (and currently halfway through his third) long coherency.
Oh Shell, He’s just made this worse didn’t he?
“That’s not what I meant” Casey’s hands ball into fists. Should he hug Leo? Would that be too weird? Hugs were for family, he was only a stranger. “I- I’m not good with words.” The ravenette groans, wringing his hands together again.
“It’s not about you. But it’s not not about you, you know?” He gestures to the bed ridden turtle emphatically. “It’s about all of you guys. Your family loves you. Their Leo, not Master Leonardo. You don’t need to be anything else. You’re enough just the way you are. Michelangelo wouldn’t have opened that portal otherwise. They need you, just as much as you need them.”
An indiscernible flash flickers across the other’s face. But he quickly relaxes back into a smile. “Hmm.. If you say so” Leo drawls, perfect mask. Perfect play. But something in his shoulders ease ever so slightly. So Casey has hope that there is something that sticks.
A silence then descends upon the Med Bay. It drags on and lingers. Both parties not knowing what else to say. Casey’s about to go excuse himself, when Leo opens his mouth. “You know we’re your family too right?”
The younger teen blinks. “Huh?”
“We’re your family too.” The turtle repeats. Narrowing his eyes firmly. “Look, I dunno what’s been going on this past week. but knowing the others, they’re probably just trying to figure out how to broach that ‘ole subject with you without making you uncomfortable”
Wisely Cj only hums and says nothing. Knowing whatever he says would sound about as unconvinced as he feels. Tell that to my Ninpo he wants to say bitterly. Tell that to every conversation he’s turned stilted and cold, because he’s slipped up and believed for a second that things were one and the same.
(When mom died, April it was you brushed my hair. And taught me how to tie my hair.
Michelangelo you always encouraged me to draw on our walls till the last of our chalk was gone.
Donatello you let me sleep in your lab even on the days you banned even Sensei from coming in.
And Leo- .. Leonardo you were everything. You who used to tie my shoelaces and the first to come running when I cried.
I can recite the lines from so many different Lou Jitsu movies I never got to see.)
He must not hide it as well he thinks. Because Leo shoots him the most exasperated -are you serious look-.
“Dude, Dad and Raph found a subway car for you. April snuck you a discount at her new workplace. And shell-!” Leo throws his hands up, “Donnie let you fix our cameras, and don’t even get me started on how Mikey lets you help him in his kitchen even though I’m his favourite brother and I’m banned.” Leo grumbles, crossing his arms together.
“I- I guess you do have a point .” Despite his best efforts, his eyes begin to burn. Boy, Casey is really starting to hate how much sense Leo is making. For all the differences between Sensei and Leonardo, why did the universe have to give them the one similarity that lets them talk their way into whatever they want and making Casey agree with them? Perhaps.. perhaps what Casey had Misconstrued as polite obligation was maybe something deeper after all.. ?
“Course, I do. I’m awesome.” Leo smirks, flicking his mask tails with a flourish that has Casey resisting the urge to groan and roll his eyes.
“I know it won’t be the same. But you are family Case. I promise you. All of this means something. We won’t let you be alone” His eyes soften, “You’re my family.” And it’s true, Leo does not know Casey. In his eyes, it’s been a little under 72 hours since he’s met Casey. And only 48 hours since all hell broke loose. But hell could have been so much worse and he can see everything.
The expertly wrapped bandages around Mikey arms and Donnie’s shell, the carefully filled resin over the hole, they had so graciously given his biggest brother’s shell, with such precision his beloved purple twin couldn’t hope (nor want) to achieve. Corners of the med bay that had been gathering dust now suspiciously clean. Faithfully ushering their sister to and fro the lair. Heck even the way the oily haired teen (which ew gross, someone really had to go teach that kid how to wash his hair) was hovering over him now, taking shifts so his father and brothers and sister could rest.
Casey didn’t have to do those things. He owed them nothing. They weren’t the people who raised him. He could have just up and left once the initial invasion was over, he didn’t have to try so hard. Once it became clear that Leo, and by extension the others, were nothing like the people Casey grew up with. But he didn’t, he stayed. He cares. He cares so much.
And Shell, if that didn’t make Casey family, Leo didn’t know what will. If he could tolerate Baron ‘you threw me of a roof’ Draxum into his family he can definitely accept Casey.
A strangled noise breaks him from his thoughts, Leo comes back to himself to see a sniffing, now crying Junior.
“Ok bring it in, little brother” Leo grins smirking fondly, spreading his arms wide (because yes, of course one of the first things Leo asked, once he established Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April and dad were ok. Was what was Casey’s age. He needed to know if he could rub his age into Casey’s face. He needed his shit-eating grin older brother rights damn it!). Immediately, Casey rushes forward sobbing, wrapping his arms around the turtle as tightly as he can without further aggravating the other boy’s injuries.
“I’m so glad you’re here Leo.” He chokes out wetly, the tears he had been holding back for this entire interaction now freely flowing because truly, this was all he really wanted. He could never and would never ask the present Hamato family to be crushed under the same weight his guardians had been. All he asked was to be loved, and not alone. And sure he still had a lot of doubts but maybe, just maybe, Leo was right and he wasn’t as alone or unloved as he thought.
(He is future boy, freshly uprooted and fumbling blindly but maybe, just maybe not nearly the lone orphan without a home)
“I couldn’t have lost you twice” Casey shudders, burying his head deeper into Leo’s shoulder.
“And now you won’t. It’s all thanks to you.” Leo replies determinedly, tightening his grip around the other boy. And then in a much quieter, more vulnerable voice, he adds,
“I’m so glad I’m here too.” Because he was, Leo most truly and definitely was.
(And somewhere, deep down subdued, not so isolated teal begins to tentatively reach towards waiting blueredpurpleorangegreenwhitepink maroon and pulse a little less weakly again)
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n4talia-chaparro · 9 months
Just needed to age him up like his friends and maybe give him different clothing. Just needed to make him seem like an average teen in high school.
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- - - -{ 🪻 }- - - -
Old ass design
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And you know- just a few details and updates on him cuz I haven't explained the detail last year before remaking the design.
꒰🍓꒱ ५◦ small and LAME info ★
- Kipper's height might be around 5'1 or a bit shorter similar to his uncle, Gp!Krupp.
- His design was inspired by the original novel and different fan art of him here.
(I even took inspiration from itz kai official, Jackie-sugarskull, Ultimatecufangirl, kaptkookiekrunch. Yes, I'm aware I'm NOT allowed to take inspiration from anyone and it's against the art community and the fandom so I apologize if I ever took heavilyinspiration or have similar features)
- he never meet his aunt (Bethany Krupp) before until he had to go and visit his grandmother, Bernice, on Thanksgiving when he was 14-15. (Now he's 18 and he is visiting Benny because Jasper wanted his son to be with his uncle for a bit)
- again since he's 18, maybe he is experiencing puberty like any teenager would. He was originally supposed to have acne/pimples like Finkstein but it was scrapped to avoid being criticized. Kipper only has facial hair and idk what else
- The hair color is the same as the first design. I wasn't sure if he was ginger or had any different color so I let him keep the same color in case I wanna change it or maybe change the hair style.
- Kipper wears anything in casual. I think. And the "Korn" shirt used to be Gp's before he gave it to him on his 17th birthday. After all he didn't need the shirt anyways and probably thought about Kipper.
(Yes Gp USED to have that phase when he had Kipper's age and maybe used to have band related merch or collections. uhhh-)
- I even gave him some personality like the novel. Except he's like any teenager and their weird hobbies. Kipper is into mental rock and probably has a few merchandise related to Korn. Him and his gang have a different taste in music so maybe not only he and his gang are still the bullies. Probably big fan of any band they listen to and soon will be out of high school.
- Possible has a binder or sum. UHHH AMOGU- OK NO JK JK.
Ok that's all I'll stfu.
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sotwk · 1 year
Hello! I'm not sure if my question will meet the criteria you posted regarding asks/headcannons/fanfics (itz my first time hehe), but I gotta ask 😅: If Thranduil, his wife, and the 5 brothers had lived in the modern times, what would their lives be like (ex. jobs, lifestyles, modern interests, etc.)? Basically a modern au of sorts...? I understand if you do not answer my question if it really didn't meet the criteria, but if you do answer, thanks in advance!
The House of Thranduil
Modern AU set in the United States (this writer is American and doesn't want to embarrass herself speaking of other countries, lol)
Fair Warning: This entire family is ridiculously accomplished in this AU, but this is clearly fictional so just ride along the fantasy with me!
Apologies for the length and infodump style--my mind really ran off with this concept!
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Thranduil, The Patriarch
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Businessman/CEO and 4th generation landowner.
Land ownership currently includes 1 million acres of timberland around the West Coast.
Business holdings include logging, saw mills, wineries, and forest-product manufacturing companies that employs thousands of employees.
Attended Wharton School to study business but dropped out in his third year when his father passed; (reluctantly) took over the company at 21 years old to prevent it from being seized by his father's scheming partners.
Met and fell in love with Maereth, a classmate at Wharton, but she was already in a relationship with someone else.
Continued to pursue her over the course of 10 years until they finally wed right before he turned 30.
His family home is a 2,000-acre ranch in Northwest Oregon, but he travels constantly all over the country.
During the economic downturn, saved the business and his people's livelihood by selling off a third of the family's acreage.
Refuses opportunities to expand in favor of maintaining fair wages for his employees and ethical and environmentally sound practices.
Personal hobbies include breeding and racing horses, outdoor activities, wine-collecting, and travel.
Despite rubbing elbows with powerful, rich businessmen like himself, he despises that crowd and spends only as much time with them as necessary for business.
His closest friends are the folks in his small hometown and the employees who work alongside him.
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Maereth, The Matriarch
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Born to a lower-middle class family from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Father was a construction laborer and mother was a part-time receptionist.
The middle child and only daughter; has 3 brothers.
Only one in her family to attend and finish college.
Practically engaged to her boyfriend at the time she met Thranduil.
Despite her rejecting Thranduil's advances and professions of love because of her existing relationship, she felt attracted to him and could not bring herself to forget him. They maintained a friendship after Thranduil dropped out of Wharton and moved back West.
Once her relationship with her boyfriend ended, Thranduil resumed courting her, but she rejected his marriage proposal out of a desire to pursue a career on her own.
Started her own company and ran it for several years before selling it at a large profit. Used the money to pay off her family's loans and help her parents retire.
Was finally won over by Thranduil's persistence and obvious devotion, and agreed to marry him.
Gave birth to their five sons over the course of a single decade.
Raised her children as a stay-at-home mom until they all reached their teens.
Currently sits on the board of the family's corporation and serves as the Chief HR Officer.
Chairs the family's private foundation that gives millions to charitable causes annually.
Is a talented crafter, craftsman, and builder, more so than her husband and most of her sons (except for Mirion), with enough skill to complete simple remodels on her own. She is the ultimate DIYer who dives eagerly into manual labor, which is one of the things Thranduil admires most in her.
Is also a successful gardener, able to keep flourishing backyard gardens that bear flowers, fruits, and vegetables of different kinds.
Spends most of her free time on endless home improvement projects or traveling as needed to visit her sons.
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Mirion, eldest son - The Heir
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The dutiful son who accepted his role as the eventual heir to the company. Started shadowing his father as a teen.
Married to his high school sweetheart, with whom he has two children (so far the only grandchildren of Thranduil and Maereth).
Lettered in 3 high school sports: baseball, football, and track, but discontinued sports in college to focus on academics.
Holds a degree in materials engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
Upon marrying, settled his family at a ranch house in Oregon to stay close to his parents and majority of their holdings.
Started his own construction company that eventually became a part of the family conglomerate.
Was a stay-at-home dad for several years to allow his physician wife to return to her small town practice.
Attends many high-profile social engagements on behalf of his parents.
The ultimate dad: very involved in his kids' lives and is beloved by their friends; their home is a popular hangout for the neighborhood kids.
Constantly hit on by single moms and dads; unfortunately for them, he is singularly obsessed with his wife.
Had a very brief stint as a commercial model during his college years, and agents often suggest he return to it--but he has zero interest.
Very down-to-earth and a homebody outside of work. Leans towards introversion.
Favorite past times: DIY projects around his house, fixing up old cars, riding his horses, playing with his dogs, and having neighbors over for big backyard BBQs.
The closest thing the family has to a cowboy. The only one of his brothers to reside in a rural area and the only one besides their parents to own and keep horses.
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Turhir, second-born son - The Soldier
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Knew early on that he wanted to travel the world and serve his country as a soldier in the armed forces.
Enlisted in the US Navy straight out high school and became a SEAL.
Joined DEVGRU (Seal Team Six) where he became the officer of an assault squadron.
Has been in back-to-back tours of duty since his first deployment at age 19.
Has a running count of 10 combat tours, which would have been more if not for an entire year sidelined while he recovered from a serious spine injury that almost left him paralyzed.
Is quietly the most decorated Navy SEAL in history, with commendations that include two Silver Stars, three Bronze Stars, five Purple Hearts, the Navy Cross, and the highest honor: the Medal of Honor.
The perpetual nomad/couch surfer and the only brother not to own his own residence.
Was cheated on by his girlfriend while he was away on deployment. Never recovered from the heartbreak and has had no serious relationships since.
Favorite past times: Training for triathlons (running, swimming and biking), spending time with his brothers, reading novels.
Has competed in the Ironman World Championship and Badwater Ultramarathon.
Consumes paperback novels like water; buys them from used book stores and then donates to libraries afterward.
Frequently does hands-on volunteer work for charities like Habitat for Humanity and local food banks.
Suffers from PTSD and depression, which he manages with medication and regular therapy.
Absolutely detests social media and refuses to engage in any of it.
Avoids press attention like a plague. Does not attend big social functions with his family unless begged to by his mother.
Stays so far away from the limelight, the press/media sometimes forgets he is part of Thranduil's famous family.
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Arvellas, middle-born son - The Genius
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A bonafide genius with an IQ of 165, tested when he was only 12 years old; was subsequently accepted into Mensa.
Although he was a clearly gifted child, his mother declined to accelerate his education or place him in a different school from his brothers. She believed it was more important for him to enjoy as normal a childhood as possible.
Started college at Stanford University at the fairly typical age of 17, but completed his premed degree within two years and was a Doctor of Medicine by 26.
Not a practicing physician since he has instead devoted himself to a career in medical research, specifically in developing targeted treatments for aggressive cancers.
In addition to his MD, he holds graduate degrees in biochemistry and biophysics.
Has more trophies and accolades than all his brothers combined, all of them for intellectual achievements in various fields.
Holds over a dozen patents for different scientific devices, processes, and formulas.
A polyglot who speaks 8 foreign languages conversationally, including Spanish, Mandarin, German, Italian, French, Arabic, Hindi, and Japanese. Once he has gained fluency in one language, he immediately starts studying another.
Also speaks at least a couple of constructed languages from sci-fi/fantasy worlds.
On a dare from his younger brothers, took and aced the LSATs and was accepted to several Ivy League law schools, though he never attended.
Stays in athletic shape through biking, swimming, and playing tennis.
Reads (and collects) comics and graphic novels as often as he reads scientific journals.
Goes to at least one comic con a year as his schedule allows.
Wears a coat and tie even more frequently than his father does.
Has been with the same romantic partner for the last 5 years, but has shown no signs of getting married.
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Gelir, fourth-born son - The Adventurer
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A wildlife biologist and rehabilitation specialist with degrees in zoology and veterinary medicine.
Specialty is working with and rehabilitating wild mammals. His favorite animal is the wolverine, which was the first truly wild creature he had rescued and nursed back to health early in his career.
Prefers to do contract work with non-profit organizations, which enables him to continue travelling due to a a less-restrictive schedule.
Also does a lot of short-lived gig work on the side that allows him to engage in his hobbies while earning. Examples are working as a safari guide, a park ranger, or climbing instructor.
An avid (almost obsessive) outdoor adventurer who avoids spending time in cities as much as possible, and likes to explore new remote locations through camping and hiking.
A skilled climber with experience in nearly all types, including free soloing, mountaineering, and ice climbing.
A licensed scuba diver and skilled surfer and rafter. Swims like a fish.
Licensed to pilot private planes, drive motorcycles, and drive boats.
Most widely traveled member of his family, having been to every continent in the world, including Antarctica.
Only one in his family who can speak an African language (Swahili), which he likes to crow to Arvellas about.
Has made a conscious decision to keep/owns no pets, due to his frequent travels making him unable to properly care for one.
The eternal bachelor whose interest rarely goes beyond a few dates; has never been in a serious relationship and understands his restless wandering would make him a terrible boyfriend.
Was previously reluctant to put himself and his work in front of a camera, but realized (through his brother Legolas) that he can make a good amount of money by creating and posting videos on social media--money that would fund his travels and exploits.
Has been approached by major producers to host his own adventure show series, but prefers to work with independent filmmakers on legitimate documentaries.
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Legolas, youngest son - The Celebrity
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Professional footballer. Star striker of the US Men's National Soccer Team and the Seattle Sounders FC.
Career achievements include an Olympic bronze medal, an MLS (Major League Soccer) Cup, and a FIFA World Cup (a US first!).
The most independently wealthy of all the brothers due to multi- million dollar endorsements that include Adidas and Pepsi.
Has his own staff that includes a personal assistant, a publicist/social media manager, a private chef, and very hardworking sports agent.
A social media star with a following of 50 million in Instagram and still climbing, making him by far the most famous one in his family.
Is occasionally able to convince Gelir to do adventure/extreme sports-related videos with him, which always go viral. While Legolas does it for the fun and bonding experience, Gelir agrees to do it mostly for the money. On rarer occasions, he is able to convince Mirion to participate as well, when it has a fundraising aspect.
Diagnosed with both dyslexia and ADHD, which he manages with medication.
Aside from playing soccer and other traditional team sports, his hobbies include extreme/adventure sports such as skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing, mountain biking, skydiving, and paragliding.
Also a talented sketch and comic artist who occasionally shares his works online.
His favorite charitable activity is visiting children's hospitals, (including making sizeable donations), and has been requested several times by the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Constantly being romantically linked to celebrities, less than half of which are actually true.
Receives a lot of attention from women and is frequently pursued by them. In all the "noise" on top of being in the public eye, he finds it challenging to find partners to genuinely fall in love with.
Tends to struggle with periods of loneliness, during which he seeks refuge in his family.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut @beekieboo
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alexagirlie · 2 months
Fic Author Self Rec
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Thank you to @lord-aldhelm for the tag!
It was hard to pick just 5 lol I enjoy a lot of my fics but these are my top 5 atm. In no particular order
1. The Sharpest Lives (Finan x Sihtric, The Last Kingdom) This fic is the first part of a series, I have part 2 published and another 4 parts planned. In this part the boys explore a new part of their relationship as an outlet after a battle where Sihtric struggled to release his battle rage.
2. The Latest Plague (Multi/Polyship, The Last Kingdom) My vampire AU! This was the story that started it all and now it has expanded into an 8 part spin off series with another 7 parts planned 🤣 I love making the boys vampires. In this installation we have a season 3 divergence with a vampire plague that conquers the lands...
3. Flesh of the Dragon (Jacaerys x Aemond, House of the Dragon) Dragon Dick. Thats itz that was the premise of this story and I still love it haha. Aemond meets his nephew again after years and gets a big surprise 😁
4. It's Duncan Idaho and I can be a slut if I want to be (Paul x Duncan, Dune) This was the very first fanfiction I ever published and is still one of my all time favourites (even with all the bad grammar). Modern Au featuring Musician Duncan x Groupie Paul. It is the first of a 4 part series (all being cross posted to tumblr in the next weekish). I even made fanart to go with it! Designed tattooes and everything, pulled out all the stops.
5. Bathhouse Rewards (reader x coccham squad, The Last Kingdom) This is pure, self indulgent filth but was fun to write. I have another installation planned sometime in the future. Features the main four, Finan, Sihtric, Osferth and Uhtred. Reader joins the coccham boys in the bathhouse after a battle
Tagging @foxyanon @legitalicat @ladyinred2248 @whitedarkmoonflower @mrsarnasdelicious
@cordeliacordate @nights-ofren @ulfrsmal @sleepstxtic @archaiccotton
@marzst4rz @7thchevronlocked @volklana @desert--mouse @valamorghulisssss-blog
And anyone else that would like to!
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 months
tell us more abt the beetlestar AU?!
YAY sure the basic idea is tht instead of thistleclawz patrol meeting tiny on his venture into the woodz it waz white eye, thought she still attackz him ofc not going as hard as tigerpaw did, in passing she makez a remark abt him not having wht it takez 2 make it in the forest & tiny is like. ok well fuck u *stayz on the border out of spite & leanz 2 hunt thru watching patrolz*
evebtually of course the clanz pick up on this guy hanging out by the border & whiteeye reconizez his scent & confrontz him, at which point he askz 2 join & she agreez 2 let him talk 2 sunstar in large part due to his visual similarity her longtime crush leopardfootz newly dead kit
sunstar agreez bcuz he seez tiny as a sort of like. apologie gift from starclan abt pinestar just fucking off, thw twoleg place takez a cat it givez a cat back
breifly he still goez by scourge- he claimz 2 hav been a rogue for slightly more cred thn a kittypet [he managed 2 get his collar off in this bcuz othrwize the bell would alert any mice he waz hunting], whiteeye becomez his mentor & he growz up beside tigerpaw. thy fucking hate eachothr
he endz up quazi adopted by whiteeye & eventually she getz togther w/ leopardfoot, which meanz tigerclaw is sort of his brother. thy both hate this
firepaw joining is both easier and harder- on 1 hand itz been done before itx not unheard of. on the othr ofc catz conplain tht thunderclan is declining all roguez & kittypetz now!! at first beetlebite resentz firepaw for reminding evry1 of wht he used 2 be.... but of course the SECOND firepaw findz out he didnt orginally come to the forest just like him he attachez himself like a little leech. eventually beetlebite begrudgingly becomez fond of the little sucker
i cant remember exactly wht my plan w/ ravenpaw is but i do k o it doez him a lot of good to hav an adult he like actually fr trustz in the clan, since beetlebite is extremely ready & willing to disagree w/ tigerclaw n fight him abt it
beetlebite also haz a clandestine relationship with mudclaw bcuz i think it would be funny. thy continue to date evn as thy both become leaderz [tallstar caught onto their relationship & thus didnt take the deputy spot from mudclaw as he was pretty sure he wasnt abt 2 start a war w/ his boyfriend & thus fireheart is safe & sound in thunderclan] basically evrybody thinkz their clanz r about 2 clash hardcore bcuz thy both spend evry gathering glaring at eachothr. thy arnt. itz actually a loving look thy both just hav resting bitch face
itz still vauge but in the main plot tigerclaw actually doez become the leader of thunderclan- fireheart getz chased out & endz up staying w/ princess, eventually he discoverz tht beetlebite is alive thru his sisterz girlfriend violetz brothrz who haz been obsessed with this bone guy who recently got caught by a spay and release program and well at the vet talked a lot to the black cat in the cage next 2 him.... somhow he getz him out idk yet *wavez hand*
he still killz tigerstar but itz less impressive given the dudez only got 1 life
therez more but like i cant stop... for now..........
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
how do u feel about being a viktor kisser
Honestly I really really love him, and hez changed my life a ton! A lot of how I'm seen IRL has been affected by this man (100% I know half of my grade is sick of me but itz hilarious) and I love that for myself! Loving Viktor has also helped my art develop faster than anything could have??!???!;!!?? Like wdym I made a fully rendered digital painting in a few nightz as a whim for Valentine's Day (I'll put it under the cut!!) and since then I've made banger art????? Also my writing has improved and I write more now???????? Sometimez seeing other shipz with Viktor makez me upset, but itz also just another way for me to get used to the idea of not being able to control thingz (Martor is the best tho.....just saying........). I have better understanding of things bc of him, a coping mechanism and a beautiful man to think of. Sometimes I've had IRL disputes because of the fact that I really like Viktor, people saying things, a lot of those being friends I've trusted. It's an interesting thing for me to see, and I get hurt when it happens. But it's also nice to see other people stand up for me, and assure me that I'm not weird for it. And it's lead me to stand up for myself, and tell people that yes, I do love him! And if they don't like that they can go away and not be my friend, since they should respect that aspect of me. Loving Viktor has also lead me to meet many other selfshippers, some of which have become some of the best friendz ever (LUCY AND KAT IF YOU SEE THIS....HEY GIRRRRLLL)!!!!!!! I could ramble on and on about how much I love every single thing about him, and how he has gone from the character that I DEADASS KEPT MIXING UP WITH SILCO THE FIRST TIME I SAW ARCANE (I was as conscious as an ant infected with zombie fungus ok), to quite my entire world!! think the best part of being a Viktor kisser is just seeing how much I can love. It's nice to love Viktor, and allow me to then love myself, and just love in general.
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That piece I was talking abt that I made in a few nightz! Prior to this I've never made a realistic thing like this, or any painting style,,, I JUST BALLED
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kingkennny10 · 1 year
So This Is Love
Scott Malkinson x gn!Reader
Study date and first kiss with your new boyfriend Scott <3 study date turned movie night! A whole bunch of fluff, ft roommate Red. Also in case yall aint notice, oneshots inspired by music will have pink titles now 😈 also yall i love star wars, 😞 my bad
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Finals are creeping up on you slowly and with it comes the anxiety of failing. This thought prompts you to ask your partner Scott for a study date, you didn’t know it but you lifted so much weight off of his shoulders in doing so, he couldn’t think of a cute way to ask you.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing!” He says with a pout making you giggle. You guys were sitting in your usual cafe you meet at after class. “Wanna come over to my apartment and study?” He asked with a hopeful smile. You guys haven’t been dating very long, maybe a week and a half. The fact that he’s comfortable enough to ask you to come over has you overjoyed. After all both of you wanted to take things slow, not even sharing a first kiss yet, maybe with some luck that will change tonight.
“Sure! What time do you want me to be there?” You asked now holding his hand over the table rubbing it with your thumb gently. He looked up to the ceiling thinking about his schedule, his tongue poking out in thought.
“How about you go home, grab some snacks, and change into pajamas while I get the apartment ready then we can study and maybe watch a movie after? You can spend the night too if you’d like.” Scott said nervously awaiting your input. Your smile never faltered as you looked at him.
“That sounds like a solid plan Scotty! Ill be over in 30.” You said as you got up, Scott followed suit and you pulled him into a hug just outside the door. “See you soon lover boy!” And with that you walked to your dorm leaving behind a blushing Scott. He stood off to the side watching you until you were out of sight before he left himself. You were jittery with excitement your whole way back.
Fumbling with the keys all but twice as you opened the door to your dorm, you shut the door behind you letting out a squeal. Letting out a small apology to your dorm mate Red before making your way to your closet grabbing some pj’s.
“What’s got you all excited?” Red asked leaning back in her rolly chair. She had a big smile on her face due to your excitement.
“Scott invited me over for a study date and a movie, probably gonna spend the night!” You sighed out dreamily. You flopped back onto your bed gazing up at the ceiling. “He invited me over!” You said again almost not believing yourself.
“Amazing progress champ! I’ll keep my ringer on if you need me.” Red said and turned back to her desk typing out what seemed to be an essay. You changed into your pajamas, some flannel pants and an old star wars t-shirt that had palpetine on it. You grabbed a box of cheez itz and a can of pringles shoving it into a backpack along with your laptop and a notbook deeming yourself ready to go.
“Im off Red! Don’t miss me too much!” You chimed slipping on some shoes and grabbing your keys. Red rolls into your line of sight just before you turn around to leave.
“Text me details, be safe, and remember my ringer is on.” Red said again, you gave her a smile and a nod before shutting and locking the door behind you. Heading to your car you texted Scott letting him know you were getting in your car and to send the address. You put your bag in the passenger seat and cut on some lovey dovey music from one of your playlists. Scott texted back with his address and a couple hearts followed by ‘drive safe sugar’ and it made you smile like an idiot.
The drive to Scotts was maybe 5 minutes, what made it longer was after you got there you had to work up the nerves to walk up the steps. Finally making it to the door you knocked to the rhythm of a tune you couldn’t place at that moment. When Scott opened the door he melted at the sight of you, you looked wonderful to him.
“There you are!” Scott said happily. He gently placed his hand under yours leading you inside his home. It was dimly lit, there was an orange tinted lamp lighting the living space and the only other light was coming from the kitchen. “Welcome to my apartment.” Scott said after he closed and locked the door behind you. You were still taking it all in.
“Its so cozy in here Scotty, I love it!” You said next peering into his bedroom where there was blue led lights shining.
“There’s not much decor but, hopefully you can change that in the future.” Scott said shyly as he walked ahead leading you to his bedroom, you blushed at his words which he was none the wiser to. He only had a full size bed and his desk with a full pc set up in his room. He walked over to a door on the side and opened it. “This is where the bathroom is if you need it at all tonight. We can study in here too, you can take the bed or I can pull up another chair and we can both sit at my desk.”
You giggled to yourself at how cute he was, he’s being so polite and shy. You put your bag down on his bed and walk towards him giving him a hug. He hugged you back and brought you down on the bed with him, both of you on your sides.
“Scott your place is lovely, thank you for inviting me!” You said and rubbed your noses together. He pulled you into his chest giving you a short squeeze and a kiss on the top of your head.
“Of course baby, you’re always welcome. Now let’s get to studying so we can watch a movie!” Scott said as he got up. You scooted back to the middle of his bed grabbing your back pack.
You guys studied for close to 3 hours before deciding it was time for the movie, you pulled out your snacks as Scott pulled up a website that has almost every movie. “So star wars it is?” Scott asked looking over at you with a smile. You laughed as you opened up the pringles.
“Easy pick huh, it’s gotta be the first episode though.” You said putting a pringle in your mouth. He set up his speaker and made the movie full screen.
“You wore the shirt, how could I not. Also great movie choice by the way.” After pressing play on the movie he moved his chair out of the way and joined you on the bed.
“Maybe we can be Anakin and Amidala for halloween?” You asked offering over the pringles. He smiled as he took some pringles.
“You’re such a nerd.” He said not taking his eyes off of you, he was sealing every detail in his memory.
“You’re one to talk, with all your rebel propaganda!” You said watching the movie begin. He was still watching you with a dopey smile on his face.
“I never said it was a bad thing sugar. I like having a partner with shared interests.” He said and you finally met his gaze. Your face began to heat up at the thought of him watching you for so long, his mirroring yours. Like magnets both of you began to lean into eachother, you made one quick glance to his lips before you closed the gap kissing him slowly. You felt the heat from his cheeks before you raised your hands to cup them. When you pulled away you giggled.
“Since when did you become such a smooth talker Scott?” You asked with a smile. His face was red with embarrassment as his eyes shot to his lap now too embarrassed to look at you now.
“I-i don’t know, I’m sorry!” Scott tried to continue but you stopped him with another peck on the lips. You smiled at him again as he melted into your touch with the most love drunk expression you think you’ve ever seen.
“There he is.” You said placing another kiss on his nose. The night went on smoothly from there, cuddled up on his bed watching all of the star wars movies. You made sure to send Red an update that you guys kissed and you’d explain tomorrow before falling asleep in Scotts arms.
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When i tell yall scott means so much to me, i mean that shit!!! Hes such a lil cutie patootie, how can you not write all the most adorable tooth wrotting fluff for himmmmm 💕💕💕 such a sweetheart!
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regalvoid · 3 months
Time for another edition of my bi-annual new manga recs
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo: A fun comedy manga about a psychic policeman who is kind of a dick (but in a fun way) and the antiques he and his partner get into. A very enjoyable read. Background characters include two kids Chojo bullies that are Ness and Lucas from Mother as well as a card game obsessed kid named Itz Miturn
Navigatoria: The Earth has finally has claimed its first planetary territory. Each nation sends one student to represent their nation in a challenge to see who gets to claim this new land. Our protag Manabu couldnt care less about representing his oppressive controlling home land and seeks to win solely so he can create a place free enough for him to be with his sweetheart, a romance forbidden by his country. Think Highschool Shonen meets Political Thriller.
Centuria: 101 slaves are taken aboard a ship set for sale in a far off land. During the journey a vicious storms hits and the crew decides the only way they live is if their cargo doesn't. After 99 of the slaves are killed the Sea God intervenes, saying it will provide its protection and the power of 100 men as long as one of the two remaining slaves agree to die. Our protagonist volunteers but the other slave, a pregnant women who has grown close to our hero makes the choice for him by removing her unborn child from herself and jumping to the sea. The young man now charged with unworldly power and the sense of duty to protect this infant deals with the crew and makes his way to this new land for a new life.
And last one for today: Psych House: A light hearted manga about a house for young people with supernatural abilities. Only Six chapters in so far but it is very enjoyable. Main character wears a bucket for a hat, how can it not be fun?
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rayan12sworld · 8 months
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🧡we'll get him falling for a stranger (or a catfish)
Lan Wangji: Yingying?
Lan Wangji: Are you busy with class?
Lan Wangji: Won’t disturb you if that’s the case.
Lan Wangji: (´• ω •`)
Wei Ying wants to cry.
What jock uses kaomojis? Ever?
Or, Wei Ying is hired by a client to catfish Lan Wangji online, as a hot girl, for revenge. Except, Lan Wangji is not the playboy jock he expected...
Hold up. Hold the fuck up. The same silver cat eyes stare up to him from his computer screen, in the same manner that they did just minutes before. Lan Xichen’s heart falters, at the horrifying realisation. He tries to convince himself it’s not true; that it’s all just a huge fat coincidence, because how rare can silver-grey eyes be, or even names that contain the word ‘Ying’? There’s no way Lan Zhan wouldn’t be able to tell, if it was really the same person. There’s no way. His younger brother isn’t such a fool! He may be naive, and sweet, and oh so innocent, but he excels so well academically, and tops his class regularly for a reason— Lan Xichen opens up another photo of Yingying’s, sees her crack open a deliberately flirtatious smile in the same red halter top he’d just seen Wei Wuxian wearing in one of his clubbing photos, and his thoughts come to a screeching halt. Yeah, Lan Xichen thinks to himself. Nevermind.
Lan Xichen: Guyssss, urgent help needed again (╥﹏╥) Lan Xichen: Remember how I suspected my brother was being catfished? I think the culprit is a friend of his. A classmate. Lan Xichen: [2 images attached] Lan Xichen: Do they look like the same person to you????? Nie Mingjue: no Lan Xichen: Mingjue-ge!!!!! Really??? Lan Xichen: Was I just overthinking things??? Lan Xichen: Maybe there’s hope for Wangji, after all! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ Nie Mingjue: i was juts jokng. itz 100% the ssame pesrson. sorry 4 ur loss Lan Xichen: Da ge………… Meng Yao: LOLOLOL Meng Yao: can’t believe this is what greets me after murder—i mean karate class. Meng Yao: anyway er ge I always wanted to ask, was lan wangji ever dropped on his head as a baby????? Lan Xichen: A-YAO (ಥ﹏ಥ) Lan Xichen: I know you were joking, but Uncle Qiren was careless with Wangji as a baby once, and… TT Meng Yao: that must be it. 😇
We broke up,” Lan Zhan says, coolly. Lan Xichen’s eyes bulge open wide. “What.” He hadn’t been expecting that. And what’s with the indifferent look on Wangji’s face? After so many weeks of Yingying this, Yingying that? Even almost crucifying his own older brother for speaking ill of Yingying? “Yes,” Lan Zhan continues, rather casually. “I think I have a boyfriend now.” Lan Xichen almost falls out of the chair. “You—think—” he sputters out, unable to come to terms with it all. How did Lan Zhan go from having an online friend to an online girlfriend to a university friend and now—to a boyfriend, all in a matter of weeks?! Did all of this happen simply because he’d pressed Lan Zhan to get a friend? Oh, Wangji… Despite never showing it, he always tries so hard to impress his brother, always does so much just so Lan Xichen will not over-worry about him. Except he’s just done the exact opposite. “A boyfriend,” Lan Xichen chokes out. He’d thought he’d received confirmation that Lan Zhan was heterosexual just last week, but okay. Guess Lan Zhan’s into men, too. That’s totally fine. He just wishes Lan Zhan was more delicate in announcing these things, and not giving him heart attacks each time he does so. “Wangji, you, um… moved on that fast? You like someone else now?” Lan Zhan pauses to contemplate it for a moment. “Hm. I guess so.” “Wangji!” Lan Xichen gasps out. Dear lord, his brother’s well on his way to becoming a player. “This is… a real life boyfriend, yes? Not an online one?” “Yes,” Lan Zhan says, proudly. “Brother, I will take him home to meet you sometime. After he knows he’s my boyfriend, first.” Hold up. “He… he doesn’t know yet that he’s your boyfriend?” Tears are welling up in Lan Xichen’s eyes for real. “But to you, he already is?” “Yes,” Lan Zhan squints. “Is there a problem.” “No,” Lan Xichen wheezes. It’s just as Meng Yao says. “Wangji, are you free next Tuesday to attend a doctor’s appointment...?”
Jiang Cheng wakes up in cold sweat at four in the morning, yelling incoherently about some panty thief. I saw a man raiding my brother’s bag of panties and I let him get away? On my watch?! He’s had plenty of time to think about the way he’d mismanaged The Incident, and he’s filled with much regret. He could have done so much more, to protect Wei Ying’s sacred property, but he didn’t! He’d turned a blind eye, just because he’d been too mentally scarred by the sight, and hadn’t known what to do about it on the spot. But now—now, he knows better. He’s still a gentleman at heart, thank you very much. And the very knowledge that he’d failed to protect his brother, failed to protect Wei Ying, keeps him up at night. The next time he sees Wei Ying leaving the apartment, rambling on about some dinner date he has to get to, dressed in the shortest hoodie alive, Jiang Cheng is rushing to stop him. “Where do you think you’re going, dressed all up like that ?! Do you even know self-preservation at this point, Wei Wuxian!”
~~ there reaction 🤣🤣🤣
Yes…” Wei Ying frowns. He’s growing increasingly perplexed by Lan Zhan’s non-response to him wearing the exact same outfit as Yingying. What the hell? Does Wei Ying really need to spell it out to this man? Should he try asking again? “Um, Lan Zhan ah, did you notice anything else about my dressing today?” Lan Zhan tilts his head to the side, and takes another long look at Wei Ying. His face slowly loses colour. Okay, Wei Ying thinks. He’s finally got it now. He has to. He’s finally deduced that I am Yingying— “Your hair is done differently today,” Lan Zhan points out, smiling again. “It’s very cute. I’ve never seen that hairstyle on you before. It suits you.” Yeah, he’s a goner.
That's it,I was dying 🤣🤣🤣
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helluvapurf · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what are your Top 10 Fave HB ships overall?❤️‍🔥
My "overall" top 10 faves? ...Hmmmmm-
Honestly a lil tricky 'cause alot of my main HB ships rn aren't exactly "canon" (save for like, one or two lol), and I do like to multi-ship alot as well depending on my mood. Sooo if I had to name just the top ships currently in my head rn (even if its not a full 10 list), here ya go!
Fizz x Ozzie Beautifully lustful bfs not afraid to be doofuses together whilst always lifting the other up when they're down... honestly, what more can one ask for in a Hell-ranked power couple?~ 💞🔥 If they ever made a spin-off for Fizzarolli, I’d SO be down for that if it means more Fizzmodeus duets~ 😍
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Blitz x Fizz -Biiiit of a controversial one I know, since ofc Fizzarolli is in a relationship rn/Blitz having his own issues wouldn't spell too much success for a romance atm... but like, ughhh I can't help it they're SO good, man T-T 💕 Like, two torn-apart childhood friends who grow up into a petty rivalry, sassing eachother out whilst learning to work together in danger, hashing out their feelings enough to forgive (whilst taking it slow friendship-wise) BUT also having Blitz stand his ground to protect Fizz at the Mammon event?
...Honestly, if it weren't for Fizzmodeus (+Stol*itz) existing, these two would THE perfect endgame, fr~ 👏👏
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Loona x Bee "Peppy x Moody" aesthetics are always a huge soft spot for me in ships, so I couldn't help getting drawn to these gals maybe being more than just "pals" lol ;p
Esp with the potential of Bee not being afraid to call out Loona on her crap (unlike most others who deal with her lol), Loona lowkey finding Bee attractive & super cool (despite still being a lil jealous over her Tex crush), and knowing how intuitive Bee is as a whole... I feel like she'd be the best influence to soften up Loona to get her to express herself & have fun~💖
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Bee x Tex Prob my fave (canon) hetero pair atm, I think these two are pretty lovely on their own accord too~ :3 Surprisingly subtle with their affections compared to other couples... but you can still tell how much they fit well given their laidback natures, abilities to "read" people (like Blitz when he got too drunk), and just overall care for eachother in that bit after Bee shrank down to size. Really curious of how they got together ngl (esp given how Hellhounds are pretty low in the hierarchy system as-is), I think it'd be pretty fun to read about~ 🥰
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Blitz x Striker Ahhh yes, def a classic in terms of the alternate Blitz ships out there (though I guess not as popular these days, given Striker's current writing .w.; ). From how much they oozed chemistry from their first meeting, Blitz's respect for Striker's skill almost giving them good coworker potential, their similar insecurities/frustrations with Hell's hierarchy system (even with Striker going a more "corrupt" route with it in later appearances... the fact that even he declares that Blitz deserved "better" than how Stolas' treats of him speaks volumes ngl-). Like, there's SO much potential imho; whether its a slowburn-redemption pair, an "flirting-on-opposing sides" pair, a "come to the dark side- we have cookies~" pair... the possibilities are endless~ 👀❤️
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Blitz x Mrs. Mayberry
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-Ok, now this one's proooobably the least popular overall of the Blitz ships out there... but idk, just thought it'd be a cute idea the more I thought about it lol .3.
Blitz may be a goofy lil jerk, but he's clearly a devoted family man at heart whenever you see him with his loved ones (Loona, Fizz, occasionally M&M, etc.). And with Mayberry having that strong desire for a family (despite how she was cheated/unfairly-bashed on after her death), I feel like she'd lowkey be a sweet influence to balance Blitz's chaotic nature (whilst he'd be able to make her laugh/bring "excitement" to her current life in Hell). Idk, just something light & cute like that, yknow? :3 💜
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valentine-writes · 1 year
could you write some headcanons about glamrock chica and roxanne having a crush on reader and not having a single clue how to confess? (if the reader is human or an animatronic is up to you!!)
ty!! have a good day ^^
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[ tws + notes: no tws, fluff, insanely unedited, reader is an animatronic becuz i wanna SWITCH THINGZ UP FOR ONCE MWAHAHAHAHAHA, oh no accidental angst in roxy's part,,, my bad (´`;) ]
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↳ ft. glamrock chica, roxanne wolf
[ gn! reader, romantic relationship ]
author note: I LOVE WRITING FOR MY GIRLS!!!! chica roxy so beluved by me,,, SO SOZ THIS IS LATE ANON :( <3
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a new animatronic at the plex was quite the rarity. of course, staff bots and wet floor sign bots were frequently replaced. but you were something different. just as intricately made as the glamrocks, carefully designed and constructed to be marketable and loveable–
you found that everyone wanted a piece of you– of course, being the shiny new animatronic at the pizzaplex, people wanting to know you was nothing surprising.
what was unexpected however, was just how popular you got. in just short of two weeks, you had gained an immense amount of fans (children, teens, and adults alike–), merchandise of you selling out in the gift shops, and meet-and-greets filled with people, all wanting just to see you.
being adored was just the treatment that was expected for you. little did you know, a certain fellow animatronic felt similar adoration.
if only she could find time to tell you...
GLAMROCK CHICA headcanons:
▸ the first glamrock to introduce herself to you! chica is naturally very social, so of course she had to meet the new bot!! she's just friendly like that!!!
▸ when she saw the overwhelming amounts of attention you were receiving in the few days you had been their– she was jus like "wow!!! ok!!!! good for them they deserve it :>"
▸ only later, when she began to spend more time with you when patrolling the pizzaplex after hours did she really get attached. and i mean really
▸ what she thought was just a little crush blossomed into something much more than she had anticipated. she was completely in awe of you. of course, you hardly noticed the change when she went from sweet to sweeter with you. chica's jus nice like that!! ohhh but girly iz like,,, Yearning So Hard (secretly) itz INSANE. everyone else picks up on it except you. like. why does monty know abt her big fat crush on you bro. why is it obvious to him and not you. you're in her head like!! 24/7!!! like a song she just can't get out!!!
▸ however, 2 ur credit, you did notice that she was making up more excuses to hang out with you. chica was actually always planning to confess when "the mood was right" whenever you two were together, but always ended up losing the nerve or watching the opportunity slip away. so she just. kept hanging out with you as much as possible without ever getting The Perfect Confession. oh man does this KILL HER
▸ though she's stressed about making the confession just right,,, she ends up blurting it out randomly anyways. she is a MESS after, trying to reword everything she said, hoping she didn't just accidentally demolish your friendship please reassure her itz ok and u reciprocate she's in SHAMBLESSSS
ROXANNE WOLF headcanons:
▸ was very intrigued about a new arrival. didn't really think too hard about it. just hoped that you didn't totally outshine her.
▸ she met you a little later, after you had amassed your Insanely Large amount of fans. ouu it was,,, a rough start. she had heard about how popular you were getting, how you just seemed to steal alllll the spotlight from her, and how your fans were relentless in their quest for your time or your merch. she was PISSED. roxy got mad jealous,,, every single poster of you and your stupid little face and stupid little smile made her want to rip it off the wall (but she didn't. she's no monty.)
▸ roxy's determined that when she did meet you, she'd give you a piece of her mind. she'd somehow prove she was better, prove that she was the bigger star. but when she did meet you– oh. OH. she absolutely resented how cool you were. everything about you was just too lovely to hate. and she despised that she couldn't find a way to justify her anger. you were just too nice for her to hate.
▸ she'd never tell you that though. she'd never mention how she stares at you or how sweet you are when interacting with fans. no, she'd never tell you how talented she thinks you are, or how she's starstruck with everything you do. never. roxanne feels guilty for being so overwhelming jealous before as her adoration for you develops.
▸ she's definitely a little more snarky to you. anything to hide what she's thinking whenever she's with you. but occasionally,,, just occasionally, she'll let her guard down. and she feels so cherished whenever she does. attention from you feels better than the millions of people she's met. how is that possible?
▸ it's night when she confesses. it's after hours in the pizzaplex and there she is at your greenroom door. she looks embarrassed and she says that she's got something stupid on her mind she needs to let out. a very in-the-moment decision, considering she only really came to talk to you casually. as you encourage her to speak up– she just spills EVERYTHING. everything she felt before meeting you, everything she felt during your first interaction, everything she feels now. she's crying. and roxy feels stupid– weak and vulnerable, crying at your door about how she's never gonna be able to forgive herself for being so angry with you– but even more angry for being so in love. because at the end of the day, her insecurities have her convinced you don't want her.
if you reassure her otherwise, she's even more of a wreck. maybe. be gentle with her for the next few days after the confession. she needs it.
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ao3feed-izuku-midoriya · 10 months
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