#Ian's trying to be all organized
spacerockwriting · 1 year
Galladrabbles: Chore
I've got two i just wrote and I'm torn between which one to post first, so I decided first on my Prison boys. So thanks to @galladrabbles and @lupeloto for this weeks prompt. My second post will be up later.
“I think we should lay down some ground rules,” Ian says, second day in prison.
“Ground rules? We’re in fuckin’ prison, our only rules should be don’t fuckin’ blab, an’ don’t get stabbed.”
“Like chores,” Ian says. “Take turns cleanin’ an’ shit.”
It was almost cute how Ian treated this like a fuckin’ summer camp. Like they were domestic bitches in a house or apartment. But cute didn’t work in prison.
“Clean what?” Mickey gestures around. “We’re in fucking prison. ‘Sides, I do enough cleaning on my fucking laundry shift.”
“ROTC says—“
Mickey scoffs. “Fuck them, we’re in prison.”
Now my chore is to get back to writing.
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stylesloveclub · 2 years
Pleasing (grumpy h blurb)
In which Harry's acting kinda grumpy, and y/n helps him... destress. :)
Harry’s hand slams onto his phone, muting the blaring chimes of his 6 AM alarm. His head hurts and his eyes are heavy, and the thought of having to get out of bed, get dressed, and go to a business meeting when it’s still dark outside makes his feel physically ill. 
He’s tired… beyond tired. Last night had been another one of his annual “In-Chef nights.” He’d been up on his feet, cooking meal after meal from 6 PM all the way until midnight, and had then spent an additional two hours with his staff cleaning up. He’d driven home in the cold rain, and didn’t even have enough energy to change into his pajamas when he got home. He just stripped down to his briefs, and collapsed into his bed.
 Running on barely four hours of sleep, he’s feeling cranky and miserable and irritable. The sound of his alarm has been nagging at him through three snooze cycles, and he knows if he stays in bed any longer, he’s going to be running late. 
He forces himself to blink his eyes open. He feels gross and sluggish, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles, and letting out a loud groan. The early morning meeting he has today isn’t even one that he’s excited for… he hates the constructors that are helping him open a new Pleasing location in New York. They’re bad communicators, and always make mistakes in the plans that they’ve made. Harry’s a very particular man, he’s picky about the way his food is cooked, a neat freak in his home, and has an organized schedule that he never strays from. So working with these incompetent people, who somehow always manage to royally fuck something up… god it really gets Harry frustrated. 
He yanks the blanket off of himself and swings his legs over the side of the bed. His feet meet the floor, and it’s ice cold. Great. 
This is just fucking great. 
“Jesus fucking christ.” 
Harry takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes to calm himself. It doesn’t work. His nostrils are flaring and his eyes have turned a dark, angry shade of green. “I fuckin’ said last week that I wanted gas stoves. So why is there an order for six electric stove tops?”
Ian, the contractor, fumbles in front of Mr. Styles, cheeks turning red. “Uh-um, t-the installation of the electric stoves was cheaper.”
“What did I explicitly ask for,” Harry seethes.
“Err– t-the gas–”
“So what in your right mind made you think that I’d be okay with this?”
“I– well, sir, we just wanted to go with the option that was more affordable–”
“Do you think I give a fuck which one is cheaper?” Harry yells. “For fuck’s sake, I’m running a multi-million business!” He slams the papers he’d been holding onto the desk in front of him and stands up angrily, his chair scratching loudly against the hardwood floors. “Get this fixed, today,” he says before storming out of the conference room and slamming the door behind him. 
He locks himself into his office, and sits in his chair, rubbing his red-veined eyes. He’s too tired to have to deal with all this shit today. How hard is it for people to follow instructions? His life would be so much easier if everyone else didn’t fuck up so much. 
He sits there for a few minutes with his head in his hands, fingers still rubbing at his eyes to try and soothe away the burning feeling he feels every time he opens them. His head is starting to hurt, a pounding migraine so intense that he can feel his heartbeat in his ears, and his stomach hurts. All he had to eat today was a black coffee before he went into that horrific meeting five hours ago. 
Yes, the one hour meeting they had planned had ended up taking five hours instead. He literally had to clear his schedule to fix all the fucking mistakes that they were making. They’d chosen the wrong tiles for the floor, ordered the wrong stove tops for the kitchen, and had designed all of the countertops to be one inch too low… it literally pained him to be working with such incompetent designers. 
And now he was behind on his work. 
He lets out a tired sigh and turns on his desktop, opening his emails. The bright screen makes his eyes sting, and he has to squint to read the tiny word on the screen. He scrambles around in his drawers and finds his reading glasses, but still, the words blur together and make his head hurt. He bares with the pain, and spends an hour or so responding to emails and filling out paperwork, until there’s a knock at his door. 
“What is it?” he calls out a bit snappily, not looking up from his paperwork. 
He hears the door jiggle, trying to open but struggling against the lock. “It’s me, Mr. Styles!” 
Immediately, he puts his pen down and unlocks the door for his sweet y/n to come in. She’s holding a plate of food for him, and looks up at him with her pretty smile, cheeks warm and dimpled with kindness. 
“Hey puppy,” he murmurs, surprised. She hadn’t come in for the majority of this week because she had finals. In fact, she just had her physics final just this morning. 
“Hi!” she says enthusiastically, entering his office. “Teddy told me that you’ve been here since 8, n’that you haven’t eaten anything all day.” She looks up at him with her adorable bambi eyes, “How come you’re allowed to scold me for not eating enough at work when you’re skipping meals too?” 
He smiles lightly, “you’re right puppy, that’s hypocritical of me.” 
“Very hypocritical,” she nods resolutely. “So, I brought you some food! I had Teddy make it, ‘cos I know he’s your favorite.”
His stomach growls at the sight of the fettuccini alfredo in front of him. He’s starving but he’d been way too caught up in his work to think about getting up to get himself any food. “Thank you,” he says, taking the plate from her and picking up her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles. 
“It smells yummy, so I want some too,” she says, sitting down on the chair behind his desk. “But we gotta eat it quick, ‘cos I’m supposed to get back out there in five minutes.” 
“Thought you weren’t meant to come in today?” he says, sitting down next to her. 
“I wasn’t scheduled,” she says, shoving a forkful of the pasta into her mouth, “but then Grace texted me asking if I could cover for her. She got the flu.” 
Harry hums, grabbing a tissue from his desk, and wipes off the little bit of white sauce clinging onto y/n’s lips, her mouth full of deliciously creamy and garlicky pasta. “How were your exams?”
She rolls her eyes. “Ugh. Don’t talk about it. So hard, but everyone else said it was super hard too, so hopefully there’s a fat curve.” She claps her hands excitedly, “But at least I’m done! No more school for the rest of the month!!!” 
Despite his initial grumpy mood, he can’t help the smile that graces his face. His girlfriend is literally the cutest thing in the world, especially when she gets all giddy and excited like this. She’d been really stressed out and MIA all week because of her exams, so it’s refreshing to see his lively and happy y/n again. 
“So proud of you puppy,” he says, cupping her cheek and giving her a kiss. 
She twirls a forkful of pasta for Harry and feeds it to him. “Are we gonna hang out tonight?” she asks. 
“Of course. Need t’cuddle tonight, you’ve been so busy I feel neglected.” Just sitting with y/n for a few minutes has already calmed Harry down, the stress in his body fizzling away. 
She giggles cutely. “Okay baby. We can spend alllll night together.” 
The ache in his stomach fades away after finishing the pasta that y/n brought for him, and after popping an advil, he feels his headache start to slowly go away as well. He’d gotten an email that the electric stove tops had been returned and that an order for the gas ones had been put in, so he’s feeling more relaxed about that as well.
He lounges around in his office until y/n is done with her shift, and they sneak out the back exit to head home together. He’s got a one hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on her thigh, and he’s feeling much better than he was this morning when he’d been all grumpy and stressed out. 
When they get to a stop light, his phone rings. He thinks nothing of it when he picks up, not even looking at the caller id. “Hello?” he answers casually.
“Er– Hi, Mr. Styles.” 
Harry rolls his eyes. It’s Ian on the phone. “What’s going on?” he says tersely.
“Um… so we figured out the stove issue, which is great…” 
The light turns green. “Okay…?” Harry says, slightly annoyed.
“So… well– the stove company said that the shipment is gonna take a few weeks, which is gonna put the construction schedule behind since we can’t install the countertops until we put the stoves in, which means…” Harry sighs in disappointment, already knowing what’s coming. “Well, it means that the restaurant might not be ready for the opening date that we’d set.” 
“Ian,” Harry’s knuckles are turning white around the steering wheel, and he’s using every cell in his body to keep his voice steady so that he doesn’t start yelling in front of y/n. “When I signed that contract with you, didn’t we agree it would be done in three months?”
“I– yes, it’s really unfortunate–” Ian stammers, but Harry cuts him off.
“I don’t want to hear fuckin’ excuses,” Harry bites. “We signed a contract.”
“Sir, I don’t know what to tell you,” Ian says casually.
“How about we start with the fact that this issue could’ve been completely avoided had you simply followed the plan that we had agreed upon?” Harry’s voice is steadily rising, an angry fire to his tone. “Or how much money you’ve already cost me from all the mistakes you’ve made? I signed a contract and I expect the deadline to be met. It’s far too late to push back the opening of the restaurant.” 
“It’s out of my control–” Ian tries to explain, but Harry won’t hear it.
“Jesus christ, do I need to do everything for you?” Harry bursts. “Call the company and tell them the delivery is for Harry Styles! Figure it out with the investors, pay them extra! We will not be pushing the date back, not when we’ve already invested so much into it.” Harry hangs up the phone angrily and throws it into his lap. “Fucking hell,” he breathes angrily. 
Y/n sits next to him quietly, her eyes wide. “Everything okay?” she asks timidly.
“S’fine,” he bristles tersely, pulling into his parking spot. He puts the car in park and gets out of the car, slamming the door behind him with such aggression that y/n winces for the car. 
Scrambling behind him like a little puppy, she follows him into his penthouse. There’s an angry furrow in his brow as they ride up the elevator, and his lips are pressed together in a frustrated line as he types out a message on his phone. He storms into the kitchen without even glancing at y/n, and pours himself a glass of ice cold water to maybe help himself calm down. 
Y/n stands shyly behind the kitchen counter, not saying anything but watching him quietly.
“Just a second, puppy,” he says, his tone impatient and clipped, pushing past her to head into his home office. He dials the number of one of his restaurant’s business partners on the phone, and spends nearly half an hour figuring out what they were going to do. 
“I want a new fuckin’ contractor,” Harry rants.
His partner. Niall, gives out a hearty laugh, “I know mate, but don’t worry. I’ll figure it out for ya. I know the guys over there, I’ll give ‘em a ring and see if they can get your appliances sent over any quicker.”
“Thank you,” he mutters gratefully. Finally, there was someone who knew how to get shit done. He hangs up the phone and runs his fingers through his hair frustratedly. His headache is back and his neck and shoulders hurt from being so tense.
Y/n knocks on his office door, and he sighs heavily. “Not now, puppy, v’got to send some emails.”
She steps in, despite the fact that he’s dismissed her, with sad eyes and a pout on her lips. “If this is how it’s gonna be all night then… I’m just gonna go home.” 
His eyes snap up. “What?” 
“You’re working and being all… grumpy,” she says quietly. “So I’m gonna get an uber.”
“Y/n, don’t be like that.” He looks at her with an exasperated look. “Something important came up, v’got to deal with it.” 
“I’m not trying to be like anything,” she shrugs. “You’re stressed out and you don’t wanna talk, so I feel like I’m just annoying you by being here.”
“Baby…” he sighs, rolling away from his desk and getting up to go stand in front of her. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest in a shy, almost protective manner, and she has her bag hanging off of her shoulder, fully prepared to leave. Standing in front of her, he can see the sadness in her eyes. “Don’t go, m’sorry.” 
“I know you’re upset…” she whispers, looking down at the floor, “but that doesn’t give you the right to be snappy with me. It hurts my feelings.” 
Oh, his precious girl, so sweet and sensitive. His heart breaks a little bit, knowing that he’d made her sad… he’d been so caught up in his own stress that he’d neglected her feelings. He knows that she was probably so excited to come over after having finished all her exams… and he knows that she’s sensitive. She gets teary eyed whenever someone uses a stern voice with her, cries for days if she ever gets yelled at. Of course it would hurt her when he pushes her aside and snaps at her to leave him alone.
He pulls her into his chest, “Sweetheart, you’re right, m’sorry. I shouldn’t be takin’ it out on you, you’ve done nothing but been sweet t’me all day.” She’d brought food for him when he was hungry, was cheerful and lovely on the car ride home, and had tried to talk to him when he was upset… only to get pushed away at the end of the night.
“I wanna stay, but not if you’re gonna be mean,” she says into his chest.
He presses a kiss to her hair, “no, m’done puppy. Not gonna be mean, promise. Please, stay?” 
She looks up at him and smiles softly. “Okay,” she puckers her lips and leans up for a quick kiss. “Thank you.” 
He smooths his hand over her hair, and rests his head atop her cheek, still hugging her close. She’s warm and smells sweet… holding her in his arms is all he wants to do for the rest of his life.
“How about I go take a shower while you send your emails, and then we can go to bed?” she suggests, pulling away.
He shakes his head. “Nuh-uh. No more emails tonight, I can send them in the morning.” It’s late at night anyways, it wouldn’t make a difference if he sent them now or tomorrow. 
“M’getting in that shower with you.”
In the shower, y/n washes away all of Harry’s stress and worries. She lathers up the loofah with the rose scented body wash that she keeps in his shower, and rubbed it all over his chest and back and biceps. She even went so far as to lift his arms above his head and scrub his armpits for him, making Harry cackle at how silly she was.
Then, she took his yummy smelling shampoo and had him bend down so that she could wash his hair for him. She threaded her fingers through his hair and scratched at his scalp deliciously, scrubbing his hair as though he were getting spoiled at the salon. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as the foamy shampoo dripped down his forehead, but she always made sure to rinse the bubbles away before they got into his eyes. 
They got out and dried themselves together, standing in front of Harry’s heater in their towels for a few minutes while y/n brushed her hair. He changed himself into only a pair of boxers, while y/n opted to skip on undergarments (it’s very important to let ur pussy breathe!!!), putting on only a pair of thin sleep shorts and one of Harry’s huge t-shirts. 
“M’gonna give you a massage,” she tells Harry once they’re both changed, shoving him onto the bed. He chuckles to himself at her weak attempt to manhandle him, but complies easily, settling onto his stomach so that she could straddle his back. She squirts some lotion onto her hands and warms it up between her palms, then rubs it smoothly onto Harry’s broad and muscular back.
“Mm, thank you baby,” he groans. “So good t’me.” 
It’s all innocent at first – y/n knows that Harry was stressed out and probably super tense, so she thought giving him a nice massage to work out the knots in his shoulders would be nice. But, of course, with Harry shirtless underneath her, it’s hard for her thoughts to stay completely pure. 
Harry’s so strong and muscled… it’s so hot. He feels firm underneath her hands, her palms smoothing over the ridges and curves of the muscles in his toned back. His shoulders are broad and his biceps look huge, even without being flexed or anything. The skin of his back is warm and smooth… so soft and tan. Her mouth waters as she rubs her hands up and down his back.
Her fingers find his shoulders and she kneads them deeply, which makes Harry let out a loud groan. His shoulders are particularly tense, and her little fingers are rubbing the tight knots in them so nicely. “Harder baby,” he grunts, and she obliges. Her thumbs dig deep into the meat of his shoulders and rub in slow, painful circles.
She uses all her strength to massage him. He’s so built, every inch of his back covered with hard muscles, that it takes a lot of energy to really get in there. She has to put her entire weight into her hands and press deep onto his back. Luckily, the lotion made it easy for her to glide over his skin and knead his sore muscles. The groans that he lets out tell her which spots to focus on. 
His eyes are shut, eyebrows furrowed with pleasure. It hurts so good. His cock has started to plump up a bit, twitching every time her delicate fingers knead a particularly painful knot in his back. She keeps rubbing him, digging her fingers into his muscles, and the pressure in his cock grows unbearable. 
He flips himself around, unable to deal with it any longer. Y/n gasps at his sudden movement, then finds herself short of breath when she settles herself back down on his lap and feels how hard he is underneath her. Straddling his hips in nothing but her little, thin pair of sleep shorts, she can feel him… feels the curve of his cock, restrained in his boxers, and feels the ridge of his tip nudging against her clit. She’s sure that he can probably feel her pussy too, feel every fold and the tiny bud of her clit.
He smirks up at her when her little pussy flutters around nothing, twitching so delicately against his clothed cock. Her center feels hot, keeping him warm while she sits prettily atop him. “Keep going baby…” he says, voice low and dangerous. “M’arms hurt so much, can you rub ‘em for me?” 
He pouts up at her, but it’s a mocking pout. He knows exactly what she’s thinking about, and it’s much more filthy than his innocent request for an arm massage. 
Nonetheless, she squirts some more lotion on her hands and brings them down to his strong biceps. He’d been to the gym yesterday for arms, so he wasn’t lying when he said they were sore. But also, that means they’re particularly pumped today, firm and delicious… y/n just wants to bite them. 
His hands rest on her hips while she rubs her palms up and down his arms, his thumbs tracing soft circles onto the skin of thigh where her shorts have ridden up. She looks like she’s intently focused on rubbing his arms, but really, she can’t stop thinking about the way his cock feels underneath her. He subtly grips her hips and presses her down harder onto the hard bulge in his pants, and lets out a strained breath through his nose. Y/n similarly feels her breath catch in her throat, her hands pausing momentarily as she flutters her eyes shut.
“Feels so good baby,” he murmurs when her hands migrate up to massage his chest, rubbing circles over his swallows and tracing over his butterfly delicately. It’s a not-so subtle innuendo to fuel the fire of the sexual tension burning between the two of them right now. 
The hands on her hips start to slide upwards, under her shirt to rest on her warm tummy. He can see the soft peaks of her nipples poking through the shirt she’s wearing. “Baby… show me y’pretty tits, please?” he begs. He slides his hands even higher until his fingers graze the undersides of her breasts. “Had such a long day, I deserve a treat don’ I?”
“Y-yeah,” she agrees softly, taking her shirt off and throwing it onto the floor. She’s left topless, her perky nipple peaking in the cold air of Harry’s bedroom, and her wet pussy pressed firmly to his hard cock.
She continues rubbing his chest with her tits out, and Harry takes it upon himself to do the same to her. He plays with her tits, holds them in his palms and rubs his thumbs over her hard nipples. Still, it’s not enough. 
“Come closer, baby,” he murmurs lowly, guiding her forward. She inches forward slowly, back arching while holding herself up with her arms, until her boobs are hanging in front of Harry’s face. 
He sticks his tongue out and leans up, attaching himself to her nipple and sucking it into his mouth gently. His tongue licks the soft bud gently, and he hums happily. “Mmm, baby, so nice to me,” he mutters, switching to her other nipple, “Lettin’ daddy play with your pretty tits ‘cos I had a long day.” Hand engulfs the breast that he’d just hand in his mouth, palming it gently while his tongue plays with the other. His teeth skim her soft skin gently, and he starts sucking. Each purse of his lip and pass of his tongue sends a shock straight down to y/n’s center, and she’s absolutely, totally drenched. Her heart is beating erratically in her chest, and she can’t help herself before grinding herself down. 
Since she’s lifted herself up to align her tits with Harry’s face, she’s no longer sitting on his bulge, but instead now sitting on the butterfly painted on his abdomen. She presses herself onto his abs, soothing the dull ache that comes each time he hums around her breast.
Her boobs are so plump and plushy, dangling in front of his mouth and covered in his spit. His hands grope her chest sensually, pushing her breasts into his face and letting himself indulge like a teenage boy. He lets them bounce on his face, skimming his lips against them then pulling himself back, teasing himself. He nudges his nose against them, and they jiggle prettily right in front of his face. God, he’s making himself so hard, playing with her tits like this, having them all up in his face. All he can see is her skin, the roundness of her breasts, the soft bud of her nipples. No matter which way he turns his head, he makes contact with her, her nipples skimming his cheeks or his lips dancing against her sideboob. 
“Jus-” she gasps when he takes her boob back between his lips and sucks, tongue curling around her nipple, “Jus’ wanna make you happy daddy.” 
“Doing so good baby, taking caring of me so well,” he murmurs, barely moving his lips from her skin before reattaching to her areola. “You know what would make daddy so happy?” 
“W-what?” she whimpers, pushing her clit down against his hard abs.
“If you got on my cock and got yourself off. Could you do that for me, puppy?” 
She nods eagerly and shuffles herself down, shoving Harry’s briefs down. His cock bounces up and slaps against his stomach, the tip completely slick with his own precum and arousal. She doesn’t even bother warming herself or Harry up – the massage and his little play session had gotten both of them 100% ready.
She doesn’t take her sleep shorts off, genuinely too excited to stuff herself full of his cock. Grabbing him by the shaft, she hovers right over his hips and slowly guides him into her dripping cunt. The slide in is easy, absolutely no resistance from how wet she is, and she’s able to bottom out on the first go. 
Her hands rest on his chest to support herself, and she starts to lift her hips, up and down, skin meeting skin with every drop down. Her nails dig into his flesh, and it hurts just as good as her massage had. She’s riding him like she never has before – usually she’s a bit of a princess, mostly grinding her clit down and rubbing herself on his cock slowly until her thighs start to burn and she whines for Harry to take over. 
Now though, with the way he’d teased her all nice, she’s bouncing on his cock properly, using all her strength to pull herself all the way up, then drop back down. She sets a messy pace for herself, but it doesn’t matter. He’s hitting all the right spots in her, and that’s all she care about. 
Harry lies on his back in bliss, her pussy absolute heaven around his cock. Her messy pace and high bounces have her tits jiggling, and Harry pushes himself up onto his elbows to get a better view. “Fuck, puppy, you’re an angel.” 
He brings a hand down to rub her at her clit, fingers rubbing tight circles as she grinds herself on him. “Gonna cum baby,” he groans, “Are you close?”
She whines out, and nods messily, eyes shut as she keeps herself going. 
Harry throws his head back, and shuts his eyes, rubbing her clit faster and faster until she’s cumming, clenching around his cock and squeezing him so tightly. His vision goes white his ears start to ring, and he’s in absolute heaven.
Y/n collapses onto his chest, and he spurts out long streaks of cum into her warm pussy, balls clenching with every release and his hips twitching upwards, trying to get as deep into her as he possibly can. She lays on top of him heavily, breathing hard with rosy cheeks and a glistening forehead from how hard she’d worked to get them both to their end. 
He pulls her up for a kiss. What had he even been stressed about, again? 
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Something Old, Something New
Spencer Reid used to know everything about Y/N Y/L/N. But what happens when ten years after they last saw each other, they just so happen to bump into one another.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
TW: Brief mentions of domestic violence, the slightest implications of DV, mentions of guns, Spencer hating JJ, colorful language.
Notes: This is my first ever fan fiction and so I’d absolutely love some feedback! I really want to expand this into either a full sized fic, or a series. Would anyone be interested in that ???? This takes place during S7E1 in which the team is on Trial because of their actions with Ian Doyle, Declan Doyle, and the others. One of my fav Reid episodes, and just a good one overall. Side note, it’s barely edited, apologies in advance. 
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GIF not mine.
“If you want to punish me for taking a risk, then I encourage you to do that, but do not put the rest of my team on trial for something I suggested.” The words flew out of his mouth. Some might think it was because he wasn’t thinking clearly. But he was. Senator Cramer was not amused. “Calm down Agent.”
“This is calm, and it’s doctor.”
“That’s all then, Doctor Reid.”  
“Thank you, Senator.” His chair scraped across the floor as he stood up. Spencer turned around and exited the jury room, door slamming behind him.
The team all stared as he stalked past them, and out towards the bathroom. JJ started to follow him before Derek put his hand up in front of her.
“Let him go JJ.”
She sighed before turning around and walking the opposite direction. Just then, one of the clerks opened the door to the room and requested that Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia enter next.
As Spencer walked towards the bathroom, his mind was racing a million miles an hour. His anger was surely justified and the Senator was not listening to him, at all. Especially since the only thing the committee really even wants to do is have an excuse to transplant every one of his teammates—
Spencer had collided with someone. Head on.
“O-oh, I’m..” He quickly bent down to help her pick up the various items now strewn across the floor, due to his negligence to his surroundings.
“I’m so sorry.” He managed to sputter out before actually managing to look up to the person he bumped into, holding out the remaining item on the floor–a small black binder, clearly heavier than it looked.
The woman he had run into smiled quickly, but kindly at him.
“It’s okay—thank you—don’t worry about it. Could’ve had a coffee or something in my hand and then we would have had a serious issue.” She placed the binder back into her bag, somehow already neatly organized despite being completely empty and on the floor a minute before. She laughed a little before smiling at him.
Reid smiled back at her.
“I-I really am sorry about all your….” He tapered off. “Y/N?”
Y/N really looked at him for a moment before her whole face shifted. “Spencer?”
Both stared at one another in the hallway until a voice called over to the two of them “Hey Pretty Boy, we’re getting called in.”
Y/N tilted her head, a small smirk making its way across her lips.
“...Pretty Boy?”
“Yeah—–Well. No. It’s his nickname for me, uh..”
She smiled at him. “Go Spencer. I’m here all day. Maybe you should look for me downstairs in the library when you’re done testifying in…” she peered around him and looked at where Derek was standing. “Federal Court? Oh Spencer, didn’t know you had become such a rule breaker.”
“A lot’s happened in the past ten years Y/N.” He smiled at her before turning around and walking towards Derek who pushed his lips together, trying not to make a bigger scene than before.
“Are we going to talk about whoever that is?”
“Nope.” Spencer pushed past Derek and into the courtroom.
Once the team, except for Prentiss, was released into the hallway, JJ tried to grab Spencer's hand.
“Not now Jennifer.” Spencer quickly maneuvered himself away from JJ, and headed towards the double doors at the end of the hall.
“Reid…” JJ tried again, but Spencer just pushed past the doors and walked down the stairs. He walked down two flights before exiting the stairwell. He found himself in front of the library, next to a small local cafe that clearly catered to exhausted lawyers and their incessant clients. Reid walked past the little cafe and entered the library. He realized that he didn’t know what type of Law Y/N practiced so he wouldn’t know where in the library she would be, but it wouldn’t matter since she was sitting at one of the tables next to the windows, trying to soak up as much sun while she withered away in the library. She sat with her back to the doors, maybe because the glare was too blinding on the laptop in front of her, or maybe because she couldn’t stop looking up at the entrance hoping a certain Doctor would enter.
Spencer approached her and stood in front of the empty chair.
“This taken?”
Y/N looked up, smiled, and nodded.
“By you Doctor Reid. Please, have a seat.”
Spencer laughed lightly and sat down.
“I feel like I’m in a client meeting.”
Y/N shook her head and closed her laptop.
“Not unless you have something you need a divorce lawyer for Reid.”
Reid looked at the books scattered in front of her, noting what books she had, and what cases she had opened them to.
“Tough case?” He nodded towards the books that she was busy tidying and shoving off to the side. Y/N sighed and stacked the books on the side of the table near the window.
“Not necessarily anything I can’t deal with, it’s just brutal to see someone be repeatedly assaulted by their husband, and–I’m sorry. That’s so…That’s so grim, I didn’t mean to bring the mood, um, down.” She laughed nervously and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
“Believe it or not, that is probably a regular topic on a weekly basis for me.” Spencer gave her a sheepish smile.
“Wh-” She smiled and shook her head. A ray of sun was slowly stretched across her face, illuminating her eyes, and captivating Spencer. “Well, Doctor Reid. Tell me what a man like you is doing with three PhDs and multiple Bachelor's degrees these days in which you deal with such graphic topics and have to be on trial in Federal Court?”
Reid smiled at his folded hands. “I’m a–uh–profiler for the FBI’s BAU—Behavioural Analysis Unit. We, uh, look at the way an unsub–unknown subject–behaves, as well as the victims behavior, and create profiles based off of that information to help law enforcement agencies, at every level, across the country.” Spencer finished his ramble by biting his bottom lip, and smiling at her. “As for the trail…my team led an operation that was…not at all by the book.”
Y/n nodded, choosing, for Spencer’s sake, to not prod further into the reason he was at the courthouse.“So can you analyze people just by…looking at them?”
Spencer nodded at her. “Yeah, I mean that’s not all that we do. We make preliminary personality profiles yes, but I’ve also made linguistic profiles and geographical profiles–But, uh, y-yeah I can do that…”
“So profile me then Doctor Reid.”
Reid’s brain short circuited at that moment. “I-uh, you. Um. You want me to….”
“Profile me. Yes.” Y/N bit her lip. “Unless, you’re lying to me Spencer.”
Spencer took a breath before locking eyes with her.
“You’re wearing a tailor made dress for you, which means you have enough money to be able to buy nice clothes, and buy someone’s labor to make them for you. Since the dress is well made and uses an expensive material, the case today is really important to you–from the books I’m assuming a messy divorce involving domestic abuse since that is what all of your books are about, and it involves weapons of some type, most likely guns, because one of those books is dedicated entirely to United States versus Hayes, which deals with convicted domestic abusers not being allowed to purchase guns or have a gun license. When I sat down you also had one of the books open to District of Columbia versus Heller, which deals with an individual’s right to possess a firearm unless they’re a convicted felon or mentally ill. You’re not wearing any makeup which means you’re confident about this case, and your client, regardless of her current physical state. It also means you’re confident in yourself, and don't feel the need to hide your face in any way. You’re wearing shoes that add about three inches to your height so that you’ll appear taller in court to make yourself seem like a bigger presence, as well as assert your previously mentioned confidence in this case and your stance in it. The binder you carry is smaller in size, but heavier than expected meaning you probably have a tablet, maybe an IPad, in there for any paper you don’t actually need a physical copy of, which tells me you’re environmentally conscious, or you’re trying to be. Because you also had a plastic water bottle in your purse which means that you knew you had a long day today, but probably also had a long day and or night yesterday since your prep towards yourself was minimal—shall I keep going?”
Y/N was looking at him with that look he simply could not figure out. “If you want Spencer. I’m quite enjoying it.”
He licked his lips before nodding at the coffee cup on the table. “You’re exhausted. I can tell since you’re no longer wearing your shoes, and your hair is now up. You probably work better with your hair up, which stems from the fact that you danced as a child. Hair up means getting to work. You’re also exhausted since you needed espresso. That cup says you’re drinking four shots of espresso in your latte. But it’s probably because you’ve put a lot of thought and time into this case. Which is good for your clients since they need someone who is compassionate and empathizes—” Spencer stopped short. His realization did not go unnoticed by her.
“Did you figure something out, Doctor Reid?”
“You…..Was it….?”
“No.” She sighed before reaching across the table and putting her hand on top of Reid’s clasped ones. His entire body was immediately filled with static.
“No Spencer. But maybe that’s enough profiling for the day, yeah?”
Spencer nodded before darting his eyes around the library.
“Would you, uh, maybe want to go get lunch, um, with me?”
Y/N smiled at him and nodded. “I would love nothing more, Doctor. Shall we?”
Spencer nodded and stood up, watching as she quickly, yet efficiently packed away her laptop, the binder and the rest of her things. She stood up, grabbed all three of the books, her bag, and her coffee.
“At least let me carry one of those books y/n–”
“Spencer, thank you, but I got this. Remember? Strong, confident woman here.” She teased him before walking over and dropping them off at the librarians desk. Reid followed behind her, still trying to fully decode the woman he once knew everything about.
“Want to take the stairs? I have this irrational fear that I’ll get stuck or die in an elevator, or both.” she mused looking at Spencer.
“As someone who has gotten stuck in an elevator, I have to agree. Did you know that according to the National Elevator Industry, there are approximately 27 recorded elevator-related deaths a year, with over 10,000 related injuries?”
Y/N paused before she opened the door to the stairwell. Spencer thought she was going to cancel the lunch. He had spewed before they even made it out of the building. But instead, she laughed a little bit.
“There’s a National Elevator Industry Company?” Out of all the things to come out of her mouth, that was not what he had expected.
“Well, yes. They’re technically the National Elevator Industry Incorporated, but yeah.”
She made a sound surprise before nodding and heading into the stairwell. “Well I’m glad we’re not volunteering to be victims 28 and 29 then.”
Spencer smiled again, and let out a laugh of agreement.  
“I did want to ask you about that sweater vest though. It’s quite....something Spencer...”
By the time the two had reached the main doors to the outside, both were giggling incessantly as Reid recalled the time he got stuck in an elevator with his coworker, Derek. Y/N paused their conversation to say a quick goodbye to the security guards working.
“You know all of their names?” Spencer was slightly astonished, knowing how quick the turnaround was for a job like that, barely even considering the sheer amount of security guards.
“It’s important to thank them since they have to stand there and deal with every single person who comes in or out of the Court. Might as well try to make their day a little better. Besides..” She opened the door for Reid to exit through. “When you’re nice, they’re a little more lenient about…oh I don’t know…plastic water bottles and other things that you’re not technically allowed to bring into a courthouse.”
Spencer smiled at her as they walked down the steps. “And you called me a rule breaker.”
“Well Pretty Boy, I can’t follow all the rules, what fun would that be?” Spencer became flustered as she smiled politely and waved to some of her colleagues as they finished walking down the steps.
“So Mr. Profiler, where are you taking me to lun–”
Spencer outwardly rolled his eyes, his face steeling up at the sound of the heels coming towards them. Y/n was now profiling him as he excused himself and turned around to face JJ.
“Wow–uh—Spence look, I–”
Spencer huffed in annoyance. “Is there something you want Jennifer?”
JJ gave Y/n an apologetic smile before turning towards Spencer. “Hotch and Strauss need us back at the office. We have to, uh, discuss next steps in case of reassignment.”
Y/n watched as Spencer managed to steel himself up tighter than before. “Yeah. Alright. I’ll meet you all there.”
“Well actually we—”
Spencer tried to cut her off again before Derek decided to interrupt, He had been watching the whole interaction. He moved over to the small group. “Reid, we have to leave now.”
Spencer huffed in annoyance and shot him a look but Serek didn’t notice. He had turned towards Y/n at that point, and turned on that classic Derek Morgan Charm. “Didn’t know Pretty Boy could even associate with such a beautiful woman. The name’s Derek.”
He held out his hand for Y/n to take. And she did, shaking it twice before retreating her hand.
Spencer turned to you, with the hint of a devious smile, and nodded in Derek’s direction. “That’s the Derek.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up with amusement, before turning back to Derek. A smile burst across her face. “Oh my god, Spence. This is him?”
Derek looked at Reid, and then back at Y/n, and then back at Reid. “Reid, what is she talking about…”
Spencer just shrugged before turning his back completely to JJ, who seemed more upset by the second at Spencer’s distantness than at Morgan’s blatant attempt to charm his way into Y/n’s heart.
“Yes! Doctor Reid here was just telling me about your adventures on the BAU.”
Derek smiled and nodded at Spencer. “All good things I hope.”
“Oh absolutely. It’s an honor to meet the person who got stuck in an elevator and freaked the fuck out with Spencer all those years ago.”
Derek’s jaw hit the floor, and JJ was pretty speechless herself. Spencer had the smirk of a lifetime written all over his face. Y/n took the opportunity to walk over, and give Spencer a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You still owe me lunch sometime, Doctor Reid.” She winked at him before pulling out her ringing phone, and answering.
Spencer, JJ, and Derek watched her walk away.
“Who the hell was that?” Derek eventually managed out before looking at Reid with a mixture of awe and proudness across his face.
“My former ‘girl next door’.” Spencer smiled, before walking off towards Hotch, Rossi, Garcia, and Emily, ready to head back to the BAU with a newfound determination. The first was to get this god forsaken meeting over with. And the second was to find out everything he could about Y/F/N, Y/L/N.
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sunnydayjackass · 2 months
So, I’ve been thinking about this for a while. (You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.) But how would Jack react to us not wanting to celebrate our birthdays? Again you don’t have to do this, it’s just out of curiosity if anything.
Initially, Jack is really confused why you don't celebrate your birthday. Absolutely baffled, he views your birthday as a monumentous occasion- you were born into this world, beautiful, beautiful you. You're his entire world, you're the most important person to him, you're what matters most. While you should be celebrated regularly, Jack would want to pull out all the stops he possibly could to make your birthday a special occasion. Sacred even.
But to you, it's just another day on the calendar. Just another fucking Tuesday. You don't take the day off, you don't make plans or treat yourself to anything in particular. Honestly - you'd forget it all together if you could if not for getting a handful of texts from Shaun and other friends. The former knows you- keeps it simple with a "Happy Bday from me and Moonpie". Ian is probably a little bit more despite knowing but you opt not to even validate his message with a read receipt.
Would like to think that the conversation comes up somewhat organically. Jack figures out your birthday one way or another, and simply asks what you want to do, what you would like, he's got ideas- sure but he wants this absolutely, perfectly, tailor made to you.
"Your birthday is next week, Sunshine!"
"Hm? Oh, yeah...I guess so."
Your unenthusiastic reply has Jack's brow furrowing, smile unwavering, but it's clear that wasn't the response he had been anticipated.
"Well, what would you like to do? We've gotta celebrate!"
"...Nah, never really been my thing. I'd rather not."
The ever bright smile falters, there's apparent confusion, concern, Jack's brain is working into overdrive trying to figure out if this is a joke, hell if it's even a test for him to do something for you on his own but...that isn't like you at all.
"But...birthdays are special. You're special, Sunshine...I wanna celebrate you." Jack worries that something is the matter, he won't outright pry and you can tell looking up from your book that he's far more concerned about this than you've ever been.
"To some people, sure. I've just never been into celebrating my birthday honestly. For a couple of reasons. But like... I'm fine, it's fine. I'd just rather not." You reply gently, and you can see clear as day it's a little difficult for Jack to wrap his head around what should be a simple concept. Ultimately what it boils down to is that you don't want to and that should be enough for him. All Jack wants is for you to be content and happy, if that means not celebrating, he'll earnestly try.
Maybe you don't tell him, eager as he is to know, he won't press but it's something that'll stick with him.
Maybe you do. Be it you've never had a good birthday, family issues, trauma, ect. Or maybe it's just that you don't see the significance of it the way others do. It's just a day, it isn't worth the fuss. Jack will listen intently and approach it from a place of empathy and sincerity.
However, Jack still can't help himself, but he knows you. You don't wake up to streamers all over the place or balloons, there's none of that obnoxious birthday song playing, you wake up like another day on your birthday. But there's the smell of coffee/tea/your favorite morning drink being made from the kitchen and something sweet. Jack makes you either a solitary little cupcake or a stack of pancakes with a candle stuck up top the middle with a sheepish little look on his face and pink marring his cheeks.
"I cant...not celebrate you, Sunshine." He replies. He's not so overt as he'd like to be but it's just something small and simple with a little handmade card on the table. Just something to show you how much he absolutely adores you. While he would love to shower you with attention and affection to make the day special, he does his best to try and reel it in though he still offers a massage in the evening, offering to make your favorite dinner or meal, ect. Things he still does regularly that he thinks he can do all the same just today especially.
All Jack does, he does for you, Sunshine.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch1 Prologue
'Never make a promise you can't keep' and 'wake the dead' are two figures of speech that should never EVER go together. Nor should it be a good idea to do a paranormal investigation in a cemetery while still angry at your ex.
(The Groom of Gallagher Mansion Semi Corpse Bride Au. 
DISCLAIMERS AND WARNINGS!! The game that these characters are from is for 18+ folks only. While this story will be absolutely sfw the game itself is not and contains things ONLY for an 18+ audience.  I do NOT in anyway own the game or characters. They belong to their rightful owners. I do not own the movie Corpse Bride either. I also don't own the coverart which is a pic from their merch line. I only own this story here. In the beginning it will have a character briefly from the game Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack which is also a game for ONLY 18+ folks and that I ALSO do NOT own!! It's only referenced here and not part of the story.
There WILL be mentioning of death, murder, blood, etc. those parts will have warnings at the top of the chapters. If ANY chapters come with warnings PLEASE READ AND HEED THEM!!! 
Just imagine your wedding dress similar to the one above/linked below only with a longer veil and train that trails behind you.
Warnings: Ian cheats on both reader and Mc from SWWSDJ.)
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Church bells chimed in the morning.
Flowers. Soft petals. Meant for their beauty to symbolize the beauty of the bride. 
Organ music. To match in chimes of the steps of the bride walking down the aisle.
An audience to shed tears of happiness for many happy moments to come from this union. 
Smiles shown at one another in the joys of the moment.
A breath to fill your lungs trying not to cry as you smiled up at the man in front of you. The one you were going to marry and have a life with after you both finally graduated. But this moment couldn't wait. This magical moment after a year. Some say it was fast but you supposed it was called love at first sight for a reason. 
Or at least it was supposed to be. A wedding was nothing if a groom never showed up for his bride leaving her humiliated by the alter and missing the wedding entirely. Only to show up after everyone decided to call it quits and leave for the night. Waiting for you with baited breath and a guilty look on his face. He wasn't even wearing a tuxedo. But better late than never. 
"Ian! There you are! Where have you been? Y'know what? Nevermind! The priest is still here. We can go inside and still elope even if everyone left already!"
Smiles turned to him exceedingly and in joy-
"I-...I-I can't."
Reality shattered. Gasps wracked around. Silence fell.
Your eyes blinked at his guilty face. "I-...What?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n." His hands released yours as he looked down. "But I can't go through with this! I-... I've been having an affair with you behind someone else's back. Someone whom knows and left me a year ago."
More gasps were had. A bouquet of flowers dropped from your hands to your feet. Time seemed to slow before completely freezing.
"I really did try to make this work! I thought if I forced myself to invest time with you I'd forget all about them but I couldn't and I still don't. I still love them!"
Your world shattered as humiliation, guilt, regret, anger all swirled about behind shock which was the strongest emotion. Keeping you from saying anything as Ian without looking up at you took off his ring and without saying anything pushed it back into your palms. 
"Here. Take this. You can sell it to get some money. I-It's the least you deserve after what I put you and them through. I'm-... I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am."
He then left the bride standing there. Nothing but white on her body. Tears on her cheeks. And crushed flowers at her feet. No one but her lonely self for comfort in the moonlight so late at night.
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bearsintreesofficial · 7 months
hi bears in trees guys i am in a band have a question: how do you guys organize songwriting credits for your lyrics since ian and callum both contribute to writing words? we’re trying to figure out legal stuff and it’s a whoooole confusing mess
any advice would be really appreciated thanks!!!!
hi! you mean iain and nick* - we write the lyrics. in terms of songwriting: as far as we're concerned that covers lyrical content as well as melody, composition of parts, playing of those parts, etc. so we split songwriting credits for absolutely EVERY song equally - the song would not be a bears in trees song without the way george plays drums, callum sings, and also allows credit for the way a song's structure can shift through feedback.
we are lucky that we operate in a band where we were all friends first and are comfortable in this scenario, but it's generally reflective on how reliant we are on eachother to do this. if you are friends with the people you are writing with and everyone in the band wants the same level of involvement, i'd encourage you to do it equally when you submit songwriting credits because i think that's the nicest way to do it.
there are some bands where not everyone is involved in the writing process or where it's accepted that certain people contribute more than others - this isn't something i have experience on so couldn't advise on that.
thanks for asking, it's an important/confusing world to tackle and i don't think artists get the chance to talk about it enough!
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 9 months
totally random and don't know if you've been asked this before, i've read your fics and drabbles, i absolutely love your voice in them, considering how you write Ian and Mickey so well, i'd give a penny for your thoughts about Mickey's lil bridezilla notebook. do you think it's full of collage pages? mostly text? magazine scraps? does he color code shit? ugh i love him sm 😩
oh my god i forgot the most important thing!!!!!!! did he ever let Ian have a complete sneak peek through it? cause i think he probably skimmed through it with Ian while the planning was on board, but Mickey probably stored it somewhere safe as a keepsake after the wedding....what if one day Ian just happens to find it and looks through it fondly and Mickey catches him on the act, oops, they have a talk about it, idk, Mickey having a lil notebook just does something to my fragile heart 🤧🤧
hello 😌 thank you for asking - i do actually have some thoughts on this, in the way that i think mickey's wedding notebook goes through several stages.
i think at its creation, it's more of a dump-book. mickey's at his stream-of-consciousness, hunting-and-gathering phase. there's no organization - no rhyme or reason - mickey is stressed and overwhelmed and he's just gluing shit right into that motherfucker, filling the pages as quickly as he can turn them. he doesn't really have a Vision yet - he just knows he's gotta prepare for it, especially since ian doesn't seem too interested in making decisions.
come to jesus moment. mickey slaps down a stack of pictures he's cut out and goes to start adding them, only to realize he has no blank pages left. he's filled the whole thing. that can't be right, can it? it's a big notebook, and the stuff he just cut out for it is real good shit so he's gotta make room. gotta start from page one. gotta thumb through it and pull a 'wtf' face because he doesn't even like some of this shit? why'd he put it in here? tulips??? who did that! okay, time to pump the fucking brakes.
paring down. re-evaluation. ian walks into the living room one night and mickey's cross-legged in the middle of a sea of ripped papers. like some sort of hamster. ian thinks perhaps divorce is on the table, only to come closer and realize mickey's cutting shit out and pasting it into a new notebook, the glue stick caught between his teeth like a cigar (Alternate Title: Ian's Come To Jesus Moment.)
notebook 2.0 is born. there's significantly less...everything. the Vision is starting to come together. debbie gives him these little color tab bitches that he can stick between the pages so he knows where to put things. Music. Food. Flowers. etc. mickey sits down with ian again and flips through it, getting his thoughts on different things. out comes the big red marker - circling - crossing out - starring. he can see ian trying to sneak closer looks across the table, but mickey's grown very attached. it's his hopes and dreams in here, motherfucker! ian can look at it later. after he finds the chiavaris.
That Bitch. this baby is in her final form. mickey knows what he wants and knows he's got the power to haggle, secure, or steal it all when he's got his notebook tucked under his arm. she's also good and solid when he smacks lip over the head with her after he makes a passing comment about being a groomzilla. she is everything.
when he does finally see his notebook again after many years, it's because ian is thumbing through it, this teary, fond look in his eyes as he sits in a sea of boxes. mickey doesn't know if he should be embarrassed or proud or what. a lot of their wedding day ended up shifting on its axis for a ton of fucked up reasons, so as gorgeous as she is, a lot of her didn't actually get to see the light of day.
but ian is innnn lovvvve (aaaaat laaaaast my looove has come alonnnggg). so much so that for their ten year anniversary, mickey walks into their little get-together and immediately recognizes a ton of the details. like they've jumped out of the pages of his notebook and into reality ten years later. ian is a sneaky fucker! and mickey has excellent taste.
and he's just really glad that he cut out that disgusting tulip arrangement in his first notebook purge.
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dark schenider with shinobu!reader headcanons
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Warnings: ooc, violence, KNY manga spoilers, Bastard!! anime season two spoilers, mentions of night-terrors and PTSD.
If you are not comfortable reading this type of story, please push the back button and read something more pleasant.
Hey guys, welcome to the fluffier version of the yandere headcanons, featuring the handsome, arrogant wizard Dark Schneider of the Netflix's anime series Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy and the character!reader who is Shinobi Kocho from the beloved world of Demon Slayer aka Kimetsu no Yaiba! The link to them will be here.
Special thanks to @anniespostssworld for helping me bounce back ideas and scenarios that would work best for these headcanons, so this dedicated to them and to all of the other fellow Bastard!! fans.
If you haven't seen either of these shows, I highly recommend them as to me, they are well worth watching and give me a good laugh after a particularly long day at work. Please bear in mind that Bastard!! might not be suited for everyone and does have some moments that may not be ideal for photosensitive viewers.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy this ride of heavy metal, magic, and blossoming romance :)
Yoko was starting to worry about you. These last two years hiding in A-Ian-Maide haven’t been easy. Between training and helping the samurai fight back against the Dark Rebel Army, the high priestess barely had time to herself but she did care about you. You and Lucien, that is. If she was lucky, she would see you in the compound’s dining hall or holed up in the medical wing treating patients with that small, patient smile of yours. 
Still….she couldn’t help thinking you were actively avoiding her too. 
Could it be…that you still carried the guilt of what happened in Meta-llicana in your heart? Is that also why you have been training too? Trying to hone your swordsmanship and expand medical knowledge to the point where Joshua has carried you in his arms, collapsed from utter exhaustion? 
How could you even think like that when the downfall of the kingdom wasn’t even your fault? Is that why you looked like you haven’t been sleeping well? 
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You were being suffocated again. The flowery cologne was the only thing you could smell, tinged with the coppery undertone of your own blood as strong, cold arms held you close to a man whom you despised with your entire being. Douma. Douma, the cult leader who had devoured his followers as a way of showing them true enlightenment even when he didn’t believe in the gods or the afterlife. Douma, the monster who murdered Kanae and drove you to the point of twisting your body’s organs with high concentrations of wisteria poison for an entire year. Douma…the person who had embraced you in your final moments, your ninichrin blade sticking through his chest as he absorbed you, declaring that you were his strongest opponent and his love for you under the same disgusting breath. 
Go to hell! 
That was the last thing you said to that rotten bastard before you lost consciousness. You would soon be found by the High Priest Geo Noto Soto in a sea of blood and blade fragments….and the rest, as they say, is history. And then the fall of Meta-llicana. Your current, precarious situation.
But why are you here again, trapped in Douma’s arms and listening to the same words, feeling the pain from your battle with him as if the gods took delight in seeing this macabre play rehearsed over and over? Is this truly someone’s idea of a joke? Or….is it a reminder that no matter how hard you tried….you cannot save everyone? That the hours you had dedicated to nurse warriors back to health, to reading medical texts until late hours of the night and getting stronger….it will never be enough?
You wiggled in the demon’s arms, snarling and writhing as you felt yourself being sucked into his body. No. Your mind was racing, heart pounding against your ribcage No, you are still alive. You’re alive, and so was Yoko, and Lucien! You tried to help them! You tried to help the knights evaluate the citizens of Meta-llicana before rushing to help the others fight against Abigail! 
“Who said you could be forgiven?” An icy hiss ticked your ear. “Who said you could live when others had died that day? If anything, you deserved to die, not them. You have and always will be the weakest Hashira of them all.”
Frustrated tears began to swell in the back of your eyes as a sob lodged in your throat but damn it all you refused to let it crawl up and be released into the air for this bastard to see your moment of weakness, even if this is all an illusion. 
You are the Insect Hashira, and you will always be ready to lay your life on the line for the people you cherished, past and present. Just as these words echoed in your mind, you felt someone else’s arms coil around your hips. With a hard yank, you were pulled away from Douma’s body and then…you were free. Weightless, boundless, floating in a bright white space that you no longer recognize as part of the Infinity Castle’s lotus pier. 
That was when you felt warm fingers lightly caress the top of your head, calloused pads brushing against your clammy skin. The hand did not belong to someone you knew; it was gentle, cautious, and  even a little scared. It’s as if the person was trying to comfort you, but was afraid of your reaction. 
You immediately thought of Kanae, and that was when the dam in your mind broke. The tears easily spill out of your closed eyes, followed by an anguished wail that causes more tears to slide down your face. Finally….finally you can let everything out, to be weak for just a moment. In this moment of vulnerability, the hand became two, then stretched to muscular arms that enclosed your body in a warm embrace. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here now, nothing bad will happen to you as long as I’m around.” 
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Dark Schneider is the greatest wizard in the entire universe with a limitless arsenal of magic at his command. He hadn’t expected, however, that he had nearly depleted his magical reserves in the fight against Abigail. What little remained after the Helloween spell was used to perform two spells at the same time: resurrection of the fallen ones, and teleportation. In his case, he had made sure Yoko and [First Name] had gotten as far away from the kingdom as possible before it was destroyed, and he regressed back into the recesses of Lucien’s mind. 
Two years. It took him this long to restore the magic he had lost into his body as he had no other choice but to let his weaker half take control. Last year, about six months after Meta-llicana’s destruction, he finally woke up…and saw the world through Lucien’s eyes. Sleeping for that long left him drowsy, so hearing Yoko’s voice after being surrounded by silence for so long should have been a blessing. And it was, though the dark wizard wasn’t exactly glad to be on the receiving end of her abrasive attitude, again. Granted she did take care of him as Lucien for as long as he could remember; fed him, made sure he ate and did his fair share of the chores, and so on. 
Is it really necessary to always hit him as soon as she thought he was being a disgusting pervert as the handsome, bad-ass Dark Schneider or sighed in exasperation, wishing that he would grow more of a backbone as Lucien? 
Quite frankly, he’s surprised himself for being so patient with her, and this is only the second season of the anime. He really thought she was his woman, the one who was worthy of bearing his children in the far, distant future once he had conquered the world. But now that he’s had all the time in the world to think…he doesn’t feel that way anymore. If anything, his feelings for Yoko had simmered to the affection towards an annoying older sibling who thinks they know you better than everyone or can boss you around just because they ‘raised you’.
And he never went past first base with Sean Ari or Kai Harn, so far as he’s concerned, he’s been a saintly hero in this show. 
Even thinking about the women at this base, all who were actually quite attractive in their own way, felt wrong when the image of [First Name]’s pinched smile flashed across his vision. And it’s been like that for a while now. 
[First Name] may not possess the powers of a cleric, a highborn status or trained rigorously under Kai in the art of the Hariken Slashing Implosion swordsmanship, she did treat others with respect and kindness as Yoko did, and a bit more. She even provided medical aid to people who had once been an enemy. 
But above being a good-hearted apothecary and an exceptional swordswoman, the Insect Hashira adored Lucien. She loved his weaker self, and respected Dark Schneider. She never tried to control either of them, instead giving them attention and praising them for doing a good job. She never raised her voice at him, and occasionally snuck some candy to him behind Yoko’s back. 
[First Name] Kocho loved Yoko Tia Noto too, in her own way…though she had almost attacked the high priestess in the middle of a night-terror just a few nights ago. Yoko naively went to check on the apothecary when she heard screams coming from [First Name]’s room and instead got pinned to the bed with a knife to her throat. 
Yoko forgave [First Name], but [First Name] could not forgive herself. She threw herself more into her work; spending hours in the medical wing’s laboratories to create a poison strong enough to destroy three different types of demi-humans, including a paralyzing agent that would require just a small dose to knock down an ogre, or sparring with the samurai until late at night. Skipping meals periodically became a habit, and now rumor has it that she hasn’t slept in her own room since the supply runners had come back grievously injured after an encounter with one of the Shogun Sorcerers. 
Scowling in Lucien’s form, Dark Schneider snuck out of his room and headed towards the medical ward. He had a silent agreement with his weaker self: under the condition that his intentions are only to ensure [First Name] did not keel over from overexhaustion when Yoko was too busy with being on the frontlines with the samurai, the wizard would take control but he still needed to use Lucien’s quirks so the cleric didn’t get suspicious of them. 
It did not take him that long to arrive there, stealthy evading the samurai stationed for night-time patrol in the hideout. Dark Schenider quickly found his woman thrashing on one of the empty beds, eyes closed and hands clawing at the sheets, tears running down her face. 
He gritted his teeth. Damn it. He cautiously approached the side of the bed just as [First Name] suddenly curled into a small ball, clutching the sides of her head. He might’ve raised Arshes and Kall-Su, but they never came to him when they had nightmares, nor did he ever really care unless Arshes wouldn’t leave his room until he allowed her to sleep in his bed for the night. That was then, this is now. 
Would just holding her even make a difference, when he had no idea why she was having night-terrors and she never breathed a word about it? How’s she supposed to take care of anyone when she can’t even take care of herself? Idiot. He thought. Still, he had to try something. He brought a pillow and blanket with him, so Yoko wouldn’t think twice if she sees him, Lucien, curled up with [First Name] because it’s happened before in the past. 
Sucking in a deep breath, Dark Schneider removed his shoes and climbed fully into the mattress, laying the pillow down first before covering himself and [First Name] with the blanket. 
The reincarnated wizard then began to stroke the top of her head with his hand, softly whispering words into her ear before a choked sob left her mouth, followed by more tears that he wiped away with his thumb. When he saw her breath begin to slow and deepen, he daringly lowered his down to her side, alternately between patting and rubbing the Hashira’s trembling frame until she relaxed under his touch. 
Her frown soon morphed into a tiny, content smile as she sighed softly. Dark Schneider was about to leave and let his woman get the sleep she needed until she leaned forward, placing her head on his small chest, an arm loosely wrapped around his waist. 
No, his face was not burning and no, his heart wasn’t pounding against his ribs. The great Dark Schneider isn’t some innocent maiden in love! He’s just here for [First Name] because it’s been decided that she will become his future queen in a world he’ll one day conquer…and the only woman who is worthy enough to bear his children. 
Against his better judgment Dark Schneider leaned forward, pressing his lips against the crown of [First Name]’s head before hugging her close to his smaller body. That was the last thing he remembered when sleep claimed his drowsy mind. 
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[Part Two, anyone? 😉]
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blue-disco-lights · 1 month
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thank you always to dear @mybrainismelted @suzy-queued @energievie @lingy910y @sgtmickeyslaughter
@catgrassplantdad @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @gallawitchxx @deedala for tagging me 💕
Name:  Julia
Location:  California
Age: is happening 💫
You have an unexpected extra day off work or school!  What are you going to do? Oh easy. I’m reading about 10-12 tabs of fanfics in bed, coffee with my favorite vanilla creamer in a metallic tumbler so that it keeps hot for hours.
What is your favorite way to spend a summer day?  let's go sit by the ocean and soak up some ☀️ . Or walk around the park with boba?
What is your favorite way to spend a winter day? See the unexpected day off question! Though knowing me, I'll get antsy and need to move around eventually, so I'll find some kind of organization project.
What do you do to unwind at the end of the day? Cook dinner, catch up with my fam about their days, try to find something fun to watch on TV while simultaneously hanging out here or on Discord :)
Do you play any sports?  I don’t - have always had too much anxiety about disappointing my team! 
Other than fanfic, what is your favorite genre to read?  Always has been and always will be romance. I like to audiobook pop-culture and history books too.
What is your comfort movie/tv show? It used to be The Office & Schitts Creek, but I’m kind of looking for a new comfort show (any recs?)… there’s always (thankfully) Shameless I suppose!
Do you write or draw? I write fanfic (which still surprises me to say out loud), and I’ve been trying to learn to draw. I bought some workbooks and everything :) Lately, my Insta algorithm’s been feeding me calligraphy videos and I’m really obsessed with them.
What other arts or crafts do you do? I like to knit, crochet and needlepoint. 
Describe your perfect breakfast: This is something my grandmother used to make for me, and it’s still to this day my #1 favorite comfort food: buckwheat, heated up with milk and sugar.
Tagging all of you lovely people if you'd like to play! @palepinkgoat @jrooc @gembu-tortuesouscafeine @atthedugouts @michellemisfit
@thisdivorce @wehangout @thepupperino @creepkinginc @transmurderbug
@ian-galagher @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @celestialmickey @stocious
@runawaybrainsc @spoonfulstar @ohkate @vintagelacerosette @callivich
@francesrose3 @sweetbee78 @samantitheos
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sunflowers-and-scales · 4 months
hey!! i draw stuff (and write too. sometimes) :))
u can call me sunny if you like (and i’ll take requests//suggestions but only sfw pls :0)
also pls talk to me abt:
persona 3 and 4
ace attorney (!!!!)
animal crossing
tomodachi life (do ppl still play this)
the owl house
the dragon prince
disastrous life of saiki k
deltarune (a little)
other stuff probably too idk what all of my interests have been ever
i put oc art under the tag #sunflowers and scales
if you want to draw them (pls i will love you forever) you can do the same :D
v oc info under here v
main oc intro stuff!! (feel free to skip this, but i draw them a lot so in case ur interested)
from left to right:
little sheltered rich kid boy & ambulatory wheelchair user. he lives in a big beige mini mansion on a coastal cliff and is perpetually bored until ian breaks into his home and drags him on an adventure. he’s also kind of part fish (though my ocs have an elemental system so i guess it’s “water element” technically lol)
he enjoys: rain, cats, his friends, the color blue, video games, alone time
he does not enjoy: the color beige, yelling, crowded public spaces, heat, sunburns
lives in an elemental village taken over by some guy named Duke who also married his mom. he doesn’t know it but he is NOT dukes kid lmao. he’s part plant element, part air element (harpy basically) (hence the shiny silly wings) and he gets kicked out for being the product of an affair whereupon he breaks into ryu’s home and is like “hey help me find my mom again pls”. he is the pathetic wet dog to ryu’s pathetic wet cat.
he enjoys: sunny days, light showers, his friends, sewing
he does not enjoy: fire, small enclosed spaces, extremely coarse dirt
is ian’s older half brother and is the more emo of the two. he’s part plant-element and part fire-element and can manipulate fire though cannot prevent burns like a typical fire element. he gets wrecked by duke on numerous occasions for trying to have an opinion and/or existing (todoroki/zuko dupe). dw they get him eventually. he’s also shorter than ian and mad about it.
he enjoys: green tea, the beach, studying biology, ample relaxation time
he does not enjoy: loud voices, being alone, not being able to swim, fire hazards
part of a second elemental village, this one ruled by her father (and ian’s father (gasP)) who’s an air element (so is she). in line to rule until ian shows up and her dad’s cringe so he gets the throne by default. he does not want it. also their dad gets burned to death three minutes later but that’s kinda irrelevant. she’s extremely well organized and tolerant but also has talons and knows how to use them.
she enjoys: archery, recreational diving, nighttime, quiet
she does not enjoy: cats, molting season, people who talk and/or chew too loud
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Gallavich Week 2023
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Here we go once more with the 11th (!!!) edition of Gallavich Week!
Last year I decided to change things up a bit and give you two choices for each day, instead of just one as was usual before. Well, this year I'm taking things even further because you'll actually end up with several choices per day.
Dates and themes below, details about each theme (please read those and also follow the links when provided) and more information about Gallavich Week in general after the read more. Quick reminder that all kinds of work are welcome, as long as they are original. Please read the guidelines before posting.
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
20/06 - Disney
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
23/06 - Shakespeare
24/06 - Free Day
Details about themes:
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
This was a playlist created with suggestions from some followers of songs that reminded them of Gallavich. I won't be adding any more songs to it, but there should be more than enough to inspire you!
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
Just follow the link to know what they are. As usual, prompts are meant to inspire and can be taken any way you want, not just as Ian and Mickey visiting the places.
20/06 - Disney
Anything Disney-themed. Disney movies, Disney shows, Disneyland... Mickey Mouse? :P And yes, Marvel and Star Wars can be considered Disney as well.
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
Follow the Instagram to find dozens of interviews with random couples about how they met! Watch them and get inspired. :)
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
I took one "unusual" tag from each of the 10 Gallavich fics with more kudos on AO3, so here they are, to be used as inspiration:
Unresolved Sexual Tension (from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)
Organized Crime (from The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher)
Soulmate AU (from you are inked on my skin long before we begin)
Ian and Mickey talk dicks (from Nobody's Fuckin' Business)
Accidental Baby Acquisition (from Melánia)
Internalized Homophobia (from Noisy Neighbours)
Domestic!Gallavich (from a thousand and one ways to show you care)
Long-Distance Relationship (from Lost in Translation)
Ian Bottoms WHOOPS (from eighty-four)
Social Media (from Cooperative Gameplay)
23/06 - Shakespeare
Self-explanatory, I suppose? But again, to be interpreted as you want.
24/06 - Free Day
How do I participate?
You don’t have to subscribe to anything or announce what you’re doing, you just have to post your work on the appropriate day and tag me on the body of the post using @gallavichthings. It’s important that you tag me properly so that I can be sure to see your post and reblog it.
What types of works are accepted?
Any kind of original fan work is accepted, including but not limited to: fanart, fanfiction (no minimum words required), graphics, gifs and gifsets, videos, and fanmixes. Yes, meta and polls are also accepted (though I do request that you either try to keep them within the theme for each day or post them on the Free Day).
When can I start posting?
I’ll always make one initial post for each day, at 12am GMT (check here to see when that is in your time zone). After that, post away!
Can I still participate even if I don’t have a Tumblr account?
Absolutely! Just submit something here (http://gallavichthings.tumblr.com/submit).
Can I post on Twitter or Instagram?
You can post anywhere you want! On Twitter and IG, we encourage you to use the hashtag #GW2023and I’ll RT you. You can also mention @gallavichthings if you want. I do not have an IG account though, sorry, but you can post there and send me a link for visibility. That being said, we do encourage you to post here as well, so it can be seen by more people.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes, right here. Participation is not mandatory though, and you can rest assured this Collection will not be deleted.
Can I post something that I’ve already posted before?
No, sorry. The works should have been created specifically for GW. You can, however, create a sequel or a different version of a previous work.
Can I post something that is not in English?
Of course. Just make sure that it is original, or that you have the original author’s permission (and, in that case, link to the original too).
Can I make R-rated works?
Yes, just please give any necessary warnings and tell us the rating at the very beginning of the post. If the post is visual (like a fanart or a gifset), it would be nice for you to also tag it accordingly - Tumblr now allowes you to select if a post is deemed for mature audiences or not. It’s not mandatory, but if possible put it under a Read More here on Tumblr and under a spoilers mark (so it’s not instantly visible) on Twitter.
Can I post something that’s AU?
Sure thing! Tag it accordingly though, both for those who want to avoid it and for those who’d like to find it.
Can I post supernatural works, mpreg, or genderbends?
Yes! But if it’s a fic, please include it in the warnings.
Can I post more than one work?
Definitely! The more, the merrier. You can post as many works as you want, on as many days as you want, be it one post per day or ten on the same day. Anything goes!
Can I post on more than one day? Do I have to make something for each day?
Again, the more, the merrier! You can post on only one or all days if you wish!
Can I make one work that fits two or more themes?
Sure thing. I only ask that you post it on the day of the last theme included. For example, if you are posting a work that includes the theme from Day 1 and the theme from Day 4, post it on day 4 (just make sure to tell me that it includes both).
Can I write a multi-chaptered fanfiction?
Yes, and you don’t have to post everything either. When you do, just be sure to include either a masterpost, or the links to the previous chapters in the beginning.
Can I include other characters/pairings in my work?
Yes, as long as Gallavich is still the focus.
What if I can’t finish on time?
The Gallavich fandom is ALWAYS happy to see new fan material, so just post it when you’re done and tag me, ok? The same goes for people who can’t finish a work on the assigned theme day; you can still post it on a different day during GW, just make it clear which day it was made for.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
68 + 96?
68 Husbands In Love + 96 “Take That” Kiss/“Shut Up” Kiss
Hello!! Thank you for sending, I know the prompt was husbands in love, but I've been writing husbands non stop and was feeling nostalgic for boys in love (and denial) and thought i'd have a little fix it fun
as always my fics exist in my own cinematic universe where the cta is not a centrally organized transit system and is actually the most convenient form of public transit to use
“Did you just kiss me to shut me up?” Ian asked suddenly.
“Jesus Gallagher, keep asking pussy fucking questions like that and you’re going to get us kicked out for being underage,” Mickey huffed lightly, picking at his beer bottle.
Ian flushed with anger and indignation. Mickey was the one being a fucking pussy, he kissed Ian before robbing Ned’s house, he ran back to the van and kissed Ian like he fucking meant it and for a few minutes while they robbed Ned’s sleeping wife blind, Ian’s mind spun out of control with the possibilities that kiss opened up. 
He’d ridden that high the whole drive back to the Milkovich house, running home like he promised to help dig up the body in his backyard. He even avoided a near disaster with the CPS workers waiting innocuously on the sidewalk, turning the misnamed Gallagher charm up to ten and convincing them to come back later in the week. 
“It’s just that the county is doing rolling water shutoffs this week-and I know it will be a demerit if we don’t have water. But it’s unfair to put us at risk for something entirely under the county’s jurisdiction.” Ian reasoned easily, trying to make sure they don’t walk onto the property as soon as someone unearthed Aunt Gingers rotted corpse. 
They agreed to come back after Friday, because Ian could be incredibly persuasive when he needed to be. And thank god for it because the scene he walked into was a fucking horror show, and that was before Fiona walked in with a femur in her hand. 
They’d all hustled to make the house presentable and keep it that way, and his whole family left to find Frank, so he would actually show his ugly fuckin’ face when they called to talk with the social worker, so Ian was the only one home when he heard a knock at the door.
The last person he expected to see was Mickey Milkovich waiting wide-eyed on his porch. He was wearing jeans and a clean teeshirt with he sleeves in tact. They stared at each other for a moment before Ian finally opened his mouth to ask if Mickey wanted to come in. 
Mickey just scowled and nodded his head towards the street to say come on, Gallagher. Like it was obvious and Ian was the one being difficult, but Ian was just shocked to see Mickey on his porch. Not trying to blend in with the shadows on the street, but standing under the flickering porch light, so he just followed the shorter boy. 
Mickey led him up the stairs to the L, then over the turnstiles and onto the train, they leaned on the pair of train doors and got two stops before Ian worked up the nerve to ask where they were going. 
His question was met with a non-committal shrug, “already pawned a couple of the overpriced trinkets we stole from naughty grandpa, figured I could buy you a beer for bringing us into the deal.”
From the way Mickey was looking up at him through focused eyes, rocking from the wobbling train car, his answer was a long winded way to say I’m taking you out to a bar, please be cool about it for once in your fucking life, Gallagher.
Ian grinned, ducking his head and trying to play it as cool as he possibly could. They got to the bar okay, it was divey little place on the Westside that Ian couldn’t believe Mickey would ever set foot in. Sure, it wasn’t very nice, but Ian wasn’t emitrely sure Mickey knew there was a whole city beyond Chicago’s southside.  
The bartender tried to give Ian a funny look but Mickey just stood in front of him with a nasty glare until she handed over a couple of Old Styles.
The question came when they sat down at a table tucked cozily in one of the corners, Mickey grunted and mumbled at Ian when he tried to coax him into a normal fucking conversation, like they usually did when they hung out at the convenience store. His eyes were bouncing around, scanning the room anxiously, or boring into Ian in a way that made him want to squirm in his seat. 
He seemed cagey, uncomfortable in the bar and in Ian’s presence, so the question was: “Did you just kiss me to shut me up?” 
Mickey’s eyes snapped back to his face, searching and evaluating. “If I wanted to shut you up, kissing wouldn’t be my first option.”
Ian rolled his eyes, “whatever, I just don’t really get what we’re doing here. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you kissed me because you’re jealous and you brought me out here on a date.”
He watched Mickey’s face twitch as the word date fell out of his mouth, so he sighed and continued after a sip of his beer “but I do know better, you kissed me to shut me up and I don’t know why the fuck we’re here. You don’t need to worry about me fucking off completely just ‘cause I like going out with Ned, you’ve got a great ass and we have fun. If that’s all you’ve got for me, I can live with that, but don’t jerk me around like you’ve been doing today.” 
Ian finished his beer and moved to get up. He was playing it a lot cooler than he felt and knew he would probably crumple when he got home, but in that moment he didn’t really care. 
“Gallagher, wait- just sit down” Ian looked at where Mickey was staring up at him with a hand outstretched on the table, finally he added a quiet “please.”
And because Mickey was wearing his hair in that slicked back, pretty boy way Ian liked, looking up at him with pretty blue eyes and worrying his pretty bottom lip, Ian sat back down hesitantly. He tried to stare him down from across the table, but doubted he could pull off threatening to someone like Mickey. To his surprise, Mickey’s bitchy, nonchalant expression crumbled into something sad.
“I don't want to shut you up or anything, you’ve got it all wrong. I did want to… go out with you tonight, like that” Mickey admitted. “But I’ve never really - I don’t date. I don’t have a lot of friends, or hobbies. I’m not very smart, or funny and I think that as sad as it is, my life is going downhill from here, so I’m not really sure what we’re doing here either.”
“I’m a fucking asshole” Mickey looked up at him finally, daring him to disagree “and this, this thing we’re doing is stupid, and dangerous but I kissed you because I wanted to.”
Ian sat in shock, his mind spinning. Of all the things Mickey could have said, that was nowhere near what he was expecting. 
“I think you’re really funny” was the first thing he could think to blurt out “and probably pretty smart, if you actually tried to use your head for anything.”
Mickey stared at him with a blank expression and the air turned awkward around them, Ian exhaled a quiet sigh “Can you just be normal with me? I like you, a lot. I would want to be your friend even if we weren’t hooking up, so let’s just hang out. Can we do that?”
That earned Ian a grin, finally. Mickey was easy to talk to when he wasn’t so deep in his own head spinning himself into agitated circles. He was surprisingly non-judgmental of Ian’s blunt, stupid humor and unusual moralistic view of the world, as much as he had a worldview at sixteen years old. 
Ian got buzzed off three beers and they left when the bar closed down. The streets were pretty empty since it was a weeknight, and Ian boldly grabbed his wrist in a hard grip and pulled him into a darkened ally. 
Mickey pushed a little but mostly allowed himself to get backed against the warm bricks of a nearby building by two of Ian’s strong hands snaking down his sides to settle on his hips. It felt like he’d wanted to do this a hundred times before, so Ian took just a second to grin, joyful and a bit gloating, before leaning in.
Hope you had fun!! :)
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atthedugouts · 2 months
I wrote my own version of Tami finding out about Ian and Mickey. Poor Tami was just thrown into this crazy family and no one explained anything to her. Through a giant misunderstanding Tami thinks Mickey is looking for Ian to kill him. This fic is an AU where Mickey didn't go to Mexico or go to prison with Ian because I like the idea of a determined Mickey spending all day trying to be reunited with Ian.
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ianthoni · 3 months
After writing just drabless for ages I finally write a full one shot. I'd really appreciate the comments 🩵 (cw: involves jealous Anthony, dick pics, sexting, mind the tags before reading!)
Ian is tired. He learns Anthony is on another country. Just now, from his Instagram stories! And you know what? He is done with this shit. Why did Anthony never offer him to go together? Why he doesn't even say when he's going on a vacation to Ian? So long story short, he is tired, but he has a plan.
A few hours after he posted his first Instagram story from Prague, Anthony gets a message from Ian, a picture to be more precise. He opens it excitedly, he is curious about what Ian sends to him. Ian doesn't send messages to him often which is something Anthony is trying to work on. He openly said to his face that he wants Ian to send him messages, he wants Ian to want Anthony to see his posts. But Ian was so dismissive, he didn't send Anthony any messages since that day.
His phone fell from his hands when he saw the picture. It is an ass, it is a well-rounded, very smooth-looking, shiny, pink ass. It is Ian's ass. The picture shows a very tasty nude of a peachy ass that also involves his (IAN'S!) back arch and Anthony's blood suddenly goes south, his fingers started to tingle with a need to hold that back arch, put him down and burry himself to that perky pink ass. Just when he was typing a horny sext back he gets another message.
"Oops sorry! Wrong person 🤭, can you delete the picture please?🫣"
Anthony's brain stops with this message because- Who? Why? When? Why Ian is sending nudes to someone else? Why Ian is sending nudes to ANYONE at all? And to WHO? He typed a quick "Oh dw we're good✌🏻" reply to Ian. But there's one little issue here, he should delete that tasty, delicious, bite-able, peachy-looking - he needs to delete Ian's ass picture. But he can't delete it, he just can't. His finger stayed on the delete button for too long and then he discarded it. He can't do it. He finds an excuse for this behavior, "Maybe Ian would want it back later, I can keep it as a backup for him." And if he did think about a round, smooth, pink ass when he is jerking off that night, no one needs to know. Not even Ian.
The next day, right after he posted his freshly needled tattoos, with a new thirst trap Instagram post that's definitely not for someone to see, he gets a new message from Ian. His phone rang to Ian's special ringtone, Anthony's eyes shined, Ian was probably gonna say something nice about his tattoos. Anthony is very into them and maybe he put a few of them in there just for Ian to understand. Special to his best friend.
It was not a heartfelt message, no, it was another nude. This time it is Ian's tits, from his belly to up, the hairs going from his happy trail to his tits, his big, fat, juicy tits. Ian looks shiny with sweat, there's a little shadow right under the photo, suggesting it's Ian's dick, but not the real thing itself. When he looks at it more he realizes it is not just sweat that's making Ian's torso and chest shine, no, it is Ian's come, all over his belly and tits. White dripping to his chest hair and his perky tits.
His cock stir in his pants immediately, his eyes darkened with the sudden need. A need to make Ian come with his own hands, using his new freshly tattooed fingers, to play with Ian's perky nipples as his body shivers under Anthony's large muscled body. To make him bend over and take Anthony's big co- He puts his head on the cold wall as he tries to calm himself. He had oceans between them and Ian was definitely not helping him. Just when he was getting ready for a cold shower another message came, as he expected, it's from Ian,
"Oops sorry again, it was for a friend🤭"
Anthony grunts, he couldn't help himself this time and scold Ian, he is angry, he doesn't know why, but he is. "Since when you send friends nudes? I never got any?"
Ian🩵 is writing...
Ian🩵 is writing...
Ian🩵 is writing...
Ian🩵 is writing...
"It is for a special friend, he likes it☺️."
Anthony is in shock. Not a shock because Ian sexts with a man, no, don't get him wrong, he already knows Ian likes men. He is well aware of Ian's looks at his body when he's shirtless. He knows. What he's shocked about is Ian possibly dating someone and doesn't tell him. Anthony! His best friend! Why does Ian send this man nudes? It is not like Ian at all. It is weird. He shouldn't be doing that. And since when they're talking anyway? Why is he sexting with a stranger? What if the man leaks his nudes? What if people see Ian's perky peachy bubbl- normal ass? What if people see Ian's ass AND that cum photo. This is not good. Not good at all. Not everyone is a good friend like Anthony, some wouldn't hide the pics to themselves, they'd share! They might leak Ian's nudes!
"Do you trust them enough to send nudes? Be careful Ian." Anthony bite his nails with stress. He doesn't know why he's reacting this way.
"You know what? Don't send ANYONE nudes, at all, we'll talk when I came back."
Ian🩵 is writing...
Ian🩵 is writing...
"I don't wanna wait for you anymore. I'm gonna send more. You're not my boyfriend." Anthony groans and puts his phone down, he's not happy. Not happy at all.
But the nudes didn't stop coming. He gets more nudes that week, 3, 4, 5... At 5 Ian didn't even send any "Oops" message after it at all and it made him start thinking. How many times a person can send someone nudes accidentally. When he gets the 8th nude in 5 days he decided he's gonna sent one back himself. Fuck it. He doesn't care anymore. He's done with being played in this game. If Ian wants him to join his game he would do it. He finds a good angle, a good light that shows his dick big, bigger than it already is. Anthony wants to play this game like how Ian played with him. In order to do that he needs to get the perfect dick picture.
He rubbed himself to hardness (Didn't take him long after Ian's fifth ass pic of the week. A pic that shows his ass under a skirt? Which Anthony needs to deep dive into this later.) He finds the best angle and takes the pic, his cock looks majestically big, a bead of cum showing over the head. He knows Ian is obsessed with the shape of his cock already, he knows Ian would eat this with a spoon, and he'd drool for it. He smirked devilishly and sent it to Ian. It was seen right away but Ian goes offline immediately. Anthony laughed and wrote a message "Oops sorry! Wrong person 🤭, can you delete the picture please?🫣" He left on seen again. Didn't get any answer from Ian. Maybe he did misunderstood everything. Maybe it was really an accident. Maybe Ian didn't mean to send the nudes to him.
Three days later Anthony gets another picture. This time it involves a back view, showing Ian's round ass and a view of his cock, in a bending down position. Anthony closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he couldn't do this now, not in public, he left it on seen as he went to the check-in line.
He was getting out of his car when a video dropped. From Ian, of course it's from Ian. He looks around to make sure no one sees it. He turns back to his car, puts on his headphones and opens the video.
The video is showing Ian in a bed, clearly taken by a phone on a tripod, Anthony knows what's coming. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, he can't do this, he can't handle this... He starts the video, it is Ian, it is Ian for sure, but Ian is in his bed, Anthony's bed, and the phone is probably on his side table recording Ian, he is between sateen sheets, Anthony's sateen sheets. Ian is whimpering, one hand is hidden behind his ass, moving, Anthony knows what he's doing, his other hand is teasing his cock, not grabbing but touching it so slowly like a ghost, so slow it's giving Anthony goosebumps.
He watched Ian's soft delicate hands moving over his pink, pained cock, he mocked Ian about having dainty, princess hands before, but he always wanted those hands on his cock, he always dreamed about them covering his hardness, Ian holding him with his soft hands, but can't cover him enough because he's so big. Anthony's hand goes to his own cock, he pressed the back of his hand. Trying to calm his throbbing cock. Then he hears it, Ian's moans, Ian's whimpers calling his name like a prayer "Anthony" "Hmmm Anthony please" "Please I'd do anything" "Please Anthony give it to me please, O want your hands on me. I want you to finger me with your tattooed bulky fingers."
Anthony immediately locked his phone, his vision darkened with lust. He gets out of his car and locks it when he can finally move again. He is basically running now. He opens the front door and runs to his bedroom. Here lays Ian, in all glory, hand on his cock now, rubbing so fast. Anthony stops for a second, to take a breath cause he thinks he's gonna faint.
Ian noticed him right away, the tall man waiting over the bed, looking like he was having an asthma attack. He can see his new tattoos on his hands, he always loved Anthony getting tattoos, he always imagined Anthony using those hands on his body. And then he smirk. "Welcome back home Anthony, I was waiting for you."
"Was any of it an accident? At all? Not even the first one?" Anthony asked, he was already calmer now and he knew the answer. This was his last confirmation before he started moving his body was already ready for the action. 
"No, I wanted you to see it from the beginning. All of them was for you. Did you like my game?" Ian smirked. He looks so giddy because he wins.
Anthony looks at the smirking brat and smirks back devilishly. This was a two-player game in the end. His hands moved to the zipper of his pants. He saw Ian looking at his hands and licking his lips. His smirk deepened.
"Then I'm gonna join you right now and fuck you till you scream my name, and then we're gonna talk about you being a naughty brat. I'll teach you your lesson about not playing games with daddy. How does that sound?" Ian moaned deliciously, opening his legs for him invitingly. Anthony smirked. He won.
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em-harlsnow · 5 months
thank you to @spookygingerr for the prompt!
Mickey's actually very talkative when it's just him and Ian. Ian didn't realise how unusual this was to everyone else.
here's a snippet:
“So, you’re friends with my brother.”
“We work at the store together.” He reasoned.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean friends. You’re friends.” 
A shrug. “So?”
“He doesn’t have many friends. Well, none, I guess.” She gave him a weird look. “Don’t tell him I told you that.”
“I won’t. I kind of figured that, anyway.”
“Hm. Yeah, I guess he never really hangs out with anyone.” There was silence for a bit. “He talks to you a lot.”
“That’s what friends do.” He remembers trying to be casual, trying not to give anything away.
“No but he doesn’t talk like that to most people.” She stared at his profile, and he tried to not to show how his heart sped up at the revelation. “He barely talks like that to me.” She looked away and took a drag of the cigarette, passing it over.
“Huh.” He tried to play it cool, and she moved on to complaining about Lip. 
and here's the link:
I hope you enjoy, any support is very appreciated <33
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little-alien-duck · 2 years
game night with the doctors who
one: Ian organizes game night bc he thinks it will be good for Susan. the doctor makes a big show out of not wanting to participate and complaining and then easily bankrupts them all at monopoly (after Susan goes out, he lets her join his team and they gang up on the humans together) 
two: accidentally scandalized Victoria by describing twister thus ending game night before it ever began 
three: has a bridge club at unit hq (the master is allowed to participate IF he promises to behave) 
four: DO NOT play cards with this mf!! he is making up rules left and right and insisting that “this is how the game was played in its original form in the 1200s” and hiding cards in his scarf (Sarah still wins tho) 
five: really devoted to game nights and wants it to go well so so bad. unfortunately what he needs to be devoted to is keeping adric and tegan from killing each other bc they are both one shout of bs! away from homicide 
six: LOVES word games and is obnoxiously good at them. bananagrams scrabble boggle ONLY
seven: tries to teach ace chess but she says it’s boring so he ends up playing solitaire 
eight: now he and charley canonically play scrabble and she thinks he’s letting her win (he’s not but he’ll let her believe that) 
nine: I’m not sure he would participate in a game night in the tardis but he rose and jack go to an arcade together and he spends a stupidly long amount of time trying to win rose a prize from the claw machine (insists that this is bc he wants to win the game, not any other motivation). jack wins the prize on the first try and gives it rose and then the doctor sulks
ten: loves board games of all types. game night is frequent and can be summed up by that onion headline that’s like “description of board game rules peppered by reassurances that it will be fun” 
eleven: loves games in theory but is very bad at finishing them 
twelve: not sure what the context would be here but I think he would be one of those ppl who wouldn’t actually play a game but WILL sit around and comment on the moves everyone else is making 
thirteen: gets the fam to agree to game night. INSISTS that she remembers the rules for a game she hasn’t played in literal centuries. DOES NOT remember the rules at all. 
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