#Ideal BMI
mothusband · 1 month
oh yeah and today was day one of going to the park and walking every day. what i learned: i am hilariously out of shape!
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thatcharmingjerk · 1 year
Ok hey serious question guys,
How do I own up being a fat cunt??????
I wanna feel properly sexy again and losing weight with snap of fingers isn't really happening, I mean I have weird relationship with food in general but I'd love to have better relationship with my body at least!!!!!!!!!
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goodeye-cyborg · 2 years
Back at the doctor's office and I've lost 20 pounds AND my blood pressure is good!!!!!
Operation fitness fall is a GO!!!!!
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istg if ONE more person tells me i look so good since losing weight i will start stabbing people i lost weight because i was SICK you fatphobic bastards i wasn't able to stand straight for Weeks
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charliespringverse · 2 years
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seawitchkaraoke · 3 months
it's just all so backwards. ppl work out not to primarily get stronger, but to lose weight or to get bigger, to look better, it's all about looks? people lose weight by any means necessary, even if it means putting their bodies through more stress, like? if you're gonna believe the whole being fat is unhealthy thing, shouldn't you still focus on living healthily? how healthy you actually feel? not what the number on the scale says? and doctors actively encourage this, sure, bc saying ''you need to lose weight'' is easier than actually looking more closely at a patients life and seeing what they can specifically improve to help their symptoms (get more sleep, eat more veggies, get more sun, exercise at least sometimes) or god forbid running some tests and seeing if maybe it isn't a lifestyle thing (especially if symptoms recently and suddenly turned up but the lifestyle hasn't changed y'know)
like... idk. i exercise bc i like it and enjoy it and makes me feel good, and then i also exercise (lift weights) to get better at the other exercise i do (cheerleading). I think exercise is good for you and everyone should at least move their bodies at least a bit if they can but like. Don't force yourself to do whatever a random influencer claims is ''the best sport for weight loss'' or whatever, find smth you actually enjoy doing! Sport is supposed to give you endorphins! it's gonna give you more of those if you don't hate every second of it!
And there's a million and one opinions on how to eat healthy, you can optimize the shit out of that too but also y'know. The main point of food is to keep your body running. Any food will do that. Like I try to get many veggies and protein and not too much sugar and salt and shit too but also i have adhd and cooking is hard, so my diet isn't as healthy as i guess it could be but guess what? a bag of chips is better than no food! cookies are better than no food! a frozen pizza is way better than no food, that stuff even has veggies and protein look at us, we're winning, and feeding my body so my brain and my muscles can keep doing their thing
am i at a healthy weight? idk man, i feel stronger and happier and have more endurance than i used to have 5 years ago. I'm also like 10kgs heavier and no it's not all muscle (though yeah some of it is, cheerleading has given me insane shoulders)
Fuck how heavy are you, fuck what's your body fat percentage, how do you feel? And if you feel less good than you'd like what are specific things you can improve beyond just ''lose some weight''?
Bc if your goal is ''lose some weight'', then yeah maybe you succeed and lose 5 or 10 or 30kgs and maybe that makes you feel better but maybe you still feel the same. But if you want to ''not have to breathe heavily after going up a flight of stairs'', that's a goal that if you reach it will definitely make you feel better (and is more actionable. do some cardio, start with just talking walks regularily. and maybe get your iron levels checked, get checked for asthma etc, sometimes it isn't a lifestyle thing actually). And yeah sure you might lose some weight in the process (or gain some! actually! that can happen!) but that should be the side effect not the main goal. The main goal should be to feel good in your body!
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surinderbhalla · 8 months
Understanding Your BMI: The Path to a Healthy You!
Maintaining a healthy body weight isn’t just about looking good on the beach (although that’s a nice perk!). It’s about nurturing a foundation for optimal health and longevity. One of the most common tools used to assess weight status is the Body Mass Index (BMI). But what exactly is a healthy BMI, why is it important, and how can we keep it in check? Let’s dive in by understanding your BMI: The…
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The amount Would it be a good idea for me to Gauge?
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Most everybody has eventually attempted to get in shape, or possibly known someone who has. This is to a great extent because of the impression of an "ideal" body weight, which is in many cases in view of what we see advanced through different media like online entertainment, television, films, magazines, and so forth. Albeit ideal body weight (IBW) today is at times founded on apparent visual allure, IBW was really acquainted with gauge measurements for clinical use, and the recipes that compute it are not by any stretch of the imagination connected with how an individual glances at a given weight. It has since been resolved that the digestion of specific medications is more in light of IBW than it is complete body weight. Today, IBW is likewise utilized broadly all through sports, since many games characterize individuals in view of their body weight.
Note that IBW is certainly not an ideal estimation. It doesn't consider the rates of muscle versus fat and muscle in an individual's body. This implies that it is feasible for profoundly fit, sound competitors to be viewed as overweight in light of their IBW. To this end IBW ought to be considered with the point of view that it is a defective measure and not really demonstrative of wellbeing, or a weight that an individual ought to essentially endeavor toward; it is feasible to be finished or under your "IBW" and be fit as a fiddle.(BMI Calculator)
In principle, age ought not be a huge determinant of an IBW past the ages of 14-15 for young ladies and 16-17 for young men, after which the vast majority quit developing. It is really expected that human guys and females lose 1.5 and 2 creeps in level separately by age 70. It is essential to recollect that as individuals age, fit bulk diminishes and it is more straightforward to gather abundance muscle to fat ratio. This is a characteristic interaction, however it is feasible to diminish the impacts of maturing by embracing different propensities like checking diet, exercise, stress, and rest.
By and large, females weigh not as much as guys despite the fact that they normally have a higher level of muscle to fat ratio. This is on the grounds that the male body by and large has higher bulk, and muscle is heavier than fat. That, however ladies for the most part have lower bone thickness. To wrap things up, guys will quite often be taller than females.
The taller the individual, the more bulk and muscle to fat ratio they have, which brings about more weight. A male at a comparable level to a female ought to weigh around 10-20% heavier.
Body Edge Size
Body outline size is another element that can altogether affect the estimation of Ideal Weight Calculator. Body outline size is normally sorted as little, medium, or enormous boned. It is estimated in view of the boundary of an individual's wrist comparable to their level.
Solid BMI Reach
The World Wellbeing Association's (WHO) suggested sound BMI range is 18.5 - 25 for the two guys and females. In light of the BMI range, figuring out a sound load for some random height is conceivable.
BMI is a usually involved measurement for deciding IBW. It is broadly utilized in the clinical field as a fast sign of conceivable unexpected problems. By and large, the higher the BMI, the higher the opportunity an individual will experience the ill effects of medical issues like weight, diabetes, coronary illness, and some more. It is a pointer utilized by specialists to educate their patients regarding potential medical conditions, particularly in the event that there is a perceptible moderate expansion in their BMI, and is presently the authority metric for characterizing people as per different heftiness levels.
Solid BMI Reach for Kids
Every one of the recipes above are for grown-ups age 18 or more established. For youngsters and adolescents, kindly allude to the accompanying BMI Calculator outlines distributed by the Places for Infectious prevention and Counteraction (CDC). The CDC suggests that youngsters keep a BMI between the fifth and 85th percentile in view of their age.
Impediments of our IBW calculator
There are limits to every one of the equations and techniques. Since the equations are intended to be as relevant to as wide a scope of individuals as could be expected, they can't be profoundly exact for each and every person. The recipes factor just level and orientation, and there are no contemplations for actual debilitations, individuals on the outrageous finishes of the range, action levels, or bulk to muscle versus fat proportions, also called body piece. Our Ideal Weight Calculator is intended to be utilized as an overall rule in view of famous equations, and its outcomes are not expected as severe qualities that an individual should accomplish to be thought of as an "optimal weight."
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
So they won't do my tubal unless I can get my BMI down to 25 - meaning I'd have to be 140lbs. Said they can't do it at my current weight 170 (30BMI) because obesity makes it harder to see organs or some nonsense. But like... I'm not that fat. Realistically, I think I could lose maybe 15-20lbs before I lost an unhealthy amount of fat. Almost all of what's being counted as fat is muscle. And I tried explaining that to the doctor and tried telling her BMI is bullshit anyway but she insisted. So now, if I actually want to be sterilized, I have to somehow drop 30lbs, which is gonna mean atrophying muscles I've worked so hard to get. Think it's valid that I'm fucking pissed.
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siyanalicious · 1 year
Gain Weight Naturally
If there are people who are easy to gain weight, there are people who also difficult to gain weight.  Some say that naturally skinny people seem to be biologically programmed to stay at a given weight but this is not true. Some people say… ”it is difficult to reduce weight but it is easy to get fat” which is not true also. It depends on the metabolism of an individual.  Our fitness success…
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0kyocals · 6 months
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Um guia completo para anas que acabaram de entrar na comunidade ! tw. Anorexia. Por favor Não leia se não for da comunidade!
Índice: dicas ; dicionário ; BMI'S ; comunidades ; tags ; 'spos ; chaves
Dicas !
Pelo amor de deus, comece devagar. Não comece um NF de 78 horas nos seus primeiros dias. Comece com uma dieta básica e fácil (exemplo: 1000kcals), então vá diminuindo até você se acostumar.
Evite ver fotos de comida! Elas só causam mais descontrole.
Procure saber seu peso ideal e seu bmi, não vá perdendo peso aleatoriamente.
Não se force mais do que você consegue aguentar. Se você fez um NF de 5 horas e comeu, está tudo bem. Você vai se acostumar aos poucos, não apresse o tempo.
Ao invés de no foods, tente o OMAD. Na minha opinião, ele é bem melhor. Diminui o descontrole bastante.
Porém, não seja idiota. Não faça um OMAD tipo, pipoca ou junkfoods. Coma algo saudável e nutritivo que te ajude a manter o foco e não comer mais.
Dicionário !!!
Ana: a Ana é o apelido de anorexia/anorexica. Exemplo: você é uma Ana. Eu sou uma Ana.
Junkfood: besteira/bobagem. Comidas tipo pipoca, chocolate, pizza, hamburger e etc.
OMAD: one meal a day. Uma comida em um dia. Nessa dieta, você só pode almoçar/jantar. Só se pode comer uma coisa.
NF: No food. É uma dieta onde você não come absolutamente nada.
BMI/IMC: É o chamado Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC). O IMC é uma classificação adotada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para avaliar o estado nutricional de um indivíduo, e por meio dele é possível identificar situações de risco para a saúde.
Edtwt: Ed twitter. As Anas do twitter.
Ed: eating disorder. Transtorno alimentar. (Também chamado de T.A)
edtumblr: comunidade anoréxica do tumblr.
Thread: fio. É tipo isso que eu estou escrevendo agora. Um fio te dando dicas/te explicando. Existem vários tipos de fios. Maioria pode ser achada no edtwt.
UGW: ultimate goal weight. O melhor peso que você quer/poderia chegar.
GW: basicamente a mesma coisa. Exemplo: meu GW é pesar 38, mas meu UGW é pesar 36.
SW: start weight. O peso que você começou.
HW: highest weight. Seu maior peso.
CW: current weight. O peso que você está agora.
Exemplo ; meu UGW é 36. Meu HW foi 49. meu SW foi 49. Meu CW é 43. meu GW é 40.
Um breve exemplo;
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o IMC normal de uma ana é <17.9.
Pro Ana: elas são as Anas mais "profissionais". As que já fazem nfs mais longos e são bem, bem mais restritas (elas foram a única que eu lembrei KKKk)
#garotos(as) bonitos(as) não comem.
#ana e mia
#t.a Brasil
#t.a Br
#ed br
#ed brasil
Aqui você achará o edtumblr português. A minoria fala inglês ou outros idiomas. Se você quer ir para o público anorexico brasileiro, use essas tags acima.
#tw ana diary
#tw restrictive diet
#ed not Ed sheeran
Já aqui você poderá achar pessoas que falam outras linguas.
Thin inspo. Inspiração fina. Você achará fotos de pessoas magras que te motivaram a continuar tentando. Você não tem esse sonho de ser delicada como essas fotos?
Ideias de comidas com poucas calorias para você!!
O contrário do de cima. Você achará fotos de pessoas acima do peso que também te motivaram a continuar tentando. Você não quer ficar assim, quer?
Pessoas nojentas, comendo de jeito nojento. Eu garanto que irá tirar sua fome. Pelo menos espero. Ewww!
A 'spo mais famosa do edtumblr/twt! Aqui você verá pessoas sendo 'rude'. É mais pesado, então não vá lá se não tiver coração para isso. Exemplo: lá você verá pessoas te humilhando por comer, por ser acima do peso, e por falhar. É estranho mas ajuda muito.
Já aqui, verá pessoas sendo gentis com você. O contrario da acima. Te motivaram a continuar de maneira gentil.
Quer achar fotos no Pinterest, mas tem a censura chata de transtorno alimentar? Tá aqui !!
Pesquise thìnspó para achar fotos lá. Infelizmente, censuraram as thinspos. Coloque acento no I e O.
Use mealspó para achar suas comidas. Tambem censuraram mealspo lá. Coloque acento no O.
Use fatspó para achar fotos como essa.
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É sua escolha. Coloque acento no O.
Use meanspó para achar frases como "junkfood que você quer a 10minutos ou o corpo que você quer a anos?"
Use édtwt para achar várias coisas relacionadas com a comunidade. Acento no E.
Minhas thinspos favoritas achadas no Pinterest + a coisa que mais me motiva !!
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(queima 600 calorias ! 15 Flexões, 1 minuto wall sit, 30 abdominais, 100 Polichinelos, 25 agachamentos, 60 afundos, 15 flexões, 100 polichinelos, 1 wall sit, 60 afundos, 30 abdominais, 25 agachamentos, 40 polichinelos, 25 agachamentos.)
Minha maior motivação é isso.
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Isso. É a gordura dentro de você. É horroroso, é grotesco, é nojento. Você não quer isso dentro de você, quer?
*nossa gente levou MUITO tempo pra escrever isso ksksksks.
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WIBTA for suggesting my girlfriend eats less?
(🫠 so i can find it later)
I know immediately it sounds insane but please I need advice. Also sorry it’s so long this is a sensitive topic and I want to treat it as such.
So my (24F) girlfriend (22F) has been trying to lose weight for about 9 months now. I let her offer up what info she wants but never ask because I don’t want to add pressure, and i’ve struggled with an ED and witnessed as my mom has struggled with her weight since I was born so I understand how hard it can be. But my girlfriend is as gorgeous as ever. And I know she’s been as active as possible so Idk why she’s so hard on herself.
My mom eats healthier than anyone I’ve ever known. When I was younger I watched her go through phases with taking on some weird diet that never really worked. She once told me she recognized her real problem is stopping when she’s “full” and not what she eats. She was insecure about that fact because she almost starved as a teenager. I tried to encourage her to accept her body if eating what she wants makes her happy. But she always says she isn’t happy when she’s not eating & only would be if she felt “sexy” again.
I’m starting to see a similar struggle in my love. She asked to go to the gym together, so I bought us a gym membership. We try to get there 3x a week for at least an hour each time. But she’s in her final semester before graduating so we stopped going as much about a month or two ago. She keeps talking about losing weight so her graduation dresses will fit better but I think they fit perfect. I zipped them myself. She never wears dresses or skirts, favoring baggy clothing and streetwear, so I think she’s just not used to the sensation of a form-fitting dress.
She joined a coed soccer team that would meet weekly for a month. I went to her games, she goes hard. She’s also started going for runs twice a week after work with a coworker. They did 3 miles one day! That’s still 3 days a week she’s been working out, plus the occasional day or two every other week we manage to get out to the gym.
She has taken to blaming me for us not going to the gym, not directly but will whine at me with a pointed tone, as if begging me to go to the gym after she told me we couldn’t go. I try to ignore it since I know she’s having a hard time and mostly venting. But if I agree and offer to drive us, she always has too much homework. Even if she’s been sitting on tiktok for an hour.
I do all the cooking for us. After she complained about not making progress I started serving us both smaller portions. Now she gets seconds after meals and will complain about being snackish or wanting a sweet treat less than 30 minutes after we’ve ate. If I stand firm on no treats (which is rare), she pouts. She refuses to get a treat without me, if I tell her she can go get one if she wants she won’t. If I give in, then later I feel guilty like I enabled her. And she’ll guilt trip me for it too. And then she’s unhappy about not losing any weight again and the cycle continues.
She’s got a broad build and a naturally curvy body. When she talks about being her ideal size/shape again, it’s always in photos of her at 14-17. I keep trying to instill in her that she can get muscular and fit but still might not look like that again because she was a child. She dismisses me every time and will compare her body to mine since we’re the same height, but I have different genetics and an overactive metabolism.
She’s active, healthy, muscular, and is maybe 30 lbs over the BMI for her height and age. I don’t believe in the BMI, just stating for reference reasons. Some of that “overweight” is definitely likely muscle since she said she gained weight after we first started going to the gym. She would not believe me when I said you gain muscle before you lose fat, even though she’s learned this in her major. In my eyes to have the kind of toning that she wants— and that athletes her shape have— she probably only needs to lose like 10-15 lbs. You can see the line of musculature on her thighs as she is. She eats way healthier than most college students because she’s a medical major and really cares about body health. I think a lot of her desire to lose weight comes from the athleticism of the PT’s she works with.
She continues to nitpick at her other behaviors (i.e. having a yasso icecream twice a week) that are far less “harmful” to her goals than overeating. But I fear it will cause a rift in our relationship if I try to suggest that to her.
I want to help her on her journey and the way she blames me makes me feel like I need to do more to help, but the only thing I can think to suggest is something I would never recommend on my own, let alone to my girlfriend who I think is beautiful as is. I don’t want her to think by me suggesting smaller portions that I have a problem with her perceived lack of progress. I only have a problem with being treated like it’s my fault she isn’t losing weight. When I tell her she looks amazing as she is she just tells me I’m biased because I love her.
I don’t feel it’s my place but Idk what else to do. So WIBTA if I told her that she should try to eat smaller portions rather than dieting since she’s already physically active and eats healthy?
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wormlette · 6 months
some thoughts about supplies, camping and pack weight
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From the adventurer's bible. It got me thinking about the logistics of supply management for adventuring parties. Maybe it will be useful for others too.
We're using Chilchuck as an example because he's my baby boy. Chil is 110cm and his BMI is 18. He is canonically underweight to avoid setting off traps because he's larger than the average half-foot. Actually, I think there's a decent chance the "low weight" the adventurer's bible mentions he tries to stay under is approx 50lbs.
Given that, his backpack should weigh 10lbs or less, although it's probably more.
Ideally, the modern advice is that if you are going backpacking - hiking for multiple days - you want your pack weight to be 20% or less of your body weight. (We can assume dwarves like Senshi are able to carry quite a bit more, although it would affect their stamina.) The reason I said "it's probably more" for Chil is that 10lbs is incredibly light. Even high-tech modern backpacks are going to be at least a couple of lbs, and the dunmeshi supplies seem to be made of much more durable (less lightweight) material. If all Chilchuck was carrying was an empty backpack and the bedroll, it wouldn't be surprising if those items were more than 10lbs alone.
Even if the inhabitants of dunmeshi don't have to carry all the things backpackers do, their basic gear weight is going to be not insubstantial. We can presume nobody carries tents, because we see them sleeping on their bed rolls (however given the terrain further down in the dungeon, it seems like you might eventually need the extra weight of a bivy or some kind of shelter for a group.)
I think magic would simplify a lot of the problems with real backpacking. There's magic to ensure fires can stay lit, there's the fountains that always have potable water so there's no need to have supplies to boil or disinfect it… Magic can also be used for light, as we see Marcille do. That would be important to save weight compared to using things like lanterns, altho we do see the group carrying candles, seemingly for timekeeping on watch at least.
Their bed rolls probably weigh the most - they look like old army-style sleeping bags that would likely have padding built in to function like a sleeping pad does for a modern camper (both literal padding and also insulation to keep your heat from seeping into the ground and you freezing)
Changes of clothes would likely still be necessary not just for hygiene reasons. If you got separated from your fire source and got wet, it's easy to become hypothermic and wander off and die. The dungeon is probably not exactly warm.
As far as misc things, you'd need repair kits if possible, at least a sewing kit like Chil carries, most likely a multipurpose knife, cookware, rope, a water skin…
I sort of suspect that if you were a really savvy dungeoneer, you would consider keeping supplies on the 4th floor somewhere secret. It would be difficult to do because of monsters, orcs and, as time goes on, less scrupulous adventurers, but having something like a raft with supplies you could bring down to the 5th floor and deeper would be a huge boon to people trying to do deeper expeditions without getting utterly bogged down by weight. That or hiring people who are specifically there to just carry stuff and maybe aren't very armored or something to save on weight, but even then, you'll have to feed them.
I think half-foots would carry things that aren't heavy but are bulky or difficult to compress, which would therefore save volumetric space in other group members' packs for the heavier items. I'm guessing things like spare clothing, blankets, some cookware… This could lead to half-foots who get separated not having crucial survival supplies, though.
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
Some of you have probably seen me write about issues with my weight and general body image before. It's something I've gotten a lot better at but there's still days when I feel like shite. Part of the problem with being a young athlete and then putting on weight as you get older is the complete misalignment of what your "ideal" weight should be. And one of the things that really pulled me out feeling really shite was just how fucking laughably wrong BMI can be. Like I think it's pretty common knowledge that BMI is utter dogshit, but in case any of you don't know that - BMI is such utter fucking nonsense that I find it hard to respect anyone who takes it seriously. Going off my BMI - My "standard healthy weight" is 53.5kg to 69kg. I weighed 69kg when I was 16 years old. If I was to weigh anywhere in that range just now I would look critically ill. I have naturally broad shoulders, big legs and a big arse. If I was aiming for what BMI deems a healthy weight I would look unbelievably silly.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
So I just had a random ass thought and started to count king's BMI because why not
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If anyone wants to know, here are their values. The 'perfect' value is between 18.5–24.99.
Satan: ~22.72 Levi: ~22.02 Mammon: ~23.51 Beelzebub: ~22.07
Mammon is the most packed so he should weigh the most, then Satan, and it seems Beel and Levi has the least muscle. I would put Beel more next to Satan from what we can see in the arts.
Funfact: Athletes may receive a result indicating overweight (bodybuilders even obese). Muscle is heavier than fat. They are much denser tissue, so a kilogram of muscle simply takes up less space than a kilogram of fat. In reality, Mammon's BMI might indicate obesity and Satan overweight, Levi and Beel also have good bodies so maybe them too.
Imagine when MC brings up the topic of appearance, and they are just "nah don't worry, I'm the one overweight here" and casually leave poor MC confused because devils can't lie.
They would be like, "See? These ideal body measurements aren't even correct, so why fit into them? For me, you are perfect just the way you are." Even Leviathan would consider it bullshit, because a measure that is not perfect is a measure that is not worth considering.
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OH! For Valentine’s event!! Please could I have some first date headcanons for Killer Croc? I’m plus size, so I hope he’s down for a chunky clown 💚 I prefer staying in more than going out, I love verbal affection and gentle physical affection, and I love horror so that’s always a Valentine’s Day plus if it can be squeezed in somewhere! And I’m goofy and silly and I like being nice! I hope that’s enough to go off of!! 💚
"Horror and Sweetness" Killer Croc x Reader (Valentine's Event 2024)
Hello Finnie!! All this detail is PERFECT, thank you so much for writing in <3 Since you said headcanons I'm gonna go more bullet point style with this to better suit the prompt- This ask is for the ongoing Valentine's Day Event! (final day to submit)
TW: suggestive toward the end
When you first asked him out, he assumed you were fucking with him. You like to joke around like he does and there's no way you'd be approaching him- except when he realized you were sincere and he's silently flustered. Then he says yes.
Chunky clown, huh? Don't you worry about that, sha, they had to make a new BMI category for him at some point. Plus sized just means you like to eat and dammit if one of his love languages isn't taking care of a partner! Especially cooking! It also shows you're cute AND soft which he really, really appreciates given how rough HE is. Good for cuddles.
You liking to stay in works well for him, especially for a first date. The idea of you trying to get to know each other in a romantic capacity and having every eye in the place staring is less than ideal. So a night in! You're gonna get a whole lot of questions about the foods you like, how much spice level you can handle, etc. etc. No shame if spice isn't your thing, he can cater to that.
He'd joke that maybe if you're real sweet on him, he can take you for beignets next time. He knows a spot that actually does 'em decent. Hm... How would you feel about being his little beignet? He might ponder this potential pet name aloud while he's cooking. Soft and fluffy and sweet- just like you!
After you finish eating (and were hopefully incredibly impressed by him), you two can sit on the couch in front of the TV. There's a huge divot in the furniture you can determine as "his side" that you can sit next to. You said you liked horror so. uh. He's gonna rent whatever you say is good. He's not typically a horror person per say, but he'll enjoy it.
Note: he will enjoy it, but he's definitely leaning in closer, it's not your imagination. "That sure is... spooky." There is one particular jump-scare that gets him just so- and his arm goes in front of you, almost as though to protect you. Even when you offer that the movie can be changed, he insists no! No, it's fine! He's just going to put his hand on yours and if you want to hold it, he's not going to complain about that.
Truthfully, he'd be very cautious about being physically affectionate at first because he doesn't know how you'll react. Hopefully positively! But... past experience has him wary. If you initiate and give him the green light, though, he'll lean into it heavily.
As the movie rolls to credits, he looks content as he speaks, "You're uh. You're not like anybody else I've ever met. And I've met a lotta different folks. Not bad- You're hot as hell and shit, wait-"
There's a moment he seems to be collecting his thoughts, "Look, you don't wanna take this further, I get it. But you should know I liked this. I like you. You're... You're a helluva lotta fun. And nice. I like how nice you are." He's scratching the back of his neck. Waiting for a response.
When you tell him that you want to keep doing this and seeing him again, his face gets a large toothy grin. Curling his claws inward to his palm, he brushes the knuckle of his finger along your jawline. He puts his forehead to yours. His lips peck yours.
In this sense, he's a gentleman. He's not going to expect sex just because you're at his place. Plus considering his whole body situation, it would be kind of rude to assume you want to jump in on that without some prep.
"But hey, cher, you wanna check under my bed for the bogeyman, you can stay the night." He winks. It's totally not lowkey because he's a little scared. If not, he'd make sure you got home whether it was driving or him walking you to your doorstep himself.
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