#Idk but I've wanted kids since I realised I could
forwomenbiwomen · 4 months
please excuse me 😭🙏
#I'm having a moment please excuse my degenerate ranting#Baby fever has hit me HARD and FAST#A real life baby would basically ruin me rn but the demons 😩#I would be such a good mother I know it in my heart and soul and mind#I have incredible role models and support and I would do and be everything in my power to make sure it's healthy#Is this evolution??? Like innate????? Idk it feels like it#The demons........ 😈#Idk but I've wanted kids since I realised I could#I had a wonderful sweet safe happy childhood and I know I'm biased (?) but still#I'm also committed to dressing them comfortably (not femininely) bcs god KNOWS that kids wanna romp#Idk the idea of starting a family makes me want to live my life to the absolute fullest so that they#(2 kids max I know my limits)#Can have a mother who's well-rounded and prepared and happy and educated and stable#I also want to be a teacher so my affinity for kids extends to that#I think they're neat!#I'm EXTREMELY empathetic and a quick thinker and I just love the creativity and knowledge and patience that's needed for dealing with them#The demons 😩😫#No kids until my boyfriend has fucking PROVEN himself to hell and back tho#I think I'll be vetting him until the day I die tbh#He's done very well so far and wants kids as much as me#Luckily he's sensible too so. None for now#And after being ill for about 5 years now I finally feel like I have a future again and this is part of it#If I want it badly enough then I'm going to make my health happen for my future children#🫡💪
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Heylo my maggotsies... I'm sorry to do this but I have a thing that I really, really need to do (thank you Ash for helping me realise that) but I'm terrified to. so well. I'm going to make one of the posts (Neil reblogged me a couple of days ago so I feel pretty safe making one now since he only lurks by once in two weeks so this is as good a time as it gets to make a post and not expect many notes, yes I'm an overthinker and I'm actually scared of this getting notes).
Sigh. Here goes.
...I'm scared of even typing it.
Nope okay I can do this let's go.
If this post gets 1k notes, I'll look up jobs in design and film making that don't need a college degree.
2k notes, I'll sign up for an Alliance Francaise course so I can have another language on my CV, and I'll find a course that teaches me how to use design software.
5k, I'll look up distance learning alternatives, because just talking about physical college yesterday made me spend the whole morning and afternoon today in and out of nightmares screaming. Fuck.
10k, I'll tell my mum that I can't do the offline college. She's been talking to me about it, but I've been dodging because I'm not well-off and I really need to be earning and idk how to do that without college and I feel so guilty.
15k, I'll officially back out from the college (does that count as dropping out, if it hasn't begun? maybe half. i am a college and a half dropout, my 11th grade self would hate me and my 10th grade self would refuse to believe it).
I don't know what I'll do then. I don't know how to live as trans here in India, I don't know how to earn enough to be able to help my family, I don't know what I'm good at and I'm so fucking terrified. But. I spoke to @random-doctor-on-the-internet last night (I love you Ash you're such a fucking amazing human) and they made me realise that well maybe landing in a hospital with steroids to relieve an allergy attack because of exam stress isn't normal and so.
Well. Here I am. I know I can't do it, but I'm scared to risk everything, it's just not something people do here, dropping out. But also (TW s**cide statistics mentioned below the cut)... And so I've just. Got to do it, got to save myself and say no to college (cue say no to school, kids joke). Somehow be brave enough. And yeah.
To quote a financial express article: "In an alarming situation, a total of 7,62,648 suicides were reported in India between 2018 to 2022, Of this student suicides account for 7.6% at 59,239". Maybe if more people did say fuck you to the system here, that wouldn't be the case. That number could have been 59,240 (aside from everyone who wasn't counted and hushed up), that could have been me, and I don't want to put myself in that situation again. You know? Yeah.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 months
Like a Virgin (Cowboy reader)
(Touched for the very first time)
16+ please.
Description: An unsub is going after virgins. This puts Cowboy in a slightly awkward position. And the team find out.
Warnings: discussions of virginity (? idk how to word it??)
A/N: I kind of love this idea
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout @pinxeajin @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @winterwitchxxfan @introvertpan84 @iliketozoneout @percyorigins @logicalhorror
“This case is… slightly unusual,” Garcia said, "This unsub is going after male virgins."
"Ay, Reid watch out," Morgan teases.
Spencer blushes but replies, "I'm not a virgin."
"Oh yeah? Who popped your cherry, Pretty Boy?" 
"Your mum." Spencer quips, stunning the team into silence. You give out a low whistle as you slowly lean across and hold your fist out for a fist bump - Reid happily bumps fists with you. Since he had learnt about them, they had quickly become his favourite gesture (other than the peace sign – which Garcia was sure to teach him). He had seen it as one of the best ways to greet someone with minimum contact and it could be used as a replacement for a high five (something Spencer also wasn’t keen on) – so you had made sure to use them as much as possible with the kid so he felt included. 
“Is this Unsub targeting men that haven’t had the typical sex or sex all around?” JJ asked, changing the subject and clarifying.
“What do you mean?” Hotch asked as he turned to her.
“There’s more than one type of sex,” Reid chimes, “Penetrative and Non-penetrative. Most people when thinking about sex think penetration of the penis into a vagina, but there’s actually a variety of different ways for partners to have sex.”
Garcia nodded, “Okay, so the Unsub is only targeting those who have not have penis into vagina sex,” You were pretty sure you were blushing. 
When the briefing was over and Hotch called wheels up (which you still didn’t completely understand), you began to make your way over to your desk. You wait a while (five, maybe ten minutes) before you make your way up to the office with an empty file in hand. You wait nervously at the door for a moment in disbelief that this is actually something you have to do. God, this was embarrassing. The door’s open, so you give it a small tap. 
“Sir?” When Hotch looks up, you realised you have no clue how to say what you need to. You take a breath, walking into the office but don’t shut the door - otherwise the team would know exactly what you were doing right now. 
“I er, just want to let you know that, er- well you see, I've never- I'm a- when a man and a woman- I've never actually-”
“Yes sir?”
“I understand what you're saying,”
Relief floods through your body, “Oh thank god, sir.”
“Just make sure you're always with someone on the team.”
“Yes sir.” You answer with a nod.
You sigh as you head back to the bullpen, you knew you should probably make the team aware. God, this was going to be embarrassing. 
“Hotch said I didn’t have to tell you, but I may - or may not! - be on this unsub’s radar,” You said, scratching your neck awkwardly. 
"So you're a virgin?" Morgan asked, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
"That depends on how you're definin’ it." You responded.
“The unsub’s definition,” Morgan smirked.
“Then in that sense, yes.”
“You've never been with a woman?” Morgan asked in disbelief. 
“I've been with a woman.” You say.
“But you've never had sex,”
You smirk, “Morgan there's more than one way to be with a lady.” 
Morgan grins, “Oh yeah?”
“Yep,” You answer, blush forming on your cheeks.
“Like what?” Emily smirks.
“Just a variety of different ways,”
“Do we really need to be hearing about your sex life?” JJ asks, the faintest blush on her cheeks. 
“Or lack of,” Derek teases, high-fiving Emily. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” You say, pointing at the pair of them, “I think you’ll find my lady is very satisfied-”
“Ah, so there is a lady?” Rossi grinned as he joined the group.  
“Yes sir there's a lady, but I ain't kissin’ and tellin’,” You say with a smile.
Spencer looks at you, “Then why are you a virgin?”
“I'm saving myself ‘til marriage,” 
“Is that for religious reasons?” Spencer asks. 
“Nope, I want to wait for the right person.”
“Have you found the right person?” 
“I think so but I ain't saying nothing til she confirms it,” You said, you gave the team a cheeky grin, “So the only way I am not a potential victim is if I meet up with this stunnin’ lady I've been seein' and elope-”
“(Y/N),” JJ said, you turn to her, looking at her innocently. 
“Yes Ma'am?”
“We are not eloping,”
You smirk as the team’s jaws drop, “Yes Ma'am.” You said, “But Darlin’? You just told ‘em,” JJ’s eyes widened as she blushed deeply. “‘S a’right, I doubt they mind,”
“There will be paperwork,” Hotch said, “But I’m very happy for the both of you.”
“Really? There’s paperwork for stuff like this?” You looked up at him. When he nods, you shrug, “I don’ mind fillin’ in some paperwork for you Darlin’,” 
Morgan smirks, “But Cowboy, you hate paperwork.”
“Ah, but I love Miss Jareau.” You say, pointing to emphasise your point. 
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shehungthemoon · 5 months
Bucktommy Fic prompts: first vacation or snowy cabin vibes
first 118 bbq
Buck rescues a kitten from a tree and keeps it #catdads
Buck telling Tommy he was a sperm donor with zero context like ‘oh yeah biologically I have a kid’ and walking off leaving Tommy like ???
First Christmas together
Idk if it’s your vibe but something relating to the ring cutter?
Babysitting jee
Tommy realising ‘random facts with Buck’ is a thing
Flying lessons
Sorry I have a lot of thoughts and zero ability to write lollll
Oh, anon. I saw "babysitting jee" and could not get the image of Tommy looking at dollar store kids coloring books out of my head. And here we are 🖤
"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Buck asked into his phone, balancing it in between his shoulder and ear as he unpacked his locker for the night. "It's just that Tommy and I don't really get a lot of time to see each other with our schedules and everything, and—"
"Buck," Chim interrupted, "Yes I'm sure. I've known Tommy longer than you have, unless you've somehow forgot that since the last time you begged me for old, embarrassing photos of the man."
"Yeah yeah," Buck mumbled, "I know I know, sorry." Chim made a satisfied hum. Buck finished zipping up his bag. "Bet I know him better though."
Chimney started squawking indignantly over the phone. Buck grinned into his chest.
So, Buck invited Tommy to come babysit Jee with him that night, nervous the whole time he typed the text.
-i know it's not really a great date setting
He typed after he sent the initial message.
-totally ok to say no
He was stupid to be nervous. The reply came almost immediately.
-Are you kidding? I've been waiting to meet that girl ever since Chimney sent me those first pictures.
-Of course I'll be there
Tommy met him at Buck's door with a sweet grin and a bunch of coloring books in his hand. Buck couldn't do anything but stare at him for a moment and smile back.
Buck wondered if those butterflies in his stomach would ever go away. When Tommy leaned forward and pressed a gentle, quick kiss onto his lips, Buck came to the conclusion that there was no possible way they ever would.
"I brought these," Tommy said as he walked into the apartment, shaking the coloring books in the air and looking just a little bashful about it. "Didn't want to show up empty handed but I figured wine wasn't the right call for the venue."
Buck chuckled and shut the door behind him. "You definitely figured right." He pointed over toward the media area. "Wanna meet the star of the show?"
Tommy grinned. "More excited to see her than you, really."
Buck scoffed with feigned-offense and pinched Tommy's arm before moving his hand to the small of Tommy's back, pressing him gently toward where Jee was set up in front of his couch.
Jee looked up from her toys with wide eyes when they came into view. "Hey hey, princess, I got someone for you to meet!" Buck held his free hand out to point at his boyfriend. "This is Tommy. Tommy, this is Jee-Yun." She kept still in contemplation and made a humming noise up at them.
Tommy crouched down and gave her a little wave, and Buck would have laughed at the sight of such a big man making himself so small if it weren't the most endearing thing he'd seen in ages.
"Hi Jee-Yun. It's really nice to meet you," Tommy said with a quiet voice Buck'd never heard before. Jee just kept staring over at him with blinking, assessing eyes. "I really like your sparkly dress," he continued, and that seemed to do it. Jee broke out into a wide, squinty-eyed smile and let out one of those little kid laughs that melted hearts.
"Sequins," Jee said brightly; or at least tried to say, there was definitely an 's' sound in there somewhere.
The floor became their home for the next few hours, Jee happily adjusting to her new friend and toddling between the two of them, carting markers and dolls and pieces of Goldfish back and forth across the carpet. The two of them got easily talked into playing Barbies for one memorable twenty minute stretch, in which Buck learned quite a few things about Tommy's sense of fashion.
"You can't put those rain boots on Tiffany when she's wearing that dress, they don't go at all," Buck said contemptuously.
Tommy rolled his eyes. "Why not? There's yellow in the belt." He squinted and held Tiffany up a little closer to his face. "Sort of."
Buck groaned painfully. "They're way to clunky for that outfit! And it's not even raining, Tommy! Why would she be wearing rain boots?"
Tommy blinked at him for a second before slowly tilting his head up toward the ceiling. Of his very-much-indoors living room. Buck groaned louder.
Jee solved the problem easily by shoving the rain boots onto Tiffany's arms and yelling out Gloves! Buck was a little miffed he didn't think of that first.
Dolls, juice-box breaks, Buck chasing Jee around the first floor making firetruck sounds and sending Tommy into stitches from where he was still sprawled in front of the TV—the evening passed all too quickly and with more laughing than either of them had done in weeks. Which of course meant that by the time that Maddie and Chimney texted that they were going to be heading back soon, both grown men were beyond pooped and covered in more sticky substances than was probably recommended by most health codes. Jee had not decided to take it easy on the new guy, that's for sure.
Buck had handed a squirming Jee over to Tommy a bit ago while he got his niece's stuff all organized back together in her bag. By the time he'd gotten the rest of her leftover snacks out of the fridge and made a passable effort at tidying up the counters, the excitable sounds of Tommy and Jee's earlier conversations had died down and Buck decided it was about time he headed over to check up on them.
He was greeted with the sight of the two of them tucked into the couch, Jee set up on Tommy's lap with one of her new coloring books in her hand and an assortment of markers wedged into the crook of Tommy's bent knee in easy reach beside her. She was quietly and happily plugging away at one of the drawings—a startlingly pink giraffe, Buck thought he could make out—scribbling nonsensically across the page with an intently closed fist. Tommy had an arm resting along one of her sides to keep her from falling off, but the man himself was very much not paying too much attention anymore. His head was lolled back against the cushion, eyelids fluttering as he caught a few needed minutes of rest. Buck wasn't worried; he knew by the way Tommy's finger was still drawing lazy shapes along the frills of Jee's sparkly dress that Tommy'd be awake and aware in an instant if she needed him.
Buck stole a moment to just stand there and watch without either of them noticing. He took it in.
Tommy. His boyfriend. With a baby tucked happy against his chest.
Unbelievably small compared to him yet being held with all the gentleness in the world. His boyfriend and his niece. Both safe and content, on his couch.
Something tugged warm and tight behind Buck's ribs. The feeling almost toppled him over, dragged the breath from his lungs, love, pride, want.
He could have been sick with it.
He quietly padded over and lowered himself onto the cushion next to them before he could get too overwhelmed. He couldn't help himself. He leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss against where he knew Tommy's dimple was, and soon enough felt Tommy's smile underneath his lips.
"You having a good time there, Jee?" Buck asked quietly, pulling back just enough to see her. She twisted around to nod empathetically up at him.
"Uncle Tommy got me a jungle," she said, holding her booklet up with a grin, and Buck let out a surprised noise.
"Uncle Tommy, huh?" He teased, poking Tommy in the ribs and looking at him fondly. Tommy swatted his hand away and then grabbed his fingers before he could retreat too far, and Buck let him tug him in close and rest their now tangled hands against his side. Buck settled in sideways against the back of the couch and tried to push down the fondness bubbling up inside him before it burst.
"She said it earlier," Tommy said, brow furrowed just a bit. Buck wanted to press it out with his thumb. "It felt mean to correct her." Buck just hummed and squeezed his hand until he'd relaxed back into the couch again.
Tommy let him rest his forehead against his shoulder, and the three of them whiled away the next quarter hour laughing at Jee's animal noises and picking crazy colors for tigers and monkeys and toucans.
Maddie and Chimney showed up before for too long, greeting Tommy with just as much warmth as they did Buck, especially after they saw just how adamant Jee was about hanging off of Tommy's calf and not letting him go even in the face of Goldfish bribes.
Maddie and Chimney finally got her detached with the promise of an extra bedtime story, and in a flurry of side-hugs and handshakes and little versions of such for Jee, they said their goodbyes. Tommy waved them out the door with an arm around Buck's shoulders.
They stumbled up to bed that night too tired for much else other than sleep, Buck's heart skipping a beat in his chest every time he caught Tommy's eye or felt him brush against him as they moved around the loft. Tommy's strong arms wrapped around him as they drifted off. Buck pressed himself hard back into Tommy's chest and fell asleep to the feeling of feather-light kisses pressed against the back of his neck and a heart beating alongside his own.
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cookiewrites · 8 months
enjoy this meh sub chan smut requested by an irl friend months ago :)
catch your breath
wc: 0.7k
cw: sub!chan x afab dom!reader, choking, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don't do this), creampie, undernegotiated kink, no aftercare in fic, dirty talk, use of petname baby, idk it's just a bit of choking nothing crazy
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chan was never any good at asking for what he wanted. he was so used to putting everyone else first; his family, the kids, his fans - he didn't quite know how to allow himself that space. case in point, for the first few weeks of sharing a bed with you, he didn't tell you that you'd steal all the duvet when you slept leaving him freezing. he apologised profusely as he asked you for just a little corner; he asked so timidly, so different from the leader you were used to seeing.
chan wasn't very good at asking for what he wanted, so when he did you took it seriously.
one night you're so full you could cry, sitting in his lap sweaty and naked with him. your hands resting on the highs and lows of his abs, feeling the way the muscles twitch and move under your finger as you grind you hips, gasping as he somehow continues to hit deeper and deeper in you. you're so full you're dizzy and he's so pretty it almost hurts to look at him and-
'ch-choke me, p-please baby'
you're not even sure you heard it, not really. it's whispered out as his hands grab your hips harder, meeting yours with more force. his eyes are closed, and the quiet whine of it almost missed in the mess the two of you were making.
but you didn't miss it, oh thank god you didn't miss it, and one of your hands finds its new place around his throat.
'i've got you baby, i've got you' you reassure him, feeling the warm skin under the pads of your fingers. he looks up at you, you feel the soft unmarked part of him, the vein that's always visible when you two have sex, the dampness of his skin.
you slowly begin to squeeze, increasing the pressure just slightly.
'fuck, f-fuck' he whispers, his nails creating their own marks in your skin as he reacts to even just the feeling of your fingers there.
but it was the pressure that had his eyes rolling back. that moment of handing control over you, letting you make that ultimate decision for him. allowing him to focus only on the way your heat was clenching around him. the surrender of it all.
you began to let go when the hands on your hips relaxed, just slightly, his eyes fully closing. as soon as you begin to relax your grip he whines out, gripping harder again, small whispered begs coming from the man below you. you grind against him in response.
'channie, just catch your breath first baby' you try to explain, but he moves one of his hands to wrap around your wrist. the usually big hands looking small as they try to get you to increase the pressure around his throat, and failing to do so. grabbing at your hand, eyes doing the majority of the begging. the noises your boyfriend is making are new to you, and you swore to do whatever he wanted so you squeeze tighter.
as your hands tighten, you increase your pace, determined for him to feel just as good as you do when you're with him. his eyes roll back, his face gets warmer, and what noises he manages to get out make you dizzy. you're close to letting go again when-
'fuck b-baby, ahhh, s-shit'
it surprises you both, and you're quick to follow, not realising how tight the knot in your stomach has become since focusing on him. you release your grip as chan leans forward to kiss you, lips on yours before you even manage to move your hand from his neck. the kiss is furious and soft and intense. you're the one who pulls away to see a blushing mess in front of you.
's-sorry i shouldn't have-'
'yes, you should have' you cut him off, making clear there wasn't room for discussing. 'do you realise how hot it is knowing you're enjoying yourself, that i'm giving you what you need?'
you lean forward, into his ear, hand tightening just slightly again 'how hot it is seeing you so desperate?'
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jaysnunchucks · 2 months
Random ninja headcanons ( Part 2 )
Warning: mention of mental health and sh under the cut.
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- On every Lloyd’s birthday the ninja throw him a big party, since he never had those in the boarding school for bad boys
- When Kai and Nya were little, Kai was the first to realise that his parents aren’t returning, so when Nya asked Kai where’s mom or dad he just said that their gonna be home one day.
- Garmadon still cares for Lloyd, Harumi manipulated Garmadon into thinking that he has some ultimate power so he could be her pawn.
- Lou knew that Lilly was an elemental master, he knew his son had the same power, but he didn’t want Cole to follow into the footsteps of Lilly because of the fate of his late wife
- Kai absolutely loves the blue mud he ate at the cragling base.
- Jay absolutely loves his nunchucks, it is his favourite weapon, he has a poster of it in his room.
- Jay has a lot of scars, whether it is from self harm, or working in the junkyard, he is insecure about them.
- Lloyd also has scars from his time in the darkly’s boarding school, some from missions and also a few self harm scars which he sees as battle scars.
- When someone asks Lloyd about his power, it makes him wonder what he’s power really is, he is aware that it’s energy but he wonders if it was passed down somehow like all the other elemental powers.
- The ninja often have movie nights (idk if I mentioned this) and they go by age who gets to pick the movie, so Lloyd is always first, then it’s Nya, Kai and Jay do rock paper scissors to see who gets to pick and then it’s Cole.
- Lloyd usually picks movies like Spiderman into the spider-verse, and a lot more action movies, whilst Nya and Jay prefer and pick sappy rom-coms and Kai is always whining how it’s not a modern day movie, Kai picks karate movies like cobra Kai and karate kid, for some reason I can see Cole watching 80s movies.
-I've mentioned this before in one of my headcanons but Cole definatly stress eats, Nya's trying to help him reverse that habit but with everything going on right now its gotten worse.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
Oh my fuck if you used your writerly powers for Billy Knight *chews on pillow*
How about making Billy come twice, he'd be so desperate to be good for you but overstimulated and a mess. Can be from riding him until he's hard again, sucking him off, idk my eyeballs are gonna explode if I think about it too much 😱
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Pairing | Billy Knight x fem!reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), handjobs (not really, it's over his pants lol), oral m receiving, piv sex, unprotected sex (wrap it kids), dubious content (possibly? it's very much wanted but billy doesn't voice his consent), premature ejaculation, overstimulation, mentions of poor mental health, mentions of medication, mention of physical ticks, health facility setting, fluff, angst, billy is incredibly touch starved.
Word Count | 3k
A/N | this was purely self-indulgent because i love billy so much, i've not proofread it so if you see any mistakes no you didn't
"Bill, how longs it been since a girl touched you?" You ask quietly, leaning out to rest your hand on his knee. You don't miss the way his leg jerks a little under the touch, like you'd burned him with a match.
"I don't - I don't know. Not since I was in school, a while ago." Billy's voice is thick, wet, accent shining through with every word he speaks. You can tell he's mortified by your question, the way his tick kicks up a little after being stagnant the whole of your visit so far, the constant swiping of his nose turning it red raw.
You wince a little at his confession, can't help but screw your face up - it's obvious that you look sad for him. He hadn't had it easy his whole adulthood, really, being constantly in and out of hospital for various mental health disorders meant that he was starved in the affection department, too busy trying to get better before he could focus on a girl.
He looks like he's getting better, that you can tell. He was finally allowed visitors in his room, not in the mess hall, which meant he was being trusted alone without constant supervision. He also just looked cleaner cut; the black Henley adorning his toned torso suited him so much better than the baggy grey hoodie he always wore. His hair was neat, combed back, though his stubbly beard still remained.
He looked nicer with it, you thought. Not so much like a scared schoolboy, it made him look older in a more masculine way. He'd told you the medication was helping, too, that he was sleep schedule was improving and he wasn't so anxiety ridden all the time, scared that somebody was coming to get him.
This private place had been better than anywhere the NHS had sent him, clearly having money was the big factor in whether mental health sufferers really ever got the help they needed. You didn't pry him on where the money came from to pay for the treatment, sometimes it was better to stay out of the Knights' business.
"Where were you, uh, going with this?" Billy's shaky voice snaps you out of your trance, and you realise you'd been staring back and forth between his face, chest and crotch unabashedly this entire time. Your cheeks heat up, and you glance away to look at the clock ticking behind his head, suddenly becoming so interesting.
"You'll think I'm being so silly," You sputter, subtly fanning your face with your hand that wasn't still slapped on Billy's knee, in a bid to cool down a little, embarrassment taking over your whole body, "I just thought that, maybe, it'd help you relax a little if you, or if I helped you... take the edge off."
Billy cocks his head to the side, confusion etching onto his features before it dawns on him exactly what you meant. He flushes a deep red, "Oh, um. The prescription pills they have me on s-sort of... stop me from being able to f-finish, uh, lot of the time."
You're the reason he's stuttering, you know that and it's making you want to lunge at him and wrap him up in a big hug to calm him down. You've clearly mortified him with your question, too forward and full on for somebody who may as well still have been a virgin with the amount of time that'd gone by since he'd last been in any sexual encounter that wasn't with his own right hand.
"I can... well I can try?" You say it like it's a question, eyes flitting back to look at him once more, the heat on his face making him look even more endearing, his long dark lashes fanning across the tips of his cheeks as he closes his eyes and sucks in a sharp breath.
Your hand had inched further up his thigh without you even realizing, and you gasp when the back of your hand brushes against his obvious erection through his dark jogging bottoms. You question now if it's not actually embarrassment that's making him flush so dark - but arousal instead.
"You'll tell me if I'm reading this wrong, yeah?" You ask him gently, voice barely above a whisper as you slide your palm over his cock through the thick material of his pants, clear outline making it obvious he had no underwear on underneath. Your breath hitches as you go to curl your hand around his length, so thick that your fingers can't wrap around it fully.
You're watching in awe as a wet patch starts to form on the soft cotton, dampening it until it's stained darker, whilst you go between ghosting your hand up and down gently and squeezing softly. Billy can't rip his eyes away from you, drifting back and forth between your shocked face and your hand grasping at him.
"I'm gonna cum, darlin'. Sorry, shit," Billy's hand claws onto the leather arm of his chair and he's hunching in on himself, coming with a low, gruff moan, painting the inside of his sweatpants with his release.
Your eyes widen in shock, a gasp escaping your lips as you sit back and take in what just happened. Your thighs clench, a wave of heat overcoming your body at the thought of him coming undone so easily under your touch.
"M'sorry, this is so embarrassing." Billy's whiny little voice breaks the silence, he throws his head back and rubs at his face with his hands. They're big enough that they completely engulf his features, making his head seem small in comparison. In that split second, you decide you want - no, need to have his hands all over you. You needed to show him what it was like to touch a girl, feel her go pliant under his touch.
"It's not." You say it all too quick, hand tearing away from his crotch to grab at his arm and pull his hands away from his face so he could look at you properly. His eyes are watering, big brown orbs clearly showing his distress and it makes your heart ache, "It's not embarrassing, Bill. It's normal, you've not been touched by another person in, what, seven years? Maybe longer? Don't feel like you should be better at this."
You slip out of your own chair across from Billy, sliding onto your knees in front of him with a dull thud, shuffling between his spread legs, "Can I touch you again? Proper this time?" Your voice is barely above a whisper, batting your lashes at him prettily, "I promise I'll make it good for you."
Billy shakes out a stuttered sigh, cock already kicking up again in interest at the thought of your bare flesh connecting with his own. You're so gorgeous, he's thought about you in this way for so long, but he always thought you'd do better than him. That you could do better than him.
He thought you were only still friendly with him out of pity, at the end of the day you had been Jimmy's friend first. You hadn't had any dealings with Jimmy in years, yet you always still checked in with Billy, visited often. Maybe it was because you knew he didn't really have any other friends, nobody to look out for him but you.
Billy hazards a glance down at you when he feels your fingers brush over the waistband of his soiled sweats, helps you by lifting his hips up when you tug at them to pull them down. You leave them to pool at his ankles, no patience to take them off completely.
He's fully hard again just at the sight of you on your knees in front of him, leaky tip slapping against his belly, his previous load still glistening down his shaft, perfect for using to lube him up.
"Can I put my mouth on you?" You ask tentatively, fingers ghosting over his balls, up his shaft to wrap deftly around the tip. You pull his foreskin down a little to reveal the mushroom shaped head, another blurt of precum shooting out of his slit and coating your thumb.
Billy never does reply to you, too entranced with the look of your hand on his bare skin, your own flesh feeling so hot it almost burns, searing through his sensitive spots.
You shuffle forward a bit more, mouth hovering over the head of his cock so you can spit a glob of saliva onto it for extra lubricant. Billy hisses, big doe eyes staring at you, unblinking, in awe of you and what you're doing for him.
When your lips finally wrap around the tip, you can't help the moan that leaves you. He tastes salty but clean as you suck and lick at him, heady in such a delicious way it intoxicates you, clouds your senses. You move your hand a bit lower so you can take more of him in, having to bring up your other hand to wrap with it so you can cover his shaft properly.
He's so thick, stretching your mouth wide and cracking your lips. You sink down a bit further, taking more of his cock in until you're gagging, throat closing up around him.
You can hear Billy's fingernails scratching at the leather of the chair, his hips stuttering up into your mouth in a telltale sign that he's close to coming already. His belly is shaking, moans escaping him in quick presession like he can't contain them.
You can't let him come like this; you had to have his cock in you before your visit was over, your core ached for it, your panties feeling damp just from touching him. Billy consumed your entire being, had you feeling needy and desperate.
When you release his dick with a 'pop' he sputters out a little whine, a clear sign that he was so close to the edge before you finished what you were doing.
You look up at him through wet lashes, his face burning a deep purple and the veins on his neck popping from the strain of him struggling not to come. You get up off your knees, pulling your tights down your legs along with your panties so that you're bare from the bottom down, sliding your shirt up over your head to just leave you in a bra on top.
"What're you, shit," Billy struggles to get his words out, ticking and wiping his nose with the backs of his fingers, "what're you doing?"
"Can I ride you?" You ask gently, edging closer to him and kicking his feet until his legs are a bit closer together. Billy nods, and you take that as permission to mount him, spread legs bracketing his hairy thighs.
You flip your skirt up a little, reaching behind you to grab at the base of Billy's cock. You rub the tip in between your folds, all whilst watching him and you don't miss the way his eyes roll back, head tipping so his stubbly neck is bared to you.
You take it slowly, sliding down inch by inch until your cunt is nestled against his groin, thatch of dark pubes tickling your delicate skin. You feel so full it's delicious, his thick cock feeling like it was made to be nestled deep in you.
Billy instinctively reaches out to grab at your hips, stilling you from moving until he got used to the feeling of your soaking wet cunt enveloping him. He breathes in and out deeply, not even baring to look at you, worried he'd blow his load immediately if he did.
You bring your hands out to gently brush over his cheeks, silently forcing him to look at you, which he does eventually. He's just so pretty, his big brown orbs watery and bloodshot, his plump red lips bitten, his cute nose darkened from the constant rubbing as he ticked.
He was so perfect you couldn't fucking stand it. You let your knees do some work for you, finally lifting up a few inches and sinking back down to the hilt. Billy's eyes flutter shut, a high-pitched moan leaving him, the feeling of your sopping, gummy cunt tightening around him feeling fucking heavenly.
You pick up a steady pace quickly, letting yourself be consumed by Billy completely. His big hands running up and down from your waist to your hips and back again, his moans and whimpers clouding your head, his thick cock nudging at your insides so deliciously it made you ache.
You remove your hands from his face, reaching to unclasp your bra and let it fall, baring your tits to him. You shake him gently to make him open his eyes, so he can get a good eyeful. What you don't expect is for him to lean forward immediately and latch onto your left nipple, suckling gently.
"Oh, Billy," You're a moaning mess above him, your cunt feeling so full, whole body on fire with the feeling of his body hard pressed against yours. He's mouthing at your breasts, sucking on your nipples as if his life depended on it.
He's whining, hips stuttering up against yours to meet your bounces. There's no real rhythm to it, his inexperience clear as day, but you're struggling to care with how good he's making you feel. The catch and drag of the head of his cock brushing your spongey spot, making your pussy slicker than before.
"God, darling, I'm so sorry," Billy groans, letting go of your nipple and kissing along the swell of your tit instead, whining out as you speed up a little, helping him chase his orgasm, "I'm gonna cum, fuck."
"Do it, babe, s'okay," You moan, tugging at his hair a little to get him to crane his neck up, to finally press a kiss to his lips. That's what does it for him, has his hips stuttering against yours as he comes deep inside of you.
He opens his mouth to moan, and you take that as your opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth to lap lazily against his own. He shudders through his orgasm, your hips slowing down to a stop when he starts to shake with overstimulation.
He's not very good at kissing, but his plump lips and wide tongue make up for it. You find your cunt fluttering at the feeling, clamping down around his cock to milk the final bit of come out of him. You try not to be disappointed that you haven't been able to chase your own release, too focused on making Billy feel good.
You're not sure when you stop kissing, but when you do and you open your eyes again, you notice Billy's eyes are wet and his cheeks are stained with tear marks. You wipe his tears away with your thumb, smiling at him until he's forced to smile back.
"Good?" You ask gently, hips rocking subtly, his soft cock still nudging slightly against your soft spot. You try not to be pushy, knowing he'd be sensitive, but you can't help but want to do it again, the coil in your gut still wound tight with need.
Billy nods, huffing out a little, "I can - I can feel that, you know?" He says, nodding towards your soft hips moving, "It's - it's really sensitive, God."
You continue moving your hips in silence, squeezing your cunt around him, feeling his dick throbbing inside of you like it's trying to pique interest again. You really hope it does, you need to do this for a little longer, just a little.
"You can come again though, right? Let me try, please?" You're basically begging him, forehead to forehead and circling your hips back and forth on his already half hard cock and he's crying again, overcome with pleasure and sensitivity, struggling to think straight through the feeling of you on top of him.
Billy nods anyway, a silent yes and you use the leverage of your knees on the hard material of the chair to rise back up again, sinking back down softly. You do it like this until he's fully hard again, up down, up down, up down, your nails digging into the skin of his neck to keep yourself stable.
His hot hands on your waist make your skin feel like it's on fire, has your tummy coiling even tighter, the telltale sign of your own orgasm beginning to wash over you with every drag of his cock head against your gummy walls.
"That's it, Bill, God, your cock feels so good." You cry out, chasing your high until your cunt spasms around him and you feel the white-hot waves of pleasure crashing around you. A gush of slick comes from you, making your pussy impossibly wetter, so wet you feel it drip down your inner thighs onto Billy's own.
You feel like you black out for a second, only coming to when you feel Billy's hands grip onto your hips impossibly tighter so he can fuck up into you from below, his wet moans telling you he's close to coming again, too.
"Fuck, I love you, darling, shit. Love you, always have, m'so sorry, fuckfuck," Billy's hands slide up your back, tugging you until you're impaled on his cock impossibly deeper, chest pressed flush to his own as he comes for the third time, face buried into your neck tightly.
Your heart swells at his words, face flushing dark at the confession. Your insides bloom warmly, consumed with the sheer love you have for him, "I love you too, Bill. Loved you forever, was it not obvious?"
Billy's crying against your chest, hot tears spilling onto your bare chest, "No, I didn't, God, why didn't you tell me?"
"You needed to get better first, Bill." Your voice is soft, hand deftly running over his hair soothingly, "You're getting better now, though. It was time. I'm here forever, I'm not going anywhere."
You whisper encouraging words into his skin until his cries come to a stop, his shuddering body finally stilling. He'd finish his treatment, get the fuck out of here and you could start your life together.
It was the only thing keeping him focused on getting better - he needed to, to go out and see the world with you by his side.
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writerslittlelibrary · 6 months
I don't wanna lose you
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picture credits: @akutlou
summary: ever since a smuggler got the job to smuggle you across the country to a group called the fireflies, you started to realise how much family you could have if only you let people in (Abby isn't a Firefly so she never kills Joel)
pairing: Abby Anderson x fem reader
warnings: guns, clickers, talk of death, weed, murder? idk it's an apocalypse fic 
genre: fluff, angst
words: 2834
a/n: This is basically just reader being Ellie. If you read my other tlou x mcu fic, some parts may be a bit the same, but I promise this story is different :)
I've decided to make this an au, so that I can write future Abby x reader with the same backstory. besides, I enjoy connecting fics 
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Joel wasn't very happy when he learned he would be smuggling a fifteen year old girl across the country. However, the pay couldn't be denied, and his partner, Tess, wanted to get paid.
After taking on the job, and after losing Tess, Joel soon realised the girl he was smuggling was slowly healing him. He hated it. He hated the feeling of erasing his daughter. Of replacing her. And so, he pushed the girl away. He pretended as though he hated her, never starting an actual conversation and pretending to hate her talking.
The truth, however, was quite different. What Joel hated the most, was the fact that this new girl was making him fearful. Making him scared of losing another daughter. Making him fear the fact that he may not be able to protect this girl, that he may fail her, just like he failed his daughter. 
After some time, the girl grew on him. He started openly enjoying her conversation, and her endless talking. He started receiving her hugs, and enjoying the warm feeling that seemed to heal his wounds on the inside.
But then, both Joel and the girl arrived at the hospital. 
The destination you both fought so hard to get to. This was all that Joel was supposed to do. Drop you off with the Fireflies, and get the hell out of there. 
Yet, when it was time, he couldn't. What would you do after travelling across the entire country with a girl? Travelling for almost an entire year? Could you give her up? 
One thing was certain. Joel couldn't, and he wouldn't.
Killing the entire hospital had been easy. He had the motivation to save you, and that was all that he needed. Killing the people that were trying to hurt you was easy. You needed to survive, and he would make sure you did.
The lying was what was difficult. 
Joel lied to you. He promised you that there was no cure, that you weren't of any use to them. You believed him. Or rather, you wanted to believe him. Somewhere, deep down, you knew the truth. You knew Joel was lying, but you didn't let him know. You wanted to believe him, and so you did. 
Now things were different. You had gone back to Jackson. Together with Joel you decided that living with Tommy would be best, so you went back. 
Things were good. You were good. You like hanging out with the other kids around Jackson, and you liked having family. You enjoyed how Tommy, Maria and Joel all cared for you. They were the only ones that knew your secret, and they were your family now. 
You had never experienced something like this before. You had never had any family, and now you suddenly had a whole town. 
However, after about a year, things went bad.
You ran away from Jackson, stealing your horse from the stables and returning to the Firefly hospital. You needed to know the truth. You need to be sure. You knew Joel was lying, but you needed proof.
After finding it, you had gotten mad. Joel had lied to you, actually lied to you. 
Joel had come to look for you, taking a horse as well and following you. He knew where you would go, and when he did find you, you forced him to tell you the truth. He did, and after doing so, you broke down. 
You weren't mad that Joel saved your life. You weren't mad that there was no cure. If there was a possibility of a cure being made, you knew a group like the Fireflies shouldn't be the ones to possess it. They would use it for bad things. They would manipulate people and use the cure as a way of making other people do their bidding. 
No. You were mad that Joel lied. 
The truth was something you could handle, but the fact that the most important person in your life lied about something so big, something so important. That was what pissed you off. 
However, it didn't take long before you forgave Joel.
You might have been mad, but you weren't unreasonable. You loved Joel, and you knew he loved you. Why else would he have killed almost the entirety of the Fireflies?
Now you lived with him, or at least, in his garage. He lived in the house, and he had helped you turn the garage into a livable room. He helped you decorate it, and together with Tommy he dragged the couch and the bed in. 
Today you went out on patrol. Jesse assigned you and Dina to check out the creek trails. You had never done that route before, so you followed along as Dina showed you everything you needed to know about this route. 
“So what's going on between you and Jesse?” you asked Dina as you two rode along the creek trails, shielding your face slightly due to the snow.
“That's what you wanna talk about?!” Dina replied smugly, to which you shrugged.
“I dunno. It seemed kinda awkward this morning,” you continued, and you heard Dina chuckle a bit. 
“I don't know if I'm still into Jesse. I mean, his parents are nice, but me and him were just on autopilot. I'm not sure I liked that,” Dina explained, pulling her horse to a stop.
“We should check out these houses. Infected roam through this area once in a while,” Dina said, getting off her horse and reaching for her gun. 
You followed her example, getting off your horse and grabbing your gun. After making sure it was loaded, you entered the first house, Dina following closely. 
“So what are you doing tonight?” Dina asked after deeming the house was clear. 
“I was gonna watch a movie with Joel, why?” you responded, checking a few of the drawers in hope of there being supplies.
“Some kids were talking about sneaking out to go sledding. I thought maybe you'd wanna join.”
You chuckled. “Sounds fun, but maybe another time,” you said as you walked back to your horse. 
After riding for about another hour, you arrived at a supermarket. It was clear there were infected inside, and you were on patrol after all. 
After clearing the building you went back outside, but soon realised the storm had heavily picked up. You ran to your horse and followed Dina as she guided you to another look-out. You could rest there and wait out the storm. 
You and Dina got settled after finding the weed downstairs. 
You knew Eugene was a funny guy, but never had you expected this. You and Dina decided to smoke one of the joints while waiting, but were soon interrupted when Jesse ran into the room.
“What are you doing here?!” Jesse asked in surprise. “You're supposed to be on patrol,” he finished unimpressed.
“There's a blizzard outside…?” you replied in confusion.
“Why aren't you at the fucking look-out?” Dina asked Jesse, who got a look on his face that you did not appreciate. 
“Because Tommy and Joel didn't show up!” 
“What…?” you asked hurriedly, suddenly very alert. The weed cleared quickly from your system. The relaxing effects immediately leaving after hearing what Jesse said.
“What do you mean they didn't show up?” 
“We waited for them for an hour,” Jesse explains. 
“How much of their region have you covered?” you asked quickly, putting your jacket back on and grabbing your backpack. 
“We don't know what's out there. I don't like you riding solo,” Jesse quickly replied, which you interrupted.
“Exactly. What if they need help?”
Jesse sighed. “Okay, I will come from the east, Dina you come from west, and you come from south but be smart about it,” he told you.
You nodded and quickly made your way towards the exit.
It only took you a few hours before you found Joel. Him and Tommy were waiting out the storm at a mansion only a few hours' ride from Jackson. They were there with another group. 
Apparently, Tommy and Joel had been caught off guard by a group infected. While they were running away from them, they ran into a girl. They helped her while she was being attacked by some runners, killing them and helping her run.
After they got locked into the look-out while the infected were trying to break the doors down, the girl, Abby, had told them about the mansion she and her friends were staying in.
Tommy and Joel brought Abby there, and they were allowed to wait out the storm with them. 
However, you didn't know that yet. and so, you went around the house, climbing over a fence and making your way inside quickly. 
You had your gun raised as you heard chatter coming from a room inside the house. You carefully checked each room, making sure you didn't miss anything or anyone as you tried to find the source of the chatter. 
You then arrived in something that looked like the living room. There was a fire going and you could feel the heat from the room
You could also hear a lot of chatter, which quickly made you realise that whoever these people were, they were with a lot. You raised your gun, loading it while entering the room. However, what you saw wasn't exactly what you expected. 
Joel was there, and he was chatting with Tommy and the other people in the room.
“Joel?!” you asked out of relief, walking further into the room.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Joel asked surprised, getting up from his seat and embracing you in his arms when you went to hug him.
“You guys never showed up at the look-out. I thought you fucking died,” you replied, hitting him on the arm. 
Joel chuckled. “I'm not gonna die. The storm caught us off guard, and the look-out was swarmed with infected. We just needed another place to wait out the storm,” he explained. 
“Let's hope Jesse and Dina find us soon, and let's hope they didn't run into the herd that you tried avoiding,” you sighed in annoyance, allowing Joel to push your shoulders. 
“I gotta get Shimmer. I left her outside,” you explained, and Joel nodded.
“Go to the front, we'll open the gate for ya,” Tommy said as he got up. Another guy got up as well, and he followed Tommy to the gate. 
After getting Shimmer inside and everything being settled, you sat down next to Joel, Tommy sitting on the other side of you. 
“So who are you?” asked one of the guys from the group. He looked to be Spanish, and he couldn't have been older than 25. 
“I'm y/n,” you replied. “What about you?” 
The guy, Manny, introduced himself and the others, telling you they came from Seattle and were just passing through. After talking with the group for a while, Jesse and Dina found you as well. That’s when you returned to Jackson.
The snow storm had mostly calmed down, and with that the possibility came to safely return to Jackson. 
You returned to Jackson, followed by the group that you met in the mansion. Tommy offered them to stock up before their return to Seattle, and they had gratefully accepted. 
After returning to Jackson, you were quick to get back to your room. The day had wrecked you, and you were physically and emotionally broken. You didn't mind that the group would leave when you would be asleep, but you had the feeling one girl did. You didn't miss the many times she looked you up and down, almost as if she was checking you out. 
You couldn't care less, though. She would be leaving for Seattle soon anyway.
The next morning she was gone, and you went on about your life. You watched that movie with Joel, and you went on your patrol with Dina and Jesse. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal, until she showed up.
It had been a few months since the run in with the Seattle group, and you had been sticking closer to Joel than you ever had before. When he went on patrols, you went with him. It even went as far as sleeping in the house with him. You were terrified of losing him and you didn't want to leave him, even for a moment. 
Joel couldn't deny how much he enjoyed you sticking close to him. He as well was once afraid of losing you. After telling you the truth Joel was afraid he had lost you, And when he realised he hadn't, he wanted to be around you as much as possible as well.
He gladly took you in, cooking dinner for the two of you for when you returned from either your patrols or hanging out with Jesse and Dina. 
He enjoyed you openly loving him again. 
Of course, you had never stopped loving him, but you did stop showing it at some point. Now you were back to openly showing it again, hanging out around Joel as much as possible. 
Everything was back to normal in Jackson, until she showed up.
You remembered her name was Abby, and the guy she was with was Manny. They were with the Seattle crew, and now they were here. 
They weren't travelling alone, however. You were quick to spot the little boy hiding behind Abby.
They were let in quickly. Jackson was known for its hospitality, and neither Tommy nor Maria would ever let anyone stand outside of the gates, especially not someone they had met before. 
You were quick to be at the gate, welcoming Abby and Manny inside while you tried to get a good look at the little boy. You hadn't seen him before, and by his body language you could tell he was afraid. 
It didn't make much sense to you that they would show up here in Jackson. They had told you about their own settlement. How they had lived there for many years and how it was their home. Yet now, they were here, miles away from the place they claimed was their home. 
After following Maria and Tommy, who got the people inside quickly, you helped with preparing a meal for them. 
You served it, and they ate quickly, clearly not having eaten a lot in the past few weeks, maybe even months. 
After they ate, Abby explained what had happened, and why they had come to Jackson. Apparently, their group, the Wolves, were at war with another group, the Scars, or Seraphites, as the little boy corrected. The rest of their crew got taken out by said Seraphites, and while Abby was travelling to see her friend, Owen, she ran into two Scars.
They helped her, saved her life, and in turn she saved theirs. 
Apparently, Lev, the little boy, had a sister, who had broken her arm. Abby helped her, and together with Mel, who you remembered was in the Seattle crew, they removed her arm, saving Yara from compartment syndrome. 
However, when Lev had gone back to the island of the Seraphites to talk to his mother, Yara and Abby had gone after him, which eventually resulted in Yara's death.
The leader of the Wolves, Isaac, wanted to kill Lev, and he was prepared to kill Abby as well if she didn't get out of the way. Abby had protected Lev, and after Isaac was shot Abby and Lev made their way away from the island. 
They had run into Manny, and after Abby explained what happened, they had decided to go back to Jackson, hoping to find shelter there. 
The little boy was a Seraphite, and because Abby protected him, she was seen as a traitor to her own people. However, she didn't mind. Lev was her people now, and she would do anything to protect him. It reminded you of Joel and yourself, and after hearing their story, you wanted to help.
Abby, Manny and Lev were given a house in Jackson, and they were each given tasks in which they could help out. They weren't required to do anything while they were still settling in, but if they wanted to help, they could.
Seeing as though you had been in Jackson quite some time, and you had connections with Tommy and Maria, you were assigned to help them out a bit. Show them how things work around Jackson, and help them settle in. It was to be assumed they would need some time to adjust, but you were pleasantly surprised when they seemed to be settling in quite well.
You had started taking a liking to Abby, however. She was strong and beautiful, kind and funny. You liked her, and you were pretty sure she liked you too.
a/n: part one of this au is done, yippie! I wasn’t sure how to end this, so enjoy the sloppy, terrible ending. I promise to do better by part two :)
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @n0txn3vee @lorsstar1st
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okay hear me out!
Imagine a little kid buys a Chucky doll and after a while the doll starts acting weird and stuff. So the kid doesn't realise what's going on but the parents just want to throw the doll away.
The kid, doesn't want to throw the doll away but after the parents told the kid that they would get a new one she was like ''okay whatever.''
Later that night, when the kid was about to go to bed Chucky just sprints right in front of the child. Chucky expected the kid to be scared but instead they were confused.
Chucky did everything he could to get the child to be scared of him but the child is just so dumbfounded it kinda hurts.
AFTER THAT. The parents end up throwing away the doll and Chucky goes on a killing spree etc.. then Chucky gets bored and goes to find that kid again..
I wrote this at 12 am and turned out to be so cringe help.
Also be specific with me, like idk wtf to do after u said that last sentence without any more information??
"you're actually not that bad..."
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You've had your eye on those famous good guy dolls for a while. Your parents didn't mind buying it, after it was really popular and seemed to bring positive vibes. Although tad bit expensive.... It was okay.
There were soo many of them so you just closed your eyes and waved your pointed finger like crazy and picked the one it landed on. Your mother chuckled as she got your selected pick and went over to your dad to get checked.
Your mom's jaw was almost on the floor as the cashier announced the price.
"four ninety two!? I thought they ranged from only a hundred or two!" even your father seemed startled by this.
"yes but it seems this one is a chucky doll, these are very rare and so cost a lot."
Your mother turned to look at you. And then decided this wasn't the time to argue and agreed immediately to taking a coupon the cashier suggested.
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You had placed ur newly brought friend on the living room as your parents watched you open your toy.
It was just like you've seen everywhere. Permanent plastic smile and ginger hair and a cute little overall outfit.
"hi, I'm chucky! I'm your friend to the end." you smiled at this and as soon as it said it liked to be hugged you immediately did so.
This interaction warming both of your parents hearts and were glad they bought that doll for you.
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It has been a few days since you had gotten that doll but it emitted an uneasy feeling to both your parents. They would often find sharp objects around their house missing and end up near you and the doll.
They confronted you about it but you denied their accusations.
Or that one time you talked to them about over hearing chucky move around your room and the house. Your parents were concerned as you never had any experience like this before.
And they have been lately feeling if the doll is watching them. And having quite fed up with this as well as worried for the safety of their child they choose to get it rid of it later.
They announce this to you but being an oblivious child this was confusing to you. Why? He didn't do anything, (that bad) and besides he was a good friend.
Your parents not being able to come up with a good lie as to not freak you out or confuse you any further they told you they would buy you another toy a much better one at that. So you just agreed. He was a bit weird at night anyway.
After it was bed time you got ready to climb on your bed when a flash of colors as tall as you sprint in front of you.
Getting to properly look at the colorfull object, you see that it's your chucky doll! And he's smirking at you. Almost as if looking down on you. But then the more you stared at him the lesser the wide smirk on his face stayed.
"I thought dolls weren't supposed to walk."
"what? That's what you're more focused on?"
His voice sounded nothing like the ones before, it was masculine, rough and raspy.
"well I've never heard of walking dolls in real life. That's actually kinda cool!"
"what?" he some kids would be scared or running... Well it is kinda nice to be complimented from time to time. But screw it.
Chucky went under the bed and pulled out a sharp large knife and threatened you with it "okay kid, there's no time for talking. Let's play a game, it's called hide the soul. If you refuse or cause me any trouble this knife is going right into your throat."
"but I don't wanna."
"YOU- little shit..." the doll mumbled to himself he couldn't kill you, he needs you alive. Then he got the idea that if he scared you enough you would finally listen to him, he could just tie you up but his height and body severely disadvantage him. Its not like if he tried to you couldn't just defenestrate him.
He tried to scare you by throwing the knife near your head and you said to him to use a ball to play catch instead. Threatened to kill your parents, you said he was too little. Your other toys? They aren't alive. A trick by trying to fool you into thinking he gave up and so you can just sleep now and he'll go away. Of course it didn't work!
He's not a very patient man so he snapped and lunged at you but you acted quickly and picked him up from his tiny arms and locked him in the your closet then ran to your parents.
"Y/N! y/n.. Unlock the door, I'm sorry okay? I just got a little mad because that was my favourite game and you didn't wanna play.... I promise I won't do it again. Unlock the door y/n." you hesitated and didn't reply. And answered with a "I'll think about it."
At this point he had zero patience left.
"UNLOCK THE DOOR YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT!" besides his voice, thrashing and banging was all that could be heard inside.
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*knock knock*
"mommy.. Daddy.."
"jesus... What is it honey..?" asked your mom
"what are you doing up so late?" said your dad after. Looking to the clock it was currently 09:52 pm.
"chucky's being weird, he's calling me names and has a knife."
"honey what? A knife?"
"that damn doll." your father replied under his breath shortly after, obviously sick of what's happening cause of this one small toy. getting ready to return or throw that doll away immediately.
Unfortunately it was too late to return it. Your father unlocked your closet door and got chucky out just like you told him and threw it in the trash. Finding no knife but too tired to even care anymore. He tiredly told you to go to sleep and to discuss it later.
You only nodded. And did so. Still on guard if he comes back again, he was quite scary.
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Chucky was livid and internally exhausted from all that action earlier. And the only way to charge him up is by taking his anger out. He took the knife from behind his shirt and so went his way to the unattended car and approaching owner.
It was evening and he had a killed a total of 6 to 9 people in a span of 2 days. But he got bored out of his mind and still no luck in successfully finding a child somehow. But he could always come back to you. But this time. he wasn't going to steal your soul.
Well although you were dumb, you are actually not that bad.
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It was 8:45 and past your bedtime. You forgot to lock the window and just as soon as you were getting ready to get into your bed a voice behind you called out to you.
"hey y/n." the same raspy voice said.
You turned around and see your once toy sit on the edge of your widow. immediately taking caution. "are you going to yell at me again?"
"what!? Noo!" Chucky said playfully. He was kinda surprised you didn't ask him if he was going to hurt you instead.
"I have a change a heart." he got down and starting slowly walking towards you.
"the last time you screamed at me you were acting nice." you replied sadly with a frown on your face.
Chucky stopped and then let out a loud cackle. "this one's different!" a smile was visible on his face as he walked even closer but not maliciously.
"I think you and me are going to be best friends." he added one last time.
Yes, you and him DO become best friends and he is now your other father figure 👹
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Sorry, my bad....
I want to publicly apologise to the Great Dragon. 🙇
After a cool-down period, I dove into Wakfu Wikia and re-read the first chapter of WAKFU: The Great Wave.
I've realised the dragon who invaded my boy's dream and gave Yumalia a case of coitus interruptus (a wet dream ?) was NOT Yugo's father.
*Beware of potential spoilers for Dofus the Movie, Wakfu, Wakfu the webtoon and Waven*
The silhouette shown during the dream sequence reminded me of two dragons from the World of Twelve.
Theory #1 : Grougalorasalar
The first one is Grougalorasalar, the Primordial Ebony dragon. Yes, the same dragon linked to Master Joris.
The picture from the webtoon is very similar to Rasalar, especially the wings and horns.
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I can't show the webtoon, but here is the Ebony dragon. Looks like if Godzilla and a giant bat had a baby.
However, I don't know how Grougalorasalar could have entered Yugo's dream or how he would have known about the threat the Eliatrope king might represent. I mean, sure, Yugo is a walking disaster but his reputation is not (yet) that bad, right?
As far as I know, Grougalorasalar doesn't have a "dream-hijacking" ability. Plus, like in all good old fantasy settings, the Ebony Dragon and all Black dragons from the WoT is a malignant creature, symbolising Black Fire or Stasis... or so the Wakfu wikia says.
If that's the case, why would Grougalorasalar seemingly try to prevent Yugo from doing what he does best, "unwittingly endangering the world" ?
That's why I'm more inclined to believe this is the work of Draconiros.
Theory #2 : Draconiros
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His dragon form is flawless.
Draconiros is the Master of Dreams and the Lord of Nightmares. He lives in the Kingdom of Dreams, within the Astral Plane. As such, he can manipulate dreams as he wishes. This could include hijacking someone else's dreams or even changing his appearance within said dreams.
In the wikia, it is said that Draconiros also seems to have a part in the events preceding the Eliocalypse, possibly trying to prevent it.
Since he has access to dreams, this dragon could know about the vision the Eliacube gave Oropo and how Yugo might be linked to the almost destruction of the World of Twelve (WoT). If so, it would make sense for Draconiros to contact Yugo and announce his upcoming courtesy visit. This dragon is a true gentleman! 🙏
Still, if Draconiros is really behind Yugo's nightmare, why would he pick the form of another dragon? It could also be that his true form has been redesigned for the webtoon, like they did with Nora in the tv show, idk.
Theory #3 : Idk for sure but it's not the Great Dragon
Either way, an interference from any Twelvian dragon makes more sense than the Great Invisible Dad trolling his son just to say "I hate you! Wait till I get home! 👿👿👿".
This is especially true, taking into account what is known about the Great Dragon. He is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction. Why would he bother preventing the end of one world among so many? Plus, he wasn't shown interacting with the Eliatropes back in the day, even when they were facing extinction, thanks to the Mechasms. he Great Dragon is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction.
Nah, Great Dragon "danced" with the Eliatrope Goddess, which helped her get the kids she wanted, and DIPPED! Does he even know the names of his kids? There's a reason they are called Eliatropes and not Stasisians or something. 😒
These are speculations based on my small understanding of the Wakfu universe. I don't play any MMORPG from the Wakfu franchise. I have not read all the available materials, apart from the manga-style Wakfu comics, which are a must-read for fans of the series and take place after Season 2.
For all I know, Yugo's nightmare could be sent by someone else or something else entirely.
For example, if the gods were not MIA, I would have thought Osamodas, the OG dragon master, or Sram, the biggest troll in Twelvian History, would have something to do with this nightmare.
Ngl, I was hoping this was a nightmare created by Yugo's trauma (ptsd) or his link with Toross. I really want to see this antagonist come back to haunt Yugo somehow. Maybe he can still make an appearance as a hallucination (PTSD?) or as himself from the Necroworld, channelling Rotalström (still in the Sadida kingdom), the stasis he stabbed Yugo with or the wakfu he ingested from the Eliatrope king. Anything to see Toross again! 🙏🙏🙏
I cannot wait for Episode 2 to drop and obliterate my theories!
**Please, go read Wakfu The Great Wave if you can **
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sunflowersunite · 22 days
I've been meaning to ask this for some time now, since I've realised as we're working on a fic together that you tend to make little headcanons about the characters here and there.
So I would love to hear some about your fic "to live". I tell you it's a masterpiece and it'd be a crime if you DO have hcs or side notes and you've kept them all to yourself
ohh?? Thank you so much for asking me this, swordslinger!! I maybe kind of have a few, actually...
to anyone interested, the fic is to live, an aot villain AU where Levi never left the Underground and Hange followed a different path. Assassin Levi x torturer Hange (she's a torturer for the Military Police). This post will contain spoilers for the fic.
The first person Levi killed when he became an assassin was the pimp who left his sick mother to die without providing her with any healthcare.
when Levi pushed Hange against that wall, (this is what I'm talking about) he was genuinely impatient and wanted to intimidate her. However Hange's feelings were a little... different. Danger has always exhilarated her and I have to admit that she did think about kissing him right then and there. She knew she'd end up with a knife at her throat but oh well, all the better.
Chapter 5:
“Say you’re sorry.” A pause, during which she imagines his lips pursing into a thin line. “What does it matter if I do?” It does, for the sake of their weird, twisted friendship. Because however little kindness he's got left, he spared some for her. “Just say it, midget.” “Tsk. Dumbass shitty-glasses.” “Stuck-up clean freak.”
this was inspired by Six of Crows and it according to the note I'd initially made, it would go like this: (context, Levi is bedridden, injured and they're bickering because Hange wants to go do murder stuff)
"midget" "shitty-glasses" "clean freak" "Hange. Don't go."
4. I found a fanart that reminded me of the fic and kept it in my notes. torture buddies Levihan here!
5. When Levi adopted Mikasa after her parents died, he really had to be a parent to her. She'd wake up by nightmares and he'd have to?? calm her down?? who, Levi Ackerman??
He was better at it than he expected, though. He wanted her to throw that stupid scarf away because he claimed it provided a grip for any attackers, but she refused (because it's Eren's. Mikasa still remembers Eren as the boy who taught her kindness still exists).
6. In an earlier draft, while hazy from some attack (idk which), Hange was supposed tell Levi that she liked it when he called her by her name, because initially he only referred to her by the infamous nicknames.
Later, Levi would find himself in the same predicament (hazy from an attack) and this would happen
She comes closer and he sees her, worried and bloodstained. “Levi? Are you okay?” “I’m okay.” He wraps a tendril of her hair around his finger. Holds it like a lifeline. “Hange.” “What is it?” “Nothing. You like it when I say your name.” That fact might have been a memory or a dream, but he doesn’t bother trying to figure that out. He's tired. “Don’t fall asleep!” she urges him. “If you keep shouting like this, I can’t,” he mutters.
(well, this might make it into the fic eventually. I don't know 😅)
7. Another deleted scene which I liked very much. They've found themselves in some abandoned village and sleep side by side.
Hange inches closer to him, her hands press against his chest. He finds it rough and calloused from holding hammers and buzzsaws, not swords or scalpels. From creating, not destroying. Levi wishes for the first time that he could do something useful for the kids like the one he used to be, frail and weak and alone. Without being sure why, he snakes an arm around her waist and pulls her closer. Her breath fans over his face and he’s only millimetres away from pressing their foreheads together. It’s a tenderness he feels like they’re stealing from another kinder world. This world is cruel, though, and they know that they’ll be each other’s demise or die trying. I’ll kill you, her kind smile says. The inquisitiveness with which her eye roams his face, the way her hands press on his beating heart. I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you. A twisted lullaby. //  She studies his stormy eyes, the smooth bridge of his nose, the line of his mouth. She drinks in every little detail, tries to read his expression. He gives her nothing.
this scene. ohhh I forgot how much I liked it. I got goosebumps. 😄
7. deleted scene #3679 (context: Hange would return to the Scouts here and Levi rode his horse next to her until the camp. It happened a bit differently in the final product)
“Is this goodbye, then?” she asks. “I guess.” She looks like she wants to say something and Levi finds himself once more awaiting her next words with a knot in his stomach. “I never liked goodbyes, you know. Us Scouts never say goodbye, only good luck. So, good luck, Levi. Kick their asses.” The first rays of the morning sun dance around her hair and she looks more like a painting than a person, a painting with soot smudged on her cheeks and a stiff back and an eye the colour of soil and life. Bright and hopeful and alive, that’s what she is. That’s what she deserves to be. Hange’s horse starts to trudge towards the camp, and Levi calls out for her before he can regret it. “Hange!” She stops and looks back. Her name rolls off his tongue as if he’s said it countless times before. It’s familiar, it feels right. And if it takes never saying it again for her to live, maybe it’s okay. “Good luck.”
heyyy I liked this scene too, would you look at that.
8. Levi likes to kiss Hange's neck (I headcanon that for canon as well, but let's mention it here). He's too short to reach her cheek so he just kisses her neck fleetingly when they become canon. Also he likes to cuddle up to her and use her as a pillow.
9. Chapter 3:
The tip of his nose is cute, so mismatched for a murderer like him. That’s what piqued her interest when he pinned her against the wall that first night. Maybe when she kills him, she’ll cut off his nose and preserve it in a jar, it’s too nice to let rot.
fun fact, you have @quillsandblades to thank for that because they were the one who made me not scrap that scene and actually use it somewhere.
10. After Levihan becomes canon and assuming everything works out eventually, Levi becomes the Scouts' scary parent and Mikasa their scary sister. Assassin Levi with Connie and Sasha.
"soo what do you do in your free time?"
"I murder people"
11. Kenny ships Levihan. Granted, he did send them after eachother, but chemistry is chemistry and Kenny has eyes.
This turned out to be a compilation of deleted scenes, but it's good that I found an opportunity to share them! If anything else occurs to me I'll let you know 😉
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi how you doing?
So I have a question that is bothering me.
How do you think the conversation went when at one point in their relationship JKK had to talk to the others members?
Like i imagine they must have told them like "officially" even if the others knew smth was going on btw them.
And do you think they tried to warn them? Bcz they are idols living in SK and in the biggest group?
And what about the company? Do you think they had to "officially" come out to them too?
Why is this really difficult question for me? Omg
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There is literally no way for anyone to know any of this my lovely 😂😂😂
What we can say happened for certain coz it seems like it would be protocol, would be Bangpd holding a meeting with all 7 of them. Jikook being together affects the entire group after all. So their boss calling them all together after everything has been said and done is a thing I think we can all agree on, probably happened.
As for the rest it's all guess work on my end of course since like I mentioned apart from parties involved, there's no way of having an exact answer to this.
So this is just what I think happened and I wouldn't mind seeing in the comment section what others think also.
How do you think the conversation went when at one point in their rlship Jkk had to talk to the other members?
Members i think already knew: Jhope, V, Jin,
Member i think needed to be told: RM,
Member I'm not sure about: Suga
I dont recall Jhope talking alot about women but between Suga saying his type is a man with a beard and JK a girl with muscles and Jimin shamelessly wanting JK, it's easy to peg Yoonminkook from jump. RM, Jin and V however, if u watch their early content there is a way they talk that's super hetero. The word wife and girlfriend and kids used to be thrown around which is why I've always pegged Jin as straight. (Yes gay men can have kids too but Taejin meant with women for sure) while I think RM is bi, these 3 emitted the most heteronomative vibes to me.
My point is, I can see this being why RM could have possibly missed what was happening right under his nose. As for V, due to his original views on homosexuality I would've put him in this category if Vminkook weren't as close as they used to be. But the general consensus is that V felt some type of way when Jikook got together since he kind of lost his best friend to JK. Its because of this I can see V putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
First it was him and Jimin hanging out together. Then JK wants to join them all the time so now they're the close trio. But then suddenly Jikook are hanging out without him or keep disappearing and coming up with weird excuses. Idk if you've ever had friends that were shagging, but things start to get weird and suspicious real quick and before you know it, you've worked out they're hooking up. Especially when u start to feel like the 3rd wheel. I imagine that's what happened with V. The moment he realised Jimin likes dudes it was game over, really.
The reason why I think Jin didn't need to be told is coz the Jinkook dynamic is really strong. And we know it was this way from the beginning. What with Jin taking JK under his wing and being like a dad to him almost. He looked after him and made sure he got everything he wanted. And even though they have a Tom and Jerry dynamic going on I think JK respects the shit out of this man. I can see even now in 2023 Jimin going to Jin when JK won't listen and tells him to talk to JK or something like that. And it doesn't even have to be for a Jikook fight. I can see Jimin going to Jin about any concerns he could have about JK. Anyway, my point is, I think JK told Jin himself. That is, if Jin didn't already figure it out. Even if he told JK "I knew already" I can see JK wanting to tell Jin himself.
I cannot place Suga and I go back and forth for 2 reasons. 1) Him being queer himself may have made him automatically figure it out, couple that with him liking, liking Jimin, but noticing Jimin likes JK instead. Or 2) Suga likes to mind his own business and so he don't pay attention to members personal lives unless he needs to. Plus he was busy trying to practice hard on this complex choreo he didn't sign up for and had producing and writing to worry about.... idk guys. Idk about our mans Suga. But I lean more towards number 1 because just coz he minds his business doesn't mean he don't notice what goes on around him 🤔
As for Jhope this is a no brainer, really. We don't even need to headcannon this y'all. He was the first to know. Didn't even need to be told. JK was around them all the time in their room, in Jimin's bed. I wouldn't be surprised if he accidentally walked in on a make out session once or twice. Or that one time they thought he was sleeping and they started making out, little did they know Jhope could hear everything
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Idk anon. Idk how Hobi found out but he was the first.
I imagine they must have told them like "officially"
For sure. I agree. At some point Jikook must have decided to actually say something to the members. Maybe 2016? I think that by Osaka Vlive all members knew. After that live no one was allowed to budge into another member's room without warning ever again so for that to have happened means all for them saw what we saw, which means they knew. So by 2016 they all knew.
V, Jin and Jhope of course told them they already knew. Maybe Suga too? And only RM was shook 😂😂 i can't picture otherwise guys. Tell me he's not confused AF here. He's like; what in the world is going on???
And do you think they tried to warn them? Bcz they are idols living in SK and in the biggest group?
Yes. Especially RM as the leader. I'm sure as soon as he found out he was already thinking about the downside. Jin and Jhope supported them immediately and told them to be careful. V and Suga did not address repercussions. I don't see them caring about that.
And what about the company? Do you think they had to "officially" come out to them too?
Like I said their rlship affects the group so yeah an official meeting with Bangpd had to have been had about this. Their contracts had to be adjusted, etc.
But I believe Bangpd supports them 1000% and was quite lenient with them until 2022/2023.
Hope I've answered accordingly. Share your thoughts guys. I'm interested in hearing who u thought already knew and who u thought had to be told.
Hmmm.... I wonder though, if moments like this one from 2014 made RM sus though..🤔 but still, idk why I think he just didn't think in a million years 2 members of his own group could do something like this 😂😂
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klutzymaiden123 · 8 days
HII, ok so I finished reading the current chapters of the fanfic and I've got to say, IM IN LOVE. The way you portray Helga's character is amazing like that's exactly the image of her than I had in my head. Of course, I love all the characters but Helga stands out to me the most because of this guilt complex she has and the complexity of her character (idk if that makes sense but I hope it does). I wanted to know if you were including a snippet of Arnold's POV in the chapter(s) your currently working on and I also wanted to know if you were planning on releasing chapter 31 when it's done or releasing it when you already have a clear thought of what chapter 32-35 (guesstimate) are gonna include/look like
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I enjoy writing this story so much and Helga is such a fun and intriguing character to write! Most of the girls are, but Helga is the most challenging and rewarding for me to write, since she's canonically already such a complex character!
And totally, of course! Arnold's POV originally wasn't even apart of the drafts. Their encounter in 28 was supposed to be a lot different, but when I was actually writing it, things spurred out of control. So for Chapter 31, I decided to throw in a scene from his perspective, because even I was like, "What's going on with this kid?" It's definitely my favourite scene in the chapter so don't worry, his POV is still apart of the re-drafts. And the Shortaki will be cranking up from now on!
Chapter 31 will be released when I have finished writing Chapter 32. It's taken so long just because it's quite an intense and emotionally driven chapter. I've had it planned from the start and like Chapter 30, I want to get it exactly right. Good news, I'm already on my third re-write for 32, so even if I go back for a fourth re-write (as I did for 30), 31 will be posted before then! 32-35 have been re-organised and to an extent, they still are, but they're falling really well into place because the inspiration that hit me was HAWT.
But thank you so much for your kindness and your comment! I am happy that you're enjoying this as much as I am! Annnnnd normally, I don't squeeze in snippets into asks, but because this chapter has taken awhile and you guys have been so patient, I'm sharing a portion of Arnold's section in the next chapter. Enjoy!
Years ago, when Helga had walked away from him, Arnold thought that there would only ever be ashes between them. That between them stood a barren wasteland. But she had come back and turned everything back around.
He realised how nonsensical that sounded; she had walked away and yet somehow, he had become lost. It was like she had turned the light out. Or led him deep into a maze then sealed it shut as she abandoned him. There had been a loss carved into his chest and he knew that if he tugged hard enough, it would all lead back to her. The guilt. Maybe it had been his fault; maybe it had always been his fault. It was his words that had caused her to pull back until she was with the shadows. He wanted another go so he could make things right.
He had spent years wondering what would happen if there had been a second chance. Did he want something to happen? What was he supposed to say—sorry that I hurt you? Would that ever be enough? He had searched for words that could match his feelings, but he had never found them. He still hadn’t gotten it right because Helga had always been different from everyone that he ever knew.
So when she turned to repeat what had happened between them years ago, he had acted without thinking. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her back until she was at his side.
And it was weird. He was touching her and yet, it was her touch that sent sparks shooting across his skin. His heart had been in his throat and he suddenly found it hard to talk. And maybe over the years, he had begun to believe her. Maybe, for as much as he had preached that there was more to Helga Pataki, a part of him had also gotten swept up within her performance. Believed that she was hardened and nothing could affect her. But beneath his fingers, her cheeks had turned into rosebuds, and he remembered that she was nothing like the girl she pretended to be.
And when she had looked at him, something passed between them. Something had been passing between them for a while now. It filled him with that feeling. The feeling that he had only gotten when he was around her—something that welled in his chest and flushed him so warm that he couldn’t help smiling. It happened automatically and without permission. He couldn’t control it. He didn’t know when it had begun, only that it had been getting harder and harder to hold himself back from doing something stupid while in her presence.
It had been happening more and more frequently lately. When the lights became tangled in her hair. When her eyes would lift from the ground into his. When her fingers were wrapped around his arm. When she said his name. When she stood so close that he could smell her hair. Daffodils. He loved that smell. But what had changed? Had anything changed? There had been many times where he had looked at her and thought that she was pretty. Beautiful. And it made Arnold’s cheeks burn. His stomach would dance. But why? Where was all this coming from? And why was he checking his inbox again?
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Hi! I'd love to drop some thoughts on cowboy!reader.
I think they get tattoos that are symbolic of things/people that mean a lot to them. No fear of the permanence, because cowboy knows that if something means that much to you at one point in time, it'll always be a part of you anyways, tattoo or not.
So basically i can see the whole team discovering that cowboy!reader is half covered in tattoos (maybe on a really hot climate case etc) and they're like what do all those mean?! and cowboy is like well, i have one for each of y'all. then they all of course feel a need to guess which ones are representative of them. maybe only then do they realise just how much of an impact they've had on him. idk.
much love,
-🦕 anon (if that's available of course)
No warnings, also I love this idea so yeah! Also we're going to pretend that the 'plot' makes sense aha
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies
It was ridiculously hot, you honestly felt like you were melting (and this coming from you, so it was ridiculously hot). And then a police officer bumps into you, spilling his freshly made (and very hot) coffee onto you whilst you were making your way to the briefing room set up for the case.
You huffed as you walked in, trying to get the shirt as far away from you as possible without actually taking it off. "Someone spilt coffee on me," You pouted, JJ chuckled slightly.
"You're going to need to change shirts," She said, as she was closest she fished through your go-bag, grabbing a shirt and throwing it at you. You caught it, shooting her a grin as you did so.
"Shirtless warning," You warned, they all rolled their eyes at your laziness to find a secluded place to change shirts. You quickly removed your shirt as you then tried to find the opening for your other shirt.
"Since when did you have tattoos?" Morgan asks with a grin.
You turned to him, "For a while now," You shrugged.
"What do they all mean?" Spencer asked, tilting his head.
"They've all got different meanin's," You said. "Some of them are for the people I've met and have impacted me, others are just pretty,"
"Pretty?" Morgan grinned.
"Yeah, pretty."
Spencer looked at your tattoos before pointing at one. A small black bird on your chest.
"Who's that one for?"
"That one's for my baby brother Aden," You grin, "When he was a kid he used to make me sing Blackbird when he was scared,"
"Have you got any for us?" Spencer asked curiously.
"Yep," You said, "I've got one for each of y'all,"
"Seriously?" Emily's eyes widen when you nod again.
"Of course," You said, "Y'all mean a lot to me,"
"Can we guess?"
"Sure," You grin.
There was silence for a moment as you stood awkwardly whilst the team's gazes travelled your chest and back, searching for tattoos that could be linked to the team.
"Is- Is that one mine?" Spencer asked, pointing to the small chess piece on your torso, a pawn with a shadow of the queen piece.
You nod, "Yep,"
"Why the queen shadow?"
"You're a whole lot more vital to this team than you give yourself credit for," You shrug, Spencer blushes.
"This one has to be mine!" Penelope chimes, pointing at the tattoo of her favourite octopus mug. "You seriously got this tattooed onto your skin forever?!"
"Yeah, why?"
"It's on there forever,"
"It's a reminder," You said. Seeing the slightly confused look on her face, you continued, "It's a reminder that you had an impact on my life, that you meant so much to me that I wanted that remind with me, forever."
"You're so sappy," Morgan laughed, you rolled your eyes. "Wait, is this one mine?" You looked, he was pointing to the small MP3 player with a set of headphones and you nod.
"Uh-huh," You said, "You take them everywhere, it couldn't have been anything else," Morgan rolled his eyes slightly.
"Who's is this one?" Emily asked, pointing at the fountain pen.
"Hotch," You answered, "His favourite pen is the fountain pen Haley got him one Christmas,"
"Oh! Oh! This one has to be Emily's!" Garcia exclaimed, pointing to the small black cat. "It's Sergio!" You laughed as you confirmed.
"What about this one?" Reid asks, pointing to the small butterfly. "Is that one for one of us?" You nodded.
"I got that for JJ," You said with a shrug, pink dusting over your cheeks, "She told me she collected butterflies when she was young,"
"When did you get it?" JJ asked softly, staring at it. It was a Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly, a rare and beautiful butterfly.
"Bout a year ago," You said with a shrug, "That conversation made me realise-"
That I had fallen in love with you.
"That I belonged on the team," You said, giving a small crooked smile.
"Wait, is mine a plate of pasta-?" Rossi asked. You grinned at him sheepishly.
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helpfandom · 1 year
ELLO ITS ME @yandere-plague
OK so like I've had this idea for a story for so long and-
Okay so handsome dad is your dad and Nisha is your mom.
BUT Nisha, realising she's pregnant she ditches you somewhere on Pandora.
Another BUT some people from Lynchwood take you in.
So you grow up in Lynchwood and for plot reasons Nisha recognises you. She doesn't kill you but you know she hates you (you have no idea who your parents are)
Randomly you wake up on Helios. Then the fucking hyperion ceo walks in with some doctor and there're like. "Yup they are your kid"
You and Jack just stare at eachother in shock (and horror)
You are obviously scared shitless because you know he will throw you out of an airlock if you do so much as breathe wrong.
But then surprisingly he acts like such a nice dad to you even though you are literally having a panic attack just seeing him in person.
Idk if you want to write for this or something but 🤷‍♀️
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I'm so happy I spent like 3 minutes stimming and jumping because it's you! I love your writing, and to have one of my favourite people ask me, ME? for something?
Fun Fact! My longest post in Borderlands is Zane Flynt. Something I wrote as a tribute. To YOU [with 1,049 words] Anyway-
Ask, and ye shall receive.
TW: for Handsome Jack shenanigans, mentions of S3X, Handsome Jack, Perhaps a OOC Nisha, because I didn't play Nisha in Presequel, nor did I know she was in BL2. Allusions to abortion or miscarriage.
It had been a great night between the two that, to be quite honest, they both enjoyed, but unfortunately, Jack happened to have gotten her pregnant.
She was quite disappointed, especially since she got herself roped into giving birth to you rather than trying other methods. So, she gave birth, and then promptly left you in the middle of the road, hoping perhaps a skag wouldn't go hungry that night, or maybe someone who could actually care for you would show up before the animals arrived.
And with that out of the way, onto the real headcanons.
There had been some rumblings of a bandit finding something of importance, something that could help, something they could train. Perhaps it was a new animal for Nisha to hunt, or maybe- She pauses, looking at you, you who had tears in your eyes, clearly scared out of your mind, and yet she still couldn't muster up enough sympathy to care for you. Not when she tried to get rid of you.
So you spend most of your life being trained by psychos and bandits and always wondering why Nisha hated you, why she would glare at you every time you dared to be around her, even with all that you put into being the best there is, the best in Lynchwood, maybe even the best shooter that you could possibly be, and yet the only reaction she will ever have to you is just anger, and disdain.
As you get older, you begin to notice that the worst tasks, the deadliest tasks are sent to you first. Is this because she wants to test you, or because she wants to kill you? You can see in her face the hatred she has at you coming back that it clearly wasn't to test you.
At some point in your teenager years, you begin to stop caring about what she wants from you, what you think she desires from you in order to be seen as something more.
And eventually, she just sells you off to Handsome Jack in order to have him postpone his attack on Lynchwood ever so slightly by giving up the best bandit they have.
So as you sit in a car, wondering where Nisha is sending you off when you arrive at a place with the name Hyperion? Does Nisha want you to take them down from the inside, perhaps?
And yet as you're escorted to a room with a doctor and someone- IS THAT THE REAL HANDSOME JACK? The doctor mumbles something to THE REAL HANDSOME JACK-HOLYSHITHOLYSHIT AM I GOING TO DIE HERE? He turns and faces you, looking at you head on, and then walking towards you with open arms, clearly he must mean to attack, right? He HUGS you?
All the while Nisha hates that she misses you, hates the fact that she kind of liked you? Even though you're a reminder of all that she hates in life, she likes the fact that you tried so hard.
Handsome Jack doesn't care about you at first, only thinking of how this could make him look better or how to use this against his Exes. He could gloat to Moxxi how he can take better care of his child[ren] or how much better it is with him to Nisha. All in all, he doesn't truly care about you till later.
As he notices that you flinch at every little thing, he finds it annoying, he wouldn't hit you unless you need it, and you're his kid, so why do you expect him to hurt you?
That's when he realizes that you don't know about Jack nor Nisha being your parent, so all that you've seen is the one person you look up to hate you, and his own reputation coming back to bite him in the ass.
So he drops the ball onto you.
Of course, this is such a surprising revelation that makes everything make sense, but you can't believe it, after all, would you really go as far as trying to kill your own child?
Yes. They both would.
Besides the fact, you then spend most of your days following the revelation staying alone, processing all that happened, becoming your own kind of therapist in a sense.
And because Jack wants to use you just as Nisha did, he drags you out, slowly becoming attached to you, because who wouldn't become attached to a hobby?
Needless to say, they both intend to use you for what they can, then drop you, but end up becoming attached to you.
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violentlyexplosive · 2 months
not to be Vulnerable On Main, but I'm going through it and need to vent my thoughts into the internet aether where i can pretend the people reading it aren't real. um. trigger warning for sad animal stuff and some mentions of blood, sh, and sa.
pet loss is so weird. like. i keep waking up at 5 am, half asleep, like "ah yes, i have to get up and let the dog out now" but then there is no dog. i had never had her as my phone background until she died. i keep looking to the couch every time i walk into the living room and there is no dog there. i look behind myself when i move around the kitchen so i don't step on her but there is no dog behind my feet. i go on a walk every day at 8 pm because i cannot fathom a routine without her. every time i pass the neighbourhood kids i hold my breath, cus is this going to be the time they ask? am i going to have to explain to a gaggle of six year olds that the dog had to go away? where she went? am i going to have to be the one to say it because my father is older and softer now and will cry? do i get to cry?
I've never been close to my extended family, and it's always baffled me when others would talk about grieving their grandparents. somehow a part of me views it as, idk, a lesser grief? not in the sense that i don't believe you should grieve your family members, no matter how many degrees of separation between your bloodlines, but because it is simply not something i have or will ever experience as a product of my upbringing and culture. i already struggle with empathy on a good day, having been medicated since pre-puberty, and i just can't... understand this form of grief. i do not think less of it, i just can't find the shape of it.
and i feel sort of similar in this? like. this stupid fucking dog was in my life from 13 years old to nearly 21. she saw me through ugly, awkward haircuts and acne and my first bad period and watched me harm myself and come home traumatised with invisible hands tattooed onto my skin forever. we got her to help me with my debilitating social anxiety/agoraphobia and depression. she got me out of the house and forced me to talk to people to explain "oh I'm sorry, she barks at men, we think she was abused as a puppy" and laid in bed with me when i was too sick or pained to get out of it. and in return, i held her during thunderstorms and fireworks, wiped her mouth and ass when she threw up or pissed the bed. i slept on the couch with her when she couldn't make it up the stairs after surgery, then again years later when she got too old and sick. i hand fed her when she didn't have the energy, i spit water into her mouth when she couldn't get up to drink it herself, i kissed her little, golden head every time she gagged on the pills i had to force down her throat because no amount of ham or cheese or peanut butter could make her swallow them. she was clever like that, in the dumbest ways possible.
and it's so fucking weird without her. i never realised how much my routine revolved around her until she wasn't there to cry at me to feed her anymore. and i feel stupid for feeling so broken up over a dog of all things. like i said, a lesser grief. animals come and go, i know this. have known it since i lived in the countryside and saw my first dead deer, since i had to kill an injured bird for the first time. i knew she was going to go, and i knew it was going to happen soon. i knew the moment the vet called to say she had blood in her tummy because i hung up and screamed. i screamed. over a dog? over the one thing in life i knew how to love right.
i dont know. I'm ovulating, and it's been officially seven days since she said goodbye, tail wagging to the very fucking end. it's too quiet at home, and my mother (mentally unstable narcissist that she is) is already talking about wanting to get another dog. we have a 12kg bag of food and two pallets of canned stuff that came a couple days after she went, that im going to donate. i carried the 40kg ball of fluff and blood to the vet, 12 is nothing after that. i take solace in the fact that i believe in god not in the abrahamic way, but that god is the universe and everything within, and that energy cannot be created or destroyed, meaning she's still out there somewhere. maybe if i listen really hard I'll hear her again.
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