#If I draw a character they will most likely be a hybrid or a spirit
oliveth3b0rrower · 1 year
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My new profile pic. Wanted to update it to a more recent style.
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huevobuevo · 2 months
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Erm I really like pantheons and shit so uh. I made lore
Essentially each council member are gods similar to the Aspects from APOTHEOSIS, except instead of aspects of humanity they’re aspects of the universe. They each are gods of their respective campaign-worlds, the other council members can only interact with them through the creation of their player characters. I made three designs for these fuckers- their initial godhood form during the Hardest Difficulty Video, their present forms after their respective churches & worlds have been established, & their Higher Divine Form that’s basically just their fursonas (except Slimecicle since he’s just like. A Slime Hybrid already so now he’s just Cooler Magical Slime Guy yipey!)
Much like the aspects, the Council Members are referred to by their domains instead of their original names. In the case of Condi he has a secondary name, Yonder; in the case of Charlie, he can be referred to by either Fortune or Misery- more on that in a bit
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the gribble -> Bloom
🍃bro is in charge of the biomes of the Overworld, including the tools and weapons that are crafted using its resources
🍃Bloom is ONLY in charge of the Flora, NOT the Fauna. The creatures of the Overworld are owned by Evolution
🍃weather phenomenon and natural disasters are also his strong suit
🍃MYTH TIME!!! Bloom hasn’t learned to change into his Higher Divine form until after his first Fall, thus his bright red and black wings were never appreciated. After he arose again, the ash of the Nether stained his wings and hair, turning them a deep grey. Many birds of the Overworld had grieved his loss, so after his return most of them had rolled in the ashes that fell from his skin in tribute- thus the Grey Parrot was born.
🍃he grew an affinity for the sea after the creation of his first universe (Mana; Riptide), thus a majority of his time is spent in the Overworlds ocean, where his presence is spotted through the whirling winds of a hurricane.
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Condifiction. -> Yonder
🔥god of the Beyond- any of the upper and lower realms in any universe belongs to him, including;
🔥The Nether
🔥The End
🔥The Spirit World (prime defenders)
🔥The Chaos Zone (prime defenders)
🔥The Faewilds (riptide)
🔥The Celestial Plane (apotheosis)
🔥The Land Between Time (prime defenders)
🔥Yonder is also in charge of all the interdimensional creatures and entities that live in these domains. Potions are.. also technically his deal since to make them one must acquire interdimensional items such as blaze powder
🔥the boundaries between worlds and the magic to traverse them also fall under his rule
🔥Yonder has a spear called the Aether Piercer, a blade strong enough to even cut through the fabric of reality. It is the strongest weapon in the entire multiverse, and the boys use it for their “dnd campaigns”
🔥he is also called the Quartz Dragon
🔥 FUN FACT! He actually has TWO outfits- the Nether Regalia & The End Regalia. However my stupid ass drew the End one first despite the fact that the Nether outfit is his main one (molten lava dress and cape with deep reds and brilliant whites & gold). That’s why the end suit doesn’t really match his dragon form, but I ran out of time so I couldn’t draw it out. Also im never gonna use these designs most likely so honestly it doesn’t matter but STILL FUCJ IM SORRY :[
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the bibbl -> Evolution
📡ok this one was hard to figure out but bear with me
📡Evolution is the protector of all living creatures and time- he can see the past, present, & future, and is in charge of the development of every single organism that can breathe. Humans, especially fall under his command.
📡Evolution is also the patron of technology, society, and history
📡he can personally control how mobs & humans evolve and adapt
📡his higher divine form is usually a strange gryphon like creature, but he can just about change into whatever form he desires. He is the only God who can truly shapeshift with no limitations- Yonder & Bloom only have their Higher Divine Form, while F&M is still pretty visibly Slime no matter what form he takes. Speaking of
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the slible-> Fortune/Misery
🎰the god of many things, but can all be simplified into one word- Luck. Everything has a risk, and F&M can make it happen
🎰gambling, yes, is a part of his domain, as it involves a risk of either a win or a loss
🎰destiny & fate are intertwined with his powers, due to how extremely fluid they may be
🎰harvest & agriculture TECHNICALLY are his thang as well, since he’s not really in charge of the PLANTS per say but rather the possibility of either a plentiful harvest OR a miserable famine
🎰F&M have two different names for two different occasions- Fortune, for instances of prosperity, & Misery, for instances of disparity.
🎰he is also called The Great Gambler, Magician Of Chance, He Who Reaps, The Debt Collector, The Slime Lich, and The Nightmare King
🎰he’s like a Lich but not dead lol. More on that later
🎰arcane wisdom and enchantments
🎰skills in crafting and smelting
🎰loss of control
🎰punishment and penance
🎰yeah so haha if someone has cheated and exploited their way to fortune then Misery with a capital M comes down and basically sucks their life force out and turns them into goo, which is what he uses to sustain himself like a Lich. Luckily for him, greedy men spawn like rabbits
Some extra notes for the council in general plus some insight in how their religions work
☀️Yonder and Bloom are both patrons of Travelleds, Adventurers, and All Who Voyage On. However, Bloom offers protection from the world itself such as wild animals and weather phenomenon , while Yonder helps ease the passage itself. Basically Bloom helps people not die in a storm while Yonder focuses on getting to the destination in the first place I.e. not getting lost in the fucking woods
☀️Evolution y F&M are conceptual gods while Bloom y Yonder are more physical. Bloom y Yonder are everywhere, omniscient and omnipresent, encapsulating the world around us- meanwhile Evolution and D&M control the hidden sacred systems of the world such as time and luck/magic
☀️Evolution and F&M have highly selective religious followings, only specific followers are trained and perfected to wield the power of their gods domains. In the same vein, Evilution and F&M have two symbols- one for prayer and one for summoning. Unlike the other two gods who just have one for both of these purposes, the powers of time and chance are far too chaotic in nature to be possessed by many. Instead of being able to talk to plants and go to a funny new world, the highest followers of the Conceptual Gods can literally harness time itself and perform the Ultimate Spells that could level cities- thus not only are these followers specially picked and trained, but in Eder to actually USE them they must first reviver a blessing by their respective gods which requires a summoning. This requires their summoning sigil which not only requires EXTREMELY rare items BUT are also forbidden without express permission from elders. The summoning sigils are kept secret, sharing the sigil to others is punishable by death. The symbol for prayer is used to just represent the Concptual Gods following, much like the symbols for the other gods are used to represent them as well. the Pjysicak Gods need no summoning since they’re technically all around us soooo-
☀️slimecicle, bizly, and grizzly haveANOTHER outfit for their other campaigns (blood in the bayou, wonderlust, and total monster kill) BUT once again I had No More time Left so I sorta just Didn’t draw them my bad homeboy
This took an hour to type out dear god im exhausted
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
you do have oc’s yes. give the lore now. That is an order, mister /j /nf
For this show I wanted to write I have 3 main guys I love dearly, Lifen Heid who is the main dude and German- is secretly holding some kind of power and yet isn’t aware of it. This spirit guy Fhelix (quite OP but is so fed up with every being that he litterally does not use his powers at all except for his main goal) knows though and was set off on a journey to help him become a god like he once was but can’t say what he’s doing otherwise they would both die an agonising death. They got some chemistry and lore together plus I advanced the plot into a full blown book. Robin, a side character whom I love dearly, is a pathetic little kid who was forced to flee from his planet from false vigilante accusations and resides in the realm (this whole new world only accessible through a portal) with Fhelix, whole ordeal, and also some other people that also had the same fate, basically heroes turned sour and he got trapped into their little group (There’s this massive group and all got their individual relationship with one another and personality but in short they’re like 15-23 year old losers with some sort of dramatic past and incredible talents (lemme tell you about them..) ) So there’s Batrose - an emo shithead who is 99% a sadist and is a very good swordsman, and despite that, he is in a relationship with Florence, an absolute sweetheart who also is quite a dangerous individual. Basically that meme template where they both can absolutely kill you but one visibly has intention and the other is bubbly. Both dress somewhat goth. There’s also Dan, a daredevil cat hybrid who always looks for trouble and is a horrid influence on Robin but I still love him, not too much older then him. Westifer is this ginger kid the same age as Dan and yet is much more secluded than the rest and has an amulet passed down from generation to generation which allows him to practically bend water to his will, but he sort of struggles with it. He has a floating blob of water he can activate anytime and it’s somewhat sentient and has bubbles for eyes but mostly just helps him get to places sometimes as it’s body can act as a cushion. Also has a pet flamingo named fern. There are some other others but they’re not worthy enough of being saved in my mind.
one of my newest two is Neil Wolfman, he got a shitload of lore which I could copy and paste here in a second. Absolutely adore him but in short he’s a pathetic little soggy boy who has a car and out of paranoia spends most time out in the suburbs and owns an adorable German shepherd named Arc. also this mad scientist I haven’t bothered with making a name for that I do quite love and is my most attacked character for art fight!
also idk if it counts but just any variety of me whenever I draw myself, ranges from abstract concept to realistic depiction to absolute goofy doodle to entirely new creature or human.
I also realised like not lately that they almost all were some representation from me and I was incredibly surprised.
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The Journey of Wan Premise+Masterpost
Almost 2 years have passed since Wan became the first avatar. In that time, the spirits were guided back home in the spirit world, Wan closed the spirit portals, and the lion turtles retired as guardians of mankind. Since then, humans have been free to roam the earth again without fear of the spirits, but new troubles arise when humans wage war with eachother, hunt hybrid animals, and abuse the elemental powers bestowed upon them. As the first human to have power of all four elements as well as the world on his shoulders, Wan does whatever it takes to restore balance to the world.
Main Cast: Wan, Mula, Raava, OCs
Pairings: OCxOC, Wan/OC
4 books/seasons with 15-20 chapters each:
Book One: Light
chapter 1 (under construction)
chapter 2 (completed?)
chapter 3 (TBA)
How long has this project existed?
I started this project 2015-2016, after the release of the "Beginnings" episodes of LOK, which basically started from me creating OCs that existed 10,000 years ago, for no other reason than for the fun of it. I made friends with a shared interest in ATLA/LOK/Beginnings whom also created ocs for Wan's time period and their own takes on the lore behind the spirits and we collaborated with eachother. I had started the first two chapters of book one, that can be found on deviant art and wattpad (plus a few written prompts that featured ocs and wan's relationship with Raava) but with the newer updates, will also be posted here and archive of our own. After writing and publishing the second chapter, I began to focus on other priorities in my life, as I was taking classes in junior college, dealt with deaths in the family, and got caught up in other fandoms.
I never lost interest in this project, ocs and concepts that had yet to be fully fleshed out, however, they were always in the back of my mind and I would occasionally draw my Wan/oc ship, but not much further. Now with the release of the Kyoshi and Yangchen novels, comics and shows/movie announcements, I started to feel more compelled to revisit and commit to seeing this project through, even if friends I once collaborated with moved on or lost interest. I am taking this as an opportunity to redesign ocs or do some rewrites of old prompts and make any needed adjustments to the plot/characters/etc.
Are you doing this project alone?
As it stands, it appears so, but this is on me due to my own inactivity.
How many books are there going to be?
It has always been four: Light, Renewal, War, Legacy
Each with a varying number of chapters, but ideally the goal is 20 max. per book/"season"
Are you open to collaborate/form a writing team?
It is a possibility. As of now, I would like to reconnect with former peers and see if they would like to revisit this story or not, and seek consent on use of their ocs before moving any further.
Can I submit fanart to this blog?
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Fanart is absolutely encouraged and welcome, once I have some art of my own and OC designs up of course. If you like what you see, then you are most welcome to draw and submit fanart.
Where can I find the story?
You can find it on:
deviant art: the-journey-of-wan and wonderpepperboops
wattpad: zhervey06
archive of our own: thejourneyofwan1006 (currently has short story prompts)
You can also find my inspiration board on Pinterest!
Thank you for your time!
(last update: August 23, 2023)
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fushigidane · 1 year
You are now legally required to infodump about the gameplay mechanics that you think up for video games fanfics.
it involves a variety of things like sometimes when i am writing FE fic i'll think about hypothetical level designs, recruitment requirements for certain characters in the au, things like that
what's got me thinking about this NOW is i've been brainstorming a fe awakening/XC3 fic for the past couple weeks and considering what their classes would be
the ones i've got most for are lucina and severa, who with cynthia would be the kevesi trio here. i'm only including six characters bc i'd overload myself otherwise,,
lucina is an attacker with good all-round stats but particularly strong atk, dex, and agility. her class skills:
aether: chance to pierce/heal dealt damage
charm: party accuracy up 
dual strike: grants art follow-up to party members within a fixed radius [lvl 5 inheritance]
awakening: increased crit/accuracy/avo at low health [lvl 15 inheritance]
for plot reasons, her blade (i.e. the one summoned through the iris) ISN'T falchion. her blade is a lance-staff combination that deals good damage while empowering allies, bc i feel that mix of offence and support is How Lucina Should Be. falchion, unlocked later, would come with its own set of arts (which are more strongly offensive) and probably be switched to via the talent art.
severa is a defender. she acts as a hybrid dodge/hp tank, having strong hp, agility, and def but lower dex and atk [stats based off her fates incarnation]. she also has high base crit. her class skills:
competitive: increases damage dealt to enemies targeting her
triumphant: boosts aggro when dealing a critical hit
strong riposte: increases damage dealt when hp is 50% or lower [lvl 5 inheritance] 
fierce rival: increases crit rate for every critical hit performed by an ally [lvl 15 inheritance]
she uses a sword, generating aggro via swift attacks and high aggro arts. some of her arts also have crit recharge, and her talent art has crit damage up. she has less focus on party defence than other defenders tend to, which is complemented by lucina and cynthia’s ability to more or less handle themselves. this is a fun class to put in the context of xc2 bc it'd one where you'd equip an avant-garde medal (crit healing) and win
the last of this trio is cynthia, a healer, and i've got less ideas for her right now? she's similar to lucina but has more focus on support than offence. i'm considering making her fairly buff-focused though not as broken as signifier is. her provisional skills:
rally speed: increases ally evasion within a fixed radius
heroic spirit: boots party damage dealt by 5-10% for each active buff (max: 200%)
luna: when landing a hit, deals damage as though enemy ether defence was 30-50% lower [lvl 5 inheritance]
[unnamed]: increases healing power with number of party buffs
luna would be the inheritable ether counterpart to ultimate qigong (same skill but physical def), which is REALLY needed in the xc3 meta. i don't know much about her arts yet either but they'll probs be ether-based.
i've planned much less for this au's agnian trio (owain, inigo, brady) BUT vague outlines:
owain is the defender purely because the way he acts and stuff he says can't NOT draw attention. he also has good crit, like severa, and basically all his arts are ether + AOE to some extent. he's more the hp sponge type of tank, being very good at handling crowds of enemies (and probs has a skill that reduces damage taken per no. enemies in battle)
inigo is the attacker with good combo access (topple + smash) and strong offence. he can find himself taking aggro from owain at times. to counter this he has a skill called "stop staring at me!" that increases damage dealt to enemies targeting him (he makes them stop targeting him by killing them, which is exactly how i play the attacker role in-game) and his talent art both has increased damage when aggroed AND eliminates aggro.
brady is the healer, and a very traditional one at that, dealing in strong healing, reducing party damage, and increasing party debuff resistance. his blade is a staff. one of his skills, which is inheritable, is:
miracle: 50-70% chance to survive a KO with 1hp and five seconds of invincibility (once per battle, does not stack) [lvl 5 inheritance]
bc i don't actually think any other class gives you that aside from soulhacker.
anyway, if you got this far you have my congratulations and eternal respect. this was fun to ramble about :DDD ty for the ask!
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rotten-partty · 2 years
Follower of Autumn Leaves
A Changing Moon Lunar Exalted, with the spirit shape of a Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania Paradoxa). She masquerades as a holy woman in and around the area of the Great Fork, following the teachings of “The Jade-Scalped Wanderer”, a fictituous diety based off of her old once-mentor.
In reality, she is talented at all kinds of trickery and deceit, not above toying with the people around her and their perception of reality just for the fun of it. Though she has a purpose to her actions as well. She feels a kinship, a need to help those who may not deserve it. Crooks, thieves, burglars, con artists, so-called dregs of society, knowing that her efforts are not likely to be rewarded, but that they may nonetheless bring some comfort or perhaps even alter the life of someone else. As underneath a sharp wit and keen mind that masterfully weaves tall tales and lies without a second thought, there lies a kind heart. Not immune to deceit itself, nor one that’s always just. But one that tries its best, and most importantly - enjoys life.
When push comes to shove, she prefers to….not let things get to that point, being able to expertly lie and cheat, or run away and hide, in any case doing her best to not let things get to an open conflict. As when it comes to that unless she draws her sword, she is next to useless. When she does, however, she can fight rather well, utilizing the Single Point Shining Into the Void style of quickdraw slashes with Hidden Reed, a shortened Reaper Daiklaive hidden within the bow of her sitar. She prefers not to kill if she can, though.
Autumn tends to be of average height, usually a little on the shorter side, with attentive light-blue, almost pale eyes and wild long black hair. Her form, however, is easily malleable (thanks to Many-faced Moons Transformation), as she often alters her height, physique, facial traits , eye and skin colour and so. What she cannot change is the two small antennae at the top of her head, flanking a rather flat head crest extending upwards just a bit short of another length of her head. Creased and dark brown like a fallen autumn leaf, it is her tell, a feature of a Ghost Mantis. This she covers by sweeping it back and covering it with a hood, hat or her hair, when she feels the need to.
Her clothing tends to vary based on what she fancies to borrow, receive, steal, find, gamble, and occasionally even buy, but always is light and loose, baggy. She prefers to stay light and quiet on her feet. Whatever she fits in her pockets or sleeves and her sitar are the only other things she really needs.
She has been neglecting her sacred hunts; having not a single face of another man nor beast. She can’t even change into her spirit shape properly, as its size makes it currently too difficult - what she can turn into, however, is her hybrid form - a bipedal, thin, almost as if frail bug-like form, colored and creased similarly to her crest, partway between seemingly Human and Ghost Mantis. In this form, she is faster, more flexible…and, obviously, stranger.
Notes: This is the first time I’m doing this stuff so sorry if I’m a tad rough around the edges! Autumn is a character prepared for a campaign that never ended up happening. Still, building her up was something I greatly enjoyed, and I’m excited to get to play her one day. I included a makeshift reference sketch, that shows, in a slapdashed way I apologize for, an example of Autumn; though as mentioned much of her wardrobe and characteristics are relatively malleable.
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And may your Calibrations be joyous!
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kkpaaw · 2 years
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So I have been obsessed with Genshin recently and was inspired to make an oc so I did!
Meet Dvita! A Eleven year old Polearm user
The name Dvita means “doubleness” or “duality,” and refers to a being that exists in two forms.
I chose that name for a specific reason! This oc is two beings in one. Kota (the body host) and his twin brother Kenji (the possesser).
Bit of information to explain
Kota and Kenji were both born in Inazuma. Their family (on their mothers side) has a Lineage of Illuminated beast as their great grandpa was a Fei Lian. Sometimes eventually the family moced to inazuma hence why they came from Inazuma. While the gene skipped their mother the twins were born as Fei Lian hybrids (hence the horn and snake tail)
Anyway. When The twins were 8 Kenji (the older twin) sadly passed away in a wagon incident crossed with a monster attack. Their parents, through their greif spiraled and were obsessed with bringing him back. Using most of their resources they discovered many options but all were deemed either illegal information or information they woudl have to ask the higher ups about, which could lead them in extreme trouble. They were eventually told about a doc on the mainland that could potentially help them and snuck out of inazuma to find them
Long story (trust me it's very long) short
They sought out ll Dottore and he managed to convince them to bind Kenjis spirit to Kota so they were always together and so Kenji could be with them without anyone who knew of Kenjis death asking how he came back. Through forceful means (as I said in the image) they ended up bounded and in the process ended up killing their parents. They were dumped somewhere and woke up with little to no memories intact and now wonder trying to figure out what happened and gain their memories back. Changed their name to Dvita to unite them more and they were on their way
The longer story going into more details but I woudl be typing forever if I did that so I shorted it significantly.
I love them so much and creating them reminded why I would love to have a "little boy" character type. Cmon we got little girls give us the adorable little boys! They desever some love and attention too.
Hope you guys like them ill be drawing them more (like their character card and drawing them performing their in game attack actions and what not plus just doodles) so expect to see them more! (Not today tho, I spent like 10 hours on this)
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somber-scribbles · 1 year
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The Scribbles Family
This is gonna be a big ol post that is about a series me and some friends are working on! !Disclaimer!
Any and all info and art in this post and that is posted is subject to change due to it being a wip!
So! here are some notes on the series so far! we are currently focusing on the characters more and the plot less, the plot will come later on since this series is only a few months old.
Notes (not set in stone canon)
- mother nature is the true all powerful being of earth, being the most powerful on earth ( not more powerful than the celestials) she has set rules that keep the order and she rules over those rules with an iron fist- however some of said rules are quite outdates so if she gets a valid enough argument against them that appeals to her values as well she may concider changing them or updating them but no matter what she does what is best for earth itself. She is still fighting against the humans but due to her own rule she is not allowed to harm them by her own hands so she must instead use animals, plants and natural disasters as a way to prevent them from continuing to destroy the earth however most attempts are in vein. She cannot stop the streams of tears in her eyes until the earth is restored to its natural and healthy state , with or without the humans civilizations.
-In this universe angels actual species name is seraphim , humans got NOTHING about them right in any way Including that “god” wasn’t actually the leader nor the creator, he was made up the story as a way to not only protect his son from being killed since a seraphim and a human is strictly forbidden. He made the religion as a way to make it seem like another example of humans being dumb and trying to find excuses to put them as gods However when it was shown that Jesus had the abilities of a seraphim , a group known as the council quickly went into human disguises and orchestrated his death by turning the people against him
zidian (belongs to Beetle Juice#7538)
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species: seraphim
-Somber was created by whinchester making a pact with annster and raven in order to have a child with RU
- somber has four parents technically since annster and raven helped to create him
-He is technically the same person as pumpkin, just a different universe ( again because of annster and raven)
-corvuster is jealous of somber and will eventually become an antagonist in the story
The reasoning for wendigos looking different in the "scribbles" family: In this universe, both modern and traditional wendigos are semi the same just different forms taken, They chose these forms as a survival mechanism. In this universe PURE wendigos such as wendigo himself ( he goes by many names but is the original wendigo SPIRIT) Survive because of the MEMORY of them, so if they are not remembered as the native interpretations their form changes to whatever they are perceived as, the more that remember them the stronger they are.
This is based on storm's idea as well as the idea that saying their names draws them in.
I wanted to give both the original native depiction some love as well as the western to show that there is a difference however both are just as valid when it comes to interpretations as long as we do not forget the original and where it came from. The reason the younger generation are in the more traditional form is due to them being hybrids meaning they dont rely on the memory of them to keep them alive so their appearance depends on their preferences, they are shapeshifters however they have their limits.
-mother nature has set ancient rules that she is bound to in order to both exist and allow the earth to live but also has the ability to change said rules if given a proper argument that will be valid enough to change said rules
-celestials run the "heavens" (space and pocket dimensions within the universe itself) and are often strict and almost emotionless but still can be silly and their personalities leak through depending on the person theyre talking to
-the celestials are 2 beings who can fuse into one named the mended ( nicknamed the eclipse by maihem/miah) -celestials dont care for the concept of gender but use pronouns as an easier way for mortals and other beings to refer to them
-There are eldritch horrors that carry pockets of power that allow them to fullfill roles that are needed, there are multiples of the same role because there cannot be one single being to watch over it, that would be impossible
-Cryptids must hide from humans due to how hostile humans can be towards things they dont understand ( and its one of mother nature's rules for them to be seperate
Almost every character belongs to a member of the team/my friends.
wendigo+whinchester= @Stormageddon006#9341
RU: @Ru#2804
somber+Tonantzin: @Somber Scribbles#3762
Rumble: @~Diablo~#0360
shrimp+zidian: @Beetle Juice#7538
azuls: @AzulsCrown#5095
monday: @Mondays#0001
Evending jingles or eve: ✮𝕍𝔸𝕃𝔼ℕ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔼✮#6969
Tonin: @SignalGaming#2077
Couch: couchpotato370#9296
Soulpher: Mr. Hollow#0420
maihem:Miah A. B.#7532
Raven: @willow#3128 annster: @Ann the Eltritch Hobo#3697
dakaasin/snowy: @Captain Snowfall#7238
Virgil: @lil guy#0558
Esper: @sorry fridge broke#0128
Characters are posted in no particular order!
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More art coming soon!~
For updates on lore and character design join the official scribbles family server!
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kopivie · 2 years
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omg rigel sounds so so sweet but YEAH he might not be the best king,, IM GLAD SAIPHA AND HIM STILL ARE CLOSE THOOO i wish they could just both be the ruler but life isn't that easy
AND MANA??? SO THERE IS KINDA LIKE MAGIC IN HERE what are lapis and lazuli's mana like? im assuming they have their own magic and stuff AND HELP[ I LOVE THIS PART "if people knew what they were doing, they'd be ousted and jailed" PLEASEEEEEE
"the bigger kingdoms like the avrigian empire and the xedian dynast" THE WORLDBUILDING?? WHAT ARE THE OTHER DYNATIES AND EMPIRES LIKE??
dragons love it there because of how untouched it is by mankind." does that mean we get to see dragons. I FUCKING LOVE DRAGONS. PLEASE LET ME SEE DRAGONS--
"fun fact: lapis was born in bahmania, but was taken out of there by their human father against their mother's wishes." oh no. WHAT??? U CANT JUST SAY THAT AND DIP??
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oh boy ... okay Okay Look this world is huge, lemme try to like. Not Fly Off the Handle
so for mana manifestations, there's three stages:
the first stage is basic life. mana is life energy — the first stage is just being alive. everyone possesses just enough mana to keep them alive. everyone also possesses an aura that shields them from minor injuries. it takes quite a bit of jostling to hurt someone — scraped knees are a thing of fiction, really. but bloody noses and broken bones are real, it just takes a little more force to cause that kind of thing, so the strength gap between real life and this world is a little big.
the second stage of mana manifestation enhances bodily capabilities. enhanced intuition, telepathy, psychokinesis, that sort of thing. saipha... well, to quote my notes directly:
“Instead, her specialty allowed her to smell a person’s true nature... and greatly empathize with people... Her ability to judge a person’s character is second to none. She cannot tell when a person is telling the truth or not, but if she cannot stand the smell of a person, then they are deemed suspicious per her order.”
she can also see the color of a person's aura, and it's not exactly something she can turn off, so she constantly wears a veil to shield her eyes.
the third stage of mana manifestation is elemental manipulation. you can control any one element at will!
lapis is a third stage manifestor by default because of their lineage — they have the blood of an elemental within them, so they can control water at will. lazuli on the other hand was a second stage manifestor, but thanks to the spirits' interference, they can now control water as well! (they only ever use it when cooking, though. they try to avoid dirtying their hands via combat.)
mmh i'll leave the other dynasties and kingdoms for another time, but! the thing about lapis being taken from bahmania!
in this world, hybrid children are... commodities. one of the rarest and most precious goods that money can buy. lapis' father took them out of that country with plans to make money off of them somehow, but last minute, his conscience stopped him. of course, that didn't stop him from physically abusing them until his sudden death, but that's what happened. he didn't even name them. lapis raised themself for two years before they encountered lazuli.
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meredoubt · 1 month
I think Dirge is such an anchor of a warrior, of both knight and priest, standing vigil or ushering at the land of the dead, that he's somehow the most Dwarven elf you have ever met. Dust to dust. The stone laid atop the grave. It's so difficult to describe.
Like he has an immense spiritual gravity because of how I interpret his hybrid paladin/druid belief system. This is why it's the same character in both Baldur's Gate and in Dragon Age. Like whatever his personal history may be in either story...there's a firm, unshakable way of looking at mortality that is like he's fully developed in my head. I'll never be free of him lmao
Something more than a Templar. a paladin of life and death, the physicality of it, to experience through body and interpret through mind and express through soul (or personality, tho he believes and lives in a universe where soul is fact). Like it's because of his relationship with body (his, the dead, anyone else, just. The Body) that he draws spirits. It's why he's a serial killer priest of murder in Baldur's Gate, and why, in a healthier universe, where he was cared for, he's a high-ranking member of the Mournwatch of the Grand Necroplis. He's an important member of society in Nevarra, he's steadier there. Maybe that draws spirits to him too. He's very....Falon'din, I think, though honestly I think much like Baldur's Gate, his elven identity is almost an afterthought to him. He's interested in elven history and freedom, but almost impersonally
Anyway this post brought to you by me ruminating on what Solas trying to bring down the Veil looks like to members of the Mournwatch and to Nevarran belief in general
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aninthompson · 2 months
Major Project
Artist reference:
Lin Chang in another Chinese concept artist witch I liked the artwork, what kept my attention to his work, was that he does a lot of this hybrid of human with animals, and that is what I was looking for for the art with the spirits, most of his work is more into the "tech" vibe but the way that he mix together is something that I like, for my major project I will do something more nature like, the spirits will be more together with the nature itself, there will be no technology with the spirits.
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But he build the mix of animal and nature in the way I want to use in my project, also he has paintings that are something that I really enjoyed, they are something that I was looking for witch is the mix of the cartoon with the painting, I love when you still can se the drawing lines, mixing with the painting, and it is something that I want to incorporate in my project.
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He also does the type of painting that are mixing with more realism, I really enjoy also the characters faces, they pass feelings, and my project is all about talking and feelings of the spirits, the main character will need to talk with the spirits to know their history and also to get advices of how to stop the light house and collect their memories, so I want the masks of the spirits be very expressive, and this artist can capture that in his artwork.
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Also the attention to details the artist has, is something that attracts me, I want to implement this type of details in my artwork, I love that the characters have paraphernalia to their outfit and details that incorporate with their looks.
artist artstation:
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ronaldanthony4 · 7 months
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finally March, the start of my favourite time of year. The weather begins to warm up, and the world awakens from its winter slumber. For me, March marks the beginning of what I like to call "having a fun season." It's a time for adventure, exploration, and most importantly, spending quality time with friends. As the months go by, I always look forward to the laughter, inside jokes, and unforgettable memories of this season. March is just the beginning of all the fun that's in store for me in the coming months.
But March holds even more significance for me this year. It's also the international month of femininity, and I couldn't let it pass without doing something special. I decided to bring together five of my beloved original characters, each unique and representative of different aspects of femininity. They are Liliana, Penny, Evelyn, Sandra, and Ella - collectively known as "ASLEEP," an acronym made from the first letter of each of their names, including their only male member Arlon.
I wanted to create something truly remarkable, a piece of art that would showcase their individuality and sisterhood. I spent hours brainstorming ideas until I finally settled on a concept: two versions of the same artwork, both featuring the five girls. In one version, they would be dressed in stylish strapless short baby doll dresses, strolling through a colourful mall; in the other, they would be completely naked, surrounded by nature in a serene lush garden. The contrast between the two settings highlights the versatility and diversity of women, and how they can thrive in any environment.
As an artist, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve my craft and push myself creatively. Recently, I discovered an incredible tool that utilizes AI technology to enhance and de-noise artwork, called "BigJPG." With this software, I can digitise my traditional inked outlines without worrying about captured dust or rough strokes. The possibilities are endless! I was eager to test this new method on my latest project and see if it lived up to its promise. I began by drawing and inking the body bases on paper, just as I did in the past.
However, for the faces, I opted to use my current Android tablet. My first attempt left me feeling hopeful but also aware of areas where I could improve. The lines were cleaner and sharper, but I realized that I needed to switch to a 0.5 fine liner pen to achieve the desired effect. The final result reminded me of the style in the animated series "My Little Pony," with bold outlines that gave the characters a playful, vibrant appearance. Overall, the combination of traditional and digital techniques allowed me to experiment and refine my artwork in a new way.
Although the new method reduced the time spent inking by half, it still took me two hours to complete the faces of the group. Colouring them took me from morning till noon, but the result was well worth it. Seeing the five girls come to life on my screen filled me with pride and satisfaction. Their distinct personalities shone through, and the contrast between the two versions was striking. The combination of traditional and digital techniques added depth and dimension to my artwork, enhancing the overall visual impact. I am excited to see how this hybrid approach will further elevate my creative process and final pieces in the future.
This experience taught me that sometimes taking risks and trying new things can lead to amazing breakthroughs. I plan to continue creating group artwork, possibly once or twice a week, using this innovative technique. It's exciting to think about the potential it holds and the opportunities it opens up for me as an artist. As I sit here admiring the finished pieces, I feel grateful for these five OCs that I brought to my creative endeavours. They represent the spirit of friendship and unity that makes this time of year so special.
Here's to March, femininity, and the power of art to bring people together. Cheers!
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notsogoodangel · 3 years
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Finally done: Children of Dead AU AKA an SBI Royal/Antarctic Empire AU which actually includes both Fundy and Kristin. More info under the cut
also ignore typos in the drawing, I did the text at like 2 am
The Antarctic Empire seemed to pop out of nowhere, and just as fast as it appear, it became among the most prosperous and wealthiest (and most dangerous) kingdoms in the world. The world was in shock figuring out how an adventurer, who first came into view from a pathetic death, became the ruler of such a prosperous empire. Although once meeting the royal family, one begins to understand. Emperor Philza, also known as the Angel of Death, a man later became known for his wisdom and bravery. He will always raising to the occasion, of course, if he believe in it, and destroy anything that stands in his path. The empress is Death herself, always kind to everyone who doesn’t run from her and her touch and to be feared if you ever go against her. They formed a family that almost seems too perfect for running the place the call home. The oldest son is almost perfect soldier, seemingly never loosing a battle and always knowing how to plan to their next expansion of their territory. The crown prince has a way with words that makes everyone listen, always trying to get the upper hand and his pride always seeking what’s the most optimal outcome during a meeting. The youngest of the emperor and empress children is a loud young man that is never afraid to speak his mind, fight for any occasion to protect the empire and his family, trying to improve any injustice that may ever plague the kingdom. The crown prince’s son is focused on making the empire structurally stable, always focusing on the infrastructure and improving the technology.
Secondary characters
He was taken in by Phil when he was 15, but he really seems to be adopted by Techno than by him.
Not an official prince, but under the protection of the royal family.
Still half enderman and half something else.
He is the same age as Tommy, and they get along well-enough.
He is not adopted by the royal family, but might as well be.
Even though he is a citizen of Manberg, he spends most of his time in the empire, specially hanging out with Tommy, Ranboo, and Purpled.
Son of Captain Sparklez, his uncle is Schlatt and Puffy, and Dream is his cousin.
Half goat and half sheep (that’s the couple horn).
An ex-child soldier, rescued and taken in by Ponk and Punz (his biological-older brother).
He was REALLY good at his job, and still continues the mercenary work, but he actually makes money out of it.
He is an alien hybrid, which is among the rarest hybrids, and has very little drawbacks.
He hangs out in the castle because he can and nobody can stop him.
A prince with so many brothers that is near impossible for him to become a king, so he moved to the empire and helps in the building of it with the help of Foolish.
A raccoon-creeper hybrid, and connected to Tommy very fast because of it.
He is in a relationship with Ponk, and lives with him, Purpled and Punz.
He can explode, and tries his best to control his angel... and he is scared of cats, which works out because Ponk is allergic to them.
Phil’s old adventure buddy (look, I love their Hexxit series, fight me)
President of Manberg, although not for long because he dies near the end of his first term. After that he haunts, Quackity, Tubbo and Phil, although mostly Quackity. 
He has the Revive Book, because his family is cursed and all males died young and he is looking for a way to stop it or extended the dying.
He is Sparklez’s and Puffy’s cousin, although he did help raise Tubbo since they travel a lot.
Fundy’s childhood friend (and later boyfriend)
He is a nature spirit, specifically a radish. All nature spirits are connected to a plant, and this helps him to stay connect to this realm because again, he is a spirit. 
He tries to spend as much time in the empire with Fundy but the weather is hard on him, and staying in another realm can be hard.
Minor characters
Sally: A fish-hybrid that comes to the empire when the water is not frozen solid, and despite that, she is married to Wilbur and gave birth to Fundy, making her the princess of the empire.
Squid kid: A squid-hybrids that comes to the empire year-round and helps Techno keep his crops when he knows he is going away for a battle for an extended period of time. Techno only does this because he hates machines, and prefers manual labor. 
Ponk: A dreamon-hybrid (hides it) mercenary and doctor who keeps an eye in Punz and specially Purpled. Usually the middle man between any hits someone may request.
Punz: A alien-hybrid (recessive) mercenary and ex-child soldier. While he lives under Ponk and Sam’s roof, he doesn’t really listen to them as he is only there because he cares about Purpled... also he doesn’t listen to anyone unless you pay him.
Extra info: 
Tubbo, Dream, Puffy, Sparklez and Schlatt are all biologically connected. The “C” on Tubbo and Schlatt’s name stand for Captain, which is the family name. Don’t ask why is in the beginning of their names, they don’t know either. Their curse consist in that all males in the family will die young, usually tragically (Sparklez drowns in one of his travels and Schlatt dies alone from a heart attack). While the females will start to forget things if they are not consistent, for example, they will remember how to garden if they are a farmer, but they will forget they have a child if they live alone for an extended period of time.
Dream is the rules of the Greater SMP, although he hates the idea of being the face of the country since he hates people being up in his personal business, doesn’t like attention, he has personal beef with Techno and Tommy and that is not good for public relations when you hate two of the princes of one of the most powerful empires in the world; and his uncle runs a country that is not connected to his at all (aside from being to war in the past, but Schlatt wasn’t president then). So he still rules, but put Eret as a figure head as he has good personal relations with Wilbur and they actually like the attention.
There’s a small secret revolution against Wilbur going on the Antarctic Empire run by Blop and Oreli and many other of the people Wilbur used as experiment and torture during his “rebellious” phase. They mostly just want to torture and no-canonically kill him.
Hannah and George are also nature spirits. George is a mushroom spirit and Hannah is a rose one. George lives in Kinoko Kingdom with Karl (not a hybrid, but just a straight up an interdimensional being) and Sapnap, a fire-demon hybrid, and they are visited by Dream, who’s a sheep-dreamon hybrid, Quackity (a duck hybrid) and BBH (straight up demon and Sapnap’s dad). Hannah, on the other hand, lives on the Empire in a green rose, and works as a mercenary with Purpled. They sometimes work together, but most of the time they just train together.
Quackity is the vice-president during Schlatt presidency, and takes the mantle of presidency when he dies. He wants to run, but he after entering in a relationship with Karl and Sapnap he stops and moves to Kinoko. 
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picwew · 3 years
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SQUAD UP! It’s time for Yuna and his crew of miscreant demons!
(Picrews are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here!)
The characters are, top to bottom, left to right--
Nakajima, Yuna: A human with unusually high magical potential. His specialty is the binding of demons into servitude, which he utilizes to stop particularly troublesome demons from threatening human populations across the globe. Most of the demons under his care were seduced by him, as he has quite a knack for making men want him. As such, several of his servants are vying for his favor, but, in his own words, “I don’t play favorites~”
Obviously, Yuna is a bit of a flirt. His tastes extend well beyond demons, into just about any non-human he can get his hands on. He has a ravenous appetite for handsome men, but no plans to settle down any time soon. It isn’t that romance doesn’t appeal to him, more that he’s still young and a little too free-spirited for anything permanent. The way he dotes on his servants, though, you’d certainly think he was in love with them, Nihil in particular.
Mourning Dove: Affectionately referred to by his coworkers as “Dovey”, this little fellow was the first of Yuna’s servants, and is therefore his most staunch defender. The details of his past are hazy, even in his own mind, but he was born into the slave trade, nameless, nothing, the psychological toll of which would not become apparent until his eventual escape. He was full of hatred for the humans who had callously treated him as property, and claimed many lives before Yuna was able to soothe his aching heart. “You’re pretty as a mourning dove,” Yuna told him. From that moment on, he decided that this would be his name.
Dovey is, above all, an empath. Much of his time recovering from a life of slavery was spent learning to feel again. Once he got the hang of it, however, he found that he felt a little too much, so much so that he’s become somewhat of a crybaby. When others are in pain, he is often the one to comfort them. His sweet disposition and cute appearance have earned him his coworkers’ love, although they still get a bit miffed with him whenever he tries to hog Yuna’s attention.
Dr. Callaway: An interesting case, and a tough nut to crack. Only Yuna knows his full name; no one knows his story. All he’s shared is that he was fingered for human experimentation, and that, no, he has neither learned his lesson nor wishes to. Still, he behaves himself well enough, perhaps because he is entirely obsessed with Yuna in the most unhealthy way. While most of his coworkers consider one another family, Dr. Callaway is detached and often mocking of their sentimentality.
As expected, Dr. Callaway is a terrible sadist. He takes great pleasure in hurting others in any way he can. Nowadays, this is limited almost entirely to insults and threats, but he has been known to get physical with others when Yuna isn’t looking. It doesn’t help that nothing seems to bother him in return. You could beat the man senseless, and he’d come out of it grinning like a jackal.
Corvo: This one was a misunderstanding--or, rather, a case of cultures clashing in a very gruesome manner. Corvo is a hybrid of demon and crowkin. Beastkin are not true demons, but are often lumped in with them, so mixed-race families are not uncommon. Unfortunately, this can lead to some problematic offspring, particularly when one or both of the parents are detached from human society. Corvo, like many crowkin, was taught that food is food, and that human meat is the most delicious of all. He bore no ill will toward humans, but his view of them as, essentially, cattle culminated in a visit from Yuna.
Following his binding, Corvo began the lengthy process of finding something he liked more than human flesh. This, as it turned out, was sweets--all sweets, from pastries, to ice cream, to candy. He had never had sweets before, and everyone agreed that they suited his bubbly, affectionate personality more than human flesh anyway. He is certainly the gentlest of all of Yuna’s servants, dedicated to his family and to protecting those in need. He’s especially fond of cats.
Erebus: Known by those who worship him as the Master of Crows, Erebus is an ill-understood being. He is ancient, but has had little to do with his own kind since time out of mind. Instead, he appears to have become so entwined with his worshipers that he can no longer live without their faith to sustain him. During the Northern Crusades, a great many of them were persecuted for their faith, and Erebus fell into a centuries-long slumber. Only when his followers began to grow in number again did he wake--and command those loyal to him to seek vengeance for their fallen brethren. Naturally, Yuna had a thing or two to say about that.
Erebus is highly asocial, but does not dislike his coworkers. It would be a stretch to say he views them as family; even so, he gets along well with them on the rare occasion Yuna can talk him out of his comfortable pocket of darkness. As the oldest of his colleagues, he is respected and even admired, but he cares little for the love of his own kind. He desires mortal love, which he receives through his worshipers. Due to their number still being relatively low, you’ll rarely catch him awake. Only Yuna seems able to rouse him, and only because Yuna is his “most cherished one”.
Mage: A troublemaker with a bark worse than his bite--but he can and will bite, so mind your fingers. Like Dr. Callaway, his true name is known only to Yuna. His coworkers know him as Mage, taken from Magenta, the name of the rather nasty chemical he produces to draw in his prey. He doesn’t harm them, but he has seduced many a married man away from his wife. Causing strife among couples is what he does best. As an incubus, he finds the taste of a married man’s energy too sweet to resist. So, of course, when he found himself seduced by Yuna, he was completely baffled--and absolutely obsessed. He still toys with married men now and then, when he gets the chance, but spends most of his time trying to talk Yuna back into bed.
Though rare, Mage can be persuaded to bust heads, and does so with the best of ‘em. He’s highly territorial, meaning that although he rather likes his colleagues, he often tangles up with them over Yuna’s affection. He is particularly hostile toward Nihil, who rather delights in teasing Mage with his closeness to their master. Outside of his romantic conflicts with his housemates, he tends to be rather lackadaisical, spending much of his free time lounging on every comfortable surface available. People find his presence enjoyable due to his easygoing disposition and passion for mischief.
Nihil: Of all the demons under Yuna’s employ, Nihil is the one who has come closest to winning his heart. Theirs is a strangely intimate relationship, one which Yuna insists is platonic--and yet, Nihil is at his side always, his obedient shadow. Of course, they weren’t always so close. Nihil is an inherently violent, cruel man whose sole purpose in life is to cause as much pain and grief as he possibly can. He is absolutely, positively insane, for no other reason than this is how he believes a demon should be. This is his aesthetic, and a demon’s aesthetic is absolute. He minds his P’s and Q’s now that he’s bound to Yuna, but never lets his “family” forget what he is, Yuna least of all.
Nihil loves no being, except, by his own admission, Yuna. He teases his master constantly, always pushing his limits, always pushing his buttons. “I am your loyal dog,” is a favorite line of his, spoken, with a pointed smile, whenever Yuna asks something of him. For some reason, it never fails to fluster Yuna, which allows Nihil to worm himself further into his darling’s heart. Unlike his colleagues, he is not afraid to get physical with Yuna, and many of their more heated arguments have ended in the bedroom. Whether Nihil actually enjoys servitude remains to be seen, but for Yuna, he would pull the moon from the sky.
Pox: The general consensus on Pox is “unfriendly, but not unbearable”. A life of self-isolation has made him difficult to approach, even more difficult to befriend, especially given that everyone he’s ever loved, he has killed. He is a demon of sickness, of plague and of rot, of suffering so old as to be carved into the bones of the earth. When he was young, he could not control the disease that spread from him. Though his mortal mother tried desperately to guide him, eventually, she was overcome, and Pox left the village he had once called home, now populated only by the dead and dying. He learned then that he could not live among his mother’s people, but he knew nothing of his father’s. Rather than seek them out and put them at risk as well, he exiled himself to the outskirts of human society, interacting with it only when necessary. With time, he came to understand his power, and was able to control it--but his peaceful life came to an end when one of the few humans he had allowed himself to love was killed in a botched robbery. Pox designated himself judge, jury, and executioner, and it wasn’t long before Yuna showed up on his doorstep.
Pox hides his self-loathing under a cold, hard outer shell. His mask is flawless, perfected through a lifetime of guilt, and he allows no one near enough to break it. His coworkers believe that they are despised by him, but in truth, he loves each of them with every inch of himself. Saying so is difficult, though, and such an admission would only encourage them to endanger themselves. He may be in complete control of his magic most days, but there are times even now when he catches himself slipping. He is desperate to protect Yuna and the strange family they have all built together, so much so that he would rather suffer in silence than risk their lives asking for help.
Seta Sericum: The peculiarity of his name has led to his coworkers calling him Silky, a moniker which he has accepted only begrudgingly. Silky is a Nephalem, the product of a love between angel and demon. Typically, his fathers’ love for one another would have ended in tragedy, but the two stayed together even after their angelic half was cast from divinity. Silky was raised in a happy home, albeit a mobile one; his fathers couldn’t risk staying in one place for too long, lest the Church track them down. Ultimately, it was the Church, their greatest fear, that was their end. They were cut down while protecting Silky, who was forced to flee in the vain hope that his absence might somehow save his fathers. The Church searched for him, but he had hidden himself well. Now an orphan, he swore vengeance on his parents’ murderers--and he got it too, once he was old enough to control his immense magical power. He despises the Church, but killed only those among its ranks who had directly harmed him. Regardless, Yuna came for him, and he submitted to servitude as recompense.
Silky’s demonic father was a real fop of a man, and his son is no different now that he’s had a chance to adjust to a normal life. He insists that everyone pull their own weight, that everything be in its place at all times, and has a fondness for indulgences such as expensive wine and imported chocolates. Without these little luxuries, he would surely have gone mad, for both his mischievous master and his trouble-making housemates frustrate him to no end. He has tried, with mixed success, to serve as a role model for them, but, oh, they are all such children. Dovey is far too naive, Dr. Callaway is far too sadistic, Corvo is far too oblivious, Mage is far too flirtatious, Nihil is far too violent, Pox is far too cold, and Vincent is far too reclusive. Erebus, at least, is well-behaved, though Silky thinks he could stand to mingle more with the group.
Vincent Blythe: On the forefront of medical progress during the Victorian Era, Dr. Vincent Blythe has become little more than a shell of his former self. When his prostitute mother was murdered by one of her stags, something snapped in him. He began targeting, torturing, and finally killing any man who frequented brothels or whom he had seen with street-walkers, believing himself to be the protector of his mother’s people. It was only then when he realized he was something more than human. His father, it turned out, had been a demon who had fallen terribly in love with his mother, but whose feelings had been spurned by her. After receiving a near-fatal wound in a skirmish with a prominent vampire hunter of the day, Vincent tucked himself away in a dark corner of London to heal. He slept for over a century, and when he woke, attempted to pick up where he’d left off. Confused, his trauma still fresh in his mind, he killed all who drew near. Phone calls were made, flights were booked, and Yuna arrived on scene to bring him back to his senses.
Vincent is terribly withdrawn. On the one hand, he is distrustful of all humans, and men in particular frighten him. On the other hand, he has had little to no experience with his own kind, and so struggles to fit in among them. He finds himself at an impasse, unable to shake the trauma of his mother’s murder, and equally unable to bond with his father’s kin. Because of this, he is prone to bouts of violent madness when he feels that he is being threatened, or when he wakes from particularly vivid nightmares, in which he witnesses his mother’s murder and can do nothing to stop it. Dr. Callaway has oft remarked that Vincent is a genius, a true medical prodigy, and that it is too bad he’s so “broken”.
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug/Monster High Crossover Idea
As a person that grew up with Monster High, I can tell you that I loved it so much. But I definitely prefer the old Monster High to the version from the two most recent movies for it. But I definitely loved the concept of the children of monsters all attending high school away from the “normies.” Aka, regular humans.
Plus, I was inspired by the movie, Freaky Fusion, since it had hints that hybrid monsters were not liked by regular monsters. There was not a lot of that type of discrimination in the movie, so I thought of my idea.
So, when I was thinking of what could be a cool new idea for a Miraculous crossover, Monster High eventually came to mind. Each of the characters could be turned into a monster and their school could be another school for monsters.
Marinette could be the daughter of the White Tiger from Chinese mythology. Since it is said that the tiger is supposed to come when there is peace on earth, Marinette could have the power to spread peace to whoever she touches. Adrien could be a light elf. Since light elves are said to be “fairer than the sun to look at” he could have the power turn into light. Alya could be a blogging ghost that thinks she searches for truth but believes many of the rumors that she hears. She is like Spectra from Monster High. Nino could be Alya’s banshee boyfriend. But Nino would prefer making real music than just using his horrible scream like his ancestors. Chloe could be a mermaid that gains legs when she is dry. She would still have her giant ego since is one of the more “beautiful” monsters. 
Some of my original characters will also be included once again. Lyon is a siren that only uses his hypnotic voice only on bullies or to just get people to leave him alone if they are insufferable. Vallia is a butterfly girl since she inherited a long lost trait of their family that descended from Eros and Psyche. Mason is a dragon and ice spirit hybrid, meaning that he looks like a dragon boy but with fire that freezes instead of burns. Apollo is a cupid and naiad hybrid, meaning he can summon wings of water while also being able to create love potion arrows. And Lena is a nymph/centaur hybrid, meaning she is half horse while also having nature powers. Other characters from the show would also be made into Monster High monsters as well. Marc is a satyr that loves to write. Luka is a siren while Juleka is his half sister who is a vampire. Kagami is the daughter of a Valkyrie general. Kim could be the son of a giant that actually has the power to grow or shrink as he sees fit. Nathaniel could be dryad that loves to draw using naturally made materials. Rose is a nymph. And Lila could be a harpy that usually lies and tells people she is an angel.
The main idea that I have is a salt fic that focuses more on Chloe Salt than Lila Salt. I still hate that liar, but I also hate Chloe since she is nothing but a spoiled brat that never faces any consequences for her actions.
So, Chloe believes that she is the queen bee of the school, with her zombie Sabrina minion always doing as Chloe wants no matter what it was. Her father could be the current ruler of a merpeople kingdom outside of Atlantis. So, she believes that she has some form of control over the school. And with the principal, the cowardly owl-man Damocles, and their main teacher, the victim-blaming and bully-coddling air spirit Bustier, both bending to her will, it makes her believe it even more.
Chloe has an extreme hatred of hybrids. She thinks that they are freaks of nature that do not belong in the world. So, when Lyon, Vallia, and their friends join their school, she is furious that they were allowed to attend. Her attitude only gets worse when the boy that she is obsessed with, Adrien, makes friends with them.
Adrien is actually very interested in the new students. He really likes how all of them were a type of hybrid. Even the Greek twins since both had siren and Olympian DNA inside of them even if Lyon was more siren and Vallia was more Olympian. He, Marinette, Alya, and Nino all are good friends with the the hybrids.
But the more that Adrien hangs out with the hybrids, the angrier that Chloe gets and the more she desires to have them out of the school. She tried to just go to the principal and demand that they all are expelled for the simple reason that they are hybrids. But since all of them are protected by the monster council of their home country, all of the still being from Greece, Damocles can not do what Chloe demands for once. And that only makes her want them gone even more.
All of them had already established that as long as she thought herself above everyone else, they would not even give her the time of day. And they had also been helping Adrien stand up to her more. The prime example when he actually yelled at her to stop jumping all over him and grabbing his arms even after all the times that he has told her that he hates it when she does it. And even when she still tries to do it after that, Adrien starts using his power to turn into light to get away from her.
Since the hybrids had arrived, it is made clear how little the other students actually think of Chloe. None of them like her, or are even scared of her since her father has no power over them or any of their monster kinds. Sabrina is the only person that even thinks that she is as great as Chloe brags about being.  Chloe is forced to sit alone at lunch, with only Sabrina around, since everyone leaves whatever table she sits at. 
And with the hybrids still in contact with their parents back in Greece, they all know about what has been happening at the Paris monster school. So, the Greek monster council starts to get involved. They bring the problem to the French council and they get involved with the school. That takes away Damocles’s power as now the other teachers no longer have to fear getting fired for punishing the mermaid menace. The other teachers start scolding her for her bullying nature while Bustier remains as the only one that still treats Chloe as a misunderstood angel. But that only gets her investigated as well by the council and monster school educational board.
As Chloe starts to get angrier and angrier, she actually goes up to the hybrids when they had been alone and demands that they all leave “by order of the merpeople kingdom.” But that only makes them laugh right in her face and tell her that they know that she does not have any real power in the school or even in her kingdom as well. There happens to be a merman on the French monster council and he goes to Chloe’s kingdom to set the government system there back to normal. Aka, they kick Chloe’s father out of office for abuse of power.
That really set off Chloe into a screaming tantrum saying that they had no right to interfere with “her reign” over the school. She calls them a bunch of anti-hybrid words. The recently hired new principal hears her and she is soon expelled.
Oh well, nobody liked her anyway.
And behind the scenes while Chloe was throwing her many tantrums, Lila was exposed as a harpy and not an angel by the hybrids. Since they were from Greece, they knew a harpy when they saw one. And maybe a hypnotic song by Lyon to force her to tell the truth had also helped. But he would only smirk instead of answering if he was ever asked about it.
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lucywritesreid · 4 years
Our own little island
Thank you for all the feedback from my last fic :3 I really don’t have any explanation for this other than....yeah...Spencer during lockdown haha.
Summary: Spencer and Y/N Have been living in their own private bubble during lockdown. YN has discovered a game and initially Spencer shows no interest...
There wasn’t much to say about the last few months other than they had been… weird. Weird on a global scale. You almost couldn’t believe how quickly everything went from normal to complete lockdown and watching the news every night had set you into complete panic mode. Both you and your highly germ-phobic boyfriend were more than happy to comply with the necessary restrictions. Spencer’s rational and calm mindset kept you both prepared and he did everything possible to reduce your anxiety. You would be forever grateful to have him by your side at such a horrible time.
For you the hardest adjustment was not seeing your work friends every day. It was odd to not spend every waking moment surrounded by all the people you loved the most. You didn’t realise just how much you would miss them despite seeing them all the time anyway. Friday night became the highlight. Your team, set up by Garcia, started a weekly quiz whereby everyone joined a Zoom call and one member was chosen to deliver a set of questions. Granted, it took Rossi a few failed attempts to be both seen and heard on camera, but you had all got it working in the end. Garcia’s quiz was based on cute, fluffy cartoon characters, Rossi delivered a mastermind style quiz all about the ratpack, Hotch surprised everyone with an in depth quiz about the employees of the FBI (where you realised he knew way more about personal lives of his colleagues) and you did pop culture through the ages. You had warned Spencer that ‘the history of the atom’ wasn’t in keeping with the Friday night spirit, and despite being met by many groans, he ended up presenting a fun and engaging quiz where losers had to take a shot for every question wrong. No surprise that he was the only one still standing by the end.
 The truth was that despite all the chaos and uncertainty, you realised that you were lucky to have so much time spent with the man you loved. Sure, you worked together, but that was as professional as you both could manage. Stolen kisses at the back of the jet and shoulder squeezes were as close as you could get whilst working. But at home, you both had free reign of each other. You were both night owls, sleeping through most of the sunshine. You spent your evenings playing chess, re-watching old horror movies and having a lot of sex. You were sure that you were keeping your local Thai restaurant in business, living mainly off that and tubs of ice cream. It was almost therapeutic spending your time lounging around in your comfortable clothes. Hours would pass while you both sat reading in silence (you, a few chapters, Spencer, a novel or three…), his arm slowly brushing the inside of your leg as you read. On the more anxious nights, Spencer would do absolutely anything to calm you down, making sure you were okay. He’d perform Shakespeare, teach you how to cheat cards, read to you in different languages and even let you braid the ends of his hair.
 You were very sure you were going to marry Spencer Reid.
 There was one of your hobbies that he didn’t quite understand. In the first few weeks at home, you had invested in a Nintendo Switch, mainly from the push of Garcia but you had been eyeing it up since it first came out. You spent many nights on animal crossing visiting Garcia and her magic candy land island. It was one way to experience the outside world without actually being there. There was something wholly therapeutic about going fishing, planting flowers and giving gifts to your wonderful animal villagers.
 Spencer, of course, didn’t really understand the appeal. Despite having the most wonderful brain you’d ever met, he seemed to have a block when it came to technology. He never discouraged you playing, but always looked over your shoulder with a furrowed brow whenever he saw you.
 “See that, y/n, there’s no way all those fossils would be in such close proximity to one another in such a small area.” He commented on more than one occasion. “What use is archaeology when they are just there on the ground for you to see?”
 “Spence, it’s a fictional world, I really don’t think they took into account geographical locations of fossils…” you couldn’t help but laugh whenever you spoke about it.
 “Don’t even get me started on the physical anatomy of these animals! How disproportioned they are from the real thing! And the colours, y/n! Have you ever met a purple tiger before?”
 You knew that he meant no harm from his remarks and was probably getting enjoyment out of it. So you’d shrug, offer him a turn and wait for some comment about how he was going to read an FBI report from 1987 again, and open your switch back up once he was distracted.
 One night, you had stayed up late to make wishes on your island. You really needed the star fragments to craft your new DIY recipes and had spent hours posed in position, ready to make a wish. You hadn’t realised that you were falling asleep and your switch was falling out of your hand, until…
 “YES! YES! Take that you stupid arachnid!” you heard a shout.
 Waking up and looking to your left, you blinked in amazement to see Spencer sat with your switch gripped between his fingers.
 “Spence? What are you doing? Are you okay?!” Many sleepless nights and bad dreams had left you very susceptible to fear when you heard shouting.
 He looked over to you and his cheeks flushed. “Oh, y/n, honey I didn’t mean to wake you I’m sorry! It’s just you fell asleep with your game in your hand, I went to turn it off and ended up talking about the stars with this wonderful little owl… She just tells you all these facts. And they are accurate, too! I even wished upon a star.”
 “That’s Celeste.” You commented, and yawned. “Spence, what time is it?”
 He squinted at the screen before replying, “4am.”
 You laughed. “And how long have you been playing animal crossing?”
 His focus went back to the screen but he carried on talking to you. “Oh, a few hours now! I’ve just caught a tarantula, the stupid son of a bitch bit me before! Did you know they could bite you in the game? I was just running around trying to get my bearings and it ran up behind me and bit me. But I showed it who’s boss. And hey! It turns out I was wrong about the fossils, in a sense..”
 You raised one eyebrow, “Dr Reid, wrong?”
 “Well, not wrong exactly. It’s still highly unlikely that they would be so close together, so close to houses, and be found in just one dig. But I took one to the museum after I dug it up and was really surprised. I hadn’t realised how accurate the information provided was about these fossils! And the details in the display, too! You’ve got yourself rather an impressive collection, y/n.”
“Mhmm.” Tiredness was setting in but listening to Spencer talk about your game was more than entertaining. You sat up slowly, leaned across and rested your head on his shoulder. “What else have you been up to?”
 “Well I recalculated the position of some of your flowers to maximise chances of getting hybrids. I know purple is your favourite colour so I looked into the best way to get purple flowers!” Spencer was speaking in that quick, animated tone that told you he was really into something. “I even researched the quickest and most beneficial ways of befriending your villagers to maximise the gifts that they give you. I spent a lot of time talking to the Raymond character.”
 “Raymond reminds me of you, y’know. Dapper, sophisticated, looks great in glasses…” you replied, nudging his shoulder with your forehead. “How did you find out all of this?”
 “Well, I read the whole Nookipedia website and that gave me a pretty good idea.” He turned to you and grinned. Of course, the genius had become the master of your favourite game in a matter of hours. “You can test me on any of the villagers’ names and personality types.”
 You looked down and saw piles of notepaper, all scribbled on, splayed out across the bed. You picked one up entitled ‘terraforming.’ Instead of trying to decipher Spencer’s handwriting, you decided to ask him about it. “Spence… what’s all this paper? What are these drawings?” You tilted your head and the paper simultaneously to try and get a better understanding of his scribbles.
 “Oh! I’ve been looking into reshaping your island. I came up with a few designs I thought you might like. My personal favourite is the honeybee, cos I know they are your favourite, so I calculated how we can use the terraforming tool to turn your island into a bee. Garcia would be so jealous and…” he trailed off.
 “What’s the matter?”
 He looked back at you with big puppy dog eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip a little before he spoke. “I’ve gone too far, haven’t I? This was your game, your private space, I never meant to take over. You really have done a great job…”
 All you could do was laugh. You leaned over and planted a reassuring kiss on his cheek. “Honestly? I’m really happy that you’re into this now. It means I can talk to you about it. Just you wait until you see Garcia’s island!”
“Really, you’re not mad at me?”
“It would be impossible to be mad at you, Spence. Maybe we’ll set up your own character now.”
And with that, you kissed him again, nuzzling into the comfort of his arm. “Show me what else you’ve been doing…”
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