#If Karma is the positive effect your actions have on those around you
thepurpleglass · 1 year
I was in the Whole Foods tonight and I saw a Ken (blonde, sleeveless jean jacket) a Barbie (blonde wig, pink outfit and scarf) and a Mermaid Barbie (blue wig, iridescent skirt, starfish as hair accessory.) Obviously going to or just coming from the movie. Could not help but grin at them and they all grinned back! The people watching since last Thursday has been on point. Hell yeah!
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lunarlianna · 2 months
White Moon Selena through signs
White Moon Selena, often overlooked in astrology, is a powerful and positive force in your natal chart. While Black Moon Lilith represents challenges and temptations, Selena symbolizes protection, guidance, and beneficial energy. As the Moon's perigee, Selena points to areas where you feel intuitively guided and supported. Mythologically, Selena is the Moon goddess, bringing light and protection. Unlike Lilith’s dark, rebellious nature, Selena represents our highest, most idealized self, helping to heal and balance Lilith’s influence. In essence, Selena embodies truth, light, positive past deeds, and spiritual protection. She marks where you feel blessed and intuitively guided, counterbalancing Lilith’s challenges. Working with Selena can bring clarity and purpose, guiding you on your soul’s journey and helping you heal Lilith’s darker aspects. Ultimately, a strong White Moon Selena provides a profound sense of purpose, and embracing this path brings clarity and alignment with your true self and life mission. Astrologically, Selena shows where you connect deeply with the universe, operating beyond fear and doubt. Important aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) with an orb within 1 degree are key to understanding her influence. To calculate your natal Selena use astro.com, the code for it is h56.
WMS in Aries
You naturally embody the qualities of a leader and protector, shining as a guiding light for those around you. Your optimism and unwavering sense of purpose make you a source of hope and encouragement, especially for those who are vulnerable or facing challenges. Your nurturing instincts extend to those under your care, and you possess a remarkable ability to overcome obstacles, inspiring others to persevere alongside you. This position suggests a special affinity for fire, symbolizing your inner strength and clarity. Embrace activities that involve fire, such as enjoying a fireplace at home, to purify your thoughts and energize your spirit.
WMS in Taurus
You are guided by a profound inclination towards spiritual fulfillment rather than earthly pleasures. While you appreciate sensory delights, your true passion lies in exploring a deeper, intuitive understanding. Your connection to the earth is robust, enabling you to utilize its resources to assist others in realizing their material and spiritual aspirations. Your innate wisdom leads you to recognize what is genuine and meaningful, fostering both material stability and a richly fulfilling life. To uphold Selena's positive influence, cherish simplicity, honesty, and reverence for all living beings. Steer clear of greed and materialistic pursuits.
WMS in Gemini
You thrive on leveraging your intellect and communication prowess, finding deep satisfaction in clear and effective expression. Your ability to articulate ideas ensures you always have access to valuable information and meaningful connections. This position suggests a positive karma as a mediator, with a strong affinity for the air element, symbolizing freedom and clarity. You're naturally inclined towards innovation and societal improvement, drawn to endeavors that enrich life with vibrancy and dynamism. To uphold Selena's protective influence, prioritize truthfulness, maintain integrity in information sharing, and honor your commitments.
WHM in Cancer
You have a natural gift for nurturing others, destined to play a central role in caring for your family and community, especially children, families, and animals. Your wisdom allows you to discern when to take action and when to observe, making you a compassionate and effective caregiver. You deeply honor traditions, ancestors, and your roots, feeling a profound sense of responsibility towards your loved ones. Your affinity with the water element is profound, and embracing a nurturing and sincere approach in all your endeavors will lead you to genuine success and fulfillment.
WHM in Leo
You play a pivotal role in inspiring others to discover their creative paths. Selena encourages you to embrace your heart's guidance and freely express love and affection. Cultivating warmth, care, and generosity will nurture your own sense of stability and security. Your creative spirit radiates brightly, guiding others to uncover their unique brilliance. Stay closely connected to the fire element and the Sun, sources of cleansing and inspiration. Guard against false pride, ego, and greed to maintain Selena's protective embrace. Embrace sincerity, honesty, and optimism, allowing your inner warmth and joy to blossom freely.
WHM in Virgo
You possess a strong affinity for rational thinking, effortlessly navigating engineering and analytical challenges. Your expertise lies in establishing structure through thorough research, meticulous analysis, and hands-on application. You hold deep regard for cleanliness, responsibility, and humility, often embodying qualities akin to a healer or nurturer. It's important to maintain equilibrium by keeping sight of the broader perspective and not getting bogged down by minutiae. Ground yourself by nurturing a connection to the earth element, finding solace in natural settings. Surround yourself with soothing colors like yellow-green or blue, and cultivate an environment that promotes comfort and organization.
WHM in Libra
You have a remarkable talent for understanding social dynamics and discerning people's characters with ease and precision. Your innate charm and empathy empower you to positively influence others, fostering comfort and harmony wherever you go. You flourish in roles that uphold fairness, diplomacy, and collaboration. Your positive influence aligns closely with principles of social justice and teamwork, making fields such as law, diplomacy, and the arts especially fulfilling for you. Stay connected to the element of air for clarity and creative inspiration, and seek environments that reflect elegance and harmony.
WHM in Scorpion
You hold profound insight and a heightened sensitivity to the forces of light and darkness, making a significant impact on those you encounter. Your previous experiences have equipped you for spiritual conflicts, fortifying your spirit through formidable trials. With a noble warrior's spirit, you skillfully navigate spiritual dimensions and confront inner growth with bravery. Your path to success lies in arenas where your spiritual resilience, courage, and willingness to tackle challenges converge, be it in finance, business, or esoteric pursuits.
WHM in Sagittarius
You uplift others with your broad perspective and profound belief in the significance of existence. Your character radiates generosity, independence, and a profound affinity for nature and animals. You may have a history of roles as spiritual mentors or trailblazers in introducing fresh ideas and beliefs. Your unwavering optimism and commitment to integrity illuminate your path, encouraging a spirit of adventure and learning. Remember to prioritize physical well-being and stay engaged in spiritual and intellectual pursuits to nourish your journey.
WHM in Capricorn
You live a life guided by balance and harmony, deriving fulfillment from diligent effort and perseverance. You shine in roles that demand responsibility, persistence, and a methodical approach. Your interests may lean towards fields like history, geology, or archaeology, reflecting a deep appreciation for enduring and stable environments. Cultivate your connection to the earth element through peaceful moments of solitude, meditation, or by surrounding yourself with natural stones and landscapes that resonate with you.
WHM in Aquarius
You cherish the freedom to explore unique perspectives and progressive concepts, finding inspiration in fields such as psychology, sociology, and pioneering sciences. Your commitment to fostering friendships and solidarity is a cornerstone of your character, as you ignite social change and cultivate a strong sense of community among those who share your values. It's essential to strike a harmonious balance between independence and connection: while you thrive in the realm of ideas and innovation, remember to nurture your warmth towards others and avoid distancing yourself too much.
WHM in Pisces
You have a keen intuition that helps you sense subtle energies and gain insights that others might miss. Your compassionate nature drives you to offer help willingly to those in need. You naturally embody sacrifice and selflessness, which could lead you towards professions in fields like medicine, psychology, or the occult sciences. It's important to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries to protect your spiritual and creative energies, preventing any potential exploitation due to your caring disposition.
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lilith-incarnate · 2 years
⋆𝕹𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
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✧Not intended for minors!✧
𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔒𝔫𝔢࿐
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I believe this is the pile of the Ancients. The old souls. You choose the picture of two lit candles. Imagery of the Twin Flame love. Higher than soulmates because this relationship was ordained and protected by the spirit realm. I know you’re wondering why the spirit world would care about someone’s love life. This is because this relationship will cause a positive ripple effect in the world. This is a testament to the Spirit worlds active, but oh so subtle, hand. I hope those who have chosen this pile are aware they have lived other lives before this one because both you and your significant person have done this before… but it didn’t go right last incarnation. Karma is at play… Big 8th house, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra Venusian energy here. The center card, Primal is numbered 13, which is the number of the divine feminine. Accessing this energy requires you to be fully connected to your body. This relationship is centered around the feminine’s self confidence. Primal doesn’t mean to be aggressive… here primal means being yourself without restraint. You’re a wild one, ancient and through the joy of simply existing, you express the natural beauty of yourself. It’s a long winded way to describe being authentic, lol but I want you to understand that though we live in an edited and filtered social era, we still very much need those who would rather dance to the beat of their own drum. This is what sets you apart. Your significant person will find you untamed, mysterious and extremely attractive when you meet. There’s an emphasis on balance so I know this is something orchestrated by the universe. There could be a work connection or you could start a business venture together. And you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if that business were a metaphysical one :)
✩𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔗𝔴𝔬
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You are not mistaken. You’ve had glimpses of your future all your life. You’ve seen things. You’ve had premonitions and dreams that have come true. You may have seen spirits. You cannot ignore the subtle realms, you cannot un-see. You need not share this information with others, if it makes you uncomfortable. Having that type of knowledge can make you feel isolated from most of society. Even with “witchcraft” becoming extremely mainstream, seeing spirits and making spells are not the same thing… anyone can make a spell candle, but not everyone is spiritually gifted like you. The Ace of Grails is related to self expression and artistic communication of our feelings. There’s a pain in you that need to transform into something beautiful. Turn your pain into passion. At this time, the universe wants you to focus on the secret of love…You. So, you gotta learn how incredible you are before someone deserving can rise to meet you. If you don’t know your worth, you’ll continue to select the lowest options for yourself. This relationship will bring a lot of emotional healing, whilst being a spiritual lesson for you about the process of change. This pile is very watery… Scorpio, cancer, Pisces… pay attention to your dreams. Your intuition is strong, don’t doubt yourself. Soft and kind. Sensual as a languid stream…. Your future lover will be gentle with you. There will be so much romantic communication! They have words down to a science. With you, they seem to know what to say to make you blush.
୨୧𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢
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With judgement here, this could be someone from your past and if not, this tells of a choice being made that leads to the starts of happiness. It could even mean that there’s a personal transformation (ex. an ego death) and that’s how it begins. Basically, the card is about weighing the actions and events of the past in order to put them to rest, allowing us to experience new beginnings, ideas, and horizons. It is the call to a new age and a final decision! Don’t let the past hold you back! This lover is bringing you a beginning that creates itself from the end of whatever has gone before. The Six of Skulls is a symbol of luck, wishes, and magic charms! In this reading, it depicts a financially secure person who is very capable of giving! Acts of kindness, the giving and receiving of gifts, charity, and generosity. This is a very respectful person with great empathy. Their archetype is that of the Samaritan. This person will offer you help and inspiration, directly or indirectly. Now, onto your Amor cards. Hm! A game of cat and mouse in the game of love, uh oh. Love is treated very seriously by most, but in its essence, is free and playful. Love isn’t always a hill to climb! Have fun with it! Whether you play a childhood game or take a little trip, do it with joy and lightness, away from pain's grip. There is no need to stress. Love is a game and this person is choosing to play with you. You will be pursued and for a while, you likely won’t know it until the person makes themselves known. Because what is modern romance without social media stalking lol. There’s a few animals here so maybe someone has pets or like animals. I’m looking at the Love’s Embrace card and I see that the lovers depicted here are very different. The man is a warrior and the woman is a priestess. Classic case of (seemingly) opposites attracting! Need I say more? Well, I should say someone (or both) is a bit of a Casanova… popular. I think both of you are adept lovers.
❀𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯
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Two 10s here. The ten of knives and the ten of specters. Both of these cards are about a final conclusion and the end of a cycle. On the picture of the ten of knives, a succubus lies staked to a bed. You’ve been through a lot, but your task is to not internalize what we perceive as negative experiences. Through every experience, there’s an opportunity for change. You may have had people around you who were jealous or you may have been jealous of others who seemed to have better fortune than you. Either way, the key is to overcome spite and envy, no matter the source. Bitterness and the refusal to forgive can create a bitter life. Beware those who are bitter, the ones who bring up a moment or person that hurt them, over and over. They want you to inherit their emotional burden. It’s not yours to take on. They are making the choice to carry the pain they complain of. Queen Lamia of Greece is shown on the card Jealousy, she was turned into a serpent from the waist down by Hera, who was jealous over her relationship with Zeus. Lamia suffered Hera’s spite and was cursed to hunger for blood. She is now a vampire, just like the succubus from the ten of knives card. Both are depictions of the dark feminine. Maybe your sex life has been the subject of gossip and shaming. Maybe you have been receiving blessings that has drawn ire and envy out. You might be feeling fear and guilt feeling these eyes on you. The Ten of Scepters represents phases in our life when we are overwhelmed and can find no time to relax. It’s a sign that we are pushing ourselves way too hard. This card is also about taking a last grand stand against oppressive forces. Are you fighting against peoples opinions of you? Such an exhausting endeavor. Where I’m from we say, “People will talk about you beyond the day you die.” We can’t control how we are perceived, so what does it matter what another person thinks? You need not accept what people say about you and you don’t need to live up to their expectations. If you are dealing with a time of drama, remember it will pass. Your Amor cards speak of peace and unbridled joy which is what you will come to when you allow these conclusions to transpire. You’re being asked to rest and refresh your spirit. Reconnect with your self and what you love to do. When's the last time you dared to live a little? Make a little extra time in your schedule to do something wild~
♡𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢
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Wowowow I am definitely going to have to not recommend this reading for minors. This pile is the most erotic of them all, so congratulations! The main card is Faith… The belief that something will take place, or is right, or is a particular way, can be called faith.
Do you believe you will have a deep, sensual love in this life?
A lot can be described here… Capricorn stands out. Masculine energy is very dominantly portrayed (remember it doesn’t matter how you identify, it’s just the energetic description). If for you this is another individual, this person is seductive and their goal is to help you open up your sexual expression. They have a lot of endurance in the bedroom and honestly they have an interest in sex outdoors. Not public, but in nature. Sex is something they really enjoy, but it doesn’t just serve the basic carnal needs for them. There’s a craving for pure connection of the soul, exposed and unbound. Beyond the physical. Beyond the mental. Beyond the earth and the sky and all the stars. For them, sex has been experienced well enough. Now, intimacy is the focus. So, the Devil here is not the biblical one. He is the archetype of the ancient primeval forest god- sometimes known as the Horned God or as the Lord of the Forest. He is a representation of the god Pan, impetuous, beautifully carefree, hearty, deeply sexual, and earthy… His true nature has been misrepresented in the past and reduced to evil by the wicked, the self-deluded, and the self-righteous, either out of fear or religious politics in order to gain power. Is someone into bondage? This lover wants your complete trust in the bedroom. They want your body open up in ways it never has before. What an intense person! Outside of sexual matters, when the eight of swords appears, we are usually keeping ourselves mentally bound. Don’t allow anyone to force a choice on you or hold you back from making one. On the inside, you could be holding back your own fire/creative energy with negative self beliefs. This is your call to release yourself from your own inhibitions. Let go, unleash your desires, and dive headfirst into excess. Seize your joy. Connect deeply. Connect spiritually. Connect intimately… whatever that means to you. 💗
⋆𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔖𝔦𝔵⋆
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Alrightttttt. A lot of fire energy. Zeroing in on the energy of Leo. The Hunter card speaks for itself here and honestly, this pile might have a relation to pile 3. If you feel inclined, look at that set of cards as well! This person has high standards and their appearance means a lot to them. I shouldn’t stop there… their appearance, their possessions, their partner must reach their high standards. If that intimidates you, you should pick another pile. This person is fiery and it’s either set the world ablaze with them or get out of the way! This is luxury, passion and adventure! The fire between you will never die down. I love how the panther appears twice lol. Your sex life together appears to be enhanced by now much you love yourselves, respectively. Your lover immensely enjoys the glow you get from practicing self care. Lavishing your body in nourishing lotions, indulging in gorgeous perfumes and expressing your fashion taste are some examples of what this fancy person likes. All of that appeals to their keen senses! They are a provider and they want to see you enjoy what they give you, too. Expect the love language to be surprise gifts. This person is not selfish at all. It pleases them to be able to provide for themselves, too. Very proud of their financial stability! As they become mature of age, they would likely want a family in the future. Did you notice I didn’t mention anything about perfection? This person is not looking for total perfection in a person, because it doesn’t exist. In the simplest of terms, they want someone who knows their worth and knows what they want. A person that knows that life is for living! Don’t deny your nobility, you deserve your highest ideal, ok? The Five of Scepters also represents the awakening of the sexual drive and becoming conscious of our unique sexual energy. Basically, this relationship will open you up to the deeper aspects of sexuality. Honestly, they will revere you. I see them worshipping your body. They probably would enjoy seeing you pleasure yourself. So, now that you know this relationship is coming in your future… you have at this time a wonderful opportunity to do the very best you can, for your self. This will shift your vibration, and attract wonderful new opportunities with kindred spirits like you.
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Because it is October at the time of creation, I decided to do a vampire-themed love reading. Remember you are so loved by this conscious universe. It never works against you. I hope you enjoyed your message. Thank you for being here with me. Until next time♡
꒰ Pick a card readings are always consisting of collective energy so only take what resonates with you and always remember to trust yourself before any tarot reader/psychic/healer. Don't forget: Spirit speaks in symbolism. ꒱
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greenboyfriend · 1 year
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choose a kaiju! (tarot card reading)
source image/kaiju 1: this kaiju has dyed himself green, blue and red to deter from his menacing fish mouth and beady black eyes. he even has spots! image/kaiju 2: this kaiju definitely listens to lofi hip hop. the swirly colorful lines on his head are indicative of his massive brain, just as his bright yellow spandex are of... something else. image/kaiju 3: this kaiju is just a frog.
1. .・。.・゜✭
right now is a wonderful time to relax! there are some opportunities ahead for you, but at the moment, it seems like a good idea to enjoy some peace and quiet. calling a truce may be important in order to realize this. know that you're surrounded by love, you have a firm base to stand on and you're protected by those around you. in your future, you will be presented with a new opportunity. to harness this, you must focus on what will produce tangible results & being practical, while also leaning in heavily to your intuition. let go of expectations, of how it "should" be, or look. work with what you have, but don't be afraid to do some exploring for new supplies. overall, you will need to be true to yourself in this upcoming endeavor, and really tune in to your gut reactions/intuition. and yes, that means chasing that pipe dream! go for it!! the most important thing is that you follow your heart... even if it seems kinda crazy at first!!
(page of pentacles reversed, the fool, 10 of cups, page of cups reversed)
2. .・。.・゜✭
holy cow!! 4 major arcana! this is probably an important moment in your life. these cards seem to imply that the time to act is now, or soon. you may be reluctant to get things into gear, but consider the potential your actions may hold. allow new developments to unfold. you will be surprised at a new turn of events, and will gain a greater perspective concerning your purpose. this is a powerful movement, you're going from the known into the unknown. you may even feel caught in the middle of things. however, you'll receive the answers to your questions soon, or otherwise see the obstacles in your path clear. it may be somewhat tumultuous, but you must keep your serene center, like the eye of a hurricane. it's good to be unbothered!
(the wheel of fortune, death, the high priestess reversed, the star)
3. .・。.・゜✭
lots of turning points for y'all today! im thinking that you're going to be moving into a new frame of mind soon. this way of thinking has an air of innocence, especially towards yourself; you're being "acquitted" from your negative thoughts. surround yourself with things that make you feel good- good thoughts, good people, good everything! this change will help you discover old patterns & cycles, and will even show you your role/purpose. expect a change in fortune. every cause has an effect- how does thinking positively affect you in the long term? you're set to find out! you may also have to take responsibility for something, admit the truth, or do what must be done. karma is important. this may take the form of some sort of journey, where you're physically moving locations. it's time to pick up the pace!
(6 of cups reversed, the wheel of fortune, justice, 6 of swords)
thanks for reading! shoot me a message/ask to book a reading! ^.^
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
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"The Justice Tarot card relates to karmic justice and cause and effect. In a general context Justice is showing you that all actions have consequences. So look at your present circumstances in that context, how have your own actions contributed to where you find yourself today? Are there any karmic lessons that you should be learning from your current situation?
Justice is concerned with truth and integrity, so you may find yourself compelled to speak the truth and that you more than ever value honesty and integrity in others. Justice also relates to balance. It may signify that circumstances may arise that could throw you off balance. These circumstances may or may not be beyond your control or of your own making. Either way, you must try to keep yourself on an even-keel as events unfold. The Justice card can also indicate that you have a choice to make when it appears in your Tarot readings as you will be weighing up all your options and balancing the scales.
Justice reversed can indicate injustice or avoidance of karmic justice. This may take the form of being treated unjustly in your life or situation where you are being unfairly affected by the choices or actions of others. You may feel you are being victimised or blamed for something that is not your fault. Whatever the situation, you must try to maintain your balance. Even if you didn’t create the situation, you can choose how you react to it and that can be a lesson in itself. Justice in a reversed position can also be an indicator of someone trying to avoid their karma. If you have played a part in creating your current situation by bad choices or actions, you must be accountable. Don’t try to blame others or avoid the consequences, just learn from it and move forward a little wiser and more self-aware. The Justice Tarot card reversed can also indicate dishonesty. If you have been caught out in a lie, don’t try to justify it or lie your way out of it. Just confess, accept the consequences and try to draw a line under it. Justice reversed can indicate someone with very hard-line or uncompromising views. Examine if you or those around you may have become prejudiced." X
The sword represents a final decision, with the double-edged blade symbolizing the consequences of our actions, while the scales represent a balance of intuition and logic.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but I had to be finished with it. May revisit it again and do a redraw after I've done some of the others. I personally think that Mike is the Knight of Cups, but within the Major Arcana, Justice fits perfectly in my opinion. Hope you like.
*click for quality.
@elsbianism @wheelersboy @perexcri @cloudycleric @foodiewithdahoodie
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heartlilith · 10 months
Interpreting My Solar Return Chart 2023-2024
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SR Rising Sign: Leo 28 degrees
Approaching the year with confidence, creativity, and a fun-loving attitude. The desire to create and express yourself is strong especially through physical attributes. Expression through fashion, hair, make up, or attitude is likely. You’ll want to bring more joy into your life and focus on things you love. You may be in the spotlight more this year and receiving attention from those around you. Your reactions to things this year can be grand and dramatic. People see you as cheerful, confident, and friendly. In 28 degrees, you might gain recognition in your community or even something bigger.
SR Rising in Natal 8th house:
Interest in taboo topics like death and the occult. Increased intuition and strong emotions. Losing someone to death literally or figuratively could transform you whether you like it or not. Accidents can happen now, don’t neglect your health. Focus goes to money. Sex and sex health are important this year. Crisis can transform the way you view life this year. Big changes are coming.
Solar Return Sun in the 12th house at 0 degrees:
Solar Return Sun in the 12th house is a year of isolation in order to heal and release. This will most likely be a behind the scenes year because you will desire more alone time. Be cautious of substance abuse and taking chances with your resources. Maintain your integrity, anything that adds bad karma to you will be faced with immediate repercussions. More drained this year, lack of sleep is evident. Avoid people with substance abuse problems, your emotional sensitivity is heightened. Maintain a positive attitude in the face of tests and challenges. Take responsibility for your actions and get involved in something that serves others. You may receive more attention from others or you’ll be talked about more behind your back. Being in 0 degrees, the energy you feel here is probably prominent and significant, especially without having planets in your natal 12th house.
SR Sun and Chart Ruler in Natal 7th house:
Partnerships of all kinds are in focus this year. A lot of things that happen could be because of these partnerships or they may effect these partnerships in some way. Major changes whether positive or negative will happen regarding relationships. 
SR Sun square SR Jupiter 
Tendency to be overly optimistic in what you can handle this year. You might bite more than you can chew. You have high hopes this year and a lot of enthusiasm. You could be met with success or embarrassment. Your perception of your abilities this year is warped. 
12th house Sun square 9th house Jupiter - 12th house ruled by Leo can indicate that your weaknesses, inflated ego or lack of confidence, can hinder your ability to learn and broaden your horizons.
SR Aquarius Moon in SR 6th house:
The need for emotional “space” is evident this year. You have a detached disposition and will need constant stimuli in order to avoid boredom in your day to day routines. Restlessness and research are prominent. You are more concerned with the future than with the past this year and will be more unpredictable and likely to make sudden unexpected changes. You may have a detached relationship with your mother this year. This placements put focus on progressive health practices in terms of mental and emotional wellbeing. Self care is super important here. Day to day routines can be hard to stick to and your day to day might look different. 
SR Moon in Natal 1st House:
The focus is on yourself this year and turning inward to your emotions. Having an SR Aquarius Moon can indicate that people can tell you need more alone time based on the way you act. However you feel, people will see it this year by the look on your face and mannerisms. Having Capricorn Rising in your Natal Chart plus Aquarius Rising is a double Saturn on your ASC, meaning you’ll mature a lot this year from facing obstacles and challenges. 
SR Moon sextile SR Chiron:
A year for working on emotional trauma related to the feminine or to the mother. Since Aquarius Moon is in your SR 6th house and Aquarius also rules the 7th house, healing could come from daily routines or therapy… it could also come from emotional relationships. Considering the sextile, it’s most likely going to come from nurturing others (Moon).
SR Moon square SR Uranus:
The need to break free from perceived limitations is strong now. Feeling weighed down in whatever aspects will make you impulsive and even reckless just for some excitement. 6th house Moon square Uranus in the 10th house - you may feel trapped in your everyday life… eating breakfast, going to work, coming home, having dinner, sleep and then all over again the next day. You may want to break free from this which could cause some serious upheaval, moving homes is also indicated with this aspect. 
SR Saturn opposite Natal Moon: 
Considering this is happening in the 2nd and 8th house, your self worth may take a hit when you realize how much you depend on others. There will be a need to become more independent financially and emotionally. 
SR Virgo Mercury in 1st house:
Could be a busy year ahead. You’re more to the point when expressing yourself, people notice your sharp intellect and clear cut communication. You’re most likely thinking in terms of your identity and how you want to express yourself, could be critical and insecure in these aspects. You come across as bright and intellectual. 
SR Mercury opposite SR Saturn:
Your way of thinking is clear and precise but there’s a disconnect when getting these ideas across to others. The opposition happening in the 1st and 7th house of the Solar Return Chart indicates that other people might criticize you and shake up the ability to be yourself or the other way around. Bad news and big decisions are likely with this aspect. 
SR Leo Venus (R) in SR 12th house:
Leo Venus R in the 12th house can show hidden enemies/admirers that take on Leo traits. You may hide feelings toward others or be a part of a love triangle. You could get involved in another relationship or be the 3rd party yourself. Your love life will be very difficult this year. You’ll be thinking a lot about internal happiness and with Leo on the 12th house, you're being asked to give attention to yourself this year and what you need to be happy. People may say nice things about you behind your back. You could have secret admirers.
SR Venus (R) Conjunct SR Ascendent:
A "glow up" aspect. With Venus in the 12th house, it could be a mental or spiritual glow up - you’ll grow and mature and be more at peace/confident in yourself this year. People may talk about your looks behind your back this year.
SR Venus in Natal 8th house:
Another indication of a glow up or physical transformation. Love will transform you this year - relationships, beauty, aesthetic, self love will be all things that change drastically.
SR Venus conjunct Natal Venus (Venus Return)
Love life will become deeply transforming. Since Venus is in SR 12th house, affairs or secrets could be the cause. Either of you or a loved one could have had an affair which will effect both deeply. There could be a renewal in how you view love, love will be deeply transformative this year.
SR Uranus square Natal Venus 
Sudden changes in relationships. Relationships could be more exciting or experimental. Need for freedom in relationships. 
SR Lilith conjunction Natal Venus:
Unconventional relationships may come your way. People may become fixated on you sexually or vice versa. You may want to experiment sexually. May be associated with femme fatale vibes. 
SR Virgo Mars in SR 1st house:
Virgo Mars in the 1st house gives others the impression of an ambitious, organized, precise, observant individual that’s full of energy and vitality. You are demanding with the expectations of yourself and others - very high expectations. You are a quick learner and you may have a temper during this year. You could gain muscle this year or look better physcially. You have self confidence and a lot of energy and creativity. You could have injuries to the head this year.
SR Mars Trine SR Jupiter:
You’ll have energy and success in projects this year. Your overall disposition is friendly and optimistic which others appreciate about you. 
SR Mars in Natal 8th house:
Sex and desire will be a prominent theme. You could be having more sex. Sex will transform you in some way this year and finances will be hit or miss. Watch out for injuries involving Mars.
SR Taurus Jupiter in SR 9th house:
Higher learning, spirituality, college, and philosophy will interest you now. Writing, travel, and spiritual pursuit can bring you abundance and luck. You will be a sponge and have the thirst for knowledge this year. Since 13 degrees in a wealth aspect you could make money off your interests this year. You will expand and grow immensely in 9th house matters. Jupiter in Taurus in 13 degrees means you will be a magnet for wealth and opportunity. 
SR Jupiter in Natal 4th house: 
Luck and Abundance this year regarding family and home. 
SR Pisces Saturn in SR 7th house:
You will face karma in your personal relationships this year. Relationships could go through trials and tests of time especially romantic ones. You’ll strive for maturity, stability, and longevity in you relationships this year. You could have more responsibilities in your relationships and your romantic life might get more serious. You’ll have trouble in one on one conversations and have difficulty getting your point across. You may ignore red flags.
SR Taurus Uranus in the 10th house:
Unexpected and sudden changes in the work place, things can happen fast. You could quit your job quickly or be fired. You could have a break through of what you really want to do in life. It’ll be hard to take orders from authority. 
SR MC in Natal 4th house (opposite Natal MC):
Could be fired or otherwise lose your position regarding career. 
SR 10th house ruler in SR 12th house:
A change in your reputation this year could cause you to retract and isolate. Whether this change in reputation is positive or negative, you’ll be uncomfortable with being in the spotlight. 
SR 10th house ruler in Natal 8th house: 
Another indication of your professional life or reputation going through a transformation. Could be regarding sex or relationships. Relationships and sex life could have to do with reputation this year. 
SR Pisces Neptune in the 8th house:
You will be interested in mythical and spiritual things this year and have great intuition. You’ll be borderline psychic. Watch your finances because this indicates being taken advantage of by business partners or romantic partners. Be careful around bodies of water and be careful with drinking and drugs. 
SR Capricorn Pluto in the 5th house (28 degrees):
Watch your ego this year. You’ll have a desire to express yourself creatively and it’ll be important that you have a creative outlet. You may pick up a new hobby and it could drastically effect your life. You’ll seek intensity through sex, dating, and hobbies. 
SR Chiron North Node in SR Aries 9th house:
Issues in finding meaning/purpose in life. Chiron in the ninth house can cause turbulence to philosophic beliefs. There may be many stressful thoughts relating to experiences of death and what happens after death. Be optimistic and follow your heart. Do things alone and work on the relationship with yourself. Beliefs could change and you could change others beliefs.
SR Capricorn Vertex in the SR 5th house: 
Fated events involving children, sex, romance, creativity, and hobbies. Fated encounters this year.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
"DeLorenzo claims compensatory and punitive damages for physical injuries, pain and emotional distress, among other things. In the complaint, he names Warners, The CW Network and executive producer Jensen Ackles, who starred in Supernatural."
Danneel is also included in this lawsuit and this is the part where Karma teaches Jensen that manipulation, nepotism and greed lead to consequences. Cause and effect. This news is the final nail on the coffin when it comest to my trust towards Jensen as a professional and character wise. It takes me back to his Rust interogation where he was down playing what people were going through and claiming the set was professional.
I hope there will be serious measures taken because playing with the lives of both the crew and cast on set is dangerous. I am hoping some of the actors who had to shoot that day join in on this lawsuit because their lives were at risk too and it would be the right thing to do to set a precedent law wise for the industry and reinforce safety measures.
The fact that Jensen comes from experiecing first hand on the set of Rust what lack of safety measures can lead to makes this even more serious. I hope he will take responsibility and advocate for greater measures on set. Sadly, I doubt he will ever consider the big picture and impact of his actions so he will probably selfishly hide his head under the sand. To the obsessed Jensen stans that are defending him rabidly online over this article, shame on you, you have officially crossed the line into sociopathy by lacking empathy completely. What happened on the TW set is indicative of many forced risks casts and crews live through and those should be resolved to avoid deaths and serious mental as well as physical consequences. If Jensen is the only one you feel empathy for then realize that he could also lose his health or life if he keeps on approving or making choices that subvert safety measures. For once, realize that the world does not revolve around your blind worship of a C list actor, real people are suffering real consequences due to his lack of leadership, empathy and professionalism and you seem to be set on following in this very same path, on being extremely closed off, self absorbed examples of people who lack empathy because they worship ego.
Jensen had already greatly weakened his credibility by giving Danneel a producer vanity tile, now, due to his "production"'s on set negligence, he has put himself in a very shady position and this will greatly impact his castability and professional reputation.
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annbourbon · 7 days
"Names are very important. Names have power. It doesn't matter if it's living or not. Once you give it a name you embodied that person or object. With the same anount of power." Says Yuuko in XxXHolic.
And I'm so sorry it took me so long to remember this quote~~
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The irony is that it's not the first time listening to this. So let's delve into your name and why it's important. Especially in magical settings.
But to do that we need to be remembered of The Karmic Laws. Especially these:
You create your reality ~ Interconnection ~ Responsibility ~ Ripple Effect
You create your own reality.
You are chained down by your actions, words, and thoughts.
By now we all are fully aware of the Attraction Law. In truth, this has nothing to do with magic but with the way you are (remember that Karma is nothing but cause~effect) Hence why there's this urgency in curating our own life. To consume media carefully designed to better our lives and not the contrary. However not everyone does this. And even less people pay attention to the way they behave or are around others. We all are self-fulfilling prophecies. But have you ever thought of yourself helpless? That's because you have allowed others to take control and dictate your own reality.
You are responsible for your own happiness. However, you are also allowed to ask for something that it's not happiness. Yes, as strange as it seems, more often than not in our world, we strive for other emotions that are not happiness.
The question is if we're to break the compromise we have towards our own self.
Interconnection & Ripple Effect
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it always affects the people around you. We are not alone in this world.~ Yuuko Ichihara.
Your actions. Your food. All, from the clothes you wear to the place where you live. The people who bring food to your place and those who spent months cultivating them for you to eat. We are connected.
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There's a term called interconnection or interdependence. The more you explore it the more grateful and terrified are of it. Grateful because our bonds are not easily broken. Terrified because of the way we affect others. We hold responsibilities just by existing. When we communicate our worries and fears, or our hopes. These, that are only of our own, end up chaining others as well.
That's why compliments can be complicated to come by sometimes.
To speak too much positivity will lead a person to find themselves as terrified of making mistakes as if you'd scream in disappointment. In both ways, chained.
Wish more of us would wonder about the effects our words have on others. How many people do we affect every day without realizing? How has what escaped from my lips weighed on those people?*
Frightening things, these words. Once they’ve escaped a person lips, they can never be returned. Once heard, they can never be ignored. Still, people throw them out far to lightly, often unaware of the chains they create.~ Ichihara Yuuko.
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For another example, Chihiro name was tied to her memories too. Without her name she would have been trapped forever.
And even the name change wasn't fortuitous. Sen [[ 千 · せん ]] means thousand in Japanese. Not exactly subtle when it comes to name changes but the goal is reached anyways~ as the question arises: Are we able to navigate between a sea of thousands of people each day, sharing perspectives, opinions, being tied one to another in more ways than one~ and still keep our identity intact?
After all, names are a symbol. A symbol of our own identity. Tied to our mind. Though a name as Juliet in Shakespeare says, doesn't really matter for in essence a rose keeps smelling equally sweet. The names are in many ways, tied to our emotions and memories. There's a quote that explains it way better than me~
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"Names have power, like magic spells. All of the sudden it seemed that her stepmother and stepsisters had indeed transformed her into merely a creature of ash and toil.” ~ Cinderella, live action. (2015)
Now that we have talked about that, we're gonna have to go back to fairies.
Mythology ~ Changelings
A changeling was a substitute left by a supernatural being when kidnapping a human being. Sometimes the changeling was a 'stock' (a piece of wood made magically to resemble the kidnapped human), more often the changeling was a supernatural being made magically to look like the kidnapped human. Supernatural beings blamed for stealing children included fairies, demons, trolls, nereids and many others. Usually, the kidnapped human was a child; but there were cases, particularly in Scandinavia and Ireland, where adults were taken.
It was thought that fairies could only change their weakly and more starveling elves for the more robust offspring of men before baptism. In the Highlands, children used to be watched until the christening was over, lest they should be stolen or changed by the fairies.
There are several stories about changeling. Usually those were nothing but ways to explain why certain babies were dying, sick or different, in an autistic way but for the era they used what they could to explain it. And if I'm not mistaken, even though right now I couldn't find it, one of the methods for "having your kid back" was to call it by the name you would have given to before they were taken away. Acknowledging the presence of the changeling. Although other methods were much more bloody and included to torture the changeling. Or to guess for the name of the changeling.
One of the stories, if not about changelings about names and how important they are, it's Rumpelstiltskin.
A character who is presented to us as a mysterious gnomelike man who spins straw into gold for the benefit of a beautiful miller's daughter, in exchange for her future firstborn child.
When the gnome reappears to demand his payment the young woman, now a queen, cries and asks for mercy. He gives her three days to find his real name or he'll take her daughter. In the end she wins of course, and gets to keep the child and that's how we get to now his name is Rumpelstiltskin.
However, by bringing on this story I had another purpose too, as the story of Rumpelstiltskin summarizes in perfection several Karmic Laws:
You create your reality ~ Interconnection ~ Responsibility ~ Ripple Effect ~ Truthfulness
The moral of the story is, “Always tell the truth, and take responsibility of your actions”. If the miller’s daughter (in some variations is the father, but that only adds more weight to our interconnections and the ripple effect these have) had been truthful to the King, she would have never found herself in this situation. However, once she was trapped under the burden of her promise, she had to find her way out of it and honour the deal.
(...) Which is another way to learn never to accept deals from strangers without fully understanding the consequences and expectations.
Remember the deals and contracts I told you about in my last posts? Well~ as I said, things tend to connect.
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And finally~ how does this ties to the Cheritzverse?
Well, for starters~ it's interesting to notice how the first game (Dandelion) did not allowed us to change the MC name. Her name is Heejung. That's it. However she loses her memories by the end of the game.
And this sets the second game~ Nameless. Making a big deal out of lost memories. And even better~ the game this time allows us to change the protagonist name. While her name is originally still there~ Eri. Now you have the power to change it.
By Mystic Messenger the MC has no name at all. And also, no memories and no eyes. Historically eyes are tied to our soul. To our emotions. I'll talk about this later in another post.
The Ssum not only goes as far as letting us change our own name, but our S.O. name too. And as players, some features are unlocked when you change the names, especially to the RFA members.
In the end, I don't think it's a coincidence the way it's played out. Especially not when we know the Wizard loves to take memories as a method of payment.
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆
* Words are living beings
* Spirited Away
* Wiki - Changelings
* Changelings
* Rumpelstiltskin
* Britannica ~ Rumpelstiltskin
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theravadin · 1 year
karma is not an independent force of "tit-for-tat," where some higher being or power dictates what you deserve based on what you do. karma is, at essence, the law of cause-and-effect in the world. every action is the cause to an effect, or more often, several effects. every action ripples through the surrounding world, spreading far and wide in often unpredictable ways. sometimes this is called "the butterfly effect," where the flap of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world can cause a typhoon on the other side. of course, this is only an extreme example, and real examples of "the butterfly effect" are rarely so drastic. but the overall concept rings true: events ripple out and effect other events in a complex web of eventuality. often many events resonate together to cause rather novel effects in ways that are rarely predictable.
there is a corollary to this concept of karmic cause-and-effect. as one does good deeds, one decreases the sum total of suffering in the world by increasing the sum total of happiness, if even by a small amount. this decrease in suffering can extend into distant valleys of effect, influencing the world in positive ways. the inverse, however, is true for bad deeds. in this way, it is noted that "good" actions benefit the world at large through karmic cause-and-effect pathways.
what then of rebirth? it is always worth remembering the concept of anatta, or "non-self," when considering rebirth. there is nothing to be reborn in the typical sense of the term, no "self" or "soul." rebirth is simply a continuation or perpetuation of patterns of interrelated life-concepts taking different forms at different times. imagine a song cutting off but picking back up later with the same rhythm but in a different key, or the sequel to a story picking up where we left off, but with different characters.
karma can still affect these continuations of life-concept patterns we call "next lives." the previous life's actions bounce around the world and eventually make their way back home, rebounding onto the new life. so not only do our actions have consequences in the here and now, they also affect the distant future of not only ourselves but of those near and far. thus it is recommended to act, speak, and think skillfully, to tread lightly, and to live naturally, so that your impact on the world is a net positive - not just for your sake, but for that of every being in the universe.
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mambajumbastuff · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the 12 Universal Laws
No matter if you're skeptical or an apologist of the 12 Universal Laws can be used to create positive change within your own life. These laws are based upon spiritual principles such as Ho'oponopono, and hermetic philosophical belief systems that date back to ancient Egypt. One example of an Universal Law is the Law of Polarity which explains that everything has two poles, including things like love and hate or night and day. The Law of Attraction Everyone has something in their lives that they would like to alter. You can make your dreams come true, whether it is the relationship, your job, or monetary situation. Like attracts like, which is the most famous universal law. It means that whatever that you concentrate on, will receive. To be able to use this law, you will require a positive person who is focused on nourishing your soul feelings like gratitude, love, and abundance. Therefore, it is essential to understand all the 12 universal laws in order to be in sync with them. The Law of Vibration This law is inviolable and states that everything is energy and emits a frequency. It includes thoughts, ideas as well as our feelings. If we emit higher frequencies it attracts events that resonate with that similar frequency. It's similar to how quantum physicists talk about atoms interfacing at an atomic level even across space and time. Being in accordance with this law means that you are focusing on your thoughts and emotions to maintain a high level of vibration that in turn generates the life experiences you want. The law also acknowledges that you are not just your body, and that your positive energy has the power to manifest your greatest desires into the physical realm. The Law of Cause and Effect The Law of Cause and Effect declares that for each action there exists an equal and opposing reaction. This is a bit like Newton's 3rd law, but with a spiritual twist. It's also linked to Karma's law in that what you put in, you will reap. It means that good deeds will be rewarded, while poor actions will be punished, although in this particular instance, it may not always be evident. The benefit of the law of attraction, Kumar explains, is that you have the ability to choose your causes and thereby produce the results you wish to see in your life. The Law of Compensation An enviable cousin to the Law of Sowing and Reaping It is believed that whatever effort, energy or love you put into the Universe will be returned to you back in the form of a return. This isn't limited to money, but also things like kindness to strangers which may have profound impacts on the world and those around us. Consider the universe as a cosmic accountant, keeping track of everything you say, do or think. It is essential to be aware of your thoughts and words as they can affect your life. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
This law says that everything is constantly changing or transforming from one type to another. Water could transform into steam, ice, snow or rain. The energy never goes away the energy is just transformed into a different form. On Earth the most natural transmutation occurs via cosmic radiation (which result in carbon-14) and radioactive decay of primordial nuclides that were created in the beginning of our Solar System (such as potassium-40, Thorium, and Uranium). The law states that on a personal level the lower energies are able to transform to higher energies through altering your vibration, and changing negative emotions into positive emotions. It is possible to do this through constructive self reflection and by choosing to act positively. The Law of Gender The Law of Gender doesn't refer to sex in the way we think of it, but rather the opposing energies that exist within us- one that is nurturing, and one that is driving. Kaiser believes that harmony between these two energies helps us to become more authentic. If you're naturally assertive and goal-oriented try to balance this out with the ability to feel empathy and trust. Be in tune with the rhythms of nature and cultivate an intimate relationship with the world around you. Like a skilled conductor, harmonize the symphony of your inner masculine and feminine aspects--no longer at odds but in perfect synergy. The Law of Rhythm All of the things in the Universe has a rhythm of upwards and downwards. As the tide flows and flows as the seasons change and day turns into night the same is true of our professional and personal lives. Knowing this law can assist you in releasing your any resistance you may encounter during difficult times and be aware that the hardships will not endure forever. It also helps you appreciate the highs, and to be ready to handle the lows. Don't be surprised when the positive times occur as they always do. Be sure to stay clear of mental extremes, like over-excitement or excessive depression. Watch the video here
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thelearnlifestyle · 6 months
The Circle of Karma & How Your Actions Shape Your Destiny
The concept of karma holds that all of our deeds, good and evil, have effects that eventually come back to haunt us. The energy you release into the world eventually comes back around to you, much to a universal boomerang.
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The Circle of Karma is a consistent principle amidst the unfathomable workings of the universe. It's not only about sudden good fortune or bad; our reality is shaped by the energy we project out into the world. The good news is that we can affect this cycle by our intentions and actions.
Manifestation Methods for Shaping Your Destiny
Manifestation Journal: Write down your desires with clarity and purpose. This act of creation sets the wheels of the circle in motion. Manifesting is all about believing or having faith that you will achieve your goals and being positive in your mind. 
Daily Meditation: Quieting your mind allows you to connect with your inner compass, guiding you towards actions aligned with your goals. It helps a lot to remain calm, especially for overthinkers or those suffering from anxiety or other mental issues.
Gratitude Journal: Appreciating what you already have strengthens the positive energy flowing through the circle, attracting more good into your life. When we observe and pen down all those things that we have right now, from a healthy body to food for survival to materialistic assets like a dream car or house, it creates a feeling of gratitude towards God, makes people strong during tough times, and generates faith in the universe and God automatically.
Beyond Luck: Embracing Action
Embracing Action: Moving Past Luck Karma is active. It has to do with the constructive force of belief paired with initiative. Though thankfulness and vision are powerful tools, they require action as fuel. If you work hard to achieve your goals, the Circle will support you in your efforts.To make dreams come true, one needs to perform actions, such as being positive and having trust in God. The universe can't do anything if one is sitting hand in hand, waiting for his good timing to make things in his favor.
Positivity is the Key
The Circle is nourished by good vibes. Select helpfulness, kindness, and compassion. Be resilient and graceful in the face of adversity. Recall that negativity comes back like a boomerang. You take an active role in molding your future by intentionally feeding the Circle of Karma with good intentions, deeds, and gratitude. Make your energy a positive force for both the planet and yourself, as the universe returns the favor.
In fact, having a negative outlook during challenging times might make things twice as bad. Negative thoughts usually make a person more miserable, which inevitably makes them more conceited and makes things harder or more difficult to handle. This is especially true for those who are more sensitive and overthinkers.
If you found this post to be useful and want to know more about The Learn Lifestyle as we can act as an advisor by promoting the positive parts of life in the daily chaos. You can send us an email on [email protected] or follow us on Facebook.
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Find Your Path to Success with the Most Accurate Vedic Astrologer in Perth, Australia
Are you feeling lost in life and unsure of what path to take? Do you find yourself struggling to achieve success despite your best efforts? If so, you may benefit from the guidance of a Vedic astrologer. And if youre in Perth, Australia, you're in luck, because the most accurate Vedic astrologer in Australia is  right here to help you find your path to success
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the universe and achieve your dreams? Read on to discover how Vedic astrology can help you find your path to success.
 The universe is a complex and mysterious place, and sometimes it can feel like we're just stumbling around in the dark. But what if there was a way to shed some light on our path and get a glimpse of what the future holds?  That's where Vedic astrology comes in
 Vedic astrology is an ancient practice that uses the positions of the stars and planets to gain insight into our lives and destinies. It's based on the idea that we are all connected to the universe and that the movements of the celestial bodies can influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
 If you're feeling lost or stuck in life, Vedic astrology can help you find your way. By examining your birth chart, a Vedic astrologer can gain insight into your unique strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. They can help you identify the areas of your life where you're likely to find success and fulfillment, and guide you towards the actions and decisions that will lead you to your goals.
 The Power of Vedic Astrology
 Vedic astrology has been practiced for thousands of years and is still widely used today. Its accuracy and effectiveness have been proven time and time again, making it a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and insight into their lives
 One of the unique features of Vedic astrology is its focus on the lunar nodes, known as Rahu and Ketu. These nodes represent our past and future karma, or the actions and choices we've made in past lives and the consequences we'll face in this one. By examining the position of Rahu and Ketu in your birth chart, a Vedic  astrologer can gain insight into your life's purpose and the lessons you're meant to learn.
 Vedic astrology also considers the  position of the planets at the time of your birth, as well as their current positions and transits. This information can be used to gain insight into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and challenges you're likely to face in the future.
 Finding Your Path to Success
 If you're feeling lost or unsure of what path to take in life, a Vedic astrologer can help you find your way. By examining your birth chart and considering the current planetary transits, they can identify the areas of your life where you're likely to find success and fulfillment.
 For example, if your birth chart shows a strong influence of the planet Mars, you may be suited for a career in leadership or athletics. If the planet Venus is prominent,  you may be best suited for a career in the arts or beauty industry. By identifying your unique strengths and talents, a Vedic astrologer can guide you towards the career path that's most likely to lead to success and fulfillment.
 But Vedic astrology isnt just about career guidance. It can also provide insight into your relationships, health, and overall well-being. By understanding the challenges and opportunities in these areas of your life, you can make informed decisions and take actions that will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
 The Most Accurate Vedic Astrologer in Perth
 If you're in Perth, Australia, and you're looking for guidance from a Indian astrologer in Australia, look no further than Durgashakthi Astrologer. With years of experience and a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, Durgashakthi Astrologer has helped countless individuals find their path to success and fulfillment.
 Durgashakthi Astrologer is known for their accuracy and attention to detail. They take the time to truly understand their clients' unique situations and provide personalized guidance that is tailored to their needs. Whether you're loking for career guidance, relationship advice, or help with your health and well-being, Durgashakthi Astrologer can provide the insight and guidance you need to succeed.
 What sets Durgashakthi Astrologer apart is their commitment to their clients success. They don't just provide advice and guidance they also offer practical tools and techniques that can help you achieve your goals. From meditation practices to gemstone recommendations, Durgashakthi Astrologer provides a holistic approach that can help you achieve success in all areas of your life.
 In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and uncertain,  Vedic astrology offers a guiding light that can help us find our way. By understanding the positions of the stars and planets, we can gain insight into our lives and destinies and make informed decisions that lead to success and fulfillment.
 And if youre in Perth, Australia, you have access to the most accurate Vedic astrologer around. With Durgashakthi Astrologer by your side , you can unlock the secrets of the universe and find your path to success. So why wait? Contact Durgashakthi Astrologer today and take the first step towards a brighter future.
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helloastro24 · 2 years
7 Tips To Please Saturn in Your Horoscope!
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Are you afraid of Saturn which is also known as Shani or the planet that is associated with Karma and luck? This isn't necessarily true since Saturn is not just an unlucky planet. But, those concerned about the planet could benefit from the excellent tips in this article to turn Saturn's negative characteristics to positive aspects.
A lot of people feel the dark of terror upon hearing the name Saturn. Saturn is believed to represent a planet, which can bring problems. A person's Horoscope is obscured by the illusion of Saturn is the worst for them, however the notions that surround Saturn are not the truth.
Saturn is often thought of as a planet that is cruel in Vedic Astrology. But it's often referred to for being the God of Justice. People's actions influence their course and results. The planet Saturn is known as the bearer of fruit Karma in Vedic Astrology. The phrase "what you plant is what you take" corresponds to Saturn's nature. Saturn since Saturn is the planet that gives you the outcome from your choices, positive or negative. A lot of people seek professional advice on astrology to satisfy Saturn. If you feel that Saturn within your personal horoscope doesn't seem fortunate enough to be happy, this article will offer you some excellent strategies to keep Saturn satisfied.
How do I Make Saturn Favorable?
Saturn which is also called Shani in the way it's referred to in Vedic astrology, is considered to be one of the planets that are most fearsome in the astrology. On the other hand, Saturn represents success, the fruits of labor accountability, democracy, and accountability and without these we could not be able to make significant progress in our lives. If Saturn is blessed it can be a great help However, when it's unlucky it could also be extremely evilly. Therefore, let's look at Saturn's positive and negative aspects prior to figuring out methods to make Saturn favorable within your horoscope.
What are the positive effects of Saturn?
According to Vedic Astrology, Shani is considered a brutal planet. But, Shani does not bother anyone for no reason, unless you commit a mishap in the course of your life. Your guide Shani will always keep a close eye on your every move.
In Vedic astrology, it's been noted that Saturn's passage with respect to the Moon sign results in an astrological cycle in which the person is completely overwhelmed, particularly mentally. This is due to the fact that both Moon and Saturn have contradictory behavior. Therefore, the person puts burden to Saturn for their mishaps. It is also said that Shani never slanders anyone, and it always supports you with its noble motives.
Saturn can also be a trusted friend who will always try to do the right thing and will look out for ones best interests. Shani is known as God of Justice since it does not allow injustice to happen to any person.
Shani's astrological aspect of luck in your horoscope will bring your immense wealth, success and financial gain. It can have a profound impact on your character as well as your promising future. In addition, it could raise your status in the social arena.
Sometimes, success is easy and with no effort and it's all about the extent to which Saturn is a positive influence on your the horoscope.
Shani is a supporter of your search for the wisdom of God, spirituality a long life, connected friends and social standing. Because Shani is a symbol of Karma and honesty, hard work and luck Your life will revolve around these aspects of your life.
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What are some of the negative effects of Saturn?
During Saturn's major transits or sub-transit phaseslike Shani Mahadasha, or Sade Sati, it is possible that you could be afflicted by anxiety, restlessness and suffering. problems with your health and sadness and loss of loved family members or sources of income, etc.
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Saturn's negative influence could create problems in all areas that your life in, be it professional or personal.
Another side effect that comes from Shani Mahadasha is that it causes lethargy which can make you feel tired and stops you from reaching your objectives.
You could experience massive losses as a result of the negative Saturn within your charts. This could lead you down the wrong track or into poor behaviors.
In the midst of the negative effects of Shani, it is possible to be irritated by their family members, which can make life difficult for natives.
Once you've figured out the way Saturn affects an individual's life Let's look at ways to maximize the benefits of Saturn to live a more fulfilling life.
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lazyyogi · 3 years
Blame the Victim
Recently I was conversing with my tantric teacher, Kim Rinpoche, regarding a video he shared of Garchen Rinpoche. In the video, Garchen Rinpoche explains how to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic through certain spiritual practices. He goes on to explain that if you get the virus, it is due to unpurified karmas. And if you die from the virus, it is also due to impure karmas.
I then asked how this was different from victim-blaming.
Kim Rinpoche's response: "Doesn't all of buddhism blame one's suffering and misfortunes in life on one's own actions?"
The moment I read his response, I laughed. It was true.
Set aside the context of the pandemic and contemplate this teaching.
Buddha's Four Noble Truths:
(1) suffering is inseparable from the cycles of life; (2) the fundamental cause of suffering is due to ignorance (non-enlightenment), which takes many forms such as separateness; (3) suffering can be ended by means of enlightenment; (4) there is a path that can be reliably practiced, which results in enlightenment.
Put another way, if you are suffering then it is because of your own ignorance.
Does this sound harsh to you? It does to me.
But if you can tolerate the harshness, what you will find is that it is also empowering. If your suffering is solely your own responsibility then no one can stop you from liberating yourself from it. No one can stop you from becoming a buddha.
A brief aside about Karma
Buddhism is very pragmatic and often parallels scientific perspectives. Karmas can sometimes be described as causes. Everything happens due to innumerable causes (think the butterfly effect), however some of those causes have more obvious direct effect in producing certain outcomes. If I get shot tomorrow, perhaps a butterfly in Australia was a contributing cause. But the seemingly more direct cause is the asshole with a gun.
While a karma can be an outward action that creates a result, a karma can also be a fixed pattern of thinking, perceiving, believing, or feeling. Such karmas will influence the decisions and actions we take in the external world. And sometimes those inner karmas are attributed as causes of physical diseases.
Putting It All Together
When I read my teacher's response, a Lojong slogan immediately popped into my head. Lojong is a Buddhist mind-training practice intended to cultivate wisdom-compassion in even the most thick-headed of humans.
This particular slogan goes as follows: "Drive all blames into one."
Who or what is that "one" to which is being referred? Me. Or you. Ourself.
In other words, do not blame others. Do not blame circumstances. Do not blame luck. Blame yourself. Drive all blame into yourself so that you are in the position of power to change everything.
Now you may be tempted to take these teachings and apply them to injustices and suffering you see in the world around you. You may ask, for example, "How are these starving children to blame for their own starvation?"
The answer is that they aren't to blame. You are.
Please remember that these teachings should be applied only to one person: you. This is for examining your own experience of life, your own experiences of suffering, and taking responsibility for your own liberation. Nothing more and nothing less.
Like any spiritual teaching, it does not matter if you believe or disbelieve in it. The only thing that matters is if you find how to apply and make use of it for your own enlightenment.
May all beings be free.
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crazycatsiren · 3 years
Karma, what exactly is it?
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Nowadays, when Wiccans, Neopagans, and New Agers throw "karma" around like the hot word it's become, I'm willing to bet most of them have no idea what it actually is, what it entails, or even where it comes from. The people who keep using this word because they think it's "cool" or because everyone else who seems "spiritual" these days is saying it, they really have no understanding of what it means or how it fits into a spiritual practice. And when some of these people go around shaming and guilt tripping witches for cursing/hexing by waving it like a crusade banner, and conflating it with the Wiccan Rede or the Threefold Law, they're disregarding thousands of years of ancient religious and spiritual traditions. Karma is not a Wiccan concept. It's older than the ancestors of the people who invented Wicca. The Wiccans who mistakenly claim karma as their own are, in fact, culturally appropriating.
The concept of karma originated in ancient India, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism. India was a beacon of religion and spirituality, a holy land to the faithful and devout people of Asia. Even as ancient China adopted the Buddhist religion and more or less came up with its own school of it, Chinese Buddhists still looked to India as the sacred place of Buddhism. The novel Journey to the West (one of my favorite books in the world) comes to mind, in which a faithful Buddhist priest, chosen for his knowledge, wisdom, and morality by the royal family, makes the harrowing journey across the continent to seek the true teachings of Amitābha Buddha.
By its own definition, karma (कर्म in Sanskrit) means action, work, or deed. Applied to religious contexts, the term refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect: the intents and actions of an individual (cause) will influence the futures of that individual (effect). In short and simply put, good intents and good deeds contribute to good karma and lead to happier rebirths, bad intents and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and lead to unhappier rebirths.
Karma comes with the idea of rebirth and reincarnation in many schools of ancient Eastern religions (particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, as well as Taoism and Shintoism). These religions believe that karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of one's future lives that involve the cycle of death and rebirth (saṃsāra).
Karma translates into "Yè lì" in Chinese. I've often heard my grandmother mention the necessity of "cleansing and balancing one's ye li" as one goes through life. I suppose it could equate to the idea of "bringing in some good karma" that's more easily comprehended from a Western point of view. My understanding of this is that it's acknowledged on a universal level that humans are not flawless. We are expected to make mistakes and mess up. It is therefore understandable and not surprising that we can bring bad karma into our lives with our actions, knowingly or unknowingly. It is simply unavoidable as a part of humanity. However, we can counter this by mending our faults, atoning for our wrongdoings, and performing good deeds, to cleanse ourselves of the bad karma and negative things that we might have brought into our lives, and open ourselves to potentially good karma and positive things.
Now, does this mean if you're not a part of any of the religions mentioned above, you can't apply karma to your spiritual practice? Not at all. Most if not all of the religions that include karma are open. I think karma can be a universal concept to those who wish to follow the teachings surrounding it. But if you're going to use it, at least take the time to learn about it and use it correctly, and give credit where it's due. It's the least you can do to show some respect for the millenia old Asian religions and cultures that are so often overlooked and misrepresented by the West.
(Art by CuteReaper on DeviantArt)
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Whumptober #1
Devil May Cry - #1 - Bound
Vergil didn’t let his emotions show on his face.
He kept himself composed, pretending like this was a normal situation. Like there was nothing at stake for him here.
Nero looked at him with those expressive eyes of his- in this case, angry and impatient. He wanted this business done with just as much as Vergil did. He was embarrassed, no doubt. Anyone in his position would be.
He probably would’ve been cursing out his captors, but the gag in his mouth kept him uncharacteristically silent. Vergil didn’t think he’d ever gone this long without hearing the boy yell at him.
But vengeful members of the Order of the Sword, or what was left of it, gripped his shoulders. He would’ve fought back, no doubt, but he was securely bound and thoroughly disarmed.
“Come on,” one, a man, said. “The kid’s life for your sword. That’s all we ask, son of Sparda.”
Vergil simply stared at him with a cold expression, making no moves to turn over his sword. The man tightened his hold on Nero and pushed him forward a little more. Nero tried to dig his knees into the ground to stop from being dragged any closer to the edge, but he failed.
He was now one or two shoves away from being thrown into the lake.
“Even one with Sparda’s blood can’t survive underwater for long,” the other one, a woman, said. “The sword. Now.”
Nero shook his head furiously, struggling against them. The man struck a blow to Nero’s head, where a cut was already bleeding alarmingly. They’d lured him in using one of the orphans they’d all but indoctrinated after the death of the child’s parents in Fortuna. Distracted by the youth, they’d been able to strike Nero in the head hard enough to knock him out and bind him.
Vergil thought it was foolish. Both that Nero had allowed himself to be caught so easily, and that his captors had bothered wasting time bragging about how exactly they’d lured him in and caught him. 
Nero suddenly jerked away from his captors. He was just about to slam into the man when the woman caught him by his hair and aimed a hard punch to his head wound. Nero swayed dangerously, kept upright only by the grip on his hair.
Something about the red blood staining Nero’s white hair made Vergil stiffen. Nero’s eyes were unfocused, and at this point Vergil wasn’t sure if it was because he was about to lose consciousness or because he was concussed from the blows. 
Those unfocused eyes struggled to find Vergil’s gaze. Nero dragged his gaze to the water and gave the faintest nod.
Even about to lose consciousness, the boy could make a terrible, reckless plan. Vergil had the inexplicable urge to smile, but he kept his expression blank. 
“Kill the boy,” he said, his voice cold. “The sword stays with me.”
“Don’t think we won’t,” the woman snarled, dragging Nero right up to the edge of the lake. From this angle, Vergil could see the cinder block they’d chained to Nero’s ankle to weigh him down with. “Last chance, son of Sparda. The sword, or the boy.”
“The sword. It’s much less of a headache,” Vergil said.
The woman glanced at her companion, who steeled himself and nodded. Doing this meant giving up their only leverage, but both seemed to realize that Vergil wasn’t budging.
“Very well. It’s about time the boy suffered his karma,” she said simply, and shoved Nero over the edge.
The moment Vergil heard the splash, he sprang into action. Damn fools; they actually thought they’d get to walk away from this.
He’d cut the man down before either had a chance to flee. The woman scrambled away, aiming a gun at him.
He jerked back as the bullet struck his shoulder, but shook it off and advanced at her. She fired again, missing this time. Vergil’s lip curled at the patheticness of humans. Couldn’t even hit a target right in front of them.
He knocked the gun from her hand and held the Yamato to her throat. “You did ask for it.”
“The b-boy,” she said, trying and failing to look stoic in her final moments. 
“Will live,” Vergil. “I will see to that myself.” He pressed the blade so a thin line of blood appeared and she shuddered. “You mentioned karma. Here’s yours for threatening my son.”
He slit her throat just as his own words registered in his mind. No time to reflect on that- Nero was in the lake.
Vergil dove into the water, swimming down as fast as he could. The water was dark and murky, but he could make out Nero’s hair. His body was just starting to sink towards the block chained to his ankle.
Vergil reached out, devil trigger power coursing through him as he snapped the chain from Nero’s ankle with a sharp twist of his hand. He caught Nero around the chest and increased the pressure of his arm as he tried to swim upwards faster.
They broke the surface and Nero coughed weakly, which was a relief. He’d seemed unconscious when Vergil had snagged him.
Vergil dragged him onto the shore and rested him on his side as he coughed up water and gasped in air. Vergil gripped his shoulder to hold him in place as sliced through the bindings, then examined the head wound. They’d have to clean that fast. No telling what kind of infection he’d get from being thrown in that filthy water.
“You’re a reckless fool,” Vergil said.
“Plan worked,” Nero said, voice hoarse. He coughed up a bit more water and swiped his hand across his mouth. “They dead?”
“Obviously,” Vergil said. He let Nero rest a bit before urging him up. “Your wound needs to be cleaned.”
Nero staggered and caught himself against Vergil’s shoulder. “Shit. Concussed. Kyrie is going to be pissed when she sees me.”
“It was a simple trap. You should’ve seen it coming,” Vergil said. 
“You’re right. Next time I’ll just shoot the helpless orphan and save myself the trouble,” Nero said. He rubbed at his arms, and Vergil realized they were badly bruised from how tight the bindings had been. “Let’s just go. You can bitch at me later. It won’t hold any effect. You just proved you don’t hate me as much as you pretend to.”
He staggered away with that, leaving Vergil to glare after him. But there was no retort he could offer, because Nero was right.
Vergil kicked the bindings at the two corpses before following Nero, speeding up a little to walk beside him. He glanced at Nero’s cut head and bruised arms and grit his teeth.
Foolish. Nero, for letting himself get captured. Vergil, for caring so much what happened to him.
They walked on in silence. But Vergil caught Nero whenever he lost his balance, careful of his bruised arms and swearing to himself to kill anyone who dared bind and threaten him like some helpless prisoner again.
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