#If anyone chooses Mason I’m concerned
canarywithapen · 8 months
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Ultimis’ Favorite Things! (What Makes Them Happy)
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Tank Dempsey
A big chunk is revealed in his World at War bio. “Hand him a loaded weapon, a good woman, and something it shoot at and he’s happy.” Dempsey appreciates the simpler things in life. Anything that includes ass-kicking and a lovely lady by his side is enough to keep him grounded. A nice, cold beer would be nice as well!
Cats! He's a total softie about them. Tank actually owned several in his lifetime. As a kid, he had a calico cat named Sadie. She had a cat sibling named Mason, who’s fur was black and white. And then there is his orange tabby back home named Rocket. Rocket finds himself into a lot of mischief easily. Having zoomies around the house and stealing socks (and once munched on Tank’s $20 bill), he eventually calms down and Tank feels at ease having him purr on his lap.
Believe it or not, Tank does have appreciation for the great outdoors. He has a lot of fond memories about his Dad. A big majority of those memories take place camping in late summer. He finds it easier to ground himself when on a long hiking trail, birdwatching, making a campfire and canoeing. No fishing though, he will fistfight a mackerel.
Takeo Masaki
Peace and quiet. Complete solitude. He’s very introverted, perhaps to the point it’s been concerned that he’s a hikkikomori. But that won’t stop Takeo from finding a place with gentle atmosphere. A bonus if he can have a cup of tea as well, lemon ginger with a spoonful of honey to be exact.
His hobbies give his mind distraction. He enjoys tending to his small garden of flowers and a small bamboo plant. If he had to choose, he would say African daisies are his favorite flower. Takeo also loves Lily of the Valley, but knows they can be poisonous so he doesn’t have them. Other hobbies include meditation, reading, working on his memoir, keeping sharp on his combat training and his new interest in woodworking.
Takeo will light up if you have his specific type of witty humor. He isn’t always thrilled by crass comments. But there have been a few times he let it slide by for the sake of making light of a situation. The best I can describe it is that it tends to be a little snarky with some situational humor. It’s what helps him connect a bit better with Dempsey.
Edward Richtofen
I think it goes without question that he is a huge bookworm. But his taste is not what you’d expect. Aside from nonfiction involving scientific topics, he also enjoys romance novels. But he’d never confess that to anyone! One of his all time favorites is a theory written about the concept of time and quantum gravity research.
Edward has always dreamt of traveling. Technically, he is with the teleporter. But it’s not the same as having a getaway vacation like a train ride to the Swiss Alps or exploring a bustling city like New York. He recalls a few times where he tried to make a vacation out of traveling abroad for Group 935 and illuminati related purposes. And his family had visited Italy a few times in past summers as a child. Perhaps someday, he’ll be able to make this dream of his a reality.
Success, of course! Isn’t it obvious? When you’ve had so many colleagues und oppressors order you around, it’s enough of a drive to finally take control in your hands and to do things YOUR way! He’s a highly ambitious doctor. There is always a plan accompanied with a goal or purpose in the long run. The smoother things go, the more gleeful he behaves. Is that why he was so happy at Camp Edward?
I’m mad because knowing him, there is definitely one way to relieve his stress that we will NOT speak of. Ach, primitive simpelton! Instead, I’ll add that he has a soft spot for jazz music and stuffed animals (both real and the teddy bear kind)
Nikolai Belinski
There’s more depth to him than just your standard vodka answer. But we’ll kick things off and say yes he does enjoy a good drink. His favorite besides vodka is Țuică. But it’s SO strong he saves it for special occasions. And he has to drink it at home because he got kicked out at one of the bars he used to go to because of it.
Believe it or not, he’s an excellent cook! He can win the hearts of many with a warm meal. Nikolai enjoys making comforting stews to pelmeni to even bread baking every now and then. It was more frequent when he was sober but he still gives it a shot every now and then. Just as long as he’s regular drunk and not super drunk. Super drunk makes everything a bit disastrous.
Nikolai loves stories. He has many good ones to tell. But he also loves hearing from others about their lives. Nikolai also enjoys card games like blackjack or war. He’s an incredibly skilled player so if he asks you to play, know you have a real challenge on your hands
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
would looove to hear your thoughts about when liam asks theo why he's trying to save him and how scott will never trust him. like why do you think liam says that to begin with? they're so interesting to me because they are clearly getting closer and willing to fight with and for each other and liam throws that at him almost like he's mad about it (and theo is like yeah sure okay lol anyway). and I'm like liam you can say whatever you want but your actions speak louder than words baby!! he legit is the one who wants theo with him at the zoo and within the same few scenes about saying scott won't trust him, he's with theo figuring out who the anukite is. and he seems so comfortable around him and yet he also tries to fight it maybe? like he's annoyed when mason agrees with theo and I'm like liam my sweet baby liam stop acting like you don't trust theo more than everyone lmao. honestly as I type this im just thinking about how they BOTH deal with their feelings towards each other, like would just love your thoughts on how liam vs theo deal with it !! I can't stop thinking about these boys they make me unwell!!
i think ive mentioned this in a fic (or the tags if a post because lets face it: i talk too much) but i really think that liam and theo are painfully aware of what each others greatest weaknesses/fears are. their achilles heels if you will. liam’s is losing total control and not being able to save people— especially his friends and family. theo’s is always being inadequate and the fact he’s always been more or less alone. they always seem to be pointing these things out to each other in moments where they either want to get under each others skin or kinda reality check each other (and in most cases both because they are just. so dumb like that) and i think that shows how well they truly come to understand each other over the course of the season. once the sword is gone, liam switches to always bringing up trust and the pack as his greatest weapon where theo is concerned, especially when he’s lashing out against him— which happens more and more as the season progresses because i think liam begins to realize that he really IS beginning to trust theo despite his promise to scott, and is beginning to rely on him more than he views him as his responsibility. if anything, that sentiment becomes mutual once theo starts repeatedly showing concern for liam’s safety. liam throws the idea that scott will never trust him or let him in the pack back in theo’s face not only because he’s trying to push theo away, but because he’s trying to push away how he feels about theo. it’s kinda similar to theo bringing up that he’s not going to die for liam in the elevator 😭 like… beloved no one said that but YOU! so clearly YOU were the one already considering it! the only time liam outright says he doesn’t trust theo after he comes back is when he’s talking to scott about letting him stay. after that, it’s we need to trust you with sheriff stilinski, and scott will never trust you (even if you keep acting like you care about me). the locker room scene really is so interesting to me because liam basically admits that he knows theo has focused a lot of his attempted redemption on keeping him safe. after that, theo does say liam needs to remember that scott’s goal is to keep people alive— and people to theo clearly means liam. he doesn’t care if gabe dies at that point. he was callous about brett and lori dying, and he was willing to give up jiang and tiereny (and even pushed liam to do the same to keep himself and the others safe). i’m not saying theo doesn’t care about anyone but liam but i think we all know that liam is his priority. it’s why scott chooses to call him when liam is trapped at the hospital. liam claims scott will never trust theo to be in the pack, but scott trusted theo to keep liam safe— liam, his first bitten beta, one of the most important people in the world to him. i would be so interested to see how their dynamic shifted after the finale when they finally begin figuring out that other people are beginning to forgive theo through acknowledging that he can be relied on to help out and how liam would feel about scott’s first act of trust towards theo involving his protection over liam.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.7 (finale)
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
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Ford sat on the kitchen floor with his back against the cupboards, clinging to his knees, his glasses still in hand. His throat was sore and his eyes hurt and his nose was runny and his heart was raw and broken, and yet he wasn’t done crying. Though he was done sobbing and occasionally crying so hard he thought he would throw up, free-flowing tears still streamed down his face as he hid the bottom-half of his head in his beefy arms. 
“What do we do now?” He moaned.
Stan looked at the know-it-all who didn’t have a clue. He sighed and moved to sit next to him, his back against the cupboard and his knees up by his chest as he combed his mullet. “I dunno… Sit here and die?”
Ford hiccuped a cruel laugh and buried his face in his arms fully. “I wish I could.”
Stan snorted. “What’s that saying? The good die young?”
Ford groaned and started to sob again. 
Stan rubbed his back, his head against the cupboard and he looked up at the ceiling. “O-Okay, okay… Let’s think about this. So we never made up, or something else really bad happened between us, and that’s the timeline Mabel was from, right?”
“Right.” Ford gruffed, lifting his head up and rubbing his eyes dry.
“So, since that didn’t happen, or it happened differently… B-But that doesn’t mean she’s… She’ll still exist in our timeline, won’t she? She’s gonna be okay?” He asked the scientist, digging for some kind of hope.
Ford sighed and rested his cleft chin on his arms. “As long as what happened didn’t interfere with Alex’s life too much… Which I don’t know how it could… Mabel and Dipper should still be born in 1999. There’s a small possibility they’ll be different than what they once were, or because of some unseen butterfly effect, their birth might be different or might not happen at all… But…”
The eldest by fifteen minutes slipped his glasses back on, stood, and said stubbornly, “I’m going to do what I can to ensure it is a better future than what the kids had. Our entire family was broken because of what we did and didn’t do. Clearly either one of us went insane or died or something horrible, and I won’t allow that to happen.”
“I don’t think we gotta worry too much about that happening.” Stan said from down on the floor. “I mean, if Mabel changed things so much that an entire reality changed, then we don’t really gotta do much except not screw this up.”
Ford laughed and held out a hand to his twin, who gladly clasped it and stood. “You’re right.”
But the men were disheartened to finally notice the mess in the kitchen. Mabel’s cake batter sat on the flour-dusted counter, the oven was hot and ready for baking, and the muffin tray was on the floor from where Mabel dropped it. Ford looked down at the sweater he was wearing - the sweater she had knitted for him - and without a word he walked to the living room and saw Mabel’s knitting sitting on the couch where she had left it, a completed red sweater with a golden heart on it.
Ford smiled mournfully and held the sweater as Stan joined him and gasped at the sweater. The big brother held it out to the little brother and croaked, “We’ll see her again.”
Stan smiled, cleared his throat, and took off his hoodie and snagged the new sweater to slip it over his old white t-shirt. “Yeah.”
July 22nd, 1980
Ford held the lantern up to better read the writing in the cave. He peered at it and was intrigued by a description of a being with answers. It would be summoned if he read out-loud, and though there were many clear warnings against this, the desperate scientist was extremely tempted.
“Sixer! Let’s move before we get caved in or some shit.” Stan called as he walked up to Ford. “What are you reading, cavemen graffiti?”
“Look, Stanley, there are tales of an all-knowing being with answers. It could help me with my theory…”
“Nope.” Stan grabbed Ford by the collar of his trenchcoat and dragged him away like dragging a child out of a toy store.
“Stanley! Let me go!”
“That shit’s got bad voodoo written all over it! You’ve gotta be inhaling toxic cave gas or something to think summoning a demon is a good idea!”
“We don’t know it’s a demon.”
“Really? Then why does that wall read in old blood ‘Do not summon demon!’?”
“Huh. Well, um…”
“That’s what I thought, now don’t make me pick you up and carry you. Let’s move.” And he lightly shoved Ford forward to lead the walk away from the cave and through the tunnels for sunlight.
Alex’s wedding was wonderful and a joyous day, but it also made Ford and Stan nervous. They both agreed not to say a word to anyone (as far as Fiddleford knew, Ford had found the girl’s parents and all was over and ended well), and white they were happy to be one step closer to meeting the kids, they were slightly worried that something might be different than Mabel’s timeline.
She never told them her mother’s name. Did Alex marry someone else? Did they marry at the correct time? There was no way of telling, and they both agreed to allow themselves to enjoy the day and maybe drink a little. Or a lot. 
When Shermie called and told them that Alex and Dana were going to have a baby, Ford choked on his coffee and Stan dropped the phone. They silently exchanged looks and were terrified that there was only one baby. But it was seven months before the end of August, so maybe the new parents were choosing to keep everything a surprise. Knowing Alex, that is something he would do, especially if there were twins. A beautiful surprise for his twin uncles.
So they congratulated Shermie and made him swear to call them if anything happened so they could be there. And despite their fear, they were very joyous of becoming grunkles again.
August 31st, 1999
The entire week leading up to the day, the men were incredibly anxious. The birthday was on 31st, which meant Dipper and Mabel could be born at 1am on the 31st, or 11pm on the 31st. They had no way of knowing, but as long as that damn telephone stayed silent, they weren't leaving the house all weekend. Neither of them slept the night of the 30th, just in case.
Finally, a little after coffee on the 31st, the phone rang. Both Ford and Stan tackled each other and fought for it, but Stan sat on Ford and grabbed it first.
“Stanley, get off me!”
“Stanley, what are you doing to your brother?” Shermie chuckled on the other end.
“Nevermind that, Sherm!” Stan laughed. “What’s going on with you?” He asked casually, though he smiled down at Ford, who smiled back, despite still being sat on in the kitchen.
“Well, you guys know I’m gonna be a grandpa soon…”
“Really? Had no idea.” Stan said sarcastically as he stood up to get off Ford. “So? Is it happening now?!” Ford ran down the hall.
Shermie laughed. “Yup. I just got here myself and Alex and Dana got here about twenty minutes ago.”
“Piedmont Hospital, right?”
“We’ll be there in six hours.”
“It’s an eight hour drive!”
“I said six hours!”
“STANL-” But Stan hung up the phone.
Stan hurried up to his attic bedroom and dressed in his baby-blue Hawaiian shirt and slacks, while also grabbing a suitcase he’s had ready all week, prepared to stay as long as Alex and Dana needed him.
He ran back downstairs with suitcase in hand, with Ford by the door, and they sprinted into the Stanmobile and drove down the road.
Shermie was waiting for them in the hall, beaming with joy, and his little brothers ran to him for a tackle-hug.
“Good to see you, Grandpa!”
“Congratulations, Shermie!”
“Thank you, thank you!”
“Did we miss it?!” Stan asked. “Has it happened yet?!”
Shermie grinned and nodded. “Yes, everyone is safe and fine.” And he opened the door.
The aged explorers beamed (and no, they weren’t crying) to find Alex holding one baby and Dana holding another baby. The eldest pair of twins high-sixed and cheered and then gently approached the little ones, beaming down at them.
It was like they had been holding their breath for twenty years, and now they could finally breathe.
“What are their names?” Ford asked quietly, seeing how each newborn was sleeping soundly.
“This is Mabel,” Alex introduced, giving the bundle to Stan.
“And this is Mason.” Dana said tiredly, giving her son to Ford to hold.
Stan and Ford were a bit concerned with the name change, but one look at the baby boy relaxed them. Of course a name like Dipper was a nickname.
“Matching names, huh?” Stan asked cheekily, cradling Mabel and looking down at her with shining brown eyes.
“We couldn’t help ourselves.” Alex chuckled.
Ford’s eyes were glued to Mason. While of course he had been dying to see Mabel again, he had also been excited to meet his science-loving nephew. He was so cute and small in his polydactyl hands and Ford knew it would take a lot more strength than what he had to let him go.
The author tore his eyes away to see his twin looking down at Mabel with tears in his eyes, holding her close to his heart and trying really hard to hold it together, but his joy and peace was far stronger than any bad habits that stopped him from showing his emotions. Stan lightly kissed Mabel’s cheek and Ford saw his lips barely move, though he didn’t hear what he said. Which was fine by him. Ford smiled back down at Mason, finally content.
No one heard him say it, thank Moses, but Stan couldn’t help himself. He had whispered to his niece as quiet as a mouse, “I’ve missed you, pumpkin.”
And finally, after all these years, the small hole in the boys’ hearts could be filled.
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hickeys-dickey · 3 years
Pls share your thoughts about the gays in THAT scene… I would love to read them!
Ahh you are too kind, I am but a little swiss cheese brain but I'll try my best to sum up my thoughts, I have too many! I wanted a chance to grab some screenshots too! I'm going to put a read more because this is a long one buckle up lads.
So obviously the whole punishment for Hickey is designed to humiliate him (I would imagine this is one of the reasons his punishment isn't explained to him, because if Hickey truly was a naval petty officer he would know, and I think it's another way for Crozier to essentially say "I see you" and not in a good way). The fact we're not shown the other whippings shows the importance lies in the scene with Hickey.
I've seen a bit of discussion about his charge of "dirtiness", which isn't listed initially when we see him being questioned by the Captains, and whether or not it alludes to homosexuality but on a quick cursory search it does seem to have been used as a euphemism where an outright accusation of sodomy would mean a death sentence. The way Crozier throws it out there, no doubt to heap the humiliation onto Hickey and add crimes to the list to cover the fact he added lashes on to the punishment essentially for a bruised ego (but that's another matter), suggests a whole lot of venom to the accusation. Hickey's pointed look at Irving and Irving's quick shift of his gaze down suggests they both know exactly why Crozier has listed this among Hickey's list of crimes, and Hickey looks furious for it.
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But I think this is also ultimately where the panic begins to set in. Again, there are far greater minds than me who have made excellent posts about queer coded characters in the terror, and I think it's no surprise that most of them are the faces that are focused on in this scence. It is clear long before this moment that Crozier's leadership is lacking, and people have already begun to voice concerns fairly loudly. Tozer for one is livid in the wake of Heather being injured, and the marines have clearly started distancing themselves from both the officers and the men. I feel like this scene, for a lot of characters is a point of major shift in either allegiences or character.
Tozer and the Captains are the first faces that are panned to in this scene and I think the expressions speak for themselves.
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Tozer is visibly upset/concerned after the first lash. I do think guilt probably has a part to play, in that is was him whole told Hickey where Silna was, and presumably approved enough of the plan to not rat him out to anyone. Again, very probably part of Tozer's anger at Heather being injured due to what he sees is Crozier's poor management. Fitzjames is stoney faced, but is also the only one looking. As a man who many have noted pushes himself to pick emotional scabs, I think it would make sense for someone who is also notably queer coded and stuggles with trauma to make himself look directly at someone being whipped for a crime he himself might commit. Crozier isn't even looking, whether out of suddenly doubting his harshness or simply triggering something in his own memory it's not clear. I think the end of this shot also speaks for itself.
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(Fig 1. Three Concerned (very likely not straight) men contemplate)
The lads at the back behind Mr. Johnson are all looking Directly At the whipping as it is taking place. Interestingly none of the men at the front near the table are looking. This is the stewards, officers, and marines. Whether out of respect or also Concern at their own skins (I think every one of these characters has been addressed as being queer coded at some point, minus the marines who are all, except Tozer, fairly nameless characters).
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I'm not a gifmaker which is unfortunate for this section, though this is what is gifed in the beautiful gifset by sashneeka I reblogged (x). Tommy is also visibly upset, whether because he knows Tozer was involved in the plot to kidnap Silna and is concerned for him and any of the rest of the crew who had assisted in someway or voiced support. Billy interestingly does look briefly, and sets his jaw after in a way that suggests he's trying to fight the guilt of being the one to tell Irving about the whole affair with Hickey to paint himself in a better light. It could just as easily be Billy there on that table being lashed, but he somehow rationalises it in his head (probably because Hickey is a little bastard) that he was right in what he did. He does look down fairly guiltily after this, so maybe he hasn't quite settled on an opinion. Jopson also looks incredibly concerned/unsettled, and interestingly looks at Hickey right up until the whip hits where he flinches, and not for the only time in this scene. From what we know about Jopson's past, though not at this point, it may well be he is remembering similar punishment/mistreatment and like Fitzjames looks enough to pick the scab open and flinch from his own trauma.
The closeup of Hickey shows the full extent of his rage and humiliation building, and as I think Adam himself said, they whipped something out of Hickey that day and let him reach this potential that lay inside him (to become an even bigger bastard). He's fully severed all ties and feelings of loyalty after this and it becomes full on train to manipulation station from this point. I have a lot of Thoughts about Hickey also (which I am sure you are all aware of) but I think there was some semblance of Hickey attempting to start afresh on this journey, or at the very least keep his head down and go unnoticed. The trouble is, he notices Crozier as a flawed man, and one not from the upper classes like himself, and his ego can't help but think we're not so different, that could be me with the right connections. Well surprise lads, its murder time now and he's gonna make this old man pay for not recognising initiative but punishing it. I do wonder if Crozier wasn't booze sick and rattled from losing even more men under his command, would he not have come down so harshly for someone clearly defying the Articles to do what he thinks is right and save the men (a la Crozier and his fuck you I'm directly contradicting an order and leading this rescue party myself).
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Tozer gets another wee closeup here and again looks like he has resolved something in his head too. Most likely that he thinks Crozier an unfit leader, and admiring Hickey for having the balls to do what he did (Hickey also never reveals anyone else who came with him, and when he talks about Hartnell and Mason's part in taking Silna it highlights their skill and bravery and (he thinks) commends them to the Captain. It's probably the only time we see him building up and applauding others). He looks dead ahead here and seems to have a very steely gaze, like yep fuck it looks like I'm going it alone now. It is interesting that Tozer goes from this to notably disliking Hickey (both at the start and when they are packing up - "you've just given me an excuse to give a big shove". This might be anger at Hickey having caused all the issues with Silna after the fact when Heather gets killed at Carnivale), but still follows him in the end. Hickey has the ability to kill, manipulate, steal, basically do whatever needed for their group to get ahead, which means Tozer can be part of the group and not have to dirty his own hands. I think Tozer probably has a complicated relationship with Hickey, but he does fall for the charm hook, line, and sinker, and the fact he seems concerned for him here suggests how easily he is sympathetic to those he sees as being wronged.
Gibby getting Hickey's blood on his hand (ayy) seems to visibly make him blanch, and I do find it interesting that the shot then pans to Tommy as though they are looking at each other when they are stood side by side. The similarities between them maybe? (I've seen and reblogged a lot of discourse about Tommy loving Tozer, maybe another nod to no one being so different to the man on the table?) Irving doesn't get much of a close up in the rest of this scene but bless him he looks equal parts terrified and guilty (another man who has been noted as having a list of many things to distract from the Gay Thoughts like why do you need to distract from Gay Thoughts Irving?). He also has the Far Off Look of trauma about him, probably because he too could just as easily be on that table.
I have many many thoughts about the way Hickey turns to look (and fucking smile???) at Crozier next, which is when Crozier is looking directly at him and Fitzjames looks at him. Like if I were Crozier I think my fucking blood would chill, look at this man. Being humiliated and lashed still hasn't broken him, if anything he has just become fully unhinged and looks at Crozier as though to say "did you really think this would work?". I would also say, this man has fairly quite for someone who is at this stage something like 22 lashes in? Like what the actual fuck Hickey?? I fully belive Hickey to be a psycopath, and most of what he does in the beginning of the series is an attempt to stay hidden until they get to Hawaii and he can ditch the crew, but I think it is fairly safe to say he isn't hiding it any more.
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And he knows this is going to make the men doubt Crozier - I can't do a proper search because I am using my work laptop atm, but I seem to remember reading that a punishment greater than 12 lashes required a court martial (probably why Little steps in to say so when Crozier orders his punishment as well as them technically being lost at sea), which would be another strike against him as a Captain. Not only that, but Crozier does seem to grant him some mercy in letting him only be lashed I think 23 or so times? Probably because the tension is fucking palpable in this whole scene and Crozier can either choose to claw back some sense of control on the matter, or deal with the consequences of many people admiring Hickey for what he has done for the crew and start a mutiny. I think this is the first time Fitzjames sees the damage Crozier is doing to himself with his choices as Captain, and is probably just as concerned at the look Hickey is giving him. He knows this has unleashed something in this tiny rat bastard too, and that he will become the physical manifestation of Crozier's self-destructive tendancies. Crozier perpetually comes to everything just a fraction too late to change anything - he never saves any of the men, only comforts them as they die, and a lot of this has to do with his own ego and bad decision making, and I think this is the first example here of the fact his actions are having an effect on others to the point it will be his downfall.
Anyway, to round it off, I think this scene really epitomises the notion that Hickey is a mirror to the rest of the men, and they see their flaws in him. Those who have questioned Crozier's captaincy look concernced knowing they too could be being lashed. They too would have tried to get Silna to stop the Tuunbaq hunting them. Those who are queer or queer coded know they too could be being lashed for it. Crozier himself sees his unwillingness to follow the Articles in him, sees his own insubordination, and feels what Sir John meant when he said his position afforded him deference. Hickey may as well be a metaphor for all the men being lashed, theres not one among them who haven't voiced wanting to do what he has done. Let them without sin and all that. This is make or break for who holds loyalty to the Captain, and the turning point for who is going where. I think everyone except Jopson, Irving and Fitzjames ends up in the mutineers camp, and Irving ends up killed and mutilated by Hickey and Fitzjames is scavanged by them. Theres not one of them that isn't haunted by what happened in this scene, and Hickey would end up being the death of every single one of them. The only one who remains loyal after this is Jopson, who thinks his care and duty to the Captain can outweigh his other sins. Fitzjames and Crozier have a stronger relationship once he recovers from his withdrawal, yes, but Fitzjames also keeps him in check now (I'm thinking of Edward Little being threatened with flogging again because of course I am), and it is another step too late for Crozier's self-destruction. I've seen a Hickey/Fitzjames Christ analogy on here before too, so I hope you'll forgive me in comparing them, but Hickey in this scene really does get punished for everyone else's crimes in this scene, and becomes a sort of Christ-like figure, reborn as a complete version of the worst of himself from the pain of being lashed. They whipped something out of him!! Anyway, that about sums it up!
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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Chapter 13 The Morning After— Sams POV
Book: The Nanny Affair
Characters: Sam, Ana Schuyler (MC), Vivan and Mason Dalton
Pairing: Sam Dalton (male) x Ana Schuyler (MC)
Rating: 18+
Content Warning: NSFW, Sexual Language, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
A/N I know there are a lot of people that do not like Sam Dalton- that being said, this chapter was especially difficult for me to write, because I am trying to give him a redeeming character arc. As a person that is involved with the family business, I can understand to a degree where he is coming from with the guilt and what he chooses some of the decisions he does. BUT please do not forgot that MC is culpable and definitely at fault as well. There are definitely some cringe worthy things in this chapter- but I hope y'all love it! Also a super big thank you for @txemrn for talking me through some of these ideas and for being the queen of angst. Love you p.
Summary: In the cold light of day, will you and Ana be able to face the consequences of your actions?
Word Count: 5800
Tag List:  @txemrn @secretaryunpaid @lifeaskim @aussieez @pixie88 @thefrenchiemama @sfb123 @mainstreetreader @shewillreadyou @khoicesbyk @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations @somersetmummy @melalicious8383 @chrissythadon @shannonwrote @jerzwriter
The sound of my footsteps, my labored breathing, and the early morning traffic are the only sounds in my ears, as I push my legs faster through Central Park. I reach up and wipe at the sweat that is beading on my brow, silently cursing the wretched New York, humid, summer mornings.
I usually run with music blasting in my ears… but I decided this morning to torture myself, and I can’t decide whether its working. The sounds of Ana’s moans echo through my mind, as steady as my heart beats. I see a gorgeous blonde running towards me and I give her a crooked smile as our eyes connect. She just about trips on the pavement before composing herself mid stride and continues past me, avoiding my gaze.
Well that didn’t help.
I push myself harder in the last few hundred yards of my run, and when my building finally comes into view, I slow down to a walk, reaching my arms up to catch my breath.
“Good morning, Mr. Dalton.” The morning doorman greets as he opens the door to the lobby for me.
“Thanks, Felix.” I nod as I breeze past him, waving my keycard at the scanner to my penthouse elevator.
When the door dings open, I hold my breath as I walk quietly through the still living room, everyone is still sleeping. I stop outside of Ana’s door. Resting my hands on her door frame and closing my eyes. I take a deep breath, what the fuck happened last night… I walk into my master bathroom, turning the shower water on cold.
My brain delves into the guilt that is sitting heavy on my shoulders. The guilt that I have for the years I spent fucking off in college instead of setting myself up for my future. The guilt I have for losing Eva. The guilt I have for hiring Ana… And now to add more… the guilt that I have for fucking her last night. What the fuck were you thinking? I tilt my head up into the cold water, letting the shock send a shudder down my spine.
My life has revolved around this family business… watching the countless hours my father has spent building it from nothing into this global conglomerate. The knowledge that one day, this would all be mine. The endless chiding from my father to fit into his mold of what the perfect CEO would be. Married with children. I have truly never been in control of my life… even when I married Eva. I thought she was the one… but now that I have Ana… stop it you fool, you don’t have Ana… she deserves better than your spineless tricks. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what am i doing? I reach up and rest my hands on the shower wall, letting my head lull forward.
What the fuck happens next?
“Good morning.” I greet the twins and Ana as I round the corner into the kitchen.
“Morning, dad.” The boys look at me with defeated looks, I’m guessing it has something to do with the beige mush in their bowls.
I cast a quick glance at Ana as a blush creeps up her neck.
“Ana? Are you alright?”
She shakes her head slightly before looking at me.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about last night.” Her eyes linger on mine.
The all too clear memory of her moans and the feel of her body come flooding back into my mind again, but I quickly shove them away as I stare back at her.
“Yeah! Carter said you went to that fancy party thing with Dad!” My eyes flick to Mason as he sets his spoon down.
“Did you pull any pranks?” Mickey asks with a smile.
“Not this time. Maybe we just needed someone to show us how it’s done.” I look between them.
“I’d rather stay home and eat pizza, thanks!” Mickey’s eyes grow wide as he takes another bite of his mush, god that doesn’t look good at all.
I grab a cup of coffee and turn to walk towards my office.
“Can we talk later?” Ana whispers as she leans in close to me.
My stomach drops and I feel my body stiffen. I don’t spare her a glance before answering. “… Yes. Later.”
Without another word I head to my home office, leaving a stunned Ana behind. I can feel her gaze as I round the corner and close the door quietly behind me.
I don't know what to say to you yet, Ana…
I sit down in my Wegner chair, switching the Tiffany Lamp on. I rub my hands down my face with a sigh. The silence is broken by the ringing of my cell phone, I glance down and my fathers name is flashing on the screen.
“Hey, dad.” I set my phone on my desk and turned it on speaker.
“Sam, things in Italy are not clearing up. I need you there to fix this mess.”
I let out a sharp exhale through my teeth and pinch the bridge of my nose.
“This is pretty short notice.”
“After what happened in Milan, LEMA is having some hesitations as to our abilities to run a company that handles sensitive medical information. I don't think I need to tell you how important this deal is. We need to take care of this ourselves, unless you want me to send Robin?” I can hear the challenge in his voice as my chest constricts.
“How long do you think I will be there?” I ask, avoiding his antagonizing, my mind flashing to the boys… and then to Ana..
“Does it matter, Sam? As long as it takes. I already spoke with Sofia, she is going to go with you. I have some briefs and copies of all the contracts being sent to your office now. You will need to read them all to get caught up. I also scheduled you the jet for tomorrow morning.”
My head falls back as I close my eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, dad, I heard you. I will be there soon.”
“I’ll be in your office at noon.” He ends the call.
I glance down at my watch, it's already 11.  FUCK.
I look at my office door, time to do whatever needs to be done.
I walk quietly through the penthouse, running over the words in my head. I hear the twins in their room, and I decide to start with them. When I see Ana putting their laundry away, my breath gets caught in my throat. At least you only have to say this once…
“I’m about to go into the office, but I wanted to talk to you first.” I say as I walk into their room.
I watch out of the corner of my eye as Ana turns towards me. I move further into the twins room and take a seat on the edge of the lower bunk bed. Mason and Mickey stand in front of me.
“What’s wrong, Dad? You look sad…” Mason’s face drops when he notices my crestfallen expression.
“I’m not… sad. I just know you’re not going to like what I have to say.” I take a deep breath and clear my throat.
“Then you gotta just rip it off. Like a Band-Aid.” Mickey smiles.
“Right, like a Band-Aid.” I keep my eyes fixed on the twins but I can feel the heat from Ana’s gaze. “I have to go to Italy for a business trip… as soon as possible.”
A silence settles over the room as the twins look between themselves..
“What? You’re fleeing the country, just like that?” Ana breaks the palpable silence.
“I wouldn’t call it ‘fleeing’. Dalton Enterprises has been in negotiations for months, and after the Milan breach… well my dad just doesn’t trust anyone else to handle it.”
“What about us?” Mason murmurs sadly.
“Aunt Sofia isn’t staying here, is she?” Mickey's eyes are wide.
“No, she’ll be in Naples with me. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone. You’ll have Ana.” I turn to  face Ana and her gaze is focused on the twins, but I can see the hurt in her emerald eyes.
“Let’s not overreact here. It’s just a flight and some meetings, right? I bet your dad will be back before you know it.” A smile trains on the corners on her lips as she tries to brighten the mood.
I wish that was all…
“Actually… depending on the negotiations, I could be gone a couple months.”
“A couple months?” Mickey shouts.
“But… that’s the rest of summer.”  I look at Mason and see only one thing: disappointment.
“Seriously, Sam? That’s so long! For the boys I mean.” Her eyes fall to the floor.
“My parents were often overseas for months at a time when I was younger. They’ll survive.” I hate the words as they leave my lips.
“But don't you want them to do more than just survive?” She looks up at me in concern.
“I’m trying to not let emotions cloud my judgement here. I don't have a choice in the matter.” I clench my jaw.
“You always have a choice, Sam.” Her eyes hold mine.
I take a deep breath turning my attention back to the twins.
“Can we at least come visit you while you’re gone?” Mason is picking at a piece of string that is fraying from his blanket.
“Of course, buddy. I’m sure we can work something out. In the meantime, why doesn’t Ana take you two out for the day?” I rest my hands on the twins' shoulders. “I’ve got to prepare for my trip, but we’ll have a special dinner tonight before I go. Promise.” I wrap my arms around them and bring them tight to my sides. I wish I didn't have to leave you… someday you will understand. I hope.
I walk out of the twins room, avoiding the heat from Ana’s gaze as she watches me.
The words all run together as I sit at my desk and try to read the briefs from Italy. My office door opens and my eyes meet my fathers’s as he strolls in and sits in the leather chair in front of me.
“Did you read all of those?” He asks gruffly, his eyes flicking down to the papers that are strewn across my desk.
I collect all of them into a stack as I avoid his gaze. “I got the jist.”
A silence settles between us and I can feel his eyes trained on me. When I finally raise my gaze, he narrows his eyes and his mouth sets in a thin line. “What’s going on with you, Sam?”
“Nothing, Dad, I’m just tired. Didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Don’t insult me, I know you better than that. You are distracted, you have been since your mother and I got back from Italy. Have you been drinking too much again?”
I raise my brow at him incredulously. “Dad.”
“Is it that pretty nanny of yours?” He says mockingly.
My eyes fall to the stack of papers.
“Oh, son. Really?”
“No, dad, it-it’s not her.” Boy that wasn't very convincing.
“Yes it is. I know that look.” A long silence stretches and I avoid his gaze. “Remember Pam?”
I meet his eyes.  “Aunt Pam, your old secretary?”
He purses his lips and nods. He takes a deep breath, clearly warring with what he wants to say next. “It only lasted a few months, and your mother knows nothing about this.”
“Wait, you had an affair?”
“It’s not something I am proud of. But let me tell you something. Women like her, and your nanny…” He waves his hand dismissively. “Are only good for one thing, son.” He leans forward in his chair and arches his brow. “And it’s not making you the man that you need to be to run this company.” He leans back, steepling his fingers on his knees. “Now, a woman like Sofia, that is who is going to take you far in life, and bring you where you need to be.”
I’m fucking speechless. I can’t defend my honor, or Ana’s.  Because what if he’s right?
My phone dings with a text, Ana.
Ana: Heading back, ETA 20 min
Ana: You need us to pick anything up on our way?
Ana: Or do you have the special dinner all planned out?
Fuck. I’m not getting out of here for at least another hour.
Sam: About that…
Ana: Why am I not surprised? This is becoming your MO.
I clench my jaw.
Sam: What’s that supposed to mean?
Ana: You’re a smart man. Figure it out.
I whisper a quiet fuck and I see Robin’s head snap up.
“Trouble at home?” He asks, as a cocky smile spreads across his face.
I ignore him.
Sam: Ana…
Ana: I’ll take care of dinner for the boys sake. But you’d better come up with an AMAZING apology dessert for them.
Sam: I am sorry to bail on this
Sam: I will bring something home for dessert.
Sam: Okay?
She doesn't respond, and I pinch my eyes closed in frustration.
I turn back to the final pages of the contract with LEMA before sighing and throwing it to the table.
“Find anything?” Robin asks.
“No. And I need to go home. I need to spend what little time I have left in the city with the boys.”
“Go, I will make sure all of this makes it onto the jet tomorrow morning.” Robin leans back in his chair. “You know dad wants me with you tomorrow, right?”
I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to him. “No. I was not aware of that.”
He shrugs his shoulders and crosses his leg over his knee. “Now you do.”
I bite the inside of my cheek, and decide against saying anything else. Can just one thing go my way today? I grab my keys and phone, stuffing them into my pocket. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“See ya.” He waves as I walk out of the door.
I walk into the foyer with my suitcase, setting it next to the elevator doors just as they ding open and Ana, Mason, and Mickey step out.
“Welcome back. Did you three have fun at the museum?” My eyes are locked on Ana, sadness filling her emerald eyes. My chest constricts as my thoughts are haunted by my fathers confession.
“The museum was alright but dinner was even better! We stopped at a food truck festival on the way home.” Mickey chimes.
“I tried a poke bowl!” Mason is vibrating with excitement.
“Really? Did you like it?” I ask him, surprised.
“It was amazing!” Mason cheered as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
“And we got something for you!” Mickey gestures to the bag in Ana’s hands.
“That was thoughtful of you.” I look at Ana as she hands me the bag, not meeting my gaze.
“It was their idea.” She murmurs looking down at the boys.
I look inside of the paper bag, Kung Pao… god it's my favorite. “I love Kung Pao. How did you know?”
“Just a lucky guess.” Her tone is even and neutral. Distant.
“Right.” I take a breath, clearing my throat and turning back to the boys.
“Why don’t you two wash your hands, then head into the kitchen for your special dessert?” The boy's eyes widened.
“On it!” They race toward the bathroom, leaving Ana and I alone in the hallway. Still avoiding my eyes, she breezes past me into the kitchen. I follow her slowly, watching the soft sway of her hips.
“Ana.” She stops in her tracks and I see her shoulders tense.
“Yes?” She slowly turns towards me.
“Thank you for dinner, for both me and the boys. I shouldn’t have backed out of my promise to have a special meal with them.” My apology comes out even and measured as I watch her carefully.
“No, you shouldn’t have.” She says matter of factly, her eyes finally rising to mine. She sighs softly. “And you’re welcome.”
“It really looks delicious.” I set the container on the counter, taking a big bite with a fork. My eyes are trained on hers and I can see her face soften.
“You’ve got a little…” She grabs a napkin, stepping up slowly and reaching up to wipe at my lip.
The smell of jasmine and Ana fill my senses as our breath mixes in the air between us.
“Oh…” I whisper in surprise at the intimate gesture.
“... All better.” She smiles softly up at me, her emerald eyes piercing. An electric charge lingering in the space between us.
The moment is broken when we hear the boys running towards us in the kitchen. She takes a step back, turning away from me.
“Dessert time!” Mickey cheers as he slides into the kitchen.
“What’re we having?” Mason shifts from foot to foot.
“I thought you’d like to make some s’mores…” I know they are your favorite.
“With the mega-big marshmallows?” Mickey’s eyes grow wide. God, I am going to miss these kids…
“Of course.” I match his smile and gesture towards the platter of s’mores supplies laid out on the counter.
“I’ll, uh, leave you three to it.” Ana says softly as she slowly backs out of the kitchen.
“Where are you going? You haven’t even had s'mores yet!” Mason turns to Ana.
“I don’t want to intrude on father-son bonding time with your last night together.” She smiles softly at Mason.
“You wouldn’t be intruding.” I say hopefully. Please stay…
“Still… you should have some privacy.” She holds my eyes for a moment longer before turning and walking out of the room. What have I done?
I am sitting in the dim lighting of my office. My fingers wrapped around a glass of Eagle Rare Bourbon as I gaze out of the window. My thoughts are a jumbled mess as I bring the tumbler to my lips.  I hear the door open slowly and I glance over to see Ana enter quietly, clicking the door shut behind her.
“I thought I might see you again tonight.” I say as I turn my focus back towards the city lights outside.
“Sam, we need to talk about us.”
I can sense the sadness behind her words.
“Ana…” I sigh as I look at her with regret.
I see her shoulders tense as she balls her hands up into fists at her side. Red hot color rising on her cheeks.
“You owe me this, Sam. Don’t pretend like you don’t.” Anger drips from her every word.
I take a deep breath and give her a small nod, but I have no words. I get lost in my own thoughts again... You’re right… but I have no idea what to say to you. There is nothing I can do about this fucked up situation I put us in… I am so sorry that I dragged you into this mess. I am a selfish man that longs to be with you… but I have no control.
“We had sex last night, Sam.” Her voice cracks.
My chest tightens.
“I haven’t forgotten.” My eyes still trained on the city lights outside.
“It feels like you want to. In fact, it feels like you’re running halfway around the world because of it.”
My breathing gets shallow as she takes a step towards me, the anger rolling off of her in waves.
“You’re a lot of things, Sam, but I never took you for a coward.” Her voice laced with contempt as she stepped in front of me.
My eyes flick to hers as a new emotion bubbles to the surface: anger.
“A coward?” I whisper as I lift to my feet and we stand face-to-face.
“You heard me.” She tips her nose in the air. “You could have walked away last night.”
I can't help the humorless laugh that escapes my lips. How does she not understand that I cannot control myself around her?
“I wish that were true.” It would make my life a whole hell of a lot easier. God help me, I can’t resist you.I reach up and run my fingertips down her cheek, watching her shudder at my touch, but her expression remains guarded and angry.. “I’ve been trying to walk away from you since the moment we met. Yet somehow… I always end up back here.”
She steps back out of my reach, crossing her arms in front of her chest. My eyes scan down the length of her body.
“That’s not good enough, Sam.” Her eyes bore into mine.
God Dammit woman.
“Let’s get one thing straight here, Ana. The timing of this trip may seem suspicious to you, but I don’t want to go. I have to go.” I take a step toward her, narrowing my eyes. “And every time I look at you, it’s a reminder of what I’m leaving behind.”
Her eyes widen as her anger starts to slip. “Really? You aren’t relieved to have an escape?”
“No! This is so much worse.” I take a deep breath, trying to reign in my anger. My urge to control her and have her bare before me is making my cock twitch.  I watch as Ana turns and steps to the window. The war inside of my head battles on before I finally give in. I step up behind her, running my nose along the sensitive skin below her ear before grabbing her hips and pulling her against me. I feel her body melt into mine. She turns to face me, and I place my hands on either side of her head, the cold glass a welcome reprieve from the heat coursing through my veins. I press my desire against her and I watch as her eyes darken.
“Sam, you should fire me now.” She whispers. “Neither one of us has the strength to resist. Stopping cold turkey is the only answer. You go to Italy, conquer the business world, marry Sofia. I’ll move out and find something else. We both walk away, hands clean. Well… as clean as they can be.”
I can see it in her eyes that she doesn’t believe the words she is saying, but it doesn't stop them from stinging my heart.
“My hands aren’t clean, Ana. How can they be, when I think about you every time I touch myself?” My eyes flick down to her plump, pink lips. “Or when I want to murder the next man who touches you?”
“Then what’s the endgame here? What do you want?” She pleads, her eyes shining in the dim light.
“I want you, dammit.” I confess.
She grabs the lapels of my suit and pulls me even closer to her curves,
“Prove it.” She challenges, her eyes dark.
She brings her lips to mine and our lips ignite into a frenzy of heat and frustration. I bring my arms around to her lower back and pull her hips snug to mine. A sudden feeling of regret passes through my mind and I pull back, a question in my eyes.
“Ana…” I warn.
“Don’t think. Just feel.” She purrs as she pushes my jacket off of my shoulders. She runs her fingernails across the back of my neck softly before pulling my lips down to hers again. I grab her hips, spinning her around and pinning her back against the cold glass of the window. She gasps at the sensation as I grab her wrists and pin them over her head. I use my free hand to roam the planes of her curves, her body igniting under my touch.
“Sam...” She moans as her eyes flutter shut.
I find the hem of her shirt and dive underneath, finding the lace of her bra, I run my fingers along the gentle curve of her breasts. Her chest heaving and pushing her perfect body into my eager hands.
“Has it really only been a day since I last touched you like this?” I whisper against her lips. “Already feels like a lifetime ago…”
She arches her back, pressing deeper into me as I let out an involuntary moan. God the things this woman does to me…
“Can you really go the rest of the summer without this?” I can feel her smile against my lips.
“I can’t even go the next five minutes without it.” I admit as my cock hardens uncomfortably in my pants.
I reach down and cup her ass, picking her up and carrying her to my desk. I sweep everything off of my desk and lay her down. Her emerald eyes dark with desire as she watches me remove every article of her clothing, throwing them haphazardly around the room. Her chest rises and falls, and her lips are swollen with our kisses. I kiss each piece of newly exposed flesh, the soft moans coming from her lips a sound of pleasure and surrender.
“God, I want to eat you up…” I say against her hip. She looks down at me and takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
“You’ve gotta earn that privilege.” A challenge in her eyes as she sits up and places her hands on my chest, pushing me away from her. Her nearly naked body glowing in the colored light from the Tiffany Lamp.
“Ana?” I ask.
“You’ve been a naughty boy, Sam.” She purrs. “And you know what that means, I’m going to tie you up.”
“Fuck.” I whisper and her words send another surge of heat and desire through me. I watch as she gracefully slides off of the desk, motioning for me to sit down in my chair.
“Wait. Undress first.”  She leans in and skims her fingers across my chest, then tugs lightly on the flap of my shirt. “I don't want to have to deal with this later.”
You naughty, fucking minx.
I quickly strip off my clothes, my eyes never leaving hers as I take a seat in my chair, resting my arms on the armrests. I watch her carefully as she digs through a drawer in my desk, pulling two spare computer cords out. I watch as her steady hands tie my forearms and wrists to the chair. My eyes travel across her barely clothed body and I think of all the things I wish to do to her perfect ass.
She steps back, a look of pride flashing across her eyes.
“Aren’t you a sight?” She smiles as she looks at me hungrily.
“Ana…” I murmur.
I tried to move my arms, but she did a damn good job tying me down.
“This isn’t fair. I want to touch you.”
“Oh… You want to talk about not fair?” She clenches her jaw as she saunters up to me, the movement of her hips accentuated by the delicate fabric. “Everything that’s happened today hasn’t been fair.” Her eyes narrow at me as she leans towards me. She is careful not to touch me but I can feel the electricity crackling between us. Her perfect breasts are right in front of my face and I know she can feel my hot breath against them. “And now you’re being punished for it.”  She stands up and gracefully hops back up onto my desk.
She leans back, spreading her legs wide open, revealing every single perfect inch of her perfect body to me. I watch her fingers slide down her curves until they come to rest between her legs, slipping underneath her panties to rub at her center.
Fuck me.
“Ohmygod…” I moan as my cock hardens more than I even thought possible. The throbbing is almost unbearable as I watch her fingers spread the moisture that is pooling in between her legs. Her head lulls back as moans escape her lips.
“Ohh, YES!” She cries out, her body tensing.
My eyes are trained on her perfect cunt as she worships it with her fingers. My breathing is growing labored as I think about all the things I want to do. Her hips are bucking as she nears her edge.
“Ana, please…. Let me touch you.” I beg, my voice husky. I can’t help but lick my lips as I think about her sweetness.
Her eyes open and her fingers slow as she considers me.
“I don't know… Have you been punished enough yet?” She smiles.
“No… but I can’t make it up to you properly unless you let me touch you. Please.” I am not above begging at this point.
She leans forward, and I watch her untie the cords from my wrists. As soon as I can tell that I am free, I reach up, grabbing her body and hauling it into mine. I bring my lips to hers and kiss her deeply, tasting her, reveling in the feel of our tongues together. I stand up, pressing her back down on the desk and I grab the delicate lace of her panties and push them down her thighs.
“I haven't been able to think about anything else all day…” I whisper against her lips. I can feel her smile. “You drive me to distraction even when you aren’t spread out in front of me…”
“And now?” She asks as she arches her back up off the desk.
I trace a delicate line up her bare legs, slowly teasing my way to her center.
“And now… I can barely control myself. I want to devour you.” I growl.
She leans back and spreads her legs wider.
I stand up and run my eyes slowly over every single piece of her exposed flesh, she blushes that delicious color.
The most beautiful thing I have ever fucking scene.
“Yes… I love seeing you open like this for me.” I murmur as my eyes scan her body over and over again, lingering on her exposed cunt.
I drop to my knees, and lower my mouth between her thighs as I lap up her pooling moisture. I watch as her eyes flutter closed, her eyelashes laying like fans across her cheeks. Her breathing intensities and her moans echo around the room. She calls out my name in ecstasy.
“If you want me to make this up to you properly, then you can’t come yet.” I challenge her. “Can you do that, Ana? Can you hold back until I tell you?” I punctuate my question with a devilish twirl of my tongue and she gasps.
“Yes! Sam… bring it on. I can take whatever you have to give. Don’t hold back.” She is panting and her perfect cunt is dripping for me. Her eyes find mine and I can see the challenge accepted. Good girl.
I trail kisses back to her center, dipping and tasting her pooling wetness. So fucking sweet. Her body shivers as I continue to flick my tongue against her. I reach down and grab my aching cock, running my hand up and down the throbbing shaft.
“Oh god… I’m gonna…” Her body starts to tense and my pumping increases.
“Already? I thought you said you could take it.” I say, my lips moving against her.
I feel her body tremble as she moans.
“Ohmygod, that feels… Sam, don’t stop.”
Never, beautiful. I will never stop doing this to you.
I groan out her name as the pleasure in my body nears the edge, my tongue continuing to flick at her exposed flesh. I call out her name as I find my release and I feel her body tense as she cries out mine. We ride out each other's orgasm, ecstasy blinding me.
Eventually her body sags against the desk, her breathing rapid. I stand up and wrap my arms around her body, bringing her tight to me as our breathing slows.
I untangle myself from her and we both stand and get dressed in a silence that is thick with tension.
The reality of what just happened hits me hard as I watch her button up her silk blouse.
Fuck. Again. No fucking control, Dalton, you total fuck up.
Without a word she moves towards the door, lingering with her hand on the door knob.
“Sam, I-”
“I’m sorry, Ana. I didn't mean to get so carried away. It won’t happen again.” I interrupt her, saying the only thing I can think of at this moment… words I regret as soon as they escape my lips.
I watch as confusion spreads across her face and she gives me a silent nod.
“My flight leaves early. I’ll be gone before you wake up…” I say softly.
“Oh. I see. I guess this is… goodbye.” She looks down at the floor, her fingers playing at the hem of her shirt. She wraps her arms around herself and slowly begins to slip out of the door.
“I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess. You deserve so much better than me.”
My words halt her in her tracks. She looks over her shoulder at me, and I see her eyes shining.
“I can decide what I ‘deserve’ for myself.” She walks out of the room without another word, and I am left even more pissed with myself than I was this morning. I sit down at my desk and run my hands through my hair.
She’s right… you are being a coward. I am avoiding this shit storm I created for myself by running away…
I sip another glass of bourbon as I come to the only solution I can think of: postpone my trip to Italy, and even though it will probably bite me in the ass… Ana and the boys have to come with me. My stomach sours at the thought of Robin getting a hand on this before me… but I shove the thought aside.
That's it.
I nurse my second cup of coffee as I watch the sunrise through the windows. I hear soft footsteps walking down the hallway and I swallow my nerves. Ana rounds the corner and stops short when she sees me, a glimmer of hope and surprise flashing through her eyes.
“Sam?! What’re you going here? I heard you leave this morning…”
“I did a lot of thinking last night, but I didn’t come to a conclusion in time to cancel my car earlier.” I try to control my excitement.
“What conclusion?” She asks carefully.
“That you were right. I was being a coward and running away from my problems. I sent Robin ahead and postponed my meetings to next week so I could do this right. I’m turning this business trip into a family vacation for all of us.” Her face lit up.
“You mean…” A smile playing on her lips.
“Pack your bags, Ana. You’re coming with me to Italy.”
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mrthomasdoherty · 3 years
thoughts on hummelberry? i hate them and i feel that kurt was never more ruined as a character than when he was with her.
It's funny you should ask, dear non. I just got into a heated rant with my spouse about hummelberry today. Mostly my spouse listening to me rant, because of the recent scene I reblogged? Yes, the one in season 4 where Kurt puts Rachel in her place by popping her inflated ego.
Let's preface this by saying that hummelberry does have good moments - Rachel coming to Kurt's defense to get their football boyfriends to stand up to Karofsky in season 2, the speech she gives in Swan Song, and then the one she gives in season 5's "A Katy or a Gaga". There are times where she steps up to the plate and is a good friend to him for a change. And of course they're cute when they break onto the Wicked stage in season 2, the Christmas elf outfits in season 5, the excitement over being in Vogue and then going to that showcase with Santana in season 4. There is potential! But they missed the mark by making Rachel awful when it comes to Kurt. "Best Gay" for example? Shut up and go sit down.
I loathe this friendship. I hate it so damn much. The writers could've made it into a great friendship if they put time and energy into character development instead of needing Kurt to seem relevant in season 3 by attaching him to Rachel's side the entire time out of NO WHERE. Oh wow, two people into Broadway? They totes need to be bff's now for that reason alone haha. Give me a break.
Let's see - in season 2 when Kurt tells them all he's leaving for Dalton, Rachel's more concerned about him being competition then the actual problem of why he's leaving. Then she goes for Blaine after knowing Kurt's feelings about him, but lol who cares because she may get a boyfriend who will keep up with her vocally. Kurt needs some humble pie, because she gets what she wants in the end always, haha.
In season 3, she laughs at him after he chooses her to be his Juliet because him playing anyone masculine is hilarious. Also in season 3 she runs against him for student president, then ruins his winning by cheating - he said he was going to cheat himself, why would she add onto that and make it even more obvious? Oh right, guilty conscious. After Kurt gets his NYADA letter, she makes it about herself by ruining his excitement. When Kurt is against her marrying Finn so young, she tells him that he's just jealous (remember at the time gay couples marrying in Ohio wasn't an option - so yes, he's totally jealous that he can't just marry someone for the hell of it). Then the bullshit of him not getting into NYADA after giving a kick ass performance but she does after harassing Carmen for WEEKS. How the fuck would Kurt consider that fair?! Oh, right, he's always the bigger person who is just happy she gets to go live her dream. Duh. OH and remember when Rachel mentions wanting to see Kurt in a bridesmaid dress???? 😌 get fucked.
Then we hit season 4, and her ditching Kurt for two fake friends who become her echo chamber. These new friends badmouth Kurt and she can only timidly disagree with them but then gets hyped on them hyping her up - and then they ditch her at midnight madness, KARMA OR WHAT?! Speaking of, she went out on a limb and told Kurt that he only got into NYADA because Carmen knew he was friends with her. Not his talent. Not his moving performance on the spot. No, he's clearly not in her league and he should be honored to be bff's with her because that comes with perks, lol. Then when he beats her fair and square, it's a damn narcissistic pity party all over again (oh woe am I, I didn't win, I'm just not gonna be an actress and perform anymore because I suck. Pity me). Not to mention that she asked Brody to move in WITHOUT consulting Kurt at all, which lead to unwanted flashing that Kurt did NOT consent to. (Also how is it that Kurt gets a tiny promotion only because he pulled Rachel into it? Why couldn't he have done that for himself? Why does his success lead back to her this season? Fuck you glee.)
Season 5, she manipulates and gaslights the situation regarding her and Santana's feud by calling Kurt a traitor, "replacing her best gay" with Elliott, and basically stating THEY (Kurt AND Santana) kicked her out when she made that decision on her own. She then ignores Kurt telling her NOT to go to LA and does it anyway because she's so bored of Broadway now apparently. Then Chris' episode of only showing up to Kurt's Peter Pan gig because he called her out on being a shitty friend. If Kurt hadn't done that, she wouldn't have been there (Santana might not have been either, lbr). ALSO THE FUCKING BASH EPISODE?! Again, she only feels bad because Kurt almost DIES and then it's "bff's forever".
Season 6, I didn't pay much attention to. But I do know that while Santana was going off on him with that "rant", Rachel just stood there making faces. Faces that suggested that she agreed with a few of the awful things Santana was saying. And then she got upset when Kurt offered Jane & Mason advice that was actual good TEACHER advice to do better which boy Jane and Mason took to heart and bettered their performance. I do know that Kurt got shit on a lot in this season as well, even Mercedes had to come back to kiss poor whittle Rachel's ass and downplay Kurt's contribution. Like what the fuck is that about. Plot wise season 6 is trash anyway, so, no shock in reality.
I have a theory that has decided majority of those who enjoy hummelberry only want to be in a threesome between Colfer and Lea and that's it. Because they're both pretty people (Rachel in season 4? Hell yes, please more of that to look at, thanks). The fundamentals of this friendship is messed up, and I consider it toxic and emotionally/mentally abusive. There's no growth between them. It's just Kurt being the better and bigger person, while Rachel continues being self-involved until Kurt snaps then it's suddenly 'oh I can't lose him quick gaslight maneuver'. Even when there's consequences, she makes up for it by the end of an episode, but then is back to her usual ways by the next one and onward.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Amazing and Corny
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Author: @hutchhitched​
Prompt: Corn Maze [submitted by @sunsetsrmydreams​]
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Rating: T
Summary: Stressed over classes, Katniss gives in when her friend Gale insists she join their group of friends at a corn maze. Somehow, she finds herself lost with Peeta, the golden boy she’s admired from afar since their freshman year of college. As a thunderstorm rumbles overhead, they find their way out of the maze and discover each other, too.
Author’s Note: Thanks to @mandelion82​ for the extra set of eyes.
Katniss Everdeen looked around her, wondering how in the hell she’d been dragged along on what her best friend Gale Hawthorne insisted was an adventure. As far as she was concerned, this qualified as a misadventure more than anything else. She didn’t have time for this, anyway. Only six weeks left in the semester, and she was at a damn corn maze an hour from the middle of nowhere.
“I don’t know how I let you talk me into something so stupid,” she grumbled, but Gale just knocked his shoulder against hers and laughed.
“Oh, come on, Catnip,” he chided. “It’ll be fun. Besides, I hear a certain someone might make an appearance, and I know how tantalizing that can be for the young co-eds such as yourself.”
“Shut up,” she snapped and immediately blushed the same shade as the sugar maple across the road. Ducking her head to hide the distinctly scarlet hue her cheeks had flamed, she crossed her arms over her chest and shrunk in on herself. Besides, who talked like that? Apparently Gale when he was messing with her.
Peeta Mellark. That’s who Gale meant, and her stomach fluttered at the possibility he might attend the evening’s event. Peeta was friends with Delly Cartwright who knew Annie Cresta who dated Finnick Odair who was friends with Johanna Mason who her traitorous best friend happened to be dating. It was not her favorite relationship of his.
“Relax. He might not come. Anyway, it’s not like you’d talk to him if he was here. You haven’t managed to yet the entire time we’ve been on campus together.”
Katniss hung her head because Gale was right. Peeta seemed to be friends with everyone at Panem State, the mid-level public university in the Midwest she and her friends attended. Everyone, that was, but her. It wasn’t that he hadn’t tried. She’d run into him multiple times over the past two and a half years, but every time she clammed up, unable to speak and overwhelmed by his warmth. As far as she was concerned, Peeta Mellark was amazing. She adored his affable nature and the corny jokes he told. Her family always called them groaners, but he��d often joked he was practicing for when he became a dad. Peeta shone like the sun, and she paled in comparison.
And that made her feel even worse. Peeta had dad jokes, and Katniss quaked at the thought of future children. She wasn’t even 21 yet, and she didn’t understand the tendency of those around her who had baby fever. At least that was one thing Gale’s girlfriend had going for her. Johanna Mason didn’t seem to have a maternal bone in her body.
“But what if he does?” she mumbled and scuffed the toe of her shoe in the dust.
“Peeta?” At her nod, he sighed. “If he shows up, you might want to actually speak to him. At this point, it’s obvious you’re uncomfortable around him. He’s even asked the group if he did something to offend you.”
“He is offensive,” Katniss groused. “He’s too bright and shiny. Too nice. Too charming. I mean, give the rest of us a break. We can’t live up to his golden boy perfection.”
Gale rolled his eyes and looked over her shoulder. “Hey, Jo,” he called. “Delly, Peeta, Finn, Annie. Good to see you.”
Katniss’ stomach dropped to her feet. There was no way he hadn’t heard her. No possibility that Peeta Mellark hadn’t witnessed her confession that she thought his perfection was rivaled by none. How in the world could she play this off? She needed a place to hide. She was just about to bolt when Gale grabbed her forearm and tugged her against his side.
“Stay put,” he growled under his breath. “You avoiding him is ridiculous.”
Katniss elbowed him in the ribs, but he only acknowledged it with a barely audible grunt. Instead, he turned to his girlfriend and kissed her, which devolved into a filthy, open-mouthed, possibly pornographic grope fest that only ended because Finnick wolf whistled.
“Get a room! We’re here for the corn maze, not a tryst with a corn cob.”
“I don’t know. I think the corn might be jealous of Hawthorne’s cob,” Johanna retorted and turned her lascivious grin on Gale. “Later, lover,” she promised.
“Gross,” Katniss mumbled, and Peeta snorted. He hid his mouth and covered the chuckle with a cough, but his eyes sparkled mischievously when he glanced her way.
“Let’s go,” Finnick said, enthusiasm practically vibrating out of him as he led the way to the corn maze entrance. He purchased tickets for their group of seven and then tugged Annie into the maze. Katniss trudged along at the back of the group.
It didn’t take long for them to spread out, the couples drifting away from Katniss, Delly, and Peeta as the duos held hands and snuggled together. Delly and Peeta chatted companionably, while Katniss glowered and tried not to feel like a third wheel. Peeta attempted to engage her a few times, but she brushed off his efforts and stopped paying attention until they were fairly deep into the maze.
“Uh, Delly, do you have any idea where we are?” Peeta asked, shocking Katniss out of her stupor.
The night had cooled, humidity and the threat of rain making the air seem colder than it should. Katniss glanced upward and blanched at roiling clouds and lazy lightning sparking in the atmosphere. She shivered involuntarily and shifted closer to the other two.
“Not a clue,” Delly answered cheerfully. “Let’s try this way.” With that, she was off, leaving Peeta and Katniss in her wake. They stood together in semi-stunned silence before Peeta turned to her with a sheepish expression.
“Well, alone at last,” he said in an attempted joke that fell flat.
“We need better friends,” Katniss sighed. “The whole lot of them are terrible people.”
Amused, Peeta returned, “I feel like that says something about us, that we’d both choose crappy friends and allow them to, first, talk us into a corn maze on the night of a predicted thunderstorm during a really busy time in the semester and, second, abandon us like this. It feels like a plot to a bad horror film or something.”
“Horror or Hallmark?”
Peeta ran a hand down the back of his neck nervously and cocked his head. “What do you mean by Hallmark?”
“Oh, you know. Those corny movies where a woman goes back to her hometown and reconnects with some hot guy who convinces her the country is more wholesome than the city and she forgets all about her job and friends and the life she’s built for herself,” Katniss explained. “They always make me so mad. Like the female lead isn’t smart enough to have made decisions for herself, and she has to be saved by the noble, hot stranger who’s got it all figured out. It’s mansplaining at its finest.”
“What if the guy’s right?”
“Why? Because he’s hot and feels an inordinate desire to protect a woman who doesn’t need his help? If anyone ever tried that with me…” Katniss trailed into silence, unsure what the rest of her threat actually was. It wasn’t like she didn’t appreciate help; she just wanted help from someone who understood she could do it by herself, even if that wasn’t necessary.
Peeta studied her carefully, his expression unreadable, and she wondered if she’d offended him, somehow. He licked his lips and tugged the collar of his jacket up under his ears before speaking.
“Well, that explains some things.”
She bristled immediately. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” he sighed, clearly dejected, “it makes more sense why you haven’t given me the time of day the past two years.”
Katniss gaped at him, completely taken aback at this statement. It took her a second to form a coherent thought, but she finally managed to stammer, “Wh-what?”
Peeta’s mouth twisted into an expression of misery. “You seem to hate me, and I have no idea why.”
Flustered, she blurted, “How does that have anything to do with hot guys from small towns? I— You’re— Yeah, hot. You really are, but… I’m so lost.”
Peeta flushed, his cheeks flaming red, and he stubbed his toe into the ground and refused to look at her. “It doesn’t matter,” he mumbled. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“Brought—?” Katniss stopped herself and held up her hands in surrender. Gently, she prodded, “Peeta? What are you saying?”
He shook his head and hunched his shoulders, shielding against the chilly weather and his disappointment. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to be that guy,” he whispered.
“What guy?” she asked, using every ounce of her strength to quell her frustration.
He lifted tortured eyes and answered softly, “The guy that seems to think he’s entitled to a girl’s attention. The one that mansplains. The one who takes over the room when he walks in. I’ve never intended to do that, but you’ve always shied away from the popular crowd. You have every right to ignore me if you want. I didn’t mean to imply that you owe anything to me.”
“Oh,” she breathed. “Oh, that makes way more sense than… Well, than anything I was thinking.”
Curious, he asked tentatively, “What were you thinking?”
“I was trying to figure out how you were the hot, small-town guy luring me away from the city,” she laughed, and he grinned a little.
“Well, you did say I was hot.”
“You are hot,” she sputtered. Peeta coughed to cover a pleased smirk. His response was so soft, she almost missed it.
“Thank you.”
“I wouldn’t ever try to insinuate you weren’t smart enough to make your own decisions.”
The tips of his ears burned red, which she thought was about the cutest thing she’d ever seen. She opened her mouth to speak when her phone interrupted them. Grimacing, she tugged it from her pocket and glanced at the screen.
“Oh, hell,” she muttered.
“Gale,” she offered in explanation. “He wants to know where we are.”
“We’re in the corn maze. Where else would we be? Is everybody else done or something?”
She nodded to affirm. “They’re all waiting at the picnic tables. Even Delly’s there. They have cider.”
They glanced around them and realized they still had no idea where they were. Katniss hadn’t been paying attention as they wound into the maze, and Peeta had clearly followed Delly’s direction. In short, they were lost. Katniss glanced upward, as a few fat drops of rain spattered around them.
“Would it be corny to say I’d rather be lost in here with you than anyone else?” Peeta asked, his lips quirked into a crooked grin.
“Oh, I don’t know. There’s a crop of freshmen on campus. Wouldn’t you rather be with one of them?”
Peeta’s eyes twinkled. “Punny.”
“Same to you.”
“You’re amazing,” he laughed, and they grinned at each other, content to joke about their predicament. Seconds later, the sky opened, lightning flashed, and they both jumped. “We need to get out of here.”
Katniss extended her hand to him. “Together?”
“Together,” he agreed as he took her hand.
They walked quickly then, alternating right turns with lefts until they began to see a pattern. Corn stalks guided their way as they wound through the maze, hopeful they were on the right track, as rain poured from the heavens. Soaking wet, they clung to each other, a lifeline in their confusion. They hadn’t seen anyone else for several minutes, and Katniss started to shake—from cold, anxiety, and frustration.
“It’s going to be okay,” Peeta assured her. Letting go of her hand, he shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. When she protested, he insisted. “I’m all right.”
“I thought you trusted me to make my own decisions,” she retorted, but her clacking teeth and shivers undermined her argument.
He wrapped his arm around her and guided them down another corridor. “I do. I promise, but your sense of direction is as terrible as mine. Let’s get out of here, and then you can go back to resisting my advances.”
“Have you been making advances?” she asked, curious.
“Since the moment I saw you across the room. You have no idea the effect you have on me.”
She’d have to ponder that once they’d escape the maze. She was too cold, too disoriented, and too woozy from the heat of his jacket and arm curled around her. The stress of the semester had been weighing on her more than she’d thought, and there was something really compelling about allowing someone else to take charge.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” Peeta sputtered as they rounded another corner and spied the flags marking the maze exits. His curls were plastered to his head in dark blonde waves, and he looked absolutely miserable in his soaking wet navy blue Henley and dark washed jeans.
“Wait,” she pleaded. “Wait.”
Peeta stopped immediately and turned questioning eyes to meet hers. His willingness to take her seriously without question made her smile. “What’s up?” he asked, rubbing her arms to warm her.
Katniss reached for him, grabbing his sopping shirt and tugging him to her. Their lips met as thunder rumbled above them, and she leaned into his heat. He wrapped his arms around her, cradling her to him and increasing the pressure of his mouth on hers. They stood there, tangled together, until an echoing boom of thunder shook them apart.
“Electrifying,” he murmured as lightning flashed.
Katniss giggled and burrowed into his chest. “Such a dad joke.”
“They’re coming out my ears.”
“No. Stop. That was terrible.”
“I can’t help it. They just pop up when I least expect them.”
“So corny,” she grinned.
“So amazing,” he corrected and grabbed her hand. “Let’s get out of her, ditch our friends, and get to know each other.”
Katniss nodded. At the moment, there was nothing she wanted more.
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endless-vall · 4 years
I don’t wanna lose you - Ava & MC
Summary: Ava’s feelings for Charlie grow as the time passes, but she can’t help but feeling that she’s losing Charlie. Not just as a potential lover but also as a friend. Could the tables be turned or is it too late?
Author’s note: My mc is definitely going to romance & choose Noah. But I can’t help but feeling that the writers are really doing Ava dirty. At this point, she can’t catch up to the boys (also this gives me an idea for a second fic. “In the race” - stay tuned). But you know what? MC is doing her even dirtier, by behaving the way she is. Ava is her bestfriend even if she’s not her LI. 
I was going to call this fic unrequited love and have Ava confess & confront MC, but somewhere along writing I changed my mind.
I’m not sure if MC would react in the actual book like she reacted in my fic, but let’s be honest Ava deserves better and PB could write this MC a little better. Better bestfriend, at the least. So consider this ooc my service to the fandom lol
hope you enjoy!
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I had lost Charlie, that much was clear.
Ava was going about her day. With Cheer and the Photography club and her studies, her days were pretty much full.
But her feelings always found a way to sneek to the surface, every once in a while.
Ava let herself dwell on the thoughts, for the first time in days.
It all began after Charlie had lost her mom. And it was understandable. It was a tragedy, and Charlie shunned herself out.
Ava tried to be there for her, as much as Charlie allowed her, but honestly Charlie didn’t allow anyone near her, for a pretty long amount of time.
And it was okay. They all understood. Or, at least, tried to understand. Ava couldn’t possibly imagine how it felt for Charlie to lose her mom, and she didn’t try to pry.
Then one day, Charlie came to school and the glint in her eyes was back. Not as bright, or bubbly as it used to be, but it was definitely there.
Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. What was this feeling? 
“Ava, I was thinking on joining cheerleading again, do you think I still have a spot on the team?” 
“For you, always.”
Her best friend gave her a little squeal before jumping her with a hug. Ava hugged back tightly, holding onto Charlie. It’s the most real hug they shared in the last… Year or so.
And in that hug, Ava realized… That those feelings weren’t merely concern for a best friend in need… No. Of course she was worried about her best friend… But maybe, just maybe - Charlie was no longer just a bestfriend to her.
 And Ava wasn’t the only one to notice the glint in her eyes.
Mason, who she was growing closer with due to their both relations to Charlie, noticed too.
‘Wow’ He mouthed at her.
And Ava didn’t need any more than that. She knew that feeling exactly. Mason had feelings for Charlie, just like she did. She knew the feeling too well.
Soon after that the school year came to an end. Ava didn’t have a chance to share her feelings, or even find out if Charlie liked girls too…
And honestly? She was just happy to have Charlie back in her life.
For now, it was enough.
Charlie went away for the spring break. She was traveling with her family and didn’t have much of a phone signal. They talked here and there, but Ava realized that until they go back to school, she wasn’t going to have a good chance to tell Charlie how she felt.
She was so terrified, too. 
Not because how Charlie might react. No because Charlie might not be interested.
Charlie would never try to hurt her on purpose, but what about everyone else?
If everyone knew Ava liked girls… How would they react? They’ll obviously treat her differently. Bad different.
So when her and Mason got closer… And he was trying to… Kiss her?
She let him.
After that things got messy. Ava never knew Charlie had feelings for Mason before. But now that she was back and so hurt… It was clear.
And Ava felt a pinch in her heart. Not because she was jealous of Mason. But of Charlie, instead.
Even after that whole windwhirl ended, and she and Charlie could be friends again… Things just felt…  Different.
Charlie was giving mixed signals. Her feelings were all over the place.
And while it was… Well, her business, Ava couldn’t help but notice that things were back to normal.
Yes, she couldn’t have Charlie as her girlfriend, yet (or maybe never) but she didn’t have her as her bestfriend either, now.
Something was off.
Something wasn’t right.
That’s when Ava decided to confront her.
Everything will mean nothing if she can’t have Charlie in her life. Really have her, not just for show.
Yes she wanted her romantically. It took Ava months to come to terms with her feelings but she was finally ready. But it was clear Charlie wasn’t. Even if Charlie’s mixed signals meant something, Charlie wasn’t ready to face them yet. And Ava could wait. She really could.
The only thing she couldn’t do is tolerate Charlie being her so-called bestfriend without actually having her heart in it.
“Ava would you mind being my model? I have a shoot in mind.” Charlie caught her one day after photography club.
She placed her hand over Ava’s to get her attention and Ava’s heart lept in her chest.
“Sure, I’d love to!” She couldn’t supress her smile. It was genuine.
But also, this was her chance.
If she doesn’t confront Charlie now, she’ll never will.
Bayla caught her eye from the other side of the room, while finishing to gather her stuff.
‘Good Luck’ she mouthed at her.
‘Thank You’.
“Oh my god you’re beautiful…” Charlie went as she started clicking her camera.
“Charlie can we talk?” Ava blurted out.
She was going to wait until they finish the shoot, or at least until they got a few photos, but her mouth  worked faster than her brain when it came to Charlie.
Ava gulped. It was now or never.
Charlie lowered her camera. “Yeah, sure, what is it? Is everything alright?” She looked at Ava concerningly. 
“Actually, no, it isn’t alright.” Ava shook her head, bracing herself.
On the inside, her thoughts were racing and screaming all over the place, but on the outside she somehow managed to keep a cool exterior.
“What is it?” Charlie crossed the distance between them, sitting down nexto to Ava and placing a hand over her’s.
It was damn hard to focus when she was, once again, giving her those signals but Ava kept telling herself that friends supported each other, and hand holding wasn’t an uncommon thing among it.
“I’m just… I’m feeling as though you’re not with me. Even when you are.” Ava started. She knew she wasn’t making a lot of sense with her choice of words, but she followed her heart and let him speak instead.
“And definitely when you aren’t.” She raised her eyebrows at her bestfriend.
“Ava if it’s about the college-hunting I’m so sorry and you’re right to be mad at me–” Charlie started to talk but Ava raised her hand to stop her, pulling it from underneat the warmth of Charlie’s hand. It was both a very hard choice and an easy one at the same time. She needed to it.
“It’s not about it.” Ava noted. “Like, it’s a part of it. But that’s only a part of a way bigger problem. You forgot we made plans becuase of Mason. And if it wasn’t Mason this time then it’s Noah. And it’s fine that you have other people in your life and all, but you never make me a priority anymore. I’m your bestfriend and I never get to see you anymore. Even when we do hang out it’s Noah this and Mason that. I just want some Ava-and-Charlie time. Is it too much to ask?” Ava’s voice was getting emotional, but she stood firm by her words.
“Just like it used to be.” Ava whispered, letting the last part of her sentence hang in the air.
Charlie’s face fell, and Ava couldn’t make her expression. “But it’s not like it used to be.” There was a melancholic chord to Charlie’s voice.
Was it… About her mom? Or something else?
Charlie raised her eyes and met Ava’s face again. She plastered a smile, but it didn’t fool Ava. “You’re right. I wasn’t being a good friend. And I’m glad you decided to call me out. I definitely deserve it and I promise I’ll do better from now on.” She smiled sincerly this time, and they shared a brief hug.
“I’m glad to hear that, Charlie. Thank you. But I can’t help but feeling there’s something you’re not telling me,” Ava didn’t move away from the hug completely, just enough to face Charlie.
They were really close right now, and Ava could feel the heat running to her cheeks, but she needed to focus right now.
“I’m… A little nervous, if I’m being honest right now.” Charlie admitted.
“What do you have to be nervous about?” Ava searched Charlie’s eyes.
“I know it’s a louzy excuse, but the reason I tried not to think about it too much is because every time I think about you… I kinda wanna do this…” Charlie’s eyes glanced towards Ava’s lips.
Am I imagining or is it really happening right now? Ava wondered if Charlie could feel how hard her heart was beating in her chest.
“May I?” Charlie asked, her eyes rising back to meet Ava’s eyes and her hand caressing Ava’s cheek tenderly.
“Oh f*ck yes-” Ava pulled Charlie close before any of them could change their mind. Not that they planned to.
They crushed in a heated kiss, one they both were waiting for.
It’s funny. Ever since Ava realized she was crushing on her bestfriend she imagined kissing Charlie would be something tender, soft and giddy.
And she’s sure there’ll be kisses like that, too. In the near future preferablly.
But this one just came out of nowhere and knocked them both out.
They finally broke apart when they both needed to come up for air.
“That was-” Ava mumbled, still entangled in Charlie’s arms. “Yeah-”
Charlie mumbled against her ear, resting her face against Ava’s cheek.
They finally broke apart, both giddy and blushing and WOAH DID IT REALLY JUST HAPPEN RIGHT NOW?
“We should probably talk-” “Yes, and we definitely should do this again some time-”
Saved, or damned, by the bell, they both realized they had a class to get back to and should definitely get going.
“Let’s talk after school?” Charlie suggested, standing up and offering Ava her hand.
Ava accepted and took Charlie helped her up. They walked back to school hand in hand.
A giddy smile on both of their faces. You wouldn’t be able to tell from just looking at them, but that was the start of something beautiful.
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babycracker · 4 years
Echoes In The Forest - Chapter 12
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Female Detective/Adam, Female Detective/Mason Word Count: ~3.5k Warnings: None
You can find this chapter on AO3 here. Start from the beginning here.
"So you're telling me it was for nothing?"
Jordan asks incredulously, her eyes darting between the four of them as though she doesn't know where to look.
"I can hear him."
"And what? Felix is gonna be your guide dog or something?"
She shoots Felix a sympathetic smile at his objection but it fades quickly as she groans and runs a hand over her face.
"Well that's just fantastic."
She mutters before turning on her heel and disappearing back into the tent. That was absolutely not the news she was hoping to wake up to today. After the disaster of yesterday, she'd hoped that this morning would bring with it the news that Erlking had been captured and they could go home.
She flops backwards onto the uncomfortably thin foam mattress that's been her bed for the last week with a heavy sigh. She's tired of this stupid forest, tired of not knowing what's going to happen after she goes to sleep. But most of all she wants to get away from Adam.
He was wrong yesterday. She still feels him in her mind, in her chest, everywhere, and she doesn't want it. She'd already been starting to suspect that she had feelings for him and was trying to work through and deal with them, without his own being forced on her. There's something else hidden behind the sadness he'd left in her, something deep and forbidden and strong enough to keep relentlessly returning to the forefront of her mind no matter how hard she tries to ignore it. As though he'd unknowingly been trying to tell her without having to say the words out loud.
She knows that he feels something for her. What he'd left behind synchronises perfectly with what she feels for him, though she still can't quite put her finger on what it is. It's not love - it can't be. She couldn't possibly love somebody so closed off towards her. Longing perhaps? And wonder. It makes her desperately wish that he'd let his guard down a little and let her know him properly, beyond the stoic soldier image that he projects constantly.
His behaviour towards her since the day before makes her question it though, she has to be mistaken. How can he feel something so deeply for her and be able to act so indifferent towards her? More than indifferent. He's acting as though he despises her and it's left her more confused and mad at him than she's ever been.
Her attention is drawn to the entrance of the tent as it opens and she involuntarily holds her breath until she sees that it's Mason crawling in to join her. Good. A distraction. If anyone can get her mind off of Adam and wipe away whatever feelings she may or may not have for him, it's Mason.
He doesn’t say anything as he lays down beside her, just staring up at nothing in silence. There’s a strange, awkward tension between them and she doesn’t know where it’s come from but she knows that she hates it. She can’t handle a weird vibe being between her and Adam and between her and Mason. She can’t do anything about Adam, so she does the only thing she can think of to fix the weirdness between her and Mason.
Without saying anything she props herself up onto one elbow and leans over to kiss him, his hand moving to her waist and roughly dragging her over on top of him automatically as he returns the kiss. She shifts her knees to either side of his hips to straddle him, her hands splayed out on his chest as she tilts her head to kiss him a little harder, almost desperately. He groans at the forcefulness of her kiss and his fingers begin to creep under her shirt before he freezes, and she pulls back to look at him questioningly.
“What’s wrong?”
He frowns and gives a slight shake of his head.
He murmurs, leaning up to catch her lips with his again and sliding his tongue into her mouth. She sighs softly, out of relief more than anything, and grinds her hips down against him. It’s working, and she’s slowly forgetting about Adam, choosing to deliberately ignore the part of her mind that’s telling her this is a mistake, that she’s about to screw things up beyond repair.
Mason pulls back again suddenly, his hands abruptly pulling out of her shirt and moving to her shoulders to stop her from leaning down to kiss him again.
“We can’t do this anymore.”
He mutters and she sits up, her hands falling to her sides as she frowns down at him.
“Are you serious?”
It doesn’t look like he’s going to explain any further, though she has a feeling that she knows exactly what’s come over him.
She huffs, hauling herself off of him and landing heavily beside him again, arms crossed over her chest as she glares up at the roof of the tent.
“Don’t be a drama queen.”
He snaps at her, and she twists her head to the side to shift her glare to him. She’s well aware that she’s being dramatic but he doesn’t need to point it out.
“I want to go home.”
She murmurs after a moment, her glare finally fading as she looks away from him again.
“I didn’t realise me refusing to fuck you would get to you so much.”
She rolls her eyes at his comment but doesn’t bother to look back over at him.
“Get over yourself, it’s not just you.”
“I know. It’s Adam.”
He replies and now she does look over at him, half surprised and half pissed off that he’s called her out again.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He sits up and gestures to her neck and she absentmindedly lifts a hand to touch the tiny wounds Adam left there the day before.
“I don’t know what went on between you two when he did that. I have a pretty good idea but I don’t know for sure, but there’s something going on there and I’m not gonna get in the way of that.”
“There’s nothing going on there.”
She objects, knowing it’s not true even as she says it. He just raises an eyebrow at her in disbelief before looking away from her again with a slight shake of his head.
“There’s something and I’m not gonna stand in the way.”
“No need, he’s getting in the way enough for the both of you.”
“You should talk to him.”
“I did talk to him. He thinks I’m nuts.”
He smirks and side-eyes her before pulling a cigarette from his pack.
“He’s not wrong.”
“Fuck you.”
His smirk spreads into a grin and he flips her off before making to leave the tent, but he pauses halfway out and glances back over at her.
“Be patient with him. And don’t fuck it up.”
He tells her, a surprising amount of concern softening his words and she frowns up at the roof.
“Maybe you should tell him that.”
She mutters stubbornly and she can just about hear his eyes rolling as he leaves her alone again. Well so much for her plan of using Mason to distract her from Adam. She can’t ignore the tiny glimmer of hope that Mason had sparked in her though. If he can see that there’s something there - as he had put it - then maybe she’s not as wrong about Adam as she thought she was.
Mason has a feeling that speaking to Adam about Jordan isn’t going to end well. He’s just as worried that it’s going to be less of Adam being angry about his personal life being interfered with and more of an ‘I told you so’ about his and Jordan’s relationship coming to a messy end and making things awkward within the unit.
Not that it’s a particularly messy ending, it’s not as though there were ever any real feelings there and he can’t foresee that there will be any difficulties in them continuing to work together as they always have. But he knows Adam well enough to know that he will insist on the problem being between Mason and Jordan rather than Mason calling it off for Adam’s sake.
“Can I talk to you?”
He forces out as he steps up beside Adam, glancing over his shoulder quickly to make sure Jordan hasn’t come out of the tent and spotted him beelining for Adam, who just nods and turns to face Mason properly. He’s already not in the best mood, Mason can tell. Between taking so long to make any real headway on this mission and whatever’s going on between him and Jordan he knows that it would all be weighing heavily on him and he’s probably going to be even more short tempered than usual.
On top of everything else, Mason might have been playing it off as not a big deal so far but he knows that what he did yesterday can’t have been easy for Adam. Not with Jordan’s blood being as strong and as tempting as it is. He’s not sure that he would’ve been able to pull back if it were him that had done it instead and he’s grateful that at least Jordan had recognised that Adam was the best choice.
Adam’s watching him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, and he realises that he’s a little nervous and unsure how to begin what he wants to say. He doesn’t particularly care whether or not Adam and Jordan sort their shit out and end up together, but he does care about this unresolved whatever it is between them causing a slow but steady rift to open up within the team. And, he supposes he kind of cares about Jordan growing tired of it all and giving up, asking for a transfer or quitting completely. She’s been around for so long now it feels like she’s actually one of them, and Mason guesses it would kind of suck for her to not be around at all anymore.
He barely starts his sentence before Adam is holding a hand up to silence him. A withered and pained expression crosses his face and Mason frowns at the sight of it, not having ever seen Adam looking so lost before.
“I would prefer not to discuss the events of yesterday.”
He says shortly, turning away from him again.
“Trust me, so would I but I think something needs to be said.”
“Nothing that has not already been said.”
“You know you- we could lose her over this, right?”
He tries, appealing to Adam’s desire to retain control over everything and keep them all working together efficiently. It seems to work, though Adam doesn’t seem to want to let him know that, but he sees his eyes shift sideways towards him for a split second before he removes his sunglasses from where they hang off the front of his coat and slides them over his eyes.
“I think you’re being a touch dramatic.”
“I think you’re being a touch naïve.”
He counters without thinking, and finally Adam turns to face him again.
“Excuse me, Agent?”
He’s not used to going up against Adam like this, and it’s happened far too many times than he’s comfortable with on this mission already, the last thing he wants to start another argument with him. Over a girl, no less. A human girl.
“I’m just saying. I don’t know if you did it deliberately or not, but you let her in yesterday and it’s messing with her.”
“I most certainly did not.”
Mason raises an eyebrow, knowing that Adam knows better than to question Mason’s ability to sense a struggle going on within a human.
“Like I said, maybe it wasn’t deliberate but you did and you need to deal with that because she’s starting to lose it.”
“You have spoken to her?”
“Just now, yeah.”
“And she still… I thought it would have faded by now.”
Adam groans, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose for a moment. Mason almost feels bad for him, but he knows there’s nothing he can do. This mess was started between Adam and Jordan, and so it’s up to Adam and Jordan to sort it out and get themselves back on track, even if only to dispel the hostility and awkwardness which has settled over the camp over the last twenty-four hours.
“Well, it hasn’t.”
He looks back over his shoulder when he hears movement coming from the tent to see Jordan emerging from it, a scowl still on her face when she looks over and sees the two of them talking. She looks as though she wants to march over to them and demand that they stop talking about her, but after staring at them for a long moment she just shakes her head and turns to walk in the other direction, disappearing behind the tent and into the woods.
Mason sighs, realising that he’s not going to get much more out of Adam now that Jordan’s up and about and makes to move back to his usual sentry post, but he pauses and turns back towards Adam once more before he goes.
“I ended it.”
“Ended what?"
“Me and Jordan, it’s done. It won’t be me standing in your way.”
He turns and leaves the team leader alone, knowing that if he sticks around he’s only going to hear Adam’s subtly nervous rambling about how their relationship ending doesn’t affect him in the slightest. He’s ended it with Jordan, he’s let Adam know, his involvement in their situation is over and now it’s all up to them.
Adam watches Mason walk away, a strange combination of annoyance, confusion and optimism bubbling away in his chest. It had been difficult to hide his expression upon learning that Mason and Jordan’s relationship is now over, even if he doesn’t know what kind of expression he would have shown. But the fact that Jordan can still feel him is troubling, and it all but proves that he had in fact let her in the day before. It was most certainly not deliberate, which just confuses him even more. How had it happened without him allowing it?
He knows that Mason’s right and he needs to talk to Jordan. Nothing will ever happen between them, he’s sure of it. She’s a member of his unit now, he is her commanding agent and nothing more, it would be highly inappropriate and somewhat dangerous for anything more to happen between them, but they do need to work out the hostility between them before she does quit or request a transfer, as Mason had suggested. The thought sticks in his mind, an unwelcome thought forcing feelings that he doesn’t want on him. He needs to put an end to it so he reluctantly makes his way over to the tent, to where he’d seen Jordan disappear to once she’d spotted him and Mason talking.
It takes him longer to find her than expected, long enough that he starts to worry that she’s ventured too far into the woods and been taken, but he finally spots her through the trees. She’s standing perfectly still, staring at something that’s blocked to him by the brush around her. He’s about to take another step towards her when he hears different footsteps, though Jordan remains fixed in place and he realises that she’s not alone. He marches hurriedly over to her, shoving foliage out of the way and then stopping just as dead still as she is, staring in shock at what she’s looking at.
It's a boy, he can't be much more than seven or eight years old. Finally Jordan moves, frowning over at Adam before turning her attention back to the boy as he stumbles clumsily on his way as though he doesn’t even notice that the two of them are there.
Adam takes another step towards him, trying to move into a position to see his face but the boy is looking down at the ground, shaggy brown curls hanging over the front of his face and blocking Adam’s view.
"Where is your family, child?"
He either doesn't hear Adam or is refusing to acknowledge him and Jordan jogs over to him before he can disappear any further into the trees.
"Hey, kid."
She rests a hand lightly on his shoulder and the boy stops walking, allowing Jordan to crouch down in front of him.
"Uh, Adam?"
Unease settles in the pit of Adam’s stomach as he marches over to take a look at the child himself, immediately understanding why Jordan appears so unsettled. Jordan pushes the boy’s hair back out of the way to offer a better view of his face. His eyes are wide open but milky white, black circles framing them against the grey shade of his skin. He’s incredibly skinny, his clothes are hanging off of him, thin arms and legs sticking out from the bottoms of his shorts and sleeves of his shirt and his face is drawn. He looks incredibly malnourished and Adam wonders how he’s even managing to stay on his feet enough to wander the woods as he is.
“I don’t think he can hear us.”
He says quietly, resting a hand on Jordan’s shoulder to get her attention as she keeps trying to talk to the boy. She glances at his hand, then up at his face with a slight scowl, obviously still mad at him despite what’s happening at the moment, but whatever conversation they need to have is going to have to wait until they’ve worked out where this child came from and what is wrong with him.
“What the hell happened to him?”
She asks finally, getting to her feet and grabbing at the boy’s arm gently as he immediately tries to keep walking again once she’s out of his way.
“I don’t know.”
He answers after a moment. He walks in a slow circle around the boy, stopping once he’s behind him and again pushing his hair out of the way to reveal a set of what look to be sharp tooth marks in a perfectly formed circle at the base of the boy’s neck.
“Look at this.”
Jordan leans over the child to inspect the marks herself, her free hand lifting to the side of her neck and Adam feels a flash of guilt as her fingertips drag over the puncture marks in her own skin.
She glances up at him, her expression softening slightly when she sees the guilt written all over him before he pulls his face back into line and shakes his head.
“Not in a circle like that. And it’s incredibly difficult to draw blood from that part of the neck.”
He answers, pushing away his thoughts about what he’d done to Jordan so as to deal with what’s presented in front of them right now.
“Erlking? Nate said he normally takes kids, right?”
Adam nods, shifting his gaze back down to the boy and letting his hair fall back down over his neck before gently pushing Jordan’s hand from his arm to take hold of it himself.
“Most likely. Go and get the others, I’ll stay with the boy. Maybe he can lead us to somewhere that will be of use in locating who did this to him.”
Jordan stares at him hesitantly for a moment, her eyes darting nervously to the woods around him before she nods slowly and turns to run back towards the camp, and he can hear her calling for the rest of Unit Bravo as she goes.
He looks back down at the boy sympathetically, still standing still with his head drooped and hands hanging lifelessly by his side. His arm feels tiny in Adam’s grip, as though he could snap it with the slightest squeeze and his skin is icy cold. His struggles are over it would seem, and Adam can only hope that he didn’t suffer too much at the hands of the Erlking, and that with his fate they might be able to locate the creature and bring him to justice.
Tags: @admdmrtn @mmerengue @adamdumorpain @masonsfangs @oxjenayxo @bravomckenzie Thanks for reading! Let me know if you wanted to be added to/removed from the tag list.
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secretaryunpaid · 4 years
✨Fanfic Sunday Funday✨
Fun, fun, fun! Thanks for tagging me @txemrn  and @pixie88 for this challenge.
Week 1: Share the most memorable piece of dialogue you’ve ever written!   My most memorable piece of dialogue has to be my first ever post to Tumblr... I was so new to writing... not that I’m not now... Just fresh out of the gate at that time.
Here’s my first TNA fanfic ever!
When We Touch...
When we touch …
Characters : property of Pixelberry (Choices - The Nanny Affair) I do not own the characters depicted. I am borrowing for the sake of entertainment. TY PB!
Originally posted by prophets-of-prog
⚠️ WARNING !!! : Explicit !!!!!!!!! Readers BEWARE … Very mature sexual content and strong language GUARANTEED 🥵
Word Count: 1,330 approx
MC: Dahlia Schuyler (you) paired with Male LI Samuel Dalton
Carter - Driver
Mason & Mickey Dalton - Twins of Samuel Dalton
Sofia Russo - Russo Enterprises, former lover/fiancé of Samuel Dalton
Summary: Sam has left Sofia at the altar publicly and is now vacationing with Dahlia, twins and Carter in Naples.
A/N : I enjoyed writing this, and hope you all enjoy it as much. Break out your favorite bottle of wine/liquor and prepare to drip… set your mood with that special Baby Maker music… Comments welcome! Let’s go!
News Headlines:
“Biotech Mogul leaves Business Princess at the Altar!” “Dalton-Russo Stocks Plummet After Public breakup!” Sam Dalton: Coward or Romantic? The Real Reason He Left on the Big Day!”…
Working on a plan to reduce fallout over calling off the wedding so publicly, a furrow lines Sam’s brow in determination to prove his sincerity to you …planning a life with you is not some fleeting decision made out of fear. The thought of you not existing, or being within reach, has rekindled the protective fire within Sam… he is as focused and commanding as you witnessed in the boardroom at Dalton Enterprises. You can’t stop reliving the moment that changed your life —the moment Sam and the twins convinced you not to take your flight, and whisked you off to Naples.
You sit next to him in your lingerie, bouts of heat and moisture rushing through your center as your desire overtakes you. “Sam”… but he doesn’t reply, transfixed on setting this right immediately…silently anguishing over the fact that it has come this far…almost solidifying you leaving without any form of contact… Sam’s breath catches suddenly, as a sharp pain jolts through his heart. Tears threaten to pour over his gorgeously thick lashes as he squints, shaking his head briskly as if to expel the intrusive memory that had been locked away for the past five years now. He had already lost his true love … he would not lose the love of his life after having convinced her to accept him and the twins for a lifetime.
You grow deeply concerned, but don’t want to cause Sam to become withdrawn, so you choose to be coy instead. “Sam, I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.“ …”Hmmph?” is the questioning reply Sam gives to your taunting… “One sec, babe. I really need to get this done. I don’t trust anyone else to handle this. It’s too sensitive.”
Your impatience won’t allow you to ignore the fire that has ignited within you. Thinking of Sam’s drive is giving you drive of your own. Memories of your first night together as an official couple flash in your mind. Remembering  how he drove himself deep within you, throbbing with release. {I need that pulse again!} You decide to lay on the floor at a distance that gives a silhouette of your movements over the display of Sam’s laptop (that has taken top priority over you). You begin to slowly wiggle your g-string down with your feet and spread apart … “Hurry love, I’m starting without you …” you moan seductively. Your fingers slowly snake their way down to take a sample of your juices. “…you promised to always take care of me …nnnh… WHEN-EVER I nee-ded you…but if pleasing me doesn’t fall in that , nnnh…ooooh…” (your eyes flutter as you pleasure yourself, speechlessly counting down the seconds until …)
Sam has moved towards you so swiftly that you didn’t realize he had even moved. “Damn, Dahlia” is all you hear as you feel Sam’s oral erection dive into your overflowing center. “Damn you taste good.” His craving ignites, and he pins your hands underneath you. Be a good girl and keep those there…and remember … YOU asked for this”… He lies between your legs, wrapping his muscular arms underneath your thighs. With a sudden jerk of his hands, he quickly pulls you to him. You gasp at the vibrating ripple stemming from your clit to the tip of his tongue, which is suctioned to your trembling walls, as Sam hums at the taste of you. “Mmmmm!”His tongue lunges deep into you…the firmness of his nose pressing stimulating circles against your nub as he works you skillfully… you suck in a sharp breath…moans escaping your lips as you bite them to fight off a pleasurable scream…
“Lemme hear how good this feels to you” … Sam’s husky words reach you between your labored breaths…”Damn you’re so hot and wet for me”…  the intensity of his deep slow strokes rotated with quick flicks of your clit with the tip of his tongue sends your pleasure flooding through… “that’s it, cum for me!” Those words send a thrill that causes you to buck in rhythm with Sam…you need to touch him… Quickly removing your hands from underneath you, you dig your nails into his shoulder gently at first, but piercingly as you begin to climax.
Sensing your release, Sam drinks all that your body offers…his hands gripping your ass firmly, preventing any resistance of pleasure. He grins up at you knowingly, then releases you to quickly remove his clothing. “How do you want me, Dahlia? It’s yours to command.” You give him a naughty smirk and roll on your left side. You then use your right arm to suspend your right leg in the air. “Oh, you want thrust action. I’ve got you, Dahlia. Hold tight.”
Sam eases towards you, stroking his full length with precision. Giving it the needed shake to rush the blood flow… to give you exactly what you begged for…ALL OF HIM…he lightly taps the head against your clit, reminding you of the weighted pleasure you are about to receive. He leans across you, kissing you soft and passionately as he eases into you. Succumbing to his own excitement, he gives a trembling thrust until your bases connect. He hesitates as he takes in your heat…pulsating within you. You gently claw his sides until you take hold of his flexed ass urging him to move within you. He begins to slowly withdraw letting you wet every inch of him, then winds forward with a rush that says he doesn’t want this feeling to end. Stroke after stroke pushes you higher and higher, causing you to whisper the command…”Fuck me Sam…”, moaning “… ooooooh, yes baby! Harder!” Complying, Sam leans back steadying your leg on his shoulder and placing your hand on his chest. He thrusts your depths until a river flows over him as you cry out his name. “Sam!” You feel his heated flow rush through you as he breathes out your name intensely…”Dahlia…” His shaft still pulsates inside you calming from his release…Sam lowers himself onto you holding back his full weight. He gives you a lingering kiss while rolling over with you lying on top of his chest.
He runs his fingers ever so slowly through your hair, soothing you. “Did you get what you needed?” You smile against his chest,and teasingly say, “you know I do every time.” You playfully grasp his taut nipple between your teeth, giving it a gentle tug. “Okay, baby. A little while longer lying like this, then I have to get back to putting out the other fires brewing.” Sighing, you roll off Sam. “Yes, Mr. Dalton. I understand. But, ummm, ink me in for a lunch session.”   Sam laughs, calling you insatiable, but he clears his calendar for your lunch date.
Sam opens his laptop, and an email immediately comes in marked high priority from none other than Sofia Russo… Sam’s eyes grow dark as he informs you of the content.
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skyeet-the-writer · 3 years
soft touches
Tumblr media
here is another one of my original works! i spend a while writing this during classes and it really means a lot. it’s quite personal to me bc this is the kind of life i’d want with a s/o, though it is implied to be a boy x girl relationship. hope you like it!
female oc (skyla) x male oc (mason)
summery: life can easily get stressful, but having a loving boyfriend to come home to makes things a lot easier
word count: ~3.09k
warnings: language, insecurities, suggestive mentions, unbearable amounts of fluff
Rain pelted Skyla’s car as she drove home from college. She was absolutely exhausted. She hadn’t slept well the night before because Mason’s insomnia was keeping him up. And when he didn’t sleep, neither did she. But she had classes and band practice after school, which explained why she was coming home at seven thirty at night.
She stopped at the stop sign and hummed along to the song playing from her phone. She was just about home. Hopefully, Mason wasn’t working late. If he was, she might not wait up for him. She’d probably just take a shower, eat something, and go to sleep.
Skyla took a left turn and drove slowly through the neighborhood. It was dark and also pouring rain, so it’s not like anyone was out and about. Still, she had always been a careful driver.
When she pulled into the driveway of the house she shared with her boyfriend and his best friend, she felt her heart flutter at the sight of Mason’s car in it’s spot. She put her car into park and turned her lights and her wipers off. She made sure everything electronic wouldn’t risk getting wet before opening the car door and opening up her umbrella.
She ran through the mud, which was a mistake because her boots got muddy, as well as mud splashing up on her sweatpants. She groaned and fumbled with her key as she held her umbrella with one hand. She finally unlocked the door and walked inside, shaking her umbrella off outside the door before shutting it and locking it again. She took her boots off and put her umbrella by the door before walking out of the mud room, stepping over the wet puddles from other people walking in and out of the house.
“Mase?” she called through the quiet house. She walked into the bedroom first to put her backpack down and saw no sign of him. So she walked into the kitchen and saw him cooking at the stove with his back to her. She smirked and walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around him from behind. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi, honey,” Mason replied, stirring whatever was cooking. “How was your day?”
She shrugged, rubbing her thumb on his stomach and giving him a small squeeze. “It was okay. I’m really tired, though.”
“Yeah… sorry for keeping you up last night.”
But Skyla quickly shook her head, saying, “Don’t apologize. It’s okay. I didn’t mind.” She quickly slipped her hands under his hoodie and squeezed around his waist.
“Yeah?” Mason sounded a bit shaky now as Skyla’s hands were beginning to drift downwards.
“Yeah,” she whispered into his ear as best she could. She was around five inches shorter than him. “I really liked it.” The tips of her fingers brushed his jeans.
Mason’s breathing got more uneven and he stopped stirring. “Fuck baby.”
“What?” she asked, her knuckles now under the waistband. “Something the matter?”
But Mason just made a hot, frustrated groan that made heat strike Skyla’s tummy. She was about to reach what she wanted before Mason grabbed her hand and shoved her against the counter, pinning her hands to the stone. “What’s wrong, baby? Your hands were going somewhere they’re not supposed to,” Mason mumbled, his lips inches from hers.
Skyla started to lean forward, but Mason squeezed her wrists and she stopped. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“Have you?”
She nodded, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. “Yeah. All day. You’re really distracting.”
Mason laughed and leaned closer, their noses now brushing. “Can’t I get a kiss first?”
And so she leaned forward and kissed her boyfriend hard. One of his hands drifted up to her throat and he squeezed, earning a whine out of her. He bit her lip and slowly pulled away. His blue eyes were dark and hooded as he looked over her face.
“Pretty,” he said before kissing her again, pushing her hips back against the counter with his own hips. Skyla tried to move her hands, but Mason’s grip tightened and he squeezed harder on her throat for five seconds before letting go completely and moving his hand to tangle into her hair.
When they finally had to pull away, Skyla was hot and blushing. “I have to take a shower.”
“Can I join you?” Mason asked.
“Please.” And he let her go, giving her a smack on the ass as she made her way to the bathroom.
“I’m glad that Blake isn’t here,” Skyla said after their shower, walking back into the kitchen in Mason’s t-shirt and athletic shorts. “He’s...not here, is he?”
Mason laughed and went back to the stove. Her heart fluttered. “No. If he was here, I wouldn’t have let you be as loud as you were.”
Skyla blushed, turning her head to the side. “Where is he, anyway?”
“On a date with Charlotte,” he answered, turning the stove off.
“When am I gonna be able to meet her?” she asked, swinging her legs on the counter, pulling at the promise ring on her finger. “Every time she’s been over, I’ve been at school or work. Does she exist or are you and Blake just lying to me?”
Mason laughed again and turned to her. “She’s real. Maybe we can all go on a double date sometime.”
“Yeah, that would be fun,” Skyla hummed thoughtfully. Thunder rumbled outside and she glanced out the window. It was still raining, but it seemed like it was raining harder now.
“Hey. Are you hungry?”
Skyla turned back to her boyfriend and nodded, grinning. “Starving. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch--” and then she stopped herself. She fucked up. She fucked up bad.
Mason put the bowl down and slowly approached her. “You haven’t eaten all day?”
“No,” she mumbled, avoiding his concerned eye contact. “I was running late this morning and I just forgot to get lunch because I was finishing homework…”
“Baby,” Mason whispered in that sweet tone that made her melt. “You’ve been forgetting to eat a lot lately. Is everything okay?”
Skyla nodded and leaned into Mason’s hand as he placed it on the side of her face. “I’m fine.” And she was. She had honestly just been forgetting to eat. Besides, it’s not like she had been too hungry recently. “Promise.”
Mason leaned forward and kissed her forehead, pushing her wet bangs out of the way. She smiled gently and wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him and pulling him closer. He laughed a little as he stumbled and wrapped his arms around her back, his hands resting on her lower back.
“I love you,” she whispered into his shirt, pressing her head against his chest. His heart was beating steadily until it suddenly began to speed up.
“Honey, if you keep hugging me, I’m gonna get hard,” Mason whispered into her ear, a grin in his voice.
“What?” Skyla exclaimed, pulling away but keeping a relatively close distance. “We’re just hugging!”
“I’m between your legs,” he whispered. He was indeed grinning.
Skyla groaned and pushed him away before hopping down off of the counter. “You’re disgusting.” Mason laughed and she picked up a bowl from the counter. “Men are gross.”
“Yeah,” he agreed.
After getting some soup, which was tomato according to Mason, Skyla sat beside him on the couch while he scrolled through Netflix. “What do you wanna watch?” he asked her.
She shrugged and blew on a spoonful of soup. “I don’t mind. You choose.”
He hummed and clicked on a movie they had begun watching last night before getting… distracted.
“It’s my favorite Marvel movie,” Skyla teased with a smirk. She looked at Mason and saw him just staring at her with a look that said “I’m done” and she bursted out laughing.
“For the last time, it’s not a Marvel movie,” Mason said with a smile.
“It literally is!” Skyla exclaimed, pointing at the TV. “It has RDJ, Scarlett Johnason, and Jon Faveru. This is Iron Man 2.”
“No!” Mason repeated as he laughed. “Baby, it’s not Iron Man 2.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She brushed it off with a waved hand and started to eat. Mason shook his head and ate as well.
After eating, Skyla went to put the bowls in the sink. She’d do the dishes later. Right now she wanted to cuddle. Apparently, Mason had the same thing in mind because when she returned, he was already sitting on the couch with a blanket. The same blanket, in fact, that Skyla had gotten him for their first Christmas together four years ago. Her heart swelled and she smiled.
“Cuddles?” Mason asked with his brows raised in hope.
She smiled and lay down on the couch. “C’mere, baby.”
Mason made a small sound of happiness and laid on top of her with his head on her chest. Skyla got the blanket fixed and exhaled deeply. This right here was her favorite place in the world. Mason with his hands under her shirt and holding her sides. When he was still in California with his POS mom, he always texted her about how he wanted to cuddle with her. How he wanted to lay his head on her chest and hear her heartbeat. Unsurprisingly, his love language was physical touch.
She turned away from the movie and looked down at him. She knew what he wanted and so she leaned her head down and gave him one of the softest kisses she had ever given him. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he whispered back against her lips, kissing her again.
“I love you more.” Another kiss.
“I love you most.” Another one, this time a bit more forceful like his words.
She pulled away and smirked. “I love you more than that.”
“If I had to choose you or the stars, I’d choose you every time,” he replied with a smirk.
She scowled. “You can’t use my own pickup line on me. You don’t even like the stars.”
“I like you,” he said, placing his hand on her cheek and stroking her cheek with his hand. “You’re pretty. Like the stars.”
She blushed and turned her face away as he laughed. “Stoppp,” she whined.
“Okay, okay.” He put his head back on her chest and put his hands under her shirt to hold onto her sides. Skyla went back to running her hands through his hair like she often did.
About halfway through the movie, Mason suddenly sat up. Skyla made an upset sound and reached her hands up. She was in the middle of braiding his hair while he was kissing her stomach and borderline giving her hickies.
“What are you doing?” she asked, sitting up more as Mason stood up.
“Switch,” was all he said.
So she nodded and let him lay down on the couch before climbing on top of him. She straddled him, putting her legs on either side of his torso. Mason got the blanket fixed and she snuggled into his chest, laying her head over his heart. She smiled as he felt her immediately begin to run his hands through her hair. Okay, maybe this was her favorite position.
She turned her head to the side to continue to watch the movie. Her hands moved under his shirt, though she struggled a little bit. Skyla noticed him take a deep breath before her hands slipped under his shirt, and so she looked up at him.
“You okay? Am I too heavy?”
“Hm? No, you’re fine baby,” he answered. “It’s just… you were moving your hands.”
“Oh. Sorry, I did kind of touch that spot on your side that you said feels weird. Sorry--”
“No, no.” Mason shook his head. “No, it’s not that. I thought your hands were gonna go down my pants.”
She blushed a little before she smirked. “Oh. Did you want them to?”
“...Maybe.” He mimicked her smirk.
She bit her lip. She really wasn’t in the mood and so she gave him a look.
He had gotten good at knowing what she meant by a simple look. “It’s okay, baby. We already had sex, so it’s okay.”
She hummed a little and gave him a kiss on his throat--basically as far she could reach without moving too much--before settling back into his chest. He rubbed her back and she drew tiny patterns with her fingers.
Skyla had just begun to doze off when suddenly Mason gently shook her. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, squinting. “Hm?”
“We should--were you asleep?” Mason asked, cutting off what he was originally going to say.
Skyla nodded and rubbed her eyes, yawning. “Yeah.” How could she not? She was exhausted and he was warm and safe. “You know scratching my back makes me sleepy.”
Mason smiled. “Sorry, baby. If you’re tired, you can go to bed and I can clean up.”
But then she shook her head and sat up. “No. You cooked so I need to clean. We have a deal.”
He sighed. “Okay. I can help if you want.”
Skyla shook her head again. “No. I can do it. Go to bed, baby. It’s like, 10.”
“That’s not late though,” Mason said, folding the blanket up.
“It is for me,” she said to him. “I’ve got a 7 a.m. class and then work until one. Then I have a 1:30 lecture that goes until 3:30 and then--”
“Honey.” Mason grabbed her arms to make her stop talking. His hands drifted up to her face and he cradled it in his hands. “I was joking. Calm down. I know you’re stressed because of finals and band and everything. Take a breath.”
Skyla nodded and took a deep breath. Her anxiety was getting worse. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he told her with a small laugh. He leaned forward and kissed her head. “I get it. But you’re smart. You’re gonna be okay.”
She said nothing and simply stared up at him. The way he was looking at her, the softness in his blue eyes. She almost started to cry. She swallowed the lump in her throat and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his middle and gripping his shirt in her hands. He stroked her hair and she pushed her forehead into his shoulder, gritting her teeth so she wouldn’t cry.
“I love you,” Mason whispered after a minute or so. “So much.”
“I love you,” she managed to get out. Her voice was strained as she was on the brink of tears. “I don’t wanna lose you.”
“Honey.” This time, his tone made a tear slip out. It was so sweet, so gentle, so intimate. He wrapped his arms tighter around her and cradled her head. “You won’t. Never again. I’m not leaving you.”
Skyla wanted to tell him how thankful she was, but she couldn’t form the right words. So she nodded against his shoulder and hugged him tighter as Mason hummed and swayed in place. When she sniffled, Mason kissed her forehead and whispered something. It made her smile and nod and she pulled away. He held onto her forearms to keep her from moving too far.
“Hm?” She looked up at him as one of his hands left her arm to cup the side of her face. His thumb stroked her cheekbone and she closed her eyes, leaning into his hand. When it left her, she felt cold and she opened her eyes.
“Let me do the dishes, baby,” Mason whispered. “Go to bed.”
This time, she nodded. “Okay.”
Mason smiled and gently let her go before walking into the kitchen. She stood in the living room and wiped at her eyes and sniffed. After she recollected herself, she made her way into the bedroom. She didn’t have any reason to change clothes since she was already basically in pyjamas already. So she pulled her backpack off of her bed and made sure to plug her laptop into its charger at her desk.
Rubbing at her eye, she pulled her backpack away from the bed and put her phone on her nightstand. After brushing her teeth and avoiding her reflection in the mirror, she got into bed and pulled the blanket up to her neck. Her stuffed animal, a possum, was clutched to her chest.
But she didn’t fall asleep. She just stared at the wall, her mind in a flurry. She only snapped out of it when she heard the front door open and footsteps.
She heard Blake’s voice and then Mason’s. She smiled. She did like Blake, he was always so nice to her. And he was Mason’s best friend, had been since middle school.
But part of her kind of wished he didn’t live with them. She wished that it was just her and Mason. And maybe a dog. She wished she wouldn’t have to worry about being too loud during sex. Blake never mentioned it, bless his heart, but she knew it probably bothered him. She wished that she and Mason could spend the night talking with each other and not have to worry about waking someone up. She wished it was just them.
But then there was laughter, Mason’s laugh, and she felt guilty. Blake made him happy. Why should she wish for someone who makes the love of her life happy to go away?
With a sigh, she closed her eyes. The bed was warm and it smelled like Mason. Maybe this was her favorite place to be.
The door of their bedroom opened once more and she squinted at the light, making a tiny groaning sound.
“Shit,” Mason cursed, quickly closing it once again. “Sorry, baby.”
She just sighed and settled back into the covers, beginning to doze off.
But, as it always did, Mason getting into bed woke her up enough to shift positions. His shirt was off and she put her stuffed animal to the side to instead cuddle with her boyfriend. He chuckled and his chest rumbled under her ear as she got settled.
Their legs tangled together, her head over his pecs as he laid on his back, and his rough, callused fingers slowly drifting up and down her back.
“I’ll try not to wake you up tonight, darling,” he whispered to her.
“Thank you,” she whispered back. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
And they fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other's arms with the rain pattering on their roof to sing the couple to sleep.
feel free to make requests. reblogs are completely welcome, but no reposts on any other platform unless you ask me first. thanks y’all!
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kindkindling · 4 years
End of Year Faves 2020!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
I was tagged by @wayhavns and @ejunkiet, thank you both so much!! I'm incredibly flattered that y'all would include me, considering how humbled I am anytime anyone in this fandom posts anything. Like damn, people, seriously.
Given that I only just started writing, like... two months ago? And most of it is drabbles, ha. This is basically just a list of what I've written, ordered by how much I like them :')
1. crying for help. Billie & Ava. The detective has some things to work through, and Ava is there to help.
My post-book 3 demo fic, and the one I am most proud of so far! I haven't really showcased it in my works yet, as I'm trying to nail down how my detectives' romances will actually play out in my canon, but I love seeing the detectives interact with the non-romanced UB members. Ava is going to be Billie's BFF route eventually, and this really helped solidify in my mind how they might act together.
Plus, it actually came out pretty close to how I imagined it! Sometimes I cannot word the way I want, but this time, I felt like I worded well :D
2. better me than you. Mason/Billie. Billie takes a blow for Mason. He isn't keen on it.
This one feels really basic and bare-bones to me, but it gave me hell because it wasn't supposed to be over 1k, and I was really stressing over how I just couldn't describe the action at the start in a way that flowed nicely, and it put me off my a-drabble-every-other-day schedule, so it just made me feel like I'd failed before I'd even started.
But I looked at it again the next day with fresher eyes and found the bits that I liked and expanded them, and wrote the hospital bit at the end in Mason's POV, and I ended up being proud of making even something kinda basic out of the mess it had started as, so it gets to be number 2. :)
3. "You're in love with her." Felix/Rami. Felix is jealous of a dog.
My first drabble! I just think Felix is cute and people should know it. And I think I showed it well. 😤
4. quiet, together. Nat/Cheyenne. Nat and Cheyenne spend a quiet moment together.
One thing I know about myself is that I am not very good at descriptive or poetic writing, and this was an attempt to work on that. No dialogue, no action, just setting a scene. It's definitely not on par with some of the amazing stuff the rest of y'all put out (some of you could describe a table cloth and I'd probably weep. my god.) BUT for me, it is good, and I am happy with it. :)
5. "Do you regret it?" Ava/Cass. Ava finally kisses the detective, but she isn't really ready for it.
Ahhh I just really wanted to see Ava suffer a little, I think, haha. Even though it's just a drabble, I think it helped show me how different Cass is from Billie; Cass was shaken when Ava stormed off, but they went right after her and asked about it. Billie would probably have either ran away or died on the spot lmao. Billie was my first detective and is my main, so I'm always concerned I'm not differentiating the others enough to make them interesting, but this one really helped settle my fears there.
6. i need you like you need me. Felix/Rami. The detective is laid up after a mission and Felix decides he needs to come comfort him.
The first time I got to show off Rami! I love him, he's such a sweetie. Bobby is his ex-boyfriend, and I really liked being able to contrast Rami's past relationship with him with his current one with Felix. I also got to show a bit of him hanging out with Nate, also a win for me, lol.
The only reason this isn't higher on the list is because I feel like I got too... mechanical near the end? Like I was wayyy too concerned with where their hands were at all times. But I still think it's good, and I will definitely make good on my insinuation that I will write Part 2 one day. Rami and Felix deserve to bone. 😤
7. thinking about my feelings never did me any good. Mason/Billie. The detective accidentally spends the night in Mason's room, and almost has a conniption over it.
Here it is, the first thing I've ever written. :')
It's a little stream-of-consciousness-y, but I was still riding that high of having just finished all the routes for the first time, and I was just... really needing to put something out there, to show how much I really loved reading this series! So I wrote it while I was at work, and I didn't put any thought into it at all, and I'm still fond of it, even if I wince while rereading it now lol.
8. what i want is to be with you. Mason/Billie. The detective and Mason dance, and talk about stars.
I don't dislike this one overall, but it does contain my first try at writing any kind of smut at the end, aaaand that's more than enough reason for it to be at the bottom of the list lol. It was still fun writing though (I actually went into it thinking Billie wouldn't know how to dance at all and they and Mason would just be an embarrassment on the ballroom floor, but that's not how it shook out!), and I'd like to revisit it one day and rework it to be better!
There have been so many of these that I have no idea who has or hasn't been tagged at this point, and I'd hate to annoy people by tagging them again. But absolutely anyone who wants to show off their stuff should do it!! Especially if you feel iffy about your own work. Having to think about my fics here made me realize that even the ones I'm less fond of have something in them that I like, and finding even one thing means that making it was a worthwhile endeavor! :)
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
I Choose You
Written by: @wendywobbles
Prompt 51: Katniss E, the Valedictorian of Panem High school, is perfect in all fields of life. And that is the crush of awkward, average in studies, not so popular, never had a girlfriend, often bullied Peeta M. Not only does she have a very popular friend circle but also a handsome, popular boyfriend Gale H. Will she even want to be his friend? Is his crush doomed to fail? Eventual Everlark) [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds]
AN: I hope I did your prompt proud. The title comes from a Sara Bareilles song that I love.
Peeta Mellark walked quietly in the door and leaned against the wall at the school assembly. He hated these things. Being trapped here for an hour while Principal Trinket droned on and on about what was coming up in the next semester was hell.
They had just returned from their autumn break and Peeta was counting the days down until this last year of school was finished. His experience in Panem 12th Region school had been long, dull and miserable.
Not for the first time he wondered if his dad had lived how his life would have turned out. Would he have been a popular jock with lots of friends and confidence instead of a feeling like a ghost in these hallways? He hoped college would be different. As far as he knew none of the dicks from his year would be attending Capitol U.
He had no idea what Trinket was talking about but he became aware the second the speaker changed……Katniss Everdeen was at the podium and saying hello to everyone. Instantly he paid attention.
Katniss Everdeen was in Peeta Mellark’s eyes the most perfect woman to ever walk the earth. She had long dark hair, clear olive skin and grey eyes.
She was a distance runner for the Panem 12th Region Athletics team. She trained hard , Peeta knew this because he had often seen her running in the early hours of the morning when it was his early shift at the Bakery or sometimes he would see her on the trails when he was out running she always had a smile and wave for him as they passed.
Her grades were always high, again Peeta knew this was down to hard work and not just luck.
Sometimes he would see her at the library when he was hiding out avoiding Cato and the other Jays and his maths whizz brother Leon had been tutoring her since last year.
She has a quiet confidence, and strength that just drew people to her and had a wide circle of friends but would make time for everyone whether it was a quick hello or a longer more in-depth chat. It was no wonder when she ran for student council she was elected president.
With a confident smile the object of Peeta’s affection began to speak
“Hi all! Hope everyone had a wonderful break, I know I did. Principal Trinket has given me a few minutes of the assembly today to talk about our Winter Formal. This year we are looking to do something a bit different and we are hoping that you guys will help us come up with a theme. This is the last 12th Region dance some of us will attend and we would love to make this something a bit special, but right now our ideas aren’t hitting the mark and I know that there are so many talented and creative individuals here so we’d love to hear from you.”
She looked behind her and Annie Cresta, her Vice President, handed her a cardboard box covered in silver paper. She held it up for all to see
“Okay, I know this probably looks a bit basic but this box will be left in library until next Friday. If you have an idea put it in. We will then post the suggestions online and then we can vote for our favourite. Easy right? I can’t wait to see what people come up with.”
“Thanks for listening and don’t forget Friday is the big Game against D13’s Coin Cavaliers and once again the 12th Region’s very own Mockingjays are out to destroy them. Show you school spirit by wearing black and orange. Go Jays!”
All around Peeta students began to cheer, he just rolled his eyes and slipped quietly away.
For the rest of the day school was buzzing with excitement for the game and Katniss announcement. Peeta was glad when his final class was over and headed to his locker to collect his bag.
“Hey Bread Boy” called Johanna Mason, a short shaved head girl that somehow had become one of Peeta’s closest and dearest friends
“Yes Jo?”
“So are you making any suggestions for the Winter Formal? I’ve got mine in – Roller Disco with night vision goggles. Great, huh?”
“Seriously Jo? I mean while I can certainly appreciate the theme, how exactly would a person fund all those glasses……” he smiled.
“I’m the ideas woman, the reality is her ladyship and her minions area of work…speaking of which. Anyway I gotta go, see you later handsome “ and with that Jo sprinted away.
Peeta looked up and saw Katniss Everdeen walking down the corridor. She was carrying an armful of books, a bag and a bottle of water, had an apple wedged in her mouth and her shoe lace was beginning to open on her ever present black Cons. Peeta was thinking how this looked like an accident waiting to happen when Katniss reached up to take the apple out of her mouth, stepped on her now undone shoe lace and tripped herself up sending everything flying.
“Katniss! Oh my god are you okay?” Peeta was by her side in a flash and quickly helped her right herself.
Surprisingly she burst out laughing “Oh my god! I can’t believe that just happened. Thanks Peeta, I’m ok.” He started to help her pick up her stuff when Gale Hawthorne appeared.
“Katniss? What happened? You ok?” concern was all over his features.
“Fine, fine I tripped Peeta was just helping me collect my stuff.”
Gale nodded but proceeded to take the books Peeta had in his arms “Well I’m here now. Mellark you can …go do whatever it is you do. I got this.”
Peeta felt his face flame but kept his mouth shut previous experience had thought him that answering back to people like Gale usually ended up badly for people like Peeta.
“Sure. Whatever” he mumbled and moved to step away.
Katniss meanwhile shot Gale a glance that would have felled a lesser man, but Peeta imagined as Katniss’ boyfriend Gale was probably used to her looks so he just ignored her.(Imagine being able to ignore Katniss thought Peeta)
“Thanks again Peeta. Hey before you go, do you have the details of the English assignment? I can’t find where I wrote it down.”
“Sure, hold on” Peeta rummaged in his backpack and pulled out a notebook. He pulled out a sheet and copied the details onto the paper for her.
“Ummm here you go” he said handing it over.
“Katniss? Are you ready I’ll carry this stuff to your car” huffed Gale.
“Go ahead I’ll be right there. I just want to check something with Peeta” She called without looking at Gale.
“I’ll wait.”
“Dunderhead” muttered Katniss under her breath so that only Peeta could hear her, keeping her voice low she began to speak “Um I was wondering if you were going to submit any ideas for the dance. When we were kids I remember you always had a great imagination.”
Peeta blinked and stared and Katniss “Um no. I don’t….I mean I’m not interested in that kinda thing you know. I’ve never even been to a school dance.”
“Oh…right. Sorry I just, I guess I’ll see you in class or something.” Katniss seemed embarrassed and Peeta wanted to die. This was how he spoke to the girl of his dreams….Leon was right he was an idiot.
As she turned to walk away he called after her “Wait! I may not have an idea but um I’m pretty good at art and design maybe,I mean if you needed it, I could help you guys work on pulling it altogether?” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“That would be fantastic! I know you’re headed to Capitol U next year to begin a Fine Art Degree so absolutely we would love your help.” Katniss smile was a mile wide as she said all this.
“Ok. Well keep me posted. Oh and Katniss you should probably tie your shoelace” Peeta smiled and her and began to walk away. It was only as he turned the corner he realised something. He had never mentioned getting into Capitol U …how had Katniss known that?
“So what did you need from Mellark?” asked Gale.
“Gale you were standing right there when I was talking to him - English homework and he’s offered to help with the dance.” said Katniss taking her bag from Gale. She reached down to grab the apple that she dropped and popped it in a bin as she walked by.
“Help how? Loser never goes to anything school related.”
“So? What has that got to do with anything? And he’s not a loser. Look Gale we need help with this dance and I’m happy to have someone like Peeta come on board-“
Gale cut her off “ Ooh I get it now, you get the nerdy runt to do all the work and you take the credit.”
“Shut up Gale. When have I EVER treated anyone like that? I can’t believe you would even think I would do that.”
“Oh relax, it’s High School not the real world.”
Sometimes Katniss goody two shoes attitude really annoyed Gale. Kill or be killed that was Gale’s motto(not literally of course) but sometimes you had to be ruthless on and off the field.
“Let me make it up too you… how about a movie?”
“Can’t I have to get home to help dad. I’ll round up the gang maybe we can all go see something on Saturday?”
Frustrated Gale rolled his eyes before responding “Katniss I meant …..”
Katniss knew exactly what he meant and after going out a few times two years ago, Katniss wasn’t going down that road again, Gale however still thought they were perfect for each other and was always trying to get her to agree to a date.
Katniss blundered on pretending not to have heard him “It’ll be a fun way for everyone to relax after Friday’s game. I’ll text everyone later unless you want to do it?”
Gale clenched his jaw frustrated at Katniss he wanted to say something more when his phone rang. It was Cato.
“I’m late for practice. Talk to you later” and Gale took off running towards the sports field.
A grateful Katniss watched Gale sprint away, glad of the reprieve from his hints and outright declarations that they would make the perfect couple.
She hopped into her car and got ready to head home, when out of the corner of her eye she saw the hunched figure of Peeta Mellark walking out and heading towards town, she watched him til he was out of sight.
There was something about Peeta that made Katniss want to get to know him better but the blue eyed blond boy kept himself to himself. She had has crush on him since the first day of school when he drew her a picture of her teddy bear.
She smiled recalling how upset she was being separated from her bear and was missing him something terrible on her first day. Seeing her tears Peeta had marched up to her pencil in hand and asked her what he looked like and under her guidance had drawn a pretty good depiction of Snowball Abernathy.
Katniss still had the drawing; her dad had laminated it years go and she used it as book mark. The bear was also still knocking around, slightly bedraggled, more grey then white these day but still loved.
She sighed remembering a time when they were younger and Peeta was much more open. It all changed when his dad died though he seemed to retreat from childhood.
Katniss knew from Peeta’s older brother Leon that it hadn’t been easy after Mr M had died.
She had met Leon when her parents hired him to help her with her maths. Leon was like a skinnier less good looking Peeta. He was in college locally hoping to be a teacher and he loved maths and tutored a few kids.
As Katniss and he worked together they became more friendly.He was kind and funny and talkative.
When Katniss got accepted to Capitol U to study Engineering she was overjoyed and then Leon told her Peeta had been accepted to CU too.
“That’s amazing! What program? I wonder if we’ll run into each other. That would be cool.” Katniss gushed. She was practically vibrating at this piece of news.
And had completely forgotten who she was talking too. She couldn’t stop the blush that crept up her face.
Leon felt a grin spreading over his face “Careful Everdeen or I might think you have a crush on my baby brother……oh my god you do!!!”
That was a few weeks ago and Leon kept encouraging her to talk to Peeta and teasing her that if she let the year pass without saying anything he would tell Peeta before graduation.
Katniss knew though her secret was safe. Leon was very protective of Peeta, and from what Leon had told her-and what she knew from the past herself and gossip- the death of Mr Mellark had hit the whole family hard.
The oldest Mellark brother Sean had taken over running the place full time (this had always been the plan but the death of Sean Snr meant things moved a lot quicker). He quit full time college and moved home.
Leon and Peeta helped out but right after her husband died Mrs Mellark seemed to “disappear” leaving Sean 20, Leon 16 and Peeta 13 to carry on.
The older boys tried to stay on top of everything.- the house, the business, school even dealing with their mom- but their home life was chaotic following in the weeks following their fathers death.
It was a lot to cope with, and they tried to do it all without any help - scared that if they let people know what was going on their family would be further torn apart.
Katniss remembered when Peeta came to school in the same hoodie for 5 days –not really a big deal but Cato Snow grabbed this and began to tease Peeta.
“Hey Smellark. Don’t you have any CLEAN clothes?”
His goons soon joined in for weeks whenever they could get Peeta alone they went at him, they pushed him, squirted hand sanitizer on him, threw water on him.
Some of the other kids tried to tell Cato to stop but no one wanted to make themselves a target so most just ignored what was going on. Katniss did too, and the memory still pained her.
It all came to a head one Monday afternoon Peeta finally snapped and swung at Cato. Peeta may have been quiet and smaller then the others but in the past number of weeks a fire had raged in him.
This particular Monday Cato had decided that Peeta needed a hair cut and got Tom Marvel and Derek Blight to hold him down and started to hack at Peeta’s hair.
It was the final straw for Peeta, to this day no one knows exactly how he did it but Peeta got loose and punched Cato busting his nose, the sight of the blood caused Marvel to flee. Blight wasn’t quick enough and Peeta managed to leave him with a black eye. Peeta picked up his bag and left the school vowing to never return.
While this was going on, an anonymous tip off was left with a children’s care charity begging them to check on the Mellark’s. A young case worker Finnick Odair took the call and hearing how distressed the girl in the end of the call was decided to make a house call.
He met a shaken, tattered Peeta at the house on the front step.
“Hey kid? You ok?”
And for the first time since his dad died and the bullying began Peeta cried and his story just tumbled out
Finnick met with the rest of the family. Mrs. Mellark was very obviously depressed, the boys were grieving but had no time to process everything that was happening as they desperately tried to keep things going. A decision was made to contact Mrs Mellark mother, Sae.
She arrived in a day and scolded her grandsons for not calling her sooner and hugged the life out of them.
She sought out her daughter and held her close as she wept and wept.
Then the five of them sat on the sofa together and Sae told Finnick she was sticking around for as long as was needed and he helped her to find the help her family needed.
Peeta however refused to talk about what had happened and wouldn’t confirm the bullying. He hoped by keeping his mouth shut Cato would leave him alone. (It hadn’t. Although Cato no longer actively sought him out he still tormented him)
When Peeta returned to school a few days later people seemed to give him a wide berth the story of his Hulk like anger had scared people. It made him sad.
When he went to his locker he found a bag there and inside was a paper dandelion, a packet of coloring pencils and notebook.
Peeta was confused and wary but the yellow flower was the first thing he remembered seeing in color; since his dad died life had just been grey. He smiled, just a small one but somehow this flower made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time -hope.
On Friday the school was buzzing. Peeta had on a black tee shirt and orange cons showing his school spirit.
He had noticed Katniss that morning in her black skinny jeans, a Jays orange jersey, black oversized cardigan, in her braided hair there was an orange ribbon and on her feet a pair of orange cons. He smiled when he saw them.
He was just slipping to class when she called him
“Hey Peeta! Look we’re foot twins.” She bounded over to him and stood toe to toe with him. His heart was pounding.
She pulled out her phone “Can I take a picture?” and she aimed her camera down before clicking a few snaps.
“I think yours look better” she smiled and looked up at him, suddenly aware how close she was to him.
“I’m sorry Peeta I’m such and space invader” she stepped back “like I was saying yours look better, they have that lived in Cons look, mine are brand new they need breaking in. I’m gonna put this on Instagram, want me to tag you?”
“Why? Why would you tag me? I mean we’re not exactly friends, besides I don’t think Gale or his friends would appreciate any part of me appearing on your feed. I have to go Katniss.” Peeta smiled sadly and walked away.
Katniss couldn’t understand what she had said or done but she quickly deleted the post.
When the dance committee opened the silver box they found a good deal of papers, half though were filled with utter rubbish- crude drawing, bits of gum wrapped in the paper and some downright dangerous suggestions -roller skating with night vision goggles???
The most surprising thing was that even though the students had been given free reign most were standard dance ideas. According to Delly Cartwright this was because despite claims to want to express themselves and be individuals most teenagers just wanted to blend in and follow the herd, and in the end there were only five familiar themes to choose from.
1. Winter Wonderland/Snow Ball /Yule Ball
2. Once Upon a Time(Fairytales and stories)
3. Enchanted Forest or Magical Garden
4. Candy land
5. Masquerade Ball
Students were just handed a ballot paper and asked to vote for their favourite and with the result revealed at the following weeks assembly.
The winning theme in the end was the Enchanted Forest, and Katniss was secretly thrilled. Now the theme was picked it was time for the hard work to begin, and time to see if Peeta was ready to join the dance committee.
Peeta and Jo were sitting on one of the benches outside the school when Katniss walked over.
“Hey” she called
Peeta waved, Jo gave a nod.
“Peeta, if that offer to help out with the dance is still on the table the dance committee is meeting tomorrow after school to get things moving. I was wondering if you’d like to come along and get an idea of budget, how we can pull off the theme and if we can actually make something out of nothing” Katniss joked.
“I don’t know Katniss-“ but before he could finish Jo interrupted
“He’ll be there. What time and can I help too? My dad owns the forest out past Turn 4. He might be able to help with some stuff for decoration.”
“Ok, well we be in Room 17 from about 4 pm and Jo it would be great to have more help. I’ll leave you guys to it then. Bye”
As she walked away she missed the glare Peeta threw at Jo and the grin that spread across her face.
“What? You have been crazy about her for years. Now’s you chance to woo her” grinned Jo
“She has a scary boyfriend or did you forget that? A boyfriend who has no issue with beating a guy like me and might I add he has the connections to dispose of me where no one can find me.” He muttered darkly
“I dunno I know what people say but, I don’t think they are a couple….. anyway never mind that it’ll be at least one fun memory we’ll have of going to this place before we head to Capitol.”
Over the next few weeks Peeta’s life and routine took on a different one. The initial meeting of the dance committee had been nerve wracking but the other members, along with Katniss made him and Jo feel very welcome.
Peeta was wary at first but there was no punchline, he wasn’t a joke to anyone and surprisingly he started to enjoy the meetings.
The other members Annie Cresta, Thom Dalton, Brian Turner or Beetee as he was known, Delly Cartwright and Cecelia Hubert were a mixed but fun group.
“Hey Peeta, can you take a look at this?” Katniss called
“What’s up?” he asked.
“This…. I think I did it wrong…..it looks..” they two of them tilted their heads looking at the mess in front of them Katniss was supposed to be making centre pieces from twigs adorned with lights, and flowers.
“I think you’ve glued things on upside down, it’s okay we’ll fix it” he tried not to laugh. Katniss was the least crafty person he had ever met.
“I like the arch way, you’ve made it look really spectacular, it will make the entrance look so special. You have really helped us to set the theme, you and Jo.”
“Well you know us art nerds” Peeta mumbled as he undid some of Katniss handiwork.
“I don’t….but I’d like too” Katniss whispered in a low voice.
Peeta didn’t dare to look at her but kept going with what he was doing. He wasn’t sure what to say. He took a deep breath and prepared to ask her what she meant when suddenly the door burst open and there stood Gale, Cato and the other Jays players.
Gale was wearing what looked like doctors scrubs while the others were dressed in tacky sexy nurse outfits that no nurse in their right mind could wear and work in.
“Hey Katniss”
Peeta would swear he felt Katniss stiffen beside him, then she took a deep breath and turned to look(along with the rest of the room)
Gale unravelled his sign which said “I’m no doctor but it appears you’re suffering from DATELESSNESS. My suggestion is…..” meanwhile the rest held up signs that read “A date with Gale?” And “What more could you want?” And “A dose of Vitamin G!”
“No!” she shouted and the laughter and shouts of the Jays stopped.
“Just no! I told you this last night, the night before. You NEVER listen to me? I don’t want to date you or even go to the dance with you. I’ve tried being polite but it’s gotten me no where, please leave me alone and stop this. I’m not your girlfriend. I don’t want to be. Just stop”
“You selfish b-“ Gale started towards Katniss but Peeta stepped in front of her.
“I wouldn’t take another step or utter another word Hawthorne. Just take your guys and go. Or would you like me to call Miss Trinket?” Peeta’s voice was low and calm. Thom and Beetee had stood up too and walked towards Katniss and Peeta.
“Or what Smellark?” spat Gale.
“Funny, real funny but I think after 4 years you guys could have gotten a bit more creative with your insults. Cato, why don’t you take Gale and the guys and leave. Katniss has refused Gale’s offer, there is nothing else to be said.”
In the crowd of guys a few looked angry but others just looked confused about what had gone on. Had Gale really been hassling Katniss? He made it sound like she had wanted this big fuss but what if she hadn’t? The team started to move away and soon the room was cleared.
“Umm thanks guys…now where were we?”
“Hey Everdeen, I thought that guy was your boyfriend?” asked Jo confused by what had happened.
“Nope. Never was, never will be. He’s never been my type” Katniss smiled
“Interesting…..and would you type maybe be a little less male perhaps?” teased Jo much to the amusement of the others
“Sorry Jo, I’m not into girls, but I do know that Delly happens to think you are real cute.” And with a shocked squeak from Delly the whole committee burst into giggles.
Once everyone had settled down Katniss walked over to Peeta.
“Hey Peeta? Thanks for what you did for me with Gale. I don’t know why he has to act like that you know?”
“Katniss it’s ok really. I’ll walk you to your car after we’re done here if you want? In case he’s still around.”
“Thanks, but I should be ok. Right I better get these to Annie.” She nodded her head at the closed box in her hands that she had picked up from somewhere.
“What’s in it?
“Flowers! I may not be much good at making centerpieces but if you need a paper flower I’m your girl” she grinned as she said this “open the box and have a look.”
Peeta’s stomach dropped when he opened the box there were daisies, roses and right at the top yellow dandelions like the one given to him all those years ago.
“Peeta? Are you ok?” a worried Katniss asked.
“Yeah. Sorry just zoned out. These are really pretty. I better get back to the trees.”
Peeta worked quietly for rest of the hour to trying to figure out why Katniss had given him the flower all those years ago and the pencils and notebook which became his companions. In the notebook he drew his fears, his hopes covering every page and when it was full his mom bought him a new one. Even now he always had a notebook in his bag.
“Peeta? Can I give you a lift home?” asked Katniss Peeta startled at her voice he looked around and was slightly shocked to see they were the last people there. He hadn’t heard the others leave.
“Ok.” He shrugged and gathered up his stuff.
“Katniss? Can I ask you something?” Peeta was nervous but he needed to know why she did what she did.
“Sure.” She nodded
“After…. the Cato incident there was a paper flower and art stuff left in my locker. Did you do that?”
He watched her hands tighten around the steering wheel and she took a deep breath before she answered.
“Yes. I just wanted to give you something nice you know. Those guys were so mean and the rest of us should’ve done more, told the teachers. I watched you almost disappear and I hated that the light in your eyes dimmed so much. Your family was going through so much.”
“You were just a kid Katniss,it’s ok. Really. We got help. As a family we’ve survived. What else could you have done?” He reached over and put his hand on hers, it was awkward in the car but he wanted -no needed- her to know that he was ok.
“Your flower gave me hope, gave my life some color at a time when I had none. Thank you for seeing me, at a time when I felt no one did.”
“I always saw you Peeta.” She was looking at him now Peeta wanted to look away her gaze was almost too intense.
“You’re a painter. You’re a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You are the noisiest walker I have ever heard. And you always double-knot your shoelaces.”
“I know these things because I’ve always watched you and yes I know that’s crazy and I sound like a stalker but I need you to know this because we’re going away to college soon and I would like to at least be your friend but what I really want is to know you better and Leon knows and he told me that if I didn’t tell you I liked you he would.”
“Slow down… what?”
“I like you. A lot. Your stupid brother found out and has been teasing me. He said he would tell you before I could especially since we’re going to be at the same college next year. If you just want a friend that’s fine but I would really like to go on a date so you could get to know me…. and then…..well who knows….”
“Okay like let’s go on a date or like I’m going to get out of car and run away?”
“The first one.”
And so they had their first date 2 nights later.
And their first kiss that night too.
Peeta asked Katniss to be his girlfriend on their third date.
They went to their dance together and danced under the canopy of trees and flowers they had helped create.
They had their first fight when Peeta struggled to understand what a girl like Katniss saw in him. He questioned why? He kept expecting things to fall apart and doubted what they had was real.
Eventually his mom took him aside and told him that his problems were bigger then him and a professional would be better placed to help him.
“You deserve happiness Peeta,let us help you find it.”
He started seeing Dr Aurelius with Katniss, his family and friends supporting him every step of the way.
He told Katniss he loved her one evening when they were in her parent’s house. They were watching a stupid movie and she was laughing. He watched her eyes crinkle, her chuckles ringing in the air as she sat there in a panda onesie and he blurted it out.
She smiled at him and throwing her arms around his neck she told him the same, placing tiny kisses all over his face.
And then they graduated. The one person who didn’t was Cato Snow who was expelled following a positive drug test and several reports of bullying.
Gale never spoke to Katniss again.
A few of the Mockingjays team had apologized for their part in the dance proposal telling Katniss they had believed Gale when he told them that it was her idea.
Neither wanted to go to the end of year dance, instead they went with some of their friends to a small cabin by a lake and had a quiet celebration.
And later, in the quiet of the night after they had spent time having their own private celebration. Katniss sang to Peeta
Let the bough break, let it come down crashing
Let the sun fade out to a dark sky
I can’t say I’d even notice it was absent
‘Cause I could live by the light in your eyes
I’ll unfold before you
Would have strung together
The very first words of a lifelong love letter
Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose you
I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose you
I choose you, yeah
There was a time when I would have believed them
If they told me that you could not come true
Just love’s illusion
But then you found me
And everything changed
And I believe in something again
My whole heart
Will be yours forever
This is a beautiful start
To a lifelong love letter
Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose You
I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose You
I choose You
We are not perfect we’ll learn from our mistakes
And as long as it takes I will prove my love to you
I am not scared of the elements I am underprepared,
But I am willing
And even better
I get to be the other half of you
Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose You, yeah
I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose You
I choose You
I choose You
She had just finished and Peeta was about to say something when Johanna shouted.
“Seriously?? It was bad enough listening to you two screwing each other senseless now I have to hear you sing?! Keep this up and you’ll have to find a new roommate!”
After their laughter subsided Peeta turned to Katniss and whispering quietly he said.
“I choose you too. Always.”
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untilspringdays · 5 years
Catalyst: Chapter 4 Answers and Choices
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Summary:  You were the catalyst, the start of it all. They would have found each other eventually but you brought them together sooner, faster than expected. Then you vanished from their lives and they were determined to get you back.
Pairings: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU | Angst, Fluff, Smut (Eventually)
Warnings (This chapter): Angst, Swearing, Panic, Blood
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me! I really appreciate it! A little shorter than the last one sorry..
Word Count: 3k
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Taglist:  @jooheonbee​ @s-noir​ @asifetch7​ @crackhead1-800​ @slutkoo​ @softescapism​ (Ask me or message me to be added!)
Despite the walk to grow accustomed to having two bangtan boys knowing you were alive, you still weren’t used to it. 
The extreme amount of fear and anxiety you felt just moments ago still lingered in your system. Even as you stepped into your home you couldn’t shake feeling like you were going to be sick. 
You tossed your keys onto the kitchen counter as soon as you stepped in the door. Not even caring about the company that had followed you to your apartment, you headed directly for the couch and slumped down on the old thing. You knew the shape your home was in. Something they were going to have to take in, something that would make them realize just how much your life had changed because of what they did to you. 
Needless to say they were shocked. Jimin especially.. What he was looking at right now reminded him of that old dingy apartment he used to share with you before he got the job working with Namjoon. Their eyes scanned the immediate surroundings, taking in the little details and how it differed from how you used to be. 
Next to them from the entrance was a small kitchen. The fridge you had shorter than you. A small stove to match. It looked like only one person could stand in the kitchen at a time. There wasn’t even a dishwasher.. Next to the sink sat a couple of pill bottles. Other than that the kitchen was clear and clean. It was just…
A small counter separated what was the kitchen from what was considered the living space. There was maybe four feet of space from the counter and the back of the couch you were sitting on. A small coffee table sat not too far from the couch, and in front of that was a small tv. Next to the couch on the right side, was a side table that was right up against the wall. Beside that table was a chair. The two men could walk directly from the door to the living space if they wanted, but there was no other way in aside from the path that was clearly laid out. 
Following the gap and the counter led to a hallway. It only had a couple of doors. A bedroom, a bathroom, a laundry room, and a closet..
After seeing all of this.. Jimin had decided that this was worse than what the two of you had shared. Guilt back to chewing at him on the inside. Even if BTS wasn’t the one that ordered the hit, they still could have helped you but they chose not to. They could have looked for you instead of so easily believing you were dead.. 
Your voice broke them from their thoughts. “I know it’s small. Just come sit down.” Your voice was stern showing you didn’t really want them to judge how small your home was but it was for the best. 
Hoseok was the first one to move, choosing to settle down into the chair on the far wall from the entrance. Jimin had lingered in his spot a little longer. His eyes taking in the small details of your house a little longer. Despite it’s aged appearance and size, it was clean. Clearly well taken care of. 
Eventually the younger moved and settled next to you. Leaving enough space so that you felt comfortable. They were invading your private space. It’s mostly why he chose to keep to the bookstore, and the arena. He didn’t want to push you too far, but you had offered this time. 
You didn’t really look at either of them as they settled down. A large yawn escaping you as you sank further into the couch, trying to get comfortable despite the slight tension in the air.
“Alright.. Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way. What questions do you two have? I figure you have more for me at the moment than Jimin does, Hobi.” You turned your attention to the older male. 
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. The second in command studying you, as his mind thought of questions he would like to ask you that wouldn’t push you too far. He could already tell that Jimin had developed an attachment to you again, and he wasn’t sure the younger would be able to let go this time. 
“Well I’m gonna go ahead and ask about this small place. Why here? You had yourself set up pretty well at the other location.” He asked knowing that you were already going to say it was because of them but he wanted to hear you say it. To see if he could catch you in a lie. At this current point in time he saw you as a bit of a threat to his family, even if he was secretly happy that you were alive.
You stared at him for a moment trying not to be blunt seeing how you did offer your place to catch up, and answer questions. You could also feel Jimin’s curious gaze on you but it wasn’t the same look that Hobi was giving you. 
“Well the first issue is that I was afraid whoever wanted me dead was going to come back and finish the job if I stayed. Plus I needed to get out of BTS territory.. and the fact that I have a small place like this is due to the fact that Mason doesn’t own any fancy apartments like some of us in the room.” You couldn’t help but be a little aggressive after everything you had been through today. Hell for the past amount of time since knowing a BTS member again.
“He lets me stay here for rent free for watching the bookstore. The money from fights is to help me get back on my feet fully and pay off some other things. But…” You mentioned. You had enough money to get out of this apartment but the sense of feeling safe was something you didn’t want to get rid of. Moving out of this building meant going back into BTS territory or into another gang’s territory, and increasing your chance of getting targeted again. It wasn’t something you wanted to do. 
You let out a small sigh. “Mason wants his territory, the small amount he has, to remain as safe as possible. Because of that safety that he has provided, I don’t want to move.. I feel safe here.” You fiddled with your fingers, your gaze turning away from either of the men sitting near you. Anxiety eating at you from the inside as you now had to think back on bad things. 
“So you have enough money to get out if you wanted?” Jimin asked with concern clear in his voice. A tone showing you he cared about your situation. 
You nodded, eyes remaining on the ground in front of you. 
“Why didn’t you just move far away from here? You said yourself that you have enough money.”
Hobi asked again, his dark gaze locked on your person trying to figure out if you were lying. 
You paused. You asked this question yourself a lot, but it wasn’t just as simple as upping and leaving. Ever since your fake death your way of thinking had changed so much. 
You let out a small sigh. “I just couldn’t leave like that.. Even with Mason’s help. I’m classified as dead. He can’t go and get me any forged documents because that meant crossing into boundaries other gang’s covered, and pissing one off..” You didn’t finish the statement, you didn’t need to for them to understand what would happen. “I wouldn’t let him risk his safe spot just for me nor would he want to. I’m not worth the risk in either of our minds.”
“So you are essentially stuck?” Jimin asked, his gaze somewhere in front of him, not focused on you. You could tell that he was already thinking through things now that he understood more of your situation. 
“Yes.” You said softly. While you could have made it out and probably have gotten someone to forge some documents somewhere else, the risk was too great for you. You were too afraid. Despite all of your training and all of your victories in the underground arena, you were still very afraid. 
You weren’t tough as you tried to make yourself out to be. You were just a normal person, living an average life with what you thought were average friends. You shouldn’t have kept your friendship with them once you learned the truth of what they did, but you cared about them.. And because of your normal life nearly getting killed caused you some severe trauma. 
Now here you were. Stuck in a not so normal life. Looking over your shoulder at every turn. Listening very closely to anything anyone said. Every little detail wasn’t missed by you outside of your safe space. Not when it meant life or death for you. 
“I guess we owe Mason sort of then for taking care of you.” Jimin said after a moment of silence between all of you. 
“What? No. We don’t owe him anything.” Hobi spoke up before you could say anything. A frown clear on his face. “Besides you already watched the arena for him. Why would you even say anything like that?”
You opened your mouth to stop the conversation before it persisted but it was too late Jimin was already speaking again. 
“What do you mean? King is our friend. Our good friend. Mason helped her when we didn’t even try to figure out if she was dead or not!” Jimin said standing up trying to prove his point on the situation. “We just simply accepted what we were told! Or rather you, Jin, and Joon did.” Jimin turned away from his brother, away from you. 
“We just had to accept it as fact, when it clearly wasn’t.” The younger said lowly, making an accusation that he had no proof of. 
You stood instantly at the same time that Hoseok did. Placing a hand on his chest stopping him from moving closer to the other BTS member, and yelling in return. 
“Enough!” You growled out. Your body trembling from being afraid but you couldn’t have a fight or even an argument break out in your small home right now. “Both of you did what you had to do. Besides even if you looked, I didn’t want to be found so you wouldn’t have found me! So please for the love of god, do not fight about it!”
You didn’t want this. You didn’t want them to argue over your situation or throwing accusations all over the place. You understood that Jimin cared about you, but you didn’t want to come between their brotherhood. They always had a special bond between all seven of them, you wouldn’t be the one to ruin it. 
You looked at the two of them, seeing them glaring at each other. “Look. I appreciate you helping me out Jimin but if it’s going to cause issues between you and BTS then please don’t continue it. Just go back to your life, and forget I existed alright? It will probably be best for everyone.”
The two gang members turned to you. Shock was clear on Jimin’s face while Hoseok was just a little surprised. Hobi assumed that this thing was you trying to split up his gang, his family but his assumption didn’t seem to be true at least not for now, considering what he just said. 
“I..” Jimin paused glancing at Hoseok for a second. “I can’t. I don’t want to forget about you, and I want to clear BTS’ name. I’m certain that none of us ordered the hit on you.. I don’t see why we would. I just want to find out the truth.” 
You looked to Hobi for a second before turning to Jimin. Gently you grasped his hands in yours, knowing the small touch will bring him some comfort. “I know Jiminie, but since we’re being honest here.. I gave up trying to figure out the truth a long time ago. It will only lead to hurt.. And I don’t want any of you to hurt anymore than you already have.. I have already made peace with my situation.” Your eyes were on his.
The two of you were focused on each other for just a small moment before he sighed and turned away dropping your hands in the process, causing you to frown. He wasn’t going to give this up so easily, was he?
You turned to Hoseok, a small sad smile on your face. “I appreciate you stopping by Hobi. I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused.” You took a step closer to him, your hands folded behind your back before quickly giving the older man a hug before stepping back. 
Hoseok paused, his hesitation not giving him the chance to return your hug. The hug only reminded him of how much he missed your warmth those few years ago. How you brought a sense of normal to all of them. But he could tell you wanted them to leave. That you have had enough for today. 
He ran a hand through his hair before giving you a reassuring look. “Don’t worry about it.” He walked past you, his hand landing on Jimin’s shoulder for a moment before heading for the door. “Lets go Jimin.” The second in command told the younger. 
A simple, “Right.” Left Jimin before he turned and followed his brother out the door. 
You had turned and watched them leave. A pang of sadness hitting you once again. You were certain you were going to see them again, but it didn’t help your situation. 
It was nice to have someone other than Laine or Mason in your life but you didn’t want to cause any issues. You already didn’t want BTS after you for their failed hit, you certainly didn’t need them after King for trying to split them up. 
With a sigh you walked back to your bedroom, ready to just sleep off the day. You didn’t want to deal with the tension or think about the drama anymore today. 
It had been a few days, and you hadn’t seen either Jimin nor Hoseok. It was concerning but at the same time it was one of the first few times you felt relaxed in the time since seeing either of them again. 
Yes you were afraid the first couple of days because you had gotten used to having Jimin around to protect you but it was better this way. You were meant to be on your own. You could protect yourself. You were okay! 
… No. You really weren’t. As much as you hated BTS, at the same time having them around just reminded you how much you missed them. 
You walked silently along the street. Your coat pulled closely to you. You passed people and groups here and there not really minding any of them. You just wanted to get to the shopping center, then you wouldn’t have to look over your shoulder every so often. 
God you hated crossing into gang territory wherever you went. One point in time you weren’t affected by it all. You never even knew the dangers that lurked around your city let alone the fact they all lingered so closely. Oh how you wished you could go back to that time. 
Your paranoia relaxed just a bit as you grew closer to the shopping center. As soon as you thought you were safe, just within reach of the center, in view of many, you were forcefully pulled aside. The startled noise you let out was cut short as a shaky hand was placed over your mouth. 
Your body instantly reacted going to take whatever action necessary to escape your attacker’s grasp, only to have that grip fall away as soon as you were pulled out of public view. You spun around quickly ready to face certain doom, only to have your eyes wide with shock at the sight before you. 
Before you was Hoseok. His back pressed into the wall as he barely held himself up. Bruises and cuts littered his body. Blood trickling down from his nose and busted lip, as well as a cut from his forehead. How he even had the strength to pull you into the alley, you didn’t know.
“Hoseok?” You asked, stepping closer to him. Your hands were up trying to figure out a way to support him without hurting him. “What happened to you? Who did this?” You asked the already weak man. You couldn’t help the thought of his own brothers doing this to him, doing to him what they did to you. 
Dull eyes looked up at you, seeming to barely acknowledge you were there. Your real name escaped his lips, before he finally collapsed in your arms. No longer conscious of the world around him. 
Panic consumed you. No.. He would be fine right? His brothers were coming to get him right? Eyes looked around, hoping someone could step in and help you but it would most likely be the worst case scenario for you. You didn’t know how serious his injuries were, you couldn’t just sit around and wait on someone when he most likely needed help now…
You fought back the urge to scream out in frustration, in panic, in many other emotions you couldn’t put a name to at the moment, you didn’t have the time. 
As you shifted the grip you had on the taller man, a small thought entered your head. You could just leave him here and be done with the whole BTS issue. Surely after everything you have been through, you had the right to do that. You could do that. You hated him right?
No. You couldn’t, you wouldn’t. You loved him too much. 
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taegris · 5 years
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Prompt: “When you offered me apple cider I assumed it wasn’t going to be spiked. Now I’m trashed at our local fall festival and you have to take care of me, which I’m not necessarily mad about since you’re gorgeous and all of that.”
A part of the Falling in Love project by @btswriterscollective​
in collaboration with @jkeuphoriadreamland​ and @ddaengyoonmin​. Please go check out their works, I will have them linked below!
original introduction by @jkeuphoriadreamland​
tags: smut, fluff, awkward Jungkook, dom!Jungkook, oral (fem receiving), accidental consumption of alcohol, praise kink, choking. oneshot.
word count: 5.9k
“I just don’t get why we have to be in charge of the booth! I mean, who even stops to get cider when there’s all kinds of rides and games and shit to choose from.” Jungkook grumbles, mostly to himself as he turns to sit on a patch of grass by Yoongi’s feet.
“Come on, Jungkook. We only have to do it a couple of hours and then we’re free to go. You can still do all of that later, alright?” Jin says, pleading for Jungkook to stop whining about the damn booth already, setting up the cider in a row on the table in front of their humble stand.
 Somehow Jin had signed himself and the rest of his frat buddies up to be in charge of a booth for the University’s Annual Fall Festival. Each fraternity was in charge of deciding what to sell at their own booth, but since Jin was the only one that showed up at the meeting, he alone chose their fate.
“I just don’t understand what was going through your mind, Jin. Why Cider?” Jimin laughs. 
“I don’t know, why was I the only one at the meeting? Huh??” Jin questions, defensive. They all fall silent, staring at the ground. “Listen, whatever we sell, we get a percentage of the profit for our frat. Imagine all the soju we can buy! Yeah? Now quit complaining and start selling some cider before I kick your collective asses.” He shoots a pointed look at Jungkook, who sulks further on the ground. 
“Yah! Where are you going?” Jin shouts to Namjoon, who’s walking away from the stand.
“Publicity!” Namjoon yells behind his shoulder, not bothering to turn around.
“Yeah, THAT’S the spirit!” Jin grins. Namjoon offers a lazy thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd. Jin claps his hands together before collecting the paper straws and throwing them into a mason jar on the counter. “Everybody else, let’s get to work!”
Yoongi and Jungkook don’t move a muscle from their spot by the lawn chairs, the rest of the boys moving around them and setting up. Jungkook can already feel the long evening before him. He groans, and Yoongi nods in agreement.
Jungkook doesn’t know how long he spaced for, but the next thing he knows, the sky has darkened, the boys are playing beerless beer pong, and Yoongi is wheezing, tears streaming out of his face, at something Jin did.
“Hyung, I’m going out to see if I can find any customers. Have fun.” Taehyung says, walking into the crowd. 
Jungkook can’t help but be jealous of the man. He escaped. Jungkook sulks again, feeling the pull of the outside world. He knows he’d rather be doing ANYTHING else, like eating funnel cake, or playing the new mobile VR setup at the other end. Ah, the VR system… Jungkook decides he can’t take it anymore. He’s got to get away. He looks around and sees everyone distracted, Jin attempting to dance to the university’s fight song and the rest singing and laughing around him. Jungkook starts backing up, still crouched on the ground, inching his way out of the booth, before his back hits something. He freezes, dread filling him, and turns to catch eye contact with Yoongi. There’s a moment before either do anything, where Jungkook just stares sheepishly at his hyung, praying for the best, but the moment is broken with a motion from Yoongi to leave, a small smile on his face. Jungkook’s face brightens and he sneaks out before the last verse of the fight song is finished, flashing Yoongi a grateful look and fleeing the booth at last.
Jungkook ventures past the concession area into the games, marveling at the booths. Ring Toss, apple bobbing, henna tattooing, various vendors, and lots of shouting. He grins, the rumble of a crowd turning into white noise. He’s always enjoyed carnivals and festivals and the like; there’s something about the mass amount of people that feels like comfort. Everyone’s doing their own thing, talking amongst themselves, too focused on their caramel apples and Ferris wheels to worry about what others are doing. It’s a special kind of solitude that Jungkook has always been drawn to.  
Jungkook spots a far too familiar silhouette in the distance by a game of Darts, and he tenses. Taehyung’s talking to a potential customer, his hand on his neck, obviously using his charms to sell faster. Jungkook had to admit that Taehyung has always been good at this, reeling people into all of the games and activities the frat hosts. His charisma is not something to be ignored. Luckily for Jungkook though, that means that Taehyung’s focus is entirely on the girl before him now, which means an escape route for Jungkook. Hope is not lost! He sends a quick thank you to the skies before quickly slipping past the two of them, integrating into the crowd of people moving on to the carnival rides. He can’t help but grin at his success. 
Jungkook only walks a moment before the festival grounds widen, and the crowd of people disperses, leaving Jungkook standing alone in the middle of the carnival rides. He scans the area, looking for the VR setup. He looks past the Ferris wheel, carousel, Zipper, and bumper cars, before he spots it between two photo booths, but something else catches his eye before he can walk in that direction. 
A funhouse sits in the center of everything, illustrations of bananas and monkeys and tropical trees scattered across the surface. The sign above says “Monkey Maze” in reflective mirrored lettering, shining with the lights of the carousel across from it. It plays its own music, almost seeming like its own world in the middle of all of this. College kids can be heard from inside, rambunctious laughter and shouts echoing off of the mirrored walls. Jungkook takes a step toward it, intrigued. That is, until he spots Namjoon.
Namjoon is stood in the center of it all, talking to every person that gives him a second of their day, trying his damndest to get customers to come to their booth across the festival. A shot of fear along with a small pang of guilt shoots through Jungkook, and he darts behind the closest object. It’s a trash can, surprisingly well kept. Jungkook’s breathing is rapid, but starts to slow as soon as there’s no way his hyung can spot him, and he starts to think of an escape plan. He just has to wait until someone talks to Namjoon a bit longer, possibly having some interest in the booth, so Namjoon is too focused to spot Jungkook dart across to the VR set directly across. If he can get there, he’s safe. Right? Jungkook decides he might need a better plan. He slowly looks back towards Namjoon, peeking out from the side of the trash can, trying his best to stay hidden. However, when he spots Namjoon, he notices he’s occupied. Someone’s already talking to him, and seems to have captured his full attention. His smile is brighter than normal, his eyes lighting up with interest. Jungkook can’t help but smile as he wonders if Namjoon is interested in more than selling cider to this girl. He’ll have to ask about it later. For now though, he’s found his opening. Namjoon and the girl walk back in the direction of the cider booth, which will give Jungkook enough time to-
“What are you doing?”
Jungkook snaps his head up and whips around, coming face to face with the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, and a shot of electricity courses through him. It’s literally like the movies, he can’t help but think. He can’t feel his face. Like, he knows that doesn’t make sense, but it’s like everything in his body froze, and he can’t move. His eyes are wide as he stares at you, trying desperately to come up with what to say. Namjoon would know what to say. WWND; what would Namjoon do? Probably say hi, for starters. Maybe smoothly talk about his rapping skills and invite her to karaoke, or-
“Hello?” You say, cocking your head to the side. “You alive?”
“Yeah!” Jungkook croaks out, the words sounding like they were squeezed from an empty ketchup bottle.
“You know you look like a fucking creep, right?” 
“You’re huddled by a trash can. Watching kids play games.”
Jungkook is fucking horrified.
“NO-I just- I was hiding!!!!”
Jungkook whips around to point at Namjoon, but he’s long disappeared, leaving Jungkook without an excuse.
“Let me guess; they’re gone?”
Jungkook nods, looking at the ground. Then, he hears the prettiest sound; you’re laughing, loudly, and like you don’t care if anyone hears. It does something to him he can’t describe. The best he can come up with is that he feels warm; cider filling his veins. When he glances up again, your eyes are crinkled in the corners, a small dimple forming at the side of your mouth. God, he doesn’t know what to do.
“Yeah, okay, well you should probably stand up then.”
“Ah-right.” Jungkook stands, but too fast, and he sees stars. He feels your hands bracing him, holding his arm and torso to keep him steady.
“You okay?” You ask, genuine concern across your features, before you quickly let go and brush your hands nervously across your thighs, looking back down at your feet.
“Huh-yeah! I’m good.” Jungkook says, punctuating with a small cough. Your laugh is more nervous this time, quieter. He wants to hear the other laugh again. 
“Well, bye, I guess.” you say, backing up, a small smile playing on your features as you turn around and face the crowd. You turn again when you feel Jungkook’s hand around your bicep, a question on your lips. To be honest, Jungkook doesn’t have the answer. He doesn’t remember reaching for you, although he is glad he did. But you look kinda confused and you already think he’s crazy so maybe he should say something? Yeah, probably.
“Do you like cider?” he blurts out.
“As a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask? You say, stepping out of his grasp. He retracts his hand, looking you in the eyes.
“Uh, my fratmates and I? We’re selling this cider, to raise funds for future events. If you want, I can take you to the booth?”
You look at him, a smile forming on your lips but uncertainty in your eyes.
“I could get you a free glass!” he smiles brightly, holding his breath. 
“Mm… okay, well I can’t say no to free.” you say, and he grins, turning towards the direction of the booth. “Even if you’re a creep.”
He whips around to look at you, stunned, his face painting the horror he feels. "I SWEAR-”
And there it is again, a laugh that sings loud for all the world to hear. He feels the tension leave his shoulders as he smiles again.
“Haha, very funny.” He says, shaking his head and leading you towards the booth.
“Hey, what’s your name?” you call to him.
“Oh, sorry! It’s Jungkook.”
You smile at him.
“Well, Jungkook, I better like this cider.”
“You will!” He says, grinning. “I’m sure of it!”
From the first drink of the cider, you can tell something is wrong. It tastes slightly...what’s the word….bitter? Maybe the cider was left in the sun or something? 
“So, what’s in the cider?” you ask, staring into the cup.
“Apples, cinnamon, nutmeg..” he trails off, trying to remember the rest.
“Alcohol of any sort?” you ask, looking at him. His face contorts with confusion.
“No, we couldn’t do that because of the regulations of the booth.”
“Oh.” now you’re just as confused as he is.
“It’s handmade, though. I had a few glasses earlier in the day when we first opened. It doesn’t taste like storebought, it’s not as sweet, but I hope it’s still okay?”
“No! No don’t worry, it’s really good, it’s just not what I expected.” you chug the rest of the glass. “Can I have another?”
Turns out another was a bad idea. You’re at the end of your cider and in the middle of Jungkook’s story about Namjoon accidentally releasing a crab in the common area when you feel it. Your body suddenly feels slow, your thinking slightly swayed, and you know you’re tipsy. 
“Is everything okay?” Jungkook asks, concern on his features as he bends near you. Your hand stops him by the shoulder, giggles rising in your throat. 
“Oh my god, you’re so close.” You say in a slight whisper, nose crinkling as you giggle. 
Jungkook is genuinely confused by this. He squints at you for a second before his head tilts to the right.
“Hey, uh...?”
“Oh yeah, you told me that earlier, huh!”
“Yes, I did.”
“I forgot.”
“What were you going to say?”
“Oh right. I think I’m a bit tipsy?”
His face drops, and you can’t help but laugh.
“No, seriously, can you taste the cider?”
He quickly gets up and drinks a bit. He feels a bit of warmth in his chest, a warmth he knows isn’t from the temperature of the drink. His heart drops.
“Oh my god Y/N, I am so sorry, I swear to god I didn’t do this on purpose.” the panic in his eyes is telling enough for you. 
“Don’t worry! I believe you!” you laugh, smiling at him extra hard so he knows you mean it. You see him relax, and it’s just as cute as before. 
“You do?”
“Yeah! I mean, when you offered me cider I kinda assumed it wasn’t gonna be spiked. But! You didn’t mean to! So it’s okay!” You’re trying your best to comfort him, but he still seems like he feels guilty. “But now you gotta take care of me, okay? Deal?”
He cracks a small smile at that. 
Four cups of water and a few hours later, Jungkook can tell that you’re feeling like you again. Thank god. He truly doesn’t know who could have possibly thought of the fucking TERRIBLE idea of spiking the GOD DAMN APPLE CIDER THEY’RE SELLING but he’s going to kick some fucking ASS as soon as he finds out. 
“And then she screamed, so I had to chase a god damn spider across the house and find it to release outside so she’d stop freaking out.” You’re laughing, sitting back against the back of the counter, recounting a story about you and your roommate, which he’s only half listening to. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, he’s trying hard to stay focused on you, but he keeps getting distracted. Your hair will fall in front of your eyes, or you’ll rub your hands together, or you’ll shift, and suddenly he’s focused on how relaxed you seem around him, how easy it was to talk to him and open up. He’s both jealous and entranced by you, and it’s intoxicating. He’s sure if anyone heard his thoughts they’d all call bullshit, but he can’t help but to feel as though he’s finally feeling what his hyungs have only been able to describe to him, feeling what the movies and poems and literature all talk about. The more he learns about you, the more he wants to learn about you. A smile pulls at his features as he hears you talk about another incident in which you embarrassed yourself, saying a name wrong on an order in the coffee shop you work at. The blush on your cheeks is so cute, he thinks.
The shout from across the way startles Jungkook, and dread seeps into his veins. Namjoon was on his way back.
“We gotta clean up, man! Start packing up!”
“Shit!” Jungkook whispers, ducking further behind the counter, praying he isn’t seen.
“Who’s that?” you ask, looking to him. 
“Namjoon, I guess we’re packing up.” “And I’m guessing you don’t want to pack up?” “Not at all.” He looks at you, a small pang of sadness piercing him as he looks at you. This might be goodbye.
“Then don’t.” you say, a playful look in your eye. He tilts his head in confusion. “Follow me, okay?” He doesn’t have time to argue as you drag him with you, darting across and away from the cider booth. He can’t help but laugh as he sprints across the festival with you, the place barren of people now in the dead of night. 
All of the booths are shutting down now, people packing their trucks and cars with tents and tarps and tables. However, the rides still light up the sky in brilliant colors. Jungkook sighs a little at the sight before he feels your pull to the left. 
You both now face the Monkey Maze, blindingly bright against the stars, neon greens and yellows searing into your corneas. You pull at his hand and loop you both around the back.
“The Monkey Maze?” Jungkook smiles, a question on his lips.
“Well, we need a place to hide, funhouses happen to be my favorite attraction, and it’s supposedly out of order today. So, we’re sneaking in.” “We’re sneaking in?”
“Jungkook??” Taehyung calls, and Namjoon closely follows.
“Okay, we’re sneaking in,” Jungkook says with a curt nod, before opening the back entrance. 
Inside, the colored lights are still on in the mirrored maze, reflecting reds and blues on your features. You slow down as your hand reaches a dead end in the maze.
“Ah, fuck. I was never good at these.” You frown. His laugh bounces off of the walls. 
“Me either.” 
“Let’s stop a bit?” You say, your breath a bit ragged. He nods, leaning against the mirrored wall. 
“Thank you.” You say, looking at the ground. He looks up, confused.
“For taking care of me.” You smile.
“It’s the least I could do, really. Thank you for saving me from booth cleanup. I’m sorry I even dragged you into all this.”
“Yeah, drugging me after I catch you creepin’ on children at a festival? So not cool.”
He smacks your arm playfully, and that true laugh of yours bounces around the walls, singing around his frame. His heart feels a bit lighter. 
“It’s a good thing you’re cute.” You say, taking in his features.
Its silent for a moment after that, both of your hearts pounding. He’s trying desperately to think of what to say. He wishes he could hear you talk for hours, but he doesn’t know what questions to ask. Honestly, more than anything, he wants to know what you’re thinking. He looks at your reflection in the mirror, searching for those answers he’s looking for. 
Your gaze meets his in the mirror, a silent question in your eyes. He isn’t exactly sure what you’re asking, but he knows his breathing stops for a moment as he scans your features.
His answer is found in the form of your lips on his, a gentle caress of his face, a tender touch bringing him closer to you. He gasps into your touch, tension leaving his body entirely, until suddenly he stiffens, pulling away from you.
“Are you okay?” you ask, hesitance in your words.
“Are you sober?” He asks, leaning down to meet your gaze. 
“Yes.” you say, smiling.
“Are you sure?” He questions, scanning your face for anything that could say otherwise.
“I promise you, I am.” You say, meeting his eyes in earnest. He breathes a sigh of relief before kissing you again, a sense of urgency behind it, as if he’s been holding back. You smile into the kiss, and so he smiles too, and then he relaxes once more. Something about this exchange brings confidence in him that he hadn’t felt before this moment and he lifts you up, pressing your back against the mirror behind you and wrapping your legs around his torso, allowing this position to get closer to your body as he trails his kisses downward. His mind is buzzing as he feels you against him, never wanting this to end, just wanting to get closer and closer. He kisses your neck, a small press of his tongue against your pulse point before his lips kiss the skin under his touch, his teeth graze your neck as he moves towards your ear to speak to you.
“Is this okay?” he says in a low register, his voice husky and soft all at the same time. You shudder.
“Yes, god, more than okay.” You manage, speaking as low as you can, your voice coming out in a shattered whisper. He smiles against your skin before trailing his kisses downward. His hands reach for your shirt hem, hesitating, and you quickly rip the material from your body, leaving yourself exposed to him. A small groan dies in the back of his throat as he visibly glitches.
“Fuck, you’re so god damn beautiful,” he says in a whisper, with so much sincerity that you tear up a little bit. 
“Can I.. Can I go down on you?” he asks, a small voice that doesn’t match such a bold statement. To be honest, he’s never done this before. His other partners haven’t liked such a thing, so he’s never gotten a chance to try it. But he knows his hyungs like it, and he knows that he really fucking wants to. You nod with an urgency that excites him, and he grins. You grin back, a bit of nervousness in your eyes. Cute. He kisses your neck once more before lowering you back on your feet. You go to take your jeans off, but you’re fumbling, so he reaches forward to help you, pulling your jeans off, hooking your underwear at the same time. You blush as you step out of your jeans. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. Cute. He offers a nod in return before returning to kissing you, pressing your body against the mirror and kissing down your chest. You buck into his touch, which only encourages him forward. He grabs behind your thighs and picks you up before pulling you to him, setting your thighs roughly on his shoulders before he starts kissing, inner thighs covered in his touch. He can tell he’s doing okay by the way you gasp into his touch,  pulling him closer to you by his hair. His brain has effectively shut down, unnecessary thoughts and concerns and anxieties muffled in the background, and he’s able to focus on you, on the way you quiver under his touch, on the way your thigh curves so delicately, on the way your hips have small dents and stretch marks that wrap around towards your navel, on the way that you’re dripping, waiting for his tongue.
He shudders before following his desire, kissing right above your clit, before licking a stripe into your folds. You moan against his touch, tension releasing from your thighs as you trust his grip. He’s lost for a minute in your taste, lust overtaking his mind for the moment, and a soft moan rumbles in his chest. He holds you steady, his hands gripping your thighs, as he gets to work, taking his time as he finds out how you tick. Less here, more here, and definitely more there. His favorite reaction is when he dips his tongue beyond your folds, reaching as far as he can inside of you, pressing his face into your cunt, and you shudder under his touch, your moan drawn out and low in register. He stays there for a moment, fingers digging into your thighs as he strokes you with his tongue, keeping you from moving away from his grip. He then moves back up to your clit, gentle but targeted strokes of his tongue against you as you squirm, getting closer to coming. He moves between the two for a while, gauging what you want based on how you move under his tongue. 
“F-fuck- Jungkook, I’m going to come-” You breathe out, voice rising to a whine at that end. And damn, that’s the hottest thing he’s ever heard. He moans against you, lapping at your clit, then moves down, licking a stripe down your folds before eating you out, pressing his face against you and pulling you closer to him, thighs now clasping around his head as you shake against him. His nose brushes against your clit as he continues to press his mouth against your folds and the stimulation becomes too much, your body shaking as you come on his tongue. Your grip loosens and then tightens on his hair, your thighs holding his head in place, and he shivers at the touch, cleaning you up with his tongue. Your body relaxes, bodyweight back on his shoulders as you drop your grip from his head, and he kisses down your thighs before meeting eye contact with you.
Your eyes are completely blown out, half-closed and gazing down at him, breathing heavy. Jungkook gulps, nearly choking on air. 
“Let me down,” you say, a softness to your voice unfamiliar to him. So he does, lowering you from his shoulders. You kiss him once, slow and a bit sloppy, before you push him back. He inches backward on his knees until you’re satisfied and then watches as you bend for him, on your knees, ass up, your face resting on your forearms. 
“Uh-wait-” he says, voice coming out slightly panicky. You shoot upright.
“Do you not want..?” You ask, concern etched to your features. 
“No! I mean god, yes, but- just-” he rips off his shirt and gestures for you to move. You inch over a bit and he sets his shirt down, spreading it out for you.
“There,” he says, looking down. “It’s dirty.” he offers, blushing a little. You smile softly.
“Thank you,” you say, moving onto the shirt. He smiles a bit, a nervous breath leaving him.
“Um-I don’t have protection with me, uh..” he starts to panic, patting his pockets for his wallet, which he left at the FUCKING booth, god damn it-
“I do,” you say, pulling a condom from your pocket. “They were handing these out for free, so…”
There’s silence for a moment.
“God bless sex ed tents.”
You laugh, his absurdly serious response taking you off guard, and he can’t help but laugh too before taking the condom and tearing the package. He holds it in his teeth while he scoots closer to you, then rolls his jeans off, exposing himself to you. He doesn’t miss the sharp intake of breath as you take him in. He feels a puff of pride settle into his posture and he smirks, taking the condom and rolling it onto his dick. When he looks up, you’re kissing him again, pressing your body to his. It only takes him a moment to react, hands reaching for your waist and pulling you closer. He cradles the back of your head with his hand, holding you close to him, taking in the feeling of being with you. You break the kiss, giggling, and then bend for him again. He takes a moment to take you in, the curve of your spine, the way you’re waiting so eager for him. He’s stunned, at a loss for words.
“Hey, Jungkook?”
“Are you gonna fuck me or not?”
He grips your hips and pulls himself closer to you, the gasp that leaves your body only egging him on. He pushes his dick into you, slowly, glancing at you in the mirror, waiting for your reaction. It doesn’t disappoint him; you press back into him, eyes squeezed shut, jaw slack.
“Oh, fuck, Jungkook-” you gasp but he grips your hip and buries his dick in your throbbing pussy before you can finish your sentence, effectively cutting you off.
“What?” he says, breathy, but his crooked smile is telling that he’s feeling a bit cocky right now.
“Oh my god, just fuck me-” he interrupts again, pulling back just to slam into you again. A choked moan spills from your mouth.
“Fuck you? Like this?” 
“Faster?” he says, slamming into you again, and then again, picking up his pace. Your breath hitches before you melt into his touch, resting your head on your forearms and arching your back further. You open your eyes to look to the right, seeing him pound into you in the mirror, his body outlined in dark crimson from the lights above. He sees this and makes eye contact with you in the mirror, sweat starting to build on his forehead. His hair curls a bit from the moisture, and he smiles in your direction. It’s a tainted smile, a smile you hadn’t seen from him before, and it stirs something within you. 
“Talk to me, Y/N, is this what you want?” His breath is ragged now as he fights himself for the control he wants.
“Oh my- god-” He slams into you, harder than before, and grips your hair, pulling your head up near him. A choked moan falls from your mouth and he leans to your ear.
“What was that?” he says. You nod, and he smiles, his fingers letting go of your hair and wrapping around your neck, squeezing the sides. 
“Good girl.” He whispers in your ear, and watches as the hair on your neck rises. You start to press back into him, and he moans, throwing his head back. When he looks back, he catches your gaze in the mirror in front of you both, and he groans at the sight. You look so fucked out, your hair disheveled and your eyes lit with lust. He pulls out, panting. You straighten and whip around, genuine anger in your eyes.
“What-WHY- I was-”
Jungkook kisses you deeply, hands going to your shoulders, and he starts to climb over you, straddling your body and lowering you slowly to the shirt underneath you.
“I just wanted to see you like this.” Jungkook says softly, breath fanning over your face, his eyes looking for any sign of discomfort. “Is this okay?”
You seem to be taken off guard, your features melting into a wide smile.
“Yes, it’s okay.”
He smiles and pushes into you again, the smile faltering on his features as he feels you around him once again. A moan falls from his lips and he buries his face in your neck for a moment as he finds momentum again. You buck under him, whispers and moans of encouragement spilling off of your tongue, and his confidence is back. 
“You’re so good to me-god. So beautiful, So- so beautiful..” he mumbles, panting. He’s reaching his end. 
“Oh my god-Jungkook, harder-”
You don't have to tell him twice. He lifts his head and pounds into you, reveling in your moans inches from his face, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. He wraps his fingers around your throat and squeezes the sides. He shivers as a small smile plasters your face.
“Yes, yes, yesyesyes..” you say through your teeth, panting heavily.
“You take me so well, Y/N, fuck, you’re such a good girl aren’t you?” he says, his voice leaving him, leaving behind ghosts of words that float off his tongue. 
“For you,” you say, looking at him through half-closed eyes, a playful smile on your face.
Oh, he’s a goner.
He pulls pack and slams into you, picking up his pace, coming towards his end. He’s a bit sloppier now, but the pace is consistent enough, and you tumble over to your climax, gasping in air and eyes rolling back. He slows his pace as he watches you come undone underneath him, feeling you pulse around him, and finally relax, body melting into the floor underneath you, and he comes to his end, loosening his grip on your neck and biting onto your shoulder, moaning at his release. He pulls out gently, making sure he didn’t hurt you, and lays next to you, running his hands up and down your arm, hyper-focused on the way you relax under his touch.
It’s silent for a moment after, except for breaths echoing off of the mirrored walls of the funhouse. Then, your laugh, tired but still as bright as before. Jungkook laughs too. 
“Damn,” you say, a smile permanently etched on your features. “That was fun.”
“Is that why they call it a funhouse?”
You smack his arm and he laughs harder.
Then, the lights go out. You gasp, and he fumbles for his phone. 
He turns on the flashlight and starts scanning the floor for items, picking up your shirt and handing it to you. You only fumble for a second before you grab it, slipping it on. He grabs his shirt and puts it on too, brushing off the dirt from the ground, then tucks his shirt into his jeans. He then turns to you.
“I’m gonna say that’s our cue.”
You laugh and nod.
“I think you’re right.”
After running into the mirrors like eight times, you both step onto the grass and take off running to the end of the fairgrounds, seeing only what’s in the range Jungkook’s phone flashlight. When you stop, you’re both out of breath, gasping for air and laughing softly.
“Thank you, for tonight,” you say softly, a blush hinting at your cheeks. 
“Does it just have to be tonight?” Jungkook says, concern furrowing his brows. It feels like forever until you answer.
“Well, it will be if you don’t ask for my phone number.”
“Ah. Hey, uh, Y/N, can I have-”
“God damn it, give me your phone.” You laugh. He hands it to you, scratching the back of his neck. You hand it back and kiss him gently.
“Walk me to my car?” You say, and he nods, taking your hand in his.
“JUNGKOOOOOOOK!” Taehyung yells as soon as Jungkook opens the door. “Yo, did you hear Jin spiked the cider?”
“Jin?” Jungkook says, stopping dead in his tracks at the news.
He’s going to fucking kill the man.
“Yeah man! Guess he wanted us to have fun or something. It was a riot. We went to go tell you, but couldn’t find you. Where were you?”
“Uh… long story.” he says before he walks into the kitchen, unsure if he wants to share about you just yet. He’ll keep you to himself a little longer. 
“Huh. yeah, guess we all had a day then.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook mumbles, more focused on pouring a glass of milk than Taehyung’s story. He puts the milk back in the fridge and starts to drink from the cup.
“Yeah, accidentally drugged a girl and everything.”
Jungkook chokes, sputtering milk on his socks.
“What?” he gasps out, wiping milk from his face.
“Long story.” he grins, his boxy smile infectious. “I’ll tell you later. Night!”
Taehyung goes to his bedroom, leaving a stunned Jungkook in the kitchen. He reaches for his phone, shaking his head. 
Jungkook: Did you make it home safely?
Y/N: Yes, thank you <3
He smiles, a bit taken back by the heart. It’s probably harmless, but that doesn’t mean his heart doesn’t skip a beat.
Jungkook: I want to see you again.
Jungkook: Would you want to go on a date with me? 
He sends it before he can second guess it. A few minutes go by, in which Jungkook paces the kitchen. The phone dings and he scrambles for it, looking at the screen.
Y/N: What are you doing tomorrow around 7?
a/n: and that’s it! I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think.
Here are the other works in this group!
Wild Ride (Namjoon x Reader)
Spiked (Taehyung x Reader)
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