#If he did that smile in his normal outfit or just an edgy outfit in general I'd be like yay Gladion but this outfit
azureasterart · 8 months
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Anyway. Absolutely cannot stand that =) face Gladion does here is an edited image I made that is 10x better I did NOT clean it up IDC.
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fictionalmenxyn · 4 days
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¡𝟏𝟎 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮!
Pt.1 (making it a story…hopefully) (ALSO not movie accurate!!) (will be based in modern time rather than the 90s/00s)
Pairing: Rafe x reader (strangers/enemies to lovers)
(Face claim: Jessica Alba)
Warnings: language, mentions of the word ‘rape’ (due to a part in the book I reference ‘heroes’ if you haven’t read it, I kinda recommend, I read it for my gcse and it was one of the better books I did for English 😭)
It was the beginning of summer, life was great. Even greater for Rafe, new place, fresh start. Moving from California, to Outer Banks was a big change. Well, it was nice for him. He hoped the people… mainly girls… were different from the fake basic girls in Cali.
It was his first day of school, as for you, it was a normal day of school.
You were in your stone grey Toyota gt86, blasting your rock chick music. As the car next to you blasts white chick music. You rolled your eyes at the basic taste of music.
You pulled off as soon as the light hit green. Driving over to the high school.
Once on you had parked up, you got out of the car. Grabbing your tote bag from the back seat you closed both doors and locked your car. Putting your keys into your bag. You adjusted the straps on your shoulder.
Rafe was already there, talking with his ‘tour guide’. The guy, Jake, went through the basics. More specifically the basics of what group of people was what. The ‘jocks’, ‘popular girls’, ‘cowboys’, etc.
That’s when Rafe spotted you from afar. You walked over to your small (preferably) friendship group. Sitting with them on the small brick wall.
Rage’s attention went from you as Jake patted his shoulder and chuckled. Rafe asked “who’s that??” Jake replied “that, my friend, is Y/n Y/l/n… no point in going for her, man.” Rafe’s eyebrow raised “why not??” Jake answered “dude, she’s like got a huge attitude and kinda a bitch…” Rafe scoffed “you probably said something to upset her or some shit, that’s why..” Jake shakes his head “all I’m sayin’ is, watch out for her, man.”
Rafe’s attention was back on you. The way your hair naturally curls, the way your white band tee hugged your chest nicely, the way your long black skirt hugged your curves in all the right places. The way the slight showed just the right amount of thigh that it would be a nice view; but doesn’t dress code you. The way your docs topped off the outfit nicely. Edgy, but modest. You had different style to other girls in the school. And Rafe, for the first time, wasn’t complaining. He never thought he’d be into girls that didn’t wear dresses that practically suffocated them. Or girls that didn’t wear skirts that showed half of your ass. You were different, a good different.
The bell snapped him out of his thoughts. Shit, he has class, he looked over to you one more time to see you walking away with your friends.
You sat in class, the teacher spoke “so? Did anyone even bother to read heroes??”
A girl raised her hand, “yeah, it was so romantic…” you rolled your eyes and remarked “romantic? Larry raped Nicole, so Francis went on a mission. Then it was wasted cause he didn’t even get to complete the mission cause Larry shot himself. Then Nicole and Francis didn’t even reconnect officially… hardly a love story..”
The teacher spoke “thank you, Y/n… didn’t need the summary but thanks…” you crossed your arms and leaned back into the plastic chair “why can’t we read better books by better authors… like Emily Brontë, or George Orwell, even Chuck Palahniuk, maybe even Steven Ki-”
Your teacher spoke “alright, we get it, you say it every time, and I always say..” you mocked “I can’t do a single thing, it’s the school that picks, not me..” your teacher nodded “exa-” the classroom door opens.
Rafe walks in, he gave a small smile “wha’d I miss?” You look over your shoulder. Looking him up and down “discussing the fact this school picks shitty books rather than actual interesting ones…” he smirked when he heard you speak “great.” He left the class.
You looked to your teacher, they spoke “office, now” you place your books in your tote bag and put it over your shoulder. You gave a small smirk to your friends as they subtly cheered for you. As the completely agreed with your argument.
You walked down the hallway, Rafe leaned against the lockers on his phone. As you walked past he looked up, “Y/n… right?”
You turned on your heel and faced him “who’s asking?” He chuckles softly “I’m uh, Rafe… Rafe Cameron…” you nodded “I know, you’re Ward’s son, right??” He raised an eyebrow. How did she know?
You quickly added “my dad is in the same company as the one your father joined. He told me they chatted and mentioned that you’d be joining here…” he nodded “oh right… yeah, uh where you headin’?”
“The office, once again, the English teacher never likes me.” He chuckled as he walked over to her “why’s that? You smarter than her?” You shrug “wouldn’t say smart, I just have good taste in book unlike her or the school…” he nodded. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his slacks “so… mind if I walk with you?” You shook your head “I don’t mind. I wasn’t going to the principals office anyways..” he smirked “bad girl, huh?” You playfully rolled your eyes “more like, the principal is fed up of me going to her office… so here I am, roaming the halls for the next…” you look at your watch “..ten minutes”
He nods, you walk side by side. Rafe didn’t know what he was feeling. He wasn’t intimidated but felt almost shy. He couldn’t describe it, you look the type to rip people’s head off if they bark back at you. But honestly… that was hot in his eyes.
It was currently lunch, you sat on the bleachers with your friends. Eating lunch and talking about anything and everything.
Rafe sat with Jake and a few of Jake’s friends. Rafe clicked almost instantly with Topper and Kelce. They’re both interested in golf, partying, girls, etc. So naturally they clicked.
Rafe would glance over to you from time to time. Topper chuckled “hey, if you keep lookin’ she’s gonna see, dude” Rafe rolled his eyes “fine with me.” The guys chuckled.
Kelce asked “hey Top, Y/n friends with your sister, right??” Topper nodded then sipped his can of Pepsi. Rafe looked to Topper, “wait seriously??” Topper put tossed his can in the trash “yeah, dude, she’s over my place quite a lot.”
Rafe’s ears perked, over Topper’s place quite a lot?? Damn…
He then looked back over to the group to see his sister, Sarah, walk over and sit with them. He watched as Sarah and you talked and laughed. He thinks to himself ‘if she’s friends with Sarah, that means she might come over our place? Oh. My. God’
It was an hour or two after school, you sat on the couch. Your Marshall headphones resting on your head as you listen to music and read.
You hear footsteps approaching, it was your father. He holds an envelope to you. You pulled your headphone down, resting them around your neck. You opened the envelope and gasped “no way!” Your dad asked “what is it??” You answered “I got in! The art and music college we talked about! I got in!” He smiled “really?! Congrats, sweetie!”
Your younger sister (who’s completely opposite to you, full glam and girly, made you wanna gag) came downstairs is a slightly shorter than usual dress. Your father asked “and where are you going??”
Your sister, Gabs, replied “there’s this boy, his name is Brooks” you rolled your eyes “you mean the not so good looking guy who is a huge idiot??” “Shut up!!” Your sister looks back to your dad “he asked to go to the movies, go I pleaseee go daddy?” Your dad shakes his head “absolutely not, you know the rule. No dating till you graduate” Gabs rolls her eyes “please!” He replied “no, end of discussion.”
Gabs argued “this isn’t fair, Y/n gets to go out but I can’t??” You fake laughed “good one, Gabs.” Your father added “same rule applies to her.” You looked over to Gabs “and by the way, I’m not looking for anyone, not interested in a single soul…”
Gabs huffed, your father walks away. You crossed your legs on the couch and rested your now closed book in your lap. “So, where were you actually going? I assume you just lied to dad…” Gabs whispered “a party…” you lightly scoffed “you know you’re too young for those parties, especially with Brooks..” Gabs rolls her eyes “I’m only two years younger than you, quit it.”
Your father re-enters, “new deal, Gabs can have a date-” Gabs squealed and smiled. Your dad added “-if Y/n gets a date.” Gabs smiled drops. “What?! She won’t date! Daddy this is unfair!”
You grabbed your book and stood up, heading over to the stairs. Your sister complained “daddy! She won’t date at all, she’ll be buried and not have a date! C’mon!” You chuckled “good, I’ll keep it that way.” Gabs stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at you “you’re so selfish, you know that?!” You chuckled and walked down the hallway upstairs and to your room. Gabs huffed in annoyance.
If you date, Gabs can date. But you don’t wanna date anyone, do you? Not now, not ever… maybe that can change… maybe it’ll stay the same… who knows…
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Absolutely amazing. It could not be more perfect.
I’m gonna headcanon that Camila’s reaction to seeing Luz’ little ”Hi! I’m bi!” drawing was to respond with a ”Hi Bi, I’m mom!”
(as none of you may remember, I did say that I had an idea for something I’d do for this moment. I was gonna do another Engelsofors quote ((the scene where Vanessa tells her mom that she’s dating Linnéa, which effectively doubles as her coming out as bi))… but looking at the actual scene, it really wasn’t as funny as I remembered it as, soooo… i’m just not gonna do it)
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I love this screenshot, it looks like the other palismen think Flapjack has gone crazy. By the Titan! He’s pecking at the floor! What new spore of madness is this!?
Seeing all the palismen together like this does remind me of one of the predictions I was going to make in that post I was supposed to post before this liveblog but never did.
Assuming that Philip (what’s left of him anyway) still has enough of his mind left to form coherent thoughts and plans, his first priority will likely be to regain some of his strength. And would you look at that, there we have four yummy palismen ready to be cracked open like some radioactive coconuts. Even if he wasn’t seeking revenge on the kids (which he most certainly will be doing), those palismen alone are enough of a motivation for him to show up and cause trouble.
Now, I’m not sure what exactly he could do to cause trouble, but I’m sure he’ll find a way.
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Amity. Sweetie. Luz already loves you. You do not need to try this hard.
Hm… can I wring some symbolic meaning out of these outfits? Of course I can. Observe:
Gus At first glance, it’s easy to conclude that Gus probably just picked out what he thought looked cool and that’s most likely the case. But you’ll notice that out of the four newcomers to the Human Realm, he’s the one who’s got the most ”normal” outfit. Which makes sense. His knowledge of the Human Realm has often been played for laughs, but he’s still very passionate and interested in everything human. And his stated wish back in Hunting Palismen was to become an ambassador to the Human Realm. With this in mind, it makes sense he’d try to assemble what might be considered a ”normal” human outfit, to blend in and show respect for the human culture.
Willow Seeing as there is no flyer derby in the Human Realm, it seems Willow opted for the next best thing and is trying her hand at roller derby (which, fun fact, the only reason I know that sport exists is thanks to a Steven Universe fanfic I read years ago). Despite her threatening pose with her hands balled up into fists and the intimidating spikes on her helmet, she is still smiling brightly and her outfit is brightly colored. Willow is at heart a very caring and kind individual, but when need be, she can be tough and powerful, This is a theme we’ve seen repeated several times with her character.
Amity The events of Clouds on the Horizon saw Amity more or less disowning her mother (take note of the absence of Odalia in the drawing of her family in one of the previous shots*). There wasn’t much time to process the meaning of that at the time, since they were a bit busy dealing with the end of the world and everything. Now, however, Amity is finally free of her mother’s overly controlling attitude and enters her rebellious edgy phase. These are all likely clothes Amity would not be allowed to wear if Odalia had a say in the matter. ”Ripped jeans? Not in this household, young lady!”
(*speaking of the previous shots, before I forget… when the mutant rat from Yesterday’s Lie bursts through the board, we can briefly see Hunter’s hands without any gloves. I’m fairly certain that’s the first time. I didn’t notice any scars)
The hat looks familiar to me. Is there a character in one of the Mario games that wears a hat like that?
Hunter Sorta similar to Amity, but even worse, Hunter likely never had any say in what kinds of clothes he got to wear growing up. Having been raised the way he was, he likely has no real grasp of what his own identity is (no doubt made worse by the grimwalker revelation and finding out he’s a clone). Thus, he can’t really express himself through his clothing the same way the other kids can. But one thing he does realize is how large part of him Flapjack has become. Flapjack, in many ways, has become a part of Hunter and a fundamental piece of his identity. Flapjack is symbolic of Hunter beginning to stray from the path created for him by Belos and him eventually breaking free of his control to become his own person.
That’s why he’s dressed as a giant red chicken.
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And Vee coming in with her new form as well! I don’t even care that I was spoiled on her new look, I’m just so happy to see my snake daughter thriving.
Speaking of which, there is a noticeable difference between Vee’s Luz form and her new form. The difference in appearance is obvious, but if we look at this before and after, we can see some important differences in how she carries herself.
Luz!Vee still looks a bit timid and with a very neat appearance, much like how we saw her in Yesterday’s Lie. In her new form, she looks a lot more confident and her clothes & hair are a lot less neat and picture perfect. Her eyes and hair are also closer to her eyes and hair* in her basilisk form. She’s still disguising herself as a human, but it’s closer to the real her. In some ways, I think Vee has become herself.
(*well… reptiles don’t have hair. It’s as ridiculous as feathers on a mammal. Maybe the ”hair” basilisks have are closer to the pycnofibres you’d find on pterosaurs)
(i am honestly surprised at how good this edit turned out. especially seeing as I don’t have any actual image editing software. no, i did this in pages.)
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Honestly? Same, Camila. Same. You love to see it.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
OKAY first thoughts on Ikepri men
Leon: Awoo I think I know who I'm choosing like oajbsdijb. He has a beautiful smile and beautiful hair and he's good with kids! Also dang his outfit looks so good! I want him. That one. That's mine.
Chevalier: He's cold but I'm kinda interested tho?? Like I don't know why but I like him?? Like he's so cool but he also put a sword to my throat which wasn't as cool. But I'm kinda interested in him and want to know more
Yves: LMAO I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. I'm sorry but I need to fix his hair because I can't take him seriously. He gives me wet cat vibes and I think it's so funny. But he's a sassy tsundere so that's cool I guess
Nokto: Ah yes, the classic otome game character that immediately flirts with you. I can't look at him without seeing Zen from Mystic Messenger in more ways than one. I'm not very impressed by someone who can't even remember if I was a fling and immediately tries to flirt. Keeping him at a distance
Licht: Edgy man. Idk much about him because he's quiet but he's kinda cool I guess?? He's pretty and has nice fluffy hair but he gives me sleepy boy vibes and lone wolf. I'm not too interested in him but more so than others
Clavis: My first thought is woah so pretty :O but then I found out he's mischievous and a trouble maker and I can't deal with that. He's pretty but not for me. Would love to brush/run my hands through his hair tho. Also his belts confuse me
Jin: LMAO he looks like a normal guy and acts like a normal guy. I'm sorry he just looks so average. I can't get much of a read on him tho so it kinda reminds me of Trey but idk aside from that.
Luke: :O Woah another pretty man?? He seems fun and I like his outfit a lot I mean the little animal is so cute! He's adorable and I want to hug him but idk about romance
Sariel: ;-; no. Get away from me. His hair, his outfit, his threats, his attitude and personality...please keep him away from me. He scares me but also like he gets on my nerves? Idk how to describe it but he feels off and shady. I usually trust demons but nah not this one. Also giving heavy Jade vibes
Rio: did they make a golden retriever into a person?? I love how he's actually referred to as a dog/pet and he says nothing about it. But he's a major simp for the mc and I'm not a fan. He looks better as a butler but idk he's too obsessed with me for me to be interested. Also I can't read his name and not see that blue bird
Gilbert: ...I've only read his description but I love him. Pretty, mysterious, edgy, and he's feared? Sign me up. Also that outfit, like slayy man. I'm going to steal that cape and wear it. Awooga this man he's so edgy but danggggg
Keith: All these fancy names and then there's Keith. Idk he's soft and cool sure but not for me. Too soft for me. Also his hair and last name makes me think they tried to put Dan Howell in the game. It says he has two sides so I guess that's cool but not for me
Silvio: Cruella De Vil wannabe...okay but he's pretty but no. His whole throw money at things to solve problems is no. He's wearing lots of jewelry which makes me want to imagine me as a peacock robbing him. Yeah that fits. Rob him and wear that cloak around and act smug in front of him. What's he gonna do? Throw money at me?
PLS leon is really nice!!! he's more like an older brother figure to me personally but i think hiss hugs would cure my depression LMAO
ASJGDFFAJS STOP I LAUGHED REALLY LOUD WHEN I READ WHAT YOU WROTE ABOUT CHEVIE.,,.,.,. HES SO SILLY apparently he's really sweet ocne you get to know him but hes a biit prickly at the beginning (but hey, isnt that the same for half the love interests?)
YOU HIT THE NAIL ON HIS HEAD FOR YVES. HES SO WET CAT CODED. his route is so sad but sosososo sweet its so adorable. i want to hug him. he's like a bestie to me tbh i would fight anyone that looks at himw rong FR. HE DESERVES THE WORLD AJHSGDAJ
okay i'll admit i didn't like nokto at first because he's the flirty type but. he doesn't really give me the creeps anymore? now that i know why he does that./ he's kinda just there for me but he looks a lot liek zen from mystic messenger HELP
LICHT IS SOOOOO RPETTY and hes the reserved type. i am foaming at the mouth. I WANTED TO PLAY HSI ROUTE FIRST but yves was probably the better choice for my frist route since his route os apparently super heavy ^^;
CLAVIS IS SO GOOFY his relationship with the mc is honestly so adorable if you pick him as a love interest,.., theyre so teasinga nd wholesome towards each other and if my future relationship doesnt look like tehres I DONT WANT IT.
jin scares me but yorue right about him being painful;ly average. i got that impression too but apparently his route punched people in the gut KASHGD
OMG YES. I ADORE LUKE. ive only played yves's route so far but luke is so kind. hes so sweet. hes so godo at talking peoplee down from anxiety and even though he has a temper himself hes so good at regulating emotions??? i want to hug him so bad. he was so nice to mc in the beginning of yves's route too.
SARIEL'S HAIR BOTHERS ME TOO LMAOOOO I GET IT!!! he has a sprite with a whip and i hate it. umm he's kinda nice sometimes but i dont really have an impression of him yet!!
RIO IS TEH SWEETEST :((( I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. he is so kind to mc and i know the whole obsessed thing isnt for everyone (it put me off at first too LMAO) but really he just loves her unconditionally and wants her to be happy its so cute im gonna die
THE WAY I SCREAMED WHEN YOU SAID YOUW ERE ALREADY IN LOVE WITH GILBERT you and the whole ikepri fandom tbh. may i introduce you to his weird ass gloves and their unexpected appeal. also he has a cane which is silly. his coat is weird. i am picturing that diagram vio made for his outfit ITS RIDICULOUS.
keith's hair looks so soft i want to run my fingers through it in a very bestie way. he gave me a weird vibe when i saw him first but the second he opened his mouth teh weird vibe disappeared. he just seems so sweet and gentle :((
i do NOT like silvio next
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entryno17 · 3 years
you ever notice how sans is a little bit of an edgy dumbass?
i see fandom interpretation of sans usually swing entirely one way or the other—he’s either a completely goofy dipshit who doesn’t care about anything, or he’s an epic, angsty, powerful skeleton man. the latter is definitely a much bigger misinterpretation than the former, but i don’t think it’s right to characterize sans as being an entirely apathetic jokester either.
similarly, sans seems to want you to think two contradictory things: 1. he doesn’t care what you do, or about anything. 2. he’s really mysterious and tough, actually. from the very beginning, sans is like this. it seems like he’s deliberately trying to appear ominous, all while making stupid jokes and engaging in various shenanigans. when you first enter snowdin, aside from sans ominously sneaking around behind you in the shadows, there’s this branch that you can examine. it says, “(It’s a tough-looking branch.) (It’s too heavy to pick up.)” after passing it, you can hear it snap a few moments later. then, if you come back after meeting sans..
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sans just completely obliterated this branch, for basically no reason? even the narrator seems somewhat unnerved by this, based on their wording. i can’t think of any reason he’d do this, other than to scare frisk (and the player). of course it could just be some kind of prank, but i mean... it must take some effort to literally annihilate an entire tree branch, and putting effort into things isn’t something sans typically does. it makes you wonder why he chose to put effort into that of all things.
and of course, he later does this:
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what’s going on here is that sans undertale, the funny stupid skeleton guy that drinks ketchup and tells shitty jokes to make people begrudgingly smile, that stacks hotdogs on people’s heads and helps his brother make a dorky outfit for a costume party—y’know, THAT guy—is saying that he’d literally murder a child on sight.
... yeah i dunno guys i think he might be lying.
so then why? why does he threaten frisk, in both of these cases? maybe he’s trying to scare them/the player out of resetting? i'm not sure about that. sans seems to understand this ‘anomaly’ at least a bit; he’s aware that they’re doing this just because they can, and they feel like they have to. wouldn’t threatening them, intentionally appearing ominous and mysterious—wouldn’t that just drive their curiosity? it certainly did for most people who did a no mercy run. i don’t think sans is unaware of this, but he definitely isn’t interested in fighting anyone or going through more resets. so again, why?
during no mercy, sans stands by and does nothing, just watching while you kill his family, his friends—he only steps in because the world would literally be destroyed otherwise. it makes you wonder why he didn’t do anything at first. however, he explains this himself when talking about the anomaly:
“to be blunt... it makes it kind of hard to give it my all. ... or is that just a poor excuse for being lazy? hell if i know.”
so why does he fight you at all? if he’s entirely numb at this point, why would he suddenly start caring about the destruction of the world? he wouldn’t, simply because he cared the entire time. he’s angry and afraid, and if he really didn’t care, he wouldn’t do any of things he does. it makes me wonder why he tries to convince the player of his indifference. i honestly think it’s because he does care—like, a lot—and he REALLY doesn’t want anyone to know that... including himself. i don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he’s doing this to hide that fact from not only the player, but possibly from himself as well? because sans seems to genuinely believe both of these things; i don’t think his feigned apathy is a deliberate façade to trick the player, and it’s definitely not entirely feigned, either. remember that he literally does nothing to stop you from killing anyone.
sans is understandably enraged about all of this, and he’s obviously upset when the player chooses to kill other monsters (especially papyrus) but he does nothing—because he doesn’t care, because he’s lazy. but mostly because it’d hurt a lot less if he genuinely didn’t care, so he tries not to.
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sans isn’t an ultra powerful time-bending entity, he’s not an embodiment of justice when he fights you, and he really doesn’t want to be. sans is a normal, goofy guy caught up in something incomprehensibly horrifying and he can’t do anything about it. he’s angry but most of all he’s tired; he doesn’t want to fight— he doesn’t want to do any of this.
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he's powerless to stop it, and he’s defenseless against it.
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... so the only thing he can do? dodge it while he still can.
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not okay, m | jjk, myg
full title: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, ft. jungkook
summary: Jeon Jungkook fucked up. He talked shit about emo girls. Min Yoongi decides he's going to make him take back what he said, make him beg and plead and cry to be touched by the sexiest woman he knows. Never mind that you were a goth in high school and not an emo.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship (Yoongi/you); definitely a scheme to seduce a clueless JK; threesome smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, m-masturbation + daydreaming, edging / orgasm denial, inappropriate (but wanted) touching in public, a lot of begging, hair-pulling, scratching / marking, thigh-riding, handjob, choking, ball squeezing, restraints, cowgirl, nipple play, handcuff and anal vibrator usage, doggy, little bit of m-receiving oral, finger sucking); tbh Jungkook is a mess, is forced to make messes, and likes it; fluff; shifts from all three POVs; black-haired, sub!JK x noona, dom!reader x blue-haired, dom!Yoongi
yes, there are My Chemical Romance references, I'm aware MCR don't like being considered emo, we know labels =/= how someone truly is; yes, it's PTD (emo for a hot second) JK and Yoongi
"Is that what you think?"
Jeon Jungkook flicked the long black bangs over his left eye, laughing. "Yeah, these are just extensions. I thought it would be funny. I don't actually think this kind of style looks good on me."
A sharp click of the tongue. "No, the other part. About women."
Jungkook blinked, bewildered. Then he slowly remembered, recalling his words. "Oh... I just meant I wouldn't be attracted to a girl with a more emo, edgy style."
The deep voice was sharp and accusatory. "You said it was cringey."
"Ah... well... a little?"
Those pointed, cat-like eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Uh... hyung?"
Min Yoongi frowned and stood up.
"We will see about that, Jungkook."
Jungkook watched him go, even more confused than before.
"Why did that sound like a threat...?"
Because it was.
The next time they went out to eat together, Min Yoongi brought his girlfriend with him. She didn't often tag along. When his friends asked Yoongi about it, he just laughed.
"It's because you guys are too fucking loud."
The few times she did come with him, she was relatively quiet. She had an unapproachable air about her, intimidating in the way that a single eye shift and locked-on attention could cause heart palpitations. Everything about her image seemed far too sleek and refined for everyday life. Her gestures, her walk, her style. Minimalist outfits, mostly white and black. It was obvious that she had a nice body, but none of her clothes implied that she was advertising it, at least when she was hanging out with her boyfriend's friends.
There was one exception.
She always smelled delicious.
Noticeable, addictive, gourmand, always making you turn your head just to smell it again. A hint of ginger to startle, followed by the warmth of marshmallow and the earthly scent of green tea. It blended with her skin, turning warmer and muskier as the evening went on, making you wish that you could smell the bedsheets that laid against that sweet-smelling body later that night.
Very troubling for Yoongi's friends for his girlfriend to smell like pure sex and then gaze at them with such intensity when spoken to, startlingly similar to Yoongi himself.
"Hello, Jungkook. Surprising that you're the only one here."
Jeon Jungkook was so stunned that his brain seemed to cease all functions. He was completely frozen, eyes and mouth wide open, not believing the sight in front of him.
His hyung was dressed normally. Black cardigan, white shirt, black jeans. His hair was light blue now, a cool-toned, steel azure. The color made his fair skin glow and his dark brown eyes stand out.
His girlfriend?
Her hair was loose and wild, partially covering the left side of her face. Dark eye makeup and dark crimson lips. Large, loose black shirt hanging off one shoulder, with a black leather choker and silver chain that clipped to the button placket of her shirt with a clasp. Her bra strap was obvious, meant to be seen, the delicate lace pattern molding around the top of the cup that was barely visible. The shirt was long enough to cover her ass, belted at the waist with a black leather belt adorned by a silver moon-shaped buckle. Sheer black stockings with seemingly intentional rips and sleek black velvet heels.
"Yoongi said you think emo girls are cringey," she chuckled, looking down at him, smirk on her plump, defined lips.
Jungkook sputtered, feeling his face burn. "N-No, noona, that's not what I meant, I–" He was attempting to restore brain function, but he was rapidly losing blood up top and it was gushing down below.
This had to be the hardest part of living.
"I had to remind him that I was a goth in high school, not an emo. They're slightly different."
She bent at the waist and adjusted the chair before sitting down next to him, giving Jungkook half a second to view her perky tits encased in black lace, her chest smelling so fucking good that he nearly passed out. He jerked his head away, glancing at Yoongi in sheer panic.
The older man gave him a completely blank expression.
Their previous conversation echoed in Jungkook’s head. We will see about that.
"The rest of them aren't coming today. I'm treating Jungkook," Yoongi was explaining.
His girlfriend tilted her head. "I thought you said Hoseok was coming."
"He was, but then something came up."
"Hmm..." She raised an eyebrow at Yoongi. He straightened his cardigan, noticing her discerning gaze, and raised one back.
It was only then that Jungkook realized they weren't sitting next to each other, but on either side of him, boxing him against the wall. Now Jungkook could smell Yoongi too, wearing a spicy, woodsy cologne that mixed with his skin to become warmer and more comforting, except right now it was scaring the shit out of him because he didn't understand why they weren't sitting next to each other.
He simply pointed to the empty chair in front of him, unable to finish his sentence.
Yoongi looked over to see what he was pointing at. "Hm?"
"You're right, I should move it so the server has easier access to our table."
And she dragged the chair to the side.
"Very considerate of you, Jungkook."
She smiled at him and he swore the proximity was causing his sanity to crumble to dust. He saw her tuck her black purse behind her perky, round ass. It had a small pin on it of a devil reading a book titled, Guide to Eternal Torture.
A cutesy yet ominous image.
At this point, Jungkook realized he was staring at her ass and the raised hem of the shirtdress, revealing the fact that the stockings were thigh-highs. The black garter straps were straining against her juicy thighs as she adjusted her long legs under the table.
He bolted out of his seat, mumbling and stumbling past her, the alluring scent of her perfume enticing him as he squeezed past.
"B-Bathroom, be right back!"
You watched Jungkook run off, clamping his hands below his stomach, raising your eyebrows as he and his tight black jeans sprinted to the bathroom.
You turned back to your boyfriend who was looking at the menu like it was the most intriguing piece of art he had ever laid his eyes on. You stuck your tongue in your cheek and breathed out, waiting for him to continue. Yoongi didn't look up. You didn’t really expect him to. You waited out of politeness.
"How long am I torturing him for?" you finally asked.
"Until he takes back what he said about you," your boyfriend responded dryly.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I don't think it was directed at me specifically. Does he even know that this is what I usually dress like? Or why you always tell me to dress simpler when I come with you to eat with all of them?"
Those dark brown eyes flickered up.
Yoongi's perfect lips curved into a small smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "Of course, he doesn't."
He lowered the menu, raising his chin defiantly as he spoke. "My reason is still valid. You saw how Jungkook acted. He a mess around you."
"I don't ooze sex, Yoongi. You're exaggerating."
He cocked a brow. "I beg to differ. I would wager he's jacking off in the bathroom right now."
He drummed the table with his fingertips, challenging you to bet on it. You waved a hand, dismissing the challenge. Wasn't like you could miss that tent. You circumvented back to the matter at hand.
"Did Jungkook actually say that? About emo girls being cringey?"
Yoongi shrugged. "Something like that."
You frowned. "Really? With his eyebrow piercing and tattoos? And his black hoodie and jeans?"
Your boyfriend went back to the menu. "Projecting, I think you called it?"
Yes, Jungkook washed his hands before throwing himself into a stall and touching his dick.
He wasn't gross.
Would be really great if his dick had calmed down on his own, but her perfume lingered on Jungkook's hoodie sleeve, just the faintest trace on his left arm, and he pressed it against his nose, inhaling.
Fuck, why does she smell so good?
His right hand was undoing his pants, his eyes and fingers closing in, focusing on his throbbing erection fighting his underwear. Maybe if he just touched it on the outside, it would be fine...
Her face popped into his head, complete with the little quirk of her eyebrow.
Jungkook shoved his hand into his boxer briefs and pushed them down, teeth biting his hoodie sleeve so he could smell her perfume as he stroked his cock, feeling somewhat dirty about it, but mostly violently horny. It wasn't like he could stop his brain. He couldn't go out there with a massive boner either, so he had to do what he had to do. It was only a few thoughts anyway, thinking about her thighs under the table and wondering how they would feel wrapped around him, wondering if she would let him rip those stockings off and bite those delicious legs, wondering if he could undo that belt and unwrap that body and press his nose against that sweet-smelling skin and taste it with his tongue, planting kisses over those beautiful breasts with her hand around his cock instead of his own, pumping him to her unforgiving pace, forcing him to moan into her skin, abusing his stiff length with her tight grip and expansive strokes, his hands gripping her soft thighs and his whines saturating the air, pleading, begging her to let him cum.
Would she edge me?
His hand abruptly stopped.
Jungkook used every ounce of willpower to avoid whimpering into his own sleeve.
His whole body was achingly tense, screaming at him to finish, but he refused, shoving his whole face into the thick fabric and breathing hard, clenching his jaw and his twitching cock, imagining her pretty face with a smug, sadistic smirk, those dark lips teasingly telling him he could finish inside her.
"What are you doing?"
The pale hand dance in the air, beckoning the waitress over.
You tilted your head. "Jungkook isn't back yet. You should wait for him."
Yoongi shrugged. "I know what he likes." His gaze flickered to you. "Meat."
You narrowed your eyes. Yoongi gazed back, unfazed. You knew that look. You knew how to read between the lines. To everyone else, Yoongi was a 3D puzzle with a million pieces, but to you, he might as well have been a children's picture book.
The side of his lips quirked upward, so faint you would have missed it if you weren’t looking for it.
He did have very nice pictures in his book. You'll give him that.
You ticked your right eyebrow so subtly that no one caught it but him. He, too, knew that to look for. His smirk grew, pleased at your wordless communication.
You were dating a real troublemaker.
You smirked back as the waitress arrived at your table, apologizing for keeping you waiting. One look from both Yoongi and you, and she nearly dropped her notepad, fumbling with the pen, cheeks flushing pink.
Trouble did tend to find trouble.
Jungkook had determined he hadn't done anything wrong. He didn't actually orgasm in the bathroom stall thinking about Yoongi's girlfriend while smelling her remaining perfume on his clothes as the said couple sat in the restaurant, awaiting his return.
Now that he mentally described it like that, it did sound kind of fucked.
He saw a blob of black in his peripheral vision and looked up to see Yoongi's girlfriend stride past him, fragrant-smelling hair drifting behind her, his head turning automatically to follow the sight, entranced by the movement of her hips and hair, only to find her glancing back at him, foxy smile dancing on those dark lips.
He swore she mouthed his name.
Maybe even said it?
Jungkook blinked and she was no longer looking in his direction, heading to the women’s bathroom and rolling up her sleeves, clearly going to wash her hands.
He was seeing things.
Just horny and delusional.
"I ordered the beef plate for you. If you don't like it, we can order something else."
Jungkook looked down at the streaming, sizzling platter of seared beef and vegetables, feeling his stomach growl as he sat down.
"No, hyung, this is great. Thank you."
"Hm, that's good. You can start eating, I'm going to wash my hands."
Yoongi began to stand up, brushing off his pants. Jungkook jerked his head up, seeing the older male push his chair back, light blue hair falling over his forehead.
"Um, h-hyung?"
Those dark brown orbs flickered to him.
Yoongi tilted his head.
"Erm... why is noona here? I thought you said… you were just treating me to a meal...?"
Yoongi tilted his head the other way, slowly, unreadable expression in those cat-like eyes.
"I am. I'm paying today."
He raised his head and smiled. Jungkook tore his eyes away from Yoongi to see her weaving through the crowd to make her way back to the table, silver chain hanging from her black choker glittering in the overhead restaurant lights, exposed shoulder and collarbone a stark contrast to her all-black outfit, body shape so exquisite that it wasn't only Yoongi and Jungkook watching her walk. Many pairs of eyes followed her wake, some shy, some unabashed and brazen.
"Besides, she is a treat, isn't she?" Yoongi purred.
She had made eye contact with Jungkook and her lips curved into a small, amused smile.
Any response he had to Yoongi’s words died in his throat.
"Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook."
You sat back down as Yoongi waltzed off, gesturing to his hands, leaving you with the Korean equivalent of Steve Rogers from 1943 to 2011, complete with what you presumed to be a very nice ass if the rest of Jeon Jungkook was anything to go by. Ah, well, you trusted genetics. Surely nature would have blessed Jungkook with a good booty. You looked over to him. He wasn’t moving.
Wasn’t even blinking.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face and Jungkook started, jumping in his seat, his wide brown orbs shakily shifting to you. You made eye contact and he quickly looked away, swallowing hard.
Come on, surely, it's not that serious.
Jungkook ran a hand through his short black hair and snuck a glance at you. Or, more specifically, your chest. Ah. Was that it?
"Something wrong?" you asked, picking up your chopsticks.
"N... No...?"
You had to smile. Jungkook didn't even sound like he believed himself. You pointed to your collarbone.
"Too much?"
His brown orbs shot up. Silence. You locked eyes with him, keeping him in place. You witnessed his inner struggle now, trying to decide between what he thought was the right answer and what his instincts were telling him.
"Aren't you... uncomfortable, noona?"
You chuckled, picking up a piece from your pork belly dish and blowing off the steam. "Me? Of course not. People stare at me all the time. Might as well dress how I want." You dabbed the extra oil off on the side of the plate and brought it to your lips. Your eyes flickered to the younger man. He was still watching you, his own lips parted, wispy black strands over his forehead, accenting his dark brows and the silver bar piercing on the right side. Poor guy. Jungkook really picked the wrong man to project to, the one whose girlfriend never grew out of her goth phase.
You brought the meat close to your mouth.
Let your tongue snake out for a millisecond between your open lips.
His eyeballs nearly fell out of his head.
This is too easy.
You placed the hot meat into your tongue and closed your lips around it, chewing slowly, maintaining eye contact.
Not speaking.
Yoongi was surely overreacting to something Jungkook probably didn't think too much about before saying it, but that was fine with you because Yoongi told you to cause some trouble. You liked causing trouble. That's how you got Yoongi. Trouble attracted trouble. Still, he had something planned. You could tell. Maybe even guess.
You smiled at Jungkook and he gulped so loudly you could hear it over the sizzling meat.
Otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook.
What did that mean?
Jungkook was having a mild panic attack throughout the entire meal, even when Yoongi suggested they get beers. His girlfriend was driving, so only he and his hyung drank as they ate. They barely talked. Jungkook’s brain was too busy trying to break down the meaning of the mysterious phrase, replaying Yoongi’s words over and over.
You might have had a shot.
A shot at what?
What, exactly?!
Jungkook snuck a glance at Yoongi’s girlfriend and she was looking back, cocking an eyebrow when they made eye contact. He flinched and peeked at Yoongi's expression. His hyung was chewing his beef slowly, staring into space.
Have had a shot.
Maybe Jungkook needed to do shots to be a normal human being at this point.
"You're pretty quiet today, Jungkook."
His dick twitched in his pants.
Jungkook threw one thigh over the other and mashed his dick between them.
"Ah... sorry..." he mumbled, fixated on his beer glass.
Yoongi rapped his forearm with the end of his chopsticks. "Look at people when you talk to them."
Jungkook swallowed and looked up at her. "S-Sorry, noona."
She tipped her head and frowned slightly. "Is there something wrong? Did I say something to make you upset?" She looked apologetic. "I'm sorry if my presence is ruining your time with your hyung."
He jerked his head to said hyung. Yoongi prodded at something in between his teeth with the end of his chopstick and gave Jungkook a confused look, as if to say, what are you looking at me for?
"Um... no," Jungkook finally said, shaking his head and turning back to her. "No, noona. I'm glad you're here. It's really nice to see you."
"You're barely looking at her."
His ears burned at Yoongi's dry remark.
She perked up, pointing to her collarbones. "Is this bothering you? It's too much, isn't it?" she chuckled, jingling the chain on the choker and making his dick jolt between his clasped, jean-covered thighs. "You really don't like this style, huh?"
Jungkook darted his eyes to Yoongi, who pointedly stared back, giving him zero context clues except for reminding him of what he said before the meal.
A shot.
“Uh, that isn’t it, noona. Ah, actually…”
Jungkook chewed on his lip nervously, focusing on her instead of Yoongi. She turned her body, giving her full attention to him. He couldn’t tell if that was better or worse. The guilt ate away at him. Minutes passed by. So many, in fact, that it was getting awkward. His neck was on fire, his ears were red-hot, he was pretty sure his cheeks were flushed, and not from alcohol, yet he still he couldn’t say shit to those dark eyes and crimson lips, trapped by the gaze of the woman in black, feeling like he just booked himself a room in the Hotel Bella Muerte.
“Are you okay, Jungkook?” she asked, shadows of an amused open-mouthed smirk on those lips.
Was he?
“Er, yeah… I’m okay,” he croaked, coughing to clear his throat.
Yoongi snorted.
Jungkook shook his head quickly, letting out a small growl of frustration. “Actually, no, noona, I’m not okay.” He rubbed his forehead and exhaled hard, biting his lip as he faced her questioning expression. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the style you’re wearing is cringey, because it’s not. It’s really not. You look amazing. You always have, but you look extra cool and sexy today and I feel really bad saying something like that because I should have thought about how other people could look and pull off that style, but I didn’t, I was only thinking about how stupid I looked when I was fifteen and I assumed–”
Her hand shot out and she pressed two fingers to his lips, silencing him.
“Shh,” she hummed, fully smirking now. “You assumed and thus you got yourself in trouble, didn’t you?”
She’s touching me!
Jungkook jerked his eyes to Yoongi, who was nibbling on his last piece of steak and ignoring Jungkook’s panic. He added a bit of the sauce and popped the meat in his mouth, chewing slowly. It was like she and Jungkook weren’t talking at all or, rather, Yoongi wasn’t concerning himself with it.
Her fingers slid down, pressing into Jungkook’s lower lip.
He very nearly made a noise, quickly darting his gaze back to Yoongi’s girlfriend.
“Hey, Jungkook.”
Why was she saying his name like that? Like… like she was sexing it with her tongue or something? Oh, shit, he was going crazy. He had to be. It was all in his head. She must be saying his name normally. Had to be. Yoongi’s girlfriend? Flirting with him? No, no, absolutely not. And certainly not in front of Yoongi. Even if his hyung was pretending to be deaf, he was definitely not deaf. Yoongi was the kind of guy who would smack a stranger looking at his woman funny.
It was all in his head.
Her fingertips slid to the side of his lips, tracing the shape.
R… Right?
“You think I look extra cool and sexy today?” she mused, licking her lips.
Jungkook could smell her perfume off her wrist. Sweet, musky, seductive. His thighs were so tightly clasped together that Jungkook was pretty sure his dick was pointing straight down with how erect it was at the moment.
“Ah… w-well… a b-bit…?”
Jungkook yelped as cold water flew into his lap, immediately spreading his legs as the glass tumbled onto the tabletop. Yoongi swiftly stopped it, sighing exaggeratedly.
“Ah, my bad, that was quite clumsy of me…”
“Shit, Jungkook, are you okay?”
Her fingertips left his lip and he could finally breathe, only to squeak sharply as hands planted firmly onto his thighs and crotch, bunched-up napkins dabbing the excess water away, quickly soaking it up with the paper.
“You should be more careful Yoongi, sheesh…”
“Sorry, Jungkook, here, take these.”
Jungkook vaguely registered Yoongi saying her name apologetically as well, but at the moment he was not okay, very not okay, he promised this was the most not okay he had ever been in his entire life as Yoongi’s girlfriend mopped up water from his inner thighs and crotch, molding her hands around his dick, yes, his actual straining hard-on was being touched by her hands and it was getting harder by the fucking second, her hurriedly wiping the water off, acting like this was completely normal and not like his cock was trying to rip out of his pants.
“Ack, noona, w-wait…!”
He tried to sit up and Yoongi’s hand came down on his shoulder, holding him in place.
“Good idea, get under his ass just in case.”
Jungkook nearly blacked out as her napkin-covered hands slid under him and cupped the inside of his legs and bottom half of his ass, patting around. Her palms cupped his balls for a hot second.
He was fucked.
Utterly fucked.
Jungkook whimpered in his throat.
Her hands immediately stopped.
She looked up at him, very serious. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Jungkook shook his head from side to side so quickly that his vision blurred. “Yes.”
She shared a glance with Yoongi. The older man sighed and stood up, squeezing his shoulder as he leaned down to Jungkook’s ear.
“You want her to keep touching you or not?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, jerking his head to Yoongi. Those dark brown orbs looked back at him, demanding the truth.
“I didn’t spill that water for nothing.”
It was only then that it dawned onto Jungkook.
This was a set up. He was being set up. His hyung had set him up.
This whole fucking thing was a set up.
We will see about that, Jungkook.
She was cleaning his seat off and gently tapped his thigh. “It’s dry now. I think you’re okay.”
Jungkook decided that he really did not care about being set up. He did not give a single shit that he fell for it wholly and completely like a gullible idiot. He whipped his head back to Yoongi’s girlfriend, who was sighing ruefully, giving Yoongi the side-eye, muttering under her breath so only they could hear.
“What do you think he’s gonna do, Yoongi, ask to fuck me?” she hissed, placing the wad of wet napkins onto the table.
Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot.
Jungkook’s hand shot out and squeezed her thigh.
“Can I fuck you, noona?” he breathed, chest tight.
He dug his nails into the sheer stocking, ripping new holes.
“If hyung lets me?”
"Yoongi, what are you thinking?"
Your boyfriend smiled. Very nonchalant. Nearly innocent. You knew better. This was Min Yoongi after all. His cardigan was off now. His broad shoulders in the white t-shirt were very distracting. Actually, so were his arms, now toned and more defined. Yoongi had recently taken an interest in working out.
His smile turned into a smirk. "What?"
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. You noticed movement under you and smacked Jeon Jungkook's hand down so he was no longer picking at the peach fuzz in his face. He gasped in surprise, but you ignored him, completely focused on your rather troublesome boyfriend.
"You can't be serious."
You felt fingers brushing against the hem of your shirtdress, playing with the edge of the fabric. Yoongi was kneeling behind Jungkook, who was sitting on your bed, and the younger man was now messing with your outfit as you and Yoongi continued your conversation about him.
Your boyfriend leaned down and placed his hands on Jungkook's jaw, laying down his deft fingers one by one, lifting that chiseled chin up, those wide brown eyes now looking at your face, paired with the amused, cat-like ones.
"I am serious," Yoongi murmured. "You should teach him a lesson."
You pursed your lips. "He already apologized. That's enough."
Yoongi tilted his head, clicking his tongue.
"No, it's not."
Your eyes flickered down and you raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's interruption. "What was that?"
He gulped under your stern gaze. "Um..."
Yoongi smiled pleasantly, removing his hands from Jungkook's face. "See? He wants it."
"He's your friend, Yoongi. We're going to have to see him in person later. You want him to be horny every second he's around me?"
Yoongi placed his palm on the crown of Jungkook's head, drumming his fingers slowly. Light blue strands curled around his dark brows and eyes, playful smirk on his shapely pink lips. His deep voice was a low, alluring drawl.
"He already is."
Jungkook nodded very fast to agree. He was trying to hide the keen excitement in his eyes by not speaking, but his eager expression was giving him away as Yoongi slowly chipped away at common sense. You grabbed Jungkook's chin and squeezed, holding him in place. His breathing hitched in your hand, small whimper of your name leaving his lips.
"Don't look at me like that," you scolded.
"Like what?" Jungkook asked with shaking eyes and a small pout.
You kept switching from Jungkook's to Yoongi's eyes because if you looked too long into those pleading brown orbs, you might actually crack. You spoke slowly, emphasizing each word.
"Like you're desperate for it."
A low, dangerous chuckle.
Your gaze fixated on Yoongi. He was about to do something.
His long fingers worked into that short black hair and yanked back, making Jungkook gasp and shiver as he was pulled from your hand, your name falling from his lips in a breathy moan as his eyes continued to watch you, waiting, needing, begging.
"P... Please, noona..."
Yoongi's grip tightened in those black locks, Jungkook whimpering at the roughness, his own hands clutching your shirtdress, tugging at it.
"I'm telling you to do it," Yoongi purred, smokey and dark, staring into your eyes.
Jungkook was pulling your shirt now, pulling you to him, getting you to straddle his lap, you glaring at Yoongi's smirking face the entire time, annoyed that he put you in this position, and yet you knew something of this nature was coming the second he pulled you aside earlier today and asked you to dress the way you normally did because he was going to take you out to eat with Jungkook and Hoseok. Jung Hoseok already knew about your eccentric fashion sense and, while it did spook him a little the first time, he often sent you links of clothes that reminded him of you. You didn't think much of Jungkook being there. He was the youngest and Yoongi often treated him to a nice meal, although usually without you.
"Unbutton the top more."
Yoongi had adjusted the exposed shoulder himself and handed you the leather choker.
"Wear this one."
You had given him a skeptical look. "You suiting me up for some kind of mission?"
Yoongi had smiled mysteriously.
"We're going to make Jungkookie's life a living hell and he's going to like it."
Apparently, Yoongi's mission was to tempt and torture Jungkook until he was mildly insane and then subsequently draw out the younger man’s ravenous desperation so that Jungkook was now clawing at your thighs and whimpering under you, trying to get you to fuck him, shuddering every time he attempted to raise his hands and Yoongi punished him by yanking at his hair in warning.
"She hasn't said yes yet. No higher until she says yes," Yoongi snapped, not taking his eyes off you and your body.
You slapped a hand down on Jungkook's mouth and squeezed harshly, digging your nails into his cheekbones.
"Shh. I'm thinking."
You closed your eyes.
Breathed out.
"You know the only hope for me is you, right?"
"That's a little dramatic, Yoongi."
Those dark brown, cat-like eyes glittered, full of mischief.
"You always play along with my ideas."
"They're all very good. You are a genius."
You loved the way Yoongi smiled at you, endearing and sweet with a hint of cunning cleverness. He liked to invent new ways to keep your life interesting. Being with Min Yoongi was never boring.
"I doubt you'll be able to shock me though. I've seen it all." You, too, enjoyed challenging him and being challenged. That was part of the fun.
That's why you carried on with his black parade.
Yoongi chuckled. "Mmm, famous last words."
“Don’t let him move.”
His veins were on fire, chest shuddering as his head was pulled back, back, his spine arching to an almost uncomfortable position, but he didn’t care, only feeling pleasure as she leaned down, hovering over his body, her hand on his mouth, gasps trapped on his tongue while her own extended from those dark lips, down, down, her other hand grabbing a fistful of his hoodie and yanking down the neckline.
The tip of her tongue touched the space right between his collarbones.
She removed her hand.
Jeon Jungkook moaned, hot and wanton, sinfully right in front of Min Yoongi’s face as Yoongi’s girlfriend licked up his throat, tracing his Adam’s apple and scraping her teeth against it, before sliding up to his chin, stopping right before his lips.
Exactly where the mole under his lower lip was, tip of the wet muscle unmoving.
Those sharp eyes shrouded in black eyeshadow and dark eyeliner looked down on him.
“Please, n-noona…”
He didn’t care if he was being pathetic, tearing at her stockings with his fingernails, unashamedly imploring for more.
She didn’t speak. Yoongi spoke for her.
“Please what?” his hyung murmured, massaging his scalp slowly.
His cock was so hard that it physically hurt being trapped in his jeans like this. Any sanity he had left was being obliterated into pure, unadulterated lust. Jungkook didn’t care anymore about right or wrong. Whatever they let him have, he would take. He would beg and plead and cry if he had to. Whatever it took.
He whimpered, his thighs tensing with need.
“P-Please fuck me…”
I want it.
I need it.
I crave it.
She raised her tongue and flickered it over his lips. He moaned, shaking, his hands dropping from her thighs, reaching between his own legs and rubbing his painful erection through the zipper of his jeans, nearly sobbing as Yoongi’s fingers tightened, nails raking at his scalp.
“I can’t t-take it anymore… please… whatever you want to do, just do it, please, please touch me, I can’t s-stand it, I’m so h-hard…”
She pressed her knee down onto the back of his hands and Jungkook whimpered, so aroused that even that felt good, simply knowing she was applying the pressure, his balls suffocating a little against the center seam because of how thick and stiff he had become.
“Are you a little bit of a masochist, Jungkook?” she whispered, licking his lower lip gently.
Instead of answering right away, he pulled his hands out from under her knee and pressed it down onto his aching cock, his eyes rolling back and moaning deeply, forcefully raising his hips up, slightly pulling on his own hair in the process.
“Hyung, noona, please…”
The friction was almost painful, but the leaking pre-cum had soaked into his underwear, the slickness rubbing against the head, the added pressure of her knee slightly crushing his erection being his own self-inflicted pain that only added to the pleasure.
Jungkook gazed at her with half-lidded eyes, shuddering.
“Destroy me more.”
Min Yoongi liked to watch his woman work.
She was the best, she knew she was the best, and she only got better the longer she was with him. Of course, he loved her working him most. But Yoongi also enjoyed keeping things interesting. Being an assistant to the master was just as fun. And besides, they had a much more equal power dynamic and that’s what they liked.
But Jeon Jungkook.
He pulled Jungkook’s hoodie off, taking the shirt underneath with it, bare chest exposed to sharp black nails that immediately sent Jungkook into a spiraling mess of moans, falling back as those dark lips attacked the tanned skin, leaving marks all over that muscular body. Yoongi placed a hand under that sharp chin and pressed the younger male’s head to his chest.
He liked this too, this power.
Yoongi pressed his fingertips into Jungkook’s chin and raked his nails over that quivering throat.
He didn’t expect anyone to understand how or why he operated the way he did. He only needed one person to understand and she was currently yanking off Jungkook’s jeans and black boxer briefs with vicious vigor, throwing them aside before climbing off his lap.
Yoongi placed his hand over Jungkook’s eyes and wordlessly took his sight.
He liked the sounds Jungkook made. Needy, desperate, and strikingly beautiful. He had a wonderful quality to his voice, pouring all of his emotion into it. Nice cock too. Very hard, very red, a good length and girth. Yoongi chuckled, amused at the younger man’s eagerness. He lowered his head, whispering into that ear with three quivering silver hoops.
“So cringey, isn’t it?” he taunted.
Jungkook whined in his hands, trembling tone saturated with apology. “I’m sorry, hyung, I’m so sorry, I take it back, I didn’t mean it, p-please believe me...”
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his woman remove her panties and step out of them. Stockings and garter belt stayed on though. She had style. He smirked, humming softly to mask her movement.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me.”
He removed his hand and she dropped her bare pussy onto Jungkook’s naked thigh.
Wet, hot, and sweet.
“Oooh, fuck…”
He lifted his head, eyes hazy and unfocused, greeted by the sight of Yoongi’s girlfriend straddling his thigh and rubbing her pussy all over him, the scent of her perfume mixing with the scent of her sex, thick and delicious and intoxicating, her soaked opening flexing against his hard muscle, driving him insane, disappointed that she was still mostly dressed.
Jungkook reached for the belt at her waist, expecting Yoongi to stop him, but he didn’t, letting Jungkook unbuckle it, his hands shaking badly from the pleasure of her pussy touching his naked skin. The gentle slap of her thigh against his balls and cock not enough. He wanted to be touched, but those scrutinizing eyes indicated that she would touch him when she wanted and no sooner. It was making him lose his mind, but he loved it, moaning her name deep from his chest as he struggled to undo the small buttons, flinching and shuddering with her movements.
“I’m sorry, noona…” he gasped, staring into those sultry dark eyes.
She reached up and touched his lips, tracing the shape with her nail, sending shivers all over his body.
“You gonna watch your mouth from now on, Jungkook?” she murmured, trapping him with her gaze, turning the shivers into brimming electricity.
“Y-Yes, noona…”
He undid the last button and she swiftly removed her hand from his mouth and smacked his away, shrugging out of the shirtdress and tossing it to the floor before reaching down to her ass. She opened her mouth and her tongue snaked out, shiny with saliva, using her hands to spread her ass and pussy, squelching down on his hard, tense muscle.
“A-Ah, so good…”
And now he could feel more, the inner lips of her pussy now rubbing on his skin with her clit, slick and slippery, muscles of her opening constricting and relaxing on his thigh, an indescribable feeling, sensual and dirty and raw, the control so precise that her smug expression and upper body remained relaxed, hips still moving at the same rough pace.
Yoongi’s fingers tangled in his hair again, husky voice at his ear.
“Put the fingers of your right hand in her mouth.”
Jungkook obeyed as if spellbound, raising his hand and dipping his fingers into that waiting mouth, her warm tongue wrapping around them and coating them with her saliva, pink muscle gliding between his joints and dancing around his tattoos, spit dribbling down his palm and dropping in fat plops onto his crotch, his body flinching at the contact, unashamedly whimpering his want, Yoongi’s dark chuckle filling his ear.
It must have looked so dirty.
So wrong.
“Take them out.”
Jungkook removed his fingers with a sniffle, the coil in his core so tight he thought he was going to explode.
“Touch yourself.”
His cheeks burned at the thought of his own hand wrapping around his cock in front of two people, adrenaline and thrill burning his veins.
“B… But, hyung…”
“You touched yourself in the bathroom at the restaurant earlier, didn’t you?” that deep purr accused, pulling at his hair, prickling pain shocking his scalp.
“I…” His hand lowered. “I h-had to… noona is just so…” Staring into those heavily shadowed eyes, tongue licking those dark-stained lips, his saliva-coated fingers wrapping around his aching, taut cock, so close to sobbing at the relief of being touched that his voice cracked a little. “So sexy… and she smells s-so goooooood…”
Eyelids fluttering, Yoongi rapping his shoulder, telling him to look at her, telling him to appreciate that hair cascading over her left eye, those breasts cupped perfectly in that black lace bra, that garter and stockings barely encasing those juicy legs and her pussy sliding up and down his thigh, her hands spreading her ass wide so he could feel it as he punishingly and roughly pumped his cock, trembling all over, struggling to get his words out, cheeks burning with embarrassment as he explained but, for some reason, he wanted to explain and became even more aroused by it, relishing in knowing that she was listening intently to his confession.
“You always smell so, so good, noona… I t-touched myself w-while smelling your perfume on my clothes… T-Thinking about you and my hands all over your perfect body and your hands t-touching me…”
Fucking his hand harder, tighter, faster, slipping down, down, knowing what he was going to say next, driving himself to that point, the coil inside causing every muscle to tense, staring right into her eyes, knowing his pupils were blown-out and unfocused.
“T-Touching me like I am right now, abusing my c-cock and… s-stopping right before I c-cum…”
So close, so close, so close, please, please, please…
Her hand shot out and gripped his wrist painfully, forcing him to let go of his cock.
Jungkook cried out in vain, jerking his head forward and bringing tears to his eyes from the pain of Yoongi’s unmoving grip, tugging at his own hair, the sudden denial causing his cock to twitch and slap against her thigh, smearing pre-cum and saliva onto her soft skin, knowing that he wanted it, sinfully satisfied in how perfectly frustrated she made him, reading his signals and torturing him just right.
A merciful, skilled devil in disguise.
The hand left his hair.
Her hips slowed, sitting onto his thigh, an almost unbearable weight that he welcomed.
His head lolled, scalp stinging, staring into her eyes and loving the way she said his name, like her tongue was wrapping around it and caressing it, each syllable drenched with curated possessiveness that was meant just for him.
Yoongi’s fingers snaked around his neck, four fingers fitting under his left ear, thumb pressing onto the pulse just under his right ear.
“You want to finish inside me?” she exhaled, hot and heavy and addictive.
The grip on his neck tightened, pressing on the blood vessels leading to his head.
One of her hands was still on his wrist. The other reached in between his thighs, past his stiff, purple-red cock. Fingers wrapped elegantly around his balls, joints locking, keeping him in a vise-like grip of pure power without adding any unnecessary pressure.
“Y… Yes, please…” he gasped weakly.
The grip of his wrist vanished. He was getting lightheaded, fighting to keep his eyes on her, and her free hand was now finally encircling his cock, finger by finger, making him wait, squeezing his balls a little harder, fuck, her touch, a distinctly different hand and different power, gently stroking his throbbing length as Yoongi choked him and she pulsed her grip around his balls, his breath leaving in shallow gasps and not only from the thinning circulation, but the flashes of pain and the constant pleasure of her hands and her wet pussy flush against his thigh.
“What if I make you cum like this?” she murmured, leaning in, Yoongi pressing in between his shoulder blades and pushing him to her beautiful face, dark and sultry and captivating, her lips now close to his.
“O… Okay…”
It took all of his willpower to hold himself up with his hands.
“You can do whatever you want to me, noona,” Jungkook whispered thinly. “I mean it.”
Yoongi pet his sweaty hair, pushing it away from his forehead, squeezing his neck tighter.
Jungkook choked out her name, desire so potent that he saw something in her eyes flicker. She liked it. She liked him and what she was doing to him and his reaction to it. It gave Jungkook a special kind of high, the kind of arousal that transcended past the sex.
Jungkook couldn’t get out anymore.
He knew he would crave this feeling, the feeling of power in powerlessness.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Jungkook’s first kiss with Yoongi’s girlfriend was her forcefully jacking him off as she squeezed his balls and Yoongi choked him, his tongue sloppy and lips quivering, her sucking on it and making him moan with his tongue trapped in her dark lips, his hips twitching and shooting thick strings of cum all over her thigh, his thigh, and the sheets, suddenly slingshot into oxygen when Yoongi let go, adding to the high, his eyes rolling back, shivers racking his body, pleasure so intense that he felt nothing else, absolutely nothing but her touch, her hand leaving his balls and wrapping around his waist, pulling him to her body, her kiss stealing his breath, her cum-covered hand sliding up and down his abused cock.
Jungkook inhaled.
Her perfume invaded his nose, marshmallow sweetness, warmth of green tea, spark of ginger, and he was drunk, drunk on submission, sex, and their power over him.
Yoongi loved everything she did.
The way she looked at him.
The way her body moved.
The way she leaned over and kissed him as he pinned Jungkook’s wrists over his head while she was riding the younger man’s cock with a bruising, intense pace, her tongue curling around his, moaning softly into his mouth, lover to lover. With every moment, Yoongi fell more and more in love, addicted to orchestrating the perfect scenarios for his woman to completely ruin someone else.
She broke the kiss.
What a brilliant, satisfied, killer smile.
“O-oh, fuck, so good, fuck, your pussy is s-so good…”
Yoongi sat back and watched her hands slide over Jungkook’s chest, gripping his shoulders and fucking him hard, watching her pretty pussy clench around that cock that was begging for that tightness and that torture, the younger man rolling his hips up with every descent, destroying himself further.
The squelch and slap of skin to skin was audible, loud, and so, so sexy.
Her fingertip flicked the bottom of Jungkook’s chin, smirk on those plush lips now smeared with dark lipstick. There was something erotic about the mess though, her wild hair bouncing with every thrust, faint dark smudges now on his lips and Jungkook’s panting mouth.
“Aren’t you the perfect little fucktoy?” she teased.
There was a tension in her jaw, indicating that she was clenching around the younger man’s cock.
“A-Ah, just f-for you, noona…”
She frowned playfully, cocking a disbelieving eyebrow. “Hmm, I don’t know, sweet boys always have sweet tongues and you’ve already proven yours sometimes says misleading things…”
Jungkook whimpered. “P-Please, I s-said I was sorry… I m-mean it…”
Yoongi liked this begging, this desperate tremble vibrating from that silvery voice.
“I would n-never do something l-like this…”
Jungkook had such a handsome face, even with his cheeks flushed red and his composure falling apart.
“Unless it was y-you… and Yoongi-hyung, oooh, God…”
He raised his eyebrows, making eye contact with her.
She smirked back, dangerous and perfect.
“I-I can’t...”
“Yes, you can, Jungkook,” you murmured, arms around his neck, his arms shaking as he held himself up, moaning as you stroked his back, Yoongi behind you, still fully dressed, kneading your breasts, your nipples poking out between his long fingers and giving Jungkook the visual of your cleavage and the hard nubs poking straight out at him.
He groaned, hazy brown orbs returning to your face.
“Please, wanna make you cum with my cock so b-bad…”
You began to rock your hips again, the brief intermission stalling his orgasm over, and now he was moaning again, squirming at the oversensitivity and strained by the denial, your pulsing pussy keeping him hard until you built the pace up again, pushing him to the edge once more.
“Look at you,” you murmured, caressing his neck and back, fingers splayed over his hot skin. “You dream about this, Jungkook? Dream about hyung letting you be noona’s fuck slave?”
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, whining in his chest.
“I-I’m sorry…”
Your fingers slid up into his hair, cradling his head, smacking your ass down onto his thighs, tightening around his cock. Jungkook moaned into your face helplessly, shuddering at your sensual gesture contrasted by your fierce thrusts.
“I wanted you too,” you whispered hotly, breathing in his clean scent. “You always looked so innocent. Made me want to mess you up every time I saw that handsome, nervous face of yours.”
Your grip tensed around his head, lower half really giving it to him now, bouncing on his cock, letting his thickness and his hardness fill you up over and over again, Yoongi pinching your nipples and rolling them between his fingers, following your rhythm.
“It’s not going to be enough for him, you know,” Yoongi chuckled darkly behind you. “He’s going to come crawling back, begging for more.”
Jungkook bit his lip again, looking from you to Yoongi, already guilty.
You leaned forehead, placing a light kiss on that mole below his lower lip.
“I love it when you beg for me, Jungkook,” you purred.
You could feel it, arousal flaring at your own words, already close and getting closer, pussy pulsating around that satisfying girth.
“Are you going to be patient?” you teased, tugging at his hair, savoring the strained moans from Jungkook’s throat. “Are you going to wait on your knees and watch Yoongi fuck me until he’s satisfied and then come to take his place and show me that you can be good for me too?”
You felt Jungkook’s cock twitch inside you, already enthralled with the idea.
“Y-Yes, noona, p-please…”
You dug your nails into his scalp and moaned deeply, staring into those glazed-over brown orbs, drugged on his lust for you.
“You’re so obedient, fuck, makes me want to cum on this pretty cock of yours and reward you.”
Yoongi pinched your nipples and tugged on them.
The spark collided through you, gasping as your orgasm seized your senses and took over, your eyes rolling back as the powerful jolts made your walls spasm, tension so high that it felt as if your nerves were vibrating, Jungkook’s name tumbling from your lips with a hiss that turned into a groan in unison with his, his overstimulated cock jerking and twitching from the brutal massage of your orgasm, the condom swelling inside you from spurts of his own.
The scent of sex was so strong that even Yoongi moaned, squeezing your breasts roughly.
You inhaled sharply, feeling Yoongi’s arms wrap around you, nuzzling your neck.
“Don’t I have such good ideas?”
You grinned, seeing Jungkook’s euphoric expression before he pitched forward and leaned his forehead against your other shoulder, panting for breath. His exhale was warm, drifting over your racing heart and heating your heated skin.
“Yes, Yoongi,” you chuckled, stroking his soft blue hair and Jungkook’s sweaty black hair. “You’re a genius.”
"Sorry, Jimin-ssi, I can't–" He clenched his jaw, stifling the noise threatening to escape from his throat. "I can't hang out today. I have a deadline for work."
"Aw, that's okay Jungkookie. Do you want hyung to bring you some dinner? I can stop by!"
"I already ate, ah, just now. Thanks anyway."
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone. Don't forget your hyungs! You work too much."
Jeon Jungkook made an affirmative grumble. "Talk to you later."
An elegant finger reached over and hung up the call. The same hand lifted his phone from his ear and placed it back on the nightstand. Jungkook wasn't able to hold the phone himself.
He was handcuffed to the headboard.
"A-Ah, noona, fuck!"
Now that he was off the phone, she turned the toy back on, making him yelp and squirm. He whimpered, thighs shaking as his prostrate was assaulted with harsh vibrations, the connected silicone ring choking his cock and balls, flush against the base of both.
He moaned her name helplessly, looking down to see her laying between his legs, jerking forward with every smack of Min Yoongi's hips. His hard, dark red cock was sticking straight up right in front of her face. She heated it with her calm exhale, smiling at his shuddering whine.
"P-Please, touch me, o-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck..."
Yoongi smacked her ass with his open palm, making Jungkook moan at the sight of her ass bouncing from his hyung's dick.
"F-Fuck, please, noona, hyung, please, I wanna c-cum so b-bad..."
She increased the vibration setting and patted his thigh, returning to casually fucking Yoongi as he lost his mind from the jarring, rough pleasure, flexing his core and ass to make his cock jerk and swing in the air, unable to touch himself because of the handcuffs.
He loved it.
Jungkook loved every second of the torture crafted just for him.
"What a good boy for his noona."
Jungkook could only moan and whimper in response.
"Mm? Are you a good boy for her? Lying to Jimin so you can spend more time with my lovely woman?"
The younger man whimpered, biting his lip.
Yoongi smirked as Jungkook’s eyes rolled back, mouth open, gasping wail falling from his mouth as her tongue circled the head of his cock, lapping gently at the sensitive skin. The handcuffs rattled, Jungkook’s hands gripping the chain, tattoos standing out on his arm from his tense muscles. Yoongi watched her hands side up those toned thighs, up shaking hips, up to that slim waist, then drag back down, nails pricking at that skin, creating indents and red lines, visible, wet, glistening tongue toying with the throbbing cock in front of her.
He felt his own twitch inside her. Her muscles clenched around him tightly in response.
She lifted her head, gripping Jungkook’s hips and forcing him down on the bed, him whining and pleading for her to do more, but all three of them knew the way this was going to go and the one in the handcuffs wasn’t calling the shots.
“You keep coming back, Jungkook, and it’s gonna ruin sex for you.”
Her hand slid up his abused cock and balls, playing with them and rubbing the overstimulated skin as Yoongi increased his pace in power and speed, fingers spread out on her hips and sinking in, mirrored by the way she removed her hand from Jungkook’s length and grabbed his hips again, cocking her head, looking down at Jungkook.
“You keep flying high and you’re not going to want to come down.”
Jungkook’s black hair was all over his forehead, messy and sweaty, shudders leaving his swollen lips. The light caught the glint of the silver metal piercing on his trembling eyebrow.
She leaned down, hands crawling up his body, digging her nails in, scratching him up, and Yoongi hissed at the shifted angle, deeper now and more intense, her hair cascading down her shoulders, the sweet scent wafting up, sweet, warm, spicy, his favorite scents in the world melding together.
And his woman, a curator of the little, beautiful death.
She chuckled, taunting and playful, placing her forearms on Jungkook’s chest, pushing back against Yoongi and using the other male’s body as leverage, poised in front of Jungkook’s fallen composure, one hand lifting and tracing his lips, enticing that pink tongue to sneak out, begging for a taste.
She shoved her fingers into his mouth, humming approvingly as Jungkook began to suck on them noisily, moaning around her fingers as the rhythm escalated, louder and louder, squeezing his length tighter so Yoongi had to thrust harder, growling in his chest, firmly gripping her ass, faster, rougher, her fingers sliding in further, the wet sounds of tongue and lips adding to the symphony.
Her words the crescendo.
“The jetset life is gonna kill you, Jungkook.”
The fire flared to an unbearable tension and Yoongi hissed her name, clenching his jaw and scratching her back hard, causing her to let out a long, drawn-out moan, clenching around his entire length and he came, cock jerking against her punishing walls, shooting his orgasm into the condom, his fingers sliding down her back, groaning satisfyingly when she matched him, her cum gushing out and sticking to his crotch and thighs, sweet purr of his name drifting out of her lips, her fingers slipping from Jungkook’s mouth, shiny with saliva and wiping it all over his chin.
“O-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck, please…”
And she didn’t forget, not even in her ecstasy, her hand wrapping around Jungkook’s neck, choking him strongly, driving him to the edge.
It took seconds.
Your lips curved into a smirk, Jungkook’s shaking, half-lidded brown orbs saturated with lust, vibrations and visuals and now the loss of blood leaving him breathless, lightheaded, and at your mercy.
Open mouth, gasping out your name.
Then he threw his head back, airlessly screaming, handcuffs rattling, muscles standing out all over his body from the searing tension, tattoos glistening with sweat, eyes rolling back, hips jolting up and shooting cum all over your stomach and his, orgasm so intense that he arched his back and jammed his cock between your bodies, your hand releasing him, Jungkook sobbing at the relief of his aching length still flinching and twitching, the hot head of his cock throbbing against your skin, still dribbling out hot cum in between your bodies, thick and slick.
You slithered on top of him, smearing it everywhere.
“Oh, God, n… noona…”
“Asleep already?”
You petted Jungkook’s head, smoothing his hair. “He had an eventful night.”
Yoongi chuckled. “He asked for it.”
Jungkook scooted closer to your heat, burying his nose in your chest, inhaling deeply.
Yoongi kissed the top of your head affectionately and you reached for his hand, running your fingertips over his knuckles. He placed it on your bare hip, tracing his marks on you.
“So, next time…”
“You’re already planning next time, huh?” You turned your head to look at those mischievous, cat-like eyes shrouded by strands of wispy light blue.
Yoongi ticked a brow. “Do you think he’s going to stop? I made him wait a whole month from the first time to this time and he gave me puppy eyes every chance he got.”
You shook your head with a smile, turning back to run your fingers through Jungkook’s black hair. “I wonder how you survived.”
“I looked away.”
You snickered and lifted Yoongi’s hand, pressing his fingertips to your lips.
“I would make him look away from me,” you murmured, low and dangerous.
“Hmm, then I’ll let you decide when next time will be.”
“Not counting tomorrow morning, right?”
“Of course.”
You felt Jungkook’s lips press onto your skin, a soft kiss inviting you and Yoongi to destroy him more.
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
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Amajiki Tamaki x Reader
Prompt: You get drunk at a party and Tamaki saves the day.
Word Count: uh 2487
Reader: Female
Warning: very Americanized, out of character Tama??? I've never written for him before so be nice
You walk up the stairs to the large house, the music echoing through the street through the open door. The party was in full swing, drunk college kids littered the lawn playing various games or talking amongst themselves. It was a normal occurrence by this point. Mirio threw a party almost every weekend and invited everyone he knew… which was a lot. His kindness and ability to make anyone feel welcomed made him friends with almost everyone he encountered.
The blonde was impressive, to say the least. He managed to keep his place in the top three of his class and party. You didn’t understand how he did it. He never seemed stress either… Oh, to be Mirio Togata.
“(Y/N)!” A voice calls interrupting your thoughts. You look around, spotting Nejire trying to wiggle her way between the dancing twenty-year-olds. She gives one of them a hefty shove, apologizing before finally standing in front of you. The periwinkle-haired woman, pulling you in for a short hug, “I didn’t think you were coming-- Oh, my god.” She cuts herself off as she takes in your outfit.
You fidget nervously under her gaze, pulling down the end of your skirt. You were wearing something you stole straight from Pinterest, a black lace top with a simple blue miniskirt and some boots. It was simple enough for a college party but edgy enough to catch a certain someone’s eyes. She stares a little too long causing you to rethink the entire thing.
“Neji, finish the sentence. You’re scaring me.” You snap her out of her thoughts, shaking the arm she had a gentle grip on.
A small smirk comes across her face, leaning in slightly as she whispers, “Are you wearing that for Tama?” She innocently questions. Blood rushes to your cheeks and you duck your head away from her. “You thought you were being subtle, I know why you come to these parties. Mirio isn’t good at keeping secrets.”
You let out a groan, bringing your hands to your face to hide. A couple of weeks ago, you got a little bit tipsier than you planned and ended up confessing how you felt about the awkward, indigo-haired man to his best friend. Explaining how the only reason you came to these parties was to catch a glance of him. Mirio, of course, encouraged you to just ask him to hang out but you were too scared to ruin what little friendship you built up.
Nejire giggles, knowing she caught you redhanded. “He likes you more than you think, (Y/N).” She mindlessly confesses causing a kaleidoscope of butterflies to erupt in your stomach. “He was actually talking about you the other day! Oh, you should’ve heard him. She just so sweet for her own good--” She lowers her voice to mimic Tama. somehow keeping a straight face in the process.
“--The way her eyes light up when she talks about--” She stops talking again, his intoxicated state making her distracted. You furrow your eyebrows and try to figure out where her mind just went before she lets out a squeal. “Oh, I love this song! Come dance with me!”
“Actually, I wanted to go see Tam--” You don’t have any time to finish your sentence before she drags you into the sea of drunk college students.
Tamaki sighs, running a hand over his face as he contemplates the pros and cons of not going downstairs. Pros: he didn’t have to interact with anyone or possibly embarrass himself in front of almost everyone in their grade. Cons: starve to death… which sounded better at this point. The last time he went down to the kitchen during one of Mirio’s parties, he accidentally ran into someone and made them spill their drink all over themself.
He feels his face start to burn at the memory, he couldn’t even bring himself to apologize before Mirio stepped in and lead him back up to his room. After that, Tamaki stocked up on snacks in his room but they, unfortunately, ran out when he got a bit too hungry last night.
A loud growl sounds out from his stomach finalizes his decision. He decides to rip the bandaid and sets his laptop on the floor, flinging his covers off then marching towards the door. He makes his way down the stairs, the confidence he found now diminishing once he reaches the bottom.
Indigo eyes scan the first floor. Bodies were everywhere, people from different grades and even some from nearby universities filled the small three-bedroom home. It was times like these that made him grateful for his two best friends.
When Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki moved in together, it was an unspoken agreement that Tama would get the room in the attic. It was tucked away and you couldn’t hear the noise from the constant parties they threw. And, no matter what state of mind the two were in, the severity of the “no one goes past the second flight of stairs” rule was no joke. If they caught anyone trying to sneak off up there, they were kicked out and never invited to their home again.
Tamaki sucks in a breath then b-lines towards the kitchen. He skillfully avoids the bodies and safely makes it to his destination. Quickly, he goes to his cabinet of snacks and grabs the first thing he sees. He turns around and rushes back to the stairs but is stopped when he hears someone call out his name.
He immediately recognizes the voice and closes his eyes. Don’t say something stupid, don’t say something stupid, don’t stay something stupid--
His eyes snap open and his whole body goes stiff when he feels arms wrapping around his neck. Your signature scent flooded his nostrils making him relax into the hug. It feels as if the whole room disappears around the two of you, the music going silent and the people vanishing. His anxiety of coming down here was worth seeing you.
“Tama! I’ve looking for you everywhere!” You slur out, keeping your arms around him as you pull away from the embrace. “I asked Nejire where you were and I’ve been trying to get up to say hi but people keep dragging me away. I came here to see you, I--” You start to ramble off, your drunken mind taking over and allowing you to word vomit. He listens with stars in his eyes, his heart singing at the thought you came to one of these parties just to see him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for hugging you.” You suddenly unattached your body from his, a frown slipping onto your face at the action. “I know you don’t like that kind of attention. I just messed everything up--”
“It’s fine,” He rushes out before you could start rambling again. A small blush coats his cheeks as he watches your shoulders relax. “I don’t mind it from you.” He wasn’t sure you could hear him over the blaring music in the background but the large smile on your face says you did.
You open your mouth to respond but are cut off by some guy sliding next to you. “Hey there, sweet thang.” The man chirped out with a small smirk on his face.
“Hi!” You innocently giggle out, eyes turning to him for a second before directing it back to him to continue your conversation. “Tama, I found this little cafe you might like--” The man looks Tamaki up and down before going back to you, stepping in between the two of you causing a pout to appear on your face. “Hey, I was talking to Tama.”
“Why don’t you and I go find a place alone?” He more of demands than offers. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion at him, opening your mouth to deny him but snap it shut when he rests a hand on your hip.
“No, I don’t feel comfort--”
“Come on, don’t be a buzzkill.” He interjects, moving to lead you away from the crowd of people. Tamaki doesn’t know what takes over him when he reaches out and pulls the guy off of you. He has his hand on his shoulder as he looks down at him. He could tell by the steadiest of his words and the overpowering smell of body spray that he wasn’t drunk. He’s heard about the guys at parties that stay sober and scope out innocent girls who drank too much to take advantage of them.
He doesn’t realize how hard he was gripping the man’s shirt until he feels you gently place your hand on his lower back. “Tama, it’s fine. Let him alone.” He snaps his head to your voice and then back at the man, giving him the most intimidating look he could muster up before releasing the cotton.
“Tch. You can have her.” The man scoffs out, fixing the collar of his shirt and smoothing down the wrinkles. “She’s not even that hot anyways.” He mumbles out before walking away. Tamaki watches in satisfaction as Mirio stops him a few feet away, the bright smile on his face replaced with a scowl as he talks to him and then leads him out of the house.
Reality seems to come back to him when he hears a whine squeak out behind him. He spins around to see your lip pouted out and tears brimming your eyes. “Am I really not pretty?” You question causing his eyes to widen.
“No, no.” He rushes out, quickly moving forward to comfort you but stops himself. He didn’t want to make the situation worse by giving you an unwanted touch so he just stands there frozen. Your cries soon turn into body-shaking sobs, bringing attention towards you from other party-goers. Tamaki starts to panic on the inside, he was never good at consoling people but he couldn’t just stand there and let you degrade yourself.
Pushing down all his anxious thoughts, he reaches out and rests a gentle hand on your shoulder. He starts leading you out of the kitchen and towards the stairs as you continue to let the sleazeball’s words get to you. He couldn’t let you put yourself in front of all those people when he knew you were far from that.
Tamaki lets out a sigh of relief when you finally make it to the comfort of his bedroom. It was much easier to talk to you without anyone else around especially in this state of mind. He could focus on his thoughts and let you release your emotions freely without fearing the embarrassment tomorrow.
“I am ugly, aren’t I?” You suddenly croak out, voice still muffled by your hands.
“No, I-I think you’re very pretty, (Y/N).” You shake your head at him, dropping your hands to reveal your face. His heart sinks at your puffy eyes and red cheeks.
“You’re just saying that, Tama!” You cry out, stomping your foot like a child.
“No, I’m not!” He rushes out but you don’t look up at him. He allows his body to move over to you, cupping your cheeks and making you look at him in the eyes. Your lips were still in a pout but he noticed your tears yield. That gives him enough confidence to continue talking,
“You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He confesses with a small blush on his cheeks. “You don’t even need to dress up to make an impression. When you show up to class in sweats and a sweatshirt, you still take my breath away. Don’t let that guy’s words make you doubt your beauty.” You let his words soak in, sadness replaced with fluttering in your stomach.
“Thank you.” You manage to whisper out with a tiny smile on your lips.
He lights up, a large smile on his own face seeing that he succeeded at comforting you. “No problem, bunny.” He gleams and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. He doesn’t even realize he let his nickname slip until you let out a giggle.
“Bunny?” You innocently ask with a lift to your tone. He feels his face heat up, eye-widening once again. “I like that. Bunny, bunny, bunny.” You repeat as you rest your hands over his on your cheeks. “I’m your bunny.”
He can’t help the chuckle that escapes his lips at how joyous you were with the term of endearment. “You’re so cute.”
“So are you.” You're quick to reply, nuzzling yourself into his cheek. There's a moment of silence as you just bask in each other’s presence. The air shifts around the two of you as it happens. His gaze absently flicks to your lips then back to your eyes. You seem to notice since you start leaning in.
Before your lips could touch, Tamaki turns his head. He knew you weren’t in the right state of mind and he didn’t want you to regret kissing him. He dreamed your first kiss would be much more than that, something the two of you would remember.
Your kiss lands on his warm cheek. Your eyes flutter open to meet his downcasted ones. “I’m so sorry. I thought--”
“No, don’t apologize.” He cuts you off with a whisper as he takes your hands into his. “I really want to kiss you…” Your face lights up at that, “but I-- just think about it more, okay, bunny?”
You nod excitedly, “Can we cuddle then?”
“Of course, let’s get you into some comfy clothes first.” He suggests then presses another kiss to your forehead. You let out another giggle and wait patiently as he moves to his dresser and pulls out a t-shirt and sweats.
Tamaki turns around to give you some privacy while you change. He holds back a laugh when he hears you struggling behind him. Once he hears your shuffling stop followed by the sound of something plopping onto his bed, he decides it’s safe to turn back.
His heart nearly explodes as sees you in his clothes laying on his bed. You easily burrow into his pillows and find comfort in his blankets. He shakes his head, knocking out all the inappropriate thoughts and makes his way over to your grabby hands.
He slips under the covers and you’re immediately cuddled up to his side. He tries to calm his internal dialogue as you press against his side, carefully sliding an arm around your body and adjusting in a more comfortable position. Your head lays on your shoulder with a leg and an arm slung over him to get as close as possible.
You let out a content sigh, feeling the warmth of his body completely relaxing you. Your eyelids start to get heavy and you yawn, “Night, Tama. Love you.”
Tamaki’s body stiffens under you like a board, the hand that was absently playing with your hair comes to a halt. “I-I love you too.”
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
Backstage (Rosénali CH 1)
Summary: Denali is a new student at a Boarding School for the Performing Arts. She can’t make it 10 minutes into her first class before a girl with pink hair catches her eye. Being told to stay away from her just makes her want her more.
Boarding School AU
Kinda Pastel/Punk AU
Author’s Note: Be on the look out for links to extra stories within the chapters.
Warnings: Underage smoking
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“What’s on your mind gorge?” Mik asks breaking the silence of the dorm room.
“Uh, nothing” Denali lies.
“Bullshit” Mik sits up on her bed. “You finished your homework ages ago and you’re still sitting at the desk.”
Denali sighs and closes her book in front of her. “What do you know about Rosé?”
“Ooh, got a crush, do we?”
“No!” Denali is quick to answer, and Mik raises an eyebrow. “Well maybe – but Liv said to stay away from her.”
She thinks back to her first class when a girl with pink hair had waltzed in seeming not to care that she was late. Denali had watched her as she sat down at the back of the room, ignoring the teacher’s disappointed stare. Their eyes had connected when Denali hadn’t looked away quick enough and since then she couldn’t stop thinking about the girl she’d asked Olivia the name of.
It didn’t matter that Liv had told her that Rosé was “bad news” and that no one really hangs out with her, the mystery only made Denali want to get to know her more.
“Ugh” Mik makes a sound of dismissal. “Liv’s just being perfect and dramatic. She’s not bad – kind of cool actually. When she wants to talk to you that is.”
“She doesn’t have many friends, does she?”
“I mean, she has people she hangs out with from time to time, but she doesn’t stick around with them for long” Mik shrugs. “She’s a tough one to crack. But if you ever get close to her, ask her how she sneaks out at night. She’s the only one who’s never been caught breaking curfew even though everyone knows she does it.”
“Do you have a bad girl streak that I should know about?” Denali jokes with her.
“I have one that you shouldn’t worry about” Mik corrects. “Now come on, it’s nearly time for dinner.”
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“Just leave it alone, you look fine” Mik smacks Denali’s arm as she keeps readjusting the outfit she’d just spent 10 minutes picking out. Dinner being the only time allowed to wear mufti, she wanted to make a good first impression in her pastel purple dress and bleached denim jacket.
“In no time you’ll be rolling up in sweatpants and mismatched socks” Mik continues as they move along the buffet line.
“Where do you normally sit?” Denali asks as they move away from the bench.
“Anywhere” Mik says, sliding into the closest seat.
Denali sits next to her and as soon as she looks up ahead of her, her eyes get fixed to the image of Rosé sitting at the edge of the room in a black leather jacket. She doesn’t know why she didn’t expect it, but it suits her perfectly with her already edgy pink hair.
“Might want to quit your gawking angel, or someone will catch on” Mik warns playfully and Denali ducks her head blushing.
“What are you teasing her about?” Liv asks, sitting down across the table from them.
“Denali’s crushing on Rosé” Mik earns herself a whack on the arm from Denali.
“I didn’t picture you as someone who has a thing for bad girls” Liv says, looking behind her at Rosé.
“What’s wrong with bad girls?” Mik asks.
“Oh please” Liv turns back to the table with a scoff. “You’ve had, like, three detentions. Rosé is raking up around thirty.”
(Short Story: Detention)
“Come on, Liv. You know that’s an exaggeration” Mik levels with her. “Just because she bet you out for the lead role in the production last year.”
“You know my vocals are killer!”
“Yeah, but” – Mik gets cut off.
“What about that fight she got into?”
“To be fair, I think that was justified after what they said about her” Mik weighs up but before Denali can ask about the memory, a teacher walks up behind them and Mik and Olivia both shove a forkful of food in their mouths like they hadn’t been talking.
“Miss Foxx” Denali turns around to smile at who she recognises as Mr Kressley. “After dinner Ms Visage would like to see you in her office.”
“Okay” – Denali’s voice cuts off when he turns abruptly and walks away.
“You get in trouble on your first day?” Mik teases.
“No” Denali shakes her head. “Probably about class scheduling or something.”
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Denali was right, the meeting was only checking her timetable was in order and asking how her first day was. Ms Visage intimidated her somewhat but she was able to make enough small talk that she figured the Deputy Principal didn’t hate her.
It was dark by the time she left the office block and stepped outside. For a second she got disorientated without the sunlight to help her find her way back to the dormitories but as she turned slightly more to the right, she saw them in the distance.
Wondering along the path she could hear voices of students through the windows of the student lounge as she passed it. Though she didn’t bother to step inside, knowing that Mik was going to hangout in their room with Liv until curfew.
“You not found any friends yet?” a voice startles Denali so that she flinches back – quickly being followed by the sound of soft laughter.
“It’s weird to walk around by yourself at night, anyone ever tell you that?” Denali’s eyes are drawn down to Rosé sitting on the concrete in a recess of a building.
“I have friends” Denali breathes deeply to get her composure back. “And has anyone told you that it’s weird to sit alone in the dark?”
“Fair” Rosé shrugs and nods her head to the ground in front of her, inviting Denali to sit down.
For more than the reason that she didn’t want to be rude, Denali accepts the invitation and sits against the opposite wall. After she’d settled against the brick Rosé reaches forward and offers Denali the cigarette in her hand.
“No thanks” Denali shakes her head.
“You can have your own if you like” Rosé offers, already reaching into the pocket of her jacket.
“No” Denali shakes her head again and Rosé only shrugs before taking a draw. “Where did you get them anyway?”
“I don’t tell you my secrets, you don’t tell me yours” Rosé says after expelling the smoke in a long exhale.
“So, nothing happens?”
Rosé nods her head in confirmation. “So, what are you doing out here, you never said?”
“Was in the office.”
“Got sent to the office on your first day?” Rosé teases just as Denali’s friends had.
“Scheduling thing” Denali says.
“Well, if you ever get sent back, you’ll probably find me in there” Rosé smiles to herself.
“Why is it that I get the feeling that it’s not because you have an extracurricular job?”
“Because you have good instincts” Rosé answers casually, taking another draw before exhaling out the side of her mouth. “I could probably walk there with my eyes closed – thought about trying it once.”
Denali means to say that that’s not exactly something she should be proud of but before she can the sound of footsteps approach them from around the corner.
“Oh shit!” Rosé whispers and moves quickly, stamping out her cigarette with the heel of her boot while simultaneously reaching into her other pocket and pulling out a tab of gum. With the cigarette well put out, she puts her leg over it and throws the gum in her mouth. A spicy mint smell instantly appearing in the air just as a teacher rounds the corner.
“What’s going on down here?” Denali once again recognises Mr Kressley.
“Hanging out” Rosé answers casually like she hadn’t been breaking a major rule only a few seconds before.
“Outside, in the dark?”
“It’s before curfew” Rosé reasons nonchalantly.
“Very well” Mr Kressley relents with a sigh, turning on his heels. “Have a good night.”
“Good night” Denali echoes sweetly to him as he walks away.
“I’ll probably see you Saturday!” Rosé suddenly calls out after him but he ignores her.
“Why Saturday?” Denali turns to her.
“We have a romantic fling in the P.E shed” Rosé answers sarcastically.
Denali knows she’s joking but she still looks at her like she’s lost her mind.
“I’m kidding” Rosé amends. “Detentions are always on Saturdays.”
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haec-est-fides · 4 years
✨ Imperial Household Saturnalia Headcanons ✨
Welp, it’s the last day of Saturnalia today so I figured now or never on my hcs. Enjoy, and happy holidays -- whatever you celebrate!
Nero’s birthday is two days before Saturnalia starts, so his Household just kicks off the holiday early with a massive party.
The business-side of Triumvirate Holdings closes for the holidays the week Saturnalia starts and stays closed until after New Year’s, so the oblivious mortal employees just think that the company is really nice to give them so much (paid) time off.
Saturnalia is basically the one time every year that Nero will invite the other triumvirs and their Households to his tower in New York no strings attached.
Okay, one string attached: bring gifts!
Gifts are exchanged among the Households on the 23rd.
Regarding gifts, Nero gives his kids credit cards the week before Saturnalia and lets them go nuts. That said, they generally buy each other really dumb stuff -- lots of gag gifts and inside jokes.
All of the private / non-business floors of Nero’s tower are decked out beyond belief. There are fresh garlands and wreaths everywhere, with real gold and silver decorations. The entire place is lit with strands of white, gold, and purple lights.
Indoor trees are not a Roman tradition, they’re a Germanic one. Since the Germani definitely help decorate, that means they get a tree!
Saturnalia is one of the only times you’ll ever see the Germani genuinely smile or laugh btw.
Everyone wears garishly bright and colorful clothes and pileus hats are the norm. (Even Marcus dresses for the occasion. His siblings make him.)
Gambling is a traditional part of the festivities, but now this ranges from old Roman dice games to betting on modern board games and even video games. Everyone “gambles” candies, coins, and whatever else they happen to have in their pockets.
Still, this petty gaming can and has resulted in fights.
There’s a bit of rivalry between the Households, but all of the kids get along way better than the emperors do.
Many of the kids really look forward to celebrating Saturnalia in NYC because they rarely get to travel and see their “cousins”.
Some of the kids in Commodus’ and Caligula’s Households absolutely love Nero’s tower, but Nero’s Household are like “This is normal? That’s just an elevator?? Would you like to see the massive kitchen where we keep all of the snacks???”
All serious schemes and rivalries are converted into elaborate pranks during the week of Saturnalia. Nero’s kids have home field advantage, but the other Households adapt quickly.
As soon as everyone arrives in NYC and gets somewhat settled, the Households pick who gets to be the Saturnalicius princeps for the holiday (sort of like a Lord of Misrule).
The kids all bribe each other for “votes”, even though the winner is chosen by pulling a name from a hat. It still gets rigged because the kids will write other people’s names rather than their own. (Lucius hates being Saturnalicius princeps, so he’s easy to bribe.) The winner’s job is Chaos.
They used to choose by putting a coin in a cake, but the cakes got too elaborate and one of Nero’s kids (Livia, a daughter of Fortuna) kept finding the coin every year.
There’s a ridiculously extravagant dinner every night of Saturnalia, set out in the biggest ballroom in the tower to accommodate everyone. Dessert is served first.
A big part of Saturnalia is temporary “role reversals” -- which, in the ancient world, meant things like servants being served dinner by their masters. Surprisingly, Nero is pretty insistent on this dynamic shift, or at least on everyone being “equal” for the holiday. He thinks it’s funny. He’ll even “take orders” from some of the younger kids if it’s something small. (Don’t push it, though.)
All of the dryads and other servants in the Household(s) are, like the Imperial children, put on a level playing field with the emperor(s) for the week. While said dryads / servants are understandably more hesitant about it, a few of the kids (like Meg, Cassius, and Sabina) make the effort to be extra nice to them and include them in the festivities.
The week is taken off from all kinds of work, but there’s also no “justice” met out. This means that everyone can get away with a lot, but it doesn’t mean that the emperors (or even some of the kids) will forget. Everyone knows to watch their backs after Saturnalia if they did something really stupid.
Hm, some more character-specific holiday hcs…
Meg is a formidable pranking opponent and you do not want to get on her bad side. She and Luguselwa are masters of illusion and they use their secret alliance to their advantage. Meg also helps the dryads decorate their trees / plants, along with her younger siblings!
Cassius sticks by Meg a lot because he’s worried about getting pranked by the older kids. He’s also too sweet to want to prank anyone, so Meg tries to show him the ropes. Sabina and Livia have his back too, and they will hold grudges if anyone tries to cheat Cassius at any games.
Marcus gifts everyone cards with original mean / tacky poetry every year. He secretly loves Saturnalia, but he has to keep up his reputation as the edgy kid. He absolutely almost tears up when Aemillia gets him a new dagger and writes her own bad poem back at him. Vergil and the twins, Julius and Julia, also make sure to include Marcus in their various “poetry competitions” over the week, and he loves it.
Lucius tries really hard to relax, but he still ends up parenting everyone. If any of the kids have a problem, they know that Lucius will take it the most seriously and know how to fix it. Gnaeus, the Household’s “tech support” kid, can completely relate. The two spend a lot of time hanging out in one of their rooms, away from the chaos -- though they do come out of hiding to beat everyone at board games and win candy.
Aemillia tries to get all of her siblings (and most of her “cousins”) thoughtful gifts, so she definitely spends the most time gift shopping. She’s also the Dance Dance Revolution undefeated champion of the Household and will take on any physical challenge thrown at her even if she doesn’t care about the prize. Lucia and Marius are similar in that respect, and the three of them are known to have a serious (but fun) sibling rivalry.
As for the emperors…
Nero is generally content to step back and let chaos happen for a week. (Trust me, he needs the break.) However, he does carry a lyre / some other instrument with him at all times. He will jump at any chance to perform. He takes requests. (Everyone else either loves this or hates it. Some of the kids, like Sabina and Vergil, make genuine requests and that earns them major brownie points with Nero. Other kids will make joke requests just to annoy everyone else.)
Commodus doesn’t like being cooped up indoors, or the cold, so he spends a lot of time engaging in competitive activities to keep himself busy. He denies losing to any of the kids, but sometimes does. He organizes (non-lethal) war games and gladiator matches (because of course the tower has a floor for that). He thinks paintballing and laser tag are festive.
Caligula is extremely enthusiastic about Saturnalia, but he still manages to be terrifying. He goes all out with his outfits every single day. He also helps the kids set up pranks, basically playing all sides of the prank war -- and making said pranks at least 3 times more dangerous than they should be. Caligula is the most difficult triumvir to prank, because he’s so paranoid and knows every trick in the book, but some brave souls still make the attempt.
Now, almost all of the kids in Caligula’s Household are too scared to prank their emperor. Likewise, almost all of Nero’s kids are too scared to prank Nero. Commodus’ kids aren’t scared to prank anyone, but they’ve picked up on Commodus’ animosity with Nero. This means that A) if anyone pranks Caligula, it’s probably Nero’s kids, B) if anyone pranks Nero, it’s probably Commodus’ kids, and C) everyone pranks Commodus. (Sorry, Commodus.)
Io, Saturnalia, all! <3
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kylopen · 5 years
Dating an ‘edgy’ girl
(House neutral)
Warnings: I have a tendency to swear
Read the Marauders era version here
Includes: Draco, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Fred, George and Neville.
I can’t add a “read more” thing for some reason I’ve tried many times so idk sorry
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* You both meet when he bumps into you in hogsmeade.
* He fully hits you with that “who the fuck do you think you a—“
* Then he slowly looks up to find a girl, drenched in black clothes.
* “You what?”
* Suddenly, he’s lowkey a bit intimidated.
* He tries not to let that show.
* “You... you heard me”
* “And who even are you?”
* He was shocked and embarrassed that someone like you didn’t know who he was.
* (You definitely knew who he was)
* After that first meeting he was beyond intrigued.
* He began to try the most stupid things to get your attention.
* This would include throwing things in your direction.
* Until one day, he hits you with a small pocket book, to which you replied with a swift punch to the stomach.
* Okay but why did that turn him on
* He would take on a nicer approach after that, sending you notes in the shape of things he knew you loved, like your favourite bird or flower.
* You were sure he was just messing with you.
* “What do you even want Malfoy?”
* He plucks up enough courage to finally say it
* “You”
* He loves your confidence and how unafraid you are to be yourself.
* You hit him with the “I’ll think about it” which leaves him stunned.
* Of course you actually wanted him too, you just wouldn’t give him what he wanted so easily.
* That’s pretty much how your whole relationship went
* You would try your hardest not to give Draco what he wanted so easily because honestly his little whines and groans when he doesn’t get what he wants are so cute.
* Some people expected your relationship, others didn’t.
* Lucius straight out doesn’t like you. Narcissa on the other hand, often likes to take you shopping or to tea, she loves how happy you make her son.
* Not to mention your similar taste in style.
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* “I made a friend today” Luna would tell harry.
* “That’s very nice Luna” Harry chalked it up to an imaginary person
* But then you joined them. A very real girl.
* A very beautiful girl.
* He automatically expected you to be rude, based on how you were dressed but as soon as you started conversing with Luna...
* Heart eyes.
* You spoke so kindly and you were so sweet.
* You ask for his name, despite knowing it already because he was probably sick of hearing “you’re Harry Potter!”
* And he knew it.
* That just made his little heart melt.
* You would be whining about potions being difficult when he whips out the:
* “I’m pretty good at potions... I can tutor you if you like”
* Hermione would roll her eyes knowing that he was only good because of the “half blood prince’s” book.
* You spend quite a few evenings in the gryffindor common room studying.
* You finally pass a potions exam, giving Harry a sweet kiss on the cheek, leaving behind a dark lipstick print.
* He honestly loved the mark you left.
* It was something he adored more when you finally start dating.
* Black/Purple/red lipstick stains everywhere.
* People really didn’t expect the chosen one to choose someone so... dark and edgy...
* People would try to convince Harry that maybe you weren’t the one for him.
* He’d get super mad at those comments.
* Fred and George would make constant sex jokes about the two of you.
* “Been tied up lately Harry?”
* “Rough night?”
* He’d look at you pleadingly but you’d just lean back with a big old smirk on your face.
* It was quite amusing to watch him get flustered over the thought of any of that stuff happening
* Remus was the one to tell you that Lily would have absolutely loved you.
* That meant the world to you and Harry.
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* You meet Ron when he is running down the hallway and smacks straight into you.
* You go into full rage and the poor boy just stands there.
* His lip quivers in fear and your face softens.
* “Sorry I’m just having a shit day and you spilt my sweets” you pout, pointing to the sweets scattered around the concrete floor.
* “I- I’m really sorry...”
* He gets a proper look at you
* And boy does he love what he sees.
* Like, you look so fucking awesome to him.
* “Maybe... I mean... if you want... I have a stash... back at my dorm... if you maybe wanted to come eat”
* He would be delighted to find out there’s a childish side under all those black clothes.
* He asks you out suddenly when you meet him looking good as fuck.
* Not that you normally didn’t look good but you had obviously put more effort into your daily look and he couldn’t help himself.
* When you started dating people were beyond shocked.
* Molly was fairly apprehensive when she first saw you walking with her son
* But then she saw the two of you interact with each other and realised it was perfect.
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* you meet in the library.
* Some Slytherins knocked over her pile of books on purpose and you come to her aid.
* She doesn’t look up, too embarrassed to face whoever was helping her.
* When she finally faces her saviour her heart: thump thump thump.
* She’s instantly captivated.
* You notice her flustered movements and red tinted cheeks.
* UwU
* “Would you like something done about them? I have a few pranks up my sleeve” you ask
* “T-They’re not worth it anyways it’s fine”
* She takes the moment to scan you fully, the healed boots, the choker.
* Wow
* She stands abruptly, muttering a thank you before scurrying off.
* Not without a flirtatious comment from you “if you’re really thankful Granger, maybe you can eat lunch with me some time” you’d wink and she’d walk away faster.
* Naturally, Hermione was too nervous to even attempt to get you to eat with her
* So you took matters into your own hands, strolling over casually, sitting yourself down next to her.
* “Hey Granger” you’d smile and rest your head on your hand, admiring her flustered face.
* The others would look at the two of you questionably, unsure as to what’s going on.
* She would love hate how you managed to make her so flustered so easily.
* Your personalities blended so well, you would make sure Hermione doesn’t overwork herself and she would make sure you don’t take too much time off.
* When you both finally start dating Hermione would constantly be staring at you.
* Like I mean to the point you distract her from working.
* “Like what you see Granger?”
* “Oh shut up”
* “Make me”
* Her parents absolutely adore you, being muggle born you fit in very easily with her and her family.
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* you noticed Neville ask Ginny to the Yule Ball at dinner.
* you focus your attention the cute blonde beside them.
* And then you hear some of the other third year girls making comments and joking about Luna being too weird to be asked to go to the ball.
* Third years were only allowed to go if asked by an upperclassman.
* So you slid into the seat next to her.
* The girls quiet down for a moment and you take your chance to ask her.
* “Wanna be my date to the ball?”
* The other girls make comments on your dark outfit choices.
* “I would love to accompany you... but you don’t have to ask me just because Ginny is going”
* You notice the girls snicker and mention something about you both looking odd and “made for each other”
* Luna would hold your hand to stop you doing anything.
* Because honestly, she loved how different you both were. It just meant you could both be yourselves around each other.
* She wore a beautiful dress. It spilled to the floor around her feet, a gorgeous blue and around her neck, a peacock collar, feathers and all.
* Her hair was swept up into a bun, loose curls falling down around her neck and face
* Time stopped for the both of you.
* Your black dress with the long lace sleeves.
* You both couldn’t look more different yet so made for each other as you walk arm in arm into the hall.
* Xenophilius would be beyond happy when Luna would describe you too him.
* Seeing his daughters face light up was more than enough.
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* You meet Fred when he loses control of his broom during quidditch practice.
* He flew directly into you, falling on your body.
* “Fuuuuuck” you groan in pain, eyes screwed shut.
* Fred doesn’t even get off you because he’s just awestruck.
* Like how can someone look so edgy yet so cute at the same time?
* He finally snaps out of it and helps you up.
* You vomit.
* He panics.
* And that’s how he ended up staying in the hospital wing with you until curfew.
* You talked about anything and everything.
* “So... the Yule ball is coming up—“ he would start.
* “I have a date”
* “O-Oh yeah sure no I mean—“
* “And he hit me with a broom the first time we met” you wiggle your eyebrows.
* He leans back, trying to be all confident and chill only for the chair to give way.
* “You’re such a dork”
* “Says you. Trying to look all intimidating but you’re a little jelly bean” he would say as he boops your nose.
* “My soul is black okay. I’m like a kidney bean not a jelly bean” you would huff and he would just swoon.
* You both began dating. No one really asked, it just kind of happened.
* The fact that you get along with George is so amazing to him, it was important you did.
* He would watch lovingly as you interact with his brother.
* “What’re you staring at?” You’d try to be intimidating all the time but Fred would just laugh and ruffle your hair.
* the first time he ever meets you was during Umbridge’s reign of terror.
* Him and George are talking to a first year who was hurt by her.
* You come storming round the corner.
* For a second he thought you were going to hit him.
* And then you turn to the kid.
* “Are you okay Vince?! What did she do to you?!”
* The boys don’t know what to say.
* “Is this your brother?” They ask worriedly
* You explain that you were put in charge of the first years of your house
* Umbridge comes out with her “naughty children deserve to be punished.”
* Before George can even open his mouth you’re storming over to Umbridge, your black heeled boots making you tower over her.
* “I’ll show you a fucking punishment” and before you can do anything else George grabs you and pulls you away
* But Man, his heart was pounding.
* You were so caring yet so aggressive at the same time.
* And he loved it.
* “Close your mouth mate you’re catching flies” Fred would joke.
* You tell them you need to get the boy back to your common room and George basically screams that he’ll accompany you.
* Of course you let him.
* He tries to ask you out before you enter your dorms but he fails to build up the confidence.
* So you plant a small kiss on his cheek.
* Heart eyes as he walked back to his own dorms, hand on the cheek you kissed the whole time accompanied by a cheesy, content grin.
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* he meets you when you join Dumbledores Army.
* Shy boi
* He cannot speak when you start a conversation with him about his patronus.
* “That’s cute” you would comment.
* But when he does open his mouth:
* You laugh and because of your slightly intimidating appearance he automatically assumes you’re laughing at how stupid he is.
* But you’re actually laughing at how simply adorable he is
* You’re the one to start every conversation because he’s always too nervous to.
* That is, until Seamus slips some truth serum he stole from Snape into his juice at breakfast.
* “Sit back and watch the show”
* Hermione would automatically go nuts when she found out and try to get him out of the hall before you arrive.
* But she was too late.
* “Hi guys!”
* “Y/N, good morning youre looking beautiful as always”
* Your face heats the fuck up. You didn’t expect that to come out of Nevilles mouth.
* “So Neville, how do you feel about Y/N?” The boys would ask.
* And that’s when the truth comes loose.
* He’s still a shy boy in your relationship, but as you both become more comfortable, he begins to act on his own.
* Like, hugging you first, to holding your hand first and so on.
* Everyone is honestly so supportive of Cutie Neville and his edgy girlfriend even though it was unexpected.
* And Nevilles grandmother? She LOVES you. Which melts his heart.
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Past The Point Of No Return (Ch.5)
Summary: After the kiss, tensions are rising between you and Safin. While on a shopping trip, you try to make an escape but fail. Upon hearing this, Safin is not pleased with your behavior.
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: Smut (fades to black)
A/N: This chappie is a...roller coaster. Were half way throguh this fic already 😳 I was blasting Lana Del Rey while writing this and she really inspired the story. Here’s my spotify playlist for this fic. I love reading your comments btw, they make my day! Just wanna warn that this is my first time writing smut (that I have published), so forgive me if it sucks.  I really hope you guys enjoy this! 😌
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You waked up to the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore. You rub the sleep off your eyes as your body refused  to move out of its comfortable pose. Looking at the clock, it read ten o’clock. You hated sleeping in so late. Rolling out of bed, you push your hair back to go use the bathroom. The bags under your eyes had been fading away. Instead of feeling on edgy, you felt calm. You were Safin’s prisoner, but he spoiled you with expensive weekend trips and jewelry that cost more than your life on the black market.
After cleaning yourself up, you walked out of the bathroom and noticed a pair of clothes on a wooden loveseat. It was a pair of high-waisted khaki shorts, a light blue collared buttondown, and nude Venetian mules. You didn’t have many clothes to bring, so you assumed Safin had made you an outfit to wear. It wasn’t as exotic or revealing as your dinner outfit.
As you dressed, you could still imagine Safin’s hands all over you. He was so hungry and possessive of you. The way his calloused hands squeezed your back and traveled down your thighs made you shudder. You would never admit it to anyone, but you secretly savored the attention. Nobody had ever kissed you like that, let alone treat you in such a way. Safin made you feel all kinds of emotions you had bottled up over the years. Your hand traveled to your neck to see a red spot on your collarbone. It was pink and red mixed together. You dind’t remember Safin’s kiss that well since your eyes were closed as Safin overtook your body. Sighing, your disappointed with yourself. You couldn’t fall in love with the man who wanted to kill your friends and family if you didn’t fall in love with him. You finish buttoning your blouse and tuck it into your shorts, walking downstairs to the kitchen.
You walk out and feel the sun shine on your skin and the Medtaerrian breeze in your hair. It’s another beautiful day on the island. You see Safin sitting at a table, outlooking the beautiful sea. He sees you and turns, a smile on his face.
“Good morning, y/n. How did you sleep?”
Snappin out of your trace, your cheeks burn. There Safin is, the man who kissed and threatened you. Trying to act normal, you walk over and take a seat across from him.
“Well. How about yourself?”
“Wonderful, actually,” Safin responded in his silky voice. “It would have been much better if you were next to me though.”
Great. That’s all Safin needed to say to make you feel uncomfortable. Your cheeks burn as you look into the sea to conceal your face. “What a shame, Safin.Truly.”
“One day you will...I know of it.” Safin replied, a low growl in his voice. You rolled your eyes.
It was just one kiss, right?
As y/n finished her oatmeal, Safin looked up at her outfit. That woman could pull off any look, a scandalous dress or tomboyish island outfit. Your blouse had been unbuttoned slightly, showing the subtle sucking spot on your collerbone. Ah, how he longed to taste y/n’s skin again. She bit her red lips to conceal her pleasured moans. He had longed the touch of a woman. Even if y/n had kissed him, he still wasn’t satifesed. He wanted more, and he wanted y/n now.
Shifting in his sit, he rested his cheek in the calm of his hand. “Would you still like to go shopping?”
“Yes,” She answered. “I’d like to see the island...”
“Anything for you, my dear.”
Safin couldn’t tell if Y/n hated or loved the nicknames he gave her. But this was the first time he noticed her cheeks turn red as she rubbed her chin. Just being near her, sitting across from her, was making him aroused. At the dinner last night, Safin couldn’t control himself. He nearly had lost himself when he had asked y/n for a kiss, in which she sparingly agreed to. He could have had his way with her last night, but he couldn’t. As much as he wanted her, Safin wanted and needed to be loved by her. Y/n already thought of him as a monster. Even someone such as himself couldn’t force himself upon anyone.
Being around y/n was going to be Safin’s ultimate downfall.
For a small island, the seaside town that inhabited it was full of luxurious stories. It reminded you of a Medterrian Bond street with high end stores such as Burberry and Louis Vuitton. It was overwhelming, so Safin guided you. It turned out Safin was filthy rich from his Spectre days. You should have realized that, considering that the man had resdegined a former Submarine Pen on a privately owned island.
You would have been fine with a normal shop with basic items that weren’t overpriced. But of course, Safin had decided to be extra and take you to the most expensive places in the town. You tried to tell him you were fine with any store, but he simply pulled you close and purred, “Only the best for my beautiful wife.”
Those words rung through your head. They pissed you off for sure. Safin knew how to get right under your skin, it was his job after all.
After a few hours of shopping, you were definitely feeling exhausted. You insisted that you had enough clothes, but Safin wanted to take you to every store he could. Safin made you hold his arm as you walked around the city. You should have hated being around him. But deep inside of, you enjoyed the attention. The attention that you knew no man was ever going to give you. Maybe he did truly love you and want someone to rule the world with. But it couldn’t be you. You two were polar opposites. He was an Anarchist, and you were a cyrptographer. You were supposed to enemies, not lovers.
Stopping in brought back thousands of memories. You and your mother use to shop there as a child, bringing back a dose of nostalgia. Moneypenny, your coworker, brought most of her wardrobe from the store. When you started out, a student fresh out of university, she had been kind enough to let you borrow some of her clothes when you didn’t have a lot of money. Even four years later, you still didn’t have the money to buy all of the clothes Safin had bought for you.
Safin decided to look around the store for himself, which let you have some time to try some outfits on. Safin had been extra enough to rent out the whole fucking store for you and him. The poor saleswoman who approached you looked like she was scared shitless. Had Safin done this before? Most likely, you thought.
Most of the clothes you picked were sweaters and trousers, but you decided to pick up a dress for a change. It was a white and black tweed dress that went an inch above your knee. Of course, the zipper on the back wouldn’t budge. You envied the way the double oh’s dressed, whether it be there lavish suits or designer thigh-high boots. Wearing the dress made you feel a little better about yourself, and less masculine.
There was a small knock on the door. You assumed it was the poor saleswoman who kept bringing your clothes. You felt horrible for her and tried to cut her some slack. Spinning on your heel, “Alexa, I’m ok-”
“It’s just me, actually,” A silky voice stated. It was none other than Safin. His eyes scaled her body, noticing the short dress and the how it hugged your thighs. His cock twitched in his pants among the sit, biting his lip. “You look...wow...”
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You huffed to look in the mirror. God, you felt like a secretary in the dress. It was far too fancy for someone such as yourself. Heck, you could barely even fit into it. Just as you were to fend Safin away, he calmly asked, “Do you want help with your dress? The back..”
Looking back at Safin, your confused at what he’s implying before you realize he’s asking to help zip us your dress. Your cheeks burn red, giving him a small nod before you looked away in utter embarrassment.
Safin didn’t disrespect your space and was gentle with you. You noticed his hands were shaky and sweaty. As Safin pulled the zipper up, you felt his breath twitch against your neck sending shivers down your spine. Once he finished, the two of you looked in the mirror in front of you. His greenish-blue orbs traveled down your body, a small smirk on his face. He pushed some of your hair back so he could see the dress better. “The dress shows off your body well, my beautiful wife. Shall I buy it for you?”
Instead of responding, you stand there looking in the mirror. Your feeling all types of emotions; anger, sadness, fear, everything. Being around Safin was so discordant. You wanted to love him, but you hated him more than anything in the world. Yet a man you hated was obsessed with you and even wanted to make you his bride no matter what.
Safin’s hands snaked on your hips before beginning to suck at your throat. He brought your body close to his hips, his kisses becoming more of a craving than a passion. That was your breaking point. Pushing him off, you turn around as tears prick at your eyes. You block out his pleas to come back and bolt right out of the door of the store, wanting to lose him. Your not thinking straight at the momment as you usher through the crowds of the streets to escape from Safin. All you wanted at the moment was to be alone with your thoughts and the monster that you were falling in love with.
After what seemed like minutes of speed walking, you end up on a peaceful street full of small stores and no tourists. The only noise is were the locals talking in Greek. You walk down the street, feeling emotional. The world was spinning as your vision blurred. Wiping your eyes, you feel a wet sensation form on your eyes. Why were you crying? You hated all of this and just wanted to go home. You wished that you had never found those damn codes and fallen into Safin’s cursed trap.
As you drag your feet across the stones, you turn your head to see an empty newsstand with newspapers and television. This was the first time in months you had seen the news. You always wondered what was happening in the world. All of it had been in Greek, but you could manage to read through a few words. America was failing with the pandemic, Anarchy was rampant in post soviet countries, and M16.
M16. M16. M16.
Upon seeing that name, you blink twice. There was no way. Your brain was freaking out. As you read the article, it had stated that London was under control with the protests thanks to the agents of M16. It had been reported that the anonymous leader, who now had a name Safin, tried to bring down M16 but had failed too. Mallory had left an interview, stating that no matter what they were going to find Safin and bring peace to Europe. A smile curved on your lips. There was hope. No longer would you sit around and wait to be saved. You were going to save yourself from Safin.
Unexpectedly, a hand grabs your wrist and yanks you. Turning over, your eyes meet with enraged blue ones. It was none other than Safin. A few pieces of his neatly gelled hair were now in his face. You had only seen Safin pissed off once before, and it hadn’t been a pretty sight. Safin began to pull you down the street and back to were he had parked his Black Landrover. You pulled back against him, but he simply put you into the car and began to drive with no words spoken.
You were certainly in a lot of shit.
“Let go of me!” You chided, ripping your arm away from him. He had thrown you into your bedroom. Safin was beyond pissed that you had run away from him. He cursed at you the whole car ride, making all kinds of threats to your face.
“You foolish little girl,” He hissed, pushing his hair back as he walked paced the room. You watched him like a hawk, glancing at his every move. Safin was more pissed off than he had been last time. “You think you can leave?”
“I’m not your property! You treat me like I’m a child or some prize to be won.”
Safin walked back to you and badgered, “I do not! When I saved you, you were supposed to fall in love with me. Be mine and only mine. I took you from them and gave you a better life and opportunity, and what am I met with? An ungrateful little girl. I spoiled you, gave you a room, respected your space, gave you time, and yet you still hate me. All I wanted was for you to love me. I’m sick of waiting, I have been too good to you. You will be my dutiful wife, whether you like it or not.”
You snorted at his response. All Safin was doing was fueling your anger. “God, your so full of yourself! You sit on a pedestal and think of yourself was superior to everybody around you. Your like a spoiled little brat. When someone doesn’t follow your orders, all you do is throw a temper tantrum. You want me to be scared of you, but truly...I won’t ever be.”
Crawling off of the bed, you slowly walked towards him to get in his face. Your smiling, rubbing it into his face. “What are waiting for? Marry me. I don’t care. You’ve ruined my whole life. But let me warn you.”
“No matter what, I will never love you. I don’t care about how much you try or care. I would rather be married and wait for the day M16 takes you and your horrid men six feet under.”
Safin’s eyebrows are furrowed as he watched your every move. His eyes want to say something, but he can’t. He’s at a loss for words. He had hit a dead end. Out of all the women he had met, you were different. You were stubborn and usually told it how it was. Safin loved your mouth, but there was no denying you were a handful.
Safin’s response was his lips, smashing into yours. His hands wrapped around you, holding you close. You want to fight back and tell him to get off, but your body (unstable) wants a touch. It needs touch, not talk. Your hands cup his cheeks to steady your position. He walked backwards and pushed you onto the bed as his hands traveled up your skirt. His long fingers pulled the skirt until your underwear became exposed.
“Do you want this?” Safin panted, looking down at you. Seeing him on top of him, he’s truly a stunning man. His velvety voice was making you wet. Instead of sounding pissed off, he sounded calm and even caring.
“Shut up, please.” Your hand traveled to his cheek, gently patting it. “I-”
Two of his fingers enter your clitoris, causing you to bite your lip. It was a painful reaction at first, but than became pleasurable. You could no longer hide your pleasure and let out a small moan. “N-need it.”
“You are soaking, my love.” Safin purred. His pace was slow at first, but soon he picked up the pace. He loved hearing your moans and how your fingers dug into his back. “I’m surprised you hadn’t slept with any of the men at M16. Always turning them down, left and right. That is my good girl. I would have killed them anyways.”
Safin loves seeing your face and how beautiful you look with your flushed cheeks and lip biting. All he wanted was to that short dress of your body. He pulled his fingers slowly out of you, letting you take a small breather as he tried to undo his belt. Safin couldn’t seem to it until you intervened, unbuckling the buckle and throwing it right to the side. You wiggle out of the dress and throw it to the side, revealing that you weren’t wearing a bra. Safin notices this sight as his hands travel all over your body, feeling every piece of exposed skin.
“Love, your glowing.” He smileD, pulling his pants down. His whole body was exposed. It was covered in scars and wrinkles, but you thought he was dashing. Safin wasn’t a tall man, but he was very lean and well built for a sixty-year-old man. His cock was a decent size. You haven’t had sex in years, but it felt so good to not talk. All you wanted was to feel pleasure and nothing else. Moving your body up, you try to turn over but Safin grabs your shoulder.
“No, No, No. I want to see your pretty face.”
You shift up, placing your hands on his hips for a stern grip. Before starting, Safin placed a tender kiss on your lips. It wasn’t rough, but gentle. He started on your neck and began to move down, kissing your whole body like it was a temple. He muttered sweet things such as “you have such soft skin” or “your skin tastes so sweet”. The Anarchist sucked on your right breast to only hear the moans that turned him on. Your whole body felt like it was about to explode. For the first time in a while, you truly felt calm with not a worry in the world. Safin came back up to look at your face. His cock entered your body. It was an alien feeling, but you enjoyed his thrusts. Moans escaped your mouth as you wrapped a hand on his nape, caressing the unruly chocolate curls on his head. You looked into his multichromatic eyes as he fucked you, getting hungrier by the minute. All you feel is pure bliss in the arms of the Anarchist.
Instead of feeling cold, you feel a warm sensation tingle through your body. Fluttering your eyes open, you see an orange and purple sky as the sun sets over the clear ocean. All you wanted to do was stay in this position for the rest of your life, warm and content. Everything was a blur in your mind. As you attempt to drift back to sleep, you feel a heavyweight on his hip. Tilting your head, you see it’s Safin with his nose in your hair, snoring. Your eyes widened, confused. Was it a dream? It had to be.
Grabbing the covers, you move them off of your body to reveal your naked forms. Safin’s hand was draped over your waist as he held your free hand in his sleep. A silent fuck escaped your mouth, looking down at the hand.
You had just fucked the world’s most infamous Anarchist.
Instead of overthinking as you usually did, you simply laid there in a state of stupor. Your thoughts could barely process anything at the moment. It all seemed like a nightmare, but it was real. All to real.
Moving Safin’s hand off of your body, you rolled out of bed and tiptoed to the balcony, grabbing the nearest shirt to protect yourself from the breeze. It wasn’t a dream. Safin was sleeping in the same bed with you, nude, holding you. This situation was far from normal. The shirt you had thrown on was Safin’s shirt that smelt of expensive perfume. All you had remembered was finding that M16 was still active and Safin dragging you back his car. You had fought on the way back tot he villa and he dragged you to your room, scolding you. He demanded to get married to you. At that point, you didn’t care. He was trying to break you, but there was no chance he was going to. Everything had become a blur. All you could remember was his lips crashing into yours before it all went dark.
Your feel your limbs go numb as your heart drops into your stomach. The man you had just had sex with was responsible for thousands of deaths and riots all across Europe. Yet here you were, getting spoiled and fucked by him as the world burned in your eyes. A hand covers your mouth to conceal a sob. Lukewarm tears stream down your cheeks. Your horrified with how low you had gone. You went from being kidnapped and refusing to love Safin, and you had just had sex with him.
Not counting the minutes, you simply stood, horrified with yourself. Safin was like a forbidden fruit, and his juice was now covered all over your body like blood at a crime scene. Everything was silent until a pair of footsteps followed behind you. You don’t even look because you already knew it was him.
“Over the years, I had my men bring me women.” He calmly said, acting like it was a casual occurrence. “All kinds, mainly young and scared. I talked to them and comforted them the best they could, but they always refused me. All of them thought that I was going to rape them since I looked like a monster, in which I was. I could have my way with them, but it was far too brutish to do such a thing.”
“Once I left Spectre, I felt like I had everything. But as the years went by, I became lonelier. I yearned not only for a woman’s touch, but someone to care and talk to. I thought I was too repulsive for anyone to find me attractive.” Safin turned to you, looking into your big [y/e/c] eyes. He grabbed your hands, holding them to his chest. “But when I saw you, my whole life changed.”
“I saw you and had to claim you as mine. Save you from all the pain. I never thought you would have come around to me, but you finally came to your senses. I knew you would since your my smart, good girl.”
You remained speechless as Safin pulled your into a hug. No emotion is going through your body. His arm held your lower back as his hands played with your [y/h/], twisting it in his fingers. “I’m so glad you made the right choice, sweet y/n.”
“But,” He whispered in your ear. “If you try and leave me, I will not give you a second warning. M16 may stand, but they will never find us. Even if they do, they know you are mine. You’re far better off working at my side and being my dutiful wife. But any attempted escapes or runaways, I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. Understood?”
Safin still held you close, wanting to make sure you had understood. Tears form at your eyes as you looked down, unable to face him in the eyes. His scared fingers lift your chin to look at your face. Seeing the tears, a small sigh escapes his lips as he wiped them away.
“Do not weep, my little dove.” He cooed, caressing your cheek. Your lips quivered, trying to keep it concealed. “I know it hasn’t been the easiest journey. But once we marry, we will look at this and laugh. We will be together...forever.”
“After all,” He planted a gentle kiss on your forehead before looking back at your face, a smile. “You are far past the point of the return now.”
Safin took your hand, leading you back into the bed. Once you get into bed, you feel Safin’s arm snake around your body, his nose his your hair once again. His leg’s topped onto yours, restraining you from moving. He smiled as he took a whiff of your floral hair, planting a small kiss on his neck before dozing back off.
You would have screamed or kicked, but you couldn’t. Not because you weren’t restrained, but because all of the fight that was left in you as gone. Before meeting Safin, your grip on reality was slowly declining. But the small piece you were hanging onto shattered. Now, you were a shell of the women you once were before. Knowing your family was alive and worrying about your safety made tears prick at your eyes. Safin, whether you liked it or not, was going to be your husband. To say that you hated or loved with was mind baffling. You couldn’t hate someone you had just had sex with. But you had to stay alive. For your family, for your friends, for M16, for yourself. Just because he was going to be your husband, didn’t mean you still didn’t despise him. The rumors with Safin were true. He always got what he wanted, when he wanted, no matter what.
Just because Safin had gotten what he wanted didn’t mean that you couldn’t change that.
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crossroadsfossil · 4 years
How about a Fae deal for Bnha? You decide what kind of deal was made!
Writing warmup:
“I want to be human.” The bird asked, hopping side to side with the energy only the newly fledged could have. She looked him over, stretching her form as she curled around him like a snake. Or a dragon with a new item in their hoard. 
“Human?” She repeated, folding her hands in front of her. She smiled at him, the bird tilting his head to the side to see her better, to get a look at her too-sharp teeth. There were many of them, from many types of beasts. She was very proud. He rearranged his wings, feathers of his neck and chest fluffing out as he took a hop backward. She laughed. This was going to be delightfully fun. 
“You’re in luck, little crow. I think we can help each other.” She cooed, leaning close and brushing the back of her hand over the feathers of his breast. She yelped when he pecked her. 
“Not a crow.” He warbled back. 
They had to wait until the day before or a day after a new moon. She chose the day before, as the lines between worlds were thinner in the dark places, and they would need to use the dark places to get what they wanted. She curled around the bird as she methodically plucked feathers from his back and wings. She admired them every time one came out, especially when one came out with blood beading on the edge of the quill. She so desperately wanted to lick it up, to taste the richness on her tongue but for the spell to work, she had to resist. It was terribly difficult and she hoped the myna understood the depth of her struggles. 
He asked when they first started if it was supposed to hurt. She asked if he had heard any fairy tales, for changing like this always hurt. He heard the tales from the humans, half-stolen from perches outside open windows and sitting on the porch rooftops while mothers and grandmothers spun tales. He didn’t sit on stoves to glean the stories nor did he lurk in haylofts or under threshold stones. She marveled at how different the houses of their lands dictated the aspects of storytelling. It certainly explained how he had known so little about the fey. Then again, she knew very little about the yokai and mononoke. She just knew that they could be pulled into her rules and she could use that. 
By the time the circle around them was completed, feather vanes overlapping and the myna half-plucked and her own fingers raw from use, the moon had finally crept over the line of trees, casting the thinnest light possible. Shadows grew out from the feathers, landing over them and blurring their shadows. She willed them to puddle together and meld, letting her magic twist their wishes into a spell. 
She wanted to be human too. She wanted to walk among them on real bones and with real fingernails and be able to bite and crunch and kiss and love. She wanted to feel the ground beneath two feet with soft human soles and brush hair out of her eyes. She wanted to dance and sing and talk like the mortals did. She wanted to love like the mortals did. She did not know what the myna bird wanted, but that didn’t matter. 
As the dim-moonlight began to wane, she started tearing at their shadows. She twisted here and wrenched there, molded a pair of mirrored bodies. She sculpted beautiful hands and delightful feet with soft soles, she made strong legs and strong arms, and smooth skin. She wove and knotted and as the moonlight faded fully away and they were left with the darkness that came between moonrise and dawn. They wouldn’t know fully until morning how well she had done, but she knew she was successful. They giggled against each other, fingers tangled together and delighting at the goose-flesh prickling their skin as the cool-night air whispered over their new smoothness. 
The sun rose slowly and so they were not surprised with what the dawning day brought them. A myna head blinked at the light, then down at his hands, flexing the digits in and out before bringing them to his face. Anger flashed across it and he glared at her. 
“I warned you about deals with the fey.” She sang at him, standing and clapping her hands together. Her access to magic was there, changed, but there and she immediately set to work pulling clothes from their shadows. Cute and loose for her, and a crisp, edgy outfit the myna had pointed out to her some days past. They dressed, discussing the next plans. There was so much they still had to do. They would have to work together to forge identities; old skills remained. She still had her shapeshifting and minor magics. He kept his mimicry of all forms and silver tongue. 
With daylight also brought an additional surprise. She barely had a shadow at all, and the myna? Well… he had twice the shadows a normal person usually had, and his second was horribly affectionate. 
“D’aw- we’re parents!” She cooed, nuzzling the creature, trying her best to repeat the chirps and growls it was making at her. It was a good thing humans had grown weird in the last two hundred years and they could explain all of this away with quirks. 
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Ooh, 32 and 47 for Zander and Wren please!!
32. Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
Zander: No clue what a debs is BUT Zander did go to his high school prom. He was, and honestly still is, and edgy fucker, so it was all black, he wore a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a bright red tie, he had a chain hanging off his pants and kept his combat boots instead of dress shoes. He thought he looked great next to his platonic prom date, Alondra, in her bright pink dress. Honestly if he was going to a formal event now he’d tone it down a bit, but still all black because he’s like that
Wren: He’s a simple man for any formal affair. Dress shirt, dress pants, his bright red converse, and a blue bow tie. Maybe suspenders just for the aesthetic if he’s feeling extra
47. What is your character's reaction when someone does something nice for them?
Zander: He’s able to still react normally. Smile, thank them, and make a mental note to somehow repay them for the kindness
Wren: It depends on how nice the thing is, something really amazing could make him literally cry. When it comes to smaller things, such as a friend picking him up a snack just to be nice, he tends to say things like “I’d die for you” and “I owe you my entire life”
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Something From a Fairytale
Someone To Stay Ch. 15
Spencer x fem reader
It'a Friday and you are prepared for a normal evening in, curled up on the couch watching Harry Potter with Spencer. That is, until you received a text from him stating: "change of plans, I'm picking you up at 7. Formal attire highly encouraged ;)"
The blush on your face fades as quickly as it appears, as you brush it off as him being goofy rather than flirty. Why was he picking you up, though? And dressed for something formal? Was he taking time to dinner? Was this a date? The thoughts flood your brain so quickly you nearly go dizzy. You quickly shake your head, trying to clear it of the chaos like a etch-a-sketch. Okay. Deep breaths. You're certain you are overthinking things. If  you aren't careful, you will allow myself to be accidentally lead on. You and Spencer friends. Nothing had changed. Sure you have seen him a bit differently lately, but you didn't do anything about it. But admitting those things out loud to your friends, his friends, well that made it feel pretty real. Pretty one sided too. Ugh, you're such a mess. Get it together.
You finally pull yourself up off the couch realizing you want to have enough time to shower and fix your hair, and to properly do your makeup. Not to mention the time it would take to no doubt go through multiple outfits before finally settling on one. You had grown so comfortable around him, you usually didn't prepare much for your movie nights. But something about his request had a certain weight to it. You can't place your finger on it, but tonight felt important.
After showering, shaving, and drying your hair, you throw on a robe and walk into your closet, letting your fingers flip through the clothes. Too fancy, too casual, too edgy...none of it felt right until your eyes land on a dark purple, strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline and long flowing skirt that reaches the floor. You start to second guess, shooting a quick text to Spencer: "Sooo how formal are we talking?"
He takes only a few seconds to respond: "That can be up to you. But probably nothing you'd wear to a sports event."
You roll my eyes. Ha ha. Very funny. You decide this will have to do. Besides, he loves purple, and you can't help but wanting to impress him once again. He'd already seen one side of you that night of a bar. You are ready to show him you can look classy, when you wanted to. You have more than just sweat pants and cocktail dresses.
After giving your hair some loose curls, you put on some light, shimmering eye shadow with bold black eyeliner and a darker pink matte liquid lip. You get so distracted by fixing little details in your makeup or hair that you're caught off guard by the knock at the door. You immediately feel a pit sink into the deepest part of my stomach, pure nerves.
You take a deep breathe before opening the door to see Spencer standing there looking far too nervous considering how fantastic he looks. A well fitting black suit jacket, black button down, and black slacks. He's standing with a hand behind his back, nervously staring at the ground. He's eyes shoot up to you as soon as you've opened the door.
This isn't what you were expecting at all, but you're not complaining. You're also still unsure what this is, as you try to push aside any thoughts that jump to premature conclusions. After staring at each other in silence for a few seconds, you finally speak up.
"You look incredible, Spencer. I mean, really handsome, truly."
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He shakes his head slightly like he doesn't quite believe you. He looks down at the ground as you can tell he's contemplating his next words carefully. He finally looks up at you with the sweet brown eyes you love so much. He's so quiet that you almost miss it. "You're breathtaking."
You feel your breath hitch in my throat. He's always been sweet but this was different. Before you have a chance to get in your head again, he brings his hand out from behind his back, to reveal a single rose. Naturally, it's purple, which is apparently our theme for the night. You chuckle before taking the lavender flower in your hand and bringing it up to your nose. You close your eyes and inhale the overwhelming fragrance. You can't tell what's sweeter, the aroma of the rose or the moment itself.
You slowly drag your eyes back up to meet his when he finally speaks. "Would you do me the honor of being my date for this evening?" He steps forward and offers me his arm with a smile, slightly more confident. At a complete loss for words, all you can manage to do is nod your head. You're sure there is also a grin across your face so large, that you can't possibly hide how happy you are in this moment.
The girls were clearly very wrong about you needing to make the first move. Spencer had shown up at my door, like something from a fairy tale, ready to sweep you off my feet and whisk you away to an unknown adventure. As you took his arm and descend the stairs to the lobby, you know in that moment you'd follow him anywhere. He lead you to his car and opened the passenger side, allowing you to slip in. Spencer driving was such a rarity; You are impressed once again.
If you had any uncertainty of how you felt before, it was all but a memory now, replaced with an overwhelming gravitational pull to the man who is sitting next to you in the car. You try not to let your gaze linger too long. Part of you wants to take in how handsome he looks, but the other part just wants to take in every inch of the person who had all but just professed feelings for you. He'd asked you on a date. It felt like a whole new side of him and you are still in awe. You want to take in as much of it as possible, before it ever dares to slip away. Before he changes his mind, or you wake up...I mean there's always a twist right. But you bring your mind back to the present to focus in and enjoy every moment while it lasts.
You want to ask where you are going or why he asked you on a date but settle instead for the comforting silence of the ride. Somehow it isn't awkward. You just enjoy being for the moment, taking in one another's presence.
You can't help but admire his jaw line, the way his curls frame his face. He's definitely prettier than you, which isn't fair, but you don't mind seeing as you get  the pleasure of getting to look at him.
You've been staring a little too long when you notice he quickly glances your direction. Normally he would have turned red as a beet, but instead a small smile creeps on to his face. "You're staring." He says matter of factly, still smiling.
Impressed by his new confident demeanor, you decide to muster up the same confidence.
"If you didn't want me staring, you shouldn't have dressed up to look so darn good."
You catch a glimpse of redness on his face at your statement. You laugh to yourself, glad to still have the shy Spencer around when you want him.
"I didn't say I minded."  He states, smiling while keeping his eyes glued on the road.
Confident Spencer has caught you off guard once again, but you don't want to let that show.
"You're kind of a flirt, you know? Where did that come from?"
He just shrugs and laughs. Your eyes meet for a brief moment, bringing your attentions to the electricity filling the space between the two of you. It's a good thing he's driving, because his attention quickly shifts back to the road. After awhile he parks along a dimly lit street and exits the car, rushing over to open your door before you get the chance. He offers you his harm once again, helping you to stand as you try not to step on your dress.
"M'lady" he says with a cheesy smile.
You can't help but laugh. He's so corny, and you love every moment of it. He leads you to the entrance of what appears to be a theater or music hall of some sort.
"Did you get the times wrong maybe? There's no one else here. Pretty sure it's closed, Spence." You say, brow furrowed as you search for signs of other people.
He gives you a look that you can't quite read, confidence and amusement perhaps, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a set of keys. He unlocks the door and leads you inside. He leads the two of you  through a dark lobby, as if he knows exactly where he's headed. You're grateful, considering you can barely see but a few feet in front of you. You're still unable to determine exactly where he's brought you or why. You can see light crawling out from under a set of ornate wooden doors not too far in front of you.
He pushes to doors open to reveal a beautiful, aged theater. All the lights are on, curtains drawn, string lights draped from the ceiling. It reveals its age and history with every creak of the floor boards, each carving of the railings. The warm glow that fills the room leaves you feeling giddy. You have no idea why he brought you here, but my heart is already racing from excitement. You run your hand along the ornate design carved into the railings as you make your way into the room, taking in every detail.
Your attention is soon drawn to the stage at the front of the room. There, sitting under the spotlight, is a beautiful grand piano. Glossy black with pearly white keys. In front of it sits a piano bench, covered in a deep red velvet. You turn to look at Spencer for the first time since entering the room, curiosity and excitement showing on your features. He's got a mysterious smile that tells you he has a plan.
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It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Pairing: Draco x reader
Summary: You and Draco spend the day together when neither of you go to Hogsmade, and it ends up differently then you expect.
Warnings: swearing I suppose
“You know, you’re not as bad as people say you are,” you say. Draco just looks at you and smiles.
Draco and you spent the whole day together since both of you didn’t want to go to Hogsmade. At first you were skeptical about it, due to the fact Harry Potter just so happens to be in your year and in your house, and you’ve heard all about Draco. ‘Draco did this’ and ‘Draco did that’. Honestly, if you didn’t know any better, Harry might have a crush on Draco. But, you don’t know any better, so that could very well be true.
Although, you couldn’t help but like Draco. Not head over heels or anything like that, but the occasional butterflies. You didn’t even know what you liked about Draco. Maybe it was that edgy vibe he gave off, or that he is insanely attractive. Well, you suppose you didn’t like Draco, you just had an innocent crush on him. You’ve never actually had a full on conversation with him. Well, okay, maybe the occasional ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, ‘how’s your day going?’ and ‘good, you?’ but not a long conversation.
So when Draco came up behind you in the library this morning it was quite the suprise.
“Y/N?” You turned around quickly to see Draco standing behind you.
“Oh, hello Draco,” you said, closing your book.
“How are you doing?” he asked, tentatively sitting next in the chair to you.
“I’m fine, thank you. How are you?” You already knew this was going to be a different conversation then the normal. He actually sat down next to you and is talking. I was peculiar considering he could’ve gone to Hogsmade today, instead of sitting in the almost empty library with you (1st, 2nd, and some 5th, and 7th years were here, grabbing a book or two to read or to study).
“I’m good,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
“So, why aren’t you in Hogsmade today? The weather is spectacular, if you didn’t notice.” The weather was spectacular. The sun was high in the sky, and it was a great temperature. High 70s, your type of weather.
“I could be asking you the same question,” he said, smirking at you. You could’ve swooned at the look he gave you. Holy hotness.
“I, well, um, didn’t want to go, actually,” you said, twiddling your thumbs. It wasn’t exactly a lie, you didn’t want to go, but that was the half truth.
You and your friends were taking a break from eachother. Nothing happened, well maybe there was a few harsh words thrown around after Lavender made you mad. You shuddered thinking about it. But, you were just taking a harmless break. You’ll be back to normal by tonight. You always are.
“I see,” Draco said.
“You still didn’t answer my question.” You looked at Draco and you saw his smile waver for a split second, before regaining its usual brightness.
“Well, there wasn’t anything I wanted to see there.” He shrugged and you felt those butterflies resurface. You had no idea why, but it was strange.
“Yeah, well, what are your plans for the day then?” you asked, only to keep the conversation going. Why not, it’s not like you had anything better to do.
“Well, maybe I’ll spend the day with you,” he said, leaning towards you. You blushed a little but thankfully Draco didn’t seem to notice.
“Yeah, you do that Draco.” You rolled your eyes and went back to the book you were reading. You were going to play hard to get.
This seemed to work as you pretended to read. Draco raised an eyebrow, damnit you’ve always wanted to be able to do that, and peered over your book at you. You lowered your book so just your eyes were showing. You looked up at him and saw his confused face, before putting the book back in front of your face. Draco at this point, was getting a little irritated at your messing with him. So finally, after a second of deciding, he took the book away from you and closed it.
“What the hell Draco? How am I supposed to know what page I’m on?” you angrily demanded. You crossed your arms and sat there scowling at him.
“Psh, you’ll know,” he said, rolling his eyes at you. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of a victory because both of you knew you could remember the page number.
You have a photographic memory. It’s true, and only you and Draco knew. He found out when you were partnered in potions and you listed all the instructions without looking at the board. Well, you looked at the board once, but that was it. That was one of the only times you had an actual conversation.
“It was still rude,” you said leaning towards him. To your suprise, he leaned towards you too.
“Well let me make it up to you then.” He stood up and extended his hand out to you. You stared at it for a second before reaching for it. Draco puled you out of the chair you were sitting in. He lead you out of the library and that’s when the fun started.
It was roughly 11:00 when Draco found you in the library. Right away you both walked outside and sat by the lake. There was barely anyone outside. You guys sat there and chatted for the longest time. You had no idea that Draco’s favorite class was potions, like yours. It was crazy that you had similar likes and dislikes. The only topic you didn’t discuss was the war that was coming. You both knew you’d be fighting on different sides. You didn’t want to ruin the awesome day you were having so far.
Draco, around noon, decided it would be fun to take a swim in the lake. You tried not watch him as he took off his shirt, but you couldn’t help but look over and see his perfect abs. Your heart fluttered, but you ignored it. Draco tried to coax you to come in, but you denied. It wasn’t until Draco went under water for a longer time then necessary, did you go and wade in up to your knees. Draco suprised you when he snuck up behind you, scooped you up and threw you into the lake. You were wearing a nice summery outfit, t-shirt and shorts, which was better to get wet then your robe.
You were so pissed at first, but the coldness was a good relief from the heat. You and Draco swam around until you both got hungry. Draco and you ran into the castle, hand in hand, leaving a trail of water. You both decided to go shower and change, then meet back in the basement. You showered and dressed as quickly as you could. You sprinted down into the basement and ran right into Draco.
“In a hurry?” he asked, smirking at your out of breath self. You just grinned at him, as he took your hand and lead you to the kitchen.
You’ve never been to the kitchen before, so it was suprise when you found out all you had to do was tickle the pear. The room was filled with bustling house-elves. One came up to you and eagerly asked what you wanted. You politely asked for sandwich or two. Draco asked for one too, more politely then you would’ve thought he would’ve. Draco also whispered something into the elf’s ear, and you hoped it was nice.
After a minute or two wait, the elf came back over with a basket full of food. He also had a blanket. You immediately knew what was about to happen. Since you’re a muggleborn, you’ve been on a picnic before. You did think purebloods went on picnics. That’s when it hit you. You recalled telling Draco how much you wanted to go on a picnic a few weeks ago. Of course, he didn’t know what it was, so you explained it all. It was really sweet of him to remember. You walked side by side all the way back to the lake.
You guys ate and talked more. It was actually very nice talking to Draco. Most of your stereotypes of him sort of went away in your head as you sat there with him. You were genuinely happy. It was around three, you guessed, when Draco pulled out the book you were reading, and insisted you read it to him. You protested a few times before giving in. You read one of you favorite muggle books to him, The Outsiders.
You restarted the book so Draco could understand it all. He asked so many questions about what the places were, that you were talking about in the muggle book. You answered them all patiently. You sat up against the tree by the lake reading, for who knows how long. You only took a break, when Draco came over and sat next to you, instead of laying down across from you. Well, you took short breaks when you would take a drink of water to avoid your voice dying out. Luckily, the elves packed a lot of extra food and water.
When you got to the part when Johnny died, you had to stop for a second. This part always got you, and you could tell Draco was sad too, because he pulled you closer to him. You didn’t even notice it was past dinner until you finally put the book down. You’re a fast reader so it only took you probably 5 hours to read the whole book out loud. The sun was setting and you knew you only had a short amount of time before cerfew. But, Draco took you hand and lead you back into the school.
The Great Hall was bustling with students finishing their dinner. You and Draco snuck past the room and ran up flights of stairs. It dawned on you that you were going up the astronomy tower.
Once you and Draco got up there, you set the blanket and basket down and walked over to the railing to watch the sunset.
“I’m not?” Draco asks. Draco and you were still watching the sunset when you decided to tell him that he wasn’t as bad as everyone says he is.
“No, you’re not. You’re actually a very decent person.” You turn and wink at Draco as he rolls his eyes and throws his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“Well coming from you, it must be true,” he says, shaking his head and you laugh. You both sit there in silence for a minute, just watching the sunset.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you ask Draco, turning to face him. He smirks at you and you tilt you head. “What?”
“Well, Y/N, it’s not as beautiful as you,” he says, staring at you to see your reaction. You blush a mad pink and look away. “And while I’m saying things with this confidence I somehow got, I might as well tell you that I didn’t want to go to Hogsmade when I found out you weren’t going. It was the perfect opportunity to spend the day with you,” he says shyly. You turn to face him.
“Well, if that’s a confession for liking me, it was pretty shitty. But also kinda cute. And lucky for you, I like you too.” Draco’s smile makes you smile as he bends down to kiss you on the forehead. It wasn’t the kiss you were wanting so you grab his shirt and pull him down until you could reach his lips with yours. You were kind of nervous to kiss him, full on like that, but when you realize he’s kissing you back, all your doubt goes away. When you finally break away, you both smile and grab each others hand and continue to watch the sunset. You would gladly skip cerfew any day to be up here, hand in hand, with Draco Malfoy.
sorry the ending kind of sucks, but it’s fine. i hope you liked it!
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rainydaydarling · 4 years
Bo on the Go
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I wrote this a long while back while my daughter was sick. We watched lots of Bo on the Go. This grown up version started brewing in my head. I did make her a princess. That’s where the thought process started. She lives in a castle and has her own wizard and dragon. She’s obviously a princess! I guess this can technically count as fanfic. But I don’t think I’m going to expand on it. Just a fun one time thing probably. Enjoy!
“Call me Bo.” The princess smiled as she motioned for the woman before her to stand.
“We need your help, Princess Bo,” the woman said through her tears. “All our reservoirs are being drained. We won’t have any water supplies left if the monster isn’t stopped. We’ll all die of dehydration; some already have. And power struggles are breaking out over water. The filtration plant only has so much left.”
“I see. Has anyone seen the monster?” The princess asked. She stared at the woman with her light blue eyes.
“No. We can’t find it. Which means we can’t catch it, fight it, or stop it.” She shook her head.
Bo nodded. “I think it’s time to summon the royal wizard.”
“Really? I never thought I would have the honor to meet both of you.”
“Really. And the honor is all ours.” Bo waved her left hand in the air in circles, clapped her hands together and waved her right hand in circles. Sparks began to fly, making the invisible circles visible. Red, yellow, and green bands of sparks exploded and smoke filled the room.
When the smoke cleared a man was standing to the right of the princess. He wore a golden suit and a small, navy blue, turban. He was older than the princess but still quite young, thirty at the most.
“Hello, Princess Boyana,” he greeted as he bowed toward her.
“Hello, Wizard.”
“Looking for a thirsty monster, are we?” He asked.
“We are,” Bo confirmed. “What a wise wizard you are.” She smiled at him.
He returned her smile and pulled a large crystal ball out of the air. “Ahh,” he sighed, “The Drinking Flink.” He didn’t wait for anyone else to say anything before he continued. A liquidy and transparent creature appeared in the ball. “He’s an ancient beast. And you’ll never catch him in the water, you won’t be able to see him. You’ll need to find him in his home in the misty caves.”
“It sounds like we have a monster to catch, Desi.” Bo reached over and petted her olive green dragon. He lied asleep on the floor beside her throne. At her touch he made a happy groaning, almost purring noise.
“You don’t have a door for the misty caves. It’s five doors away.” He swept his hand in a line and five small doors appeared in the air. “You better get on the go, Princess Boyana.” Wizard extended his hand to her.
She stood from her worn throne for the first time in the meeting. Her navy leggings were a perfect complement to her plum dress. It's tattered ruffles we're short in the front and long in the back, trailing on the floor. Her black combat boots added an ever more edgy appeal to the whole outfit. But nothing she wore compared to her lusciously beautiful blue hair. There were three glittering bands etched into her right forearm. Nearest her wrist was burgundy, then gold, and furthest up was emerald. She held onto his hand as she rose, locking onto his caramel eyes.
“When will you start calling me Bo, my dear Wizard?”
“The day I tell you my real name.” He kissed her cheek slowly. “When you’re ready.”
“Very well.” She let his hand go and turned back to the woman. ”Are you ready to make the payment?”
"Will it kill me?" The woman asked, staring at the bands.
“Is that what they say about me nowadays?” Bo chuckled.
“They say a lot about you. No one knows what to believe. You don’t leave here much any more. Not since…” she looked down, “… since your parents. Since you let your cousins assume the throne in their palace.”
“Yes,” Bo agreed. “I’ve been hunting the monster who took them. Tell me, are my cousins doing the throne justice? Are they taking care of you?”
“Yes. They do their best. They care for the people and do what they can. But they don’t know how to handle beasts. We need you for that.”
“I know. And I’m here when you need me. Taking down these atrocities is what I live for now. It makes my heart happy to hear that the throne is being well cared for, as for my people.”
“We are. And it makes my heart happy that you still care enough to help us. And… I’m ready to make the payment… even if it means giving up my own life to save the people in my city.” She bowed her head again.
“You won’t be giving up your life. I promise. It will put you to sleep for a few hours and you’ll be fine again when you wake. I kill monsters, not people.” Bo smiled and tilted the woman’s face back up to meet her eyes.
“Thank you, Princess Bo.”
“You’re welcome. Come this way.” Bo walked slowly and the woman followed.
They went a short way down a long corridor into a bedroom. Everything was old but still well cared for. There was a large bed in the middle of the room.
“You may rest here after you’ve given your energy. My guards will watch over you until you wake.” Bo motioned to a wardrobe. “There are pajamas in there if you’d like.”
“No thank you. I’ll be fine in my clothes. A bunch of men will be watching over me as I sleep?” The woman said with worry.
“Who says only men can be guards?” Bo gave her a sideways smile. “I’m an equal opportunity employer. If you would prefer female guards to watch over you, that’s perfectly fine. Or you may be left in this room alone and I’ll lock the door behind me so only you can let anyone in. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Female guards, please.”
“As you wish.” She nodded and guided the woman to the bed.
Once the woman was lying down, Bo took her hand and closed her eyes. Her bands began to glow. She opened her eyes as the woman before her began to glow as well. She went slow, making sure not to take too much and break her promise to not take the woman’s life. The woman’s eyes slid closed and Bo held on a little longer before letting go. Bo watched her breathe for a minute until she was sure she was alright.
Bo left the woman and went back to her throne room. Wizard was sitting on the floor with Desi, petting his head. He looked over at Bo as she walked in.
“Good to go?” He asked.
“Yes. I didn’t think you’d wait.”
“One last thing. Be careful, Princess.”
“I will.” She sat beside him and stroked her dragon’s back. “Come on, Desidore Dragon. It’s time to go.” Desi opened his sleepy eyes. He gave his wings a little shake then stretched them out with a yawn. She started down another corridor with Desi in tow.
“I’ll see you soon,” Wizard called.
Bo didn’t answer or turn around. She gave a wave and kept walking. She would see him when she got back. Her hand came to rest on a golden doorknob set on a faded white door. It creaked open and her and Desi walked into the room with the door closing behind them.
This room was round. It held many doors going upward in a spiral. Each one was a different color and held its own picture on it. Wizard had shown her the five doors she needed. She’d been through the first door before. It would be easy to picture in her mind.
Bo closed her eyes and thought of the door. She called it to her. Desi waited as the doors spiraled downward, unnecessary ones disappearing into the floor. Finally, the right door came to a stop in front of them.
Bo opened her eyes. Before her stood a bright green door with a picture of a yellow daisy on it. The first time she went through this door she’d nearly died. It was filled with fifteen feet tall daisies. They were yellow or white, some even pink. They stretched on for miles. It was a gorgeous sight to see. But as she had been walking through, looking for the next door she needed, the flowers had reached out to grab her and Desi. Their leaves encircled them and tried to strangle them to death. Luckily, Desi was able to set his ablaze with his breath. Then he saved Bo too.
“I think it would be best to take flight for this one, Desi.” Bo climbed on his back and held on tight as the door flung itself open before them.
Normally she didn't have to travel through more than three doors. She had worried the woman’s energy wouldn’t be enough. But she’d made it through and, with her dragon’s help, defeated the Drinking Flink. She’d even managed to come back with a new treasure.
When they returned Bo went to her treasure room while Desi went to eat. She found an empty space on a shelf and set the shimmering golden goblet down. She sighed. These treasures were the only things she earned from these journeys. They weren’t what she truly wanted. They weren’t her parents. But she hoped maybe they could help her in the future.
Next she returned to the throne room. She found the woman waiting and pacing back and forth. Her head whipped to Bo.
“Is it done?” The woman asked.
“It’s done.” Bo nodded. “You may return with good news. Your water is safe again. You may want to petition the royals for replenishments until your stores are built up again though.”
“We will.” She walked over to Bo with tears in her eyes. “I can’t thank you enough, Princess Bo.” She threw her arms around her neck.
Bo allowed herself to be embraced for a moment and then pulled away. “You’re welcome. Do you need help getting back home? I can send my driver to take you if you like.”
“That would be great.” She turned to leave as a guard led her away. “Thank you again.”
Bo nodded and waited until the room was clear before she dropped herself down on the stairs in front of her throne. She put her face in her hands on top of her knees and rubbed up and down.
“Rough day?” Wizard whispered from behind her. He sat down next to her.
“Not too bad. Just not what I always hope for,” she responded without looking at him.
“I’m sorry.”
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