#If you’re ever stressed
elizakai · 9 months
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have speed painting of a galaxy noot
(This took like ten mins💀)
Nightmare belongs to jokublog
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Edit: background?? Don’t know if I like it or not so take both :^
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Awh Tommy this all sucks so much, I’m glad he’s comfortable enough to express himself :( I think we should collectively give him a license to kill. Not tubbo, but maybe someone else. As a treat
full reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/tommyinnit/s/LWAlUPAyaC
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warmsol · 5 months
sometimes i’m like, do i even sim. do i even like the sims. do i know what a sim is. do i know anything. and then i close the game and take a break and suddenly i’m normal again
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plushie-rater · 3 months
Can we send requests of our own plushies for you to rate? :)
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Thanks so much for asking first of all. I’ve been thinking about this a whole lot (even before I drew the first plushie here) and I think I’ve finally decided that at least for now, I won’t be taking submissions for plushie ratings. Without getting too serious, the main reason is that I’m afraid that it will stop feeling as fun as it does now. I also really enjoy how happy people seem to be when they see a surprise rating that they weren’t expecting, which would happen much less often if I was spending time drawing submissions, too. I really hope that everyone understands
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dumbsoftboi · 1 year
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muttsandmustelidae · 2 months
i feel like the way ‘dogtok’/‘dogstagram’ talks about reactivity makes reactive dog owners feel a lot more ashamed than they ought to
#idk i just.. don’t really see anything to be ashamed about? and i hate the ‘your dog is reactive because you FAILED’ mindset#sometimes you do absolutely everything right and the universe still throws some shit at you that leads to reactivity#and it’s just a thing that happens sometimes#dogs are animals with teeth and claws and fur and tails#they shit outside and roll in dead things and sniff each others butts#and sometimes have big feelings about things#and that’s just part of being a little critter#it’s not a moral failing on anyone’s part that your dog is a dog instead of a cardboard cutout of a dog#not everything goes smoothly 100% of the time and sometimes you end up with an extra Thing that needs to be worked on#and yeah of course Working On It can be stressful. no one wants to see their dog having a hard time. which is exactly why we don’t need to#-be pushing the added stress of GUILT#it’s not helpful to anyone. it doesn’t prevent reactivity in the future. it just makes someone who’s already having a hard time have a-#-worse one#this is not a situation that needs blame#idk if any of this makes sense#my meds are making me a lil weird lmao#@ everyone who has a reactive dog: you’re doing a great job and if anyone tries to make you feel guilty#eat them#keep Workin On It and remember that Dogs Is Dogs#kill the goblin in your brain that tells you you’re the worst guy to have ever done it#you’re normal your dog is normal. give both of you a cookie rn
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Milkvans on Twitter < 48 hrs ago: Byler stans HATE El, they just pretend they don’t. At least us milkvans are honest about hating Will.
New tumblr account < 2 hrs ago: El is useless and she should die. Also Will has powers.
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adanseydivorce · 9 months
so 😕 about how Tessa has all these moments in internal monologue about how deep down she’s always known Aunt Harriet making excuses for Nate wasn’t right and that he didn’t deserve all they both did to coddle him and that she always compartmentalized to see him as a good older brother, and how that’s all come to the surface now she knows he was willing to sell her out (though not the full scope of that) but then when Mortmain comes she still instinctively doesn’t tell Nate and goes instead ‘to protect him’ ugh. Like it feels so real as a depiction of a woman internalizing societal norms even though part of her is aware…
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chiefmilesobrien · 1 month
Now mildly freaking out bc the accountant we used decided my partner and I were married even though we told them it was a common law cost for filing and now the CRA thinks I’m married and wants me to update the date except we’re not married and not common law by the laws of our province and idk what to do…
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sunshine-zenith · 2 years
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So I know we’re all riding that “Belos rewormed Hunter’s hair in the worst way possible” low, but can we also talk about how Belos, upon giving Hunter a face scar that overtook his original cheek scar, also gave Hunter a new cheek scar on the opposite side
Man went “that scar was an iconic part of your character design, we need to keep it for the sake of recognizability”
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starthelostboys · 1 year
i feel like michael would genuinely like driving and finds it relaxing, but he hardly ever actually drives cause usually lucy takes the car
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prozach27 · 10 days
#ok minor stress rant that I’ll delete later but just have to vent#I house sat for two weeks for this professor and it was the most stressful and intensive dog sitting I’ve ever done#because they failed to mention all three dogs are rescues with severe medical issues including heart failure#it was. a lot.#I finally get back home yesterday after making the house spotless and I guess I figured I’d get paid yesterday which was maybe naive#instead I find out someone charged $500 to my card fraudulently so I had to get my card frozen#so I’ve had no access to ANY money since yesterday#last time this happened I called my bank and they sorted it out quickly and while on the phone they got me a new card and set it up#and even helped me add it to my digital wallet#this time I called and the girl sounded so confused and said she issued me a new card but to check out their app and I could do all that#except every time I use the app it says the system is down. so I still have no way to access any of my money.#keep in mind this is a hometown credit union so I can’t just run to a branch and pick one up#so I am now on day two without access to money#to make matters more annoying the prof said they’d reach out today to set up payment.#I waited all day until 5 pm and nothing? so I texted to ask if they got home alright or if I can do anything else#and he thanked me and said no I did amazing and it’s much appreciated#and then just. ended the conversation.#like???#sir you put me through HELL for two weeks. I had to give your dogs three baths because of the stuff they got into#you failed to mention your dogs’ complicated medical histories or that one is currently dying#like is it. is it so absurd to expect to be paid the day you say you’re going to pay me#not like I could access it anyway.#I hate this
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gayestcowboy · 9 months
hey this may be a weird question so feel free to never answer but how did you go about gaining weight? you're so happy with it and i think it may be for me too but i wouldn't know the first step towards that happiness so,,
i’m gonna be so honest it just happened naturally when i went on testosterone. i didn’t drastically change my diet or exercise, if anything i ended up getting more exercise from walking all over my campus (i started t before i started college), and i definitely need to eat more than i used to, but nothing drastic. it’s just how my body reacted to having more testosterone. i didn’t expect it at all going into it, although i’m very glad it happened, but some people lose weight on hrt and some people dont have a weight change ag all, it just depends on the person. since i did literally nothing to gain weight other than hrt, and obviously i have no idea whether hrt is something you even remotely want to do, and hrt isn’t even a guarantee your weight will change at all, i cant do much other than share my own experience 😭 but i wish you luck in whatever you end up doing, and i hope you enjoy your body!
and this might be a weird answer, but if you feel comfortable, you could always try poking around in a weight gain fetish community somewhere online. it’s not really something i’m into so i can’t say whether or not anything will come from it, but i know it exists and it’s a group of people who know how to gain weight, and i’m sure some of them post about how they do it. i won’t give out any more medical advice on tumblr, and i hesitate to ask if anyone else has any advice, but i’m sure the very best thing you could do is talk to a medical professional about it, and just make sure to take good care of your body no matter how much you weigh. weight and health will never measure your worth as a person, but you should always try and take care of your body as best you can. and eat your veggies 👍
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cardboard-queen · 3 months
i’ve realized that i have a very strong ‘gimme positive stimulation’ response to stress.
i may not even consciously know i’m stressed. but my body will call out to me:
“hey. i need something. i wanna smoke something. drink something. bite something. someone. feel someone. something. anything. now.”
and like. it’s a constant uphill battle, finding ways to re-direct that stress response into healthy coping mechanisms, yknow?
i’ve found exercise is by far the most helpful thing for me. but that’s just like. not practical all the time. i can’t workout at 1 am lol.
neither is removing the source of the stress. sometimes you have some control over it. other times u don’t.
anyway. art kinda helps. journaling helps. stretching and breathing exercises often help. reading is nice but doesn’t make it go away.
i think it’s about re-directing the stress. sitting with it, and putting that energy into something tangible. i think that’s really important for me.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
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Let him heal from his own issues or else <3
#Castiel#My posts#I have never seen a more traumatised self-loathing abused character be reduced to providing free therapy for some arsehole in every fic#Irdc if that arsehole is also traumatised self-loathing and abused if you’re still reducing Cas to his emotional prop#Yes Cas is a very compassionate loving empathetic supportive person but it very much comes at the cost of his own wellbeing#And NOBODY ever supports him back the way he supports them#At least not in the show. Unless you count angels like Balthazar and Hannah etc#And this translates very handily into the fandom. Like Cas has NO baggage of his own somehow#(And I mean baggage beyond pining for Dean or whatever. To be clear.)#Cas feeling worthless if he’s not useful. Cas feeling responsible for the downfall of the angels. Cas traumatised by violence loss death etc#Cas feeling unloved. Cas feeling unloveable. Literally this is all the same stuff you people#project onto Dean like constantly so why doesn’t Cas ever get to reconcile these things and heal from them????#And again. I cannot stress this enough. Cas getting kissed by secret good Dean in your au fanfics ≠ healing#And the thing is that I don’t care which sad boy in particular you ship Cas with if it’s Crowstiel Sastiel Destiel or something else#Because Crowley and Sam certainly have just an insane amount of issues themselves but crucially so does Cas#You treat his issues equitably in your fanworks or you pay him an hourly fuckin rate for his CBT services. Lol.
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l-cereta · 8 months
How to explain the kind of loneliness I’ve felt in touch with this weekend: I don’t want to have to ask permission to hug someone, I want to hold and be held.
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