stylized-corpse · 2 months
Conifere cooling things down at Traxide earlier this summer!
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chariots-r-us · 21 days
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daddytocats · 1 month
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Art installation IFO (Identified Flying Object) by Jaques Rival at Battle Bridge Place, London Kings Cross station, England
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aboutoriginality · 6 months
Dancing With St. Peter
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derce · 1 year
IFO (identified flying objects) alert there's this thing called and airport that has these things called airplanes which we are able to easily identify. Buy our screwdriver.
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 9 months
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baufuesick · 1 year
Deutlich weniger neue Wohnungen bis 2025
Das ifo Institut erwartet einen drastischen Rückgang beim Wohnungsbau in Deutschland. Berechnungen des Instituts zufolge werden 2023 rund 245.000 und nächstes Jahr 210.000 Wohnungen in neuen Wohngebäuden fertiggestellt, im Jahr 2025 sogar nur noch rund 175.000. Zusammen mit den übrigen Fertigstellungen werden 2025 lediglich etwa 200.000 Wohneinheiten entstehen. Das Ziel der Bundesregierung liegt…
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Who thought the ECB would be sharply raising interest-rates with Germany in recession?
This morning has brought us back to some extent to a piece of economic orthodoxy. Putting it another way something which was always really rather likely is being presented as a shock of sorts. So let me hand you over to the German statistics office. “After GDP had already slipped into the red at the end of 2022, the German economy recorded two negative quarters in a row,” says Ruth Brand,…
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stylized-corpse · 2 months
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Njemački uredi prazni zbog rada na daljinu, četvrtina zaposlenika radi od kuće
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Rad na daljinu nakon pandemije i lockdowna ispraznio je njemačke urede, pokazalo je nedavno istraživanje Instituta ifo, prema kojem 12,3 stolova u tvrtkama nije iskorišteno. To je trostruko više nego u razdoblju prije pandemije te je 2019. neiskorištenih prostora bilo samo 4,6 posto. 'Drugim riječima, postotak neiskorištenih radnih stolova u uredima otprilike se utrostručio', kaže Simon Krause iz Instituta Ifo     U sektoru usluga udio neiskorištenih radnih stolova porastao je sa 6,2 na 16,8 posto. U proizvodnji je porastao s 3,1 posto u 2019. na 9,6 posto.     Povećanje je ograničeno u trgovini (s 3,2 posto na 5,8 posto) i građevinarstvu (s 1,7 posto na 2,5 posto). Uredi su prazni u IT-u, oglašavanju i istraživanju tržišta, poslovnom savjetovanju i farmaceutskoj industriji. 'Otprilike četvrtina zaposlenika redovito radi od kuće. Neke tvrtke pretvaraju prazne urede u coworking prostore za više interakcije uživo tijekom uredskih dana. Drugi smanjuju potrebe za prostorom da ne bi rasipali novac na neiskorištene urede. To bi moglo imati posljedice na tržište nekretnina, a ono je ionako pod pritiskom viših kamata i troškova izgradnje. Štoviše, smanjenje korištenja ureda posebno snažno pogađa središta gradova. Ondje se nalazi natprosječno velik broj ureda, a trgovine u tim područjima trpe nižu maloprodaju zbog rada na daljinu', kaže Krause te dodaje da otprilike četvrtina zaposlenika redovito radi od kuće. Tportal.hr Photo by Bali Demiri Read the full article
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mthomasapple · 2 years
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's an airplane! It's...
A Japanese telescope positioned on top of Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii, captured video of an eerie flying spiral in the night sky on Jan. 18. In the video, a small bright spot appears and slowly gets brighter and starts to dissipate into a spiral before getting small again and…
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cryptoizfuture · 2 years
Learn how to vote on pancakeswap
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mobiloitteindia · 2 years
Our launchpad can support cross-chain projects and provides better connectivity across multiple blockchain networks with the help of Polkadot’s cross-chain protocol. This feature enhances the chances that the launchpad will connect to multiple blockchain networks to gain a larger audience for different blockchain networks to contribute to the development of your crypto business. Its cross-chain compatibility allows users to purchase tokens for different projects from different networks for seamless investment.
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crisismonitor · 2 years
Γερμανία: Σε υψηλά 3μηνου η επιχειρηματική εμπιστοσύνη
Γερμανία: Σε υψηλά 3μηνου η επιχειρηματική εμπιστοσύνη
Σε υψηλό τριμήνου σκαρφάλωσε η επιχειρηματική εμπιστοσύνη στη Γερμανία, καθώς περιορίζεται η απαισιοδοξία. (more…)
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Through the years inventors have applied for saucer shaped aerial vehicles. But most have have been rejected by the patent’s office ,citing silly excuses like ,we will get back to you ,the military seem interested pending further studies and the list goes on,and on and on.The scary and dark side of these applications is that inventors disappear or get in freak car accidents and often die ,some even get poisoned.Well, the culprit almost 90%of the time is Uncle Sam of course. We creators often failed to get the full picture until it is too late. Years later,we read with a surprised look how the story ends for many inventors that get involved with the government and the military ,deadly. Flying saucers with antigravity capabilities are here already they are flying all over the States, called UAP= unidentified aerial phenomena.They are as aliens as we all are.Words and pic taken from archives by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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mwsrwritings · 2 years
Laundry Tip
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