#application for a flying craft
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Through the years inventors have applied for saucer shaped aerial vehicles. But most have have been rejected by the patent’s office ,citing silly excuses like ,we will get back to you ,the military seem interested pending further studies and the list goes on,and on and on.The scary and dark side of these applications is that inventors disappear or get in freak car accidents and often die ,some even get poisoned.Well, the culprit almost 90%of the time is Uncle Sam of course. We creators often failed to get the full picture until it is too late. Years later,we read with a surprised look how the story ends for many inventors that get involved with the government and the military ,deadly. Flying saucers with antigravity capabilities are here already they are flying all over the States, called UAP= unidentified aerial phenomena.They are as aliens as we all are.Words and pic taken from archives by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
How to Write Your Own Spells
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There are lots of ways to create spells, from planning everything to the minutest detail ahead of time to absolutely flying by the seat of your pants in the moment. If you'd like to write your own spells, either for use in your craft or as a creative exercise, here are some suggested steps that I use in my own practice:
1) Determine the intent or goal of your spell. Decide, first and foremost, what you want the spell to do. Refine your goal if necessary and try not to be too nebulous. Your intent tells the spell what it's meant to do. A more focused goal may increase the chances of success.
2) Determine how you want the spell to manifest. Decide how the spell should work and what the result should look like. This is a good time to build in a sign of success, especially for spells that may not work in an obvious or visible way.
3) Determine what or whom the spell will affect. If the spell is to have a target, be it a person or a place or an animal or an object, decide what that should be and how they or it will be represented in the casting.
4) Determine how long the spell is meant to work. If your spell is timebound or has a deadline, decide what that will be. If the spell is meant to work long-term, you may want to check in and refresh it from time to time. (Not every spell will be timebound. Many spells will simply expire when they have fulfilled their purpose or if they are blocked or circumstances are not favorable.)
5) Determine the timing of the spell, if applicable. Not everyone uses celestial or astrological timing for their spells, but if you do, look into the prevailing conditions and decide on an advantageous time for your casting. (Please note that magical timing can only enhance your spell and casting something on the "wrong" day will not necessarily cause it to fail.)
6) Determine what methods and materials you want to use to cast the spell. Decide how you're going to go about performing the casting, whether you're doing a ritual or making a charm or just using energy. If you're going to need a ritual space or physical components, plan that out and make sure it fits with what you want to do.
7) Determine the words, if any, which will empower the spell. If you want to include a prayer or a petition or a song or an incantation with your spell, decide what that should be. This is not strictly necessary and the words need not be spoken aloud. (Rhyming incantations are not required, but if you prefer them that way, you can certainly do so.)
8) Prepare the materials for casting the spell. Get all your necessaries together ahead of time. Make sure you have everything you need, that tools and components are in good and useable condition, prepare your workspace, and make sure everything is within easy reach so you don't have to stop and search for things in the middle of your casting. (And for goodness sake, if you're working with open flame, observe fire safety and tie your hair and sleeves back.)
9) Finalize details and perform the casting. When you're ready to begin, try to eliminate as many possibilities for distraction or interruption as possible. Go over your spell and components one more time, then proceed with casting the spell.
10) Record the particulars for future reference and to determine how well the spell worked. Make a record of the spell, including your goal, how it should manifest, the words and components used, the date of the casting, the casting method and procedure, and how the casting went. If there are any additional details or observations that seem important, include those as well. This will serve as a useful learning tool in the future and will allow you to check your work if the results make themselves known.
It's useful to write spells from time to time if the inspiration strikes you, in order to better understand how they fit together and how they work. Plus it's a fun and creative journaling exercise and recording the spells you cast a great way to measure your progress later on.
For additional tips on writing your own spells and helpful tricks for using timing and available materials to your advantage, check out my podcast, Hex Positive, Eps. 006-007, "Come In For A Spell, pt 1 & 2."
(And if you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
Happy Witching! 🔮✨
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the-whatcherof-89 · 3 months
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Commission for @pixlemonade
Grian “Big Boss” Xelqua Aka The Legendary Poultry Man.
CR 17 N Medium Humanoid Strix
XP 102,400 (if used as npc for encounter)Strix Cleric 10 Evangelist 7
Neutral Medium humanoid, Strix Init +2; Senses Perception +29
AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 29 (+2 Dex, +10 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Intuition, +4 Natural) hp 115 (16d8+34)
Fort +11, Ref +19, Will +12
Speed 60 ft. Flying, Land speed 30ft. Melee Returning shortspear+16/11/6 1D8+4 RangedRanged Spell+14, Returning shortspear+17/12/7 1D8+4
Racial Dayguard, Suspicious, Darkvision 60ft, Low light vision 60ft, Hatred, Fly speed 60ft, Land speed 30ft.
Traits Obsession(Buttons, etc), Spark of creation.
Class features Aura, Channel Energy 9D6, Domains Artifice, Air), Divine obedience,Skilled (Use magic device, Fly), Protective grace +2, Aligned class (Cleric), Divine boons (Strategic warrior, Sensibility of crafting), Creator’s touch, Material transformation, Gift of tongues(Ignan, Auran), Multitude of talents(+4 sacred bonus on untrained skills).
Spellcasting CL17 DC17 spells per day 
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 10
Base Atk +12/7/2; CMB +13; CMD +25
Feats Brew potions, Deific obedience, Extend spell, Craft magic weapons and armors, Craft wondrous magic items, Empower spells, Quicken spells, Maximize spells, Master crafter.
Skills Appraise +5, Craft(Metal) +20, Craft(Stone) +14, Diplomacy +4, Fly +21, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +14, engineering +9 (nobility, the planes,) +5, Linguistics +5, Perception +19, Profession(architect) +19, (engineer)+14, Sense motive +14, Spellcraft +14, Use magic device +13.
Languages Common, Draconic, Strix, Ignan, Auran.
Combat gear Manual of understanding+3(used), Returning shortspear+3, Mithral catskin breastplate+4, Caster shield(greater), Amulet of natural armor+4, Dusty rose ion stone, Headband of aerial agility+6(Wis), Rainbow lenses, Eagle cape, Belt of goat strength, Rod of thunder and lighting, Robe of useful items, Arrow magnet, Band of the colorful(pride) flight (ring of feather falling+Ring of flying improved+Colored flight), 4 Potions of cure critical wounds, Cleric kit, MWK tools(stone mason), 105GP.
Spells per day 0- All. 1-Animate ropes, Bless, Command, Divine favor, Sanctuary, Shield of faith, Summon monster I 2-Wind wall, Bear’s endurance, Sonic boom, Cat’s grace, Summon monster 2, Aid, Make whole. 3-Gaseous form, Dispel magic, Summon monster 3, Remove blindness/deafness, Blindness/deafness, Remove curse, Protection from energy. 4-Airwalk, Summon minor planar ally, Summon monster 4, Divine power, Freedom of movement, Divination. 5-Fabricate, Flamestrike, Summon monster 5, Spell resistance, Truesight, Reanimate dead. 6-Major creation, Planar ally, Animate objects, Dispel magic major, Word of return, Blade wall, Mass bull strength. 7-Elemental body(air), Regeneration, Destruction, Resurrection. 8-Whirlwind, Planar ally major, Summon monster VIII. 9-Miracle, Prismatic sphere.
Mumbo Jumbo Aka Bumbo Baggins the Mustache Man.
CR 17 N Humanoid, Dwarf
XP 102,400 (if used as npc for encounter)Dwarf Wizard (Conjurer, Creation school)15 Lore master 2
Neutral Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception +20
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5Mage armor) Hp 135 (17d6+51)
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +17
Speed 20 ft. Melee Father’s forgehammer+11/6 1d8+31 RangedRanged Spell+10
Racial Speed 20ft, Defensive training, Unstoppable, Stone cunning, Craftsman, Industrious urbanite, Stability, Darkvision 60ft, Weapon familiarity.
Traits Spark of creation, Socially awkward.
Class features Summon familiar (archetype Valet), Arcane bond (Familiar Cat), Create gear, Creator’s will, Summoner’s charm, Scribe scroll, Specialization  school (Conjuration), Arcane discoveries: Arcane builder(wondrous magic items), Fast study, Golem constructor(Iron), Lore, Secret of health, Applicable knowledge(Forge ring).
Spellcasting CL17 DC18 spells per day 4/6/6/6/6/5/5/4/3/1
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 26, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +8/3; CMB +9; CMD +21
Feats Brew potions, Extend spell, Skill focus (Knowledge Arcana), Alchemical affinity, Craft wondrous magic items, Craft magic armors and weapons, Maximize spell, Empower spell.
Skills Appraise +16, Craft(Metal) +28, Craft(Redstone) +28, Fly +10, Knowledge (Arcana +31, Dungeoneering +16, Engineering+28, Nature+16, Geography+16, History+16, Local+16, Nobility+11, Planes +16, Religion+11), Linguistics +2, Perception +10, Profession(engineer)+22, Perform(oratory) +3, Spellcraft +28, Use magic device +19.
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarf, Giant, Terran, Orchis, Acquan.
Combat gear Headband of mental prowess+4(Int, Wis, Craft metal), Amulet of spell mastery, monocle of flawlessness, Father’s forge hammer, Engineer’s workgloves, Winged boots, Belt of giant strength+2, All tools vest, Traveler’s any tool, Handy haversack, Mallet of building, Clock of resistance+5, Ring of protection+5, Ring of crafting improved(Redstone), Artificer portable lab, Mumbo’s top hat(functions as a Cap of light and a Hedge wizard Conjurer’s cloak), Conduit rod, Scrolls(Planar binding greater, Anywhere but here, Expeditious constructions), Staff of conjuration, Blessed book, Potions(4 Cure Critical wounds, 2 Invisibility, 2 Blur), Wand of Summon monster II, Wizard kit, 15GP.
Spells known Mostly Conjuration spells Forbidden schools: Necromancy, Enchantment (around 45) 
Spells typically prepared 9-Portal. 8-Summon monster VIII, Labyrinth 7-Limited wish, Wondrous mansion, Clenched hand, Reflect spells. 6-Mass bull strength, Contingency, Chain lighting, Iron wall, Dispel magic greater. 5-Telekinesis, Teleportation, Summon monster V, Wall of stone, Cone of cold. 4-Elastic sphere, Summon monster IV, Dimensional door, Stoneskin, Black tentacles, Solid fog. 3-Haste, Shrink item, Fireball, Summon monster III, Dispel magic, Resist energy. 2-Make whole, Mirror images, Glitterdust, Summon swarm, Web, See invisibility. 1-Shrink person, Magic missile, Grease, Unseen servant, Mage armor, Shield.
0-All except forbidden schools.
Background Grian and Mumbo lived in a faraway land known for their hermit residents where they are renowned for their incredible talent for architecture and his incredibly complex contraptions respectively. Both of them where building some crazy structure and as always creating some cunning brain-teaser or practical joke to have a laugh while at it. Still, when one day they were about to make their usual pranks and almost detonated each other in the attempt, Grain and Mumbo heard a voice: “Your aid… needed… someone important… lost… will you aid us?” Thinking it was a prank from another Hermit known for his Scars and his fancy Top Hats they went along and accepted only to find themselves transformed and transported into a completely different world. Now they have a mission on hand: Retrieve a lost entity from far away that bestowed part of his powers upon them.
IMPORTANT: None of the images are mine they belong to the following artists in the link. I did this for no profit only for entertainment.
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lieslab · 1 month
Blood, bones, and teeth erode
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Chan X gn reader
Summary: After not being able to land a job in the field you want to pursue, it feels like it might be the end of everything and that's when your boyfriend finds you.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 2.5K
Trigger warning: Anxiety, depression, insecurities, implications of starvation, self-harm, and suicide.
A/N: I didn't mean to make two back-to-back Chan posts, but here we are. I had some free time and I finally wrote this request and I just think you should know that I cried a lot, so buckle your seatbelts. After this, there's another Chan request, but before that, I'm going to throw up a Minho one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
_ _ _
When you’re a kid, the impossible seems possible. Full of life and optimism, the world is your oyster. When you announce you’re going to be an astronaut and fly to space, people smile and laugh. It’s one of those childish dreams that most adults understand will fade over time. 
Working through the ranks, performing all the training to become an astronaut, it seems impossible in their heads. Too much work, too much time, and it turns into one of those dreams that fizzles out and turns into stardust. Blown just out of sight and out of mind, you reach in your back pocket for another dream, so you can try again. 
Childhood is full of dreams like this. Race car drivers screeching around the track and leaving everyone in the dust. Professional football players that do a celebratory dance when they score the winning touchdown. Supermodels that travel the world and walk the runway. Marine biologists who live on boats and spend their time exploring and studying the life below water. 
For you, your dreams didn’t really change much. You knew what you wanted to do and you had your sights on making dreams your reality. You planned on doing anything you could to reach your dreams and it never changed. 
When you’re a kid, the adults leave out the grueling part of reality. Nobody wants to be responsible for crushing the innocence that comes with childhood. Not yet grown, kids don’t fully grasp the magnitude of everything they’re speaking about. 
They don’t understand that becoming a good race car driver requires lots of practice races. Football players struggle with sore muscles and a body warped with bruises and aches. Supermodels obtain a certain image and no matter what, they’re supposed to carry that look, even if it means you’re unhappy, anything for the camera. As for marine biologists, a variety of science classes, no matter how boring, must be sat through. 
Dreams are always possible, but it’s up to you to conquer them. They’re always evolving and changing and so are you. Another birthday, another year older, and another year full of experiences and opportunities that help you grow and learn. 
You did everything you could to obtain the knowledge to grow your craft. Whether it was attending classes about it, gaining a degree in the field, or even networking and trying to find your people. You felt like you did everything right, but the answer always seemed to be no. 
Every job application you jumped at, you were always turned away. When you managed to get an interview and truly thought you’d aced it, it always went the opposite of how you expected it to. The industry was hard to break into and you knew that, but you were burning with passion. 
Your resume wasn’t the greatest and you wanted to improve it. By adding a portfolio along with it, you assumed that was the trick, but you had nothing to put there. No matter what you did, you couldn’t catch the eye of the management teams. 
The journey started at the beginning of the year and now it had been months. You couldn’t remember how many interviews you attended. You always expected a call back, but it never happened. If you were lucky, sometimes someone was nice enough to reach out and reject you. Other times, you were left in a silent limbo. A constant wondering and waiting, but it never came to fruition. 
You had a job, yeah, but it wasn’t in the industry you craved. It wasn’t the kind that lit a passion within you and made your heart quicken with excitement. You didn’t get a sense of inner fulfillment. In fact, every day you were faced with an influx of dread. As more and more time passed, it began to feel more and more pointless. 
It was getting harder and harder to hide your irritation and sadness from your boyfriend. Lately, you had been turning away meals. Staying up late at night, you wanted to extend your me time. You did, but getting up in the mornings was like hell on earth now. 
The bags began to become more and more prominent beneath your eyes. Once upon a time the small brown bags shifted into purple. You were emotionally and physically exhausted, but you’d never admit it. 
To make it all worse, lately your thoughts had been spiraling out of control. The things you thought about and the direction your brain crept towards, you were sure Chan would lose his mind. 
He loved you a lot and you appreciated it a ton. At least, you used to appreciate it. Your confidence levels had begun to droop lower and lower. Lately, even dating your boyfriend, seemed to feel pointless. He was a rich k-pop idol and you? Well, you were stuck at your miserable job. You were horrified at who you were morphing into, but you didn’t know how to stop it. 
How do you stop the restless thoughts? The anxiety and worry that suffocated you every night? How did you stop running from your problems and letting them swallow you whole? Would it ever stop? 
“Hey, it’s getting late. Why aren’t you in bed yet? You should be asleep, I thought you said you had work in the morning.” 
You blinked, trying to focus on Chan’s words. Outside in the darkness, crickets chirped and you were left alone in the pitch black. The only thing saving you from blending in with the cloudless night was the faint porch light a few feet away. 
Moths fluttered around it without a care in the world. Their fuzzy bodies lightly plunked against the glass shell covering the bulb. They were the only thing to keep you company this late at night. 
“What are you doing out here?” 
You shrugged at the words and let your gaze venture off into the darkness. Off in the distance, frogs croaked somewhere near a source of water. Nostalgia trickled through your veins, but it was faint. The sound reminded you of childhood, fresh cut grass, and the warmth radiating from the summer sun. Humidity snuffed out any small breeze from the air. 
“I just needed a moment,” you finally uttered. 
“Is this about the-” 
“Please don’t say it. It’s already embarrassing not being called back by anyone. I don’t want you to say it outloud. I know, it's so much worse than expected. I don’t want to hear a pep talk from you right now. I love you so much, but maybe sometimes…” Your voice began to trail off as it softened. You sucked in a deep breath and went on. “Maybe dreams are meant to be just dreams.” 
Someone jammed a needle into his heart. He physically felt his heart strings twist and then his heart popped. Slumped back into your chair, you looked utterly defeated. Your chin curled towards your chest and you were trying so hard to be strong, but he knew you were internally distraught. 
“You and I both know that’s not true,” he whispered. “I want to tell you how much you mean to me and how much they’re all missing out on. However, if you don’t want to hear that right now, I’ll respect it. Whatever happens, please just don’t shut me out again.” 
It was a piercing and heart-wrenching reminder that you had been down this road before. Insecurities and judgment clouded your vision. You became your own worst enemy and it spiraled out of control. No words could describe the utter hate and anguish you felt towards yourself. 
You began to inflict damage to yourself. Pulling away from meals just to feel the aching pain of hunger. Forcing yourself to stay up late to finish work because you felt like you deserved it. Every little thing barrel rolled until you got to the point where you wanted to end it all. 
You walked this path before and it was the exact path you were striding towards again. The missing meals, the staying up too late, and the scorching hot showers that burnt your skin. Pushing your vulnerable mentality to its limit as you scrolled through the social media posts of your favorite celebrities and idols; another fleeting reminder that they were doing so much better than you were. 
It was so easy to lay down and rot. Fighting for your dreams was so difficult when they seemed so far away. Even worse, you hated to know that your boyfriend knew just how far you’d take this self-hatred and loathing. You hated that he viewed you like some glass paperweight, but it was true. You were free falling and you could shatter apart at any moment. 
“Bang Chan?” 
He reached out and slipped his hand into yours. Warm fingers curled around your palm and he gently squeezed your hand. “What is it?” 
“It’s getting bad again.” 
“Where you feel like you might-” 
“Yes,” you cut him off. “It’s not even that I might. I feel like if things don’t turn around soon, I might just…” The words cut off in your throat. You hated feeling so vulnerable, but you loved him. 
Maybe you said the words because you wanted to warn him that within the next few days, he might find your corpse. Your thoughts were growing darker and darker and darker. As selfish as some might see it, you just wanted it to stop. You wanted the world to go silent and you wanted inner peace. 
There is no escaping when your biggest critic is your own brain. No matter what you do, your brain screams that it’s wrong. You’re trapped in a cage with your own worst enemy and there’s nothing you can do. It was so bad that the usual things weren’t helping. 
You tried to watch tv, but you kept zoning out and replaying scenes from the past. The embarrassment and stress of previous conversations felt like drowning in a tsunami. You tried to read, but you couldn’t get through a page. Your brain would whisper between the words and soon you’d lose your place. 
You loved music, but even your brain was stealing that away from you. You were attached to the sad and sappy stuff. It was how you felt right now, but listening to those songs made the sadness so much worse. It was like adding water to a grease fire; the flames of sadness rose higher and the smoke was suffocating. 
“I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how to stop feeling like this. No matter what I do, it looms overhead like a shadow. I’m scared, I’m sad, and I’m terrified. I don’t know how to get my brain to shut up.” 
The tears welled up in your eyes more. Your breathing was growing more uneven as you struggled to stop the sobs from falling from your lips. “I’m trying s-so hard, but-” 
“Sweetheart, it’s okay, I understand.” Chan gently tugged your arm, a gesture for you to rise to your feet. You allowed him to and when you did, he pulled you into an embrace. 
He pushed your head into his chest and your ear to his heartbeat. Your eyes slipped shut and you clung onto the sound of the steady wallop. One arm wrapped around your back and the other went to the back of your head. 
“Sometimes we all feel a little lost and defeated. That doesn’t make you worth any less to me. No matter what your brain says, I still love you.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? For being upset and frustrated when things aren’t going your way? I understand what that’s like, honey. I’ve been there and I still find myself drifting back there sometimes.” His hand began to rub along the length of your spine. 
“Life can be so hard sometimes, but you know what the most important part is?” 
You didn’t respond. The lump in your throat was far too much. You were sure that you’d break down if you spoke right now. Your nostrils flared and your fingers dug into the lower fabric of his shirt. 
“The most important part is that I’m right here. You’re allowed to fall apart and grieve. I’m not going anywhere and I’m here for you. You don’t have to allow yourself to drown in this alone. I know what it’s like to have your brain be against you, so listen to me.” 
“You are one of the most amazing and loving people that I’ve ever met. You fight like hell to make your dreams come true when most people would have given up after a few weeks. There are people out there who are where you are and made something of themselves, even if they had to think outside the box.” 
“Maybe you’re not where you want to be, but I have no issues with believing that you’ll get there. You’re stronger than most with a good head on your shoulders. You’re intelligent, talented, and you have a passion. Don’t let this be the end of your story, let it be the beginning.” 
Caught off guard by his words, your eyes opened. It took you a few moments to let the words settle into your soul. You stared off into the darkness and let the words reply in your head. 
“You don’t have to have everything figured out right now. You don’t have to be perfect. The most important thing is that you’re trying to get where you’re going.” 
“Walt Disney was fired from a job and told he lacked imagination. Thomas Edison created the lightbulb after a teacher said he was too stupid to learn anything. Stephen King had a book rejected thirty times before he found someone who would take a chance and publish it.” 
“My point is that you never know what kind of life is waiting for you. If you give up now, you’ll never see what’s on the other side of the rain clouds. Sometimes rainbows are just out of reach.” 
He leaned forward and rested his chin on the top of your head. Your eyes slipped shut again and his arms wrapped around you tighter. The sounds of wildlife continued on in the background. 
“Thank you,” you finally managed to get out. Your voice was hoarse and you still felt like crying. It was nice to be reminded that other people had failures before their dreams came true. 
“Don’t mention it, sweetheart. I think you need some love, so I’m just gonna-” He shifted and pulled you on top of him as he sat in the chair you were in. Your ear remained pressed against his chest and his arms resumed their rightful places. “I’m going to hold you for a while, okay? I think you really need that.” 
You couldn’t get the words to come out, but you wanted to say you loved him. You did. You loved all of him. You loved all of him and you’d never stop loving him. Giving up meant losing this; the warmth, the words, and the wildlife. As much as you struggled with it, you were still going to fight like hell to make your dreams come true. 
After all, the inner child in you deserved it. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
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pedropascalsx · 1 year
The Apprentice. {Dave York x F! Reader}
Summary: When your dad and your godfather Robert McCall spot an opportunity to send you undercover and gather information on their biggest rival Dave York they take it. With no care of the consequences that YOU may face.
Warnings: Virgin Reader, Loss of Virginity, Rough Sex, Come play, P in V, Oral (M&F receiving), Dirty Talk, Secretly Recorded Sex, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of SA, Kidnapping, Murder, some fluff, and Dave York comes with his own warning.
Word Count: 24,000+
**Co-Written with @absurdthirst **
🚨🚨DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT - This story contains dark themes of kidnapping, murder and mentions of sexual assault. 🚨🚨
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As A03 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings' You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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It had been two days since both your father and godfather sat you down and informed you that you’d be undertaking a job for them. 
Three weeks with a fake name, a fake backstory and a new look to boot. The details of what they both did had been revealed to you a few minutes before they informed you of your mission. 
You already knew. They suspected you did but still made a big deal about sitting you down and telling you everything, and by everything they meant the most basic details that explained pretty much nothing. 
And now you’re here. Sitting patiently at the end of your bed for the car to come and drive you to the airport. Washington D.C. You mumbled to yourself as you stared down at your flight information. 
You’d spend three weeks with Dave York and his team. Learning from them, working with them and most importantly gathering as much information as you could to take them down. And then you’d be ”rescued”.
The rivalry between your dad, godfather and Dave goes back years they told you and he’d now put together a team of assassins that were seemingly unstoppable, taking clients and new business from your dad and Robert with ease. 
‘Unassuming and plain’, that’s how your Dad described you as he told you why you were perfect for this operation. ‘No one would notice you were even in the room,’ he said at one point with a smirk splashed across his face. You hated him and the way he talked about you so casually had made you think the feeling was mutual. But now, he wanted something from you, for the first time in your life… you had worth to him. 
They were so confident you’d get picked, they filled the application out themselves, paid god knows how much to fake some IDs and put together the perfect little trainee assassin. And Dave fell for it… hook line and sinker. Or did he?   
Dave taps the folder and scoffs at the background check. It’s easy to see that this person is a plant. Someone who has had their background crafted to be exactly what he would want for his team. The question is, who sent you? Several answers spring to mind but he will just have to see when you get here. Due to arrive tonight, he will determine in person if the resemblance to an old colleague is just in his imagination, or if you are who he thinks you are.
Entering with a slight knock on the door, your godfather Robert McCall enters your bedroom. The same look on his face as always as he looks you up and down and offers a weak smile. “I know we are asking a lot from you, but before he realizes a single thing, you’ll be back home and you’ll be safe, kid.”
You nod your head and stand up, “Car here yet?” When he nods a simple yes, you nod back and make your way out of your bedroom. “I fucking hate flying.”
The meeting is set and Dave shakes his wrist, twisting it so he can look at the watch on his arm. You’re late. It’s not a good first impression, although he knows that the flight is delayed. Annoyance makes him grunt, and he wonders how this person - you - will take the challenges that he will throw your way once you finally arrive.
You arrive over an hour late, your luggage lost and your will to go through with this, nonexistent. “I’m sorry I’m late,” you begin to say to the man who opens the door. He stays completely silent but gestures with his hand to invite you in.
His eyes narrow as he watches you come into the room, closing the door behind you and waiting to hear what you have to say for yourself.
Words fail you as you catch a glimpse of him, his eyes boring into yours clearly unimpressed. “My flight was delayed.” you splutter as you make your way into the room, “I’m so sorry, Mr…?”
“York.” He clips out shortly. “So tell me why I shouldn’t turn you around and put your ass right back on that plane?”
His curt tone sends a shiver down your spine as you look around the room, searching for a pair of kind eyes or someone to step in. “I-uh, I can’t control air traffic? I can’t help it got delayed.”
“So why did you choose a flight time so close to the meeting?” Dave asks. “What if it had been a target with a very narrow window of availability? ‘Sorry for missing the opportunity to kill the target you’ve paid me for?’” He asks sarcastically.
“I don’t know,” you say quietly. “I’m sorry, Mr. York.” Your hand starts to pull at the sleeve of your sweater as you feel him stare you down. His eyes are black and his expression furious. “I’m so sorry.”
You aren’t hard, you aren’t calculating. The resemblance to the man he suspects sent you is uncanny and he is almost completely sure you are to report back to him. Instead of continuing to grill you, he nods, extending his hand to shake. “Thank you for making it. Sit down so we can talk.”
“Thank you,” you take a few calculated steps to the seat in front of him. “And thank you for selecting me. It’ll be a privilege to learn from you.”
“We’ll see.” Dave doubts you will learn much but he will get great pleasure out of feeding you incorrect information to pass on. “Tell me about yourself. Not that I care but what made you decide to do this?”
‘Shit,’ you think to yourself as he asks you a basic question. A question that you should have most definitely been expecting but somehow… didn’t. “F-family.” The word falls from your lips and you regret it the second it does. “I want to be able to uh protect them.”
“What’s your family like? Who are they?” Dave asks, following up your answer with another question.   
“They’re busy,” you blurt out, “I don’t… I don’t see them often. But I worry about them. I worry about the things they do and that one day they’ll need me.”
It’s a weak story and it’s apparent by the face you make that you know it. Dave watches you for a moment and then changes tactics. “Strip off your clothes.” He demands.
“Excuse me?” You choke at his demand, your voice small and timid as squirm in your seat in front of him.
“Stand up, strip your clothes off.” Dave’s voice is edged with annoyance at having to repeat himself. “You need to be examined by our doctors and you can’t do that with your clothes on.”   
“Oh,” you reply quietly, “Will you be waiting outside?”
“No.” Dave answers simply. “Strip or leave.”
You swallow loudly before standing up on shaky legs, avoiding eye contact as you undo the zipper at the side of your dress. Slowly pulling it off and holding it in front of you in an attempt to shield yourself.
“Unless you want someone to think you’re hiding a wire, put your goddamn hands down.”
Without a word you drape the dress over the back of the chair you had been sitting on. “Sorry,” you murmur, willing your legs not to fail you as he looks at you. You’re still in your bra and panties but this is the most exposed you’ve ever been in front of a man.
He waits for another fifteen seconds, wondering when you are going to continue but you just stand there like a deer in the headlights. “All of it.” He growls.
You open up your mouth to argue, but the look on his face tells you that you’ll regret it. Like pulling off a band-aid you decide to be quick, reaching around and removing your bra before pulling down and stepping out of your matching panties. You stand up straight but keep your eyes focused on the ground, waiting for him to speak because you’re unable to form a sentence with this undeniably gorgeous but terrifying man looking at your naked form.
Dave doesn’t like the way that you seem to wither under his gaze. He needs a woman who is confident, one who knows her appeal to the opposite sex or even the same sex. “Decent.” He hums, “better without the mousy attitude.” He critiques. “But you’ll make a man harder than a rock in a sexy dress before you kill them.”
“Harder than a… oh. OH. You mean their…?” Your face feels hot as you trip over your own words, before realizing that he almost complimented you. “Thanks.. Thank you, Mr York.”
He snorts and shakes his head, clocking the way you nearly faint and he tilts his head. “Don’t tell me you’re a fucking virgin.”   
“No,” you lie, “I-uh… Yes.” You can’t bring yourself to look up at him, not ready to see him laugh in your face. So you continue to stare down at your feet and hope the doctors will come in quickly.
“Well, get rid of that as quickly as you can.” Dave huffs, standing up and walking towards the door. “I’ll bring the doctor in.”
“Wait, you expect me to fuck someone? You blurt out without thinking, “Who?”
“Whoever the fuck you need to in order to do the job.” Dave shoots back. “If you aren’t capable of that sweetheart, put your clothes back on and get the fuck out of my office.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. You weren’t still a virgin for any particular reason other than every guy in your town was terrified of your father. His reputation meant that guys were scared of even looking in your direction for too long. “I’ll find someone.” You reply softly as he slides out of the door.
Outside the door, Dave smirks. There’s no doctors, he had just wanted to see how willing you would be to do what he ordered and while you had baulked, you were as meek as a lamp. Your father had fucked up sending you into his lion’s den.
You wait patiently for the better part of ten minutes, wondering why he’s taking so long. You consider popping your dress back on and going to find him but figure that that would likely piss him off more than anything.
Dave leans against the wall, cooling his heels as he checks his emails. Wanting to see if you will pop your head out. Eager to see how you respond to being left waiting.
You lay your dress over on the seat you were previously sat on and take a seat, your feet beginning to grow tied after waiting for another 10 minutes. ‘Five more minutes and i’m putting my clothes back on,’ you think to yourself as you twiddle your thumbs.
At the twenty minute mark, Dave looks up towards the door, impressed that you haven’t left the room yet. Nearly pushing off the wall to come tell you to get dressed, he waits. Deciding to give it another ten minutes.
Five minutes tick by and your fingertips trace the lace on your bra, it’s tempting to put it on and run out of the building and pretend it never happened but you can’t. You think about the way he was looking at you and the way he holds himself. Those broad shoulders in that tight shirt, without thinking your hand starts to snake down between your legs feeling the wetness that had begun to pool there. Your clit is pulsing, screaming with a need to get some sort of release and it’s only when you press down on that little button that you remember where you are and what you’re doing. You pull your hand away and shake your head at your stupidly, ’What the fuck are you doing?’ you ask yourself before sighing. And why the hell do you feel such a need to not disappoint him?
At twenty eight minutes past the time he had left you in this room, Dave opens the door suddenly. “Doctor’s busy.” He announces. “Get dressed.”
“Oh, okay” you say, before putting your bra back on and pulling up your panties. You feel his gaze on you as you do, and you’re not sure why that makes you even wetter. You pull your dress on and immediately sit back down without thinking, looking up at him expectantly as you do so.
“Why do you really want to do this?” He asks, leaning against his desk and crossing his arms over his chest as he frowns down at you. “You aren’t a killer.” 
Thinking long and hard about your answer, and knowing that you can’t reveal the real reason you’re there… You just say what you’re feeling, “Because if anyone can make me a killer, I think it would be you.”
“That might be the first fucking honest thing you’ve said.” Dave grunts, levelling an unhappy look at you. “It won’t be easy, so if you don’t think you can do it, leave now.”
“I can do this, Mr. York, I promise.” You say as confidently as you can with a small smile. “I’m not leaving.”
“We’ll see.” Dave snorts. “I'm not going to go easy on you because you have nice tits.”
“I don’t want you to take it easy on me.” You try to ignore the way the last thing he said to you but your body betrays you, you squeeze your thighs together to give yourself a little relief.
He hums and nods. “I’m assuming the airline lost all of your shit?” He asks, aware you had shown up with no luggage.
“It was put on another flight,” you say with a roll of your eyes, “They’re having it put on a flight to D.C. and delivered to me as soon as possible.”
“Go get to your room and settle in. You can’t train in a dress.” He reaches back into his desk and tosses you a key. “I have you set up in the training facility. It’s an old safe house.”
“Thank you, Si- Mr. York. I promise I won’t let you down.”
Dave doesn’t answer, instead he just nods. Obviously dismissing you as he pushes off the desk to walk about and sit back down. Looking back at a report and not even bothering to glance your way when you stand.
You slip through the day he pointed at and on the other side you’re greeted by a man who very quickly introduces himself as Kovac. He’s not as intimidating as Dave but doesn’t seem much friendlier either. 
“I’ll show you to your quarters, we have some basic clothing in there. York said you didn’t have any luggage with you when you arrived and assumed the airline was responsible for that.” He scoffs before adding, “Good luck getting that back.” 
You offer him a polite nod and follow him towards the training house. He takes the key from your hand and unlocks the door, “Up the stairs first room to your right. If you need anything just holler.”
“Thank you, Kovac.” You say with another smile, “See you around.” 
Closing the door behind you, you reach into your purse and pull out your phone. Immediately clicking your dads contact and sighing when it immediately goes to voicemail. ‘Hey, so I got here safely. The airline lost my bag but the lady said she was able to track it and it’ll arrive here tomorrow. I’ll try to check in tomorrow night. Take care.’
Dave had halfway expected you to re-emerge from your room but you didn't. Apprising the team of the new development, he tells them to not give anything away. This is an advantage if used correctly. 
Within moments there is a return text. DON’T CALL!!!!!! We will arrange a drop location for any information.
You sigh loudly before falling back onto the bed, ‘Why am I doing this?’ you think to yourself. Trying to forget how alive you felt as the man you should absolutely detest made you feel. Even after he made you strip and he just stared at your naked form. Shaking your head you decide to do something about your pulsing clit, dipping your fingers into your entrance and gathering some of the slick before dragging it up to that bundle of nerves. You think of him, you think of how his hands would feel on you, his breath on your neck as he sheathed himself inside of you. ‘Just once’ you say to yourself as you quickly build yourself to your peak. Cumming with a silent moan of his name. ‘Fuck.’
The next morning, Dave is beating on your door.  Huffing to himself that you didn’t even wake up at a decent hour. Robert and your father sent you? It’s almost insulting. “Get dressed and get outside!” He shouts through the door.
You bolt upright at the hammering on your door, and immediately jump out of bed. “Yes, sorry, coming,” you mumble before pulling on your dress from yesterday and opening the door… “What happened?”
Dave shoves clothes at you, relatively close to your size and scowls at you. “Training starts at zero five thirty.” He growls. “You’re late.”
“No one said,” you groan back, “My psychic abilities haven’t kicked in yet.”
Hissing, Dave steps closer to you and stares at you. “What?” he demands harshly.
“I was just joking,” you scramble out as your fingernails dig into the clothing shoved at you. “I’ll be right there.”
“I’m not here to joke with you. I’m here to fucking teach you how to fucking kill and manage to stay alive while doing it.” Dave spins on his heel and marches away from you.
You take a deep breath and go back into your room to get changed, taking a mental note to never joke with him ever again. 
You enter the hall about ten minutes later, surprised to see it empty and wondering who will come through those doors and be your personal trainer.
Dave swaggers back into the room and tosses down a knife that skids along to the floor in front of you. “Pick it up.”
The words threaten to fall off the tip of your tongue but you rein them back in, you bend down and pick up the knife and wait for further instructions.
Waiting, Dave rolls his eyes and spreads his arms. “What are you waiting for?” He  huffs. “Try to kill me.”
“You want me to stab you?” You say with a shocked giggle, “Are you serious?”
“You aren’t going to cut me, I want to see how well you fight.” Dave chuckles mockingly.
You hesitate for a few moments wondering if he’s just resting you before lunging towards him as fast as you can, determined to wipe the smug look off of his face.
You are quick, but Dave spins around and knocks the blade out of your hand. One quick jab to your wrist and the knife clatters to the ground. “Are you even trying?” He asks.
You say nothing and instead go to pick up the knife, feeling through your approach this time. You decide on a different tactic, you approach him slowly and then dive around to his left as you’re standing almost next to him.
Whipping around, Dave manages to block the next swipe of your arm, delivering a sharp jab to your side. Not enough to really damage you, but it moves you back a few feet as you clutch your side.
“Fuck,” you groan as a sharp pain rips through your side. Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing your face as you grimace in discomfort you turn around from facing him. Leaving yourself vulnerable to be attacked from behind. 
Dave decides to sweep your legs, making you fall onto your back before he’s instantly on top of you. Twisting your wrist and taking the knife as smooth as butter before he presses it lightly to your throat. “You’re dead.” He tells you simply.
“If only,” you groan from the floor, legs shaky and your motivation almost at zero. “Do you think I can do this?”
“No.” He relaxes his hold on the knife and flips it around to offer you the handle of the blade. “Not without a lot of work.”
“05:30 every day then?” You stretch up your hand for him to help you up and the look on his face makes you instantly regret it.
“Take today and figure out if you actually want to be here.” Dave spits, reaching down and dragging you up to your feet. “Because whatever motivated you to come isn’t going to help you survive this.”
“What do you mean?” You say, heating flushing in your cheeks. ’He can’t know. He would have killed you instantly, right?’ “Thanks for the hand up.”
“Don’t thank me. Really think hard about why you are doing this.” Dave tells you seriously as you stare at him. The fear in your eyes gives you away but he pretends he doesn’t see it.
“I will. I promise. So what’s next?”
He stares at you like you are crazy, having just told you to take the day and props his hands on his hips. "Training." He chuckles. "You're going to run twelve miles." He decides, figuring that will occupy a few hours. Or just push you to quit.
“Twelve miles?” You groan. “I take it that stabbing me would just be too messy in here.” You bite your tongue after the jokey comment falls from you without warning, and hope you haven’t pissed him off more. “Are you running with me?”
"I've run more miles than you've ever driven." He grunts, pulling a GPS watch out of his pocket. "Put this on. Grab a water bottle. You won't make twelve, but I want to see how far you can run."
“Sure, I’ll see you afterwards.” You grab a water bottle and make your way out. The crisp Washington D.C air makes you shudder as you start to run in the direction of the National Mall.
That familiar burn starts to rise in your calves about an hour into your run. The blossoming cherry trees are no longer distracting you with enough beauty to stay motivated. You wonder if he’s tracking you right now, and if he’d judge you for taking a five minute break. ‘Of course he’d judge me.’ You say as you reduce your speed to a single jog.
Dave is monitoring you. Wanting to see where you go. See if you are meeting anyone or creating some kind of dead drop location. He's already cloned your phone so he can see what you are doing on that unencrypted phone you bought with you.
Your headphones blaring and the simple jog over, you decide to pick up the pace. Determined to run for a while longer and hopefully impress him by getting as close to 12 miles as you can handle.
8.7 miles managed. You push open the door and run upstairs to your room deciding that you’ve earned a shower and you’re delighted to see your suitcase has arrived with minimal damage. You pull out your toiletries, a towel and some fresh clothes before making your way into the bathroom and rewarding your surprisingly far run.
From the comfort of his office, Dave studies the route you had taken, eyes narrowing slightly at the very public route. It was unlikely you would drop anything and according to the GPS, you didn’t stop. Only once did you really slow down and it was around mile four, obviously hitting a wall before pushing through. Leaning back in his chair, he’s mildly impressed. At least you can run, so you have that going for you.
Shower finished and finally in fresh clothing, you decide to explore. Hoping to bump into someone for just a little bit of conversation.
Leaving his office, Dave carries his coffee mug to go into the small kitchenette to get some more coffee.
“Oh. hello,” you say quietly as you walk into Dave. “I was just going to grab a snack.”
“There’s some pizza in there.” Dave offers. “The boys ordered some last night but you didn’t leave your room.”
“Oh, I was out cold.” You say with a smile, “Nerves kept me awake the night before. Does everyone eat together?”
“Most nights.” Dave admits, leading the way to the kitchen. “One night it’ll be your responsibility to cook. Or order whatever.”
“I can cook,” you say a little too enthusiastically. “I guess I'll meet the rest of the team today then?”
“If you want to.” He moves over to the coffee pot and refills his cup.
“Of course. Hey, can I ask you one more question?” The pizza box is on the counter and you grab two slices and a napkin and turn back around to face him.
“What?” He’s not training you, so his tone isn’t as aggressive as it had been before. Waiting as he turns and takes a sip of the black brew.
You purse your lips and fight the urge to say never mind, but figure that’ll just piss him off. “What you said yesterday about ‘getting rid of it’, did you mean it?”
"Do you think I say things I don't mean?" Dave asks you as he takes another sip. "Are you holding onto it for religious reasons?"
“No,” you say with a shrug, “Definitely not. I mean I went to catholic school, and it was well and truly ingrained into me that apparently my entire sense of self worth is linked to my hymen. But really it just never happened.”
Dave huffs and shakes his head, "Look, I don't give a shit if you are shy or some shit. Sometimes you have to seduce a target to get close. And you can't do that if you freeze up because he slides his hand up your skirt like the pig he is."
“I’m tougher than I look,” you say, annoyance evident in your voice. “But fine, I’ll fuck a random guy just to prove to my maybe boss that I can handle shitty men.”
“You always have a fucking attitude.” Dave hisses, annoyed at how combative you are. He sets his coffee mug down and stalks over to back you up against the counter. “Maybe I should fuck it out of you.”
“Maybe you should,” you rasp out, unable to disguise how affected you are by his presence alone. Your chest heaving up and down as he moves closer to you, arousal pooling in your panties.
He waits a beat to see if you are playing a game of chicken with him. Watching your doe eyes stare at him from under your lashes, giving him all the hallmarks of a genuine crush. "Finish your food." He demands harshly, reaching out and cupping your cunt through the legging you are wearing, just to watch you choke on your own breath. "Because you aren't leaving the bed once I'm done with you."
“Yes, Mr. York.” You take a few more bites of the pizza before disposing of the rest, the feeling of his hand on your cunt lingering and making your legs shake. He barely moves an inch, just stands there and keeps his eyes focused on yours the entire time. “Your room or mine?”
For a virgin, you aren't shying away. "Your room." He decides, wanting to see how you have your personal space organized. Plus when he's done humiliating you, he can leave you in a pool of your own mess.
You nod a few times and start to lead the way,  a new air of confidence surrounding you as you think about how badly you want to feel this man’s hand on you again. The feeling is a little strange, never before have you ever gotten this close to being intimate with a man but here you are, leading him into your new bedroom ready to feel him everywhere. 
He stays a few feet behind the entire way, neither of you speaking or touching. You unlock the door and immediately make your way up the stairs, anticipation building in your tummy as you hear his footsteps just behind yours.
“How do you want me?” You ask as he follows you into your room, his eyes immediately darting around your organised chaos.
“Strip down again.” Dave walks around you and sits on the end of your bed. Smirking slightly at you.
Feeling a little bit more confident than last time he had you strip, you don’t waste any time. Pulling your shirt off, followed by your bra and removing your panties and leggings in one clean sweep. “Tell me what to do,” you plead quietly as you stand there bare and vulnerable, arousing coating both of your thighs as he watches you silently.
“Come here.” Dave spreads his thighs wide and pats them. “Have you ever had someone touch you?”
“No,” you admit quietly as you step towards him, “Just myself.”
Your thighs drape over the top of his and he lifts you off the floor, leaving your cunt spread wide. Dave grunts and reaches out, pinching a nipple roughly. “Why?” He asks. “Obviously you don’t care since you’re letting your boss touch you.” 
You moan loudly at the way he pinches your nipple, your body craving more of his touch immediately. “Never found the right person,” you shrug noncommittally, unable to tell him the real reason why - every guy in town was petrified of your father and what he’d to do to them, despite the fact he really wouldn’t have noticed.’
“Liar.” Dave leans on, spitting in your tit and starts to massage it into your skin as he rolls your nipple in his fingers.
“Liar?” You ask before choking back a moan, “God that feels so good.”
“It wasn’t not finding the right guy.” He taunts. “You don’t know shit about me.” He tugs the nipple, pulling it away from your breast until he lets go and slaps your tit.
“Never said I did,” you say lightly wincing from the sharp stinging, “Can’t pretend I haven’t wanted you from the second you started to yell at me though.”
He turns his attention to your other breast, leaning into and biting your nipple lightly. His cock starts to tent in his pants, but he wants you to feel the sting of his hands, his teeth. Knowing that this entire thing is being recorded by the small camera up in the vent. The camera you should have found.
“Take off your clothes,” you beg as you feel his rock hard cock pressed up against your core. “Please.” 
“Shut up.” He grunts, flicking his tongue over your nipple. “I’ll get undressed when I want to. Stop being an impatient whore.” 
You groan loudly, loving the way his tongue feels on your hardened bud. “Please,” you plead again, unable to stop yourself.
He ignores you, leaning back and spitting on your tit again, massaging it harshly as he watches your lids flutter. His other hand sliding down to see how wet you are, chuckling when he finds you dripping wet.
“Dave,” you moan as his fingers dip into your slit, your hips almost do too much to chase them. His chuckle is raspy and taunting, and it makes you even wetter.
He taps your clit with the back of his two fingers, hearing the wet twack. “Doesn’t seem like a virgin.” He chuckles. “More like a whore. Is that it? You just pretend to be innocent?”
“Fuck y-ohhhh.” His words make your cheeks burn but you still keen, your body craving more and more of him as he continues to tease you.
“Is that it?” He pushes a finger inside you, “you are just a dirty whore who plays a virgin? Nice cover.”
“Fuck you,” you spit back, “Why don’t you call one of those doctors I’m yet to see, get him to check for you?”
He pulls his finger out of you, leaning back. “Maybe I will.”
“Do it,” you challenge, “I have nothing to hide.” 
His hand shoots up and grabs you by the throat. Twisting around so he can slam you down onto the bed.
Dave’s harsh treatment of you makes you squeal and your pussy clench. You want to beg him for more but you also don’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“You need to watch that smart fucking mouth of yours.” He growls, scowling down at you and tightening the hold on your throat. “Open your mouth up.” 
A giggle escapes you and you watch him raise his eyebrow. You slowly bite down on your lower lip before opening your mouth as he demanded.
Curling his lip up, Dave lunges forward, spitting into your mouth and then pushing it closed with his other hand. “Swallow.”
Eyes burning into his, you swallow hard, wanting desperately to feel his mouth crushing up against yours.
“Every time you pop that mouth back at me, you will swallow another glob of my spit.” He hisses. “Do you understand me?”
“No,” you reply as petulantly as you can, “Can’t say that I do.”
Growling, Dave squeezes your throat, cutting off your air supply.
Your hand comes down on top of his, you’re not sure if you want to try to pull it off or hold it there. You refuse to blink, to look away, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
Counting in his head, he waits for you to fold. To either give in or black out from the lack of oxygen. Unwilling to let you win this test of wills.
Unable to fight the lightheadedness that you’re experiencing, you open your mouth again.
“Good girl.” He growls, parting his own lips so he can slowly dribble another stream of spit into your open mouth.
The moan you make is pitiful, filled with an obviously yearning that he wouldn’t have been able to miss. You swallow it immediately and want to open your mouth for more. More of whatever he’s willing to give to you.
Slowly his hand relaxes and slides down your chest, groping your tit. “I see we understand each other now.” He practically purrs happily. “Now spread your legs. Let’s see how wet that got my filthy little slut.”
You spread your legs as wide as you can, your glistening pussy on display for him. The urge to piss him off rapidly being replaced by the urge to please him.
Dave rocks back onto his knees and hums, dipping a finger into your dripping slit and smirking at you. “Now, because of your little act of defiance, I’m going to give you two options.”
“What are the options?” You say as your hips chase his finger.
“One, I piss on you.” Dave chuckles when your eyes widen. “You let me piss all over your body. Mark you.”
“And what’s the other option?” You croak out quietly, eyes blown wide and chest heaving up and down.
“You get my cock, no fingers, no tongue to get you ready. Just my cock shoved into your cunt and I fuck you like a whore.” Dave grins. “Not a virgin.”
“I can handle a little pain,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady but failing a little. “Are you going to fuck me then, Mr. York?”
Dave doesn’t answer, he just climbs off the bed and starts to strip his clothes off, dropping them onto the floor.
You can’t take your eyes off of him, watching him with eager eyes as he shreds his clothing. You want to touch him, run your hands over every inch of his body, and you wonder if he’d let you.
Once he is stripped down, he wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump it. Kneeling back on the bed as he makes sure he is as hard as a rock.
“I want to touch it,” you say quietly as he shifts closer, “You look so good like that.”
“You’re about to feel it.” Dave slaps your thigh with one hand and pulls your leg up onto his shoulder.
It’s almost pathetic the way you react to him, so willing to take anything that he’ll give you despite meeting him less than 48 hours ago. “Fuck me, Dave.” The words fall from your mouth so effortlessly, and you’re aware that they shouldn’t. But for the first time in a long time, you’re confident that this is something you want.
It's not gentle. The way that he rubs his cock against your clit as he presses it down to place at your entrance. Watching the way that your hips try to squirm but he holds onto your hips, pinning you down to the bed while he waits for the right moment to snap his hips forward.
It hurts. The stretch of him is overwhelming as he sheaths himself into you in one quick thrust. No care for your comfort as he warned. Your fingers grip at the bedsheets as you attempt to adjust to the width of him. Your eyes had instantly watered up from the sting, but you bite down on your lower lip in a futile attempt to stop them from falling.
He doesn't wait. Doesn't give you a moment to adjust. Pulling his hips back to slam them forward again. Groaning at the way you cry out this time, your body spasming around his cock as he buries himself again.
He quickly works up a relentless pace, chasing his pleasure as he grips on harshly to your hips. Pulling you back down hard on his cock with every thrust, the pain being made worth it every time he rewards you with a groan. Your throbbing cunt flooding his cock with every sound he gives you. 
He has to give it to you, you take every punishing thrust and seemingly wants more. The bed shakes and rattles from the force of his punishing pace and you squeal and claw at the bedsheets while he fucks into you.
You yell out his name a few times as he pounds into you, he harshly slaps one of your tits and makes a comment about how he’s glad to have finally ‘shut that smart mouth of yours up.’ Each snap of his hips makes you see stars, and listening to talk about how he can feel ‘your desperate little cunt sucking him back in’ makes the pain pleasurable. You feel your pussy clamp down around him and it makes his hips stutter. 
Dave hisses, gritting his teeth as he tries to fuck you through it, but it's too much. You're too tight. He rips free of your body, scrambling up so he can straddle your chest and he starts to jerk off. Tugging on his cock harshly until he groans, spurting hot ropes of cum over your face.
You lay there as still as you can, listening to him groan and curse as he milks himself dry. Covering your face with his cum and murmuring filth. Your hands come up to your face once he’s finished cumming, and you gather a little on the tip of your fingertip and push it in between your lips to taste him.
Smirking to himself, he admires his work and shuffles off of you to start gathering up his clothes. "Now you have been fucked." He chuckles.
“Yeah,” you reply softly and simply. Unsure whether he wants you to move, so you just lay there, your delicate features covered in his cum. Listening to him move around with room and assuming that he’s getting ready to leave.
"Zero five thirty." Dave grunts, opening the door and closing it behind him as he walks out of your room.
“Gotcha.” You mouth, listening to him make his way down the stairs. You lay there for a few minutes after hearing the door open and close before pushing yourself up and dragging yourself to the bathroom. The pain is immediate, your cunt throbbing and sore after the pounding it just took. You take a look at yourself in the mirror, streaks of his cum still coating it before dampening a cloth and washing it off. 
You take a long soak in the bath, thankful for the epsom salts that had been left in there and decide to take a nap. Ignoring the slight pang of hunger in your tummy and deciding that rest is much more needed. 
The unwelcome sound of your alarm blaring makes you groan, you have slept for the rest of afternoon and the entire evening and night. You silence your alarm and push yourself up, attempting to ignore the throbbing, and ultimately deciding that you’re okay to risk another five more minutes in bed. 
Five minutes very quickly turns into another hour. Seeing the time you make quick work of getting yourself ready for training, and slowly wander down to the training room.
‘Will it be Dave again you think to yourself? Will he mention yesterday? Should YOU mention yesterday?’ You groan a little as you push open the door, surprised to see the room empty, so you take a seat and wait patiently.
Dave knows you are late. He had come to your room at five thirty and you hadn't been awake. He had come inside and watched you sleep for a moment. He knows you have to be sore. There's no way that you could have taken him and not have been sore. Instead of yelling at you, switching on the light, he turned around and left the room. 
Now he sees that you are in the room. Watching from his desk as you walk into the training room and sit down in a chair. You grimace slightly and shift in your chair, making him grin. You are feeling him today.
You wonder what punishment you’re in line for today for being late, and whether you’ll be asked to run another twelve miles. But the way you’re feeling makes you feel like you couldn’t handle running twelve minutes.
Pushing back from his desk, Dave wonders if you've eaten. He knows you didn't come to dinner and you only had a few bites of pizza. Striding into the room, he watches your head jerk up. "Have breakfast and meet me in the gun room in twenty." He tells you. "We are working on weapons today."
“Yes, Mr. York. Thank you.” You push yourself up and hope he doesn’t see you wince in pain. You offer him a small nod without actually looking at him and make your way towards the kitchen. 
Two pieces of toast, some juice, a banana and a hearty bowl of cereal later you’re walking into the gun room.
“Please don’t tell me I’ve got to try and outrun you with a gun.” You say as you walk towards where he’s standing.
"No running." Dave has an assortment of weapons laying on the table. He gestures behind him. "I want to see you disassemble the weapons to see how fast you can do it."
“Sure,” you say as you take the seat behind the weapons. You actually had some experience with this, and whilst you probably wouldn’t be as fast as he is, you were confident you’d do a good job. 
You pick up the handgun closest to you and make quick work of disassembling it before looking up at him to gauge his reaction.
Dave lifts a brow, suitably impressed by your skill. He had been expecting you to not be able to break it down, but it's obvious that your father had taught you something. "Good." He hums. "Put it back together and do the next one."
Without a word you assemble the pieces back together and start on the next one.
Slightly trickier and more fiddly but you still manage to take it apart, and begin to slot the pieces back together without being promoted. 
Keeping your hands busy temporarily takes your mind off the pain, but it’s not too long before you start to fidget in the chair. The throbbing feeling intensifies as the minutes tick by.
He can tell the moment your concentration slips. Your body starts to rock slightly and he smirks to himself as he watches. "Okay, I think we are done." He announces. "I've seen what I need."
“Yes, Mr. York. What’s next?” You ask as you take the opportunity to stand.
“Nothing.” Dave snorts. “You can’t concentrate when your pussy is swollen and sore.” He chuckles. “Go rest.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, unsure what else to say as he stares you down. “Maybe I could cook this evening?”
“If you want.” Dave agrees. “Fuck knows I’d rather not eat the bullshit Kovac cooks up. Man is a terrible cook.”
“Anything you’re craving? And noted. Don’t eat food from Kovac.” You say with a laugh.
“Do you make lasagna?” Dave asks, curious as to your culinary habits. Carol claimed she could cook because she could scramble eggs.
“With a side of the BEST garlic bread you’ll ever taste in your life,” you say with a grin.  “I’ll take a quick nap, shower and make my way to the supermarket.”
Dave nods and turns around, wondering why he is so quick to release you. Any other trainee, he would be grinding their dick into the dirt. Maybe it’s because you aren’t actually here to learn. Grinning to himself, he thinks about the video of him cumming on your face. Maybe he should send that to dear old dad, see what kind of response he gets.
Despite his overly harsh treatment towards you, you can’t see yourself actually passing on information to your dad and godfather. There’s something about him that makes you want to do better and to get better, you wonder if friendship could eventually be on the cards as you walk around the store. 
Once you’ve triple checked that you’ve got everything needed for dinner and dessert, you head to check out and silently vow to yourself that you won’t complete your mission.
Instead you will enjoy the next few weeks and hopefully pick up some skills along the way. 
A few hours pass and you’re in the kitchen, familiarising yourself with the layout as the lasagna cooks in the oven behind you. and the no bake lemon cheesecakes for dessert in the refrigerator ready to be served later.
‘Overdressed?’ you ask yourself whilst looking at your reflection in the large appliance, you’ve put on a pink dress - casual but pretty, you’re so caught up that you don’t hear someone enter the room.
The smell from the kitchen draws the team like flies to honey. Each one of them showing up for the mouthwatering scent of garlic, tomatoes and herbs. Making Dave chuckle as they shuffle near the door, almost hesitant to go in and disturb you in case you didn’t like people in your kitchen. “Go the fuck in.” He snorts, walking through the door and groaning appreciatively. “It smells better than Kovac’s frozen lasagna bullshit.”
“Good,” you say as you check the lasagna one more time, “Just giving it a few more minutes. So this is the rest of the team?” You ask stepping out from behind the kitchen counter.
Dave turns around and points them out. “Ari, John, and you’ve met Kovac.” He points towards you and gives them your name. “Our new trainee.”
“Hope you guys are hungry,” you say with a polite smile, “Take a seat I’ll bring over some beers.” You turn on your heel and go back over to the refrigerator and get each of you a beer before walking them over to the table. Trying to keep your nerves at bay as you do so.
Dave knows the boys notice your dress. Can feel them watching you and it makes him huff slightly. Even though they know who you work for, they are going to admire you.
You listen to them chatter as you pull out the lasagna and garlic bread. Taking the dish with the lasagna over the table and placing it in front of Dave before returning for the garlic bread. The only seat left at the table is between Dave and Ari, and you feel Dave's eyes on you as you quietly sit down. “Enjoy,” you say meekly before taking a sip of your beer.
Throughout the meal the guys ask you the occasional question, but for the most part chat amongst themselves. Dave and Kovac chatting quietly to each other. You can feel the heat of Ari’s breath on your shoulders as he watches you, looking down the front of your dress and making zero effort to conceal it.
Someone else notices Ari’s eyes as well, and Dave clenches his jaw. Never one to call out bullshit behaviour in bars, it would call too much attention to you if he does it now. Still, he thinks about sending him out on the shittiest job he can manage.
Looking around the table and trying to ignore Ari staring at your tits, you notice a whole bunch of clean plates. “Does everyone like lemon cheesecake?” You ask with a shaky breath.
“These clowns eat anything with sugar in it.” Dave huffs, rolling his eyes at the way a group of grown men who kill people for a living act as if they’ve never had a sweet before.
You hand out the mini cheesecakes before taking your seat, slightly moving your chair towards Dave as you do so. You look over at him to silently gauge his reaction to the dessert you prepared, hoping that he’ll like it.
Dave scoops up the soft, silky smooth bite of cheesecake and hums at the zesty burst of lemon. “Delicious.”
You feel yourself light up at his praise, the urge to please him continuing to grow stronger and stronger with every passing second. “Glad you like it,” you say proudly.
You can still feel him, the stinging still lingering and acting as a very real reminder that what happened was real.
The other men compliment you, making him roll his eyes. It’s like they have never tried cheesecake or had a pretty woman cook for them.
You listen to the men as they shuffle out of the kitchen whilst you fill up the dishwasher.
The ache between your legs gets increasingly more painful as the Advil wears off.
With the counters cleaned and the dishwasher roaring to life, you’re left to decide what to do for the evening. A few of the guys had mentioned they were going to a local bar but you’re not in the mood to watch Dave flirt or get flirted with.
“Are you going?” Dave appears beside you, curious to see if you are going to join them. Dave never goes, he doesn’t like the bar scene. Too many government schmucks for his taste.
“Nope,” you say with a shrug of your shoulders, “I’d rather not have Ari stare at my tits all evening. “You?”
“Didn’t think you minded that.” Dave chuckles, appreciating the fact that you didn’t like the attention.
You turn to face him, “I minded it. Figured it was bad manners to start a fight at the dinner table.”
“He won’t touch you.” Dave promises, smirking as his own eyes drop down to your tits. “But you don’t seem to mind me staring at them.”
“That’s because I don’t.” Your pussy clenches as you watch his tongue dip out to wet his lips, his eyes still firmly landed on your tits. 
“So why don’t you show them to me?” Dave asks, eyes flicking up to your face before dropping back down again.
After looking around to see that you’re alone, you undo the top few buttons of your dress and push the material down and free your tits.
He doesn’t hesitate to reach out, grabbing one of your tits while his other hand snakes around your back to pull you closer.
“Fuck,” you gasp at the feeling of his touch. “Wanted you to touch me all day. So wet thinking about you.”
“I know.” He’s smug, but he has every right to be. He knows when a woman wants him and right now you would get on your fucking knees for him in the middle of the kitchen. “What did you think about?”
“Your hands,” you say with a moan, “I’ve never had someone go down on me before… Thought about you doing that. Sucking your cock.” 
“Get on your knees.” He pinches your nipple harshly and tugs. “And I’ll shove my cock in your mouth.”
“Yes sir,” you say without a second's hesitation. Dropping to your knees, and waiting for further instruction.
Smirking, Dave starts to unbuckle his belt, not caring that you are in the middle of the kitchen and someone could walk in. Let them. Especially if it’s Ari. Then the motherfucker wouldn’t eye your tits like he wants to drink from them.
“I’ve never done this before,” you tell him, despite being certain that he knows. “Tell me how to make it good for you.”
“Don’t use your fucking teeth.” Dave tells you as he unzips and pulls his hardening cock out to tap against your lips. “And try not to puke on me.”
“Yes sir.” You open your mouth ready for him to thrust his cock between your lips, looking up at him all doe eyed and innocent.
He takes the time to slap it against your lips and smear the bead of precum that has oozed from the top onto them. Enjoying the way you look up at him before he starts to slowly feed his cock to you.
You moan around his length, loving how heavy it feels on your tongue. Slowly you reach one hand up to hold onto the base of his shaft, unsure how tight to squeeze you just hold it gently before taking him deeper.
His hand comes down on the back of your head, holding you as he starts to rock his hips forward. Showing you a pace that he wants you to keep.
You think he’s going to mock you for the fat tears that waste no time streaming down your cheeks as you attempt to swallow around him.
Dave groans, watching his cock as it slides in and out of your eager mouth, each time pulling back wetter. His finger slides under a tear and brushes it away. “Pretty fucking good for a first time.” He grunts. “Take more. Push it to the back of your throat.”
You wonder if he’d get mad if you paid a little attention to your throbbing clit, you hadn’t cum the day before and the soreness had now been replaced with a desperate need for relief.
You take him deeper as he demanded, gagging as pushes past your tonsils and almost touches the back of your throat.
“Fuck- just like that.” Dave groans, twitching inside your mouth and hissing in pleasure when you moan around his length.
Unable to hold back any longer you let your free hand slip up your dress and slowly begin to rub circles into your neglected clit. 
You moan louder around him and start to bob your head a little faster, gagging again in the process.
He almost missed it, caught up in the way your mouth keeps swallowing around his dick. The slight movement of your hand catches his eye and it’s another second before he processes what you are doing. Whipping his hand out, he grabs your jaw and yanks your head up, pulling you off his cock with a loud pop. “Don’t fucking touch yourself.” He growls, furious. “You don’t get to touch yourself while you are sucking my dick.”
“I’m sorry,” you bluster, “I’m sorry, Mr. York.” You feel heat rise to your cheeks as his grip on your jaw tightens. You let your hand fall away from your pussy and hold both hands up to show him. “I promise I won’t touch myself again.”
“Hold my hips.” He orders harshly, letting go of your chin and pulling you back towards his cock. “You might get to cum if you do a good job.”
You nod silently, before holding onto his hips as he ordered. Opening your mouth again, and waiting patiently for him to guide it back into your mouth. The second he does you take it as deep as you can before hollowing your cheeks and finding the pace he had previously set.
Now he hums in satisfaction, happy that your full attention is on his pleasure. Groaning as he rocks his hips deeper, listening to the sound of your mouth and feeling you coat his cock in your saliva.
You love the rough hold as has on your head as he snaps his hips a little harder, his pace a little sloppier as more and more groans fall from his lips. Tears roll down your cheeks in an endless stream as you take him deeper and deeper, his cock twitching in your mouth as you hollow your cheeks harder.
Dave groans and stops rocking his hips, letting you take over bobbing your head on his length. It’s sloppy, and he’s had better blow jobs, but the eagerness and the fact that he is wrecking the daughter of the man who hates him easily makes this his favorite.
You look up at him through your fluttering eyelashes, still working him towards his high and trying to gauge what’s going on in his head. He looks as wrecked as you feel, you feel his cock twitching more and more on your tongue as a few spurts of pre-cum leak from the tip and now he’s only moments away.
Dave pulls back, hating losing the heat and section of your mouth but he has a point to prove. Quickly starting to cum as he jerks off, he spurts his seed onto your tits, neck and face with a groan.
You stay as still as you can, tongue poking out through your lips when a spurt lands on your chin. Relishing the salty taste of him. “How did I do, Mr. York?” You ask after he breathes out a few jagged breaths.
“Good.” Dave catches his breath and wipes the last drops of his cum onto his finger to feed to you.
You circle your tongue around the tip of his digit, keeping your eyes on him the entire time, before slowly rising up on your feet.  “How do you have such an effect on me already?” You whisper, as you press yourself up against him.
“You tell me.” Dave quirks a brow up, interested to hear your answer to that question. For someone sent in to spy on him, you are very impressionable.
“I mean the fact you look like this,” you say with a little grin, “And the power. Fuck. It’s so sexy how easily you command so much power.” You rub yourself up against him a little harder, desperate for some relief.
Dave snorts, shaking his head and he smirks as he hears the guys start to come out of their own spaces to meet up for the bar. “Go to your room and strip down, lay on your bed and wait for me.” He orders, knowing they will see you in the hall.
“Yes, sir.” You say feeling heat rushing to your cheeks. He said nothing about cleaning it off and you don’t want to make the wrong move, so you turn on your heel and march towards the door. Making your way down the hall and walking straight into Ari. As expected his eyes drip down towards your tits the second he clocks eyes on you, and you watch as they widen at the sight of your bosses drying cum splashed across them. “Have a good evening,” you say with a slight grin before making your way into your quarters and stripping down for Dave. As you lay down on the bed you spread your fingertips through the drying liquid and bring it to your lips, desperate for another taste of him.
Ari steps into the kitchen right as Dave finishes zipping up, an astonished look on his face. Dave doesn’t say anything, aware the man got his message and nods to him before he walks out of the door, whistling quietly as he makes his way towards your room.
You twiddle your fingers, trying to keep them away from your throbbing clit. You wonder how long he’ll keep you waiting, but you know better to start without him. So you wait patiently, listening for his footsteps.
Walking down the hallway, he heard the guys leave, alone in the building with just you. He stops in front of your door and pauses, wondering what he is going to do to you. He’s just cum and he can’t get it up for at least another forty five minutes. Smirking to himself, he decides he will make you even more enamored with him by giving you your first experience with oral.
“Dave?” you call quietly, convinced you’d heard someone climbing the stairs.
Twisting the handle, he pushes the door open to see you lifted onto your elbows as you lay on your bed. Completely naked and covered in his drying cum. “Everyone’s left.”
“Good,” you say quietly, “What do you want me to do to you next?” You ask expectantly. Wanting nothing but to give this man pleasure.
“I’m not getting hard right now.” He admits, unsure if you are aware that most men have a refractory period. “So I’m going to make you cum on my tongue.”
“Oh.” You say with a shy smile, “What do I need to do?”
“Lay there.” Dave  snorts. “Tell me what feels good and what you don’t like.”
You can’t help but feel a little embarrassed as he laughs at your question, “Okay.” You move up the bed slightly, still leaning on your elbows before opening your legs and waiting for him to move closer.
Dave starts to strip, watching your clit practically pulse and throb right in front of him. Hearing you gasp when you realize he’s going to strip down. After he eats you out, he’ll be hard again and he has every intention of fucking you.
Your fingertips claw at the bedsheets as you watch him undress, you need relief but you refuse to risk losing his mouth before he’s even given it to you. So you watch quietly, chest heaving up and down as he takes his time.
Once his pants are kicked off, he moves to kneel on the bed, sliding a hand up your calf and over a knee. “No one has ever eaten your pussy?”
“Never. No-one has ever touched me but you,” you whisper as he moves closer to you.
He chuckles and leans down to bite your knee. “Then I’m going to ruin you.” He boasts. “I’m good at eating pussy. My ex might not love me anymore, but she misses my tongue.”
You wince as his teeth lightly dig into your knee. “Do it then… Show me how good you are.”
“You’ll get it.” He’s too busy dragging his tongue along your skin, tasting where the arousal has dripped down your thighs as you’ve waited for him. Waited for this. “You weren’t wearing panties tonight.” He groans. “Could have bent you over the kitchen table and fucked you in front of them, couldn’t I have?”
“If that’s what you wanted.” You’re unable to lie, and he knows it. You gasp as he inches closer to your cunt, his breath costing your soft skin. “Don’t think I could refuse you.”
“You won’t refuse me.” Dave growls, biting your inner thigh. Not as rough as he could, he’s toying with you, but it still makes you jump and squeal.
“Never,” you rasp back, “I promise.”
He fans his breath over your cunt, watching you squirm in anticipation. Your eyes are wide as dinner plates as you look down at him. Making him smirk as he purses his lips and blows on your overheated sex, just to feel you shiver.
“Please,” you beg, the anticipation of what’s to come making you shudder. Your neglected clit pulsates with desperate need for some attention as he teases you relentlessly just to see you squirm.
Instead of diving in, overwhelming you, the first lick is slow. Determined. Dragging his tongue up the slide of your cunt and flicking over your clit before coming back down the other side. Slowly devouring you as his eyes watch your face.
“Dave,” you breathe out with a gasp. You pull at your sheets almost desperately, unsure whether to give into the urge to rock your hips and chase his tongue like your body is begging you to do. “More. Please.”
His chuckle is breathed into your cunt, having every intention of giving you more. Enjoying the way that you are giving yourself to him, letting him show you things that your daddy never thought he would.
“Make me cum,” you whisper, as you look into his eyes. He has you under his thumb and you’re not sure how you gave yourself to him so easily but you have. Secretly betraying the mission your father and Robert sent you on with ease.
Dave twirls his tongue, lapping and sucking on your clit like it is his favorite treat. Pulling mewls and moans from you that steadily get loud with every pass of his tongue and you cry out his name when he shifts and pushes two fingers inside your cunt for you to clamp down on.
“Please don’t stop,” you beg, despite him showing no signs of stopping. Your left hand finds its way into his hair, entangling in his slightly overgrown curls. You lightly press down on the back of his head as he shows you the kind of pleasure you weren’t really sure existed. “You are amazing,” you breathe out as your thighs start to shake.
That’s what he wanted to hear. He groans and doubles down on making sure that your first orgasm by his tongue is earth shattering enough that you will never forget it.
Gently you start to rock your hips, unable to control the noises you’re making, the room floods with the sound of your moans and desperate whimpers of his name. “I’m gonna cum,” you cry out as he throws you off that edge.
His fingers are buried to the knuckle and with a quick twist of his lips, he seals them around your clit and starts to suck. Feeling your body bow like a string as a scream loud enough to echo through the building rips out of your throat and your cunt squeezes his fingers hard enough they will be sore.
“Oh god,” you say with a shaky breath as you come down from the most incredible orgasm of your life. “Is it supposed to feel that good? Because I didn’t think that was possible.” You’re rambling on and you feel him chuckle against your core, your thighs clamped around his head like a vice.
He peels your thighs off his cheeks and spreads your thighs wide so he can see the creamy mess he’s made of you. “It’s that good with me.” He rumbles happily.
“Have I told you that you’re amazing?” You say with a giggle, the heat of his breath against your pussy making you keen. “Because you are amazing.”
Now his cock is hard again, leaking against his belly where it’s trapped between the mattress and his body. He shuffles up to his knees and keeps your thighs spread in his hands. “Should I fuck you like this or make you bounce on my cock?” He muses.
“You’re in control, Dave.” He hasn’t kissed you yet and as you look up at him with wide eyes you wonder if he will. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Go clean my cum off your body.” Dave decides, moving to your left and laying down. “You’re going to ride me.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, leaping up and making your way to the bathroom, listening to him chuckle at how fast you moved. You wet a cloth and start to scrub your chest and neck clean of his dried cum. Within a few minutes you’re next to him again, straddling his thighs and waiting for him to tell you what to do next.
He waits to see if you will take the initiative but you seem content to follow orders. He motions you to come closer. “You’re going to be sore.” He reminds you. “Try not to just take it all at once.”
You move closer, lifting your hips and lining yourself up with his cock. With one hand gripping onto his shoulder you start to slowly sink down. He’s right, It’s sore and you wince at the stretch of him. You lower yourself inch by inch watching his face the entire time.
Dave doesn’t move. He doesn’t rock up into you or try to pull you down faster. He’s impatient on a lot of things, but this is one thing he can take his time with. He likes that you are sore, he enjoys making you feel him but he never wants to hurt you to the point of damage. He’s not a monster. It smacks too much of rape and he kills those types.
Once you’ve fully sunk down on him, you take a few moments before deciding to move. Starting off with slow movements of your hips, building up to little bounces. Riding his cock languidly, “Is this okay?” You ask, wanting to make sure it’s good for him.
Nodding, he reaches up to caress your waist, sliding his fingers along your skin. You are giving yourself to him, letting him use you for his lust so he might as well indulge.
You tremble at the tips of his fingers, you’re like putty in his hands and he knows it. You increase your pace a little before reaching down to hold onto one of his hands as you ride him. “Dave.” His name falls from your lips over and over, like it was made just for you to say.
It’s perilously close to love making but Dave doesn’t change the pace. Watching you and enjoying the way that you move on him. The innocence in which you burrow him deeper into your subconscious. He knows it’s harder to betray someone the first time, especially if you love them.
“I feel so full,” you moan as you slightly increase the pace, but still keeping it nice and slow. “Wanna feel you all the time, want you buried inside me forever.”
He grunts, not commenting on the obvious way you are already starting to fall for him. He should discourage it, to push you away. Instead, one hand cups your tit and he flicks his thumb across your nipple, and the other hand slides down to rub your clit.
“Do you want me to move faster?” You ask him quietly, wanting to make this good for him. Needing to impress him.
“No.” Dave groans quietly, making sure he keeps his ass against the comforter on your bed. He wants to make sure you don’t try to push yourself. You want slow, you get slow.
“Okay, baby,” you murmur, letting the nickname slip out without thinking and hoping he doesn’t get annoyed with you. His finger keeps rubbing your clit as you keep that same delicious pace, revelling in feeling every ridge and vein of his cock.
Dave groans, feeling you clamp down around his cock every time you roll your hips. He doesn’t mind your little Freudian slip of the tongue. It shows him where you are mentally and while it’s wrong, he won’t discourage it.
“Feels so good,” you start to garble as he increases the speed of his finger on your clit. Your hips start to move faster as you move closer to your high. “I’m gonna cum, Dave,” you moan, digging your fingernails into his shoulders.
It does feel good, making him groan as you start to bounce on his cock faster. “You’re going to cum, aren’t you?”
“Gonna cum,” you say again, feeling your pussy clench hard around him. You rest your forehead against his as your body starts to shudder, the pleasure ripping through you in harsh unforgiving waves.
He can tell you're overwhelmed by the sheer force of it, especially after coming after your first orgasm on his tongue. Groaning, Dave wraps his arms around you and takes over, planting his heels into the bed and thrusting up into you as you come apart for him.
You squeal his name as he takes over, fucking into a spot deep within you that makes your toes curl and your eyes roll back. You can feel his hips stutter as you clamp down around him.
It doesn’t take long for him to feel that desperate little tingle in the base of his spine. His body starting to tense. “Where?” He demands harshly, needing to know where he can cum.
“Anywhere baby,” you rasp out as you study his face, his eyes blown wide with lust as he thrusts in and out of you.
He should pull out. He should. He shouldn’t stay buried inside you while he cums. He doesn’t know if you use birth control, if you are strict about taking it. If you’ve even thought about it. But in this moment, with your doe eyes focused on him and your cunt like a hot, velvet glove squeezing him tight, he can’t. Rocking deeper, he pulls you tight against his body, as if you are trying to get away and pushes his cock as deep as he can manage.
You feel his cock twitch a few times before he’s spilling inside of you, filling you up with thick ropes of his cum, whilst his arms hold you tighter and tighter. It should feel wrong, but it doesn’t. The need to ask him to stay feels heavy on your tongue, but he hasn’t even kissed you yet, and you’re certain you’d crumble if he simply rejected you. So you remain silent, just listening to his ragged breaths as concentrating on the rise and fall of his chest.
Dave closes his eyes, inhaling the sweaty, sweet scent of your skin, the combined tang of your juices. Feeling his breathing start to slow down as he holds you. Relaxing his grip on you so you can move if you want, he doesn’t take his hands off you, still buried in your quivering cunt.
The second he loosens his hold on you, you tighten yours on his. Afraid he’s going to slip away and leave you wondering if or when you’re going to get to touch him again. It’s tempting to tell him why you’re there at this moment. To reveal it all before it goes any further and you risk him hating you any more than he inevitably will. But you don’t. The words evaporate and are replaced by shaky breaths, and a painful stinging in your eyes.
“Go to sleep.” He feels the way your breathing changes and he wonders what you are thinking. Are you having second thoughts? Are you going to ask your daddy to pull you out?
“Goodnight, Dave,” you whisper against his skin, hopeful that he’ll stay until you’ve at least fallen asleep. You press your lips against his neck and let sleep take you, exhaustion suddenly feeling evident in your bones.
It doesn’t take long for you to relax completely in your sleep. Dave stares up at the ceiling, wondering why your father had sent you. You’re so innocent. You shouldn’t be a killer, you shouldn’t be anywhere near this life. So why send you? He puzzles over this as he slides his hand up and down your back. The soft breathing makes him smile as he feels your walls spasm around his soft cock. He won’t move, enjoying the way you trust him, even though you shouldn’t.
The alarm makes you groan, as you reach around for someone that’s not there. Pushing yourself up on your elbows you notice a bottle of water and a box of plan b on your nightstand, which you take without hesitation. You’re not on birth control and you’re certainly not ready to have a child with a man who’ll no doubt despise you in a few weeks time. 
After a few minutes of staring up at the ceiling, you rise to your feet and start getting ready for training. Enjoying that you can still feel him as you move. 
“Good morning,” you say with a smile, as you see him in the small kitchen, making himself a coffee.
“Morning.” Dave glances up at you and then back down at his coffee cup. “From what I read, you might be cramping today. So if training is too much, let me know.”
“Thank you, but I’m good. What’s the plan for today?” You pour yourself a cup of coffee and pick up a banana before spinning around to face him.
“Range.” Dave tells you. “You got ear protection?”
“I don’t, I’m sorry.” You say before taking a sip of your coffee. “Am I shaping up to be the most useless person you’ve trained?”
“The most innocent, for sure.” Dave doesn’t lie. “Have you ever even fired a weapon?”
“Not so much anymore,” you say with a smile, “And yes. A few times. We went hunting when I was younger… I hated it.”
Another puzzle to sort out. Someone who hates hunting for animals, decides to hunt humans. It’s not any easier, in fact, it’s harder. “Meet me down at the edge of the field when you are ready.” Dave points out the window. “I’ll go get things ready.”
“Okay, I won’t be long, I think I need to wrap up a little warmer and I’ll be there.” He barely glances at you again as you leave the kitchen, making your way back to your room. It's just sex for him, you begin to tell yourself over and over, repeating it in your head.
“What are we going to be shooting at?” you ask as you approach him, watching the way he methodically fiddles with the gun in his hand. 
Dave nods towards a barn that is about two hundred meters away. “I have targets painted on the side.” He tells you. “Point is for you to see if you can even hit the broad side of a barn today.” He jokes, obviously not sure about your skill.
“You don’t think I can hit the targets?” You say, clearly annoyed.
“Doubt it.” Dave taunts, picking up on the annoyance in your voice and it amuses him.
“How about we make this interesting? I hit more than half the targets and I get something I want. And if I don’t then… you can have something.”
He lifts a brow in surprise and then glances back at the barn. “What do you want?”
“TBD.” You say with a tight smile, you already know what you want but feel silly saying it out loud.
“Fine.” Dave agrees quickly. “And I’ll tell you what I want after I win.”
“Which gun?” You say as you look down at the vast amount of weapons he has on hand.
“Let’s keep it simple.” Dave suggests, pointing to FN Scar 16s. It’s a  basic weapon and if you can’t handle that, there is zero reason you should work with any of the sniper rifles.
“Got it.” You take your position and flip the safety on the gun, before looking over at Dave and flashing him your sweetest smile. Beginning your count seconds before shooting, “One.” Hits the target. “Two.” Hits the target. “Three.” Hits the target. And you repeat, over and over; not missing a single one. Listening to him curse under his breath as you do so.  “I said I hated hunting, I didn’t say I was bad at it.”
He narrows his eyes at you, unable to deny what you are saying, but it still pisses him off.
“I figure you’ll be sending me another run this morning, seeing as I'm guessing this was supposed to take at least a few hours of training,” you say, taking a few steps towards him until you’re practically nose to nose. “But I guess now I’ve got to decide whether I collect my prize now or later.”
“Who said you were done, little girl?” You aren’t too little, but he enjoys saying it just to watch your eyes flash in anger.
“I hit every target, big boy.” you challenge, “What else is there for me to do?”
“Pick up the sniper rifle.” He orders you. “Want to see what you can do at a thousand yards.”
“Fine. But you still owe me my prize.” Taking a step back, you reach down and pick up the rifle. It’s heavy and completely out of your wheelhouse but you refuse to let him see you ruffled. “What am I shooting at now?”
Do you see that truck?” Dave asks, pointing towards an old farm field and a risky truck. “Shoot the red taillight.”
“Yes sir,” you say with a much too confident grin, you flick off the safety and place your finger on the trigger, and then look through the telescope. When you’re confident that you have a good shot, you press down on the trigger, groaning loudly as you miss by a long shot.
Whistling, Dave is smug. “Five degrees right, two up.” He calculates, even though he wasn’t using a spotting scope.
“Let me try again,” you say with a scowl, before attempting another shot. Missing yet again, you roll your eyes and take a step back. “Are you just going to stand there and gloat or are you going to show me how it’s done?”
“I just told you.” Dave snorts. “Adjust your sight five degrees right and two degrees up.” He repeats, reaching for the small dial.
“I tried that, but it didn't work.” You groan. After he finishes fiddling with the dial, you resume your position and take a deep breath. Letting your finger slowly move its way towards the trigger and pressing down on it a few moments later. Oh. “I hit it,” you say in disbelief. “I hit the taillight.”
“Amazing what a correctly sighted insight can do.” Dave drolls sarcastically, smirking with his arms over his chest.
“Shut up,” you say with a giggle, “What’s next? Or are you ready to give me my prize?”
“Fluke shot.” Dave scoffs. “Take out the mirror on the driver’s side.”
You aim for the mirror, slightly adjusting the dial before taking the shot. Hitting the target immediately and squealing with joy after doing so.
“Congratulations.” Dave snorts. “At least you can shoot.”
“Admit you’re impressed, York.” You say before skipping up to him, “And I’d like to collect my prize right now.”
You look like a kid who’s been told to go wild in a candy store. He huffs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes dramatically. “What’s your prize?”
A wide smile spreads across your face as you watch him, “A kiss.”
He hasn’t kissed you. He hadn’t even realized that had been missed. Nodding, he doesn’t baulk or disagree with your prize. “Seems a little tame.” He does say. “You could ask for anything.”
“But you haven’t kissed me yet,” you say with a shrug, “And I’d really like you to kiss me.”
“You could have just asked.” Dave points out and reaches for your wait to tug you close. “Come here.”
“I was frightened you’d reject me,” you say as he pulls you plush to him. Your hands lifting up to gently grip his jaw.
“Have I denied you anything yet?” He asks gruffly, frowning slightly as he realizes he hasn’t denied you a damn thing since you’ve been here.
“No,” you say with a smile before rising up on your tiptoes, “Kiss me, Dave York.”
He does. He doesn’t make it soft and sweet. He captures your lips roughly in a kiss that is designed to overwhelm you and take control. Growling into your mouth as his tongue sweeps inside to tangle with yours.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he kisses you deeper than you’ve ever been kissed before. Within seconds you’ve fully given yourself to him, whimpering into his mouth as he overwhelms you and it’s in this moment that you know you’d let him do anything to you.
His tongue sweeps through again and then he bites down on your lower lip and gives it a gentle tug. “That's what you were looking for?” He demands, lust making his voice rough and unsteady.
“Yes,” you mumble against his lips, willing him to do it again.
“Hmmmm.” Dave decides he’ll give in. You wanted a kiss so since you had won, you’ll get your little make out session.
He kisses you harder, hard enough that it makes your breath hitch and your entire body shudder. He changes up the tempo, occasionally stopping to nibble lightly on your lower lip, before eventually pulling away. “Out of curiosity, what would you have picked if you had won?”
“I didn’t win.” Dave tells you. “So it doesn’t matter.”
“Spoilsport,” you say with pout. “Tell me.”
For half a beat, he considers changing his question. To not show his hand. But you are demanding it. “I was going to ask why-“ he says your father’s name, “sent you to me.”
The words feel like a shot to your chest. You look around, trying to scope out if you’re in danger, before giving up and releasing a deep sigh; figuring if Dave isn’t going to kill you, your dad definitely is. “I think he’s scared of you. I don’t know. I wasn’t given a choice, I was just told by him and my godfather that I had to come. Gather information and they’d sweep in and save me when they were satisfied.”
“And your godfather is Robert McCall.” Dave guessed correctly.
“Yes.” You say, tears now streaming down your face. “I had no intention of telling them anything. I know you have no reason to believe me, but fuck. I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Why?” Dave asks. “You fucked me in order to get close, or did daddy not expect that of you?” He asks, dropping his arms from around you. “He’ll be real interested when he gets around to opening the video of me taking your virginity. If he opens the email.”
“What? What video?” You say stammer out between sobs. “Why wou—? He didn’t know. I wanted to— Why would you do that?” You take a few steps back and take a look around, figuring you should probably make a run from it. But honestly you’d rather die at Dave’s hands than your fathers.
“There’s a camera in your room. I knew who you were the second you walked into my office.” He softens slightly, realizing you have meant what you said. You didn’t want to do any spying on him. You’re still less than a foot away from guns that could kill him but you haven’t even thought about picking one up.
“Why didn’t you just kill me then and there?” You sniffle.
You intrigued him, that’s the first thing he wanted to tell you. He shrugs. “Wanted to see what you wanted.” He admits.
“I didn’t want anything. Until I m—,” you cut yourself off with a shake off your head. “Are you going to kill me?”
“Why would I kill you?” He asks with a shrug. “Not like you’ve learned anything, not unless you count the size of my dick.”
“Figured you’d want to rob my father of the chance,” you say with a slight laugh, a fresh stream of tears rolling down your cheeks. “I’m going to leave now. I'm so sorry, Da— Mr. York.”
“You aren’t leaving.” Dave decides, reaching into and grabbing your arm. “Why would your father kill you?”
“Clearly, I'm not cut out for this, so what’s the point in me staying? I betrayed him. He’s spent my entire life hating me, because in his eyes I killed the love of his life…” Your sniffles turn back into full blown sobs. “I never wanted to do this.”
It’s slightly ridiculous, but Dave finds himself pulling you into his arms. Holding you while you soak his jacket with your tears and rubs your back. “I didn’t send it to him.” He says softly. “The video. I almost did.”
You’re not sure why he’s being so soft with you, seeing as he knows why you came here and what you had been instructed to do. But you lean into him, arms wrapping around him as you sob hysterically, “Send it.”
“No.” Dave growls. “I’m not going to let your father kill you, either.”
“I want him to know that he doesn’t get to control me anymore,” you mumble into his shirt.
Even as he is rubbing your back, Dave grins, admiring your spirit. “It is a good video.”
“Yeah?” You ask, whilst looking up at him through your bloodshot eyes, “Can I see it?”
You continue to surprise him. Nodding he smirks. “If you want to. It’s on my personal computer in my office.”
“Lead the way,” you say, taking a small step but still holding onto him.
Dave leaves the weapons where they are, pulling out his phone to send Ari a text to clean up as he guides you towards the safe house.
He keeps his arm tightly wrapped around you as he leads you inside the safe house, instructing you to take a seat and wait for him to come back with his laptop.
Dave brings the laptop and sets it in front of you. “Do you want to watch it alone?”
“No,” you reply a little too quickly, “Unless you wanna leave.”
“No.” Dave chuckles and shakes his head. “Are you sure you want to see it?”
Dave opens the laptop and pulls up the video before he looks over at you. “This is the only copy.” He tells you quietly.
“Press play,” you tell him, as he takes a seat next to you. “Have you jerked off to this?”
Dave tilts his head. “I have.”
“Show me,” you say as the video begins to play.
“The video?” He snorts and motions towards the laptop. “It’s right there.”
“No,” you say with a raised eyebrow, “Show me how you jerked off.”
It’s amazing how quickly you’ve gone from being hysterical to demanding. Dave lifts a brow of his own but doesn’t comment on it. He just leans back and unzips his pants after undoing his tactical belt.
Your tongue dips out to wet your lips as he unzips his pants. Without saying a word you lift your hips and push down your leggings and panties, arousal already dripping from your slit at the thought of matching his depraved acts on you.
"You're watching me and not the video." Dave points out, even as he spits in his hand and wraps his hand around his cock.
“I like watching you do that,” you say quietly, your fingertips now circling your swollen clit. “I like watching it get harder.”
"Voyeur." Dave teases, even with his own eyes centered on your cunt. "Next time, I'll get hard in your mouth."
“Yeah?” You say with a breathy moan, your fingertips moving quicker as he slides his hand up and down his fully erect cock. “I miss how well it fills me.”
"You slept with my cock inside you." He huffs, smirking slightly. "You gonna sleep on it every night now?"
Reaching over you run your thumb across his weeping tip, and gather up the pre-cum settling there. Looking at him with wide eyes, before nodding and sinking your thumb into your mouth.
"So you're gonna stay?" He asks, lifting a brow. "Warm my bed?"
“If you’ll have me,” you say with a smile, the video seemingly forgotten about. “I’d love to keep you warm.”
Dave decides that you need to pay attention and he stops stroking his cock. "Come here." He orders, spreading his thighs wider.
“Do you want me to take a seat, sir?” you tease as you stand up and finish striping off your leggings and panties before straddling his thighs.
"Right on my cock. But turn around so you can watch the video." He orders, slapping your ass as you turn around.
“Yes sir,” you say, feeling his hands grip onto your hip and he guides you down on his cock.
The small inhale of your breath makes him smirk, enjoying your reaction to taking him. "You can sit on my cock while you watch yourself take my cock the very first time." He murmurs in your ear while you circle your hips and clench around him.
You hum in approval as he wraps his arms around you. You look at yourself on that little screen and watch the way your face contorted in pain and pleasure the first time he pushed into you, the way your tits began to bounce as he set that brutal but delicious pace. “For a first timer, how did I do?” You ask as his fingers find your clit.
"Perfect." Dave chuckles, watching the screen as he starts rubbing your clit. "Tight and hot. Dripping wet."
“From the moment I first saw you, I knew I’d let you do anything to me. Almost played with my pussy in your office that first day,” you admit as you recall being sat fully naked waiting to see that elusive doctor, he hasn’t mentioned since.
"I wanted to see why you were sent to me." He admits. "To ruffle your feathers."
“Well you certainly ruffled something,” you say with a giggle, feeling his cock start to twitch inside you as you flutter around him.
"You need birth control." Dave groans quietly. "Because you can't keep taking Plan B and I'm not pulling out unless I want to paint your pretty face or tits in my cum."
“I’ll speak to someone tomorrow,” you say, “Because unless you have more pressing issues to attend to, I’d like to stay wrapped up in you all day.”
“Since my student just quit on me, I’m free.” He teases playfully, rocking his hips up to bounce you on his cock.
“She wasn’t a very good student to be fair, was far too distracted by her teacher.”
“Maybe she should have paid more attention.” He slaps your clit lightly, chuckling when you gasp his name and jolt in his arms.
“To you? Because I can tell you for a fact, she wasn’t paying attention to anything else. Spent an alarming amount of time staring at your lips.”
“And today is the first time she kissed them.” He teases.
You clench your pelvic muscles as hard as you can around him in response to his teasing, “Won’t be the last time though.”
Dave groans breathlessly in your ear. “No-“ he pants. “It won’t.”
You hum contentedly before bouncing a little faster, hearing how affected he is spurring you on to make him come undone inside of you. “You wanna fill me up again, baby?”
“Fuck.” Dave bites your ear lobe. “Someone turned the slut switch on.” He groans.
“I think we both know who’s to blame,” you say as you continue to ride him, guiding his hand back towards your clit.
“This is my fault?” He huffs, fingers dancing over the swollen nub between your thighs expertly. “You wanted to jump me as soon as you got here.”
“It’s definitely your fault,” you giggle, his fingers expertly working you towards your thigh. “I think you’ll find you’re the one who said you wanted to fuck me first.”
“I’m a man.” He snorts. “First impressions are normally decisions if I want to stick my dick in someone.”
“Mhmm,” you hum back, riding him a little faster, “How long did it take for you to decide you were going to fuck me?”
“About the time I told you to take your clothes off.” Dave chuckles, at the time it had been a very smug idea about fucking you and leaving you in his office, but he likes what transpired better.
You look back at the video and see him straddling your chest, ready to coat your face in his cum. You feel him chuckle as you increase your pace, clearly enjoying watching him debauch you. Moaning loudly, and sucking him back in greedily with every bounce.
“Filthy.” He hums in your ear. “But so fucking sexy, wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” you choke out, “Tasted you off my face after you left.”
“I know.” He nods towards the camera. “I watched to see what you would do.”
Your face burns as you remember the first day you got there, making yourself cum to the thought of him. “Did you… did you watch footage from any other days?”
“You mean where you spread yourself on your bed and rubbed your clit, moaning my name?” He teases and nibbles on your ear. “I did.”
“Felt so good,” you tell him, loving the way his cock twitches inside of you, “You could have come in and slipped inside of me then and there.”
“I’m sure you’ll keep me inside you plenty of times.” He hums.
“Make me cum, York.” You say as you threaten to fall off that cliff.
The hand that isn’t on your clit slides up to squeeze your breast. “Cum.” He orders harshly, pinching a nipple.
You rock down on him a few more times, before you're pushed off that ledge. Clamping down hard around his cock and cumming with a raspy gasp of his name.
Dave groans in your ear again, feeling the tightness of your cunt as you cum for him.
“Fill me up,” you plead, “Make me yours.”
He shouldn't. Not with you having just taken Plan B, but he doesn't hesitate. Taking over again and rocking his hip up another half dozen thrusts until he starts to cum. Grinding deep and groaning your name.
You lean back against him, listening to the way he pants and groans as his cock starts to soften inside of you. “Kiss me,” you whisper as you turn your face to his. 
He doesn’t deny you, leaning in and pressing his lips to your softly as he catches his breath.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you,” you say, against his lips, “I’m really sorry, Dave.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He’s not going to say that it’s a great thing, but he had kept the fact that he knew from you.
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you,” you say, bumping your nose against his. “Anything you want.”
Dave snorts and smirks. “That’s never a good bargaining chip, you know that right?”
You giggle and nod your head, “Honestly, I was just hoping you’d make some promises that involve your hand against my ass.”
“You want me to spank you?” That surprises him, but he grins. “That can be arranged.”
“I want you to do anything you want to me,” you say, lifting off of him and turning yourself around to face him. “Show me everything I’ve been missing.”
“Insatiable.” Dave chuckles. “But we do need to talk about the situation.”
“I know,” you say with a sad sigh, the smile across your face fading into a frown as you think about what’s to come and how in a few days you’ll inevitably be ripped away by your Dad and Robert.
“What do you want?” He asks you quietly.
“You. You admit with a shrug. “And to not have to go to bed tonight wondering how many more mornings I‘m going to get. They told me so little about you, about all of this, but enough to know that they’re not going to be happy if I fail, and I failed them the second I met you.”
“They aren’t going to take you. If you want to stay, you stay.” He tells you simply. “He sent you to me, you’re mine now.”
“All yours.” You say quietly, fear bubbling in your tummy as you think of the repercussions. “It’s been less than a week, and I can’t even think about being apart from you.”
“You are trauma bonding with me.” Dave tells you, knowing the connection you feel isn’t real. “I’m the lesser of two evils, and that should terrify you.”
You know he’s just being straight with you but it hurts. You don’t want to hear it. Silently, you nod your head and move off of him, before bending down to pick up your leggings and panties. “I should shower,” you murmur, trying to conceal the embarrassment that’s currently flooding your body.
“Stop.” Dave reaches out and takes your arm. “I don’t mean that it’s a bad thing.” He clarifies. “I just mean that if you decide you want to leave one day, I would understand.”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to have everyone tell you what you’re feeling every day of your life? To be told how to feel? And when to feel it?” You say, before shaking your head, “I’m not an idiot, Dave. I’m not standing here and confessing some undying love to you. I was just… being honest. I didn’t ‘trauma bond’ with you when you were yelling at me for being late within the first minute of meeting me. Just… forget it.”
"Okay, okay...I'm sorry." Dave stands up and sighs, dropping his hand from your arm and propping his hands on his hips. "I don't know what the fuck to do, it's not like I've been in this situation before. I just - I don't want you to regret your choice."
“I won’t. I won’t regret my choices, if I'm allowed to be the one who makes them.” Running your hands through your hair, you reach for his hand before pulling back unsure if he wants you to touch him right now. “I haven’t regretted a single thing since getting here, I didn’t want to come, but jesus… I don’t even know. You literally fucked my virginity away,” you say with a slight laugh. “And I’d let you do it a million times over. I would take that treatment from you over the soft loving way I’ve been told my entire life it’s supposed to be… because it’s you. And that’s not me trauma bonding, that’s me feeling something for you because I feel safe when you’re with me.”
It's a twisted logic but he can't fault it. "You get to make your own choices." He promises you quietly.
You can’t help but feel like you’ve said the wrong thing, so you take another step back, figuring that it’s best to get a little space between you both. “I’m going to shower and maybe take a nap.”
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks softly. Wondering what you are thinking, where your mind is at.
“No, it’s okay.” You say with a shrug, “I’m sure you have better things to do.”
He's upset you, he can tell but he doesn't know why you are upset. Instead of pushing, he tucks himself away and sighs. "Go on then." He murmurs quietly. "I'll go clean up the range myself."
You don’t say anything else, taking the steps two at a time and going straight to the bathroom. Stripping the rest of your clothes off and switching on the shower. You feel bad for the way you acted and know you should have apologized and helped clear up the range, but you needed to get away. 
You’re not sure why you’re so upset, he’s been surprisingly kind and gentle with you despite the fact you came into his home after agreeing to spy on him and feed information back to your father. 
Maybe he’s right, maybe you are just letting your attraction to him cloud your judgement. Maybe it is just ‘trauma bonding.’ 
But it doesn’t feel like that when he’s holding you, when he’s clearing your head off all the doubts and insecurities that plague you by replacing those thoughts with new memories of him. 
‘He’s just a crush,’ you mumble to yourself as you let the hot water fall over you, ‘and you’re nothing but a fuck to him.’
He takes his time, cleaning up and cleaning the weapons before storing them back in the lockers. Oddly upset by the fact that you had pushed him away when he was trying to give you what you wanted. You wanted a choice, he gave that to you. He could have killed you, you were supposed to be spying for your father and Robert. For the first time, he wonders if this is some sort of game to you, if you aren't as innocent as you seem and somehow have him twisted in knots.
Getting out of the shower, you use the towel to dry your hair before slipping into your bed undressed. You just need to sleep, you just need to switch your brain off for a few hours and then you can go and apologize to Dave and see what plans he has for you. You’re not a killer, you’ve both established that and it’s not fair for you to stay on the compound without pulling your weight, so maybe you can offer to cook and clean in exchange for somewhere to stay. 
You nuzzle your nose into your pillow and breath in the scent of him that’s still lingering from the night before, wishing that he was laying next to you and holding you tight to his chest.
After he's stayed away for a few hours, Dave decides to check on you. Not knocking, just slowly pushing open your door and finding you asleep in your bed. Biting his lip, he steps into the room and closes the door behind him. Walking over to the bed and dropping his clothes quietly, he slides into the bed beside you and when you shuffle, disturbed, he guides you over to his chest and wraps his arm around you, anchoring you to him and feeling you settle. He hums softly and closes his eyes.
You wake to the sound of soft snoring and his arm tightly wrapped around you, he looks peaceful. You’re not sure how long he’s been there, but you can’t ignore the way your heart starts hammering in your chest as a warmth floods your chest. Closing your eyes and nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck, you let yourself drift back to sleep. You’ve fallen for him, and whilst it’s far too early to say it’s love, you can’t deny that you’re completely under his spell. You’re his.
He stays the night. Sleeping in your bed for the entire night and probably getting the best night's sleep he's ever had. His body wakes up naturally at five in the morning but rather than getting up, he lays there with you in his arms. He doesn't have to train you, so there's no reason to leave the warmth of your bed.
The gurgle of your tummy wakes you up and you groan, nuzzling your face into his soft skin and listening to him chuckle at how tight your arms squeeze around him. “I’m hungry,” you eventually say, with a sigh, “And I'm sorry. Hungry. And sorry for acting like a brat yesterday.” You slowly lift your head to face him, “And you? Well, you’re just very very attractive,” you say with a smirk.
"I was an asshole?" He says it like a question. "I guess. I wasn't trying to be an asshole. I was trying to tell you that I want you to have your choice."
“You weren't being an asshole, I was being a brat.” You press your lips against his in a fleeting kiss, “I know. I just… I don’t even know,” you giggle. “I can’t explain it… Can we just eat?” 
"You would have made a lousy spy." He jokes, slapping your ass lightly under the covers and grins at you. "You are always hungry."
“I think you’re to blame for that,” you say with a cheeky smile, “Always have me building up an appetite. Do you think we could order in? And get one of the guys to leave it outside the door?”
"So you want to spend the day in bed?" He asks with a smirk.
“Yes, and you’re spending it with me.”
"Okay." It's an easy enough request and he's happy to comply with it.
“And I’m going to listen to what you were trying to say yesterday,” you say as you gently touch his face, “Even if it hurts. We need to talk about how we are going to deal with things.”
"Your father is going to want you back." He predicts. "No matter what you say, you're his. and he doesn't like giving up what is his."
“His daughter. Not his property,” you say softly. “I don’t want to go back there. Him and Robert… if they don’t kill me, they’ll make my life a misery. But I can’t expect you to let me stay here if you don’t want me to…”
"If I didn't want you here, I would have sent your heart back to your father in a box." Dave tells you bluntly.
“How… poetic,” you say with a stunned laugh. “They’re going to make a scene. I don’t know what they’re capable of… but I know it won’t be good.”
"Let them make a scene." Dave snorts. "All that means is that their shitty plan didn't work. I could have told them that it wouldn't but they were never as smart as I was."
“Is it bad that I’d love to see the look on my dads face as he realizes he didn’t win?” You ask quietly. “You know my mom died when she was giving birth to me and he’s blamed me my whole life for it… He was balls deep in her best friend as she was dying, but somehow he’s managed to victimise himself ever since.” 
He shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He can't claim that he knew that, he barely remembered your father having a daughter, but that just speaks of how little the man had dealt with you. "I'm sure that you will see that face."
You hum a little worried you keep over sharing, before looking up at him again, “I could cook and clean, earn my way.”
"You-" Dave licks his lips and shakes his head. "You don't have to earn your way." He murmurs quietly. "If you wanted to do that, you could. But you don't have to."
“I don’t mind, I love to cook… the cleaning part… eh. But I want to be of use to you.”
He smirks, "I could always use you as my personal sex servant." He teases. "That is definitely being 'of use'."
“Oh, yeah?” You say with a raised eyebrow, “Keep me filled with you cum and make sure you have a warm bed to climb into?”
"That sounds pretty good to me." He chuckles, the sound filthy as he squeezes your ass. "I'm sure your daddy would love that." 
The loud giggle that leaves your mouth makes your face heat up, “And I wouldn’t want to disappoint Daddy now, would I?”
"It'll be fun to watch him realize you are not going to give him information." Dave chuckles.
“Yeah,” you agree, “His inevitable reaction afterwards is what scares me.”
“Do you think I’ll let him hurt you?”
“No.” You nuzzle your face back into his neck and press your lips up against his skin, “I’m still scared of what he’ll try to do though.”
“Don’t be.” Dave rubs your back protectively. “If you want to stay, nothing is going to make you leave.”
Pressing a kiss to his collarbone, you let your hands snake between you both. Fingertips dragging softly against his chest, his stomach and stopping just below his navel. “Can I?” You ask sweetly as you bump your nose against his.
“Stay?” Dave thinks you are talking about the situation, but he’s a little distracted by your hands on him.
You laugh a little before pressing your lips to his, “Well that… But I was asking if I could play with your big hard cock.”
“It’s not big or hard right now.” Dave chuckles, looking down at the sheets. “No morning wood.”
“It’s always big,” you say with a raised eyebrow, “I want it in my mouth. You said you’d get hard in my mouth next time. We have like twenty minutes before food arrives and I want to make you cum.” 
He smirks and lifts his eyebrows. “Play away.”
You press another fleeting kiss to his lips before sitting up and moving the covers down. “I really like your cock,” you whisper, a grin spreading on your face as it twitches at your praise. You gently grab the base and run your tongue around the head, feeling it harden slightly in your hand before taking it in your mouth. You circle your tongue around the tip of him a few times, before hollowing your cheeks. Loving the sounds he made as it grows harder and stiffer in your mouth.
“It’s the - shit, the only cock you’ve touched.” Dave reminds you breathlessly. Closing his eyes and willing his hips to stay on the bed so you can do what you want.
You giggle around him as he groans beneath you, slowly pulling off and kissing the head of his now fully erect cock. “The only cock I’ve ever wanted to touch,” you say with a soft hum before taking him in your mouth again, sucking in your cheeks as you take him inch by inch.
“Shit.” Dave curses again, panting as he lets you suck his cock. There’s something wonderfully dirty about all this. All eagerly you want him. “Fuck, take it deeper.”
You hum around him again and take him deeper, swallowing as his cock pushes past york tonsils. Gently you reach down and let your fingertips sweep against his balls. Not being sure if he likes being touched there, you try to gauge his reaction.
The groan he lets out is filthy, his cock twitching in your throat and you swallow around him again. “Not too hard.” He pants, “but squeeze gently.”
You nod slightly to let him know you’re listening, taking him a little deeper before squeezing gently on his sack like he said. You love this, you love feeling him come apart and knowing it’s because of you. Swirling your tongue around the underside of his cock, you push a little deeper, your nose nuzzling up against the curls at the base of him as you swallow around him. It’s filthy, the way you feel your pussy getting wetter and wetter as you suck his cock.
Your name is moaned quietly, fingers reaching and stroking your jaw as you take him deeper. Feeling your saliva dripping down. “Fuck.”
You squeeze his sack a little tighter, before bobbing up and down on his length a little faster. Your tongue continues to swirl and roll against him, you love how heavy he feels on your tongue, how he stretches and fills your entire mouth and the noises you’re able to pull from him as you concentrate on his pleasure as it’s the most important thing in the world.
You don’t let up, he had to give you that. Every stroke of your tongue is quick, following up the last as your head moves up and down on his length. Building the pressure and pleasure quickly.
Faster and faster, your head bobs up and down. Sucking harder and continuing to play with his balls as you feel him begin to throb on your tongue, and you moan in delight. He’s on the edge, about to fill your throat any second and it thrills you. His fingers grip onto your hair tightly as he starts to groan, his hips now rocking up into your mouth.
He had tried to keep from thrusting into your mouth, but he can’t help it. Not when you love it and moan around him every time he hits the back of your throat. It only takes a moment or two before he is stiffening, cock throbbing as he floods your mouth with his cum.
You swallow around him, refusing to let a single drop go to waste. It makes you feel good to make him feel good, you continue to suck and tease his cock with your tongue even after he stops cumming. Keeping his softening cock in your mouth and humming happily around it until he gently pushes you away, the overstimulation getting too much. “Thank you,” you whisper, as you move up towards him and capture his lips in a bruising kiss.
He can’t help but chuckle, shaking his head as he kisses you. Not caring if the taste of his seed is still on your tongue. “You’re welcome.” 
“I like taking care of you,” you say with a smile, before cuddling back up to him.
“Now we can eat, unless you’re already full?” He teases playfully, pinching your ass.
You giggle as he gets up and retrieves the bag of food waiting on the other side of the door… “Still hungry… I’m sure whatever this is, won’t make me feel as good as sucking your cock did though.”
You look at the way his shoulders are relaxed and his usually tense frame isn’t at all locked up and you smile, “And for however long you’ll have me here, I’m staying.”
“I’ll only be gone for a few hours.” Dave promises, kissing the top of your forehead and then your lips.
“Okay, baby,” you say as you snuggle back down into bed. “Wake me up when you’re back?” You ask, wanting to check that he’s unhurt from whatever he’s about to go and do. It had been just over three weeks since you had that discussion about staying, you had emailed your father the very next day and of course that email went unanswered but things seemed to be looking up. 
Dave had had a conversation with the guys and told them everything, and they surprisingly didn’t react too badly to it, and had now accepted that you weren’t ever going to betray Dave.
“Okay baby.” Your endearments have slipped into normal conversation and he feels like you would like too. He doesn’t hate how you fawn over him, worry and coddle him. It’s rather nice. “Get some more sleep. I kept you up late last night.” He chuckles quietly and kisses your lips one last time before turning away.
“Baby?” You repeat, with a huge smile spreading across your face. “Just promise you’ll wake me?” You say as he walks towards the door, you’re exhausted, he's right, but you like to check on him.
“I will.” He pauses at the door and looks back at you with a wink and a smirk. “I’ll be back soon.”
The second the door closes and he’s on his way out, you’re out like a light. Exhaustion catching up on you almost immediately. Your arms wrap around his pillow, and you hold it tight to yourself, a temporary placeholder until he gets back and you have the real thing. 
He started to refer to his bed as ‘ours’ about three days after moving you from the old safe house. You’re not sure if he even notices he’s doing it. 
The sound of floorboards creaking makes your stir, but not enough to fully wake you up, and instead you just squeeze onto the pillow tighter and go back to sleep.
Dave had moved you from the old safe house due to it being compromised. He didn't trust your father and Robert since they obviously knew where to send you. So he had made the move to a new location and set up cameras just like he had in the old safe house. You know about them, but you don't care. You are in his bed anyway. The alert for one of the perimeter cameras dings on his phone as he is driving, making him look away as he opens it up to see if a stray dog or a raccoon has tripped it. Hissing in anger as he watches the images of Robert and your father creep towards the house where you are sleeping.
“Wake up,” is angrily rasped into your ear, “Fucking get up now.” You recognise it immediately, the voice those words are spitting at you from. Your father. He pushes the barrel of his gun up to press against the back of your head, “If I have to tell you one more time, I’ll blow your fucking head off.” You push yourself up onto your elbows before climbing out of bed. You’re wearing Daves t-shirt and a pair of old shorts and the cold air immediately makes you shiver. 
“Downstairs,” he orders, before slapping the gun against the back of your head again.
Waiting for you downstairs is Robert McCall and a few of your dads guys. “She’s wearing his clothes AND sleeping in his bed?” One of them notes with a tut, “Never had her pegged as a whore.” 
“Fuck you,” you spit across at him, “Do you think he’s just going to let you get away with this? Breaking into his house?”
“Shut the fuck up,” your father barks from behind you, “Get her in the fucking van.” He orders one of the guys. “York will be back in no time and I have no intentions of doing it here.” 
“Doing what?” You begin to stammer, seconds before a sharp pain shoots through your head and everything goes black.
The engine roars and Dave squeals the tires as he races back towards the house. Pissed and ready to put a bullet in someone.
It’s dirty that’s the first thing you notice as you come to… that and the sharp pain throbbing in your head.  You’re on the floor, on top of some filthy tarp in the middle of the room. Striped down to your underwear. You recognise the men in the room as Mike, Phil and Benzo. Three of your dads goons. Your father and Robert are nowhere to be seen.
“She’s awake,” one of them announces with a chuckle. “Look at her…. such a shame… A real real shame that she let that piece of shit touch her.”
Your stomach clenches with disgust as he drops to his knees beside you, “Poor little thing,” he mocks as he runs his fingers down your face, “Do you think he actually cares about you? We were discussing it as you slept so sweetly… Are you even aware that he probably just kept you around for an easy fuck? It’s been a good hour and he’s still nowhere to be seen… Probably went home and seen that the whore had been taken from his bed and felt fucking relieved.”
You're gone by the time that Dave's car screams up the driveway. Spitting out a curse as he snatches the pinned note off the door and reads it, growling in fury as he reads where you will be, as well as an invitation to come get you back, if he wants you.
The floor hurts your back, you’re cold and hate how exposed you are to these creeps. They talk over and over about how Dave and his guys won’t show, how they wouldn’t waste their time coming to save someone that Dave was clearly keeping as a fuck toy. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you stare at the large metal doors, praying that any minute someone will burst through them and give you a chance to escape.
"McCall!" Dave bellows outside of the building, his handgun hidden and the rifle in his hands loaded and the safety flipped off. "Come out now and bring her!" It had taken him twenty minutes to scout the place, make sure he wasn't walking into an ambush and he's worried, wondering what they have done to you.   
You go to scream, to give away your location but Benzo is too quick. Covering your mouth and threatening to blow your brains out if you dare say a word. They want him in the building, they want him to come in and watch as they hurt you. Rob and your father out of sight and uncaring about what’s in store for you. Benzo had taunted you, ‘As long as that bastard York suffers, you can do what you want to the girl.’ Your dad had said to them.
Dave shouts your father's name, looking around and narrowing his eyes. "You mad? That I took your daughter? Or that she wanted to stay with me?" He asks, moving closer and looking for any signs of a gun trained on him.
You’re vaguely aware of your Dads voice coming from somewhere to the left of you, likely in the room that was closed off to you. “Took her?” He spits, “I sent her to you. I guess I should have figured you make the stupid bitch think you cared about her, if you worked this all out.”
"That's right, I did." Dave chuckles, aware that your father doesn't know that you told him. That he knows you were sent. He thinks that Dave is playing some kind of game. "Wasn't done with her yet, but you want her back, keep her." Dave grunts. "But she's wearing my favorite band t-shirt."
“I don’t think she’s wearing anything,” your father taunts back, “One of my guys, Benzo, he’s been after her for a while. He’s taking what he wants m and then you’re going to come in here and shoot her in the head. She’s going to die at the hands of the man she’s stupidly fallen for… Finally some justice for killing her mother.”
He swears he hears a muffled sob and his jaw clenches. "You know you killed her, right?" Dave calls back casually. "You planted her inside your wife. You killed her, not a baby who's just trying to be born."
The arguing between Dave and your dad becomes more muffled as Benzo begins to taunt you. “You fucked up,” he spits down at you, “We had it all planned out for you. Your daddy was going to let us live in the house on main that you love so much, and we were going to give him an heir. An heir to the business that piece of shit has spent the last few years working tirelessly to destroy. I was going to ask you to be my wife the day they rescued you. Your dad had already given me permission… And now you’re fucking ruined. Was it worth it? I bet he doesn’t even know how to make a woman cum.”
"You want the clients?" Dave chuckles, finding this absurdly funny. "You sent your daughter into the lion's den because of lost contracts? You really are a cold bastard, aren't you?" Your father has finally stated his demands, the reason why he has drawn Dave here. Give up his clients and he can walk away   
Your nose is bloody, you can feel the warm liquid seeping out as you shudder on the floor. You blacked out, you don't think it was for long but everything feels a little fuzzier. Benzo is still crouching next to you, taunting you, mocking your cries as his fist slam against your wrists. “Do you think he’ll care?” He says as he takes your face in his hands. “I don’t. I think he’ll come in here, do what your daddy instructs him to do and I think he’ll enjoy it. Almost as much as I enjoy what I'm about to do.”
Dave moves into the building, creeping slowly, his gun up and ready to kill anyone who comes. He knows that he's being watched from wherever your father is. Still, he's going to get to you. "Tell you what?" He calls out. "Let me walk away and you can keep the list." Dave compromises. "And I won't kill you."
The sound of your fathers booming laughter makes you wince, he’s not even in the same room as you but manages to get under your skin and make your skin crawl. “It’s a shame your daddy wants him to kill you first,” Benzo whispers in your ear, “I’d quite like to watch your reaction to Robert finally sticking a bullet in York’s brain… because that’s what’s going to happen tonight.” His fingertips start to inch lower, and instinctively you push away from him, but he doesn’t let you. You feel his breath coat your skin as he aggressively palms at your tits, “Maybe I’ll wait to fuck you until York is in the room…”
"How does this end?" Dave bellows, knowing every second counts where you are concerned.
“That’s up to you,” your father yells back. “The client list and you take care of her exactly as I instruct and we go our separate ways.” 
Benzo, Phil and Mike all laugh as you whimper in response to your fathers words. You want it to be over, to be put out of your misery but you know it won’t be that simple. You hear footsteps as someone approaches the room they have you in and you bite down on your lip, terrified for what’s about to come next.   
His finger is on the trigger, not applying any pressure as he sights in through the scope. Steadily going towards the door where you are being held. He knows that your father wants him to kill you. Why, he doesn't pretend to understand. The man should want to protect you but he doesn't care at all. Instead of creeping into the room, Dave kicks the door open, making you jump and the three men tense as he fills the doorway.
You watch him intently, unable to focus on anything else as he enters the room. You hear your dad yelling from the next room but can’t quite make out the words and then you feel it. Benzos hands pulling at you, bringing you up so your back is pressed against his front. “Does she like it rough?” He grits out at Dave, “I bet she does. Just a few weeks with you and now she’s good for nothing but blowing my load in.”
He chuckles again as you whimper in pain, you’ve been beaten and tormented the entire time you’ve been in this building and you don’t have the energy to fight. “You know he’s not here for you right,” Benzo spits into your ear, “He’s just wants that fucking t-shirt you were wearing.”
His eyes flicker over to you before he's sliding them away towards the other men. Assessing and knowing the first one to get a bullet is Benzos. "Don't waste your time." He chuckles quietly. "She's not even worth blowing your load in." He says that to piss him off, knowing the man is a hot head and he wants him to pull that gun away from your head before he takes the shot.
“Yeah?” He spits back at Dave, waving the gun at him. “Nah. I’ve waited too fucking long not to take what’s rightfully mine. She’s going to get my dick in that tight little pussy and know what’s it’s like to be fucked by a real man before she dies.”
Curling his lip, Dave squeezes the trigger, the loud bang of the rifle echoing in the small room as Benzos's body is flung back from the force. Mike is next, swinging the gun around and squeezing off another round before dropping his hand to his belt and pulling his handgun out to shoot Phil in the thigh and then the head when he drops down to his knees, howling in pain. The entire thing is over in ten seconds.
You look up at him, unsure whether to move or not. Your whole body trembling as you think about what could have happened to you if Dave didn’t get here in time.
Without even looking at you, Dave turns around and walks back out the door, reholstering his pistol and picking up his rifle again to put to his shoulder. He wants to rush over to you, to check you over for injuries, but your father is still a threat, just like Robert is. "Your men are dead." He shouts out. "So come do your dirty work yourself."
 You know you should get up and run but you can’t, everything hurts and you’re not even sure you have enough energy to push yourself up to your feet, so you don’t. You fall forward onto the cold fall and instinctively curl yourself up into a ball, wrapping your arms around yourself and beginning to sob… The realization that no one cares about you, hitting you like a tonne of bricks.
Stepping out of the office to face Dave your father rolls his eyes, “They didn’t deserve to die,” you father grits out at him, “They were good men.”
"Your daughter deserved to be tortured? Threatened with rape?" Dave sneers, his opinion of the man plummeting even lower than he ever thought possible. "You should have protected her, even from me."
“She would have been fine if she stuck to the plan,” he shouts back, “But no…. She decides she’s gonna stay with you and be your little pet… and then we find her in your bed?” He raises his gun and aims it at Dave, “And now you’re going to go back in there and look at her in eyes as you pull the trigger.”   
“I’m not going to do that.” Dave snorts, shaking his head and his own gun is trained on your father. “I didn’t hurt her when she told me you sent her, and I’m not going to hurt her now.”
“She told you?” He growls back, “She really is fucking useless.” He barks as anger floods him, “You will. You will go in there and blow her fucking brains out or i’ll blow yours. Choice is yours.”
“You can try.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “We both know I’m the faster, better shot.”
“Bullshit,” he spits. “You’d really risk your life for hers?” Your father laughs.
“Yes.” Dave chuckles when he hears a door slam. “Looks like McCall abandoned you. He’s good for that. Disappearing when shit gets tough.”
“Shit,” your father hisses. “She isn’t worth it, ya know? Ripped her mother to shreds during her birth. Too fucking timid to be off use to anyone…” He takes a few steps back and shakes his head. McCall running out on him has made his stomach lurch as he realizes just how out of his depth he really is. “We could partner up,” he says, lowering his gun with a chuckle. “We’d be unstoppable.”
“She’s not timid.” Dave snorts. “Not away from you. I guess telling someone they are a mistake their entire life makes them hesitant to talk. I won’t work with someone who would let their own daughter be treated the way you let your men do her.” He tsks. “So do I kill you now or do I put a bullet in you in front of her?”
“You don’t have the balls,” he spits at you, scrambling for his gun again. 
“Oh, but I do. She would know.” The trigger pull is quick, effect. Sending a single shot into your fathers forehead that sends him to the ground, the spray of blood behind him oddly satisfying. “She had them in her mouth last night.” Dave lowers his rifle and slings it over his shoulder, spitting on the ground in front of your fathers body before he turns around to rush back to the room he had left you in.
You’ve drifted into a state of unconsciousness and you don’t hear him come in. Still curled up in a little ball and shivering, as he lowers himself to check that you’re okay.
“Shit.” Dave hisses at how cold your skin is. You’re shaking and he can’t tell if the blood is from the wounds or from men he had killed. “It’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here.” Dave shuffles and slides his hands up under your tense body, he lifts you into his arms with a grunt.
You briefly become aware of being lifted off the ground, the familiar scent of Dave calming you as he begins to carry you somewhere. You sleep the entire journey home, nestled up comfortably on the backseat, your head on his lap and he gently rubs your face and soothes you quietly.
After getting you back to the house, Dave brings you straight up into the bathroom. Setting you down on the warm rug while he starts a bath and pulls his own clothes off. He needs to clean you up, inspect your injuries and he knows that you will want the comfort of him being in the bath with you. Unfortunately, the only thing he has to take off of you, beside his own jacket he had draped over your body, are your panties.
The bright lighting of the bathroom makes you groan, as you snuggle up on the rug. Only vaguely aware of your surroundings.. “Everything hurts,” you mumble into the rug, seconds before he scoops you up again and steps into the bath.
“I know it does, baby.” Dave murmurs softly. “I’m sorry. Do you want me to give you something?”
You groan in delight as the hot water immediately relieves some of the pain, “No,” you say with a shake of your head. “God, I’ve been nothing but a burden to you,” you say with a sob. “I’m so sorry, Dave.”   
“You aren’t a burden.” Dave huffs, shaking his head and reminding himself that you were just tortured by your father’s men. You are going to be a little emotional. “You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart. I’m sorry I didn’t get to you fast enough.”
“I am,” you say, crying even harder as he wraps his arms around you, “I don’t deserve this. You should have just left me there, I just fuck everything up.”
“You didn’t fuck up anything.” Dave growls, wishing he could put a bullet in your father’s head again for how he treated you. “And leaving you there was never an option baby, I wouldn’t leave someone I love to be tortured.”
“Someone… you love?” You say quietly, all the pain in your body being replaced with a feeling you can’t quite explain, but it makes your heart soar “You love me?”
“I love you, baby.” Dave cups your chin and tilts your head up so you can see his eyes. “I love you and I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again.”
“I’ve loved you from the second I saw you,” you say with a smile, as if he didn’t already know that.
“I know.” Dave smirks and picks up the rag so he can start washing your injuries to check you over. “At least crushing on me.”
“I love you, Dave York,” you say as loudly as you can, the words that had been sitting on the tip of your tongue for weeks finally floating in the air. You wince slightly, as he runs the rag over your ribs, before turning your face to face him. “Kiss me.”   
“Sorry.” He murmurs, setting the rag aside so he can cup your cheek and press his lips to yours softly.
“So, I don’t think I’m up to taking a hard fucking tonight,” you say with a giggle, before pressing another kiss to his lips. “Might have to scale it down a little.”
"I'm not touching you tonight." He huffs, frowning as he pulls back. "You're hurt. Despite what your father said, I wasn't just using you for sex."
“You’re definitely touching me tonight,” you say with a huff, “I can handle your mouth at least.”
He rolls his eyes at you and shakes his head. "She gets tortured once and wants to be treated like a queen." His delivery is dry, but it's a joke. If you want an orgasm on his tongue, you will get one.
“Exactly,” you giggle, before nuzzling your face in his neck as he finishes cleaning you off. He’s extra gentle as he helps you stand up and get out of the bath, before wrapping a towel around you. He dries you slowly, careful around the places that are already starting to bruise before helping you into the bedroom and laying you down on the bed.
"Are you sure you don't want something for the pain?" He asks again, hating how stiff and slow you move. You're in obvious pain.
You shake your head no, you don’t want to feel fuzzy. “No, baby. I just want you.”
"You've got me, baby." Dave promises. "I'm right here. I'll take your mind off the pain."
“I love it when you call me baby,” you whisper, as you spread your legs, eager for him to climb in the space and start to taste you.
"Baby." Dave kisses your ankle. "Baby." Another kiss skims over your knee. "My baby." He hums as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, flattening himself against the bed and sliding his hands underneath your thighs and ass to lift you up to his mouth.
“Your baby,” you moan, as his tongue begins lapping at your clit. “I fucking love you, Dave York.” You chant his name, hands tangled in his hair as he eats your pussy flawlessly. Teasing and sucking your clit whilst pulling the filthiest of sounds from you.
Dave doesn't rush it, taking his time and drawing the pleasure from you so all that you can think of is his tongue. Nothing else exists beyond this bed. His tongue curls around your clit and he pulls it into his mouth.
He’s usually such a tease, making you beg for his tongue as the pleasure builds but not tonight. Tonight he’s relishing in the way you moan his name instead of whimpering it, he’s loving the way your fingers that tangled in his hair are rubbing gentle circles into the back of his head. “I love you,” you murmur between chants of his name, “I love you so much.”
He groans against your clit, aware that the vibrations make you shiver and adds a layer of pleasure. Fixing his eyes on you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself as you start grinding down against him.
“Gonna cum.” You garble, as your hips move a little quicker, “Fuck,” you groan as that coil threatens to snap. He chuckles as you plead for him to hold your hand as your thighs start to shake.
His fingers lace through yours and he feels your squeeze as you come apart. Keeping his eyes on you while yours fall closed, mouth open in a silent moan, thighs pressed against his ears.
“Daaaaave,” you gasp as you cum, your thighs clamping around his head and falling slack as you come down. “You are amazing.”   
He kisses your clit one last time and lifts up. “You’re the amazing one.” He promises, coming up to lay down beside you. “I’m proud of you for hanging on.” He murmurs, laying his arm over your torso just below your breasts. It’s the only spot that isn’t sore.
“Thank you for coming to get me.” You put your hand on his face and nudge his nose with yours. “I honestly thought they were going to kill me before I could see you again.”
“No, your father was twisted enough that he wanted to make me kill you.” Dave growls, still pissed off at that thought.
“Oh.” You say, before burying your face in his neck, “Thank you for saving me, Dave.”
He notices that you don’t question him on his use of the past tense concerning your father. He just hums and kisses your shoulder. “Never thought of not saving you.”
“I love you,” you say, moving back to look at his face. “I hated him. But he sent me to you, and that’s the only good thing he ever did for me.”
“I love you too, baby.” Dave leans in and kisses your forehead. “He did send you to me. And I’m going to keep you, protect you and make sure you never have to worry about him or anyone else ever again.”
“Mhmm, I really do love it when you call me baby,” you say as you snuggle up to him. “And I know, I know you’ll keep me safe. And I'll keep you safe. I love you so much.”
Dave keeps his arms loose around you, not because he doesn’t want to hold you tight, but so he doesn’t hurt you. You will keep him safe, just like he would die to protect you, or kill. You might not have been the apprentice he was looking for, but you are the woman he needed.
“Don’t disappear on me,” you murmur against his lips, “No five am workout tomorrow, please… Or workout using me if you must.”
"I'm right here." Dave promises softly. "I will be right here when you wake up."
“Thank you.” You say before lightly pressing a kiss to his lips, “Goodnight, my love.”
"Good night, baby." He whispers as he feels you settle onto his chest to close your eyes. "Don't worry. I've got you."
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txttletale · 1 year
I don't think the Minecraft critique you posited is really material: every instance of automation in Minecraft is an emergent mechanic. No Mojang developer* sat down and said "let's program in automatic farms". An obvious example is the flying machine, which is so obviously not an intentional mechanic but solely emergent. All of these mechanics are also Optional. It's just as possible to play like an environmentalist, sustainably farming and making limited use of non renewable resources.
It's like saying that Mario 64 supports the murder of baby animals.
Also, even in a game where you are indisputably doing Colonialism, both intentional and required (say Sid Meier's Civilization). What are you... harming? By simulating colonialism on pixelated land? Even if that's not your claim, why phrase this as a flaw with a totally fictional world? "You can do things in this video game that, were they real, would be Very Bad" is applicable to like... every video game?
* If you happen to bring up the shitheel Notch, it's worth noting was responsible for maybe 7% of the current game.
i am aware it is emergent! that's part of what my post was about:
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and sure, it is possible to play minecraft in any way you like, but the systems you are given to work with (you can destroy and replace blocks--you are given ways to cut down trees and cultivate new ones, but no way to interact with existing ones, for example) and the progression structures built on these systems (you--obviously--need to accumulate resources to craft, all the things you can craft other than the purely aesthetic ones exist to help you accumulate more resources) assume that you will be extracting resources. in much the same way that it's facile to argue that call of duty isn't about killing people because you can run around the first level of the campaign not shooting anybody for ten hours, saying that minecraft isn't about resource extraction just because (like almost any game) it contains space for oppositional reception and counter-intended play isn't a very good analysis.
anyway, i obviously don't think that you're harming anybody by playing minecraft! i agree with you that sid meier's civilization is an incredibly colonialist and reactionary game with a pretty abhorrent ideology and my playtime in it looks like this:
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this is a strange phenomenon i keep encountering, where people will see me critique the ideological implications of or assumptions inbuilt into a media property and assume that as a result i think it is somehow unethical or morally harmful to engage with it. that's a bridge you're making by yourself!
when i talk about the ideology of a game i am not laying that ideology at the feet of the game--rather, i'm using it as a platform to investigate the normative assumptions that are going into that game. minecraft is not the reason that colonialism exists--but its existence is a reflection of how colonialism has shaped the material and cultural situation in which it was produced.
and this last point is why i do think it is pointless to say 'it is a fictional world'--there's no such thing as a totally fictional world. because it's fictional innit. it has no autonomous existence--a 'fictional world' only 'exists' inasmuch as it is created by somebody living in the real world and it can be interfaced with by other people living in that world. it only 'exists' in the context of such interaction, and as such it can't be neatly removed from reality for analysis--at least not for meaningful and productive analysis!
tldr, i am not saying and have never said: when you play minecraft, you are doing actual real-life harm because the creators sat down and decided they love colonialism. i am saying that the systems and affordances of minecraft have resulted in the creation of extractionist systems of automated slaughter as an optimal strategy and that's important to keep in mind when talking about, say, 'what minecraft is about'
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otomes-world · 2 months
i. Small Key, Portal, Detective It's not full fic, really not, just another idea I thought but never write a post. Also... I forgot I have my own prompts as well...Something like a general prologue and lore for possible works for this AU. You can skip next bunch of text, it's just my thought. There are no triggers yet, except barelly edited text. I haven't decided yet whether this will be a yandere AU or a regular one. I tried to think about possible conflicts in the story and realized that it directly depends on the character. Therefore, here is only the general part, which telling the state of affairs. How the reader even got to such a life, haha. As for plans, I can say that for some reason I thought about Jade. Don't ask me why. As if he would fit into this au better than anyone. I dragged out the introduction a bit… enjoy reading! Let me know your ideas as well, I`ll read and answer them later.
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What is the best profession? Probably, every child asked this question at least once. There were always many proposals, but there was one that everyone thought about. Detective. Do they even exist? Or have they always been an idea embodied in books and films?
Are there schools that produce qualified specialists? Is it possible to became one? What is the principle of selecting candidates?
Calm down, hands on the table. You also did not know the answers. It’s trivial, but the profession found you itself. Moreover, if someone found out about your “Detective” badge, they would think that it was a high-quality craft. Seriously, aren’t detectives just an invention of film directors?
In the company of friends and their acquaintances, over a cup of tea or another drink, you would also laugh at the joke, adding your own to the general vat of barbs. Nevertheless, the rushing carriage harnessed by black horses was as real as the mantle of a prestigious college on you. Luckily, the hood was long enough to hide part of your face, so you could look around the room with a bored expression and no sense of professionalism.
A huge mirror in the middle and flying coffins. Crowds of students and a director late for the ceremony.
Never in your life could you imagine that your job would take you to a haven for magicians. Yes, magic existed and was the envy of many, even you, but nothing more. If that's how a mouse felt when cats were swarming around its hole, then be it. However this mouse was very well prepared. It had a hidden artifact that allowed cast simple spells. Nothing more. After all, your task was to gather the material and leave unnoticed. In no case would you become the best student among the stream of first years, heaven forbid.
You only hoped that the bribed principal and the Mirror would not throw you to the predators. Exactly. The kind teacher knew about everything, and the inside pocket of his jacket sank under the weight of money. Naturally, after convincing him that you had no desire to harm the college's reputation. The struggle between schools was not in your competence, let them squabble over talented applicants as much as they wanted. Your task was the simplest.
Just make sure that the representatives of influential families were not planning anything… interesting. The version for the director was to collect information about the college, for further writing of the article on behalf of the "student".
You had already received half of your payment, and the customer signed a contract in which you received your other half in any outcome. Plus, you could always earn extra money by publishing an article to the delight of Crowley, but that's it. Possible options after completing the job.
Finally, the director appeared, and you would have sighed with relief if not for the student who appeared behind him. It seemed that no one knew who it was, however, this was only to your advantage. Any information was important to the customer.
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"Any information was important to the customer." This thought was worthy of a hit to the head with any heavy object. They were just students, what could possibly go wrong? The contract details did not include feeding flamingos in pink and painting roses from white to red and back. Why, of all the dorms, the Mirror decided to send you to Heartslabyul… that question should have been asked to Crowley. Only for him magically disappear every time, "and do not to interfere with a professional's work."
A professional could not work in such conditions.
Luckily, a pair of first years significantly attracted the attention of the head. All you had to do was secure their friendship and the article "headache" of Rosehearts. The collar on your neck in most cases explained why you did not use magic regularly.
However, in other dorms it was hardly easier. Whether this thought was self-consolation or acceptance of the harsh truth, you didn't care. Or it could be a simple complaint from chewing his lunch Ace.
If you had come here at an earlier age, when you yourself were a scholar, you would have been overjoyed. Of course, what child would refuse to learn magic? To travel between colleges using portals? The one who was now in the body of an tired of everything adult obviously.
It was much harder to study seriously when you needed to be in several places at once, and for missing classes the head "cut off your head". In your time, being a hooligan sounded easier.
Bless the existence of Internet storage, otherwise attempts to hide the notes of real work would have finally driven you to the grave. The promised payment was not worth it.
Fortunately, or vice versa, there was plenty of information. Filtering rumors, looking for the truth - that's another task. At least the soil for this was fertile. News of growing tension in a dorm. A rumor about a student who grants any wish. Possible conflict between two celebrities.
How true were the rumors about the strained relationship between the second prince of the Sunset Savanna and the crown prince of Briar Valley?
Everything was carefully written and saved for later editing. When did you have time to do this? The answer was simple. You sacrificed your time for sleep. All paper records were burned and destroyed after being transferred to the cloud. You didn't need any extra problems.
It felt like you had a kind of key in your hands that could unlock a box to nowhere. Your readiness to face everything that awaited you at the bottom was unimportant. A minimum of feelings and a maximum of facts were required from you.
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stardestroyer81 · 3 days
🥪 Introducing... Door2Door! 🥪
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Door2Door stars twenty year old possum Gigi Dempster, who lives in a rather ramshackle, podunk town in Vermont called Bendersville. After sending numerous job applications all over town with no word back, she finally lands herself a delivery driver position at an unassuming locally-owned sandwich restaurant named Dine 'n Dash. With no prior experience in the art of crafting a mighty fine sandwich or running a delivery route, Gigi is strapped in to experience the whirlwind of a first time food service job firsthand, and in an unpredictable town like Bendersville, quite literally anything can happen.
(For more information on what Door2Door is— as well as a handful of progress images— please consider checking underneath the cut!)
At last, witness unveiling of my latest project I've spent the last month conceptualizing, Door2Door! What once came about as a silly idea of basing a project after an inner-city delivery driver inspired after a certain gameplay section in Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman, it has since blossomed into one of my dearest passion projects yet!
Though, before I get into any further detail behind Door2Door and its creation, I must stress— none of the above five images hail from a lost late nineties/early 2000s Cartoon Network show, and if by chance any of them were enough to fool you into thinking they were, then that just means I achieved what I set out for! 💙✨
Now, about a month ago, I'd been watching a retrospective on the critically un-acclaimed Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman, a game I had growing up. It's important for me to mention that I had seen and personally played the aforementioned gameplay section before, though for some reason seeing it again struck me with a brilliant project idea.
Anyone who's been following me for at least a year knows that I've designed a cavalcade of candied characters for my own arcade game concept, Rascal, and initially my idea for Door2Door— which I also called Project JJ (In reference to the sandwich chain Jimmy John's)— was to give it a plot simple enough to translate into an arcade game.
The idea was that you played as a plucky delivery driver who rides through the streets of a seedy city to deliver a food order to the... er, order-ee. But your progress would be impeded by a fiendish gang of mobster alley cats who are after your sandwiches, so there would have definitely been a large cartoony element to the gameplay loop.
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I drew concept art for Door2Door's protagonist, then known as Marcy, though I really wasn't vibing with either drawing. For one, making the protagonist a cat seemed a bit overdone, and I already have a cat character who's name rhymes with Marcy, so that had to go. More so, I also couldn't settle on a good spriting style, which prompted me to rethink the whole project.
Well, there is a general aura of cartooniness to Door2Door, I thought, why not just embrace that vibe whole-heartedly and reshape the project into a long-lost late nineties cartoon?
I did like the idea of having an excuse to drawing more animation cels, though if I was going to make Door2Door into something resembling a cel-animated cartoon, I was prepared to go the full distance in nailing that aesthetic, in the form of how characters are designed and the way I go about drawing each screenshot.
For those unfamiliar with cel animation, essentially it can be described as a traditional form of animation and involves objects— usually characters— being hand-inked and painted on clear celluloid sheets and placed over painted backgrounds.
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Above, I've provided a visual for what a standalone 'cel' from Door2Door would look like, coupled with a hand-painted background. When overlaid on top of one another...
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... you would get this! This is exactly how cartoons were animated up until the era of digital inking and coloring... but that begs the question. How am I achieving a hand-drawn and painted aesthetic if everything I've shown so far has been drawn digitally?
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I have my ways! It involves a lot of studying how individual cels of animation look, and taking note of recurring hallmarks; grainy textures, paint blemishes, drop shadows, etc. Above, I've assembled a small gif of my process in composing a screenshot for Door2Door, from lineart to final product!
So, that all should loosely explain it; Door2Door is what would happen if I were in charge of a late nineties Cartoon Network show, and what you've seen here is merely the beginning. Going forward, I will be posting art of Door2Door's main cast with some additional character information and concept art for each one, though for the time being, enjoy all five art pieces I've supplied for this post— they are perhaps the biggest works of mine yet this year! 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Vimana-"Chariots of the Gods"- Merkabah. Talon Abraxas
The Hindu ancient texts and Vedas (religious teachings) are full of amazing stories about different gods, their extraordinary powers, and battles that took place many centuries ago. Their sagas are perceived as mythological stories that create useful lessons for application in real life.
These myths describe gods who fight with against evil forces on flying crafts. These were originally known as “Ratha” before being more commonly referred to as “Vimana” meaning traversing or measured out. Vimanas are flying chariots, or even flying palaces, mentioned in Sanskrit epics and Hindu texts.
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modern-day-bard · 8 months
Worth The Feeling
A/n: Hi! This is my first time writing fanfiction and I will admit that the first few chapters are a little rocky, but hang in there and I promise it’s a fun little read. I tried to structure this story as a cutesy, lighthearted romance novel, and I think I found that pace later on. With some of the chapters containing adult content, I would ask that minors do not read or interact with my posts. There is explicit smut and fluff, and some intimidation in a couple of chapters. Other than that and the age gap (MC is 26, Javi is in his 40s), there are no other major trigger warnings. I also purposefully did not give the main character any physical descriptors, other than her being shorter than Javi, because I wanted whoever is reading it to be able to picture themselves. I found it too difficult to write the story from the perspective of “y/n.” I tried to choose a name that was hopefully racially ambiguous enough so anyone could connect with the character. Finally, if you do choose to read my story, thank you and happy reading! Summary: Ava Cohen is a 26-year-old production assistant working tirelessly to achieve her dream of one day becoming a film director. As hiatus from her last project comes to a close, she returns to set with Norwick Productions, whom she has worked with for the past four years. After a major fo paux on the first day of work, Ava is worried she has offended the star of this next production: Javi Gutierrez. She will soon come to realize, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When the cast and crew travel to Italy to film on location, the seriousness of what Ava is feeling becomes all too real, just as a new career opportunity lands in her lap. As tensions run high, watchful eyes set in, and her career is put at stake, can all of this be worth it in the end?
Content Warning: 18+
Chapter 1
I wonder if it's possible to drive with your eyes partially sealed shut. It should be illegal to be awake this early. 4:30am call time on the first day? I've been on more productions than I can count, though I fear this one will finally be the one to take me down. At least this morning we're on the sound stage as opposed to on sight in Italy. Maybe most 26-year-olds would be jumping at the opportunity to fly abroad with all expenses paid. But to me, the thought of being stuck on a steel tin in the sky for any amount of time is enough to make me consider throwing in the towel on this job all together. But I'm not going to think about that right now. I take a deep breath as I pull onto the lot. The first day on set is always the most chaotic. The amount of people who seem to forget how to do their jobs during hiatus grows every time we return. I can't judge of course, because I may soon be one of them. I've been with Norwick Productions since I was 22, and I'm already feeling burnt out after only four years. Granted, the burn out could be due to completing grad school homework until one in the morning, and arriving here before the sun came up. Regardless, my first stop is craft services for coffee. After I'm caffeinated and signed in, my duties pile high. As a Production Assistant, I'm given any and all tasks other employees didn't have time to complete. Sometimes the lack of time to complete the task was due to a lack of desire to complete it, which could lead to some pretty unfortunate chores for me. Picking up dry cleaning, faking tears over the phone to convince the fire department to give us a permit, walking talent's dogs, cleaning up said dog's poop, you name it. I even had to shave our leading lady's armpits. Twice. They take the "other duties as assigned" line on the job application to the extremes.
Talent is arriving in two hours and we still don't have everyone's trailer set up, so that is my first stop. The one thing I pride myself on is that despite being a major movie buff, I had an uncanny ability not to get starstruck. No matter how often their name was trending or how many awards these people have won, I always saw them as part of the crew. Was I a little rattled on my first set? Sure. But when you realize how helpless a lot of these rich actors are, the sparkle sort of wears off.
I typically never got a chance to read the script beforehand. It isn't a requirement of PAs, and in fact, we're not even allowed to see them every time. So until I have the call sheet in hand, I'm not sure who I am setting up these trailers for. And in my dazed need for coffee, I forgot to grab a call sheet (a huge no-no for PAs, but I'll blame it on last night's homework bender). From what I saw inside a few minutes ago, it looks like the first scene has something to do with the CIA. There were giant print-outs of the lettering all over the wall. For now, all I have to go off of is the CIA and the impending doom of travel to Italy in a few weeks. I finish prepping the two lead's trailers with a welcome letter, various snacks, and a copy of today's filming schedule. I check my watch: 6:00am. Still a half hour until they arrive. I tip my head back, taking in as much of my coffee as I can as I head toward the door of the trailer.
I swing the door open, and crash right into something hard. The movement sends my coffee splashing down the front of my shirt and dripping onto my shoes. "Shit." I hiss, looking down at my soaked t-shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." A sincere male voice causes my head to snap back up. In my sleep-deprivarty, I didn't connect the fact that I had crashed into a person and not a wall. The man in front of me is taking off a pair of sunglasses, a mortified expression on his face. A face that I don't recognize. He's certainly attractive, and possibly in his forties? His dark brows are pulling together in concern, his brown eyes deep with sympathy. A rush of embarrassment creeps up my cheeks as I realize that I had walked directly into his chest when I was trying to leave the trailer. I take a step back so I don't have to crane my head to look up at him. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." I say quietly, warmth still coating my cheeks. "You're sorry? Don't be. I wasn't looking either." He steps inside, ducking his tall frame under the door to enter. "And your poor shirt..." He gestures to my now semi-sheer t-shirt. I put my coffee down on the small table and cross my arms over my chest. "You don't have to worry about this trailer," I say, changing the subject. "I already prepped it." "Oh, uh, thank you." He looks confused now, and he starts shrugging off a backpack I didn't realize he was carrying. He tosses the bag on one of the chairs at the table. I notice he doesn't have a walkie either. He must be new, and sure to get a talking to by Lloyd if he's dumping his stuff in a talent trailer and strolling around without a walkie. "When were you hired?" I keep my tone casual, conversational. I find that I can deal with embarrassment better if I keep the other person talking. "About five months ago, I think." He starts to run his hand across the table between us, watching his own movements carefully. I get the sense that he's trying not to look at me. "Well, welcome aboard. I should warn you that the director is pretty strict about PAs walking around without walkies. Trust me, I got my ass handed to me during my first week. Super embarrassing." I roll my eyes for emphasis. He looks up at me then, his smile warm, and his tone carries a humor that I don't quite understand when he says, "Thank you. I'll keep it in mind." "No problem. Oh, and I'm Ava." I extend my hand and he takes it. His hand envelopes mine, and I realize in that moment that he is quite a bit larger than me. This realization, combined with the warmth on his palm makes me feel funny. "I'm Javi." He smiles again. "Good to meet you," I say, taking my hand back to check my watch once more. "Talent should be arriving soon so wherever you need to be, I would head over there now." I walk toward the door as I say it, taking extra care when opening the door this time. "I'm sorry again, Ava." He calls after me, his voice still just as sincere as the first time he apologized. "Don't worry about it!" I call back, closing the door behind me. I take the few steps down from the trailer, breathing a sigh of relief to be out of that moment. However, that sigh gets sucked back down my throat when I see the two words in bold on the front of the trailer I just left. Javi Gutierrez
And if my cheeks were red before, now they are maroon.
Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
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overandunderland · 3 months
Knuckle Daggers (Name Pending)
"These will assure you—oh what is the quote, Daedalus, from the that colorful sign by the—" Solen pondered searching his brain for the answer.
"Float like a Butterfly and Sting like a Bee," answered the bat. "Though, I am unsure how one makes butter 'fly' in the Overland, I am however–familiar with the term you use for the Hive Born."
The Knuckles, crafted by the inventive Solen, are a deadly blend of brass knuckles and concealed blades, designed specifically for the combat needs of a boxer. Constructed from lightweight, high-strength metals, these weapons provide both durability and precision, making them ideal for close-quarters combat in the Underland.
The key feature of thee Knuckles is the concealed blade, which can be deployed, locked, and retracted using an intricate finger-operated mechanical system. This system is designed to match the natural movements of a boxer's hand, allowing for rapid transitions between blunt force and lethal strikes. Depending on grip, position and deployment.
Mechanical Operation
- Finger-Operated Ratchet and Gear System: The deployment and retraction of the blade are controlled by a combination of specific finger movements.
- Index Finger Deployment: butClenching the fist with emphasis on the index finger engages the ratchet gear mechanism, extending the blade FROM l0its housing.
- Middle Finger Lock: Once the blade is fully extended, releasing slight pressure on the middle finger locks the blade in place, allowing the user to maintain combat readiness without continued clenching but user can for comfort and better grip. A double clench and release will release the blades lock.
- Manual Blade Ejection: The blade can be ejected by performing a precise wrist flick combined with pressing a hidden thumb lever, launching it forward as a projectile.
- **Blade Storage and Reloading:** Blades are carried on a specialized belt designed for quick access. Reloading involves fitting a new blade onto the knuckles and resetting the mechanism with a simple twist.
- Blade Lock: Releasing slight pressure on the middle finger locks the blade in its extended position, allowing the user to relax their hand.
- Clenched Fist Deployment:Tightening the fist, especially the index finger, activates the ratchet and gear mechanism, extending the blade.
- Blade Retraction:A hidden button accessible by the ring finger releases the lock, retracting the blade into its housing.
The Knuckles are perfect for a boxer seeking to transition seamlessly between delivering blunt force trauma and inflicting deadly stabs and slices. The finger-operated mechanism ensures rapid deployment, locking, and retraction of the blade, while the manual ejection system provides an additional ranged attack option. The ability to quickly reload from a belt ensures that the user is never unarmed. This combination of features makes the Knuckles an indispensable tool for Underland operatives, ensuring they are always prepared for any combat scenario.
Normally people draw humans for commissions who out here draws weapons, or can draw fantasy blueprints for things? Anyway. This was a challenge to make cool or at least try to sound cool. What are you guys think. And who do you think this is going to go to in SOTW?
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goddesspharo · 6 months
top five foods you'd feed glen powell. (this is unhinged, i'm sorry, i've had an entire bottle of wine.)
[ask me my top five anythings!]
His fridge tour in that Men's Health video was a product placement travesty - where's the food??? you live off Cali Water??? - as were most of those vague non-answers where he never actually mentioned what he ate. (My favorite part of those MH himbo videos is the what's in your fridge/what do you eat segments!)
Cheese! This "I don't eat cheese, it is moldy queso" business does not fly with me unless you physically cannot eat cheese for fear of death or veganism. The only instance of "I could fix him" I would ever employ in another human being would be to inspire an appreciation of cheese. Eat a pizza, buddy! Have some lasagna! Gnaw on some aged cheddar. Bake up some Brie. Let Halloumi into your heart. (I also don't understand how a person can be that into college football and not eat nachos. 90% of why I watch the Super Bowl is so that I have an excuse to make nachos! Also is his dislike of cheese limited to savory applications? Is he going through life not eating cheesecake? That's sad.)
Carbs for breakfast! I was tempted to try that sweet potato base breakfast situation he had going on but it did not look appetizing. (Maybe he's a bad cook?) Put it on a croissant! Have a classic bagel & lox sandwich with some nice tomato, capers, red onions. I need more hot men to shill for Russ & Daughters like Jake Gyllenhaal.
The product placement Doritos so we can hang out with Danny Ramirez.
A proper slice of pie, not that garbage Netflix handed him for Hit Man promo that didn't even have an egg wash on it.
I do not know what foods are on a craft services table, but what I'm setting down is chocolate bread pudding (I make the best) or Claire Saffitz's giant ass chocolate chip cookie from Dessert Person. (Each scoop is a quarter cup! It is the size of your hand but so delicious.)
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another vent thingy lol
okay there’s these like international programs at my school that you can qualify for in sports and journalism and all kinds of things and they just restarted the art program. and i really really really want to apply.
applications are due march 5. we fly out (to move) on march 23. and my mother is like not so subtly preparing me for the actual trip to be in like april or may and therefore for me not to be able to go but i really want to believe that they’d do the trip like march 15-19 and id be able to make it. i’m probably just being silly but i really want it to be true.
i want to submit the watercolor stuff i do and go and meet these other kids from different schools and countries and i want to fucking do something for once but i’m probably not even gonna be able to.
it’s like the moment i find something that i actually want to do it’s just squashed and i don’t like how that feels.
i might have a sesh tonight with the craft knife.
i don’t even know if id qualify but i want to go so fucking bad i can’t even describe it. like i’m literally crying over the thought of not even being able to submit a form bcs it’d be a waste of their time. im making myself nauseous lol.
i gotta get a life sometime lmao. this ain’t it.
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ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
Made some character descriptions!! For all of my Skyrim characters, minus zuft’zahr’s siblings and my other werewolf :3
There’s a lot more under the read more thing but I don’t wanna fully clog people’s dash up, so the Dragonborn characters are the only visible ones for now
Farlian Seven - Khajiit(Cathay), dragonborn. Farlian has white fur with black stripes reminiscent of a white tiger, and has yellow eyes. She uses heavy armor, favoring blades armor and ebony, and she uses the dragon priest mask Nahkriin. She has two golden hoop earrings on each ear. Casual clothes include a turtleneck and a long skirt with varying patterns and styles, the most common being an animated blue starry shirt and an orange cloudy sky dress. || Farlian uses an ebony mace and the daedric artifact ‘spellbreaker’, a boon from Peryite. She also utilizes some destruction magic and some restoration. || She is affiliated with almost every Skyrim faction, including; the companions, the college of winterhold, the thieves guild, the dark brotherhood, the bards college, etc.
Virthik Fjovur - nord, dragonborn. Virthik has pale pinkish skin, blue dragon like eyes, and blonde hair with a braid near the front. He has two horns reminiscent of a dragon’s, the right one broken close to the scalp. At around the middle of the forearm his hands transition from white to a scale like grey, and become a little tougher. His fingers end in slightly sharpened claws growing out of the bone of the hand. He also has rather noticeable eye bags, regardless of how much sleep he gets. He wears carved Nordic armor with no helmet when in battle. When relaxing he wears a cozy blue knit sweater, a very fluffy scarf of sorts, and fur lined cargo pants. His dragon form is a dark grey with a lighter grey highlight, and dark blue horns/joint scales.[gore until the dark red text stops] The stomach, throat, and chest of the dragon are hollowed out excluding the bones, lungs, and heart, and it is missing the usual scales and muscles that cover it up. The jawbone is also missing scales and muscles. Despite the lack of proper muscles he can still fly, eat, and breathe just fine. || Virthik uses a specially enchanted and crafted ebony sword named “ “, as well as minimal restoration magic and a wide variety of shouts. || He is affiliated with the companions, the thieves guild, the rebuilt helgen, and a few others. He is also a follower of ikalis matrix, mentioned in the section labeled gods.
Zuft’zahr Satanni - Khajiit(Cathay), dragonborn. He has mostly brown fur with black stripes. His chin, belly, and underside of his tail/inner ears are a red to tan gradient. He has a daedric reminiscent symbol on his forehead that is seemingly natural in origin. His hair is black, and He uses dragon scale armor for most open combat, but otherwise uses a mix of thieves guild and dark brotherhood armor. No matter what he he wears an orange knit scarf with red accents, however. When not out for business he wears a sweater under a nice warm coat with many pockets, and either some sweat pants or an ankle length dress. || He primarily uses the blade of woe or chillrend, but has a battleaxe as a backup weapon as well. He uses quite a lot of illusion and alteration magic as well. Zuft'zahr also owns a small enchanted pocket watch which can rewind time. He uses this to attempt for the best possible scenario in every applicable situation. || He is affiliated with the dark brotherhood, the thieves guild, the blades, the college of winterhold, and the bards college.
Ka’rah Seven - Khajiit(Suthay-raht). Ka’rah has the same fur colors as her sister, but has bluish purple eyes with bright purple veins. Her markings are much flowy and curly than farlian’s. She has a large magic scar on the left side of her face. Her hair is braided and tied together down her back, and she has “facial hair” which is puffy and flows down a few inches past her collar bone. She wears a cape, heavy duty half skirt, and a loose green shirt most of the time, but also has a ritual outfit with many skulls and whatnot. Her casual outfit is a formal skintight shirt with lace making it a turtleneck, and flowy open sleeved arms. Her pants are heavy duty with a few decorative holes at the top of the leg. She also wears a manacle that functions as a detect magic and block magic charm. She also has a talking skull named torbar, which can either be worn or carried. || She wields a staff made of bone and leather, with insets of amethyst and a large purple orb that appears to be an unknown magical gem, possibly a soul gem. This is used to focus on many spells at once, and also lets her command her skeleton army with minimal shouting. || She is affiliated very loosely with the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood, for a steady supply of corpses and gemstones to use in spellcasting, but otherwise avoids most upstanding organizations. She is a “professional Necromancer warlord”, in other words, a necromancer that just really likes showing off.
Donein Seedmire - Bosmer. Donenin has slightly desaturated yellow skin with many scars and marks. His hair is a plain dark ish brown, as are his eyes. He always looks like he has cried recently, and is a little more flushed than a Bosmer would usually be. He wears a simple green shirt with an orange scarf, as well as some plain brown pants and quality(if a little worn) leather boots. He noticeably does not possess any sort of antler or horn. His teeth are incredibly sharp, and grow back in when they either fall out or are removed. || Donenin favors the bow, and has a specially made one crafted from particularly bendable bits of cartilage, and has little garnets studded around the handle. It also sports special ebony fittings. He also carries a small, rough ebony dagger with similar garnet fittings and a bone handle. || He is not affiliated with any of the bigger organizations of skyrim, but he goes around and helps out in smaller towns like rorikstead and karthwasten. He worships kynareth and mara.
Sifaris Denhan - snow elf, vampire. Sifaris has very pale skin, and exceedingly short hair. He has a tail reminiscent of a rat’s, as well as slightly clawed hands. His eyes are a slightly harsh yellow with a red rim and black scleras, as well as a pupil reminiscent of a cat’s. He has faded red tattoos on his back(which appear more pink than red), which curl around his torso to just under his top surgery scars. He wears a black turtleneck, as well as bits of homemade chaurus armor. He has thick, padded pants and heavy duty chaurus boots and gauntlets. He also has a hood with goggles and a mask, to make sure nobody knows he's a vampire. Also it looks good. He prefers to wear hoodies and other baggy clothes when not on a job. || He usually uses a double sided greatsword, but also has been seen using alteration, and occasionally a dual set of daggers. He specifically does not use any vampire abilities in battle, because honestly he doesn't know where that blood has been. || He was affiliated with the snow elves of the forgotten vale, but now he mostly just does mercenary work. He is married to citrine. He is a vampire that is tied to sanguine, not molag bal.
Citrine - altmer, werewolf. Citrine has healthy, sunny yellow skin with a few scars and sunburns at all times. He has silver eyes, clawed hands, and very light, fluffy blonde hair. Not quite platinum blonde, but very close. Occasionally he may have certain wolfish characteristics such as a tail or claws. || Citrine usually wears a classic monk outfit, with as few buttons as possible, and no shoes or footwraps. He wears the ring of Hircine infrequently, essentially just when he's in highly populated areas. He doesn't mind randomly wolfing out, says it gives life a little more spice. || He occasionally uses brass knuckles, but otherwise sticks completely to unarmed strikes and werewolf attacks. He wields some restoration magic as well, but mostly studies whatever he can that would help out sifaris in a pinch, as he has very fast natural regeneration. || He is as dedicated to sif as the tide is to the moon. He also somewhat follows Hircine, but more in the way that an employee likes their nice ish boss (Don't call when I'm off the clock cos I prolly won't answer). He is also a fan of dibella+sanguine’s teachings, but doesn't actively follow either of them. And of course he is married to sif.
Imerae Semalion - Falmer(the in game enemy kind). Imerae also has pale pale skin, though it is much rougher than Sif’s. She has many little scrapes just about everywhere. She also has a tail similar to sif’s, but it acts more as a prehensile tail than a cat tail. She has white hair grouped into two braided pigtails. She wears the usual thieves guild getup, minus the shoes. The only difference is that it’s all a pinkish hue, as is everything she wears ever. She usually doesn’t wear much other than her thieves guild attire, but she doesn’t mind baggy short sleeve shirts. || she uses a mix of daggers and bows, and favors stealth bow techniques, with the use of detect life and undead. || she’s obviously connected to the thieves guild, but she’s also semi related to the bard’s college and the college of winterhold. She appreciates nocturnal and boethia’s thing, though she doesn’t really follow follow any one deity.
Beynir Pale-sky - Nord. Beynir is very close to your typical Nord, and ironically extremely close to the looks of the preset for a Nord in the base game. He just has stubble instead of full mutton chops, and his hair is a little curlier. He wears the usual whiterun guard outfit, but with long yellow sleeves under the Chain mail. He also has brown eyes. || he uses the standard one handed sword+shield combo, but also has trained a little bit in unarmed combat. Just in case!! || he of course is affiliated with the whiterun guard, and a little bit of the thieves guild and companions.
Lurks-in-Darkness - argonian/saxhleel. LD has mostly black scales, with dark red accents and muddy chartreuse scales along the spine+top of the head. She has shiny red feathers that end with a tick of black on her head/neck and tail. Her tongue and inner mouth is black, and has a bite similar to that of a Komodo dragon. Her eyes are a shiny blood red with very thin, sharp pupils, and she has 3 chartreuse mini horns on each side of her head. She wears many daedric related suits of armor, her favorite being a modified suit of Daedric mail with a sickly green glow and red details. She wears a casual yellow long sleeve shirt under a blacksmith’s apron, with durable leather pants and leather foot wraps. She does not actually have boobs as one may assume, she actually just hides any contraband/stolen goods she finds in a pocket in her shirt :). Taking advantage of peoples stupidity 25/8 baby! || she wields both a Daedric greatsword or an orcish hammer, as well as almost all of the offensive schools of magic, excluding some illusion and most restoration. She also owns quite a few Daedric artifacts, and can wield most all of them at least semi effectively. || she is of course affiliated with quite a few of the Daedric princes, as well as limited interaction with their respective organizations, though she also has interactions with the college of winterhold quite often. This is to get access to the Atronach forge and the Daedric gauntlet.
Sara dellum - Dunmer . Sara has grayish skin, with white and red face paint and orange-red hair in the style of dreads, tucked back in a ponytail. He wears a mix of morag tong styled gear and specially crafted bonemold, designed for peak stealth. He also has little bits of skin where a keratin like structure acts as ‘scales’ on places like the bicep, outer thigh, and stomach. This is the same color as his skin. || Sara wields dual daggers exclusively, but also knows rudimentary hand to hand combat. He has a special coin that, when incorporated with other coins, can tell him whether or not any are illegitimate. || he was affiliated with the morag tong, but has since moved on to be a lone contractor. He has occasionally run into the dark brotherhood, and visits the thieves guild often in the dark corners, for those looking to strike a quick deal for a little cheaper than the larger groups. He has also been seen skulking around in raven rock and tel mythrin.
Mako Lograk - orsimer. Mako has rough green skin with a tinge of yellow, and is quite hairy. In addition to a lot of body hair, he has mustard yellow scales speckled around his cheeks, chest, shoulders, stomach, and forearms. Essentially everywhere there is hair. His hair is dark brown, and the hair on his head is curly, while his body hair is more reminiscent of a wild hogs’, being thick and wiry, and relatively straight. He wears no shirt, but his pants are a soft and warm wool, and his boots are a waterproof leather insulated with bits of animal pelts and fur. He wears a harness for his axe to be idly carried, and lugs around a large bag meant to preserve any alchemical ingredients he may come across. || he uses a large axe to do most fighting, but also owns multiple sets of different scissors to harvest various plants and whatnot with. || he is not affiliated with any major groups, but just about every alchemist in Skyrim knows him as an extremely reliable source of ingredients for potions, and a little bit of gossip from the other alchemists.
Alriac Vilri - maomer. Alriac has pale blue skin that seems slightly transparent and shiny, and large web shaped ears. His eyes have a low blue glow, and his hair is dark ish blue with almost white streaks. He has webbed hands and feet, and his fingers end in a hard and sharp point. When on land he wears a loose, flowy button up shirt at least halfway unbuttoned, a slightly weathered teal dress, and quite honestly the worst looking boots you’ve ever seen, with mold starting to grow on the sides and at least one hole in the seams or from pure wear and tear on the leather. He also has a pearl bracelet and a silver necklace, inlaid with sapphire. When in the water he simply wears his jewelry. His mermaid tail is a shimmery silver with sapphire blue stripes near the waist, and he has gills in between his ribs. || he does not frequently fight, but when he does he prefers ice based destruction magic or alteration. Otherwise he uses sharp, shark like teeth, as well as claws to hook into prey or foe, to rip and tear.
Ithvozal Raogarn - Dwemer. Ithvozal has dark ish yellow skin meant to withstand pressure and heat. They have brown frizzy hair which they pull back into a low ponytail, and bright blue eyes. Their body is paralyzed from the waist down, and as such they use a wheelchair designed for maximum mobility and effectiveness. Some functions of this mobility device include: a built in crossbow, the ability to curl up into a ball and speed around with Ithvozal inside, interface and control of many dwarven constructs, heating and cooling, and many more small functions. || they mainly utilize a specialized hand crossbow and the weapons on their chair. They keep a notebook and pen with them at all times, to mark down what may need to be repaired or removed, as well as to plan out what they’ll build next. They also carry a wide range of tools for impromptu repairs. || ithvozal follows no gods. They are also the only one in their large cave system other than their non Dwemer friends.
Bivelle rivera - dunmer. She has pinkish grey skin with red and black face paint around the eyes. She has small dragonfly like wings, the membranes of which are a dark shimmery black-blue color, reminiscent of stained glass. She also has a small dragonfly like ‘tail’. She is wearing a red and black corset with shiny silver filigree and buckles, soft red and yellow striped pants, black boots with yellow accentwork, and a short red half skirt. Under the corset there is a flowy black blouse. || She wields a wavy dagger, as well as a variety of embalming tools and torture tools. She uses mainly necromantic magic when she is casting, but also has been seen using illusion magic when needed. || She is not affiliated with any large organizations, but has started a small cult that sows discord throughout solstheim and windhelm, and really any place they see fit. She is good acquaintances with Sara, and helps score clients whenever possible.
And that’s all the Skyrim lovelies!
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
The Cynical Puppet
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Name: The Balladeer (Scaramouche)
Age: 500+
Species: Puppet
Birthday: January 3rd
Region: Snezhnaya
Affiliation: The Fatui
Vision: ????
Delusion: [Electro]
Weapon: [Catalyst]
Constellation: ????
Ship Status: Open to multiship, but this will require HEAVY-HEAVY plotting.
>To see the Wanderer (Post-Fatui), please click here.  >To see Kabukimono (Pre-Fatui), please click here. 
>Lore || Voicelines || Headcanons
"As the Balladeer, he is the Sixth Fatui Harbinger bearing the title of "Scaramouche". An arrogant and haughty figure who sought to become a higher being surpassing both mortals and gods. The Balladeer had reached his dream, but alas even he must wake up and face his own reality..."
After leaving Inazuma, the puppet was recruited by Pierro to join the Fatui. In exchange for Dottore unsealing his power, the puppet becomes his test subject. At the same time, the Tsaritsa gave him a task- He would lead an expedition into the Abyss and bring results back to the Fatui. A grueling cycle of the puppet body breaking and repairing, but he eventually succeeded and was given the rank of the Sixth Fatui Harbinger- The Balladeer (Scaramouche). 
Within the Fatui, the Balladeer is usually on standby and tasked with odd jobs helping the Fatui behind the scenes. He is still Dottore test subject and sometimes explores the Abyss on the Pierro orders. 
At some point in time, the Balladeer returned to Inazuma under the name “Kunikuzushi” and pulled the strings for the Raiden Gokaden to fall from grace. He is the reason why three out of the five schools are destroyed. This incident later known as “The Case of the Eccentric” is Kunikuzushi vengeance against “the blacksmith” leaving only Kaedehara Yoshinari (whom he recognized as a Niwa) and the Yashiro head as the survivors during the chase. 
[Rest of the Balladeer story where he meets the Traveler, please refer to “Lore” to see the summarized version on his wiki page]
Delusion: The Balladeer wields an Electro Delusion gifted by the Tsaritsa. To the surprise of many, the application of his newfound powers went into healing/support rather than destruction. It doesn’t mean he isn’t any less violent as he will shoot bolts of lightning at you and finish it with a spinning lightning blade. 
Skill: The Balladeer casts a ring of electro around you applying electro to nearby enemies. In exchange for his and his allies' vigor, the Balladeer can boost your stats temporarily. At the end of the duration, the ring disappears and your vigor (health points) are restored by a certain percentage. 
Ultimate: The Balladeer summons multiple spinning lightning blades that fly and attack enemies, casting an AOE electro damage to enemies within range. 
Weapon: The Balladeer main weapon is a catalyst used to strengthen his elemental attacks. He is capable of using a sword and has some knowledge of martial arts. 
Durability: Due to his origins, the Balladeer puppet body is more durable than a human. This is further enhanced by his time during the Fatui where as the Balladeer, he was assigned missions to explore the Abyss and experimented on by the Doctor. 
Dancing: The Balladeer, who used to have no name, was known to be a beautiful and elegant sword dancer by the people living near Mikage Furnance in Tatarasuna. Whether he can still dance is a topic he avoids with great intensity.
Cunning: He has proven to be a skillful actor capable of hiding his true self behind a polite and friendly mask. 
Blacksmith: When the Balladeer was raised among the people in Tartarasuna, he was taken in by Niwa and the other swordsmiths who taught him the art of crafting blades. He is one of the few who still remembers the Isshin Art (the other being Kaedehara Kazuha). But he cast such memories aside for they are bitter on his tongue.
Talents: The Balladeer can decrease the cost of enhancing catalyst and bow weapons. 
Special Dish: ????
||Updated 3/23/24
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redotter · 1 year
Soarers magic system - magi
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Nomenclature - Romanian for mage/mages (so basically I just gave it a latin plural for consistency)
Medium range - couple of tens of meters (like a yard)
Medium endurance - can use their powers for like an hour at a time
Medium versatility - can work with zmei, vraci, fairies and strigoi to unlock new powers
Some sub-specialties:
Heavy objects, slow movement: used in construction, transportation
Light objects, fast movement: used in sports, combat
Light objects, precise movement: used in crafts, medicine
Flying: used in entertainment, transportation (magi always need to "anchor" themselves, so here flying means using the earth and trees/buildings to constantly balance by pushing and pulling on stuff... it's dangerous and difficult and has virtually no practical application so it's not a popular specialty)
Some extremes:
Lifting up to a tone
Precise levitation (because they need to distribute lots of small push forces into the floor, it's hard to make it not wobbly)
Accelerating pebbles up to bullet speed
Threading needles
Precise flying
Some law limitations:
Don't hurt people with the zbor, you know the drill
No flying / lifting people up higher than 2 meters unless authorized
No moving cars / carriages in traffic unless you have a driver's license + magi specific certificate
Some magi characters:
Felix Feier
Ioana (Nana) Feier
Petrică Praș
Aisha Aziz
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