#Ignore how stiff this is
garzzum · 5 months
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Nerevar and Alandro Sul (and Voryn)
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anakinsbunniee · 2 months
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Your boyfriend, Toji, is getting tired of your way of sleeping.
Toji loved you truly. No matter how many flaws you had and no matter how often he had to put up with your bratty attitude, he loved you down to the core.
But could literally anyone blame him?
He has been lovestruck since the day he saw you waitressing at that one restaurant. You were such a delicate, sweet girl who always flashed him the prettiest smile when he ordered or just walked past; he doesn't think that he'll ever regret having met you.
What he does regret, though, is never having you completely wrapped up in a blanket during the nights. No matter how far he crawls away from you on your king-size bed, you would still somehow reach out to hit him in your sleep.
“Oh my, what happened to you again, Toji?” was something you constantly asked in the mornings while lightly inspecting the little red kick or slap marks on the pale skin of his face or his legs.
A mere grumble would usually be the only response you'd get while he continued sipping on his cup of coffee.
Once again, this night it's no different. When the typical silver orb suspends in the darkness of the night, the dainty moonlight starts shining into your room. Just a few seconds after he's suddenly slowly woken up by a few harsh kicks to his thigh.
He ignored it at first; maybe it was just an accident while turning around? But when you suddenly moved and looked over at him with tired and half-awakening eyes, he raised an eyebrow at you.
BAM! was the sound that could be heard when Toji suddenly hit the hard wooden floor. Just then he starts gawking at the way you have the audacity to get comfortable on his side of the bed.
He immediately gets up and picks you up, launching you over his shoulder with a firm grip on your butt.
“That's it, missy. You're definitely not sleeping here tonight.” He grumbles rather playfully, even though he knew that you didn't hear it. 
With long strides, he carries you to the guest room, laying you down on the fluffy silk blankets. “Sleep well, a'ight? We'll talk about it tomorrow,” he whispers, contemplating whether or not he should give you a little goodnight kiss like you usually gave him before going to sleep.
Nevertheless, he immediately shook that idea out of his head. You weren't awake anyway. With a tired yawn, he returns back to your shared bedroom, getting comfortable on the bed with finally no one there to hurt him.
He was going to use this chance to finally get some real rest.
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in-the-airducts · 6 months
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POV ur ambulon
For @lemonomelette's DTIYS! A lot of work but very fun.
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divinemach1ne · 11 months
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it do a big stretch
whattt first actual ultrakill post...?! ive been obsessed with it for ages i just never finish/share any art whooppsss... anyway.. casually gives it a tail (i usually dont but. i love giving things tails)
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honeyspotpie · 3 months
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Realized I haven't posted art on here IN AGES... so enjoy some s2 digital doodles I aesthetically compiled on a canvas^^
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galenti · 4 months
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locke and jean doodles :3
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ggvannba · 6 days
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saw creaman's gorgeous riddler design and i HAD to give my ridds a few feathers
edit: i forgot to colour a single strand of hair and now it's gonna bug me forever and ever
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stiffyck · 2 years
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please enjoy my cat in a box
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hazeeex3 · 12 days
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The pencil crayon gods said yes last night I guess because how did I draw this
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axolozzy · 6 months
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@creppersfunpalooza i drew your evil bastard Vian for funsies >:) biting him. biting him so much right now!! also i didn’t know what to do for the background so it’s just. the void
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starsinthenigth · 3 months
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★hm. urh. shook, shocked, surprised erm.★
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rillette · 12 days
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i forgot how to draw 😭
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the-apple-juice · 1 year
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He got blocked
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jackobbit · 8 months
Sorry it’s been so long since I uploaded art! I had to move again lately so it took me ages to get my stuff set back up, I feel way out of practice so I apologize if this isn’t the best.
Regardless, woe, E.V.I.L. be upon ye
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[ID: A digitally drawn, colorless image of Solar Flare and Bloodmoon from the Working for E.V.I.L. Au. They both sit on the ground and look off to the left where offscreen Eclipse says “You two only get a five minute break.” Solar Flare responds with “Setting timer” in block letters to represent a robotic voice as Bloodmoon flips off the off-screen Eclipse in frustration. Solar Flare is a blocky robot with a circular head, a vent for a mouth and several angled sun-like rays that surround their head. They sit with one leg on the floor and the other bent upwards, both arms are placed on either side of Solar Flare as their hands rest on the ground. Bloodmoon sits to the right. He is a robot who wears several belts and chains, a twin tailed jester hat, devil horns and baggy pants. They look displeased as one arm holds his body upwards, his legs crossed over one another with one flat on the floor and other going above it. He has two tails, both of which sprawl out to the left and right. The entire picture is colored white. /End ID]
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certifiedducky · 12 days
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loving dead-tired marinette and over-excited alya. specifically an akuma struck late last night.
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falst · 1 month
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my modern/college falst (and alinua) are sonic fans 💥
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