#Illya was just like
The Yukon Affair S2 E14
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Look, social media aus are very dumb but fun to do fklxkdk Illya would make short videos (mostly) about fashion, and Napoleon would be very unsubtle about being a Spy
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I am formally apologizing to the uncle fandom for tiktoker Illya Kuryakin, I have no regrets (also @quijicroix is part responsible, being my evil advisor)
Here are the posts in details, and the profile pics :)
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No process this time, just me yapping for way to long about every choice and refs that went into this dumb au below vvv
Illya is younger than Napoleon (I usualy headcanon him at around 25 and Napoleon 35ish), so I think their use of social media would be quite different : hence Illya on Tiktok and Napoleon on Instagram. Also it's not the 60s so Illya can be like 10% less reppressed :)) but as a debuff Napoleon now has the technology to call him a nerd
Illya's page started as a cover for some affair, but he ended up kinda enjoying doing it in his free time. It's like a hobby for him, a way to experiment with fashion ! It's what made him want to pursue fashion design as a career after his curent spy job. And also I think he gets more and more nervous the more followers he gets, because as a spy having a chance to get recognise in the street is really bad dkdldlos Napoleon teases him endlessly that he became a tiktoker (as he should)-
Did I, at one point in the project, had to scrap the thirst trap idea to keep the fashion nerd vibes ? Yes I did, but just know he uses the "twink" tag :)
• The first post is a ref to the discotheque affair, not the best episode and a great miss for not including a disco Illya outfit, so I made him one to match the other :D
• The second is to the Hot number, but he gets to wear the thrush pattern !
• The third one is what made me do all of this ! Because, if you're not french, you might not know about one of my favorite yearly twitter threads : Met Gala outfits as INSEE graphs by Clara Dealberto ! Don't care about the met gala, but this is very funny :) and such a Illya Kuryakin thing to do kdkdkd
• fourth one isn't fashion related, it's a ref to popart and the "he has Dostoïevski eyes" line that made us laught a lot
• A little Fiddlesticks for the dog post, because it's a banger episode. Plus a nod to he dog expert from it, with whom Illya had palpable sexual tension fkfkfkl I like to think they kept contact ;) (shoutout to this fic (Intensity by AconitumNapellus) who absolutely get the vision, 10/10 guy to "cheat" on your boyfriend with)
• and the final one is a make over because of course it is
As for Napoleon, being older and less invested in this, an instagram made sense. But crutialy, I get such strong modern oss117 vibes from Napoleon (the way he shoots his gun, the goofy faces, the awkward stance everytime he enters a place, the inexplicable in universe rizz...) dkfkldls modern oss117 was a parody of both 60s james bond and older oss117 movies, but I'm now convinced they also whatched some uncle while doing these, it's just so obvious- anyway all this to say, in the second movie oss117 has to pose as a photographer and gets way too invested in his cover (it's his thing don't question it), and at the end of the movie we get to see all the photography he took during his mission..... Let me tell you how hard it was to resist him having an instagram full of blurry women on the street (canon 60s napoleon would have done it I'm sorry)- but what I kept was the pretty "badly" shot pics of random things, tho you sometimes get the odd decent pic taken by Illya. And he gets to be in a duck floatie as a treat and nod to oss <3
• Pinned post is because it became frustrating for him having to respond to people asking him if it was his real name or if he was a far right french man simping for Bonaparte
• first post is not a ref, but if my very sexy flat car was burning in the desert I would take a pic (ft Illya despairing) kdkdkd
• Duck floatie is a oss117 ref
• selfie with a beautiful woman (ft his finger), no ref I just love drawing women
• also Fiddlesticks for the cute Napoleon fox !! And to kinda link the two profiles :)
• and finaly Spy with my face ! He tried taking a picture of his date (I'll let you decide who it was), but oops front facing camera kdkdkdk
Can you tell I had a lot of fun doing this ? I love this show way to much omfg
PS : if you've never seen the recent oss117 movies, you should they funny ! But oh god some jokes are terrible- the first one is the best, minus one gay joke frankly not great. They nail the gay joke in the second one but oh god... They do not always win the 'is our character a piece of shit or is the movie problematic' gamble so be aware of that. And the 3rd one is shit don't bother
PPS : I don't use Tiktok, I tried my best to emulate the feeling of it but be aware I have no idea what I'm doing dkkdld
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raisinchallah · 1 month
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the power 60s tv has over me
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white collar (2009) and the man from u.n.c.l.e (2015) fusion fic... napoleon solo the art thief gets released into agent illya kuryakin's custody to help him solve cases... i'm cooking tell me i'm not
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redgoldblue · 11 months
i just think the primary basis of any napollya fic, no matter how you approach it, has to be that Napoleon is down so so bad. 'going to hell for someone' is small potatoes compared to just how fucking deep below the ground he already is every minute of the day. Love is an ocean and he's having a civilised conversation with the anglerfish about Illya's hair and eyes and sense of humour and intelligence and voice and frankly the anglerfish are tired of hearing it.
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bighandsforabigheart · 9 months
Idk… I just love the concept of Illya getting softer and showing his caring side once he warms up to people contrasting how Solo will become less open and harder to read when he lets people enter his small circle of close friends…
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heytheredeann · 7 months
Today on Very Serious Spy Scenarios, imagine Illya and Napoleon at the beginning of their partnership, with Napoleon happily pushing all of Illya's buttons every five seconds to try and see what will get him punched and what not. Illya is endlessly frustrated with him, especially because he CANNOT get a rise out of him, no matter how hard he tries.
And then one day, when they are arguing, again, Illya is getting desperate to Win This and so this conversation ensues:
Illya: "What's your problem, your parents never hugged you as a child?"
Napoleon, completely unfazed: "Actually no, my father barely spoke to me and my mother lowkey disliked me, so."
Napoleon: "What?"
Illya: *getting teary-eyed*
Napoleon, now a little scared: "Peril?"
Illya: *bear hug attack*
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WIP Wednesday
thanks for the tag, @justabigoldnerd!!💕
shot in the dark (NOT the ozzy osbourne one lmao)
no pressure tagging @pippinoftheshire, @yallwildinrn, @falling-into-peril, @heytheredeann, and anyone else who would like to do this!💕
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dailyfigures · 6 months
Is it possible to request an action figure of Illya from the Fate franchise? (Note: the action figure I'm requesting in particular is the one where she's dressed up in a pink magical girl dress)
i'm so sorry to disappoint you anon but i don't post Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA and therefore i don't post illya!
i know she's in other fate series too but the sexualisation of minors in her own show is way too severe for me to be able to feel comfortable posting (and therefore spreading/promoting) it.
i also know the figure you requested is not sexual (one of the few sadly) but since i don't feel comfortable promoting the show at all, it makes more sense to fully blacklist it. again i'm really sorry to disappoint!
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pippinoftheshire · 3 months
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Our idiots
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justabigoldnerd · 7 months
Hey Guys??
Why don't we talk about Illya and Gaby having access to regular, high quality, nutritious meals for the first time in their lives?
They each gain quite a bit of weight once they start consistently being around Solo. Gaby turns it straight into muscle, and she's even stronger than she was before. Until one day in the future, when they're no longer fighting for their lives, she lets herself stay a little softer. And Illya, who's gangly ass is all taut skin over hard muscle, starts to get a little squishier. Suddenly there's softness where there were once sharp edges. It bothers him at first, but Solo and Gaby seem to love it, so he doesn't mind too much.
Solo, like an Italian grandmother, adores seeing them break out of the throes of malnutrition and look a lot healthier. He loves feeling like he's taking care of his partners. He loves seeing them grow soft and safe enough to stay that way.
So he makes them three square meals a day, and they eat, and they get soft around the edges, and there's so much love.
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The tmfu writers really went, "oh david mccallum wants to do his own stunts?" and, "oh david maccallum is an impeccable swimmer?" and promptly seized upon every opportunity to throw him in the water.
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 5 months
is there any magical girl anime still out there that doesn't have any fanservice? Shows like Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura or Madoka?
And if there isn't, are there at least any shows where the fanservice isn't with elementary school girls?
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leonardcohenofficial · 11 months
much like the man from uncle writers themselves, tmfu fic writers sure do love putting our man illya in situations™️
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bighandsforabigheart · 2 months
Oh that’s gore. That’s gore of my comfort character
(the actor of said character can’t stop being stupid)
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heytheredeann · 11 months
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Lettin' people down is my thing, baby
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