#Imaging Modalities
gauricmi · 5 months
Diagnostic Imaging Services Market Driven by Rising Geriatric Population
Diagnostic imaging services refer to imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds and nuclear medicine tests which help doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. These services deliver anatomical and functional details of the human body that assists in identifying both acute and chronic conditions including cancer, cardiovascular diseases and orthopaedic disorders among others. The rising global burden of chronic diseases due to growing geriatric population and sedentary lifestyles has increased the demand for diagnostic imaging procedures worldwide.
Diagnostic imaging services refer to imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds and nuclear medicine tests which help doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. These services deliver anatomical and functional details of the human body that assists in identifying both acute and chronic conditions including cancer, cardiovascular diseases and orthopaedic disorders among others. The rising global burden of chronic diseases due to growing geriatric population and sedentary lifestyles has increased the demand for diagnostic imaging procedures worldwide.
The Global Diagnostic Imaging Services Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 787.55 Bn  in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.7% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Diagnostic Imaging Services Market Growth are RadNet, Inc., Akumin Inc., Novant Health, RAYUS Radiology, MedQuest Associates, Concordmedical, Lucid Medical Diagnostics, Radiology Partners, Envision Radiology, Capitol Imaging Services, Statim Healthcare, InHealth Group, Global Diagnostic Imaging, an dADM Diagnostics, Inc. These companies are expanding their service offerings and global footprint through acquisitions and partnerships to leverage growth opportunities. The increasing demand for early disease detection and diagnosis is a major factor driving market growth. Diagnostic imaging allows medical practitioners to accurately diagnose conditions in their early stages, enabling timely intervention and effective treatment. This is expected to boost the uptake of diagnostic imaging procedures over the forecast period. The diagnostic imaging services market is also witnessing strong growth in emerging economies due to increasing investments by major market players. Leading companies are establishing diagnostic imaging centers in Asia Pacific and Latin America to tap the high-potential markets in these regions. Advanced healthcare infrastructure and rising medical tourism are facilitating the expansion of global players in developing markets. Market Drivers One of the key drivers fueling the diagnostic imaging services market is the growing geriatric population globally. Older individuals are more prone to developing chronic health conditions like cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders. Since diagnostic images play a crucial role in disease diagnosis as people age, rapid population aging is expected to significantly drive the demand for diagnostic imaging procedures in the coming years. It is estimated that around 2 billion people will be aged 60 years and older by 2050. This demographic shift will continue creating high demand for diagnostic imaging technologies.
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technovillain · 2 months
no way i've been trying to figure out the same tiny piece of code for months now. like there's no damn way it's that hard.
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metastablephysicist · 9 months
i wish that one class i took was about learning things instead of looking at various large tubes for multiple hours
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echoland · 3 months
Psychology’s own John B. Watson (1878–1958) revolutionized the advertising industry after losing his academic position at Johns Hopkins University for having an affair with a student.
oh my god. lol
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crispywombatfan · 1 year
Bot baru boleh try
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divinector · 1 year
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Bootstrap 5 Image Gallery with Popup Modals
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duskgryphon · 6 months
fun? update on my neocities i've been figuring out how to implement modals the way i want them which means a little pop-up post type thing ^ both for information about each individual piece that isn't utilising alt text (not what it's for) and also to separate the thumbnail image and modal's image to reduce loading time issues.
which means i've finally learnt css! initially i implemented the pop-ups solely using html but that doesn't work very well in the end ^^". significantly faster this way and different images simply use different class tags (? what is this called) to set them in correctly.
this whole thing has so much of me butting my head against little issues in the code and digging around for solutions (nightmare!) but it's a lot of fun. the modal itself needed adjusting the same way as the pop-up for it to sit in the centre of the viewport but that i sorted out first thankfully.
i still have to figure out how to get the images in the pop-up itself to sit centred and have them take into account the fact that none of the images are exactly the same which is... hopefully possible. it's also incredibly broken with any screen on portrait mode (or at least phones....) but there's not much i can do about that (for now?)
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nousrose · 2 months
Symbolic thinking is not the exclusive privilege of the child, of the poet or of the unbalanced mind: it is consubstantial with human existence, it comes before language and discursive reasoning. The symbol reveals certain aspects of reality the deepest aspects which defy any other means of knowledge. Images, symbols and myths are not irresponsible creations of the psyche; they respond to a need and fulfill a function, that of bringing to light the most hidden modalities of being.
Myths and Symbols
Mircea Eliade
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aiweirdness · 1 year
AI versus a giraffe with no spots
On July 31, 2023, a giraffe with no spots was born at Brights Zoo in Tennessee.
Image recognition algorithms are trained on a variety of images from around the internet, and/or on a few standard image datasets. But there likely haven't been any spotless giraffes in their training data, since the last one to be born was probably in 1972 in Tokyo. How do they do when faced with photos of the spotless giraffe?
Here's Multi-Modal In-Context Learning:
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And InstructBLIP, which was more eloquent but also added lots of spurious detail.
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More examples at AiWeirdness.com
Are these crummy image recognition models? Not unusually so. As far as I can tell with a brief poke around, MMICL and InstructBLIP are modern models (as of Aug 2023), fairly high up on the leaderboards of models answering questions about images. Their demonstration pages (and InstructBLIP's paper) are full of examples of the models providing complete and sensible-looking answers about images.
Then why are they so bad at Giraffe With No Spots?
I can think of three main factors here:
AI does best on images it's seen before. We know AI is good at memorizing stuff; it might even be that some of the images in the examples and benchmarks are in the training datasets these algorithms used. Giraffe With No Spots may be especially difficult not only because the giraffe is unusual, but because it's new to the internet.
AI tends to sand away the unusual. It's trained to answer with the most likely answer to your question, which is not necessarily the most correct answer.
The papers and demonstration sites are showcasing their best work. Whereas I am zeroing in on their worst work, because it's entertaining and because it's a cautionary tale about putting too much faith in AI image recognition.
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muratbaseren · 2 years
Herkes Uyurken Kodlama : .NET 6.0 ve ASP.NET Core MVC ile - Part 02
Canlı Yayın Duyurusu !!! Herkes Uyurken Kodlama : .NET 6.0 ve ASPNET Core MVC ile - Part 02 Tarih : 6 Ekim 2022 Saat 22:00 'da youtube da ;) bildirim kurmayı unutmayın!
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
dad!connie making his kids speak spanish (it just popped up in my head idk😭)
“pop can i get five dollars f’lunch?” the back of your eight year old son, carlos’, head was instantly tapped (lightly) with a roll of newspaper as connie stood next to you in the kitchen while you cooked. “en español, hijo, o no obtienes nada.” your son wasted no time , rolling his eyes as he rubbed the all over his head. he definitely got his attitude from you. “owww papá. ¿puedo tener 5 dólares?” you giggled as you watched your husband dig through both of his sweatpants pockets for the cash, looking at the ceiling with his tongue poking his cheek while he searched. when he finally pulled out the bill he held it to his chest, keeping it from your sons reach. “dónde están tus modales?” carlos sighed, rolling his eyes once again before saying what his father wanted to hear. “ay dios mío…por favor”. he mumbled.
“por favor, papá, tengo que irme.”
“aight good enough” connie says before tossing his son a twenty dollar bill. “desayuna en el camino, ya que te despertaste tarde. te quiero. que tengas un buen día, chico.” you weren’t fluent in spanish, but you understood a little of what your husband said, signaling you to join in. “i love you baby stay outta trouble.” the two of you watched your son walk to the door. “love you both. see ya.” you listened to carlos’ friends call for him to hurry up so they can walk to the bus stop together before he closed the door. connie’s arms wrapped around your waist as you flipped the heart shaped pancakes in the pan. “mi amor-” before he could even finish his sentence, you put the spatula up in his face. “go wake your daughter up. she has preschool to be at in an hour and a half.”
now it was time for connie to have an attitude. “mi corazón whyyyy. i hate when she’s all fussy in the morning. let’s give her another thirty minutes, yea?” your daughter, amayah, may only be four but she slept like an old man. you believed she can sleep through a hurricane, but god forbid she’s woken up when she doesn’t want to be. she’ll be crying all around the house for hours, and that is something your husband hated to see. he never wanted his baby crying. “she needs to be up now papi we talked about this. it already take too long to do her hair since she’s so tender headed, and i can’t afford you bringing her there late.” connie knew you were right, so without another word he made his way upstairs to his daughters room.
he cracked the door open and was delighted to see her already up, bonnet on the floor as she scratched at her head while sitting upright in the bed. “g’morning daddy. is mommy making pancakes?” connie adored her. she was the spitting image of you. same nose, same eyes, same everything. she was his little princess. “good morning mi vida. yea mommy’s making your favorites.” amayah slides out of bed, little nightgown swaying at her knees as she put her bunny slippers on. by the time you finished up breakfast the two of them were sat at the table, ready to devour the food you made. if there was one thing your kids got from their father, it was their big appetites. the three of them ate any and everything in site.
connie and amayah, of course, finished their breakfast first. going back up to her room to get her dressed while you watched your show on the couch. “you want the pink or the green one princesa?” connie asked as he held the different color dresses in his hand. “i wanna wear the greeeen daddy. and i want mommy to put a white bow in my hair.” amayah grabbed for the green dress, but was met with nothing but air as she watched connie pull it out of her reach. here he goes again. “español, por favor, princesa.” your daughter didn’t mind though. she actually loved conversing in spanish since it was something her father’s side of the family did often. she smiled as she replied to her father. “p-puedo ponerme el v-vestido verde hoy, papá, por favor? y, puedes ponerme un lazo blanco en el pelo?”
connie smiled as he handed his daughter her desired choice. “buen trabajo. papá está impresionado.” amayah smiled, giving connie a small thank you before letting him help her get dressed. when the two of them finally came downstairs, you seen that not only did connie dress her, but he made sure to comb and style her hair as well. it was in a nice bun with a white bow pinned at the front of it. “myah you look beautiful baby. give momma a kiss before you go.” you watched your daughter let go of connie’s fingers before skipping her way over to you before giving you a tight hug and kissing you on the cheek. “bye mommy. see you laterrr.” she said. connie, being the big baby he is, couldn’t resist feeling a little jealous.
“papa want a kiss too mommy” he says with a fake sad voice as he made his way in front of the couch. you rolled your eyes before giving your husband a small peck on the lips. which he clearly wasn’t satisfied with since he decided it’d be okay to grab your face and start kissing you as he would when y’all would be in the bedroom. as the two of you pulled away from each other you looked towards amayah who had a disgusted look on her face. “ewwww!!”
the both of you laughed as you lightly pushed connie off of you. “see what you did. get outta here ‘for you traumatize our daughter further.” connie sucked his teeth, getting up from where he was leaning to join hands with his daughter again. “let’s go princess. daddy don’t want you to be late.” and with that he and your daughter went to the front door. you watch him mouth a, “this isn’t over”, to you with squinted eyes before leaving the house. you rolled your eyes as you turned back towards the tv to finish watching your show. “i bet it isn’t” you sighed as you made your self comfortable on your spacious couch.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Opposition in the Natal Chart: Part 1
~ Inner Planets
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Sun ☍ Moon: This aspect represents a natural conflict between the archetypal masculine and feminine principles. This conflict requires reconciliation and harmony between the two sexes. Initially, there is often conflict and combat between these forces, ranging from dominance to equal battle. When one planet dominates, the other function may be projected onto others. Unresolved conflict leads to confusion and a struggle between conditioning and independence. Sun-Moon opposition individuals struggle to remain objective and tend to assume others share their values. However, resolving this aspect can lead to a strong character, integration, balance, fulfillment, and positive energy release.
Sun ☍ Mars: Sun opposed Mars generates conflict as your desires and actions oppose your self-image, leading to inner and external turmoil. The discrepancy between what you want and how you pursue it creates hesitation and contradiction. Frustration and anger arise from the inability to align your identity with your desires. Insecurity may drive aggressive behavior, resulting in conflicts with others. This opposition indicates an imbalance within your psyche, often with one function dominating and manifesting negatively. To find resolution, it's recommended to develop positive qualities in both areas, nurturing self-esteem, addressing willpower, and directing desires towards healthy goals. Achieving a balanced blend of control and assertiveness allows for strong and authentic actions in the world.
Sun ☍ Jupiter: Sun opposed Jupiter generates conflict as your aspirations for growth, understanding, and grace clash with your self-image. Internal conflicts arise when your desire for abundance and inclusion contradicts your self-imposed limitations, leading to resistance and guilt. You may struggle to comprehend unfamiliar worldviews and resist broad-mindedness, feeling alienated and detached from society. This opposition can manifest as conflicts with institutional authorities and a sense of exclusion from the social order. Limited engagement may result in feelings of unluckiness or existential poverty. Suppressed urges for personal growth may lead to irrational behavior and judgmentalism, while embracing expansion allows for overcoming obstacles and achieving progress. Balancing individualism and societal accommodation becomes part of the growth process.
Sun ☍ Saturn: Sun opposed Saturn signifies conflicting energies in your organization, structure, and discipline that oppose your self-image. This opposition leads to internal and external conflicts as the Sun represents active, positive energy while Saturn symbolizes disciplined, authoritarian power. Balancing these masculine archetypes is crucial for wholeness. Initially, you may feel restricted by authority figures or societal rules, leading to rebellion and resentment. Personal growth involves healing old wounds and realizing that your aversion to discipline hinders progress. Embracing structure and effort harmonizes self-expression and organization, fostering positive integration. Recognizing the positive aspects of opposing forces supports your development.
Sun ☍ Uranus: Sun opposed Uranus creates conflict between your self-image and the modalities of change and individuation. This opposition manifests internally and externally, highlighting the polarization between the personal and the abstract aspects of identity. Uranus represents transformation and growth through the integration of the personal and higher self, while the Sun symbolizes the personal self. Revelations that shatter self-defined barriers can trigger an existential crisis or propel you towards self-redefinition. Subconsciously, your personal self seeks protection from intrusive revelations, often viewing change as threatening. Resistance, avoidance, or projection may be used to manage confrontation with change. To foster personal growth, balancing the personal and abstract is essential, embracing change and integrating a higher self-concept.
Sun ☍ Neptune: Sun opposed Neptune creates conflict between your self-image and the modalities of transcendence and self-sacrifice. This opposition leads to internal and external tension, as you feel both drawn to and repelled by the transcendent and non-material aspects of life. You may be attracted to activities or beliefs that go beyond the self, but this conflicts with your self-identity. The rejection of Neptune's influence can result in a low tolerance for ambiguity and a dismissal of intuition, faith, and spirituality. By suppressing the subconscious and rejecting the uncertain, you inadvertently become fixated on them negatively. Finding balance involves recognizing the true meaning of self-surrender and developing a conscious self-identity while acknowledging the importance of the personal self.
Sun ☍ Pluto: Sun opposed Pluto represents a polarizing conflict that brings crises and duality. It urges you to transform your self-identity by purging negative and destructive aspects of yourself. There is a temptation to see negativity as external and engage in conflict, perceiving yourself as "good" and the opposing force as "evil." However, true transformation requires recognizing the shadow within your own unconscious and purging its negative tendencies. This opposition leads to a struggle in uncovering your true self and raising consciousness to a higher level. Internal and external conflicts may arise, revolving around power, sexuality, truth, or spirituality, which can be resolved by confronting the shadow side positively.
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Sun ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between the Sun and the Part of Fortune is traditionally seen as unfortunate, as it contradicts your expectations of good fortune based on your self-image. This creates conflicts within and around you, as you feel both drawn to and repelled by the areas of life associated with your Part of Fortune's house. You may struggle to balance being true to yourself and pursuing beneficial opportunities, feeling torn between happiness and authenticity. Externalized conflict can lead to perceived bad luck, while a consistent belief in being unlucky may bring pessimism or depression. Expanding your perspective and acknowledging existing good fortune can bring balance and genuine well-being.
Sun ☍ Ascendant: The aspect between the Sun and the Descendant emphasizes the Sun's qualities in the Seventh House, indicating a strong connection between your self-identity and relationships. This placement signifies duality and opposition, as your focus shifts towards others. Projecting your personality may not be strong, except in one-on-one relationships. The opposition to the Ascendant highlights the challenge of balancing your self-identity and projecting it through your persona. There is a tendency to derive self-worth from others, hindering a clear understanding of your own identity. Developing a strong sense of self is crucial for genuine and meaningful relationships. Relationships, especially primary ones, hold great significance, and finding balance and harmony between your needs and others' demands is important.
Sun ☍ Imum Coeli: With the Sun opposed to the Imum Coeli (IC), you may display an excessive ego, seeking to dominate your household and be the center of attention. This can lead to conflicts with siblings and parents, particularly your father. Your belief in holding power within the family can create struggles and tensions. While you may take on parental roles, it may hinder finding a loving partner and establishing a marriage. Relying too heavily on your family inhibits personal growth and hinders the development of your own identity. Communication is vital, as there may be a sense of disconnection and contradiction within the family. Recognizing the lessons in family dynamics is important for your growth.
Sun ☍ Descendant: With the Sun opposed to the Descendant, you have a strong desire to be seen as attractive and a peacemaker. However, your inclination to take the opposite side can lead to unnecessary arguments and conflicts. This stems from your desire for fairness and presenting opposing viewpoints. You tend to attract similar individuals, often of the same sex, creating a sense of competition. There may be moments of finding others' approaches dull, leading to defensive reactions. There is a physical attraction in love relationships, but nitpicking and mismatched activity cycles can cause irritation and ego clashes. Developing better communication and understanding is key to maintaining harmonious partnerships.
Sun ☍ Midheaven: When the Sun is opposed to the Midheaven, your sense of identity is closely tied to matters of privacy and domesticity rather than career and public achievements. Assuming public roles may cause discomfort, as you prioritize the needs of your inner self for psychic wholeness. However, finding a balance requires attention to societal contributions and taking on more responsibilities. If planets are strongly positioned in the tenth house, conflicts between your public and private life are likely. Balancing domestic and career responsibilities and reconciling family life with career aspirations become important challenges. Navigating these differences harmoniously and integrating both aspects is key to personal growth.
Sun ☍ Chiron: When the Sun is opposed to Chiron, you have a deep understanding of your place in life and possess strong convictions aligned with your conscience. Despite facing psychological challenges like mental illnesses, you exhibit wisdom and fairness. Others may fail to recognize your struggles, leading to a sense of invisibility and directionlessness. A childhood wound, possibly related to your father, can hinder your self-confidence but grants you profound understanding and empathy. You can become a healer or advisor, driven by a sense of fighting for victory and a desire to contribute to the betterment of humanity. Your unwavering principles guide your journey.
Sun ☍ Vesta: When the Sun is opposed to Vesta, finding a balance between personal well-being and daily responsibilities becomes crucial. Prioritizing self-care through rituals like yoga, meditation, and exercise is essential. Lack of focus can be resolved by developing stronger concentration skills, as it aligns with your identity and purpose. Conflicts may arise between work focus and life purpose, making it challenging to find a fulfilling career. Issues with sexuality, intimacy, commitment, and confusion about life direction can lead to anxiety and stress. Resolving these challenges involves developing purposeful focus, integrating personal energies, and reconciling devotion to ideals with the desire for recognition.
Sun ☍ Pallas: When the Sun is opposed to Pallas, transforming sexual-creative energy into artistic and intellectual achievements becomes central to your life's purpose. However, there may be a fear of embracing your power, resulting in mental and creative blocks. Difficulties in your relationship with your father and confusion surrounding your sexual identity can arise. Resolving these conflicts involves harmoniously integrating your creative ideas with your life purpose. Your desire to contribute to society through ingenuity and wisdom drives you, and you possess strength of character, intelligence, and courage. Known for your original ideas and brilliant mind, you excel in your chosen field of expression through clear communication and strategic planning.
Sun ☍ Juno: When the Sun is opposed to Juno, you often experience inner conflicts regarding success and intimate relationships. Finding a partner who enhances your sense of self is ideal, but it can also manifest as a relationship that holds you back from the conquest and success you desire. Focusing on what you haven't achieved in your love life may lead to periods of depression and feelings of sadness or confusion. You may question why certain milestones haven't been reached, possibly due to being out of touch with your true desires or having fears surrounding serious commitment.
Sun ☍ Ceres: When the Sun is opposed to Ceres, the goals of beauty, peace, and love hold great value. However, feelings of disappointment and loss may hinder your ability to fully express love and compassion. Connecting with nature can provide solace and help restore your sense of compassion. Women may play a significant role in teaching you valuable lessons, even if some experiences are initially unwelcome. This aspect suggests a tendency to nurture others while neglecting self-care or expecting constant nurturing from others. Challenges may include a low self-image, unmet nutritional needs, and themes of depression and rejection. Resolving these challenges involves developing self-worth and seeking support in a loving and non-judgmental way, potentially through counseling or therapy.
Sun ☍ Vertex: When the Sun is opposed to Vertex, you believe that by prioritizing your own needs, you can achieve the success or happiness you deserve. This mindset gives you a sense of importance and confidence in yourself.
Sun ☍ Lilith: When the Sun is opposed to Lilith, there is often a rejection of asserting one's will and a denial of one's own consciousness, leading to difficulties in becoming a complete individual. This manifests as a lack of self-confidence, uncertainty about personal desires, and struggles in pursuing them. To compensate for this, one may adopt authoritarian or rigid moral beliefs or seek guidance from higher authorities. However, it is essential to develop self-determination and the courage to make independent decisions. While guidance is needed, it should come from one's own inner will.
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Moon ☍ Mercury: When the Moon is opposed to Mercury, there is a significant duality between emotions and intellect, conscious and unconscious mind, and conditioned and rational thinking. This opposition creates a constant conflict within you, as your emotions and intellectual faculties are positioned at opposite ends of a bipolar spectrum. The Moon represents subjective and emotional perception and communication, while Mercury represents objective and rational thinking. This internal battle can lead to confusion and projection of one function onto the other, causing a discrepancy between emotions and rationality. To resolve this conflict, it is important to balance and integrate the needs of both functions, finding ways to meet them through each other. Failure to achieve this balance may result in dysfunction and an imbalance in decision-making. Additionally, this conflict may extend to how your intellect reacts to the conditioning received from your family or culture.
Moon ☍ Venus: When the Moon is opposed to Venus, there is a conflict between your emotional makeup represented by these planets. Your attractions and close relationships differ from what you have been conditioned to accept and what brings you emotional comfort. This creates confusion about your values and guilt regarding enjoyment. Your desires for relationships contradict the need for emotional security and personal comfort. This conflict can lead to difficulties in committing to relationships or fully experiencing them. Control and emotional security issues may arise, causing conflicts between family or mother and your spouse. Balancing these opposing forces requires integrating their positive aspects, considering others' perspectives, and aligning behavior with values. Recognizing the influence of upbringing and appreciating the role of emotions in relationships is essential.
Moon ☍ Mars: The opposition between the Moon and Mars reflects a conflict in your emotional makeup. Your conditioned comfort clashes with your desires and actions, creating tension between your conscious and subconscious. Guilt and doubt may arise as you struggle with the legitimacy of your desires and feel torn between societal expectations and your true nature. This can lead to intense emotional experiences and irrational behavior. Within relationships, there is emotional intensity and potential conflict, but a tendency to seek binding resolutions rather than complete separation. Overcoming artificial gender roles and integrating the active and emotional aspects of your personality is the challenge presented by this aspect.
Moon ☍ Jupiter: The opposition between the Moon and Jupiter reflects a natural contrast between personal concerns and interests that extend beyond the self. The Moon represents boundaries and emotions, while Jupiter symbolizes exploration and expansiveness. Despite their differences, there are commonalities such as intuition and teaching. Tensions may arise from feeling torn between domestic tranquility and a more exciting life, or conflicting beliefs imposed by family and personal exploration. Balancing these functions is key to avoiding polarization. If dominated by the Moon, personal growth may be hindered, while an overemphasis on Jupiter may neglect personal aspects of life. Gaining perspective from both functions is essential for harmony.
Moon ☍ Saturn: The opposition between the Moon and Saturn in your chart represents a conflict between the feminine archetype of nurturing and the paternal archetype of responsibility. You may feel torn between emotional responsiveness and imposing discipline. This inner conflict can be traced back to parental influences and may manifest externally as limitations and emotional obstacles. Negative coping mechanisms include confrontation, suppression, and projection. To resolve this tension positively, strive for balance by exercising emotional discipline and flexibility while recognizing the importance of rules and structure. Achieving harmony between emotional responsiveness and disciplined behavior will lead to meaningful accomplishments with care for others.
Moon ☍ Uranus: The opposition between the Moon and Uranus signifies a conflict between individuality and conformity. You may struggle with the tension between expressing your unique identity and conforming to societal expectations. Individuation offers freedom but can lead to loneliness, while conformity provides comfort but restricts freedom. This conflict affects your self-identity, independence, and relationships with family and society. Resolving this tension requires balancing personal uniqueness with cultural traditions, finding emotional independence, and embracing both personal growth and community connection. Negative coping mechanisms include confrontation, suppression, or projection. By integrating the ordinary and the unique, you can navigate this opposition and achieve personal growth.
Moon ☍ Neptune: The Moon-Neptune opposition represents a conflict between conditioned consciousness and the desire to transcend the personal. It challenges you to reconcile personal emotions with a yearning for spiritual growth. This duality creates emotional and spiritual stress, leading to conflicts between attachments and the need for detachment. Manifesting Neptune's energies positively is challenging, often resulting in emotional confusion and resistance to transcendence. The opposition may also indicate complex relationships with family, especially the mother. Balancing these functions requires perceiving the personal and universal as complementary, functioning competently on a personal level while reaching for higher expression. Cultivating sensitivity and idealism contributes to personal fulfillment.
Moon ☍ Pluto: The Moon-Pluto opposition signifies deep conflicts within the subconscious, causing emotional and psychological tensions. Your conditioned self seeks stability, while powerful subconscious forces push for transformation and higher awareness. This can manifest as power struggles, control issues, and conflicts in family and intimate relationships. Confrontations with authority figures may lead to emotional oppression and dependence. Dysfunctional behavior and emotional complexes can arise, calling for transformation through working with the subconscious. Balancing emotions and the subconscious is essential, cultivating awareness, control, and empowerment. It's important to acknowledge boundaries while nurturing power and sexuality, and integrating emotions surrounding mortality.
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Moon ☍ Part of Fortune: The Moon-Part of Fortune opposition brings emotional and subconscious conflicts regarding factors that could bring you good fortune. External conflicts may arise within your family, where they may oppose or misunderstand your pursuit of fortune. Past attachments and cultural traditions can also hold you back from pursuing your dreams. The Moon's placement indicates your comfort zone, while the Part of Fortune symbolizes areas of discomfort. You may feel uneasy about receiving good fortune and subconsciously sabotage opportunities. Finding balance between your domestic responsibilities and pursuit of fortune is crucial. Ultimately, you may discover that your true fortune lies within your family and home.
Moon ☍ Ascendant: The Moon opposed Rising aspect reflects your strong desire to support and be of use to your loved ones. You crave deep emotional connections and find it challenging to be alone. Marriage or partnership is something you long for, although it may feel elusive at times. Focusing on fulfilling your own emotional needs can attract the close bond you seek. You engage personally with people in your life and desire to be fully engaged with them. You unconsciously seek others' dependency to maintain emotional security. While you have a wide circle of friends, forming committed individual relationships is difficult due to uncertainty. Interacting with many people who appreciate your favors is preferred to avoid this uncertainty.
Moon ☍ Imum Coeli: The Moon opposed Imum Coeli aspect highlights your need for protection and security in your home environment. Feeling safe and having a comfortable haven is essential for your well-being. Your family depends on you as a reliable presence in their lives. Childhood experiences and past fears continue to influence you, leading to a tendency to hide emotions and feel vulnerable or victimized by family members. It's important to address and overcome these fears to avoid their impact on your own family dynamics later in life. Privacy is crucial in family relationships, as it allows you space to express emotions and find solace. Returning home serves as an outlet to cleanse your thoughts and organize emotions.
Moon ☍ Descendant: The Moon opposed descendant aspect reveals that you invest a great deal of sympathy and emotional energy into your partnerships, but it's important to exercise caution. Your emotions can lead to conflicts within yourself and in your relationships, particularly with women. Throughout your life, you may face difficulties and challenges in your relationships, such as jealousy, envy, and misunderstandings. Instability in your love life makes you vulnerable and prone to arguments and conflicts with your partner. Finding a supportive and understanding partner can be challenging due to your emotional volatility and tendency to sacrifice your own needs. It's crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and choose a partner who values your partnership and marriage over material gain.
Moon ☍ Midheaven: The Moon opposed Midheaven aspect creates a tension between your personal emotions and your public or professional life. You may struggle to balance your emotional needs with the demands of your public image. You may find it challenging to integrate your emotions with your public persona, resulting in visible tension between your personal and professional lives. This can manifest as a conflict between your family/personal life and career aspirations or challenges in expressing emotions in a professional setting. To navigate this aspect, you should seek ways to integrate your emotions into your public life, establish boundaries, and develop self-awareness. Ultimately, it offers you an opportunity for authentic and fulfilling expression in your personal and professional domains.
Moon ☍ Chiron: You may experience bouts of pessimism and discontent without reason, relying heavily on relatives for communication. Depression, financial issues, and a lack of spiritual harmony may arise, making it challenging to find a comfortable place to live. There may be a reluctance to maintain relationships with relatives or have children. The pain originating from your relationship with your mother attracts partners and situations that reflect this turmoil. The lesson is to confront the pain, balance your needs with others', and become a compassionate healer. Find ways to balance emotional reactions, as excessive emotions can cause problems. Developing adaptability and approaching emotions cautiously is crucial.
Moon ☍ Vesta: Struggling to balance practical and emotional needs? Seek equilibrium by incorporating emotionally nourishing activities like rituals, yoga, and meditation. The principle of focus and emotional responsibility suggests self-involvement and integration. Avoid using work to avoid emotions or getting overwhelmed by emotions. These aspects may cause a disconnection from emotional needs, fear of intimacy, and challenges in forming strong family bonds. Resolving these challenges involves freeing yourself from societal norms and exploring therapy for authentic self-expression. Addressing blocked energies can lead to emotional and sexual liberation.
Moon ☍ Pallas: The combination of intellect and emotion can lead to a clear understanding of feelings. However, there may be conflicts between problem-solving abilities and emotional needs, causing a struggle to balance personal and societal expectations. These conflicts can stem from a sense of detachment from the mother and feminine identity, resulting in dependency and powerlessness. Resolving these conflicts involves recognizing the intelligence of the feminine, integrating logic with intuition and warmth with emotion. Trying to please the mother while meeting father's expectations may compromise emotional integrity. Independence may hinder emotional satisfaction, despite a deep desire for support.
Moon ☍ Juno: The need for domestic warmth and affection is important, but self-nurturing is equally crucial. Be mindful of overindulgence to avoid emotional and physical problems. Assess if your loved ones reciprocate your nurturing efforts and understand your need for support. Balance between emotional needs and partnerships may be challenging. Attracting an emotional partner or exhibiting similar traits can arise. Balancing societal expectations and emotional fulfillment is vital for happiness. Choices may arise between seeking approval and prioritizing emotional well-being. Find harmony in nurturing yourself and others for overall well-being.
Moon ☍ Ceres: Navigating relationships with women can be challenging, leading to a sense of misunderstanding. To improve understanding, integrate and accept your own emotions while embracing feminine aspects. Despite a charming exterior, you possess a protective and determined nature. Balancing personal and family needs may pose conflicts, including separation anxieties and fears of rejection. Seeking mutually supportive emotional connections helps heal the denial of your own emotional fulfillment. Be cautious not to unintentionally complicate others' lives with overwhelming love and control. Finding a balance in expressing love and support is crucial.
Moon ☍ Vertex: It is important to maintain a balance between your own emotional needs and the needs of others. Having a strong understanding of your own identity as an individual will aid in achieving this balance. Others may rely on your emotional assistance and support. Engaging in public life or pursuing a role in local governance could provide you with significant satisfaction.
Moon ☍ Lilith: For men, the Moon opposed Lilith aspect makes it difficult to integrate emotions and values, leading to misunderstandings and difficulties in relationships with women. Women with this aspect struggle with their own femininity, questioning traditional roles and resisting societal expectations. Both genders face challenges in understanding and embracing the world of women, which can create tensions and obstacles in their lives.
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Mercury ☍ Mars: The opposition between Mercury and Mars represents conflicting functions within your psyche. It connects mental activity and communication with desire and action. This can lead to conflict, confusion, and unexpected outcomes as your thoughts unconsciously translate into desires and actions. Initially, you may perceive mental activity as separate from your emotions and physical activity, creating a dichotomy. Indecision and tension arise as your thoughts differ from your actions. The conflict may be externalized, and there can be challenges with male figures. Coping mechanisms like confrontation or suppression may develop, but true resolution requires recognizing the unity and achieving balance between these functions.
Mercury ☍ Jupiter: When Mercury is opposed by Jupiter, the opposition between these two planets intensifies within your personality. This creates tensions between focusing on details and conceptualization, individuality and societal obligations. You may polarize your world along various continua, leading to conflicts and a sense of having to choose between different approaches. This can result in excessive nervousness, over-talkativeness, or a struggle to balance micro and macro aspects of life. Guilt, insecurity, and defense mechanisms may also arise. To find balance, it's important to explore and integrate the qualities of both polarities, fostering harmony and reducing tensions.
Mercury ☍ Saturn : When Mercury is opposed to Saturn, the conflicting qualities represented by these planets are accentuated. This leads to a conflict between intellect and authority. Internally, you may struggle between your genuine thoughts and societal expectations. This conflict can generate tension and hinder intellectual progress. Externally, disagreements and confrontations with authority figures, particularly your father, may occur. The fear of being controlled can lead to rebellion, but it keeps you within the framework of authority. To find balance, you must integrate your nimble and authoritarian sides, embracing both flexibility and structure. This allows for enhanced intellectual and communication abilities, as well as a more open-minded approach to rules and conventions.
Mercury ☍ Uranus: When Mercury opposes Uranus, it represents the polarization between the personal and higher mind. If attuned to the Higher Mind, there can be harmony and mutual support between the two. The personal mind serves as a vehicle for introducing spiritually-oriented ideas into practical activities. However, if this harmony is not achieved, conflicts arise. You may feel torn between abstract and practical aspects, leading to mental frustrations and restlessness. Guilt and inner tensions may emerge when exploring unconventional ideas or when focusing on mundane responsibilities. Defense mechanisms may develop, but addressing these tensions involves integrating vision and change with rationality and commonality.
Mercury ☍ Neptune: When Mercury opposes Neptune, the inherent opposition between the concrete and vague aspects of the psyche is amplified. Choosing between specificity and spirituality becomes a constant challenge. Prioritizing the practical may lead to a loss of connection to the universal, while focusing on the spiritual may neglect attention to detail. Dealing with chaos and irrationality can be overwhelming, causing a sense of missing something important. To find wholeness, one must develop Neptune's qualities of fluidity and intuition while grounding sensitivity and spirituality in practicality. Letting go of the need for complete understanding and embracing the unknown is necessary for balance.
Mercury ☍ Pluto: The opposition between Mercury and Pluto reveals a conflict between the conscious and subconscious aspects of your psyche. You may try to distance yourself from transformative crises and the need for change, but they inevitably intrude upon your mental peace. There is a fascination with the Plutonian dimension, involving secrets, death, and the subconscious, yet it causes inner conflict. Achieving wholeness requires integrating these opposing forces and transforming your mental function. Letting go of negative attachments and embracing non-rational perception allows you to explore the depths of your psyche, bringing the subconscious under the control of your conscious mind.
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Mercury ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Mercury and the Part of Fortune reveals a mental conflict regarding luck and good fortune. You may struggle to find logic in the path to success or question its wisdom. Skepticism and a critical outlook towards luck may lead you to view it as inauthentic or transitory. Excessive thoughts and worries about good fortune can hinder its manifestation, and you may feel guilty when luck favors you. The conflict arises from a desire to pursue fortune while feeling hindered by intellectual limitations and communication barriers. Expressing positivity about luck can be challenging for you.
Mercury ☍ Ascendant: The opposition between Mercury and the Rising (Ascendant) indicates a constant need for spiritual nourishment and a search for inspiration. Despite harboring uncertainty, you actively engage in communication to showcase your mental abilities. However, your fondness for controversy and contradiction can lead to problems in your interactions with others, driven by a fear of being unrecognized. You tend to avoid emotional individuals and prefer aligning with the majority rather than expressing your own opinions. Striving to please everyone often results in not being taken seriously, despite your oratorical talent. While your mind thrives with a supportive partner, adopting others' ideas may overshadow your originality and make your thoughts less valued.
Mercury ☍ Imum Coeli: The opposition between Mercury and the Imum Coeli (IC) reveals that you find the greatest happiness in acquiring new skills that propel you forward in life. Boredom in your primary occupation is something you struggle with, often leading you to consider job changes, trips, or seeking distractions. You have a strong need for stimulation. As an intellectual, you thrive in fields such as writing, teaching, public speaking, research, and politics. Alternatively, you may enjoy hands-on work, finding fulfillment in practical skills or dynamic roles like driving or operating machinery. Regardless, it is crucial for you to maintain an interest in your work, rely on your wit, and develop self-discipline to combat feelings of loss.
Mercury ☍ Descendant: The opposition between Mercury and the Descendant highlights the importance of words in your relationships, particularly during emotional challenges. Honest and open communication is crucial for connecting with your partners, who should engage in conversations about shared interests and ideas. You are drawn to brilliant minds that complement your own thoughts. In marriage, there is a risk of emotional coldness and distance, leading to relationship fatigue. Mental games and partnerships involving intelligent individuals attract you. However, be cautious of attracting friends who engage in gossip or small lies. Enemies may employ cunning strategies to undermine you, and it is advisable to avoid confrontations and offensive language. There is a possibility of engaging in extramarital affairs with younger individuals.
Mercury ☍ Midheaven: The opposition between Mercury and the Midheaven in an astrological chart brings dynamics and influences to an individual's career and public image. It creates tension between communication style, intellectual pursuits, and professional goals. Challenges arise in effectively conveying ideas and opinions, finding balance between authenticity and societal expectations. Overanalysis and clashes between personal beliefs and professional demands can lead to indecisiveness. However, growth opportunities exist to integrate these aspects. Clear and honest communication, diplomatic skills, and flexibility are important. With conscious effort, this opposition can bring strength, offering a unique perspective and intellectual depth to the individual's public image and career path.
Mercury ☍ Chiron: The opposition between Mercury and Chiron generates boredom and difficulty in effective communication. Thoughts are inconsistent and inhibited, avoiding reflection and problem-solving. Accumulating information is possible, but studying and drawing conclusions can be challenging. Adapting and doing things in advance can lead to bureaucratic processes, while multiplying money is a struggle. Legal matters may become prolonged despite hostility. Unconventional healing concepts, like the holistic approach and mind-body connection, may make you uncomfortable. However, keeping possibilities of different dimensions and experiences alive is important. Maintaining an open mind and striving for balance are advised.
Mercury ☍ Vesta: You may find it difficult or be unwilling to accept the concept of spiritual devotion, particularly if it involves restricting your sexual expression. You may feel drawn to the spiritual life, but at the same time, resist its pull and even argue against it. There may be a sense of conflict between logic and devotion, which can manifest within a meaningful relationship where you embody one aspect and oppose the other. Nevertheless, it is possible and desirable to seek a balance that allows for the integration of both aspects into your life.
Mercury ☍ Pallas: You may experience challenges or discomfort when it comes to expressions of independence and social reform. Women's liberation might be a topic that poses difficulties for you. Even though you may resist the seemingly extreme stance of complete independence, you can still strongly identify with it. Within yourself, you may feel a dichotomy in your emotions concerning creativity, independence, and social reform. This internal conflict can manifest in a relationship where someone fulfills the role that you reject.
Mercury ☍ Juno: When Mercury is opposed to Juno, there is a disconnect between your desires in a long-term romance and your vision of a long-term relationship. Finding a partner who meets your ideals can be challenging, and communication difficulties may arise, leading to a feeling of being misunderstood. Ironically, you may adopt an independent approach despite seeking a casual encounter. The best advice is to avoid making hasty decisions or judgments about others. Taking time and refraining from snap judgments is key in navigating this aspect.
Mercury ☍ Ceres: When Mercury is opposed to Ceres, you may face a dichotomy between the roles of parent and child, leading to a struggle in finding balance. There can be a strong desire for independence from your parents or difficulty letting go of your role as a parent. This may result in challenges and separation issues. Additionally, conflicts with neighbors, friends, and relatives may arise when discussing nutrition and care. It is important to reflect on your plans and goals while organizing the necessary details. Despite potential criticisms, maintaining self-esteem and developing effective communication skills can help navigate these challenges and achieve better interaction with others.
Mercury ☍ Vertex: You may encounter opposition to your ideas or feel compelled to abandon your cherished beliefs. Conflicts may arise when working with others in fields such as travel, writing, or teaching. Somehow, your unique perspective may lead others to perceive you as marching to a different beat. It becomes essential for you to prioritize taking action that serves your own needs and aspirations.
Mercury ☍ Lilith: This aspect is characterized by a critical, caustic, and acerbic nature, which often manifests through humor, intellectual clarity, and a penchant for mockery. You are often a silent individual who resists conforming to conventional thinking, yet harbors significant doubts about your own thoughts and beliefs.
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Venus ☍ Mars: Venus opposed Mars represents the conflict between feminine and masculine energies, yet also holds potential for inner harmony. In a balanced state, these opposing forces allow for complete development. Individuals may strongly identify with their anima (feminine aspect) or animus (masculine aspect), leading to intense romantic bonds but also conflicts. Gender-based tensions can coexist with attraction, resulting in relationships characterized by mutual antagonism. Inner turmoil arises from the desire for both harmony and assertiveness. Striving for balance between passivity and activity, and integrating the masculine and feminine aspects, can resolve conflicts and foster a holistic personality. Exploring anima and animus complexes aids in achieving greater integration.
Venus ☍ Jupiter: Venus opposed Jupiter creates conflict between your evaluative and relationship functions and the expansive aspects of your psyche. The pursuit of joy and fulfillment may seem at odds with your values and relationships, leading to dissatisfaction and exaggerated expectations. You may devalue what brings you pleasure and feel inadequate in relationships, potentially leading to infidelity. However, this opposition can also inspire growth and goal-oriented behavior. Finding balance and appreciating what you have while controlling excess is key. Generosity and understanding in relationships bring greater satisfaction. The opposition also affects the anima, highlighting issues of femininity and expansiveness. Developing understanding leads to positive growth in the feminine aspect of your psyche.
Venus ☍ Saturn: Venus opposed Saturn highlights the conflict between opposing qualities in your psyche. These include situational sensitivity versus rigidity, individual judgment versus reliance on rules, and feeling versus cold reason. You may resist structure and discipline in relationships, leading to guilt and limitations. Overcompensation or harsh criticism can arise. Restoring balance involves embracing structure, organization, and discipline while critically examining your value system. Cooperating with others helps overcome perceived obstacles. The opposition also affects the anima, causing conflict between femininity and paternal archetypes. Achieving balance is crucial to avoid guilt and societal pressures.
Venus ☍ Uranus: Venus opposed Uranus reveals two opposing polarities within your psyche. One is the conflict between individuality and the need for relationships, while the other is between change and maintaining harmony. Individuation requires change, potentially disrupting existing relationships and value systems. Change is perceived as threatening, yet there is a fascination with the unconventional. There is a yearning for freedom but fear of disrupting stability. Balancing individuality and relationships is crucial, respecting personal growth within a commitment. Adapting values to a higher vision resolves conflicts, and femininity may confront the stress of change and independence. Liberation from conventional views may arise.
Venus ☍ Neptune: The opposition of Venus and Neptune reflects a polarization in your emotional state and a conflict between the immanent and transcendent aspects of your psyche. Venus represents attachment, affection, and enjoyment directed towards material objects and people, while Neptune represents ethereal and transcendent experiences. This dichotomy leads to confusion and fear when the transcendent disrupts your earthly experiences. You struggle with uncertainty, disorientation, and unwanted confusion in relationships and sensations. Balancing the material and spiritual realms is key, accepting uncertainty while cultivating spiritual capacity. Integrating feminine qualities and positive Neptune energy helps embrace the unknown and aspire to transcendence, leading to a more balanced and whole self.
Venus ☍ Pluto: The opposition of Venus and Pluto presents a dilemma between pursuing power and embracing unity and harmony in your relationships. Your psyche is divided between a desire for conflict and transformation and a longing for harmony. This conflict stems from your subconscious seeking to change your values and relationships by breaking attachment to the status quo. Your ego defends the existing balance, perceiving transformation as disruptive. Conflict may arise externally or internally, and issues of power, control, and sexuality may dominate your relationships. A psychological crisis may lead to introspection and shedding negative attachments, potentially improving relationships. The opposition also affects your anima, highlighting the need to resolve power, sexuality, and femininity-related issues for both genders.
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Venus ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition of Venus and the Part of Fortune suggests that you may perceive "bad luck" when evaluating your options, relationships, and possessions. It can lead to dissatisfaction, resentment, and a belief that good relationships and fortune are incompatible. You may feel cursed, forced to choose between relationships or pursuing good fortune, sacrificing one for the other. Breaking out of this either-or mentality is crucial for reducing tension and finding balance. This opposition also affects your perception of the feminine, potentially leading to negative views or difficulties appreciating it. By reconceptualizing good fortune, you can discover ways in which feminine principles and true fortune can complement each other.
Venus ☍ Ascendant: The opposition of Venus and the Rising sign indicates that you are drawn to refined individuals and are generally well-regarded by others. You prioritize maintaining harmonious relationships and avoid passing judgment on others. However, you may sometimes project qualities onto people that they don't possess. While you may appear confident, you feel uneasy without someone providing support. Your polite and courteous nature earns respect, but you have an underlying fear of not marrying, leading to early marriages that end in divorce. You conceal inner insecurities and exhibit modesty in the presence of superiors. Social status and recognition hold importance to you.
Venus ☍ Imun Coeli: The opposition of Venus indicates that you possess a charming and reassuring personality, using your charisma to benefit yourself and others. Cooperation is more important to you than competition, making you an asset in teamwork-oriented professions. While your artistic potential depends on other factors in your birth chart, you appreciate work that allows you to express love for people. Relationships are significant, and association with a woman can be beneficial. Conflict-prone careers should be avoided as they become overwhelming. Seeking quieter work environments and engaging in stress-relieving activities can help alleviate workplace stress.
Venus ☍ Descendant: The opposition of Venus reveals that your desire for respect and validation can create challenges in your business partnerships and love life. Low self-esteem leads you to seek validation from others, sometimes attracting superficial relationships. This hinders the establishment of stable connections due to excessive pride, vanity, and a focus on passion and sensuality. You may encounter difficulties with female friends and relatives, leading to envy, jealousy, and gossip. It is important to avoid relying solely on others for self-esteem. Additionally, be cautious of attracting a high-maintenance spouse who prioritizes luxury and finances.
Venus ☍ Midheaven: The opposition of Venus to the Midheaven signifies a strong focus on relationships, love, and harmony. Individuals value social connections and aesthetics, seeking emotional fulfillment in their interactions. However, they face a conflict between their personal relationships and career goals. Struggling to balance emotional needs with professional ambitions, they may feel torn and dissatisfied. Expressing personal values within their careers can be challenging, leading to compromises and sacrifices. By aligning values with their chosen path and developing communication skills, individuals can integrate personal and professional lives harmoniously, creating a fulfilling and balanced existence.
Venus ☍ Chiron: The Venus opposition to Chiron creates a disconnection between consciousness and emotions, leading to difficulty recognizing and understanding one's own feelings. Outwardly, positive or negative emotions may not be visibly expressed. This aspect is associated with melancholy, pessimism, and a tendency towards a sad demeanor. Personal relationships often involve emotional pain due to prioritizing the care of loved ones over one's own needs, leading to resentment. Acting as a peacemaker is common, driven by sensitivity to disharmony. Self-acceptance, particularly regarding femininity and sexuality, is a struggle, fostering emotional vulnerability. Artistic expression becomes an outlet for showcasing overlooked beauty and challenging societal norms. Learning self-nurturing and trusting personal wisdom is crucial.
Venus ☍ Vesta: The Venus opposition to Vesta presents a challenge in integrating sexuality and sensuality with one's spiritual path. The perception of intimacy as an obstacle to spiritual growth may lead to a belief that choosing between love/pleasure and spiritual development is necessary. Balancing and honoring both needs becomes crucial. Fear of deep emotional connection can make it difficult to feel comfortable in romantic relationships. Avoiding commitment in love may result in a lack of happiness. Immersing oneself in work as a means of avoidance is a potential pitfall. Understanding the importance of work, health, and love is essential for a fulfilling life, avoiding isolation and emotional detachment.
Venus ☍ Pallas: The Venus opposition to Pallas suggests a tendency to prioritize personal comfort and harmony over political activism and artistic involvement. However, there is still an awareness of accepted standards and a potential for motivated action. This combination emphasizes the importance of appropriate behavior in civilized culture and a focus on conflict resolution in social situations. Experiences of indecent behavior contribute to the development of an awareness of correct social conduct. The wisdom gained throughout life allows for the ability to see beyond superficial beauty and uphold a refined moral code.
Venus ☍ Juno: When Venus opposes Juno, you may have high ideals about love but struggle with imposing these ideals on others instead of engaging in open communication. Relying solely on physical attraction can lead to misunderstandings and relationships that lack depth. Conversely, you might feel tempted to rush into a marriage based on fantasies without truly knowing if there is genuine love and commitment. It's important to approach romantic decisions with caution, ensuring there is genuine love and a solid foundation before committing to a lasting relationship. By fostering open communication and realistic expectations, you can navigate this aspect with more clarity and fulfillment.
Venus ☍ Ceres: When Venus opposes Ceres, you may have a close bond with your nurturing mother, but there can be unresolved issues surrounding separation and independence. Possessiveness and a fear of suffocating loved ones may create a disconnection from receiving care. In relationships, you seek individuals who provide support, but an overprotective mother may hinder your emotional development and discourage relationships she deems "without a future." It's important to communicate with your mother about the need for care from others. This aspect can also present challenges in dating or marriage, with separation or divorce being particularly daunting. Finding someone who values mutual care and support is essential.
Venus ☍ Vertex: When Venus opposes the Vertex, your love relationships may pose challenges until you align yourself with like-minded individuals who share your thoughts, desires, and future plans. Surrounding yourself with people who lack similar spiritual and moral values can imbalance your social life. You attract catalysts into your life who challenge your understanding of genuine needs in relationships. Inhibitions and feelings of unworthiness can obscure romantic prospects and social interactions, especially in pursuit of unrequited love. Harmonizing your social activities with others and practicing self-care are essential. Take care of your voice and throat, allowing your charm to shine through.
Venus ☍ Lilith: When Venus opposes Lilith, there may come a time when you lose faith in love, despite yearning for a deep and passionate connection. Fear of rejection or obstacles can cause you to shy away from joyful love and commit to lasting relationships. This may lead to engaging in superficial relationships or succumbing to societal illusions. You might project a cold and distant façade to protect yourself from heartbreak. Finding balance is crucial, allowing yourself to trust, believe in love, and open up to someone who demonstrates its worthiness. Strive for authentic connections and avoid letting fear dictate your actions.
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Mars ☍ Jupiter: The Mars opposition to Jupiter signifies obstacles in fully expressing both your desires and expansion in your psyche. Incorporating the opposites is essential for inner wholeness. Mars may feel limited or lack deep understanding, leading to difficulty in taking on significant tasks or experiencing joy. Alternatively, if you possess expanded horizons and understanding, frustration may arise in manifesting these ideas tangibly. Conflicts may emerge between personal desires and moral guidelines, causing guilt or inferiority. Denying yourself the benefits of life, you may engage in destructive behavior. Finding balance involves integrating personal assertiveness (Mars) with transpersonal expansion (Jupiter) for a fulfilling life.
Mars ☍ Saturn: The Mars opposition to Saturn highlights a conflict between active and inert energies within you. Impulses drive you to take action, but practical considerations make you hesitant. Balancing these inclinations leads to conflicts and feelings of being torn between acting and hesitating. Impulsive actions may be questioned later, while planning can be abandoned due to impatience. The opposition also creates a conflict between personal desires and societal obligations, leading to frustration and aggression. Finding balance involves integrating personal expression with structured frameworks and recognizing the role of rules and limitations. The opposition also affects the expression of the animus, with potential issues related to authority figures. Reclaiming a healthy animus requires understanding and accepting its formation through rules and discipline.
Mars ☍ Uranus: The Mars opposition to Uranus reveals a resistance to change and transformation in fulfilling personal desires. You may perceive successful action as incompatible with abstract concepts and lofty goals, creating a dilemma between pursuing personal desires or adhering to principles for the common good. Following principles sets you apart and challenges your individuality. Choosing the higher path requires sacrificing personal desires, leading to feelings of guilt and occasional paralysis of action. To relieve tension, unconventional actions may be taken, but there is a struggle to express uniqueness while conforming to societal norms. Finding balance between the ideal and the necessary is essential, as well as embracing unconventional expressions of masculinity.
Mars ☍ Neptune: The opposition between Mars and Neptune highlights the contradiction between action and transcendence. Mars represents personal desires and concrete action, while Neptune symbolizes self-dissolution and transcendence. This conflict pulls you in two different directions, causing doubt, confusion, and a sense of failure. It affects both your practical and spiritual life, as you struggle to reconcile your worldly desires with the desire for transcendence. This internal tension can hinder effective action and lead to frustration. Balancing and integrating these opposing forces is key to finding harmony. Additionally, the opposition may bring up issues related to masculinity and sexuality, requiring a confrontation with stereotypes and a transcendence of immature concepts.
Mars ☍ Pluto: The opposition between Mars and Pluto reveals a conflict between conscious action and subconscious motivations. Your personal desires and impulsive nature often contradict deeper subconscious goals or the need for power and control. This conflict can lead to external opposition, self-sabotage, or a struggle between impulsive gratification and conscience. Balancing these extremes is crucial to liberating hidden desires and integrating positive qualities of Mars and Pluto. It involves exercising control over impulses, strategic action within power dynamics, and addressing issues related to power and sexuality. Psychological work on the animus or anima is necessary to confront shadow aspects and achieve transformation.
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Mars ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Mars and the Part of Fortune presents challenges and frustrations, calling for a balance between their psychological functions. Your actions may seem to lead you away from experiencing good fortune, creating self-inflicted obstacles or diverting you from what you truly need. There may be a lack of desire to pursue beneficial paths, instead gravitating towards things that bring pain or stagnation. This inability to take positive action can result in frustration and impulsive behavior. Striving excessively for good fortune or dismissing it when it arrives further hinders progress. Achieving balance requires purposeful action while accepting that some desires may be beyond your fortune to attain.
Mars ☍ Ascendant: With Mars opposing the Rising, you tend to attract threatening individuals due to a lack of self-confidence. Your aggressive actions are a defense mechanism to convince yourself otherwise. Constant interactions help you develop skills to handle potential exploiters. However, your lack of self-discipline affects communication, leading to irritation and aggression when challenged. Learning to control your words and actions is crucial. While authorities may see you as unique, they may find you difficult to deal with. Engaging in competitive interactions helps you assert yourself constructively, but compromising for peace and harmony is important. Express your creative energy through actions, value supportive friends, and appreciate their assistance.
Mars ☍ Imum Coeli: Having self-confidence is crucial for navigating your professional life. A stable and loving home life can contribute to entering the world with confidence, enabling you to set goals, work diligently, and find success in various professions. However, a lack of self-confidence may lead to hesitations in your career path. Obstacles and conflicts can hinder your progress and even cause stress-related illnesses. Seeking professional advice, such as personal counseling or career guidance, can help you build self-esteem, make wise choices, and achieve the desired success.
Mars ☍ Descendant: In your partnerships, you tend to attract assertive, independent, and highly energetic individuals who are constantly seeking excitement and release of tension. When it comes to marriage, you are likely to attract a spouse who is aggressive and a strong leader, both in the domestic setting and professionally, particularly in surgical fields. Your friends and interactions are often challenging, as they compete with you in various ways. This competitive dynamic extends to your marriage, where there is a potent sexual attraction and friendly competition around sexual energy. You are drawn to decisive partners who can express their anger, and healthy competition exists as long as limits are respected.
Mars ☍ Midheaven: When Mars opposes the Midheaven (MC) in your chart, it creates tension between your assertive nature and your public image and career aspirations. Mars represents your drive and ambition, while the Midheaven reflects your professional reputation and how others perceive you. This opposition can lead to conflicts and challenges in finding a balance between expressing yourself and meeting the expectations of your chosen career. It requires learning to channel your assertiveness in a way that aligns with long-term goals and developing effective communication skills. By navigating these challenges consciously, you can achieve success and establish a fulfilling public image.
Mars ☍ Chiron: When Mars opposes Chiron in your chart, you possess a fighting spirit that manifests differently depending on the planets and houses involved. If spiritually advanced, you fight for the weak and underprivileged, but if less developed, you focus on strengthening your own position. This aspect offers opportunities for courage and rapid growth, but it can also create complications as you instinctively fight for your rights. Paradoxically, you become your own greatest adversary, stemming from a challenging upbringing. Recognizing your self-worth and seeking internal validation is crucial to overcome self-sabotage. As you progress, your fight may shift towards offering empathy and assistance to others, fostering personal healing and exploring alternative healthcare approaches.
Mars ☍ Vesta: When Mars opposes Vesta in your chart, you may face obstacles in taking action and fulfilling commitments. Feelings of "masculine inadequacy" can lead to overly aggressive sexual expression as a compensation mechanism. Overworking is another common response to repressed anger or sexual issues. Resolving these challenges involves aligning your energy, drive, and will with a focused direction and purpose. You may struggle with a dilemma between dedication and self-interest, projecting one role while hiding the other within relationships. Finding balance between self-directed action and dedication to truth is a challenging yet stabilizing process. Integrating these aspects will lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Mars ☍ Pallas: When Mars opposes Pallas in your chart, you may have a tendency to avoid participating in socially active groups, despite supporting their causes, due to a resistance towards being an adventurer. You prefer to work alone, although you understand the importance of organized action. Your personal ambitions and interests might hinder your ability to fight for justice, possibly due to a lack of self-confidence. Gender roles and equality could be significant issues for you, but you may hesitate to take a firm stand. These issues often arise within the context of a loving relationship, where you may struggle to develop trust and intimacy due to self-confidence issues. Developing self-assurance will enhance your intimate relationships.
Mars ☍ Juno: When Mars opposes Juno in your chart, there is a potential for using anger to control or manipulate your loved ones or spouse. Resolving conflicts requires finding a middle ground and avoiding taking sides. It's crucial to address the need for equality and assertiveness in the relationship to prevent it from becoming a constant battle. However, projecting these needs onto your partner can lead to difficulties with aggression or anger. You may feel like you're constantly swinging between opposing viewpoints, struggling to find a stable middle ground. While you have a clear vision of your ideal long-term relationship, turning it into reality is challenging. You're often attracted to individuals with different mindsets, but approaching them in a manipulative manner can hinder progress. It's important to avoid manipulative behavior and be mindful of attracting partners with similar tendencies.
Mars ☍ Ceres: When Mars opposes Ceres in your chart, you may experience a conflict between the desire to nurture and the need for independence. This conflict can stem from your upbringing, particularly if you were raised by a dominant or controlling parent. Learning to nurture those in your home environment will enhance your patience and assertiveness. You might face a dilemma regarding domestic life, as you value your freedom and independence. Additionally, conflicts related to parenting and nurturing may arise in your relationships. Compassion challenges may present opportunities to practice kindness and care, but it's important to avoid using brute force. Neglecting self-care can lead to harm, so balancing strength, determination, and courage is crucial. Trust in the importance and direction of your actions, even if personal sacrifices are required.
Mars ☍ Vertex: When Mars opposes the Vertex in your chart, you will encounter opposition in your actions, providing opportunities to navigate challenging situations and develop valuable skills. Your personal charm will help restore balance in these demanding encounters. People you meet along your journey will encourage you to explore your sense of self-identity, although it may be a complex process due to impulsive reactions and personal struggles. However, relying solely on others to do the work for you will lead to frustration. Life will present numerous situations where you must take charge, seize opportunities, and strive for success. However, it's important to approach challenges with mindfulness, considering not only the needs of others but also your own.
Mars ☍ Lilith: Mars opposing Lilith reveals a pattern of behaviors with a "boomerang effect" in your life. You often take action to stand out and may issue or accept challenges that can incite aggression from others. It's crucial to exercise caution, be aware of the facts, and practice prudence to prevent situations from escalating. Unconsciously, you may find yourself in a position of being rejected or attacked, despite not seeking conflict. Your anger, aggression, and hostility can unintentionally trigger similar reactions in others, especially those prone to violence. Awareness and self-control are key to managing this dynamic.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Planets in the 1st house
Attention having a planet in the first house does not mean automatically that it will make a conjunction with your ascendant. Planets Conjunct the asc will be a separate post.
1st House it’s represented by Aires which is ruled by Mars. Here you can find your ascendant as well. This house influences the way people perceive you, how you perceive yourself and how you express the self, your physical appearance and vitality. As element and modality, Aries is a fire cardinal sign.
Having Sun in the first house will make you care a lot about your physical appearance and how other perceive you. People with this aspect usually have a very high self-confidence and manifest strong survival instincts. Also they come up as optimistic, born leader and ambitious. Try to avoid obsessing over your own self-image and give credit to other people when they help you.
Moon in the first house will make you project you own emotions on the outer world, your emotions can be read very easily by others. Usually you are highly intuitive and empathic, regardless of the moon sign. High EQ, people may describe you as kind and warm or distant and cold depending on the moon sign. Keep away from people that use you as an emotional sponge.
Mercury in the first house you come out as charismatic, at times you can talk without thinking, super intelligent and fast learner, can come out as someone with a lot of potential but very expressive as well verbally as well as nonverbally. They tend to get overstimulated and also increase the anxiety.
Venus in the first house make some very magnetic and beautiful with a unique fashion sense. They are quite diplomatic and prefer harmony. They are admired by large crowds of people and also people want to know get to know them and be there friend. Be careful to not run away from conflicts out of fear of confrontation.
Mars in the first house makes some passionate, impulsive with a lot of energy. They will likely look very athletic with great technical skills and high libido. People may describe you as brave, direct, competitive and impulsive. You don’t do well when people are wasting your time or when they imply that you are weak or incapable. Will be good to channel all that energy into healthy habits.
Jupiter in the first house will be described as some very friendly, optimistic and open-minded. Jupiter here depending on the sign, degree and aspects can make you behave as someone that chases after the new without keeping their initial promise and can come across as inconsistent. Regardless of their age, this people will always keep a youthful and childlike approached towards life.
Saturn in the first house would give someone quite pessimistic look on life and a sober attitude. They will come up as calm, reserved and highly realistic individuals. They will usually look much younger than their physical age. They must be careful in not being overly harsh with themselves and doubtful. They manifest an authority attitude and usually people tend to respect them and recognize their authority.
Uranus in the first house will give someone an eccentric look also they will come up as rebels in their youth. When they reach adulthood they’ll be perceived as someone that is not afraid to speak their mind or conform to societal norms. They are free spirit and will approach life from a humanitarian and intellectual point of view. Try to open up more to people and follow your heart desires.
Neptune in the first house can make someone come up as very creative and dreamy. You tend to adapt pretty quick and be like a chameleon at times. Here Neptune can also amplify your intuition. You can read the energy in the room just by looking around. Careful in losing your individuality or people pleasing. Usually the people around you will project into you their own ideals and triggers. You need to have clear limits.
Pluto in the first house can give a mysterious like person. Other people are drown to you and can feel your magnetism and sensuality, usually they can’t read you and they will try to push your boundaries. You have a lot of personal power and you always find new ways of feeling empowered, carful in not being to intimidating sometimes, as it can be misunderstood.
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divinector · 1 year
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
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📖"Temporary Custody"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x ofc x Bucky; Steve x Bucky
Word Count: 4861
Tags: Dom/sub, bdsm au, dom Bucky, sub reader, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, gay sex'n'stuff, straight sex'n'stuff, Steve being a literal Golden Retriever, mental health issues, dub-con, forced submission, referenced childhood abuse and resultant mental health issues, bakery au, m/f/m, gentle domination, total power exchange
Summary: The stigma and shame of being a submissive has kept Mary unfulfilled and in the closet her whole life, until an inciting incident leads to Bucky and Steve taking her in and giving her everything she was always too afraid to ask for.
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Trigger warnings: This story contains themes of eating disordered behavior, body image issues, childhood abuse, self-harm, mental illness, and alcohol abuse.
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Wait! I haven't read an earlier chapter of this fic! Story Masterpost
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10. S'mores
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It’s the “sex play” (God, that term is so cringe) thing being on the table that builds the tension in the apartment, all of them knowing about it but none of them talking about it. Mary sure as shit doesn’t have the guts to break that ice, and now Bucky’s always deep in thought and quiet around her. And Steve, well.
Steve is like a big, mopey golden retriever who knows its humans are upset but doesn’t know how to help besides headbutting things affectionately.
Mary’s feelings for him only grow when she realizes that he really hasn’t told Bucky about that night in the kitchen: the things she’d confided about the razor and her nightmares and sneaking out to the gym. Knowing that Steve’s stuck by his word like that makes her like him and trust him a whole heck of a lot more. 
But it doesn’t solve the underlying problem. 
There’s a court hearing in front of a judge next month to revisit the custody arrangement—Next month. And one afternoon while Bucky’s out of the apartment, Steve gently informs Mary that Dr. Linda is recommending the order be extended. Jesus fucking Christ. 
And then the results to that test Linda made her take, the “Submissive Sexual Interests and Tendencies Assessment”, arrive in the mail (addressed to Bucky, because of course they would be), and Mary gets her hands on them after Bucky and Steve read them, and she’s mortified at what it says about her.
Tendencies: Passive aggression (reactive aggression in lieu of submission), emotional outbursts, low self-esteem, impulsive sexual promiscuity, self-harm, alcohol use disorder, possible co-morbidity (OCD, EDNOS, BDD). Dynamic Preferences: single dominant authority figure, structured domestic routine, service, discipline, monogamous relationship, emotional bonding. Recommendations: Following assessment review, patient is most likely to benefit from continued domestic control in a consistent (24/7) environment. Transfer of custody not recommended. Continued therapy sessions and educational courses at CDP highly recommended. Most beneficial therapeutic modalities include limited corporal discipline, sex play, and reward-based service routine.
There’s a ton of infuriating psycho babble bullshit packed into those results that she could get upset about, and she does, but Mary’s eyes track over that one, most-horrible phrase over and over again: 
“Transfer of custody not recommended.”
She loses sleep over it, sneaks out of the apartment in the middle of the night and does cardio at the gym until she’s exhausted enough to head back home and pass out. It pisses her off that this is such a thing now. She doesn’t want to be special needs, she should have the right to choose whether she even wants treatment or not! She resents the hell out of Bucky and Steve for having custody of her the way that they do. They’re clearly expecting her to blow up or something, after the news from Linda and the SSITA results come in. It’s so obvious that they’re walking on eggshells around her, Mary halfway wishes they’d just do something. One way or the other, it’d be better than this.
Linda claims that they’ve expressed “positive feelings” about a sexual dynamic, but if they have, they sure aren’t expressing it to Mary. She suspects that most of that positivity has come from Steve, and probably only because he’s a golden retriever in human form who just wants to do what’s right and good, not because he or Bucky are particularly attracted to her.
While she has managed to clean herself up quite a bit since moving in with them, Mary isn’t delusional: she realizes that Steve and Bucky are very attractive men, whereas she’s just average. She tries to tell herself she’s fine with that. She knows Bucky and Steve could probably get like, a supermodel to sleep with them if they really wanted to. Mary’s not in their league, and that’s okay. 
But if they’re not attracted to her that way then they should at least have the decency to just say so! At least then she could find someone else, get back on Tinder, or even sign up for one of those ProDoms that the CDP has. Darcy said Thor was good, so maybe Mary could request him? The way that Darcy had described the guy, he sounds like he's a hunka hunka burning Nordic god. Mary could go for that.
She brings it up casually over dinner, framing it lightheartedly, and Bucky literally crushes his water glass in his prosthetic hand. “What?” he snaps, frowning down at the mess he’s just made. “No.”
Mary huffs and goes to fetch the desserts while Steve gets the waste bin and begins scraping the broken pieces of glass into it like it’s just another Tuesday. “I don’t see why not,” Mary complains from over at the counter. She’s pulled the plates out from the fridge and grabs the butane torch for the meringue.
“Jesus,” Bucky exclaims when he sees the industrial sized torch she's wielding. “Where’d you get that?”
Mary purses her lips as she focuses on achieving the perfect amount of toastedness. “Hardware store,” she mutters. “So why can’t I go see one of the ProDom’s again?” She purposefully over-torches Bucky’s meringue, because she can tell that this isn’t going to go her way. “Sounds like a win-win. You don’t have to deal with me, I can meet new people, and insurance pays for it. What exactly is the problem?” She’s trying to force him to admit that he doesn’t want to Dom her sexually, trying to get him to see that something’s gotta give and he’ll have to let her use one of the ProDoms eventually if that’s what the severity of her “condition” requires (gigantic ‘Ew’). 
But frustratingly, he refuses to engage with her on the topic. “It’s a no, Mare,” he tells her sternly. “Pros are for people who have more experience. You don’t.”
Mary seriously doubts that. “Linda didn’t say that,” she argues, carrying the plates over to the table and handing the nice one to Steve and the burnt one to Bucky. 
He pulls it closer to himself and raises an eyebrow at it. “Linda’s being diplomatic,” he mutters. “I thought you said you were making s’mores?” 
Yesterday, Bucky had been talking with Steve about how much they both missed their old camping trips they used to take. The two of them must’ve waxed poetic over campfire s’mores for ten whole minutes. So Mary thought this would be an excellent way to butter them up. Apparently not.
She sniffs and picks up her fork. “They are s’mores. It’s a plated dessert, Bucky. An interpretation. It’s not literal.”
He grunts and peers at his portion, poking it dubiously with his fork. “What’s it made of?”
Mary heaves a sigh and snottily recites: “Honey Sablé, 70% Valrhona cremeux, cold-smoked Italian meringue, torched ‘mallow, Graham crumb streusel, and tempered chocolate stick for garnish." Both Bucky and Steve stop poking at their plates and just stare at her for a second. 
“Sounds good,” Steve chirps, and digs into his.
Mary stares Bucky down, until he too, deigns to eat the apparently too fancy for him version of a  s’more. “Oh, damn,” he says after the first bite, looking taken-aback. “I can taste the smoke.”
Mary preens, then asks again about the ProDom. “Well if I’m not getting it there then who the heck’s supposed to fuck me?” she winds up blurting out of frustration.
When that direct reference doesn’t elicit any response from Bucky besides a barrage of bossy instructions for after-dinner cleanup, Mary loses a bit of the hope she’d been holding onto that maybe Linda was right about them being attracted to her. She just gave him the perfect fucking opening, and he didn’t take it. She gets the kitchen cleaned up from dinner, resigning herself to another evening of platonic domination that doesn’t quite hit the spot. 
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Nightly drops are nice. Not as nice as they were in the beginning, the effects having waned quite a bit from what they once were, but still better than no drops at all. 
Mary sits on her pillow on the floor, head on the couch cushion next to Bucky’s thigh, listening vaguely to the sound of the television while she enjoys the feeling of his fingers carding through her hair, lightly massaging her scalp. It’s been a while now, and she doesn’t think she’s going to get any deeper. It’s late, already they’ve watched two full episodes of their show, and Mary’s got work tomorrow. It’ll be bedtime soon. 
A big yawn works its way up in her throat, and Bucky chuckles when it finally breaks free. “Tired?” he asks.
“Mmhm.” She inhales deeply and sits up, sleepy and squinting. It takes a moment before her eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and Bucky’s form sitting right in front of her. Wow, she’d been really close to him, hadn’t realized just how close. Had she been … hugging his shin? God, she hopes not. Not like she hasn’t spent whole evenings fantasizing about rubbing her face all over his thighs and his— Nope. Not gonna think about that when he’s sitting right there. She tears her eyes away and forces that train of thought to stop right in its metaphorical tracks. 
“You good, Hon?” Bucky asks, his soft voice drawing her attention back from her own head. She looks up and sees his fond expression, his relaxed posture. Wonders if he’s in Domspace at all. Probably not.
Then her eyes land on the line of his cock at the front of his pants. 
He’s hard. Not very, but some. Underneath his sweats his dick is chubbed up enough that it creates a slight bulge against the fabric. Mary freezes, staring for too long before she’s able to tear her eyes away. When she does, and she looks up, Bucky’s watching her with an inscrutable expression. Her breath catches and her mind goes absolutely dumb.
Does he want ..? Should she ..?
She looks back down at it, at the relaxed splay of his thighs. She wets her lips and thinks about reaching forward and sliding her hand over it, what it would feel like, if it would twitch, if Bucky would shiver or make a sound. She wants to touch it, and seriously considers doing so, but when she looks up at Bucky again, he doesn’t look like he’s excited, or anticipating her touching him. He looks … resigned. 
“Tired?” he asks kindly. "Do you maybe ... Do you need anything else tonight? From me?"
Mary's lips part, heart leaping at what that might mean ... but then Bucky looks over at Steve with visible yearning in his eyes, and the two of them share one of their silent conversations, brows pinched and expectant. 
Oh. Right. Bucky’s just horny and eager to get Steve into bed, wants to wrap this up. Mary wonders if he really can’t tell that she's not far down like she used to get. Maybe he thinks this is all she needs and he really isn’t going to take Linda’s advice seriously. Mary should be happy about that. After all, it’s what she wanted. Isn’t it?
She balls up the hand that she’d been imagining touching Bucky with and nods. “Yeah,” she says. “Yeah, I’m tired. Think I’m gonna … go get ready for bed.”
She glances over at Steve, but he looks mopey and eager to get out of the room just like his husband does, cementing the notion in Mary’s mind that they don’t want to be with her that way. No doubt they will if push comes to shove, because Linda’s told them Mary needs a sexual dynamic, but it’s not something they’re excited about. Mary knows men: They’re not the sort to sit around and wait for a girl they like to make the first move. And certainly not a man like Bucky, of all people. 
She tries not to be hurt by it, but still gets a little weepy while brushing her teeth, the unintended rejection stinging more when she’s down in the tingly, vulnerable throes of subspace. She spits, rinses, flosses, rinses. Grabs the mouthwash that she hates to use but that Bucky has ordered her to always use after brushing her teeth at night. 
She says goodnight to Steve and Bucky through the safety of her closed bedroom door, and despite her voice being warbly, neither one of them knocks on the door to see what’s up. That drives the point home, and Mary tucks herself into bed with the mindset that she’ll let them know they don’t have to sleep with her just to be nice or to help her or whatever. She’ll just find a way to convince them that she really is fine with going to one of the ProDoms, and that it really is a better arrangement.
Better than a pity fuck, at least.
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It’s disappointing to know that Mary prefers the ProDom, that she doesn’t want to make their relationship sexual, but Bucky gets it, and he knows that he shouldn’t be surprised. He’s not exactly an easy person to get along with, after all. He’s prickly as fuck, grumpy, bossy, selfish. And aside from her natural submission, Mary’s personality clashes with his horribly. Steve is essential, but he just isn’t enough to successfully buffer between the two of them—not enough to make her want them that way, at least. 
Bucky can see the profound disappointment in Steve’s eyes that night, as Mary doesn’t react the way they were both hoping, doesn’t take the offerings Bucky puts out.
They have to let it be her choice, of course, having planned it out and discussed it between just the two of them. It's all anybody ever talks about in the D/s community these days: making sure subs are the initiators at key moments like this, not letting domination creep in and become manipulation-so easy to do with how naturally vulnerable and people pleasing submissives are. Gone are the days when Doms like Bucky were encouraged to guide new partners in the "right" direction. That leads to too much trauma, too many subs in situations they don't really want. Mary has to be left to make the choice on her own, it's her right.
But it's still the hardest fucking thing for him to do, to just sit there and wait passively. And it still stings when she looks straight at his erection and declares that she’s ready for bed. Well, if it wasn’t clear before.
Steve looks like a friggin’ kicked puppy, as he stands outside of Mary’s closed bedroom door and bids her goodnight. Bucky nudges him in the direction of their own room and murmurs, “Come on, Sweetheart.” 
In their bedroom, they each get undressed. Steve continues to mope, so Bucky goes up to him and places a hand on his shoulder and rubs. “Hey. Don’t sulk. You’ve still got me.” Steve’s mouth twitches in a small smile and Bucky’s heart flares with fondness for him. “You wanna play a game?” he offers, leaning in and kissing him once on the lips. “Mm?” He looks down pointedly to both of their boners that haven’t completely lagged since tv time ended.
Bucky hums and turns, putting his left shoulder out. “Lend a guy a hand?” Steve obliges. He removes the prosthetic arm with practiced motions. Bucky moans quietly at how good it feels to get the heavy weight off. “Fuck.” He rolls his shoulders, cracks his neck each way with a blissed out groan. “Yes.”
“You’ve been wearing it more than usual, lately,” Steve points out, going over to set it on the table at Bucky’s side of the bed. “Why?”
He already knows: Bucky can tell from the way he asks it. He grunts and looks away, refraining from answering. He normally only wears the arm to work and to the gym, skipping it around the house or when he’s just got simple errands to run. There’s a surprising amount he can do just fine without the use of two arms, and he’s been confident about being seen in public without it for a long time now, thanks to Steve and their friends at the V.A. Being self conscious about it again after all these years isn’t something Bucky wants to admit out loud or think about, but Steve isn’t stupid. He can put two and two together. 
“Babe,” he says softly, walking back over to stand behind him. He wraps his arms around Bucky’s waist and noses into his neck. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Bucky inhales deeply. “I know. I’m not.” Steve makes a sound that clearly says he doesn’t believe that. But Bucky doesn’t want to talk about it, so he reaches back with the only arm he has to grab playfully at the side of Steve’s ass. “Go in the bathroom. Get the water going how I like.”
Steve groans and thunks his forehead against the back of Bucky’s neck. “Not that game,” he complains, though there’s no conviction to it. He slinks off towards the bathroom to go do as he’s been told. “I hate that game.”
“Fuck you. You love that game.” 
Steve shoots him the finger from over his shoulder, but something about his naked body and tight little ass being on display strips the gesture of its animosity. He disappears into the bathroom and Bucky walks over to their bedroom dresser to grab a hair tie, still snickering. He sobers when he takes one from the valet tray and realizes that he’ll have to have Steve tie his hair back. That’s one thing he never could figure out how to do one handed. He stands there and looks in the mirror above the dresser, studying the left side of his body in a way that he rarely does anymore. 
He’s gotten so used to it: his life with Steve, whom he knows down to his bones accepts him unconditionally. He’s almost forgotten what it feels like to be self conscious about his body. Bucky hasn’t known how to talk about it, and Mary hasn’t asked. She’s seen him with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, or in tee shirts at the gym, but that’s all so far. Sometimes he’ll catch her looking, but he’s got no clue what she’s thinking. He considers his reflection, looks at the scars and puckered skin, the implanted base of the arm where his stump used to be. He doesn’t like the uncomfortability of being critical of his body again. In a way, he almost resents Mary for it, for making that feeling come back after all these years. Silly, he knows. 
“Babe?” Steve’s voice calls out from the bathroom. Bucky’s ears register the sound of rushing water. “You coming?” 
Bucky inhales deeply and decides it doesn’t matter anyway. Mary wants a ProDom, not them, so he doesn’t have to stress over what she thinks about any part of his body, let alone the one part he doesn’t have.
“Yeah.” He turns his back to the judgmental mirror and heads towards his very non-judgmental best guy.
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“Okay. Stop clenching.”
Steve exhales shakily, but he does obey, body slumping back against the end of the tub as he relaxes his muscles. “Fuck,” he breathes, overwhelmed.
“Hand too, Baby.”
His hand abandons his dick in the bathwater. “Ungh.”
Bucky smiles lazily and rubs the side of his foot against Steve’s hip in praise. “Good boy.”
They’re in the bathtub together, opposite ends, legs tangled. Their combined bulk displaces the water all the way up to above their shoulders, but that’s part of the game: they’re not allowed to splash on the floor, so they can’t jerk off very hard or fast. First one to splash water on the floor is the automatic loser and has to bottom the next time they fuck (Bucky added that little caveat because he’s very good at not splashing, whereas Steve is hopelessly clumsy and overeager ). “How you doing, Sweetheart?” he asks, drinking in the sight of Steve with his lips parted, chest heaving, squirming. He’s pink from temple to tits, flushed from the bathwater and arousal both, and Bucky loves it. “You’re not close already, are you?” he tuts, grinning. “So sensitive.”
“Buck,” Steve croaks, heated eyes dragging over Bucky’s body at the other end of the tub where he’s still gently jerking himself off. “Please.”
Bucky affords himself another toe-curlingly good swipe over the head of his dick before he nods. “Okay. Slow. Just like me”
Steve huffs and wraps his hand back around himself, stroking his dick in slow, measured strokes, just like Bucky said. Bucky’s guts warm and another heady rush of dominance swirls low in his belly at watching Steve do exactly as he says. “You can start workin’ it again, too,” he says.
Steve moans gratefully. “Thank you. Fuck.” His abs start clenching, his body straining again with visible tension as he works the Aneros that’s seated up inside him. Under the water, his knees move in and out in that instinctive motion as he tries to rock it just right. But it’s hard to do it with the water so high, and more than once he catches himself and holds back at the sight of the bathwater sloshing precariously close to the lip of the tub. At one point he gasps and his eyes slam shut, and Bucky figures the toy must’ve shifted to press even more directly against his prostate. 
“Ooh, does that feel good, Stevie?”
Steve peeks his eyes open, glaring across the way at him. “You know it does.”
Bucky does, in fact, know exactly how good it feels—because he’s got another of the exact same toy inside of himself, right now. “I don’t know why you still agree to play this game,” he taunts, grunting from the effort of holding back his own moan as his prostate gets a firm prod from the head of the toy. “You—nngh—you always wind up losing.”
“Yeah, well …” Steve’s throat bobs as he swallows heavily. “Maybe I don’t mind you coming out on top, sometimes.”
“Sometimes,” Bucky scoffs, but he’s breathing heavier than he was thirty minutes ago, his composure slipping the longer he works the toy inside himself and jerks himself off agonizingly slowly underneath the water. In fact, he’s not even sure it even counts as jerking off at this slow a pace.
Edging is something he’d introduced Steve to early on in their relationship, as soon as he’d realized how delightfully sensitive his new boyfriend was. And Steve, the big idiot, had worried Bucky wouldn’t like it, had actually thought of it as a negative! An absurd notion that Bucky promptly disabused him of. Watching his ungodly sexy blond behemoth of a husband whine and squirm and struggle to hold himself in check is one of the fucking hottest things Bucky’s ever seen—and he’s seen a lot. He’d been a bit of a manwhore back in his heyday, racking up the bodies as he fought to find himself as a Dom and accept the body an IED had left him with.
Steve, his overly-sensitive, glorious hunk of a then-boyfriend, had helped him to do both. And it’s times like this where Bucky remembers just how goddamn lucky he is. Having Steve to love and fuck around with feels like the best gift in the world. 
At the other end of the tub, the water sloshes as something he’s done to himself makes Steve’s breath hitch in another helpless moan. He tosses his head back for a moment, eyes clamped shut as his expression crumples beautifully and he whimpers. Bucky’s ass clenches down hard in arousal at the sight, which only makes the toy in his ass rub over his prostate that much better. His cock throbs as his pleasure flares dangerously high. Fuck, he wants to come. 
Licking his lips, he decides it's time to end this. His balls are pulled up too close to his body, taut and full and aching for release. Trying to school his breathing into something resembling nonchalance is a lost cause, and his face feels almost as flushed as Steve’s looks right now. Bucky decides to call it, because even though he’s the automatic favorite to win this game every time, he is capable of losing, if he gets too caught up in ogling Steve’s body and reactions and doesn’t focus enough on playing his cards right. “Okay,” he finally says, smirking when Steve’s head jerks back to attention, his irises visibly flaring in excitement. “Yeah, Baby. It’s time.”
“You ready for the home stretch?” He waggles his eyebrows and lets his head rest back against the tub, spreading his legs wider and keeping his eyes on Steve. “Gotta keep up,” he instructs, even though Steve already knows how this goes. When Bucky tightens his hand and speeds up the pace of how fast he’s jerking himself off, Steve copies him. That’s how it is at the end of this—totally-rigged-in-Bucky’s-favor—game. They both jerk off at the pace that Bucky sets, and the first one to splash water on the floor or come is the loser. It’s not very fair, but Bucky never claimed he was a fair guy. He is, in fact, selfish as fuck. 
Lucky for him, Steve’s into that.
“Fuck,” Steve pants from his end of the tub. He slides down lower, keeping more of his body under the water in an attempt to prevent splashing. It’s a futile effort, though, because he’s doomed to lose anyway with the faster pace that Bucky’s set. Already, he’s going lobster red in the face, brow pinched and desperate, knees knocking the sides of the tub as he compulsively works the toy in his ass. 
The arousal in Bucky’s gut coils tighter at the sight. “Watch my hand,” he warns, when he notices Steve slacking off. “Gotta match it, Baby.”
“I am.”
“Tighter,” he says, eyes gleaming. “And stop avoiding the head. I can see you cheatin’ over there, Punk.”
Steve whimpers, and Bucky knows that he really wasn’t going as tight as he is, because Steve’s hand changes its hold and he starts getting the head of his dick with the same intensity that Bucky is. Bucky grins open mouthed, panting. “Atta boy.”
“You should—ugn.” Steve grimaces. “Should get a penalty, for being cut. I should get an extra, nnnh, th-thirty seconds, at least.”
Bucky laughs, because trust Steve to think of a sportsman’s solution to the inequity of their dicks. Steve being uncut means that it takes less intense stimulation for him to come. They both know this, Bucky loves this, and again: he never claimed the game was fair. “No penalty,” he grunts, speeding up his pace even further. Steve’s eyes widen but he matches it. Bucky grits his teeth. He can hold out long enough. Steve’ll blow in seconds at this pace. 
And sure enough, it’s not even twenty seconds later when Steve is crying out, body tensing and muscles straining gorgeously as he seizes up and starts to come. “Agh!” His knees fling out hard and hit the sides of the tub, splashing water over the lip to the floor below. But he hasn’t even noticed, he’s so lost to his orgasm. His asshole is twitching, sucking on the Aneros as the contractions of his body pull the toy up against his prostate again and again, drawing the pleasure out. He shoves down hard in the water and shouts louder, as though he’s getting a second orgasm on top of the first. “Ohnfuck …” 
Bucky groans as he watches it happen: Steve’s gorgeous face and juddering hips, big hand wringing up hard underneath the head the whole way through. The fucking sounds he makes, Jesus wept. It’s leagues better than any porn Bucky’s ever seen. “Fuck, Baby,” he praises. “Yes. Fuck that’s so hot …” 
Steve’s hand keeps working the whole way through, only abandoning his cock once it’s fully spent and softening, the cloudy ribbons of his cum floating away in the bathwater. “Fuck,” he exhales hugely once it’s done, letting his body go lax and slump so far down that only his face is above the waterline.
Bucky grunts and spreads his legs wider, not heeding the splashing rule now that he’s already won. The water splashes precariously as he shoves his hips down and down and down, squeezing the shape of the toy inside so fucking perfectly. Fuck, it feels fucking good working over his spot like that. “Oghnnn,” he pants, grunting and groaning and jerking his cock hard. “Fuck, Baby. You’re so fucking pretty. Fuck. M’gonna cum …” 
Steve gives a sated hum from his end of the tub. Bucky can sense him shifting in the water, and then gasps when he feels the ball of Steve’s foot gently press up on his balls. His eyes fly open and he looks down. “Oh, shit,” he whispers. “Fuck, fuck.”
Steve grins and rubs his foot against him. And Bucky doesn’t have that fetish, but there’s something so fucking perverse about seeing Steve’s toes up against his balls that it turns his brain to mush anyway and pushes him right on over into orgasm. He shoots off beneath the water, stroking and thrusting and moaning—and probably splashing water all over the floor just as badly as Steve ever has.
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This has been a fill for:
card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square B5: Sex toys
Card: @sarahowritesostucky
Square I4: Orgasm Denial
Card: @sarahowritesostucky
Square I5: Edging Kink
@matchat3a @bethexo07
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aita-blorbos · 29 days
I am very sorry but the previous account for reporting has been deleted by the enemies of humanity
Hello, do not ignore. Please, I am a Palestinian mother of three children. I lost my brother, my home, and everything I owned. I was displaced to southern Gaza in search of safety. Please, I ask you to publish the link to my campaign to help me protect my children🙏
I may be bothering you, but it's difficult. I ask you three things, please. First, share my posts. Second, ask your friends to share as well. Third, write a post about me on your page. Sorry for bothering you.
Not vetted to our knowledge, but images are original and donations are protected.
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